How Queen Elizabeth II and Barack Obama formed a special relationship that trumped royal protocol

  • Queen Elizabeth II and Barack Obama had the strongest of friendships.
  • The Queen asked if he could come back to England even when his presidency was over, said a royal author
  • The former president recalled a surprise invite to Buckingham Palace, where she let his daughters ride in one of her carriages. 

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In her 70 years on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II met 13 US presidents . But there was one that she took a special shine to. 

In his book " Kensington Palace: An Intimate Memoir from Queen Mary to Meghan Markle ," author Tom Quinn wrote, "after meeting Barack Obama who she completely fell in love with – she has frequently asked her courtiers if they could arrange for him to come to Britain now he is no longer president."

Over their eight years spent in the White House, Barack and Michelle Obama visited Buckingham Palace three times.

The pair got off to a great start when President Obama gave the Queen a gift when he met her for the first time in April 2009 when Obama touched down in the UK for the G20 summit.

At the Inbound conference in Boston , Obama reminisced that the present for the Queen was an eyebrow-raiser. 

"When you meet with leaders, you exchange gifts. You never want to be out-gifted! I wanted her actually to be able to use the gift. She loved British Broadway Showtunes, and the iPod had just come out. I thought, let's get an iPod and fill it with British show tunes. The British tabloids thought it was entirely inappropriate, but I think she used it quite a bit," the former President said.

It set the tone for a relationship that would transcend the rigid parameters of the protocol which Queen often would forgo royal protocol and focus on deepening and enjoying their relationship.

Obama recalled another touching and revealing anecdote about the Queen at the Inbound Conference. During his second year in office, his two daughters and his mother-in-law made a trip to London.

There was no plan to visit the Queen, but they unexpectedly received an invitation to tea at Buckingham Palace. 

"And so, I've got Malia, who at that point is eleven, Sasha who is eight, and my mother-in-law, who was a stay-at-home mom and a secretary for a bank--who lived on the south side of Chicago her whole life, sitting there with the Queen of England. And then she insists that the girls take her golden carriage, which I guess she uses for jubilees, on a long drive through the Palace grounds."

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Obama said the Queen was genuine and gracious. "None of this was ever reported. It was just something that she did quietly," the former president said. 

And writing in her book Becoming, Michelle Obama recalled an intimate encounter with the Queen during their final state visit to England in 2016. 

The plan was to fly by helicopter from the US ambassador's residence in London to Windsor Castle, one of the Queen's residences. From there, Prince Philip and the Queen were going to meet them on the estate, and then Philip would drive them all back to Buckingham Palace. 

This event was significant, not just because of the passengers of the car, but because this would have been one of the only times the Obamas drove without secret service agents. As such, the journey was planned to the finest of detail. 

The Queen, however, did not want to go with that well-made plan and asked Michelle Obama if she would like to ride with her in her Land Rover. 

Obama wrote: "I froze, trying to remember if anyone had prepped me for this scenario, whether it was more polite to go along with it or to insist that Barack take his proper seat by her side.

"The Queen immediately picked up on my hesitation. And was having none of it.

"'Did they give you some rule about this?' she said, dismissing all the fuss with a wave of her hand. 'That's rubbish. Sit wherever you want.'"

The close relationship between the monarch and the Obama family didn't mean that the Queen wouldn't assert her own needs, however. 

Former Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said the Queen once asked him at a state banquet to tell then-President Obama to leave because it was late and she wanted to go to bed.

Indeed, in a tribute to the Queen filmed for the BBC , the 44th President confirmed the monarch was a straight-talker. "She was from very mindful of her guests at Buckingham Palace not overstaying their welcome. She was looking at her watch and at some point said, 'ok, it's time to go,'" he laughingly recalled.

Upon hearing the news of the death of the Queen, President Obama and the former First Lady said , "Like so many, Michelle and I are grateful to have witnessed Her Majesty's dedicated leadership, and we are awed by her legacy of tireless, dignified public service. Our thoughts are with her family and the people of the United Kingdom at this difficult time."

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How the Queen broke royal protocol for Michelle Obama during Buckingham Palace visit

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The Queen met with countless heads of state, politicians, musicians and movie stars during her time on the throne, spanning 70 years.

In the days before her death , on September 8, she famously met with new UK Prime Minister Liz Truss at Balmoral, following Boris Johnson ’s exit from Downing Street.

However, her meeting with former US President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, may go down in history after the monarch appeared to break royal protocol for the encounter.

Her Majesty welcomed the Obamas to Buckingham Palace on a state visit in 2009, when the Becoming author reached in for a hug.

Touching the Royal is normally thought to be forbidden, but formalities were dismissed as the pair put their arms around each other for the brief embrace.

The Queen’s dressmaker, Angela Kelly, recalled the incident in her 2019 book, The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe, explaining that they felt ‘instant and mutual warmth’, meaning protocol was not followed.

The Queen with Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Prince Philip

‘There are certain things that are understood to be accepted protocol when it comes to interacting with Her Majesty,’ she penned. ‘Supposedly, you should never put your arm around the Queen, for example, but when human instincts kick in, sometimes this is absolutely the appropriate thing to do.

‘The Queen has the ability to make everyone feel so relaxed that sometimes it feels instinctive to be tactile with her, just as Michelle Obama demonstrated during the State Visit with her husband, President Obama, in 2009.

‘Much has been made about the meeting between Michelle and Her Majesty, when an instant and mutual warmth was shared between these two remarkable women, and protocol was seemingly ‘abandoned’ as they stood closely with their arms around each other’s backs.

The Queen with Barack Obama, Michelle Obama

‘In reality, it was a natural instinct for the Queen to show affection and respect for another great woman, and really there is no protocol that must be adhered to. When fondness is felt or the host of a State Visit goes to guide Her Majesty up some steps, it truly is about human kindness, and this is something the Queen will always welcome warmly. Anyone who is close to Her Majesty is not a threat and is certainly trusted.’

Obama also reflected on the moment in the pages of her 2018 memoir, Becoming, explaining that she acted in a ‘human’ way on the visit.

‘If I hadn’t done the proper thing at Buckingham Palace, I had at least done the human thing,’ she wrote. 

