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¿Comprar en Price Travel es confiable?

Claro que sí, Price Travel es confiable y se destaca como una de las opciones más tentadoras para atrapar ofertas en hoteles, vuelos y paquetes vacacionales . Desde su inicio en el año 2000 en la animada ciudad de Cancún, esta agencia ha forjado una sólida reputación por ofrecer no solo precios atractivos, sino también una experiencia de reserva segura y confiable. Pero, ¿qué hay detrás de las historias que escuchamos? ¿ Son las experiencias negativas solo gotas en el océano ?

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Descubrimos que Price Travel no es solo un nombre en la industria de viajes; es una promesa de diversidad y aventura. Con una impresionante gama de destinos que te llevan desde las arenas blancas hasta las luces de las grandes ciudades, ofrece algo para cada alma viajera. Su récord en Profeco, con un número mínimo de quejas , susurra una historia de eficiencia y atención al cliente que va más allá de lo ordinario.

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Pero no te dejes llevar solo por los números; las voces de los viajeros también cuentan . Desde elogios hasta críticas, cada opinión es un hilo en el tapiz de su reputación. Sí, han habido desafíos, pero ¿qué empresa no los enfrenta? Veamos a detalle lo que encontramos.

¿Qué tan confiable es la pagina de Price Travel?⚠️

Comprendemos tus preocupaciones, y queremos darte la tranquilidad de que es seguro comprar en Price Travel . Confiamos en ello porque Price Travel ha implementado numerosas medidas para garantizar una experiencia segura y confiable .

Cuando introduces tus datos personales y de pago en su sitio web, Price Travel emplea avanzadas tecnologías de seguridad. Esto es como tener un cofre fuerte digital donde tus datos están resguardados de manera segura . Imagina que cada vez que envías información, esta se convierte en un código secreto que solo Price Travel puede leer.

Además, han recibido una certificación especial llamada PCI DSS, que es como un sello de aprobación que demuestra que siguen reglas estrictas para mantener segura tu información de pago. Piensa en esto como un guardia de seguridad extra que vigila tus transacciones financieras.

Si tu preocupación al comprar servicios con Price Travel son los posibles cambios inesperados , es importante saber que esta es una realidad en la industria de los viajes, pero Price Travel se esfuerza por manejar estas situaciones de la mejor manera posible. Y vamos a comprobarlo analizando las quejas que Price Travel ha recibido ante Profeco .

Te recomendamos otros análisis de agencias como:

Price travel profeco: análisis detallado de quejas ❌✔️.

El análisis de las quejas presentadas contra Price Travel ante Profeco en 2023 revela un número relativamente bajo de incidencias, con solo 4 quejas registradas y distribuidas entre PRICE TRAVEL HOLDING y PRICE TRAVEL RES, SAPI DE CV, lo que nos da a pensar que existe un alto nivel de satisfacción general de los clientes.

Price Travel Holding

Año : 2023 Tipo : Nivel Nacional Quejas Totales Recibidas : 2 Quejas Concluidas : 0 Concluidas por Audiencia de Conciliación : 0 Conciliada : 0 No Conciliada : 0 Concluidas por otros motivos : 0 En Trámite : 2 Principales motivos de reclamación a nivel nacional :

  • Negativa a la devolución de depósito
  • Negativa a cambio o devolución

*Esta información corresponde a los estados procesales actualizados al 30 de Diciembre de 2023, puedes ir a este link oficial y consultar los datos más recientes.

Price Travel Res, SAPI DE CV

  • Negativa a la entrega del producto o servicio
  • Negativa a devolución del precio pagado

📝 Número de Quejas :

Cada entidad de Price Travel recibió 2 quejas en 2023 , sumando un total de 4 quejas en general.

🤝 Resolución de Quejas

Hasta la fecha, ninguna de las quejas ha sido concluida , lo que indica que están en proceso de investigación o resolución.

📁 Quejas en Trámite

Todas las quejas están actualmente en trámite , mostrando un proceso activo en la resolución de estos casos.

🟠 Motivos de Reclamación

Las quejas se centraron en la negativa a la devolución de depósito y cambio o devolución . Estos problemas son comunes en la industria de viajes, especialmente en situaciones de cambios de planes o cancelaciones .

Conclusión del análisis Profeco

En conclusión, aunque las quejas existen, el número es bajo para una empresa de este tamaño . Esto podría indicar un nivel general de satisfacción razonable entre sus clientes y una operación eficiente en el sector de viajes.

  • Volumen de Quejas: La cantidad de quejas registradas contra Price Travel es relativamente baja, especialmente considerando el tamaño y alcance de la empresa en el sector de agencias de viajes y servicios de reservaciones.
  • Gestión de Quejas: Aunque las quejas aún están en trámite, es importante que la empresa esté activamente involucrada en su resolución.
  • Áreas de Mejora: Los motivos de reclamación indican áreas en las que Price Travel podría mejorar, especialmente en términos de políticas de devolución y flexibilidad en cambios.

Price Travel opiniones: Descubriendo las experiencias reales de los usuarios 😱

Las opiniones de los clientes son un termómetro vital para entender el servicio de una empresa, y en el caso de Price Travel, nos encontramos con una gama diversa de experiencias que reflejan tanto los puntos fuertes como las áreas de mejora de la agencia.

👍 Experiencias Positivas

Muchos usuarios han expresado su satisfacción con Price Travel, destacando aspectos como:

  • Atención Personalizada : Clientes han mencionado la excelente atención recibida tanto en módulos físicos como en el call center, resaltando la utilidad de la asesoría en la búsqueda de ofertas y la resolución de dudas o problemas.
  • Precios Competitivos : Varios clientes han encontrado en Price Travel los precios más bajos del mercado, lo que les ha llevado a escoger esta agencia por encima de otras opciones.
  • Resolución Efectiva de Problemas : En casos donde surgieron inconvenientes, como cambios de horarios en vuelos, los usuarios reportaron que Price Travel manejó la situación de manera eficiente y comunicativa.

👎 Experiencias Negativas

Como en cualquier servicio, también existen experiencias menos favorables, como:

  • Servicio Postventa y Atención Telefónica : aunque son pocos los clientes que han experimentado dificultades con el servicio postventa, mencionando largas esperas en llamadas y falta de soluciones rápidas, nunca esta demás tenerlo presente.
  • Problemas con Reservas y Devoluciones : Han surgido quejas específicas relacionadas con la negativa a realizar devoluciones o cambios en reservas, así como ofrecer habitaciones en hoteles no disponibles.

En general, las opiniones sobre Price Travel muestran una compañía que, en su mayoría, satisface las necesidades y expectativas de sus clientes , ofreciendo precios competitivos y un buen nivel de servicio.

Es importante destacar que Price Travel cuenta con numerosos puntos de venta , lo que puede resultar en variaciones en la calidad del servicio dependiendo de quién atienda al cliente. Esto se refleja en las opiniones, donde algunos clientes han tenido experiencias maravillosas, mientras que otros han enfrentado desafíos.

¿Price Travel sigue siendo una opción confiable?

Sí, Price Travel sigue siendo una opción confiable . A pesar de algunas opiniones negativas, el número comparativamente bajo de quejas registradas ante Profeco en 2023 sugiere que los incidentes no son frecuentes y que, en general, la empresa mantiene un alto estándar de servicio.

Este bajo volumen de quejas, especialmente en comparación con otras agencias reconocidas que han registrado hasta 16 quejas en el mismo período , refleja una operación eficiente y una atención al cliente efectiva por parte de Price Travel.

Además, la diversidad de experiencias compartidas por los usuarios, muchas de ellas positivas , respalda la idea de que Price Travel sigue siendo una opción sólida y confiable en el ámbito de las agencias de viajes.

✈️💰 Reservaciones de Vuelos y Alojamiento a Precios Competitivos :

Price Travel se destaca en ofrecer una amplia gama de opciones de vuelos y hoteles , con tarifas atractivas y accesibles para todo tipo de viajeros, desde familias hasta viajeros de negocios.

🌴 Paquetes Vacacionales Personalizados :

Ofrecen paquetes vacacionales que incluyen combinaciones de vuelos, hoteles y actividades, diseñados para proporcionar experiencias completas y ajustadas a las necesidades y preferencias de cada cliente.

