medical tourism to singapore

1. Overview

Brief introduction to singapore and its reputation in medical tourism.

Located at the crossroads of Asia, Singapore is a globally recognized hub for finance, technology, and healthcare. Known for its efficiency, high standards, and state-of-the-art medical facilities, Singapore has established itself as a leading destination for medical tourism. Its healthcare system consistently ranks among the top in the world, attracting patients from various continents who seek specialized medical treatments, modern healthcare technology, and high-quality patient care.

Historical and Cultural Significance in Medicine

Historically, Singapore's commitment to healthcare can be traced back to its colonial days, where it served as a regional base for medical services under British rule. Over the years, the nation has transitioned from a healthcare backwater to a global powerhouse, thanks in part to significant investment in research and medical training. The blending of various cultures—Malay, Chinese, Indian, and Western—has also given Singapore a unique medical culture that leverages traditional and modern treatments.

Market Position and Global Recognition

Singapore is often seen as the medical hub of Asia, but its influence extends globally. Patients from the Middle East, Europe, and North America often choose Singapore for complex surgical procedures and specialized treatments. Its medical services are known for their reliability and quality, bolstered by stringent regulations and a dedication to excellence that resonates throughout the healthcare industry.

Why Choose Singapore?

A key advantage is the holistic approach to healthcare. From highly skilled medical professionals to world-class post-operative care and amenities, Singapore offers a complete package. This includes excellent patient safety standards, seamless service, and a high level of professionalism, making it an attractive choice for medical tourists looking for quality, safety, and peace of mind.

2. Popular Medical Procedures

List and brief descriptions of procedures.

Singapore is highly sought after for a range of medical procedures, including but not limited to:

  • Cardiac Surgery : Specializing in complex heart surgeries such as bypass surgeries and valve replacements.
  • Oncology : Comprehensive cancer care including diagnostics, treatment, and surgical procedures.
  • Orthopedics : Knee and hip replacements, spinal surgeries, and sports medicine are common specialties.
  • Cosmetic Surgery : From rhinoplasty to facelifts, cosmetic surgeries are performed with high precision.

Specializations and Pioneering Treatments

Singapore is at the forefront of medical research and innovation, often pioneering treatments in areas like stem cell research, neurosurgery, and robot-assisted surgery. Advanced diagnostic services using cutting-edge technology such as PET scans and MRIs are also readily available.

3. Top Hospitals & Clinics

Renowned institutions.

  • Singapore General Hospital : Largest and most comprehensive healthcare facility.
  • Mount Elizabeth Hospital : Known for specialist medical and surgical services.
  • Gleneagles Hospital : Specializes in a wide range of medical specialties including oncology and cardiology.

Accreditation and Affiliation

Most hospitals in Singapore are accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI) or the International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua), ensuring international standards of medical care.

Special Features, Awards, or Recognitions

These hospitals are frequently awarded for their clinical excellence, patient safety protocols, and innovative healthcare solutions. They often collaborate with global research institutions to advance medical science.

4. Cost Comparison

Comparative data.

Medical treatments in Singapore are competitively priced when compared to countries like the United States or the United Kingdom. For instance, a cardiac bypass in Singapore could cost around $18,000-$25,000, significantly lower than in the U.S., where the price can exceed $100,000.

Price Ranges

Costs vary depending on the type and complexity of the treatment, but are generally within the range that offers substantial cost savings for equivalent or superior quality care.

5. Quality & Safety

Medical standards and practices.

Singapore upholds stringent medical standards and practices, boasting some of the lowest rates of hospital-acquired infections and surgical complications globally. These results are achieved through a rigorous adherence to protocols and guidelines set forth by Singapore's Ministry of Health and various international bodies.

Accreditation Systems and Regulatory Bodies

In addition to international accreditations like Joint Commission International (JCI), Singaporean medical facilities often undergo regular quality checks from the Ministry of Health. Regulatory bodies like the Singapore Medical Council oversee professional and ethical standards among medical practitioners.

Patient Safety Protocols and Patient Rights

Patient safety is a cornerstone of Singapore's healthcare ethos. Hospitals have robust protocols for infection control, emergency response, and patient confidentiality. Furthermore, patients have the right to transparent information, second opinions, and avenues for redress in case of malpractice.

6. Medical Visa Information

Guidelines and requirements.

Medical tourists typically require a visa to enter Singapore for treatment. Visa requirements include proof of sufficient funds, a letter from the Singaporean medical facility confirming your treatment plan, and proof of accommodation.

Duration, Documentation, and Application Process

The medical visa generally lasts for the duration of the treatment, often with the option for extension. Documentation usually involves passport copies, medical reports, and treatment plans. The application process is streamlined and can be initiated online.

Travel Advisories and Restrictions

There may be travel advisories or restrictions based on the prevailing global and local conditions. It’s advisable to check Singapore’s immigration website for the most current information.

7. Cultural Considerations

Local customs and etiquette.

Singapore is a cultural melting pot, and while the medical facilities operate at international standards, understanding local customs such as forms of address and gift-giving can enhance the overall experience.

Language and Communication

English is widely spoken in Singapore, including within medical facilities. This makes it easier for international patients to communicate effectively with healthcare providers.

Dietary Considerations

Singaporean hospitals are well-equipped to handle various dietary needs and restrictions, be they religious or health-related.

8. Travel & Accommodation

Popular areas to stay.

Orchard Road and Marina Bay are popular areas that offer a range of accommodations and are located relatively close to major medical facilities.

Proximity to Medical Facilities

Most top-rated medical facilities are centrally located and easily accessible by public transportation or taxi services.

Transportation Infrastructure

Singapore boasts excellent public transport, including a well-maintained subway system, making it easy to travel between your accommodation and healthcare provider.

Post-procedure Relaxation Spots

For post-procedure relaxation, Sentosa Island provides a peaceful getaway, while the Singapore Botanic Gardens offer a serene environment.

9. Legal & Ethical Considerations

Legal rights of patients.

Patients in Singapore have the legal right to confidentiality, informed consent, and quality care. Medical records are kept private, and patients are informed of the risks and benefits of any procedure or treatment.

Medical Malpractice Laws and Patient Recourse

Singapore has stringent medical malpractice laws. Patients have the right to legal recourse and can file complaints with the Singapore Medical Council or pursue legal action in the courts.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical practices in areas such as organ transplantation and clinical trials are strictly regulated to ensure compliance with international standards.

10. Benefits & Risks

Singapore offers world-class healthcare, cutting-edge technology, and a wide range of specialized treatments, often at a fraction of the cost you'd incur in Western countries.

While the risk is minimal due to high medical standards, it's crucial to consult with healthcare providers about potential complications or side effects associated with your treatment.

11. Post-procedure Care

Post-operative care.

Singaporean medical facilities excel in providing comprehensive post-operative care including pain management, physiotherapy, and diet planning.

Rehabilitation Centers

Top-notch rehabilitation centers are available for procedures that require prolonged recovery, offering both physical and psychological support.

12. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What kind of medical equipment is used.

Most hospitals in Singapore use cutting-edge medical equipment that meets international standards.

How do I make an appointment?

Appointments can generally be made online or via a phone call to the hospital or clinic.

What currency is accepted?

Singapore dollars are the accepted currency, but many hospitals offer currency exchange services.

What is the general attitude toward medical tourists?

Medical tourists are welcomed and given the same level of excellent care as local patients.

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medical tourism to singapore

Singapore Dollar

Singapore is only one degree north of the equator, so its climate is tropical. The weather is hot and humid all year round. The high daytime temperature is usually 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius) with humidity above 75 percent. Singapore has two monsoon seasons: the Southwestern season from June to September and the Northeastern season from December to March. The rainy season occurs in November and December.


Singapore, Singapore

medical tourism to singapore

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Medical Tourism in Singapore: A Complete Guide

Singapore may not be the cheapest place for medical treatment. But its reputation of having the most sophisticated healthcare system allures millions into the country annually. Medical tourism in Singapore ranks 2nd in the global medical tourism index .

Just like its neighboring countries, Singapore has established itself as a leading destination in medical tourism. In fact, Singapore has actually surpassed most in terms of efficiency and standard of care. The mortality rate is estimated to be 5 deaths per 1,000 inhabitants. Moreover, approx. 500,000 tourist visits this city-state merely for medical vacations.

Table of Contents

How much can i expect to save, is singapore safe for medical tourists, is singapore’s healthcare quality same as back home, common treatments done by medical tourists in singapore, cost of medical treatments in singapore, mount elizabeth hospital, national university hospital, raffles hospital singapore, flying times:, when is the best time to visit, hotel jen orchardgateway, mercure singapore bugis, perak hotel, things to know before you travel – frequently asked questions, singapore’s open zoos & safari parks are fascinating, go shopping in orchard road, experience a mix of cultures, why choose singapore for medical tourism.

Along with having a world-class health system, Singapore is also a center for tourism in general. In 2019, over  19 million  international tourists visited the country, which is more than three times its total population. 

Singapore was a British colony; therefore, you will see countless cultural and historical landmarks from that era. Many of the modern architectures still retain the essence of British innovation. Furthermore, unique natural landscapes and biodiversity are also major attractions for tourists.

Tourist-focused transport, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, etc., are widely available. Traveling alone is also hassle-free as most people speak English, and the crime rates are drastically low. The majority of hospitals in Singapore are state-owned. They mostly follow the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC); however, JCI accreditation is also available for foreign patients.

Singapore is one of the most expensive cities to live in. But that fact doesn’t duel well with the healthcare expenses. You can expect to save anywhere from 70% to 82% of the total cost. The numbers might seem misprint at first, but that’s the reality.

Heart Bypass can cost around $130,000 in US hospitals. In contrast, you will need to pay just $18,500 in Singapore’s best hospitals. Medical tourism in Singapore isn’t the cheapest considering other Asian nations. Still, it is significantly less expensive than what you’d pay in the US.

Singapore is the safest city for both locals and foreigners. The country ranks highly in the Safe city Index and Global Peace Index. For personal and infrastructure security, Singapore ranks 1st and occupies the 2nd position for digital security. ( Source )

The reason for such a high safety rate is the government’s strict laws that apply for even the least dreadful crimes. Offenses such as shoplifting is also a serious crime, for which the penalty can be a few months of imprisonment. Homosexuality is illegal, and drug abuse can conclude in death penalties. The streets are safe enough for solo travelers to roam around at night. Still, be mindful of your safety.