The Queen

‘I daresay that the Queen was okay with it, too, because when I touched her, she only pulled closer, resting a gloved hand lightly on the small of my back.’

Buckingham Palace confirmed the Queen’s death yesterday, hours after fears for her health were made public.

In a short statement shared at 6.30pm, a spokesperson said: ‘The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.

‘The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow.’

Like so many of you, Michelle and I are grateful to have witnessed Her Majesty’s dedicated leadership, and we are awed by her legacy of tireless, dignified public service. Our thoughts are with her family and the people of the United Kingdom at this difficult time. — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) September 8, 2022

The Obamas were among those paying tribute to Her Majesty after news of her death emerged.

Sharing a lengthy joint message, the former President and First Lady spoke of how she ‘captivated the world’ throughout her reign.

‘Her Majesty was just 25 years old when she took on the enormous task of helming one of the world’s great democracies,’ it read. ‘In the decades that followed, she would go on to make the role of Queen her own – with a reign defined by grace, elegance, and a tireless work ethic, defying the odds and expectations placed on women of her generation.

‘Through periods of prosperity and stagnation – from the moon landing, to the fall of the Berlin Wall, to the dawn of the digital age – she served as a beacon of hope and stability for the people of the United Kingdom and the world.

‘Michelle and I were lucky enough to come to know her Majesty, and she meant a great deal to us. Back when we were just beginning to navigate life as President and First Lady, she welcomed us to the world stage with open arms and extraordinary generosity.’

‘Time and again, we were struck by her warmth, the way she put people at ease, and how she brought her considerable humor and charm to moments of great pomp and circumstance,’ they added.

‘Like so many, Michelle and I are grateful to have witnessed Her Majesty’s dedicated leadership, and we are awed by her legacy of tireless, dignified public service. Out thoughts are with her family and the people of the United Kingdom at this difficult time.’

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Here’s How Every Meeting Between the Queen and a U.S. President Went

G iven Queen Elizabeth II’s record as the world’s longest-reigning monarch before her death on Sept. 8, she had met a huge number of world leaders. Notably she met 13 of the 14 U.S. presidents who have held office since her coronation in 1952—all except Lyndon B. Johnson, who only made state visits to Asia during his time in office.

The most recent U.S. president to visit the U.K. and meet Queen Elizabeth II was President Biden, in June 2021. President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden met the Queen at Windsor Castle where they had afternoon tea at the end of the G7 leaders’ summit.

The Queen also met President Donald Trump in 2019 at Buckingham Palace where he was also hosted for a state dinner during an official state visit to Britain. There were protests in several cities condemning the U.K.’s red-carpet treatment of the controversial president.

Below, a timeline of what happened during the Queen’s previous meetings with American leaders.

Harry Truman – October 31, 1951

Harry Truman And Elizabeth In Automobile

Elizabeth was not yet queen when, at the age of 25, the princess first met an American president. Harry Truman and his wife Bess hosted Elizabeth and Prince Philip on a two-day visit to Washington D.C. Acting on behalf of her father King George VI, who was gravely ill at the time, Elizabeth gave Truman an ornate 18th-century ‘over mantle’ to hang above a fireplace in the White House, as Pathé newsreel from the time shows. The president said that, while he had received many guests in Washington, “never before have we had such a wonderful young couple, who have so completely captured the hearts of all of us.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower – October 17, 1957

First Couples

Four years after she was crowned, Queen Elizabeth made her first state visit to the U.S., midway through Dwight D. Eisenhower’s two terms as president. The visit came during the Cold War—a crucial time for the U.S.-U.K alliance. British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was also in town for urgent talks with the American leadership. The Queen, though, found time for more lighthearted events, as chronicled by LIFE Magazine , including a state dinner, a visit to Jamestown, Va.—site of the first British settlement in America—and her first American college football game. She also met former President Herbert Hoover at New York’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Two years later Elizabeth hosted Eisenhower at Balmoral.

John F. Kennedy – June 15, 1961

The Kennedys With The Queen

Half a million people turned out to greet President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline when they arrived in London for a visit in 1961, just a few months after Kennedy’s inauguration. Netflix series The Crown recreated the visit in its second season, making much of the First Lady’s alleged criticisms of the Queen’s old-fashioned style. The royals hosted the Kennedys at a lavish state dinner at Buckingham Palace and the President later wrote to the Queen saying he would “always cherish the memory of that delightful evening.”

Richard Nixon – February 15, 1969

Politics - President Richard Nixon UK Visit - London

The Queen had already met Nixon in 1957 when he was Vice President under Eisenhower. But their first meeting as two heads of state took place in 1969 when Nixon made an informal visit to the U.K., shortly after taking office. The Queen and Prince Philip hosted him at Buckingham Palace and exchanged signed photos of themselves, while a television crew captured the occasion for a documentary called the Royal Family, broadcast later that year.

Gerald Ford – July 17, 1976

Gerald Ford (1913-2006) 38th President of the United States 1974-1977, dancing with Queen Elizabeth II at the ball at the White House, Washington, during the 1976 Bicentennial Celebrations of the Declaration of Independence.

Shortly after the 200th anniversary of America’s declaration of independence from Britain , the Queen came to Washington to celebrate the continuing relationship between the two countries with a state dinner hosted by Gerald Ford and his wife Betty. The pair shared a dance and the President promised the Queen , “the United States [has] never forgotten its British heritage.” First Lady Betty Ford later wrote in her memoir that “the Queen was easy to deal with” and “If I hadn’t kept mixing up Your Highness and Your Majesty (he’s His Highness, she’s Her Majesty) I’d give myself four stars for the way that visit went off.”

Jimmy Carter – May 7, 1977

Politics - World Leaders at Buckingham Palace, London

A year after her visit for the American Independence Bicentennial, the Queen hosted President Jimmy Carter at Buckingham Palace for a dinner with other heads of state during a NATO summit. Carter famously broke royal protocol by kissing the Queen Mother on the lips. She was apparently mortified , saying “Nobody has done that since my husband died.”

