Inspired Life

77 Positive and Inspiring Journey Quotes

Embark on a journey of a lifetime with these inspiring journey quotes. Life’s a thrilling ride, filled with ups and downs.

It’s about braving the storms and cherishing time spent with loved ones.

So whether your path is spiritual, an exciting travel adventure, or just starting something new in life, let these quotes fuel your spirit for exploration and discovery.

Journey quotes to begin your path towards greatness

1. “Never give up on your dreams, no matter how painful and difficult your journey is.” – Lisa

2. “The journey is never ending. There’s always gonna be growth, improvement, adversity; you just gotta take it all in and do what’s right, continue to grow, continue to live in the moment.” – Antonio Brown

3. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu

positive journey quotes

4. “Sometimes its more about the journey than the destination.” – Jamal Crawford

5. “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” – Arthur Ashe

6. “Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” – Greg Anderson

New journey quotes to inspire your success

7. “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

8. “Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.” – Drake

inspiring journey quotes

9. “Sometimes we make the process more complicated than we need to. We will never make a journey of a thousand miles by fretting about how long it will take or how hard it will be. We make the journey by taking each day step by step and then repeating it again and again until we reach our destination.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin

10. “Enjoy the journey and try to get better every day. And don’t lose the passion and the love for what you do.” – Nadia Comaneci

11. “Struggle teaches you a lot of things, and I am happy that I witnessed a roller coaster ride. The journey has improved me as a person and made me more matrure.” – Manoj Bajpayee

12. “Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.” – Henri Frederic Amiel

Life is a journey quotes

13. “Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.” – Oliver Goldsmith

14. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost

15. “Learn to trust the journey, even when you do not understand it.” – Lolly Daskal

trust the journey jumper

16. “Life is a journey that have a lot of different paths, but any path you choose, use it as your destiny.” – Unknown

17. “The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.” – Steve Maraboli

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18. “Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

motivational journey quotes

19. “Everyday you got a chance to make your journey more beautiful than yesterday.” – Nitin Namdeo

20. “Every day is a journey and the journey itself is home.” – Matsuo Basho

21. “Everybody has their own story; everything has their own journey.” – Thalia

Enjoy the journey quotes

22. “Enjoy the journey as much as the destination.” – Marshall Sylver

your journey quotes

23. “Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame.” – Benedict Cumberbatch

24. “Enjoy the journey and try to get better everyday. And don’t lose the passion and the love for what you do.” – Nadia Comaneci

25. “Enjoy the journey, the destination will come.” – Verghese

26. “Don’t wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life.” – Joyce Meyer

27. “Dream big, stay positive, work hard, and enjoy the journey.” – Urijah Faber

28. “The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance, and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.” – Oprah Winfrey

29. “Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete.” – Chanda Kochar

30. “Enjoy the journey, enjoy every moment, and quit worrying about winning and losing.” – Matt Biondi

31. “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.” – Babs Hoffman

spiritual quotes about life journey

32. “I haven’t been everywhere but its on my list.” – Susan Sontag

33. “You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.” – Les Brown

Inspirational journey quotes

34. “You can never regret anything you do in life. You kind of have to learn the lesson from whatever the experience is and take it with you on your journey forward.” – Aubrey O’Day

35. “Life is a journey. When we stop, things don’t go right.” – Pope Francis

quotes about the end of a journey

36. “There’s no map for you to follow and take your journey. You are Lewis and Clark. You are the mapmaker.” – Phillipa Soo

37. “I’m different than most people. When I cross the finish line of a big race, I see that people are ecstatic, but I’m thinking about what I’m going to do tomorrow. It’s as if my journey is everlasting, and there is no finish line.” – David Goggins

38. “We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.” – Marcel Proust

39. “Though the road’s been rocky it sure feels good to me.” – Bob Marley

quotes about journey of life

40. “We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.” – Earl Nightingale

41. “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” – Steve Jobs

42. “If my ship sails from sight, it doesn’t mean my journey ends, it simply means the river bends.” – Enoch Powell

Motivational journey quotes 

43. “Make voyages. Attempt them. There’s nothing else.” – Tennessee Williams

44. “Gotta take that adventure in order to understand your journey.” – Jennifer Pierre

quotes on life journey

45. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

46. “The beauty of my journey is that it’s always been pretty unpredictable, so stay tuned.” – Andreja Pejic

47. “The journey not the arrival matters.” – T.S. Eliot

48. “The future depends on what you do today.” – Mahatma Gandhi

49. “The goal is to die with memories, not dreams.” – Unknown

50. “Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering.” – Theodore Roosevelt

51. “The harder you work from something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.” – Sudhashree Acharya

52. “Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.” – Pat Conroy

53. “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” – ILHQ

long journey quotes

54. “When setting out on a journey do not seek advice from someone who never left home.” – Rumi

Positive journey quotes

55. “You may only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West

everyone has their own journey quotes

56. “Every day you got a chance to make your journey more beautiful than yesterday.” – Nitin Namdeo

57. “Stay positive. Better days are on their way.” – Unknown

58. “Your destiny is to fulfill those things upon which you focus most intently. So choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting and joyful. Your life is always moving toward something.” – Ralph Marston

59. “You make a life out of what you have, not what you’re missing.” – Kate Morton

next journey quotes

60. “Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. Every sunrise begins with new eyes.” – Richie Norton

61. “Life is very interesting. In the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths.” – Drew Barrymore

62. “Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don’t think you’ve lost time. There is no short-cutting life. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time.” – Asha Tyson

63. “And suddenty you know…It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” – Meister Eckhart

64. “Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” – Dolly Parton

journey quotes

65. “Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” – Michelle Obama

66. “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde

67. “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer

Journey of life quotes

68. “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” – Tony Robbins

our journey quotes

69. “When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.” – Carol Burnett

70. “Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” – Charles R. Swindoll

71. “You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing, no one to blame.” – Erica Jong

72. “If all difficulties were known at the outset of a long journey, most of us would never start out at all.” – Dan Rather

73. “It’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life’s story will develop.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

74. “Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier & healthier life.” – Germany Kent

75. “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” – Lou Holtz

76. “Our lives are the journey we take to find our true selves!” – Alyssa Gonzalez

embrace the journey quotes

77. “Your braver than you believe, stronger that you seem, and smarter than you think.” – A.A. Milne

Which of these journey quotes were your favorites?

We all have the potential within us to be great.

But greatness isn’t about luck. It’s a choice.

We must choose to succeed and take steps towards it.

