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Gorilla trekking in rwanda and uganda.

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Gorilla trekking

the hidden wildlife of Rwanda & Uganda.

Trek into the mist on a gorilla safari

Perhaps the most fascinating, irresistible and charming creatures in Africa are the Apes. Hidden in the dense jungle and rainforest areas of Rwanda and Uganda, Africa’s gorillas and chimpanzees require time and effort to visit. The rare opportunity to share time with our distant cousins will be one of the highlights of your central African safari.

Approximately 1000 mountain gorillas remain in the wild. They inhabit the Virunga range of volcanic mountains, that runs along the borders of Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in southwestern Uganda, is also a stronghold for mountain gorillas.

Bwindi Impenetrable

Nestled in the southwestern corner of Uganda, stands as a sanctuary. A UNESCO World Heritage famed for being one of the last remaining habitats of the endangered mountain gorillas.

Bwindi’s dense rainforests are a haven for wildlife, including over 400 mountain gorillas. Trek through this rugged terrain to observe the magnificent primates up close in their natural habitat, an experience that is both awe-inspiring and humbling.

The park’s ancient forests, cascading waterfalls, and mist-covered hills create a dramatic backdrop for exploration and adventure.

And it plays a crucial role in local communities’ livelihoods and cultural heritage with sustainable tourism initiatives empowering communities living near the park.

Volcanoes National Park

The capital of Rwanda, Kigali is a vibrantly evolving city that stands as a shining example of urban development, innovation, and resilience.

A contemporary skyline is dotted with sleek high-rises and commercial districts, yet amidst this modernity, Kigali retains its unique charm and sense of community.

One of the cleanest and safest cities in Africa, its well-maintained sidewalks, parks, and green spaces, invite residents and visitors alike to explore and enjoy the city’s beauty. A thriving arts scene, vibrant music venues, and bustling markets add to its charm.

Kigali’s commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation is evident in initiatives like the banning of plastic bags and the promotion of green spaces and renewable energy. It embodies Rwanda’s spirit of resilience, progress, and unity, offering visitors a glimpse into the country’s remarkable transformation and bright future.

Favorite Gorilla Trekking Safari Camps

Safari accommodation in Rwanda and Uganda for gorilla trekking safaris runs the gamut. Safari & Company is well acquainted with the choices on offer and will suggest the right fit for your travel wants and needs.

Gorilla trekking safaris

Best Gorilla Trekking Itineraries

Gorilla trekking safaris


5 days and 4 nights trekking through the Volcanoes National Park. 

Begin (and end) your safari in Rwanda’s capital, stretching across lush undulating hills surrounded by towering mountains, the largest of which is Mount Kigali, rising 1850 metres above sea level. Kigali is the country’s financial, commercial and cultural hub, offering a collection of restaurants, an atmospheric market and numerous craft shops. Interesting architecture, busy streets, meandering boulevards, and green hillsides, Kigali is said to be one of the most attractive cities in Africa and is definitely worth a visit.

Head next to the Volcanoes National Park. Bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo in Rwanda, and set high on the jungle-covered slopes of the volcanic Virunga Mountains , it is a sanctuary for the region’s rare mountain gorillas. Head out on a gorilla trekking safari, regulated within the reserve to allow visitors an hour at a time with these incredible primates in their natural habitat.

Explore a network of scenic hiking trails, with the beautiful day hike to the crater lake on Mount Bisoke being a particular highlight. Make sure to visit the fascinating Karisoke Research Centre and the tomb of the world-famous Dian Fossey .

Gorilla trekking safari itineraries


Travel Advisory as of May 2024 : The Canadian Government advises against non-essential travel to areas within 10 km of the border with Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) due to the rebel groups in DRC near the border with Rwanda.

Gorilla trekking safaris in Rwanda and Uganda

Images provided by Unsplash and the individual camps themselves – Wilderness Sabyinyo, Wilderness Bisate, Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge, Lemala Wildwaters.

Namibia Safaris

welcome to the living desert.

Africa's Hauntingly Beautiful Desert.


A mesmerizing natural wonder renowned for its towering red sand dunes and stark beauty. An iconic destination, nestled in the heart of the Namib Desert, Sossusvlei boasts some of the tallest sand dunes in the world, with heights reaching up to 300 meters.

The magnificent dunes, sculpted by the wind into ever-changing shapes and patterns, offer panoramic views of the surrounding desert from their summits. Nearby, the ethereal landscape of Deadvlei captivates visitors with its cracked clay pan and ghostly camelthorn trees, creating a scene that is both haunting and mesmerizing.

Explore the dunes on foot or by 4×4 vehicle. Climb the red sands to watch the sunrise or sunset. And view a unique mixture of desert-adapted wildlife – oryx, springbok, and ostriches.

In Namibia’s north, is a wildlife sanctuary like no other, where the powdery and vast salt pan lends a ghost-like quality to the wildlife. The Etosha National Park spans over 22,000 square kilometers, and at the heart of one of Africa’s most premier game reserves lies the Etosha Pan. A shimmering salt flat that dominates the landscape and is visible from space. This vast expanse of white creates a striking contrast with the surrounding savannah and attracts animals from far and wide, especially during the dry season when water sources become scarce.

Visitors to Etosha can embark on guided game drives, self-drive safaris, or night drives to explore the park’s network of waterholes.

Well-equipped game viewing hides located near the waterholes provide a unique vantage point for observing animals as they come to drink, bathe, and socialize, offering intimate encounters with some of Africa’s most iconic species.


Stretching along Namibia’s northern coastline, is an eerily beautiful and desolate landscape shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Named for the numerous shipwrecks that litter its shores, this remote and rugged coastline is characterized by towering sand dunes, rocky outcrops, and pounding surf.

Despite its harsh and unforgiving environment, the Skeleton Coast is teeming with life, from colonies of fur seals and seabirds to desert-adapted wildlife such as oryx and springbok. In addition to its natural attractions, the Skeleton Coast is steeped in history and folklore, with tales of shipwrecks, desert explorers, and ancient cultures adding to its mystique.

Visitors can explore this otherworldly terrain on guided tours, marveling at the natural beauty and geological wonders of the region.

Favorite Namibia Safari Camps

Namibia safari accommodation runs the gamut – from self-catering camp sites the most luxurious lodges that blend seamlessly with the landscapes. Safari & Company is well acquainted with the choices on offer and will suggest the right fit for your travel wants and needs.

Best Namibia safari lodges

Best Namibia Safari Itineraries

Best Namibia safari itineraries


9 days and 8 nights exploring the iconic areas in Namibia. 

Dunes, deserts, plains and superb wildlife – enhanced by exclusive accommodation in private reserves and concessions. On this adventure you will take in the towering red dunes of Sossusvlei, the life-filled, icy Atlantic Ocean, the desert and denizens of Damaraland , and the dense plains game and predators of Etosha National Park .

Explorations are led by highly skilled and qualified professional guides with an inborn passion for the natural regions of Namibia. Sharing the adventure and guiding you on this journey of discovery, combined with their vast knowledge of the natural world, history and culture, are their professions and personal hobbies.

Many of our guides are also skilled photographers and can assist you in taking amazing wildlife photographs. Your guide will host you for the duration of the safari, providing you with a consistent, detailed interpretation that is shaped to your specific interests.

Best Namibia safari itineraries


Zimbabwe safaris

Images provided by Unsplash and the individual camps themselves – Wilderness, Ongava, Hoanib Skeleton Coast, Camp Sossus.

Zimbabwe Safaris

elephant country.

Wildlife-rich safari destination away from the crowds.

Victoria falls.

At the heart of Zimbabwe’s safari circuit lies Hwange National Park, the country’s largest national park spanning over 14,600 square kilometers. Hwange is remarkably variable in its terrain, with open grasslands, dense woodlands and seasonal pans.

Renowned for its large herds of elephants, boasting one of the highest concentrations of elephants in Africa, which roam freely across its vast expanse. The parks numerous watering holes serve as gathering points for thirsty wildlife, providing excellent opportunities for game viewing, especially during the dry season when animals congregate around these vital water sources.

Visitors to Hwange can also encounter rhino, lion, leopard, buffalo, giraffe, and a myriad of bird species during game drives, guided walks, and night safaris. Accommodation options in Hwange range from luxury lodges to tented camps and bush camps, offering a range of experiences to suit every traveler’s preferences.

Situated in northern Zimbabwe along the banks of the mighty Zambezi River, is a wilderness paradise and UNESCO World Heritage Site – Mana Pools. Characterized by its floodplains, riverine forests, and iconic albida and mahogany trees, it creates a picturesque setting for safari-goers.

Mana, which translates to “four” in Shona, references the four large pools formed by the Zambezi River’s changing course over time. These pools attract a selection of different wildlife, from elephants, hippos, and crocodiles to numerous bird species. Mana Pools is a brilliant location for the amateur (and professional!) safari photographer.

Walking safaris are the most popular activity in Mana Pools, allowing visitors to explore the park on foot accompanied by experienced guides. An intimate approach to wildlife viewing, it provides a deeper connection to the natural environment and allows for close encounters with some of Africa’s most iconic species.

One of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, it is a towering spectacle located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Known locally as “Mosi-oa-Tunya,” meaning “The Smoke That Thunders,” Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall in the world by total area, stretching over 1,700 meters wide and dropping as high as 108 meters into the gorge below.

The sheer power and beauty of the Falls are awe-inspiring, as millions of liters of water cascade over the edge every minute, creating a constant mist that can be seen and felt from miles away. Visitors to Victoria Falls can witness this natural wonder from various viewpoints along the edge of the gorge, allowing for panoramic views of the majestic falls and surrounding rainforest.

Unique activities are available here, including scenic helicopter flights, bungee jumping, white-water rafting, and sunset cruises on the Zambezi River. The surrounding national parks, such as Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park in Zambia and Victoria Falls National Park in Zimbabwe, offer opportunities for wildlife viewing and birdwatching amidst the stunning landscapes.

Favorite Zimbabwe Safari Camps

Zimbabwe safari accommodations include remote and basic bush camps as well as luxurious lodges with everything you might want. Safari & Company is well acquainted with the choices on offer and will suggest the right fit for your travel wants and needs.

Best Zimbabwe safari camps

Favorite Zimbabwe Safari Itineraries

Best Zimbabwe safari itineraries


9 days and 8 nights hitting the best Zimbabwean destinations. 

Start your safari at the famed Victoria Falls , where you can enjoy scenic flights, micro lighting, white water rafting, bungee jumping, and kayaking amongst visits to the small town.

