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Dgv travel: il web tour operator cresce nel settore grazie ai viaggi su misura.

DGV Travel: il web tour operator cresce nel settore grazie ai viaggi su misura

Roma, 13 marzo 2024 – L’ industria dei viaggi e del turismo è un settore che ha dovuto affrontare cambiamenti importanti negli ultimi anni, per adeguarsi alla diffusione delle nuove tecnologie digitali e alla maggiore consapevolezza delle persone che possono trovare tante informazioni online e sui social.

In questo contesto alcune agenzie di viaggio e tour operator convenzionali hanno perso clienti e competitività, mentre altre realtà sono riuscite a sfruttare le opportunità di questo nuovo scenario ed emergere sul mercato.

È quanto avvenuto con DGV Travel , web tour operator italiano nato nel 2006 che quest’anno celebra i 18 anni di attività dopo un lungo periodo di crescita e affermazione. Grazie ai contatti diretti con i migliori partner nel mondo, oggi DGV Travel propone soluzioni di viaggio su misura in 35 destinazioni tra Asia, Europa, Americhe, Medio Oriente, Oceano Indiano e Africa.

Chi si affida a DGV Travel può usufruire di un consulente di viaggio dedicato da contattare via email o al telefono, che può fornire qualsiasi tipo di informazione e tutta l’assistenza necessaria.

Tutto ciò è possibile grazie a un gruppo di professionisti accuratamente selezionati e guidati da Michele Vignieri , fondatore e CEO di DGV Travel che da 18 anni garantisce ad ogni viaggiatore la possibilità di vivere viaggi personalizzati e indimenticabili, messi a punto grazie all’ esperienza diretta .

Come sottolinea lo stesso Vignieri, infatti, “tutto lo staff intraprende in prima persona i tour che proponiamo, non solo per andare alla scoperta delle nostre destinazioni e catturarne l’essenza più autentica , ma anche per migliorare costantemente la nostra proposta e raccogliere nuove idee per percorsi sempre più su misura”.

L’evoluzione del turismo e le nuove tendenze secondo DGV Travel

Il settore turistico è in continuo mutamento, un processo senza dubbio accelerato nell’era digitale. In particolare, oggi i viaggiatori che si rivolgono a un tour operator sono già informati , d’altronde basta cercare le informazioni sulla destinazione che si desidera visitare sul web attraverso Google e sulle piattaforme social come TikTok, Instagram, Facebook e YouTube.

Inoltre, come rilevato anche da Michele Vignieri, “ la maggiore accessibilità dei viaggi ha reso le persone più consapevoli , spesso desiderose di provare esperienze uniche ed emozionanti diverse rispetto ai tipici soggiorni del turismo tradizionale”.

DGV Travel è in grado di rispondere in modo efficace a questa tendenza, grazie a una presenza online e sui social ben radicata .

Infatti, “affidarsi a noi consente ai viaggiatori di confrontarsi con dei professionisti del settore molto preparati ” – spiega ancora Vignieri – “inoltre siamo attivi su internet e sui social dove mettiamo a disposizione tanti contenuti utili tramite la sezione Diari di viaggio del sito, ma anche video e foto emozionali per ispirare i viaggiatori e far conoscere nuove destinazioni attraverso i nostri profili su Instagram e YouTube”.

Se oggi questo tipo di servizio è molto apprezzato da parte dei viaggiatori, non lo era certamente 18 anni fa quando erano in pochi a utilizzare i servizi digitali per organizzare i propri viaggi.

Le realtà che hanno avuto successo hanno dovuto superare molte sfide e difficoltà nel corso degli anni , affrontando anche il duro periodo del Covid che ha messo in ginocchio il settore turistico.

Come testimonia Michele Vignieri: “i due anni della pandemia sono stati tremendi anche per noi, ma grazie all’impegno costante siamo riusciti a superare il periodo più critico uscendone a testa alta . Ne siamo davvero molto fieri”.

DGV Travel punta su innovazione, soddisfazione dei viaggiatori e partnership qualificate

Quando Michele Vignieri ha fondato DGV Travel nel 2006 aveva già acquisito molta esperienza nel campo dei viaggi, esplorando il mondo con il suo zaino a cominciare da un viaggio in Cina nel 1999 .

Dopo la laurea in Economia a Roma ha realizzato diverse esperienze manageriali per una decina d’anni, per poi dedicarsi a tempo pieno alla passione per i viaggi con la creazione del tour operator. In 18 anni, DGV Travel è diventato un punto di riferimento sul web per le esperienze di viaggio personalizzate , con tantissimi viaggiatori soddisfatti come dimostrano le numerose recensioni positive pubblicate sul sito dgvtravel.com.

Nel corso degli anni Michele Vignieri ha prestato molta attenzione all’ innovazione e alla qualità del prodotto , ma ultimamente ha aumentato gli investimenti in tecnologia e customer experience per garantire la massima soddisfazione dei viaggiatori che si rivolgono a DGV Travel.

La filosofia del tour operator italiano rimane sempre la stessa, infatti come ricorda Vignieri “ il viaggiatore è al centro di tutto e lavoriamo quotidianamente per soddisfare ogni richiesta in modo trasparente e professionale, ad esempio realizzando velocemente i preventivi, infatti grazie agli investimenti nelle nuove tecnologie digitali DGV Travel è in grado di inviare le sue proposte in modo sempre più veloce e preciso ma anche informando le persone e offrendo un supporto completo durante ogni fase del viaggio”.

