The Wellness Nerd

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41 (Non-Food) Rewards for Weight Loss That Will Make You Feel Amazing

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Losing weight is a slow process, and it’s not always an easy one. One way to keep yourself motivated is to give yourself rewards for weight loss milestones that you reach along the way – but, there’s is a school of thought that says, it’s best if you don’t reward your weight loss success with food.

We’ll talk a bit about why that is in a minute and then suggest 41 (non-foody) ideas for weight loss rewards that will leave you feeling blooming brilliant! Because, hey, you’ve worked hard – you deserve it.

But first, let’s talk about why rewards are a good thing.

Woman in white dress throws her arms behind her to celebrate achievement

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Why Rewards Help You Meet Goals

Why food isn’t the best reward, how to get the most from weight loss rewards, 41 (non-food) rewards for weight loss to try.

It’s said there are three reasons why we do things in life – to avoid something bad happening, to make something good happen- or because we get a reward for doing it!

Rewards feel good. When we plan or deliver a reward, we get a shot of the neurochemical dopamine – and that is the hormone that triggers us to stay motivated and focused on a goal.

One study on super-motivated people found that the big difference between their brains and that of people who were less motivated to do something was dopamine levels and where they were stored. Those motivated to do things had more dopamine in the parts of their brain that spur us into action.

That motivation keeps you focused on your weight loss journey.

When researchers at the US’s Cornell University compared people getting small but regular rewards while completing a task to those getting one big reward at the end, they found that those getting the frequent boosts were more enthusiastic and interested in their task – and more motivated to keep going with the job they had to do.

The same team also found people were more likely to succeed on their New Year’s Resolutions if they gave themselves regular rewards during the process.

In other words, if you want an incentive to lose weight – reward yourself regularly.

You’ll find some other tips on changing habits that could help you stick with your weight loss goal in our piece on how to change a habit. Why not heck that out after you’ve read this?

We know it’s tempting when you’re probably not eating all the things they normally enjoy, to set your reward for losing some pounds as something like dinner at your favourite restaurant or that dessert you love, but food rewards are not always the best idea.

‘Using food and drink as a reward is something that, for most of us, started many moons ago in childhood,’ explains psychologist Dr Meg Arroll, author of The Shrinkology Solution ,. ‘The ice cream for good behaviour, lolly after an injection, even pudding as an incentive for eating our greens, means that we end up with a pretty hardwired association between food and reward by the time we reach adulthood.

The problem with this is that there will always be things we have to do in life that will make us feel the need for some sort of prize or remuneration, and if you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a new baseline, turning to food or drink as your weight loss incentives is likely to scupper your best efforts.’

On top of this, there’s something specific that happens with your thinking when you achieve weight loss success. When you’re trying to lose weight over a long period you go into a mindset that’s set on a long-term goal – but, when you hit a milestone, like losing a set amount of weight, even just getting a good result on your weekly weigh in, that bit of your brain takes a step back for a second and the part of your brain that wants gratification NOW kicks in.

A reward satisfies that, but, if you feed it with a food-based reward, this switch to short-term pleasure over long-term results means you might find it harder to get back on track at the next meal. Then, it’s a Friday, so you might as well treat yourself until Monday…. and we all know how that ends.

‘Finding rewards for weight loss that don’t focus on food is a good way to pre-empt these habitual drivers to over-eating behaviour.’ says Dr Arroll.

We’ll get to the examples any second now, but before we do here’s one last bit of advice.

Post it notes with motivating sayings like Way to Go, Good Job and Well Done as rewards for weight loss

Set them regularly to meet milestones on the way to reaching your goals.

As you get close to them really start to look forward to the reward you’ve chosen – anticipating a reward switches on dopamine that keeps you focused.

Don’t pick a reward that won’t create joy – so, yes, going to an amazing spa for the weekend is a lovely way to treat yourself after losing half a stone but, if you’re worried about how you’re going to pay for it afterwards, it won’t work.

Rewards don’t have to involve spending money – they just need to involve something you love or that makes you feel good.

Share them with someone – telling other people about your successes usually leads to them congratulating you and that releases dopamine too.

Even better share them with someone else on their weight loss journey – celebrating other people’s successes also releases dopamine.

For extra advice on helping you reach your goals, sign up here for our free cheat sheet You Can Do It!

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Right, now it’s time for the main event – the suggestions….

And here you’ll find the perfect mix of big things and small things to use as weightloss rewards.

There are things buy and free rewards for weight loss that will make your heart sing. You’ll get ideas for small ways to reward yourself and some bigger splurges.

There’s a few ideas for weight loss rewards for guys and some weight loss rewards for couples – but every single one of them is guaranteed to make you feel amazing and help keep you motivated to achieve that next step.

When I asked Dr Arroll for the reward she likes to suggest, I wasn’t expecting her to say this – but here’s why she thinks kissing is one of THE best rewards for losing weight.

‘One reason we often turn to food – and particularly energy-dense food – as a reward is that it has an immediate physiological and neurological effect, it can be really hard to find a quick and easy replacement for that – but snogging does it!

Kissing also releases feel-good neurochemicals such as dopamine with the added boost of the love hormone oxytocin.’

And if you don’t have someone to pash, Dr Arroll says that’s okay. ‘Even reading steamy novels has been shown to trigger the pleasure centres in our brains.’

Time to get out Fifty Shades – or, go retro and try Shirley Conran’s Lace .

2. Buy One Thing From a Set

Wine glasses. Fancy plates. Action Figures. A book series.

And set up your mini-goals up so that you know you’re going to complete the set the day you reach your goal.

3. Ride a Rollercoaster

Or another fairground ride. Or get on a swing. Ride in a convertible with the top down. Anything that makes you go wheeeeeeee.

And tap into the buzz – remembering that meeting this part of your goal got you to feel this good. And you can do it again next time you reach another step too.

Two young women on a rollercoaster with their arms in the air

4. Play Your Favourite Song Really Loudly

And sing along. Or just play Lizzo’s Good as Hell – yes, we know it’s about a break-up but it’s also the ultimate ‘I am awesome’ song.

Looking for some more ideas for positive songs – then you might want to check out this list.

5. Give Something to Charity

Helping others also releases dopamine so you get a double boost.

6. Buy Some KickAss Jewelery

If you’re not afraid of the F word – I’d choose this one for myself!

7. Take a Long Morning Bath Rather than a Shower

Add all the bubbles! And sit in it until everything prunes.

8. Sit in the Sun With a Book (or puzzle)

It actually makes you feel like you’re on holiday. For extra holiday vibes, lie on a towel. Or, head to the local outdoor pool and spend the morning there.

9. Go to the Beach

Yes, even in winter.

10. Read the Book You Loved as a Child

Happiness expert Gretchen Rubin suggests this as an easy way to make yourself happy – and, the cosy feeling it’ll conjure up will feel like a hug.

Gretchen suggests you put this book in a ‘happy bag’ that you pull out whenever you need a mood boost – if you like the sound of that, you’ll fit it, and heaps of other tips like it in out piece on ways to boost your mood – you might want to check that out too.

weight loss journey reward

11. Learn Something New

What have you always wanted to try? Book yourself a session – you might even end up with a new hobby to keep you occupied and spur your weight loss on faster.

If you’re in Australia, we love Class Bento for finding really fun and interesting classes.

If you prefer to learn online, then have a look at Udemy who offer courses you can join from anywhere.

The range of courses they offer is huge – everything from learning Japanese to how to code an app!

Woman painting a picture of trees in a garden

12. Paint Your Nails a Colour that Makes You Smile

Not nude or blush, go for blue, flouro yellow or all the glitter.

If you’re not quite brave enough to do your fingers, paint your toes.

Head to the Sephora site for some inspiration or to stock up on new colours

13. Do the One (fun) Thing You Never Have Time For

Give yourself a whole hour, morning or even day and enjoy every second of it.

14. Do the Chore You’ve Been Putting Off

No, not the horrid ones – but there’s always one thing that you know will give you pleasure once you achieve it – like rearranging your bookshelf by colour, or clearing out your wardrobe and sending your ‘old you’ clothes to charity (you don’t need them now right?).

Make time to do it and really enjoy that feeling of achievement once it’s finished

15. Invest in Some Spendy Leggings

While you don’t need to be wearing expensive clothing to workout, there is a theory called enclothed cognition that says you’re more likely to exhibit the traits you associate with clothes.

So, if you associate swanky workout clothing brands like Lululemon with healthy, strong, in-shape people, you also might be more likely to act like them wearing something from the range.

16. Book a Session with a Coach or Personal Trainer

You’ll be more likely to exercise more if you feel like you’re mastering a sport or getting results from your training – so, book a session with someone who can help you improve.

17. Go Somewhere in Your Town You’ve Never Been (but always wanted to visit)

Doing new things also raises dopamine levels in your brain.

18. Get a Gorgeous Journal

Whether you use it to track your goals, or to write down your feelings or your big plans for the future once you reach your goal, it’ll help you stay motivated.

You’ll find heaps of ideas on Amazon – like this one.

19. Wear Your Best Undies

You know the ones! Or, carry your posh handbag or wear your ‘I need to arrive by taxi’ shoes.

Guys, dust off your good suit, your coolest trainers or your pricey watch.

The things you normally keep for special occasions – because today is a special occasion. You got one step nearer to your goal.

20. Watch your Guilty Pleasure TV Show

Mine would include Brandon, Brenda, Dylan, Kelly, Donna and David!

21. Book a Cleaner to Come in

Even if they only just clean your bedroom (and make your bed hotel style) or scrub the bathroom until it gleams.

22. Snuggle in Your Perfect Pyjamas

Would they be fleecy ones that remind you of being little or slinky silky ones that you can wear as daywear?

23. Send Yourself Flowers

And feel free to act all mysterious when they arrive!

Woman in a green dress holding a big bunch of yellow tulips - buying flowers is a good weight loss reward

24. Get a Picture You Love – and Hang it

It might be a favourite photo of the two of you or your family, a postcard or greeting card that made you smile or a huge five-figure canvas (well, you never know!).

Every time you look at it you’ll be reminded that you’re doing great.

25. Go the Cinema

In the middle of the afternoon! On a Tuesday.

26: Have a Professional Shave

One for the guys, but book yourself in for a proper wet shave.

27. Visit the Friend That Makes You Cry with Laughter

Laughing releases endorphins just like exercise does – and there’s nothing like that feeling that your stomach hurts because you’re laughing so much.

28. Watch Juniper Foxx on Instagram

Animal videos are proven to make us feel good

And Juniper, Fig, Finch and Elmwood (and the other animals like Newt the raccoon and Moose the dog that share their home) will make your day. Find them here.

29. Take a Spa Day

At home, or book a spa – Groupon usually has some great deals for half days or individual treatments.

If you’re in the UK, also look at Spa Breaks who often have some amazing offers on spa days, short stays or weekend breaks.

This is the perfect reward to help you feel more confident in your new shape – treating your body and making it feel good will really spur you on.

30. Book Tickets to an Event

A sports game, concert, night at the theatre.

Experiences give us a greater sense of reward than buying things.

And, if you really want to splurge – pick the good seats! Get a box at the hockey, or the stalls if you normally sit in the nosebleeds.

31. Get Up and Watch the Sunrise

Or go somewhere cool to see a sunset

Both of these create a sense of awe which has all sorts of positive effects on our body.

Couple sitting in deckchairs hold hands watching the sunrise

32. Buy New Towels

The biggest fluffiest ones you can find.

Or new pillows. Or, sheets. Or fluffy sofa cushions.

33: Wear the Item in Your Wardrobe That Fits Now

And head out to a cafe or bar.

Here the motivational reward is not the food, but feeling amazing in that outfit you wouldn’t wear a few weeks ago.

34. Cashmere Socks

Super luxurious!

35. Walk in the Grass Barefoot

It feels like springtime and childhood – plus grounding, as it’s known, has been shown to improve mood, lower levels of stress hormones in the body and reduce levels of inflammation which can make it harder to lose weight.

Woman in trousers and a lose top holds walking boots in her hand while she walks barefoot on the grass in the mountains. A beautiful lake stretches out in front of her

36. Go Trampolining with Your Kids

If it’s something you couldn’t do before, then the sense of achievement you’ll get is a reward. Plus – it’s fun!

Don’t have kids – go anyway – or, do something else physical you couldn’t, or wouldn’t have felt comfortable doing before like kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding or going to your very first Park Run.

37. Curl Up With a Magazine

A real-life paper one. Not anything on your phone. You’ll be amazed how luxurious it feels.

38. Add to a Collection

If you’ve got something you love to collect – sports cards, Lladro figurines, Pandora charms – buy one.

39. Test Drive Your Dream Car

Just leave the credit card at home.

40. Or Book a Day at a Race Track.

If you’re in the UK, Red Letter Days have a whole load to choose from.

If you’re in Australia, check out Red Balloon who have experiences like driving an F1 car.

In the US, have a look at Adrenaline who offer the chance to drive a whole heap of very pointy cars very fast.

41. Have a Tattoo

Not without thought and careful planning obviously, but it’s a common way for people who have lost a lot of weight to celebrate. Are you going to be one of them?

If you are, you’ll want to read our post on when you can exercise after your tattoo – you don’t want your reward to mess up your workout schedule after all.

So, there you have it – 41 ways to reward yourself for losing weight that will make you feel like the star you are.

So, have you got any rewards or weight loss celebration ideas that you like to use? Let me know in the comments so people can get some other brilliant ideas too.

weight loss journey reward

Who is The Wellness Nerd?

My name is Helen Foster, and I’m a health journalist and wellness author. Publications I’ve written for include Women’s Health, Reader’s Digest, Body and Soul, Good Health at the Daily Mail, and more. I have also written 16 books on health and nutrition.

weight loss journey reward

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Sorey Fitness by Kim and Kalee

50+ Unique Weight Loss Rewards + Goals Reward Chart

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Want to stay motivated to stick to your weight loss goals? Start rewarding yourself! We’re sharing tips on how to stay motivated in your weight loss efforts and some great non food weight loss rewards for your journey!

weight loss journey reward

If you’re working on losing weight but keep hitting roadblocks along the way, you might be missing an important step in your weight loss journey: rewarding yourself the right way . 

Setting goals for weight loss is fantastic, but you need to make sure you’re setting goals the right way and developing a plan for big goals, small goals, and healthy weight loss rewards that don’t involve reintroducing unhealthy eating habits.

Ready to set yourself up for success in your weight loss goals?

Keep reading for goal setting tips, weight loss reward ideas, and a weight loss goal tracker! 

Why reward yourself for losing weight?

Why is it important to reward yourself when you meet your weight loss goals? 

When we work toward goals (especially if we’re new to goal setting), it’s important to not only set SMART goals (we’ll chat about that in a minute) but also to break down big-picture goals into multiple smaller goals that are easier to manage. 

Breaking up big goals into small goals and then planning rewards for meeting those smaller goals is an amazing way to keep your motivation high.

You can clearly see your goals being met when you set multiple smaller goals vs. one huge goal. 

For instance, if you want to lose 20 pounds, that will take several months with a healthy weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week.

It’s easy to get discouraged along the way if you’re not breaking that up into smaller goals and rewarding yourself for each small goal achieved. 

woman on a pilates reformer

You can break up that overall 20-pound weight loss goal into several smaller ones, like 5 goals of 4 pounds each, or 4 goals of 5 pounds each.

Meeting each smaller goal adds up to the bigger goal, and will keep your motivation high as you accomplish your tasks and plan simple rewards for meeting those goals. 

Make your goals SMART

Each time you create big goals and small goals for yourself, make sure you set SMART goals.

SMART is an acronym for research-proven goal setting principals:

  • Specific: Be specific with your goals and with how you plan to meet them
  • Measurable: Goals need to be measurable in some way so you can track your progress
  • Attainable: Goals need to be reasonable for you and attainable
  • Relevant: Your goals need to be something important to you
  • Timely/time-bound: Add a timeline or date to your goals

Once you use the SMART principals to set your big-picture goal and then your small goals to achieve it, you can plan out your weight loss rewards for meeting your goals. 

We also did a full podcast on Setting SMART Goals you might like!

How to Choose Rewards for Weight Loss

When choosing how you’d like to reward yourself for meeting your weight loss goals, keep a few things in mind:

Avoid making rewards about “cheating” with food or alcohol

If you’re doing really well with eating better, the last thing you want to do is reward yourself by binge eating or drinking.

Stay responsible and stick to your new healthy relationship with food! 

Fun rewards like taking a cooking class or buying a new healthy cookbook are great because you can expand your knowledge and still eat healthy without reintroducing bad food habits.

Avoid any rewards that reinforce poor eating and drinking habits. 

healthy breakfast oatmeal and fruit

If you’re on a budget, choose rewards that fit your finances.

If you’re working on saving money and sticking to a budget, don’t blow your budget to reward yourself.

There are lots of affordable ways to reward yourself for meeting your fitness goals (we added a section of budget-friendly ideas), so don’t add to your stress by splurging on huge ticket items that don’t fit your budget.  

Click here to get your weight loss rewards chart and workbook!

Our Favorite Non Food Weight Loss Rewards

Now that you’ve set your big goals and small goals, now it’s time to decide how you want to reward yourself when you reach your weight loss goals.

Here are over 50 ideas to get you started!

  • New workout clothing or outfit (We love Fabletics , & they have great deals!)
  • Manicure or pedicure (or both!)
  • New hair color
  • Girls’ night out
  • New equipment for your home gym (like dumbbells, battle rope, etc.) 
  • New yoga mat
  • Noom health app
  • A Fitness tracker (You might like our review of Fitbit vs Apple Watch )
  • Personal training sessions
  • Audible subscription for new books
  • New workout class
  • New headphones (Our favorite splurge & steal headphones)
  • Healthy meal delivery service
  • Fitness or meal planner
  • Try an escape room or mystery party
  • Professional lessons on something you’d love to learn (like surfing, skiing, scuba diving, etc.)
  • Sessions with a dietitian
  • New workout shoes
  • New gym bag
  • Online fitness classes from Beachbody on Demand  
  • New healthy cookbook (We love the Fixate Cookbook too!)
  • Healthy cooking classes
  • Health coaching sessions
  • Fitness machine (treadmill, rower, etc.)

list of weight loss reward ideas

Self-care reward ideas: 

  • Hydrotherapy/float session
  • Acupuncture session
  • Yoga classes
  • Aromatherapy candles
  • Essential oil sets
  • Essential oil diffuser
  • Massage gun
  • Self-improvement book or course (Here’s a list of our favorite motivational books !)

Aerobic vs Anaerobic Workouts

Outdoor, travel, and adventure enthusiasts:

  • Day trip to your favorite outdoor spot
  • Weekend getaway
  • New hiking pack
  • New camping equipment or supplies
  • Upgrade your luggage and travel accessories
  • New travel camera
  • Go zip-lining
  • Explore a new hiking trail
  • Sign up for a race
  • Sign up for a bike tour of your favorite city or country 

Kim and Kalee Sorey

Budget-friendly reward ideas:

  • Home spa day
  • Movie in the theater or movie night at home
  • Magazine subscription
  • Buy a new potted plant
  • New water bottle
  • New journal or calendar (We love these planners & journals !)

Get Our Weight Loss Rewards Tracker

Want a way to keep track of your weight loss progress and plan rewards for your small weight loss goals and your big weight loss goals?