Also note, these rules apply to foreigners as well. Singapore’s government is very committed to maintaining its safety status. Therefore, these laws apply to everyone regardless of their citizenship.

Singapore’s health system has always been synonymous with efficiency, low cost, and excellent healthcare quality. Because of lower prices, many Americans prefer to fly here for their treatment. Quality of care is equal if not better. Although neighboring countries are quickly closing the gap, Singapore still remains at the top of the line in offering state-of-the-art medical facilities.

Singapore ranks 1st in Bloomberg’s  most efficient healthcare  ratings. Moreover, life expectancy on average is 83 years, which is higher than in the US. This also shows the quality and efficiency of Singapore’s healthcare system. 

Healthcare System in Singapore

World-class collaborations, advanced medical research, and educational facilities have made the country a forerunner in medical development. The government puts strict emphasis on their healthcare standards. They consistently promote themselves as being one of the best countries for medical tourism. Moreover, the majority of hospitals and clinics are government-owned, except for some international private hospitals.

Regardless of private or public healthcare centers, almost all offer top-of-the-line treatment quality. And, to influence American citizens, many hospitals are accredited with JCI certification.

Medical tourism in Singapore offers a wide array of treatments for international patients. You can get the simplest to most complex treatments that are available in other countries, but at a better standard. We have compiled a simple list of common treatments sought-after by medical tourists.

  • Dental Treatment
  • Orthopedic Surgery
  • Cardiac Surgery
  • Cancer Surgery
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Bariatric Surgery
  • Non-surgical Rejuvenation

To make things easier, we have prepared a list of price comparisons between US hospitals and Singaporean Hospitals. Prices will vary, so you will need to contact your hospital for the exact cost. Which city you visit will also impact the overall medical expenses.

Popular Hospitals for Medical Treatment in Singapore

Singapore is a small city-state, but offers a plethora of options when it comes to medical care. Writing about all of them will be very overwhelming. Therefore, we have boiled down the list into a few popular ones suitable for most people.

Mount Elizabeth Hospital is a JCI accredited hospital that specializes in orthopedics, heart, cancer, maternity, gastroenterology, hematology, neurology, and fertility. Their website also offers a find a doctor page, using which you can look into more specifics about a particular doctor of your interest. There are over 400 in-house doctors and 23 wards for treating inpatients. Contact : +65 6737 2666; Email : [email protected].

National University Hospital is an academic health institute that has been JCI accredited since 2004. They are the only public hospital in the country to offer pediatric kidney and liver transplants. NUH has over 1200 beds and 8200+ staff members. Regarding expertise, they offer treatments ranging from general checkups to complex transplant procedures.  Contact : +65 6779 5555;  Email : [email protected]

Raffles Hospital Singapore is a leading private hospital in Singapore. As of 2019, they have expanded their hospital into a 22 story building to accommodate a high volume of both international and local patients. Raffles’s specialties include oncology, cardiology, fertility, children’s care, skin & aesthetics, heart, and much more. This hospital is accredited by JCI as well as certified as a trauma hospital.  Contact : +65 6311 1111. 

Traveling to Singapore for Medical Tourism

Non-stop flights are available all year round. But, if you are from the Americas or Europe, travel time will be considerably longer. Prices will also vary. To give you a rough idea, we have compiled short data on international travels for Singapore.

  • New York to Singapore: 18hr 40min
  • Washington to Singapore: 22hr 15min
  • Dubai to Singapore: 7hr 20min
  • United Kingdom to Singapore: 13hr 15min
  • Toronto to Singapore: 21hr 40min

If you are outside of Asia, expect to pay a premium. A round trip flight cost from the USA can range between $1000 to $1500, or more. From the UK, the price can start from $800 to $1000+. From Dubai, it will cost something around $700. You will need to contact your particular airline company to know the exact price.

You can visit Singapore at any time of the year. However, for vacation, visiting between December to June will be ideal. The weather will remain predominantly dry and low on humidity. It is also the period when the country will be flooded with tourists. So, make your reservation at least a few months prior to traveling.

Where to Stay in Singapore for Medical Vacation

Whether you are visiting Singapore with family or solo, there are numerous hotels at a varying price range. Keep in mind that Singapore is very expensive. It is one of the most expensive countries to live in, which also reflects in hotel prices. To make your search easier, we will be recommending some hotels that are good value for the money.

With panoramic views of the skylines and stunning infinity pools, the Hotel Jen Orchardgateway is a paradise for shoppers and nightlife lovers. It is in the heart of Orchard Road. Right out of the hotel, you will be able to visit the vast array of shopping malls, exquisite restaurants, bars, and much more. This hotel is suitable for family, business trips, and solo travelers alike.

If you want to enjoy some history during your medical stay, Mercure Singapore Bugis will be a perfect choice. Visiting sites like the Sultan Mosque, Singapore Art Museum, Sri Krishnan Temple, and Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple are very close to the hotel. The hotel’s website offers a destination guide that will help you get the most out of what you can experience during your stay.

Perak Hotel is a mixture of value, comfort, convenience, and, more importantly, a suitable spot for touring. The hotel itself is in Little India and isn’t too far away from Arab Street and Chinatown. Therefore, you will get to experience Indian, Arabian, and Chinese culture on the same trip. Moreover, the prices are comparatively lower than other hotels.

As a non-native, it is very natural to face various difficulties in a foreign country. However, Singapore is much easier to live in. As it is a tourism-focused country, navigation and communicating are reasonably convenient. Still, there are certain things you will need to check on. To help you with it, we have listed some common questions most foreigners ask. Consider reviewing these before making your trip.

Do I need to know Singaporean Language for medical tourism?

Malay, Tamil, English, and Mandarin Chinese are the four main languages of Singapore. And English is widely spoken there. It is the primary language for work and school. Even when you are touring in ethnic regions, you should find people speaking at least some broken English.

Should I worry about malpractice and liability laws in Singapore?

In the case of medical negligence, you can lodge a complaint in the Singapore Medical Council. Or you can also take legal actions against the practitioner. Doctors operating in Singapore need to have malpractice insurance; therefore, getting compensation should be easier if anything goes wrong.

What payment methods do I need for medical vacation in Singapore?

Most businesses of the country accept cashless money transfer methods. They take any international credit cards like VISA, MasterCard, American Express, etc. For online payments, Paypal works too. However, if you are out to enjoy street foods or buy stuff from local small shops, keep some cash. Most medical centers should accept credit cards, but it is wise to consult your hospital on what payment methods they accept or prefer.

How to access emergency services?

Medical tourism in Singapore is far safer than in some other destinations. Still, an emergency can arise unexpectedly. So you should keep both the local and your country’s embassy contact details. For medical or fire emergency services, dial 995 . You can also contact 1777 for non-emergency ambulance needs. For police emergencies, dial 999 . And finally, the police hotline number is 1800 225 0000 .

Insurance coverage for medical tourism in Singapore

Medical insurance is a must if you are considering medical tourism in Singapore or any other country. It can save you from unexpected medical expenses. If you are on a tight budget, you can opt for the Integrated Shield plans offered for the local citizens. But, those are limited in terms of coverage. Outpatient care is not available, and co-payments are compulsory. Private insurance will cost more but is very well suited for foreign patients. You will get a lot more coverage and added benefits.

What about wheelchair access?

Wheelchair access in Singapore will be no issue. From subways to bus systems, all will have easy wheelchair access. Many tourist places also have dedicated spots and guides for people with limited mobility.

Things to do in Singapore

While you are on your medical recovery, why not spend some time looking around the best of what Singapore has to offer. There’s a ton of activities you can do here. From safari parks dedicated to nocturnal animals to centuries-old temples or the British colonial architecture – you can experience both the historical and modern-day culture in a single tour.

Singapore’s zoos and safari parks are the best ways to enjoy wildlife without any visible barriers. The three foremost attractions are the Singapore Zoo, River Safari, and Night Safari.

The Singapore zoo is home to over 300 species of animals and attracts more than  2 million tourists  each year. 16% of the animals there are threatened species. Also, if you want to see giant pandas without traveling to China, then this place will be the best choice for you. 

If you are a night owl, visit Singapore’s Night Safari . You can take the famous tram safari ride for a 40-minute tour through 6 geographical zones. Around 100 different species of nocturnal animals are present in the zoo. This award-winning park is a favorite amongst tourists and receives  1.3 million visitors  annually. Then there’s the River Safari , which is another major tourist hotspot with over  800,000 annual visits . River Safari has 14 zones that showcase animals native to a variety of different rivers of the world. The park covers 220-acre land, so there’s plenty of activities you can do. The open zoo concept is very prominent throughout Singapore. So, you will be able to see those animals similar to how they would behave in nature. 

Orchard Road is one of the major tourist attractions of Singapore. The 2.5 km long road has emerged to be a shopping hub for both locals and tourists. From luxurious retails to first-class cuisines – it has everything you would expect to see in a world-class shopping zone. Unlike traditional shopping streets, Orchard Road offers an exquisite lifestyle experience. Fine-dining, entertainment, fantastic nightlife, and much more are always present. Orchard Road can be very expensive. So, if you don’t feel like traveling there, that’s fine; you can go shopping in local areas. The experience will still be different and unique as long as you are an outsider.

Little India  will truly give you an Indian essence with its colorful Hindu landmarks, decorations, and festivals. This place is a blend of new and old heritage unique to Indian culture. Here, you will get to see Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple built by Indians in the 19th century, Indian shopping malls with a mixture of Singaporean twists, and much more. You can also delight your senses with traditional Indian cuisines that you won’t find elsewhere. 

A little further away lies the distinctive  Chinatown . Singapore’s Chinatown is different from the ones present in many other countries across the globe. Chinese culture is more embedded here thanks to Singapore’s Chinese population. In addition, it is the only Chinatown to host a Mosque, Hindu temple, and Buddhist temple within its territory. This place should be your first stop if you want to enjoy multi-ethnic culinary cuisines. 

The Arab street is just a few blocks from Little India. With Masjid Sultan being a major attraction, this place is also surrounded by Persian and Arabic fabrics, textiles, teas, and colorful Muslim heritage. Although it’s named Arab Street, this place hosts modern fashion stores, cafes, night events, and much more. Regarding the food, Singaporean, Indonesian, and Malay food are widely available and at a cheaper price.

