Stupor Mundi Siracusa

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STUPOR MUNDI SIRACUSA (Syracuse) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go

Stupor Mundi Siracusa

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Stupor Mundi Siracusa - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024) - Tripadvisor

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Ein offenes Wort: Die wenigsten, die Kalabrien-Reisen anbieten, kennen Kalabrien. Daher sind es seit Jahren immer wieder unsere Programme und Texte, die von diesen kopiert werden. Der Unterschied für unsere Gäste ist, dass wir

uns wirklich auskennen. Wir wissen & lieben was wir tun!

Kalabrien 360° - Gruppenreisen ganz persönlich!

Ausarbeitung & begleitung themenbezogener reisen - reisen mit sinn & stil, persönlich und individuell.

stellen wir entsprechend dem Interesse und Größe einer Gruppe - ab 2 bis max. 48 Teiln. - ein interessantes und abwechslungsreiches Reiseprogramm zusammen, z.B. mit Schwerpunkt:



Küche & Kulinarisches


Handwerk & Musik

Foto- oder Malreise

Bei uns kommt alles aus einer Hand.

Das zeichnet unser kleines Team aus Spezialisten aus. Mit fundierten Landeskenntnissen, Kreativität und Sensibilität kreieren wir das "ideale" Programm für Ihre Gruppe und führen Sie mit viel Engagement auch selbst durch Kalabrien! Wir bilden die erfahrene Brücke zwischen Land und Gast. Hinzu kommen noch unsere langjährigen Partner , die unsere Programme zuverlässig ergänzen.

Unser Ziel ist - und ehrlich gesagt auch der schönste Moment - wenn der Gast sich am Ende bei uns für die schöne Reise bedankt und versichert, auf alle Fälle wieder kommen zu wollen.

stupor mundi tours - Reisen mit Sinn.

Kalabrien entdecken, Gruppenreise Thema Landwirtschafliches

Unsere "Bausteine" für eine erfolgreiche Gruppenreise:

Bus & Boot

Wir bewegen Sie! Reisebusse für eine bequeme Rundreise; Schiffsfahrten zu den Liparischen Inseln; oder auch per Ape durch die engen Gässchen der Altstadt ...

Süße Träume

Ländlicher Agriturismo, stilvolle B&B-Villa, gutes 3*, 4* oder 5*Hotel. Wir kümmern uns um die passende Unterkunft.

Töne, Düfte, Aromen ...

Die Dinge, die eine Kalabrienreise

erst "rund" machen:

- Kulinarisches in allen Facetten

- Plantagen-Besuche, Musik-Erlebnisse ...

Kleine Überraschungen - große Wirkung! Unser Spezialgebiet.

Staunen, Erleben, Erfahren

Qualifizierte Reiseleiter - mit Erfahrung, viel Wissen und Passion für die Region. Nur so wird aus einem Reiseprogramm erst eine wirklich erlebbare und eindrucksvolle Kalabrienreise.

Max. 8 Personen? ...

Hier haben wir 3 schöne Reisevorschläge für Sie:

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Kalabrien zum Schmökern

Wandern Kalabrien Reisetagebuch stupor mundi tours

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Geführte Touren Stupor Mundi Tours

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Infos Geführte Touren Stupor Mundi Tours

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Hotels in der Nähe: Geführte Touren Stupor Mundi Tours

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9 Bewertungen Geführte Touren Stupor Mundi Tours

Viel lärm um nichts.

Trotz mehrmaligen Versuchs der Kontaktaufnahme keine Reaktion. Das ist sehr unprofessionell. Eine kurze Mail wäre ja wohl köglich weiterlesen

Mille Grazie Ellen

Wir haben 3 Touren mitgemacht und jede war ein Highlight für sich. Ob der Duomo di Gerace an der Ostküste, der Teufelsfelsen oder auf den Spuren der Schafe, jede Tour war liebevoll geplant und mit viel Wissen zur Geschichte oder über die Natur begleitet. Gewandert wurde in kleinen Gruppen mit guter Stimmung und mittags wurde in authentischen Trattorien herzhaft gespeist und getrunken. Wir bedanken uns bei Ellen mit einem Bella Ciao und a più presto possibile. Berthold und Elke Börsch aus... weiterlesen

