A group of four men and a woman pose for a formal portrait in front of a black background.

‘Picard’ Gets the ‘Next Generation’ Band Back Together

The new season provides a victory lap for some of the most beloved “Star Trek” characters and actors. “I had long since given up on any hope of a conclusion as satisfying as this one is,” LeVar Burton said.

Clockwise from top left: Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton and Patrick Stewart of “The Next Generation,” which ran for seven seasons starting in 1987. Credit... Ryan Pfluger for The New York Times

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Sopan Deb

By Sopan Deb

  • Published Feb. 14, 2023 Updated Feb. 15, 2023

LOS ANGELES — In a 1987 review of “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” a New York Times TV critic wrote of the premiere , “On this initial voyage, the Enterprise and its new crew simply fail to take flight.”

This was a common sentiment through the show’s early days, one shared by many fans, critics and even some of those involved in the series. As the first version of “Star Trek” to not involve the beloved Kirk, Spock and McCoy from the original series and multiple films, “The Next Generation” had to overcome plenty of distrust and resentment before finding its footing.

Decades later, after a popular seven-season run and several movies, it’s hard to believe anyone ever doubted “The Next Generation.” Go to any convention panel featuring members of the cast, and fans will line up to say that Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) inspired them to become psychologists, or that Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) did the same for doctors. Or that Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton) influenced a generation of engineers.

For years, such events were the only way to see the stoic and thoughtful Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Co. gathered together. But now much of the original “Next Generation” cast has been reunited in the new season of “Star Trek: Picard,” which premieres Thursday on Paramount+. While there is plenty of fan service to go around, the story lines offer a fresh take on familiar faces who have taken drastically different paths.

If not exactly a “Next Generation” revival, the story could function as another, perhaps better, send-off for some of the most beloved characters in the “Star Trek” universe, who were last all together onscreen two decades ago in the movie “Star Trek: Nemesis.” Panned by critics, fans and even some of the actors, the film seemed like the end of the road for the cast.

But the universe where their ship had once boldly gone had more in store.

When the core cast got together for an interview last week, the gathering had the atmosphere of a family reunion. Stewart broke into song with Jonathan Frakes, who plays Picard’s longtime No. 1, William Riker, while Michael Dorn (who plays the honorable Klingon Worf) cackled nearby. In the conversation that followed, they, along with Burton, McFadden and Brent Spiner (the android Data), talked about what it was like to revisit their most famous characters and work with one another again. (Sirtis was unavailable; Spiner joined by video.)

These are edited excerpts from the interview.

I was fascinated to learn that Jean-Luc Picard was originally based loosely on Horatio Hornblower, the fictional Royal Navy officer protagonist of the C.S. Forester novels. Patrick, you’ve obviously made the character your own since. What did you draw on for the Admiral Picard we see in the current series?

PATRICK STEWART Well, a lot of it is based on disappointment, frustration. I was promoted, which meant a bit of farewell. A goodbye. But the admiral job turned out to be an office trip, basically. It was not what he had known all his life, which was being on a ship. I’ve heard this from Navy people, that they have the same thing.

So he had gone back to France and was running his vineyard and then he encounters this profoundly troubled young woman and feels that he needs to do something. That’s where the engagement begins, and it is also the last time that, as an actor, I ran up a flight of stairs. You’ll never see me do that again.

A close-up, black-and-white portrait of an bald man on a black background.

I saw an interview where you said that sometimes you don’t know where Picard ends and Patrick Stewart begins. Do the rest of you feel that way about your characters?


JONATHAN FRAKES What about your new Worf?

DORN What about him?

FRAKES He’s a little more like Michael.

DORN Did I say no? I meant yes.


LEVAR BURTON I’ve tried to bring as much LeVar into Geordi as has made sense. I won’t say that there’s an absolute melding of the two, but there’s a little Geordi in me now, absolutely.

BRENT SPINER I’ve said this before, and it may be redundant, but I think there’s a little Data in every man. But since I am Data, there’s more of it in me.

Who here needed the most convincing to reprise his or her character?

SPINER Dorn, I think. Right?

DORN Everything was fine except the makeup. That was the issue that I had: making sure the makeup was not three hours as it was before.

Was it better?

DORN Much better. Actually, the makeup was less than an hour.

FRAKES Never looked better, I’ve got to say. The beard was beautiful.

How challenging was it to play evolved versions of your characters?

FRAKES I thought Terry [the showrunner, Terry Matalas] wrote Riker better than he had ever been written.

FRAKES He had Patrick and me to lunch, and he said, “What I’d like to do is write conflict for you two guys who never really had any conflict.” To which we both said: “That’s great.” Roddenberry [Gene Roddenberry, the “Star Trek” creator] wanted our ship to exist in a bubble in which the family lived without conflict, which is unrealistic and uninteresting in many ways and is undramatic. So for Picard and Riker to be at loggerheads was great for us. To look at Patrick’s eyes and the characters disagree — it was so much different than bringing him reports. Our relationship was so gentle, and here we really had big issues, and that made the drama better. It made the story better.

Brent, there’s a running joke among fans about how every time there’s a new “Star Trek” story, there’s a new character for you to play. [Data has multiple clones and human quasi-ancestors.] Is there a part of you that wishes your original version of Data, who died in “Nemesis,” could be part of this rendition?

SPINER I don’t think so, because then I couldn’t have played those other things. You know, I was perfectly happy with the ending of “Nemesis,” even though I know that a lot of fans weren’t. And then I feel that was sort of redeemed, in a way, for the fans in the first season of “Picard.” I would hate to have missed both those moments.

So no, I’m perfectly happy with the way it’s gone. I can’t say much more. I haven’t really seen much of the show — they’ve kept it away from me because they know I’ll blow it.

How did the rest of you feel about where the “Next Generation” franchise was left after “Nemesis”?

BURTON I always felt it was a missed opportunity to create a story and play a story line that had a fitting and proper conclusion to it. None of us knew that was going to be our last outing. So there was always, at least for me, a sense of a missed opportunity, something unfulfilled.

FRAKES Which is what Season 3 of “Picard” has been, which we didn’t dare hope for.

BURTON That ship had sailed. Two decades have passed. I had long since given up on any hope of a conclusion as satisfying as this one is.

GATES McFADDEN I had given up hope. I felt that my character in the movies was practically nonexistent; it was just bizarre. In this one, I felt more like the way I felt in “All Good Things” [the series finale]. “All Good Things” was a brilliant end. We all had great story lines, and in this, I think, the same thing is true. You feel the past — I felt my past connection with each of these characters, and that was something I didn’t feel in the films. Then I felt like I was just filling a role of, “Well, we have to have Crusher in here because she’s part of the cast.” There wasn’t really a sense that I had a through-line or real character intention. So this was unexpected, and I’m very happy with it. I think it’s an incredible season.

DORN I didn’t have any idea that [“Nemesis”] was going to be the last one. I thought that there was going to be another shot at some point. After 10 years go by, you go, “I don’t know if it’s going to come back.”

Patrick, did you think you were saying goodbye to Jean-Luc after “Nemesis?”

STEWART Oh, yes, but with disappointment.

[To Spiner:] Brent, there had been a lot of conversation about you and John Logan [who co-wrote “Nemesis”] writing a new film script, and that appealed to me enormously. But of course that was dumped along with everything else. And I felt frustration and disappointment about that because what we went out with wasn’t good, I don’t think.

SPINER There are things about “Nemesis” that didn’t work. I think we went into it with the feeling that it was probably going to be our last film, which was why we let Data’s demise happen. We thought a great dramatic conclusion to one of the characters would be a fitting end to the series.

I don’t want to put the blame on anybody for why “Nemesis” didn’t work, but I think we could have come back and done another film. As we’ve seen, Data did come back in the first season of “Picard,” so there were ways of doing that.

McFADDEN The franchise is very different now , though. I think that we’ve had so many wonderful captains of new shows, and it’s gone on enough to be able to make fun of itself in “Lower Decks.” In particular, if I can speak for the role of women in the franchise, it’s just night and day from when Marina and I began. There’s a huge difference to me, and that view is manifest in this season.

You all have talked in the past about how fun the “Next Generation” set was. What was the dynamic like in working together again?

DORN It was different.

In what ways?

DORN I mean, for me, we weren’t all together all the time.

FRAKES We didn’t have the opportunity to get back into that weird rhythm. [With the original series,] we did 26 episodes a year, but we played on the bridge together for days on end. That’s when we got a reputation as being so rambunctious and unmanageable that the director had to yell action to get us to shut up.

McFADDEN There were times where we were all together as well.

SPINER For me, it was very similar to the way it used to be, except much slower.

What do you mean by that?

SPINER We’re old.

What is it about these characters that still resonates decades later?

McFADDEN People need role models; I don’t think I understood that when I first started doing the show. By doing the conventions, I have been introduced — we all have — to people whose lives have been changed by watching the show, or maybe that was the only thing on in the hospital room. And it is a show that is intelligent and has scientific basis to it but also has great humanity.

I think this season of “Picard,” our characters are the most human they’ve ever been, actually. We are expressing things in ways that we weren’t quite expressing them in any other show. The fans have taught me a lot and brought me to understanding how important it is to have a show that talks about a positive future, a future where people can collaborate, that’s inclusive.

SPINER I think it also has to do with our affection for each other as a family. It’s the connection we have with each other that they appreciate. They can then symbiotically be a part of the familial situation that we have onscreen and, frankly, offscreen as well.

