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Star Trek: Ascendancy Breen Confederacy and Dominion War Expansions Review

Star Trek Ascendancy Expansions

Star Trek: Ascendancy is a space-themed 4X game, spanning an ever-expanding, modular map where classic Trek factions vie to become the most powerful civilization in the galaxy. The base game supports exactly 3 players, with each expansion adding the potential for one additional player. With experience, the game should take about an hour per player.

Expansions Overview:

The Breen Confederacy adds a new playable faction, the mysterious Breen, to the game and increases the potential player count by one. Probably the most obscure race available for Star Trek: Ascendancy, the Breen were featured in Deep Space Nine as secretive but powerful allies of the Dominion. Many Advancements grant special benefits when this civilization operates within Breen Territory, which includes all controlled systems connected to the Breen Home System. The Breen are Isolationists, so they can only exchange Trade Agreements with players who control a system adjacent to Breen Territory. Also, being aggressively Territorial, the Breen can reroll failed To Hit Rolls while in Breen Territory. So, for this faction, it pays to develop a well-guarded territorial stronghold, from which they can expand outward slowly and methodically, crushing opponents who dare to stray into Breen space.

Star Trek Ascendancy Expansions Breen Fleet

The Dominion War is a larger box expansion that not only adds the Dominion as a playable faction but also introduces a new gameplay variant that features alliances. The Dominion were the Big Bad throughout most of the run of Deep Space Nine , culminating in the Dominion War that spanned the last few seasons. In Star Trek: Ascendancy, the Dominion seek to infiltrate and dominate rival civilizations. Their Ketracel-White ability allows the Dominion player to use Commands to reroll failed To Hit Rolls in Space Battles and Planetary Invasions. The latter will be the Dominion’s primary means of gaining control of enemy systems as their Domination feature does not allow Cultural Hegemony attempts. Finally, the Dominion begin the game with Changeling Infiltrators on their Home System, The Great Link. These Infiltrators can be sent out to any system in the galaxy in order to further Dominion machinations. A number of Advancements provide benefits in systems with a shapeshifting Infiltrator.

This expansion also brings the Gamma Quadrant to games of Ascendancy. In Star Trek: DS9 , the discovery of a wormhole near the planet Bajor connects the distant Gamma Quadrant to the Alpha Quadrant, home of the familiar Trek civilizations such as the Federation, Romulans, and Klingons. This bridge between quadrants is represented in-game by a special dual-system tile that contains Bajor (in the Alpha Quadrant) and Idran (in the Gamma Quadrant), linked by a wormhole. Ships must exit warp at one of these systems, then spend a Command token in order to traverse the wormhole to the other quadrant. When playing with this optional variant, the Dominion player’s Home System is located within the Gamma Quadrant. Any systems that are explored in the Gamma Quadrant come from a separate stack of planetary systems and phenomena. Connections cannot be made between systems in the two quadrants, so the only means of travel between them is through the Bajoran wormhole.

Star Trek Ascendancy Expansions Showdown

Another addition to this expansion is the Dominion War variant, which introduces team play to Ascendancy. This mode requires at least four players and works best with an even number of competitors. Each civilization will be assigned to an alliance, meaning that players on the same team must work together to achieve a shared victory. Setup differs significantly for the Dominion War as each Home System will begin the game connected to four colonized systems containing preconstructed resource nodes. Then, each player’s network will be connected to their allies’ and adversaries’ networks, creating a ring of colonized and unexplored systems. Alliances follow an alternate ruleset, forbidding combat against those on your team while allowing cooperation during space battles and planetary invasions against opponents. Additionally, Alliance Cards give players access to powerful new on-going abilities and one-time effects. A game of Dominion War is won by the alliance that conquers all opposing Home Systems.

Star Trek Ascendancy Expansions Quadrant

Game Experience with the Expansions:

The Breen Confederacy

Aside from the asymmetry provided by the Breen’s special abilities and playstyle, there are no new rules or mechanisms to shake up your Ascendancy games. And that’s okay. The Breen are quite fun to play, rewarding a more insular playstyle that seeks to maintain close borders and expand more gradually. Once a Breen player has built up several advancements and fleets with devastating effects, opponents will think twice about entering Breen Territory. This homefield advantage can make quick surgical strikes into adjacent systems quite lucrative for the Breen, who can retreat to their territory to weather any potential retaliation. However, the Breen don’t have great ways to generate culture, particularly if they get unlucky and don’t come across many systems that can support culture nodes in their initial explorations, making an Ascendancy victory potentially hard to come by. And since Breen fleets are most dangerous on their home turf, it can be a tall order to expect them to easily achieve a Supremacy victory by taking control of rival Home Systems. So, newer players should keep in mind that the Breen Confederacy likely won’t be the easiest faction to begin with.

The Dominion War

Star Trek Ascendancy Expansions Dominion Fleet

The Dominion are very combat-oriented, with numerous abilities and advancements that make them dangerous foes in battle. Like the Vulcans’ Ambassador mechanism, the Dominion’s Infiltrators allow a player to seed rival systems with non-combat units that can produce numerous benefits and advantages. Learning how to send out Changeling Infiltrators to the far reaches of the galaxy and orchestrate events in your favor from the Gamma Quadrant can make a Dominion player feel quite powerful.

