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Is Venice Worth Visiting? 10 Venice Travel Tips to Actually Have a Good Trip

January 28, 2022

Venice has always been an insanely famous travel destination, even long before the days it became an instagrammers playground. While praised for its beauty and romanticism, it seems to be criticized for a lot more these days. But is Venice worth visiting still in 2022? In this article, we’ll cover reasons why Venice is still worth visiting, and 10 Venice travel tips to actually have a good experience!

View of Venice gondolas from San Marco Square

Is Venice Worth Visiting These Days?

It only takes a couple seconds browsing the internet to see that there are tons of mixed reviews on the true experience of visiting the floating city. Over-tourism, dirtiness, skyrocketing prices, flooding, and the ever present impending doom that is the fact it is sinking – these are among many reasons more and more travelers are saying Venice is not really as fun in real life as in the photos.

I’ve visited twice, and it’s true that it can easily feel like one of the most touristy places you’ll ever go. With those massive Disneyland-sized crowds and selfie sticks abound, it’s no wonder some visitors feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

5 Reasons People Have a Bad Trip to Venice

I’ve taken the time to browse the internet to see what other travelers are saying. After sifting through negative reviews and rants, below are what I’ve found to be the top reasons people do not think Venice is worth visiting.

beautiful views from a canal in Venice with a gondola make Venice worth visiting

1. They Only Do Touristy Things

If you are just sticking to the major sites like San Marco Square, Rialto Bridge and the like, you will always be among the crowds. Not only is that uncomfortable, but you won’t really feel any sense of discovery in Venice. You’ve likely seen the major sites in photos before, so it’s even less impressive if that’s all you see while here.

2. They Overpay for Low Quality

I was stunned to see how many people seem to complain about the prices in Venice. So many people experienced high dining prices, high gondola prices, and being overcharged for services.

My guess is that most people don’t do their research, and end up dining and shopping at tourist traps. They overpay, and get something low in quality, which leads them to think everything in Venice is like that (hint: it’s not, more on that later).

view of a tower and a canal in Venice in fall

3. They Don’t Learn the History

I’ll admit, the first time I visited I hardly skimmed over the surface of Venice’s history. If you don’t have any context, Venice to you will always just be a “pretty place”. It’s like we totally forget than this was once the center of a thriving empire at the trading crossroads of global cultures. There is an insanely rich history here that you could spend weeks digging into.

4. They Are Obsessed With Taking Photos

I am guilty of this at times too. Unfortunately, you will never be the only one in Venice trying to get “the shot”. It’s likely you’ll be competing with swarms of other people trying to snap the same viewpoint as you, in no less than 200 different poses.

Plus, unless you go at the crack of dawn, Venice is always busy. You will become tired and frustrated very fast from trying to get any fake candid photos with no one blocking your background!

an alleyway in venice in fall

5. They Only Stay for One Day

Another reason I suspect people hate Venice is because they simply don’t spend enough time here. If you treat the destination as a day trip, that’s all you’ll get out of it. A “stop, take a photo, and go” type of experience. To fully experience any destination takes time, and you really can’t get past the superficial aspects of Venice in one or even two days.

5 Reasons Why Venice is Worth Visiting

Everyone knows that Venice is beautiful, but it’s much more than just a postcard pretty destination. Here are some lesser known reasons why Venice is worth visiting.

girl in front of rialto bridge in Venice is fall

1. Rich History

Do you know the reason why Venice was built inside a lagoon to begin with? And that the first settlers established the city over 1500 years ago, using engineering and architectural knowledge far beyond their times? Do you know about how this was a hub for black plague victims to be left to die? Do you know the dark history behind carnival and the story behind each of the different masks? Did you realize Venice was once the center of the Venetian Empire, one of the strongest and most critical trading hubs between Asia and Europe?

These are all questions I think most travelers fail to ask themselves, myself included. I’d say that the history and stories behind Venice make it among the top most interesting places I’ve visited – seriously.

2. Interesting Stories and Legends

Ca' Dario the most haunted house in Venice

Beyond the official historical events, Venice is also home to a lot of darker history, ghost stories and legends. Many wouldn’t think it makes an interesting dark tourism destination, but it absolutely does.

One of the top 10 most haunted places in the world is located here (2, if you count the nearby island of Poveglia). There are countless disturbing stories and local legends that if you dug into, you may not even consider Venice a romantic destination anymore.

3. Beautiful Local Crafts

sexy artwork in Venice

Venice and the surrounding islands are home to many local handicraft shops boasting local artwork. The most famous ones are Murano glass and Burano lacework. I don’t usually shop when traveling, but the glass is seriously beautiful to see, buy, and learn about.

Beyond those, there are loads of small boutique handicraft shops selling all types of unique artwork; from jewelry to home goods – this is the place to buy some unique souvenirs.

4. It Defies Gravity and Time

The city itself is built onto wooden stilts , that have never been replaced since the city’s founding in 5 AD. How those people were able to build an entire city on wooden poles and some sand is beyond comprehension! Coming here and fully appreciating that blows the mind. The city itself defies gravity and time by having not sank into the lagoon centuries ago.

5. It Won’t Always Be Here

Venice canals

Despite my statement above, Venice is sinking slowly. Because of climate change, the sinking is expected to speed up, and it could be inaccessible in as little as 80 years. All the more reason to visit while you can!

So is Venice Worth Visiting?

view of San Marco bell tower view from under an arch in Venice in Fall

The truth is Venice has a lot to offer beyond what most people may realize. I also once thought it was just a pretty place, where you come to do touristy things, ride an overpriced gondola, and that was that.

It wasn’t until I came back, spent almost a week here and really dug into the history and wandered off the tourist trail that I realized just how special this place really is. Here are 10 Venice tips on how to visit and actually have a good trip!

10 Essential Venice Travel Tips

girl in front of the bridge of sighs in Venice in autumn

1. Visit in the Fall

My top tip is to visit in the shoulder season, mainly in late-Fall. Summers are hot in Italy, a fact made way more uncomfortable by the elbow to elbow crowds everywhere in Venice. Coming in peak season will also guarantee that you’ll be in overwhelming lines to get anywhere, and overpay for everything.

In fall the weather cools down, but Venice is still a pleasant temperature and entirely enjoyable. The crowds thin out tremendously, so you’ll be able to enjoy yourself more. The prices for hotels and most tours also goes down dramatically.

Winter is too cold, and spring can be busy, so fall really is the best season to visit.

view of the grand canal from Ponte dell'Accademia at sunset

2. Spend at Least a Few Days

Many people blast through Venice in a day, maybe two. Maybe they don’t want to pay for an expensive hotel room (but prices should be lower if you follow tip #1) for several days, but that’s a shame. You really should spend a MINIMUM of three days in Venice to even get a feel for what it is under all the superficial aspects.

One day to do the touristy sites and museums, second day to explore random neighborhoods like Cannaregio and the Jewish Quarter, and the third day to visit some of the nearby islands. And even that is the bare minimum to be honest. If you really want to dive in, you could easily spend a week here, exploring museums and outer islands, shopping, eating your way around, and just soaking in the vibe.

My favorite part of Venice was just walking aimlessly, crossing every bridge I saw, and getting off at random stops on the waterbus. The city is incredibly beautiful and I assure you, you’ll have a better experience exploring than just ticking off major sites.

clock tower at the gate to the arsenal fortress in Venice in autumn

3. Learn About Local History

As mentioned above, Venice has an incredibly rich and eventful history. You can spend some time learning about it by visiting some museums, or even taking a tour. For me, I decided to watch some documentaries that were online, and read up on the history myself, then visit the relevant sites.

This made everything I was seeing so much more meaningful. Suddenly random street names had a story behind them, and what looked just like another pretty bridge became the site of a tragedy or major event.

4. Find Local Places to Eat

the food in Venice makes Venice worth visiting

Many complaints I saw on Quora, Tripadvisor and the like, were about how people overpaid for bad food. Honestly, it’s highly likely that these people just didn’t know where to eat and walked right into tourist trap after tourist trap.

I’d advise asking locals, or even the hotel receptionist where they like to eat. Look up the regional specialties and eat that. My favorite area for finding good food at non-tourist prices were in the Cannaregio neighborhood.

While in Venice be sure to try scartossi (fried fish cone), eat your way through the Rialto market, or stop by a bacaro or chincetti bar, both offering italian tapa-style bites. Then wash everything down with a bellini or aperol spritz – both regional in origin!

5. Get out of the Touristy Areas

San Marco Basilica at sunrise in Venice in Fall

By all means, don’t skip the major sites. San Marco Square, San Marco Basilica, Rialto Bridge, and Doge Palace are all worth the visit. Just remember that there is a lot more to the city than that.

Getting out of the touristy area lets you explore and feel a sense of discovery. As you meander through charming alleys, cross random bridges, finding cute shops and cafes along the way, you’ll appreciate the real Venice a lot more. My favorite areas to explore were Guidecca, Cannaregio and the Jewish Quarter.

6. Take the Waterbus

a gondola ride though a canal makes Venice worth visiting

Venice has no roads for cars, so it’s likely you’ll take a waterbus on arrival here. These are truly like buses, with designated stops all around the city.

I loved taking the waterbus just for the views of the city from the canal itself. When I saw something cool, I’d stop and get off to randomly explore the area.

This is a very fun way to discover Venice in my opinion, and gives much more of a feeling of adventure than going on a tour or sticking to the tourist trail.

7. Visit Nearby Islands

visiting nearby islands like Burano make venice worth visiitng

Visiting Venice should not be done without visiting at least one of the nearby islands. These islands all have something different to offer, so take some time to learn the history, then decide which ones interest you.

Murano is known for glasswork, Torcello has history, and Burano is infamous for its colorful houses. There is Poveglia, the most haunted island in the world where plague victims were sent to die. Definitely look into visiting a few islands if you can! A popular route is Burano, Murano and Torcello as a full day trip.

8. Take Photos Early in the Morning

View of Ciesa di Santa Maria from the Ponte dell'Academia in Venice in Fall

Venice is full of people hoping to snap a picture of the same things you are. For your own sanity, only take photos early in the morning. This way you have the best lighting, while avoiding the frustration of fighting crowds and photo-bombers in the background.

9. Wake Up Early to See Major Sites

Just like how taking photos in Venice is better early on in the day, so is a visit to the major sites. Doge Palace has a line that wraps around the building from lunch time onwards. There are huge crowds on the Ponte dell’Accademia and basically every point of interest from late morning until evening.

Knock the popular places off your list either very early in the day, or right before closing time to avoid the crowds.

colorful building in Burano

10. Pack Light

Venice has no car access, and the entire city is connected by tiny bridges that almost always involve stairs (so that gondolas can go under). Be sure to pack accordingly and know that you will be dragging your suitcase and things over cobbled streets, bridges, and through narrow alleys.

Another option is to book a hotel right by a waterbus station.

Venice Budgeting Travel Tips

a girl in front of colorful rainbows and a canal in Burano near Venice

Since many travelers expressed a negative experience in Venice due to the prices, here are some tips to avoid overpaying and to keep your budget in check.

1. Visit in the off-season

Visiting in fall is best, but the entire off-season (October – March, except for Carnival) will have lowered prices for hotels and tours. Visit in this time to score a bargain on a beautiful hotel!

2. Ask Hotel About Prices

In Venice, prices can be either very fair or entirely inflated. You can have an amazing, freshly made pasta for the same price as a microwaved ready-meal (yes, I was shocked this was a thing) pasta next to the train station. Guess which one is better bang for your buck?

If you aren’t sure whether you are being ripped off, ask your hotel what the normal cost for something should be and what areas to avoid for tourist traps.

colorful building and wall sculpture in burano

3. Save on Accommodation

I was surprised to see good deals on for 3 and 4 star hotels right in the center near San Marco Square in the shoulder season. You can easily find a beautiful hotel in a prime location for $70- $80 USD in this season, with breakfast included in many!

If you are traveling as a pair at least, this is very affordable. No need to search on Airbnb, I found hotels to be the better deal here.

Hotel Casanova is where I stayed. It’s a four star hotel next to San Marco Square, with a fabulous breakfast included for only $80 USD a night!

4. Eat Take-Out for Lunch

I opted to have more simple lunches, and splurge on dinner and drinks in the evening for my week in Venice. This helped to keep my budget in check, while still allowing me to eat well.

You’ll find many take-out pasta bars that offer fresh homemade pasta, that make yours fresh to order for about 5-6 euros. I’d take this to sit by the canal and have a picnic, while watching the gondolas go by. Simply amazing.

Another very local alternative is to eat at a bacaro or cincetti bar, both offering local small bites that pair well with a glass of wine.

colorful green and yellow fisherman houses in Burano near Venice

5. Get a Hotel With Free Breakfast

Many hotels offer a free breakfast, another good way to save time and money in the morning. I stayed at the Casanova Hotel , which offered a generous breakfast of meats, eggs, cakes, pastries and fruit. I was almost always full until mid-afternoon, which means more time to explore!

6. Take the Water-bus

When in Venice, you’ll see lot’s of people offering to take you around via water taxi. These are not the same as the water-bus, and cost about 10 times more in some cases.

photogenic Venice canals make Venice worth visiting

The water-bus is very frequent and convenient, with many stops all around the city. At a price of 7.50 euros flat rate one way, opt to take the water-bus instead of a water-taxi.

7. Shop Around Before Buying

Once you arrive in Venice, you will be overwhelmed by the shopping opportunities. From Italian leather goods, to handcrafts, to artwork and more – there is a lot to be tempted by here!

My advice is to bookmark the places you wish to return to, and take photos of what you want to buy. Towards the end of your trip, after you’ve seen more options, narrow it down to the ones you REALLY can’t live without.

Even by following this method, I walked away from Venice with a full suitcase of new handbags. You have been warned.

And I hope that answers the question “Is Venice worth visiting?” The short answer is yes, if you know how to plan your trip and what to avoid, you’ll get the best experience this city has to offer. Which is a lot – in case that wasn’t made clear! Have you been to Venice? What was your experience like?


venice travel tips reddit

February 3, 2022 at 11:21 am

I agree, the only way to see Venice is to get lost. To avoid at all possible the most touristy parts and to get to know the legends and history. Any city is better when there aren’t a lot of tourists, and I always travel in the non peak times to get that more authentic experience. Thanks for the memories of Venice.

venice travel tips reddit

February 3, 2022 at 3:56 pm

Love this! Venice is at the top of my bucket list travel spots even with the mixed reviews. I thought you added some great tips and advice here. Thanks for sharing!

venice travel tips reddit

February 3, 2022 at 4:04 pm

We loved Venice! We have been a couple of times, but look forward to going back with the kids! So much history, and such a different environment than what the kids are used to. Will be a great experience for them!

venice travel tips reddit

February 3, 2022 at 11:46 pm

I love how you have brought balance to the argument of whether Venice is worth visiting. There is no doubt that the majority of people who expressed disappointment did not stay long enough to do the place justice combined with not doing their homework beforehand. The detail you have shared here certainly offers sound advice to not fall into the usual traps of the average tourist.

venice travel tips reddit

February 4, 2022 at 1:31 am

Loved this article so much! I have been to Italy a few times now, but never made it to Venice and I myself was wondering if I am missing out or not so much. Now I am sure that I have been missing out big time. Venice is definitely a place to visit for a bit longer other than just a day trip and allow yourself to get lost. Loved your article!

venice travel tips reddit

February 4, 2022 at 2:17 am

Having visited Venice I can see why there may be things that turn people off if they visit or plan to visit. Only staying for one day will not let them really enjoy the city. We loved wandering and discovering local spots off the tourist paths. And we are always aware that Venice may not always be there.

venice travel tips reddit

February 4, 2022 at 1:23 pm

What a nice post on one of my favorite cities. Normally, I’m visiting Venice every other year for the Biennials – and I hope to go back this year, too. What I’m missing in your list of mistakes is picking the wrong season. When you go to Venice in August, you’ll be super-hot, the alleys are packed with people, it’s smelly, just terrible.

venice travel tips reddit

February 4, 2022 at 2:36 pm

Great tips and dos and don’t. We have not been to Venice and are raring to go!

venice travel tips reddit

February 4, 2022 at 3:49 pm

I love Venice, and even though it is a tourist city, it is worth visiting. Great tips on what to do to avoid the crowds. I agree that fall is the best season for a visit.

venice travel tips reddit

February 5, 2022 at 1:21 pm

I wished i stayed in Venice longer, I was on a tour when I first went back in 2015. I enjoyed Venice a lot getting lost many times and finding the cutest stores with handmade crafts. I bought a painting from a local old man and he was so happy to have sold one of his pieces. Your post makes me want to revisit and explore more!

venice travel tips reddit

February 7, 2022 at 2:18 pm

Great article! I’ve only visited it as a day trip along with Murano and Burano, and I was absolutely mesmetized. Spending a couple of days in Venice enjoying the serenity of the early morning is definitely on my list! And I’m happy to hear the hotel prices can get affordable like that. Thank you for the tips!

venice travel tips reddit

February 22, 2022 at 5:17 pm

I once had a local ask me, “How did you hear about Venice?” Our family loved our visit there and were able to see a lot in a short time. Yes and yes. It is worth visiting.

venice travel tips reddit

July 27, 2022 at 10:51 am

Manly the people forget that Venice is not Disneyland

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Wander Her Way

6 Essential Venice Travel Tips from a Local

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Venice Travel Tips (from a Local Venetian Guide)

This post is all about the best Venice travel tips from a true Venetian local!

The last time I was there, I took an amazing walking tour in Venice , Italy. The guide was a native to Venice, which is quite rare! More than 20 million tourists visit Venice every year, and only about 55,000 people live in the historic city nowadays.

Hearing from a local guide was very enlightening, and he had a bunch of wisdom for our group.

Here are six great Venice travel tips he shared with my group that will help you maximize your experience in La Serenissima .

1. Taking a gondola ride

To avoid getting ripped off by a gondolier, make sure you know the standard rates for a thirty-minute gondola ride: 80 euros during the day and 100 euros at night, from sunset until eight AM.

This is for the ENTIRE boat, not per person! And up to six people can ride in a gondola and split it.

Before you board the gondola, ask for the price. If the gondolier tries to tell you the price is going to be more for any reason, they are not telling the truth. Politely but firmly let them know that you know that the rates are set.

Discuss the route with the gondolier before you leave, and do not pay them in advance! Pay them at the end after it’s been thirty minutes, and they have taken you on the promised route.

Make sure to pay with exact change, or else they just might try to keep your extra money as a “tip” without giving you any change back.

Fun fact: Venice gondoliers make upwards of $150,000 a year. Don’t feel bad for them—and don’t let them rip you off!

💡 Tip: You can book a gondola ride in advance here . It will cost a bit more, but it could save you time trying to figure out where to go and facing long lines. Just beware the tips above still apply to the pre-booked tours. The quality of your gondola ride will rely 100% on the Gondolier you end up with.

2. How to find the best gelato

Real fruit gelato always tastes better than gelato made with artificial flavoring. So are you ready for the most delicious of the Venice travel tips?

To spot the best gelato, just take a look at the coloring. If it’s brightly colored—think bright green for pistachio gelato or hot pink for strawberry gelato—then it’s probably made with artificial flavoring.

Real gelato has more of a muted tone. So if you see pastel colors, it’s more likely to be authentic, fresh, and delicious Italian gelato.

It should go without saying to look for gelato shops on side streets and not in the main tourist areas. You’ll probably save yourself a euro or two and find much better gelato!

📌 Book this Venice street food tour with a local guide

3. A gondola ride for two euros

If you don’t want to spend 80 or 100 euros on a gondola ride, you can still have the experience for a much cheaper price: just two euros.

How? Hop on a gondola crossing the Grand Canal. It’s called a traghetto .

Traghetto means “ferry ride” in Italian. It’s not a fancy ride, and the journey only takes a minute or two, but it’s enough time to snap a quick photo of yourself and get an incredible view of the Grand Canal from a traditional gondola.

Taking a traghetto ride is an authentic and affordable way to experience Venice. One of the most reliable traghetto crossings is at the small wooden dock right beside the Rialto fish market.

📌 Want to know the secret to the 2€ gondola ride? Read my complete guide to riding the traghetto .

gondola ride in venice

4. Don’t get ripped off buying Carnevale masks

One of the most popular souvenirs you can buy in Venice is your very own colorful Carnevale mask.

Almost every souvenir shop you pass will be selling masks. However, to avoid buying an overpriced fake, make sure to take note that someone is inside the shop making the masks .

Real Carnevale masks are made inside the shop. If you walk in and don’t see anybody making masks, they are probably selling cheap, mass-produced masks instead.

The best place to find great authentic masks is the San Polo neighborhood of Venice.

5. Don’t get scammed buying Murano glass

The second most popular Venice souvenir is colorful Murano glass. Almost every souvenir shop you pass will be selling plates, ornaments, and tumblers made of this pretty, colorful glass.

To avoid getting ripped off by a cheap fake, your best bet is to buy your souvenir from the island of Murano itself. It’s a short water bus ride away from Venice.

However, if you’re buying from a shop in Venice, make sure to check that the glass says “Made in Murano” or “Made in Venice” on it. NOT “Made in Italy” or “Made in China” or anything else.

Real Murano glass will also not be too brightly colored, and it won’t be extremely cheap. Those are a couple more of the sure signs that you’re getting a fake.

📌 I recommend this boat tour of the islands of Murano and Burano , which includes a Murano glass-blowing demonstration at an artisan’s workshop.