💳 Facilidades de Pago y Opciones de Financiamiento :

Con opciones de pago flexibles y planes de financiamiento, como meses sin intereses en varias tarjetas , Price Travel hace que sea más accesible para los viajeros presupuestar y pagar sus viajes.

🏖️ Amplia Variedad de Destinos

Se destaca por su extensa variedad de destinos globales , ofreciendo opciones para todo tipo de viajeros. Con servicios que abarcan desde las playas exóticas de México y el Caribe hasta las vibrantes metrópolis de Europa y Asia .

Conclusión: ¿Podemos confiar en que Price Travel es seguro?

Tras un análisis detallado de los servicios, las opiniones de los usuarios y el historial de quejas de Price Travel, podemos concluir que es una agencia de viajes en la que se puede confiar . A pesar de algunas experiencias negativas, que son comunes en cualquier gran empresa, el número reducido de quejas formales ante Profeco y la diversidad y riqueza de los destinos y servicios ofrecidos, hablan de su compromiso con la calidad y la satisfacción del cliente.

Los puntos fuertes de Price Travel, como su amplia gama de destinos, junto con su atención al cliente y la resolución efectiva de problemas, la posicionan como una opción sólida y fiable para planificar viajes. Además, su flexibilidad en términos de pagos lo hace una opción a tomar en cuenta confiando que es seguro comprar en Price Travel directamente es su página web y puntos de venta.

¡Disfruta tu viaje!, encuentra expertos locales confiables:

No pierdas la oportunidad de disfrutar una experiencia auténtica en tus próximas vacaciones. Te invitamos a explorar las bellezas de México de la mano de expertos locales.

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Paquetes Experiencias Xcaret Solo Entradas - desde 15 % hasta 20 % OFF

Cancún, Quintana Roo


Hasta 24 meses sin intereses

  • Horario: Todo el día
  • Disponibilidad: Toda la semana
  • Ubicación: Cancún, Quintana Roo ( ver mapa )

Adquiere este paquete con entradas a dos o tres parques temáticos de Experiencias Xcaret y disfruta un parque por día

Este paquete es una excelente opción  si deaseas economizar y pasar momento memorables. Podrás elegir entre un paquete que te incluye la entrada a dos o tres parques, según las experiencias a tu gusto. Descubre el majestuoso paraíso de México en Xcaret, con más de 50 atractivos naturales y culturales, y explora el cielo y las entrañas de la tierra en Xplor durante el día o la noche. En el maravilloso mundo escondido de Xel-Há podrás sentirte más cerca del cielo, mientras que en Xenses hallarás una tierra donde nada es lo que parece.

Vive una tradicional fiesta mexicana a bordo de una trajinera en Xoximilco y disfruta otra clase de aventuras con excursiones adicionales.  

¡El paquete de Tours perfecto para ti. Elige y  preparate vivir experiencias que jamás olvidaras!

  • Entradas para dos o tres parques temáticos de Experiencias Xcaret según la combinación elegida (un parque por día)
  • El parque opera de Lunes a Domingo
  • Acceso a las comodidades del área plus
  • Una comida buffet que incluye una cerveza, bebidas ilimitadas (refrescos, aguas de sabor y café) durante la comida.
  • Visitas al acuario de Arrecife de Coral, el Mariposario y Aviario
  • Espectáculos, exhibiciones y recorridos culturales (revisa el programa del día)
  • Internet inalámbrico en la Plaza Principal
  • Actividades acuáticas en el río subterráneo
  • Acceso a la playa y piscinas naturales
  • Chalecos salvavidas y llantas flotantes
  • Camastros, hamacas y áreas de descanso
  • Bolsas de seguridad para hacer el recorrido en los ríos
  • Baños, duchas y vestidores
  • Espectáculo Xcaret México Espectacular
  • Estacionamiento
  • Acceso a la taquilla preferencial por comprar en línea
  • Paseos en llanta por el río
  • Snorkel ilimitado en la caleta
  • Faro-mirador con vistas de 360° y descenso en tobogán
  • Tirolesas y juegos de cuerdas sobre el agua
  • Paseo por senderos de la selva
  • Cenotes, cuevas y grutas
  • El Meliponario y el Vivero
  • El Mundo de los Niños
  • Recorridos por senderos de la selva
  • Desayuno continental de 09:30 a 11:30 hrs
  • Aperitivos y almuerzo bufet de las 11:30 a 17:30 hrs
  • Bebidas sin alcohol ilimitadas y barra libre doméstica
  • Áreas de descanso con hamacas y camastros
  • Chalecos salvavidas, llantas flotantes y bicicletas
  • Uso del equipo de snorkel con tubo de regalo
  • Uso de casilleros, vestidores y una toalla
  • Sanitarios y duchas
  • El parque opera de Lunes a Sábado
  • Experiencia de medio día con actividades que retarán a tus sentidos
  • Circuito ConSentido: Camino de Enanos y Gigantes, Xensatorium, Laberinto de Arterias Subterráneas, El Edén y Jardín Xítrico
  • Circuito SinSentido: Pueblo, Tobogán, Vuelo de Pájaro, Riolajante, Lodorama y cascada de Lluvia
  • Uso de casillero, sanitarios y duchas
  • El parque opera lunes a sábado
  • Bienvenida en una kermés mexicana con juegos típicos, esquites y aguas frescas
  • Recorrido nocturno en trajinera a través de canales
  • Degustación de platos típicos mexicanos 
  • Barra libre de tequila, cerveza, aguas frescas y bebidas gaseosas
  • Grupos de música típica mexicana en vivo: mariachi, norteño, ranchero, jarana, marimba, banda de pueblo y campiranos
  • Los martes y viernes Noches de Juan Gabriel
  • Animador durante el recorrido con organización de juegos e información de la comida
  • Dos circuitos de 14 tirolesas
  • Recorrido en un vehículo anfibio en dos circuitos de 5 kilómetros cada uno por la selva
  • Dos circuitos de ríos subterráneos remando en balsas
  • Actividad de nado en el río de estalactitas de 400 metros
  • Hamacuatizaje
  • Caminata por cavernas
  • Aperitivos y bebidas ilimitadas (galletas de avena, frutas, licuados y aguas frescas
  • Almuerzo bufet
  • Casillero para dos personas
  • Áreas de descanso, vestidores y baños

Elije una fecha de inicio y ampliaremos la selección para tu comodidad

Edades de los menores


Para disfrutar de los parques trae ropa cómoda de playa, sombrero o gorra, lentes de sol, traje de baño y un cambio de ropa. Toma en cuenta que solo se permite el uso de bloquedores solares biodegradables con óxido de titanio y óxido de zinc. De igual forma necesitarás traer dinero para souvenirs, actividades opcionales, comidas no incluidas y gastos extra. Si eliges los parques Xplor y Xenses trae zapatos para el agua, y si eliges el parque Xoximilco usa un atuendo casual de preferencia con pantalón largo y repelente de insectos biodegradable. No olvides tu cámara fotográfica.