The Gamma Quadrant mechanism itself is a nice option to add to games of Star Trek: Ascendancy, further pushing the modularity and variability of the space exploration system. The introduction of this galactic bottleneck pushes players to adapt their strategies of expansion to account for the threat of allowing the Dominion player to turtle up in the relative safety of the Gamma Quadrant. While a rival’s presence in one of the systems bordering the wormhole doesn’t preclude ships from traveling through, control of Bajor will likely be heavily contested in a game containing the Gamma Quadrant. This relatively simple alteration to the way that the galactic map operates in Ascendancy is a refreshing change-up to a core mechanism of the game.

But it’s the Dominion War variant that provides the greatest divergence in gameplay and has the most potential to inject novelty into your game of Star Trek: Ascendancy. Having the players divided into teams dramatically changes how you must go about playing the game. As part of an alliance, you’re tasked with cooperating and combining resources with other players in order to pursue a common goal. Personally, I enjoy the addition of this optional mode of play, and it’s certainly thematic in the context of Star Trek, where alliances such as those between the Federation and Klingons or the Dominion and Cardassians factor heavily into numerous storylines.

Star Trek Ascendancy Expansions Wormhole

Aside from team dynamics, this variant also significantly alters the overall style of play that is likely to develop in a game of Ascendancy. Since all Home Systems begin the game linked to one another, exploration tends to be somewhat de-emphasized (particularly if you’re running out of table space). Each player’s Home System will already be connected to at least four colonized systems, so there’s less of a need to spread out early in order to build up your empire. Overall the Dominion War is a very combat-focused game mode. For those players who prefer the battle-intensive aspects of Star Trek: Ascendancy, this variant encourages you to cry “Havoc,” and let slip the dogs of war as fast as possible.

Where the Dominion War perhaps becomes bogged down is the Conquest mechanism, which introduces a lot of peripheral rules and flotsam to the gameplay. It’s obvious that the developers needed a way to deal with the possibility that player elimination could make the game fairly one-sided once an alliance successfully takes out one of their adversaries. It’d likely be a doomed slog for the team down a player and no one would have any fun, especially the eliminated player. However, I’m not convinced that the convoluted rules governing how a conquered faction must subsequently play the game were the best choice. In any case, playing as a conquered civilization is fairly uninteresting as you can’t engage anyone in combat and your production is severely hampered. You’ll basically just be playing Resistance cards and hoping that you get the chance to liberate yourself through a Rebellion.

Final Thoughts:

Both expansions bring plenty of variety and the potential for new experiences to your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy . For fans of the game, there’s no reason not to get both, particularly if you’re a completionist and/or just want to have as many faction options as possible for your group to choose from. For DS9 fans in particular, these expansions are a must as they allow you to traverse the Bajoran wormhole, explore the Gamma Quadrant, and play out the Dominion War .

If you’re only looking to add one more expansion, then it’s more about what you want out of the new purchase. Obviously, the Dominion War has more to offer in terms of additional gameplay variants. So, if you’re looking to spice up your Ascendancy plays, that’s the expansion to add. But if you just want another race to play or need the components to add one more player, the Breen Confederacy has all you need at a slightly lower price point. And for all you Breen fans out there, it’s a no-brainer, right?

The Breen Confederacy Expansion

Expansion Buy

Misses: • More obscure Trek race might not excite everyone • Can be a tough faction to play

Get Your Copy

The Dominion War Expansion

Misses: • Dominion War Conquest rules feel clunky and unexciting


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Breen Confederacy

Star Trek: Ascendancy — Breen Confederacy

Star Trek: Ascendancy — Breen Confederacy Publisher: Gale Force Nine Item Code: GF9ST041 MSRP: $40 Releases August 27, 2022

Star Trek: Ascendancy — Breen Confederacy components

The Dominion War

Star Trek: Ascendancy — The Dominion War components

Star Trek: Ascendancy — The Dominion War Publisher: Gale Force Nine Item Code: GF9ST037 MSRP: $50 Releases August 27, 2022

The Bajoran-Idran Wormhole Systems and the Gamma Quadrant System Discs allow you to add the Gamma Quadrant to your games. The Dominion War variant changes the playing field by dividing the civilizations into two rival Alliances.

Dominion War components

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The theming is strong for the reclusive Breen, who gain powerful advantages when defending their territory. Between chances to automatically destroy ships, reroll missed To-Hit rolls in combat, and deny opponents the chance to retreat from battle, the prospect of going toe-to-toe with the Breen on their home turf is a daunting one.

Players will still need to keep their weapons technology advancing steadily though, as all the advantages in the universe can still be stymied by powerful shields. And speaking of advantages out in the universe, the Breen’s new system discs offer a bevy of Culture and Open slots that offer a lot of value to savvy players while ships are exploring strange new worlds.

One-time allies of the Breen, the Dominion are not to be discounted either. This faction sports powerful combat abilities, led by their Ketracel-White ability to reroll failed attacks. The Dominion’s fleets are geared for battle as well, generating new ships while in flight and overpowering enemies with heavily-shielded armadas.

