Early life [ ]

Young Tuvok, Flashback

Young Tuvok

Tuvok, son of T'Meni , was born on stardate 38774 ( 2264 ), on the Vulcanis Lunar colony . ( VOY : " Flashback ", " Hunters ", " Unimatrix Zero, Part II ")

Tuvok explicitly stated that he was 29 years old in the "Flashback" time frame that he and Janeway were experiencing together. While this would have clearly established his age for the audience, the ambiguity of his age to the crew was discussed on two separate occasions in 2376 :

• Kim and Paris both attempted to guess Tuvok's age in " Alice ", where Paris thought Tuvok was " 162 years old," while Kim guessed that he was "not a day over 140 ," further guessing that he was "around 133 ".

• Later, in " Fury ", Janeway incorrectly stated that Tuvok was " almost to the big three digits ", despite having been involved the aforementioned "Flashback" experience. In both cases, he was approximately 112 years old.

Tuvok, teenager

Tuvok as a teenager

As a teenager , he rebelled against the Vulcan ideal of logic and reasoning when he fell in love with a Terrelian girl named Jara , the daughter of a diplomat stationed on Vulcan . Tuvok experienced Shon-ha'lock – love at first sight – and was willing to violate every tenet of Vulcan philosophy simply to be near her; unfortunately, Jara did not return Tuvok's feelings, and Tuvok chose to leave her. He later spent several months in isolation studying with a Vulcan master , where he learned to subdue his emotions . ( VOY : " Gravity ")

He had to survive in the Vulcan desert for four months with a ritual blade as his only possession, as part of the tal'oth ritual. ( VOY : " Displaced ")

The text commentary for " Yesteryear " on the TAS DVDs , by Michael and Denise Okuda , claims that Tuvok had a pet sehlat .

Starfleet Academy [ ]

Tuvok entered Starfleet Academy in 2289 , at the age of twenty-five, but found it difficult to fit in. He found the egocentric nature of Humans difficult to deal with but endured it because it was the wish of his parents to enter Starfleet and he felt obligated to fulfill their expectations. ( VOY : " Flashback ")

In the first draft script of "Flashback", Tuvok's father was cited as being the one who had pressured Tuvok to enter Starfleet, though this was changed to Tuvok's "parents" by the time the final draft of the script was written.

Early Starfleet career [ ]

The excelsior [ ].

Tuvok pours Sulu tea

Ensign Tuvok in a recalled memory

After Tuvok graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2293 , he was assigned to the sciences division as a junior science officer aboard the USS Excelsior under the command of Captain Hikaru Sulu . He worked during the gamma shift and shared common quarters on Deck 7 with Dimitri Valtane and two other officers on the same shift.

Two months later, Tuvok was present during the Excelsior 's attempt to rescue James T. Kirk and Leonard McCoy from the Klingon penal colony , Rura Penthe . This was despite a direct order from Starfleet that no rescue attempt must be tried. Tuvok protested to Captain Sulu about his breach of orders, but to no avail. Decades later, however, an older and wiser Tuvok determined that he had not necessarily been right either.

In the subsequent battle in the Azure Nebula with a K't'inga -class battle cruiser , Valtane nearly died in Tuvok's arms. An alien virus that Valtane was carrying transferred itself to Tuvok, and then disguised itself as a repressed memory engram . This virus later manifested itself in 2373 , when Tuvok served aboard the Voyager , before being destroyed by The Doctor . ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ; VOY : " Flashback ")

The duration of two months between Tuvok's assignment beginning and him opposing the attempted rescue of Kirk and McCoy was originally scripted to be "less than two months" (in both the first draft and the final draft of the installment's script).

Tuvok was also among those who spoke out against Spock 's proposed alliance between the Federation and the Klingon Empire . ( VOY : " Alliances ")

Resignation and return to Vulcan [ ]

After the Excelsior 's three-year mission in the Beta Quadrant ended, Tuvok resigned his commission on account of his dealings with Humans. His experiences on the Excelsior were not pleasant. Humans, in Tuvok's view, believed that everyone in the galaxy should be like them; that all should share their sense of humor and their Human values. His perceptions of Humanity, and of Starfleet, were undoubtedly colored by the fact that he did not want to be there in the first place. ( VOY : " Flashback ")

In the first draft script of "Flashback", Tuvok stated he had "not always" enjoyed his experiences in the Academy and on the Excelsior , suggesting he had found some of those experiences pleasant. The experiences were changed to being characterized as absolutely unpleasant in the final draft of the script and on screen.

Tuvok returned to Vulcan, where he taught archery science for several years at the Vulcan Institute for Defensive Arts . ( VOY : " Basics, Part II ") He then spent several years in seclusion by immersing himself in the kolinahr ; this was interrupted six years later by the onset of pon farr . After his marriage to T'Pel in 2304 , and the birth of their four children, Tuvok decided to return to Starfleet following a fifty-year absence. Raising his own children made Tuvok realize what his parents had gone through and that he had not always made the right decisions when he was young. ( VOY : " Ex Post Facto ", " Alice ", " Flashback ")

In the first draft of the "Flashback" script, Tuvok didn't mention having undergone the kolinahr . Giving an alternative answer to what he did during that time, he stated, " It's a long and complicated story [...] But I will say this... Vulcans and Klingons should never engage in romantic liaisons. " This was replaced by the idea of him having undergone the kolinahr by the time the final draft of the script was issued.

Return to Starfleet [ ]

Recognizing that there was much he could learn from other races such as Humans, Tuvok entered Starfleet again in 2349 and served as an ensign on the USS Wyoming . His service record reflected this as his first posting instead of his time on the Excelsior . ( VOY : " Flashback ", " Alice ")

In the first draft script of "Flashback", it was stated that Tuvok served aboard the USS Bozeman rather than the Wyoming . This was changed to the latter vessel by the time the final draft of the installment's teleplay was issued.

The final draft of " Repentance " had Janeway explain that " Tuvok's been a Starfleet Security Officer for the last sixty-seven years, " suggesting he returned to Starfleet by 2310 , however, the line was changed to " a very long time ", in the script's final revision.

Tuvok eventually served as an instructor for thousands of cadets during a sixteen year tenure at Starfleet Academy, a role he resumed aboard Voyager in order to instruct former Maquis crewmen in Starfleet protocols. ( VOY : " Learning Curve ") He also served as one of the instructors to Icheb in his pursuits to join Starfleet. ( VOY : " Child's Play ", " Imperfection ")

Tuvok first met Kathryn Janeway around 2356 , when he dressed her down in front of three Starfleet admirals for failing to observe proper tactical procedures during her first command. Although this encounter bruised Janeway's "Human ego", Tuvok was nevertheless right, and from 2365 onward, Janeway came to rely on Tuvok's "insightful and unfailingly logical advice". ( VOY : " Fury ", " Revulsion ")

In "Revulsion", set in 2374 , Janeway stated that she had come to rely on Tuvok's advice for the past nine years. In " Fury ", however, Tuvok states that he and Janeway had known each other for "approximately twenty years."

During the mid- 2360s , Tuvok was temporarily assigned to Jupiter Station where he often wrote to Captain Janeway. ( VOY : " Tuvix ")

This presumably occurred prior to 2367 , which was the beginning date of the "past four years" Tuvok noted in " Phage ", which he described as the amount of time he had been making "psychological observations" about her.

In the first draft script of " Death Wish ", it was established that, without Quinn causing Geordi La Forge to be born, Tuvok would have ended up as chief engineer aboard the USS Enterprise -D .

USS Voyager [ ]

Tuvok, 2371

Tuvok in 2371.

Tuvok's security override code was Tuvok-pi-alpha. ( VOY : " Repression ")

Infiltrating the Maquis [ ]

Lieutenant Tuvok was serving as Captain Kathryn Janeway 's security officer when, in 2371 , he was ordered to infiltrate the crew of the Maquis raider Val Jean commanded by a former Starfleet officer, Chakotay . At one point of time during his undercover mission, Tuvok was doing reconnaissance on a colony near the Badlands , where he met a Vedek named Teero Anaydis at the Bajoran temple there. Teero was in fact a fanatic Maquis tasked with counterintelligence who was aware of Tuvok's true identity but kept this to himself. Without retaining any conscious memory of it, Teero captured, restrained, and mentally manipulated Tuvok so he could trigger a Maquis resurgence program by conveying the word " Pagh t'em far, B'tanay " at a later point of time (which would turn out to be six years later ). ( VOY : " Caretaker ", " Repression ")

Tuvok was still undercover on the Val Jean sometime later, when, while hiding from a Cardassian ship in the Badlands, the raider was hit by an energy wave which transported it over 70,000 light years to the other side of the galaxy , in the Delta Quadrant . While looking for the missing raider, Voyager itself was hit by the energy wave and transported to the Delta Quadrant, reuniting Tuvok with his ship and Captain – much to Chakotay's dismay who had to face the fact that Tuvok had been a Federation spy all along. When their situation required that the crews of both the Val Jean and Voyager merge for their long journey back home , he became Captain Janeway's security- and second officer . ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

According to the Star Trek: The Visual Dictionary , Tuvok was 107 years old at the start of Voyager 's journey.

The first year [ ]

Tuvok proved Tom Paris innocent of murdering a Banean scientist whose wife Paris was caught with, despite the fact that the scientist's memories showed Paris committing the murder. Tuvok was able to prove that the Banean doctor, who was an agent of the Banean's enemies, had perpetrated the crime, thanks to his mind-meld with Paris showing that the murderer was actually shorter than Paris. ( VOY : " Ex Post Facto ")

While visiting the Sikarians , it was learned that they possessed the means to fold space and travel great distances in a short time. However, they could not give the technology to Voyager due to their equivalent of Starfleet's non-interference order, or prime directive. Defying the orders of Captain Janeway, Tuvok attempted to obtain the technology in a trade. However, it was found that the technology was incompatible with Voyager , and Tuvok was reprimanded by Janeway. ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

Tuvok set a trap for the crewmember who was giving the Kazon Voyager technology. The guilty party turned out to be Seska , a Cardassian who had served on Chakotay 's ship and had been altered through cosmetic surgery to look Bajoran . She escaped before Tuvok could arrest her. ( VOY : " State of Flux ")

Later that year, Tuvok attempted a rescue of Harry Kim who had disappeared in a " Beowulf " holoprogram. An energy being had been trapped in the program and had turned Kim into pure energy. The same fate befell Tuvok, but both were released by the being after the crew freed it from the holodeck. ( VOY : " Heroes and Demons ")

An alien entity known as the Komar assaulted the shuttlecraft manned by Tuvok and Chakotay, leaving Tuvok injured and Chakotay apparently brain-dead. The alien had the ability to enter into the minds of others and control them. It seized control of Tuvok, who took over command of the ship and ordered it into the nebula. The crew was able to drive the lifeform from Tuvok's body and leave the nebula. ( VOY : " Cathexis ")

He also tried to train the former Maquis crewmembers to Starfleet standards. The four former Maquis had a great disdain for Tuvok, and he was very strict with them. They found a new respect for each other after they banded together to save each other after a systems failure. ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")

Initially, although Tuvok was referred to a Lieutenant in the opening credits and in the show, he bore the two bright and one dark collar pips of a Lieutenant Commander. His insignia were not corrected to two pips of a full Lieutenant until "Cathexis".

The second year [ ]

During contact with the Botha , Tuvok saw visions of his wife, T'Pel. He was arrested by Mokra Order soldiers while seeking tellerium , along with Torres, and was tortured for 'information' about the Alsaurian resistance movement , despite the fact that Voyager was in contact with third magistrate Augris . He was subsequently rescued by Janeway. ( VOY : " Persistence of Vision ", " Resistance ")

Tuvok violent, 2372

Tuvok after destroying his quarters in a violent outburst in 2372 .

