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The Complete Travel Packing Checklist for 2024 & the Best Packing Tips [Printable]

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Erin Miller

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Countries Visited: 26 U.S. States Visited: 28

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Keri Stooksbury


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The Complete Travel Packing Checklist for 2024 & the Best Packing Tips [Printable]

Table of Contents

General packing tips & tricks, apps for packing assistance, apps for itinerary management, before leaving the house.

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When it comes down to it, packing for a trip (domestic or international) can be stressful. Do you wait until the last minute? Put off researching what you’ll need for certain activities or weather at your destination? Get distracted easily, or have young kiddos that need attention? It happens to the best of us!

On one hand, if you under-pack you might not be prepared. But if you over-pack, you run the risk of incurring hefty baggage fees or missing out on space to bring home that lovely souvenir. If you forget an essential travel document, you could even miss your trip altogether! We get stressed just thinking about it!

That’s why Upgraded Points is bringing you a guide full of packing tips and tricks, a printable travel checklist, a list of apps to help you out, and reminders for to-do’s around the house before you leave.

We’re here to assuage your anxieties and make sure you’ve got what you need, you’ve cut what you don’t, and there’s no wallet/phone/swimsuit/teddy bear left behind!

Hot Tip: Don’t forget to also check out our “Carry-On Travel Essentials” guide where we’ve compiled a “His” and “Hers” list of some great products that we simply can’t do without when we travel!

📋  Click To View Our Printable Travel Packing List >>  📋

Printable Travel Packing List

Before you even take your suitcase out of the closet

Check the weather at your destination.

This seems intuitive, but you’d be surprised how many people are stuck traveling in rainy season without a raincoat.

Note how many days/nights you will be away.

This will help you decide the number of necessary outfits. Obviously, how often you prefer to wear the same clothes plays a part in this as well.

Note any special activities/events you may partake in.

Traveling for a birthday? You don’t want to forget that heartfelt gift you bought weeks in advance. Going to a wedding? It’d be a shame if you showed up without your suit. Hiking in Hawaii? Your water-shoes won’t get much use if you leave them behind.

Packing List

Make a packing list early and review it at least twice. (Yes, twice.)

You can easily find printable vacation packing lists online (like ours above), or you can write out your own. There are also a number of apps you can utilize if you prefer something more tech-based. Read about several of these below!

Timing is key here. If you jot things down or review your printed list in advance, it gives you the opportunity to take a second look with a fresh mind. All too often you’ll remember something you didn’t yesterday when your brain was thinking about pizza instead of packing.

If you’re printing a list that’s not trip specific, review it first and immediately cross off items you won’t need. Why bring a winter coat to the beach?

Take items you can grab at your destination off the list.

If you’re planning to travel with only a carry-on, this tip is especially important as it will save space (at least for your outgoing journey!).

Most times when traveling, your hotel will provide shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, etc.; why waste space packing them? If you’re a little picky about your toiletries or you’re not staying at a hotel, you’ll probably still encounter a drugstore where you can buy anything you might need.

Purchase travel-sized containers or toiletries if you plan on bringing your own.

Remember regulations for the amount of liquids you can bring in a carry-on for a flight. You’ll want travel-sized containers if you plan on carrying liquids this way.

Even if you’re flying with a checked bag and are allowed more liquids, do you really need that 16oz bottle of shampoo for a weeklong trip? Cutting it will save you room for other essential items.

Choose the right luggage.

Luggage Choice

Yes, different airlines have different restrictions on sizes for carry-ons and checked bags but stick to some general guidelines and you should be safe.

For carry-ons, you’re generally accepted at/under max linear dimensions of 155cm/45in. For checked bags, you’re generally safe under 158cm/62in max linear dimensions. However, be sure to check the airline you’re flying with prior to packing, as some can be stingy!

You also want to seriously consider the type of bag you enjoy traveling with – shoulder bag , backpack , roller bag, hard shell , soft shell, etc. There are definitely loads of options so just remember, your bag shouldn’t stress you out, it should make traveling easier.

Hot Tip:  We’ve done tons of research on this topic so don’t miss our articles on the best carry-on bags and the best checked luggage bags for any type of traveler. 

When you’ve done your prep and you’re almost ready to pack

Essentials first.

Gather your most important items first. This includes all travel documents such as your passport, ID/driver’s license, boarding passes, hotel reservations, etc. This also includes anything you’ll seriously regret forgetting and can’t purchase while traveling: wallet , credit cards , camera , cell phone, etc.

This being said, there are a number of apps that can assist with itinerary management and decrease the number of printed documents you’ll need to carry. See our list of helpful packing apps at the end of this post.

Choose an appropriately sized suitcase.

If you only have 1 suitcase, then you’re set. If you’ve got more options, attempt to use the smaller one – most people tend to overpack when their suitcase is too large for their trip. You don’t really need an extra sweater, 2 more t-shirts, and another pair of boots just because they fit! Plus, your baggage will be a lot easier to handle if it’s smaller and lighter, which will cut your stress level significantly.

Lay everything out.

Lay out Clothes

Laying all of your items out allows you to plan outfits and account for your days/nights away. When everything’s laid out, you can clearly see how much you’re bringing and spot missing items easier. This also includes shoes, accessories, toiletries, etc.

Dividing items into sections based on where they’ll be packed is also helpful.

Lastly, don’t forget to lay out your plane/travel day outfit and consider it with your other pieces.

Pick simple mix-and-match pieces to prevent overpacking.

In general, choose simple tops and bottoms that can be mixed and matched to make multiple outfits. Did you know that just 3 bottoms (pants, shorts, skirt, etc.), 4 tops (tee, tank, etc.), and 2 outer layers (sweater, coat, or cardigan) can make up to 24 different outfits??

Depending on the reason for your trip, you might need to pack a special item that can only be worn once (suit, bridesmaid dress, etc.), but try to keep these to a minimum! This step is key if you’re pressed for space.


Once you’ve laid out all your items, really consider the number of days you’ll be on your trip. Chances are you could stand to put a few things back in the closet in order to pack more efficiently. Remember, no one wants to pay a fee for overweight baggage or lug around extra clothes for no reason!

Pack it up.

You never thought we’d actually get to this step, did you? There are a number of recommended packing tips when it comes to getting everything neatly in the suitcase. This can be overwhelming, but if you pick up the right habits packing will seem much less stressful.

Check, double-check, and triple-check your essentials.

Put a checkmark next to each item you’ve packed and DON’T TAKE IT OUT OF YOUR BAG. If you’re not ready to pack an item, do NOT check the box! That’s exactly how you leave your phone at home on the charger next to your bed. “But the box was checked!!!” you’ll say…

(Note: this rule actually goes for everything, not just essentials.)

If you’re notorious for leaving essentials at home, print an extra travel checklist just for those items and tape it to your front door the night before you leave. Make a promise that you can’t walk out without reviewing the list one final time.

Fold, Interfold, Bundle, or Roll?

Fold or roll

By now you’ve probably heard that old-fashioned folding isn’t the best method to use when it comes to packing, especially in tight cases. If you have the room to spare, virtually any of these methods will do.

Interfolding involves layering clothes on top of each other in a top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top format, then interweaving them as you fold them together. If you fold the items in accordance with the size of your suitcase, you’re left with a neat little bundle that will fit right in. Additionally, this style of folding will leave your clothing virtually wrinkle-free.

Bundle packing is very similar to interfolding, but you are tightly folding or wrapping your clothing items around a soft core (like a dopp kit , stack of underwear, cloth zippered jewelry bag , etc.). Bundle packing is also said to reduce wrinkles and save space.

Many people also recommend rolling when packing your clothes – at least for softer items and jeans. Again, this method tends to save room and reduce creasing in the process.

If none of the above methods are doing the trick and you don’t have the option of a hanging garment bag , it may be beneficial to learn the proper way to fold nicer items (like a dress shirt or suit coat ) for the best results.

Pack liquids in secure bags.

Toiletries that can leak will leak. These should be placed in a plastic zippered bag or another secure bag of your choosing. Some travelers even encourage cutting small squares of plastic wrap to cover the opening between bottles and their lids in attempts to prevent further seepage.

Utilize shoe space when you can.

Rolled-up socks, belts, gloves, stocking caps, and other small items can easily fit into shoes (as long as they’re relatively clean and not smelly!). This also helps the shoe hold its shape throughout your travels. Rolled-up belts can also be used to keep a shirt collar stiff if needed.

Prevent dirty shoes from soiling clothes.

Pack them in a separate space or utilize plastic bags/shower caps to cover the bottoms and prevent dirtying the rest of your clothing. Have a delicate pair of dress shoes or heels? Pack them in their own bags if possible, or clean the bottoms and wrap with a durable garment.

Toss a dryer sheet into your suitcase to keep things smelling fresh.

While you’re at it, grab a stain pen or stain wipes for your carry-on. If you happen to spill on one of the only tops you’ve brought and don’t have laundry facilities, you’re cutting your number of outfits drastically. If you know you’ll have laundry facilities or need to wash your clothes by hand, you can purchase individual detergent packets.

Pack a change of clothes in your carry-on.

Change of clothes

By packing a change of clothes and undergarments in your carry-on , you’re covered for at least a day if your baggage gets delayed or lost. Some travelers may want to pack an extra pair of shoes just in case.

Similarly, if you’re heading to a beach locale, pack a swimsuit and sandals . If you have to wait to check into your hotel, you can head to the pool while the concierge keeps your luggage.

Keep expensive/irreplaceable items on your person.

As a general rule of thumb, you should leave irreplaceable items at home. This includes objects such as expensive jewelry and heirlooms. If you must travel with them, these items should be kept with you at all times. Do not trust them to be safe when placed in checked baggage; if your suitcase is lost, delayed, or stolen, you’re out of luck.

Similarly, if you must travel with official documents such as birth certificates or social security cards, check to see if a certified copy will suffice. Or maybe take a photo on your phone for less hassle. Otherwise, the same rule applies to these irreplaceable documents.

Follow the TSA 3-1-1 rule for liquids in carry-on baggage.

3 – Travelers may carry liquids, aerosols, gels, creams, and pastes in containers of 3.4oz (100ml) or smaller.

1 – These items must fit into 1 clear plastic quart-sized bag.

1 – Only 1 bag per passenger is allowed.

Remove this bag from your carry-on and place it separately in the screening bin. This is meant to slightly expedite passing through security .


The following apps can be ultra helpful for those who prefer a mobile device to the standard pen and paper methods.

Evernote: While Evernote isn’t technically travel-oriented, it’s all about lists and can be a big help for packing. With Evernote, you can sync your packing list across all your devices, making it easy to keep track of things no matter where you are…even out at the store buying items from your list!

Evernote also enables sharing notes with others, which is especially helpful for group trips. Need reminders? No problem, you can set alerts in Evernote to keep you on top of your game.

Packing Pro: This app is everything you ever wanted if you’re a list maker, and everything you didn’t know you needed if you’re a forgetful person. Packing Pro helps travelers get organized via packing lists. From templates and suggestions to customizable designs, Packing Pro has options for every type of traveler. Users are allowed an unlimited number of packing lists of an unlimited length, and you can even add images, alerts, and mark “need to buy” items.

It also has iCloud support and the ability to share your lists via email, AirDrop, Dropbox, etc. You can also export and edit your lists with Excel, Numbers, or Google Docs. If you’re the type that physically needs to cross things off, you can send directly to a printer too.

The Expert List-Making Assistant is a cool feature if you’re low-maintenance: it will take your parameters (number of people, destination, weather, etc.) and automatically create lists for you.

PackPoint: PackPoint’s purpose is to take the guesswork out of packing. The app pretty much tells you what to pack based on how long you’re traveling, where you’re going, the weather when you get there, and any activities you have planned (chosen from a pre-defined list in the app). With PackPoint Premium, users can connect to TripIt, share their lists across devices, and add customizable packing items/activities.

Travel List: Travel List seems to have fewer bells and whistles. You can do many of the same things as with Packing Pro and PackPoint: create customizable packing lists, sync across your devices, share with other people, and create alerts/reminders. One nice component is their calendar view, which gives a different type of visualization that some people really prefer. And this one is compatible with Apple Watch, which can be a huge organizational perk.

Lists To Do: This app keeps things simple for general to-do lists and is super easy to use. See your list’s percentage progress for a clear visual on how much you have left to do/pack before jetting off and set yourself reminders and share lists with your travel companions.


The following apps are helpful for keeping all your travel information in one place. From flight itineraries to hotel confirmation, event tickets to dinner reservations, they’ve got you covered. Plus, this means fewer printed travel documents you need to worry about carrying with you.

Google Trips: In a nutshell, Google Trips seamlessly integrates reservations (flights, hotels, rental cars, etc.) from your Gmail and creates a specific “trip” in the app. These trips are like folders of information including some basic categories like Reservations, Things to Do, Saved Places, Day Plans, Food & Drink, Getting Around, and Need to Know.

It also provides opportunities for travel inspiration, traveler reviews, dining/drink options, and encyclopedic information on several hundred top cities and attractions around the globe.

Also good to note: when you download your trip, everything is available offline in case you’re stuck without WiFi or data.

Kayak Trips: Part of Kayak’s main app includes a platform called Trips, which acts as an itinerary management app to keep all your pertinent travel information together. With Trips, you can forward your booking confirmations to [email protected] , where your itinerary is managed for you in a nice timeline format with maps and important info all on one screen.

Kayak Trips gives you the ability to send other people access to your travel plans through sharing options, link to your calendar app for planning consistency, and receive SMS and email flight alerts.

TripIt: TripIt is one of the most popular travel organization apps on the market. The app automatically imports flight, hotel, rental car, and other booking confirmations ( concert tickets from StubHub, dinner reservations from OpenTable, etc.) from your e-mail. If you don’t appreciate the e-mail scan, you can always forward your emails to [email protected] or manually input all the information into the system.

TripIt then creates an itinerary in an easy-to-read format, including space for directions between airports, rental car pickup, and hotel details. TripIt also allows for calendar syncing and makes it easy to send your travel info to family/friends by sharing via text, Evernote, LinkedIn, Slack, or WhatsApp.

With TripIt Pro, users get real-time flight alerts, help to find alternative flights, an airline seat tracker for better seats, reward program points tracking, and interactive airport maps.

In this section, we list some steps you might forget to take when you’re in a hurry to leave for vacation.

Remember to:

  • Download your travel resources (guidebooks, language apps, etc.)
  • Notify credit card companies of upcoming travel if required (international trips)
  • Set an email auto-responder if necessary
  • Take out the garbage
  • Check the washing machine for wet clothes
  • Check the dishwasher for dirty dishes
  • Turn off all lights and electronics
  • Set lighting timers
  • Water the plants
  • Drip taps (in cold climates where pipes could freeze)
  • Close/lock all doors and windows; pull all curtains
  • Set alarm system

For longer trips, don’t forget to:

  • Empty the refrigerator/pantry of perishable food
  • Unplug electronics
  • Put a hold on your mail
  • Consider having a friend check on your house from time to time

The Upgraded Points team is always jetting off somewhere and even we  still have trouble packing sometimes!

Additionally, if you’re interested in “the best of the best” travel products to up your packing game, check out these posts:

  • All Our Best Travel Product Reviews – In One Place
  • The Best Checked Luggage Bags For Any Traveler
  • The Best Carry-on Luggage Bags for Any Traveler
  • The Best Travel Duffel Bags on the Market

Lastly, if you’re looking for the top travel-related gifts, we’ve got you covered with our Best Gifts for Travelers .

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better to fold or roll clothes in a suitcase.

Whether it’s better to fold or roll clothes for your suitcase may depend on a number of things. If you’ve no concern about saving space, folding could be just fine. However, if you’re trying to fit a lot of clothes into a small bag, there’s no shortage of youtube videos out there which prove rolling clothes can help with this task.

Additionally, interfolding and bundling are other techniques that could be helpful space savers. However, to save the most space, vacuum bags will be your best bet – just keep in mind your weight limit when packing a lot of things into one case!

Do packing cubes really save space?

Packing cubes don’t necessarily save space but they definitely help you stay organized when packing.

They can also help by keeping items separated — who wants smelly gym clothes next to their fancy dinner outfits?

How do I maximize space in my luggage?

To maximize space when packing, try using these methods for your contents: roll, bundle, or interfold (explanations above). Each has its own special technique but all can help you save space and fit more into your luggage of choice.

Another quick space-saving tip? Utilize typically unused space. For example, pack socks or belts inside your shoes.

How to I pack clothes without wrinkling them?

Here are a few quick tips to decrease wrinkling when packing your clothes into a suitcase: iron first, use a roll or interfold method, pack wrinkle-prone items in garment bags or utilize tissue paper between folds and layers, and/or choose fabrics that are less likely to wrinkle in the first place (wool, Tencel, knit, cashmere, polyester, nylon, spandex).

How should I pack toiletries in my suitcase?

When packing toiletries, you’ll want to be sure they’re kept separate from your clothes in a special bag or case. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy — a Ziplock baggie will do — but this will prevent the leaking of liquid onto your clothing items.

Additionally, you can place a small piece of cling-wrap between the bottles and lids of your liquids to prevent leakage.

If you’re bringing them in your carry-on, you’ll want to be sure you’re adhering to the 3-1-1 rule (use 3 oz containers max, in 1 quart-sized bag, with one bag per traveler) in order to pass easily through security.

Should I pack valuable items in my suitcase?

Always keep valuable items on your person while traveling. This includes identification cards, passports, visas, money, credit cards, jewelry, important medications, etc.

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About Erin Miller

An experienced points hacker, Erin is Alex’s partner-in-crime and contributes to Upgraded Points with in-depth guides and relationship management. Erin’s work has been cited in multiple major publications.


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Vacation packing list: 27 essentials for any trip.

This vacation packing list covers the major essentials you don't want to forget.

Vacation Packing List

Items in and out of a suitcase including shoes, sunglasses, swimwear and more.

Getty Images

Make sure you have everything you need for your next getaway.

While every vacation packing list ultimately looks different based on a variety of factors – the destination, traveler(s), budget and more – consider this guide a jumping-off point for the must-haves. You can also scroll down to More Vacation Packing Lists to see recommendations for specific trips.

Vacation packing list

For the journey, for the vacation.

Coolife 4-Piece Luggage Set in blue against white background.

Courtesy of Coolife

Before your adventure begins, you'll want to decide what type of bag(s) to pack. To determine the type of luggage you'll need, consider:

  • How many days will you be traveling? If you're traveling for a week or longer, you may want to bring a large suitcase that can be checked in at the airport, or perhaps a complete luggage set . For a shorter trip, a carry-on and personal item (such as a backpack or small weekender bag ) should be sufficient.  
  • Who are you traveling with? Determine if you can combine your belongings to avoid unnecessary checked luggage fees. If traveling with children who can help carry bags, consider some kids luggage they'll be excited to carry or roll along. 
  • What type of climate(s) will you be in? For cold weather vacations, you might consider stuffing all of your outdoor gear into a rolling duffel bag . 
  • What are the baggage restrictions for your mode of travel? Check carry-on size requirements for your specific airline to ensure your luggage will fit in the overhead bin. Cruise lines also have weight and quantity restrictions for luggage, so consult your cruise line's website for additional details.
  • What kind of clothing will you need? Is this a casual trip or will you need formalwear for dinners and other gatherings? If you'll need the latter, you might want to purchase a garment bag to prevent wrinkled clothing. 

Packing cubes

Eagle Creek Pack-It Reveal Packing Cubes in blue against white background.

Courtesy of Eagle Creek

To maximize suitcase space and stay organized, invest in at least one set of packing cubes. Travel experts recommend any of the packing cubes by Eagle Creek , as well as this cheap, quality set on Amazon . For more options, check out The Best Packing Cubes, Chosen by Travel Experts .

Credit cards

When traveling, it's good to have at least two credit card options with you. That way, if there are any issues with one card (or maybe a merchant doesn't accept American Express or Discover, a common occurrence when traveling abroad), you've got a backup payment option. It's also helpful in the event your credit card gets compromised and subsequently locked.

Read: The Best Travel Credit Cards

Travel documents

Having your boarding pass and personal identification is essential no matter where you're traveling. For international travel, you'll want a passport wallet for your passport along with any visa or customs forms you may need. Be sure to keep these documents either on your body or in your personal item that you place in under the seat in front of you on the plane (not in the overhead bin, where you may not always have access).

Travel pillow

Cabeau Evolution S3 Travel Pillow in gray and infographic against white background.

Courtesy of Cabeau

Whether it's a long flight, train ride or car trip, dozing off without support can be a literal pain in the neck. Depending on what's comfortable for you, the Cabeau Evolution S3 and the Trtl Travel Pillow are two of the top U.S. News travel pillows . If you're short on space, you may want to consider the multitasking Tube Travel Neck Pillow , which doubles as a packing cube.

Water bottle

Staying hydrated while on the go is essential, and traveling with a reusable water bottle is an environmentally friendly way to do it. The LifeStraw Go is dishwasher-safe (when you remove the filter) and made of BPA-free plastic; the flip-straw has a two-step filter to trap bacteria and more. To keep your water cold for hours, the YETI Rambler has a durable stainless steel construction in a variety of colors and is the perfect canvas for travel stickers you collect along the way. To save space, try the Nomader Collapsible water bottle.