  • El transporte no está incluido a ningún parque
  • Tu cupón tiene vigencia de un año y aplica cambio de fechas con 24 horas de anticipación y garantía por mal clima antes de tu primera visita
  • A partir de tu primera visita tienes siete días para disfrutar de los demás parques (uno por día) presentando tu brazalete
  • Las actividades, entradas o tours incluidos no son canjeables
  • La edad mínima para participar en Xplor, Xplor Fuego, Xenses y Xoximilco es de 5 años
  • El peso mínimo para participar en las tirolesas de Xplor, Xplor Fuego y Xenses es de 40 kilogramos
  • El peso máximo para participar en las tirolesas de Xplor, Xplor Fuego y Xenses es de 136 kilogramos
  • El parque Xcaret opera de Lunes a Domingo de 08:30 a 22:30 hrs
  • El parque Xel-Há opera de Lunes a Domingo de 08:30 a 18:00 hrs
  • El parque Xplor opera de lunes a Sábado de 09:00 a 17:00 hrs
  • El parque Xoximilco opera de lunes a sábados de 19:15 a 00:00 hrs entre septiembre y marzo, y de 19:45 a 00:00 hrs entre abril y agosto
  • El parque Xenses está disponible en dos horarios: a) Por la mañana, entrada de 08:30 hrs a 10:00 hrs y salida de 14:00 a 15:00 hrs. b) Por la tarde, entrada de 13:00 a 14:00 hrs y salida de 18:00 a 19:00 hrs de Lunes a Sábado
  • El horario de reserva es de caracter informativo
  • En algunos parques los niños menores de 12 años con una altura de más de 1.40 metros deben presentar identificación para comprobar la edad.
  • Los alimentos y bebidas no mencionados no están incluidos
  • En Xplor solo pueden conducir las personas mayores de 18 años que tengan licencia de conducir vigente
  • La actividad de hamacuatizaje en Xplor solo es para niños mayores de 6 años
  • En Xplor algunas actividades no son recomendables para mujeres embarazadas, personas con problemas cardiacos, diabetes, epilepsia, asma, hipertensión y claustrofobia
  • Las actividades de Xenses no son aptas para personas enfermas del corazón, con problemas de epilepsia, miedo a las alturas, claustrofobia, que se mareen fácilmente, con cirugias recientes o con un peso mayor a 136 kilos
  • Las trajineras en el parque Xoximilco tienen capacidad para 20 personas


Opiniones de paquetes experiencias xcaret solo entradas - desde 15 % hasta 20 % off, aún no hay suficientes opiniones.

Pronto podrás opinar desde esta página. Mientras tanto, si reservaste a través de PRICETRAVEL recibirás un email para opinar cuando termine tu viaje.

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  • Check out our Russian cities and regions guides
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Russian regions

  • Bashkortostan republic
  • Chuvashia republic
  • Kirov oblast
  • Mari El republic
  • Mordovia republic
  • Nizhegorodskaya oblast
  • Orenburg oblast
  • Penza oblast
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Nizhny Novgorod city, Russia

The capital city of Nizhegorodskaya oblast .

Nizhny Novgorod - Overview

Nizhny Novgorod (colloquially often just “Nizhny”; from 1932 to 1990 - Gorky) is a large city located in the center of European Russia, the administrative center of the Volga Federal District and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast.

It is an important economic, industrial, scientific, educational, and cultural center of Russia, the largest transport hub of the Volga Federal District. Nizhny Novgorod is one of the main centers of river tourism in Russia. The historic part of the city is rich in sights and is a popular tourist destination.

The population of Nizhny Novgorod is about 1,234,000 (2022), the area - 411 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 831, the postal codes - 603000-603257.

Nizhny Novgorod city flag

Nizhny novgorod city coat of arms.

Nizhny Novgorod city coat of arms

Nizhny Novgorod city map, Russia

Nizhny novgorod city latest news and posts from our blog:.

7 January, 2022 / Nikolai Bugrov's Summer Dacha in Volodarsk .

4 December, 2017 / Stadiums and Matches of the World Cup 2018 in Russia .

2 June, 2017 / The Most Beautiful House in Nizhny Novgorod .

13 March, 2016 / Official Look of Host Cities of World Cup 2018 in Russia .

29 September, 2015 / Nizhny Novgorod - the view from above .

More posts..

History of Nizhny Novgorod

Foundation of nizhny novgorod.

During the military campaigns of the Russian princes against the Volga Bulgaria, the place where the Oka River flows into the Volga was used as a gathering point for the Murom and Suzdal troops. In 1220, Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich (the grandson of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, the founder of Moscow) conducted a successful campaign against the Bulgars. After it, he “decided to strengthen this important place for Rus” and founded a town at the mouth of the Oka.

It was named Novgorod, which literally means “new town”. Later, the adjective “nizhny” (“lower”) was added to the name of the town in the Russian annals. This was probably done in order to distinguish it from the town of Novgorod (present Veliky Novgorod) and other Novgorods that existed at that time.

The founding of Nizhny Novgorod was the beginning of an active expansion of Russian influence in the Mordovian lands. Two white-stone churches were built in the fortress, including the Cathedral of the Archangel (1227) - evidence of the special role that the town had in the system of lands of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. However, the Mongol invasion stopped further development.

Information about Nizhny Novgorod of the 13th century is extremely scarce. But it is known that after the invasion it revived relatively quickly. Nizhny Novgorod is constantly mentioned in Russian chronicles as a major political and economic center of North-Eastern Rus and a spiritual center of Orthodoxy in the Volga region. The town was often the object of conflicts between Moscow and Tver.

In 1392, the Moscow prince Vasily I received a jarlig for the Nizhny Novgorod Principality and captured Nizhny Novgorod. The final annexation of Nizhny Novgorod to the possessions of Moscow took place in the late 1440s.

More Historical Facts…

Nizhny Novgorod in the 16th-18th centuries

Under Ivan III and Vasily III, the town played the role of a border post and was a gathering place for military campaigns against the Kazan Khanate. In 1508-1515, the stone kremlin was built. After the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, the border role of Nizhny Novgorod became insignificant. At the same time, Nizhny Novgorod became the center of trade between Russia and the East and a large shipbuilding center.

In September 1611, during the Time of Troubles, the Second People’s Militia was organized in Nizhny Novgorod to fight the Poles who were able to establish control over Moscow. The militia consisted of detachments of townspeople, peasants of the central and northern regions of the Tsardom of Russia. The leaders were the Nizhny Novgorod merchant Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky (the monument to them is installed on Red Square in Moscow). In October 1612, the militia was able to completely liberate Moscow.

In the 17th century, a schism occurred in the Orthodox Church under Patriarch Nikon. It led to the formation of numerous settlements of Old Believers in the vicinity of Nizhny Novgorod. In 1695, during his Azov campaign, Peter I arrived in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1719, as a result of his administrative-territorial reforms, the town became the center of a separate Nizhny Novgorod Governorate. In 1722, setting off on the Persian campaign, Nizhny Novgorod was again visited by Peter I. Here he celebrated his 50th birthday.

In 1767, Nizhny Novgorod was visited by Empress Catherine II. During her stay in the town, she met the famous local mechanic and inventor Ivan Kulibin. After her visit, a new regular town plan was approved. The first town theater was built in 1798. Later, it became known as Nikolaevsky, in honor of Emperor Nicholas I.

Nizhny Novgorod in the 19th century

At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, Nizhny Novgorod became a major scientific and cultural center of the Russian Empire. In 1811, the population of Nizhny Novgorod was about 14,400 people. In 1817, the Makaryev Fair, the largest fair of the Russian Empire, was moved to the village of Kunavino (one of the districts of today’s Nizhny Novgorod). Before that, it was organized every year near the Makaryevsky Monastery, which burned down a year earlier. From that time on, it began to be called the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. Thanks to it, the rapid economic development of the town and adjacent villages began.

After Emperor Nicholas I visited the town in 1834, the large-scale reconstruction of Nizhny Novgorod began. In 1847, a water supply system appeared in the town and the first fountain was built. Private buildings in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin were demolished and new administrative buildings appeared in their place. A lot of new buildings, streets, boulevards, and gardens were built.

In 1849, a large industrial enterprise was founded in the village of Sormovo (another district of today’s Nizhny Novgorod). Later, it became known as the Sormovo plant. It was producing river steamers, various railway cars, steam locomotives, and trams. Thanks to the plant, Sormovo soon turned into a large village of workers. In 1862, the construction of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway was completed. In 1863, the population of the city was 41,500 people.

In 1896, the city hosted the All-Russian Trade and Industrial Exhibition. The radio receiver of the engineer A.S. Popov, the hyperboloid tower of the engineer V.G. Shukhov were demonstrated at the exhibition, as well as the first Russian car of the Frese and Yakovlev factories.

Nizhny Novgorod in the first half of the 20th century

In 1914, about 111,000 people lived in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1917, during the First World War, the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute was evacuated to this city, on the basis of which the Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnic Institute was created.

On October 7, 1932, Nizhny Novgorod was renamed Gorky due to the 40th anniversary of the literary and social activities of the writer Maxim Gorky. In 1933, the first permanent bridge across the Oka River was built. The railway bridge across the Volga was constructed too. Thanks to this, it became possible to go by rail through Gorky to the Urals and Siberia.

