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Cruise control diet by jorge cruise: ultimate guide | does it work.

what is the cruise control diet

This content has been Fact-Checked by a Certified Nutritionist in our Publishing Team. Learn more here . Always consult a medical professional before commencing any diet.

The Cruise Control Diet is an effective way to lose weight and improve your health. This is a lifestyle change that promises long-term results and improvement in terms of weight loss and overall well-being.

The best of all? You don’t need to count calories or restrict your diet.

Created by James Ward, Cruise Control focuses on whole foods and eliminates processed and packaged foods.

This approach helps your body burn fat more effectively without restrictions.

This results in a healthier lifestyle, which is ideal for maintaining perfect weight and improving your well-being.

The Cruise Control is a perfect dietary plan for those who struggle with the yo-yo effect and want more permanent results.

It is also a great choice for those who don’t want to restrict their foods and who actually want to enjoy their meals!

What is the Cruise Control Diet?

cruise control diet

What exactly is the Cruise Control diet? It is best described as a lifestyle change and not a traditional diet.

In the Cruise Control diet, you are not restricting your food intake: It also doesn’t cut away numerous food types: most foods are allowed with Cruise Control.

So, what’s the catch?

Cruise Control Diet follows four basic principles:

1. Eat Natural

This dietary regime encourages you to eat whole, natural foods. Such foods will keep you full and will help you burn those persistent pounds.

2. Don’t eat processed packaged food

The key to Cruise Control is to avoid all processed and packaged foods. These foods contain unhealthy ingredients that make you hungry and encourage your body to store fat.

These ingredients and additives prevent your body from eliminating toxins. As a result, you feel hungry often, you eat a lot and store unwanted calories and fat.

Check out how processed foods are harming people . And the relationship between processed foods and obesity .

3. Treat yourself from time to time

Cruise Control Diet eliminates restrictions and cravings. You can eat cookies, chocolate and candies from time to time.

As long as you do it in moderate quantities, there is nothing you should worry about. Treating yourself in moderation is better than restricting yourself and then overeating once a craving hits.

4. Don’t count calories

what is the cruise control diet

Cruise Control discourages calorie counting, food journal, points, even portion control!

That’s all!

As you can see, the Cruise Control Diet is not restrictive.

On the contrary: it wants to encourage you to make a lifestyle change towards healthy living and a balanced diet.

All you need to do is eliminate processed and packaged foods. An approach like this might seem strange compared to typical diets.

Dieting, in many people’s minds, includes restrictions, control, and calorie counting.

The thing is, such diets are often difficult to maintain and offer short-term results at best. Not to mention that they often prove to be unhealthy or even dangerous.

Cruise Control focuses on intuitive eating.

No more calculating portion sizes, no more counting calories.

More than restricting your food choice, it gives you a wide selection of nutritious, healthy and tasty foods. By focusing on intuitive eating, you are making a lifestyle choice rather than a simple diet.

How Does it Work?

By applying the cruise control diet, you will get into two phases:

1. Boosting zone : you choose 8 hours of the day and you will eat your meals during this period. Your meals have to consist of 50% fat, 30% carbohydrates, and 20% protein.

2. Burning zone : here you will fast for 16 hours, meaning that you will stop eating any meals but you can enjoy treats and beverages made of 100% healthy fats then you will sleep.

Cruise Control Diet Pros and Cons

feel good and healthy

Cruise Control diet offers numerous health and lifestyle benefits:

1. It helps you lose weight

By consuming natural, non-processed foods, your body uses calories more efficiently, which results in weight loss. All without the need to make your portions smaller or your food choices restrictive.

2. It improves health

Cruise Control is a healthy approach that will improve your health. Even if you don’t need to lose weight, switching to Cruise Control is a healthy lifestyle change.

You will feel stronger and more energized. It will help you eliminate toxins and it will boost your metabolism.

3. It is enjoyable

Let’s face it: diets can be many things, but they are rarely enjoyable. They typically force you to abandon many foods you enjoy eating.

Diets make you waste too much time and energy on calorie counting, portion measuring and food journaling.

With such an approach, all you can do is think about food!

Cruise Control eliminates all of that: you can eat many different foods, you don’t have to worry about portion sizes, and you can even treat yourself with sweets from time to time.

4. It is a real lifestyle change

Don’t think of Cruise Control as a diet. It is a lifestyle change. This is a step towards healthy living that can benefit you in many different ways.

As you can see, there are numerous health benefits of Cruise Control that are not limited to weight loss.

That being said, this is definitely a way to lose weight – it gives effective, long-term results without yo-yo consequences.

On the other hand, it is important to use this dietary regime as an informed choice.

It is important to know of potential negative sides of Cruise Control Diet :

1. It does require a certain effort

You need to eliminate all processed foods from your diet, and it often means shopping at different stores or reading labels more carefully.

2. Weight loss might not be fast

In the Cruise Control Diet, you are making a choice towards a healthy diet, which should bring long-term weight loss results.

Many people notice changes within days, but some people need to stick to this dietary regime for a while before noticing results. This is not a quick weight loss scheme.

3. Potential investment of money and time

Cruise Control Diet is not expensive: many foods and ingredients are affordable and easy to find.

However, it might require certain changes. Also, many recipes require you to prepare them, which asks for some time investment.

The good news is that many of the recipes are easy and quick to prepare, and no, they don’t cost a lot! However, if you are used at eating packaged snacks instead of a lunch, be prepared for some changes.

4. Elimination of certain foods

Cruise Control Diet is not restrictive, but certain types of foods are forbidden.

If your present diet relies too much on these foods, be prepared to go through a period of adjusting.

For example, Cruise Control doesn’t allow potato chips and similar snacks. Those who consume such foods on a regular basis will feel restrictions.

Cruise Control Diet Food List

Natural foods

There are many foods you can eat with the Cruise Control Diet. This is one of the best things about this dietary regime. There is basically only one rule: it has to be natural (not processed).

Here are some of the foods you can eat on the Cruise Control Diet:

  • Vegetables: asparagus, avocado, bell peppers, bok choy, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, collard greens, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, green peas, kale, leeks, mustard greens, okra, onions, pumpkins, potatoes, radishes, Romaine lettuce, spinach, squash, Swiss chard, tomatoes, zucchini.
  • Fruits: apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe, cranberries, dates, gooseberries, grapes, figs, kiwi, lemons, limes, oranges, peaches, papaya, pears, pineapple, plums, pomegranate, prunes, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines, watermelon.
  • Meat: lean cuts (pork, grass-fed beef), chicken, turkey, wild-caught fish (cod, halibut, salmon, sardines, tuna), prawns, shrimp.
  • Dairy and eggs: grass-fed animal milk, butter, cheese, ghee; eggs.
  • Grains: barley, buckwheat, rice (brown rice, wild rice), spelt, rye, quinoa.
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, cashew nuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, pistachio, pumpkin seeds, walnuts.
  • Spices and herbs: basil, cardamom, cilantro, cinnamon, chili (dried, flakes), clove, coriander, curry leaves, dill, garlic, ginger, mace, mint, oregano, peppermint, parsley, pepper, rosemary, sage, saffron, thyme.
  • Beverages: water, freshly pressed fruit juice, freshly pressed vegetable juice, coconut water.
  • Oils: olive oil, coconut oil, rice bran oil.
  • Other: peanut butter, almond butter.

Foods to Avoid

what is the cruise control diet

What can you not eat on Cruise Control Diet? Generally speaking, you should avoid any processed foods. Main things to avoid include:

  • Deep-fried and fried foods
  • Frozen foods
  • Potato chips and other similar snacks
  • Packaged fruit juice
  • Energy drinks
  • Low-fat yogurt (it is typically full of artificial flavors and stabilizers)
  • Deli meat full of additives (salami, sausage)
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Any product with artificial flavors and colors
  • Any products with added nitrates or other additives

As you can see, the rules are simple: avoid anything that is processed and full of additives. Yes, it means spending more time reading labels, but it’s worth it!

Cruise Control Diet Plan

Girl chopping veggies

One great thing about Cruise Control is that you can create your own diet plan. You know what you like to eat, and this program doesn’t want to force you into consuming something you dislike.

Also, it doesn’t force you to make serious changes: if you are a vegetarian, you stay a vegetarian.

Meal plan example:

Breakfast: Toast with a boiled egg is one choice. Or you may opt for homemade egg muffins or a spinach frittata.

Snack: This snack should prepare you for lunch. Ideally, you should eat one large fruit or a cup of smaller fruits.

Lunch: It is best to combine vegetables with a side protein. A salad with pieces of grilled chicken is one choice. Soups are also a good lunch option. On the other hand, if you want a hefty meal, you can get a steak.

Afternoon snack: If you need a snack between lunch and dinner, you can eat another cup of fruit or nuts.

Dinner: Your dinner should contain a type protein with side vegetables. Grilled chicken or salmon is a good choice. If you are feeling hungry, a steak or a wider selection of side dishes is a good way to go.

Bedtime snack: A cup of milk and a cookie can make a good bedtime snack.

The program encourages healthy night rest and plenty of sleep. It is best to go to bed by 10-10:30pm. You should not take your bedtime snack later than this.

Cheat meals: Cruise Control incorporates “cheat meals” two times per week. You can eat pasta, your favorite snacks, pizzas, desserts and other things that are typically not allowed on traditional diets.

Cruise Control Diet Recipes

Healthy salad

Here are a few easy recipes you can prepare for your Cruise Control diet regime:

Eggs with Vegetables


  • 1-2 cups sweet potatoes (diced)
  • 1 cup zucchini (diced)
  • 1 bell pepper (chopped)
  • ½ cup onion (chopped)
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil
  • salt, pepper (to taste)


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  • Pour olive oil in a pan and cook diced potatoes until the bottoms turn golden and cubes start to soften.
  • Add zucchini, onion, bell pepper, salt, pepper and onion. Cook until the vegetables start to soften.
  • Remove from heat and divide into two. Break one egg into each pile.
  • Place in the oven and bake 10-15 minutes. Serve.

what is the cruise control diet

Blueberry Almonds

  • ½ cup blueberries
  • ½ cup almonds
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • In a cup, mix almonds and blueberries.
  • Sprinkle with cinnamon and sesame seeds. Serve.

Lunch or dinner

Chicken tomato salad

what is the cruise control diet

  • 2x chicken breast, grilled and cut into small pieces
  • 4-5 tomatoes, chopped into small pieces
  • ½ cup chopped parsley
  • 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
  • salt and pepper
  • optional: other chopped vegetables (cucumber, bell peppers, onion)
  • Grill chicken and chop it into small pieces.
  • Cut vegetables and mix them in a salad bowl. Add chicken.
  • Add olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Toss carefully.