Remember, the path to success is a journey, not a quick leap.

Let these quotes inspire you to stay focused on your goals and dreams, no matter what obstacles get in your way along the path.

trust the journey jumper

Helping people and eating tacos are my jam! This blog exists to help provide tips and resources that can help you achieve your goals and live a better life. Whether you’re looking for tips on personal growth, fitness, advice on starting a side hustle, or resources for working remotely, I’ve got you covered.

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trust the journey jumper

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65 Trust the Process Quotes to Inspire Your Life Journey

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Life can be very tricky – there’s no doubt about that.

While sometimes it can feel like every possible obstacle that can happen does happen – sometimes that’s when we need to dig our heels in, trust ourselves and trust the life process itself to carry us through.

In today’s post, we’ll be sharing with you some trust-the-process quotes to help harness some of that unshakable persistence that we’re all capable of. The kind of power that can totally alter your life, but before we get to that – let’s talk a little more about trusting the process.

Table of Contents

Why Read Trust the Process Quotes

So, why should you take my or anyone else’s word for it? Why should you trust the process? No human has access to a crystal ball, often even the most intelligent, well-thought-out predictions often turn out to be woefully incorrect. That gives us only two real options – we can either quit or dig our heels in and keep pushing forwards.

When we trust the process we are committing ourselves to do our best no matter the outcome. In many cases, life works this way – the efforts that we put in rarely yield immediate returns, but these efforts can compound over time. Then they start to stir forces into motion that can totally change our lives .

Our trust-the-process quotes are here to help inspire you while you’re on your life journey because no matter what you believe, your life is progressing whether you like it or not. Our attitude towards the life process can either help or hinder us.

When you “ trust ” you act and think in a completely different way. When you trust the process it means that you believe in yourself, and this self-belief can carry over to your resilience, it can make you more persistent, and it can even make gigantic obstacles seem trivial.

So, when all is said and done, what other option is there? Trusting the process means not giving up and going forward regardless of what happens, if a person has this attitude – how can they fail?

  • “If all I do is try, that means I don’t truly believe that I can succeed.” – Kanan Jarrus
  • “What we are waiting for is not as important as what happens to us while we are waiting. Trust the process.” – Mandy Hale
  • “Slow down. Calm down. Don’t worry. Don’t hurry. Trust the process.” – Alexandra Stoddard
  • “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison
  • “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” – Marie Curie
  • “Taking a shortcut isn't always profitable, doing the right thing may take longer but just trust the process, your reward is sure!” – Hopal Green
  • “Just do the work and the results will handle themselves.” – Tony Gaskins
  • “When we let go of what we think is best for us, we can receive what we truly need.” – Anthon St. Maarten
  • “Persons with comparatively moderate powers will accomplish much, if they apply themselves wholly and indefatigably to one thing at a time.” – Samuel Smiles
  • “A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song” – Chinese Proverb
  • “When things are not coming together the way you want them too don't lose hope. Trust the process, your time will come.” – Germany Kent
  • “It’s amazing how the same pace in practice can feel so much harder than on race day. Stay confident. Trust the process.” – Sara Hall
  • “Patience does not mean to passively endure. It means to be farsighted enough to trust the end result of a process.” – Elif Shafak
  • “If I let go of who I am I become who I might be” – Lao Tzu
  • “Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved.” – Winnie the pooh

Trust The Process Quotes - “Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved.” - Winnie the pooh | trust the process quotes basketball | trust the process meaning | trust the process quotes aesthetic

  • “Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.” – Oliver Goldsmith
  • “Every master was once a disaster.” – T. Harv Eker
  • “I know there is a lot going on in your head. Why to worry so much? let the time pass instead.” – Wrushank Sorte
  • “You can’t really protect women or men from their choices, so let them have their own lives and trust the process.” – Stephen Singular
  • “As you learn to TRUST YOURSELF something miraculous happens. You begin to TRUST THE PROCESS you are living and the miracles life brings!” – Iyanla Vanzant
  • “The best possible way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate with all your intelligence, all your enthusiasm, on doing today's work superbly today.” – Dale Carnegie
  • “Trust the creative process. You are a walking, breathing mass of possibilities and potential.” – Donna Goddard
  • “Nothing worth having comes easy. Trust the process.” – Napz Cherub Pellazo
  • “A man who cannot tolerate small misfortunes can never accomplish great things” – Chinese Proverb
  • “Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.” – Drake

Trust The Process Quotes - “Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.” - Drake | trust the process quotes tattoo | trust the process captions for instagram | trust the process quotes basketball

  • “Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” – Napoleon Hill
  • “Temporary discomfort is a part of growth” – Etheria Divine
  • “Whenever you feel crushed, under pressure, pressed, or in darkness, you’re in a powerful place of transformation/transmutation.” – Lalah Delia
  • “Everybody wants the platform but nobody wants the process.” – Pastor John Gray
  • “If you really wanna fly, learn to befriend the winds.” – Curtis Tyrone Jones
  • “Everything is falling together perfectly, even though it looks as if some things are falling apart. Trust in the process you are now experiencing.” – Neale Donald Walsch
  • “Be brave. Let go. Trust the process. Allow the universe to reveal its beautiful plan.” – Amy Atherton
  • “To be successful as an investor or a business owner, you have to be emotionally neutral to winning and losing. Winning and losing are just part of the game.” – Robert Kiyosaki
  • “Skill in any performance whether it be in sports in playing the piano in conversation or in selling merchandise consists not in painfully and consciously thinking out each action as it is performed but in relaxing and letting the job do itself through you.” – Maxwell Maltz
Skill in any performance whether it be in sports in playing the piano in conversation or in selling merchandise consists not in painfully and consciously thinking out each action as it is performed but in relaxing and letting the job do itself through you.” – Maxwell Maltz
  • “Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It’s a journey of discovery — there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair. ” – Rick Warren
  • “Forget the competition and go at your own pace. Your only contest is with yourself.” – William Zinsser
  • “Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.” – Henri Frederic Amiel.
  • “If we have faith, a door will open for us, not perhaps one that we ourselves would ever have thought of, but one that will ultimately prove good for us.” – A. J. Cronin
  • “I am learning to trust the journey even when I do not understand it.” – Mila Bronit
  • “There are times in our lives it feels like failure. It seems as if we are falling but we really are flying… Have faith… Trust the process.” – April Peerless
  • “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
  • “Trying harder makes the resistance more. It’s letting go of the cars that makes it less. It’s trusting the process. It’s trusting the stream. It’s trusting that you have an inner being that is calling you toward it.” – Abraham Hicks
  • “Professionals stick to the schedule; amateurs let life get in the way.” – James Clear