The 1930s were a period of rapid industrialization. In 1932, the largest industrial enterprise in the city was opened - the Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ), an important object of the Soviet defense industry. In the 1930s-1940s, the city was even referred to as “Russian Detroit”. By 1939, the population of Nizhny Novgorod increased to about 644,000 people.

Every fourth resident of the Gorky region (about 822 thousand people) fought on the fronts of the Second World War. Of these, more than 350 thousand people did not return from the battlefields - they were killed, went missing or died from wounds in hospitals.

In June 1943, three large raids of German bombers were carried out on Gorky. The main target of air strikes was the Gorky Automobile Plant, which as a result was almost completely destroyed. It was rebuilt only in the middle of 1944. Over 500,000 wounded were treated in dozens of hospitals during the war years.

The city was an important center for the production of weapons. During the Second World War, every second Soviet car, every third tank and every fourth artillery piece were produced at Gorky’s plants. In total, about 38 thousand tanks, self-propelled guns, armored vehicles, 43 thousand mortars, 16 thousand aircraft, 22 submarines, 109 thousand cars, more than 85 thousand radio stations, as well as 101 thousand artillery pieces and 1,165 Katyusha multiple rocket launchers were produced in Gorky.

Nizhny Novgorod after the Second World War

In 1946, the first GAZ-M-20 “Pobeda” passenger car and the GAZ-51 truck left the assembly line of the Gorky Automobile Plant. In 1949, the construction of the monumental Chkalov Stairs connecting the Upper Volga and Lower Volga embankments was completed in the historic center of Nizhny Novgorod. On August 4, 1959, the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On the closure of the city of Gorky for visiting by foreigners” was issued. In 1962, the population of Gorky exceeded 1 million people.

On January 18, 1970, a radiation accident occurred at the Krasnoe Sormovo plant. During the construction of a nuclear submarine, an unauthorized launch of the reactor took place. After working at prohibitive power for about 10-15 seconds, it partially collapsed. Hundreds of workers were exposed to the radioactive release. In total, over one thousand people took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident and were exposed to radiation.

In 1985, a subway was opened in Gorky. In 1980-1986, Andrei Sakharov, a world famous nuclear physicist, Nobel laureate, and activist, was in exile in Gorky to prevent his contacts with foreigners. In the early 1990s, the “closed city” status was lifted and the city became accessible to foreigners. On October 22, 1990, Gorky was renamed back to Nizhny Novgorod. In 1991, the population of the city reached its maximum - 1,445,000 people.

At the end of the 20th century, the information technology sphere began to actively develop in the city. In the 2000s, a transport problem arose because of the insufficient carrying capacity of the Nizhny Novgorod bridges connecting the lower part of the city and the upper one.

In February 2012, the Nizhny Novgorod Volga Aerial Tramway was opened. This 3661-meter-long gondola lift cable car connected Nizhny Novgorod with the town of Bor. Its daily passenger traffic is about 5,000 people. In 2013, the city electric train was launched - an alternative to the subway line from Sormovo to Moskovsky railway station.

Nizhny Novgorod hosted 6 matches of the FIFA World Cup 2018 . A new stadium was built, the old river port was demolished, a new park and embankments were created. Large-scale restoration of old streets and buildings took place, new museums were opened, hotels were built, and parks were reconstructed.

Streets of Nizhny Novgorod

One sunny summer day in Nizhniy Novgorod

One sunny summer day in Nizhniy Novgorod

Author: Denis Plekhanov

Apartment buildings in Nizhny Novgorod

Apartment buildings in Nizhny Novgorod

Author: Eugene Ivanov

On the street in Nizhny Novgorod

On the street in Nizhny Novgorod

Author: Sergey S. Kazenyuk

Nizhny Novgorod - Features

Nizhny Novgorod is located about 425 km east of Moscow, at the confluence of the two largest waterways of the European part of Russia - the Volga and Oka rivers. The city is divided by the Oka into two parts. The length of Nizhny Novgorod along the Oka is 20 km, along the Volga - about 30 km.

The climate in Nizhny Novgorod is moderately continental, with cold, long winters and warm, relatively short summers. The average temperature in January is minus 8.9 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19.4 degrees Celsius.

A red deer is depicted on the coat of arms and flag of Nizhny Novgorod, which is a symbol of nobility, purity, life, wisdom, and justice. The City Day is celebrated on the 3rd Saturday in August.

In January 2019, Nizhny Novgorod was recognized as the best city in Russia in terms of quality of life. It took first place among Russian cities and 109th in the world in terms of quality of life. The rating was compiled by the site numbeo.com, which specializes in statistics on the cost of living and consumer prices in different countries of the world.

When compiling the rating, the purchasing power of the population, safety, health care, the cost of living, the ratio of real estate prices to the population’s income, traffic congestion, the level of environmental pollution, and climate were taken into account.

The main branches of the local industry are the production of cars and weapons, shipbuilding. Nizhny Novgorod is also one of the IT centers of Russia.

Nizhny Novgorod is a major transport hub. The city has a railway station, a river station, a cargo port, several berths for transshipment of goods. Strigino International Airport named after V.P. Chkalov offers regular flights to such cities as Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Samara, St. Petersburg, Sochi, and a number of others.

Public transport in Nizhny Novgorod plays a very important role in ensuring the life of the city. At the same time, its work is hampered by the distribution of its population on the city’s territory, large daily migrations, a very high concentration of passenger traffic on the bridges across the Oka River, and the lack of an all-encompassing system of high-speed transport. There are municipal buses, fixed-route minibuses, trams, trolleybuses, the city train, and subway.

The tourist potential of Nizhny Novgorod is quite high. According to UNESCO, it is one of the most valuable historical cities in the world. In total, there are more than 600 unique historical, architectural and cultural monuments in Nizhny Novgorod, a variety of museums. The best time to visit Nizhny Novgorod is summer.

One of the alternative ways to visit Nizhny Novgorod is to take a river cruise along the Volga River. Travelers will find exciting excursions and meals in traditional Russian taverns. It will also be interesting to come during one of the many fairs or ethnographic festivals that are held in the city.

Main Attractions of Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin (1508-1515) - a fortress in the historic center of Nizhny Novgorod and its oldest part, the main architectural complex of the city located on the right high bank, at the confluence of the Volga and Oka rivers. To date, all 13 towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin have been preserved or have been restored. The thickness of the wall at the base reaches 5 meters. There are exhibitions in the towers of the fortress; a section of the wall is open for tourists to visit.

In the past, there were several churches on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Today, only the Archangel Michael Cathedral has survived, built no later than the middle of the 16th century and rebuilt in 1628-1631 - the oldest surviving building in the kremlin. There is the grave of Kuzma Minin inside it.

An excellent view of the Volga River and Strelka (the confluence of the Oka and Volga) opens from the walls of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Here you can also see a collection of military equipment from the Second World War.

Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum - one of the oldest museums in Russia, the largest museum of fine arts in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The Governor’s Palace on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin houses a permanent exhibition of Russian art and a collection of artistic silver.

In the House of the Merchant and Benefactor D.V. Sirotkin (Verkhnevolzhskaya Embankment, 3), an exposition of Western European art is presented and, separately, the painting by K.E. Makovsky “The appeal of Kuzma Minin to the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod” - one of the largest paintings on a historical theme in Russia (698x594 cm).

Chkalov Stairs (1943-1949) - a monumental staircase in the form of a figure eight in the historic center of Nizhny Novgorod. Connecting the Upper Volga (Verkhnevolzhskaya) and Lower Volga (Nizhnevolzhskaya) embankments, it is one of the longest stairs in Russia. It starts from the observation deck at the monument to Valery Chkalov (the famous Soviet pilot who made the first non-stop flight from the USSR to the USA via the North Pole), next to the St. George Tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin.

Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street - the main street of Nizhny Novgorod built up with noble mansions of the past centuries. A large part of Bolshaya Pokrovskaya is reserved for the pedestrian zone and is analogous to the pedestrian Arbat Street in Moscow. There are a lot of historic houses, cafes, souvenir shops, boutiques, monuments, and sculptures here. The length of the street is over 2 km.