We created a non food weight loss rewards chart that you can use to keep track of your progress and how you plan on rewarding yourself!

weight loss and rewards goal tracker sheet

Using Our Weight Loss Rewards Chart Template

To use this chart, you’ll first start by writing down your current weight and date, as well as, your overall weight loss goal and the date you’d like to achieve it.

Next, you’ll break down your bigger weight loss goal into several smaller weight loss goals and write down how you’d like to reward yourself each time you meet those small goals.

For example, if your goal is to lose 20 pounds, you can break it down into 5 smaller goals of 4 pounds each.

Write down how you’d like to reward yourself each time you lose 4 pounds and track it. 

You get to decide how much your big goal and your smaller weight loss goals will be in the chart, and you’ll get to write down and track the rewards that mean the most to you.

Get Our Morning Routine System to Maximize Your Time (Without Stressing!)

What are your favorite non food weight loss rewards.

Sarah Jane Parker ACSM cPT

Sarah Jane Parker is a food and healthy living blogger at The Fit Cookie , an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Certified Health Coach, Revolution Running certified running coach, YogaFit Level 1 certified yoga instructor, and an ACE Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist.

weight loss journey reward

Sarah Jane Parker is a food and healthy living blogger, an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Certified Health Coach, Revolution Running certified running coach, YogaFit Level 1 certified yoga instructor, and an ACE Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist.

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Awesome guide here – love how you make rewarding yourself both important yet independent of food! Smart goals are also well explained.

I love your printable and tips . I am trying to lose weight and this was very helpful

weight loss journey reward

Before meeting Kim and Kalee, I was struggling with my fitness goals. I would start out strong, but I just didn’t stay on track. With their motivation and support, I have not only stayed on track myself, but now I’m helping others reach their fitness and health goals! I’ve never felt or looked better, and I love being a part of their coaching team!


weight loss journey reward

Before I met Kim & Kalee about 6 years ago, I had hit a plateau and felt very frustrated. I was doing all the ‘right’ things and still not seeing results. The girls introduced me to a whole new world of workouts! With their guidance and encouragement I found the workout I wanted to do and haven’t looked back! Through this process I have also gained 2 wonderful friends. Their love and knowledge is greatly appreciated.

weight loss journey reward

Kim and Kalee Sorey are absolutely awesome! They gave me the confidence to become a coach and have been valuable mentors ever since. I strive to emulate the accepting and easy going approach that has made them wildly successful.


weight loss journey reward

weight loss journey reward

Celebrate With These 125 Non Food Rewards for Weight Loss

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Need some ideas for rewarding yourself on your weight loss journey that doesn’t involve food? Check out this excellent list of over 100 non-food rewards for weight loss that will keep you motivated and excited about your progress.

happy woman on a scale

This post is about non food rewards for weight loss and weight loss reward ideas.

Before I lost 125 pounds , I would always reward myself with food. But now I know the best rewards are the ones that are going to help me continue with my weight loss plan and fitness goals.

But I remember all too well thinking about the cheat meals I was going to scarf down after a good workout or a day of eating healthy. It’s like my brain is wired to crave something delicious as a reward. And of course, it is.

The Science Behind Rewarding Ourselves

When it comes to rewarding yourself for weight loss or reaching your goals, there’s actually some interesting science behind it. Your brain is wired to respond positively to rewards , and it can help reinforce positive behaviors. 

Here’s how the science works:

  • Neurotransmitters : When you achieve a goal or experience a positive outcome, your brain releases the neurotransmitter dopamine , which is associated with pleasure and motivation. This can create a positive feedback loop and reinforce the behaviors that led to the achievement.
  • Behavior reinforcement : Rewards can serve as a form of positive reinforcement, helping to strengthen the connection between good behavior like healthy eating and exercise, and a positive outcome like weight loss. This reinforcement can make it more likely for you to continue engaging in those new habits.
  • Motivation and intrinsic rewards : By incorporating the right rewards into your weight loss journey, you can tap into your intrinsic motivation, which comes from within yourself. Rewards can help to maintain motivation , boost self-confidence, and enhance your overall satisfaction with your healthy lifestyle.
  • Psychological well-being : Celebrating achievements and rewarding yourself can have positive psychological effects . It can improve your mood, reduce stress levels, and increase your overall sense of well-being, which can further support your weight loss success.

By incorporating tangible non food rewards for weight loss, you can tap into this natural reward system and stay motivated .

Plus, it’s a great way to celebrate your hard work , acknowledge your progress and weight loss milestones. So go ahead, treat yourself to some non food rewards for weight loss, and keep that motivation going strong!

two women flexing their arms

Why Choose Non Food Rewards for Weight Loss

I remember going for a run, which for me, isn’t my favorite thing to do. However, after three miles I felt great and decided to reward my hard work with a candy bar. It wasn’t until eating it that I realized I had just consumed the same number of calories that I had burned by running . What a wake-up call!

When you’ve put in the effort to eat healthily and work towards your smart goals, it can be so tempting to indulge your taste buds in that slice of mouthwatering cake or grab some candy as a reward. But think about it for a moment – do you really want all of your hard work to go to waste just for a fleeting moment of indulgence ?

Of course, treating yourself to something sweet and decadent once in a while is perfectly okay. But if you set smaller weight loss goals and reward yourself too frequently, you might end up consuming more calories than you want.

So, find a balance . You can still reward yourself but choose options that align with your healthy eating plan. That way, you can enjoy your rewards without derailing your progress.

woman eating a healthy meal while looking at her phone

125 Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards

  • Try a new workout class – Step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself with a fresh fitness experience. Whether it’s a high-energy dance workout, a heart-pumping spin class, or a dynamic strength training session, exploring new workout classes can reignite your motivation and take your fitness journey to the next level.
  • Gift yourself a gym membership – Joining a gym is one of the best ways to continue with your weight loss goals. You’ll have the tools and resources to maintain your progress, reach new goals, and embrace a healthier, more active lifestyle.
  • Book an hour with a personal trainer – Working with a personal trainer is like having a fitness expert and cheerleader by your side, providing you with personalized guidance, support, and motivation.
  • Pamper yourself with a professional massage  – Not only do massages feel incredible, but they’re even more rewarding after a workout or long run. Don’t forget to inquire about package deals to make the most of your budget. Consider getting a package and scheduling your next appointment as a reward for reaching your next goal.
  • Get a facial – Not only will you emerge with a radiant complexion, but you’ll also feel recharged and reenergized. So go ahead, indulge in some well-deserved pampering, and let your skin shine as brightly as your weight loss success!
  • Try a new haircut. Ready for a fresh new look to celebrate your weight loss milestone? Treat yourself to a fabulous haircut that reflects the confident and vibrant person you’ve become!
  • Get a mani-pedi -Treat yourself to a well-deserved mani-pedi session as a celebration of your weight loss achievement! Sit back, relax, and let the professionals work their magic on your hands and feet.
  • Go for a hike – Grab a backpack, and some nutritious snacks, and take an unforgettable hiking adventure to celebrate your weight loss goals. It’s time to enjoy the beauty of nature and embrace the incredible strides you’ve made on your wellness journey!
  • Buy new shoes for working out – It’s time to kick off those old worn-out sneakers and invest in a shiny new pair of workout shoes. Celebrate your progress, treat your feet, and get ready to conquer your fitness journey with style and comfort!
  • Get new headphones – Put on your new headphones , crank up the tunes, and enjoy the sweet sound of success as you continue to crush your fitness goals.
  • Treat yourself to a new water bottle and get a fancy water bottle  or this fantastic cup .
  • Invest in a Health Coaching Session and get personalized support and expert advice so you can continue to create sustainable habits and achieve lasting results.
  • Create a new playlist that reflects your triumph and sets the stage for even more amazing accomplishments.

woman relaxing with headphones on

  • Treating yourself to a soothing yoga class is a good idea. You can unwind, stretch, and let go of any stress or tension in your body. 
  • Try a   healthy meal service – It’s a practical reward that can help you continue to reach your body weight goal.
  • Plan a staycation – Explore the hidden gems, attractions, and activities that your city has to offer.
  • Enjoy a movie -You deserve this moment of relaxation and entertainment after all your hard work and dedication.
  • Grab a new book  -Celebrate your achievement with the power of storytelling and remember that losing weight is not just about physical transformation, but also nurturing your mind and soul. 
  • Grab a cozy blanket, settle into your favorite spot, and indulge in a binge-watching session of your all-time favorite show. Give yourself permission to unwind and enjoy.
  • Treat yourself to a shiny  new kitchen gadget  that will elevate your culinary adventures to new heights.
  • Get a  new healthy cookbook  and dive into the pages of culinary inspiration and discover a world of delicious, nutritious recipes that will keep you motivated on your wellness journey. 
  • Get a new nail polish  in a color you don’t normally wear.
  • Go shopping for a  new workout outfit  that makes you want to work it!
  • Sing karaoke and belt out your favorite tunes, showcase your hidden talent, and revel in the joyous atmosphere as you celebrate your incredible achievement. 
  • Explore that hobby you’ve always been curious about. Join a class, gather the necessary supplies, or simply dive into online tutorials. Embrace the journey of learning and growing in this new pursuit, and let it be a testament to the amazing things you can achieve. 

hands crocheting a coaster

  • Celebrate your success by immersing yourself in the world of art and culture with a visit to a museum or art gallery .
  • Take a cooking class and learn some new recipes.
  • Go dancing ! Take a lesson if you need to.
  • Enter a 5k in a place you’ve never been. Crossing that finish line will be an incredible reminder of your determination, hard work, and the progress you’ve made on your weight loss journey.
  • Buy yourself flowers – either fresh cut or for your garden
  • Get tickets to a show or musical . Celebrate your weight loss achievement in style and create memories that will last a lifetime. Tickets are fantastic non food rewards for weight loss. 
  • Get your favorite scented candle or take a class and make your own.
  • Enjoy your inner artist and take a painting class .
  • Get a bottle of your favorite perfume
  • Sleep under the stars and go camping – Connect with nature, recharge your spirit, and revel in the joy of reaching your goal.
  • Or glamping !
  • Catch a wave and enjoy the beach .
  • Celebrate your good health by exploring the infinite beauty of the universe at the planetarium .
  • Reward yourself with a serene and enchanting experience at a botanical garden .
  • It’s time to treat yourself to some new fitness equipment that will keep you motivated and take your workouts to the next level. Whether it’s a set of dumbbells, a resistance band, or a yoga mat
  • or a new bike – investing in new fitness equipment can make your exercise routine more exciting and enjoyable.

Snacks, Smoothies, and Desserts plantbased mini cookbook

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Grab your FREE Plant-Based Snacks, Smoothies, & Desserts mini-cookbook now!

  • Purchase a knick-knack or something to spruce up your house. Every time you look at it, you’ll remember your hard work. 
  • Treat yourself to a brand-new lunch box or meal prep containers that not only look stylish but also help you stay on track with your nutritious meals.
  • Tickets to a comedy show . Not only will you have a great time, but laughter has its own set of health benefits, like reducing stress and boosting your mood. 
  • Go bowling – Bowling is not only a great way to unwind and have a blast, but it also provides a fun workout without even realizing it.
  • Go berry picking . Okay, I know it’s food, but you’ll work for it and berries are healthy snacks.
  • Get charm s for your bracelet or key ring for every milestone you hit. They are perfect non food rewards for weight loss and reminders of your efforts.
  • Get a magazine subscription either online or in a hard copy. A healthy living magazine can really keep you motivated.
  • Buy a good moisturizer . pamper yourself and celebrate by treating your skin to some well-deserved TLC. 
  • Celebrate with a day of fun and excitement at an amusement park .
  • Celebrate your achievements with some gorgeous lingerie that celebrates your unique beauty and reminds you of how far you’ve come.
  • Treat yourself to a stylish new gym bag that not only holds all your workout essentials but also reflects your newfound confidence and determination.
  • Or a new purse.
  • Go go-kart racing
  • Or to an arcade !
  • Buy a new swimsuit and hit the pool

woman sitting by a pool

  • Go mini-golfing
  • Or real golfing
  • Take a tennis lesson or swimming lesson
  • or a music lesson . See if you can sound like Mozart.
  • Enjoy a new coffee machine and skip the $7 cappuccinos.
  • Upgrade your spice cabinet . By upgrading your spice collection , you’re not only enhancing the taste of your dishes but also opening doors to new and exciting flavors.

Remember to get these beautiful downloadable spice labels .

  • Enjoy a night at a B&B – Unwind in a comfortable room, surrounded by quaint decor and personalized touches. Take advantage of the warm hospitality and personalized service that B&Bs are known for, creating a truly memorable and indulgent experience. 
  • Play a murder mystery game with friends.
  • Have your car professionally detailed .
  • Get a  new pair of sunglasses .
  • Get professionally fitted for a bra . Treat yourself to this empowering experience and revel in the joy of feeling beautiful, supported, and confident every day.
  • Take an online course you’ve always been interested in.
  • Get a pair of new pjs!
  • Learn how to make your own delicious and probiotic-rich kombucha at home and enjoy the health benefits that come with it
  • or grow sprouts or whatever other healthy thing you’ve been meaning to try.

healthy middle aged women laughing

Jumpstart now!

Don’t miss out on the 5-Day Healthy Habits Jumpstart! Join now and experience the transformative power of embracing a healthier lifestyle!

Additional Non-Food Rewards for Weight Loss Achievements

When you achieve a new goal, even a small one, it’s important to celebrate and reward yourself along the way.

One effective method is to write down your planned rewards so that as you progress towards your next goal, you’ll always have your next reward in mind. You will have the incentive to keep working towards your  healthy weight target .

Treats can be a positive reinforcement of the healthy steps you’re taking to lose weight. The right non food rewards for weight loss can serve as powerful motivators for reaching your short-term goals.

Here are some more ideas for non-food weight loss rewards  that will keep you inspired on your journey:

  • Get that new tech gadget you’ve been eyeing.
  • Take photography lessons .
  • Create a vision board : Reflect on your weight loss journey and visualize your future goals by creating a vision board. Fill it with inspiring images, quotes, and aspirations to keep you motivated and excited for what’s to come.
  • Volunteer for a fitness-related cause . It might not sound like a reward, but it is definitely rewarding to give back to your community by volunteering at a local fitness event, coaching a youth sports team, or assisting in organizing wellness programs. Use your own journey as inspiration to support others on their path to better health.
  • Splurge on a professional makeover . Treat yourself to a makeover at a salon or hire a personal stylist to revamp your look. 
  • Plan an adventurous outdoor activity like kayaking or try an adrenaline-pumping activity like zip-lining or rock climbing. Embrace the thrill of adventure and challenge yourself in new ways.

Weight Loss Rewards That Don’t Cost Money

When it comes to rewarding yourself for weight loss, you don’t always have to spend money to celebrate your achievements. There are plenty of non-food rewards that can bring joy and motivation to your journey without breaking the bank .

  • Go ahead and enjoy a  Youtube video  you’ve been wanting to watch.
  • Grab a  good book  and let yourself relax.
  • Enjoy a  movie night  at home.
  • Find a couple of new recipes and create healthy meals that will keep you on your fitness journey.
  • Visit family members  you haven’t seen in a while and show off the results of your hard work.
  • Print off an adult coloring book page from Pinterest and let your inner child play.
  • Take a leisurely stroll around a lake .
  • Visit an animal shelter or cat cafe and get some puppy or kitty snuggles.
  • Download an app and keep track of the non food rewards for weight loss and your achievements.
  • Give yourself the gift of time – in a hammock, in the garden, or enjoying your favorite hobby.
  • Listen to a new podcast. Hopefully, one that is motivating. 
  • Host a game night . Whether it’s a trivia challenge, charades, or a virtual gaming session, game night is a fantastic way to celebrate your success while creating lasting memories with your favorite people. 

group of people playing a game

  • Visit a state park . Explore scenic trails, breathe in the fresh air, and marvel at breathtaking views.
  • Download a new menu plan and test it out.
  • Visit your local library . Give yourself quality time and leisurely wander through the aisles, soak in the literary treasures. Pick out a few captivating books to bring home, and savor them.
  • Create a memory jar . Fill a jar with small notes detailing your weight loss achievements, personal milestones, and positive moments along the journey. Reflect on these accomplishments whenever you need a boost of motivation and inspiration.
  • Indulge in a luxurious spa day  right in the comfort of your own home! Pamper yourself with a soothing face mask, give yourself a fresh manicure, and take the time to focus on the little things that make you feel special.

woman giving a thumbs up while holding out the waistband of her jeans

Treats For Reaching Small Goals

  • Order a month from one of your favorite streaming services  and enjoy some new flicks.
  • Get a bullet journal and keep track of your healthy habits
  • Indulge in some  new clothes  or accessories that make you feel absolutely amazing! It’s also a fantastic reward idea for reaching your weight loss goals, so rock a fabulous new outfit, scarf, or belt and let it inspire you to stay focused and determined.
  • Try a new lipstick and pucker up.
  • Get a new pillow for a good night’s sleep.
  • Try a new herbal tea . I love this one!
  • Or sparkling water .
  • Enjoy a self-tan and try this tanning mitt so your hands aren’t tanned, too!
  • Get a bird feeder and unwind while you watch the birds eat.

woman with hands raised and celebrating

Treats for Reaching Bigger Goals

When you achieve a major weight loss milestone , it’s time to celebrate and treat yourself to truly special non food rewards for weight loss.

Think about something you’ve always wanted or an experience you’ve been putting off just because of your weight. After all, reaching your weight loss goals and becoming healthier and fitter is a significant accomplishment .

Now is the perfect time to start living a life you truly love . Here are a few ideas to get you inspired for your well-deserved celebration.

  • It’s a big reward, but it’s one of my favorite non food rewards for weight loss – a portable hot tub ! 
  • Booking a photo shoot is a great way to celebrate a significant milestone. You can have it be a personal or a family photo shoot.
  • A new  high-speed blender  is a great option for rewarding your big goal and it will help you maintain your achievements.
  • Enjoy a new fitness tracker ! It will help you reach your next goal.
  • Get tickets to see your favorite band  and have a night out.
  • Invest in a stand-up desk . It’s a great way to burn a few calories while you work.
  • Book that trip you’ve always wanted to take. 
  • As a way to celebrate and lighten your load even further, why not treat yourself to the convenience of a cleaning service ? Hiring professionals to take care of your cleaning tasks can be a wonderful reward for your hard work and success
  • Treat yourself to a beautiful piece of jewelry as a meaningful and lasting reminder of your accomplishment. It’s a tangible symbol of your dedication and transformation, something you can cherish and be proud of.
  • Take to the skies and celebrate your weight loss success with a hot air balloon ride that will leave you with memories to treasure forever.
  • Soothe your mind, pamper your body, and celebrate your achievement with a wellness retreat that will leave you feeling refreshed, inspired, and ready to embrace a healthier life.
  • What better way to celebrate than by throwing yourself a party ?! This party is a reminder of your incredible strength and determination, and an opportunity to share your success with those who mean the most to you.

