travel personal trainer jobs

How to Become a Traveling Personal Trainer

by David J. Sautter | Travel Fitness | 6 comments

When I earned my personal training certification, I was told by veteran trainers and gym owners that if I wanted to earn a comfortable living, I had to set up shop in one place and build a steady book of clients over the course of several years.

As a new trainer who just signed a lease on an apartment, that was fine.

But after a few years, the wanderlust started.

Believing it was possible to become a traveling personal trainer, I spent hours researching how to be a successful trainer without being tied down to one place.

Since then, personal training and fitness writing have paid my way around the globe. I’ve been a travelling personal trainer in Poland, South Korea, Bolivia, and Peru, to name a few countries.

If you want to become a traveling personal trainer, there’s no better time to do it. Online personal training and the ever-growing fitness industry have created new opportunities around the world for travel fitness jobs.

Here are the best ways to merge a personal training career with travel.

traveling personal trainer

If you want to become a traveling personal trainer, it all starts with getting a certification from the nationally accredited personal training certification list I’ve included below.

What Personal Trainer Certificate is Most Respected?

The first step in in learning how to become a traveling personal trainer is to get certified by a nationally recognized organization.

Below, you’ll find a nationally accredited personal training certification list.

These are organizations that are considered the most respected in the United States, and they each offer a personal training certification program along with multiple recertification opportunities.

I’ve ranked them in the following order based on a few factors:

  • How difficult they are to study for and attain
  • How you’ll use the certification in your career (e.g., medical field vs. online personal trainer)
  • My personal recommendations based on research and dealing with each certification directly

ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine)

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is a clinically focused certification.

Most trainers who opt for the ACSM have graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree. And a good percentage of these trainers have plans on entering the medical field.

In other words, the ACSM is a no-joke certification.

The American College of Sports Medicine churns out a ton of scholarly articles, and most of the other certifications reference this research in their own textbooks and study materials.

If you’re learning how to become a traveling fitness instructor with no long-term plans to enter a medical field such as physical therapy, I’d recommend selecting another certification.

This will save you sanity and cash because this is not an easy certification to get, and it requires far more studying than the others.

With that said, if you want to boost your credibility and marketing potential and you’re ready to dedicate yourself to studying like hell, I’d say go for it.

I’d argue that ACSM is the gold standard when it comes to personal training certifications, which will allow you to command higher fees.

NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association)

The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) certification is a step behind the ACSM, but not by much.

From the fitness assessment to the program design, NSCA is serious about the science.

Similar to ACSM, the NSCA has plenty of published articles, but they are written by certified personal trainers.

The biggest difference between these top two certifications is that the NSCA has a heavy focus on athletes. That includes performance enhancement as well as rehabilitation.

I’d suggest the NSCA if you know that you want to work with athletic clients.

Yes, the things you’ll learn in the NSCA do apply to general population clients, but think about this:

If your focus is on gen pop clients, why go through all that hard work for a certification that focuses on athletes?

NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine)

The National Academy of Sports Medicine is famous for its optimum performance training (OPT) model, which is directly used or has inspired the training program design that can be found in many commercial gyms across the United States.

The research used in NASM textbooks and study materials is based on the research performed by ACSM, but the science is a lot more digestible.

I’m certified through NASM. And I chose NASM because they were in the Goldilocks zone for me.

They weren’t as medically driven and serious as ACSM, but they weren’t a joke certification that you find online and can get in a weekend either.

The program design is one of the best and most replicated in any gym worth its salt, and while it’s not the cheapest, it’s also not the most expensive personal training certification.

ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association)

I’d compare the International Sports Sciences Association certification to a sampler plate on a dinner menu.

You get a little bit of everything.

In other words, it’s a good option for trainers who aren’t sure what to specialize in yet, and they want to start working with clients to get a better feel for that.

So, do gyms accept ISSA certification?

You bet. It’s considered one of the most popular personal training certifications, especially for those new to the industry.

My only gripe with ISSA is that the final exam is open book, which I don’t support.

But let’s get real: I’m just grumpy because I wasn’t allowed to have my book during the NASM exam!

Here’s the thing: It’s not as easy as picking up the book, taking the test, and passing with a perfect score. The test is timed and without some level of knowledge from studying, there’s no way you would have enough time to navigate the book for each question.