The building of the State Bank (Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street, 26), resembling a medieval palace, is an outstanding architectural monument built in the Russian Revival style in 1911-1913. In the Museum of Old Equipment and Tools (Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street, 43), you can see unique exhibits, hear their history, and even touch them.

Fedorovsky Embankment - one of the most beautiful embankments in Nizhny Novgorod and the best observation deck in the city. Everything is perfectly visible from this embankment: the old part of the city, the river station with a park, the Kanavinsky bridge - one of the oldest in the city, and, of course, the opposite bank of the Oka River with the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the confluence of the Oka and Volga. People also come here to watch the sunset.

Nizhny Novgorod Volga Aerial Tramway . This cable car, 3661 meters long, connects the high right bank of the Volga River, where the historic part of Nizhny Novgorod is located, with the town of Bor. It has the largest unsupported span over the water surface in Europe - 861 meters.

A one way trip during which you can admire the picturesque views of Nizhny Novgorod and the Volga River takes 15 minutes. It is better to use it in good sunny weather, because in windy weather, the movement of the cabins can be stopped. Sennaya Square on Kazanskaya Embankment.

Nizhny Novgorod State Museum of History and Architecture (1875-1877). Also known as the Mansion of S.M. Rukavishnikov, it is an architectural ensemble built in the eclectic style in the historic center of Nizhny Novgorod, one of the most important and famous architectural monuments of this city. Guided tours are held in the premises, allowing you to learn about the life of the former owners of the mansion, as well as look at the historical expositions of different years. Verkhnevolzhskaya Embankment, 7.

Main Palace of Nizhny Novgorod Fair - a luxurious building constructed in the forms of Old Russian architecture of the 17th century. Today, exhibitions of various formats are held here, as well as the multimedia exposition “Russia - my history” dedicated mainly to the history of Nizhny Novgorod starting from the Finno-Ugric peoples. Sovnarkomovskaya Street, 13.

Museum of the History of the Gorky Automobile Plant . The museum houses expositions telling about the history and development of the Gorky Automobile Plant. In total, there are over 40,000 exhibits. Here you can see a collection of Soviet vintage cars, which includes “Chaika”, “Volga”, the truck “GAZ-51”, and a lot of others. Lenina Avenue, 95.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1868-1881) - the most noticeable sight of the lower part of Nizhny Novgorod, which can be seen from all observation decks of the upper city. The church, 87 meters high, was built on the site of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair at the expense of merchants, who wanted to perpetuate the visit of Emperor Alexander II. Strelka Street, 3a.

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1696-1719) - one of the best examples of the Stroganov Baroque, an architectural monument of federal significance. From a distance, this colorful building looks like a sugar gingerbread with “candy” domes and decorated with stone flowers, pears and apples. Rozhdestvenskaya Street, 34.

Pechersky Ascension Monastery - one of the most interesting places in Nizhny Novgorod, where you can feel the spirit of the city. Most of the monastery buildings date back to the first half of the 17th century. A lot of beautiful photographs can be taken here. Privolzhskaya Sloboda Street, 108.

Limpopo Zoo - the first private zoo in Russia. More than 270 species of animals live here, 25 of which are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. It is located on the territory of the Sormovsky Park on an area of 7.1 hectares. Yaroshenko Street, 7b.

Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve “Shcholokovskiy Khutor” . The exposition of this museum is represented by 16 objects of rural architecture: residential houses, barns, mills and churches of the 17th-19th centuries brought from the northern districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The facades of the houses are decorated with traditional relief carvings. In the premises of the houses, interiors with authentic items of peasant life have been restored. Gorbatovskaya Street, 41.

Nizhny Novgorod city of Russia photos

Pictures of nizhny novgorod.

Chkalov Stairs and the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

Chkalov Stairs and the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

Author: Sergey Bulanov

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Nizhny Novgorod

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Nizhny Novgorod

Author: Evgeniy Balashov

Shopping and office center Smart in Nizhny Novgorod

Shopping and office center Smart in Nizhny Novgorod

Author: Diman Lazarev

Sights of Nizhny Novgorod

Annunciation Monastery - the oldest monastery in Nizhny Novgorod

Annunciation Monastery - the oldest monastery in Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod Cathedral Mosque

Nizhny Novgorod Cathedral Mosque

Church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow in Nizhny Novgorod

Church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow in Nizhny Novgorod

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  • Hotel Easy Room
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The 13 best carry-on backpacks of 2024, tested & reviewed.

Enjoy hands-free travel with a versatile carry-on backpack.

The Best Carry-on Backpacks

Cotopaxi Allpa 35L in blue in field.

Leilani Osmundson | U.S. News

Not sure whether to take a rolling suitcase or a travel backpack on the plane? Both types of carry-on luggage certainly have their merits, but if you like keeping your arms and hands free when traveling, a backpack is the right choice for you. Furthermore, compared to a hard-sided suitcase , it's easier to squeeze a malleable backpack into an overhead bin or under the seat. And if your vacation is focused on adventure travel, you might value a durable pack on your back over wheels on the ground.

U.S. News compiled this list from extensive research and testing along with consumer reviews. Whatever your reason for choosing a backpack, there are plenty on the market to satisfy your needs. Read on for the best carry-on travel backpacks.

Best Overall: Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack

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Best Budget: ZOMAKE Ultra Lightweight Hiking Backpack 20L

Best lightweight: mz wallace metro utility backpack.

  • Best for Business Travel (tie): Dagne Dover Dakota Neoprene Backpack – Large
  • Best for Business Travel (tie): Aer Travel Pack 3

Best for International Travel: Osprey Farpoint 40 Travel Pack

Best for weekend getaways: solo grand travel tsa backpack, best for women: tumi voyageur celina backpack, best for men: peak design travel backpack 45l, best for adventure travel: kelty redwing 36, best with wheels: samsonite tectonic nutech wheeled backpack, best organization: augustnoa classic noa, best leather: monos metro backpack in vegan leather.

(Note: Prices and availability were accurate at the time of publication; they may fluctuate due to demand and other factors. Dimensions of backpacks are height by width by depth.)

The Cotopaxi Allpa 35L in purple.

Price: $200 or less

When it comes to bag travel, the Cotopaxi Allpa packs a serious punch. The carry-on backpack is available in three sizes – 42L, 35L and 28L – and a variety of colors, including the vibrant multicolor Del Día style. The 35L size not only fits everything you need for your next getaway, but it's also TSA-compliant as a carry-on item . On the outside, the Allpa features a removable waist belt, a padded laptop sleeve on the side, anti-theft zippers, carabiner lash loops for extra gear, a sternum strap and a front zippered pocket. The backpack straps can be tucked away if you're looking to save more room in the overhead bin or you want to carry the bag via its grab handles.

The bag opens suitcase-style; inside, you'll find one large zippered mesh compartment on the right and a subdivided zippered mesh compartment on the left, providing ample space for all your clothes, shoes and accessories. What's more, the bag comes with a rain cover (though it's already water-resistant).

What our editors say:

I've taken my Cotopaxi Allpa on countless adventures, from a road trip around Iceland to camping all over Colorado. It fits more than expected, is comfortable to wear (especially if using the waist belt) and is extremely durable. I just wish the 35L had an exterior water bottle pocket like the 42L does! – Leilani Osmundson, Senior Digital Producer

ZOMAKE Ultra Lightweight Hiking Backpack 20L in black and gray.

Erin Evans | U.S. News

ZOMAKE Ultra Lightweight Hiking Backpack 20L in black and gray.

Price: $15.99 or less

This backpack has three excellent things going for it: It's affordable, lightweight and durable. It's a great option for a weekend getaway bag and is an excellent little backpack to have on hand for tours and day trips once you make it to your destination. If you're planning to hike or kayak on your next getaway, you'll definitely want to have the ZOMAKE Ultra Lightweight Backpack in your back pocket – literally. It can be folded into a compact pouch and tucked away in a larger carry-on bag if you're planning to only use it as a daypack.

