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Paramount Stage 9

Paramount logo

Paramount logo found at the intro of many Star Trek films

Paramount Stage 9 is located on the Paramount Pictures lot in Hollywood, California.

Stage 9 was used in most Star Trek productions including the first seven feature films , Star Trek: The Next Generation , and Star Trek: Voyager .

In addition, it was used through the four-year run of Star Trek: Enterprise and also housed sets for the 2009 film Star Trek .

  • 1 1977-1986
  • 2.1 Break-in
  • 3 1994-2001
  • 4 2001-2005
  • 6 Productions
  • 8 External links

1977-1986 [ ]

During its 1977 pre-production, sets for Star Trek: Phase II were slated for construction and permanent use on Stage 9.

Constitution II class bridge, 2293

Main bridge from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Constitution II class engineering, 2270s

Main engineering from Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Most of Phase II 's sets were completed when that series gave way to production of Star Trek: The Motion Picture , at which point they were modified and expanded for use in the feature film.

Stage 9 contained the primary interiors of the refit Enterprise and the USS Enterprise -A including the main bridge , transporter room , sickbay , corridor complex , Captain Kirk's cabin , and engineering .

Paramount Stage 8 housed the rec deck of the Enterprise , seen in The Motion Picture .

After the first feature, the dilithium chamber was added to engineering for the climax of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan . The sets remained mostly unchanged for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock .

The stage was used through Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home for Bird-of-Prey and Enterprise -A interiors, until it was taken over for permanent use in Star Trek: The Next Generation .

1987-1994 [ ]

In 1987 , with the start of Star Trek: The Next Generation , the sets on Stage 9 underwent modifications to become the USS Enterprise -D , the most drastic of which being the overhaul of the engineering and main bridge sets – the latter becoming the battle bridge .

Galaxy class engineering corridor

Corridors from Star Trek: The Next Generation

Edward K. Milkis and Robert H. Justman viewed the existing film sets for the first time in October 1986 to determine what could be reused for the new series. They found the sets in poor shape due to damage caused by cats living on the stage. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 3rd ed., p. 8)

With new bridge and living quarters sets being constructed on Stage 6 for season one , Stage 9 contained the Enterprise -D's engineering, sickbay, crew quarters, transporter room, shuttlebay , and corridor complex sets. Other sets included the fullsize shuttlecraft mockups and interiors.

Sickbay doubled as the observation lounge : the observation lounge windows were covered with carpet during the sickbay scenes. A new conference lounge was built on Stage 8 for season two . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 3rd ed., pp. 10 & 65)

Space across from the transporter room was saved for swing sets such as Troi's office and the battle bridge doubled as Data 's lab and other locations, on and off the Enterprise .

Stage 8 housed the remaining Enterprise -D interiors used post TNG Season 2 and Generations .

Over the seven season run of TNG, the sets were refined – the corridors were expanded for longer tracking shots – but remained mostly unchanged even through the production of the seventh feature, Star Trek Generations .

The vast TNG interior sets were redressed for the final two original series movies, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country , in 1988 and 1991 respectively.

Temporary sets filmed on Stage 9 included the Rutian plaza in the episode " The High Ground " as well as scenes aboard the Talarian observation craft in the episode " Suddenly Human ", filmed on 27 July 1990 . Stage 9 also housed the workout room seen in episodes such as " Clues ", filmed on 29 November 1990 . The Tamarian bridge seen in the episode " Darmok " was built on Stage 9, filmed on 24 July 1991 and 25 July 1991 .

Break-in [ ]

On 10 January 2007 , a user on the video sharing website YouTube posted four videos entitled Stage 9 Interlopers

Consisting of four parts, the videos were shot on the night of 10 March 1988 by (at least) two fervent Star Trek fans who had broken onto the Paramount lot. Wandering through the darkened sets of Star Trek: The Next Generation (circa season one), the fans were able to light select parts of the sets, including most of the ship's display terminals and part of the warp core . Dressed in a makeshift Starfleet uniform (with white socks), one of the fans acted as the host of what was likely intended to be a homemade documentary – at one point climbing onto a sickbay biobed , then accidentally knocking it to the floor. Taking still photographs of the various "working" control panels, the fans can be heard discussing ways of removing set pieces from the stage.

According the YouTube user's description of the videos, when the fans were caught, they dropped the camcorder containing the footage and fled. [1]

1994-2001 [ ]

After their use in Generations , the sets on Stage 9 underwent yet another revamp for their debut as the USS Voyager . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 3rd ed., p. 321) Richard James used his TNG experience and designed the Voyager sets to be easier to film than previous ones. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , page 91)

USS Voyager corridor

Corridors from Star Trek: Voyager

As on TNG , Stage 9 housed engineering, sickbay, transporter room, junior officers' quarters, the corridor complex, and the shuttlebay/cargo bay/holodeck. A large science lab was eventually constructed here as well. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , page 83)

While most sets retained their general positions, the Voyager engineering set was dramatically expanded, gaining a large second level. In its previous incarnation, engineering stood as part of the corridor complex and was often modified to represent a junction or living area. The revamp for VOY corrected this problem by making engineering its own compartment – a permanent standing set.

Sickbay was joined by a small biomedical laboratory for the second season , to the consternation of some crew members who felt the space would be better utilized for production storage. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , page 91)

Stage 8 housed the remaining Voyager interiors used in VOY.

In 1996 , Voyager 's sickbay was modified for use in Star Trek: First Contact and again in 1998 for Star Trek: Insurrection . The entrance to main engineering also represented the USS Enterprise -E 's library, while the transporter room was also reused and slightly redressed.

For the second season episode " Resistance ", Stage 9 housed the set of Caylem 's shelter. The scenes were filmed on Monday 25 September 1995 and Tuesday 26 September 1995 .

On Monday 2 April 2001 , Stage 9 housed the sets for the cave interiors, jungle sets, and rocky side areas during second unit for the seventh season episode " Natural Law ".

The science lab set was the first standing Voyager set on Stage 9 to be demolished, on 22 March 2001 . Tuvok's hospital room from " Endgame " was constructed in its place. Engineering was dismantled over 29 March 2001 to 5 April 2001 . Demolition started on the cargo bay set on 5 April 2001 as well. ( Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 2, Issue 4 , pages 69-71)

2001-2005 [ ]

In 2001 , following the end of Voyager 's final season , all of the sets in Stage 9 were permanently removed.

