Madagascar Travel: 33 Things You Need to Know Before You Go

travel in Madagascar, what you need to know

33 tips that will help you travel in Madagascar and make your time in this unique country so much more enjoyable. 

Table of Contents

These travel tips are aimed to help you prepare for an unforgettable journey to this bizarre “ Red Island !” Written by an adventurer who’s spent more than a year in Madagascar, it’s the real deal. 

The 33 recommendations below ( in violet ) are divided into 11 main sections ( in green ). This will make it easier for you to find the answers to a specific question.


Vaccinations to get before visiting madagascar.

  • Visit a travel doctor well in advance. There are vaccinations you may need to be administered. These may take weeks to become effective. Refer to your vaccination records. Make sure you are up to date on the following: Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Meningitis, Polio, MMR, Tuberculosis (BCG) and/or Tetanus (DTP).
  • You don’t need the Yellow Fever vaccine for Madagascar. However,  if you plan to travel in mainland Africa on your way there, you DO need it. You will also need to provide proof of administration upon entering Madagascar if they see African countries stamped into your passport within the past 6 months.

Malaria Prevention

  • You should discuss a Malaria prophylaxis prescription with your doctor. This is especially true if you are travelling between September and May. This is Madagascar’s warmer, rainier season.
  • Take every day – tetracycline antibiotic.
  • Pros : Least expensive, used to treat many bacterial infections (ex: urinary tract infections) and tick-borne infections. A double dose can be used to treat Malaria if someone in your group contracts it.
  • Cons : Side effects may include sensitivity to the sun, increased likelihood of vaginal yeast infections, and weakened gut microbial health.
  • Suggestions : Doxycycline is the prophylaxis I prefer.  I just prepare for the side effects. I bring and use plenty of sunscreen and take probiotics to help my gut microbiome recover. Additionally, my doctor writes me a prescription for a burn cream (in case of sunburn), and treatment for yeast infections ( Fluconazole ).
  • Take every day. It prevents the growth of parasites in red blood cells.
  • Pros : Specific for malaria and also may be used for treatment.
  • Cons : Relatively expensive. Its side effects may include mild stomach pain and diarrhea, headaches, difficulty sleeping, and vivid dreams.
  • Take once a week. It prevents the growth of parasites in red blood cells.
  • Pros : Don’t have to remember to take it every day.
  • Cons : It. Has the most serious side effects. They include dizziness, severe anxiety, violent dreams, paranoia, hallucinations, depression. These nerve and psychiatric effects can sometimes last long after you stop the medication.
  •  Insect repellents. In addition to long pants/sleeves, they are the obvious methods of limiting mosquito bites. But they also help prevent flea bites. The bubonic plague is still present in Madagascar. It’s seasonal and rare but is transmitted through flea bites.

First Aid and Medications While Travelling in Madagascar

  • You should have antibiotics , such as Ciprofloxacin. It will be useful in the event that you get a bacterial infection.
  • If your burps begin smelling like sulphur and rotten eggs, you likely contracted Giardia parasites. Otherwise known as traveller’s diarrhea from contaminated water or food. Acquiring a Flagyl (metronidazole) prescription and taking this treatment once the burps start can prevent Giardia from becoming much of a problem.
  • Useful over-the-counter medications – antibacterial ointment (ex: Neosporin / bacitracin), Anti-diarrheal drugs (ex: Imodium A-D / loperamide), allergy medication (ex: Benadryl ), anti-inflammatory drugs / pain relievers (ex: Ibuprofen ), antacids (ex: TUMS or Pepto-Bismol ) and rehydration tablets. Most cities will have pharmacies, but drug names and doses will likely be in French. It’s much easier to bring your own.
  • You can never bring too much hand sanitizer ! Sometimes there won’t be soap available. Or you may make a bathroom stop on the side of the road.  I also suggest rolls of toilet paper for the car. Our bodies aren’t familiar with the microbes in Madagascar. That makes it easier for us to get sick if we don’t remain mindful.
  • Pack sunscreen and bug spray but check the ingredients list for harmful chemicals. If you’re planning to swim or snorkel in the ocean, please bring waterproof and “reef-safe” sunscreens that don’t include oxybenzone, butylparaben, or octinoxate that can bleach the corals!
  • Menstrual supplies are limited and expensive in Madagascar. Women should bring their own.

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Travel Insurance

  • Invest in travel insurance. Be sure that it doesn’t just cover cancelled flights, lost or stolen items, and unexpected medical expenses. But also includes emergency medical evacuation . Madagascar’s road conditions are poor. And the health care isn’t generally what Westerners are accustomed to. Typically, being medevacked is your best option if it’s something serious.

Madagascar travel


Flights to madagascar.

  • If travelling from the United States: Air France and South African Air are usually the best airlines to limit the number of layovers. However, I have also used Etihad Airways, Turkish Air, and Ethiopian Air. They typically cost significantly less money. However, expect multiple and longer layovers. Check out Skyscanner to compare prices.
  • You will more than likely fly into Ivato Airport (TNR). It’s located 20 km north of the capital, Antananarivo (Tana).
  • Air Madagascar is the domestic airline. It can save you a lot of driving time for long distance, internal travel.

Personal Vehicles in Madagascar

  • If you don’t want to fuss with the scheduling and frequent discomfort of public transportation, it’s easy to hire a driver and guide for your entire stay.
  • I don’t suggest driving yourself. However, if you have an International Driver’s License and nerves of steel, it’s possible to rent a car.
  • You will not need a 4WD vehicle if you are going south on RN7. However, you will need a 4 wheel drive for travelling west on RN5 and north.
  • Make playlists, download podcasts, charge your Kindle, and be ready to spend a lot of time in the car. Even though Madagascar is almost twice the size of the UK, it has only 1% of the paved road length that the UK has.
  • Bring motion sickness medication , such as Dramamine (dimenhydrinate), if you have even the slightest tendency to get car sick! The roads can be quite twisty and bumpy.
  • It’s not advisable to travel at night. Many drivers will refuse to continue much past sunset. Listen to your drivers. Bandits only strike at night for the most part.

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Public Transportation in Madagascar

  • Hired Taxi – like most cities across the globe, there will always be a taxi cab eager to assist you. The fare is negotiable and you should haggle. The taxi drivers are known to charge tourists highly inflated rates. 
  • Taxi-Brousse are large vans with designated routes to almost anywhere in the country. They are the least expensive method of getting around. However, they generally aren’t comfortable, efficient, or particularly safe. It’s not uncommon to end up with a child or chicken in your lap. And if you’re carrying anything larger than a backpack, it will be tied to the roof. 
  • Taxi-Be are almost identical to taxi-brousse, except taxi-be is the term used for the organized minibusses within major cities. Whereas taxi-brousse are generally used for travel between cities. 
  • Cotisse – a transport company with minibusses similar to taxi-brousse. However, it’s higher end and much more comfortable. They always leave when scheduled instead of waiting until the car is full and packed. They also drive more carefully. And if you’re really lucky, you can connect to free WiFi. 
  • Trains – there are over 1000 km of railroads tracks in the RNCFM Malagasy rail system. But it’s primarily used to transport cargo. There are only 6 routes with passenger trains. While travelling by train in Madagascar is a lovely way to see the country, they run notoriously late. 
  • Cyclo-Pousse – a covered rickshaw cart fastened to a bicycle. They’re used in most major cities (though, not the capital). Pay the bike ‘driver’ a small fare (Ar 5000 or less), and they’ll bring you to your destination. With frequent traffic jams in major cities, they are often faster than a car .
  • Tuk-Tuk – motorized three-wheeled rickshaws that hold three people and are almost always yellow. It is usually a flat fare, but the prices are quite reasonable (similar to cyclo-pousse).
  • Charette – a wooden cart pulled by zebu cattle is the most common way of getting around in rural areas. There is no set price. Haggle for what you are willing to pay.
  • In some coastal areas, especially the southwest and the northeast, the primary means of transportation is by cargo boats. Avoid them during rough seas and cyclone season (Jan-Mar).

Dugout canoes called pirogues are common for crossing rivers or for getting to the best snorkelling areas.

Madagascar travel

8. Flexibility is KEY When Travelling in Madagascar

Please remember to be flexible, patient, and respectful to your drivers and other Malagasy people you encounter.

Most Malagasy don’t like rushing. And in a country with limited resources, it’s easier to just go with the flow .

The Malagasy have a saying, “Mora Mora,” which translates to slow living and no worries.

They are going to be relaxed, and I promise that you will have much more fun if you relax too!

Madagascar travel


Filtered water.

  • Lifestraw Go water filter bottles are legitimately a life saver. Especially if you are environmentally conscious or an avid hiker. If you don’t want to constantly be buying water bottles, you can fill your LifeStraw up with unfiltered tap water. Or if you’re on the trails … anywhere !This allows you to avoid starting hikes with 3+ litres of heavy water. I have even filled my Lifestraw in a warm and murky rice paddy during desperate times. I never felt any signs of sickness. Lifestraws are relatively prone to leaking and should be kept upright. But they are 100% worth the small investment!
  • Avoid ice in your drinks unless you can guarantee that it was made with filtered water.

Food and Drink in Madagascar

  • Sometimes there isn’t much variety in the cuisine. On the plus side, meals come at a fantastic value! The capital – Antananarivo – and touristy areas, especially along the coasts, will have more to offer. I’ve had some of the best meals of my life in Madagascar. Just be flexible during monotonous periods.
  • Like with ice, avoid uncooked vegetables unless you’re certain they were washed with filtered water.
  • I encourage everyone to try the “Ranonapango.” It’s essentially burnt rice tea. Although it’s not actual tea, it’s comforting and reminds me of popcorn… Rice is the cornerstone of the Malagasy diet. It’s the base of every meal, including breakfast.
  • “Toka-gasy” is a Malagasy moonshine made with sugar cane. You could be offered a drink by a village King. It’s considered rude not to accept. However, do be aware that it is technically illegal. Though, not enforced because the alcohol content cannot be controlled. Some batches seem weak and others will knock you on your feet!
  • It’s a good idea to bring protein bars . Especially if you have dietary restrictions (such as vegetarian or vegan) and/or plan on long hikes.
  • Here’s some additional info on local food and what to expect.

Madagascar travel



  • Brush up on your French.  Madagascar was once a French colony.  French is still one of the official languages.
  • Many signs and restaurant menus will be in French.
  • Most prices will be told to you in French. It will be beneficial to at least learn your numbers .
  • Try learning simple Malagasy phrases. The locals sincerely appreciate when you invest time and interest in their native language. For starters, “ Salama ” means hello.  “ Veloma ” means goodbye!
  • Malagasy people are more inclined to be open and friendly with people who aren’t from France. So don’t feel like you should become fluent in French!
  • There are a few Malagasy/English handbooks available if you’re interested in languages. Malagasy is a tough language to learn until you’re immersed, especially the pronunciations! This short video of a few keywords in Malagasy with pronunciations will get you started. 

Madagascar travel


Malagasy currency.

  • The currency in Madagascar is called Ariary (MGA)
  • Ar 4000 = 1 EUR
  • Ar 4600 = 1 GBP
  • Ar 2500 = 1 AUD
  • Ar 250 =  1 ZAR
  • The largest bill – Ar 20,000 – is equivalent to less than 6 USD. However, it’s considered substantial to most Malagasy. You’ll want a safe money bag or belt because you will be carrying many more bills than you are used to.
  • The Ariary notes changed in 2017. Therefore, there are two designs for every bill, excluding the Ar 20,000. The Ar10,000 was the largest bill until 2017.

Access to Cash and Using Credit Cards in Madagascar

  • To exchange your currency into Ariary, bring relatively large and new bills. They shouldn’t be older than 2010. It will be easiest for you to exchange your currency right at the airport. That way you’ll avoid the long lines and limited hours of banks. I find this to be the easiest way to access money.
  • Credit and Debit cards. Some places in cities accept cards, but only VISA is reliable. Other networks like MasterCard and AmEx often won’t work. Honestly, it is best to carry cash !
  • ATMs are only available in big cities. And there’s a limit to how much you can take out. Also, it’s not uncommon for ATMs to be out of order or empty.

Begging in Madagascar

  • You will have people begging you for money. Especially children, mothers, the elderly, and the disabled. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t difficult to witness. But it’s unavoidable, especially in big cities.
  • Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on how to handle these situations. But do acknowledge that your actions will impact more than just the beggar. Begging is not a sustainable way to make a living.
  • If you decide to give, be tactful about it. Don’t flash large wads of cash. And understand that successful beggars often return with friends. To avoid being surrounded and causing a scene, wait until you are about to get back into your vehicle.
  • I generally only give to those performing – sometimes people sing, dance, or play an instrument. And I never give to overly pushy people. I don’t want them thinking that’s the way they should approach all tourists.
  • When giving money, I keep it discrete and politely urge them to use it for food.

Tipping in Madagascar

  • Tips are generally well received and deeply appreciated. They’re sometimes it’s your biggest daily expenditures. Especially if you’re on a guided tour where most expenses are paid for ahead of time.
  • When you can break large bills into smaller bills for tipping. Keep these tips in a separate pocket from the majority of your cash.
  • To offer you a perspective, Malagasy people who are fortunate enough to be employed typically don’t make more than Ar 200,000 (~$56 USD) a month .
  • If you want to keep your tips within the average range of other tourists, roughly follow the guide below. However, you are welcome to give more. Especially with guides and drivers. But only if they exceeded your expectations.
  • Taxis and bars : Not expected or small bills.
  • Porters : small bills, likely not over Ar 1000.
  • Restaurants : 5% of the bill or less.
  • Guides : 10% of the fee.
  • Personal Drivers : Ar 5000 – Ar 20000 a day.

Madagascar travel


  • Bring more warm clothes than you would think necessary. This includes thermals, hat, gloves, and fleece. Especially if you are travelling during Madagascar’s winter months (May – September).
  • However, the climate throughout Madagascar changes rapidly . While the cool rainforest fog may send shivers down your spine in the morning, you can jump in the car and find yourself in a desert ecosystem by late afternoon. Therefore, you will want to pack a variety of clothing. Be sure to bring shorts, T-shirts, and durable sandals.
  • If you plan on hiking , you should pack quick-drying field pants, sturdy hiking boots , wool socks, a baseball cap, and a rain jacket. While hiking in rainforests, I advise tucking your pants into your socks and your shirt into your pants to minimize leech bites. Leeches don’t transmit diseases, their bites don’t hurt, and they only remain attached for about half an hour. However, they do have an anticoagulant in their saliva. This causes you to continue bleeding even after they drop off. And these bites can itch worse than mosquito bites. Take precautions but don’t panic if you get a leech.
  • I also recommend a substantial daypack with a supportive waist belt and chest strap. This could double as your carry-on luggage for the flight!
  • Don’t forget bathing suits ! Beaches aren’t the only places to swim; some parks have natural swimming holes you can hike to.

Travel Documents For Madagascar

  • Your passport cannot expire within 6 months of entry and must have at least 3 blank pages. They are strict about this!
  • Carry your immunization records. They may not be requested if you haven’t been in countries with Yellow Fever.
  • If you’re travelling with a large group, it’s beneficial to obtain your Madagascar VISA within your home country. Otherwise, it’s easy to purchase a tourist VISA upon arrival at the airport for 30, 60, or 90 days.
  • I prefer to have paper photocopies of my passport and tourist Visa. The police will occasionally ask to see your passport, especially in cities and on the road, but I don’t like carrying it wherever I go.

Power in Madagascar

  • Bring European plug adaptors if necessary: 220 Volt, 50Hz AC (Two circular metal pins).
  • Charged power banks are invaluable, especially considering the amount of travel time. If you need your phone to stay alive for the entire day, I would bring a power bank or two.

General Equipment

  • Pack binoculars for lemur and bird watching! If you’re concerned about them occupying souvenir space in your suitcase, donate them to a deserving park guide near the end of your journey. Malagasy guides are often in need of functioning binoculars.
  • Bring a bright headlamp and/or flashlight for night hikes. There are nocturnal lemurs, chameleons, frogs, snakes, geckos and so many other creatures you don’t want to miss!
  • Wristwatches are convenient for checking the time. I t might not always be a good time to pull out your phone.
  • All sizes of Ziplock bags are precious. Smaller bags can organize your medications and chargers; medium bags can keep your electronics and books dry; large bags are perfect for wet or dirty laundry.
  • I recommend silica gel packets and dry bags for your electronics and camera if you’re spending an extended time in humid, rainforest environments.
  • Remember the items mentioned in previous sections : medications, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, LifeStraw water bottle , protein bars, bills to exchange, designated money bag, VISA credit/debit cards, etc.

Madagascar travel


Internet and phones.

  • Most hotels have complimentary WiFi. However, even luxury hotels don’t always have internet or outlets in individual rooms/bungalows. Sometimes you have to sit in the reception area for internet access and charging. WiFi is available in some restaurants, but you will need to ask for the password.
  • If you have an unlocked GSM cellphone, you may want to buy a local SIM card (Airtel, Orange, or Telma) and a 3G package. You can do this at the airport. If you don’t want to purchase a plan, you can buy phone credit at virtually any shop.  

Cultural Awareness in Madagascar

  • Avoid pointing with only your index finger extended. While it’s not considered offensive everywhere in Madagascar, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Pointing with your index finger is considered a “ fady ” or taboo in many regions of Madagascar. Especially when pointing directly at a tomb or grave. You can either gesture with your whole hand open, or bend your finger as you point.
  • It is expected to haggle prices unless the price is already established, such as in tourist shops, restaurants, and hotels. It’s part of the culture.
  • It’s respectful to dress fairly modestly . You’ll see everything in tourist areas. However,  I personally avoid low cut tops, short skirts and shorts. And I only wear one-piece swimsuits.
  • While difficult to ignore their puppy-dog stares, don’t feed street dogs . Malagasy people can view it as highly offensive that you took the time and money to feed a dog, but not their family.
  • Most Malagasy actively avoid confrontation, especially with foreigners. Don’t take advantage of this.

Saying “Thank You” in Madagascar

  • In Malagasy, “ Misaotra ” means thank you. Add “betsaka” if you want to say, “thank you very much.”  
  • If you anticipate any village visits, a gift that would be appreciated by everyone is a high-quality soccer ball . I always bring several deflated soccer balls and an air pump from the States.
  • You’ll probably become close with your driver and guide. In addition to a tip, you may want to thank them with foreign gifts . A T-shirt representing your city or country, candy from abroad, or something else they wouldn’t find in Madagascar are the most cherished gifts.

Madagascar travel


Keep your camera close.

  • If you have a DSLR camera, keep is safe, but don’t be afraid to bring it . There are countless sites and creatures to document that small cameras and phones just can’t capture.
  • Keep all valuables close, especially in big cities like the capital of Antananarivo (Tana). I wouldn’t worry about being attacked. However, there are some skilled pick-pocketers. They can swipe your cash, phone, or other items without you even noticing.
  • Just as you would back home, ask before taking someone’s picture. If you don’t speak French, saying “ Sary? ” (pronounced similarly to the English, “sorry”) – which means “Picture?” in Malagasy, should sufficiently get the point across.
  • Adults will occasionally wave you off, but kids love to pose. You should show them their picture. But remember to wipe down your camera with a disinfectant afterward. The kids may excitedly grab your camera for a closer look with their cute, but dirty little hands.  

Selfies in Madagascar

  • NEVER pay to take pictures with wildlife kept at restaurants or hotels.
  • Paying for these photos encourages the illegal and devastating pet trade. One of the reasons lemurs are endangered .
  • Many of these animals, especially lemurs, don’t survive these conditions. If they don’t die from a poor diet, they may be killed when they display aggression as they become sexually mature. The “Magic of Madagascar Ecotour” will take you to one of the only rescue centers in Madagascar that confiscates pet lemurs and teaches them how to survive the wild.

Madagascar travel


Avoid purchasing….

  • Carvings made from precious woods like Rosewood and Palisander
  • Butterflies and other preserved insects
  • Sea turtle shells
  • Sapphires, other precious gemstones, and gold

    28. Ethical Shopping

  • Aim for sustainable gifts that don’t negatively impact wildlife or people while simultaneously expressing Malagasy culture.
  • My main suggestions include… hand-dyed and spun silk scarves woven from sustainably farmed silk, items made out of recycled aluminium, and art constructed from repurposed zebu horns.