Hand sanitizer and holder

Keeping your hands clean while traveling helps fend off germs and unwanted illnesses. Hand sanitizer is essential for any trip, and clipping a travel-size bottle of it to your carry-on or handbag makes it easily accessible when you need it. You can find hand sanitizer holders on Amazon or at your local dollar store. You may also want to consider some antibacterial wipes for your in-flight tray table and sticky situations.

Toiletry bag and toiletries

Organizing your makeup, hair products, personal hygiene items and shaving supplies in a quality toiletry bag – such as the well-rated Lug Trolley on Amazon – makes it easy to find your essentials while traveling. Depending on what you plan to pack, a hanging style like the L.L.Bean Personal Organizer Toiletry Bag , with a removable shower caddy and built-in hook, helps to save counter space and is especially useful in tight cruise ship cabins. To easily see everything at once, choose any of the clear cosmetics cases from CALPAK , which are available in multiple sizes and color trims.

For air travel, you'll need to keep in mind the TSA's 3-1-1 rule: that all liquids, gels and creams must be 3 ounces or less and placed into a one-quart clear bag. You can find refillable and travel-size toiletries and reusable quart-sized TSA-approved bags on Amazon .

Read: The Best Toiletry Bags

Medications and first-aid kit

You'll want to be sure to pack any prescription medications in your carry-on bag, along with other medications you may need while traveling, such as Dramamine . It's also helpful to have a travel-size first-aid kit with Band-Aids, antibiotic ointment and more.

Compression socks

For everything from long flights to walking miles exploring a new destination, compression socks can help provide additional support and reduce swelling. With varying levels of compression available, one medium-level option to consider is the Bombas Everyday Compression Socks – a U.S. News top pick .

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Walking shoes

Birkenstock Mayari sandals in matcha against white background.

Courtesy of Birkenstock

Every journey includes a fair amount of walking, and nothing can put a stop to the fun like foot pain. Before you depart, be sure to invest in a comfortable pair of walking shoes . For a sneaker style, the ASICS Gel-Contend is a U.S. News top pick. If you'd like a slip-on style, the Cole Haan 4.ZERØGRAND Loafer for both men and women provides comfort and stability, while being able to be dressed up or worn casually. For a sandal, consider a supportive option like the Birkenstock Mayari .

Travel purse/bag

One way to keep identification, credit cards and other personal information organized and protected while traveling is with a well-designed purse or belt bag , such as the Anti-Theft Classic Messenger or the Anti-Theft Active Waist Pack by Travelon . The Lug Convertible Carousel also includes RFID protection and can be worn as a belt bag or as a crossbody.

If you're looking for a fashionable bag that can easily go from day to night, check out the TUMI Voyageur Crossbody , which has a choice of leather or nylon construction with leather accents, multiple compartments and gold hardware. The sustainable and machine-washable Vera Bradley Utility Tote Bag is another great option, with a removable shoulder strap and exterior pockets for your phone and other essentials.

Read: The Top Travel Purses

Long-sleeved shirt

When you're traveling, there's a good chance you might be changing climates or find yourself a bit chilled from air conditioning. Pack a long-sleeve tee, such as the L.L.Bean Beyond Soft Tee for women or the Carefree Unshrinkable Tee for men . This basic wardrobe staple works as a shirt on its own, a base layer in colder weather or a pull-on style over a tee. For young travelers, consider the Kids' Graphic Tee from L.L. Bean for a bit of playful fun.

Button-up shirt

For a shirt that can truly multitask, pack a button-up shirt. A classic style – like a Calvin Klein shirt for men or a timeless white button-down for women on Amazon – can be dressed up for dinner or a museum visit, paired with shorts and rolled sleeves for exploring, or put it on with a bathing suit as a cover-up.

This wardrobe staple is a travel essential. Versatile black, white or navy tees can be worn alone, under a blazer or layered for added warmth as needed. Pack a few basic options like the cotton tees at Lands' End for women , men , girls and boys , then add a fun graphic tee or two.

Packable jacket

Patagonia Nano Puff Jacket in black against white background.

Courtesy of Patagonia

A jacket that can fold up small to be tucked into your luggage is essential for any vacation packing list. From rain jackets to lightweight puffer jackets, choose the perfect packable jacket to keep you warm and dry in any locale.

Evening outfit

Even if you're going to the beach or planning a casual retreat, chances are you'll go out for a nicer dinner at least one night. Women may want to consider a black travel dress on Amazon , which can be dressed up with evening sandals and a necklace (or worn during the day for sightseeing). Men can invest in a packable travel blazer and wrinkle-free dress pants.

Reusable/foldable bag

Whether you're heading to the local market or going on a day trip, a packable tote like the CALPAK Compakt Tote Bag is ideal for stowing your daytime essentials and finds you buy along the way. If you're the type that likes to buy a lot of souvenirs from your travels, the Lug Packable Boxer is ideal to use for a day tote while traveling and as a personal item on your return flight. One of these reusable bags can also double as a beach bag. Or, if you want to bring a beach bag to double as your everyday travel bag, check out the best beach bags from U.S. News for additional recommendations.

Read: The Top Travel Accessories, Chosen by Our Editors

Focus on the moment (and enjoy the visual later) with a digital camera like the Panasonic Lumix G100 4K . A mirrorless model with both the ability to capture video and still images offers versatility whether you want to record the waves at sunset or snap a selfie in front of a museum. To get creative angles or have a tripod on the go, the Joby GorillaPod is a flexible and bendable option for travel.

If you're an active traveler, a GoPro HERO9 is a must-pack item. It has built-in stabilization features, and you can livestream your endeavors, film video or shoot images with this waterproof design. For a vintage-infused photo gallery, the Fujifilm Instax Mini EVO Instant Camera is a hybrid camera that allows you to store images on a memory card or print them directly from the device. It's the perfect way to document your travels along the way.

Reef-safe sunscreen

Protect your skin and the oceans with reef-safe sunscreen . Depending on your destination, some places – including Hawaii; Key West, Florida; Aruba; parts of Mexico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, to name a few – have laws against the sale of sunscreens with reef-harming ingredients such as oxybenzone and octinoxate. Many of the traditional brands of sunscreen have these ingredients, so look for an effective mineral-based sunscreen like Blue Lizard or Sun Bum .

In addition to sunscreen, a hat protects your face from the sun's harmful rays. What's more, it can be a fashionable addition to your beach attire. A packable style like the San Diego Hat Company women's large brim hat can be rolled and packed into a suitcase or carry-on, and provide a generous amount of shade at the beach, by the lake and beyond. For more recommendations, see U.S. News' list of the best beach hats .

While there's an endless array of bathing suit options, classic styles like a black tank suit for women can be paired with a long skirt to be transformed into an outfit. Or, a classic men's swim trunk can be worn with a polo top to maximize your vacation wardrobe. For the kids, Lands' End offers cute and functional designs for girls and boys .

Beach towels

Whether you want to add something soft to your favorite beach chair or you want to lay it right on the sand, a beach towel that repels sand and dries quickly is a vacation must-have. Consider a quick-drying oversized Turkish towel from Amazon or an attention-grabbing Lilly Pulitzer beach towel . You may also want to invest in a beach blanket .

Ideal as added sun protection or for walking through the air-conditioned corridors of a resort or cruise ship, a cute swimsuit cover-up is another packing essential. Some options include a chic J.Crew beach shirt , a stylish romper or a sheer La Blanca kimono .

Read: What to Wear on a Cruise

Nothing says laid-back vacation like a pair of flip-flops. Havaianas has styles for the whole family , in an array of colors and prints to coordinate with your beach attire.

Water shoes

Cuts on feet from coral, shells or even glass can be extremely painful. To protect the soles of you and yours, consider the Native Jefferson shoes , available in both children's and adult sizes. Designed for street wear, these versatile shoes are also water-friendly, making them ideal for everything from strolling the boardwalk to tubing down the river. For a more traditional water shoe, check out the Keen Newport sandals .

Sunscreen and cover-ups may protect your skin, but the sun can really hurt your eyes (especially when it reflects off the water). Top off your vacation style with Ray-Ban aviators or a classic Wayfarer . If you're seeking a chic retro vibe, you can't go wrong with a Kate Spade cat-eye frame.

More Vacation Packing Lists

Check out these other packing guides compiled by U.S. News:

  • Beach Packing List
  • Cruise Packing List
  • Alaska Cruise Packing List
  • Road Trip Packing List
  • Camping Packing List
  • What to Pack in a Carry-on

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Rachael Hood loves the entire packing process. From finding the right suitcase to curating the ideal wardrobe and accessories for every trip, Hood has been perfecting her vacation packing list for years. Her must-pack items include a TUMI handbag, a Lug cosmetic case and a CALPAK packable tote. She used her personal experience along with retail merchandising background and research skills to create this list.

You might also be interested in:

  • The Best Vacation Rental Travel Insurance Plans
  • How to Renew Your Passport
  • TSA Precheck vs. Global Entry: Which One Is Right for You?
  • Can I Use My Own Airplane Seat Belt Extender?
  • What Is Allowed in a Carry-on Bag?

Vacation Ideas for Every Traveler

A train enters Morant's Curve in the Canadian Rockies

Tags: Travel , Travel Gear

World's Best Places To Visit

  • # 1 South Island, New Zealand
  • # 4 Bora Bora

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Travel Fashion Girl

The Ultimate Packing List for Vacation (with Printable Travel Checklist)

Africa Packing Lists , Asia Packing Lists , Central America Packing Lists , Europe Packing List , Ireland Packing List , North America Packing Lists , Oceania Packing Lists , Packing Tips , South America Packing Lists

Packing List for Vacation

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Looking for the ultimate packing list? You’ve found it. We’ve rounded up all the things you may (or may not) need to bring on your trip carefully organized by category. To help you plan more efficiently, we’ve also included an editable, printable travel checklist you can customize for every trip! Download the “Printable Travel Checklist” below!

The Ultimate Packing List

This packing list shows the exact things to bring on vacation or other types of travel. It’s broken down into three sections:

  • Printable Travel Checklist: editable spreadsheet with summary of all items
  • Packing List by Categories: see table of contents below
  • General Packing Tips: how to pack efficiently

This is the Table of Contents:

Printable Travel Checklist

  • Packing List For Luggage
  • Packing List For Clothes
  • Packing List For Toiletries
  • Packing List For First Aid Kit
  • Packing List For Makeup
  • Packing List For Hair and Grooming
  • Packing List For Electronics
  • Packing List For Backpacking Gear

Travel Documents and Money

Travel safety.

  • Pre-trip Checklist

General Packing Tips

Click here to subscribe

The travel checklist features unique categories to help you pack for your trip efficiently including a list of things to bring on vacation and other helpful reminders. It includes all the items listed in various categories above and has spaces where you can fill in your own information:

  • you can write in an item’s weight (lighter items means less overall baggage weight)
  • you can note if you need to purchase something or if you already own it
  • and most importantly, you can organize where you’ll pack each item

Our readers looove our checklist! Below you’ll find all the corresponding details for the complete travel packing list of things to bring on vacation!

  Packing List by Categories

Below you’ll find a list of all the items you should consider adding to your packing list based on category. Print the checklist above to follow along.

4 days trip packing list

Luggage: Delsey Turenne Carry On | Carry-on Personal Item: Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Airplane Outfit: Top , Bottom , Shoes

I usually suggest you first decide everything you need to bring before choosing your luggage and other travel gear. Every trip is different and the suitcase that works for one type of adventure may not work for the next.


Best Selling Carry-on: Delsey Paris Helium Aero Luggage

Read this guide on How to Choose the Best Suitcase for details on the best sizes, wheels, materials, and more.

If you’re planning a long-term trip or are traveling to a destination where wheels won’t work well, a backpack is the ideal option. Read this guide on How to Choose the Best Backpack for Travel .

You’ll want to bring a personal item for the plane in addition to (or instead of) an in-flight purse. Read this to determine what exactly is a personal item and if you should bring one on your particular trip.

A purse for travel is a must-have for a day spent sightseeing, here are the factors you should keep in mind when choosing which day bag to join you on your next trip!


Best Packing Cubes: Compass Rose

In addition to your luggage, travel accessories such as packing organizers are highly recommended. They not only help you stay organized and less stressed while traveling, they enable you to travel carry-on only on just about any trip. We recommend these packing cubes – they’re ours!

  • Packing Cubes for Clothes
  • Packing Organizer for Accessories
  • Packing Organizer for Electronics
  • Toiletry Bag
  • First Aid (if applicable)
  • Document Holder
  • Other Organizers (as needed)
  • Daypack/Personal item
Depending on where you’re going, how you’re getting there, and what you’ll be doing, this essentials list has you covered with every little necessity to help you be prepared and enjoy your trip to the fullest! 

Watch this video to discover TFG editor’s travel capsule wardrobe must-haves, that are versatile, chic, and timeless

No matter where you travel and how long you plan to go for, start by choosing ten clothing items for your trip to act as the core of what you bring. If you could only bring ten items and no more for this particular trip, what would they be?

4 days trip packing list

Shirt | Tank  |  Shorts | Sandals | Hat

These ten clothing items will act as the essentials in your travel wardrobe, also known as a capsule wardrobe . These ten items should be interchangeable so you can mix and match them to create different looks.

Versatility is key to a capsule wardrobe. Learn more in my guide !


Best Selling T-Shirt: L.L. Bean Pima Tee

In order to choose these ten core items most effectively, follow these guidelines on How to Create a Capsule Wardrobe for Travel . It includes eight examples for you to follow including options for both summer and winter.

  • Dress (or other) 1
  • Dress (or other) 2
Visit our  travel clothing category for product suggestions including the best travel pants , stylish travel dresses , and the best  cold weather items .


TFG Editor wearing her favorite travel jacket: Eddie Bauer Charly

Now that you’ve chosen these ten must-have clothing items, consider what other pieces you need based on other considerations such as the weather and activities such as working out or swimming.

You’ll also want to choose your underwear and bras after you’ve chosen your clothing so you know exactly which fabrics, colors, and styles to choose.


Icebreaker 175 Everyday Long Sleeve Crewe

Nude colors (or the color closest to your skin tone) are best for bras as this color can be worn underneath all other colors. Here are more tips on how to choose the best bras for travel .

For underwear , we recommend an average of ten (or one for every day of your trip up to ten days). If you’re traveling longer than one week you can hand wash them along the way. Read this post for recommended travel underwear .

  • Outerwear 1
  • Outerwear 2
  • Sleepwear 1
  • Sleepwear 2
  • Underwear 1-10
Add thermal underwear for cold weather trips!


Leith Dress  ( similar) |   Naot Sabrina Flat Sandal |  Rebecca Minkoff Backpack | Sunhat

Your accessories should first and foremost offer functionality such as warmth in the winter or protection from the sun in the summer. You can incorporate style into your wardrobe through the colors, prints, and designs you choose for these items.


Best Walking Shoes For Travel: Skechers Go Walk 4 Charcoal Comfortable Sneakers

For shoes, we recommend you pack three pairs (no less than two, no more than four). Bring one for sightseeing (walking), one for any special activities you might be participating in, and an additional pair as needed. The third pair can either serve for function to account for changes in the weather or it can be a dressy option.

We have an entire category on the website dedicated to the best travel shoes including ballet flats , walking shoes , travel sandals , hiking shoes , waterproof boots , ankle boots , and more.

  • Purse – Day
  • Purse – Night
  • Sunglasses Case
  • Watch (or Travel Clock)
  • Gloves (if applicable)
Read this guide for a full explanation on how to choose the best travel shoes for your specific trip.

Watch this video to learn how to downsize toiletries

Toiletries are one of the most challenging things to bring on vacation especially if you want to travel light. While they vary for each individual there are some general guidelines you can follow.

“Travel size” 3oz or 100ml products and containers are sometimes more or less than what you actually need, so use travel containers like these instead. They’ll enable you to bring only the amount you’ll use for your trip.


Best Selling Toiletry Bag: eBags Pack-it-Flat Hanging Toiletry Kit

Just like luggage, the functionality of toiletry bags differs and one may not meet the needs of every trip. Read this list of the best toiletry bags for travel so you can determine which options make the most sense for your needs. Generally speaking, hanging toiletry bags like these offer the most versatility.

  • Conditioner
  • Leave-In Conditioner
  • Soap/Body Wash
  • Deodorant/Antiperspirant
  • Body Moisturizer
  • Face Moisturizer

Optional Toiletries:

  • Baby Powder (hot climates)
  • Pumice Stone
  • Hair Styling Product
  • Female Urinal Device
  • Menstrual Cup
  • Toilet Paper
Read this guide on how to choose toiletries for your trip .


First Aid Kit (optional)

Not all travelers pack a full-size first aid kit and you can usually buy most things on the road. However, it’s a good idea to take one or two doses/packets of each of these items and create your own “mini first aid kit ”.

  • Prescription Medication
  • Contact Solution (if needed)
  • Pain Relievers
  • Travel-size Tissue Packet
  • Digestion Tablets
  • Upset Stomach Medication
  • Allergy Pills
  • Motion Sickness Tablets
  • Antibacterial wipes/gel
  • Bug Repellant (Deet-Free)
  • Travel Size Sewing Kit

Watch this video to learn how to downsize your makeup.

Just as with clothing, create a capsule makeup collection when you travel that includes only the essentials. Use small travel containers like these to avoid taking large products such as foundation and concealer.

  • Eyebrow Pencil
  • Eye shadow palette
  • Lipstick/lip gloss
Read this guide on how to downsize your makeup when traveling.

4 days trip packing list

Hair / Grooming

Instead of bringing all your hair tools when traveling, contact your accommodation to determine if they provide items such as an iron or hair dryer.


Best Travel Hair Dryer: BaBylissPRO Travel Dryer

Instead of full size products, invest in travel size dryers or straighteners if needed. A nicely groomed mane adds the perfect finishing touch to a perfectly planned travel outfit.

  • Travel Size Hair Brush
  • Travel Size Mirror

Optional Hair Tools:

  • Travel Size Blow Dryer
  • Travel Size Hair Dryer Brush 
  • Travel Size Flat Iron 
  • Travel Size Curling Iron 
Read more tips on styling your hair while traveling .

4 days trip packing list

A travel adapter allows TFG editor to charge her laptop, tablet, and phone all at once!


The amount of electronics you bring will depend on whether or not you’re traveling for business or leisure.


International Universal Travel Adapter

If you’re traveling internationally, make sure to read this guide which explains how to protect your electronics from the different voltage abroad . Use a travel adapter like this one when visiting different countries on the same trip.

  • International Travel Adapter
  • Phone Charger
  • Phone Cover
  • Camera Charger
  • Camera Battery 
  • Camera Memory Card
  • Camera Cover
  • Memory Stick (with important info)
  • e-Reader Charger
  • e-Reader Cover

Optional Electronics:

  • Tablet Charger
  • Tablet Cover
  • Laptop Charger
  • Laptop Cover
  • Laptop Case
  • Screen Protector
  • Keyboard Protector
  • External Hard Drive
  • External Hard Drive Cord
  • Portable Power Bank
  • Portable Power Bank Cord
  • Music Device
  • Music Device Charger
Read this post for tips on preparing your electronics before a flight .


Editor’s Favorite Backpack: Osprey Farpoint 55 Travel Backpack (similar)

Backpacking/Budget Travel Gear

(if applicable)

If you’re backpacking around the world, traveling long-term, or traveling on a budget, there are a few additional items you’ll need to bring on your trip.

Other travelers may also find some of the below items useful. Click on the item below to learn about each one and why they might be important for you to bring.

  • Sleeping Bag Liner
  • 2 Travel Locks
  • Travel Towel
  • Swiss Army Knife
  • Reusable Water Bottle
  • Packable Tote
  • Mosquito Net
  • Pillow Case
  • Laundry Bag
  • Laundry Line
  • Travel Pillow
  • Disposable Poncho
  • Travel Size Umbrella
  • Passport Size Photos (for visas on the go)
If you’re traveling on a budget, read this post. If you’re staying at hostels, read this post. If you’re going on a round-the-world trip, read this post.

4 days trip packing list

With the exception of your passport, cash, and cards, many of the below items are available in digital form. Use this as a reference checklist.

  • Passport Copy
  • Passport Holder
  • Boarding Pass
  • Itinerary (some airlines require this printed when you have to check in in-person)
  • Visas in passport (if needed)
  • Immunization Records (if there are health requirements such as yellow fever)
  • Emergency Cash in USD (enough for one full day)
  • Credit Cards
  • Drivers License / Alternate Form of ID
  • Language Guide
  • Notebook (to note addresses in paper, not phone)
  • Pen (to fill out immigration forms)
  • Emergency Contact Info
  • Travel Insurance
  • Copies of all travel documents (in memory card, USB stick, or stored in email)

Watch the video above for tips on how to keep your stuff safe while traveling.

Traveling is generally very safe, but the most common issue is theft. There are a few precautions you can take to protect your belongings, such as using one of these anti-theft devices.

4 days trip packing list

Compass Rose RFID Secret Bra Wallet

Anti-theft products  that are worn under your clothing are particularly useful to conceal valuables in places like Spain or Nicaragua. We recommend this RFID secret bra stash to conceal your cash and cards safely and discreetly!