Woman with arms raised in the air standing high on a mountain

Post Exercise Non Food Rewards for Weight Loss

  • Enjoy a soothing bath ! It’s time to bring out the fancy bubble bath or Epsom salt and create your own blissful oasis. Grab your favorite book, settle into a nice, relaxing bubble bath, and let yourself unwind.
  • Add some essential oils to your recovery routine. You’re not only treating yourself to a little extra pampering but also supporting your body’s healing process. It’s a well-deserved reward for all your efforts.
  • Meet up with a friend and tell them how hard you worked out.
  • Soothe your muscles and get a  relaxing massage  in a chair. 
  • Step into the serene ambiance of a salt room and celebrate your weight loss achievements in the most relaxing way possible. A salt room, also known as halotherapy, offers a unique and rejuvenating experience. Breathe in the therapeutic salt-infused air, known for its potential to support respiratory health and promote relaxation.
  • Treat yourself to a relaxing session in a sauna . Saunas have been used for centuries as a way to unwind, detoxify, and promote overall well-being. The gentle heat and steam can help soothe your muscles, relieve stress, and improve circulation. It’s a perfect way to pamper yourself and indulge in some self-care.
  • Pamper your feet with these amazing post-workout recovery flip-flops . You will never want to take them off!
  • Take care of your tootsies with a foot reflexology session .
  • Get a foam roller . Invest in this self-care treasure and roll away the stress, pamper your body, and continue to prioritize your well-being.
  • Have you ever considered trying acupuncture ? It’s a wonderful way to treat yourself and promote overall well-being. Not only can acupuncture help with stress reduction and relaxation, but it may also support weight management.

weight loss journey reward



What can i replace food with to lose weight .

When it comes to replacing food as part of a weight loss journey, there are several options that can help satisfy cravings and promote a healthier lifestyle. Here are a few alternatives to consider:

  • Hydrating beverages – opt for water, herbal tea, or infused water with fruits and herbs to stay hydrated and quench your thirst without adding calories.
  • Healthy snacks – choose nutritious snacks and healthy treats like fresh fruits, vegetables with hummus , non-dairy yogurt, nuts, or seeds. These options provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber while keeping you feeling satisfied.
  • Physical activity – engage in activities that distract you from food cravings, such as going for a walk, stretching, or dancing. Exercise not only helps burn calories but also boosts mood and reduces stress.
  • Mindful eating – practice mindful eating by paying attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Focus on savoring each bite, chewing slowly, and being present during meals, allowing you to enjoy the experience more fully.
  • Emotional support – seek emotional support from friends, family, or a support group to address any underlying emotional or stress-related eating patterns. Having a strong support system can provide encouragement and help you develop healthier coping mechanisms.

How can I reward myself without using food?

Rewarding yourself without using food is an excellent way to celebrate milestones and maintain motivation on your weight loss journey. The 125 ideas listed in this are some great ideas for non food rewards for weight loss.

If you want more weight loss tips,  check out these articles :

bowl of healthy food and utensils with a tape measure wrapped around it

Remember to PIN this for later.

woman standing on a scale with her arm raised and smiling

Looking for more support?

Trying to start a plant-based diet? Feel lost & don’t know where to start? I can help.

I used to be morbidly obese and had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Now I weigh 125 pounds less , my blood pressure is 110/70, and no more high cholesterol!

When I first started eating a vegan diet I had no idea what I was doing or how to do it. If you feel the same way, I can show you how simple it can be to strengthen your body and feel amazing!

We have a few ways that we can come alongside you:


This is ideal if you’re looking for more motivation, accountability, and recipes.


Snack SMART with this Snacks, Smoothies, and Desserts Mini-Cookbook. It has over 20 easy-to-follow and delicious plant-based recipes for you to enjoy. And it’s FREE!


One month of planned meals, recipes, and grocery lists is done for you, so you can get out of the kitchen faster and know that you are eating healthy.


This is your kickstart to weight loss with specially curated meal plans, mouth-watering recipes, and the ultimate guide to achieving permanent weight loss.


Everything you need to begin reclaiming your health today.

As you embark on your weight loss journey, remember that celebrating your achievements doesn’t have to involve food . By choosing non-food rewards that align with your interests and values, you can reward yourself in ways that support your well-being and long-term success . Embrace these ideas and make your weight loss journey even more fulfilling and enjoyable.

​Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a medical professional. The information provided on this blog is based on my personal experiences and research as a vegan recipe enthusiast. While I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before making any significant changes to your diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns. The recipes and tips shared on this blog are meant for general informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always prioritize your health and well-being by seeking personalized guidance from a qualified healthcare provider.

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These are all great tips to keep in mind. Our natural tendency is to reward ourselves with food for all the hard work — a treat after finishing a task, a dinner out for a job well done, a dessert after a stressful day. They all contribute to weight gain so it’s really good to know that there are non-food alternatives out there.

Yes, this is something I need to do. I need to lose weight and of course celebrating with eating food runs counter to that.

wow, what an extensive list of options that don’t involve food. this will be incredibly helpful motiviation for people trying to lose weight.

Wow, what a fantastic list of non-food rewards for weight loss journey! Your creative suggestions make celebrating achievements even more exciting and motivating. A diverse range of options ensures there’s something for everyone to enjoy along the way. 🎉🏋️‍♀️🥇

Great post! Rewarding ourselves with food or drinks is a go to, but I personally love rewarding with trips!

The psychology behind rewards is so interesting. I think it’s really important to retrain our minds away from punishments and rewards, as it often leads to unhealthy thinking. Having said that, I really like that you listed so many things, so there’s something for everyone to pick from. I like buying myself a new vinyl, or organizing a new place I want to go for a hike.

Love the idea of rewarding ourselves and these are very good options. I always love to try something different to reward myself.

How cool! This the truly the list for me for weight loss. Thanks for sharing!

Congratulations on your incredible weight loss journey! It’s inspiring to hear how you have shifted your mindset from rewarding yourself with food to finding healthier ways to celebrate your achievements.

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weight loss journey reward

So Very Blessed

50+ Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

Weight Loss Reward Ideas

Let’s have a heart-to-heart talk about weight loss success. Someone once told me, “When it comes to weight loss, reward yourself early and reward yourself often!”

It’s tough to keep your weight loss efforts and other healthy habits going day after day, but being intentional about planning good rewards along the way can surely help!

It’s fun to have your own reward system and it’s an excellent way to keep you on track! (Check out this post for some great weight loss trackers .)

The thing about weight loss rewards (whatever small rewards or tangible rewards they may be) is that they have to feel special to you. Gardening is certainly not a reward for me, but setting aside a eisure time to read a book is a great idea and such a rare treat!

As you read this blog post with a list of weight loss incentives to celebrate your significant milestone, think about your attainable goals and what would be most motivating for you to work toward. Consider the right rewards that align best with your needs and desires. Remember, you’re reaping the fruits of your hard work—it deserves to be both fulfilling and enjoyable. These are all ideas that have worked for someone on their weight loss journey .

Some of the things on the list won’t be realistic for you and some just won’t feel like rewards at all. Choose the ones that work for you!

I’m a big believer in the 5 love languages so I’ve separated this list into those categories – gifts, acts of service, quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation.

And if you’re on a tight budget, don’t miss the last category I added at the end of the post – free weight loss rewards that don’t cost money.

A photo of a woman with her arms out and a text overlay that reads as '50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards' to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

This is the first category most people think of when they think of rewards – buying yourself something special! You can buy yourself something that will help you on your weight loss journey (like a fitness tracker), or just a splurge that you would enjoy (like flowers).

1. You may not need an entirely new wardrobe, but treating yourself to some new clothing is definitely a worthy reward. Getting a new outfit is a good idea, especially when you find something stylish within your budget!

2. Treat yourself to a practical reward and buy a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

3. As you achieve your goal weight, treat yourself to a new pair of running, walking, or hiking shoes.

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

4. Buy a new water bottle .

5. Decorate a room in your house. Get a new piece of art for your living room, make one of your wedding photos into a canvas, or buy seasonal couch pillow covers.

6. Buy a new fitness tracker to enhance your next workout experience.

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

7. Go candle sniffing and get some seasonal scents for around your house.

8. Invest in a new purse or laptop bag.

9. Buy a new belt. After all that weight loss plan and healthier lifestyle changes, chances are, you need it!

10. Make yourself a necklace. Use each bead or charm to represent a certain weight loss milestone for you.

11. Enjoying the luxury of having your favorite foods delivered to your doorstep by subscribing to a convenient meal service like Hello Fresh is also a great weight loss reward. With nutritious meals at your fingertips and the option to explore cooking classes or dive into a new healthy cookbook, you’ll be well on your way to culinary bliss and a healthy lifestyle.

12. Save yourself a ton of time in your healthy meals prep by getting yourself a subscription to Once A Month Meals that gives you healthy meal plans, grocery lists, and directions for freezer cooking

Acts of Service

When you are used to doing so many things yourself, it can feel like such a luxury to have someone else step in and take care of some responsibilities for you! If you have a willing spouse or family who will jump in with some chores, that would be great to add to the list, too!

13. Hire a maid service to clean your house.

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

14. Buy sessions with a personal trainer.

15. Splurge to get your groceries delivered or use ClickList to let someone else do the shopping (Walmart offers free curbside pick-up!).

16. Get a babysitter and take a nap, find your favorite spot where you can read a book, or watch a movie.

17. Hire a landscaping service or local teenager to come and take care of the yard work – rake, mow, pull weeds, or shovel snow. This is a great option to maintain a tidy exterior and keep your house clean.

Quality Time

All of the activities below can be done with your spouse, your family, your best friend, or just yourself (if you are an introvert, that refueling time alone can be a beautiful thing!).

18. Go see a new movie.

19. Plan a staycation.

20. Look on Groupon for discount local activities like escape rooms, indoor skydiving, painting lessons, etc. You might even find a deal on an exercise bike to elevate your fitness routine while saving money!

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

21. Plan a special vacation – a weekend cabin getaway, a beach day, or a ski retreat.

22. Learn a new sport. Ever thought about trying karate? Or any sport that will challenge you to go for a long run until the finish line.

23. Take music lessons. Have you always wanted to learn how to play the piano? Or rock out on the drums? Who knows, you might even discover your hidden talent and create a new song!

24. Take painting lessons. Unleash your inner van Gogh with a new skill.

25. Turn into a tourist for the day. Find a fun tourist town and explore. Take pictures, go on tours, and find crazy souvenirs.

26. Go to a concert. Get tickets to see your favorite band or enjoy a night relaxing listening to your local philharmonic.

27. Get tickets to a local sports game.

28. Plant a garden (or get a new flower, herb, or succulent for your current garden!).

29. Take a day off work.

30. Get a new book (or just borrow one from the library) and schedule an afternoon to read it on a blanket in a park or cuddled in fuzzy sweatpants on your couch.

Physical Touch

The activities I listed below are services you can pay for at a salon or spa, but if you want to enlist a friend, spouse, or family member to do them for you, that counts just as much and can sometimes be even more special!

31. Treat yourself to a professional massage. After shedding those excessive weight gain, indulge in some well-deserved relaxation for the rejuvenated, healthier, new you! Remember, you’re not really replacing the old you; you’re simply celebrating the positive reinforcement brought about by your healthy behaviors.

32. Get a pedicure.

33. Go to a salon for a new hairstyle (and the beautiful scalp massage that comes with it).

34. Get a manicure.

35. Treat yourself to a facial—it’s one of the best rewards to consider, especially if you’re passionate about skincare.

36. Dye your hair.

Words of Affirmation

This is a tricky one when it comes to weight loss. There are a few things you can do for yourself here, but the biggest way to receive words of affirmation is to have a support system in your life (trusted friends and family members) that you actually talk to on your weight loss journey. Don’t keep it to yourself!

37. Spend some time writing down the amazing things you’ve accomplished in detail. Don’t just write “I lost 15 pounds.” Get specific! Say things like, “I’ve transformed my eating habits, opting for nutritious meals filled with colorful vegetables and lean proteins. I’ve overcome the temptation of cheat meals and experienced the best results, feeling healthier and noticing that my blood pressure is mostly normal. I became more intentional with my daily workouts, finding creative ways to exercise without relying solely on a gym membership. Healthy living has become my life advocacy, as I strive to be around my loved ones for longer. My clothes fit better, and I feel more confident about my body weight, embracing a newfound sense of self-assurance and well-being. I’ve noticed that I’m less attracted to unhealthy foods and more drawn to nourishing options that fuel my body.” Remember, your weight loss progress encompasses the highs, lows, and everything in between.

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

38. Plan a coffee date with a friend. Tell them about the struggles you’ve overcome and what you’ve accomplished.

39. As you continuously achieve your fitness goals, keep a notebook and write down the compliments people give you along the way. When you reach your milestone, take time to read over the words and intentionally try to believe they are true (that’s easier said than done!).

Turn Your Weight Loss Into A Mission

Use your success as an opportunity to serve others.

40. Sponsor a child through Compassion International .

41. Donate a pound of food for each pound you lost to the local food bank.

42. Run a 5k and dedicate a kilometer to different people in your life, praying for them as you run or walk “their” mile.

Weight Loss Rewards That Don’t Cost Money

I know that we often think we need to buy something to really treat yourself, but one of the most precious commodities we have is our time. Chances are you work hard, take better care of others, and don’t often take time to do something you truly love. Here is your chance! Imagine a free weight loss reward chart that won’t cost you a thing!

43. Give yourself a home spa day with a bubble bath, lotions, nail polish, etc. Use what you already have, but scheduling the time to pamper yourself still makes it special.

44. Spend time organizing your home. You know those areas that bug you around the house that you always tell yourself you’ll get to later? Organize your medicine cabinet, get rid of all of that lid-less Tupperware, or go through your closet (and donate all of those clothes that are too big now!).

45. Ride your bike to the park and spend time enjoying the outdoors. Making healthy choices, such as getting closer to nature, can have a profound impact on your well-being.

46. Spend a few hours gardening (if you enjoy it!).

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

47. Borrow a book from the library and read it in a relaxing place (a park, a hammock, your backyard, your couch).

48. Make a playlist of your favorite songs and sing/dance it out. Some of the best ways to reward yourself are simply to have fun!

49. Plan a hike to a beautiful location like a lake or waterfall.

50. Put on some relaxing music or your favorite TV show in the background and do a puzzle.

51. Doing nothing. If you are always on the go, sometimes the greatest gift in the world can be a little bit of downtime. Schedule it in and treat yourself.

52. Go window shopping. Now, this one can be tricky! If window shopping just makes you want to buy things, don’t do it! But it can be really fun to just wander around shops and explore what they have. My husband and I love to stop and take the time to sniff candles in stores!

53. Spend time on a hobby – scrapbooking, painting miniatures, taking pictures, knitting, or whatever you enjoy doing!

54. Have a family game night. Togetherness can be a great reward!

55. Find free live music. Check your newspaper or city events calendar and look for free concerts in the park, events at your library, or local artists playing in a coffee shop.

56. Don’t forget about low-cost rewards like going to the Dollar Store and picking out a new candle, picture frame, or craft supplies.

In conclusion, incorporating non-food rewards into your weight loss journey is a great way to stay motivated and celebrate your successes. Whether it’s treating yourself to new clothes when you reach a milestone, setting new goals to challenge yourself further, or indulging in smaller rewards for positive behaviors along the way, there are countless ways to acknowledge your progress and maintain momentum in your weight loss program. Building new habits and reinforcing good behavior can pave the way for long-term success. Some research on long-term weight loss studies suggests that celebrating small victories triggers the release of neurotransmitter dopamine, associated with pleasure and motivation, reinforcing positive behaviors. This reinforces neural pathways, increasing the likelihood of repeating those actions in the future. Ultimately, celebrating small victories strengthens our motivation and commitment to our goals, contributing to long-term success. Lastly, remember that a successful weight loss is not just about reaching big goals; it’s about embracing the journey, celebrating each step forward, and setting yourself up for long-term success. May it be a grace-filled journey, one you’ll look back on someday, and thank God for because He was with you all along.

What Are Your Favorite Weight Loss Rewards?

I want to hear from you!

What rewards motivate you to reach your weight loss milestones?

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  • How to Set SMART Goals for Weight Loss
  • A Simple Way to Get Control of Your Sugar Cravings
  • How Your Amazon Echo Can Help You Lose Weight
  • 16 Ways to Burn More Calories While You Cook
  • 5 Ways to Make Mexican Food Healthier
  • 30-Day Plank Challenge for Beginners

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Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

Wednesday 15th of March 2023

Representing the lads here on a diet. Buy a tech gadget. Sign up for a magazine you've always wanted. Arrange for a track day at your local race way. Save up for a new e-bike, build a BBQ area out back, build an outdoor bar, plant some nice plants, book a free night with the music system play all your rock albums very loud, get your car washed and valet serviced, go fantasy car shopping, get a lesson on a trials bike or quad bike, book a weekend away, get some nice sports gear, buy some home gym kit, walk to the shop and buy a lottery ticket, buy a home cinema system (wireless to keep your partner happy), Make a small movie on your favourite hobby, put it on youtube, try photography, buy a drone and make a documentary, fix that thing you've been meaning to fix for ages, get a new outside fire pit and have a chill night with smores and the family,thats all i've got for now, I hope some appeal.

Gerry, thanks so much for sharing. These are great!

Friday 15th of April 2022

I adore the food bank idea and the donating to a charity idea! You're the first one I've seen to suggest those. Thank you!

Monday 10th of August 2020

I haven’t been able to wear both of my wedding rings at the same time for years. So I’m planning on treating myself to getting my rings resized and soldered together when (I have to tell myself it’s “when,” not “if”) I hit my first goal. It’s nice to have a clear goal!

Mrs. Sweetspot

Wednesday 27th of May 2020

I love this so much. Just what I've been looking for. This first week, I'm going to do $10 for each pound lost to the food bank. Really great motivation. For a future milestone, I love the personal trainer idea as well. And who doesn't love a good candle? Thank you for putting this together!

Monday 1st of June 2020

I love that you donated to the food bank! They sure can use the extra help right now!

yolinda indrawan

Monday 29th of July 2019

A new workout outfit is definitely my most appealing rewards although sponsoring a compassion children does provoke me. thanks for all these ideas.

Monday 5th of August 2019

You are so welcome! New workout outfits have been so motivating for me!

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10 Lessons I Learned from My Weight-Loss Journey

I've kept 70 pounds off for more than 10 years. Here are 10 key lessons I've learned along the way.

Elizabeth Ward is a registered dietitian and award-winning nutrition communicator and writer. She has authored or co-authored 10 books for consumers about nutrition at all stages of life.

weight loss journey reward

  • 1. You've Got to Meet Yourself Where You're At

2. Never Eliminate Anything Completely

3. you can do anything you set your mind to, 4. your get-moving options are endless, 5. invest in your own personal wellness, 6. reward yourself for the small wins, 7. you will not be perfect, 8. water really is your bff, 9. the mental transformation is just as important as the physical.

  • 10. If You Want Lasting, Permanent Change—It's about Your Lifestyle

From a young age growing up in the Connecticut suburbs, the number on the scale ebbed and flowed as my relationship with sport did as well. At age 14, I was a soccer whiz, running laps up and down the field feeling confident and great. Come 17, I didn't make the junior varsity volleyball team because I couldn't run a sub-10:00 mile, and my interests became a lot less active. As I leaned heavily into the arts and a local youth group, the pounds crept on. Despite feeling excited by my extracurricular activities, I began feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable in my own body.

This carried on to college, and like many, I gained the freshman 15—or perhaps the freshman 30 would be more accurate. In the spring of 2007, I was procrastinating studying for a final exam when I decided to step onto a dusty scale I had tucked under my bunk bed. After what felt like an eternity, waiting for the screen to populate, the number that glared back at me from the floor took my breath away. I was forced to come to terms with a harsh reality: I had to change. While I believe that people can find health at different sizes, I was definitely not healthy or more importantly, happy. I knew that making changes wouldn't be easy, but even so, I was ready to start.