USS Defiant (NCC-1764) bridge

Star Trek: Enterprise , " In a Mirror, Darkly "

Instead of being home to the interiors of Enterprise NX-01 for Enterprise , Stage 9 housed only that series' cave set and various swing sets. Paramount Stages 18 and 8 housed all of the NX-01 interiors used in Enterprise .

Stage 9 housed the following sets:

  • Captain's mess ( ENT : " Terra Nova ")
  • Terra Nova underground tunnels , caves , gutting room , and well ( ENT : " Terra Nova ")
  • Underground catacombs , stairwell , archway, meditation room, and reliquary at the monastery at P'Jem ( ENT : " The Andorian Incident ")

The meditation room set was built near the spot where the transporter room aboard the USS Enterprise was built for Star Trek: The Motion Picture in 1977 . ( "The Andorian Incident", text commentary , ENT Season 1 DVD special feature )

The catacombs sets in this episode were an expansion of the cave sets from the previous episode, " Terra Nova " and were enlarged, modified, and several times used on following episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise . ( "The Andorian Incident", text commentary , ENT Season 1 DVD special feature )

  • Surface of Archer's Comet ( ENT : " Breaking the Ice ")
  • Shuttlepod 1 interior, Akaali forest clearing , and basement mine control room and stairwell ( ENT : " Civilization ")
  • Risan bistro, nightclub, and basement under the nightclub and Hoshi Sato's apartment ( ENT : " Two Days and Two Nights ")
  • Rura Penthe ( ENT : " Judgment ")
  • Bridge of the USS Defiant ( ENT : " In a Mirror, Darkly ", " In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II ")
  • Rigel X ( ENT : " These Are the Voyages... ")

Paramount Stage 9 roof

Stage 9 roof in " These Are the Voyages... "

The ceiling of the stage was actually seen in the scenes of " These Are the Voyages... ", as it was deemed a good fit for the interior of the complex.

Stage 9 was home to the mines of Remus in 2002 for the filming of scenes from Star Trek Nemesis .

Following the cancellation of Enterprise in 2005 , Stage 9 was, for the first time in many years, put into use in non- Star Trek productions.

According to a May 2007 news item from The Trek Movie Report website, J.J. Abrams ' 2009 film, Star Trek , was – in part – filmed on Paramount's Stage 9.

Set construction was scheduled to take place in July 2007 , utilizing other "historic" Star Trek sound stages including Stages 8, 11 , 14 , 15 , and 18. [2]

Productions [ ]

  • Star Trek: Phase II
  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
  • Star Trek Generations
  • " Caretaker " ( Val Jean interior, transporter room, corridors, Kazon bridge, Cardassian bridge, Neelix's junk ship, Neelix's quarters and bathroom, sickbay, Mark's House, engineering)
  • Star Trek: First Contact
  • Star Trek: Insurrection
  • Star Trek: Enterprise
  • Star Trek Nemesis
  • Star Trek ( 2009 )

Sources [ ]

  • Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens , Star Trek Phase II: The Lost Series
  • Stephen Edward Poe , A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager
  • Michael and Denise Okuda , Star Trek Nemesis (Special Edition) text commentary
  • Michael Okuda, A Brief History of Paramount Stages 8 & 9 , [3] (X)

External links [ ]

  • Paramount Pictures – official website
  • , the official Star Trek website
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 2 USS Voyager (NCC-74656-A)
  • 3 PRO Season 2
  • In Memoriam

Stage 9 – Virtual Enterprise D Recreation

A painstakingly detailed recreation of the Enterprise-D, one of the most iconic starships in science fiction history!

The goal of Stage 9 was to allow fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation to put themselves into the Enterprise-D, and explore the ship — every deck, every room, including the places we didn’t get to see on TV!

The project began as a labor of love from our founder, Rob Bryan.  “To be able to walk around on the Enterprise-D, and just for a moment feel like I was a part of that thing, was very exciting to me.”  Very quickly, the project attracted the incredible talents of a diverse group of like-minded developers, all willing to donate their free time to realize the ability to inhabit and explore this environment that symbolized hope and optimism for the future.  Working together, their shared childhood dream took shape, and became a reality.

Over the course of two years, we released 10 versions of Stage 9 for Windows, Mac, and Linux, including multiple VR-compatible releases.  Along the way we added new interactions for props and consoles, and areas to explore.  Unfortunately, despite being very clear that we were a fan creation (and not an official project) with tremendous respect for the IP, and offering the product for free (with no financial support from anyone), the project received a Cease & Desist letter from CBS in September, 2018 and the project was immediately shut down.

This page serves as a fan-art memorial for this groundbreaking project. 

Game Features

The project recreated most of the seen-on-screen sets, including the Bridge, Main Engineering and related spaces, Sickbay, Transporter Rooms, shuttlebays, Ten Forward, Stellar Cartography, various crew quarters variants, Holodecks, cargo bays, labs, and more.

Referencing blueprints and sketches found in our research, the team expanded to lesser-known and even never-before-seen spaces, including the ship’s Computer Core, Nacelle Control, Main Shuttlebay complex, Two Forward and Nine Forward lounges,  escape pods, cargo storage, phase range, and more. 

Along the way, we allowed fans to interact with props, turbolifts, replicators, shuttles, and a variety of consoles scattered around the ship.  You could fire torpedos, warp to different space locations (including DS9), survive a brief encounter the Borg, and more. We also added an interactive Holodeck, where we allowed players to explore differences in the various bridge variants of the Enterprise-D that had appeared over the years.

We encouraged fans to post screenshots from the project on our Discord, and the results were both creative and beautiful — from walking on the hull to glamour shots taken from aboard shuttles, it was clear Stage 9 fans got as much enjoyment out of exploring Stage 9 as we did creating it!

star trek tng stage 9

In Stasis – No Longer Distributed


Share your memories of stage 9 on our discord.

star trek tng stage 9

Messy Desk Interactive Dunster, Minehead, UK

  • Our Projects
  • The Orville - Interactive Fan Experience
  • Stage 9 - Virtual Enterprise-D (Inactive)

(c)2022, Messy Desk Interactive  All Rights Reserved.

Stage 9 was a fan project, to create a virtual reality recreation of the Star Trek Enterprise. Over the two years it was available, the recreation was available for free, and put out ten distinct releases.

