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Best Time to Visit Churchill Manitoba for Hudson Bay Polar Bears

  • May 6, 2020
  • This article may contain compensated links. Please read our disclosure for more info.

UPDATED December 3, 2023 — What is the best time to visit Churchill Manitoba for Hudson Bay polar bears and beluga whales? Wildlife viewing around Churchill changes dramatically throughout the year.  

After hours of research, I’m sharing with you what I found to be the best time to visit Churchill Manitoba for Hudson Bay polar bears and more.

The Best Time to Visit Churchill Manitoba

Hudson Bay polar bear: White bear with hump on its back and big paws walks on ice next to blue open water

The best time to go to Churchill to see polar bears is between mid-October and late November. That’s when Hudson Bay polar bears pass through town on their annual migration to feeding grounds in the north.

Since Churchill is a port town on Hudson Bay, bears tend to gather around town until temperatures drop enough to freeze the waters.

Once the ice packs freeze,  the bears can walk over the ice bridge and head out of town.

But What About Beluga Whale Experiences, Too?

However, since I’m also after beluga whale experiences, the best time to go to Churchill might be late summer.

That’s when 58,000 belugas descend on Hudson Bay. During the same period, you could experience bear by traveling south of town by helicopter. 

In late summer, Hudson Bay polar bears are on the “polar bear highway’ as they migrate towards Churchill. 

Another advantage to visiting Churchill in the summer is that it is when colorful wildflowers fill the coastlands.

You might have the opportunity to capture dramatic images of the furry white mammals in fields of purple wildflowers.

best time to visit churchill manitoba

For those of you who are eager to see baby polar bears emerge from their winter dens, March is the best time to visit Churchill Manitoba, Canada.

So as you can see, the best time to visit Churchill Manitoba really depends on what you want to experience.

To learn more about polar bear cubs, check out this DVD available on Amazon: Snow Babies / Polar Bear: Spy on the Ice 

So you’re probably wondering, “What is the best month to see polar bears in Churchill?” The answer depends on what you’d like to experience. See below:

Best Time to Visit Churchill Manitoba Calendar

Downloadable chart: best time to visit churchill manitoba for hudson bay polar bears.

chart with line drawing of Hudson Bay polar bears and graph of information stated in the article above

Download your printable chart : Best Time to Visit Churchill Manitoba for Hudson Bay Polar Bears.

– – – – – –

Since I was researching for a virtual eco-tour, I could choose any place on the planet. However, I decided on Churchill, Manitoba, because of the many Hudson Bay polar bear and beluga whale experiences in this arctic frontier town.

Live webcams make you feel like you’re there, and abundant photos, videos and information made it easy for me to create an at-home virtual adventure. 

Let’s go! Along the way, I hope to give you some tips on how to create your own DIY virtual travel experience. 

Now that we’ve discussed WHEN to go to Churchill let’s look at the itinerary.

Friday Evening: Fly to Winnipeg, Ontario

best time to visit churchill manitoba

The trip to Churchill, Manitoba, surprised my husband Dan. I told him we were “going” somewhere for the weekend, but he did not know where.

That means I had to “pack” his bags. I pulled out ski coats to make our “virtual trip” more realistic.

UNSTOPPABLE Tip: Get templates for printing phony airline tickets and paper sleeves at . 

Our destination was revealed when I handed Dan his “tickets” on Friday night. I printed his name and appropriate carrier on card stock. The resulting “ticket” felt authentic.

Notice that I procured “First Class” seats for this virtual trip? Nothing but the best for my Dan!

I found props around the house to make this feel like a getaway. Note the snowflake tablecloth and my Mom’s red mittens. 

You can fly or train to Churchill from Winnipeg. Or take charter tours out of Calgary, Saskatoon and Edmonton.

Live Webcams of Churchill Manitoba Northern Lights

best time to visit churchill manitoba

When Dan came home from work, the TV was tuned to Churchill’s live webcam . Live Northern Lights were a pleasant surprise for me. Frosting on the cake for our Arctic Animal Safari!

I was surprised because I remember the aurora borealis  being most prevalent in the fall during the eleven years I lived in Duluth, Minnesota. Shows how the memory fails!

According to Lazy Bear Lodge, Churchill Manitoba Northern Lights make appearances about 300 of 365 days a year. So if weather permits, there are opportunities year round to see the spectacle.

That evening we sipped cocoa and watched a playlist of YouTube videos about Churchill Manitoba polar bear tours, which I’d assembled beforehand.

The frontier town’s culture is so interesting that the Smithsonian made a series called Polar Bear Town . Check it out!

Saturday: Hudson Bay Polar Bear Expedition

best time to visit churchill manitoba

We woke up early Saturday morning eager to experience the upcoming Hudson Bay polar bear expedition. Lazy Bear Expeditions Arctic Crawler™ would take us on a tundra tour to view polar bears.

But first we needed a hearty breakfast of gluten-free blueberry pancakes, pure maple syrup and Canadian bacon.

UNSTOPPABLE Tip: to create your own virtual travel experience, plan a menu of the specialty cuisine of your chosen destination. Contact hotels or restaurants for authentic recipes.

Blueberry pancakes on plate with Canadian maple syrup behind

Let’s do this! Recreating Churchill bear tours for "Virtual Travel"

After breakfast, the custom-built Arctic Crawler™ tundra buggy virtually transported us to the Churchill Wildlife Management Area. It is here where bears wait for freezing temperatures to harden up the icepack on the Hudson Bay. During the COVID lockdown we drove our own “tundra buggy” to the forest behind our house, and while social distancing spotted “Manitoba Churchill polar bears.” See below.

best time to visit churchill manitoba

Before heading back to our “hotel” we made another stop for some photo ops. Remember when we talked about the best time to go to Churchill to see polar bears earlier? I mentioned that since this is a “virtual” trip, we could see polar bears in any season. In the Arctic Crawler photo above, the season is fall. In the photo below, the season is summer. You decide which is the best time to go to Churchill to see polar bears!

Best Time to go to Churchill to see Polar Bears? Summer, Fall or Winter?

Althought the best time to go to Churchill to see polar bears in town is mid-October to November, there are other seasons to see bears nearby. The photo above shows polar bear expeditions in the fall. Below you can see polar bears in summer. See how the backdrop of the photos change with the changing seasons?

White polar bear sticks his head and upper body out of a filed of purple flowers called fireweed.

Lazy Bear Lodge Churchill Manitoba

best time to visit churchill manitoba

We opted to “virtually” stay at Lazy Bear Lodge Churchill Manitoba, although there are many choices for accommodation in the frontier town. My globetrotting friend Todd stayed at the Polar Inn and reported reasonable rates and friendly staff. 

The Lazy Bear Lodge , handbuilt of logs, attracted me because of its tour packages, local expertise and personable folk (that I met virtually.)

UNSTOPPABLE Tip: To turn your bedroom into a “virtual” hotel room, replace your bedding with sheets, blankets and fabrics similar to those you would find at your “virtual” destination. The transformation was another fun surprise for Dan.

Canadian Happy Hour

Red drink in tall glass garnished with green olives and celery

For Happy Hour I took a stab (no pun intended) at making a Bloody Caesar. The vodka cocktail, spiced up with Clamato juice, is popular in Canada. However my travel writing colleague Traveling Mel says, “I’ve been to Churchill 3 or 4 times, but never had this yummy cocktail. There seems to be a lot of cheap beer and Crown Royale when I’ve been there.” Mel volunteered in Churchill for Polar Bears International.

Good thing I had some Crown Royal up my sleeve. But we used it more as a table decoration — we didn’t imbibe in the Canadian whiskey. Can you find the Crown Royal in the photo of the table setting below?

Dinner in the Great White North

Outdoor table set with snowflake table cloth, red napkins with Canadian flags, Labatt's beer, Hudson Bay blanket, snowshoes and Croen Royal whiskey in purple flannel bag

Poutine was our main course for dinner in the Great White North. Cheese curds were hard to find in Flagstaff, Arizona, but I finally found some.  Labatt’s Blue also took a search committee, but Sam at Majestic Marketplace helped me out.

Poutine Routine

Bowl of french fries topped with white cheese curds and brown gravy of onions and mushrooms sits on red placemat.

The Poutine recipe came from a Canadian food blogger. But even though, my Québecois amie Melissa commented on Instagram, “A poutine. Not the traditional one if you ask me, but still a poutine.” 

I let Dan talk me into adding mushrooms to the homemade gluten-free gravy. And I’d missed the secret ingredient: ketchup. According to Melissa, who I walked with on Camino Norte in 2018, “Seems like you did everything right, except for the mushrooms and onions which is actually not a bad idea 😉 You even got the cheese curds right which I think is the most important part. Just add ketchup on top of that and it will be perfect!!”

Watching Movies Enhances Your Virtual Travel Experience

Bob and Doug McKenzie, a pair of fictional Canadian brothers host "Great White North", with giant map of North America behind them

Since watching movies enhances your virtual travel experience, we watched “Strange Brew.” The 1983 movie features Bob and Doug Mackenzie, fictional Canadian brothers who wear toques and drink Canuck beer. Although not on my list of the best travel movies , it is a fun spoof on Canadian culture.

UNSTOPPABLE Tip: When creating your virtual travel escape, be sure to include a movie about your chosen destination. Freshen up your watch list by checking out 8 Best Travel Movies .

Sunday: Churchill Manitoba Beluga Whales

White beluga whale looks at the underwater camera through green tinted waters -Churchill Manitoba beluga whales

I thought that I wanted to kayak with the Churchill Manitoba beluga whales, but once I discovered “Aquagliding,” I left that dream behind. Isn’t it wonderful when you find something that surpasses your “Bucketlist” hopes and dreams?

Aquagliding looks awesome! The three-hour wildlife immersion experience takes you right to pods of inquisitive belugas.

You lie facedown on a floating mat. Your face is covered by a snorkel mask so you can see underwater. And your body is covered in a wet or dry suit so you stay warm. I want to write ‘relatively warm,’ but I’m not sure until I actually do it!

The lying position is perfect for interacting with Churchill Manitoba beluga whales and taking underwater photos. If I were invited to Churchill, Manitoba, I would definitely buy a Go-Pro underwater camera .

If swimming with large water mammals interests you, then you should check out this story that includes swimming with manatees in Florida . On my bucket list!

Another Camino friend, Dave, who is a pro photographer from Canada told me to pack , “The best camera equipment you can rent or afford.”

Best Time to See Churchill Manitoba Beluga Whales

best time to visit churchill manitoba

It is said that the best time to view belugas is during the second half of July through the first half of August. However, my sister and her husband flew a float plane from Minnesota to Churchill in the late 1980s and saw 100s of the white creatures on Labor Day. “We flew over Churchill and saw hundreds of the white whales below,” said pilot George Nix. “They looked like white cigarettes floating in a water basin, all lined up in the same directions.”

Lazy Bear Expeditions offers the Aquagliding tour from June through August. 

UNSTOPPABLE Tip: Invite friends or family for a ZOOM visit sometime during your virtual travel tour.

I told Dan we had surprise guests joining us on ZOOM. That’s when my sister Dena and her husband George joined us to tell stories about their visit to Churchill.

George’s co-pilot had been to Churchill previously and was excited to meet up with a local guy he’d bought drinks for at the local pub. He was disappointed to find out that the local guy had been mauled and killed by a polar bear since their last get-together.

My sister’s version was that the local guy was the town drunk on his way home from the bar when he had his deadly bear encounter.

best time to visit churchill manitoba

Standup Paddleboarding with Churchill Manitoba Beluga Whales

best time to visit churchill manitoba

I would have to do standup paddleboarding  with belugas virtually — because, well,  I’ve never SUP-ed before. Besides, I’m pretty sold on the Aquagliding thing.

Thanks so much for joining Dan and me on our UNSTOPPABLE virtual vacation. I hope you’ve learned a few things so you can craft your own DIY virtual getaway. If you share your creative ideas in the comments below, I may include them in my next UNSTOPPABLE post.


Birding Bash: Yuma Bird, Nature & History Festival

One of the World’s Best Places for Bird Watching?

