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Frequently Asked Questions

What is webp why should i use it.

WebP is a method of lossy and lossless compression that can be used on a large variety of photographic, translucent and graphical images found on the web. The degree of lossy compression is adjustable so a user can choose the trade-off between file size and image quality. WebP typically achieves an average of 30% more compression than JPEG and JPEG 2000, without loss of image quality (see Comparative Study ).

The WebP format essentially aims at creating smaller, better looking images that can help make the web faster.

Which web browsers natively support WebP?

Webmasters interested in improving site performance can easily create optimized WebP alternatives for their current images, and serve them on a targeted basis to browsers that support WebP.

  • Google Chrome (desktop) 17+
  • Google Chrome for Android version 25+
  • Microsoft Edge 18+
  • Firefox 65+
  • Opera 11.10+
  • Native web browser, Android 4.0+ (ICS)
  • Safari 14+ (iOS 14+, macOS Big Sur+)
  • Google Chrome (desktop) 23+
  • Opera 12.10+
  • Native web browser, Android 4.2+ (JB-MR1)
  • Pale Moon 26+
  • Google Chrome (desktop and Android) 32+
  • Wikipedia WebP article

How can I detect browser support for WebP?

You'll want to serve WebP images only to clients that can display them properly, and fall back to legacy formats for clients that can't. Fortunately there are several techniques for detecting WebP support, both on the client-side and server-side. Some CDN providers offer WebP support detection as part of their service.

Server-side content negotiation via Accept headers

It is common for web clients to send an "Accept" request header, indicating which content formats they are willing to accept in response. If a browser indicates in advance that it will "accept" the image/webp format, the web server knows it can safely send WebP images, greatly simplifying content negotiation. See the following links for more information.

  • Deploying New Image Formats on the Web
  • Serving WebP Images to Visitors Using HTML Elements

Modernizr is a JavaScript library for conveniently detecting HTML5 and CSS3 feature support in web browsers. Look for the properties Modernizr.webp , Modernizr.webp.lossless , Modernizr.webp.alpha and Modernizr.webp.animation .

HTML5 <picture> element

HTML5 supports a <picture> element, which allows you to list multiple, alternative image targets in priority order, such that a client will request the first candidate image that it can display properly. See this discussion on HTML5 Rocks . The <picture> element is supported by more browsers all the time.

In your own JavaScript

Another detection method is to attempt to decode a very small WebP image that uses a particular feature, and check for success. Example:

Note that image-loading is non-blocking and asynchronous. This means that any code that depends on WebP support should preferably be put in the callback function.

Why did Google release WebP as open source?

We deeply believe in the importance of the open source model. With WebP in open source, anyone can work with the format and suggest improvements. With your input and suggestions, we believe that WebP will become even more useful as a graphic format over time.

How can I convert my personal images files to WebP?

You can use the WebP command line utility to convert your personal image files to WebP format. See Using WebP for more details.

If you have many images to convert you can use your platform's shell to simplify the operation. For example, to convert all jpeg files in a folder try the following:

Linux / macOS:

How can I judge WebP image quality for myself?

Currently, you can view WebP files by converting them into a common format that uses lossless compression, such as PNG, and then view the PNG files in any browser or image viewer. To get a quick idea of WebP quality, see the Gallery on this site for side-by-side photo comparisons.

How do I get the source code?

The converter code is available on the downloads section of the WebP open-source project page. The code for the lightweight decoder and the VP8 specification are on the WebM site . See the RIFF Container page for the container specification.

What is the maximum size a WebP image can be?

WebP is bitstream-compatible with VP8 and uses 14 bits for width and height. The maximum pixel dimensions of a WebP image is 16383 x 16383.

What color spaces does the WebP format support?

Consistent with the VP8 bitstream, lossy WebP works exclusively with an 8-bit Y'CbCr 4:2:0 (often called YUV420) image format. Please refer to Section 2, " Format Overview " of RFC 6386, VP8 Data Format and Decoding Guide for more detail.

