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Hakuna Matata Experience


Connecting Brazil with Africa 

Exploring is a journey of self-discovery, an opportunity to reshape perspectives, and absorb valuable lessons. At Hakuna Matata Experience , we believe that every trip is a chance to transcend boundaries and embrace new ways of understanding. We value connection through diversity, seeking to find similarities where others see differences. Our philosophy is driven by the conviction that action precedes transformation. As we venture forth, we not only expand our horizons but also cultivate the ability to positively impact our environment. We are committed to ongoing support for local communities and the responsible practice of tourism, guided by the pillars of integrity, cultural respect, and transparency. By choosing to travel with us, you not only enjoy authentic experiences but also indirectly contribute to the development and preservation of the areas we explore. At Hakuna Matata Experience , each journey is an opportunity to inspire positive change, an experience that transcends the ordinary and celebrates the extraordinary.

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16th to 27th of june, check it out, 11 dias e 10 noites.


Tanzania e Zanzibar

16th to 27th of june , 10 nights / 11 days.



12th to 23th of august, 11 days and 10 nights.

CKGR (30).png

16 th to 27th of June (confirmed)

8 days and 7 nights.



12 days / 11 nights.

Manta_01©Mark Stickler.jpg

Small Groups

To provide authentic and personalized experiences, we opt for small group travel. Here, you are not just a customer, but rather a valued friend in this global community seeking authentic experiences, away from conventional tourist routes. By traveling with us, you become part of a journey that exceeds expectations, embracing the spirit of discovery and camaraderie.

Travel with Responsability

During our journeys abroad, we exclusively choose local operators and guides, a choice that reflects our commitment to supporting and empowering local communities. Our goal is not only to provide enriching experiences to our travelers but also to ensure that our activities have a positive and sustainable impact on the regions we explore.

Be part of our Community

Our goal is to create a team of protectors for culture, plants, and animals. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we rarely stop to think about the challenges our planet faces. We believe that by connecting with nature, we become guardians and preservers of the environment with the mission of leaving this amazing planet a better place for future generations.

Taylor-Made Experiences

Our focus is on offering itineraries and experiences that stray from traditional mass tourism routes. We aim to create memories that will last forever in your hearts because life shouldn't be just about work, agree?

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Social  Responsability

Our primary mission is to promote sustainable tourism, acting as a vital support for local communities in their pursuit of social and economic development. The Lea Mathare Foundation, located in Nairobi (Kenya), is a partner of Hakuna Matata Experience and therefore the focus of our social responsibility efforts.


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During a brief visit to Brazil in January 2023, Gabriel had the opportunity to chat with Igor from the Modo Mato podcast. It was a super enjoyable conversation about reflection, transformation, and privilege.

Hero MotoCorp is a multinational Indian motorcycle manufacturer and a partner in adventures across Africa.

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The island of Zanzibar: Hakuna Matata, paradise exists!

You are currently viewing The island of Zanzibar: Hakuna Matata, paradise exists!

  • Post author: eloiseontheroad
  • Post published: March 26, 2023
  • Post category: Travel inspiration / Travel stories
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

I got the chance to discover Zanzibar in the fall of 2017 while I was working on the crew for a French-language Canadian reality TV series. Having few expectations for this place, I could only be extraordinarily surprised…

While this destination doesn’t get discounted often, it happens from time to time; so it’s worth checking out Flytrippers’ flight deals page!

My visit to Zanzibar

As assistant director and production coordinator of the travel team for the Occupation Double TV show, I had the chance to travel the globe during the shooting. I traveled to 9 countries on 4 continents in less than 3 months and literally went around the world.

hakuna matata travel

Many places surprised, dazzled, and charmed me. But my favorite place was the final destination, Zanzibar, Tanzania.

I knew about Zanzibar because as an avid Queen fan, I knew it was the birthplace of singer Freddie Mercury — there is the Freddie Mercury Museum .

hakuna matata travel

I knew that Zanzibar is an archipelago off the African continent, located in the Indian Ocean. And that’s about as much as I knew! There is a lot more to say about this place.

I and my colleagues Jérôme and Caroline landed in one of the most dilapidated airports I have ever visited. Broken tiles fall from the walls, luggage scales are antiques, and the fees to enter the country vary depending on the customs officer’s mood.

Hakuna Matata

Welcome to Stone Town! A charming town, where tiny cobblestone streets wind through a worn metropolis, with a colonial feel that is scented with Indian spices and salty air.

The Africans sell us local handicrafts, colorful clothes, jewelry, paintings, and travel souvenirs. They always have that big beaming smile and regularly throw their now famous expression: Hakuna Matata! Which means exactly what we learned in The Lion King! “No problem, no worries” in Swahili.

Hakuna Matata is more than just a phrase; it’s a way of life. Over there, we feel that people don’t worry about the little things. You have to learn to live at the African rhythm. I would have liked not to be on the run, in work mode, to appreciate the richness of the Tanzanian people.

hakuna matata travel

Paradise exists

After a few days, we headed to another island, Pemba. Pemba is Paradise. Don’t look any further. It exists; only it is remote.

You must first fly to Zanzibar’s airport (ZNZ) to arrive in Zanzibar. Then you will have to fly to Pemba’s airport (PMA) in a small Cessna plane, possibly dating back to World War II, without air conditioning, where you will have the vague but unpleasant feeling of suffocating during the 30 minutes of flight.

Then you will have to drive on a dirt road for almost 2 hours through villages of children running behind the car shouting “Jambo” before arriving at The Manta Resort , which is located on the northwestern tip of the island.

The Manta Resort is a beautiful place. The cheerful, smiling staff is a big part of its charm, but the setting is really what makes the long drive there worth it. The rooms on the hillside overlook a white sand beach and an unreal, almost phosphorescent turquoise sea.

The Indian Ocean was one of those places I had always wanted to see, and it did not disappoint.

hakuna matata travel

There is this famous underwater room where the show’s participants had the chance to sleep for 2 nights (it goes for US$1400/night if you are interested!).

We shot a whole afternoon in this floating room, or aquatic paradise, and then Jérôme and I had a delicious romantic dinner delivered to our room that night. One of the first and last in 9 weeks of shooting! Huge windows allowed us to admire the infinitely starry African sky from the comfort of our nest.

hakuna matata travel

The next day, a trip on the water awaited us. Sitting on the edge of the boat with Caroline — the sound recordist — and Rachel, our “fixer” (our local ally for production), who were ecstatic, we only had eyes for the color of the water.

I’ve seen some heavenly places in my life; I’ve explored the Caribbean and the beautiful Gulf of Mexico, I’ve swum in the deserted waters of the Coron Islands in the Philippines, and I’ve admired all the shades of blue of the ocean. Or so I thought…

But that blue near the white sandbanks that only appear at low tide was so mesmerizing that I ended up jumping into the water while the boat was still running. I have never wanted to swim so much in my life!

hakuna matata travel

Then we walked to the ephemeral beach, popped the sparkling wine, and toasted to this last day of shooting, after 9 weeks of living in planes, time differences on top of time differences, experiencing the whole range of emotions from the most pleasant to the most painful, it was magical to take these few minutes to live this moment.

We continued to sail, on the typical Zanzibar one-sail boat, the ngalawa, to contemplate the sunset that transformed the turquoise ocean into a burning pool of liquid fire.

hakuna matata travel

The present moment, or impermanence in Buddhist philosophy, is a difficult concept to grasp, and what I love about traveling is that it allows you to assimilate it more.

I savored every second of these moments, stayed on the beach, returned from the ngalawa, and bathed until the fire died down. I thanked the creator for all these gifts, and today I wanted to share this discovery of Tanzania with you.

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I am not done with this country rich in smiles and happiness. I will come back there. And I sincerely wish you will go there too. Hakuna Matata!

What would you like to know about Zanzibar? Tell us in the comments below.

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Featured image: Sailing boat in Zanzibar (photo credit: Jérôme Hof)

Original publication date: March 29, 2018

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Hakuna Matata: What to expect on an African Safari

Posted by ITKT Featured Writer | Apr 27, 2018 | Africa , Spotlight | 0 |

Hakuna Matata: What to expect on an African Safari

Wild Trees Over Mountains – CCO License

Most of us experience the wilderness of Africa through the movies and some through stories. We often see people on t.v. Going on African tours and seeing the wildlife firsthand. We also see the animals that they often interact with on their tours.

A lot of people think that African tours are expensive and dangerous. It's like your paying other people to endanger you. However, the experience and the cost is well worth it because it's safe and not necessarily expensive. People who think that way should reconsider and think about going to the savannas of Africa .

If you're convinced of going to the wildlands, you might want to know beforehand about the things you might experience there. Continue reading below to have a look.

You Don't Need a Lot of Things

When you first arrive in the heart of the wildlands in Africa, you might notice that you don't need a lot of things to enjoy the trip. Wear appropriate clothes such as neutral colored cotton shirts and other clothing that will help you keep cool during the heat of the trip. Don't wear attractive colors as you'll want to observe the wildlife, not attract them.