Quebec: Adventures in Nature


The Great Polar Bear Feast

On Thin Ice

Polar Bears in Town

Conclusion: The Best Time to Visit Churchill Manitoba for Hudson Bay Polar Bears

We hope you enjoyed this article about the best time to Visit Churchill Manitoba for Hudson Bay polar bears.

Please download our chart that gives you a visual comparison of the types of animals you’ll see around Churchill Manitoba throughout the year.

I think I would choose mid-October and then keep my fingers crossed for some Northern Lights, too!

Let us know in the comments below which time you chose to visit “The Polar Bear Capital of the World.”

This blog, UNSTOPPABLE Stacey Travel, contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, Stacey earns a commission at no extra cost to you. These commissions help reduce the costs of keeping this travel blog active. Thanks for reading.

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best time to visit churchill manitoba

15 thoughts on “Best Time to Visit Churchill Manitoba for Hudson Bay Polar Bears”

This is such a great series, Stacey. Giving me Fantastic ideas for the future!

Thanks so much, Mary. But hopefully we won’t have to be “virtually” traveling much longer! I appreciate your encouragement so much!

You are so creative, Stacey! Thank you for this “tour.” I really enjoyed it.

Thanks so much, Donna! Let me know if you end up doing a “virtual vacation” of your own! Blessings to you, Stacey

Love your ingenuity and making the best of quarantine! Lots of fun and interesting travels. The Arctic Crawler was so cool, for a Polar bear close up!! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Kelly! I missed you on Sunday evening for the Social Distancing get together (apart). Hope you had a fun Mother’s Day!

Stacey, this is such a clever and creative way to armchair travel during times of lockdown and travel restrictions. I enjoyed virtually traveling with you to several destinations that I wouldn’t otherwise get to!

Thanks for coming along, Tracy! You’re a good travel buddy! Thanks for being part of the UNSTOPPABLE community.

This was so fun! You obviously did a lot of preparation for this exciting “getaway.”

Thanks, Valorie. Yes, I always say half the fun of traveling is the anticipation and planning for it. Did it give you any ideas of where you would like to “go” while staying at home?

Hello all! Lazy Bear Expeditions just released its dates for 2021 Colours & Lights Arctic Adventures. Check out the adventures at

Stacey, this is brilliant! Churchill is on our list and this made it even more real. I can only imagine the “places we could travel to” following your example.

Thanks so much, Lori! Keep me in the loop on your Churchill trip. It is def on my list! I think we’d all like to hear about the REAL THING! Thanks for taking time to comment!

Good to revisit this article. So fun! But the Covid virtual everything is getting OLD! We welcome the hope of for-real travel very soon.

Love this article tho!

Thanks for taking time to comment, Dena. We all appreciate hearing from each other here at the UNSTOPPABLE Travel community! You are so right–we are ready for some “for-real” travel! Thanks again

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Churchill's wildest seasons: when to see what

Northern Lights Churchill Manitoba

Things to do

A version of this post originally appeared on the Travel Manitoba blog External Link Title . 

Most people are drawn to northern Manitoba by virtue of three wonders of nature: beluga whales, polar bears, and the aurora borealis. Each year, outdoor enthusiasts and nature seekers make the trip north to the isolated town of Churchill for the chance to snorkel with belugas, watch polar bears spar, and gaze in awe at the iridescent Northern Lights. While it is possible to see all three of these spectacles on the same trip, each one is particularly prominent during one or two of northern Manitoba's four distinct seasons.

Marvel at the Northern Lights

Best time to go: february to march.

View this post on Instagram External Link Title A post shared by Oregon Zoo (@oregonzoo) External Link Title on Nov 1, 2016 at 12:06pm PDT

If you're normally not too keen on getting woken up at 2 a.m. by a knock on your door, you’ll learn to love it in Churchill. That knock indicates that the sky has decided to turn on its light show – the aurora borealis. After your tour operator wakes you up, throw on your parka and head outside to witness the fluorescent swirls that coat the sky in emerald green.

Churchill is one of the best paces on earth to view the Northern Lights, due to it location directly under the aurora oval. While the phenomenon can be caught at any time of the year, midwinter is known for being particularly great at producing incredible viewing opportunities. 

View this post on Instagram External Link Title A post shared by Handcraft (@handcraft) External Link Title on Mar 12, 2016 at 7:18pm PST

Options for viewing the Northern Lights show include settling in under a 360-degree aurora dome at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre External Link Title , reclining your chair in the Aurora Pod, External Link Title  experiencing remote dining with Frontier's North Adventures and Dan's Diner External Link Title , or viewing them far from civilization at a remote eco lodge External Link Title .

View beluga whales

Best time to go: july to august.

View this post on Instagram External Link Title A post shared by seanorthtours (@seanorthtours) External Link Title on Jun 22, 2016 at 12:24pm PDT

The Churchill River is the place to be in the summer months, with droves beluga whales making their way in from the Hudson Bay to feed and breed. With populations of approximately 58,000 in the Hudson Bay, thousands of belugas enter nearby the Churchill and Seal estuaries.  

Set out in search of polar bears

Best time to go: july to november.

Curious, awed, and overwhelmed are all adjectives that might describe your emotions upon first locking eyes with a polar bear in the wild. Churchill happens to be the most accessible location in the world to do so. Known as the Polar Bear Capital of the World, your ideal vision of what you want to see in the north will help you to decide when you should visit. If a snowy backdrop is more your taste, go north from October to November, when the Hudson Bay begins its steady freeze and polar bears begin to gather along the coast, eager to head out and hunt seal. Here, they socialize, spar, and wait. The rest is up to you: do you view from the comfort of a tundra vehicle with companies like Frontiers North Adventures External Link Title and Great White Bear Tours External Link Title , or do you take the thrill-seeking path of walking alongside bears with Churchill Wild External Link Title ?

View this post on Instagram External Link Title A post shared by Lazy Bear Expeditions (@lazybearexpeditions) External Link Title on Apr 22, 2016 at 7:40pm PDT

Those who shy away from colder temperatures will find viewing polar bears in the summer to be right up their alley. Visiting in July and August is growing in popularity, beckoning guests further out of town and requiring a tad more effort to see the bears. Lazy Bear Expedition's Ultimate Summer Safari External Link Title offers full day jet boat tours to the famous Hubbard Point, where you can see polar bears lounging at their summer homes where they roll in pink fireweed and hop in the water to cool off. Churchill Wild External Link Title 's experience takes you to a wilderness eco lodge, where you can get out and walk the landscape in search of bears. In general, polar bears are more low-key in the summer months and are often spotted lounging on rocks and living off the fat reserves they built up over the winter. 

Discover more about Churchill on the Travel Manitoba website External Link Title

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The best time to visit Churchill, Manitoba

Beluga whale, Churchill, Manitoba

Churchill, Manitoba is famous for its polar bears. It’s one of the most accessible places in the world to see polar bears in the wild. But, Churchill is also famous for its beluga whales. And it’s ALSO famous for being a prime northern lights (or Aurora Borealis) viewing location. The problem is that each attraction’s peak season is at a different time of year. So when should you visit? Read on to learn the best time to visit Churchill, Manitoba, as we outline the ideal times of year to see each attraction.

Note that Churchill is a remote destination, and because of this, it’s expensive to visit. The package tours listed below are not cheap. You can save money by arranging your own transportation and accommodations, and booking day trips with local tour providers. We give more tips on how to do that here: The best Churchill, Manitoba tours.

January, February and March: northern lights

Northern lights, Churchill, Manitoba

January through March in Churchill is peak northern lights season. In order to have optimal northern lights viewing, you need a few conditions to coincide: long nights and cold weather. It’s best if Hudson Bay is frozen over, in order to prevent cloud cover from obscuring the lights. And hours of darkness are required to maximize the chances of seeing them.

Churchill is one of the best places to see the northern lights on the planet. It sits directly underneath the auroral oval, the band of geomagnetic particles that circles the earth near the poles. This means the kP index (which measures geomagnetic disturbances to earth’s atmosphere) only needs to be 1 or higher to have visible northern lights activity.

Multi-day getaways prioritize seeing and photographing the northern lights. While they do incorporate some daytime activities into their itineraries, the primary focus is on spending late nights bundled up and out chasing the lights. Many of these companies have access to heated locations that will make your experience more comfortable, but you should still be prepared and dressed for the weather: overnight temperatures average -25 Celsius in February. (Cold weather gear can be rented in Churchill here .) In addition to offering extended package tours, many of these companies also offer one-night trips to see the northern lights.

(Note that some tour companies close for the off-season months of December/January, and only offer these tours in February and March.)

Discover Churchill’s 7 Day Northern Lights Photography Package

Discover Churchill’s 4 Day Northern Lights Weekend Getaway

Frontiers North’s Northern Lights and Winter Nights

Great White Bear Tours’ Northern Lights & Arctic Exploration

North Star Tours’ Multi Day Aurora Package

March: bear dens

best time to visit churchill manitoba

The goal of bear den expeditions is to find and photograph female polar bears and their cubs as they emerge from theirs dens in late winter. For the first few weeks after they emerge, the bears stay close to the den, acclimating to the outside and retreating when signs of danger threaten. Eventually the mother will lead her cubs to the sea ice.

There are several known bear denning areas outside of Churchill. Tours may make use of the Kaskatamgan Wildlife Management Area  or Wapusk National Park.

Note that these excursions are deemed ‘challenging’ due to extreme weather. This includes significant cold and the potential for blizzard-like conditions.

Discover Churchill’s Borealis and Bear Cubs Package

Churchill Wild’s Den Emergence Quest

May – July: birding

best time to visit churchill manitoba

Churchill is well-known for its bird watching. It’s home to several sub-arctic nesting species, and many migratory species also pass through, making it the best time for birdwatching enthusiasts to visit Churchill, Manitoba. Early in the season is best if you are interested in migratory birds, and later in the season is better for nesting birds. Commonly sighted species include falcons, hawks, Tundra Swans, and Snowy Owls. Several elusive species can also be found, such as Ross’s Gulls and Harlequin Ducks.

Eagle-Eye Tours Churchill and Southern Manitoba

July – August: beluga whales

Beluga whales, Churchill, Manitoba

Every summer, 3000 beluga whales return to the Churchill river estuary to give birth and raise their young. The whales are naturally curious, and will approach boats. Guides will drop a hydrophone into the water so you can listen in on the whales’ conversations as they chirp and sing to one another.

You can get close to the whales by taking a zodiac boat tour, a kayaking trip, or even a stand-up paddleboarding excursion. Whales can even be spotted from shore.

Sea North Tours’ Zodiac Beluga Whale Watching

Discover Churchill’s Changing Colours of the Tundra Tour

Sea North Tours’ Paddleboarding

Sea North Tours’ Kayaking

Custom Churchill Tours’ 1-hour Beluga Whale Tour

Churchill Wild’s Arctic Discovery

August-September: northern lights

best time to visit churchill manitoba

As summer winds down and the nights begin to lengthen, your opportunity to see the northern lights in Churchill starts to increase again. But it’s just a short window of opportunity. Once Hudson Bay begins to freeze over, it releases heat and tends to generate a lot of cloud cover. By the time polar bear season is underway in October and November, northern lights sightings are rare again. Your chances of seeing the lights will not be much better until the following year.

Many of the companies named above as northern lights tour operators will offer standalone (one-night) northern lights tours during this timeframe.

October-November: polar bear season

Polar bear mural, Churchill, Manitoba

Churchill is one of the best places in the world to see wild polar bears. It’s at the southern limit of where polar bears are able to live year-round. The ice in Hudson Bay melts by early summer, and the bears are forced ashore until it re-freezes in October or November each year. They spend the summer months living off the fat stores they built up over the winter.

Thanks to its location on the Churchill River, the area around Churchill is the first part of Hudson Bay to freeze each fall. As a result, there is an ancient polar bear migration route that draws bears to Churchill each year as they anxiously wait to get back out on the ice and begin hunting again. When the bears begin to congregate around Churchill, it becomes what is locally known as “Polar Bear Season”.

