african travel proverbs

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175 african proverbs and quotes about life, business, relationship.

African proverbs are short, concise sayings that convey moral lessons, advice, or truths about life.

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African proverbs are a treasure trove of wisdom, encapsulating the rich cultural heritage and timeless insights of the continent. These proverbs passed down through generations, offer valuable life lessons and reflect the values, beliefs, and experiences of various African communities .

What Are African Proverbs?

African proverbs are short, concise sayings that convey moral lessons, advice, or truths about life. They are often metaphorical and use vivid imagery drawn from nature, daily life, and community interactions. These proverbs are an integral part of African oral traditions and are used in storytelling, teaching, and everyday conversations.

The Significance of African Proverbs

  • Cultural Preservation: African proverbs play a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage. They capture the essence of traditional beliefs and practices, ensuring that future generations remain connected to their roots.
  • Moral Guidance: Many African proverbs offer moral guidance, emphasizing values such as honesty, humility, respect, and perseverance. They serve as ethical compasses for individuals and communities.
  • Wisdom and Insight: These proverbs encapsulate profound wisdom and insight, offering timeless truths that are relevant across different eras and contexts. They provide perspectives on human nature, relationships, and the world.

175+ Popular African Proverbs and Their Meanings

  • Stresses the need for effort and ingredients to achieve results.
  • Highlights the communal effort required in upbringing a child.
  • Suggests that anger is not productive.
  • Implies that leadership is validated by followers.
  • Indicates that wisdom is acquired gradually through experience.
  • Emphasizes learning through practical experience.
  • Suggests that violence is a sign of weakness.
  • Implies that known dangers are less threatening.
  • Reflects the concept of hierarchy and priorities.
  • Stresses boundaries and respect within relationships.
  • Highlights the power of forgiveness in resolving conflicts.
  • Implies that love brings light and clarity.
  • Suggests that talk alone doesn’t accomplish tasks.
  • Highlights self-confidence and self-recognition.
  • Implies that one should keep moving forward in life.
  • Encourages sharing wisdom freely.
  • Reflects the idea of loving everything about something or someone.
  • Advises to find the root cause of problems rather than focusing on the outcomes.
  • Suggests that everyone has their own unique knowledge and skills.
  • Stresses the importance of putting effort into achieving goals.
  • Suggests that using force indicates a lack of logical reasoning.
  • Reflects that over-ambition can lead to restlessness.
  • Indicates the protective role of a husband.
  • Implies that making mistakes is part of learning.
  • Highlights the challenges of shared responsibilities.
  • Emphasizes the power of inner strength.
  • Reflects the shared nature of human experiences.
  • Stresses learning by doing.
  • Suggests that people often blame external factors for their own shortcomings.
  • Indicates reliance on others to achieve one’s goals.
  • Signifies the importance of collaboration.
  • Advises valuing what you have over uncertain pursuits.
  • Encourages sharing knowledge with others.
  • Stresses the need for effort and resources to achieve results.

. “A bird will always use another bird’s feathers to feather its own nest.” – Indicates reliance on others to achieve one’s goals.

The Role of African Proverbs in Modern Society

In today’s fast-paced world, African proverbs remain relevant and continue to inspire and educate people globally. They are used in various contexts, including:

  • Education: Teachers and educators incorporate African proverbs into lessons to teach moral values and cultural awareness.
  • Motivation: These proverbs are often quoted in motivational speeches, literature, and social media to inspire and uplift individuals.
  • Conflict Resolution: In many African communities, elders use proverbs to mediate disputes and promote understanding and harmony.

African proverbs are more than just sayings; they are reflections of the collective wisdom and experiences of African cultures. By exploring and appreciating these proverbs, we gain insight into the values and philosophies that have shaped and continue to influence African societies. Let the wisdom of African proverbs guide you in your daily life, offering timeless lessons and universal truths.

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African proverbs collection

African Proverbs – 300 Inspirational Proverbs and Quotes

The wisdom of african proverbs – get inspired from  300  african proverbs  from all around african continent.

Here’s a list of African proverbs from around  African the continent. Some are known to come from specific African tribes, ethnic groups, or  African countries, and others have an unknown source and are listed simply as “African proverbs.” Some proverbs are romantic, some thought provoking and some perhaps a bit lost in translation.

The Wisdom of African Proverbs If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together

Supposing doesn’t fill the grain basket ‘if’ doesn’t fill the larder. ~ Ovambo Proverb

There are no shortcuts to the top of the palm tree. ~ Cameroonian Proverb

All monkeys cannot hang on the same branch. ~ Kenyan Proverb

Those who are absent are always wrong. ~ Congolese Proverb

God has created lands with lakes and rivers for man to live. And the desert so that he can find his soul. ~  Tuareg Proverb

Do not allow the belly to make you useless. ~ Maasai Proverb

Little by little grow the bananas. ~ Congolese Proverb

If you overtake a leader, you break your neck. ~ Ugandan Proverb

The big game often appears when the hunter has given up the hunt for the day. ~ Igbo Proverb

A clever king is the brother of peace. ~ South African Proverb

Do not call to a dog with a whip in your hand. ~ Sudanese Proverb

Maasai Jumping Dance

The blame of the antelope is on the hunter. ~ Kenyan Proverb

Good music goes with good food. ~ African Proverb

Haste and hurry can only bear children with many regrets along the way. ~ Senegalese Proverb

A fully grown up tree cannot be bent into a walking stick. ~ Kenyan Proverb

No matter how full the river, it still wants to grow. ~ Congolese Proverb

Birds of all kinds will end up landing. ~ Egyptian Proverb

I shall come for the cows after the donkeys have grown horns. ~Meru Proverb

If love is a sickness, patience is the remedy. ~ Cameroonian Proverb

Other people’s wisdom prevents the king from being called a fool. ~ Nigerian Proverb

Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand. ~ Guinean Proverb

Ingratitude is sooner or later fatal to its author. ~ Twi Proverb

The laughter of a child lights up the house. ~ Swahili proverb

Maasai Authentic  Celebration

Even an ant can hurt an elephant. ~ South African Proverb

Examine what is said, not him who speaks. ~ Egyptian Proverb

One camel does not make fun of the other camel’s hump. ~ Ghanaian Proverb

If you educate a man you educate one individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a family. ~Fanti Proverb

The sun never sets without fresh news. ~Xhosa Proverb

The good mother knows what her children will eat. ~ Akan Proverb

When the mother goat breaks into the yam store her kid watches her. ~ Igbo Proverb

Even as the archer loves the arrow that flies, so too he loves the bow that remains constant in his hands. ~ Nigerian Proverb

Rich people cook their food in a potsherd. ~ Kikuyu Proverb

Sudanese Wedding in Khartoum

If the elders leave you a legacy of dignified language, you do not abandon it and speak childish language. ~ Ghanaian Proverb

The elephant does not limp when walking on thorns. ~ Ethiopian Proverb

The Wisdom of African Proverbs - Get inspired from almost 300 African Proverbs from all around African continent

An ox shits more than a hundred mosquitoes ~ Mozambican proverb

A person with too much ambition cannot sleep in peace. ~ Chadian Proverb

There is no return, worse luck for could I return, I would foresee what has come into the country. ~ Bantu Proverb

African proverbs The elephant does not limp when walking on thorns. ~ Ethiopian Proverb

Around a flowering tree there are many insects. ~ Guinean Proverb

He is like a drum which makes a lot of noise but is hollow inside. ~ Sudanese Proverb

Coffee and love taste best when hot. ~ Ethiopian Proverb [clickToTweet tweet=”Coffee and love taste best when hot. ~ Ethiopian #Proverb #africa #love #coffee” quote=”Coffee and love taste best when hot. ~ Ethiopian Proverb”]

When the food is cooked there is no need to wait before eating it. ~ Kikuyu Proverb

Baboons do not go far from the place of their birth. ~ Masai Proverb

The chameleon looks in all directions before moving ~ Ugandan Proverb

Lonely is one. ~ Maasai Proverb

The Wisdom of African Proverbs - Get inspired from almost 300 African Proverbs from all around African continent

Time destroys all things. ~ Nigerian Proverb

Little by little the bird builds its nest. ~ Nigerian Proverb

Numbers can achieve anything. ~ Ghanaian Proverb

A brave man dies once, a coward a thousand times. ~ Somali Proverb

Only someone else can scratch your back. ~ Kenyan Proverb

It’s like removing a hyena from a pit. ~ Meru Proverb

Berber Guys Singing (Morocco)

He who does not seize opportunity today, will be unable to seize tomorrow’s opportunity. ~ Somali Proverb

Misfortune of soup made of shanks and feet. ~ Xhosa Proverb

Rich people sometimes eat bad food. ~ Kikuyu Proverb

He who refuses to obey cannot command. ~ Kenyan Proverb

The cow that bellows does so for all cows. ~ Kenyan Proverb

The chameleon changes color to match the earth, the earth doesn’t change colors to match the chameleon. ~ Senegalese Proverb

If an arrow has not entered deeply, then its removal is not hard. ~ Buli Proverb

Where error gets to, correction cannot reach. ~ Ghanaian Proverb

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors we borrow it from our children. ~ Haida Proverb

If you damage the character of another, you damage your own. ~ Yoruba Proverb

He who doesn’t clean his mouth before breakfast always complains that the food is sour. ~ African Proverb

The Wisdom of African Proverbs - Get inspired from almost 300 African Proverbs from all around African continent

You cannot climb to the mountain top without crushing some weeds with your feet ~ Ugandan Proverb

Even the best dancer on the stage must retire sometime. ~ African Proverb

If you have no teeth, do not break to clay cooking pot. ~ Chewa Proverb

When the moon is not full, the stars shine more brightly. ~ Buganda People of Uganda

Leadership comes from God ~ Kenyan Proverb

The friends of our friends are our friends. ~Congolese Proverb

The elders of the village are the boundaries. ~ Ghanaian Proverb

Those who are born on top of the anthill take a short time to grow tall. ~ Ghanaian Proverb

When a fish rots, the head stinks first ~ Ghanaian Proverb

One foot isn’t enough to walk with. ~ Egyptian Proverb

An empty pot makes the loudest noise. ~Kenyan Proverb

If you are building a house and a nail breaks, do you stop building, or do you change the nail? ~ African Proverb

Where a woman rules, stream run uphill. ~ Ethiopian Proverb

If a stranger comes to stay with you, do not forget when you lay aside his weapons that he is hungry. ~ Maasai Proverb

Good millet is known at the harvest. ~ Liberian Proverb

Family names are like flowers, they blossom in clusters. ~African Proverb

One fly does not provide for another ~ Xhosa Proverb

It is not the cook’s fault when the cassava turns out to be hard and tasteless. ~ Ewe Proverb

It is the belly which daily gives thanks. ~ Maasai Proverb

No matter how big a child is, he cannot deny that he was once carried on the back of a woman. ~ African Proverb

The Wisdom of African Proverbs

If you do not know death, look at the grave. ~Kenyan Proverb

When the lion cannot find meat, it eats grass. ~Kenyan Proverb

When a woman is hungry, she says, Roast something for the children that they might eat. ~ Ashanti Proverb

One whose seeds have not sprouted does not give up planting. ~ Kenyan Proverb

A king’s child is a slave elsewhere. ~ Zimbabwean Proverb

He who loves the vase loves also what is inside. ~ African Proverb

What is bad luck for one man is good luck for another. ~Ashanti Proverb

Prepare now for the solutions of tomorrow. ~ Congolese Proverb

The bee is the doctor of flowers. ~ Congolese Proverb

A bridge is repaired only when someone falls into the water. ~ Somali Proverbs

What is inflated too much will break into fragments. ~ Ethiopian Proverb

However much it rains on you, no wild banana tree will grow on your head. ~ Kenyan Proverb

A snake that you can see does not bite. ~ Mozambican Proverb

The Wisdom of African Proverbs -Get inspired from 300 African Proverbs from all around African continent

One who relates with a corrupt person likewise gets corrupted. ~ Kenyan Proverb

The words of the elders become sweet some day. ~ Malawian Proverb

More precious than our children are the children of our children. ~ Egyptian Proverb

The Rhinoceros never dances with the monkey. ~Nigerian Proverb

Confiding a secret to an unworthy person is like carrying grain in a bag with a hole. ~ Nilotic Proverb

Unity is the real thing ~ Kenyan Proverb

A bird that allows itself to be caught will find a way of escaping. ~ Cameroonian Proverb

Better little, than too little. ~ Burundian Proverb

If you are ugly you must either learn to dance or make love. ~ Zimbabwean Proverb

If there were no elephant in the jungle, the buffalo would be a great animal. ~Ghanaian Proverb

The brother or sister who does not respect the traditions of the elders will not be allowed to eat with the elders. ~ Ga People of Ghana

No tattoo is made without blood. ~ Mozambican Proverb

Live patiently in the world know that those who hate you are more numerous than those who love you. ~ African Proverb

A child one does not instruct on return, one instructs him when going. ~ Bantu Proverb

Suppression of hunger leads to death. ~ Kenyan Proverb

A canoe does not know who the leader is when it turns over, everyone gets wet. ~ Proverb from Madagascar

We should put out fire while it is still small. ~ Kenyan Proverb

Water that has been begged for does not quench the thirst. ~ Soga People of Uganda

Let it be a bite of a cockroach and fly with the wind. ~ Meru Proverb

The song of a stranger-woman is answered after she has gone. ~ Kikuyu Proverb

The humble pay for the mistakes of their leaders. ~ Tanzanian Proverb

Discord between the powerful is a fortune for the poor. ~ African Proverb

No person is born great great people become great when others are sleeping. ~ African Proverb

A person who has children does not die. ~ Nigerian Proverb

Dance, father, people’s eyes don’t eat, they just stare. ~ Bantu Proverb

Who ever suggested that rats should become chiefs? ~ Ugandan Proverb

He who dictates separates himself from others. ~ Somali Proverb

The jungle is stronger than the elephant. ~ South African Proverb

He has rubbed shoulders against a baobab tree. ~ Meru Proverb

If your mouth turns into a knife, it will cut off your lips. ~ Rwandan Proverb

Women have no chief. ~ Acholi Proverb

If your sister is in the group of singing girls, you name always comes into the song. ~Ghanaian Proverb

The antics of a market buffoon provide laughter, but nobody prays that his child becomes the market buffoon. ~ African Proverb

the roaring lion kills no prey ~ Nigerian Proverb african proverbs

A rooster is not expected to crow for the whole world. ~ African Proverb

To lead is not to run roughshod over people ~ Kenyan Proverb

If while climbing a tree you insist on going beyond the top, the earth will be waiting for you. ~ African Proverb

One arrow can knock down an elephant. ~ Kenyan Proverb

All errors are amendable. ~ African Proverb

A weaning baby that does not cry aloud will die on its mothers back. ~ Zimbabwean Proverb

No water without waves. ~ Kenyan Proverb

Even if you bewitch in the night, you will be known. ~ Kenyan Proverb

Glory does not come by calling. ~ Kenyan Proverb

He who cannot dance will say, The drum is bad! ~ Ashanti Proverb

The stick in the hand kills the snake. ~ Kenyan Proverb

A tree cannot stand without roots. ~ Congolese Proverb [clickToTweet tweet=”A tree cannot stand without roots. ~ Congolese #Proverb” quote=”A tree cannot stand without roots. ~ Congolese Proverb”]

Horn blowers, blow in unison. ~ Ugandan Proverb

A Tutsi liked to warm himself by the fire someone else took the bull. ~ Zinza People of Tanzania

Crying a lot does not give you peace of mind. ~ Burundian Proverb

If a leader loves you, he makes sure you build your house on rock ~ Ugandan Proverb

Old and new millet seeds end up in the same mill. ~ Acholi Proverb

If while climbing a tree you insist on going beyond the top, the earth will be waiting for you. ~African Proverb

Love is a despot who spares no one. ~ Namibian Proverb

When you mention the person with one eye, the one with the eye problem reacts. ~ Kenyan Proverb

A tree does not move unless there is wind. ~ Nigerian Proverb

Love is like a baby: it needs to be treated tenderly. ~ Congolese Proverb

A quarrelsome chief does not hold a village together. ~ Malawian Proverb

The belly does not swell if a woman is not pregnant. ~ Maasai Proverb

We are what our thinking makes us. ~ Nigerian Proverb

To love someone who does not love you, is like shaking a tree to make the dew drops fall. ~ African Proverb from The Congo

A slippery person is not a king. ~ Kenyan Proverb

It is difficult for two long-nosed lovers to kiss. ~ African Proverb

The vultures would not land at the village in which there is a wise old man. ~ Meru Proverb

The strong bull is overcome when it limps ~ Ethiopian Proverb

The Wisdom of African Proverbs -Get inspired from 300African Proverbs from all around African continent

The eye cannot penetrate darkness. ~ Maasai Proverb

He who learns, teaches. ~ Ethiopian Proverb

Copying everyone else all the time, the monkey one day cut his throat. ~ Zulu Proverb

The strong do not need clubs. ~Senegalese Proverb

When a king reigns, it is thanks to the people when a river sings, it is thanks to the stones. ~ African Proverb

If the palm of the hand itches it signifies the coming of great luck. ~ Lesotho Proverb

He who is unable to dance says the yard is stony. ~ Kenyan Proverb

The one nearest to the enemy is the real leader ~ Ugandan Proverb

The hen pecks and wipes its beak. ~ Kenyan Proverb

A flea can trouble a lion more than a lion can trouble a flea. ~ Kenyan Proverb

So many little things makes a man love a woman in a BIG way. ~ Ghanaian Proverb

When I think of the others’s misfortunes, I forget mine. ~ Algerian Proverb

If a blind man says he will throw a stone at you, he probably has his foot on one. ~ Ghanaian Proverb

Every door has its own key. ~ Kenyan Proverb

Every fame has a foundation. ~ African Proverb

To neglect one’s ancestors would bring ill-fortune and failure in life. ~ African Proverb

Happiness requires something to do, something to love and something to hope for. ~ Swahili Proverb

A bird that flies from the ground onto an anthill does not know that it is still on the ground. ~ Nigerian Proverb

You can not tell a hungry child that you gave him food yesterday. ~ Zimbabwean Proverb[clickToTweet tweet=”You can not tell a hungry child that you gave him food yesterday. ~ Zimbabwean #Proverb” quote=”You can not tell a hungry child that you gave him food yesterday. ~ Zimbabwean Proverb”]

What has horns must not be hid in a sack. ~ Zulu Proverb

An okra tree does not grow taller that its master. ~ Krio (Sierra Leona) Proverb

He is a fool whose sheep runs away twice. ~ Ashanti Proverb

When your neighbour’s horse falls into a pit, you should not rejoice at it, for your own child may fall into it too. ~ Yoruba Proverb

Fear no forest because it is dense African Proverb

All heads are the same, but not all thoughts are the same. ~ Ghanaian Proverb

Even the fiercest leader in the world is overcome by sleep. ~ Malawian Proverb

Fear no forest because it is dense. ~ African Proverb

An empty pot makes the loudest noise. ~ Kenyan Proverb

One head alone does not go into council ~ Ghanaian Proverb

Birds sing not because they have answers but because they have songs. ~ African Proverb

A slave has no choice. ~ Kenyan Proverb

Children are the reward of life. ~ African Proverb from the Congo

Obstinacy does not redeem anyone. ~ Malawian Proverb

When a thing becomes perfect, it soon fades. ~ Moroccan Proverb

A man’s wealth may be superior to him. ~ Cameroonian Proverb

No masika (rain season) without mosquitoes. ~ Kenyan Proverb

Only a medicine man gets rich by sleeping. ~ Kenyan Proverb

The rain does not recognize anyone as a friend it drenches all equally. ~ Ibo Proverb (Nigeria)

The betrothed of good is evil the betrothed of life is death the betrothed of love is divorce. ~ Malawian Proverb

Never marry a woman who has bigger feet than you. ~ Mozambican Proverb

No matter how beautiful and well crafted a coffin might look, it will not make anyone wish for death. ~African Proverb

The heart of the wise man lies quiet like limpid water. ~Proverb from Cameroon

Hope does not disappoint. ~South African Proverb

Those who accomplish great things pay attention to little ones. ~Malian Proverb

A child’s lie is like a dead fish in a pond that in the end, always comes to the surface, explains his mother. ~Luo proverb

If two wise men always agree, then there is no need for one of them. ~ Zambian Proverb

If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom. ~ Tanzanian Proverb

The key to a healthy body is a good head. ~ Somali Proverb

If the wind blows, it enters every crevice. ~ Egyptian Proverb

The more feathers a chicken has, the bigger it looks. ~ Zambian Proverb

Don’t fight a lion with a stick. ~ Maasai Proverb

Do not tell the man who is carrying you that he stinks. ~ African Proverb from Sierra Leone

Where there is no shame, there is no honor. ~ Ethiopian Proverb

When your neighbour is wrong you point a finger, but when you are wrong you hide. ~ Ekonda People of the Congo

A crowd can easily overpower a bull. ~ South African Proverb

It is the grass that suffers when elephants fight. ~ Kenyan Proverb

If we put a hammer in every person’s hand, could they all become blacksmiths? ~ Ghanaian Proverb

There is not such a thing in the world as a sheep of many colours. ~ Masai Proverb

The roaring lion kills no prey ~ Nigerian Proverb

Even in the monastery there is occasion for song and merriment. ~ Ethiopian Proverb

Being happy is better than being king. ~ Nigerian Proverb

A boat cannot go forward if each rows his own way. ~ Tanzanian Proverb

A little rain each day will fill the rivers to overflowing. ~African Proverb from Madagascar

The Wisdom of African Proverbs -Get inspired from 300 African Proverbs from all around African continent

The growing millet does not fear the sun. ~ Acholi Proverb

You don’t need a light to see someone you know intimately at night. ~ Ghanaian Proverb

Gold should be sold to the one who knows the value of it. ~ African Proverb

Slowly, slowly, porridge goes into the gourd. ~ Kuria People of Kenyan & Tanzania

You cannot force water up a hill. ~ Maasai Proverb [clickToTweet tweet=”You cannot force water up a hill. ~ Maasai #Proverb” quote=”You cannot force water up a hill. ~ Maasai Proverb”]

When a strong man sends a message, he sends it with a weak man ~Ethiopian Proverb

A child does not laugh at the ugliness of his mother. ~Ghanaian Proverb

A deaf ear is followed by death and an ear that listens is followed by blessings. ~ Samburu Proverb

A big fish is caught with big bait. ~ African Proverb from Sierra Leone

Wealth is like hair in the nose: it hurts to be separated whether from a little or from a lot. ~ Malagasy Proverb

If you think you have someone eating out of your hands, it is a good idea to count your fingers. ~ Nigerian Proverb

Even the Niger river must flow around an island. ~ Hausa Proverb

Where you will sit when you are old shows where you stood in youth. ~ Yoruba Proverb

Leadership does not depend on age. ~ Namibian Proverb

A single bracelet does not jingle. ~ Congolese Proverb

Pretend you are dead and you will see who really loves you . ~ African Proverb

A woman is never old when it comes to the dance she knows. ~ African Proverb

When the baobab tree has fallen, the goats start climbing on it. ~ Malian Proverb

Eat when the food is ready speak when the time is right. ~ Ethiopian Proverb

One who causes others misfortune also teaches them wisdom. ~ African Proverb

When the powerful sit, they are none the weaker. ~ Ugandan Proverb

Too much discussion leads to a quarrel. ~ Ivorian Proverb

He who tells the truth is never wrong. ~ Swahili Proverb [clickToTweet tweet=”He who tells the truth is never wrong. ~ Swahili #Proverb” quote=”He who tells the truth is never wrong. ~ Swahili Proverb”]

If you do not have patience you cannot make beer. ~ Ovambo proverb

An intelligent enemy is better than a stupid friend. ~ Senegalese proverb

African proverbs

About the Author: Nina Zara

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“An ox shits more than a hundred mosquitoes” – Mozambican proverb

Can be used, for instance, in this situation:some weak men trying to lift a big weight, and a strong man comes up lifting the weight effortlessly …

I love your site, I was born in Mozambique.