Sopan Deb is a basketball writer and a contributor to the Culture section. Before joining The Times, he covered Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign for CBS News. More about Sopan Deb

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'Star Trek: Picard' soars by embracing the legacy of 'The Next Generation'

Eric Deggans

Eric Deggans

star trek the next generation 2023

Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker and Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard. Trae Patton/Trae Patton/Paramount hide caption

Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker and Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard.

One of the central themes in Star Trek: Picard has been the importance of accepting every bit of your past, so you can move forward to a new future.

Which is why it's surprising that Paramount+'s new series — centered on Patrick Stewart's beloved, aging starship captain Jean-Luc Picard — has taken so long to learn that lesson for itself.

star trek the next generation 2023

Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher. Trae Patton/Trae Patton/Paramount+ hide caption

Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher.

Fortunately, the third and supposedly final season of Star Trek: Picard practically forces the series to change course, pulling in more characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation to join their former captain, including Jonathan Frakes' William Riker, Michael Dorn's Worf, LeVar Burton's Geordi La Forge, Marina Sirtis' Deanna Troi and Gates McFadden's Dr. Beverly Crusher, among others.

The result: A program that finally brings the rollicking spirit and camaraderie of the '80s and '90s-era series into a modern context, reintroducing old characters in bold new ways — with contemporary special effects and cinematography — while leaning into all the things that made fans love The Next Generation series in the first place.

star trek the next generation 2023

Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine, Patrick Stewart as Picard, and Jonathan Frakes as Riker. Nicole Wilder/Nicole Wilder/Paramount hide caption

Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine, Patrick Stewart as Picard, and Jonathan Frakes as Riker.

Old characters find new purpose

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'First, Last And Always, I Am A Fan': Michael Chabon Steers Latest 'Star Trek'

Nowhere are the benefits of this new approach more apparent than in the arc of the very first character we meet in this new season: McFadden's Dr. Beverly Crusher.

star trek the next generation 2023

Brent Spiner as Soong. Trae Patton/CBS hide caption

Brent Spiner as Soong.

Next Generation fans will remember that the series often couldn't figure out what to do with her. Yes, she was the starship Enterprise's more-than-capable chief medical officer. But she was also mother to a precocious ensign on the ship, widow to a man who was killed under Picard's command and a sometimes-but-not-quite love interest for the captain himself.

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'Star Trek: Discovery' Is A Refreshing Triumph

McFadden told me in January — in response to a question I asked during a press conference — that she had pressed for Dr. Crusher to get more action scenes back in the day, to no avail. But she gets her wish on Star Trek: Picard , which opens with Dr. Crusher in a shootout with unknown villains who will become the biggest of bad guys for the show's expansive third season.

She also uncorks a huge personal secret of Picard's that threatens to redefine his legacy and change his life in harrowing new ways – something that blindsides the now Admiral Picard, just as he's thinking of slowing down and living a different life.

'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' goes there, boldly

Pop Culture Happy Hour

'star trek: strange new worlds' goes there, boldly.

"I am not a man who needs a legacy," Picard says, in a line so weighted with foreshadowing, it falls out of his mouth like an anvil. "I want a new adventure."

Who's to say you can't have both?

Turning a painful legacy into a new adventure

Without giving too much away, the third season of Picard accomplishes exactly that, drawing together most of The Next Generation crew to face a new threat rooted in their long history together — with more than few nods to other Trek series, such as Voyager and Deep Space Nine . Along the way, Stewart's character must come to terms with decisions he made long ago, while learning how much his old compatriots have changed since they last shared an adventure together.

Those who have watched previous seasons of Picard , will recognize that this is the type of story the series has tried to tell before — Picard as a lion in winter, drawn out by a new threat, which he can only defeat by learning to accept the mistakes in his past (last season's episodes, which were particularly disappointing, even featured therapy sessions and flashbacks to his childhood, in case the symbolism was too obtuse.)

But each of those storylines felt unsatisfying and incomplete. Now, it's more obvious why — Picard can never reconcile conflicts from his past without engaging the other beloved characters from his swashbuckling history. Fans have spent decades consuming the adventures of The Next Generation crew — to suggest in this new series that Picard had a huge and damaging part of his background that mostly didn't involve them, felt unrealistic and unearned.

Previous seasons of the show spent too much time and effort building a new family of characters around Picard. Or they brought back familiar faces in different forms, having John de Lancie return in season two as a hugely diminished version of the extra-dimensional entity Q, or trotting out Brent Spiner — who played fan-favorite android Data in The Next Generation series — to play villainous geneticist Adam Soong.

In this third season, when we see Dr. Crusher and Picard talk about their past romance, those scenes are fortified by the weight of events in episodes from more than 30 years earlier. When we eventually see Dorn's Worf and Frakes' Riker trade playful insults, it continues a dynamic Trek fans first fell in love with decades ago.

Paramount+'s new Trek series have worked hard to establish their own identities — no mean feat for the latest iterations of a nearly 60-year-old franchise with loads of TV series, films, novels and merchandise preceding them. In particular, Star Trek: Discovery , the series built around Sonequa Martin-Green's previously unknown adopted sister to Mr. Spock, developed a new approach to Trek stories that bent and broke many of the rules developed in previous generations.

But the success last year of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds — a Discovery spin-off centered on the adventures of the Enterprise years before Captain James T. Kirk would take the helm — showed the value of returning to the classic rhythms of the original series, boosted by the thrill of seeing new origin stories for characters like Spock, Christine Chapel and Nyota Uhura.

So it makes sense Picard would stage a creative turnaround in its third season with a similar strategy (perhaps longtime Trek nerd Terry Matalas, who took over as sole showrunner for this season, had something to do with the narrative upgrades). It's about time the new Trek series stopped sidestepping the franchise's long legacy — instead, finding ways to embrace it again, while leaving room for new ideas, new characters and new challenges.

One other problem with Star Trek: Picard, that the new season addresses less skillfully, is the sense that the weakest link in the series is often Picard himself. At age 82, Stewart is hardly going to be jumping into physical fist fights in the same way colleagues 10 or 15 years younger might do (it's worth noting most of the Next Generation cast members who show up here are between 65 and 74 years old themselves, making this season of Picard a great argument against ageism in TV. )

But beyond the physicality of the role, a lot of Picard 's story points have turned on the character's regrets about how major decisions in his past have affected friends and family. It's meaty ground to cover for an actor, but it can have the unintended consequence of turning him into the most indecisive character onscreen. Which is not a great look for a legendary starship captain-turned-admiral.

Is this truly the end for Picard?

During the same press conference where McFadden spoke on her long struggle to develop Dr. Crusher, Stewart and executive producer Alex Kurtzman hinted that Picard could continue past this supposed final season, if there was enough interest from fans and Paramount in making it so.

"There is still enormous potential for narrative in what we've been doing," Stewart said then. "And there are (narrative) doors left open still...We didn't close all of them."

I'm predicting fans will love seeing The Next Generation crew together again and back in action they way Star Trek: Picard presents them.

The only question left — at least for me — is whether Paramount Global will have the good sense to keep a great Trek series going, just as it has finally found a thrilling new voice.

For Patrick Stewart, Jean-Luc Picard is ‘the biggest thing that’s ever happened to me’

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Patrick Stewart

As the august space voyager Jean-Luc Picard, Patrick Stewart commanded the Starship Enterprise on and off across seven seasons of “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” four feature films, and, after a two-decade pause, three seasons of “Picard.” It’s a role he took only because he was assured by confidants that “The Next Generation,” which required a six-year contract, wouldn’t run a year, freeing him to return to England and the theater.

The final season of “ Picard ,” which concludes Thursday on Paramount+ , brings down the curtain on the character and, in bringing back most of the original show’s cast, “The Next Generation” saga as well. I spoke with Stewart, 82, a genial, funny, casually dapper gent, at the home he shares with his wife, singer Sunny Ozell — an old Spanish-style house on a leafy Los Angeles street, purchased just before the pandemic. (“I never thought I’d live in a house that had archways everywhere — no doors!” He counted six from where we were sitting.) Stewart had watched the finale that morning, and he had thoughts and more.

Jean-Luc Picard in dark clothing on a starship.

Did you fall in love with Shakespeare before you decided to become an actor?

No. Because “fall in love” doesn’t fit my experience. But something happened, and it happened the first time I held a copy of Shakespeare in my hand and read aloud. And that was because of an English teacher, Cecil Dormand; he had that wonderful ability of being intense and serious about the work and also entertaining and comical at times.

And one day he went around our classroom, dropping a little thin book onto [our desks] and said, “Right, ‘Merchant of Venice.’ This is William Shakespeare, and you’re reading so and so,” and finally, “Patrick, you’re reading Shylock. OK, Act 4, Scene 1 — you know, who you’re playing, start reading it.” So we all went [mimes students reading silently], and he said, “Not to yourselves, you idiots. This is life, it’s drama. It’s the real world. Aloud!” And I had a big speech — it’s the trial scene — I didn’t know what the hell I was saying. There were words I’d never encountered before. I didn’t understand it, but there was something that made my breathing deeper. I can only remember the physical sensation because I was 12 — it wasn’t comprehension, I just felt weight in myself, which I hadn’t felt before. And I was hooked.

Tell me about Murph Swander.

Murph Swander ! His real name was Homer. Homer D. Swander. In one sense, he’s why this huge event happened in my career and life. Murph came knocking on my dressing room at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, in Stratford-on-Avon. He was standing there with a bottle of malt whiskey in his hand, and he introduced himself and said, “I’m here with a group of young people from California and we’re coming to see your show tonight and we’d love you to come talk to us tomorrow.” I said, “I’m sorry, I don’t do that. My work is what I do onstage, not talking about it.” And he said, “Well, it would give the students a lot of pleasure if you came, and by the way, this is for you.” I couldn’t afford to drink single malt whiskey in those days, so I said, “All right. Ten o’clock tomorrow morning.” And I talked for the whole hour without taking a breath.