Best Selling Anti-theft Bag: Travelon Anti-Theft Classic Black Messenger Bag

While not necessary, some female travelers make feel more comfortable with an anti-theft purse  in places such as Paris or Thailand where purse snatchings are common.

  • RFID Anti-theft Bra Wallet
  • Anti-theft Travel Purse (optional)
Never carry your passport while sightseeing – this is a common mistake that leads to theft. Read these tips to learn how to keep your passport (and other belongings) safe while traveling .


Pre-Trip Checklist

These are a few essential things to do as soon as you book your trip.

  • Call banks to inform of travel plans
  • Immunizations
  • Check weather at destination
  • Check baggage restrictions
  • Check visa regulations
  • Check immunization requirements (i.e. yellow fever)
Read this post to see my personal pre-trip checklist featuring my complete packing routine.

Watch the packing tutorial on Youtube ! 

In order to avoid overpacking, take the time to plan and research before your trip. Find out the weather forecast, cultural considerations, and finalize your activities so you can accurately determine exactly what you will and will not need for your trip.

The biggest game changer for me was using packing cubes – they completely transformed the way I traveled and I was able to travel full-time carry-on only for several years!

The video below shows you the technique I use to travel carry-on for every trip:


Compass Rose Travel Packing Cubes

As shown in the video, I use slim size packing cubes . When I first started using them in 2013, I was finally able to downsize my luggage from a 65L Osprey Aura backpack to the 40L Osprey Farpoint .

The clothing used in the video is an example of what someone would pack for a long trip consisting of various climates, activities, and the need to be ready for anything.

Read this post where I explain everything you need to know about packing cubes including what they are, how to use them, their benefits, and the best brands. Trust me, they’re the ultimate game changer!

Destination Packing Lists

We have specific packing lists for destinations all over the world. Visit this page to find your destination!

4 days trip packing list

And for every single trick in my packing book, read my full course “ Stop Overpacking “. I created the STOP OVERPACKING program to teach you my exact packing process. Every secret, every detail, nothing is spared.

Learn more about Stop Overpacking here !

What else would you add to our travel packing list of things to bring on vacation? Share and comment below!

For destinations, please read:

  • Europe Packing Lists
  • Asia Packing Lists
  • Africa Packing Lists
  • North America Packing Lists
  • South America Packing Lists
  • South Pacific Packing Lists



I hope you liked this travel packing list of things to bring on vacation! Please share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Thanks for reading!



Your packing lists and tips are the best! It’s so easy to forget an important item, and your lists help avoid that. Thanks!!

Stacy L. Riggle-El Sabbagh

Is ultimate packing list is what help me to prepare our very first 17 day trip in Europe (Italy and Spain). I’ve recently sent it to Friends to share the wealth! I absolutely love the Travel Fashion Girl site!

Vera Kozlowski

Love this whole blog, this entire post is very helpful all being in one post! Thank you for helping us travel!

Andrea Peterson

The idea of packing cubes was not foreign to me; however, after reading all these tips and putting them into practice, my hubby and I were both able to travel 3+ weeks in Europe last Fall with only an AWAY carry-on suitcase and a backpack that I ordered specifically to fit under the seats on European inter-company smaller planes. Thanks so much for saving us, as we will likely never travel the same as we used to!

Sandra Cooper

Thank you for creating these packing list. They are very helpful.

Laura Austin

This list has been incredibly helpful!! I have always maintained a customizable packing list that I came up with years ago, but this took my list to the next level and was significantly helpful in keeping myself organized for a recent 2-week, backpack-only, trip I just took to Europe! I have traveled to 35 countries and continue to return back to TFG for fresh tips, outfit ideas, the best packing tools, and lots of other helpful information! Thank you so much to TFG and this wonderful community of women!!

Leslie Knight

Super helpful info- I added a bunch of tops and dresses to my Amazon list. I’ve already got many of the items you recommend- one of my favorites is the electronic cords organizer. I never leave home without it!

Karen Granade

Your packing lists are fantastic! I don’t have to think so hard! Thank you!


I have used these packing lists time and time again. They have helped me pack exactly what I need and cut down on items I won’t need. I used to be an overpacker but these lists have solved that problem!

Nancy S

I have been traveling carry-on only for years now (whether it’s a hardside bag or my backpack), and I’m always looking for new capsule wardrobe ideas!

robin trubitt

I printed out the packing list for Italy the beginning of this year as I prepared for my May departure. I kept it in my purse at all times so no matter where I was, I had it to refer to when I was I happened to be in a store. It was super helpful in keeping me focused. Thanks !

Karin B.

Thank you for publishing all of this wonderful information!

Dawn Stear

Love, love, love these checklists! I used one on my two week trip to Italy last May and it was so helpful. Planning to use one again on our girls trip to London and Paris in April. 🧳

Cindy Sievers

I have always used a packing list. It helps me know that I haven’t forgotten something and not over pack. I love the Compass rose packing cubes…I bought a set for hubby and myself. We use them a lot. Thanks for all of your tips and info…now to just get a trip planned!!

Janet Hartleben

I love everything about travel fashion girl, but having these already made printable packing lists are the best thing ever! They are going to come in really handy as I’m preparing to take my two teenage granddaughters to France in March and this will give them a good idea of what they need to pack and how to do it. Of course I will supervise lol!


Thanks so much for sharing this list! It was so helpful for my recent trip to Panama. The Leith dress was a great addition to my travel and everyday wardrobe!


I’ve been working with fine tuning my packing list for years. If my husband says, “do you want to go to …?” I can be fully packed for any type of trip in 20 minutes.

Tara Brown

This is so helpful! I love the lists!

Alicia Simpson

Love these tips!! Super helpful !!!

Wendy B

Never j ew what a packing cube was until I read your site. You are a life saver! Now I can’t live without them!

Adriann Griffith

Love lists to help me feel confident that I’m ready! Your lists and advice are so helpful.

Lashelle Rice

These lists are so helpful and love the packing cube video.


I love your blogs, you do amazing research have have great practical tips on how to best travel.

I went to Italy in the spring and the first thing I did before getting ready to go was read your blog to see what I should get that would help make it the best trip.

I also try to travel with only carry-on luggage, so you helpful suggestions are amazing.

Linda Murphy

I have used these packing list as the basis for my upcoming trip to England. This is the most prepared and least anxious I have ever felt about packing for a big trip. I love that the list comes with shopping links/reccomendations as well as reccomendations on where to pack it. If you’re short on time – the most helpful shopping list was the toiletry list. It provided great suggestions on how to stay within the TSA 3-1-1 guidelines even if you are planning to be away for a lengthy trip! Thank you!!

Stephanie Council

I love this blog!! These packing lists are a lifesaver!!

Deb Claxton

Thanks TFG for the best Packing Checklist! I use it everytime I go! And this year, 2022, I’ve been making up for not being able to go for the past two years. After a cruise in March and a month in Hawaii in the summer, I’m now packing for a Baltic cruise after a couple of days in London. The destination lists for London, Finland, Norway, etc. have been so very helpful, too. I’m pretty confident that I’ve packed what I’ll need. Haven’t yet tried carry-on-only and probably never will, but I’m pretty proud that I put at least 5 items back into the closet instead of in my suitcase this time!


While researching for our two-week vacation to Munich, Prague, Vienna and Budapest, I discovered your web site. I am so happy I did! Since we were traveling to so many places in a relatively short period of time, and using a carry-on and personal bag only, it was essential that I pack efficiently. Your capsule wardrobe and packing cubes were a game changer! I admit I fudged a bit and threw in a couple of extra items but never even wore them. Thank you so much for the great information!!

Christina Sebert

Love this! Very helpful for us overthinkers.


I honestly go over this packing list every time I go on a trip! So helpful. Also a side note, their subscription emails are amazing. Simply the best.


When I was finally able to travel internationally, this list was what I used to help me organize. Congratulations on 10 years and all you e accomplished- and thank you. 🙂


Love, love, 💕 the packing lists! I’ve been using them for several years. I started prepping for my 3 week trip to Peru in September. Thank you for the guidance, recommendations and inspiration!

Rochelle S

This spreadsheet is my favourite clothing packing list, and one I recommend to everyone for carry-on only, or even just lightening the load on small checked bags. It even works for kids’ packing. Excellent, comprehensive resource, thank you for creating it, and sharing it with us all!


Thank you for these wonderful suggestions!!! Going to London in early October and the printed checklist will be very handy. Thank you!!!! Love those pants!!!! I need them!!!!


Love this resource!! Seriously has been so helpful for planning a 2 week Europe trip! Also was so helpful for my week in Montana during the winter! Highly recommend!!

Patricia Thum

I love all your travel tips! I will definitely be referring to your packing list for my upcoming trip to Spain and Portugal.


The packing cubes are a great idea, but what about wrinkles? And is a steamer able to work on an adapter only?


Hi Tammy, one of the keys to avoiding wrinkles is to choose wrinkle-resistant fabrics and to use the bundle wrapping method inside the packing cube! You can find more tips here:

Linda Wray

I love your blog❣️ I just returned from Portugal and met a new friend who turned me onto your emails. Please subscribe me, as I’m not on Social Media. All my best, and safe travels.

Hi Linda, just gone ahead and subscribed you to our newsletters. Hope you had the most incredible time in Portugal!!!

Jean Sutherland

Thank you, your information has been most helpful. doesn’t seem to have any of your recommended items for sale at present, especially The Comnpass Rose Slim Cubes. I used them on our last cruise and it made packing easy before, during and after the Cruise. Would recommend this to any traveller. M. J. Sutherland

That is so amazing to hear thank you Jean!!! Unfortunately at this moment in time we are not sure when we are going to begin making our compass rose products again 😢


Hey, I’ve really enjoyed your site and recommendations on traveling lightly. I’m not sure if you’re still active on here but the link to your packing checklist seems to be broken.

Hi Sara, I am really sorry about this, we are having some problems fixing this issue on the blog.

If you would like a copy of our packing list, please email us at [email protected] and we will send you a copy straight away.

Laura Thiel

I pack one cube with everything I’ll need for the night and the next morning. This way I dion’t always need to unpack the whole bag, and can leave everything in place for the first night . Sometimes this means I don’t have to schlep a heavy bag upstairs when I’m tired–I can leave it downstairs and deal with everything once I’m rested.

Hi Laura, this sounds like a fantastic idea, thank you for sharing your packing strategy with us!! 🙂


I’m *so* with you when it comes to packing cubes. They make it super easy to find what I need, and it helps me fit more than I thought possible into my backpack. I’m also a HUGE fan of earplugs. I’ve used them on the train or bus to sleep, on the plane to drown out engine noises, and at loud concerts. I highly recommend getting custom silicon earplugs that you wash off and use again, especially if you have trouble using the foam ones (like I totally do no matter how many times I try).

Theresa Wilson

Your packing lists have been a huge help for me when it comes to planning my trip to Europe. Keep the great material coming 🙂


Thank you Theresa!

Liz Dorrington

Hi Alex, I”ve just discovered Travel Fashion Girl & I”m so glad I did. I”m about to travel for the 1st time to Singapore with my family, 5 kids included. Have you been there before? Can you offer me any advice? We”ll be travelling for 1-2 weeks. Desperate for your advice as a novice traveller. Thank you so much in advance . Liz xx

Hi Liz, read this:

Sharon Knerr

I love detailed lists – helped me stay organized when I travel. Thank you for this!


Great post! I will go to Sicily soon and this look like a great way to start organizing my trip.

Thanks Patrizia!

Michala Martin

Thank you so much for this wonderful resource.

Glad you like it Michala!


As always I love reading all your post, but this one is probably my favorite!! It’s packed with really helpful tips, it’s something I always come back to, and is in many cases encouraging…. Lol but that couldn’t be any more true!!

Yay!!! Glad you enjoyed it even more than the others 🙂


This list makes me happy! Im an excel spreadhseet list make and this is perfect for a base to customize. Thanks!

Glad you like it! enjoy 🙂

Julie Knowles

So in going through the Ultimate Packing List (thank you for this by the way), I have a question about the clothes the traveler is wearing! I assume that’s included in the 10 items, but per the packing list, they are packed in something. You don’t get an extra set of clothes on top of the 10 items, right?? 🙂

For my Russia packing list (pre-UPL), I listed out all the items and then listed what was going in my suitcase, what in my backpack and then finally, what I was wearing! 😀

Great job for your trip to Russia Julie! That’s right, no extra clothes for travel – they are included in the ten items. However, ten is a good number to use as a guideline but it’s okay to go up or down a few items, too 😉

Gayle Arebalo

Hi, this is so helpful for me so I do not forget anything. The older I get and the more I travel, forgetting something seems to happen far too often. But not any longer!

Glad you like it Gayle!

Nadja Jackson

I have been using these packing lists this Spring and Summer and they have totally changed the way I plan and pack for a trip! I love being able to customize it. The main thing this did was make me think about WHERE I wanted to put everything. I then also added a little “how many times I wore it/used it” column so I could analyze at the end as well and start planning for the next trip. Thank you so much for these organizers!

Wow that’s a great idea, good job Nadja!

So excited to use this packing list for my three big trips next year: mediterranean cruise, Machu Picchu and Cairo/Nile Cruise/Jordan!!

AMAZING destinations!


Great packing list post, we just spent 4 weeks in Alaska and now we are off to FiJi. Your packing list is a huge help.

That’s awesome David, thanks!

Valerie - Trusted Travel Girl

Great post! This is very helpful for people who need help on what to pack!

Thanks Valerie!

Isabelle Rowsey

Please email completed packing lists! Thank you

Hi Isabelle, they are on the way towards your inbox right now!

Megan K

Thank you for making this packing list editable! I’m particularly loving the “How to Pack It” column, which is missing on so many other lists. It really helps me figure out which packing cubes/organizers to use, how to place it in my bag and also to mentally include clothing I’ll wear while traveling.

Thanks Megan! Glad you liked the “How to Pack It” column 🙂


Excellent packing list!! This will be very useful for me!

Thanks Helene!

Thanks Helene! Glad you’ve found it helpful 🙂


Right now I am packing for my trip to Italy and I am using only your list. It is amazing. For the first time I feel that I do not overpack, that I have everything what I really need, and that I won’t forget any stuff. Your blog has changed completety the way I pack. Thank you 🙂 xoxoxo

Yay! That’s great to hear, thank you Justine!


Great post! One question: Do the clothing lists include items you’re wearing, or just what’s in your bag? Also, I always bring dental floss; in addition to keeping my gums healthy, it’s awesome for sewing!

They include all clothes including what you wear on a flight 😉 Dental floss is a good add!


Perfect timing for my trip to Europe next month. Thanks!

Glad you like it Kim!


Wonderful, detailed list. I recommend your site to anyone asking about travel and packing light. Especially friends who want to travel and still look fashionable!

Thank you Kim 🙂

Heather Cozad Staley

This is so comprehensive! I plan on referencing this next time I travel. Thank you for the breakdown.

Yay! Glad you like it Heather 🙂

Brandie Back

I am going to Italy in October and I am so excited to find this blog at I have been stressing about what to pack. Now, I have a detailed list to follow and I couldn’t be more happy! Thank you TFG!

Barb K

Love it! You thought of everything! Will use this on my next trip (instead of recreating a new list which I seem to always do). Thanks!

Yay!!!! Glad you like it ?

Brooke H

Love having all of this info in one post! Thanks for the tips!


While I enjoy all your posts, this one is SERIOUSLY the best I’ve seen on your site – or any site, for that matter! Thanks so much for gathering this all together for your readers. You’ve thought of everything!!!

Koni Briggs

Ah-maz-ing! Just what I needed!!!

Brittany Baugher

There’s a lot of different types of products that need to be stored during travel, but finding those emergency items is what’s important when you’re out there all prepared! These print-out lists are exactly what I’ve been using for myself since high school, & for nostalgia sake, that original template I put together & taped over to “laminate” it, is still there slipped behind the zippered space in my overall bathroom bag. Thanks for sharing your process! It seems like a lot of work that many individuals have appreciated finding!!

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4 days trip packing list

CheckandPack Blog

4-Day Holiday Packing List

Planning a 4-day holiday can be an exciting and enjoyable experience. However, when it comes to packing, it’s common to feel uncertain about what to bring. That’s why we’ve compiled this handy article to assist you in creating the perfect packing list for your 4-day vacation. Whether going on a beach trip, exploring a new city, or embarking on a hiking adventure, having a well-thought-out packing list will ensure you have everything you need without any unnecessary items weighing you down.

It’s important to balance bringing enough essentials and avoiding overpacking. By following this article’s packing list, you’ll be able to enjoy your 4-day holiday without worrying about missing any essentials. Pack smart, choose versatile clothing, and bring only what you need. With a well-prepared suitcase, you can focus on making memories and having an incredible time on your well-deserved vacation. So, let’s start creating the perfect packing list for your upcoming 4-day holiday!

What To Pack For A 4-Day Trip

Clothing .

4-Day Holiday Packing List

When it comes to clothing for your 4-day holiday, it’s important to have a well-rounded selection that meets your needs. Start with versatile tops that can be easily paired with different bottoms. This can include t-shirts, blouses, or shirts in various styles and colours. You can create different outfits without overpacking by having a mix of options.

For starters, consider the activities and weather at your destination. Pack pants, shorts, or skirts suitable for what you plan to partake in and the climate you’ll be in. Opt for comfortable, lightweight bottoms if you anticipate extensive walking or hiking. Additionally, remember to pack enough underwear and socks for each day of your vacation, plus a few extras in case of unexpected circumstances or changes in plans.

Having comfortable sleepwear is essential for a good night’s rest. Bring pyjamas or sleepwear to relax and unwind after a long day of exploration. If your holiday includes visiting the beach or pool, pack your swimsuit even if you’re still contemplating if you’ll be swimming. Consider the weather forecast and bring a light jacket or sweater for cooler evenings or unexpected temperature changes. This way, you’ll stay comfortable and prepared throughout your 4-day holiday.

4-Day Holiday Packing List

Toiletries are essential to your 4-day holiday packing list to ensure personal hygiene and self-care. Start with the basics: a toothbrush and toothpaste for maintaining oral hygiene. Pack travel-sized bottles of shampoo and conditioner to keep your hair clean and refreshed during your trip. Similarly, bring a soap or body wash to keep you clean and smelling fresh.

Personal care extends to hygiene and grooming products. Remember to pack deodorant to stay fresh throughout the day. Bring a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated, especially when visiting a destination with dry or harsh weather conditions. If you use a razor, include it in your toiletry bag.

Consider your personal grooming needs and pack a hairbrush or comb to keep your hair neat and styled. If you use makeup and cosmetics, bring your essentials, such as foundation, mascara, or lipstick. Tailor your choices to what you usually use every day. For individuals who require feminine hygiene products, include them in your toiletries.

By packing these toiletries, you can maintain your hygiene, feel refreshed, and care for your grooming needs during your 4-day holiday. Remember to choose travel-sized products or transfer them into smaller containers to comply with airline regulations and save space in your luggage.

4-Day Holiday Packing List

Footwear is an important consideration when packing for your 4-day holiday. Choosing shoes that provide comfort and versatility for different activities and occasions is crucial. Start by packing a pair of comfortable walking shoes, such as sneakers or sandals, that offer proper support and cushioning. These shoes are essential for exploring your destination and walking long distances comfortably. Make sure they suit the terrain, whether city streets, hiking trails, or sandy beaches.

Additionally, it’s wise to bring a pair of casual shoes that can be dressed either up or down, depending on the occasion. These shoes are versatile enough to complement both daytime and evening outfits. Look for comfortable yet stylish styles to easily transition from day tours to dinner outings without packing multiple pairs of shoes. Packing comfortable walking shoes and versatile casual shoes will prepare you for various activities and ensure your feet stay comfortable throughout your 4-day holiday.

Medications and First Aid

4-Day Holiday Packing List

Regarding medications and first aid, it’s essential to be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances during your 4-day holiday. Start by ensuring you have an ample supply of any prescription medications you take regularly. Packing enough to cover the duration of your trip and a few extra days because of any unexpected delays is important. Please place them in a secure container or pill organizer to keep them organized and easily accessible.

In addition to prescription medications, consider including over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. These can come in handy for minor aches, headaches, or any discomfort you may experience during your trip. Remember to pack some basic first aid supplies to address minor injuries. Include band-aids for small cuts or blisters and antiseptic ointment to prevent infection. 

Remember to bring any necessary medications or treatments for specific medical conditions or allergies. This includes allergy medications for seasonal allergies or any other medications for conditions such as asthma or motion sickness. By being prepared with the right drugs and first aid supplies, you can address minor health issues and have peace of mind during your 4-day holiday.

Electronics and Accessories

4-Day Holiday Packing List

Electronics and accessories are essential for staying connected, capturing memories, and enjoying entertainment during your 4-day holiday. First and foremost, pack your phone and charger to stay in touch with people and access important information. It’s also an excellent tool for navigation, local recommendations, and capturing photos or videos.

If you’re enthusiastic about photography or documenting your trip, consider bringing a camera or video recorder to capture high-quality images and videos. This allows you to preserve special moments and create lasting memories. Bring a power bank to ensure your devices stay powered throughout the day. This portable charger is handy for recharging your phone or other electronic devices, especially when you’re away from power sources for an extended duration.

