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Star Trek: Armada II Banner

Star Trek: Armada II

Mit den hier zur Verfügung gestellten German Patch, Deutschpatch, german language pack, zu Star Trek: Armada II, lässt sich die Sprache des Spiels ändern. Je nach Spiel werden unter anderem das Menü, die Untertitel, die Stimmen, die Sprachausgabe oder die Anleitung ins deutsche übersetzt.

Star Trek: Armada II ist ein Echtzeit-Strategiespiel, welches Activision im Jahr 2001 veröffentlichte. Es spielt im Star-Trek-Universum in der Ära von Raumschiff Enterprise – Das nächste Jahrhundert.

Der Spieler kommandiert Raumschiffe, die sich nur auf einer Ebene bewegen können. Die dritte Dimension ist optional. Im Weltall werden Fabriken, Minen und Forschungseinrichtungen errichtet, um Kampfeinheiten mit unterschiedlichsten Fähigkeiten zu produzieren. Die Karten sind mit Nebeln, Asteroidenfeldern und Wurmlöchern versehen. Zudem können Schiffe mit Warp-Antrieb schneller fliegen. Neben Metall, Dilithium und Latinum als Ressourcen müssen auch Planeten besiedelt werden um die nötige Mannstärke für die Besatzung von Schiffen zu erhalten.

Zu jedem Spiel stehen Euch verschiedene Sprachdateien zur Verfügung. Wählt das gewünschte Language Pack und anschließend einen Hoster zum Downloaden.

Falls ein Versionshinweis ("Geeignet für") bei den Sprachpatches dabei steht, wählt bitte die für Euch passende Version aus.

Deutsche Texte, Stimmen/Sprachausgabe, Menü, Untertitel, Videos Geeignet für: GOG Ersteller: Basho

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star trek armada 2 german language pack

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Star Trek Armada II - Deutsch Patch

  • 13. Dezember 2021 um 17:56

star trek armada 2 german language pack

Basho hat eine neue Datei hinzugefügt:

star trek armada 2 german language pack

Zitat Der Patch stattet das Spiel mit Audio, Texten und Menüs in Deutsch aus. Enthält das deutsche Handbuch (in Extras\Help\Manuals ).
  • 13. Dezember 2021 um 23:39

Super Arbeit, danke dafür. Gibt es auch einen für den ersten Teil, also für Star Trek Armada Teil 1?

  • 14. Dezember 2021 um 00:05

Der 1. Teil ist irgendwie komplizierter. Dauert halt ein bisschen länger.

  • 14. Dezember 2021 um 00:06

Super, danke das du daran schon arbeitest.

  • 2. Mai 2023 um 23:19


  • 3. Mai 2023 um 09:19
Zitat von AguriGlover wo muss ich den pach den reinpacken

Nirgends reinpacken.


  • 3. Mai 2023 um 09:59

Ähm in dem Ordner ist nur eine Editor Datei nix zum instalieren

star trek armada 2 german language pack

  • 3. Mai 2023 um 10:07

Das ist keine "Editor"-Datei. Da steht ja im Reiter "Typ", dass es eine RAR-Datei ist.

Du brauchst ein Entpackungsprogramm. Ich empfehle 7-Zip. Das ist kostenlos und frei von Werbung:

7-Zip » 7-zip.de

Damit lässt sich das Archiv öffnen. Der enthaltene Patch ist eine EXE, die du dann ausführen kannst.

  • 3. Mai 2023 um 12:15

Ahh ok ganz lieben dank =)

  • Echtzeit-Strategie
  • Raumschiff Enterprise

Old Games Download

Star Trek: Armada II

Game description.

Star Trek: Armada II is a real-time strategy video game published by Activision in 2001, based upon the Star Trek universe. The game was developed by Mad Doc Software. It is the sequel to Star Trek: Armada .