Trust The Process Quotes - "Professionals stick to the schedule; amateurs let life get in the way." - James Clear | trust quotes | trust the process quotes aesthetic | trust the process quotes basketball

  • “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey.” – Fitzhugh Mullan
  • “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end.” – Ernest Hemingway
  • “I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow, it will split in two.” – Jacob A. Riis
  • “Successful people just do the things that seem to make no difference in the act of doing them and they do them over and over and over until the compound effect kicks in.” – Jeff Olson
  • “Enjoy the journey and try to get better every day. And don’t lose the passion and the love for what you do.” – Nadia Comaneci
  • “Our patience will achieve more than our force.” – Edmund Burke
  • “Hold the vision. Drop the excuses. Remember your why. Swerve around obstacles. Trust the process. Happiness and success will find you.” – Karen Salmansohn
  • “Playful arising is authorized by both risk and trust in the process and in oneself. To be truly playful and improvisational, one must not look for results.” – Joshua L. Goldberg
  • “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” – Aristotle
  • “It's hard to beat a person that never gives up.” – Babe Ruth
  • “Strength comes from choosing to fully trust, pray, and praise. Our circumstances may not change, but in the process we change.” – Charles R. Swindoll
  • “Life is not what it’s supposed to be—it’s what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.” -Virginia Satir
  • “The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.” – Arnold Henry Glasow
  • “I was taught the way of progress is neither swift nor easy.” – Marie Curie
  • “Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident.” – A.P. J. Abdul Kalam

Trust The Process Quotes - “Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident.” - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam | trust the process quotes wallpaper | trust the process captions for instagram| trust the process quotes tattoo

  • “Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.” – Saadi Shirazi
  • “The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.” – Carl Rogers
  • “We enjoy the process far more than the proceeds.” – Warren Buffett
  • “If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all.” – Michelangelo
  • “Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.” – Molière

Final Thoughts on Trust the Process Quotes

That brings us to the end of our compilation! We hope these quotes inspire you to trust the process a little more – as life is very rarely a smooth and easy ride. There are ups and downs, and no one can tell you exactly what the future holds.

In the meantime, check out these 102 trust affirmations to get you through uncertain times and start reaching new heights in your life journey.

And if you want more inspirational quotes, be sure to check out these blog posts:

  • 67 Priority Quotes on How to Identify What’s Truly Important
  • 75 Keep Pushing Quotes So You Can Move Forward
  • 65 Manifestation Quotes to Achieve Your Important Goals

Finally, if you want to use these quotes to make a lasting change to your life, then check out and recite these 57 affirmations for success .

trust the journey jumper

Tom Smith is a creative writer with over 6 years of professional experience. He discovered the joy of writing after covering some furniture in his childhood home with graffiti. In later years, he got himself a BA in creative writing and hasn’t looked back. After discovering the power of positive thinking and discovering the spiritual side of life, he believes it's a huge privilege to be able to write about all things personal development.

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Posts & Pages

15 quotes about trusting the journey (because, why not).

Since you're here right now, as you are, why not try trusting the journey? You don’t have to stay here forever, and you won’t. Change is already in the works. And when you bring joy to *this* moment, it's easier to find it in the next.

Read these quotes and embrace what's coming... with less stress, and more wonder.

Goals for the next decade of my life: making peace with my past. Falling more deeply in love with my life right here. Being excited about what's yet to be.

15 Healing Quotes about Trusting the Journey

1. “We do not heal the past by dwelling there; we heal the past by living fully in the present.” — Marianne Williamson  

2. “Perhaps the biggest mistake I made in the past was that I believed love was about finding the right person. In reality, love is about becoming the right person. Don’t look for the person you want to spend your life with. Become the person you want to spend your life with. ” — Neil Strauss

3. “If you don’t make the time to work on creating the life you want, you’re eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with a life you don’t want.” — Kevin Ngo

4. “It’s not selfish to do what is best for you.” — Mark Sutton

5. “There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there’s so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.” — Zayn Malik

6. “Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity , wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” — E.E. Cummings

7. “You have to die a few times before you can really live.” — Charles Bukowski

6. “What doesn’t kill us gives us something new to write about.” — Julie Wright

9. “As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.” — Steve Maraboli

10. “You can’t have everything you want, but you can have the things that really matter to you.” — Marissa Mayer

11. “I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it , without knowing what’s going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity.” — Gilda Radner

10. “May the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary.” — Xan Oku

13. “Stripped of your ordinary surroundings, your friends, your daily routines, your refrigerator full of food, your closet full of clothes — with all this taken away, you are forced into direct experience. Such direct experience inevitably makes you aware of who it is that is having the experience. That’s not always comfortable, but it is always invigorating.” — Michael Crichton

14. “The great thing about new friends is that they bring new energy to your soul.” — Shanna Rodriguez

15. “ I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve (or save) the world and a desire to enjoy (or savor) the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.” — E.B. White

Which of these quotes is your favorite?

Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I'd love to know!

P.S. Want to embrace this season and trust where you’re at? Less worry, more joy? Get my book Sleep Affirmations for light when you need it most. You’ll feel… better.

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111 Trust The Process Quotes To Inspire Your Journey

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Embarking on a journey towards your goals and dreams is an exciting and transformative experience. Along the way, you’ll encounter challenges, uncertainties, and moments when the path ahead seems unclear. In these moments, the wisdom of trusting the process can provide the guidance and motivation you need to keep moving forward.

Welcome to this collection of 111 inspiring “ Trust The Process” quotes that are not only words but also powerful reminders of the strength that comes from embracing the journey, no matter how daunting it may seem.

What It Means To Trust The Process

Trusting the process isn’t merely a catchy phrase; it’s a mindset that can shape your perspective and actions in meaningful ways. At its core, trusting the process involves acknowledging that success is a journey with its ups and downs, twists and turns.

It’s about having faith in your abilities, in the lessons that challenges bring, and in the notion that every step, no matter how small, contributes to your growth.

Trusting the process doesn’t mean sitting back and waiting for things to magically fall into place. Rather, it’s an active engagement with your goals. It’s about consistently putting in the effort, even when results aren’t immediate.

When you trust the process, you recognize that setbacks aren’t roadblocks but stepping stones and that each moment, whether triumphant or trying, has a purpose.