Head next to the Hwange National Park , the largest natural reserve in the country and home to one of the biggest elephant populations in the world. A wonderland for animal lovers, in the park live several protected animals including the Afrian wild dog, black rhino, and rare roan and sable antelope – along with lion, cheetah, and around 500 bird species.

You’ll finish this exceptional safari itinerary in the Northern part of Zimbabwe – at Mana Pools . A diversity of landscapes including floodplains, forests, and baobab trees, the park has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its natural beauty; providing a fantastic destination for photographers.

Zimbabwe safari itinerary


13 days and 12 nights exploring the four incredible parks of Zimbabwe.

Begin your safari in Hwange National Park, home to a profusion of wildlife, including giraffe, lion, zebra and approximately 40 000 elephants. A sanctuary for all the country’s endangered species. Look forward to game drives, guided walks and horse riding safaris.

Head to northern Zimbabwe and the shores of Lake Kariba , to explore the lesser known Matusadona National Park . Flat grassy plains and dramatic rugged mountains, hide elephant, cape buffalo, black rhinoceros, hippopotamus, crocodiles and an impressive variety of birdlife. The entire northern boundary of the park is created by the lake’s grassy shoreline, providing excellent opportunities for boat cruise safaris.

Next onto Mana Pools National Park. An Important Bird Area and also one of the continent’s premier game-viewing locations, known for its good chances of seeing elephants, wild dogs, lions, and leopards.

Finally you’ll head to the southeastern lowveld of Zimbabwe, to Gonarezhou – meaning ‘place of elephants’. Zimbabwe’s second-largest national park, it is home to over 10,000 elephants and extends across a vast area of floodplains, baobab-dotted scrubland, mopane woodland and pale orange sandstone cliffs, with the beautiful Chilojo Cliffs towering over the scenic Runde River valley.


Images provided by Unsplash and copyright of the individual camps themselves – We Are Wilderness and Bumi Hills Safari Lodge.

Zambia Safaris

land of the leopard & the mighty Zambezi.

Africa's raw and remote safari destination.

Zambia is often famed as the last authentic African safari – or the real Africa. Certainly a hidden gem and a repeat safari destination for the most steadfast of safari lovers, it is arguably southern Africa’s wildest and most remote destination. Over 30% of the country is a protected game reserve, and much of the country is still unexplored. A range of simple, yet stylish and often luxurious bush camps and river lodges makes the raw beauty of Zambia accessible, yet it remains well under the radar so you will not have to share the experience with tourist hordes.


South Luangwa

South Luangwa National Park is a sanctuary of pristine wilderness and extraordinary biodiversity. Renowned as one of Africa’s top safari destinations, the reserve is spread across 9,050 square kilometers and characterized by its diverse habitats, including woodlands, grasslands, and the Luangwa River.

What sets South Luangwa apart is the remarkable population of wildlife, particularly predators like lions, leopards, and wild dogs. The park is also home to large herds of elephants, buffalos, and zebras, as well as over 400 bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers.

Perhaps the most exclusive activity for a Zambia safari is the walking safari, which was pioneered in the region. Led by experienced and armed guides, these on-foot excursions provide an intimate and heart-quickening look into this raw wilderness.

Lower Zambezi

Nestled along the banks of the mighty Zambezi River, the Lower Zambezi National Park covers an area of 4,092 square kilometers, filled with a rich tapestry of landscapes, from riverine forests to floodplains, each providing a haven for diverse wildlife.

One of the park’s defining features is its proximity to the Zambezi River, along which many of the bush camps and luxury lodges are positioned, providing the most spectacular views of what we call ‘Wilderness TV’. Boat safaris along the river equally offer a unique perspective, allowing gentle observation of elephants, hippos, and crocodiles thriving in their natural habitat.

Night drives are the top activity in this park, an opportunity to view predators on the hunt, and other more elusive nocturnal wildlife during their evening ministrations. And for those seeking adventure, canoe safaris down the Zambezi River are a must-do.

Zambia’s largest and oldest national park, Kafue sprawls across a vast 22,400 square kilometers. One of Africa’s largest protected areas, Kafue is a sanctuary of unparalleled wilderness – miombo woodlands, vast grassy plains and meandering river systems.

This Zambia safari destination is rich in wildlife numbers, including lions, leopards, elephants, and buffalos – as well as over 500 bird species recorded within its boundaries.

A highlight is the Busanga Plains, a large floodplain in the northern reaches of the park, where seasonal floods attract large herds of herbivores (which in turn attract predators!) providing unparalleled opportunities to see a hunt in progress.

Best Zambia Safari Camps

Zambia has an exceptional array of safari accommodation options. From raw bush camps set amidst wildlife to luxurious lodges on the lip of the mighty river. Safari & Company is well acquainted with the choices on offer and will suggest the right fit for your travel wants and needs.

Zambia safari best lodges

Dream Zambia Safari Itineraries

best Zambia safari itineraries


4 days and 3 nights tracking Africa’s lions and leopards. 

A brilliant 3 night itinerary to add-on to an extended safari through Zambia, Zimbabwe or Botswana .

Kafue, is one of the wildest and most pristine places on Earth, and for this abundance and diversity of wildlife, it is renowned as “the Plains of Plenty”. Vast, remote and utterly wild – you’ll spend your three nights at the luxurious yet raw Wilderness Shumba camp. Open only during the dry season each year, it consists of just 6 luxury guest tents.

With several overlapping territories of lion prides along with a floodplain dotted with the antelope of puku and lechwe, you may even see a lion using the trees as excellent vantage points.

During the dry season months of June to October, the plains of the northern Kafue, offer an abundance of big cat sightings – Lion, cheetah and leopard. Along with game drives, boating the channels in search of hippo as well as balloon safaris over the plains, will delight guests. This unique wilderness area supports conservation of a critical environment. 

Zambia safari in Kafue


8 days and 7 nights getting to know the South Luangwa and Lower Zambezi.

You’ll start your first two nights within the luxury tented chalets of Chindeni. The tents are the most spacious in the South Luangwa, with vast bedroom and bath along with a dining area on stilts above the oxbow lagoon and an adjoining lounge area for relaxing in the open air. Guests have been known to stay in camp during hot October days and see more from the deck than on a drive!

For your next two evenings, you’ll stay in the Luangwa but move to a new camp, the Chamilandu Bush Camp, positioned primely on the river. Only three stilted chalets adorn this exclusive Zambia safari lodge. Open to a 180° vista, each tree house provides an exciting frame of the surrounding Luangwa Valley. The four-poster beds enjoy a bird’s eye view over the Luangwa River and the abundant wildlife that has made the valley famous. Outdoor bathrooms adjoin each chalet with a large shower and double vanities under the open sky.

Your final three nights see you move to the Lower Zambezi National Park and to stay at the renowned Sausage Tree Camp. This luxury lodge overlooks narrow channels and reed islands, filled with wildlife. Enjoy private game drives, including riveting night drives, along with the classic Zambezi activities not to be missed such as boat safaris and canoeing.


Zambia safaris

Images provided by Unsplash and the individual camps themselves – Kakuli, Kaingo, Sungani, Old Mondor, Anabezi, Sausage Tree..

safari and co

Kenya Safaris

East African classic.

Where safari was born.

Where the concept of “safari” began, tourism in Kenya is well developed, however you won’t find yourself having to share the wildlife or views with crowds or queues, if you know where to book.

The game is abundant in Kenya. Every year over 1.5 million wildebeests cross the rich grasslands of the Masai Mara, followed closely by their predators – the big cats, jackals and hyenas. Great herds of elephant trundle across the wide-open plains of Amboseli National Park, in Kenya’s Rift Valley, while massive flocks of flamingo are drawn to the shallow, salty Lake Naivasha.

From the sheer scale of the 20,000 square kilometer Tsavo National Parks near the Tanzanian border, to small private wildlife sanctuaries on the Laikipia Plateau at the edge of the wild north country, Kenya safaris offer magnificent landscapes and wildlife.

There are almost as many ways to discover Kenya’s wildlife, as there are species to be discovered. Trek by jeep, mountain bike, horse, camel or on foot, or float across the plains in a hot air balloon. Sleep out in the wild, indulge yourself at luxury private lodges or stay in local Masai or Samburu villages. The choices are all yours.

In the southwest of Kenya, is one of Africa’s most iconic and revered safari destinations – the Masai Mara. Covering an area of approximately 1,510 square kilometers, this vast savannah ecosystem forms part of the larger Serengeti-Mara ecosystem, famous for the annual Great Migration.

The Masai Mara is home the Big Five along with cheetahs, hyenas, giraffes, zebras, and various antelope species. The park’s rolling grasslands, dotted with acacia trees and seasonal rivers, provide a picturesque backdrop.

As Tanzania and Kenya are neighbors, travelers on a Kenya safari will also have the opportunity to witness the Great Migration, a natural spectacle where millions of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles traverse the plains in search of fresh grazing grounds. Witness dramatic river crossings, where animals brave crocodile-infested waters in their quest for greener pastures.

Divided into Tsavo East and Tsavo West, is one of Kenya’s largest and oldest national parks, covering a vast expanse of over 20,000 square kilometers. In the southeast of Kenya, Tsavo is famed for its striking landscapes, wildlife – and rich cultural heritage.

Tsavo East National Park is characterized vast open plains, sprinkled with baobab trees and rocky outcrops. The park is home elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, zebras, and numerous birds.

Tsavo West National Park, on the other hand, is known for its rugged terrain, volcanic landscapes, and varied habitats. The park is home to the iconic Mzima Springs, a series of natural springs that attract hippos, crocodiles, and bird life. Other highlights of Tsavo West include the Shetani Lava Flows, the Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary, and the stunning views from the Chyulu Hills.

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, nestled in the heart of northern Kenya, is a pioneering model of conservation excellence and community development. Spanning over 65,000 acres, Lewa is famed for its successful efforts in protecting endangered species and fostering harmonious coexistence between wildlife and local communities.

Home to the iconic Big Five, Lewa is particularly celebrated for its conservation of both black and white rhinos, making it a stronghold for these critically endangered species. Game drives, guided walks, and even horseback safaris await travelers to Lewa.

With its dedication to conservation, community engagement, and sustainable tourism practices, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy stands as a beacon of hope for wildlife conservation and a shining example of the positive impact that can be achieved through collaborative efforts.

Best Kenya Safari Camps

Where you choose to stay can make or break your safari experience. At Safari & Company, we know the vast selection of  safari lodges and camps available in Kenya intimately, allowing us to  orchestrate a safari with the perfect accommodation to fit your travel wants and needs.