This is the best time of year to observe active bears in large numbers. As such, many people deem this to be the best time to visit Churchill, Manitoba. Although wildlife viewing can never be guaranteed, this is the time of year when you are most likely to find bears around Churchill. Tourists descend on the town to the point that they outnumber the locals. Accommodations fill up, tundra buggy tours are booked solid, and if you didn’t plan your trip months in advance, you just might be out of luck.

Although the bears are typically around Churchill for much of October and November, they do leave town pretty quickly once Hudson Bay freezes over. If you time your trip too late, you might miss them. This can be tricky to judge since weather varies from year to year. Generally speaking, freeze-up happens in mid-November. The recommended time for polar bear viewing in Churchill in the fall is from mid-October until the second week of November.

Discover Churchill’s 8 Day Polar Bear Photography Package

Frontier North’s Classic Churchill Polar Bear Adventure

Churchill Wild’s Polar Bear Photo Safari

Lazy Bear Expeditions Ultimate Polar Bear Adventure

Great White Bear Tours Classic Polar Bear Expedition

When to visit Churchill, Manitoba: our recommendation

Polar Inn/Sea North Tours, Churchill, Manitoba

The million-dollar question: with all of these options, when is the best time to visit Churchill, Manitoba? The truth is that there are many optimal times to visit, depending on what your objectives are. But for a family adventure, our vote is to visit anytime between mid-August and the second week of September. For about 3 weeks, you have a decent chance of being able to see polar bears, beluga whales and the northern lights, all on the same trip. Maximizing the number of nights you spend in Churchill to the extent possible increases your chances. We visited during the third week of August, and spent six nights in town. During that time the northern lights were visible once, we saw six polar bears, and hundreds if not thousands of beluga whales. You can read more about our trip here: How to spend one week in Churchill, Manitoba .

Over to you: when did you visit Churchill, Manitoba, if you have visited? Let us know in the comments below.

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Canadian Polar Bear walking in the colorful arctic tundra of the Hudson Bay near Churchill, Manitoba in summer.

The 'Polar Bear Capital of the World,' Churchill lures people to the shores of Hudson Bay for its majestic predators, beluga whales, a huge old stone fort and endless subarctic majesty. But while the highly accessible wildlife is enough for Churchill to be on any itinerary, there's something less tangible that makes people stay longer and keeps them coming back: a hearty seductive spirit that makes the rest of the world seem – thankfully – even further away than it really is.


Must-see attractions.

The Eskimo Museum in Churchill, Canada. The town is known as the .Polar Bear capital of the world.

Itsanitaq Museum

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Parks Canada, National Historic Site of Canada, Prince of Wales Fort, Antique cannon in front of fort wall, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada

Fort Prince of Wales National Historic Site

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Wapusk National Park

Wapusk National Park

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Polar Bear Jail

Polar Bear Jail

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York Factory National Historic Site

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Parks Canada Museum

Parks Canada Museum

There's a small museum and nature center in the train station along with the Parks Canada info desk. It has a good model of the fort and excellent nature…

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A Complete Guide To Churchill Manitoba: Polar Bears, Belugas, and More!

Churchill Manitoba Guide

Our Churchill Manitoba guide will help you navigate the world’s best destination for experiencing polar bears, beluga whales, and northern lights.

Churchill Manitoba Guide

Churchill Manitoba is as close to a frontier town as you can find in Canada. This Northern Manitoba community still runs on squatters’ rights for most of its land claims. And there is a cast of characters in the town that would make it worthy of an HBO series.

But it’s not the amazing and unique locals that have made Churchill, Manitoba, such a premiere destination in Canada’s north. Instead, it’s the unique combination of natural wonders that have led countless people to flock here each year. I’ve written this Churchill Manitoba guide to help those who make the journey up to this unforgettable town.

Churchill sits WAY at the top of Manitoba on the shores of the famous Hudson Bay. In fact, it is bordering the brand new Canadian territory of Nunavut. Churchill is one of the furthest destinations north that we’ve traveled within Canada with the exception of our visit to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories .

The town is home to Polar Bears and Beluga Whales and is also one of the best places in Canada to see the Northern Lights. Not only is it home to one of the best national parks in Canada , but this triple threat of attractions has made Churchill a crown jewel for adventure seekers and wildlife lovers from around the world .

It’s such an important destination that visitors are often fighting for the limited number of Churchill hotels with companies like National Geographic and the BBC.

Walking polar bear in Churchill Manitoba

Churchill Manitoba Guide: What You Need To Know Before Visiting

Table of Contents

The town of Churchill is small. Especially when compared to the provincial capital of Winnipeg . With a year-round population of under 900 people, it’s a wonder that Churchill can swell to accommodate the influx of visitors hoping to get a glimpse of the big three. Yet several decades of tourism have helped the resilient northerners to accommodate and thrive. Marketing for Churchill has picked up at a feverish pace as well.

The city is now touted as the Polar Bear Capital of the World, the Beluga Whale Capital of the World, and one of the best places to experience the sub-Arctic tundra AND the Northern Lights. It’s almost too much to take in for a city of 900. But this guide to Churchill, Manitoba, will help you along the way. Any way that you swing it, Churchill is high on the list for having the best wildlife encounters in Canada .

This northern city is very unique. I wrote this Churchill Manitoba guide to help visitors navigate some of the intricacies that make the Polar Bear capital of the world such a special place.

For the purpose of this Churchill Manitoba guide, I’m going to assume that you are staying at a hotel in Churchill Manitoba, or are on a Churchill Manitoba excursion and aren’t packaged in one of the high-end wilderness lodges that take care of many of these details for you.

How To Get To Churchill, Manitoba

The first step in your Churchill do-it-yourself itinerary will be figuring out the best way to get to Churchill Manitoba. Although Churchill is a popular destination, there are no roads that lead here. The only options for travel to Churchill Manitoba are via air and train. Air travel to Churchill is run by Calm Air .

This small Manitoba airline runs flights from Winnipeg and Thompson through Churchill and up to Rankin Inlet in Nunavut. Although flights to Churchill might be more expensive than the train, these flights usually only take about two and a half hours from Winnipeg.

The other option for Churchill travel is to take the Via train north from either Winnipeg, Thompson, or Gillam, Manitoba. The train runs twice weekly on Sundays and Tuesdays. The normal departure is 9:00 am, however, there are often delays due to track traffic or maintenance.

The train makes a stop in the towns of Thompson (an 8-hour drive north from Winnipeg), and Gillam (a 12-hour drive north from Winnipeg). It’s possible to board the train in these cities at a reduced fare than from Winnipeg.

Churchill Manitoba Railyard

What To Pack For Churchill

Weather in Churchill Manitoba can be all over the map. During our visit in August, the temperatures ranged from 7 C (44.6 F) to 28 C (82.4 F). We saw rain, sunshine, fog, and everything in between. This Churchill Manitoba guide won’t recommend packing light.

Bring what you need. You didn’t spend all that money making the trek to northern Manitoba in order to save $25 on a check-in bag. A Churchill Packing guide varies a lot depending on when you’re planning on visiting as well. But whether you’re going in the winter, spring, fall, or summer, here are a few things not to forget:

Boots and Warm Socks: Winter boots are a must in the cold months. In the summer, you can often get by with a good pair of hiking boots. Something with a sticky tread. More important, though, are the socks. Pack a pair of warm, breathable wool or wicking socks to help keep your feet warm and dry. Expeditions in Churchill can be long, and you don’t want wet feet.

Hat, Scarf, and Gloves: Yes you do need these, even during summer in Churchill. They are especially important if you plan to spend time on the water with the Churchill Beluga Whales. Temperatures on the water can be quite cold, and you can get splashed. If you get warm, you can always take them off.

Camera and Binoculars: Contrary to those amazing NatGeo photos that are often posted, seeing the Polar Bears in Churchill means keeping your distance (unless you’re on the Tundra Buggy tour). Make sure to bring a camera with a long zoom lens so that you can snap great photos.

This camera has the equivalent of 450mm, which is about as long as you can get without going pro. It also helps to have a pair of binoculars to scope out those bears hidden in the rocky hollows of the bedrock. This model packs up small yet offers great glass.

Guide To Polar Bear Safety In Churchill Manitoba

There’s no beating around this. Safety in Churchill, Manitoba, isn’t the same as in most places. You do not want to come face to face with a 12-foot-tall bear with teeth as long as your hand. Polar Bears can be anywhere in the area. It’s not rare for Polar Bears to be seen in town, and you may not know that they are there until you’re face-to-face with them. Here are a few rules to follow to help you stay safe among the Churchill Polar Bears.

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Remember, it’s not the Polar Bear that you can see that is the one you need to be most worried about.
  • Travel in groups and make noise as you walk. Polar Bears will usually avoid you if they can hear you coming.
  • Avoid walking around coastal areas that have poor sightlines, such as the bedrock mounds.
  • Stay within reach of vehicles or buildings.
  • Take advantage of guided tours to ensure that you’re with people who understand the animals and the terrain.
  • Bears can be found at any time of the day but are most active in the early morning and at night.
  • Never feed or approach Polar Bears in Churchill
  • Avoid walking at night after 10:00

Polar bears in Churchill from a helicopter tour

Guide To Churchill Manitoba Things To Do

It may be a small town of 900 people, but Churchill Manitoba packs a punch. Hundreds of years of history combined with the character of those who choose to live in Manitoba’s far north has led to a wacky, yet amazing assortment of incredible things to do in Churchill Manitoba. If you don’t see it in this Churchill Manitoba guide, it might not exist yet.

SUP or Kayak With Beluga Whales

Besides Polar Bears, Beluga Whales in Churchill, Manitoba, are one of the town’s biggest draws. And unlike the bears, you can easily get right up close to the white whales of the north. We joined Sea North Tours for a Beluga kayak experience on the mouth of the Churchill River, which empties into Hudson Bay.

It’s amazing to see these playful Beluga whales bump the small boats as they swing by to say hello. The Beluga whales tend to follow kayaks and SUPs from behind, so make sure to look back because they are probably right there saying hello. You can read all about our experience kayaking with Beluga whales in Churchill here .

Manitoba things to do Kayaking with Beluga Whales

Explore The Backcountry On A Tundra Buggy Tour

One of the classic Churchill Manitoba tours is the Churchill Tundra Buggy. These tours operate year-round on massive custom-built frames with crazy off-road tires and suspension that allow them to reach some of the most remote areas of the sub-Arctic tundra. The Churchill Tundra Buggy tour is one of the best ways to experience Polar Bears up close, especially during the bear season when they are at their most active.

We did our Churchill Tundra Buggy tour with Frontiers North . They made the trip fun, exciting and educational for our whole family. The Tundra Buggy tours last for anywhere between 6-8 hours depending on the season. Fall and winter tours tend to be longer than summer tours. During the Frontiers North Tundra Buggy tour, there was a bathroom on board. A lunch of soup, sandwiches, soft drinks, and coffee was also served.

In 2023, Frontiers North updated their massive Tundra Buggies, converting all of these vehicles to electric motors. It was an excellent conservation initiative that should help to protect these glorious wilds for a long time to come.

best time to visit churchill manitoba

Take In The #SeaWallsChurchill Murals

There are nearly as many beautiful murals in Churchill as there are buildings. This is due to the SeaWalls Churchill project that was started by Winnipeg Artist Kal Barteski (whose Back Alley Arctic designs our son D fell in love with while looking for things to do in Winnipeg) and the PangeaSeed Foundation along with SeaWalls: Artists for Oceans.

It’s worth doing a tour of Churchill to get a glimpse of as many of these beautiful pieces of art as possible. There are many inside the town of Churchill, but many are outside as well. Some of my favorites are the Aurora Belugas near the Churchill Town Complex, the Polar Bear on the Polar Bear Jail, and the black and white designs on the old boy’s residence near the seaport.

SeaWalls Churchill Mural Art guide

Have A Picnic On The Beluga

If you visit the Churchill beach (Yes, Churchill DOES have a beach!) right behind the Town Complex you’ll find the remains of the Beluga. This former fishing boat has been converted to a picnic and climbing structure. There are picnic tables and flat platforms for people to enjoy. The Beluga is one of the best places to catch the sunset in Churchill, Manitoba. It also overlooks the beautiful inukshuk that is placed just right for photography lovers.