When a crewman was found dead, and Lon Suder , a former Maquis was revealed as the murderer, Tuvok tried a mind meld on Suder in order to understand his motives. The meld had a reverse effect, and Tuvok exhibited violent tendencies inherited from Suder. After a period of rehabilitation, Tuvok was able to control these tendencies, and sought to help Suder. After Suder redeemed himself during a Kazon attack and was killed, Tuvok offered a Vulcan prayer for him, hoping that, in death, Suder found the peace that had eluded him in life. ( VOY : " Meld ", " Basics, Part II ")

On stardate 49301.2 , Tuvok represented Quinn , a Q who wished to die, as counsel in his request for asylum, since Vulcans practice euthanasia for the infirm and elderly. This was a role he would reprise to defend The Doctor's rights as a sentient being when it was discovered that he officially had no legal rights. ( VOY : " Death Wish ", " Author, Author ")

Tuvok and Tressa

Tuvok with Tressa, a Drayan child

While Janeway was making first contact with the Drayan , a shuttle piloted by Tuvok crashed on a Drayan moon. Tuvok found three frightened children who told Tuvok that the Drayans sent them to the moon to die and asked him to help them hide. The next day Tuvok discovered that two of the children had vanished. In a nearby cave, he found their clothes, but not the children. When the Drayans landed on the planet, Tuvok tried to protect the last child, named Tressa . The Drayans explained that Tressa was 96 years old. The Drayan aging process is reversed, and Tressa wasn't brought there to be killed, but to die a natural death. Tuvok stayed with Tressa to comfort her in her final moments. ( VOY : " Innocence ")

Later that year, a transporter accident caused Tuvok to be combined with crewmate Neelix (and a plant) at a molecular level, forming a new individual, Tuvix . Tuvix possessed the memories of both men and had a mixture of their personalities. It took The Doctor over a month to find a method to restore Tuvok and Neelix to their original state. ( VOY : " Tuvix ")

When Janeway and Chakotay were infected by an alien disease, they were forced to be left behind on an alien planet , leaving Tuvok in command of an uneasy crew. At the insistence of the crew, who were uncomfortable with abandoning their captain and first officer, he sought a remedy from the Vidiian physician, Danara Pel , who had become romantically involved with The Doctor when Voyager treated her for a severe case of the phage. ( VOY : " Resolutions ")

Tuvok helped the crew survive on a primitive planet where they were stranded after the Kazon captured Voyager . ( VOY : " Basics, Part II ")

The third year [ ]

In 2373 , Tuvok had a mental collapse due to a suppressed memory. In order to cure himself he had to perform a mind meld with Janeway. Together, the two relived the time Tuvok spent aboard the USS Excelsior , commanded by Hikaru Sulu. They discovered that an alien virus had invaded his brain and had lain dormant for years. Tuvok was saved when The Doctor drove the virus out by bursts of radiation. ( VOY : " Flashback ")

When faced with the merger of a Starfleet and Maquis crew, Tuvok wrote a drill simulation called " Insurrection Alpha ", in the event of a Maquis mutiny on Voyager . However, when he realized that the crews were getting along better than he expected, he deleted the program, fearing that it would spark off the very mutiny he wanted to prevent. During a routine maintenance of holodeck programs, B'Elanna Torres accidentally discovered this simulation, mistaking it for a holonovel . Many people on board the ship began using the program while playing out the various scenarios. When Tuvok was encouraged to finish it, he and Tom Paris discovered that Seska , a traitor who had escaped almost a year previously, had altered the program to kill anyone who accessed the narrative parameters file . Fortunately, they were able to stay alive with the assistance of Captain Janeway from outside the holodeck. In a final confrontation with Seska, Tuvok reconfigured a phaser rifle to overload before handing it over to her. By killing the holographic Seska, the program ended, and Paris and Tuvok were freed. ( VOY : " Worst Case Scenario ")

Tuvok, 1996

Tuvok, disguised to hide his Vulcan characteristics in 1996 Los Angeles .

Tuvok was part of an away team that returned to Earth in 1996 . Voyager was trying to stop a temporal explosion that would obliterate Earth's solar system in the 29th century , caused by Henry Starling , who came upon a 29th-century starship that was thrown back in time. Tuvok and Paris would contact Rain Robinson , an astronomer who picked up Voyager 's signal and worked for Starling. They saved her when Starling ordered her killed. They told her that they were spies. He also rescued Chakotay and Torres who were taken hostage by a paramilitary group. Tuvok and the crew were able to stop Starling and return the timeline. ( VOY : " Future's End ", " Future's End, Part II ")

Ilari force field deactivated

Tuvok being rescued by Tom Paris on Ilari

Tuvok attempted to rescue Kes who had her mind and body taken over by Tieran , an ancient warlord who used her to retake control of his planet. Although the attempt failed, he was able to contact her with a mind meld and tell her to continue to fight. Tuvok led another rescue attempt that was successful. Kes was rescued with the use of a synaptic stimulator that removed Tieran's neural pattern. ( VOY : " Warlord ")

In an alien encounter, he and Chakotay met the Sakari who believed Voyager would harm them. Their ancestors were driven underground by attacks from another alien race, who Tuvok and Chakotay discovered were the Borg . ( VOY : " Blood Fever ")

Later that year, he was able to persuade a lonely alien who appeared to him in the holodeck to let Voyager leave a nebula it was caught in. She wanted him to stay with her, but he convinced her to request a transfer so she could go home and be around others again. He, along with Neelix, helped the Nezu fend off an attack by their enemies, and exposed a Nezu traitor. The incident also brought him and Neelix closer together. ( VOY : " Alter Ego ", " Rise ")

The fourth year [ ]

In 2374 , Tuvok was promoted to the rank of lieutenant commander by Captain Janeway. ( VOY : " Revulsion ")

Also in 2374, during a temporary alliance with the Borg, Tuvok accompanied Janeway aboard the Borg ship to help develop a weapon against Species 8472 . The Borg tried to install temporary neuro-transceivers on them, but they insisted they be assigned a Borg representative to communicate with verbally instead. It was this incident that brought Seven of Nine aboard Voyager . Shortly after, Tuvok tried to help Kes stabilize her telepathic abilities with a mind meld. He was unable to help and Kes transformed into energy and left the ship. Tuvok subsequently lit a candle in memory of his lost student. ( VOY : " Scorpion ", " Scorpion, Part II ", " The Gift ")

Tuvok would also rescue Chakotay from the Vori who had brainwashed him into serving in their army and participating in a war. Despite appearing as one of the enemies who Chakotay had been conditioned to hate, he was able to get through to his commander, reminding Chakotay that he was a scientist, not a soldier. ( VOY : " Nemesis ")

When Seven's nanoprobes reactivated and she tried to return to Borg space, Tuvok worked with Janeway to try to bring her back. After tracking her, Tuvok beamed over to her shuttle, but was overpowered by her. He accompanied her to a planet that contained the wreckage of the Raven , her parents' ship. There he found the Borg machine that had activated her nanoprobes and he disabled them, ending the crisis. ( VOY : " The Raven ")

He defended and proved Torres innocent of projecting violent thought on a planet of telepaths, simultaneously uncovering a 'black market' of violent thought. Tuvok and Seven of Nine were captured by the Hirogen . They were going to be skinned alive and their bones used as trophies. Voyager was able to beam them to safely after causing a black hole to destroy the Hirogen ships. He also found proof that Kovin , an Entharan trader, had not assaulted Seven in order to harvest her nanoprobes like Seven believed. A burst from Kovin's disrupter that was fired accidentally caused the nanoprobes to regenerate and triggered a suppressed memory in Seven of assimilation. ( VOY : " Random Thoughts ", " Hunters ", " Retrospect ")

During the Hirogen takeover of Voyager , when they used the crew as part of a holodeck hunting game, Tuvok played a resistance fighter during a Nazi scenario. He was concerned that Seven was a Nazi spy and told Janeway that if so, they should kill her. ( VOY : " The Killing Game ", " The Killing Game, Part II ")

The fifth and sixth years [ ]

Tuvok later developed multiphasic shielding, which went into Voyager 's multi-spatial probe and was later adapted for use in designing the Delta Flyer . ( VOY : " Extreme Risk ")

He crash-landed on a planet beset by an ion storm in the Delta Flyer along with Ensign Samantha Wildman and Paris. They were rescued just as their oxygen ran out, but in the process, Tuvok was able to console Wildman about her fears for her daughter, Naomi . His own young daughter had now been without him for over four years, and yet he was confident that she would be safe with his remaining family. On another away mission they again crashed on a planet were they met Noss , who helped them survive the hostile planet. Noss became infatuated with Tuvok, who could not return the affection. ( VOY : " Once Upon a Time ", " Gravity ")

Tuvok injured by the Ba'Neth

Tuvok, attacked by the Ba'Neth

By 2376 , Tuvok had received seventeen commendations for valor. That year, while returning from a diplomatic mission, he was attacked by an invisible being, later found out to be a member of the Ba'Neth species. He suffered neuroleptic shock which caused brain damage. As he recovered from the shock, his brain functions were very simple, and he showed great emotion. Neelix nursed him back to health and cared for him until The Doctor was able to reverse the effects of the shock. ( VOY : " Riddles ")

Tuvok accompanied Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine as they investigated lifesigns on a planet in the middle of a nuclear winter. There, they inadvertently awakened a Vaadwaur battalion in stasis, not knowing if they were hostile or not. After the rest of the battalion was awakened, Tuvok came with a plan to escape the planet in cooperation with the Vaadwaur. Unfortunately, the Vaadwaur turned on them, attempting to take Voyager . After making a temporary alliance with the Turei , Tuvok and Gedrin were able to give the Turei access to a satellite in orbit. Thanks to this Tuvok and the crew of Voyager were able to escape both the Turei and the Vaadwaur. ( VOY : " Dragon's Teeth ")

Tuvok and Seven were captured by an alien named Penk . He secured players for a violent fight game named Tsunkatse . Seven at first refused to participate, but was forced to, because Tuvok was wounded and Penk refused to give him medical treatment unless she did so. They were eventually rescued by Voyager . He helped track down a gang of grifters who were posing as Janeway and him in order to steal goods. He confronted an elder Kes when she returned to try to destroy Voyager , blaming Janeway for her lost youth; his past self also had occasional 'flashes' to the future due to tachyon instability caused by Kes's future self traveling back in time, which allowed the past Janeway to realize what was happening. ( VOY : " Tsunkatse ", " Live Fast and Prosper ", " Fury ")

When Torres and Kim were stranded on an L-class planet , Tuvok stayed awake for over two straight weeks during Voyager 's search for them. Tom Paris took pleasure in waking Tuvok up when he started snoring in the captain's chair. ( VOY : " Muse ")

The seventh year [ ]

Tuvok assimilated, 2377

Three of Twelve

The last year of Voyager 's trip home brought many adventures to Tuvok. Tuvok, Janeway , and Torres allowed themselves to be assimilated by the Borg, carrying a pathogen to help the Borg drones of Unimatrix Zero resist the Borg Queen . The assimilation was supposed to have been only of the body; The Doctor had administered an inoculation to the three of them to prevent their minds from being assimilated, and thus keep them from becoming drones. However, Tuvok's inoculation wore off prematurely, and though he kept trying to retain his individuality by recalling his family and past memories, he eventually succumbed to the Borg's influence and his mind was fully assimilated. Thus, he became an actual drone, designated Three of Twelve. However, the mission still succeeded, and the drone was taken back to Voyager with Janeway and Torres. The implants were removed, and the drone once again became Tuvok. It took him some time to fully recover from the experience. ( VOY : " Unimatrix Zero, Part II ")

Tuvok attempted to salvage a cortical node to replace Seven's node that was malfunctioning. He represented The Doctor in obtaining the right to a holonovel that The Doctor had written, called Photons Be Free . The Doctor had forwarded a text of the novel to Starfleet when communications became possible between them and Voyager , but he was subsequently forbidden from making changes. Although the trial did not result in The Doctor gaining full legal rights as a sentient being, he was accorded the status of 'artist', due in no small part to Tuvok pointing out that The Doctor had created an original work, something that a purely artificial being could not do. ( VOY : " Imperfection ", " Author, Author ")

In 2377 , Tuvok had received a message from his son Sek over a datastream aboard Voyager regarding his studies of music . Unbeknownst to either of them, Bajoran radical Teero Anaydis had intercepted the communication and hid a subliminal message set to Vulcan brainwaves . It forced Tuvok to recall Teero's mental conditioning, which he became victim of six years ago while still serving undercover as one of Chakotay's Maquis crew, and which was aimed at triggering a Maquis resurrection should it be necessary. Tuvok began attacking the Maquis crewmembers and gave them subconscious instructions from Teero through a mind-meld. The Maquis eventually took control of Voyager and nearly stranded its Starfleet crew on a planet in the Delta Quadrant. However, Tuvok was able to regain mental control and use another mind-meld to remove Teero's influence from the Maquis crew. ( VOY : " Repression ")

Tuvok, 2378

Tuvok in 2378 .

Tuvok gave Paris tips on being a father when Torres became pregnant. During the capture of the crew by the Quarrens who used them as laborers and had wiped out their memories of Voyager , Tuvok began to have flashbacks of his previous existence. Tuvok served the workforce as an expert in thermionic conversion , but was replaced by Chakotay after he was taken by Quarren guards. He had to be given additional treatments of mind control. ( VOY : " Lineage ", " Workforce ", " Workforce, Part II ")

Tuvok was then part of a rescue operation when Neelix, Lts. Paris and Carey were taken as hostages by the planet's leader Verin . After Carey was killed by Verin, Tuvok and The Doctor , posing as natives , were able to infiltrate, stun Verin and his guards, and rescue Neelix and Paris. ( VOY : " Friendship One ")

Later career [ ]

Tuvok Mind Melds with Data Fabricator

Tuvok mind melds with the data fabricator

Sometime after his return to Earth in 2378 , Tuvok was promoted to full commander.

In 2381 , Tuvok participated in a secret investigation of Captain Carol Freeman 's alleged bombing of Pakled Planet . He performed an invasive mind meld on a Zakdorn data fabricator , who he determined had been hired by the Pakleds . The Pakleds had destroyed their own homeworld and framed Freeman, in order to force the Federation to relocate them to a more resource-rich planet. ( LD : " Grounded ")

By 2401 , Tuvok had transferred to the command division and held the rank of captain .

