45 of the Best Travel Books That Inspire Wanderlust

I love reading a great book especially if it takes place somewhere that I dream of traveling to . I am always looking for the best travel books that inspire wanderlust so I asked my fellow travel bloggers to name their favorite inspirational books about travel.

Whether looking for books that inspire you to travel or the best books to read while traveling, here are 45 of the best travel books every traveler needs to have on their reading list.

The Best Travel Books of All Time That Inspire Wanderlust

Best Travel Books

on the road is one of the best travel books of all time

The ultimate travel book is the nomad’s bible. I’m talking about On the Road by Jack Kerouac. This book is fast-paced (some might say rambling) but no other piece of travel literature so evokes the spirit of adventure and excitement that travel brings. It is especially descriptive and inspiring with regards to the quintessential American road trip . Follow Sal Paradise and his kooky, often drug-addled friends in a cross-country quest for something deep, spiritual, and unforgettable.

shantaram top books about travel

There are few pieces of modern travel literature that has captivated readers around the world in quite the same way as Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. The part-truth, part-fiction novel tells the story of an Australian convict named Lin who escapes prison and ends up in Bombay, India. His journey is both poetic and chaotic as he learns about his new environment and surrounding culture while living in the slums. Roberts’ writing is breathtaking, and his descriptive and elegant style transports the reader directly into the heart of bustling Indian society.

alchemist one of the best travel books of all time

“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”

When it comes to book that will make you want to pack your bags and chase your dreams, you really won’t find anything better than Paulo Coelho’s legendary tale found in “The Alchemist”.  It’s a quick and easy read (less than 200 pages), but it’s chalk full of inspirational travel quotes , life lessons, and thought provoking questions.  It was recommended to me by a friend, and once I finished it — I was only mad at myself for not reading it sooner.  It may be one of the most famous travel books out there, and it’s for good reason.  If you haven’t read this one yet, than don’t wait any longer!  It’s truly something special!

The Art of Travel is one of the best travel books of all time

We are inundated with advice on where to travel to, but we hear little of why and how we should go, even though the art of travel seems naturally to sustain a number of questions neither so simple nor so trivial…” writes Alain De Botton in ‘The Art of Travel’ . The book is neither a guide book nor an account of experience in far away places. Rather it is journal about how our thoughts and our very being is affected by the ‘not so simple’ act of travel. The book definitely creates a craving to leave everything and travel to far off places. But what it does better is being a companion who that helps you put in words exactly what you felt while travelling.

Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail  by Cheryl Strayed

best travel books

If there is one ‘wild’ travel book you should read this year, it’s Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed. While the travel movie starring Reese Witherspoon is good, the book goes a mountain canyon beyond. Cheryl Strayed’s gritty portrayal of herself as a broken woman seeking redemption through nature and physical challenge is both a nail-biting travel adventure and a literary masterstroke. The way she entwines her inner journey with the harsh awe-inspiring landscape is, to my mind, inspiring. You won’t just find yourself rooting for her through every snowy pass and rocky trail, you’ll want to get out there and do it yourself.

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

into the wild one of the best books about travel

Gabor Kovacs, Surfing the Planet

Into the Wild is probably one of the best motivational books for those who want to travel with the objective of finding themselves. In Jon Krakauer’s book we can read about Christopher McCandless’ real story, who after his university graduation decided to get rid of all his material possessions and set out on a great adventure completely alone. McCandless was found dead in Alaska and this book tells us his tragic adventure based on his diary and the author’s investigations. Into the Wild teaches us a lot about life and makes us reflect on what we really want from it. Despite the tragic end, I enjoyed reading every bit of this adventure, which made me desire to live something like that.

The Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho

the pilgrimage book about travel

Claudia Tavani, My Adventures Across the World

The Pilgrimage tells the story of Paulo as he walks his way to Santiago in what is both a journey and a self-discovery experience. To this date, it is still one of the books that most inspired me to travel, not only to discover new, beautiful places but also to better understand myself.  While traveling became a way of life for me – as a result of a long trip across Central and South America in which I had plenty of time to think and figure out what I wanted to do with my life – it actually took me much longer to eventually walk the Camino de Santiago. I walked the Camino del Norte (the Northern route) to Santiago de Compostela last summer and, needless to say, it was an incredible, enlightening experience.

Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino

invicible cities one of the best books for travel lovers

Allison, Eternal Arrival

Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino is a masterpiece, somewhere between poetry and fiction. The narrator, a young Marco Polo, entertains Kublai Khan with stories of intriguing cities, each more impossible sounding than the next. As the book goes on, it becomes more and more fantastical, leaving you wondering whether or not any of these cities exist at all — or whether they’re all one city described in various ways from the vivid imagination of a young traveler. Calvino’s lush prose makes this question almost irrelevant, and after reading this short but sweet novella you’ll be left wanderlusting for all these impossibly beautiful cities. To be able to describe a city the way Calvino does these “invisible cities” is a lifelong pursuit.

A Fortune Teller Told Me by Tiziano Terzani

best travel books to inspire wanderlust

Barbara Wagner, Jet-Settera

Tiziano Terzani’s A Fortune Teller Told Me is a book about an Italian journalist who travels across Asia and consults some of the most famous fortune-tellers of Asia along the journey. He consulted shamans, soothsayers and sorcerers during his travels. One of the fortune tellers in Hong Kong told him that he should not get on a plane for a year, because the plane would crash, so he ended up traveling across Asia taking trains, boats, cars. The book describes his journey across Burma, Thailand , Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore , and Malaysia over land.

Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

best books for travel lovers

Samantha, There She Goes Again

This incredibly complex book takes place over the decades, with the two main threads taking place during the sixties in southern Italy and present day Hollywood. The whole book is rife with nods to the entertainment industry, both in the height of its glamourous days to a sarcastic view of its current reality-ridden state. Walter is great at invoking the various settings, and this is best seen in his descriptions of southern Italy. It’s so beautiful, so nostalgic, you want to book your ticket to Positano as soon as you’re done reading!

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

eat pray love one of the best books about travel and self discovery

They say most good books are based on a true story, and Eat, Pray, Love is exactly that and one each person can identify with.

It is a story of a woman who decides to end her marriage and go on a journey of discovery around the world and food for her soul. Set in three beautiful locations of the world Italy (Eat), India (Pray) and Bali (Love). We follow Elizabeth on her travels while she eats bowls of pasta and gelato which leave one instantly hungry and craving all the things she goes searching for in this book. Each part of the journey literally inspires one to book a ticket and go do their own Eat, Pray, Love trip. India a land of miracles and temples gives us a glimpse of the arranged marriage ceremonies while in Bali one learns to open their heart and love again.

The book not only inspires one to travel but also to follow their dreams. Life is too short not to eat that gelato or fall in love with a tall dark stranger.

Verushka Ramasami, Spice Goddess Blog

The Motorcycle Diaries by Che Guevara

the motorcycle diaries best travel diary

Himanshu, Everything Candid

The Motor Cycle Diaries written by Che Guevara is a cult book and thus a must read for every travel loving soul. It has all the elements to ignite wander thirst within you and put you in a whirlwind of thoughts that will make you travel. It’s a frank account of an inquisitive traveler who experiences the amusing world and that changes himself forever.