Mosquito repellents are particularly useful because there are a lot of mosquitoes in the bushes and tall grass that your tour group will traverse. You might notice that a lot of people bring in safari hats just for looking cool. However, you'll soon realize that safari hats are more than just for looks, it'll help protect you from the extreme heat.

Depending on the rules of your tour guide, a camera with bright flashes may be prohibited because it can scare off some animals during the trip. You can visit sites like www.dealwiki.net to get a look at more items you can bring along your vacation.

A Surname Sunrise – CCO License

T.V. might tell you that the tours you see are done in the afternoons. This perception might lead you to think that it's okay to oversleep during your trip. The reality is that Safari tours and camps usually start in the early hours of the morning. The reason why they wake up early is to catch a glimpse of the animals that are nocturnal which are just making their way up to rest.

Another reason why guides like to be early is that they want the tour group to enjoy the day. Although there are groups that offer night tours, most tour guides prefer the safety of the day because of predatory animals being more active at night.

The Bush is Where You do Business

Since you'll be out in the wild for most of the day, ladies and gentlemen don't have the luxury of going to a proper comfort room. This reality means that you'll pee and poo in the bush. Adding to the list of to-bring-items is a hand sanitizer, wet wipes, and tissue paper.

Don't forget to bring a resealable plastic bag to store all your wastes. It's a big no to leave trash in the bushes.

Animals, Animals, and more Animals

3 Gray Elephants – CCO License

The animals you'll see on a safari are quite wild and exciting to look. A lot of times, you'll find yourself from a few feet away from huge animals like elephants and hippos. Sometimes, you'll need binoculars to see rare birds perched on faraway branches.

It's an exhilarating experience, especially if you get to see the actual animals in their natural habitat doing their natural behavior. You might get to see a lion stalk their prey which some may find uncomfortable. A good thing to remember is that your tour guides will provide safety guidelines for you to follow.

For any reason, do not get out of your vehicle without supervision. Do not try to get near or touch an animal. Most accidents during tours occur when a tourist blatantly breaks safety protocols just to feel or get an up-close look at the wildlife.

Cell Phone Signals on Safaris

Some of you might ask about wifi and cellular coverage on safari trips. The answer to that is most camps have wifi via satellite in case you need to check your emails and want to be online. However, when you're out in the savannah, tour guides will require you to turn off your mobile phones.

Loud noises coming from mobile phones spook away animals. Even a loud voice from a boisterous tourist is enough to drive away deer, lions, and other animals in the wild.

Watching animals on National Geographic and Discovery Channel might be a good watch, but experiencing a wildlife safari firsthand is more exciting. Follow the safety rules provided by your tour guides and enjoy the trip.

Written by: Cynthia Crane Cynthia Crane is a writer and blogger who loves travelling to unique places around the world. She often writes about her experiences during her travels and is very particular with exotic cuisines that her destination offers. When not writing, Cynthia stays at home to relax and enjoy quality time with family.   For more ITKT travel stories about Africa

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Hakuna Matata Group Tours

Student Group Travel Specialist

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Our Background

We are a family-based company, located in Clermont, Florida. Our President Marcia, has over 28 years of experience within the industry. We are well-versed in the fun and rigors of group travel planning. We started with a vision to help groups of all sizes, experience their dream trips. As we all have a dream and our team is here to make yours come true.

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We can handle it!

We can handle any size and type of group.   We have helped Performance, Educational, College, Church, Sports Teams and other types of groups travel to many destinations.  Whether you're looking for a cruise, plane tickets, accommodations, or the whole package, we have you covered! Simply let us know where you want to go and we'll help you figure out the rest. 

Satisfaction Guaranteed

While working with us, we want you to be completely happy with the experience. If you have questions about us, our services, or even travel tips, get in touch! We hope you continue to book with us for many years to come. 

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Hakuna Matata Lodge

Lodge & Surroundings

Hakuna Matata Lodge Canoe Ride

Lodge Rooms

Hakuna Matata Lodge Alternate Twin Room 2

Wildlife & Activities

Hakuna Matata Lodge Amazon Discovery

  • You are here:
  • Amazon Rainforest Lodges
  • Room ceiling fan
  • Hot showers
  • Unlimited drinking water
  • Bathroom toiletries
  • WiFi (in restaurant only)
  • Sustainable green practices
  • Power & electricity
  • Pool in premises

Comfort Grading - 3

Standard accommodation in rustic spacious huts with mosquito netting. Individual bedding for solo guests, or private rooms for paired guests. Common lounge & dining area, rooms carrying their own private bathrooms. Toiletries and gear like boots or rain ponchos vary per lodge as inclusions. Limited electricity, & outlets on common areas with a set schedule for charging electronics

Program Grading - 4

Programs in deep primary rainforest, these include remote locations with land and river transportation required to reach lodges. Activities feature hikes in pristine rain forest, caiman watching, kayaking, river swimming among others. Guests will be able to observe a large variety of birds, monkeys, reptiles, medicinal plants & visit local communities where available.

Location Grading - 3

Lodges found in the region of Tena, amazon territory known as secondary rainforest found in the outskirts of primary rainforest. Tena is conveniently located 3 hours away from Quito, and lodges are easily reached with land transport.

Diverse Accommodation Options

Tailored experiences for every traveler, a sustainable paradise, a tranquil and mosquito-free haven, warm amazonian hospitality, embrace “hakuna matata” – no worries, just joy, committed to sustainable tourism, a platform for learning and conservation, supporting indigenous communities, itineraries & rates 2024, hakuna classic.

Hakuna Classic

  • Cabin Twin $458
  • Lodge Twin $477
  • Supreme Twin $510

Single Guest

  • Cabin Single $729
  • Lodge Single $760
  • Supreme Single $812

Hakuna Explorer

Hakuna Explorer

Hakuna Adventure

Hakuna Adventure

Hakuna Family

Hakuna Family

Dates, Offers & Availability

Your flexible booking options, your options if plans change.

At Hakuna Matata Lodge, we understand that travel plans can change unexpectedly. To ensure a seamless experience for our guests, we have developed a comprehensive cancellation policy. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully:

Cancellation Charges:

  • Cancellation made 90 days or more prior to the arrival date: Full refund of the initial deposit, eligible as credit for future travel. 
  • Cancellation made 89 to 61 days prior to the arrival date: Full refund of the initial deposit, minus an administrative fee of $50 per person.
  • Cancellation made 60 to 16 days prior to the arrival date: 25% of the total booking amount will be charged as a cancellation fee.
  • Cancellation made 15 to 8 days prior to the arrival date: 50% of the total booking amount will be charged as a cancellation fee.
  • Cancellation made 7 days or less prior to the arrival date, or no-shows: 100% of the total booking amount will be charged as a cancellation fee.

Date Changes:

  • Allowed up to 60 day prior to departure. 
  • Changes requested under 30 days are subject to a 15% penalty fee.
  • Date changes are subject to availability. 

By making a reservation at Hakuna Matata Lodge, guests acknowledge and agree to comply with the aforementioned cancellation policy. We recommend that guests consider purchasing travel insurance to protect themselves against unforeseen circumstances that may lead to cancellation or interruption of their trip.

We understand these are uncertain times and want to make sure you feel confident about your options if your plans change.

Credit for Future Tours

If you’re uncertain about when you’ll be able to travel in the future, you can convert your existing payments to credit. This way you won’t lose any of your money to potential cancellation fees. We’ll keep your money safe, and you’ll be able to book your tour when you’re ready. You can read the full policy around Credit for Future Tours.

Date Changes

This operator allows date changes to be made within their Credit for Future Tours policy.


If there’s no other option than to cancel, we’d like to make sure you’re aware of the potential fees involved. The overview below shows this tour’s cancellation fees depending on how far ahead of the departure date you cancel.

Up to 90 days before departure

Up to 89 days before departure, up to 60 days before departure, up to 15 days before departure, up to 7 days before departure.

Credit for Future Travel

Credit for Future Travel

Date Changes

Cancellation Policy

0 dates found on our database.

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Hakuna Matata Lodge Inclusions & Exclusions

Hakuna matata general details.

Cabin Twin

Room Information

  • Comfort: Superior
  • Immersion: Secondary Rainforest
  • Capacity: 2 guests
  • Cabin Type: Double or twin beds

Lodge Twin

Supreme Twin

Cabin Single

Cabin Single

  • Capacity: 1 guest
  • Cabin Type: 1 Double Bed

Lodge Single

Lodge Single

Supreme Single

Supreme Single

Lodge technical details.