Madagascar travel


Places to visit in madagascar.

  • RN7 is your best friend.  This route starts at the capital and works its way south, then slowly west. It is accessible year-round and brings you through every incredible ecosystem Madagascar has to offer! That’s the route that we take on our Ecotour through Madagascar from July 1st – 12th, 2019!  
  • RN5 takes you west to see the “ Alley of Baobabs ” or possibly even the limestone forest of Tsingy ! This road is more difficult to navigate. It’s comical that it can even be considered a national route.
  • The north is also beautiful, but similar to the west, the roads are very poor, especially as you work your way west. 
  • There are stunning places that are easiest to fly to, such as the rainforest peninsula of Masoala and the island of scuba-divers dreams – Nosy Be .

   30. Wildlife You CANNOT Miss in Madagascar!

  • “The Magic of Madagascar Ecotour” brings you to the largest species of lemur (indri) and the smallest lemur (mouse lemur), with many lemur species and sizes in between!

Madagascar travel

If you love Madagascar as much as we do, you’ll love our lemur t-shirts:

Madagascar travel

This meditating lemur t-shirt is the perfect gift for the animal lover in your life whether it be your wife, husband, sister, brother, best friend, son or daughter. It looks great with jeans and is perfect for a casual day out.

Madagascar travel

This t-shirt with words about lemurs is perfect for animal lovers – who want to show their love for ring-tailed lemurs and to raise awareness about this endangered species – see how many words related to lemurs you can find.

Madagascar travel

This ring-tailed lemur t-shirt will be a hit with animal lovers who want to show their love for these unique creatures while raising awareness about these critters from Madagascar who need our help.


  • Films and Books about Madagascar
  • If you are keen to learn more about the creatures and culture before going or booking a ticket to Madagascar, I recommend either of the following  films :  Planet Earth II  (on Netflix) and  Island of Lemurs: Madagascar  (IMAX) .  
  • Additionally, I recommend the following  books :  For the Love of Lemurs  (Patricia Wright);  Thank You, Madagascar  (Alison Jolly);  The Aye-Aye and I   (Gerald Durrell); and  Madagascar – The Eighth Continent   (Peter Tyson).
  • Field Guides for Madagascar
  • There are good field guides available for most  taxonomic groups  in Madagascar. I have personally had the best luck with  Lemurs of Madagascar: Third Edition  and  Birds of Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands . Note: if you can’t find that check out  Lemurs of Madagascar: Tropical Field Guide Series .
  • For travel guides, the  Bradt Guides   are probably the best guide I have come across. The author has been travelling to Madagascar for over 30 years!  The Lonely Planet – Madagascar: 8 th  Edition  is also quite thorough.
  • Online Info on Travel in Madagascar
  • While this article provides a comprehensive list, you can’t fit everything into a single post! I recommend perusing additional online resources that can provide even more information about Madagascar. Be sure to check out   28 Interesting Facts About Madagascar ! 
  • Continue researching and reading! The more you know, the better you can prepare for  culture shock.  And the more you will appreciate all the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of Madagascar!

Madagascar travel

The long-ground roller is a bird species endemic to the spiny forests of Madagascar; Photo: Alicia Lamb.

Best of luck with your travels in Madagascar! Take care and enjoy, or as they say in Madagascar, “Mazotoa!”

travel tips for Madagascar

Reflections Enroute

Madagascar Itineraries, Things To Do, and More!

By: Author Corinne Vail

Posted on Published: 25 January 18  - Last updated: 5 March 24

Home » DIY Travel » Guides » Madagascar Itineraries, Things To Do, and More!

Who wants to go to an exotic African island filled with lemurs, chameleons, great food, and gorgeous vistas? Madagascar it is! We’ve compiled some Madagascar itineraries, which include where to go, what to do, and all the best sights.

Traveling in Madagascar is different than any other country that I’ve been to. Jim and I love traveling in Africa , and try to get there as often as we can. We enjoy safaris and have done so many of them in places like Botswana ,  Uganda , and South Africa that we just couldn’t resist trying to do a few in a new country with new wildlife.

We expected it to be so African, but it turns out that traveling in Madagascar felt much more like traveling in Southeast Asia. Here’s what we learned on our trip to this amazing country. We’ve included some Madagascar itineraries, what to do, travel tips, and lots of travel information.

A white and black raft lemur.

Madagascar Travel Guide

Where is madagascar located and how do you get there.

Getting to Madagascar isn’t easy, and it certainly isn’t cheap. Since it’s a large island off the eastern coast of Africa, there were no direct flights. Coming from Europe, we had three stopovers and a total flight time of over 24 hours with the majority of the flight time at least during the night, so we could get some sleep.

We arrived at the international airport in the afternoon, were taken to our hotel, and the first day was kind of a wash, because there was no energy to do anything except force ourselves to get up and go downstairs to eat dinner. Luckily, by the next morning, we felt refreshed and ready to get going.

Check out this article on Lemurs in Madagascar ! So amazing!

What is required for traveling to Madagascar?

For most countries, a tourist visa is required which you can buy upon arrival at the Ivato International Airport for about 20 Euros each. Even though there are no required vaccines, many are recommended such as Yellow Fever, which we had to record the date of ours when we landed.

Malaria is still a concern, so it is also recommended to visit your physician and get some preventive Malarials before you go. It certainly is a good idea to check on any new health and safety alerts before you go.

Check out our podcast on our favorite animal encounters around the world!

Some Facts about Madagascar

The capital city of Madagascar is Antananarivo, which is a serious mouthful, so they shorten it to “Tana,” which is much, much easier.  Tana is the economic center and largest city in the country. It is probably the first and last place any visitor will see. We were surprised at the Tana food scene, as they have some excellent restaurants.

Check out some more of our Madagascar pictures as we posted each day in Instagram.  There are two official languages of Madagascar, Malagasy and French. Before we’d gone, I’d read reports of people not really speaking French, but we did not experience this at all, probably because we stayed pretty much on the tourist trail and were in places that see foreigners all the time.

We did pick up a few words of Malagasy while we were there, thanks mainly to our driver who taught us a little each day. English is also widely spoken. We never had problems finding someone who spoke English, and all the guides had amazing English vocabularies.

Rice fields in Madagascar.

Madagascar’s history has been a bit troubled. First populated by people from Borneo, the Asian influence is still very apparent all over the country. Pirates used to ply the waters around Madagascar, and there are pirate cemeteries and even a Pirate museum in Tana. 

The French conquered the island in the late 1800s and did not leave until 1960, thus there is also a huge French influence. Today, Madagascar is run by the richest man in the country, and he continues to improve the country’s economy.

However, Madagascar is still very much a poor country where the average household income is less than $300 per capita, and this is evident as you drive through the countryside. Thankfully, they have a thriving agricultural and tourism industry.

A Malagasy man plowing his rice field with his zebu.

When is the Best Time to Go to Madagascar?

Most people visit in June, July, or August, but we went a little off-season. December and January is the beginning of the rainy season in Madagascar, and it’s also summer. We hit temperatures of 41 degrees C, or 105 degrees Fahrenheit, with  humidity as high as 95%.

Hiking in the rain forests, this can certainly take its toll. We were drenched in sweat, from head to foot within a few minutes. However, it makes the whole country turn green. There is tons of produce for sale, and if it rained, it usually only rained in the afternoon for a short while.

The downside also was that Tsingy, one of the most famous parks, was closed down for the season; however, we felt it was a great time to go. There were fewer tourists, and we loved the vibrant colors that the rainy season provided.

No matter what time of year you visit, Madagascar weather is rather predictable, and you can ask any local and they will accurately tell you what to expect for the day.

A man walks down a road in Madagascar under a rainbow.

What is the Best Way to Get Around Madagascar?

One thing that was difficult for us to grasp was how large Madagascar really is. When looking at Google Maps, it seemed like a distance of 160 kilometers should take about an hour and a half, but not so. It would take 6 driving hours.

The roads are curvy, mountainous, and filled with other cars, trucks, cattle, bikes, and people. We spent a lot more time driving than we thought we would. We had toyed with buying a couple of internal flights to reduce the time in the car, but found trying to make reservations prohibitive with the times and the cost factors.

Rickshaws, vans, and cars.

However, there are a couple types of transport in Madagascar. You can rent a car, take a taxi-bus, or even fly, and there are pros and cons to each. The most expensive, but of course fastest option, is to fly into the closest airports to the national parks or to Nosy Be or some of the other islands.

The problem with this is that Air Madagascar will cancel flights very easily, and then it’s difficult to plan an itinerary that doesn’t get messed up. We ran into some travelers who’d taken this option and they lost three days from their itinerary because of cancelled flights.

Madagascar zebu in the road.

The second and cheapest option is taking the Taxi-Bus. These are buses ranging from a large van to a full-on bus  that travels between cities. You can often find ones that are express taxi-buses so at least you do not have to stop at every tiny village.

I met some backpackers who’ve taken the taxi-bus and found it to be quite an experience. The more expensive ones aren’t as crowded, but one traveler told me that she counted the people sitting along with her on the row of seats (3 cushions wide) and there were seven people. Lack of seat belts aside, there is usually no air conditioning and it’s stifling hot as well.

The other problem with taxi-buses is that you must pile your luggage on top and many a traveler, local and foreigner alike, have arrived at their destination and discovered their stuff had disappeared. In fact, on the evening we went on a night safari, the drivers were all in a tizzy because a barefoot Malagasy man was walking down the street having been left off by a taxi-bus and he had nothing that he’d brought with him left, including his shoes. He was destitute.

Driving Madagascar – Rather, Being Driven

Before we went, we had every intention of renting a car and driving ourselves. However, the more we investigated the less likely this became as an option. To begin with, the rental car agencies didn’t want to rent cars to folks who didn’t pay for a driver. So, this is what we did.

We hired a 4 X 4 with a driver, and once we were in country and driving, we felt that it was much easier to have someone who knew the ropes be in charge. Manoa, our driver, took care of us in ways that we didn’t even notice at first. He would say things like, “I suggest you roll your window up halfway through the city, and wrap your camera strap around your wrist.”

He didn’t want anyone reaching in to take our equipment. He also knew where to buy gas, find a working ATM, eat lunch, handle the few police stops we encountered, and so much more. It definitely took the edge off of making some of the decisions and made our trip very easy.

Antananarivo city scene with lots of people walking and things for sale on the sidewalk.

Madagascar Itineraries

We visited for two weeks, and I’ve copied our itinerary which can be easily replicated with no problem. I have also included a one week itinerary, trying to include all the locations I believe to be the best places in Madagascar to visit, even with children.

Both can be tweaked to cut off some of the times if you want to fly to parts of it instead of driving each place.  If you notice on our Madagascar map, we only visited a small portion of the country. Again, it’s hard to imagine how large this country really is.

Map of Madagascar Itineraries

Map of Madagascar, including things to do and a 2 week itinerary.

Madagascar 2 Week Itinerary

Two weeks is an almost perfect amount of time to visit Madagascar. You’ll still need to make some choices, and those choices can be pretty tough, but it allows you enough time to really get around a good portion of the country.

As we mentioned before, travel times in Madagascar vary wildly. Roads can be difficult or even closed depending on the time of year. Flying can help reduce the amount of time spent traveling, but frequent delays and cancellations can actually increase the travel time between points.

The cost of the flights and the variability led to our decision to stay on the ground. We’re glad we did, as Madagascar is a beautiful country and we’re so happy we spent that time on the road.

Day 1 Arrival in Antananarivo (Tana)

All international flights fly in and out of Tana, so spending a night is almost a requirement. You shouldn’t book a connecting flight for the same day as your arrival or departure given the frequent schedule changes of Air Madagascar flights in country.

Instead, book a comfortable hotel with a good restaurant and relax after your long flight. We recommend Hotel Restaurant La Ribaudiere in the city center with comfortable rooms and excellent food. Try the zebu steak!

Day 2 Tana –> Miandrivazo

Get out of the city and on the road. You’ll be driving through terraced rice fields, farm land, and mountains on your way to the West. This is a long drive, and there’s not much in Miandrivazo other than some basic amenities.

However, it is too far to drive between Tana and Morondava in one day and you should not drive at night (even with a driver). In the summer, accommodation can be hard to find in Miandrivazo, the alternative is to drive from Tana to Antsirabe and spend the night there, instead.

Day 3 – 4  Miandrivazo –> Morondava

Morondava, on the west coast, is a welcome ocean-side town after the hot and dusty interior. This is the base for visits to the Avenue of the Baobabs, hiking in Kirindi NP, and (optionally) treks in the Tsingy NP.

A sunset visit to the Avenue of the Baobabs is a must for any visitor to Madagascar. There are some good hotel choices here, including one excellent spot right on the beach. Perfect for an afternoon swim.

Visits to Tsingy de Beharama will add three days to the itinerary, therefore you’ll need to adjust accordingly. Here you should really stay at the beach front Hotel Palissandre with its deluxe beach cottages and, inviting swimming pool, and delicious food.

Day 5 Morondava –> Antsirabe

Back on the road, through the mountains, past the villages of the gold diggers, through the incredible rice paddy terraces and on to Antsirabe for a welcome respite in one of the comfortable hotels there.

Antsirabe is also home to several cottage craft industries where you can see artisans creating such things as Zebu horn kitchen utensils, model toys made from recycled materials, and visit a gem and mineral shop. Our favorite Antsirabe hotel was the Eco Lodge Les Chambres Du Voyageur with a flourishing tropical garden complete with chameleons!

Day 6 – 7 Antsirabe –> Ranomafana

It’s time to head into the rain forests of the east now and visit the famous Ranomafana NP. The hikes here will take you deep into the jungle in search of several species of lemur. Nothing is guaranteed, of course, but if you don’t spot at least four different species I’d be very surprised.

This is also the perfect spot for a night safari, where you might spot the elusive mouse lemur. Try to book your stay at Foret Austral Ranomafana as early as possible as this popular spa hotel fills up fast. While you there, why not splurge for a massage?

Day 7 – 8 Ranomafana –> Isalo

Back into the interior and along the central mountain range heading south you should not miss a stop at the Anja community reserve for some more lemur spotting. The stunning scenery changes regularly, it’s hard to get bored along these long drives with picturesque villages, craggy mountain peaks, and vibrant colors of red earth and green fields.

Isalo NP offers hiking in deep river gorges and through fantastic sandstone formations. Bring a swimsuit along for a cool dip into the waterfall fed Blue Pool. If swimming in the wild isn’t your thing, stay at the incredibly gorgeous Isalo hotel, Le Relais de la Reine with its magnificent pool.

Day 9 Isalo –> Antsirabe

Time to head back north, retracing the route along the world famous National Route 7. You’ll pass through incredible landscapes and colorful villages. Keep the camera handy, this is some of Madagascar’s most stunning scenery accessible by car. After a long day of driving, Antsirabe seems like an oasis waiting to comfort the weary traveller.

Day 10 – 12 Antsirabe –> Andasibe

Finish the journey along Madagascar’s beautiful National Route 7 passing through the capital, Antananarivo. Then head east again, through the jagged mountains and down into the rain forests of the East.

Andasibe NP has several options for wildlife viewing and hiking in the jungle. You should try and have two days here, there’s that much to see. Finding the perfect stay in Andasibe can be  hard, but we really enjoyed our stay at Andasibe Lemurs Lodge.

Day 13 – 14 Andasibe –> Antananarivo

Return to the capital for one last night before flying out. Don’t miss the sights here like the Queen’s palace, the Pirate Museum, and the UNESCO World Heritage Site at Ambohimanga.

If you’re staying in the city, just be aware traffic can be horrendous so plan your transfer to the airport carefully. Finish off the perfect trip staying at the super comfortable Relais des Plateaux and definitely book some time in their amazing spa. Couples massage anyone?

Street with restaurants in a small village along the highway in Madagascar.

Madagascar 1 Week Itinerary

One week in Madagascar is not much time, but with this itinerary you will definitely see the highlights like baobabs, lemurs, and chameleons. For a one week itinerary, you will really need to fly in country to make the most of your trip so get online and book your internal air travel with Air Madagascar as early as possible.

Day 1 Arrival in Antananarivo

There’s not a lot of wiggle room in the itinerary, so if your international flight arrives early enough, definitely consider booking your flight out to Morondava on the same day. Book a transfer from Morondava airport to your hotel and be sure and give them your flight number and scheduled arrival time so they can keep track.

Day 2 – 3 Morondava

While here in Morondava you can go for a hike in Kirindy NP to see lemurs, experience the awe and beauty of the Avenue of the Baobabs at sunset, go sailing in a traditional sailboat in the Mozambique channel, or take a stroll along the expansive sandy beach. Fly back out to Tana in the afternoon on day three.

Day 4 – 5 Antananarivo –> Andasibe

This is your best chance to see lemurs. In fact, if you go to Lemur island, it’s guaranteed! Make time, however, for a hike in the spectacular rain forests of Andasibe NP where you will experience so much more.

Day 6 – 7 Andasibe –> Antananarivo

Head back to the capital with a stop at Reserve Peyrieras and Ambomahinga along the way. Spend your last night back in the capital and be sure to have your transfer to the airport arranged before hand.

If you’d like to listen to a podcast interview I did on Mauritius, go here:

You can’t go wrong with a trip to Madagascar. It’s a beautiful country filled with exotic wildlife like lemurs and chameleons, and there is so much to see. If you like to hike and get into nature, you will be coming to the right place. Just follow this Madagascar itinerary and enjoy the trip of a lifetime.

Author Bio: Corinne Vail is a travel photographer, food lover, and a perpetual traveler who has been travel writing for over 14 years. For many years she lived overseas in Germany, Japan, Turkey, South Korea, and the Netherlands teaching the children of the US. military. She’s visited over 90 countries, and she’s not stopping anytime soon.

Is Madagascar on your bucket list? Pin Madagascar Itineraries for later.

Always wanted to visit the enchanted forests of Madagascar? Check out our 2 week intinerary!

Sarah Ruggera

Wednesday 29th of September 2021

What are the accommodations like? While in Morocco we stayed in Riads not hotels which was a nice experience.

Corinne Vail

Thursday 30th of September 2021

Sarah, The accommodations are hotels. The ones we stayed at were all lovely. I do love a Riad, but that's not what Madagascar has to offer.

Friday 8th of March 2019

"Since it’s a large island off the western coast of Africa" - that would be "eastern coast" :-)

Saturday 9th of March 2019

Oops, you are right, Frans! Thanks

Rhonda Albom

Friday 16th of February 2018

Hiring a driver sounds like a good way to get some cultural immersion (and keep you safe). I like your itineraries and your suggestions for stops. It's lot of valuable information that should help in planning a trip. I love your photo of the Avenue of the Baobabs.

Rhonda, The baobabs rank up there with one of the most beautiful landscapes I've photographed. I loved them. Madagascar was quite the trip!

Friday 2nd of February 2018

Elijah, The baobabs were the main reason I wanted to go, and I found Madagascar surprising in so many ways. It's a great destination.

Chris Behrsin

Thursday 1st of February 2018

Madagascar is one of those places I've always wanted to visit, but after reading this article I realize how little I knew about it. The views look stunning, different from what I saw in Tanzania, the only place I've been in East Africa. Great shot of the baobab trees too, with the people strolling along, you can see how massive they are.

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18 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Visiting Madagascar

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Kelly Hayes-Raitt

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For many, Madagascar is a bucket-list destination. An island isolated off the east coast of Africa, 90 percent of its wildlife is found nowhere else on earth. But it’s the cherub-faced lemurs that beckon most tourists to this far-flung destination.

With tourism up 19 percent in the first half of 2019 over the previous year, I thought planning my recent trip would be relatively easy.

However, I was overwhelmed by the many options. Initially, I went through a few of the international tour companies, but I found their non-transparent pricing and communication delays quite frustrating.

Next, I went straight to the on-the-ground guides to avoid the middle-man costs. I scoured Trip Advisor for recommendations and found four guides, all of whom responded to my emails within 24 hours. I chose Arsene from Tour Guide Lovemada , as he responded the fastest and adjusted his proposed itinerary to my interests.