Final Verdict

Singapore used to be a destination for cheap medical treatments. However, due to the rising cost of living, that status is slowly depleting. Still, for best-in-class medical facilitate, Singapore stands in the very top position. The country has a suitable climate for recovery, excellent for personal safety, and considerably cheaper considering many western nations. So, if you want to combine higher standard medical care with excellent living standards, then medical tourism in Singapore will be suitable for you. If you want to explore more medical vacation options, consider reading our article on the  best countries for medical tourism .

  • Internationally recognized healthcare system
  • Highly developed living standard
  • Singapore has very low crime rate
  • Offers a wide selection of JCI accredited hospitals
  • English is very prominent in most parts of the country
  • Healthcare is expensive when compared to many Asian destinations
  • Higher cost of living
  • Travel time may be quite inconvenient depending on your region

You may consider other countries for medical tourism, such as Mexico , Costa Rica , Panama etc., and more. We have details guide as Popular Destinations for Medical Tourism .

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  • Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism to Singapore

Singapore's healthcare system, international hospital accreditations, local hospital accreditations, physicians accreditations, common treatments done in singapore by medical tourists.

  • Orthopedic Surgery (hip and knee replacements, etc)
  • Cardiac Surgeries (heart bypass, valve replacements, etc)
  • Cancer and Oncology
  • Neurology and Neurosurgery
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Dental Services (surgeries, dental implants, etc)
  • Bariatric Surgeries
  • Eye / Ophthalmology (LASIK, Cataract surgeries, etc)
  • Non-surgical Rejuvenation (botox, microdermabrasion, etc)

Cost of Medical Treatment in Singapore

Malpractice and liability laws in singapore, quality healthcare system, modern and developed country, jci accreditations, english is widely spoken, more expensive then other asian countries, living costs, inconvenient flight from europe/north america, traveling to singapore, singapore entry and exit requirements, statistics of medical tourism in singapore, singapore medical tourism:, who is already here.

Mount Elizabeth Hospital

Mount Elizabeth Hospital

Accredited by the Joint Commission International

Parkway East Hospital

National Heart Centre Singapore

National Heart Centre Singapore

Raffles Hospital

Raffles Hospital

Singapore General Hospital

Singapore General Hospital

Singapore National Eye Centre

Singapore National Eye Centre

National University Hospital

National University Hospital

National Cancer Centre

National Cancer Centre

National Dental Centre

National Dental Centre

Changi General Hospital

Changi General Hospital

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SINGAPORE - When Laotian businessman Vicksamphanh Chanmavong, 22, was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome in his left hand in late March, he started his online search for an orthopaedic specialist in Singapore.

"My left hand was numb, I was shocked… I felt like my fingers were going to explode from the pain," he said.

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Medical Tourism

Inside look: singapore's medical travel industry.

medical tourism to singapore

Singapore's medical travel industry has rapidly evolved into a prominent global healthcare destination. Known for its cutting-edge medical technology, high standards of patient care, and a robust healthcare system, Singapore attracts a multitude of medical tourists seeking quality treatment. This article provides an insightful overview of Singapore's medical travel landscape, focusing on its infrastructure, services, regulations, and the overall experience of international patients.

The Rise of Singapore in Medical Tourism

Singapore's journey to becoming a medical tourism hub is marked by its commitment to excellence in healthcare. The government's significant investment in medical research and infrastructure, coupled with stringent healthcare regulations, ensures that medical facilities are equipped with the latest technologies and adhere to international standards.

World-Class Healthcare Facilities

The country boasts a range of state-of-the-art medical facilities, known for their advanced diagnostic equipment and modern treatment methods. These hospitals and clinics cater to a wide spectrum of medical needs, from routine health check-ups to complex surgical procedures.

Skilled Medical Professionals

Singapore's medical practitioners are highly qualified, with many having trained internationally. Their expertise, combined with a multi-lingual healthcare staff, ensures that patients from various backgrounds receive personalized and comprehensible care.

Patient Care and Services

Patient care in Singapore goes beyond medical treatment. The focus is on providing a holistic experience, which includes assistance with travel arrangements, accommodation, and post-treatment care. Many facilities offer dedicated international patient centers to streamline the process for medical tourists.

Medical Ethics and Patient Safety

Singapore upholds strict medical ethics and patient safety standards. Hospitals and clinics are regularly audited to ensure compliance with national and international healthcare regulations, providing patients with confidence in the quality and safety of their treatments.

Medical Specialties and Treatments

Singapore excels in various medical specialties, including cardiology, oncology, neurology, orthopedics, and plastic surgery. The country is particularly renowned for its cancer treatment, cardiac surgeries, and fertility treatments.

Innovation and Research

Continual investment in medical research and innovation keeps Singapore at the forefront of medical science. This commitment to advancement translates into improved treatment options and outcomes for patients.

Accessibility and Convenience

The ease of travel to Singapore, along with its political stability and favorable climate, makes it an attractive destination for medical tourists. The country's efficient public transport system and world-class airport facilitate a seamless experience for international visitors.


While Singapore is not the cheapest destination for medical tourism, it offers a balance of cost and quality. Patients often find that the level of care and medical expertise available in Singapore justifies the expenditure.

Governmental Support and Regulation

The Singapore government plays a crucial role in the development and regulation of the medical travel industry. Strict licensing for healthcare providers and continuous monitoring ensure high standards of medical care and patient safety.

Partnerships and Collaboration

Singapore's medical travel industry benefits from collaborations with international healthcare institutions, enhancing its global standing and ensuring adherence to best practices in patient care.

The Future of Medical Travel in Singapore

The future of Singapore’s medical travel industry looks promising. With ongoing investments in healthcare technology, infrastructure, and international collaborations, Singapore is poised to maintain its position as a leading medical tourism destination.

Sustainable Practices

Sustainability is becoming a key focus, with medical facilities increasingly adopting eco-friendly practices and promoting health tourism that is mindful of environmental impacts.

Singapore's medical travel industry stands out for its exceptional healthcare, advanced facilities, and commitment to patient-centric care. As a destination that harmoniously blends quality, innovation, and safety, Singapore continues to set benchmarks in the global medical tourism landscape, making it a top choice for patients seeking world-class medical care abroad.

This comprehensive guide offers a detailed insight into the intricacies of Singapore's medical travel industry, highlighting its strengths and future prospects. Whether for specialized treatments or wellness tourism, Singapore remains a beacon of excellence in global healthcare.

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For those seeking medical care abroad, we highly recommend hospitals and clinics who have been accredited by Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA). With a strong emphasis on exceptional patient experience, GHA accredited facilities are attuned to your cultural, linguistic, and individual needs, ensuring you feel understood and cared for. They adhere to the highest standards, putting patient safety and satisfaction at the forefront. Explore the world's top GHA-accredited facilities here . Trust us, your health journey deserves the best.

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Medical Tourism in Singapore

Medical Treatment in Singapore

The Singaporean healthcare system remains competitive compared to the US despite being ranked as the world's most expensive city for the sixth consecutive year. An instance is the cost of a knee replacement surgery in Singapore at US$16,000 as opposed to US$35,000 in the US.

Medical tourists from all over come to Singapore to get treatment for a wide range of conditions, including those that are rare or expensive to treat at home. With a growing number of medical tourists each year, Singapore is quickly becoming the go-to destination for top-notch medical care. 

Looking for world-class medical treatment? Look no further than Singapore! Our island nation ranks second in the world for medical tourism, according to the Medical Tourism Association.  

The number of international medical tourists visiting Singapore each year is growing due to the wide range of medical care and treatments available, from health screenings to surgeries. So if you're looking for high-quality, affordable medical care, Singapore should be at the top of your list.

The cornerstones of the nation's medical tourism industry are high-quality services and the involvement of up to 21 accredited hospitals that are Joint Commission International (JCL) accredited. 

Where Does Singapore Rank in Healthcare?

The nation was ranked sixth among all nations' health systems by the World Health Organization in 2000, and it continues to hold that position today. 

Singapore was ranked second for healthcare outcomes among 166 nations by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Singapore was ranked as the fourth-healthiest nation in the world by the Bloomberg Global Health Index, which evaluated 163 nations.

Curious About Why People Visit Singapore for Medical Treatment? Here are Three Good Reasons:  

 1. High Standards of Healthcare: Singapore is home to several private hospitals that offer world-class medical care. If you're covered by a health insurance plan, you'll be in good hands. 

2. Advanced, High-end Diagnostic Equipment: Singapore's medical professionals use some of the most cutting-edge equipment available. By doing this, they guarantee that you will get the best treatment.  

3. Excellent Healthcare System and Structure: The healthcare system in Singapore is highly efficient and well-organized. You can be confident that you'll receive high-quality treatment.

What are the Best Medical Treatments that Singapore Provides for Foreigners?

The most frequently requested medical services by medical visitors are:

Orthopedic Surgery

Heart Surgery

Neurology & Neurosurgery

Bariatric Surgery

Dental Services

Cosmetic Surgery

Aesthetic Procedures

Assisted reproductive technologies like in-vitro fertilization, and intrauterine insemination

Medical Treatment Cost Comparison Between Singapore and the US

The following table lists the price ranges for a few common medical procedures in the USA and Singapore.

Based on the table, it appears that medical procedures in Singapore are significantly cheaper when compared to the USA. 

It is important to note that the costs vary depending on the procedure and hospital chosen. However, on average, medical procedures in Singapore cost about 60-70% less than in the USA.

Do Medical Procedures Cost A Lot in Singapore?

No, medical treatments are not expensive in Singapore. In fact, they are quite affordable when compared to the cost of living in other major cities in the world. The cost of bypass surgery, for instance, is only a fraction of what it would cost in the USA.

Medical treatments in Singapore are quite affordable due to several factors, such as the heavy investment in medical technology and the influx of medical tourists. Additionally, new and innovative medical technologies have increased the range of treatments available, leading to increased utilization of healthcare facilities.

How to Choose a Hospital in Singapore?

Singapore has many reputable hospitals to choose from. However, it is essential to do your research before making a decision.  With the rising popularity of medical tourism, more and more people are flocking to Singapore for medical treatment. 

With so many hospitals to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which is right for you. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing a hospital in Singapore:  


Quality of care

Cost of treatment


It is also advisable to read reviews and compare hospital ratings before making a decision.  Once you have shortlisted a few hospitals, you can contact them to inquire about their treatments and the costs involved.

What Are The Medical Treatment Visa Requirements Needed to Travel to Singapore?

visa singapore

Singapore does not require an entry visa for patients from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, or the European Union. Singapore requires visas from 39 additional countries, which are divided into two categories:

Group 1 requires only an electronic visa, which is available online. These nations include Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and others; as well as, China, India, and Turkmenistan.