Their research opportunities highlight each of the three major components in the Dominion’s social structure: the Jem’Hadar generate Command tokens to trigger more combat rerolls, Vorta commanders help to resist Hegemony takeovers by enemy powers, and a novel mechanic allows for the Founders to infiltrate opponents’ systems and sow discord by moving ships out of position or making homeworlds easier to invade.

With the right advancements in place, the shapeshifting Founders can be very difficult to remove after they’ve infiltrated your territory and inflict costly losses — but it will take quite some time before they can put their full apparatus in place, so wise players will strike them quickly before it’s too late. The Dominion’s putative drawback, their inability to suborn another faction’s systems culturally, only means their fleets will be on the warpath all the sooner.

The arrival of the Dominion wouldn’t be complete without their native Gamma Quadrant. This expansion comes with rules for discovering star systems sequestered on the far side of the galaxy – and braving the wormhole can be added to games even without a Dominion player! The tile linking Bajor to the Idran system does a good job modeling the physical and conceptual distance that the Gamma Quadrant represents in the TV series; at the same time, it takes up a lot of real estate on the game area for relatively little value in play.

It’s perfect from a lore point of view, but if you use the Gamma rules at all you may want to leave it as a random event that might replace a phenomenon rather than forcing the Dominion player to start in their own private region.

The Dominion brings not only a new faction from beyond the wormhole, but a new game scenario: team play with the Dominion War. The rules introduce Alliance cards, which players can use to swing conflicts in their favor: deploying fleets, accelerating research, and rushing to the contested front to provide aid.

Several cards can also be used to directly assist your teammates by bolstering their forces or switching cards in your hand with theirs. This helps to add a level of meta-interaction that the alliance format otherwise reduces compared to a standard game. Conspiring with your allies to drop crucial cards beyond the normal flow of play is a nice injection of strategy and variety in what otherwise may feel like a more rote scenario.

The revised win conditions do require conquering at least one enemy homeworld, so a formidable military presence will be necessary in some aspect of your team’s plans. Turtling up and stalling for Ascendancy won’t save you, and there’s much less incentive to engage in table talk when Initiative is always random and there is no possibility of your current adversary becoming an ally of convenience in future turns: it’s a battle to the death.

breen star trek ascendancy

This has pluses and minuses for different factions; aggressive ones like Klingons and the Dominion will always have a way to deploy their strengths. Others that focus on heavy peaceful interaction — like the Ferengi (limited to only one trade agreement) or the Vulcans (who peddle their ambassadors as helpful observers across a wide area of the boards) — will find their typical playstyle somewhat hamstrung.

On the other hand, Vulcans won’t have to worry about their ‘No Lying’ edict when it’s clear that they’re going for the throat. The Ferengi ability to add spacelanes without numeric restriction may also be particularly handy in a play area that is quite crowded from the start.

Another great addition that the Alliance rules bring is the Resistance deck. In the Dominion War, there is no player elimination. When a faction has their homeworld taken over by an enemy power, they aren’t erased from the map but rather become a sort of vassal to the faction who conquered them. Sending part of their resources off, allowing free passage — and all the while, plotting a rebellion and aiding their remaining allies!

The Resistance cards take the place of the player’s Alliance cards, and allow them to strike a blow against their conqueror, build ships for themselves or an ally, and even liberate themselves outright and rejoin the game with their full regular abilities again (with or without the assistance of their allies to free their homeworld).

The chance to support the team even when your faction is all but vanquished is a terrific addition that greatly suits this style of play.

breen star trek ascendancy

The initial setup for the Dominion War does accelerate play right to the midgame, with mature empires turning their gazes outward among the other players, who have all made first contact at the start. Full fleet and Starbase complements are available regardless of Ascendancy, and extra starting resources can quickly enable you to spread your ships far and wide.

Removing some of the randomness in initial system draws prevents any one player from being significantly set back by bad luck in dangerous phenomena or resource-poor planets; this also takes some of the thrill of exploration away — and hobbles the Federation’s perk for generating Culture from new discoveries.

There’s less time on average for Research projects to be initiated and mature without the threat of enemy ships bearing down on you, so fewer signature abilities may be brought to bear in some games.

breen star trek ascendancy

Playing Star Trek: Ascendancy with several first-timers — but long-time board gamers — I found that it hits the sweet spot with simplicity of mechanics while it also maintains enough strategic depth to be highly replayable, which is a great combination in a game that will occupy the better part of your day.

The components in the new set maintain the excellent quality consumers have come to expect from this product line, and the spot-on theming will please any Trekkie eager to turn their eye toward a tactical take on exploring their favorite fictional universe. Pick up the Breen if you’re eager to try a tenacious and insular faction that has the bite to match their slowly-growing ambition.

You’ll want to grab The Dominion for the alliance rules alone, but there’s great value in the introduction of a new way to build your galactic map with the Gamma Quadrant and a powerful faction armed with relentless assault ships and insidious spies throwing rival empires into chaos.

breen star trek ascendancy

The  Star Trek: Ascendancy  Dominion War game expansion set  and the Breen Confederacy player expansion set are both available in stores now, along with the base  Star Trek: Ascendancy game set.

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Star Trek Ascendancy Player Expansion: Breen Confederation

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Star Trek Ascendancy Player Expansion: Breen Confederation

Purchase options and add-ons, about this item.

