Belvidere Youth Baseball

Top 10 Ohio Travel Baseball Rankings: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Coaches [2021 Edition]

Short answer: ohio travel baseball rankings.

Ohio travel baseball rankings are determined by various organizations and websites that track the performances of youth baseball teams in the state. Some popular sources include USSSA, Perfect Game, and Prep Baseball Report. These rankings help coaches, players, and  parents identify the top  teams and events for competition and recruitment opportunities.

How Ohio Travel Baseball Rankings Work and Why They Matter

Ohio Travel Baseball (OTB) is one such organization that promotes travel baseball among Ohio’s youth. They provide regular updates on team standings via Ohio travel baseball rankings. The aim of these rankings is to keep track of how well each team is performing during the season and create a baseline for comparison between teams.

There are many factors that go into determining Ohio travel baseball rankings. The most important criteria considered include tournament results, strength of schedule, head-to-head matchups, and other performance indicators like number of runs scored or allowed per game.

Tournament results form the backbone of the  ranking system since this is where Ohio’s top  teams compete with each other for bragging rights. It also gives them the opportunity to showcase their abilities against out-of-state competitors who may not be included in OTB rankings but pose a tough challenge.

The schedule strength creates further impact on a  team’s ranking  as it reflects how tough their fixtures could be in terms of competition quality and matching skills with different opponents throughout the season. Head-to-head matchups between two competing teams play a significant role in determining just who comes out ahead in rank.

Lastly, performance indicators give fans an insight into which teams are really dominating and likely poised to win tournaments coming up next. Numbers do not lie; hence  stats such as run differentials help differentiate great teams  from merely good ones.

So why do these rankings matter? For starters, they drive healthy competition among players improving skill set and ultimately raising the level of play across multiple levels from local community fields up through NCAA-level prospects dawning MLB uniforms down the line. Ohio travel baseball rankings serve as a benchmark for coaches, parents, and players to help determine the most formidable competition they need to be mindful of and prepare for during upcoming games.

To sum it all up, Ohio travel baseball rankings are an essential aspect of the state’s youth baseball scene. They offer exciting opportunities for players to compete at a higher level while also creating an inspired culture around winning and sportsmanship that includes teamwork and progress with personal growth in mind. So getting involved is not only directly valuable on the field but potentially has lasting effects beyond the diamond.

Top 5 Must-Know Facts About Ohio Travel Baseball Rankings

As a baseball enthusiast, it’s always exciting to see your team perform well on the field and rank high in regional or national rankings. This is especially true for travel baseball teams that aim to compete against top-level opponents across different states.

For those who are curious about Ohio travel baseball rankings, here are the top five must-know facts that could help you understand this popular sports scene even better:

1. Ohio Travel Baseball Rankings Help Teams Get Noticed

Ohio travel baseball rankings are a crucial tool for coaches and scouts to identify outstanding players and teams in the region. Therefore, being featured on these rankings can offer great exposure for both individual players and their teams. It may also lead to potential opportunities such as scholarships, invitations to prestigious tournaments or showcase events, or even endorsements from sponsors.

2. Performance Is Key In Determining Rankings

The process of ranking Ohio travel baseball teams involves evaluating their performance based on several factors like overall record, strength of schedule, quality of opponents defeated, championship titles won among others. Essentially making it so only the best-performing teams will make the cut for these ranking systems.

3. Various Organizations Publish Their Own Rankings

Several organizations  provide their own rankings based on different  criteria such as age groupings, geographic regions and more. Examples include USSSA (United States Specialty Sports Association), Perfect Game USA, PBR (Prep Baseball Report), among many others.

4. Ranking Matters The Most To Older Age Divisions

While ranking is important at any age level in travel baseball competition; it’s most vital in older divisions where college recruitment becomes an issue; with scouts looking primarily at ranked teams with standout performances from talented athletes who have been consistently standing out over time which effectively demonstrates they can handle a higher level caliber of play once they reach college ball.

5.Rankings Should Not Be Treated As Gospel

While highly regarded as strong indicators of a  team’s winning potential – at the end  of the day, league rankings are just numbers on paper – it’s important to remember that unranked teams may still be able to pull off big wins against those that are ranked and top-ranked teams may suffer from occasional losses – it all comes down to each individual game. There will always be good players on great teams and occasionally the underdog may come out on top of a particular game or one-off situation.

Ohio travel baseball rankings offer a valuable way for curious fans, coaches, scouts, and players alike to keep up with the most promising teams in the state as well as monitoring player performances across different divisions. Ultimately these ranking systems can even  inspire motivation  among athletes who aspire towards making an impact within their respective division or beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ohio Travel Baseball Rankings

If you’re involved in the Ohio travel baseball scene, then chances are that you’ve heard a lot about the coveted Ohio travel baseball rankings. These rankings have become one of the most talked-about topics when it comes to youth baseball in the Buckeye state.

1. What Are Ohio Travel Baseball Rankings?

Ohio travel baseball rankings rank teams based on their performance during the season. The rankings typically take into account many factors that can contribute to a team’s success such as win-loss record, strength of schedule, overall competitiveness of the tournament they participate in and overall talent level. Typically, there are several ranking platforms and each has its own criteria for determining which teams make it onto their list.