A full visa is required for Group 2: This group of nations includes African nations like Algeria, Nigeria, Tunisia, Egypt, etc., as well as Near Eastern Asian nations like Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, etc.

While visiting Singapore, you must also comply with the following requirements in addition to the visa:

A passport that has at least a six-month validity period;

Confirmed return flight ticket;

2 photographs

The application that has been properly completed and signed 

A letter stating the necessity of the visit

Enough money to cover both the treatment itself and the declared stay in Singapore;

Adequate proof of ties to your country of origin, such as a family or a job.

What If the Treatment Period is Prolonged than Estimated While You Stay in Singapore?

Only a few times can a treatment period last longer than the standard 30-day entry permit. An additional permit (good for up to 90 days) can be obtained at the Singapore Embassy or Consulate in the patient's home country to extend your legal stay in Singapore in the event that your pre-surgery, surgery, and post-surgery periods are longer than 30 days.

When you are already in Singapore and the doctor says that your treatment will take longer than expected, you can apply for a special permit at the ICA.

Is Singapore a Safer Place to Travel for Medical Treatments?


Yes, Singapore is considered a safe place to travel for medical treatment. The country has a low crime rate and is relatively free of political unrest. Additionally, the quality of healthcare in Singapore is excellent, and the country is home to some of the best hospitals in the world. 

Medical tourists view Singapore as a safe country to visit with clean and safe neighborhoods and a stable political situation.

The city-state has a very low crime rate and is ranked as the second-safest country in the world, after Iceland. Moreover, Singapore has a tropical climate, which makes it an ideal destination for those seeking to escape the cold winters of Europe or North America.

Best Hospitals in Singapore

Thomson Medical Centre in Singapore : This is well known for its focus on obstetrics, gynecology, and pediatrics, as well as for being the country's biggest provider of women's and children's healthcare services.

Farrer Park Hospital, Singapore : It is located in Connexion and is a multispecialty medical centre. It has 3 Speciality Centres namely, Cancer Care, Dementia Services, and Heart Health. It also has a Japanese clinic called the Nichii International Clinic, which provides one-stop comprehensive general practice care.

Singapore General Hospital, Singapore : It is the first in Asia to be the recipient of the Magnet Recognition in 2010 for nursing excellence awarded by the American Nurses Credentialing Centre.

National University Health System : This is the only public hospital in the country to offer a pediatric kidney and liver transplant program along with kidney, liver, and pancreas transplantation for adults.

Changi General Hospital, Singapore : It is the first hospital in Singapore to be awarded JCI accreditation in its Heart Failure Programme and Acute Myocardial Infarction Programme.

Best Doctors in Singapore

Dr. Yong Quek Wei : He is a highly regarded interventional cardiologist with over 35 years of experience.

Dr. Timothy Lee: He is a well-known neurosurgeon with over 40 years of clinical and surgical experience.

Assoc. Prof. Low Boon Yong: With more than 50 years of experience, he is an Orthopaedic and Joint Replacement Surgeon in Singapore.

Prof. Tan Kok Chai: He is an Academic Clinician and senior consultant in Turkey with a clinical interest in reconstructive and microsurgery in Plastic and Hand Surgery. 

Clin. Prof. Fock. Kwong Ming: A renowned Medical Gastroenterologist with over 4 decades of extensive experience, his research interests include H-pylori, GERD, gastric cancer, functional dyspepsia, and irritable bowel disease. 

Role of Vaidam

If you're interested in learning where to find high-quality medical care or how to start IVF treatment, Vaidam can help you find information. It is one of the best platforms to get in touch with the best doctors and hospitals around the world. 

To Conclude

Medical tourism is a growing industry, and Singapore is one of the top destinations for medical tourists. Singapore has world-class hospitals and clinics that offer a wide range of medical procedures and treatments. There are several reasons why people choose to come to Singapore for medical care, including the high quality of care, the relatively low cost of care, and the convenient location.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do doctors speak English in Singapore?

Many of the doctors and other medical personnel who work in Singapore are from other countries. They speak fluent English and do not let language barriers prevent international patients from receiving care.

Is Singapore good for medical treatment?

Singapore's public health care system is among the best in the world, providing high-quality medical care in cutting-edge facilities.

How many hospitals are JCI accredited in Singapore?

There are around 21 hospitals across Singapore that have been accredited by JCI.

What is the key advantage of medical treatment in Singapore?

The primary benefit of seeking medical treatment in Singapore is its ability to treat complex conditions or provide drugs for life-threatening conditions, as well as its high regulatory standards and reputation for cleanliness and stringent hygiene standards.

Why is Singapore considered the best medical travel destination?

Singapore is regarded as the best medical travel destination because more affluent patients from Asia might still choose to go there because of the better facilities, higher level of expertise, and doctors who are fluent in important regional languages like Mandarin Chinese.

Get in Touch with Medical Experts


Puneetha Ongole is a creative content writer. Writing is her passion, and she never tires of inspiring and educating people.

Dr. Nishtha Kalra

Dr. Nishtha Kalra is a healthcare specialist who has been assisting patients with their medical needs for the past 12 years. She is dedicated to bridging the gap between complex medical information and the general public. She looks forward to contributing her expertise to ensure that individuals can access trustworthy, well-informed, and accessible healthcare knowledge.

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Destination Spotlight

Singapore ~ healthcare hub and medical marvels.

medical tourism to singapore

Singapore’s Public Healthcare System

Less than a decade ago, Singapore’s healthcare system was ranked as the sixth best in the world and the best in Asia by the World Health Organization in 2000.  Today, Singapore has clearly emerged even further as a major medical center for Asia Pacific and a world-class healthcare hub; comprised of not just high quality health services, but complimentary research and education capacities as well through world-class collaborations.  

This story of a single nation’s achievements in this arena and continuing aspirations to being on the forefront of medical developments has earned it numerous accolades and recognition as a world-class healthcare hub.  It is well-deserved, and there is more to come. ‍

By way of background, this island country is one of several remaining city-states in the world.  Known officially as the Republic of Singapore with a population under 5 million persons, it is the smallest nation in Southeast Asia.  Yet, this city-state enjoys accomplishments far beyond this distinction as it has ranked as the best place to live amongst expatriates in Asia. Singapore is also the world’s 2nd freest and 2nd most competitive economy.  

A vibrant English-speaking environment, the country also holds the honor of being the world’s easiest place to do business.  Singapore is extremely modern and is comparatively the world’s best logistics hub reaching far beyond its ever-efficient transportation facilities.  It is also Asia’s 2nd most technologically ready nation.  Therefore, it is no surprise that Singapore’s multifaceted capabilities have in fact created the backdrop by which a healing environment coupling high tech capabilities with high touch service quality results in some of the highest levels of patient-focused healthcare services available in the world.

Singaporean citizens as well as regional and international patients have long enjoyed this access to world-class health services in the city-state’s public health system.  Comprised of two clusters; the National Healthcare Group (NHG) and Singapore Health Services (SingHealth); are housed under MOH Holdings (MOHH) which is the holding company of Singapore’s public healthcare establishments.  

Together, the two clusters provide 80% of Singapore’s tertiary care services.  With 8,338 beds, over 100 clinical specialties and sub-specialties, 7 hospitals and 6 specialty centers, and over 3,505 internationally qualified doctors; Singapore’s public healthcare system receives approximately 4.6 million patient visits per year, and treats more than 160,000 international patients annually.  

All 7 hospitals and 2 of these specialty centers are accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI).  Published pricing transparency is made available to the public at large.  Currently, information on more than 70 medical treatments is available on the Singapore Ministry of Health’s website ‍

In their oversight role, the Ministry of Health also maintains strict quality of care standards in their effort to keep patient-centered medical standards high and to uphold Singapore’s standing as a world-class healthcare center.  Clinical outcomes are tracked and Singapore consistently benchmarks themselves against other world-class Centers of Excellence.   Examples of clinical outcomes for orthopedic procedures such as knee replacements, hip replacements and spinal decompression are included as attached in Annex 1: Clinical Outcome Measures. ‍

The healthcare industry’s emphasis on clinical outcomes and quality is also central to their measurement and evaluation systems.  Given the importance of these metrics to U.S. based payers and insurers in evaluating treatment efficacy, this also serves to reinforce the attractiveness of Singapore as a medical tourism destination to Americans seeking treatment overseas.  Singapore’s public healthcare institutions are regional training, research and referral centers.  In light of that, specialists and healthcare professionals within these institutions work across functional expertise in managing clinical caseloads, and a collegial environment is fostered such that patients, local and international benefit from this cross-collaboration.

Singapore’s public hospitals and specialty centers services are at the forefront of medicine and there are many records of accomplishment to-date.  A few notable ones include the first successful case of OOKP ‘Tooth-in-Eye’ surgery, performed in July 2004, by eye surgeons from the Singapore National Eye Centre together with a dental team from the National Dental Centre.  This surgical procedure was the first of its kind within the Asia Pacific region.  

Robot Assisted Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery Program initiated by the National Heart Center.  Advanced clinical treatment and high-risk complex surgeries are done using state-of-the-art cutting-edge medical technology that includes the Da Vinci machine, the first digitally-integrated Neuroscience Centre and a BRAINLAB’s integrated BrainSuite; a computer-guided neurosurgery system to improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery. ‍

In the field of oncology, Singapore’s National Cancer Center is rapidly establishing itself as a regional referral center for complex cancer surgery.  Today, new procedures include peritonectomy and intra-peritoneal chemotherapy for the management of advanced intra-peritoneal diseases.  With some of the most established quaternary medical care facilities in Asia, Singapore’s public healthcare system provides high-end specialty care and complex surgical interventions in oncology, cardiology, cardiothoracic and vascular surgery and also advanced orthopedic procedures such as the use of stem cells in orthopedics.  

As of this year, more than 100 patients have had a revolutionary stem cell treatment procedure whereby new cartilage is implanted into knee joints replacing worn-down cartilage.  While this is truly a quality of life improvement; as persons just lived with the pain and discomfort unless it became so disagreeable that total knee replacement were performed, Singapore continues to go the extra mile, adhering to continued medical progress in cartilage implants.  