Here’s what I learned are important considerations.

The writer with her tour guide in Madagascar.

1. Choose Your Guide Wisely

You will need a driver, even if you rent a car. (Car rental companies require you to hire a driver — and you will be glad you did once you see the roads!) Choose a guide who speaks your native language well, is comfortable with translating, is certified as a guide by the Malagasy government, has first aid training, reflects your stated limitations and interests in his recommendations, responds quickly and thoroughly to your emails, has transparent pricing, and drives well!

2. Realize Madagascar Is A Huge Country

It looks tiny perched there in the Indian Ocean next to Africa, but Madagascar is as big as Texas, and much longer from north to south. Compounding that, it’s a volcanic island with dramatic peaks and very winding roads, so getting from destination to destination involves long, arduous drives. And the roads aren’t great: Less than 20 percent of the country’s roads are paved . Let your tour operator know ahead of time if you are prone to car sickness. You might want to confine your trip to one region. Madagascar has much to offer in every part!

Locals the writer met on her trip.

3. Communicate Your Interests To Your Tour Operator

Many tours involve moving tourists from national park to national park to hike and spot lemurs. This type of itinerary may involve 6- or 7-hour car rides. I wanted to avoid that — and I also wanted to spend more time in villages meeting people than in forests hiking and lemur-searching. I was rewarded: My guide arranged two overnights in small villages, which were definite highlights!

4. Recognize Your Limits

Madagascar is a challenging country and can offer a variety of boundary-pushing experiences, both physical and cultural. For example, I was scheduled to hike down a high volcanic mountain to a remote village and spend the night. While I was excited about the cultural opportunity, I couldn’t handle the physical climbing and had to beg off. (I was a bit embarrassed, as a 68-year-old village woman followed me, wearing only flip-flops, and scampered over the rocky path like a mountain goat! I was practically on my hands and knees.)

On the other hand, spending the night in a village with no running water or electricity and communicating with the local women provided a welcome challenge: What common references could I find with women who had never seen a movie or read a book and knew almost nothing about the United States? With my guide translating, I asked about their children and their dreams for their daughters. I asked about their impressions of America and what questions they had for me. They wanted to know how I intend to care for myself as I age, since I have no husband or children. They sincerely invited me to live with them in their village, where I’d be cared for in my senior years.

Beautiful Madagascar landscape.

5. Schedule A Trip To A Major Grocery Store Your First Morning

Big grocery stores are found only in Antananarivo, Madagascar’s capital. Stock up on bottled water from a major company (not the national water company, Jirama, which bottles water that is unsafe for foreigners). Pick up wine, if that’s what you drink. (Beer, rum, and vodka are available throughout the countryside.) You might also stock up on shampoo and conditioner, as many of the hotels don’t offer these amenities, munchies for the car rides, and toilet paper for pit stops.

6. Don’t Schedule Your Departing International Flight On The Heels Of A Local Flight

The domestic airlines, Air Madagascar, known as “Air Maybe” by the locals, and Tsradia, its new spin-off, have notorious reputations. My Tsaradia flight time was changed to depart two hours later than scheduled, then took off two hours later than that! Avoid a lot of internal flying if you want to avoid losing travel days to flight delays.

The local currency in Madagascar.

7. Carry A Lot Of Small Bills

Nearly every place you visit will require you to hire a local guide in addition to paying the entrance fee for the park or attraction. The local guides cost 20,000 to 80,000 Ariary. (20,000 Ariary is about $5 or €5). They don’t give change. You can break larger bills in restaurants or at the hotels.

8. Calculate The ATM Limitations

I used my ATM card in the larger cities to get local currency. But be careful! Banks charge a fee for every transaction, regardless of amount withdrawn. BNI Bank limits withdrawals to 400,000 Ariary, whereas BFV Bank’s limit is twice that for roughly the same fee. Credit cards are not widely accepted. Euros are accepted for payments at many hotels.

A chameleon in Madagascar.

9. Bring Anti-Diarrheal Medications

Although you can get Flagyl and a few other antibiotics in pharmacies in larger cities, the rural areas have few clinics and pharmacies. Also bring a laxative! Every meal is served with rice and that can wreak havoc on intestines used to a more Western diet.

10. Prepare To Pick Up After Yourself

Note that hotel rooms are not necessarily cleaned daily (unless you specifically request it) when you stay multiple nights.

Dinner in a small village in Madagascar.

11. Check Temperatures Of Your Specific Destinations

During my 10-day guided trip, I went from hot-hot to sleeping in my sweats under two heavy quilts. Madagascar’s coasts have a tropical climate, its mountains and high plateaus are chillier and more temperate, and its south has an arid climate.

12. Check Altitudes If You Are Prone To Altitude Sickness

The average elevation is higher than 2,000 feet above sea level, with its highest point ascending to 9,500 feet at Maromokotro in the northern part of the country. Prepare for altitude sickness by packing appropriate medication.

A landscape in Madagascar.

13. Ask Your Tour Guide For Hotel Recommendations

I wanted to book my own hotels through, and I’m glad I read the reviews and consulted my guide before booking. The hotels the guides recommend are safe and up to Western-style standards. They also offer free rooms and meals for the guides, which keeps your costs down. I was quite comfortable in hotels in the $20 to $30 USD a night range. They were clean and had strong, plentiful hot water, Western-style toilets, Wi-Fi and good, on-site restaurants. I thought I was saving money booking my own hotels. But had I asked, my guide would have booked all my rooms at no extra charge.

14. Stay Connected!

Check your data plan before you leave and increase it if necessary. I had telephone connection throughout my trip, so I was able to use my data allowance to post on Facebook during the long car rides. Every hotel I stayed in had decent Wi-Fi. Everyone uses WhatsApp. Be sure to bring all the types of phone chargers you have so you can recharge in the car, as well as at the hotel. You’ll need your phone as a flashlight, too, in some of the villages where there is no electricity.

Lemurs in Madagascar.

15. Research Your Anti-Malaria Medication Carefully…

And don’t wait until the last minute! Some areas of Africa, including Madagascar, have mosquitoes that are resistant to chloroquine, one of the more common antimalarial medications. Mefloquine, a formerly common antimalarial, has been linked to hallucinations and is difficult to find. Additionally, not all antimalarials are available everywhere. Your pharmacy might need a few weeks to order your desired medication, and you may have to start taking the medication a week or two before you arrive in Madagascar.

16. Budget For Gifts

Madagascar is one of the world’s poorest countries, with 75 percent of its people living on less than $2 per day according to the World Bank. My tour guide recommended that I bring small gifts, such as volleyballs, to the villages where I stayed. These gifts were inexpensive and available, but I was glad I had extra cash, too. And the smiles on the children’s faces were priceless!

Villagers the writer met in Madagascar.

17. Consider Volunteering

There are many inspiring opportunities to volunteer in Madagascar. I spent my first week helping Nosy Be Conservation regenerate corals on an island in the northwest corner of Madagascar. My volunteer assignment took me into the water nearly every day to clean the artificial reefs or to gather broken coral that could be transplanted onto existing coral. It was a challenging and soul-satisfying way to give back to this amazing country!

18. Most Importantly, Pack Your Sense Of Humor And Flexibility

Part of the excitement of traveling in Madagascar is the last-minute opportunity to experience the rare and unexpected. My guide, knowing of my interest in seeing an exhumation celebration , scrapped our scheduled itinerary one afternoon so we could join a local community’s exhumation ceremony. What we didn’t realize is that it would take us over an hour of driving over some very rutted and dusty roads to reach the celebration. It took a lot of patience and perseverance to get there, but it was worth it!

Want more bucket-list trip advice? How about planning a girls trip to Machu Picchu: what to know before you go ?

Image of Kelly Hayes-Raitt

Kelly Hayes-Raitt jokes she sleeps around – usually with animals. As an international petsitter, she’s been traveling full-time for more than a decade. She coaches authors and has written the book How to Become a Housesitter: Insider Tips from the HouseSit Diva , available in soft cover or Kindle at Amazon or as an ebook from her web site, HouseSitDiva .

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' class=

I’d like to hear from someone who has been to Madagascar recently. Stories of bubonic plague and violence are making me rethink my 2018 trip.

' class=

If news and travel advice were written the same way about every country, no one would visit a place like the US or Brazil.

Of course there are issues in Madagascar, and you need to be careful. But missing out on a great trip and isolating an already poor country is not the answer.

There are a few easy steps of how to make yourself safe such as not showing off jewelry and money, avoiding crowds, respecting local culture, staying clear of unhygienic places such as prisons, listening to locals.

2018 is still a while away and the situation can change quickly. As for the plague (there is a more detailed thread about this on here too), it happens every year and authorities know what to do.

I would suggest planning your trip with a local agency, who know best what goes on on the ground and which areas are safest at any given time.

Thanks for your reply. It seems its all a bit overstated.

' class=

I don't see any reason to cancel a trip to Mada. We spent there 3 weeks in October. It was just then that the media was beginning to rave about how dangerous the plague situation there is. We had booked our trip via a local guide (whom I recommend 100% for great English, smooth and flawless execution of the travel plan and making us feel like in the company of friends rather than service providers - Nolavy Robene, [email protected]) and when inquiring from him before we departed, he assured us that the actual situation locally was quite safe and that he has never known anyone who would know anyone who ever contracted the plague. As a lot of people are saying, this year it is a political plague - there are elections next year and the politicians are trying to raise international money for their own purposes.

And so it was, we spent 3 unforgettable weeks in this amazing country, not seeing any panic, not seeing any ill people, and only experiencing two medical checks total, on the ferry to Sainte Marie and on the airport before departing back home. The situation has definitely been blown out of proportions in the media and it has cost the country dearly in the tourists that they have lost this season.

The plague is existent there every year, but it is rather a problem of poor people living in unhygienic conditions. It is very unlikely for tourists to catch it.

I completely agree with the previous poster – as with any trip, you should be reasonably careful and not flash about your money, and respect the local ways. I have also been to Brazil and I was very scared of Rio de Janeiro, as anyone I talked to or any forum I read, they instilled in me the fear that it is impossible to visit Rio and not get robbed in some way. But it never happened to us, we just behaved sensibly enough. Mada is such a country which is difficult to explore on your own anyway, most people plan their trip with the help of a local guide or travel agency, which means that you always have a local with you to keep you away from dangerous situations.

Hopefully you will have a fantastic Mada experience !

reddit travel madagascar

thank you for the above. What about safety in the capitol if you are traveling as backpacker?

yours sincerely Mette

But Tana is not such a great place anyways. I would say, get out of there and into the beauty as quickly as possible!

' class=

I'm in Madagascar now - a 50+ woman travelling solo. There is nothing to worry about at all. I have a driver but have been walking around, etc by myself and have never felt threatened. I see no sign of the plague and actually forgot about it until reading your question. This is an amazing country - like no other - and you won't regret visiting.

Madagascar is a safe country to travel. We overwhelmed by the kindness and friendliness of the Malagasy people and the unique rich nature the country has to offer. Madagascar was a lifetime unforgettable experience! Have in mind that the hotel standards are much lower compared to the european ones and if you are looking for luxurious vacations you should probably check the beach resorts on the North-Eastern part of the Island (such as Nosy Be and Saint Marie).

Tripadvisor staff removed this post because it did not meet Tripadvisor's forum posting guidelines with prohibiting self-promotional advertising or solicitation.

We are planning on traveling to Madagascar in July. I can see that this thread is from last year. Can anybody update me on the safety and bubonic plague situation?

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The Ultimate Madagascar Itinerary for 2 weeks

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When you think of Madagascar you will probably picture idyllic beaches, massive baobabs and funny dancing lemurs, but on top of that you will cross high mountains, country sides, amazing canyons, beautiful rainforests, limestone rock formations and a lot more. When you travel to Madagascar you will see it is an island of passion with surprisingly diverse landscapes, cultures and traditions and very rich and endemic flora and fauna, a Treasure Island waiting for you to be discovered!

Madagascar Highlights RN7

In this Madagascar travel blog I will share the best things to do in Madagascar, tips on where to stay in Madagascar and an amazing Madagascar itinerary to make the most of your trip. Start planning your trip with this travel blog.

Madagascar Travel Guide

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Our Madagascar trip

We explored this beautiful island in 23 days. We started with a relaxing 10-day North Madagascar itinerary along the coast. Then explored the Avenue of the Baobabs and Kirindy Forest in West Madagascar and continued our journey to South Madagascar with a road trip along the scenic RN7.

Madagascar Roadtrip Meet Locals

The journey along highway 7 included some of the best places to visit in Madagascar like: Lake Tritriva in Antsirabe, the rainy Ranomafana NP, the serene and peaceful Lake Sahambavy near Fianarantsoa, Anja Reserve with its ring-tailed lemurs, the beautiful peaks of Andringitra National Park, Isalo National Park and Zombitse National Park.

Best of Madagascar Lake Sahambavy

When planning a trip to Madagascar keep in mind that even within 23 days we didn’t manage to squeeze in all the best things to do in Madagascar, but many of Madagascar’s highlights from North to West and South Madagascar were included in our itinerary.

Madagascar Itinerary Ambalavao

After seeing the best of Madagascar with its great biodiversity I understand why this 4th largest island in the world is also called the Eight Continent, Rainbow Island or the Red Island. Visit Madagascar as soon as you can, you will not regret it.

Madagascar Trip Train Ride

Remote River Expeditions Madagascar (RRE) is a small, experienced tour operator offering high quality and personalized services. We travelled in 4WD with a skilled driver and an English-speaking guide with a huge knowledge of the Malagasy nature, culture and history. Because of Stella, we learned a lot about this ‘red island’ and that definitely made our Madagascar trip complete.

Madagascar wildlife lemur zombitse

RRE is able to customize your Madagascar itinerary to your wishes and needs, from a 1-day tour in Morondava to a 1-week itinerary in West Madagascar or for example a complete 4-week Madagascar itinerary to discover the best places to see in Madagascar. We had a great experience and I would highly recommend contacting Remote River Expeditions if you’re planning to travel to Madagascar. I got in touch by mail and we had quick and reliable communications until our arrival. Their office is located at Chez Maggie, a great property in Morondava that also belongs to the owner of Remote River Expeditions .

travel to madagascar local markets

Our Madagascar Itinerary

This 2-week Madagascar itinerary includes our route from West Madagascar along the national highway 7 to Tulear. We drove about 985km, excluding the drives inside national parks and detours to hotels. Because of the constantly changing landscapes and presence of several national parks and reserves along the way, the RN7 or Route Nationale 7 is the most popular tour in Madagascar and not to be missed if you travel to Madagascar.

Planning a trip to Madagascar then also take a look at the beautiful archipelago Nosy Be in the North of the country. For my all my  North Madagascar travel tips  click on the link.

Madagascar Itinerary Highlights RN7

This is the best 2-week Madagascar itinerary possible

Antananarivo - 1 night

  • Morondava and Kirindy Forest Reserve – 3 nights

Miandrivazo – 1 night

Antsirabe – 1 night.

  • Ambositra - stopover

Ranomafana National Park – 1 or 2 nights

Fianarantsoa and sahambavy - 1 or 2 nights.

  • Ambalavao and Anja Reserve - 1 night or stopover
  • Isalo National Park - 2-3 nights
  • Zombitse-Vohibasia National Park - stopover

Tulear (Toliara) - 1-3 nights

Antananarivo (tana) - 1 night.

You can either start your road trip along the national highway 7 in Antananarivo or from for example Morondava in West Madagascar. Because we first explored Northern Madagascar, we decided to fly to Morondava to start the RN7 road trip from there. From Diego-Suarez in North Madagascar there are no direct flights to Morondava, so we had to bridge 1 night in the capital city of the country.

Antananarivo Trip Tsarasaotra Bird Park

We even had some time left to explore Tsarasaotra Bird Park, close to Antananarivo airport. The domestic flights are operated by Madagascar’s local airliner Tsaradia, a subsidiary of Air Madagascar.

Where to stay in Antananarivo?

I had two domestic flights to Antananarivo during my Madagascar trip. The second time I flew into Tananarive I stayed in the beautiful San Cristobal Boutique Hotel only 4 km from Ivato Airport in Antananarivo. San Cristobal Hotel offers a nice garden, a terrace and a cosy bar with a nice seating area including a flat screen TV. The Wifi is free and worked very well; also inside the rooms!

Madagascar Travel Guide Local Market

The hotel has several art-works like photos and paintings hanging around the whole building, something I really loved. This 3-star hotel has quite big air-conditioned rooms with a flat screen TV, coffee & tea facilities and a fridge. I loved their continental breakfast with fresh eggs as well as their coffee. The employees at the reception were very friendly and helpful and made us feel at home. Since you are at Ivato Airport in no time, it’s an ideal base to catch your onward flight.

Morondava & Kirindy Forest Reserve – 3 nights

Before we started with our national highway 7 Madagascar road trip we first explored the best things to do in Western Madagascar and more specific the laid-back town of Morondava. It literally means ‘place at the beach’ and it’s the gateway to Avenue of the Baobabs .

Madagascar Allee des Baobabs sunset 08

But also tours to Kirindy Forest Reserve and Tsingy de Bemeraha National Park are totally worth it. If you visit Madagascar you can’t leave the Island without exploring Morondava. Check out the best things to do in Morondava in this link.

Madagascar Travel Tsingy

Where to stay in Morondava?

I highly recommend staying at Chez Maggie . For Kirindy I would advise to either stay in Kirindy Lodge inside the reserve or at Relais du Kirindy. In my blog about things to do in Morondava I also write about Chez Maggie and where to stay in Kirindy.

Travel to Madagascar RN7 Highlights

Miandrivazo is a village that lies on the main RN34 road between Morondava and Antsirabe. It’s a perfect stop to break the long drive to Antsirabe. Kaominina, the Malagasy name for Miandrivazo, is considered to be the warmest city of the island. Because of its geographical situation, there is almost no wind. An interesting place to add to you Madagascar road trip itinerary.

The city is situated at the Mahajilo River and the starting point for boat trips down the Tsiribihina River to Belo-sur-Tsiribihina. You can enjoy swimming near a natural waterfall and observe different animal species like lemurs, bats and chameleons. 

Best of Madagascar RN7

Where to stay in Miandrivazo?

In this area there are very few places to stay. Most of the tourists will drive directly to Antsirabe or overnight in Princesse Tsiribihina Hotel . The rooms here were good and comfortable and there’s Wifi in the main building, where you can also watch TV and have a beer at the bar. There’s also a small pool to relax and cool off.

South Madagascar Itinerary 004

A cool Madagascar travel tip is that you can apparently walk up to the hill behind the hotel to enjoy an extraordinary panorama. The walk will take you one hour. If I knew this before, I would have left Morondava quite early instead of after lunchtime. We checked-in quite late, even too late to watch the sunset over the river, so there was nothing to see or do by the time we arrived and the next morning we had to leave early on our way to Antsirabe. 

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Antsirabe (literally ‘the place of much salt’) is well known for its thermal springs and therefore also called the ‘city of water’. This city is located in the central highlands of Madagascar. From Miandrivazo, it took us 4,5 hours to get there. Because of its geographical location, Antsirabe has a cool climate throughout the year; so don’t forget to pack a sweater and a pair of trousers when you visit Madagascar.

Antsirabe Madagascar RN7 01

Transportation in Antsirabe

The most common transportation in Antsirabe is the colourful rickshaw or ‘pousse-pousse’, which is pulled by a man on foot or on a bicycle, the ‘cyclo-pousse’. It’s not only for tourists but also the daily transportation of local Malagasy.

Madagascar Transportation Antsirabe 01

It’s a fun way of exploring the city and the owners of these rickshaws are happy to earn some extra money. On the other hand I found it weird to be pulled by this friendly Malagasy man.

Madagascar Transportation Antsirabe 02

Things to do in Antsirabe

Antsirabe is rich in history. You will feel a strong colonial influence through the architecture of the city buildings. The most prominent buildings in town are the Cathedral Church and the charming Hotel de Thermes, in front of the baths. Another interesting architectural building is the Antsirabe Train Station, dating from the colonial period. Nowadays, they only use it for cargo transportation.