Ronald Reagan – June 7, 1982

Queen And President

In 1982, traveling with his wife Nancy, Ronald Reagan became the first American president to stay overnight at Windsor Castle—which Trump is set to visit after spending the night at the U.S. ambassador’s home in central London. It was the first of three trips the Reagans made to see the Queen in the U.K., and she also visited their ranch near Santa Barbara, Ca., in 1983. Reagan wrote in his memoir that the 1982 trip was a “fairytale visit” and one of the most “fun” moments of his presidency. He said the highlight was horseback riding with Elizabeth while Nancy and Philip rode in a horse-drawn carriage. “I must admit, the Queen is quite an accomplished horsewoman,” he wrote.

George H.W. Bush – June 1, 1989

Elizabeth II [& Husband] [RF: England RF];Elizabeth II [& Husband] [RF: England RF];Philip [RF: England RF];Philip [RF: England RF];George H. W. Bush [& Wife]

George H.W. Bush first met the Queen in 1989 in London. During the visit, Bush also met Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who, he wrote disparagingly in his memoir , gave him “a lecture on freedom.” Elizabeth, meanwhile, took the Bushes on a tour of Buckingham Palace . The Queen reciprocated the visit with a trip to Washington two years later.

Bill Clinton – June 4, 1994

US President Bill Clinton and Britain's

President Clinton made several visits to the U.K. during his presidency, in part because of his involvement in the peace process in Northern Ireland. He first met the Queen at a banquet honoring the 50th anniversary of World War II’s D-Day in the city of Portsmouth, southern England. Six years later the Queen hosted Bill, Hilary and Chelsea at Buckingham Palace for tea.

George W. Bush – November 21, 2003

President Bush Attends Banquet At Buckingham Palace

George W. Bush first met the Queen over lunch at Buckingham Palace during a six-day European tour in 2001 and in 2003 became the first U.S. president to make an official state visit to the U.K . It was the Queen’s most controversial meeting with an American president—until Trump. To coincide with Bush’s visit in November, around 100,000 people took to the streets to protest the Iraq War , reportedly costing the U.K. millions in security spending during the three-day visit. The demonstration culminated with protesters toppling an effigy of Bush, recalling scenes of the fall of Saddam Hussein’s statue in Baghdad six months earlier. George and Laura Bush were treated to a 41-gun salute and later attended a state banquet at Buckingham Palace.

Barack Obama – May 24, 2011

BESTPIX  US President Barack Obama Visits The UK - Day One

Barack and Michelle Obama met Elizabeth and Philip on a state visit in 2011. The Obamas presented her with a set of memorabilia and photographs from her parents’ trip to the U.S. in 1939. In return, she gave them a collection of letters exchanged between previous monarchs and U.S. presidents. Looking at the letters relating to the American Revolution, Obama joked, “That was only a temporary blip in the relationship.” The Obamas met the Queen twice more and on her 90th birthday the president said , “She is truly one of my favorite people.”

Donald Trump – July 13, 2018 and June 3, 2019

The President Of The United States And Mrs Trump Meet HM Queen

President Trump first met the Queen on an official visit in 2018, when they had tea at Windsor Castle. He largely avoided London, where tens of thousands of protesters turned out to criticize his rhetoric and policy on issues including migration, gender and LGBTQ rights.

On his 2019 visit, the President and first Lady spent more time with the Royals than they did the year before — though once again there were protests in a number of parts of the country. They flew by helicopter to Buckingham Palace and were greeted by the Queen, Prince Charles and Camila Parker-Bowles. The couple shook hands with the Queen before heading inside for a private lunch.

U.S. President Trump's State Visit To UK - Day One

President Trump and First Lady Melania also dined with the royals and some 170 guests with ties to the U.S. in the grand ballroom of Buckingham Palace. Outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May attended the dinner but leaders of the U.K.’s main opposition parties — Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn and the Liberal Democrats’ Vince Cable — declined to attend.

Joe Biden – June 13, 2021

President Biden met the Queen at Windsor Castle along with First Lady Jill Biden. Their visit included a Guard of Honor and afternoon tea with the Queen. Their visit was at the end of the G7 Summit in Cornwall. The President and First Lady also met the Queen a few days earlier at a reception for G7 leaders.

President Biden said they had spoken about Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping. He also said that he told her she reminded him of his mother.

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Obamas join royalty, stars at Queen's state dinner

May 24, 2011 / 5:12 PM EDT / CBS/AP

(CBS/AP) LONDON - President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama wrapped up their first day in London with an elegant state banquet at Buckingham Palace, as guests of Queen Elizabeth II.

The first lady wore a white gown by American designer Tom Ford, which she paired with white gloves and long drop earrings. Mr. Obama donned a tuxedo with a white bow tie and an American flag pin on his lapel.

Pictures: Dinner at Buckingham Palace Pictures: Obamas get royal welcome A peek inside Buckingham Palace

The evening's 171-person guest list includes members of the royal family, celebrities and other dignitaries, including Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Prime Minister David Cameron, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, former Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, Labor Party leader Ed Miliband, Richard Branson, Mayor of London Boris Johnson, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, actors Kristin Chenoweth, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, director Tim Burton, actress Helena Bonham-Carter, and actor Kevin Spacey.

The china used at the gala reportedly dates as far back as 1787. Some were made for Queen Victoria, (sweet plates in 1876) while other pieces are a bit older (green sevre- soft paste porcelain made for Louis XVI in the 1790s).

Guests will dine on a menu that includes new season lamb, roasted potatoes and a vanilla charlotte, along with a variety of wines (scroll down for the full menu).

Seated at the president's table are Mrs. Obama, the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, The Duchess of Cornwall, Clinton and Cameron, with the monarch and Mr. Obama at the head of the U-shaped table.

The queen opened the dinner by recalling fond memories of her earlier meetings with the Obamas.

She added that the U.S. and Britain in most cases see world problems in the same light, and that the U.S.-U.K relationship is - in her words - "tried, tested and, yes, special."

Mr. Obama is only the second U.S. president to be accorded a state visit in Britain during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, according to Buckingham Palace. Although most previous presidents have visited England and met the queen, a number of features are required by British protocol in order for the trip to be considered a state visit. George W. Bush is the only previous U.S. president to be accorded a state visit, the palace said.

