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Notre objectif : votre réussite !

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Spécialiste de la formation en langues étrangères

Une pédagogie sur mesure pour une efficacité optimisée, prestations sur mesure.

Un parcours et programme pédagogique sur mesure s’adapte à chacun des stagiaires pour une efficacité optimale. Un interlocuteur unique suit votre dossier de A à Z.

Cours particuliers et groupes pour adultes

Que vous soyez une entreprise, un salarié souhaitant utiliser son CPF, demandeurs d’emploi ou en reconversion, Cap’Lingua ® vous accompagne dans l’atteinte de vos objectifs.

Cours en visio ou en face à face

Nos formateurs professionnels interviennent en Centre Val de Loire et partout en France.

Une équipe expérimentée et réactive​

Nos formateurs, tous natifs ou bi-culturels, sont experts en formation professionnelle. Nos formations s’adaptent au rythme de chacun avec un suivi régulier et personnalisé.


8 langues proposées.

Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol, Italien, Portugais, Russe, Chinois.... et d'autres sur demande.


Nos formation ont lieu dans notre centre de Tours, en entreprise, en Visio ou par téléphone. En accompagnement, nous pouvons vous proposer un programme e-learning permettant un travail personnel ludique et adapté au rythme de chacun.


Notre organisme est certifié et habilité aux certifications LinguaSkill, Bright et Flex. Préparation spécifique du Toeic, IELTS, Voltaire... Programme de préparation sur mesure : mettez toutes les chances de votre côté pour réussir.


Pour des besoins ponctuels ou réguliers, pour préparer une réunion, une présentation, un entretien .... À un besoin spécifique correspond une solution adaptée.


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Retrouvez nous au :

  • 7 Allée Colette Duval, 37100 Tours
  • 09 81 18 11 61

Horaires d’ouverture :

  • Lundi – Vendredi  :  9:00 – 19:30


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mise à jour : 21/02/2022

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Score obtenu sur : moncompteformation.gouv.fr

Mise à jour : 21/02/2022

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Score obtenu à partir des évaluations de fin de formation

mise à jour : 25/02/2022

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SAS Cap'Conseils France

7 allée Colette Duval

37100 TOURS

09 81 18 11 61 07 88 78 25 77

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  • http://www.caplingua.fr
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Développement personnel - Formations générales - Langues

  • Anglais appliqué
  • Expression écrite
  • Français langue étrangère
  • Mise à niveau
  • Néerlandais

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Centres de FRANCE

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Centre de formation Cap'lingua Tours

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A propos de : Centre de formation Cap'lingua à Tours

"J’espère poursuivre avec vous pour de nouveaux cours."

Accessibilité :

Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Fournis par l'établissement :

Santé et sécurité :.

Rendez-vous obligatoire

Les employés portent des masques

Tags: Centre de formation , Centre de formation continue , Centre de formation à distance , Traducteur ,

Les derniers avis :


Super centre de formation! Accueil génial, méthode pédagogique au top! Des formateurs qui enseignent leurs langues maternelles: pas de meilleures personnes avec qui apprendre!

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUN1LXMyWW9RRRAB - 0 --------------


Des cours d’anglais avec mon CPF simple et efficace, mes cours pris au bureau avec un professeur sympathique et pédagogue , je recommande vivement cet établissement pour progresser dans les langues 👍🙏👍🙏Merci à eux

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUN1OUozb1pREAE - 0 --------------


Très bien accueillie. Plannifacation des heures de cours selon votre agenda. Professeur très gentille et bienveillante. Je recommande vivement

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQyNkxUVmFREAE - 0 --------------


CAP LINGUA est un organisme de formation de qualité que je recommande. Accompagnement dans ma formation d’anglais au top qui m’a permis de bien progresser. Enseignement parfaitement adapté (merci Esther !) et professionnalisme dans les échanges avec la Direction. Equipe sympathique et conviviale !

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNtLVpEekZ3EAE - 0 --------------


Équipe très sérieuse et sympathique. Merci pour la patience et l’adaptabilité pendant le confinement. J’espère poursuivre avec vous pour de nouveaux cours.

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNHaXZpVzNnRRAB - 0 --------------


Merci pour cette formation! cours très agréable et varié. j'ai aimé ce moment de complicité passé avec Jessica . Travail très sérieux . Merci à vous et bonne continuation..