For a more comprehensive exploration of how to maintain and strengthen your trust in the process, even when faced with difficulties, check out my article, “ 11 Ways to Trust the Process Even When It’s Tough .” This article provides practical strategies and approaches to help you navigate the challenges that might test your resolve along the journey. It complements the inspiring quotes you’re about to discover and offers valuable insights into the art of unwavering trust.

111 Trust The Process Quotes

As you immerse yourself in the following collection of quotes, reflect on what these words mean to you personally. Consider how the wisdom shared by individuals from various walks of life resonates with your own journey.

Remember that while trusting the process isn’t always easy, it’s a practice that can lead to profound personal growth and accomplishments.

1. “She remembered who she was and the game changed.” – Don Williams Jr.

2. “excellence is a continuous process and not an accident.” – a.p. j. abdul kalam, 3. “great things take time. trust the process and keep working towards your goals.” – unknown, 4. “time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. be patient and trust the process.” – peaceful diaries, 5. “hold the vision. drop the excuses. remember your why. swerve around obstacles. trust the process. happiness and success will find you.” – karen salmansohn, 6. “i know there is a lot going on in your head. why to worry so much let the time pass instead.” – wrushank sorte, 7. “have patience. all things are difficult before they become easy.” – saadi shirazi – don williams jr., 8.“your personal growth is the only thing that matters. you own and write your story—no one else does. believe in your unique steps up the mountain.” – brittany burgunder, 9. “life is a journey of peaks and valleys. trust the process and enjoy the ride.” – unknown, 10. “every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” – napoleon hill.

Stay focused stay positive trust the process

11. “Stay focused, stay positive, trust the process, and believe that the best is yet to come.” – Unknown

12. “as you learn to trust yourself something miraculous happens. you begin to trust the process you are living and the miracles life brings” – iyanla vanzant, 13. “you know how if you plant seeds it takes time for the fruits of the seeds to push up through the ground’s surface same goes for the changes you want to manifest—they take time to see. so seeing isn’t believing, seeding is believing. what you seed is what you get. if you seed positive thoughts and habits, success will eventually blossom for you.” – karen salmansohn, 14. “nothing worth having comes easy. trust the process.” – napz cherub pellazo, 15. “it is more important to go slow and gain the lessons you need along the journey than to rush the process and arrive at your destination empty.” – germany kent, 16. “if we have faith, a door will open for us, not perhaps one that we ourselves would ever have thought of, but one that will ultimately prove good for us.” – a. j. cronin, 17. “life is a series of lessons and experiences. trust the process and let each moment shape you.” – unknown, 18. “trying harder makes the resistance more. it’s letting go of the cars that makes it less. it’s trusting the process. it’s trusting the stream. it’s trusting that you have an inner being that is calling you toward it.” – abraham hicks, 19. “whenever you feel crushed, under pressure, pressed, or in darkness, you’re in a powerful place of transformation/transmutation.” – lalah delia, 20. “be brave. let go. trust the process. allow the universe to reveal its beautiful plan.” – amy atherton.

It’s not luck, it’s not magic

21. “It’s not luck, it’s not magic, it’s not circumstances. It’s developing a good plan and diligently working it.” ~ John C. Maxwell

22. “slow down. calm down. don’t worry. don’t hurry. trust the process.” – alexandra stoddard, 23. “it’s amazing how the same pace in practice can feel so much harder than on race day. stay confident. trust the process.” – sara hall, 24. “so the single most vital step on your journey towards enlightenment is this—learn to disidentify from your mind.” – eckhart tolle, 25. “in your action, you lose sight of the vision, you lose sight of your trust in the process, and just band around in a sense of futility. hold the vision and trust that the universe will acclimate to your vision. hold the vision and trust the process.” — esther hicks, 26. “the good life is a process, not a state of being. it is a direction, not a destination.” – carl rogers, 27. “success is a result of trusting the process, staying committed, and never giving up.” – unknown, 28. “patience and persistence are the keys to success. trust the process and stay determined.” – unknown, 29. “you can’t really protect women or men from their choices, so let them have their own lives and trust the process.” – stephen singular, 30. “just do the work and the results will handle themselves.” – tony gaskins.

grayscale photo of man in long sleeve shirt covering his face

31. “If all I do is try, that means I don’t truly believe that I can succeed.” – Kanan Jarrus

32. “trust the process. your time is coming. just do the work and the results will handle themselves.” – tony gaskins, 33. “enjoy the journey and try to get better every day. and don’t lose the passion and the love for what you do.” – nadia comaneci, 34. “every setback is a setup for a comeback. trust the process and keep pushing forward.” – unknown, 35. “what we are waiting for is not as important as what happens to us while we are waiting. trust the process.” – mandy hale, 36. “success is built on a foundation of hard work and perseverance. trust the process and keep building.” – unknown, 37. “you can’t rush progress. trust the process and enjoy the journey.” – unknown, 38. “it is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end.” – ernest hemingway, 39. “persons with comparatively moderate powers will accomplish much if they apply themselves wholly and indefatigably to one thing at a time.” – samuel smiles, 40. “patience does not mean to passively endure. it means to be farsighted enough to trust the end result of a process.” – elif shafak.

Trust The Process Quote 1

41. “Embrace the uncertainty, trust the process, and watch the magic unfold.” – Unknown

42. “in the process of becoming, trust the journey and have faith in your own evolution.” – unknown, 43. “small moves in the direction of your goal every day are going to add up. you can get to where you want to be but you have to keep moving forward.”, 44. “sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.” – drake, 45. “adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” – ralph waldo emerson, 46. “when things are not coming together the way you want them to don’t lose hope. trust the process, your time will come.” – germany kent, 47. “there are highs and lows in life. you can’t celebrate the highs without having the lows. so maintain your positive mindset and continue to move forward toward your dream regardless of the highs and lows.” — susan ballinger, 48. “every master was once a disaster.” – t. harv eker, 49. “relax. don’t rush. don’t force. don’t stress. let things happen, trust the process, and try to enjoy the ride.” – lori deschene, 50. “forget the competition and go at your own pace. your only contest is with yourself.” – william zinsser.

trust the journey jumper

51. “Taking a shortcut isn’t always profitable, doing the right thing may take longer but just trust the process, your reward is sure!” – Hopal Green