Jumping forward many years, he set up a sort of institution which was run by Murph and myself and another actor, may he rest in peace, called Tony Church, and we went to Santa Barbara [where Swander taught] and did a week of classes, and we’d go to UCLA and up to Santa Cruz — it was mostly the University of California circuit. I got to know some of the teachers very well. And one of them, professor David Rodes, a specialist in Shakespeare at UCLA, called me one day and said, “I’m giving a public lecture on campus, and if you wouldn’t mind reading some passages to illustrate it, I thought it would be great.” So I said, “Sure, of course.” And he said, “There’s $100 in it for you.” “Wow, yes, I’ll do that.”

So I did, and the next morning, I got a call from a man who told me he was my agent — I’d never met him, never talked to him before, but he was my agent in California — and he said, “I’ve got two questions for you. What the hell were you doing at UCLA last night and why would Gene Roddenberry want to see you this morning?” And I said, “Jean who? I don’t know her.” And he told me who Gene Roddenberry was.

Patrick Stewart

What were your first impressions of him?

Impressions ... not good. What I learned many months later was that one of the producers of this new series, which I’d never heard of —

You’d never heard of “Star Trek” at all?

I may have heard of it. When my children were young, I used to race home from the theater in Stratford after the matinee so I could help with their supper and read them a story before racing back to do an evening performance. And they’d watch this show, which I used to occasionally see when I came home on Saturday afternoon, these guys wearing different color T-shirts. That’s all I knew.

So I was told that it was a new “Star Trek” series , and I went to Gene Roddenberry’s house and was greeted at the door by this man, Robert Justman, who had been at the university the previous night and had called Gene Roddenberry and said, “I think we found an actor we’ve got to have in the show.” When I arrived, there were two other men there, besides Gene and Robert, and nobody asked me sit down. We talked for about 10 minutes standing up, and then Gene said, “Thanks for coming over,” and goodbye. And I was back on the street, and I thought, “Bloody hell, what the heck was that about?”

Yes, Hollywood. So I called my agent and told him and he said, “Well, it’s funny you should say that because we’ve had another call and they want to see you again. “

Were there things that attracted you to the show, other than that it was work?

Nnnnnope . It was a style of work I never associated with, or even particularly watched when I was younger. Sci-fi didn’t have any interest for me. What was of interest was that it was on camera, it was in California, it was in Hollywood. My agent took me out to lunch and said, “I’ve got to walk you through the deal.” And when he told me some of the details I was totally disbelieving, what my salary per episode would be — incomprehensible. I couldn’t imagine that, nor indeed had I ever wanted it. I just loved the work I was doing, [playing] Shakespeare and other great dramatists.

Actor Patrick Stewart closely examines a purple flower.

Was there a point where it became emotionally satisfying, more than just a job?

It took a long time. I worked very, very hard. I wanted to do good work because I thought this might be my passport to Hollywood. Well, seven years later, we wrapped the series and then we did four movies. It was the biggest thing that’s ever happened to me.

More for better than for worse.


How different was it playing Picard in “Picard” ?

Oh, so different. I turned it down at first. And then I thought about the offer and decided I would do it, but I made two conditions. I didn’t want to wear a uniform, and it must not be a series that is fundamentally a sentimental reunion of “The Next Generation.” And they agreed to that. And I think the first “Next Generation” character who came on the show was Jonathan Frakes [as Will Riker] and then in Season 2, Marina Sirtis, who played Counselor Troi, was also in it. And to my great pleasure, I enjoyed having them back on the soundstage. We’ve all aged, all of us. I mean, Michael Dorn [who plays Worf], whose hair is white! And Jonathan with his grizzled gray beard. And me, of course, with my hollowed cheeks and exhausted appearance.

I think it was [producer] Alex Kurtzman who said, “Look, 20 years have passed, and in those 20 years, surely a lot has happened to you, Patrick. I know enough about your life to know there have been upheavals and changes. Surely, the same has happened to Jean-Luc Picard. What might those things be?” Well, I actually invented a whole story about those missing years; this may sound a little pretentious, but to create that past, which I assume will never, ever be known, was very intimate, and it influenced me when we began shooting “Picard.” Because I knew he had needs, longings, desires that were not being fulfilled. Disappointment that things had not gone the way he had hoped. Loneliness. Separation from these people he had loved and admired.

There are moments when I look at scenes in “Picard” and think, “Poor guy, [laughing] he looks terrible. He’s having such a bad time.” That wasn’t my intention, but that was what was being communicated. Anxiety, stress, irritation. I never yelled as Picard — I mean, I may have done — “ The line must be drawn here! ” [pronounced “hee-yah,” much-memed dialogue from the film “ Star Trek: First Contact ”], for which I was made fun of for decades. Actually, there was one like it in the last episode, and I thought, “At least, because there aren’t any more episodes, nobody will be making fun of me.” We made fun of one another a lot.

Illustration for Robert Lloyd's story about the greatness of the Star Trek franchise.

‘Star Trek’ is the greatest sci-fi franchise of all. Why it’s stood the test of time

Full of ideas and emotions, the ever-expanding ‘Star Trek’ canon is still finding new ways to go where no TV show has gone before, 55 years on.

Oct. 28, 2021

Were there any kinds of scenes you particularly enjoyed or didn’t enjoy playing?

I have to admit that when we got into Season 5, 6 and 7 [of “The Next Generation”], there were days I wished I could be doing something different — when you do 178 episodes there’s bound to be repetition. And there were some things about “Picard” I was uncomfortable with, when I thought it was nudging its way toward being a reunion show. But there were not many. And the way the show has been directed, and lit, and staged, it’s so impressive. So many times I feel I’m watching a movie and not a TV series.

I looked forward to those scenes where Picard was not just anxious but actually frightened. Or confused. Or not knowing what to do. I got great satisfaction out of playing those things, because they allowed me to investigate, and release, aspects of Jean-Luc that had really never appeared in “Next Generation.”

Patrick Stewart

What do you think you brought to the character that wasn’t necessarily on the page?

Well, I very quickly came to understand that “ Star Trek ” was not naturalistic television. And there was a sort of formality about being the captain. I was the captain of a starship, and I sat in the center seat, and I had assistants on either side of me and people running the ship down there in front, and it very much reminded me of numerous Shakespearean situations I’d been in onstage. And I thought, “That’s how I should regard this role, as if it were ‘Henry IV,’” which is about brave men. And very quickly I got to know the cast.

Does that family of actors reflect on the family of characters?

I think so, yes. Your use of the word family is in fact very accurate. That is what we became. If you add Whoopi Goldberg, who joined us in the second season, and John de Lancie, who came in as Q. We became so close, and that’s grown over the years.

Last night, I watched Episode 9of Season 3, and this morning, I watched the final episode. There had been a little conflict about how it should end, and the script we held when we started shooting had an ending I was thrilled by — I thought it was absolutely perfect — I can’t tell you what it was — and then when we were shooting, a problem occurred. It was the last day and, oh, it was getting so late and we had so much to do. And I said, “We can pick that up anytime, it’s only me involved.” We never did it. So the ending I loved was never filmed. Instead, it was one I wasn’t happy about — until this morning.

Until you saw it.

The impact that the final episode had on me was unexpected and almost overwhelming. When it finally finished, I had to call out for my wife and go give her a hug because I felt so deeply connected with what I’d watched.

The way the series ends is wonderful. And I so badly thought it was totally wrong when we shot it. But the director and producers, in particular Terry Matalas, who directed it, his instinct was absolutely right, and my instinct was only protective, whereas he was going deeper into what made me feel this morning the whole effect it had on my life and career, this show. And I promise you, if you’d come to see me at half past 8 this morning, you would have found me in my wife’s arms, wiping away the tears.

It has the necessary elements: a bar, Shakespeare and poker.

But it has something else, doesn’t it? It has feelings.

‘Star Trek: Picard’

Where: Paramount+ When: Any time Rating: TV-14 (may be unsuitable for children under age 14)

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‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 3 Trailer: ‘The Next Generation’ Cast Reunites for Jean-Luc Picard’s Final Adventure

Christian zilko.

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When the final season of “ Star Trek : Picard” begins streaming on Paramount+ next month, it will be the end of an era. Patrick Stewart has made it very clear that the last season of the spinoff will be his final time suiting up as Jean-Luc Picard — but he’s going out with a bang.

Season 3 will see Jean-Luc Picard returning to his roots as he reunites with some of the most iconic faces from “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” including LeVar Burton’s Geordi LaForge, Michael Dorn’s Worf, and Gates McFadden’s Beverly Crusher, as well as Jonathan Frakes’ Will Riker and Marina Sirtis’ Deanna Troi (both of whom had already appeared in Season 1 of “Star Trek: Picard”).

The official synopsis for Season 3 reads: “In the epic, thrilling conclusion of ‘Star Trek: Picard,’ a desperate message from a long-lost friend draws Starfleet legend Admiral Jean-Luc Picard into the most daring mission of his life, forcing him to recruit allies spanning generations old and new. This final adventure sets him on a collision course with the legacy of his past and explosive, new revelations that will alter the fate of the Federation forever.”

While fans will inevitably be sad to see Stewart end his run as Picard, the addition of so many other beloved characters should make for a fitting conclusion for the legendary character. Stewart has always said that he did not want the Paramount+ series to trade on nostalgia, and insisted that “Picard” reflect the passage of time and the world that we live in today. Bringing the character’s old friends into the fold while maintaining that narrative philosophy could result in a real treat for Trekkies.