6. Get lost!

The number one Venice travel tip I got from my local Venice tour guide was to get lost in Venice! Literally.

Wander off the main streets into the city’s narrow alleys and spend a few hours walking around without looking at a map. You will feel like you’re in a completely different city once you move away from the chaos and crowds of touristy areas like St. Mark’s Square and Rialto Bridge.

One of my favorite neighborhoods for wandering around is Cannaregio. Located on the northern side of Venice, this quiet neighborhood has a more local and less touristy feel to it.

If you’re afraid to get really lost, remember that Venice is an island so you won’t go very far!

Cannaregio is the perfect place to stroll around at sunset and stop for dinner somewhere along one of the canals. This is also where I’ve stayed the last few times I’ve been to Venice.

My favorite Venice hotel is the Grand Hotel dei Dogi and I would recommend it for anyone looking for a great location, exceptional service, and a totally unique experience.

Where to Stay in Venice

Here are some of the best places to stay on your trip to Venice:

Most Unique Hotel: Grand Hotel Palazzo dei Dogi — as I mentioned, I have stayed here multiple times now and think it’s one of the best hotels in the world!

Best Luxury Hotel: The Gritti Palace — This is by far the most luxurious hotel in all of Venice, so it’s no surprise it’s at a great location. While I’ve never stayed there, it’s on my bucket list for sure!

Most Convenient: AC Hotel Venezia — I stayed here for one night and enjoyed it. It’s really close to the train station and cruise terminal, making it a very convenient location for getting in and out of the city.

Best Budget Hotel: Hotel Olimpia is a great affordable option in the heart of Venice.

True Venetian Stay: For a real authentic experience, you can rent this gorgeous apartment during your stay in Venice . Local apartments can be a great way to save money in Venice because many are cheaper than hotels, and you will typically have access to a kitchen where you can cook some of your own meals.

More Amazing Things to Do in Venice

Before you go, check out these amazing things to do in Venice:

  • Admire Michelangelo’s famous David at Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia
  • Take a guided walking tour of Venice
  • Visit the colorful—and often overlooked—island of Burano
  • See all 11 Amazing Things to Do in Venice, Italy …

I hope these Venice travel tips will help you on your trip as much as they helped me!

🩷 Where to next? Check out my travel guide to Italy .

For more tips on visiting Italy, be sure to read the following:

  • What Not to Do in Italy: 10 Common Tourist Mistakes
  • The Perfect One Week Italy Itinerary
  • The Perfect Two-Week Italy Itinerary

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Venice Travel Tips

About Denise Cruz

Denise is a marketing executive who escaped corporate to travel the world… twice. A Brazilian native living in the U.S., she’s lived in 4 countries and visited 35+ others. After side-hustling her way to financial independence, she curates solo destination guides, slow travel tips, and travel blogging advice on Wander Her Way. When she’s not on the road, you can find her in Miami with her dog Finnegan.

Rossi Writes

45 Essential Tips for Venice, Italy – A Must-Read for First-Time Visitors

By Author Rossi Thomson

Posted on Last updated: 4th September 2022

Categories Veneto , Venice

Here are 45 essential tips for Venice in Italy to make your visit to this unique and magical city a truly wonderful travel experience.

All tips are based on my explorations of venice over a period of 15 years (with six of them spent living next door to the city of water)..

By sharing these tips with you, I want to help you streamline your Venice travel planning and make your time there truly memorable and enjoyable.

Venetian boat moored in a canal by a brick wall - Venice, Italy -

Venice in Italy is a magical city that sits at the top of many travel wishlists. Founded 1,600 years ago on a cluster of islands in the Venetian Lagoon, throughout the centuries Venice has charmed many travellers with its beautiful architecture, rich catalogue of art, and deep layers of history. Nowadays, millions of people head to Venice each year eager to see for themselves its spectacular scenery and unique cultural heritage. 

At the same time, visiting the city of water also presents some very specific challenges. Venice, after all, is a car-free city where you need to rely on boats and your own feet to take you places. It is also a city that is struggling to preserve its centuries-old traditions and way of life against a world of cheap travel, fast movement, and excessive consumption. 

As result, Venice can make you feel both elated and dejected. It can charm you and repel you. And it can make you fall in love with its beauty and yet do your head in with its whimsicalities. Often, within the same minute.

So, I wrote this blog post to help you experience this magical city in the best possible way while avoiding common pitfalls. My 45 essential tips for Venice, Italy are organised into nine groups: when to visit , airports , accommodation , travel , food , sightseeing , health and safety , money management , and time management . I’ve also included a special bonus tip for Venice right at the end of this blog post. In a way, this bonus tip is the most essential tip of them all! You’ll see!

I hope that my 45 essential tips for Venice will come in very handy so that your time in the city of water is as exciting and enriching as possible. Especially, if this is your first visit there. 

Have a look!

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45 Essential Tips for Venice, Italy – A Must-Read for First-Time Visitors

When to visit tips for venice, italy.

A beautiful mask in purple with a birdcage on her head - Venice, Italy -

1. Venice is Always a Good Idea

Venice is one of the most famous cities in the world and a dream destination for millions of people. With its unique location in the heart of the Venetian Lagoon and with deep layers of history, visiting the city of water is always a good idea. 

Venice has a lot to offer every month of the year. And its beauty is dramatically marked by the seasons. With the wisterias dripping in purple blooms in spring, with the canals glistening in millions of shades of teal in summer, with autumnal mists adding to the mystery of the city, and with the riot of Carnival in winter, Venice always is a delight to discover.

So, don’t delay it! As soon as you have a few free days and travelling is an option, head to Venice to see for yourself its spectacular scenery and rich heritage.

2. Yet The Best Months to Visit Venice Are…

Venice is especially great to visit during the shoulder season. This is the travel period between the low and the high season and vice-versa. So, from March through April to the start of May and then from the end of September through October to mid-November are particularly lovely times of the year to find yourself in Venice.

This is when the crowds of tourists are very manageable, the city feels authentic and it basks in beautiful spring or autumnal sunlight. Temperatures during the shoulder seasons in Venice customarily are also very pleasant.

3. Plan Your Visit to Coincide with a Large-Scale Venetian Event

If your travel plans are not dependant on school holidays or any other such restrictive scheduling, then try to visit Venice during one of its big traditional celebrations. This way you can experience the pomp of the city, relive its glorious past, and/or see the world’s latest trends in terms of films, art, and architecture.

The Carnival of Venice is a particularly great time to visit the city of water. It is held in the weeks before the Catholic Lent. Then you have La Sensa in May, the Vogalonga in May or June, the Festa del Redentore in July, the Historic Regatta and the Venice Film Festival in September, and the Festa della Salute in November. Add to this the Venice Biennale and the Venice Architecture Biennale which are held over several months. 

Click here for more details:

  • Carnival of Venice – History and Traditions of the World’s Most Illustrious Party

4. Stay in Venice as Long as You Can

Venice truly has a lot to offer. Trying to squeeze its many landmarks in a day or two is a recipe for rushing around and missing out on some truly unique and wonderful sights. If you only have a day or two at your disposal, by all means, don’t let this stop you from coming to Venice. My first visit to the city of water was indeed a day trip. While time really flies quickly here, a day can be a great taster of Venice and it can start a lifelong love affair with the city of water. As it happened to me!

Yet, if you know that you are unlikely, for whatever reason, to return to Venice in the future, then try to put aside as much time as you can for your visit to it. If you have three full days, for example, you can spend two days in Venice and then dedicate a day to exploring other islands in the Venetian Lagoon. If you have four days, then you can spend the fourth on a day trip to the Italian mainland. And if you have five, six days or a whole week, then you can explore Venice in a very methodical and yet spontaneous way, delving deep beneath the surface and discovering the truly hidden gems that make the city of water so unique. From visits to artisan workshops to taking gondola rowing lessons, the variety of things you can do in Venice is only limited by your imagination. 

5. Make Sure That You Visit Venice Sooner…

…rather than later. Venice requires a certain physical and emotional stamina. Walking everywhere and spending whole days on your feet can get very taxing very quick. Especially during the very hot summer months and the chilly winter days. Then, the huge quantity of art, architecture, history, and traditions to process can be simply overwhelming.

So, don’t postpone your visit to Venice, Italy. Do it as soon as you can both in terms of time and money. 

Airport Tips for Venice, Italy

Church of Santa Maria Assunta (known as I Gesuiti) with a pink cloud - Venice, Italy -

6. Know the Best Airports for a Venetian Holiday

There are several Italian airports you can fly into for a visit to Venice. The two most convenient ones are:

  • Venice Marco Polo Airport
  • Treviso Airport

Yet, you can use the following airports, too:

  • Verona Airport Valerio Catullo
  • Trieste – Friuli Venezia Giulia Airport
  • Bologna Guglielmo Marconi  Airport

While the first two are physically the closest airports to Venice, the other three are a very manageable train ride away, too. So, depending on plane ticket prices and available flights, keep an open mind as to which airport you can fly into for your Venetian holiday.

  • 5 Best Airports for Venice, Italy (With Transfer Options and Travel Times)

7. Plan Your Trip from the Airport to Venice

There are many different ways to get from your airport of arrival to Venice.

If you fly into Venice Marco Polo airport, then you can choose one of the following options to reach your destination in the city of water:

  • water bus ;
  • shuttle bus ;
  • shared water taxi ;
  • private transfer by car ;
  • private transfer by car and boat ; or
  • taxi. 

Shuttle buses, taxis, and private transfers by car will drop you off at Piazzale Roma. Once there, you can either walk or use Venice’s water buses ( vaporetto ) to travel to the vaporetto stop that is nearest to your accommodation. Click to buy a single, one-day or a multi-day ticket for Venice’s vaporetti in advance.

Shared water taxis and private transfers by boat should drop you off at the nearest to your accommodation mooring point.

If you fly into Treviso Airport, then again you can rely on a shuttle bus to take you all the way to Piazzale Roma in Venice. Another option is to get a bus from Treviso Airport to Treviso Centrale train station and then travel to Venice by train . Alternatively, you can book a private transfer , too.

And if you fly into either Verona or Bologna , then you can take the shuttle from the airport to respectively Verona Porta Nuova train station or Bologna Centrale train station. High-speed and fast regional trains connect Verona and Bologna to Venice all throughout the day.

Flying into Trieste Airport is very convenient, too. The airport has its own train station which is served by direct trains to Venice.

  • Bologna to Venice – A Beautiful Day Trip in Italy – for tips how to reach Venice from Bologna by train
  • Verona to Venice – An Unmissable Day Trip in Italy – for tips how to reach Venice from Verona by train

8. To Be Extra Organised, Book Your Train Tickets to Venice in Advance

If you decide to travel from your chosen airport to Venice by train, check these two websites for train prices and times: 

  • Italo Treno

The first website shows you all available trains for your date and time of travel. This includes high-speed trains, fast regional trains and regional trains. It pays to book your tickets for the high-speed trains in advance as they increase in price the closer to the date of departure it gets. The prices for tickets for the fast regional and the regional trains remain unchanged no matter when you buy them.

For close distances in Italy, the fast regional trains are the best option. They are inexpensive, run often, and stop only at the most important cities and towns along the way. For long distance travel in Italy (for example, Bologna to Venice), the high-speed trains are the better option. They cost more but offer quick and smooth travel.

The second website is of Italy’s private high-speed train operator. Italo’s trains offer fast and smooth travel between many of Italy’s largest cities. Again, it pays to purchase your tickets in advance as the price increases the closer to the day of travel it gets.

9. Allow Plenty of Time to Reach the Airport from Venice

At the end of your time in Venice, make sure that you allow plenty of time to travel back to your chosen airport. During your stay in the city of water, you will come to feel how time seems to flow differently here. Somehow slower, more unhurried. Plus, the beautiful setting of Venice makes you prone to daydreaming and relaxing into yourself. So, it may be a bit of a shock to the system when you need to quickly switch back.

Plan carefully how long it’s going to take you to reach the airport from your Venetian accommodation . Then add 30% more time to it. Consider that you will have to carry your luggage (probably heavier on account of the many wonderful things you have bought in Venice) all the way to the nearest mooring point or vaporetto stop or even to Piazzale Roma or the Venezia Santa Lucia train station. There may be crowds you need to navigate. Or you may get lost for one last time in the maze of narrow curving streets.

While the vaporetti and the trains here traditionally run on time, give yourself some extra minutes just in case. Plus, if you take the  water bus to Venice Marco Polo Airport, don’t forget that there is a long-ish walk from the docks to the terminal. 

10. Shop Exquisite Italian Food, Fashion, and Crafts at the Airport

Getting early to the airport after a wonderful vacation in Venice pays in yet another way. You will have plenty of time to explore the many lovely shops there and stock on Italian food, fashion, and crafts.

This applies mainly if you travel back from Venice Marco Polo Airport or (to a degree) Bologna Airport. They are bigger and have several excellent shops. Buying at the airport can save you the effort of lugging extra weight from your accommodation in Venice to the plane. 

Just remember that the choice is not going to be as big as in Venice itself. Also Bologna Airport will not necessarily have traditional for Venice crafts. Still, shopping at an Italian airport is always very exciting. Especially in terms of coming across delicious deli items, the latest Italian styles, and beautiful artisanal gifts. 

Accommodation Tips for Venice, Italy

The Grand Canal seen from Rialto Bridge - Venice, Italy -

11. Stay in Venice Proper

Venice has two parts:

  • The historic centre of Venice – built on 118 islands in the Venetian Lagoon and surrounded by water on all sides. This was the capital of the Republic of Venice and nowadays is one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world. 
  • The mainland area of Venice – known as Venezia Mestre or simply Mestre, this is the large borough on the mainland. It houses many of Venice’s administrative and local government offices.   

Many guidebooks and blog posts suggest that you stay in Mestre as hotels there tend to be cheaper. Yet, if you want to explore the beauty and heritage of Venice and truly feel the authentic atmosphere of the city of water, then I would strongly suggest that you book your accommodation in the historic centre.

This way you will have Venice all for yourself in the early mornings and the late evenings. Plus you won’t have to spend time and money every day on train or bus transport from Mestre across the water to Venice. While Mestre has a pretty historic centre, it’s not on par with Venice. If this is your first or, you suspect, only visit to Venice, then it’s advisable to have the full Venetian experience by actually staying in the historic centre.

I usually prefer to book all my accommodation through . Click to see all available options for places to stay  in Venice, Italy.

If you need some visual help in terms of precise location and price range, have a look at this map. It gives you a quick idea of the prices and whereabouts of the many hotels and other forms of accommodation you can book for your stay in Venice, Italy.

You can zoom in and out in order to search for a place to stay. You can also click on the option that interests you to find out more details or to make a booking directly.

In addition, if you click on ‘Accommodation’ in the top right corner of the map and select ‘Experiences’ from the drop-down menu, then you can see some truly exciting experiences you can book directly in Venice, Italy:

12. Choose Carefully the Venetian Sestiere (or Island) To Base Yourself in

A  sestiere  (or one-sixth in English) is a term used to signify the districts of Italian cities and towns that are divided into six subdivisions. Venice is one such city and it has six sestieri:  Cannaregio, Castello, San Marco, San Polo, Santa Croce, and Dorsoduro . 

San Marco and San Polo are the two most central  sestieri . This is where a large number of the most famous Venetian sights are. They also tend to be the busiest spots in town.

My personal favourite is Dorsoduro. It provides easy access to the train station and it’s dotted with wonderful churches, museums, and art galleries. It affords beautiful views over the Grand Canal and the Giudecca Canal . Dorsoduro also tends to have pockets of peace and quiet next to some very lively hotspots. It is also where you can go on a guided visit of Ca’ Foscari – the University of Venice.

Before booking your accommodation in Venice , make sure that you research in some detail the city’s six sestieri . Then choose the one most convenient for you based on the things you want to see in Venice, how far you are prepared to walk to reach your hotel/B&B, and what other amenities you want to have nearby.

Again, while some guidebooks and blog posts suggest staying on either Giudecca or Lido – two of the largest islands in the Venetian Lagoon – if this is your first visit to Venice or if you are only spending a couple of days here, then try to stick to Venice itself. Both Giudecca and Lido are lovely and offer additional things to do. Yet if you want to concentrate on Venice and the main sights here in addition to a few hidden gems , then the daily travel to and from these two islands (no matter how close they are) can become a time-eater and an inconvenience.

13. Decide on the Type of Accommodation to Book in Venice

There are many different types of accommodation in Venice to please any pocket. From lavish five-star hotels to humble hostels, from atmospheric B&B’s to historic palaces, you will have a lot of fun choosing where to stay. Heck, you can even book a room in a monastery during your time in Venice!

For a detailed overview of the different types of accommodation to pick from, have a look at this blog post:

  • Where to Stay in Italy – 19 Types of Accommodation to Choose from in Italy

14. Consider Paying a Bit More for Some Purely Venetian Extras

Your stay in Venice can be made so much more special if you choose to book a place equipped with some typical for Venice architectural and artisan details. Here are some examples for your interest:

  • Altana – a traditional for Venice rooftop terrace. Built of wood, it offers an open-air space to spend precious hours of relaxation and to simply admire the splendid views of Venice from above. 
  • Murano glass chandeliers – there is nothing like staying in a room adorned with an original Murano glass chandelier. It makes you feel really grand and it gives you a very immediate understanding of the lavish heritage of the city of water.
  • Frescoed walls – many old Venetian palaces nowadays have been turned into hotels with a varying number of stars. With frescoed and stuccoed walls and ceilings, they offer you a chance to feel surrounded by art at all times during your Venetian stay.
  • Canal views  – ask for a room with a canal view (although this may cost a bit more). You want to see the boats and gondolas passing by, the beautiful facades of the buildings on the edge of the canal, and just have the full Venetian experience. 

15. Space is a Premium in Venice

Venice is a densely built city where buildings lean onto other buildings in a never-ending parade. Also, the Venetians of yore seem to have been physically a tad slimmer than us. 

So, don’t be surprised if your hotel room seems somewhat small or is a bit quirky in shape. Space is often ingeniously utilised though. You will see how every nook and cranny have been made to serve a purpose and/or look pretty in many different ways. I remember booking a single room in a Venetian hotel about ten years ago. Upon arrival, I realised that in the past my single room must have been a cupboard. Or something like that. It was very narrow and long. Still, it was beautifully frescoed. 

The last hotel we stayed in Venice was in a palazzo just round the corner from Rialto Bridge and with views of the Grand Canal. We had the Murano glass chandelier, walls dressed in beautiful fabrics, the works. And two bathrooms. Both of which were tiny yet one had a bath in. It was a bath that you could only sit in but still a bath.

Travel Tips for Venice, Italy

16. travel light for an easy transfer to and from venice.

You don’t want to arrive in Venice burdened with heavy suitcases. Lugging them around town can be incredibly tiring and frustrating. Just consider all the bridges you will need to go up and down. Not to mention the crowds that you will need to brave in the more touristy parts of Venice. Of course, you can hire a porter at the train station or a water taxi to take you right to your hotel. 

Otherwise, consider packing lightly for Venice. Leave space in your suitcase for all the wonderful things you can buy there, too: handmade Venetian masks , authentic Murano glass, precious jewellery, wonderful antiques, great paper products and so on.

17. Get Off at the Right Train Station for Historic Venice or Venice on the Mainland

There are two train stations under the name Venezia (which is Italian for Venice). Both of them are on the same train line:

  • Venezia Santa Lucia train station – if you want to visit Venice proper, i.e. the historic centre of Venice on the islands in the Venetian Lagoon, this is the train station you need to travel to. It’s an end of the railway line station. Reaching it involves crossing the lagoon on the incredibly long bridge Ponte della Liberta’.
  • Venezia Mestre train station – if you have a specific interest in Mestre – the mainland administrative borough of Venice – you need to get off at this station. Bear in mind that it precedes the Venezia Santa Lucia train station.

First-time visitors of Venice at times get confused and get off the train at Venezia Mestre when, in fact, they need to stay on the train to Venezia Santa Lucia.

18. When in Venice, Know Your Watercraft Options

Venice is a city of water and the traditional way to travel around town is by boat. In a tiny, simplified nutshell, there are four types of watercraft you can use here:

  • Vaporetto – Venice’s water buses go up and down the Grand Canal, some smaller canals, around the city, and connect it to nearby islands. 
  • Motoscafo – Venice’s water taxis. They are beautiful and sleek. Quite pricey, too. Yet, if you want to do Venice in style, consider booking a motoscafo .
  • Traghetto on the Grand Canal – black boats that look like an unadorned gondola. They serve to take you across the Grand Canal at spots that are far from the four bridges that cross it. You can read all about my first experience taking a traghetto in Venice here . 
  • Gondola – Venice’s most famous boat, the elegant gondola can be hired for a panoramic ride around the city’s pretty canals. There are set prices for a set amount of time. If you want your gondolier to serenade you, this costs extra.

19. Learn How to Orient Yourself in Venice

Venice is a city built on 118 islands in the heart of the Venetian Lagoon. It is completely car-free and looks like a maze where it is only too easy to lose yourself. Often navigation apps go a bit haywire here and may try to send you across a canal where there is no bridge or make you walk in circles time and time again. 

Plus, I always take with a pinch of salt any walking times estimated by the navigation app and double them in my mind. It’s only too easy to get distracted when walking in Venice and end up taking the wrong turn. Plus, navigating the crowds of people at the city’s most popular spots can stretch immensely any time estimate.

Yes, there is nothing better than to relax and simply explore Venice by following its narrow curving streets to whatever hidden gems they may take you. Yet, things can quickly get frustrating if you have only a limited amount of time or if you are trying to find your hotel heavy luggage in hand.