Here is the full banquet menu for the dinner:

Paupiette de Sole et Cresson Sauce Nantua

Agneau de la Nouvelle Saison de Windsor au Basilic Courgettes et Radis Sautees Panache d'Haricots Verts Pommes Boulangere Salade

Charlotte à la Vanille et Cerises Griottes Fruits de Dessert

Les Vins Ridgeview Cuvée Merret Fitzrovia Rose 2004 Chablis Grand Cru Les Clos 2004 (Domaine William Fevre) Echezeaux Grand Cru 1990 (Domaine de la Romanée-Conti) Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin, Vintage Rich 2002 Royal Vintage Port 1963

Dinner at the Palace

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Darlene Superville, Associated Press Darlene Superville, Associated Press

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Obama’s royal holiday: Lunch with queen, dinner with princes

LONDON — Most people send a card, call, or post on Facebook for someone’s birthday, but President Barack Obama went the extra mile on Friday — thousands of miles, actually — to deliver 90th birthday greetings to Queen Elizabeth II over lunch at Windsor Castle.

Britain’s oldest and longest-serving monarch celebrated her birthday a day earlier, the same day Obama arrived in the evening for what likely is the final visit here of his presidency. So the two heads of state sat down for an only slightly belated birthday lunch at the castle, west of London.

Obama’s wife, Michelle, flew in from Washington to attend the royal engagements. The queen’s husband, Prince Philip, was on hand as well.

The queen put a scarf over her head and came out in a light, drizzling rain to greet the president and first lady as their helicopter landed on the lush green lawn outside the castle. The couples shook hands warmly before hopping into a black Range Rover, driven by Philip, to head back to the castle. Obama sat in front with Philip, the queen and the first lady in the back seat.

A few minutes later, the queen led the four into a sitting room with a roaring fire, and asked the president where he’d like to sit. The four posed for pictures before the private lunch. The queen was dressed in a light blue suit; the first lady wore an Oscar de la Renta print dress and a black Narciso Rodriguez coat.

Later, Obama planned to have dinner with Prince William, his wife Kate and brother Prince Harry at the younger royals’ Kensington Palace home in central London. William is second in line to inherit the British throne after his father, Prince Charles.

Obama was breaking up his royal holiday with a stop at 10 Downing St. for talks with Prime Minister David Cameron about the multinational campaign against the Islamic State group, as well as counterterrorism efforts, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, the global economy, Russia’s stance toward Ukraine and other issues

Political issues in the United Kingdom and the U.S., including Britain’s possible exit from the European Union, or Brexit, are on the agenda, along with the U.S. presidential campaign that will determine Obama’s successor.

Cameron is leading the campaign in favor of Britain’s continued membership in the 28-nation EU, which Obama also supports. He wants Obama to speak out against severing ties, but voters will have the final say in a June 23 referendum. Cameron faces opposition from within his own Conservative government and widespread skepticism among voters about the benefits of staying in the EU. Backers of those who support Britain’s exit, meanwhile, have accused Obama of hypocrisy and interference.

In an opinion piece published online Thursday by the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Obama urges Britons to stay in the EU. He notes the decision will affect U.S. interests and says “The U.S. and the world need your outsized influence to continue – including within Europe.”

Another issue that could come up is Obama’s criticism of Cameron in an interview published recently in The Atlantic magazine. In the article, Obama faulted Cameron and other European allies for shortcomings in their handling of Libya after the 2011 toppling of leader Moammar Gadhafi. Obama said Cameron had become “distracted” by other issues.

Libya has since descended into chaos and become a haven for members of the Islamic State group.

Obama’s lunch with the queen is the latest in a series of engagements between the two families since he took office in 2009.

“Each time, the president has come away with an even deeper personal affection for her,” said Obama spokesman Josh Earnest. “She is an important symbol of a country with whom the United States has a special relationship. But she also is a human being whose charisma and a sense of nobility and honor is something that I think people around the world are attracted to.”

Obama described the queen as “delightful” following their first meeting in 2009. He also told an aide that she reminded him of his grandmother.

That meeting is also where the queen and the much-taller Mrs. Obama showed how quickly they took a liking to each other by briefly standing arm in arm at a Buckingham Palace reception for world leaders attending an economic summit in London. The queen strayed from protocol by wrapping an arm around the first lady, who reciprocated.

A palace spokesman at the time described the scene at the ladies’ first meeting as a “mutual and spontaneous display of affection.”

The queen subsequently hosted Obama for a state visit in May 2011, during which the president and first lady slept at the palace. Obama and the queen also met in June 2014 during ceremonies marking the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, France.

Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, and William and Harry, have all visited Obama in the Oval Office.

Harry, a military veteran who served in Afghanistan, joined Mrs. Obama for a White House event in 2013. In 2015, they met at a U.S. military base to highlight their shared interest in the needs of military families and wounded service members. She and daughters Malia and Sasha also sipped tea with Harry at Kensington Palace when the first lady stopped in London last year.

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Dinner for 171! The Queen treats the Obamas to a state banquet... and invites a few of their Hollywood friends

By Jessica Satherley Updated: 07:11 EDT, 25 May 2011

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After a long day of public appearances, President Obama and his wife Michelle were treated to a state banquet at Buckingham Palace, hosted by the Queen.

The star-studded banquet saw 171 guests arrive, including Tom Hanks, Kevin Spacey and Tim Burton, who dined on lamb, potatoes boulangere and vanilla charlotte.

Also at Her Majesty’s banquet in honour of the Obamas were David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Boris Johnson.

Cheers! The Queen toasts the Obama's visit before they sit down to a dinner of lamb, roast potatoes and vanilla Charlotte

Cheers! The Queen toasts the Obamas before they sit down to a dinner of lamb, roast potatoes and vanilla Charlotte


Paupiette de Sole et Gresson, sauce Nantua (sole with crayfish sauce)

Agneau de la Nouvelle Saison de Windsor au Basilic (new Windsor lamb)

Courgettes et radis sautees; panache d'haricots verts; pommes boulangere, salade

Charlotte a la vanille et cerises griottes, fruits de dessert

Ridgeview Cuvée Merret Fitzrovia Rosé 2004 Chablis Grand Cru Les Clos 2004 (Domaine William Fèvre) Echézeaux Grand Cru 1990 (Domaine de la Romanée-Conti) Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin, Vintage Rich 2002 Royal Vintage Port 1963

Former Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown also attended, as did Ed Miliband, Richard Branson and Helena Bonham Carter.