What is Stage 9? The aim of the Stage 9 project is to recreate the sets used in Star Trek The Next Generation in Unreal Engine 4 with a focus on attention to detail. The eventual goal is to allow you to explore every part of the ship that you’ve seen on the show and interact with it. [1]

The creators of this project received a cease & desist order from license holders CBS in September 2018. All development ceased, and with TPTB unwilling to compromise, Stage 9 was taken offline.

Stage 9 was described as a work of fanart by its developers.

Not long after the cease and desist, the developers formed a company 'Messy Desk Interactive', and started work on The Orville - Interactive Fan Experience, and in 2020, they started designing Starship Simulator.

Stage 9 Developers Announcement

On behalf of all of the developers, we’d like to say that we’re grateful and humbled for all the support our fans have been sending our way after the news broke. We have, however, read a couple of false statements being passed around on social media, and would like to briefly clarify them here: Stage 9 is and always was intended as a free and non-profit fan-made project. None of the developers involved received any form of payment or compensation of any kind for helping out with the development. We haven’t ‘lawyered up’, and we don’t intend to. No lawyer representing us ever called CBS or was at all involved when we tried to negotiate a solution for this. We’re just a group of fans, we respect CBS’s right to protect their IP, we just hoped to find an amicable solution that would leave everybody happy. Once again, we’re very thankful for all the support on social media, we hope to continue seeing you all out there during this journey. [2]
The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity. A quote from Jean Luc Picard referenced by Scragnog in his final video update

Fan Reaction and Opinions

In light of the removal of Stage 9 many fans discussed issues of fair use , and what constituted a transformative work .

STAGE9 was a free fan project, hardly different than writing fan fiction or sharing drawings, it is embarrassing that anyone would defend this legal bullying preventing a fan from sharing a hobby with other fans. [3]
but a personal drawing of copyrighted material is probably covered under fair use. Nope, that's a derivative work, unless a judge deems it is sufficiently different from the original as to be transformative. For example, if you made a sketch of Captain Picard directly viewed from a paused scene, that technically copyright infringment; if, however, you did that but in a Picasso-esque cubist style, that's probably not copyright infringment by virtue of it's transformative nature. Of course, such a ridiculously minor infringment would be laughed out of court if anyone tried to pursue it. [4]
It still doesn't fall under fair use as they are still using some one else's property in a non-transformative way, that was not educational or a parody. eh not seeing any harm done to star trek from this. Many of the rooms were made up with their own imagination, not copied. Not trying to profit from it. The verdict is in.... Stage 9 declared Fair Use. Not your decision to make. [5]

Links and Further Reading

  • Stage 9: Complete TNG Enterprise 1701-D Walkthrough created by Youtube user, bcbotkillerpresents, in response to rumors of a shutdown.
  • Enterprise - D is Destroyed! - Stage 9 SHUTDOWN via CBS! - Star Trek Recreation , vid discussing shutdown by Youtube user Captain Jack.
  • ^ Archived version of Official Site , accessed 3 January 2019
  • ^ Official announcement from Stage 9 developers accessed 3rd January 2019.
  • ^ Comment on thread, The reasons behind Stage 9 Star trek project shutdown revealed , Reddit , October 2018.
  • ^ Comment on thread, A bunch of nerds gave me the Enterprise, and CBS took it away. I don't think i'll ever forget that , Reddit, October 2018.
  • ^ Discussion on the thread Stage 9 gets cease and desist order from CBS , Oct 8 2018.
  • Star Trek TNG
  • 2016 Fanworks
  • Star Trek Fanworks

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Stage 9 is a fan remake of Star Trek The Next Generation in Unreal Engine 4, available for download

Star Trek fans, here is something special for you today. Stage 9 is a fan project that aims to remake the sets used in Star Trek The Next Generation in Unreal Engine 4. According to its creators, the ultimate goal of this remake is to allow players to explore the entire Enterprise D from Star Trek The Next Generation in a detailed virtual recreation.

Once the ship is completed, the team will be adding in some subtle easter eggs and create different things to interact with in each room. Furthermore, the LCARS displays will one day allow players to perform various actions in the game by pressing buttons on the displays.

What’s really cool here is that there is a version of this project that you can go ahead and download right now. Not only that, but there is a VR version too that supports both the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive VR headsets.

Those interested can download Star Trek The Next Generation Unreal Engine 4 from here , and below you can find the key features of its latest version (as well as some screenshots). Kudos to our reader HAL9000 for informing us!

Stage 9 Version 0.0.10 Key Features

  • An entirely new Main Bridge, created by Rekkert with high fidelity accurate LCARS displays made by Stealth_Ferret
  • Our first set of ongoing changes to implement better lighting in the interior rooms (turns out, baked lighting is actually awesome!) thanks to Jeff_The_Sloths awesome work!
  • The Main Bridge Viewscreen is now a proper viewscreen, change the angles from Worfs Tactical Console
  • Our 3rd new NPC, Miles O’Brien, created by Z4G0
  • Test your phaser skills in the 2 Phaser Ranges on Deck 4
  • A bunch more star systems to warp to
  • Type 15 Shuttle is now flyable
  • Fly the ship around inside star systems in both first and third person
  • Fully functioning Holodeck with a list of simulations to run (including the original series Enterprise Bridge, created by the talented Ian62)
  • Brand new music sequences composed by Patrick Phillips
  • New Ressikan Flute, you too can play the Inner Light theme tune!
  • By popular request, you can see the ship hull outside the Ready Room and Observation Lounge now!
  • Often requested, the reinstatement of Disco mode on the Main Bridge, featuring the amazing ‘Data & Picard’ by Pogo.
  • Real working replicators (well, most of them anyway)
  • Borg Encounter!
  • Warp Core Breach!
  • Earth, Dry Dock! The Defiant! LOTS OF THINGS!

star trek tng stage 9

John is the founder and Editor in Chief at DSOGaming. He is a PC gaming fan and highly supports the modding and indie communities. Before creating DSOGaming, John worked on numerous gaming websites. While he is a die-hard PC gamer, his gaming roots can be found on consoles. John loved – and still does – the 16-bit consoles, and considers SNES to be one of the best consoles. Still, the PC platform won him over consoles. That was mainly due to 3DFX and its iconic dedicated 3D accelerator graphics card, Voodoo 2. John has also written a higher degree thesis on the “The Evolution of PC graphics cards.” Contact: Email

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CBS lawyers phase out fan recreation of Star Trek: TNG’s Enterprise

Boldly gone.

star trek tng stage 9

An ambitious project to recreate the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek: The Next Generation has been forced to halt development following a cease-and-desist letter from broadcasting network CBS.