During Vadic 's conspiracy, Tuvok was impersonated by a Changeling for the sake of locating the USS Titan -A . Although the Changeling managed to pass Commander Seven of Nine 's initial test to confirm their identity, they failed in two other subsequent tests, leading Seven to recognize the deceit because according to Seven, no Vulcan would go to Aklion VII due to the Anti-Kolinahr demonstrations that took place there, and a false recollection she shared had actually happened on Voyager . Seven then theorized that the real Tuvok had been taken alive for the sake of extracting the information required for the deception. The Changeling then confirmed her theory, further threatening that when they would be done with Tuvok and all of those on the Titan , that they would all find death to be a relief in comparison. ( PIC : " Dominion ") Following the destruction of the Borg , Admiral Beverly Crusher was able to devise technology that allowed Starfleet to find and arrest the Changeling infiltrators. In the process, it was discovered that the Changelings, with a constant need for information, had kept alive most of their targets, including Tuvok, and they were eventually rescued. ( PIC : " The Last Generation ")

Following the defeat of the Changelings and the Borg and his rescue, Tuvok met with Seven on the Titan to inform her that the command crew of the USS Enterprise -D would be receiving a pardon for hijacking the Titan with Seven's help. Tuvok was ordered by Starfleet Command to deal with Seven's insubordination, but she interrupted him to offer her resignation from Starfleet. Tuvok showed Seven her officer review from Captain Liam Shaw in which he called Seven reckless, unrelenting and stated that she doesn't care about protocol or procedure. However, Shaw called Seven brave and loyal continuing that "the book that she writes is gonna be great. And the rules that she breaks... maybe they were broken to begin with." As Seven watched with tears in her organic eye, Shaw recommended that Seven be promoted to captain upon their return to port. Tuvok proudly denied his old friend's resignation, addressing her as captain and promoting her to command the rechristened USS Enterprise -G . ( PIC : " The Last Generation ")

Personal interests [ ]

Tuvok wall bow

A Vulcan bow from Tuvok's quarters

Tuvok was a prize-winning orchid breeder. ( VOY : " Tattoo ", " Tuvix ") He used grafting techniques on flowers from both Earth and Vulcan. ( VOY : " Alliances ")

Tuvok was a proficient Vulcan lute player. He would often play his lute while reciting " Falor's Journey " to his youngest son . ( VOY : " Persistence of Vision ", " Innocence ", " Riddles ")

Tuvok's main pastime was the Vulcan game kal-toh , which he frequently played with Ensign Harry Kim . ( VOY : " Alter Ego ", " The Omega Directive ") As of 2378, Ensign Kim had never beaten Tuvok at the game. ( VOY : " Endgame ")

Tuvok also spent his spare time meditating , using the stars as a focal point, and instructed various members of the crew in this pursuit over the years. ( VOY : " Alter Ego ", " Juggernaut ") Besides his background in the sciences, he was an avid student and observer of many Alpha Quadrant martial arts , including Earth sumo wrestling . He also had an appreciation for Klingon weapons, such as the bat'leth . ( VOY : " Flashback ", " Tsunkatse ", " Latent Image ", " Barge of the Dead ")

Neelix identified Vulcan audio file 56 alpha , " The Chants of the Monks of T'Panit ", as one of Tuvok's favorites. ( VOY : " Riddles ")

Although he had no interest in writing, when he created the " Insurrection Alpha " program as a tactical training tool, Tuvok, following the Vulcan Dictates of Poetics as a guideline, was complimented on the compelling nature of the story he had created, depicting a Maquis mutiny on Voyager , and expressed some understanding on the literary angles of the plot. ( VOY : " Worst Case Scenario ")

Personal relationships [ ]

Kathryn janeway [ ].

His closest friend aboard Voyager was Captain Janeway herself, who trusted him completely, and whom he considered the closest thing to family aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Caretaker ", " Prime Factors ", " Flashback ")

Tuvok and Janeway first met each other in 2356 . ( VOY : " Fury ") Tuvok had once dressed down Janeway in front of three Starfleet admirals , which gave her ego a bruise. ( VOY : " Revulsion ") However, by 2365 , Janeway came to rely on his unfailing logical advice. ( VOY : " Revulsion ") They had become so close in the intervening years that Janeway had attended Tuvok's daughter Asil 's kolinahr . ( VOY : " Fury ") By 2367 , Tuvok began making detailed psychological observations on her. ( VOY : " Phage ")

Tuvok and Janeway, 2371

Tuvok and Janeway, shortly after their arrival in the Delta Quadrant

In 2371 , Janeway took her newly commissioned Intrepid -class Federation starship USS Voyager into the Badlands to look for him after he went missing infiltrating a Maquis cell. Tuvok and the Maquis crew were discovered on the Caretaker's array deep in the Delta Quadrant . Later, the crews were brought back to their ships by the Caretaker . Alone together in Janeway's ready room , the captain admitted that she missed his counsel and he replied that he was gratified she came after him so he could offer it again. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

He was one of her most trusted advisers. She discussed all command decisions with him. When he disobeyed her orders concerning the Sikarian technology that could fold space by trying to trade for it on the black market, she felt betrayed by his disobedience. He explained that logic dictated his actions. ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

In 2372 , Janeway came to Tuvok for advice in possibly making an uneasy alliance with the Kazon-Nistrim . When she believed that making an alliance with the Kazon went against everything she had been taught, Tuvok showed her his Vulcan favinit plant , created by a hybrid of a South American plant and the favinit plant itself. Tuvok remarked that at first, the plant was sickly but when grafted together, the plants adapted to their new condition and became stronger than they had been alone. This demonstration convinced Janeway to seek an alliance with the Kazon. ( VOY : " Alliances ")

Tuvok and Janeway, 2374

Saying goodbye in 2374 of an alternate timeline

Later in 2372, Tuvok was merged with Neelix in a transporter accident and became an entirely new person; Tuvix . This individual later became a valued member of the crew, taking on personality traits of both Tuvok and Neelix, as well as doing their jobs more efficiently. However, a solution was later discovered by The Doctor and Harry Kim to separate them. Although Tuvix did not want to "die", Janeway was determined to get Tuvok, her friend, back despite the ethical complications. She performed the separation procedure herself and got Tuvok back. ( VOY : " Tuvix ")

In 2373 , Tuvok was discovered to have a deadly memory virus . He had Janeway act as his pyllora , his guide, to discover what was causing it. He told the captain of his deep trust of her and the familial feeling he had toward her. The two recalled a memory of his service aboard the USS Excelsior under Captain Sulu together and were able to solve the problem of the memory virus so The Doctor could destroy it with thoron radiation . ( VOY : " Flashback ")

In 2377 , Janeway developed a cooperation with a Borg resistance movement called " Unimatrix Zero ". She, Tuvok, and B'Elanna Torres went aboard a Borg tactical cube to upload a virus in the Borg Collective to allow the resistance to gain an advantage over the collective. However, this required Janeway, Torres, and Tuvok to be assimilated , although The Doctor was able to inject them with a neural suppressant so they could retain their individuality. However, the suppressant wore off on Tuvok quickly and Janeway ordered him to " stay focused, stay Tuvok. That's an order. " Unfortunately, the Borg Queen was able to link him into the collective's consciousness. This fortunately was only temporary and he was later able to return to duty fully Vulcan. ( VOY : " Unimatrix Zero ", " Unimatrix Zero, Part II ", " Imperfection ")

Later in 2377, the Maquis took control of Voyager when a telepathic command sent through a message from Tuvok's son Sek by Teero Anaydis affected the tactical officer 's mind. After mind melding with the Maquis contingent on Voyager , a brainwashed Chakotay ordered Tuvok to kill Janeway as a test of his loyalty to the Maquis. He began to fire a phaser at his old friend, but the weapon was inoperative. Later, after the crisis was resolved, Janeway asked how he knew that the phaser was not fully charged and Tuvok replied that he knew Chakotay doubted his loyalty and would not have given him an active weapon. " Not exactly ironclad logic ", she replied. ( VOY : " Repression ")

Janeway and Tuvok, 2378

Janeway and Tuvok in 2378

In 2378 , an Admiral Janeway from an alternate timeline of the year 2404 , time traveled back and came aboard Voyager . One of her major motivations for altering the future to get Voyager back home sooner was to get Tuvok back to Vulcan so he could be cured through a fal-tor-voh , a mind meld with a family member. By 2404, Tuvok's degenerative neurological condition had deteriorated to such a degree that he had lost his mind. The younger Janeway asked him why he did not object to her plan to destroy the Borg transwarp hub so he could receive treatment, he told her " To quote Ambassador Spock , "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". " ( VOY : " Endgame ")

Tuvok and Neelix, 2371

Tuvok and Neelix in 2371

When Neelix first came on board Voyager , Tuvok, referring to his species, said, "I am Vulcan". Neelix, mistaking that for his name, introduced himself. "I'm Neelix, pleased to meet you, Mr. Vulcan". Thereafter he often referred to Tuvok as "Mister Vulcan", and would continue to do so from time to time in the following years. However, Neelix and Tuvok were the proverbial "odd couple" of Voyager and polar opposites. Neelix' cheerful disposition and bubbly attitude were irritating to Tuvok who had a very stoic and disciplined mind and rarely interested in engaging in the kind of conversations and what he believed to be frivolous activities that Neelix enjoyed. Tuvok was also not very fond of Neelix' cooking abilities, as Neelix had the tendency to add odd spices to dishes which often became not very palatable. He once took one of Tuvok's native dishes from Vulcan and added some Talaxian ingredients to "spice things up"; needless to say, Tuvok did not feel at home at all. Although Neelix was very fond of the Vulcan, his feelings were not reciprocated, until an incident when Tuvok lost his memory and his emotion-suppressing abilities after an attack by mysterious aliens, called the Ba'Neth: Neelix helped Tuvok recover and Tuvok opened up to Neelix, telling him how much he enjoyed his company; this incidence strengthened their friendship, even though Tuvok did go back to his old self when The Doctor was able to devise a method by which Tuvok would gain his memory and logic back. It was also during this time Tuvok gained an appreciation for pastry baking and jazz music . ( VOY : " Caretaker ", " Riddles ")

Tuvok and Neelix were once merged into one lifeform during a transporter malfunction. The hybrid of Neelix and Tuvok was named Tuvix and he possessed the qualities of both Tuvok and Neelix in just the right combination. He even became a better chef . Tuvix quickly became a much-loved and well-respected member of the crew and when The Doctor finally found a way to separate them again into their individual selves, he resisted, asking that he not be sacrificed. After much deliberation Captain Janeway decided that it would be unfair to Neelix and Tuvok if Tuvix remained and so decided to continue with the procedure, murdering him in the process. When Tuvok and Neelix finally returned as their old selves, everyone was glad to see them, even though Janeway couldn't help but wonder about Tuvix and whether she had done the right thing.( VOY : " Tuvix ")

When Kes went through her elogium , Neelix went to Tuvok for advice on fatherhood. Tuvok, despite his natural lack of emotion, was able to assure Neelix that fatherhood brought great rewards, and informed Neelix that it did not matter whether the child was a son or daughter, as in both cases a father was able to play an important role. ( VOY : " Elogium ")

Tuvok once had to share his quarters with Neelix when a shipload of Klingons in the Delta Quadrant came aboard, much to Tuvok's chagrin. ( VOY : " Prophecy ")

Tuvok and Neelix

Tuvok and Neelix in 2377

Even though Tuvok appeared disinterested in Neelix and was not very comfortable around him, he nonetheless had a great deal of respect for him because he saw him as a courageous and hard-working individual with integrity. Tuvok encouraged Neelix to assist an imperiled Talaxian settlement and be reunited with his people. As a going-away gift he danced a brief step, to the delight of Neelix, who had previously mentioned that he would convince Tuvok to dance before Voyager returned home. ( VOY : " Homestead ")

Tuvok became Kes' mentor and tutor in establishing her mental abilities. He used mind melds in order to teach her to control her powers, but sometimes became "frustrated" (as much as any Vulcan could) with her "emotional outbursts", such as giggling, when she used her abilities. Nevertheless, they were close companions. Tuvok gave Kes counsel and understood the challenge she faced with her abilities, speaking of the control he needed to control his emotions. He continued to work with her despite the risk it sometimes entailed, as when she lost control of her powers and accidentally began to boil his blood ( VOY : " Cold Fire ").

When Kes was taken over by Tieran, Tieran tried to seduce Tuvok in her body. Tuvok denied that he had ever desired Kes and engaged in a mind meld that would help Kes resist Tieran's control. ( VOY : " Warlord ").

Tuvok took an interest when Kes became infatuated with a Mikhal Traveler named Zahir , as the Travelers had a reputation for recklessness. He met with Zahir to request that he exercise caution while Kes was his passenger. He also reminded Kes not to let her infatuation interfere with her responsibilities but didn't discourage her from Zahir. ( VOY : " Darkling ").