2. Who Creates These Rankings?

The creators of Ohio travel baseball rankings differ from platform to platform and each follow different set parameters. Some are created by local experts who know and understand youth  baseball while others by coaches  who have watched these games professionally over many years.

In recent years, some platforms use software programs run by artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) algorithms for data tracking purposes too along with experienced reference points to gather performance statistics on individual players to better evaluate performance trends among particular teams throughout the season.

3. How Are Teams Ranked?

The ranking process typically involves gathering data about each team’s overall record from both regular-season play as well as tournament play throughout the year. Factors such as how well a team performs against top-ranked opponents compared to those lower down in terms of standings may also be taken into consideration.

Additionally seasonal analysis is also performed, which may be based on comprehensive metrics like: runs scored/runs allowed, errors committed/fielding percentage, batting averages and slugging percentages. This season-long analysis generally allows rankings to key into individual team performance trends rather than relying solely on win-loss record.

4. What Is The Purpose of Ohio Travel Baseball Rankings?

Ohio travel baseball rankings serve a few different purposes. Most importantly, they help teams gain recognition and prestige for their success on the field; additionally it propels them forward towards potential college or professional level opportunities later in life.

Rankings also promote interest among players, parents, friends, and coaches alike who follow their favorite teams’ progress throughout the year leading up to overall championship playoffs at the end of the season.

5. What Are Common Criticisms About These Rankings?

Critics of these rankings argue that they can be subjective due to different factors taken into consideration by different platforms; others specifically question how accurate overall analysis of a team’s performance really is based off just a few games played compared against so many other teams evaluated over an entire minor league baseball season. Moreover, some debate whether rankings encourage lower-tiered programs to abandon their developmental focus too early in pursuit of near-term glory at all costs.

6. Why Do Teams Care So Much About Ohio Travel Baseball Rankings?

While opinions vary among individuals involved with youth baseball about what makes the biggest difference in getting noticed by college recruiting scouts or general fan popularity, heading towards relevant top-ranked positions provide an uplifting moment bringing pride & enthusiasm that inspires team-mates to stay focused and motivated throughout their upcoming schedule matches allowing them onto potentially more significant championships or better-rated leagues as determined by popular ranking sites.

In face of increasing competition each year between athletes all hoping for their shot at making it pro someday – honing specific goals like skill set development targets bring ample value helping keep youth players focused during every pitch!

Closing Thoughts

So there you have it – the ins and outs of Ohio travel baseball rankings. While there will always be differing opinions on the validity of these rankings, there is no denying that they are a big part of the youth baseball scene in Ohio.

Having a seat at the table of select/ranked teams helps inspire players to be better on performance metrics, staying focussed amidst pinnacle situations, and work harder as overall youth athletes hoping to make their dreams a reality down the road!

The Importance of Keeping Track of Your Team’s Ohio Travel Baseball Ranking

Baseball has always been a sport of intense competition and every player and team strives to be at the top of their game. In Ohio, travel baseball teams are no exception. These teams work tirelessly to perfect their skills, strategize their plays, and create a winning environment.

To help keep track of performance and progress, keeping tabs on your  team’s ranking  is particularly important in Ohio Travel Baseball. A team’s ranking can provide valuable insight into how they are performing against other teams in the state – indicating areas for improvement and setting realistic targets for future games.

Ohio travel baseball rankings have always played an essential role in terms of creating a competitive spirit amongst players as well as coaches. It serves not only as recognition but also acts as  motivation that drives teams  to strive harder and rise above competitors.

Tracking your team’s ranking also has practical implications since it allows you to participate in various tournaments across the state. Tournaments often have varying qualifications based on a particular team’s performance – an excellent ranking ensures access to esteemed competitions taking place across Ohio.

In addition, tracking rankings can assist with recruitment processes when looking for new  players or even joining neighboring talent  scouts striving towards a joint goal and vision.

While rankings showcase achievements within the sport, it does not overshadow one key component: teamwork. Individual  performance is nothing without each player  giving their best shot together – utilizing one’s strengths towards forming successful partnerships which contribute to the overall success rate while boosting everyone’s morale.

To conclude, understanding your position regarding other Ohio travel baseball teams through regular checks of statewide rankings provides crucial stimulation by focusing on building all aspects contributing towards personal growth whilst breaking down limiting barriers. A well-informed coach understands these benefits wanting what’s best for his team proceeds with cross-checking scores before partaking in any game or tournament-like event throwing his/her respective youth athletes into new challenges upon grasping details regarding corresponding competitors they came up against last season; preparing them adequately for future contests with upcoming opposition.

Tips for Improving Your Team’s Ranking in the Ohio Travel Baseball League

As a coach or team manager, you want your team’s ranking in the Ohio Travel Baseball League to reflect the hard work and talent that your players possess. While there is no magic formula for success on the diamond, there are some  tips and strategies you can employ to help improve  your team’s performance and move up in the standings.

1. Focus on Fundamentals:

The foundation of any successful baseball team is solid fundamentals. This means practicing key skills like hitting, throwing, catching, and base running regularly – not just during games, but in regular practice sessions as well.