Best Kenya Safari Lodges

Dream Kenya Safari Itineraries

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13 days and 12 nights exploring the must-do reserves in Kenya.

You’ll begin in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital city, to acclimate and settle in before you head off into the bush.

Starting in northern Kenya, you’ll spend a few nights within the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy . It has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and serves as an important sanctuary for a large selection of wildlife including the endangered black rhino as well as the white rhino.

Next, you’ll head further north to Namunyak Wildlife Conservancy, run by the local Samburu community who live in close harmony with the land, plants, and animals. The landscapes here have slowly welcomed back several threatened animal species including Grevy’s zebra , De Brazza colobus monkey, reticulated giraffe, and wild dog.

Your final safari stop is the Masai Mara National Reserve, where undoubtedly the annual wildebeest migration is a large draw. The largest mass movement of land mammals on the planet – with more than a million animals following the rains.

Finish your trip with a bit of beach, hopping over to Tanzania’s beautiful island Zanzibar .

Best Kenya safari itineraries


Kenya safaris

Images provided by Unsplash and copyright of the individual camps themselves – Mara Plains, Ol Donyo, Serian, Lewa House, Sarara Camp, Sala’s Camp.

Tanzania Safaris

the great migration.

The year-round East African safari.

A land of untamed wilderness and breathtaking landscapes that epitomizes the essence of Africa’s safari experience, can be found in Tanzania. Iconic plains of the Serengeti replete with predator and prey during the Great Migration. The collapsed volcanic caldera of the Ngorongoro Crater where an abundance of wildlife reside. The majestic Mount Kilimanjaro that towers in the distance. And white sand beaches await just off the coast. Tanzania offers a tapestry of ecosystems not found elsewhere.

Located in the north of Tanzania, the Serengeti is perhaps the most revered safari destination, with The Great Migration that most coveted of safari experiences to behold. Spanning almost 15,000 square kilometers, the Serengeti creates a picturesque backdrop for unforgettable safari adventures.

The annual Great Migration. Millions of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles embark on a circular journey in search of fresh grazing lands. And they are accompanied by predators – lions and cheetahs. Witnessing this epic spectacle is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

During the rest of the year, the Serengeti is home to large herds of elephants, buffalo, and giraffes, as well as elusive predators including leopards and hyenas.

Hailed as Africa’s Eden and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania is a natural wonder and testament to the continent’s awe-inspiring biodiversity.

The Ngorongoro Crater was formed by the collapse of a massive volcano millions of years ago – and is now a haven for wildlife with its unique ecosystem supporting a dense concentration of animals within the confines of this natural amphitheater. The crater is home to an astonishing selection of species, including the Big Five.

Luxurious lodges and tented camps perch on the crater rim and offer accommodation options that blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment, ensuring a comfortable and immersive safari experience in one of Africa’s most iconic destinations.

A tropical paradise located off the coast of Tanzania, the enchanting archipelago of Zanzibar is renowned for its pristine white-sand beaches, turquoise waters, and vibrant culture. It is a splendid destination for travelers to cap off their classic safari adventures with a well-deserved few days of relaxation.

Stone Town, the island’s historic center, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with labyrinthine alleys, ancient buildings, and bustling markets. Take to the idyllic beaches and crystal-clear waters for a swim, snorkel or dive. A traditional sunset dhow cruise, watching for dolphins. The island’s coastline is dotted with luxurious resorts, boutique hotels, and eco-friendly lodges. Every traveler’s taste and budget is covered.

Best Tanzania Safari Camps

Where you choose to stay can make or break your safari experience. At Safari & Company, we know the vast selection of  safari lodges and camps available in Tanzania intimately, allowing us to  orchestrate a safari with the perfect accommodation to fit your travel wants and needs.


Dream Tanzania Safari Itineraries

Best Tanzania safari itineraries


7 days and 6nights experiencing the awe-inspiring Great Migration.

The ultimate luxury safari in Tanzania. A combination of superb lodges on the private Grumeti Reserve, and a luxury tented camp in the northern Serengeti . Both areas are well positioned to witness the herds of The Great Migration. This safari is ideal for a honeymoon, or discerning travellers looking for finer safari cuisine, impeccable service and incredible wildlife viewing. Perfectly combined with another itinerary in East Africa or a gorilla experience in Rwanda or Uganda.

Your first three evenings will be spent between the Singita Serengeti Grumeti and Singita Faru Faru Lodge, next to the Western Corridor of the Serengeti, encompassing 350,000 acres of magnificent unrivaled wilderness. Vast river valleys meander through the plains, grasslands, woodland, and forest. The area forms part of the famous migratory route, which is travelled by hundreds of thousands of animals every year through the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem.

The next three nights will be in residence at the Singita Mara River Tented Camp in the Northern Serengeti, a remote African wildlife wonderland. Its vast, rolling savannah is known as the hub of the Great Migration. Wildlife can be seen along the banks of the Mara River and visitors can view the annual spectacle of the half a million migrating wildebeest.

Best Tanzania safari itineraries


8 days and 8 nights seeing the best spots that Tanzania has to offer.

The ideal time travel to northern Tanzania and experience the vast plains of the Serengeti, is February to mid April. May is also a beautiful month though rain is more frequent. From late March, there are fewer other vehicles with less people traveling. It’s a misconception, that because of the potential for rain, it’s a bad time to be in the Serengeti.

Rain on the plains of Serengeti doesn’t last long, and is usually late in the day or at night. It’s a natural wonder in itself – the storm, build up over the plains, with massive clouds and light towering over you. An incredible back drop to an already dramatic place. The next morning, you have clear blue skies.

You see plenty wildlife, often miles and miles of massive herds spread over the plains, and then predators following them – lion and cheetah mostly. Take advantage of this quieter time (=fewer people) and experience the Serengeti when its lush and green, still with incredible wildlife, plus great guides and accommodation. 

Your safari destinations include the renowned Ngorongoro Crater, Ndutu in the Serengeti, and the acacia-dotted Eastern Serengeti.

Best Tanzania safari itineraries


Tanzania safaris

Images provided by Unsplash and the individual camps themselves – Wilderness, Singita, Nomad Tanzania, Entamanu, Lemala Nanyukie, Lamai, Elewana.

North Africa

North africa safaris.

from Morocco to Egypt.

A rich tapestry of culture, history & nature.

Safaris in North Africa offer a unique blend of cultural immersion, historical exploration, and wildlife encounters amidst stunning desert landscapes. While not as famed as their counterparts in sub-Saharan Africa, North African countries like Morocco and Egypt boast distinct ecosystems, rich biodiversity and unique cultures that you won’t find in the south.

Venture into the Sahara on desert safari in Morocco, riding camels across towering sand dunes, camping under the stars in traditional yet luxuriously appointed Berber tents, and witness incredible sunrises and sunsets over the desert horizon.

In Egypt, the vast expanse of the Western Desert offers opportunities to explore ancient oases, dramatic sand dunes, and historic caravan routes. The Western Desert is also home to unique geological formations, such as the White Desert with its chalk rock formations sculpted by wind and sand.

Safaris in North Africa do not focus solely on wildlife viewing, offering a rich tapestry of cultural, historical, and natural experiences that are sure to captivate and inspire travelers seeking adventure in this captivating region.

Travel to Morocco

Morocco is a captivating country known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and diverse landscapes. From the bustling souks of Marrakech to the serene deserts of the Sahara, Morocco offers visitors a medley of experiences that captivate the senses and ignite the imagination.

Often referred to as the “Red City,” Marrakech is a sensory delight of sights, sounds, and smells. Maze-like medina, bustling Djemaa el-Fna square, and colorful markets offer a glimpse into the country’s culture and traditions.

Beyond Marrakech, Morocco boasts a wealth of natural beauty, from the rugged peaks of the Atlas Mountains to the golden sands of the Sahara Desert.

Visitors can explore ancient kasbahs, trek through remote mountain villages, or ride camels across the dunes of the Sahara, experiencing the timeless beauty of Morocco’s landscapes.

The country’s rich history is reflected in its diverse architecture, from the ornate palaces and mosques of Fez to the medieval medina of Chefchaouen, known for its blue-washed buildings. Visitors can delve into Morocco’s storied past at historic sites such as the Roman ruins of Volubilis or the medieval fortress of Ait Benhaddou.

Explore bustling cities, trek through remote wildernesses, or simply sip mint tea in a tranquil riad. Morocco beckons travelers to discover its endless wonders and timeless beauty.

Morocco Safaris

Travel to Egypt

Bridging the continents of Africa and Asia, is a land of ancient wonders, rich culture, and timeless beauty. From the iconic pyramids of Giza to the bustling streets of Cairo, Egypt offers travelers a journey through millennia of history and civilization.

At the heart of Egypt’s allure are the magnificent monuments of ancient Egypt, including the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Sphinx, and the temples of Luxor and Karnak. These awe-inspiring structures stand as testaments to the ingenuity and architectural prowess of the ancient Egyptians, drawing people from around the world to marvel at their grandeur.

Beyond its ancient wonders, Egypt boasts a wealth of natural beauty, from the tranquil waters of the Nile River to the pristine beaches of the Red Sea.

Cruise along the Nile, explore the colorful coral reefs of the Red Sea , or venture into the deserts to witness the landscapes and vast starry skies.

Egypt’s culture is reflected in its bustling markets, vibrant festivals, and rich culinary traditions. Wander through the labyrinthine streets of Cairo’s Khan el-Khalili bazaar, sample traditional Egyptian cuisine , or attend cultural events such as the mesmerizing sound and light shows at the ancient temples.

With its timeless allure, rich history, and warm hospitality, Egypt offers an unforgettable journey through the cradle of civilization, where the past meets the present.

Egypt safaris to Giza

Favorite North Africa Itineraries

North Africa safari itineraries


14 days and 13 nights exploring the highlights of Morocco at your own pace, with a private guide and vehicle

Visit the picturesque cities of Rabat , Fes, Marrakesh and Essaouria. Go glamping the Sahara Desert , and explore the Atlas Mountains. Activities are tailored to suit your interests – from wine tasting, adventure activities in the desert, hiking through the Valley of Roses, hot air balloon rides, horseback riding, cooking classes, cultural exploration and downtime at the beach. You’ll stay in lux boutique style Riads in ideal locations.

Rabat, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, is an enchanting city serving as Morocco’s capital. Featuring Islamic and French-colonial architecture, a long coastline with beautiful rocky and sandy beaches, an ecologically diverse countryside, wonderful hiking trails and a vibrant city centre with lush, green parks, the city is a popular destination for travelers.