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURLM3FPU3dRRRAB - 0 --------------


Je suis vraiment très satisfaite de la formation en Anglais que j'ai suivi à Cap Lingua. Il n' y a pas de comparaison avec les cours que j'avais suivi ailleurs. L'acceuil et l'organisation sont irréprochables, l'équipe est très dynamique et sympatique. J'ai vraiment aquis l'aisance orale qui me faisait défaut et ce grace à ma formatrice (Anglaise) qui est très sympatique et pédagogue. Je conseille cet organisme à tout le monde.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNLMHZyTk9REAE - 0 --------------


Excellent centre de formation. Très bonne équipe, on progresse rapidement. De loin la meilleure formation que j'ai suivi.

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNLMHJMZnRBRRAB - 0 --------------


Un centre de formation très agréable avec une équipe au top et toujours souriante. Grâce a mon professeur d'anglais (Esther), j'ai réussi a progresser rapidement et a prendre confiance en moi. Méthodologie d'enseignement parfaite, adapté a mes besoins. Je recommande ce centre de formation.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQ4NjZDdkFREAE - 0 --------------


Formation en Anglais très efficace et totalement adaptée selon les besoins de chacun. Un point avant formation permet de savoir d'où on part et d'apprécier la progression à la fin, très valorisant. Très grande souplesse dans le planning tout en gardant un rythme permettant d'acquérir de bonnes bases. Ambiance professionnelle mais conviviale et détendue, en face à face, qui donne envie de s'ouvrir et de parler. Je recommande cet organisme. Merci à Isabelle et Jess.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUM4dXFTWFNnEAE - 0 --------------


Très bon Centre de formation que je conseille vivement. La responsable du centre Isabelle est très à l'écoute de ses élèves.Très bon accueil à chaque séance j'ai adoré ma formation là-bas.Le point super positif est le suivi de la formation avec le même professeur. Perso,j'ai eu Stephanie Freeman comme enseignante durant toute ma formation. Personne adorable,à l'écoute et super sympa. Elle a su s'adapter à mon rythme.Trop top. Je vais me présenter à l'examen avec plus de sérénité. Merci à toutes pour votre aide.

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURjaDRmN293RRAB - 0 --------------


Excellente et enrichissante expérience que cette formation d'anglais chez Cap'lingua grâce à qui j'ai bénéficié du professionnalisme d'un professeur de langue anglophone (Joanne). Méthodologie d'enseignement parfaitement adaptée à mes besoins. Je recommande vivement !

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURjeUlpRTF3RRAB - 0 --------------


Accueil chaleureux et professionnalisme caractérisent l'ensemble des intervenantes de cet organisme tout au long du parcours de formation. Les cours individuels en présentiel facilitent l'apprentissage (anglais pour ma part) et la flexibilité possible pour organiser les sessions est un plus. L'adaptation aux circonstances exceptionnelles liées au covid a été facile avec la poursuite des sessions individuelles en visio de façon très efficace. Je recommande cet organisme.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURjME9Xc2JREAE - 0 --------------


Bon endroit pour apprendre une langue rapidement en cours particuliers, personnel sympathique et accueillant, professeure native et compétente. Langue apprise: Portugais. Nous recommandons.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNzeDhycEpREAE - 0 --------------


j'ai commencé une mise à niveau en anglais, je suis vraiment contente de cette formation. Toute l'équipe est très professionnelle et bienveillante.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQweW82MlpREAE - 0 --------------


Cap Lingua est un organisme très professionnel et accueillant. Des objectifs clairs adapté à mes souhaits ont été fixé en début de période, des cours individualisés variés ont permis de répondre à mes attentes. Un véritable plus : j'ai bénéficié de 4 "profs" provenant de pays anglophones différents ce qui m'a permis de dompter mon oreilles aux différents sons ! A préciser une organisation très flexible, sur mesure (cours dans mon bureau sur des créneaux adaptés à mon activité pro) et une équipe vraiment au top ! Je ne peux que recommander chaleureusement cet organisme de formation !

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQwaXIydmhRRRAB - 0 --------------


Très bon accueil, toujours avec le sourire, à l'écoute et professionnalisme. Formation adaptative aux besoins pour un bon accompagnement. Je recommande ce centre de formation. Existe aussi du soutien scolaire pour nos enfants...

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQwbU83UlBREAE - 0 --------------


Très bonne formation, individualisée, avec des objectifs identifiés dès le départ et atteints en ce qui me concerne. Les membres de l'équipes sont très sympathiques, réactifs et font preuve d'une grande souplesse pour ce qui est de l'organisation des cours. Je recommande vivement cet organisme de formation !