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Hello Antonio, thanks for reading this post and means a lot that readers like you like this site! Also thanks for taking time to add a proverb not yet on this list! Will be added to this article shortly!

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A child who does not know a Medicine calls it Vegetables.

Another great African Proverb, thanks for sharing!

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Wonderful site! I am looking specifically for elephant proverbs. Do you know of any good places to look? Thanks for a good start.

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“if two men always agree then there is no need for one of them….” Namibian saying too educative. if something is of need to either parties, there is always disagreement because neither of them wants to lose.

am from Uganda but this proverb is inspiring.

My favourite at the moment is Tuareg proverb: ” God has created lands with lakes and rivers for man to live. And the desert so that he can find his soul.”

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Comment… two rams can’t drink in thesame bucket, they will lock horns….

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“Until the Lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter” is my favourite.

I love it! Thanks for sharing!

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Ouf!!! This is what I have been looking for. Great job!!

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Proverbs are food to the soul of a wise man. Beautiful work i must say. This are the type of things i was trained with from infant. Thank you for this beautiful collection. Am inspired and may coconut grow on your head. The sweetness of the walnut will never replace the kola nut in an elders meeting. Thank u

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No matter how black a cow is it will always produce a white milk.

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“When two people are responsible for feeding a horse, it will either get fat or it will starve.”

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Never marry a woman who has a bigger feet than u.please I want to know the implications.!!!!

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An egg seller doesn’t start a fight in the market.

Lango proverb –

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thats why am proud to be an african

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Never marry a woman who has bigger feet than you. Can you please tell the meaning this?

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Love does not have a location, just appreciate what you have.

If your anus does not smell, then you are either dead or the one smelling is dead.

Lango proverb.

Implication,….. Not everything that smells bad means bad…. Others signify life!

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Great proverbs, please do more research on Nigerian proverbs, specifically Yoruba proverbs. Thank me later.

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Every elephant is able to carry it’s tusks. Kikuyu (Kenyan) proverb.

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77 Safari Quotes to Inspire You About Africa

This is a very personal list.

Some of these safari quotes first inspired me to explore Africa , many many moons ago.

These safari quotes continue to inspire me.

After spending so long in Africa I know that these quotes are not only inspirational, they are incredibly accurate .

So take a read and feel inspired.

Safari quotes 1 – 10

John Hemingway quote about Africa magic

1. “If I have ever seen magic, it has been in Africa.”

* John Hemingway (American author)

2. “Why is it you can never hope to describe the emotion Africa creates? You are lifted. Out of whatever pit, unbound from whatever tie, released from whatever fear. You are lifted and you see it all from above.”

* Francesca Marciano (Italian novelist and filmmaker; extract from “ Rules of the Wild ”)

3. “Africa has her mysteries and even a wise man cannot understand them. But a wise man respects them.”

* Miriam Makeba (South African singer and civil rights activist)

4. “Africa is not a country, but it is a continent like none other. It has that which is elegantly vast or awfully little.”

* L. Douglas Wilder (American politician)

5. “Nothing but breathing the air of Africa, and actually walking through it, can communicate the indescribable sensations.”

* William Burchell (English explorer)

6. “The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa – for he has so much to look forward to.”

* Richard Mullin (Origin unknown)

7. “You can’t hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree. You can’t hate Africa and not hate yourself.”

* Malcolm X (American Muslim minister and human rights activist)

8. “Africa – You can see a sunset and believe you have witnessed the Hand of God. You watch the slope lope of a lioness and forget to breathe. You marvel at the tripod of a giraffe bent to water. In Africa, there are iridescent blues on the wings of birds that you do not see anywhere else in nature. In Africa, in the midday heart, you can see blisters in the atmosphere. When you are in Africa, you feel primordial, rocked in the cradle of the world.”

* Jodi Picoult (American author)

9. “If there were one more thing I could do, it would be to go on safari once again.”

* Karen Blixen (Danish author best known for “ Out of Africa ”, her account of living in Kenya )

10. “There are as many Africas as there are books about Africa — and as many books about it as you could read in a leisurely lifetime. Whoever writes a new one can afford a certain complacency in the knowledge that his is a new picture agreeing with no one else’s, but likely to be haugthily disagreed with by all those who believed in some other Africa. … Being thus all things to all authors, it follows, I suppose, that Africa must be all things to all readers.”

* Beryl Markham (British-born Kenyan aviator, adventurer, racehorse trainer and author; extract from “ West With the Night ”)

Safari quotes 11 – 20

Ernest Hemingway quote about being happy in Africa

11. “I never knew of a morning in Africa when I woke up that I was not happy.”

* Ernest Hemingway (American author and journalist)

12. “When you leave Africa, as the plane lifts, you feel that more than leaving a continent you’re leaving a state of mind. Whatever awaits you at the other end of your journey will be of a different order of existence.”

13. “Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.”

* W. C. Fields (American actor and writer)

14. “It’s really beautiful. It feels like God visits everywhere else but lives in Africa.”

* Will Smith (American actor and producer)

15. “Africa is mystic; it is wild; it is a sweltering inferno; it is a photographer’s paradise, a hunter’s Valhalla, an escapist’s Utopia. It is what you will, and it withstands all interpretations. It is the last vestige of a dead world or the cradle of a shiny new one. To a lot of people, as to myself, it is just home.”

16. “Africa changes you forever, like nowhere on earth. Once you have been there, you will never be the same. But how do you begin to describe its magic to someone who has never felt it? How can you explain the fascination of this vast, dusty continent, whose oldest roads are elephant paths? Could it be because Africa is the place of all our beginnings, the cradle of mankind, where our species first stood upright on the savannahs of long ago?”

* Brian Jackman (British journalist and author, best known for his interest in wildlife and wild places – especially Africa)

17. “…few can sojourn long within the unspoilt wilderness of a game sanctuary, surrounded on all sides by its confiding animals, without absorbing its atmosphere; the Spirit of the Wild is quick to assert supremacy, and no man of any sensibility can resist her.”

* James Stevenson-Hamilton (first warden of South Africa’s Sabi Nature Reserve)

18. “To witness that calm rhythm of life revives our worn souls and recaptures a feeling of belonging to the natural world. No one can return from the Serengeti unchanged, for tawny lions will forever prowl our memory and great herds throng our imagination.”

* George Schaller (American conservationist and author)

19. “There is something about safari life that makes you forget all your sorrows and feel as if you had drunk half a bottle of champagne — bubbling over with heartfelt gratitude for being alive.”

20. “In Africa you have space…there is a profound sense of space here, space and sky.”

* Thabo Mbeki (former South African president)

Safari quotes 21 – 30

Brian Jackman quote about the safari bug

21. “Everything in Africa bites, but the safari bug is worst of all.”

22. “The biggest lesson from Africa was that life’s joys come mostly from relationships and friendships, not from material things. I saw time and again how much fun Africans had with their families and friends and on the sports fields; they laughed all the time.”

* Andrew Shue (American actor)

23. “For as long as I can remember, I have been passionately intrigued by ‘Africa,’ by the word itself, by its flora and fauna, its topographical diversity and grandeur; but above all else, by the sheer variety of the colors of its people, from tan and sepia to jet and ebony.”

* Henry Louis Gates (American literary critic)

24. “The most hazardous part of our expedition to Africa was crossing Piccadilly Circus.”

* Joseph Thomson (Scottish explorer)

25. “One cannot resist the lure of Africa.”

* Rudyard Kipling (English writer)

26. “You know you are truly alive when you’re living among lions.”

27. “There is always something new out of Africa.”

* Pliny the Elder (Roman author)

28. “But African time was not the same as American time…As African time passed, I surmised that the pace of Western countries was insane, that the speed of modern technology accomplished nothing, and that because Africa was going its own way at its own pace for its own reasons, it was a refuge and a resting place.”

* Paul Theroux (American travel writer; from Dark Star Safari )

29. “There is a language going on out there – the language of the wild. Roars, snorts, trumpets , squeals, whoops and chirps have meaning derived over eons of expression…we have yet to become fluent in the language – and music – of the wild.”

* Boyd Norton (American wildlife photographer, from Serengeti: The Eternal Beginning )

30. “ In the jungle , the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.”

* Solomon Linda (South African musician, singer and composer)

Safari quotes 31 – 40

Winston Churchill quote about Uganda - The Pearl of Africa

31.   “For magnificence, for variety of form and color, for profusion of brilliant life — bird, insect, reptile, beast — for vast scale — Uganda is truly the ‘Pearl of Africa’.”

* Winston Churchill (Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)

32.   “He could tell by the way the animals walked that they were keeping time to some kind of music. Maybe it was the song in their own hearts that they walked to.”

* Laura Adams Armer (American artist and writer)

33. “ Old and new kiss everywhere in Africa.”

* John Gunther (American journalist)

34.   “The continent is too large to describe. It is a veritable ocean, a separate planet, a varied, immensely rich cosmos. Only with the greatest simplification, for the sake of convenience, can we say ‘Africa’. In reality, except as a geographical appellation, Africa does not exist.”

* Ryszard Kapuściński (Polish journalist, photographer, poet and author)

35.   “If I know a song of Africa, of the giraffe and the African new moon lying on her back, of the plows in the fields and the sweaty faces of the coffee pickers, does Africa know a song of me? Will the air over the plain quiver with a color that I have had on, or the children invent a game in which my name is, or the full moon throw a shadow over the gravel of the drive that was like me, or will the eagles of the Ngong Hills look out for me?”

36. “One of the great things about travel is that you find out how many good, kind people there are.”

* Edith Wharton (American novelist)

37.   “The eye never forgets what the heart has seen.”

* African Proverb

38.   “Behold the zebra on the plains , and shudder at his mighty manes!”

* Ogden Nash (American poet)

39.   “I have loved no part of the world like this and I have loved no women as I love you. You’re my human Africa. I love your smell as I love these smells. I love your dark bush as I love the bush here, you change with the light as this place does, so that one all the time is loving something different and yet the same. I want to spill myself out into you as I want to die here.”

* Graham Greene (English writer and journalist)

40. “ It was wildest, untouched Africa, and it was magic.”

* Jane Goodall (English primatologist and anthropologist)

Safari quotes 41 – 50

Boyd Norton quote about the Serengeti - the land of our youth

41.   “Wilderness gave us knowledge. Wilderness made us human. We came from here. Perhaps that is why so many of us feel a strong bond to this land called Serengeti; it is the land of our youth.”

42.   “They say that somewhere in Africa the elephants have a secret grave where they go to lie down, unburden their wrinkled gray bodies, and soar away, light spirits at the end.”

* Robert R. McCammon (American novelist)

43. “Having travelled to some African countries, I find myself, like so many visitors to Africa before me, intoxicated with the continent. And I am not referring to the animals, as much as I have been enthralled by them during safaris in Kenya, Tanzania , and Zimbabwe . Rather I am referring to the African people.”

* Dennis Prager (American radio host)

44. “The gladdest moment in human life, me thinks, is a departure into unknown lands.”

* Sir Richard Francis Burton (British explorer)

45. “People must feel that the natural world is important and valuable and beautiful and wonderful and an amazement and a pleasure.”

* David Attenborough (English broadcaster and natural historian)

46.  “If you only visit two continents in your lifetime, visit Africa – twice!”

* R. Elliot

47.   “You go away for a long time and return a different person – you never come all the way back.”

48.   “Here I am where I belong.”

49.   “I went to South Africa on safari and came eye to eye with a beautiful leopard . We were so close; I was staring at him for a long time and I felt a recognition with my own nature.”

* Bai Ling (Chinese-American actress)

50. “To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.”

* Bill Bryson (American-British author of books on travel)

Safari quotes 51 – 60

Mary Anne Radmacher quote about the moon

51.   “I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.”

* Mary Anne Radmacher (American writer and artist)

52.   “All I wanted to do was get back to Africa. We had not left it, yet, but when I would wake in the night I would lie, listening, homesick for it already.”

53.   “They say an elephant never forgets. What they don’t tell you is, you never forget an elephant.”

* Bill Murray (American actor, comedian, and writer)

54.   “The love of all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.”

* Charles Darwin (English naturalist)

55. “A giraffe is so much a lady that one refrains from thinking of her legs, but remembers her as floating over the plains in long garb, draperies of morning mist her mirage.”

56. “Traveling – It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”

* Ibn Battuta (Moroccan explorer)

57.   “Everytime I look at a zebra , I can’t figure out whether it’s black with white stripes or white with black stripes, and that frustrates me.”

58.   “I hope you have an experience that alters the course of your life because, after Africa, nothing has ever been the same.”

* Suzanne Evans (English journalist and politician)

59. “I believe that no one could perceive where the vast body of water went; it seemed to lose itself in the earth, the opposite lip of the fissure into which it disappeared being only 80 feet distant.”

* David Livingstone (Scottish physician and explorer; Livingstone quote about his first sight of  Victoria Falls in 1855)

60. “I need Africa to remind me that beauty has many faces and that giving has many hands.”

* Annie Downs (American author)

Safari quotes 61 – 70

Toto quote about blessing the rains down in Africa

61.   “I bless the rains down in Africa.”

* Toto (American rock band)

62. “When you have caught the rhythm of Africa, you find out that it is the same in all her music.”

63.   “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.”

* Aldous Huxley (English writer and philosopher)

64.   “Africa smiled a little when you left. We know you, Africa said. We have seen and watched you. We can learn to live without you, but we know we needn’t yet. And Africa smiled a little when you left. You cannot leave Africa, Africa said. It is always with you, there inside your head. Our rivers run in currents in the swirl of your thumbprints; our drumbeats counting out your pulse; our coastline, the silhouette of your soul. So Africa smiled a little when you left. We are in you, Africa said. You have not left us, yet.”

* Bridget Dore (South African poet; poem dedicated to Nelson Mandela)

65. “A charging black rhinoceros is nothing to mess with. When it is headed straight toward you, it is the ultimate exercise in sphincter control. In my case, it was a strange bit of weather that caused one to charge me.”

66. “We are all children of Africa, and none of us is better or more important than the other. This is what Africa could say to the world: it could remind it what it is to be human.”

* Alexander Mccall Smith (British writer)

67. “The lion does not need the whole world to fear him, only those nearest where he roams.”

* A. J. Darkholme (Canadian author and poet)

68.   “You either get the point of Africa or you don’t. What draws me back year after year is that it’s like seeing the world with the lid off.”

* A.A. Gill (British journalist)

69.   “If anyone wants to know what elephants are like, they are like people only more so.”

* Pierre Corneille (French tragedian)

70. “How nice it would be, I thought, if someone reading the narrative of my African trip felt the same, that it was the next best thing to being there.”

Safari quotes 71 – 77

Henry Cloud quote about dating and safari

71. “People tend to look at dating sort of like a safari – like they’re trying to land the trophy.”

* Henry Cloud (American self help author)

72. “Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.”

* Mary Ritter Beard (American historian)

73. “For anyone who feels they are overwhelmed by their job, or maybe they take their job too seriously or are working too hard, I say go to a safari, particularly the Okavango Delta , and just be humbled.”

* Jill Scott (American singer)

74. “I grew up in Rhodesia on my father’s ranch and every year he used to take us on safari in some remote area of the wilderness.”

* Wilbur Smith (British-South African novelist)

75. “What I was really overwhelmed with by Africa was its tremendous natural beauty; I got to go to some pretty amazing places. Every other weekend we got a day or two off and go on a safari or the natural wonders of Africa and if anyone gets the opportunity to go there, it’s something you have to do in your lifetime.”

* Edward Zwick (American filmmaker)

76. “Africa had a way of coming back and simply covering everything up again.”

77. “Tourists who go to Africa have more of a traditional experience than Africans do. A tourist goes on safari; Africans don’t.”

# Bonus quote: safari and wifi

Africa Freak quote about safari and wifi connection

“There is no wifi on safari, but you will find a better connection.”

* Africa Freak

Can’t Find Your Favourite Africa Travel Quote or Safari Saying?

There are so many more to inspire me and others. Share them below and move people. 🙂

Also feel free to read our personal list of Africa’s most wonderful wildlife quotes .

About The Author

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Michael Theys

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12 thoughts on “77 famous safari quotes that will inspire you to travel africa”.

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I am just a week back from my (first) safari. I have been dreaming of Africa every night since I returned home. She is in my head. She is in my heart. I will never be the same.

And thank God for that.

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Safari in Africa is an experience like no other. From witnessing majestic lions in their natural habitat to watching graceful giraffes roam the savannah, every moment on safari is filled with wonder and awe. The vast landscapes of Africa offer endless opportunities for exploration and adventure, whether you’re trekking through dense forests or cruising along rivers teeming with wildlife. But what truly sets a safari in Africa apart is the chance to connect with nature on a deeper level, to see firsthand the intricate balance of ecosystems and the incredible resilience of the animals that call them home. A safari in Africa is not just a vacation, it’s an opportunity to connect with the world in a profound and unforgettable way.

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Help, I have fallen in love with Africa.

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“Unfortunately”, this is very contagious! 🙂

Welcome to the club! 😉

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I just came to Africa two weeks ago and I’m already falling in love. Thanks for the great quotes, I enjoyed reading them and a lot are beginning to ring true. I’m excited to explore more of it whenever the opportunity may arise in the future.

So glad you liked the safari quotes, Liz!

Enjoy Africa, now you actually know why Richard Mullin’s quote is spot on! 😉

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Hi Michael! Amazing quotes! I enjoyed reading them. Some I’ve heard before and some I have not which was fun to come across while I read through your post. They all really do inspire the desire to travel to Africa or be in Africa. It definitely is a great representation of how I feel whenever I am in the continent. It truly is an amazing surreal place to be in. Not just for the landscape, the views but even because of the people in the country and the wildlife! It’s truly an amazing place and I’d love for everyone to discover the beauty of it.

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Glad you enjoyed them, Ana! 🙂

Do you work with Erika and Martin?

Hi Michael! 🙂

I hope all has been well with you.

Yes, I do work with them. They’ve both been inspiring in their travels and most specially with Africa.

Happy travels!

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There are things in my life that are as necessary to me almost as much as my husband and my family. Two of these things are music and animals.

A trip that combined these loves beckoned my soul…and Africa was a place I had dreamed of for my whole life. It could be said that in Africa my dreams come true…

Africa seems to have a rhythm that beats like your heart.

Sometimes it’s calm and relaxed – moving steady and contentedly without any real imperative – like the giraffe that walks across the plains. There is a swing and a sway and it has the same grandness as the slow movement of a Beethoven symphony.

Sometimes the rhythm is full of energy and movement – the gazelles come to mind in their quest to find the balance for being watchful and joyful. They have so much energy that they seem to want to let off some steam – pronking and jumping around like staccato notes on a musical score.

The big cats. They say silence has a power all on its own. They survey all that is around them and have been charged with being the judge, jury, and executioner. They sit there quietly, like a rest with a fermata…until they don’t.

Lions are said to be the “king of beasts.” This is not true. The crown belongs to elephants. Every being yields to it without question. The wise give them a respectable berth as an offending tree can be cast to the side with the same effort we use to dismiss insignificant details. Their rhythm is an ever-present sforzando, punctuating the plains with their performance.

Even the annoying mosquitoes and tsetse flies contribute their part to this symphony…they are annoying, persistent, and the bane of every being’s existence…they personify “The flight of the bumblebee.” I don’t like these pesky bugs – or this piece of music, but nonetheless, they exist.

Africa has its own rhythm and feel – unlike anything else I have ever experienced…and the people have captured it in their music. They have somehow captured all that is Africa, and the music feels alive.

The sounds of the Maasai…Their music fills the night – voices, drums, clapping – all of it capturing the essence and spirit of this continent. I could hardly move…I didn’t want to miss even one note. I will remember these sounds forever.

This trip is enough to move even the most well-traveled or stoic person to tears.

It is a remarkable place.

Wow Kelly, THANK YOU!

I could not have found better words to describe my love for this special continent. 🙂

You are such a star! You spoke from the heart and I’m sure a lot of our readers will find your words truly inspiring. I certainly did.

Thanks again for sharing,

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I love Africa… Each day, each breath, she consumes me. I have never changed so much in such a short time. Each day I feel more part of her. Her colour, smell, her smiles, the ever changing landscapes. Vast deserts, rolling hills, plains and mountains. Her beauty and her majesty. Like sweet wine flowing through my veins, my heart sings as I wave to all those faces going by. Back home to my grandmother’s birth place. They said “welcome home”, those village boys. How did they know? You all said I would cry, I thought no, but yes I often do. Not for their pain but for their happiness. I cry now, together hearts will sing, “I love Africa”. See her now as I write… Kilimanjaro, it doesn’t get much better. Tears on a hard man’s face. There is no time but now, no words just peace. Thousands of smiling faces, the mass of souls are singing out. Yes I see and feel it now… In those trees I sense the Spirits of our saving, could it be our looking for? Sailing ships a familiar shore, now I’m crying happy and singing. Thoughts intense of please no more. I love Africa. An epiphany I can’t explain. Not like the ancient rituals, sound of rain, and men together by campfires. Beginning to end but there really is no such thing as time, just imaginings. We still love sitting by the camp fire and we love listening to the rain? I love Africa, the Eden and our Birthplace, Man.

How can I explain to you my friend what I have seen and felt unless you too have seen it all… Africa.

Michael Burke. “Expedition Nentikobe”

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African Proverbs: 100 Best And Their Deep Meanings

African Proverbs

African Proverbs

African proverbs are ancient pearls of wisdom that have passed across time, seasons, and experiences. Despite the influx of numerous foreign cultures and religions into the African society, coupled with the migration of “The African Child”  the traditional African culture continues to maintain its strong relevance on the world stage.

One unique thing about the African culture is the richness of her proverbs which are embedded in her language. Alluding to the Christian culture, the African proverbs are used for; correction, Instruction, reproving, and even praise.

These proverbs are not only relevant in African society, but it is also being taught in universities across the globe like the University of Florida.

African Proverbs From Our Ancestors 

African Proverbs

Proverbs Compilation From African About Life, Business and Money

1.  Life is a storm: if it blows forward, it will blow backward, as well

  • Meaning:  Seasons come and goes; no condition is permanent; nothing lasts forever

2. He who swallows the ‘udala’ seed must consider the size of his anus.

  • Meaning: The ‘udala’ seed which is also known as ‘udara’ is considered an indigestible seed. Hence, this means that one must weigh his actions to avoid grievous consequences

3.  If a child doesn’t forget the quarrels of the past, he will not have a playmate

  • Meaning:  Forgiveness is key to mending broken relationships or love

4. Do not tell the man who is carrying you that he stinks.

  • Meaning : Never insult the person who cares, supports, and provides for you.