“It’s most fitting that the story of Jean-Luc Picard ends honoring the beginning, with his dearest and most loyal friends from the U.S.S. Enterprise,”  Season 3 showrunner and executive producer Terry Matalas recently said. “It would be an understatement to say that giving these characters a proper send-off is an honor. The entire ‘Star Trek: Picard’ team and I can’t wait for fans to experience this final, high-stakes, starship-bound adventure in Season 3.”

Season 3 of “Picard” begins streaming on Paramount+ on February 16, 2023. Watch the trailer below.

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Star Trek: Picard season 3 teaser reunites the Next Generation crew for one more mission

The final season premieres in February 2023

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Boldly going where no one has gone before is... fine. But boldly going where we’ve all been before might not be so bad either. That’s the big gamble of Star Trek: Picard season 3, which not only brings Patrick Stewart’s Trek captain back for a final adventure, but pairs him with his original crew from Star Trek: The Next Generation .

The trailer for the nostalgia-heavy season 3, which will arrive next February, debuted during Paramount Plus’ “Star Trek Day” livestream, and gave us new looks at LeVar Burton’s Geordi La Forge, Michael Dorn’s Worf, Gates McFadden’s Dr. Beverly Crusher, and Marina Sirtis’ Deanna Troi. Next Gen and Picard alum Jonathan Frakes and Brent Spiner also return to the series, alongside Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd. 12 Monkeys creator Terry Matalas steps in as showrunner for the season, which will also be the series’ last.

The trailer for Picard season 3 is vague on plot details, but does reveal the captain and his crew’s new ride: the USS Titan, commanded by Captain William T. Riker, a starship with serious Enterprise vibes. We also see Dr. Crusher holding off some masked foes with a rifle, and a Federation building imploding — things remain not good in the utopian future!

What’s going on and why Picard needs to call his work fam for help will become clear when Star Trek: Picard season 3 premieres on Paramount Plus on Feb. 16, 2023.

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‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 3 Showrunner Details ‘Incredible Pressure’ of Reuniting ‘Next Generation’ Cast

By Joe Otterson

Joe Otterson

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Episode 301, Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+.  Photo Credit: Trae Patton/Paramount+. ©2022 ViacomCBS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

“ Star Trek: Picard ” Season 3 is bringing the “Next Generation” cast all back together for the first time in over 20 years, and series showrunner Terry Matalas is well aware of the high expectations fans are going to have.

In an interview with Variety , Matalas said it was “beyond an honor” to work on the third and final season of “Picard,” but added “there’s an incredible pressure to that, as well.”

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“I think Season 1 is Michael Chabon’s beautiful arc of reintroducing us to Picard and these characters,” he said. “Then the second season is Akiva Goldsman, digging deeper into what makes Captain Picard Captain Picard, and going back into his past trauma and telling this beautiful story with Q. And this is a different kind of story, because it’s going back to the beginning. It’s the ‘Next Generation.’ It’s back out into space. It’s much more nautical.”

Season 3 also sees Jonathan Frakes return both in front of behind the camera. Frakes has directed two episodes on every season of “Picard,” and had a guest role in the first season. He not only gets a much larger role as Capt. William Riker in the third season, but directs two pivotal episodes.

“There’s no better collaborator than Jonathan Frakes,” Matalas said. “I say to him over and over that I think Episode 4 [of Season 3] is the best thing he’s ever directed. There’s so much emotion and he nailed all those reveals.”

“Star Trek: Picard” Season 3 premieres on Paramount+ on Feb. 16 with new episodes debuting weekly.

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  • Star Trek: Picard Season 3 is a nostalgic and satisfying conclusion to a three-decade long story, featuring the beloved cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • Strange New Worlds Season 2 continues to capture the magic of classic Trek with its episodic storytelling and received positive reviews, including a crossover episode with Lower Decks.
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 brings the sillier side of Star Trek to life and follows the adventures of four Ensigns on the USS Cerritos, with new episodes airing weekly and a fifth season already confirmed.

2023 has been a great year for Star Trek as several new seasons of Trek shows premiered with great reviews from fans and critics alike. Star Trek: Picard , Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , and Star Trek: Lower Decks all had new seasons premiere in 2023 on Paramount+. The Star Trek franchise began in 1966 with the adventures of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and the crew of the USS Enterprise on Star Trek: The Original Series . Since then, the franchise has grown to include eleven different television series and thirteen feature films, and has inspired millions of fans around the world.

After the cancelation of Star Trek: Enterprise in 2005, it would be twelve years before Star Trek would return to television. Star Trek: Discovery ushered in a new era for the Star Trek franchise when it premiered on CBS All Access (now known as Paramount+) in 2017. Although Discovery was met with mixed reviews, it led to a resurgence in Star Trek content and its spin-off, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has been met with universal acclaim. The new Trek shows have not only been a delight for older Star Trek fans, but have also brought in new fans experiencing the Trek universe for the first time.

Star Trek: Picard Season 3

Star Trek: Picard returned in 2023 with its acclaimed third season that saw the original cast members of Star Trek: The Next Generation reunite. Following the events of seasons 1 and 2, Picard season 3 finds Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) forced to confront the Borg and his history as Locutus. When Picard receives a distress signal from Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden), he calls his former First Officer, Captain William Riker (Jonathan Frakes), and they embark on a journey to help their old friend.

The story culminates with the triumphant return of the USS Enterprise-D, as Picard and his crew save the galaxy one more time. Star Trek: Picard season 3 is truly a nostalgic tour de force that serves as a satisfying conclusion to a story thirty years in the making. With the return of the beloved cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation and the introduction of some captivating new characters, Picard season 3 became the most-watched and best-reviewed season of Star Trek: Picard.

How to Watch: Star Trek: Picard season 3 is streaming on Paramount+ and is available on Blu-ray and DVD from CBS Home Entertainment.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2

Anson Mount's Captain Christopher Pike proved to be so popular after his debut in Star Trek: Discovery season 2 that Paramount decided to cast him as the lead of the next Star Trek show. Strange New Worlds was born and quickly became one of Star Trek's most well-received new shows. As a prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series , Strange New Worlds follows the crew of the USS Enterprise before Captain James T. Kirk (Willia Shatner) takes over command.

With its episodic storytelling and captivating ensemble cast, Strange New Worlds captures the magic of classic Trek , and its second season was just as well-received as its first. Strange New Worlds season 2 took several big swings with its storytelling, producing Star Trek's first musical episode and a crossover episode with the animated Star Trek: Lower Decks. Strange New Worlds season 2 ended on a dramatic cliffhanger with the lives of several Enterprise crew members hanging in the balance.

How to watch: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 is streaming on Paramount+. Its home video release date hasn't been announced, but Strange New Worlds season 2 will be available on Blu-ray and DVD.

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4

With its debut in 2020, Star Trek: Lower Decks not only became Star Trek's first animated series since Star Trek: The Animated Series ended in 1974, but it also became Star Trek's first comedy series. While every Trek series has comedic episodes, Lower Decks is the first series to fully embrace the sillier side of Star Trek . Lower Decks follows the adventures of the USS Cerritos, a California-class starship that specializes in second-contact missions.

Rather than centering the ship's Captain as the main character, Lower Decks focuses on the lives of four Ensigns: Brad Boimler (Jack Quaid), Beckett Mariner (Tawny Newsome), D'Vana Tendi (Noël Wells), and Sam Rutherford (Eugene Cordero) . Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 premiered on September 7 on Paramount+ with new episodes airing weekly, and the show has been renewed for a fifth season.

How to Watch: Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 is streaming on Paramount+ and will be released on Blu-ray and DVD after season 4 completes streaming.

What Happened To Star Trek: Discovery Season 5?

Star Trek: Discovery began as a prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series , but at the end of season 2, the USS Discovery and her crew ended up in the far future of the Star Trek universe, the 32nd century. Discovery season 5 was not originally meant to be the show's last, but in March of 2023, Paramount+ announced that Discovery would be coming to an end . Filming was delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and was eventually concluded in late 2022.

Some additional filming was completed in April 2023 to make Star Trek: Discovery 's season 5 finale a series finale. Most of the show's regular cast members will be returning, including lead Sonequa Martin-Green as Captain Michael Burnham, along with a few new faces. No exact premiere date has been set for Discovery season 5, but it will air sometime in early 2024.

How to Watch: Star Trek: Discovery season 5 will premiere on Paramount+ in early 2024, and its release on Blu-ray and DVD will follow after the season completes streaming.

What Happened To Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2?

Star Trek's other new animated series, Star Trek: Prodigy, premiered in 2021 and had a 20-episode first season that was broken into two parts. Following the young crew of the USS Protostar and the holographic Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), Prodigy served as a great entry point for the Star Trek franchise and appealed to younger Trek viewers. Although the second season was originally set to premiere in late 2023, Star Trek: Prodigy was unexpectedly canceled in June 2023.

Soon after the announcement of its cancelation, Prodigy was removed entirely from Paramount+. Since then, fans have rallied behind the show, and Star Trek: Prodigy's creators are hopeful they will find a new streaming home for the show's second season. Still, the future remains uncertain for Prodigy. With the upcoming Starfleet Academy series and the Section 31 film starring Michelle Yeoh, the Star Trek franchise seems to be boldly going in other directions.

How to Watch: Star Trek: Prodigy is no longer available on Paramount+, but season 1 is available on Blu-ray and DVD, with episodes 1-10 and 11-20 in separate collections.