La crescita di DGV Travel è stata possibile anche grazie a una serie di partnership qualificate . Come spiega Vignieri, infatti: “Nel corso degli anni, le tante collaborazioni hanno giocato un ruolo importante. Enti del Turismo, società di marketing e partner locali ci hanno senza dubbio consentito di proporre le migliori soluzioni di viaggio e crescere sul web”.

Per il futuro il tour operator continuerà a puntare sull’innovazione , valutando anche le potenzialità dell’intelligenza artificiale per ridurre gli errori e migliorare la qualità del lavoro. D'altronde la tecnologia è già presente in DGV Travel, che da anni utilizza software che aiutano i suoi consulenti di viaggio a realizzare preventivi sempre più rapidi e precisi per venire incontro alle esigenze degli utenti.

Per maggiori informazioni

Sito web: https://www.dgvtravel.com/  

Responsabilità editoriale: TiLinko – IMG Solutions srl per MGvision

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Reviews about dgv travel.

  • Rita F. 5 january 2023, 2:22 pm Capodanno in Turchia 27/12—03/01/23 — viaggio molto interessante e ben organizzato ottimi alberghi guida preparatissima, escursioni meravigliose! Rapporto qualità/prezzo eccellente! Grazie Sara per la gentilezza e disponibilità anche fuori orario! Assolutamente da consigliare! Torneremo a viaggiare con voi! 0 0 Reply
  • ciccio s. 30 december 2022, 6:04 pm Bravi 0 0 Reply
  • rob b. 20 november 2022, 7:20 pm Consigliatissima! 0 0 Reply
  • Vincenzo D. 7 november 2022, 11:53 am Ho organizzato con loro un viaggio. Vedremo se tutto andrà bene 0 0 Reply
  • Giacomo L. 30 august 2022, 1:01 pm Viaggio a Bali senza alcuna concreta informazione. Nel programma era inserito un giorno in più, ma alla fine non esisteva, la camera era stata pagata (al tour operator) per l’ultimo giorno, invece ci hanno chiesto di lasciarla entro le 12 (era stata pagata anche per il giorno dopo). Mi dispiace ma la mia esperienza non è stata positiva, ho parlato con un referente sul posto, ma era assente. 0 0 Reply
  • Company's official reply 2 october 2020, 11:39 pm Gentile signora abbiamo rispettato per tutti i viaggiatori le leggi in vigore causa Covid. Comunque se crede che ciò non sia avvenuto la invitiamo a contattarci per darle tutte le informazioni possibili. 0 0 Reply
  • Giovanna C. 25 february 2020, 1:39 am Agenzia seria molto competente e disponibile a trovare più soluzioni adatte alle Proprie richieste. Consigliatissima… Viaggio alle Maldive top! 0 0 Reply
  • Daniele G. 12 november 2019, 1:53 pm Dopo un meraviglioso tour del Vietnam splendidamente organizzato, abbiamo effettuato un tour dell' India. Organizzato bene, con qualche problemino, ma risolto splendidamente dalla super professionale e sempre disponibile sig. Sara. Grazie Sara 0 0 Reply
  • Maurizio I. 1 november 2019, 3:02 pm Già fatto con loro un viaggio in Tibet e Cina. Superlativi. Una organizzazione pazzesca solo per me e mia moglie. Autista e guida solo per noi. E i prezzi? Fidatevi meglio che con i vari tour operator. Una garanzia. Grazie. P.S. prossimo viaggio in Oman. Saluti. 0 0 Reply
  • Company's official reply 12 july 2018, 1:47 pm Grazie mille! ad maiora semper 0 0 Reply
  • alcabar 2 february 2018, 10:38 pm Rientrata oggi dal “tour appassionatamente Vietnam ” viaggio stupendo organizzato nei minimi particolari mai tempi morti un esperienza dopo l'altra, ottime guide ottimi alberghi tutto al meglio. Assolutamente da consigliare tenuto conto anche della disponibilità e gentilezza sia della Sig.ra Sara che ci ha seguiti durante tutta la procedura di prenotazione. Grazie e complimenti continuate così 0 0 Reply
  • Company's official reply 20 november 2017, 12:38 pm Grazie! 0 0 Reply
  • Company's official reply 13 february 2017, 12:18 pm sig. Marco DB noi stiamo lavorando in questo momento da Via ermanno carlotto 1. se vuole venga che le offriamo un caffè. Cordiali saluti 0 0 Reply
  • Tourism in Rome

Turismo in Municipio Roma X

  • Francesca Bensi 00122 Roma RM, VIA GRIMALDI CASTA RODOLFO, 24
  • Equilibrì Guest House 00122 Lido di Ostia RM, Via dei Fabbri Navali, 61
  • Mare Nostrum Holiday Rental Self Catering Ostia Rome 00122 Lido di Ostia RM, Corso Regina Maria Pia, 81

Tour operator a Roma

  • Wild Nature Photographers 00121 Roma RM, Via delle Antille, 16
  • Agenzia Di Viaggi Straviaggiare Ostia Travel Service 00121 Roma RM, Via dell'Idroscalo, 344
  • City Guide Rom 00119 Ostia Antica RM, Via del Collettore Primario, 167

Popular services

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Rome transport tickets

  • Public Transport

Rome transport tickets

In Rome, visitors can purchase different types of transport tickets and travel cards depending on the number of days they stay in the city and how often they plan on using public transportation there.