Fes (Fez) is an exotic mix of Arabic architecture, ancient alleyways and colourful markets; all mixed in with a good dose of modern culture. Music lovers should try to synchronise their trips with the annual Festival of Sacred Music , while those with a penchant for shopping can browse the mesmerizing colourful markets selling an exquisite array of silver, leather and other handicrafts up for grabs.

Ready to plan your North African adventure?

we’re here at every step of the way.

Images provided by Unsplash.

Baja California

Baja california.

not your typical all inclusive beach getaway


Baja California Sur, is a captivating destination in Mexico. Vibrant culture, rugged coastline dotted with picturesque beaches, secluded coves, and towering cliffs along with abundant marine life. Adventure, relaxation, and exploration await those who travel here.

Surf, snorkel, and whale watch. Dive into the Sea of Cortez , often referred to as the “Aquarium of the World,” which boasts an incredible diversity of marine species, including whales, dolphins, sea lions, and colorful tropical fish.

Head inland to the desert landscapes where a unique blend of arid terrain, towering cacti, and ancient rock formations coexist. Explore remote oases, hike through rugged canyons, and marvel at breathtaking sunsets over the desert horizon.

From the historic streets of La Paz to the mango and palm orchards of the desert oasis of Todos Santos, to one of Mexico’s best kept secrets, San José del Cabo, with its romantic charm, top restaurants and outdoor adventures. 

Traditional cuisine, art, and festivals celebrate the region’s indigenous roots and Spanish influences. Savor fresh seafood tacos and admire local artisans’ craftsmanship. Natural beauty, cultural richness, and sense of adventure, all just south of the Californian border.

Dream Baja Itineraries

Baja California Sur travel tours


8 days and 7 nights of wonder exploring the natural world of Baja.

This is not your typical all inclusive beach and ocean getaway. Explore the natural and marine world of Baja, away from the glitz of Cabo. 

A fully guided all inclusive safari that includes glamping on an island in the Sea of Cortez, a boutique hotel in Tondo Santos, swimming with whale sharks and sea lions, hiking along the Pacific ocean, cooking classes and general relaxation.

Your first stop is the city of La Paz, famed for its picturesque seafront promenade fringed by a variety of cafes, bars and restaurants on one side and pristine beaches lapped by azure waters to the other. Dive into the beauty of the Sea of Cortez, discover the fauna and flora of Magdalena Bay, and explore the beautiful Port of La Paz. Other popular activities include swimming with whale sharks, visiting the nearby Espíritu Santo Island for its excellent snorkelling, and learning about local culture at the enchanting town of Todos Santos.

Next up is the Isla Espiritu Santo, situated in the Gulf of California. An important ecotourism destination, the island forms part of a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve featuring dramatic volcanic cliffs, desert landscapes, hidden coves and pristine beaches lapped by crystal clear turquoise waters. Isla Espiritu Santo is surrounded by coral reefs inhabited by an array of tropical fish. You’ll camp (glamp, really), birdwatch, boat, scuba dive, snorkel, kayak – or simply relax on one of many magnificent beaches.

Finally you’ll hit Todos Santos, an enchanting town on Mexico’s Baja Peninsula at the foot of the magnificent Sierra de la Laguna Mountain Range. The town serves as an oasis amidst the surrounding desert landscape and boasts dozens of art galleries, as well as a variety of wonderful restaurants and cafes housed in newly restored colonial buildings.

baja california sur landscapes

Images provided by Unsplash and copyright of the individual hotels themselves – Los Colibris Casitas, Camp Cecil de la Isla, Costa Baja Resort & Spa.

India Safaris

Tiger territory., from jungle safaris to spectacular palaces..

A safari to India spans the gamut. Journey into the heart of the wildest jungles, stand in awe of the intricate and towering palaces, and find yourself in the thick of a bustling city with exciting cuisine and quiet corners amidst the chaos.

Visits to Delhi, Agra for the Taj Mahal, and to the spectacular palaces of Rajasthan, add rich variety to the jungle safaris in search of tiger. Deep within the heart of India, are special reserves and parks, dotted with luxury jungle lodges and knowledgeable naturalists as your guides. With most of the funds from your safari channeling back into the preservation of these forests, you’ll help ensure that they remain a critical corridor for tigers.

Dream India Itineraries

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10 days and 9 nights exploring India’s wildlife reserves and ancient cities.

Your tour starts in New Delhi, the capital of the country. Architecture enthusiasts will find the city captivating, UNESCO World Heritage Sites – the grand, sandstone Red Fort, striking Qutab Minar, and fascinating Humayun’s Tomb – along with the ancient walled city of Old Delhi and the iconic Lotus Temple.

Travel to Central India visiting two spectacular parks of the central highlands – Pench & Tadoba – both unique & diverse. While Tadoba is a dry deciduous forest with mostly teak and bamboo trees, Pench is primarily a teak forest. Pench National Park is known for having the highest concentration of prey, compared to any other park in India. Visitors, therefore, have an increased chance of spotting predatory cats such as leopard and tiger. 

A visit to Agra is also on the book. Set on the banks of the Yamuna River, you’ll view the majestic Taj Mahal in person. Standing as an eternal symbol of love and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, it is not to be missed.

Best India safari itineraries


Tiger Safaris to India

Ecuador Safaris

Exclusive adventure destination.

Gateway to the Amazon & Galapagos.

A country of astonishing diversity, boasting lush rainforests, towering Andean peaks, and pristine Pacific coastline. This small yet captivating nation offers a wealth of experiences, from exploring the enchanting Galapagos Islands to trekking through the breathtaking landscapes of the Andes, and floating along the Amazon river.

The Galapagos Islands, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are a natural wonder unlike any other, teeming with unique wildlife found nowhere else on Earth.

In the Andean highlands, discover vibrant indigenous cultures, ancient Inca ruins, and traditional markets brimming with colorful textiles and handicrafts.

The Amazon region of Ecuador is a verdant paradise of biodiversity and ancient indigenous cultures. Explore pristine jungle rivers, dense canopy trails, and serene oxbow lakes, encountering a dazzling array of wildlife along the way.


Andean highlands.

The Amazon region of Ecuador, a vast expanse of tropical rainforest, covers a significant portion of the country’s eastern territory, and contains one of the world’s most biologically diverse ecosystems.

Within the Ecuadorian Amazon, explore pristine jungle rivers, dense canopy trails, and serene oxbow lakes, encountering a dazzling array of wildlife. Colorful macaws, playful monkeys, elusive jaguars and giant river otters appear along the way.

In addition to its natural wonders, the Amazon region is inhabited by indigenous communities that have lived in harmony with the forest for centuries. Learn about their traditional way of life, participate in cultural activities, and stay in eco-friendly lodges run by local communities.

Trek through the jungle, paddle down winding rivers, or simply listen to the symphony of wildlife at night. A journey into the Amazon region of Ecuador promises an unforgettable adventure filled with discovery, wonder, and a deep connection to nature.

A remote archipelago located in the Pacific Ocean, and a natural wonderland unlike any other. Famed for unique wildlife and pristine landscapes, the Galapagos Islands offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness evolution in action and explore some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet.

Home to an incredible array of endemic species, including giant tortoises, marine iguanas, and blue-footed boobies, the Galapagos provide a captivating glimpse into the wonders of the natural world. Visitors can snorkel alongside sea lions, swim with penguins, and hike through volcanic landscapes, encountering wildlife at every turn.

In addition to its remarkable biodiversity, the Galapagos Islands are also steeped in history and scientific significance. It was here that Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution by natural selection, inspired by the unique species and geological features of the archipelago.

A UNESCO World Heritage Site and a protected marine reserve, the preservation of its delicate ecosystems is ensured.

A stunning backdrop to the country’s landscape, characterized by snow-capped peaks, rolling hills, and fertile valleys, the majestic Andean Highlands region is home to a rich influence of indigenous cultures and natural beauty.

Quito, the capital city, is nestled high in the Andean foothills and renowned for its well-preserved colonial architecture and vibrant cultural scene. Explore historic plazas, majestic cathedrals, and bustling markets.

Outside of Quito, the Andean highlands are dotted with picturesque villages, traditional haciendas, and landscapes waiting to be explored. Hike through lush cloud forests, soak in natural hot springs, and marvel at towering waterfalls.

The Andean highlands are also home to numerous indigenous communities, each with its own unique customs, traditions, and way of life. Learn about traditional weaving techniques, participate in cultural ceremonies, and sample delicious Andean cuisine, gaining insight into the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Best Ecuador Lodges

Where you choose to stay can make or break your experience. At Safari & Company, we know the veritable selection of Ecuador hotels and retreats intimately, allowing us to  orchestrate a trip with the perfect accommodation to fit your travel wants and needs.

Best Ecuador Hotels

Dream Ecuador Itineraries

Ecuador travel itineraries


14 days and 13 nights discovering all the Ecuador has to offer.

Ecuador travel itinerary


Ecuador safaris

Images provided by Unsplash and copyright of the individual hotels themselves – Anakonda Amazon River Cruise, Hacienda Zuleta, La Selva and Finch Bay.

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Safari & Company - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

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Discover your wild side. explore the diverse cultures and wildlife of africa., we are luxury safari experts with over 30 years combined travel experience.

With decades of bespoke safari experience in 18 destination countries and expertise in over 135 UNESCO World Heritage sites, African Safari Company focuses on transformational travel across the African continent. Our close relationships with our partners in Africa and unique insights into culture and conservation enable our travel designers to ensure travel within Africa is exhilarating, educational, and safe. We focus on connecting our guests with local communities while also contributing to a positive impact on the environment and wildlife. Adventure through the Okavango Delta, iSimangoliso Wetlands, and Victoria Falls. Go gorilla trekking, or explore the desert sands of Morocco. Africa has a heartbeat that beckons and a soul that stays with you long after you’ve parted ways. We can’t wait to take you on your next adventure.

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Explore Featured Trips

Family safaris, vacation adventure, luxury honeymoon, seeking out the Great Migration…whatever the motivation behind your next big journey, we are honored to be a part of what we know will live on in your stories for a lifetime to come.

Best of Zimbabwe: Sustainability

14 days | 13 nights, ecuador, peru & galapagos, best of ecuador and peru, 18 days | 17 nights, namibia under canvas: small group departure, 12 days | 11 nights, egypt & morocco, highlights of egypt & morocco, 27 days | 26 nights, republic of the congo, congo basin discovery, 13 days | 12 nights, tanzania & kenya, great migration family adventure, 10 days | 9 nights, ultimate namibia: small group safari, top destination countries.