2. Develop Team Chemistry:

A cohesive team with strong chemistry is often a more formidable opponent than one with superior individual talent. Encourage players to get to know each other off the field, organize team-building activities outside of games and practices to strengthen bonds between teammates.

3. Conduct Scouting To Understand Your Opponents:

Scouting your opponents provides valuable insight into their strengths and weaknesses so that you can create plays and strategies that target their vulnerabilities while also using techniques where your own strengths match their weaknesses.

4. Analyze Performance Data:

Taking steps to analyze key data points such as batting averages, ERA’s (earned run average), speed assessments of hitters on bases (asymmetric analysis) among others can help coaches adjust their lineup accordingly thus improving overall performance of the team.

5. Embrace Positive Reinforcement:

Lastly, it’s important to motivate players in positive ways whether they win or lose by consistently reinforcing good behaviors such as teamwork, discipline combined with constructive critique rather than criticism helps improve desired habits that would benefit them both individually & as a whole- thereby elevating prospects for improved output/ performances from all members both physically and mentally across various levels regardless of age or skill level.

Implementing these tips will surely contribute significantly towards increased success in terms of rankings within this competitive league while also fostering growth in leadership abilities amongst coaches/managers which would inevitably trickle down to the players as well. All ways  improving overall team performance .

Navigating the World of Ohio Travel Baseball: A Comprehensive Guide to Rankings

As a young athlete, being on a travel baseball team can be an exciting and challenging experience. Not only do players get to explore different parts of Ohio but they also have the opportunity to compete with other talented athletes from around the state.

Navigating through this world of Ohio travel baseball can be quite daunting for both parents and players alike. This is because there are various leagues, teams, tournaments, and rankings that one needs to take into consideration when deciding which programs to join.

One crucial aspect of this process is understanding how rankings work and what role they play in determining which teams are considered the best in the state. In this blog post, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about rankings and how they can help guide your decisions when it comes to travel baseball.

Rankings in Ohio Travel Baseball

Firstly, let’s begin by defining what we mean by “rankings.” In Ohio travel baseball, rankings refer to lists of teams compiled based on their performance over a particular period. These lists are created by experts who evaluate each team’s overall success rate against other teams within their league or region.

Rankings are often used as a tool for parents and players looking for quality travel baseball programs. These lists allow them to compare different teams’ performances against each other and decide whom to sign up with accordingly.

These ranking systems come in different formats. Some rely solely on statistics such as win-loss records while others take into account factors like individual player skills and team dynamics.

Popular Ranking Platforms in Ohio

There are various  ranking platforms available that offer detailed analysis  of different regional or statewide leagues. Here are some popular ones you should consider before making your final decision:

1) Perfect Game: This long-standing platform has earned recognition for its accurate ranking system across multiple states including Ohio. The platform ranks all participating youth teams evaluating them based on game analyses, player profiles/abilities/potential along with evaluations made by scouts present during games and tournaments.

2) PBR: Perfect Baseball Reports (PBR) provides Indiana and Ohio rankings for 10-18U teams. This platform also publishes “watch lists” of incoming or promising players to lookout for. The  comprehensive ranking  methodology includes evaluation across multiple dimensions such as pop time, bat speed, power, and contact rates alongwith fielding and defensive abilities.

3) USSSA: United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) is known for providing youth travel baseball leagues and tournaments across all ages. The platform grades its participating clubs from regional to national levels, with consideration given to league weighting of different kinds besides the usual team  performance stats .

How Rankings Can Aid in Decision Making

Now that we have a basic understanding of what ranking means let’s discuss how these platforms aid in decision making:

It helps people narrow down their list to a select few organizations with higher ranks without significantly affecting location/distance constraints.

Families can be sure their child is playing with an excellent program that meets their educational values through a quality assessment mechanism which aids in reliability/comfort on choosing the right program.

The ranking system often boasts knowledgeable insights provided by professionals who take pains in keeping track of even minute details that are otherwise tough to compare while making critical decisions about selecting or changing programs.

A quality ranking list assists tournament organisers during selection processes whilst making sure every team playing against each other is equally matched, increasing resolution and fun competition usually results in lower morale problems amongst teams

Navigating one’s way through the world of Ohio travel baseball might seem overwhelming at first. However it’s important for both young athletes and  parents alike to understand how different rankings  work so they can make well-informed decisions about which programs will best meet their expectations.

Keep in mind that reputable ranking systems should be based on reliable data submitted by multiple sources like recorded game footage by trained analysts/spectators/parents/coaches. By utilizing rankings as a guide and with hard work both off and on the field, young athletes can pave their way to success in Ohio travel baseball.

Table with useful data:

Rank Team Win-Loss Record Points

Information from an Expert: Ohio Travel Baseball Rankings

As an expert in Ohio travel baseball, I can confidently say that keeping up with the rankings is crucial for players, coaches, and families. Not only does it provide a measure of a team’s success, but it also helps in determining which tournaments to enter and which competitors to prepare for. Updates are constantly being made throughout the season, taking into account each team’s performance against tough opponents. While rankings may not always be the perfect indicator of a team’s ability, they’re definitely worth paying attention to if you want your team to succeed.

Historical fact:

Ohio travel baseball rankings have been a subject of interest since the early 2000s, with websites and organizations like Prep Baseball Report and Perfect Game USA providing rankings and scouting reports for prospects in the state.