  • City to Arrive: Tena
  • Capacity: 36 guests
  • Rooms: 14 rooms
  • Rooms Type: twin/double/triples/quads
  • Rooming: Private rooms only
  • Sharing: N/A
  • Access: Public or private transport
  • Enter or Exit: Any day of the week
  • Immersion: Secondary rainforest
  • Location: Tena (Napo)
  • Community: N/A
  • Park / Reserve: Bosque protector colonso

Facilities & Services

  • Certified bilingual local guides
  • Changes on the go
  • Customize Itineraries
  • First aid kit
  • Fresh towels
  • Green Policies
  • Hammocks in premises
  • Prebuilt itinerary by local experts
  • Private bathrooms
  • Private guidance
  • Private transportation
  • Restaurant in premises
  • Rubber boots
  • Scenic lounge areas
  • Water & coffee station

Transport Details

  • Airline Inbound: -
  • Airline Outbound: -
  • Inbound Time: -
  • Outbound Time: -
  • Travel Time: -
  • Route: Quito - Tena - Quito
  • Bus Inbound: Public or private
  • Bus Outbound: Public or private
  • Inbound Time: Departs approx every 2 hours
  • Outbound Time: Departs approx every 2 hours
  • Travel Time: 4 hours per way
  • Rate: $10 per way, public transport

Children Policies

  • Children Allowed: Yes
  • Minimum Age: N/A
  • Maximum Age: 11 years, 11 months
  • Free Stay: 0 to 3 years
  • Child Discount: 4 to 7 years 50%, 8 to 11, 25% off
  • Restrictions: None, available year round

Surcharges & Notices

  • Tips for guide & staff
  • Bar purchases
  • Personal expenses
  • $50 per group for english speaking guide
  • Departures every day of the week
  • Programs are subject to change
  • Rates are subject to change
  • Exterior meals & drinks not allowed

Customers Reviews 0 Reviews

  • Overall Rating Excellent 5.0
  • Itinerary Excellent 5.0
  • Guide Excellent 5.0
  • Transport Excellent 5.0
  • Accommodation Excellent 5.0
  • Food Excellent 5.0
  • Staff Members Excellent 5.0

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When To Climb?

  • Kilimanjaro in January
  • Kilimanjaro in February
  • Kilimanjaro in March
  • Kilimanjaro in April
  • Kilimanjaro in May
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  • Kilimanjaro in September
  • Kilimanjaro in October
  • Kilimanjaro in November
  • Kilimanjaro in December

Before You Climb

  • 6 Days Machame
  • 6 Days Marangu
  • 6 Days Rongai
  • 7 Days Machame
  • 8 Days Lemosho

Which Route ?

  • Pre-Climb Training
  • Altitude Acclimatisation
  • Medical Checks
  • Kilimanjaro Packing List
  • Visa & Passport
  • Vaccinations
  • Healty And Safety

On Kilimanjaro

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  • Kilimanjaro Zones
  • Daily Schedule
  • Tents & Huts
  • Trail Conditions
  • Public and Private Toilets
  • Your Accommodation Before & After
  • Our Kilimanjaro Staff

Health & Safety

  • On Trek Health & Safety
  • Safety Precautions
  • Prevent Altitude Sickness
  • Treat Altitude Sickness
  • Daily Health Check
  • Rescue and Evacuation

Kilimanjaro FAQ’s

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Where To Go To Tanzania

  • West Kilimanjaro
  • Dar es Salaam
  • Arusha National Park
  • Gombe Stream National Park
  • Katavi National Park
  • Lake Manyara National Park
  • Mahale Mountains National Park
  • Mikumi National Park
  • Mkomazi National Park
  • Nyerere National Park
  • Ruaha National Park
  • Rubondo Island National Park
  • Saadani National Park
  • Serengeti National Park
  • Tarangire National Park
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Tanzania Visa Requirement

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When is the best time to climb kilimanjaro.

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  • Kilimanjaro

Hakuna Matata Tanzania Safari - 3 Days

1 night in Arusha, 1 night on Safari |  Private Tour |  Comfort Plus  |  SPCP2


  • Tour Introduction

Tour Overview

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Accommodation, tour summary.

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  • +255 754 400 141


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Life-changing: that is what we want our safaris to be, and this short trip is no exception. Visitors are amazed by the variety of Lake Manyara’s birdlife, astounded by its dramatic escarpment, while words cannot adequately describe the wonder that is Ngorongoro. A huge volcanic crater filled with wildlife? Hard to imagine, but thanks to this trip, a reality that will come true.

Put your trust in our safe and super-knowledgeable driver-guides. No-one knows the wildlife routines better: where and when the animals like to drink, to eat and where the predators like to hunt. Prepare yourself for extraordinary experiences.

From multi-coloured, seemingly unlimited species of birdlife to herds of lumbering but majestic elephant, from prowling lions to wallowing hippo, all set in the extraordinary, unique landscapes of Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro, this tour provides guests with breath-taking, awe-inspiring moments. One minute, you’ll marvel at the grace of a grazing giraffe, then perhaps be entranced by herds of wildebeest and zebra. And in Ngorongoro, do keep a lookout for the rare black rhino.


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  • Day 1 – Arrival Day: Kilimanjaro International Airport – Arusha
  • Day 2 – Arusha – Lake Manyara – Ngorongoro
  • Day 3 –Ngorongoro Crater – Kilimanjaro International Airport


Tour Itinerary

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You can leave all the hustle and bustle of Arusha city behind you to find this relaxing hotel close to Lake Duluti. Theb Arusha Serena Hotel is actually in the middle of a traditional coffee estate, surrounded by lush and well-kept gardens, making this a great home-from-home in which to stay at the beginning or end of any Tanzanian adventure. The accommodation units here are spacious, self-contained and well-appointed, ensuring that you have a peaceful visit.

An excellent restaurant and welcoming bar provide refreshments during your stay and a dedicated hotel team will tend to your every need.

  • Meal Plan Dinner at your hotel.

Tanzania - zanzibar beach - hakuna matata tanzania safari

Ngorongoro Serena Lodge enjoys a truly special location, perched high up on the crater rim. The incredible views down and across the famous crater will surely stay with you forever.

Despite offering all the modern amenities you would expect from a high-class safari lodge, the buildings here blend beautifully into the surroundings as if they have been here for as long as the crater itself. Spacious rooms all benefit from views down into the animal-filled crater from their verandas and are decorated with tasteful African touches.

Enjoy great international cuisine in the dining-room, or a ‘sundowner’ drink while marvelling at the natural wonder that defines Ngorongoro.

  • Meal Plan Breakfast is enjoyed at Arusha Serena Hotel. Lunch will be a nutritious and balanced meal, also provided by the hotel for you to take out on safari. Your dinner will be delicious buffet meal at the Ngorongoro Serena Lodge.

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From our safari camp, we set off after breakfast, a 6am departure to reach the rim and then descend into the vast crater itself. At one side there’s the Lerai Forest, classic mountain forest landscape with almost tropical characteristics. This is good elephant country, so keep your eyes peeled. By the side of the nearby swampland is what is sometimes called the ‘elephant graveyard’ as the mighty male tuskers at the end of their lives come to chew on the soft, swampland grasses once their teeth have failed them.

The crater has a population of around 120 lions, with well-defined territories; 15,000 wildebeest, 9,000 zebra, 400 hyenas, and around 50 black rhino. Many wildebeest and other herd animals are resident, benefiting from the many sources of year-round waters and are boosted by some migrators in season. Buffalo, Thomson’s gazelle and eland are also present in numbers. Hippos can be found in pools and swampland and highland birdlife is colourful and plentiful around the waters. Flamingos can often be seen in Lake Magadi, which occupies part of the crater floor.

  • Meal Plan Breakfast is served at Ngorongoro Serena Lodge. Lunch will be a nutritious and balanced meal, also provided by the Lodge for you to take out on safari and enjoyed after your morning game-drive, before we return you to the airport for your flight home. As today is your departure day, please note that dinner tonight is not included in the tour.

Please note that the Hakuna Matata Tanzania Safari – 3 Days tour ends at Kilimanjaro International Airport at 17.30 hours. Your departure can only take place today if you have pre-booked a domestic flight which leaves from Kilimanjaro International Airport at 19.40 hours or after, or an international flight which leaves at 21.00 hours or after. Otherwise, you will need to book an extra night’s accommodation (not included in the tour price) and take a flight the following day.


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  • Pop-up Roof, Opening Sliding windows, Seat Belts, Heavy duty wheels, and Extra Fuel tanks. Refrigerator for cooling drinks, one pair of binoculars per couple, Eco friendly Trash Bag. Wi- Fi on board during safari, Charging Outlets type Plug G for charging Cameras and smart phones

Tanzania - crew - hakuna matata tanzania safari

  • Soft drinks, Coffee/tea, and Water during game drives
  • A bottle of Non-Alcoholic Champagne
  • One arrival Transfer
  • One departure Transfer
  • 1 night in Arusha, 1 night on Safari
  • 1st night – Arusha Serena Hotel Half Board (Dinner, Breakfast)
  • 2nd night – Ngorongoro Serena Lodge Full Board (Dinner, Breakfast, picnic lunch box)

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  • Game drive in Lake Manyara National Park
  • Game drive in Ngorongoro Crater

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  • Park fee for Lake Manyara National Park
  • Park fee for Ngorongoro Crater


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Tipping is of course discretionary, but is an expected part of the way in which business is done in Tanzania. It counts as an expression of gratitude to those who – hopefully – have made your experience an unforgettable one and enables you to directly reward those people. Our passengers come from all around the world, with different cultural attitudes to tipping, but a tip is of great significance here in Tanzania and will be hugely appreciated by the recipient. We know that the act of giving of a tip can be a bit awkward and we would suggest that the best way to remove this ‘awkwardness’ is for each couple to put their tip anonymously into an envelope and for the envelopes to be presented by the couple to the staff member. As a guideline, you should consider tipping at the following levels:

Driver guide: $25 US per day, per couple.