Over the next three years, I lost 70 pounds through making healthier eating choices and learning to love running. Today, movement is my medicine, enabling me to better show up both personally and professionally. Now a nine-time marathoner, certified personal trainer and run coach, and wellness coach with her own podcast , I've learned a handful of lessons along my journey that empower me to give back to others and help them determine what wellness looks like for them. Here's what I learned during my personal transformation, plus some insight into why I feel like a forever work in progress.

1. You've Got to Meet Yourself Where You're At

Especially in the age of social media, it's easy to compare yourself to others. Your journey is just that: Yours. Instead of being made to feel like you're not good enough based on what you see someone else doing, focus on where you are and progress from there. This is important in all aspects of wellness, whether it's trying out a new strength training routine or shifting your eating habits. Just because you can't do a difficult movement like a dumbbell snatch, for example, doesn't mean you won't get there one day. Have some grace, embrace honesty, and the rest will come with time.

Many popular diets advertise cutting things out—at least in small portions—like complex carbs or sugar. When we eliminate things from our diet, it's almost guaranteed that we will crave them more. In my experience, I'd binge the very thing that I told myself I couldn't have. (The restrict/binge/repeat eating cycle has been confirmed in a 2020 Binge Eating article.) Instead of eliminating things from your life, the practice of moderation and portion control is a much safer alternative. It's a practice that truly helped me along my journey.

Instead of nixing my college's famous banana chocolate chip ice cream completely, for example, I let myself have a scoop on Fridays. When it came to indulging in Grandma's Sunday sauce, I made sure to also serve myself a hearty helping of salad in addition to the oh-so-good pasta bowl. By embracing the foods that made me happy in smart amounts, I was able to enjoy the process without feeling like I was missing out.

I really, really wanted to love running. But in the earliest stages, I felt as though I would never. I felt as though because I wasn't "good" at it (see the high school volleyball reference above), it would never be for me. Toward the beginning of my personal weight-loss efforts, I worked at a summer camp, without access to a typical big box gym. This really encouraged me to give running another hard try, as it was one of the few ways I could get active and really break a sweat without any equipment.

The first week of running was awful. I did it for about 15 minutes per day, and ran the exact same route every single time. However, after a week of sticking it out, I slowly got to a place where I realized that it was nowhere as bad as I had been making it out to be. With time, the enjoyment grew. I didn't have to be the best runner. I just had to be me— running. This realization empowered me to try and stick with other things that felt hard in the past.

I went through phases over my three-year journey dabbling in a slew of different fitness modalities. I've done it all, from barre and Spin class to dance cardio and even CrossFit. Some of these love affairs lasted longer than others, but what I most enjoyed about the process was that I had the opportunity to mix up my routine as often as I liked. There was no reason to stick with something that didn't bring me joy or light me up. By diversifying my go-to sweat method, I had a lot more fun, and even made some great friends along the way. Plus, research published in 2020 in Translational Behavioral Medicine has shown that adding variety to an exercise program can increase your physical activity.

During the summer of 15-minute runs, I lived in Hanes white v-neck T-shirts and cotton leggings from Target. Over time, I began to realize that if I wanted to perform better and feel more comfortable, I needed to invest a little bit more in my workout wardrobe. The good news: There are tons of great options out there, from Old Navy to Champion, that have technical gear at lower price points. Rather than buy six-packs of T-shirts every month, I started to accrue a collection of gear that lasted the washing machine test, and also made me feel more confident when the workout began.

When I started my weight-loss journey, I didn't set out and say "I want to lose 70 pounds." Rather, I set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals that helped me go in the right direction. For instance, a goal like " I want to drink three bottles of water every day before 6 p.m. "

If I made it through two weeks of this goal, I would take some time to celebrate the positive progress, whether that be with a trip to the local mall or simply setting aside some "me" time to take an extra long walk come the weekend. When the journey is long, the small wins are what keep your tank fueled up and help you stay motivated for more.

How many times have you told yourself "OK, today I'm going to have a good day of eating," and then a few bites of a chocolate bar later, you feel as though you've completely blown it? Listen, we've all been there.

Here's the thing: That all-or-nothing mentality isn't going to do you any good. Have some grace with the idea that from time to time, things aren't going to go as planned. There will be slip-ups. Rather than get angry and throw your hands up in the air, be proud of yourself for prioritizing your own wellness in the first place. Every single second, you have an opportunity to start with a clean slate.

I've never been "good" at drinking water. I don't particularly love the taste of it (which sounds weird, perhaps) and making sure to get enough felt like a total struggle. Alas, H20 accounts for 60 percent of our body—or about 11 gallons or 92 pounds inside a 155-pound person—and is essential to every cell.

When I made getting healthier a priority, I started downing at least six glasses each day. With that, I started to notice a real difference. I felt better, my skin looked better, and I performed well when it came to my regular workouts, staving off that ever-annoying headache that likely was a result of previous dehydration.

Honestly, I'm still working on my inner dialogue and being kinder to myself. When a big transformation happens on the outside, it's important to take the time to really think about who it is that you are, what's important to you and who you want to be going forward. As a self-proclaimed forever work in progress, I find that regular journaling and making time to reflect on my feelings helps me stay grounded. I'll never forget about the teenage girl who had trouble finding jeans that fit standing in her local mall. But I know, now, that she's not who I am anymore.

10. If You Want Lasting, Permanent Change—It's about Your Lifestyle

This is something I can't stress enough. No amount of exercise will help you against an unhealthy diet. Remember how you feel once you hit your goal weight. Returning to that feeling of pride and happiness will empower you to continue to make healthy decisions going forward. This makes maintenance easier, and helps you keep a level head when it comes to the occasional overindulgent meal or streak of exercise-free days (and those can be important, too!). We want to focus on lasting change and better health for years to come.

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120+ Non-Food Rewards for Weight Loss (Sorted By Price)

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Today we are talking about non-food rewards for your weight loss efforts, or any time you want to congratulate yourself for good behavior. I also have a free 4 page rewards printable for you to keep track of your progress and ideas. Many ideas below are free or low cast, but for paid items, if I have partner promo codes or partner affiliate links to save you money or time, I will add it in line with the reward idea. This means if you click through and take action I may receive a small commission, which supports this free content.

Thumbs up while standing on the scale! 120+ Non Food Weight Loss Reward Ideas

If you have ever been on a weight loss journey, you know it is SO important to maintain your motivation to keep going. To keep going, giving yourself the good, loving care that you deserve.

Having a reward system as you commit to a healthy lifestyle is a great way to rewire your brain to make every step seem more enjoyable rather than a chore.

If our brains view losing weight, eating healthy or exercising as a negative….as hard work or a chore… it is no wonder that so many of us give up. I wouldn't want to do something HARD and displeasing every day either.

But by picking out some of your favorite things to use as rewards…well now you can reframe that healthy meal or that workout as a stepping stone to a big, shiny reward!!

“YES!! One meal closer to getting those new shoes!!!

“Oh yeah! Spa Day, here I come!”

Every time you give yourself a positive feeling when you engage in a healthy habit, you make it more likely you are to want to keep doing that habit.

But so many of us are used to using food as a reward, that it can feel perplexing to try to come up with ways to celebrate with anything else.

As you scroll through the lists below, you might see some that don't seem like a reward to you at all, and other that would be a total jackpot for you. It's fine if you are not interested in a new lip balm. Maybe the next person would love a yummy-scented lip balm, but you can keep your facial, thank you very much.

To each, his own! Scroll through and find some things that light YOU up.

As a bonus you can use this FREE THREE PAGE REWARDS PRINTABLE to jot down ideas and then design your own reward system.

  • Cost-free Weight Loss Rewards
  • Dollar Store Rewards
  • Experience Rewards
  • Health and Fitness Related Rewards
  • Practical, Everyday Rewards

25+ Cost Free Rewards for Weight Loss

Standing on a scale, giving thumbs up! 120+ Non Food Weight Loss Rewards - Cost Free

Depending on what you already have at home, these ideas could be totally free ways to congratulate yourself on those milestones.

  • Draw yourself a bath or bubble bath.
  • Paint your nails.
  • Watch an episode of a binge-worthy show each time you lose X number of pounds.
  • Read a good book, magazine or newspaper (One from your own shelf, borrowed from a friend or the library).
  • Ask someone special for a massage or watch a video to learn self massage.
  • Clean out your closet, removing clothes that are too big.
  • Have a fashion show of your clothes to see how they fit (remember to take progress photos).
  • Take a personal day from work.
  • Go to your favorite park, a state park or botanical garden.
  • Take your dog to a bark park or visit a pet shelter to spend time with a furry friend.
  • Invite a friend to take a walk.
  • Call your best friend or someone who makes you smile.
  • Watch your favorite sports team on Sunday if you hit your weekly goal.
  • Give yourself time to meditate (the free Insight Timer app has everything from beginner meditations, to gratitude and healing topics.)
  • Journal about how it feels to have hit this milestone.
  • Try a new free app- a game, social media, puzzles, Meditation apps, whatever strikes your fancy.
  • Do a puzzle.
  • Listen to a new podcast (Related: Perfect Podcasts to Fuel a Healthy Lifestyle )
  • Pay yourself a real, honest-to-goodness compliment. When is the last time you did THAT!?
  • Play cards or a board game.
  • Make time for an old hobby. Is there something you love to do but have been too busy? What a great reward to set aside time to do what your heart desires.
  • Write a letter to your future self.
  • Write a letter to a loved one. (Drop it off if you want to avoid using a stamp.)
  • Lay in the grass on a beautiful day.
  • Take your lunch outdoors and set up a picnic.
  • Head to a local pond and skip rocks.
  • Do something totally goofy to indulge your inner child…. pillow fight, play toys, watch a favorite childhood movie- what would little-child-you like to do to celebrate?

30 Dollar Store Weight Loss Rewards

Standing on a scale, giving thumbs up! 120+ Non Food Weight Loss Rewards - Dollar Store Ideas

Your local dollar store can be a treasure trove of affordable rewards, whether you use them to celebrate smaller milestones or reaching your final goal weight.

These all cost one dollar, so they are in no particular order, other than then come below the free ideas above!

Dollar Tree is my local dollar store, however I used to live near Family Dollar. I remember that they had a whole different set of products and not all of them were $1. Obviously these are subject to the dollar store near you, and you probably could find lots of other ideas too.

Don't forget about the Target Dollar Spot, another great source for inexpensive rewards!

Here are some reward ideas inspired by my local Dollar Tree.

  • Nail polish
  • Greeting card – yes, buy YOURSELF a card! Especially if you never heard words of encouragement as a kid. Save them and read through them often.
  • Party decor – You can even leave them up as a reminder to celebrate every healthy step you take.
  • Dry erase markers – Use them to leave yourself notes and doodles on your mirror.
  • Vase & vase fillers – Fill them with flowers from your garden or wildflowers
  • Journals and notebooks – I love looking through the wide variety they carry.
  • Desk accessories – I can't explain it. I just have always loves shopping for school supplies, and now that means they are office supplies. LOL.
  • Seasonal decorations
  • New dishes or drinkware
  • Kitchen gadgets
  • Cloth napkins or placemats – Little touches like these can make eating healthy a pretty affair.
  • Fuzzy socks
  • Compact mirror
  • Car accessories
  • Craft supplies
  • Stickers (and other classroom decorations, even certificates!) They are often full of positive messages.
  • Suduko or other logic games book
  • Garden decor
  • Seeds for planting

25+ Experience Rewards for Weight Loss

Standing on a scale, giving thumbs up! 120+ Non Food Weight Loss Rewards - Experience Rewards Ideas

Giving yourself an experience as a reward is excellent motivation. Self care and pampering services are obviously high on the list, but there are some awesome, out-of-the-box ideas too.

Remember, if the first one isn't your style, it might be perfect for the next person. I know you will find something fun!

Prices in your area may be different than here, so I listed these in relative price order, from lowest to highest, in my experience.

  • Go-carts or arcade day – Feel like a kid again by indulging in some go-carts or arcade action.
  • Batting Cages – Hit some homers and get some fresh air!
  • Golf Range or Mini-Golf – If you are a golfer, you can add some small golf rewards, and build up to playing on a big, beautiful course.
  • Subscribe to a cool subscription box – These days there is a subscription box for EVERY interest. You can browse through tons of awesome boxes and subscription box coupon codes on CrateJoy .
  • Sign up for a park district or other recreation class – If you can't find one to suit your interests near you, be sure to search for online options.
  • Small or large online shopping session – Maybe stroll through , Etsy or Amazon to pick up something you've had on your wishlist.
  • Go Golfing – Whether you pick your local private course, or set your reward to go to a big fancy course, golfing is a great way to encourage your healthy habits.
  • Teeth Whitening – Get your glow on! This service can range quite a bit in price depending on your dentist office, versus buying a DIY teeth whitening kit.
  • Order yourself flowers – If you honestly love receiving flowers…who says you need to receive them from anyone else?
  • Manicure – Give your hands a bit of love with a manicure.
  • Pedicure – Say “thanks for carrying me through!” to your feet by giving them an hour of pampering.
  • Facial – Highlight the inner glow you are feeling with a skin brightening facial.
  • Massage – I often felt too self conscious to go in for a massage but I looooove them, and now they are one of my FAVORITE ways to treat myself.
  • Salon Appointment – Haircut, highlights, or new color? I love the feeling of coming out of the salon feeling like a new person!
  • Spa Day – Big milestone? Big day! Why pick just one treatment when you could have the whole she-bang?
  • Sports tickets or concert tickets – As life gets back to normal, hopefully this will be a reasonable reward!
  • Sport lessons – Got a favorite sport? Give yourself the gift of lessons.
  • Music lessons – Always wanted to learn to play an instrument? What a great time to start. A lot of studios will do in person or online lessons these days.
  • Cooking Lessons – Cooking is a life skill we all need. If you could brush up on your skills to make some easy, healthy meals, why not use this as a perfect reward? Not ready to attend in person? Check out Local Bites for live streaming cooking classes on everything from healthy entrees and snacks, special dietary needs to sweet treats and international flavors.
  • Dance lessons – I know, I'm on a lessons kick here. But just picture gliding across the dance floor- pure bliss!
  • Personal Shopping Appointment – Unsure how to dress for your figure now that you have lost weight? Make an appointment with a personal shopper to help get the hang of it. Stores like Macy's and Nordstrom offer complimentary sessions with a personal shopper. I listed it further down on the list because you do tend to buy more pieces when someone is helping you find the right ones.
  • Hire a cleaning crew – If you knew that you could hire out cleaning your house after every X number of pounds you lost…..wouldn't that be motivating to keep going??
  • Personal trainer sessions – What a great way to encourage you to keep up with your healthy habits! Not ready for in-person sessions? FindYourTrainer can connect you with a personal trainer to design a workout based on your current level and goals. Try their FYTDuo app for free for 2 weeks.
  • Gym membership – Step into the gym to get that dose of exercise. Not sure where you want to join? Try Class Pass for Free for 2 weeks to sample classes at multiple gyms.
  • Photo session – Ranging from headshots and family sessions to a vivacious boudoir photo shoot, booking a session with a photographer is an awesome way to document your progress and show off your beautiful confidence.
  • Throw yourself a party – You heard me. Throw a party for yourself! Celebrate! Confetti! Streamers! Pick an epic, hilarious party theme, like a Dozen Rose's (Golden Girl Theme) or Bob Ross's Pretty Little Trees!
  • Weekend getaway – whether you pick the beach or a new city, get out and explore to celebrate healthy, new you! Pick a place and price it out:

weight loss journey reward

20 Health & Fitness Related Rewards

Standing on a scale, giving thumbs up! 120+ Non Food Weight Loss Rewards - Healthy Rewards Ideas

What better way to reward you on your weight loss journey than by investing in something to keep on going?

Whether you pick healthy accessories, fitness tracker or other feel-good goodies, these will help keep you on the healthy path.

These are sorted- relatively- from least expensive to most expensive, although of course you can find some super expensive or super cheap options for any of these.

  • Headbands or hair ties – Keep sweat at bay and get that hair out of the way.
  • Water bottle – Cute new water bottles make great weight loss rewards! So many options these days- plastic, metal, sheathed glass, personalized or even ones with hourly reminders.
  • Workout Music – Buy a new album or try out Rock My Run, which is an app that syncs music to your pace or heartrate, SO cool. Use Promo Code RMRSAVE10 for a nice discount.
  • Workout or Diet App – There are SOOO many workout apps out there these days, it is hard to know which one to try. Check out my list of Workout Apps that Offer a Trial to see which one is the best fit for you. Pro Tip: Noom has been life-changing for me. My Noom Review is here is you want to know more. My Readers can take advantage of this very rare Deal: Get a 14 Day Trial of Noom .  (If you have ever visited the noom website before, you might have cookies saved on your computer. To get the 30 Day trial it would be best to clear your cookies then click the 14 Day Noom trial link or else it might give you the previous offer. The offer is applied at the end of the quiz.)
  • Healthy Cookbook  – Try out a cookbook from a new chef or one that goes with some gear in your kitchen. Working through one cookbook at a time is a great way to cut back on meal planning time. Related: Check out my Favorite Healthy Cookbooks list on Bookshop , which is where you can buy books in support of independent bookshops.
  • Health Inspiration Books – Memoirs, how to's and more, see what motivates you. Check out my List of Books and Podcast to Fuel a Healthy Lifestyle . Or head to my Bookshop Weight Loss Inspiration Book list to support small, local book stores. Find your next read from a local bookseller without leaving home:
  • Cooking Gear – Whether you are a whizz in the kitchen, or intimidated at the mere mention of cooking…. make the kitchen a source of pride and pleasure with Cooking or Dining Gear . A new saute pan, chef knife or a new kitchen gadget. Think of any obstacle you have to cooking and try to address that!
  • Running or Walking Shoes – Have you been using the same worn out shoes you've had in the back of your closet for years? Do your body a favor and invest in new shoes. I love me some Zappos!
  • Workout Clothes – Whether it is time for new sports bras that fit, new t-shirts with motivational saying s or some cute leggings, making exercise more enjoyable is the idea behind this reward.
  • Everyday Workout Gear – When I was first starting out with exercise I made due with soup cans and other things around the house- which are totally fine! But when I committed to a healthy lifestyle, I knew it was time to give myself REAL workout gear. I used to order from Amazon but I do try to support small businesses. I found ProSource a while back, and I like them not only because they are a small business but they price check their best sellers versus the big box stores to be sure they have great prices. Basic dumbbells, resistance bands, mats, etc, all make great rewards. Related : 20+ Game Changing Fitness Items to Lose Weight at Home
  • Workout Gear for people with Limited Mobility – If you are not finding options that work for you, don't give up. Check out Active N Able for tons of great fitness options. They are part of The Wright Stuff , a small business in Crystal Springs, MS, created by a physical therapist who was frustrated with the lack of available adaptive equipment that clients needed. I love that they are friendly and helpful, just the kind of company I like to support. They have lots of exercise gear, but I think these foldable petals are a great solution, they can be used on the floor while seated or on a table to use with your arms. When not in use, they can be folded up.
  • Meal Kit Delivery Subscription – Okay I guess this kinda involves food, but the reward part is the service of not having to plan and shop for your meals, which contributes to your healthy lifestyle. My favorite healthy meal delivery kit has a great offer for new subscribers right now.
  • Meal Planning Subscription – Same idea, but without the food. If you are not interested in Meal Kits because you like to use coupons, or choose your own ingredients, etc, then a Meal Planning subscription is perfect. They plan your meals (you can customize your preferences, add family members, food allergies, food aversions and more) and some even take into account what you already have in your pantry, saving you money! Get a 2 week trial to PlateJoy Meal Planning . Use the code LALYMOM10 for a nice discount.
  • Custom Vitamin Subscriptions – Stop taking a one-size-fits-all vitamin and take what your body really needs. Check out options like Ritual or Care/Of (which is offering 50% off your first order with the code BARBEND50)
  • Wireless headphones – I avoided wireless headphones for a long time but my husband got me a set of these wireless headphones as a gift and….I'm a total convert. I use them to listed to workouts but also to listen to music while I cook and audiobooks while I clean or fold laundry. I had no ides how much I'd love them.
  • Apple Watch or Fitbit – Step trackers and fitness wearables have really taken off. If you are trying to pick between a fitbit and an apple watch, ask yourself how much distraction do you want on your wrist? If you want to access tons of apps, email etc like on your iphone, look into an Apple Watch . If you want something that is a watch, step tracker and gives you basic phone notifications, then you are looking at a Fitbit . I've been a fitbit fanatic myself, and I remember when my husband had a smartwatch with all his phone apps on there…that was too much distraction for me. BUT- to each, his own!
  • Standing desk – After years of back pain from slouching in desk chairs I was fed up! If you want a more ergonomic work set up, I def suggest considering a standing desk. Not ready to jump in? Check out how I used cardboard boxes to try out standing for work, and the other options I tried before switching to this basic standing desk in my article Standing Desk Options for Small Spaces . You can also add movement to your day with an under-desk treadmill .
  • Weights Set or Adjustable Dumbbells – Not everyone has room for a full set of weights, which is why I love how many options there are these days for adjustable dumbbells . We have a set of Bowflex Adjustable Dumbbells from when my husband first started lifting weights and although they were an investment, I do like how simple it is to add or remove weights.
  • Bike – Not an indoor cardio bike, but a real, outdoors, go for a ride one. Nowadays you get get everything from a comfort cruiser , a tandem bicycle built for two , a trendy adult tricycle all the way to a technical road bike . I have had my eye on a sixthreezero comfort bike for over a year now.
  • Indoor Cardio Machine – If you have always thought about getting a cardio machine but been unsure, using it as a reward is an awesome idea. Making it a reward to yourself means that using it will be a reward too! You CAN order Cardio Machines on Amazon . But with such a big purchase it can ben beneficial to buy it directly from the company for the best service and warranty. Check out LifeSpan Fitness for Treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, rowers and even under desk bikes and treadmills. Their best discount always shows up on the front page.