I think if you’re serious about training, you should know the book front to back as far as fitness assessments, program design, and special populations. (But I won’t get on my soap box.)

Personally, I think ISSA is for two types of trainers:

Those that aren’t great test takers but are serious about improving themselves as trainers every chance they get.

And those that want to make sure they pass the test so they can get started as traveling fitness trainers ASAP.

ACE (American Council on Exercise)

I remember when I was researching options for my certification, ACE was not an option for serious trainers.

Every gym manager I talked to said they wouldn’t hire me if I had an ACE CPT.

Times have changed, and the reputation of ACE has significantly improved over the years.

Not only are they considered one of the top five respected personal trainer certifications, but they are still one of the most reasonably priced.

I’ve gone through ACE for one of my recertifications as a sports conditioning specialist. It was surprisingly good, albeit a bit dated.

With that said, the recertification did give me plenty of new ideas to use with my performance-focused clients.

ACE might be last on my list, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad option. I think ACE is a perfect fit for anyone who isn’t really sure what’s next in the long-term picture.

If you’re on the fence about the fitness industry as a long-term option, I’d say try ACE. By the time you need to get recertified (two years), I guarantee you’ll have a better idea of what your future is in the fitness industry.

From here, you can explore specializations such as the master trainer certification (more on that below).

Personal Training Certifications I Don’t Recommend

Remember the cliché, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” as you do your own research for certifications.

Beware of certifications that promise to make you an expert trainer over the course of a weekend.

Your initial personal trainer certification should take no less than a month to study for and complete.

When I studied for my NASM personal training certification, I took full advantage of the allotted six months of self-study before taking my final exam.

I think this is a good policy because you really want to know your stuff when you go looking for a personal training job.

Again, do your own research for personal training certifications to make the final call, but I can almost guarantee that it’ll be one of the programs I mentioned.

How to Find Traveling Personal Trainer Jobs

You have your certification, your ticket is booked, and you’re looking for job ads titled, “traveling fitness instructors.”

Here’s the thing about travel fitness jobs: You’re going to have to either dig for them or create your own opportunities.

I’m a fan of the latter.

Let’s break down both on-site and online ways to be a travel personal trainer. I’ll also cover some fitness travel jobs that aren’t related to personal training.

Travel Personal Trainer Jobs On-Site

If you want to work face-to-face with clients, there are plenty of options that will take you to different cities, states, and countries.

Getting hired by an on-site gym in another country is ideal if you want to stay in that country for more than the allotted tourist visa timeframe, which is usually three months.

Commercial gyms will typically be your visa sponsor, which would provide you with at least a year in that country.

Here are the best ways I’ve found to become an on-site travel trainer.

Can I Train People at Commercial Gyms?

There are a few big-name gyms that can be found across the United States and in other countries.

If you want to work at an international location, you can start in the U.S. and then apply to transfer, but keep in mind that you may need to speak the local language.

Gold’s Gym is the best example. Outside of its locations in the U.S., you can find a Gold’s in Ecuador, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, to name a few countries.

Can I Train People at Hotel Chains?

Many well-known hotel chains, such as Marriot and Hilton, offer opportunities for personal trainers around the globe.

If you can get an interview, make it known that you’re interested in transferring to a different state or country within a certain time frame such as six to twelve months.

Personal Training Jobs on Cruise Ships

Cruise ship schedules can be hectic.

But if you’re flexible and you don’t mind living at sea for weeks at a time on a fully loaded boat, this is an excellent chance to train a rotating list of clients and see dozens of new cities throughout the world.

Honestly, this would have been my backup plan had I not been successful with my other ventures in traveling fitness jobs. (All meals provided and new clients every week? Sign me up.)

If you’re someone who likes to have a safety net under them when trying new things, especially a new direction in life, being a traveling fitness instructor on a cruise ship is a good and reliable way to go.

Just be sure to check what current and former employees are saying about the cruise line.

Destination-Based Workshops and Retreats

Imagine working at a meditation retreat in Japan, teaching a kickboxing course in Thailand, or guiding a yoga class in India.