For hotels/lodges/tented camps, please do not tip individual staff members, but instead use the ‘Tip Box’, which you should find at the reception of your accommodation. For guidance, you should consider tipping between $5-7 US per day, per guest, at each accommodation.

Tanzania - balon safari - hakuna matata tanzania safari

We know that a day’s safari can make you hungry and we ensure that we always provide you with a balanced and nutritious lunch that will leave you satisfied. Generally, we provide you with either a picnic lunch box or a hamper lunch. You can read more about these here. On any particular day, we wish to remain flexible: after all, there may be times when the last thing you want to do is interrupt your wildlife-watching simply to watch your driver-guide set up a picnic table. On such occasions, it may be preferable to eat a lunchbox at the designated picnic sites, to ensure that you don’t miss any excitement! We will try to offer you something different each day, working with the hotels, camps and lodges to ensure that your midday meals are a pleasurable experience. Bon appetit!

All of our safaris are designed to give visitors the best possible wildlife-spotting opportunities. Please note that those wishing to observe The Great Migration should book one of our Migration Safaris. Booking on any of our other safari itineraries will give you some wonderful experiences, but will not provide you with any opportunities to see The Great Migration.

Please note that we cannot guarantee the sighting of any particular animal or bird during our safaris. In our itinerary descriptions, we make reference to many of the animals you may see, but these references are for illustrative purposes only. For example, your driver-guide will do all he can to find you a black rhino if you are visiting Ngorongoro, but such animals are rare. While no sightings of any particular animal can be guaranteed, a quick read of our visitor reviews on Tripadvisor will show you what incredible wildlife experiences our visitors enjoy. And remember: the more days you book, the more wildlife encounters you will have.

Please note that our itineraries are not suitable for those with limited mobility or who are physically disabled. Our vehicles are not capable of being adapted to accommodate those people, unfortunately

All visitors will spend some significant time in our comfortable vehicles on the rather rough roads of Tanzania. Anyone who is liable to back pain may experience severe discomfort and should satisfy themselves as to the suitability of a safari (and take medical advice if appropriate) before booking.

This itinerary is based on transportation by vehicle. Our reliable, comfortable 4 x 4 vehicles will pick you up at the airport at the start of your safari and take you back to the airport at the end. Our Tanzanian roads are very rough in places and distances between the national parks are not insignificant. On this safari, there may be the option to reduce the time spent in your vehicle, by flying to your first safari destination at the start of your safari, or by flying back at the end of your safari, or both. These options of taking an internal flight or flights do attract an extra cost. If this is of interest to you, please ask your Easy Travel tour consultant at the time of booking your safari and they will be happy to advise you.

Please note that all our itineraries begin at Kilimanjaro International Airport, with an overnight hotel stay in Arusha included in the price. This means that where an itinerary is entitled, for example, ‘Best of Tanzania Luxury Safari – 7 Days,’ then the arrival day and Arusha overnight stay will count as Day 1. This is simply because our visitors come from all over the world and the flights can arrive at any time of day. If you are already in Arusha prior to the start of the safari and do not need the Arusha overnight stay that we provide, please inform your Easy Travel tour consultant and we will remove the cost of the Arusha hotel from the tour price.

  • Where is Tanzania and how do I get there? Tanzania is located in East Africa and is bordered by the Indian Ocean on it eastern side, by Kenya and Uganda to the north, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Burundi to the west, and Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique to the south.Arrival in Tanzania is normally at the Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam (640km, or 2 hours’ flight from Arusha City), or at the Kilimanjaro International Airport (45 minutes’ drive from Arusha City.)
  • Is it safe for me to visit Tanzania? Most of our visitors come to Tanzania for our wildlife, but by the time they leave their experience is much wider and richer than perhaps they had expected. Why? Part of that is due to our friendly, welcoming, colourful people. Tanzanians are a true mix of many ethnicities, different religious beliefs and all live together in harmony in what is one of the African continent’s safest destinations. We are sure you’ll feel very safe here, we’re sure you’ll feel very welcome. As in everywhere else in the world, just use a bit of common sense, don’t flaunt any valuables and you can enjoy the natural wonders, the culture and the people of Tanzania.
  • What language is spoken in Tanzania? Kiswahili is the official language of Tanzania, and most of our people speak it. Just as well, as we have well over 100 different tribal languages! You will be pleased to know that English is widely spoken in the larger towns and places where visitors frequent. At Easy Travel, we have a team of driver-guides who can speak languages such as English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German.
  • Which is the better safari destination – Kenya or Tanzania? If your budget was unlimited, then you might choose to combine both of these destinations on your safari trip to East Africa. For many visitors, it is a question of making a choice. Many people are very keen to see the Great Migration as part of their trip, so choosing your destination country is important. The migration spends eleven months of each year in Tanzania, and it is only in September that the herds cross the Mara River and spend their time in the Maasai Mara – which is, of course, in Kenya. Even in that month, there are thousands of the wildebeest who prefer not cross the river, spending their time grazing instead in the Northern Serengeti, Tanzania. When making your decision, you might also consider that Serengeti National Park in Tanzania has twice consecutively won the World Travel Awards coveted ‘Best African National Park’ award (2019 and 2020).
  • How do I organize my Tanzanian safari? Just let us know when you want to visit, how long you want to be on safari, how many people will be in your group and give us an idea of your budget. That’s all we need to design a trip of a lifetime for you. Let us send you our proposal, for you to consider, and we can make any adjustments. Just contact us !
  • How far in advance should I book my Tanzanian safari with Easy Travel? Peak season (December to February) and high season (June to October) put pressure on the availability of accommodation, so booking well in advance is strongly recommended. We at Easy Travel suggest that you book your safari trip between six months and one year in advance, as this helps secure the accommodation choices and allows us to sort out all other logistics. We welcome enquiries for last-minute bookings, but the availability of the accommodation will determine if we can provide your last-minute desired safari package.

The price agreed for your safari package includes all lodging and meals throughout your trip as detailed on your itinerary, all park entrance fees, the services of an expert driver-guide, game drives in a 4×4 safari vehicle, 1ltr of bottled water per person, per day during game drives only.

Any international flights, any domestic flights (unless specified and agreed as part of your package), any travel and medical insurance, entry visa to Tanzania, (you should obtain this before you arrive; you can get a visa on entry to Tanzania, but this involves standing in long lines between 30-45 minutes or sometimes more), soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, gratuities for your driver-guides or any other Easy Travel staff, gratuities for any camp/lodge staff, Maasai Village visit, any extra activities not pre-booked and paid for, emergency evacuation service (unless pre-booked and pre- paid) and any other items not mentioned in this list.

Once we have agreed your safari trip itinerary with you, you will be required to make an initial deposit of 30% to us. This allows us to be able to confirm your booking. The full balance must then be paid 30 days before the start of your safari trip. For any last-minute booking made less than 30 days prior to your proposed arrival date, we require payment of the full amount to be made when booking.

We accept payment either by credit card, or by direct wire transfer.

We accept Visa, Master Card and American Express. This is the fastest and easiest method of payment as it avoids the necessity of complying with numerous banking procedures. You will need to allow for 3.5% on top of the trip cost, this being bank charges for use of the credit card. This 3.5% charge stays with the bank, not Easy Travel (Tanzania Bank Policy).

If paying by this method, any bank charges incurred will be at your cost. Beneficiary bank charges are approximately $45 and they will be added by us on to your invoice. It usually takes a minimum of 5 to 7 working days for the funds to arrive into our account. At that point, we are able to issue your booking confirmation.

  • Are safaris suitable for children? Most children absolutely love the safari experience, if they are old enough to fully benefit from what is a holiday of a lifetime. There can be nothing better than for children to be so close to our amazing wildlife, so much better than watching it on TV or merely reading a book about it. And of course, we at Easy Travel can advise on child-friendly accommodations and ensure that you get a family- friendly room. It is essential to be realistic, however. A safari involves a lot of driving over rough terrain, and we would not recommend a safari trip for children under 3 years old.
  • What is the cost of a safari to Tanzania? The cost of a safari to Tanzania depends on a number of different factors, principally the accommodation style you choose, the number of days your trip lasts and how many people will share your vehicle. Once you discuss your requirements with us, we will devise an itinerary for you and advise you of the exact cost.

Easy Travel safaris are available with four different choices of accommodation styles to suit your taste and budget. We offer Basic, Comfort, Comfort Plus and Luxury style accommodation options.

Easy Travel selects the best available accommodations in each category. Basic style accommodation is on public campsites, with shared bathroom facilities. In the other three categories, accommodations include private bathroom facilities. The rooms in these three categories are spacious, furnished with either twin beds or king-size beds, a dressing table and a wardrobe where you can store your luggage. Lodges and tented camps located within the National Parks use generators for power. Please note that although some accommodations have hot showers available 24 hours per day, others only have hot showers at set times in both morning and evening.