Avocado Tuna Steak

  • 1 garlic clove (grated)
  • 2 Ahi tuna steaks
  • 1 teaspoon ginger (grated)
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
  • 3-4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 lemon (juiced)
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 ripe avocado (halved, peeled, pitted, and sliced)


  • In a mixing bowl, combine lemon juice, salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, ginger and garlic. Stir until the ingredients are well-mixed.
  • Add the remaining oil to the pan. Season tuna steaks with salt and pepper. Add to the pan and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side. Pour half of the mixture to coat the fish. Cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Prepare a serving plate. Place the tuna and add sliced avocados. Pour the remaining sauce over the whole plate and add sesame seeds.

what is the cruise control diet

Does Cruise Control Diet Work?

All this sounds great, but does it work? If you want to lose weight, you want to see results, and that’s understandable.

A great thing about the Cruise Control diet is that it works, and it works long-term. Say goodbye to yo-yo dieting and shot-term results.

This dietary regime is made for real results and a true lifestyle change. In fact, it is a recommended step if you are looking for a healthier and wholesome diet.

Of course, there are certain things you can do to improve your results.

Doing light exercises 2-3 times per week is always helpful. However, you don’t have to engage in strenuous exercise in order to notice results.

Regular walks are extremely helpful for your well-being, and they don’t require difficult exercises. The goal is to move towards a healthier lifestyle, and Cruise Control diet can help you get there.

One thing you need to remember about Cruise Control: it is made for long-term results.

It means that you might not notice significant weight loss straight away.

Unlike fad diets, Cruise Control doesn’t mask water loss as weight loss, and it doesn’t starve your body for short results.

Just keep going and you will notice that you lose weight naturally – no more tiny portions or food cravings. Think of it as a lifestyle change and not a weight loss scheme.

The best of all?

It will help you lose weight, and it will prevent the dreaded yo-yo effect.

Atkins vs Cruise Control Diet

The Atkins diet is one of the most well-known diets in the world, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is harmless.

Atkins is a low-carb diet, specially designed to promote quick weight loss and not a lifestyle change.

The idea behind the Atkins diet is that weight loss is achieved through a diet that is high on protein and even fat, but extremely low in carbs.

While there are people who can achieve results with the Atkins diet, it is easy to slip into unhealthy dietary regime with this one.

Atkins can work short-term, and if you are careful enough not to cut too many essential foods.

Cruise Control is not so restrictive. In fact, it encourages a balanced diet with all the major food groups present.

This balance helps you stay healthy and gradually make you adopt a better dietary regime. Unlike the Atkins diet, Cruise Control is not limiting.

It is a long-term solution that promotes health and a better lifestyle choice.

If you like a diet high on protein, no need to go for Atkins: Cruise Control allows you to consume proteins on a daily basis.

The key is balance and natural ingredients.

Verdict: Cruise Control wins.

Are There Any Warnings for the Cruise Control Diet?

Cruise Control diet is safe and effective. Unlike so many other diets, it doesn’t cut away any important food groups.

It’s all about balance and natural ingredients, not starving yourself or counting calories. As such, it doesn’t come with any specific warnings.

Consult your doctor before starting Cruise Control or any other dietary regime. Your doctor can advise you on how to make your diet balanced and will tell you of any potential warnings that apply to you.

While Cruise Control Diet is safe, its individual effects depend on the individual’s overall health, age, BMI, medical history, and other parameters.

This content has been Fact-Checked by a Certified Nutritionist in our Publishing Team. Learn more here .

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The Cruise Control Diet Can Help You Drop 12 Pounds in 7 Days

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what is the cruise control diet

Over the past several years, intermittent fasting has emerged as a darling of the weight-loss world. Countless experts have chimed in to recommend extending the time between meals, and research shows impressive results in the lab too. In an animal study at the University of California at San Diego, mice that had access to unlimited food for just nine hours each day lost 73 percent more weight than those with access to food all day.

“It’s the magic formula for accelerating your metabolism ,” asserts nutrition and fitness pro Jorge Cruise, bestselling author of more than 20 books, including his latest, The Cruise Control Diet ( $17.47, Amazon ) . “By lengthening your period of not eating, you can trigger effortless weight loss and increased energy.”

Why is intermittent fasting so effective? Because the body switches between two states: the fed state and the fasted state, explains Jason Fung, MD, author of The Complete Guide to Fasting ( $20.36, Amazon ) . In a fed state (after a meal), the body burns some of the incoming food as fuel — but it doesn’t need much. The “excess” fuel is ferried to fat cells by the hormone insulin , where it can be stored for later. “If we spend our entire day in the fed state, then we are constantly storing fat,” explains Dr. Fung.

In a fasted state (when you haven’t eaten for several hours), insulin levels are lower. Because there’s no excess fuel, there’s no need for the hormone, so the body switches to burning stored fat for fuel. That’s where the weight loss happens, Dr. Fung asserts. But it’s also where things fall apart for many busy women: The “hanger,” brain fog and fatigue caused by switching from one fuel to the other, make it hard to stick with the plan in the real world.

How Fasting Fights Aging

All of the cells in the human body have an innate “recycling” program — allowing them to reuse damaged or non-useful cellular parts to build new, functional cells. With each passing year, this mechanism (called autophagy ) starts to slow. We experience this as aging: wrinkles, dull skin, and low energy. 

But studies show that intermittent fasting is an effective way to dial up the body’s recycling program: “It’s the only known dietary way to stimulate autophagy,” asserts fasting expert Jason Fung, MD. “Simply put, fasting cleanses the body of unhealthy cellular junk. At the same time, fasting also signals the production of some new snazzy cell parts, giving our bodies a complete renovation. Fasting may be considered one of the most potent anti-aging methods in existence.” This brings incredible anti-aging benefits, including 30 percent fewer wrinkles and 25 percent more even skin tone. Research also shows that boosting the body’s natural recycling program can improve cognitive function, strengthen the immune system and reduce cancer risk.

Fortunately, Cruise has discovered how to trick the body into thinking you’re fasting… without actually forgoing food! “I found a scientific loophole that demolishes hunger pangs and keeps energy revved up so no one has to struggle to get the benefits of intermittent fasting,” cheers Cruise.

His delicious, easy secret: healthy fats . “It turns out, certain healthy fats don’t disrupt the body’s fasting state, so you can eat them during your fast, but your body won’t ‘know’ you’ve eaten — it just keeps burning up fat stores as if you haven’t eaten anything at all.” 

According to Dr. Fung, pure dietary fat has almost no effect on insulin levels, so the fat isn’t stored in fat cells. Instead, it is immediately burned for fuel, providing an instant energy boost. That means you can eat pure fat snacks without “breaking” the fast, putting the brakes on fat burn or stalling body-fat loss. 

What’s more, the weight loss comes without any of the uncomfortable hunger pangs that make dieting so frustrating. “Dietary fats kill hunger pangs, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of fasting without feeling deprived,” asserts Dr. Fung. 

Indeed, researchers at Texas Tech University in Lubbock report that eating fat decreases the body’s production of key hunger- promoting hormones and increases the production of satiety hormones — and the combined effect reduces calorie intake by 40 percent for four hours each time you enjoy a pure-fat snack.

The results go beyond hunger-free weight loss. “You really can reap all the benefits of intermittent fasting with none of the adverse effects. You don’t have to exercise or restrict calories,” promises Cruise. “This strategy transforms health dramatically — I regularly hear stories of women being taken off blood pressure medication, of radiant skin, of shiny hair, of clarity and focus that’s been missing for years.” 

In fact, studies show that burning fat for fuel boosts energy by 88 percent, improves sleep quality by 21 percent, and boosts mood as effectively as prescription antidepressants — often within as little as eight days. Ready to start your transformation? Read on for the easy plan!

How to Do the Cruise Control Diet

While on the Cruise Control diet, you’ll enjoy two meals and two snacks between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. each day. “Aim to eat real food,” says Cruise, who has designed meals to keep metabolism humming and minimize fat storage.

That means filling up on 6 oz. of protein (about two large eggs or a serving of fish or poultry the size of two decks of cards), at least 2 cups of dark leafy greens and unlimited non-starchy vegetables (like asparagus and eggplant) per day. You can also enjoy whole-grain bread or pasta at one meal. Cruise suggests eating these carbs with dinner because they foster the production of sleep hormones.

You’ll top off each meal with plenty of high-quality fats (coconut, olive, and avocado oils; nuts and seeds; avocado; and organic dairy), while avoiding fats that stall slimming, including canola, corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, and palm oils.

A sample day to get you started

Pizza for Two: Mix 11⁄2 cups riced cauliflower, 1 egg, and 1 cup shredded mozzarella. Spread on pan. Bake at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 min. Top with cheese and toppings. Broil 5 min.

Roasted Chickpeas: Toss 4 cups cooked chickpeas with 2 Tbs. olive oil and 1 tsp. salt. Spread on baking sheet. Bake at 400°F for 25 min., stirring often. Makes 4 servings.

Steak Salad: Mix 1 cup spinach, 1⁄2 cup carrot ribbons and 3⁄4 cup bell pepper slices with 3 tsp. olive oil. Top with 6 oz. steak, broiled to desired temperature.

Lemon Cake: Mix 1 egg, 2 Tbs. lemon juice, 2 Tbs. cream, 1⁄2 tsp. lemon stevia, 2 Tbs. flour, and 1⁄4 tsp. baking powder. Microwave for 90 sec. Top with whipped cream.

How to Fast for Weight Loss

During your “fasting” window, you can enjoy a pure-fat snack to stave off hunger and sidestep fatigue while keeping insulin levels steady and prodding the body to burn stored fat for fuel.

If you feel hungry during your fast, enjoy a pure-fat treat, like one of the examples below. “You can enjoy as much as you want,” says Cruise, who has developed a line of healthy oils, fat-infused coffee creamers and fasting-friendly sweeteners (available at ). “Pure fat doesn’t trigger insulin, so your body will still think you are fasting.”

One note of caution: “If you’re shifting from a low-fat, high-carb or vegan diet, you may experience some tummy trouble at first,” says Cruise. To ease any discomfort, he suggests taking a digestive enzyme that contains fat-digesting lipase before your pure-fat snacks to help the body break down the fats. One to try: Enzymedica Lypo Gold ( $22.49, Amazon ). 

High-Fat Snacks

Cruise Control Coffee: In blender, combine 12 oz. cooled coffee , 1 Tbs. Cruise Control Latte Creamer (or 1 Tbs. each MCT oil and room temperature grass-fed unsalted butter), 1 Tbs. cinnamon, 2 tsp. monk fruit (optional) and a pinch of sea salt. Pour over ice and enjoy. Not a fan of coffee? Try using 12 oz. of black or dandelion tea as a base instead.

Strawberry Pops: In small saucepan, bring 1⁄2 cup water to a boil. Remove from heat. Add 1 box sugar-free strawberry gelatin, stirring constantly until dissolved. Pour mixture into blender. Add 1 cup heavy cream. Blend until smooth. Pour into 6 Popsicle molds and freeze for 4 hours. 

