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How social tourism is redefining millennial wanderlust

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How social tourism is redefining millennial wanderlust

MANILA, Philippines – We millennials and our wanderlust have long been the subject of much flak.  

We’ve heard it all before. How we, in general, prioritize the here-and-now instead of planting seeds for the future. How we look far off into the distance, dreaming of adventure, because of our discontent for the responsibilities we can’t wait to get away from.

Our travel has become the symbol of this much-maligned millennial flight response. It is the goblet holding the malaise, entitlement, and escapism of today. It’s not so surprising how it has become the go-to example of older generations in pointing out how the young put ephemeral delights over actual “adulting.”

YOLO, The ME Generation, Narcissists.

  “Woke” dreamers

But millennials are also known to be a socially conscious bunch (sensitive “snowflakes” even — there’s no pleasing anyone is there?). Self-awareness grounds us. We know of what privilege entails; we know of systemic prejudices and discrimination; and what we don’t know of, we try to learn about.

Us being awake to these various realities leads us to dream. We dream of purpose, of not just being cogs in the system. It is this purpose that we imbue into travel to elevate it.

Enter social tourism

Social tourism has been in existence for quite some time now, but the whole movement has just started taking off —at least locally—more recently.

Social tourism, by definition, is a form of tourism that brings travelers to local communities with the goal of not only gaining pleasure from the experience but also contributing to the places they’re visiting.

This help can come in the form of volunteer work, such as planting with locals or house-building; skills sharing, via the learning sessions between communities and its visitors; donations, through whatever the tourists bring; and/or income generation, as many social tourism organizations allot part of their tour fees for their partner community.

This immersion is as much as a helping hand as it is an authentic experience.

LIVING LOCALE. Millennials want authentic experiences, from food to accomodations, as close to the locale as possible. Photo by Astrid Carag

Experiential travels

So why does social tourism resonate with millennials?

Millennials embrace being known as the travel generation. In a 2016 report , AirBnB predicted that by the year 2025, millennials would comprise 75% of all travelers.

The same study also showed that amongst those interviewed, more than 70% of respondents identified travel as being an essential component of their being. And it shows – the average millennial takes approximately three or four trips a year.

But as these numbers increase, the consumer landscape and their preferences also change.

More and more are craving a deeper authenticity rather than trips that bring back mere souvenirs or photographs. Millennials choose to experience and learn about their destinations by getting close to the locale as possible. And this means getting more personal, going off-script, and not visiting worn-and-torn tourist spots.

Social tourism takes this insight and doubles-down on this undressed approach millennials seek.

With social tourism, you go down another layer. Beyond staying in a rented home — which is already the alternative to older generations’ choice of hotels — you stay in a local community, maybe even live with a host family.

More than local restaurants, or fast food chains you’re familiar with back home, you get to sit down and eat home-cooked meals you know money cannot always purchase.

These choices appeal to the millennial’s craving for discovery. In the same AirBnB survey above, it was noted that a majority of young travellers seek these hidden hotspots on purpose. Destinations are now the adult equivalent of those childhood secret nooks or off-the-path clearings one would guard against the rest of the world when they were young.

Wanderlust with a cause

Complementing authentic experiences is what is at the core of social tourism— social consciousness.

Millennials grew up in a world of globalization, economic disruption, and the internet. This gives us a different worldview from our predecessors, one that is more aware of our place on the global market and the social responsibility that comes with our consumption.

In Stefanie O’Connell’s book The Broke and Beautiful Life , she mentions how millennials are killing the diamond industry. This correlates to how millennials are aware of how problematic that industry could be — with issues of conflict and slavery.

The same sense of consciousness is what’s now being applied to travel. When we go on a trip, we’d rather share the fun than enjoy at somebody’s expense.

In social tours, that sharing is with the community itself. It’s less about exploitation and more of community empowerment.

RE-DISCOVERY. Gaining a perspective and a purpose are at the core of social tourism. Photo by Astrid Carag

Authenticity and social conscience come together by not only grounding you but by making you feel your place in something much greater than yourself — a mission, a purpose.

‘Eat, Pray, Love-ing” is no longer enough, we want travels that are transformative not just for us but also the people, places, and the environment around us.

Sustainability and social tourism

It’s easy to dismiss the experience of social tourism as a mere oversell or blowing out of proportion the impact of spending a few hours, weeks at most, with a community. But these relationships started can go a long way, especially in the Philippines where social enterprise is a booming industry (some even hailing it as the “Silicon Valley” of social entrepreneurship).

Social enterprises that have been making waves include: Kandama , which creates fashion that incorporates the hand-loomed fabrics made by the indigenous weavers of Kiangan, Ifugao; as well as social tourism enterprises like Make a Difference Travels (MAD Travels) and Meaningful Travels PH who have respective partner communities around the country.

For many indigenous communities, it is this forming of sustainable relationships with social tourism groups that enable their day-to-day lives even more — from the skills sharing to the income generation. 

“Voluntourism,” responsible tourism, transformative travel; as the practice grows, so do the names it goes by. But at its heart, the idea remains the same. Social tourism is about making travels much more meaningful.  – Rappler.com

Locally  Blended Juice Drinks are unique drinks that come from indigenous fruits sourced from the rich and colorful Filipino soil (We had 7,107 islands to choose from).  All are seriously good, but not seriously named.  100% made  Locally , 100% made responsibly.

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social tourism in the philippines

Community-Based Tourism in the Philippines

  • October 24, 2023

Community-Based Tourism In The Philippines

Community-based tourism is a prevalent model in developing nations like the Philippines, where local communities actively engage in the tourism development process.

In various regions of the Philippines, the involvement of local communities in tourism is a common practice.

Community-based tourism in the Philippines is a growing sector that empowers local communities and promotes sustainable travel.

This model of tourism enables the preservation of cultural heritage and natural resources while simultaneously driving local economies.

Tourists have the opportunity to stay with local families, experience traditional customs and activities, and explore stunning landscapes.

This immersive experience fosters a deeper understanding and respect for the local culture and environment, offering a tourism model that benefits both visitors and hosts.


Community-based tourism (CBT) is a sustainable and responsible approach to tourism that empowers local communities while offering travelers an authentic cultural experience.

In the Philippines, CBT has gained recognition and popularity, providing an opportunity for travelers to engage with diverse cultures and landscapes while contributing to local development.

This comprehensive guide explores the concept of community-based tourism in the Philippines, its principles, benefits, challenges, and how it is helping preserve the nation’s rich cultural and natural heritage.

social tourism in the philippines

1. Understanding Community-Based Tourism (CBT)

Community-based tourism (CBT) is a practice where local communities invite tourists to visit their communities, offering unique, community-based tourism in the Philippines immersive experience.

The locals provide accommodation, food, and activities that are authentic and indigenous to their culture.

The revenue earned from these engagements is utilized for community welfare and development. It not only benefits the locals economically but also encourages the preservation of their culture and environment, making CBT a sustainable tourism model.

a. Definition of CBT

  • CBT is a form of tourism that emphasizes community participation, community-based tourism in the Philippines, local decision-making, and the equitable distribution of benefits. It encourages tourists to engage with the culture, traditions, and daily lives of local communities.

b. Principles of CBT

  • Sustainability: CBT aims to ensure long-term environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
  • Local Empowerment: Local communities are active participants in decision-making and resource management.
  • Cultural Preservation: CBT aims to protect and promote the cultural heritage of communities.
  • Income Distribution: CBT directs a significant portion of tourism revenue to the community.

2. The Philippines: A Haven for Community-Based Tourism

A. cultural diversity.

  • The Philippines is known for its rich cultural diversity, with over 175 ethnolinguistic groups, each with its unique traditions, languages, and practices.
  • CBT offers travelers the opportunity to immerse themselves in these diverse cultures.

b. Natural Beauty

  • The Philippines boasts stunning natural landscapes, including pristine beaches, lush forests, and diverse marine life.
  • CBT provides travelers the chance to explore these natural wonders while promoting responsible eco-tourism.

3. Benefits of Community-Based Tourism in the Philippines

A. economic growth.

  • CBT generates income for local communities through homestays, guided tours, and the sale of traditional crafts and products. This income directly benefits community members and supports local businesses.

b. Cultural Preservation

  • CBT helps preserve indigenous cultures and traditions by involving local communities in the tourism experience. This not only safeguards cultural heritage but also educates visitors about the importance of preservation.

c. Environmental Conservation

  • Many CBT initiatives in the Philippines focus on conservation efforts, such as protecting coral reefs, reforestation, and wildlife preservation. These initiatives are supported by tourism revenue.

social tourism in the philippines

4. Community-Based Tourism Initiatives in the Philippines

A. homestays and cultural experiences.

  • Travelers stay with local families, experiencing daily life and engaging in cultural activities.
  • Examples of cultural experiences include traditional dances, storytelling, and participating in local festivals.

b. Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism

  • CBT initiatives offer adventure experiences like trekking, river rafting, and diving.
  • These activities highlight the natural beauty of the Philippines while promoting conservation.

c. Handicrafts and Local Products

  • Local communities often produce handicrafts, textiles, and traditional products.
  • Travelers can purchase these products, providing additional income to the community.

5. Challenges in Community-Based Tourism

A. sustainability challenges.

  • Balancing the influx of tourists with the preservation of natural resources and local cultures is a constant challenge.

b. Infrastructure and Accessibility

  • Many CBT destinations in the Philippines are in remote areas, which can present challenges in terms of infrastructure and accessibility.

c. Empowerment and Decision-Making

  • Ensuring that local communities have a say in tourism management and benefit distribution can be complex, particularly when dealing with external stakeholders.