When Kes' mental abilities began to increase dramatically, Tuvok was concerned and advised her to proceed slowly despite her eagerness. He was alarmed by her ability to affect matter on the subatomic scale. When she began to phase out of corporeal existence, Tuvok attempted a mind meld to slow the process but was unsuccessful. After Kes' departure from Voyager , Tuvok donned his traditional Vulcan robes and placed his lit meditation candle in the window in remembrance of her. ( VOY : " The Gift ")

Tom Paris [ ]

Paris and Tuvok in mess hall

Paris with Tuvok after he helped clear him of murder

Paris and Tuvok had very different approaches and philosophies to life. While Tuvok viewed life through the lens of typical Vulcan logic, Paris had a more carefree attitude towards things; an attribute which irritated Tuvok a great deal and which often resulted in clashes between the two – sometimes serious, often humorous. One such clash became apparent when Tom was put in charge of writing an ending to Tuvok's Insurrection Alpha holoprogram depicting a Maquis mutiny on board Voyager . Tuvok was not happy that Tom was assigned to finish the novel, especially because Tom was disregarding all of his original organization and logical application by adhering to a more casual "make it up as I go along" format. Tom was suggesting that in the novel, Paris and Janeway retake the ship while Janeway decides to execute all the conspirators; an ending Tuvok believed to be a completely implausible plot development. ( VOY : " Worst Case Scenario ") On another occasion, Tuvok and Paris got into a disagreement over the build and look of the Delta Flyer : Tom had added fancy decoration, such as dynametric tailfins , to the nacelles which Tuvok promptly removed, stating that they were not designing a "hot rod" and that such embellishments were unnecessary. ( VOY : " Extreme Risk ")

Tom also often kidded Tuvok, trying to get him to loosen up a bit and "take it easy", such as the time he tried to get him to view the generational ship the Varro had built from more than just a logical and practical angle; or when he tried to find out Tuvok's age, which at that point had remained somewhat of a mystery to many. These attempts to elicit emotional responses out of Tuvok often proved fruitless, however, as Tuvok countered every point made with a logical response, leaving Paris frustrated for even having tried. ( VOY : " The Disease ") Tom did not always appreciate Tuvok's by-the-book and rigid methods and once believed that Tuvok, who had earlier caught him and B'Elanna kissing in engineering , had reported the matter to Captain Janeway; a suspicion that proved to be wrong as Janeway assured Paris that Tuvok had done no such thing. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

Despite occasional irritations, however, Tom and Tuvok maintained a cordial and respectful relationship with one another throughout their journey through the Delta quadrant. When Tom was charged with the murder of engineering physicist Tolen Ren in 2371 , it was Tuvok's thorough investigation that led to proving Tom's innocence in the matter. As a result, Tom felt a great sense of gratitude towards Tuvok for having saved his life. Even though Tuvok explained to him that he was merely performing his duty and would have put the same level of diligence into the investigation regardless of which crew member was charged, Tom did not care and told Tuvok that regardless of his motives, he had just made a friend that day ( VOY : " Ex Post Facto ").

On many occasions, Tuvok showed a surprising amount of faith in Tom despite his checkered past; when attempting a 'sting' operation to catch a traitor who was giving information to the Kazon , Tuvok was comfortable with the choice of Tom as their 'mole' even when it put him in a situation where he could easily defect to the Kazon ( VOY : " Investigations "), and when Tuvok wrote the Insurrection Alpha program, Tom was one of only two prominent crewmembers – the other being the holographic Tuvok himself – who was unquestionably on Janeway's side in the Maquis mutiny, implying great confidence in Tom's loyalty ( VOY : " Worst Case Scenario "). Likewise, Tom avoided teasing Tuvok when dealing with a serious situation: when Tuvok experienced pon farr while The Doctor was away and Tom the only medic available, he claimed to the rest of the crew that Tuvok was just suffering from Tarkalean flu , later programming a holographic replica of T'Pel to help Tuvok deal with his urges without betraying his wife ( VOY : " Body and Soul "). When Tom learned of B'Elanna's pregnancy, he went to Tuvok for advice on fatherhood as the only person he knew who had been through fatherhood already, Tuvok noting that Tom should expect paradox from the illogical combination of frustration and satisfaction that children could bring to a father's life ( VOY : " Lineage ").

Chakotay [ ]

Tuvok went undercover and infiltrated Chakotay's Maquis cell in 2371 , in order to turn his entire crew over to the Federation. However, Tuvok, Chakotay and his entire cell were transported to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. After Voyager as brought over similarly, Chakotay discovered that Tuvok was Captain Janeway's chief of security. This angered Chakotay and changed his attitude towards Tuvok. ( VOY : " Caretaker ") There was still some hostility between the two shortly after they were stranded in the Delta Quadrant, over the issue of Starfleet and Maquis crewmembers serving together on Voyager . ( VOY : " Parallax ") Later on in 2371, Chakotay, having discovered Seska to be a Cardassian spy, still felt feelings of betrayal from Tuvok and asked him, as " someone who pulled the wool over my eyes ", if he had suspected that Seska was a double agent while they worked together in the Maquis. Tuvok told Chakotay that Seska had successfully pulled the wool over his eyes as well. ( VOY : " State of Flux ") Chakotay's question to Tuvok, "Was anyone on that ship working for me?" went unanswered.

Near the end of first year of Voyager 's journey through the Delta Quadrant, Chakotay began to respect Tuvok and his position as chief of security, even punching Crewman Kenneth Dalby in the jaw after he, Henley , Gerron and Chell rudely left Tuvok's lesson in Starfleet protocols in Voyager 's cargo bay. ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")

There was a lingering tension between the two, as Tuvok was disappointed that Janeway had chosen Chakotay over him to be her first officer on Voyager , which they discussed while the ship was trapped in a distortion ring . Tuvok eventually came to accept Chakotay as the true first officer of Voyager . ( VOY : " Twisted ", " Resolutions ")

In 2373 , Chakotay was concerned about Tuvok's well-being after he was struck with what appeared to be a severe panic attack . Tuvok initially brushed off Chakotay's concerns, which took him aback, but Tuvok later apologized. ( VOY : " Flashback ")

Chakotay asks Tuvok for advice

Tuvok providing Chakotay with advice

When Voyager was traversing what they dubbed " the Void " in 2375 , Janeway fell into a deep, guilt-based depression over the ship being trapped in the Delta Quadrant due to her decisions. Worried, Chakotay relied on Tuvok's knowledge of her past and her psyche to predict that she would likely resort to self-sacrifice to protect the crew. When asked by Chakotay, Tuvok pledged his support in preventing any such outcome. ( VOY : " Night ")

Harry Kim [ ]

Tuvok's relationship with Harry Kim was at times that of a mentor and a friend. Though Kim would sometimes play pranks on Tuvok, in concert with Tom Paris, he came to value his advice and companionship. ( VOY : " Alter Ego ", " Ashes to Ashes ")

In early 2371 , Tuvok provided Kim with advice regarding the proper conduct of senior officers on the bridge of a starship when Kim stated that he had "never seen anything like it" regarding a nebula . Though Kim accepted the advice, he couldn't help but later poke a bit of fun at Tuvok when he made a similar comment. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

In 2373 , Kim sought Tuvok's advice regarding eliminating emotions when he became infatuated with the holographic character Marayna . Tuvok advised him that he was suffering from shon-ha'lock and suggested a course of intense meditation . Kim initially followed this course, but eventually discontinued the regime at Tom Paris's urging. He later became angry when Tuvok developed his own relationship with Marayna. Though Tuvok initially dismissed his feelings, he later apologized for not respecting the complexity of his emotions. Kim accepted the apology, as well as Tuvok's invitation to teach him how to play kal-toh . ( VOY : " Alter Ego ")

Despite their generally amiable relationship, Kim was sometimes wary of Tuvok's strictness when it came to ship's protocol. Once, when afraid of being caught out of bounds with Derran Tal , she told him that nobody was going to come looking for them, but he replied that she didn't know Lieutenant Tuvok, who would call for red alert if he saw one electron out of place. ( VOY : " The Disease ")

In 2376 , when Kim and B'Elanna Torres crash landed on an L-class planet , Tuvok went over ten days without sleep , aiding in the search for their missing shuttlecraft . He eventually became so exhausted that he fell asleep on Voyager 's bridge. ( VOY : " Muse ")

As of 2378 , Kim and Tuvok continued to play regular games of kal-toh , though Kim had never beaten him. ( VOY : " Endgame ")

Seven of Nine [ ]

Tuvok became friends with Seven of Nine, when he witnessed her ordeal as she gradually had to remember her assimilation by the Borg. He helped her deal with it and Seven opened up to him. ( VOY : " The Raven ") After that, she began having conversations with Tuvok and it became apparent she enjoyed talking with him because of his logic and distant way of seeing things, which was similar to her own. Tuvok also had a similar attitude towards Seven. ( VOY : " Mortal Coil ")

Tuvok was quick to compliment Seven of Nine when she had quickly learned and won a game of Kal-toh . ( VOY : " The Omega Directive ")

Both Tuvok and Seven of Nine often preferred completing away missions in silence. After working together and Seven saving Tuvok's life, he was able to help her cope with the difficult mission they shared. ( VOY : " Tsunkatse ")

In 2401 , Tuvok, now a captain in the command division , was sent to inform Seven of the consequences the USS Enterprise -D command crew and Seven herself would face for their rogue actions while stopping the Changelings and the Borg . Initially adopting a stern demeanor, Tuvok ended the meeting by promoting Seven to the rank of captain with obvious pride in his old friend. ( PIC : " The Last Generation ")


Tuvok imagines an image of his wife, T'Pel


Sek , Tuvok's son

Tuvok was a devoted parent and husband. Tuvok married T'Pel in 2304 , and later had four children, three sons and a daughter. In 2374 , he learned that his eldest son Sek had a child, named T'Meni after his mother, making him a grandfather. ( VOY : " Hunters ", " Repression ") When Tuvok experienced his first pon far since being trapped in the Delta Quadrant, Tom Paris – the only available doctor at the time due to The Doctor being on an away mission – prepared a holographic replica of T'Pel to allow Tuvok to deal with his urges when medication and meditation proved incapable of dealing with Tuvok's drive to mate, Tuvok accepting the offer only when it was clear that alternatives were impractical ( VOY : " Body and Soul ").

His youngest child, Asil , was born in the city of T'Paal . Tuvok's friend Kathryn Janeway attended Asil's kolinahr . ( VOY : " Fury ", " Unimatrix Zero, Part II ")

Due to his status as the only parent on Voyager , Tuvok was often approached by others for advice on being a parent. Talking with Neelix, Tuvok noted that fatherhood brought so many responsibilities that only the most committed should enter into it given the overwhelming nature of the experience, even as he admitted that it could offer infinite rewards and he often thought about his children despite their distance. When Samantha Wildman was concerned about how her daughter would cope if she died on an away mission, Tuvok noted that he had faith that the rest of his family would care for his own children despite his prolonged absence, assuring Samantha that her own daughter would be cared for by the rest of the crew if she died here. When Tom Paris learned that he was going to be a father, Tuvok noted that Paris should expect paradox due to the complexity of having children. ( VOY : " Elogium ", " Once Upon a Time ", " Lineage ")

The names of Tuvok's parents and children were initially mentioned in Jeri Taylor 's novel Pathways . According to this and the officially-licensed Star Trek: The Magazine , his other sons' names were Varith and Elieth with his parents' names were T'Meni and Sunak. Of these names, Sek, Asil and T'Meni were the only ones mentioned in canon .

Although never named on-screen, Tuvok's father was mentioned in the episode " Flashback " as being aboard the USS Yorktown .

An undeveloped season 7 episode would have explored Tuvok's "estranged" relationship with his "rebellious" daughter Asil, while helping her solve a mystery. ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 1, Issue 20 , p. 23)

Romance [ ]

Despite being a married man, Tuvok once did become close to a young woman, Noss , while he and Tom Paris were stranded on an inhospitable planet for a number of months. However, after he was rescued, he explained to her that they could only be friends, although he did form a mind meld with her to share his feelings for her. ( VOY : " Gravity ")

In 2373 , Harry Kim fell in love with a computer subroutine on the holodeck named Marayna . Knowing that his attraction to a hologram was nonsensical and would lead to nowhere, Harry sought the guidance of Tuvok in order to suppress his feelings for her. Tuvok began giving Harry advice on how to detach from those uncomfortable feelings when he himself, upon meeting Marayna, became strangely attracted to her. Marayna's fresh thoughts, pure logic, and intelligence were appealing to Tuvok who began to understand Kim's attraction to her. Much to Kim's dismay, Tuvok spent hours on the holodeck talking to Marayna about anything from hydro sailing to logic . It was soon discovered that Marayna was actually a projection of a lonely alien in a nearby nebula . She became obsessed with Tuvok and wanted him to join her or else she would destroy the ship. After talking to her, Tuvok convinced her that his life on Vulcan and duty to Voyager meant that he would never be able to stay with her for the reasons she wanted him to remain, forcing her to abandon her assault on Voyager . Before departing, Tuvok suggested that she should return home and surround herself with the people in her life as obviously her need to project herself like that into others' lives was evidence of a greater need for companionship. ( VOY : " Alter Ego ")

Mental health [ ]

On many occasions Tuvok, and the crew of Voyager , were subjected to brain trauma and tampering. ( VOY : " Waking Moments ", " Persistence of Vision ", " The Killing Game ", " Scientific Method ", " Workforce ", " Workforce, Part II ", " Bliss ", " Unforgettable ", " Repression ", et al.).

Towards the end of Voyager 's journey it was established that Tuvok's neural peptides were deteriorating due to an unspecified degenerative neural condition that could only be cured by Fal-tor-voh , a particularly intense mind-meld with a compatible Vulcan, usually a blood relative .

In an alternate timeline, his declining mental state could not be treated due to his returning home with Voyager too late for him to receive proper treatment from his family. In this alternate timeline he suffered severe mental damage and lived in a mental hospital, writing an unspecified novel and sometimes experiencing moments where he thought he was still on Voyager . However, due to the intervention of Admiral Janeway from this same alternate timeline, Tuvok arrived back in the Alpha Quadrant with the rest of the Voyager crew in time to receive his treatment. ( VOY : " Endgame ")

Holograms [ ]

Tuvok has been holographically duplicated on a number of occasions.

