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Olympus Trip XB41 AF

  • Brand: Olympus
  • Name: Olympus Trip XB41 AF
  • Type: Snapshot camera
  • Type of Film: 35mm
  • Focal length: 27 mm
  • Maximum aperture: f/6.3
  • Focus: Autofocus
  • Shutter speeds: 1/100 s
  • Flash / Flash connection: Built-in flash
  • Release date: 2000
  • Age: Up to 24 years

Launched in 2000, the Olympus Trip XB41 AF is part of the Olympus Trip range of point-and-shoot cameras. The production of this camera was realized in China.

Thanks to its plastic body, it proves to be extremely user-friendly, making it a perfect choice for those new to photography and those who take up photography as a hobby.

A model similar to the Olympus Trip XB41 AF is the Olympus Trip XB40 AF. This model doesn’t have a self-timer, but otherwise it doesn’t differ much from the XB41 AF.

The camera is characterized by its built-in lens with a fixed focal length of 27 mm. The “Focus Free” mode eliminates the need for manual focusing and does not have a zoom function. It is recommended to maintain a minimum distance of 0.8 meters from the photo subject. A sliding cap serves to protect the lens.

Automatic adjustments to exposure, aperture and shutter speed are made by the camera, which detects the film speed using the film’s DX encoding. If a film without such coding is used, the camera assumes a sensitivity of ISO 100.

The built-in flash plays a crucial role due to the camera’s limited sensitivity to light. It is activated automatically and cannot be switched off.

A carrying strap is included and there is a thread for a tripod on the bottom of the camera. A self-timer function is available.

The dimensions of the Olympus Trip XB41 AF are 11.5 x 6.8 x 4.6 cm. It weighs 152 grams.

Power is supplied by two AA batteries ( eBay / Amazon * ), which are responsible for both the flash and the film transport.

Films for the Olympus Trip XB41 AF

The Olympus Trip XB41 AF can still be used today, although you can purchase used models at a reasonable price. Of course you need suitable films for this.

The camera supports 35mm films and, fortunately, the selection of films is still extensive. Normally, a film allows you to take 36 exposures, the number of which can be read from a counter on the top of the camera. A small window on the back shows whether a film is inserted.

The Kodak Gold 200 * is particularly suitable for color photographs, while the Ilford Delta 100 * is ideal for black and white images. Both types of film are characterized by their flexibility and excellent image quality.

After each shot, the film is automatically transported. When you reach the end of a roll of film, the camera automatically pulls the film back into the cartridge. This function can also be activated manually using a special button.

Quartz Date Model

The Olympus Trip XB41 AF QD has a unique feature: an integrated clock. This function allows the date and time to be recorded directly on the photos, which makes it easier to later assign the times when the photos were taken.

A potential downside to this feature could be the prominent display of the date in the photos, which some may find annoying. This model also has a display and additional controls on the back of the camera, which sets it apart from other models.

Technical datasheet

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Olympus Trip XB41 AF

Recogida disponible en este momento

La Olympus Trip XB41 AF es una cámara compacta de 35 mm con enfoque automático fabricada en 2000 por Olympus en China. Esta cámara tiene un cuerpo pequeño y liviano y es completamente automática . Tiene avance de película automático y rebobinado eléctrico. El XB41 tiene disparador automático en comparación con el modelo XB40. 

Mira algunas fotos de la Olympus Trip XB41 AF  aquí .

Revise las fotos cuidadosamente, ya que mostramos las cámaras en todo su esplendor, sin maquillaje ni retoques. Algunas de las cámaras tienen cicatrices, pero ¿quién no las tiene en la vida real? Construye el carácter y no les impide hacer lo que mejor saben hacer; ¡tomar fotos!


olympus trip xb41 af 35mm

Lente de 27 mm f6.3 compuesta por 3 elementos en 3 grupos.

olympus trip xb41 af 35mm

Obturador electrónico con una única velocidad de 1/100 seg.

olympus trip xb41 af 35mm

1,5 m al infinito

olympus trip xb41 af 35mm

Flash automático incorporado con reducción de ojos rojos

olympus trip xb41 af 35mm

2 pilas AA (no incluidas)

olympus trip xb41 af 35mm

112 x 68 x 40 mm. Peso: 150 g (sin batería)

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Olympus Trip XB41 AF

  • 28mm f/6.3 Olympus Lens
  • Automatic Film Advance Motor Winder
  • Automatic Flash
  • Automatic Focusing/Exposing

Comes With:

Original Wrist Strap

Cosmetic Condition:

2 x AA batteries 35mm Film

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Why the Olympus Trip 35 is a Classic Camera Worth Owning

Why the Olympus Trip 35 is a Classic Camera Worth Owning

David Johnson | April 14, 2023

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Olympus Trip XB41 AF 35mm Point And Shoot Film Camera (New Old Stock)

Vintage Refurbished [ℹ]

Olympus trip xb41 af 35mm point and shoot film camera (new old stock).