Destination-based workshops such as these have become incredibly popular. These personal training jobs abroad offer you a chance to travel the globe and teach without the constraints of a commercial gym.

Lasting between five to fourteen days, you’ll teach a few classes during the day, meet with your peers to network and discuss teaching strategies, and then go and enjoy your destination.

Become a Certified Master Trainer

If you enjoy helping other personal trainers improve, you may want to consider a position as a master trainer.

Every personal training certification program requires that you get recertified every two or three years, focusing on a specialization such as fitness nutrition or sports conditioning.

By becoming a master trainer, you can teach recertification specialties throughout the United States and abroad.

For example, let’s say you specialize in performance enhancement. Personal trainers would be able to take your course and earn their recertification.

The trainer gets recertified, and you’ve just made money to pay for your next plane ticket.

Asking yourself, “How do I become a certified master trainer?”

NASM, NCSF, and ISSA offer a master trainer certification. There are other programs but these three are the most popular.

And now you’re probably wondering, “Is the master fitness trainer course hard?”

The course content will vary between organizations, but overall, you should be prepared to dedicate just as much time to studying and practicum as your original certification.

Traveling Personal Training… with a Catch

There are two more ways to become a traveling personal trainer, but these methods come with a catch:

The pay isn’t great, or you’ll have more responsibilities than a traditional personal trainer.

Still, both options give you what you want in the end: a job as a traveling personal trainer in the country of your choice.

Work Exchange

This is when you trade your skills and knowledge – in this case, your skills as a personal trainer – for accommodation, meals, and (perhaps) a small stipend.

For the new trainer, a work exchange could be a good option for you to hone your skills, discover your strengths, and help others.

Sure, there may be no pay or very little pay involved, but it provides you a chance to travel and become a better trainer through real-world experience.

ESL Physical Education

Many schools throughout the world hire physical education teachers for English-based instruction in basic sports.

The catch is that you may be responsible for a few English language classes.

When I taught English in South Korea for a year, I was placed in a sports science school. I taught basic English sentences and grammar.

But I also taught an English-based sports curriculum featuring American-style sports such as weightlifting, basketball, and dodgeball.

I can’t say enough good things about this opportunity.

Yes, the work hours in Korea are loooooooong. But my students were the best, my co-teachers were supportive, and I adored everything about South Korea.

Now, because I went through the EPIK program, I didn’t choose the school I was placed in. However, because of my background as a certified personal trainer, EPIK matched me with a sports school. During your interview with EPIK or a similar program, you can make it clear that you want to be placed in a sports science school and they’ll do their best to accommodate you.

Online Personal Trainer

Online personal training jobs have exploded in popularity over the last few years. (There wasn’t much of a choice, was there?)

If you can’t find a face-to-face personal trainer job in another state or country, there’s always the option of online personal training.

Using your laptop, you provide complete fitness consultations, classes, and guidance via webcam.

This might be the ideal option for many of you who don’t want to be tied down to one place. There are a ton of benefits of online personal training.

Work from Anywhere

As long as you have a reliable WiFi connection, you’ll be able to work from anywhere in the world.

Set Your Own Schedule

Being an in-house personal trainer limits your working hours to those of the gym.

Training online means you set your own schedule; however, this could also mean having an unconventional schedule as time zones between you and your clients may vary.

Form Close Relationships

I believe that online personal training allows you to form a closer relationship with a client than inside a commercial gym where the focus is usually on sales.

Without the worry of the gym taking a big cut of your pay, you can relax and get to know your client.

Now, with that said, there are some things to consider when you become an online personal trainer or fitness instructor.

Running the Business

When you become your own boss, you take on all of the responsibilities. You manage everything from sales and marketing to self-employment taxes.

Online software, email reminders, outsourcing, and invoicing apps take care of most of the self-employed lifestyle, but it’s something to prepare for.

Crazy Client Schedules

Let’s say you’re living the life in Bali, but you have a client who lives in Ireland.

They insist on training at 5 p.m. their time and for you, that means a midnight session.

Most clients are flexible, but keep in mind that you could find yourself with an unconventional work schedule.

The Client Hustle

When you work in a commercial gym, the majority of your clients walk right through the door, and you focus on selling your services.

When you are an online trainer, you are responsible for finding and selling yourself to potential clients.