Hollywood actor Hanks sat next to Ffion Hague, the wife of the Foreign Secretary, while Kevin Spacey was beside Sophie, the Countess of Wessex – wife of Prince Edward.


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Michelle Obama wore a full-length white Tom Ford gown, complete with white evening gloves and a tiny jewelled clutch purse, with her hair swept into a bun. The Queen was in a silk crepe evening gown with an embroidered Swarovski crystal motif on the bodice. She wore it with the Vladimir diamond and pearl tiara .

As the Queen welcomed the Obamas, she said: ‘Today the U.S. remains our most important ally. But our relationship goes far beyond our military ties.’

She celebrated the special relationship between the U.S. and Great Britain and highlighted their ‘shared history, common language and strong intellectual and cultural links’, during her welcome speech.

Her Majesty said she had ‘fond memories’ of first meeting the Obamas in 2009 at the G20 conference in London.

The lavish dinner was held in the palace ballroom, where the Prince of Wales hosted the private meal for 300 on the evening of the Royal Wedding.

Dinner for 171: The lavish banquet, hosted by the Queen, was to honour the Obamas' state visit, and the President and First Lady posed here with the royal couple before the meal

Dinner for 171: The lavish banquet, hosted by the Queen, was to honour the Obamas' state visit, and the President and First Lady posed here with the royal couple before the meal

Ladies in white: Both Michelle Obama and the Queen opted for long white gowns on the special occassion, but luckily weren't wearing the same dress

Ladies in white: Both Michelle Obama and the Queen wore white for the state occasion, but luckily weren't wearing the same dress

Welcome speech: Her Majesty said she had 'fond memories' of first meeting the Obamas in 2009 at the G20 conference in London

Welcome speech: Her Majesty said she had 'fond memories' of first meeting the Obamas in 2009 at the G20 conference in London

Earlier in the day the Obamas had visited Number Ten after laying a wreath on the tomb of an unknown soldier at Westminster Abbey.

It is the couple’s first state visit to Britain and they are guests at Buckingham Palace.

They arrived last night after their visit to Ireland and are staying in the luxurious Belgian Suite, the traditional rooms for a visiting head of state and also where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge spent their first night as a married couple.

Despite not attending the Royal Wedding last month, the President and his wife met Prince William and his new bride yesterday and spoke for around 15 minutes with the newly-weds.

On the Obamas' arrival, they were greeted with a 41-gun salute alongside The Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

Hail to the Chief: Barack Obama leads the Queen, Prince Philip and his wife Michelle into the music room at Buckingham Palace

Hail to the Chief: Barack Obama leads the Queen, Prince Philip and his wife Michelle into the music room at Buckingham Palace

Lavish: The Queen, at the head of the U-shaped tables, welcomes the Obamas to the banquet. It was held in the Palace ballroom, where the Prince of Wales hosted the private meal for 300 on the evening of the Royal Wedding

Lavish: The Queen, at the head of the U-shaped tables, welcomes the Obamas to the banquet. It was held in the Palace ballroom, where the Prince of Wales hosted the private meal for 300 on the evening of the Royal Wedding

Solemn moment: The Duchess of Cornwall, the President, the Queen and Prince Philip, stand for the anthem

Solemn moment: The Duchess of Cornwall, the President, the Queen and Prince Philip, stand for the anthem

Down to business: After the glamour of the state banquet David Cameron greets Barack Obama at Downing Street today for a serious discussion

Now for the serious stuff: After the glamour of the state banquet David Cameron greets Barack Obama at Downing Street today for talks

Obama and Cameron inside No 10

Obviously not that serious..  President Obama grins widely with the Prime Minister and then roars with laughter at deputy leader Nick Clegg

Tom Hanks and his wife Rita leave their hotel on the way to Buckingham Palace

Off to the palace: Tom Hanks and his wife Rita leave their hotel on their way to the banquet. Right, the party's over. London Mayor Boris Johnson with his wife Marina eschew the customary chauffeur-driven car and set off home on foot

Kevin Spacey leaves the banquet last night

After the ball... Kevin Spacey, left, who was seated next to Sophie, Countess of Wessex during the banquet and right, Helena Bonham Carter and her partner Tim Burton

Nick Clegg and his wife leaving the banquet

All smiles for Nick Clegg and wife Miriam Gonzalez Durantez, left, and right, a rather glum Lord Coe. The guests had dined on new Windsor lamb, potatoes and vanilla charlotte

Richard Branson and his wife Joan

End of a good night: Richard Branson and wife Joan, left, set off home and right, an unusually happy Princess Anne

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The official state arrival and state dinner: a q&a with the white house curator, watch the president and the first lady welcome the italian prime minister to the state dinner: .

Today, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will host their 14th and final Official State Visit and State Dinner in honor of Prime Minister Renzi of Italy, and his wife Mrs. Agnese Landini. As Chief Curator at the White House since 2002, my job is to oversee the art and décor in the White House, which plays an important role in welcoming heads of state from across the globe. While I've led these efforts for 14 years, I've actually served in the curator's office under seven different administrations, so I've seen this event evolve over the years. 

State Dinners are beautiful expressions of friendship and diplomacy, but their history is not necessary well known. So I thought I'd answer a few questions that Americans may have about Official Visits and State Dinners over the years, and what you can expect to see at the last one for the Obamas. 

So here’s a deeper dive into the history behind today’s event: 

Why are the President and the First Lady hosting Italy for their last official visit? 

For President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, this visit is an opportunity to recognize the depth and breadth of our relationship with Italy and exchange views on the future of Europe. As the President has said, Italy is one of our closest allies, and we cooperate across a range of shared interests, from addressing climate change and the global refugee crisis to promoting global security and inclusive economic growth. 

Watch the Official State Arrival here: 

When did the tradition of state visits first begin at the White House? 