52. “if you’re gonna try, go all the way. otherwise, don’t even start.” ~ charles bukowski, 53. “do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.” ~ mother teresa, 54. “trust that the challenges you face are guiding you towards your true potential. embrace the process.” – unknown, 55. “skill in any performance whether it be in sports in playing the piano in conversation or in selling merchandise consists not in painfully and consciously thinking out each action as it is performed but in relaxing and letting the job do itself through you.” – maxwell maltz, 56. “life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved.” – winnie the pooh, 57. “the process is just as important as the actual prize, because the process is going to make you.” ~ eric thomas, 58. “our greatest weakness lies in giving up. the most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time.” – thomas edison, 59. “i was taught the way of progress is neither swift nor easy.” – marie curie, 60. “don’t be discouraged by temporary setbacks. trust the process and keep your eyes on the prize.” – unknown.

hummingbird in mid air

61. “A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song” – Chinese Proverb

62. “if i let go of who i am i become who i might be” – lao tzu, 63. “growth is a process, and sometimes it takes time to see the results. be patient and trust it.” – unknown, 64. “every step forward, no matter how small, is progress. trust the journey.” – unknown, 65. “nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” – marie curie, 66. “when we let go of what we think is best for us, we can receive what we truly need.” – anthon st. maarten, 67. “if people knew how hard i had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all.” – michelangelo, 68. “every day, we can either choose to be a victim or we can choose to live life victoriously.” ~ les brown, 69. “successful people just do the things that seem to make no difference in the act of doing them and they do them over and over and over until the compound effect kicks in.” – jeff olson, 70. “trust the process. your time is coming. just do the work and the results will take care of themselves.” ~ tony gaskins.

person holding gold-colored ching coins

71. “A man who cannot tolerate small misfortunes can never accomplish great things” – Chinese Proverb

72. “success is like a quiet set of daily tasks. it’s not this big rah-rah speech where you do this one thing and then something big happens.” – owen cook, 73. “the journey to success is not always straightforward. trust the process, learn from the detours, and keep moving forward.” – unknown, 74. “life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.” – oliver goldsmith, 75. “stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey.” – fitzhugh mullan, 76. “i go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. yet at the hundred and first blow, it will split in two.” – jacob a. riis, 77. “everybody wants the platform but nobody wants the process.” – pastor john gray, 78. “the key to everything is patience. you get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.” – arnold henry glasow, 79. “not all those who wander are lost.” – j.r.r. tolkien, 80. “temporary discomfort is a part of growth” – etheria divine.

When you do things the right way

81. “When you do things the right way, it will take longer. Just trust the process!” – Hopal Green

82. “life is not what it’s supposed to be—it’s what it is. the way you cope with it is what makes the difference.” -virginia satir, 83. “nothing worth having comes easy. trust the process.” – napz cherub pellazo, 84. “strength comes from choosing to fully trust, pray, and praise. our circumstances may not change, but in the process we change.” – charles r. swindoll, 85. “if you really wanna fly, learn to befriend the winds.” – curtis tyrone jones, 86. “the process may be slow, but it’s in those moments of patience that transformation happens.” – unknown, 87. “the process of growth is like a puzzle. trust that each piece you place gets you closer to the bigger picture.” – unknown, 88. “patience is not passive. on the contrary, it’s concentrated strength.” ~ bruce lee, 89. “the best possible way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate with all your intelligence, all your enthusiasm, on doing today’s work superbly today.” – dale carnegie, 90. “i am learning to trust the journey even when i do not understand it.” – mila bronit.

woman in blue and white floral shirt holding her face

91. “Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.” – Henri Frederic Amiel

92. “there are times in our lives it feels like failure. it seems as if we are falling but we really are flying… have faith… trust the process.” – april peerless, 93. “to be successful as an investor or a business owner, you have to be emotionally neutral to winning and losing. winning and losing are just part of the game.” – robert kiyosaki, 94. “patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” – aristotle, 95. “trust the creative process. you are a walking, breathing mass of possibilities and potential.” – donna goddard, 96. “the road to success is paved with hard work, dedication, and a strong belief in the process.” – unknown, 97. “everything is falling together perfectly, even though it looks as if some things are falling apart. trust in the process you are now experiencing.” – neale donald walsch, 98. “the process is what you have to do day in and day out to be successful.” – nick saban, 99. “change takes time. trust the process and keep moving forward.” – unknown, 100. “playful arising is authorized by both risk and trust in the process and in oneself. to be truly playful and improvisational, one must not look for results.” – joshua l. goldberg.

Remember that it is not where you come from

101. “Remember that it is not where you come from, or not even where you are; it is where you are going that matters most.” ~ Bo Bennett

102. “commit to the healing path and trust the process.” – rosenna bakari, 103. “it’s hard to beat a person that never gives up.” – babe ruth, 104. “transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. it’s a journey of discovery — there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair.” – rick warren, 105. “trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.” – molière, 106. “success is a journey, not a destination. the doing is often more important than the outcome.” – arthur ashe, 107. “we enjoy the process far more than the proceeds.” – warren buffett, 108. “trust the process of growth, even when it leads you down unexpected paths.” – unknown, 109. “our patience will achieve more than our force.” – edmund burke, 100. “believe in the process, embrace the journey, and trust that the dots will connect.” – steve jobs, 111. “we determine our destiny by the actions that we take today.” ~ catherine pulsifer, bottom line.

As you immerse yourself in these “Trust The Process” quotes, reflect on their profound wisdom. Your journey, like those of your clients, is a testament to growth.

Remember, embracing the process is at the core of transformation. Keep guiding others with the same trust you hold for yourself.

trust the journey jumper

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Screen Rant

I love how star trek: discovery season 5 celebrated science & spirituality.


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Star Trek: Discovery Showrunner Answers The Series Finale's Burning Questions

Star trek: discovery’s david cronenberg & doctor kovich explained, star trek: discovery's ending finally makes "calypso" matter after 6 years.

WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery season 5, including the series finale, "Life, Itself"

  • Star Trek: Discovery season 5 showcases the balance between faith and science in a quest for power beyond imagination.
  • Star Trek celebrates the coexistence of beliefs and knowledge, acknowledging that beliefs can evolve.
  • Dr. Culber's journey exemplifies how science and faith complement each other in the exploration of the stars.

I love the way Star Trek: Discovery season 5 celebrated both faith and science. Discovery season 5 sent Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) on an intergalactic treasure hunt in search of the power of creation itself. Upon finding the powerful technology of the Progenitors, however, Burnham realized that that kind of power is too much for any one person or culture to control. Burnham realized that her universe already has "infinite diversity in infinite combinations," and has no need for the Progenitors' technology.