This book is a travel journal written by revolutionary hero Che Guevara when he was 23 years old and decided to travel the world with his friend Alberto riding their old motorcycle they christened “the Mighty One”. During their 9 months of travel on battered road of Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela to do their medical residency and serve at leprosy colonies of Latin America. His narration of his experiences are free-spirited and original to the core just like his shaping-up rebellion nature.

This book has all the elements that define a perfect road trip and make you realize how you can explore your true self by traveling across geographies and meeting different people. This journey, thus, transformed Che and by the end of journey it was clear what would be his destiny. This high-spirited book is an impactful read and an inspiring tale of a great legend in the making. A truly iconic book by a larger than life icon from last century.

A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail by Bill Bryson

travel inspiration books include a walk in the woods

Nisha Jha, Lemonicks

A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson has to be my book which inspires wanderlust. If you are into hiking or love outdoors, this book is for you. The author Bill Bryson tries to take the Appalachian Trail stretching from Georgia and has a hilarious take on it. The book is written in a humorous style, with more serious discussions and curiosity relating to the trail.

The book teaches us about our co-travelers and how it could be, in some cases, a daunting experience. The goals, outlook could be different. At times, you need to discard many things which are really not needed. He has wonderfully described the natural beauty of majestic mountains, silent forests, sparking lakes.

The Places Inbetween by Rory Stewart

The Places In Between travel diary

Alice, Teacake Travels

There’s nothing I love more than going to countries people tell you you shouldn’t go to. There are a lot of stereotypes and misconceptions out there about what a country is really like, how the people are and your level of safety once you’re there. Understandably, some countries are more dangerous than others but I feel we shouldn’t leave them alone and books like The Places Inbetween keep my wanderlust for these countries pulsing. Rory Stewart’s amazing account of his walk across Afghanistan in 2002 following the US invasion is a unique insight into this fascinating country and I love how personal it is. Like all good stories, it’s the local people that really make it.

In Xanadu – A Quest by William Dalrymple

best travel books of all time

Maria, Maria Abroad

In Xanadu – A Quest  is a personal travel memoir of William Dalrymple’s journey along Marco Polo’s footsteps from Jerusalem to Xanadu, the summer palace of Kubla Khan. As an avid traveler, Dalrymple spends his summer break from Cambridge to take an overland journey from Jerusalem to Aleppo, to Eastern Turkey, across Iran and Pakistan, and finally through China until his final destination – Xanadu. Along the way he shares his encounters with locals and other travelers, funny stories, bureaucratic hurdles and historic insights on the places he visits.

Can We Live Here?: Finding a Home in Paradise by Sarah Alderson

books about travel and self discovery

Jolene and Andrzej Ejmont, Wanderlust Storytellers

‘’In 2009, Sarah and John Alderson quit their full-time jobs in London and headed off, with Alula, their three-year-old daughter, on a global adventure to find a new home.’’

It is easy to connect with Sarah as you read her witty novel about what it is like to give up your job and to chase adventure in life!  Her story is honest and real; one can’t help but feel inspired to chase a similar lifestyle! But mostly to simply be brave enough to follow your dreams! Destinations you will read about include: London, India, Australia, USA , Bali and more!

the red quest top book about travel

Rohan Cahill-Fleury, Travels of a Bookpacker

The story of a man determined to visit all the countries in the former Soviet Union. Some are popular tourist destinations e.g.  Czech Republic but he also travels to some more ‘off the beaten track’ locations such as Kyrgyzstan and Moldova.

It provides interesting account of local life in these countries as well as the practicalities and issues traveling there as a tourist. There is some simple, easy to follow history of each country explained as well as interesting anecdotes. You’ll find yourself adding countries to your travel list you’d never considered before!

A Sense of the World: How a Blind Man Became History’s Greatest Traveler by Jason Roberts

best books about travel

This biography follows the life of James Holman, a British guy who went blind during the course of his life but wasn’t discouraged by it and travelled the world anyway. Known in the 19th century as the “Blind Traveller”, he hopped on sailing boats across the oceans, crossed Siberia until he overstayed his welcome, and got invited to explore South America . His books were both despised and celebrated by his contemporaries. Unfortunately, many works have not survived to this day – hence the man’s obscurity. This budget-minded, nifty and unstoppable fellow is one to read about. After picking up your jaw, you’ll likely travel with a changed perspective.

Iris, Mind of a Hitchhiker

The Adventures of Tintin by Hergé

best travel books children

Inma,  A World to Travel

As a very visual person , the first books I read – if you want to call them that – were indeed comics. I would literally read one or two daily as the local library was a few steps away from my home and – newsflash! – travel ones were my favorite of them all. The Adventures of Tintin by Belgian cartoonist Hergé was a comic series that took me to Egypt, Congo, Tibet and even the Moon before I turned 8. Such great memories!

Around the World in 50 Years: My Adventure to Every Country on Earth by Albert Poddel

around the world in 50 years best travel adventure books

Megan and Mike from  Mapping Megan  and  Waking Up Wild

This is an inspiring story of an ordinary guy who visited every country on Earth. He survived riots, revolutions, civil wars, trigger-happy child soldiers, robbers, pickpockets, corrupt cops, voodoo priests and Cape buffalo. He went around, under, or through every kind of earthquake, cyclone, tsunami, volcanic eruption, snowstorm, and sandstorm that nature threw at him. He ate everything from old camel meat, rats, dung beetles and the brain of a live monkey.  And he overcame attacks by crocodiles, hippos, anacondas and several girlfriends who insisted he stop this nonsense and marry them.

This is a remarkable and meaningful tale of quiet courage, dogged persistence, undying determination, and an uncanny ability to escape from one perilous situation after another and return with some of the most memorable, frightening and hilarious adventure stories you have ever read.

The World by hitchhiking: 5 years at the University of Life by Ludovic Hubler

travel memoirs

After business school, Ludovic decided to get on the road to get a Life PhD. His hitchhiking tour of the world ended up lasting for 5 years during which he also experimented with boat-hitching and  ice-breaker hitching  – A story full of beautiful life lessons in kindness and inspirational meetings, including one with the Dalaï-lama.

Covering 59 countries around the world and people of all background, this book inspires wanderlust not only to seek new landscapes but new connections and understanding of life. It is a book that makes you want to meet all mankind. But be careful, after reading it you will have a strong urge to pack a bag and lift your thumb!

Claire,  ZigZag On Earth Travel Blog

Without Reservations by Alice Steinbach

Without Reservations book about travel

Penny Sadler,  Adventures of a Carry-on

Without Reservations, by Alice Steinbach, is THE book that I credit with giving me a chronic case of wanderlust. Perhaps because I suspect she and I are close in age, I could relate to her observations of the people she met in her travels, and her self observations. Her writing is so sensual, I always felt I was right there with her — in Paris, Italy and England. This paragraph is beautifully descriptive it made me want to go and have my own adventures.