Churchill Manitoba Guide Beluga Boat

Experience The Frontier At Prince Of Wales Fort

People up north always tend to do things a little differently than those further south. And while most of the Hudson Bay fur trading posts were built up with log walls to keep out trouble, the designers of the Prince of Wales Fort in Churchill Manitoba decided to go big or go home (they ended up doing both). You can learn the whole story on a tour of this Parks Canada National Historic Site.

This sprawling stone fort is lined with cannons pointed in every direction. The interior is still under renovation due to the shifting of the constantly moving sub-arctic earth. Despite the massive amount of work put into the fort, it was eventually overthrown by its French competitors during the battle of Hudson Bay in 1682.

Prince of Wales Fort Guide to Churchill Manitoba

Make A Stop At The Miss Piggy Plane Wreck

There is a longstanding mystery surrounding the Churchill Manitoba plane wreck. A first look at the Miss Piggy cargo plane that sits abandoned on the rocks outside of town makes it seem like the plane simply dropped from the sky. Rumors abound about the crew simply hitchhiking to town and being discovered at the local tavern later that day.

Whether it’s reality or one of Churchill’s many amazing stories, only a few people know. But if you ask around, you may find someone who will tell you their version of the story. Either way, a visit out to the Churchill Plane Wreck (which is a nice parallel to the plane wreck in the country of Iceland , one of our other favorite northern travel destinations) is a must.

Miss Piggy Plane Wreck in Churchill Guide

Break Out Of The Polar Bear Jail

As you can imagine, living in a place where Polar Bears outnumber humans can be a little dangerous. A stroll through Churchill will uncover countless signs pointing to where you shouldn’t go lest you risk being made a snack. The bedrock-lined shores of Hudson Bay, which have countless areas for bears to lie in, are invisible to human eyes, and are a prime example.

On occasion, a Polar Bear gets a little too comfortable around town. When this happens, they are tranquilized and sent to the Churchill Polar Bear Jail. Here the bears wait until the weather cools before being shipped away from the town for them to continue on their journey once the ice freezes. Visitors aren’t allowed inside the jail. But you can check out the Polar Bear traps that are often lined up outside.

Churchill Polar Bear Jail

Hike To The MV Ithaca Shipwreck

Off the coast of Churchill, you can find the remains of the MV Ithaca cargo ship. Like the Miss Piggy plane wreck, no hands were lost when the Ithaca ran aground. The ship is too dangerous to enter. But because of its position in the shallows of Hudson Bay, a low-tide hike to the MV Ithaca is possible. However, polar bears are known to hang out in the wreck of the ship.

If you want to attempt this hike, hire a local guide who is experienced with both Polar Bears and familiar with the area.

Hike To The MV Ithaca Churchill Manitoba Guide

Go Dog Sledding Or Dog Karting

Dog sledding is a time-honored northern experience. We’ve ridden the trails in Yellowknife and again during our winter adventures in Mont Tremblant, Quebec . In Churchill, you can go dog sledding in the winter or dog karting in the summer with Wapusk Adventures . This indigenous-run dog sledding in Churchill tour gives you a chance to get out into the wilderness and feel the wind in your hair.

Hike To The Point At Cape Merry

Cape Merry is another Parks Canada National Historic Site in Churchill, Manitoba. This site, which includes a cannon battery and a commemorative plaque, is worth a bit of your time. It can be easily accessed from town. The plaque commemorates Jens Munk, the Danish explorer who first landed here in 1619. His ill-fated wintering in Churchill is a great story for those who would underestimate the challenges of life in Canada’s north.

Cape Merry In Churchill Guide Manitoba

Surround Yourself With Beluga Whales From A Zodiac

Perhaps kayaking with Beluga Whales isn’t your thing. But the next best way to see the Beluga Whales in Churchill is by zodiac boat. We joined Sea North Tours for their experience at the mouth of the Churchill River. It wasn’t long before we were completely surrounded by these beautiful white whales. At times there were simply too many Belugas to count swimming in the waters around us.

Kayaking with beluga whales in churchill manitoba

Wander The Ruins Of Ladoon’s Castle

The story of Brian Ladoon is a bit of Churchill legend. This controversial figure is either loved, hated, or a little bit of both by residents of the town. You can read more about him here. He was a man known for his movie star personality and his determination to do whatever he felt like, regardless of the consequences.

One of his many projects was the development of a castle-style hotel in Churchill on the Hudson Bay coast. The project was never completed, but its remains are often on the minds of many of those who travel to Churchill. You can find Ladoon’s Castle as you leave Churchill toward the Coast Road.

Ladoons Castle Churchill Manitoba things to do

Watch The Northern Lights

Churchill is one of the most popular Northern Lights destinations in Canada. Along with Whitehorse Yukon and Yellowknife Northwest Territories, Churchill northern lights expeditions have become incredibly popular with tourists to Northern Canada.

While the rocky coast of Churchill means that there are plenty of amazing foregrounds for the Aurora, one of the best places to catch the view is by the inukshuk on the beach in Churchill.

Make A Visit To The Churchill Town Complex

Churchill was once a military hub. The military used up a huge portion of the town’s resources. To make amends, the government built and maintained a massive community center to support the town’s population.

In fact, they overestimated that building the Churchill town complex would support a town of at least 5,000 people. The Churchill Community Center has a pool, ice rink, library, hospital, children’s playgrounds, and a cafeteria.

Polar Bear Slide at the Churchill Town Complex

Take A Helicopter Into Wapusk National Park

Wapusk National Park is one of the most remote and least-visited National Parks in Canada. The only way to access the park is by helicopter or boat and by snowmobile in the winter.

Custom Helicopter Tours in Churchill offer a flyover experience that will allow you to experience a truly unique view of Churchill and the sub-Arctic tundra that surrounds it. During our Churchill helicopter tour, we saw Polar Bears, Beluga Whales, Moose, and Elk, along with countless species of birds flying over the beautiful landscape.

Birds Flying over Wapusk National Park in Churchill Manitoba Guide

Explore The Itsanitaq Museum

This wouldn’t be a complete Churchill Manitoba guide without including a visit to the Itsanitaq Museum, formerly called the Churchill Eskimo Museum.

This stop is a must-visit for those who travel to the town. The Itsanitaq Museum houses examples of Arctic wildlife, including Muskox, Polar Bears, and Walrus. There is also a huge collection of incredible Indigenous and Inuit tools and artwork on display.

Itsanitaq Museum in Churchill things to do

Visit The Northern Studies Centre And Rocket Range

On the outskirts of Churchill, about 10 minutes from the town center, is one of the premier northern science centers. The Northern Studies Centre is actually a pretty cool place to visit. You can wander the halls and observe some of the ongoing scientific studies, including underwater life. You can also check out the Aurora Dome, where guests at the Northern Studies Centre can watch the Northern Lights in Churchill from the warmth indoors.

Further into the complex, you can explore (from the outside) what remains of the military rocket testing facility. Churchill Northern Lights offered one of the best places to test how the Aurora affected rockets and communication equipment. You can check out the launch facilities. And you’ll even see a few models of the rockets that used to be fired from the facility.

Northern Studies Centre and Launch Facility Churchill Manitoba Guide

See The Polar Bears Safely

There are some great ways to see the Churchill Polar Bears in Churchill. One of the best ways is to get a Churchill guide to show you around. This will help you get the lay of the land and know which areas the bears like to congregate.

It’s also possible to rent a car from Tamarack Rentals . The rates here are very reasonable, considering the location. But don’t expect shiny new models. The rental cars here have seen some use and are designed more for function than form.

You can often hire local taxi drivers to show you around as well as to show you the key sites. Remember, the locals know where the bears like to hang out, so it’s always a good idea to get a tour of the area beforehand if you plan to tour on your own.

Self- guided polar bear tour in Churchill Manitoba

Guide To Churchill: Where To Eat In Churchill, Manitoba

Things in Churchill are pretty simple. Don’t expect 5-star dining in the Polar Bear capital of the world. But just because the town isn’t known for luxury doesn’t mean that you aren’t going to find amazing places to eat in Churchill. Expect large servings and hearty, filling dishes when you eat out in Churchill. Here are a few of our favorite Churchill Restaurants.

The Tundra Inn is one of the most popular restaurants in Churchill. The Tundra Inn serves a great selection of traditional and game meat. The restaurant is separated into a local pub and a traditional restaurant. The Elk meatloaf is amazing, as is the Bison stew. Vegetarians won’t be left out in the cold either. Tundra Inn offers some of the best options for veggie lovers.

Where to Eat In Churchill Manitoba Tundra Inn

Seaport Hotel

If you’re looking for the best ribs in town, check out Seaport Hotel. This restaurant has both a cafe-style dining area and a cozier dining-style area, however, the dining area isn’t always open. You can find a great range of comfort food here that will fill your belly and maybe even some leftovers for lunch the next day.

Lazy Bear Cafe

If you are looking for a restaurant with the best ambiance, look no further than the Lazy Bear Cafe. The log-cabin-style interior is beautiful, and the central stone fireplace makes you feel at home. Lazy Bear serves up some great food and is one of the best places to grab a coffee and the only place to get an espresso. On hot days make sure to stop in for one of their signature milkshakes.

Churchill Cafeteria

Food prices in Churchill can be a fair bit higher than those further south. One of the restaurants for those on a budget is the Churchill Cafeteria in the Town Complex. The Churchill Cafeteria varies its menu daily and generally offers simpler fare than some of the other Churchill restaurants. But the cafeteria in Churchill offers one of the best bangs for your buck.

Guide To Churchill Manitoba: Where To Stay

There is no camping in Churchill. So if you make the trip up here you’ll need to stay in one of the Churchill hotels. Luckily there are a few places to stay in Churchill. But you’ll need to book early. Especially during Polar Bear season. The town does not have enough hotel rooms to accommodate the influx of visitors, especially during the Polar Bear season.

Like the restaurants in Churchill, don’t expect the Churchill hotels to be luxurious. You won’t find hot tubs, king-sized beds, or turn-down service. But most hotels in Churchill offer comfortable beds, great staff, and friendly service. Here is my list of the top hotels in Churchill, Manitoba.

Iceberg Inn

Located a short walk from the Churchill Train Station and Parks Canada Visitor Centre, the Iceberg Inn is one of the most highly ranked hotels in Churchill. Manitoba. Iceberg Inn is one of the newest hotels in Churchill. All rooms include WiFi, private bathrooms and a fridge. You can check out their rates and availability here .

Churchill B&B

If you’re traveling to Churchill as a family or a small group, the Churchill B&B is one of your best options. Along with twin rooms and double rooms, the Churchill B&B also has a room with six beds set in bunk bed style. An American-style breakfast is served every morning, and the central location makes getting to all the tours very easy. You can check out their prices and availability here .

Bear Country Inn

The Bear Country Inn is located at the end of town and is nearest to the Churchill tour centers. The location makes it easy to reach the grocery, beach, and Tundra Buggy tours. All rooms have a private bathroom, flat-screen TV, fridge, and coffee maker. Bear Country Inn also has two accessible rooms for visitors with mobility issues. You can check out their prices and availability here .

Churchill Manitoba Guide: Visiting Churchill With Kids

Churchill isn’t generally marketed as a family-friendly or multigenerational travel destination. But as an adventure travel family , we found Churchill to be an amazing destination. 5-year-old D and 8-year-old C were able to take part in every activity that we wanted them to.

The only exception was kayaking with Beluga Whales, which had a minimum age of 6 (D was three weeks short of that age). But they did allow Christina and D to follow along in one of the safety zodiacs so that he didn’t miss out.

Churchill with Kids Manitoba Guide

I was also impressed by the sheer number of family travel lovers that were in Churchill during our visit. I counted no less than 4 separate families with children ranging from 5 to 12-years-old in Churchill. For a destination as pricey as Churchill, it was incredible to see so many families taking part in one of the best wildlife travel destinations in the world .

Traveling with kids in Churchill does require a little extra planning and care. It’s very important that children don’t wander off out of sight, especially in areas closer to the coast. Always ensure that children are near to a vehicle or building or travel in groups with larger adults. But given a pair of binoculars and a sense of adventure, Churchill can be an absolutely mesmerizing destination for children. It is a true wildlife safari filled with adventure and frontier stories that will inspire them for years.