Creating your own website and posting to third-party job sites can alleviate much of the work.

Other Travel Fitness Jobs

Here are some more travel fitness jobs outside of being a traveling fitness instructor or personal trainer.

Hiking Guide

It’s not personal training, but you do get to spend a ton of time outside in new locations being a hiking guide for groups.

I’ve seen numerous opportunities for this across the United States and abroad, especially in Cusco, Peru.

Create Workout Programs

You can create and sell customized workout programs for clients online.

I’d recommend offering a set-price package deal where the client pays one price and they receive a video consultation with one and a customized workout program for a set number of weeks or months.

Fitness Writers

How are your writing skills? If you’re good at and enjoy writing, you can become a freelance health and fitness writer.

This is what continues to pay my way around the world. I create marketing content for large fitness businesses including blog posts, textbooks, lead magnets, and copywriting.

Keep this in mind: Like any career path, you need to strive to constantly improve your writing skills. The online content and fitness industry both change at a rapid pace, so you need to be wiling to dedicate yourself to learning and improving each and every year. But that’s no different than being a personal trainer, is it?

Interested in Becoming a Traveling Personal Trainer?

Do you want to travel short-term or long-term as a personal trainer? Which of these opportunities are you most interested in? Have questions about my experience as a traveling personal trainer? Let me know in the comments below.


Hi David, I just discovered you and am excited to learn more from your experience! I specialize in women’s health & functional movement (Gray’s Institute). I worked as a physical therapy aide since 2008, and nearly 2 years ago earned my EP-C through ACSM. I’m also a mobile DJ! My fiance and I co-own a local mobile DJ company, and are expanding and will be taking the show on the road within the next several months. While I’ll be leaving my current clinic/gym, I’d like to continue in-person training along our route, with a focus on pre/postnatal and seniors… possibly in-home training. Do you know of anyone who is doing something like this? Have you tried training via home visits?

David James

Hello Erin!

Congrats on making the jump into your own business! It’ll feel a bit rougher in the beginning as far as stability, but it’s extremely rewarding and makes life a lot more adventurous.

To answer your question: Yes, I have provided in-house personal training while traveling, but always in the places I stayed for longer than a few weeks. A few questions about your situation:

– Will you have an established travel route with your new mobile DJ business? For example, always visiting the same cities and town? – Do you have a personal training website? – What will your travel schedule look like? For example, being on the road 250 days a year.

Once I know these pieces of information, I can give you more practical advice.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hope all is well, David

Trellis Day

can you send me info on how to travel as a personal trainer?

David J. Sautter

Hey Trellis,

Thank you for reaching out. I just updated the traveling personal trainer post with a lot more useful information. Please let me know what you think. Hope all is well!

Carlos O Moran

Hello, My name is Carlos Omar, and very interested in learning more about becoming a traveling personal trainer. I have been in the fitness industry for well over 35 years with a Occupational Therapy background.

I look forward to getting more detailed information..

thank you, Carlos Omar

Hey Carlos,

Thanks for your response. I recently updated the post on becoming a traveling personal trainer. Give it a read and let me know if you have any questions. Hope you’re doing well!

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  • Travel Fitness

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How to Become a Traveling Personal Trainer (20+ Examples)

To become a traveling personal trainer, you must establish a flexible business model that offers virtual training, or get a traveling personal trainer job. 

How to Become a Traveling Personal Trainer

There are many different personal trainer career options , and one of the most exciting ways to make money from fitness is to explore travel fitness jobs, consider becoming a fitness trainer abroad, work as a virtual personal trainer while traveling, become a cruise ship personal trainer , start a mobile fitness business , become an online fitness coach, or even start a traveling personal training business as a digital nomad and learn how to travel the world as a personal trainer.

This unique travel personal trainer career path allows trainers to explore new locations while maintaining a steady client roster. For professionals in this field, leveraging a comprehensive platform like is crucial. This platform has the best online fitness coaching software and the overall best personal training software , and not only simplifies client management and scheduling but also facilitates the creation and distribution of training programs that clients can follow from anywhere in the world. And, you can even make money as a fitness influencer with the best fitness software for influencers who want to start an online fitness business .