6. Government and NGO Support

A. government initiatives.

  • The Philippine government has taken steps to promote CBT through policies, training, and funding for community initiatives.

b. NGO Involvement

  • Various non-governmental organizations support CBT initiatives, providing resources, technical expertise, and connections to the global tourism industry.

7. Sustainable Traveler Practices

A. respect local customs.

  • Travelers are encouraged to respect local customs, dress codes, and cultural practices.

b. Minimize Environmental Impact

  • Eco-conscious behaviors, such as reducing plastic use, conserving water, and following designated trails, are essential for sustainable travel.

c. Supporting Local Businesses

  • Purchasing locally-made products and services directly supports the community’s economic development.

8. The Future of Community-Based Tourism in the Philippines

A. promoting responsible tourism.

  • The future of CBT in the Philippines relies on responsible and sustainable tourism practices that respect the environment and cultures.

b. Empowering Communities

  • Ongoing efforts to empower local communities, engage in sustainable resource management, and actively participate in tourism decisions are crucial.

c. Global Awareness and Collaboration

  • The Philippines, in collaboration with international organizations, aims to promote CBT globally, raising awareness about the benefits of community-based tourism and the importance of preserving cultural and natural diversity.

Community-based tourism in the Philippines stands as a model for responsible and sustainable travel. It empowers local communities and community-based tourism in the Philippines, preserves cultural traditions, and promotes environmental conservation. Travelers have the opportunity to engage with diverse cultures, experience stunning natural beauty, and contribute to local development. While challenges exist, government and NGO support, along with responsible traveler practices, can help ensure the continued growth of community-based tourism in the Philippines. As travelers and communities work together, this approach to tourism becomes a beacon of hope for preserving the Philippines’ rich cultural and natural heritage.

Where is the community-based tourism in the Philippines?

Community-based tourism in the Philippines is widespread, with notable examples in the Cordillera region, Palawan, Bohol, and other areas. Each locale offers unique cultural experiences and natural beauty, community-based tourism in the Philippines from Ifugao rice terraces to the pristine beaches of Palawan. Visitors are encouraged to participate in local customs, contribute to the community, and respect the environment.

What is community-based tourism?

Community-based tourism (CBT) is a form of sustainable tourism that aims to benefit local communities directly. It encourages travelers to engage with locals, learn their culture, and contribute to the local economy. Moreover, it also aids in preserving the environment and cultural heritage, creating a balanced and responsible form of tourism.

What is a community-based organization in the Philippines?

A community-based organization in the Philippines is typically a non-profit group that operates at the local level to meet specific needs or goals. These organizations play a vital role in community development, providing services, support, and resources in areas such as education, health, and livelihood. Their direct connection to local communities makes them effective drivers of sustainable development.

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social tourism in the philippines

Social tourism breeds a new army of travelers

When Filipinos heard about Gawad Kalinga ‘s mission to provide housing for the poor, they never imagined that the foundation is also making each of its newfound community a tourism destination. But even the kind of tourism that will eventually come to these communities has been unheard of; whereas the government banners Boracay and El Nido in million-dollar ads, backpacking young travelers are making a long stopover elsewhere in far-flung communities and slums that marketers frown upon.

They call it in many names: social tourism, voluntourism, transformative travel, travel with a purpose, even slum tourism. While a handful of organizations in the Philippines are doing one form or another, Gawad Kalinga has been the most popular so far, attracting young tourists and students specifically Europeans and Americans to visit its communities for volunteer work and even to develop their own social enterprises. Gawad Kalinga founder Tony Meloto aims to raise 500,000 social entrepreneurs by 2024.

Thomas Graham is co-founder of MAD (Make A Difference) Travel , a social tourism enterprise that works closely with Gawad Kalinga, GK Enchanted Farm, and other local communities in the Philippines. A writer by profession, Graham arrived in the Philippines for a story without ever imagining he would stay ever since. In an email interview, we ask him how social tourism is on its way to disrupt the travel space:

What is social tourism, and how does this come into play at MAD Travel?

Thomas Graham (TG): Social tourism, through connecting travelers to local communities, offers travelers this opportunity. The experience itself varies, but may include volunteering (anything from teaching to house-building) to immersive experiences (homestays in the community) and the sharing of skills (from cooking classes provided by the local community to learning about social enterprise from local entrepreneurs).

With MAD, our goal is to help generate income for these communities by promoting sustainable, authentic, and meaningful tours in their areas. We specialize in developing and marketing alternative travel experiences that bring people together to share their time and talent, and to inspire each other to build a kinder, fairer world. We have welcomed almost 50 groups to the Philippines since we began operating tours in January 2015, and we work closely with GK communities in Metro Manila, Bohol, Baler and Enchanted Farm in Bulacan as well as the Aeta community in Zambales.

Social tourism in Zambales. Photo courtesy of MAD Travel (2).JPG

How is it different from the traditional travel agency and tour operator business model?

TG: MAD Travel is a social tourism platform which aims to work in partnership with local and international tour operators. We focus on what we do best – creating fun and fulfilling events and experiences Gawad Kalinga villages – so that our partners can focus on other aspects of the trip where they know best, such a transportation or more typical tourist experiences such as island hopping.

MAD Travel also goes out of our way to bring the benefits of tourism – from bringing in revenue to providing training – to those communities who would otherwise remain on the margins. Finally, we are a social enterprise which shares 30% of our profit with Gawad Kalinga.

Do you think social tourism will be the kind that can be embraced by mass travelers? Or will this remain as a niche activity?

TG: Travelers today, especially the young, want to gain a more complete understanding of country – not just of its most beautiful sites but of its people too, and how they live. They want to explore a country and immerse in its culture, while making a meaningful contribution as they travel. Social tourism makes this possible.

The Philippines can become the leading destination for social tourism in Asia for two reasons. Firstly, the people speak English which, for a type of tourism which is based on making a human connection to communities, is a clear advantage to other countries in Asia where the only person to speak English will be your tour guide. In addition, the wonderful communities of Gawad Kalinga – 2,500 in total – offer a huge platform of colorful, empowered and organized communities we can work with.

We are not the only ones to see the potential. In the short time MAD (Make A Difference) Travel has been in existence, we have built partnerships with several distinguished international travel brands, including STA Travel and Air France.

I understand most of your guests are foreigners. Do you see strong interest in social tourism among local residents, not just foreign tourists?

TG: Yes we do, especially in the GK Enchanted Farm. I think many Filipinos start to become curious when they hear about a place which is now attracting people from all over the world to come visit, with some of them even deciding to extend their stay to several months or even years. If there is such a unique place – the first farm-village-university in Asia – just a couple of hours drive from Manila, then maybe Filipinos themselves will be curious enough to come check it out.

Social tourism in Zambales. Photo courtesy of MAD Travel (5).JPG

Do you find it challenging to keep the immersion experience with local communities authentic? Tourists are often criticized for doing something for the community for the sake of photos or posting something on Facebook. If yes, how do you overcome this?

TG: What helps us to keep the experience authentic is that, when volunteering for Gawad Kalinga, guests have the feeling of connecting to something far larger than themselves or even our own MAD program. The volunteering projects our guests participate in have not been created purely for the purposes of tourism, but because they enable people to connect to the great GK mission which is to end poverty by 2024. There are often 100s or 1,000s of other volunteers taking part, many of them Filipinos.

Although the direct impact of a social tourist who stays just a few days may appear small, if we can inspire our guests during this short time through the spirit of ‘bayanihan’ or ‘walang iwanan’, or plant the seed of social enterprise, then the longer term impact can go far beyond the guests short stay and even become life-changing.

Note: An edited version of this article was published on Newsrack magazine in 2016.

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Sustainable Tourism in the Philippines: Balancing Nature and Development

  • April 12, 2023
  • Nature and Wildlife

Sustainable tourism is crucial for the Philippines, a country known for its natural beauty and biodiversity. Balancing development with nature is a challenge, but eco-tourism, community-based tourism, and responsible tourism practices are being implemented.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why sustainable tourism is important for the Philippines. So if you’re looking to explore the Philippines with conscious travel in mind, let’s dive into some information about sustainable tourism!

Sustainable Tourism in the Philippines: Balancing Nature and Development

Sustainable Tourism in the Philippines

The Philippines is poised to become a leader in Sustainable Tourism. The country has already taken various steps to move towards that goal. There has been an increased focus on greening tourism initiatives. With community-based conservation and development a main driver. There are now more ecotourism sites that allow local communities to be part of the conversation and benefit from their participation in eco-tourism events.

This helps create jobs, resources, and social networks around sustainable practices. The government’s strong tie with international organizations such as UNEP and IUCN offers a great opportunity for the Philippines to continue leading the way. When it comes to sustainable tourism, leveraging both global and local efforts to achieve this important mission.

Sustainable Tourism in the Philippines

The challenges in implementing sustainable tourism in the Philippines

The Philippines is a beautiful country, filled with stunning natural scenery. However, the growth of different forms of tourism has presented the nation with a unique set of challenges.  With rapid development taking place, environmentally conscious measures must be taken into account. For businesses and tourists alike sustainable practices are to be implemented. Here are some of the challenges in implementing sustainable tourism in the Philippines:

Limited Awareness and Understanding

One of the main challenges in implementing sustainable tourism in the Philippines is the limited awareness and understanding of sustainable tourism. Many tourism industry players may not have sufficient knowledge about sustainable tourism practices. But, the public may not appreciate the importance of responsible tourism practices.