Lossless WebP works exclusively with the RGBA format. See the WebP Lossless Bitstream specification .

Can a WebP image grow larger than its source image?

Yes, usually when converting from a lossy format to WebP lossless or vice versa. This is mainly due to the colorspace difference (YUV420 vs ARGB) and the conversion between these.

There are three typical situations:

  • If the source image is in lossless ARGB format, the spatial downsampling to YUV420 will introduce new colors that are harder to compress than the original ones. This situation can typically happen when the source is in PNG format with few colors: converting to lossy WebP (or, similarly to a lossy JPEG) will potentially result in a larger file size.
  • If the source is in lossy format, using lossless WebP compression to capture the lossy nature of the source will typically result in a larger file. This is not particular to WebP, and can occur when converting a JPEG source to lossless WebP or PNG formats, for instance.
  • If the source is in lossy format and you are trying to compress it as a lossy WebP with higher quality setting. For instance, trying to convert a JPEG file saved at quality 80 to a WebP file with quality 95 will usually result in a larger file, even if both formats are lossy. Assessing the source's quality is often impossible, so it is advised to lower the target WebP quality if the file size is consistently larger. Another possibility is to avoid using the quality setting, and instead target a given file size using the -size option in the cwebp tool, or the equivalent API. For instance, targeting 80% of the original file size might prove more robust.

Note that converting a JPEG source to lossy WebP, or a PNG source to lossless WebP are not prone to such file size surprises.

Does WebP support progressive or interlaced display?

WebP does not offer a progressive or interlaced decoding refresh in the JPEG or PNG sense. This is likely to put too much pressure on the CPU and memory of the decoding client as each refresh event involves a full pass through the decompression system.

On average, decoding a progressive JPEG image is equivalent to decoding the baseline one 3 times.

Alternatively, WebP offers incremental decoding, where all available incoming bytes of the bitstream are used to try and produce a displayable sample row as soon as possible. This both saves memory, CPU and re-paint effort on the client while providing visual cues about the download status. The incremental decoding feature is available through the Advanced Decoding API .

How do I use the libwebp Java bindings in my Android project?

WebP includes support for JNI bindings to the simple encoder and decoder interfaces in the swig/ directory.

Building the library in Eclipse :

  • Make sure you have the ADT plugin installed along the with NDK tools and your NDK path is set correctly ( Preferences > Android > NDK ).
  • Create a new project: File > New > Project > Android Application Project .
  • Clone or unpack libwebp to a folder named jni in the new project.
  • Add swig/libwebp_java_wrap.c to the LOCAL_SRC_FILES list.
  • Right-click on the new project and select Android Tools > Add Native Support ... to include the library in your build.

Open the project properties and go to C/C++ Build > Behaviour . Add ENABLE_SHARED=1 to the Build (Incremental build) section to build libwebp as a shared library.

Note Setting NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=4.8 will in general improve 32-bit build performance.

Add swig/libwebp.jar to the libs/ project folder.

Build your project. This will create libs/<target-arch>/libwebp.so .

Use System.loadLibrary("webp") to load the library at runtime.

Note that the library can be built manually with ndk-build and the included Android.mk . Some of the steps described above can be reused in that case.

How do I use libwebp with C#?

WebP can be built as a DLL which exports the libwebp API. These functions can then be imported in C#.

Build libwebp.dll. This will set WEBP_EXTERN properly to export the API functions.

Add libwebp.dll to your project and import the desired functions. Note if you use the simple API you should call WebPFree() to free any buffers returned.

Why should I use animated WebP?

Advantages of animated WebP compared to animated GIF

WebP supports 24-bit RGB color with an 8-bit alpha channel, compared to GIF's 8-bit color and 1-bit alpha.

WebP supports both lossy and lossless compression; in fact, a single animation can combine lossy and lossless frames. GIF only supports lossless compression. WebP's lossy compression techniques are well-suited to animated images created from real-world videos, an increasingly popular source of animated images.