Chocolate Butter Bombs: Over double boiler, mix 1 cup coconut butter, 1 cup coconut milk, 2 Tbs. unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 1⁄2 tsp. cinnamon, and 1⁄2 tsp. monk fruit. Transfer to bowl; refrigerate until solid. Roll into 10 (1-inch) balls. If desired, sprinkle with unsweetened coconut flakes or cocoa powder.

Margarita Panna Cotta: In bowl, sprinkle 3 Tbsp. gelatin onto 12 oz. coconut cream. While gelatin softens, heat 1⁄4 cup coconut oil, 2 Tbs. stevia and 3 tsp. vanilla extract over low heat until melted and combined. Stir in gelatin mixture. Once combined, remove from heat and stir in the juice and zest of 2 limes. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Garnish with lime, then serve.

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This story originally appeared in our print magazine.

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It requires some changes in your life and on your plate, but it's simple and incredibly effective.

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The next two-plus weeks are going to require some changes in your life and on your plate, but they’re simple and incredibly effective. We asked Jorge Cruise , founder of the Cruise Control method , to break down how he’s helped hundreds of clients get to healthier weights and feel great about themselves. Now it’s your turn.

Before You Start

Our weight-loss plan is based on the concept of intermittent fasting, also known as time-restricted eating or interval eating. That means you eat and drink only within a specific window of time. Our plan calls for an eight-hour period of eating. Other types of intermittent fasting call for longer fasting times or entire days with very low calorie intake, but we worked with Jorge Cruise on the eight-hour plan because it’s a good way to be more mindful of your choices without feeling totally restricted—and he’s got clever ways to “cheat” your fast too, below.

Why 19 days?

It’s the perfect amount of time to learn a new way of eating—and see results. Intermittent fasting doesn’t work as well if you dip in and out of it every few days or take a break on the weekends: If you stick with it, your body will learn its new rhythm, and the 19 days will help you find meals you love and prove to yourself that you can do this.

Will you lose weight?

When 23 obese adults restricted their eating to between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. for 12 weeks, they ate around 350 fewer calories per day compared with a control group, according to a recent Nutrition and Healthy Aging study. They also lost a few pounds and saw a drop in their systolic blood pressure (the top number).

Going for longish periods without eating seems to send the body into fat-burning mode and limit blood sugar spikes. “Those two factors combined mean you’re reducing the blood sugar highs and lows that make you hungrier,” says Courtney Peterson, Ph.D., assistant professor of nutrition at the University ofAlabama at Birmingham.Time-restricted eating also keeps your appetite in check by lowering levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, she adds.

Jorge Cruise answers more FAQs about the 19-Day Weight-Loss Plan here .

Is it healthy?

In general, for most people, intermittent fasting is safe and can even improve health and longevity. “What we know is that it seems to be beneficial for biomarkers of aging and even for extend-ing the life of our bodies’ repair systems,” says Michael Roizen, M.D., emeritus chief wellness officer at Cleveland Clinic. But if you have diabetes or take medication that changes your glucose level, downward shifts in blood sugar might not be safe for you. (Anyone should talk to a doctor before making health changes, but diabetics in particular should take note.)

Keto diet concept. Ketogenic diet food. Balanced low carb food background. Vegetables, fish, meat, cheese, nuts, seeds

How It Works

Your days (and nights) will now be broken into two parts, which Jorge calls the Blue Zone and the Red Zone. Here’s what to know:

Blue Zone: This is the eight hours each day during which you eat. There’s guidance for choosing foods ahead, but the bottom line is to plan what you’re going to eat within those hours for the most success. Dr. Roizen recommends setting your eating window to include the morning hours. “Our bodies make us more insulin-sensitive in the morning: If you eat most of your calories before 2 p.m., you will lose more weight than someone who eats the same number of calories later in the day,” he says.

Red Zone: This is when you don’t eat—for 16 hours, some of which you’ll spend asleep. Consume only water, coffee, or tea. Your body will be burning off fat, so you’ve got to give it a chance to do that work without interruption.

Greek salad with fresh vegetables, feta cheese and kalamata olives. Healthy food. Top view

Your 19-Day Eating Plan

So, what are you going to eat for the next 19 days? There isn’t a magic meal or shake that’s going to do the work for you—but you can’t eat absolutely anything you want either. A day of cheesecake and french fries isn’t going to give you the nutrition you need, nor will it keep you satisfied when you’re in the Red Zone. Jorge says you don’t have to count calories, but follow these guidelines to make choices that are good for your body.

How to fill your plate

Every time you eat, think about building a varied plate of vibrant food that will really fill you up. Some of Jorge’s favorite go-tos are Greek salads, portobello mushroom pizzas, and cashew chicken with veggies. These recipes plus tons more from Cruise are featured here . But the basics are:

  • 50% HEALTHY FATS as in olive oil, nuts, and avocado 30% carbs from veggies and whole grains
  • 30% CARBS from veggies and whole grains
  • 20% PROTEIN from chicken, eggs, salmon, and other lean, nutrient-dense foods

Don't forget to drink water: It’s easy to get dehydrated when you’re limiting the times you eat. Avoid that energy-zapping fate by carrying a water bottle or setting reminders on your phone to drink up.

What to avoid

The usual baddies: sugar, overly processed carbs, and foods high in saturated fat. Maybe you’ve tried to cut these out before, but here’s why it’s going to be easier this time: You’ve got only eight hours to eat—why waste it on food that’s not going to give you energy? You do not want to be hungry two hours into the Red Zone! Use your Blue Zone time to fill up on yummy food that will work as hard for you as you are working to lose weight.

How to “cheat” your fast

Jorge’s best secret to adopting his Cruise Control way of eating: Eat when you’re supposed to be fasting! Not just anything, of course, but a treat that’ll both taste good and be easily digested. Have a Cruise Control coffee (that’s coffee with a tablespoon each of cream and butter) or a chia smoothie made with water and a plant-based sweetener like stevia (Jorge loves flavored SweetLeaf drops).

delicious macadamia nuts on a wooden rustic background

5 great snacks

Crunchy, creamy, salty, sweet: Jorge has you covered between meals in the Blue Zone.

  • Frozen grapes
  • Toasted chickpeas
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Avocado sprinkled with sea salt
  • Strawberries and whipped cream

Get the book

There’s more from Jorge in his New York Times best-selling guide, The Cruise Control Diet , now updated and out in paperback. You can also sign up for a free week of coaching at .

This article originally appeared in the January 2020 issue of Prevention.

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Drop 52 Pounds in 30 Days With This ‘Super-Treat’ Keto Plan

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Want keto diet results without depriving yourself of carbs? America’s favorite weight-loss coach can make it happen. “I’ve discovered a hack that gives you keto’s fat-burning benefits but still lets you have foods like fruit, whole grains, chocolate and wine,” reveals Jorge Cruise , author of the new Cruise Control Diet ( $16.80, Amazon ) . Proof it works: Cruise has thousands of Facebook followers testing the science-based strategy. “The average woman is losing a pound every 24 hours — and I’ve already seen losses of up to 12 pounds and five inches of belly fat a week,” he reports. “There’s no hunger, no cravings. You don’t have to exercise or restrict calories. People say they forget they’re on a diet — until they need smaller clothes!” 

To understand how Cruise’s new plan works, first you need a little backstory. “When you’re overweight, it almost always means you have too much insulin, a hormone that tells the body to store fat ,” notes nutrition expert Jason Fung, MD , author of The Obesity Code ( $12.88, Amazon ) . 

Insulin is released to regulate blood sugar we make from carbs and large portions of protein. Trouble is, many of us constantly overload on these foods, causing our systems to malfunction. We wind up with chronically elevated insulin that locks us into burning sugar instead of fat, and it also quickly sends most blood sugar directly to fat cells. Luckily, says Dr. Fung, “Bringing insulin down means weight comes down automatically.” 

While a keto diet eliminates carbs to slash insulin , Cruise says, “It’s too extreme for a lot of us. That’s why my ‘fat cheat’ is key. It allows you to gently lower insulin and dip into ketosis — a state during which the body burns pure fat instead of sugar — without any struggle. And it’s actually better than keto at unleashing your metabolism!”

The Cruise Control Diet

“Research shows that as long as you’re eating 100 percent fat — with no carbs or protein mixed in — insulin stays down,” notes Cruise. So for 16 hours each day, Cruise Control dieters enjoy “super-treats” made almost entirely from fat, including creamy coffee drinks, homemade peppermint patties, macadamia nut butter. and even fudgy chocolate mousse. “These options are delicious and extremely satisfying, so it doesn’t feel like a diet at all,” explains Cruise, “Yet little or no insulin is being produced, so you enter a light state of ketosis. It’s what I call the ‘burn zone’ because you’re burning fat like crazy.” 

After you burn, you enter the “boost zone.” Choose the same eight-hour window each day — such as 11 am to 7 pm — during which you’ll eat traditional meals and snacks, adding plenty of metabolism-boosting protein , veggies, and moderate amounts of healthy carbs to your regimen. Yes, you do make some insulin, but not enough to slow your progress. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. 

“There is actually research that shows cutting carbs for too long slows your thyroid and metabolism. It’s a real problem for keto dieters ,” Cruise warns. “The carbs you get on the cruise control diet keep your thyroid and metabolism humming. Healthy carbs also energize your brain and elevate your mood.” All this while the scale drops! The cruise control diet is new, but folks have already shed up to 52 pounds in 30 days! 

Cruise Control Diet Reviews

After reading excited posts on Facebook, Doris Beyer, 46, was game to try the cruise control diet, but worried it would leave her “hangry.” Then she started sampling fat bombs and other fat-rich treats. “It’s like the fat coats the inside of your stomach and leaves you calm and craving-free,” says the California hairstylist, who eats regular meals between 1 pm and 9 pm daily. Dropping up to a pound a day, she’s traded her size 18 for a 10. “This way of eating has done great things for my body!”

Bronwyn Minin, 47, agrees. Outside of her 11 am to 7 pm eating window, she sticks to fat only — including a decadent coffee made with whipping cream, coconut oil, and a sprinkling of pink Himalayan sea salt. “Before, I was always thinking about food,” recalls the New York life coach. “Now I barely think about it at all. My cravings are gone, my hunger is low, and my energy is fantastic. I’m down from a size 20 to a 12. This plan is so easy to follow, and the results are amazing!” 

Cruise Control Diet Meal Plan

To start, choose any eight-hour window that’s convenient for you — such as 11 am to 7 pm — during which you’ll eat most of your meals and snacks each day. During that window, enjoy two meals and two snacks; emphasize protein, non-starchy veggies, and healthy fat, but also allow yourself a couple servings of healthy carb-rich foods such as fruit, unprocessed starch, dark chocolate, or wine. During the remaining 16 hours each day — your “burn zone” — enjoy up to three servings of Cruise Control Coffee or any treat that gets almost 100 percent of its calories from fat. As always, get a doctor’s okay to try any new plan.

Burn Zone: Cruise Control Coffee — Whip 12 oz. coffee, 1 Tbs. grass-fed butter, 1 Tbs. MCT oil and a pinch of salt until frothy. Or choose any option that’s mostly fat, like one of the keto treat recipes below.