  • Everything needed to add the Breen Confederacy, and another player, into games of Star Trek: Ascendancy.

Discover new star systems.

Encounter new cards..

  • Additional space lanes and resource nodes included.

Not a stand-alone game. Requires Star Trek: Ascendancy.

Frequently bought together.

Star Trek Ascendancy Player Expansion: Breen Confederation

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Little is known about the secretive Breen, not their appearance, and not even whether they are a single species or several species working together. Intensely territorial, the Breen annihilated the Klingon fleet sent to conquer them, leaving the Klingons no wiser as to who or even what they were facing. As the Romulans say, “Never turn your back on a Breen.” This set includes everything you need to add the Breen to your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy: 10 New Exploration Cards, 10 New System Discs, including Breen. 30 Breen Ships with 3 Fleet Markers & Cards, 10 Breen Control Nodes, 15 Breen Advancements, 3 Breen Trade Agreements, Breen Turn Summary Card, Breen Command Console with 2-sliders, 19 Resource Nodes, 76 Tokens & 27 Space Lanes

From the manufacturer


Additional space lanes and resource nodes also included.

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Gale Force Nine Announces Two Star Trek Ascendancy Expansions The Dominion War and Breen Confederacy

March 12, 2022 – Publisher Gale Force Nine has announced Two Star Trek Ascendancy Expansions The Dominion War and Breen Confederacy. The epic strategy game and massive tv/film property rights users originally released the base Star Trek Ascendancy game in 2016. This will be the 6th and 7th expansions for that base game.

The game so far has successfully allowed you to boldly go where no one has gone before. Star Trek: Ascendancy — a board game of exploration, expansion and conflict between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire — lets you control the great civilizations of the Galaxy, striking out from your home worlds to expand your influence and grow your civilization.

Will you journey for peace and exploration, or will you travel the path of conquest and exploitation? Command starships, establish space lanes, construct starbases, and bring other systems under your banner. With more than 200 plastic miniatures and 30 star systems representing some of the Star Trek galaxy’s most notable planets and locations, Star Trek: Ascendancy puts the fate of the galaxy in your hands.

The Dominion War and Breen Confederacy expansions each bring something new to this already robust gaming universe.

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Star trek ascendancy – the dominion war expansion.

Changelings known as the Founders established the Dominion in Gamma Quadrant millenia ago. Through their Vorta commanders and Jem’Hadar super soldiers, the Founders rule as gods, bringing order to the galaxy. The discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole brought this ancient civilization onto conflict with the more youthful civilizations of the Alpha Quadrant.

This set includes everything you need to add the Dominion and Gamma Quadrant to your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy and to play the Dominion War variant. 

  • 20 New Exploration Cards
  • Bajoran-Idran Wormhole Systems Piece
  • 16 Gamma Quadrant System Discs, including
  • The Great Link
  • 30 Dominion Ships with 3 Fleet Markers & Cards
  • 10 Dominion Control Nodes
  • 15 Dominion Advancements
  • 3 Dominion Trade Agreements
  • Dominion Turn Summary Card
  • Dominion Command Console with 2 sliders
  • 19 Resource Nodes
  • 76 Tokens & 27 Space Lanes
  • 5 Dominion Infiltrator Figures
  • 8 Alliance Selection Cards
  • 50 Alliance Cards
  • 30 Resistance Cards


Star Trek Ascendancy – Breen Confederacy Expansion

Little is known about the secretive Breen, not their appearance, and not even whether they are a single species or several species working together. Intensely territorial, the Breen annihilated the Klingon fleet sent to conquer them, leaving the Klingons no wiser as to who or even what they were facing. As the Romulans say, “Never turn your back on a Breen.”

This set includes everything you need to add the Breen to your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy:

  • 10 New Exploration Cards
  • 10 New System Discs, including Breen
  • 30 Breen Ships with 3 Fleet Markers & Cards
  • 10 Breen Control Nodes
  • 15 Breen Advancements
  • 3 Breen Trade Agreements
  • Breen Turn Summary Card
  • Breen Command Console with2 sliders


Source: https://startrek.gf9games.com/Home/tabid/56/entryid/175/Default.aspx

Are you excited for the new two Star Trek Ascendancy Expansions The Dominion War and Breen Confederacy? Let us know in the comments below!

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Star Trek Ascendancy: Breen

Star Trek Ascendancy: Breen

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Little is known about the secretive Breen, not their appearance, and not even whether they are a single species, or several. Intensely territorial, the Breen annihilated the Klingon fleet sent to conquer them, leaving the Klingons no wiser as to who or even what they were facing

Expansion for Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game, including everything you need to add the Breen and another player to your games of Star Trek Ascendancy.

Discover new star systems, encounter new Exploration Cards, plus more Space Lanes and Resource Nodes

Star Trek Ascendancy Unofficial Complete Rulebook

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breen star trek ascendancy

Star Trek: Discovery Beat The Breen With A Season 4 Callback

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery's Season 5 & Series Finale - "Life, Itself"

  • The USS Discovery defeats the Breen in reference to a past event in season 4.
  • The Breen dreadnought is sent to the galactic barrier by Commander Rayner, utilizing a saucer separation and quantum entanglement.
  • Species 10-C in Discovery season 4 remains a mystery with their fate left unresolved by Star Trek: Discovery season 5 finale.