WebP requires fewer bytes than GIF 1 . Animated GIFs converted to lossy WebPs are 64% smaller, while lossless WebPs are 19% smaller. This is especially important on mobile networks.

WebP takes less time to decode in the presence of seeking. In Blink , scrolling or changing tabs can hide and show images, resulting in animations being paused and then skipped forward to a different point. Excessive CPU usage that results in animations dropping frames can also require the decoder to seek forward in the animation. In these scenarios, animated WebP takes 0.57x as much total decode time 2 as GIF, resulting in less jank during scrolling and faster recovery from CPU utilization spikes. This is due to two advantages of WebP over GIF:

WebP images store metadata about whether each frame contains alpha, eliminating the need to decode the frame to make this determination. This leads to more accurate inference of which previous frames a given frame depends on, thereby reducing unnecessary decoding of previous frames.

Much like a modern video encoder, the WebP encoder heuristically adds key-frames at regular intervals (which most GIF encoders do not do). This dramatically improves seeking in long animations. To facilitate inserting such frames without significantly increasing image size, WebP adds a 'blending method' flag for each frame in addition to the frame disposal method that GIF uses. This allows a keyframe to draw as if the entire image had been cleared to the background color without forcing the previous frame to be full-size.

Disadvantages of animated WebP compared to animated GIF

In the absence of seeking, straight-line decoding of WebP is more CPU-intensive than GIF. Lossy WebP takes 2.2x as much decode time as GIF, while lossless WebP takes 1.5x as much.

WebP support is not nearly as widespread as GIF support, which is effectively universal.

Adding WebP support to browsers increases the code footprint and attack surface. In Blink this is approximately 1500 additional lines of code (including the WebP demux library and Blink-side WebP image decoder). Note that this problem could be reduced in the future if WebP and WebM share more common decoding code, or if WebP's capabilities are subsumed in WebM's.

Why not simply support WebM in <img> ?

It may make sense long-term to support video formats inside the <img> tag. However, doing so now, with the intent that WebM in <img> can fill the proposed role of animated WebP, is problematic:

When decoding a frame that relies on previous frames, WebM requires 50% more memory than animated WebP to hold the minimum number of previous frames 3 .

Video codec and container support varies widely across browsers and devices. To facilitate automatic content transcoding (e.g. for bandwidth-saving proxies), browsers would need to add accept headers indicating what formats their image tags support. Even this might be insufficient, as MIME types like "video/webm" or "video/mpeg" still don't indicate the codec support (e.g. VP8 vs. VP9). On the other hand, the WebP format is effectively frozen, and if vendors who ship it agree to ship animated WebP, the behavior of WebP across all UAs should be consistent; and since the "image/webp" accept header is already used to indicate WebP support, no new accept header changes are necessary.

The Chromium video stack is optimized for smooth playback, and assumes there's only one or two videos playing at a time. As a result, the implementation is aggressive in consuming system resources (threads, memory, etc.) to maximize playback quality. Such an implementation does not scale well to many simultaneous videos and would need to be redesigned to be suitable for use with image-heavy webpages.

WebM does not currently incorporate all the compression techniques from WebP. As a result, this image compresses significantly better with WebP than the alternatives:

  • GIF (85 KB)
  • WebM with alpha (32 KB)
  • Lossless animated WebP (5 KB) 4

1 For all comparisons between animated GIF and animated WebP, we used a corpus of about 7000 animated GIF images taken randomly from the web. These images were converted to animated WebP using the 'gif2webp' tool using default settings (built from the latest libwebp source tree as of 10/08/2013). The comparative numbers are the average values across these images.

2 The decode times were computed using the latest libwebp + ToT Blink as of 10/08/2013 using a benchmark tool . "Decode time with seeking" is computed as "Decode the first five frames, clear the frame buffer cache, decode the next five frames, and so forth".

