Hope Channel Study Tours: Where the Bible Comes to Life

Hope Channel Study Tours: Where the Bible Comes to Life

Have you ever finished reading the Bible and been left feeling discouraged because it was difficult to comprehend? If connecting to Scripture has ever been a challenge, you are not alone. 

For many, including Kevin Christenson, director of Hope Media productions, relating to the Bible was hard. However, after attending the 2022 Hope Channel Study Tour entitled “In the Footsteps of the Apostles,” the Bible came to life. “When you read the accounts of the disciples, it’s hard to really get a sense of where they went and what those places were like,” Christenson shares. “Physically being there brought it all to life and suddenly made the stories feel more than just a historical account. It made them feel real.” For him, the tour was “truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.” This sentiment is one many tour attendees concur with. 

In May 2022, Pastor Derek Morris, president of Hope Channel International, Inc. (HCI) and host of the tour, joined 22 attendees for the “In the Footsteps of the Apostles” tour. Together they traveled to Turkey and Greece where a local Turkish guide, Dr. Michael Hasel, professor of Near Eastern Studies and Archaeology and director of the Institute of Archaeology at Southern Adventist University, and his wife, Giselle Hasel, professor of art history at Southern Adventist University, led the group through several notable biblical locations. 

One memorable location for Marline Balbach, a tour attendee, was visiting the site of the seven churches addressed in Revelation 2-3. She noted the experience was eye-opening and helped her understand the relevance of Christ’s messages to these churches. Balbach explained, “Nothing’s really changed. Society has been struggling with luxury, vice, crime, immorality, lies, idolatry, poverty, the rich and powerful, tyranny, and persecution throughout time. We have the same battles. Yet, if the apostles could reach and change the world two thousand years ago, without the technology today, imagine what God is waiting to do with us if we could just be full of faith like Paul, the apostles, and the early church.”

During the first sabbath of the tour, the group experienced an exciting highlight. They spent the day on the island of Patmos in Greece and visited the cave where it is believed God gave John several revelations. Nanette Gensolin, an attendee, shared, “The trip to the Island of Patmos meant a lot for me. Seeing where the Apostle John was imprisoned gave me goosebumps as the place was tiny and cramped. [Seeing] the cave created this picture in my mind of how much John suffered so the gospel of salvation could be spread.” Derek Morris remarked that nothing compared to visiting this location. 

Patmos, Greece. Photo by: Miriam Taylor.

Besides these two locations, the group also visited Miletus, a notable destination found along Paul’s historic missionary journey. The caravan had the exciting opportunity to see the Biblical site of Ephesus. Christensen opined that his experience at the theater in Ephesus helped him “begin to grasp how major the words of Paul and the influence of The Way, [were in] this major center of commerce.” This insight became evident to him through the merchants surrounding the theater, who, to this day, sell trinkets and statues of Artemis to feed their families. The theater’s excellent acoustics also lent itself to the imagination, as he imagined a frustrated and hungry populace shouting, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” in Acts 19.

Ancient Greek city of Miletus. Photo by: Miriam Taylor.

After visiting the theater, the group also saw Ephesus’ beautiful terrace houses, its famed library of Celsus, and even the Tetragonos Agora. They went to Pergamon, an ancient Greek and Roman city that is now the site of some of the most impressive archaeological finds in Turkey and the Middle East. Additionally, the troop visited Philadelphia, Laodicea, and Colossae, all cities detailed in the Bible as the settings of Paul’s letters to the Colossians and to Philemon.

The study tour experience positively impacted the lives of everyone who joined. Gensolin remarked that since attending the tour, “The Bible just comes alive. [The tour] reinforced my belief in [the Bible’s] authenticity and gave me encouragement for a deeper study, strengthening my faith in the Lord.” Balbach added, “The tour reinforced my desire to be God's instrument.” 

Although the Bible may have previously been challenging for many, Hope Channel’s study tours has provided many tourists with a deeper understanding of the events within this timeless and inspired text. As a result, many have renewed their faith in Christ and His word, deepening their commitment to Him and His mission. You too can experience this during the next study tours in 2023.

Learn more about Hope Channel’s upcoming In the Footsteps of the Patriarchs and In the Footsteps of Jesus 2023 tours here .