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURFNk1uSTdBRRAB - 0 --------------


Très bon centre de formation. Accueil chaleureux et convivialité toujours au RDV. Enseignement sur mesure de très bonne qualité. Apprentissage de la langue en face à face avec de très bons professeurs qui nous font aussi découvrir leur culture. Après 2 formations suivies dans ce centre, je le recommande vivement.

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNFdTVpWXFRRRAB - 0 --------------


C'est une bonne expérience, j'ai beaucoup appris grâce aux cours de la formatrice. Camille m'a donné de bonnes bases pour apprendre, sa méthode d'enseignement était adaptée à mes besoins. Je suis très contente je recommande!

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUM0blk2WllnEAE - 0 --------------


(Traduit par Google) C'est un excellent endroit pour étudier plusieurs langues. Ils ont un personnel très accueillant et des instructeurs très qualifiés. Je recommande fortement Cap'lingua !!! (Avis d'origine) This is an excellent place to study many languages. They have a very welcoming staff and very qualified instructors. I highly recommend Cap'lingua!!!

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURZdjh1cXhRRRAB - 0 --------------


Cap Lingua est un centre de formation très accueillant. Les formations proposées sont adaptées et de grande qualité. Je recommande vivement !

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNvbC15aUhnEAE - 0 --------------


Ambiance chaleureuse, et des vraies pédagogues qui répondent aux besoins.

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNvOGUzTTNnRRAB - 0 --------------


(Traduit par Google) Cap'lingua utilise des méthodes modernes et dynamiques pour apprendre ou enrichir une langue. Une atmosphère agréable avec du personnel compétent et disponible. (Avis d'origine) Cap'lingua utiliza métodos modernos y dinámicos para aprender o enriquecer un idioma. Un ambiente agradable con personal competente y disponible.

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNva2FMUndnRRAB - 0 --------------


(Traduit par Google) J'ai eu de très bonnes expériences avec Cap'lingua. J'ai appris l'espagnol, l'italien et le russe avec les adorables professeurs. Le bureau est facile d'accès en voiture ou en bus. Une belle expérience, non seulement un bon enseignement, mais aussi des salles de classe modernes et lumineuses, des chocolats et des boissons sur la table et la possibilité de parler la langue cible dès que vous franchissez la porte. (Avis d'origine) I have had really great experiences with Cap'lingua. I learnt Spanish,Italian and Russian with the lovely teachers. The office is easy to get to by car or bus. A great experience,not only good teaching but light modern classrooms,chocolates and drinks on the table and the oppertunity to talk the target language from the minute you walk through the door.

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNvaHFMQ19RRRAB - 0 --------------


C'est un endroit où on apprend une langue dans toute sa diversité et modernité , en plus une ambiance très conviviale !

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNvc3FDYjdnRRAB - 0 --------------


(Traduit par Google) Centre de formation linguistique très professionnel, les cours de langue sont variés, les enseignants sont tous de langue maternelle, le responsable écoute les besoins des clients et le service est chaud et sincèrement recommandé. (Avis d'origine) 非常專業的語言培訓中心,語言課程多元,師資皆為母語人士,負責人傾聽客戶需求且服務熱忱,誠摯推薦。

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNva3V6ZWpnRRAB - 0 --------------


Centre très professionnel. Les formateurs sont toujours souriants et agréables !

------------ ChRDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNva3NBRhAB - 0 --------------

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Excellent, très très bon accueil.une merveilleuse semaine de formation....

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Très bon centre de formation. Formateur au top et administration aussi. Je conseille fortement...

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A propos de : Agence de voyages Cap'lingua à Tours

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Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant

Places assises accessibles en fauteuil roulant

Toilettes accessibles en fauteuil roulant

Fournis par l'établissement :

Rendez-vous obligatoire

Tags: Agence de voyages , Centre de formation continue , Centre de formation , Traducteur ,

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  • 7 All. Colette Duval
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All levels language training in Tours for private individuals and professionals

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Come and discover our language learning

Our Tours centre offers courses adapted to your busy schedule, your level and your requirements. Whether you are a private individual or a professional, whether solo training or in a group, there are a large number of options available in 22 languages. The inlingua method in our Tours centre is based on the pleasure of learning with you our focus.

With Inlingua, learning a language in Tours is a fun and pleasurable experience!

Which languages are available in Tours?

By telephone, in a virtual classroom, face to face in a group or as an individual, you can follow our professional English courses from beginners level to advanced in Tours. Skills are developed in a fun and an amusing atmosphere.