Limited Awareness and Understanding

Insufficient Resources and Infrastructure

Another challenge is the lack of resources and infrastructure needed to support sustainable tourism. This includes inadequate waste management systems, limited public transportation options, and insufficient funding for conservation of natural resources.

Insufficient Resources and Infrastructure

Conflicting Interests and Priorities

Conflicting interests and priorities among stakeholders can create obstacles to sustainable tourism. Some local communities may prioritize short-term economic benefits over long-term sustainability goals. Developers and investors may prioritize profitability over environmental concerns. Such conflicting interests can make it difficult to achieve a balanced approach to tourism development.

Conflicting Interests and Priorities

Sustainable Tourism Practices in the Philippines

Sustainable tourism practices are gaining importance in the Philippine travel industry. With a variety of biodiverse regions, ranging from mountain paddies to marine sanctuaries. The Philippines is incredibly rich in natural resources and as such has much to offer travelers. Especially those seeking interactive experiences that promote environmental stewardship.

Local governments and tour providers have stepped up their commitment to developing eco-friendly sites and services. Visitors can enjoy the region’s many active adventures while taking part in educational activities that re-connect them with the environment.


Writing about eco-tourism and sustainable practices in the Philippines is a subject that should be taken seriously. It can have significant positive effects on the environment. The Department of Tourism in the Philippines has identified several sustainable tourism practices. They are currently under consideration for implementation.

These practices include training tourists ahead of their arrival to reduce waste. Eliminating single-use items such as plastic bottles, discouraging off-road driving, and promoting responsible dietary practices. These principles seek to protect fragile ecosystems while also creating an engaging an experience for visitors.


Community-based tourism

Community-based tourism is gaining widespread popularity in the Philippines. Its a mean of promoting sustainable tourism practices. Connecting with local communities allows visitors to gain insights into the cultural identities of different regions. Local communities are also given an opportunity to benefit from the income generated by tourism activities.

Tourists are able to experience immersive journeys through interactions with genuinely friendly local people. They discover historic sites and places of natural beauty. This type of tourism encourages the upkeep of traditional lifestyles. The linguistic dialects and arts which might otherwise be lost due to modernization.

Community-based tourism

Responsible tourism

The Philippines is an increasingly popular destination for travelers who value responsible tourism. Sustainable practices in the area are quickly gaining traction. The initiatives that reduce the environmental impact of tourism, provide opportunities for meaningful engagement with local cultures. It strengthens accommodations that support those from the poorest backgrounds, and promote sustainable ways.

From joining eco-friendly tours to choosing suppliers dedicated to sustainability, travelers committed to responsible tourism. They are empowered to make conscious decisions that benefit both tourists and locals alike. The continued commitment to sustainable practices throughout its fast growing tourist industry. Philippines continues to be a prime location for travelers.

Responsible tourism

Examples of Sustainable Tourism in the Philippines

The Philippines is becoming a popular destination for eco-enthusiasts and sustainable travel. More and more people taking part in ethical tourism. There are an increasing amount of examples of sustainable tourism in the country for travelers to get involved with! Many local tour operators offer carbon-neutral tours or hikes and biking trails supported by green energy sources. Tourists can also visit communities and participate in environmentally friendly conservation projects.

Tubbataha Reef Natural Park

Tubbataha Reef Natural Park is a paradise for divers and snorkelers. Thanks to its stunning scenery of coral reefs, pristine waters, and beautiful fish. This natural area consists of two atolls known as South and North Atoll. Established in 1988 as part of National Integrated Protected Areas System Act administrated.

It was declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993 due to its ecological importance. According to DENR’s website, sustainable tourism ensures that local communities benefit from the site. It also preserves its marine resources through informed management.

Tubbataha Reef Natural Park

Apo Island is located off the coast of Negros Oriental. A renowned for its effective protection of marine life. It has helped make it one of the best diving spots in the world. It was proclaimed a Marine Reserve and Protected Landscape & Seascape by President Corazon Aquino in 1988. Tourist activities on the island are carefully managed in order to minimize their environmental impact. Activities offered on Apo Island include kayaking, snorkeling, scuba diving and leisurely beach walks.

It is one of the clearest examples of sustainable tourism in the Philippines. Its commitment to conservation combined with a stunning natural environment make it a destination for travelers.

Apo Island

Batanes Islands

Situated in the far north of the Philippine archipelago, The Batanes Islands are an example of sustainable tourism done right. With their unique culture, landscape and historical sites that have remained unspoiled for centuries, visitors are able to experience this ecological paradise with its lush forests, endless coastlines and volcanic hills. The islands also boast some of the best conservation efforts amongst all provinces in the Philippines, emphasizing on environmental protection such as upholding strict regulations against littering and boosting organic farming.

Tourists can even engage in activities such as snorkeling and forest bathing whilst being surrounded by wildlife like sea turtles, tropical fish and a variety of birds without needing to worry about leaving a footprint behind. By visiting these beautiful islands, people are able to gain a deeper understanding of how conservation can be achieved yet still be enjoyable.

Batanes Islands

The Role of Stakeholders in Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism is an approach that takes into consideration the environmental, socio-cultural and economic impacts of tourism and provides proactive solutions to mitigate these effects. It requires a collaborative and multi-disciplinary approach between stakeholders in order to achieve the desired objectives in a sustainable manner. Stakeholders play a crucial role in making this happen, as they help provide relevant context, bring resources to the table, clarify roles and responsibilities, identify opportunities and develop consensus among various parties.

Sustainable tourism is of great importance for our world, and governments must play a leading role in coordinating and collaborating between various stakeholders to ensure that it is pursued in an effective manner. Governments should put in place legislation and policies that support sustainable tourism, such as reducing emissions through regulations and supporting local businesses by providing incentives for eco-tourism initiatives.

Additionally, they should provide guidance to the private sector on how to move forward sustainably while supporting the interests of communities, promoting the conservation of natural resources and curbing human-caused pollution. Lastly, governments should serve as facilitators between key stakeholders such as non-profits, tourism industry professionals and citizens at large so that everyone can engage in coming up with solutions to ensure sustainable tourism.


Private sector

These entities are key stakeholders in sustainable tourism, and their responsibility for promoting responsible practices and outcomes should not be overlooked. Private sector players include hotels and transportation providers, but also include tour operators, shops, restaurants, and many other services used by tourists.

From the perspective of sustainability, private sector stakeholders should focus on the guest experience by setting up affordable but quality accommodation options; incorporating information about local culture into hospitality services; selecting locally produced foods to serve guests; using renewable energy sources if possible; actively engaging in environmental activities such as tree planting or beach cleanups.

Private sector


Communities play an essential role in creating and maintaining sustainable tourism. From residents to business owners and local government, the stakeholders involved have a responsibility to advocate for high quality operations that emphasize positive environmental and socio-economic impact. Residents should educate themselves on green practices, support businesses that take on sustainability efforts, and demand responsible initiatives from their representatives.

Business owners can adopt innovative technologies or new policies that promote renewable energy usage or reduce waste production. Government representatives are tasked with executing laws or regulations pertaining to tourism operations that have long term positive outcomes, while also ensuring immediate community needs are met as well. Sustainable tourism is a shared effort.


Tourists have an essential role to play in creating a sustainable and equitable tourism industry. The processes involved in managing and governing tourism are mediated by stakeholders, including a number of actors such as destination managers, policy makers, and the participants who inhabit this ecosystem.

As one of those key stakeholders, tourists need to be aware that they hold a great deal of power when it comes to their choices when travelling, both socially and environmentally. From conscious consumerism to actively engaging with local communities and understanding some of the complexities associated with travelling responsibly, tourists have obligations and opportunities to help drive positive change for our planet.


In Conclusion

The sustainable tourism industry in the Philippines can be a great vehicle for both economic development, as well as conservation of natural and cultural heritage if properly managed. By focusing on maximizing the use of local resources, utilizing ecotourism practices, and placing a high importance on environmental education.

Through these efforts, not only can tourists enjoy all that one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth has to offer, but rural local communities and habitats can continue to reap the benefits while maintaining both their rich culture and ancestral environment.

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Travel, Tourism & Hospitality

Tourism industry in the Philippines - statistics & facts

Domestic tourism leading the industry in times of uncertainty, outlook of the tourism industry, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Value of domestic tourism spending APAC 2022, by country

Value of international tourism spending APAC 2022, by country

Estimated online travel and tourism revenue Philippines 2023, by category

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Current statistics on this topic.