Lunch: Easy chicken platter — 1 palm-sized chicken breast, grilled or baked with seasoning to taste; enjoy with unlimited roasted green beans and side salad plus an optional 1⁄2 ear of corn on the cob.

Dinner: Fiesta shrimp platter — Brush 8 to 10 shrimp and unlimited veggies with olive oil; dust with fajita or taco seasoning and grill or sauté. Serve with an optional whole-wheat tortilla, salsa, Greek yogurt, and cilantro. 

Snack: Choose any two during your eating window — 1 oz. cheese; 2 oz. roasted chickpeas; 2 Tbs. nut butter; 4 oz. red wine; 1 oz. dark chocolate, or 6 chocolate-dipped berries.

Keto Treats

Eat healthy meals during an eight-hour window each day. During the remaining 16 hours, enjoy up to three servings of Cruise Control Coffee or any of these high-fat snacks: 

Ultra-Slimming Fudge Mousse — Whisk one 1.4-oz. pkg. sugar-free chocolate pudding mix with 2 cups heavy cream for 2 minutes. Chill 10 minutes. Makes 2 servings.

Fat-Melting Peppermint Patties — Mix 10 Tbs. melted coconut oil, 1 Tbs. zero-carb sweetener, and 1 tsp. peppermint extract. Pour half the mixture evenly into a candy mold; refrigerate. Add 2 Tbs. unsweetened cocoa to remaining mixture and pour evenly on top of white layer in mold. Freeze 3 hours. Makes 6 servings.

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This article originally appeared in our print magazine.

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The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to Conquer Weight Loss Forever

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Jorge Cruise

The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to Conquer Weight Loss Forever Paperback – January 7, 2020

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  • Print length 400 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Ballantine Books
  • Publication date January 7, 2020
  • Dimensions 6.05 x 0.79 x 9.15 inches
  • ISBN-10 0525618716
  • ISBN-13 978-0525618713
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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Ballantine Books (January 7, 2020)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 400 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0525618716
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0525618713
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.24 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.05 x 0.79 x 9.15 inches
  • #3,049 in Celebrity & TV Show Cookbooks
  • #5,337 in Weight Loss Diets (Books)
  • #7,768 in Other Diet Books

About the author

Jorge cruise.

JORGE CRUISE is a 13X New York Times best-selling wellness author with over eight million books in print. He contributes to Good Morning America, The Today Show, Rachael Ray Show, EXTRA TV, LIVE with Kelly and Ryan, The View, Khloe Kardashian’s Revenge Body, First for Women Magazine, and Women’s World Magazine. He is also the creator of Zero Hunger Water and hosts the JORGE CRUISE Podcast with over 125,000 listeners.

Jorge received his Bachelor's degree from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD); fitness credentials from the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

Jorge’s health journey catapulted to the next level at the age of 25 after the passing of his dear mother, Gloria. Twelve months later, he appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show (November 1998). Jorge credits The Oprah Winfrey Show as the launching pad for his career in the public eye. This appearance led to a feature in Oprah Magazine (January 2005 issue) and again in her book, O's Guide to Life.

Over the years, Jorge has developed a celebrity following of his wellness protocols. These celebrities include President Bill Clinton, Steve Harvey, Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Kyle Richards, Eva Longoria, Brooke Burke, Tony Robbins, Countess Luann, and Dorinda Medley.

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Customers find the book very good, easy to follow, and informative. They also say the content is perfect for their health goals and helps them lose weight slowly and steadily. Readers say the book gets them back on track and makes their bodies feel better. They mention the results are great so far.

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Customers find the book very good, well written, and easy to read. They also say it contains recipes and is good value for money.

"...The book is definitely worth a try if like me, you’re on keto and constantly searching new ideas and recipes to not get bored and fall off!..." Read more

"...Well Jorge gives you the tools and wants you to be successful. This book is amazing ! Trust me. These negative reviews are only opinions and not fact...." Read more

" Wonderful book ! It will definitely change the way you think about your diet and lifestyle!..." Read more

" Great book ! Well I think it is. I haven’t read it like I should. Just went straight to meal plan...." Read more

Customers find the recipes in the book easy to follow, with amazing tips and tricks. They also appreciate the food plan and the enlightening information.

"...Six OH my goodness. Plenty of energy, easy to follow , food is delicious (but I am really good in the kitchen), but have been keeping the meals..." Read more

"...I am so hoping this works because it's easy to follow . Did anyone else have this experience?..." Read more

"...I know this is something I can stick with because it was extremely easy to incorporate it into my every day life...." Read more

"...Jorge makes a healthy lifestyle so easy! The Fast works for me it is simple and easy to work into my lifestyle...." Read more

Customers find the book very informative, motivating, and satisfying. They also appreciate the creditable research and principles on point.

"...Even if you’re not trying to lose weight, it is a ton of valuable information to read in this awesome book. 🤗💕..." Read more

"It's a great motivator but as usual the recipes have ingredients that are either unheard of unless you're a chef in L.A. or they're just not..." Read more

"...His book is packed with creditable research and his principles are on point [I've done a research review to check the fact]...." Read more

"...It is easy, satisfying , and it will leave you not feeling hungry...." Read more

Customers find the book's health goals perfect, with great information on healthy weight loss. They say the fasting craze is made simple and the Cruise Control Diet is a very easy change to better health.

"...I will update this review as I go on. So far, no major cravings or starvation , and, after a week, I'm not really looking for any food until my..." Read more

"...and you'll find the Cruise Control Diet to be a very easy change to better health ...." Read more

"...yes, it’s ketoish but not quite. I love that the plan includes intermittent fasting ...." Read more

"...using the sauna again to compliment my regimen and the weight has started coming off again ...." Read more

Customers find the book gets them back on track, making their body feel better. They also say their skin is healthier, their hair is softer, and they look younger.

"...I have started to lose weight and my digestive system is feeling much better ...." Read more

"...I feel like my cellulite has diminished and I don’t feel so hungry in the AM or evenings...." Read more

"...My skin is healthier, my hair is softer , I swear I look younger. I am a writer and was having trouble focusing. Jorge is right!..." Read more

"...My knees and other joints are no longer painful and I’m back exercising after years of leading a sedentary lifestyle...." Read more

Customers find the book easy to follow and say it has great results so far.

"...This eating program is amazingly effective . I am a 69 year old woman, and to achieve this level of loss has made a believer out of me...." Read more

"...recommended due to business travel, but overall, I am pleased with my results thus far ...." Read more

"I am in week three of this metabolic jump start and the results are amazing ! I love the food. It is the way I like to eat...." Read more

" Absolutely works . I tried just exercise for one year minimal weight loss. Jorge’s IG support and daily live streams is invaluable support!..." Read more

Customers find the writing style easy to follow and delicious. They also mention that the food is delicious and they love the coffee in the morning.

"...Six OH my goodness. Plenty of energy, easy to follow, food is delicious (but I am really good in the kitchen), but have been keeping the meals..." Read more

"...I have not had to sacrifice taste in my food...." Read more

"... I love the food . It is the way I like to eat. I work out a lot and now I have more energy. I love the coffee in the morning...." Read more

"...The food plan is really easy and the recipes are delicious ! I can prepare each meal in 15 minutes or less...." Read more

Customers find the pacing of the book amazing, saying they have tons of energy and have not been hungry at all.

"...Six OH my goodness. Plenty of energy , easy to follow, food is delicious (but I am really good in the kitchen), but have been keeping the meals..." Read more

"...It is the way I like to eat. I work out a lot and now I have more energy . I love the coffee in the morning...." Read more

"...I lost 15 lbs in 30 days! I feel amazing! I have tons of energy and have NOT been hungry at all!" Read more

"...Easy to follow and I’v lost 12 pounds. My head is clear, I have more energy and I feel a lot better." Read more

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What is The Cruise Control Diet – Jorge Cruise

Updated on August 16, 2019

Steve Calvert

The Cruise Control Diet is a popular weight loss program developed by celebrity trainer and fitness expert Jorge Cruise. Loved by Oprah Winfrey and a host of celebrities – can you really Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever

Cruise Control Diet

In 2019, Jorge published his diet as a book and it quickly became a #1 Best Seller.

Sounds simple enough, right? Unfortunately, things are far from being simple. Jorge’s diet is not the only Cruise Control Diet .

There is another one.

That’s right, believe it or not, there are two different diets sharing the same name. How’s that for a big slice of crazy?

The other Cruise Control Diet was developed by a fitness fanatic called Peter Ward. He published his diet as a book as well and got there first.

Peter Ward’s launched his Cruise Control Diet book in 2016.

Cruise Control Diet", James Ward' Diet

However, although both diets are generally referred to as the “Cruise Control Diet”, James Ward’ Diet is published as The Cruise Control Diet Core Program.

To give it, its full name Jorge Cruise’s diet is called The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever .

Although James Ward’s diet was well received within the medical community, Jorge’s book made a significantly bigger splash on its release. In fact, many celebrities are using his Cruise Control Diet to stay in shape.

It’s also worth mentioning the fact that Jorge has far better credentials as a weight loss expert. The guy knows his stuff.

These days, when people go online looking for information about the Cruise Control Diet, they are probably interested in finding out about Jorge’s Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever.

That’s weight loss system this article is about.

However, once you are familiar with the diet, I will also provide a brief explanation of the main differences between the two diets.

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Who is Jorge Cruise?

Jorge Cruise is a celebrity fitness trainer, health expert, and author. Although his Cruise Control Diet book is the one that gets the most attention now, he’s written a number of other weight loss books as well.

More than 20, in fact.

He has also appeared on several TV programs including The Today Show, Good Morning America, and the Dr. Oz Show.

However, Jorge got his big break when Oprah Winfrey hired him as her personal trainer.

She also gave him guest spots in her shows and featured him in her magazine.

Many big-name celebrities admit to using his diet plants. Angelina Jolie, Miley Cyrus, and Jennifer Lopez are just a few.

Jorge’s interest in weight loss and health and fitness stems from personal experience. He was overweight during most of adolescent years and early adult life.

After suffering a burst appendix and learning of his father’s prostate cancer, Jorge became more health conscious and lost over 40 pounds in weight.

His early weight loss philosophy centered heavily on building lean muscle mass to increase metabolism. This was a key concept in his 8 Minutes in a Morning series of books.

Jorge’s book, The 3-Hour Diet focuses on eating smaller, more frequent meals. The Belly Fat Cure extols the benefits of meals that are low in carbs and sugar.

His #1 New York Times bestseller, The 100, concentrates on sugar calories. The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever, focuses more on the role insulin can play in weight gain and weight loss.

How Jorge’s Cruise Control Diet Works

Jorge’s Cruise Control Diet is a form of intermittent fasting. As with other diets of this type, it involves periods where food is allowed and periods of fasting.

what is the cruise control diet

In this case, there is an 8-hour window where Cruise Dieters can eat and a 16-hour period of semi-fasting.