I hope you’ve got some great tips from this Churchill Manitoba guide. Have you ever visited Churchill Manitoba? Share your experiences in our comments below. Or tag us in your Instagram photo . We would love to share in your travels.

Disclosure: Our Tundra Buggy experience was hosted by Frontiers North . All opinions remain our own. Wandering Wagars is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.

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Churchill Polar Bears

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Churchill Manitoba Guide

Thursday 29th of February 2024

Looking to focus on Belugas and maybe the Lights, so it seems to be mid-summer time frame. How is the insect life?

Kevin Wagar

Sunday 3rd of March 2024

In July, mosquitoes and blackflies can be pretty rambunctious. I highly recommend packing strong insect repellent and some mosquito net over gear to protect yourself if you're planning on spending much time outdoors, especially around dusk and dawn.

Carla Castaneda Picayo Barber

Friday 1st of December 2023

Wonderful very informative We, my dream of a life time to see polar bears in the wild Belugas are a major bonus what is a good time to head north. We live in Vieques PR it’s a trek for sure my indigenous blood needs to visit

Monday 11th of December 2023

Hello Carla,

We got VERY lucky by seeing the trifecta of the Aurora, the whales, and the polar bears in late August. The polar bears tend to be at their most present while they wait for the sea ice to form in September/October, while the beluga whales in Churchill tend to be present during the summer months before migrating out to sea in late August.

Debra schmidt

Wednesday 4th of January 2023

Can I get a guide mailed to me at

Thanks for your inquiry. I am an online-only publication, but you should be able to access this information right here from wherever you have internet service.

Anthony S Coby

Wednesday 28th of September 2022

WOW! It looks amazing. Can't wait to visit, hopefully next year, fingers crossed.

Tuesday 2nd of August 2022

Lots of useful information.

Just one question, what is the ideal way to visit the spot in Churchill mentioned here Did you use taxi or rented a car?

Hi Nathan, if you're referring to the area along the coast where the bears tend to wait, we went with a guided tour that we booked in town (we mention those details in the article) and we also rented a truck for a DIY experience.

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  • 4 Best Churchill Manitoba Tours to See Polar Bears, Belugas, and Northern Lights

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Best Churchill Manitoba Tours to See Polar Bears, Belugas, and Northern Lights

Trying to decide which of the fabulous Churchill Manitoba tours to take? If you are looking for a truly unforgettable adventure, then you have definitely come to the right place!

Located on the shores of Hudson Bay, Churchill is a small town that offers a wealth of natural beauty, unique experiences, and unforgettable encounters with wildlife.

And one of the best ways to explore Churchill and the surrounding area is through a guided tour. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which one to choose, which is where we come in!

Having been to Churchill, Manitoba, we definitely know what we are talking about when we say, that this once-in-a-lifetime trip will be a truly unforgettable experience.

So whether you’re interested in seeing polar bears, beluga whales, or the awe-inspiring northern lights, there’s a tour that will suit your preferences.

best time to visit churchill manitoba

Classic 5-Night Churchill Polar Bear Adventure

❄️ Don’t have time to read the whole article?  Classic 5-Night Churchill Polar Bear Adventure  is the best tour in Churchill Manitoba for seeing polar bears .

If you’d rather explore all   your options, there are 3 more tours on this list , and they all have perfect 5-star ratings.

Churchill Manitoba is considered the Polar Bear and Beluga Capital of the World . So if you are looking for the opportunity to get up close and personal with these incredible creatures, you really can’t go wrong with anything featured here.

In short, we vetted these tours, so you don’t have to.

Just a heads up, these tours are extremely popular . And because they are only available for short periods every year, the tours sell out fast and pretty far in advance!

So without further ado, let’s get to this list of the best Churchill Manitoba tours so you can book your tour already.

We have put together a list of the 4 best Churchill Manitoba tours. We have included all the important information, including when each tour is available.

1. Classic 5-Night Churchill Polar Bear Adventure


⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  6 Days | ✔️  BOOK NOW

❄️ The Classic 5-Night Churchill Polar Bear Adventure Tour Includes:

  • 5 nights accommodation
  • Round-trip flights between Winnipeg and Churchill
  • Guided sightseeing tour of the Churchill area
  • Cultural presentation by a local trapper
  • Two days on the Tundra Buggy
  • Adventure Dog-sled excursion
  • Parks Canada Interpretive Centre tour
  • Itsanitaq Museum tour Interpretive
  • Breakfast (4)

Operated by Frontiers North Adventures, the Classic 5-Night Churchill Polar Bear Adventure Tour is an unforgettable journey into the Canadian wilderness .

From Winnipeg, you’ll take a short charter flight to the remote town of Churchill, located on the shores of Hudson Bay.

Learn a little about Churchill as your guide takes you to many points of interest in the area.


During your stay in Churchill, you’ll have the opportunity to visit the local Itsanitaq Museum and learn about the indigenous people who have called this region home for thousands of years.

Go on an exhilarating dog-sledding adventure through the boreal forest with Metis owned and operated Wapusk Adventures .

But the absolute highlight of your tour will be the multiple polar bear-viewing opportunities.

Hop aboard a specially-designed tundra buggy and venture out into the vast tundra to witness these magnificent creatures up close.

😍 What Past Guests Have Said

This tour was beyond amazing and exceeded expectations! Such a unique experience to see polar bears in their natural habitat and very well organized. Had an awesome guide that always ensured the entire group had everything they needed. — Michelle ( see more rEVIEWS )

Learn about the daily lives and habits of polar bears, as well as the ways climate change is affecting their ecosystem.

Watching the polar bears in their natural habitat is absolutely incredible!

Of course, you will also want to keep your eyes peeled for other northern wildlife, such as foxes, ptarmigans, and snowy owls.

You’ll enjoy comfortable accommodations at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel in Winnipeg and charming local inns in Churchill.


Meals and a round-trip flight to Churchill are included in the package, ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable trip .

We can’t say enough awesome things about this ultimate Churchill experience .

And having taken this tour ourselves , we can honestly encourage you to book your adventure today and get ready for a once-in-a-lifetime journey!

💡 Things to Keep in Mind:

  • This tour runs from early October until mid-November ONLY.
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Guests of all ages are welcome.
  • This tour will have a maximum of 22 travellers

2. Belugas, Bears and Blooms in Churchill Manitoba


❄️ The Belugas, Bears and Blooms in Churchill Manitoba Tour Includes:

  • Accommodation in Winnipeg hotel
  • All accommodations while in Churchill
  • Guided bus tour of Churchill area notable sites
  • Boat and inflatable Zodiac boat tours
  • Interpretive snowshoe trek
  • Dog Carting experience
  • Tundra Buggy Experience

Looking for a summer adventure that’s full of wildlife encounters and breathtaking landscapes? Then you have come to the right place!

The Belugas, Bears and Blooms in Churchill Manitoba tour is perfect for nature enthusiasts who want to experience the beauty of Manitoba during the warmer months.

During July and August, the Churchill River becomes a hub of activity as thousands of beluga whales migrate into the area .

These sociable and curious creatures, known as the “canaries of the sea,” will delight you with their playful antics and whale songs.

Take a boat tour or a more adventurous Zodiac, kayak or stand-up paddleboard adventure to get up close and personal with these amazing animals.

Great food, polar bears, great guide, lots of fun. An experience of a lifetime. Went dog sledding too. — Traymond ( see more rEVIEWS )

On land, you’ll explore the boreal forest and Churchill Wildlife Management Area by Tundra Buggy.

This excursion will give you a chance to see a variety of northern wildlife including caribou, arctic foxes, and arctic hares.

And if you’re lucky, you may even see the first of the summer polar bears as they begin their migration into the area . That is a sight you most definitely will never forget!


In addition to the wildlife sightings, you’ll also experience the beautiful blooms that erupt in summer.

And, for an extra dose of adventure, you’ll get to take a dog carting excursion with a professional musher on a mile-long trek through the forest. The kids totally enjoyed this experience!

  • This tour runs from mid-July until mid-August ONLY.
  • This tour will have a maximum of 20 travellers

3. Northern Lights Winter Nights Adventure


❄️ The Northern Lights Winter Nights Adventure Includes:

  • Evening forest excursion
  • Dog sledding and interpretive program
  • Evening visit to Thanadelthur Lounge

The Northern Lights Winter Nights Adventure tour is the perfect excursion for those seeking to witness the incredible beauty of the Auroras .

Known for its location beneath the auroral oval, Churchill is one of the best places on Earth to experience this awe-inspiring natural phenomenon.

Offered through Frontiers North Adventures, this tour provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty of the northern landscapes and capture the incredible night-sky phenomenon from the tundra .

With an experienced Photo Specialist leading the way, you’ll travel to a new and secluded location each night for incredible aurora-viewing and photography opportunities .

But this adventure is more than just chasing the northern lights . You’ll also get to experience the history and culture of this unique northern community with activities like snowshoeing, dog sledding through the boreal forest , and a tour of the Itsanitaq Museum.

They go above and beyond looking after you. This trip is much more than just the lights.. which we saw every night. The dog sledding was exhilarating… Dan’s diner provided an exquisite meal complete with scotch tasting at the ice bar by the fire outside with the lights dancing overhead. Churchill people proudly show you all their sites and respect for the land and environment. I am so impressed with Frontiers North I will return for beluga, or polar bears. Maybe both. — pookthepooch ( see more rEVIEWS )

One of the highlights of the tour is an evening at Dan’s Diner, an exclusive culinary experience in the Tundra Buggy Lodge.

You’ll enjoy a delicious meal while taking in the breathtaking scenery and hopefully spotting the northern lights overhead.

And for those looking to capture the perfect northern lights photo, your Photo Specialist will be on hand to assist with camera settings and techniques .

This adventure is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you won’t want to miss.

  • This tour runs from late February until early March ONLY.
  • Mandatory Comprehensive Travel Insurance Coverage – required to participate
  • This tour/activity will have a maximum of 20 travellers

4. Churchill: Exclusive Tundra Buggy Day Trip


⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  8 hours | ✔️  BOOK NOW

❄️ The Exclusive Tundra Buggy Day Trip Includes:

  • 6-hour Tundra Buggy excursion
  • Light meal and refreshments
  • Single-use bathrooms on each buggy
  • Return transport back to the meeting point
  • Explore normally inaccessible and exclusive areas of the subarctic

The guided Tundra Buggy day tour takes you on an exclusive route along the trail network of the Churchill Wildlife Management Area .

This single-day excursion is perfect for those who have made their way to Churchill on their own and are not part of an organized tour.

Once you hop on board a Tundra Buggy , get ready for a unique experience in one of the most remote and exclusive areas of Churchill.

Your guide will provide insider tips and information about the local flora and fauna as you explore the stunning subarctic environment.


As you drive along, be on the lookout for local wildlife like the arctic fox, arctic hare, caribou, and especially polar bears that have returned from the sea ice.

And with over 200 species of birds in the area, you’re sure to spot some incredible avian wildlife as well.

Despite being early in the season, we had excellent views of one Polar Bear. Our driver/guide, Mark, was excellent and very knowledgeable, and best of all, he treated the bear with respect and gave it space and didn’t harass it, something a lot of other tour guides around the world could learn from! — Anonymous ( see more rEVIEWS )

Not only will you have the chance to see all these incredible creatures in their natural habitat, but you’ll also be doing it in an authentic Tundra Buggy.

These vehicles are specially designed to handle the rugged terrain of the subarctic and provide an exhilarating adventure.


So if you’re looking for an exciting and exclusive way to experience the incredible wildlife of Churchill, Manitoba , look no further than the Churchill: Exclusive Tundra Buggy Day Trip tour .

  • Children must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Bring your own reusable water bottle
  • Must arrive 30 minutes before check-in at Fifty Eight North, Home of the Tundra Buggy.

Best Churchill Manitoba Tours – FAQs

Absolutely! Churchill, Manitoba is a unique and incredible destination that offers breathtaking natural beauty, unforgettable wildlife encounters, and a welcoming community. From polar bear sightings to the stunning northern lights, Churchill has something for everyone.