30 Practical & Everyday Shopping Rewards

Standing on a scale, giving thumbs up! 120+ Non Food Weight Loss Rewards - Practical Rewards Ideas

You don't have to reward yourself with something that involves health and fitness and it doesn't have to be fancy. There are plenty of practical, useful, everyday ideas to celebrate your milestones.

  • Puzzle – If you love the intricate work of doing a good puzzle then pick out an especially tricky one for your reward.
  • Movie night – Netflix and chill!
  • Bubble bath – Pick a glorious scent that really makes it a special bath.
  • Mug – Sometimes I think I could be a professional mug buyer for a living. I love cute and funny mugs.
  • Nail Polish – This was listed under dollar store ideas, but nail polish is really blowing up, with tons of awesome new brands out there. I have been loving Zoya colors, which do not damage my nails. Check out hundred of colors of Zoya Damage Free Nail Polish .
  • Book – I listed healthy books above, but every bibliophile knows that a scrumptious new book can be from any genre.
  • Audiobook – No time to read, but love a good book? Using audiobooks while I cook, clean or drive was a game changer for me. I actually enjoy folding laundry now! If audiobooks can do THAT, think of what it can do for your weight loss efforts. Related: Start your 30 Day Free Trial of Audible Plus OR Audible Premium
  • At Home Escape Room – We went to an escape room for the first time recently and loved untangling the puzzles. It is nice to be able to set it up at home and enjoy it just the same.
  • Board Game – Game nights are always a hit, and it always seems like there's another cool game coming out.
  • Bracelet with charms for each milestone – A daily reminder of all your hard work, with room to celebrate your upcoming successes.
  • Essential oils – Whether you get a roller of your favorite scent or invest in a diffuser, this is a perfect reward for many people.
  • Makeup – This could range from one new shade to a full blown new set.
  • Electric kettle – These are super practical for cooking and for making tea.
  • A cozy throw – Perfect for cuddling on the couch.
  • Sunglasses – You could pick prescription sunglasses, a fancy pair at the mall or a sporty pair for outdoor exercise.
  • Plants or decor for your garden – If you love gardening then motivate yourself with more goodies for the garden.
  • House plant – They just make your space feel so great.
  • Swimsuit – If you have ever dreaded swimsuit season, I hope you know the joy of looking forward to it after hitting your goals.
  • Perfume – I have never gotten into perfume but I know it is a favorite for so many. I wouldn't even know what to recommend!
  • Pajamas – Oh cozy comfort.
  • Watch – A new time piece is just what the doctor ordered.
  • Clothes – As you hit your milestones, you will inevitably need these anyway!
  • Coffee Maker – If you like your morning cup of joe, then this would be a nice treat.
  • Jewelry – You don't have to get something that relates to weight loss, any piece of jewelry that is special to you would be its own reward.
  • Open a Savings Account , and every time you hot a milestone, transfer some money in.
  • Home decor – Brighten up your space with a special treat.
  • Family photos or new wall art – Same idea, but livening up those walls.
  • Espresso maker – Along the same lines, but often a bit more expensive is a home espresso machine.
  • Mobile Phone – If you are due for an upgrade, why not motivate yourself to get the one you really want.
  • Camera – Whether you are thinking of upgrading to a dSLR or looking for a travel-friendly compact camera, what a great goal to strive for.

What Non Food Rewards and I missing? Leave a comment below to share your ideas.

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50 Non-food Ways to Reward Yourself During Your Weight-Loss Journey

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There are lots of effective and motivating ways to reward yourself (both large and small), but first you need to come up with a system. One suggestion is to include two components; one to reward healthy behaviors,such as time devoted to fitness and lifestyle changes (which are the only things you can truly control) and another to mark weight-loss progress. You can add up small accomplishments by doing healthy tasks such as tracking your food, exercising or utilizing the supportive Community and decide a point system for each. then at the end of the month total your points and find a suitable reward

Keep in mind the real reward is the motivation you create by staying involved in accomplishing small goals that make a big difference.

Start by choosing a target that is challenging but not unreachable. For example, give yourself a reward if you reach your fitness goal in a month or each time you stick to your planned meals for the week.

Here is a example of a Healthy Choices Reward System

50 non-food reward ideas.


What are your favorite ways to reward yourself for healthy habits or weight loss? Add it to your list with your goal written down.

weight loss journey reward

JoAnn Jackson, RN, BSN

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Home » Achieve Lasting Weight Loss » Weight loss motivation

20 tips to keep weight loss motivation high

We all know the benefits of weight loss: heart health, increased emotional well-being, longer lifespan and fewer illnesses, just to name a few. So why are more than 1 in 3 American adults overweight?

What separates those who find lasting weight loss from those who don’t? It’s their weight loss motivation. It isn’t about money and it isn’t about sheer willpower. You need to go on a journey of personal discovery to find out how to get motivated to lose weight.

Want to get motivated to achieve your weight loss goals?

How to get motivated to lose weight.

Lasting weight loss doesn’t come from counting calories and forcing yourself on the treadmill every day. Weight loss motivation has to come from within. Start by examining your beliefs and identifying those that limit you , then focus on changing your mindset and setting achievable goals.

Weight loss motivation tips

1. Find your purpose

Living life with purpose isn’t just for business or relationships – you also need to find your “why” for your personal goals. Your reasons matter: One 2018 study found that women who wanted to lose weight to improve their appearance were less successful than those who were concerned with their health and overall fitness. Tony would agree when he says, “The core benefit of eating right is having the energy to meet your dreams and to live a fulfilling lifestyle.” Are you starting with the right purpose?

2. Change your story

Maybe you’re not starting with the right reasons because you don’t feel worthy of weight loss . Or maybe you do have the right purpose, but you’re stuck in a pattern of “I’ve always been overweight.” You need to change your story in order to change your life. 

weight loss purpose

3. Start with self-love

Part of changing your story is learning to love yourself . Self-love will help you lose weight – it’s been scientifically proven. Research shows that people who appreciate their bodies are more successful in weight loss. Another study found that positive changes in body image correlated with weight loss. Follow Tony’s step-by-step plan to change your self-talk and transform your mindset.

4. Practice positivity

If you’re having trouble aligning your purpose or changing your story, start with positive thinking . Plenty of studies have shown positive thinking can decrease depression, lower stress and increase coping skills – all of which can reduce the triggers that cause unhealthy habits in the first place.

5. Get educated

Lasting Weight loss isn’t about banning certain foods, cutting calorie intake down to nothing or running marathons. Truly lasting weight loss is about changing your daily habits in a sustainable way. Once you learn how to balance your diet, break down your meals, practice portion control and more, you’ll realize the small things add up to big results .

6. Set goals

“Action is the most important key to any success,” as Tony says. In other words, all that education won’t do you any good if you don’t take action. It’s okay to start small: Set SMART goals . Create daily habits like visualizing and priming. The important thing when it comes to how to get motivated to lose weight is to start achieving – today.

change your weight loss story

7. Make it fun 

Exercise doesn’t have to be stressful. It can be as easy as taking the dog for a walk or shooting some hoops with the kids in the driveway. Take a healthy cooking class with your partner or start a cookbook collection. When losing weight is enjoyable , you’ll hardly notice you’re doing it.

8. Avoid fads

Tony says “Deciding to commit yourself to long-term results rather than short term fixes is as important as any decision you’ll make in your lifetime.” You won’t get the lasting results you want by jumping on fads. Stick to reasonable, realistic daily habits like portion control and healthy eating .

9. Know your triggers

Do you eat when you’re feeling down or reach for a glass of wine or a beer after a stressful day? Being aware of your triggers and breaking the cycle is the first step to overcoming them and increasing your weight loss motivation. The next time you’re tempted into old habits, take a step back and ask yourself: Why do I want this? What is the underlying emotion? Take a breath and make a conscious decision to break your bad habits.

10. Keep a journal

This is one way to practice mindfulness and to hold yourself accountable. Seeing your daily habits on paper – or on a screen – provides an essential tool. Journals make you more aware of your daily habits and allow you to track your diet and exercise so that you can make adjustments when needed. Whether you use an app or old-fashioned pen and paper, journals are proven to work.

keep a journal to help with weight loss motivation

11. Build your resilience You will have setbacks. You will hit plateaus – some weeks you may not see results at all. Building your ability to overcome these challenges is vital to lasting weight loss motivation. First, forgive yourself . No one is perfect. As long as you find the lesson in the setback, you’ve succeeded. It’s all part of adopting a growth mindset . Believe that you can change and nothing can stop you.

12. Get social

Connection with others helps weight loss motivation in several ways. Even simply sharing your goals with others reinforces your commitment in your own mind – and helps you reach them. Joining a social network or group provides support that can keep you on track and a network that will help you celebrate your successes . All of this makes you want to achieve even more.

13.  Forget about it

You must establish joyful habits outside of weight loss. Spend time with your family. Go on vacation. Read a book. Indulge in hobbies that make you happy or make you feel good about yourself. All of these things will reduce stress and help you live a balanced life – which leads to weight loss all on its own.

14. Start your day out right

Weight loss motivation starts as soon as you wake up. If you open your eyes and wish you didn’t have to get up or instantly start craving donuts, you’ve gotten off to the wrong start. Establish a morning routine – such as Tony’s 10-minute morning priming – to put you in the right state to stay strong and inspired throughout the day.

find a professional to help with weight loss motivation

15. Stop comparing yourself to others

There will always be someone more successful, smarter and in better shape than you. That doesn’t matter. When you compare yourself to others, you will always fall short. Weight loss motivation is based on what is best for you and no one else. When you visualize your goals and the best version of yourself you can be, you’ll easily forget about everyone else.

16. Examine bad habits

There are certain bad habits, like smoking, drinking too much alcohol or binge eating, that have a negative effect on your weight loss efforts. If you have one of these habits, you need to find a way to kick it for good. If you can’t do it on your own, consider working with a professional who can help you modify your behavior and create healthier habits.

17. Hang out with the right people

If those closest to you are not supportive, you will have a hard time figuring out how to get motivated to lose weight. If your friends constantly eat fast food and don’t exercise or the group of co-workers you spend time with take five smoke breaks a day, you will be unable to make the necessary changes to get healthy. Surround yourself with those who have healthy lifestyles and positive mindsets to keep you steadfast toward your goals.

18. Give yourself little rewards

Waiting until you’ve achieved big goals is a mistake: When you celebrate little successes , your weight loss journey will be more enjoyable and you’ll have the willpower to keep pushing forward. Rewards can be in the form of edible treats – like a small cup of ice cream – or can be unrelated to food, such as buying a book you’ve been wanting to read or getting a massage.

hang out with the right people for weight loss motivation

19. Drink lots of water

Drinking enough water throughout the day helps you deal with hunger and stay hydrated. It also flushes toxins out of your system and keeps you regular. All of these benefits lead to increased weight loss. How much water should you drink? Experts recommend two liters per day, but this may differ depending on your size and activity level. Drinking two glasses of water before each meal can also help you eat less.

20. Find a professional

Still having trouble figuring out how to stay motivated to lose weight? Nutritionists, health coaches and more are all here for you. Think you can’t afford help? The Body You Deserve will teach you all of Tony’s proven strategies to maintain weight loss. Throw out your excuses and start your weight loss journey today.

Achieve the weight loss motivation you have been searching for and more through Tony Robbins’ Ultimate Health Guide  .

© 2024 Robbins Research International, Inc. All rights reserved.

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115 Brilliant Non-food Rewards for Weight Loss

Home » 115 Brilliant Non-food Rewards for Weight Loss

Non food rewards for weight loss

  • Dr. Su-Nui Escobar, DCN, RDN, FAND
  • August 27, 2022
  • No Comments

Losing weight can be difficult, but it’s definitely worth it in the end for the way you feel and for your health. One of the best ways to stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey is to set goals and rewards for yourself.

Table of Contents

Non-food rewards are a great way to celebrate your accomplishments and stay on track. In this blog post, we will provide you with a list of 115 brilliant non-food rewards for weight loss.

Why You Need to Reward Yourself

Although you know you will feel fantastic when you have reached your weight loss goal,  it can be a long road to get there. Rewarding yourself often for scale and non-scale victories can help you stay on track and keep you motivated while you are losing weight.

Why? It’s all about feeling great. When you’re expecting a reward, the dopamine in your brain spikes and gives you pleasure as you accomplish the task. This results in further motivation.

The way to do it is to break down your overall weight loss goal into smaller targets and set non-food rewards for reaching them.

For example, if you have to lose 20 pounds, reward yourself at the end of each week if you lose weight (any amount). Set an additional (and nicer!) reward for every 5 pounds you lose.

Also, celebrate non-scale victories; they are important for weight loss too. For example, reward yourself if you pack a healthy lunch for work or if you get your workouts in consistently during the week.

Giving yourself plenty of non-food rewards can help to break the habit of using food as a reward, which can be detrimental to your progress.

For Your Mind

Taking a break allows your mind to rest and recharge so that you can approach your goals with fresh energy and enthusiasm.

  • Take one hour for yourself. You don’t have to do anything; it’s a matter of having peace and destressing without worrying about other people’s needs.
  • Take a day off from work for yourself.
  • Take a long walk in nature — go slowly and enjoy being in the moment!
  • Go for a leisurely bike ride.
  • Get your groove on — put your favorite music on and just dance!
  • Get an extra hour of sleep.
  • Take a short nap — but avoid naps over 30 minutes to make sure you can sleep at night.
  • Connect with friends and family offline.
  • Go on a date with your significant other.
  • Cuddle with someone you love. Yes, the dog or cat counts too.
  • Get out the adult coloring book, scrapbook, or paintbrush. Get creative and relax your mind.
  • Sit down to watch the sunset with a cup of tea.
  • After reaching a significant milestone, such as losing 10 pounds, take a weekend off. No work, no cleaning, just relaxation. Get away if you can.
  • Laugh at your favorite comedy show.
  • Watch your favorite show (Netflix, HBO, etc).
  • Watch cat, dog, or baby videos — there’s a reason they’re so popular.
  • Listen to a relaxation podcast.
  • Listen to your favorite podcast.
  • Take time to journal.
  • Walk around the mall to do some window, or actual, shopping.
  • Get someone to clean your house.
  • Play with a pet.
  • Sit on a porch swing or bench.
  • Catch up with friends in person or on social media.
  • Take a mini vacation.

For Your Body

If you’ve been working out consistently, it’s time to let your body recover. Reward yourself for the hard work!

  • Take a relaxing bath with Epsom salts or essential oils.
  • Do you belong to a gym with a sauna or steam room? Take advantage of it!
  • Get a message — even better if you can get a group of girlfriends together and enjoy time chatting before or after the massage.
  • Buy a foam roller and practice learning how to use it.
  • Give yourself a spa day.
  • Jump into the cool sculpting trend.
  • Book a silhouette body contouring.
  • Get a hydrating body wrap.
  • Get a firming anti-cellulite treatment. 
  • Try facial yoga or gua sha.

Feel Pretty

Looking your best is important at any weight because if you feel confident about how you look, that confidence will help boost you mentally too. This is especially true when you’re carrying around a few extra pounds.

When you feel good about how you look, you’re more likely to take better care of yourself and to make healthy choices.

  • Allow yourself time to update your skincare routine.
  • Use a sugar scrub to exfoliate your body.
  • Spend an evening pampering yourself.
  • Have a facial.
  • Get your eyebrows done.
  • Get your teeth professionally whitened.
  • Spend an hour watching make-up or hair tutorials.
  • Try a new hairstyle.
  • Attend a makeup class.
  • Get a professional makeover.
  • Buy a lipstick set.
  • Update your makeup.
  • Enjoy some new moisturizing face masks.
  • Update some of your other beauty products.
  • Give yourself an at-home mani or pedi. Soak your hands, trim your cuticles, apply nail polish, and feel prettier.
  • Get a professional manicure or pedicure at your favorite nail salon.
  • Buy a pair of dishwashing gloves to keep your manicure intact.
  • Get a new hair color or cut.
  • Schedule a hair blowout.
  • Buy a new outfit that makes you feel pretty.
  • Buy a cute pair of shoes.
  • Get fitted for a bra.
  • Buy a new pair of shoes or earrings.
  • Treat yourself to some sexy underwear.
  • Buy some sexy pajama (even if you don’t have a partner).
  • Buy a flattering swimsuit.
  • Try a new perfume.
  • Get a pair of chic sunglasses.
  • Spend time figuring out how to dress for your body type .
  • Create an amazon wishlist of personal items to help you feel great.

Are you looking for a way to reward yourself for all your hard work exercising and sweating in the gym? Buy those items that will make working out better and more fun.

  • Get a fitness journal.
  • Buy new bluetooth headphones.
  • Get a new workout outfit — something cute that fits well.
  • Invest in a good sports bra.
  • Buy an activity tracker.
  • Splurge on a more expensive gym.
  • Buy a cute pair of running shoes (make sure that they’re comfortable).
  • Get a hands-free dog leash to enjoy a workout with your best friend.
  • Treat yourself to sports sunglasses.
  • Find comfortable running socks.