So, it always pays to spend a bit of time looking at the map of Venice before your visit to the city. Having a clear idea of where your accommodation is located or how close to it are the different sights you want to visit, can really help you make a general plan for your time in the city of water.

Learning a few of Venice’s topography terms is also very useful. Check the Place Names section in this blog post to find out what calle , campo , fondamenta , rio tera’ , salizzada , and sotoportego mean. This will come in handy when finding your way around Venice.

20. When in Venice, Walk on the Right and Don’t Obstruct the Bridges

When walking around Venice make an effort to keep to the right at all points. Venice is a living city with its own citizens who try to go about their daily lives while millions of people around them sightsee, suddenly stop in their tracks to take photos, and sometimes behave with no decorum.

With narrow curving streets – many of which are used by thousands of people every day – keeping to the right ensures that the pedestrian flow is as fast and smooth as possible. 

Bridges are very much Venice’s links of communication. They connect the dozens of tiny islands on which the historic city is built, provide access to shops and private homes, and serve as useful points of reference when you are walking around. As such, obstructing a bridge or lingering on a bridge is frowned upon by the Venetians and can actually incur a heavy fine.  

Food Tips for Venice, Italy

Fresh fish and seafood - Rialto Fish Market, Venice, Italy -

21. Think Before Ordering a Pizza in Venice

Think carefully before ordering a pizza in Venice. While pizza is the most famous Italian export, it is not a traditional Venetian food. In Italy, there are dozens of regional and provincial cuisines. They are incredibly varied and based on centuries-old customs, techniques, local products, and in some cases trade routes that were established as early as the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

As such, when in Italy, it’s always best to eat the food that is traditional for the city or province you are in. Pizza – originally from Naples – has taken deep roots all over Italy in the past few decades. Yet, Venice is the only place where I would advise caution before tucking into one.

Why? Often the pizzas served in Venice are not freshly made and have arrived in the city of water mass-produced and in a frozen state. This is especially true for those eateries that have printed pictures of dishes plastered all over their windows or on a large board by their entrance. 

If you simply must have a pizza in Venice, then make sure that you head to the places visited by the locals. This blog post gives you a good idea of where to find them and what to expect there in terms of pizza. It’s in Italian, so if need be, you can use Google Translate to get the gist of it.  

22. Indulge in Venice’s Traditional Sweets and Pastries

Sugar first reached Europe by the way of Venice. So, the city of water has a longstanding tradition in terms of pastries, sweets, and baking.

Start each day with a typical local breakfast of coffee and pastries. The most popular one is called brioche . It looks a bit like a croissant but it’s larger, much less flaky, and it can have so many different fillings. My favourite one is pistachio spread (imagine a chocolate spread but made of ground pistachios instead of cocoa! It’s so good!).

During the Carnival, tuck into frittelle – fried balls of dough stuffed with different creams or chocolate. The rest of the time, indulge in tiramisu, pasticceria mignon (sweets and cakes in tiny sizes), marzipans, local biscuits (like the Esse from Burano ), and handmade chocolates. I am partial to Pasticceria Rosa Salva but there are dozens of great patisseries all over town.

A good way to sample the best of Venice’s sweets and chocolates is to join a guided tour. This one will introduce you to a Venetian master chocolatier and their exquisite truffles, pralines, and hot chocolate. This one will take you on a morning walk of Venice so that you can enjoy the city’s main sights while tucking in a number of traditional local pastries and sweets. While this kid-friendly tour will open the world of Venetian sweets and desserts in front of your eyes by taking you to authentic local bakeries and patisseries across all six Venetian sestieri and revealing to you the stories of Venice’s most famous sugary delights.

  • 14 Typical Italian Breakfast Foods and Drinks or What Do Italians Eat for Breakfast
  • 10 Rules of Breakfast in Italy or How Do Italians Eat Breakfast

23. Have Lots of Traditional Venetian Seafood

Venice is a great place to indulge your love for seafood. With centuries-old culinary traditions and with the Venetian Lagoon providing a huge variety of fish, crabs, and molluscs, you will be spoilt for choice.

For an idea of what’s on offer, head to Rialto Fish Market early in the day to see the freshest catch. Over ten centuries old, the market is housed in a fetching Neo-Gothic structure a step away from the famous Rialto Bridge.

Grab a portion of fritto misto from a nearby eaterie. This is a mix of seafood and julienned vegetables that have been battered with durum wheat semolina and cornmeal. Then they are served deep-fried on a bed of polenta.

Deep-fried moeche is another typical for Venice dish. These are soft-shelled crabs that can be enjoyed only for a limited time in autumn and spring. Sarde in saor is sardines in a sweet and sour sauce made with vinegar and raisins among other things. It sounds wacky but it’s so incredibly tasty you will regret not giving it a try. Don’t miss a taste of baccala’ mantecato – the most iconic dish of the Venetian cuisine. It’s prepared with stockfish from Norway’s Lofoten Islands and has been a Venetian staple since the 15th century.

For a quick introduction to Venetian seafood, join a specialised guided tour in the city of water. This semi-private food experience will take you from Rialto Fish Market to two of Venice’s top eateries so that you can wine and dine on traditional Venetian drinks and dishes. And this one offers you a five-course Italian seafood feast cooked by a Venetian sailor.

24. Stop for Coffee in Venice

Just like sugar, coffee also reached Europe through Venice. In addition, the world’s oldest coffee house – the mythical Caffe’ Florian – first opened its doors here on 29th December 1720. 

Coffee traditions are still very much alive and kicking in Venice. So, indulge in proper coffee during your Venetian holiday. Caffe’ Florian is a must-see for its wonderful decor, literary connections, and coffee heritage. Grancaffe’ Quadri is another unmissable historic coffee house in Venice.

Don’t forget the many small torrefazioni – coffee roasters. They roast and serve wonderful varieties of coffee in Venice, too. Torrefazione Cannaregio is particularly famous.

  • 21 Types of Italian Coffees and How to Order Coffee in Italy Like a Local
  • 19 Rules of Italian Coffee Culture or How to Drink Coffee Like an Italian
  • Coffee in Italy or 101 Facts about Italian Coffee Culture

25. Snack on Cicchetti and Tramezzini – Venice’s Traditional Finger Foods

Cicchetti (pronounced chi–KEH–tee) are traditional Venetian finger foods. Served in small portions, there are many varieties of cicchetti and they can cost as little as a euro or two per piece. This can be a small slice of white polenta with a helping of baccala’ mantecato or a piece of crusty bread with one of many delicious toppings.

A mix of cicchetti makes for a great lunch in Venice giving you a taste of many local foods and food combinations. Customarily served in small eateries called bacaro (pl. bacari ), cicchetti are washed down with an ombra – a small glass of house wine.

Osteria Al Squero is a particularly famous place to eat cicchetti in Venice. You will find it right opposite Squero Tramontin – a gondola-making and -repairing boatyard in the sestiere of Dorsoduro.

Tramezzini are triangular sandwiches made with super soft crustless bread and stuffed with many different fillings. For example, sliced boiled egg and artichokes, sopressa salami and red radicchio , tuna fish, ham and mushrooms, and so on. They make for a great snack or – if you buy a selection – for a nice and inexpensive lunch, too. 

As you walk around Venice, keep an eye out for small bacari serving delicious cicchetti and tramezzini . Alternatively, this guided tour will introduce you to the flavours and traditions of Venetian finger food.

  • Italian Food – 13 Ways to Eat Well in Italy Without Breaking the Bank

Sightseeing Tips for Venice, Italy

Basilica San Marco - Venice, Italy -

26. Head Early to Venice’s Most Famous Sights

To avoid the crowds and queues, make sure that you head early to Venice’s most famous sights. For example, St. Mark’s Basilica and its bell tower. Queues here can be an hour or so long. However, if you turn up right before opening times, you can minimise or totally avoid queuing.

Plus, you can get lots of beautiful photos of Venice’s most iconic sights without the usual crowds of people that besiege them!

27. When in Venice, Get Off the Beaten Path

For all its worldwide famous sights and museums, Venice is also incredibly rich in hidden gems. No other destination gives you as much satisfaction as Venice when exploring it off the beaten path.

Quirky corners coupled with curious stories abound here. Make sure that you experience as many of them as possible for yourself. This blog post gives you pointers for 101 little-known yet fabulous things to do in Venice. And this blog post will reveal to you the haunted Venice of ghostly apparitions, centuries-old legends, and even mysterious crypts. Have a look!

28. See Venice from the Water

Venice was designed to be seen from the water. Its lavish palaces have their most splendid facades turned towards the canals. Its most important buildings are on the water’s edge.

Make sure then that you see Venice as the visitors of the city in the past centuries did. From the water, floating down its canals on a boat. This way you can truly appreciate the beauty, the elegance, and the grandeur of Venice – a city that challenges all conventions of the traditional urban settlement.

There are many ways to get on a boat in Venice. Check tip number 18 above for four of the most popular watercraft here. Catching a traghetto across the Grand Canal is one of the simplest, quickest, and cheapest ways to see Venice from the water.

In addition, you can get on vaporetto line 1 from either Piazzale Roma or Venezia Santa Lucia train station and then travel all the way down to St. Mark’s Square. This way you can revel in the beauty of the Grand Canal and marvel at the most iconic buildings, palaces, and churches of Venice as they come into view. Click to buy your Venice vaporetto tickets in advance.

A gondola ride is one of the most iconic things you can enjoy in Venice. You can either have it all for yourself or share it with other passengers. If you prefer, you can have a romantic gondola experience followed by a meal for two. Seeing Venice from a sleek black gondola is the stuff memories are made of!

You can hire a gondola on-site by simply approaching a gondolier at one of the many gondola stops around Venice. The tour lasts around 25-30 minutes and the price is currently set at 80 euros for up to six passengers. If you want your gondolier to serenade you, this comes with a surcharge. Also, evening and night-time gondola tours cost more.

Alternatively, you may want to book your gondola tour in advance or combine it with different activities – from a walking tour to a photoshoot. There are many different ways to do it, so have a look here for an exhaustive list of the different options and the respective prices.

29. For the Best Introduction to Venice, Book a Guide

A private tour with a Venetian guide is an unmissable opportunity to delve into the history of Venice, discover hidden gems , marvel at unique works of art, and just get to know Venice as a local does.

With the sheer amount of things to do and see here, it’s only too easy to become overwhelmed and not know where to start from or what to see first. Or you may end up missing several must-see sights. In such cases, booking a private tour in Venice is a great way to truly experience the city of water and see it from the most authentic point of view. 

I always recommend Luisella Romeo from See Venice  and Erika Cornali from  When in Venice . Both are wonderful people, they speak several languages and are truly dedicated to bringing the beauty of Venice to you.

Alternatively, you may prefer using one of the large tour sites to pick a top-rated guided visit or activity in Venice. The best options are Viator , Get Your Guide , and Tiquets .

30. To See the Authentic Venice, Wake Up Early and Go to Bed Late

One of the best ways to see the authentic Venice, is to go for a walk around the city early in the morning and late in the evening. You will discover a whole new face to it. Free of tourist crowds, Venice is incredibly peaceful and cinematic and you feel like the luckiest person in the world to have all this beauty for yourself.

It really pays to wake up very early in the morning and go for a walk while the city still awakes. And then do it again in the evening and see how Venice quietly winds down after another hectic day. To have enough energy for these early rises and late bedtimes, make sure that you take an Italian riposo in the afternoon.

Health and Safety Tips for Venice, Italy

31. to walk around venice, bring your most comfortable shoes.

Venice is a car-free city which means that you will spend your time here walking everywhere. Taking the vaporetti (Venice’s water buses) or the motoscafi (Venice’s water taxis) is a great way to travel long distances around the city. Yet, it can be time-consuming and in the case of water taxis, very costly, too.

Plus, there are many places around town that can only be reached on foot. Benches are lacking, sitting on the steps of churches and historical buildings is forbidden, and spending long hours upright can be very, very tiring. Even if you are in great physical shape, Venice can be truly overwhelming. What with the many sights to see and the many masterpieces to walk up to, stop in front of and admire, your feet may start feeling heavy long before the end of the day.

Hence, it’s essential that you come to Venice armed with your most comfortable shoes. 

32. When You Walk Around Venice, Always Mind Your Step

While Venice is a nice and flat city that is easy (but taxing) to walk all over, make sure that you mind your step when strolling around town. Especially, in the following two scenarios:

  • steps leading down to the water – you will notice that often some of these steps are covered with algae. Avoid stepping on them at all cost as they are very slippery. Many a tourist, eager to take a close-up artsy shot of a gondola or two has braved the steps with the green tinge. Only to find themselves completely soaked.
  • edges of the canal paths during acqua alta – when the tide peaks, sometimes the water levels rise so high that Venice gets flooded. While, in most cases, you can put a pair of wellies on and still walk around town, you need to be careful not to incidentally end in the water by overstepping the edge of a canal path (known as fondamenta in the Venetian language).  

33. Never Swim in the Venetian Canals

Venice is universally known as the City of Canals on account of its 150 waterways. Narrow and wide, short and long, curved and straight, the canals of Venice are the city’s arteries.  

Swimming in them is not allowed for many reasons. A large number of boats – many of them motorised – crisscross Venice’s canals at all hours of the day, so it would not be safe for swimmers. Also, the water – beautiful and inviting as it looks – is polluted and you don’t want it on your skin or in your mouth. Lastly, swimming in the canals goes against Venetian decorum. This is a historic city of art, after all, not a seaside resort. Hence, a heavy fine awaits anyone swimming in the Venetian canals.

I would also advise you against sitting on the edges of the canals and dipping your feet in the water. You honestly don’t want the water on your skin. Plus, such behaviour will not endear you to the locals. 

If you want to swim, then head to one of the nearby beaches. Spiaggia Alberoni on the island of Lido di Venezia, the beaches of Sottomarina near the town of Chioggia , the beaches of Lido di Jesolo, and the beaches of Caorle are particularly famous and within an easy-ish distance from Venice.

34. If You Visit Venice In Summer, Bring Suncream

Venice can get incredibly hot in summer. Add to this the air’s high humidity and the feeling is of being inside a very hot oven. The strong sunlight is reflected by the water in the canals and it bounces off the beautiful facades thus making your eyes squint in pain.

A high factor suncream and sunglasses are a necessity!

If you are desperate for a bit of shade, head to the Giardini Reali – a small, nicely landscaped garden facing the Grand Canal next door to St. Mark’s Square. Alternatively, go for a walk in the Giardini della Biennale in the sestiere of Castello. My favourite small garden with free entry in Venice stands adjacent to Ca’ Rezzonico – the museum of 18th-century Venice. It’s lush with plenty of shade and flowering shrubs. Plus, it has a small playground for the kids to run around.

35. And If You Visit Venice in Winter, Bring an Extra Layer or Two

Venice is not a winter sun destination. While the sun may be shining high and the sky may be nice and blue, there is a chill in the air during the day and at night it can get very cold.

Sometimes, it even snows! This doesn’t happen often (more or less, once every couple of winters or so) but when it does, it turns Venice into a magical fairytale. A slippery one at that as the stone fondamente – Venice’s canal paths – can be challenging to navigate with a dusting of snow on top.

The rest of the time, the high humidity chills you to the bone and fogs often add to the mystery of Venice.

If you visit Venice in late autumn and winter, then definitely wrap up warm. It’s better to feel nice and cozy and peel a layer off when needed than suffer the cold chills.  

Money Management Tips for Venice, Italy

The window display of the mask-making shop Ca' Macana - Venice, Italy -

36. When in Venice, Expect to Spend

Venice is a difficult city to live, work, and do business in. With no cars, everything has to be transported by boats and then lifted and carried by hand. Insurance premiums are high and acqua alta can cause anything from inconvenience to devastation. Prices factor in all this.

So, Venice is not a budget destination and to truly see and experience its very best sides, you need to be prepared to spend. Mind you, not for tourist gimmicks and overpriced food. But for museum tickets, concert tickets, and exhibition entry fees. For great local food which is freshly made following centuries-old techniques. For handmade artisan items which you will love and use for years to come. And for beautiful jewellery, unique decorations, lovely handmade notebooks, traditional Venetian masks , luxury fabrics, charming antiques, and one-of-a-kind pieces of art. And, of course, for a gondola ride!

To be honest, in terms of daily expenses, I find London much more expensive than Venice. Whereas a single espresso in London can cost anything from £1.50 to £2.00, in Venice you can get a proper Italian espresso and a breakfast pastry for more or less the same money. And while a quick lunch from a chain shop in London can cost anything from £10 to £15, in Venice a lovely plate of cicchetti made in a small bacaro that has been there for dozens if not hundreds of years will cost less than that. So, you can get yourself a nice glass of wine, too.

37. When in Venice, Always Buy Authentic Crafts

There are so many wonderful things in Venice that it makes sense to take every opportunity to stock on some lovely gifts for friends, family, and yourself. In doing so, make sure that you support authentic Venetian artisans rather than yet another cheap souvenir shop. Imported souvenirs are cheap in Venice but they lack in quality and undermine the work of honest craftsmen. 

For example, cheap masks sold on the streets of Venice often are made with dyes that are harmful to the skin. While they are produced for decorative purposes only, often you are not told this by the stall trader eager to make a sale. It is much better to buy Venetian masks made in one of Venice’s acclaimed mask workshops where the traditions of Venetian mask-making have been researched in depth and brought back to life. 

Venice has a great concentration of skilled artisans and craftsmen. Visiting their studios and shops is such a great experience. They preserve the living history and traditions of the city. And their work needs support. From handmade glass, jewellery, and lace to unique ceramics, prints, silk velvets, and marbled paper, the choice is enticing and the quality is high!

  • 10 Facts About Venetian Masks – History, Traditions, and Meaning

38. Bring a Water Bottle and Fill It for Free from Venice’s Water Fountains

You don’t need to buy bottles of water in your explorations of Venice. The city is dotted with dozens of drinking fountains providing for free deliciously cold water to both residents and visitors of Venice.

You quickly start to appreciate them when you are asked to pay 3 euros for a small bottle of water in a touristy cafe. 

Just bring a reusable water bottle with you and you are good to go.  

39. Invest in Passes To Maximise Your Sightseeing in Venice

To make your euros stretch further in Venice, consider investing in a pass that is designed to offer savings and convenience to visitors. Click on these links to get an idea of what to expect: 

  • The Venice Pass
  • Venezia Unica City Pass
  • Chorus Churches Circuit
  • MyPassVenezia App

40. Take Advantage of the Sales Seasons in Venice

There are two sales seasons in Italy. Traditionally, one is at the start of January and the other is in summer. The dates vary a bit from year to year and from one Italian region to another. They are decided on a regional level and publicised in the press in advance.

Venice is the capital of the Northern Italian region of Veneto . As such, you can check the dates for this year’s seasonal sales by performing a web search for saldi invernali in Veneto (winter sales in Veneto) or saldi estivi in Veneto (summer sales in Veneto).

Famous Italian and French fashion houses, as well as international high street brands, have their shops in Venice. So, timing your visit to coincide with sales season can lead to some great savings if shopping is what you like to do best. 

Time Management Tips for Venice, Italy

Scala Contarini del Bovolo - Venice, Italy -

41. Have a Good Idea About What You Want to See in Venice

Venice is rich in sights to see and things to do. With all the walking, stopping for photos, and gawking at all the beauty around you, time in Venice quickly flies away. Plus, the more you see the more you want to see. Arriving in Venice without much of a clue and hoping that you will work out what to do on the spot is a recipe for wasted moments and missed experiences. You may still end up seeing some of the most famous landmarks. Yet looking back in hindsight, you may beat yourself up about how much you have missed. 

To make the most of your time in Venice, make sure that you research the many different things to do here in advance and have a clear idea of what you want to see and experience. Is it art and museums, beautiful views and fresh seafood, traditional crafts and hidden corners?! A mix of all or something very particular?!

Jot down a rough plan of what you want to do each day of your stay in Venice. Pick sights that are within close proximity to one another. Even if you are in peak shape, all the walking and spending long hours on your feet quickly add up. Try not to plan too much for any one day. Leave plenty of time for each sight – both to reach it without rushing and to be able to fully enjoy its atmosphere and artefacts. 

42. Yet Be Spontaneous in Order to Experience Venice Authentically

Venice is the best place in the world to be spontaneous. Every narrow curving street you take leads you to yet another worldwide famous sight or hidden gem.

Be adventurous! While your rough plan will guarantee that you will be exploring Venice in a purposeful manner, take every opportunity to adapt it if you come across something else that catches your eye. Visit every church you come across. Follow the locals to their favourite gelaterias and eateries. Stop to admire artisans at work and to purchase their handmade wares. Spend long moments at quiet squares (locally called campi ) where you can observe the authentic Venice. Go for long walks trying to spot as many typical for Venice architectural details like patera and finestrata . 

With its rich heritage and with hundreds of things to do and see, it’s practically impossible to know in advance what exactly you will fall in love with in Venice. You may be thinking that you want to visit Venice for all the art and then, once arrived, you may be drawn to the local crafts and compelled to discover as much as possible about them. Or you may be planning to visit Venice for all the gorgeous photos you can take and then, without even being religious, to become intrigued by the Venetian churches and to want to visit as many of them for their architecture, art, and history.

43. Put a Day Aside for the Islands in the Venetian Lagoon

While Venice is the undisputable star of the Venetian Lagoon, there are dozens of islands here that deserve a visit, too. For their history, for the local crafts, for their beauty, for their colourful houses, for their peace and quiet, for many reasons, really.