Remember to pack a pair of headphones for personal entertainment, whether you’re listening to music, watching videos, or enjoying audio-guided tours. If travelling internationally, check if you need adapters to charge your devices in the destination country. Adapters ensure your plugs fit into foreign electrical outlets, allowing you to set your electronics seamlessly. By packing these electronics and accessories, you’ll have the means to capture memories, stay connected, and enjoy entertainment throughout your 4-day holiday. Remember to keep them secure and organized within your luggage to prevent damage or loss.

Other Items

Several other items are important to include in your 4-day holiday packing list. Firstly, ensure you have all your essential travel documents, including your ID, passport, travel tickets, and accommodation details. These documents are crucial for identification, boarding flights, and checking your accommodations.

Remember to bring your wallet with sufficient cash, credit cards, and any necessary travel insurance information. Access to money and insurance details ensures smooth transactions and peace of mind during your trip.

For longer trips, consider packing travel-sized laundry detergent. This allows you to do laundry if necessary, ensuring your clothes stay fresh and clean throughout your vacation.

A reusable water bottle is handy, allowing you to stay hydrated while minimizing plastic waste. Fill it up whenever you can access clean water to stay refreshed during your travels.

To keep hunger at bay during the journey, pack snacks or food items that are easy to carry and won’t spoil quickly. Keeping a few snacks readily available can assist in curbing hunger pangs and keep you energized.

Lastly, consider bringing entertainment items to keep yourself occupied during downtime. Whether a book, magazine, or mobile game, having something to enjoy during transportation or leisure moments can make your 4-day holiday even more enjoyable. Including these other items in your packing list ensures you have the necessary documentation, essential items, and entertainment to make your 4-day holiday comfortable and hassle-free.

Creating a 4-day holiday packing list is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable trip. You can ensure you have everything you need without overpacking by carefully considering each category, including clothing, toiletries, footwear, medications, electronics, and other essential items. Pack versatile clothing options, basic toiletries, comfortable footwear, necessary medications, and electronics for entertainment. Remember crucial travel documents, cash, and snacks to keep you fueled during the journey. With a comprehensive packing list, you can feel confident and prepared, allowing you to make the most of your 4-day holiday and create lasting memories.

CheckandPack Blog

A Packing List Just for You

CheckandPack creates a unique and accurate packing list for each traveler. We use location-based data insights to help you customize a checklist that matches your destination.

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The Ultimate Long-trip Packing List

Here’s all the clothing, gear, and accessories you need for your next extended getaway.

4 days trip packing list

Packing Checklist for a Long Trip

Clothing and shoes, accessories.

  • Why Trust T+L

Travel & Leisure / David Hattan

I spent one year living out of a carry-on suitcase, and if it taught me anything, it’s that I don’t need much else. As a lifelong hoarder — the kind who keeps a stash of shells from beach walks and boxes of boarding pass stubs from every flight I’ve ever taken — it’s been immensely liberating to learn that everything I need to go from a beachy Maldives getaway to hiking Sicily’s Mount Etna and working the grape harvest in France can all fit in a carry-on suitcase. 

Packing for an extended trip looks very different from packing for a business trip or weeklong vacation. You’ll need to consider the various destinations and climates you’ll encounter along the way, plus what essentials you won’t be able to get elsewhere (think: prescription medications or your go-to skincare products). 

While it pays to be prepared, you typically can buy or borrow most things you’d need wherever you’re off to, so don’t stress over items you think won’t get much use. The goal is to travel as light as possible, making sure every item in your suitcase serves multiple functions and is generally neutral in color to maximize all mix-and-match outfit potential.

Here, I’ve rounded up the fruits of all my packing trials and errors, along with some tips and picks tested by Travel + Leisure editors for what to bring along on your next extended trip. The products that made this list are those that we have found, tested, and rated highly in the T+L lab and in real-world tests, in addition to other products we chose based on in-depth research. Beyond these pieces, remember to always include your general travel essentials, like a passport and any necessary visas or vaccination cards. 

One of the easiest hacks for becoming a better packer is to make a list of everything you need and want for your trip — then to nix about half of your wants. You’ll be shocked by how little you’ll miss them when you’re chasing a new adventure every day, but you’ll be grateful to have your essentials on hand in unfamiliar places. The list also makes for a handy reference point for all future travels (it’s a good idea to edit it after a trip, when it’s fresh in your mind which pieces got the most use and which never came out of your suitcase), and it helps ensure you won’t forget anything when repacking. 

Read on for everything you need to pack for an extended trip, and learn more about each recommendation below.

  • Best Lightweight Jacket: Patagonia Nano Puff Jacket
  • Best Travel Outfit: Reformation Rou Knit Dress
  • Best Travel Pants: Everlane the Easy Pant
  • Best Sneakers: On Cloud 5 Women's Running Shoe
  • Best Travel Sandals: Sandalup Elastic Flat Sandals
  • Best Comfy Boots: Blondo Danika Waterproof Bootie
  • Best Steamer: Steamery Cirrus 3 Iron Steamer
  • Best Camera: Sony ZV-1 
  • Best Wash Bag: Scrubba Portable Wash Bag
  • Best Reusable Water Bottle: Thermoflask Double Stainless Steel Insulated Water Bottle With Two Lids
  • Best Hotspot Router: GlocalMe G4 Pro 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot 
  • Best E-reader: Amazon All New Kindle (2022)
  • Best Packing Cube Set: Gonex Compression Packing Cubes
  • Best Toiletry Bag: Away Large Toiletry Bag
  • Best Travel Tote: Longchamp Le Pliage Original  
  • Best Daily Sunscreen: Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen

When packing for a longer trip, focus on lightweight, versatile pieces. Once your list is written out, you’ll be able to see that some items may be superfluous and could be replaced by a piece that does double duty (think swapping short-sleeve and long-sleeve shirts for one shirt with sleeves you can roll up or taking an oversized scarf that also works as a shawl and a swimsuit cover-up that doubles as a picnic blanket instead of a single-use sweater). Shoes should be multi-functional as well, ideally able to take you from a day of sight-seeing to a night on the town. I always opt for neutral pieces that I can layer easily — ideally in quick-drying materials. To keep footwear to the essentials, I limit myself to one pair of sneakers, sandals that take me from day to night, and flip-flops that double as shower shoes. 

Best Lightweight Jacket

Patagonia women's nano puff jacket.

Hyper-lightweight and easy to pack into its own pocket, Patagonia’s Nano Puff Jacket easily earned top marks when T+L editors tested 19 packable jackets for women . The minimalist puffer, which is made from recycled materials and comes in seven hues, weighs just 10 ounces, making it an absolutely essential layer for travelers. Despite its sleek profile, it’s packed with 60 grams of PrimaLoft Gold Insulation Eco, which will keep you warm in shoulder seasons or in cold airplane cabins. It’s also slim enough to layer over or under other items, making it a versatile addition to your year-round wardrobe. During testing, we loved how subtle the packing pocket is — it’s hidden beside the chest zipper — and we found it simple and straightforward to stuff the jacket inside the handy pocket. There’s even a loop on it to hook onto a carabiner or to hang it up. 

This jacket would be even better if it also included a hood. Otherwise, it features a range of travel-friendly features that they found incredibly useful, from zippered pockets to keep your hands warm to elasticized cuffs and an adjustable hem that help keep wind and cold weather out. 

Travel + Leisure / Sabrina Weiss

Best Travel Outfit

Reformation rou knit dress.


This swishy Reformation dress is my go-to for every longhaul flight or train ride. It feels like wearing pajamas but looks incredibly pulled-together, making it easy to head straight from the airport to exploring my next destination. The material is ultra lightweight and cozy and has stood the test of time over the past few years, keeping me company in all sorts of climates as it’s summery on its own but layers well under a chunky sweater. Even if you’re not a dress person, this will change your mind. 

Best Travel Pants

Everlane the easy pant.

Looking for a versatile pair of pants that can take you from the airport to a day of sightseeing and dinner with friends? The Easy Pant from Everlane has got you covered. Made from substantial and soft cotton twill with just a touch of elastane, these breathable straight-leg pants are made to move with you. While they’re not adjustable at the waist, we love the pull-on style, and the fact that there’s no drawstring allows you to easily dress these up or down for any occasion. 

These were part of a T+L lab test for best travel pants, and we found them incredibly comfortable and easy to style. The pants never felt tight or constricting. Out of the 40 pairs of travel pants tested , these were our favorite lightweight pick. We also loved the many features, including four deep pockets, a soft elastic waistband, and the ease of cleaning. When we tossed these in the wash during testing, we were delighted to see there was no pilling on the pants whatsoever afterward. 

Best Sneakers

On cloud 5 women's running shoe.

Made from recycled polyester that’s both antimicrobial and breathable, these sneakers from On are a game changer for travelers. Their lightweight construction makes them perfect for smushing into your suitcase and wandering around a new city, and the bungee-style laces are a dream for slipping these on-and-off at TSA. Out of 41 pairs of walking shoes tested by T+L , these were one of the favorites thanks to their CloudTec Zero-Gravity foam that infuses some pep in every step. One of our editors wore them through the airport on long-haul travel days and found that their feet were less inflamed and tired than usual at the end of the day. We were impressed by the amount of arch support and the molded heel design, which helps keep feet secure while still allowing plenty of flexibility. 

While these are our favorite all-purpose sneakers, if you need dedicated running shoes, consider a pair of fashionable yet-functional black Nikes that you can wear for working out and walking around during the day.

Travel + Leisure / Ashleigh Morley

Best Travel Sandals

Sandalup elastic flat sandals.

Top-notch travel sandals shouldn’t take up much space in your suitcase and should be versatile enough to mix and match with most everything you’ve packed. The Sandalup Elastic Flat Sandals earned top pick in T+L testing for the most comfortable sandals out of 50 pairs. They require minimal space when you pack them together and are available in a bevy of vibrant hues to suit your personal style. While the sandals are relatively thin and lacking arch support, they’re still noticeably comfortable — we found them easy to walk in for hours at a time and never noticed our feet getting overheated or sweaty even in the Florida heat. Best of all, the elastic straps adjust immediately to your foot, so there’s no need to break them in. The lack of a buckle or tie to fuss over makes this a boon for travelers in need of a low-maintenance, polished, and budget-friendly sandal. 

Best Comfy Boots

Blondo danika waterproof bootie.

We put these boots to the ultimate test as one T+L editor brought them along as the only pair of shoes for a week-long sightseeing trip in Eastern Canada. The risk paid off: our editor found them comfortable enough to wear right out of the box, and they felt broken-in immediately as they navigated the cobbled streets of Quebec City and Montreal. We found that they’re best paired with taller socks to prevent socks from slipping down, and we loved the convenience of their pull-on design, made even easier by the elastic gusset and handy pull tab on the back. Plus, they’re water-resistant! As far as rain boots go, these are some of the chicest we’ve seen — and we tested 28 pairs of comfy boots . We found them versatile enough to throw on with jeans and your favorite band T-shirt or with a dress for a more evening-appropriate look. 

Beyond clothing and shoes, there’s some great travel gear that will serve you well on longer trips, from reusable water bottles to portable steamers. The key is to keep things lightweight. Decide what’s easier to bring versus buying on arrival. In most destinations, you’ll be able to purchase, rent, or borrow whatever you may need, but if you’re heading somewhere more remote, make sure to keep these essentials in your carry-on.  

Best Steamer

Steamery cirrus 3 travel steamer.

Carrying a portable steamer has been a game changer in my travels. Living out of a suitcase means my clothes are semi-permanently wrinkled, and being able to steam them in seconds ensures I look more put together than I really am. Steamery’s Cirrus 3 Iron Steamer also reduces odors and kills bacteria, which helps me get by on fewer washes with certain items. While it’s not the cheapest option on the market, it certainly beats the cost of pressing your clothes at hotels over time, and it’s lightweight enough (1.7 pounds) to be a worthwhile addition to any carry-on.

Best Camera

Sony zv-1 digital camera.

A good camera is a traveler’s best friend, whatever the length of your trip. But the longer the journey, the happier you’ll be to have one that’s lightweight and easily packable — and one that is capable of capturing the highlights of your trip. Sony’s ZV-1 is designed for digital content creators and is ultra user-friendly, with top-tier video capability, 3x optical zoom, and a flip-out LCD screen that helps ensure you get the best selfies every time. 

Best Wash Bag

Scrubba portable wash bag.

Why sit around a laundromat when you could be out exploring a new city? While you might luck out with a vacation rental that has a washing machine and dryer, knowing that you can clean your clothes wherever you are offers peace of mind when you’re trying to limit how much you pack. Scrubba’s portable wash bag takes up next-to-no space in my suitcase, weighs just 5.3 ounces, and is perfect for cleaning small-to-medium loads. The patented washboard-in-a-bag technology helps rub stains out of clothes in 1-2 minutes. The best part is that you can also use it as a laundry bag when it’s dry. 

Best Reusable Water Bottle

Thermoflask double wall vacuum insulated stainless steel water bottle.

The Thermoflask Double Stainless Steel Insulated Water Bottle will keep you hydrated on the go, whether you’re sightseeing, working remotely , or on a longhaul flight. At just 1.1 pounds, the 18-ounce model is easy to tote around thanks to its comfortable grip and convenient carrying handle, and the vacuum-insulated, stainless steel coating keeps beverages cold for 24 hours or hot for 12 hours. This was our best overall pick out of the 26 reusable water bottles we tested — we found that this one was the most durable and convenient to use. We love that it comes with two different lid styles: the chug cap is perfect for travelers looking to sip on the go, plus it’s leakproof, so there’s no need to stress if you need to throw it in your bag, and there’s also a straw lid that delivers a steady flow if that’s your ideal sipping style. 

Travel + Leisure / Conor Ralph

Best Hotspot Router

Glocalme g4 pro 4g lte mobile hotspot.

This mobile hotspot is a must for digital nomads and is helpful for anyone who needs stronger internet connectivity in more far-flung destinations. The GlocalMe G4 Pro 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot has a sleek, streamlined design and a proprietary Cloud SIM technology, which allows you to choose pay-as-you-go internet packages in 144 countries around the globe and connect up to 10 devices. The best part? The hotspot comes with one free gigabyte of international data, which you can use over the course of three months.

Best E-reader

Amazon kindle paperwhite.

As someone who spent years packing my personal item with books that I barely made a dent in, carrying an e-reader has helped to lighten my load and allows me more freedom of choice when it comes to picking out what I want to read, when I want to read it. Amazon’s 2023 edition is super compact — just 6.9 by 4.9 inches and 7.23 ounces — making it easy to slip into your purse. T+L editors love this model for its waterproof design and easy-to-read, 6.8-inch display. 

Handy travel accessories like compression packing cubes and toiletry bags are great for staying organized on longer journeys, helping you to condense and keep track of your belongings at a glance. Packing a foldable, multipurpose tote not only serves you well on day trips, you can also slip it into another bag in case you do a little too much shopping on the go. These are some of my favorite accessories for longer trips.

Best Packing Cubes

Gonex compression packing cubes.

This set of four packing cubes is essential for travelers looking to save space in their suitcase and stay organized on a longer journey by compressing their clothing into individual cubes. T+L editors named Gonex’s Compression Packing Cubes the best overall packing cube out of 23 tested thanks to its sturdy zippers, water-repellent nylon exterior, and resistance to tearing when overstuffed. The packing cubes come in four sizes: extra-large (17.3 x 13 x 3.54 inches), large (14.5 x 10.6 x 3.54 inches), medium (11.8 x 8.9 x 3.54 inches), and small (9.8 x 7.5 x 3.54 inches) to pack anything you need.

Travel + Leisure / Vicky Wasik

Best Toiletry Bag

Away large toiletry bag.

Away’s Large Toiletry Bag holds more than it looks like it would and has ample organizational features to help you keep track of all your travel essentials, from haircare products and makeup to cotton swabs. T+L editors managed to pack in makeup brushes, foundation, a compact mirror, and several toiletries with room to spare during testing, in turn ultimately voting this the best overall toiletry bag of the year. There’s a sleek exterior zip pocket to allow you easy access to your must-haves, plus several interior compartments, including a zippered pouch; two mesh linings; and a clear, cosmetic-style bag. The bag’s water-resistant nylon exterior is smooth to the touch, while the wipeable material that coats the inside helps to prevent dreaded spills. 

Travel + Leisure / Tamara Staples

Longchamp Large Le Pliage Tote

There’s no better foldable bag to keep in your luggage than an iconic Longchamp Le Pliage. I’ve tried everything from tote bags to squishable duffel bags and always come back to this classic for its durability, chic design, near-weightlessness (10 ounces for the large; 7.7 ounces for the medium ), and its two handy internal storage pockets. The bag sits at the bottom of my suitcase in case I overdo it on souvenirs and need extra space, or if I need a place to store a few days worth of clothes but don’t feel like lugging my luggage around on a weekend trip. I’m not alone in my obsession — T+L surveyed its team members, and six different people claimed it as their favorite lightweight travel tote thanks to the bag’s portability, sleek style, and built-to-last design. 

Best Daily Sunscreen

Supergoop unseen sunscreen spf 40.

A good go-to sunscreen is crucial for everyday skin protection, especially when you’re changing climates and might be traveling in destinations where the sun is stronger than you’re used to. Supergoop’s cult-favorite Unseen Sunscreen is velvety smooth and absorbs instantly, without leaving any sticky residue. It’s scentless, chemical-free, and boasts broad-spectrum SPF 40 to help protect your face from sun damage. It earned a spot as the best unscented sunscreen out of 24 face sunscreens tested by T+L for its lightweight and pleasant consistency, as well as its lack of white cast. 

Travel + Leisure / Jhett Thompson

Frequently Asked Questions

While the amount of clothing you bring will depend on whether you’re carrying on or checking a bag, a good rule of thumb is to pack one week’s worth of clothing and plan to do laundry. A baseline checklist might include four tops, three bottoms, three pairs of shoes (make sure to have a variety for different activities like sneakers, sandals, and hiking boots), a week’s worth of underwear and socks, plus a hat. From there, adjust to your own needs — maybe swapping a top and bottom for a dress, or adding in one or two workout outfits. Your packing list will also depend on where you’re traveling to and what activities you plan on doing there.

On shorter trips, when you’re less likely to be experiencing major climate swings, you can ditch some of your layers at home. For longer travel, layering is the most crucial thing to keep in mind while packing so that you can jet from place to place without worrying if you have weather-appropriate clothing. Lightweight jackets, scarves, rollable T-shirts, and loose-fitting pants are great pieces that can carry you through all sorts of scenarios on a trip that lasts longer than two weeks. 

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

Sophie Dodd is a T+L contributor with extensive commerce writing experience. As a freelance travel writer, she takes several extended trips throughout the year, and is well-versed in what it takes to pack for a variety of different adventures. Sophie relied on her personal experience as well as testing insights from our editors, who tried out dozens of products in the T+L lab and during their own travels in order to narrow down the best clothing, gear, and accessories worth packing for a long trip. 

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What you should pack on your 4-day trip.

You must bring 1 suitcase + 1 optional carry-on item such as a backpack/purse.

Keep in mind that the airlines charge a fee for a checked bag, each direction.  Carry-on suitcases must meet TSA size restrictions. Alaska, American, Delta, Hawaiian, and United $30.00 - $40.00 for one checked bag up to 50lbs. Southwest: Free checked bag.

Make sure your checked suitcase weighs less than 50lbs. One checked bag up to 50lbs or you may be charged an oversize fee.


Prescription liquid medications, pills, drops, pastes, powders, creams and salves should be packed in a separate zip lock bag including the prescription label and MUST be put in your carry-on bag. Nonprescription liquids must be less than 3oz per bottle if put in your carry-on bag. This includes sunscreen & toothpaste!  

Non-prescription medications, pills, drops, pastes, powders, creams and salves can be packed in your checked bag with directions for use.  

If your traveler uses a C-Pap: Please pack distilled water in their checked bag. If you prefer, they can purchase bottled water (only) at the destination.  

Make sure your traveler is dressed to go through security smoothly.   Avoid complicated shoes, belts, wallet chains, jewelry, multiple layers of clothes, and pockets filled with change.  We want the airport security process to be as smooth and stress-free as possible for the traveler.  

Transportation of Hazardous Materials: Federal law forbids the carriage of hazardous material aboard the aircraft, in your luggage, or on your person.  A violation can result in 5 years imprisonment and penalties of $250,000 or more (49 U.S.C 5124). Hazardous materials include explosives, compressed gases, flammable liquids and solids, oxidizers, poisons, corrosives and radioactive materials. Forbidden Dangerous Items Examples: Paints, lighter fluid, fireworks, tear gases, oxygen bottles and radiopharmaceuticals. There are special exceptions for small quantities (up to 70 ounces total) of medicinal and toilet articles carried in your luggage and certain smoking materials carried on your person.  Note: Spare batteries and fuel cells are not permitted in checked or hold baggage. These items MUST be packed in carry-on baggage. If your carry-on bag is gate checked, the spare batteries and fuel cells must be removed and carried in the cabin.