Schöne Wanderungen - weg vom Strand ins Hinterland

Ellen bietet mit Ihren Kolleginnen und Kollegen preiswerte und schöne Wanderungen durch das kalabrische Hinterland, den Nationalpark und die Berge an. Die abwechslungsreiche und schöne Landschaft erschließt sich so viel intensiver. Dabei erfährt man so nebenbei viel über Land, Leute, Kultur und die lokalen Köstlichkeiten. Auf Wunsch wird man am Hotel abgeholt. Am besten aber gute Ausrüstung, festes Schuhwerk und wegen der Vegetation ggf. lange Hosen einpacken, für die steileren Touren schaden... weiterlesen

Super geführte Wanderung

Zwei Tageswanderungen mit Ellen in Kalabrien bleiben ein unvergessliches Erlebnis für uns. Ihre Fähigkeit. Ihr umfangreiches Wissen anderen zu vermitteln hat uns Kalabrien. die Landschaft, die Orte und insbesondere die Menschen näher gebracht. Die Wanderungen in Kleinstgruppen verbunden mit ihrer offenen, kontaktfreudigen Art ermöglichte es Ellen jeden Gast zu erreichen und förderte das Gruppenfeeling. Einfach toll! Wir werden sicher und mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit mit Freunden wiederkommen. weiterlesen

Calabrien wandern, essen, gut gehen lassen

Wandertour "Über der Ionischen Küste" Juni 2015 unterschiedliche Wanderungen, jede einfach schön sehr gut organisiert gute und besondere Unterkünfte leckere abwechslungsreiche italienische Küche Mit Ellen eine kompetente Wanderführerin bei der kaum eine Frage unbeantwortet bleibt. Viele Info´s über Land, Leute, Geschichte, Botanik usw. die mit Begeisterung vermittelt werden und immer neugieriger auf mehr machen. Ein rundumgelungener Urlaub mit viel Spaß und netten Mitwanderern in kle... weiterlesen


Interessantes in der nähe.

Zwiebelfabrik Schiariti


Strand Riaci

Sport & Freizeit

Bootstour Torre Marino

Essen & Trinken

Strandrestaurant Lido Aretusa

Hotels in der Umgebung

Residenz Floritalia

Orte in der Nähe

  • Hotels San Nicolo di Ricadi 3.14 km
  • Hotels Ricadi 3.77 km
  • Hotels Tropea 3.36 km
  • Hotels Spilinga 4.98 km
  • Hotels Parghelia 5.18 km
  • Hotels Zambrone 11.16 km
  • Hotels Nicotera 13.57 km
  • Hotels Briatico 15.88 km
  • Hotels San Ferdinando 20.11 km
  • Hotels Mileto 18.16 km
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Università degli studi di napoli federico ii.

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L'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II apre il suo prezioso patrimonio con " Stupor Mundi Tour " il nuovo progetto e percorso di visite che propone un calendario di sei appuntamenti in cinque week end , da domenica 22 ottobre fino al 2 dicembre 2023 , con itinerari speciali e visite straordinarie alla scoperta della storia dell'Ateneo e del suo fondatore: arte, archeologia, botanica, filosofia, scienza ed aspetti inusuali e misteriosi saranno i fil rouge che accompagneranno studenti e pubblico per conoscere e riscoprire, in maniera insolita, la Reggia di Portici (visite 22 e 29 ottobre, 5 novembre), il Complesso di San Domenico Maggiore e, nel centro storico di Napoli , tra conventi, cortili e antichi palazzi si ripercorrerà la storia degli illustri personaggi del mondo della cultura accademica (visite 4 e 19 novembre, 2 dicembre).

Tutte le visite sono ad ingresso gratuito fino ad esaurimento posti con prenotazione obbligatoria scrivendo al numero whatsapp 3272949099 .