Murano, Burano, and Torcello are the three most famous islands in the Venetian Lagoon. Many visitors to Venice spend a day visiting all three. Murano is famous for its locally made glass. Burano – for its lace and houses painted in a riot of colours. Torcello is where the history of Venice started as it was the first island in the Venetian Lagoon where a settlement rose back in the 5th century AD.

Yet, there is also:

  • Giudecca with its peaceful atmosphere and some very interesting buildings;
  • Lido with its wonderful beaches;
  • Chioggia which at one time was more powerful than Venice;
  • Pellestrina where you can cycle along the murazzi – the long wall separating the Venetian Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea;
  • Mazzorbo (connected to Burano via a wooden bridge) with the Venissa restaurant and vineyard;
  • Sant’Erasmo with Venice’s fruit and vegetable gardens. 

And if you want something different, then you can head to the island of San Michele. It has served as Venice’s cemetery since the start of the 19th century. Alternatively, explore the island of San Servolo. This is where people with mental illnesses used to be sent to in the past. Nowadays, the former insane asylum on the island hosts a very thoughtfully curated museum.

It is only by visiting the different islands and by travelling between them that you come to appreciate the spectacular scenery of the Venetian Lagoon. It is quite amazing really how such an inhospitable environment has been elevated into one of the most beautiful and special places on earth.

You can visit the islands in the Venetian Lagoon by yourself by taking advantage of the very well-organised network of vaporetti . Or you can book a guided tour whisking you from island to island in one active day or half-day.

This full-day excursion , for example, will take you on a tour of Murano, Burano, and Torcello directly from Venice’s train station. This half-day experience includes a visit to a glass factory on Murano and a lace workshop on Burano.

44. Take a Day Trip to Italy’s Mainland

If you are spending more than three days in Venice, make sure that you put a day aside for a trip to Italy’s mainland. High-speed and fast regional trains connect Venice numerous times a day to such beautiful destinations as Padua , Vicenza , Verona , Lake Garda , Milan , Brescia , and Bologna . Not to mention the myriad of medieval walled towns dotted all around the Veneto – the Northern Italian region of which Venice is the capital.

Train travel is quick, inexpensive and very well-organised. You can reach Padua from Venice in less than half an hour and then spend a wonderful day discovering the frescoed Scrovegni Chapel, Italy’s second-oldest University, and the world’s oldest academic botanical garden. Or, in an hour and a half, you can reach Italy’s largest lake – Lago di Garda – which is a great destination for families with kids, couples, and solo travellers.

It’s so nice to be able to see more and do more in the span of the same Italian holiday. Visiting Venice gives you a chance to visit many other unique and beautiful Italian destinations, too. Take full advantage of that!

  • Venice to Milan – A Cool Day Trip in Italy (With Travel Tips and Sights to See)
  • Venice to Padua – The Best Day Trip in Italy (With Travel Tips and Sights to See)
  • Venice to Verona – A Day Trip in Italy to Fall in Love With (With Travel Tips and Sights to See)
  • Venice to Lake Garda, Italy – 3 Easy Ways to Travel
  • 10 Best Cities in Veneto, Italy to Visit and What to See in Each

45. Book a Return Trip to Venice

No matter how long you spend in Venice, it’s never enough. There is just so much to do, see, and enjoy here. The city of water has a way to get under your skin, to make you really fall for it. 

So, don’t stress that you were not able to see it all and do it all while here. Instead, make sure that you book a return trip to Venice so that you can continue your exploration of this most unique and beautiful city in the world.

A Bonus Tip for Venice, Italy

Toilets! A totally essential topic for any visitor to Venice and Italy in general. Now, if you need to spend a penny, don’t fret! It’s all very nicely and logically organised in Venice as long as you know where to look. Here is how it works:

  • Paid public toilets – dotted at crucial points with high footfall around the city. Here is a map for you to see where the paid public toilets are located in Venice. They are very clean and thoroughly sanitised throughout the day. Do keep euro coins on you, as you need to pay every time you use them. If you buy the Venezia Unica City Pass (see point 39 above), you can add a Public Toilet Service as an option to it. This works out slightly cheaper compared to paying for each separate visit.
  • Toilets in Museums/Sights – museums and sights in Venice have well-equipped and clean toilets which you can make use of during your visit. Usually, you can’t just pop in from the street to use their facilities though. 
  • Cafes/Eateries/Restaurants – as a paying customer you can access the toilet on the premises. At times, these can be tiny but make use of them, especially if you find the fee for the paid public toilets prohibitive. In any case, please, remember that the toilets in Venice’s cafes, eateries, and restaurants are only for paying customers.

In Conclusion

Venetian gondolas and the island of San Giorgio Maggiore under a purple dawn - Venice, Italy -

Venice is a dream destination for many. With its unique location in the heart of the Venetian Lagoon and with its many layers of history, the city of water has a lot to offer to the traveller seeking beautiful and memorable experiences.

Yet, Venice doesn’t reveal its secrets easily. For the many things you can do and enjoy here, often, you also need to dig deeper beneath the surface to find your way around Venice. As a car-free city with a maze of narrow curving streets, its own centuries-old traditions, and many, many quirks, Venice can be a challenge. Especially if you arrive here hoping to discover it all on the spot as you go.

To help you have the best experience in the city of water, in this blog post I share with you my 45 essential tips for Venice. They are particularly useful if this will be your first visit. From no-nonsense travel and accommodation tips to health and safety and time management tips, I’ve organised the information in logical chunks to help put you in Venice mood and mode.

I hope that you will find these tips for Venice helpful and that they will galvanise you to head to the city of water as soon as possible.

Enjoy your time in venice, italy, more helpful venice info for you.

Venice:   Major Landmarks , Hidden Gems , Best Tours , Venetian Place Names , Nearest Airports , Boats in Venice , Haunted Venice , Day Trips from Venice , Arco del Paradiso Venice Videos: Grand Canal , St. Mark’s Square at Carnival , St. Mark’s Square , View from Rialto Bridge , View from Accademia Bridge , Venetian gondolas , Historical Regatta , Squero di San Trovaso , Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo , Fondazione Querini Stampalia , Palazzo Grimani , Rialto Fish Market , Ca’ Macana , Festa della Madonna della Salute

More Helpful Italy Info for You

Best of Italy: Italian Piazzas , Italian Food , Italian Markets , Italian Coffee Culture Northern Italy: 18 Best Cities to Visit Lake Garda: Best Towns , Nearest Airports , Travel Options , Lake Garda with Kids Lake Como: Things to See , Nesso Veneto: Best Cities to Visit , Top 15 Places , 30 Adventures , 15 Most Colourful Places Friuli Venezia Giulia: Venzone , Most Beautiful Villages Emilia Romagna: Bologna , Ravenna , Comacchio , Most Beautiful Villages Marche: 6 Reasons to Visit , Gradara , Frasassi Caves , Temple of Valadier Verona: Things to Do in One Day , Day Trips from Verona Padua:   Things to Do in One Day ,  101 Facts About Padua ,  10 Reasons to Visit Padua ,  Day Trips from Padua Vicenza: Things to Do , 10 Must-See Museums , Day Trips from Vicenza

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Tips for Visiting Venice in Italy

Tips for Visiting Venice in Italy

Be ready for anything in Venice. This floating city consists of a group of 117 small islands separated by canals and linked by bridges. It can be the most romantic place on earth, but it can also be terribly expensive and feel like a tourist trap if you don’t do your research.

I love Venice and visited it many, many times as I used lived only an hour away – in Verona (which I also recommend visiting).

All you need to know is how to prepare correctly so Venice can live up to your expectations and offer you luxury at an affordable price. Here are my best travel tips for visiting Venice in Italy.

view from Campanile di San Marco

1. Pay Attention to the Location of Your Accommodation in Venice

“If you go to Venice, book a flight and get a hotel somewhere in the city” – that’s the worst advice anyone can give you.

Specificity matters, you should pay close attention to which airport you’re flying to (VCE Marco Polo is great, but Treviso Airport is very far away).

Also, it does matter where to stay, as you could easily end up VERY unhappy. If you’re going to book a hotel at the last minute you might end up staying over an hour away from Venice due to the high demand.

I’d avoid staying on the mainland, as it might take you up to an hour by bus to get to the part of Venice you actually want to see.  If you’re choosing a hotel, check out my guide on where to stay in Venice . 

Beautiful Venice canals

Hotel Danieli  – One of the best hotels in Venice. Even the lobby is the most gorgeous ever. If you don’t want to spend a ton on staying there, at least check out their restaurant.

Check out prices on:

Residenza Veneziana  – Right on the canal with gondolas, this hotel has high standards for an affordable price.

Generator  – Located on Guideca Island with a view on the main square, it’s an affordable and clean hostel. You can book sailing trips and other excursions directly at their front desk. The minus is that you will need a pass to get in and out of Guideca, but the boats are every few minutes. 

Residenza Veneziana

2. Get a Vaporetto Tourist Pass

If you get lost (which happens to everyone in Venice) or you’re simply too tired of walking around you can hop on and off a Vaporetto. It’s a “water taxi” but I would rather call it a “water bus”.

It’s $24 for 12 hours of unlimited rides, $26 for 24 hours, and $33 for 36 hours. You don’t have to think twice about taking it only one stop, and you can also take it simply for the sightseeing. Compared to EUR 7.5 for a single ride, it’s a bargain!

tips for visiting Venice

3. Be Prepared for Crowds

Venice is beautiful in the summer, but unfortunately, you’re not the only person who thinks so. Be prepared for a gorgeous, yet crowded experience with a lot of tourists running around.

It may seem like everywhere you go is full of people, especially between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. when the cruise ships pull in and take their passengers onshore for excursions to the museums in the Piazza San Marco.

Do yourself a favor and get skip the line tickets to major points of interest. It’s only a few bucks more, but it can save you a lot of time and frustration.

The further away you go from San Marco square the fewer people you’ll see. Get lost in the small streets to feel like a local. In the residential quarter around the Ormesini and Sensa canals at the northern end of Cannaregio, you can still enjoy a real slice of genuine Venetian life.

tourists getting into a gondola

Best Times to Visit Venice:

  • Carnival but during the week, not weekends (my absolute favorite time)
  • early Spring

When to Avoid:

  • June & July
  • November because of Aqua Alta (it can flood any time between mid-October to January, but Nov is the prime time)

My Favorite Time to Go to Venice: Weekdays during Carnival

Carnival weekends are insanely busy and experience, but during the week there aren’t many people and you can still see beautiful costumes and feel the atmosphere of the carnival. 

Tips for visiting Venice

4. What to Do in Venice: Take Behind the Scenes Tours

I had an opportunity to visit the Basilica of San Marco after-hours tour with Walks of Italy . I can’t recommend this tour enough as there were only 10 of us in the entire church. We didn’t have to rush anywhere, and we also could explore the catacombs.


The tour is obviously more expensive than regular admission. It only opened to our small group arranged by the Walks of Italy. As my guide explained during the day being the church feels like being in a sardine can because everyone is pushed together side by side. Not to mention the enormous line outside.

Crypt under Basilica of San Marco

5. Don’t Just Take ANY Gondola

What’s the first thing people think about when they hear about Venice? Gondolas! As I explained in my other post , gondolas cost 80 Euros for half an hour as they are regulated by the city. There’s no arguing over the price unless you pre-booked your gondola online.

While I’m not saying it’s not worth it, in fact I highly recommend it, but it might not be for everyone because of the price. If you’re not willing to spend that much on a short gondola ride take a local boat. It looks like a gondola, but costs just a few Euros as it’s a local transportation and only lasts a few minutes.

If you decide to ride a gondola, take a few things into consideration. A lot of other blogs will tell you that it costs more for your gondoliers to sing or to enter smaller canals – both things couldn’t be further away from the truth!

As long as you avoid Canale Grande or start near Ponte Rialto (I highly recommend taking gondolas from a small canal next to Residenza Veneziana hotel. Otherwise, take a walk and shop around for your gondolier and you’ll have a great experience!

gondola rides in Venice

6. Avoid Eating Pizza in Venice

Italy doesn’t always mean pizza. In fact, eating pizza in Venice isn’t recommended as it’s not going to be any better than a cheap pizza you can make at home.

Restaurants in Venice don’t have permission to have real stone ovens so they bake their pizzas in electric ovens. But don’t worry – Venice has tons of other exquisite culinary options so you can definitely be satisfied!

Best tip: The further away from San Marco square the better the food gets.

Tramezzini sandwiches

7. See Another Side of Venice

Try the beach at the Lido, a historic, picturesque beach with just enough Italian girls in bikinis to keep a teenage boy’s eyes off of his electronic devices. Rent a bike, get some sun, and enjoy the local vibe!

Burano used to be another great local spot, but then it became Instagram famous. I still recommend going to Burano to see all the colorful houses , but it just might feel slightly more touristy than it used to be. It has some of the best restaurants like Trattoria Al Gato Nero.

If you decide to spend the night in Burano you can experience a bit of the local life, because most tourists only visit during the day. Early morning or late evening there were no tourists around.


8. Prepare to Get Lost

Venice is very confusing with its narrow streets and alleys quite often Google Maps gets lost, so pay attention to the shape of buildings and bridges instead of the actual blue dot.

You can also just ask for directions, but this doesn’t always mean you’re going to easily find your destination.


You will be walking a lot. If you have kids and want to bring the stroller beware – you will be carrying it up and down the canal stairs a LOT. Similar to Positano actually.

I’ve taken my baby in a stroller various times and we had no issues, including getting in and out of Vaporetto, but a lightweight travel stroller is a must for Venice (or really anywhere in Italy).

Don’t even think of dragging a giant monster stroller like Uppababy Vista to Italy – you won’t even get into a restaurant or your hotel through the doorway with it. ( more on Italy with kids here )

9. Use Water Fountains

Don’t overpay for water in Venice when you can simply fill your bottle with fresh cold water from the local water fountains. It’s safe to drink this water so there’s no need to be afraid.


10. Don’t Buy Souvenirs at Tourist Stalls

As in any other tourist destination, a lot of crappy souvenirs are sold in Venice. Most goods are made in other countries such as China and passed off as “Made in Italy”, so it’s always great to find a genuine Italian product.

For example, you can buy glass directly from Murano, known for its high-quality glassware. You can be taken to a glass-making factory where they put on a glass-blowing demonstration for a few minutes before you are escorted into the gallery, but don’t take out your camera. Although no photos are allowed, you can bring a great glass souvenir home!

tips for visiting Venice

Looking for Travel Insurance?

Don’t forget to arrange health insurance before heading to Italy. The easiest and the most reliable travel insurance is  Safety Wing Travel Insurance . Get it before your trip to avoid unnecessary troubles that might ruin your holidays!


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Thursday 19th of October 2023

Bon giorno Anna, Dzień dobry. I was there in September 2023 for the first time. Lots of people everywhere and very hot but I'm glad I visited.

I had no choice but to fly to Treviso from Corfu, Greece. It is not that far to the bus terminal on Venice. About a 40 minute bus ride for 12 euro. I would definitely do it again.

You are right about walking. I never walked so much over so many bridges. I take it as an opportunity for getting to know a city better.

-Keep on traveling!


Tuesday 20th of August 2019

The Gondolas experience was well described and excellently put forth, detailed information about the hotels and stay. The blog was quite informative.

Tuesday 13th of November 2018

Great preview and wonderful tips. I've been there twice and loved both trips. Though expensive it is best to stay in Venice rather than Mestre because Venice tourist crowds dissipate in the evening as well as early morning. Venise is even more magical in morning and evening light - without the maddening crowds.

Chris Deviney

Monday 15th of October 2018

I'm new to your blog Anna. Great information. I have two weeks in January for possible travel for my girlfriend and myself. Of all the places you've been, does anyplace stick out as a place to definitely consider in January specifically (potentially, but not exclusively, with diving as an option too)? Thanks.

Tuesday 16th of October 2018

Are we talking about Italy or in general?

Murano Glass

Sunday 15th of July 2018

Great tips for visiting Venice – they helped me a lot on my trip. One of my favorite things was visiting the furnace in Murano. P.S. love the pictures!

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Venice travel tips: things to know before visiting Venice

Looking for Venice tips? Let me help you!

Venice is a wonderful location that everyone who’s going to Italy should visit.

I know that many people say to not go to Venice altogether because, well, there are so many people always going there. But I’m not one of those people.

I think Venice is such an incredible destination that everyone who has a chance should visit it.

But of course, since Venice really is unique, there are some things to know before visiting Venice.

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General Venice tips

view from campanile san marco - not what to do in Venice when it rains

You need to register your visit if you do a day trip to Venice – one of the most recent Venice tips

Starting from 2023, it will be mandatory to register your trip to Venice .

If you will want to do a day trip, you’ll have to pay a fee of up to 10 euros depending on when you visit.

People who stay at least a night in the city will not have to pay a fee, as in the hotel you’re paying a city tax, but still will be required to register.

There will be a booking system introduced where you’ll need to register your arrival. It will be possible to register on a voluntary basis already in 2022, and there are supposed to be different incentives provided, such as skipping the lines for different sights.

Don’t bring a rolling suitcase

If you didn’t already know, Venice has cobblestone streets and bridges which often include stairs. And, since the buildings usually don’t have elevators, you might have to lodge your luggage up multiple flights of stairs.

Plus, you should know that it’s actually illegal to pull a rolling suitcase in Venice because the noise disturbs other people. It’s not like this law is heavily enforced, but you never know.

Update: apparently, the ban was a bunch of mistranslations going around the web. But I stand by my point – don’t take a wheeled suitcase with you! They make a lot of noise, the wheels of the suitcase can be destroyed on the cobblestones, and the streets themselves get damaged by hundreds of thousands of people pulling suitcases on them.

So, one of the most important Venice tips – pack light !

Better pack some rain gear just in case – Venice tip for a rainy day

overcast and rainy venice italy

Especially if you’re travelling in the shoulder season, it’s a good idea to pack an umbrella or a raincoat. It tends to rain in Venice and, believe me, the rain gear gets way overpriced.

Of course, there are lots of things to do in Venice when it rains as well. It’s just that you’ll have to walk around to get to them, anyways.

Pack some “appropriate” attire as well

By “appropriate” I mean things that cover your shoulders and knees. “Inappropriate” means shorts, short skirts, naked shoulders, and crop tops.

Generally, you will not be let into any church – or basilica – in Italy if you have too much exposed skin. Some churches even refuse admittance to women who wear pants or shorts!

And if you’d like to go and see an opera – which is one of the most unique things to do in Venice ! – you need to bring something more formal with you as well.

Related: Venice packing list

The best time to visit venice is….

a couple's selfie on the san marco's square in venice with the basilica san marco in the background

The shoulder seasons. That is, April-May or September-October. It’s when there are fewer people and everything is still open.

Of course, if you’d like to see Carnivale, that’s at the beginning of the year – January or February usually.

Summer gets very crowded, and everything is more expensive.

We really loved our visit in April – the weather was lovely and sunny. The November visit to Venice was rainy and overcast, but still very interesting and definitely unique.

The hotel rooms are rather tiny

Venice is quite a dense city, so all the houses have rooms on the small side. That includes hotels.

And it’s not just rooms – the hallways and stairs are narrow as well.

This means – and I’ve been repeating this Venice tip a lot already – pack light! And leave your big suitcase at home.

Related: where to stay in Venice

Don’t feed the pigeons.

me on san marco in venice in november with a pigeon on my hand

This is one of those Venice tips that made me sad, but you are not allowed to feed the pigeons on St Mark’s Square.

I was actually surprised when I learned this, as I myself didn’t see any signs during our visit.

But oh well, I get where the authorities are coming from – it’s not great when many birds flood a place, as that means lots of bird poop all around.

Sit only in designated places

That means, on chairs, not on sides of monuments, houses, and so on.

This sign I actually did see, haha.

Venice tips for getting around

water taxis on grand canal

The main means of transportation is a vaporetto

Vaporetto is Venice’s answer to our usual public busses.

It’s a water bus!

Vaporettos run all the length of the Grand Canal and to the other islands of Venice, such as Burano and Murano.

You can even get from the airport straight to Venice centre with a vaporetto.

There are many places where you can get tickets for Vaporetto, and the most convenient are tabaccherias or the machines just by the main stops.

Don’t forget to mark your ticket before boarding the vaporetto!

No need to take a private taxi

The water taxis, just like any normal taxi, are generally quite expensive, really.

Of course, it’s possible to share one with others which makes it cheaper, but otherwise, just use a vaporetto.

I’ve seen people suggest that you take a water taxi straight from the airport, but in my opinion, it doesn’t make too much sense. Just take a bus straight from the airport to Piazzale Roma and walk or take a vaporetto from there.

a statue of a mermaid in venice

One of my main Venice tips is to walk as much as you can!

Venice is not a big city so you pretty much can walk almost anywhere.

When walking, you can find so many hidden gems!

Of course, to get to the other islands in the lagoon you’ll need a vaporetto, but otherwise… it’s so easy to find hidden gems when you just walk.

The GPS is not exactly precise in Venice

I’m not really even sure why, but the GPS signal is weak and imprecise in Venice, which means that apps like Google maps are not precise. They might send you down the wrong street or even to a dead end.

This means that to not get lost, it’s a good idea to get a good old paper map.

Or do it as we did – ignore the blue dot of “you’re here” in google maps and just navigate yourself by street names.

An unusual getting-around Venice tip – wear comfortable shoes

Venice has cobblestone streets and bridges with stairs on them, which means – you need comfortable shoes!