Gross value added of the tourism industry Philippines 2019-2022, by type

Number of domestic tourism trips Philippines 2012-2021

Leisure Travel

International tourist arrivals Philippines 2012-2023

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Recommended statistics

  • Premium Statistic International tourist arrivals worldwide 2019-2022, by subregion
  • Basic Statistic Value of domestic tourism spending APAC 2022, by country
  • Basic Statistic Value of international tourism spending APAC 2022, by country
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's direct contribution to employment APAC 2022, by country
  • Premium Statistic Estimated online travel and tourism revenue Philippines 2023, by category

International tourist arrivals worldwide 2019-2022, by subregion

Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide from 2019 to 2022, by subregion (in millions)

Value of domestic tourism expenditure in the Asia-Pacific region in 2022, by country or territory (in billion U.S. dollars)

Value of international tourism expenditure in the Asia-Pacific region in 2022, by country or territory (in billion U.S. dollars)

Travel and tourism's direct contribution to employment APAC 2022, by country

Direct contribution of travel and tourism to employment in the Asia-Pacific region in 2022, by country or territory (in millions)

Estimated revenue on online travel and tourism services in the Philippines in 2023, by category (in million U.S. dollars)

Economic impact

  • Premium Statistic Gross value added of the tourism industry Philippines 2019-2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Share of tourism GDP Philippines 2012-2022
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  • Premium Statistic Tourism expenditures Philippines 2022, by travel type
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Gross value added generated from the tourism industry in the Philippines from 2019 to 2022, by type (in billion Philippine pesos)

Share of tourism GDP Philippines 2012-2022

Share of direct gross value added of the tourism industry to the GDP of the Philippines from 2012 to 2022

Tourism industry growth rate Philippines 2018/19-2021/22, by sector

Annual growth rate of the gross value added generated from the tourism industry (GVATI) in the Philippines from 2018/19 to 2021/22, by sector

Tourism receipts Philippines 2019-2023

Tourism receipts in the Philippines from 2019 to 2023 (in billion Philippine pesos)

Tourism expenditures Philippines 2022, by travel type

Total value of tourism expenditures in the Philippines in 2022, by type of travel (in billion Philippine pesos)

Tourism sector employment figures Philippines 2012-2022

Total number of people employed in the tourism industry in the Philippines from 2012 to 2022 (in millions)

Inbound tourism

  • Basic Statistic International tourist arrivals Philippines 2012-2023
  • Premium Statistic Tourist arrivals Philippines 2023, by country of residence
  • Premium Statistic Expenditure value in inbound tourism Philippines 2021-2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound overnight tourists Philippines 2012-2021
  • Premium Statistic Average length of stay of inbound tourists Philippines 2012-2021

Total number of international tourist arrivals to the Philippines from 2012 to 2023 (in millions)

Tourist arrivals Philippines 2023, by country of residence

Leading source countries of foreign tourist arrivals in the Philippines in 2023 (in 1,000s)

Expenditure value in inbound tourism Philippines 2021-2022, by type

Total value of expenditure in inbound tourism in the Philippines in 2021 and 2022, by type (in billion Philippine pesos)

Number of inbound overnight tourists Philippines 2012-2021

Number of inbound overnight visitors in the Philippines from 2012 to 2021

Average length of stay of inbound tourists Philippines 2012-2021

Average length of stay of inbound tourists in the Philippines from 2012 to 2021 (in days)

Domestic tourism

  • Premium Statistic Number of domestic tourism trips Philippines 2012-2021
  • Premium Statistic Domestic passenger count Philippines 2023, by airline
  • Premium Statistic Household expenditure share of domestic tourism spending Philippines 2012-2022
  • Premium Statistic Domestic tourism expenditures Philippines 2012-2022
  • Premium Statistic Domestic tourism expenditures Philippines 2020-2022, by product

Total number of domestic tourism trips in the Philippines from 2012 to 2021 (in 1,000s)

Domestic passenger count Philippines 2023, by airline

Number of domestic passengers in the Philippines in 2023, by airline (in 1,000s)

Household expenditure share of domestic tourism spending Philippines 2012-2022

Domestic tourism expenditure as a share of household final consumption expenditure in the Philippines from 2012 to 2022

Domestic tourism expenditures Philippines 2012-2022

Total value of domestic tourism expenditures in the Philippines from 2012 to 2022 (in billion Philippine pesos)

Domestic tourism expenditures Philippines 2020-2022, by product

Total value of expenditure in domestic tourism in the Philippines from 2020 to 2022, by product (in billion Philippine pesos)

Outbound tourism

  • Premium Statistic Number of international tourist departures in the Philippines 2014-2029
  • Premium Statistic Outbound tourism expenditures Philippines 2020-2022, by segment
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Number of international tourist departures in the Philippines 2014-2029

Number of international tourist departures in the Philippines from 2014 to 2029 (in millions)

Outbound tourism expenditures Philippines 2020-2022, by segment

Total value of expenditure in outbound tourism in the Philippines from 2020 to 2022, by segment (in billion Philippine pesos)

Expenditures on accommodation services in outbound tourism Philippines 2012-2022

Value of expenditures on accommodation services for visitors in outbound tourism in the Philippines from 2012 to 2022 (in billion Philippine pesos)

Expenditures on food and beverage services in outbound tourism Philippines 2012-2022

Value of expenditures on food and beverage serving services in outbound tourism in the Philippines from 2012 to 2022 (in billion Philippine pesos)

Expenditures on travel agency services in outbound tourism Philippines 2012-2022

Value of expenditures on travel agencies and other reservation services in outbound tourism in the Philippines from 2012 to 2022 (in billion Philippine pesos)


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Overnight travelers Philippines 2022, by type

Number of overnight travelers in the Philippines in 2022, by type (in millions)

Revenue of the hotels industry in the Philippines 2019-2028

Revenue of the hotels market in the Philippines from 2019 to 2028 (in million U.S. dollars)

Average hotel room rates Metro Manila Philippines 2021-2023, by star classification

Average room rates of hotels in Metro Manila in the Philippines from 2021 to 2023, by star classification (in U.S. dollars)

Highest overnight room rates of hotels in Metro Manila, Philippines 2023, by city

Maximum overnight room rate of hotels in Metro Manila in the Philippines as of June 2023, by city (in Philippine pesos)

Revenue of the vacation rentals industry in the Philippines 2019-2028

Revenue of the vacation rentals market in the Philippines from 2019 to 2028 (in million U.S. dollars)

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Understanding Social Norms in the Philippines

Have you ever wondered why Filipinos dress modestly and treat their elders with great respect? Do you know the cultural practices and etiquette that are deeply ingrained in the Filipino society?

Discovering the social norms in the Philippines will open your eyes to a fascinating world of traditional beliefs and customs. From dressing modestly to the importance of hospitality and family values, Filipino culture is rich with unique practices.

Key Takeaways:

  • Filipinos tend to dress modestly, especially when in public
  • Respecting elders is deeply ingrained in Filipino culture
  • Filipinos have a relaxed approach towards timekeeping
  • Filipinos value hospitality and social gatherings
  • Gift giving is an important part of Filipino culture

Dressing Modestly

Filipinos value modesty in their culture, especially when it comes to dressing in public settings. Dressing modestly is an important aspect of Filipino social norms and reflects the respect for local traditions and customs. When visiting the Philippines, it is essential to adhere to clothing norms to show consideration and appreciation for the local culture.

Modesty in Filipino culture extends to the way individuals dress, focusing on covering shoulders and knees. Revealing or provocative clothing is generally seen as inappropriate, particularly in religious settings or when interacting with elders. Women often wear dresses or skirts that fall below the knee, while men stick to wearing pants and shirts with sleeves.

While the Philippines has a tropical climate, it is still important to prioritize modesty over comfort. It is advisable to wear lightweight and breathable fabrics that provide coverage and keep you cool in the heat. Both men and women should avoid wearing revealing swimwear except in designated beach or resort areas.

“Dressing modestly not only shows respect for Filipino culture, but it also helps to avoid any unintended misunderstandings or discomfort.”

When attending formal events or religious ceremonies, it is customary to dress in more conservative attire. For women, this may include wearing dresses or blouses with sleeves, paired with skirts or pants that cover the knees. Men often wear suits or traditional formal attire. It is always better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed for such occasions.

By dressing modestly, you not only show respect for Filipino culture but also demonstrate your willingness to embrace and adapt to local customs. This helps to foster positive interactions and create a sense of cultural understanding during your time in the Philippines.

Dressing Modestly Tips:

  • Choose lightweight and breathable fabrics
  • Avoid revealing or provocative clothing
  • Ensure clothing covers shoulders and knees
  • Reserve revealing swimwear for designated areas
  • Adapt attire for formal events or religious ceremonies

Respecting Elders

In Filipino culture, the act of respecting elders holds a deep and significant meaning. Elders are regarded as wise and insightful individuals who deserve utmost respect and admiration. Recognizing their valuable life experiences and knowledge is an integral part of Filipino society.

An important tradition associated with showing respect to older people is the gesture known as “Mano Po,” which translates to “hand respect” in English. This gesture involves placing the back of the elder’s hand to one’s forehead as a sign of reverence and deference.

“Mano Po” honors the wisdom and guidance that elders provide, acknowledging their invaluable contributions to the community and family.

When engaging with older individuals, it is essential to listen attentively and demonstrate a genuine interest in their stories and experiences. This not only shows respect but also allows for the exchange of knowledge and insights across generations.

“Respecting elders is not just a cultural practice in the Philippines; it is a manifestation of gratitude for their invaluable contributions to society and an acknowledgment of the wisdom they possess.”

In Filipino culture, the importance of respect for elders extends beyond words and gestures. It is ingrained in every aspect of daily life. From family dynamics to social interactions, the significance of honoring and valuing the elderly is deeply rooted in the Filipino value system.

Benefits of Respecting Elders

Respecting elders in the Philippines is not only a moral obligation but also brings about several positive outcomes for individuals and society as a whole.

  • Preserving cultural heritage: Elders are the keepers of cultural traditions and customs. By respecting and valuing them, Filipinos ensure the continuation of the rich cultural heritage that defines their identity.
  • Transmission of wisdom: Through respectful interactions, younger generations have the opportunity to learn from the wisdom and life experiences of their elders. This transfer of knowledge fosters personal growth, resilience, and a deeper understanding of the world.
  • Strengthens familial bonds: Respecting elders strengthens the ties within families. It nurtures a sense of belonging, unity, and mutual support that contributes to emotional well-being and a sense of shared responsibility.
  • Creates a harmonious society: A society that respects and values its elderly members cultivates empathy, compassion, and a cooperative spirit. Such a society fosters a sense of social harmony and solidarity, leading to a more peaceful and inclusive community.