5.  Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped

  • Meaning: Don’t be so conscious about your mistakes rather, what caused the mistake

6. It is the one who lives in the house that can say where the roof leaks

  • Meaning: This proverb simply means the weight of the situation is only felt by the one going through it.

7. If you cut your chains you free yourself, if you cut your roots, you die.

  • Meaning:  This African proverb holds deep meanings and can also mean a number of things. First, the root is what holds the tree and when cut off, the tree dies. It also means that…

8. No matter how long the night, the day is sure to come

  •  Meaning: No matter the height of difficulty one is experiencing, things will surely change

9. A hunter with one arrow doesn’t shoot without aiming carefully

  • Meaning:  This Nigerian proverb connotes that one should be careful with want they have to avoid being stranded. It can also mean being watchful before taking your next step.

10. A man shows his character by what he laughs at.

  • Meaning: This African proverb is straight to the point. The strength or weakness of a man is seen in what he laugh’s at. Also, a wise man needs to be disciplined to avoid laughing at what fools laugh at.

11. When you pray, move your feet.

  • Meaning:  While this sounds spiritual, it has more physical meanings than you think. This simply means that one shouldn’t ignore common sense because you have prayed.

12. Ears that do not listen to advice, accompany the head when it is chopped off

  • Meaning: A person who does not heed advice will suffer the consequences.

13. If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go together

  • Meaning : You must have heard often that you cover a great distance when you travel alone. However, this proverb unwraps the secret of growth as the effort of teamwork.

14.  A person does not go to heaven to find company after failing to secure one in the world

  • Meaning:  Learn how to do without the things you cannot find.

15. Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worse.

  • Meaning: Simply put Ignorance is bad, willful ignorance is worse.

16. No shortcut exists on top of a palm tree

  • Meaning:  There’s only one way to reach the top of a palm tree which is climbing through the straight trunk. In the same vein, success is achieved through the right routes and not/ shortcuts.

17. Once you carry your water, you’ll remember every drop

  • Meaning: In typical African homes wastage of every sort is frowned upon since it is achieved through labor. Thusly, this means that when your wealth is earned through hard work, you will appreciate every penny you spend or give out.

18. Having a good discussion is like having riches.

  • Meaning: This Kenyan proverb means that when you spend time with people of value, you would be taught how to make great money rather than being given money.

19. No person is born great. Great people become great when others are sleeping.

  • Meaning: No one suddenly bumps into greatness. Do not doubt the effort of great men because you only got to see the results. Most of them were working while you were sleeping.

20. When an old man dies, a library is burned with him.

  • Meaning: In Africa, old men and women are regarded as … of wisdom. It’s often said that when you sit with an old person, you learn from their lifelong experiences. Therefore, when an old man dies, the knowledge they have gathered for so many years dies with them.

21. A man who uses force is afraid of reasoning.

  • Meaning: This means that force is not the only way to get things done. In fact, the reasoning is a better way.

22. Just because a lizard nods his head doesn’t mean he’s in agreement

  • Meaning: Most times we judge people by their physical outlook and gestures which can be misleading. One should rather look out for their words instead of reading their minds.

23. It is better to live as a lion for one day than 100 years as a sheep.

  • Meaning:  While this proverb connotes different meanings, we all can relate to the two animals that are mentioned. The lion on one hand is fearless while the sleep often looks timid. This simply means that living free and strong for a short time is better than spending many years enslaved to fear.

24. Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable

  • Meaning:  This proverb is very relatable and practical. It’s easy to break a single stick than a bundle. To add, teamwork will always produce more results than working in isolation.

25. Don’t procrastinate or you will be left in between doing something, having something, and being nothing.

  • Meaning:  Procrastination has been called the thief of time and you already know what this means. Procrastination will only cripple your plans and leave you in the middle of wishes.

26. Those who end up accomplishing great things pay attention to little ones.

  • Meaning : The secret of success is tied up to the little things we ignore. While there are many bigger goals to achieve, you must always pay attention to the details.

27. It is better to be poor when one is young, rather than becoming poor at old age.

  • Meaning:  Young people can easily manage poverty compared to old people. Hence, build for the future, and save for old age while you are still young.

28. One may have two legs, but that does not mean one can climb two trees at the same time.

  • Meaning:  This is one of those proverbs that has existed for over 1000 years. You already know it’s impossible to climb two trees because you have two legs. But what does this means?  This simply means you should pay attention to what is in front of you without distractions. It also means that you should know your limits and take each step at a time.

29. He who’s destined for power does not have to fight for it.

  • Meaning: Many sources have interpreted this proverb just the way it’s written however, there’s more to it than just saying ‘ what will be will be ‘. This means you should resort to any unjust or inhuman act rather you should strategically deploy means of having your rights.

30. A bird does not change its feathers because the weather is bad

  • Meaning:  A bluebird will always remain blue amidst hard climate changes. In the same vein, one must learn to be in control of dark moments and ugly situations.

31.  You do not teach the paths of the forest to an old gorilla

  • Meaning: Don’t act wiser than your elders, remember, you dont offer advice to someone who is more experienced than you are.

32.  A woman is never too old when it comes to the dance she knows

  • Meaning:  This African proverb means that old age is not an excuse for the one who knows his craft.

32. One must crouch before being able to jump

  • Meaning:  You must prepare before embarking on projects

34. By the time the fool understands the game, the players have dispersed

  • Meaning: We must seize every opportunity in time before we run out of time. In the fashion industry, you would agree that many designs are now considered archaic because it’s out of fashion.  This proverb also stresses the dangers of delay. You can get better and positive results when you are right on time.

35. Difficult tasks and efforts are not the same as success

  • Meaning:  Success is not determined by how desperate we are.

Compilations of African Proverbs About Love, Relationship, and Marriage

African Proverbs

36. Love is a despot who spares no one

  • Meaning: Love is so broad that it cannot be boxed. For some reason, psychologists are yet to fully understand how love happens as even the toughest of creation gets to fall in love. It’s only true that this tyrant called love doesn’t spare anyone.

37. It’s better to fall from a tree and break your back than to fall in love and break your heart.

  • Meaning:  Guild your heart with all diligence

38. The house of a person who loves is never far

  • Meaning:  This means that you’ll show up for the person you love.

39. Loving someone who doesn’t love you is like loving the rain that falls in the forest

  • Meaning:  When you love someone who cares less about you, it’s the same as wasting your love because it won’t yield any result. This also applies to

40. Coffee and love taste best when hot

  • Meaning:  You would agree that no one enjoys warm or cold coffee. In the same vein, people give in their best at the beginning.

41. When one is in love, a cliff becomes a meadow

  • Meaning: Be conscious even when you are in love. Dont be blinded by love

42. Love doesn’t rely on physical features

  • Meaning:  This simply means that love looks beyond physical attributes and searches for something more permanent and intriguing.

43. Pretend to be dead and you will see who really loves you

  • Meaning:  It is in difficult situations that true love is being tested. A lot of people pretend to care simply because of your presence.

44.  If a woman doesn’t love you, she calls you ‘brother’

  • Meaning:  The best way to know if a woman loves you is to observe the name she calls you. While she may not want to hurt your feelings by saying ‘I dont love you’, she would instead treat you as a brother.

45. Don’t be so in love that you can’t tell when it’s raining.

  • Meaning:  While love is indeed beautiful you shouldn’t let it overshadow our reasoning. Give room for your brains and be logical, especially in situations that could endanger you.

46. A woman is the flower in the garden, and her husband is the fence around it.

  • Meaning:  A woman can only blossom as a flower when she is been protected, loved, supported, and cherished by her husband.

47. It is much easier to fall in love than to stay in love.

  • Meaning: Falling in love happens so fast that you can’t detect the exact time however, remaining in love requires a lot of responsibility which becomes a barrier to many.

48. You know who you love, but you can’t tell who loves you.

  • Meaning:  You can only speak for yourself in matters of love

49.  To love someone who does not love you is like shaking a tree to make the dew drops fall.

  • Meaning:  Being in the wrong relationship is watering the wrong garden

50. Lovers do not hide their nakedness

  • Meaning:  People who are in love have no secret and are very transparent with each other.

51. One who marries for love alone will have bad days but good nights.

  • Meaning:  In as much as love is very paramount in every relationship, there are other parameters that should be considered asides from love and this includes financial capability and characters

52. If you marry a monkey for its wealth, the money goes and the monkey remains.

  • Meaning:  Dont goes for riches while falling in love because it may not last. However, you may be tied to that person for a long time.

53. A letter from the heart can be read on the face.

  • Meaning: The one who loves you will always express their gestures

54. Marriage is like groundnut: you have to crack them to see what is inside.

  • Meaning: No matter how long one prepares for marriage, you cannot know it all until you get started. Just like exams, a student doesn’t know the questions until the papers are served.

55. One who plants grapes by the roadside, and one who marries a pretty woman, share the same happy

  • Meaning: The moment you have something that attracts the public, you are bound to encounter a lot of public attention, hence you should weigh the prospects of your choices and be sure you are ready for the crowd.

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56. A happy man marries the girl he loves but a happier man loves the girl he marries.

  • Meaning:  When you are married you just need to be committed.

57. A man without a wife is like a vase without flowers

  • Meaning: Once you get married, society begins to give you more respect because they feel you have more responsibilities.

58. A little room can contain ten friends if love is in their midst.

  • Meaning:  Little becomes much when done in love

59.  A fish and bird may fall in love but the two cannot build a home together.

  • Meaning : Some people can only remain your friends because you do not belong to the same world and may also share different values.

60. Similar traits and personalities make solid relationships

  • Meaning: Compactibility makes relationships easier

61.  The quarrel between two lovers is the renewal of love

  • Meaning: Love is being strengthened in the face of disagreements. This is because the pair would understand each other more and reestablish their commitments.

62.  He who loves the vase, also loves what is inside

  • Meaning:  The one who loves you will also be ready to love shortcomings and flaws.

63. Unbridled disagreements are what destroy relationships

Meaning:  Communicating one’s grudges, preserves relationships

64. Only love can milk a lion

  • Meaning : Anyone who has patience can do the impossible

65. Do not treat your loved one like a swinging door: you are fond of it but you push it back and forth.

  • Meaning:  Treat the one you love with much regard and respect.

66. Where there is love there is no darkness

  • Meaning : Love can lighten up situations

67. If the full moon loves you, why worry about the stars?

  • Meaning: It’s better to have a great and genuine friend who loves at all times than to seek love from a multitude of friends who care less about you.

68. The eyes never forget what the heart has seen.

  • Meaning: One may easily forgive you but not necessarily forget what you did.

69. Love, like rain, does not choose the grass on which it falls.

  • Meaning: Love is broad and not discriminatory or narrow-minded.

70. There’s no physician that can cure the disease of love

  • Meaning: Love is actually the medicine that can cure a vast number of disease

Here are other Interesting African Proverbs

African Proverbs

71. The rain wets the leopards’ spot but doesn’t ease them away.

  • Meaning: Hard work can stress you but it will not kill you

72. He who swallows a coconut must have complete trust in his anus.

  • Meaning: Anyone ready to take a risk must be ready to take responsibility of the outcome

73. No matter how many times you wash a goat, it will still smell like goat

  • Meaning:  Nature cannot be erased

74. He who wishes to fly like a bat must first become friends with the darkness

  • Meaning:  Whatever you want to become must align with your actions

75. The lion and the sheep may lie together, but the sheep won”t get any sleep.

  • Meaning:  Avoid relationships that will rub off your peace of mind

76. The eagle doesn’t hunt flies

  • Meaning:  Great people do not settle for less

77. When the mouse laughs at the cat, there’s a hole nearby

  • Meaning:  People only laugh at difficult situations when there’s a backup plan

78. A family tie is like a tree, it can bend but it cannot be broken

  • Meaning:  Conflicts are inevitable among family members however, blood will always remain thicker than water.

79. If there were no elephants in the jungle, the buffalo would be a great animal.

  • Meaning:  There’s always someone who is better than you

80. Birds sing not because they have answers but because they have songs.

  • Meaning:  So many things happen in life and you can’t answer why however you just keep living.

81. If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones.

  • Meaning:  Your track record of little beginnings defines your direction of greatness

82.  The strength of the crocodile is in the water.

  • Meaning:  Your ability to explore is within the scope of your jurisdiction

83. The dog’s bark is not might but fright

  • Meaning:  Sometimes, noise is a sign of emptiness

84. The sun doesn’t forget the village just because it is small.

  • Meaning:  Everyone is important and should be treated equally regardless.

85. If you watch your pot, your food will not burn.

  • Meanings: Where there’s no responsibility, there’s no productivity.

86. A fully grown tree cannot bend into a walking stick

  • Meaning:  It is difficult to destroy a formidable foundation

87. A bridge is repaired only when someone falls into the water.

  • Meaning:  People wait for a problem before finding a solution

88. When a mighty tree falls, the birds are scattered into the bush

  • Meaning:  When a good leader dies, his followers lack direction

89. There is not such a thing in the world as a sheep of many colors.

  • Meaning:  You cannot be a master of all trade

90. When the lion cannot find meat, it eats grass.

  • Meaning: Situations can bend one’s standards

91. If the rat cannot flee, let him make way for the tortoise.

  • Meaning:  Know your limitations and allow others to excel in that regard.

92. When a mother goat breaks into a yam store, her kid watches her

  • Meaning:  We learn by what we see.

93. You cannot beat the drum with one finger.

  • Meaning:  Unity and wholesomeness is the bedrock of impact.

94. A bird that compares Itself to vultures will end up (getting roasted) at the fireplace

  • Meaning:  In life try not to compare yourself with others as capacity differs

95. The chameleon changes color to match the earth, the earth doesn’t change color to match the chameleon.

  • Meaning:  Dont change for circumstances rather change the circumstance

96. The frowning of a goat cannot stop its owner from taking it to the market

  • Meaning:  Negativity will not change anything for someone who is ready to make positive changes

97. One whose house is on fire doesn’t hunt rats.

  • Meaning:  Little challenges don’t distract a focused man. This can also mean; certain things dont really matter when you are under pressure.

98. When two elephants meet on a narrow bridge, they cannot go anywhere until one of them lies down.

  • Meaning: You sometimes need to help others succeed in other to succeed also.

99. Don’t beat the drums of war unless you are prepared to fight.

  • Meaning:  Don’t change for the circumstances rather change the circumstances

100. Snails and dogs run at different speed levels but they both arrive at their location

  • Meaning: Everyone is unique and can live life regardless

Uwana Udoh

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  • Africa / Inspiration / Life 101 / Quotes

200+ Famous African Proverbs about Life, Love, and Wisdom

Published August 1, 2023 · Updated September 26, 2023

Powerful beautiful African Proverbs about life love wisdom

African proverbs offer deep insight into the ancient culture and traditions of the land while at the same time providing wisdom on life and truth based on common sense or experience . Many wise African sayings – while short and simple – hold deep messages and hidden meanings to teach, inspire, warn, and entertain. Continue reading to discover a list of powerful African proverbs about life, love, family, friendship, women, beauty, and knowledge from all over the continent to get your own apprehension and appreciation for this ancient African wisdom.

These traditional African words of wisdom cover a wide range of themes, dealing with thought-provoking topics that include family, marriage, relationships, life, death, hope, love, and everything in-between. You will even find a list of funny African proverbs and wise sayings from Africa that poke fun at some serious issues.

Be sure to commit some of these African idioms to heart or bookmark this post of inspirational African proverbs and meanings to help you deal with the struggle that is life.

Enjoy these amazing African phrases!

Click on the link below to go the section that most interests you right now, or continue scrolling for a whole lot of inspiration:

  • African Proverbs about Life
  • African Proverbs about Love
  • African Proverbs about Wisdom
  • African Proverbs about Family
  • African Proverbs on Friendship
  • African Proverbs for Children
  • Funny African Proverbs

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African Proverbs About Life

Ok, let’s get into some great African sayings and words of wisdom. These famous African proverbs about life are both profound and inspiring.

Love African Proverbs about love darkness

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  This is my favourite African proverb about togetherness

“To get lost is to learn the way.” — African saying

“Where there are many, nothing goes wrong.”

“No medicine exists that can cure hatred.”

“However long the night, the dawn will break.”

“The eye never forgets what the heart has seen.” Famous African proverb

“ Many hands make light work .” — Tanzanian proverb

“Once you carry your own water, you’ll remember every drop.” Meaning: we never truly realise the value of something unless we have to work hard for it it by ourselves

“Advice is a stranger; if he’s welcome he stays for the night; if not, he leaves the same day.” — Malagasy Proverb

“Birds sing not because they have answers but because they have songs .”

“There can be no peace without understanding.” — Senegalese proverb

“Traveling is learning.” — Kenyan Proverb from Africa

“To try and to fail is not laziness.”

“Don’t think there are no crocodiles just because the water’s calm.” — Malawian proverb

“No person is born great. Great people become great when others are sleeping.”

“When the roots are deep, there is no reason to fear the wind.”

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. Nelson Mandela

“A leader who does not take advice is not a leader.” — Kenyan proverb

“When the shepherd comes home in peace, the milk is sweet.” — Ethiopian proverb 

“No shortcuts exist to the top of a palm tree.”

“The death of an elderly man is like a burning library.” — Ivorian proverb about death

“Milk and honey have different colors, but they share the same house peacefully.” — African proverb

“If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do no harm.”

“The axe forgets but the tree remembers.”  — Wise African phrase

“An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.” — Ghanaian proverb

“Tomorrow belongs to people who prepare for it today.” 

“Even the lion protects himself against flies.” 

“However far a stream flows, it doesn’t forget its origin.”

“Not everyone who chased the zebra caught it, but he who caught it, chased it.”

“The earth is a beehive, we all enter by the same door.”

“Seeing is different than being told.”

“Don’t set sail on someone else’s star.”

“Having a good discussion is like having riches.” 

“When two elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled.” — Swahili saying from Africa

“If you close your eyes to facts, you will learn through accidents.” — African proverb

“Only a fool tests the depth of a river with both feet.” Meaning: It is not wise to jump into a situation before thinking about it.

“He who digs a grave for his enemy might as well be digging one for himself.” 

“Peace is costly but it is worth the expense.” — Kenyan proverb

>> Find even more cool African phrases below ⬇⬇

African Proverb about life

“Two ants do not fail to pull one grasshopper.” — Tanzanian proverb

“Do a good deed and throw it into the sea.” — Egyptian  saying

“A roaring lion kills no game.” Meaning: You cannot achieve anything of substance by just talking and not doing anything about it.

“You always learn a lot more when you lose than when you win.” — Truthful African proverb

“All monkeys cannot hang from the same branch.”

“If a bird does not fly, it goes to bed hungry.” — Akan proverb

“He who fears the sun will not become chief.” — Ugandan proverb

“A flea can trouble a lion more than a lion can trouble a flea.” — Kenyan proverb

“If you heal the leg of a person, do not be surprised if they use it to run away.”

“A feeble effort will not fulfil the self.”

“Where a woman rules, streams run uphill.” — Ethiopian proverb

“Do not look where you feel. Look where you slipped.” Meaning: Don’t look at your mistakes, but rather look at what caused you to make the mistakes in the first place

“Don’t think there are no crocodiles just because the water is calm.”

“Do not call a dog with a whip in your hand.”

“He who is destined for power does not have to fight for it.” — Ugandan proverb

“Rain does not fall on one roof alone.”

“Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone.” — Moroccan Proverb

“If money were to be found up in the trees, most people would be married to monkeys.” 

“It is better to live as a lion for one day rather than 100 years as a sheep.” 

“Just because the lizard nods his head, doesn’t mean he’s in agreement.”

“A man who uses force is afraid of reasoning.” — Kenyan proverb

“ A single bracelet does not jingle.” — Congolese proverb

“A fight between grasshoppers is a joy to the crow.” — Lesotho proverb

“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” — West African proverb

“When a king has good counsellors, his reign is peaceful.” — Ashanti proverb

“War has no eyes.” — One of the most popular Swahili sayings from Africa

“Your body is a temple of knowledge.” 

“Without a leader, black ants are confused.” — Ugandan proverb from Africa

“Do not mistake a short man for a boy.” — Great African proverb

“Ears that do not listen to advice, accompany the head when it is chopped off.” — African saying

“When the music changes, so does the dance.”

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African proverbs about life

“Restless feet might walk you into a snake pit.”

“He who refuses to obey cannot command.” — Kenyan proverb

“Ashes fly back into the face of him who throws them.” — Nigerian proverb

“A bird that flies off the Earth and lands on an anthill is still on the ground.”

“No matter how beautiful and well crafted a coffin might look, it will not make anyone wish for death.”

“A man who uses force is afraid of reasoning.”

“Do not forget what it is to be a sailor because of being a captain yourself.” — Tanzanian proverb

“Unity is strength, division is weakness.” — Swahili proverb about strength

“He who thinks he is leading and has no one following him is only taking a walk.” — Malawian proverb

“A man’s ruin lies in his tongue.” 

“When there is peace in the country, the chief does not carry a shield.” — Ugandan proverb

“If the cockroach wants to rule over the chicken, then it must hire the fox as a body-guard.” — Sierra Leone proverb

“Because he lost his reputation, he lost a kingdom.” — Ethiopian proverb

“By the time the fool has learned the game, the players have dispersed.” — Ashanti proverb

“If you can’t resolve your problems in peace, you can’t solve war.” — Somalian proverb

“If you want to know the end, look at the beginning.”

“Where water is the boss there the land must obey.” — Old African proverb

“By trying often, the monkey learns to jump from the tree.” — Buganda proverb

“The earth moves at different speeds depending on who you are.” — Nigerian Proverb

“One who waits for chance may wait a year.” — Yoruba Proverb

A man who takes away another man’s freedom is a prisoner of hatred. — South African Proverb

We will water the thorn for the sake of the rose. — African Proverb

“When a needle falls into a deep well, many people will look into the well, but few will be ready to go down after it.”

“A person with too much ambition cannot sleep in peace.”

“ Laughter does wonders for the heart. ”

“Trouble does not discriminate. It comes to everyone at some point.”

“There is no day that goes without the moon and no day that goes without sunrise and sunset .” — African Proverb

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African Proverbs About Love

>> Here are some ancient African proverbs about love, beauty, faith, and hope .

Funny African Proverbs about love

“Where there is love , there is no darkness.” — African adage

“Love, like rain, does not choose the grass on which it falls.”

“If the full moon loves you, why worry about the stars?”

“It is better to be loved than to be feared.”

“When one is in love, a cliff becomes a meadow.”

“Let your love be like the misty rain, coming softly but flooding the river.”

“You know who you love but you can’t know who loves you.”

“He may say that he loves you, wait and see what he does for you.”

“Every kind of love is love, but self-love is supreme among them.”

“Brothers love each other when they are equally rich.”

“Love is a painkiller.” — popular African phrase

“He who loves, loves you with your dirt.”

“One who marries for love alone will have bad days but good nights.”

“Love for something makes a man blind and deaf.” 

“Truth should be in love and love in truth.”

“True love means what’s mine is yours.” — Traditional African Proverb

“Love doesn’t listen to rumours.”

“If love is a sickness, patience is the remedy.”

“The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love.”

“It is difficult for two long-nosed lovers to kiss.”

“Love doesn’t rely on physical features.” 

>> Keep scrolling for even more African love proverbs …

Love African proverbs about love

“A fish and bird may fall in love but the two cannot build a home together.” 

“When one is in love, a mountain top becomes a flat field.”

“When you marry a monkey for his wealth, the money goes but the monkey remains.” 