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OHSAA baseball 2024 | Ohio high school state tournament schedule, June 7-9, Canal Park

Canal Park in Akron will host the 2024 Ohio High School Athletic Association state baseball tournament, starting Friday. The tournament is scheduled for three days, with all four championship games slated for Sunday.

Twinsburg and West Branch are among the 16 teams coming to Akron with hopes of leaving as state champs.

2024 baseball state tournament pairings

The home team is listed first. Pairings shown with final state rank by Ohio High School Baseball Coaches Association.

OHSAA Division II state semifinals, finals

Parma Padua vs. No. 6 Hamilton Badin, Friday, June 7, 10 a.m.

Indian Creek vs. No. 12 West Branch, Friday, June 7, 1 p.m.

Division II State Championship: Sunday, June 9, 10 a.m.

OHSAA Division I state semifinals, finals

Twinsburg vs. No. 4 Olentangy Berlin, Friday, June 7, 4 p.m.

Perrysburg vs. No. 7 Mason, Friday, June 7, 7 p.m.

Division I State Championship: Sunday, June 9, 1 p.m.

OHSAA Division III state semifinals, finals

Minford vs. No. 4 Millbury Lake, Saturday, June 8, 10 a.m.

No. 2 Heath vs. No. 20 Waynedale, Saturday, June 8, 1 p.m.

Division III State Championship: Sunday, June 9, 4 p.m.

OHSAA Division IV state semifinals, finals

Fort Recovery vs. Hillsdale, Saturday, June 8, 4 p.m.

No. 1 Berlin Hiland vs. No. 4 Russia, Saturday, June 8, 7 p.m.

Division IV State Championship: Sunday, June 9, 7 p.m.

How to buy tickets for OHSAA state baseball

Tickets for all state tournament games are available at .

How to watch, livestream, listen to OHSAA state baseball tournament

All state tournament games this year can watched on the NFHS Network and can be heard on the OHSAA Radio Network.

This article originally appeared on The Repository: OHSAA baseball state tournament schedule 2024 at Akron's Canal Park

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Acc baseball teams dominate ncaa tournament regional round, share this article.

Monday night was pure cinema in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

After the UNC baseball team trailed reigning national champion LSU 3-2 entering the ninth inning, it emerged from the 10th with a 4-3 victory, advancing North Carolina to host a Super Regional for the second time in three seasons .

Colby Wilkerson and Alex Madera provided the clutch hitting UNC lacked for most of the game, driving in the respective tying and go-ahead runs in the ninth and 10th innings while star closer Dalton Pence threw a season-high 63 pitches and held the Tigers to one hit.

Oh – and Vance Honeycutt , the Diamond Heels’ star center fielder who recently won his second consecutive ACC Defensive Player of the Year award, ended the game when he caught a deep fly ball from LSU slugger Josh Pearson.

The Diamond Heels will play West Virginia, which dominated the Tuscon (AZ) Regional, this coming weekend at dates and times to be announced.

UNC won’t be the only ACC team playing in a Super Regional.

Thanks to dominating runs through their respective Regionals, the NC State, UVA, Clemson and Florida State baseball programs will also play in the next round.

5 @ACCBaseball teams hosted regionals. All 5 are heading to supers. 🐏 @DiamondHeels 🐅 @ClemsonBaseball 🍢 @FSUBaseball 🐺 @NCStateBaseball ⚔️ @UVABaseball #RoadToOmaha — D1Baseball (@d1baseball) June 4, 2024

North Carolina, UVA, Clemson and FSU will all host, while NC State heads south.

Let’s look closer at each ACC Super Regional team and how they performed in the Regional round:

North Carolina Tar Heels – Won Chapel Hill Regional

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Jun 3, 2024; Chapel Hill, NC, USA; North Carolina Tar Heels Vance Honeycutt (7), center, celebrates his team’s win over the Louisiana State Tigers in the Div. I NCAA baseball regional at Boshamer Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Jeffrey Camarati-USA TODAY Sports

Chapel Hill Regional: UNC beats LIU 11-8 on Friday, May 31, LSU 6-2 on Saturday, June 1, loses to LSU 8-4 on Sunday, June 2 and beats LSU again, 4-3, on Monday, June 3.

What’s next: UNC will host West Virginia in the Chapel Hill Super Regional. This 3-game series will start on either Friday, June 7 or Saturday, June 8.

NC State Wolfpack – Won Raleigh (NC) Regional

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May 23, 2024; Charlotte, NC, USA; NC State Wolfpack pitcher Sam HIghfill (17) celebrates with catcher Jacob Cozart (14) after closing out the top of the third inning against the Duke Blue Devils during the ACC Baseball Tournament at Truist Field. Mandatory Credit: Scott Kinser-USA TODAY Sports

Raleigh Regional: NC State beats Bryant 9-2 on Friday, May 31 South Carolina 6-4 on Saturday, June 1, and James Madison 5-3 on Sunday, June 2.

What’s next for NC State: Will travel to the University of Georgia for Athens Super Regional. 3-game series will start on Friday, June 7 or Saturday, June 8.