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Like the first-edition Original Series film Blu-rays, the 2009 editions of the four Star Trek: The Next Generation films were plagued with a heavy-handed use of digital noise reduction (DNR) treatments, artificial sharpening efforts (to restore detail erased by the DNR process), and odd color timing that — in some instances — drastically changed the look of the movies when compared to previous VHS, LaserDisc, and DVD home media releases.

The new editions of the  Next Gen films can be found in one big four-movie box set, but they’re also available in individual 4K + Blu-ray releases, and well as in standalone Blu-ray-only releases (for those of you who haven’t make the leap to 4K at home just yet).

Those new Blu-ray discs are remastered as well, using the new 4K scans as source material for the updated releases — but there’s no new extra features; all the commentary tracks and movie-specific bonus material is carried from the 2009 Blu-rays.

Star Trek: Generations (1994) gets perhaps the largest amount of color restoration in its new presentation, as a noticeable yellow-green tint (which permeated the 2009 edition) is scraped away in the 4K edition.

Most noticeable in the scenes shot on location — Worf’s promotion aboard the holographic sailing ship and at Soran’s launch platform filmed in Nevada’s Valley of Fire — are drastically changed from the previous edition, bringing back the sunny blue skies and warm desert tones of the original presentation.

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Likewise, greys and silvers aboard the Enterprise-D sets return to their expected color, as do the mustard-color operations uniforms worn by Data, Worf and La Forge. Fine facial details are also no longer so exaggerated, thanks to this edition’s lack of that heavy-handed DNR and artificial sharpening effects.

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Curiously, a number of shots are slightly repositioned compared to the previous editions of the film, such as the crew’s arrival to the bridge while wearing their holodeck sailing-ship costumes; this occurs sporadically throughout the film without much obvious rhyme or reason.

It’s not a huge issue, as one probably won’t even notice most of the time — but some shots certainly feel “off-center” now because of these framing adjustments.

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Star Trek: First Contact (1996) takes the crew aboard the first  Enterprise -E adventure, filmed on sets that are naturally darker than the  Galaxy -class setting of the previous film.

This remastered edition features some nice lighting, contrast, and detail enhancements thanks to the new scan from original film elements.

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Like  Generations , the 2009 edition of  First Contact also had a similar green look that has fortunately been eliminated — the steel and bronze set elements aboard both the Enterprise and in the Phoenix launch facility now shine with proper metallic coloring, and costume elements like Riker’s leather jacket regain their proper tones.

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Some color correction appears to veer slightly too far into the blue tone in a few darker sections the new release, however it’s not obvious in the majority of shots and seems to be a limited issue.

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Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) truly benefits from the lack of DNR and artificial sharpening found on its 2009 edition, as the heavy filtering impacted the cast’s facial features dramatically in that old presentation.

The new scan now offers a much more natural look both the actors and the Ba’ku planet, really showcasing just how bad the original  Insurrection  disc looked.

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The natural features of the Ba’ku planet have slighly tone-down coloring — reducing its somewhat oversaturated appearance in the 2009 release.

Fine details like the piles of straw in which Data and Artim play are no longer a messy blur, Geordi’s sunrise now actually looks like the sun is warming up the Ba’ku valley, and visual effects shots that once had an odd orange-red vibe are shifted more properly to a golden color tone.

star trek the next generation 2023

The remastered edition of Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) has less detail improvement than the other TNG films, but better color and lighting fixes — gone is yellow-green tone that permeated the film’s previous release.

While that overall greenish tone has been cleaned up, elements which SHOULD be green — grass, nebula, Thalaron radiation, cymbals — retain their proper coloring.

star trek the next generation 2023

The ‘mountains’ of Alaska are no longer so pink and purple, and there are several other nice color adjustments (like Guinan’s outfit now properly and and brown, rather than green), and the stained glass aboard Shinzon’s vessel now appears teal and blue rather than green and purple.

star trek the next generation 2023

The desert landscape of Kolarus III is no longer overexposed to the point of highlight blow-out, and dark scenes have a more balanced lighting and shadow, with some moments having a bit of a colder (but more consistent) look.

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Overall, this is the best that these four films have ever looked on home media — and while we’re always going to prefer the physical releases for best-quality presentation, with any luck, they’ll supplant the 2009 editions across all streaming services sooner rather than later.

We can’t recommend these new 4K presentations enough, even with some of the minor quibbles mentioned above — while it took much longer than it should have to give these films the remastering treatment, the wait has been worth it with these new 4K discs.

The  Star Trek: The Next Generation 4-Movie Collection is in stores now.

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Have you upgraded your Next Generation film library to these new remastered releases? Still trying to decide if you want to get the new discs? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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Review: ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation 4-Movie Collection’ 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Is An Engaging Upgrade

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| April 4, 2023 | By: Matt Wright 67 comments so far

Just in time for First Contact Day on Wednesday, the four Star Trek: Next Generation movies have been newly rescanned and released in 4K Ultra High Definition. The films are being released today in a new boxed set edition as well as individual releases. This review covers the new boxed set.

Seeing The Next Generation crew “graduate” to the silver screen, like The Original Series crew did before them, was a momentous occasion for a Trek fan in 1994. Generations didn’t quite live up to the hype, but it sure did look nice, showing just how great the Enterprise-D sets could appear with more cinematic lighting. The new 4K HDR transfer gives the moody Enterprise interiors a bit more room to breathe, and the harsh sunlight of Veridian III looks a little bit more natural than before.

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The Enterprise-D bridge in the new 4K remaster

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The Enterprise-D bridge in the 2009 HD version

The sophomore outing for the crew, First Contact was an instant success, setting a high bar for future Trek movies. The next film, Insurrection , is enjoyable in the spirit of an expanded episode of TNG, but not exactly blockbuster status. (Screenwriter Michael Piller’s Fade In: The Making of Star Trek Insurrection documents all the changes the plot went through to get to the average outing we ended up with.)

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Geordi looks over Ba’ku with real eyes in the 4k restoration

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Geordi looks over Ba’ku with real eyes in 2009 HD

First Contact and Insurrection were both directed by Jonathan Frakes with cinematographer Matthew Leonetti. Both films look great and both have similar gains in this new 4K transfer. Arguably, First Contact is the best-looking of the 4 films. Insurrection started to use more CGI, so it has a few softer or less convincing shots here and there. Where the two films really shine (pun intended) is in the natural lighting when our characters get off the ship. The new HDR dynamic range also helps with small things like the specular highlights from sweat beads in the hot and humid (39.1ºC) Borgified sections of the Enterprise-E.

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The detail and gleam from the sweat elevate the feeling of being there to a new level

star trek the next generation 2023

Picard and Borg Queen (2009)

After Insurrection didn’t reach the heights of First Contact , the future of the TNG film franchise was mulled over by Paramount leadership, stalling the cadence of Trek film releases. Eventually, Nemesis was released in 2002. The film desperately wanted to say something about roads not taken, age, mortality, and sacrifice for comrades, but it just didn’t land (for a number of reasons that are well-known to Trek fans). Sadly, this ended the TNG cast’s time on the silver screen. Nemesis comes to 4K looking as good as it ever has. The darkly lit throne room scenes are a bit better refined in HDR, but it’s not a massive difference. For those wondering, the dune buggy chase on Kolarus III is just as blown out as ever since that was an intentional style choice.

star trek the next generation 2023

Captain Picard bids farewell to newly promoted Captain Riker in Nemesis (4K)

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Captain Picard bids farewell to newly promoted Captain Riker in Nemesis (HD)

The Ultra HD Blu-ray set

The boxed set comes with a large 8-disc flipper case inside. The four Ultra HD Blu-ray versions of the movies are in the front half, and then in the back half are the four movies on standard HD Blu-ray discs. The Blu-ray discs are based on the same newly restored versions of the films, just in 1080p. The Ultra HD movies are also sold individually. And new versions of the 1080p Blu-ray movies are also available, sold individually, for those who haven’t made the leap to 4K/HDR.

star trek the next generation 2023

Video Quality

The short version: These four movies look great. The wider color gamut of Ultra HD allows for richer colors; for example, the deep shades of the departmental colors in the uniforms. It’s especially noticeable in Generations , where the later season TNG uniform is still used. The films also benefit from a restrained HDR grade that helps retain details in the extremes (dark/light) of a scene.

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Geordi and Data discuss Data’s emotion chip (2023)

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Geordi and Data discuss Data’s emotion chip (2009)

Unlike the TOS movies, the TNG movies fared a bit better in their older 2009 versions. The older versions still leave quite a bit to desired, with too much grain reduction at times and certainly too much sharpening applied, which makes them look a bit too digital. Those versions might have looked pretty good in the early 2000s when they were first created, but as TVs have gotten larger and better quality, they’ve started to look pretty ragged. Thankfully, the new 4K scans of the original 35mm films freshen them up and make them as engaging as ever, with skin tones and skin texture looking noticeably more natural now.

star trek the next generation 2023

Data and the Borg Queen (2023)

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Data and the Borg Queen (2009)

Audio Quality

The audio mixes are effectively the same excellent lossless 5.1 Dolby TrueHD mixes that were released with the previous Blu-rays; however, this time it’s presented in 7.1 format. I will say I’m slightly disappointed they didn’t remix the movies in Dolby Atmos, but that isn’t a deal-killer by any means. The mixes were great in 2009 and still sound great on a modern surround system.

Having a 5.1.4 Dolby Atmos system, I can attest that the audio tracks work very nicely via Dolby Surround Upmixer (DSU) to fill out a room (this is a technology to extrapolate Dolby Atmos-like sound from a traditional surround soundtrack). Doing a rewatch of the four films, I was quite engaged by both the video and audio.