Africa is well known for being the birthplace of the safari, which means “journey” in KiSwahili, and has the most wildlife in the world. Classic game drives scour landscapes from the vast plains of Kenya’s Maasai Mara to the towering glowing dunes of Namibia’s Sossuvlei for the incredible and diverse wildlife that have adapted to their ever-changing environment. Gigantic baobabs and massive elephant herds in Tanzania’s Tarangire National Park remind one of just how small we can be and soaring hot air balloon safaris over South Africa’s Greater Kruger Park make us thankful for that very same fact.

Bespoke Experiences

What would you like to see.

Our safari travel experts team are truly in love with Africa, it’s parks and reserves, camps and people. At the heart of our operation, and every safari that we build, is the wildlife. From rhino beetles to the big horned giants themselves, we strive to, and thrive from, being able to share our passion with others. 



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Marine Safari Destinations

Marine adventure destinations, national parks and reserves, explore parks.

Chobe National Park Kalahari Desert Linyanti Private Reserve Makgadikgadi Pans Mashatu Game Reserve Moremi National Park Nxabega Concession Okavango Delta Savute Region Selinda Concession

Amboseli National Park Lake Nakuru National Park Lewa Wildlife Conservancy Masai Mara Game Reserve Meru National Park Nairobi National Park Samburu National Park Shaba National Park Tsavo West National Park

Gorongoza National Park

Damaraland Etosha National Park Skeleton Coast Sossusvlei

Nyungwe Forest National Park Volcanoes National Park

Grootbos Nature Reserve Isimangoliso Wetlands Park Kapama Private Reserve Kwandwe Private Reserve KwaZulu Natal Madikwe Game Reserve Phinda Private Reserve Sabi Sands Reserve Thanda Private Reserve Thornybush Game Reserve Timbavati Reserve Valley of 1000 Hills

Arusha National Park Lake Eyasi Lake Manyara National Park Mahale Mountains Ngorongoro Crater Saadani National Park Selous Game Reserve Serengeti National Park Tarangire National Park

Bwindi National Park Kasanka National Park Kibale Forest National Park Lake Mburo National Park Queen Elizabeth National Park

Kafue National Park Lochinvar National Park Lower Zambezi National Park North Luangwa National Park South Luangwa National Park Tsika Island Victoria Falls

Gonarezhou National Park Hwange National Park Mana Pools National Park Victoria Falls

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Luxury African Safaris

With Micato Safaris, the Only Travel+Leisure 10-Time #1 Winner

Meal after horseriding

Why Safari with Micato

From our 24-hour Concierge Team to paying for a child’s education to no tipping ever, we’ve thought of every luxury.

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Familiar Faces on Safari

Here are just a few of the travellers who have chosen Micato for their luxury safari. We bet these faces will be familiar.

Safari boy with elephant

Micato Safaris Reviews

We love hearing from our travellers. And here’s a collection of 425-plus Five Star reviews our guests have been kind enough to share online.

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One of the next best things to joining Micato on safari is perusing our treasure trove of captivating, joyful videos.

Recent Press Articles

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Travel+Leisure Micato Hits #1 Historic 10th Time

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Fortune For African Safari, Choose Micato

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Forbes Micato Safari Is A Dream Trip

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Elite Traveler Responsible Luxury Travel

The pinto family.

Happy students and teacher in a school in Africa


As an African-born company we have a special responsibility to our homeland. Luckily, it’s a joyous, fruitful duty.

an outdoor patio and pool lit by lanterns at night

Private Safari Villas & Estates

Unabashedly but thoughtfully luxurious, our exclusive-use Private Villas and Estates are enchanting get-aways into Africa’s ancient calm and its unique excitements.

Micato Safaris treat their guests like well-loved, out-of-town relatives. Travel + Leisure Magazine

Our Luxury Safaris

The planet’s greatest game lands, Africa’s warmhearted people, and its mesmerizing landscapes, revealed gracefully, thoughtfully, and joyously by the world’s greatest luxury safari company.

It’s Lonely at the Top

These awards inspire us to work even harder as stewards of Micato’s esteemed reputation and of your safari. Here is a small sampling of our proudest moments.



Unprecedented Ten-Time Winner of Travel+Leisure’s Award for #1 World’s Best Safari Outfitter

Condé Nast Traveler

Unprecedented Five-Time Winner of the Condé Nast Traveler World Savers Award for Education and for Doing It All

National Geographic

National Geographic Traveler and National Geographic Adventure Best Outfitters on Earth


Best VAST (Active) Operator, Best Escorted Tour Operator, Virtuoso Performance Award

India Journeys

Swirlingly colourful, endlessly enchanting India, in the company of a company with deep roots in “the most extraordinary country the sun visits on his rounds.”

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The 2024 Micato Hot List

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Very Private African Safari Retreats

grevy's zebra in east africa

A Safari Primer: Where to go, What to Expect

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The Top 10 African Safari Tours in 2021

Scott Bay is a magazine editor specializing in travel, architecture, and gear. He was previously an assistant editor at Travel + Leisure . His work has also appeared in Wired , Architectural Digest , Wallpaper , Robb Report , Saveur , Daily Beast , and more.

This year's World's Best Awards survey was open for voting January 11 through May 10, 2021, as destinations around the world were lifting COVID-19 restrictions. Survey rules have always allowed readers to reflect on their travel experiences over a three-year period. We hope that this year's honorees will inspire your own travels as you get back out into the world.

A safari tops most of Travel + Leisure readers' bucket lists — a trip that many spend a lifetime daydreaming about , saving for, and eventually splurging on. On this type of adventure, travelers pull out all of the stops and have high expectations. One of the best ways to have that dream trip live up to expectations is to hire one of the best safari outfitters, as voted by the discerning readers of T+L.

Every year for our World's Best Awards survey , T+L asks readers to weigh in on travel experiences around the globe — to share their opinions on the top hotels, resorts, cities, islands, cruise ships, spas, airlines, and more. Readers rated tour operators and safari outfitters based on their staff and guides, itineraries and destinations, activities, accommodations, food, and overall value.

The safari companies favored by T+L readers owe much of their success to the talented advisors, who get to know their clients so they can create truly customized trips. "We couldn't have worked with a better group of people," one reader said of No. 5 winner Travel Beyond. "They were friendly, efficient, informative, and made sure our entire trip went smoothly. We never had a care."

Each safari outfitter also displays a deep connection to the national world and conservation efforts . Readers felt that No. 10 andBeyond particularly excelled in this area: "They have an excellent commitment to local communities, protecting wildlife and the environment." Another reader said of No. 9 Wilderness Safaris, "Their commitment to local communities and protecting wildlife is outstanding."

Read on to see the full list of T+L readers' picks for the best safari outfitters — all of which not only make spotting the Big Five easy but also arrange unparalleled perks and accommodations.

1. Micato Safaris

This company has been voted onto T+L's list of the world's best safari outfitters every year since the awards' inception — and for good reason. The family-run business has deep roots in Kenya, and its owners' love for the country (and continent) is evident in the way they operate. Each itinerary, whether private or with a group, is tailored to be the most luxurious, comfortable, and exciting adventure possible. Readers couldn't say enough kind words about their recent trips. "Never met tour guides or staff that were so friendly and knowledgeable about the animals and the locations and the culture," wrote one reader. "They seemed to have a sixth sense for anticipating our needs. It was really something." A few more touted Micato's reputation, with one saying, "Simply the best safari outfitter in Africa. Bar none."

WBA Hall of Fame honoree. Score: 98.88 More information:

2. Extraordinary Journeys

Score: 98.21 More information:

3. Dazzle Africa

Score: 98.08 More information:

4. Thomson Safaris

Score: 97.73 More information:

5. Travel Beyond

Score: 96.82 More information:

6. Volcanoes Safaris

Score: 95.78 More information:

7. Alluring Africa

Score: 93.26 More information:

8. Rothschild Safaris

Score: 92.81 More information:

9. Wilderness Safaris

Score: 92.80 More information:

10. andBeyond

Score: 90.20 More information:

See all of our readers' favorite hotels, cities, airlines, cruise lines, and more in the World's Best Awards for 2021 .

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Knorhoek Wyne in Safari Outdoor

Ons hier by Knorhoek Wynplaas Stellenbosch is verskriklik trots op ons assosiasie en samewerking met Safari Outdoor as hulle voorkeur wyn handelsmerk. Daar is so baie ooreenkomste wat die twee handelsmerke deel en uitleef.

Catching the Giant Trevally at Kosi Bay

I’ve been fishing the northern part of KwaZuluNatal since I can remember. However, for the last couple of years, I’ve mainly been targeting GTs (Giant Trevally), both from the shore and from boats – two different ball games.

Delicious Springbok Potjie

Don’t be tempted to leave the anchovies out, although they are not traditional, they are the ‘secret ingredient'. The potjie can be done over open coals, on the weber, or in the oven.

Guns, Firearms, Hunting & Fishing.

If you're looking for the biggest and best-hunting rifles and shooting gear in South Africa, then you need to shop with Safari Outdoor . We are the country's leading retailer of top-brand firearms , ammunition, and accessories. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting out, we have everything you need to get started for your hunting adventure. Show More

You can shop over 600+ brands for the latest in Shooting , Fishing , Camping , Clothing and Outdoor Gear . Safari Outdoor is the best place to find all your outdoor needs. We know that Adventurers need the best quality camping and outdoor equipment to ensure that they have the best trip possible.

Gun owners may want to purchase hunting accessories like rifles and ammo to complete their collection while also having the tools necessary for hunting particular game species. With Safari Outdoor, you can enjoy the convenience of Free Shipping or Click & Collect, Free delivery for orders over R6000 or collect your order in store. Come see us today and let us show you why we are the go-to source for all your shooting needs!

Shop Air Rifles, Firearms and Optics for Hunting

Safari Outdoor is the ultimate destination for new or professional hunters and outdoor lovers in South Africa. We stock the largest range of rifles , optics , reloading equipment , bullets and all other components needed for hunting and outdoor safari activities. Gear up at Safari Outdoor for the latest in air rifles , pellets , shotguns , semi automatics and ammo from our shooting selection .

From novices to experienced hunters, we have everything you need in a hunting pack to make your next outdoor safari adventure a success. Shop online or visit us in-store today and get ready to explore the great outdoors! We also feature an extensive gunsmithing and parts catalogue including actions , barrels , silencers , and triggers . Get your shooting supplies and accessories from brands like Frankfort Arsenal , RCBS , Wheeler , Redding , Springfield and Hornady .