Respecting elders is not just a cultural norm but a reflection of the values and principles that shape Filipino society. Embracing this practice not only highlights the importance of intergenerational connections but also contributes to the overall well-being and unity of the Filipino people.

Timekeeping and Punctuality

In Filipino culture, timekeeping is approached with a relaxed attitude often referred to as “Filipino time.” This cultural norm means that it is common for people to arrive late, sometimes even an hour or two, for social gatherings or casual events. However, punctuality is expected and valued in formal contexts such as important business meetings or appointments. It is important to be aware of this timekeeping norm and adjust your expectations accordingly when planning events or scheduling meetings in the Philippines.

Punctuality Expectations

In formal and professional settings, Filipinos prioritize punctuality. Being on time for business meetings and appointments demonstrates respect and professionalism. Arriving late for these occasions can be seen as a sign of disrespect and may negatively impact your business relationships. It is recommended to arrive a few minutes early to allow room for any unexpected delays and to show your commitment to the meeting or event.

Cultural Understanding

Understanding the cultural norms around timekeeping in the Philippines is crucial for building strong relationships and avoiding misunderstandings. It is important to remember that the concept of “Filipino time” is deeply ingrained in the culture and is not meant to be disrespectful or dismissive. Instead, it reflects a more relaxed and flexible approach to time that prioritizes human connections and relationships.

Punctuality Tips

When scheduling events or meetings in the Philippines, it is advisable to provide clear instructions regarding the start time and emphasize the importance of punctuality for formal occasions. Additionally, it can be helpful to build some buffer time into your schedule to account for potential delays. Flexibility and understanding are key to navigating timekeeping norms in the Philippines .

Hospitality and Social Gatherings

Hospitality is a cornerstone of Filipino culture. Filipinos are known for their warm and welcoming nature, always going above and beyond to make visitors feel comfortable and at home . Whether it’s providing delicious food, refreshing drinks, or even offering lodging, Filipinos genuinely enjoy taking care of their guests.

Social gatherings play a significant role in the Philippines, bringing people together to celebrate, socialize, and foster meaningful connections. Filipinos love to have a good time and are known for their lively parties and events.

Socializing through Karaoke

Karaoke is an incredibly popular form of entertainment in the Philippines and often serves as the centerpiece of social gatherings. Filipinos love to sing their hearts out, showcasing their talent and enthusiasm for music.

Karaoke nights provide the perfect opportunity for friends, families, and even strangers to come together, have fun, and bond over their favorite songs.

Whether it’s belting out power ballads or joining in a group performance, karaoke creates an inclusive and joyful atmosphere where everyone can participate and connect through the universal language of music.

Strengthening Bonds

Filipinos value building strong relationships and view social events as an essential way to strengthen bonds with family, friends, and community members. These gatherings provide a platform for meaningful conversations, shared experiences, and the creation of lasting connections.

Through social events, Filipinos establish and deepen their relationships, forming a sense of belonging and support within their social circles.

Whether it’s a casual gathering at someone’s home , a festive celebration, or a community event, Filipinos cherish the opportunity to come together, celebrate life, and forge deeper connections with those around them. The warmth and genuineness of Filipino hospitality are evident during these social gatherings.

Whether it’s cherishing the strong familial bonds or fostering new friendships, Filipino social events are an integral part of Filipino culture, offering a platform for connection, celebration, and the perpetuation of the warm and inviting Filipino spirit.

Gift Giving Traditions

Gift giving is an important part of Filipino culture. Whether it’s a dinner invitation or attending a special event, bringing a gift is customary to show appreciation to the hosts. Sweets or flowers are popular choices for gifts. It is not just the gift itself that matters, but also the presentation. Taking the time to wrap the gift elegantly is highly appreciated and adds an extra touch of thoughtfulness.

Filipinos see gift giving as an opportunity to show their love and care for others. When selecting a gift, they put thought and effort into finding something that is thoughtful and practical. They consider the recipient’s preferences and hobbies to ensure that the gift is meaningful and useful. It is a way to strengthen relationships and express gratitude.

“Gifts are often seen as a token of appreciation and affection in Filipino culture.”

In Filipino culture, it is customary not to open the gift immediately upon receiving it. Instead, gifts are usually opened in private after the event or occasion. This allows the recipient to appreciate the gesture and express their gratitude in a more personal manner.

After receiving a gift, it is common for Filipinos to send a thank-you note to express their appreciation. This thoughtful gesture further reinforces the gratitude and respect they have for others.

Gift giving in the Philippines is not just about the material aspect; it is a meaningful expression of love, appreciation, and thoughtfulness. By adhering to these gift-giving customs, both Filipinos and visitors can foster stronger relationships and create lasting memories.

Religious Customs and Respect

The Philippines is known for its strong religious traditions, with Catholicism being the dominant religion in the country. The deep-rooted influence of Catholicism is evident in various aspects of Filipino culture and everyday life. Respecting religious customs is important when visiting the Philippines, as it demonstrates sensitivity and appreciation for the local culture.

When attending church services or visiting religious sites, it is essential to dress appropriately and follow any rules or guidelines set by the place of worship. Modest attire is typically expected, with clothing that covers the shoulders and knees. It is important to show reverence and respect through one’s dress and behavior, understanding the significance of these religious spaces to the Filipino people.

Religion in the Philippines

Catholicism in the Philippines goes beyond religious rituals and extends into the daily lives of Filipinos. The influence of Catholicism can be seen in various customs and practices followed by the locals. For example, the respect for elders, which is deeply ingrained in Filipino culture, is often influenced by Catholic teachings on honoring one’s parents and elders.

“The Catholic faith has shaped our values and morals, and it is reflected in how we treat others, especially our elders.”

Feast Days and Religious Celebrations

The Philippines is known for its vibrant and grand religious celebrations, often marked by elaborate processions, parades, and festivities. Feast days and religious festivals are an integral part of Filipino culture, providing a unique opportunity to witness the profound religious devotion of the Filipino people.

One of the most famous religious events in the Philippines is the Sinulog Festival in Cebu , which commemorates the Filipino people’s conversion to Christianity. The festival features street dances, colorful costumes, and traditional music, creating a lively and joyous atmosphere that showcases the deep faith of the Filipino community.

Influence on Filipino Values

Catholicism in the Philippines has played a significant role in shaping the values and moral compass of the Filipino people. The teachings of the Catholic Church, such as compassion, humility, and service to others, have greatly influenced Filipino society.

Religious customs highlight the importance of respect, compassion, and empathy towards others. These values are reflected in the warm and welcoming nature of Filipinos, who are known for their hospitality and generosity.

Furthermore, Catholicism has also influenced the strong sense of community and interconnectedness among Filipinos. The tradition of ‘bayanihan,’ which refers to the spirit of communal unity and helping one another, can be traced back to the influence of Catholic teachings on solidarity and caring for those in need.

By respecting religious customs and understanding the significance of Catholicism in Filipino culture, visitors can engage more meaningfully with locals and gain a deeper appreciation for the traditions and values that shape the fabric of Filipino society.

Eating Customs

Food plays a significant role in Filipino culture, reflecting the rich history and diverse influences of the country. Understanding Filipino dining etiquette and eating customs can enhance your experience and show respect for the local traditions.

Traditional Filipino Meals:

  • Filipino cuisine is known for its unique flavors and combinations of ingredients.
  • Rice is a staple in nearly all meals, often served alongside a variety of dishes.
  • Common ingredients in Filipino dishes include fish, pork, chicken, vegetables, and tropical fruits.

Eating with Hands or Utensils:

It is common for Filipinos to eat with their hands or a spoon and fork. Using hands to eat is a cultural practice rooted in the belief that it enhances the taste and connection with the food. However, in formal settings, such as restaurants or when dining with foreigners, utensils are preferred.

Dining Etiquette:

  • Avoid leaning on your arms while at the dinner table, as it is considered rude.
  • Wait for all the dishes to be served before starting to eat, as it is a gesture of respect for the host.
  • It is customary to leave some food on the table, known as “pabaon,” in case someone else arrives or wants to have more later. This shows generosity and hospitality.
“Filipino dining etiquette emphasizes respect and gratitude for the food and the company shared at the table.”

Observing Local Customs:

When dining in the Philippines, it is best to observe and follow the lead of the locals. Pay attention to how they eat, whether they use their hands or utensils, and follow suit. Embracing local customs not only shows respect but also allows you to fully immerse yourself in the Filipino dining experience.

By embracing the eating customs of the Philippines, you not only show respect for the local culture but also enhance your dining experiences. Whether you choose to eat with your hands or utensils, remember to savor the flavors and enjoy the rich culinary traditions that Filipino cuisine has to offer.

Social Etiquette and Customs

Filipinos place great importance on social etiquette and customs. Understanding and respecting these cultural norms is essential for building meaningful relationships and navigating interactions in the Philippines.

Greetings and Respect

Initial greetings in the Philippines are formal and follow a set protocol. It is customary to greet the eldest or most important person first as a sign of respect. Eye contact during conversations is also seen as a sign of respect and attentiveness.