Types of transport tickets

One-way ticket (bit).

The BIT ticket lasts 75 minutes since its first validation and allows for unlimited transfers between the metro, buses, trams and urban trains . The only transfer that is not allowed is to leave the metro and return (by the metro turnstiles), even if it’s in the 75 minutes of validity. The ticket costs € 1.50 ( US$ 1.60).

MetroBus 24 hours

This ticket allows unlimited public transportation from the moment the ticket is validated until midnight of the same day. The MetroBus 24 hours costs € 7 ( US$ 7.60).

MetroBus 48 hours

The 48-hour ticket allows unlimited use of Rome's public transport for 48 hours from the time it is first used. The price is € 12.50 ( US$ 13.60) .

MetroBus 72 hours

It allows unlimited use of public transport for 72 hours from the time it is used for the first time. The price is € 18 ( US$ 19.50) .

Weekly pass

If you're going to spend a week in Rome and you plan to use public transport a lot, the ideal option for you is the weekly pass, as you'll be able to use unlimited public transport for 7 days . The price is € 24 ( US$ 26) .

Other travel cards

If you’re planning on staying in Rome for a longer period, there are also annual and monthly travel cards.

What means of transport are included?

  • Cotral bus services (within Rome)
  • Urban trains : Rome–Lido, Rome–Viterbo and Rome–Pantano.
  • Trenitalia Regional trains (second class).

Where to buy the travel cards and tickets?

Public transportation tickets in Rome can be bought in vending machines in any metro station, convenience stores or newsagents . There is also a way to buy tickets by SMS , but unless you have an Italian phone number, we do not recommend this option.

Rome public transport ticket

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Unfortunately, taxi drivers don’t have a good reputation in Rome. Many tourists and locals are continually overcharged. What's more, taxi rates in Rome are considered quite high compared to certain European capital cities. Find out about the rates and tips on how to avoid being swindled.   

Rome Travel Guide

Money-saving tips

Besides booking your flight and hotel in advance, there are many other ways of saving money in Rome. The main way to do this is to try to reduce the cost of the admissions tickets to the city’s museums and top attractions.

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The Roman Guy

Italy Travel Experts Tours and Vacations

Rome Travel Tips

The Complete Guide To Planning Your Trip To Rome: Tips, Restaurants, and More

Sean Finelli Last Updated: August 29, 2023

Traveling to Rome for the first time? Nobody wants to pick a hotel in the wrong part of town or sit down at a bad restaurant. The good news is you’re reading this article, so you won’t have these problems! This guide will cover some of the Rome basics and links to a ton of great resources to make planning your trip to Rome easy and fun. 

Pro Tip: Bookmark this post and other helpful articles, like where to stay in Rome in a trip folder on your browser so you can quickly find them when you need them. Rome is an expansive city worthy of a tour or two, explore our top-rated Rome tours and experiences . Also, check out our other resources on planning your trip to Rome .

How To Plan Your Trip To Rome: A Complete Guide

In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know to plan a memorable vacation in the Eternal City, with plenty of additional resources to explore. From the logistics of where to stay and how to get around the city to the finer details of how to get your coffee, basic Italian phrases, and top things to do, we’ll help you prepare for your dream trip in Rome.

  • Airports and Public Transport (Metro)
  • Where To Stay
  • Things To Do
  • Food Culture
  • Credit Cards, Tipping, and Communicating

When To Travel To Rome and What To Pack

Rome airports and public transport, rome airports.

dgv travel roma

There are two main airports in Rome, Ciampino and Fiumicino, and they are both roughly the same distance from the city center.

Fiumicino (FCO)

In short, to get from Fiumicino Airport (FCO) to Rome’s city center, the train is the most popular means of transport, taxi is the most convenient, and the bus is the least popular.

By far, the most popular way to get from Fiumicino airport to the city center is by train. For €15, you can get the Fiumicino Express from FCO to Termini station (main station).

A taxi is the most convenient way to get to the center. There are regulated rates from the airport to the city center that fall between €45 – €50, depending on a few difficult-to-explain criteria, such as what type of license the taxi has. If you’re staying outside the historic center of Rome, you may also have to pay more or less. You can normally pay with a credit card in taxis but always ask.

Ciampino (CIA)

The bus is the most popular way to get from Ciampino Airport (CIA) to the city center. Buses tend to cost around €6 – €7, depending on the airport and the coach company. They run based on arrivals. Terravision has been around for a long time and is pretty cheap. 

Taxi, again, is the most convenient. They cost between €35 – €45 depending on the same factors mentioned above, which are difficult to understand.

BEST ways to get to ROME from the AIRPORTS (FCO & CIA)

Rome Transportation Options

Rome has plenty of transportation options. How you decide to get around Rome on any given day on your trip will depend on your preferences, what you have planned to do, and where you’re going. We’ll go over all of them:

Walking in Rome

Rome is an extremely walkable city. If you’re in reasonably good shape and the weather isn’t overly hot, you can walk Rome’s historical center very well. However, the streets can sometimes be confusing. If you aren’t using a mobile map app, it could get tough.

The Colosseum is a 35-minute walk from the Piazza del Popolo and around a 60-minute walk from the Vatican Museums Entrance. However, it’s important to pick your battles. For example, you may not want to walk to the Vatican from the Colosseum, considering that you’ll be on your feet for at least three hours when visiting the Vatican Museums with a guided tour. Some of our top-rated Vatican tours last up to 5 hours to give visitors an enriched experience of the museums. In this case, it might be better to take the subway or even a taxi to conserve energy.