1 Jacket or Sweatshirt

1 Hat (sunny days)

1 Pairs of Comfortable Walking Shoes

2-3 Pairs of Shorts/Long Pants

1 Pair Pajamas

3 Pairs of Socks

3 Pairs of Underwear

Sunglasses (optional)

Sunscreen spray (30+ SPF)

Toothbrush/toothpaste (travel size)


Shaving Essentials (men)

Sanitary supplies (woman)

Face masks (to be used in any required places)

Water Bottle (optional)

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4 days trip packing list

The Ultimate Weekend Packing List

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The Editors

We are the editors of SmarterTravel! Together we have appeared in countless travel publications including ABC News, Huffington Post, Travel + Leisure, USA Today, and more. We dedicate our days to creating and producing expert travel content, including packing tips, general travel advice, destination inspiration, and helpful videos. Follow us across social media on YouTube , Pinterest , Facebook , Instagram , and Twitter or drop us a line to say hi at [email protected]!

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When it comes to packing for a weekend trip, the contents of your suitcase (or backpack/duffel, if you’re flying Spirit ) will depend on what you’re doing. But whether it’s a ski trip, a wedding, a thrilling outdoor adventure, or a beach getaway that dictates you pack mostly bathing suits, you’ll want to consult a list of all the items you could possibly want in your arsenal, and narrow it down accordingly.

Some things you can leave off your weekend packing list, however. This includes any toiletries you could go a couple of days without, especially in lieu of whatever the hotel has: shower toiletries and hair-styling tools included. Can you use the hotel blow dryer instead of your own? Probably. Can you go even further by forgoing shaving supplies for a couple of days? Not a bad idea—but it’s ultimately up to you, and what you will need once you’re in the destination.

Here’s what to think about bringing for your weekend getaway, and what to leave in order not to overpack, from toiletries to gadgets and beach necessities.

What to Pack for a Weekend Trip

Think about what you’re going to actually be doing and plan outfits for each day to narrow down your clothing needs. You can do the same with toiletries, electronics, and essentials: What will your few days away actually demand? Only bring those things.

Toiletries packing list

Items that you might usually bring but can forget about for a few days include a first-aid kit, shaving supplies, your full-size makeup bag (maybe just put the essentials into a smaller sleeve ) or bulky shaving kit, and the unnecessary bathroom items that you can get for free at the hotel, like moisturizer, shampoo, conditioner, and a comb.

Aftersun/aloe and bug spray might also not be necessary—or could be available on-site wherever you’re staying. Because most weekend trips aren’t international, we’ve left off most medications and similar over-the-counter items you can easily buy if you end up needing them.

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Hair-styling products
  • Glasses and/or contact lenses/solution
  • Makeup/makeup remover/any other face necessities
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Medicines/birth control/vitamins you need daily
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Sunscreen/lip balm with SPF
  • Disposable wipes


Shop Our Toiletries Packing List

Beach Gear  

Beach Gear packing list

If you’re taking a beach trip, the packing gods rejoice: Most necessities are small and worth throwing in your bag. Just forget the bulky items like a beach umbrella, beach chairs, snorkel gear, and floatation devices (what hotel doesn’t have these nowadays?). Don’t bother with coolers or beach safes unless you’re driving, and towels can also probably be found at the resort. The only few things left to consider are:  

  • Waterproof phone case
  • Portable speaker
  • Bathing suits
  • Sandals/flip-flops
  • Collapsible beach bag

Shop Our Beach Packing List on Amazon


Clothes/Accessories packing list

If you’re not planning on heading to the gym, forget the athletic shoes and workout gear and walk everywhere instead. In fact, try to narrow your shoes down to one pair that you can wear the whole time. Leave behind pricey jewelry you might lose and won’t need for a few days. But don’t skimp on clothes, and ones you love to wear—you’ll want to be comfortable so you can focus on the destination. It’s unlikely you need all of the following, but here’s what to consider:  

  • One pair of versatile, casual shoes
  • Undershirts/bras
  • Jeans/pants
  • Dresses/skirts
  • Light jacket/sweater
  • Small purse/clutch
  • Athletic shoes
  • Workout gear

Shop Our Clothing Essentials Packing List

Travel Essentials

Travel Essentials packing list

Every trip demands a reusable water bottle and some snacks for the road, but you can probably leave behind longer-trip necessities like a laptop, emergency contacts, and an itinerary (or just keep the latter info in your phone).

  • Water bottle
  • Passport/ID
  • Credit cards

Shop Our Carry-On Essentials List


Electronics packing list

Aside from the usual phone, chargers, and maybe a small tablet for reading, go light on the electronics for a few days—you don’t have too much time to explore, after all. But if you’re flying with strict weight limits, as most weekend-getaway flights are basic-economy, you might also want to stash a portable luggage scale in your bag.

  • Kindle/tablet
  • Electronic chargers
  • Headphones or earbuds
  • Portable luggage scale

Shop Our Packable Travel Gadgets List

Other Weekend Getaway Packing Tips

What’s Essential: If you only leave the house with a tote bag’s worth of things, they should be your wallet (ID, cards, maybe some cash), whatever toiletries you require (medications, toothbrush/toothpaste, and makeup and/or face and hair creams you need daily), and a handful of versatile clothing items you love to wear. All of those things can fit into a pretty small amount of space, basic-economy restrictions be damned.

Secret Weapon: Packing cubes that are on the smaller side can help compress everything you need and organize it by type. Also, consider that you’re probably allowed both a carry-on bag and a personal item—which makes a roomy personal item bag a great hack for getting more onto the plane.

Leave at Home: When it comes to a three- to four-day weekend, no one needs half the stuff they pack into their suitcase for a usual longer trip. Step away from the large electronics, any unnecessary creams or gels (the hotel or rental’s will probably suffice for the few days), outfits you’ve never worn before, and pairs of shoes that are questionable when it comes to comfort.

More from SmarterTravel:

  • Packing for Europe: 8 Items You Should Leave at Home
  • The Ultimate Packing List
  • The Essential International Packing List

We hand-pick everything we recommend and select items through testing and reviews. Some products are sent to us free of charge with no incentive to offer a favorable review. We offer our unbiased opinions and do not accept compensation to review products. All items are in stock and prices are accurate at the time of publication. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission.

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The Ultimate Travel Packing Checklist for 2024 and the Best Vacation Packing Tips (Printable)

Ultimate Travel Packing List

Before taking a vacation, it’s a good idea plan. In addition to planning your itinerary, you also need to figure out what you will pack. Taking the time to sort out what you need to bring before you leave is an excellent way to prepare well for your trip. If you haven’t traveled in a while or you feel like you’re always missing essential items when you travel, this travel packing guide may help. Are you taking a trip soon? Here’s what you need to know before you pack for your next trip or vacation.

Table of Contents

What to Consider Before You Pack

Before you begin packing, it’s best to think more about the trip you will be taking. After all, not all trips are the same, and some trips may require different items.

Here are some things to consider:

  • What bags to bring: Your travel plans and airline’s baggage policy may dictate what bags you bring. Knowing what bags you plan to bring before you begin packing is a must. That way, you can strategize and not overpack based on the luggage space available. 
  • Number of travel days: You want to have plenty of clothes and essentials for your entire trip. Make sure that you pack plenty of items for the number of days you plan to travel. If you’re staying in a home rental with laundry facilities, you may be able to pack less and do laundry during your trip. If you prefer to pack light, check to see if you’ll have access to laundry facilities or if there is a laundromat near your accommodation. 
  • The weather situation: You want to make sure that you pack clothes that will be comfortable for the weather. Check the expected temperature, see if there will be rain or snow, and let this information guide you when packing. If you don’t pack appropriate clothing and gear, you may have to spend money when you arrive or risk being very uncomfortable. If you have room, bring a compact umbrella.
  • The type of trip you plan to have: Your planned activities and travel style will also dictate what you need to pack. If you’re all about comfort and hope to lounge around a lot, you may not need to pack many dress clothes. If you’re an adventure seeker who plans to participate in recreational activities, athletic attire and appropriate shoes are necessary. 
  • What you can buy at your destination: Some items may make more sense to buy at your destination. For example, if you’re only bringing a carry-on bag, you might decide to buy a bottle of full-size sunscreen after you arrive. When creating your packing list, note items that you can easily buy at your destination to avoid wasting space.

The Vacationer Tip

Review your airline’s baggage policies before packing. Here are polices for some of the top airlines.

– American Airlines Baggage Policy – Delta Air Lines Baggage Policy – Spirit Airlines Baggage Policy – United Airlines Baggage Policy

How to Decide Which Items to Put in Which Bags

When it comes time to pack for your trip, take some time to think about which bag each item will go in; for example, if you’re planning to check luggage, some things may make more sense to go in your checked bag rather than your carry-on bag. Additionally, some items may not be allowed in your carry-on bag—such as full-sized liquid products.  

If you take any medication or have other essential items that you’re packing, those items should stay close to you—such as in a carry-on bag or personal item, like a backpack or purse. Checked bags may get lost or delayed, and you don’t want to be without essential medications or other necessary items. If you’re packing medications, the TSA recommends they be clearly labeled. 

As you pack your carry-on bag, It’s also a good idea to bring at least one change of clothes with you. If something happens to your checked baggage, you’ll be thankful that you have some clothes to change into after traveling. 

If you’re traveling with a laptop or another electronic device, like an iPad, keep those items in an easy-to-access place (like upfront or in a laptop pocket). These items will need to be removed from your carry-on bag, purse, or backpack during security screening. If they’re not accessible, it will take you longer to get through security, and you’ll hold up the line.

Further Reading: Carry-On Essentials for Flights and Best Carry-On Luggage

Packing Liquids

As you prepare for your trip, don’t forget to consider which liquids you’ll need to bring. If you’re bringing some checked luggage, you’ll need to consider which liquid items will go in your checked bag vs your carry-on luggage. 

If you plan to pack liquids in your carry-on bag, they must be in containers that are 3.4 ounces or less. They also need to fit in one quart-sized resealable bag. If you’re traveling with multiple people, each person can have one quart-sized resealable bag with appropriately sized liquids. Ensure that all containers are sealed well, so you don’t have a mess all over your suitcase and belongings. 

When you go through the security screening process at the airport, you’ll need to remove your bag of liquids and place it in a bin; You do not have to remove your liquids if you have TSA PreCheck or Global Entry . To conserve space, focus on packing liquids that you need. Most hotels and some home rentals provide essentials like shampoo, conditioner, and soap. Before packing, check to see what will be provided at your accommodation.

Packing Shoes

Most people plan to bring more than one pair of shoes when traveling. If you have several pairs of shoes that you want to bring, you may be worried about wasting space. But if you’re strategic, you can pack several shoes and make it work. 

One way to save on space is to use the empty area inside your shoes to your advantage. You can fill your shoes with smaller items such as socks, underwear, and belts. If you’re worried about dirty shoes, put disposable shower caps on the bottoms of your shoes. If you don’t have these, you can use smaller plastic bags to protect your clothes from dirt.

Ideas to Maximize Space

If you’re looking to maximize the space that you have available, you may be wondering how to pack your items to save room. Here are some techniques that may help: 

Packing cubes: Some travelers use packing cubes for their clothing items and accessories. These cubes can help by slightly compressing your items, so they take up a bit less space in your bag. If you’ve never tried packing cubes, it may be worthwhile to give them a chance. 

Rolling instead of folding: Another option to consider is rolling your clothes. This does take time,  but you may find that you’re able to fit more items in your bag this way. Just make sure that you remember to roll your clothes back up when packing up to head home. 

Choose versatile clothing items: You can also save on space by strategically choosing which clothing items you bring. Consider packing versatile clothing items that work well for multiple outfits. As an example, packing clothing with neutral colors is a great idea. You can wear items multiple times without it looking obvious. Doing this will make it easier to mix and match outfits, and you may find that you can pack fewer items. 

Buy some items at your destination: If you only have so much space to work with, buying some things at your destination may be the best bet. Make sure that you consider cost and availability before choosing to do this.

Suggested Vacation Packing List

Having a packing list can help you make sure that everything you need makes it into your suitcase. If you’re forgetful, printing out your list and checking off each item as you pack is recommended. Here’s a suggested packing list to follow as you prepare for your next trip:

Here are our recommended clothing and apparel items to pack.

Shoes and Accessories

Here are our recommended shoes and accessories to pack.

Here are our recommended toiletries to pack.


Here are our recommended miscellaneous items to pack.

Comforts for travel (suggested to pack in personal item)

Here are our recommended comfort items to pack.

Tips for success

With proper planning and good organization, you can ensure that you pack everything that you need for your upcoming trip. The following tips can help you have more success: 

  • Make a packing list and check each item off as you pack . It may seem silly, but this practice can help you avoid forgetting must-have items. You’ll be glad that you have what you need.
  • Start with your must-have items. As you begin to pack, start with essential items. This way, you don’t forget to bring what you truly need. 
  • Keep items packed up. Once you check an item off your list, ensure it stays in your packed bag. If you remove something and forget to make a note, you may end up leaving without it. 
  • Don’t forget masks. When traveling during the pandemic, you’ll want to bring plenty of masks. Mask requirements vary by destination, and you want to make sure that you have what you need before you arrive. 
  • Know your airline’s baggage rules. If you bring an overweight or too-large bag, you may get stuck paying extra fees. Check your airline’s sizing and weight rules before you begin packing, and double-check the weight once your bag is all packed up.  
  • Consider wrinkles when choosing clothing items. Some fabrics are more wrinkle-resistant than others. If you don’t have access to an iron or a dryer, (I’m not the only one that de-wrinkles my clothes this way, right?!) try to pick materials that are less likely to get wrinkled. 
  • Wear bulky items. Bulky items take up a lot of space and weight. If you plan to bring a bulky winter jacket or boots, for example, wear them on the plane. You’ll have what you need without taking up space and weight in your bag. 
  • Do laundry while traveling. If at all possible, do laundry while traveling. Whether you stay in a home rental with laundry facilities or stop at a laundromat, this can help reduce the number of clothes you need to pack.
  • Don’t overpack. It can be easy to overpack accidentally. Focus on what you truly need instead of bringing “maybe” items.
  • Ensure your house is in order. Before leaving, make sure all of your lights are off and your alarm system is set if you have one. Other things to do include watering your plants, taking out the trash, setting automatic pet feeders, and notifying your credit card companies of your travel.

Yes, you can travel with liquids. Liquid containers must be no larger than 3.4 ounces, and all liquid containers must fit in one resealable quart-sized bag. If you want to bring larger liquid items, they must be packed in checked baggage.

Experiment with different methods of packing. Some travelers find success using packing cubes, while others find better success rolling their clothes. The more you experiment, the better you’ll get at maximizing space.

Make a packing list and check each item off as you put it in your bag.

Consider keeping electronics, valuables, money, your passport, essential medicine, and a change of clothes with you. If your checked baggage gets lost or is delayed, you’ll have what you need with you.

While you can do this, it’s recommended that you don’t put valuables in your checked baggage. Instead, place them in your carry-on bag or personal item. Putting valuables in a purse or backpack under the seat in front of you is best because it will be near you. If you place valuables in a checked bag, they could be stolen.

The Vacationer’s Final Thoughts

Don’t leave your packing until the very last moment. If you do this, you may be unprepared once you arrive at your destination. With proper planning, packing can be easy and quick. Follow the tips above for the best success as you begin to pack for your trip. See our beach vacation packing list for more specifics if you will be vacationing near the ocean or a lake.

Natasha Gabrielle Headshot

By Natasha Gabrielle

Natasha has been a freelance writer since 2015. She specializes in writing travel and credit card rewards content. When not busy writing, she’s either dreaming up her next credit card rewards redemption or traveling the globe. Her goal is to encourage more people to experience the world around them while making smart money choices.

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What to Pack for a 4-Day Trip in Summer: The Ultimate Checklist [2023]


  • July 4, 2023
  • Weekend Getaway Checklists

The Plan before the Adventure

Are you preparing for a fun-filled 4-day summer trip? We’ve got you covered! Our team at Travel Checklist™ has put together an extensive list to help you pack everything you need for a memorable vacation. Whether you’re heading to the beach, exploring a new city, or going on a hiking adventure, we’ve got all the essentials covered. So, let's dive into our ultimate checklist for what to pack for a 4-day trip in summer.

Table of Contents

Introduction, accessories, tech gadgets, travel documents, entertainment and relaxation, first aid kit, snacks and drinks, what should i pack for a 4-day trip, how many clothes do i need for 4 days, what should i pack for a 4-day, 3-night trip, what clothes to pack for a 4-day beach trip, quick tips and facts, useful links, reference links.

Packing for a 4-day trip can be a challenging task. You want to make sure you have everything you need without overpacking and lugging around unnecessary items. Our comprehensive checklist will help you organize your packing and ensure you have everything for a comfortable and enjoyable trip.

The Essentials

Let's start with the essentials. These are the items that you simply can't leave behind.

When packing clothes for a 4-day trip, it's important to consider the weather, location, and activities you'll be doing. Here's a list of clothing items you should have in your suitcase:

  • Tops : Pack a mix of short-sleeve and sleeveless tops, depending on the weather. Take a few basic t-shirts that can be paired with different bottoms.
  • Bottoms : Opt for versatile bottoms like jeans, shorts, or skirts. Choose lightweight and breathable fabrics for maximum comfort.
  • Dresses or jumpsuits : If you prefer one-piece outfits, pack a dress or jumpsuit that can be dressed up or down.
  • Outerwear : Bring a light jacket or cardigan for cooler evenings or air-conditioned spaces.
  • Swimwear : If your 4-day trip includes a beach destination, make sure to pack your favorite swimsuit.
  • Underwear and socks : Don't forget to pack enough underwear and socks for the duration of your trip.
  • Sleepwear : Pack comfortable sleepwear that suits the climate and your personal preferences.
  • Active wear : If you plan on engaging in outdoor activities or workouts, pack some athletic clothing.

✅ Pro Tip: Pack clothes that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits with fewer items. This will help you save space in your luggage.

When it comes to toiletries, it's important to pack travel-sized items whenever possible to save space in your bag. Here's a list of essential toiletries to include:

  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Body wash or soap
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Moisturizer
  • Makeup : Only bring the essentials for your daily routine.
  • Hairbrush or comb
  • Hair products : Pack travel-sized bottles of your favorite hair products.
  • Medications : If you take any prescription medications, make sure to pack them along with any necessary documentation.
  • Razor or electric shaver

✅ Pro Tip: Use travel-sized containers to pack your toiletries. This will help you save space and comply with airline regulations if you're flying.

Accessories can elevate your outfits and add a touch of style to your vacation look. Here are some essential accessories to consider:

  • Jewelry : Choose a few versatile pieces that can be worn with different outfits.
  • Belt : Opt for a belt that can be worn with multiple bottoms.
  • Bag or backpack : Pack a small bag or backpack to carry your daily essentials when exploring.

✅ Pro Tip: Choose accessories that can easily be mixed and matched to maximize their versatility.

Selecting the right footwear is crucial to ensure both comfort and style during your trip. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Comfortable walking shoes : A pair of comfortable walking shoes is a must, especially if you plan on exploring the city or taking long walks.
  • Sandals : A pair of sandals are perfect for warmer destinations or beach trips.
  • Dress shoes : If you have a special event or dinner planned, pack a pair of dress shoes that match your outfit.
  • Flip flops : Handy for hotel pools, beaches, or walking around your accommodation.
  • Socks : Bring socks that match the shoes you'll be wearing.

✅ Pro Tip: Wear the bulkiest pair of shoes during travel to save space in your suitcase.

In the modern age, tech gadgets are essential when traveling. Here are a few items you should consider bringing:

  • Smartphone : Your phone is your all-in-one device for communication, navigation, and capturing memories.
  • Chargers : Pack chargers for your phone, camera, or any other electronic devices you're bringing.
  • Power bank : A portable charger can be a lifesaver when you're on the go and need to recharge your devices.
  • Camera : If you enjoy photography, bring a camera to capture the stunning moments of your trip.
  • Headphones : Noise-canceling headphones are perfect for long flights or train rides.

✅ Pro Tip: Organize your cables and chargers in a small pouch or bag to keep them tangle-free and easily accessible.

To make sure your trip goes smoothly, don't forget to pack all the necessary travel documents. Here's a checklist of important documents to bring:

  • Passport or ID card
  • Travel itinerary : Print out or save a digital copy of your travel itinerary, including flight details, hotel reservations, and any pre-booked activities.
  • Travel insurance : If you have travel insurance, bring a copy of the policy along with contact information in case of emergencies.
  • Driver's license : If you're planning to rent a car, make sure you have a valid driver's license.
  • Cash and credit cards : Bring some local currency and a credit card for any unforeseen expenses.
  • Health insurance cards : If traveling internationally, bring your health insurance cards and any necessary vaccination records.
  • Emergency contact information : Save important phone numbers, including the nearest embassy or consulate, local emergency services, and the contact information of your loved ones.

✅ Pro Tip: Make digital copies of your important travel documents and save them on a cloud storage platform or email them to yourself. This way, you'll have access to them even if your physical copies get lost or stolen.