It’s time to have fun!

  • Take time to explore a new part of town or a place you have not been in a while.
  • Attend a paint-and-relax event.
  • Visit an art gallery or a museum.
  • Enroll in a flower arrangement class.
  • Explore national parks in your area.
  • Go to karaoke night.
  • Attend a spiritual event.
  • Join a book club.
  • Do a bike tour in your city or a city nearby.
  • Have a photo session to celebrate your current body.
  • Hire a riverboat, kayak or row-boat, if it’s available to you.
  • Go to an arts festival or a carnival.
  • Take salsa classes.
  • Sign up for a webinar or seminar you have wanted to attend.
  • Pick up a random class to attend. For example, photography, quilting, scrapbooking, or crochet. Have fun!
  • Go to a pole dancing fitness class.
  • Get a tarot reading.
  • Book an individual or group reiki session.
  • Explore sound healing therapy.
  • Attend nerd night or a similar event available where you live.

Create Great Spaces

This might not feel like a reward, but you will enjoy the results every day.

Creating a great space for yourself can help reduce stress and anxiety and make you happier, which will enable you to minimize any tendency towards stress eating.

  • Give yourself flowers.
  • Buy plants to put in the places you spend the most time.
  • Declutter your space.
  • Re-decorate your bedroom to make it the perfect haven to sleep and to have sex. When it comes to weight loss, sleeping is key as it regulates hunger and satiety hormones.
  • Buy a new set of bedsheets. Get cooling sheets for extra night comfort.
  • Create a meditation corner.
  • Treat yourself to a small piece of art or a nice photo frame.
  • Buy something pretty for the house without breaking the bank by shopping at Target, Amazon, or Overstock.
  • Enhance your home with natural scents. Essential oils and beeswax candles are natural ways to make your home smell great.
  • Get a new throw blanket.

Gifts for Yourself

You’ve been working hard, and meeting your goals, so it’s time to treat yourself to something special.

  • Buy yourself a subscription box with your favorite items. Here is a list of ideas .
  • Buy a weighted blanket to sleep better.
  • Get a fancy water bottle to keep your drinks cold for hours.
  • Buy yourself a luxury hand cream set.
  • Update your free Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube subscriptions to Premium.
  • Buy a plush robe.
  • Buy that thing that you think is a waste of money, but you really want.
  • Take a set amount of money with you and walk through your favorite physical store. Get anything you want.
  • Get a heated massage pillow.
  • Buy a bath portable caddy.

The Bottom Line

Choose your rewards ahead of time and associate them with specific, measurable goals. When you have a treat to look forward to, it will be easier to keep motivated and stay on track.

Finally, remember to reward yourself for both scale and non-scale goals. Reaching your physical activity goals is as important for sustainable weight loss as lowering the number on the scale.

You got this!

weight loss journey reward

Dr. Su-Nui Escobar , a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist in Miami, FL, is dedicated to empowering women in perimenopause and menopause to live healthier, more satisfying lives.

With a doctorate in clinical nutrition from the University of North Florida, she has expertise in menopause and weight loss, including the unique challenges faced by those on weight loss medications.

Su-Nui’s passion for her field is evident in her previous role as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson.

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63 Amazing Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards

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You are looking for non-food weight loss rewards, so I will assume three things. First, you want to lose weight. Second, you have a sense of how much weight you want to lose. And third, you want to reward yourself when you lose weight. But before I tell you these 63 non-food weight loss rewards listed below, I want to ask you if you have thought about making your weight loss goal SMART.

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Setting Your SMART Weight Loss Goals

Setting SMART weight loss goals will make it much more likely that you will lose weight.  So, think about your weight loss goal with the following criteria in mind.

SMART stands for:

S = specific  .

What do you want to do?  Write it down in detail.  Making goal charts are helpful.

And why do you want to do this?  Your WHY is especially important.  It will be the driving force for you to reach your weight loss goals.  Write it down in your goal chart.

M = Measurable

This one is easy.  Your weight loss will be measurable by simply weighing yourself and taking a few other measurements , like waist and arm circumference.  Be sure to take these basic body measurements, and not just weigh yourself.  The weigh scale is not always an indication that you are losing mass. 

A = Achievable

Is it within your power to do this?  Break larger, daunting goals into smaller chunks or mini-goals.  For example, if you need to lose 40 pounds, perhaps aim to lose 10 pounds per month.  And make a specific plan to lose those pounds each month.

R = Realistic

Should you do this?  If you are attempting to lose more than 2 – 3 pounds per week, then it will be hard on your body and mind.  Losing weight too quickly is difficult, dangerous, not sustainable, and the weight is more likely to come back.  Are your mini-goals realistic? 

When do you want to achieve this?  Set a date for the big goal.  But also set dates for all your mini-goals.  And reward yourself for each goal, big or small, you reach.  Add the dates to your goal chart.

If you need more help on setting SMART Goals, read my article Turn Dreams into Reality with Goals Not Resolutions .

Stay Accountable to Yourself during Weight Loss

Weight loss should consist of a long process of building healthy habits.  These habits can be difficult to maintain sometimes.  You will be constantly tempted to eat unhealthy foods.  Food producers know how to tempt us.  There is a whole science behind getting people to eat more of commercially prepared packaged foods. 

Staying accountable means being honest with yourself.  Learn what your triggers are that may derail your healthy habits.  Keep food and exercise journals up to date and nearby.  Break down your big goal into smaller, bite sized chunks.  Reward yourself for every smaller goal that you achieve. 

Your efforts should dictate which reward you choose.  Reward smaller goals with smaller rewards.  Reward big goals with bigger rewards.  What do you feel you deserve for the amount of work you put in?  Write down your goal and reward on your goal chart.  Post it where you can see it every single day.  This will help keep you motivated to work towards it. 

Goal Charting TIP:

I post my goals and rewards on sticky notes.  I stick them on the wall beside my bed.  I see them when I wake up in the morning and when I go to bed at night.  When I look at these notes on my wall, I know how far I have come.  And this makes me smile.  The notes also tell me what I need to do next, so that I stay on course.    

Why Choose Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards

You don’t want your reward to derail your healthy eating plan.  I know it is tempting to grab that slice of cheesecake because you earned it.  But do you really want all that work to be wiped out by your reward.  Sure, you can have something sweet and decadent occasionally.  But if you set up smaller weight loss goals, you might end up with too many carbs, fat, and calories.

So, pick mostly non-food weight loss rewards.  Here are 63 examples for you. 

63 Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards

1. blissful bubble bath by candlelight.

On a quiet night at home, pour yourself a soothing bath.  You can add some Epsom salts or a aromatic bath bomb .  Light your favorite candles .  Lower yourself in and enjoy. 

2. Juicy New Novel

Curl up in your favorite chair and dive into a juicy new novel.  Or you could download an audiobook and listen to it during your next workout. 

3. Trip to the Beach

If you are one of the lucky people to have a beach nearby, then a day at the beach is a perfect weight loss reward.  Wear that swimsuit with the pride of your achievement. 

4. Upgrade Your Fitness App

Is your current fitness app just not cutting it anymore?  Why not reward yourself with an upgrade?  A new and exciting app can keep you engaged with new fitness routines. 

5. A Hot New Playlist

New upbeat tunes can really get you pumped during your workouts.  I find I run faster and easier with a good playlist.  I update my music frequently. 

6. Date Night at the Movies

Grab your bestie and go see the latest and greatest movie. 

But skip that theatre popcorn as it is laden with fat, salt, and calories.  Ask if you can bring your own snacks.  If not, eat before and just enjoy the movie.  And if you absolutely must have the popcorn, share a small and don’t add any buttery topping. 

7. Spicy New Workout Outfit

Inspire your workouts with new fitness wear.  There is something so invigorating about cute and comfy activewear.  When I put on new clothes, I immediately want to dive into my workouts. 

weight loss journey reward

8. Rejuvenating Spa Day

Ah!  Enjoy a day at the spa.  Or have a spa day at home .  Light some aromatherapy candles.  Set the mood with some relaxation music.  Give yourself a facial and relax with a good book or magazine. 

9. Carefree Mini-Vacation

Unplug and relax with a mini-vacation.  You don’t have to go far.  Rent a room at your favorite local hotel.  Set up a tent in your backyard or nearby campground. Imagine you are in a far-away exotic location.  Explore areas you haven’t been to yet. Be a tourist in your hometown.

10. Exciting New Fitness Equipment

Go ahead and buy yourself that treadmill or stationary bike .  Not only is it a reward, but it also becomes incentive to continue your fitness journey. 

If that isn’t your style, consider resistance bands , your own kettle bell or Pilates ball . 

If you run or walk, a new pair of shoes is definitely a reward. 

weight loss journey reward

11. Register for a Fun Fitness Event

Show off your accomplishments at a fitness event.  Run or walk a 5 km race.  Enter an amateur bodybuilding or fitness competition.  Sign up for that bike race.  Participate in a ski loppet this winter.  There are events for all levels of skills in most sports.  It isn’t about winning, or even placing.  It is about participating and doing your best.  Find an event that makes you giddy with excitement. 

12. Frivolous Home Décor Item

Weight loss is hard to achieve.  Reward your success.  Go ahead and buy that home décor item you saw in the store.  Get the thing that makes you smile, even if it serves no other purpose!

weight loss journey reward

13. Elegant New Outfit

Women have been dieting and trying to lose weight to look good for about a century.  Before this, body fat was admired as a status symbol.  Today, we lose weight for our health.  But being able to fit into that little black dress doesn’t hurt either.  Go ahead and splurge on a new outfit .  You earned it. 

14. Gym Membership or Personal Trainer

If you want a practical reward to spend your money on, why not renew that gym membership or hire a personal trainer to tweak your new health plan. 

15. Relaxing Massage

And while we are talking about practical rewards, let’s add a professional massage to that list.  Yes, massages are wonderful and make you feel good.  But a massage therapist can help with muscle recovery and pain relief to keep you working out at your best. 

16. New Foam Roller

A foam roller can give you deep tissue massage any time you need it.  Whether you are feeling stiff after a workout or sore from a long run, a foam rolling is just the thing you need to relax those muscles, keep the blood flowing and reduce inflammation.

17. A Stress-relieving Colouring Book

Art therapy has been used for decades to help reduce stress.  So take a break from adulting for a moment and do some coloring.  A new adult coloring book and some colorful pencils are just the thing to relax and rejuvenate you as you celebrate your weight loss success.

18. Soothing Foot Soak

I absolutely love a nice foot soak, don’t you?  My favorite is a Listerine foot soak.  I talked about it in the post on 5 Common Foot Problems for Runners .  It is so wonderful after a run, walk or hike.  Your feet deserve to celebrate your weight loss too. 

weight loss journey reward

19. Captivating Artwork

I have a few pieces of artwork around my house.  They all put a smile on my face.  Some are from specialty art stores and galleries, or direct from the artist.  Some are photos I have taken myself.  And, of course, my favorite ones are my children’s art.  All the pieces in my home make me happy.

So, buy or make some artwork to celebrate. Find that special piece to commemorate your success.  Keep that smile on your face for years to come. 

20. New Contemporary Dishes

Smaller plate size and the color blue have been shown to suppress appetite and help with weight loss.  So, go ahead and splurge on a set of blue lunch-size plates for your future healthy meals.

21. Stylish Hairdo

Your weight loss efforts need to be recognized.  And what better way to do this but with a new hairstyle.  You can do this in a salon for cut, color or perm.  But you can also do this at home with a snazzy updo.  Not keen on cutting your hair just yet?  Why not get a cute, fun wig?

22. New Healthy Cookbook

Nourishing recipes can add some pizzazz to your meals.  Collect some new healthy recipes to re-excite your tastebuds.

23. Adventurous Tour in Your Hometown

You have seen the advertisements all over town and in the media.  There is that intriguing tour you have always wanted to try.  Perhaps a lunch cruise at the marina?  A walking tour of haunted buildings downtown?  Or a helicopter sightseeing tour of a nearby attraction?  Go ahead and get your ticket.  You deserve it. 

24. Magnificent Manicure

Of course, you need a posh manicure.  Beautiful nail design for a beautiful you!

25. A New Sophisticated Lunch Box

World-renound chefs know that the presentation of food is just as important as the taste.  We enjoy eating visually attractive food.  And healthy lunches can be rousing in a sleek new lunch box. 

weight loss journey reward

26. Take a Glorious Nap

Oh glorious sleep!  A short nap can be such a wonderful treat.  What a fabulous, well-earned reward.

27. New Kitchen Gadget

Get yourself that new blender to make deliciously healthy smoothies.  Perhaps you have been eyeing an instant pot to make nutritious meals easier?  A new kitchen gadget to enhance your new healthier lifestyle is a perfect reward. 

28. Tickets to Comedy Show

“Laughter is the best medicine”

Laughter makes us feel good.  A good boisterous belly laugh works your core muscles too.  So, go have a great time at a local comedy show.

29. Fun Pair of Socks

Novelty socks are a lot of fun.  And they are a great way to show off your personality at the office.  So, buy a pair that speaks to the new you.

And for a more practical gift to yourself, try some new athletic socks for a future of workouts.

30. Maid for a Day

Reward yourself with a deep clean of your living space.  You will feel fresh and rejuvenated as soon as you walk through the doors.  And you don’t have to do it yourself.  Hire a maid service for a day to do it for you. 

31. New Mug for Coffee or Tea

Enjoy your morning coffee or your afternoon herbal tea in a new inspiring mug . 

32. Gift Basket

Send yourself a gift basket of your favorite things.  Or have someone send you a fun box full of surprises.  You could also subscribe to a fitness box subscription to inspire you to continue your weight loss journey.

33. New Water Bottle

Drinking water is essential to a healthy lifestyle.  And a fancy new water bottle is a great way to reward your new healthy habit.

Original Pink Ribbon Runner Water Bottle

34. Wonderful New Shoes

Who doesn’t love new shoes!  Get whatever pair you like, stilettos, flats, sandals, slippers, boots, loafers, or tennis shoes.  Of course, my preference would be a new pair of running shoes.  

35. Unplug and do nothing

“ Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. ”

– Guillaume Apollinaire –

Simply enjoying some solitude is a glorious reward.  I know that I treasure and enjoy my quiet alone-time on occasion. 

36. Commemorative Charm for Your Bracelet

Etsy has some adorable, personalized weight loss charms to mark each weight loss goal.  Get one for your big goal.  Or collect several for each smaller step you make.  Such a clever way to share your success. 

37. Flowers

Send yourself some flowers .  You worked hard at losing that weight, you deserve to give yourself a pat on the back.  If flowers make you smile, then send yourself a beautiful bouquet. 

38. Go Bowling

Celebrate conquering your goals with family or friends.  Go out for a night of bowling.  It’s fun and great exercise all rolled into one. 

39. Theater Tickets

Is there a play or show in your local theatre right now?  Go see it.  What a perfectly pleasing reward.

40. Magazine Subscription

Why not get a subscription to a fitness magazine?  Or perhaps a favorite magazine just for fun?  This is the reward that keeps on giving month after month. 

41. Try a New Sport

There are so many different sports to try.  If you are adventurous, you could go sky diving or bungee jumping.  In the winter, you could go skiing or snowboarding.  Perhaps a water sport like paddleboard, windsurfing or kayaking is more your style.  You could also join a team or a club that would help you learn a sport you have always wanted to do. 

42. Balloon Bouquet

Send yourself a fun balloon bouquet or balloon-in-a-box to celebrate your weight loss milestone. 

43. New Yoga Mat

A fancy new yoga mat is a great idea for a weight loss reward.  Perhaps a nice thick mat or a handy carry case for the one you have now. 

44. A Playful Pedicure

Fancy toes are in order when you show off your strong new legs.  Go get that pedicure if it makes you happy. 

45. Celebrate with Friends

Reaching your weight loss goal is a perfect excuse for a fun girl’s night out.  Or perhaps a family picnic is more to your liking.  Shout out your success and celebrate with others.  You earned it. And you may even inspire them to build healthy habits too.   

46. Lottery Tickets

Maybe your weight loss success will find you lucky?  Why not celebrate by purchasing a lotto ticket. 

47. Cooking Classes

There are restaurants that will teach you how to cook fancy, nutritious dishes.  And you get to eat the delicious meal too.  Just be sure to remember your portion control.   It can be a fun night out with a loved one or couple of friends to help you celebrate reaching your weight loss goal. 

48. An Amazing Makeover

While we should focus on the health aspects of weight loss, we can’t ignore the fact that you will look and feel healthy too.  Why not enhance your beauty with a makeover.  

If you can’t get a professional makeover, you could buy some new makeup and DIY at home. 

49. Day at a Local Amusement Park

If you have a local amusement park, arcade, or mini putt near by, embrace your inner child and have some fun. 

50. Jazzy New Jewelry

Reward your hard work with some fancy bling!  Buy that beautiful necklace or bracelet you always wanted.  Or how about some snazzy earrings or shiny new ring?

51. A Perfect Perfume

Is there a perfume you always wanted, but could never justify purchasing?  Well, now is your chance.  Go ahead and reward yourself for a job well done. 

52. A Fresh New Journal

I love the clean pages of a brand-new journal just waiting for me to put my words down.  This makes me happy.  And journaling your weight loss goals on paper can help you lose more weight.  This is a deluxe-reward, I think. 

53. An Urban Hike in New Area of Town

I wrote about Urban Hiking .  It can be a wonderful reward to explore a new area of your city.  You will burn extra calories too.  Bonus!

54. New Make Up Palette

Treat yourself to a new make up palette .  Give yourself a fresh new look to go with your new body. 

55. A Photo Shoot

Before and after photos can give you motivation to stick with your new healthy eating habits.  You could have a professional photo shoot done.  Or you can have some fun with a friend and DIY a photo shoot.  Both make a great weight loss reward. 

weight loss journey reward

56. Healthy Meal Kit Service

Healthy meal kits, such as Hello Fresh, are an easy way to keep eating healthy.  It can be hard to menu plan week after week.  So, why not reward your weight loss with a meal kit delivery right to your door? 

57. New Fitness Tracker

My favorite fitness tracker is the Garmin Forerunner 45 .  It doesn’t have a lot of bells and whistles, but it does what I need it to do at a very reasonable price.  The Garmin Vivoactive and F enix are also good choices.

My daughter loves her Fitbit Versa , as it is tracks her steps and offers a variety of workout options.  Other popular Fitbits are the Charge and Sense . 

58. Aromatherapy Candles or Essential Oil Diffuser

Some say that aromatherapy can help with weight loss.  There are a few studies to support these claims.  Vanilla and bergamot scents can help with food cravings.  Peppermint can help suppress appetite.  And grapefruit and lemon scents may help boost metabolism. 

Candles and essential oils can also be relaxing and soothing.  So, pick your favorite scent and reward yourself. 

59. A Soothing Self-Massager

You can’t always go to a professional massage therapist.  A self-massager is a great way to help your muscles heal after a hard workout.  So, give yourself home massages with special massage tools . 

60. Elegant New Belt

With inches lost, you likely need a new belt .  Get yourself an elegant one.  Splurge a little.  You earned it. 

61. Concert Tickets

Is your favorite band coming to town?  Then go and reward yourself with some concert tickets.  How much fun is that!  And dancing to the music will even burn some extra calories. 

62. Deep Cleansing Facial

A professional facial is an amazing thing!  Such a wonderful, relaxing reward for all your hard work. 