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Study Tours - May 15, 2022

Visiting Ephesus, the State Agora, the Library of Celsus and the Tetragonos Agora. Visit the theater where silversmith Demetrius incited a riot.

Visit the impressive biblical site of Ephesus, starting with a walking tour of the upper city and the State Agora and walking downward to the iconic Library of Celsus and the Tetragonos Agora, with a slight detour to see the exquisite terrace houses where the rich and famous citizens of Ephesus lived. End the walking tour at the theater where Demetrius, a silversmith, incited a riot with the entire city shouting, “Great is Diana of the Ephesians!” Drive to Izmir and enjoy a stop at the ancient Smyrna Agora.


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Footsteps of Luther Reformation Tour

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Lutherhalle Museum Wittenberg

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Augustinian Monastery, Erfurt

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Wartburg Castle

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Rothenburg-ob der-Tauber

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Rhine Cruise

All are welcome on this 10 day tour exploring  the major Luther historical sites associated with Martin Luther. In addition to the historical and cultural insights provided by our professional tour guides, there will be leisure time to explore at your own pace. Martin Luther’s journey of faith grew from a tentative novitiate full of questions and doubt to that of a passionate and courageous reformer, deeply grounded in God’s grace and the truth of Scripture. This tour will not only explore the sites and history of Luther’s life, but his theological journey as well.

Tour highlights: – Panoramic tour of Berlin – Attend church in Wittenberg – Luther-themed tour of Wittenberg – Tour of Eisleben, including Birth and Death houses – See the monastery in Erfurt where Luther lived and worked – Optional visit to Buchenwald Concentration Camp – Tour of Wartburg Castle – Medieval-style meal – Demonstration of period instruments in the Bach House – Christmas shopping in Rothenburg-ob-der-Tauber – Site of the Diet of Worms (500 years ago in 1521) – Evening meal in a winery – Rhine Cruise – Tour of the Gutenberg Museum

Trip Itinerary

Key: IF = In Flight Meals, B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, D = Dinner 

Day 1: Friday, May  27, 2022: Fly We will depart from the USA. Group flights can be arranged for groups of  at least 10, traveling together. Reformation Tours can also arrange pre-tour nights in Berlin for anyone who wishes to travel before the tour begins.

Day 2: Saturday, May 28, 2022: Berlin, Wittenberg On arrival in Berlin, we will meet our tour director who will escort us throughout the tour. We will start our Reformation Tour with a panoramic bus sightseeing tour of the reunified German capital, highlighting the Reichstag (parliament building), the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, the refurbished city center and Gendarnmenmarkt. We will also see Alexanderplatz, the famous boulevard “Unter den Linden”, and view the Berlin Cathedral. We will continue to Lutherstadt-Wittenberg and check in to our hotel. We will dine in our hotel this evening. (B/D)

Day 3: Sunday, May 29, 2022: Wittenberg After breakfast, we will have the opportunity to attend church in Wittenberg. Known as the “Mother Church of the Reformation”, St. Mary’s Town Church is the city’s oldest building. This was where Luther married Katharina von Bora in 1525 and where their children were baptized. In the afternoon, our expert local guide will take us on a half-day walking tour including the Lutherhalle (Luther’s home), Town Church, and Castle Church. Although the original door was destroyed in a fire, the replica has all 95 Theses magnificently displayed in bronze. We will end the tour with a time of fellowship as a group, then the rest of the day will be at leisure. (B)

Day 4: Monday, May 30, 2022: Eisleben, Erfurt This morning we will travel to Eisleben, where Luther was born and also where he died. It is sometimes referred to as his Bethlehem and Jerusalem. We’ll visit both these homes with our guide, as well as St. Anne’s, an old miner’s church famous for the Biblical Scenes hewn in stone. We will also visit St. Peter and St. Paul Church where Luther was baptized. We will continue on to Erfurt and dine in our hotel. (B/D)

Day 5: Tuesday, May 31, 2022: Erfurt After breakfast, our local guide will take us on a tour including St. Mary’s Cathedral, the Church of St. Severus and the famous Merchant’s Bridge. We will also tour the Augustinian Monastery where Luther became a monk on July 17, 1505. We will be able to see his monastic quarters, including one cell furnished to look as it would have done when he lived there. In the afternoon, we will have an optional excursion to Buchenwald Concentration Camp. The evening will be at leisure (B)