Madagascar Travel Guide Highlights RN7 041

Antsirabe Crater Lakes

There are two popular natural crater lakes outside of Antsirabe town, which are worth a visit: Lake Andraikiba and Lake Tritriva. From Antsirabe it took us around 40 minutes to get there by car. There’s a parking space near Lake Tritriva and from there it will only take you a few meters to look down on the blue-opaque green Crater Lake. 

Travel Madagascar Lake Tritriva 01

Apparently there are two roads leading to these lakes: a short, but bad road and a way longer but better road. We took the shortest one and it sure wasn’t the worst road of my Africa travels.

Travel Madagascar Lake Andraikiba 01

Lac Tritriva or Lac Andraikiba? The area around Andraikiba Lake seems to be ideal for walking because of its peaceful and harmonious environment. It’s the largest lake and the closest one to town. 

Travel Madagascar Lake Andraikiba 02

We only stopped there from a distance on our way to the prettier Tritriva Lake. At Lake Tritriva you’ll have to pay a guide- and entry fee of 5000 Ariary ($1,5) to enter the area.

Travel Madagascar Lake Tritriva 02

Crafts and markets in Antsirabe

In the lively city of Antsirabe you have the opportunity to visit various craft workshops, where objects are made from for example zebu horn or natural fibber. For me, these workshops were too much focussed on tourism, but there are definitely some great artists around in Antsirabe. 

Things to do in Antsirabe Madagascar 01

To see the real Malagasy life, I would advise you to go to the local market. The Tsena Sabotsy (Saturday market) is the central open-air market of Antsirabe, a good place to discover what the local Malagasy are buying from clothes and vegetables to pots and pans. The vendors were very friendly and didn’t mind me taking their photos.  

Visit Antsirabe Local Market 01

The Countryside of Antsirabe

Antsirabe’s countryside is beautiful as well! You will walk through rice fields, small villages and meet friendly locals.

Madagascar Travel Guide Highlights RN7 087

Where to stay in Antsirabe?

Couleur Café Antsirabe is perfectly located near the city centre of Antsirabe, close to the RN7 road. They offer a number of individual brick bungalows, facing a lovely and well-maintained garden. There is plenty of space in the room, with a TV and fireplace and the beds are really comfortable. They offer a WIFI connection in the room, something you don’t find often when traveling in Madagascar. Their restaurant serves good food for diner and in the morning you can enjoy a buffet breakfast with fresh eggs from Antsirabe’s market. 

Where to stay in Antsirabe Madagascar

Ambositra - stopover on your way to Ranomafana

From Antsirabe we were able to take the RN7 (National Highway 7) southwards, with Ambositra as first stop after 90 km along the Route Nationale 7. The RN7 in Madagascar is the 980 km long main road in Madagascar, connecting Tananarive (Antananarivo) to the western-coast town Tulear. A journey along Madagascar’s RN7 highway includes the most famous highlights of Madagascar. 

Things to do in Ambositra RN7 01

The city of art, culture and crafts

Ambositra is famous for the quality of its marquetry, weaving and especially woodcarvings. Ambositra is home to the Zafimaniry Tribe and their houses have colourful carved wooden balconies and shutters. The woodcarving knowledge of this tribe is internationally recognized as a world treasure. In some shops, it’s possible to see the artist working on its crafts. A handy Madagascar travel tip is that on Sunday all the shops are closed. As we were there on a national holiday, all shops were closed and we sadly couldn’t find any artists at work.

Best of Madagascar 096

Madalief | foundation for mothers and children in Madagascar

This non-profit organization with the purpose of giving underprivileged children in Madagascar a better future, was the result of a Dutch travel guide - Remi Doomernik - working in Madagascar and settling in Ambositra. In 2004 they bought a site with a house in Ambositra where nowadays still children live. Apart from that they take care of the meals of 45 children. 

Madalief also helped restoring the nearby school and built two classrooms. They restored about 10 houses and more than 40 women received small loans for starting up small trade to take better care of themselves and their children. Since they couldn’t take care of more children in the home, they started supporting families around Ambositra (40 families in 2019). The foundation helps single mothers with a donation for daily needs, school fees and medical costs. 

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Since I thought Remi’s story was quite impressive I planned a visit to Residence Madalief in Antsirabe , 4 miles south of Antsirabe, to add this to my Madagascar travel blog. To create employment and working experience for their youngsters and single mothers from Ambositra they chose Antsirabe because of the touristic route to the south. So when you travel to Madagascar please include this in your itinerary.

Madagascar Travel Guide Highlights RN7 089

The site offers a hotel with 11 rooms for tourists and also a youth hostel, where they welcome groups of children from other orphanages and foundations as well as their own children, to give them nice holidays for little money. We stayed an extra night in this Residence, located in a beautiful area in the middle of the rice fields. 

Madagascar Travel Guide Highlights RN7 081

Visit their website if you want to know more about this foundation and all of their projects and achievements. It’s definitely worth to stay in Residence Madalief on your Madagascar trip and it’s good to know that your money is spent well. 

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When you continue the RN7, you need to take the RN25 to Ranomafana through the Betsileo highland region. Hills and rice fields are part of this landscape. The roads are curvy and close to Ranomafana a bit dangerous depending on the weather conditions; road verges can be very soft or roads can even be closed after rain. 

Best of Madagascar Ranomafana 146

The popular Ranomafana Park is part of the eastern rainforest, which used to take up nearly the complete island. Rano means ‘water’, and mafana means ‘hot’, referring to the many hot-water springs, in this area. Ranomafana is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and became a protected area in 1991 after the discovery of the golden bamboo lemur in the rainforest in 1985. Definitely one of the best places to visit in Madagascar. Ranomafana National Park is known for its tropical rainforests, humid climate, waterfalls, hot mountain streams and different species of Madagascar wildlife.

Things to do in Ranomafana Madagascar 145

This large rainforest is home to 12 lemur species. Lemur comes from the Latin word ‘lemures’, which means ‘ghosts of the forest’. Seeing the lemurs up close requires some effort. You’ll need to hike off the beaten path into the forest with an experienced guide to spot them in the treetops. Apart from the golden bamboo lemur, you may spot some other lemur species like the rare Aye-Aye, the Sifaka or the mouse lemur. Other wildlife includes chameleons, frogs and the Malagasy striped civet. Ranomafana National Park is also a paradise for birders!

Madagascar Wildlife Travel Guide 119

The entrance of Ranomafana National Park is located on the national road RN25. For the budget travellers: It is possible to get a taxi-brousse (shared taxi bus) directly from Antananarivo or Fianarantsoa, but there is no transportation between the park and the village of Ranomafana.

Madagascar Travel Guide Ranomafana 143

Things to do in Ranomafana

Ranomafana offers a lot of activities, but because rainforests are subject to heavy rainfall, the weather can ruin your activities. During our stay we had heavy rains all-day long and there was a lot of fog. Even inside the rainforest (where trees and plants provide some shelter) it was almost impossible to take pictures. 

Things to do in Ranomafana Madagascar 120

It is highly recommended to pack water-resistant clothes that cover arms and legs when you visit Madagascar, as well as anti-mosquito gels that will keep mosquitoes and leeches away.

Things to do in Ranomafana Madagascar 121

Hiking or trekking lovers will love Ranomafana rainforest and its mountain ranges! There are many different hiking circuits that vary in length and duration. Some of the best hiking In Madagascar can be found here. Apart from the hiking, you can enjoy a swim in Ranomafana’s thermal bath. The hot springs of Ranomafana are located across the Namorona River and are very popular among locals. It’s best to swim in the thermal bath on Wednesday, since they clean everything on Tuesday.

Madagascar itinerary Ranomafana RN7 144

One of the other activities in Ranomafana is a night walk along the road – outside of the National Park – where you have the chance of spotting the Ranomafana’s five nocturnal species, including the adorable mouse lemur. The extreme weather conditions kept me from doing this activity. Near Ranomafana NP, there is a research station called Centre ValBio that is open to visitors. They work to protect Madagascar’s unique and biologically diverse ecosystems through conservation science and projects that directly benefit the local people, including rural health care delivery.

Where to stay in Ranomafana?

SETAM Lodge Madagascar is located on a slope of the rainforest, conveniently close to the park entrance of Ranomafana National Park. The lodge is situated along the main RN25 road, but completely surrounded by rainforest. For that reason, it offers stunning views from your private terrace.

Where to stay in Ranomafana Madagascar 02

It’s a very quiet and peaceful place. The cottages are aging a bit, but they are spacious, functional and comfortable. What more do you need? There’s no Wifi in the cottages but there’s occasionally Wifi in the restaurant area. The staff is very helpful and friendly and the 3-course dinner as well as the breakfast was good. I recommend staying at this lodge when visiting Ranomafana National Park. 

Where to stay in Ranomafana Madagascar 01

The city of Fianarantsoa is considered to be the capital of Betsileo, located 60 km of Ranomafana. On the road you will pass some wonderful landscapes and small villages. 

Roadtrip Madagascar Highlights 148

Most of the tourists spend one night in Fianarantsoa on their Madagascar itinerary, or to take the train to Manakara at the East Coast of Madagascar. The Sahambavy train station is close to Lac Hotel in Sahambavy, where you can also enjoy a night in a vintage train wagon! They can also help you to arrange train tickets. 

Madagascar Travel Guide Highlights RN7 163

Sahambavy is a small place near Fianarantsoa and apart from the train station worth a visit because of their huge tea plantations and the serene Lake Sahambavy. These beautiful tea plantations are among the best places to visit in Madagascar.

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FCE Train (Fianarantsoa Cote Est)

For the adventurous traveller, the train rain ride from Fianarantsoa to Manakara seems to be one of the best things to do in Madagascar. The 163km route takes you through the rainforest, offering very scenic views. It’s the only operating passenger train line in Madagascar. 

FCE Train Madagascar Fianarantsoa Manakara 151

In theory, this journey will take about 8 to 12 hours (20 km/h), but in reality around 12 to 24 hours. Be prepared for train failures and bring enough water and food. It’s all about the experience and getting in touch with the Malagasy villagers who use this train to cover long distances to get from one village to another.

Things to in Madagascar FCE Train 157

Therefore, the train stations are quite bustling with vendors selling food and other goods. A first-class train ticket from Fianarantsoa to Manakara will cost you 70.000 Ariary (19 dollar).

Things to in Madagascar FCE Train 154

Sahambavy Lake and Tea Plantation

We didn’t overnight in Fianarantsoa on our Madagascar itinerary, we decided to make a small detour to Sahambavy, which is located 23 km from the city of Fianarantsoa. I’m still happy with that choice, since I loved to relax at Sahambavy Lake enjoying the peaceful surroundings. 

Sahambavy Lake Madagascar things to do 281

Lac Hotel, which lies directly at the lake, offers different activities around the lake. They also have some water bikes you can use to explore the lake, which was great fun!

Things to do Finarantsoa Sahambavy

If you have a chance I recommend visiting the nearby Sahambava tea plantation on your Madagascar trip, which covers nearly 400 ha. They have a monopoly position, as it’s the only centre of farming and tea production in Madagascar. Since we visited the place on a public holiday the factory was closed and there were no Malagasy working in the field, but I liked walking around the plantation chatting with some locals.

Sahambava tea plantation Fianarantsoa Madagascar 166

Photographer Pierrot Men

As an avid photographer, I couldn’t leave Fianarantsoa before visiting the photo laboratory of Pierrot Men. He has been the most famous photographer of Madagascar for over 40 years. Visitors can buy his books and a huge selection of postcards and poster prints of his photo collection of Madagascar. It’s a unique souvenir to bring home when you travel to Madagascar. If you’re lucky, you can meet Pierrot in the studio. Unfortunately for us, he was at an exhibition in Paris at the time we visited the laboratory.

Travel to Madagascar Pierot Men Photographer

Where to stay in Fianarantsoa or Sahambavy

I highly recommend staying at Lac Hotel Sahambavy . Lac Hotel is a wonderful and charming hotel at Lake Sahambavy and next to the Sahambavy tea plantation. It’s also close to the FCE train station. The bungalows on tilts at the water are amazing: very peaceful, huge, comfortable and clean. We were given the so-called honeymoon bungalow, the biggest bungalow at the lake with a private terrace overlooking the lake and its surroundings.

Where to stay in Fianarantsoa Lac Hotel

Lac hotel Fianarantsoa is also very innovative and eco-friendly. The products they use are organic, homemade and homegrown. They have their own vegetable garden to provide quality and fresh products. The restaurant offers a European and Malagasy menu and the food is good.

Another big advantage is their agreement with the Malagasy train railway, the FCE, to give customers the best quality of service in terms of ticketing. Last but not least, they are planning to build a spa to complete your relaxing stay at Lac Hotel. There’s WiFi available in the restaurant area; it’s not working in the bungalows.

Lac Hotel Fianarantsoa Madagascar

Ambalavao and Anja Reserve - 1 night or stopover on your way to Ranohira

On this part of your Madagascar road trip, you will enjoy Madagascar’s vineyards with steep-terraced slopes and typical Betsileo mud brick houses with local people working on the land. 

Madagascar Vineyards RN7

Madagascar has several vineyards in the district around Fianarantsoa and Ambalavao. They were originally planted by French Jesuit priests and make about 10 million litres a year for the local market. Along the way you’re able to visit a winery or by Malagasy wines at local wine shops along the RN7 road. You have to try the local wine when you travel to Madagascar.

Madagascar Wine area

Things to do in Ambalavao 

Ambalavao is situated at the Route Nationale No. 7 at 56 km from Fianarantsoa and is the most southern part of the Central Highlands of Madagascar. The city is famous for their big Zebu Market that takes place every Wednesday. You can also visit the factory where they produce Antemoro Paper. Once you reached the area of Ambalavao you will notice a change in landscapes. You cannot miss the high mountain peaks with Pic Boby (Pic Imarivolanitra) as second highest mountain of Madagascar. Pic Boby is also the main attraction of Andringitra National Park and another place to visit in Madagascar on a road trip south.

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During a photo-stop along the streets of Ambalavao we met friendly Malagasy from the Betsileo tribe who were celebrating their new house. It’s a tradition like a huge house warming where all family and other villagers are invited to celebrate this event together.

Ambalavao betsileo tribe Madagascar

They were all well dressed: men wear a traditional cover over the shoulder and women braid their hair. We were invited to celebrate with them, but unfortunately we had to continue our journey because of our planned visit to Anja Reserve or Parc D’Anja, about 13 km south of Ambalavao. The friendly Malagasy people are one of the reasons you should visit Madagascar.

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Anja Reserve 

Anja reserve is famous for its numbers of Ring Tailed Lemurs (lemur catta- king Julien from Madagascar film). There are 11 lemur families living in this park. Some other interesting fauna such as giant chameleons and boas also call this place home. 

Madagascar Wildlife Lemurs Anja Reserve

Anja Community Reserve is a forest, protected area and freshwater lake, situated at a rocky landscape at the feet of the ‘three sisters’ or ‘telo mirahavavy’.

Visit Anja Reserve Madagascar 01

Hiking in the Anja Reserve is another Madagascar travel tip. You can choose between two different circuits, but a local guide must accompany you. The shorter trail can be completed in around one to two hours and you will easily see different lemur families and the variety of flora. Depending on the time you have, you can see the natural cave(s) and climb up the rocks to a viewpoint, with stunning views of the valleys, mountains and villages.

Madagascar Travel Guide Anja Reserve

The longer trail includes a hike to the top of the mountain at 1400 meter, where you will have a 360-degree view that includes a view of the city of Ambalavao, 13km away. This trail will take up to six hours. Be sure to wear covered footwear and bring enough water. There is a small restaurant nearby where you can have lunch before or after the hike.

Anja Reserve Hiking Trail Madagascar

Because it’s a reserve run by locals, all the profits go back to the community. Unfortunately we got the impression they wanted to take advantage of the ‘rich’ tourists by charging more money. After our walk along the short circuit, we were asked to pay extra because we walked an extra small loop.

We understand that our money is very valuable for the local community, but situations like this are not pleasant. Make sure to agree on the circuit (and the time spend on that particular circuit) before you enter the reserve.

Ring tailed lemurs anja reserve

Andringitra National Park

Andringitra National Park has been called the Yosemite of Madagascar and has been declared as a UNESCO world heritage site in 2007 and definitely a place that needed to be included in this Madagascar travel blog, although I wasn’t able to visit myself. If you love Yosemite National Park then you should definitely visit Andringitra National Park.

We were not able to add this place to our Madagascar itinerary, which is a pity because it seems to be a hikers paradise with spectacular views and a must-visit if you travel to Madagascar. Near Andringitra National Park lies the Tsaranoro Valley. You will pass this beautiful valley after a visit to Andringitra on your way to Ranohira.

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When you’re heading to Ranohira, you will pass the huge impressive rocky hill called ‘Bisshops Hats’ and cross the Ihorombe plateau. The road from Ambalavao to Ranohira is a spectacular part of the famous RN7 with a lot of great photo-stops along the way to capture this beautiful landscape. I’m sure a Madagascar road trip will blow your mind.

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While road tripping on this part of the RN7 I was sad we didn’t have enough time to overnight in this area to enjoy more of maybe one of the most beautiful places to visit in Madagascar. After seeing this part, I truly wish I get to chance to travel to Madagascar again to visit Andringitra National Park, Tsaranoro Valley and the surrounding areas.

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Isalo National Park - 2-3 nights (trekking inside the park)

Isalo National Park is the most visited national park in Madagascar and one of the natural wonders of the country. It’s mostly known for its incredibly rugged Jurassic terrain that has been formed into beautiful canyons and gorges by eroding winds and rain. On top of these canyons you have breath-taking panoramic views. No wonder Isalo is a hikers paradise and one of the best things to do in Madagascar.

Isalo national parkk best of madagascar

Apart from rock formations you will cross true oasis with crystal-clear water and natural swimming pools. A hike to the Piscine Naturelle and the Namaza circuit are definitely a must-see in Isalo National Park. 

Things to do in Isalo National Park

Isalo is also home to rare plants endemic to Madagascar. During your hikes you will discover the fire resistant tree ‘Uapaca Bojeri’ and the small iconic ‘Pachypodium rosulatum’ plant that grows between the inlets of the rocks. Wildlife lovers are able to spot different lemurs, including the dancing ring-tailed lemur, birds, chameleons and other reptiles. 

Hiking in Isalo Rare Plants

Hiking in Isalo National Park

There are numerous hiking circuits in Isalo National Park ranging from easy hikes of a few hours to average or heavy multiple-day circuits including camping. Every circuit will show you parts of the amazing landscape of Isalo National Park.

Madagascar itinerary Isalo National Park

We chose to do a hiking trail including a night at a remote campsite inside Isalo National Park to cover more of the park. This definitely is one of my best Madagascar travel tips for you. It’s not possible to do an overnight trip on your own! We planned our hiking trip in Isalo with Momo Trek. I highly recommend contacting them if you’re searching for a local and reliable agency for multiple hiking-days inside Isalo National Park.

Porters will carry your camping equipment and backpacks directly to the campsite. They follow a different route, so you have to pack a daypack with stuff you really need during the hike (like water, mosquito-repellent, sun cream, camera-equipment and lunch). 

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We chose a medium level hiking circuit, a combination of two circuits including one night of camping inside Isalo National Park. The medium hiking circuit offered different sights. The natural pools and the waterfall were unexpected oases among the rocks, where fresh water flows. 

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We also discovered cliffs, eroded massifs and savannah and desert landscapes. The visit of the Bara and Sakalava burials gave our tour in Isalo National Park a bit of a mystical touch. The Bara is the only tribe that is allowed to bury the dead inside the park, up to the rocks. If you are lover of history, then this is one of the best places to visit in Madagascar. Visit the temporary and sacred tomb where these bodies are held before the complete decomposition. The tomb is basically a heap of stones. 

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In the forest you have the chance to spot lemurs. Unfortunately we didn’t see any ‘dancing lemur’ in Isalo. If you are more into lemurs instead of the landscape I highly recommend visiting the Namaza campsite. Especially in the morning and late afternoon you’ll have a high chance of seeing ring-tailed lemurs sunbathing.

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The different viewpoints, for example the climb to Namaza, were amazing with views of the valley. The different shapes as well as the changing colours of the eroded rock formations are quite interesting.