Originally reported by Eurogamer , the project, which was known as Stage-9, was the brainchild of a British Star Trek fan going by the name “Scragnog.” “I originally created Stage-9 in 2016 as a piece of fan-art,” he says in a recently posted YouTube video explaining why the project has stopped. “To be able to walk around on the Enterprise-D always excited me.”

Stage-9 was built in Unreal, and as of its latest version, was a meticulous recreation of the Enterprise’s interior, matching both the layout and the interior style of the starship with impressive accuracy, and letting players eplore areas of the ship such as the Bridge, Main Eningeering, and Picard’s ready-room.

Throughout the project, Scragnog and his team of volunteers were keen to emphasise that Stage-9 was purely fan art. “We made it as clear as we possibly could that this was not an officially licensed project,” he says. “We had no affiliation with CBS or Paramount, and the IP we were trying our harderst to treat with respect was not our own.”

He also emphasised that “Nobody involved was ever in it for financial reasons. Far from it.”

Scragnog was always aware that the project existed at the mercy of the license holder. “Throughout all of this though, we knew it could end at any point.” That end came on the 12th of September when, Scragnong was issued with a cease-and desist letter from the CBS legal department.

“Over the next 13 days we did everything we could to open up a dialogue with CBS,” Scragnog states. He points out that the team were happy to modify anything that “could be highlighted to us” that CBS were particularly unhappy with, to the point of altering the project to look at a different class of ship other than the Enterprise-D.

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“We would have been happy to accommodate any and all of their requests for modification” he says. “Unfortunately, the answer was ‘no’”.

It’s an unfortunate end to an interesting and genuinely well-meaning fan-project, and it’s sad to see CBS clamping down on something that had entirely benign intentions for reasons that the company seemingly still hasn’t disclosed. You can watch Scragnog’s full explanation behind the project’s end below.

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Stage Nine Interlopers

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Take An Immersive Tour Through TNG’s Enterprise-D In Stunning VR

star trek tng stage 9

It’s happened to just about every Star Trek fan young and old: the inescapable fantasy to step onto the bridge of our favorite starships, to walk through the corridors, and stare out at a brilliant starfield as the ship whisks you – and your imagination – into the… Final Frontier .

Stage 9 developer Rob Bryan steps into this fantasy every day. And now, so can you.

A Virtual Enterprise-D Recreation

This is all thanks to virtual reality, both in the conceptual sense of a 3D image on a 2D display, like most video games, and in the sense of the still nascent but inherently  Star Trek -esque VR technology like the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. Indeed, our first glimpses of this kind of technology were seen first on The Next Generation , so what better place to replicate in virtual reality than the legendary Enterprise-D herself?

Bryan, along with a dedicated and enthusiastic team of developers at Stage 9, is recreating the entirety of the Enterprise using Unreal Engine 4, a game engine known for its level of detail and relative ease of use. And while their work-in-progress is steadily advancing toward Trekkie perfection, the results so far are still, in a word, amazing.

star trek tng stage 9

The Enterprise-D bridge, as recreated in Stage 9

Building the Enterprise, One Room At A Time

“ Star Trek has been important to me as long as I can remember, and throughout every episode of TNG specifically, I thought about how great it would be to actually walk around that ship myself,” Bryan told “I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to do that.”

Players have the freedom to roam the  Enterprise , traversing decks, entering rooms, and interacting with objects in the world. Stage 9 is designed using sets seen on the show, and lesser-known sources like production plans that designer Rick Sternbach released in the 1990s. And for those parts of the ship that have no reference material at all, Bryan and his team sometimes indulge in their own inspiration to faithfully recreate these never-before-seen parts of the ship. The result is a massive, explorable environment that isn’t so much a game, as a simulation.

The technology to accomplish this goal has only recently become available, but attempts have been made before. Consider, for example, the secret room in the 1991 game Duke Nukam . A neat little easter egg, but far from a fully realized recreation. Or consider the excellent  Star Trek: Elite Force and its “virtual Voyager” mode, where the player could walk the corridors and rooms of Voyager . Pretty neat and surprisingly immersive,  but the technical limitations of 2001 still held the mode back from the realistic feel many were yearning for. Now, the power of modern video game technology allows Bryan and his team to faithfully recreate intricate details on the Enterprise. And with the release of the Star Trek: The Next Generation Blu-Rays, more detail than ever is available for reference.

star trek tng stage 9

Which chair will you sit in?

The Method Behind the Madness

So why the Enterprise-D ? Well, that comes down to creator preference. Bryan says he grew a stronger connection to TNG than the other  Star Trek shows, thanks to that show’s “sense of wonderment” which accompanied the adventures of Captain Picard and his crew. But more than that, Bryan found a “comforting” aesthetic to the Enterprise set he felt was missing from other shows. But as Bryan notes, recreating that set isn’t as easy as mimicking design. This is where the project’s greatest challenge presents itself.

“The fact that making this an actual 3D space that made sense was great fun for everyone involved, but definitely challenging,” explains Bryan. “How do we make this area ‘feel’ like something you’d see on the show? How would we approach the decor? What purpose would this particular room serve?”

star trek tng stage 9

The rarely seen Shuttlebay 1, expanded by the Stage 9 team.

It’s questions like these the developers ask themselves when recreating parts of the ship, especially parts viewers have only caught glimpses of. Take for example Shuttlebay 1, the biggest shuttle bay on the ship, but one we’ve only seen a part of in the episode “Cause and Effect.” There’s not a lot of reference material, even with Sternbach’s designs, so the Stage 9 team had to take great care in maintaining the aesthetic of the show, while making this mostly-new space interesting for the player to walk around in.

It may surprise people that this labor of love is completely free to use, especially since Bryan and others work hours upon hours every day to push out frequent updates and improvements to the stimulation.

“ Star Trek is something that means a lot to many people, including all of us involved in Stage 9. This is something Patrick Stewart himself said when  announcing his return to Picard, and it resonated significantly with the Stage 9 team: ‘ The Next Generation brought people comfort, saw them through difficult periods in their lives or how the example of Jean-Luc inspired so many to follow in his footsteps, pursuing science, exploration, and leadership.’ Stage 9 itself is our way of paying respect to something we all love.”