Spanish lessons in and around Tours are also possible, along with Chinese, Portuguese, beginners German etc. If your schedule allows, you can attend discussion workshops in our centres offering a more intensive learning program for a quicker progression.

Language learning in the inlingua centre in Tours

Our language courses in Tours can be based on general or professional language depending on your requirements or in preparation of a specific test or exam, LINGUASKILL, FLEX, TOEIC, BRIGHT, TOEFL, etc.

Our language centre offers specialised language learning programs and can develop tailor made programs as a solution to your personal requirements (business English, writing emails, travelling abroad).

Whatever your level (in English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese…) or whatever your specific requirements, Inlingua Tours offers language lessons to suit you.

25 Rue de la Milletière 37100 Tours +33 2 72 88 36 64

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Choose your language training:

German English Arabic Bengali Catalan Chinese Korean Danish Spanish Flemish

Hindi Greek Italian Japanese Dutch Portuguese Russian Turkish Vietnamese Polish

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Mariane C. consultant

“Thumbs up for the excellent teaching method and the warmth of the native speaking teachers. A big advantage for the accent.”

Victor D. student

“The online method is very efficient. English has become easier to use.”

Christine G. entrepreneur

“I’m very satisfied as I now have the necessary skills and am able to use English in my job. I have reached the level that I wanted.”

Jean P. IT technician

“Great course, totally answering my requirements. The trainer adapted the training to my field and subject matter.”

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CPF options offered by your inlingua centre in Tours

English duo 100% face to face validated by bright test english "level a", dutch 100% 100% face to face validated by bright test, portuguese 100% face to face validated by bright test language – portuguese language evaluation, they trust us, partenaires entreprises.

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Partenaires institutionnels

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List of our other centers

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  • Linguaglossa: visit this hidden gem in the Etna's landscape
  • Places and Tours

Visit with us the artistic and natural beauties of Linguaglossa , a wonderful Sicilian town  in the amazing landscape of  Etna .

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Among the greatest natural wonders to admire in southern Italy, everyone thinks right away about Etna , the highest active volcano in Europe and one of the most suggestive tourist destinations to visit and discover throughout the year, especially for hiking and outdoor sports lovers.

However, it’s not common knowledge that the natural area around the Etna region is full of beautiful villages along its slopes, rich in history and charm, where you can dive into the heart of the local culture: one of these is the wonderful burg of Linguaglossa .

This town, embraced in the  breathtaking panorama of Etna , will surprise you with its artistic and natural beauties, giving you an amazing travel experience discovering one of the many faces of eastern Sicily.

Can't wait to leave? Find out with us what to visit in Linguaglossa and our advice about the best experiences to live in this fantastic Sicilian village!

Linguaglossa: visit the town on a walk among murals, historic buildings and museums

Visit Linguaglossa

Strolling through the streets of Linguaglossa is like getting lost inside a jewel with a thousand shades: the beauty of art, the charm of history, the majesty of nature and the genuine sicilianity make this village a real gem to visit especially on foot. What to visit in Linguaglossa ? Here are the best spots to see during your walk.

Walking through Linguaglossa, the fantastic and colorful murals that liven up the streets of the city center immediately catch the eye. These artworks have been commissioned since the 1990s by the local administration with the aim of enhancing the town and giving it a recognizable identity. Today there are about 50 murals painted by 24 artists with different styles and ideas, but all with the artistic purpose of telling the story and spirit of the volcano, its territory and the folklore of the people who live under its shadow. The Linguaglossa murals collection is often defined as a real open-air museum that winks at technology: in fact, each work provides a QR Code that can be read through your device allowing you to get information about the artist and the meaning.

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Cultura Aetnae (@culturaaetnae)

cap lingua tours

In the Etna town it is possible to admire the architectural beauty of many historic buildings which tell the story of this land. Above all, the religious buildings stand out, especially the main church of the Madonna delle Grazie, related to Baroque and also built using volcano’s stone, and the ancient church of St. Egidio - patron saint of the city celebrated every year on September 1st, capable of stopping the advance of the lava flows that threatened the life of the village - which was probably already there in the late Middle Age. Among the other churches of Linguaglossa we remember the ones dedicated to Carmine, St. Francesco di Paola,St. Rocco and Sts. Antonio and Vito.