Download Star Trek: Armada II

Star Trek: Armada II is no longer abandonware. You can now buy the game from:

Windows (2001)

Star Trek: Armada II on GOG

Additional files, patches and fixes

Star Trek: Armada II Patch 1.1

Star Trek: Armada II Unofficial Patch 1.2.5

Star Trek: Armada II No CD

Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations 3.2.7 – Credit goes to https://www.fleetops.net/

Star Trek: Armada II Windows ReadMe (English)

Star Trek: Armada II Windows Manual (English)

Star Trek: Armada II Screenshots

Star Trek: Armada II Gameplay (Windows)

Similar games

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this is no longer abandonware it is sold on gog

Ok, so I got it to work even when it says I need CD. Essentially I followed all those steps to make a mod, and then instead of opening the mod, I went to the nonfleet operations start trek armada ii and ran that and was able to play and it didnt ask for cd

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  • ENT, TOS and TMP

TOS Ship Pack

Quote: 1. 6 Ships, 1 Station 2. Lightmaps 3. 3D-Borg-Textures 4. Rotated HardPoints 5. Wireframe, Build Button, Admirals Pic 6. New weapons: Phaser & Pulse Phaser & Torpedos 7. Animated construction ship 8. Installer for Entries 9. detailed installation-instructions in english and german 10. english and german odf files Featured ships: Freighter Construction ship with workerbee Surya Coventry Saladin Akula San Francisco Yard