This Olympus Trip XB41 AF 35mm camera is new old stock and comes inside its original packaging. The camera is brand new and has never been used. 

While the camera and accessories are unused, due to years of sitting in storage, the included case may show some signs of age, including stiffness, cracking, dust and other imperfections. The packaging may also show signs of shelf wear or handling.  As such, condition may vary slightly from what is pictured.

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Olympus Trip XB40 AF

The Trip XB40 AF of 2000 is a compact camera with autofocus , taking 35mm film, which was manufactured by Olympus in China. It was one of a series of cheap models branded with the famous Trip name. Encased in a small lightweight body this compact camera is fully automatic with no manual overrides. It has automatic film advance and power rewind.

Customers requiring a self-timer had to pay a little extra for the XB41 AF , which was encased in exactly the same body. A QD model added Quartz date function.

A cheaper variant with fixed focus was the XB401 .


  • Lens: 27mm, f/6.3 [1] , 3 elements in 3 groups.
  • Auto-focusing, range 0.8 meter till infinity.
  • ISO : DX decoding ISO 100 - 400.
  • Leaf shutter 1/100 sec.
  • Autowind and power rewind.
  • Viewfinder : Reverse Galilean type.
  • Integral auto-flash.
  • Integral sliding lens cover.
  • Tripod socket.
  • Power: 2 AA batteries.
  • Dimensions (WxHxD): 115.5 x 68 x 46 mm.
  • Weight (without batteries): XB40 AF - 148 grams, XB41 AF - 152 grams.
  • ↑ According to this unofficial Olympus history page
  • Flickr image
  • Japanese 35mm autofocus
  • Image by Arty Smokes
  • Image by Simon Kidd

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Olympus :  Trip XB41 AF

2000. 35mm film, autofocus camera.

olympus trip xb41 af 35mm

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Olympus Trip XB41 AF - Camera

35mm autofocus point & shoot camera released by Olympus in 2000. Plastic body. Big viewfinder.

  • Lens: 27mm f6.3 ( 3 elements in 3 groups)
  • Minimum focusing distance: 0.35m
  • Shutter: 1/100s
  • ISO range: 100-400
  • Size: 115 x 68 x 46mm
  • Weight: 152g
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Olympus Trip XB41 AF

Olympus Trip XB41 AF

The images are part of the product description.


Lens: Olympus 27mm f/6.3 (3 elements, 3 groups).

Film speed settings: 100-400 DX ISO.

Shutter: 1/100 sec.

Film Winding: Automatic.

Flash: Built-in.

Weight: 152g.

The Deal Is:

The Camera (5153574) + Strap.

Condition: 5/5

Cosmetic: Very good, with normal signs of use. Electronic: All electronic functions are working.

Optical: Viewfinder clean with minimal dust. Lens clean with no haze/fungus/scratches.

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Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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  1. Olympus Trip XB41 AF

    The built-in flash plays a crucial role due to the camera's limited sensitivity to light. It is activated automatically and cannot be switched off. A carrying strap is included and there is a thread for a tripod on the bottom of the camera. A self-timer function is available. The dimensions of the Olympus Trip XB41 AF are 11.5 x 6.8 x 4.6 cm.

  2. Olympus Trip XB41 AF

    The Olympus Trip XB41 AF is a 35mm compact camera with autofocus manufactured in 2000 by Olympus in China. This camera has a small lightweight body and is fully automatic with no manual overrides. It has automatic film advance and power rewind. The XB41 has self-timer compared to de XB40 model. Check some Olympus Trip.

  3. Olympus Trip XB41 AF Date 35mm Film Camera

    The Olympus Trip XB41 AF is a beginner friendly 35mm point and shoot film camera. This affordable compact camera is fully automatic making it super easy to use. It's lightweight, compact and features a large and bright viewfinder, integrated flash, self-timer and date stamp.

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    Nice Olympus AF compact camera. Tested with filmroll and batteries. Works really well. Please see and enjoy! Subscribe for more in future!

  5. Olympus Trip XB41 AF

    Olympus Trip XB41 AF. $78.00. A wonderfully easy to use and simple re-useable point and shoot camera perfect for beginners. Equipped with an auto focus 28mm f/6.3 Lens and a built in automatic flash, this camera can be used in all settings and is reliable and easy to use. The addition of a built in motor allows the camera to automatically ...