That said, be prepared to walk when you’re in Rome. If you aren’t already doing so, walk at least an hour each day to get your legs ready for your trip!

Rome Bus System

We have a great video on what you need to know to use the buses in Rome . It’s a little dated but fun to watch, and you’ll see exactly where to get bus tickets, how to ask for one, and how to conquer Rome’s bus system. There are three fundamentals that you need to know when using the buses:

  • Buy a ticket before you get on and validate it when you’re on the bus.
  • The bus signs are pretty confusing unless you know the city really well. So, download an app .
  • The buses go literally everywhere. They’re a good option but get hot and crowded in the summer—just something to keep in mind.

Walking around Rome can get really tiring. Hopping on a bus for a kilometer or two can make all the difference. Save your energy for the highlights of your trip.

Rome Metro (Subway) System

The Roma metro system has two lines: the red A-line and the blue B-line. As a visitor, you’ll find yourself on the A-line the most. It goes from Termini past the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Piazza del Popolo, and most importantly, the Vatican.

The B-line will get you from Termini Station to the Colosseum and Circus Maximus. These are the most popular stops for visitors using the metro to get to Rome’s top attractions .

You can’t get to Trastevere by metro, but you can get close to Testaccio by getting off at Piramide. Both Trastevere and Testaccio are known for their lively nightlife and great food. Your hotel and most Airbnbs will have a metro map that you can keep handy.

Getting a Taxi in Rome 

I use public transportation for short, direct rides to get from place to place. For example, going from the Vatican to the Spanish Steps or from Termini Station to the Colosseum. For anything complicated, I normally pony up and take a taxi. They’re relatively cheap if they don’t rip you off—which they will try to do.

A good workaround is to search for your destination in your phone’s map app, get directions from your current location, and hit go. Then, show that map to the taxi driver when they ask where you want to go. This way, they know you’re tracking. Otherwise, there’s really nothing you can do. Just don’t pre-negotiate the rate. There’s a meter in the vehicle that determines the cost.

Renting a Scooter in Rome

If I’m in Rome for more than a couple of days, I’ll rent a scooter. It’s a good option if you have scooter experience. If you don’t, I wouldn’t recommend it. It can be dangerous getting around an unknown city when you don’t even know how to drive the thing, let alone negotiate traffic and figure out where to go.

Where To Stay in Rome

dgv travel roma

Rome is a large metropolitan city, but the area most visitors are interested in is the historical center or  Centro Storico because it’s pretty condensed. You can walk from the Colosseum to the Vatican, almost on opposite sides of the historical center or “center” for short, in an hour.

The center is the place to be in Rome, and each neighborhood is really great. I prefer the northern sections like Piazza Navona and Spanish Steps.  To me, they are classical Roman/Italian and super nice. Here are the best areas to consider with links to in-depth neighborhood guides:

  • Spanish Steps
  • Pantheon/Piazza Navona
  • Prati (Vatican)

Again, I really like anything near the Spanish Steps, as I like being in the thick of it. It will come with a price tag, but savvy travelers find deals. Check out our in-depth guide on where to stay in Rome, covering the city’s best neighborhoods.

Top Things To Do in Rome

dgv travel roma

From visiting the Sistine Chapel to an underground apothecary run by priests, there are unlimited things to do in Rome. One of the best ways to see a city with this kind of history is to join local guides on fun tours with exclusive access and endless stories to tell. There are so many things to see and ways to see them. Check out all our Rome tours that include the top monuments and museums, plus incredible day trips.

This is a list of the top things to do while you’re in the Eternal City. Be sure to follow the links for more in-depth information on visiting each one of these monuments and museums.

Top Museums

Rome has over 60 incredible museums containing some of the world’s most important works of art. It may be difficult to decide which of them you’ll see. Check out our guide on the seven best museums to visit in Rome for details. Here’s a quick list:

  • The Vatican Museums
  • The Borghese Gallery
  • The Capitoline Museum
  • Palazzo Barberini
  • Palazzo Altemps
  • Palazzo Massimo alle Terme
  • MAXXI Museum

Top Monuments

Rome is filled with historical monuments and attractions. Some of them you have likely heard. Others may be new to you. Here is a list of what you should see on your Rome trip. Check out this guide for the stories behind these top monuments and attractions in Rome .

  • The Colosseum
  • The Basilica of St. Peter
  • The Catacombs of Domitilla
  • The Roman Forum
  • The Pantheon
  • The Palatine Hill
  • The Trevi Fountain
  • Piazza Navona
  • The Spanish Steps
  • Belevedere of Gianicolo Hill
  • The Tiber Island
  • The Mouth of Truth
  • Trajan’s Column
  • Il Pincio and Piazza del Popolo

Must-See Gardens and Parks

If you love beautiful manicured gardens and green spaces, this is for you. There are a number of must-see gardens and parks in Rome . The Villa Borghese and Vatican Gardens are the more well-known among them, but you may also want to visit some of these:

  • Villa Doria Pamphili
  • Villa Borghese
  • Park of the Acquedotti
  • Giardino degli Aranci
  • Vatican Gardens
  • Villa Ada Savoia
  • Villa Sciarra

Absolutely Free Things To Do

You may be surprised by the cool free things you can do in Rome . Some of the city’s most well-known sites are completely free to explore. Check out this list:

Food Culture in Rome

dgv travel roma

Where to start with Italian food? It’s often one of the top reasons why tourists come to Italy, and for good reason. Every region serves amazing, fresh, handmade delicacies.