To keep yourself entertained during downtime or long journeys, pack some items for leisure and relaxation:

  • Books or e-reader : Take your favorite book or load up your e-reader with a few titles.
  • Playing cards : A deck of cards is a great way to pass the time and have fun with friends or family.
  • Journal and pen : If you enjoy writing or reflecting on your travels, bring a journal to document your experiences.
  • Travel pillow and blanket : For long flights or train rides, a travel pillow and a blanket can make resting more comfortable.
  • Music or podcasts : Download your favorite playlists or podcasts to enjoy during travel or downtime.
  • Portable speaker : If you want to listen to music with friends or have a small gathering, a portable speaker comes in handy.

✅ Pro Tip: Download offline maps or travel apps before your trip to have access to helpful navigation and translation tools even without an internet connection.

A first aid kit is essential for any trip. Here are some essential items to include:

  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Pain relievers : Pack over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  • Motion sickness medication : If you're prone to motion sickness, consider packing medication specifically for this.
  • Medications : Bring any necessary prescription medications and a complete list of what you're taking.
  • Insect repellent : If your destination has a high risk of mosquitoes or other insects, pack an insect repellent.
  • Basic first aid supplies : This includes adhesive tape, gauze pads, adhesive bandages, and antiseptic ointment.

✅ Pro Tip: Check the expiration dates of all the items in your first aid kit before every trip and restock as needed.

While you'll likely enjoy some local cuisine during your trip, it's always a good idea to pack a few snacks and drinks to keep you energized throughout the day. Here are some ideas:

  • Granola bars
  • Nuts and dried fruit
  • Bottled water
  • Instant coffee or tea bags
  • Energy bars

✅ Pro Tip: Check the local regulations regarding bringing food items into your destination to avoid any issues at customs.

When packing for a 4-day trip, start with the essentials like clothing, toiletries, and accessories. Consider the weather, location, and activities you'll be doing during your trip. Don't forget to pack travel documents, entertainment items, and a first aid kit. Refer to our comprehensive checklist for a detailed list of what to pack for a 4-day trip in summer.

The number of clothes you'll need for a 4-day trip will depend on various factors such as the destination, weather, and personal preferences. As a general guideline, aim for 3-4 outfits per day, including a mix of tops, bottoms, and dresses or jumpsuits. Remember to pack clothes that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits and maximize your packing efficiency.

For a 4-day, 3-night trip, you'll need a similar set of essentials as mentioned before. The key is to pack enough clothes and toiletries for the duration of your trip while keeping in mind the weather and activities you'll be doing. Keep it simple and versatile to minimize the amount of luggage you need to carry.

For a 4-day beach trip, don't forget to include the following items:

  • Swimsuit : Pack at least two swimsuits to give yourself options.
  • Beach cover-up : A lightweight cover-up or beach dress is perfect for lounging by the water.
  • Sun hat and sunglasses : Protect yourself from the sun with a wide-brimmed hat and polarized sunglasses.
  • Beach towel : Bring a beach towel or mat to relax on the sand.
  • Flip flops or sandals : Opt for comfortable footwear that can get wet and sandy.
  • Lightweight clothing : Pack lightweight and breathable clothing for beachside dinners or excursions.
  • Sunscreen : Don't forget to protect your skin from harmful UV rays with sunscreen.

✅ Pro Tip: Roll your clothes instead of folding them to save space and minimize wrinkles.

  • Choose lightweight and versatile clothing that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits.
  • Bring travel-sized toiletries to save space in your luggage.
  • Pack a small first aid kit with essentials like band-aids, pain relievers, and antiseptic wipes.
  • Make digital copies of your travel documents and save them on a cloud storage platform or email them to yourself.
  • Select comfortable walking shoes to enjoy your day trips without discomfort.
  • Bring a portable charger to keep your electronic devices powered on the go.

Now that you have a comprehensive list of what to pack for a 4-day trip in summer, you're ready to hit the road or take to the skies! Remember to tailor your packing to your specific needs and destination. Happy travels!

  • Shop for travel essentials on Amazon
  • Find luggage and travel gear on Walmart
  • Discover unique travel accessories on Etsy
  • Browse travel guidebooks on Amazon
  • Visit the official Travel Checklist™ website here

  • Smarter Travel – Packing Tips and Tricks
  • TripSavvy – Packing Checklist
  • The Blonde Abroad – The Ultimate Packing List for Summer Travel


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[2023] How to Pack for a 4-Day Camping Trip: The Ultimate Checklist


  • October 27, 2023
  • Backpacking Gear Basics , Camping Preparation Guide

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Escape to the great outdoors with confidence!

Are you planning a 4-day camping trip and wondering what to pack? Look no further! Our expert team at Camping Checklist™ has put together the ultimate packing guide to ensure you have everything you need for a memorable outdoor adventure. From campsite essentials to kitchen must-haves, we’ve got you covered. So grab your backpack and let’s get packing!

Table of Contents

Quick answer, quick tips and facts, campsite essentials, campsite extras, kitchen essentials, clothing and footwear, health and hygiene, entertainment, safety and security, recommended links, reference links.

To pack for a 4-day camping trip, you’ll need:

  • Tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and camping pillow
  • Headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries
  • Camp chairs and a portable table or picnic table
  • Portable power source for charging devices
  • Inflatable camping mattress for added comfort
  • Binoculars, star charts, and navigation tools for stargazing
  • Books, notebooks, games, and speakers for entertainment
  • ID, cash, and campsite reservation confirmation
  • Multi-tool, duct tape, extra cord, tent-pole repair sleeve, mallet/hammer, and saw/ax
  • Portable stove, fuel, matches, lighter, and firestarters
  • Cooking pots, frying pans, utensils, icebox/cooler, bottle opener, and dishwashing supplies
  • Durable and practical clothing, including fast-drying and moisture-absorbing underwear and long-sleeved shirts
  • Suitable footwear for camping terrain, socks, sleepwear, rainwear, and insulated jackets
  • Hygiene items such as toilet paper, hand sanitizer, towels, toothbrush, toothpaste, toiletry kit, menstrual products, first-aid kit, and insect repellent


  • Sleeping Bags
  • Sleeping Pads
  • Camping Pillows
  • Flashlights
  • Camp Chairs
  • Portable Tables
  • Picnic Tables
  • Portable Power Sources
  • Inflatable Camping Mattresses
  • Star Charts
  • Navigation Tools
  • Cash Holders
  • Multi-tools
  • Tent-pole Repair Sleeves
  • Portable Stoves
  • Firestarters
  • Cooking Pots
  • Frying Pans
  • Bottle Openers
  • Dishwashing Supplies
  • Fast-drying Underwear
  • Long-sleeved Shirts
  • Suitable Footwear
  • Insulated Jackets
  • Hygiene Items
  • First-aid Kits
  • Insect Repellents
  • Pack light : Only bring what you need to avoid overpacking and unnecessary weight.
  • Layer your clothing : Weather conditions can change, so it’s important to have layers for warmth and protection.
  • Consider the terrain : Choose appropriate footwear and clothing based on the camping location and terrain.
  • Plan your meals : Preparing and packing meals in advance can save time and ensure you have enough food for the trip.
  • Stay organized : Use packing cubes or separate bags to keep your gear organized and easily accessible.
  • Check the weather forecast : Be prepared for any weather conditions by checking the forecast before you go.

Camping is a wonderful way to reconnect with nature and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether you’re a seasoned camper or new to the outdoor adventure, proper packing is essential for a successful trip. By having the right gear and essentials, you can ensure a comfortable and enjoyable camping experience.

When it comes to camping, there are a few essential items that you should never leave behind. These items will ensure your safety, comfort, and convenience throughout your trip. Here are the campsite essentials you’ll need:

Tent : A reliable tent is the foundation of your campsite. Choose a tent that suits your needs in terms of size, weather resistance, and ease of setup. CHECK PRICE on: Tents

Sleeping Bag : A good sleeping bag will keep you warm and cozy during the night. Consider the temperature rating and insulation type when choosing a sleeping bag. CHECK PRICE on: Sleeping Bags

Sleeping Pad : A sleeping pad provides cushioning and insulation from the ground. Look for a comfortable and lightweight option that suits your sleeping preferences. CHECK PRICE on: Sleeping Pads

Camping Pillow : Don’t forget to pack a camping pillow for added comfort while sleeping. Look for a compact and inflatable pillow that can easily fit in your backpack. CHECK PRICE on: Camping Pillows

Headlamp or Flashlight : A reliable light source is essential for navigating your campsite at night. Opt for a headlamp or flashlight with adjustable brightness and long battery life. CHECK PRICE on: Headlamps | CHECK PRICE on: Flashlights

Camp Chairs : Comfortable seating is a must-have for relaxing around the campfire. Choose lightweight and foldable camp chairs that are easy to transport. CHECK PRICE on: Camp Chairs

Portable Table or Picnic Table : Having a surface for meals and activities is essential. Consider a portable table or a campsite with picnic tables for added convenience. CHECK PRICE on: Portable Tables | CHECK PRICE on: Picnic Tables

Portable Power Source : In today’s digital age, staying connected is important. Bring a portable power source to charge your devices and keep them powered throughout your trip. CHECK PRICE on: Portable Power Sources

Inflatable Camping Mattress : For those who prefer a more comfortable sleeping surface, an inflatable camping mattress is a great addition to your camping gear. It provides extra cushioning and insulation from the ground. CHECK PRICE on: Inflatable Camping Mattresses

Binoculars, Star Charts, and Navigation Tools : Enhance your camping experience by exploring the night sky. Bring binoculars, star charts, and navigation tools to stargaze and learn about celestial bodies. CHECK PRICE on: Binoculars | CHECK PRICE on: Star Charts | CHECK PRICE on: Navigation Tools

While the campsite essentials are crucial, there are a few extras that can enhance your camping experience. Consider packing these items to make your trip more enjoyable:

Books : Relax and unwind with a good book. Choose your favorite genre or opt for outdoor-themed books to immerse yourself in the camping spirit. CHECK PRICE on: Books

Notebooks : Capture your camping memories and jot down important information in a notebook. It’s also handy for keeping a journal or recording observations during your trip. CHECK PRICE on: Notebooks

Games : Keep yourself entertained with board games, card games, or outdoor games like frisbee or bocce ball. They’re perfect for bonding with family and friends around the campsite. CHECK PRICE on: Games

Speakers : Enjoy your favorite tunes while camping with portable speakers. Look for waterproof and durable options that can withstand outdoor conditions. CHECK PRICE on: Speakers

Having the right tools can make your camping trip more convenient and ensure you’re prepared for any situation. Here are some essential tools to pack:

Multi-tool : A versatile tool that combines various functions like pliers, knives, screwdrivers, and more. It’s a must-have for any camping adventure. CHECK PRICE on: Multi-tools

Duct Tape : Duct tape is a handy tool for quick repairs, securing gear, or even creating makeshift solutions. Pack a small roll for emergencies. CHECK PRICE on: Duct Tape

Extra Cord : Bring some extra cord or paracord for various purposes like setting up a clothesline, securing gear, or creating a shelter. CHECK PRICE on: Extra Cord

Tent-pole Repair Sleeve : In case of a tent pole breakage, a repair sleeve can save the day. It’s a lightweight and compact solution for temporary fixes. CHECK PRICE on: Tent-pole Repair Sleeves

Mallet/Hammer : A mallet or hammer is useful for driving tent stakes into the ground or pounding in other camping equipment. CHECK PRICE on: Mallets | CHECK PRICE on: Hammers

Saw/Ax : If you plan on gathering firewood or need to clear branches, a compact saw or ax can be handy. Choose a lightweight and portable option. CHECK PRICE on: Saws | CHECK PRICE on: Axes

Good food is an essential part of any camping trip. Make sure you have the necessary kitchen essentials to prepare delicious meals in the great outdoors. Here’s what you’ll need:

Portable Stove : A portable stove allows you to cook meals efficiently. Look for lightweight and compact options that are easy to transport. CHECK PRICE on: Portable Stoves

Fuel : Don’t forget to pack enough fuel for your portable stove. Consider the duration of your trip and the cooking requirements when estimating the amount of fuel needed. CHECK PRICE on: Fuel

Matches/Lighter : Ensure you have a reliable source of fire to ignite your stove or start a campfire. Pack matches or a lighter in a waterproof container. CHECK PRICE on: Matches | CHECK PRICE on: Lighters

Firestarters : Firestarters are convenient for quickly igniting a fire. Choose options that are easy to use and provide a reliable flame. CHECK PRICE on: Firestarters

Cooking Pots and Frying Pans : Pack a set of cooking pots and frying pans suitable for camping. Look for lightweight and durable options that are easy to clean. CHECK PRICE on: Cooking Pots | CHECK PRICE on: Frying Pans

Utensils : Don’t forget to bring utensils like spoons, forks, and knives for cooking and eating. Opt for compact and lightweight options. CHECK PRICE on: Utensils

Icebox/Cooler : Keep your food and beverages cool with an icebox or cooler. Look for options with good insulation and a capacity suitable for your needs. CHECK PRICE on: Iceboxes

Bottle Opener : A bottle opener is essential for opening beverages. Choose a compact and portable option that can easily fit in your pocket. CHECK PRICE on: Bottle Openers

Dishwashing Supplies : Don’t forget to pack dishwashing supplies like biodegradable soap, scrub brush, and dish towels for cleaning up after meals. CHECK PRICE on: Dishwashing Supplies

Choosing the right clothing and footwear is crucial for a comfortable camping experience. Consider the weather conditions and terrain when packing your clothing and footwear. Here’s what you’ll need:

Durable and Practical Clothing : Pack durable and practical clothing suitable for camping. Opt for moisture-wicking and fast-drying materials that keep you comfortable throughout the day. CHECK PRICE on: Fast-drying Underwear | CHECK PRICE on: Long-sleeved Shirts

Suitable Footwear : Choose suitable footwear based on the camping terrain. Whether it’s hiking boots, trail running shoes, or sandals, make sure they provide comfort and support. CHECK PRICE on: Suitable Footwear

Socks : Pack enough socks for the duration of your trip. Look for moisture-wicking and cushioned options to keep your feet dry and comfortable. CHECK PRICE on: Socks

Sleepwear : Don’t forget to pack comfortable sleepwear for a good night’s sleep. Choose lightweight and breathable options. CHECK PRICE on: Sleepwear

Rainwear : Be prepared for unexpected rain showers by packing a waterproof jacket or rain poncho. Look for options that are lightweight and packable. CHECK PRICE on: Rainwear

Insulated Jackets : If you’re camping in colder temperatures, pack an insulated jacket to keep you warm during chilly nights. Look for options with good insulation and packability. CHECK PRICE on: Insulated Jackets

Taking care of your health and hygiene is important while camping. Pack these essential items to stay clean and comfortable throughout your trip:

Toilet Paper : Bring enough toilet paper for your camping trip. Opt for biodegradable options to minimize environmental impact. CHECK PRICE on: Toilet Paper

Hand Sanitizer : Keep your hands clean and germ-free with hand sanitizer. Choose a travel-sized bottle for convenience. CHECK PRICE on: Hand Sanitizer

Towels : Pack quick-drying towels for personal hygiene and cleaning purposes. Look for lightweight and compact options. CHECK PRICE on: Towels

Toothbrush and Toothpaste : Maintain oral hygiene by packing a toothbrush and toothpaste. Opt for travel-sized options to save space. CHECK PRICE on: Toothbrush | CHECK PRICE on: Toothpaste

Toiletry Kit : Bring a toiletry kit with essential items like soap, shampoo, conditioner, and any other personal care products you may need. CHECK PRICE on: Toiletry Kits

Menstrual Products : If applicable, pack an adequate supply of menstrual products. Choose options that are convenient and easy to dispose of. CHECK PRICE on: Menstrual Products

First-aid Kit : Be prepared for minor injuries and ailments by packing a comprehensive first-aid kit. Include bandages, antiseptic ointment, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications. CHECK PRICE on: First-aid Kits

Insect Repellent : Keep pesky bugs at bay with insect repellent. Choose options that are effective against mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting insects. CHECK PRICE on: Insect Repellents

  • Toilet Paper
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Toiletry Kits
  • Menstrual Products

While camping is a great way to disconnect from technology, a little entertainment can enhance your camping experience. Here are some entertainment options to consider:

Books : Immerse yourself in a good book and enjoy some quiet time in nature. Choose your favorite genre or opt for outdoor-themed books to enhance the camping atmosphere. CHECK PRICE on: Books

Notebooks : Keep a journal, sketch, or write down your camping experiences in a notebook. It’s a great way to reflect and capture memories. CHECK PRICE on: Notebooks

Games : Pack board games, card games, or outdoor games like frisbee or bocce ball for some fun and friendly competition. They’re perfect for bonding with family and friends around the campsite. CHECK PRICE on: Games

Speakers/Earphones : Enjoy your favorite music or podcasts while camping. Bring portable speakers or earphones for a personalized audio experience. CHECK PRICE on: Speakers

Safety should always be a top priority when camping. Here are some additional items to ensure your safety and security:

ID, Cash, and Campsite Reservation Confirmation : Carry your identification, some cash, and the confirmation of your campsite reservation for easy access and verification.

First-aid Kit : We mentioned this earlier, but it’s worth repeating. A comprehensive first-aid kit is essential for treating minor injuries and ailments. CHECK PRICE on: First-aid Kits

Insect Repellent : Protect yourself from pesky bugs and potential diseases by using insect repellent. Choose options that are effective against mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting insects. CHECK PRICE on: Insect Repellents

Emergency Contact Information : Keep a list of emergency contact numbers and important information in case of an emergency.

Whistle : A whistle is a simple yet effective tool for attracting attention in case of an emergency. Attach it to your backpack or clothing for easy access.

Emergency Blanket : An emergency blanket can provide warmth and shelter in unexpected situations. It’s lightweight and compact, making it easy to carry. CHECK PRICE on: Emergency Blankets

Portable Phone Charger : Ensure you have a reliable power source to charge your phone in case of emergencies. Look for portable chargers with a high capacity. CHECK PRICE on: Portable Phone Chargers

  • Emergency Blankets
  • Portable Phone Chargers

Greta Thunberg quote:

What do I need for a 4-day camping trip?

For a 4-day camping trip, you’ll need the following essentials:

Read more about “… First Aid Kit: Your Ultimate Guide to Camping Safety”

How much clothes do I need for 3 days of camping?

The amount of clothing you’ll need for a 3-day camping trip depends on the weather and your personal preferences. Here’s a general guideline:

  • 3 sets of underwear and socks
  • 2-3 pairs of pants or shorts
  • 2-3 t-shirts or tops
  • 1-2 long-sleeved shirts
  • 1-2 sweaters or fleeces
  • 1-2 sets of sleepwear
  • 1-2 sets of rainwear
  • 1 insulated jacket for colder temperatures

Remember to pack clothing suitable for the weather conditions and consider layering options for versatility.

Read more about “… What do I need for a 5 day camping trip?”

How do you pack for a long camping trip?

When packing for a long camping trip, it’s important to prioritize essentials and pack efficiently. Here are some tips:

Make a checklist: Create a checklist of all the items you’ll need to ensure you don’t forget anything.

Pack essentials first: Start by packing the essentials such as tent, sleeping bag, and cooking equipment.

Organize your gear: Use packing cubes or separate bags to keep your gear organized and easily accessible.

Roll your clothes: Rolling your clothes instead of folding them can save space and prevent wrinkles.

Pack versatile clothing: Choose clothing that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits.

Minimize toiletries: Opt for travel-sized toiletries to save space and weight.

Prioritize lightweight and compact gear: Choose lightweight and compact gear to minimize the weight of your backpack.

Test your gear: Before embarking on a long camping trip, make sure to test your gear to ensure everything is in working order.

Read more about “… The Ultimate Camping Checklist Download: Everything You Need for a Memorable Outdoor Adventure”

What did I forget to pack camping?

It’s easy to forget something when packing for a camping trip. Here are a few commonly forgotten items:

  • Extra batteries for your flashlight or headlamp
  • Trash bags for waste disposal
  • Extra tent stakes or guy lines
  • Sunscreen and lip balm
  • Extra fuel for your portable stove
  • Campsite reservation confirmation
  • Cash for emergencies or campsite fees
  • Maps or navigation tools
  • Extra layers of clothing for colder temperatures
  • Portable phone charger

Remember to double-check your packing list and make sure you have all the essentials before heading out on your camping trip.

Read more about “… The 5 Most Essential Items You Must Bring When Camping”

Packing for a 4-day camping trip doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By following our comprehensive checklist, you’ll have everything you need for a memorable outdoor adventure. From campsite essentials to kitchen must-haves, we’ve covered it all. So pack your bags, embrace the great outdoors, and create unforgettable memories.

For more camping tips and resources, check out these helpful links:

  • Camping Preparation Guide
  • Camping Food and Nutrition
  • Camping Gear Basics
  • Camping Recipes
  • 2023 The Ultimate Camping Checklist Download: Everything You Need for a Memorable Outdoor Adventure
  • What to Bring for a 4-Day Camping Trip – Drift Travel Magazine

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Ultimate Day Hiking Checklist

4 days trip packing list

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4 days trip packing list

Last updated: March 1, 2024

We love a good checklist to help us prepare for a trip – even if we’re just going out for a day hike. Use this Day Hike Checklist every time you hit the trail to make rounding up your gear quick and easy, and to give you peace of mind that you aren’t forgetting something critical.