Those who wish to step onto the Enterprise with or without a VR headset can do so simply by going to the Stage 9 website . Just check to make sure your computer meets the required specifications. You can also join the team’s Discord to contribute your feedback and help make the stimulation better.

The future is bright for the Stage 9 team. While they still have plenty of work on the Enterprise-D ahead of them – including (at some point in the future) implementing the most requested feature: multiplayer – recreations of other ships are viable down the line. For now, players can be treated to an increasingly immersive recreation of the ship seen most in Star Trek . While players will have to deal with some bugs and performance issues, the trade-off is an opportunity to indulge in our imaginations. Indeed, what better way is there to describe Star Trek ?

Check out the gallery below to view more images from Stage 9’s impressive recreation.

star trek tng stage 9

Connect with us on social: @TrekNewsNet on Twitter , @TrekNews on Facebook , and @TrekNews on Instagram .

[amazon_link asins=’B00ABDGGRC,B01BP06ENA,B01N47VPJG,B013Q1BVIE’ template=’ProductGrid’ store=’treknenet-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8e3af2dd-9855-11e8-9864-d5b9e4d46024′]

star trek tng stage 9

Kyle Hadyniak has been a lifelong Star Trek fan, and isn't ashamed to admit that Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Star Trek: Nemesis are his favorite Star Trek movies. You can follow Kyle on Twitter @khady93 .

star trek tng stage 9


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August 22, 2019 at 8:31 pm

Seems the VR version is not available for download on their site. A temporary bummer!

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Paramount/CBS killed a similar project a few years back. I would download a copy of this sooner rather than later if you are eager to play with this at some point.

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Still looks like a flying dentist’s office, but dated aesthetic or no, I am hot to try this.

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THAT’S THE GREATEST THING!! A thing I dreamed of almost all of my life!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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I just got an Occ Rift and can’t think of better use than reliving all those hours spent watching THG. I can see a possible future where you could be in the middle of an episode either as a virtual Q, just watching the story unfold, or taking the place of a minor crewman that can watch and interact without affecting the actual story.

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Great coverage of Stage9! Glad more people are seeing this develop. Correction: ‘ the secret room in the 1991 game Duke Nukam’ should be: ‘1996 game Duke Nukem 3D’

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Although they say they’re just doing the Ent-D, one of the gallery images above clearly shows the TOS bridge, presumably from the “Relics” holodeck recreation, so there’s still that. This isn’t the first time something like this has been done: way back in the 1990s there was a similar walkthrough produced, though I don’t think it was as immersive (it was more a case of jumping between rooms). The idea of a fully immersive 3-D walkthrough of an Enterprise has been a dream of a lot of people for decades. Way back around 1980 the “Bill Budge 3-D Graphics Tool” came out for the Apple II Plus and I know some people were trying to create a walkthrough of the Enterprise. So this is a dream come true if it all comes together.

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Jeff Mullins

Enterprise D looks so much better than that ugly Discovery ship.

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This is amazing! The D is the only Enterprise for me!

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The stage 9 website, facebook, and youtube have all been scrubbed of content. The Discord is also closed and in read only. Did CBS do its CBS-thing and force these guys shut this down?

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CBS shut this down with a cease and desist letter.

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CBS Killed it… F*ck CBS.

' data-src=

Are you going to cover CBS shutting down this project after you covered it, or are you just going to ignore it like the Discovery plagiarism lawsuit?

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star trek tng stage 9

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star trek tng stage 9

Star Trek: DS9 Almost Made A Big Change To 2 TNG Characters

  • Deleted dialog in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine would have revealed a connection between Lwaxana Troi and Admiral Nechayev, changing their dynamic in The Next Generation.
  • The cut scene would have shown Lwaxana and Nechayev as friends, potentially affecting Admiral Nechayev's relationship with Captain Picard.
  • The deleted line about Lwaxana and Nechayev's friendship could have added depth to their characters, showcasing a more relaxed side of Admiral Nechayev.

Deleted dialog from an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine would have drastically changed how viewers perceived two previously unconnected Star Trek: The Next Generation characters. As a spinoff from TNG , it was understandable that DS9 featured many crossover appearances from characters like Q (John de Lancie) and Thomas Riker (Jonathan Frakes). The addition of Michael Dorn to the cast of Deep Space Nine in season 4 further solidified the show's links to TNG and pushed the character of Lt. Commander Worf in new and interesting directions, and allowed TNG characters like Chancellor Gowron to recur.

With the exception of series regular Chief O'Brien (Colm Meaney), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine only featured Star Trek: The Next Generation characters in guest spots before Worf turned up. Two semiregular TNG guest characters were Lwaxana Troi (Majel Barrett) and Admiral Nechayev (Natalia Nogulich), who each appeared in a handful of episodes of DS9 . Troi and Nechayev never shared a scene , but information cut from DS9 season 3, episode 10, "Fascination", directed by Avery Brooks , would have revealed a hitherto unknown link between them.

Every Star Trek: DS9 & TNG Crossover Ranked Worst To Best

Star Trek: DS9 had several TNG crossover episodes over the years, with everyone from Thomas Riker to Q passing through the station, but which is best?

Star Trek: DS9 Almost Revealed TNGs Lwaxana Troi & Admiral Nechayev Were Friends

"...the sister i never had.".

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 3, episode 10, "Fascination" is the first Lwaxana Troi episode since the Federation entered into the Cold War with the Dominion. In the episode, Lwaxana is attending the Bajoran Gratitude Festival, but is really there to comfort Odo (Rene Auberjonois) after he discovered his people were the Founders of the Dominion. The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion reveals that dialog cut from the shooting script would have explained how Lwaxana came to learn about the Changelings. In the broadcast episode, Odo and Lwaxana's interaction plays out like this:

LWAXANA : Officially I'm here as the Betazoid representative to the Gratitude Festival. But the truth is, I came to see you, you poor sweet tortured man. ODO : Excuse me? LWAXANA : I know the torment you must be going through. To spend your whole life searching for your people only to discover that they're the leaders of that awful Dominion. ODO : You heard about that? LWAXANA : Odo, don't worry. I'm here to help you.