Special Features

As is common practice, the Ultra HD Blu-ray discs have minimal special features to allow maximum space for the 4K video. The majority of the extras are found on the standard Blu-ray discs. This set carries over pretty much all of the special features from the  2009 versions  of the movies, which in turn carried over most of the DVD features from before. I recommend you check out  our review for more . (A full list of special features can be seen below)

There’s only one noteworthy feature missing: “The Captain’s Summit,” made for the original series 2009 boxed set and not released again. The summit included the Next Generation cast, so I had some small hope it might be included in this TNG boxed set. It’s understandable why “The Captain’s Summit” feature isn’t there, as it was a specially commissioned documentary that was included as a separate bonus disc, but it sure would be nice to make it available to people who don’t have the 2009 set.

Final thoughts

The four Next Gen movies have never looked better. For fans who enjoy these films and want to have them in the best possible format, this is a must-buy. Fans need to vote with their wallets. Releasing the movies only to digital is relatively easy and low cost for Paramount (the remastered First Contact has quietly been available in digital for a year now), but physical media requires time and effort since it is a physical product. Showing the studio that fans want Trek movies on physical media is important.

Streaming rights come and go and vary by region, so the only surefire way to collect these movies in 4K to keep as your own is on disc. And at least for the US version of the set, it comes with a code for a digital copy of each movie, so you can have your handy digital version while also showing your support for the disc format.

Available today

Standard Blu-ray

DISCLAIMER: We link to products to buy on Amazon in our articles with customized affiliate links that support TrekMovie by earning a small commission when you purchase through them.

Full list of features

Star Trek Generations  4K Ultra HD

  • Commentary by director David Carson and Manny Coto
  • Commentary by Brannon Braga and Ronald D. Moore
  • Text Commentary by Michael and Denise Okuda

Star Trek Generations Blu-ray

  • Text commentary by Michael and Denise Okuda
  • Library Computer
  • Uniting Two Legends
  • Stellar Cartography: Creating the Illusion
  • Strange New Worlds: The Valley of Fire
  • Scoring Trek
  • Inside ILM: Models & Miniatures
  • Crashing the Enterprise
  • Main Title Sequence
  • The Nexus Ribbon
  • Saucer Crash Sequence
  • A Tribute to Matt Jeffries 
  • The Enterprise Lineage
  • Captain Picard’s Family Album
  • Creating 24 th  Century Weapons
  • Next Generation Designer Flashback Andrew Probert
  • Stellar Cartography on Earth
  • Brent Spiner – Data and Beyond Part 1
  • Trek Roundtable:  Generations
  • Starfleet Academy SCISEC Brief 007: Trilithium
  • Deleted Scenes

Star Trek: First Contact  4K Ultra HD

  • Commentary by director and actor Jonathan Frakes
  • Commentary by screenplay writers Brannon Braga and Ronald D. Moore
  • Commentary by Damon Lindelof and Anthony Pascale

Star Trek: First Contact  Blu-ray

  • Making  First Contact
  • The Art of  First Contact
  • The Missile Silo
  • The Deflector Dish
  • From “A” to “E”
  • Borg Queen Assembly
  • Escape Pod Launch
  • Borg Queen’s Demise
  • Jerry Goldsmith: A Tribute
  • The Legacy of Zefram Cochrane
  • First Contact: The Possibilities
  • Industrial Light & Magic – The Next Generation
  • Greetings from the International Space Station
  • SpaceShipOne’s Historic Flight
  • Brent Spiner – Data and Beyond Part 2
  • Trek Roundtable: First Contact
  • Starfleet Academy SCISEC Brief 008: Temporal Vortex
  • Unimatrix One
  • Design Matrix

Star Trek: Insurrection  4K Ultra HD

  • Commentary by Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis

Star Trek: Insurrection Blu-ray

  • It Takes a Village
  • Location, Location, Location
  • The Art of Insurrection
  • Anatomy of a Stunt
  • Making  Star Trek: Insurrection
  • Director’s Notebook
  • Westmore’s Aliens
  • Westmore’s Legacy
  • Star Trek’s Beautiful Alien Women
  • Marina Sirtis – The Counselor Is In
  • Brent Spiner – Data and Beyond Part 3
  • Trek Roundtable: Insurrection
  • Starfleet Academy SCISEC Brief 009: The Origins of the Ba’ku and Son’a Conflict
  • Shuttle Chase
  • Advertising

Star Trek Nemesis 4K Ultra HD

  • Commentary by director Stuart Baird
  • Commentary by producer Rick Berman
  • Commentary by Michael and Denise Okuda

Star Trek Nemesis Blu-ray

  • Nemesis Revisited
  • New Frontiers – Stuart Baird on Directing Nemesis
  • Storyboarding the Action
  • Red Alert! Shooting the Action of Nemesis
  • Build and Rebuild
  • Four-Wheeling in the Final Frontier
  • Screen Test: Shinzon
  • A Star Trek Family’s Final Journey
  • A Bold Vision of The Final Frontier
  • The Enterprise E
  • Reunion with The Rikers
  • Today’s Tech Tomorrow’s Data
  • Robot Hall of Fame
  • Brent Spiner – Data and Beyond Part 4
  • Trek Roundtable: Nemesis
  • Starfleet Academy SCISEC Brief 010: Thalaron Radiation
  • Romulan Lore
  • Shinzon & the Viceroy
  • Romulan Design
  • The Romulan Senate
  • The Scimitar

More images

star trek the next generation 2023

Captain Kirk in Generations (2023)

star trek the next generation 2023

Captain Kirk in Generations (2009)

star trek the next generation 2023

Picard pursues the Borg (2023)

star trek the next generation 2023

Picard pursues the Borg (2009)

star trek the next generation 2023

Riker and Geordi on Earth (2023)

star trek the next generation 2023

Riker and Geordi on Earth (2009)

star trek the next generation 2023

The landing party beams down to Ba’ku (2023)

star trek the next generation 2023

The landing party beams down to Ba’ku (2009)

Keep up with all the  home video and streaming news, reviews, and analysis at TrekMovie.com.

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Is it me, or are these 4K Shots a bit Darker then their HD counterparts? Is this some HDR thing?

I was wondering the same thing. The HD version looks better than the 4K shots.

NOTE: The screenshots included in this article are down-converted from 4K and HDR, so they’re not a perfect representation—they may appear darker on your screen than they will when watching the movie on a proper HDR display—but still give a good idea of the subtle improvements that give these latest editions a more filmic quality. Staring at still frames of a motion picture isn’t exactly how a film is intended to be watched, so take these as a general demonstration of the changes.

That note appeared after my Comment, so it’s all good

Ah! I didn’t catch the note.

Same here; thanks for clarifying :)

I agree and thought it was just me; the 2009 HD’s all look crisper and brighter than 2023, I don’t understand…

It’s like Star Trek :) They are so used to their Scanners and View Screens, that most forgotten to look outside the Window.

(aka Silent Run of the Normandy – Mass Effect)

That’s artificial sharpening. Look at the images full screen, there’s much more natural skin textures.

I own all of these already. Remaster Star Trek: Deep Space 9 and I’ll make it rain.

But according to this article things won’t happen unless everyone buys more physical media! Buy it all! Again and again!

some kind of Idol industry

no, “some kind of star trek”

Same here. How many times am I supposed to buy the same films, for God’s sake.

Nice to see Riker, as a character, getting his due on the promo art.

Alt TNG movies:

Generations – Tomorrows Enterprise (Ent D in 23rd Century) First Contact Insurrection – Into The Mirrorverse Nemesis – The Resurrection of Khan

Not sure how these stills were grabbed, but the brightness levels look far too low in the new version examples. Hopefully that’s due to how they were obtained.

I’m incredibly disappointed. I was expecting a dynamic new transfer that improved upon the original Blu ray release. Sure, there will obviously be greater resolution for the 4K, but these screen grabs look like a downgrade in terms of overall visual quality. Meh.

As the disclaimer says, these screenshots were made with an algorithm that adjusted the HDR for standard displays, it’s an art not a science, I targeted them for a bit brighter screen (200 nits) than it seems most people have, if you view it on a high quality display at higher brightness you can see they look just fine. I will re-do them at some point soon for 100 nits.

In person they look great.

Cool, good to know.

What about the included regular 1080p HD Blu-rays? I plan to get these, but although we do have a 4K display we don’t yet have a 4K player, and it may be a whole, during which time I’ll just be watching the “regular” 1080p Blus in these packages (where so many of the extras live anyway).

The same basic comments apply since they come from the same source. They look more natural/filmic and the color timing has been redone for the films, I think again, they look more natural, and in some cases a little warmer. Generations and First Contact are the most noticeable. In the older versions, Generations had a yellow cast to it, and First Contact was a little bit colder (bluer) in places.

I updated the images in the article, so you should be able to get a better idea of how the movies look now.

Super cool, but seriously; why are they all darker than the 2009 versions? WTHeck?

There’s a note right there in the article.

Yes, I see; but, like, every commenter is asking the same question. :)

Have to admit the screen-captures aren’t doing a good job convincing me. They look softer and darker.

Got my set in the mail today. Nice sturdy case for them. Cover art could be better but the price was very good for digital/blu/4k combo for 4 movies. Now i have all 13 features in combo packs except for VI and TMP those weren’t offered. VI directors cut was 4K only, TMP directors only available in limited box set no standard combo was offered. You could get the 4K and blu separately now for what they should have offered a combo for in the first place but that isn’t my point.