3 WebM keeps 4 YUV reference frames in memory, with each frame storing (width+96)*(height+96) pixels. For YUV 4:2:0, we need 4 bytes per 6 pixels (or 3/2 bytes per pixel). So, these reference frames use 4*3/2*(width+96)*(height+96) bytes of memory. WebP on the other hand would only need the previous frame (in RGBA) to be available, which is 4*width*height bytes of memory.

4 Animated WebP rendering requires Google Chrome version 32+

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License , and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License . For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies . Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2024-04-15 UTC.

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Apple Adds WebP Image Support in Safari 14

During today's WWDC Keynote, Apple showed off the latest version of macOS Safari that will ship with iOS 14 and macOS 11 Big Sur.

In the developer notes , Apple notes that it has added WebP image support for the first time in Safari.

apple macos bigsur safari improvedtabs 06222020

WebP images are supported in Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge browsers, but has been notably absent from both iOS and macOS Safari. The addition to Safari makes the format more likely to receive widespread adoption.

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Top rated comments.

Jeaz Avatar

Please let us be able to turn it off or at least download a JPG. Until editing tools widely support WebP this is a headache.

gmanist1000 Avatar

But does it play back 4K YouTube? That’s the only reason I haven’t switched from Chrome.
The addition of animation also allows it to also serve as a substitute to animated GIFs.

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Using WebP Format in Safari Browsers

Adem Mert Kocakaya

The biggest disagreement between websites and Google is the use of WebP image format in images added to the website. As it is known, Google supports the use of low-size, structured image formats for the web such as WebP, JPEG2000, and SVG for successful speed on the website. Especially in page speed analysis, it recommends the use of WebP on websites with "publish images in new formats" warnings. However, unfortunately, not all browsers support the WebP format suggested by Google, and it causes results that will negatively affect the user experience when trying to load sites quickly. One of them is that WebP format images do not appear in Safari browsers, which is among the most popular browsers. Here in this article, we talk about how you can generate solutions to WebP formats in Safari browsers.

What is WebP Format?

With the increase in content production with Web 2.0, the user experience on the pages has also become one of the priority factors. When users visit a website, all DOM elements (images, CSS, JS, etc.) on the page should load quickly, the page should not affect speed metrics such as FCP, LCP, and CLS, and should not slow down pages. However, this positive page speed is not always possible. Especially in e-commerce sites, the use of high-resolution product images causes the pages to load slowly and negatively affects the user experience and data consumption.

One of the image formats used as a solution to this situation is the WebP format. Webp is an image format developed by Google that allows the creation of lower-sized images without losing resolution compared to image formats such as PNG and JPG. WebP format (WebPage) are image format mostly customized for web pages. It is a compressed image extension that allows browsers to be displayed to users without fatigue and without excessive resources.

What Is The Problem With The WebP Format Of Safari Browsers?

WebP formatının avantajlı kullanımından ve Safari tarayıcılarda WebP formatlarının görüntülenmediğinden bahsettik. Peki ama Safari tarayıcıların WebP formatıyla sorunu ne?

WebP formatı, Google tarafından oluşturulduğu ve belli tarayıcıların performansı göz önüne alınarak oluşturulduğu için, her tarayıcı tarafından desteklenmemektedir. Safari tarayıcılar da WebP formatlarını desteklemeyen tarayıcılardan bir tanesidir. Aşağıdaki tabloda hangi tarayıcıların WebP formatını desteklediğini görebilirsiniz.

Using WebP Format in Safari Browsers

It is expected that all browsers will implement updates to support the webp format in the coming years. Because a popular web browser such as Safari does not support the WebP format, which creates a lot of trouble, especially for website owners.

Why Should We Use WebP Format?

One of the important criteria of search engine optimization (SEO) metrics is website speed. The visual and media content used on the site is one of the factors that most affect the speed of the website. For example, an image used in PNG format has a size of 2 MB, while a JPG extension with the same resolution can reduce up to 750 KB because it compresses the image. WebP format, on the other hand, can compress the same image up to 100 KB as it compresses images compatible with browsers.