“If love is a sickness, patience is the remedy.” 

“A happy man marries the girl he loves; a happier man loves the girl he married.”

“Don’t try to make someone hate the person he loves. For he will go on loving but he will hate you.”

“If anyone makes you laugh, it is not always because they love you.”

“One who loves the vase, loves also what is inside.”

“To love someone who doesn’t love you is like shaking a tree to make the dew drops fall.”

“Lovers do not hide their nakedness.”

“Love is a despot who spares no one.”

“If a woman doesn’t love you, she calls you “brother.” 

“Do not treat your loved one like a swinging door: you are fond of it but you push it back and forth.”

“Don’t be so in love that you can’t tell when it’s raining.”

Love has to be shown by deeds not words. — Swahili Proverb

“Examine what is said, not who is speaking.” 

“Truth should be in love and love in truth.” — African proverb about self-love

“Even as the archer loves the arrow that flies, so too he loves the bow that remains constant in his hands.”

Marriage is like a groundnut – you have to crack them to see what is inside.

“It’s better to fall from a tree and break your back than to fall in love and break your heart.”

>> Read next: 100 of the most special love smile quotes

African Wisdom Proverbs

>> Continue reading to discover ancient African wisdom proverbs and find a list of the best wise African proverbs about knowledge .

African Proverbs

“The wise create proverbs for fools to learn, not to repeat.” — African proverb

“Nobody is born wise.”

“Knowledge is a garden. If it isn’t cultivated, you can’t harvest it.” 

“Wisdom is wealth.” — Swahili

“Wisdom does not come overnight.” 

“If you educate a man, you educate one person. If you educate a woman, you educate a whole family.” — One of my favorite African proverbs about women

“If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom.” — Wise African proverb

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”

“The fool speaks, the wise man listens.” — Ethiopian 

“Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand.” — Guinean

“He who learns, teaches.” — Ethiopian proverb

“A wise man fills his head before emptying his mouth.” 

“When an old man dies, a library is burned with him.”

“Wealth, if you use it, comes to an end; learning, if you use it, increases.” — Swahili proverb

“One day in the life of a wise man is worth a fool’s entire life.” 

“A wise person will always find a way.” — Tanzanian

“A chattering bird builds no nest.”

“Cross the river in a crowd and the crocodile won’t eat you.” — Famous African proverb 

Worry is like a rocking chair. It rocks you back-and-forth, but gets you nowhere.

“A fool has to say something. A wise person has something to say.”

“Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it.” — Akan

“The heart of the wise man lies quiet like limpid water.” — proverb from Cameroon

“One who causes others misfortune also teaches them wisdom.” — African saying

“Only a wise person can solve a difficult problem.” — Akan saying

>> Find more awesome African sayings below

Powerful African Proverbs lion sheep

“Learning expands great souls.” — Namibian proverb 

“A wise person doesn’t fall down the same hill twice.”

“Wisdom is like fire. People take it from others.” — Congolese

“A fool cannot untie the knot tied by a wise man.” 

“What you learn is what you die with.” — African adages

“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try spending the night with a mosquito.”

“One who plants grapes by the roadside, and one who marries a pretty woman, share the same problem.”

“Rain may clean the leopards skin but it does not wash out the spots.”

“A single stick may smoke, but it will not burn.” — Old African proverb

“Give advice, if people don’t listen let adversity teach them.”

“Other people’s wisdom prevents the king from being called a fool.”

“Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden.” — Akan proverb

“In the moment of crisis, the wise build bridges and the foolish build dams.” — Nigerian proverb

“The wise man never takes a step too long for his leg.”

“When deed speaks, words are nothing.” 

“Wood already touched by fire is not hard to set alight.”

“God has created lands with lakes and rivers for man to live. And the desert so that he can find his soul.”

“Peace does not make a good ruler.” — Botswana proverb

“You do not teach the paths of the forest to an old gorilla.” — Congolese proverb

“A large chair does not make a king.” — Sudanese proverb

 “If you do not have patience you cannot make beer.”

“Confiding a secret to an unworthy person is like carrying grain in a bag with a hole.” 

“Where there are experts there will be no lack of learners.” — Swahili Proverb

“One falsehood spoils a thousand truths.” — African proverb

“A cutting word is worse than a bowstring, a cut may heal, but the cut of the tongue does not.”

“He that beats the drum for the mad man to dance is no better than the mad man himself.”

“In the moment of crisis, the wise build bridges, and the foolish build dams.”

“He who does not know one thing knows another.”

>> Read next: The most weird food eaten in African and around the world

Ancient African Proverbs on Family

>> Here are a list of inspirational African phrases related to the family unit and why unity and togetherness is so valued.

Wisdom African Proverbs wise family

“If I am in harmony with my family, that’s success.” — Great African proverbs about success

“A family is like a forest, when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has its place.”

“Dine with a stranger but save your love for your family .” — Ethiopian proverb

“If you educate a man, you educate one person. If you educate a woman, you educate a whole family.”

“There is no fool who is disowned by his family.” — Old African proverbs wisdom

“A united family eats from the same plate.” — Baganda proverb

“ He who earns calamity, eats it with his family.”

“Family must look out for family.” 

“If relatives help each other, what evil can hurt them?” 

“A family tie is like a tree, it can bend but it cannot break.”

“When brothers fight to the death, a stranger inherits their father’s estate.” — Igbo proverb

“A home without a woman is like a barn without cattle.”

“Home affairs are not talked about on the public square.” 

“It is hard to cure madness that originates in the family.”

“A mother cannot give birth to something bigger than herself.” 

“When you follow in the path of your father, you learn to walk like him.” — Ashanti Proverb

“When a bitter woman takes over the house, the family she rules is doomed.”

The laughter of a child is the light of a house

Funny African Proverb

“A woman is a flower in a garden; her husband is the fence around it.”

If one didn’t laugh, one would have to cry

“A husband with a good wife will never be on the road without supplies.”

“A real family eats from the same cornmeal.”

“In a family, if you have somebody who is troublesome, it’s the family members who are more worried than the troublesome member.”

“Even the maid has a family.”

“Where there are many, nothing goes wrong.” — Swahili proverb
“Every beetle is a gazelle in the eyes of its mother.”

“No man can outwit their ancestors.” 

“Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable.” — Bondei proverb

Those who respect the elderly pave their own road toward success .

“Don’t meddle with a family feud.”

“The mother hen does not break its own eggs.”

>> Read next: The best family island vacations

African Proverbs About Friendship

>> Here you will find inspirational African proverbs for friendship and the important relationships in life.

African Proverbs family light

“To be without a friend is to be poor indeed.” — Tanzanian proverb

“A small house will hold a hundred friends.”

“Show me your friend and I will show you your character.”

“An intelligent enemy is better than a stupid friend.” — Senegalese proverb

“Hold a true friend with both hands.”

“A friend is someone you share the path with.”

“The friends of our friends are our friends.” — Congolese proverb

“Return to old watering holes for more than water; friends and dreams are there to meet you.”

“Bad friends will prevent you from having good friends.” — Gabon proverb

“Between true friends even water drunk together is sweet enough.”

“ One shares food not words” –  Somali Proverb

“One falsehood spoils a thousand truths.”

“A close friend can become a close enemy.”

>> Read next: How to say friend in different languages around the world and family in different languages

African Proverb Children

>> These African wise sayings share more about children and the importance of raising them the right way.

African Proverbs about life

“It takes a village to raise a child.” — famous African saying meaning that children are affected by a wide variety of influences and that it takes many people, not just the parents, to provide a good upbringing and to raise a child well.

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” — Haida Proverb

“Children are the reward of life.”

“By crawling a child learns to stand.”

“What you help a child to love can be more important than what you help him to learn.”

“A child is a child of everyone.” — Sudanese saying

“We desire to bequeath two things to our children; the first one is roots, the other one is wings.” — Sudanese saying

“No one has to point God out to a child.” – Ghanaian proverb

“A child is what you put into him.”

“When you show the child the moon, it sees only your finger.”

“The old woman looks after the child to grow its teeth and the young one in turn looks after the old woman when she loses her teeth.” — Akan proverb

“Parents give birth to the body of their children, but not always to their characters.” — African proverb children

At a bottom of patience, one finds heaven Wise proverb from Africa

“A child does not laugh at the ugliness of his mother.”

Funny African Proverbs and Phrases

>> These funny African proverbs are not meant to just make you laugh, but also provide life advice through African idioms.

African Wisdom Proverbs Knowledge

“A person who sells eggs should not start a fight in the market.” — Traditional African Proverb

“The man who marries a beautiful woman and the farmer who grows corn by the road side have the same problem.” — Ghanaian Proverb

“Knowledge is like underwear. It is useful to have it, but not necessary to show it off.”

“However much the buttocks are in a hurry, they will always remain behind.” — Funny African saying 

“The major reason why a tortoise will carry the weight of its house forever is fear.” — Nigerian Proverb

“The only woman who knows where her man is every night is a widow.” — Togolese Proverb

“A monkey that eats grass instead of banana is a goat.”

“Before you go out with a widow, you must first ask her what killed the husband.” — Traditional African Proverb

“The buttocks are like a married couple though there is constant friction between them; they will still love and live together.”

“Without fools there would be no wisdom.” — Traditional African idioms 

“The frowning face of a goat cannot stop its owner to take it to the market.”

“A man who hangs around a beautiful girl without saying a word ends up fetching water at her wedding.”

If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.

“When a fly perches on a man’s scrotum, he immediately learns humility.” — Ghanaian Proverb.

“There’s no virgin in a maternity ward.” — Cameroonian Proverb

“Hot temper will never cook yams.” — Nigerian Proverb

“Wealth is like hair in the nose: it hurts to be separated whether from a little or a lot.”

“If the sun claims superiority over the moon, let it shine at night.”

“Men would not tell lies if women asked fewer questions .”

“Teeth do not see poverty.” Meaning:  people still smile despite problems

“A man with diarrhoea will not require any one to give them the direction to the door.” — Ugandan Proverb

“A truthful man will soon find himself expelled from 9 villages.” — Kenyan Proverb

“When the mouse laughs at the cat, there is a hole nearby.”

“Girls are like mangoes, while you are waiting for them to be ripe, others are eating them raw.”

“No matter how far a man can urinate, the last drop will always fall between his feet.” — Kenyan Proverb

He who is being carried does not realize how far the town is.

“Swallowing a knife may be hard but once you do, the butt always finds a way to expel it.” — Seychellois Proverb

“When a girl has beauty without brains, the private parts suffer the most.”

“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.”

“Even the best cooking pot will not produce food.”

“When God cooks, you don’t see smoke.”

“He that has never traveled thinks that his mother is the only good cook in the world.”

“The day a mosquito lands on your testicles is the day you will know there is a better way of resolving issues without using violence.” — Senegalese Proverb

>> Speaking of funny African sayings, continue to laugh with these: funny smile quotes and funny travel quotes

Aaaah, that was a whole lot of African wise words . I hope you’ve enjoyed (and learnt something from) these beautiful African proverbs and meanings.

>> Read next:

  • The absolute best Africa quotes to inspire you
  • Your guide to climbing Kilimanjaro
  • Test your knowledge with these world quiz geography trivia questions
  • How to say hello and goodbye in Africa and around the world

Hamba kahle, Rai

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african travel proverbs

  • Trailblazer Travelz
  • January 25, 2024

African proverbs: wisdom of the ages

Among ethnic groups in Africa proverbs are seen as wisdom handed down from generations and even in their most subtle form there is wisdom immensely valuable to learn and guide us. What do our ancestral scholars, whom we consider the wisest and most spiritually advanced, have to say to us today? One of those vehicles could be in proverbs.

We collected some great proverbs through friends, and colleagues from across the continent often addressing universal themes human experiences, and various aspects of life. The themes include family, wisdom, morality, ethics, social living, knowledge, and cleverness. For example, in the Mandinka tribe, Proverbs highlight such aspects of life and culture as respect for elders; understanding one’s abilities and limitations; personal flaws; respect for the natural world; fear of dangerous animals; maintaining harmonious interpersonal relations; and bodily and spiritual cleanliness. The Yorubas of Nigeria cleverly emphasize the worth of proverbs with a proverb of their own, by saying, “A proverb is the horse that can carry one swiftly to the discovery of ideas.” Proverbs across the continent stand to dispel the narrative that African societies did not have an advanced civilization, including organized religion, centralized government, and complex systems of communication before colonization. Yet, many African proverbs are used in mainstream media to express complex topics. Here’s a list of African proverbs from around the continent. Some are known to come from specific tribes, ethnic groups, or countries, and others have an unknown source and are listed simply as “African proverbs.” We hope these proverbs serve as a beautiful reminder of the timelessness that can be found in these proverbs across cultures and ethnic groups in Africa to guide and keep us rooted.

“If you do not know where the rain began to beat you, then you cannot tell where you dried your body,” —Igbo proverb. “If you don’t know where you come from, then you cannot tell where you are going.” This proverb is popularized by the great Chinua Achebe a wonderful reminder to stay rooted.

“Many hands make light work,” —Tanzanian proverb. This is a saying that has been adopted all over the world and encourages people to work together.

“It takes a village to raise a child,” —Nigerian proverb. Another famous example that has spanned the globe appears in American movies, major speeches, and books. African proverbs share with the world the practical wisdom that African people have learned in their way of life.

“If your only tool is a hammer, you will see every problem as a nail.” —Gambian proverb It refers to an over-reliance on a familiar or favorite tool. While such tools can be very useful at times, over-reliance can result in approaching problems in ways that are not always helpful or even destructive.

“If a child washes his hands, he could eat with kings.” —Igbo proverb Literal meaning; if you prepare and allow yourself to be trained, you will achieve a lot and be favored in due course.

“You cannot chase two antelope at once,” Zulu proverb. This practical wisdom of tackling one thing at a time applies to people all over the world not just those chasing after wildlife.

“There is honey but no bees,” — Zimbabwean proverb. Describing a situation when you find something free for the taking and without consequence.

“Even the lion, the king of the forest, protects himself against flies,” —Ghanaian proverb Never underestimate the strength and skill of people who are smaller in stature

“Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it”, —Akan and Ewe (Benin, Ghana and Togo) proverb. This metaphor also explains that human wisdom is so great that it would be presumptuous and arrogant of a single individual to claim to have mastered it all.

“You overcame the rain, but what about the dew?” Sumbwa (Tanzania) Proverb This proverb could be first of all a gentle reminder for people who may feel tempted to think that they have already achieved so much in this life that no effort is needed from them anymore. Achievements are only openings towards greater challenges. Technical achievements for instance do help greater mobility for good for people all over the world, but they raise the perilous task to protect our entire planet. As for leaders who may think they have already reached a status so high that they need no longer make any more effort they forget that they are generating cracks from within themselves that will most certainly cause bitter disappointments.

“Only when an anaconda is dead that you know what its diet consisted of”… —The WE / Guéré Proverb, Ivory Coast. This means we don’t know what people around us are all about until they are dead and you hear what people say about them.

“Women are part of the origin of life’s big mystery on earth; they know the secret of a good life, —Kuba Proverb The Kuba is an old empire in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) known for its traditional art and design. The life and work of the Kuba woman centered on the home and duties to her family. She is a mother of many children and the wise and industrious manager of the household, providing for the welfare of her husband and children. A Kuba woman knows the path to success in life. She plays a critical role. Her skills, resourcefulness, industry, wisdom, and hospitality, rather than her fertility or beauty, make her keep her home, husband, and entire family together. A Kuba woman is considered a life-giver. She is a mother to the society. This is the ideal portrait of the adult female in the Kuba Empire.

“When you befriend a chief, remember that he sits on a rope.” — Ugandan proverb This proverb reminds you to be cautious with whom you trust and respect those in positions of authority. It is also a reminder of the importance of not forgetting your roots. The key message in this proverb:

  • Don’t forget your roots.
  • Be cautious with whom you trust.
  • Respect those in positions of authority.

“A person is a person because of other people”, or “I am because you are,” —a Zulu proverb.

This proverb is the bedrock of South Africa’s society, which is rooted in community.

Africans have the spirit of Ubuntu without having to try, it is part of who we have always been, and the acknowledgment of the fact that we are a product of each other’s actions and decisions. Ubuntu is a reflection of what it takes to live in true unity and explores what it means to work, live, and thrive together.

There are a lot more African proverbs that we have not shared but we will continue to collect a lot more of this timeless wisdom that even a lifetime is not enough to collect most of them. Do share any of the proverbs that serve as a go-to window.

Looking for more inspiration?: Visit  our  African Homecoming page  — a page dedicated to African history,  Africans great civilizations, people, places, history, cultures and traditions and uncover the untold stories of the diverse and vast African continent. Encompassing a wide range of experiences and activities. We’re always here to take the guess-work out of your travel experiences to Africa – experiences that shift perspectives and fuel imagination.

Feel Free to Ask Us Anything. We know that travel is not a one-size fits-all.

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101 Africa Safari Quotes To Inspire Your Wanderlust

Inspiring quotes about african safari for your wanderlust

101 inspirational quotes about Africa Safari that will ignite the wanderlust in you.

An Africa safari is one of those holiday journeys that most people get to experience once in a lifetime. The adventure into pristine and untamed wonderlands promises memories to last a lifetime. If you’ve been on an African expedition before, you know what I’m talking about.

This compilation of 101 quotes about Africa Safari captures the adventure, mystery, and beauty that await travelers amidst Africa’s wild lands. From the raw power of its wildlife to the vast serenity of its landscapes, each quote invites you to witness the continent’s soul-stirring magic. From historical figures to anonymous sayings, these reflections highlight the transformative experiences and wisdom found only in Africa’s wilderness, aiming to fuel the wanderlust of those who dream of such an expedition.

1. “The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa – for he has so much to look forward to.” – Richard Mullin

2. “Africa is mystic; it is wild; it is a sweltering inferno; it is a photographer’s paradise, a hunter’s Valhalla, an escapist’s Utopia.” – Beryl Markham

3. “In Africa, you have space…there is a profound sense of space here, space and sky.” – Thabo Mbeki

4. “You know you are truly alive when you’re living among lions.” – Karen Blixen

5. “There is no place like Africa. There is something about the spirit of the people, the beauty of the land, and the diversity of the wildlife that touches the soul.” – Tony Fitzjohn

6. “The only thing predictable about Africa is its unpredictability.” – Brian Jackman

7. “A journey into the wilderness is the freest, cheapest, most non-privileged of pleasures. Anyone with two legs and the price of a pair of army surplus boots may enter.” – Paul Theroux

8. “Africa – You can see a sunset and believe you have witnessed the Hand of God. You watch the slope lope of a lioness and forget to breathe.” – Leigh Brackett

9. “I never knew of a morning in Africa when I woke up that I was not happy.” – Ernest Hemingway

10. “Safari is about the beauty of the land, the thrill of the chase, and the spirit of adventure woven into the fabric of the African landscape.” – Romi Boom

11. “Africa has her mysteries, and even a wise man cannot understand them. But a wise man respects them.” – Miriam Makeba

12. “There is something about safari life that makes you forget all your sorrows and feel as if you had drunk half a bottle of champagne – bubbling over with heartfelt gratitude for being alive.” – Karen Blixen

13. “Africa changes you forever, like nowhere on Earth. Once you have been there, you will never be the same.” – Brian Jackman

Safari on the savannah of with wildebeests, one of the most inspiring sights in Africa

14. “So that even now, if you went to Africa for a few weeks, and looked at the stars in the high veldt or the real bush and felt the true wilderness, if you knew, really knew, that you could never come again, then it would be something more than a safari. Then it would be the thing that has not happened in the world, the thing that has been going on, that was being saved up, that was drawing itself together, and would now be done.” – Ernest Hemingway, The Green Hills of Africa

15. “Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up . It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you’re the lion or a gazelle – when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.” – African Proverb

16. “No other country has such a variety of big game as East Africa, and certainly no other part of Africa can compare with it in the beauty of the scenery.” – Theodore Roosevelt

17. “The intelligence of the gorilla is evident in its eyes, its gentle, thoughtful expression. They are capable of empathy, compassion, and complex social interactions.” – Dian Fossey , primatologist and gorilla conservationist.

18. “The vastness of the African wilderness humbles you, reminding you of your place in the grand canvas of life. Here, amidst the towering trees and endless plains, one feels an acute awareness of our connection to the natural world.” – Peter Matthiessen

19. “ Watching gorillas interact – grooming each other, playing with their young, communicating through vocalizations and touch – is a window into their rich emotional lives.” – Jane Goodall , primatologist and chimpanzee expert

Dian Fossey interacting with gorillas in Rwanda

20. “By the time I had finished the night’s work, day was breaking, and the full beauty of the spot was revealed. The grey dawn had now developed into a lovely tropical sunrise, and the whole air was filled with the mingled fragrance of the flowers and the dew-soaked grass.” – Lt. Col. J.H. Patterson

21. “The night was perfectly still, and the only sounds to be heard were the dismal flittings of the bats, which circled in and out of the veranda, and the distant murmurs of the river.” – Lt. Col. J.H. Patterson

22. “In all my wanderings in Africa , I have ever found the natives, when properly treated, friendly and well-disposed. The worst deeds of cruelty and rapine of which I have had personal knowledge have, with very few exceptions, been perpetrated by white men, not by blacks.” – Frederick Courtney Selous

23. “There is a charm about the African wilds that grips the heart and will not let go. It is a charm that knows no season, that is potent alike under the fierce glare of the noonday sun and under the soft, mysterious light of the moon.” – Frederick Courtney Selous

24. “To truly understand Africa, you must go beyond the tourist trails and venture into the heart of the wilderness. It’s in the quiet moments, observing the animals in their natural habitat, that the continent reveals its secrets.” – Unknown

25. “The fascination of Africa, once it has gripped a man, never leaves him. The spell of the sun-drenched plains, the mystery of the silent bush, the thunder of mighty rivers, the crashing of unseen game in the tangled depths of the forest – all these things are but the outward symptoms of the hidden magic that draws men back to her again and again.” – Frederick Courtney Selous

Best Africa Safari destinations for first time travelers

First time visiting Africa?

These are the best safari destinations in Africa.

26. “There is a certain kinship we share with gorillas, a reflection of our common ancestry and shared capacity for love, sorrow, and joy.” – Sigourney Weaver, actress and advocate for gorilla conservation

27. “The preservation of our big game in Africa is a question of vast importance, not only to the sportsmen of the world, but also to the natives themselves, whose existence in many districts is absolutely dependent upon it.” – Frederick Courtney Selous

28. “There is no experience quite like observing a gorilla family in their natural habitat. It is a humbling and awe-inspiring encounter. Their immense size and gentle nature evoke a sense of wonder and respect for the power and fragility of life. Witnessing their intelligence, playfulness, and social interactions offers a glimpse into the complex world of another sentient being.” – George Schaller, renowned American zoologist and conservationist .

29. “The fossils we find in Africa are like pages in a great book, telling us the story of how we became human.” – Louis Leakey

30. “In the vastness of the African wilderness, every tree, every blade of grass, and every creature tells a story of survival, adaptation, and the enduring spirit of the wild.” – Unknown

31. “Sunsets in the savanna explode in a kaleidoscope of colors, painting the sky with fiery oranges, deep purples, and molten gold. Each evening becomes a breathtaking masterpiece, a reminder of the inherent beauty of this land.” – Peter Matthiessen

32. “The silence of the African night is pregnant with the sounds of life – the chirping of insects, the distant roar of a lion, the haunting songs of nocturnal birds. It’s a symphony of the wild, a lullaby that speaks of nature’s timeless mystery.” – Peter Matthiessen

33. “Africa is a living laboratory of evolution, and its landscapes hold the secrets to our past and the clues to our future.” – Louis Leakey

Giant elephants of Ngorongoro, one of the best places to watch these giants

34. “To be in Africa is to be in the presence of giants – not just the majestic elephants and towering giraffes, but the towering spirits of resilience that have shaped the continent’s history.”