.===========================. -The Original Series Package- °===========================° Content: -Introduction -Characteristics -Information about this MOD -Installation instructions -Model-information -Tips -Contact -Legal Introduction: You have NO permission to change the models and/or to release them. Ask me for authorisation: e-mail or ICQ-UIN (both under Contact). The Copyright of the 3D-Models, the textures, weapons and pictures and everything coming with this Mod-Pack is by me. Characteristics: 1. 6 Ships, 1 Station 2. Lightmaps 3. 3D-Borg-Textures 4. Rotated HardPoints 5. Wireframe, Build Button, Admirals Pic 6. New weapons: Phaser & Pulse Phaser & Torpedos 7. Animated construction ship 8. Installer for Entries Information about this MOD: This MOD contains 7 Models from the TOS era, which are 100% made by me and everything else wich you need to install this shippack. Included Models: Freighter Construction ship with workerbee Surya Coventry Saladin Akula San Francisco Yard More information you can find in the category: "Model-information". Installation instructions _________________________ 1. Copy the files: fwbreach.sod fwconTP.SOD fwcovTP.sod fwcredulous.sod fwsurTP.sod fwtcbe.sod fwtofreig.sod fwwerftTP.sod in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\SOD" ----- fwbreach_EN.odf fwconTP.odf fwcovTP_EN.odf fwcredulous_EN.odf fwsurTP_EN.odf fwtofreig.odf INFO: If you want to use the freighter as a dilithium and latinum freighter, place the file "fwtofreig_DL.odf" in this folder but delete the "_Dl" from the end. INFORMATION: Ignore the files "fwbreach.odf", "fwcovTP.odf", "fwcredulous.odf", "fwsurTP.odf" BUT rename the files "fwbreach_EN.odf", "fwcovTP_EN.odf", "fwcredulous_EN.odf", "fwsurTP_EN.odf" to "fwbreach.odf", "fwcovTP.odf", "fwcredulous.odf", "fwsurTP.odf" in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships" ----- fwwerftTP_EN.odf INFORMATION: Ignore the file "fwwerftTP.odf". BUT rename the file "fwwerftTP_EN.odf" to "fwwerftTP.odf" in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\stations" ----- fwtost.odf fwtosto.odf fwtost2.odf fwtost2o.odf in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\weapons\Photons" ----- fwtos1pulse.odf fwtos1pulseo.odf fwtos2pulse.odf fwtos2pulseo.odf fwtos3pulse.odf fwtos3pulseo.odf fwtos4pulse.odf fwtos4pulseo.odf in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\weapons\Pulse" ----- fwcon1phas.odf fwcon1phaso.odf fwcon2phas.odf fwcon2phaso.odf in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\weapons\Phasers" ----- fwbreacht1.tga fwbreacht2.tga fwbreachwf.tga fwbtex.tga fwbtex_b.tga fwconTPwf.tga fwcov1.tga fwcov2.tga fwcovTPwf.tga fwcreduloust1.tga fwcreduloust2.tga fwcredulouswf.tga fwcrt1.tga fwcrt2.tga fwcrt3.tga fwfrachtwf.tga fwsurt1.tga fwsurt2.tga fwsurt3.tga fwsurTPwf.tga fwtofreig1.tga fwtofreig2.tga fwtostorp2.tga fwtostorp.tga fwwerft1TP.tga fwwerft2TP.tga fwwerft2TP_b.tga fwwerftTPwf.tga gbfwbreach.tga gbfwconTP.tga gbfwcovTP.tga gbfwcredulous.tga gbfwsurTP.tga gbfwtofreig.tga gbfwwerftTP.tga Wfwcon1phaser.tga Wfwcon1pulse.tga Wfwcon2phaser.tga INFO: If you want the yard looking older, then use these Textures: fwwerft1TPbronze.tga fwwerft2TPbronze.tga fwwerft2TPbronze_b.tga And rename them to: fwwerft1TP.tga fwwerft2TP.tga fwwerft2TP_b.tga in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Textures\RGB" ----- fwcovTP.bmp fwconTP.bmp fwsurTP.bmp fwbreach.bmp fwcredulous.bmp fwwerftTP.bmp fwtofreig.bmp in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages" ========== Now use the Installer or follow the next steps. Open the Installer.txt for more information about the Installer ========== 2. Choose a station, in wich you want to build the construction ship. The fedeartion base is fbase.odf and is located here: "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\stations" -Open fbase.odf with your Windows Texteditor (Notepad) or another Program like this. Look for the text: buildItem2 = "fcargo" buildItem3 = "fsrepair" -Write under the text: buildItem4 = "fwconTP". -Save the file and close it. ========== 3.