In the shooting script, however, there was a line of dialog about Lwaxana Troi having friends in high places. One of these friends was Admiral Nechayev, whom Lwaxana Troi describes as " the sister I never had. " Although it's a throwaway gag that never made it into the finished episode, the concept of Lwaxana and Nechayev being friends dramatically changes how you see Star Trek: The Next Generation 's Admiral.

How DS9s Deleted Scene Changes Troi And Nechayev In Star Trek: TNG

"there has been a certain amount of tension between us in the past.".

In each of her Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine appearances, Admiral Nechayev is always portrayed as a tough, no-nonsense authority figure. So much so that in Star Trek: TNG season 7, episode 20, "Journey's End", Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) is desperately trying to repair their working relationship. If DS9 had revealed that Nechayev and Lwaxana Troi were "sisters" then it would shed new light on her antagonistic relationship with Captain Picard. Perhaps Admiral Nechayev is so stern with Captain Picard because of how he had previously spurned Lwaxana Troi's advances.

Despite her initial ambivalence toward him in her first Star Trek: The Next Generation appearance, Lwaxana Troi pursued Picard in "Manhunt", forcing him to take refuge in the holodeck. It's easy to imagine, therefore, that Lwaxana would recount Picard's cowardly behavior over drinks with Admiral Nechayev, coloring her opinion of the Enterprise captain as a result. In many ways, it's a shame that Star Trek: Deep Space Nine cut the line about Lwaxana and Nechayev's friendship as it reveals that, stern as she may be, TNG 's admiral clearly knows how to let her hair down.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Cast Terry Farrell, Cirroc Lofton, Rene Auberjonois, Nicole de Boer, Michael Dorn, Andrew Robinson, Nana Visitor, Avery Brooks, Colm Meaney, Armin Shimerman, Alexander Siddig

Release Date January 3, 1993

Writers Ira Steven Behr, Michael Piller, Ronald D. Moore

Showrunner Ira Steven Behr, Michael Piller

Where To Watch Paramount+

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Cast Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Wil Wheaton, Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart, Marina Sirtis, Gates McFadden

Release Date September 28, 1987

Writers Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Rick Berman, Brannon Braga, Ronald D. Moore

Showrunner Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Rick Berman

Star Trek: DS9 Almost Made A Big Change To 2 TNG Characters

These 8 prospects will compete in the inaugural Futures Skills Showcase

Jonathan Mayo

Jonathan Mayo

Since its inception in 1999, the All-Star Futures Game has provided a stage for the next generation of big league stars to show off their tools. Over the years, we’ve seen exciting displays of hitting prowess. But given the nature of the exhibition, it always seemed like the spotlight on those skills was too fleeting.

Some of the game’s best hitting prospects will be able to put their considerable tools to the test in direct competition at the conclusion of the Futures Game on Saturday, July 13 , in the first-ever MLB Futures Skills Showcase.

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A total of eight players — four from each league — will participate in an event inspired by fan-favorite baseball video games of the past and present, giving fans another way to focus on baseball’s future stars after the debut of Spring Breakout earlier this year. Those two events, along with the long-running Arizona Fall League, form a wonderful trifecta of prospect showcases stretching across the calendar.

There will be three rounds of hitting challenges:

1. Hit It Here Hitters have 10 swings to earn points based on each target’s value. There will be obstacles representing infielders' traditional starting positions placed on the infield dirt to add a degree of difficulty. Hitters get points for reaching outfield targets on the fly or on a bounce and they earn points by landing the ball on the bunt target.

2. Call Your Shot This round showcases control and placement, and players will “call their shot” while taking 10 swings to left, center and right. Hitters initially can pick any field to hit the ball to. If successful, then they choose one of the two remaining fields, moving on to the last field once they’re successful with the second one. Once all three fields have been hit, the player can call his shot to any field with any remaining swings. Six points are earned for each successful swing, with hitters needing to clear the infield for it to count.

3. Swing for the Fences This one will feel familiar to most fans as it most closely resembles a Home Run Derby. But points for the home runs are weighted: six points for pull-side or center-field home runs; 12 points for any opposite-field shots. And if a hitter goes deep on consecutive swings, he’ll get an additional six-point streak bonus. If he hits more than two in a row, every home run in the streak will get the six-point bonus.

Here are the participants for each league, seven of whom are currently on MLB Pipeline's Top 100 Prospects list . Four are on Futures Game rosters and four (notated with an ^) are not, though they could get added should a replacement be needed between now and the game.

American League Brooks Lee, SS, Twins ( No. 2 / MLB No. 13 ): The No. 8 pick in the 2022 Draft, Lee left Cal Poly with a career .351/.426/.647 line. He’s been really raking this year in Triple-A with a 1.017 OPS in 19 games, his big league door-knocking held up only by a back injury.

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Sebastian Walcott, SS, Rangers ( No. 1 / MLB No. 73 ): Just 18, the Bahamian phenom who signed for $3.2 million in January 2023 is making some solid adjustments in full-season ball. He started slowly but posted an .853 OPS in June and gives the hometown team someone to root for in this competition.

^-Roman Anthony, OF, Red Sox ( No. 2 / MLB No. 14 ): The Red Sox went over slot to sign Anthony for $2.5 million as a supplemental second-round pick, and after a very slow start to his first full season on the surface, he hit .301/.422/.565 between High- and Double-A last year. Just 20, Anthony shook off a rough April to post an OPS of .868 in May and .905 in June.

^-Tre’ Morgan, 1B, Rays ( No. 13 ): The Rays took Morgan in the third round of the 2023 Draft and it’s looking like it might be a steal. After hitting .332 in three years at LSU, he’s stepped it up a notch in his young pro career, hitting .396 during his 14-game summer debut last year and a combined .340/.429/.505 this year across two levels of A ball.

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National League Cam Collier, 3B, Reds ( No. 3 / MLB No. 85 ): Collier hit the first home run of Spring Breakout. He’s just 19 and already playing in High-A ball. Lou’s son is tied for third in the Midwest League with 13 home runs.

Termarr Johnson, 2B/SS, Pirates ( No. 2 / MLB No. 77 ): The No. 4 pick in the 2022 Draft, Johnson just turned 20 in May and has spent the year in High-A Greensboro. He also shook off a very slow start in April and started getting to his power more over the last month and a half, with six of his seven homers coming since-mid May, while posting a better OPS each month to date.