A traditional Italian meal will go like this: antipasto (starter), primo (pasta), secondo (meat and vegetables), dolci (dessert), followed by coffee and liquors. Do Italians eat like this every day?

Fortunately for those of us who live here, no! But these are typically the headings that you’ll see on a menu, so it’s best to have an idea of what they mean. There’s a lot to cover in this section, here’s a breakdown: 

  • How to Find Local Restaurants

Types of Restaurants

Rome meal times.

  • Coffee Culture
  • Drinking Fountains

How To Find Local Restaurants in Rome

Rome is a very touristy city, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t good places to eat in the city center. Check out our Rome restaurant master list that we regularly update . From there, you can navigate and see our restaurant recommendations near every major Roman attraction. 

In general, avoid restaurants within sight of a tourist attraction, particularly if they have pictures of the food on the menu or people standing outside trying to hustle you in. Even in the most authentic restaurants, don’t expect particularly friendly service.

Some of the best food is often flung at you without so much as a “hello,” but it’s guaranteed to be worth it. Areas a little more off the beaten track are where you’re more likely to have an authentic experience. For example, the area of Testaccio is well-known for being a classic Roman foodie area, packed with local restaurants.

A really great way to experience a wide variety of Roman cuisine in good restaurants is to join a food tour. They’re a trendy and fun way to get to know the local food scene. Check out our top-rated  Trastevere food tour in Rome .

In Italy, there are stereotypical classifications for almost anything, including restaurants. When you’re in Rome, you’ll notice restaurants don’t just have a name, like “Tony’s,” but also a classification, such as “Trattoria.”  Each one means something specific, and it lets you know what kind of food and experience to expect. Unfortunately, very few visitors to Italy know the difference between an osteria and a trattoria . We’ll solve that for you right here.

Imagine waking up at 6:30  am, rolling over to your significant other, and saying, “Want to head to the bar?” This is what happens almost every morning to millions of Italians.

No, they are not alcoholics. You can get alcohol at an Italian Bar, but you normally don’t. It’s where you get breakfast. You’ll see the “Bar” sign all over Italy, and when you walk in, you’ll find espresso drinks, cornetto, and panini. You can also get freshly squeezed orange juice or vegetable juice. I highly recommend it!

Unlike the bar, you definitely shouldn’t wake up at 7 a.m. asking you’re significant other to go to the enoteca . This is where you go for an alcoholic drink like a glass of wine or a beer.

A good enoteca will serve tons of wine by the glass in many different price ranges. They’ll often also serve cured meat plates for a snack or even warm meals at times. I definitely recommend stopping by one of these on your travels in Italy and Rome.

Tavola Calda

One of my favorite types of places to eat lunch is a tavola calda . They are normally unassuming and serve many different types of dishes, from cooked vegetables to lasagna and pasta dishes. The dishes normally change from day to day based on what is in season and other factors.

For example, gnocchi in Rome is only served on Thursdays. If you see it on the menu seven days a week, you may be in a tourist trap. Authentic Roman restaurants only serve this dish on  giovedí.  You have been warned.

These are pretty cool little sandwich shops. Dotted all over Rome, they range in quality. Don’t refer to your sandwich as a “panini” unless you get more than one. The “i” makes it plural. Italian’s order a  panino. 

Check out 200 Gradi by the Vatican. It’s an awesome place. Campo dei Fiori also has an awesome drive-up stand open for lunch that serves porchetta.

Osterie are pretty cool if you can find one. They are basically super cheap and simple places to eat. A true osteria would have communal-style tables and serve very cheap meals. Back in the day, when Italy was extremely impoverished, they’d even allow you to bring your own food and just drink there.  Imagine that today?

You can find restaurants with the title “Osteria” in Italy, but you shouldn’t bring your own food or normally expect to eat with strangers. There is a place in Florence, Da Mario , which says it is a trattoria, but it feels more like what a traditional osteria would have been like.

Expect a warm and cheap meal if you happen to go inside an osteria in Rome, and even more so in the Italian countryside. The menu will either be non-existent or small. In the countryside or in small towns, they can be really cool. The waiter may rock up to your table and say, “Today, we are serving pasta with clams. Would you like fettucini or spaghetti with that?” Enjoy!

The trattoria of Rome sits somewhere between osteria and ristorante . Almost all Italian restaurants are family-run, bu t trattories are quintessentially family-run. They are normally inexpensive but have a larger menu than an osteria.

Expect traditional regional cuisine at a trattoria. If you go to two different ones, you may find the exact same things on the menu. This is because they offer their family’s version of that regional dish.

This is basically the Italian equivalent of a more formal restaurant. They’ll have a menu with all the Italian courses, and you’ll be expected to eat each course. You should definitely find a top-rated ristorante in Rome and budget 3 hours for your meal. Really indulge in the food, wine, and desserts.


This is an Italian bakery serving all types of delightful local treats. They are probably the best places to go for breakfast as they’ll make their cornettos fresh and supply them to all the bars.

You should be able to get a coffee here, too, but that isn’t a given. If you’re staying in an Airbnb or apartment rental, find a pasticceria close by and pick up a bunch of  cornetti  for your group. You’ll be everyone’s favorite person!