Yes, a Churchill polar bear tour is definitely worth it! Churchill is known as the “Polar Bear Capital of the World” for good reason – it’s one of the few places on earth where you can see these magnificent creatures up close in their natural habitat.

The best time to see polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba is typically from mid-October to mid-November. During this time, the sea ice starts to form, so the polar bears begin to migrate toward the coast.

Yes! Many people don’t realize that polar bears return to the Churchill area during the summer, once the sea ice begins to melt. After a long winter of hunting on the frozen Hudson Bay for ringed seals, polar bears make their way back to Churchill in early to mid-summer.

The best time to see the northern lights in Churchill, Manitoba is typically from January to March. During this time, the skies are usually clear, and the aurora borealis is the most active.

The best time to see beluga whales in Churchill, Manitoba is typically from June to August. During this time, thousands of beluga whales migrate to the warm and shallow waters of the Churchill River and Hudson Bay.

Yes, you can swim with beluga whales in Churchill, Manitoba! Many tour operators offer snorkelling or diving experiences that allow you to get up close and personal with these friendly and curious creatures.

Churchill, Manitoba is a small town with limited transportation options. The town is quite walkable, with limited taxi service also available. If you are arriving in Churchill with a guided tour, your operator will include all necessary transportation.

Churchill, Manitoba can be relatively expensive compared to other towns in Manitoba or even Canada due to its remote location and unique natural attractions. Transportation to and from Churchill can be a significant expense, as the town is only accessible by air or rail. Once you’re in Churchill, food and lodging costs can also be higher than in other places due to the limited availability of goods and services in the area.

The best time of year to go to Churchill, Manitoba depends on your interests and what you would like to see or experience during your visit. If you are looking to see polar bears, visit in October or November. If you want to see belugas, then visit in the summer months.

❄️ Skipped to the bottom?  Classic 5-Night Churchill Polar Bear Adventure  is the best tour in Churchill Manitoba for seeing polar bears .

Final Thoughts on the Best Churchill Manitoba Tours

Well, that’s a wrap on our guide to the best Churchill Manitoba tours! We hope you found this post helpful in planning your upcoming adventure at this amazing destination.

From up-close encounters with polar bears and beluga whales to stunning northern lights displays, Churchill has so much to offer. And with the help of a knowledgeable guide, you’ll be able to make the most of your trip and create memories that will last a lifetime.

And just in case you are still undecided about which tour to choose, we recommend the Classic 5-Night Churchill Polar Bear Adventure . This tour left a lasting impression on our family, and has actually changed the way we view travel!

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best time to visit churchill manitoba

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  • 24 Things to Do in Churchill Manitoba – The Ultimate Guide
  • 55+ Best Polar Bear Quotes and Captions for Instagram
  • Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins?
  • 23 Fun and Interesting Facts About Polar Bears in Canada
  • Where to See Polar Bears in Canada – A Complete Guide
  • 10 Fun and Interesting Facts About Churchill Manitoba That Will Blow Your Mind!

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Marianne Giordano is the founder and writer for The Journeying Giordano's. Together with her husband, John, and their children, the family has travelled to all 10 Canadian provinces. Marianne is responsible for planning all of her family's travel itineraries and dreaming up new adventures. A Canadian native, Marianne shares all her favourite family-friendly things to do in Canada.

best time to visit churchill manitoba

  • Churchill Polar Bear Tours
  • The Ebbs and Flows of a Polar Bear Season

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Road Trip Manitoba

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The BEST Ways to Get From Winnipeg to Churchill (for 2024)

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Compiled by the Road Trip Manitoba team

Last updated on January 17, 2024

Churchill, Manitoba, often dubbed “the polar bear capital of the world” (and the best spot to see polar bears in Canada ), is one of Manitoba’s most incredible locations. There are very few places around the world where you can see so many polar bears and beluga whales in the wild, so it’s no wonder that Churchill is such a draw for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers. There’s also a rich culture and history, Northern Lights viewing, mural tours, art galleries, and so many more things to do in Churchill .

Winnipeg to Churchill Feature

From July to November, many tourists make their way to Churchill in order to see the polar bears, the beluga whales, or both, depending on the season. July, August, and September are known for spotting belugas in Hudson Bay and the Churchill River, although it’s still possible to see polar bears during these months, too. October and November are the most popular months for seeing polar bears, as they’re often quite easily found on the snowy tundra. January, February, and March are popular for the Northern Lights, which are at their brightest and most visible during the colder and darker months.

Seeing as it’s so remote, this tiny community on Hudson Bay has very few options when it comes to actually getting there, but you’ll most likely start your trip in Winnipeg, Manitoba’s capital city. Thankfully, there are regular plane and train routes from Winnipeg to Churchill during tourist season. Our biggest tip? Book EARLY. Tours, flights, trains, and accommodations all fill up months in advance, especially when it comes to tourist season. Here, then, is everything you need to know about getting from Winnipeg to Churchill.

Town of Churchill Sign

Land Acknowledgments

Manitoba is made up of Treaty 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Territory, as well as communities that are signatories to Treaty 6 and Treaty 10. Manitoba is home to the original lands of the Anishinaabe, Anish-Ininiwak, Dakota, Dene, Ininiwak, and Nehethowuk peoples, as well as the homeland of the Métis peoples.

About the Route

Winnipeg to Churchill is approximately 1,000 kilometres as the crow flies, and the two are found at near north and south opposites of one another in Manitoba. However, there are no paved roads that lead directly to Churchill, making this route slightly more complicated than others in the province. If you plan on visiting Churchill, your journey will have to involve a train or a plane at some point; there is currently no way to drive a car or take a bus to Churchill.

If you do want to drive the majority of the way to Churchill, most people drive from Winnipeg to Thompson and then take the train or fly from there. More on that below.

Winnipeg to Churchill by Plane

Without a doubt, the fastest and the most convenient way to get from Winnipeg to Churchill is by plane. Thankfully, there are many flights from Winnipeg to Churchill per week during tourist season, although air service is indeed available all year round. We highly recommend booking your flight well in advance of your trip, because flights fill up quickly, especially in polar bear season.

Calm Air is the best airline to get you from Winnipeg to Churchill (and, often, the only one). Your flight will depart from Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport and arrive at Churchill Airport. Flying to Churchill from Winnipeg takes approximately two hours, but be prepared for inclement weather to possibly delay or even cancel your flight; you are travelling to the rugged North, after all!

Calm Air to Churchill

If you end up booking a tour – we’re big fans of Lazy Bear Expeditions here at Road Trip Manitoba – your flight is often included in your package price.

It is also possible to fly to Churchill with Calm Air from either Thompson or Gillam, so another option is to take the train or drive to either location and then fly to Churchill from there.

Winnipeg to Churchill by Train

Feeling adventurous? A fantastic way to see Manitoba is to do so by train. VIA Rail Canada offers trains from Winnipeg to Churchill every Sunday and Tuesday, while the train departs Churchill every Thursday and Saturday for the journey back to Winnipeg. Just as with flying to Churchill, we recommend booking your train tickets well in advance of your journey. Be sure to check prices and book your train tickets via the VIA Rail Canada website .

Train to Churchill

Taking the Churchill train is usually cheaper than flying, but it’s always important to compare prices and plan ahead of time in order to find the cheapest way to Churchill. Be prepared to settle in and get cozy: the train from Winnipeg to Churchill takes approximately 48 hours , or two full days. But don’t worry… you’ll have gorgeous Manitoba scenery out your window to keep you entertained! In fact, you’ll cover 1697 kilometres by train to Churchill once you leave Union Station in Winnipeg.

Another option is to take the train from Thompson or Gillam to Churchill. Some people drive or take the bus to either location and then catch the Churchill train from there.

Winnipeg to Churchill by Car

Currently, there are no paved roads that lead all the way to Churchill. However, if you would like to drive for most of the way, many people drive to Thompson or Gillam and then fly or take the train the remainder of the way. Winnipeg to Thompson is approximately 760 kilometres, or around eight hours of driving, while Winnipeg to Gillam is approximately 1,000 kilometres or about 11 hours of driving. It’s certainly an amazing way to see Manitoba, and you get to stop wherever you’d like along the way!

A Churchill Sunset

We have an entire guide on getting from Winnipeg to Thompson , including information about renting a car in Winnipeg.

Winnipeg to Churchill by Bus

Currently, there are no paved roads that lead all the way to Churchill, so taking a bus directly to Churchill isn’t an option. However, it is possible to take a bus to Thompson or Gillam and then fly or take the train from there.

Thankfully, there are multiple bus routes from Winnipeg to Thompson and Gillam. Prices and journey times will differ depending on the company, the day, and the time of year. We always recommend booking your bus journey ahead of your intended day of travel in order to find the cheapest price and best option for your trip.

The bus lines that run north from Winnipeg include Mahihkan Bus Lines , NCN Thompson Bus Lines , and Maple Bus Lines .

Winnipeg to Churchill by Other Options

It is entirely possible to take a private transfer or tour from Winnipeg to Churchill; you’ll have to book a private charter flight in order to do so. Be prepared to pay, though, as it is extremely expensive!

We hesitate to recommend any specific charter companies or private tours, as they can change daily. If this is something that interests you, we recommend reaching out to a travel agent that specializes in travel to Churchill.

A polar bear on the road near Churchill

Things to Do Along the Way to Churchill

If you’re driving north from Winnipeg to Thompson or Gillam, and you’re not in a huge rush, there are tons of spots to explore along the way. After all, you have hundreds of kilometres of Manitoba to drive across! Here are a few of our favourite stops along the way:

  • As you’re driving past so much water on your journey – both Lake Manitoba and Lake Winnipeg are on the route – make sure to stop at one of Manitoba’s beaches ! One of our favourites is Twin Lakes Beach, about 100 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg.
  • Head to Steep Rock on the edge of Lake Manitoba, where you’ll find one of the province’s most popular spots for photography due to its stunning rock formations.
  • You also pass by many Manitoba provincial parks on your route from Winnipeg to Thompson; you might want to stop for a little adventure, picnic, or hike. Some of the best include Lundar Beach Provincial Park, Little Limestone Lake Provincial Park, and/or Pisew Falls Provincial Park.

Pisew Falls

  • Stay at family-run Paint Lake Lodge in the middle of a boreal forest; Paint Lake Provincial Park is one of our top recommended spots in Northern Manitoba.
  • While Lake Manitoba and Lake Winnipeg dominate the Manitoba landscape, there are actually over 100,000 lakes in the province… and you’ll pass by many of them on your journey to Thompson or Gillam! One of our absolute favourite lakes in Manitoba is Little Limestone Lake, a shimmering turquoise lake that changes colour depending on the light. It’s perfect for canoeing or kayaking in summer.

Little Limestone Lake

Upon Arrival in Churchill

You made it!

The Churchill Airport is very close to town – if you have a tour booked, they’ll arrange your transportation to your accommodation – and the train station is directly in town.

However you’ve chosen to get from Winnipeg to Churchill, once you arrive in the community, you’ll probably want to get something to eat or check in to your accommodation. Also, keep in mind there is also the Town of Churchill website for lots of tourist and travel information and advice on what to do in the “polar bear capital of the world”.

Churchill polar bear Mural

Where to Stay in Churchill

For places to stay, we recommend the Iceberg Inn , the Churchill Hotel , or the Bear Country Inn . All of these offer clean and comfortable accommodations, ensuring you a good night’s sleep so you can explore Churchill the following day. We have an entire guide on the best Churchill hotels .

IceBerg Inn Churchill

For a more intimate local experience, book a stay at Sarah’s Dreamhouse B&B . They offer free pickup and drop-off at the airport, and you’ll be treated to breakfast every morning.

There are also lots of specialty accommodation options in Churchill, including the Frontiers North Adventures’ Tundra Buggy Lodge, the Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge and the Lazy Bear Lodge – an authentic Arctic log cabin.