Looking to take your long-distance shooting game up a notch? Enjoy accuracy and efficiency with our optics selection, which ranges from binoculars , night vision , optical tripods , range finders and spotting scopes from brands like Vortex , Nightforce , ZEISS , Swarovski and Leupold .

Shooting accessories include things like gun cases , rifle slings, and much more. You can browse shooting accessories like ammo boxes and storage cases . Additionally, rifle safes , eye and hearing protection and holsters with Safari Outdoor.

Fish Like A Pro With The Best Equipment 

Whether you’re an experienced angler or just enjoy recreational fishing, having the best fishing gear can make all the difference. Shop products like Rods , Reels and Lures from the best brands like Favorite , Savage Gear , Abu Garcia , Daiwa , Penn , and Shimano at Safari Outdoor.

Shop the best fishing apparel for men, ladies and kids with the latest from Abu Gracia , Berkley and Costa. Complete it with our fishing accessories like luggage , fishing tackle and storage kits , coolers and drinkware. We have nets , jigging and popping reels and more - everything you'll ever need for deep or freshwater fishing. We will make sure your next Fishing trip is as successful as possible.

Conquer the Great Outdoors with Safari Outdoor

Camping is a great way to get back to nature and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but it can also be a lot of work. Buy all your camping and outdoor Accessories like flasks, bottles & mugs , sleeping bags, mattresses and stretchers made by brands like Stanley , True Mera , Ruark and LK’s.

Light up your Camping experience with brands like Energizer , Lightsforce , Nitecore and Fenix when shopping for products like flashlights , spotlights , headlamps and lanterns . 

A good camper always needs to be equipped with dependable knives ! Shop a variety of axes , Knife sharpeners and sundries as well as multitools online easily with our services. Camping knives make your campsite activities easier and more enjoyable.

With a trusty knife by your side, you can effortlessly split kindling, assist with food preparation, start and maintain fires, and even roast marshmallows. You can shop only the best brands like Spyderco , Victorinox , Warthog Blade , Honey Badger , Muela , Puma , Spyderco and Leatherman .

Face The Elements With Safari Outdoor Clothing and Gear

When you go camping, you need to be prepared for anything. That's why it's important to have the right camping attire . With Safari Outdoor, you'll stay warm when it's cold and cool when it's hot. You'll also be protected from the elements, so you can enjoy your camping trip to the fullest! 

Our high-quality gear will keep you comfortable and looking good while you enjoy the great outdoors. Bring style to your next camping trip with our Men's , Ladies and Kids Clothing. With products like jackets , hoodies, shirts, shorts for Men in trending brands Ruggedwear , Under Armour , Wildebees and Sniper Africa.

Ladies can shop to their heart's content with vellies from Freedom of Movement , hooded jackets from Craghoppers and softshell Jackets from Wildebees . Shop an array of Accessories like balaclava’s , buffs , beanies, hats, watches and sunglasses by brands like Buff , Ray-Ban and Garmin. We stock Kids beanies , caps , hats and jackets available from Emthunzini and Sniper to protect them from the Sun and Cold.

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Follow Safari Outdoor on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with the newest and best outdoor gear! Install the Safari Outdoor Hunting App where you can Discover, Connect and Track with Friends to Share your hunting photos and adventures. Safari Outdoor offers you exceptional online or in-store service. Shop online today to access the latest in Shooting, Hunting, Fishing, Clothing, Camping and more. Show Less

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The Safari and Conservation Company manages a portfolio of exclusive family owned properties in Kenya, and offers tailor made safaris throughout the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Socotra, Tanzania and Uganda.

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12 Top African Safari Tours

Cross this must-do activity off your bucket list.

Top African Safari elephant

Courtesy of Micato Safaris

Spot the big five on your safari adventure.

Safari tours in Africa are just as diverse as the continent itself, though these types of trips typically require a large sum of money. Whether you want to spend a few days gorilla trekking in Uganda or a couple weeks spotting the "big five" – lions, leopards, African elephants, rhinos and Cape buffalos – in South Africa, you'll find an array of tours to best suit your needs. To help you narrow down your options, U.S. News compiled a list of 12 can't-miss African safari tours. Read on to find your once-in-a-lifetime trip.

Note: Some of the African countries in this article may require travelers to get an entry visa and certain vaccinations in order to visit. Jump to the list of visa and vaccination requirements by country at the bottom of this page for more information.


African Safari vacation

Courtesy of &Beyond

Visitors who don't want to sacrifice creature comforts while on safari will appreciate &Beyond's offerings. During the tour operator's 10-day Kings of the Jungle safari – which starts at $11,340 per person – travelers will see breathtaking natural wonders like the Ngorongoro Crater and the Maasai Mara savanna. But the highlight of this journey is its four-night stay at Tanzania's Serengeti National Park . After watching animals like wildebeest and zebras partake in the great migration while also spotting lions, giraffes and more, vacationers retreat to high-end tents and lodges with private bathrooms.

[See more of Serengeti National Park: Things to Do | Hotels | When to Visit | Photos ]

Wilderness Safaris

African Safari camp vacation

Courtesy of Wilderness Safaris

For some of Africa's most jaw-dropping scenery, opt for the seven-night Namibian Adventure Safari tour offered by Wilderness Safaris. This weeklong trip features visits to the Namib Desert's dune-filled Sossusvlei region (which you may recognize from the film "Mad Max: Fury Road") and the mountainous Palmwag Concession – a protected area with springboks, giraffes, black rhinos and more. The package's per person fee starts at $6,725, which covers most meals, park entrance fees, and transfers from Namibia's capital Windhoek and between the safari destinations. It also covers your stay at properties like the fully solar-powered Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp and the five-star Little Kulala lodge amid the stunning desert.

Wild Rwanda Safaris

African Safari gorilla in Rwanda

Courtesy of Wild Rwanda Safaris)

Adventurous travelers sticking to a more conservative budget should consider Wild Rwanda Safaris' Bwindi Gorilla Safari. The three-day package features a full day in southwestern Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (a haven for silverback gorillas) and an adjacent Batwa Pygmy community. Wild Rwanda Safaris allows guests to choose between midrange, luxury and super luxury accommodation, which can help keep costs down if necessary. The company's packages include the $700 permit required to visit the gorilla park. The round-trip journey by safari vehicle to and from Kigali, Rwanda, and English-speaking guide services are also covered in all rates. The tour can begin from Kampala, Uganda, as well, although you'll spend longer on the road to the park.

Nomad Tanzania

African Safari in Tanzania

Courtesy of

Sign up for Nomad Tanzania's Southern Tanzania safari and you're bound to get an up-close look at Tanzania's diverse wildlife. Offering eight days of activities, including game drives and boat trips in Ruaha National Park and Nyerere National Park, this safari gives you prime opportunities to spot lions, cheetahs, leopards and elephants, among other species. What's more, lodging at the company's campsites, select meals, and flights to and from Dar es Salaam are factored into the package's prices. Expect to pay a minimum of $5,700 per person; prices vary depending on the time of year, and the tour isn't offered in April and May.

Micato Safaris

(Courtesy of Micato Safaris)

If you want to explore multiple destinations while on safari with plenty of comfort (but a price tag to match), book the 15-day Micato Grand Safari. This outing by Micato Safaris starts with a two-day visit to Nairobi, Kenya, before continuing to the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Maasai Mara National Reserve, and the Amboseli and Serengeti national parks for wildlife-viewing excursions. During your trip, you'll see Mount Kilimanjaro as zebras, gazelles and more roam in the foreground. The package costs at least $22,450 per person (based on double occupancy rates) and includes a hot air balloon ride, a camel tour led by members of the Samburu tribe, and lodging at upscale properties like Serengeti's Four Seasons outpost. The company also offers various extensions allowing you to explore other parts of Africa, from the island paradise of Zanzibar to the deserts of Namibia.

Rothschild Safaris

African safari vacation

Courtesy of Rothschild Safaris

If your ideal safari vacation consists of customizing your trip from start to finish, consider an outing with Rothschild Safaris. The company offers itineraries in locales like Zambia and Madagascar , but if you're hoping to catch a glimpse of the big five animals, the Essence of Tanzania safari is a good bet. This nine-day experience, which embarks from Arusha and returns there by plane, includes game-viewing drives in Tarangire National Park and accommodations like canvas tents and farmhouse lodges. Elephants, zebras and lions are just some of the animals you may spot during your journey. You'll also have the opportunity to go on a nighttime safari to spot nocturnal wildlife.

Lion World Travel

African safari vacation

Courtesy of Lion World Travel

As the trip name implies, Lion World Travel's 10-day Best of Cape Town & Botswana vacation package combines sightseeing in Cape Town, South Africa , with a classic safari in Botswana. During the latter half of the itinerary, visitors will explore Botswana's Okavango Delta (home to cheetahs, crocodiles, hippos and more) and Chobe National Park, which is believed to have Africa's largest elephant population. Prices start at $4,299 per person and cover game drives; many of your meals; and stays at luxury hotels, camps and lodges. You'll need to pay an extra charge for the flights within the tour (Cape Town to Botswana as well as Botswana to Johannesburg ).

[See more of Cape Town: Things to Do | Hotels | When to Visit | Photos ]

Bearded Heron Safaris

African safari vacation

Neil Heron | Courtesy of Bearded Heron Safaris

Travelers keen on seeing South Africa's Kruger National Park through the eyes of a local naturalist will appreciate the 15-day safari with Bearded Heron Safaris. Led by Neil Heron, a nature guide and wildlife photographer and writer, Bearded Heron Safaris' longest option features small game drives that may include lion, rhino, zebra and leopard sightings throughout all corners of Kruger. Rates are inclusive of in-park cottage accommodations and all breakfasts, dinners, snacks and drinks. Flights and park fees are not included. For a 15-day safari, expect to pay 76,900 South African rand (about $4,500) per person.

[See more of Kruger National Park: Things to Do | Hotels | When to Visit | Photos ]

Discover Africa

Black rhinoceros in the african savannah

Getty Images

For an inside-out trip through the natural wonders of Botswana, Discover Africa's nine-day Epic Botswana Adventure is a formidable option. You'll start out at a riverside lodge on the Chobe River – a great location for elephant spotting – before moving onto the marshy Okavango Delta, a wildlife-rich area where you can spot a huge range of animals from leopards to rhinos. The safari ends at the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park, a good place to admire wildlife like zebras and buffalo on the savanna as well as salt pans from a former lake. You'll stay in upscale lodges and campsites within close reach of the wilderness. All meals and transport along the tour are included in the price tag (which starts at $4,800 per person), but international flights are excluded.