Among the other places to discover in Linguaglossa , it’s not possible to ignore the majestic noble palaces that belonged to the wealthiest families of the town, in particular the Castrogiovanni palace, as well as the beautiful Villa Milana (or San Rocco) and Villa dei Vespri Siciliani, spaces with green areas that represent key meeting points for the social life of citizens.

cap lingua tours

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Festa Sant'Egidio Linguaglossa (@santegidiolinguaglossa)

Do you want to find out more about the history of this city? Then you absolutely must visit the two most beautiful museums in Linguaglossa : the ethnographic museum, consisting of a rich library and eight rooms that contain a collection of natural and handcrafted finds relating to Etna and the past of the local population, and the Messina-Incorpora museum, a real concentrate of Sicilian art dedicated in particular to the enhancement of the territory and to religious art.

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Museo Messina-Incorpora (@museo_messinaincorpora)

In the southern area of ​​the village it is possible to visit the "le Mandre" ethno-anthropological park, which firstly may look like a poor and bare area - a strong lava flow occurred here dating back to the 12th century - but which holds precious evidence of the history of the Etna people : in fact, the ruins of the houses and dry stone walls recall the past of its citizens related to agriculture and breeding. A place to explore where you can also admire the flora, especially the " middicuccu " tree from whose seeds the production of the religious rosary crowns was made.

How to visit Etna from Linguaglossa: hiking, tips and places to discover

Visit Etna

Leaving the town of Linguaglossa it is possible to reach and discover places of great tourist interest that will capture your curiosity and leave you speechless.

Moving a little further to the south-west, specifically by going up to the north-eastern side of Etna along the Via Mareneve, there is a truly surprising place where nature is still the master : they are the Sartorius mountains, a place to discover near Linguaglossa at more than 1600 meters height. These mountains, which got their name from the German volcano scientist who firstly reported them on geographical maps after their creation with the eruption in1865, are actually the evolution of seven extinct craters along the paths of the Etna region - curiously, according to folklore, seven were also the lava flows which created this villages descending to the valley - and today they are one of the most attractive and evocative destinations for those looking for an amazing experience with an unique panorama which combines in a single glance the brown of the mountain, the green of the pine and birch woods and the blue of the sea in the distance.

Hiking on northern Etna is certainly one of the most popular and developed activities and starting from Linguaglossa it is possible to make your own hiking itinerary to discover this territory dominated by nature. The trip on the slopes of the volcano can be done by following various trekking paths on foot between the extinct craters and the vast Etna pine forests, but if you look for a magical experience some locals offer tourists the opportunity to experience the emotion of a walk up to the top of the mounts in the company of extraordinary animals such as donkeys and alpacas.

Are you looking for some gems to see during your hiking on the paths of northern Etna ? We advise you to include in your itinerary a visit to the Sciambro stream, one of the few that can be reached at high altitudes and from which you can enjoy a breathtaking view, and to the " Zappinazzu ", the largest secular pine of Etna which is high more than 30 meters.

Linguaglossa and Etna: the best destination for winter sports

Ski and winter sport on Etna at Piano Provenzana Linguaglossa

The north Etna area near Linguaglossa is one of the most beautiful and fascinating tourist destinations to visit in Sicily , a must for those who love hiking and winter sports.

Starting from the village and taking via Mareneve, in fact, it is possible to go up to the north-eastern side of Etna and reach some important places which are key for winter tourism in this corner of Sicily . The most famous is certainly Piano Provenzana, where the main ski resorts of the area are located: at about 2000 meters above sea level, with 10 km of snow-covered slopes where to practice skiing or snowboarding, four ski lifts and a spectacular view from which you can also see the sea in the distance, this is the favorite destination for Sicilian and non-Sicilian ski lovers.

Would you like to know more? Check out this article .

Linguaglossa: where’s the town and how to get there

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da ProLoco Linguaglossa (@prolocolinguaglossa)

Linguaglossa is a town counting about 5000 inhabitants which is part of the metropolitan city of Catania, in eastern Sicily. It rises at about 550 meters height along the north-eastern slopes of the Etna volcano on an area of ​​60 km2. It is 47 km far from Catania and 70 km far from Messina.

How to get to Linguaglossa ? The best way to reach this Etna village is moving on your own by car. Starting from Catania or Messina, in fact, it is possible to take the A18 highway, which connects the two main cities, and then the SS 120 at Piedimonte Etneo, going on straight ahead until you reach your destination. Enjoy your next trip to Linguaglossa!

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Le Festival des Langues 2023 encore une fois une réussite !

Une nouvelle fois, le Festival des Langues 2023 a été une belle réussite, qui souligne encore et toujours, l'intérêt qui est porté aux langues, aux pays du monde et à leurs multiples cultures qui donnent vie à notre joli festival.