Day Hiking Checklist


You won’t need all the items on this list for every trip, but it’s worth thinking through each of them as you gather your gear. Grab the basics first, then use the categories at the end to tailor your gear list to your specific needs.

  • Apply for any required permits
  • Call ranger station for trail conditions & regulations
  • Check if trailhead requires a parking pass or cash/card for pay station
  • Check current weather
  • Charge electronics & check batteries
  • Update emergency contacts and turn on SOS / emergency notification features on your phone
  • Study topo map/take photos of guidebook pages
  • Download GPS phone app & appropriate maps or GPS area
  • Download driving directions for offline use (we use )
  • Leave an itinerary with a friend & under your car seat
  • Pack your bag

4 days trip packing list


Based on your pack choice, choose one or more of the following to keep your stuff dry:

  • Pack liner or trash bag
  • Waterproof stuff sack(s)


  • Wallet (containing cash, ID, credit card, insurance card)
  • Phone in protective case
  • First aid kit & prescription Rx
  • Sunscreen & lip balm
  • Poop kit (toilet paper, hand sanitizer & trowel )
  • Light pocket knife or multitool
  • Ultralight chair / sit pad or hammock
  • Trekking poles


  • Topo map(s)
  • Waterproof map bag / Ziploc
  • GPS phone app

Choose one of the following to carry your gear:

  • Hydration pack
  • Extra shoulder or hipbelt pocket

Some worn, some packed. Layer clothing based on season and weather conditions. For fabrics – think lightweight and quick-drying (no cotton).

  • Hiking pants ( Men’s / Women’s ), leggings , or shorts ( Men’s / Women’s )
  • Quick-dry underwear
  • Shirt ( sun shirt , base layer , or short sleeve / tank)
  • Jacket(s) ( rain , down , fleece , windbreaker – possibly a combo)
  • Shoes / boots
  • High-quality socks
  • Gaiters (for talus, sand, snow, or fast/long trips)
  • Hat(s) ( warm or for sun )

4 days trip packing list


  • Parking pass or cash / card
  • Itinerary or note under seat
  • Clean clothes & comfy shoes to change into
  • Gallon of water to refill bottles
  • Cooler with post-hike refreshments
  • Blanket or camping chairs (for tailgating)


  • Full water bottle(s) or hydration bladder
  • Food & snacks
  • Empty Ziploc (for garbage)
  • Drink mixes
  • Travel mug & coffee / tea

4 days trip packing list

Additional Gear For Specific Trips

Rain & snow.

  • Rain jacket
  • Rain mittens
  • Traction devices or snowshoes
  • GPS / phone app (for route finding in snow)


  • Pre-treat clothing with Permethrin
  • Treat skin with Picaridin


  • Extra food for emergencies
  • Duct / Tenacious Tape (for repairs)
  • Small lighter & fire starters
  • Water filter or treatment pills
  • Collapsible water containers (for carrying lots of water in dry locations)
  • Satellite Messenger / PLB
  • Emergency blanket / shelter


  • Bear canister

4 days trip packing list


Backup photos, clear storage, and clean lens.

DSLR or Point-and-Shoot

  • Holster or camera clip
  • Remote shutter
  • Microfiber cleaning cloth
  • Rain cover / dry bag
  • Extra battery
  • Extra camera card
  • Phone ( Apple or Android )
  • Shoulder pouch or hipbelt pocket
  • Smartphone tripod mount
  • Small carabiner (to keep track of remote)
  • Waterproof case or Ziploc
  • Power bank (for long trips)
  • Short charging cable

For the trail

  • Collar / harness
  • Food & collapsible bowl
  • Extra water (you carry)
  • Treats & treat pouch
  • Dog boots / Musher’s Secret Wax (to protect the paws)
  • Poop bags & gallon Ziploc or OPsak (to pack out waste)
  • Dog backpack
  • Dog jacket (for dogs with low cold tolerance)
  • Foam pad (to insulate you and your dog from the cold/wet ground during breaks)
  • Dog first aid kit (or add stuff to human first-aid kit )
  • Collar light (check battery pre-trip)

Leave in car

  • Quick-dry towel
  • Dog car hammock (seat protector)
  • Extra dog food in airtight container

4 days trip packing list

Overnight Trips

Prepping for a multi day adventure? We also have checklists for backpacking , camping , and winter camping .

4 days trip packing list

Day Hiking Tips

Finding a balance of pack weight & preparedness.

A lightweight backpack is far more comfortable to carry. This will help you conserve energy so you can hike further and enjoy your time outdoors more. That said, we never advise skipping essentials like a map, food, water, rain jacket , and a basic first-aid kit when venturing into the backcountry. Learn more about ways to reduce your pack weight here .

4 days trip packing list

Most people use a daypack or hydration pack (comes with a bladder ) for day trips for their useful capacity, comfortable carry, and convenient pockets to keep gear organized and easily accessible. Daypacks come in a variety of sizes, but we prefer those that have about 20-30 liters of volume. Fanny packs are also a great option for small gear loads or for extra capacity in addition to a daypack.

4 days trip packing list


The clothing you wear and pack for a day hike will depend on the conditions you expect to encounter on specific trips, but the basics remain the same. Wear layers made of quick-drying (synthetic or wool) fabrics so you can stay comfortable no matter the weather. Lightweight, breathable footwear and high-quality, non-cotton socks also make a huge difference in reducing fatigue and avoiding blisters . Get specific recommendations on the best down jackets , rain jackets , hiking pants , base layers , and more on our Gear Guide Homepage .

4 days trip packing list

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Andrea Kuuipo Abroad

4 Day Backpacking Checklist

If you’re not sure what to pack for your upcoming multi day hike then this 4 day backpacking checklist is going to help you figure out the gear you actually need.

In this post, I’m sharing the gear and basic essentials you need to have a good time on the trail. If you’re new to backpacking, you will find a lot of recommendations on backpacking gear that will last you a long time.

Keep in mind that this mostly covers women’s backpacking gear and you will most likely have to adjust it slightly depending on season and weather.

I’ve also included a free printable 4-day backpacking checklist in this post so that you don’t forget anything while you’re packing for your adventure.

Sleeping Bag

Bear spray + bear bell, food storage bag, compression stuff sack, book or games. contains affiliate links to various products, which means I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my website. Read more about my  Affiliate Disclosure .

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4 day backpacking checklist backpacking tent

Backpacking Checklist: The 5 Big Essentials

Backpacking pack.

The most important piece of gear for to add to your overnight backpacking list is your backpack. I’ve been using the same Osprey Aura AG 65 backpack for the last five years and it’s still in great condition.

The thing I love about Osprey packs is that they are actually built for women and fit really well. It also has a ton of pockets and places to store and attach items on the outside. There’s also a whistle integrated in the chest harness.

One of the coolest new additions to this pack (since I purchased mine) is the integrated rain cover. There’s nothing worst than ending up with wet gear on day 1 of your 4-day backpacking trip.

If you already have a designated backpack, you can pick up an Ultralight Raincover to protect your gear. Just make sure the rain cover fits the size of your pack.

4 day backpacking checklist osprey aura ag 65 womens backpacking backpack

Check Price: Osprey | REI | Backcountry

Backpacking Tent

The NEMO Hornet 2 Tent is a 3-season, lightweight tent that will keep you dry on the trail. It also comes with a dual-stage stuff sack which allows you to split the weight of the tent with your partner.

The best part of this backpacking tent is that it’s super easy and intuitive to put up. It’s really sturdy and will survive windy nights. There are also two doors so you and your tent mate can easily get out without crawling over each other.

The tent sleeps two people but it may feel a little tight depending on your size. If you have a dog or want a little bit more space I suggest sizing up to a 3-person tent like the NEMO Dagger 3 Tent .

2 person backpacking tent

Check Price:  REI  |  Backcountry  |   NEMO

Sleeping Pad

I’ve been using the Sea to Summit Ultralight Insulated Air Sleeping Pad for many years now and it’s still in excellent condition. This sleeping pad is super lightweight and the regular size only weighs 15.8 ounces.

One of my favorite things about this sleeping pad is that it’s super easy to blow up and pack away. I always find myself being the first one to finish packing. 😀

Extra Thermolite® insulation provides that extra warmth for backpackers and I’ve successfully used this sleeping pad during the winter.

Sea to Summit Ultralight Sleeping Pad Backpacking Gear

Check Price:  REI  |  Backcountry

The next essential that you need on your backpacking checklist is a sleeping bag. The NEMO Forte 20 Sleeping Bag is a 3-season sleeping bag made with 80% post-consumer recycled content.

What makes this sleeping bag unique is its shape. Instead of the classic mummy bag you typically find, this sleeping bag is a spoon shape which allows you to comfortably sleep on your side.

This bag will definitely last you a long time but if it doesn’t, NEMO offers a lifetime warranty on it!

NEMO 20 Sleeping Bag Womens Backpacking Sleeping Bag

Check Price:  REI  |  Backcountry   |  Amazon

Backpacking Hope Alaska

Backpacking Essentials: Safety Gear

First aid kit.

A first aid kit is part of The Ten Essentials for hiking and camping. You probably hate the idea of carrying the extra weight but the more adventures you go on means you have that many more opportunities for accidents to happen.

Whether someone has an allergic reaction to a bee sting or you cut yourself, the Adventure Medical Kits Ultralight/Watertight .7 Medical Kit is definitely a piece of gear that you’ll want to have sitting at the bottom of your pack.

Adventure Medical Kit First Aid Kit Backpacking Essential

Check Price:  REI  |  Amazon

GPS & Satellite Phone

You will definitely want to pack a GPS and satellite phone for hiking. The Garmin inReach Explorer+ is 2-way satellite communicator and lets you text, share your location or call for help, even in areas without cell reception.

Keep in mind that you will need a subscription plan to send and receive satellite messages on this device.

Another cool feature is the GPS. It provides basic navigation so that you can locate yourself, follow trails, and find your way back. This means you don’t have to carry around a map!

If you plan on traveling, double check if the area you are visiting prohibits the use of satellite communication devices.

Garmin inReach Satellite Phone

Using a headlamp instead of a flashlight at camp will free up your hands so you can easily cook dinner or read a book in your tent.

The Black Diamond Storm 400 Headlamp is really bright and has easy to change settings including full strength in proximity, distance, dimming, strobe, red, green and blue modes.

Don’t forget to pack extra batteries.

Black Diamond Storm 400 Headlamp Camping and Backpacking

I live in Alaska so I’m always carrying bear spray on the front of my pack when I’m hiking. The Counter Assault Bear Deterrent Spray deploys a high-volume, atomized blast of concentrated spray to deter a bear attack. It sprays up to 32 feet and will completely empty in 7 seconds.

I also attach at least one Counter Assault Bear Bell with Magnetic Silencer to my pack. Bear bells help create noise to alert any animals that may be in the area. You definitely don’t want to surprise a bear in the backcountry.

Bear Spray Hiking Safety

Check Price:  REI  |  Backcountry  |  Amazon

Sea to Summit Backpacking Mug Devils Pass Alaska

Backpacking Cooking Gear

Cooking stove and fuel.

I can’t tell you how much I love my Jetboil Flash Cooking System . This thing boils 16 fl. oz. of water in 100 seconds! It’s insane how fast it is. It’s a great item to bring if you only want to pack freeze-dried meals or need some hot water for your morning coffee.

It’s easy to carry as everything fits inside of the cup including the stove and your 100g fuel canister. I would keep some matches or a lighter with you just in case the igniter doesn’t work.

Jetboil Backpacking Cooking Essentials

BearVault Food Container

When you’re backpacking in bear country, you want to make sure you don’t keep any food or strong smelling items inside of your tent to lessen the chance of bear vs. human conflict.

The BearVault BV450 Food Container will secure four days of food for the solo backpacker or a weekend’s worth of meals for two. Store it at least 100 yards downwind of your campsite.

BearVault Food Container

Check Price:  REI  |  BearVault | Backcountry

Water Reservoir

Most backpacking packs have a slot to insert a water reservoir. I’ve been using a CamelBak Crux 3L Reservoir – 3 Liters for years and love being able to move it between the different packs that I use.

It’s a lot more convenient to drink water this way instead of having to stop and take your water bottle out every time you feel thirsty.

PRO TIP: You can get rid of access air in your water reservoir by turning it upside down, and squeeze out the air while holding the mouth valve open.

CamelBak Water Reservoir

Reusable Water Bottle

Even if I’m carrying my water bladder, I always have a Nalgene Wide-Mouth Water Bottle – 32 fl. oz. with me. I like to do this because it’s a lot nicer to drink from a lid rather than a hose.

I also like to use water enhancer when I’m backpacking and I don’t want to mix it with all of the water I have on me.

Nalgene 32 oz reusable water bottle

Water Filter

Having a water filter will allow you to get water from nearby streams or lakes, and will allow you to carry less water on your back. The Platypus GravityWorks Water Filter System – 4 Liter will filter 4 liters of potable water in just 2.5 minutes!

Say goodbye to hand pumps because this water filter does all the work for you.

Platypus GravityWorks Water Filter System Backpacking

A camp mug is a must for any adventure. I have a Sea to Summit Delta InsulMug and I’ve been using it for a long time. It holds 16 oz. and will keep your drink nice and hot. My favorite thing about it is that it doesn’t burn your hands when you hold onto it.

One thing I like to do to save space in my backpack is store my coffee grounds inside of it.

Sea to Summit Delta InsulMug Camping Mug

Check Price:  REI

My favorite piece of backpacking cooking gear is my Sea to Summit X-Bowl . This bowl is collapsible and lays completely flat. This saves so much room in your pack. Also, it’s super easy to clean out.

Sea to Summit X-Bowl Collapsible Camp Bowl

Check Price:  Backcountry  |  REI  |  Amazon

Camp Utensils

I used to get food all over my hands while I was eating from freeze-dried meals. Then I got the Sea to Summit Alpha Light Spork – Long and it’s amazing how much the extra length helps to avoid that mess.

I also use the Sea to Summit AlphaLight Knife to cut things like bagels or avocado. Both of these are made out of aluminum and super light to carry.

Sea to Summit Long Spork

Coffee Maker

You can easily make drip coffee in the outdoors with the GSI Outdoors Ultralight Java Drip Coffee Maker . The legs on the coffee maker clip to your mug and make it so that the cone stays out of the brewed coffee.

This thing only weighs 0.4 ounces and is seriously the best addition to your backpacking gear.

GSI Outdoors Ultralight Drip Coffee Maker Camping Coffee

When I first started backpacking, I never used a BearVault. I stored all of my food inside a LOKSAK OPSAK Odor-Proof Barrier Bag . Now, I still store my food inside one of these bags to help organize all of it.

Looking for backpacking food ideas? Here’s Everything I Ate Backpacking

One of the newest additions to my backpacking kit is a Stasher Reusable Silicone Bag . I decided to get one so I could continue to reduce my waste and store fresh items like a bagel sandwich or just some snacks.

Odorproof barrier bags

Backpacking Clothing: What to Wear

Hiking boots.

You’ll never regret a good pair of hiking boots. Last summer, I switched to the Oboz Sapphire Mid BDry Hiking Boots and I have to say that they’re amazing.

These boots are waterproof, breathable and super comfortable. I’ve already put a lot of miles on them and they seem like they will last me a long time.

Oboz is great for their women’s shoes and I really like these because they come in wide sizes, which is what I need.

Obox Sapphire Mid BDry Womens Hiking Boots

Check Price:  REI  |  Backcountry   |   Amazon

Hiking Socks

For a 4-day backpacking trip, I pack three pairs of socks. I switch daily between two hiking socks like the Darn Tough Women’s Micro Crew Midweight Hiking Sock .

I also pack these Smartwool Mountaineering Extra Heavy Crew Socks to sleep in. I love keeping my feet super warm and cozy.

Darn Tough Hiker Micro Crew Womens Hiking Sock

Check Price:  REI  |   Darn Tough   |   Backcountry

One of the best feelings is taking off the hiking boots you’ve been wearing all day and slipping your feet into some sandals. Ever since my first pair of Chaco Z/Cloud Sandals , I’ve never looked back. These are the most supportive and comfortable sandals ever.

These are great to have when you’re hiking trails with river or stream crossings, and you can also wear them with socks!

Womens Chaco Z/Cloud Sandals Hiking Shoes

Check Price:  REI  |   Amazon

Moisture Wicking Shirt

For a 4 day backpacking trip, you’ll include a few layers of clothing. I packed four shirts for this backpacking trip. I packed two short-sleeve moisture-wicking t-shirts like the REI Co-op Sahara T-Shirt . These are so comfortable and really flattering. I also packed a long-sleeve merino base layer and a t-shirt to sleep in.

Pro Tip: Make sure you always have an extra set of dry clothes to sleep in.

REI Co-op Sahara Moisture Wicking T Shirt Hiking Shirt 4 day backpacking checklist

Moisture-Wicking Pants

I packed three pairs of pants. I packed two moisture-wicking ankle-length pants like the Patagonia Maipo 7/8 Stash Tights . These pants are stretchy, durable, and dry quickly. I switched daily between two pairs of hiking pants.

I also packed a pair of merino wool base layer pants to sleep in.

Patagonia Centered Tights Hiking Pants 4 day backpacking checklist

Check Price:  Patagonia

Fleece Sweater

The Patagonia Better Sweater Fleece Jacket is made from 100% recycled polyester fleece and it’s the perfect mid-layer to bring backpacking. I love that it doesn’t take up too much space and it’s sp cozy to change into after wearing dirty hiking clothes all day.

If the weather is warmer then you probably won’t need to pack a fleece but I usually pack this while hiking in Alaska .

4 days trip packing list

Rain Jacket

The Arc’teryx Beta LT Jacket is a great women’s summer rain jacket. It also has a GORE-TEX fabric that makes it completely waterproof, windproof and breathable, and its underarm zipper vents are perfect for backpacking in Alaska.

4 days trip packing list

Check Price: Backcountry | REI

There are so many great features to the REI Co-op Essential Rain Pants . These pants are made with a 2.5 layer waterproof and breathable fabric. You can use the lower zips to vent your legs and easily take these pants on and off without having to take off your hiking boots.

These rain pants also have zippered side pockets to hold your snacks. They also pack down into their own pocket.

REI Co-op Essential Rain Pants Womens Rain Pants Waterproof Backpacking Essentials

I like to organize my backpacking clothing my stuffing my clothes into a Sea to Summit Ultra Sil Compression Sack . It’s incredible how much space you can save by compressing your items. This compression sack comes in 6L, 10L, 14L, and 20L sizes.

Sea to Summit Compression Sack

Check Price: REI | Sea to Summit | Backcountry

Andrea Kuuipo Grace Ridge Trail Alaska

Backpacking Toiletries: Good Hygiene

Backcountry wipes.

Whether you want to refresh yourself with a quick wipe bath or want to pack something other than toilet paper, the Sea to Summit Wilderness Wipes are a great item to have in your backpacking toiletries kit.

These wipes are soft on your skin and don’t leave any sticky residue behind. You’ll also love these when you’re camping on your period .

Sea to Summit Wilderness Wipes Camping Wipes

Check Price:  REI  |  Backcountry  |  Sea to Summit

Hand Sanitizer

Another way to clean your hands along the trail is with some hand sanitizer. You can pack Dr Bronners Organic Hand Sanitizer or find another hand sanitizer that you can clip to the front of your backpack.

Dr Bronners Organic Hand Sanitizer Travel

Check Price: REI

Backcountry Trowel

It’s important to follow Leave No Trace Principles and having a TheTentLab The Deuce #2 UL Backcountry Trowel will help you do that. This trowel is lightweight yet strong enough to dig a hole for your bathroom needs.

TheTentLab The Deuce #2 UL Backcountry Trowel

Toothbrush and Toothpaste

It’s time to swap out your plastic toothbrush for one that is eco-friendly. The Bamboo Toothbrush Set with Travel Case is a great way to help protect the environment. It comes with a travel case which is perfect for when you need to pack it away amongst your dirty hiking gear.

I also like to carry small tubes of toothpaste that I can refill as needed.

Bamboo Toothbrush Set with Travel Case

Check Price: Amazon

It’s important to protect your skin but often I find myself pretty covered up while I’m hiking. I don’t always wear sunscreen but I always protect my face with CeraVe AM Facial Moisturizing Lotion SPF 30 .

I love this stuff and its part of my normal skin care routine.

CeraVe AM Facial Moisturizing Lotion SPF 30 Sunscreen

Check Price:  Amazon

My lips always get chapped while I’m out hiking so I like to carry Burt’s Bees Moisturizing Lip Balm . This lip balm is made with Beeswax, Vitamin E and a hint of peppermint oil.

Burt's Bees Moisturizing Lip Balm

The Kula Cloth is a reusable antimicrobial pee cloth. You can clip it to the outside of your backpack for easy access when you need to pee.

The best part of having a pee cloth is that you don’t have to carry as much toilet paper with you, making it a positive impact on the environment.

Check Price:  Kula Cloth  |  REI

Kula Cloth Pee Cloth

Backpacking Accessories

Trekking poles.

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, a pair of trekking poles will give you the extra balance and support to climb hills or descend mountains. If you’re looking for an affordable pair, check out the Bafx Hiking Poles .