35. “In the eyes of a lion, there lies the wisdom of the ages, a gaze that pierces the soul and reminds us of the untamed essence that resides within us all.” – Unknown

36. “Africa is a mosaic of cultures, a sophisticated fabric woven with threads of diversity, each strand contributing to the vibrant and rich colors of the continent.”

37. “Though vast and diverse, Africa pulses with a single heartbeat, a rhythm of life that connects the sands of the Sahara to the lush rainforests, the ancient civilizations to the young, vibrant communities.” – Leo Africanus

38. “The vast plains of Africa stretch under a sky like an endless ocean, painted with stars by night and bathed in fiery gold by day. In this wilderness, silence reigns, broken only by the whispering wind and the song of unseen creatures.” – Leo Africanus

39. “Sunset paints the savannah in a thousand hues, each blaze of color whispering secrets of an ancient land. Here, beneath the watchful gaze of baobab giants, time slows and stories untold for centuries dance in the twilight.” – Leo Africanus

40. “Africans, forged in the crucible of sun and hardship, carry a spirit of indomitable joy. Their laughter rings in the air, their music speaks a language of resilience and hope, their stories echo the wisdom of generations past.”

Walking in the wilderness of Africa - top safari in east africa

Top 5 Unforgetable East African Safari Trip for First Timers

Planning your first African safari? East Africa, the birthplace of safaris, is ideal for beginners. With stunning scenery, diverse wildlife, and expert guides, it offers a relaxed introduction to the continent.

41. “In the eyes of an African child, one sees the spark of curiosity and the echo of ancient dreams. In their playful energy, there lies the promise of a future where Africa writes its own story, a testament to the indomitable human spirit.”

42. “There is a timeless quality to the African wilderness, a sense of peace and belonging that I haven’t found anywhere else in the world.” – Jane Goodall

43. “The sunrises and sunsets over the vast plains, the incredible diversity of wildlife, the vibrant cultures of the people – Africa is a tapestry of beauty and wonder that never ceases to amaze me.” – Jane Goodall

44. “There is a fascination about wild countries that, once it has seized a man, holds him captive. It grips him with its mysteries, its beauties, its dangers; it calls to him from afar, and whispers to him in the silence of the desert and the roar of the tempest.” – William Cotton Oswell

45. “In the silence of the African night, the stars become the lanterns that guide the nocturnal creatures, illuminating the mysteries of the dark with a celestial glow.”

46. “The man who knows Africa in all its moods and phases, and has loved it and lived in it, never afterwards looks upon the world with the same eyes as before. Its plains and its forests, its rivers and its deserts, its men and its beasts, have cast a spell upon him, and he walks through life remembering.” – William Cotton Oswell

A pair of Giraffes in Kidepo Valley National Park with Mount Morungole in the background

47. “The first time I saw a giraffe, I was speechless. It is unlike any other creature on Earth, a living paradox, a walking contradiction in terms. Its head, with its large, gentle eyes, is perched on a neck so long that it seems to be floating in the air, while its body, with its stilted legs and awkward gait, waddles along beneath like a forgotten toy. And paints the wide heavens with such glorious colors that the heart aches with a strange, sweet pain, and one feels that life would be well spent if one could but gaze forever upon such a scene.” – William Cotton Oswell

48. “There is a charm about the African wilds that grips the heart and will not let go. It is a charm that knows no season, that is potent alike under the fierce glare of the noonday sun and under the soft, mysterious light of the moon.” – Elspeth Huxley

49. “The earth hummed under the sun, the air shimmered like a mirage, and every leaf and twig seemed to be bursting with life.” – Elspeth Huxley

50. “One can no more separate the land from the people of Africa than one can separate the roots from the tree.” – Elspeth Huxley

51. “Africa is an empire where the boundaries between reality and dreams blur, and every sunrise brings the promise of a new adventure, a new story waiting to unfold.”

52. “Africa had a way of coming back and simply covering everything up again. The dust, the heat, the smells, the immensity – it buried everything else under its overwhelming indifference.” – Paul Theroux

53. “Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it” – African Proverb

54. “Amidst Africa’s wilderness, I find myself truly alive. The rustling leaves, the distant roar, the chirping birds – all come together to create a melody that resonates with my soul.”

55. “Africa is not just a destination; it is a journey into the self, a pilgrimage where every step reveals a new facet of the traveler’s spirit and a deeper connection to the wild.”

56. “There are moments in life that leave you breathless and speechless. Watching the majestic herd of elephants gracefully moving across the golden African plains under the warm glow of the setting sun is a sight that ignites a primal sense of wonder and admiration in the depths of our souls.”

57. “In the African wilderness, the termite mounds tower high as architectural wonders, a testament to the innovativeness of nature and sophisticated ingenuity of the smallest creatures on earth.”

58. “When I encountered the African rhinoceros, everything else faded away, and I was humbled by the grandeur of the animal before me.” – Isak Dinesen

59. “The diversity of Africa’s ecosystem is a treasure trove of evolutionary marvels, a testament to the ingenuity of life in adapting to its surroundings.” – David Attenborough

60. “To truly understand Africa, you must listen to its stories, hear its songs, and feel the rhythm of its drums.”

61. “Africa is not a land of stereotypes or simplifications. It is a continent of immense richness, diversity, and potential.” – Elspeth Huxley

62. “The Great Rift Valley lies under the sun like a long, sinuous, glittering snake, basking in its golden warmth. The world of Africa has a strange stillness all its own, a hush that hangs over its vast plains and lonely hills.” – Winston Churchill .

63. “Africa is not just a place; it is an emotion, a state of being where the rhythm of life beats in harmony with the pulse of the wild.”

64. “The dawn came up like a sudden explosion of light, chasing away the last lingering stars and flooding the world with a fierce, joyous brilliance. The air sang with the awakening of birds, and the dew sparkled like diamonds on the grass.” – Winston Churchill, The Happy Valley: An African Story

65. “If you only visit two continents in your lifetime, visit Africa – twice!” – Paul Theroux

66. “There is a magic in the African night, a sense of mystery and power that hangs heavy in the air. The stars burn with an almost insolent brightness, and the moon paints the landscape in silver.” – Winston Churchill , The Happy Valley: An African Story

Cultural dance in Rwanda

67. “Africa is not a destination to be reached; it is a journey to be experienced, a pilgrimage to the heart of the earth’s soul where every step reveals a new facet of the traveler’s spirit.”

68. “Africa is a land of extremes, of scorching heat and bone-chilling cold, of life-giving rains and devastating droughts. It is a land that tests a man’s spirit, but it also rewards him with experiences beyond compare.”

69. “When the African drum speaks , it tells stories of generations past, it awakens the spirit, and it unites communities in a powerful celebration of life.” – Miriam Makeba .

70. “Africa is an empire where the language of the wild is spoken in the rustling grass, the roaring rivers, and the silent sands, a language that transcends words and connects the observer to the healing power of nature.”

71. “Like the migratory birds of Africa , let us embrace our innate instinct to journey towards our goals and dreams. Let the changing seasons of life bring forth the necessary physiological changes within us to adapt and thrive. And may we always return to where we came from, stronger, wiser, and ready to soar higher than ever before.”

72. “A thorn under a baobab tree pricks deeper.” – African proverb.

73. “The thing which in the waking world comes nearest to a dream is night in a big town, where nobody knows one, or the African night. There too is infinite freedom: it is there that things are going on, destinies are made around you, there is activity to all sides, and it is none of your concern.” — Karen Blixen.

74. “If I know a song of Africa, of the giraffe and the African new moon lying on her back, of the plows in the fields and the sweaty faces of the coffee pickers, does Africa know a song of me? Will the air over the plain quiver with a color that I have had on, or the children invent a game in which my name is, or the full moon throw a shadow over the gravel of the drive that was like me, or will the eagles of the Ngong Hills look out for me?” – Isak Dinesen

75. “Beneath the African sky, as daylight gracefully yields to night, the horizon unveils a canvas brushed with the poetic beauty of dawn and dusk, where nature’s subtle palette crafts a timeless masterpiece.”

76. “There is a thrill in facing the unknown, in setting out on a journey without knowing where the road will lead. In Africa, every turn presents a new challenge, a new adventure waiting to be discovered.”

77. “The porters trudged on, their bare feet silent on the sun-baked earth. They bore the weight of not only the expedition’s supplies but also the hopes and dreams of their families back in their villages. Their strength and fortitude were an inspiration to everyone around them.” – Martin Dugard.

78. “There is a great deal to be learned from the wisdom of the African people. They have a deep understanding of the land and its creatures, and they live in harmony with nature in a way that we have forgotten.”

79. “East Africa affects our imagination like few other places: the sight of a charging rhino goes directly to the heart; the limitless landscape of bony highlands, desert, and mountain is, as Isak Dinesen wrote, of ‘unequaled nobility.” – Brian Herne .

80. “By and large, African safaris are a leisurely affair. Safaris are a good deal more comfortable than those of earlier times. Days in the bush routinely begin with a wake-up call before dawn. Morning tea is served in the guest’s sleeping tent by a waiter. Tea is followed by a hearty breakfast served in a special mess tent by uniformed staff. Thus prepared to face the rigors of the game drive, the safari party sets out on foot, horse, or, more commonly, four-by-four safari truck with large windows for viewing wildlife.”

81. “There is a peace and timelessness in the Serengeti that is unlike anything I have ever experienced. It is a place where you can feel the pulse of the Earth, the rhythm of life that has been playing out for millions of years.” – Bernhard Grzimek .

82. “The sunrise over the Serengeti is the greatest spectacle on Earth. The whole vast plain begins to tremble and shimmer in the first rays of the sun, and the countless animals seem to wake up with one great sigh.” – Bernhard Grzimek .

83. “One of the most endearing and amusing displays of the playful nature of animals is when elephant calves plunge down a muddy slope. Watching this joy is a reminder that even in the wild, there is space for innocence and exuberance.”

84. “The animals of the Serengeti are like characters in a great epic – the noble lion, the graceful gazelle, the lumbering elephant, each playing their part in the drama of survival.” – Bernhard Grzimek .

85. “On a broad plain, as the sun cools and evening brings slanted light to the short-grass plain, it turns from yellow to Serengeti gold. At the edge of the plain broken granite kopjes edge the skyline. There are dark groves of trees near the kopjes, and among the trees, a herd of sable antelope feeds quietly. The sables’ scimitar horns glint with the fire of diamonds when the light catches them.” – Brian Herne

86. “Broader than the American and Canadian Falls of Niagara put together, and over two and a half times as high, the Victoria Falls of the Zambezi is surely in the grandeur and majesty of its transcendent beauty second to nothing that can be seen on our planet.” – James Casada.

87. “Water was how drought would bring everyone together. The antelope’s daily prayer, weighing the mortal need of water with the mortal danger of obtaining it.” ― Mike Bond

88. “The leopard is a cunning and agile hunter, capable of hiding in the shadows and striking with speed and precision.” – David Attenborough.

African leopard is an audacious animal

89. “I must say the African leopard is an audacious animal, although it is ungrateful of me to say a word against him after the way he has let me off personally, and I will speak of his extreme beauty as compensation for my ingratitude.” ― Mary Kingsley.

90. “Africa was the nursery of humanity, the stage where the drama of human evolution unfolded. Walking here, on this ancient soil, it’s impossible not to feel the echoes of our past resonating beneath your feet.” – Peter Matthiessen .

91. “The baobab tree stands as a silent sentinel, a living link between the present and the distant past. Gazing at its weathered bark, you can almost imagine the prehistoric ancestors who gathered in its shade.” – Peter Matthiessen.

92. “Watching a synchronized movement of zebras on the African savannah is like witnessing a perfectly choreographed military parade in Pyongyang. It’s a beautiful sight.”

93. “On Africa Safari, there are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy, and its charm.” – Theodore Roosevelt, African Game Trails.

94. “In the African wilderness, I had met with animals so little afraid of man that they seemed to have lost the instinctive fear of the race which has been implanted in nearly every wild creature.” – Theodore Roosevelt , African Game Trails.

95. “There is no other country in all the world which possesses such a wealth of romantic and picturesque scenery, such a wealth of stirring, adventurous history, so great a variety of striking and splendid types of humanity.” – Theodore Roosevelt , African Game Trails .

96. “Africa is a land of contrasts. It has a charm that is all its own, and to those who have once come under its spell, its incomparable beauty and fascination make an appeal that is not easily forgotten.” – Theodore Roosevelt , African Game Trails

97. “Africa is one of the last great strongholds of the wild and uncivilized, and the spectacle of the primeval forces of nature at work has an extraordinary fascination for the beholder.”

98. “Out of the corners of my eyes, I could see the wildlife . And it was majestic. The land was here before we were, and it will be here when we’re gone.” – Ernest Hemingway .

99. “The charm of Africa is powerful and embraces the senses. Its moods are varied. The sun is intense, and the heat and light are everywhere. It is a great theatre.” – Winston Churchill , My African Journey.

100. “The plains stretch onward and outward, one great continuous savannah – a grassy ocean with dark patches of trees and jutting rocks showing like the black hulls of ships upon the green sea.” – Winston Churchill, My African Journey.

101. “It is a lovely land, the land of my dreams – the land of tremendous, mysterious, and profound horizons – the land of a hundred deserts.” Winston Churchill , My African Journey

These 100 quotes aim to capture the essence of the African safari, igniting the wanderlust within every traveler’s soul. May these words serve as a beacon, inspiring adventurers to seek the magic that Africa bestows on every traveler and create memories that will resonate through the ages.

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70 Best African Proverbs For Helpful Wisdom, Guidance, And Advice

August 13, 2019 By Martha Weston 2 Comments

Every culture and country has proverbs unique to their society, and Africa is no different. African proverbs not only provide guidance and wisdom like proverbs from other places, but they also provide outsiders with a view of life in the various African tribes. These proverbs describe everything from the nature around the tribes to everyday tribal life and culture.

Many African proverbs are attributed to single tribes or countries, while the origins of others are not known specifically, so we have labeled them only as “African Proverb” on our list. We wanted to give you a look into proverbs in a way that will help you with your current situation, so we’ve divided them up into categories so that you can focus on areas where you need advice.

african travel proverbs

Photo by  from  Pexels

It was easy to find African proverbs on goals and achievement, which makes us think this is a vital aspect of African culture. These proverbs come from throughout the continent and from many different tribes, which means that goal setting and achievement are integral throughout African culture.

  • “There are no shortcuts to the top of the palm tree.” Cameroonian Proverb
  • “Little by little grow the bananas.” Congolese Proverb
  • “The big game often appears when the hunter has given up the hunt for the day.” Igbo Proverb
  • “Haste and hurry can only bear children with many regrets along the way.” Senegalese Proverb
  • “Rising early makes the road short.” African Proverb
  • “A person with too much ambition cannot sleep in peace.” Chadian Proverb
  • “Around a flowering tree, there are many insects.” Guinean Proverb
  • “Little by little the bird builds its nest.” Nigerian Proverb
  • “You cannot climb to the mountain top without crushing some weeds with your feet.” Ugandan Proverb
  • “If you are building a house and a nail breaks, do you stop building, or do you change the nail?” African Proverb
  • “No tattoo is made without blood.” Mozambican Proverb
  • “No person is born great. Great people become great when others are sleeping.” African Proverb

On Family and Love

african travel proverbs

Photo by  Emma Bauso  from  Pexels

Family relations are important to many different tribes in Africa. It is interesting to see the themes of motherhood, unity, and knowing where you come from echoed throughout these proverbs.

  • “If love is a sickness, patience is the remedy.” Cameroonian Proverb
  • “The laughter of a child lights up the house.” Swahili Proverb
  • “If you educate a man you educate one individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a family.” Fanti Proverb
  • “When the mother goat breaks into the yam store, her kid watches her.” Igbo Proverb
  • “If the elders leave you a legacy of dignified language, you do not abandon it and speak childish language.” Ghanaian Proverb
  • “Coffee and love taste best when hot.” Ethiopian Proverb
  • “Baboons do not go far from the place of their birth.” Masai Proverb
  • “Lonely is one.” Masai Proverb
  • “The cow that bellows does so for all cows.” Kenyan Proverb
  • “A tree cannot stand without roots.” Congolese Proverb

On Leadership

african travel proverbs

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Like most cultures, leaders play important roles in African tribes. In some tribes, elders take on a leadership role, while in others there is a designated leader who is voted on or who assumes the position naturally. You can see the thoughts on how to become a leader and maintain leadership are different throughout African tribal culture from the proverbs below.

  • “If you overtake a leader, you break your neck.” Ugandan Proverb
  • “A fully grown up tree cannot be bent into a walking stick.” Kenyan Proverb
  • “No matter how full the river, it still wants to grow.” Congolese Proverb
  • “Other people’s wisdom prevents the king from being called a fool.” Nigerian Proverb
  • “Even an ant can hurt an elephant.” South African Proverb
  • “Only someone else can scratch your back.” Kenyan Proverb
  • “The chameleon changes color to match the earth; the earth doesn’t change colors to match the chameleon.” Senegalese Proverb
  • “A canoe does not know who the leader is when it turns over, everyone gets wet.” Madagascar Proverb
  • “Water that has been begged for does not quench the thirst.” Soga People of Uganda Proverb

On Wisdom and Knowledge

african travel proverbs

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Learning and becoming wise are common themes of proverbs throughout the world, so it’s no shock that Africa has its fair share. Some of these proverbs may even seem familiar to you since their sentiments are echoed throughout the world in proverbs from other countries and continents.

  • “Supposing doesn’t fill the grain basket, ‘if’ doesn’t fill the larder.” Ovambo Proverb
  • “Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand.” Guinean Proverb
  • “Examine what is said, not him who speaks.” Egyptian Proverb
  • “He is like a drum, which makes a lot of noise but is hollow inside.” Sudanese Proverb
  • “The chameleon looks in all directions before moving.” Ugandan Proverb
  • “An empty pot makes the loudest noise.” Kenyan Proverb
  • “A bird that allows itself to be caught will find a way of escaping.” Cameroonian Proverb
  • “We should put out fire while it is still small.” Kenyan Proverb
  • “We are what our thinking makes us.” Nigerian Proverb
  • “He who learns teaches.” Ethiopian Proverb

On Relationships

african travel proverbs

Not the same as family, these proverbs describe how to achieve and maintain relationships with friends, colleagues, and others both inside and outside of your tribal culture.

  • “Do not call to a dog with a whip in your hand.” Sudanese Proverb
  • “Ingratitude is sooner or later fatal to its author.” Twi Proverb
  • “One Camel does not make fun of the other camel’s hump.” Ghanaian Proverb
  • “If you damage the character of another, you damage your own.” Yoruba Proverb
  • “The friends of our friends are our friends.” Congolese Proverb
  • “He who loves the vase loves also what is inside.” African Proverb
  • “A snake that you see does not bite.” Mozambican Proverb
  • “One who relates with a corrupt person likewise gets corrupted.” Kenyan Proverb
  • “Confiding a secret to an unworthy person is like carrying grain in a bag with a hole.” Nilotic Proverb
  • “If your mouth turns into a knife, it will cut off your lips.” Rwandan Proverb

On Success, Bravery, and Lack Thereof

african travel proverbs

Bravery is a common theme in proverbs throughout the world because it is linked closely to achievement and good relationships. These proverbs talk about what it means to be brave, what it means to succeed, and what it means to fail in African culture.

  • “Those who are absent are always wrong.” Congolese Proverb
  • “The elephant does not limp when walking on thorns.” Ethiopian Proverb
  • “Numbers can achieve anything.” Ghanaian Proverb
  • “A brave man dies once, a coward a thousand times.” Somali Proverb
  • “What is bad luck for one man is good luck for another.” Ashanti Proverb
  • “However much it rains on you, no wild banana tree will grow on your head.” Kenyan Proverb
  • “A rooster is not expected to crow for the whole world.” African Proverb
  • “One arrow can knock down an elephant.” Kenyan Proverb
  • “If an arrow has not entered deeply, then its removal is not hard.” Buli Proverb

On Time and Endings

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Photo by  Mike  from  Pexels

The theme of “all things must end” is another common one in proverbs around the globe. In the proverbs below, you will also notice that these tribes don’t necessarily believe that the end of your time is the end of all time and that we need to honor what comes after our time is done.

  • “Time destroys all things.” Nigerian Proverb
  • “Even as the archer loves the arrow that flies, so too he loves the bow that remains constant in his hands.” Nigerian Proverb
  • “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” Haida Proverb
  • “Even the best dancer on the stage must retire sometime.” African Proverb
  • “Old and new millet seeds end up in the same mill.” Acholi Proverb

On Owning Your Actions

african travel proverbs

Photo by  Oliver Sjöström  from  Pexels

The final theme we see in these proverbs is being a good person or owning up to your actions and understanding that they have consequences. This is once again a common theme in proverbs around the world, but one that African tribes have adopted as well.

  • “He who doesn’t clean his mouth before breakfast always complains that the food is sour.” African Proverb
  • “He who cannot dance will say, ‘The drum is bad!’” Ashanti Proverb
  • “Copying everyone else all the time, the monkey one day cut his throat.” Zulu Proverb
  • “All monkeys cannot hang on the same branch.” Kenyan Proverb
  • “Birds of all kinds will end up landing.” Egyptian Proverb

Final Thoughts

African culture is full of wisdom and guidance for almost any time in your life. We hope that reading through these proverbs helped you to understand that what it means to be a decent human being is not so different in other areas of the world as it is in ours. We also hope that you can take some of this guidance and advice with you on the rest of your journey.

The purpose of a proverb is to help you navigate life well utilizing the knowledge and understanding of those who came before you to better yourself and your community. We believe this is showcased well in the 70 proverbs we shared above.

Martha Weston

Martha lives in the Bay Area and is a dedicated reader of romance novels. She runs a yoga studio and taught yoga for many years. She always says that yoga fuels her writing. She’s also a vegetarian and advocate for living a healthy life. Martha has been writing for us for a while now, giving readers a glimpse into her lifestyle and work.

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50 african proverbs that will get you thinking.

A s six-year-olds in Zimbabwe , we were taught African proverbs before we were taught how to navigate the nuts and bolts of Shona (the most common language in the country). This approach left some students capable of dropping rich wisdom freely but not being able to ask you how your day was.

Many African proverbs are strongly tied to the earth and animals, conveying lessons of life often through daily, seemingly menial, procedures. An example of a Zimbabwean proverb is “there is honey but no bees” — describing a situation when you find something free for the taking and without consequence.

Here’s a list of African proverbs from around the continent . Some are known to come from specific ethnic groups, or countries while others have an unknown source and are listed simply as “African proverbs.” Have a read and pluck out some ancestral insight from the motherland to carry with you today (and remember if you ever visit Africa ).

african travel proverbs

A version of this article was previously published on February 2, 2017, and was updated on February 26, 2021, with more information.