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We enjoyed our packed-lunch – arranged by Momo Trek – at the beautiful natural pools ‘Piscine Noire’ and ‘Piscine Blue’ with a small waterfall, we had a freshly prepared dinner under a sky full of stars at a remote campsite and we ended our Isalo trek with a breakfast at the plateau while watching sunrise over Isalo National Park. If you are an adventurous traveller then this is another great Madagascar travel tip.

Camping Isalo National Park Madagascar 01

It was a truly memorable experience and one of the best ones on my Madagascar trip. Make sure to bring enough water during the hike(s), because it can get really hot in the fierce sun. Apart from some oases, the trails offer very little shade. 

Camping Isalo National Park Madagascar 02

Trekking in Isalo with Momo Trek

The team of Momo Trek is specialized in organizing hiking and camping tours in Isalo National Park. They have been offering tours of all levels, for over 20 years. Momo Trek offers a very complete package including guide, porters, meals and camping equipment. 

Isalo Trek MomoTrek Madagascar 01

This experienced local Ranohira operator offers Isalo treks from a 2-hours hiking circuit to a 15-days all-inclusive hiking package including different campsites and expeditions to the remote Makay Massif. You can check the different Isalo hiking circuits on their website. If you want to see more of Isalo National Park I highly recommend a minimal of a 2-day hiking package with Momo Trek.

Isalo Trek MomoTrek Madagascar 02

After a long day of hiking, the Momo Trek staff already set up our tent and cooked a great dinner. We also enjoyed some beautiful polyphonic live sung Malagasy songs by the talented staff members. I loved the combination of their cooking skills and musical qualities. The meaning and sounds of these live sung Malagasy songs made the peaceful and serene atmosphere in Isalo National Park even more special. We were the only ones on the campsite and it felt like we had the whole national park to ourselves. 

Isalo Trek MomoTrek overnight camping

I really loved the hiking experience in Isalo National Park. We had a great English speaking guide with a lot of knowledge of the flora and fauna of Isalo, Madagascar wildlife in general and the history of Isalo National Park and the history and traditions of the Sakalava Tribe and Bara tribe. Did I already convince you to go on a camping adventure on your Madagascar trip?

Isalo Window | famous Madagascar tourist attraction

A lot of people choose to do a one-day hike and visit the touristic ‘Window of Isalo’ afterwards. This is a natural window in a red rock formation that frames the sunset. Our initial plan was to visit Window rock in Isalo on our arrival day in Ranohira, but didn’t make it for sunset because we spent too much time in Anja Reserve including several photo stops along the way. I’m still a bit disappointed we didn’t make it there on time. 

If I would do this again I would either choose to spend an extra night near Isalo National Park or to spend extra nights near Ambalavao or for example Andrigitra National Park to spend more hours exploring Anja Reserve and the beautiful granite peaks and views of the surrounding mountains. A lot of Madagascar tour agencies include Anja Reserve as a short stopover on their way to Ranohira, so it’s quite normal, but I felt very rushed and needed more time to enjoy and photograph all the beautiful views along the RN7 road.

Best of Madagascar Isalo National Park Hiking

Isalo National Park is must-visit when you travel to Madagascar. Because of the low tourist numbers in Madagascar, you will only see a few other tourists, especially when you’re planning to do a longer hike. Apart from hiking in Isalo National Park, there are plenty of other things to do in Isalo, like mountain biking, horse riding and wildlife watching. Because of the dry climate, the best time to visit Isalo National Park is all year-round. Don’t miss out on this stunning park, add this to your Madagascar itinerary.

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Where to stay in Isalo (Ranohira)? 

Le Relais de la Reine is a great option if you’re looking for a hotel between the rocks that is close to Isalo National Park. This eco-friendly hotel offers everything you need after a tough hike. They have huge and really spacious rooms and cottages with a comfortable bed and a spacious bathroom. 

Le Relais de la Reine also offers a number of sport and leisure activities in a serene area. The most outstanding and exclusive sport activities are Via Ferrata (rock climbing) and horse riding. On top of that you can spoil yourself with a facial or massage at their professional therapy centre for beauty and massage. The service and kindness of the staff is amazing, very friendly and helpful. Their relaxing pool surrounded by the Isalo rocks is amazing! I would definitely stay here again on my next trip to Madagascar.

Where to stay in Isalo Ranohira

Zombitse-Vohibasia National Park - stopover on your to Tulear

On your way from Ranohira to Tulear along the RN7 I highly recommend to make a short stop at Zombitse-Vohibasia National Park. It’s one of Madagascar’s least known but most accessible National Park, located along the RN7. From Ranohira it takes 1,5 hour to reach this park. 

Zombitse National Park Lemur Madagascar 01

If you are a bird lover you should visit Zombitse National Park as early as possible to have a fair chance of seeing Madagascar’s rarest endemic birds, like the ‘Appert’s Greenbul’. Apart from that, you will probably spot other Madagascar wildlife, like the Red-fronted brown lemur, the Sifaka or White lemur, the nocturnal sportive lemur, chameleons and the Standing’s Day gecko.

Best of Madagascar Zombitse National Park

As you approach Tulear – the end of Madagascar’s RN7 highway – you cannot miss ‘Table Mountain’, a large flat mountain that is called the Table Mountain of Madagascar. It’s also possible to climb this mountain all the way to the top, which will only take you about 30 minutes. On top of the Table Mountain you will have a 360 degrees overview of the beautiful coastline of Tulear. The starting point to climb Table Mountain is about 10 km from Tulear. 

RN7 Highlights Tulear Table Mountain

Another thing to do in Tulear is visiting the Arboretum d’Antsokay, a botanical garden. According to experts, this botanical garden has 900 plant species of which 90% is endemic to Madagascar. They also state that 80% of these Madagascar plants have medicinal value. The Arboretum is located next to Auberge de la Table Hotel. For guests of Auberge de la Table, the entrance fee for the Arboretum is free.

Chameleon Madagascar Arboretum Tulear

Where to stay in Tulear?

Since we had to fly back to Antananarivo the next day we decided to stay our last night of this RN7 road trip in Auberge de la Table . At this place you have a wonderful view of the Table Mountain in Madagascar and it has a small swimming pool. For those who have more time to spend in Tulear (read: beach days), I would advise to continue your road trip to Ifaty; a beautiful place along the coast about 30 km north of Tulear, where you can also discover a different species of Baobab: the Fony Baobab.

Antananarivo is the largest city in Madagascar and interesting for travellers who have enough time to visit Madagascar. If you don’t have that much time, I would only stay in Tana to bridge your time between flights. In my North Madagascar Travel Blog I wrote about my short stay in Antananarivo and the Tsarasaotra Bird Park I’ve visited that is very close to Ivato Airport. 

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Travel to Madagascar now!

Traveling to Madagascar blew me away. It’s an amazing place on earth, with an intense kaleidoscope of nature, that I highly recommend putting on top of your travel bucket list. In this Ultimate Madagascar Travel Blog I tried to describe the best places to visit in Madagascar, but apart from these highlights of Madagascar there’s still so much to see and do on this Treasure Island that wants me to visit Madagascar again!

RN7 Roadtrip Madagascar

This Madagascar travel guide is written by travel photographer Kim Paffen , one of Traveltomtom’s talented team members with a deep-seated passion for traveling to Africa. She traveled for Traveltomtom to this beautiful country and shared all her Madagascar tips and incredible photos in this Madagascar travel blog and itinerary. Check out her Instagram account: ourplanetinmylens .

Madagascar Travel Blog

She also wrote about her North Madagascar itinerary , the best things to do in Nosy Be Madagascar and things to do in Morondava and a complete guide for visiting the Avenue of the Baobabs .

For more Africa inspiration and amazing photos of Kim have a look at her Uganda travel blog or read more about Gorilla trekking in Uganda .

I hope this travel blog and all the above Madagascar travel tips and things to do in Madagascar were helpful to plan your own Madagascar trip. Please help me in return by sharing the link of this article on the Internet. Every tweet on Twitter, pin on Pinterest or share on Facebook is very much appreciated. Also don’t hesitate to reach out on my Instagram account. I’m happy to help!

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Home » Africa » Travel Safety

Is Madagascar Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips)

You’ve probably heard of Madagascar from the Disney Pixar film. Maybe you fancy a visit? Go for it, the giant island is beautiful, diverse and just perfect for adventures.

The natural world of Madagascar is absolutely fascinating. With millions of years of isolation from the African continent, animal species have evolved at developed uniquely, giving the island a well-known lineup of the most famous endemic fauna in the entire world: e.g. lemurs.

However, Madagascar can be a challenge to visit. There is crime,  cultural differences, a challenging political climate and a bunch of other potentially dangerous things makes the island actually fairly difficult to travel around.

So is Madagascar safe to visit? That’s the question we are going to be answering with our epic guide to staying safe in Madagascar. We will be covering just about everything from the safety of taxis to some in-depth stats about the country to make sure you know all there is to know.

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How Safe is Madagascar? (Our take)

Is madagascar safe to visit right now, safest tours in madagascar, 21 top safety tips for traveling to madagascar, is madagascar safe to travel alone, is madagascar safe for solo female travellers, more on safety in madagascar, faq about staying safe in madagascar, so, is madagascar safe.

Madagascar has a lot going for it. There is a ton of potential on this island, with both incredible beaches and biodiversity to attract visitors.

Cut off from the African continent for 165 million years, the island’s native species attract – rightly so – a lot of outside interest. Everything from the aye-ayes to the red-bellied lemur is fascinating in Madagascar, which is why a lot of travellers want to take a trip here.

Whilst most people who do visit have a trouble-free trip, Madagascar isn’t as safe as the Disney film would have you think. It isn’t a dream paradise – in fact, many people would recommend that you only travel the island with an organised tour company or hire a guide to take you around.

Side note: When I visited in 2017, I had long term residents (my girlfriend and her family) to act as guides.

Even the National Tourism Office of the country advises foreign tourists that they should use a professional tour operator. Yep, backpacking Madagascar independently can be dodgy.

Crime, such as robbery and theft, are sadly rife in Madagascar. There has even been an increase in the number of kidnappings, targeting wealthy visitors to the country.

There was a coup in 2009, which led to much political instability. To this day the country is still not stable. In fact, it led Madagascar to be named “the poorest country in the world not in conflict” (according to the World Bank).

Let’s dive in to see what’s actually going on in this country…

There is no such thing as a perfect safety guide, and this article is no different. The question of “Is Madagascar Safe?” will ALWAYS have a different answer depending on the parties involved. But this article is written for savvy travellers from the perspective of savvy travellers.

The information present in this safety guide was accurate at the time of writing, however, the world is a changeable place, now more than ever. Between the pandemic, ever-worsening cultural division, and a click-hungry media, it can be hard to maintain what is truth and what is sensationalism.

Here, you will find safety knowledge and advice for travelling Madagascar. It won’t be down to the wire cutting edge info on the most current events, but it is layered in the expertise of veteran travellers. If you use our guide, do your own research, and practise common sense, you will have a safe trip to Madagascar.

If you see any outdated information in this guide, we would really appreciate it if you could reach out in the comments below. We strive to provide the most relevant travel information on the web and always appreciate input from our readers (nicely, please!). Otherwise, thanks for your ear and stay safe!

It’s a wild world out there. But it’s pretty damn special too. 🙂

Is Madagascar Safe to Visit? (The facts.)

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To be honest, currently, there are some parts of Madagascar that are perhaps not safe to travel to.

For example, 70% of Madagascans live below the poverty line. That means that the majority of the 22 million people who live across the 87,040 square kilometres of this island are living impoverished life.

Tourism, therefore, is very important to the country. It’s seen as a way to help reduce poverty and help economic growth, which makes sense.

Politically, the country is looking much more stable nowadays. There are still a few demonstrations every once in a while, but as long as you stay out of it, they won’t affect you at all.

In the north of Madagascar, there have been incidents that have targeted foreigners. In Nosy Be and Antsohihy, for example, robberies occurring in broad daylight have occurred on beaches. On the private island of Tsarabanjana, incidents involving tourists have been reported recently in crowded areas and at night.

Because of violent incidents in the area north of Fort Dauphin, as well as along the west coast between Belo Sur Tsiribihina and Toliara, as well as around the township of Betroka, there are armed forces involved in the area. It’s not recommended that tourists travel through this region independently.

In the “Southern Triangle” region the roads are not in very good condition and travelling at night is not advised. Attacks and violence have been reported in the southern and northern parts of Toliara, so it’s best to steer clear.

With all those things in mind, it’s fair to say that Madagascar CAN be safe to travel to right now, but you’ll have to be properly prepared.

Normally we’d be telling you about the safest places to visit in the country, but this one is a special case. Instead of focusing on one area, we’re going to present the top guided tours around Madagascar . It’s the safest and most rewarding way to see the country, so don’t hesitate to book!

Highlights of Madagascar – Plus

If you want to get a well-rounded experience of Madagascar, this itinerary from Gadventures does precisely that. You’ll encounter lemurs, wild landscapes (including the giant baobab trees), village culture, beautiful beaches – the whole works. The trip offers a fairly equal share of hiking and downtime. You can choose to add activities such as thermal springs and massages, and the final two days include time to lounge on the beach.

Highlights of Madagascar Plus map

  • Number of days: 8 days
  • Price: Pending new season prices
  • Group Size: 16 max
  • Accommodation type: Simple hotels (5 nights) and basic bungalows (2 nights)
  • How many meals included: 7 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 3 dinners

Northern Madagascar Explorer

The shortest trip we’ve found also takes you far off the beaten path when comparing other trips to Madagascar. Beginning in the far northern port city of Antsiranana (Diego Suarez) you’ll make your way south via the balmy Amber Mountains National Park. As you carve your way through the humid jungle, you’ll spot lemurs, native birdlife and reptiles, and cascading waterfalls. Plus, you’ll get that adrenaline kick you were looking for when you explore the limestone forest of ‘tsingy’ rocks.

reddit travel madagascar

Madagascar in Depth

Are you the kind of traveller who can’t leave a place until you’ve explored every single corner? This is the trip for you. 

Starting and concluding in Antananarivo, you’ll weave your way through remote rainforests, pristine beaches, winding rivers, and unique towns with a culture all their own. Note that this trip involves some camping and river cruises that are pretty rudimentary; it’s not a luxurious tour, but it is authentic. 

reddit travel madagascar

  • Number of days: 24 days
  • Price: $4,735 USD
  • Group Size: 12 max
  • Accommodation type: Hotels, lodges, camping, eco-lodges, simple guesthouses
  • How many meals included: 21 breakfasts, 5 lunches, 4 dinners

Madagascar Travel Insurance

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

reddit travel madagascar

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

20 Top Safety Tips for Traveling to Madagascar

Madagascar could seem like a dream destination. But as you might have been able to tell already, there is actually a lot to look out for if you are thinking of travelling to this country.

Whilst seeing the country with a guide or on a tour is recommended, this doesn’t make you immune from danger – which is why we have compiled this list of the best safety tips for travelling to Madagascar to help you out.

  • Learn Some French – Nobody in Madagascar speaks English. The official languages are Malagasy and French. Knowing how to communicate in one of them will make your trip a lot easier and safer.
  • Be vigilant – robberies, street crime and theft occur frequently, especially urban areas, beaches and nature reserves
  • Take extra care when travelling in a vehicle – car jacking and theft from cars is on the rise
  • Watch your belongings in crowded areas – these sorts of places are hotbeds for petty thieves
  • Do not walk around looking wealthy – cameras, jewellery, laptops, phones, designer clothes… Just don’t. You’ll make yourself a walking target
  • Don’t walk around by yourself after dark – the crime rate significantly increases after dark, especially in town centres and on beaches
  • Keep copies of important travel documents in a safe place – you don’t want these going missing; use a hotel safe
  • Carry your passport with you – but make sure to keep it very concealed and very secure
  • Be polite to the police – it’s important to show respect; don’t antagonise them
  • Ask police for ID – reports of fake police have been known, so if they want to talk to you ask them to show you their ID
  • Don’t resist if someone tries to rob you – consider taking a throwdown wallet so you can get away with losing a small amount of money. Whatever you do, don’t resist
  • Be culturally aware – in Madagascar, there are taboos known as “fady”; these vary across the country and are related to food, clothing and sometimes related to foreigners in general. You should respect the local fady and ask locals for advice
  • Be respectful to heads of villages – such as the Fokontany and the Ray aman-dreny. Not doing so will cause great offence
  • Stay away from drugs – any sort of use or possession is a big, big deal
  • Be careful what you take out the country – everything from pepper to jewellery; read up on quantities you’re allowed to take back home with you
  • Be aware that plague still exists here – 500 cases are reported annually and they mainly occur in the rainy season
  • Pay attention to the weather – monitor the progress of storms on weather website platforms.
  • Don’t take photos without permission – especially of a person or a tomb; this can be very offensive
  • Always have small cash on you – this is a cash based society and cards will not be widely accepted, if at all. Carry it around in a safe money belt
  • Keep a low profile – as a foreign tourist you are much more likely to be a target, so dressing obviously, talking loudly, anything like that, is not a good idea
  • Research tour companies well – not all of them are going to have your best interests in mind

There is a lot about Madagascar that you have to watch out for. Though it is probably best tackled with a tour, it is possible to travel Madagascar by yourself; it will just mean that you pay extra care to your surroundings and to what accommodation you stay at, for example. Keep our tips in mind!

Is Madagascar safe to travel alone?

Travelling solo anywhere in the world can be a blast. You get to do what you want, when you want, and you get to challenge yourself – and grow as a person.

Madagascar is definitely adventurous. However, the infrastructure isn’t so developed and there are a lot of challenges you’ll face along the way. You’ll have to be open-minded, and cautious, with how you travel, so to help you do so here are a few tips for travelling solo here…

  • A good place to meet other travellers is in the vibrant bars and other hangouts in Nosy Be, Nosy Borha and there’s a travel community in Taomasina and Tulear, too. Surfers will enjoy the socialising in Antsiranana and Taolagnaro.
  • Hit up tourist offices – these places are not your enemy and are, in fact, very helpful. You can get maps, advice and ask questions about where is safe to explore in these areas.
  • Join in a group activity . This can be something like a scuba diving excursion or heading out on a boat. These sorts of things are a good opportunity to not only see more of the country but also to meet a whole load of other travellers.
  • You probably may not be expecting this anyway, but don’t come to Madagascar expecting any sort of particular “ backpacking scene .” This simply doesn’t exist here – yet, anyway.
  • Choose your accommodation wisely . There is a very, very small handful of hostels on this large island nation, so make sure that you book yourself into the right place that will suit you will help your trip go more smoothly.
  • Ask at your accommodation for local advice on where you should go, what you should do, and where you should avoid. The local people will know where foreigners will be accepted, and where is safe (or not), and will be very worthwhile to your time in Madagascar.
  • Travel lightly . Trust us, bumbling around with a load of backpacks and gadgets when you’re by yourself isn’t just not fun, but it will also leave you at risk of becoming a target of crime.
  • Try not to stand out and attempt to blend in with what you’re wearing. Typical hiking gear or backpacking clothing is not the sort of thing that will help you do this, so take note of what locals are wearing and try your best to follow suit.
  • Don’t drink too much . It’s fun to have a few, of course, but being completely wasted impairs your judgement.
  • Keep emergency numbers in your phone saved with a symbol (such as “&” in front of the contact name) so you don’t have to scroll your contacts to find them. Also, you should note these down on a piece of paper and keep it with you because, you know, phones can run out of battery.
  • On that note, you should consider investing in a spare battery pack so that your phone always has a backup supply of energy. Always keep your phone charged, too – just in case.
  • Don’t wing it . Though other places in the world allow you to be free and easy with how you travel around (Southeast Asia, for example), but Madagascar requires planning and generally sticking to your itinerary as faithfully as you can.
  • Remove yourself from any type of vulnerable situation . If you suddenly realise that you may be at risk, or if a situation is just getting a bit awkward and uncomfortable, don’t feel like you have to stick around out of politeness.
  • Don’t go off grid ! It’s not safe. You may be doing something for you, and you alone, by travelling around Madagascar, but keeping in touch with friends and family back home – letting them know your itinerary whilst you’re at it – is the best way to go.