  • Does the wildlife come close to the camps and lodges? Perhaps the best thing about a Tanzanian safari is that you get really close to the wildlife, and sometimes it might seem that the wildlife actually wants to get close to you. There are no fences around most camps, so the animals wander in and out as they wish. These are wild animals, not tame pets: you have to be cautious and of course we at Easy Travel take your safety very seriously. Attacks on visitors are very rare, but you have to act sensibly. In particular, those with children should never let them out of sight or let them wander alone. You will often be escorted from your tent to dinner, and back again, particularly at the smaller tented lodges. Any concerns you have about safety should immediately be raised with a staff member or camp manager.
  • Are mosquito nets provided at all camps and lodges? Those who choose our Comfort style accommodations (tented camps) will find them equipped with mosquito nets. Although not all camps/lodges in Tanzania have mosquito nets, during the nightly turndown service the bedrooms are sprayed with mosquito repellent. We also encourage visitors to bring their own insect repellent and to use it during the safari.
  • Will I be able to do my laundry at the camps and lodges? Most of the lodges and camps are able to offer laundry services, at extra cost to yourself. In our Comfort style accommodations, please note that all laundry is done by hand, and drying relies on sunlight. Please only ask for laundry services when you are staying more than one night. This ensures that there will be sufficient time for your clothes to dry before you depart the camp.
  • What types of cuisine are available? You will find that both western-style and local cuisines are available on our safari trips. A vegetarian choice is offered at each meal. Easy Travel can cater for special dietary requirements, with advance notice.
  • Can you provide me with a single room? Prices for safaris are based on room-sharing, but you can have a room to yourself, at additional cost. Please let us know what your accommodation preference is when making your initial enquiries.
  • What road conditions can I expect while on safari? There is no point in denying it: road surfaces in our National Parks can be rutted and rough, especially after rain. Our driver-guides are expert drivers, but you will definitely feel some bumps along the way! If you suffer from back problems, you should seriously consider if a safari is right for you. Let us know and we can provide extra back cushions to minimize discomfort. You should also keep your safety belt fastened at all times, keep your valuables secure (to avoid damage) and hold on when standing up to view the wildlife out of the pop-up roof.
  • Will the safari be dusty? As well as the wildlife, you are guaranteed to see some dust when you visit Tanzania! Between June and October – the dry season – the dust is at its worst. But even in the other months the dust can be a slight irritation and visitors should expect this. Some visitors like to wear a bandana over their mouth/nose to combat this, and if you wear contact lenses you may need extra lens fluid. It is also advisable to ask your driver-guide to close the vehicle windows. Remember that dust can also affect sensitive camera and video equipment, so storing these in a suitable bag when not using them is a good idea.
  • How do the National Park entrance fees work? The entrance fees for the National Parks on your itinerary are of course included in the cost of your safari package. All these entrance fees are valid for a maximum of 24 hours single entry, and your itinerary is carefully planned and arrangements for entering the parks are made – and often paid for – in advance. Each evening, your driver-guide will brief you about the following day’s schedule. Overstaying the time limit for any stay in a National Park incurs a penalty, and if this is as a result of visitors wishing to stay beyond the permit limit, then the visitor will be wholly responsible for that penalty.
  • What is the availability of washroom facilities out on safari? Rest assured, bathroom facilities are available at many places throughout your safari trip. These are located at lodges, camps, park ranger stations, visitor centres and picnic areas. Of course, a lot of time we are out in the wilderness, so there will be plenty of times when there will be no nearby toilet facilities – and no other visitors or vehicles in sight. That means that you will be able to simply get out of the safari vehicle in privacy to attend to your toilet needs, out of view of any of your fellow travelers. This is what we call the ‘bush bathroom’ and most of our visitors adapt! Our driver-guides are sensitive to this issue and will always make sure that it is dealt with professionally and discreetly.

Of course, Easy Travel are happy to organize either a Private or Public Shuttle transfer to Arusha from Nairobi City or JKIA.

Please note that the cost of this transfer is not included in your trip cost, nor is the return transfer back to either Nairobi City or JKIA at the end of your trip. For Easy Travel to arrange transfers for you from/to Nairobi City or JKIA. All you have to do is let us know your flight number and arrival time and make the appropriate payment to us in addition to the price of your trip.

Two daily public shuttles operate from JKIA to Arusha, with one departing at 08.00 hours and the other at 14.00 hours. The price for a single ticket is $40 per person and the journey time is between 6 and 7 hours. The price for a private shuttle is $400 per vehicle, one way, so will usually only be suitable if you are arriving in a group. Whichever airport you arrive at, we strongly advise that when you approach the driver (who will be waiting outside the baggage reclaim area) that you ask him who he has come to collect, rather than giving him your name. (Our driver will display your name on an Easy Travel signboard.) By following this advice, you will be sure that you are picked up by the correct driver, rather than by an airport taxi driver who is just looking for business.

Easy Travel use Toyota Land Cruiser 4 x4s, which are recognized by many as the best and most reliable vehicles for the rough terrain of Tanzania. Each of the maximum 6 passengers enjoys the benefit of a window seat. The Land Cruisers are fully equipped, featuring: a pop-up roof for excellent game viewing; a radio call facility for optimal communications; a mini cooler box for keeping drinks cool (while the vehicle engine is running); a UK-Type socket for charging your mobile phone, camera battery or laptop; guidebooks and binoculars.

Due to restrictions of space, all passengers are limited to one softshell, duffel-style bag and one carry-on bag. Please note that hardshell suitcases are not advisable on safari, as they take up too much space.

  • Will we have to share our safari vehicle with others? Those booking one of our private tours will have exclusive use of the safari vehicle. If you choose one of our small group tours , you will share the vehicle with other travelers who have chosen the same departure date as yourselves.
  • What should I wear on my safari? Our recommendation is to bring nether dark clothing (no black or dark blue clothing), nor bright/white clothing. (see Top 10 Essential items to pack for your safari) The former attracts tsetse flies, and the latter is unsuitable for the often dusty conditions. Khaki is the recommended colour for safari trips. Bringing layers of clothing will give you the maximum flexibility, and you should bring clothing made from lightweight, quick-dry fabric. Remember that a safari holiday is informal, you do not need super-smart clothing. Put the emphasis on comfort and practicality, not fashion ! For your feet, bring a pair of decent-quality walking boots or shoes. In higher altitude regions, such as the rim of Ngorongoro Crater, it can be cold in the evenings, so bring a warmer layer. A light rain jacket is also a good idea. Sunglasses, sunscreen and insect repellent are all essential.

It’s always nice to forget about the developed world when you are enjoying your ‘wilderness experience’ out on safari, but a few modern devices will maximize your enjoyment and ensure that you can take home some special memories.

First of all, you will need to bring a converter plug for any devices you bring. Note that electricity in Tanzania is 220 to 240 volts (50 hertz) and our Tanzanian sockets are of the British-type with three rectangular blade pins. You will no doubt want to take loads of photos, so a lightweight camera with a good zoom or suitable mobile phone, plus extra memory cards, batteries and/or charger are essential. You may also want to bring a small, powerful flashlight as some camps have little lighting. You can share the binoculars provided by us in the safari vehicle, though many visitors choose to bring their own to make sure they don’t miss anything.

  • Are credit cards acceptable? Most lodges accept credit cards, but if you want to pay by cash instead, you should use US Dollars. Please note that all dollar bills should be dated from 2009 onwards. For credit cards, you should bring either MASTERCARD or VISA .
  • Am I able to withdraw cash from an ATM while in Tanzania? For cash, we advise you to bring US Dollars with you from home, as these are accepted in most places. If you need to withdraw cash while in Tanzania, then there are several ATM machines in Arusha City and these are where you should withdraw any additional cash before your safari begins. Note that in many small towns or beach hotels there are no ATM machines, so you should have sufficient cash before you depart for remote areas or the beach. Any cash withdrawn from ATM machines will only be issued in Tanzanian Shillings (Tshs) and there is a daily limit of 400,000 Tshs per card/per day
  • Will I be able to use foreign currency? The local currency in Tanzania is Tanzanian Shilling (Tshs), but please note that you cannot take this currency either in or out of the country. It is however convertible freely for the US Dollar, Euro and other currencies within Tanzania. If you have to change money in Tanzania, there are several banks in Tanzania where you can exchange your money. Do not change money on the street: you should only exchange your money in hotels, banks, bureaux de change or with your tour operator. Always get a receipt for currency exchanges.
  • What additional costs might I incur when travelling in Tanzania? Your safari package with Easy Travel includes all your accommodation, game drives, park fees, services of driver guides and meals as set out in your programme. It also includes your transfers between Arusha and Kilimanjaro International Airport, but not if you choose to arrive at another airport. Your package does not include international flights, domestic flights (unless agreed with us as part of your programme), insurance, tips for your driver-guide or staff at your accommodations, drinks purchased at hotels/bars/lodges/tented camps, laundry services, phone calls, any activities not included in your safari package, visas or any shopping. Every guest has different spending habits, so we cannot advise as to how much you will need. You should budget, taking into account the above items and the length of your safari trip.
  • Should I bring gifts to give to local children? It is not advisable to randomly hand out pens, money and sweets. Our experience is that this just sets unrealistic expectations and encourages begging. Easy Travel appreciates visitors’ desire to express their generosity and we have connections with schools and orphanages which can responsibly distribute any gifts to those who need them. Do let us know if you would like to make a gift and we can organize this for you and advise what might be an appropriate gift/donation
  • What souvenirs can I buy in Tanzania? During your safari, there will be opportunities to purchase handicrafts, gifts and souvenirs on your way to and from the National Parks. Examples of items you will find include wood-carvings, masks, antiques, beadwork and paintings. Those visitors who like jewellery might be interested in Tanzanite, a unique precious gemstone which can only be found in Tanzania. Tanzanite is a beautiful, dark blue stone. Major credit cards (Mastercard and Visa) are accepted by most of the larger curio shops. Prices are negotiable for most items.