Using WebP Format in Safari Browsers

In this way, a user visiting the page spends 2 MB of upload time and data while uploading the PNG format image, 750 KB of loading time and data for the JPG format image, and 100 KB of loading time and data in WebP format. This adds a positive score to the user experience by search engines, as it allows the user to load the page faster.

How to Use WebP Format in Safari Browsers?

The use of images with webp extension in Safari browsers is not possible for now. Because the browser infrastructure and rendering engines do not yet support the WebP image extension in Safari browsers. However, there is an alternative solution for users who still want to optimize their site using the WebP format on website.

There is a method to install alternative extensions of images with img tag added to the website HTML, in browser-side lines and inability to load problems. You can fix this problem by using onerror. Example:

WebP Örneği

If you pay attention to the image addition in the code above, we first cited our webp extension image in the "src", that is, the source part of the image. However, we have specified the path to the JPG version of the same image in case there is any error and the image cannot be loaded immediately.

Bu sayede herhangi bir tarayıcıda, WebP formatının yüklenmemesi durumunda tarayıcı, görselin JPG versiyonunu yükleyecek ve kullanıcılara hiçbir görsel kirlilik yansıtmadan kullanıcı deneyimini olumsuz etkilemeyecektir.

Thanks to the Onerror event, you can use your images in WebP format and provide a fast and performance page experience in all browsers that support WebP format.

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ShortPixel Knowledge Base

I use Safari and SPIO, and I can't see WebP images. How can I solve it?

Jpg/png served instead of webp.

ShortPixel Image Optimizer (SPIO) has an option to deliver the WebP images to all compatible browsers, which is located on Settings > ShortPixel > Advanced > Next Generation Images .

In theory, Safari does support WebP  only from version 14 (or iOS 14). Therefore, if Safari 14 is detected, SPIO will serve the original picture instead of the WebP counterpart. Having said that, we have received reports that it's not always enough to have Safari 14 in order to get WebP support. While we find out if this is supposed to work or not, if you see that the original image is served instead of the WebP image, we advise you to test our alternative plugin ShortPixel Adaptive Images , which should properly handle this situation.

safari webp not showing

Image doesn't show up at all

If the issue is that your images are completely gone when the Deliver the next generation versions...  option is active, there could be a few possible explanations why this feature doesn't work:

safari webp not showing

  • Your browser still has old versions of your images. Make sure to clear your browser cache as well: https://clear-my-cache.com/

You have a CDN in front of your website, which is not compatible with the alternative WebP delivery method ( via .htaccess ). There's a chance that this alternative method was selected at a certain point in ShortPixel's settings, and while this setting was on, the CDN cached the .webp versions of the files, which are now being served to all browsers, including Safari. The solution is easy:

safari webp not showing

  • Clear your CDN cache from your CDN control panel. It is important to not clear the CDN cache using a plugin; sometimes plugins cannot clear images from your CDN cache.

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  • Caveats of delivering WebP or AVIF images via .htaccess
  • Which WebP or AVIF delivery method is the best for me?
  • How to create and serve WebP files using ShortPixel Image Optimizer
  • I use SPIO with Cloudflare and my WebP or AVIF images aren't served, why is that?

[Resolved] webp images not showing up in Safari on some computers

Home › Forums › Support › [Resolved] webp images not showing up in Safari on some computers

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Home › Forums › Support › webp images not showing up in Safari on some computers

' src=

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' src=

I saw this issue addressed in the forum and the response was to use .jpg images instead. This doesn’t seem like a satisfactory solution, and I wonder if there is some code I can use in my functions.php file instead.

The website is https://2.bestwebsites.ca/ – it is a mock demo website.

On Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Opera all is great, and it is even OK on my daughter’s MacBook Air in Safari, however on my 2020 MacBook Pro (Catalina) and my 2012 MacBook Pro (Mojave) the webp images do not show up in Safari. Instead there is just a white empty box.