The USS Discovery battled the Breen in Star Trek: Discovery 's series finale, and the fight ended with a shoutout to Discovery season 4. Throughout Star Trek : Discovery's season 5, Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and her crew have been searching for the powerful and potentially dangerous technology of the Progenitors. Thanks to renegade courier Moll (Eve Harlow), the Breen learned of this treasure and also wanted to get their hands on it. This conflict came to a head in Star Trek: Discovery's series finale, as the titular ship went head-to-head against a Breen dreadnought to reach the portal to the Progenitors' technology.

Although the Breen dreadnought was damaged at the end of Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 9, "Lagrange Point", the massive ship sends out a wave of fighters. The USS Discovery cannot hold off the fighters and get the Progenitors' portal at the same time, so Cleveland Booker (David Ajala) and Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz) take a shuttle to rescue Burnham from the portal. In command of Discovery, Captain Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) leads the charge against the fighters, eventually taking them all out thanks to Lt. Syliva Tilly's (Mary Wiseman) quick thinking. Unfortunately, the Breen dreadnought reenters the fight and far surpasses Discovery's firepower. But Rayner quickly proves Tilly's not the only quick thinker, as he comes up with a crazy plan of his own.

Written by Kyle Jarrow and Michelle Paradise and directed by Olatunde Osunname, Star Trek: Discovery's finale, "Life, Itself," wrapped up the Breen's conflict with the Federation, but still left many unanswered questions.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Finale Ending & Shocking Epilogue Explained

Star Trek: Discovery comes to an end with season 5's finale wrapping up the Progenitors treasure hunt and an epilogue concluding the entire series.

USS Discovery Beating The Breen Was A Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Callback

Commander rayner sent the breen dreadnought to the galactic barrier..

Facing down the Breen dreadnought, Commander Rayner realized that the ship needed to be removed from the field of battle entirely. He then questions whether the USS Discovery's spore drive can be used to jump something other than the ship itself. Although Commander Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) initially insists this to be impossible, he reconsiders with a plan that involves quantum entanglement and the USS Discovery executing a saucer separation . When asked where to send the Breen, Rayner hesitates before ordering them sent to the galactic barrier. It will take them around two decades to get back, but they will survive, which, as Rayner points out, is "more than they gave [his] family."

The USS Discovery was the first Starfleet ship to completely cross through the galactic barrier, although the USS Enterprise entered it twice in Star Trek: The Original Series.

Near the end of Star Trek: Discovery season 4 , the USS Discovery crossed the galactic barrier in search of Species 10-C, the mysterious aliens that created the Dark Matter Anomaly (DMA). Surrounding the edge of the Milky War Galaxy, the galactic barrier is incredibly treacherous to cross. Discovery made the difficult journey through the barrier into another galaxy and found the homeworld of Species 10-C. After some initial confusion, Captain Burnham and her crew eventually figured out a way to communicate with Species 10-C to let them know about the damage the DMA was causing. Discovery's spore drive allowed the ship to travel to the galactic barrier in an instant, but it takes years for most ships to travel to the edge of the known galaxy.

Star Trek: Discovery Never Revealed What Happened To Species 10-C

The crew of discovery never even learned the proper name for species 10-c..

Not only did Species 10-C inhabit an entirely different galaxy, but they were also truly alien in every way. As a collective of non-humanoid lifeforms, Species 10-C had no concept of the individual, and they did not realize that Captain Burnham and her people were even sentient. It took several Federation scientists and members of Discovery's crew to find a way to communicate with these strange aliens, using hydrocarbons to convey emotional meaning. Species 10-C used the DMA to harvest the boronite they needed to power the hyperfield that protected their planet, completely unaware of the harm they were causing.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 didn't follow up on what happened between the Federation and Species 10-C .

After an impassioned plea from Cleveland Booker, Species 10-C agreed to stop using the DMA, and the Federation's successful First Contact seemed to open the possibility of a further relationship between the neighboring galaxies. And yet, Star Trek: Discovery season 5 didn't follow up on what happened between the Federation and Species 10-C . While it's possible contact with Species 10-C continued, no new information about the extragalactic aliens - including what Species 10-C actually call themselves - was found in Discovery season 5. Now that Star Trek: Discovery has officially come to a close, however, the ultimate fate of Species 10-C may remain a mystery.

Cast Blu del Barrio, Oded Fehr, Anthony Rapp, Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Wilson Cruz, Eve Harlow, Mary Wiseman, Callum Keith Rennie

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Alex Kurtzman

Directors Jonathan Frakes, Olatunde Osunsanmi

Showrunner Alex Kurtzman

Where To Watch Paramount+

Star Trek: Discovery Beat The Breen With A Season 4 Callback

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Star trek: discovery’s breen language is translated for the first time.


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Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Returning Cast & New Character Guide

Every star trek: discovery main character’s ending explained, discovery’s ending sets a star trek record & creates 2 new admirals.