I’ve bought each of these 3 times already – on VHS, then DVD, then Blu-Ray. Nemesis, 4 times (the initial bare-bones DVD edition, then the two disc special edition). I’m sure these will look better than the 2009 edition, but I can’t justify buying them again. (Yes, I bought the TOS movies on 4K – but there we got the remastered TMP, and Director’s cut of TWOK.) But I’ll be there for Picard Season 3 in 4K!

I will probably just buy First Contact.

If they stick the landing I’ll be picking up PIC s3 as well. Big time rewatch value, here.

I’ll get FC and Insurrection. I love those two films!

Cool. Interesting to see that Star Trek has actually been too dark since 1994!

Ha! Good one!

I’m never sure what to do with these kind of reviews. The 4K images always look worse than the 2009 editions and you give us a NOTE as to why that is. So what exactly are we to take from this? Why provide us with screen grabs if they don’t actually show us what we would see on screen? If you (Paramount) want us to vote with our wallets, this won’t achieve that to be honest, because based on this review, I don’t need this set.

You’re right — the images with the review are completely unhelpful. It would have been better not to include them at all.

The thing is, I picked it up earlier today and just finished watching “Generations. Trust me when I say that it looks an order of magnitude better than the previous blu-rays. This is as crisp and clear and beautiful as that film has ever looked, and I every reason to expect the other three will be just as remarkable.

The other thing is, when you have a good TV/home theatre system these days, it’s somewhat pointless to debate things like “It’s too dark” since TVs have so many customizable settings. Before-and-after pictures just aren’t that helpful when any person can make their TV display a film any way they want…

Count me as one of the people who doesn’t understand all the “It’s too dark” people, for what it’s worth. Those people obviously don’t have their TVs set up properly. Or even if they do, and they still legit just think it’s darker than they would prefer, it would be a simple matter to go in and bump up the brightness 10% or something.

Thanks for the reply. This was really helpful. Would love to hear your thoughts on the other 3 films once you’ve seen them.

Surely someone has these image descriptions the wrong way around??

7 episodes into (Picard season 3) darkness and everyone is like: “second one, second one, second one!”

“If people don’t buy these on disc, it sends the message that streaming-only is okay.”

Sir, respectfully, this is your own narrative.

Sometimes… if people don’t buy new released on disc… it’s more often because the releases are lazy, overpriced or do not add any specific extra value. ie: no Atmos remixes.

That last part is certainly true for me. I’ll buy any new updated edition IF it’s worth it (price, content, quality), but only then. You can only spend your money once (this might be a Dutch expression).

Also that whole “buy now to send the right message” is kinda consumerist. But then again, he didn’t say WHEN to buy it. ;) You could wait till the price goes down haha.

It goes beyond being consumerist. I enjoy reading reviews of new products, and unbiased recommendations are useful. That statement is not.

My biggest problem with physical media releases are the mind-boggling attempts that studios make to DARE me to not make future purchases…

  • Forced movie trailers / advertisements when I insert the disc in the player.
  • Painful navigation menu animations.
  • A closing title screen / copyright paragraph at the end of EVERY single special feature segment or deleted scene. To the point of sometimes the end title copyright paragraph is longer than the deleted scene clip.
  • The sheer laziness and disdain of special features ported over from previous releases not converted to 16:9 so that the formatting goes screwy on your TV…. or not doing a simple upscale to HD of old SD special features.

I found that statement incredibly distasteful. Because 1) what if we think streaming-only is okay. 2) what if we just don’t want to buy these discs.

It might be fine for someone to say in the comment section, but for the site to peddle that message is bad form, and hardly any kind of journalism. At best it essentially paints those who don’t buy the discs as bad fans, and at worst, it comes across as a paid endorsement, and makes me wonder if they were told to push that message — or some “go buy this” message — in exchange for free copies.

We get it. You think streaming only is just fine, which you’ve said all over our comments any time a physical media release comes up. So then you’ve made your choice, and you’re voting with your wallet. Which is really what my point was, vote with your wallet. I encourage people to support physical media, and in the current business climate of physical media becoming a niche, this is what we’re going to get, and it’s not a bad upgrade for $18/movie that you own forever. You’ve made your choice. Now please move on.

“Showing the studio that fans want Trek movies on physical media is important…If people don’t buy these on disc, it sends the message that streaming-only is okay.”

I disagree with this (and I’m a big supporter of physical media). These need to be in 4K HDR anyway because that future-proofs them for streaming in the future when the public will prefer 4k HDR streaming (and the future bandwidth will support it for most homes/locations).

Besides, they’re not going to use the expensive physical methods to eventually upgrade DS9 and Voyager to 4K. Instead, they’re going to use AI/deep learning software remastering tools — once these tools mature in the next three to five years — to remaster them to 4K via software/AI.

That all being said, I’m still going to pick this up for my collection. I just don’t believe in this rationale that’s all

Yup. This does not look like a great product, so the message it sends if everyone buys it isn’t “they want high quality physical media,” it’s “wow, they’ll buy lackluster products.”

Every single one of the 2009 screencaps looks better to me. Hopefully the movies will look better to me in motion.

As the disclaimer says, these screenshots were made with an algorithm that adjusted the HDR for standard displays, it’s an art not a science, I targeted them for a bit brighter screen (200 nits) than it seems most people have, if you view it on a high quality display at higher brightness you can see they look just fine. I will re-do them at some point soon for 100 nits.

They look great in person.

Just don’t understand why they’re Not in Atmos, and the same for 2,3,4 and 5 when The Motion Picture is. So I don’t think I’ll be buying. Pointless

I care more about the lack of original theatrical audio. It wasn’t a deal breaker i bought the 4K/blu set. But wish i could retire my DVD’s and Laserdiscs. I have no idea why all the studios now never include the original mix. Even Disney just released Cinderella in 4K its mono mix was left off, ridiculous. Its the original audio.

Surely it would be better to compare remastered blu ray to the older blu ray. Then you’d see the difference. I have the 4k remaster and in 4k her dolby vision is much brighter than these screenshot which do a dis service to the release.

I typically do Blu-ray to Blu-ray (apple to apples), this was an experiment with this review. I will re-do the screenshots at some point soon to better match the standard Blu-ray shots.

I found these screenshot comparisons perfect. I know the brightness will be different on my TV – it’s the detail and colour I’m interested in and these screenshots you provided show it all perfectly. Thanks to your review I am very excited to own this box set once it is available in my country.

Thank you, that was my hope when I first posted the shots, but it became clear I needed to re-do them since people were really distracted by the brightness differences.

I haven’t seen any announcements for release dates in other countries, which is disappointing.

Not everyone understands how HDR and 4K generally works. It’s not easy to capture in a computer screenshot. The fact you got it as clear and useful as you did deserves applause in my book! You’re doing great work for us Trek (and physical media) fans.

I agree, too. Please do not take it wrong @Matt Wright.

The New 4K Update Pictures looks now more fuller then their HD Counterparts

Much more filmic and natural looking over the overly-sharpened 2009 versions, can’t wait to see them in person (minus Nemesis, the worst Trek movie)

Hard pass. Especially Generations which was a real missed opportunity. TNG is great…. when done as a TOS movie era movie series!

Watched the 4K discs over the last couple of days, they are a MONUMENTAL upgrade over the excessively sharpened & DNR-laden 2009 Blu-rays.

(IMO) You must be half crazy (in the most innocent sense..) to pay those prices for what in essence is a product offering a different, but arguably marginal difference, in picture quality, no dolby atmos, and no new special features compared to the blu-ray 2009 edition. Paramount will not have worked especially hard with ‘remastering these’ because if they did, why wouldn’t they have upgraded the sound, and included at least one or two new features offering an up to date perspective on the film/s? These should be premium products but what are you actually paying for here? A somewhat different picture and that’s about it really.. seems extraordinarily expensive to me. But, if some find that worth it that’s OK. Maybe just a bit jealous I don’t have that sort of money to burn (lol).

I loved the lighting in Generations. The Bridge actually looked great dimly lit with the industrial lighting in the door alcoves… I also loved the warm orange from the Veridian star and wished more episodes considered how the external environment would effect the lighting in the ship. Overall, childhood fond memories made me love this movie no matter its faults (which I will agree is many)

Great review Matt. Lovin’ your work. It’s not easy to capture 4K screenshots (most reviewers don’t bother) and so it’s been great to see comparisons that are helpful. The detail and colours are an incredible upgrade. Also, the 7.1 mix is a draw for me.

I was always going to buy this box set, but this review has convinced me to pay top dollar for it instead of waiting like I sometimes do with these things!

I agree with the review’s comment on physical media. I love streaming, and it definitely has its place, but I’ve lost access to so many films and TV shows too many times. If I love something (as I do with these films and TV shows) I’ll always get them on disc if I can. Also, if my internet goes down – I can keep on Trekkin’! ;)

Are the included digital codes for upgraded versions of the movies on iTunes, or are the same releases? I already have the existing ones purchased, so don’t want to waste the codes.

The newer 4K versions of the TNG movies are on iTunes.

Typically (but not always) with digital purchases on iTunes you get access to the latest version of a movie. If you’ve already bought the TNG movies previously iTunes should offer up the newer version when you go back to it in the store. If the details say it’s available in 4K and Dolby Vision, you know it’s the new version.

A shame for Paramount these films aren’t worthy enough to do a Dolby Atmos 3D sound mix!

Rather disappointingly, there is less exposed frame on these 4K scans isn’t there? I’m watching Insurrection for instance, which had a geometric distortion corrected on the 2009 Blu-ray. By which I mean some shots the actors’ faces are heading towards an oval squashing. Coupled with the loss of picture at the edge of frame – cropping essentially – and I have to say there’s a difference here in the attention to detail applied to the original six films, and gleaning every last mm of picture information out of the frame.. that seems somewhat lacking in remastering First Contact, Insurrection and Nemesis. Generations is the best I think I’ve ever seen it, but that’s a small consolation.