Fitness Income Ideas

Here are just some of the ways you can learn how to make money as a traveling personal trainer.

Sell workout plans online or sell personal training online .

Sell Workout Plans

Run online fitness challenges .


Create and sell fitness memberships, products, and digital offers. Find or make the best fitness products to sell online and monetize by directly engaging your fitness followers.

Gym Payments

Manage, message, and market to your leads and followers. Use automated messaging sequences to send messages, offer video workouts, habit tracking, nutrition guides, online fitness courses, and more.

Gym Marketing Automations

All from your very own custom branded fitness apps . Learning how to make a fitness influencer app and being ranked right up there as one of the best fitness influencer apps is a reality for YOUR brand, all without spending tons of money or time.

Custom Branded Apps

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Step #1 – Obtain the Necessary Certifications

Start your journey by ensuring you are fully certified.

  • Acquire certifications from recognized bodies such as NASM, ACE, or CSCS.
  • Specialize in areas that can be easily adapted to different environments, such as functional training or sports performance.
  • Stay updated with additional certifications like nutrition or older adult fitness to broaden your client appeal.

Gaining these certifications is crucial for credibility and expertise. Platforms like can help manage and track these certifications, ensuring you remain qualified and can showcase your credentials to potential clients globally.

  • How to Become a Personal Trainer
  • Best Personal Trainer Certifications
  • Pros and Cons of Being a Personal Trainer

Step #2 – Build a Flexible Business Model

Develop a business model that accommodates mobility.

  • Decide between working independently or through a company that supports traveling trainers.
  • Establish a clear pricing structure that includes various packages, considering online sessions, in-person sessions at client locations, and group classes.
  • Set up a reliable online payment system to handle transactions from anywhere.

Utilizing, you can streamline these aspects with tools designed for managing bookings, processing payments, and scheduling sessions, allowing you to focus more on client interaction and less on administrative tasks.

  • How to Sell Personal Training Online
  • How to Start an Online Personal Training Business
  • Make Money Selling Workout Plans Online

Step #3 – Invest in Portable Equipment

Select equipment that is effective and easy to transport.

  • Opt for lightweight, versatile gear like resistance bands, jump ropes, and suspension equipment.
  • Consider digital tools like apps and wearables to track and share fitness data.
  • Ensure you have a reliable laptop or tablet to manage your business operations on the go.

With, you can integrate these digital tools to enhance your training services, providing clients with a seamless, tech-savvy workout experience no matter the location.

Read More: Mobile Fitness Business Guide

Step #4 – Market Your Services Effectively

Effective marketing is key to attracting and retaining clients.

  • Use social media platforms to share your travel experiences and client successes, highlighting your unique value proposition as a traveling trainer.
  • Develop a professional website with an engaging blog that offers fitness tips, showcasing your knowledge and services.
  • Network locally at each new location and participate in community events to build visibility. supports these marketing efforts by offering customizable website designs and marketing tools that help you maintain a strong online presence, ensuring you attract the right clientele wherever you are.

Read More: Personal Training Marketing

Step #5 – Maintain Strong Client Relationships

Client retention is vital, especially when you are often on the move.

  • Utilize technology to keep in touch with clients via regular updates, progress reports, and personalized feedback.
  • Offer hybrid training options that combine in-person and online training to maintain consistency.
  • Schedule regular check-ins or virtual meetings to discuss goals, progress, and adjustments to the training program. facilitates these interactions through its comprehensive client management features, making it easier to deliver personalized service and maintain strong relationships, even from afar.

  • How to Motivate Personal Training Clients
  • How to Motivate Clients to Make Healthy Behavior Change

Becoming a traveling personal trainer offers a dynamic and fulfilling career for those passionate about fitness and travel. By following these steps and utilizing a robust platform like, you can effectively manage your business, keep clients engaged, and continue growing professionally no matter where you are. Ready to take your training career to new heights? Book a demo with today and discover how our software can help you succeed as a traveling personal trainer.

Tony Gentilcore

Types of Traveling Personal Trainer Jobs

Traveling personal trainers have a unique opportunity to merge their passion for fitness with the excitement of travel. These professionals aren’t limited to one location and often find work in various settings where they can bring their expertise directly to clients across the globe. This flexibility allows them to explore different cultures and environments while helping people achieve their health and fitness goals. Leveraging a platform like can be instrumental for these trainers, providing them with the tools needed to manage schedules, track client progress, and deliver tailored fitness programs from anywhere in the world.