Warning: This Article Has SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 9 - "Lagrange Point"

  • The Breen language was translated for first time in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 9.
  • Captain Burnham goes on an infiltration mission disguised as a Breen to heist the Progenitors' treasure.
  • Jörg Hillebrand also translated the Betazoid language in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 8.

The Breen language seen in Star Trek: Discovery has been translated for the first time. Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 9, "Lagrange Point" sends Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and crew from the USS Discovery on an infiltration mission to the Breen dreadnought. Disguised as Breen, Burnham tried to heist the portal to the Progenitors' treasure held in the dreadnought's cargo bay. Star Trek: Discovery' s penultimate episode added even more understanding of the mysterious Breen in the process.

On X, Jörg Hillebrand (@gaghyogi49), who was a renowned researcher for Star Trek: Picard season 3, translated the Breen language seen on the dreadnought's display screens in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 9 . For fans interested in Star Trek linguistics, this is a big step forward to being able to read Breen . Check out Hillebrand's post below.

Jörg Hillebrand also translated the Betazoid written language , which was seen for the first time in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 8, "Labyrinths".

As Burnham seeks the universe's greatest treasure in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, she'll need help from a host of new and returning characters.

Star Trek: Discovery Revealed More About The Breen Than Ever Before

The breen have become great discovery villains.

The Breen memorably made their mark on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , but Star Trek: Discovery season 5 has delved more deeply into the Breen than ever before . Thanks to Discovery , fans have now seen inside the massive Breen dreadnought and also know that the Breen are gelatinous (dubbed "Jelly Breens" by Star Trek: Discovery 's writers ) underneath their helmets and refrigeration suits. Star Trek: Discovery also revealed the 32nd century Breen Imperium is caught up in a civil war, with factions in conflict over who will be the next Breen Emperor.

Moll (Eve Harlow) killed Primarch Ruhn (Tony Nappo), L'ak's (Elias Toufexus) diabolical uncle, and took control of his faction of the Breen.

L'ak is the first Breen to fall in love with a human, Moll, and reject his culture. L'ak, who tragically died in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 7, "Erigah" , is also the Breen Scion and part of the royal bloodline. Even in death, L'ak commands the Breen's loyalty, and Moll is risking her life to possibly resurrect L'ak with the Progenitors' technology , which is the power of creation. What becomes of Moll, L'ak, and the Breen, with a new enemy, Primarch Tahal, entering the quest for the Progenitors' treasure, will be revealed in the series finale of Star Trek: Discovery .

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 streams Thursdays on Paramount+

Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

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Star Trek 's New Starfleet Academy Show Is Set In the Far Future to Give Its Heroes Hope

Starfleet academy will not take place in trek 's "contemporary" late-24th-century era, but discovery 's 32nd century–and for very good reason..

Image for article titled Star Trek's New Starfleet Academy Show Is Set In the Far Future to Give Its Heroes Hope

The series that started Star Trek ’s streaming era came to an end this week , but as ever with the franchise’s current moment , all eyes are already on what’s next. But Starfleet Academy , the next new Trek show , won’t actually be making that much of a temporal jump from Discovery , staying in the 32nd century setting that show established midway through its run.

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This makes sense for a lot of reasons— Star Trek already has a bunch of current and recently concluded series all operating in the familiar couple of decades established by TNG , DS9 , and Voyager , around the last couple of decades of the 24th century, and the early years of the 25th. Strange New Worlds is already playing in the franchise’s other popular era, the mid 23rd century, the time of the original Star Trek , so it makes sense now that Discovery is over that there’s going to be a new show that plays about in the time period it’s leaving behind. There’s also the fact that Discovery ’s ending leaves a ton of potential on the table for the 32nd century setting to be explored, as the de facto furthest frontier Star Trek has explored so far—so why not keep exploring it with new material?

But Star Trek architect Alex Kurtzman actually has a third, just as good reason—one personal but one also important to Star Trek ’s core ideals. “As the father of a 17-year-old boy, I see what my son is feeling as he looks at the world and to his future. I see the uncertainty; I see all the things we took for granted as given are not certainties for him,” Kurtzman recently told the L.A. Times , explaining why Academy will continue on where Discovery left off chronologically speaking. “I see him recognizing he’s inheriting an enormous mess to clean up and it’s going to be on his generation to figure out how to do that, and that’s a lot to ask of a kid. My thinking was, if we set Starfleet Academy in the halcyon days of the Federation where everything was fine, it’s not going to speak to what kids are going through right now. It’ll be a nice fantasy, but it’s not really going to be authentic.”

“What’ll be authentic is to set it in the timeline where this is the first class back after over 100 years, and they are coming into a world that is only beginning to recover from a cataclysm—which was the Burn, as established on Star Trek: Discovery , where the Federation was greatly diminished,” Kurtzman continued. “So they’re the first who’ll inherit, who’ll re-inherit, the task of exploration as a primary goal, because there just wasn’t room for that during the Burn—everybody was playing defense.”