Is Madagascar safe for solo female travellers?

Madagascar is definitely a country of contrasts. The intense nature, rich history, poverty, culture and endangered wildlife all make for a pretty intoxicating cocktail that would attract any adventurous traveller. We can see why a solo female traveller would want to come here.

However, it definitely is not a trip that is going to be in any way normal. Whilst it can be safe for solo female travellers in Madagascar, you have to understand local customs, have some knowledge of the country and know a few insider tips on how to stay safe.

  • Locals will be curious about you – no doubt about it. You shouldn’t necessarily expect to be hassled or feel threatened, but it may be overwhelming.
  • There won’t be a lot of other solo female backpackers that you can rub shoulders within Madagascar. As long as you know that, and you’re fine with that, then that’s the first step to being at least half ready for this island nation.
  • That said, if you have the money, then it might be worthwhile booking yourself onto a tour for your entire trip of Madagascar. These do exist and it is not a cop out. This is, in fact, the most normal way to get around Madagascar.
  • Finding the right guide is important – especially if you’re by yourself and you’re a woman. There are a lot of guides to choose from in Madagascar, many of them friendly people who really know their stuff. Get online, ask questions, and get recommendations; this will really help you.
  • Get connected with other female travellers who have been there before you, or with people who live there – expats or Madagascan people alike. In the world of the internet, there are countless groups and sites dedicated to just this. Hit up places like Host A Sister or Girls Love Travel, or find another group you like, and then start making your connections. It will help open up the country.
  • Be kind to yourself . Just because you’ve saved up all this money and you’re making this big effort to explore Madagascar, it may not always be as awesome as you were hoping. That’s fine.
  • Err on the side of modesty when it comes to how you dress . This is helpful for wherever you travel in the world really, but in Madagascar, it’s going to help you stick out less as a tourist – and therefore, potentially, as a target.
  • Don’t disclose all the information about yourself to a stranger. If someone’s making you feel uncomfortable with their line of questioning, just tell some white lies, or remove yourself from the situation.
  • As we mentioned, people will be curious about you and your travels in Madagascar – that includes men. If someone approaches you and tries to make an advance, a firm no should be enough to ward them off. Men in Madagascar are usually quite respectful of women.

It may not be the most ideal destination for a solo traveller – let alone a woman by herself – but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t doable. Tours offer up a fantastic way to see the country and mean you get to connect with locals and see the sights safely and with fewer risks.

We’ve covered the main safety concerns already, but there are a few more things to know. Read on for more detailed information on how to have a safe trip to Madagascar.

Is Madagascar safe to travel for families?

You may think that visiting Madagascar would be like going to the best natural zoo ever. But it’s actually not very easy with children.

You’ve got to take into consideration a few things: it gets super hot, the accommodation can be pretty basic, the roads are not in very good condition, wildlife, like scary bugs and feral dogs, isn’t always amazing.

This is definitely a destination for adventurous families and not ones with young children, either.

Is Madagascar safe to travel for families?

Not a lot of tour companies will even accept children under 8 years of age because of the conditions of the country. It is definitely worth going through the pros and cons of visiting Madagascar before deciding to book a trip.

When it comes to things to do, of course, you could go on adventures to try and find those lemurs. There’s also kayaking, kitesurfing, camping and even visiting community and conservation projects throughout the country, which could be a real education experience.

It’s important, however, to really consider the safety of your children on a trip to Madagascar. You will need to get professional advice – i.e. from a tour company – before going there. Much of the country is very poor, underdeveloped and there are issues with things like disease. We strongly advise visiting your Doctor a few months before your trip to talk about vaccinations.

Infectious diseases include cholera, tuberculosis, bubonic plague and hepatitis; outbreaks of any of these diseases can and do occur without warning. It’s important that you read up on the state of things, in terms of epidemics, before planning to go on a vacation to Madagascar.

A good time to visit Madagascar with children would be May or June; the island experiences generally cooler temperatures at this time of year.

Basically, we wouldn’t say that Madagascar is especially safe for families to visit. For those who are really interested in nature and wildlife, it can be done, but it just takes a bit of planning.

Is it safe to drive in Madagascar?

Driving in Madagascar is pretty treacherous. In some areas, the road conditions of Madagascar are pretty good, but in other places, they’re awful.

If you do decide to rent a car we would recommend that you only drive during the day. There are a high amount of carjackings and other crimes related to vehicles that occur after dark.

Only 20% of the approximately 50,000 kilometres of road are sealed. Think huge potholes, impassable mountainous byways, hairpin bends and roads washed away by floods or landslips left in-situ.

Is it safe to drive in Madagascar?

If you really, really do want to drive yourself, then you have to be over 23 years of age and have an international driving license. However, you should be very experienced. We can’t stress this enough.

Note that fuel shortages are common. You will need to take a jerry can full of petrol along with you, fill up at every opportunity, and take a spare tire with you.

To hire a car with a driver (often mandatory), make sure you ask for recommendations at your hotel or accommodation.

When you hire a driver, the car comes with them. Pay careful attention to the vehicle as well as the driver; see how well the driver looks after it. If it looks good, it looks like it’s taken care of, then it’s probably a good option.

Basically, driving is not safe in Madagascar. Hire a driver, a good one who’s reputable, comes highly recommended and who knows what they’re doing, if you really want to get around by car.

Is Uber safe in Madagascar?

You might have seen this coming if you’ve read everything thus far, but Madagascar doesn’t have Uber.

Are taxis safe in Madagascar?

Taxis in Madagascar might be how you expect them to be – varied. There are two main types: city taxis (which operate in cities and towns, obviously) and bush taxis, known as taxi-brousse .

Almost all cities in the country have taxis that regularly work as part of the transport system. They used to indistinguishable from normal cars, but nowadays efforts have been made to make them look more taxi-like; for example, in Diego Suarez and Antsiranana they are painted yellow, whilst in Antananarivo they are beige.

Are taxis safe in Madagascar?

This kind of practice is slowly developing in the cities, making taxis in Madagascar a little more safe – but not all the time.

It’s not common to call up for a taxi. In fact, most taxis don’t have a phone number. To hail one down, you need to stand on the street and wave your arm. Usually, taxis are around 24/7, but there aren’t too many which operate at night time.

They operate by neighbourhood and not on an address or street name system.

As with many taxi systems around the world, you should make sure you have cash, and small notes at that, when you come to pay your taxi driver. Uniquely, in Madagascar they have to watch out for robbers as much as you do; having all that cash on them tempts thieves, so often there are partners in the car who act as security for the driver.

Be warned that inflated “tourist prices” will be charged to you, but usually, taxi prices are pretty affordable, hovering around USD $3, but can go up depending on the time of night, the traffic and peak hours. Also, note that fares are negotiable, so you can haggle – just make sure you set, and agree on, a price before you get in.

Don’t be surprised if other passengers get in: shared taxis are common in Madagascar. You can ask politely to not have this happen if you want, but this will cost you more money.

Is public transportation in Madagascar safe?

Much like the taxis, public transportation in Madagascar is… an experience.

There is a variety of things to use. The bush taxi/taxi-brousse we mentioned earlier isn’t just a taxi service, it forms the skeleton of much public transport around the island nation. It works much like a bus.

In fact, many of the drivers and the vehicles are employed transport companies called Cooperatives. They go all over the place in a system that is actually surprisingly well organised, regardless of how archaic the vehicles may look.

However, even though they are very cheap and easy to come by, they are often very uncomfortable, slow and are driven quite erratically. This leads to them being sometimes not so safe.

Is public transportation in Madagascar safe?

A good tip: you can actually book more than one seat (good for tall people) and actually choose the seat you want to sit on.

It’s the kind of thing where the vehicles leave when they’re full; the luggage goes on the roof, and it could take much longer, or quicker than you thought to get where you wanted to go – usually longer.

You shouldn’t travel at night time, which is when it’s much riskier. Even the taxi-brousses have to go around in convoys, too.

There is a train line that runs between Fianarantsoa and Manakara. You can get a 1st class ticket for this journey (must be reserved in advance); it takes 12 hours and is a cool way to see the landscape – especially if you’re a train fan.

Boats and river ferries in Madagascar operate somewhat irregularly throughout the country. However, you should watch out for these because they tend to be overcrowded, poorly maintained and by a crew with a lack of training.

In general, the best thing to do in Madagascar is probably to get your own driver. Public transport exists, but it’s not all that, and it’s not always safe. Alternatively, a tour will be able to take you around hassle-free.

Is the food in Madagascar safe?

We’re going to go out on a limb here and say that you probably don’t know much about Madagascan or Malagasy cuisine . It’s a real cocktail of culinary traditions, from the earliest Bornean influences and Arab twists on cooking, to French gastronomy later on.

Is the food in Madagascar safe?

Whilst there are a surprising amount of places to eat food – from local eateries called hotelis and street food, to restaurants and homestays – it’s not always easy to judge how safe it is to eat there. With that in mind, we’ve got some safety tips when it comes to Malagasy food.

  • Be careful of dietary changes. Go easy on local food and don’t try everything all at one time straight away.
  • We definitely recommend that you should wash your hands before you eat. This may seem like a simple thing to do, but you could easily forget to do so.
  • Only eat things that you can cook and peel yourself. Eating things from market stalls that have already been peeled are a good way to upset your stomach.
  • When choosing to eat from street vendors, be selective. Make sure that the place looks clean, that some level of hygiene standards are being practised by the vendor, and that you can see food being cooked at a high heat in front of you.
  • Be careful of dirty crockery and cutlery. A common way to get ill in Madagascar is by eating with plates or cutlery that hasn’t been washed properly or has been washed with contaminated water. Use a sanitising wipe if you’re unsure on the sanitary conditions of the establishment in which you’ve found yourself.
  • As a good rule of thumb, you should choose to only go to places that are busy with locals and have a high turnover of customers. This means a hot grill, fresh food being cooked up freshly; missing the lunchtime rush could mean that you end up with something that didn’t sell a few hours ago and has been sitting around for a while.

Whilst it can be a hit or miss, eating the food in Madagascar is – like many other things in this island country – quite the experience. Don’t let it pass you by!

Make sure you pack plenty of medicines from home.

Can you drink the water in Madagascar?

The tap-water in Madagascar is not safe to drink. You shouldn’t be drinking it anywhere in the country – even at top hotels.

Avoid ice in drinks as well, as this won’t be safe to drink and will make you ill.

Bottled water is readily available throughout the country, but a good idea is to bring along some water purification tablets and your own refillable water bottle to save from leaving behind too much plastic waste.

Is Madagascar safe to live?

The Indian Ocean island nation may not be the top expat destination on the list, but it’s definitely a consideration if you’re wild about nature.

With all the diverse nature and landscapes, as well as a vibrant culture, it’s definitely an interesting place to base yourself for a while. If you speak French, your life will be a lot easier here, as that will help you connect with locals, read important information and get around.

In terms of safety, there are obviously issues around the country related to crime – particularly with pickpockets – but this will vary depending on where you choose to live.

Is Madagascar safe to live?

The best place to live in Madagascar would be in a smaller city: this way you have access to all the amenities of a city but without the crime of the capital.

Choosing to base yourself in the capital, on the other hand, means power outages and traffic jams, but more options when it comes to eateries and accommodation.

Speaking of which, it’s not legal for foreigners to own land, so that will affect how you choose to live. Many houses are small and normally, families live in one single room. There are apartments, however, which are a little more classy. Do your research to find good places to live and base yourself when in the country.

Once you’ve found yourself here, you’ll find things affordable: everything from public transportation to things like rice will mean you’ll basically be able to live quite cheaply.

You’ll have to get used to a completely different lifestyle: watching out for crime, shopping at markets and not having good public transport readily available.

Madagascar is not the paradise it is painted out to be.

To conclude, we would recommend that you head online and talk to expats, get involved with NGOs, dig deep and talk to as many people as possible about how it is to live in Madagascar. It may change your mind, it may make you more determined to go there than ever, but either way, it’ll give you more of a solid grounding.

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Is it safe to rent an Airbnb in Madagascar?

While there might not be as many homes as we’d like to see, renting an Airbnb in Madagascar is a great idea. And it’s perfectly safe, as long as you read the reviews. Staying at an Airbnb during your trip will also open up new possibilities and options to experience the country.

The local hosts are known to take great care of their guests and give the absolute best recommendations of what to do and what to see. Local knowledge always goes a long way, so be sure to reach out to your hosts if you’re unsure about how to fill up your Madagascar itinerary!

On top of that, you’ll stay safe with the reliable Airbnb booking system. Both hosts and guests can rate each other which creates a very respectful and trustworthy interaction.

Is Madagascar LGBTQ+ friendly? 

While homosexuality is legal in Madagascar, we wouldn’t necessarily say it’s super safe for LGBTQ+ travellers. Public affection, no matter what kind of relationship, is a no-go.

So unless you and your partner are okay with keeping the affection behind closed doors, you will have to face quite a bit of discrimination. While the younger generation is generally more open-minded, most of the country is still stuck in a conservative and closed-minded mindset.

Here are some quick answers to common questions about safety in Madagascar.

What should you avoid in Madagascar?

Avoid these things in Madagascar to stay safe: – Do not walk around looking wealthy – Don’t walk around by yourself after dark – Don’t resist if someone tries to rob you – Avoid relying on people’s English skills and learn French instead

Is Madagascar dangerous for tourists?

Madagascar can be dangerous, but tourists are normally not targeted by violent crimes. As long as you keep your wits about you and use your common sense, you can have a great time in Madagascar. It still pays off to do a bit of research before you start your travels.

Unless you’re visiting with a guide or tour, Madagascar can get really sketchy for solo female travellers. Visiting and having a safe trip is possible, but it’ll require a lot of research and preparations.

What are the biggest safety issues in Madagascar?

These are the biggest safety issues in Madagascar. Note that most of them do not target tourists directly. – Gang activity – Robberies and break-ins – Kidnapping

Final thoughts on the safety of Madagascar

This is. a hard one. It CAN definitely be safe, but visiting Madagascar requires a lot of research and preparation.

To be called “the poorest country in the world not in conflict” is a pretty big statement. Even though Madagascar has such a wealth of biodiversity and some of the coolest endemic animals on Earth, as well as some interesting history to explore and even a load of amazing beaches to discover, it’s still a developing country that will certainly be a challenge to almost any visitor. It will also be very rewarding.

Madagascar is not easy to travel around. It isn’t always safe. You won’t always be able to meet up with fellow travellers if you plan on doing it independently. There are a lot of reasons why we definitely wouldn’t recommend travelling independently by yourself around Madagascar, one of which is simply getting around easily; tours just offer you a much easier way to see the country – and with a guide, too.

Then again, if you are a veteran backpacker and has been to many places before and you yearn for adventure and truly untouched, off the beaten track destinations, getting to meet interesting local people and seeing some diverse stretches of landscape – from deserts to rainforests – then you’ll love exploring Madagascar. You’ll have to research, stay alert, read up on customs and culture, and research some more.

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Lerato Bambo

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Ok hate to be the guy but Madagascar and is a DreamWorks picture not a Disney Pixar. Just letting you know. And I LOVED the info, thanks for posting.

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  • 11 Reasons To Visit Madagascar...

11 Reasons to Visit Madagascar at Least Once in Your Lifetime

Madagascar I

As the biggest island in the Indian Ocean, Madagascar is famous for its unique wildlife and biodiversity. With breathtaking views of nature, white sand beaches, stunning rainforest and delicious local food, this spot offers an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Here’s why it should be on your bucket list.

It’s home to some seriously cute lemurs.

Found only in Madagascar, lemurs are the country’s ultimate hallmark, notably the black and white ring-tailed Lemur Catta species. With more than 60 species present throughout the island, these mammals are currently classified as an endangered species. Visitors can take photos with them while visiting national parks, while luxury hotels built within natural reserves here also offer the chance to see them in the wild where they are no longer afraid of humans. You will certainly fall in love with them.


The whale-watching is spectacular

Madagascar is lucky enough to be located close to a migration route for whales and, twice a year, the creatures are visible from the coast. Between July and September, Sainte-Marie island is the best place to admire a whole legion of humpback whales where females come to calve in the warm sea. From October to December, baby whales and their mothers bask in Nosy Be shallow waters in the north-west. In addition to this mind-blowing spectacle, you can also listen to the powerful song of the males.

Whale, Madagascar

The beaches are beautiful

What else would heal the soul more than resting on a calm and peaceful beach away from home? In front of an emerald sea offering stunning views at sunset, a large part of the south-west of Madagascar has become one of the country’s top destinations for tourists. These places are perfect for that crucial wedding proposal moment and as a honeymoon destination for newlyweds. You can also have this same experience in the north and within the surrounding islands of Nosy Be.

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The beach at Nosy Komba

You’ll get to taste the local koba cake

Don’t judge the flavour of this cake by its appearance! In western society where people tend to prefer European-style dishes, this brown cake has recently gained a prestigious place among desserts during luxury weddings, being presented with vanilla ice cream. One of the most traditional Malagasy foods , koba is a cake made of peanuts and rice flour. It is sold by street vendors, or in a tightly-packed tin in supermarkets. It makes for an authentic gift for friends upon your return.

Koba, Madagascar

You can help through volunteering

Madagascar is the fifth poorest country in the world and, with our time on this earth being so short, giving a helping hand at least once in your life is always more than welcome. Many volunteering opportunities are available with local organizations: you can teach French or English to children in remote villages, help environmental NGOs with scientific research and above all, work in the humanitarian sector by helping non-profit organisations which look after sick children from impoverished areas, most of whom suffer from critical illnesses.

It’s home to the biggest baobab ever

Known as the bottle tree, the baobab is also called ‘ reniala ,’ which means ‘mother of the forest’ in the Malagasy language. Six out of eight existing baobab species can be found in Madagascar , where they form a vast forest in semi-arid regions in the south. Some baobab can reach 29.52 ft (30 meters) high and 98.4 ft (9 meters) in circumference. Enough to remind how small you are regardless of your size, these natural jewels will leave you mesmerised.

Baobab, Madagascar

The local rice-and-romazava-soup combo is a delight

If you’re tired of eating heavy and fatty meals, it’s time to go to Madagascar and try this particular traditional meal. Romazava is a soup essentially prepared with different leaves and meat, which is an optional addition. Though its preparation varies from one region to one other depending on available leaves, the final mixture is a tender tasting dish typical of tropical regions. When prepared without meat, romazava is suitable for vegetarians knowing that its taste comes primarily from the leaves it contains.

Isalo: the Malagasy Grand Canyon

Madagascar has its own version of the American Grand Canyon : Isalo National Park. Covering more than 80,000 hectares in the south, millions of years ago this wonder was beneath the sea, and today is the most visited park in the country with more than 30,000 visitors per year. Though you can swim in natural pools if you’re tired between trecks, Isalo is Madagascar’s first wildlife hotspot, so be ready for extreme adventures and sensational views in the wild. A whole week may not be enough to see it all but enjoy your stay, regardless of how long you’re here for.


It offers affordable living

For a short stay or a gap year, living in Madagascar is not that difficult. Unless you a are very particular about food or hotel quality, you can have good and affordable meal with €5 (USD$6.25), and rooms start at around €12 (USD$15). You can spend even less if you eat local food. Because of this, many Europeans have decided to spend their retirement here, as you can live far better in Madagascar than in Europe. If you’re a digital nomad , you can easily work and travel here at the same time.

There are some great surfing spots

From May to October, you can enjoy great surf breaks in some epic surf zones. These are located in the southernmost or northernmost points of the island, and along the whole region of the v ezo people in the south. Part of the eastern region also offers amazing surfing waves due to its rugged coastline. Madagascar opened its surf school in 2003 in Mahambo, and while the island is ideal for beginners, it’s also a must-see surf trip destination for advanced surfers too. If you’re looking for awesome waves, put Madagascar on your bucket list.

It has a stunning World Heritage Site

You’ll need a guide to visit this World Heritage Site. The Bemaraha Tsingy is one of the oldest national parks in Madagascar and is formed with majestic limestone formation covering a labyrinth of 72,300 hectares. Created in 1927, the park has long piques the curiosity of geologists and botanists around the world. With unique views, the park can be visited on a four-day excursion offered by most local tour operators, and is home to some 90 bird species, 10 types of lemur, and eight species of reptiles.