Here are 20 different types of traveling personal trainer jobs, each offering a unique way to apply fitness training skills:

  • Cruise Ship Trainer : Lead fitness classes and personal training sessions for passengers on cruise ships. Learn more here about how to become a cruise ship personal trainer .
  • Resort Fitness Instructor : Offer fitness services at luxury resorts, tailoring programs to vacationers. There are many resort personal trainer jobs to choose from if you have experience.
  • Corporate Wellness Trainer : Travel to different corporate offices to implement wellness programs.
  • Mobile Gym Operator : Operate a van or truck converted into a mobile gym that travels to clients. Learn more in this mobile fitness guide .
  • Adventure Fitness Guide : Combine outdoor activities like hiking or paddleboarding with fitness coaching.
  • Yoga Retreat Instructor : Teach yoga at various retreat locations around the world. Learn more about how to start a fitness retreat .
  • International Fitness Conference Presenter : Present and teach at fitness conferences globally.
  • Online Personal Trainer : Provide remote training and coaching through digital platforms. Learn more about how to sell personal training online and how to start an online personal training business .
  • Health Fair Coordinator : Travel to organize and run health and fitness fairs.
  • Military Base Fitness Consultant : Work with military personnel at bases around the world.
  • Dance Workshop Instructor : Conduct dance fitness workshops worldwide.
  • Fitness Equipment Demonstrator : Travel to trade shows to demonstrate and promote fitness products.
  • Celebrity Personal Trainer : Travel with a celebrity to maintain their fitness routine on the road.
  • Fitness Brand Ambassador : Represent fitness brands at events and in various regions.
  • Fitness Cruise Coordinator : Organize and lead fitness-themed cruises.
  • Sports Team Conditioning Coach : Travel with sports teams to oversee conditioning.
  • Wellness Spa Trainer : Provide training and wellness coaching at spas.
  • Fitness Article Field Researcher : Travel to gather information and experiences for fitness publications.
  • Seasonal Ski Resort Trainer : Offer fitness training tailored to winter sports enthusiasts.
  • NGO Health Initiative Leader : Lead fitness and health programs for NGOs in different countries. enhances the effectiveness of these roles by offering comprehensive management software that supports client scheduling, program development, and progress tracking. This is especially useful for trainers who frequently change locations and need to maintain a high level of organization and communication with their clients.

The variety of traveling personal trainer jobs reflects the broad and versatile nature of the fitness industry. Each role offers the chance to impact health and wellness while exploring new places and cultures. For trainers in these dynamic roles, provides an all-in-one solution that supports the diverse needs of managing a fitness business on the go. Whether you are conducting a wellness seminar on a cruise ship or leading a yoga retreat in Bali, is your partner in delivering exceptional fitness services anywhere in the world. Ready to expand your horizons as a traveling personal trainer? Book a demo with today and see how our software can streamline your operations and enhance your professional flexibility.

Carr Elite

Can I travel as a personal trainer?

Yes, you can travel as a personal trainer. Many personal trainers take their skills on the road by working on cruise ships, at resorts, or by leading fitness retreats in various locations around the world. Additionally, online training platforms enable personal trainers to work with clients globally from virtually anywhere, provided they have internet access.

How do I become a remote personal trainer?

To become a remote personal trainer, you need to have a recognized personal training certification and be proficient with digital communication and fitness software platforms. Building a robust online presence through a professional website and social media, and using platforms like can help manage and deliver training sessions, track client progress, and handle payments securely online.

What qualifications do I need to be a personal trainer?

To become a personal trainer, you typically need to obtain a certification from a reputable organization such as ACE, NASM, or ISSA. These certifications ensure you understand fundamental health and fitness principles, including anatomy, nutrition, exercise science, and program design. Continuing education and specialization can further enhance your credentials and marketability.

Read More: Best Personal Trainer Certifications

Who pays personal trainers the most?