And... yeah, that’s actually a really good idea! If Starfleet Academy was set during the period of Star Trek that is, currently, where the bulk of its material is set—that hey day of the late 24th century—there is paradoxically an idea that the wider universe is in an incredibly secure place in terms of where the Federation and Starfleet are at, and where their primary goals remain optimistically exploratory, and both that it’s on the precipice of absolute disaster. That time period is eventually rocked by the outbreak of the Dominion War , a war that ultimately not just sees Academy students pressed into conflict unlike anything seen in centuries, but also sees the Academy itself attacked and heavily damaged when Earth is assaulted by the Breen —the trauma of which we’ve already seen teased and played out in characters like Beckett Mariner on Lower Decks , who was a young student at the Academy in that time.

It’s a very familiar era to audiences, yes, but if you want to make a show about the a new generation of explorers being trained to go out and boldly go, it’s one fraught with trying to have navigate that either there is this horrifying event perpetually on the horizon, or that horrifying event has happened, and already fundamentally altered the lives and headspaces of these young characters. “The Burn” from Discovery that Kurtzman mentions as a backdrop to Academy —an explosive event that rendered the vast majority of warp travel all-but-impossible for over a century, radically altering the state of interstellar politics, trade, and communication—is a similarly world-changing event for its young characters to have faced, but it’s not necessarily as brutally cataclysmic as something like the Dominion War was. It’s a point of diminishment for Starfleet, but not its near-destruction, and using that as a jumping off point for Starfleet Academy gives its incoming class of future Star Trek heroes a rare chance to look to their futures with hope you wouldn’t otherwise get treading familiar temporal ground.

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Board Game: Star Trek: Ascendancy – The Breen Confederacy


  1. Star Trek: Ascendancy

    breen star trek ascendancy

  2. Star Trek Ascendancy: Breen Confederacy (Player Expansion)

    breen star trek ascendancy

  3. Star Trek Ascendancy: Breen Confederacy & The Dominion War Expansions

    breen star trek ascendancy

  4. Star Trek Ascendancy: Breen Confederacy

    breen star trek ascendancy


    breen star trek ascendancy

  6. Review

    breen star trek ascendancy




  3. Star Trek: Ascendancy

  4. TDG: Star Trek Ascendancy: The Breen Confederacy

  5. Star Trek: History of the Breen

  6. First Look at Star Trek Ascendancy: The Breen Confederacy Player Expansion!


  1. Star Trek: Ascendancy

    Intensely territorial, the Breen annihilated the Klingon fleet sent to conquer them, leaving the Klingons no wiser as to who or even what they were facing. Expansion for Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game, including everything you need to add the Breen and another player to your games of Star Trek Ascendancy. Discover new star systems, encounter ...

  2. How To Play: The Breen Confederacy Expansion

    First, to integrate the Breen into your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy. Shuffle the 10 new Exploration Cards into your Exploration Deck. Set the "Breen" system, Home System and starting location of the Breen Confederacy, aside and add the 9 System Discs from the expansion into the stack of System Discs. Now you can set up your game of Star ...

  3. Star Trek: Ascendancy

    Little is known about the secretive Breen, not their appearance, and not even whether they are a single species, or several. Intensely territorial, the Breen...

  4. The Dominion and Breen Confederacy Expansions

    The discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole brought this ancient civilization onto conflict with the more youthful civilizations of the Alpha Quadrant. This set includes everything you need to add the Dominion and Gamma Quadrant to your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy and to play the Dominion War variant. 20 New Exploration Cards.

  5. How To Play Star Trek Ascendancy: The Breen Confederacy Expansion

    Updated Star Trek Ascendency Rulebook Downloads. It has been a long time since Star Trek Ascendancy was released and over the intervening years we have had many questions, and some amazing fans over at BoardGameGeek (shout out to you all) have done an amazing job of collating these and creating a living FAQ. We've collated this and created an ...

  6. Star Trek: Ascendancy Breen Confederacy and Dominion War Expansions

    The Breen Confederacy adds a new playable faction, the mysterious Breen, to the game and increases the potential player count by one. Probably the most obscure race available for Star Trek: Ascendancy, the Breen were featured in Deep Space Nine as secretive but powerful allies of the Dominion. Many Advancements grant special benefits when this ...


    A step by step guide on how to play The Breen Confederacy expansion for Star Trek Ascendancy!You can also download the rule book for this here https://startr...

  8. TDG: Star Trek Ascendancy: The Breen Confederacy

    The Romulans say, "Never turn your back on a Breen." But they don't look too good from the front, so what are you gonna do? Join Cody as he explores this s...

  9. Star Trek Ascendancy: Breen Confederacy & The Dominion War Expansions

    Breen Confederacy. Star Trek: Ascendancy — Breen Confederacy. Publisher: Gale Force Nine. Item Code: GF9ST041. MSRP: $40. Releases August 27, 2022. This expansion includes everything you need to add the Breen, and another player, to your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy. Discover new Star Systems, encounter new Exploration cards, plus more ...

  10. Review

    The team at Gale Force Nine is back with their latest addition to the Star Trek: Ascendancy tabletop game: two expansions which let players step into the role of the imposing Dominion or the enigmatic Breen Confederacy.. Debuting originally in 2016, Star Trek: Ascendancy is a 4X strategy game where you steer a galactic power to explore the Star Trek universe, exploit its resources, expand your ...