When engaging in small talk, it is common to start conversations with light topics such as the weather or current events. Filipinos value personal relationships and place great importance on getting to know others. Building rapport through small talk is a crucial part of establishing connections.

Networking and Business Success

In Filipino society, networking plays a vital role in business success. Building strong relationships and trust is key, and personal connections often pave the way for opportunities and collaborations. The emphasis on personal relationships extends to business settings, where trust and mutual understanding are highly valued.

Table Manners

Filipino dining etiquette reflects the culture’s emphasis on respect and inclusivity. When dining in the Philippines, it is customary to wait for all dishes to be served before starting to eat. Leaving food on the table is a sign of consideration, as it provides an opportunity for others to take additional servings if they desire.

“ Filipino dining etiquette reflects the culture’s emphasis on respect and inclusivity.”

When dining with Filipinos, it is common to eat with a spoon and fork, although eating with hands is also acceptable, particularly when enjoying traditional Filipino dishes. Leaning on one’s arms while at the dinner table is considered rude and should be avoided.

Family Values and Importance

In Filipino society, family is the foundation that shapes individuals’ lives, and it holds immense importance. The concept of family extends beyond immediate relatives and includes aunts, uncles, grandparents, and close family friends. Together, they form a tightly-knit network that provides support, guidance, and love.

Filipinos find strength and stability in their families, relying on one another during times of joy and adversity. It is common for Filipinos to have multiple godparents, solidifying the importance of communal relationships.

Concern for the extended family is evident in various aspects of Filipino life. Whether it’s seeking employment or working for the same company, Filipinos prioritize supporting their relatives to ensure the prosperity of the entire family unit.

Family values are deeply ingrained in Filipino culture, emphasizing the importance of unity, respect, and unconditional love.

Filipino Family Values

Filipino family dynamics are characterized by close-knit relationships, mutual support, and shared responsibilities. Family members often come together to celebrate milestones, reunions, and holidays, cherishing these moments as opportunities to strengthen bonds and create lasting memories.

“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” – Michael J. Fox

The Significance of Filipino Family Values

Note: The table highlights the significant aspects that shape Filipino family values, emphasizing unity, respect, support, love, and shared responsibility.

In conclusion , family is at the core of Filipino society, providing love, guidance, and a strong support system. The importance placed on family values ensures that Filipinos grow up with a strong sense of belonging and carry these values throughout their lives.

Concept of Shame in Filipino Culture

“Hiya” is a significant concept in Filipino culture, influencing behavior and social interactions. Filipinos strive to adhere to accepted standards of behavior and avoid bringing shame upon themselves and their families. The fear of embarrassment or criticism drives individuals to maintain a certain level of decorum and conform to societal norms.

The concept of shame, or “hiya,” plays a crucial role in shaping Filipino behavior. Maintaining self-esteem and preserving one’s reputation is highly valued in Filipino society. Public embarrassment or not meeting expectations can lead to feelings of shame and a loss of face. This fear of shame heavily influences the choices and actions of Filipinos, guiding them towards socially acceptable behavior and creating a harmonious social fabric.

“Hiya” is deeply rooted in the Filipino culture and impacts various aspects of daily life, from personal relationships to professional interactions. It encourages individuals to act in a manner that upholds social harmony and avoids behaviors that could lead to public shame. By avoiding actions that may bring shame, Filipinos strive to maintain their self-respect and that of their family, fostering a collective sense of responsibility and accountability. The importance of avoiding shame in Filipino society cannot be overstated. It is both an individual and collective endeavor, where the actions of one can reflect upon the entire family or community. As a result, Filipinos are conscious of their behavior and take precautions to uphold social norms and avoid actions that may cause embarrassment or shame. Understanding the concept of “hiya” provides insight into the motivations and values that shape Filipino culture and society. The Impact of Shame on Behavior The concept of shame instills a sense of conscientiousness in Filipinos, encouraging them to be mindful of their actions and decisions. It shapes their behavior in various ways, from fostering respect for authority and elders to maintaining modesty and propriety in social settings. Respect for authority: The fear of shame influences Filipinos to show respect towards figures of authority, such as elders, parents, and community leaders. It is ingrained in Filipino culture to treat these individuals with deference and seek their guidance and wisdom. Maintaining modesty: Filipinos value modesty and avoiding actions or behaviors that may draw attention or be considered inappropriate. This includes dressing conservatively, especially in religious or formal settings, to show respect and avoid any potential shame. Shame also plays a role in promoting a harmonious society by encouraging Filipinos to adhere to social norms and avoid behaviors that may disrupt the social order. It helps create a sense of collective responsibility, where individuals strive to act in ways that contribute to the well-being of the community and avoid actions that may bring shame to themselves or their family. In conclusion , the concept of shame, or “hiya,” holds immense significance in Filipino culture. It influences behavior, promotes social harmony, and fosters a collective sense of responsibility. Understanding the importance of avoiding shame is crucial for individuals looking to interact with Filipinos and gain a deeper appreciation for their customs and values.

Business Culture and Etiquette in the Philippines

Building personal relationships is crucial in the Filipino business culture. Networking and developing a cadre of business associates is important for future assistance and collaborations. Business relationships in the Philippines are often based on personal connections, and favors may be requested and expected.

Presenting a professional image is essential in Filipino business settings. It is advisable to dress conservatively to demonstrate respect and professionalism. Proper business etiquette, such as addressing colleagues and business partners with appropriate titles and using formal language , is highly valued.

Punctuality expectations may vary in the Philippines, with a more relaxed approach to timekeeping known as “Filipino time.” However, it is crucial to be aware of cultural norms and adjust your own punctuality accordingly. Being punctual for formal meetings and appointments is essential to show respect for others’ time.

Understanding the importance of personal relationships, networking, and respecting business customs in the Philippines can lead to successful business interactions and collaborations.

Business Negotiations in the Philippines

When engaging in business negotiations in the Philippines , it’s important to understand the unique customs and strategies that influence the process. Business decisions in the Philippines are typically made at the top of the company hierarchy, which can result in longer negotiation timelines.

Filipinos generally prefer to avoid confrontation and saying “no” directly. Instead, they may use non-committal responses such as “perhaps” or provide alternative solutions. It’s crucial to be patient and persevering during negotiations, as building relationships and trust is a key element of success in the Filipino business culture.

Consensus decision-making is commonly practiced in the Philippines, meaning that decisions may not be solely based on facts, but also rely on emotional factors and group agreement. Therefore, it’s vital to not only present logical arguments but also understand and address the emotional aspects of your negotiation counterparts.

To maintain a productive negotiation environment, it’s essential to maintain a respectful and professional demeanor. Keep in mind that Filipinos value harmonious relationships and avoiding conflict, so adopting a collaborative and cooperative approach will be beneficial. By demonstrating respect for Filipino negotiation customs and strategies, you can establish strong connections and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

“Effective negotiation in the Philippines requires building trust, understanding emotional factors, and embracing a collaborative approach.”

Management in the Philippines

Effective management practices in the Philippines are deeply rooted in building strong personal relationships with employees and colleagues. Filipino managers understand the importance of leading by example and treating their team members with respect and kindness. By prioritizing the well-being and happiness of their employees, they create a positive work environment that fosters productivity and loyalty.

One of the key principles of effective management in the Philippines is the establishment of trust. Filipino managers strive to build trust with their team members by being transparent, reliable, and supportive. They believe that trust is the foundation of a successful working relationship and actively work to maintain and strengthen it.

“Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.” – Paul Hawken

Open Communication

Open lines of communication are vital in Filipino management culture . Managers encourage their employees to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns freely. They value open and honest feedback, recognizing that it leads to continuous improvement and innovation.

Filipino managers also take the time to actively listen to their employees, providing them with a safe space to share their opinions. This open communication culture fosters mutual trust and understanding, resulting in stronger team dynamics and increased collaboration.

Empowerment and Collaboration

Filipino managers believe in empowering their team members by giving them autonomy and responsibility. They encourage their employees to take ownership of their work and contribute their unique skills and perspectives. By trusting their team members and providing them with opportunities to grow and develop professionally, managers in the Philippines create a sense of ownership and pride within the organization.

In addition, Filipino managers promote a collaborative work environment where teamwork and cooperation are prioritized. They understand the value of diverse perspectives and actively foster an inclusive culture that encourages collaboration among team members.

Recognition and Motivation

Filipino managers recognize the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the efforts and achievements of their employees. They believe in celebrating individual and team successes, providing recognition and rewards to motivate their team members. Whether it is a simple word of appreciation or a more formal recognition program, Filipino managers understand that recognizing and rewarding good work boosts employee morale and engagement.

By implementing these effective management practices, Filipino managers create a positive and productive work environment where employees feel valued, empowered, and motivated. This ultimately leads to higher employee satisfaction, improved performance, and organizational success.

Management in the Philippines

“The best leaders are those most interested in surrounding themselves with assistants and associates smarter than they are.” – John C. Maxwell

In summary, understanding social norms in the Philippines is crucial for better cultural understanding and successful interactions. The Filipino culture places a high value on modesty, respect for elders, and hospitality. Filipinos have a relaxed approach towards timekeeping and punctuality, known as “Filipino time,” while still valuing punctuality in formal contexts.

Building strong personal relationships and networking is key in both social and business settings. Filipinos prioritize family, and the extended family plays a significant role in their lives. The concepts of shame and respect heavily influence Filipino behavior and decision-making. By respecting and learning about Filipino social norms and customs, visitors and individuals working with Filipinos can navigate interactions more effectively and foster meaningful connections.