National University Hospital orthopedic specialists are now involved in conducting clinical trials to determine if this cutting-edge cartilage implant procedure can be performed without the use of a scalpel.  Clearly another world-first record, this process would not only save significant recovery time, but hospitalization and surgical expenses as well when cartilage implants are performed on patients on an outpatient and/or same-day surgery basis. ‍

World Class Collaborations

Since 1990, Singapore’s world-class healthcare services reputation has expanded to include top-notch medical research and healthcare services.  Many of the world’s big pharmaceutical and innovative life sciences companies have set up research facilities in this city-state.  In addition to the state-of-the-art treatments delivered by highly skilled medical professionals, patients have access to new and emerging treatment options made possible by clinical research protocols underway right now in Singapore. ‍

Singapore is Asia’s base to Duke University and Johns Hopkins University; two U.S. institutions that are world-renowned in all aspects of academic medicine.  Duke University’s internationally renowned reputation provided Singapore with an opportunity to accelerate research and play an even bigger role in the global health arena. The establishment of the Duke-National University of Singapore Graduate Medical School (GMS) is poised to also increase the supply of physicians in Singapore.

In addition to clinical training, medical students and physicians in training will be widely exposed to clinically-related research.  This in turn, will further increase Singapore’s capacity to develop both breadth and depth in escalating its world-class standing as a comprehensive healthcare hub. ‍

Professor Tan Ser Kiat, Group Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Health Services (SingHealth) remarked that, “Our joint partnership with the prestigious Duke University is a strategic opportunity for Singapore to collaborate internationally, contribute to our vision of developing Singapore as a vibrant biomedical hub excelling in medical education, scientific and clinical research and adding value to its excellent clinical service.” ‍

For Johns Hopkins, Singapore represented this institution’s first clinical facility collaboration beyond the shores of Baltimore, outside the United States.  In setting up the Johns Hopkins Singapore International Medical Centre (JHSIMC), the joint venture was dedicated to continuing the Hopkins tradition of excellence in all three areas of research, education and patient care.  First opened in 2000 as a state-of-the-art oncology medical centre within the National University Hospital, JHSIMC is now housed in Tan Tock Seng Hospital with 12 chemotherapy treatment beds and 30 inpatient beds. ‍

Across the Pacific and Atlantic – East meets West

Recently, Hannaford, a grocery chain based in New England, began offering its 27,000 employees the option of getting a number of medical procedures done in Singapore rather than within the U.S. at a savings to the employee of several thousand dollars in co-payments and deductibles.  Aetna, as the insurance provider linked up with National University Hospital (a facility under the National Healthcare Group) in a pilot scheme to offer Hannaford’s employees the option of having their procedures done overseas, in Singapore. ‍

Singapore stands ready to partner across the industry in working with US employers and insurers to address the issue of rising healthcare costs and provide value purchase options in the area of healthcare.  In the words of Professor Ivy Ng, Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Health Services (SingHealth) commented that, ‘”For decades, Singapore has been the preferred destination for regional patients seeking quality treatment for advanced and complex care.  

With our network of JCI-accredited facilities, collegiate medical practice and excellent clinical outcomes, we are well-poised to serve international patients seeking top-class medical care that are on par with the best centers in the world yet at only a fraction of the costs.” ‍

At the September 2008 World Congress on Medical Tourism and Global Health held in San Francisco, Judy Lim, a delegate and Director of Marketing at MOH Holdings provided this perspective about medical tourism in Singapore:  “Our two main objectives in attending Congress were to learn from the medical tourism industry; and to participate in the networking opportunities. We came away having achieved both objectives.  Because we brought our hospitals to San Francisco; that exhibition allowed delegates to get to know Singapore; our strengths and capabilities.” ‍

“For us, it was also an opportunity to meet people in insurance companies, and medical facilitators.  Looking ahead, Singapore has been involved in medical tourism for a long time. It is seamless in the sense that medical travel for persons coming from within Asia to Singapore for medical consult and procedures has been going on for decades.  

We see it as part of Singapore’s natural expansion process to reach beyond the region, into the U.S. onto an international platform.  Areas that may benefit from Singapore’s capacities include the United Kingdom, Russia, China and as previously mentioned, the U.S.” ‍

Fast forward, it does appear that Singapore is advancing well into the US market, and will continue to capture mindshare, create partnerships and increase brand awareness.  As the industry grows to an estimated $60 billion as noted by the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions report on Medical Tourism, Singapore’s reputation throughout the Asia Pacific region as a service, quality and cost-effective healthcare service provider serves as a firm foundation in extending this outreach across the Pacific and Atlantic; from East to West.

Fostering growth and market share may well be a natural extension to what Singapore is already doing, and doing well.  This city-state has built a firm foundation in delivery, financing and access of healthcare services in such a way that it is truly poised to be a healthcare destination of choice for the global medical traveler seeking services.  

Whether it be the insured, uninsured, underinsured, or elective procedure, Singapore’s public healthcare system is well-matched in offering the US affordable and viable alternatives to address the rising cost & concerns of healthcare here at home in the interim.

And here at home, in the U.S., as we wait on the winds of change and promises of healthcare reform, beyond the phenomena that is medical tourism, for an individual seeking treatment or locked out of healthcare services, Singapore represents choice.  It is an alternative, an option, and a choice, for care and services now.  

In the words of Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, he had this to say about Singapore as a medical travel destination:  “The greater the degree that you’re going somewhere for something difficult, the more you’re going to want to know about quality… You look at a place like Singapore, which is very sophisticated—they’re going to have quality, they’re going to have information, they’re going to have electronic health records, they’re going to have metrics for outcomes.”

Unveiling the Power of Social Media Marketing in Medical Tourism

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The Medical Tourism Magazine (MTM), known as the “voice” of the medical tourism industry, provides members and key industry experts with the opportunity to share important developments, initiatives, themes, topics and trends that make the medical tourism industry the booming market it is today.

What is medical tourism? With list of popular destinations and comparing common treatment prices

What’s medical tourism, why is medical tourism popular, benefits of medical tourism, global popular medical tourism destinations, common medical tourism treatments, how to plan a medical tourism itinerary, disadvantages/ risk of medical tourism, comparison of charges for common medical tourism treatments.

As its name suggests, “medical tourism” is the combination of medical treatment and tourism. Due to the disparities in healthcare standards, prices and technology across different countries, if patients cannot access proper treatment locally, they may consider seeking medical treatment overseas.

This term may seem novel, but the industry has long been well underway. Since many years ago, celebrities have made special trips to other places for different treatments. And as the barriers to travel are on the ebb, medical tourism is becoming more prevalent. 

According to GlobeNewswire , the global medical tourism market size is expected to exceed HK$280 billion in 2022. As the world recovers from the COVID-19 impact, local governments have begun to gradually ease entry and exit restrictions. It is believed that the total market value will continue to rise steadily and reach HK$430 billion in 2026. 

Medical Tourism

There are three reasons for medical tourism is popular. 

  • Patients’ demand for quality medical services

Every patient wants to enjoy the best medical services. Given the effects of globalization, patients benefit from the greatly reduced cost of cross-border travel, which directly lowers the threshold for medical tourism. If local medical services are inadequate, patients are more likely to consider going overseas for medical treatment.

  • The meteoric development of the Internet

Due to the rapid proliferation of the Internet, people can more readily obtain information about overseas medical services and even consult foreign doctors remotely to find out whether it is necessary for them to go abroad for treatment. 

  • Active promotions by local governments

Medical tourism not only helps patients get the best care for their needs but is also a considerable source of revenue for the local area. In order to seize the opportunity, the governments of many countries or regions have begun to develop international medical tourism services at full tilt in order to provide tourists with an exemplary environment for recuperation.

Take Thailand as an example, as one of the most popular medical tourism destinations, the local government is contemplating the possibility of easing visa restrictions and even gearing up to introduce an exclusive visa for medical tourists in order to afford overseas patients greater convenience.

  • Relatively lower medical costs

Many people consider seeking more affordable options in other countries because they cannot afford the high local medical costs. For example, Americans can save 30% to 90% on medical bills by going abroad for treatment.  

  • Higher quality of healthcare

The pace of medical development varies from country to country. India, for example, is particularly good at heart surgery, while South Korea is internationally acclaimed for treating spinal cord injury and associated complications. 

  • More comprehensive medical insurance

In view of the strong market demand for medical tourism, a growing number of insurance providers are offering coverage worldwide, expanding coverage to include qualified medical expenses both at home and abroad.

  • Shorter waiting time

Even though some areas have adequate healthcare, patients may not be able to receive appropriate diagnosis and treatment within a reasonable period of time due to excessively long waits. Take Hong Kong as an example, the waiting time for joint replacement surgery in public hospitals can be up to four years .

  • The joy of travel

Although the focus of medical tourism is getting medical treatment, it is nevertheless a golden opportunity to travel abroad. Many patients choose to arrive at their destination early. Before the actual surgery, they would visit the famous local scenic spots for sightseeing and to revel in the exotic atmosphere. Alternatively, they would stay on for a period of time following the surgery to travel as well as recuperate. 

  • Evade local medical restrictions

Certain medical procedures may be illegal in some countries such that patients who want to receive them have to go abroad for treatment.

In tandem with its stable economic development, Thailand’s healthcare services have become quite popular in recent years. Not only did Thailand rank fifth in the “Global Health Security Index 2021” but as many as 66 hospitals across the country—the largest number in the entire Southeast Asia region—have also passed the JCI assessment. The quality of Thailand’s medical services is indisputable. 

The most popular medical procedures in Thailand are regenerative medicine, dental care, assisted reproduction and sex reassignment surgery. In addition, the local technology in cardiology and physical examination is also widely recognized, and prices are nearly 80% lower than those in developed countries.

Given its first-class medical standards and stunning urban scenery, Singapore has always been an internationally renowned medical tourism destination.

In 2003, leveraging its comprehensive tiered healthcare system, the Singapore government launched the “Medical Tourism Policy” to make a hit with medical tourists. At the same time, Singapore is also actively advancing in the medical technology space. 18 medical centers across the country are JCI-accredited, which helps build patients’ confidence in the local healthcare system.

Singapore offers a wide range of medical services, including, but not limited to orthopedic surgery, cardiac surgery, cancer treatment, ophthalmology and cosmetic procedures.

India is also one of the popular destinations for medical tourism. India, along with Thailand and Singapore, account for a combined market share approaching 90%.

Seeing that India’s medical system has distinctively competitive advantages compared to advanced countries, the local government has been actively developing unique medical tourism packages in recent years, such as encouraging cooperation between hospitals and hotels to provide patients with an ideal environment for recuperation. In order to promote the development of medical tourism, India has been committed to easing the entry requirements for medical tourists and streamlining the procedures for foreigners to access medical services as much as possible.