Jorge calls the 8-hour period “The Boost Zone” and, for obvious reasons, when Cruise Control dieters enter the following 16-hour period, they are in

“The Burn Zone”.

If there’s a big problem with intermittent fasting in general it’s hunger. Jorge gets around this with his special Cruise Control Fasting system.

One of the key selling points of the system is dieters can allegedly lose weight without feeling hungry or having to fully fast.

Jorge’s system permits certain “bumper foods” dieters can eat in both periods. These help satiate appetite, while also supporting fat burning.

During the 8-Hour Boost Zone, Cruise Control dieters can also eat “indulgent foods” such as tacos, burgers, and pasta. That’s a fact that will appeal to a lot of people.

What are Bumper Foods?

According to Jorge, the bumper foods provide healthy fats that make it possible to “cheat the fast” and avoid hunger.

Avocado and detoxing

Coconut oil, avocado oil, butter, and even heavy cream are just a few of the fats dieters can include in their Bumper Zones.

During an interview on The Rachael Ray Show, Jorge admits he often adds 2 tablespoons of heavy cream or butter to his morning coffee.

Will a coffee full of butter ever catch on? That seems unlikely, but it’s not a compulsory addition and The Cruise Control Diet is proving to be a very popular way to lose weight.

As for sweetener, Jorge avoids sugar entirely and opts for a natural sweetener such as monk fruit instead.

Insulin Vs Calories

Jorge believes insulin plays a far bigger role in weight gain than calories do.

Insulin levels often rise after a meal. Jorge says if levels become too high it pulls extra glucose into the cells, causing belly fat.

Using diagrams on a blackboard to illustrate his theory to Rachael Ray and her audience he said, when people are very overweight high insulin is to blame.

Going further, he states it’s just carbs and proteins that usually cause this, along with certain vegetable fats. However, the “good oils”, such as avocado oil and olive oil, do not.

As for the people who are only 20 pounds overweight, Jorge says they have “balanced insulin.”

According to Jorge, the key to losing weight is to have no insulin during the 16-hour Burn Zone.

With no insulin, the energy does not enter the cells and the body has to use the healthy fats, along with its stores of fat, as a source of energy instead. A similar claim is made for the Keto Diet.

Jorge states his diet delivers weight losses of up to 28 pounds in 28 days. That’s a pound a day.

Before going any further, it’s important to point out many health professionals state a safe rate of weight loss involves losing no more than 2 pounds a week.

Be aware of that before going all googly-eyed at the thought of losing a pound per day. ( )

It’s also important to point out, although avocado oil is a Bumper Food, avocado pears are not. The fruit contains carbs and protein as well as healthy oils. Cruise Control dieters can only eat fruit during the 8-hour Boost Zone.

Dietary Ratios

16-Hour Burn Zone

During the Burn Zone, only Bumper Foods are permissible, which provide 100% (healthy) fats.

8-Hour Boost Zone

During the boost zone the ratios are:

  • 50% Healthy Fats (avocado fruit, olives nuts, etc. Even chocolate!)
  • 30% Healthy Carbs (bread, pasta, carrots etc.)
  • 20% Protein (eggs, bacon, burgers, chicken, etc.)

However, during his presentation on the Rachel Ray show, Jorge states certain cheeses are permissible during the fasting window. This is is contradictory because cheese is a source of protein.

He also mentions a glass of wine at night.

Presumably, this is a slip of the tongue because wine is not a source of healthy fats.

It is a source of simple carbs (sugars) and alcohol though. Alcohol is high in calories. There are 7 calories per gram of pure alcohol. Many wines are between 11% and 13% alcohol.

Jorge Cruise’s Diet Vs. the Peter Ward Cruise Control Diet

The thing to know is, these two diets are not just variations on a theme. Peter Ward’s diet is very different from the one developed by Jorge Cruise.

Ward’s Cruise Control Diet involves a whole-food approach to weight loss and overall good health.

There are four general rules:

  • Eat natural foods that support fat burning
  • Avoid processed foods and other types of food that encourage fat storage
  • Have occasional treats, such as cookies and chocolate
  • Don’t count calories, keep food journals, or attempt portion control. Go with your natural hunger instincts instead.

It also involves 3 stages.

The Metabolic Reset stage lasts for 3 weeks. It helps you to reset your body’s blood sugar and insulin levels and learn to avoid processed foods. Additionally, it teaches you to listen to genuine hunger instead of cravings.

The Cruise Control stage lasts for 3-5 weeks.

It helps you become used to eating well-balanced natural food. However, at this stage, you may also eat junk food two times each week. This helps your body get the fat it needs.

The Rapid Fat Burning stage kicks in somewhere during weeks 6-8 of the diet.

As you can see the two systems are not comparable. Jorge’s diet allows burgers, sausages, and processed meats (during the Boost Zone). Ward’s diet initially prohibits such foods and then only permits them two times per week.

Further Support from Jorge

Jorge also has an official website. It focuses on his Cruise Control Diet. None of his other books feature on the site.

Although The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever is available to buy via many booksellers (online and in-store), Jorge’s site offers visitors the opportunity for extra support via his Cruise Control Fasting Club.

The first week is free. After the free week, membership involves a weekly cost. This is billed annually, at a cost of $199.97.

Club membership involves a live weekly accountability meeting with Jorge, via the internet. Members also have access to his team of Cruise Control Ambassadors when they need extra support. There are a few other perks as well, including weekly meal plans.

The site also has a new shop. At the time of writing, the only item was a keto-approved Cruise Control Latte Coffee, which was marked as “coming soon.”

Celebrity Endorsements

Television host, model, actress, and New York Times Best-Selling Author, Brooke Burke Charvet states Jorge’s Cruise Control Diets has helped her control her body and given her freedom with her diet.

Other celebrities, including Khloe Kardashian and Tony Robbins, give positive endorsements via Jorge’s website as well. However, they don’t mention any particular diet and, let’s not forget, he’s created a few.

Cruise Control Diet Customer Reviews

Although most readers offer plenty of praise and the book is a best seller, there is also a lot of criticism.

One reader describes it as nothing new and “just a rehash of several low-carb/keto gurus.”

Some readers also dislike the fact the book contains a sales pitch for Jorge’s coffee, bars, and shakes.

Bearing in mind the fact that the coffee is not yet available and the other two products are not mentioned on his site, it would seem there has been a lot pre-planning done on the marketing side of things.

Another unhappy book buyer states, “Every time he mentions how rich he is, the toys he has, or posh place he lives I want to throw the bloody book across the room. I don’t care about it.” The reader adds, “I’m looking for health advice.”

Jorge has a lot of credibility and the majority of reader reviews suggest his Cruise Control Diet may work for some people.

However, with or without “Bumper Foods”, intermittent fasting is not for everyone. Many people find it hard to do and it’s not just about hunger. Eating within a restricted window of time can be a very alien experience.

Bearing in mind the high-fat nature of the diet, it’s possible it may cause a state of ketosis. This could result in bad breath—a common problem with ketosis.

The book actually discourages use of the Keto Diet, stating it can entail health risks. However, that does not stop Jorge from promoting his coffee as a keto-friendly product.

There another point to bear in mind before doing this diet.

Apart from promising a rate of weight loss that may not he healthy, Jorge’s diet plan also goes against accepted recommendations on healthy eating.( )

It also has to be remembered, this is a diet built around the theory that “good fats” support weight loss. What if the theory is wrong? Fat is a high-energy food that provides 9 calories per gram.

Despite his credibility, the fact that Jorge wastes time boasting about his wealth may make some readers question the motives behind the book. Especially with the plugs for products that have yet to become available.

If you can handle fasting, and think the Cruise Control Diet may be for you, all you will need is the book. 

However, for most people, this type of diet is a big departure from the norm. Before making such major lifestyle changes it is always advisable to seek expert medical advice.

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About Steve Calvert

Steve Calvert (CPD Certified in Nutrition for Weight Loss) Steve is an experienced writer and researcher with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the fitness, nutrition and weight loss sector. He has a background in bodybuilding and the martial arts and continues to use a combination of exercise and healthy eating to stay in shape. Steve has reviewed hundreds of supplements since 2012. He is very accurate and methodical in his approach and understand the importance using correctly dosed ingredients. LinkedIn

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Everything You Need to Know About the Cruise Control Diet

A diet where you can eat whatever you want and lose weight? "There's no food that's off limits, absolutely none, there's no deprivation," Jorge Cruise, celebrity trainer and author of "The Cruise Control Diet," told Inside Edition. There is one caveat, however: He says you can only eat within an eight-hour window every day. It's called intermittent fasting. "It's really understanding that you can enjoy fasting without starvation," Jorge said.

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The Cruise Control Diet Review

The Cruise Control Diet Review

  • Weight Loss Technique: Probiotic supplement and food moderation
  • Weight Loss Short-term: Okay
  • Weight Loss Long-term: Okay
  • Safety: Generally safe
  • Price: From $49.95
  • Better Alternative: Tap Here to See..

Cruise Control Diet Overview

Word on the street, pros and cons, how does the cruise control diet work, bottom line: is the cruise control diet a rip-off or worth to try.

what is the cruise control diet

The Cruise Control Diet was started by James Ward. The diet program comes in the form of an e-book – priced at $39.99 plus $10 shipping—and claims to be a simple diet to follow with no point- or calorie-counting. It is said to be one of the most flexible diet programs out there.

Mr. Ward doesn’t claim to be a doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian – just a “reformed health nut.” He had personally gone through a lot of restrictive diets, leaving him both hungry and eager to cheat at any given moment. He claims to have “finally stumbled on to what really works when it comes to weight loss and getting in the best shape humanly possible. Now, his mission is to spread the word to anyone who’ll listen.” [1]

So let’s see what Mr. Ward claims and how effective it might be.

Reviewers seem to agree. One of the most candid review sites outside is . One reviewer sums up my wariness pretty well:

what is the cruise control diet

The theory of it what I just quickly read online seems fine. Eat clean, don’t starve, eat your cravings in moderation. Exactly what I do now on my own, so what are you paying for ? Could not find that on the site what they sell you. What all these diets can’t sell you is the permanent lifestyle change that has to come from you once you stop paying for a “diet.” Just create what works for you on your own. That will be ever lasting, not temporary with another diet you have to pay for.

Another commented on both the cost and opaqueness:

I couldn’t see what their actual plan was to check it’s [sic] legitimacy and reasonableness because it would cost me $39.99 with $9.99 for shipping and handling.

A real-food diet in an 8-week cycle is good for changing our fast-food, pre-processed lives. Allowing a small treat now and again helps dieters stick to their guns the rest of the time. A phased process eases a dieter into new habits. All good things. And Cruise Control offers a 60-day money-back guarantee on the diet book (not sure about the SlimBiotine) if it doesn’t work for you.