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  • French Courses in France

French Language Summer Camp in Cap d’Ail (Teen Program)

French language summer camp for teenagers at centre mediterraneen (cmef).

The French Language Summer Camp for teens 13 to 17 years of age takes place in Cap d’ Ail, a very small picturesque village in the Cote d’Azur. Cap D’Ail is located approximately 2 kms from Monaco and 20 minutes by local train to Nice. This area enjoys a fine climate, abundant vegetation, and a splendid geographical position.

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The Centre Méditerranéen ( CMEF ) French Language school, established in 1952, is located in the heart of the Côte d’Azur, 12 miles from Nice in the West and Italy in the East. It is a short walk from the seaside and also from Monaco. Set in a picturesque park planted with an abundance of flowers and trees, the center overlooks the Mediterranean sea. The presence of the famous artist Jean COCTEAU is especially evident in the Amphitheater which was conceived and designed by COCTEAU to reflect classical themes. The Amphitheater is an integral part of the center, providing a spiritual and artistic backdrop to the cultural and educational activities. A priceless collection of works by the great artist has been preserved here: letters, drafts, drawings, ceramics and pottery.

Since its inception, the CMEF French Language Summer Camp has welcomed more than 210,000 students from 70 different countries. It is approved as a cultural institution under article 57/1 in the official Bulletin of the Department for National Education, Youth and Sport of France.

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CMEF Facilities:

The classrooms, library and sitting rooms are available to the students at all hours.

Dorm Rooms:  Students stay at on-site residences (3 different buildings). 3 to 5 students to a room, all en-suite (each room has it’s own bathroom).

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General French Language Summer Camp Information – Ages: 13 to 16

The CMEF   welcomes teenagers (age 13 to 16) of all nationalities and combines study with sports and cultural activities. The staff consisting of administrative and cultural directors, youth leaders and teachers keep the program running smoothly.

The youth leaders live at the center with the students and help solve any problems they may have in adapting to life at the center while conscientiously overseeing all activities. Students are supervised 24 hours a day.

A health assistant is available at the center around the clock.

The French language teachers are university graduates, specializing in the teaching of French as a foreign language. Competent and dynamic, they endeavor to ensure that French is the language spoken and encourage the students to use their French language skills at all times.

Please click on the following tabs for more information:

  • Prices and Starting dates 2024 "> Prices and Starting dates 2024
  • Additional Program Options "> Additional Program Options
  • Activity Program "> Activity Program

CMEF French Language Summer Camp – Courses and Accommodations

Starting dates 2023 – junior french language summer camp program:.

All sessions start on a Sunday and end on a Saturday. Last day of program is 10 August 2024.

2, 3 or 4 week sessions:  23 June, 30 June, 7 July, or 14 July.

2 or 3 week sessions only: 21 July. 

2 week session only: 28 July.

Notes: When starting dates are listed in RED, program is full. 


PRICES 2024 – JUNIOR French Language Summer Camp:

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR ALL PROGRAMS:  A USD 700.00 non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking . The amount of the deposit will be credited towards the final payment.


Cancellation Policy:

Deposit : Once booking has been confirmed the deposit will be retained by the Centre Méditerranéen d’Études Françaises. Program fees : No refund will be made in case of cancellation less than one month before arrival, after the start of the course or on departures made before the end of the course. Once your child is at the center no refund will be made upon cancellation of the optional afternoon course “Intensive French”.

The Centre Méditerranéen d’Études Françaises reserves the right to cancel summer program enrolment or the optional afternoon course, if the number of participants is insufficient or in case of force majeure resulting in damages to the venue (fire, flash flood). In this case the registration fees will be fully refunded (not including travel costs/expenses incurred).

Special Force Majeure Cancellation Clause due to COVID-19:

Should a language stay in our school need to be cancelled after it has been confirmed because of travel restrictions, lockdowns, halt to transportation services, proven symptoms COVID-19 in your son/daughter’s (test results required) or any other epidemic/pandemic-related adverse change or event, no cancellation fees will be applied and alternate/deferred dates for the stay will be offered. If requested, the Centre Méditerranéen d’Études Françaises will refund any paid installments (not including travel costs/expenses incurred).

French Language Summer Camp Program prices include:

Group 15 — 15 French lessons per week. Language Lab available in the afternoons.

Accommodations –  Students stay at on-site residences (3 different buildings). 3 to 6 students to a room, all en-suite (each room has it’s own bathroom).