The lightweight travel bag is both tear- and water-resistant. With all of its pockets – including one on each side for water bottles or umbrellas – you'll be able to fit everything you need for an adventure-filled trip.

It can fit enough for a weekend trip, plus it's super useful for hiking, boat excursions and more once you're in your destination because it's so light and water-resistant. I've used it for years and it has held up incredibly well; it comes in so many fun colors, too. I love it so much, I bought two so my husband has one he can use as well. – Erin Evans, Managing Editor

MZ Wallace Metro Utility Backpack in black.

Rachael Hood | U.S. News

MZ Wallace Metro Utility Backpack in black.

Price: $345 or less

Constructed with recycled bluesign-approved quilted nylon, this chic bag is packed with pockets and organizational details. The interior has a padded 15-inch laptop sleeve, a large zip pocket with two slip pockets, two water bottle pockets and two removable pouches. On the front of the bag there's a deep phone pocket and multiple zippered pockets of various sizes, including a small one that's ideal for a boarding pass, earbuds or wipes.

A water bottle pocket sits on each side of the bag, and the back of the bag has a luggage trolley sleeve that can be zipped shut on the bottom to be a pocket when not attached to your suitcase. This backpack has a top-zip design, and can be carried by the two top handles or the adjustable padded backpack straps.

This bag has completely changed my mind about backpacks. It's extremely spacious and works so well for my laptop, change of clothes, toiletry bag and other carry-on essentials. I love all of the pockets and that I can carry this like a north-south tote in addition to using the trolley sleeve or backpack straps. But what truly sets this apart is the beautiful fabrication that is so soft and the luxurious Italian leather details. – Rachael Hood, Senior Editor

Best for Business Travel: Dagne Dover Dakota Neoprene Backpack and Aer Travel Pack 3 (tie)

Dagne dover dakota neoprene backpack – large.

Dagne Dover Dakota Neoprene Backpack in brown.

Catriona Kendall | U.S. News

Dagne Dover Dakota Neoprene Backpack in brown.

Price: $215 or less

This sleek, professional backpack by Dagne Dover is perfect for professional and casual settings alike, with a vast array of organizational features and a 20-liter capacity for the large size. On the outside, you'll find a zippered padded pocket for up to 16-inch laptops and a slip pocket for your phone, while an interior sleeve can fit a tablet or a second laptop, allowing you to travel with multiple devices. The inside of the bag has two mesh slip pockets and a zip-top pouch attached with a leash, as well as three zippered pockets in the front panel.

To help you stay even more organized, the exterior also features a zippered front pocket with pen loops and a key clip; two zippered side pockets; two slip side pockets; and straps to secure a small bottle. The water-resistant bag comes with adjustable shoulder straps, a luggage sleeve and a separate shoe bag.

I adore bringing this bag to work and using it as a personal item on flights. I don't think I've ever used a backpack with better organization than this one – there's a dedicated place for every little thing, from keys to pens to my devices. I also love that the neoprene material is extremely lightweight and water-resistant. – Catriona Kendall, Editor

Aer Travel Pack 3

Aer Travel Pack 3 in black.

Price: $249 or less

With a pocket for everything, the clamshell-style Aer Travel Pack 3 keeps you organized to the max on business trips. Keep your laptop (up to 16 inches) safe in the padded, zippered laptop sleeve, and stow your passport in the quick-access side pocket. The front compartment features several sizes of pockets perfect for chargers, notepads, pens and more. Along with the lay-flat main compartment for clothes, there's also an interior pocket for small accessories as well as a hidden luggage tracker pocket.

Designed for one-bag travel, the durable Aer Travel Pack 3 also features a water-resistant nylon exterior along with load lifters for a more comfortable fit. You can purchase a hip belt separately.

The Aer Travel Pack 3 has one of the sleekest designs when it comes to carry-on backpacks. I also appreciate all the pockets: The sizable laptop pocket is perfect for someone like me who uses a huge laptop; the eight pockets in just the front compartment are so handy for everything you could need while traveling; and the bag even comes with a zippered water bottle pocket on the side. – Leilani Osmundson

Osprey Farpoint 40 Travel Pack in blue.

Price: $185 or less

The Osprey Farpoint is truly an all-in-one travel pack that combines quality with minimal weight. The clamshell-style carry-on bag features a substantial main compartment across from a large mesh pocket. There's an easy-to-access zippered laptop sleeve on the side for devices up to 16 inches.

For extra support and comfort, the backpack includes a sternum strap, back panel, harness and hip belt; the latter three can be zipped up for fully streamlined travel, and compression straps help slim the bag down even more. The Osprey Farpoint 40 meets most domestic carry-on size requirements and is compatible with the Farpoint/Fairview Travel Daypack , which can be brought onto the plane as a personal item.

This is one of my favorite backpacks. I love how the back can be zipped up so the bag more resembles a duffel; this makes it easy to stow away without having to deal with a lot of straps. Additionally, the interior compression straps can really help cinch down belongings, especially if you're using packing cubes . – Leilani Osmundson

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Solo Grand Travel TSA Backpack in gray.

Amanda Norcross | U.S. News

Solo Grand Travel TSA Backpack in gray.

Price: $117.99 or less

Perfect for weekend getaways , the Solo Grand TSA Travel Backpack opens like a regular suitcase. In the main compartment, you can secure several outfits with compression straps and store accessories and toiletries in two zippered mesh pockets. In the back, a padded compartment protects laptops up to 17.3 inches in size, and on the front there are a variety of pockets – even pockets within pockets – for your phone and other essentials. This backpack is also equipped with two side mesh pockets, a trolley sleeve, and side and top carry handles.

This backpack is flawless. It's big without the bulk and has plenty of pockets, which not only makes it ideal for weekend getaways but also prevents me from having to awkwardly rummage through my bag when I need something on the plane. – Amanda Norcross, Senior Content & SEO Strategist

TUMI Voyageur Celina Backpack in black.

Price: $475 or less

This backpack blends function and fashion with a compact design. On the front of the bag are two zip compartments and a U-zip pocket with a card slot, a slip pocket and a pen holder. The interior of the bag is divided into two separate compartments: one zippered section with a padded laptop compartment (holds up to a 15-inch PC or 16-inch MacBook), and another large compartment with a zippered pocket and two slip pockets (ideal for glasses or charging cords).

There is also a zippered compartment on each side of the bag, one of which has a water-resistant lining for a water bottle. On the back of the bag you'll find a hidden phone compartment and a trolley sleeve to attach to a roller bag.

This style oozes sophistication, especially the black with the gold hardware. From its sleek material to its many pockets and details, this backpack looks and feels like a chic handbag that can go from the office to a beach resort with ease. I especially like that there are two places you can access the front compartment of the bag, and I like that the laptop section is separate from the rest of the backpack so it's easier to take out my computer and go through airport security (which makes me less likely to drop something from inside my bag). – Rachael Hood

Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L in black.

Price: $299.95 or less

The Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L is a solid, rugged choice that will last. The nylon canvas shell of the backpack is weatherproof and water-resistant, with a waterproof bottom liner as well. You can unzip the back panel to access the main packing compartment, which is also accessible via zippers along each side of the bag and can be divided in two by a mesh sleeve. To keep you organized, this backpack has quick-access pockets for small items like passports and glasses, plus expandable side pockets for water bottles, tripods or umbrellas.

The bag meets carry-on size requirements but can expand by 1.5 inches if you need the extra room; the shoulder straps and hip belt tuck away if you plan to check it instead. If you prefer a smaller bag, the Peak Design Travel Backpack also comes in a 30-liter size .

If you only want to bring one bag on a short trip, you can't go wrong with this backpack. It's sturdy, reliable and able to fit a ton while still being carry-on-sized. It served me well on a recent trip to New Zealand, and I'd definitely recommend it for travelers who like hands-free luggage. – Catriona Kendall

Kelty Redwing 36 in blue.

Price: $134.95 or less

If you'll be adventuring in the great outdoors for your next trip, consider purchasing the Kelty Redwing 36 backpack. You'll find two exterior water bottle pockets as well as a hydration-friendly inner pocket (for storing a water bladder). Tool loops can hold hiking poles, fishing poles, ice axes or other adventure gear. Organization is made easy with plenty of zippered pockets, including one on each side of the bag, a large one on the front and one on top that's perfect for storing travel documents such as a passport. Plus, a ventilated back panel helps keep you cool when you're hurrying through airports or hiking up a mountain.