Virginia Cavaliers – Won Charlottesville Regional

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May 24, 2024; Charlotte, NC, USA; Virginia Cavaliers infielder Griff O’Ferrall (6) celebrates a homer with pitcher Evan Blanco (15) in the sixth inning against the Florida State Seminoles during the ACC Baseball Tournament at Truist Field. Mandatory Credit: Scott Kinser-USA TODAY Sports

Charlottesville Regional: UVA beats Penn 4-2 on Friday, May 31, Mississippi State 5-4 on Saturday, June 1 and Mississippi State again, 9-2, on Sunday, June 2.

What’s next for UVA: Will host Kansas State in Charlottesville Super Regional. 3-game series will start on either Friday, June 7 or Saturday, June 8.

Clemson Tigers – Won Clemson (SC) Regional

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Jun 2, 2024; Clemson, South Carolina, USA; Clemson junior Austin Gordon (56) reacts with catcher Jimmy Obertop (11) after helping beat Coastal Carolina University at the NCAA baseball Clemson Regional at Doug Kingsmore Stadium in Clemson. Mandatory Credit: Ken Ruinard-USA TODAY Sports

Clemson Regional: Tigers beat High Point University 4-3 on Friday, May 31, Coastal Carolina 4-3 on Saturday, June 1 and Coastal 12-5 on Sunday, June 2.

What’s next for Clemson: Hosting the Florida Gators in the Clemson Super Regional. 3-game series starts on either Friday, June 7 or Saturday, June 8.

Florida State Seminoles – Won Tallahassee (FL) Regional

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FSU Baseball beats UCF 12-4 in the Tallahassee Regional Championship on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at Dick Howser Stadium

Tallahassee Regional: Florida State beats Stetson 7-2 on Friday, May 31, UCF 5-2 on Saturday, June 1 and UCF again, 12-4, on Sunday, June 2.

What’s next for FSU: Hosting the UConn Huskies in the Tallahassee Super Regional. 3-game series starts on either Friday, June 7 or Saturday, June 8.

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College baseball's race to Omaha begins this week.

Sixty-four teams prepare to enter the regional stage of the 2024 College World Series tournament, which starts on Friday . Only 16 of those teams will move on to the super regionals, where the College World Series field eventually narrows down to its final eight. That group will go to Omaha, Nebraska for the Men's College World Series double-elimination bracket to determine this year's champion .

Most of college baseball's conference tournaments concluded this past weekend, determining 30 automatic bids for conference winners. The remaining 34 spots will be filled by teams that earn at-large bids for strong regular season and conference tournament performances. Sixteen of the best teams in college baseball get to host the regional matchups and also receive automatic bids to the tournament ahead of Monday's selection show.

After Monday's official bracket reveal, here's the full schedule for the 2024 College World Series.

COLLEGE WORLD SERIES: How does the tournament work? Explaining college baseball's CWS format

College World Series schedule 2024

  • Selection show: Monday, May 27, noon ET | ESPN2
  • Regionals: Friday, May 31 - Monday, June 3
  • Super regionals: Friday, June 7 - Sunday, June 9 OR Saturday, June 8 - Monday, June 10
  • College World Series Final: Saturday, June 22 - Sunday, June 23/Monday, June 24

2024 Men's College World Series: Regional host sites

The following schools earned the right to host a regional in this year's tournament. Here are the sites for each regional competition, as well as the host school and team record for each as announced on Sunday.

  • Athens, Georgia – Georgia (39-15)
  • Chapel Hill, North Carolina – North Carolina (42-13)
  • Charlottesville, Virginia – Virginia (41-15)
  • Clemson, South Carolina – Clemson (41-14)
  • Bryan-College Station, Texas – Texas A&M (44-13)
  • Corvallis, Oregon – Oregon State (42-14)
  • Fayetteville, Arkansas – Arkansas (43-14)
  • Greenville, North Carolina – East Carolina (43-15)
  • Knoxville, Tennessee – Tennessee (50-11) 
  • Lexington, Kentucky – Kentucky (40-14) 
  • Norman, Oklahoma – Oklahoma (37-19) 
  • Raleigh, North Carolina – NC State (33-20) 
  • Santa Barbara, California – UC Santa Barbara (42-12) 
  • Stillwater, Oklahoma – Oklahoma State (40-17) 
  • Tallahassee, Florida – Florida State (42-15)
  • Tucson, Arizona – Arizona (36-21)

2024 Men's College World Series: National seeds (top 16)

The following teams earned national seeds in this year's tournament, as announced on Monday's selection show.

  • Tennessee Volunteers
  • Kentucky Wildcats
  • Texas A&M Aggies
  • North Carolina Tar Heels
  • Arkansas Razorbacks
  • Clemson Tigers
  • Georgia Bulldogs
  • Florida Seminoles
  • Oklahoma Sooners
  • N.C. State Wolfpack
  • Oklahoma State
  • Virginia Cavaliers
  • Arizona Wildcats
  • UC Santa Barbara
  • Oregon State Beavers
  • East Carolina Pirates

2024 Men's College World Series: Regional brackets and schedules

The regional bracket is a double-elimination bracket, so a team isn't eliminated until they've lost twice. Winners of the initial matchups play each other; the losers also play each other. The winners of the second games advance to the regional finals.