Day 6: Wednesday, June 1, 2022: Eisenach, Erfurt In 1521, while fleeing from the wrath of the Pope, Luther took refuge in the Wartburg Castle after a fake kidnapping staged by his friend and protector, Frederick the Wise. We will tour the Wartburg and see where Luther finished translating the New Testament into German in just eleven weeks. We will have a fun lunch today in a medieval-style restaurant featuring foods from Luther’s time. After lunch, we will visit the Bach House with the largest collection of Bach memorabilia in the world. A musical demonstration of period instruments is also included. After some free time, we will return to Erfurt. (B/L)

Day 7: Thursday, June 2, 2022: Rothenburg Today we will drive south to the delightful medieval town of Rothenberg-ob-der-Tauber. After a group lunch, we will have a guided tour of St. James Church, with its art treasures, such as the Tilman Riemenschneider altarpiece and the Altar of the Twelve Apostles by Friedrich Herlin. a walk around the city walls, and the opportunity to shop in the Käthe Wohlfahrt Christmas shop. The rest of the day will be at leisure to relax or join the Night Watchman on his nightly tour. (B/L)

Day 8: Friday, June 3, 2022: Worms, Mainz We will drive to the Rhine region and spend the afternoon in Worms. We will visit the site of Luther’s Worms Debates (Diet of Worms), now a park, with a plaque commemorating Luther’s brave stand for faith and truth 500 years ago in 1521. We’ll have a photo stop at the stunning Reformation Monument. Our evening meal will be at a family-run winery, with the opportunity to try 4 local wines. We’ll end the day in Mainz. (B/D)

Day 9: Saturday, June 4, 2022: Rhine Cruise, Mainz Our morning begins with a relaxing cruise down the Rhine from St. Goar, past magnificent castles and the famous Loreley rock. In the afternoon, we will tour the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz, where we will see three extremely rare and valuable Gutenberg original 42-line Bibles. Gutenberg is recognized as being one of the most influential figures of the millennium. Our farewell meal will be in a restaurant this evening.   (B/D)

Day 10: Sunday, June 5, 2022: Return We will transfer from our hotel to Frankfurt Airport for our morning flights. A post-tour to Munich will be offered. (B/IF)

Please note this itinerary is copyrighted.

What are accommodations like?

Our hotels are chosen for their  quality ,  amenities  and  proximity to areas of interest . Whenever possible, we choose hotels in town centers, so that you are able to go off and explore in your free time. It may be necessary for us to substitute hotels for others of equal quality. You will be fully informed of any changes that affect you. Enjoy your stay!

Arrival and Departure Transfers

Transfers are automatically included if we have booked your flights.

If you have booked your own flights, we can still provide transfers, as long as we have your flight details on file and a phone number to give to the driver. We will include your transfer information in your final packet. Transfers will be arranged for each arrival, so that you won’t have to wait for other tour members if their flight is delayed. Transfers can be arranged for the day of your choosing, but we can’t arrange transfers if you arrive or depart by train.

Please note that individual transfers are booked through a third-party and you will be responsible to communicate with the company in case of delays.

Flight Information

Flights can be arranged once this tour is a guaranteed departure.

Group Air: If we have a minimum of 10 traveling together, we can provide a group air booking. Payment is due with the final payment.

Individual Air: Individual Air: If you would like assistance with alternative flights, please visit our Book a Flight page.  Please wait until the tour is a guaranteed departure before booking non-refundable airfare and send a copy of your flight itinerary for our records as soon as you have booked it.

Arrival: Please arrange to arrive in Berlin no later than 10:00 am on Saturday, May 28, 2022.

Departure: You are welcome to depart from Frankfurt at any time on Sunday, June 5, 2022.

We can arrange pre-tour nights in Berlin and post-tour nights in Frankfurt, but due to the volume of tours in 2022, we are not able to arrange additional travel within Europe.

What’s included in the land price of *$2,999?

*Price based on a minimum of 25 participants.