“Last night on the way home from a concert at Sainte-Chapelle, I stopped on the Pont Royal to watch the moon struggle through a cloudy night sky.

From the bridge my eyes followed the lights of a tourist boat as it moved like a glowworm across the water.  Here in Paris, I have no agenda; here I can fall into step with whatever rhythm presents itself. I had forgotten how wonderful it is to stand on a bridge and catch the scent of rain in the air. I had forgotten how much I need to be a part of water, wind, sky.”

Love with a Chance of Drowning by Torre DeRoche

love with a chance of drowning is one of the best travel inspiration books

Liz, Lizzie Meets World

Even if you’re not a fan of chick lit, you’ll love Torre DeRoche’s “Love with a Chance of Drowning.” It’s a love story wrapped in adventure, delivered with a healthy dose of humor and innuendos. DeRoche takes you through the gorgeous remote islands of the Pacific while riding on a leaky boat, as she shares her greatest fears and how she conquers them. This book will have you laughing and crying (cry-laughing even) and dreaming of palm trees and blue seas.

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlo Ruiz Zafón

travel novel

Carlos Ruiz Zafón’s most acclaimed novel, The Shadows of the Wind, is a magnificent book about a young boy whose life revolved around Barcelona where he eventually found himself in a tangle of mystery and drama. I can’t tell much because you have to read it actually to feel what I’m talking about.

So, how did this particular book inspired me to travel? It made me intrigued about Barcelona. So intrigued that I invited myself to join my friends who already planned their trip to the mystery city – they had to change plans to fit me in, but they were a real sport about it. Also, my visit to Barcelona ignited my passion for travel and also it is the place where I swore I’ll make it a goal to enjoy whatever our pretty wild world can offer us.

Evan, Pretty Wild World

The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

4 hour workweek shows you how to become a digital nomad

In an era today where we mostly go to work for around 9 hours a day, and spend another few hours preparing for work, and even commuting to/from it, Tim Ferris gives us a chance to open our mindset that we can actually have a 4 hour work week instead of a 40 hour one. Four hours a week to work anywhere we want. Sounds too good to be true? It really isn’t. By working remotely, creating businesses and putting systems in place, you, as a business owner/worker, can actually do whatever you want. Most people who want to travel full time but are just wondering how to fund their travels can definitely pick up this book to become inspired, and eventually become a full time nomad.

Ruby,  A Journey We Love

Delaying The Real World by Colleen Kinder

delaying the real world book

I read this book by Colleen Kinder towards the end of my college career. This book was immensely responsible for a change in my beliefs of how life worked after graduation. Delaying The Real World is “a twentysomething’s guide to seeking adventure.” Within its pages, you will find hundreds of suggestions for things you could do around the world, other than heading straight into a cubicle. Suggestions include wanderlust-inspiring options such as teaching English abroad, working on a cruise ship, building homes in villages, or leading tour groups. There are also tons of helpful websites and inspiring anecdotes from real people living out adventurous lives. I highly recommend this book to anyone bitten by the travel bug, and looking for a way to make life an adventure.

Brianna,  Archives of Adventure

Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel by Rolf Potts

books for travellers

In 2013, my boyfriend and I planned to quit our jobs and go for a RTW trip for a year. We were reading dozens of travel guides, found some travel blogs and hosted lots of people from different countries via Couchsurfing community so we could learn about their lands and traditions.

And then we discovered the Vagabonding. Without any exaggeration, the book changed our lives. It gave us not only necessary courage to leave our comfortable life in Germany and set off for an adventure, but it also proved that long-term travel is a lifestyle. A fascinating lifestyle!

Rolf Potts will guide you, he will warn you, he’ll give you plenty of practical advice, and he’ll definitely inspire you to hit the road.

Ivana Greslikova & Gianni Bianchini, Nomad is Beautiful

It’s Only the Himalayas: And Other Tales of Miscalculation from an Overconfident Backpacker by S. Bedford

books about travel and self discovery travel memoir

One of the most recent books that inspired wanderlust was “It’s Only the Himalayas: And Other Tales of Miscalculation from an Overconfident Backpacker”. This laugh-out-loud travel memoir by Sue Bedford chronicles her year long adventures and misadventures with her best friend.

In her book, Sue details her close encounters with a lion, epic fails and triumphs trekking to Annapurna Base Camp with her dad, and her steamy romances in Asia. Since I’ve never backpacked across the world, this book gave me a lot of insight on both the challenges and amazing experiences to have on this type of journey.

This book also inspired me to travel with my mom. Since reading this book, we’ve traveled to Bermuda, Italy and Switzerland together. As Sue describes in the “It’s Only the Himalayas” author interview, traveling with your parents builds on your friendship and strengthens your bond.

Danielle,  The Thought Card

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

science fiction book about travel

A book that completely captured my imagination and wandering spirit and inspired me to explore regions of the earth I never thought I would surf in was 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The tale of adventure and discovery helped inspire me to go surfing in places like Iceland, Africa and numerous small islands in the Pacific. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea goes into the underwater exploration of almost every region of the globe it describes an underwater world that is almost impossible to comprehend yet drove my imagination wild. From navigating under ice in the Antarctica to fending off natives off the islands of Papua New Guinea and exploring the Corals of the Red Sea it is a tale of travel and adventure that has transcended centuries and stays relevant today.

Dane,  Holiday From Where

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

best travel novels

Heart of Darkness might sound like an odd choice when naming books that inspire wanderlust, but for me it did just that. It reminded me of the raw, real, tough travel that backpackers make through developing countries, getting right into the middle of the unknown and making their own pathway through. In the book the subjects are travelling by boat through the jungles of Congo, and the further down stream they get the higher the sense of danger. Things just keep getting weirder and weirder and you begin to feel as if they are descending into a madness. The book is dirty and gritty, but so eloquently written that it transports you deep into the heart of Congo and sits you right next to the authors alter ego – Marlow.

Crystal, Castaway With Crystal

Around India in 80 Trains by Monisha Rajesh

around india in 80 trains

Less a travel guide than an odyssey of self-discovery, Around India in 80 Trains is the account of a British woman of Indian origin who returns to travel the country she left as a child.

In a largely unplanned journey she visits the four corners of India’s train network by taking as many different trains as possible, from the crush of Mumbai’s commuter trains to a truly special hospital carriage.

While Monisha doesn’t have the easiest of journeys, the sheer variety of the places she sees and the effervescent people she meets puts India near the top of my travel list.  I’ll definitely be taking the train when I visit.  And if a spiritual awakening is thrown in too, so much the better.

Emily, from Kids and Compass

Holy Cow: An Indian Adventure by Sarah Macdonald

Holy Cow An Indian Adventure

Holy Cow: An Indian Adventure is a hilarious memoir about a journalist’s unanticipated return to India; the country she hated and vowed never to visit again.

The book follows Sarah as she tries to settle into a new life in Delhi and documents all the culture shock and frustrations that go with it. Having already visited India , I found myself laughing out loud because I could completely relate to her story.