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Big 5 Safaris Budget Safaris Day Tours Family Safaris Glamping Safaris Honeymoon Safaris Kilimanjaro Treks Luxury Safaris Migration Safaris Mount Meru Treks Small Group Tours Zanzibar Tours

Arusha Dar es Salaam Iringa Kigoma Morogoro Moshi Mwanza

Arusha National Park Gombe Stream National Park Katavi National Park Lake Manyara National Park Mahale Mountains National Park Mikumi National Park Mkomazi National Park Nyerere National Park Ruaha National Park Rubondo Island National Park Saadani National Park Serengeti National Park Tarangire National Park Udzungwa Mountains National Park

Ndutu Ngorongoro

Lake Eyasi Lake Natron Lake Victoria

Mount Kilimanjaro Mount Meru

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Hakuna Matata

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General Information

Hakuna matata lodge - tena region.

Hakuna Matata is an excellent option for an Amazon visit, just a few hours from Quito. Located in the foothills above Tena, the lodge is surrounded by primary and secondary forests and offers several hikes and cultural activities. A clean river passes near the lodge, with small beaches and opportunities for swimming. Trails offer excellent birdwatching, and some trails climb into primary forests above the lodge. Horseback riding, rafting, and numerous other activities are possible at the lodge; and there is a large and clean swimming pool as well.

Accommodations range from simple and smaller cabins to spacious and more luxurious supreme rooms, most with balconies or porches. The lodge can accommodate up to 36 people in 14 rooms; 6 cabins, 3 rooms in the lodge, and 5 supreme rooms. All rooms are surrounded by beautifully landscaped or forested grounds. Excellent food and service.

We can help arrange transportation to and from Archidona if desired.

  • Classification: First Class
  • Ownership and Operation: Privately owned and operated
  • Accommodations: 14 rooms and 3 categories from simple cabins to luxurious. Capacity 36 passengers.
  • Electricity: Grid power
  • Features: Bar, hammocks, porches and balconies, dining area, large and clean pool
  • Activities offered: Birdwatching, hiking, swimming, horseback riding, rafting, night walks, tubing, chocolate production and more

Below are standard packages offered by the lodge, other combinations can be arranged on request..

Great Little Trip 3D/2N

Transportation from Archidona to the lodge, lunch. After lunch, either a guided horseback trip or a guided hike through the Hakuna Matata reserve, about 2 to 3 hours.

Early breakfast, then depart for a two hour trip to board a motorized canoe for a day of exploration in the Amazon. Routes can vary depending on conditions and interests of the group, but the day will include hikes combined with canoe trips to observe the flora and fauna in both primary and secondary rain forests. Lunch will be served during the tour. Return to the lodge around 6 PM, dinner.

Complete breakfast and transportation to Archidona; you may return to Quito or continue from here to Baños.

  Adventure 4D/3N

Transportation from Archidona to the lodge before 1 PM, lunch. After lunch, either a guided horseback trip or a guided hike through the Hakuna Matata reserve, about 2 to 3 hours.

Early breakfast, then departure for Tena to begin an amazing rafting tour (class 3/3+) along the Jatunyacu river, operated by one of Ecuador's most professional rafting operators. After a safety briefing, you begin your rafting experience passing beautiful forests, waterfalls, and amazing scenery for an unforgettable day. Lunch will be served along a beach during the tour, we return to the lodge around 4 PM. This trip only operates if water and weather conditions permit safe operation.

  Active 4D/3N

Arrival at Hakuna Matata; lunch optional if arrival is before 1 PM. Afternoon to relax at the lodge. Dinner in Pangaea Restaurant, followed by an approximately one hour guided night walk with visit to the "Ranario", where we breed several species of the "Dendobratis" poisonous frogs. You will see different kinds of other frogs, spiders, insects and night birds. Even snakes are not an exception during this hike! (Note: if weather is not good on this evening, this activity may be moved to another night during the tour).

Full breakfast in Pangaea Restaurant, followed by a guided nature walk. This guided walk of about two hours and a half is quite an experience. A professional guide explains the medicinal properties of plants and trees and talks about insects and age-old customs in an entertaining way. Walking through (private) forest and fields, you become familiar step by step with the specific wisdom that has distinguished natives from non-natives for ages. Lunch in the Pangaea Restaurant, then (weather and water levels permitting; if conditions are not safe another activity will be substituted) we go tubing along the Inchillaqui river. This excursion is approximately 1.5 hours of adventure, with guide. Helmet and life jacket provided. Not suited for young children (+12 years). Dinner in Pangaea Restaurant.

Full breakfast in Pangaea Restaurant. We then begin an unforgettable horseback excursion (with guide) suitable for both beginners and advanced riders. This is about a two and a half hour trip passing through varied landscapes, under professional guidance and with well-cared-for saddle horses. The ride goes through rivers and brooklets and over hilly regions, with beautiful flora. You will enjoy wonderful views along the way. The whole trip takes place on the Hacienda Hakuna Matata property. Lunch in the Pangaea Restaurant, then an afternoon spent making your own chocolate! Staring with organically grown cocoa beans, you personally toast, peel, grind and prepare delicious chocolate, tasting the result of 100% organic Ecuadorian chocolate. We also see a demonstration by a local worker on how to cut bamboo and prepare it for making handcraft or tools. These 2 activities take about 2 hours, then we enjoy a delicious dinner in the Pangaea Restaurant.


2013 Rates:

Prices vary according to room classification. There are three accommodation options available at Hakuna Matata; all have a porch or balcony and private bathroom with hot shower.

  • Hakuna Matata Cabins: 5 double cabins and one quadruple cabin; simple and somewhat small but comfortable cabins. The least expensive option.
  • Hakuna Lodge: 2 double rooms and one quadruple room, all on the second floor of a large central building. Larger than the cabins.
  • Hakuna Supreme: 4 double rooms and one two room family suite. The largest and most luxurious rooms at the lodge.

Notes: For all prices below, children 4 to 8 years receive a 50% discount, children under 4 stay free (when sleeping with parents or in own crib). Children must travel under the responsibility of their parents.

Lodging Only

Pricing below is per person per night, breakfast and 22% taxes included.

  • Hakuna Matata Cabins: $40 USD per adult, double occupancy; $60 USD single
  • Hakuna Lodge: $46 USD per adult, double occupancy; $70 USD single
  • Hakuna Supreme: $52 USD per adult, double occupancy; $78 USD single

MEAL PRICES: Lunch $11 USD per person; dinner $20USD  per person. Dinner at the lodge is ALWAYS added to room prices. Drinks additional; children 4 to 8, 50% discount.


  • Accommodations and breakfast, taxes included
  • Use of all hotel facilities including 27 x 22 meter pool, beach, bar, restaurant, and self guided walks


  • Transportation to and from Archidona
  • Lunches and dinners; dinners are added to ALL reservations
  • Bar, beverages with lunch and dinner, additional snacks
  • All activities
  • Tips, personal expenses

Package Prices

Package prices shown below are for 2 to 3 travelers, please contact us for single prices or for larger groups. Packages include 3 meals, activities, and applicable taxes.

Great Little Trip Package (3D/2N), prices per person:

  • Hakuna Matata Cabins: $240 USD per adult, double occupancy; $280 USD single occupancy
  • Hakuna Lodge: $255 USD per adult, double occupancy; $300 USD single occupancy
  • Hakuna Supreme: $265 USD per adult, double occupancy; $320 USD single occupancy

Hakuna Adventure or Hakuna Active (4D/3N), prices per person:

  • Hakuna Matata Cabins: $360 USD per adult, double occupancy; $420 USD single occupancy
  • Hakuna Lodge: $380 USD per adult, double occupancy; $450 USD single occupancy
  • Hakuna Supreme: $400 USD per adult, double occupancy; $475 USD single occupancy


  • Accommodations and 3 meals per day (beginning with lunch on day 1) and taxes
  • Bilingual guide services for included activities


  • Activities not specified in the program

Hakuna Matata - Rockaway Beach, OR

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Pro housekeepers clean thoroughly and provide fresh linens before every stay.

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Count on 24/7 guest care and local teams everywhere we operate.

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Smart locks or lockboxes at many homes offer smooth, contactless check-in.