Today we understand a state dinner to be when the president entertains a counterpart leader of another nation, usually at a gala evening at the White House. But such diplomatic travel was rare prior to World War II. In the 19th century there were three “state dinners” held by the president in an official or “state” capacity each winter  --  one for the diplomatic corps (the on-site representatives of other countries), one for the Cabinet, and one the Supreme Court. 

State Dinner for the President Houphouet-Boigny of the Ivory Coast. L-R, President and Madame Houphouet-Boigny, President and Mrs. Kennedy at the Grand Staircase. 5/22/62.

Sometimes visiting members of royal families were asked to similar formal dinners, for example the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, in 1860, the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia in 1877, and Princess Eulalia of Spain in 1893. The first actual head of state to visit was David Kalakaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands, received by President and Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant in 1874. State dinners were much smaller then than they are now. Until 1902, a smaller State Dining Room was oriented east-west, with a fireplace at each end. A large dinner could be served at an I-shaped table seating 40-50 people. 

U-shaped table at old State Dinners

In 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt had a formal dinner for the brother of the Kaiser of Germany, held in the East Room to accommodate the large number of guests, all of them men. The Prince thought himself so above Americans that the German ambassador suggested he should walk into the dinner first and alone, but President Roosevelt responded, “no person living precedes the President of the United States in the White House.”

Today, State Dinners are held in the State Dining Room, with entertainment to follow in the East Room. 

Has President Obama made any notable changes to these traditions? 

This Administration's dinners have had a great variety of settings from 2009 to 2011: India in 2009 in a tent; Mexico in 2010 with dinner in the East Room and dessert and entertainment in a tent; China in 2011 with dinner in three rooms (State Dining Room, Red Room, and Blue Room) and entertainment in the East Room; and Germany in 2011 in the Rose Garden without a tent. Since then, dinners have either been held in the East Room with entertainment in the State Dining Room (South Korea in 2011, Japan in 2015, China in 2015, Canada in 2016, Singapore in 2016) or dinner and entertainment in a tent (Great Britain in 2012, France in 2014, Nordic in 2016, Italy in 2016).

he First Lady speaks during the State Dinner in honor of Chancellor Merkel in the Rose Garden. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

The First Lady hosting tea for the visiting first lady has evolved, at least this Administration, into more unique "spousal events." Recently, the First Lady traveled with the spouses of Nordic leaders to the Renwick Gallery to see the "WONDER" exhibition. She perused the National Gallery with the wife of Singapore’s Prime Minister, and will take a tour of the White House Kitchen Garden with Mrs. Landini.  

Mrs. Obama and Mr. Sindre Finnes of Norway look at an exhibit during a tour of the Renwick Gallery with Nordic leaders’ spouses. (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)

Any memorable moments from past visits and dinners? 

One of the most famous state visits was for King George VI of Great Britain in 1939. This visit preceded the tradition of receiving the foreign the leader at a “state arrival” at the White House. Instead, the King and Queen, arriving from Canada by train, were met by President and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt at Union Station, and then proceeded to the White House in a military parade witnessed by half a million people. There was a grand dinner at the White House. Although the King toasted to friendship in a world of peace, two months later World War II broke out in Europe. That state visit was more famous, however, for a follow-up picnic at the Roosevelts' home at Hyde Park, New York, where the King and Queen were offered hotdogs.

For the state dinner for the President of Sudan in 1961, Mrs. Kennedy invited the teenaged daughters of Vice President Lyndon Johnson because she thought they would enjoy the after-dinner entertainment by the American Shakespeare Festival Theater. The girls telephoned to be sure there was no mistake, since they were only 17 and 14, but Mrs. Kennedy assured them she wanted them there. Mrs. Johnson, however, told them to avoid the wines.

Not every state dinner has gone off without a hitch.

In 1927, at a dinner for the President of Cuba given by President and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, a guest managed to break through the caning of the dining table chair, so that when he stood up, the chair remained stuck to his posterior.

In 1976 to honor the bicentennial of the American Revolution, a dinner for Queen Elizabeth II was given by President and Mrs. Gerald Ford in a tent in the Rose Garden (the first Rose Garden dinner had been held in 1964 by President and Mrs. Lyndon Johnson). But most of the Residence staff rushed outside during an afternoon thunderstorm to hold down the tent ropes. 

In 1991, the absence of a step left Queen Elizabeth II without the proper elevation for the state arrival podium, resulting in her being called "the talking hat."

And in 1994, at a Rose Garden dinner for the Emperor of Japan, one important dinner guest failed to arrive, so the social secretary recruited a last second replacement. I was that very nervous stand-in. 

What can we expect to see during this visit? 

The President and First Lady will welcome the Italian Prime Minister and his wife in an Official Visit Ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House. Both Prime Minister Renzi and President Obama will offer brief remarks and then proceed into the White House for a bilateral meeting before holding a press conference with both U.S. and Italian reporters.

In the evening, the Prime Minister and Mrs. Landini will return to the White House where they will enjoy a dinner in a tent on the South Lawn. That’s where guests will see how the White House has weaved Italian influence into the art, décor, and entertainment. 

How has the White House reflected Italian culture in tonight’s dinner? 

Decor at the Italian State Dinner

For music, there have certainly been musical performers -- guests or military ensembles -- since Truman. Tonight, guests will be welcomed with an a capella performance by students from Rosie’s Theater Kids. Following dinner, the White House will host a musical performance by three-time Grammy Award winner Gwen Stefani.   

And of course, the food. This time around, White House Executive Chef Cris Comerford and White House Executive Pastry Chef Susan Morrison collaborated with guest Chef Mario Batali  --  a world-renowned chef and restaurateur who spent three years training in a small Northern Italian village. The courses will feature traditional Italian dishes that have been ingrained in American cuisine. You can see the menu here .

Which state visit will you most remember under this Administration?

I will most remember the Nordic dinner because, after helping curate the White House for decades, I finally got to attend as an invited guest. It was unusual dinner for having five nations -- one head of state and four chiefs of government, and it was held in a tent outside.

You can take a look back at all the Official State Visits under the Obama administration here, thanks to my colleague Chief White House Photographer Pete Souza. 