But if you live in one of the growing “food deserts” in our country, fresh, whole foods may not be easily available or affordable. And I am personally not fond of e-books; I’d rather have an online program to follow or a physical book to read. I like to highlight or save information. $39.99 is a lot for an e-book ! And what exactly is ten dollars for shipping, when it’s a download ? Keep in mind other products that the program recommends

I’m also not fond of the fact that a very large percentage of the Cruise Control website features little “sound bites” that I’ve seen from dozens of other weight-loss hawkers: foods you must not eat, little teasers about “ this one food can… ” without any actual answer (“buy the book now to find out!”) Strategies like this tend to make me wary.

The main point of this diet is to regulate and control the hormones that cause weight gain by the food choices that you make. The basic rules are:

  • Avoid Processed Foods altogether
  • Give yourself a cheat day occasionally so you don’t feel deprived of your favorite foods.
  • No extra synthetic supplements required
  • Avoid fruit juices
  • Choose foods that help burn body fat
  • Avoid carbohydrates and sugar that ultimately cause unhealthy cravings. [2]

There are three phases to the program:

  • Metabolic Reset Phase: this phase lasts for 2 weeks, focusing solely on regulating the blood sugar.
  • Cruise Control Phase: the main part of the program, centered on the consumption of whole foods, with a sweet or savory treat once or twice per week.
  • Rapid Fat Burning Phase: this major fat burning phase takes the foundation from the first two phases and boosts them.

The list of approved foods includes:

  • Vegetables: Asparagus, Avocado, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Chard, Cucumbers, Green Beans, Green Peas, Leeks, Mustard Greens, Onions, Potatoes, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Squash, Tomatoes, and Zucchini.
  • Fruit: Apples, Apricots, Bananas, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Cranberries, Figs, Kiwi, Lemons, Limes, Oranges, Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Prunes, Raspberries, Strawberries, and Watermelon.
  • Lean Meats: Lean Beef cuts, Chicken, Turkey; Cod, Halibut, Prawns, Salmon, Sardines, Shrimp, and Tuna.
  • Healthy Grains: Barley, Brown rice, Buckwheat, Millet, Oats, Quinoa, Rye, Spelt, and Wild rice.
  • Healthy Seeds and Nuts: Almonds, Cashews, Flax seed, Peanuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds, and Walnuts. [2]

Whole food diets are the most healthy and safe out there. They don’t rely on supplements or shake mixes, with the exception of a recommendation for a third-party probiotic supplement called SlimBiotine. It’s expensive, ranging from $49.95 for one bottle to $239.95 for three bottles (one heck of markup, from $50 each bottle to $80 each when you buy three). [3] It’s not a requirement, and there are other good food-based probiotic sources, so you don’t have to purchase it to do the Cruise Control Diet.

The moderation approach, which doesn’t eliminate any major food groups, doesn’t leave you feeling deprived. The program allows the customer to wade, rather than jump, into weight loss, which may set you up for long-term success.

But without actually buying the e-book, it’s hard to tell exactly what the diet is . Potential customers get a “write up” before they purchase, explaining why the program works while bashing all of the other probiotics on the market. So while the premise of the diet is sound, this makes me wonder if Cruise Control isn’t primarily in the business of selling SlimBiotine.

I have lost 12.5kgs on Cruise Control. And the money doesn’t just get an ebook but a hard copy too.

“Better act now before the price goes back up to what it ‘deserves’ ” .. Really?! – Wow, dude,way to screw the masses…OR… Avoid processed foods – eat healthy foods more often throughout the day (ones that don’t spike sugar levels) and enjoy your favorite foods (ice cream, pizza, etc..) periodically.. AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! I just saved you the unnecessary cost associated with this ‘program’ as well as having to listen to the 5 hour, brain-numbing harangue – complete with story’s of people who fall into the ‘idiot’ category because they felt the need to pay for advice that is freely given by medical experts – the ones who don’t care about making a buck…You’re Welcome! 😉

Hey folks! Ole James Ward has raise the price to $99…!! Of course…he sweetens the deal by throwing in more booklets…and a cookbook!!! It”s worth over $200.00 ( 🙁 )….

He never Charges for $99

The Boot Camp Package is $99 the Core Program is $39.99 + $9.99 for shipping and handling.

Keto genic diet is free and recipes all over the Internet. You burn fat because you are using your body fat to make ketones for fuel instead of glucose.

It is dangerous to force the body into ketosis and in extreme cases can result in death. It is a ridiculous way to diet and does not result in any dietary changes that will maintain any incidental weight loss. Cancer can also result in weight loss, but I sure wouldn’t recommend that as part of any health program. There are plenty of good healthy diets out there that result in slow, controlled, but permanent weight loss.

Ketosis IS dangerous if you are Type 1 Diabetes (i.e totally nonfunctioning n)…. and to maintain weight loss, of course you can’t return to pre-diet junk/hi-carb/sugar eating. But, ketosis is a state nature has provided for us to use when we don’t have access to carbs… as in fasting, starvation, etc. It has many health benefits besides weight loss…. please see the research. And also the history, start with Wiki’ing Banting. (Of course, it is not popular with the sellers of sugar/carb/junk food… and, of course, they are not on the side of our health 🙂

I think that this diet just fall within the confines or restricting the intake of carbs. It will work, but handling the cravings with indulging days will lead to slowing weight loss. Eventually, the cravings will come back. I have being carbs dieting since 1979. For the first 3 years, I managed cravings with will power. In 1982 I had my first relapse; I ate several pastries. Then, I managed to stay away from “temptations” for another year. I slipped back again in 6 months. For the last 30 years, I have been on and off. As time went by, I noticed, that the “on” periods were shorter every time. I think that I am way overdue to visit a team that includes a dietitian, a psychologist, a licensed physical trainer, and of course my family doctor. Some of them could fall within my health plan, that lately, includes some incentives for what they call “Preventive Medicine”. The rest, I guess that will need to “bite the bullet” and pay it on my own. Ironically, this will leave less money for indulging in “bad food”.

I would hope that the occasional ‘treat’ day could dull the sense of ‘loss’… and the high fat component handles the general ‘hunger’.

I thought he said he never wrote a book? I can’t believe I wasted an hour or more listening to him babble about a cook book that you have to buy? It turns out it’s another scam a click bait. Instead of just getting to the point and telling us the main foods that help you lose weight, you get sucked in waiting for him get to the punch line only to be disappointed bcuz it’s another scam. Diets cook books don’t work for me bcuz I’ve tried several times and didn’t work out bcuz first of all I hate reading and secondly I hate cooking.

You have to know it’s BS because of that horrible bait commercial they use. The type that you can’t fast forward and are forced to listen to a story for close to 10 minutes before “he” tells you what he’s selling. If it’s legit, it would be straightforward.

. All of the links in the PDFs go to the South Beach Diet website. Want to know what fruits, meats, etc., are allowed? Go to the South Beach Diet website!! Of course, nothing in this hour plus long spiel online gives even a whiff of a scent that it is nothing more than the South Beach Diet…but it is. It is a scan and a fraud and will cost you over $50.00 by the time you order the book and pay postage. The South Beach Diet book is available at any bookstore or Amazon for about 25% of that!! How do I know? I bought the book about a year ago!! I am returning the unopened package containing this book and am very curious to see if I will ever receive a refund. Fortunately I paid with a credit card and have all the emails to and from their Customer Support Center wherein I wrote what I have just written here and was given instructions on how to return the material. So it behooves them to process a refund as I am instructing my credit card company to withhold payment.

I did buy the book and the first two weeks are torture. Because he only wants you to fruit and vegetables, any meat, fish or foul, organs, eggs and only GI fruit. I could not make it two weeks following his plan to a T but I did watch my sugar and carbs (but ate any fruit I wanted except bananas and pineapples and I did eat cheese). And I did loss weight. I am still following it somewhat and I am still losing. I have not been able to loss weight in over ten years. But now limiting my carbs and sugars seem to be working for me (I still eat them once or twice a week) I am lossing. Slowly but I am losing. Thank God, so if asking does it work. I believe it does. Is it something a person can kind of stick to for life I think I can. Hope this helps. Oh, I am not being paid to write. Just hope it helps someone who was struggle like I was.

Please don’t buy any books. Read this and change your lifestyle easily with no gimmicks. My doctor put me on a low sodium diet eight years ago. I don’t eat processed foods, gravies, or canned foods*. I make my own soups or use the low sodium options with stock. I never count calories, fat, or carbs, just keep sodium level down to 1500-2000 mg per day. Occasionally I eat Hardee’s hamburgers and Wendy’s salads and Arby’s sandwiches and Dominis pizza! I just keep track of the sodium and adjust thru the week. If sodium levels are unknown, I assume they will be high and adjust my eating the day before and after, and increase my fluid intake to flush the extra sodium. My menu consists of FRESH fruits and vegetables, white meat, eggs, and fish, frozen vegetables, any kinds of crackers, cheese, and HOMEMADE soups, stews, chili, and pastas of all kinds! *I use canned tomatoes and tomato sauces that are sodium-free. The key is to use lots of lemon, herbs and spices, real unsalted butter, and No-Salt for flavoring. Bread, juice, and sugary foods are minimal but not denied. I just have no desire for them any longer.

I eat 4-5 meals a day, regular portions, and never eat dessert. I no longer have a sweet tooth, but will occasionally have a small bite of something that looks interesting.

During the first three months I lost over 30 lbs. eight years ago. Today I weigh five lbs more because I have been inactive for three months due to a fall. The only other times I have ever gained any weight back has been when I have increased the sodium levels. My blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugars are all normal/low. I am 60 years old and do construction and house renovation. I hope this will encourage those of you who want to be healthier to get started and don’t feel like you can’t trust anyone out there to tell you the truth. No one is paying me to write this and I haven’t published any books. I’m just a woman who got great advice from an awesome doctor. God bless you.

Is your doctor Joel Furman?

No. As I said, I don’t advocate buying books. This is common sense advice from my own physician due to a condition called Menieres Syndrome, but I have friends with other issues such as heart and hbp who have benefited from this diet. This is just the way we eat now. If we get stuck in a situation once in a while we adapt and readjust. I don’t miss the foods I can’t eat. I see them as enemies to my body. I don’t want to consume anything that will harm me. When it is my time to be called to Heaven, I want it to be because the Lord decides it is time, not because I did something stupid.

This has to be the worst piece of commercial trash I EVER listened to (in video format) in my whole life, which happens to be a long one…!!!

EXACTLY! Many of us are soooooooo gullible. But then, maybe we all just believe what we want to believe… and if we believe wholeheartedly, the ‘placebo effect’ will kick in, and our brain/body will accomplish the ‘order’ it gets. And scammers will claim the results.

I purchased this program and followed it pretty close except I don’t eat sugar on my cheat days. Im a 60 year old man and was weighing about 245 when I started last november, I’m down to 207 and feel so much better. I love the cheat days, keeps me going knowing I can cheat once a week. I usually have pasta or pizza on cheat days. I try only to drink on weekends, and usually wine. My goal was to get to 200lbs but now I’m close to that I will keep on going and never go back to my old eating habits.