The medical services most attractive to foreign tourists in India are replacement therapy, cardiac surgery, bone marrow transplantation and hip replacement surgery, which are highly rated internationally.

Malaysia is arguably a rising star in medical tourism, attracting more than 1 million medical tourists in just one year, thanks to the excellent air connectivity, affordable hotel accommodations, and top-notch medical technology. 

Data shows that the cost of treatment in Malaysia is nearly 65% ​​to 80% cheaper than in the United States, Australia and Europe. In addition, the local Ministry of Health is committed to promoting the healthcare tourism industry and ensuring that medical tourists can enjoy high-quality medical services at fair prices. Thus, Malaysia is rapidly emerging as a world-class medical tourism destination. 

Malaysia offers a wide range of medical and specialist services, including cardiology, orthopedics, pain management, orthopedics, oncology and physical examinations.

  • South Korea

The quality of medical services in South Korea is also considered exceptional in Asia. Coupled with its comprehensive medical equipment and favorable immigration policies, South Korea possesses a robust global competitive advantage.

In 2009, South Korea introduced a special medical visa, allowing medical tourists to enter the counter via a more simplified route. This has successfully attracted many patients from neighboring countries to visit South Korea for medical treatment. 

In addition to cosmetic surgery and dermatology, in South Korea, health examinations, gynecology, ophthalmology, dentistry, neurosurgery and traditional Korean medicine are also very popular with foreign tourists.

Common medical tourism treatments include:

  • Dental Care
  • Diagnostics and Checkups
  • Orthopedic Surgery
  • Cardiac Surgery
  • Eye Surgery
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Fertility Treatment
  • Organ Transplantation
  • Cancer Treatment

If you are interested in medical tourism, we recommend that you consult local and overseas doctors before you decide to set out. If you are concerned about the language barrier, you can consider using translation services provided by a medical tourism agency to conduct remote consultations with overseas doctors with the help of an expert. That way, you can obtain more comprehensive treatment information and advice on diagnosis and treatment.

After that, you need to verify the credentials of the medical institution, such as whether the institution is a hospital or a clinic, whether it is qualified to provide medical services to overseas tourists, whether it is certified to an international safety standard, etc., to ensure that you can receive high-quality medical treatment and care .

Finally, since foreign medical systems may not have your personal medical records at hand, before departure, you need to double-check the types of documents required by the foreign medical institutions, such as outpatient or inpatient medical records, medication history, physical examination results, etc., to prevent your treatment from being hampered due to missing documents. 

  • Communication challenges

Due to language and cultural differences between countries, patients may be misdiagnosed due to language barriers, or fail to make sense of the doctor’s words during follow-up visits, which can affect the progress of postoperative recovery. 

Therefore, some hospitals specifically hire staff who are proficient in multiple languages to provide interpretation services for medical tourists. There are also many medical tourism agencies available that provide professional translation services for clients and appoint a medical nurse who speaks the local language to accompany and help patients facing communication issues. 

  • Potential legal loopholes

While medical tourism has many benefits, patients should also be aware of potential legal loopholes.

For example, since patients generally search for information through the Internet, if they accept certain false information as true, they may end up facing irrevocable losses. In the event of a medical accident, medical institutions may shirk their responsibilities because the patient is not a local. In other words, the patient may not be given reasonable compensation, and what’s more, it is difficult for the patient to advocate for their own rights and interests through the law. 

  • Continuity of care

If the patient undergoes a major surgery overseas, it generally takes considerable time to recover, and it is not advisable to take a plane or go out for fun immediately after the operation.

However, for patients with ordinary tourist visas, the length of their overseas stay may be limited. Chances are they might need to travel back and forth within half a year, which may affect the follow-up procedure and increase the risk of complications due to frequent changes of environment. 

* 💰 indicates the country with the lowest medical charges

** Charges in the above table are for reference only

  • Complete guide to Raffles Hospital in Singapore 2022
  • Complete guide to Farrer Park Hospital 2022
  • Complete guide to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital 2022
  • 1 USA - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC
  • 2 New York Times - Why Medical Tourism Is Drawing Patients, Even in a Pandemic
  • 3 Globe News Wire
  • 4 Med Crave
  • 5
  • 6 Health Care
  • 7 iMoney Malaysia
  • 8 Jade Land

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Medical Tourism in Singapore 

Singapore is one of the world’s top medical tourism destinations.   

According to the  Medical Tourism Association , Singapore ranks second after Canada in the Medical Tourism Index.  

The term medical tourism has started gaining popularity since globalisation. Singapore is mainly known for being a popular tourist destination with its stunning rivers and valleys. The country has recently worked on improving the medical science infrastructure here. As a result, it has attracted people from across the globe to visit this country for medical tourism .  

The city-state receives approximately 500,000 medical tourists each year. As many as 250,000 medical tourists come from Indonesia alone!  

Singapore’s private hospitals offer exceptional healthcare services with state-of-the-art facilities and well-trained medical specialists.  

International medical tourists visit Singapore each year for a whole range of medical care and treatments from health screenings to surgery.  

Medical tourists can cover healthcare costs by obtaining an  international health insurance plan .   

Important note : [Text Wrapping Break] Several  private hospitals in Singapore , particularly those that offer high standards of healthcare and participate in the medical tourism market, will treat foreign patients who are covered by a health insurance plan.

medical tourism to singapore

What Is the Significance of Medical Tourism in Singapore?

Singapore's health tourism improved with the COVID-19 crisis when the healthcare systems here handled the pandemic amidst tourism competently. As a result, the medical tourism industry of Singapore is expected to reach about S$ 38 million in 2024. As of 2018, nearly 500,000 medical tourists visit Singapore annually.  

Singapore has multiple JCI-accredited hospitals and offers world-class medical facilities to patients. The physicians are highly qualified and have received their affiliations from prestigious organisations like the Singapore Medical Council and Singapore Nursing Board. Compared to the US, Singapore offers affordable and budget-friendly medical treatment facilities  

  • Excellent healthcare system
  • Common treatments by medical tourists in Singapore
  • Why Consider Singapore for Medical Tourism?
  • Research and Opportunities

Medical tourists travel to Singapore for its excellent healthcare system and structure, with the knowledge that medical professionals here use some of the most advanced, high-end diagnostic equipment. Even though the costs of seeking treatment can be higher than its neighbours (which is why securing international health insurance coverage is recommended), medical tourists view Singapore as a safe country to visit with clean and safe neighbourhoods and a stable political situation.  

Medical tourists travel to Singapore for a wide array of services and operations, which include but are not limited to the following:  

  • Orthopedic surgery (e.g. hip and knee replacements, spinal fusion, hip resurfacing: SGD $12,000 – 16,000)  
  • Cardiac surgeries (e.g. heart bypass, valve replacements: SGD $5,500 – $130,000)  
  • Cancer treatments (e.g. chemotherapy/radiology/immunotherapy: SGD $1,500 – $234,000)  

Take note : The above costs vary from hospital to hospital, and depends on the course of treatment for each individual. Due to the high cost of treatment in Singapore, it is encouraged to secure an international health insurance plan, so that any of the above treatments and those not mentioned are fully covered by your insurer.  

You must be contemplating choosing healthcare tourism in Singapore.  

Here are some features of this medical tourism to help you make a decision.  

Cost of Treatments  

Expenses are one of the first essential factors that come to your mind when it comes to healthcare.  

So if you are considering Singapore medical facilities, here is a highlight of its charges  a major USP of Singapore healthcare is its affordable pricing.   

You can save 50%-80% of your expenses compared to the healthcare facilities of the US.   

Mostly, cardiac surgeries can be completed at a much lower price. Therefore, Singapore can be a suitable medical tourism destination if you are looking for budget-friendly clinical treatment.  

Accreditations of the Hospitals  

Most of the hospitals in Singapore have international accreditations.  

There are about 21 JCI (Joint Commission International)-accredited hospitals in Singapore. Some of these hospitals include   

Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Raffles Hospital, National University Hospital and National Cancer Centre .  

Apart from that, the local accreditations include the Singapore Health Promotion Board, the Singapore Laboratory Accreditation System (SINGLAS), the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) and the Singaporean Ministry of Health.  

In addition, the Singapore Accreditation Council is responsible for monitoring health facilities.   

This shows that the hospitals offer the best care quality.  

Medical Facilities  

Singapore is known for its high-quality medical facilities. Here are the facilities that distinguish Singapore from other medical tourism destinations.  

Qualified Medical Team :   

The medical team in the hospitals of Singapore receives their accreditations from authorities like the Singapore Nursing Board, Singapore Medical Council, and Singapore Dental Board. The pharmacy and the laboratory boards are also responsible for monitoring the activities of the medical team. They are highly qualified and experienced in their jobs and take extra care of the patients.  

International Health Insurance :   

Singapore offers medical tourists an international health insurance plan. These cover areas like dental care, maternity care, vision care, and evacuation plans. Moreover, these offer direct billing to avoid the hassles associated with claiming your healthcare expenses.  

Medical Tools and Equipment : The government of Singapore is investing in improving the medical device industry. The Health Sciences Authority (HAS) regulates and approves medical devices in Singapore.   

The hospitals use multiple health devices like digital X-Ray machines, PT Scan and MRI machines, catheters, pacemakers, defibrillators, and many others.  

Singapore has successfully become a hub for all kinds of medical research and opportunities. It has evolved as a high-end MedTech manufacturing base. Additionally, it has contributed to the development of medical science with innovative medical devices like implantable pacemakers, coat lenses and other valuable medical devices.  

Singapore has about 25 R&D centers focusing solely on medical science. These are committed to developing business models keeping big data and patient-centric care in mind. The medical industry of Singapore is responsible for 60% of the microarrays and nearly one-third of the thermal cyclers and mass spectrometers worldwide.  