-Choose the directory: "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\techtree". Open the file "fulltech.tt" with the Windows Texteditor and search "fbattle.odf 0". Write under this entry: fwbreach.odf 0 fwcredulous.odf 0 fwconTP.odf 0 fwsurTP.odf 0 fwcovTP.odf 0 fwtofreig.odf 0 fwwerftTP.odf 0 -Save the file and close it. -Do not change the directory but open the file "tech1.tt" with the Texteditor. Search following Entry: fedpod24.odf 1 fedpod14.odf // research pod (engine upgrade level 3) fedpod25.odf 1 fedpod15.odf // research pod (life support upgrade level 3) -Write under this entry: fwwerftTP.odf 0 -Stay in this file and search the following Entry: fspecial.odf 2 fyard2.odf fresear2.odf // special (nebula class) -Write under this entry: fwbreach.odf 0 fwcredulous.odf 0 fwconTP.odf 0 fwsurTP.odf 0 fwcovTP.odf 0 fwtofreig.odf 0 -Save the file and close it. ========== 4.-Choose the directory: "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Sprites". open the file "gui_global.spr" with the Windows Texteditor. Look for the entry: @reference=64 b_fmining gbfmining 0 0 64 64 b_fsensor gbfsensor 0 0 64 64 -Write under this entry: b_fwsurTP gbfwsurTP 0 0 64 64 b_fwcovTP gbfwcovTP 0 0 64 64 b_fwbreach gbfwbreach 0 0 64 64 b_fwcredulous gbfwcredulous 0 0 64 64 b_fwconTP gbfwconTP 0 0 64 64 b_fwtofreig gbfwtofreig 0 0 64 64 b_fwwerftTP gbfwwerftTP 0 0 64 64 -Search in the same file the entry: fupgradew1 fedwireframe07 0 192 48 48 fupgradew2 fedwireframe07 48 192 48 48 fupgradew3 fedwireframe07 96 192 48 48 fupgradew4 fedwireframe07 144 192 48 48 fupgradew5 fedwireframe07 192 192 48 48 -Write under this entry: fwsurTPw1 fwsurTPwf 160 0 80 80 fwsurTPw2 fwsurTPwf 0 80 80 80 fwsurTPw3 fwsurTPwf 80 80 80 80 fwsurTPw4 fwsurTPwf 80 0 80 80 fwsurTPw5 fwsurTPwf 0 0 80 80 fwcovTPw1 fwcovTPwf 160 0 80 80 fwcovTPw2 fwcovTPwf 0 80 80 80 fwcovTPw3 fwcovTPwf 80 80 80 80 fwcovTPw4 fwcovTPwf 80 0 80 80 fwcovTPw5 fwcovTPwf 0 0 80 80 fwbreachw1 fwbreachwf 160 0 80 80 fwbreachw2 fwbreachwf 0 80 80 80 fwbreachw3 fwbreachwf 80 80 80 80 fwbreachw4 fwbreachwf 80 0 80 80 fwbreachw5 fwbreachwf 0 0 80 80 fwcredulousw1 fwcredulouswf 160 0 80 80 fwcredulousw2 fwcredulouswf 0 80 80 80 fwcredulousw3 fwcredulouswf 80 80 80 80 fwcredulousw4 fwcredulouswf 80 0 80 80 fwcredulousw5 fwcredulouswf 0 0 80 80 fwconTPw1 fwconTPwf 160 0 80 80 fwconTPw2 fwconTPwf 0 80 80 80 fwconTPw3 fwconTPwf 80 80 80 80 fwconTPw4 fwconTPwf 80 0 80 80 fwconTPw5 fwconTPwf 0 0 80 80 fwtofreigw1 fwfrachtwf 160 0 80 80 fwtofreigw2 fwfrachtwf 0 80 80 80 fwtofreigw3 fwfrachtwf 80 80 80 80 fwtofreigw4 fwfrachtwf 80 0 80 80 fwtofreigw5 fwfrachtwf 0 0 80 80 fwwerftTPw1 fwwerftTPwf 160 0 80 80 fwwerftTPw2 fwwerftTPwf 0 80 80 80 fwwerftTPw3 fwwerftTPwf 80 80 80 80 fwwerftTPw4 fwwerftTPwf 80 0 80 80 fwwerftTPw5 fwwerftTPwf 0 0 80 80 -Save the file and close it. -Do not change the directory but open the file "weapon.spr" with the Texteditor. Search following Entry: # Federation Photon torpedo wphoton wftorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4 -Write under this entry: # Federation TOS torpedo fwtost fwtostorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4 # Federation TOS torpedo 2 fwtost2 fwtostorp2 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4 # Federation TOS Pulse Wfwcon1pulse Wfwcon1pulse 0 0 128 32 # Federation TOS Pulse Wfwcon2pulse Wfwcon1pulse 0 32 128 32 # Federation TOS Pulse Wfwcon3pulse Wfwcon1pulse 0 64 128 32 # Federation TOS Pulse Wfwcon4pulse Wfwcon1pulse 0 128 128 32 # Federation phaser fwcon1phaser Wfwcon1phaser 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4 # Federation phaser fwcon2phaser Wfwcon2phaser 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4 -Save the file and close it. ========== Done Model-Information: Coventry Polys: 2008 Surya Polys: 2345 Akula Polys: 2382 Saladin Polys: 1719 Workerbee Polys: 32 Construction ship Polys: 2176 animated: yes Freighter Polys: 2040 High resolution textures: yes 3D-Borgtexture: yes Wireframe: yes Buildbutton: yes ShipImage: yes SODs by me: yes adapted ODF: yes Special-Weapons by me: none Lightmaps: yes New Weapons Pulse Phaser: yes (4) Phaser: yes (2) Photon Torpedos: yes (2) Contact__________________ Questions to: [email protected] ICQ: 148686453 Legal_______________________________________________ This file is in no way connected to, or affiliated with Activision, its employees, representatives, consortiums, or other persons or companies associated with it. Therefore, the creators of this file, Activision, and it's subsidiares take no responsibilty for harm this file may do to your computer. Also, don't use others' models in mods and or releases with out the authors permission. Have fun with this TOS Pack! FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER


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star trek armada 2 german language pack

They just don't start

Stardust wrote: Anyone have any thoughts on why Future Wars craps out on install?
Stardust wrote: From the quality of the effects and models I want to say that Future Wars is designed for stock and not FleetOps. However I found this thread https://www.fleetops.net/forums/modscom ... wars-13030 which has a link to what appears to be the mod in a zip format. I have seen people complaining about the LACK of Andorians, and frankly I'm not too worried about that. I want to see some of the ships, and see them in action. And see big ships with more than just a phaser and a torpedo launcher! I'll try it tonight and see if it works or not.


Stardust wrote: Where is this emitters.spr file, and what needs to be changed?

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    star trek armada 2 german language pack

  6. Star Trek Armada 2

    star trek armada 2 german language pack


  1. Lets Play

  2. Star Trek Armada 2 Mission 11

  3. Lets Play

  4. Die Rettung

  5. Let's Play Star Trek Armada 2 Klingonen Mission 6 Teil 1/2

  6. Let's Play Star Trek Armada 2


  1. German Language Mod for STA2 for Star Trek: Armada II

    Sie benötigen eine vollwertig funktionstüchtige Kopie. des Spiels: Star Trek: Armada II. Diese Modifikation ändert nur die Sprache, in TON, TEXT und. VIDEO Dateien, es werden keine weiteren Veränderungen am. Spiel oder den Einstellungen vorgenommen. Mod appreciation week spread the love, win games!

  2. Star Trek: Armada II deutsche Sprachdateien, German Language Files

    Mit den hier zur Verfügung gestellten German Patch, Deutschpatch, german language pack, zu Star Trek: Armada II, lässt sich die Sprache des Spiels ändern. Je nach Spiel werden unter anderem das Menü, die Untertitel, die Stimmen, die Sprachausgabe oder die Anleitung ins deutsche übersetzt.

  3. Star Trek Armada II

    Übersicht. Versionen 1. Mit diesem Patch wird das Spiel komplett eingedeutscht. Der Patch stattet das Spiel mit Audio, Texten und Menüs in Deutsch aus. Enthält das deutsche Handbuch (in Extras\Help\Manuals ). Echtzeit-Strategie. Raumschiff Enterprise. 3 3. Mit diesem Patch wird das Spiel komplett eingedeutscht.

  4. Star Trek Armada II

    Star Trek Armada II - Deutsch Patch. Mit diesem Patch wird das Spiel komplett eingedeutscht. Basho 13. Dezember 2021 um 20:53. Zitat Der Patch stattet das Spiel mit Audio, Texten und Menüs in Deutsch aus. Enthält das deutsche Handbuch (in Extras\Help\Manuals). ulli0824. Unterstützer Offline. Steam. ulli2408.

  5. German Language Mod for STA2 for Star Trek: Armada II

    This Modification adds German Language Support in Sound, Text and Video to Game Star Trek: Armada II (Objectives, Menus, Descriptions pretty much everything)

  6. Fleet operations in german

    But now i know, not all think so. And I think it will help to find more german-speaking Players for FO because the inhibition threshold to try out FO is lower if the native language is avaiable. I now translated nearly the whole menu, borg-tooltips and a handful of dominion tooltips at my work free day. I attached the files i translated.

  7. Star Trek Armada 2 auf Windows 10/11 in Deutsch

    In Vorbereitung meines Let's Plays bringe ich die GoG Version auf die deutsche Version und sorge mit einer Mod für eine schönere Optik. Wie genau das geht un...

  8. German language available?, page 1

    German language, German Deutsch, the sanctioned language of each Federal Republic of Germany and Austria, and one in every of the sanctioned languages of Schweiz. German Language classes in Pune are associated with inflected language with four cases for nouns, pronouns, and adjectives (nominative, accusative, genitive, dative), 3 genders ...