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Top 10 reasons to visit Madagascar

Monday  newsletters  always feature  top 10 travel lists  to inspire.

Today (December 16, 2019): Top 10 reasons to visit Madagascar.

Iconic lemurs, paradise beaches, impenetrable jungle, breathtaking landscapes, and a fascinating underwater life: Madagascar is an irresistible destination for adventurers and wildlife enthusiasts. Shrouded in myth, the Indian Ocean island split from the supercontinent Gondwana 90 million years ago, and has been on its own since then, evolving into one of the world’s last frontiers. It’s also one of the planet’s most biodiverse places: 5% of all known animal and plant species on earth can be found here, and here alone. From idyllic archipelagos and historic cities to stunning national parks and incredible hotels, here’s my top 10 list of the best things to see and do in Madagascar.

Have you ever been to Madagascar? Do you think I missed a site in this list? Leave a comment .

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Antananarivo – or Tana as the capital is universally known – is the main entry point for most travelers to Madagascar. There are no tourist attractions to speak of in Antananarivo –  a city that two million people call their home – but for some that is part of its appeal. While the capital of Madagascar doesn’t boast the architectural prowess of capitals in Europe or the grandeur of other capital cities around the world, bypassing the capital altogether would be a mistake as the city is unique in its own right. Tana has been the home of Malagasy power for three centuries and there’s a huge amount of history and culture to discover, and it is the  place in Madagascar to treat yourself to a fine meal: some establishments rival Europe’s Michelin-starred restaurants, but without the price tag.

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Being an undiscovered destination for tourism, the coral reefs around Madagascar have not suffered the degradation that has befallen so many other tropical islands. If you are a keen diver or snorkeler, Madagascar offers some world-class diving opportunities, especially on the smaller islands off Nosy Be, as well as Ile Sainte Marie on the East Coast and, to a lesser extent, islands off the South West coast. The reefs are home to indo-pacific fish species such as clown fish, angel fish, trigger fish, surgeon fish and groupers. A special highlight is being able to swim with whale sharks in the deep blue waters of Nosy Be, a truly exciting and unique activity not to be missed when you visit the country.

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The rainforests of Atsinanana comprise six national parks distributed along the eastern part of the island. These relict forests are critically important for maintaining ongoing ecological processes necessary for the survival of Madagascar’s unique biodiversity, which reflects the island’s geological history. Having completed its separation from all other land masses more than 90 million years ago, Madagascar’s plant and animal life evolved in isolation. The rainforests are inscribed in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites for their importance to both ecological and biological processes as well as their biodiversity and the threatened species they support, especially primates and lemurs.

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Madagascar’s most popular nature destination (because of its easy access off the RN7), Isalo National Park lies amidst the Jurassic-era highlands of the country’s southwest. Established in 1962, it protects over 80,000 hectares of land dominated by a dramatic sandstone massif that has been eroded by time and weather into an otherworldly collection of plateaus, canyons, gorges and pinnacles. Iron and mineral deposits stain the rock formations into a colorful rainbow, while the impressive rock plateaus, peaks and walls of Isalo hide an oasis of waterfalls, dense forests and grassland that are filled with unique flora and fauna. Hiking is the main attraction for visitors to Isalo, with trails taking anywhere from a few hours to several days to complete.

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Tsingy is the Malagasy word for “walking on tiptoes” and the nearly impenetrable labyrinth of limestone needles that they form justifies this name. Visible in several of Madagascar’s regions, the Tsingy are wide areas of limestone and friable rocks made of fossilized shells. Creating surreal and impenetrable landscapes, the immensity of the Tsingy remembers visitors of a forgotten era – the Jurassic – when Madagascar was still attached to Africa’s continent. The most famous Tsingy site is the spectacular mineral forest of Tsingy de Bemaraha, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site standing on the western coast of Madagascar. The Tsingy de Bemaraha was the first refuge for the inhabitants of the island.

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Considered to be the monkey’s ancestor, lemurs are a monkey species endemic to Madagascar, and they can be found in National Parks, natural reserves, and the rainforest. Nowadays, there are more than 100 species of lemurs remaining in Madagascar. Recognizable by its black and white ring tail, ‘maki catta’ is the most popular species of the lemur. It takes its name from its mewing and its purr, similar to the cat. Other famous species include the indri whose calls awaken weary travelers with a rush of excitement. Lemurs are very smart animals, and some species like the Sifaka are very comfortable with humans; don’t be surprised if a lemur lodges on your shoulders during an outing in the jungle.

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The baobab, also called “reniala” (“mother of the forest”) in Malagasy, is a majestic and sacred tree that counts eight species. Six of them only grow in Madagascar. The trees have been used locally for hundreds of years as sources of medicinal remedies and as well as sources of water (as rain is trapped in their huge trunks forming pools for wildlife and humans). Whilst the trees themselves can be found dotted around this tropical island, the hotspot – and the ideal location for photographers – is the Avenue of Baobabs located in Kirindy. This majestic avenue is lined with huge baobabs making for giants in the surrounding countryside. The best time to visit the Avenue is sunrise or sunset so you can take advantage of this spectacular setting in the best light.

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Madagascar’s phenomenal wildlife is not just restrained to land. Head to this wonder-country between June and the end of September to witness one of the most fascinating spectacles on the planet. Large groups of humpback whales make their annual migration from Antarctica and end up in the warm waters around the island. The whales separate in two groups: one group migrates to the West coast (Nosy Be) while the other group will linger in the water on the East coast (Sainte Marie Island and the Atongil bay). The best way to see the whales is by hopping aboard a fast motor launch with a whale watching specialist, who will be able to take you to all the best spots and give a detailed insight into the whales and their behavior patterns.

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Aside from its vast quantities of bizarre wildlife, Madagascar is also the ideal place for a little bit of beach time, as the country is surrounded by thousands of miles of spectacular wild beaches. The country’s most idyllic beaches are found on Nosy Be, the main island of an archipelago of the same name that comprises a dozen small islands. Situated in the Mozambique Canal, near the north-western coast of Madagascar, Nosy Be is called the island of perfumes because of its scents of ylang ylang, sugar cane and spices. This tropical paradise – dotted with turquoise lagoons, long beaches of golden sand where lush vegetation abounds, and a volcanic relief spread throughout with lakes – is just a stone’s throw from the northwest coast of Madagascar.

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Time + Tide Miavana is an ultra-luxury lodge located on Nosy Ankao island, part of a private five-island archipelago off the north-east of Madagascar. Surrounded by vibrant coral reefs and the Indian Ocean’s spectacular maritime wonders, Miavana consist of only 14 one-, two-, and three-bedroom pool villas strung along the island’s western pure white beaches. These palatial villas have been perfectly designed by Silvio Rech and Lesley Carstens of Seychelles’ North Island (which I reviewed here ) and Zambia’s Chinzombo fame. Guests step directly onto the powder-soft sand from their private decks to enjoy spectacular panoramic Indian Ocean sunsets extending to the far contours of mainland Madagascar.

  • Hotel website :  Time + Tide Miavana
  • Review : read my review of Time + Tide Miavana here .

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8 reasons why your next adventure should be in Madagascar

Madagascar travel

Madagascar: a rarely visited country that has an exotic hold over the imagination, conjuring up a land of wild nature: plains of baobab trees, armies of lemurs, unique animals, lush rainforests, and white sand beaches.

It’s not an easy destination to get to, which makes it the perfect spot for an epic, once-in-a-lifetime adventure. I traveled there on Intrepid Travel’s 16-day Experience Madagascar trip earlier this year, and found many reasons why people should visit this entrancing island.

Madagascar travel Baobab trees

Baobab trees

Here are 8 of them:

You’ll find landscapes unlike anywhere else on earth

Madagascar boasts mind-blowing landscapes that vary across the country. From lush rainforests and arid plains to pristine beaches and sweeping canyons and gorges, you’ll be in awe of the country’s distinct beauty everywhere you look.

When in Isalo National Park with my group, I trekked through each of these landscapes until discovering two secret waterfalls deep within a rainforest-coated gorge.

Madagascar is an extremely budget-friendly destination (once you’re there)

Though getting to the country is expensive, once you are there, everything is incredibly cheap. Your money goes a long, long way in Madagascar. Most of your meals won’t cost more than $4 USD — and it’s even less outside of the tourist areas.

I had a full meal of rice, beans, pork, and vegetables for less than $2 USD at a little restaurant near Ramonafana. Don’t miss the markets locals go to either — I was able to find delicious spring rolls for just 3 cents each!

Madagascar travel

Budget-friendly eats

The wildlife in Madagascar is unique to the country

Because of its geographic isolation, approximately 90% or more of the species found on Madagascar are endemic to the country, meaning you won’t find them anywhere else on the planet. With the help of my local guide, I saw hundreds of birds, lemurs, insects, chameleons, and mammals that I will probably never see again!


The beaches are pristine

With 5,000 km (3,100 miles) of coastline and very few tourists, Madagascar is home to some of the world’s most beautiful beaches.

Madagascar travel


There are over 100 species of lemurs on the island of Madagascar

In addition to the thousands of unique species on Madagascar, it’s the only place you’ll find over 100 species of lemurs in their natural habitat.

Madagascar travel lemurs

There’s a ton of exceptional national parks

From hiking and trekking through canyons to swimming under waterfalls to gazing at lemurs in rainforests, Madagascar’s national parks will cater to any nature fanatic’s wildest dreams. Some notable parks include Isalo, Ramonafana, Tsingy, and Andasibe-Mantadia, among many others!

Madagascar travel

The sunsets are unreal

There’s truly nothing like the sunsets you’ll experience on the African continent, and Madagascar might have some of the best.

I’ve never seen colors quite like those I saw over Antananarivo, Madagascar’s capital, and while on Île Sainte Marie. The pink, purple, yellow, and orange hues that paint the sky each night will stay with you forever.

Madagascar travel sunset

Sunset over Antananarivo


Madagascar gets very few tourists 

Located off the eastern coast of Africa, this island, nearly the size of France and the third largest in the world, has a population of over 20 million but sees only about 325,000 tourists a year.

This means you’ll have a lot of the country’s beauty all to yourself – especially because Intrepid takes you to lesser-known spots.

Madagascar travel

My Intrepid group – and no-one else

Madagascar provides a never-ending list of incredible experiences. Despite the years of environmental degradation (which remains a serious problem), you can still see a lot of wonderful native plants and exotic animals that are indigenous to the island.

Though Madagascar’s quite a journey to get to, these highlights will give you an idea of what to expect from what’s likely to be an adventure that’s well deserving of a spot at the top of your bucket list.

Tempted to visit this incredibly beautiful island? Check out Intrepid’s range of small group tours in Madagascar.

(All images c/o Nomadic Matt; taken on Intrepid’s Experience Madagascar trip.)

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Nomadic Matt

Matthew Kepnes runs the award winning budget travel site, Nomadic Matt, and wrote the New York Times best-seller, How to Travel the World on $50 a Day. After a trip to Thailand in 2005, Matt decided to quit his job, finish his MBA and head off into the world. Over ten years later, he is still out roaming around and teaching others how to do the same. When not traveling, he lives in New York City.

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The Ultimate Madagascar Itinerary Ideas

Madagascar is a beautiful country with many places to visit. It is also a massive country with horrible infrastructure, leaving precious time on holiday often on a bus or plane. With these in mind, it is important to consider logistics within Madagascar for each destination, so we came up with the ultimate Madagascar itinerary – from two up to eight weeks – for your stay.

Depending on the length of your stay, it is best to choose a small area of Madagascar – unless you intend to backpack for 2+ months – in which case most of the country is doable. The main transport within Madagascar is the local buses or the taxi brousse. Often, we would expect the journey to be only a few hours, but it was normal to take an entire day.

It is better to hire a personal car and driver to get between destinations as quickly as possible if you have limited time. The roads are very poor and can take hours to move even one hundred kilometers.

Madagascar Vacation: Chez Sica

Deciding how much time you want to spend in Madagascar? Unless you plan to fly to Nosy Be and just spend a week at one of the resorts, the least we would recommend would be to visit Madagascar for two weeks. This is still going to be rushed with limited sites to have a smooth holiday.

One month is a great amount of time backpacking in Madagascar. To see most of the country, hitting all the major highlights in both the south and north of the country, six to eight weeks is more realistic. Domestic flights with Air Madagascar can set you back $300 USD one-way.

If short on time, consider flying between some of the destinations whenever possible. Two weeks provides you with enough time to hit our three favorite spots in Madagascar – Tsingy de Bemaraha, Avenue of Baobabs, and Ile Aux Nattes , our favorite beach, and the rainforest of Andasibe.

Whether you’re staying for two weeks or maybe eight, read on to learn about the ultimate Madagascar itinerary ideas!

Content and photographs provided by Yana Kogan and Timon .

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase or booking through one of our links we may earn a small commission (don’t worry, it’s at no extra cost to you).

Best Two-Week Itinerary Option

Madagascar Itinerary: Baobabs

East/West Option:  Fly to Antananarivo and go West to Morondava. Visit the Avenue of Baobabs and Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park, then head back East to the other coast passing through Tana on your way to Saint Marie and Ile Nattes. You can finish your trip with a day in Andasibe visiting the rainforest before heading home. This is a good travel itinerary that hits the two best sites, our favorite beach, and a very accessible rainforest with lots of wildlife and lemurs.

Travel to Madagascar: Tsarnoru Valley

Alternate Options

Visit Madagascar: Ambalavao

North Option:  Fly to Diego Suarez from Tana. You can spend five days in Diego Suarez and Ramena, then head to Nosy Be for a week’s stay. You can proceed to visit Tsingy Rouge, Amber Mountain, Emerald Bay, and some of the islands surrounding Nosy Be.

South Option:  Fly to Tana and head south in your private 4×4 hire. You will have stops at Antsirabe, Anja Park in Ambalavao, and Isalo National Park. Then, continue down to Toliara and spend a couple of days at the beach of Anakao or Ifante before you fly back to Tana. The other option is from Isalo, go back to Tana, and then to Andasibe for a couple of days in the Rainforest before heading home. A private driver from Tana to Toliara (or vice-versa) costs around 150K Ariary (~$50 USD).

Madagascar Destinations: Grand Tsingy de Bemeraha

Three or four weeks  is a good amount of time to stay in Madagascar. You can mix a combination of a private car (4×4) and taxi brousse to lower costs for the trip and can see a lot of the country. Rather than pushing to add a whole new region to your itinerary, it is better to slow your pace and add some extra days to relax at the beach ( hello Ile Nattes !).

Best 3-4 Week Itinerary Option

Madagascar Vacation: Andringitra

East/West Option:  Fly into Antananarivo and go  West  to Morondava. You can visit the Avenue of Baobabs and Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park. Then, go back to Antsirabe and head south to Ambalavao. You can visit Anja Park before going on a 3-day hike in the Andringitra Mountains. After your hike, head back up to Tana on your way to Saint Marie and Ile Nattes. You can finish your trip with a day in Andasibe visiting the rainforest before heading home. This is very similar to the two-week itinerary, plus an awesome hike.

Madagascar Itinerary: Trisibihina River

West/North Option:  From Antananarivo go west to Morondava. From there, visit the Avenue of Baobabs and Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park. Then, go back to Antsirabe and head north. You can make a quick stop in Andasibe to visit the Rainforest, then head to Diego Suarez and Ramena for a week.

West/South Option:  Probably the most common route for tourists, starting from Tana and going west to Morondava. You can visit the Avenue of Baobabs and Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park. Then, go back to Antsirabe and head south to Ambalavao. You can visit Anja Park before going on a 3-day hike in the Andringitra Mountains. Then, Continue south to Ranohiro to visit Isalo National Park for one or two days. You can then continue on to Toliara and stay at the beach town of Anakao or Ifante. Hire a private car back to Tana.

Travel to Madagascar: Ramena

Eight weeks  is a long time in one country, but to see most places in Madagascar, is actually the perfect amount of time. With plenty of time, you can check out all the popular sites while cutting down costs by traveling almost entirely by taxi brousse. Because travel takes forever and is frustrating at times, it is good to take a few small breaks during this itinerary. Our favorite spots to just relax for a few days to unwind were in the valley of Tsaronuru (Andringitra Mountains), Anakao, Ile Nattes, and Diego Suarez.

Best 8-Week Itinerary Option

  • Wild West Tsiribihina River Tour by Pirogue includes two days at Tsingy de Bemaraha and a stop at the Avenue of the Baobabs (nine days).
  • Take a train ride from Fianarantsoa to Manakara – If it lasts 24 hours instead of eight hours as it did for us, this might be miserable, but it will always be remembered (three days).
  • Visit Anja Park near Ambalavao (one day).
  • Hike for three days in the Andringitra National Park to summit Pic Boby (five days).
  • Go to Isalo National Park for one or two days (two days).
  • Head to the town of Toliare for a day then move on and relax at a beach town, either Anakao or Ifante (seven days).
  • Head to the east coast for an excellent stop at Ile Saint Marie and Ile Nattes. Make a 2-day stop to visit Parc Mitsinjo in the Andasibe Rainforest (seven days).
  • Head north to Diego Suarez and Ramena to visit Tsingy Rouge, Amber Mountain, and Emerald Bay (seven days).
  • The remaining days not accounted for is travel time by taxi brousse… yes, it actually will account for that much time (10-14 Days).

Best of Madagascar 

Visit Madagascar: Tsingy Rouge

Avenue of the Baobabs, Andasibe Rainforest, Ile Aux Nattes, Andringitra Mountains, and Tsingy Rouge.


Rainforest:  Parc Mitsinjo in the Andasibe Rainforest

Beach:  Ile Aux Nattes

Cultural Experience:  Tsiribihina River Tour

Landscape:   Andringitra Mountains

Food:  Diego Suarez

That’s it – we hope you have an amazing visit to the beautiful country of Madagascar!

Planning a trip to Madagascar? Check out our favorite books and travel guides!

Yana and Timon

Yana & Timon met at college in Boston, Massachusetts. After graduating, they started their professional careers. They moved to San Francisco in 2010, a city they loved living in for nearly six years. After working and saving up money for several years, they quit their jobs and set off on an adventure of a lifetime. They started living a nomadic lifestyle in December 2015 and have not looked back since.

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4 thoughts on “the ultimate madagascar itinerary ideas”.

reddit travel madagascar

Sounds great but you failed to mention that their domestic airlines doesn’t accept American credit cards,,! I had a trip to Nosy Be planned but had to cancel last month due to the credit card issue

reddit travel madagascar

were you able to find another way to buy the ticket?

Good info but not enough on what buses to take. The taxi broussies are supplemented by regional and national lines aren’t they (with actually assigned seats)? Do you have more info you can share on where these lines can be taken versus when we’ll have to go the bush taxi route?

reddit travel madagascar

Really helpful article. Thanks for sharing

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Madagascar Travel Advisory

Travel advisory july 31, 2023, madagascar - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed, and updates to crime information in the Tsaratanana, Tsiroanomandidy, Maintirano, and Betroka areas.

Exercise increased caution in Madagascar due to crime and civil unrest.   Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Reconsider travel to the following areas due to violent crime and banditry:

  • The area in and around the city of Tsaratanana in the Betsiboka Region;
  • The area along the unnamed road connecting the city of Tsiroanomandidy in the Bongolava Region with the coastal city of Maintirano in the Melaky Region; and
  • The area in and around the city of Betroka in the Anosy Region.

Country Summary :  Most criminal activity is non-violent petty theft, pickpocketing, and other crimes of opportunity predominately in urban areas and in crowded markets.  Violent crime, such as armed robbery and assault, occurs throughout Madagascar, particularly after dark, in remote areas, and along major national roads in the south and western areas of the country.

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Madagascar.

If you decide to travel to Madagascar:

  • Avoid walking alone, especially after dark.
  • Do not travel on the roads between cities after dark. [SJ3]
  • Be aware of your surroundings.  Thefts of items from vehicles is common and may involve ruses or distraction, particularly when stuck in traffic.
  • Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists.
  • Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive jewelry or watches.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program ( STEP ) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter .
  • Review the Country Security Report for Madagascar.
  • U.S. citizens who travel abroad should always have a contingency plan for emergency situations.  Review the Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.   