You won’t find this is in Rome, but it’s worth mentioning. A rosticceria is a place you can go to find pre-cooked meals like roasted meats and high-quality products. If you do find one and you’re renting an apartment, consider doing take-out one night from a rosticceria.

Taverna or Rifugio

You’ll find restaurants in Rome with  taverna in their names, but this is more a colorful play on words.  Taverne  are secluded restaurants in the Italian mountains where you could get a hearty meal, something to drink, and possibly a warm bed to sleep in.

Today, you can still find a few dotted in the landscape, but you’re more likely to find an agriturismo, which is more of a B&B. A taverna in Rome is most likely going to decorate its interior in a rustic countryside style and have hearty meals on its menu. It’s kind of like going to a seafood restaurant that’s decorated in a nautical theme but nowhere near an ocean.

One of the biggest cultural differences is that Romans tend to eat much later than basically everyone except the Spanish. In fact, many of the best restaurants won’t open until at least 7:30 p.m.

Lunch: 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Dinner: 7:30 pm – 11 pm

To avoid eating in an empty restaurant and to really make the most of your evenings in Rome, try and fit in with them and eat a bit later. Around 8 pm is a good time to sit down.

Coffee Culture in Rome

espresso italy

Italians take their coffee culture very seriously, and there are almost as many rules about coffee as there are for food. Here’s what you need to know to get your coffee fix in Rome:

Espresso “un Café”: A very small shot of coffee. Unless you’ve been to Italy, it’s never been this small.

Café Doppio: Double shot of espresso.

Café Macchiato:   Basically a mini cappuccino. Imagine an espresso and foamed milk all in a tiny espresso cup. Normally, men order these in the morning.

Cappuccino:  This is espresso and foamed milk in a small cup. It’s larger than a macchiato, but nowhere near that tall cappuccino you are used to. You won’t find a larger size.

Café Americano:  Espresso with hot water. The name is from WWII, when American troops would ask Italians to put hot water in the espresso.

Latte: A cup of milk—don’t order this if you want caffeine.

Café Latte: Warm, non-foamy milk with espresso.

The Coffee Rules (Yes, there are rules)

  • No cappuccino or milk-based espresso after 11 a.m. You can do it, obviously, but it’s not really the culture.
  • No cappuccino or milk-based espresso with meals. Don’t do this.
  • It is cheap when you stand up at the bar (€1 – €2), expensive when you sit down. Same for everyone, not just tourists.

Rome Water Fountains

rome water fountains

One of the best things to know about Rome is that there’s no need to buy plastic bottles of water when you get thirsty—there are tons of fountains dotted around the city, and Romans are very proud of them.

Bring a refillable water bottle, and fill it up whenever you see one. There’s also an app to help you find them called I Nasoni di Roma. If you’re going in the heat of summer, you’ll find this tip invaluable!

People are always surprised that you can drink from these fountains, which is crazy if you think about it. Their original purpose was to provide running water to each neighborhood since most houses didn’t have running water. Today, we forget that fact and are astonished by this basic concept due to our many creature comforts.

Credit Cards, Tipping, and Communicating in Rome

tipping in italy

Cash or Credit?

The currency in Italy is the euro. An important thing to remember about Italy is that cash is still king. It’s necessary to carry a reasonable amount of cash around with you at all times to avoid getting stuck.

In general, most restaurants will allow you to pay on a card, as will large shops and tourist attractions. But for drinks, coffee, transport tickets, and small items, cards often aren’t accepted. There may even be a €10 minimum on card payments.

Rule of Thumb:  If it’s less than €10, pay cash. It’s more than €10, and you can probably pay credit as long as there isn’t a “Solo Cash” sign on the door.

The Good News:  The Italian word for credit card is carta di credito . Any Italian shop owner will understand when you ask, “Credit Card?” They’ll also know to respond, “Cash” if they don’t accept credit cards. So, there’s no need to stress.

Tipping isn’t really expected in Italy. I’ve tried to convince visitors that you just need to leave some extra change, a euro per person, regardless of check size, but it normally falls on deaf ears. To simplify things, I have created different levels of tipping to help people understand:

Don Corleone:  Leave 20%, and when you go back, the restaurant staff will celebrate your return as if you were the Godfather. You may get some sneers from other restaurant goers who can’t get your waiter’s attention.

Super Nice : Leave 10%. It’s less than you are used to but far more than anyone in Italy would expect.

Roman : Leave a euro or two extra per person. The wait staff will be very happy.

Nothing at All : Leave nothing and nobody will say anything. Your food will not be poisoned upon returning.

Communicating in English or Italian

One of my favorite things to watch is travelers trying to string together Italian words into sentences from a guidebook. I have been that traveler in many countries. The worst part, though, is when you actually make sense, and the person responds, much to your bewilderment.

Let’s not romanticize the key phrases part of a guidebook here and keep it simple. The phrases below will make you look like a pro because you’ll get simple responses such as si (yes) or a finger pointing to the bathrooms. Remember that c’s have a hard “ch” sound, unlike Spanish.

How much does this cost? Quanto costa?

Check, please. Il conto per favore.

Do you take credit cards? Posso pagare con la carte? 

Where is the bathroom? Dov’è il bagno? Or simply, “bagno?” 

Water?  Acqua?

Table for two, please. Tavolo per due, per favore.

Can you order for me? Fai te?