One of my main Venice tips is – ditch the heels and only take comfy shoes. A nice picture is not worth a broken ankle, right?

Sightseeing tips for Venice

people feeding pidgeons on san marcos square during our venice 2 day itinerary

Make sure to visit the main sights in Venice

For so many destinations, I’ve seen people say “go off the beaten path”! “Explore the new!”

My experience is that the main sights are popular because they are amazing.

In Venice specifically, Saint Marc’s Basilica, the Duke’s palace, the Piazza San Marco, and everything else, really are worth visiting.

If you want to beat the crowds, the best idea is to visit around sunrise time or after sunset. The square is empty then. Makes for great pictures !

As for the buildings, you can get “skip the line” tickets.

The main sights to visit in Venice are covered in our Venice 2-day itinerary.

But still, one of my main Venice tips – get off the beaten path as well

Spend a couple of hours just wandering around the bridges and crossing the channels.

Cross the Grand Canal and explore Dorsoduro district or walk away from San Marco’s to check out Cannaregio.

Cannareggio is lovely! Check out it for yourself in this virtual tour of Venice !

Check out the gardens (yes, there are gardens in Venice as well!)

There are many places in Venice to get lost in.

Go out early or late – one of the best Venice tips for when to visit the sights

basilica san marco in venice during sunrise

To avoid the crowds (and there will be crowds – whichever month you visit) go out very early in the morning or late at night, after the sunset.

During these times the squares are almost empty, since, you know, who wants to wake up early?

At night, of course, it’s harder to see everything perfectly, but still, at least the view is unobstructed. And there are quite a few things to do, actually.

Have a rough plan of what you’d like to see and do

Venice has tons of things to do and see, so it’s a good idea to have at least a rough idea of which of all of the things you’d like to do.

There are many museums, churches, interesting buildings, districts, and even islands in Venice that are worth visiting so it can get quite hard to choose when you’re already there.

We have a Venice 2 day itinerary which contains some more Venice tips for visiting, such as how to get to Venice, how to get around, what to pack, etc., so make sure to check it out.

Don’t miss the other islands near Venice

The most popular islands near Venice are Burano and Murano.

Burano is a cute little place which has many colourful houses, and Murano is where the incredible Murano glass is made.

For Murano, you can even consider going to a glass-blowing workshop.

If the weather permits and you have enough time, consider going to the Lido – an island that has a 12km stretch of a sandy beach! Parts of the beach you have to pay for, but there are free-access beaches, too.

An unusual Venice tip – do book a gondola ride

ponte dei sospiri in venice

I know many people say that it’s not worth it, but a gondola ride is a really cool experience.

We rode a gondola together with my parents on a rainy November afternoon in Venice, and it was still quite incredible!

It’s so interesting to see everything from pretty much water level. You get to explore the walls of the houses up close and see some very interesting sights from a different angle.

The rides usually go both on the Grand Canal and on the side streets.

I believe it would be even cooler on a sunny day, haha.

Check availability

One of the best venice travel tips – look into unusual things to do as well.

We all know that you need to visit the main sights, and I’ve mentioned it here as well.

But don’t knock out some more unusual things to do in Venice!

Did you know that there are 139 churches in Venice? Or that there are almost a hundred museums in Venice?

Well, there are!

So you can look into those as well.

To save time, book skip-the-line tickets.

Or you can experience Venice with a local guide.

Or go for a glass-blowing workshop.

So many options!

Venice tips about restaurants and food

Food is a huge part of visiting anywhere in Italy.

So, when visiting Venice, you have to try out some local restaurants as well!

These are things to know before visiting a restaurant in Venice.

Go to an osteria somewhere away from the most touristy places

having cicchetti and spritz in venice during our 2 days in venice

Even if it’s just a couple of streets away, there is a bigger chance that the prices will be lower and the quality – higher.

The restaurants in places like San Marco’s Square are more geared towards tourists. I believe you might have seen how some tourists got charged hundreds of euros for a meal .

Unfortunately, there are many people who like to take advantage of others.

If you go further away from the main sights, you can find more restaurants owned by locals where’d you get a normally priced meal.

And make sure to try Cicchetti!

Tipping in Venice

Just like anywhere else in Italy, tipping in Venice is not really a necessity.

Of course, if you really enjoyed the service, it’s welcome to leave a bit. But even in most luxurious places, usually, not more than 10% are expected.

In some touristy restaurants, you might see something like “servizio incluso” on your bill. It means that a service charge – a tip – has already been included and you don’t need to leave any more.

Don’t just eat pizza

Each region – and even city – in Italy has their own typical food. So it’s a better idea to try foods that are regional wherever you visit.

Venice is a seaside – or rather, on the sea – city, so seafood is a better option than a pizza.

Some foods you should be trying in Venice are:

  • Cicchetti – typical Venetian finger foods.
  • Nero di Seppia – food with squid ink in it.
  • Baccalà Mantecato – stockfish with olive oil, black pepper, salt, garlic and lemon juice.
  • Fegato alla Veneziana – a dish made of calf liver which is cut into thin slices and cooked with onion, parsley, olive oil, salt, pepper, and a glass of wine.
  • Polenta e schie – polenta with a type of shrimp that can only be found in the Venetian Lagoon.

Main food-related Venice tip (and Italy tip, actually) – have some gelato

ice cream and a coffee in a bar in Sarnico, Italy

Oh man, the gelato – ice cream – in Italy is so incredible, you’ll not be able to really enjoy any other anywhere else. We even found an Italian gelateria here in Slovakia – and that’s the only ice cream we eat, haha.

Even if you’re vegan, gluten-free, or lactose intolerant, you can enjoy some gelato, as usually there are sorbetti – fruit-based ice-creams and you can get a GF cone or just have it in a little paper bowl.

As for how to spot a non-tourist-geared gelato? Well, the best tip is to look at the colour of the ice cream. If the colours are bright , move on.

I mean, is the pistachio ice cream bright green? The strawberry – very red? That means that artificial colourings were added, so it’s not real artiginale gelato.

Make use of your refillable water bottle

Water in Italy is generally safe enough to drink. And there are many water fountains scattered around Venice as well.

If you find tap water not tasty enough to drink (like I usually feel), at least you can buy bigger bottles of water in a store and then refill your bottle. It’s still more environmentally friendly than buying 0.5l bottles again and again.

Last thoughts on Venice tips…

There are obviously so many things you should know before visiting Venice that it’s hard to put them in one article. I think, though, that I managed to give you those Venice tips that I consider to be the most important.

There is some additional information mentioned in our Venice itinerary which is good to know as well, by the way.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed these travel tips! Is there something that surprised you? Let me know in the comments!   

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Guest author

Kristine Eksteine-Nizka is a guest author of Wanderlust Designers. She has lived in 4 countries and has visited over 200 places in 30 countries, all while holding a full-time job or studying, and is determined to inspire and teach others to do the same.

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solo travel venice tip: gondala rides are expensive

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Is venice worth visiting my honest opinion.

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Venice is one of the most visited and beloved cities in all of Italy. And this totally makes sense! What’s not to love? Venice is beautiful. The canals, gondolas, and elegantly decaying buildings. The atmosphere is magical.

Not to mention, Venice is one of the most unique cities in the world, and is home to a vibrant and fascinating history. Casanova, anyone?

Yet, in Venice, tourists actually outnumber permanent residents, which is made even more apparent by the number of hotels, restaurants, and shops on almost every canal street. 

stunning venice views everywhere

So it’s completely understand why visitors might feel a little nervous about coming to Venice.

I mean, think about it.

How many tourists are too  many? Just how  bad  are the crowds? Is it possible to go anywhere without reservations booked? And is it even possible to “go off the beaten path” in Venice? And what about the cost? How much do tourists drive up prices? 

Honestly. Despite loving Venice, I completely understand your concerns. 

is venice worth visiting? definitely for the buildings

Table of Contents

Is Venice Worth Visiting? Mostly Yes.

I adore Venice. Venice is perfect for couples and friends. Venice is even great for solo travel.

While in Venice, I felt very safe, and the tourist infrastructure meant that seeing all the major sites was easy and accessible. Venice is low stress compared to other destinations in Italy, because you have a ton of resources at your fingertips. 

However, at the same time, considering whether or not Venice is worth visiting may require a bit more thought for you.

In order to help, I’ve split this guide into two sections about the pros and cons of Venice. I want to emphasize that there are no right or wrong answers for your trip to Italy. 

If you need additional help, I also wrote all about the most important things to know before visiting Venice . 

is venice worth visiting? absolutely for these views

The Pros of Visiting Venice

Obviously, there are a lot of pros to adding Venice to your itinerary. I’m sure I don’t even need to write them all here, haha, but here we are. 

i loved venice's cicchetti

Cicchetti Makes Dining Fun

Cicchetti is awesome.  If you like the tapas culture in Spain, then “Cicchetti Culture” in Venice will make you and your stomach equally happy. 

So what exactly is this magical cicchetti? In short, Cicchetti are small snacks typical in Venice. They are offered in wine bars and if you eat multiple plates, you can easily create an entire meal combining both cicchetti and local wine. The best part is that cicchetti is quite affordable in this otherwise expensive city.

And if you don’t want the hassle of planning your own food adventures through Venice? Never fear! In Venice, you can easily join a small-group food tasting tour that will take you to some of the best local spots in the city.

What I love about food tours is that you learn about the history behind Venetian cuisine, while making friends at the same time. Win/win if you ask me! 

padua's lovely streets are safe and beautiful

Easy Day Trips

Venice is a fantastic base for day trips in Northern Italy.  I definitely suggest venturing out of Venice into some of the nearby cities if you’re staying in Venice for three or more days.

For example, I absolutely loved visiting Padua in a day . This small city is home to one of the oldest universities in all of Europe, as well as some historically significant and beautiful churches, such as The Basilica of Saint Anthony and Scrovegni Chapel.

In Venice, you can also spend a day exploring the nearby islands of Murano and Burano . Water taxis run on a regular schedule. Keep in mind that you will likely need a full day if you want to see both islands.

The day trip possibilities are endless! You won’t feel bored at all.

don't miss the opera house in venice italy

Lots of Museums and Attractions

Museums are everywhere in Venice. Seriously, if you love history, art, and culture, then you’ve come to the right place! Again, I need to reiterate that you’ll never feel bored in this part of Italy.

I’m a perfect example. I’ve visited Venice on two separate occasions, and I still have a lot of museums that I want to see in the future (fingers crossed!).

Doge’s Palace is one of the most popular museums in all of Venice and perfect for history lovers. This incredible and ornate Gothic palace overlooks St. Mark’s Square and was the city of Venice’s government. The prison is especially fascinating. For Doge’s Palace, I personally suggest buying your tickets ahead of time, because lines are overwhelming and time slots do sell out. 

is venice worth visiting? yes if you like modern art

If you like art, I had a wonderful time at both Ca’ Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art  and  The Peggy Guggenheim Collection.  I’m a huge fan of wandering art museums at my own leisure. I especially found Peggy Guggenheim’s collection fascinating. You felt as if you were actually visiting her in her personal home. 

Last but not least, opera lovers need to go to Venice’s iconic Teatro La Fenice . This is one of the most famous opera houses in the entire world. Even if you can’t attend a show, the Teatro La Fenice is wonderful to explore during the day, especially equipped with an audioguide to learn all about the history. 

Keep in mind that this is not even close to an exclusive list. Like I said, Venice has so many museums, and if you want to see all of them, you will be occupied for days on end. 

venice worth visiting? definitely for the history

Remarkable History

Do you like history? Then Venice is for you. No doubt, Venice’s history is filled with stories that will capture your attention. 

In addition to Doge’s Palace, which I referenced above, you will discover history on practically every corner of the island. For example, the jaw-dropping and gorgeous Basilica di San Marco was originally built in 828 AD in order to house the bones of St. Mark. Yes, you read that correctly.  828 AD.

You can also see Marco Polo’s home and learn all about those intricate Venetican masks, which were worn for Carnevale. And don’t forget to take an educational walk through Cannaregio to Venice’s Jewish Quarter. 

History buffs will seriously never want to leave!

is venice worth visiting? definitely for these lovely views

Venice is Truly Unique and Iconic

Okay, let’s be honest with ourselves, there’s a  reason  why Venice is so beloved and popular with people from all over the globe. I mean, we’ve all seen pictures of those colorful canals, haven’t we? 

People want to come to Venice because it’s a special place. Nothing feels quite as romantic as riding on a gondola. 

Venice’s magic will seep under your skin. It’s not a visit that you’ll soon forget. I especially recommend a visit here if it’s your very first trip to Italy. The memories will last forever.

venice is worth it because you can get lost

You Can Walk Absolutely Everywhere

Last but not least Venice is entirely car-free – which is amazing!  I loved not having to check both ways before crossing the street, haha! Venice’s walkability means it’s the perfect city to simply get lost. It’s one of the few places in the world where I don’t think twice about wandering down a narrow alleyway. 

Explore. Wander. Discover a new shop or bar. I even suggest turning off Google Maps and just roaming until you find a square or street that “speaks” to you.

Lastly keep in mind that if you do feel hopelessly lost that Venice is an island, so you can’t wander too far off the grid. Local businesses have maps as well. 

an example of not what to pack for venice in june

The Cons of Visiting Venice

Okay, are you ready for the downsides? Yes, they do exist.

I promise the cons aren’t meant to discourage you from visiting Venice. However, I thought it would be fair to offer a balanced opinion on the city. 

rialto bridge is one of the prettiest bridges in venice

Endless Walking and Moving Around

Yes, yes, I know I already said that walking carless Venice was a pro, but at the same time, not being able to hail a taxi is challenging on occasion, especially late at night. So, as much as I walking around Venice, I also felt very exhausted at times. 

Most importantly, you’ll want to be super careful about how much you pack for your trip to Venice. You might have to pay a surcharge on the water taxis for your luggage if you have too many bags. Not to mention, carrying all that luggage up and down bridges and through narrow alleys isn’t fun, especially in the summer sun. 

Pace yourself.

relaxing alongside the canals in venice in june

Flooding in Autumn and Winter

Weather is tricky in Venice. I’m sure you’ve heard about rising sea levels and flooding, and that climate change has only made the problem worse.

However, Venice isn’t filled with water 24/7. In particular, these floods happen way more frequently between October and January, so if you want to “take advantage of shoulder season,” you’ll have to stay mindful of possible floods in the main squares. 

Sure, you can walk on raised platforms to avoid the worst of the flooding, but it’s still inconvenient. Personally, I would avoid traveling in late fall and early winter to Venice. 

what to pack for venice in june: comfortable shoes to climb stairs

Humidity in the Summer Months

On the flip side, summer ushers in heavy humidity. Folks, I’m used to humidity. I live in the New Jersey, which has very humid and hot summers. The dew point is my worst enemy, haha.

I visited Venice in late June. Oh man. I lost track of how many showers I needed because I was sweating so much. Not to mention, if you’re visiting from the United States or Canada, remember that air conditioning isn’t nearly as widespread as North America. Most shops, restaurants, and museums either didn’t have air conditioning or set the temperature to higher than what I was used to.

Now I promise I’m not complaining, and know that energy conservation is important, but still feel like this is necessary information. 

My advice for visitors who can only go to Venice in summer is to book accommodation with air conditioning in the rooms. I think my visit was only bearable, because I knew that I would sleep well and had air conditioning waiting for me. I don’t know if I would’ve felt the same way otherwise. 

solo travel in venice means seeing beautiful st mark's

Tourist Crowds and Cruise Ships

Crowds are a huge concern for visitors in Venice. Early morning and late nights are quieter, but the middle of the afternoon, especially in hot weather, feels overwhelming with the day trippers and ships in town. I would actually recommend staying away from the most popular attractions in the middle of the day if you can pull it off.

In order to escape the crowds, I personally suggest wandering into the small canals and heading toward the outskirts of the city. Despite traveling in high season, I could always find a quiet part of the city that was devoid of tourists.

Not to mention, you can even book a tour specifically geared toward a quieter Venice experience, such as The Real Hidden Venice Walking Tour .

venice in june has lots of sunny days on the grand canal

Venice is not Cheap

Last but not least, Venice isn’t a cheap destination especially compared to other smaller Italian cities. You need to go to Venice under the assumption that you  will  spend more money and need to feel okay about it.

There’s a reason that a lot of organized tours stay outside of Venice in Mestre. And that reason is … the price. If you’re on a super tight budget, then perhaps pass on Venice until a future trip. 

However, if you can afford it, try not to let Venice’s higher prices dissuade you from staying in Venice itself. Like I said above, the city is quieter and far more magical in the mornings and evenings after most tourists have either left for Mestre or re-boarded their cruise ships.

is venice worth visiting? yes for aperol spritz

Venice Travel Tips

Whew! I sincerely hope listing out the pros and cons will help you decide whether to add Venice to your itinerary. 

To wrap everything up, I wanted to include a couple of last minute tips for traveling to Venice. Best of luck with whatever you decide to choose! And, if you do choose to go to Venice, I promise that you will have an amazing time. 

venice is home to many gorgeous churches

What Should I Bring to Venice?

You’ll want to limit how much you pack on a trip to Venice. You’re literally carrying all your stuff from the train station to your accommodation, so remember to be mindful.

Of course, the time of year is important too. I wrote a lot more about packing for Venice in June if you’re planning a summer visit here. 

is venice worth visiting? definitely for these rides

Venice Essentials

  • Excellent Walking Shoes: In Venice, you will walk everywhere and climb plenty of stairs. I would invest in a high-quality pair of walking shoes for your stay.
  • Italian Phrasebook:  Most people in Venice speak English. However, I always think learning a few phrases of the local language is polite. I would bring or download an Italian phrasebook to learn the basics. 
  • Lonely Planet Venice Guide:  As you can tell, Venice has  so much  to see, do, and eat that it’s somewhat overwhelming for a visitor. Plan ahead with a good guidebook. Lonely Planet has a Venice-specific guidebook that will help you plan an unforgettable trip. 
  • Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen:  Truthfully, the Italian sun is no joke. I would pack sunscreen for summer, but also for early autumn and late spring. You don’t want to risk a nasty burn. 
  • Travel Insurance:  Always purchase travel insurance ahead of any international trip. You don’t want to get stuck with a large emergency bill, because you did not have insurance. Seriously, don’t skimp on this. 
  • Travel Shawl or Scarf:  Venice’s beautiful cathedrals, especially St. Mark’s, have rules in place about how much skin you’re allowed to show. Bring a travel shawl with you to cover your shoulders. This is very important in the summer months. 
  • Wide-Brimmed Hat:  Do whatever possible to protect yourself from the sun. A wide-brimmed hat is not only an adorable fashion choice, but it will cool you off in the hotter months. 

venice has lots of adorable bed and breakfasts

Where Should I Stay in Venice?

Venice is pricier than nearby Mestre, but you don’t need to break the bank on accommodation! I found that all three of these locations were both ideal for travelers  and  reasonably priced. Win/win!!

  • B&B Patatina:  This lovely and new bed and breakfast fully captures Venice’s romantic atmosphere, and is in a great location — only a few steps from Rialto Bridge. See prices on and .
  • Ca’Riza: This small bed and breakfast is an absolute gem in Venice. It’s located in a quiet and laid back neighborhood, and offered some of the best breakfast options on my visit to Venice. See prices on and .
  • Hostel Combo Venezia: If you’re looking for a hostel, Combo is a fantastic option since it’s located right in the city of Venice rather than the outskirts or mainland. You can even pay for a beautiful canal view! See prices on and .

venice in june cools off at night

What are your thoughts? Do you think Venice is worth visiting? Is Venice on your wishlist for Italy? As always, feel free to share your thoughts with me. Best of luck on your Italy adventures! 

Rachel Elizabeth

At 22, I took my first overseas trip to Bermuda. Took a break to follow the "American Dream." Had my self-esteem broken. Embarked on my first solo trip to Scotland at 26. The travel bug dug its way under my skin. I now book multiple trips a year.

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20 Venice travel tips no one has ever told you yet!

Things to do in Venice Venice Travel Guide Venice Travel Tips

Venice is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. Each year, millions flock into the city to witness the Canal City's grandeur. Seeing canals instead of lanes is probably the most bizarre, yet beautiful thing you are likely to witness. The gondola rides are most likely the first image that comes to one’s mind when thinking of Venice , but the city has a lot more to offer. This is possibly the reason why Venice is never devoid of tourists. In order to see the city in its full glory despite the crowd, you need to equip yourself with some insider tips. Read on and follow the tips below for a wonderful trip to Venice.

Venice Essentials

Starting with the essentials, here's what you must know before getting to Venice.

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Best Time To Visit Venice

Although Venice does not really have an off-season, you must veer away from the summers, weekends, and the days of the carnival. The best time to visit Venice, keeping in mind both the weather and the tourist hordes, are the months of March, April, October, and November. Here is a complete guide on the Best Time to Visit Venice .

Venice in Jan

Venice Travel Tips 101 - A First Timer's Holy Grail

Below are the tips and hacks you're here for. Read on and thank me later!

#1 Stay on the Venice Islet

The city of Venice is an archipelago of tiny islets divided by canals. If you're in Venice for a short period, we strongly recommend staying in one of the six central districts of Venice: Castello, Cannaregio, Santa Croce, Dorsoduro, San Marco, and San Polo for a time-efficient trip. Else, you will spend half your time on ACTV buses getting from one islet to the other!