Best Medical Treatments that Singapore Provides for Foreigners

While learning about wellness tourism in Singapore, it will be helpful to know the services primarily popular in this country. These are listed below:  

medical tourism to singapore

Cardiac Surgeries

These are the most common procedures in Singapore. You can avail of Coronary Angiography, Valve Replacement, Heart Bypass, CABG and other surgeries in Singapore hospitals. The procedures are high-quality and at an affordable price range.

medical tourism to singapore

Orthopaedic Procedures

These are also popular in Singapore. The hospitals here offer knee replacement and hip replacement surgery. The doctors are highly qualified, and the hospitals are also authentic with international accreditations.

medical tourism to singapore

Cancer treatments are usually expensive, and most countries do not have the proper infrastructure for high-end oncology procedures. The hospitals of Singapore excel in these. For instance, it uses devices like FathomX for detecting and treating breast cancer.

medical tourism to singapore

The hospitals in Singapore offer high-end neurology services and treatments. The stem cell transplantation surgeries are world-class at the price that they offer. Surgeries like brainstem implants, brain rehabilitation, carotid endarterectomy, and others are also popular here.

medical tourism to singapore

Cosmetic Surgeries

Medical tourists often visit Singapore for high-end cosmetic surgeries. The Singapore hospitals charge less for authentic surgeries compared to the US standards. These include breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, breast lift, tummy tuck, facelift, etc.

medical tourism to singapore

Dental Surgeries

Dental procedures are probably the cheapest ones in Singapore, even though the hospitals and medical teams are highly reliable. The hospitals offer multiple dental surgeries and procedures like dental braces, crowns, dentures, dental implants, fillings, root canals, etc.

medical tourism to singapore

Ophthalmology Services

You can always consider high-end eye care and medical procedures in Singapore hospitals. Surgeries like cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachments, presbyopia, squint, LASIK, etc., are common procedures in Singapore.

medical tourism to singapore

Assisted reproductive technologies like in-vitro fertilization, and intrauterine insemination

  • International Hospital Accreditations

Most hospitals and specialty centers in Singapore cater to medical tourists, and virtually all of them offer exceptional quality healthcare. The major hospitals in Singapore have international accreditation from the   Joint Commission International (JCI) , ISO, or OHSAS. Singapore currently 2023 has 13 JCI-accredited hospitals and medical centers .   

Medical Tourism in singapore

medical tourism to singapore

Here is a handy checklist of important documents and items to bring with you when travelling to hospitals for medical treatment.  

  • Doctor’s referral letter  
  • Identity document such as ID, passport, birth certificate or FIN card  
  • Letter of guarantee from your insurance company, if using your insurance  
  • Local currency (Singapore dollars) or credit card for transactions  
  • Personal toiletries such as a toothbrush and shaving kit  
  • Basic toiletries, towels and robes will be provided.  

It is often difficult to move to a foreign country like Singapore for medical requirements. It is a paranoia that prevents people from trying out medical tourism. Here are some tips to ensure perfect medical tourism.  

  • Complete Your Research & Homework:  The first step is to analyse Singapore’s current medical industry, and look into its healthcare facilities and options. Selecting the correct country for medical tourism is essential, as it is directly related to your health and well-being. Therefore, learn about multiple medical tourism destinations before making a final choice.  
  • Learn About the procedures:  Complicated medical procedures might be conducted in different ways across countries. Moreover, the healthcare services of different countries have their strengths and weaknesses. For instance, Singapore is known for its cardiac surgeries. Therefore, select your country, keeping your health requirements in mind.  
  • Find Specialists:  Try to look for specialist doctors and medical teams in Singapore. You can find them on different hospital websites. It will help you shorten your search for hospitals and ensure that your health will be in the best hands, even in a foreign country.  
  • Talk to the Hospitals:  Talking directly to the hospitals of Singapore to find out the details of their services and functions is always advisable. It will help you take notes regarding their facilities, services and package details. Even though an international call can be expensive, it will be beneficial to make this call. You can find the contact details of hospitals on their official websites.  
  • Plan Your Expenses:  You should always plan your expenses, particularly regarding the entire medical treatment procedure. For this, it will be essential to compare the prices and packages the different hospitals offer. You need to choose the best package that will benefit your health requirements. This way, you can prevent spending extra bucks.  
  • Travel arrangements : Visa application -  

I f you are a non-Singaporean or a non-Singaporean Permanent Resident, please ensure that you obtain a valid visa prior to your visit to Singapore. You may apply for a medical visa and request for a supporting letter from our doctors when you travel for medical-related purposes. Visa applications can take up to  6 weeks  to prepare, so please plan ahead.  

Singapore does not require an entry visa for patients from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, or the European Union. Singapore requires visas from 39 additional countries, which are divided into two categories:  

  • Group 1 requires only an electronic visa, which is available online. These nations include Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and others; as well as, China, India, and Turkmenistan.  
  • A full visa is required for Group 2: This group of nations includes African nations like Algeria, Nigeria, Tunisia, Egypt, etc., as well as Near Eastern Asian nations like Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, etc.  
  • Book Your Accommodations:  Finally, you must make the necessary bookings and reservations before moving to Singapore. Hotel bookings in advance will help you save money.   

For this, you can consult a travel planner, who will help you with suitable options in this regard.  

If you are planning medical tourism in Singapore, it will be beneficial to know about the best places, cities and towns that offer medical services. Find out about it in the following list.  

Orchard Road:  This is one of the most popular places to stay in Singapore, with a bustling city vibe. While it is mainly known for shopping facilities, there are many hospitals in this region.   

For instance, you can find Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Camden Medical Centre and Raffles Medical in this region.  

Downtown Core:  This is another famous city in Singapore that is convenient for medical tourists. It is mainly known for the iconic Singapore Skyline.  

Some popular hospitals here include St Andrew's Mission Hospital, Woodlands Health Campus, Singapore General Hospital, Raffles Hospital , etc.  

Sentosa Island:  This beautiful island is filled with stunning beaches and resorts. Apart from that, it offers access to healthcare services. You can easily travel to Singapore General Hospital, Tan Tock Seng Hospital and National University Hospital (NUH) from this place.  

Chinatown:  This city is known for its historical significance, attracting tourists annually. It has cheaper accommodation compared to the other cities. Moreover, it offers access to hospitals like Singapore General Hospital, St Andrew's Mission Hospital , etc.  

If you are still unsure about going on a medical tour to Singapore, these advantages will help you make a sound decision.  

Affordable Pricing:  Another advantage of Singapore healthcare facilities is its affordable pricing strategy. Here, you can access high-quality healthcare services without paying a hefty amount. This means you can ensure health treatments and procedures without worrying about high expenses.  

Advanced Medical Facilities:  The hospitals offer superior facilities to look after the well-being of the patients. You will get 24/7 emergency and accident services in the hospitals. There is also a provision for a physician on call anytime in the day. The hospital staff is extremely friendly and mostly speaks English to serve international patients.  

Thus, medical tourism in Singapore can be beneficial to get access to high-quality medical treatment facilities. The hospitals' pricing is much lower compared to the western standards. Moreover, the quality of procedures and medical devices is impressive in Singapore, which will ensure optimum care quality.  

Singapore has world-class hospitals and clinics that offer a wide range of medical procedures and treatments. There are several reasons why people choose to come to Singapore for medical care, including  the high quality of care, the relatively low cost of care, and the convenient location .  

Singapore's healthcare sector is considered one of the best in the world, providing some of the most advanced healthcare services .  

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Singapore’s Healthcare Industry: Gateway to ASEAN’s Healthcare Market

Singapore’s healthcare sector is considered one of the best in the world, providing some of the most advanced healthcare services.  This is attributed to strong regulatory governance, a cost-sharing system between the private and public sectors, and contributions from medical saving accounts.

The industry continues to attract major international investors, enticed by the country’s deep base of skilled talents, pro-business environment, infrastructure, and thriving research and development landscape.

Singapore’s healthcare industry is recognized as among the best in the world, due to a combination of factors – strong regulatory governance, contributions from medical saving accounts, and a cost-sharing system between the private and public sectors.

The government’s key strategies have been to transform the healthcare sector through IT-enabled systems, strong clinical research, improving long-term care, and moving towards sophisticated care.

Singapore thus serves as a showcase for new medical technology and healthcare delivery, attracting more than 500,000 medical tourists annually who account for just under four percent of overall tourism receipts (US$1 billion – Interestingly, 60 percent of these were Indonesian patients.

Singapore’s success story

According to market insights firm Fitch Solutions, Singapore’s healthcare market is expected to grow to US$49.4 billion by 2029, and healthcare spending is expected to reach nine percent of GDP by the same year.

Further, more Singaporeans are using healthcare services, given its ageing population – 26.6 percent of the country’s population will be over the age of 65 in 2035.

Singapore, however, still spends less of its economy on healthcare than other major economies, such as the United States, which spends on average 17 percent of GDP (US$3.6 trillion) on healthcare annually. And yet, life expectancy at birth in Singapore is higher by two or three years compared to the UK and its infant mortality rates are among the lowest in the world, approximately half of that of Canada, the UK, and France.

Overview of Singapore’s universal healthcare system

Singapore’s universal healthcare program is funded by a multipayer system, comprising of tax revenues – which cover only one-fourth of the total healthcare costs – and payments from individuals and their employers through mandated life insurance schemes and deductions made to the compulsory savings plan, the Central Provident Fund . 

The healthcare system is centered around three programs, also known as the 3Ms:

MediSave – Singaporean citizens and permanent residents are obligated to contribute between eight to 10.5 percent of their monthly salary to their personal MediSave account. This can then be used to pay for the individual’s and their dependent’s medical bills. The dependent must also be a Singaporean citizen or a permanent resident to qualify.

MediShield Life – This is another mandatory healthcare program that provides basic protection for citizens and permanent residents. Medical treatments under this scheme are most suitable in public hospital B2 or C wards. If an individual wants to use a B1 or above ward in a public hospital, then they will need to pay a larger portion of the bill themselves.

For each person, they will receive an annual claim limit of S$100,000 (US$72,800) per year and there is no lifetime limit.

Medifund – The Medifund scheme is an endowment fund established by the government and serves as a safety net for citizens and permanent resident holders if they do not have enough funds in their MediSave and MediShield Life accounts.

Patients can get medical bills subsidized if they are treated at public hospitals with wards that have fewer amenities. Patients, for instance, that are admitted to C-class wards (a room with eight beds) can get a subsidy of up to 80 percent of their medical bills.

Pharmaceutical and biomedical industries: Leading drivers of economic growth

Singapore’s pharmaceutical and biomedical sectors are fast-becoming leading drivers of economic growth not only for the country’s healthcare industry but also for its manufacturing sector.

The country’s deep base of skilled talents, pro-business environment, infrastructure, and thriving research and development landscape has attracted some of the largest pharma firms in the world. This has resulted in Singapore being one of the few countries that are able to export more pharmaceutical products (approx. US$369 billion in 2020) than it imports (US$8.92 billion in 2020).