L'iniziativa, promossa dall'Università in collaborazione con Artetica e Destination Naples, rientra nell'ambito del nuovo progetto dell'Ateneo " Vivi Federico II " cofinanziato dalla Struttura di Missione Anniversari della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri , che proporrà da ottobre 2023 e per tutto il 2024 diverse iniziative in vista delle celebrazioni degli 800 anni della Federico II che cadranno il prossimo 5 giugno. Un programma di appuntamenti per studenti e non, con l'obiettivo di promuovere, far conoscere, valorizzare e rendere sempre più fruibile a tutti la ricchezza storica, monumentale e culturale dell'Ateneo.

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c/o COINOR: [email protected]

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Stupor Mundi Siracusa

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Stupor Mundi Siracusa - All You MUST Know Before You Go (2024)

An engaging Medieval strategy game with beautiful components.  

Stupor Mundi is a strategic euro-style game for 1 to 4 players, full of exciting and original mechanisms, with plenty of interaction, solid gameplay and tension.  

  • ♟️An exciting new strategy game by famous author Nestore Mangone
  • 🎨 Stunning artwork and deluxe Components provide for an immersive experience 
  • 🎖️ Two Exclusive expansions are included, to provide even more replayability.

stupor mundi tours

We're launching soon!

Sign up now and follow us to be the first to know when we launch and get the free "Gates" and "Frederick's sons" free mini-expansion .

The new Masterpiece by Nestore Mangone

Established author Nestore Mangone (Darwin’s Journey, Newton, Autobahn, …) returns with a uniquely clever and exciting game. Nestore created a wonderful new euro-style game full of new ideas but also some familiar elements, to create an absolute masterpiece. 

stupor mundi tours

Beautiful medieval-inspired Artwork

This special Master Print edition showcases stunning artwork by artist Maciej Janik, which will transport you to the early Middle Ages. A various cast of characters and locations will no doubt enthuse the fans of the genre.  

stupor mundi tours

Original Mechanisms

Stupor Mundi will please the fans of the genre and introduce some new mechanisms that will make for a fun gaming experience. 

  • 🤷🏽‍♂️ Play cards face up or face down to unlock varying effects. 
  • 👑 Manipulate Frederick to your advantage
  • 🏰 Build your castle to score points with your allies. 

stupor mundi tours

A stunning & exclusive Collector’s Edition

Deluxe components like custom designed castle pieces, double-layered boards, metal coins, a custom insert by Black Magic Inserts, and TWO exclusive expansions all packaged in an exclusive Master Print edition box will create a collector’s edition that you and your gaming friends will cherish forever. 

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Be part of the process

Join our Gamefound community and help unlock stretch goals, give feedback about the game and help make us a truly unique edition of this wonderful game.  

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Sign up now and follow us to be the first to know when we launch and get a free mini-expansion .


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Al via “Stupor Mundi Tour”

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Tutte le visite sono ad ingresso gratuito fino ad esaurimento posti con prenotazione obbligatoria scrivendo al numero 3272949099 .

L’iniziativa, promossa dal nostro Ateneo in collaborazione con Artetica  e  Destination Naples,  rientra nell’ambito del nuovo progetto dell’Ateneo “ Vivi Federico II ” cofinanziato dalla  Struttura di Missione Anniversari della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri , che proporrà da ottobre 2023 e per tutto il 2024 diverse iniziative in vista delle celebrazioni degli 800 anni della Federico II che cadranno il prossimo 5 giugno. Un programma di appuntamenti per studenti e non, con l’obiettivo di promuovere, far conoscere, valorizzare e rendere sempre più fruibile a tutti la ricchezza storica, monumentale e culturale dell’Ateneo.

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Ancient Origins

The Wonder Of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II Stupor Mundi

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Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II (1194-1250) was known as the Wonder of the World, Stupor Mundi , because there had never been anyone like him; nor will there ever be another to match him. Like many Medieval kings he ruled as a skilled soldier, diplomat and excellent administrator, but he was also a gifted writer, a sensitive poet, a patron of the arts and learning, who dazzled all with his charismatic charm. Frederick was not tall but well-built with blond-red hair, green eyes, clean-shaven and handsome. He had a natural talent for showmanship and acted as a demigod to whom the accepted rules of conduct did not apply. When traveling the Emperor was escorted by his turbaned Saracen bodyguards brandishing burly beards and carrying fearsome scimitars; his impressive Teutonic knights and a menagerie of exotic animals. Frederick was accused of being an Islamophile and traitor to the Christian cause. Like his grandfather King Roger II, he too was called ‘half-heathen’, more a Saracen sultan than a Christian king.