#2 Take a Gondola Ride. No second thoughts

Venice Travel Tips - First Timers

The Gondola is probably an identification mark of the city. These appear on all commercial promotion of the city’s tourism and hence can seem a bit overrated. But believe us, a canal ride of the city is every bit as beautiful as it is hyped. It is the best way to know the leisurely lifestyle of Venice.

Popular Discounted Gondola Tours. Grab them and avoid haggling with gondoliers!

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Gondola Rides, Operas, Gelatos and more

#3 travel light.

The water taxis and ferries do not always drop you right in front of your hotel. It is highly likely that you will need to walk for a while to get to your hotel. You may have to cross a few step bridges as well. So travel light and expect some walking to be involved during the commute. If you're arriving by bus or train, you have to cross a rather steep bridge to get to the city center, hence traveling light is highly recommended.

#4 Avail the Crowd Prediction Tool

Traveling to Venice is delightful with its numerous museums, cafes, art galleries, and canals. If there is one inescapable downside to Venice, it is the crowd that never seems to relent. It is for this reason that the city has launched an application that can roughly predict the crowd you are likely to face on a given day. Use it before booking your flights and use is before stepping out for the day.

#5 Skip the Line tickets are an actual blessing

Venice is always crowded. The city is on 50% of the world's bucket list and is almost always swarming with tourists. If you intend to save time and make the most of your visit, rather than standing in 2-hour long queues to enter the popular attractions; grab Skip the Line tickets or Guided Tour tickets in advance. You can thank us later!

Skip the line tickets for top attractions in Venice

#6 keep a map handy.

Venice Travel Tips - First Timers

It is said that if you are planning to get somewhere in Venice, it is always good to give yourself some additional time and have a map handy as you are very likely to get lost. Venice is an old city with alleyways that aren’t always well documented online. Wing it the old school way and carry a map, you'll do fine. Also, you never know what a serendipitous surprise a wrong turn can be!

#7 Public Toilets are Expensive

Public toilets in Venice are clean and can be used without any qualms. Except, the toilets are not present everywhere and have a fee of €1.50! A quick tip would be to find a cafe and order an espresso or pastry. That's likely to cost you lesser than the public restroom fee!

#8 Tour With a Local

Venice Travel Tips - First Timers

While you'll find aplenty about cities like New York and London on the internet, most parts of Venice are still a mystery to the world wide web. As such, the best way to explore the city is with someone who knows the city like the back of their hand. Head out with a local and discover the city through a local's lens. You'll definitely learn a lot more than what the internet can feed you.

#9 Visit Artisan Workshops

Venice Travel Tips - First Timers

In the age of large scale manufacturing, it is tough to find artisans practicing their art in their private workshops. That is unless you are in Venice. You are likely to bump into many local artisans going about their daily artistic chores and you are more than welcome to stand and watch. Nothing like it if you can buy a small something from them and help sustain their livelihood. Be it a souvenir or a small donation to support them, you'll cherish a visit to a local artisans workshop in Venice.

#10 Amble by the Local Markets

Venice Travel Tips - First Timers

The local markets of Venice are sure to leave a mark on you. These colorful markets come to life during the day as the local residents, as well as the restaurants, scramble to get their needs sorted. You can buy fresh local produce at a minimal rate from these markets. Be it Mercato di Rialto or Mercatino di San Giobbe that you choose to visit, you're in for a sensory treat!

#11 Ditch the heels in Venice

Venice is a vehicular free zone, which means you're likely to be on foot for a good part of the day. If you're not walking, you're likely to be in an ACTV bus which is bustling with locals and tourists alike. Strap on your favourite walking shoes and your legs will thank you by the end of the day. Cobbled streets, bridges, hopping onto gondolas etc could turn into a nightmare with heels.

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Itineraries, Budgets and Guides

#11 make time to visit the outer islands.

Venice Travel Tips - First Timers

While the islet of Venice is definitely the most happening, there are other islands in the archipelago that deserve a visit. If you're in Venice for more than a day, we strongly urge you to check out the island of Murano, Burano, Torcello and the sandy island of Lido. There are organized Island-Hopping tours in Venice and signing up for them could help save time. Else, plan your day around the Vaporettos schedules; not the most recommended however.

#12 Venice is almost always flooded

'Acqua alta’, which is what the locals call this occasional flooding can be bit of problem in Venice. It gets really bad on certain days of the year, good part being - it lasts only a couple of hours. Note, it is not all over the city, so you can either avoid the flooded area, which is mainly around San Marco, or walk on the heightened sidewalks. If you want to be prepared, check the forecasts a couple of days prior to your arrival. If it says ’80 cm above sea level’, this means only a very little flooding, and only when it’s 100 cm above sea level will you need to adapt your routes.

#13 Water taxis charge a "difficulty fee"

If you're planning to splurge a little and cruise around in a water taxi, know that there is a 'difficulty fee' applicable if your hotel/pick-up point is located on a small congested canal. Factor this in while booking your water taxi.

#14 Get tipsy at a Bacaro

Bacaros are Venetian-style wine bar with snacks where you can devour a glass of Friulano (white wine) and sarde e saor (fried sardines and onions) or baccalà mantecato (salt cod prepared to have a creamy consistency). If you are lucky enough, you could smack clean a plate of granseola (crab) for next to nothing!. Bacaros are where the locals unwind after a day's work, so join them and you're in for a good time.

#15 If a beach is on your mind, head to Lido

Venice Travel Tips - First Timers

Lido, the largest of Venice's islands is a narrow strip of land which separates the central part of the Venetian lagoon from the Adriatic Sea. With an 8 mile expanse of golden sandy beach and the Adriatic waves calmly kissing the coast, it makes for a great beach to lounge on a sunbed (available on rent), read a book, sip a Piña colada or take a quick dip. Your pick!

#16 Be ecofriendly and carry a refillable water bottle

It is absolutely safe to drink water from the water fountains in Venice and you're likely to find one in every Piazza. Carry a bottle along and refill away. It's definitely cheaper than grabbing a bottle every time.

#17 Gelato = Gelateria S.Leonardo

Venice Travel Tips - First Timers

Gelateria San Leonardo is a no frills small gelato shop selling massive scoops of quirky gelato flavours at a reasonable price. It's best known for its variety and value for money. Here's a quick insider scoop on how to spot good gelato in Italy - Guage the colour of the gelato. If it's a banana flavoured gelato and the yellow is brighter than a normal banana skin; chances of artificial flavours are higher.

#18 Nightlife in Venice in non-existent

Venice's nightlife is pretty much non-existent, unlike other Italian cities. You can term it a sleepy town as most of the people who live here are those who work with tourists, run family businesses; most things which wind up by 7 PM. So, sleep early and head to Piazza San Marco early morning to consume the quiet beauty of the place without rubbing shoulders with a million other tourists.

#19 Make sure to visit Libreria Acqua Alta Bookstore

If you're one to love quaint bookstores (or highly instagrammed spots), then a visit to Libreria Acqua Alta Bookstore is an absolute must. The name of the bookstore translates to “bookstore of high water”, an attempt to combat the city's constantly rising waters. The interiors are a heady surprise - books, magazine, maps and other ephemera piled and crammed into waterproof bins, bathtubs and even gondolas to protect the books! You'll also find several beaded chandeliers, mannequins dressed like old Venetians, and oars hanging from the wall; all a part of the charm. The store is also home to more a couple of stray cats, who take shelter atop the stacks during the rising tides.

Venice Travel Tips - First Timers

#20 Did you know Venice is a treasure trove of museums?

While everyone knows the Doge's Palace, did you know Venice has almost a 100 museums! Yes, this tiny island is home to a 100 museums and if you're a museum-lover, you must go beyond the Doge's Palace. Read all about the top museums in Venice and plan to visit atleast 2-3 of the museums in Venice. You can even grab the Venice Museum Pass and gain entry to each of them at a discounted fare. Here's a detailed blog on curating an itinerary with the Venice Museum Pass.

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Essentials, Trip Planners, Itineraries and more

Tips for saving money on transportation in venice.

  • Grab your ACTV Water Bus Pass , depending on your itinerary. If you are planning to walk for most of the day, grab the hourly ticket. If you're planning to go island-hopping, the day pass will come handy.
  • Do not ask the water taxis to drop you to your hotel inside a narrow canal as that that might end up in you paying a hefty surcharge (difficulty fee).
  • Venice is one of the most pedestrian-friendly cities in the world. The charm of this city lies in its tiny alleyways, cobbled piazzas and umpteen bridges. Make sure you spend a good amount of time walking and feasting on some delightful Venetian architecture.
  • Do not buy a long term ticket for transport from the airport as the intra-city transport is managed by different authorities than the airport to the city shuttle, and hence you won’t be able to use that ticket in the city.
  • Buy Vaporetto tickets from the newspaper stands or sales booth before getting onto the vehicle to save some money. You can buy the tickets on board as well at a higher price however.
  • Declare that you do not have a ticket to the staff if you are getting up on a Vaporetto without one. If you fail to declare, you will have to pay a hefty fine in addition to the original ticket price.

Tips for Saving Money on Food in Venice

  • Steer clear of the restaurants around tourist attractions. Restaurant with flags of multiple countries, Italian music playing, and tourist menu advertised can generally be interpreted as "expensive" and "least authentic"
  • If you aren’t looking for an elaborate menu with multiple courses of food to choose from, walk into a bacari. There are places that offer small portions of food and wine (known as cicheti and ombre) at an affordable rate.
  • Have your breakfast sorted at one of the Venetian deli outlets. These places provide freshly made food options at a reasonable rate.
  • If you have a refrigerator in your service apartment/hotel room, visit the local markets as early in the day as possible and get the freshest produce in the area at a cheap rate.
  • You're likely to be saving double the price for sitting down and eating a meal than standing and eating a meal. Along with your meal, a hefty service charge and table charge is slapped; so stand and indulge your meal if you're on a budget.
  • Ask for “acqua semplice” or “acqua da rubinetto” to get tap water to drink. Places can charge up to 5 euros if you ask for mineral or filtered water.

More Tips To Save Money In Venice

  • Being a vehicular free zone, your only mode of arriving from the airport is via a water taxi or vaporetto. Make sure you book your hotel close to a ACTV Vaporetto stop to avoid lugging your luggage and/or paying a hefty luggage carrier fee.
  • Some of Venice’s most celebrated sights don't cost a penny. There are 139 churches in Venice and two of the best churches in the city - Basilica di San Marco and Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute don't have an admission fee!
  • If your pockets are not deep enough for a gondola indulgence, a traghetti ride should give you a faint essence. Traghettis are used by the locals, hence cheaper and less touristy.
  • Don't spend more than 3 EUR for 3 scoops of Gelato. If your gelataria is charging anything more than that, it's a rip off!
  • Beware of veiled sales pitches, especially when you sign up for guided tours. Some hotels will try selling you a "special boat ride and tour" for free and most times, these packages turn into high-pressure sales visits. Don't fall for these tourist traps where you'll be forced to shell out money for things you don't really want.
  • Climb atop the San Marco Campanile for the most amazing aerial views of Venice. It is one of the cheaper attractions in Venice, costing only €8 and is worth every penny.
  • If you're one to like cooking, the fresh produce that's brought into the marketplace in Venice will make you weak in the knees. Grab some and cook yourself a meal. Definitely cheaper (and debatably tastier) than the other restaurants in Venice.

Top 10 Things To Do in Venice

I'm sure you have your itinerary all sorted, but here are our top 10 favourites in Venice. If any of these are missing from your itinerary, make sure you squeeze them in! There are a few recommended tours for each attraction, so if you haven't grabbed tickets as yet, now would be a great time.

1 Doge's Palace

Ranked 2nd amongst the Top 10 Things To Do In Venice by TripAdvisor 2018, the Doge's Palace was the historic seat of the La Serenissima, the Venetian Republic and sheathes secrets that have rarely left the walls of the Palace.

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2 St. Mark's Basilica

St. Mark’s Basilica, one of Venice's most-visited sights and one amongst Italy's top cathedrals is an absolute must-see once you step foot in Venice! It houses the mortals remains of St. Mark and is considered the world's finest blend of Byzantine, Romanesque, and Gothic architecture.

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3 Gondola Tour in Venice

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4 Teatro La Fenice

The name La Fenice translates to "The Pheonix" and is a perfectly fitting moniker for this opera house that has been rebuilt from ash twice over during its existence. Book an audio-guided tour of the Teatro La Fenice and explore the history seeped interiors of this opera house.

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5 Leonardo Da Vinci Museum

Situated in old town centre of Venice - Scoletta Di San Rocco, the Leonardo Da Vinci Museum is a glimpse into the mind of the Italian Renaissance polymath whose areas of interest spanned from painting to engineering to history to geology, and even cartography! Don't miss this lesser known gem in Venice.

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6 Jewish Museum Venice

Flanked by two Venetian Synagogues in the Campo of the Ghetto Novo, the Jewish Museum is a rather compact yet abundantly rich museum founded in 1953 by the Jewish community residing in Venice. Visit the Jewish museum and get a glimpse into the Jewish festivities alongside ritual artefacts dedicated to the history and life of Venetian Jews.

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7 Rialto Market Food Tour

Get insider foodie scoops from a local docent who will take you to the best of the best eateries around town. Eat fresh seafood off the hook, smack clean a plate of the best tapas in town and travel like a local on a gondola on this culinary route.

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8 St Mark's Campanile

St Mark's Campanile is the bell tower of St Mark's Basilica in Venice. This 98.6 meter tall tower is located in one corner of Piazza San Marco and is one of the most recognizable symbols of the city. Climb atop the tower for splendid views of Venice city.

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9 Murano, Burano and Torcello

After savouring all of St. Mark’s Square and Dosrudo neighbourhood, hop on a vaporetto and swoosh off to the enchanting islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello on the Venetian Lagoon. Each one better than the other, island hopping has never been more fun.

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10 Peggy Guggenheim Collection

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is a modern art museum in the Dorsoduro district of Venice. It is one of the most visited attractions in Venice. This palatial canal side home showcases a stockpile of surrealist, futurist and abstract expressionist art; a delight for art lovers across the world.

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Ready to explore venice.

Here are a few more guides that should help you plan your visit.

Best Time To Visit Venice

How long should I stay in Venice to make the best of my visit?

Spend 2-3 days in Venice and you'll be able to see the city's most notable sights, as well as go to a few of the islands surrounding it, such as Burano and Morano. With up to 6 days available, you may add more local activities.

What are the things I should avoid doing in Venice?

Some of the things you should definitely avoid doing in Venice is, Swim in the canals, expect to pay with card, step on the green slimy steps, and visiting churches without proper clothing.

Can I drink the tap water in Venice?

Yes, the public health authority says it's safe to drink the tap water in Venice. In fact, Venice water is considered among the best in Italy.

Is there anyway I can budget my Venice trip?

You can foresee the average costs for your Venice trip by using the budgetyourtrip tool.

Is Venice safe for solo female travellers?

For women traveling alone, Venice is usually a safe location to visit. The crime rate is extremely low. However, there are robberies and pickpocketing incidents like in other touristy destinations.

Does Venice have a nightlife?

Although Venice is not known for its nightlife, late-night entertainment may be found in the Lido area, where clubs and bars are more prevalent. If you want to remain within Venice limits, you can have a late dinner followed by a glass or two of local wine.

What month does Venice flood?

Between the months of October and January, Venice's water levels rise and certain parts of the city flood on occasion.

What's the best time to visit Venice?

April, May, June, September, and October are the best months to visit Venice (also its most crowded and expensive).

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Lakshmi Menon

Born to parents bit by the wander bug, Lakshmi calls her love for travel "hereditary and habitual". Perpetually ensconced with a book in her hand and a mug of coffee in the other, she has been to over 15 countries in her 23 years of existence and is currently saving miles and money for her solo trip to Iceland. Always hustling towards the least trodden path, she has encountered some wonderful people during her escapades and if you ever meet her, she won't stop gushing about them.

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Pocket Wanderings

18 top tips for visiting Venice in Italy

Venice Travel Guide

Venice is the ultimate picture-perfect Italian city and I absolutely adore the place. Accessible solely by boat and completely devoid of cars, I love that the only way of getting around is on foot or by gondola.

I think the lack of public transport and modernities that characterise other cities is very refreshing. It’s what makes Venice such a quaint destination, because it really is like nowhere else.

With winding, narrow streets, it’s easy to get lost – but that’s no bad thing in my opinion. If you wander far enough, you’ll find the more untouched areas, which aren’t brimming with tourists.

I’d recommend stopping by a local restaurant off the beaten track and enjoying authentic Venetian cuisine alongside the locals.

From packing and planning to getting around and eating out, here are my top tips for visiting Venice – based on my own personal experiences of visiting this wonderful city.

Author Bio: Jessie Moore

Jessie Moore is a luxury travel expert with years of experience travelling the world to find the best destinations, hotels and adventures.

1. Spend at least two or three days in Venice

Trust me when I say that it’s simply not possible to explore Venice on a day trip. To really discover all that this unique city has to offer, you need to stay for at least two nights.

There’s nothing worse than rushing around trying to squeeze everything in. I’d advise spending a little longer in the city and enjoying your stay at a more leisurely pace.

2. Choosing where to stay

There are some truly stunning hotels in Venice, from grand palatial properties to beautiful boutique establishments.

When I visited several years ago, I stayed in Hotel Metropole , a gorgeous hotel situated right on the canal.

We’d open our bedroom window to see gondolas gliding along the water below us. Just a few minutes from Piazza S. Marco, it’s an ideal location, close to all the key sights.

The interiors were lavish and exuberant, the perfect embodiment of grandiose venetian architecture and design.

Brimming with antique furniture but with an elegant feel, you felt a bit like a prince or princess.

There was also a gorgeous outdoor area, complete with palm trees and jasmines. An idyllic spot for an evening cocktail.

Pocket Wanderings in Venice

Read my guide to the best luxury hotels in Venice for some more high-end options. Other great accommodation options which I’d recommend include:

  • Hotel Moresco . An elegant four-star hotel with classic 19th-century Venetian styling.
  • H10 Palazzo Canova . A more modern hotel with a gorgeous terrace and bar.
  • Hotel Galleria . A small, charming hotel located right on the Grand Canal.
  • Hotel Cipriani . A five-star hotel in Venice with views of the Lagoon and Doge’s Palace.

3. Pack light

Given the limited modes of transport, you’ll need to carry your luggage on and off boats, as well as by foot if you’re not dropped right in front of your hotel.

It therefore follows that packing light will save you a fair bit of stress and sweat. As you are only likely to be staying for a few nights, you won’t need much with you anyway.

4. You’ll need more time than you think to get from A to B

Believe me when I say: there are a lot of tourists in Venice. So many tourists that it’s actually difficult to move.

Narrow streets and bridges combined with hordes of people all vying to take pictures can create some serious human blockages.

Tourists in Venice

It’s one of the biggest downsides of visiting Venice, and I think it does take the romantic edge off it a little. But if you know what to expect then it won’t be such a shock. 

5. Use a traditional map to get around

Venice can be quite tricky to navigate with all its winding streets and hidden alleys.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult getting a good GPS signal for apps like Google Maps – possibly due to the tall buildings and narrow alleyways. I’d therefore recommend relying on a good old fashioned map.

Having said that, I think there is something fun about getting a little lost in a city like Venice. You’re more likely to stumble upon hidden corners where there aren’t so many tourists.

Just make sure that you have a map handy so you can find your way back.

6. Seek out restaurants away from the tourist areas

There are a number of sensational places to eat in Venice – you just need to find them.

I’d advise wandering off the well-trodden tourist trails, as these tend to feature overpriced establishments with average cuisine.

Meander down the narrow streets and alleyways to seek out the authentic eateries which are popular with the locals. 

Here are a few of my favourites:

  • Bistrot de Venise . Stunning historical food recreated from the work of Renaissance cooks.
  • Trattoria Antiche Carampane . Tucked away, this is a charming restaurant that’s popular with Venetians, offering traditional dishes.
  • Osteria Alla Testiere . A smart seafood restaurant hidden on a backstreet in Castello, recommended in the Michelin guide.
  • All’Arco . An authentic wine bar with a lively atmosphere serving delicious snacks like sandwiches and crostini.

For a perfect cocktail spot, read my guide to the best bars in Venice , or discover the best Michelin star restaurants in Venice .

7. Avoid dining in St Mark’s Square

As an extension of the previous tip, know that you’ll need to take out a small mortgage if you plan to take a seat for a drink or some food in St Mark’s Square. It is excruciatingly expensive.

You pay a premium for the location and, in my opinion, it’s not worth it.

St Marks Square Sunset

You’ll be surrounded by masses of pigeons and tourists, plus you won’t be able to stop thinking about how much you just paid for the most expensive below average wine you’ve ever had!

8. Go on a walking tour with a local

In almost every city I visit, I take a guided walking tour with a local. I think it is by far the best way to discover the city, learn a bit about the history, and get some insider’s tips.

Opt for a free walking tour where you can tip however much you like at the end of the tour.

These walking tours are best done on your first day in Venice. It will help you get your bearings and prioritise which areas and attractions you’d like to see more of.

9. Skip The Line tickets are essential

Some of the queues for the main attractions in Venice , such as Doge’s Palace, are ridiculous. I cannot stress enough the importance of buying Skip The Line tickets so you can bypass these queues.