Sarah does a great job of bringing all the smells, colours, sounds and chaos of India straight to the hands of the reader, while also thoughtfully and light-heartedly explaining the many faiths and religions that embody the country.

This book makes the eccentricities of India seem so endearing that you’ll want to book your flight and experience them for yourself!

Nicole. Wee Gypsy Girl

The Beach by Alex Garland

the beach one of the best books to read while traveling

The Beach is a story of American and European backpackers who found a paradise in an island in Thailand. The island features an untouched beach and lagoon. It is part of a huge marine park, making it inaccessible to tourists. There they lived in a secret small community, doing idyllic chores everyday – planting, fishing and construction – until this thin slice of civilization crumbles through a series of incidents. The Beach is written in 1996 but remains a classic. It fulfills the wish of every modern backpacker: getting out of the race for an authentic experience and finding a beautiful, unspoilt paradise that’s in no danger of turning into a typical commercialized tourist attraction.

Katherine,  Tara Lets Anywhere

The Promise of Iceland by Kari Gislason

travel book about iceland

Long before I traveled to Iceland, it was a destination which fascinated me for its unknownness and unusualness. I read everything I could, but my favourite was a memoir by half-Australian, half-Icelandic author Kari Gislason , called The Promise of Iceland. Gislason was born in Reykjavik but left at age ten; he returned in his late twenties to track down his father and his regular explorations of many significant parts of Iceland convinced me that it was a place I absolutely had to visit. The book is the perfect mix of intriguing story and sightseeing, and will definitely get you booking an Iceland trip as soon as possible.

Amanda, Not a Ballerina

The Year of the Hare by Arto Paasilinna

book about traveling to finland

The book that sparked my interest about Finland is The Year of the Hare written by Arto Paasilinna, one of the most famous Finnish novels. It’s the story of a frustrated journalist who hits a hare with his car, then decides to rescue it and moves to the countryside together with the hare. It inspired me because it’s a fun story, and it talks about the love that Finnish people have for their nature. Visit Helsinki in winter  and you’ll see what I mean – Finns like to enjoy nature even when it’s -30 outside!

Margherita Ragg, The Crowded Planet

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

books about traveling to finland

For anyone who has read The Millennium Trilogy, which includes The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, you would be aware it is a crime book that is rather dark, which then opens the question, why would this book inspire wanderlust? Well for me, the book obviously did but for a slightly strange and odd reason. As an Aussie, snow is foreign and rare to us down in the sunburnt country. Reading this book, however, opened my mind to the beauty of snow and what I could experience. Since then I have been attracted to the cold and the cool white fluffy stuff. I have fallen in love with it so much I will be embarking on a trip to Antarctica.

Lauren,  The Traveller’s Guide By #ljojlo

A Year in Provence  by Peter Mayle

A Year in Provence

Amy, A Traveling Broad

Whether you’ve been to France or not, you’ll be drawn into this best-selling memoir by Peter Mayle. In it, he regales readers with tales of his year he lived in a 200 year old stone farmhouse in southeastern France with his wife and dogs. His wit and humor make the book an easy and enjoyable read. His vivid descriptions of people, places and things makes it easy for readers to see things through his eyes. His stories include his first experience with “le mistral” (a violent, cold northwesterly wind); his initial resistance to French customs such as kissing hello; and his interactions with a local construction crew. “A Year in Provence” offers readers a glimpse of life in this beautiful region of France, making you want to buy a ticket when you’re done.

My Life in France by Julia Child

book about living in france

This will not inspire you to take the road and travel but it will definitely make you curious about how the French eat, cook, sleep and cook. It really is true — France is a country that will teach you how to cook. When Julia arrived in France, she didn’t know anything about cooking (nor spoke a single French word) and I kind of resemble to that experience. I did a culinary trip in South America for 3.5 years and when I came back home, my mother was surprised that I already know how to fry an egg properly. Believe me, I never learned to cook back home because my grandmother and mother are pretty good at it. My siblings and I didn’t bother learning at all.

That trip also made me very fluent in Spanish — something I never thought I will be capable of. In Julia’s book, it is highlighted that when you are surrounded by a certain culture for a long time, you will definitely know how to adapt and adjust to its setting. I think this is one of the best reasons to travel and to keep traveling.

Trisha,  PS I’m On My Way

Shopping for Buddhas: An Adventure in Nepal by Jeff Greenwald

books for travelers

Lance and Laura Longwell, Travel Addicts

Over 25 years ago, I discovered the Jeff Greenwald book, Shopping for Buddhas:  An Adventure in Nepal.  I would soon be moving to Nepal for a study abroad program and was riveted by the story of shopping for the perfect Buddha statue.  Less than a year later, I would find myself in Nepal exploring the back alleys of Kathmandu and Bhaktapur in the early days of the civil war .

The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiessen

best travel diaries

Peter Matthiessen was a CIA agent and a co-founder of the literary magazine The Paris Review. He was also a student of Zen Buddhism, which he explores in this classic travel book. In 1973 Matthiessen trekked in the remote mountains of Nepal with a field biologist friend, who was there to study the Himalayan blue sheep. During this trek they hoped to see the rare snow leopard. He writes about the harsh physical challenges of the trip, and on life and death, and practicing Buddhism. Even though they travel through such challenging conditions, this book really made me want to go to Nepal .

James Clark, Nomadic Notes

Funny Boy by Shyam Selvadurai

book about traveling to sri lanka

One of our favourite books that inspired wanderlust, specifically for Sri Lanka, was “Funny Boy”, written by Shyam Selvadurai. It is almost an autobiographical story about a young Tamil gay boy growing up in 1980s Sri Lanka during the civil war era, struggling to come to grips with his homosexuality in a very religious and traditional family and society.

It’s a really good insight into what it was like in the country during these awful civil war years. In addition for LGBT travellers, it is particularly insightful to read, mainly because since the 1980s, the country has not changed at all with regards to LGBT rights. It’s still illegal to be gay in Sri Lanka and many of the issues faced by Arjy are still the case today.

Stefan and Sebastien, Nomadic Boys

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

kite runner

The book is set in Afghanistan and talks about an unlikely friendship between a wealthy Pashtun kid, Amir and his servant Hassan and their relationship growing up. The book traverses through the past and present with Amir making a decision to travel back to his homeland from the United States, his current adopted home to save the life of his friend’s son. The story is fascinating, not just for its strong characterization but also for the vivid portrayal of life growing up in this vastly unexplored country. The country has been in the news for all the wrong reasons but this book makes sure every reader is transported back to the beautiful country it was before the conflict tore it apart and made it what it is in now – a picture of warzone ruin. It remains one of our favorite books and incites wanderlust for the simple reason, the beauty we take for granted today, might not be available to see tomorrow.