If you can’t go for a professional massage, why not try a DIY home facial with a face massager kit . 

weight loss journey reward

63. Do that thing you have always wanted to do

I have listed many non-food weight loss rewards here.  But maybe I missed that thing you have always wanted to do?  Why not do it.  There is no better reward than something that is personal and brings you joy. 

If you want more weight loss tips, check out these articles :

7 Tips for Permanent Weight Loss Without Dieting

21 Fat Burning Secrets and Easy Weight Loss Tips

15 Healthy Tips to Control Hunger and Suppress Appetite to Lose Weight

50 Ways to Sneak Exercise Snacks into Your Busy Day

weight loss journey reward

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I’m still looking for something that 1) I haven’t already tried as a reward and 2) doesn’t cost anything. Sigh.

I am sorry this list was not as helpful as you had hoped. Be sure to come back and tell me when you find that perfect reward.

I love these ideas, I can’t count the many times I have rewarded myself with food. Will be coming back to check on these.

Awesome ideas! So good to keep a positive attitude when working out or eating healthy foods.

I love these non-food weight loss rewards and how you encourage taking body measurements! Thanks for sharing 🙂

I love this! I have a food addiction so rewarding with food is not good. I love all these fun ideas for rewards! <3

These were some fun suggestions!! I like the idea of rewarding yourself with non food items! 👍😁

Great and innovative ideas. Thanks for sharing.

Love some of your suggestions for non-food weight loss rewards. We need something along the way of our weight loss journey to keep us going.

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Weight Loss Rewards: Find Out Healthy Non-Food Options To Keep You Motivated On Your Journey

Kristen Fleming, RD

Kristen Fleming holds a Master of Science in Nutrition. Over her 8 years of experience in dietetics, she has made significant contributions in clinical, community, and editorial settings. With 2 years as a clinical dietitian in an inpatient setting, 2 years in community health education, and 4 years of editorial experience focusing on nutrition and health-related content, Kristen's expertise is multifaceted.

weight loss rewards

Losing weight is hard. It is a long, painful process that requires dedication and sacrifice for you to reach your desired weight loss goal. One way to help keep you motivated to achieve your final goal is to have some weight loss rewards.

Losing weight has numerous health and lifestyle benefits. If you are overweight or obese, shedding 5% to 10% of of your weight could lead to positive health changes such as ( 6 ):

  • Decreased risk of diabetes
  • Lowered blood pressure and a decreased risk of heart disease
  • Improved levels of cholesterol in the body
  • Decreased risk of certain cancers
  • Decreased joint pain
  • Improved blood sugar levels
  • Better sleep

In regards to your lifestyle, shedding some extra pound leads to:

  • Increased self-esteem
  • Lower stress levels
  • Increased energy
  • Better moods
  • Improved sex life

In spite of these benefits, it can be quite hard for us to stick to a weight-loss journey because of these factors. We sometimes need tangible rewards to keep us going when our bodies are sore, the scale isn’t going down, or we feel unmotivated to get to the gym or knock out a workout at home.

Focusing on small achievable goals and then rewarding yourself for reaching this milestone could be more beneficial to you in the long run. These small goals and rewards are:

  • A way to appreciate the hard one that we have put in to achieve them;
  • A chance for us to see that we are making progress toward the desired main goal and that this goal is achievable.

BetterMe will keep you laser-focused on your weight loss journey! Nutrient-packed meal plans, fat-blasting workouts, galvanizing challenges and much more. Try using the app and see for yourself!

How To Set Weight Loss Rewards?

Hands up if you have ever achieved a weight loss milestone, rewarded yourself with food, only to fall off the healthy eating wagon for weeks on end and have to start the process all over again. When thinking about weight loss rewards, many of us will automatically think about food. We start fantasizing about that sugar-glazed donut, that slice of pizza with ungodly amounts of cheese, chocolate cake, alcohol, etc.

Rewarding yourself with food can be a slippery slope and one wrong move could have you undoing all your months of hard work and sacrifice. To avoid this, it is best to choose some non-food rewards for weight loss . Good weight loss rewards incentives should celebrate your health and promote your well-being. Set challenging but achievable goals and then honor your efforts by getting or doing something good for yourself.

Read More: Can You Eat More To Lose Weight? Could Piling Food On To Your Plate Be The Secret To Weight Loss?

What Are Some Good Rewards For Meeting Weight Loss Goals?

As stated above, non-food rewards for weight loss work best as they do not put you at risk of undoing all your hard work. If you are unsure about what options would work best for you, here are some good, fun, and healthy weight loss rewards options for you to choose from ( 4 , 3 ):

Set Up An At-Home Spa Day

If you can afford it, setting aside a day to visit the spa and get pampered is among one of the best weight loss rewards out there. However, spas can get expensive. If you do not have the money to spare to head on over to an expansive spa, try recreating the experience at home.

Take a long shower with a body scrub to help you remove dead skin cells. Do a foot mask to say thank you to your feet, especially if you have been doing a lot of running. Apply a face mask to rejuvenate and hydrate your skin, then sit still, meditate , read a book or watch your favorite show.

Get A Powerful High-Speed Blender

How many times have you put your green smoothie ingredients in a blender, only to end up with what looks like some lumpy, chunky mess that is hard to swallow? Green smoothies and juices are a great part of a weight loss journey. A powerful high-speed blender is an expensive investment but also a great option for rewards for weight loss milestones.

Buy A Healthy Recipe Cookbook

Healthy meals do not have to be boring and being on a weight loss journey does not mean that you should be stuck eating nothing but steamed broccoli and boiled chicken all week. Once you have achieved your first weight loss milestone, reward yourself by buying a healthy cookbook from one of your favorite chefs.

Buy Some New Workout Outfits

What weight loss rewards beat buying smaller and cuter workout clothes? Sizing down in clothes is one of the best weight loss motivations out there. You will also look cute while working out which is always a plus.

Get Yourself Some New Running Shoes

Good running shoes that will keep your feet safe while running can make a dent in your pocket. If you cannot find a reason to justify buying them, set this as one of your rewards for weight loss milestones. Give yourself some time to shed those pounds and to save some money and promise yourself that once you achieve your goal, you shall be heading to the store to get some better shoes.

Buy A Fitness Tracker

Fitness trackers can help your resolve to get more exercise , lose weight, or get more sleep . They record your daily activity and will motivate you to work toward your goal, encourage you along the way, and praise you when you get there. While they are not essential in a weight loss journey fitness trackers make great weight loss accessories that are fun to have.

Take A Cooking Class

Cooking classes are not limited to those people who would love to learn how to cook. Healthy eating can leave you in a rut, consuming nothing but salads, smoothies, and chicken breast. A cooking class opens your eyes to different recipes and cuisines all over the world. While not all lessons will involve healthy meals you could also learn tweaks to help you make healthier versions of your meals.

Buy A Subscription To A Healthy Meal Service

Let’s be honest, meal prepping is a fantastic way to help keep you on track but it can take all day for you to prepare your meals for the week, leaving you exhausted and drained. On other weeks you are swamped with work and cannot spare a whole day to meal prepping.

Subscription meals are delivered to your door all portioned out are ready to cook or eat. This saves you time on cooking and gives you a break from always having to wonder about where your next meal is coming from.

Enlist The Help Of A Personal Trainer

There is no problem in working towards your weight loss goals alone. After all, many people have achieved their desired body while doing at-home workouts with fitness apps and YouTube videos. However, hiring a fitness trainer is a good idea for weight loss reward goal because he/she ( 2 ):

  • Can help you re-evaluate your routine making changes to make it more efficient and effective.
  • Can challenge you, making you push yourself harder than you probably would have.
  • Will serve as an accountability partner. Some personal trainers require you to send them images of your daily meals, snacks and even workouts that you have completed for the day. This makes sure that you will not slack off.
  • Will teach you how to work out better. Some workouts, especially those requiring weights need to be done in the right way or risk injury. A personal trainer will help you learn proper weightlifting techniques.

Get A Gym Membership

Have you ever promised yourself that you will workout, gotten so excited and motivated by the prospects of a leaner, more toned body, bought a gym membership only for you to never step foot in the gym for months to come?

Well, you are not alone. Instead of falling into this trap once more, start with home workouts. Promise yourself that if you can keep up with working out 3 to 5 days a week for two months from home, then you will get that membership. This makes a great option for rewards for weight loss milestones because it saves you money and challenges you to be consistent with your exercises for at least 2 months.

Get A Massage

When it comes to good rewards for weight loss, nothing beats a good professional massage. Working out, especially as a beginner can leave your body and muscles in knots – think about how climbing up or down the stairs feels after leg day. Once you have achieved a weight loss milestone (be it being consistent for 3 months of going down 1 dress size), call your local spa and book a professional massage.

Not only will this be deeply relaxing but it also helps in preventing injury by relaxing your muscles and allowing more blood flow to them as well as allowing you to recover faster from a hard workout session ( 1 ).

Get Your Teeth Professionally Whitened

We all love a beautiful white smile. In terms of weight loss rewards, teeth whitening is a great option for anyone who could not justify the cost or one who desires a brighter smile.

Read More: Realistic Weight Loss Goals: A Reality Check You Need

Pay For A Professional Photoshoot

Having your photos professionally taken is a great way to help you keep track of your weight loss. Photoshoots are weight loss rewards that are a fun, easy, and tangible way to help you see how far you’ve come and how your dedication is paying off. Looking back at these pictures whenever you feel unmotivated helps you see what you are working towards.

Go On A Staycation

A staycation is a holiday that you take at home or near your home rather than traveling to another place. Some great ideas for a staycation include:

  • Playing the tourist in your hometown exploring areas that you have never been before.
  • Taking a day trip to a nearby beach, spend the day swimming, and then stay overnight at a beachside hotel.
  • Enjoy nature by going camping. If you have a large backyard you could pitch a tent outside and spend a lovely evening with your lover or children. If you do not have access to a backyard and the next town has a campsite, go spend a night or two there and disconnect from the world for a while.

Buy A Coloring Book

Gone are the days where crayons and coloring were a pastime for children. Today adults are also encouraged to color and there are many such books available on the market. Colouring is now seen as a form of art therapy that can help with mental health.

This practice helps you explore your feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, manage behavior and addictions, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, reduce anxiety and increase self-esteem. Colouring, like meditation, can also help ease anxiety, help with focus and concentration as well as boosting mindfulness ( 7 ).

If you do not wish to purchase a book, there are multiple coloring apps, both free and available for purchase, for adults for both windows and iPad that you could use instead.

BetterMe app will kick you out of the mental funk, shake off your extra weight, rid you of your energy-zapping habits, and help you sculpt the body of your dreams. Intrigued? Hurry up and change your life for the better !

Get A Manicure Or A Pedicure (Maybe Even Both)

Your hands, and especially your legs and feet take the brunt of your workouts. If you are working out with weights, then you have probably suffered from blisters and broken nails while in the gym. Runners and cardio lovers understand all too well how their feet can crack from all their effort.

Manicures and pedicures are fantastic rewards for weight loss as they help us give a little TLC to ourselves. If you cannot go to a salon have a mani-pedi session at home, soak your hands and feet in some warm water, essential oils, and Epsom salts, exfoliate, moisturize them and paint your nails in some of your favorite colors.

Go See A Movie

A movie and dinner afterward is not something that many may consider for weight loss reward. With all the streaming services available at home, people rarely ever go to the theater to watch films. Once you have achieved a weight loss milestone, treat yourself to the movie experience. Buy a ticket, get some popcorn, and enjoy your film of choice. Once the movie is over, head on over to a restaurant and enjoy a healthy and nutritious meal.

Invest In A Sports Bra

Women, and more especially busty women can appreciate a good sports bra. Not only does it help you avoid nasty stares and glances while working out, but it also holds the breasts in place, keeping them from bouncing around as you exercise – something that can be extremely painful.

Once you have lost those five or ten pounds, go for a professional bra fitting and invest in one or two sports bras as your weight loss rewards for your efforts.

Buy Some New Kitchen Tools

While they might be food related, kitchen tools are still non-food related rewards for weight loss that will make your journey that much easier and enjoyable. Some examples include:

1. A new lunch box. Carrying packed lunch or snacks helps keep you on track for weight loss as it enables you to always have healthy food and snack choices at hand. However, it might be high time to upgrade from that brown bag or plastic container that is somehow yellow in color from grease stains. Buy an insulated lunch bag to keep your food warm and some bento boxes to keep your foods separate but together in the same container.

2. A new water bottle. Water bottles make for awesome weight loss rewards incentives as they remind us to drink more water which boosts your metabolism, aids in satiety, and appetite suppression ( 5 ). Aim to buy a fancy water bottle made of glass, with different writings to motivate you to drink more or a brightly colored one for the aesthetics.

3. A slow cooker. In as much as you may love cooking, no one loves to spend all day slaving away at a stove. A slow cooker saves you time in the kitchen as you can place your ingredients in it in the morning, leave for the day and come back in the evening to a hot and delicious meal.

Get A New Haircut

You lost some of the weight, can fit into smaller-sized clothes and have a pep in your step from your newfound confidence. Why not take this a step further and get a new haircut too?

If you have had long hair for years, cut off a couple of inches and see how you’ll feel. If you are daring enough, get a stylish bob or even a pixie cut. In case you are on the other end of the spectrum and have always had short hair, get some extensions or a wig. If messing with your length does not appeal to you, dye your hair to a fun new color.

Binge On Your Favourite TV Show

Weight loss rewards do not always have to cost money. Take one or two days off from your schedule, get comfortable on the couch with a blanket, some healthy snacks and tea, and restart your favorite show from the first episode. Take this time to disconnect from your phone, work and the gym and enjoy yourself by immersing yourself in a fictional story.

Do A Puzzle

For those who enjoy a mental challenge, reward your weight loss efforts by taking out that 1000, 3000, or 5000 puzzle piece that is at the back of your closet and complete.

Connect With Friends And Family

There are no better weight loss rewards than time with your loved ones. If you have not seen them in a while, send out a group text and invite them over for dinner or game night. Make the night fun by incorporating fun and interactive games to help you bond with each other. A great part about connecting with these people is hearing all the praise showered on you when they acknowledge your efforts.

The Bottom Line

Whenever you feel like you are losing motivation to achieve your weight loss goal, cut it down into smaller but challenging milestones. A goal of losing 40 pounds may be daunting but a milestone of running for 15 minutes without stopping is something more easily achievable and still works to help you lose weight. When you achieve this smaller goal, choose to reward yourself not with food but with experiences, relaxation, and gadgets that will make your journey easier.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any medical conditions. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

  • 4 Ways Massage Can Boost the Effectiveness of Your Workouts (2018,
  • 10 Reasons to Consider Hiring a Personal Trainer (2020,
  • 13 Ways to Reward Yourself Without Food (2020,
  • 25 Genius Ways to Reward Yourself for Weight Loss (2016,
  • Can water help you lose weight? (2018,
  • The Benefits of Losing Weight (2019,
  • Why adult coloring books are good for you (2017,

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How to start a weight loss journey — and stick with it

Couple  Eating Lunch with Fresh Salad and Appetizers

Ask your friends and family what their goals are for the summer and I’m sure you will hear a lot of this: “I am going to eat healthier,” “I’m going to eat more vegetables,” “I’m going to lose the quarantine 15 .”

It's probably not the first time they've had those goals and, after many attempts at dieting , you’d think it would be easier to get started. In reality, though, the contrary is usually true. Beginning a weight-loss journey, especially when you’ve had multiple failures in the past, can be overwhelming — and even flat-out daunting, but it can be done!

How to start losing weight — even if you've tried before

Here are five tips to help get you eat better this summer and beyond:

1. Look into your past

Most of us have a diet history. We know what works and doesn’t work. Perhaps you jumped on the keto bandwagon in 2019 only to fall off hard. Because, well, you just l-o-v-e your sourdough. You know if you’re a carbs-in-the-morning or a skip-breakfast-altogether person. Don’t attempt to make changes that you know won’t match your lifestyle and preferences. Be realistic about who you are.

In other words, if breakfast is your favorite meal of the day and you know you overeat later in the day when you skip it, intermittent fasting probably isn’t the best way to go for you.

If an afternoon snack is what you need to get you through your evening workout, then trying to stop all snacking isn’t the best route to take. Instead, come up with three or four healthy on-the-go snacks you can put into rotation.

weight loss journey reward

Health & Wellness 7 reasons why now is a good time to start a diet

2. don’t give yourself a deadline.

It’s the journey that counts right? I’m all for goals, but when you give yourself a specific date to reach a goal , it often sets you up to fail for a couple of reasons.

One, if you don’t see progress being made fast enough, you may say, “Scrap this plan!” — even though you’ve actually made excellent progress.

Second, the stress of the date may work against you. Setting a deadline may only put extra pressure on you and cause your stress hormones to actually start working against you and your weight-loss goal. Instead, stay calm and healthy on.

Enjoy the life that you’re living and enjoy being in the best health and at the the best weight you can be, even if that means being off a certain weight goal by a couple of pounds. Remember patience and consistency are key, and enjoy the process of reaching better health each day.

weight loss journey reward

Health & Wellness Walking to lose weight: Does it work?

3. think about your sleep habits and stress levels.

It’s not all about the food. Even if you're focused and eating “perfectly,” other lifestyle factors may be working against you. Sleep and stress are two pillars of a nutritious life that I discuss regularly.

The good part is that if you’re not managing these well, making a few necessary changes can show up on the scale. Create a new sleep routine and stick to it. It’s just as important as diet!

Look for a daily activity to reduce stress .

weight loss journey reward

Health & Wellness How your ‘killer headache’ can tell you something about your body

4. work on one change at a time.

Think about a not-so-great habit you have, that you do daily. Is it adding sugar to your coffee? Going for afternoon chocolate as a pick me up? Whatever it is, change it up with a new healthier alternative. You don’t necessarily need to start pounding healthy wellness shots that have become quite the rage, sometimes, the smallest changes make the biggest impact.

A change as simple as swapping out the syrup from a daily coffee saves you 80 calories, and 20 grams of sugar, each and every day!

Since it is only one change, it won’t be so overwhelming to adjust, and since it is something you do daily, that one improvement may have a great impact.

5. Reward yourself

Be good to you! Celebrate small goals with small rewards — and they don't have to involve food. Skipped soda all week? Feel good about that and reward yourself with a manicure.

Sometimes these rewards are enough to push us forward and up the motivation.

For more tips on how to live a nutritious life, follow Keri on Instagram @nutritiouslifeofficial

weight loss journey reward

Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN, is a renowned nutritionist, healthy cooking expert and wellness thought-leader. She is the founder and CEO of Nutritious Life , a lifestyle and media company devoted to helping individuals discover and live their most nutritious (and happiest!) lives. Follow Keri on Instagram @nutritiouslifeofficial .

A group of patients on stage with the BodyByBariatrics Team holding a sign that says BodyByBariatrics

Celebrating the Journey: Inspiring Ways to Commemorate Your Weight Loss Milestones

Embarking on a weight loss journey is no easy feat. It takes dedication, perseverance, and a whole lot of determination. As you reach each important milestone along the way, it’s essential to celebrate and acknowledge your progress. Not only does this provide motivation to keep going, but it also reinforces the positive changes you’ve made in your life. In this blog, we will explore ten inspiring ways to commemorate your weight loss milestones, giving you ideas on how to celebrate and reward yourself for your hard work. From treating yourself to a new outfit that showcases your progress to planning a day of relaxation and self-care, these suggestions will help you mark your achievements and stay motivated on your journey towards a healthier you.