I see 2 javascript errors

1. `throw new Error(‘Bootstrap\’s JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 3’) }` (I do not know how to deal with this either)

2. Cannot load image console.error("Cannot load image")

If I click on one of the empty boxes I am taken to the page with lots of pictures of the car. They all show up as tiny images with a question mark inside.

I would appreciate it if someone could help me with this.

Many thanks!

' src=

1. GP doesn’t load bootstrap so I’m guessing you are loading this or a plugin is loading this. I would recommend disabling all plugins and custom scripts to test.

2. I don’t believe this issue is related to the theme eiter. Does the error still exist with all plugins except GP Premium? If so what if you activate a Twenty series theme to test?

Let me know 🙂

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I have done a plugin and theme conflict test. I have also done all suggestions found on the internet re problems with Safari and webp images. I have run Cocktail and First Aid on my disks, re-started computer, etc. so the problem is not GP theme, nor is it a plugin problem. I just don’t know where else to look for answers.

' src=

Safari has partial support for webP and is limited to MacOS 11 BigSur.


If you’re using WordPresses latest support for webP – then you will have an issue on older OS’s as WP doesn’t provide any legacy support. Which means a webP plugin/serverside option for adding them is still the best way to go.

Thank you for the information David. I think, until it is supported more I will just stick to .jpg’s.

You’re welcome

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WebP image format

Image format (based on the VP8 video format) that supports lossy and lossless compression, as well as animation and alpha transparency. WebP generally has better compression than JPEG, PNG and GIF and is designed to supersede them. AVIF and JPEG XL are designed to supersede WebP.

  • 4 - 5 : Not supported
  • 6 - 8 : Not supported (but has polyfill available)
  • 9 - 22 : Partial support
  • 23 - 31 : Partial support
  • 32 - 124 : Supported
  • 125 : Supported
  • 126 - 128 : Supported
  • 12 - 17 : Not supported
  • 18 - 124 : Supported
  • 3.1 - 13.1 : Not supported
  • 14 - 15.6 : Partial support
  • 16.0 - 17.4 : Supported
  • 17.5 : Supported
  • 17.6 - TP : Supported
  • 2 - 3.6 : Not supported
  • 4 - 64 : Not supported (but has polyfill available)
  • 65 - 125 : Supported
  • 126 : Supported
  • 127 - 129 : Supported
  • 9 - 10.5 : Not supported
  • 10.6 - 11 : Not supported (but has polyfill available)
  • 11.1 - 11.6 : Partial support
  • 12 - 18 : Partial support
  • 19 - 109 : Supported
  • 110 : Supported
  • 5.5 - 10 : Not supported
  • 11 : Not supported

Chrome for Android

Safari on ios.

  • 3.2 - 13.7 : Not supported
  • 14 - 17.4 : Supported
  • 17.6 : Supported

Samsung Internet

  • 4 - 23 : Supported
  • 24 : Supported
  • all : Supported

Opera Mobile

  • 10 : Not supported
  • 11 : Partial support
  • 11.1 - 12.1 : Supported
  • 80 : Supported

UC Browser for Android

  • 15.5 : Supported

Android Browser

  • 2.1 - 3 : Not supported
  • 4 - 4.1 : Partial support
  • 4.2 - 4.4.4 : Supported

Firefox for Android

  • 14.9 : Supported

Baidu Browser

  • 13.52 : Supported

KaiOS Browser

  • 2.5 : Not supported (but has polyfill available)
  • 3 : Supported
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Home / Plugin: LiteSpeed Cache / Safari does not show webp images

Safari does not show webp images

' src=


1 year, 9 months ago

webp images aren’t shown on Safari if osx is lower than Big Sur. I am aware that this is a known problem.

What is the impact of this problem? How many visitors use old os systems? Is there a fallback method to get images showing correctly?

' src=


Is there a fallback method to get images showing correctly?
Yes, these users get .jpegs or .png
What is the impact of this problem?
More data to load, because most jpg or png have a higher file size.
How many visitors use old os systems?
There are no valid statistics, but maybe Google knows it.

Hello @serpentdriver , thank you for your reply.