Rishabh Shah, Gypsy Couple

The Caliph’s House: A Year in Casablanca by Tahir Shah

best travel books about morocco

This travel book is about culture, traditions and challenges faced by an Afghan person who convinced his wife to escape the stable life in UK and shift with the whole family to unpredictable Morocco. The main hero buys one of the posh old houses “Dar Khalifa” in Casablanca. As the house was missing residents for many years it started slowly falling into pieces. The hero decides to return the glory and the prosperity to the house. To achieve this goal he needs to confront local peculiarities of lifestyle and working culture. Tahir Shah describes different sides of Morocco: its colors, feelings, history and, of course, superstitions.

Natalia, mytriphack

A House in Fez by Suzanna Clarke

books about traveling to morocco

Tamason,  Travelling Book Junkie

Have you ever fell in love with a country so much that you imagine one day moving there?  This is exactly what happened to Suzanna and her husband. During a trip to Morocco they fell in love with the African country enough to purchase a property and rather than just using it as a holiday home, they decided to immerse themselves completely into the Moroccan way of life.

Without being able to speak Arabic, they move to the city of Fez, a city not necessarily known for its touristic pull, purchase a tired riad in need of serious renovation and spend a year transforming it into a beautiful home.

This is a story about courage and conviction,  Suzanna and her husband don’t linger on the consequences of such a move, they simply follow their hearts.

Wanderlust is all about following your heart and making decisions that will enrich your life for the better whilst exploring a different part of the world and for me this is a book that highlights just that.  It also led to us jumping on a plane to explore Fez for ourselves, highlighting that it is a book that inspires wanderlust in others as well.

Dark Star Safari by Paul Theroux

one of best travel books of all time

Mar, Once in a Lifetime Journey

Dark Star Safari by Paul Thereoux is my all-time most favourite travel book. Brilliantly sarcastic and no-bullshit, Theroux recounts the adventures and misadventures of his overland trip from Cairo to Cape Town 30 years after he spent time as a teacher in Malawi. This book was the most beautiful way for me to remember all the places I worked in Africa and it was also slightly sad to realize that, for some of them, those 30 years Theroux talks about were actually detrimental to their development. Dark Star Safari is a poignant and honest view of the continent from the point of view of an outsider. Theroux has no qualms in being to the point and very honest, sometimes bordering insulting, when describing the people and places. There are no taboos in his vocabulary and no holy cows he tells it how it is.

If you are still looking for more travel inspiration, here are  other travel books for the book lover on your list. What are your picks for the best travel books to inspire wanderlust?

Best Travel Books That Inspire Wanderlust

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This is a great list of travel books and I have read few of them like kite runner, alchemist etc. Others I am going to grab soon.

LOADS of great books in there 🙂 🙂

This is a great list of travel books, have definitely added a few of these to my list!

Such inspiring reads! I’ve only read a couple but excited to download more to my Kindle. Cue the wanderlust!

Lovely compilation indeed. Given my passion for books and travel, I found this post really enjoyable. Before travel, books were the vehicles that I traveled the world on the wings of imagination. The books are great and each unique in its own way, My pick of the lot are, Shantaram and The Motorcycle Diaries.

Extensive list. I’ve read Eat, Pray, Love. And I’m reading the Alchemist. I’m on my way! Lol

Wow! What a fantastic compilation of books. There are so many gems that I’m adding to my reading list!

That’s a great list to fill up the evenings for the whole year 🙂 I love books about travel especially with a cultural twist))) Thank you for putting this post!

Ah wow, absolute go-to reading list here 🙂 I can see a fair few I need to get hold of 🙂

What a great list! So happy to see my favorite novel of all time on there: The Shadow of the Wind. I have read 12 of these books… which means you ahve given me a LOT of great reading ahead. Thank you.

Wow, epic list of travel books! I’ll have to refer back to this one when I’m looking for my next book. I love books, both fiction and non-fiction, that take you on a journey to new places and stirs that wanderlust to travel somewhere new!

I’d add Alastair Humphries’ “Microadventures” and “203 Travel Challenges. Travel the World. Discover Your Inner Self” – both are inspiring in a way that makes you act and improve yourself while having fun on the road.

Thanks for the suggestions! I’m putting them on my reading list.

At the risk of being spammy (sorry!), try my novel set in Greece: “Girl Gone Greek” – you might like it. Check out the Amazon reviews first (on COM and CO dot UK) and see if you like the sound of it. Enjoy!

Hi Rebecca, I lived in Greece a few years when I was younger so this book sounds really interesting. Adding it to my reading list!

These are definitely the absolute classics for travel!

I recommend An Embarrassment of Mangoes. Sailing and cooking in the Caribbean. Will have to check out some of your recommendations!

That’s a great list, found so many of my favourites in here including Alain de Botton’s Art of Travel that I dared to criticise in an article – he is my favourite contemporary philosopher but on the travel topic I reckon he could do a lot better 😉 Thanks for sharing, will download a couple about nomadic families to cheer myself up from fever and chest infection. Greetings from London!

So Darcee & I are heading to Morocco this year so I was looking for some great books to dive into the world of the area. I have never even heard of A House in Fez or The Caliph’s House: A Year in Casablanca! We are hoping to head to Casablanca so I may start with The Caliph’s House! Thanks for this list. Many of the books are already on my list! Love Jack Kerouac!

wow, it`s huge! Noted. about ”Shantaram”

Very good performance but what a long story! Full of tragedy violence drugs and sadnesses. Makes you realize how people live in the rest of the world! Fighting for everything just to survive! An intimate look at life in India!

Thanks for this list! I’ll be checking out several of these titles. The interesting part about this blog post is the highlights about each book and how each book may be relevant. Great post.

So many of my trips have been inspired by reading novels! Last year, I took a January teaching job in Hawaii, after reading Honolulu and other fiction set on Oahu. I’m most interested in the fortune-teller book, I wonder if that will be my next trip…

Looks like some awesome reads to me. Anything by Paula Coelho absolutely rocks. Ryan

Great post/list and book review. I am placing Beautiful Ruins and a Walk in the Woods on my list.

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Our shared passion for wanderlust and creating unforgettable experiences led us to embark on a mission: to empower women traveling solo or in groups to explore the world fearlessly.

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Louisa May Alcott 

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Wanderlust, Co. is led by Travel Advisors Jessica DeFeo and Brittany Wilson, based in Houston, Texas.

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This website has tons of helpful information for planning many trips! But sometimes it’s nice to have a pre-packed itinerary that you can use right away!

I’ve created several itineraries for different countries that will take the stress of travel planning and get you on your way!

Using one of my itineraries is like taking me with you on your trip as your personal tour guide.

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You can see samples of these detailed itineraries here. Each guide comes with a downloadable map and day-by-day, as well as hour-by-hour schedules, along with suggested tours, hotels, and restaurants.

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At Wanderlust Adventures Travel Agency, we believe that the world is meant to be explored. Our passion lies in curating unforgettable experiences for travelers who seek to immerse themselves in the beauty and diversity of our planet. Whether you dream of wandering through ancient cities, trekking across breathtaking landscapes, or unwinding on pristine beaches, we are here to turn your wanderlust into reality.

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With a dedicated team of travel enthusiasts and experts, we craft tailor-made itineraries that cater to your preferences, interests, and budget. From luxury escapes to adventurous expeditions, we provide personalized service every step of the way, ensuring that your journey is seamless and unforgettable.