When Captain Burnham meets with one of the Progenitors (played by Somkele Iyamah-Idhalama) , the ancient being reveals that her people did not create the technology they used to seed the galaxy with new humanoid lifeforms. This Progenitor says that there could be "a cycle of creators and creations, countless times over." I love that Burnham did not meet God with a capital "G" and that Star Trek: Discovery did not try to provide answers to all of life's questions. Even in the 32nd century, where technology basically looks like magic, there are still some unanswerable questions.

Screen Rant interviews Star Trek: Discovery showrunner Michelle Paradise about the biggest questions left behind by the series finale.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Celebrated Faith As Much As Science

"they’re not really that far apart. the intellectual and the spiritual.".

Star Trek: Discovery, like most Star Trek, has always been a celebration of humanity and the things we can accomplish when we put aside our differences and work together. Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry did not like religion , but he had an optimistic view of humanity. Trek shows like Star Trek: Deep Space Nine incorporated religious elements, but often included a possible scientific explanation for things. While Discovery certainly does not celebrate organized religion, it does leave room for faith and spirituality. I appreciate that, even in the technobabble-filled world of Star Trek, science and faith can coexist and even complement one another.

Star Trek: Discovery acknowledges that "beliefs can evolve".

In Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 6 , "Whistlespeak," for example, Captain Burnham and Lt. Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman) visit Halem'no, a planet with a religion that requires sacrifice. When Burnham reveals the truth about the planet and shows its people that sacrifices are unnecessary, she points out that: "Nothing we have shown you means gods don’t exist. It’s just that now you know that there is also us." Star Trek: Discovery acknowledges that "beliefs can evolve," and understanding the science behind things does not preclude believing in something bigger than ourselves. As Burnham expresses, Star Trek celebrates infinite diversity in infinite combinations, and that includes people of science and people of faith.

Dr. Culber's Journey Highlights How Science & Spirituality Complement One Another In Star Trek

"i can’t explain it, i just feel it. trust me, please.".

Throughout Star Trek: Discovery season 5, Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz) went through a spiritual awakening of sorts. As the USS Discovery's Chief Medical Officer and counselor, Culber had spent most of his time in the 32nd century looking after everyone on the ship but himself. In Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 3 , "Jinaal," Culber served as a vessel for a Trill named Jinaal who had been one of the five Federation scientists responsible for protecting the Progenitors' technology. After this experience, Culber began reflecting more on his past experiences and Discovery's quest for the Progenitors' treasure.

Dr. Culber proves that both science and faith have their place when exploring the stars.

I love how Dr. Culber's journey encapsulates the complementary nature of science and faith. When he opens up to Tilly, she even points out the similarities between the intellectual and the spiritual, saying: "Both reach for understanding. Both bring us to new places." By Discovery's series finale, Culber leans into trusting his instincts, and he accompanies Cleveland Booker (David Ajala) in a shuttle to rescue Burnham because he has a feeling he'll be needed. Whether because of Jinaal's lingering presence in his mind or some other unexplainable cause, Culber later acquires information that helps save Burnham. In the end, Dr. Culber proves that both science and faith have their place when exploring the stars, and no Star Trek has represented that better than Star Trek: Discovery.

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Star Trek: Discovery (2017)


How one of the world’s youngest base jumpers learned to trust herself.

Sara DeLozier

At the age of 16, Clair Marie became one of the youngest base jumpers in the world. More than a decade later, she reflects on everything she learned along the way.

Marie, also known as BASEgirl, jumps from dizzyingly high structures. She straps herself into her gear, secures her GoPro camera to her helmet, and jumps—flying through the air until she reaches for her ripcord and floats to the ground. Her rhythm and routine when jumping are highly refined from her natural talent and years of practice.

Growing up in a small mountain town outside South Lake Tahoe, California, Marie developed an insatiable love for the outdoors from a young age, trying her hand at everything from skiing to rock climbing, activities that helped train her to become one of the youngest BASE jumpers in the world. Although her sport has pushed her to travel to different countries—one of her favorite aspects of her career—for Marie, BASE jumping is about so much more than where it can physically take her.

When asked why she does what she does, Marie simply responds, “Because I love it.” But her journey to becoming one of the top female BASE jumpers hasn’t been without its struggles. As an extreme sports athlete (especially a female extreme sports athlete) Marie has experienced her fair share of judgment. Because what she does is undeniably dangerous, her critics have questioned everything from her athletic ability to the way she lives her life, comments she initially had a hard time dealing with. Responding to criticism that her visible injuries made her unlovable, she proclaimed on her website, “I don’t keep myself in a glass case in order to avoid sustaining superficial damage for fear that I will be less lovable or desired.” That statement of personal empowerment also touches on a larger cultural conversation about the representation of female athletes in the media.

Athleticism inherently demands at least some attention to an athlete’s physicality because the outcome of any type of sport depends on the physical ability of its participants. And in this close physical examination, it’s not a far stretch to also evaluate an athlete’s attractiveness. For female athletes, though, this often means focusing on their sex appeal over their ability in a given sport. As Marie explains, “Sex is in the media and that is nothing new. I think women across the board in many different activities and career paths are looked at more closely than our male counterparts […] I struggle with my feelings on this because I feel that the media and general public like to exploit and focus on attractiveness.”

For a female athlete like Marie, an athlete of extraordinarily high caliber and talent in her sport who lives for the freedom she feels when jumping from high structures, her photo representations also tend to fall into this paradigm. And Marie is quick to note a huge difference in her male counterparts’ photos: “Most men are portrayed as action icons and photos of them are mainly action shots of them participating in their sport.” It’s not difficult to imagine photos gracing National Geographic cover photos of world-class male rock climbers clinging to an impossibly steep rock tower, reaching for that ever-distant crevice—and then to imagine the just-as-common cover photos of female athletes skimpily clad to show off their freshly oiled abs and thighs.

But Marie does not want to demonize women who embrace their sex appeal. “If we overly shame sexiness then that is setting an equally bad example. If we say being sexy is a bad thing and [women] should be embarrassed about it, then this breeds an equal, if not larger, number of insecure women […] this, in my opinion, should never happen.”