  6. Why the Olympus Trip 35 is a Classic Camera Worth Owning

    The Olympus Trip 35 was introduced in 1967 and was in pro. ... It is a 35mm film camera that gained immense popularity during the 1970s and 1980s. Even though it has been more than 30 years since its production stopped, it is still considered a classic camera by many film photographers. In this article, we will explore why this camera is still ...

  7. Olympus Trip XB41 AF 35mm Point And Shoot Film Camera (New ...

    This Olympus Trip XB41 AF 35mm camera is new old stock and comes inside its original packaging. The camera is brand new and has never been used. While the camera and accessories are unused, due to years of sitting in storage, the included case may show some signs of age, including stiffness, cracking, dust and other imperfections.

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    The Olympus Trip XB41 AF is an easy to use point and shoot film camera. Its large viewfinder makes it easy to line up the perfect shot. This makes it the ideal 35mm film camera for a beginner or someone who wants a simple point and shoot film camera. It also has a good lens making for great vintage photos.

  10. Olympus Trip XB41 AF

    35mm autofocus point & shoot camera released by Olympus in 2000. Plastic body. Big viewfinder. Lens: 27mm f6.3 ( 3 elements in 3 groups) Minimum focusing distance: 0.35m Shutter: 1/100s ISO range: 100-400 Size: 115 x 68 x 46mm Weight: 152g ... Olympus Trip XB41 AF - Camera Availability & Price History Date Sold SKU Quality Control Price Image ...

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    Nice Olympus camera. Tested with batteries and photofilm. Works great and looks nice. Please enjoy and subscribe!

  12. Olympus Trip XB40 AF

    The Trip XB40 AF of 2000 is a compact camera with autofocus, taking 35mm film, which was manufactured by Olympus in China. It was one of a series of cheap models branded with the famous Trip name. Encased in a small lightweight body this compact camera is fully automatic with no manual overrides. It has automatic film advance and power rewind.

  13. 2000 Olympus Trip XB41 AF

    Vintage Film & Digital Cameras & Accessories for Sale in UK: https://georgescurios.com/ Identical in design to the XB40 AF, the Olympus Trip XB41 AF boasted ...

  14. Olympus: Trip XB41 AF Price Guide: estimate a camera value

    Olympus: Trip XB41 AF - 2000. 35mm film, autofocus camera. Antique, vintage and used digital ... Home; Library; Forum; Most watched; About; Contact us; Cameras > Olympus. Find a camera by name: Olympus: Trip XB41 AF. CollectiBlend Average Index . Average: Very good: Mint: $1-5: $5-10: $10-20: Estimate value accuracy: Suggest the rarity : Add ...

  15. Olympus Trip XB41 AF

    Olympus Trip XB41 AF. Colour. Silver. Item description from the seller. Business seller information. Value Added Tax Number: GB 144232345; ... Olympus Trip XB41 AF Film Cameras, 35mm Point & Shoot Film Cameras, Olympus Trip XB40 AF Film Cameras, Olympus Trip AF 51 Film Cameras,

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    Discover incredible analogue photos shot with the olympus TRIP XB41 AF . Head to our Online Shop to explore our full range of creative Lomography cameras . At Lomography, we absolutely love creative photography. Join our community, share your photos and read the latest photography tips and features.

  17. Olympus Trip XB41 AF

    35mm autofocus point & shoot camera released by Olympus in 2000. Plastic body. Big viewfinder. Lens: 27mm f6.3 ( 3 elements in 3 groups) Minimum focusing distance: 0.35m Shutter: 1/100s ISO range: 100-400 Size: 115 x 68 x 46mm Weight: 152g

  18. Olympus Trip XB41 AF

    Olympus Trip XB41 AF The images are part of the product description. Specifications Lens: Olympus 27mm f/6.3 (3 elements, 3 groups). Film speed settings: 100-400 DX ISO. Shutter: 1/100 sec. Film Winding: Automatic. ... 35mm Film - Expired. Black and White Color Negative Slide Film 120 Film - Expired. Black and White ...

  19. Olympus TRIP XB41 AF camera 35mm film

    More film cameras in our store - https://vintagemarketuashop.etsy.com

  20. Flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia : r/vexillology

    596K subscribers in the vexillology community. A subreddit for those who enjoy learning about flags, their place in society past and present, and…

  21. List of Postal / ZIP Codes in Moscow oblast

    Contact us. We collect postal code lists from 241 Countries and Regions. If you have any questions, please contact us

  22. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  23. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.