^-Moises Ballesteros, C/1B, Cubs ( No. 5 / MLB No. 61 ): Signed for $1.2 million in January 2021, Ballesteros is just 20 but has already hit his way to Triple-A. He’s posted a combined slash line of .311/.378/.506 this year and has actually stepped it up a notch (.366/.409/.561) in his first 10 games with Triple-A Iowa.

^-Brady House, 3B, Nationals ( No. 3 / MLB No. 34 ): Taken No. 11 overall in the 2021 Draft, House showed last year what he could do when healthy with a .312/.365/.497 line and 12 home runs in 88 games as he reached Double-A for the first time. He’s currently tied for third in the Double-A Eastern League with 13 homers.


Stat Shows How Historically Dominant Yankees Star Aaron Judge Has Been

Evan massey | 17 hours ago.

Jun 21, 2024; Bronx, New York, USA;  New York Yankees center fielder Aaron Judge (99) at Yankee Stadium.

  • New York Yankees

Aaron Judge and the New York Yankees look the part of a legitimate World Series contender. From an individual perspective, Judge looks the part of being the American League MVP.

Throughout his MLB career, Judge has been working his way up quite a few all-time lists. He still has a lot of career left to be played, but he's been one of the best players in today's era of baseball.

So far this season, Judge has taken his game to another level.

In just 84 games played, Judge has hit .316/.436/.708 and has clubbed 31 home runs and added 82 RBI. Those numbers are absolutely insane.

Currently, Judge ranks No. 3 in batting average, No. 1 in home runs, and No. 1 in in runs batted in.

According to a post on X , formerly known as Twitter, Judge is playing his way into historical company in one wild statistic. He is one of just five players to record a 1.430+ OPS over a 50-game span in the modern era (min. 175 PA).

The only other players to reach that level of play that Judge has shown off this season are Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Ted Williams, and Barry Bonds.

It truly can’t be understated how insane the company Aaron Judge is in right now — Addison (@YankeeWRLD) July 1, 2024

Needless to say, reaching that mark is extremely impressive. It shows a glimpse at just how good and dominant Judge has been this season.

Not only has Judge been performing at an insane level from an individual perspective, he has helped lead his team to an impressive first half of the season as well.

New York holds a 54-32 record, which has them in a three-way tie with the Baltimore Orioles and Cleveland Guardians for the best record in the American League. The Yankess are arguably the most talented all-around team currently in contention at the top.

Judge has shown no signs of slowing down. If he can keep up his current pace throughout the rest of the season, he'll put up one of the best single-player seasons of all-time and could lead his team to a championship as well.

At 32 years of age, the superstar outfielder still has some good years ahead of him. He's clearly not losing a step.

Fans should simply take a step back and enjoy watching greatness at work. No matter who doesn't like the Yankees, seeing Judge play at this level is a work of baseball art.

Evan Massey


Evan Massey is a sports reporter and analyst who covers both the NFL and NBA. He has worked for ESPN, Yahoo! Sports, Forbes, Bleacher Report,,, and many other publications. In his free time, Evan enjoys spending time with his wife and son.

Glastonbury 2024: Celebrity cameos, secret sets and a 10-week-old star - the festival highlights from a brilliant year

Coldplay were joined by Michael J Fox, Dua Lipa joined the crowd, and loads of other celebrities joined the masses to enjoy another brilliant Glastonbury Festival. Here are the highlights.

star trek tng stage 9

Culture and entertainment reporter @gemmapeplow

Monday 1 July 2024 10:26, UK

star trek tng stage 9

Glastonbury 2024 has come to an end, with US singer-songwriter SZA closing the show on the Pyramid Stage following a spectacular weekend of celebrity cameos, fireworks and crowd-surfing.

And music, of course.

Dua Lipa , Coldplay , Little Simz, Shania Twain , Janelle Monae and Cyndi Lauper were among the big names performing, and that was just on the main stage - which is one of more than 100 across Glastonbury 's massive Worthy Farm site in Somerset.

Coldplay perform on The Pyramid stage at Glastonbury. Pic: Reuters

It has been a record-breaking year. With SZA's nature-inspired set on Sunday following Lipa's on Friday, this year's event is the first ever to feature two female headliners. And Coldplay have now headlined five times, more than any other act.

Let's relive the highlights of another weekend that showed exactly why this is the greatest festival in the world, from the main events to the bits you might have missed.

Michael J Fox on stage, Tom Cruise backstage


Some sniffy corners of the internet had been sceptical about Coldplay's return to headline Glastonbury for a record-breaking fifth time, but on Saturday night Chris Martin and co proved exactly why they are perfect for this slot.

Their celebrity fans certainly seem to think so. On stage, after appearances from other artists including Little Simz, they were joined by none other than Hollywood legend Michael J Fox playing guitar for the tearjerker Fix You.

Behind the scenes, Tom Cruise was among those watching stage-side, while Martin's partner Dakota Johnson also appeared to be seen on camera.

Glastonbury founder Michael Eavis was also watching, and received a dedication ditty from the Coldplay frontman, who told him: "We just want to thank you, as humans go you're the best of all sorts. You're a musical charmer, you're the world's greatest farmer. Whoever got knighted wearing shorts? Thank you Michael, we love you."

The following day, Fox shared pictures from the festival on Instagram. "Oh yeah in case you were wondering... it was f****** mind blowing. There is a time for every band and a band for every time. This is Coldplay's time."

Dua Lipa joins the crowd

Dua Lipa. Pic: AP

During her headline performance on the Friday night, Dua Lipa explained to fans how she "manifested" the experience, saying she had "written this moment down... wished for it... worked so hard in the hopes that maybe one day I'll get to do it".

More than this, her wish was specifically to headline on a Friday, "because then I knew I could party for the next two days in the best place on Earth".

Well, we can confirm that for the Saturday at least, the star did get to enjoy the festival as a punter (albeit one with access to a proper bed and a shower, probably). We spotted her walking through the crowd at the Other Stage ahead of The Streets' evening slot, and later backstage in the hospitality area, with her actor boyfriend Callum Turner.

Other celebrity appearances

Stormzy and Maya Jama watch D-Block Europe from the side of the other stage at Glastonbury Festival. Pic: Ben Birchall/PA

Ever since the days of Kate Moss in her micro shorts and wellies in the mid-2000s, Glastonbury has been synonymous with celebrity spotting.