Bill Allman is the Chief Curator of the White House. 

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Did Queen Elizabeth Wear a Brooch Gifted by President Obama While Meeting President Trump?

Theories about the symbolism behind the monarch's fashion choices are founded on assumptions that collapse when tested., dan macguill, published july 19, 2018.


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President Donald Trump's short trip to the United Kingdom in July 2018 was accompanied by by protests, political intrigue, and typically intense scrutiny of his demeanor and actions , in particular during his meeting with Queen Elizabeth on 13 July.

One theory to emerge after the visit was that the Queen had issued a coded, symbolic rebuke to Trump by wearing a brooch that had been gifted to her by Trump's predecessor, former U.S. president Barack Obama.

The Huffington Post asked, for example, "Did Queen Elizabeth, the 92-year-old monarch of the United Kingdom, throw some subtle shade at President Donald Trump during his recent U.K. visit?" explaining that:

It’s a popular theory that social media users are peddling this week, citing the royal’s interesting brooch choices as evidence. Last Thursday, the day Trump landed in Britain, the Queen was spotted wearing a brooch that was reportedly gifted to her in 2011 by then-President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. The pin, a vintage piece made from 14-karat yellow gold, diamonds and moss agate, is known as the American State Visit Brooch.

Vanity Fair elaborated on that subject as follows:

The brooch she wore to meet Trump on Friday is the palm-leaf brooch, which the Queen Mother wore at the state funeral for King George VI. The brooch is pictured in the “Three Queens in Mourning” photograph...The brooches the Queen wore on the days adjacent to the Trump meeting are also included as part of the “theory,” since Trump was visiting the U.K. on both of those days, as well. On Thursday, she wore the brooch gifted to her by Barack and Michelle Obama in 2011 ... And on Saturday, she wore the sapphire brooch that was a gift from the Canadian people in 2017. As the theory goes, the choice to wear brooches from two of Trump’s slew of “enemies” — the Obamas and Canada — were intended to annoy the president, as well.

The New York Post ran with the misleading headline "Queen Elizabeth Wore Gift from Obama During Trump Meeting," which the article itself quickly contradicted by explaining that the Queen had worn the "Obama brooch" on the day Trump arrived in the UK, but the "George VI" brooch during her actual meeting with the U.S. First Couple.

So headlines such as the New York Post 's and the Daily Caller 's, stating that Elizabeth II wore a brooch gifted by the Obamas during her meeting with the Trumps, are false.

More broadly, we can't intuit the motivations behind the British monarch's fashion choices either in general or in these specific cases. The entire "brooch theory" is based on the premise that Queen Elizabeth personally doesn't like President Trump and is tacitly signaling her dislike to the public, but no concrete evidence supports that assumption.

With that theory in mind, we're going to briefly examine the items worn by Queen Elizabeth on the three days of President Trump's visit to the U.K. and scrutinize the stated rationale behind the " brooch warfare " theory.

Queen Elizabeth's jewelry choices are regularly tracked on a blog called "From Her Majesty's Jewel Vault," and the brooch theory was most prominently expounded and promoted on Twitter by a user with the handle SamuraiKnitter.

Day One -- 12 July 2018

Trump arrived in the U.K. but did not meet Queen Elizabeth. At Windsor Castle, the Queen hosted the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and Ahmad al-Tayeb, a leading Sunni Muslim cleric and High Imam of al-Azhar in Egypt.

According to "From Her Majesty's Jewel Vault ," on that day Queen Elizabeth wore a brooch given to her by the Obamas during their visit to the U.K. in May 2011. The Obamas purchased the item from the Tiny Jewel Box in Washington D.C., whose website describes it as "a vintage American-made brooch from 1950 — with 14-karat yellow gold, diamonds and moss agate."

Queen Elizabeth was seen wearing that brooch during a dinner hosted by the Obamas at the U.S. Embassy in London on 25 May 2011:

Below is a photograph of the Queen's visit with Welby and al-Tayeb on 12 July 2018. The image is not entirely clear, but Her Majesty does appear to be wearing that same brooch:

It was an honour for myself and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar to be received by Her Majesty The Queen at Windsor Castle today. #GrandImamUK (Photo: @PAImages ) — Archbishop of Canterbury (@JustinWelby) July 12, 2018

It's possible that Queen Elizabeth chose to wear that particular brooch as a rebuke to President Trump, but we've seen nothing other than supposition that would support such a claim.

Some awkwardness surrounded the initial announcement that U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May had invited President Trump, who is relatively unpopular in the U.K., to visit that country, so the Royal Family could possibly have had a reason to be put out by his trip. Queen Elizabeth also once made an off-hand joke in which she likened the sound of a hovering helicopter to both Trump and Obama. Nonetheless, these facts do not provide evidence of how President Trump is viewed by Queen Elizabeth, who is famous for keeping her personal feelings and political beliefs closely guarded.

It is at least equally plausible that she simply decided to wear green jewelry to match the green on her dress; or that if her choice of brooch were in any influenced by Trump's visit, she simply chose to mark the occasion of the U.S. president's arrival in the U.K. with a piece of jewelry given to her by the last person to occupy that office.

Day Two -- 13 July 2018

Queen Elizabeth met with Donald and Melania Trump at Windsor Castle. The Queen wore a palm leaf brooch that she inherited from Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, upon her death in 2002, as "From Her Majesty's Jewel Vault" pointed out :

The purported rationale behind the theory that this choice also represented a rebuke to the U.S. president was laid out on Twitter by SamuraiKnitter:

Jewel watchers nearly died, because it is the brooch worn in the famous "Three Queens in Mourning" photo, worn by the Queen Mum. [Queen Elizabeth] rolled up to tea with the tRUmps wearing the brooch her mother wore to her father's STATE FUNERAL.

The photograph in question shows Elizabeth II (soon to be crowned), her grandmother Mary of Teck, and her mother Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother), attending the funeral of Elizabeth II's father, King George VI, in 1952.

The implication here appears to be that Queen Elizabeth, by wearing the same brooch in meeting President Trump that her mother wore to her father's funeral, was symbolically marking the occasion as one of sadness and mourning.