  • Recreations of crew members from Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center were seen by The Doctor during a holographic malfunction in 2371 . This simulation, or daydream, included Tuvok. ( VOY : " Projections ")
  • The entire crew of Voyager was recreated by Tuvok for his Insurrection Alpha program, including himself. In addition to acting as Tuvok would, this version was also a training guide in the program. ( VOY : " Worst Case Scenario ")
  • The Kyrian Museum of Heritage in the 31st century used the program The Voyager Encounter to detail their encounter with the warship Voyager , as an aid to a history lesson. In the heavily-flawed version of events, Tuvok was still Voyager 's tactical officer but was shown taking a sadistic glee while attacking the Kyrians. ( VOY : " Living Witness ")
  • Lt. Barclay recreated most of the crew of USS Voyager at the Communications Research Center on Earth for the Pathfinder Project in 2376 . ( VOY : " Pathfinder ")
  • In 2378 , Seven recreated the crew of Voyager , including Tuvok, to improve her social skills. ( VOY : " Human Error ")
  • The Doctor's holonovel Photons Be Free was set aboard the USS Vortex and crewed by characters based on the crew of USS Voyager , albeit the names were changed to protect the innocent. The character of Tulak was based on Tuvok. ( VOY : " Author, Author ")

Alternate timelines [ ]

During the Year of Hell , when the Krenim attacked Voyager with temporal weapons, Tuvok found an active warhead lodged in the hull. Tuvok was sure it would explode in minutes, but Seven wanted to learn its temporal variance so they could perfect shielding against it. She made a determination just before the torpedo blew up, but the explosion blinded Tuvok for the rest of the year. This timeline was undone when the Krenim weapon ship was destroyed and the timeline restored. ( VOY : " Year of Hell ")

In the original test of the quantum slipstream drive , Tuvok and the rest of the crew – with the exceptions of Chakotay, Harry Kim, and (technically) The Doctor – were killed when Voyager crash-landed into an ice planet. ( VOY : " Timeless ")

In Admiral Janeway's timeline, Tuvok's degenerative neurological condition became incurable before they could reach the Alpha Quadrant, with the result that he was confined to a psychiatric facility, his memory erratic as he constantly scribbled down various writings. ( VOY : " Endgame ")

In the mirror universe , Tuvok was a Vulcan member of the Terran Rebellion against the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance . ( DS9 : " Through the Looking Glass ")

Vulcan War

Fleet Commander Tuvok in an intelligence briefing

In the alternate 2401 where the Confederation of Earth existed instead of the Federation, Fleet Commander Tuvok was the leader of the Vulcan Defense Forces during the Vulcan War . ( PIC : " Penance ")

Chronology [ ]

Tuvok's personnel file

Tuvok's personnel file

  • 2264 : Born on the Vulcanis Lunar colony on Stardate 38774. ( VOY : " Flashback ", " Unimatrix Zero, Part II ")
  • 2289 : Enters Starfleet Academy at his parents' insistence. ( VOY : " Flashback ")
  • 2293 : Graduates Starfleet Academy; serves as a junior science officer aboard the USS Excelsior . ( VOY : " Flashback ")
  • 2298 : Resigns from Starfleet and returns to Vulcan , where he spends several years immersing himself in the Kolinahr . ( VOY : " Flashback ")
  • 2304 : Marries T'Pel . ( VOY : " Ex Post Facto ", " Flashback ")
  • 2349 : Returns to Starfleet; serves aboard the USS Wyoming . ( VOY : " Flashback ")
  • 2350s - 2360s : Serves as an instructor at Starfleet Academy for a period of sixteen years. ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")
  • 2356 : First meets Kathryn Janeway. ( VOY : " Fury ")
  • Mid- 2360s : Temporarily assigned to Jupiter Station . ( VOY : " Tuvix ")
  • 2371 : Assigned as Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Voyager . ( VOY : " Caretaker ")
  • 2371 : Infiltrates a Maquis ship; transported to the Delta Quadrant . ( VOY : " Caretaker ")
  • 2372 : For two weeks, Tuvok ceases to exist while Tuvix lives. ( VOY : " Tuvix ")
  • 2374 : Promoted to lieutenant commander ; granddaughter T'Meni is born. ( VOY : " Revulsion ", " Hunters ")
  • 2377 : Assimilated by the Borg . ( VOY : " Unimatrix Zero, Part II ")
  • 2378 : Returns to the Alpha Quadrant . ( VOY : " Endgame ")
  • 2381 : Since promoted to commander , assisted in exonerating Captain Carol Freeman . ( LD : " Grounded ")
  • 2401 : Since transferred to the command division and promoted to captain . ( PIC : " Dominion ")

Memorable quotes [ ]

" I will never cease to be amazed by the Human capacity for hyperbole. "

" Without the darkness, how would we recognize the light? Do not fear your negative thoughts. They are part of you. They are a part of every living being, even Vulcans. " " You? " " The Vulcan heart was forged out of barbarism and violence. We learned to control it, but it is still part of us. To pretend it does not exist, is to create an opportunity for it to escape. "

" On the contrary, the demands on a Vulcan's character are extraordinarily difficult. Do not mistake composure for ease. How may I be honest with you today? "

" It appears that we've lost our sex appeal, captain. "

" I prefer to read, rather than engage in... what do Humans call it? Short talk? "

" Sitting here, attempting to meditate, I have counted the number of ways I know of killing someone using just a finger, a hand, a foot. I had reached 94 when you entered. "

" That is a most illogical line of reasoning. " " You better believe it. "

" One day your intuition will fail, and you will finally understand that logic is primary above all else. 'Instinct' is merely another term for 'serendipity'. "

" Had I known this commendation entailed ritual humiliation, I might have declined. "

" I don't suppose I should ask why you were undressed. " " I would prefer that you didn't. "

" Where are you going? You don't even know what you're looking for. " " I am looking for Mr. Neelix' instinct. Perhaps it is marked. "

" I do not experience feelings of nostalgia. But there are times when I think back to those days of meeting Kirk, Spock and the others, and I am pleased that I was part of it. "

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " Caretaker "
  • " Parallax "
  • " Time and Again "
  • " The Cloud "
  • " Eye of the Needle "
  • " Ex Post Facto "
  • " Emanations "
  • " Prime Factors "
  • " State of Flux "
  • " Heroes and Demons "
  • " Cathexis "
  • " Learning Curve "
  • " The 37's "
  • " Initiations "
  • " Projections "
  • " Elogium "
  • " Non Sequitur "
  • " Twisted "
  • " Parturition "
  • " Persistence of Vision "
  • " Cold Fire "
  • " Maneuvers "
  • " Resistance "
  • " Prototype "
  • " Alliances "
  • " Threshold "
  • " Dreadnought "
  • " Death Wish "
  • " Lifesigns "
  • " Investigations "
  • " Deadlock "
  • " Innocence "
  • " The Thaw "
  • " Resolutions "
  • " Basics, Part I "
  • " Basics, Part II "
  • " Flashback "
  • " The Chute "
  • " The Swarm "
  • " False Profits "
  • " Remember "
  • " Sacred Ground "
  • " Future's End "
  • " Future's End, Part II "
  • " Warlord "
  • " The Q and the Grey "
  • " Macrocosm "
  • " Fair Trade "
  • " Alter Ego "
  • " Blood Fever "
  • " Darkling "
  • " Favorite Son "
  • " Before and After "
  • " Real Life "
  • " Distant Origin "
  • " Displaced "
  • " Worst Case Scenario "
  • " Scorpion "
  • " Scorpion, Part II "
  • " The Gift "
  • " Day of Honor "
  • " Nemesis "
  • " Revulsion "
  • " The Raven "
  • " Scientific Method "
  • " Year of Hell "
  • " Year of Hell, Part II "
  • " Random Thoughts "
  • " Concerning Flight "
  • " Mortal Coil "
  • " Waking Moments "
  • " Message in a Bottle "
  • " Hunters "
  • " Retrospect "
  • " The Killing Game "
  • " The Killing Game, Part II "
  • " Vis à Vis "
  • " The Omega Directive "
  • " Unforgettable "
  • " Living Witness " ( hologram )
  • " Hope and Fear "
  • " Extreme Risk "
  • " In the Flesh "
  • " Once Upon a Time "
  • " Timeless "
  • " Infinite Regress "
  • " Nothing Human "
  • " Thirty Days "
  • " Counterpoint "
  • " Latent Image "
  • " Bride of Chaotica! "
  • " Gravity "
  • " Dark Frontier "
  • " The Disease "
  • " Course: Oblivion "
  • " The Fight "
  • " Think Tank "
  • " Juggernaut "
  • " Someone to Watch Over Me "
  • " Relativity "
  • " Warhead "
  • " Equinox "
  • " Equinox, Part II "
  • " Survival Instinct "
  • " Barge of the Dead "
  • " Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy "
  • " Riddles "
  • " Dragon's Teeth "
  • " One Small Step "
  • " The Voyager Conspiracy "
  • " Pathfinder "
  • " Fair Haven "
  • " Blink of an Eye "
  • " Virtuoso "
  • " Memorial "
  • " Tsunkatse "
  • " Collective "
  • " Spirit Folk "
  • " Ashes to Ashes "
  • " Child's Play "
  • " Good Shepherd "
  • " Live Fast and Prosper "
  • " Life Line "
  • " The Haunting of Deck Twelve "
  • " Unimatrix Zero "
  • " Unimatrix Zero, Part II "
  • " Imperfection "
  • " Repression "
  • " Critical Care "
  • " Inside Man "
  • " Body and Soul "
  • " Flesh and Blood "
  • " Nightingale "
  • " Shattered "
  • " Lineage "
  • " Repentance "
  • " Prophecy "
  • " The Void "
  • " Workforce "
  • " Workforce, Part II "
  • " Human Error "
  • " Author, Author "
  • " Friendship One "
  • " Natural Law "
  • " Homestead "
  • " Renaissance Man "
  • " Endgame "
  • LD : " Grounded " (background only)
  • PIC : " The Last Generation "

Background information [ ]

Tuvok was played by actor Tim Russ . Russ also played the mirror universe Tuvok in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode " Through the Looking Glass ", as well as several other roles in Star Trek . The young Tuvok seen in " Flashback " was played by actor Demetris Lawson and the young one seen in " Gravity " by actor Leroy D. Brazile .

Tuvok was the first Vulcan main cast member to appear on a Star Trek series since Spock in Star Trek: The Original Series and the first fully Vulcan main cast member, given that Spock was half- Human .

An initial notion which led to the invention of the Tuvok character was mentioned in a brief list of handwritten notes Jeri Taylor wrote, one of several compilations of notes about developmental meetings she was having with Rick Berman and Michael Piller about the then-forthcoming-but-not-yet-named Star Trek: Voyager . The notes mentioned, " Old person on show. " This was expanded in another set of notes Taylor wrote a week later, on 3 August 1993 . This document included, in a section called "The Crew", an outline of the character, which stated, " Engineer – An older Human male. Vital and energetic, he has the strength and endurance of the younger officers; but is also a reservoir of wisdom and experience. He takes the rebellious young misfit under his wing and tries to help the angry loner to re-adjust. " ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 175 & 177)

From that point on, the character became more like the version of Tuvok which was ultimately established. For instance, in another series of notes written by Jeri Taylor and this time dated 6 August 1993, Taylor wrote, " The older Engineer might be something we've never seen before: a black Vulcan. He's about a hundred and seventy, really old, but embraces that. He is a fount of wisdom and strength for the young, angry assistant engineer. " ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 182)

According to the VOY Season 2 DVD trivia text version of " The 37's ", an early production name for Tuvok was "Vicon". In the first draft script of VOY : " Caretaker ", Tuvok was described as "a 150-year-old Vulcan (in Human appearance terms that's about sixty)." In the final draft of the "Caretaker" script, though, this description was simplified to instead refer to him merely as "a Vulcan man."

Assuming the role of Tuvok was relatively easy for Tim Russ. He recalled, " Most of my friends told me I didn't have to stretch very much because I'm like that character in real life. " Garrett Wang remembered that when he first met Russ, he joked that Tuvok was one letter away from resembling the name " Tupac ", to which he responded, " Rap music is the reason for the fall of Western civilization. " [1]

In "Caretaker" and the first half of season one , Tuvok wore the rank insignia of lieutenant commander , but he was referred to as lieutenant . This costume gaffe was corrected as of " Cathexis ".

A Tuvok action figure by Playmates Toys was the favorite toy of Little Donny in the Upright Citizen's Brigade episode "Little Donny Foundation". Little Donny also drew pictures of Tuvok, exclaiming, " Tuvok is never getting home! "

Tuvok is left-handed and uses a phaser pouch mounted on his right side as opposed to the standard model which mounts the phaser on the left, as can be seen in episodes such as " Unity ", " The Raven ", and " Renaissance Man ".

His Ilari undercover uniform from the third season episode " Warlord " was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [2]

Apocrypha [ ]

Tuvok - EF2

Lieutenant Commander Tuvok in Star Trek: Elite Force II


Tuvok as Second Officer of the USS Titan

According to the Michael Jan Friedman novel The First Virtue (from Pocket TNG 's Double Helix series), Tuvok worked with Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the USS Stargazer around the time of his rejoining Starfleet in the 2350s .