Mid-Sized Urban Areas   – Level 3: Reconsider Travel

Violent crime, such as armed carjacking, banditry, mugging, home invasion, and kidnapping can occur at any time.  Local police often lack the resources and training to respond effectively to serious criminal incidents in these areas:

Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Travel Advisory Levels

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Sophia Chen: It’s our duty to make the world better through empathy, patience, and respect

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Sophia Chen, a fifth-year senior double majoring in mechanical engineering and art and design, learned about MIT D-Lab when she was a Florida middle schooler. She drove with her family from their home in Clearwater to Tampa to an MIT informational open house for prospective students. There, she heard about a moringa seed press that had been developed by D-Lab students. Those students, Kwami Williams ’12 and Emily Cunningham (a cross-registered Harvard University student), went on to found MoringaConnect with a goal of increasing Ghanaian farmer incomes. Over the past 12 years, the company has done just that, sometimes by a factor of 10 or more, by selling to wholesalers and establishing their own line of moringa skin and hair care products, as well as nutritional supplements and teas.

“I remember getting chills,” says Sophia. “I was so in awe. MIT had always been my dream college growing up, but hearing this particular story truly cemented that dream. I even talked about D-Lab during my admissions interview. Once I came to MIT, I knew I had to take a D-Lab class — and now, at the end of my five years, I've taken four.”

Taking four D-Lab classes during her undergraduate years may make Sophia exceptional, though not unusual. Of the nearly 4,000 enrollments in D-Lab classes over the past 22 years, as many as 20 percent took at least two classes, and many take three or more by the time the graduate. For Sophia, her D-Lab classes were a logical progression that both confirmed and expanded her career goals in global medicine.

Centering the role of project community partners

Sophia’s first D-Lab class was 2.722J / EC.720 ( D-Lab: Design ). Like all D-Lab classes, D-Lab: Design is project-based and centers the knowledge and contributions of each project’s community partner. Her team worked with a group in Uganda called Safe Water Harvesters on a project aimed at creating a solar-powered atmospheric water harvester using desiccants. They focused on early research and development for the desiccant technology by running tests for vapor absorption. Safe Water Harvesters designed the parameters and goals of the project and collaborated with the students remotely throughout the semester.

Safe Water Harvesters’ role in the project was key to the project’s success. “At D-Lab, I learned the importance of understanding that solutions in international development must come from the voices and needs of people whom the intervention is trying to serve,” she says. “Some of the first questions we were taught to ask are ‘what materials and manufacturing processes are available?’ and ‘how is this technology going to be maintained by the community?’”

The link between water access and gender inequity

Electing to join the water harvesting project in Uganda was no accident. The previous summer, Sophia had interned with a startup targeting the spread of cholera in developing areas by engineering a new type of rapid detection technology that would sample from users’ local water sources. From there, she joined Professor Amos Winter’s Global Engineering and Research (GEAR) Lab as an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program student and worked on a point-of-use desalination unit for households in India. 

Taking EC.715 ( D-Lab: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene ) was a logical next step for Sophia. “This class was life-changing,” she says. “I was already passionate about clean water access and global resource equity, but I quickly discovered the complexity of WASH not just as an issue of poverty but as an issue of gender.” She joined a project spearheaded by a classmate from Nepal, which aimed to address the social taboos surrounding menstruation among Nepalese schoolgirls.

“This class and project helped me realize that water insecurity and gender inequality — especially gender-based violence — ​are highly intertwined,” comments Sophia. This plays out in a variety of ways. Where there is poor sanitation infrastructure in schools, girls often miss classes or drop out altogether when menstruating. And where water is scarce, women and girls often walk miles to collect water to accommodate daily drinking, cooking, and hygiene needs. During this trek, they are vulnerable to assault and the pressure to engage in transactional sex at water access points.

“It became clear to me that women are disproportionately affected by water insecurity, and that water is key to understanding women’s empowerment,” comments Sophia, “and that I wanted to keep learning about the field of development and how it intersects with gender!”

So, in fall 2023, Sophia took both 11.025/EC.701 ( D-Lab: Development ) and WGS.277/EC.718 ( D-Lab: Gender and Development) . In D-Lab: Development, her team worked with Tatirano , a nongovernmental organization in Madagascar, to develop a vapor-condensing chamber for a water desalination system, a prototype they were able to test and iterate in Madagascar at the end of the semester.

Getting out into the world through D-Lab fieldwork

“Fieldwork with D-Lab is an eye-opening experience that anyone could benefit from,” says Sophia. “It’s easy to get lost in the MIT and tech bubble. But there’s a whole world out there with people who live such different lives than many of us, and we can learn even more from them than we can from our psets.”

For Sophia’s D-Lab: Gender and Development class, she worked with the Society Empowerment Project in Kenya, ultimately traveling there during MIT’s Independent Activities Period last January. In Kenya, she worked with her team to run a workshop with teen parents to identify risk factors prior to pregnancy and postpartum challenges, in order to then ideate and develop solutions such as social programs. 

“Through my fieldwork in Kenya and Madagascar,” says Sophia, “it became clear how important it is to create community-based solutions that are led and maintained by community members. Solutions need community input, leadership, and trust. Ultimately, this is the only way to have long-lasting, high-impact, sustainable change. One of my D-Lab trip leaders said that you cannot import solutions. I hope all engineers recognize the significance of this statement. It is our duty as engineers and scientists to make the world a better place while carrying values of empathy, patience, and respect.”

Pursuing passion and purpose at the intersection of medicine, technology, and policy

After graduation in June, Sophia will be traveling to South Africa through MISTI Africa to help with a clinical trial and community outreach. She then intends to pursue a master's in global health and apply to medical school, with the goal of working in global health at the intersection of medicine, technology, and policy.

“It is no understatement to say that D-Lab has played a central role in helping me discover what I’m passionate about and what my purpose is in life,” she says. “I hope to dedicate my career towards solving global health inequity and gender inequality.” ​

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9 Habits of Frugal People To Apply Every Time You Travel

A recent survey from Nationwide Travel Insurance found that travel is on the rise, with 91% of survey respondents saying they have domestic travel plans in 2024 and 50% planning to travel internationally. Forty percent of those polled said they plan to travel more this year than they did in 2023.

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Learn More: One Smart Way To Grow Your Retirement Savings in 2024

Yet, with inflation still high and fears of a recession on people’s minds, you may want to save money while planning your dream vacation. Fortunately, the Reddit forum r/Frugal has plenty of tips for low-cost travel.

Sponsored: Owe the IRS $10K or more? Schedule a FREE consultation to see if you qualify for tax relief.

Bring Snacks and Beverages

If you’re driving to your vacation spot, pack snacks and beverages so you won’t be tempted to splurge on pricey hotel water or snacks. If you’re flying, stop at a local grocery store before you check into your hotel or Airbnb.

Redditor JStyles mentioned, “If I’m staying anywhere a few days I usually buy a case of water from a supermarket or drug store when I arrive.”

Think strategically, though. Some tourist areas increase prices. If you’re driving, you have more flexibility to buy snacks and drinks at home or even on the way to your destination in lower-cost locations.

 “I’ve found two places in the US where you’re much better off packing your food from home or from way outside of town if you’re driving there,” wrote Redditor Nopumpkin_here. “That’s Gatlinburg, TN, and Yosemite, CA. I’m sure there are lots of other places like that, where you’d have to shop a few cities or towns away.”

Nearly every frugal traveler on Reddit recommended cooking or preparing meals in your room rather than eating at restaurants daily. If your hotel has a kitchenette or you’ve rented an AirBNB or VRBO for your trip, you can eat just like you do at home.

But if you prefer something simpler, that’s okay too. Sandwiches and microwavable soups make easy meals on the road.  

Shop Locally for Food

Not a fan of cooking, especially while on vacation? Redditor “PurpleHippoB*tches” said they bought local foods including meats, cheese and baked goods at a local grocery store in Paris to enjoy a daily picnic. “I always tried to save on food by only having 1 meal out per day,” they wrote. “A lot of people say to cook your meals, but personally I don’t want to cook on vacation and especially I don’t want to eat like at home. I want to try local food instead so this is my no-cook compromise.”

Redditor KnuteViking, who also said they were a fan of local food in Europe, advised, “To get a better price while still getting great food, the key is usually [to] find the local shops, not the tourist shops.”

Choose Restaurant Meals Carefully

“If you plan on getting breakfast and lunch grocer[ies] but want to eat out for dinner you are better off eating out at lunch and having a sandwich for dinner,” Redditor Interesting_Gene_780 wrote. “Lunch menus are cheaper than dinner.”

Redditor LauraSaurus5 advised frugal Redditors to try a Southern breakfast if they have an opportunity in the U.S.

Also, don’t forget the free continental breakfast at the hotel. Many frugal Redditors try to snag extra muffins, fruit or hard-boiled eggs for a light lunch.

Pack a Thermos or Water Bottle (or Both)

Redditor Hjlelpdinven said they always bring a Thermos on trips. You can fill it with water after you go through airport security, make tea with free hot water and tea bags from home, and even fill the thermos with free coffee from the continental breakfast.

Visit Free Attractions

Saving money on vacation isn’t just about reducing food costs, though scaling back on restaurant meals can make a big difference in costs without impacting enjoyment.

You can also save money by visiting local attractions with “pay-as-you-wish” entry fees or free entry. Well-known examples include free admission to The Bronx Zoo every Wednesday and free entry to government landmarks like the White House. All Smithsonian museums, art galleries and zoos (except the Cooper Hewitt in New York City) are free to visit, according to the Smithsonian Institute website.

Book the Cheaper Hotel Room

If you’re torn between booking a luxury suite or a smaller hotel room, Maximum-Excitement58 advised fellow Redditors, “If you’re not going somewhere to just sit in your hotel room, get the cheapest room at whatever hotel/resort you’re staying at.”

However, if you’re planning to eat meals in the room, call ahead and ask if the room has a mini-fridge and microwave.

Use Public Transportation

Whether you’re getting to and from the airport or around town, price out buses and shuttles rather than Uber or a taxi service. Once you learn the public transportation for the city you’re visiting, you can save a bundle, experience life as a local, and avoid traffic.

Redditor Such-Shape-7111 said he and his wife rent electric scooters in cities across the U.S. to get around for short distances. Such-Shape-7111 makes sure to stay safe on the road, though. “We bring our bike helmets clipped to our backpacks,” he said.

Pack Your Necessities in Your Carry-On

If you’re flying, always pack an extra outfit, underwear, and travel-sized toiletries (under 3.4 oz. each, packed in a clear, one-quart plastic bag) in case the airline loses your luggage. “Might save you some cash if you have to replace some things,” Redditor Roweira said.

Cutting corners on some aspects of your trip can leave room to splurge on the things that truly matter or even allow you to afford that dream vacation.  

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This article originally appeared on : 9 Habits of Frugal People To Apply Every Time You Travel

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2025 Africa Cruises: Discover Madagascar, Zanzibar & South Africa

Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania

From the panoramic views from Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa, to the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa's landscapes are as varied as its history and culture. Experience them on a cruise vacation with Norwegian Cruise Line. Whether you're a seasoned cruiser or it's your first time on the high seas, there's a cruise to Africa that's right for you.

Ports of call on a cruise to Africa include some of the most sought-after vacation spots on the continent. Norwegian also offers a range of exciting shore excursions so you don't have to lift a finger planning your next adventure. Just kick back, relax, and enjoy Norwegian's cruising experience. Keep reading to find out about some of the different ports you can experience on Norwegian's cruises to Africa in 2025 .

Ready to start planning? Explore all Africa cruises .

Aerial view of Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa

As the country's oldest and most vibrant city, Cape Town offers a host of exciting activities. Visit Robben Island, where former South African president and activist Nelson Mandela was held prisoner for nearly three decades. Take a cable car to the top of Table Mountain, one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature. Enjoy birdwatching on a hike through more than 1,300 acres of lush natural areas at the world-renowned Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. At the ever-popular V&A Waterfront, you can spend the day shopping and dining along the edge of the harbor.

Mombasa, Kenya

Mombasa is a mosaic of African, Indian, and Arabian cultures. Delve into the turquoise waters at Mombasa Marine National Park and Reserve for waterskiing, snorkeling, and diving. You'll find stunning coral reefs and undersea shipwrecks to explore. Get off the beaten path at Nguuni Nature Sanctuary, and get up close and personal with African wildlife, such as giraffes, elands, oryx, and ostriches, as they roam their natural habitat. At Shimba Hills National Reserve, discover African elephants, sable antelopes, Sykes' monkeys, and more.

Beach in Nosey Be, Madagascar

Nosy Be, Madagascar

For the ultimate beach paradise, look no further than Nosy Be island off the northwest coast of Madagascar. Formed by volcanic activity, Nosy Be's lush, forested landscapes feature numerous craters and crater lakes. Nosy Be translates to Big Island, and this biodiversity hotspot lives up to its name. It's the ultimate outdoor playground for beach lovers, adventure seekers, and wildlife enthusiasts. Discover the heavenly scent of ylang-ylang on a plantation tour. Cast a line on a deep-sea fishing excursion. Hike the rainforest trails at Lokobe National Park in search of lemurs and chameleons.

Port Louis, Mauritius

At the heart of Port Louis , the lively capital of Mauritius, lies the Citadelle (Fort Adelaide). Built by the British in 1840 atop a towering hill, this basalt fort provides panoramic views of the city. Within walking distance, you'll find Champs de Mars, a thoroughbred horse racing track where you can enjoy an exciting day at the races. Stop by the Blue Penny Museum, which offers a detailed look at the art and history of the island. Wrap up your visit to Mauritius with a stroll along Le Caudan Waterfront, which features shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues.

Inner harbor at Port Victoria, Seychelles

RELATED CRUISES: 12-Day Africa from Mauritius to Cape Town: South Africa & Madagascar 14-Day Africa from Mauritius to Doha: Seychelles, Madagascar, Oman & UAE 21-Day Africa from Cape Town to Barcelona: Namibia, Angola & Ivory Coast

Port Victoria, Seychelles

Victoria , on the island of Mahé, is the capital of Seychelles and the republic's largest city. More than 200 plant species grow here naturally, and about 80 are found nowhere else on the planet. For this reason, the National Botanical Garden is a must-see attraction on your Africa cruise to Seychelles. Another top spot for cruisers is the Vallée de Mai Nature Reserve, a natural palm forest that has remained nearly unchanged since prehistoric times. The reserve is home to the world's largest intact forest of coco de mer palm trees, which boast the biggest seeds in the plant kingdom.

Safaga, Egypt

Situated along the Red Sea, Safaga's hot desert climate, crystal-clear waters, and soft, white-sand beaches make it an ideal year-round port of call. Best known as a health and wellness destination thanks to the therapeutic properties of the local sand and mineral springs, Safaga is the perfect cruise port to relax and unwind. Alternatively, you can take part in various watersports, such as windsurfing, diving, or kitesurfing, in Safaga's warm waters. You can even take a day trip to Luxor, where you can delve into ancient history at the nearby Valley of the Kings and Karnak Temple.

Sand dunes at Walvis Bay, Namibia

Walvis Bay, Namibia

If you're hoping to glimpse wildlife on your cruise to Africa, Walvis Bay is the place for you. Situated at the edge of the Namib Desert, the town features a large lagoon, salt pans, and a bird sanctuary that attracts a diverse range of species. In the summer months, more than 150,000 migrant birds call the area home. Other animals you might spot in Walvis Bay include seals, dolphins, and whales. More adventurous cruisers can take a quad ride through the desert or try sandboarding.

Zanzibar, Tanzania

Located just 22 miles off the coast of east-central Africa, Zanzibar consists of a chain of tropical islands. Its pristine beaches and colorful markets make it a favorite cruise vacation destination. Explore the diverse marine life among the coral reefs on a snorkeling adventure. Wander through the labyrinth of historic streets in Stone Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the heart of Unguja island. Sample the local flavors on a culinary tour through a spice farm.

Norwegian Dawn in Mossel Bay, South Africa

These stunning cruise ports are just a few of the incredible destinations you can enjoy on a Norwegian cruise to Africa. Whether you're a history buff, sunseeker, outdoor enthusiast, foodie, or adventurer, Norwegian offers a host of itineraries for Africa cruises in 2025 .

Explore our cruise deals and sign up for emails to get the latest offers right to your inbox.

American Airlines plane rejects takeoff right before runway near-collision

reddit travel madagascar

The Federal Aviation Administration is currently investigating a Wednesday morning near-collision between an American Airlines plane and another aircraft on the runway of Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Virginia, according to the FAA. 

“An air traffic controller cancelled the takeoff clearance for American Airlines flight 2134 because another aircraft was cleared to land on an intersecting runway at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport,” the FAA said. 

The American Airlines Airbus A319 was bound for Boston’s Logan International Airport and already traveling at a speed of around 92 miles per hour when the pilot was told to cease takeoff.

In an audio recording shared by NBC News , air traffic control is heard saying, “American 2134 cancel takeoff clearance … zero, alpha, alpha, go around, go around.”

“Rejecting the takeoff, 2134,” the American Airlines pilot said. 

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“And zero, alpha, alpha, cannot go around, we are already on the ground,” the other pilot, who was flying a King Air plane, said. 

The air traffic controller said the American Airlines aircraft would need to be resequenced and asked if the American Airlines pilot wanted to “go back to the gate.” 

“We need to talk to maintenance, but yeah, I think we were above 80 knots (92 miles) so we’re going to have to get an inspection,” the American Airlines pilot said. 

“The safety of our customers and team members is our top priority, and we’re grateful to our crew for their professionalism,” an American Airlines spokesperson told USA TODAY in an email. “We will support the FAA  and NTSB in their investigations.”

AA2134 took off four hours after its scheduled depature time and arrived safely in Boston, according to FlightAware .

This incident is the latest in a series of near-disasters on runways. Last month, the airport experienced another close call when a JetBlue plane was cleared for takeoff while a Southwest flight was cleared to cross the same runway. The JetBlue began its takeoff roll when air traffic controllers started yelling for the two planes to stop. 

Following the last incident, the FAA released a report that found the air traffic control workforce to be at a high risk of fatigue, resulting in crucial safety risks. The agency will soon increase the rest period for air traffic controllers from nine to 10 hours as well as require a minimum 12-hour rest period before a midnight shift.  

Kathleen Wong is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Hawaii. You can reach her at [email protected] .

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From Subreddits to Search: Maximizing Your Brand’s Impact on Reddit

The search landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, and Reddit is at the epicenter. Google’s Helpful Content Update and its $60 million deal with Reddit, coupled with OpenAI’s partnership, have catapulted Reddit’s real-time content to unprecedented heights.

Join us for an insightful webinar exploring the newfound importance of Reddit in the digital marketing landscape. Learn how these changes make Reddit an essential platform for getting your brand and content in front of evolving search audiences.

You’ll hear:

  • The evolution of Reddit as a major influencer on SERPS over the years.
  • The impact of recent changes and partnerships on Reddit’s place in search.
  • A comprehensive look at Reddit, how it works, and how to approach it.
  • Unique engagement opportunities presented by Reddit.

With Brent Csutoras, a Reddit expert with over 18 years of experience on the platform, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Reddit’s communities, known as Subreddits, and how to leverage their power without compromising authenticity or violating community guidelines in the age of AI-driven search experiences.

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and leverage Reddit for your brand’s success.

Brent Csutoras

Heather campbell.


Time may be an illusion created by quantum entanglement

The true nature of time has eluded physicists for centuries, but a new theoretical model suggests it may only exist due to entanglement between quantum objects

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan

31 May 2024

reddit travel madagascar

Where does time come from?

Quality Stock / Alamy

Time may not be a fundamental element of our physical reality. New calculations add credence to the idea that it emerges from quantum entanglement , in which two objects are so inextricably linked that disturbing one disrupts the other, no matter how distant they are.

The mathematician who worked out how to time travel

“For centuries, time has entered physics as an essential ingredient that is not to be questioned. It is so deeply rooted in our conception of reality that people thought…

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    "Rejecting the takeoff, 2134," the American Airlines pilot said. Learn more: Best travel insurance "And zero, alpha, alpha, cannot go around, we are already on the ground," the other pilot ...

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