Dog-Friendly Home with Private Hot Tub, WiFi, Private Washer/Dryer, & Deck

A short walk from the beach and a world away from stress, this home is ready to welcome you to pure vacation comfort. A beach neutral color scheme throughout brings an air of luxury - but you'll still be able to relax, thanks in part to the central air conditioning. Put together beautiful meals in the open kitchen set up with luxuries like a French door fridge (complete with water dispenser), gorgeous granite counters, and luxury appliances like a KitchenAid mixer and Ninja blender. The living room is merged with the dining area, all framed with natural light from the windows providing a neighborhood view. There's also a desk workspace set up here for anyone who needs to wrap up some remote work. Afterward, just open up one of the included board games! The main bedroom is just off the living room and features a gorgeous en suite bathroom with a stone inlaid standalone shower. The majority of the bedrooms are on the lower floor, so there'll be no problem sending the little ones to bed. The entrance to the private hot tub is just through the downstairs main bedroom. Everyone (including the dog!) is welcome to come share in this home's unique comfort by the sea.

What's nearby: You'll have a grand time walking just a block to the beach - just find a path and go! Nehalem Bay State Park provides lovely views and opportunities to explore just 12-and-a-half miles away. The town of Rockaway Beach is two-and-a-half miles away, so groceries and seafood restaurants alike aren't a long drive away.

  • 2 dogs welcome in this home. No other animals are allowed without specific Vacasa approval.
  • Parking notes: There is free parking available for 3 vehicles.
  • Guest entry instructions: This rental utilizes an E-lock, a digital lock that requires a unique code to enter. This code is reset after each guest's stay.

County permit number: 851-17-000043

State/province tax number: 03066

You must be 21 years or older to rent this property.


 hot tub (private),  internet,  washer/dryer (private), washer/dryer : private, heating & cooling, house rules, dog-friendly, kitchen & dining, wireless router, netflix streaming, on-site activities, hot tub : private, beach chairs, beach towels.

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Welcome to East Africa! (covering Tanzania, Kenya & Uganda)

True travel connoisseurs will know that East Africa enthralls guests with a trio of inspiring destinations: Tanzania, Kenya & Uganda. This trio of beauty is bound geographically but singular in special ways offering guests the opportunity of adventure, escapism and serenity. 

So, what are you waiting for? Venture beyond the mainstream and become your own movie character; feed giraffes, stare down lions (probably not recommended), break bread with gorillas, luxuriate in diamond seas and live a holiday of dreams. 


From Africa’s highest mountain to jaw-dropping expanses of geography, Tanzania is a wondrous holiday destination. Known for its all-encompassing nature, emotionally-charged safaris and exquisite cuisine. Mount Kilimanjaro dares visitors to hike its trailing upwards paths for a life-changing experience. Although the route upward is not as steep, hikers often find the altitude and temperature the most challenging. If hiking 5,895m is not your type of adventure, then have no fear guides can cater to guests with short hikes and picnic lunches with a panorama of the three cones of the Kilimanjaro region. The Kilimanjaro National Park is an escapade in its own right with 650km2 of verdant expanse there are a plethora of things to do; Bird-watching, elephant sightings, visiting the crystal Chala Crater Lake and meeting friendly locals. Tanzania will leave an imprint on the soul. 

The adventure only just begins.

The often overlooked Rift Valley that crosses continents, homes the Lake Manyara and it’s crowds of pink-feathered flamingos along with the unique tree-climbing lions and many endangered species. Visitors can float on a canoea or even learn the ropes of traditional fishing.

Although, many visitors use Dar es Salaam as a gateway, don’t sleep on this coastal city simmering with seafood gastronomy at the Kivukoni Fish Market, cultural education available at the National Museum and House of culture and artistic treasures at the Tinga Tinga Arts Co-operative Society. For a more unique experience of Tanzania, visit the uncredited Capital Dodoma for a culinary and cultural immersion into Tanzanian life. 

Connecting its neighbours, Serengeti National Park borders Kenya with a never-ending variety of flora and fauna, a million species flitter across the second-biggest national park and visitors attract countless herbivores and curious travellers.

Tanzania invites newcomers, acquaintances and regular visitors to its shores for a novel discovery each time. If time permits, then a visit to Zanzibar and Pemba will transport visitors to heaven-like islands with pure beaches and serene escapes. Zanzibar’s Stone Town is a maze of  

Swahili and Arab influences laid out in grids of Zanzibari hotels, authentic markets, the elegant Forodhani Gardens and Emerson Spice, once a gorgeous villa and now a Tea House.

Kenya possesses magic that has captured the world. Where else in the world can visitors tread close to Cheetahs, Hyenas and the King of the Pride himself? 

This country pockets savannahs, shorelines and mountain summits with a variety of surprises at each turn. Beautiful beaches of crystalline waters and white sand provide a free luxury to all. Mount Kenya, the second highest mountain in Africa provides cave exploration, camping trips and endless hiking trails. Part of Kenya’s fame lies in Maasai Mara which has one of the finest conservation programmes and an exceptional array of wildlife populations such as African bush elephants and all sorts of wild cats. The national park was named to honour the Maasai tribespeople and visitors can experience the culture, traditions and heart of the people who have inhabited in natural cohesion with the Maasai Mara.

Mombasa, is a cultural melting pot of Swahili, Arab, Asian and European cultures time-capsuling the Old Town and fusion cuisine. Nairobi bustles with art, music and culture and is a must-stop for an understanding of Kenyan contemporary culture.

Only 90 minutes of flight time away, lies the pearl of Africa, luminescent with lush landscapes, vibrant people, life-like gorillas encounters and party capital.

Experience Gorilla Trekking in the Bwindi Impenetrable national park and meet one of the 17 Gorilla families, sitting up close to the majestic creatures as you learn about their world. Bwindi means darkness highlighting the mystery of the ‘impenetrable forest’ with its dense bamboo interspersed. The national park invites coffee-lovers to coffee plantations where they can buy souvenirs. Visitors are encouraged to join soul-changing hikes, meet with locals and invited to support local charities and businesses that are the foundations of social movements.

A visit to Uganda would not be complete without a visit to one of the African Great Lakes: Lake Victoria, this sanctuary for wetland animals and birds will transport you to a dream experience.

Kampala, known as one the biggest ‘party city’ in Africa, attracts people from all walks of life. Once recovered from the epic nightlife, cruise Kampala’s rolling hills and hit the town for a soulful encounter with the many cathedrals, the Gaddafi mosque, Ba’hai Temple (one of only 7 in the world) and Botanical Gardens.

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Every Act That Auditioned for AGT 2024 In Episode 2 (RECAP)

Things heated up on the  AGT  stage when the second round of Auditions brought new and exciting Acts to the stage. 

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The Auditions are in full swing on America’s Got Talent Season 19. After a stellar showing in the premiere episode, yet another batch of 10 Acts stepped up to the plate to try and secure one of the Golden Buzzers up for grabs, or enough "Yes" votes to move on to the next round . 

How to Watch

Watch America’s Got Talent Tuesdays at 8/7c on NBC and next day on Peacock . 

Judges  Simon Cowell ,  Heidi Klum ,  Howie Mandel  and  Sofia Vergara  were looking for something unique, and it showed as a handful of Acts ended up getting the dreaded red X treatment, while others were able to break out and wow them with some truly amazing talents. 

With so much already happening in Episode 2 of AGT Season 19, some may need a refresher on everything that happened. To help, below is a brief recap of all the Auditions. 

Chrisyius Whitehead

Chrisyius Whitehead performs onstage on America's Got Talent Episode 1902.

Act: Drummer Judge’s Vote: Yes

You’ve never seen such a polite little drummer boy as Chrisyus Whitehead. Before he even began to hit his drum kit (which he had to stand to use since he’s still so tiny) he won over the Judges with his good manners and adorable answer to the question of what he’d do with the $1 million grand prize. However, once he got on the drums and showed the world that, even at 5 years old he’s one of the biggest talents on the stage, he earned advancement to the next round. 

Ashes & Arrows

Ashes & Arrows performs onstage on America's Got Talent Episode 1902.

Act: Singer/Musicians Judge’s Vote: Yes

This band took the stage with some nerves but quickly used their soulful voices and harmonies to win over both the crowd and the Judge panel… well, most of them. Despite putting on a great show with their original song “Born to Love,” Mandel simply had to admit that they didn’t win him over, likening them to a really great pub band but nothing more. This earned him some vicious boos from the crowd and his fellow Judges alike. Undeterred, the band noted that they hoped to win him over in the next round. 

Hakuna Matata Acrobats

Hakuna Matata Acrobatic performs onstage on America's Got Talent Episode 1902.

Act: Rolla Bolla Judge’s Vote: Yes

This group came all the way from Tanzania to show America what they can do. To make sure everything went perfectly, they said they practiced six days a week before finally taking the stage for their audition. To prove just how difficult their rolla bolla Act is they had to reset a couple of times after they lost their balance while raising each other up over their shoulders. Still, they managed to shake off the issues and finally perform their Act to perfection, earning them a Yes vote across the board from the Judges. 