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Includes 3 items: Wanderlust: Travel Stories , Wanderlust: Transsiberian , Wanderlust: Travel Stories Soundtrack

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Includes 5 items: Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of the Forest , Liberated , Wanderlust: Travel Stories , NecroWorm , Wanderlust: Transsiberian

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“A variety of engrossing “choose-your-own” quests based on real-life travel memoirs, Wanderlust: Travel Stories’ vividly written text will have you longing to start your own exotic adventure.” 4/5 – Adventure Gamers “Wanderlust: Travel Stories is a different experience from your run-of-the-mill video game, and should appeal to anyone who is an avid traveler or wants to explore some unknown parts of the world from home. The stories are engaging and presented nicely, having enough of an impact on me to start downloading travel apps and plan trips. It may have the same effect on you.” 8/10 – TheSixthAxis “Wanderlust is an unusual and bold concept of a game based on the literature of the road. The courage of the artists, who created a game consisting mostly of text, deserves admiration. And recognition, too, because Wanderlust is simply a really good game.” 8.5/10 – GRY-OnLine

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A bridge between literature and gaming

An anthology of travel stories, authentic, grounded and well researched, emotions color perception, introducing slow gaming, from the creators of the witcher, dying light and hitman, mature content description.

The developers describe the content like this:

Content Warning: Wanderlust: Travel Stories contains mature conversations and narrative descriptions that broach the topics of substance abuse, sex, racism, misogyny, socio-economic inequality, and historical violence.

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  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
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  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel® HD 4400 or better
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • OS: MacOS Sierra
  • Graphics: Intel® HD 6000 or better

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Wanderlust Travel Consultants  was born out of a longtime friendship and a love for travel! After many years of researching, planning, and executing our own amazing adventures and those of others, we decided to  start our own travel consultation company. We both have years of experience traveling the world and can share all that knowledge with you. We specialize in curated travel itineraries and unique travel experiences custom designed to fit your travel style and budget.

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Japan's Raw Wilderness

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I'm just a girl chasing her dream of adventure. Join me for the ride.


Travel Photography Guides

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10 Quick Tips for Improving Your Wildlife Photography Today

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Asheville Captured: A Comprehensive Photographer’s Exploration

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How To Add Armenia To Your Georgia Travel Itinerary

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Where To Find Adventure When Camping In The South Of France

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Wanderlust: Travel Stories

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Wanderlust Adventures

Amanda Pugh Certified Travel Specialists


Explore the World with Personalized Itineraries

At Wanderlust Adventures, we are passionate about travel and believe that every trip should be unique and tailored to your individual preferences. Our team of experienced travel agents will work with you to create a personalized itinerary that includes smooth transportation, exciting activities, and exclusive hotel deals. We strive to make your travel experience as stress-free and memorable as possible. 

-Amanda Pugh     Certified Travel Specialists

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"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."

Saint Augustine

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Travel to Mongolia: Explore the Rich History of Karakorum

Travel to Mongolia land of Eternal Blue Sky

Travel to Mongolia Marvels: Essential Travel Guide to the Land of Eternal Blue Sky. Journey to Mongolia

For history enthusiasts, journey to the ancient city of Karakorum, the heart of the Mongol Empire and a significant destination for travelers. Experience the grandeur and historical significance of this iconic site firsthand

Adventure Awaits in Mongolia’s Vast Landscapes

Embark on thrilling activities amidst Mongolia’s expansive landscapes. From hiking pristine trails to camel trekking across the enchanting dunes of the Gobi Desert, unforgettable adventures await travelers.

Travel to  Mongolia  Sanctuary: Explore Mongolia’s National Parks

Travelers find solace in Mongolia’s national parks, showcasing diverse ecosystems and abundant flora and fauna. Delve into ecological wonders and appreciate the natural beauty of these protected areas.

Create Lasting Memories: Become Part of Mongolia’s Story

Every step in Mongolia adds a chapter to your travel tale. Whether hiking, camel trekking, or experiencing traditional hospitality, immerse yourself in this timeless land and create unforgettable memories.


Travel to Mongolia: Unveiling Its Treasures, Exploring Vast Landscapes, and Rich Traditions

Embark on a journey to Mongolia, where breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and storied history converge to offer an unforgettable travel experience.

Discover Mongolia’s Diverse Landscapes

From the sweeping expanses of the Gobi Desert to the rugged beauty of the Altai Mountains and the endless steppes, Mongolia’s diverse terrain awaits exploration.

Travel to Mongolia and Immerse Yourself in Nomadic Traditions

Experience the nomadic way of life firsthand by staying in traditional gers within nomadic camps. Engage with Mongolia’s rich heritage and age-old customs, forging connections that will last a lifetime

Traveling to Mongolia's Enchanting Landscapes

Discovering the Wonders of Mongolia Discovery Tours

Travel to Mongolia: Explore with Mongolia Discovery Tours

Embark on an unparalleled adventure with Mongolia Discovery Tours and immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of this destination.

Horseback Riding Adventures: Explore Mongolia’s Vast Terrains

Saddle up for an unforgettable horseback riding adventure across Mongolia’s vast steppes and rolling hills, embracing the nomadic spirit.

Moto Tours: Ride Mongolia’s Scenic Routes

Experience the thrill of Mongolia’s landscapes on a moto tour, traversing deserts to mountains on an exhilarating expedition.

Rafting Tours: Conquer Mongolia’s Rivers

Challenge yourself with a rafting tour through Mongolia’s untamed rivers, navigating thrilling rapids and admiring stunning landscapes.

Discover Diverse Destinations: Unveiling Mongolia’s Wonders

Uncover hidden gems from historic Karakorum to serene Lake Khövsgöl with meticulously crafted tours

Journey to Mongolia's Enchanting Landscapes. A Traveler's Guide

Travel to Mongolia: Explore with Wanderlust Mongolia

Discover Mongolia’s landscapes, culture, and traditions. From the Gobi Desert to the Altai Mountains, experience adventure and warmth. Immerse in history, beauty, and cuisine with Wanderlust Mongolia

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A Different Kind of Travel Store.

Travel gives us feelings of gratitude & connection to the world, and that is the spirit behind WanderlustStuff.

CommUNITY is our compass. We're super passionate about connecting women travel-lovers with unique travel products from independent makers doing their part to create a better world .

Together, we move a small step closer to conscientious shopping and rise to being a collective that cares about the planet & each other!

Look for these icons as you shop!

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Luxury travel beach towels from recycled plastic | australia.

Sand free with a flick, buttery soft, dries insta-fast & comes in a pouch perfect for traveling. This maker understands sustainability is the future. Travel towels are made from 100% recycled post-consumer plastics & 5% net profits go to the WWF (world’s leading independent conservation org.)


This maker creates bags to tell the stories of reclaimed materials discovered at flea markets / estate sales through New England. Creator of the original ESCAPE Bag; a highly-coveted accessory spotted on the arms of performing artists. A perfectly expressive bag that's lightweight. ESCAPE.