Winners of the regional finals advance to the best-of-3 super regional stage.

Seeds below are solely within the regional matchups and differ from the national seeds listed above.

All times ET. Games will be broadcast across ESPN networks and ESPN+ .

Athens, Georgia

  • No. 1 Georgia vs. No. 4 Army | May 31, 1 p.m.
  • No. 2 UNC Wilmington vs. No. 3 Georgia Tech | May 31, 7 p.m.

Regional winner plays Raleigh regional winner in super regional.

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

  • No. 1 North Carolina vs. No. 4 Long Island | May 31, Noon
  • No. 2 LSU vs. No. 3 Wofford | May 31, 6 p.m.

Regional winner plays Tucson regional winner in super regional.

Charlottesville, Virginia

  • No. 1 Virginia vs. No. 4 Penn | May 31, Noon
  • No. 2 Mississippi State vs. No. 3 St. John's | May 31, 7 p.m.

Regional winner plays Fayetteville regional winner in super regional.

Clemson, South Carolina

  • No. 1 Clemson vs. No. 4 High Point | May 31, 7 p.m.
  • No. 2 Vanderbilt vs. No. 3 Coastal Carolina | May 31, Noon

Regional winner plays Stillwater regional winner in super regional.

Bryan-College Station, Texas

  • No. 1 Texas A&M vs. No. 4 Grambling | May 31, 1 p.m.
  • No. 2 Louisiana vs. No. 3 Texas | May 31, 6 p.m.

Regional winner plays Santa Barbara regional winner in super regional.

Corvallis, Oregon

  • No. 1 Oregon State vs. No. 4 Tulane | May 31, 9 p.m.
  • No. 2 UC Irvine vs. No. 3 Nicholls | May 31, 4 p.m.

Regional winner plays Lexington regional winner in super regional.

Fayetteville, Arkansas

  • No. 1 Arkansas vs. No. 4 SE Missouri State | May 31, 3 p.m.
  • No. 2 Louisiana Tech vs. No. 3 Kansas State | May 31, 8 p.m.

Regional winner plays Charlottesville regional winner in super regional.

Greenville, North Carolina

  • No. 1 East Carolina vs. No. 4 Evansville | May 31, 1 p.m.
  • No. 2 Wake Forest vs. No. 3 VCU | May 31, 6 p.m.

Regional winner plays Knoxville regional winner in super regional.

Knoxville, Tennessee

  • No. 1 Tennessee vs. No. 4 Northern Kentucky | May 31, 1 p.m.
  • No. 2 Southern Miss vs. No. 3 Indiana | May 31, 7 p.m.

Regional winner plays Greenville regional winner in super regional.

Lexington, Kentucky

  • No. 1 Kentucky vs. No. 4 Western Michigan | May 31, 7 p.m.
  • No. 2 Indiana State vs. No. 3 Illinois | May 31, 1 p.m.

Regional winner plays Corvallis regional winner in super regional.

Norman, Oklahoma

  • No. 1 Oklahoma vs. No. 4 Oral Roberts | May 31, 1 p.m.
  • No. 2 Duke vs. No. 3 UConn | May 31, 7 p.m.

Regional winner plays Tallahassee regional winner in super regional.

Raleigh, North Carolina

  • No. 1 N.C. State vs. No. 4 Bryant | May 31, 7 p.m.
  • No. 2 South Carolina vs. No. 3 James Madison | May 31, 2 p.m.

Regional winner plays Athens regional winner in super regional.

Santa Barbara, California

  • No. 1 UC Santa Barbara vs. No. 4 Fresno State | May 31, 9 p.m.
  • No. 2 San Diego vs. No. 3 Oregon | May 31, 3 p.m.

Regional winner plays Bryan-College Station regional winner in super regional.

Stillwater, Oklahoma

  • No. 1 Oklahoma State vs. No. 4 Niagara | May 31, 7 p.m.
  • No. 2 Nebraska vs. No. 3 Florida | May 31, 3 p.m.

Regional winner plays Clemson regional winner in super regional.

Tallahassee, Florida

  • No. 1 Florida State vs. No. 4 Stetson | May 31, Noon
  • No. 2 Alabama vs. No. 3 UCF | May 31, 6 p.m.

Regional winner plays Norman regional winner in super regional.

Tucson, Arizona

  • No. 1 Arizona vs. No. 4 Grand Canyon | May 31, 9 p.m.
  • No. 2 Dallas Baptist vs. No. 3 West Virginia | May 31, 3 p.m.

Regional winner plays Chapel Hill regional winner in super regional.

2024 Men's College World Series: Omaha bracket and schedule

  • Game 1: TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 2:  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 3: TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 4:  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 5: TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 6:  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 7: TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 8:  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 9: TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 10:  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 11: TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 12:  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 13 (if necessary): TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | TBD
  • Game 14 (if necessary):  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | TBD
  • MCWS Final Game 1 : TBD vs. TBD, 7:30 p.m. | ESPN
  • MCWS Final Game 2 : TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ABC
  • MCWS Final Game 3 (if necessary) : TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN

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NCAA | May 27, 2024

2024 ncaa division i baseball championship bracket announced.