  9. Star Trek: Armada Files

    33,325. Armada II/Mods/Total Conversions. Concept : Future Full Mod v1.00. 33,118. Armada II/Mods/Total Conversions. The archive currently contains 3,191 files. To date, these have been downloaded 5,490,212 times. ArmadaFiles is home for Star Trek: Armada and Star Trek: Armada II patches, maps, mods and other downloads.

  10. Members

    This Modification adds German Language Support in Sound, Text and Video to Game Star Trek: Armada II (Objectives, Menus, Descriptions pretty much everything) Watchers Reset

  11. Star Trek: Armada II

    Star Trek: Armada II is a real-time strategy video game published by Activision in 2001, based upon the Star Trek universe. The game was developed by Mad Doc Software. It is the sequel to Star Trek: Armada. Download Star Trek: Armada II. Star Trek: Armada II is no longer abandonware. You can now buy the game from:

  12. Sammelthread zu Deutsch-Mods und Sprachpatches für Spiele die hier nur

    Download the best games on Windows & Mac. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love.

  13. Home

    Welcome. Fleet Operations is a popular skirmish and multiplayer orientated total conversion modification for Activision's real-time strategy game, Star Trek: Armada II. The project's goal was not only to create a simple "modification", but to design a total conversion to make Armada II a worthy successor to the second best-selling Star Trek ...

  14. Images

    This Modification adds German Language Support in Sound, Text and Video to Game Star Trek: Armada II (Objectives, Menus, Descriptions pretty much everything) Add media RSS instant action advanced german language mod star trek armada 2 (view original)

  15. The Ultimate Map Pack Download. Ever at Star Trek: Armada 2 Nexus

    The Ultimate Map Pack Download. Ever at Star Trek: Armada 2 Nexus - Mods and Community. Hidden mod. This mod has been set to hidden. The reason given by the author is: Game Front is now back online. Due to issues with other websites, they've requested we take down the files we backed up when they went offline.

  16. Jetfreak's Retexture Pack

    1) Back up the original textures first. This is always a must. 2) When done, you can overwrite them at will. 3) Then sit back and enjoy the mod. Cheers. :D. Featuring several reworks of several ship textures, I've been using these for quite a while now and surely deserve a release to the a2 community.

  17. TOS Ship Pack

    1. 6 Ships, 1 Station 2. Lightmaps 3. 3D-Borg-Textures 4. Rotated HardPoints 5. Wireframe, Build Button, Admirals Pic 6. New weapons: Phaser & Pulse Phaser & Torpedos

  18. Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations Languange pack released news

    The Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations Language Pack is now available. This language pack is only for Fleet Operations Beta 2.x. It changes the ingame descriptions of vessels, stations, weapong etc. to the installed language. It includes the following languages: German (by LtCdr and Lt.Cdr.White) Posted by DOCaCola on Jan 28th, 2004

  19. Widescreen resolutions?, page 1

    My problem is that both Armada 1 and 2 just run on their in game graphical presets with the wrapper doing nothing no matter the option I select. Resolved the issue with Armada 1 by installing the unofficial 1.3 patch which added the higher resolutions to the in game options, but no such solution for the second game, as I understand it, the ...

  20. Mods

    Rake's Weapons Textures - Everything Pack. Mar 13 2005 Released 2005 Real Time Strategy. This is a weapon effects mod, replacing the game's original textures with my own, which are based entirely off of, and dedicated to accurately representing... Browse and play mods created for Star Trek: Armada II at ModDB.

  21. They just don't start : Technical Stuff

    It's in the data directory, so for example, my KA2 directory is. Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations\Data\Mods\KA2 EAW Standalone. Within this folder are AI folders, SOD folders, Textures, ODF Etc. as any mod would be. To load, run fleetOps and then on the pre-loading menu, click Options, Mod Settings, select KA2 and click load.