Wild Wings Safaris

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If you're looking to have a broader experience that mixes in some history and beach time, consider Wild Wings Safaris' eight-day Battlefields, Bush and Beach Safari. You'll start off visiting some of South Africa's historic sites from the Boer wars, before moving on to the Phinda Private Game Reserve, which doesn't allow day visitors, so you should be able to look out for the big five without too many crowds. The tour wraps up at Thonga Beach Lodge, where you can snorkel or scuba dive near coral reefs in the Indian Ocean. As far as safaris go, this one is an affordable option, starting at about $2,795 per person with all meals included as well as a rental car; for the cheapest price, you will need to drive yourself between the destinations, but it's possible to pay an additional fee for a driver to guide you instead.

Cuckoo Safaris

Aerial few of the world famous Victoria Falls with a large rainbow over the falls. This is right at the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe in Southern Africa. The mighty Victoria Falls at Zambezi river are one of the most visited touristic places in Africa.

This tour company kicks off its tours from the majestic Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, with a host of safaris that range from two days to nine, across Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana, including some family-friendly choices. For an affordable option, there's the four-day Discover Victoria Falls, Chobe and Hwange Park safari, which will take you on two full-day tours to Chobe National Park (across the border in Botswana) and to Hwange, Zimbabwe's largest national park, where you should keep your eyes peeled for lions, elephants and more. This safari also includes a sunset cruise on the Zambezi River. The price starts at $900 per person, which includes the tours plus breakfast, lunch and lodging in Victoria Falls; travelers will need to pay for entrance fees to the parks and dinner.

Compass Odyssey

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Courtesy of Compass Odyssey

Explore the savanna and deserts of southwest Africa with Compass Odyssey's eight-day Namibia Wildlife Safari. You'll visit a community-based conservation area in Damaraland – known for its desert-adapted elephants, oryx, giraffes and other wildlife – while staying in the rustic-chic Doro Nawas Camp. You'll also spend two days in Etosha National Park, seeking wildlife at the park's bustling waterholes by day and embarking on an evening game drive as well. Starting at $3,750 per person, the tour includes most meals and all park entry fees, but not flights; the company does allow the tour to be customized on request.

Vaccination and visa requirements for African countries

Some popular safari destinations may require you to have received certain vaccinations in order to enter the country as a tourist. Inoculation requirements can include vaccination against COVID-19 and yellow fever, and you'll need to get these vaccines before departing on your trip. Be sure to bring proof of vaccinations with you. If you are transiting through another country en route to your safari tour, you must check that you also meet immunization requirements for the stopover location.

Note that, outside of what's required, there are a number of other vaccinations that are recommended, so ensure you're up to date and fully protected before you travel. In addition, many safari locations are prone to malaria; you should consult with your doctor to see if you need to bring anti-malaria medication on your trip.

Safari countries have varying visa requirements for travelers from the U.S. – these are detailed below. Depending on your itinerary, you may need a single- or multiple-entry visa, and some visas require you to apply in advance of traveling and/or have a certain number of blank pages in your passport. Regardless of your destination, your passport should be valid for at least six months before you leave for your trip.

Here are the vaccine and visa requirements for major safari destinations as of November 2022:

Botswana: If you have recently visited a country where yellow fever is common, you will need to be vaccinated against this illness. This does not include the U.S. but does include a number of countries in Africa, Central and South America. Consult the World Health Organization's website for a list of countries with risk of yellow fever transmission, including Kenya and Uganda.

U.S. citizens and nationals can stay in Botswana for 90 days without a visa.

Kenya: Travelers to Kenya must have been vaccinated against COVID-19 with the last shot administered more than 14 days before arrival in the country. Unvaccinated visitors can enter with a negative PCR test, conducted no more than 72 hours before departure. Proof of COVID-19 tests or vaccines must be uploaded to an online system called Panabios. Kenya is a country where you'll be at risk of yellow fever transmission; it also requires those traveling from other places with yellow fever or cholera outbreaks to be vaccinated against these illnesses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you protect yourself against yellow fever before your trip here.

Americans need an e-visa to enter Kenya. You should apply online at the eVisa government website no more than eight weeks before your trip, as visas are not available upon arrival in Kenya. See more on the U.S. Department of State's website .

Namibia: Those traveling from a country where yellow fever is common need to be vaccinated against it. No visa is required as long as you're staying for 90 days or less.

Rwanda: If you're coming from a country where yellow fever is endemic, a yellow fever vaccination is required before departure.

U.S. citizens and nationals can be issued a 30-day visitor visa on arrival in Rwanda or through the Rwandan Embassy in Washington, D.C. A single-entry visa costs $50, and it's recommended you bring sufficient cash in U.S. dollars to pay for this (although credit card payment may be accepted at Kigali International Airport). Consult the State Department website for more information.

South Africa: A yellow fever vaccination is required if you're traveling from a country with a risk of transmission. No visa is required for stays of 90 days or less.

Tanzania: Travelers must be able to present proof of COVID-19 vaccination with a QR code to enter Tanzania. Unvaccinated travelers must take a PCR test no more than 72 hours before departure, and the test results should be accessible by QR code. Yellow fever vaccines are mandatory if you're traveling from a location where yellow fever is present – including if you spend more than 12 hours in transit in such a country.

Visas are required for tourism in Tanzania. You can apply for a single-entry, 90-day visa online for $50 – and be sure to print a copy of the approval to bring with you. The processing period takes up to 10 days. You can also obtain a visa on arrival for a $100 fee; it's recommended you bring cash to cover this. Find more Tanzanian visa information on the State Department website .

Uganda: To enter Uganda, you must either be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or present a negative test taken no more than 72 hours before departure. Like Kenya, Uganda is a country with risk of yellow fever transmission. All visitors must show proof of vaccination against yellow fever to enter Uganda, regardless of where you're traveling from.

American visitors to Uganda must apply online for an electronic visa before departure; arriving in Uganda without completing this process could result in your detainment. Visit the State Department website to learn more.

Zambia: Visitors who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 must show proof of vaccination but do not need a test to enter Zambia; unvaccinated travelers must undergo a PCR test no more than 72 hours before departure. Yellow fever vaccines are only required if you're coming from an area considered at risk.

Visas are required to visit Zambia, but these can be obtained online before your departure or at a port of entry. Check the State Department website for more details.

Zimbabwe: To enter Zimbabwe, travelers must either be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or must take a negative PCR test no more than 48 hours before your departure. As with other countries on this list, visitors from countries with yellow fever outbreaks also require a vaccine against this illness.

U.S. visitors can obtain a 30-day, single-entry visa upon arrival in Zimbabwe for $30. If you're taking a tour that requires you to leave and reenter Zimbabwe, be sure to get a double-entry visa for $45. You can learn more from the State Department website .

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We have returned from our Safari in Uganda and Kenya with nothing but great experiences and memories. The organisation and planning of all the details was flawless. From your first contact with me to the final details, everything was so easy and quickly done. During our trip, every detail, every transfer, every connection was Perfect! It was such a relief knowing that we never had to worry about the next day of travel. So again, “THANK YOU” !!

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I have arrived back from my Southern African holiday……a customised trip organised by The Africa Safari Co., a trip through South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana and into Namibia.

Everything worked like clockwork, a true testament to The Africa Safari Co. and their contacts, and their knowledge of Africa. Every guide was there on time, and highly visible, to greet me at the many meeting points throughout the journey. Every booking accurately made, and a well documented itinerary. The itinerary selected by them was varied, engaging, and full of the excitement and mystery promised in all the stories, movies, books and fantasies we all have as children, while growing up, and as adults.

Thank you The Africa Safari Co. …… a truly memorable time.

Terre Wohling

My first time to Africa and The Africa Safari Co did not disappoint! I explored Namibia and the staff on the ground there, the transport, accommodation & activities were all exceptional! If you are considering an African adventure most definitely use The Africa Safari Co!

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We spent 3 weeks in Africa, and 2 of those were travelling with The Africxa Safari Co. We started with 3 days in South Africa. Picked up at the airport on time, taken to our accommodation. Spent the next two days being shown around with a wonderful guide. Off we went then to Botswana, for another 3 days. We stayed at Kasane at the Bakwena Lodge. OMG this place is AMAZING! We saw all of the big 5 other than rhinos, within the first two days! We then went to Victoria Falls and yet again we were blessed with great accommodation and I’ll definitely be back and highly recommend this company!

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We have just returned from a wonderful safari in Kenya. The organisation of the tour by The Africa Safari Co. meant that nothing was left to chance and all we had to do was enjoy our holiday. Thankyou The Africa Safari Co.

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I have travelled twice with The Africa Safari Co. The first in 2015 when we went to Uganda Gorilla & Chimp Trekking and again in 2017 to Tanzania & Kenya. With 25 years experience in Africa their product knowledge is amazing and the staff really know their stuff. When putting itineraries together they offer great suggestions to work within time and budget restrictions. The local ground operators have been fantastic, very friendly with a great knowledge of the game and areas we travelled. If you are looking for an amazing Africa experience don’t look any further than The Africa Safari Co.

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I just wanted to let you know, George and Ana have returned from their honeymoon, and they said it was everything they hoped for and more!

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In planning our South Africa vacation last year, I went online looking for a safari adventure. There were many companies but eventually returned to Safari.Com’s website which offered many itineraries. Luckily, their agent, Dolan quickly contacted me and planned the perfect trip to Sabi Sabi Bush Lodge. I liked his quick responses to my many, many questions. Dolan handled all reservations not only the lodge but hotels, airlines and private transportation. It was an amazing vacation. Our daughter and her family decided on a vacation to South Africa so we are all headed back again this year and Safari.Com and Dolan have again done the planning even our trip insurance. I highly recommend Dolan and Safari.Com for an amazing adventure!
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We visit South Africa with an international team at least once a year and organizing a memorable time for our team is time-consuming and challenging at times. Leigh-Ann is efficient, prompt and focussed on details. She booked our team trip in no time and made sure everything was satifactory. We will not hesitate to contact her for our future safari needs.
Helen Cotzee has been very helpful with…
Helen Cotzee has been very helpful with all my request, very professional a wonderful experience finding such a great person.
Leigh-Ann was amazing very responsive…
Leigh-Ann was amazing very responsive and thorough. The trip she planned for us was perfect and described and better
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All the AI Features Apple Is Planning to Roll Out This Year

A s the rest of the tech world scrambles to add as many AI features as possible to every product and service imaginable, Apple has kept quiet. In the eighteen months since OpenAI changed the game with the launch of ChatGPT, Apple has yet to roll out any substantial AI features to the iPhone, iPad, or Mac, even as Microsoft, Google, and Meta have seemed focused on nothing else.