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16 Travel Quotes That Will Make You Pack Your Bag for Africa


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Is there a better feeling than embarking on a journey, suitcase and camera in hand, to an unknown place or a far off land? No, not really.

Africa has enthralled her own people and travellers alike for centuries. Take a look at some of our favourite quotes from people who love this continent and travelling and exploring just as much as we do.

Safari im Krüger

1. “There is something about safari life that makes you forget all your sorrows and feel as if you had drunk half a bottle of champagne – bubbling over with heartfelt gratitude for being alive” – Karen Blixen

2. “I just wish the world was twice as big and half of it was still unexplored” – David Attenborough

african travel proverbs

3. “Africa has her mysteries, and even a wise man cannot understand them. But a wise man respects them” – Miriam Makeba

4. “I never knew of a morning in Africa when I woke up that I was not happy” – Ernest Hemingway

Tswalu Malori Lodge

5. “The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands” – Sir Richard Burton

african travel proverbs

7. “A person does not grow from the ground like a vine or a tree. One is not part of a plot of land. Mankind has legs so it can wander” – Roman Payne,  The Wandress

8. “To get lost is to learn the way” – African proverb

african travel proverbs

9. “People must feel that the natural world is important and valuable and beautiful and wonderful and an amazement and a pleasure” – David Attenborough

10. “You cannot leave Africa, ” Africa said, “It is always with you, there inside your head. Our rivers run in currents in the swirl of your thumbprints; Our drumbeats counting out your pulse; Our coastline, the silhouette of your soul”. – Bridge Dore

The river at Tsitsikamma

11. “I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world” – Mary Anne Rademacher

12. “The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa – for he has so much to look forward to” – Richard Mullin

Travel quotes should inspire you to join us watch elephants

13. “One of the great things about travel is that you find out how many good, kind people there are” – Edith Wharton

14. “Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before” – Dalai Lama

15. “To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted” – Bill Bryson

Botswana safari guide likes our travel quotes

16. “Africa changes you forever, like nowhere on earth. Once you have been there, you will never be the same. But how do you begin to describe the magic to someone who has never felt it? How can you explain the fascination of this vast, dusty continent, whose oldest roads are elephant paths? Could it be because Africa is the place of all our beginnings, the cradle of mankind, where our species first stood upright on the savannahs of long ago?” – Brian Jackman

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About the author 

Melanie Du Toit

Jozi-born, Knysna local, and recovering yachtie, Melanie decided that she missed being land-based after 18 months sailing the seas. Now that she lives in the most beautiful city in Africa (she is adamant about this fact), you will find her trying out new things around Cape Town, dreaming about her next holiday, and using Wikipedia to enhance her skills as an encyclopaedia of useless information.

Simply beautiful! Brought a tear to my eyes ?✌️

Hi Melanie! All your quotes come from the heart. From your heart and from the quoters’ hearts and from the heart of Africa. All are so true and touching. Thanks a lot!

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11 african proverbs about travel.

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African Safari Quotes: 89 of the Most Eloquent Sayings

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Do you love an African safari, or can’t stop dreaming about going on one, but have a hard time explaining its irresistible draw? I know I do! That’s why I’ve gathered the most inspiring quotes about safari I’ve come across .

This article, with 89 of the most inspirational African safari quotes I’ve ever read , will help you put that pull into words. And very likely leave you longing for the wild and dreaming of the savannah.

Whether you’re a seasoned safari-goer or a first-time explorer, these quotes will transport you into the heart of Africa. They’ll give you a glimpse of the magic that awaits you on your next safari adventure .

So, sit back, relax, and let these Africa safari quotes take you on a journey you’ll never forget.

A female lion in Kruger National Park lying in the dry, brown grass.

Inspirational African Safari Quotes

1. “An African safari is a journey that will change you forever.” – Karen Blixen

2. “An African safari is not just a trip, it’s a life-changing experience.” – Unknown

3. “The magic of an African safari lies in the untamed wilderness.” – Unknown

4. “The vastness of the African savannah is humbling.” – Unknown

5. “Going on a safari is like a reset button for the soul.” – Jennifer Richardson

6. “An African safari is a journey to the heart of nature.” – Unknown

Elephant, rhino and giraffe with safari vehicle under acacia tree in African sunset

7. “The majesty of Africa’s wildlife is a testament to the power of nature.” – Jane Goodall

8. “The beauty of Africa’s wildlife is simply breathtaking.” – Unknown

9. “The beauty of an African safari is that it forces you to slow down and appreciate the present moment.” – Matthew McConaughey

10. “The roar of a lion is a sound you’ll never forget.” – Unknown

11. “An African safari is a chance to disconnect from the world and reconnect with nature.” – Unknown

12. “Watching a herd of elephants walk by is an awe-inspiring sight.” – Unknown

Leopard in a tree, Serengeti

13 . “An African safari is a chance to experience true freedom and wonder.” – Nelson Mandela

14. “ Africa’s wildlife is a reminder of the beauty and power of the natural world.” – Unknown

15. “An African safari is a journey of self-discovery.” – Unknown

16. “Nothing compares to the thrill of seeing a lion in the wild.” – Richard Branson

17. “The vastness and diversity of Africa’s landscapes is a never-ending source of inspiration.” – David Attenborough

18. “The colours of an African sunset are unlike any other.” – Unknown

Lions on the rocks in the Serengeti

19. “The sounds of the bush are a symphony of nature.” – Unknown

20. “The true magic of Africa lies in the stories of its people and wildlife.” – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

21. “An African safari is a window into the past, present, and future of Africa.” – Unknown

“ 22. An African safari is a reminder that we are all connected to the natural world.” – Barack Obama

23. “The thrill of seeing a leopard in the wild is indescribable.” – Unknown

24. “The beauty of Africa is that it is still wild and untamed, and a safari is a chance to experience that firsthand.” – Christiane Amanpour

Lions walking into the sunset on the Serengeti

“ 25. An African safari is a journey that feeds your soul and fills your heart with joy.” – Unknown

26. “An African safari is a journey of discovery , where you will learn as much about yourself as you will about the world around you.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

27. “The true value of an African safari is in the memories you create that will stay with you for a lifetime.” – Unknown

28. “The beauty of Africa is that it is a constant reminder of the power and mystery of nature.” – Unknown

29. “The best thing about an African safari is that every day is different and filled with surprises.” – Joanna Lumley

30. “An African safari is a journey that will leave you feeling alive and more connected to the world around you.” – Unknown

Lion enjoying the shade of a safari vehicle

31. “An African safari is a chance to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown.” – Tippi Hedren

32. “The sounds of Africa will stay with you long after your safari is over.” – Paul Theroux

33 . “An African safari is a journey that will leave you humbled, inspired, and in awe of the natural world.” – Ernest Hemingway

34. “ The greatest luxury of an African safari is the chance to disconnect from the world and connect with nature.” – Angelina Jolie

35. “An African safari is a reminder that we are all part of something much bigger than ourselves.” – John Muir

Baboon and baby in the Kalahari

36. “The beauty of Africa is in its simplicity and rawness, and a safari is a chance to experience that firsthand.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

37. “An African safari is a journey of courage, where you will face your fears and overcome them.” – Ernest Hemingway

38. “The best thing about an African safari is the chance to witness the beauty of the natural world and the wonder of life itself.” – Unknown

39. “ An African safari is a journey that will challenge your perceptions and open your eyes to new possibilities.” – Unknown

40. “The greatest gift of an African safari is the chance to reconnect with your inner self and find peace in the present moment.” – Unknown

41. “An African safari is a journey that will show you the true meaning of resilience and strength.” – Unknown

Hyena having a mud bath in the Serengeti

42. “An African safari is a journey that will test your limits and make you realize how much you are capable of.” – Unknown

43. “The best part of an African safari is the chance to connect with like-minded people who share my love for a land ruled by its animals.” – Unknown

44. “An African safari is a journey of the senses, where you will be amazed by the sights, sounds, and smells of the bush.” – Unknown

45. “The best thing about an African safari is that you never know what you’re going to see next.” – Unknown

46. “An African safari is a chance to step back in time and experience the world as it once was.” – Unknown

47. “The beauty of Africa is that it is always changing, and a safari is a chance to witness that transformation firsthand.” – Unknown

Zebras grazing in the Serengeti

48. “An African safari is a journey of wonder, where you will be amazed by the incredible diversity of life on this planet.” – Unknown

49. “The magic of an African safari is that it brings people together from all over the world, united by a love of nature and adventure.” – Unknown

50. “An African safari is a chance to escape the stresses of everyday life and immerse yourself in the natural world.” – Unknown

51. “The beauty of Africa’s wildlife is that it is a reminder of the simplicity and complexity of life.” – Unknown

52. “An African safari is a journey that will leave you feeling more alive and inspired than ever before.” – Unknown

53. “The best thing about an African safari is that it teaches you to appreciate the small things in life.” – Unknown

Ostrich in the African Savannah

54. “An African safari is a journey that will fill you with a sense of awe and reverence for the natural world.” – Unknown

55. “The beauty of Africa is that it is a living, breathing masterpiece, and a safari is a chance to witness that artistry in action.” – Unknown

“ 56 . An African safari is a journey that will teach you the true meaning of respect and humility.” – Unknown

57. “The best part of an African safari is the chance to connect with the local people and learn about their way of life.” – Unknown

58. “An African safari is a journey of discovery, where you will learn something new about the world and yourself every day.” – Unknown

59. “The beauty of Africa’s landscapes is that they are a testament to the power and resilience of nature.” – Unknown

Wildebeest in the Serengeti, one looking at the camera, inspiring African safari quotes

More African Safari Quotes

60. “An African safari is a journey that will leave you with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world.” – Unknown

61. “The best thing about an African safari is the chance to witness the circle of life in action.” – Unknown

62. “An African safari is a journey that will leave you feeling more connected to the world and the people around you.” – Unknown

63 . “The beauty of Africa’s wildlife is that it is a constant reminder of the fragility and resilience of life.” – Unknown

64. “An African safari is a journey that will make you realize how small you are in the grand scheme of things.” – Unknown

65. “The best part of an African safari is the chance to make memories that will last a lifetime.” – Unknown

Lioness asleep in the Okavango Delta

66 . “An African safari is a journey of the heart, where you will be moved by the beauty and power of the natural world.” – Unknown

67. “The beauty of Africa is that it is a place of constant transformation and renewal, and a safari is a chance to witness that process in action.” – Unknown

68. “An African safari is a journey that will teach you to see the world with new eyes.” – Unknown

69. “The best thing about an African safari is that it will make you feel like a kid again, filled with wonder and awe.” – Unknown

70. “An African safari is a journey of the soul, where you will be challenged, inspired, and transformed.” – Unknown

71. “An African safari is a journey that will leave you with a greater appreciation for the value of conservation.” – Unknown

Elephant nursing in the Okavango Delta

72. “The best part of an African safari is the sense of adventure that comes with exploring the unknown.” – Unknown

73. “An African safari is a journey that will take you out of your comfort zone and into the heart of the wild.” – Unknown

74. “The beauty of Africa’s sunsets is that they are a reminder of the endless beauty and magic of the natural world.” – Unknown

75. “An African safari is a journey that will remind you of the importance of living in the present moment.” – Unknown

76. “The best thing about an African safari is the chance to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature.” – Unknown

77. “An African safari is a journey that will leave you feeling more grateful and appreciative of the simple things in life.” – Unknown

Baby Hyena outside the den in Botswana

78. “The beauty of Africa’s wildlife is that it is a symbol of hope, reminding us that anything is possible.” – Unknown

79. “An African safari is a journey that will fill you with a sense of purpose and passion for the natural world.” – Unknown

80. “The best part of an African safari is the opportunity to see some of the world’s most incredible and elusive animals in their natural habitat.” – Unknown

81. “An African safari is a journey that will leave you with a renewed sense of wonder and curiosity.” – Unknown

82. “The beauty of Africa’s landscapes is that they are a reminder that the world is full of surprises and unexpected beauty.” – Unknown

83. “An African safari is a journey that will challenge your assumptions and broaden your perspective.” – Unknown

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84. “The best thing about an African safari is that it will leave you with a renewed sense of respect and admiration for the natural world.” – Unknown

85. “An African safari is a journey that will leave you feeling more connected to yourself, others, and the world around you.” – Unknown

86. “The beauty of Africa’s people is that they are a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit.” – Unknown

87. “An African safari is a journey that will inspire you to be a better steward of the earth.” – Unknown

88. “The best part of an African safari is the opportunity to make new friends from all over the world who share your love of adventure and nature.” – Unknown

89. “An African safari is a journey that will leave you feeling more alive and in tune with the rhythms of the natural world.” – Unknown

Kudu in South Africa

Summing It Up: African Safari Quotes

There you have it – 89 heartfelt quotes about Africa safari that capture the essence and wonder of the experience. From the spectacular landscapes to the epic wildlife. These quotes remind me of the sheer beauty and magic that can be found in the heart of the African wilderness.

I hope that these quotes about safari have inspired you to take the leap and embark on your own African adventure. After all, as they say, “The only way to experience the wild is to venture into it.” So, pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready to experience the adventure of a lifetime.

As I like to say, “Hakuna Matata” – there are no worries on a safari!

Happy Travels!

A little more Africa inspiration:

✤ 20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Namibia ✤ Photos of Botswana to Inspire You ✤ 58 African Proverbs, Wanderlust Quotes, & Travel Sayings ✤ The Best African Sunset and Where You Can Find It ✤ Find Your Dream Destination in Africa

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I had been travelling for years before I first went to Africa. Once I had been on my first safari, I was hooked. Now I go back every chance I get. I've lived in Botswana, explored the wild coast of Namibia, toured Southern Africa and so much more.

There's no place that has more to offer a traveller than this enormous and stunning continent. I write about it here to hopefully inspire you to experience it for yourself, and to make your travels easier. It'll be the trip of your life! Happy travels!

african travel proverbs


32 Wise African Proverbs About Life (with Meaning)

african travel proverbs

There is a lot of wisdom that is often hidden in age-old proverbs, sayings and maxims passed on from generation to generation. In this article lets have a look at 32 powerful African proverbs on life that are filled with wisdom and teach you some really insightful life lessons. Let’s have a look.

Table of Contents

1. It is not necessary to blow out the other people’s lantern to let yours shine.

It is not necessary to blow out the other people's lantern to let yours shine

2. A lot of people struggle with sleep because sleep requires peace.

Meaning: The secret to sleep is a relaxed mind and body. If your mind is filled with thoughts and your attention is unconsciously focused on these thoughts, then sleep is bound to evade you. So if you ever struggle with sleep, shift your attention from your thoughts into your body. This act of consciously feeling your body will lull you to sleep .

3. What an old man sees from the ground, a boy cannot see even if he stands on top of the mountain.

Meaning: True wisdom comes only with experience and years of self reflection.

4. However long the night, the dawn will break.

Meaning: The very essence of life is change. Things are changing every single moment whether we realize it or not. This is why patience is such a powerful virtue. Good things always come to those who wait.

5. Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter.

Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter.

Meaning: The only way to change the existing narrative is to put yourself out there and let your story be known.

6. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

Meaning: The way to success is through collaboration with likeminded people.

7. When elephants fight, it’s the grass that suffers.

Meaning: When people in power fight to satisfy their own ego, it’s the general population that gets hit the most.

8. A child who’s unloved by his village will burn it down just to feel the warmth.

Meaning: A lack of love from outside leads to a lack of love from within. And a love deficit often manifests itself in hate. Practicing self love is the way to liberate yourself from these negative emotions so you can bring out the good within you instead of the bad.

9. When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.

When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.

Meaning: When you become conscious of your limiting thoughts and beliefs, other people can no longer impact you negatively. So keep working on understanding yourself ‘cause that’s the secret to liberation.

10. Fire devours the grass, but not the roots.

Meaning: Remember, that you always have the power within to start over and accomplish everything that your heart desires.

11. The one who asks Questions doesn’t lose his way.

The one who asks Questions doesn't lose his way.

Meaning: Always keep your sense of wonder and curiosity alive. Because that’s the only way to grow in life.

12. Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

Meaning: Every small action you do today has the potential to reap huge benefits in the future.

13. The sun does not forget a village just because it is small.

Meaning: We must try to be like the Sun and treat everyone equally and justly.

14. Only a fool tests the depth of water with both feet.

Meaning: Always test out a situation or venture by starting small and knowing the ins and outs before fully investing yourself in it.

15. If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones today.

Meaning: Focus on the small things or what needs to be done at this moment and slowly but surely you will be able to achieve big results.

16. A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.

Meaning: It’s the obstacles and failures in your life that lead you to new insights, make you more knowledgeable and skillful.

17. An ape’s an ape, a varlet’s a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet.

Meaning: Do not judge a person from their external appearance. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.

18. The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe as its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them.

Meaning: Become conscious of your limiting beliefs. These beliefs may look like they are yours, but they are just conditioned ideas (that you acquired from your surroundings) that keep you from reaching your truest potential.

19. He who does not know one thing knows another.

He who does not know one thing knows another.

Meaning: Nobody knows everything and nobody is good at everything. If you are good at something, you are bad at something else. So stop worrying about the expertise or knowledge that other people have and instead focus on your own innate strengths.

20. Rain beats the leopard’s skin but it does not wash out the spots.

Meaning: It’s hard to change someone of their core personality.

21. A roaring lion kills no game.

A roaring lion kills no game.

22. The young bird does not crow until it hears the old ones.

Meaning: Every belief you hold in your mind came from your surroundings (or the people you grew up with). Become conscious of these beliefs so you are in a position to let go of beliefs that do not serve you and hold on to beliefs that do.

23. One who bathes willingly with cold water doesn’t feel the cold.

Meaning: Involve yourself a 100 percent to the work at hand and you will not feel the associated negatives but only the positives.

24. Knowledge is like a garden: If it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested.

Meaning: Keep an open mind and always be open to learning and growing. Do not become rigid in your beliefs.

25. Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Meaning: Learn from your mistakes by introspecting on what made you fail instead of focusing on the failure itself. When you learn from your failures, your failures become the stepping stones to success.

26. If the full moon loves you, why worry about the stars?

Meaning: Focus your attention on the positives instead of the negatives.

27. An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.

Meaning: Irrespective of your talents, if you hold a lot of limiting beliefs in your mind, you will find it hard to reach your true potential. Instead, when you are driven by uplifting beliefs, you will reach success a lot easily.

28. You can’t fatten a pig on the market day.

Meaning: It’s important to follow a plan to achieve big goals. One should avoid putting off things till the last minute.

29. A lot of people have fancy watches but no time.

A lot of people have fancy watches but no time.

Meaning: Come to the present moment to experience and enjoy the simple joys of life . Fast paced living robs you of these joys which is the very essence of living.

30. Once you carry your own water, you will learn the value of every drop.

Once you carry your own water, you will learn the value of every drop.

Meaning: Everything is perception and your perspective changes with every experience. It takes one to know one.

31. Be wary of the naked man that offers you a shirt.

Meaning: Only take advice from someone who has real life experience and knows what they are talking about.

32. Patience is the key that solves all problems.

Meaning: Good things always come to those who wait.

Do you know a quote that needs to be added to this list? Please feel free to leave a comment and let us know.

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Mukesh Mani

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The 45 BEST Safari Quotes & Captions To Inspire You To Travel To Africa

african travel proverbs

There is no better feeling than setting everything ready to embark on a trip to Africa. Having your travel bag and camera at hand knowing you are going to have extraordinary wildlife encounters, the excitement is unrivalled. In this article I found you the most amazing African safari quotes to get you even more excited to pack your bags.

You can also find some travel quotes from the famous Traveltomtom in this blog, LOL! Yes, yes all of them made up by myself from my continuous journey around the world.

Africa is one of the most captivating travel destinations in the world and no wonder that so many well known people found beautiful words to describe this continent in famous safari captions. Let’s start with someone we all know…

Walt Disney once said: All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. It became a famous travel quote, but it is so very true! If seeing wildlife in Africa is on top of your bucket list than chase that dream, make it happen!

The following safari quotes will surely help you getting into the mood for wildlife encounters. Find many famous safari sayings, captions and adventure quotes about Africa in the list below.

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1. 'The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa – for he has so much to look forward to.’ , is a famous safari saying said by many people, but a safari quote that I have written down in capitals in my note book.

As of January 2020 I have traveled to more than 100 countries, but only seen 4 countries in Africa so far. This captions is definitely inspiring me personally and therefore I put it atop of this long list with quotes about safari.

2. ‘One cannot resist the lure of Africa.’ , said Rudyard Kipling, an Indian born English man who was the author of the Jungle Book.

safari quotes about africa

3. 'But African time was not the same as American time… As African time passed; I surmised that the pace of Western countries was insane, that the speed of modern technology accomplished nothing, and that because Africa was going its own way at its own pace for its own reasons, it was a refuge and a resting place.' - Paul Edward Theroux, an American travel writer and novelist.

This man is also the one who came up with the famous travel quote and instagram caption: ‘Tourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going.’ Kind of sounds like my own travel quote: ‘If you don’t have a destination you can never get lost!’ - Traveltomtom.

4. 'I hope you have an experience that alters the course of your life because, after Africa, nothing has ever been the same’ - Suzanne Evans, an English journalist and politician.

safari quotes

Dreaming of getting up close and personal with the mountain gorillas? Click here to read all my tips for a mountain gorilla trekking in Uganda !

5. ‘Nothing but breathing the air of Africa, and actually walking through it, can communicate the indescribable sensations.’ - said by William Burchell, an English explorer who traveled in Africa in the early 1800’s.

I totally agree with his safari quote as there is something really special walking through the African savannah as you observe the beauty of the flora and fauna.

6. ‘There is nothing better than experiencing wildlife in its natural habitat!’  

7. ‘Africa is full of humanity; the incredible African people!’   These last two safari captions for Instagram I actually used myself in the past.

8. ‘Africa is not a country, but it is a continent like no other. It has that which is elegantly vast or awfully little.’ - said by L. Douglas Wilder, the first elected African-American Governor.

wildlife safari captions

An amazing off the beaten path Africa travel destination is the island of Madagascar. Still not discovered by mass tourism and a great authentic experience. Check out my ultimate Madagascar travel blog and itinerary .

9. 'The most hazardous part of our expedition to Africa was crossing Piccadilly Circus.’ . This Africa travel quote comes from Joseph Thompson, who led many expeditions into the African continent in the late 1800’s and played an important role in the partition of Africa.

Mind you that Joseph Thompson was an explorer unlike many others in his time and he is also been quoted as: ‘He who goes gently, goes safely; he who goes safely, goes far!’, actually a great travel quote for the adventurers among us.

10. ‘I believe that no one could perceive where the vast body of water went’ - David Livingstone, the first European who discovered Victoria Falls in 1855.

Unfortunately I still have never been to Victoria Falls but visited Iguazu Falls in Argentina/Brasil multiple times and had the exact same feeling! Victoria Falls are one of the biggest waterfalls in the entire globe with a width of 1.7km and a height of 108m.

Related: Safaris on the Chobe River in Namibia and Botswana ! Check out this blog + vlog with some incredible footage of a group of 40 running giraffes captured with my drone on safari in Chobe National Park.

last northern white rhinos ol pejeta kenya

Kneeling down to one of THE LAST 2 NORTHERN WHITE RHINOS IN THE WORLD! A very unique but sad experience, meeting an animal living under 24h surveillance in a conservancy area in Kenya that is functionally extinct. Check out my complete blog post about visiting the last two Northern White Rhinos at Ol Pejeta .