If you need a bigger backpack, the Kelty Redwing 50 Tactical is a great checked bag option and has many of the same features as the Redwing 36 along with more straps and pockets.

The Kelty Redwing 36 can be cinched down quite a bit for truly streamlined travel and to better meet carry-on size guidelines. However, I'll caution that the waist belt is difficult to remove. – Leilani Osmundson

Samsonite Tectonic NuTech Wheeled Backpack in black.

Price: $159.99 or less

If you want the flexibility to either carry or wheel your luggage, a wheeled backpack style may work best for you. The Samsonite Tectonic NuTech Wheeled Backpack transforms from a rolling bag into a backpack by just tucking in the handle, pulling out the stowed straps and using the wheel cover. The durable polyester material is water-repellent and has red accents.

There are three sections to this bag: a main compartment with space to pack for a weekend trip, a dedicated sleeve for both a laptop up to 15.6 inches and a tablet up to 11 inches, and a front pocket equipped with various organizational features. There are various small pockets, pen sleeves, card slots and a key leash within. You can tuck a water bottle and umbrella into the exterior pockets on either side of the bag. Just keep in mind that this bag may slightly exceed carry-on size restrictions on some airlines with stricter rules.

I expected a wheeled backpack to be uncomfortable to carry, but this convertible bag has proved surprisingly convenient. I like having both the rolling and hands-free options for different circumstances, and it has ample packing space. – Catriona Kendall

augustnoa classic noa in cream.

Price: $148 or less

This sustainable water-resistant backpack is constructed with 100% recycled materials and has 10 pockets to organize everything. The spacious interior compartment has a 17-inch padded laptop sleeve and a tablet sleeve with a strap to secure it in place, as well as an interior mesh pocket for small items or charging cords and a removable shoe bag.

On the exterior, the front pocket has a built-in mesh organizer for pens, and there are mesh water bottle holders on each side of the backpack. The back of the bag has two adjustable padded straps, each with a built-in zippered compartment ideal for keys, ID or tickets. A hidden zip pocket makes for a secure space for a wallet or passport, and the trolley sleeve provides added versatility.

This backpack is great for travel or everyday use. I especially appreciate the comfortable backpack straps with the small zip pockets. They are easy to reach and perfect for small items like lip gloss, cash or a transit card. Durably constructed, the water-resistant exterior performs well in any weather, and I love that there's a padded space for both my laptop and iPad. – Rachael Hood

Monos Metro Backpack in Vegan Leather in brown.

Price: $230 or less

For an upscale backpack that can be dressed up or down, this Monos style is an ideal choice. Constructed with sustainable vegan leather (there's also a nylon version with vegan leather accents), this structured style is both water- and scratch-resistant. The 15-inch laptop sleeve is separate from the main packing compartment so you can access your device easily. The brand's QuickSnap Modular Kit System means you'll have a detachable Metro Kit for small items that attaches magnetically to the front of the bag; this kit is interchangeable between Metro bags and can be swapped out for a different kit or removed entirely, depending on your needs.

The backpack's main compartment is designed for maximum functionality with a felt-lined document sleeve, a large zippered pocket, two slip pockets, and a waterproof zippered privacy compartment for a rain jacket or gym clothes. On the back, you can make use of a hidden slip pocket for your phone, a trolley sleeve and adjustable padded straps. There's also two top carry handles if you'd prefer to carry this backpack like a tote.

I really like the elevated styling and durability of this vegan leather bag. But what sets it apart is the separate laptop compartment (I don't like to have to open my entire bag to get out my laptop while on the go), and the modular Metro Kit system that can be removed when it's not needed. It's full of value-added design elements, and the material looks classic and appropriate with any attire. – Rachael Hood

Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on its size, a backpack is considered a carry-on item. To be able to put it in the overhead bin, you generally don't want it to exceed 22 x 14 x 9 inches, but that sizing varies by airline, and since backpacks are soft-sided, the dimensions can be somewhat malleable. If it fits under the seat in front of you on the plane ( check your airline's specific size requirements ), it is typically considered a personal item. If the backpack can fit under the seat, then you can often bring it in addition to a larger carry-on bag (based on your airline ticket type and inclusions).

For a backpack to be a carry-on for most domestic airlines, it should not exceed 22 x 14 x 9 inches (or should be able to be squished to approximately those dimensions). To be considered a personal item, it must fit under the seat in front of you. Underseat size and space varies by airline and airplane type, so it's best to check with your airline's size restrictions.

How We Tested

From the comfort of the straps to the capacity of each bag, our team tested more than 20 carry-on backpacks from a variety of brands at a range of price points. We tested to see how the overall structure of the bag works for travel needs, along with the durability and details that make a difference. After taking these backpacks on a variety of adventures, we've selected these carry-on backpacks as the best for 2024.

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Florida gas prices drop as summer travel season kicks off, says AAA

by Gershon Harrell

{p}Florida's gas prices are on the decline, says AAA. According to the Auto Club Group Florida gas prices have seen a downtick over the past 10 days, dropping 11 cents per gallon. (AAA){ }{/p}{p}{/p}

Florida's gas prices are on the decline, says AAA. According to the Auto Club Group Florida gas prices have seen a downtick over the past 10 days, dropping 11 cents per gallon. (AAA)

TAMPA, Fla. (CBS12) — Florida's gas prices are on the decline, says AAA.

According to the Auto Club Group Florida gas prices have seen a downtick over the past 10 days, dropping 11 cents per gallon.

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Sunday's state average was $3.45 per gallon which is about 5 cents less than a week ago, but 6 cents more than this time last year.

"The summer travel season is beginning with gasoline prices that are 20 cents less than the highest price this year," said Mark Jenkins, Public Relations Manager for AAA - The Auto Club Group. "While gasoline prices are usually volatile through the summer months, recent futures prices suggest the state average could move lower this week."

Florida's most expensive gas markets by region:

  • West Palm Beach - Boca Raton ($3.64)
  • Naples ($3.55)
  • Fort Lauderdale ($3.51)

Florida's least expensive gas markets by region:

  • Crestview - Fort Walton Beach ($3.16)
  • Panama City - ($3.18)
  • Pensacola ($3.21)

Ways to save on gasoline, as provided AAA:

  • Combine errands to limit driving time.
  • Shop around for the best gas prices in your community.
  • Pay with cash. Some retailers charge extra per gallon for customers who pay with a credit card.
  • Remove excess weight in your vehicle. Every 100 pounds taken out of the vehicle improves fuel economy by 1-2 percent.
  • Drive conservatively. Aggressive acceleration and speeding reduces fuel economy.

Resources for drivers provided by AAA:

  • Enroll in savings programs. AAA Members who enroll in Shell's Fuel Rewards program can save 30 cents per gallon on their first fill-up and 5 cents per gallon each additional trip to the pump. Click here for more information.
  • Get a tune-up. Ensure your vehicle is properly maintained to optimize its fuel economy. Visit AAA.com/AutoRepair to find a certified repair shop.
  • Find the lowest gas prices in your area by using the free AAA mobile app.
  • Determine anticipated fuel costs for your trip by using the AAA's Gas Cost Calculator.

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Boosting passenger preference for rail

COVID-19 had a profound impact on people and industries across the world, with lasting changes to the way many people work and travel. Passenger rail was significantly affected, as at the onset of the pandemic operators had to contend with a sudden, steep drop in ridership. A new report, Boosting passenger preference for rail, by the International Union of Railways (UIC) in a partnership with McKinsey & Company, found that depending on the region, passenger numbers declined by between 40 and 100 percent, with a global average of around 70 percent. As the pandemic-related restrictions were lifted, operators put measures in place to restore rail services and adjust their offerings to suit customer’s changing needs, which aided recovery—although passenger rail traffic had not fully recovered at the beginning of 2022 when the research for the report took place, particularly in North America and Western Europe.