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INDIANAPOLIS – The field of 64 teams competing for the 2024 NCAA Division I Baseball Championship was announced today by the NCAA Division I Baseball Committee.

The national top 16 seeds are Tennessee (50-11), Kentucky (40-14), Texas A&M (44-13), North Carolina (42-13), Arkansas (43-14), Clemson (41-14), Georgia (39-15), Florida St. (42-15), Oklahoma (37-19), NC State (33-20), Oklahoma St. (40-17), Virginia (41-15), Arizona (36-21), UC Santa Barbara (42-12), Oregon St. (42-14), and East Carolina (43-15).

The Southeastern Conference (SEC) leads the way with a record 11 teams selected from the conference. The Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) has eight teams in the field followed by the Big 12 (6), Sun Belt (4), Big Ten (3) and Pac-12 (3). The American Athletic, Big East, Big West, Conference USA and Missouri Valley all have two teams in the field.

High Point, Niagara, and Northern Kentucky are making their first appearances in the NCAA Division I Baseball Championship, while Evansville is making its first appearance since 2006.

Vanderbilt has the longest active streak with its 18th straight appearance. Other notable consecutive streaks include Florida (16), LSU (12), Oklahoma State (11) and DBU (10).

Selection of the eight super regional hosts will be announced on , Tuesday, June 4 at 10 a.m. ET . The Men’s College World Series begins play Friday, June 14, at Charles Schwab Field Omaha in Omaha, Nebraska.

Other Selection Information

Field by Conference (30)

2024 NCAA Division I Baseball Championship Games | Friday, May 31, 2024

*all times Eastern

Athens Regional hosted by Georgia #1 Georgia (39-15) vs. #4 Army West Point (31-21), 1 p.m., ESPN+ #2 UNCW (39-19) vs. #3 Georgia Tech (31-23), 7 p.m., ESPN+ Bryan-College Station Regional hosted by Texas A&M #1 Texas A&M (44-13) vs. #4 Grambling (26-26), 1 p.m., ESPN+ #2 Louisiana (40-18) vs. #3 Texas (35-22), 6 p.m., ESPNU Chapel Hill Regional hosted by North Carolina #2 LSU (40-21) vs. #3 Wofford (41-18), 12 p.m., ESPNU #1 North Carolina (42-13) vs. #4 LIU (33-23), 6 p.m. ESPN+ Charlottesville Regional hosted by Virginia #1 Virginia (41-15) vs. #4 Penn (24-23), 12 p.m., ESPN+ #2 Mississippi St. (38-21) vs. #3 St. John’s (NY) (37-16-1), 7 p.m., ESPN+ Clemson Regional hosted by Clemson #2 Vanderbilt (38-21) vs. #3 Coastal Carolina (34-23), 12 p.m., ESPN2 #1 Clemson (41-14) vs. #4 High Point (34-25), 7 p.m., ACCN Corvallis Regional hosted by Oregon State #2 UC Irvine (43-12) vs. #3 Nicholls (38-20), 4 p.m., ESPN+ #1 Oregon St. (42-14) vs. #4 Tulane (35-24), 9 p.m., ESPNU Fayetteville Regional hosted by Arkansas #1 Arkansas (43-14) vs. #4 Southeast Mo. St. (34-25), 3 p.m., ESPN+ #2 Louisiana Tech (45-17) vs. #3 Kansas St. (32-24), 8 p.m., ESPN+ Greenville Regional hosted by East Carolina #1 East Carolina (43-15) vs. #4 Evansville (35-23), 1 p.m., ESPN+ #2 Wake Forest (38-20) vs. #3 VCU (37-21), 6 p.m., ESPN+

Tallahassee Regional hosted by Florida State #1 Florida St. (42-15) vs. #4 Stetson (40-20), 12 p.m., ACCN #2 Alabama (33-22) vs. #3 UCF (35-19), 6 p.m., ESPN+ Tucson Regional hosted by Arizona #2 DBU (44-13) vs. #3 West Virginia (33-22), 3 p.m., ESPN2 #1 Arizona (36-21) vs. #4 Grand Canyon (34-23), 9 p.m., ESPN+

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  • Game Program

Men's College World Series

  • 🗓️ 2024 schedule
  • 🔮 Future dates
  • 🤔 How the MCWS works
  • 🏆 Programs with the most MCWS titles
  • 💪 Coaches with the most MCWS wins
  • ⚾ Every champion in tournament history

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Everything you need to know about how the Men's College World Series works

Di baseball news.

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College baseball career home run leaders

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The 7 longest home runs in MCWS history (that we know of)

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  4. Four PF Flyers teams ranked in top 15 in Ohio by Travel Baseball

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    Ohio Travel Baseball Ranking by Age Group. Utilize the links below to browse our Ohio Travel Baseball Team Rankings. These rankings are modified based upon your feedback and recommendations. To be considered you must first, create a new coaches account, add your organization and then add your teams. In addition, you will need to complete our ...