Meals  – Full board ( 3 meals a day). Meals are taken in a self-service restaurant.

Activity Program  – Sports, cultural events and excursions arranged on a regular basis: One weekly excursion is included in the program. Crafts and recreational workshops are held in the afternoons and evenings: tie dye, weaving, masks, theater, games, drama, debates, films, concerts and table-tennis tournaments. Sports competitions are also organized. Beach outings for swimming and sports are organized almost daily.

Transfers : Airport / Train Station meet and greet services and round-trip transportation to the Center (only on program starting and end dates, at other times extra charges will apply!). Important: a surcharge of USD 120.00 will apply to arrival and departures before 9:00 AM and after 9:00 PM.

Laundry:  once a week.

Important Notes:

  • A 50 Euro key deposit will be required upon check-in. The deposit will be returned at the end of the program upon return of the room key.
  • Pocket money for personal expenses is not included.

French Language Summer Camp – Course Description:

The compulsory French courses are 3 hours a day, from Monday to Friday. Students may choose to participate in various pedagogical activities, which are optional and free of charge, or work in the laboratory. The classes and other academic and cultural activities are designed to facilitate systematic use of the language, comprehension of everyday French life, a tangible approach to contemporary civilization, and active acquaintance with the local area.

The laboratory and library are open from 2 to 7 p.m. and offer the student the possibility of working individually to perfect his/her knowledge of the French language. A computer program is available to help to improve comprehension, spelling, vocabulary and grammar. Grammar books, novels, comics, cassettes and general information about France and the region are available in the library. A teacher is always present to welcome and advise students.


The following additional options are available to those students that want to complement the Junior Classic program with a Sports Option or an Intensive French Option (additional academic content). Prices listed are in addition to the Junior Classic prices listed above. Minimum enrollment: 1 week.

INTENSIVE FRENCH OPTION: This option provides additional French lessons in the afternoon to those students that want a more intensive language learning experience. Two additional 3 hours of lessons are offered in the afternoons (3 hrs on Tuesday and 3 hrs on Thursday). Minimum enrollment: 1 week. Price 2024: USD 180.00 per week. Dates: same as regular program (see above).

ADVENTURE SPORTS OPTION: This option provides participants with the opportunity to practice adventure sports (climbing, canyon hiking, and canopy high wire). The adventure sports have now been incorporated into the regular daily activities, and students may choose to participate in any of the sports offered.  Important note: a medical authorization form signed by a doctor stating that student is able to perform strenuous sports is required. Price: Included FREE of charge!

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NOTE:  The following options (Tennis and Sailing) are now included as part of the regular program activities and offered at no additional charge.

TENNIS: Tennis/Paddle is now included in the price of the Junior Classic program as a regular activity!.

*Important Notes: Tennis classes are held during the week in the afternoon on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

SAILING:   Sailing is now included in the price of the Junior Classic program as a regular activity.

*Important Notes: Sailing lessons are held during the week in the afternoon on Tuesday and Thursday. Kayaking is also available on Mondays.

MEETING AND TRANSFER SERVICE:  (This service is included in the program price!)

On the first and last day of each course the center organizes a meeting and a transfer service for groups and individuals. Students can be met at the NICE AIRPORT. A guide from the CMEF will be at the arrival point, just beyond the customs area. He will display a card: “Centre Mediterraneen, Cap-d’Ail CMEF .” Students will be driven (or taken by taxi) to Cap-d’Ail which is 20 km from the Nice Airport. Students can also be met at the railway station in MONACO. To make use of these meeting points, please supply all details about the train (arrival time, departure time, town of departure, train number). The guide will have a “Centre Mediterraneen, Cap-d’Ail CMEF” sign, and will wait at the end of the appropriate platform. In case a student does not make immediate contact with the guide, he or she should wait at the end of the arrival platform and not leave there. This is most important given the vast number of passengers who pass through Monaco station in July and August. Students will be driven to Cap-d’Ail (2 km from Monaco). On the return journey students will be escorted by a guide from the CMEF . By plane: The guide will accompany students to the airport, see them checked in correctly and stay with them until they enter the departure lounge. By train: The guide will accompany students to the station and ensure that the students are on the right train.

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IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prices are subject to change due to fluctuating foreign currency rates.

Activity Program  – CMEF offers sports, cultural events and excursions on a regular basis: One weekly excursion is included in the program. Crafts and recreational workshops are held in the afternoons and evenings: tie dye, weaving, masks, theater, games, drama, debates, films, concerts and table-tennis tournaments. Sports competitions are also organized. Beach outings for swimming and sports are organized almost daily.