So, get ready to celebrate your successes and embrace the journey towards a better, healthier lifestyle. Each milestone is a representation of your dedication and determination, and it deserves to be recognized and celebrated. Let’s dive in and discover the inspiring ways to commemorate your weight loss milestones.

The Importance of Celebrating Weight Loss Milestones

Losing weight is not just about the number on the scale; it’s about the journey and the positive changes you make along the way. Celebrating your weight loss milestones is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a sense of accomplishment and boosts your self-esteem. Recognizing your progress encourages you to keep pushing forward, knowing that your hard work is paying off. Secondly, celebrating milestones helps you stay motivated and focused on your long-term goals. It serves as a reminder of how far you’ve come and how much further you can go. Celebrating milestones allows you to reflect on the changes you’ve made in your lifestyle and appreciate the positive impact they’ve had on your overall well-being.

Setting Achievable Weight Loss Goals

Embarking on a post-bariatric surgery weight loss journey can be both exciting and challenging. Amidst the ups and downs, setting S.M.A.R.T. goals becomes an invaluable tool for success. S.M.A.R.T. goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By applying this framework, individuals can transform their aspirations into tangible achievements. Start by pinpointing specific targets tailored to your unique circumstances, whether it’s shedding pounds, improving fitness levels, or adopting healthier eating habits. Next, ensure each goal is measurable, allowing you to track progress and stay accountable. Crucially, make these goals achievable, considering factors like your current weight, health status, and lifestyle constraints. They must also be relevant to your overarching weight loss objectives, driving meaningful progress. Finally, set a timeframe for each goal, providing a sense of urgency and direction. By breaking down the larger goal into smaller, manageable milestones, you pave the way for sustained motivation and success on your transformative journey.

Celebrating milestones becomes much more meaningful when you have clear objectives in mind. Start by setting realistic and attainable goals based on your current weight, health, and lifestyle. Break down your ultimate weight loss goal into smaller, manageable milestones. For example, if your goal is to lose 50 pounds, set milestones for every 10 pounds lost. This way, you can celebrate and reward yourself for each significant milestone achieved, keeping you motivated throughout your journey.

Tracking Your Weight Loss Progress

Tracking your weight loss progress is an essential part of celebrating milestones. It allows you to see your progress visually and helps you stay accountable. There are several ways to track your weight loss, such as using a weight loss app, keeping a journal, or using a fitness tracker. Choose a method that works best for you and make it a habit to record your weight regularly. Seeing the numbers decrease or progress in measurements can be incredibly motivating and give you a sense of accomplishment. Celebrate each milestone by taking note of the progress you’ve made and acknowledging the hard work you’ve put in.

Non-Scale Victories

In addition to celebrating scale victories, it’s equally vital to recognize and commemorate non-scale victories (NSVs) throughout your weight loss journey. NSVs encompass a wide range of achievements that extend beyond the numbers on a scale, emphasizing the holistic transformation that accompanies weight loss. These victories could include improved energy levels, increased mobility, better sleep quality, enhanced mood and mental well-being, fitting into smaller clothing sizes, or even receiving compliments about your appearance or demeanor. By acknowledging NSVs, you reinforce the significance of these changes and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the overall progress you’ve made.

Establishing the “whys” behind your weight loss journey and celebrating NSVs is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, focusing solely on the scale can be demotivating and fail to capture the full scope of your accomplishments. NSVs provide tangible evidence of the positive impact your efforts are having on your health and quality of life, fostering a sense of pride and empowerment. Secondly, celebrating NSVs reinforces the intrinsic motivations driving your journey, whether it’s improving your health, boosting confidence, or setting a positive example for loved ones. Recognizing these deeper motivations strengthens your commitment to long-term success and helps you stay resilient in the face of challenges.

Moreover, celebrating NSVs encourages a shift in mindset from solely focusing on weight loss to embracing a holistic approach to wellness. It emphasizes the importance of nurturing habits and behaviors that promote overall health and vitality, regardless of the number on the scale. By integrating NSVs into your celebration rituals, you cultivate a more balanced and sustainable relationship with your body and self-image.

Incorporating NSVs into your weight loss journey not only enriches your sense of accomplishment but also fosters a deeper sense of self-awareness, resilience, and appreciation for the journey itself. So, take the time to identify and celebrate these non-scale victories, as they are invaluable markers of progress on your transformative path to health and well-being.

Celebrating with Non-Food Rewards

When it comes to celebrating weight loss milestones, it’s important to steer clear of using food as a reward. Instead, opt for non-food rewards that are aligned with your healthy lifestyle. By choosing rewards that align with your healthier lifestyle, you’ll be nurturing a positive relationship with yourself and your achievements.

In the realm of non-food rewards for celebrating weight loss milestones, the options are plentiful and cater to diverse interests and preferences. Consider pampering yourself with a rejuvenating spa treatment or massage to unwind and indulge in relaxation. Investing in self-care products like skincare items or scented candles can also provide a sense of indulgence without derailing your progress. For those with a penchant for technology or gadgets, treat yourself to that latest smartwatch or fitness tracker to enhance your wellness journey further. Immerse yourself in a new hobby or activity you’ve been eager to try, whether it’s painting, gardening, calligraphy or taking a dance class.

Engaging in these fulfilling pursuits not only marks your achievements but also enriches your life beyond the scale. Furthermore, consider experiences like a weekend getaway to explore new destinations or tickets to a concert or show you’ve been longing to attend. By embracing non-food rewards, you not only celebrate your weight loss milestones but also reinforce the importance of self-care, personal growth, and enjoying life to the fullest.

Planning a Special Event or Outing

Another great way to commemorate your weight loss milestones is by planning a special event or outing. This can be as simple as having a picnic in the park or organizing a hike with friends. Celebrating your milestones with loved ones not only allows you to share your success but also creates lasting memories. Consider organizing a fitness challenge or participating in a charity run to mark a significant milestone. Not only will this give you a sense of achievement, but it will also inspire others to embark on their own health and wellness journeys.

Creating a Weight Loss Scrapbook or Journal

Documenting your weight loss journey through a scrapbook or journal can be a powerful way to celebrate your milestones. Include pictures, quotes, and personal reflections to capture your progress and the emotions tied to each milestone. Flip through the pages whenever you need a boost of motivation or a reminder of how far you’ve come. This creative outlet not only allows you to express yourself but also serves as a tangible reminder of your achievements. Celebrating your milestones becomes even more meaningful when you can visually see your progress and the positive changes you’ve made.

Sharing Your Journey on Social Media

Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity to celebrate your weight loss milestones and inspire others along the way. Share your progress, before and after photos, and personal insights on platforms like Instagram or Facebook. Not only will this hold you accountable, but it will also create a supportive community around your journey. Celebrate each milestone by sharing your achievements and the lessons you’ve learned. Your journey may just inspire someone else to embark on their own weight loss journey and create positive change in their life.

Joining a Weight Loss Support Group or Community

Weight loss can be a challenging journey, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Joining a weight loss support group or community, like our private BodyByBariatrics Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery Support group, can provide the encouragement and motivation you need to celebrate your milestones and stay on track. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who understand your struggles and successes can make a world of difference. Share your milestones, seek advice, and celebrate each other’s achievements. Being part of a supportive community can give you the strength and motivation to keep pushing forward and reaching your weight loss goals. We also have a BodyByBariatrics Events Calendar you should subscribe to for all in-person meet-ups and virtual events.

Treating Yourself to New Clothes or Accessories

As you shed the pounds and inches, treat yourself to new clothes or accessories that showcase your progress. Investing in a new outfit that fits your new body can be an incredibly empowering way to celebrate your weight loss milestones. Choose clothes that make you feel confident and highlight your new figure. Not only will this boost your self-esteem, but it will also serve as a tangible reminder of your hard work and dedication. Celebrate your milestones by stepping out in style and embracing the new, healthier you.

Reflecting on Your Achievements and Setting New Goals

Finally, take the time to reflect on your achievements and set new goals as you celebrate each weight loss milestone. Acknowledge the progress you’ve made, the obstacles you’ve overcome, and the positive changes you’ve implemented in your life. Use this reflection to set new goals that will continue to challenge and motivate you. Whether it’s running a marathon, mastering a new fitness routine, or maintaining your current weight, setting new goals will keep you moving forward on your journey towards a healthier and happier you.

Celebrating your weight loss milestones is essential for staying motivated and acknowledging the positive changes you’ve made along your journey. From setting achievable goals and tracking your progress to celebrating with non-food rewards and planning special events, there are numerous ways to commemorate your achievements. Embrace each milestone as a representation of your dedication and determination and use these inspiring ideas to make it a celebration worth remembering. Remember, the journey towards a healthier you is filled with ups and downs, but celebrating your milestones will keep you motivated and focused on your long-term goals. So, celebrate, reflect, and keep pushing forward on your path to a better, healthier lifestyle.

BodyByBariatrics Commitment to YOU

At BodyByBariatrics, we are immensely proud of each and every one of our patients and the remarkable journeys they embark on towards better health and well-being. Our recent “BodyByBariatrics Celebrates YOU!” event served as a heartwarming testament to the incredible transformations and inspiring stories within our community. Witnessing the perseverance, dedication, and triumphs of our patients was truly awe-inspiring, reaffirming our commitment to supporting them every step of the way. As we reflect on the success of this event, we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity to be part of such meaningful transformations. We are excited to continue celebrating the milestones and achievements of our patients with even more events and gatherings in the future. Each celebration serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of our patients, inspiring others to embark on their own journeys towards a healthier and happier life.

Listen to our full  DoctorXDietitian podcast episode  on Celebrating Your Journey!

XOXO, BodyByBariatrics

*BodyByBariatrics blog does not replace medical advice. Seek the help of your health care professional if you have questions related to your condition. We strive for patients to achieve healthier, happier, longer lives through weight loss surgery.


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12 Weight Loss Milestones To Set And Celebrate

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Seeing your weight go down can be motivating. There are however other inspiring weight loss milestones you can set and celebrate.

Setting a goal weight is a great start but only having one big target can feel overwhelming. On top of that experiencing positive emotions along the journey can be very helpful for sticking with your plan.

That’s why dividing up your big goal into smaller weight loss milestones can be a game changer.

Achieving these milestones can feel like a reward in itself but you can also literally reward yourself with something. Check out these 80 reward ideas if you want some inspiration.

One thing you want to keep in mind is to mainly reward yourself for following your plan. Your weight loss will vary for reasons that have nothing to do with fat loss. You did a good job if you followed your plan. The next step is to adapt your plan if you don’t see the results you desire.

Another important principle when talking about weight loss milestones is initially focusing on many small ones and making them bigger from there. Your first five workout sessions will very likely feel harder than the next five. By making your milestones more and more challenging you keep pushing yourself.

Setting and celebrating these 12 weight loss milestones can be a powerful way to keep yourself motivated .

1. Starting

This first weight loss milestone may sound a bit soft to a lot of people but often starting is a real challenge. Here is a quote to emphasize this point:

“Tomorrow is the most busy day of the week.”

In this case the subject is weight loss but people do this in other areas too. It’s easy to say “I’ll do it later” so starting is definitely a milestone you can celebrate.

2. The first week of healthy eating

In most situations to hit a weight loss goal some things will need to change in the food you eat or, sometimes even more important, in the food you stop eating.

The human brain is generally wired to go after the foods with the most calories. That can make staying away from high-calorie foods, which are usually not very helpful for weight loss, and eating healthier feel like a challenge.

Being able to outsmart those primal urges for a certain amount of time is definitely a milestone worth celebrating.

A week is just an example. After a while these healthier eating habits become stronger. In that case challenging yourself by going for longer time periods can be a good idea.

If this milestone is a challenge for you, you may want to stick to a non-food reward to avoid going down a slippery slide of reverting back to old habits.

Eating salad as weight loss milestone

3. A week of sticking to your workout plan

While working out is less essential than the eating aspect of weight loss, you can still greatly improve your progress and healthy by exercising.

For most people sticking to a workout plan can feel even more of a challenge than healthy eating. One reason for this is that you will eat anyway, you just have to make the smarter choices. Working out on the other hand often requires setting aside some extra time.

Since exercising is such a helpful habit it may be a good idea to set milestones in this area. For many people, something like running 3 miles a day is an achievable yet challenging goal.

No matter what workout plan you decide on, you can start with focusing on sticking to it the first week as your initial goal. And again challenging yourself with longer periods of time once it starts to be a real habit.

4. Specific muscles or body parts start to reappear

This next weight loss milestone is one that comes very unexpected for a lot of people. When gaining some weight certain muscles and body parts start to disappear.

Depending on how much you have to lose this can go from abs to collar bones to elbows.

5. First ten pounds lost

You don’t want to get too focused on the number on the scale but in the end it does give you signs on how much progress you are making.

For that reason you may want to make losing specific amounts of weight specific milestones. You can again start with something small like 5 pounds and work up your way from there.

6. Tightening your belt

Another more unexpected yet very satisfying source of milestones is your belt. There is just something rewarding about taking a look at your belt and seeing three notches up worn out while you are rocking three notches smaller.

You can have a mini celebration with every notch but seeing something like that can be a celebration on its own too.

Pairing this weight loss milestone with the reward of buying some new clothes can be a great idea.


7. First few weigh-ins

It’s not entirely essential to weigh yourself during your weight loss journey but it is a very convenient way to measure progress.

These first few weigh-ins can be scary and exciting at the same time. On one hand, you want to feel the positive feelings, on the other hand, you don’t want the feeling of your efforts not paying out as much as you expected.

Over time you want to stop having these kinds of emotions when you step on the scale. Making those first few weigh-ins a milestone in itself can help you get into the habit of measuring regularly.

8. First compliment on your progress

While it is likely not your most important reason for losing weight, who does not enjoy getting a compliment or two? People around you might notice the progress you are making and compliment you for it.

Not the case but you know you are getting awesome results? No worries, some people are just not comfortable complimenting others, it doesn’t mean the changes are not visible.

9. Overcome a plateau of a few weeks

Your progress will very likely go up and down from day to day. You will also probably hit a weight loss plateau during your weight loss journey.

A weight loss plateau is when you don’t see weight loss progress over the span of more than a week or two. When you lose weight the number of calories you burn often goes down so you will have to make some adjustments in your routine.

In the first place you want to avoid weight loss plateaus but overcoming one when you encounter it is definitely a great weight loss milestone. It shows yourself that you have the power to overcome obstacles that come your way.

10. First time stepping in the gym or sports club

Some people are hesitant to join a gym or sports club. There are many reasons you can feel this way but in the end, the important part is getting over it.

By making this one a weight loss milestone you can feel more motivated to take the step. And the more you take that step the easier it becomes. You may even find yourself having a lot of fun in this new place

11. Fitting in one of your favorite old clothes

An unfortunate part of gaining weight is that you have to say goodbye (temporarily) to certain clothes even if you really like them.

You probably have a certain wardrobe item in mind. Being able to wear it again can be a very motivating milestone.

12. Achieving a specific athletic feat

When you keep hitting the “follow your workout plan” milestone and you keep pushing your boundaries you will notice that you can do more than before.

To make this boundary pushing more specific you can set out to achieve a specific athletic feat. Some examples are running a 5k , hitting new weight lifting personal bests, or completing that one hike you’ve always dreamed of.

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Copyright © 2020-2024 Weight Loss Made Practical All rights reserved. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Weight Loss Made Practical does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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weight loss journey reward

I Lost Weight and Got Healthy Using Micro Goals

H ealth issues have a way of tapping you on the shoulder, demanding attention. For me, it was the unwelcome companionship of pre-diabetes and uncontrolled blood pressure.

The turning point, however, arrived in a photograph—a moment frozen in time with comedian Jeff Ross. I weighed 307 pounds. Seeing myself dwarfing the "Roast Master General" was a harsh wake-up call.

It was July 11, 2021—the day my "Wellness Journey" began, and one that would redefine my relationship with food and exercise. I simply had to eat less and move more.

The realization hit hard when I faced the tangible consequences of my lifestyle choices—pre-diabetes and uncontrolled blood pressure. The photograph with Jeff Ross became a mirror reflecting not just physical size, but the weight of my health issues.

My gym and fitness plan became my sanctuary. I did high-intensity treadmill walks in the first two months to lay the groundwork, which allowed me to shed the first layers of weight.

Month three marked a shift towards resistance training, guided by a personal trainer who would teach me the basics of life-long lifting.

The gym wasn't just a place for exercise—it was a haven for transformation. HIT walks and the familiar thud of a basketball echoed through those early days, but the real game-changer was the introduction of resistance training.

Previous attempts at weight loss had been marked by lofty goals that ended in frustration. This time, I chose a different path—small, achievable goals of losing three pounds at a time.

That shift in mindset was profound—setbacks became opportunities to recalibrate, and each small victory stacked up, creating a profound resilience.

I discarded the notion of chasing rapid weight loss. Instead, I embraced a new mantra—three pounds at a time. This subtle shift in focus liberated me from the burden of unrealistic expectations.

Weekly routines became the norm, blending cardio, walking, basketball, and resistance training. August 2023 marked a turning point with the introduction of intermittent fasting. A disciplined schedule between 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. provided structure, helping to readjust and maintain a healthier weight.

Three gems of wisdom emerged—create micro-goals, prioritize sleep, and embrace resilience. The journey, I realized, is a marathon, not a sprint. Quality sleep became the cornerstone of my daily routine, and giving myself grace during struggles became a powerful ally in the battle for wellness.

The physical change was undeniable. Inches melted away. I went from a 46 waist to a 36 waist. Yet, the true transformation transcended the physical. Calmness, kindness, and increased focus became my newfound companions.

To those considering a weight loss journey, I offer a simple truth—it begins with eating and moving.

In the past, I denied myself certain foods like carbs, sweets, candy, etc. This time around, I rid myself of food denial. I don't have cheat days or reward myself with food. If I want to eat something, I do. However, I eat with intention, not mindless consumption.

Many of us make getting in shape complicated. Wellness is relatively simple. You need to add strength training, conditioning, proper eating, sleep, and repeat.

The repeat part is the hardest one. Alter eating habits, embrace regular physical activity, and understand that the journey is a commitment to becoming better physically and mentally, one day at a time.

If I could distill my journey into advice, it would be this—start today. Find movement activities that you like to do. I love to walk. Yours could be walking, running, biking, pilates or yoga, I chose an exercise that was right for me and then added resistance training.

The path to wellness isn't about radical changes but consistent, intentional choices. Eating and moving are the cornerstones, and the journey is a commitment to becoming a better version of yourself.

My Life Time gym was initially a choice for basketball, but became a community of wellness. In the solitude of my workouts, I found inspiration in familiar faces, and saw the gym not just as an expense, but an investment in my overall wellbeing.

These core beliefs guide my weight loss journey; "Eat Less/Move More," "No absolutes," "3lbs," "Baby Steps," "Start Now," and "Sleep." Each belief encapsulates a lesson learned, a choice made, and a step taken towards a healthier, happier life.

Today, I weigh 222 pounds. I have lost 85 pounds. My next goal is to lose another 3 pounds and to truly help men and women navigate their own wellness journeys.

Mark Slaughter is a teacher in Dallas, Texas and father of three boys. He trains at Life Time Gym.

All views expressed in this article are the author's own.

Do you have a unique experience or personal story to share? Email the My Turn team at [email protected] .

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Mark Slaughter pictured before (L) and after (R) losing 85 pounds.


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