Your Tour Includes

•   Transportation: via deluxe air-conditioned coaches •   Accommodations (double-occupancy) in superior 3-star and moderate 4-star hotels •   Meals as indicated in the itinerary •   Professional Tour Director throughout the tour •   Local step-on guides for city tours and major attractions •   Admission to all activities indicated in the itinerary •   Arrival and departure transfers •   Baggage handling (1 piece of baggage per guest) •   All taxes and tips, other than the driver and tour director

Your Tour Does Not Include

•   Round-trip air transportation •   Single supplement ($400) •   Tips to driver and tour director •   Meals and beverages not identified in itinerary •   Items of a personal nature, such as passports and visas. Passports must be valid for 6 months beyond return date. •   Passenger trip cancellation insurance (see below for details)

Payment Schedule

•   Initial deposit of $350 will secure your place on the tour, which can be paid by credit voucher, check or credit card paymen t . Please send all checks to Reformation Tours, 64 Fiesta Circle, St. Louis, MO 63146 •   Final invoices will be sent in February 2021 •   Final payment is due by March 18, 2022 •   Reservations will be accepted after March 18, 2022, subject to availability

We will continue to assist clients who have a current policy with Roam Right Insurance , a division of Arch Insurance Company. Policies are now transferable to tours in 2021 and 2022.

If you don’t have insurance yet, we are now partnering with an award-winning company called Squaremouth , which helps travelers search, compare, and buy the best travel insurance for the lowest price. They offer excellent customer support and can help you find the best policy for your trip.

Squaremouth travel insurance full 468x60


Regardless of reason, cancellations are costly. The following cancellation penalties apply if you cancel:

From time of deposit to until 100 days before departure: $100 From March 10, 2021 to 15 days prior to departure: $350 cancellation penalty plus any non refundable deposits 14 days or less prior to departure: No refund– Cancellation charges also apply to additional accommodation reserved prior to and after the tour. – Cancellations must be received in writing by 5:00 p.m. central time on the last business day of the applicable time period. – For flight changes or cancellations, revision fees and/or airline cancellation charges will apply. – Roommates canceling can result in a single supplement charge for the roommate. The Participant who cancels will be responsible for that charge if a substitute roommate cannot be found. – Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance is strongly recommended.

Once this form is submitted, you will receive an instant email confirmation. Please check your spam folder if you don’t see it in your inbox.

Please note that all travelers are required to be fully-vaccinated against Covid.

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You can fill out your reservations online by clicking the “ Book Now ” tab.

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You can  send a check made payable to “Reformation Tours” to 64 Fiesta Circle, St. Louis, MO 63146 or click here to pay by credit card .

We will continue to assist clients who have previously purchased Roam Right Insurance policies, which can be transferred to tours in 2021 and 2022. If you don’t have insurance, we are now offering clients the opportunity to compare and buy insurance directly:

Squaremouth travel insurance rectangle 250x150

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Reformation Tours, Ltd

Head Office: Hall Gate House, 29cCranfield Road, Kilkeel, Co. Down, N. Ireland BT34 4LJ US Office: 12316 244th St. Chisago City, MN 55013 Toll Free: (800) 303-5534

Email: [email protected]

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I've Scene It On Hallmark

Film locations from your favorite Hallmark Channel productions

ALL NEW: When Calls The Heart Jamestown Set Tours

November 6, 2018 by Kerry 18 Comments

When Calls The Heart set by Kerry at I've Scene It On Hallmark

Photo cred: Jennifer McNeil

Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

Now that season 6 filming of When Calls The Heart has officially ended, tours at Jamestown are BACK!!!  The tours will be a little different than previously offered.  There will be two options; a Town Tour and a Private Tour.

On the Town Tour, your guide will walk you through the town of Hope Valley, taking you into the very same buildings you see on the show!  From Abigail’s Cafe to the beautiful church, you will see it all.  This is a walking tour that will last about an hour and the cost is $20.00 per person, Canadian Dollars.

On the Private Tour, your guide will drive you to the mine from the early seasons, the row houses, and the cabin in the woods.  You will walk through the town of Hope Valley, just like the Town Tour mentioned above. Private Tours will last about 2 hours and are limited to 5 people.  The cost is $35.00 per person, Canadian Dollars.  Private Tours are subject to availability and can only be booked by emailing [email protected]

Melanie  MacInnes handles the scheduling of all tours and tour inquiries.  And for those of you who do not know, her parents own MacInnes Farm, which is where the Jamestown Movie Set is located.   To be added to Melanie’s newsletter list, which will update you with future tour opportunities and events, please fill out the subscriber form here .