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(Program may differ each week, to be used as a sample only!)

What former students have said about this program:

“I had a blast! I loved every counselor and the kids were great. The activities were fun (loved the disco and the night activities!). The whole atmosphere was so rich and full of excitement. I met my best friends here!!!”

Mackenzie M – 16 years old.

“One of the funnest (sic) experiences in my life”. “So much happened I couldn’t begin to place it into one paragraph!”

Jake S. – 14 years old.

“The CMEF study abroad program opens doors to meet other nationalities. There is an equal balance between the language classes and time for activities in the afternoon or at night. Thank you for an amazing summer for the second year in a row!”

Sophia and Celine, Los Angeles – 16 years old.

Restaurant Globus

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RESTAURANT GLOBUS, Elektrostal - Restaurant Reviews & Photos - Tripadvisor

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Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce enjoy romantic date night at Lake Como amid break from Eras Tour

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He grabbed his passport and her hand .

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce traded the City of Love for a romantic getaway to Lake Como this week.

The pop superstar and Super Bowl champ, both 34, were snapped going for a romantic stroll together Monday evening under dim lighting in Italy while she is on a brief four-day break from her Eras Tour.

The day prior, Kelce had attended Swift’s last concert in Paris alongside pals Gigi Hadid, Bradley Cooper and Ross Travis. He was seen dancing along to his girlfriend’s music — and even accidentally recording with the flash on — while she honored him by wearing an outfit with the Kansas City Chiefs colors.

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce in Lake Como.

However, after a long stretch of shows at the Paris La Défense Arena, Swift and her beau jet set to the historical lake in Northern Italy’s Lombardy region to relax.

While there, the “Lover” songstress and Chiefs tight end enjoyed a scenic, candlelit dinner in the gardens of the Grand Hotel Tremezzo , a luxurious five-star hotel that offers a panoramic view of Lake Como.

A private villa in the lavish 17th-century villa reportedly costs 20,000 euros per day, which is pocket change for a billionaire like Swift.

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce in Lake Como.

Swift and Kelce were photographed staring into each other’s eyes as they engaged in conversation while sitting together at an intimate table set up just for them two on the hotel grounds.

“No one noticed Taylor’s presence on Lake Como,” an eyewitness says. “They walked in the night and had romantic candlelit dinners. They seem in love and happy.”

After their meal, Swift and Kelce walked around together to take in the European architecture.

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Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce in Lake Como.

The NFL star was seen with his arm around the Grammy winner, and the 6-foot-5 stud even sweetly planted a kiss on his girlfriend’s head at one point.

Kelce confirmed that he was still in Europe while taping the latest episode of his podcast, “New Heights,” with his brother, Jason Kelce, by saying, “Bonjour.”

“Travis is overseas,” the former Philadelphia Eagles center, 36, hen said on Wednesday’s episode.

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce in Lake Como.

“He will not disclose his country but he did give us an introduction with a certain language, so I’m gonna bet on that one.”

Swift is scheduled to perform in Stockholm for the next leg of her international Eras Tour stops.

It’s unclear if Travis will follow her to Sweden. Although the NFL season has not yet started, a source recently told us the pro athlete is “in training.” He has also been busy with his Hollywood pursuits.

Travis Kelce on his "New Heights" podcast.

Travis was cast for his first major acting role in Ryan Murphy’s new FX series, “Grotesque.”

He has been seen via social media goofing off and dancing with co-star Niecy Nash .

A source exclusively told Page Six earlier this week that Travis is really hitting it off with the “Reno 911!” alum, 54, as they both share a “similar sense of humor.”

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Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce in Lake Como.



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  12. Visit Linguaglossa and the wonderful Etna landscape

    Linguaglossa is a town counting about 5000 inhabitants which is part of the metropolitan city of Catania, in eastern Sicily. It rises at about 550 meters height along the north-eastern slopes of the Etna volcano on an area of 60 km2. It is 47 km far from Catania and 70 km far from Messina.

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  15. French Language Summer Camp in Cap D'Ail, France. CMEF

    The French Language Summer Camp for teens 13 to 17 years of age takes place in Cap d' Ail, a very small picturesque village in the Cote d'Azur. Cap D'Ail is located approximately 2 kms from Monaco and 20 minutes by local train to Nice. This area enjoys a fine climate, abundant vegetation, and a splendid geographical position.

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