Where to Eat in Churchill

There are not many restaurants in Churchill , but there are some options for good quality eats. We recommend eating at the Lazy Bear Café , the Tundra Inn Dining Room and Pub , or the Seaport Hotel , but note that some restaurants are seasonal and not open all year round! And if you want a truly unique dining experience, check out Dan’s Diner (a pop-up restaurant in February and March so that you can view the Northern Lights while you dine).

Lazy Bear Cafe Churchill

Planning to spend some time in the province’s capital before heading north? Don’t miss our guide on all the great things to do in Winnipeg . (Also, check out our article on our most beloved restaurants in Winnipeg as well!)

And if you’re making ANY drive in the province, don’t forget to download our FREE Road Trip Manitoba bingo cards to amp up the fun!

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best time to visit churchill manitoba

Golden Time to See Polar Bears in Churchill

When you get to Churchill in Manitoba, you will have plans to see the polar bears, look for Beluga whales and go sightseeing in the North Bay Area. There are plenty of parks and historical sites as well as animals and nature to enjoy. 

Here are some polar bears in Churchill places you should plan to see while you are on what is for many a trip of a lifetime. 

  • Wapusk National Park of Canada
  • Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Site of Canada
  • Cape Merry National Historic Site of Canada
  • Sloop Cove National Historic Site of Canada
  • York Factory National Historic Site of Canada

The Boreal Gardens are worth a visit to see the greenhouses and gardens growing local produce and plants. You can book a tour on Sundays in July and August and other times by appointment only. 

St Paul’s Anglican Church is the oldest still in use and is a designated historical site. 

Just out of town, you can see the MV Ithaca shipwreck, which is visible during low tide but engulfed in water during high tide. It’s not safe to go aboard, but you can walk close to the awe-inspiring vessel when the tide is out. The wreck of a freight plane called Miss Piggy is another interesting place to grab a few photos. The plane crashed in the last 70s and has been a point of interest ever since. 

There are an Eskimo museum and Cape Merry’s landmark to keep you busy and don’t forget to spend some time chatting with the locals. They welcome visitors and have amazing stories to tell. 

Where Is Churchill Manitoba?

Churchill Manitoba

The town of Churchill is in northern Manitoba in Canada. It is on the west shore of Hudson Bay about 140 km from the border of Manitoba and Nunavut provinces. 

Churchill is an isolated town and once you leave, it is 400 km south until you reach Thompson. It is about 1,000 km to reach the capital of Manitoba, Winnipeg. 

Churchill is south of the Arctic Circle and there are more polar bears than residents in this chilly, fascinating place. 

how to get to churchill manitoba

Best Time to See Polar Bears in Churchill

To get to Churchill from Winnipeg, you can fly or catch a train for a 45-hour journey that takes in fantastic scenery along the way. There is also an overnight train from Thompson that takes about 16 hours. Trains run twice a week. If you love train trips, you will enjoy gazing out the train window at the forest scenes, farmland, natural plains and small towns as you head across Northern Manitoba into the arctic tundra area as you get nearer to Churchill. 

Have your camera ready to document the incredible trip with the adventure just beginning as you finally get to your destination and are ready to witness polar bears in Churchill.

What Is Manitoba Famous For?

North Pole in Churchill

If you want to see a polar bear in its natural habitat, Manitoba is the place to go. The central province in Canada is home to so many polar bears that it’s referred to as the world’s polar bear capital.

The white bears, also affectionately called “Lords of the Arctic”, draw thousands of tourists to Manitoba every year. The town of Churchill is one of the few places in the world that is inhabited by humans and polar bears. There is a substantial population of people and furry polars, making it a unique destination. 

The bears devour seals during the winter in icy Hudson Bay. In the warmer months, they move inland and roam about freely. 

Polar bears in churchill are wild and dangerous, so you need to book a tour to admire these fantastic creatures up close. You can grab your National Geographic moment for your Instagram feed from the safety of a tundra vehicle or take a walking tour with guides if you are a brave-hearted traveler. You can even see the polar bears from a boat in the summer months or from a helicopter if you crave a truly unique and luxurious view of the polar and the spectacular landscape they inhabit.

After your trip to Manitoba, you will know all about the fascinating world of polar bears. Did you know their keen noses can pick up the scent of a seal from over 30km away? Even when the seals are swimming under cover of thick ice and deep water, they can hunt them down. 

As well as polar bears Manitoba is also well-known for beautiful natural surroundings and warm hospitality.

The Town Of Churchill In Manitoba

Polar Bears in Churchill

For nature and animal lovers, the town of Churchill in Manitoba is a place sure to impress.  You can see polar bears, beluga whales, and the Northern Lights in the town on Hudson Bay. You can also go birdwatching and discover a peaceful connection with nature or have an action-packed adventure dog sledding. 

Mother Nature blessed Churchill in a big way and as well scenic backdrops and abundant wildlife, there is lots to see and do. 

You can go on a tour to learn about the fur trade history, sample the local cuisine, or go kayaking. Visit the MV Ithaca shipwreck,  the plane wreck of Miss Piggy, or drop by The Parks Canada Visitor Reception Centre to see displays of muskets and trade items dating back to the 1700s and 1800s.

For some fresh air and exercise, there are numerous parks and historic sites outdoors, including The Prince of Wales Fort. This fort took four decades to build back in the 1700s and is a stunning way to learn about Churchill’s history with a guided tour or on your own armed with a history book. 

Winter is a striking season to visit Churchill in Manitoba’s province, but all the seasons turn on a spectacular show. 

Churchill's Restaurants In North Bay

Churchill restaurant

Exploring the great outdoors sure makes every traveler very thirsty and hungry. That is why there are many great restaurants to get your fill in Churchill. Here are our top picks of places to go when you need to refuel after a day of kayaking, polar bears in Churchill and whale watching.

🥄 Churchill’s is a prime rib house serving up juicy steaks, trendy tapas and fresh seafood dishes in a cozy atmosphere. The oysters with fresh horseradish and lemon are highly recommended and The Winston Burger is also very popular. They have private rooms for special occasions and also offer catering services.

🥄 The Lazy Bear Cafe is the place to go for a special meal. Expect indigenous dishes like Braised Peppered Elk, Manitoba Bison and Arctic Char created by an innovative and talented chef. With local produce such as berries and mushrooms, the food is delicious, local and authentic. They also grow organic vegetables, so your food is fresh from the garden that very day. Log decor and a burning fire make it the perfect place to relax after a day of exploring.

🥄 The Tundra Inn Dining Room and Pub  lure diners in with its famous Borealis Burger and other tasty home-cooked meals with an arctic flair. It gets lively and entertaining later in the evenings with live music, dancing and open mic sessions. It is a great place to stay warm and have fun. 

There are many places to dine to fit every budget and decor and the atmosphere is as important as great taste when it comes to breakfast, lunch and dinner in Churchill in North Bay. 

Best Time To Visit Churchill Manitoba

It is essential to time your visit to Churchill, Manitoba, carefully to experience what you most desire. If you want to see polar bears, beluga whales, or the Northern Lights, they are each best seen at different times of the year. 

If you want to see them all, you might need to make several trips. Here is the lowdown on when to pack your bags for a Churchill trip in Manitoba, which will be an experience you will remember for a lifetime. 

Polar Bears

No place on the globe is easier to witness polar bears like it is in Churchill Manitoba. These magnificent creatures are highly visible between July and November, giving you many months to enjoy seeing the bears in fall or later when the snow falls.

polar bear in Churchill

The Northern Lights

Churchill is positioned on the map as one of the best places in the world to witness the miracle of The Northern Lights. In February and March, the skies are clear and usually, it is the best time for viewing. You can see them at other times of the year, so you can always get lucky if you are willing to stay up all night long. The further away you can get from the city lights, the clearer the view. There are accommodation options and Churchill River tours designed to see the lights in all their glory. 

Beluga Whales

Breeding season is when thousands of Beluga whales eagerly descend into the chilly Churchill waters to mate. July and August are the time for whale watchers to see the whales. There are many boat tours ranging from day trips to overnight excursions so you can see the beautiful whales in their natural habitat. 

We hope this has helped your plan your trip and we are sure the impressive natural sights will wow you during your vacation to Churchill.

Churchill Manitoba Latitude

The latitude and longitude coordinates for Churchill in Manitoba, Canada, are 58.7684° N, 94.1650° W.

If you follow the coordinates, you will come to an enchanting place where polar bears live in harmony with people, Beluga whales return every season to mate and give birth and birds flock to bask in the natural habitat. Churchill is a place that is as beautiful as a flower field on a perfect Spring day and an incredible site for nature lovers.

Churchill is officially on the edge of the Arctic (the Arctic Circle is 66.6 degrees latitude and Churchill is 60 degrees). It feels quite chilly enough and has all the arctic wintery vibes, especially in the winter months when the polar bears begin their annual feast on the seal population in Hudson Bay.

Churchill city

The population is less than 1,000 people, most of who work and rely on the tourism industry with a high priority on eco-tourism.

The Northern Lights are another big attraction to Churchill. Seeing the sky glow with the aurora borealis motivates many travelers to head to the northern part of Manitoba. It is one of the few places you can see the impressive lights without traveling above the Arctic Circle. The best time is during the most prolonged and darkest nights of the year, which fall between January and March. 

Summer in Churchill Manitoba

If you don’t love chilly days filled with ice and snow, no need to dismiss a visit to Churchill in Manitoba. Our favorite Canadian destination turns on the charm with plenty of beautiful sights and natural wonders in the summer months.

In July and August, you can see the Beluga Whales as they arrive in Churchill to mate and give birth in the thousands. These giant creatures are warm, friendly and naturally curious, so it’s the perfect place to see them up close and personal. 

Summer in Churchill

You can go kayaking and get really close to the whales as they playfully swim near your tour group. Stand-up paddle boarding is another way to get as close as possible to the grand water creatures that draw many tourists to the region every month. Boat trips are popular for whale watchers and you can see polar bears roaming the shoreline in summer if you are lucky.

Although summer isn’t the prime time for the Northern Lights, it still is possible to see them in the summertime. You can use handy phone apps to find out when the skies will be clear and rise in the middle of the night to look for the stunning lights illuminating the sky.

The summer landscape is painted in bright florals, especially with fireweed blooms that are deep pink and magenta tones. Bird watchers will have plenty of feathered species to spot, including owls, swans and hawks.

Summer is a beautiful time to visit Churchill in Manitoba, with highs of around 15 to 20 degrees expected on most days in July and August.


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10 Best Places To Visit In Canada If You Love Nature And Outdoor Adventures

  • Explore the polar bear capital of the world in Churchill, Manitoba and witness the amazing sights of polar bears during fall. Don't miss the opportunity for whale watching and year-round views of the northern lights.
  • Immerse yourself in the natural paradise of Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario. Enjoy water sports like fishing and kayaking on the lakes and rivers, while the forests and mountains provide ample opportunities for hiking and biking adventures.
  • Discover Whistler, a ski paradise with trails for all skill levels. In addition to skiing, enjoy hiking, ziplining, and other amazing adventures. Explore the charming town with its restaurants, bars, and shops.

Canada is a massive country with many things to offer. For those who love nature and outdoor adventures, this country is the perfect choice. Here, one will find everything from towering mountains to massive lakes, charming towns, picturesque coastlines, and every other thing needed for an unforgettable adventure.

In all honesty, the list of nature and adventure destinations in Canada is inexhaustible, but these have been carefully selected to save travelers the dilemma of what to choose and also give them an unforgettable experience.

Churchill, Manitoba

Churchill is a unique town in Manitoba, situated by Hudson Bay and renowned as the polar bear capital of the world. During fall, these polar bears come out in huge numbers, offering visitors the opportunity to get on safari rides and take in the amazing sights.

In summer, Beluga Whale migration sightings are a top priority for visitors here. Plus, the northern lights are visible in this town nearly all year round, which makes it an irresistible town for outdoor recreation.

  • Things to enjoy: Whale watching, shopping, aurora borealis, wildlife watching

Related: These Are The Best Things to Do in Churchill Beyond Polar Bear Viewing

Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario

The Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario is one of the largest parks in Canada . This park is a nature paradise with different ecosystems and landscapes that offer amazing scenery and plenty of outdoor adventures.