Alex Zinger

Alex Zinger performs onstage on America's Got Talent Episode 1902.

Act: Dance Judge’s Vote: No

Despite dancing with big names like Vanilla Ice and Milli Vanilli, this Brooklyn-based dancer was never able to follow his passion into success in show business. However, he kept on the path for more than 30 years and finally brought his talents to the AGT stage. However, things didn’t go his way as he was the first full X vote from the Judges, effectively cutting his Act short. While he certainly had the moves, Cowell compared it to a drunk uncle at a wedding, which doesn’t cut it on the AGT stage. 

The Otama Collective

The Otama Collective performs onstage on America's Got Talent Episode 1902.

Act: Band Judge’s Vote: No

This trio took the stage and seemingly had a lot of promise, boasting themselves as “classically trained performers” who love making music together. However, when their Act began the Judges were shocked to see they merely had affixed creepy doll heads made to look like the panel to what appeared to be kazoo flutes that sounded… not great. It didn’t take long for all four to get an X from the Judges, cutting their Act short as well. 

Act: Musician Jude’s Vote: Yes

This full-time musician is based in Arizona with big dreams of being the first musician to make it big on AGT using traditional Chinese instruments. Her Act started out subdued and traditional enough before it became clear that this lady was here to rock, and rock she did. No one knew these instruments, which Simon speculated were more than a hundred years old, could get as heavy metal as they did. When it was all done, it was an emphatic “yes” from all four Judges. 

Liv Warfield

Liv Warfield performs onstage on America's Got Talent Episode 1902.

Act: Singer Jude’s Vote : Simon’s Golden Buzzer

Liv Warfield has been a working musician for years and even performed with some of the greats like Prince. However, she’s now taking the AGT stage in the hopes of earning her long-overdue solo respect in the business. From the moment she hit the first note of her original song “Stare,” Warfield had the Judge’s jaws on the floor, particularly Simon who didn’t even give the others a chance to speak before he hit his Golden Buzzer and sent her directly to the Live Rounds. 

Cata & Jay

Cata & Jay performs onstage on America's Got Talent Episode 1902.

Act: Unicycle Balancing Judge’s Vote: No

Despite an impressive showcase on stage, the Judges unanimously agreed that this duo has a talent that is simply not ready for the AGT stage — yet! They all encouraged them to come back after they’ve honed their craft a little bit more and were confident they’ll be something special one day.

Act: Dance Group Judge’s Vote: Yes

Hailing all the way from Japan, this dance group admitted they were big fans of AGT and thought it was the perfect place to showcase their unique, highly in-sync dance moves. They took the stage as a seemingly shy group of passionate ladies but by the time their high-flying, incredibly acrobatic performance was done, it was the Judges who were starstruck.

Philip Lewis

Phillip Lewis performs onstage on America's Got Talent Episode 1902.

Act: Baton Dancing Judge’s Vote: Yes

The only thing more unique than this baton twirler’s Act is his pre-show ritual. He took the stage with a glowing and bubbly personality and admitted that he makes sure to eat a donut before each and every performance, and this one was no exception. The sugar rush clearly helped as he spun his baton and danced up a storm on the stage, earning him a “yes” vote across the board — more donuts to come for him. 

Bao Cuong performs onstage on America's Got Talent Episode 1902.

Act: Extreme Sideshow Judge’s Vote: Yes

This man came from Vietnam to show the Judges and America what he can do. Although he noted he missed his wife and two children, he knew he had to travel to do this. That said, what he does is quite hard to watch. The man is a master of pain, sticking knives up his nose followed by shoving giant scissors down his throat before opening them. Although the Act made all four Judges squirm in their seats, they had to admit it was impressive, so they sent him to the next round. 

Sky Element

Sky Elements stands onstage on America's Got Talent Episode 1902.

Act: Drone Show Judge’s Vote: Simon’s Golden Buzzer

This drone Act was something so big and brand new that they couldn’t perform it on the AGT stage. So, they brought the Judges and the audience outside where they treated them to a story told through light and music. They even personalized it by creating a giant Simon Cowell head that could be seen from miles away. The Act was so breathtaking that it prompted Simon to rethink the rules of the entire competition and offer up his Golden Buzzer a second time, which means that the three other Judges get two going forward. 

America's Got Talent

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  • Howie Mandel
  • Simon Cowell
  • Sofia Vergara
  • Terry Crews

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'America's Got Talent': Simon Cowell awards Golden Buzzer to powerhouse singer Liv Warfield

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Rules? What rules?

Simon Cowell flouted the " America's Got Talent " bylaws on Tuesday's episode to issue his second golden buzzer of the season for an "epic" ( Howie Mandel 's description) and "breathtaking" (per Sofía Vergara ) drone show by Sky Elements.

It's a new season with new rules, apparently: Cowell, who created the show, paved the way for all of the judges (as well as host Terry Crews and the audience) to have two Golden Buzzers to dole out in Season 19. 

Episode 2 had more goofs than last week's premiere — which featured a creepy child contortionist, a gravity-defying ballerina and a singing janitor who's gone viral — as the judges (including Heidi Klum ), gave out near-immediate buzzers to some acts to boot them off the "AGT" stage ASAP.

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Among the singers, synchronized dancers, musicians and circus talents of varying abilities was powerhouse vocalist Liv Warfield, who has shared a stage with Prince and gave an impressive showing with a full jazz band. The energetic performance earned Cowell's first Golden Buzzer.

Meanwhile, the other singing act, North Carolina country rock band Ashes & Arrows, divided the judges with their song (“This was a great song in a pub” Mandel said to massive boos), though they ultimately made it through.

Here are the highlights from "AGT" Episode 2.

Catch up on last week: Beyoncé collaborator earns Simon Cowell's praise

Sofia Vergara begs 'Make it stop' as performer swallows huge scissors

"Asia's Got Talent" alum Bao Cuong showed off a stomach-churning — yet awe-striking — routine involving a massive pair of scissors, knives and a pair of drums attached to his throat and eyelids.

The performance was not for the faint of heart, and one point Vergara walked away from the table before begging Cowell to "Make it stop." Cuong first drove a knife into each of his nostrils as a warm-up. After this appetizer for the horrified crowd, he removed them and attached clips to his eyes before swallowing a comically massive pair of scissors.

He capped off his performance by lifting what seemed to be three decorative pots with chains attached to his eyes and throat. "I do this every day, like eating rice," he told the judges in Vietnamese, via a translator, once the sharp objects had been safely removed from his facial orifices.

Cowell had the opposite reaction from his colleagues: It was "one of my favorite acts tonight," he said.

"I hope that your mother never sees you doing this," Vergara told Cuong. He replied: "My mother approved this."

Despite some reluctance on Vergara's part, the judges awarded the performer four yeses.

Tanzanian acrobats balance on each other's heads, shoulders: 'Heart-stopping'

Tanzania's Hakuna Matata Acrobatic also tempted fate Tuesday night with a "heart-stopping" routine that had the four members doing gravity-defying moves to make various human pyramids.

As one acrobat balanced on a small platform atop a rolling cylinder, he held his teammates aloft while they climbed on top of his shoulders. One move, which seemingly had one performer upside-down and balancing with his head atop another man's as he balanced on the rolling platform, appeared to evade the acrobats.

They fell (safely) several times, causing a stressed-out Vergara to seek comfort from Klum. In their peak pose, one man held himself aloft with just one arm on the head of his colleague, who was standing on the shoulders of two men balanced on the precarious board.

Despite the earlier hiccup, four stuck the landing on their other moves, earning a "yes" from each judge.

"I was on the edge of my seat. I was so nervous for the four of you," Klum said. "It was incredible to watch."

"It's acts like this that give me one word, and that is: Unbelievable," Mandel said.


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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Elektrostal and the biggest cities of Russia.

Elektrostal Map

Locate simply the city of Elektrostal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal weather.

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

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  2. Hakuna Matata Safaris

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    Truly, "hakuna matata", no worries, in this beach town on the east coast of Zanzibar. Facing the east, early risers are greeted by the sun and gentle waves lapping the shoreline. By late morning, the ocean on this side of the island recedes about a mile into the horizon, leaving shallow pools in the white sand, populated by wiggling sea urchins ...

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  9. The island of Zanzibar: Hakuna Matata, paradise exists!

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  10. Hakuna Matata: What to expect on an African Safari

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  11. Hakuna Matata Group Tours

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    Hakuna Matata Acrobats. ... Although he noted he missed his wife and two children, he knew he had to travel to do this. That said, what he does is quite hard to watch. The man is a master of pain ...

  22. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

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    Tanzania's Hakuna Matata Acrobatic also tempted fate Tuesday night with a "heart-stopping" routine that had the four members doing gravity-defying moves to make various human pyramids.

  24. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  25. Kapotnya District

    A residential and industrial region in the south-east of Mocsow. It was founded on the spot of two villages: Chagino (what is now the Moscow Oil Refinery) and Ryazantsevo (demolished in 1979). in 1960 the town was incorporated into the City of Moscow as a district. Population - 45,000 people (2002). The district is one of the most polluted residential areas in Moscow, due to the Moscow Oil ...