This year was no exception, with former headliner Stormzy, Maya Jama, Alexa Chung, Paul Mescal, Sienna Miller, Cara Delevingne, Leo Woodall and Anya Taylor-Joy among the stars seen around the site.

Noel Gallagher and Dave Grohl (a surprise performer at last year's event) were also reportedly spotted watching LCD Soundsystem stage-side, and Gallagher was later pictured with Belfast rap trio Kneecap, while Oscar-winner Cate Blanchett went to see Paloma Faith.

Russell Crowe was also on site - as a performer, not a guest - with his band Indoor Garden Party, while Idris Elba gave a speech on the West Holts stage to speak about knife crime and discuss his campaign, Don't Stop Your Future.

Secret (and not-so secret) sets

Kasabian's Sergio Pizzorno performing as a secret act on the Woodsies Stage at Glastonbury. Pic: Ben Birchall/PA

"It's Happening! See you 6pm at Woodsies @glastonbury."

It was supposed to be hush hush, but with bookies and secret Glastonbury sources putting their money on Kasabian being the big surprise act in the days beforehand, the Leicester band decided to spill the beans a few hours ahead of the show.

Their message on X was all the confirmation needed to bring thousands to the Woodsies Stage - so many, in fact, the area was closed off almost an hour ahead of the group's start time as a mass of people tried to gain access in sweltering sunshine.

Kasabian headlined the festival back in 2014, so the tent was in capable hands. Theirs was the biggest secret set slot - and featured crowd-surfing from frontman Sergio Pizzorno - but there were numerous others happening across the site.

Plus, lots of star cameos, such as Mel C and Tilda Swinton joining Orbital, Sam Smith making an appearance with Disclosure, and Sophie Ellis-Bextor teaming up with Peggy Gou.

Mike Skinner for PM?

The Streets' Mike Skinner joined the crowd during his set at Glastonbury. Pic: Ben Birchall/PA

Another set featuring some energetic crowd-surfing, The Streets slot on the Other Stage was one of the highlights of the weekend.

Mike Skinner was in and out of the crowd during a performance that embodied the spirit of Glastonbury, featuring hits including Blinded By The Lights, Weak Become Heroes, Fit But You Know It, Dry Your Eyes and more.

One fan at the front sharing messages on his phone managed to get them picked up by the cameras. "Mike Skinner for PM," read one, getting a huge cheer.

Is it too late for next week, do you think?

Glastonbury's youngest fan?

Baby Finlay, aged 10 weeks, 'stole the show' as Annie Mac opened the Other Stage at Glastonbury. Pic: Tom Leese/PA Wire

As DJ Annie Mac opened the Other Stage with a dance set on Friday morning, there was one fan in the crowd who stole the show.

Wearing stripey pyjamas and ear protectors, perched on top of his dad Tom Kay's shoulders, 10-week-old Finlay was met with cheers as he appeared on the big screen several times throughout the set, with special effects turning his image turn into a hallucinatory visual.

"Oh my god, this baby, what a little legend," Mac said to the crowd. She later signed off her performance by thanking "everyone, Glastonbury, and this baby".

Asked what tips they would give to parents thinking of bringing their young children to a festival, mum Rosie Lewis said: "Do it - you can overthink it and it can put you off. But take more nappies than you think you'll need and take more vests and outfits than you think you'll need."

She's Still The One

Shania Twain performing on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury. Pic: Ben Birchall/PA

In front of a sea of fans wearing cowboy hats, country star Shania Twain performed a "life-changing" set for the legends slot.

It has become a Sunday afternoon favourite at the festival, with stars including Kylie Minogue, Diana Ross, Dolly Parton and Tom Jones filling it in previous years.

And Twain revealed she had explored the festival site ahead of her debut performance. "This really is a city, it's a community," she said.

Political statements

The migrant boat appeared above the crowd during Lil Simz's set. Pic: AP/Celebrity Photos UK/Cover Images

Ahead of the general election, Glastonbury was bound to get political this year.

Damon Albarn was among the artists on stage urging music fans to vote next week, while artists including Charlotte Church made calls to "free Palestine" during their performances.

And an inflatable lifeboat that appeared hoisted into the crowd during Idles' set on Friday was later confirmed to be the work of artist Banksy.

The small boat was filled with migrant dummies in orange life jackets , and was criticised by James Cleverly, the home secretary, and deputy prime minister Oliver Dowden.

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star trek tng stage 9

"Festival-goers cosplaying as migrants, and celebrating the actions of people smugglers, while they party is awful," Mr Cleverly wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "Whatever your political views, this isn't something we should trivialise."

The boat appeared as Idles were performing Danny Nedelko, a 2018 release which begins with the lyrics: "My blood brother is an immigrant, a beautiful immigrant." The band were reportedly not aware it had happened until after the set had finished.

The boat also appeared above the crowd during Lil Simz's set the following day.

England v Slovakia courtesy of a 1D star

One Direction star Louis Tomlinson took a TV to Glastonbury to watch the England v Slovakia match

Officially, Glastonbury was not showing the Euro 2024 game, which started just at the end of Twain's set and clashed with acts including Nothing But Thieves, Janelle Monae and Avril Lavigne - but that didn't stop those England fans determined to see it.

At one corner of the festival, near to the Silver Hayes area, a crowd gathered around one fan who had set up a flatscreen and a mifi unit to stream the match - who turned out to be One Direction star Louis Tomlinson.

Others were also spotted watching on phones around the site.

It was very almost a low-light, until extra time. Trailing 1-0 for most of the match, England were saved by a Jude Bellingham equaliser in stoppage time, followed quickly by a goal from Harry Kane in extra time.

Final score - 2-1 to England , who now face Switzerland in the quarter-finals.

Read more: Coldplay joined by Michael J Fox for history-making headline set Kneecap draw 'headline-worthy' crowd against the odds How politics accompanies the music of Glastonbury

star trek tng stage 9

See you next year?

Fans will be pleased to hear organiser Emily Eavis is already in talks with some acts for 2025.

Speaking to the Glastonbury Free Press, the festival's resident newspaper, she said: "We're taking a fallow year in 2026 to give the land a rest, and the festival before a fallow year is always a fun one to plan because you almost have to fit two years into one.

"We're already in talks with some acts for it. It's exciting."

We'll see you in the scramble for tickets in a few months' time.

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  • Michael J Fox
  • Mike Skinner
  • glastonbury


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