While numerous lakes and rivers set the stage for water sports such as fishing and kayaking, the forests and mountains are perfect for hiking and biking adventures.

The park is also home to diverse wildlife such as mammals, reptiles, birds, and amphibians.

  • More things to enjoy: Skiing, snowboarding, stargazing

For lovers of skiing, Whistler is one of the best destinations for the sport in the world. In winter, this place becomes a ski paradise filled with lots of ski trails for all skill levels and several other amazing attractions including a small charming town that has several facilities like restaurants, bars, and shops.

Besides skiing, Whistler also offers several other amazing adventures like hiking and ziplining.

  • More things to enjoy: Mountain biking, winter sports, gondola rides, mountain climbing, golfing

Related: 10 Reasons To Visit Whistler, Canada This Winter

Okanagan Valley

The Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, is an exciting destination to spend quality outdoor time. The valley is filled with evergreen forests, lush vineyards, and beautiful laid-back villages with pine-forested hills.

It also encompasses the Okanagan Lake, where water sports like kayaking, paddling, and fishing are active in summer. The lake is home to dozens of beaches suited for picnics, sunbathing, sightseeing, and strolling. In the winter, the valley is a hotspot for skiing at the Big White and Crystal Mountain Ski resorts.

  • More things to enjoy: Boating, hiking, train rides, wine tasting,

Big Muddy Badlands, Saskatchewan

The Big Muddy Badlands in Saskatchewan offers the ideal wilderness experience and nature's unspoiled beauty. Here, visitors will find ancient caves, cliffs, peaks, and a 200 feet Castle Butte, made of sandstone and compressed clay that rises to the sky.

The Badland is also a historical site with the famous Buffalo Jumps, a place where buffalos were forced to jump off cliffs. The area also encompasses the Big Muddy Valley, Big Muddy Lake, and the Buffalo Effigy, all iconic sites worth visiting.

Exploring the vast wilderness here on hikes and treks can satiate one's hunger for the outdoors.

  • More things to enjoy: Cave exploration, hiking, train rides

Capilano Suspension Bridge Park

The Capilano Suspension Bridge that crosses over the Capilano River in Vancouver is a paradise for outdoor buffs. This iconic bridge passes through a rainforest filled with lush cedar trees and other flourishing giant trees that ooze their scents into the atmosphere.

It features seven suspended footbridges for sweeping views of the entire forest as one takes the glorious walk. There's a cliff walk 300 feet high that offers a bird's eye view of the entire vegetation and river, sending rushes of adrenaline down the body. Crossing this bridge is truly adventurous and unites one with nature.

  • More things to enjoy: Birdwatching, and hiking

Tofino, Vancouver Island

Tofino is a small picturesque resort town in Vancouver Island, British Columbia, that attracts tons of tourists all year round. The coastline of this town is a playing field for outdoor enthusiasts who love water sports activities.

Surfing the ocean, sunbathing, hiking, watching whales, and fishing are the top activities here. For more excitement, one can take a boat to Marquinna Marine Provincial Park, where its natural hot springs are a delight to experience.

The Big Trail on Meares Island, accessible by boat or kayak, is another hotspot for outdoor recreation, with a boardwalk through a lush forest.

  • More things to enjoy: Beach walking, surfing, amazing dining, shopping

Bay Of Fundy

The Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick is one of Canada's natural wonders . The Bay is notable for its low and high tides that make its shores a high point of interest.

Here, visitors will find the interesting Hopewell Rocks where visitors can observe the tidal movements, take amazing pictures and feel the wonders of nature. Plus, the beaches and shores of Fundy Bay are home to some interesting fossils.

  • Things to enjoy: Whale watching, kayaking, and hiking

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is perhaps the most famous natural attraction in Canada. When in Canada, visitors can visit the waterfalls from Ontario and enjoy the several amazing adventures and incredible natural scenery the attraction offers.

At Niagara Falls, there are opportunities for exciting activities like zip lining, helicopter riding, and hiking. There are also opportunities for boat tours and visitors can even climb the Skylon Observatory Tower for incredible views of the waterfalls.

  • More things to enjoy: Golfing, relaxation at a spa, amazing dining, wine tasting

Related: Niagara Falls: 10 Differences Between The Canadian & U.S. Sides

Banff National Park

Banff National Park is the oldest in Canada and one of the most thrilling destinations in the country to experience outdoor adventures. Regardless of the season one decides to visit, the park has amazing scenery and plenty of activities to offer .

Everything from glaciers to mountains, valleys, alpines, forests, wildlife, ice fields, and lakes can be found here, and these natural endowments present a long list of amazing experiences for any visitor.

From hiking and swimming to kayaking and paddling, the park is a playground for outdoor adventures and one can also explore the town of Banff before or after visiting the national park.

  • More things to enjoy: Wildlife watching, shopping, gondola rides, hiking

10 Best Places To Visit In Canada If You Love Nature And Outdoor Adventures


  1. Best Time to Visit Churchill Manitoba

    best time to visit churchill manitoba

  2. Visit Churchill & Northern Manitoba, Canada

    best time to visit churchill manitoba

  3. A Complete Guide To Churchill Manitoba: Polar Bears, Belugas and More

    best time to visit churchill manitoba

  4. Visit Churchill & Northern Manitoba, Canada

    best time to visit churchill manitoba

  5. Exploring on Foot: Hiking in Churchill, Manitoba

    best time to visit churchill manitoba

  6. Best Time to Visit Churchill Manitoba for Hudson Bay Polar Bears

    best time to visit churchill manitoba


  1. A Churchill calendar: When to see what

    Churchill, an isolated town in Manitoba's north, is a magnet for outdoor adventurers and nature lovers. ... Best time to go: February to March. It's 2 a.m. and -20 degrees Celsius outside. The northern sky is clear and the darkness thick. A fluorescent green swirl unfurls across the black. ... A visit to Manitoba means travelling through ...

  2. The COMPLETE Guide for Visiting Churchill, Manitoba

    Churchill is a polar bear capital and a Northern Lights destination in Northern Manitoba. Learn about its history, weather, attractions, and how to get there by plane or train.

  3. Best Time to Visit Churchill Manitoba for Hudson Bay Polar Bears

    Learn when and how to visit Churchill Manitoba for the best wildlife viewing. Find out the best time to see polar bears, beluga whales, northern lights and more in this arctic frontier town.

  4. Churchill's wildest seasons: when to see what

    Most people are drawn to northern Manitoba by virtue of three wonders of nature: beluga whales, polar bears, and the aurora borealis. Each year, outdoor enthusiasts and nature seekers make the trip north to the isolated town of Churchill for the chance to snorkel with belugas, watch polar bears spar, and gaze in awe at the iridescent Northern Lights.

  5. The ULTIMATE guide to polar bear season in Churchill, Manitoba

    Flights: A flight with Calm Air from Winnipeg to Churchill takes approximately 2 hours. Some flights stop in Rankin Inlet, which adds a few hours onto the trip total. Train: Via Rail offers train service from Winnipeg to Churchill, leaving every Sunday and Tuesday from the VIA Rail Station in Winnipeg and arriving in Churchill 48 hours later ...

  6. The best time to visit Churchill, Manitoba

    Churchill is a remote destination with various attractions depending on the season. Learn when to visit for polar bears, beluga whales, northern lights, birdwatching, and more.

  7. Churchill travel

    Explore Churchill holidays and discover the best time and places to visit. Explore Churchill holidays and discover the best time and places to visit. Lonely Planet. Destinations. Planning. Inspiration. Shop. Search. Saves. Open main menu ... Remote and rugged adventures in Churchill, Manitoba. Aug 30, 2018 • 5 min read. Food.

  8. The Best Time to Visit Churchill

    Churchill is a northern Manitoba city that offers stunning views of the aurora borealis, polar bears, beluga whales and Arctic birds. Learn when to visit Churchill based on your travel preferences and how to get there by plane or train.

  9. A Complete Guide To Churchill Manitoba: Polar Bears, Belugas, and More!

    The first step in your Churchill do-it-yourself itinerary will be figuring out the best way to get to Churchill Manitoba. Although Churchill is a popular destination, there are no roads that lead here. ... The only options for travel to Churchill Manitoba are via air and train. ... Dog sledding is a time-honored northern experience.

  10. 24 Things to Do in Churchill Manitoba

    Book a Tundra Buggy Day Trip with Frontiers North here. 2. Keep an Eye Out for Other Arctic Wildlife. In addition to polar bears, Churchill, Manitoba is home to a variety of other Arctic wildlife, including arctic foxes, wolves, caribou, moose, and beluga whales.

  11. Best Time to Visit Churchill: Weather and Temperatures. 10 Months to

    Between january and june the climate is very bad.In average, on the morning it is 41°F and, in june, 4 days of rain are expected. Between the months of july and august the climate is correct.At lunchtime, it's 58°F in average and it rains about 21% of the time in august.

  12. 9 Tips For Watching The Polar Bears Migrate In Churchill, Manitoba

    1. Layer Up. The wind is fierce. Bring clothes to layer like hoodies, t-shirts, a neck warmer, and extra socks. Pack two of everything, like two hats, two pairs of gloves, and an extra scarf. When I embarked on this bucket list experience, the temperature was mild, just over 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

  13. The Ultimate Guide to Polar Bear Tours in Churchill Manitoba

    The three leading outfitters providing multi-day tours are: Lazy Bear Expeditions. Frontiers North Adventures. Natural Habitat Adventures. Lazy Bear Expeditions is a family-owned business based in Churchill. Frontiers North Adventures, also family-owned, is headquartered in Winnipeg with an office in Churchill.

  14. 4 Best Churchill Manitoba Tours to See Polar Bears, Belugas, and

    1. Classic 5-Night Churchill Polar Bear Adventure. 2. Belugas, Bears and Blooms in Churchill Manitoba. 3. Northern Lights Winter Nights Adventure. 4. Churchill: Exclusive Tundra Buggy Day Trip. Classic 5-Night Churchill Polar Bear Adventure.

  15. 3 Spectacular Seasons of Churchill, Manitoba: When to See Polar Bears

    Polar bears — July to November. Photo: Cody Doucette. Polar bear viewing kicks off in July, and your chances of seeing multiple bears tick up as the months progress. During summer viewing, visitors may catch a glimpse of a lone bear around town, but traveling up the Hudson Bay coastline will yield much better results.

  16. Complete Guide to Watching Polar Bears in Churchill, Manitoba

    Summers (July to September) are surprisingly comfortable, with temperatures usually around 15 to 20 degrees Celsius (59 to 68°F). This is the best time to visit if you want to see the beluga whales. In the fall (October to early November), the temperatures start to drop again but are still manageable.

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    The first few weeks of polar bear season in Churchill are characterized by fall colors on the tundra and the arrival of bears from the entire western Hudson Bay ecosystem. The bears tend to be curious about our presence. Weather is generally a little warmer than later in the season, allowing visitors to explore the historic town of Churchill in ...

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    Compiled by the Road Trip Manitoba team. Last updated on January 17, 2024. Churchill, Manitoba, often dubbed "the polar bear capital of the world" (and the best spot to see polar bears in Canada), is one of Manitoba's most incredible locations.There are very few places around the world where you can see so many polar bears and beluga whales in the wild, so it's no wonder that Churchill ...

  19. Golden Time to See Polar Bears in Churchill

    The best time is during the most prolonged and darkest nights of the year, which fall between January and March. ... Summer is a beautiful time to visit Churchill in Manitoba, with highs of around 15 to 20 degrees expected on most days in July and August. The face of travel is changing rapidly.

  20. 10 Best Places To Visit In Canada If You Love Nature And Outdoor ...

    Explore the polar bear capital of the world in Churchill, Manitoba and witness the amazing sights of polar bears during fall. Don't miss the opportunity for whale watching and year-round views of ...

  21. How to Make the Most of Your Visit to Clear Lake in Summer 2024

    Take time to explore the town shops for unique gifts, local goods and exclusive Clear Lake Country merchandise. ... For the best of land and water, hike the Brûlé Trail to Kinosao Lake. Make your way through the forest and over a series of boardwalks to find the lake and a first-come-first-serve canoe. ... A visit to Manitoba means travelling ...