Adjustable Trekking Poles Backpacking Accessories

I wanted to get binoculars so I could scope out other routes nearby and spot wildlife. I have the Nikon Trailblazer ATB Waterproof 10 x 25 Binoculars which are super lightweight yet powerful.

Nikon Trailblazer Binoculars

Portable Charger

If you love taking photos like me then you’ll need to charge your phone or camera. The Goal Zero Sherpa 100PD Power Bank is a great portable charger and will give you multiple charges.

Goal Zero Sherpa Portable Power

Check Price:  Backcountry  |  Amazon

You never know when you have to share a cabin with someone who snores, which is why you have to have a set of ear plugs. I can’t tell you how many ear plugs I’ve lost, which is why I like the Eagle Creek Travel Ear Plug Set . They come with a small storage container and make a great choice for any light sleeper.

Eagle Creek Travel Ear Plugs

Microfiber Towel

If i’m going on a backpacking trip and the weather looks like it’s going to be wet then I usually pack a REI Co-op Multi Towel Lite . It’s nice to use a towel to dry off after a rainy day or maybe after soaking your feet in a nearby stream or river.

The extra large towel is big enough to wrap around your body and small enough to easily pack away.

REI Co-op Multi Towel Lite

Inflatable Pillow

Sleeping with a pillow while you’re out in the backcountry really brings the comfort of your home. The Sea to Summit Aeros Ultralight Pillow weighs only 2.1 ounces! It’s super easy to inflate and will only take you a few breaths.

Sea to Summit Aeros Ultralight Pillow Camping Pillow

Check Price:  Sea to Summit  |  REI

Hiking Gaiters

An easy way to keep unwanted dirt, pebbles, or snow out of your shoes is by using Outdoor Research Rocky Mountain Low Gaiters . The hook-and-loop closure opens in front to get them on and off quickly, and the tabs at the top and bottom create a secure closure that won’t open while you’re using them.

Outdoor Research Womens Hiking Gaiters

Check Price: REI | Amazon

Protect your eyes from the sun with a good pair of sunglasses. The goodr OG Sunglasses come in a ton of fun colors and if you go for the polarized lenses then the UV400 protection blocks 100% of harmful UVA and UVB rays.

goodr OG Sunglasses

Mosquito Headnet

I hate mosquitoes! They are everywhere in Alaska and if you’re hiking during specific times of the year, you’ll probably be hiking with mosquitoes buzzing in your ear. I’ve been on a couple trip where having a Sea to Summit Mosquito Head Net with Insect Shield was necessary.

Sea to Summit Mosquito Headnet

I love getting tucked into my sleeping bag with a book in hand. It’s especially fun to bring an adventure book with you while you’re on an adventure… how meta . I love Wild by Cheryl Strayed . This book follows the journey of 22-year-old Cheryl Strayed as she hikes along the Pacific Crest Trail.

I’m also a huge fan of backpacking board games to play after eating dinner. But, you want to make sure they are lightweight enough so they don’t weigh down your pack too much.

Wild Book by Cheryl Strayed

I hope you enjoyed learning about what backpacking gear to pack for your next backpacking trip. You can access my 4 day backpacking checklist below.

Happy hiking!

Download Your FREE 4 Day Backpacking Checklist

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Planning your next backpacking trip? Get a 4 day Backpacking Checklist to help you plan your next multi day hike. From Womens Backpacking Gear, Backpacking Essentials, Safety Gear, Backpacking Outfits Backcountry Cooking Gear, and more. #backpacking #backpackingessentials #backpackingchecklist

Is there anything you would add to my 4 day backpacking checklist? Share them in the comments .

4 days trip packing list

About Andrea Kuuipo

I was born and raised in Anchorage and have been able to travel to many places around Alaska. As an Alaska Travel Blogger, I love sharing my favorite things to see and do in my home state to help others plan an incredible trip!

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4 days trip packing list

How to Pack Your Whole Vacation Into a 'Personal Item'

I ’m a cheap traveler, which means I’m often packing light. When I took a five-day trip to Paris a few years ago, on a budget airline that charges a fee to bring a carry-on, everything had to fit in a small bag under the seat in front of me. Friends, I did it. You can, too.

I first wrote about this trip right when I returned, in 2017, but I can say now that I still use these techniques (except packing dress shoes for a casual trip—what was I thinking??). We’ll get to the specifics of what I packed and how, but this is a feat that’s more about the planning than the execution. Here’s what I mean.

Measure your bag

The space under the seat in front of you is pretty roomy: it’s big enough for an average-sized backpack, or an overstuffed messenger bag. But don’t eyeball it: if you misjudge, and you can’t quite wedge your bag into that space, the crew will ask you to put it somewhere else. That could mean another fee, or depending on how crowded the plane is, you might even need to hand it over to be gate-checked.

Avoid this minor nightmare by actually checking the airline’s bag measurements . On Wow airlines, my carrier for this trip, a personal item may be 17 by 13 by 10 inches , including handles and wheels, and can’t weigh more than 22 pounds. Check the airline’s website, and then whip out a tape measure and verify. (If your bag is soft-sided, make sure to measure it when it’s fully packed.)

To really be prepared, though, you also need a Plan B. Maybe you’ll buy a few too many souvenirs, and need to check your bag. Or sometimes on domestic flights, you’ll end up in a tiny airplane that doesn’t have any space under the seat, and you’ll have to gate-check your stuff. Here’s your insurance policy: pack your in-flight essentials in a small purse or packing cube that you can tuck in the seat back pocket. This way, if you have to give up your bag, you’ll have the important things with you.

Some great “personal item”-sized bags:

  • For a solid backpack option: Swiss Gear 17" Bungee Backpack
  • If you’d prefer a tote: 17" Weekender tote with zippered shoe compartment
  • Or, try something that feels a bit more like a suitcase: 16" suitcase-style backpack

Prune your packing list ruthlessly

I don’t have a magical spell to fit a suit or a formal dress or a sleeping bag into a carry-on. The one-bag approach only really works for people with simple needs who are going on simple trips. I didn’t bring a laptop or any workout gear. I did bring a few changes of clothes, essential toiletries, a sketchbook, and a phone charger.

I didn’t bother with soap or shampoo, since I knew I could buy those at my destination. (Showering with French soap made my stay in France feel just a little more authentic.) My husband bought a six-pack of electrical outlet adapters, and I caught him shoving the whole thing in his bag. “Wait, how many plug-in things are we bringing?” I asked. Just two: his phone charger, and mine. So we left four of the adapters at home.

To winnow the “just in case” pile, ask yourself, what would I do if I needed this but didn’t have it?

I packed fresh socks, shirts, and underwear for each day, and planned to wear a dress once and my shorts and pants twice each. (If I were more hardcore, I would have packed just two outfits and washed one in the hotel sink each night.) I resisted the urge to pack a skirt “just in case.”

To winnow the “just in case” pile, ask yourself, what would I do if I needed this but didn’t have it? Without the skirt, I would just wear my dress or shorts instead. That’s fine; the skirt stays home. But if I got sore feet and didn’t have my packet of blister bandages, I’d have to walk the streets of Paris looking for a place to buy some. The bandages came with me.

Think big, pack small

Dump out your bag, so you’re not bringing any detritus from a previous trip, and then begin to pack it wisely. A few tips:

  • Choose the smallest item that will do the job. Bring the travel size toothpaste, even if the full size is technically small enough to get through security. Compare your jackets and sweaters, and bring the thinnest one that’s still warm enough—or perhaps you’d prefer a lightweight scarf that you can wear as a shawl?
  • Roll your clothes. Rolling is the most compact way to pack . Put socks and t-shirts on the inside of the roll, and carefully smooth your wrinkleable items on the outside. Know how you will remove any surprise wrinkles: Does your room come with an iron? Will you steam the clothes while you’re in the shower?
  • Use packing cubes. It wasn’t until after the Paris trip that I discovered just how much time and trouble packing cubes can save . They don’t save space , but they make a tightly packed bag so much easier to pack and unpack.
  • Wear the biggest items. You’ll have more room in your bag if you wear your jeans and pack your shorts than vice-versa. You can also wear your travel pillow on the flight, and strap it to your bag while you’re trekking through the airport.

Make sure everything is accessible, too. You’ll be miserable if the interior of your bag is a random jumble. This is where the packing cubes come in, or you can at least arrange your rolls of clothes to divide up the space as needed. Make good use of pockets, too: flat things in the laptop compartment, for example, and your passport and phone charger in whatever pocket is easiest to reach.

Keep souvenirs small or intangible

You do, eventually, have to bring everything back. If you brought travel size toiletries, maybe you can finish them off and throw them out before you come home. You also don’t have to worry as much about keeping your clothes unwrinkled. These tweaks can gain you a few cubic inches.

If you’re serious about bringing home souvenirs, consider bringing a collapsible duffel from home, or buying a cheap bag on the road. Then you’re only paying the bag check fee in one direction, not both. Also compare the bag check fee with the cost (and time delay) of mailing things home.

But if you won’t have much room for souvenirs, keep an eye out during your trip for things that pack light. I picked up a French-language cooking magazine for my mom, and translated the tastiest recipes on the flight home. Foreign snacks also make great gifts, and are easy enough to tuck into small spaces. Photos, videos, and good old fashioned memories make great souvenirs too, and they don’t take up any physical space at all. (You could even get a photo book printed when you return, or write down your thoughts in a journal, to make them more tangible without encroaching on your underwear.)

What I actually packed

OK, time to prove that this is for real. Here’s what I did.

The bag: I used an Eddie Bauer messenger bag that I bought many years ago; it’s now discontinued. We have gone on many one-bag trips, this bag and I. My husband, who packed equally light, used a Swiss Gear backpack similar to this one .

Large and unwieldy Items: My one extravagance was a pair of heeled T-strap leather shoes. I stuffed my socks and underwear inside of them, so they held their shape, and then wrapped them loosely in a plastic bag so they wouldn’t get the rest of my items dirty. I also had a travel pillow, strapped to the handle of my bag.

Clothes: For a four-night trip, I brought four shirts, one dress, one pair of shorts, and five sets of socks and underwear. I wore sneakers, a jacket, and a shirt-and-pants outfit.

Toiletries: I had a small zippered pouch with the likes of lipstick and deodorant, and a ziploc with just a few liquid-phase personal items like moisturizer and toothpaste.

Electronics: All I need for a non-work trip is my phone, a charging cable, and a battery pack. (My husband prefers an electric toothbrush and razor at home, but made do with analog versions for this trip.) We also brought a headphone splitter and a pair of earbuds for each of us.

Fun stuff: A book for the plane; a sketchbook and a small pack of art supplies; Clif bars; wallet, passport, etc.

With hindsight, I only made a few mistakes. I should have left the fancy shoes behind, and either gone without or brought a pair of plain flats instead. I didn’t need the jacket that I wore in the airport, although I’m glad I brought it. And that’s about it; this is one of the most perfectly calibrated trips I’ve taken.

I’ve had a rough time in the past, though. I can think of two trips where I ended up freezing because I didn’t want the bulk of packing warm clothes. In one of those cases, I only had skirts to wear; a pair of tights or leggings would have only taken up a tiny amount of space, and would have been a lifesaver. On a few trips, I forgot to pack a purse, because somehow in my mind the messenger bag was my purse. It is much better to have a real purse (or tote bag, or laptop bag) for your daily excursions instead of having to dump out all your clothes on the hotel bed to make do with your carry-on.

Now, I visualize each day’s activities when I write my packing list, and this helps me remember things like purses. And I apply the “just in case” test to all of those “just in case” items. And now I’m the person who hops off a plane with just a small backpack, breezes past the baggage claim, and takes the Métro to her Airbnb. It’s a great way to vacation.

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Photo: Beth Skwarecki

I've spent 300 hours on road trips across the US. Here are 8 things I always pack for a long-haul drive.

  • Americans are opting for road trips over air travel this summer, according to recent studies.
  • After 300 hours of US road trips, I know exactly what to pack to make your drive easier.
  • Wear your comfiest shoes, and don't forget to bring trash bags, wipes, and a camera.

Insider Today

Americans are tired of flying .

According to a recent study by Advance Auto Parts , 70% of the US population is more likely to take road trips this year than last to avoid air travel stress.

Another recent study by the Vacationer found that 196 million Americans plan to drive to their destinations this summer.

When it comes to American road trips , I'm no newbie. From the Southwest to the Northeast, I've traveled more than 20,000 miles to destinations around the US.

When it comes to packing up the car , I've certainly made some mistakes. I've forgotten important items and longed for essentials that I didn't even think of.

But 300 hours and more than a dozen trips later, I think I've mastered the art of packing for a road trip . Here are the things I'll always bring with me, no matter the destination.

I often forget to pack motion sickness medicine on road trips and stop for some on the way.

4 days trip packing list

I've always been prone to motion sickness , but even if you're not, driving through the mountains could make you feel queasy.

I hate that I need caffeine to stay alert, but that's where I'm at.

4 days trip packing list

On a road trip, I prefer Mio Energy, a flavorful boost to add to water, because it keeps me hydrated.

I download playlists and podcasts to keep myself entertained.

4 days trip packing list

When you're driving on open roads, you never know when you'll lose service.

I've always road-tripped with other people. And as someone who values alone time, packing headphones is the only way to get it in a cramped car.

4 days trip packing list

For introverts like me, using headphones allows me to take breaks from socializing. 

Especially when road-tripping with others, comfy shoes feel essential to sustaining my good mood.

4 days trip packing list

I typically wear cozy shoes that slip on and off easily. 

Another mood booster for me is a clean car.

4 days trip packing list

From empty food containers to candy wrappers, a road trip can quickly make a car messy. So don't forget to bring a small trash can or bag to keep things tidy.

Don't forget wipes — especially when eating in the car.

4 days trip packing list

When something spills or your hands are sticky, you'll be glad you packed them.

And lastly, don't forget a camera to capture those stellar American landscapes.

4 days trip packing list

Of course, there are other essentials for road trips , like emergency gear, sunglasses, and a  reusable water bottle . But the items on this list have helped me make a long, bumpy ride go smoothly.

4 days trip packing list

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9 Things to do with Kids in Savannah

Updated : June 03, 2024

AAA Travel Editor, CW

Table of contents.

  •   Jepson Center & Telfair Children's Art Museum
  •   Leopold's Ice Cream
  •   Savannah Children's Museum
  •   Tybee Island
  •   Take a Riverboat Cruise
  •   Oatland Island Wildlife Center
  •   Savannah's Candy Kitchen
  •   Webb Military Museum
  •   UGA Marine Education Center and Aquarium

Plan Your Trip to Savannah With AAA.

Savannah's old-world charm, thriving culinary scene and historical sights aren't limited to activities that only adults appreciate. You'll find something here for travelers of any age group. From interactive art galleries to candy shops, you'll find plenty of kid-friendly things to do that add some variety into your trip.

To help, we've compiled a list of some of the best things to do with kids in Savannah.

4 days trip packing list

1.  Jepson Center & Telfair Children's Art Museum

  • Address: 207 W York St, Savannah, GA 31401
  • Price: $30 for adults; $20 for students ages 13-25 with student ID; $10 for ages 6-10; 5 and under free

The Jepson Center and Telfair Children's Museum offers a wide assortment of things for families to see and do: art displays that kids can touch, manipulate and explore; full suits of armor; Rembrandt and other old master paintings; sculpture galleries and contemporary art displays. The Children's Art Museum is a separate museum, but a ticket purchase gets you admission to the three Telfair museums on the complex. Many kids also enjoy the "non-kids" side of the art museum, so don't hesitate to take them to see the classic works as well as the hands-on displays.

4 days trip packing list

2.  Leopold's Ice Cream

  • Address: 212 E Broughton St, Savannah, GA 31401
  • Price: $10-20

This is a stop that's poised to delight kids from 2 to 102. An old-school ice cream parlor complete with a marble bar and soda fountain, Leopold's has been around for years--and it's a local favorite. Leopold's is nestled into the heart of the Savannah Historic District . Choose from classic flavors like butter pecan, mint chocolate chip and double chocolate, or try something a little more novel: Savannah Socialite, rum bisque and lemon custards are all favorites. Leopold's does have gluten-free and dairy-free options on the menu, as well, so there's truly something for everyone at this classic spot.

4 days trip packing list

3.  Savannah Children's Museum

  • Address: 655 Louisville Rd, Savannah, GA 31401
  • Price: $10 per person age 18 months and up

The entirely open-air Savannah Children's Museum leaves plenty of room for movement, free play and exploration. This museum will appeal the most to the under-12 set. It's an ideal place to sit down and relax while kids just let loose and play. A large outdoor sandbox, oversized building blocks, a huge play kitchen, multiple climbing structures and countless hands-on activities make this a great low-stress stop in the midst of a day or week of exploring the area. You could spend an hour or a day here; it's clean, well-maintained and refreshing for both adults and kids.

4 days trip packing list

4.  Tybee Island

  • Address: Tybee Island, Georgia
  • Price: Free

Tybee Island isn't exactly an island; it's attached to the mainland, just a short drive east of Savannah. But once you're there, you might end up feeling like you're at an island escape far from the rest of the world. Tybee Island is the perfect local spot for a beach day and it's indisputably one of the top family activities in Savannah. Clean, fresh sand, cool Atlantic breezes, plenty of shells to find and an array of small shops and food trucks make this a welcome respite when you just need to get out of town. Stop by the Tybee Island Light House and Museum for a taste of the area's history while you're there. Make it even easier with a Day at the Beach experience that picks you up in historic Savannah and delivers you to Tybee Island, along with all the refreshments and beach supplies you need to make unforgettable memories.

4 days trip packing list

5.  Take a Riverboat Cruise

  • Address: 9 E River St, Savannah, GA 31401
  • Price: $40-50

It’s possible to experience Savannah just like many of the city's earliest inhabitants did: by water. Take a 90-minute cruise on the Savannah River aboard a huge classic riverboat. You'll enjoy drinks and live music along the way; food is available for purchase, or you can reserve a ticket that includes a buffet dinner at an extra cost. This is an enchanting way to see the city and it's a family-friendly outing that kids will love just as much as the adults on board. The voyage includes a narrated tour of the sights you'll see as you cruise by; it's an easy way to learn more about the city and see sights from a perspective you just can't get on dry land. On your way, enjoy the shopping, dining and historical sights of Savannah's River Street .

4 days trip packing list

6.  Oatland Island Wildlife Center

  • Address: 711 Sandtown Rd, Savannah, GA 31410
  • Price: $5 for adults, $3 for kids

The Oatland Island Wildlife Center is a lovely, accessible escape from the sights and sounds of Savannah's downtown. Here, you'll enjoy zoo-like exhibits of many local and endangered creatures and learn more about southern Georgia's wildlife, from the birds of prey to wolves and cougars. Though the center isn't huge, it consistently exceeds expectations in terms of the variety of wildlife and the lovely setting; it's a fabulous place to get outside and take kids on an engaging walk through gorgeous exhibits, all without breaking the bank. If you have toddlers in tow, try to visit on a Tuesday, when they have special activities for the youngest kids.

4 days trip packing list

7.  Savannah's Candy Kitchen

  • Address: 318 W Saint Julian Street, Savannah, GA 31401
  • Price: $5-15

Sometimes the only thing kids love even more than ice cream is some extra-special candy. Savannah's Candy Kitchen has it all, from beautiful caramel apples to every variety of fudge imaginable. You'll also find old-school candies, a Great Wall of Candy with offerings sold by the pound and pralines and caramels galore. This is a brilliant stop if you're in the midst of exploring historic Savannah and it's easy to stop by either Franklin Square or Ellis Square afterwards to enjoy the fresh air and your treats.

8.  Webb Military Museum

  • Address: 411 E York St, Savannah, GA 31401

Not all kids will love the Webb Military Museum, but if you have history buffs along for the trip, they'll likely be enthralled by this stop. The Webb Military Museum features a huge variety of memorabilia spanning the decades from the American Civil War to Desert Storm. You'll get to see original uniforms, old military equipment and gear and fascinating photographs on a self-guided tour that's welcoming to kids and adults alike. Active duty military and kids under 8 always enjoy free admission.

4 days trip packing list

9.  UGA Marine Education Center and Aquarium

  • Address: 30 Ocean Science Cir, Savannah, GA 31411
  • Price: $7 for adults, $5 for kids

This is one spot that kids of all ages are sure to love. Though it's not a huge aquarium, it's beautifully clean, well-maintained and features many beautiful specimens of life in the Atlantic waters. Learn about the environmental issues facing Georgia's coastline and see octopus, pufferfish, sea horses, reef fish, whelks and more up close. After taking an hour or two to explore the aquarium, it's worth stepping out the door and onto the Jay Wolf Nature Trail for an enjoyable, short hike along the coast.

Join the over a million people who are AAA members and start planning your trip to Savannah today. Dream up the perfect trip and use your membership to get the best discounts on hotels , rental cars and entertainment tickets.

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  29. 9 Things to do with Kids in Savannah

    A large outdoor sandbox, oversized building blocks, a huge play kitchen, multiple climbing structures and countless hands-on activities make this a great low-stress stop in the midst of a day or week of exploring the area. You could spend an hour or a day here; it's clean, well-maintained and refreshing for both adults and kids. 4. Tybee Island