High-end fitness clubs, private sports clinics, and luxury resorts typically pay personal trainers the most, especially if they have advanced certifications and a specialized skill set. Personal trainers with a strong client base and those who run their businesses can also command higher rates, particularly if they offer specialized services or online training.

Can personal trainers work remotely?

Yes, personal trainers can work remotely by offering online coaching services. This involves delivering workout plans, nutritional advice, and motivational support through video calls, apps, or web platforms. Remote training allows trainers to expand their client base without geographical constraints.

Is there a demand for online personal trainers?

Yes, there is a growing demand for online personal trainers, especially as more people seek flexible, home-based fitness options. The rise of digital technology and fitness apps has made it easier for personal trainers to offer their services remotely, catering to a global clientele.

Do online personal trainers make money?

Yes, online personal trainers can make money, and often quite substantially. The key is to effectively market your services, maintain high engagement with clients, and leverage technology to deliver personalized and effective training programs. Utilizing comprehensive platforms like can help optimize these processes and increase revenue.

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Is an online personal trainer certification worth it?

An online personal trainer certification can be worth it if it expands your knowledge and helps you reach more clients digitally. These certifications prepare you to deliver training remotely, covering aspects like virtual communication, online program design, and digital tools that enhance client engagement and retention.

What type of fitness instructor makes the most money?

Specialized fitness instructors, such as those trained in Pilates, yoga, or those with skills in niche areas like senior fitness or rehabilitation, often make the most money. Instructors who manage their studios or have developed a strong personal brand can also command higher fees.

What do most personal trainers charge per hour?

Most personal trainers charge between $30 to $100 per hour, depending on their location, experience, and specialization. Rates can be higher in urban areas or for trainers with high demand and proven results.

Read More: What do most personal trainers charge per hour?

Can you make $100k/yr as a personal trainer?

Yes, making $100k/yr as a personal trainer is achievable, especially for those who run their own business, work in high-end facilities, or have a strong online presence. Successful personal trainers often supplement their income with group classes, online training, and selling fitness products or programs.

Read More: Can you make $100k/yr as a personal trainer?

Can a personal trainer deduct mileage?

Yes, personal trainers can deduct mileage if they use their vehicles for business purposes, such as traveling to clients’ homes or different training locations. Keeping accurate records of business-related mileage is essential for tax purposes.

How do I become a personal trainer?

To become a personal trainer, obtain a certification from a recognized institution like NASM, ACE, or ISSA. Gain experience through internships or working at fitness centers. Continuously educate yourself on the latest fitness trends and techniques.

Read More: How do I become a personal trainer?

How do I become a personal trainer on a cruise ship?

To become a personal trainer on a cruise ship, you must be certified and have several years of experience. Apply through cruise line job portals and be prepared to demonstrate your training skills and knowledge during the interview process.

Read More: How do I become a personal trainer on a cruise ship?

What are the highest paying traveling fitness jobs?

The highest paying traveling fitness jobs include working as a personal trainer on luxury cruise ships, international resorts, or conducting high-end fitness retreats around the world. These positions often offer competitive salaries plus tips and commissions.

  • Highest Paying Fitness Jobs

How do I start an online personal training business?

To start an online personal training business, develop a strong online presence through a professional website and social media. Use a reliable platform like to manage clients, schedules, workouts, and payments. Offer personalized training programs and engage actively with your clients to build a loyal customer base.

Read More: How to Start an Online Personal Training Business

What are the best apps for online fitness coaches?

The best apps for online fitness coaches include, Trainerize, and My PT Hub. These apps provide comprehensive tools for managing clients, workouts, and payments, making it easier for trainers to deliver personalized and effective training sessions remotely.

Jimmy Myers Relentless Sports Performance

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  • A best-in-class support system and an exceptional experience. Enjoy accurate, weekly pay, and an entire team dedicated to your happiness on assignment, 24/7.