  3. 12u Rankings

    12u National Rankings Top 50 Updated: 4/17/24. Top 100-Coming Summer 2024. 2024 Invite Only 10u-17u! Dayton, OH. 12u Rankings. Premier Banditos Deleon(TX) ZT National Prospects Avila/Lujan; Furia Baseball (TX) Canes Select(SC) Sports Academy Legends(MS) Canes National(NC) USA Prime American(TX)

  4. 14U Ohio Travel Baseball Team Rankings

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  5. Ohio Travel Baseball Team Directory: Top Teams Near You

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  6. 13u Rankings

    Top 100-Coming Summer 2024. 13u Rankings. ZT National Prospects (CA) Elite RBI National (TX) ZT Texas (TX) MVP Hustle Hooks (CA) Banditos LLt6 (TX) MVP Hustle Casillas (CA) Braves Baseball Academy (CA)

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  9. Prep Baseball Report > Ohio > Teams

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    Ohio Travel Baseball. Public group. ·. 12.8K members. Join group. This is a page for all of Ohio to discuss Travel Baseball, post tryouts, looking for players, brag on their son, or whatever else that is travel baseball...

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    Travel Baseball Rankings. 12,871 likes · 343 talking about this. is a page ranking 5000+ travel baseball teams on a State and National lev Travel Baseball Rankings

  14. 14u Rankings

    14u National Rankings TOp 50 Updated: 4/17/24. Top 100-Coming Summer 2024. 2024 Invite Only 10-17u! Dayton, OH. ... East Coast Baseball(FL) Backyard Ballers Black(TX) ... SBA Florida National(FL) Hit Dogs Ohio National(OH) Houston Wildcatters Farr(TX) Canes Midwest(IN) TG D-Backs Scout(GA) Black Label Athletics(OH) 303 Twins Scout team(FL) Team ...

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    10u National Rankings Top 50 Updated: 4/17/24. Top 100-Coming Summer 2024. 2024 Invite Only 10u-17u! Dayton, OH. ... Houston Wilccatters Hendrix(TX) East Cobb Aviators(GA) SBA Bolts National(NC) Devine Baseball(GA) USA National Scout Team Nike(GA) Team JSM Elite(FL) ... Ohio Valley Jokers(OH) ...

  16. 9U Ohio Travel Baseball Team Rankings

    Utilize the links below to browse our 9U Ohio Travel Baseball Rankings. These rankings contain some of the best travel baseball teams in Ohio and is comprised of the top travel baseball teams across the state. These rankings are modified based upon your feedback and recommendations. To be considered you must first, create a new coaches account ...

  17. TBR World Series. July 14-18,...

    Travel Baseball Rankings. · August 31, 2020 ·. TBR World Series. July 14-18, 2021. Dayton, OH. 4 game guarantee. HR derby! Register now, pay later. 56 teams registered! This will be waitlisted at 96 teams.

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    Rankings. State Rankings; National Rankings. 8u Rankings; 9U Rankings; 10u Rankings; 11u Rankings; 12u Rankings; ... Ohio Hit Dogs 12u - National. Dublin, OH. 12u 2024 Spring/Summer . ALL SEASONS 2021 Summer 2022 2023 Spring/Summer ... Travel Team KOLE JEHNZEN

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    Pairings shown with final state rank by Ohio High School Baseball Coaches Association. OHSAA Division II state semifinals, finals Parma Padua vs. No. 6 Hamilton Badin, Friday, June 7, 10 a.m.

  20. Travel Baseball Rankings

    These rankings contain some of the best travel baseball teams in the country and is comprised of the top travel baseball teams across the United States. These rankings are modified based upon your feedback and recommendations. To be considered you must first, create a new coaches account, add your organization and then add your teams.

  21. Players

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  22. rankings

    YOUR #1 RESOURCE FOR SOCAL TRAVEL BASEBALL. home; organizations; rankings; ... For the 2021 Preseason National rankings we take into account current State rankings, GC results, high level tournaments(PG, TBR, USSSA), all current team name changes, and TBR 2020 State/National rankings. In 2021, we drastically reduced the amount of teams ranked ...

  23. Tournaments

    06/27 - 06/30/2024. Battle Creek, MI. Bailey Park. Harper Creek. Homer Stryker Field. Marshall High School. Olivet College Baseball. Pennfield High School. Vicksburg.

  24. 10U Ohio Travel Baseball Team Rankings

    Utilize the links below to browse our 10U Ohio Travel Baseball Rankings. These rankings contain some of the best travel baseball teams in Ohio and is comprised of the top travel baseball teams across the state. These rankings are modified based upon your feedback and recommendations. To be considered you must first, create a new coaches account ...

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  26. 2024 College World Series: Full CWS baseball schedule, bracket

    College baseball's race to Omaha begins this week.. Sixty-four teams prepare to enter the regional stage of the 2024 College World Series tournament, which starts on Friday.Only 16 of those teams ...

  27. 8U Ohio Travel Baseball Team Rankings

    Utilize the links below to browse our 8U Ohio Travel Baseball Rankings. These rankings contain some of the best travel baseball teams in Ohio and is comprised of the top travel baseball teams across the state. These rankings are modified based upon your feedback and recommendations. To be considered you must first, create a new coaches account ...

  28. 2024 NCAA Division I baseball championship bracket announced

    INDIANAPOLIS - The field of 64 teams competing for the 2024 NCAA Division I Baseball Championship was announced today by the NCAA Division I Baseball Committee. The national top 16 seeds are ...