When Calls The Heart film locations by Kerry as featured on I've Scene It On Hallmark

November Tour Date!

If you are itching to take a tour, I’ve got some great news, hot off the press !  The next Town Tour will be on Saturday, November 17, 2018 at 11:00 a.m.  To book the Town Tour, please click here .

Last February, I was asked to be a Jamestown tour guide and it was a lot of fun.  Every weekend through May, I met fans from all over the world and got to show them around the town of Hope Valley, answer their questions, and capture it all with photos they will have forever.

I’d like to point out that while the town of Hope Valley is very recognizable from the TV show, the set will not be dressed when you tour Jamestown.  All props were removed by the production company, once filming was complete.  You will be allowed to enter the buildings and look around, and even have time to take a photo from the jail cell.

When Calls The Heart set tour by Kerry at I've Scene It On Hallmark

It is a super fun experience to be able to walk around the real set from one of your favorite shows!

If you’ve been thinking about taking a tour, now would be a great time to book.  Tours are only offered when filming is not taking place and due to popular demand, tours are starting a little early.  As I mentioned above, there will be a Town Tour on Saturday, November 17, 2018 at 11:00 a.m.  There will be one more Town Tour offered in 2018, sometime in December before Christmas, but the date has not been determined at this time.  After that, tours will resume in early 2019.  Once again, to book the Town Tour on November 17, please click here .

To read about my own set tour, click  here .

Wanna buy the movies?  Please consider making your purchase through the links below.  You always pay the same price and I earn a few cents commission, which directly helps to offset the cost of this website.  Thank you!

I will be back later this week with an all-new On Location: It’s Christmas, Eve post!   And be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don’t miss futures posts.  As always, thank for your continued support.

NOTICE:   If you use any of the information published on I’ve Scene It On Hallmark on your website, podcast or blog, please give credit where credit is due and link to this website as your source.  Remember, the images and content of I’ve Scene It On Hallmark are protected by copyright laws.  Please do not edit or remove watermarks from any images.

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Reader Interactions

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November 8, 2018 at 10:35 AM

It would really be fun to be on this set. You have probably brought lots of tourism to British Columbia when you highlight the various Hallmark filming locations. I hope sometime that they recognize you! Thanks for your fun posts.

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November 8, 2018 at 6:14 PM

Thank you so much Beth, what a lovely thing to say! I am so happy you enjoy reading about my adventures. Day = made!!! 🙂

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March 21, 2019 at 5:50 PM

Kerry, Do you offer tours in 2019? I would like to come visit but I don’t see any data regarding tours. I’m way across the country and can’t just pop in to see unfortunately. Appreciate your time!

March 24, 2019 at 8:07 AM

Hi Patricia! Yes, there are tours being offered in 2019. For tour information, please contact Melanie, who schedules all the tours. Her email is [email protected] Thanks! 🙂

May 6, 2019 at 12:29 PM

Like an angel you actually responded to me, so appreciative of your time. I’ve reached out to Melanie and look forward to seeing your beautiful farm.

June 5, 2019 at 5:26 AM

Hi Patricia, thanks for your comment. Glad you reached out to Melanie. Her parents own the farm, not me. I only met them when I did a story on their property. They are good people!!! 🙂

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March 23, 2019 at 5:30 PM

What are the tour dates for this year 2019

March 24, 2019 at 8:06 AM

Hi Roxanne, thanks for your comment. For tour info, please contact Melanie, who schedules tours of the farm. She can be reached at [email protected] Thanks! 🙂

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December 29, 2019 at 1:00 PM

What are your tour dates for 2020?

January 1, 2020 at 2:13 PM

For When Calls The Heart tour dates, email Melanie at [email protected]

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May 4, 2020 at 1:29 PM

Hello Kerry,

My friend and I are very much Hearties and when we heard about the Set Tours being offered, we wanted to know more. Where do we find the tour dates for 2020 and will there also be private tour dates? Would love to take a tour.. Thank you,

November 1, 2020 at 6:23 PM

For tour information, please email Melanie at [email protected] Please note there will not be any tours until sometime in 2021 at the earliest. 🙂

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January 10, 2020 at 11:45 PM

Thank you for the comment about 2020. We are planning to be in the area in the summer and are hoping to take a tour, even just walking around town on our own is fine.