Portrait of Frederick II from the "Manfred manuscript" (Biblioteca Vaticana, Pal. lat 1071) of De arte venandi cum avibus. (Public Domain)

Portrait of Frederick II from the "Manfred manuscript" (Biblioteca Vaticana, Pal. lat 1071) of De arte venandi cum avibus. ( Public Domain )

Frederick’s Royal Lineage

Frederick descended from a line of royal ancestors, with roots at the extreme ends of Europe; from Germania in the north through Italy and down to Sicily in the south. Frederick’s maternal grandfather was one of the most successful, wealthy and controversial Medieval kings, King Roger II (1095-1154) ruler of Sicily and Southern Italy. His supremacy had rocketed Sicily to its apex of wealth, culture, prestige and refinement by the 12th century.

Frederick Barbarossa, middle, flanked by two of his children, King Henry VI (left) and Duke Frederick VI (right). From the Historia Welforum. (Public Domain)

Frederick Barbarossa, middle, flanked by two of his children, King Henry VI (left) and Duke Frederick VI (right). From the Historia Welforum. ( Public Domain )

Frederick’s paternal grandfather was Frederick I Barbarossa (Red Beard), Duke of Swabia and Holy Roman Emperor. He possessed a commanding Teutonic majesty and lordly manner; leading Germany to thrive and became a mighty force in Europe. His reputation for ruthlessness was superseded by the great esteem his troops and his country held for him.

Constance De Hauteville, Frederick’s Mother

After King Roger II’s death, Sicily was ruled by his son William I ‘the bad’ and grandson, William II ‘the good’. King Roger also had a daughter, Constance, (1154 – 1197) who was born just after his death.  Blond and attractive she had been living in a convent all her adult life; some say for protection; others say by choice.

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Dr Marion Dolan received her PhD from the University of Pittsburgh, majoring in Medieval manuscripts, minoring in Medieval architecture and history of astronomy. She is the author of several books including Astronomical Knowledge Transmission Through Illustrated Aratea Manuscripts and Decoding Astronomy in art and Architecture .

Top Image : The Court of Emperor Frederick II in Palermo by Arthur vom Ramberg (1865) Web Gallery of Art (Public Domain )

By: Dr Marion Dolan

This is the perfect example of why so many like totalitarianism. It works with a thoughtful and caring tyrant. Unfortunately leaders like this are few and far between. Gen. Patton described true leadership as telling people WHAT to do, not HOW to do it. He explained you will be amazed at how creative and productive folks can be given just a little freedom and responsibility. Blessings, happy truth hunting

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    Al via "Stupor Mundi Tour". L'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II apre il suo prezioso patrimonio con " Stupor Mundi Tour " il nuovo progetto e percorso di visite che propone un calendario di sei appuntamenti in cinque week end, da domenica 22 ottobre fino al 2 dicembre 2023, con itinerari speciali e visite straordinarie alla scoperta ...

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    Stupor Mundi is a strategic euro-style game for 1 to 4 players, full of exciting and original mechanisms, with plenty of interaction, solid gameplay and tension. ♟️An exciting new strategy game by famous author Nestore Mangone. 🎨 Stunning artwork and deluxe Components provide for an immersive experience.

  13. Al via "Stupor Mundi Tour"

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  18. Stupor Mundi

    Subscribe for weekly videos!Gamefound Link - us on Patreon! -

  19. Stupor Mundi by Quined Games

    Stupor Mundi is a strategic euro-style game for 1 to 4 players by author Nestore Mangone, full of exciting and original mechanisms, with plenty of interaction, solid gameplay and tension. Project. Your pledge. Comments 652. Updates 7. FAQ.

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