In the Voyager relaunch series of novels , Tuvok was cured of his illness by his son, and was promoted to Commander . He then began teaching at Starfleet Academy with Admiral Janeway .

The character also appears in the Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force video game and its sequel Elite Force II as the commander of newly formed Hazard Teams on the USS Voyager and USS Enterprise -E , respectively.

In the Star Trek: Titan book series, Tuvok was tapped as a Starfleet Intelligence officer while teaching at the academy. He was sent undercover to Romulus to make contact with Ambassador Spock . Coincidentally, Shinzon assassinates the Romulan Senate simultaneously and in the ensuing chaos, Tuvok is jailed before being rescued by the crew of the USS Titan . He provisionally joins the crew as tactical officer after the ship's regular tactical officer, Lt. Commander Ranul Keru, becomes comatose as a result of battle damage; he reasoned that his experiences in the Delta Quadrant would be an asset to Titan and its mission. In the end of the second book of the series, entitled The Red King , Tuvok decides to stay aboard the Titan as second officer & primary tactical officer. He is also given permission to bring T'Pel aboard to live with him on the ship.

In the novel series Star Trek: Destiny , Tuvok's son Elieth is one of billions killed during a Borg invasion of the Alpha Quadrant.

In the Star Trek: The Fall novel The Poisoned Chalice , Tuvok assists Nog and Thomas Riker as part of a Starfleet Intelligence black ops team known as Active Four in investigating the recent assassination of the Federation President, although they soon learn that their team was actually set up to be killed as part of a plan to frame the Typhon Pact – a new organization composed of various Federation adversaries such as the Romulans and the Breen – for the assassination while eliminating the true perpetrators of the Cardassian organization the True Way .

In A Pocket Full of Lies , Tuvok temporarily transfers back to Voyager to help the crew talk with an alternate version of Janeway created during the events of " Shattered " through the manipulation of the Krenim , the encounter helping Tuvok deal with his own grief and rage over his son's death during the Borg invasion.

Tuvok was shown aboard the Titan in a short film for Star Trek The Exhibition .

In the background story for Star Trek Online , Tuvok has resigned his commission from Starfleet by the year 2401 when he joins Admirals Janeway and Chakotay in objecting to Starfleet's inaction in the face of proven Alpha Quadrant infiltration by Species 8472 . At a later, unspecified date, Tuvok rejoined Starfleet. He appears as a Rear Admiral and joins the player in the Star Trek Online fourth anniversary episode released as part of the games "Season 8.5" update. He also plays a role in two missions added in the "Season 9: A New Accord" update as the Commanding Officer of the USS Voyager . With the Star Trek Online second expansion, "Delta Rising", Tuvok takes the USS Voyager back to the Delta Quadrant, making contact with a Talaxian colony led by Neelix, and helping to coordinate an alliance of Alpha, Beta, and Delta Quadrant species against a resurgent Vaadwaur threat. As of the release of "Agents of Yesterday," Tuvok and Harry Kim are tied for having appeared in more Star Trek Online missions than any other canon characters.

In an alternate timeline featured in the Star Trek: Myriad Universes novella A Gutted World , Voyager was never stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Tuvok served as chief of security and chief tactical officer until the ship was destroyed by the Cardassians in the Dorvan sector in 2373.

External links [ ]

  • Tuvok at Wikipedia
  • Tuvok at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Tuvok at the Star Trek Online Wiki
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)

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Published Nov 1, 2022

A Trick of the Light: On the Ethics of Holograms

When are our faces not our own?

Illustrated banner art featuring Star Trek's most iconic holograms: Leonardo DaVinci, Buck Bokai, Leah Brahms, and Albert Einstein

StarTrek.com / Rob De Hart

if I should stay / I would only be in your way

Whitney Houston joins a list of artists (in film, in music, and beyond) whose body of work now extends beyond life. In 2019, Billboard.com reported that “in partnership with the Estate of Whitney E. Houston, BASE Hologram has revealed the first dates for the upcoming hologram production An Evening with Whitney: The Whitney Houston Hologram Tour .” The show included digital remasters of Houston’s songs for her hologram to perform “live,” along with new choreography.

Whitney Houston is dead. Whitney Houston is touring. Long live Whitney Houston.

The Whitney Houston hologram from BASE Hologram.

BASE Hologram

don’t you wanna dance say you wanna dance don’t you wanna dance

In 1938, novelist, ethnographer, and major light of the Harlem Renaissance Zora Neale Hurston published Tell My Horse: Voodoo and Life in Haiti and Jamaica , turning her attention to what was, at the time, a relatively unfamiliar concept for her readership beyond the pulpiest of pulp horror.

“A zombie,” she wrote, “is supposed to be the living dead – people who die and are resurrected, but without their souls. And they can take orders, and can never be tired, and can do what the master says without cease.”

A new icon of popular culture was born.

But while race undergirds the themes of earlier works like White Zombie and George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead , the pop-cinema creature was quickly divorced from the fears which had initially given it shape. Zombies were not, at first, the manifestation of white, straight, late 20th Century middle-class fears of “infection” or being overrun by othered, dehumanized hordes.

Picard and Lily encounter the Borg.


Instead, as journalist and professor Amy Wilentz puts it in the New York Times , zombies are “a very logical offspring of New World slavery” because “to become a zombie was the slave’s worst nightmare: to be dead and still a slave, an eternal field-hand […] devoid of consciousness and therefore unable to critique the system that has entrapped him. He’s labor without grievance. He works free and never goes on strike.” (In First Contact , when Jean-Luc Picard describes the Borg to Lily Sloane, a 21st Century Black woman, she recognizes them immediately and succinctly as “bionic zombies”).

The digital age has afforded new ways to animate the dead. In 1997, footage of Fred Astaire was spliced and digitally manipulated for the Super Bowl so that he could dance with a Dirt Devil cleaner. His dismayed daughter Ava said in an open letter to the company (enclosed with her own, broken vacuum) that “your paltry, unconscionable commercials are the antithesis of everything my lovely, gentle father represented” and that she was “saddened that after his wonderful career, he was sold to the devil.”

But the devil kept whirling, and in a 1998 interview with Guitar World , Prince was asked about these wondrous new opportunities. “With digital editing, it is now possible to create a situation where you could jam with any artist from the past. Would you ever consider doing something like that?” Prince replied, “Certainly not. That's the most demonic thing imaginable. Everything is as it is, and it should be. If I was meant to jam with Duke Ellington, we would have lived in the same age. […] To prevent that kind of thing from happening is another reason why I want artistic control.”

Despite this lifelong battle to steer his own legacy, however, at the 2018 Super Bowl, two years after his death and following similar projections of Michael Jackson and Tupac Shakur, “Prince” joined Justin Timberlake (whom Prince had, in life, roundly and loudly mocked at a party for daring to claim he was “bringing sexy back”) for an undead duet of his song, “I Would Die For U.”

When that Super Bowl halftime cut to commercial, recordings of Martin Luther King, Jr. were used as a mellifluous, passionate voice-over to sell Dodge trucks.

Dancing with the Devil

Star Trek has, of course, a long history with holograms, and an even longer one in pursuing a thoughtful exploration and expansion of ideas of personhood.

The humanism (with ever-capacious valuations of what “human” might mean) that creator Gene Roddenberry insisted upon happily risks corniness for the sake of earnestness. Confronted, famously, with Q’s misanthropic cynicism that echoes Hamlet’s own, Captain Picard spits back, “What he said with irony, I now say with conviction — what a piece of work is a man !”

But no matter how noble in reason or infinite in faculty, when it comes to holographic life, Starfleet falters. Data might be a person, and Geordi’s repair drones might stumble their way to sentience, but even by the end of Voyager, The Doctor laments that his fellow holograms remain a rights-less labor class.

The Holodeck sits at the absolute frontier of Federation hardware. It combines the matter/energy technologies that also make possible the replicator and transporter – technologies which, far more than interstellar travel, advanced Earth to a post-scarcity society. Despite this, holograms are introduced in “Encounter at Farpoint” (and largely remain across the various series iterations) as the province of recreation, training, experimentation, erotic dalliance – and of course, inevitably, malfunction.

DS9 holodeck performer, Vic Fontaine.

Like the Romans discovering steam power and only using it to power diverting toys for children, the Federation seems not to know what they have on their hands. Holo-tech’s applications are thus frequently disastrous, as time and again the ghost in the machine challenges its fleshy counterpart with flashes of sapience — Moriarty, The Doctor, Vic Fontaine, and Minuet remind the crew that you need not bleed when pricked to be a person.

All well and good, there may be a soul in the silicon. But what about when there isn’t? What about when the hologram isn’t a person – but wears a real person’s face?

In the Pale Moonlight

The indignity of summoning Houston – a woman whose life was itself marred and shortened by the relentless need for the show to go on – from the grave to once more dance and sing (and to shed absurd amounts of money upon investors and rights-holders) throws in rather stark relief Data’s praise by Albert Einstein, Kathryn Janeway receiving congratulations on her brilliance from Leonardo DaVinci, and Benjamin Sisko summoning (fictional) baseball great Buck Bokai to play catch with his son.

Captain Janeway discusses flight with Leonardo Da Vinci.

The dilemma cuts the other way, too. Sisko himself says he dislikes the Vic Fontaine simulation specifically because it effaces the truth of history – that in reality, a Black man such as himself could never have walked into such a bar – but if it is true of a historical milieu, it must be true of the individual, too. Is it right to “shave off” the unpleasant realities of real persons – as for example, when The Doctor encounters the Kyrian Archive’s monumental distortions of its foundation?

What right, if any, does a person have to a 'Do Not Simulate' clause? To what extent, if any, can stipulation be made about what can and cannot be done with one’s image? What obligation, if any, do we have to the facts of history?

The examination of these problems is not limited to the wishes of the dead. Lieutenant Barclay’s phantasmatic world, for example, is peopled by clownish versions of the Enterprise’ s real staff – and an eroticized version of his crush and therapist Counsellor Troi as the “Goddess of Empathy,” whose fatuousness the real Deanna greets with a terse “muzzle it.”

Barclay’s antics are mirrored in more sympathetic terms when Geordi LaForge simulates the Enterprise ’s key designer Leah Brahms to help him solve an engineering crisis, only to fall in love with “her” – and then, later in the series, meet the real Leah Brahms, who is utterly disgusted at the perceived violation.

Overseen by Quark, almost exclusively meant for erotic stimulation and not strictly subject to Federation mandate, DS9’s Holosuites are an even more egregious libertarian free-for-all. One enamored client is particularly keen to get his hands on a digitized version of Major Kira, to her great consternation and flat refusal of consent (Quark, in turn, is punished when the program is corrupted with his features instead). Odo’s first “date” with Kira, meanwhile, is only successful because he is tricked into mistaking her for her singing Holo-double, “Lola Chrystal.”

TNG's Leah Brahms.

Writer-producer Ronald D. Moore argues, in Star Trek Encyclopedia , “that in a free society of responsible citizens, there should be little or no limit on what an adult can do in a Holodeck. Even if others might find certain activities objectionable, what one does in one's private space is no one's business; certainly not the government's.”

But as the proliferation of holo-novels like Dixon Hill and The Doctor’s own Photons Be Free (which lampoons his own crewmates with only slightly modified hairstyles as a “disguise”) demonstrates, the Holodeck is more than private recreation. Instead, it is a publicly-distributed art form. The Doctor’s crewmates themselves wonder anxiously what the world will think when they see these unkind caricatures (in retaliation, Paris makes The Doctor watch a program depicting him in turn as a leering creep).

And in our own era of both digital deep-fakes and “fake news,” we recognize that the technologies initially designed to amuse are quickly weaponized against a populace – a fact DS9 presciently forecasts in “ In the Pale Moonlight ,” when Sisko perpetrates his greatest lapse in conscience, using holo-tech to forge agitprop that will secure Romulan aid in the Dominion War.

As the crews so often learned, then, diversions like the Holodeck are not so closed a box as everyone would hope, and as data collection resources like Facebook and Instagram (and shadier upload apps of even more uncertain allegiance) multiply, we will quickly have to decide when are our faces not our own?

This article was originally published on September 27, 2019.

Anthony Oliveira (he/him) is a PhD, culture critic, and writer. He can be found on twitter at @meakoopa.

Stay tuned to StarTrek.com for more details! And be sure to follow @StarTrek on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram .

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Star Trek: Picard Season 3's Latest Cameo Is A Real Kick In The Rear For Voyager Fans

Star Trek: Picard

This post contains  spoilers  for season 3, episode 7 of "Star Trek: Picard."

The raison d'être of the third season of "Star Trek: Picard" has been its much-touted reunion of seven members from the "Star Trek: The Next Generation"  cast. That the season is on its seventh episode and the fact that the entire cast has yet to be gathered in one room only reveals the showrunners' utmost restraint. Given the events of the last few episodes, however, one can rest assured that the actual reunion is coming soon. 

Despite the restraint on display, the new season of "Picard" has nonetheless whetted Trekkies' appetite for cameos, reunions, and other fun in-jokes and nostalgic references. In the timeline of "Picard," multiple notable "Star Trek" characters are still alive and thriving, and some viewers may have their fingers crossed for appearances from some of their favorites. The presence of Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) as a "Picard" regular has given many fans of "Star Trek: Voyager" reason to hope. Previously a regular on "Voyager," Seven has every reason to reach out to one of her old Voyager crewmates for help. 