There are currently more than 50 manufacturing facilities in the country, with eight of the world’s ten largest pharmaceutical firms owning plants in Singapore. Some of the major players include Abbott, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, and Pfizer, who account for more than 40 percent of Singapore’s regional market.         

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic , there has been an increase in demand for emergency and intensive-care use drugs, such as antibiotics and anesthesia products, with Europe, the US, and Japan being the largest export markets for Singapore.

Research and development

Singapore’s multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach has made the country a hub for biomedical research and development (R&D) in Asia with employment in the biomedical sector doubling in the past decade (more than 24,000 people in 2019 or 20 percent of the manufacturing sector).

The country has been able to draw internationally renowned scientists as well as foreign students. The National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) are consistently ranked among the world’s top universities.

The government pledged some S$19 billion (US$13 billion) for research and innovation for the 2016-2020 period, which includes S$13.5 billion (US$9.8 billion) for science and technology.

There are currently over 50 Singapore-incorporated companies in the field of biomedical sciences R&D, that frequently collaborate with local and international research institutes. The R&D industry has thus the immense potential for rapid growth and foreign investment.

The city-state’s biomedical research centers include:

  • Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences;
  • Institute of Bioengineering & Nanotechnology;
  • Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology;
  • Genome Institute of Singapore; and
  • Bioinformatics Institute.

Vaccination production

Singapore has also the potential to be a major vaccine production hub in the region.

German biotechnology company  BioNTech , which developed the COVID-19 vaccine —BNT162b2 — with American pharmaceutical firm Pfizer, has stated its intention to establish its Asia-Pacific regional headquarters in Singapore , where it will also set up an mRNA manufacturing facility.

The facility is expected to produce hundreds of millions of mRNA vaccine doses per year. Construction is set to be completed in 2023 and will be the company’s first manufacturing plant outside of Europe and North America. Further, the plant can help build a rapid-response production capable of tackling the threat of future pandemic threats in the Asia-Pacific region.

In addition to BioNTech, French pharmaceutical giant  Sanofi announced in April 2021 that it was investing 400 million Euros (US$474 million) over five years to build a vaccine production center in Singapore.

Medical devices

Singapore’s medical devices industry is expected to be worth US$1.3 billion by 2022 due to increasing government spending, an ageing local population, as well as demand from the region.

More than 60 multinational medical technology (medtech) companies leverage the country’s strong engineering capabilities and high-quality assurance to manufacture high-value products, ranging from life science instruments to contact lenses. In addition, some 60 percent of the world’s microarrays and one-third of the world’s mass spectrometers are manufactured in Singapore.

Investors are attracted by Singapore’s strong base for research and innovation that help medtech firms in designing new business models in healthcare, such as the use of big data to provide better patient-centric care. This, in turn, provides medtech companies with the capabilities to export their products or services to go-to-markets in ASEAN as well as Asia.

Another advantageous factor for international investors is its intellectual property laws, which are among the strongest in Asia.

The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS), a government agency under the Ministry of Law, launched the world’s first trademark registration mobile app in 2019, reducing the time to file a trademark by 80 percent. Moreover, the agency also launched the SG Patent Fast Track Program in May 2020, which aims to approve patent applications in as quickly as six months.

Registering medical devices in Singapore

Medical devices in Singapore are regulated by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA), a statutory board under the country’s Ministry of Health that is responsible for the regulation of health products.

There is a specific evaluation route for medical device registrations: The evaluation route depends on:

  • The risk classification of the device;
  • The prior approvals provided by any overseas reference regulatory agencies; and
  • The duration of safe marketing for the device.

The HSA has a general risk classification system that all medical devices fall under. 

Several factors affect the risk classification of the medical device. These are:

  • The degree of invasiveness;
  • Duration in the body;
  • Local versus systemic effects (e.g. conventional versus absorbable sutures).
  • Does the medical device deliver medicinal products or energy to the patient?; or
  • Does the medical device have a biological effect on the patient?

If two or more of the mentioned classification rules apply to the medical device then they are assigned the highest classification class.

Class A medical devices do not require to be registered. However, the business must complete the Class A exemption list during its application process .  

Class B, C, and D

Class B, C, and D medical devices are required to be registered with the HSA, especially those that do not have prior approval from any overseas reference regulatory agencies. There are several evaluation routes businesses can use, depending on the medical device.


Medical tourism

Before the pandemic, Singapore attracted some 500,000 medical tourists annually who contribute more than US$1 billion to the economy. Approximately 60 percent of these visitors are from Indonesia.

The country, however, is struggling to hold on to its market share as Malaysia and Thailand offer cheaper healthcare services. Bypass surgery in Malaysia costs an average of US$14,000 compared to the average of US$23,000 in Singapore. There is also a heavier cost burden on the city-state’s healthcare providers that is transferred to patients as the wages of doctors and nurses are the highest in ASEAN.

Despite facing increasing competition, Singapore will continue to be the preferred destination in specialized areas of medicine such as oncology, organ transplants, orthopedics, cardiology, and neurology, among others. In addition, many healthcare providers have sought to diversify their operations in recent years by investing in their presence overseas, in particular, the large market of Indonesia.

For further information and assistance, please reach out to [email protected] .

ASEAN Briefing is produced by Dezan Shira & Associates . The firm assists foreign investors throughout Asia and maintains offices throughout ASEAN, including in Singapore , Hanoi , Ho Chi Minh City , and Da Nang in Vietnam, Munich , and Essen in Germany, Boston , and Salt Lake City in the United States, Milan , Conegliano , and Udine in Italy, in addition to Jakarta , and Batam in Indonesia. We also have partner firms in Malaysia , Bangladesh , the Philippines , and Thailand as well as our practices in China and India . Please contact us at [email protected] or visit our website at .

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Medical Tourism in Singapore

If you are planning to visit Singapore as a medical tourist, you will be interested to know that an international health plan from Pacific Prime can help cover your medical expenses.

Medical Tourism in Singapore

5 key highlights of the medical tourism sector in Singapore

  • Singapore is one of the world’s top medical tourism destinations. According to the Medical Tourism Association , Singapore ranks second after Canada in the Medical Tourism Index.
  • The city-state receives approximately 500,000 medical tourists each year. As many as 250,000 medical tourists come from Indonesia alone!
  • Singapore's private hospitals offer exceptional healthcare services with state-of-the-art facilities and well-trained medical specialists.
  • International medical tourists visit Singapore each year for a whole range of medical care and treatments from health screenings to surgery.
  • Medical tourists can cover healthcare costs by obtaining an international health insurance plan . 

Important note : Several private hospitals in Singapore , particularly those that offer high standards of healthcare and participate in the medical tourism market, will treat foreign patients who are covered by a health insurance plan. For this reason, it is recommended to secure a suitable health policy before traveling to Singapore.

medical tourism to singapore

An overview of medical tourism in Singapore

Just like many of its neighbors, Singapore has thrived over the years as a destination for medical tourists to seek the medical treatment that would otherwise be unavailable or very expensive back at home.

The country’s medical tourism sector is built on high-quality services and the involvement of up to 21 accredited hospitals that are Joint Commission International (JCL) accredited. Here are some that you may come across during your visit to Singapore:

  • Mount Elizabeth Hospital
  • National University Hospital
  • Raffles Hospital
  • National Cancer Centre
  • National Heart Centre Singapore
  • Singapore National Eye Centre
  • National Dental Centre
  • Singapore General Hospital
  • Changi General Hospital
  • Gleneagles Hospital
  • National Skin Centre
  • Johns Hopkins Singapore International Medical Centre
  • Tan Tock Seng Hospital

Excellent healthcare system

Medical tourists travel to Singapore for its excellent healthcare system and structure, with the knowledge that medical professionals here use some of the most advanced, high-end diagnostic equipment.

Even though the costs of seeking treatment can be higher than its neighbors (which is why securing international health insurance coverage is recommended), medical tourists view Singapore as a safe country to visit with clean and safe neighborhoods and a stable political situation.

Common treatments by medical tourists in Singapore

Medical tourists travel to Singapore for a wide array of services and operations, which include but are not limited to the following:

  • Orthopedic surgery (e.g. hip and knee replacements, spinal fusion, hip resurfacing: SGD $12,000 - 16,000)
  • Cardiac surgeries (e.g. heart bypass, valve replacements: SGD $5,500 - $130,000)
  • Cancer treatments (e.g. chemotherapy/radiology/immunotherapy: SGD $1,500 - $234,000)

Take note: The above costs vary from hospital to hospital, and depends on the course of treatment for each individual. Due to the high cost of treatment in Singapore, it is encouraged to secure an international health insurance plan, so that any of the above treatments and those not mentioned are fully covered by your insurer.

What does an international health insurance plan cover?

Just like many of our plans at Pacific Prime Singapore, an international health insurance plan offers many options and can be customized to meet your needs and budget. Here are three of the most common benefits offered by international health insurance plans:

International coverage

International coverage covers you and/or your family wherever you are around the globe. An international health insurance plan gives you peace of mind wherever you travel. It will also ensure that medical treatment costs are covered when you are in Singapore as a medical tourist. Just don’t forget to mention to the advisor when getting a quote to have full coverage for Singapore.

Inpatient and outpatient coverage

An international health insurance plan typically offers both inpatient and outpatient coverage. Depending on your needs, you may also want to consider some of the additional benefits below:

  • Dental care 
  • Vision care
  • Maternity care
  • Evacuation plan

Take note : When discussing with an advisor about your insurance needs, you must disclose your full medical history or any pre-existing conditions. Otherwise, your policy may not reimburse you if you claim on a condition that you already have.

Direct billing

Nothing sounds or feels better than giving the hospital your insurance details and leaving the process of claiming with your insurer to them. With this benefit included in your plan, you will not have to pay upfront for any medical cost you incur. It is always better, if possible, to attend a hospital or a healthcare facility that is in-network, which makes processing a claim straight-forward and hassle-free.

Want to find out more?

Check out our page dedicated to international health insurance , or get an instant, free quote by clicking on the link below:

Where to learn more about the cost of health insurance in Singapore?

If you want to learn about the cost of health insurance in Singapore, Pacific Prime has exactly what you need. Our annual Cost of International Health Insurance Report brings together the global insurance trends and contains useful findings from our experts and insurance partners.

Download your free copy today to learn about the cost of health insurance in Singapore.

Need help finding an international health insurance plan?

The simplest and easiest way to find an international health insurance policy is to approach a reliable insurance broker like Pacific Prime.

Click the ‘Contact Us’ button below and have us reach out to you!

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