What Marie does hope to demonstrate is that it’s healthy for women to feel confident in their looks and comfortable with their bodies. But this should not be the sole aspect of a girl or woman’s sense of self. And for Marie, that is exactly what BASE jumping has helped her further develop: her personal identity. “I have learned a lot of lessons over the past 11 years, but one of the most important was learning to trust myself, to be comfortable with who I am as a person and to have conviction in my decisions.” Even the harshest of judgments has provided her with a platform to move upward with a greater level of confidence. Because of this level of introspection, she has branched out to other modes of expression: She was featured on a TEDx talk and recently started her own sustainable clothing line, Reverence Design.

But perhaps her most admirable accomplishment has been learning to live her life for no one but herself. “It wasn’t until I reached the point of emotional exhaustion that I realized that other people’s opinions of me were none of my business. I came to a point in my life where I knew that I was happy with where I was and what I was doing, and I came to the conclusion that I can’t please everyone; I can’t please 50 percent of people, so I just stopped trying. [I learned] to trust myself, to be comfortable with who I am as a person, and to have conviction in my decisions.” When you watch clips of Marie flying through the air and touching down to Earth, you see a woman in full control, invigorated from the adrenaline rush, and you can’t help but share her sense of confidence.

Photo by Chris Bazil

This article originally appeared in the Wild issue. For more inspiring stories about women, check out What I Learned as a Woman Traveling Alone and The Journey of a Female Sommelier: From Paris to New York .

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Sara is a writer and editor in New York, and part of the publicity team at Picador Books. Her work primarily focuses on feminism, politics, and books, and has appeared in The Huffington Post and Ladies Get Paid, among other publications. She earned her MA in English Literature from NYU, with a special focus on the 19th-century novel, in 2015 and has since worked in book publishing and digital media.

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Reporting by Jack Queen and Luc Cohen in New York and Andy Sullivan in Washington; Editing by Noeleen Walder and Howard Goller

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McKinsey China Auto Consumer Insights 2024

The rapid development in electrification and ‘smartification’ of the automotive industry in China is undeniably shaping and transforming the preferences of auto consumers in the country. Reciprocally, the evolving preferences and behaviors of Chinese consumers are exerting a profound influence on the Chinese auto industry, compelling it to embrace electrification and smartification with accelerating investments in these two areas. Such mutual influence is not only pivotal for the future of the Chinese auto industry but also poised to profoundly affect the technology development, business models, and competitive landscape of the global auto industry in the next five to ten years.

To gain deeper insights into the evolving preferences of Chinese auto consumers, McKinsey conducted the latest round of its annual China Auto Consumer Survey in the fourth quarter of 2023. The survey included 2,449 auto buyers in 19 major cities across China, representing a range of demographic attributes, such as age, income, and type of cars already owned. The goal of the survey was to establish a better understanding of buyer behavior—as well as overall attitudes toward automobiles—with the aim of developing insights that auto OEMs can use when crafting their strategies to meet changing consumer demands. From the responses, we identified six key trends.

1. Consumers are continuing the trend of trading up

The China auto market continues to introduce various competitive new models of smart electric vehicles (EVs), gradually increasing their attractiveness to consumers and shifting consumer attention toward mid- and high-price models. Meanwhile, escalating price competition’s impact on consumer decision making remains limited, with 80 percent of respondents indicating that price competition hasn’t accelerated their vehicle-purchasing decisions.

2. Perceptions of EV and internal-combustion-engine brands are diverging

Multinational OEMs no longer command premium prices, and their brand halos are almost gone, a trend especially evident in the EV industry. Meanwhile, owners of traditional premium multinational company brands are switching to premium Chinese EV brands—a trend flowing almost entirely in one direction.

3. EV penetration is rising fast, with a hidden concern of charging anxiety

EV consumers who make purchasing decisions are increasingly considering the performance of the vehicles themselves rather than regulatory incentives, such as free license plates. Also, acceptance of EVs by Chinese consumers has seen its first-ever decline, as EV-charging infrastructure is being deployed slowly in some areas. The situation highlights the extreme importance of optimizing charging infrastructure to support the sustained development of the EV sector.

4. Direct-to-consumer model is winning consumer trust, thanks to high transparency across customer journey

Premium Chinese EV brands have adopted omnichannel direct-to-consumer models, which have achieved remarkable customer satisfaction. Even in after-sales maintenance, where the previous year’s survey found a performance gap with traditional OEMs, premium Chinese EV brands are catching up.

5. Autonomous driving enjoys great popularity, but chance of monetization is coming under pressure

Consumer demand for autonomous driving continues to increase. However, the free-software strategy of top technology-oriented OEMs has made consumers less willing to pay for the related technologies. Among those willing to pay, the amount they are willing to pay has declined.

6. Consumers are aware of low-carbon vehicles but less willing than before to pay a premium for them

Nearly 70 percent of Chinese consumers are aware of low-carbon vehicles and willing to pay extra for them, but both the willingness to pay and the amount they would pay have declined.

We see the auto industry evolving, not involuting, under pressure. Guided by Chinese consumers, the EV sector’s growth at full speed is now an inevitable trend, and new consumer preferences and behaviors are emerging and developing. However, the fundamental commercial behaviors are constant: meet diverse consumer needs and create reasonable economic value.

Download the full report on which this article is based, McKinsey China Auto Consumer Insights 2024: Evolution, not involution (PDF–5.6MB).

Mingyu Guan is a partner in McKinsey’s Beijing office; Thomas Fang is a partner in the Shanghai office, where Tony Zhou is a senior knowledge expert; and Bill Peng is a senior advisor in the Hong Kong office.

The authors wish to thank Alexander Will, Cherie Zhang, Daniel Birke, Judy Xu, Ting Wu, and Vivi Chen for their contributions to this report.

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Trust The Journey

By camille burge.

This series is brought to you by United Dairy Industry of Michigan.

To say my life journey has been anything but linear would be a serious understatement.

It’s certainly not unusual to change your mind and find other aspirations as you grow older, but I never could have predicted the twists and turns life had in store for me.

I graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 2019.

While at OU, I was a thrower on the track and field team.

A few years later, I earned my J.D. at OU’s College of Law and am now a practicing attorney.

As you probably guessed, none of those accomplishments were in my initial plans.

When I was in high school, I was a cheerleader.

I didn’t step foot onto the track to compete competitively until I was a junior in high school.

I never had dreams of being a lawyer, either, as I wanted to be a pharmacist when I was younger.

If it wasn’t for all the incredible people I was able to meet at OU, the athletic department treating me like family, and all the amazing resources I was able to utilize as a student-athlete, I’m not certain how my journey would have turned out.

Something I’ve learned is that God has a way of putting you on the path you were meant to go down.