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This Canadian independent maker hones his craft.

Creating high-quality bags from upcycled seatbelts that are forever durable, fun, and simple and designed to function and last. The effort that goes into selecting and cleaning belts, then designing producing these HIGHLY FUNCTIONAL bags makes these stylish pieces truly one-of-a-kind.


This maker works with talented Berber Community Artisans in the Atlas Mountains to create one-of-a-kind bags of leather & repurposed Moroccan Kilims (carpets). Sturdy, will last forever, a total conversation piece and holds 4 days of travel gear.

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Hand beaded BEACH Bag Blue (India)


Birdie Personal Safety Alarm: Cheetah

Birdie Personal Safety Alarm: Cheetah

Recycled Utility Canvas Weekender Bag | ROAD TRIP (USA)

Recycled Utility Canvas Weekender Bag | ROAD TRIP (USA)

New! World's Thinnest Collapsible Suitcase 360 Degree Spinner Black (Israel)

New! World's Thinnest Collapsible Suitcase 360 Degree Spinner Black (Israel)

Upcycled Moroccan Carpet & Leather Duffel Bag | Cognac (Morocco)

Upcycled Moroccan Carpet & Leather Duffel Bag | Cognac (Morocco)

NEW! World's Thinnest Collapsible Suitcase | Aqua (Israel)

NEW! World's Thinnest Collapsible Suitcase | Aqua (Israel)

New! World's Thinnest Collapsible Suitcase 360 Degree Spinner Grey (Israel)

New! World's Thinnest Collapsible Suitcase 360 Degree Spinner Grey (Israel)

Recycled Military Tent Crossbody / Messenger Bag | "All You Need Is Love"

Recycled Military Tent Crossbody / Messenger Bag | "All You Need Is Love"

Upcycled Seatbelts Laptop Bag 15" | Black (Canada)

Upcycled Seatbelts Laptop Bag 15" | Black (Canada)

dock and bay beach towel beige

Recycled Beach Towel Made From Plastic Bottles | Bora Bora Beige (Australia)

Recycled beach towel - made from plastic water bottles | tropic artist design (australia).

Recycled Beach Towel Made from Plastic Bottles | Rise and Shine (Australia)

Recycled Beach Towel Made from Plastic Bottles | Rise and Shine (Australia)

girl sunbathing with dock and bay beach towel nautical blue

Recycled Beach Towel Made from Plastic Bottles | Navy (Australia)

Hand-Sewn Travel Teas | Eiffel Tower (France)

Hand-Sewn Travel Teas | Eiffel Tower (France)

Flight FUD: Natural Travel Supplement / Drink Elixir 4 Pack (Canada)

Flight FUD: Natural Travel Supplement / Drink Elixir 4 Pack (Canada)

Flight FUD: Natural Travel Supplement / Drink Elixir 8 Pack

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Opinion | Allan Ripp: Despite wanderlust, I never seem to…

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Opinion | Allan Ripp: Despite wanderlust, I never seem to go anywhere. Do travel posters count?

Villefranche sur Mer and its bay on the French Riviera. (Pierre Longnus/Getty)

Friends and family are accustomed to me asking: Where are you going? What will you do? Where will you stay? This year has already elicited a good mix of itineraries. One couple is touring Portugal’s vineyards. My brother-in-law will be hiking in Croatia. Our upstairs neighbors are taking their two sons to Japan. Even our apartment building’s super is planning a do-over safari in Tanzania.

I can trace the precise origin of my voyager fantasies. When I was a kid in the 1960s, my parents took me to Tuesday night travelogues at our local museum, featuring 16 mm films and vibrant slide shows of tulip fields in the Netherlands, bullfights in Mexico and bikini-filled beaches in Brazil. I was smitten with all destinations and never missed a National Geographic special.

My parents took their share of overseas excursions, bringing back liquor miniatures and trinkets from Israel and Greece to fill my shelves. The kid across the street brought over a small jar of the Caribbean Sea he scooped up on a trip to St. John in the Virgin Islands — I sprinkled some on my cheeks like holy water, though I now suspect it came from his sink.

But my own childhood jaunts were limited: Lake Erie, Chautauqua Lake and Boca Raton, Florida. I did talk a good game, however. A camp friend’s mom approached my mom in the supermarket and asked how we enjoyed our trip to “the Orient,” including stops in Tokyo, Peking (now called Beijing) and Ceylon (now known as Sri Lanka). I’d told her son that we’d visited all three, not expecting word to reach my mother. I should have stuck with domestic locales.

Asthma and fear of flying shrunk the radius of my range as I grew older. I couldn’t even handle a semester abroad like my college friends, though I managed a three-week solo trip to Italy between jobs in 1979, taking hundreds of Nikon photos I still peruse to remind me that I really could hit the long road, if I so chose.

There was also the six-week honeymoon my wife and I took in 1981, traveling from Lisbon, Portugal, to Rome. It included charcuterie picnics beside swan lakes, a visit with Maurice Chevalier’s mistress in Arles, France, eating gravel-tasting calves’ brains (by mistake) in Barcelona, Spain, and other forever memories. But in the 43 years since, I’ve barely touched foreign soil unless you count Toronto — and my daughter’s wedding at an Italian vineyard (I was mostly walking on air).

So, what happened to keep me so homebound when my heart yearns to wander? I can name plenty of culprits — work, children, time zone challenges, 9/11, COVID-19, the dog. But the real resistance lies within me. I like the idea of going to faraway places, but the stressful, routine-busting reality? Not so much, especially return hauls with inevitable airport delays, turbulence, lost bags and jet lag exhaustion. I never have to dread the long schlep home because I’m already home. And frankly, the food’s better here than there, along with the water pressure, mattresses and definitely the drivers.

I realize long-distance travel is recharging and offers a fresh perspective — and an appreciation — of your regular life and ZIP code. It’s always enlightening to be a tourist in a strange land, but you have to break out of your comfort zone. It takes enormous force of will to get me to go crosstown for dinner, never mind take leaps across the world.

One of author Allan Ripp's travel posters. (Allan Ripp)

Increasingly as I age, I also calculate the trade-offs of straying too far: the lost iPhone, the bout of food poisoning or worse. My sister recently returned from five wondrous weeks in India carrying vials of rabies vaccine from being bitten by a feral street dog. At that price, you can keep the Taj Mahal.

And yet, my globe-trotting dreams are fulfilled, thanks to an apartment full of vintage travel posters. Our walls are adorned with colorful, sun-dappled scenes of the French Riviera, a village in Denmark, sheep grazing on a pastoral hill overlooking the River Tweed in Scotland, the white-washed Greek island of Andros, giraffes marching across the Serengeti. Merely walking from one room to another stamps my mental passport.

This summer will be much like last summer and the one before: commuting to a weekend house 95 miles away, plus two weeks at the beach. Nothing on tap for East Asia. But I can still be transported by the 1930s railway poster facing my bed, promoting India’s enticing Shillong Valley — the “Scotland of the East.” It’s a Shangri-La view of a cozy thatched cottage nestled in a lush forest, only “24 hours from Calcutta.”