Whether it’s dressing modestly, showing respect for elders, or understanding the importance of hospitality, embracing these social norms will help create positive experiences and strengthen relationships in the diverse and vibrant culture of the Philippines.

How do Filipinos dress in the Philippines?

How should i show respect to elders in the philippines, what is “filipino time” and how does it relate to punctuality, how important is hospitality in filipino culture, what are the gift-giving customs in the philippines, how important is religion in the philippines, and how should i show respect for religious customs, what are the eating customs in the philippines, what are some social etiquette and customs in the philippines, how important is family in filipino society, what is the concept of “hiya” in filipino culture, and how does it influence behavior, what is the business culture and etiquette in the philippines, how are business negotiations conducted in the philippines, what is management like in the philippines, how can i better understand social norms in the philippines, source links.

  • https://listingal.com/en/philippines/topic247
  • https://www.commisceo-global.com/resources/country-guides/phillippines-guide
  • https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/filipino-culture/filipino-culture-etiquette

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Hello! I'm Wise, a Filipina with a deep love for my country and a passion for sharing its beauty with the world. As a writer, blogger, and videographer, I capture the essence of the Philippines through my eyes, hoping to give foreign visitors a true taste of what makes these islands so special.

From the vibrant streets of Manila to the tranquil beaches of Palawan, my journey is about uncovering the hidden gems and everyday wonders that define the Filipino spirit. My articles and blogs are not just travel guides; they are invitations to explore, to feel, and to fall in love with the Philippines, just as I have.

Through my videos, I strive to bring the sights, sounds, and stories of my homeland to life. Whether it's the local cuisine, the colorful festivals, or the warm smiles of the people, I aim to prepare visitors for an authentic experience.

For those seeking more than just a vacation, the Philippines can be a place of discovery and, perhaps, even love. My goal is to be your guide, not just to the places you'll visit, but to the experiences and connections that await in this beautiful corner of the world. Welcome to the Philippines, through my eyes. Let's explore together!

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What is social tourism in the Philippines?

social tourism in the philippines

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is social tourism in the Philippines?
  • 2 What is social tourist?
  • 3 How does government support social tourism?
  • 4 What is social and cultural impact?
  • 5 What is the importance of social tourism in various countries?
  • 6 How big is the tourism industry in the Philippines?
  • 7 What makes the Philippines a popular tourist destination?

Enter social tourism Social tourism, by definition, is a form of tourism that brings travelers to local communities with the goal of not only gaining pleasure from the experience but also contributing to the places they’re visiting.

What is social tourist?

Social Tourist is a lifestyle brand that creates trend forward apparel and allows teens to experiment with their style, while exploring the duality of who they are both on social media and in real life. The brand is the creative vision between Hollister and social media personalities Dixie and Charli D’Amelio.

What is social tourism and examples?

persons who are economically or otherwise disadvantaged. In this category, social tourism initiatives aim to encourage tourism participation for many or most members of the society – for example, through subsidised schemes such as holiday vouchers.

What is social impact in tourism?

To put it simply, social impacts of tourism are; “The effects on host communities of direct and indirect relations with tourists, and of interaction with the tourism industry” This is also often referred to as socio-cultural impacts. Tourism is, at its core, an interactive service.

How does government support social tourism?

The government can begin by first promoting domestic tourism in a country. This can be done during off-seasons when hotels and tourism attraction sites are less congested. Once the citizens sample what their country has to offer, they will be willing to extend this hospitality to visitors.

What is social and cultural impact?

Society and culture refers to your way of life, how you live, how you relate to others, your customs and your character. The social and cultural impacts of tourism can result in changes to patterns of behaviour, lifestyle and the quality of life of the inhabitants or local people.

Why is social tourism important?

Social tourism was found to increase family capital in the short term, and social capital – in terms of social networks, related pro-active behavior and self-esteem – in the medium term. These increases can be seen as beneficial for the participants and to wider society.

What are social benefits of tourism?

Tourism also brings benefits to societies, including insight into different cultures and increased understanding of the ways in which people live. Talking to and visiting people from other cultures can also lead to an exchange of ideas.

What is the importance of social tourism in various countries?

Social tourism is a promoter of economic growth: “tourism for all is a key to economic strength which generates a continuous flow of people and investment, which contributes to regional development”.

How big is the tourism industry in the Philippines?

Why is sustainable tourism important in the Philippines?

Who is the Secretary of tourism in the Philippines?

What makes the Philippines a popular tourist destination?

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A World-Class Tourist Destination

Philippines report 2024

New international investments and an ambitious plan to reimagine the industry focused on sustainability and service, are bringing about a new era for tourism in the Philippines.

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As part of the new administration’s goal of making the Philippines a key player in the global economy, the tourism industry is gearing up for fundamental change. In charge of this transformation is the Department of Tourism, which has already set out an ambitious plan based on the premise that the sector cannot limit its activities to promotion alone but must develop the pillars that can make the Philippines a tourism powerhouse in Asia.

“We are working on seven objectives that we laid out in consultation with stakeholders from the public and private sector in the country and around the world, ”explains Department Secretary Maria Christina Frasco.

While the Department focuses on these objectives, promotion is in the hands of the Tourism Promotions Board, tasked with attracting new visitors to the country, and now focusing its efforts on promoting the world-class talent and creativity of the Filipino people, its rich and diverse culture that make it not only a nature destination but a unique cultural experience.

“We work closely with our indigenous communities,” explains Board COO Maria Margarita Montemayor, “and through fairs and trade shows we showcase their exquisite artistry and craftsmanship to the world”. In this way, she explains, their work aligns with the efforts of the Department, enriching the experience of travelers and expanding the kind of touristic products that can foster organic and sustainable growth in the country.

Philippines report 2024

Playing a key part in this transformation is Rajah Travel Corporation , voted Best Filipino Travel Agency 11 times in the last 21 years. “We are always at the forefront of change, we cause the change and we lead it,” says Chairman and President Aileen Clemente. Indeed, their innovative efforts have helped diversify and modernize not only their own company but the industry as a whole, and today they continue to develop a varied offer of travel experiences and services, as well as collaborative projects. On the one hand, Rajah Travel currently counts different brands adapted to all budgets and preferences, from a high-end product offering luxury suites and villas, customized tours and VIP access to the country’s best hotels and resorts, to budget options, offering flexible and easy arrangements so travelers can organize their own adventures.

On the other hand, Rajah Travel has diversified into a wide variety of tourism-related services such as corporate travel management, meeting & events management, documentation services and tourism-site management and consultancy for emerging hotels and resorts. They also count on a travel academy that offers mentorship programs to local students, and their recent Tourism Knowledge Center, a digital one-stop shop developed together with several governmental units to provide key travel and tourism information that can improve business planning, product development, intelligence and marketing of local enterprises, as well as advance statistical research.

Philippines report 2024

Among the beneficiaries of such services is certainly Seda Residences . At the heart of bustling Makati, known as the financial centre of the metropolitan Manila region, hospitality giants Seda Hotels have opened Seda Residences Makati, designed to accommodate longer-term visitors to the city. “Our philosophy is to be the home of Filipino hospitality,” says Director of Sales & Marketing Donna Villarin, for whom the Residences supplied a much-needed gap in availability.

Offering deluxe studios and two and three-bedroom serviced apartments with fully equipped kitchens and working spaces, Seda Residences Makati offers guests all the comforts of a hotel, from room service to restaurants and gym, including unparalleled views from the 19th floor “Sky Lobby” or the 35th floor deck bar. While valuing privacy, all focus is put on service quality, and according to Villarin, this is the company’s strongest suit. “We call it malasakit , a kind of empathy that makes us Filipinos go the extra mile when taking care of others,” she explains, “and we capitalize on this aspect of our culture to make sure our guests get the best care available”.

Philippines report 2024

Similarly, in Boracay Island, the Movenpick Resort and Spa is making waves. Named Philippines’ Leading Beach Resort finalist at the 2024 and 2023 World Travel Awards, it is situated along an exclusive 150-meter stretch of beachfront at the sunset hotspot, northwest of Boracay. The premium resort, famed for its Chocolate Hour, offers top-notch facilities from spa to kid’s club, multiple dining venues, gym, water sports, and is home to the island’s largest multi-level swimming pool. It boasts a distinctive tropical landscape, making it a popular choice among Filipino-America families looking to indulge in pure island bliss.

Philippines report 2024

Over in Davao City, setting hospitality standards is the Park Inn , by Radisson, which is celebrating its 10th birthday as the first international chain hotel in the Asia Pacific region. “I always say it’s not about the product,” explains General Manager Sven Toune, “it’s about how you communicate with guests.” In fact, the hotel’s focus on providing excellent quality services seems to be the secret recipe that has made the Park Inn stand out among competitors.

With 13 daily flights into Davao domestic and international, the hotel is increasingly welcoming leisure guests drawn by the city’s touristic attractions, be it the gorgeous beaches and natural springs of Samal Island, located right across Davao Gulf and linked by ferry, or the rich cultural history of Mindanao region, brilliantly showcased in the Museum of History and Ethnography of the city, covering over 4000 years of history.

And after a long day out, be it working, exploring, or going on a shopping spree, visitors to Davao are happy to have chosen the Park Inn as their home away from home. According to Toune, the secret is the effort they put in making the service feel personal: “There is no hospitality like Filipino hospitality, believe me,” he concludes with a smile, “it is what brought me here form Belgium and the reason I enjoy my work”.