I can honestly say my time in Norman as a student-athlete has shaped me into the person I am today.

trust the journey jumper

Surprises and successes

While I enjoyed cheerleading, I always envisioned myself running sprints on the track and the glory of breaking the tape to win a race.

My junior year, I decided I owed it to myself to try out for track. The team welcomed me with open arms — but not as a sprinter.

My coach decided my skills best aligned as a jumper competing in the high jump and long jump.

To my coach’s credit and tutelage, that turned out to be the right decision.

High jump came naturally to me, as I was able to reach heights and successes that surprised no one more than myself.

Speaking of surprises, after only competing in the high jump for two years, OU started to recruit me to join their track and field team.

College was always the plan.

Being a collegiate athlete was never the plan.

trust the journey jumper

Changing course again

In all honesty, I didn’t want any part of being a student-athlete in college initially.

My parents instilled in me from a young age how powerful education is, and I wanted to focus on academics to achieve my goal of becoming a pharmacist.

The more I thought about it, though, I realized I was in a unique position that not many people find themselves in.

I was offered a chance to compete for a prestigious university in my home state of Oklahoma, and it turned out to be an opportunity I couldn’t let pass.

I was excited to enroll at OU and compete in the high jump, but I had my reservations. I had only been competing for around two years, and here I was in the Big 12 Conference against some of the best jumpers in the country.

I was actually worrying for no reason, because I never ended up competing in the high jump at OU.

Coach decided that he’d transition me from the high jump to the hammer throw – an event my high school team didn’t even offer.

My plans and journey altered again, and this was by far my scariest change yet.

If it wasn't for all the incredible people I was able to meet at OU, the athletic department treating me like family, and all the amazing resources I was able to utilize as a student-athlete, I'm not certain how my journey would have turned out.

Fighting imposter syndrome

It’s fair to say I had imposter syndrome when I first started competing. I was still built like a high jumper, and I was competing against girls who’ve been throwing for so many years.

I was a fish out of water.

It took well into my sophomore season – and even into my junior season – before I started to feel comfortable throwing and began scoring points for my team.

When I felt like I was finally able to contribute, that was a pivotal moment for me. I’ve always been a high achiever, so when I was fighting that imposter syndrome and not feeling like I belonged or was contributing, it was a challenging time.

As I progressed and continued to set personal bests in my last few seasons, I knew throwing was where I belonged.

It wasn’t where I thought I’d be, but it was where I was meant to be.

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Finding myself at OU

Anyone that’s been a student-athlete at a Division I school knows the intense balancing act it takes to have success. I never could have balanced my time throwing and studying without world-class resources at OU.

Whether it was the nutritionists – especially as I was transforming my body to eat and train as a thrower – or the elite strength and conditioning coaches, I owe so much of my success to them.

From an academic standpoint, education was always at the forefront of my priorities. I knew when I graduated from OU that I was going to immediately further my education.

OU helped prepare me for that by offering a mandatory tutoring program during my freshman year, which I continued to take part in throughout my remaining years.

Not to mention, the athletic department helped fund my trips to study abroad as I completed my Spanish minor.

But one of the things I’m most grateful for in my time at OU is the single day I spent in a Chemistry class and decided that I no longer wanted to be a pharmacist.

With all the exciting opportunities I was able to take part in and resources I had access to, I was finding myself.

My journey was becoming more abundantly clear.

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Life lessons in Norman

It’s only fitting that my last day as a student-athlete at OU was arguably also my most memorable and impactful.

It was the 2019 Big 12 Championships, which just so happened to be held in Norman that year. This was incredibly convenient because it meant I could compete and still attend my college graduation, which was happening the same weekend.

I ended up throwing a personal record that day, which put me in sixth place and on the podium. I remember so vividly standing on that podium feeling like I was on top of the world.

On the biggest stage of the season, and having only been throwing for a few years, I couldn’t imagine a better ending to my collegiate career.

When I attended graduation later that day, after reflecting upon the highs and lows in my time at Norman, I believed I could accomplish anything.

With that mindset, I studied at OU’s College of Law and graduated with my J.D. last year.

I’m now a first-year attorney at Phillips Murrah where I practice civil litigation and family law.

My time as a student-athlete at OU taught me so many lessons that I take with me every single day in my job and in the courtroom.

More than anything, my time at OU taught me to believe in myself.

To trust in my journey.

No matter how many detours there might be along the way.

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Trust the Journey

by Sara Raymond

Today I will be guiding you to be an observer of where you are in this present moment, to slow down and go within to be curious about your physical sensations as well as your emotional well being. Often times, all it takes is stepping back from a situation where the habit is reaction so you can simply be aware of a moment and respond more in alignment with your true self. You can see the present moment for what it is and trust the journey. The symbolism of winter invites us to quiet the mind. It invites us to wrap up in warmth and find stillness of our soul, to seek out serenity. Look for the seasons to change, the energy to shift. Trust the journey.

Meet your Teacher

Sara is the Owner of The Mindful Movement YouTube Channel and Online business and Coreworks Pilates Studio in MD. She is a trained Hypnotherapist, Trauma Informed Transformational Coach, IFS Informed Practitioner, Pilates, Yoga, and Meditation teacher. read more

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November 5, 2023

Wonderful exciting session to contemplate a beautiful future. Thank you for providing the space to dream and see the quiet stillness is building energy for the spring.

June 9, 2023

A very helpful meditation for what I am experiencing in my life right now

April 11, 2023

This was lovely. I am going through a tunnel of rough time with my husband’s diagnosis of cancer. I must trust the journey and listen. Thank you 🙏

April 7, 2023

👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 love this, including the breathing techniques!

February 9, 2023

Hi Sarah, I follow you YouTube! So glad to hear you hear 🙏🏾

October 31, 2022

Wonderfull meditation, i feel so much more trust in the universe right now. Just what I needed, thank you 🙏

May 4, 2022

Thanks so much for your lovely meditation. May the joy be with you. Nàmaste

December 1, 2021

I feel a greater clarity and stillness after this meditation

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Gentle and affirming. Deeply connected with my authentic self.

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inspiring words to meditate to, thank you 🙏

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    Sara Raymond. View profile. Fulton, MD, USA. Sara is the Owner of The Mindful Movement YouTube Channel and Online business and Coreworks Pilates Studio in MD. She is a trained Hypnotherapist, Trauma Informed Transformational Coach, IFS Informed Practitioner, Pilates, Yoga, and Meditation teacher. read more.

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