Which she does in "Dominion," the newest "Picard" episode. After Capt. Riker (Jonathan Frakes) is kidnapped by the evil Changeling Vadic (Amanda Plummer), Seven checks in with an old friend to get some information on the crime. The old friend in question is none other than Tuvok (Tim Russ), the former security chief of the U.S.S. Voyager. The two banter and trade old stories about playing kal-toh, a puzzle game. All the while, Seven and the crew of the Titan are scanning Tuvok's voice and vetting whether or not he might be a spy in disguise. With Changelings having infiltrated the Federation, one can't be too careful. 

Briefly, "Voyager" fans get their reunion. 

That's not Tuvok!

Tuvok is asked a pointed question about his past, and he whiffs it. Seven recognizes the duplicity and Tuvok, an emotionless Vulcan, cracks a wicked smile. He is not Tuvok after all, but a Changeling spy posing as Tuvok! The Changeling announces that the Titan is pretty much up the creek, and their destruction is nigh. The Changeling also appears briefly as a sick-looking Capt. Riker just to taunt Picard (Patrick Stewart) who is also on the bridge. Musical sting, the Titan is all alone. Trust no one, Mr. Mulder. 

The Tuvok cameo is, of course, the showrunners of "Picard" cleverly weaponizing the show's promised nostalgia . As Trekkies have been assured, "Picard" will indeed eventually be punctuated by saccharine moments of reunion hugs, but not every cameo will be warm or meaningful. The sudden and unexpected appearance of Tuvok may give "Voyager" fans a moment of nostalgic warmth, but that rug is quickly yanked away in favor of a twist in the plot. Nostalgia is all well in good in small doses, so putting a dash of bitters into one of said doses is a welcome change of pace. "Voyager" fans will get a pit in their stomach rather than a bromide. Well done. 

Of course, Tuvok's appearance will have some Trekkies wondering where he and the rest of the Voyager crew may have been since the end of "Voyager" a few decades previous. It turns out several of them, including Tuvok, have made a few brief appearances on other recent "Star Trek" shows. Indeed, Tuvok's appearance as a starship captain may contradict what was previously said about him only a few seasons ago. 

Tuvok's career change

In the "Star Trek: Lower Decks"  episode "Grounded" (August 25, 2022), Capt. Freeman (Dawnn Wells) had been accused of a war crime. The episode followed the four central "Lower Decks" characters as they attempted to exonerate their captain through some halfway-shady means. At the end of the episode, it was revealed that Starfleet had been working to exonerate Capt. Freeman the whole time, and Tuvok, seen only very briefly and speaking no dialogue, was revealed to be a vital part of the investigation. 

As he appears on "Lower Decks," Tuvok is wearing his familiar gold security uniform and is involved in a Starfleet security matter. It seems in the few years since the end of "Voyager," Tuvok merely continued to work in the Federation's security division. 

"Picard" takes place some 20 years after "Voyager," and while it may be possible that Tuvok would eventually change career tracks, don a red uniform, and become a starship captain, it seems a little inconsistent for the character. Surely, after remaining in security after the events of "Voyager" would imply that Tuvok was working his way up a different career ladder. 

It's worth remembering, however, that Vulcans are incredibly long-lived, and can take multiple decades off work to reflect. Indeed, as revealed in the "Voyager" episode "Flashback" (September 11, 1996), Tuvok was stationed aboard the U.S.S. Excelsior with Capt. Sulu (George Takei) some 80 years previous. In that episode, Tuvok wore grey, denoting he was a junior science officer, and not in security. Throughout "Voyager," a timeline of Tuvok's life began to form, and it was revealed he also took a 50-year gap in his Starfleet career. 

Either there's a plot inconsistency, or Tuvok swapped career paths. It was more likely the latter.

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Sybok and Tupac

  • Thread starter Admiral Archer
  • Start date Apr 14, 2019

Admiral Archer

Admiral Archer

  • Apr 14, 2019


Vice Admiral

  • Apr 15, 2019

That's pretty awesome.  

Lord Garth

Fortunately for me, this is my cup of tea! TFF just got a lot cooler.  

Oh dear, I forgot to mention the foul language. I admit I'm just now listening to the song part beyond the intial Sybok quote. LOL  

Admiral Archer said: Oh dear, I forgot to mention the foul language. Click to expand...

I bet Sybok and Tupac would have made a good team. Who needs J'Onn and the 3 delegates?? Get DMX on board...you've got a pretty legit crew. Go jackin' Federation starships and taking them on joyrides to the Great Barrier. Roll out, dawg.  



Not a thread title I expected to see today. Interesting. If Tupac had changed his name to Tupok, that really would’ve been something.  

Rear Admiral

"Apparently huge at the time?" I was there, in the '90s, and it was more than apparent. Tupac is my favorite hip-hop artist and his influence still reverberates.  


Fleet Admiral

I think it's kind of surprising that Paramount didn't seek legal recourse. Or maybe they did but we never heard about it? Or maybe the sample was brief enough that they didn't bother? Kor  


Or maybe they did pay for the clip and we just don't see it.  

Looking into it further, this was on the soundtrack to the movie "Above the Rim," released by New Line Cinema. So somebody probably made sure all clearances were taken care of. Sampling has long been a staple of hip hop, and this eventually led to legal issues. Kor  

  • Apr 16, 2019
DarKush said: "Apparently huge at the time?" I was there, in the '90s, and it was more than apparent. Tupac is my favorite hip-hop artist and his influence still reverberates. Click to expand...


That is awesome. I'm a massive 90s hip hop fan and I never knew this existed. Love it.  


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Doctor Tupak was a Vulcan medical officer in Starfleet. ( Star Trek: Laughing Sawfish )

When he was younger, Tupak had an incredible grasp of mathematics and was aspiring to be an engineer. However, upon fixing his pet sehlat, he found medicine to be his calling

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Tupac’s Legacy as a Complicated Trailblazer Remembered as the Rapper-Actor Receives Hollywood Walk of Fame Honor

By Andrew Barker

Andrew Barker

Senior Features Writer

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Tupac Walk of Fame

On April 15, 2012, 2Pac made his debut appearance at the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival. At this point, it had been 16 years since Tupac Amaru Shakur had been murdered on the streets of Las Vegas at the age of 25. And yet there he was onstage, his holographic likeness projected with uncanny vividness alongside his onetime collaborators and labelmates Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre, whom he now appeared to be speaking to and trading bars with in front of an audience of 80,000.

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Considering how thoroughly he’s been dissected over the decades, it’s worth remembering just how exciting and anomalous a figure Shakur was when he emerged into popular consciousness. By the time he made his recorded debut in 1991, the golden age of hip-hop was in full bloom. LL Cool J had proven that rappers could be hearthrobs with pin-up photo spreads. N.W.A had raised the stakes on violent lyrical provocation, and showed just how lucrative it could be to do so. Groups like Public Enemy, X Clan and the Jungle Brothers had employed hip-hop as a vehicle for Black liberation. And Will Smith was on the cusp of proving that a rapper could cross over into a mainstream film and TV acting career. The possibilities for the young genre seemed limitless, and 2Pac was the first who seemed to embody all of these possibilities simultaneously, becoming the model of the modern hip-hop star in the process.

His style was always far too slippery to pigeonhole. He rapped with the cadences of a minister, equally comfortable with Gospel-style homilies or Old Testament brimstone, both righteous and otherwise. As a lyricist he was at home in a variety of registers, from the most plainspoken narratives and straightforward rhyme schemes, to dizzying explosions of alliteration and splatterpaint abstraction. Even just the timbre of his voice would inspire too many copycats to mention, though few managed to replicate the full-body commitment and hunger that powered his delivery. (As Shakur’s onetime mentor Shock G put it, “‘Pac rhymed from the pit of his stomach.”) Here was a man raised by a Black Panther, who grew up amidst the crushing danger and deprivation of the 1980s crack epidemic, all the while studying ballet and performing Lorraine Hansberry onstage—and all of these disparate life experiences would form the primary colors of his art. 

After a short but significant stint as a dancer-rapper-roadie hybrid with Oakland’s Digital Underground, 2Pac made his solo debut as one of the first artists signed to the nascent label Interscope. Considering how quickly he would become a lightning rod for controversy, it’s striking how defiantly uncommercial much of 1991’s “2Pacalypse Now” sounds to modern ears. Impassioned, righteously political, and sometimes didactic, it was informed as much by the types of rhetoric Shakur might have absorbed from tales of his famous godparents, Geronimo Pratt and Assata Shakur, as it was by anything on rap radio rotation at the time. Listening to it today, it’s easy to understand why so many close to Shakur saw him as a budding revolutionary who also happened to rap, and why (in spite of his then relatively minor national profile) he made an easy target for Vice President Dan Quayle’s election-year cultural war soundbites.

It was also 2Pac’s first No. 1 album, although that accomplishment came with a major asterisk: by the time it was released, Shakur was in prison, recovering from five gunshot wounds. Indeed, the year preceding its release had been a period of almost unbelievable turmoil, encompassing Shakur’s shooting at New York’s Quad Studios and no less than three arrests, the most serious leading to a conviction for sexual abuse. Though Shakur always maintained his innocence of the latter charge, it was difficult to reconcile the endlessly empathetic narrator of “Dear Mama” with the man who was photographed spitting at reporters outside the courthouse where he was accused of sex crimes. 

The last year of Shakur’s life would hardly make this any easier. Signing with Suge Knight’s infamous Death Row Records, propagating an alarming series of beefs with fellow rappers, and providing journalists with endless amounts of paranoid and polarizing pullquotes, post-prison 2Pac sometimes seemed almost unrecognizable to those who had followed him from early on. On the final album released in his lifetime, the 1996 double disc “All Eyez on Me,” Shakur’s heel-turn was complete, and his lyrics openly wallowed in violence, misogyny and hedonism with only fleeting hints of the social consciousness that had given his earlier work such a fascinating duality. Commercially, this was a savvy move—“Eyez” sold more than half a million copies in its first week, and produced his first and only No. 1 singles. And yet, however you felt about it, nothing about that album seemed remotely calculated or opportunistic. Shakur’s inchoate rage at his growing roster of enemies here felt every bit as sincere as it did when it was directed at more deserving targets. His rhymes were as sharp as they had ever been, his commitment to his craft just as obvious. When it came to his music, 2Pac seemed constitutionally incapable of bullshit. All of this was genuinely 2Pac, too.

At a certain point, as memories of his tumultuous life began to calcify into myth, his significance became more diffuse. The rapper who had once provoked condemnation from politicians on both sides of the aisle was now claimed as a personal favorite by everyone from Kamala Harris to Marco Rubio. The Vatican included one of his songs on an official playlist, alongside Gregorian chanting and sermon snippets from the Pope. Kendrick Lamar structured his landmark “To Pimp a Butterfly” album around an imagined conversation with his departed idol. And the late Nipsey Hussle, when faced with a similar crossroads between pursuing commercial success and dedicating his talents to community renewal, took both inspiration and notes of caution from Shakur’s example. Whatever you wanted Shakur to symbolize, there was probably more than enough evidence to support your reading. 

But one of the reasons that Shakur’s popularity remains so constant is that he resists our need for cleanly demarcated heroes and villains. Shakur once courageously put his life and his freedom on the line to defend a total stranger from a beating at the hands of two off-duty Atlanta cops. Years later, he would do the same to pointlessly avenge a petty beef on the floor of a Las Vegas casino. “Keep Ya Head Up” is a quintessential 2Pac song. So is “Hit ‘Em Up.” To love 2Pac is to constantly wrestle with these contradictions, and it requires often disagreeing with him, and sometimes being disgusted with him. One imagines he would have expected no less from himself.

It’s often said that Shakur seemed to pack a whole year’s worth of living into every week of his brief life, and taking in the scope of his creative output—from his studio albums to his posthumously released material, film roles, TV appearances, drawings, screenplays, poetry, manifestos—it’s difficult to process that all of this came from a professional career which only lasted five years. He pondered his own mortality so often that his premature death later came to seem preordained. But the truth is that it wasn’t, and a quarter-century was a cruelly short allotment of life for someone with Shakur’s energy and ambitions. Given more time, would he have managed to reconcile these fascinating contradictions at the center of his life and his art? Or, ever restless, would he simply have found more impossible questions to ask, more contradictions with which to grapple? He certainly left us with more than enough to sort out on our own.

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tupac star trek

ChatGPT and the movie ‘Her’ are just the latest example of the ‘sci-fi feedback loop’

I n May 2024, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman sparked a firestorm by referencing the 2013 movie “ Her ” to highlight the novelty of the latest iteration of ChatGPT.

Within days, actor Scarlett Johansson, who played the voice of Samantha, the AI girlfriend of the protagonist in the movie “Her,” accused the company of improperly using her voice after she had spurned their offer to make her the voice of ChatGPT’s new virtual assistant. Johansson ended up suing OpenAI and has been invited to testify before Congress .

This tiff highlights a broader interchange between Hollywood and Silicon Valley that’s called the “ sci-fi feedback loop .” The subject of my doctoral research, the sci-fi feedback loop explores how science fiction and technological innovation feed off each other. This dynamic is bidirectional and can sometimes play out over many decades, resulting in an ongoing loop.