But if the rumors are to be believed, that's changing this year, as Apple is expected to release new AI features for iOS 18 and macOS 15 at WWDC in June . There have been murmurs about the trillion-dollar company's AI plans for months now, and the hints keep on coming. According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman , who has a reputable track record of reporting on Apple rumors, the company is planning an AI approach that isn't quite as flashy as some of the competition's efforts. Instead, Apple will roll out AI features that integrate with the apps iPhone and Mac users already know and use, such as Photos, Notes, and Safari. The initiative is known as "Project Greymatter." AppleInsider also confirms as much , and reports on a handful of additional AI features.

As a bit of an AI skeptic, I like this plan. It allows Apple to enter into the AI space while offering AI-powered features people might actually use, rather than wasting resources on "revolutionary" AI capabilities that most users will ignore once the novelty wears off.

How Apple plans to power its AI features

Whatever Apple ends up announcing this year, its AI features will need to be powered by...something. Your iPhone or Mac likely already has an NPU (neural processing unit), which is a part of the hardware specifically designed for running AI tasks. (Apple already does have some AI features, including Live Text , which uses the NPU to handle processing.) The company made a big deal about the NPU in the M4 chip in the new iPad Pros , which, once added to the new line of Macs, will likely power many of Apple's upcoming AI features.

However, not all features are ideal for on-device processing, especially for older iPhones and Macs. Gurman predicts that most of Apple's features will be able to run locally on devices made in roughly the last year. If your iPhone, iPad, or Mac is pretty new, the hardware should keep up. However, for older devices, or any features that are particularly power hungry, Apple is planning to outsource that processing power to the cloud.

Apple has reportedly been in talks with both OpenAI and Google to lease those companies' cloud-based AI processing to run some of its new features, but it's not clear whether (or when) those deals will materialize. Gurman says Apple plans to run some cloud-based features from server farms with M2 Ultra chips. If Apple can manage to handle the cloud processing on its own, I'm sure that's preferable to signing a deal with a competitor. We'll likely see how Apple's grand AI plan is coming together at WWDC.

Speaking of plans, here are the AI features Apple is rumored to be revealing in June:

Generative AI emojis

Emojis are a huge part of any iOS or macOS update (we may have already seen a handful of new emojis heading for a future version of iOS 18 and macOS 15). However, Gurman suggests Apple is working on a feature that will create a unique emoji with generative AI based on what you're currently typing. That sounds genuinely fun and useful, if done well. While there are a ton of emoji to choose from already, if nothing fits your particular mood, perhaps an icon created from whatever you're actively talking about with a friend will be a better choice. Over on Android, users have had " Emoji Kitchen, " which lets you combine certain emoji to create something brand new, for a few years now. Apple seems poised to offer an effective iteration on that idea.

Building off this idea, AppleInsider says Apple is working on something called "Generative Playground," which allows users to create and edit AI-generated images. Perhaps the emojis are just one part of this experience.

Siri, powered by AI

I don't know about you, but I've never been too thrilled with Siri. The smart assistant frequently fails to follow through on my requests, whether because it misunderstands my query, or just ignores me altogether. For some reason, it's especially bad on macOS, to the point where I don't bother trying to use Siri at all on my MacBook. If Apple can find to supercharge Siri with AI, or at least make it reliable , that sounds great to me.

We learned about the possibility of Apple integrating AI with Siri earlier this month , based on info leaked to The New York Times by an unnamed source. Gurman's recent report suggests Apple is planning on making interactions with Siri "more natural-sounding," and while it's possible the company will outsource that work to Google or OpenAI, Gurman says the company wants to use its own in-house large language models (LLM). There may even be a specialized AI Siri in the the works for the Apple Watch.

That doesn't mean Apple is turning Siri into a chatbot—at least not according to Gurman, who reports that Apple wants to find a partner that can provide a chatbot for the company's platforms in time for WWDC, without Apple having to build one itself. Right now, it appears the company has sided with OpenAI over Google, so we may see ChatGPT on the iPhone this year.

According to AppleInsider, Apple plans to make other AI changes to Siri as well, including the ability to ask Siri on one device to control media playback on another device. (For example, asking Siri from your iPhone to pause a show on your Apple TV.)

Intelligent Search in Safari

Earlier this month, we learned Apple has at least one AI feature planned for Safari: Intelligent Search . This feature reportedly scans any given web page and highlights keywords and phrases in order to build a generative AI summary of this site. While Gurman says Apple is working on improved Safari web search, we don't know too much more about how Intelligent Search will work just yet.

AI in Spotlight search

Speaking of better search, Apple may use AI to make on-device search in Spotlight more useful. The feature always gives me mixed results, so I'd love if generative AI could not only speed up my searches, but also return more relevant results.

AI-powered accessibility features

Apple recently announced a handful of new accessibility features coming "later this year," which is almost certainly code for "coming in iOS 18 and macOS 15." While not all of these features are powered by AI, at least two that are seem really interesting. First, Apple is using AI to allow users to control their iPhone and iPad with just their eyes, without the need for external hardware. There's also "Listen for Atypical Speech," which uses on-device AI to learn and identify your particular speech patterns.

Automatic replies to messages

As of last year, iOS and macOS will suggest words and phrases as you type, to help you finish your sentences faster. (This feature is not to be confused with the three predictive text options in Messages that have been around for years now.) With iOS 18 and macOS 15, Apple may roll out automatic replies as well. This means that when you receive an email or a text message, the app may suggest a full reply based on whatever you're responding to. Soon, we may all be communicating with single button taps. (Hmm, do I want to tap the response that says "Sounds good: I'll meet you there," or "Sorry, I can't. Raincheck!")

Notes gets an AI overhaul

AppleInsider's sources say Notes will be quite changed by AI: In iOS 18 and macOS 15, you'll be able to record audio directly in a note, and the AI will transcribe that recording as well. Apple already transcribes voice messages sent in the Messages app (quite quickly, in my experience), so utilizing AI to transcribe recordings in Notes only makes sense. Gurman suggests Voice Memos will also get this transcription feature.

In addition, AppleInsider says the Notes app will also get something called Math Notes, which can recognize math notation and answer math-related questions. As you write out your equations, "Keyboard Math Predictions" can suggest ways to autocomplete the notation. I don't have much use for complex math these days, but I imagine these changes could make the Notes app popular with students.

Smart recaps

Gurman says one of Apple's big focuses is "smart recaps," or AI-generated summaries of information you may have missed while not looking at your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, including notifications, messages, web pages, articles, notes, and more. iOS already has a notification summary feature, but these smart recaps sound more involved.

AppleInsider backs this claim up, and in fact goes so far as to suggest a working name: Greymatter Catch Up. According to the outlet, you'll be able to pull up these AI-generated summaries from Siri as well.

Photo retouching

AppleInsider also confirms another Gurman leak: AI is coming to the Photos app. While Gurman simply says Apple plans to use its AI tools for "photo retouching," AppleInsider says the feature will allow you to select objects to remove from photos, similar to other AI photo editing tools on the market now.

It's not clear if there are more AI editing tools in the pipeline, though. The company has already built an AI image editor that takes in natural language prompts to perform edits; it's possible it will incorporate some of those features into an AI photo "enhancer" for the Photos app on iOS and macOS.

All the AI Features Apple Is Planning to Roll Out This Year

Top Things to Do in Elektrostal, Russia - Elektrostal Must-See Attractions

Things to do in elektrostal.

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  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

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1. Electrostal History and Art Museum

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2. Statue of Lenin

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3. Park of Culture and Leisure

4. museum and exhibition center.

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5. Museum of Labor Glory

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7. Galereya Kino

8. viki cinema, 9. smokygrove.

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10. Gandikap

11. papa lounge bar, 12. karaoke bar.

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  • Technology News

Apple confirms WWDC 2024 schedule: iOS 18, macOS 15, and other major AI announcements company likely to make

Apple confirms WWDC 2024 schedule: iOS 18, macOS 15, and other major AI announcements company likely to make

Apple to unveil iOS 18, macOS 15, and more at keynote

Ai to take centre stage, platforms state of the union for developers, limited in-person attendance and live-streaming, developer support and session videos.


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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia

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iOS 18 release date: When will Apple release its latest OS update for iPhones?

Apple ios 18 update is likely to be announced at the company's wwdc developers conference starting from june 10..

Apple’s iOS accounted for 18% of global smartphone shipments in the first quarter, those running Android made up 74%, according to research-firm Gartner. Photo: AFP (AFP)

Apple is all set to introduce its iOS 18 operating system at the company's WWDC 2024 event on June 10. The iOS 18 update is expected to be mark one of the biggest upgrades in the history of the company, with announcements expected on a  host of new features powered by generative AI, along with a scheduled revamp to Siri voice assistant and major upgrades to the Apple Music, Messages, iWork and Settings app. 

iOS 18 expected features: 

Recent reports suggest that Apple may have struck a deal with ChatGPT maker OpenAI to bring generative AI capabilities to iOS 18. Notably, most of these AI features are likely to run on-device, rather than relying on the cloud. Meanwhile, in a bid to reduce its reliance on OpenAI, Apple also seems keen to strike a deal with Google to bring Gemini to iOS 18 .

Also Read | Apple and OpenAI forge billion-dollar AI partnership ahead of WWDC 2024: Report

Using 'on-device' AI has some obvious advantages, including improved privacy, the ability to run offline or in places with poor internet connectivity, and reduced response time. However, on-device large language models (LLMs) are not backed by huge servers with billions of parameters (which power most commercial chatbots such as ChatGPT or Gemini) and as a result are not as powerful or knowledgeable in many cases.

Apple is likely to provide an AI-powered update to Safari, Messages, Notes, Spotlight and Siri, among other applications. A key highlight of the forthcoming iOS 18 update could be the integration of AI-driven photo editing capabilities, likely to empower users with unprecedented control and creativity in enhancing their visual content.

iOS 18 expected release date: 

Traditionally, Apple introduces its latest iOS update during the WWDC keynote address by the CEO and the first developer beta for the latest version released just hours after that. As per a 9to5Mac report, the first public beta for iOS 18 should be released a month after the keynote, which takes the timeline to around mid-end July. 

Also Read | Apple's AI journey takes shape with iOS 18 ‘Preview’: Mark Gurman hints at new emojis, music app updates and more

Moreover, Apple usually releases a stable version of the update to all its existing devices a few days after the launch of its latest iPhone series reveal in September.

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  16. All the AI Features Apple Is Planning to Roll Out This Year

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