11. 'Why is it you can never hope to describe the emotion Africa creates? You are lifted. Out of whatever pit, unbound from whatever tie, released from whatever fear. You are lifted and you see it all from above.' Francesca Marciano, Italian actress and author of the book Rules of the Wild.

Here is another safari caption for Instagram by Francesca Marciano: 'When you leave Africa, as the plane lifts, you feel that more than leaving a continent you’re leaving a state of mind. Whatever awaits you at the other end of your journey will be of a different order of existence.’

12. 'Having travelled to some African countries, I find myself, like so many visitors to Africa before me, intoxicated with the continent. And I am not referring to the animals, as much as I have been enthralled by them during safaris in Kenya, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. Rather I am referring to the African people.’ - a safari quote by Dennis Prager, American radio talk show host and writer.

13. 'For as long as I can remember, I have been passionately intrigued by ‘Africa,’ by the word itself, by its flora and fauna, its topographical diversity and grandeur; but above all else, by the sheer variety of the colors of its people, from tan and sepia to jet and ebony.' - is a of similar African quote by Henry Louis Gates, an American literary critic, teacher, historian, filmmaker and public intellectual according to Wikipedia.

14. 'In Africa you have space… there is a profound sense of space here, space and sky.' - said by Thabo Mbeki, the second president of South Africa.

15. 'There is something about going on safari that makes you forget about life and feel like a kid in a zoo again. Searching for wild animals in their natural habitat who are trying to hide from you. It is like a game of hide and seek for adults with mutual respect between humans and wildlife.’ - Traveltomtom

16. 'The gladdest moment in human life, me thinks, is a departure into unknown lands’ , said Sir Richard Burton after another expedition into the heart of Africa. Sir Richard Burton together with John Hanning Speke were the first Europeans to search for the source of the Nile in central Africa in the mid 1800’s.

17. 'The biggest lesson from Africa was that the joy of life comes mostly from relationships and friendships, not from material things. I saw time and again how much fun Africans had with their families and friends and on the sports fields; they laughed all the time.' - Andrew Shue, American actor from the series Melrose Place in the 90’s.

18. 'It’s really beautiful. It feels like God visits everywhere else but lives in Africa.’ - said the famous Will Smith.

africa travel quotes

Want to visit the famous Baobab trees in Madagascar ? Click on the link to get a dose of Africa travel inspiration and see some amazing photos.

19. 'You have to understand that there is a romance to Africa! You can see a sunset and believe you have witnessed the hand of God. You watch the slow lope of a lioness and forget to breathe. You marvel at the tripod of a giraffe bent to water. In Africa, there are iridescent blues on the wings of birds that you do not see anywhere else in nature. In Africa, in the midday heat, you can see blisters in the atmosphere. When you are in Africa, you feel primordial, rocked in the cradle of the world.' - a highly inspiring safari quote by Jodi Picoult, an American wrtiter with an estimate of almost 15 million books in print.

20. 'I love Africa…each day, each breath, she consumes me. I have never changed so much in such a short time.’ , said Michael Burke, CEO of Louis Vuitton. As I said Africa travel is unlike everywhere else in the world. Dealing with constant changes of cultures, people, climates, landscapes, dangers, regulations, etc. demands a lot of a traveler.

Related: Tiger Safari in Dudhwa National Park in India !  Including a vlog of me eventually getting to see tigers in the wild! FANTASTIC!

21. 'I never knew of a morning in Africa when I woke up that I was not happy.’ - Ernest Hemingway, a famous American writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 loved waking up in Africa.

22. 'You can’t hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree. You can’t hate Africa and not hate yourself.' - Malcolm X, an American Muslim minister and human rights activist.

23. 'I believe there is no sickness of the heart too great, it cannot be cursed by a dose of Africa. Families must go there to learn why they belong together on this earth, adolescents to discover humility, lovers to plumb old but untried wells of passion, honeymooners to seal marriages with a shared sense of bafflement, those shopworn with life to find a tonic for futility, the aged to recognize a symmetry to twilight. I know this all sounds a bit much, but if I have ever seen magic, it has been in Africa.’ , said John Hemingway a famous film maker of the wild corners of our planet. A long but captivating Africa travel quote.

africa quotes about safari 4

24. 'You cannot leave Africa, Africa said. It is always with you, there inside your head. Our rivers run in currents in the swirl of your thumbprints; our drumbeats counting out your pulse; our coastline the silhouette of your soul.' -  comes from the poem Africa Smiled by Bridget Dore.

25. 'If there were one more thing I could do, it would be to go on safari once again.’ - an often heard quote about safari by Karen Blixen, a Danish author also known under the pseudonym Tania Blixen.

26. 'When you have caught the rhythm of Africa, you find out that it is the same in all her music.' - also an Africa quote by Karen blixen.

27. 'You know you are truly alive when you’re living among lions.’ , is another safari caption for Instagram that is often used.

africa quotes about safari 1

28. 'People must feel that the natural world is important and valuable and beautiful and wonderful and an amazement and a pleasure.’ , a regularly used safari caption for instagram by David Attenborough

29. 'Africa is mystic; it is wild; it is a sweltering inferno; it is a photographer’s paradise, a hunter’s Valhalla, an escapist’s Utopia. It is what you will, and it withstands all interpretations. It is the last vestige of a dead world or the cradle of a shiny new one. To a lot of people, as to me, it is just home.' - by Beryl Markham an English/Kenyan adventurer. She was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean from East to West.

30. 'I suppose that Africa must be all things to all readers.’ - another African safari caption by Beryl Markham.

31. ‘The African bush is another planet! The atmosphere and the sounds of the night are simply magical!’ - said the famous Traveltomtom. LOL! But I did use this safari quotes for Instagram back in 2016 already.

32. 'One of the great things about traveling in Africa is that you find out how many good, kind people there are.’ - Edith Wharton who won several awards for her novels in the early 1900’s.

33. ‘Traveling in Africa can be challenging, but the smiles of the people and the sounds of the animals make it worthwhile.’ - again another Africa travel and safari quote by Traveltomtom.

quotes about africa safari

34. 'Africa changes you forever, like nowhere on earth. Once you have been there, you will never be the same. But how do you begin to describe its magic to someone who has never felt it? How can you explain the fascination of this vast, dusty continent, whose oldest roads are elephant paths? Could it be because Africa is the place of all our beginnings, the cradle of mankind, where our species first stood upright on the savannahs long time ago?' - captivating safari quote by Brian Jackman, an award winning journalist for the BBC and Britain’s foremost writer on African wildlife safaris.

35. 'Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world' - Gustave Flaubert. A travel quote that I really love. Especially when climbing mountains this always comes up in my mind. Read about my Langtang Valley trekking in Nepal .

36. 'Africa has her mysteries and even a wise man cannot understand them. But a wise man respects them.' - said by Miriam Makeba, nicknamed Mama Africa was a South African singer.

Related: Boat Safaris in Caprivi, the Zambezi Region of Namibia ! See my vlog about this off the beaten path destination in Namibia.

37. 'I just wish the world was twice as big and half of it was still unexplored.’ - oh David Attenborough I feel you! I wish I could time travel 5,000 years back and see what our beautiful planet was like back then.

38. ‘The million stars on my African safari were better than all the 5 star hotels in the world combined' - Traveltomtom

39. 'To witness that calm rhythm of life revives our worn souls and recaptures a feeling of belonging to the natural world. No one can return from the Serengeti unchanged, tawny lions will forever prowl our memory and great herds throng our imagination.' - a famous safari saying by George Schaller, a German - American mammalogist also known as world’s most recognised preeminent field biologist.

40. 'To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted’ , said Bill Bryson after coming back from a wildlife safari in Africa.

Related: Porini Rhino Camp | Sustainability in Ol Pejeta, Kenya !

41. 'There is always something new out of on safari in Africa’! - said by Pliny the Elder, an Roman author who died in 79 AD. Therefore probably one of the oldest quotes about Africa out there!

42. 'Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.’ - a funny safari quote by W. C. Fields, an American actor and writer. Seems like it was his first time off the beaten track! ;)

43. 'Few can sojourn long within the unspoilt wilderness of a game sanctuary, surrounded on all sides by its confiding animals, without absorbing its atmosphere; the Spirit of the Wild is quick to assert supremacy, and no man of any sensibility can resist her.' - an old school safari quote by James Stevenson-Hamilton, the first warden (1902) of the what is nowadays known as the Kruger National Park.

44. 'What I was really overwhelmed with in Africa was its tremendous natural beauty; I got to go to some pretty amazing places. Every other weekend we got a day or two off to go on a wildlife safari and see some natural wonders of Africa’ - Dutch exchange student in South Africa.

45. 'There is a language going on out there – the language of the wild. Roars, snorts, trumpets, squeals, whoops and chirps have meaning derived over eons of expression… we have yet to become fluent in the language – and music – of the wild.' - Boyd Norton, wildlife photographer, environmental activist and author of 17 books about African safari.

Africa is a continent that consists of one of the most striking landscapes and wildlife that surely will inspire you to travel more of Africa and come back again and again. It is something unique like nowhere else in the world! Be ready to pack your bags and set off for an adventure of a lifetime!

I hope the above Africa quotes and safari captions were helpful for your upcoming trip to Africa. In case you have any questions about traveling don't hesitate to send me a message on my Instagram account  @traveltomtom . More than happy to help you out! Enjoy the pictures and wanderlust vibes on my Instagram as Im trying to travel to every country in the world as of 2020.

I set off on an adventure in December 2012 and as of today I am still traveling the world continuously! How do people afford to travel ? Click on the link to read MY STORY or interested how to make money from a travel blog then have a look in the link.

The photos used in this article are from Kim Paffen , an award winning travel photographer and part of the traveltomtom team . She has traveled numerous times all over Africa. Read more of her work: Complete Uganda Travel Guide , Ultimate Uganda itinerary , Northern Madagascar travel tips and many more.

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It Takes A Village To Determine The Origins Of An African Proverb

Joel Goldberg

african travel proverbs

This scene of village life was painted on the wall of a northern coastal town in Mauritania. Andrew Watson/Getty Images/AWL Images hide caption

This scene of village life was painted on the wall of a northern coastal town in Mauritania.

"If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together."

That was one piece of advice passed along at the just-concluded Democratic National Convention. The words were spoken by New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, who said he was quoting "an African saying."

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." Cory Booker #StrongerTogether — Lady Gaga(@ladygaga) July 26,2016

The proverb got a lot of retweets. And some criticism. One Twitter user, Christiana A. Mbakwe, said, "If someone starts an aphorism with 'there's an African saying' it's probably a mythical quote misattributed to a whole continent."

That wasn't the only purportedly African proverb uttered at the DNC. Hillary Clinton referred to her 1996 book It Takes a Village , whose title is said to be part of another saying from Africa: "It takes a village to raise a child."

"It takes a create a country where love trumps hate" @HillaryClinton comes full circle. #DemConvention —(((sfpelosi)))(@sfpelosi) July 29,2016

Here at Goats and Soda, African countries are part of our beat. So we wondered: Are these both examples of proverbs from African countries?

What we found is that it takes a lot of phone calls to track down the origins of a proverb. And in the end, the answer might be: We just don't know.

Let's start with Booker's "go fast" quote.

Imani Owens, assistant professor of African-American literature and culture at the University of Pittsburgh, is familiar with that proverb.

"There have been a lot of inspirational posters and T-shirts made," she says. As to its birthplace: "I haven't been able to find, ever, the origins of the proverb."

But Johnnetta Cole , director of the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, believes this proverb originated on the African continent.

"In the circles that I move in, I'm not the only one quoting that proverb," says Cole.

She can't trace it to a specific place, though. Since Africa is a big continent, she says, "It is always best when you can say: This is a proverb from Kenya. Even better if you could say, the Maasai people of Kenya, or if you can say, this is an Igbo proverb from Nigeria."

Even though she thinks the "go fast" proverb springs from African culture, she says, "I could not tell you which particular people the proverb is associated with."

Regardless of its origins, the proverb does hold true to the spirit of some African cultures, say academics.

"The Africanist perspective is more about community, it's more about collaboration. It's less about what we can do individually," says Neal Lester , a humanities professor at Arizona State University who specializes in African-American literary studies. "The essence of the proverb speaks to a certain worldview that challenges Western individualism," he said.

And then there's the "village" proverb.

When Hillary Clinton first used this proverb as the title of her book, academics puzzled over its origin. Comments in a discussion thread among scholars ranged from "It is a common phrase" to "All I know is that it is an ancient African proverb that is being used to the point of cliché."

One commenter was certain the proverb had African roots: "In Kijita (Wajita) there is a proverb which says "Omwana ni wa bhone," meaning regardless of a child's biological parent(s) its upbringing belongs to the community. In Kiswahili [another term for Swahili] the proverb "Asiyefunzwa na mamae hufunzwa na ulimwengu" approximates to the same."

Others cited the saying as Native American. Or perhaps "some sort of pseudo-African mix of Hallmark and folk sentiments."

Lawrence Mbogoni , an African studies professor, wrote: "Proverb or not, 'It takes a whole village to raise a child' reflects a social reality some of us who grew up in rural areas of Africa can easily relate to. As a child, my conduct was a concern of everybody, not just my parents, especially if it involved misconduct. Any adult had the right to rebuke and discipline me and would make my mischief known to my parents who in turn would also mete their own 'punishment.' The concern of course was the moral well-being of the community."

Another respondent added: "I find it a reasonable and profound statement about collective social responsibility but perhaps not traceable to a specific origin."

Meanwhile, if politicians (or voters) are looking for authentic proverbs from Africa to consider this election season, they might turn to Memory and Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda, a forthcoming book by Timothy Longman , director of the African Studies Center at Boston University.

In his research with Rwandans, he heard people use this proverb to talk about how new political leaders aren't that different from the previous ones: "In Rwanda we say, the dancers have changed, but the drums are the same."

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50 African proverbs and their meanings

  • March 22, 2022
  • By  Samayala Sami

African Proverbs

A proverb is a traditional adage that gives guidance based on personal experience by using metaphors or allegories. Proverbs are common in spoken language. They passed onto future generations as part of African culture’s folklore.

African proverbs convey some of this “knowledge of the elderly”. Many of these exist in African countries, in a variety of languages. Some of these are still popular today! Let’s take a look at some of the most popular African proverbs.

Also, read  The 10 Most Popular African Languages .

African Proverbs on life lessons

Restless feet may walk into a snake pit – When you have nothing good to do, you might land in trouble.

Two wives are like two pots of poison-  Possessing more things means more threat.

Ears that do not listen to advice accompany the head when chopped off – A person who does not follow good advice will suffer.

A   tree cannot stand without roots-  Roots are the foundation of existence, which no one can ever take away.

You begin with the meal before the water is boiling-  Someone too impatient.

Don’t be afraid of the forest because it’s dark-  Don’t give up on things when they appear hard. 

Wherever a man goes to dwell, his character goes with him-  A man’s character defines him.

He  who  does not brush his teeth before breakfast complains about sour food-  An unprepared person complains about the situation.

Even the best dancer on the stage must retire sometime-  Nothing lasts forever.

If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside cannot harm-  When there are no negative thoughts in your mind, others can not harm you.

If   you heal a person’s leg, do not be surprised if they run away-  If you teach a skill to someone, they can use it against you. 

A  roaring lion kills no game-  You won’t get far if you sit around and talk about it.

When you befriend a chief, keep in mind that he sits on a rope-  No matter how free we wish to live, the obligations of our roles constrain us.

Getting up early shortens the journey-  Preparing for something beforehand makes the process easier.

A single bracelet does not jingle-  The power of numbers is undeniable.

If you have pride, you will have no room for wisdom-  Only one who is humble can attain wisdom.

Whoever seeks good fortune does it at the expense of peace-  Chasing after money leads to a chaotic life.

Eat when the food is ready .  Speak when the time is right-  Do something when it is the right time.

African Proverbs on work

He has twelve professions but thirteen mishaps-  A person good at a number of things but not great at anything.

Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors-  Comfortable situations don’t hone your skills.

Sugarcane is sweetest at the joint-  In the everyday world, what appears to be difficult to achieve is usually the greatest.

Coffee and love taste best when hot-  You can enjoy some moments only at a particular time.

A woman is never old; when it comes to the dance, she knows-  that you are never too old to do something you are passionate about.

You learn how to cut down trees by cutting them down-  You will only learn something by doing it.

Do not look where you fell but where you slipped-  Don’t focus on your failures; instead, consider what led to them.

If you close your eyes to facts, you will learn through accidents-  Always seek the truth or get in trouble.

Don’t set sail using someone else’s star-  Just because someone was successful following a path does not indicate you will be able to accomplish it.

The elephant does not limp when walking on thorns-  Self-belief is necessary for success. 

Gold should be sold to someone who understands its worth-  Someone who understands the true worth of a valuable object achieves it.

The day the monkey dies, all the trees will get slippery-  Fate turns in favour of a destined event.

Nobody is born wise-  Wisdom comes from a relentless desire to learn and not from birth.

What you learn is what you’ll take with you when you die-  We leave the material things behind. Only our learning and deeds exist as our legacy.

Being lost is a great method to learn how to navigate-  You will know to strive in life when you face problems.

Proverbs on relationships

Milk and honey have different colours. Yet they coexist peacefully in the same house-  Love each other and live peacefully despite the differences.

The axe fails to notice, but the tree remembers-  We can move on, but we cannot undo the damage.

Love like rain doesn’t decide the grass it rains on-  One should love without bias.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together-  Having a team takes time to get results. But teammates complement one another for their differences so that you can make it far.

It is better to be loved than to be feared-  Love is a powerful tool. It makes you a better person. Chose to receive love over fear.

All errors are amendable-  Making mistakes is human nature.

Don’t tell the man carrying you that he stinks if you don’t want to walk alone-  Value the person willing to help you. Don’t bother about their shortcomings.

Whoever adores the vase adores the contents as well-  If you love someone because of one aspect, you should like their other qualities.

Birds sing not because they have answers but because they have songs-  Every person we respect has a talent.

Once water spills, it cannot scoop back –  Some things can not change no matter what.

A person who sells eggs should not start a fight in the market-  Don’t trigger anything if you are vulnerable.

African proverbs on hardships

You’ll remember every drop once you start carrying your water-  You only know the value of something once it is gone.

Nobody takes medicine on an unwell person’s behalf-   Nobody will switch places with you in bad times.

Even if the cock does not crow, the sun will rise-  An inevitable event will happen no matter what.

Rain does not fall on just one roof-  Everyone faces difficulties at some point in their lives.

When the hyena falls into a bottomless pit, he does not shout for help-  No one helps a wicked person even in the worst situations.

You might find this interesting:  Why Are People Moving to Africa?


I am a freelance writer and a lifelong learner, currently juggling words for businesses to tell their stories. I am a reader by the day and a writer by the night. Most of the days you can find me working on blog posts for different clients, helping as a ghost writer. I write a variety of blog posts including architecture, current affairs, entertainment, sports, technology, finance, culture and more.

Annabel Onyando

The goal is impactful articles. If my words touch you; Africans of all creed and colour all over the world, and help you grow, then my work is done. Because media changes lives

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african travel proverbs

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

African safari and travel quotes that will inspire – make you smile and wonder, the best african travel and safari quotes collection with pictures.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Africa is magical, it captivates you with is sights, sounds, and scents that are so different from any other part of the world. Many have a limited, often view of Africa that focuses on the negatives instead of Authentic Africa, the Wildest Continent on Earth.

Africa – you either love or hate it…Leonardo DiCaprio’s statement in the movie Blood Diamond. – TIA – This is Africa with a sarcastic undertone is one thing – but Africa is much more than that – Mama Africa is like a magnet for people everywhere – enjoy the wildest Continent on Earth – and may these quotes inspire to visit us.

 Below you will find The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes. My they inspire you to become an African Traveler. It will change you forever.

“The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa – for he has so much to look forward to.”  Richard Mullin  

Here are The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

“The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa – for he has so much to look forward to.”  Richard Mullin

Richard Mullin beautifully captures the sense of anticipation and wonder that Africa inspires in those who have yet to visit. With its diverse landscapes, rich cultures, and remarkable wildlife, Africa offers an abundance of experiences waiting to be discovered. From the sweeping savannahs and iconic wildlife encounters to ancient historical sites and vibrant traditions, Africa holds endless possibilities for exploration and awe-inspiring moments. Mullin’s words remind us of the boundless excitement that awaits those who have yet to embark on their African adventure.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Afri ca’s transformative power and profound impact defy description. Its vastness, dusty landscapes, and ancient connections to human origins captivate the soul. Africa’s allure is deeply personal and experiential, awakening wonder and a connection to the natural world.

It teaches valuable lessons about life, survival, and interconnectedness. To truly understand Africa, one must embrace its mystery, immerse in diverse cultures, witness wildlife’s majesty, and feel its heartbeat. Africa is a place of beginnings, a cradle of mankind, and a transformative land that leaves an indelible imprint on those fortunate enough to experience its magic.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

“The most hazardous part of our expedition to Africa was crossing Piccadilly Circus.” – Joseph Thomson

Joseph Thomson’s quote humorously highlights the stark contrast between the perceived dangers of Africa and the bustling streets of Piccadilly Circus in London. It suggests that the challenges and hazards commonly associated with African expeditions are often overshadowed by the everyday urban hustle and bustle of a major city. The quote serves as a lighthearted reminder that our preconceived notions about certain places may not always align with reality.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Karen Blixen’s quote expresses a profound sense of belonging and contentment in her surroundings. It signifies a deep connection with a particular place or environment, suggesting that she has found her true home. The quote encapsulates a feeling of harmony and fulfillment, where one feels they have found their rightful place in the world.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Everything in Africa bites, but the Safari Bug is worst of All – Brian Jackman

Brian Jackman’s quote humorously captures the infectious allure of the Safari Bug in Africa. It playfully suggests that while Africa may have its fair share of biting insects and critters, the irresistible fascination and longing for safari experiences surpass them all.

The Safari Bug symbolizes the insatiable desire to explore the wild landscapes, encounter majestic wildlife, and immerse oneself in the untamed beauty of the African continent. It highlights Africa’s captivating power over those bitten by its safari bug, leaving them forever yearning for more adventures in the wilderness.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Beryl Markham’s quote beautifully encapsulates the enigmatic and multifaceted nature of Africa. She portrays Africa as a place of mystery, untamed wilderness, and intense heat. It is a land that offers diverse experiences, serving as a paradise for photographers, a dream destination for hunters, and an ideal escape for those seeking utopia.

Markham emphasizes that Africa defies simple definitions and interpretations. It can be seen as the remnants of a bygone era or the birthplace of a promising future. However, to many, including herself, Africa is simply “home.” This sentiment reflects the deep connection and sense of belonging that some individuals feel towards the continent, considering it as an integral part of their identity and a place where they truly belong.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Will Smith’s quote suggests that Africa holds a special spiritual significance, where the divine essence thrives. It reflects the belief that Africa’s profound spirituality, rich heritage, and deep connection to nature inspire awe and a sense of connection to something greater. It conveys a deep reverence for Africa’s spiritual depth and its ability to impact individuals. Africa is seen as a place where one can feel a special closeness to the divine, inspiring a sense of awe and connection.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Mirian Makeba’s quote acknowledges the enigmatic nature of Africa and emphasizes the importance of showing reverence and respect towards its mysteries. It suggests that Africa holds deep secrets and complexities that may be beyond the comprehension of even the wisest individuals. However, despite the inability to fully understand these mysteries, a wise person recognizes their existence and approaches them with respect and humility.