If you consider that we are talking about the LS plugin, and that the plugin substitutes the original image src with the webp version, you can think that NO, users are not able to get the original images unless someone tell their browser how to do! I think it is clear: I am asking if the LS plugin (that, remember, substitutes the images src) can also automatically manage the “Safari problem” or there is a workaround for that.

Please, read my post in the right order, from top to bottom: I am not referring to technical aspects, but I am asking if there are statistics on how many users use Safari with older OS, or If someone from the LS staff can share some details or sources to get the right problem dimensions.

Have a nice day.

If you consider that we are talking about the LS plugin, and that the plugin substitutes the original image src with the webp version, you can think that NO, users are not able to get the original images unless someone tell their browser how to do! I think it is clear: I am asking if the LS plugin (that, remember, substitutes the images src) can also automatically manage the “Safari problem” or there is a workaround for that.

Yes, we are talking about LiteSpeed cache plugin. 🙂

As I already said, yes, there is a workaround. If you have webp replacment enabled, then check .htaccess. There is a rewrite rule that checks Safari and its version and if he accepts webp images and depending on the version a Safari user gets either webp or jpg|png images.

Does this answer your question?

' src=

@serpentdriver , now your answer pointed me in the right direction: Knowing that the problem is already managed by the LS plugin, I have checked the configuration for the webp replacement and refreshed the whole cache. The problem seems to be solved now.

Maybe the cache of some pages was created before the webp replacement was enabled (due to the domain token of quic.cloud not already confirmed).

Thank you for your time!

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safari webp not showing

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Why safari do not support images of webp format?

Is there any solution available? if not then why apple are not working on it?

Posted on Mar 31, 2020 7:14 AM


Posted on Mar 31, 2020 8:25 AM

Webp is a format that belongs to Google. Apple and Google are always at loggerheads over web formats. For example, a Mac cannot view 4K content on YouTube because Googles uses its own 4K format and Apple refuses to support it. It’s all about using web standards instead of proprietary ones. Apple is pretty strict about which formats it supports. You can submit feedback but I wouldn’t get my hopes up. There are converters available that will convert webp to .jpg, however.

You can also try a different browser if you like. Chrome is a Google product so I would assume it supports the format. Firefox might be another browser to try.

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Mar 31, 2020 8:25 AM in response to arslnwaz

Mar 31, 2020 12:01 PM in response to lkrupp

Actually I am trying to speed up the website performance. So i used next gen format (webp) as they are consuming less space. but the thing is images on website visible in all browsers except safari. means images are not visible to apple users. so its a problem.

Mar 31, 2020 12:15 PM in response to arslnwaz

webp is NOT next gen anything. It’s a proprietary Google format. They own it and it has not been accepted as a web standard as of yet. The format has been the focus of criticism by web developers who say it does not outperform .jpg This is exactly what Microsoft used to do when it put out Active X and only IE on Windows could access websites that used it. That you have decided to use .webp for your web development is, of course, your business but don’t be telling Apple that they should get with the program. It’s not their problem.

Apr 8, 2020 8:59 PM in response to arslnwaz

You can use the <picture> element to specify a fallback JPG/PNG file, although <picture> is not supported by Internet Explorer 11 and older. This would give you webP for all browsers except Safari/IE.





Mar 31, 2020 7:57 AM in response to arslnwaz

Please submit a feature request/feedback to Apple.


Mar 31, 2020 1:21 PM in response to lkrupp

I didn't say its their problem. Well I do not know about that before that is why I have asked.

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ios safari webp show error #61


thetrueself commented Dec 2, 2020 • edited


BennyThink commented Dec 2, 2020

Sorry, something went wrong.


thetrueself commented Dec 2, 2020

Bennythink commented dec 4, 2020.


n0vad3v commented Dec 4, 2020


da4z commented Dec 4, 2020

Bennythink commented dec 5, 2020 • edited, thetrueself commented dec 5, 2020, bennythink commented dec 5, 2020.

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