This theory might have made some sense if these were the only two occasions upon which the brooch was worn, but that is not the case. In fact, according to the blog whose information forms the basis of the "brooch theory," Queen Elizabeth II has worn the "palm leaf brooch" on at least 27 other occasions, and it is one of her favorite pieces of jewelry.

If one claims that Queen Elizabeth were engaging in a symbolic protest or expressing profound sadness by wearing the brooch to her meeting with Trump, one must also explain how she was symbolically protesting or expressing profound sadness at the Chelsea Flower Show in 2010 , or in a meeting with Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto in 2015 , or on an official visit to Canada in 2010 . Which brings us to the third part of the theory.

Day Three -- 14 July 2018

This day President Trump played golf at the Turnberry resort in Scotland, which he owns. Queen Elizabeth II hosted the King and Queen of Belgium at Windsor Castle, and for that occasion she wore a sapphire brooch which Canada's Governor General David Johnston gifted to her in July 2017:

I was pleased to present the Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch to Her Majesty The Queen to mark 65 years of her reign. — GGJuliePayette (@GGJuliePayette) July 19, 2017

Queen Elizabeth can be seen wearing the brooch at Windsor Castle in July 2018, below:

Bezoek aan Hare Majesteit Queen Elizabeth II in Windsor Castle @RoyalFamily — Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) July 14, 2018

SamuraiKnitter's explanation as to how Elizabeth again signaled President Trump as he golfed in Scotland, while she met her Belgian counterparts in Windsor, was again laid out in a series of tweets :

It's called the Sapphire Jubillee Brooch, and it was given to the Queen of England as a gift for ruling for eleventy billion (okay, 65) [years]. From Canada. You know, who Trump's been screaming about and insulting. The commonwealth country and one of the UK's greatest allies. Them.

The logic here is that by choosing to wear a brooch given to her by Canada's Governor-General, on a day when President Trump was still physically present in the U.K., Elizabeth II (who is Queen of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries, not merely England, as SamuraiKnitter falsely stated) was expressing solidarity with Canada as a sideways dig at the U.S. president, who has recently been strongly critical of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

This might be true, or the Queen might simply have chosen a sapphire brooch to match the blue color in her dress, or picked that particular brooch because it had been almost exactly a year since she was presented with it.

The second strand to the theory is that Queen Elizabeth may have deployed an ironic subversion of the term "snowflake," a derogatory word typically used online by right-wing commentators to describe liberal adversaries, by choosing a piece of jewelry called the Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch.

SamuraiKnitter outlined this second part of the theory in another series of tweets :

If [Queen Elizabeth] knew the snowflake term, it's absolutely why this brooch was chosen. It's never been worn before and she has always before this worn a diamond maple leaf given to her...I can't possibly begin to guess what the Queen was thinking, but the facts as I know them are thus: 1. [Queen Elizabeth] has a brooch very heavily associated with Canada to the point it really is a signal flag. 2. She did not wear it. 3. She wore a jewel that she had never worn before. 4. That [sic] in the shape of a snowflake, sorta. 5. That was referred to as a snowflake somewhere in the press release about it. 6. [Queen Elizabeth] has amply proven she is a master of brooch warfare.

This argument is a good example of circular reasoning. SamuraiKnitter claims it is noteworthy that, given that Queen Elizabeth wanted to express solidarity with Canada, she did not choose to wear the maple leaf brooch she typically opts for on occasions associated with Canada, so her choice of a different brooch must have had added significance.

However, no evidence suggests Queen Elizabeth was attempting to make any statement relating to Canada in the first place. Once other (arguably far more plausible) explanations for her choice are advanced -- such as the brooch's sapphires matching the blue of her dress, for example -- it cannot be accepted as a given that her choice of the Jubilee Brooch had anything to do with Canada.

Therefore, there is no reason to think that the choice of an unprecedented Canada-related brooch, in particular, has any further symbolic significance, and the "snowflake" theory falls down as no more than wild speculation based on very shaky logical premises.

This is the case even if one accepts that Queen Elizabeth is familiar with the connotations of the term "snowflake" and that any expression of solidarity with Canada must necessarily be an oblique attack upon President Trump -- two more assumptions that stretch credulity.

Queen Elizabeth's brooch choices over the three days of President Trump's visit can easily, and much more plausibly, be explained by other factors, and accepting or speculating that she was engaging in a weekend-long rebuke to the U.S. president requires the acceptance of assumptions that are simply not supported by concrete evidence.

Order of Splendor.   "The Maple Leaf Brooch."   From Her Majesty's Jewel Vault .   6 June 2012. 

Mosbergen, Dominique.   "Queen Elizabeth May Have Shown Some Subtle Shade at Trump During His U.K. Visit."     Huffington Post .   18 July 2018. 

Duboff, Josh.   "Did the Queen's Brooch Send a Secret Message About Donald Trump?"     Vanity Fair .   17 July 2018. 

Lapin, Tamar.   "Queen Elizabeth Wore Gift from Obama During Trump Meeting."     The New York Post .   18 July 2018.

Cohen, Julia.   "The Queen of England Wore the Brooch Obama Gave Her When She Met Trump."     The Daily Caller .  18 July 2018.

Forani, Jonathan.   "Did the Queen Commit 'Brooch Warfare' During Trump Visit?"     CTV News .   17 July 2018. 

Order of Splendor.   "Audience at Windsor Castle."     From Her Majesty's Jewel Vault .   12 July 2018. 

YouGov .   "YouGov Survey Results (RE: Donald Trump) -- Fieldwork 29-30 January 2018."     6 February 2018. 

Selwyn-Holmes, Alex.   "Three Queens in Mourning."     Iconic Photos .   21 April 2010. 

Order of Splendor.   "The Queen Mother's Palm Leaf Brooch."     From Her Majesty's Jewel Vault .   11 July 2012. 

Brooks, Libby.   "Thousands Protest Across Scotland as Trump Plays Golf."     The Guardian .   14 July 2018. 

Bilefsky, Dan and Catherine Porter.   "Trump's 'Bully' Attack on Trudeau Outrages Canadians."     The New York Times .   10 June 2018. 

By Dan MacGuill

Dan Mac Guill is a former writer for Snopes.

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