Maybe next summer.

Allan Ripp runs a press relations firm in New York.

Submit a letter, of no more than 400 words, to the editor here or email [email protected] .

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Travelers cope with crowds and high prices on the busiest day of Memorial Day weekend

Highways and airports are likely to be jammed the next few days as Americans head out for Memorial Day weekend getaways and then return home.

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Airports around the country are bracing for the travel rush as Americans head out for Memorial Day weekend. AAA predicts 43.8 million people expected to travel between Thursday and Monday. (AP Video: Tassanee Vejpongsa)

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Highways and airports are likely to be jammed this weekend, as Americans head out on Memorial Day weekend getaways. AAA says this will be the busiest start-of-summer weekend in nearly 20 years.

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Travelers on Florida’s Turnpike are experiencing relatively light traffic at the start of the Memorial Day weekend, with no major congestion reported, allowing them to focus on their wallets instead of their anxiety about traffic. (AP video by Cody Jackson)

Travelers walk through Salt Lake City International Airport Friday, May 24, 2024, in Salt Lake City. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Travelers walk through Salt Lake City International Airport Friday, May 24, 2024, in Salt Lake City. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

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Travelers move through Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport ahead of Memorial Day, Friday, May 24, 2024, in Atlanta.(AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

Michelle Winters plays the violin as passengers stand in line at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport ahead of Memorial Day, Friday, May 24, 2024, in Atlanta.(AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

Cars drive through Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport ahead of Memorial Day, Friday, May 24, 2024, in Atlanta.(AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

Gasoline prices are displayed on a sign outside a service station as the Memorial Day holiday travel period kicks off Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Greenwood Village, Colo. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)

Traffic slowly moves along Interstate 405 on Thursday, May 23, 2024, in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles. Highways and airports are likely to be jammed in the coming days as Americans head out on and home from Memorial Day weekend getaways. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

Travelers contended with big crowds and flight delays Friday, which was expected to be the busiest day of the Memorial Day weekend.

More than 6,000 U.S. flights were delayed by early evening on the East Coast, continuing a trend that has tested the patience of travelers all week. Cancellations were more modest, at slightly more than 200, according to tracking data from FlightAware.

There were delays on the highways, too.

Along Florida’s Turnpike, Wallis Tinnie said a traffic accident and road work slowed her drive to an African American history commemoration in the Florida Panhandle, the site in 1816 of the first battle of the Seminole Wars.

“But we’re comfortable with it,” the Miami woman said during a stop at Port Saint Lucie. “We left early, and our event is tomorrow. So hopefully — God willing, creek don’t rise — we’ll be there in plenty of time.”

The Transportation Security Administration predicted that Friday would be the busiest day of the holiday weekend for air travel, with nearly 3 million people expected to pass through airport checkpoints . TSA screened just under 2.9 million people Thursday, coming within about 11,000 of breaking the record set on the Sunday after Thanksgiving last year.

Pasha Pidlubniak waits for a domestic flight at Miami International Airport, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Miami. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

Pasha Pidlubniak waits for a domestic flight at Miami International Airport, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Miami. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

“Airports are going to be more packed than we have seen in 20 years,” AAA spokesperson Aixa Diaz said.

Highways also are likely to be jammed as motorists head out of town and then return home. AAA predicted this will be the busiest start-of-summer weekend in nearly 20 years, with 43.8 million people expected to roam at least 50 miles from home between Thursday and Monday — 38 million of them taking vehicles.

FILE - The sun shines through the flags in the Memorial Day Flag Garden on Boston Common, May 27, 2023, in Boston. Memorial Day is supposed to be about mourning the nation’s fallen service members. But it’s come to anchor the unofficial start of summer and retail discounts. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, file)

The annual expression of wanderlust that accompanies the start of the summer travel season is happening at a time when Americans tell pollsters they are worried about the economy and the direction of the country.

“Memorial Day is a holiday weekend. I get to hang with family and friends, so I’d say that’s priceless, right?” Nene Efebo said during a two-hour wait for a delayed flight at Denver International Airport. “Anything to hang out with family and friends.”

Victoria Ramos Valdes of Miami was taking a driving vacation with her husband, Blake, and their children, ages 3 and 4 months old.

“We said, hey, we’re going to go for a $300 budget, and the hotel is around $150,” she said, but it has a water slide, providing plenty of entertainment. “We’re taking a nice family trip and doing our best to have the best Memorial Day weekend possible.”

Some travelers reported experiencing sticker shock when they booked their trips. Upon arriving at Philadelphia International Airport, Ciarra Marsh said the city “was not our original destination, but we chose here because it was cheaper.”

At Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, Larisa Latimer of New Lenox, Illinois, said her airfare was reasonable but other expenses for a getaway to New Orleans were not.

Motorists travel along Interstate 24 near the Interstate 40 interchange Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. A record number of Americans are expected to hit the pavement over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)

Motorists travel along Interstate 24 near the Interstate 40 interchange Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. A record number of Americans are expected to hit the pavement over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)

“I just have to make the accommodation,” she said. “The rental car is up ... this year, the hotel accommodations were very unusually expensive.”

Kathy Larko of Fort Myers, Florida, used frequent-flyer miles — and some flexible scheduling — to pay for her trip to Chicago.

Travelers wait at a TSA checkpoint at the Los Angeles International Airport, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Los Angeles. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/Ryan Sun)

Travelers wait at a TSA checkpoint at the Los Angeles International Airport, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Los Angeles. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/Ryan Sun)

“I’m really conscious of looking at the cost of the entire trip. We’re staying a little farther out than we normally would” to get a lower hotel rate, she said. “We’re also flying back a day later, because we could get cheaper miles.”

The weekend’s highway traffic and crowded airports could be a sample of what is to come for several more weeks. U.S. airlines expect to carry a record number of passengers this summer. Their trade group estimates that 271 million travelers will fly between June 1 and August 31, breaking the record of 255 million set – you guessed it – last summer .

George Ridley, 4, left, rides on a suitcase as he and his father Chris Ridley make their way through the Nashville international Airport, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)

George Ridley, 4, left, rides on a suitcase as he and his father Chris Ridley make their way through the Nashville international Airport, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)

This story was previously updated to correct the spelling Fort Myers, Florida.

Cody Jackson in Port Saint Lucie, Florida, Melissa Perez Winder in Chicago and Shelley Adler in Washington contributed to this report.

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  23. Allan Ripp: I rarely go on adventures. Do travel posters count?

    Allan Ripp: Despite wanderlust, I never seem to go anywhere. Do travel posters count? Villefranche sur Mer and its bay on the French Riviera. (Pierre Longnus/Getty) By Allan Ripp. May 24, 2024 at ...

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  25. Memorial Day 2024: Travelers see flight delays and higher prices

    The annual expression of wanderlust that accompanies the start of the summer travel season is happening at a time when Americans tell pollsters they are worried about the economy and the direction of the country. ... Motorists travel along Interstate 24 near the Interstate 40 interchange Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. A record ...