The quote highlights the need to embrace the unknown and honor Africa’s inherent mystique, fostering an attitude of reverence and appreciation for its rich cultural, natural, and historical heritage.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Francesca Marciano’s quote captures Africa’s profound impact, suggesting it shapes both mindset and perspective. Departing Africa is more than leaving physically; it signifies a departure from a unique essence that transforms and alters one’s perception. Africa’s influence transcends boundaries, leaving an indelible mark and forever shaping individuals.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

John Gunther’s quote highlights the interplay between old and new in Africa. It illustrates how traditional and modern elements coexist, creating a unique fusion of past and present. Africa’s dynamic societies blend rich heritage with contemporary influences, resulting in a vibrant and diverse landscape. Gunther’s words evoke intrigue, portraying Africa as a place where the convergence of history and innovation offers an ever-evolving cultural tapestry.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Gustave Flaubert’s quote captures the humbling effect of travel. It suggests that exploring different places and cultures reveals the vastness of the world and our own insignificance within it. Travel broadens our perspective, fostering humility and awareness of the world’s diversity. It encourages a modest and open-minded approach, appreciating the interconnectedness of humanity. Flaubert emphasizes how travel transforms us, expanding our horizons and deepening our understanding of our place in the world, promoting a humble and appreciative attitude towards the global community.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Karen Blixen’s quote expresses the exhilaration and vitality of living among lions: “You know you are truly alive when you’re living among lions.” It signifies that being in the presence of such majestic and powerful creatures brings a heightened sense of being alive. Blixen’s words evoke the thrill and intensity of experiencing life in close proximity to these magnificent animals.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Karen Blixen’s quote captures the essence of living among lions: “You know you are truly alive when you’re living among lions.” It conveys the exhilaration and sense of vitality that comes from being in the presence of majestic and powerful creatures. Blixen’s words evoke the thrill and intensity of experiencing life up close with these magnificent animals.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

“ There is something about safari life that makes you forget all your sorrows and feel as if you had drunk half a bottle of champagne — bubbling over with heartfelt gratitude for being alive.” – Karen Blixen

Karen Blixen’s quote sums up the essence of living among lions: “You know you are truly alive when living with lions.” It portrays the exhilaration and vitality derived from being in the company of these majestic creatures. Blixen’s words evoke the intense thrill of intimately experiencing life alongside these magnificent animals.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Jodi Picoult’s quote encapsulates the awe-inspiring essence of Africa: “Africa — You can see a sunset and believe you have witnessed the Hand of God. You watch the slope lope of a lioness and forget to breathe. You marvel at the tripod of a giraffe bent to water. In Africa, there are iridescent blues on the wings of birds that you do not see anywhere else in nature. In Africa, in the midday heart, you can see blisters in the atmosphere. When you are in Africa, you feel primordial, rocked in the cradle of the world.” It portrays the breathtaking beauty and unique experiences found in Africa, from stunning sunsets to captivating wildlife encounters. Picoult’s words evoke a sense of wonder and connection with the primal and awe-inspiring nature of the continent.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Ernest Hemingway’s quote expresses the profound joy he experienced waking up in Africa: “I never knew of a morning in Africa when I woke up that I was not Happy.” It conveys his deep happiness and contentment in the African morning. Hemingway’s words reflect the unique and uplifting spirit of Africa, suggesting that the mere act of starting a new day in the continent brought him immense joy.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

“All I wanted to do was get back to Africa. We had not left it, yet, but when I would wake in the night I would lie, listening, homesick for it already. ” – Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway’s quote expresses his strong longing for Africa: “All I wanted to do was get back to Africa. We had not left it, yet, but when I would wake in the night I would lie, listening, homesick for it already.” It conveys his deep emotional connection to Africa, even before physically leaving the continent. Hemingway’s words reflect a sense of yearning and nostalgia, highlighting the powerful allure and magnetic pull that Africa had on him.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Francesca Marciano’s quote captures the indescribable emotion that Africa evokes: “Why is it you can never hope to describe the emotion Africa creates? You are lifted. Out of whatever pit, unbound from whatever tie, released from whatever fear. You are lifted, and you see it all from above.” It conveys the profound sense of liberation and elevation that Africa inspires. Marciano’s words suggest that being in Africa transcends words, freeing one from constraints and fears, offering a perspective that transcends ordinary experiences.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Karen Blixen’s quote expresses her longing for another safari adventure: “If there were one more thing I could do, it would be to go on safari once again.” It conveys her deep desire to experience the thrill and wonder of a safari expedition. Blixen’s words reflect her profound appreciation for the unique and captivating experiences that can be found in the wild, evoking a sense of yearning for the magic and beauty of the safari.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

“To Travel is to Discover that everyone is wrong about other Countries”  – Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley’s quote succinctly captures the essence of travel: “To Travel is to Discover that everyone is wrong about other Countries.” It suggests that by exploring different countries, we realize that preconceived notions and stereotypes about other nations are often inaccurate. Huxley’s words highlight the transformative power of travel, which allows us to challenge and broaden our perspectives, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and societies.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

Blixen’s quote captures the essence of living with lions: feeling truly alive and exhilarated in their presence. It conveys the vitality and thrill of intimately experiencing life alongside these majestic creatures.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

“If I have ever seen Magic, it has been in Africa – John Hemingway

John Hemingway’s quote succinctly captures the awe-inspiring nature of Africa: “If I have ever seen Magic, it has been in Africa.” It conveys the profound sense of wonder and enchantment that the continent evokes. Hemingway’s words highlight the extraordinary and captivating experiences Africa offers, suggesting that its essence and beauty are truly magical.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

The African proverb advises, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” It emphasizes that while individual efforts may lead to swift progress, lasting achievements come through collective collaboration. The proverb encourages teamwork and cooperation, suggesting that unity and shared endeavors contribute to long-term success. It conveys the wisdom of valuing collective efforts over individual speed, highlighting the importance of collaboration in achieving far-reaching goals.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

“The Eye never forgets what the Heart has seen.” This African proverb emphasizes that experiences that touch our hearts leave lasting imprints. It suggests that the eye remembers the profound emotions and meaningful encounters witnessed by the heart. The proverb speaks to the enduring power of heartfelt experiences, shaping our perspectives and influencing our actions. It highlights the significance of cherishing and understanding the impact of such moments. In essence, meaningful experiences have a lasting effect, leaving an indelible mark in our memories.

The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes

“For magnificence, for variety of form and color, for profusion of brilliant life — bird, insect, reptile, beast — for vast scale — Uganda is truly “the Pearl of Africa.” – Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill’s quote beautifully describes Uganda as “the Pearl of Africa.” It highlights the country’s magnificence, diverse forms, vibrant colors, and abundant wildlife. Uganda’s impressive scale, encompassing birds, insects, reptiles, and beasts, adds to its allure. Churchill’s words encapsulate the awe-inspiring and captivating nature of Uganda, portraying it as a gem of unparalleled beauty within the African continent.

 The Best African Travel and Safari Quotes – we hope that you enjoyed them – Now it is time to plan to come to Africa – enjoy the Journey.

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Join us for our vote 2024 coverage, 'avoid large crowds' britons issued new africa travel warning as popular destination may erupt in 'protests'.

Protests in Nairobi on June 18, 2024 / Beach in Kenya

Britons have been given a fresh warning about holidaying in Kenya

Anna Barry

By Anna Barry

Published: 25/06/2024

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Britons holidaying in an East African destination have been issued a fresh travel warning as they could find themselves in a potentially unsafe situation.

Holidaymakers flock to Kenya to witness incredible landscapes and fascinating wildlife. Tourists can explore Nairobi National Park, Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, and Giraffe Centre, then relax on beautiful beaches such as Diani Beach or Watamu Beach.

However, Britons have been told that planned protests could occur nationwide.

This comes as Britons were given a fresh warning about holidaying in a popular African destination as British nationals may be "targets" for terrorism.

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) gave an "updated assessment that terrorists are likely to try and carry out attacks in Tanzania".

Kenya is known for its incredible landscapes and fascinating wildlife


The FCDO recently updated its information on the political situation in Kenya.

The UK Government said: "There have been injuries at anti-government political demonstrations in recent months.

"Planned protests about the proposed Finance Bill 2024 are expected to continue across multiple cities in Kenya, including Nairobi."

Britons were warned they should "avoid political gatherings and large crowds".

They were also advised to "monitor local media to see when and where major protests are likely".

Britons considering a trip to Kenya should consult the FCDO's guidance on warnings and insurance, entry requirements, safety and security, regional risks, and getting help in an emergency.

Under its Safety and Security guidance, the FCDO provided essential information on terrorism, crime, laws and cultural differences, outdoor activities and adventure tourism - including game reserves and national parks - transport risks, and extreme weather and natural disasters.

While Kenya is a popular tourist destination, Britons were advised against visiting some specific areas.

Areas where FCDO advises against all but essential travel

Kenya-Somalia border and northern parts of the east coast

The FCDO said: "Due to the risk of terrorism from groups based in Somalia, FCDO advises against all but essential travel to:

  • Within 60km of Kenya’s border with Somalia
  • Eastern Garissa County, up to 20km north-west of the A3 road, including the Boni National Reserve
  • Mandera County, excluding Mandera West sub-county
  • Lamu County, excluding Lamu Island and Manda Island
  • Tana River County north of the Tana River, up to 20km north-west of the A3 road
  • Within 15km of the east coast between the Tana River and the Galana (Athi-Galana-Sabaki) River"
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Kenya is home to some stunning beaches

Holidaymakers were told: "No travel can be guaranteed safe. Read all the advice in this guide and any specific travel advice that applies to you: women travellers, disabled travellers, LGBT+ travellers, solo and independent travellers, volunteering and adventure travel.

"If you choose to travel, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance. Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and expenses in an emergency."

Britons were urged to follow and contact FCDO travel on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Holidaymakers can also sign up to get email notifications when advice is updated.

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african travel proverbs

Why Traveling Around Africa Is Difficult for Africans

I was scrolling on social media when a post caught my eye. Green Ranger Safaris , a travel company I'd never heard of, was organizing a road trip through seven African countries. This trip would start in Nairobi, Kenya, then head down into Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Botswana. The pricing was reasonable, so I paid a deposit, brushing aside concerns about both spending weeks on end with a group of strangers and the slight chance that the trip might have been an excellently worded scam.

A few months later, in August, I was on a truck with those strangers. It was late in the evening, and we swept through the Kalahari Desert in northern Botswana, the sun in the sky a flaming orb, the only visible life on the sand of the desert being the shrubs, the wild horses, and the herds of elephants. Music swirled from the truck's speakers, a mishmash of popular Kenyan songs from the turn of the century and Nigerian megahits. The countries we were traveling to had been chosen mostly because they were all English-speaking and provided visa-free travel to Kenyans, so the border crossings were simple, with clearances for the trucks, stamps for our passports and, in Botswana, disinfectant for our shoes.

Talk among the passengers was already turning toward doing similar trips in other parts of Africa. One suggested starting in Namibia, sweeping down along the coast into South Africa, moving through the megacities there, then traveling to Lesotho and Eswatini before entering Mozambique. Another pitched a West Africa trip. It all sounded exciting. Everything was possible. But then another passenger brought up Niger, where a coup had just led to the country's closure of its borders. What would happen if a person took a West Africa road trip and then there was a coup? Would the passenger have to stay there and never go home? We laughed at the absurdity. But behind the laughter was real heartache. Because the reality is that any African traveler has thought about the difficulty of traveling as an African.

My mother was a traveler, and when she traveled for work, my brothers and I would travel in Kenya with her. Then, when I was older, the expanse of my travel grew larger: First I traveled around Kenya, then around East Africa. Now I have a desire to explore the continent, to explore versions of myself in other countries in Africa, home to some of the most humbling and impressive landscapes and vistas in the world: to the largest freestanding mountain on earth (Kilimanjaro); to the largest hot desert in the world (Sahara); to thundering waterfalls twice as wide and deep as Niagara (Victoria); to sparkling white-sand beaches; to UNESCO-listed nature reserves; to cities whose histories stretch back through millennia; and to award-winning wine regions. But I find myself marooned before the bank of difficulties other African travelers face.

A few months after my Green Ranger trip, I spoke to Anneli Douglas, an academic at the University of Pretoria in South Africa who has studied travel in Africa. She pointed out how much easier it is for Western visitors to get visas for Africa than it is for African travelers to visit their countries. "Sometimes, travelers have to travel long distances to apply for a visa, or there might not even be representation of the destination country in the home country, making it difficult to obtain a visa at all," she says. "Also, for Western countries, the cost to obtain a visa to Africa is much cheaper than what it is for Africans-considering the value of the local currency."

In places like Kenya, African destinations are rarely marketed to would-be travelers. Instead, there is a surfeit of packages offering holiday trips in destinations like Dubai, Bangkok, and Istanbul, because it is not only easier but also often cheaper to organize trips to these places than it is to organize trips within the continent. Even when visas are relatively easily attainable, travel from one African country to another is rife with difficulties. Sam Maundu, a Nairobi-based tour operator who runs Rosolo Safaris , which organizes trips around Africa, had no shortage of factors ready when I asked what these difficulties are: "Language barriers, visa restrictions, expensive flights, African destinations not targeting Africans to visit, long distances to be covered either by road or by flight since there are often no direct flights, security situations in some places, perception that there is nothing to see in other African countries, harassment by border officials."

One of the lingering effects of colonialism on the continent is that interaction between African countries tends to exist along mostly colonial lines: There are the former Portuguese colonies, the former British colonies, the former French colonies. Passport holders from Kenya, which was colonized by Britain, are mostly able to go to former British colonies visa-free or with visa-on-arrival status. This means that for a person planning a trip, it becomes easier to think of traveling to these countries. On our multiple-country road trip, the travelers were mostly holders of Kenyan and Ugandan passports (Uganda, another former British colony), and so the countries that the trucks went to were all-except for Namibia-former vestiges of the British Empire. This shared history meant also that because all these countries have English as an official language, it would be relatively easy for us travelers to communicate with people there.

Samuel Agblorti is a lecturer at the Centre for Mixed Migration and Diaspora Studies of the University of Cape Coast in Ghana. I ask him about about a hypothetical trip from Cameroon to Senegal, across a region where multiple coups have happened in recent years. Safety concerns rising from these events had further entrenched visa restrictions across Africa. "Because our borders aren't very well protected, there is a fear that allowing too many visitors will make it unsafe," Agblorti tells me. But even getting those visitors has been a problem.

In 2016, the African Union announced plans for an AU passport to be rolled out by 2020. This passport would open travel across the continent, as more African citizens wouldn't need visas to travel to other African countries. However, more than seven years later, the passport hasn't been launched, stymied by a mixture of security concerns and protectionist attitudes among African states. (The AU remains silent on when and if the passport will be launched.) Still, Agblorti says such a passport would not necessarily be the panacea that its supporters think it would be as it wouldn't automatically lead to visa-free travel without individual states implementing it. He gave the example of regional blocs such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), whose membership comprises 15 West African states whose citizens hold ECOWAS passports. "Even within ECOWAS, there are protocols that member countries are supposed to adhere to, but some of them don't," he says. "You may have a common passport, but if the countries don't make extra commitments, then it doesn't matter."

Thus far, only a handful of African countries have committed to allowing African visitors to visit without a visa: Gambia, Benin, and Seychelles; Rwanda has announced plans to implement this. On a small scale, then, African visitors to these countries will experience the promise of the AU passport-if it does indeed come to fruition.

Most recently, in December 2023, rather than introduce the visa-free status its president had promised , Kenya announced that it would require an electronic travel authorization (ETA) , to increase revenue from visitors seeking to enter Kenya. Visa-free entry was scrapped for all but five other East African countries, and new travel requirements and fees were introduced for countries whose citizens had previously enjoyed visa-free travel into Kenya. To some, the doors of entry-rather than being flung open-were being closed even tighter.

Another issue is how expensive it is to travel in Africa. According to a 2013 World Bank report , airfare within Africa is roughly 50 percent more expensive than airfare in comparable locations worldwide. Flights from one African country to the other tend to be much more expensive than flights from Africa to Europe and Asia, despite logic that the shorter the distance, the cheaper the flight ought to be. This means, in effect, that a traveler from Kampala, Uganda, would find it more affordable, and therefore more attractive, to fly to Dubai than to Maputo, Mozambique, despite the latter being much closer than the UAE.

Tour operator Maundu told me that this makes it difficult for him to suggest to his clients travel packages that involve other African destinations: Often, it means the cost of the round-trip air tickets more than doubles the cost of the entire travel package. And there aren't always reliable road or rail options that offer alternative transport to travelers. Most leisure travelers can't move directly by rail from Kenya to South Africa (there is a luxury train network between Tanzania and South Africa that costs $19,000), while in most other regions of the continent, not only are there no multicountry rail options, but also existing bus networks rely on terrible roads.

The irregularity or non-availability of intra-regional air connections and of internal air transport also constrains access to internal destinations and prevents progress with multicountry tourism packages, Maundu says. Also, tax rates per passenger in Africa are more expensive than they are on other continents: The total tax per passenger is about $64, compared to $30.23 in Europe and $29.65 in the Middle East. This is exacerbated by the lack of a single unified aviation market, whose absence means that fares and tax rates swing with volatility across different parts of the continent.

Rather than negotiate with one central body, airlines operating in Africa deal with individual countries, which each usually have different rates and requirements for entry. In Europe, for instance, the establishment of the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) in 2006 decreased airfares across Europe by making possible the rise of a fleet of low-cost airlines, and at the same time increased the volume of flights within European airports. In this vein, there have been attempts to establish a single aviation market in Africa. The most recent of these attempts is the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM). Announced in 2018 , the SAATM so far has signed on 34 countries. However, like the AU passport before it, the SAATM has not been implemented, and so it remains nothing but an idea.

In the meantime, African travelers continue to dream. Travel plans continue to be made. Potential destinations continue to be talked about. At the end of our seven-country road trip, as we headed back to Kenya, we spoke again about organizing future trips together, our group of strangers now bonded as friends. Some people discussed taking a trip to Uganda over the next month. Others talked about heading across the Indian Ocean to Mauritius. In Lusaka, Zambia, where the first batch of travelers would leave us to fly back to Nairobi, weepy goodbyes were made. "We are family," one of them said.

Europe is one of the biggest sources of international arrivals in Africa.

This African country is No. 1 for friendliest destination: See who made the top 10

african travel proverbs

  • The world's friendliest countries were determined by a new report from digital financial services company Remitly.
  • The company surveyed 3,000 participants from 27 countries on the "agreeableness" trait from the popular Big 5 Personality Test.
  • The scores of each country's residents were averaged, with the higher averages deeming the country friendlier.

Traveling to a new country can be nerve-racking , from having a basic grasp of the language to navigating the public transit system.

One thing that can ease the stress of being in a new place is encountering friendly locals, who can make you feel welcome and help if you’re lost.

Digital financial services company Remitly recently determined the world’s friendliest nations in a new report . The company surveyed 3,000 participants from 27 countries on their “agreeableness” from the popular Big 5 Personality Test in April. Participants took a simplified version of the test’s “agreeableness” section and were given a score between 1 and 40, with a higher score meaning they were more agreeable. The scores of each country’s residents were averaged, and the higher the average, the friendlier the country. 

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If someone’s personality is concluded as agreeable, they’re friendly, compassionate and empathetic. This is the type of person who prioritizes interpersonal relationships, is warm to others and wants to strike up conversations − all good traits if travelers want to feel comfortable in a new destination. 

Learn more: Best travel insurance

“A big part of being in a new place is the experience you have with locals, whether it's getting insider tips on the best places to eat, or making long-lasting connections and forging friendships that will last a lifetime,” said Ollie Cassel, head of growth marketing at Remitly, in an email to USA TODAY. “The friendliness of the people you interact with can sometimes make or break your experience.”

Read below to find out the top 10 friendliest countries, according to Remitly.

10. Belgium, 32.5

Belgium is ranked as one of the friendliest countries to travelers. The European nation not only has progressive social policies and low crime rates, but English is easily spoken, which makes it easy to meet locals. 

9. Estonia, 32.58

Home to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites and more than 1,000 islands, Estonia has friendly locals who are known to be respectful and polite to foreigners. A 2019 survey of almost 14,000 Estonians found that most residents prioritize safety and openness. 

8. Germany, 32.66

There’s a lot of history and culture to uncover in Germany, and its friendly residents help make it a popular European destination. Germans aren’t known for engaging in small talk but will help you out if you’re in need. 

7. Canada, 32.84

Known for their kindness – and love for the word “sorry – Canadians scored high for agreeableness in the Remitly report, which makes it a welcoming destination for travelers. 

6. Australia, 33.13

With friendly, laid-back locals, Australia earned a spot as one of the friendliest countries for travelers, so you can feel good about visiting the Land Down Under. 

5. Sweden, 33.30

Known to have friendly and courteous locals, Sweden earned the spot as the fifth-friendliest nation. It makes sense: The country is often ranked as one of the happiest places in the world . 

4. Mexico, 33.47

Known for having strong family ties and being proud of their heritage, Mexicans are generally friendly and kind to travelers, earning the North American country the fourth spot in the report. 

3. Croatia, 33.50

Scoring the spot for the third-friendliest country, Croatia is highly welcoming for travelers. Croatians are known to be polite and social, so you can feel comfortable asking locals for directions. 

2. Greece, 33.71

The Greeks live by a value known as philoxenia , which translates to “friend of the foreign” and stems from ancient Greek mythology. Essentially, this means the country is especially welcoming and warm to travelers. 

1. South Africa, 34.63

South Africans are known to be friendly, so travelers can expect to encounter many locals saying hello and striking up conversations. Eleven official languages are spoken in the African country, like English and Afrikaans, so you can feel comfortable engaging with residents. 

Kathleen Wong is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Hawaii. You can reach her at [email protected] .

The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI. Learn more .


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    🧙🏾‍♂️ sayings; 👵🏾 traditions; africa history; africa facts; 🖼️ lifestyle. ️ travel. 🗺️ travel guides; ⛱️ vacation rentals; 🍲 recipes; 👫🏾 relationships; 😎 style & beauty. 👗 fashion; 👩🏾‍🦱 hair. 👩🏾‍🦱 hair styling; 💇🏾‍♀️ hair care 🪮 hair picks; 👱🏾‍♀️ ...

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    Since Africa is a big continent, she says, "It is always best when you can say: This is a proverb from Kenya. Even better if you could say, the Maasai people of Kenya, or if you can say, this is ...

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  28. Kenya travel warning: Britons issued new Africa travel warning as

    Britons holidaying in an East African destination have been issued a fresh travel warning as they could find themselves in a potentially unsafe situation. ... Areas where FCDO advises against all but essential travel. Kenya-Somalia border and northern parts of the east coast. The FCDO said: "Due to the risk of terrorism from groups based in ...

  29. Why Traveling Around Africa Is Difficult for Africans

    To travel around Africa, African passport holders have to contend with visa restrictions, long distances, language barriers, and costly flights from one country to another.

  30. 10 friendliest countries for travelers, according to new report

    South Africans are known to be friendly, so travelers can expect to encounter many locals saying hello and striking up conversations. Eleven official languages are spoken in the African country ...