The last recommendation is by far my favorite. If your waiter is Roman, they will accept the challenge and bring some tasty food. A key phrase is certo (pronounced cherto), which means “of course”. Romans use this all the time, so you may hear it instead of si .

dgv travel roma

When To Travel

Part of the reason why people love Rome is the weather. It’s pretty much always nice, and bad weather is when it is too hot. That’s a good problem to have.


Avg Rome Temp (NOAA)

The average monthly temperature in Rome ranges from a low of 37 degrees Fahrenheit (F) to a high of 89 F.  It snows once every 10 to 50 years, and people don’t know what to do when that happens—it’s the greatest.

To decide when you want to travel to Rome, you can use this equation to get a rough idea.

How much am I willing to spend / Am I ok with cooler weather = Daily budget

Cheapest Months:

  • December (1st – 20th)
  • Jan (7th – 31st)
  • March (1st – 20th)

Mid-Range Months:

  • March (21st – 31st)
  • April (excluding 5 days on either side of Easter)
  • October (although it can be higher in price early in the month)

Full-Price Months:

  • Christmas to New Year
  • Easter (5 days on either side)

What To Pack

Check out the infographic below on what to pack. While it’s very useful, the ideal amount to pack is one change of clothes and a mostly empty suitcase. Shopping in Italy is great, so the more space you can leave in your suitcase, the better.

You don’t need to pack an umbrella. As soon as it rains, hundreds of people will appear out of nowhere selling umbrellas. It’s magical. Also, you can’t wear heels in Rome. Let me clarify, you can wear flats and pack heels in your purse for when you are inside bars and restaurants. The cobblestones make wearing heels nearly impossible.

dgv travel roma

Rome has a rich cultural history and many iconic landmarks to explore. Plan where to stay in the magnificent Eternal City in the best neighborhoods.

people with smartphone looking for directions in an app

Reader Interactions

Comments (12).

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September 3, 2019

What a lovely description of Italy and Italians you have given to us! I love to read about the transport, food and most importantly the people. Awesome work done! Keep them coming!

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September 4, 2019

Ciao Tanisha! What a lovely comment. We are so happy to provide you with helpful tips for your vacation!

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October 24, 2019

A very informative article. Thank you so much for sharing these things.

October 28, 2019

Ciao! Thanks so much for reading our blog! It’s our mission to provide you with the most useful information possible for your trip.

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November 19, 2019

Nice quality post. Thumbs Up from my side. Special thanks to theromanguy for sharing this valuable information. Once again appreciated!

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January 6, 2020

Nice tips. I’d add the 48 euro fixed rate from the airport to the centre as the best option if there are at least 2 people. By the time you take the train then Metro or taxi from Termini it just about equals out.

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January 21, 2020

Thanks for the tip, Gary!

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May 15, 2020

Rome really such a beautiful city, wish more people will be able to experience it. Thanks for the insightful article.

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June 9, 2020

It is nice you included few basic lines of Italian language everyone should know when visiting Italy or and other country. People are so friendlier to you if you can say “Hi” to them in their language.

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July 21, 2020

Hey, thanks for sharing this, I enjoyed reading it looking forward to my next trip to Italy.

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April 23, 2021

Admiring the time and energy you put into your blog and detailed information you provide.

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September 27, 2022

thank you – very helpful and have taken notes for our trip 🙂

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L'Italia è un concentrato straripante di storia, arte e cultura, tradizione e bellezza. Ogni anno milioni di turisti di tutto il mondo si riversano nel nostro paese alla scoperta delle grandi città d’arte e del suo patrimonio. 

Nonostante sia il paese con il maggior numero di siti annoverati nel patrimonio UNESCO, il numero e la qualità delle sue bellezze è di gran lunga superiore.

Visitando una qualsiasi delle regioni italiane, saremo stupiti dai suoi impareggiabili tesori storici, artistici, architettonici e paesaggistici che incessantemente si dischiuderanno di fronte ai nostri occhi.

 La varietà del paesaggio naturale spazia dalle sue bellissime coste, alle dolci e fertili colline dell’entroterra e alle sue splendide e maestose  montagne. In questo territorio incastonati come gioielli troviamo affascinanti borghi che testimoniano la grande e lunga storia del paese, ognuno con le sue affascinanti tradizioni e il suo patrimonio anche in termini enogastronomici. Nel nostro paese si mangia benissimo quasi ovunque e la varietà dei piatti della tradizione è cosi notevole da riuscire a meravigliarci sempre.

A prescindere dalla nostra conoscenza del paese, un viaggio in Italia sarà sempre un’esperienza sorprendente alla scoperta delle sue fantastiche bellezze.

Anche per questa destinazione abbiamo selezionato i migliori tour esperienziali e  grazie alla sua flessibilità e alla sua attenzione ai dettagli, DGV Travel è in grado di soddisfare ogni tua esigenza, creando  TOUR ORGANIZZATI   su misura in base alle tue preferenze.

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  • DGV Travel S.r.l.
  • Via San Fiorenzo n.19, 00122 - Roma (Italia); Orario Ufficio : Lunedi - Venerdi 9:00 -17:00
  • P. iva: 08862151001
  • Licenza Tour operator n 4824 Rm; Pol. Ass. n.4089949 Pol. Ass. Garanzia Viaggiatori n.Fondo Vacanze Felici S.c.a.r.l. n 2327.
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Medio oriente, oceano indiano, tour operator per viaggi organizzati e su misura.