If you’re visiting a city as beautiful as Venice, you don’t want to be spending most of your time in a never-ending queue. Here are some of my favourite tours in Venice:

  • Doge’s Palace Guided Tour
  • St. Mark’s Basilica and Terrace Skip-the-Line Tour
  • St. Mark’s Basilica & Doge’s Palace Evening Tour
  • Prosecco Wine Tasting Tour
  • Four Seasons Concert Ticket at Vivaldi Church
  • Private Walking Tour with Optional Gondola Ride
  • Jewish Ghetto and Cannaregio Food and Wine Tour
  • Highlights and Hidden Gems Night Walking Tour

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10. Don’t leave without a gondola ride

It may seem touristy but I really don’t think you can leave Venice without having a gondola ride . The gondola is an icon of Venice and is wonderfully romantic.

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Sit back and relax while your gondolier steers you through the winding canals of the beautiful city.

11. Be wary of public toilet fees and availability

Venice is actually quite limited in terms of the number of public toilets throughout the city.

Plus, they are expensive to use (as far as toilet fees go). You can expect to pay €1,50 unless you have the Venice Connected Pass. 

In some museums and galleries, the toilets are free. Don’t be alarmed by unisex facilities too, as these are quite common in the museums.

On the plus side, the toilets are generally very clean for public toilets – which goes some way to justifying the excessive fee!

If you can’t face paying for the use of a public toilet, personally I’d recommend putting that money towards a coffee or pastry in one of the many cafes.

You can then use their toilet and enjoy a pleasant stop-off!

12. Bring a refillable water bottle

There are countless fountains dotted around the city with perfectly safe drinking water. I’d recommend carrying a refillable water bottle with you and fill up from the fountains.

Not only is it better for the environment, but it’s significantly cheaper too.

13. Beware of flooding in Venice

It’s true that Venice does have a bit of a problem with flooding. However, it’s not really something that visitors need to worry about too much.

On the whole, the flooding is only bad for a few hours on a limited number of days.

It’s rare for vast areas of the city to be affected. So generally, you should be just fine – unless you’re really unlucky.

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Do you need wellies in Venice?

No, you do not need wellies when visiting Venice. You need to travel relatively light to this city, so don’t use up precious luggage space with big rubber boots.

If worse comes to worse and the city is badly flooded when you visit, you can buy some temporary wellies when you’re there. Or you can just avoid the flooded parts.

14. Take time to visit the local markets

A vision of bright colours and diverse smells, I think an amble around the local markets is one of the best things to do in Venice .

Discover fresh local produce and a vibrant atmosphere. My favourite markets include:

  • Mercato di Rialto – in the heart of Venice and probably the most well-known.
  • Campo San Barnaba – sells fruit and veg from a boat on the canal, for over 70 years.
  • Calle Longhi – a farmer’s market with the freshest produce.
  • Mercatino di San Giobbe – find antiques at this quaint flea market.
  • Mestre market – for fruit vegetable, meat, cheese, and flowers, as well as other snacks and household items such as organic dates or nuts.

15. Don’t miss the artisan shops

A fantastic way of immersing yourself in the rich culture of Venice is by exploring the various artisan shops. You’ll have the chance to discover artistic artisans and centuries-old crafts.

If you’re a big fan of arts and crafts then join one of their workshops for a truly authentic Venetian experience.

These traditional techniques and souvenirs are a breath of fresh air in the age of mass-production and manufacturing.

Book a private glass artwork lesson with a local artisan .

16. Indulge in some authentic gelato

Typical of any Italian city, you’ll find a number of enticing gelato shops around Venice. It’s the perfect snack for a warm day exploring Venice.

Gelato in Venice

Try to uncover the more traditional gelato shops. You can usually tell by the colour of the gelato – if it is brightly coloured then it probably means it contains artificial flavours.

17. Leave your high heels at home

As you will primarily be getting around on foot, it pays to have comfortable shoes. Leave the high heels at home, unless you want to tackle long walks on uneven streets.

Add to that the crowds, steps and bridges, and it’s easy to see why you could be creating a problem for yourself.

18. Visit the beach if the weather permits

If the sun is shining, the temperature hot, and you fancy a relaxing break, then I’d recommend heading to Lido. Many are surprised to hear that Venice has a beach.

Venice Beach Italy

Lido is one of Venice’s islands and has an eight mile stretch of sandy beach. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the sound of the Adriatic waves. Sun beds are available to rent.

Costs and tourists aside, I think Venice is the perfect European getaway for a long weekend and an absolute must for your Europe bucket list .

A beautiful and romantic city – just make sure you budget enough to cover the costs.

If you’re planning a trip to Venice, be sure to check out my Venice travel guide . You may also like:

  • 20 best luxury hotels in Venice
  • 15 best bars in Venice
  • 20 amazing things to do in Venice
  • 12 best Italian cities to visit
  • 10 top Michelin star restaurants in Venice
  • Venice or Rome? Which Italian city to visit

Jessie Moore

Jessie is a luxury travel expert with years of experience travelling the world to find the best destinations, hotels and adventures.

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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It’s definitely cheaper to stay in another town like Joesolo/Veneto are at and take a boy there rather than right in Venice. I went in June and it was busy but not overwhelming busy. The seagulls in Venice are crazy! I had one swipe my sandwich right out of my hands as I was getting ready to take a bite!

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What a great post! I’ve always wanted to go to Venice 🙂

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Venice Revealed

Venice Revealed

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[Spoiler] Venice is Worth It and Here’s 6 Reasons Why

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It’s too crowded! It’s too expensive! It’s a tourist trap ! It’s smelly ! There are too many rules !

You have probably heard some of those things if you talked to someone who has visited Venice leaving you wondering if Venice is worth it.

It’s an understandable question.

As someone who lives close to Venice, people often ask me if Venice is worth visiting and I always tell them yes.

However, before booking a trip to this iconic destination, it’s important to understand both the pros and cons of visiting Venice. While its beauty is undeniable, overcrowding and high prices during peak season can be overwhelming for some visitors.

It doesn’t have to be stressful, and it doesn’t have to be as expensive as you think it will be. And, lastly, the canals are not stinky!

So, if you’re wondering “is Venice worth visiting?”, let me give you some food for thought to help you when planning your Italian itinerary so you know if you should add it or drop it.

Staying overnight in Venice? Here’s my ultimate 2 day itinerary!

6 Venice Travel Tips

Despite its challenges, Venice remains a stunning destination worth visiting. By planning ahead and considering the following tips, you can minimize the drawbacks and make the most of your Venetian experience.

1 – Visit during the off-peak season

To avoid the worst of the crowds and extreme weather conditions, the best time to visit Venice is during the shoulder season of late April to early June or September to early October. During these periods, the city tends to be less crowded, and the weather is generally more pleasant than during the peak summer months under the blistering summer sun or the rainy, flood-prone winter season .

There is a lot to do in Venice in any season so really the best time to go is when you have the time. For instance, The Christmas season extends into January so visiting then will save you money but still allow you to enjoy many festivities. Easter is also a great time to visit with all the festivities.

Find out my advice for the best time to visit Venice

2 – Book accommodations in advance

hotel danieli venice

Venice is a popular destination, so hotels and rentals can fill up quickly, especially during peak season and events. Booking your accommodations early ensures you get the best options at a more reasonable price. 

Carefully consider the location of your accommodations, as staying in the heart of the city or close to main attractions might be convenient but could also be noisy and crowded. Opting for a stay in quieter neighborhoods, such as Cannaregio , Dorsoduro, or the Castello district, can provide a more authentic Venetian experience and often better value for money. 

If you’re planning a longer stay, consider renting an apartment, which can offer more space, privacy, and the option to cook your own meals, ultimately saving you money and providing a home-like atmosphere.

3 – Plan your itinerary and prioritize

Research the events, museums , and major sites you want to visit before your trip to make the most of your time in Venice. Prioritize the must-see sights and experiences that interest you the most, and create a flexible schedule that allows for spontaneous exploration or changes in plans. 

Check the opening hours, admission fees, and any restrictions for the attractions you wish to visit, as this information will help you avoid disappointment due to closures, sold-out events, or unexpected costs. If possible, book tickets online for popular attractions or guided tours to secure your spot and save time waiting in lines. 

When planning your daily activities, group nearby attractions together to minimize travel time between sites. Lastly, be prepared to adapt your itinerary to weather conditions, as Venice can be affected by floods (aqua alta) or rain, which may temporarily impact your plans.

Is one day enough in Venice? Here’s my ideal 1 day Itinerary.

4 – Consider guided tours and city passes

​​To gain deeper insight into Venice’s history, architecture, and culture, consider joining guided tours led by knowledgeable local guides.

rialto market food tour

There are various types of guided tours available, including walking tours, themed tours focusing on specific aspects of Venetian life (such as for art, food, or history lovers), and boat tours that explore the city’s canals and surrounding small islands. These tours can help you discover hidden gems, learn fascinating stories, and gain a better understanding of the city’s unique character.

Additionally, purchasing a Venice city pass, such as the Venezia Unica City Pass or the Venice Museum Pass, can grant you access to multiple attractions, museums, and public transportation at a discounted rate.

These passes can save you time by allowing you to bypass long queues at popular attractions and help you manage your travel budget more effectively. Be sure to check out my detailed article about the various Venice Passes so you can see which one works best for you. 

5 – Get off the beaten path

While Venice’s most famous attractions, such as Piazza San Marco and the Rialto Bridge, are undoubtedly worth visiting, the city has a lot of non-touristy things to do . 

Venturing into less-frequented neighborhoods and the outer islands in the Venice lagoon allows you to experience a more authentic Venice, where everyday life continues amidst the city’s historical and artistic treasures.

In these quieter districts, you can find hidden gems such as the Jewish ghetto , beautiful churches, picturesque squares, and local markets, all while avoiding the crowds that congregate around the main tourist spots.

view from bar remer

Strolling through these neighborhoods also provides an opportunity to discover local eateries, cafes, and shops, where you can sample traditional Venetian dishes, sip on an espresso or enjoy a spritz, and shop for unique souvenirs .

Exploring beyond the main tourist areas also enables you to witness the city’s captivating charm, as you navigate through narrow streets, cross quaint bridges over narrow canals, and admire the historic architecture that defines Venice. 

6 – Support local businesses and engage in sustainable tourism practices

One way to minimize the negative impact of mass tourism on Venice is to support local businesses and engage in sustainable tourism practices. Choose to dine in locally-owned restaurants, shop at artisan stores or markets, and seek out authentic experiences that provide a deeper understanding of the city’s culture and history. Respect the city’s fragile environment by avoiding littering and adhering to local guidelines for waste disposal.

Here are some activities that support local businesses:

Bacaro tour

Walking tour

And these are some small restaurants owned by locals where you can get an authentic meal:

Pros of Visiting Venice

The reasons to visit Venice are far too numerous to list here. And, many of them will seem pretty obvious since just about everybody understands what makes the city so charming. It is worth mentioning the obvious to make sure you understand what you get out of a trip here when you end up reading the negatives about visiting Venice. 

Rich history and cultural heritage

Architectural marvels.

Venice is renowned for its stunning architecture, which reflects the city’s rich history and cultural heritage. Gothic palaces, Byzantine basilicas, and Renaissance masterpieces are just a few examples of architectural wonders that can be found throughout the city. Among these notable structures are St. Mark’s Basilica , the Doge’s Palace , and the Rialto Bridge – all must-see landmarks for any visitor to Venice.

basilica san marco with torre orologio

It’s one of the few cities in the world where you don’t have to imagine what it used to look like centuries ago. Like a bug trapped in amber, it looks like it has been suspended in time, and no imagination is necessary to experience what it was like during its days as the Republica Serenissima , or the Most Serene Republic.

World-class museums and art collections

In addition to its impressive architecture, Venice also boasts an abundance of world-class museums and art collections that showcase some of the most significant works in Italian art history. The Accademia Gallery houses a vast collection of Venetian paintings from the 14th to 18th centuries by artists such as Bellini, Titian, Tintoretto, and Veronese.

Accademia Gallery

While the Peggy Guggenheim Collection offers lovers of modern and contemporary art a chance to view works by Dali, Picasso and other internationally recognized artists in the hieresses home-turned-museum on the Grand Canal.

Unique attractions and experiences

Gondola rides and vaporetto trips.

One of the most iconic symbols of Venice is the gondola, a flat-bottomed boat used for transportation through the city’s waterways. Taking a traditional gondola ride through the canals is an experience not to be missed, offering stunning views of the architecture and sights from a different perspective.

smiling gondolier on a gondola ride venice

For those looking for a more affordable option, taking a ride on one of Venice’s many vaporettos – public water buses that run along major routes in the lagoon – provides another way to explore this unique city.

Exploring the Venetian Lagoon and its islands

While Venice itself offers plenty to see and do, exploring the surrounding Venetian Lagoon and nearby islands can be just as rewarding for travelers seeking something off-the-beaten-path. The islands within the lagoon are home to charming fishing villages such as Burano with its colorful houses, historic churches with beautiful mosaics such as Torcello Cathedral or glass making factories like Murano Island , where you can witness artisans at work creating masterpieces out of molten glass.

glass factory live demonstration on murano

Venetian cuisine and gastronomy

Many people complain that the food in Venice is bad and way overpriced. This will be true if you eat at a tourist trap near the major attractions. Unfortunately, you do have to dig a little bit into some off the beaten path locations to truly experience the delicious food and local wine that Venice has to offer the foodie. 

Cicchetti culture

cicchetti at boccon divino

Venice’s culinary scene is a highlight for many travelers, with its unique blend of Italian and seafood-focused dishes reflecting the city’s coastal location. One must-try aspect of Venetian cuisine is the cicchetti culture, which involves small plates or snacks that are typically enjoyed alongside a glass of wine in local bars called bacari. 

Similar to Spanish tapas, these bite-sized morsels can include everything from fried seafood to meatballs to vegetarian options like tramezzini (small sandwiches) and crostini (slices of bread topped with spreads). The tradition of cicchetti has been around since the Middle Ages, making it an authentic taste experience not to be missed.

Traditional osterias and trattorias

For those looking for a more substantial dining experience, traditional osterias and trattorias offer classic Venetian dishes made from fresh ingredients such as locally caught fish or seasonal vegetables sourced from nearby farms on the mainland like radicchio di Treviso, artichokes, or white asparagus during springtime.

traditional osteria in venice

Some staple dishes worth trying include sarde in saor – marinated sardines served sweet and sour style; fritto misto, mixed fried seafood platter; risotto al nero di seppia – black squid ink risotto; and baccalà mantecato – whipped salt cod spread over grilled polenta cakes, amongst others.

Atmospheric and picturesque neighborhoods

Romantic canals and bridges.

Venice’s winding canals, charming bridges, and colorful buildings make it one of the most romantic cities in the world . The iconic Rialto Bridge is a must-visit landmark for its stunning views over the Grand Canal, while smaller bridges offer quieter moments to take in the city’s unique beauty. Walking along the narrow alleys also allows travelers to discover hidden gems like secluded squares or local artisan shops.

ponte del chiodo cannaregio

Winding streets and hidden squares

Beyond just exploring Venice’s famous landmarks, getting lost in its atmospheric neighborhoods is an experience unto itself! The city boasts numerous charming districts that each have their own character – from Dorsoduro with its art galleries and university atmosphere to Cannaregio which is home to some great culinary spots offering traditional Venetian dishes. 

campo santa margherita during the day

Meandering through these neighborhoods on foot will reveal unexpected corners full of history, such as Campo Santa Margherita, a lively square perfect for people watching, or Campo San Polo, where locals gather around fountains to sip spritz cocktails during the aperitivo hour.

Accessibility to other Italian and European destinations

Lots of day trip options.

Venice is surrounded by many charming nearby cities in the Veneto region, Friuli, and Emilia Romagna that are worth visiting, like Padua with its impressive frescoes at Scrovegni Chapel; Verona, which is famous for being Romeo and Juliet’s city or Ravenna, known for its ancient Byzantine churches with exquisite mosaics. One of my favorite day trips from Venice is the Prosecco Road to visit the wineries where the sparkling wine is made.

piazza unita in trieste

Even taking a ferry to Piran, Slovenia, is an easy day-trip for something very different. These nearby towns offer travelers an opportunity to discover lesser-known gems while experiencing authentic Italian life outside of the tourist trail.

Check out my picks for the best day trips from Venice!

Convenient train and plane connections

Venice’s central location makes it a convenient base for exploring other parts of Italy by train, with direct connections to major cities such as Florence, Rome, and Milan in just a few hours’ travel time. This means that visitors can use Venice as their jumping off point to see what else Italy has waiting for them.

Venice Marco Polo Airport is also a great hub if you need to fly to another European city quickly and cheaply. Flying into Treviso gives you a lot of transportation options to get from the airport to Venice .

A rich calendar of festivities and events

Carnevale, italy’s most famous carnival.

Carnevale di Venezia is a world-renowned annual event that takes place in Venice, typically around February . The city comes alive with colorful costumes, elaborate masks, and lively street performances. 

The Carnevale dates back to the 12th century, making it one of the oldest and most cherished traditions in Venice. Visitors can attend masquerade balls, enjoy live music, and marvel at the artistic creations in the form of masks and costumes. 

carnevale masks

The event culminates in a grand parade featuring floats and performers from around the world. The Venice Carnival is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, offering a glimpse into the city’s rich history and vibrant culture.

Venice Film Festival

The Venice Film Festival, held annually in late August or early September, is the world’s oldest and one of the most prestigious film festivals. It is part of the Venice Biennale and takes place at the historic Palazzo del Cinema on the Lido island. 

The festival attracts the biggest names in international cinema, as well as film enthusiasts from all over the world. The event showcases a diverse selection of films, including feature films, documentaries, and short films. 

The prestigious Golden Lion Award is presented to the best film, while other awards recognize outstanding achievements in various categories. The Venice Film Festival is an essential event for cinephiles, providing a platform to discover groundbreaking works and celebrate the art of filmmaking.

Festa del Redentore

Festa del Redentore is an annual celebration held on the third weekend of July, commemorating the end of the 16th-century plague that devastated Venice. The event is marked by a spectacular fireworks display over the St. Mark’s Basin, attracting thousands of visitors. 

The city comes together in a festive atmosphere, with locals and tourists gathering on boats, terraces, and along the waterfront to enjoy the stunning spectacle. 

The festival also includes a religious component, with a pilgrimage to the Church of the Redeemer on Giudecca island, which was built as a symbol of gratitude for the city’s deliverance from the plague. 

The celebrations extend throughout the weekend, featuring live music, food stalls, and various activities for all ages. Festa del Redentore offers a unique blend of religious significance, historical context, and enchanting festivities that make it a must-experience event in Venice.

Venice Glass Week

The Venice Glass Week is an annual festival celebrating the centuries-old tradition of glass making on the island of Murano. Held in September, the event showcases the exquisite craftsmanship and artistic innovation of Murano glass through a series of exhibitions, workshops, and demonstrations.

Visitors can explore the island’s historic glass factories, attend conferences, and participate in hands-on experiences to learn about the glassmaking process. 

Cons of Visiting Venice

Not all that glitters is gold, as they say. As beautiful and enchanting as Venice is, there are some downsides to consider. However, I have seen the many faces of Venice and I have to say that it is always worth a visit even considering some of the downsides. 

Overtourism and crowding

Overwhelmed infrastructure.

Venice is a city that has long been a victim of its own success. With more than 20 million tourists visiting annually, the city’s infrastructure struggles to accommodate the sheer volume of people .

The narrow streets, historic buildings, and delicate waterways were not designed to handle such large crowds, leading to congestion, long lines, and difficulty navigating through the city, especially during peak season of June through August.

Negative impact on local communities

The high volume of visitors also has negative impacts on the daily lives of locals who call Venice home, including increased noise pollution, littering, or difficulties running their businesses due to rising rents and competition from tourist-oriented ones. The gentrification caused by tourism pressures is causing some Venetians to leave the city in search of more affordable living conditions outside its boundaries.

While tourism has brought prosperity to Venice, it’s important for travelers to be aware of these issues and take steps towards being responsible tourists when visiting this unique destination.

High costs and tourist traps

Expensive accommodations and dining options.

Venice is known for being a pricey travel destination, with high costs for hotels, restaurants or even basic necessities like public bathrooms or admission fees to major attractions. Visitors should be prepared to spend more than they would in other Italian cities, especially during peak season when prices can skyrocket.

tourist trap restaurant

Overpriced attractions and experiences

Another issue related to the cost of visiting Venice is the prevalence of overpriced tourist traps such as gondola rides that are advertised at exorbitant rates or shops selling mass-produced souvenirs rather than authentic, locally made products. It’s important to do research beforehand on where you want to dine, shop, or visit so as not to fall victim to these scams.

While it may be tempting to splurge while in Venice, travelers should budget accordingly and look for authentic alternatives that offer better value without sacrificing quality. Luckily, there are many ways to either save money or go to places where you may pay a lot but still feel like you got value for your money.

Seasonal challenges

Acqua alta (flooding) during autumn and winter months.

venice travel tips reddit

While Venice is famous for its canals, the city’s relationship with water is a complex one. Between October and January, Venice experiences a phenomenon called “acqua alta,” or “high water.” This tidal event causes flooding in many parts of the city, sometimes rendering streets and squares impassable. If you visit during these months, you may have to contend with waterlogged streets and the inconvenience of navigating the city on raised walkways or in waterproof boots.

What’s the worst time to visit Venice? Read the article here.

For some, the unique experience of being in Venice during Acqua Alta is a pro and not a con so it does all come down to perspective. It’s also not as big a hassles as you would think since the city is always ready for this event with walkways through the squares and over the bridges to allow people to get around. Keep in mind that since it is a tidal phenomenon, the water receds after 6 hours or so. 