January 11, 2020 at 5:00 PM

Hi Veda, be sure and email Melanie for tour info. You have to sign up for a tour. The farm is private property and you cannot just enter the property and roam around. Melanie will get you set up and let you know what days are available. Keep in mind it is not uncommon for film crews to use the property for filming during the week. Thanks and good luck! 🙂

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January 28, 2020 at 11:27 AM

Kerry, My family would love to tour Hope Valley set. When is the best time this summer to visit. We are open to dates.

When calls the heart is a wonderful family show. My husband and I watch it, even re-runs.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Elizabeth Marranzino

February 2, 2020 at 9:06 PM

Hi Elizabeth! For tour info, please email Melanie at [email protected] She handles all the tours and can help get you set up. Enjoy your visit! 🙂

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April 18, 2020 at 11:34 AM

What a great anniversary get away! Our family absoulty loves When Calls the Heart. It is amazing how they do the filming!

November 15, 2020 at 2:15 PM

Thanks Tanna! Yes, it is a great show!

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    Visiting Ephesus, the State Agora, the Library of Celsus and the Tetragonos Agora. Visit the theater where silversmith Demetrius incited a riot.

  11. Footsteps of Luther Reformation Tour

    Day 1: Friday, May 27, 2022: Fly. We will depart from the USA. Group flights can be arranged for groups of at least 10, traveling together. Reformation Tours can also arrange pre-tour nights in Berlin for anyone who wishes to travel before the tour begins. Day 2: Saturday, May 28, 2022: Berlin, Wittenberg.

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  13. ALL NEW: When Calls The Heart Jamestown Set Tours

    On the Private Tour, your guide will drive you to the mine from the early seasons, the row houses, and the cabin in the woods. You will walk through the town of Hope Valley, just like the Town Tour mentioned above. Private Tours will last about 2 hours and are limited to 5 people. The cost is $35.00 per person, Canadian Dollars.

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    • Cancellations after February 26, 2023, will receive a refund, less 50% of the cost of the tour. • Cancellations after March 26, 2023, will not receive a refund. Refunds will be made available if Hope Channel must cancel the tour due to unexpected situations, such as security or health concerns, etc. TOUR CONDITIONS

  17. Helene Live Updates: Death Toll Rises as Damage Spreads Across the

    At least 30 deaths were reported across four states. Parts of Florida's Gulf Coast remain underwater, and heavy rain triggered mudslides and a dam collapse in the mountains of Appalachia.

  18. Crash of an Antonov AN-24 in Moscow

    The crew was engaged in a local training flight at Moscow-Sheremetyevo Airport consisting of takeoff and landings in strong cross winds. At takeoff, the right engine was voluntarily shut down.

  19. 2020 Hope Channel Study Tours Invitation

    Listen to Miriam and Juliana as they share the life-changing experiences that happened at the 2019 Hope Channel Study Tours! We invite you to join Derek...

  20. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  21. Ways to watch

    Adventist Satellite provides Seventh-Day Adventist programming via Satellite and Internet. Support: 866-597-0728. ChristianDish offers Christian channels with no monthly fees, no contracts & no credit checks. Support: 877-875-6532. Learn how you can access the life-changing content of Hope Channel.

  22. Crash of a Douglas DC-8-62 in Moscow: 61 killed

    61. Circumstances: A McDonnell Douglas DC-8-62 passenger plane, JA8040, was destroyed when it crashed on takeoff from Moscow's -Sheremetyevo Airport (SVO), Russia. Five of the 14 crew members and ten of the 62 passengers survived the accident. JAL flight JL446 was a scheduled international flight from Copenhagen (CPH), Denmark to Tokyo-Haneda ...

  23. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Elektrostal (2024)

    Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, number of page views, and user location. 1. Park of Culture and Leisure. 2. Electrostal History and Art Museum. 3. Statue of Lenin. 4. Museum and Exhibition Center.

  24. Hope at Night

    Hope@Night is a late-night show that seeks to answer these questions through interviews with real people who have incredible life stories to share, while our live in-studio audience will get a chance to pose their own questions to the guests on air. Hosted by popular speaker and author Anil Kanda, this series promises to keep you on your toes ...