Fiction sparks dreams of Moon travel

One of the most famous examples of this loop is Moon travel .

Jules Verne’s 1865 novel “ From the Earth to the Moon ” and the fiction of H.G. Wells inspired one of the first films to visualize such a journey, 1902’s “ A Trip to the Moon .”

The fiction of Verne and Wells also influenced future rocket scientists such as Robert Goddard , Hermann Oberth and Oberth’s better-known protégé, Wernher von Braun . The innovations of these men – including the V-2 rocket built by von Braun during World War II – inspired works of science fiction, such as the 1950 film “ Destination Moon ,” which included a rocket that looked just like the V-2.

Films like “Destination Moon” would then go on to bolster public support for lavish government spending on the space program.

Creative symbiosis

The sci-fi feedback loop generally follows the same cycle.

First, the technological climate of a given era will shape that period’s science fiction. For example, the personal computing revolution of the 1970s and 1980s directly inspired the works of cyberpunk writers Neal Stephenson and William Gibson .

Then the sci-fi that emerges will go on to inspire real-world technological innovation. In his 1992 classic “ Snow Crash ,” Stephenson coined the term “metaverse” to describe a 3-D, video game-like world accessed through virtual reality goggles.

Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and innovators have been trying to build a version of this metaverse ever since. The virtual world of the video game Second Life , released in 2003, took a stab at this: Players lived in virtual homes, went to virtual dance clubs and virtual concerts with virtual girlfriends and boyfriends, and were even paid virtual dollars for showing up at virtual jobs.

This technology seeded yet more fiction; in my research, I discovered that sci-fi novelist Ernest Cline had spent a lot of time playing Second Life, and it inspired the metaverse of his bestselling novel “ Ready Player One .”

The cycle continued: Employees of Oculus VR – now known as Meta Reality Labs – were given copies of “Ready Player One” to read as they developed the company’s virtual reality headsets. When Facebook changed its name to Meta in 2021 , it did so in the hopes of being at the forefront of building the metaverse, though the company’s grand ambitions have tempered somewhat .

Another sci-fi franchise that has its fingerprints all over this loop is “ Star Trek ,” which first aired in 1966, right in the middle of the space race .

Steve Perlman, the inventor of Apple’s QuickTime media format and player, said he was inspired by an episode of “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” in which Lt. Commander Data, an android, sifts through multiple streams of audio and video files. And Rob Haitani, the designer of the Palm Pilot’s operating system, has said that the bridge on the Enterprise influenced its interface.

In my research, I also discovered that the show’s Holodeck – a room that could simulate any environment – influenced both the name and the development of Microsoft’s HoloLens augmented reality glasses .

From ALICE to ‘Her’

Which brings us back to OpenAI and “Her.”

In the movie, the protagonist, Theodore, played by Joaquin Phoenix, acquires an AI assistant, “Samantha,” voiced by Johansson. He begins to develop feelings for Samantha – so much so that he starts to consider her his girlfriend.

ChatGPT-4o, the latest version of the generative AI software, seems to be able to cultivate a similar relationship between user and machine. Not only can ChatGPT-4o speak to you and “understand” you, but it can also do so sympathetically, as a romantic partner would.

There’s little doubt that the depiction of AI in “Her” influenced OpenAI’s developers. In addition to Altman’s tweet, the company’s promotional videos for ChatGPT-4o feature a chatbot speaking with a job candidate before his interview, propping him up and encouraging him – as, well, an AI girlfriend would. The AI featured in the clips, Ars Technica observed , was “disarmingly lifelike,” and willing “to laugh at your jokes and your dumb hat.”

But you might be surprised to learn that a previous generation of chatbots inspired Spike Jonze, the director and screenwriter of “Her,” to write the screenplay in the first place. Nearly a decade before the film’s release, Jonze had interacted with a version of the ALICE chatbot , which was one of the first chatbots to have a defined personality – in ALICE’s case, that of a young woman.

The ALICE chatbot won the Loebner Prize three times, which was awarded annually until 2019 to the AI software that came closest to passing the Turing Test , long seen as a threshold for determining whether artificial intelligence has become indistinguishable from human intelligence.

The sci-fi feedback loop has no expiration date. AI’s ability to form relationships with humans is a theme that continues to be explored in fiction and real life.

A few years after “Her,” “ Blade Runner 2049 ” featured a virtual girlfriend, Joi , with a holographic body. Well before the latest drama with OpenAI, companies had started developing and pitching virtual girlfriends , a process that will no doubt continue. As science fiction writer and social media critic Cory Doctorow wrote in 2017 , “Science fiction does something better than predict the future: It influences it.”

This article is republished from The Conversation , >, a nonprofit, independent news organization bringing you facts and analysis to help you make sense of our complex world.

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Rizwan Virk does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ChatGPT-4o and the films 'Her' and 'Blade Runner 2049' all pull from one another as they develop the concept of a virtual assistant.

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All tupac shakur's movie & tv roles, ranked.


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Content warning: The following contains discussions of drug addiction

In addition to being one of the most celebrated rappers of all time, Tupac Shakur's movies proved he was also a fine actor in his own right. After making his screen debut as a background player in the star-studded comedy Nothing But Trouble in 1991, Tupac earned critical acclaim for his villainous role as Bishop in his follow-up film, Juice . In 1993, Tupac once again shifted gears by playing a soft-hearted mailman opposite Janet Jackson in Poetic Justice . In total, Tupac starred in seven feature films and two television episodes prior to his death, not counting appearing in archived footage or as himself on various TV shows.

Whenever Tupac Shakur is mentioned, everyone thinks about his music career. That makes sense as he's considered one of the greatest rappers of all time . However, his acting career likely deserves more credit. While he wasn't someone who was going to win an Oscar, he typically delivered quality performances. The movies Tupac was in were often met with pretty good acclaim, as was his acting and the same goes for his television appearances. Many fans believe that he would've branched out into even bigger roles had he lived longer since he was still on the rise at the time of his death.

9 Nothing But Trouble (1991)

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As part of the Digital Underground rap crew, Tupac appeared along with Shock-G (aka Humpty Hump) in the Dan Aykroyd-directed farce Nothing But Trouble . The film stars Chevy Chase as financial advisor Chris Thorne who, along with his girlfriend Diane (Demi Moore), takes a wrong turn in a dilapidated backwater. Upon being arrested for speeding, Chris and Diane are taken to a creepy mansion full of strange traps designed by a lecherous judge (Aykroyd). Sadly, the movie was mostly panned, picking up Aykroyd a Razzie for his performance. Lucky, the best Tupac Shakur movies were still to come.

8 Drexell's Class, S1E17 (1992)

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In the short-lived sitcom Drexell's Class , which ran for one season and eighteen episodes from 1991-1992, Tupac made an appearance as himself in the penultimate episode of the series. The show revolves around white-collar criminal Otis Drexell (Dabney Coleman), a businessperson caught evading taxes. As punishment, Drexell is forced to teach an elementary class until the back taxes are paid in full. Tupac makes a cameo in the episode entitled "Cruisin '" which also featured Jason Priestly and Brittany Murphy. It remains a mostly forgotten show and performance for the rap phenomenon.

7 A Different World, S6E21 (1993)

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Tupac Shakur appeared in the television episode "Homey, Don't You Know" from the '90s sitcom A Different World . Rather than appearing as himself or part of the Digital Underground rap group, Tupac plays a character named Piccolo alongside his longtime friend Jada Pinkett Smith. The episode concerns Lena's (Pinkett Smith) ex-boyfriend Piccolo (Tupac) and his friends arriving in her new neighborhood to pay her a visit. However, it becomes clear that Piccolo and his crew do not fit in with Lena's new environment. The Cosby Show spinoff was hugely popular and this was a nice small appearance by Tupac in the series.

6 Gang Related (1997)

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The final of Tupac Shakur's movies to be released posthumously was Gang Related , a drug-themed action-thriller costarring James Belushi, Dennis Quaid, James Earl Jones, Gary Cole, and Lela Rochon. Written and directed by Jim Kouf, the film revolves around Detectives Divinci (Belushi) and Rodriguez (Tupac), two dirty cops who get in way over their heads when accidentally murdering a DEA agent. As the two men scramble to conceal the crime by framing a homeless man, they end up creating more harm than good. Tupac turned in a great performance, showing that he could have been something special in Hollywood if he had lived.

5 Bullet (1996)

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Co-written by and starring Mickey Rourke , who also served as the music supervisor, Bullet hit theaters three weeks after Tupac's death in 1996. However, the film was shot in 1994 under the direction of Julien Temple. Plot-wise, the film follows Butch "Bullet" Stein (Rourke), a Jewish heroin addict fresh out of an eight-year jail sentence. Upon his release, Bullet steals from a rival drug dealer named Tank (Tupac) who in turn hires a hitman to kill Bullet. This was easily the most overblown performance in Tupac Shakur's movies, as he was a cartoonish bad guy who looked like he was having the time of his life in the role of the big bad guy.

4 Above The Rim (1994)

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Above the Rim follows Kyle Lee Watson (Duane Martin), a high-school basketball star with an eye on playing for Georgetown University. When Kyle's coach suggests his mother's boyfriend Shep (Leon) take over as the new coach, Kyle opts to participate in a basketball street tournament instead. Shep's younger brother Birdie (Tupac) is a ruthless gang leader who coaches a rival basketball team in the tournament. Tupac took the villain role he played in Juice and ramped it up here, really laying into the role as the bad guy he played in most of his movies.

3 Gridlock'd (1997)

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In Gridlock'd , Tupac and Tim Roth star as a pair of best friends and heroin addicts desperate to kick the drugs in the wake of a friend's fatal overdose. Upon entering a detox program, Stretch (Roth) and Spoon (Tupac) experience far more bureaucratic trouble than it's worth. Written and directed by Vondie Curtis-Hall, the movie also stars Thandie Newton, Charles Fleischer, John Sayles, and Lucy Liu. The film won a Special Recognition Award for Excellence in Filmmaking from the National Board of Review. This was the best performance of Tupac Shakur's movies, and it really showed his range as an actor thanks to him stepping away from a villainous role.

2 Poetic Justice (1993)

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In writer and director John Singleton's Poetic Justice , Janet Jackson plays a soulful poet who goes on a cross-country road trip with her best friend Iesha (Regina King), Iesha's boyfriend Chicago (Joe Torry), and his mail carrier pal, Lucky (Tupac). Reeling from the murder of her boyfriend, Justice (Jackson) wants nothing to do with Lucky's flirtations. However, as the two get to know each other on the trip, Justice learns Lucky has his own issues with an ex who's addicted to drugs and their young daughter Keisha. This was easily the sweetest of Tupac Shakur's movies and showed his humanity.

1 Juice (1992)

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Ernest Dickerson's Juice follows a foursome of inner-city friends in New York who, in the wake of peer pressure, decide to rob a liquor store to gain neighborhood notoriety. When the plan backfires with lethal results, the fabric of their friendship erodes in a quick hurry. Tupac plays Bishop in the film, one of the four friends alongside Q (Omar Epps), Steel (Jermaine Hopkins), and Raheem (Khalil Kain). Once Bishop gets a taste of power with the possession of a firearm, he turns into a merciless killing machine who his closest friends no longer recognize. Juice was the breakout of Tupac Shakur 's movies and proved he was a star in the making.

  • All Eyez on Me (2017)


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  2. Tim Russ

    Timothy Darrell Russ (born June 22, 1956) is an American actor, musician, screenwriter, director and amateur astronomer. He is best known for his roles as Lieutenant Commander Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager, Robert Johnson in Crossroads (1986), Casey in East of Hope Street (1998), Frank on Samantha Who?, Principal Franklin on the Nickelodeon sitcom iCarly, and D. C. Montana on The Highwaymen ...

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    Okay, so I had to look it up, but Tupac was still alive when Voyager premiered. I definitely remember both events pretty clearly, but if you had asked me an hour ago, I 100% would have placed Tupac's murder before the premier of Star Trek: Voyager. Mind blown a bit, I guess. Thanks for indulging me.

  5. 2Pac

    Pain Lyrics. [Intro: Sample from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier] I couldn't help but notice your pain. My pain? It runs deep - share it with me! [Verse 1: 2Pac] They'll never take me alive, I'm ...

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    Sci-fi. Star Trek. Tuvok was a Vulcan male who served in Starfleet twice during the late 23rd century, and again in the mid-24th century, where he served under two legendary captains. The first, Hikaru Sulu on the USS Excelsior, where he served as a junior science officer; the second, Kathryn Janeway on the USS...

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    You know you get yo' ass twisted, so run for cover. Me and my man got a plan, kickin' major dust. So if you owe, nigga, look for the gauge to bust. A lot of pressure with the street fame, it's a ...

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  17. Pain by 2Pac feat. Stretch

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    Steve Perlman, the inventor of Apple's QuickTime media format and player, said he was inspired by an episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation," in which Lt. Commander Data, an android ...

  24. All Tupac Shakur's Movie & TV Roles, Ranked

    3 Gridlock'd (1997) Stream now on Starz. In Gridlock'd, Tupac and Tim Roth star as a pair of best friends and heroin addicts desperate to kick the drugs in the wake of a friend's fatal overdose. Upon entering a detox program, Stretch (Roth) and Spoon (Tupac) experience far more bureaucratic trouble than it's worth.