  11. Star Trek Ascendancy Player Expansion: Breen Confederation

    As the Romulans say, "Never turn your back on a Breen.". This set includes everything you need to add the Breen to your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy: 10 New Exploration Cards, 10 New System Discs, including Breen. 30 Breen Ships with 3 Fleet Markers & Cards, 10 Breen Control Nodes, 15 Breen Advancements, 3 Breen Trade Agreements, Breen ...

  12. Gale Force Nine Announces Two Star Trek Ascendancy Expansions The

    Star Trek Ascendancy - Breen Confederacy Expansion. Little is known about the secretive Breen, not their appearance, and not even whether they are a single species or several species working together. Intensely territorial, the Breen annihilated the Klingon fleet sent to conquer them, leaving the Klingons no wiser as to who or even what they ...

  13. Star Trek: Ascendancy

    Boldly go where no one has gone before. In Star Trek: Ascendancy — a board game of exploration, expansion and conflict between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire — you control the great civilizations of the Galaxy, striking out from your home worlds to expand your influence and grow your ...

  14. How To Play

    First, to integrate The Dominion into your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy. Shuffle the 20 new Exploration Cards into your Exploration Deck. Set The Great Link system, home world and starting location of The Dominion, aside and the Bajor-Idran Wormhole System and now there is a choice to make. You can either ignore the Gamma Quadrant by setting ...

  15. Star Trek Ascendancy: Breen

    Category Board Games Tags Star Trek, Star Trek: Ascendancy SKU ZBTF-ST041 Availability 3+ in stock. Star Trek Ascendancy: Breen - £21.19 - and many other great board games are available for the lowest prices at Zatu Games UK! Browse our online store today!

  16. Star Trek Ascendancy: Breen Confederacy Expansion

    Manufacturer: Gale Force 9 Breen - Territorial Isolationists Everything you need to add the Breen, and another player, to your games of Star Trek Ascendancy.Discover new Star Systems, encounter new Exploration Card, plus more Space Lanes and Resource Nodes!

  17. Star Trek Ascendancy

    The UCR (Unofficial Complete Rulebook) is a mod for Star Trek Ascendancy. The UCR was initially concieved as a improved rulebook, incorporating FAQ answers, resolving ambiguities, and adding reference numbers. Over time, it has grown to include several fan faction expansions, including Terran Empire, Orion Syndicate, Tholian Assembly, and ...

  18. Star Trek: Ascendancy

    For use with Star Trek: Ascendancy. Star Trek: Ascendancy - Breen Dice Pack (2022) Average Rating: 8.25 / 10. 4 Ratings 3 Comments Graph. ... Star Trek: Ascendancy - Breen Dice Pack Alternate Names: Fans: 0. Become a Fan. Corrections Customize View. Subscribe . RSS Feed . ObjectID: 362978

  19. Star Trek: Discovery Beat The Breen With A Season 4 Callback

    Although the Breen dreadnought was damaged at the end of Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 9, "Lagrange Point", the massive ship sends out a wave of fighters.The USS Discovery cannot hold off ...

  20. How To Play

    Star Trek: Ascendancy Expansion Rulebooks The full rulebooks for Gale Force Nine's Star Trek: Ascendancy expansions are now available for download. Click Here - Download the ... How To Play: The Breen Confederacy Expansion "Never turn your back on a Breen." -- Old Romulan Saying Today we are going to be learning how add the Secretive Breen to ...

  21. Star Trek: Discovery's Breen Language Translated Is For The First Time

    The Breen language seen in Star Trek: Discovery has been translated for the first time. Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 9, "Lagrange Point" sends Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and crew from the USS Discovery on an infiltration mission to the Breen dreadnought. Disguised as Breen, Burnham tried to heist the portal to the Progenitors' treasure held in the dreadnought's ...

  22. Star Trek 's New Starfleet Academy Show Is Set In the Far Future to

    Starfleet Academy will not take place in Trek 's "contemporary" late-24th-century era, but Discovery 's 32nd century-and for very good reason. The series that started Star Trek 's streaming ...

  23. How To Play

    The full rulebook for Gale Force Nine's Star Trek: Ascendancy is now available for download.. Click Here - Download the Star Trek: Ascendancy Rulebook (July2020 Updated) (4.8 MB). Be on the lookout for more news about Star Trek: Ascendancy later this summer, including information on civilization expansions which will add more players to the game commanding the Cardassian Union and the ...

  24. Star Trek: Ascendancy

    Escalate your Game! Build more Starships! Control more Planets! Each pack contains 15 Starships and 5 Control Nodes. When using Escalation Packs make sure all players have access to the same number of Starships and Control Nodes. We may earn a commission when you buy through these links.

  25. Star Trek > Home

    Updated Star Trek Ascendency Rulebook Downloads. It has been a long time since Star Trek Ascendancy was released and over the intervening years we have had many questions, and some amazing fans over at BoardGameGeek (shout out to you all) have done an amazing job of collating these and creating a living FAQ. We've collated this and created an ...

  26. Star Trek: Ascendancy

    Star Trek: Ascendancy - The Breen Confederacy. Rank: N/A Num Ratings: 94 Average Rating: 8.19 Average Weight: 0.00 Num Owned: 821 Prev. Owned: 6 For Trade: 3 Want in Trade: 52 Wishlist: 142 Comments: 30 ...