I purchased this program and like others couldn’t download it but sent an email & they sent a link. I read the Introduction & where 4 pages in it pushes you to purchase a ‘branded’ protein powder to use for your 1st 2 weeks ($69/ jar). I immediately demanded a refund before even receiving the books…was told to refuse shipment to be refunded – this morning The refund is $12 less I paid-can only leave a voicemail message at their tel #.

i purchased this but was not able to download the informational books at that time—-now I cannot find the download links—where are the links?

Get the South Bean book from the LIBRARY … for free! You may have better uses for the saved $$ : )

Just Google “South Beach Diet” and you will get all the information you need to follow this diet. It is nothing more than a rebranded South Beach Diet and you can buy the book for much much less than the $50 plus postage for this James Ward book. All of the links you are directed to are the South Beach Diet website for information. Of course, if you listen to the James Ward spiel, there is absolutely zero mention of the South Beach Diet but that is where you are directed for lists of allowed meats, fruits, etc., etc. All of this is already available in the “handy dandy” paperback book, “The South Beach Diet:” It is a scam and a fraud, period!!

My husband watched an online infomercial from James Ward back in February 2017. He never watches anything like that, but his info was very compelling to my husband, so we purchased his book The Cruise Control Diet. After 28 months he has lost a total of 75lbs. It has totally changed his life. The main thing he gave up was processed foods. As Mr. Ward said…shop only the perimeter of the grocery store. Thru his book & recipes I was able to make up a lot of my own recipes & meals. He never felt he was deprived of anything thru this process, he was even able to have a few light beers or wine during this time. Thank you Mr. Ward for inspiring my husband, he’s now back to the weight when I met him back in the ’80’s.

i just listened to the first part of the plan and ordered it but then the second presentation began and then I was literally held hostage …so I just turned the sound off until the last presentation and just keep hitting h “NO thanks” portion …ultimately I got the download notification…and the purchase receipt. I will hold onto both communications in the event I want a refund….a total refund is what it better be should I choose that course of action and I will because I know the laws…This man did not initially allude to the being more presentations beyond the first one and therefore literally holds people hostage until all presentations are complete…then and only then can you just get now with your life…I am now going to wait for the hard copy of my initial purchase to arrive…total one time only purchase with S&H was &49.98…I am currently doing a low carb eating plan I am winging it by writing down everything I consume. First week I lost almost 7 lbs…then another 3 but am at a standstill which I’ve experienced before as my body acclimates itself to this new way of eating. I am weaning myself off the bad foods…like Chips and Ice Cream…sticking with almonds…cheeses, and low carb low sodium low al wraps I use with Chicken Breast and Cheese fresh cold cuts…Avacados as a spread…Light Mayonase… no longer eating anything marked “Diet” or drinking anything marked “Die” I only drink water…decafe coffee and full cream instead of fat free creamer…I eat whole eggs too. I will go thorugh the hard copy of the books and work my way through this and write another review once I am done reading it and have tried the suggested foods. Again, the presentation is misleading in that he never mentions all the additional presentations and that you will be held hostage through three more presentations while retries to sell more programs, books, guides and god only knows what else since I literally turn doff the sound until it was all over…and I was able to break the handcuffs and just allow my initial purchase to go through. I did receive the download but have not accessed it as yet.

This book is not the James Ward Cruise Control Diet, it’s written by Jorge Cruise who stole Ward’s title.

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What are the 5 Foods You Should Avoid on the Cruise Control Diet?

The Cruise Control Diet offers individuals who want to lose weight with a flexible diet program that makes getting in shape simpler. It’s designed to avoid all the limitations and strict rules often found in diet programs today. The program is created by James Ward, and while it only has a few rules, there are certain foods to avoid on the Cruise Control Diet . Here’s a closer look at the 5 foods you shouldn’t eat.

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1 – Low-Fat Yogurt

You probably think that low-fat yogurt is a great addition to your diet. After all, it’s low in fat. However, low-fat yogurt is one of the foods to avoid on the program . Why should you stop eating low-fat yogurt when it sounds so healthy? Unfortunately, this yogurt is often packed with artificial stabilizers, added flavors, artificial colors, and a lot of sugar to make it more pleasing to the eye and your taste buds. All the additives can add belly fat instead of helping you to lose weight. Don’t forget, your body actually needs some fat so it can absorb the vitamin D from the yogurt, and the addition of some fat keeps you feeling satisfied as well. It’s better to go with full-fat yogurt that is low in sugar and additives for better weight loss results.

2 – Artificial Sweeteners

Maybe you’ve been using Splenda or other artificial sweeteners to add sweetness without the calories. After all, it’s got to be better than sugar, right? Actually artificial sweeteners are on the list of 5 foods you shouldn’t eat. One of the big problems with artificial sweeteners is that they actually make you crave more sweets. While you shouldn’t deprive yourself of your favorite treats when you’re trying to lose weight, you shouldn’t be eating sweets all the time. The more artificial sweeteners you use, the more you’ll crave those unhealthy sweets. Some studies even show that artificial sweeteners may be harmful to your overall health as well.

Veggie Video

3 – Whole Grain or Whole Wheat Bread

Many people stop eating white bread because they have heard about how unhealthy it is. However, if you’re continuing to eat whole grain or whole wheat bread, you’re probably sabotaging your efforts to lose weight. This is another of the important foods to avoid on the program . While true whole grains, such as barley, wheat berries, millet, quinoa, and wild rice can be great for you, whole wheat breads and breads labeled “whole grain” are generally made with flour. In most cases, the whole grain or whole wheat bread has the same glycemic index of most white breads, which means they are still high glycemic index foods. Foods that have a high glycemic index are quickly turned into fat by the body, so they should be avoided.

4 – Dried Fruits

Fruits are amazing. They’re packed with many important nutrients and many include a lot of fiber. When you’re dieting, dried fruit probably seems like a freebie food. After all, it sounds nutritious. However, dried fruit has been depleted of all its water, which means that it’s more calorie dense than fresh fruits. It also takes a lot more dried fruit to make you feel full. Some companies even add chemicals or additional sugar to friend fruit. When you’re tried to lose weight, you should severely limit or completely avoid dried fruits for the best results.

5 – Orange Juice and Other Fruit Juices

Orange juice and other fruit juices also sound healthy, but they are on the list of 5 foods you shouldn’t eat on the Cruise Control Diet. Eating an orange is a great way to get important vitamins and minerals, and oranges are relatively low in calories. However, drinking a glass of orange juice is just like injecting yourself with several oranges. There’s a lot of sugar in fruit juices, you don’t get the fiber from the fruits, and the juicing process often destroys some of the beneficial antioxidants and compounds found in fruits.

Don’t let those foods deter you, as there are plenty of delicious and healthy foods/recipes recommended for people on Cruise Control.

Last update on 2024-06-20 at 22:05 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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Discussion 9 comments.

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The presentation was so long, I couldn’t keep watching it.

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It was SO LONG! But I stayed with it. In the end I purchased the program . 39.00. No sugar no flour no bread no pasta. Nothing artificial processed or low fat. Crazy but it’s working. One week later I’ve lost 3 pounds and I’m not starving myself

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I totally agree! I hung in there for about 1/2 hour and ….gave up!

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Can you eat American or Swiss cheese,blue cheese, heavy cream, milk, dairy.

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Stating orange juice is an enemy is completely wrong. I think most of your information is correct, but even though orange juice (and grapefruit juice) has a lot of sugar (up to 33%), it contains polyphenolics such as hesperidin, naringin, tangeretin, etc that actually manage carbohydrate metabolism. This information is readily available in scientific publications, such as on pubmed. You can actually lose weight by drinking citrus juice and other tropical juices, unlike temperate juices such as Apple and grape.

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I agree, and moderation is always a good way to go with fruit juices. Chances are you might just be a bit thirsty and vulnerable to drinking too much too fast. For this reason, fill your glass with mostly water, and ice if desired, and topped off with a bit of orange juice and unsweetened cranberry juice stirred in. Then splash in a smidge of tonic water and lightly stir. This is my favorite way to hydrate, if I’m not drinking a cool glass of tea or water. Cheers!

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I am a sandwich lover, a pasta lover, a dark chocolate lover so this diet would never work for me. I guess I will just stay a bit overweight since I am not willing to give up these things.

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I believe the key is staying focused on NOT over eatting. Dark chocolate is actually good for you. Cutting back on bread , pasta should help lose weight..

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Is there any other kind of bread on the market that we can try?

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11 cruise dining hacks to enhance mealtime at sea

Melinda Crow

You can hack your way to better cruise dining no matter which cruise line you choose. You just need to be clever and use smart strategies to create your own best food experiences.

Knowledge is key. Sometimes it's as simple as knowing where to find the best ice cream and toppings – even when the two aren't located in the same place. It might be watching for special food events and organizing your schedule to access the best dining opportunities.

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And never be afraid to ask for what you want so you get the best vacation meals. The worst anyone can say is no. With that in mind, here's my list of 11 cruise dining hacks to help you eat your way to cruise food nirvana.

Upgrade your ice cream

Finding the ice cream station — be it a soft-serve machine or a hand-scooped gelato bar — is a high priority for me and many cruisers. One of the easiest and most rewarding cruise dining hacks is figuring out creative ways to upgrade your frozen treat on the cheap.

Create DIY ice cream sandwiches using cookies from the buffet or snack counters. If brownies are on the buffet, a brownie sundae could be in your future. Just put your treats in a bowl and take them to the self-serve station to top with a creamy swirl.

Have your kids save Froot Loops from the breakfast buffet to crunch up and sprinkle over a midday ice cream snack. Your adult cruise mates might like a shot of Bailey's drizzled over their cup of vanilla; the pool deck bar is often conveniently located near the soft-serve machines.

Plus, on some cruise lines, the ice cream served in the main dining room is a cut above the soft serve and might include flavors you can't get anywhere else on board. I've been known to pop into the main dining room after I've eaten elsewhere to see what the flavors are. Servers will happily bring you a dish to go if one sounds tasty to you.

My mom recently discovered a fun Carnival Cruise Line ice cream hack in the main dining room: She orders the cute little banana splits from the kid's menu. No one thinks to ask her age.

Related: Best cruise ship desserts to tempt you at sea

Make friends with a bartender

what is the cruise control diet

Nobody ever said bars on cruise ships were just for alcoholic beverages. I drink Sprite, but I like it topped with lime and cherries. Whether you buy a soda package or pay by the glass, order your soft drinks at a bar, and you can have all the add-ins you want. I also enjoy orange slices in my water bottle. Bartenders will happily provide these at no charge.

Who has most of the ingredients and blenders needed to accommodate well-deserved vacation whims like milkshakes or root beer floats? Most often, it's the poolside bartenders. My go-to is the solarium bar because it's usually less busy. You might need to bring your own ice cream, but the bar should have the rest.

I keep my first weird requests simple and always ask with a smile and a "would you mind?" Pleasant banter goes a long way, as do tips. By the end of the cruise, they'll whip up almost anything for you if you've been asking nicely the whole cruise.