Plus, you get everything you expect from the largest healthcare staffing company in the industry:

  • Exceptional benefits, including premium medical, dental, vision and life insurance beginning day one of your assignment. Want to take time off? Keep insurance coverage for up to 24 days between assignments.
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With Aya, you get:

  • Higher compensation - we negotiate on your behalf.
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  • Paid company housing (pets are welcome to tag along) or a generous housing stipend.
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8 Great Jobs for People Who Like to Travel

Published: Jun 23, 2024 By Kate Johanns

Some of us possess wanderlust, which is a term with German origins. Quite literally, it means to have a lust for wandering. If you’re looking for a job that allows you to “see the world,” these career paths might be just the ticket.

travel jobs

1. Event planner

The hospitality industry—while rocked by the COVID-19 pandemic—is back, and someone has to plan those in-person conferences and events! An event planner helps companies design experiences that achieve strategic goals. For instance, they might plan training conferences, fundraising galas, or large meetings. The event planner needs to be able to translate a client’s ideas into a seamless, cost-effective event where attendees don’t have to think about logistics—and the planner likely will travel to do so, both for site visits and the actual events.

2. Tour guide

A wide range of tour guide jobs exist—but if you work for a company that arranges group tours, you’ll get to travel. Of course, being a tour guide means you’ll be facilitating others’ travel (which means dealing with their foibles), but you’ll likely enjoy special access to tourist sites, as well as make useful connections throughout the industry. You might be able to tack a few days on to the end of a trip.

3. Professor

Earning tenure as a professor is a highly stressful endeavor, but along the way you may be able to spend time in some interesting locations. Tenure-track professors attend many academic conferences, some of which take place abroad. They also have opportunities to teach in study abroad programs, particularly summer study abroad programs in which American professors travel with a group of students for short-term expat experiences.

4. ESL teacher

Almost 1.5 billion people speak English worldwide, and many opportunities exist for English as a second language (ESL) teachers to work in other countries. You’ll need a Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certificate to secure a position teaching English to non-native speakers in other countries.

5. Travel nurse

Working as a travel nurse is one way to ensure you never get bored. As a travel nurse, you’ll work for a staffing agency as opposed to a specific physician or medical facility, and you’ll be placed based on need. You may find yourself securing licensure in a new state or even a new country. The good news is, if you don’t like one area of nursing, you’ll soon be on to new adventures. Travel nurses often have higher salaries than traditional RNs, but the costs of temporary housing may be greater, and your available benefits, such as health insurance, will vary by assignment and the time you take off in between.

6. Sales representative

A sales representative can expect to put in long hours on the road as they travel to visit clients, but if you like to meet new people, pursue competitive goals, and enjoy a high level of autonomy in your job, then it could be the right job for you. Typically, you’ll be assigned a territory or region to cover, so while you might not see the world, you’ll have the chance to get to know a particular area well.

7. Business consultant

If you have an MBA and work at a big consulting firm, it’s likely you’ll have the opportunity to travel and spend time meeting with clients to make presentations and do research. Of course, some of this travel has been curtailed with the ease of remote work, but you’ll still find opportunities to travel in search of client facetime.

A buyer is responsible for deciding what customers will want to purchase and securing that inventory. It’s a high-stress field—if you’re not on target with your trend-watching and can’t negotiate a good profit margin, you might not be long for the industry. But if you are successful, you’ll have the opportunity to go to market, meet with suppliers, and visit manufacturing facilities.

Now, if you really like traveling and want to go a step farther, you could consider finding a job as an expat.

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The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of Saryg-Bulun (Tuva)

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Pages:  379-406

In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered 7 burials, from which a representative collection of artifacts was recovered. Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather headdress painted with red pigment and a coat, sewn from jerboa fur. The coat was belted with a leather belt with bronze ornaments and buckles. Besides that, a leather quiver with arrows with the shafts decorated with painted ornaments, fully preserved battle pick and a bow were buried in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the full-genomic analysis, showed that the individual was female. This fact opens a new aspect in the study of the social history of the Scythian society and perhaps brings us back to the myth of the Amazons, discussed by Herodotus. Of course, this discovery is unique in its preservation for the Scythian culture of Tuva and requires careful study and conservation.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Iron Age, early Scythian period, Aldy-Bel culture, barrow, burial in the coffin, mummy, full genome sequencing, aDNA

Information about authors: Marina Kilunovskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Vladimir Semenov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Varvara Busova  (Moscow, Russian Federation).  (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Kharis Mustafin  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Irina Alborova  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Biological Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Alina Matzvai  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected]

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  21. The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of

    Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather ...

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