Even as the rail industry works to overcome the effects of the pandemic, several trends indicate that operators could not only restore passenger numbers to pre-COVID-19 levels, but increase rail’s modal share. Doing so could meet consumer expectations and help governments and countries around the world to achieve sustainability goals. For instance, consumers have become more environmentally conscious and rail offers a more sustainable option than traveling by car or plane. Over the next ten years, given new mobility offerings, car modal share for short to medium distances is expected to decrease by between 20 and 70 percent, with variations across regions—freeing up modal share that could be captured by rail. 1 McKinsey Center for Future Mobility research, 2021.

Furthermore, several regions are focusing on modernizing rail infrastructure and decarbonizing transport. The European Green Deal, a wide-ranging stimulus package focused on sustainability, is estimated to include €87.5 billion in investment related to rail infrastructure. 2 Global Infrastructure Outlook, data extracted in July 2021; “ITF Transport Outlook 2021,” OECD, 2021. Likewise, in the United States, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) allocates $66 billion in funding and grants towards corridor development, rail track modernization, and safety improvement. 3 “The bipartisan infrastructure deal,” White House fact sheet, November 6, 2021. And in Africa, an integrated high-speed train network is at the heart of the “Agenda 2063” as one of 15 flagship projects. 4 “Agenda 2063 The Africa we want: First ten-year implementation plan 2013-2023,” The African Union Commission, September 2015.

Given these global trends, rail has the strength to position itself as one of the preferred choices of transportation of the future, helping to solve many longstanding challenges in passenger transport: sustainability, speed, and volume. Rail’s strengths include the ability to transport large volumes of people in an efficient manner, at a faster speed than car travel (if high speed or at peak hours when roads are congested), with enhanced travel comfort for leisure and business, and at lower energy consumption and hence lower carbon emissions per passenger.

That said, in many regions of the world, rail faces various challenges that act as barriers to increased ridership, including pricing schemes that are perceived to be expensive, a lack of reliability and punctuality, insufficient density, and a lack of convenience from an end-to-end journey perspective.

Boosting passenger preference for rail examines passenger rail’s current status, the reasons why passengers may or may not choose rail as a transport option, and the shifts in consumer behavior that have affected rail passenger numbers—and will likely continue to do so in the future. It also details the measures that operators have taken to restore rail travel to pre-pandemic levels. The report concludes with a set of concrete levers railway operators can pull to recover passengers lost during the pandemic, attract new passengers, and develop rail to be a viable alternative to road and air transport.

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Customer expectations: price is key.

The report finds that price is a core decision criterion for consumers when choosing rail over other means of transport. Other important factors are largely related to overall time of travel—especially regarding frequency, and speed—as well as reliability of service.

Research draws on a representative sample of customers across nine countries in three continents (Europe, Asia and North America) who were asked about their reasons for deciding to travel by rail. The results show that price, safety, reliability, and convenience remain the main drivers for passengers when choosing their mode of transport (exhibit). In all investigated regions except China, people report price as their key criterion for choosing a mode of travel.

Sustainability-related criteria seem to play only a minor role for passengers in their travel selection, though with notable differences across regions—between 3 percent of customers (Japan) and 19 percent (China) indicated that this aspect is one of their top-three decision criteria. When asked about their sustainability behavior, 87 percent of customers expressed an interest in sustainable rail offerings, but only 12 percent would be willing to pay a premium for sustainable products or services.

Long-distance travelers assign less importance to price (26 percent compared to 34 percent for medium and 32 percent for short-distance travel) and are more interested in convenience factors like travel time and the number of changes required on the journey.

Given these customer expectations today, rail operators could focus on their core offerings— including convenience, reliability, and speed, as well as price and safety—to increase passenger numbers and grow rail’s modal share. Railway infrastructure expansions and ongoing investments for maintenance and repair can help to support this.

Three horizons that can boost rail modal share

Rail operators, together with infrastructure managers and policy makers, can consider various measures across the following three horizons to grow passenger preference for rail and establish rail as the means of transportation of the future.

Horizon 1—Restore rail travel to pre-COVID 19 levels

Operators around the world have taken steps to aid demand recovery by re-establishing service availability and reliability, adapting offerings to suit new customer needs, and making these changes known to customers through clear communication. These same levers could be important in their continuing efforts to restore rail travel to pre-pandemic levels.

Operators could ensure that current customer expectations are met or exceeded, especially in terms of reliability and safety, and adjust offerings to meet changed demand and habits caused in particular by the increase in hybrid working. For instance, offerings such as modified train schedules and discounted tickets for off-peak travel could enhance the appeal of rail travel for commuters. Another approach could be to launch new offerings in response to the resurgence of local leisure travel, for instance through discounted fares or special passes for weekend travel, or to popular getaway destinations.

Furthermore, communication through ads and other media channels with customers is critical in creating awareness around existing rail services, and in fostering the desire to travel again. It can also be a key touch point for alleviating passengers’ health-related concerns by showing what hygiene measures are in place.

Safe, smart, and green: Boosting European passenger rail's modal share

Safe, smart, and green: Boosting European passenger rail’s modal share

Horizon 2—grow passenger rail by improving operations.

Operators can build upon their existing networks to attract new passengers and enhance the travel experience. This can be achieved through a number of methods, such as tapping into new passenger segments with new offerings and differentiated pricing, and upgrading and enhancing both the train and station passenger experience. Trains could be re-positioned as multifunctional spaces, going beyond the traditional role of only offering seats to bridge distances. Measures to achieve this could include expanding onboard services such as digital connectivity, or providing luggage concierge, pet transportation, and food-ordering services.

Operators could also focus efforts on improving the end-to-end journey and offer a comprehensive mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) experience, for instance through mobile apps. Several operators are working within their travel ecosystems to provide one single pass so passengers can access multiple means of transport such as cars or e-bikes as well as trains.

Horizon 3—Grow passenger rail by structural measures

In the long term, operators could ramp up investment in infrastructure and service excellence. Doing so will likely require investment in high-density, high-speed and high-frequency networks. This involves increasing capacity and level of service through capital investments that include rolling stock, infrastructure, and digital technologies.

Around the world, operators are upgrading their fleets. Rolling stock investments have been projected to increase across all geographies at a rate of 6 percent a year between 2019 and 2024. 5 “Worldwide market for railway industries,” SCI, 2016; “Prospects for market developments of infrastructure and rolling stock 2020,” SCI Verkehr. New rolling stock increases capacity, creates higher customer satisfaction, improves sustainability, and offers the opportunity to modernize interiors, add connectivity, and improve services.

Density, speed, and frequency are three factors that position train travel as an efficient and convenient passenger service—and the case for high density, high speed, and high frequency has already been made numerous times around the world. In France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Japan, the introduction of high-speed rail massively increased rail modal share, replacing cars for shorter distances and planes for longer distances. High-speed connections are a key success factor as journey time critically impacts rail modal share when compared to air travel.

Furthermore, as urbanization leads to increased populations within cities and city agglomerations, rail is an efficient means to relieve traffic congestion from individual mobility in high density regions, and aid sustainability. Rail generates four to six times less CO 2 emissions than traveling by internal combustion engine cars, and even generates less than electric vehicles. When evaluated against air transportation, rail is a more sustainable option, producing about 10 to 15 times less CO 2 per passenger. 6 “ Safe, smart, and green: Boosting European passenger rail’s modal share ,” McKinsey, October 28, 2021.

All stakeholders may need to collaborate in finding ways to reap the benefits that rail can offer—for customers, operators, and nations. For instance, operators and policy makers could develop an integrated perspective on the business model for rail and its role in alleviating traffic congestion, aiding sustainability, and contributing to economic growth.

Opportunities exist for rail operators to restore passenger rail to pre-COVID-19 levels and gain modal share. Rail operators that focus on restoring and growing the passenger base, providing better services, and investing in infrastructure have potential to succeed. Such efforts are becoming necessary in the face of climate change, and expanding populations that need access to safe, reliable, and affordable transport.

Raphaëlle Chapuis is an engagement manager in McKinsey’s Montréal office, Théo Delporte is a knowledge specialist in the Paris office, where Carsten Lotz is a partner.

The authors wish to thank Moritz Motyka, and Lynda Liu for their contributions to this article.

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