Tourism in the Philippines Through the Gaze of Communities, Hosts and Guests

  • First Online: 07 October 2022

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social tourism in the philippines

  • Richard S. Aquino 5 &
  • Brooke A. Porter 6 , 7  

Part of the book series: Perspectives on Asian Tourism ((PAT))

166 Accesses

This introductory chapter presents an overview of Filipino culture and tourism in the contemporary Filipino society. This chapter situates the diversity of Filipino culture, complexity of the Filipino society, and the role of tourism in host communities in the Philippines. The chapter presents the theming of the edited book, mainly drawn from the concepts of the host gaze, tourist gaze, and researcher’s gaze. Related studies about tourism and tourists in the Philippines are presented as the parts of the book are introduced. The chapter ends by outlining the contents of the book.

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As of May 2020, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority ( 2021 ).

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Authors and affiliations.

University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

Richard S. Aquino

Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand

Brooke A. Porter

Coral Triangle Conservancy, Taguig, Philippines

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About this chapter

Aquino, R.S., Porter, B.A. (2022). Tourism in the Philippines Through the Gaze of Communities, Hosts and Guests. In: Aquino, R.S., Porter, B.A. (eds) Tourism in the Philippines. Perspectives on Asian Tourism. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4013-2_1

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4013-2_1

Published : 07 October 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Singapore

Print ISBN : 978-981-19-4012-5

Online ISBN : 978-981-19-4013-2

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More reasons to ‘Love the Philippines’

In celebration of manila bulletin’s 124th anniversary theme of ‘newsmakers of the year,’ we look back at tourism accolades bestowed upon the philippines in 2023, as led by the department of tourism.


2023 proved to be a remarkable year for Philippine tourism, surpassing the target international visitor arrivals and reaching the five-million mark before year-end. Under the leadership of the Department of Tourism, the country earned numerous accolades from prestigious travel institutions, including the World Travel Awards 2023 (WTA) held at Burj Al Arab in Dubai, UAE, in December.

The Philippines was honored with the inaugural Global Tourism Resilience Award, acknowledging the country's demonstration of “global leadership, pioneering vision, and innovation to overcome critical challenges and adversity.” Being one of just five countries acknowledged for this award, the Philippines sets the standard for best practices in tourism resilience.

In addition to this significant recognition, the Philippines was once again honored as the World's Leading Dive Destination, World's Leading Beach Destination, and World's Leading City Destination for Manila City. 


Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco expressed joy over these accolades, stating, “We are elated and grateful that Philippine tourism continues to soar to global prominence with tourists declaring their love for the Philippines as the undisputed World’s Leading Beach Destination and World’s Leading Dive Destination, and now World’s Leading City Destination, Manila.”

Frasco continued, “Receiving the Global Tourism Resilience Award is also especially meaningful as this is an affirmation of all the hard work done in the past year to strengthen the pillars of tourism development through convergence and collaboration toward the tourism transformation envisioned by our President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. These accolades are as much a source of Filipino pride as they are a testament to the enormous contribution of tourism to the Philippine economy and global standing.”


“With these remarkable triumphs, the Philippines reinforces its position as an unparalleled destination, inviting travelers to explore our captivating shores, vibrant underwater realms, and dynamic urban landscapes as they immerse in our culture and heritage, and create unforgettable memories with the distinct grace and hospitality of the Filipino people. We express our profound gratitude to all who have contributed to this success and we continue to dedicate our wholehearted support to all our tourism stakeholders,” the tourism chief added.

Condé Nast Traveler Top Readers’ Choice Awards cited Boracay as the third top island destination in Asia, while Palawan, and Siargao ranked sixth and tenth, respectively. Meanwhile, TripZilla, the prominent digital travel company in Southeast Asia, bestowed the Destination of the Year Award upon the Philippines, recognizing the country not only for its popular tourist destinations but also for its hidden gems and under-the-radar spots. Also, the Sustainability Leader of the Year for Asia title was given to the Tourism Promotions Board (TPB), an agency affiliated with the DOT entrusted with marketing and promotions.

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DOT underscores Mindanao's vital role in PH's tourism growth

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Apipa Bagumbaran

  • by Apipa Bagumbaran
  • May. 2, 2024 12:04 pm in News

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY (PIA) -- Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco reiterated Mindanao's significance in the country's tourism transformation.

Frasco highlighted during her address at the second Mindanao Tourism Expo (MTEx) Mindanao's rich biodiversity and vibrant culture, citing it as a source of national pride for the Filipinos.

Acknowledging the region's vast potential, she stated that upon assuming the role of Department of Tourism secretary, one of her initial priorities was the opening, promotion, and development of Mindanao.

Frasco emphasized that MTEx is a flagship program of the Marcos administration that recognizes the massive potential of Mindanao. The expo, which showcased the diverse tourist attractions of Mindanao, ran from April 26 to 28 in Cagayan de Oro City. It was hosted by the DOT- Northern Mindanao.

She said the MTEX ​is crucial in realizing the president's tourism vision and positioning the Philippines as Asia's next tourism powerhouse. 

"Naa dinhi sa Mindanao ang susi sa kalamboan sa atong turismo. Tungod kay atong nakita nga bisag asang dapit ka moadto sa Mindanao, dili gyud mabangbang, pagkanindot sa inyong lugar, pagkalami sa inyong pagkaon, pagkanindot sa inyong kultura, ug pinakaimportante sa tanan, ang atong mga kaigsoonan dinhi sa Mindanao—in you is reflected the best asset of Philippine tourism," Frasco emphasized.

(Because we have seen that no matter where you go in Mindanao, you cannot deny the beauty of your place, the deliciousness of your food, the richness of your culture, and most importantly, the warmth and hospitality of its people.)

Frasco also stressed that the MTEx is more than just an exhibition; it includes additional features such as business-to-consumer and business-to-business interactions, as well as post-familiarization tours, so that stakeholders and visitors will spread the word that Mindanao is fully prepared for tourism.

"While we continue to promote our award-winning and well-known destinations, we ensure that no one is left behind in the development of tourism in the Philippines, which is precisely why we have founded the Mindanao Tourism Expo to provide opportunities for our destinations in this region and, as well, to open the eyes of the Philippines to the beauty of Mindanao," she said.

social tourism in the philippines

The Secretary further elaborated that within the framework of the National Tourism Development Plan of the Marcos administration, the DOT has pinpointed key focus areas for development. These include infrastructure, connectivity, digitalization, enhancement of the overall tourism experience, and strengthening tourism governance.  She stressed that this entails collaborative efforts between the national government, local government, and private tourism stakeholders.

Specific to the goals of tourism development in Mindanao, Frasco highlighted the implementation of various infrastructure projects aimed at both attracting tourists and enhancing their experience for repeat visits. Among these projects is the establishment of tourist rest areas (TRAs). The first TRA in Mindanao was established in Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, followed by another in Samal Island, Davao del Norte.

"We are very happy to announce that this year and in the succeeding years, we plan to construct tourist rest areas all over the Philippines, including other areas here in Mindanao," Frasco added.

Frasco also announced that local government units (LGUs) in Mindanao, such as Isabela City in Basilan, Davao City in Davao del Sur, Samal Island and Tagum City in Davao del Norte, and San Agustin in Surigao del Sur, were recently awarded financial grants under the Tourism Champions Challenge program. This nationwide campaign incentivizes LGUs with proposed tourism infrastructure projects that prioritize sustainability, inclusivity, and resilience. (APB, PIA Region 10)

About the Author

social tourism in the philippines

Apipa Bagumbaran

Assistant Regional Head

Pie is a Certified Public Accountant but despite her accounting background, she has carved a niche for herself within the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), holding key positions such as Deputy Regional Head for PIA Northern Mindanao and Provincial Manager for PIA Lanao del Sur. She also assumed as the Manager for the PIA Information Command Center from 2020 to 2022, where she provided essential information management and strategic communications support to Task Force Bangon Marawi. Pie likewise served as the Host Media Liaison Officer (HMLO) for Brunei Darussalam during the 2015 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit and HMLO for Malaysia during the 30th ASEAN Summit in 2017.

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DFA to require Chinese tourists to present insurance certificate

M ANILA, Philippines — The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) will now require Chinese tourists applying for a visa to submit their social insurance certificate for easier verification and stop undesirable aliens from entering the Philippines.

DFA Undersecretary for Consular Affairs Jesus Domingo said this is one of the measures that the government adopted to ensure that visas are issued to legitimate tourists.

Domingo said overstaying aliens, mostly Chinese whose work visas as POGO (Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators) workers have lapsed, have reached "thousands."

But he declined to give exact figures since this matter is being handled by the security sector.

"The proof of social insurance is a way to verify their identity and it is easy to check," Domingo said in a press briefing.

He raised the need to adopt such security measures "given the discovery of fraudulently obtained passports and visas resulting in the illicit entry and overstaying of foreigner nationals leading to peace and order and criminality problems."

"To remedy this we're looking at the best practices by other foreign embassies in China such as Japan, South Korea, US (United States), and UK (United Kingdom)," Domingo said.

They also require applicants to "submit" a social insurance certificate similar to a social security number "which is easier to verify," he said.

Domingo said the DFA "is hard at work in ensuring that we plug the gaps in our systems in partnership with other agencies in government and concerned stakeholders."

"So the challenges are being addressed. We.are cognizant of the need to boost our tourism and investment for market potentials from China and India and at the same time balance our national security concerns," he added. "We will continue to require proof of financial capacity with bank statements. But we will be vigilant in scrutinizing bank statements."



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