Hot and humid summers with intense tourist crowds

Venice is most crowded during the peak summer months of June, July, and August, when tourists flock to the city to enjoy its famous sights and warm weather. However, the combination of heat, humidity, and crowds can make for an uncomfortable experience. Additionally, the high number of visitors during this time can lead to overcrowding at popular attractions, making it difficult to fully appreciate the city’s beauty.

crowded venice souvenir stands

There are many off-the-beaten path areas of the city where you can go and get away from the masses even during the peak of the summer. For instance, the Castello neighborhood has hardly any tourists and taking a picnic to the parks there will have you feel like you have the island to yourself.

Limited accessibility for people with mobility issues

Numerous bridges and uneven streets.

Venice’s charm lies in its winding streets, narrow alleys, and countless bridges. However, this unique urban layout can pose significant challenges for people with mobility issues. The city has over 400 bridges, many of which feature stairs, making it difficult for individuals using wheelchairs, walkers, or strollers to navigate the city independently. The uneven streets and cobblestones also make it challenging for those with mobility impairments to move around comfortably.

Limited wheelchair-friendly transportation options

The city’s primary mode of public transportation is the vaporetto , a water bus that traverses the canals. While some vaporetto stops have been adapted to accommodate wheelchair users, not all are fully accessible.

In many cases, individuals with mobility issues may have difficulty boarding or disembarking due to the lack of ramps or the presence of narrow gangways. Venice’s famous gondolas are not wheelchair-friendly, making this iconic experience inaccessible to many visitors with mobility limitations.

Advance bookings for popular attractions like St. Mark’s Basilica or the Doge’s Palace can help you avoid long lines and ensure a smoother experience. 

What kind of clothing is recommended when visiting Venice?

When visiting Venice, it’s essential to wear comfortable and weather-appropriate clothing. For the spring and fall shoulder seasons, pack layers to accommodate fluctuating temperatures, including a light jacket and sweaters. During the hot and humid summer months, opt for breathable fabrics like cotton and linen. Comfortable walking shoes are crucial, as you’ll likely spend a lot of time on your feet navigating the city’s streets and bridges. If you’re visiting during the acqua alta season, waterproof boots or shoes are a good idea. Additionally, keep in mind that some religious sites, such as St. Mark’s Basilica, require modest attire, meaning shoulders and knees should be covered.

How can I avoid tourist traps and high costs while visiting Venice?

To avoid tourist traps and high costs in Venice, consider staying in less-touristy neighborhoods, dining in local restaurants, and shopping at local markets or artisan stores. Pre-booking popular attractions can also help save time and money. Planning ahead is essential and sticking to an itinerary will help you avoid tourist traps.

When is the best time of year to visit Venice to avoid crowds and extreme weather?

The best time to visit Venice to avoid large crowds and extreme weather is during the shoulder seasons of late April to early June or September to early October. During these periods, the city tends to be less crowded, and the weather is generally more pleasant.

Is Venice pet-friendly?

The short answer is that it can be, but sometimes it isn’t. I know that’s ambiguous, but there are some pet-friendly hotels where you can stay. And you are out walking around, so your pet is free to accompany you. However, the streets are narrow and crowded, and many restaurants can’t accommodate your pet. It takes a lot of planning to visit Venice with your pet , but it can be done. 

Wrapping It Up

So, is Venice worth visiting? I think after considering the pros and cons I wrote above, and just how much there really is to do, it should be clear that Venice is worth visiting. However, assess your priorities, interests, and travel needs to determine if Venice is the right destination for you. Although Venice can be more challenging than other Italian cities, it is very worth visiting, in my opinion. 

It takes good planning and being ready for some adventure to really appreciate this intriguing and unique city. 

Make sure to check out some of the articles below that I think can help you plan your dream vacation to Venice.

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Venice Travel Tips

Venice in August

Venice Travel Guides Last Updated · May 29th, 2024 · Maddy [post_comments before=""] -->

venice in august

Welcome to this guide that looks at the best things to do in Venice in August, the weather and ideas on exactly what to carry with you to visit the Lagoon city.

Venice is a popular city destination all year long. In the summer thousands of tourists take over the city’s streets and campi and visit its main attractions.

The main reason why Venice is so crowded during the month of August is because it corresponds with the school summer holidays but also many workers’ holidays in Italy , as this is when many companies and factories close for a week or two.

Summer in Italy reaches its climax during the Ferragosto celebration, and even in Venice, the atmosphere is quite exciting with a rich calendar of events. As temperatures reach their peak you’ll want to learn all the best things to do here.

join venice travel tips

What's in this guide?

So, if you’re wondering what visiting Venice in August will be like, along with the weather and what to pack I’m going to cover a few reasons on why it’s worth visiting, as well as some of the best events you can attend. Are you ready? Let’s go!

venice in august crowds

I have spent a lot of time talking about the best and even the worst time to visit Venice on this website, and even shared tips and valid reasons to visit each month.

Below, I’ll share some practical reasons to visit Venice during the August holidays…

Why Visit Venice in August?

Many will tell you to not visit Venice in August. I also recommend visiting it in the mid seasons , when temperatures are lower, but I can’t deny that there are some very good reasons to be in Venice around this time of the year.

Yes, the sun and the humidity may test your patience a few times along the way but that can be easily mitigated with a gelato or a spritz as you watch the world go by.

Some reasons to visit Venice in August include:

  • 1. To go to the Art Biennale . The Biennale is buzzing with art exhibitions, installations and cultural appointments in every corner. Whether you’ll visit the Biennale or not, go for a stroll around the Arsenale and the Biennale Gardens, the very heart of this prestigious and important cultural event.
  • 2. To celebrate Ferragosto with bonfires and fireworks on the beach! On this day, you’ll see how the streets empty as Venetians head over to the beach in Lido to watch the bonfires at night, have picnics and party till late.
  • 3. To explore other islands in the Venetian lagoon . There are so many islands in the lagoon worth visiting and I’m not talking about the popular Murano, Burano and Torcello. In fact, when the historic centre of Venice and famous islands get too busy, pick one of the other lesser known islands near Venice and explore them extensively, you won’t regret it!

ℹ️ If you need more advice and want to get personalised tips to support your next trip to Venice, you can book a call with me and we can start planning together!

Now you have a better idea of why it’s worth visiting Venice in August (despite the hoards of tourists arriving in the city), what can you expect from the weather?

The weather in Venice in August

Venice in August is very hot and humid and with temperatures that range from 18 °C night time to 28 °C or over during the day. Be mentally prepared for this heat!

water taxi in venice

The typical humidity of a lagoon city accentuates the perception of the heat (making it extremely muggy) and for many people, this can be difficult to deal with, even more so if you’re visiting from a country where you don’t experience sweltering heat.

I strongly recommend visiting the main attractions in the morning before midday and late afternoon or evening to avoid queuing under the burning sun for hours. In any case, the best thing to do is to get skip-the-line tickets .

Like I always say, it’s better to be safe than sorry! Here in Venice, summer storms can happen and although they are usually short, they can still be rather intense.

To get ready for August in Venice, I recommend that you pack these things:

  • Mosquito repellant (This is the brand that I like to use in Italy.)
  • Comfortable light cotton dresses ;
  • Breathable t-shirts or polo (for men);
  • Non revealing tops (Modest fashion/wearing less skin-revealing clothes);
  • Comfortable sandals or sneakers (for style, see Geox for women or Geox for men ), don’t wear flip flops in Venice historic centre only at the beach;
  • Shorts are fine BUT it’s preferable knee-length shorts or alternatively, long linen trousers if you’re planning to visit religious sites;
  • A decent UV hat sunscreen and sunglasses;
  • Pashmina to cover your shoulders or wrap around your legs if you want to visit a church and you’re wearing shorts;
  • A Refillable bottle, I like this one (so you can refill it in one of the drinkable water fountains of Venice;) for keep my water nice and cool.

Got travel insurance for Venice?

travel insurance for venice italy

Things to do in Venice in August

With no further ado, let’s dive into this guide on the best things to do in Venice in August and find out how to make the most of your time in Venice in late summer.

Visit the Art Biennale

The Biennale (which is an art exhibition held annually in Venice) is one of the most well-known and prestigious cultural institutions that you can attend in the world.

la biennale venice

The Biennale takes place from April to November and it’s always a good time to visit its pavilions and exhibitions. If you happen to be in the Castello neighbourhood, one Venice’s least touristic districts, go to the Arsenale and Biennale Gardens and get your ticket to the Art Exhibition or any other Biennale of your interest.

In fact, this institution is not only about promoting contemporary art but also architecture, dance and music . If you are an art, theatre or even dance lover or an artist yourself, you cannot miss this one-of-a-kind event!

You have the chance to learn more about the most avant-garde artists in the world and their incredible artworks surrounded by Venice’s beauty. Go here to get more information about the Biennale and get your early bird ticket (to save money).

Attend the Venice Film Festival in Lido

The Venice Film Festival is the first international film festival in the world that had its first edition on the 6th August 1932 at the Lido of Venice .

Today the Film Festival takes place between the end of August and the beginning of September. It attracts thousands of enthusiasts that are looking to spot the favourite stars and film directors on this prestigious red carpet.

The first edition was held in the magnificent Hotel Excelsior (which opened in 1908) located on the Lido of Venice island that even today still attracts a distinguished clientele that wants to feel like a cinema star from the moment they arrive in Venice.

The Venice Film Festival is currently one of the most culturally profound events in filmmaking, on par with the Academy Awards (Oscars) and Cannes Film Festival.

Finally, you’ll be glad to know that it’s common to spot famous actors and actresses in Venice during the event. If you’re visiting Venice during the Venice Film Festival, book accommodation months in advance as availability is very limited and prices quite high. You can decide where to stay in Venice by reading my dedicated guide.

Spend Ferragosto at the beach

Ferragosto is celebrated on the 15th of August throughout Italy and corresponds to the Day of the Assumption , a deeply felt religious holiday in Venice.

lido di venezia

What you’ll see is Venetians leaving the city to head over the beaches in Lido , Jesolo or other beaches near Venice . If you’re feeling in the party mood, you should do the same! Get a vaporetto to Lido and spend the day at the beach till late.

You can enjoy the show of fireworks displayed on the sea and bonfires by the beach lightening up this special summer night. There are usually some music shows and theatre performances that take place throughout this week of August.

Celebrations and parties at the bars and disco pubs continue until late at night. If you stay in Venice historic centre, you can simply blend in with locals at the bacaro, drink some Spritz or wine and eat cicchetti till late and celebrate at the campo!

Go to the sagra like locals love doing!

The ‘sagre’, local neighbourhood festivals, continue for the whole summer. These small festivals are important appointments for Venetians and an opportunity to gather around the city’s squares to share food, wine and good company .

If you’re visiting Venice in August, you can’t miss the opportunity to experience these traditional celebrations.

There are two ‘sagre’ worth attending in August:

  • The Feast of the Madonna dell’Apparizione takes place between the end of July and the beginning of August on the island of Pellestrina . It’s celebrated to commemorate the apparition of the Madonna on the island of Pellestrina in 1716. There are various events that take place during this sagra in Pellestrina, accompanied by food stands with traditional dishes to try.
  • The Feast of Santo Stefano Portosecco celebrated Ferragosto day on the island of Pellestrina . During the festival there are various sporting events like a regatta and kayak race taking place, shows for children, dance and music performances and a final lottery. You can sample local dishes from the food stands and more specifically try the spaghetti with mussels , mussels with a tomato sauce, sweet and sour sardines and mixed fried fish.

Go on a gondola ride at night

A gondola ride through the canals of Venice is one of world’s top tourist attractions! The gondolas are used for sightseeing on the Grand Canal and other minor canals but in the past, were actual means of transport for wealthy Venetian families.

venice gondola ride at night

The most expensive gondola rides in Venice are the night gondola tours. A private evening gondola ride costs 110 euros for a 35 minutes ride for up to 5 people . At the same time, there’s nothing more special than riding a gondola at night!

When darkness falls, you can fully experience the romantic vibe of the city, enjoy the view of the glimmering canals and Venetian palaces overlooking them.

This is also when most day trippers leave the city , so you can enjoy your gondola tour in tranquillity, with fewer boats around and less noise. The night rates start from 7pm which in summer is still pretty early and by that time it’s not dark yet.

Remember that if you want to save some money , you can also get a shared gondola ride and split the total cost and share the ride with other people!

Watch a movie at the boat drive-in cinema

Another lesser known but fantastic idea for a night out in Venice in August is to join the cinema under the stars in Campo San Polo or the Cinema Barch-in.

The idea of a boat drive-in cinema was born during the lockdown in 2020, in lockstep with the urgent need of Venetians to get back to their streets and campi, especially during the summer.

The ‘ Cinema Barch-in ’ is an open-air cinema accessible by boat, the typical Venetian means of transport that most Venetians own (as in the mainland for most people the car!).

After its initial success, the event has turned into a yearly appointment and still takes place at the Arsenale. The good news is that it’s completely free!

You can even order food and drinks delivered directly to your boat. Before sunset, you can also join Aperiporto , the aperitivo on the boat promoted by Campari, with an offer of iconic cocktails like Americano, Negroni and Campari Spritz.

Go to a concert during the Venice Jazz Festival

One of the most popular things to do in Venice in August is to join the important music event: Venice Jazz Festival . The event takes place in the summer, from June to August , with numerous events dedicated to international jazz .

venice caffe florian at night

The concerts are scattered all around Venice historic centre in beautiful settings, so if you enjoy listening to jazz music, you better check this event out!

Some of the great locations of the past years have been:

  • Sale Apollinee of the Fenice Theatre
  • Splendid Hotel overlooking the Grand Canal
  • Fondazione Giorgio Cini

Joining one of these jazz concerts it’s therefore not just a high calibre music experience but also a once-in-a-lifetime chance to do it surrounded by the dramatic beauty of the city of Venice and its lagoon.

As soon as the ticket are available, you can go to the official Veneto Jazz Festival website to purchase yours. They can get sold out quite quick so bear that in mind.

ama box

I have done my best to make it clear that, to visit Venice in August you will need to be ready for three things: the heat, the crowds and of course, to have a great time!

The good news is that you can escape the first two by planning your time wisely here , which translates to, knowing exactly where and when to go to every place.

While you’re still here, why not download and take some time to read my 1.5 day Venice itinerary guide? Or, if you’re really strapped for time, let’s have a chat .

I am currently offering one-on-one consultation calls with which I help people like yourself who are travelling to Venice and looking for extra help with trip planning.

This mean that, together, we can discuss how to find the perfect mix of popular attractions and hidden gems so you can elevate your Venetian experience!

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I love to share tips, advice and resources to help visitors explore Venice and the Veneto region like a local. Learn more about me here.

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This Coastal City Is Called the 'Venice of Portugal' — With Gorgeous Canals and Colorful Boats

Aveiro, Portugal, is worth a day trip and more.

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Best Hotels and Resorts

Best things to do, best restaurants, how to get there, best time to visit, how to get around.

Antonio Duarte/Getty Images

If you ever find yourself in Porto, Portugal's major city to the north, do yourself a favor and get out of town for a day. Specifically, take a trip to Aveiro, known as the "Venice of Portugal." 

Aveiro, located along Portugal's Silver Coast, is a charming destination beloved for its colorful boats, azulejo-adorned buildings, and, of course, gorgeous canals, which travelers can walk along or ride through on a leisurely afternoon. 

"Aveiro is a great day trip from Porto , and there's a line that runs daily," Dale Ott, a certified sommelier and founder of Nossa Imports , which specializes in Mexican and Portuguese wine, shared with Travel + Leisure . "While it is a major university city, the charming historic parts of the municipality are small in area and accessible, so you could have a four- or five-hour day here from Porto and make your way back on the train." 

But if you happen to have more time, it's a place deserving of an entire trip, too. 

"Aveiro is a beautifully vibrant place that was once considered a city of passage, but has since earned the title of 2024 Portuguese Capital of Culture ," Nuno Silva, an on-the-ground expert for the holiday platform TravelLocal , said. "Transformations over recent years have made it an ideal destination for longer stays, with a cultural diversity that defies the stigma of it being 'just a stepping stone city." Silva added, "The city offers a wide range of activities and sights to captivate visitors and create a memorable experience." 

Here's everything you need to know to plan the perfect vacation in Aveiro, Portugal. 

Courtesy of 1877 Estrela Palace

Hotel Aveiro Palace

Located in the heart of Aveiro, Hotel Aveiro Palace combines historic charm with modern comfort. The property overlooks the town's central canal, giving guests who choose a riverside room a fantastic view. Don't miss the buffet breakfast before stepping out to explore.

Meliá Ria Hotel & Spa

Meliá Ria Hotel & Spa , which sits by the Ria de Aveiro lagoon, is an ideal spot for those looking to stay close to the action while also getting pampered. The contemporary hotel is home to a luxurious spa offering an array of treatments, along with an indoor pool ready for anyone who wants to take a dip. 

1877 Estrela Palace

Find romance and grandeur at 1877 Estrela Palace . As the property itself describes, it's filled with "maximalist charm," housing bedrooms draped in soft, velvet, technicolor furnishings and gold detailing throughout. And because the hotel has just nine rooms and suites, every guest will feel like it's their own private palace. 

Hotel das Salinas

Hotel das Salinas is an excellent place for travelers hoping to experience the ultimate in Portuguese hospitality. This boutique property comes with 16 well-appointed rooms, views of the canals, a fantastic buffet breakfast (included in the stay), and access to the on-site pub, open every night until midnight. 

DaLiu/Getty Images

Cruise the canals on a moliceiro.

Taking a scenic canal cruise on a traditional moliceiro boat is a must. "No trip to Aveiro is complete without a cruise along the canal on a moliceiro vessel (typical boat in the area), taking in the sights and enjoying the atmosphere," said Silva. There are plenty of guided tours you can get on for as little as $13. 

Explore the Aveiro Museum.

Explore the region's fantastic history at the Aveiro Museum , located inside an old convent. Here, visitors can discover an impressive collection of religious artifacts, including the tomb of Princess Saint Joanna, colorful azulejos, and more fine art. It's open every day but Mondays, making it easy to pop by for a visit. 

Visit Praia da Costa Nova.

Take a quick 15-minute drive from Aveiro to Praia da Costa Nova to admire its famed striped houses lining the sandy shore. "These charming, colorful striped houses were traditionally painted in shades of red, ochre, and black and used as warehouses for storing fishermen nets and other materials," explained Silva. "They now provide a stunning backdrop along the coastline, attracting plenty of photo opportunities." Silva has one more tip for while you're there: "Don't forget to try the local seafood at one of the beachfront restaurants." 

Wander through the fish market.

Come experience the fun of Aveiro's active fish market , where local purveyors haul in their daily catch to sell to locals — and tourists, too. If you're feeling peckish, see if you can find some bacalhau (salted cod), a Portuguese specialty, and grab some tinned fish to bring home with you.

Discover the salt ponds.

Learn all about the ancient methods of salt production and the role it played in Aveiro's history at the salt ponds. Here, guests can visit the open-air Troncalhada Ecomuseum to see the harvest in action and pick up a bit of salt before leaving, thanks to local companies like Cale do Oiro . 

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Find traditional Portuguese bites with a modern twist at O Bairro in the center of town. Share a few small plates, including garlic shrimp or salad, and move onto fresh seafood like the daily market fish. Wash it all down with local wines.

Restaurante Dóri

Located along the seashore, Restaurante Dóri offers a variety of meals, but the real star here is the ultra-fresh fish, including its fritada de pescado (fried fish), which the Michelin Guide calls a not-to-miss meal.  

Plan an upscale evening at Salpoente , a fine-dining restaurant housed in a former salt warehouse. Here, you can dive into stellar seafood like smoked eel and fish filet, which can be enjoyed one by one from the extensive tasting menu. 

Aliaksandr Antanovich/Getty Images

By Plane: The closest airport to Aveiro is Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (a.k.a. the Porto International Airport). It's serviced by several major airlines with flights from all over the world, including direct routes from the U.S. to Porto . From here, you can either rent a car or take the train right to Aveiro. 

By Train: Travelers can also reach Aveiro by taking the train from Porto . The journey takes about an hour each way, making it easy to get back and forth for a day trip or longer. Coming from Lisbon? You can take the train from the Santa Apolonia station to Aveiro, which takes about 2.5 hours each way. 

By Car: Travelers can also arrive by car via the A1 highway from Porto to Aveiro, which takes about 45 minutes. Or, they can drive the 2.5 hours from Lisbon by hopping on the A8 to the A17 to N235. 

The best time to visit Aveiro is during Portugal's summer months (May to November). "Aveiro has a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and cold winters," said Silva. However, as Silva noted, its shoulder seasons are quite lovely, too. "The hottest month in Aveiro is August, so if you’re looking for milder temperatures, I’d recommend visiting during the shoulder season months of May and June or September to November.”

But the summer wins out, thanks to the plentiful festivals, including the Festival of the Canals , which features art shows, music performances, and plenty of dancing. 

Emmanuele Contini/NurPhoto via Getty Images

By Car: Having a car is a nice luxury while visiting Aveiro as it allows you to not only explore the town, but also see the surrounding area, including the beaches. Parking is usually fairly straightforward, though you may have a tough time during the peak travel season. 

By Public Transportation: Aveiro has an excellent public transportation system, including buses and trains, which allow travelers to get around with ease. However, the city center is also rather small and walkable, so you can always arrive and see it on foot. 

By Uber: Uber is also available in Aveiro. All travelers need to do is ensure they have the app downloaded before their trip. 

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