Research your way to a better dining experience

Knowledge is power when it comes to thoroughly hacking your cruise dining experience. Sometimes the best meals are easily missed unless you're trying to learn about all the available dining options.

Check out the cruise line app and the interactive TV screens in your stateroom to browse menus and hours of operation for the week. You want to know when the best dishes will be served so you don't miss lobster night in the main dining room because you reserved a specialty dinner on the same night.

Scour the daily newsletter (or schedule on the ship's app), and check signs around the ship for pop-up food and beverage events. These will alert you to various options like brunch or afternoon tea, some of which are only available on sea days.

Related: 12 dining mistakes you must fix on your next cruise

Once, on a Viking cruise, I noticed the head chef buzzing around the poolside burger bar late one afternoon. I promptly made my way over to investigate. Apparently, I had missed a tiny notice in the daily briefing about a poolside surf-and-turf dinner. It was one of the best dinners I've ever had on a cruise, accompanied by a live band and a fabulous dessert bar, but it was only attended by about a hundred lucky people in the know.

Enjoy specialty dining at a discount

what is the cruise control diet

If you want to try specialty restaurants but don't like the hefty price tags, it is possible to get a reduced-rate reservation.

Some cruise lines, including Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises , offer discounted specialty dining reservations on the first night of the cruise when most people go to the main dining room. Carnival keeps the cover charge the same but offers free or half-priced wine with your meal. You might need to reserve your spot pre-cruise through your travel agent or the cruise line's website to get the best prices.

Lunch in select specialty food venues also costs less than dinner, even though the menu and portion sizes vary only a little. Specialty lunches are often served only on sea days, and reservations are almost always required. If you don't book pre-cruise, do so soon after you board. Holland America 's Pinnacle Grill and Royal Caribbean's Chops Grille are among the specialty restaurants offering discounted lunch.

Some cruise lines sell specialty dining packages for a select number of nights at a discounted price from the full daily rate. Again, these rates could be even lower before your cruise begins. You should be able to shop for them along with excursions and beverage packages. Or, look for booking promotions offering free meals in these extra-fee dining venues.

Discover the secret breakfast venues

Some cruise ships have an almost secret breakfast venue beyond the main dining room or buffet. These hidden gems are typically less crowded than the main morning venues, so you get your food more quickly and with less stress.

On a coastal cruise with American Cruise Lines , I discovered the Back Porch Cafe has a short-order cook who can whip you up an omelet or breakfast sandwich on the ship's back deck. Celebrity has the AquaSpa Cafe in the Solarium for healthy breakfast treats, and Carnival dishes out spicy breakfast tacos at Blue Iguana each morning.

Viking offers Scandinavian breakfast fare at Mamsen's in the Explorer Lounge, while Norwegian Cruise Line offers complimentary alternative breakfasts in a pub atmosphere at The Local and O'Sheehan's.

It's not complimentary, but on select MSC ships, the Butcher's Cut steakhouse serves an a la carte brunch with some fabulous items you won't find elsewhere on board.

Related: Cruise ship restaurant nirvana: The 9 best meals you can have at sea

This cruise dining hack works best early in the cruise before the rest of your shipmates stumble upon these lesser-known breakfast venues.

The same principle applies to lunch options on embarkation day . Check for quieter choices in lounges and specialty venues before you head to the buffet for your first meal of the cruise.

Don't skip the snack counters

You won't always find the best snack locations on the ship's app. When you're looking for a mid-afternoon snack, you might need to do a little undercover snooping to find the best options.

Check the specialty coffee counters, bars that offer daytime coffee service and health food eateries near the spa. I've scored free treats at the Viking Bar on Viking cruise ships and the Yacht Club bar on Windstar Cruises ' ships.

Snacky spots are likely to have food and beverages that cost extra, but additional snacks, ranging from gooey cookies to tasty sandwiches, are often complimentary. If there's a charge, they will usually have prices listed either on the menu board or in the case next to the food.

Examples on mainstream lines include the free sandwiches, cookies and pastries at Carnival's Javablue Cafe, Royal Caribbean's Promenade Cafe and Celebrity's Cafe al Bacio.

Take advantage of free room service

what is the cruise control diet

Mainstream cruise lines charge for most room service orders, but Continental breakfast delivered to your stateroom is often yours for a simple cash gratuity. I like to call it "first breakfast." Sometimes you need a cup of tea or coffee, along with a flaky pastry and a bite of fruit, to start your day before you're ready to leave your cabin.

Free room service extends to other meals on luxury lines and in upper-level suites on the mainstream lines. It's an ideal way to add a bit of decadence to your cruise. In these cases, it pays to check out the room service menu at the start of your cruise. There are almost always items on the menu you won't find elsewhere. But I'll let you in on a secret: You don't have to be in your cabin to order them.

I once ordered a slice of chocolate layer cake for dessert in the main dining room that I'd only seen on the room service menu. It caused a tiny bit of a "don't-tell-anyone" fuss, but I got my cake. My husband has done the same with a chef's salad from a room service menu.

Plus, if you're sailing on certain lines — like Princess, which offers food, drink and gift shop item delivery anywhere on board for a fee; Carnival, which offers anywhere-on-the-ship pizza delivery; and Virgin Voyages, which allows you to shake your phone to have Champagne brought to wherever you are while you're on the vessel — you can have food and drinks delivered to you in various onboard locations.

Hack the main dining room menu

You don't have to order three courses every single night or follow the menu's suggestions for what to eat first. Hack the menu to create the meal you want.

Try a selection of appetizers, or ask for a half portion of an entree. Soup and salad is a fine meal if it suits your mood. Most cruisers know they can have two desserts, but consider taking one with you for a midnight snack. As long as it won't melt, it's perfectly fine.

You can also reorder a dish you particularly enjoy for another night. Sometimes your wish will be granted but not always. It's easy with appetizers, but if you ask a day ahead, you might even be able to order a rerun of an entree or a dessert.

I once had Grand Marnier souffle served three nights in a row on a Celebrity ship, and I've heard of people requesting that a specific type of bread be served every night. It never hurts to ask, but keep your special requests in mind when it comes to extra tips at the end of your cruise.

Dining room hacks also apply to breakfast. On a recent Royal Caribbean cruise, I inquired in the dining room about the sticky buns they serve in the buffet and was treated to a plate of them every time we ate breakfast in the dining room.

I've also witnessed cruisers ordering things that don't exist on any menu on board. Several cruise lines are known to happily prepare Asian or Indian meals. I've seen it happen on Carnival and Viking, as well as on AmaWaterways river cruises . Speak to the head waiter for special requests; he'll need a couple days' advance notice.

Save your wine, or take it with you

what is the cruise control diet

Experienced cruisers know it's cheaper to order a bottle of wine than several individual glasses. If you want the savings but can't finish a bottle in one sitting, try one of these two cruise dining hacks.

Ask to have an opened bottle of wine held for you by dining room staff, and you can finish it another night, even in another dining venue on board. Just ask your waiter the next night to find the bottle for you.

Alternatively, you can take the rest of the bottle back to your stateroom. It's nice to have a nightcap on the balcony or a pre-dinner glass of wine while you get ready for the evening. Your room steward will be happy to supply glasses if there aren't any in your cabin already.

Related: Cruise ship drinks packages: A line-by-line guide

Dress up that cruise burger

Cruise ship hamburgers have improved a lot over the years, but in most cases, there's quite a bit you can do to improve the basic burger from the poolside grill. The trick is to hit the buffet salad and sandwich bars after snagging your burger.

Why? You've got more options for burger toppings. The buffet will usually have better choices of cheese, a variety of lettuce and bacon bits. You can find sauces like ranch, bleu cheese or thousand island dressing, as well as barbecue sauce. Do you adore hot peppers or relish? Snatch them from the buffet, and have your burger your way.

Bring your own mixers

Drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, can blow up your cruise tab in a hurry. One hack is to bring items from home to spiff up the free beverages so you don't need to pay extra for specialty drinks.

If your cruise line allows it, you can bring your own soda or juice to avoid purchasing soft drinks at inflated prices on board. You can also lower your overall costs by packing flavored drink packets and powdered sports drink mixes to combine with tap water.

Plain drip coffee and a variety of tea bags are readily available on board most ships at no cost. If you have a favorite, don't waste your vacation budget on trips to the extra-fee specialty coffee counter. Instead, bring your own tea bags, powdered sweeteners, flavored instant coffee or even ground coffee and a French press. (Electric coffee makers are a no-no and fall on cruise lines' lists of banned items .)

Bottom line

Everyone has their own idea of how to best eat their way through a cruise. You might love the buffet or hate it, prefer complimentary dining venues over the added costs of specialty restaurants, or perhaps you like a smattering of all of those.

Any way you slice and dice it, food plays an important role on any cruise. Cruise lines want to satisfy your every craving — even if it means crew members going out of their way to serve you something different. The best cruise food hack is arming yourself with the knowledge to find what you want when you want it.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
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  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
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  18. What You Need to Know About the Cruise Control Diet

    A diet where you can eat whatever you want and lose weight? "There's no food that's off limits, absolutely none, there's no deprivation," Jorge Cruise, celeb...

  19. cruisecontroldiet

    The Cruise Control Diet is a whole-foods approach to weight loss (and general health) that forbids calorie counting, portion controls, and complicated point systems.

  20. The Cruise Control Diet: Is It Effective?

    The Cruise Control Diet was started by James Ward. The diet program comes in the form of an e-book - priced at $39.99 plus $10 shipping—and claims to be a simple diet to follow with no point- or calorie-counting. It is said to be one of the most flexible diet programs out there. Mr. Ward doesn't claim to be a doctor, nutritionist, or ...

  21. Cruise Control Diets: Making Healthier Eating Easier

    Cruise Control Diets: Being Healthy, Not Obsessed. Healthy eating is very much 'in'. For good reason, too, as the rate of obesity in adult Americans has topped 1 in 3. With a growing understanding that there's more to being healthy than shedding a few calories, and that the inside is being affected, too, healthy eating diets are very much in focus.

  22. The Cruise Control Diet

    The Cruise Control Diet, Westford, Massachusetts. 5,772 likes · 2 were here. The Cruise Control Diet is a whole-foods approach to weight loss and general health. Through its contrarian approach, the...

  23. The Cruise Control Diet: 5 Foods to Avoid

    The Cruise Control Diet offers individuals who want to lose weight with a flexible diet program that makes getting in shape simpler. It's designed to avoid all the limitations and strict rules often found in diet programs today. The program is created by James Ward, and while it only has a few rules, there are certain foods to avoid on the Cruise Control Diet.

  24. 11 cruise dining hacks to enhance mealtime at sea

    Your adult cruise mates might like a shot of Bailey's drizzled over their cup of vanilla; the pool deck bar is often conveniently located near the soft-serve machines. Plus, on some cruise lines, the ice cream served in the main dining room is a cut above the soft serve and might include flavors you can't get anywhere else on board.