Un viaggio è come un vestito: per essere intenso e poter regalare dei ricordi duraturi deve essere cucito sul viaggiatore, che nell’indossarlo dovrà sentirsi a suo agio. Questo è quello che fa un tour operator per viaggi su misura come DGV Travel , disegnare i viaggi sulla base delle esigenze e delle caratteristiche dei viaggiatori che chiedono di organizzare per loro un viaggio indimenticabile.

Ognuno di noi custodisce sogni, prerogative e motivazioni diverse che ci spingono a viaggiare e che solo con l’aiuto di un tour operator di viaggi su misura come DGV Travel potrà realizzare in modo concreto.

DGV Travel è tour operator in Italia dal 2006 e offre la sua consulenza sulla base delle molteplici esperienze di viaggio realizzate negli anni: solo chi ha viaggiato molto e chi ha visto posti incantevoli nel mondo potrà indicarti il giusto itinerario per un viaggio su misura  che ricorderai per tutta la vita.

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  • Via San Fiorenzo n.19, 00122 - Roma (Italia); Orario Ufficio : Lunedi - Venerdi 9:00 -17:00
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  • Licenza Tour operator n 4824 Rm; Pol. Ass. n.4089949 Pol. Ass. Garanzia Viaggiatori n.Fondo Vacanze Felici S.c.a.r.l. n 2327.
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  13. Viaggi in Marocco, Tour e Vacanze

    I viaggi organizzati in Marocco con DGV Travel sono un'esperienza unica per scoprire le città imperiali come Marrakech, Rabat, Fes e Meknes, i paesaggi unici delle montagne dell'Atlante e del deserto del Sahara, i villaggi berberi e le oasi nascoste. ... Via San Fiorenzo n.19, 00122 - Roma (Italia); Orario Ufficio : Lunedi - Venerdi 9:00 -17:00;

  14. DGV Travel

    Recensioni su DGV Travel. 4,1. / 13 recensione e 10 valutazioni. La valutazione è formata sulla base di recensioni dei clienti, valutazioni e sondaggi telefonici. Scrivi una recensione. Ordina per: data valutazione popolarità. Con foto Con risposta. Rita F.


    ULTIMA CHANCE! ⚠️ 520 euro volo incluso Partenze 30 dic da Bergamo Partenza da Roma: sold out ! Partenza da Bari: sold out! #cosafareacapodanno #capodanno2024 #viaggiareacapodanno

  16. Rome transport tickets

    The BIT ticket lasts 75 minutes since its first validation and allows for unlimited transfers between the metro, buses, trams and urban trains. The only transfer that is not allowed is to leave the metro and return (by the metro turnstiles), even if it's in the 75 minutes of validity. The ticket costs € 1.50 ( US$ 1.60).

  17. Traveling To Rome, Italy: The Ultimate Guide

    The cost of the ticket is €11 ($12.20). From the Roma Termini train station, buses link you all over the city. For example, bus #64 and #70 will bring you to the popular Campo de Fiori area. If you have the Google Maps app on your smartphone, it's easy to figure out which bus you need, and what time it departs.

  18. The Complete Guide To Planning Your Trip To Rome: Tips, Restaurants

    In fact, many of the best restaurants won't open until at least 7:30 p.m. Lunch: 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm. Dinner: 7:30 pm - 11 pm. To avoid eating in an empty restaurant and to really make the most of your evenings in Rome, try and fit in with them and eat a bit later. Around 8 pm is a good time to sit down.

  19. Alessandra Bruscoli

    Esperienza: DGV travel - Tour Operator Viaggi in Oriente · Località: Vallefoglia, Marche, Italia · 88 collegamenti su LinkedIn. Vedi il profilo di Alessandra Bruscoli su LinkedIn, una community professionale di 1 miliardo di utenti. ... Roma -Roma -Roma -Roma -Roma -Pesaro-Urbino, Marche, Italia -Ancona, Marche, Italia Formazione -1991 ...

  20. Viaggi in Vietnam organizzati, Tour e Vacanze per tutti

    Viaggi in Vietnam: Crea e pianifica la tua vacanza o il tuo viaggio in Vietnam con DGV Travel, il Tour Operator per viaggi su misura. Scegli tra le nostre proposte di viaggi in Vietnam più adatta ai tuoi desideri: in ogni caso, avrai la garanzia di conoscere luoghi incantevoli. ... Via San Fiorenzo n.19, 00122 - Roma (Italia); Orario Ufficio ...

  21. Emmaus Viaggi Tour Operator Rome

    DGV travel - Tour Operator Viaggi su misura Travel Arrangements Roma, Italia OTA VIAGGI Travel Arrangements Roma, Lazio ... Travel Arrangements Roma, Lazio 159 followers

  22. viaggi in italia DGV Travel

    A prescindere dalla nostra conoscenza del paese, un viaggio in Italia sarà sempre un'esperienza sorprendente alla scoperta delle sue fantastiche bellezze. Anche per questa destinazione abbiamo selezionato i migliori tour esperienziali e grazie alla sua flessibilità e alla sua attenzione ai dettagli, DGV Travel è in grado di soddisfare ogni ...

  23. DGV Travel

    DGV Travel il tour operator dei grandi viaggiatori. DGV Travel il tour operator dei grandi viaggiatori. Destinazioni; Diari di Viaggio; Contatti; Su di Noi; Nessuna destinazione trovata... DGV Travel S.r.l. P. iva: Licenza Tour operator n 4824 Rm; Pol. Ass. n. Pol. Ass. Garanzia Viaggiatori n.