Actually disregard my above post. Double checking – by playing the 2009 Blu-ray side-by-side with the UHD and I find no loss in the frame. There’s actually slightly more to either side of the picture.What I’m seeing might be just an effect of the over-sharpening on the old standard HD disc.

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  • Strange New Worlds
  • Deep Space Nine
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BREAKING – Holly Hunter Joins Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Series

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star trek the next generation 2023

The Upcoming STAR TREK BOOKS 2023

TJ Jeffrey

2022 was certainly a painful year for Trekkies regarding Star Trek books and the lack thereof. Just two novels were released, the smallest number for many decades. And Eaglemoss/HeroCollector’s demise leaves many reference books’ fate hanging in the balance. The Shipyard series was a massive hit with our team and many fans alike. Things are looking better on the model front, so we’ve crossed everything for Star Trek Books 2023.

And the new year already has plenty of new Star Trek content for 2023 in the pipeline. There are lots to look forward to for young (and young at heart) readers. Three Star Trek: Prodigy novels are slated for release this year. ‘Supernova’ and ‘A Dangerous Trade’ are due out today – January 17. With another ‘Escape Route’ due out in May.

Plus, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds first official series novel. Author John Jackson Miller ( The Enterprise War ) will deliver the new Pike and Crew adventure next month. Additionally, Dayton Ward’s Star Trek: Discovery drops in May. And there are reference books headed our way too! So let’s dive in and see what the year has in store so far…

March 27, 2023 – New release dates have been updated. Plus, IDW Publishing’s crop of graphic novels for complete & ongoing series has been added!

star trek the next generation 2023

Star Trek: Prodigy – Supernova

Author: Robb Pearlman

Published: January 17, 2023

From the Publisher: “When the  Protostar  crash-lands in a peculiar star system, the crew ends up separated and Dal and Gwyn must work together to find their missing crewmates. They don’t have much time, though: the nearby star is destabilized and in danger of creating a supernova. Then Dal and Gwyn discover evil droids patrolling the area, and they look just like the Watchers back in Tars Lamora. How will Dal and Gwyn confront this nightmare from their past…and prevent an explosion in their near future?”

Where to Buy: Amazon US / Amazon UK

star trek the next generation 2023

Star Trek: Prodigy – A Dangerous Trade

Author: Cassandra Rose Clarke

From the Publisher: “While traveling through the Delta Quadrant, the  Protostar  crew discovers a worn transporter coil on their ship. Despite Janeway’s misgivings, the crew decides to trade a Starfleet-issued battery for new transporter parts at a market on a distant planet. Little do they know that a group of rogue traders are intent on getting their hands on something much bigger: the  Protostar ! Will the crew be able to defend their ship and stay out of trouble?  Star Trek  fans will love this brand-new, original story featuring all the heart, humor, and action of the  Prodigy  series.”

star trek the next generation 2023

To Boldly Go: How Nichelle Nichols and Star Trek Helped Advance Civil Rights

Author: Angela Dalton & Lauren Semmer

Published: 17 January 2023

From the Publisher: “Perfect for fans of  Hidden Figures  and  Mae Among the Stars !  To Boldly Go  tells the true story of Nichelle Nichols and how she used her platform on  Star Trek  to inspire and recruit a new generation of diverse astronauts and many others in the space and STEM fields.

As Lieutenant Uhura on the iconic prime-time television show  Star Trek , Nichelle Nichols played the first Black female astronaut anyone had ever seen on screen. A smart, strong, independent Black woman aboard the starship  Enterprise  was revolutionary in the 1960s when only white men had traveled to outer space in real life and most Black characters on TV were servants.

Nichelle not only inspired a generation to pursue their dreams but also opened the door for the real-life pioneering astronaut Sally Ride, Dr. Mae Jemison, and more.

This empowering tribute to the trailblazing pop culture icon reminds us of the importance of perseverance and the power of representation in storytelling. You just might be inspired to boldly go where no one like you has ever gone before!”

star trek the next generation 2023

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The High Country

Author: John Jackson Miller

Published: February 21, 2023

From the Publisher: “When an experimental shuttlecraft fails, Captain Christopher Pike suspects a mechanical malfunction—only to discover the very principles on which Starfleet bases its technology have simply stopped functioning. He and his crewmates are forced to abandon ship in a dangerous maneuver that scatters their party across the strangest new world they’ve ever encountered. First Officer Una finds herself fighting to survive an untamed wilderness where dangers lurk at every turn. Young cadet Nyota Uhura struggles in a volcanic wasteland where things are not as they seem. Science Officer Spock is missing altogether. And Pike gets the chance to fulfill a childhood dream: to live the life of a cowboy in a world where the tools of the 23rd century are of no use. Yet even in the saddle, Pike is still very much a starship captain, with all the responsibilities that entails. Setting out to find his crewmates, he encounters a surprising face from his past—and discovers that one people’s utopia might be someone else’s purgatory. He must lead an exodus—or risk a calamity of galactic proportions that even the Starship  Enterprise  is powerless to stop….”

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Star Trek: Aliens (Star Trek: Spotlight)

Author: Jackson Lanzing (Author), Collin Kelly (Author), Jody Houser (Author), Christina Rice (Artist), Timothy Green (Artist), Andy Price (Artist), Hendry Prasetya (Artist) 

Published: March 22, 2023

From the Publisher: Dive deeper into the world of Star Trek with special one-shot stories focusing on the memorable aliens of the series: Klingons, Ferengi, and Trill! First, the story of Kahless the Unforgettable, from the death of his coward brother Morath to his victory at Three Turn Bridge. Then, follow Quark on an unforgettable adventure to Ferenginar, where mother, brother, and brother challenge the very core beliefs of Ferengi culture. In the final story, someone is following Vanah, a research student and ex-applicant to the Trill Symbiont Initiate Program, after a life-changing event on a joint Trill-Federation science expedition. Delve into the world of the Trill in this suspenseful tale of tradition, independence, and survival. By an exciting mix of creators including Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Timothy Green II, Christina Rice, Andy Price, Jody Houser, Hendry Prasetya, and Rafael Pérez Granados.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks

Author: Ryan North (Author), Chris Fenoglio (Artist) 

Published: May 2, 2023

From the Publisher: Ensign, report to the bridge! Board the U.S.S.  Cerritos  for a mission to the enigmatic Qvanti system as the hit Paramount+ animated series comes to comics! Captain Carol Freeman leads her crew on an expedition aimed to build bridges and advance Federation technology, but she and the away team quickly suspect that the planet and its people are not all what they seem… Meanwhile, the crew in the lower decks take to the holodeck for some much-needed recreational time—until a bloodthirsty visitor decides to join in on their games. Can Boimler, Mariner, Tendi, and Rutherford save the ship from the likes of Dracula?   Star Trek: Lower Decks  unites  New York Times -bestselling and Eisner-winning writer Ryan North ( Unbeatable Squirrel Girl ) and comics artist extraordinaire Chris Fenoglio ( Goosebumps ,  Star Wars Adventures ).

Where to Buy: Amazon UK / Amazon US

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The Center Seat – 55 Years of Trek: The Complete, Unauthorized Oral History of Star Trek

Author: Peter Holmstrom 

Published: May 4, 2023

From the Publisher: Straight from the cutting room floor of The Nacelle Company’s hit documentary series on The History Channel comes The Center Seat companion book, full of content that almost made it in! 

From the complete and uncut Leonard Nimoy interview that is widely believed to be his last, to Kirstie Alley’s only official interview on her Trek experience, this sweeping history of Star Trek covers everything from its origins with Lucille Ball and Desilu Studios to the real reason Enterprise was canceled. If you’re looking for a comprehensive exploration of the full legacy of Star Trek told in the words of those who made it, look no further than The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek.

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Star Trek: Picard – Stargazer

Author: Mike Johnson (Author), Kirsten Beyer (Author), Angel Hernandez (Illustrator), J.D. Mettler (Colorist)

Published: May 30, 2023

From the Publisher: Following the climactic events of Season Two’s finale, Jean-Luc and Seven of Nine launch an unsanctioned mission that sets the stage for Season Three! When an offer comes in from the stars, Jean-Luc Picard is once more compelled away from his chateau to confront the shadows of his past. Before his days on the  Enterprise , a young Picard and his crew aboard the  U.S.S. Stargazer  saved a thriving planet from resource-hungry Romulans—or so he thought. Now landing on a seemingly unrecognizable planet, he and his crew work to save the system—and their ship—from disaster. For Seven of Nine, agreeing to help Picard means putting her own future at risk—but is it even the future she wants? Star Trek: Picard  creator Kirsten Beyer reteams with veteran Trek comics scribe Mike Johnson and artist non-pareil Angel Hernandez for an adventure that promises to unearth secrets—of the past, present, and future—at every turn!

Pre-Order: Amazon US / Amazon UK

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Star Trek: The Mirror War

Authors: Scott Tipton (Author), David Tipton (Author), Gavin Smith (Illustrator), JK Woodward (Cover Art), Charlie Kirchoff (Colorist)

From the Publisher: Return to the Mirror Universe of  The Next Generation  with Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the ISS  Enterprise -D as they plot to reestablish their dominance. There is the reality you know. And, on another dimensional plane, there exists a dark, twisted reflection of that universe. So familiar, and yet so different. An Empire in place of a Federation, where profit and power take precedence over peace and exploration. As the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance rules, having overrun the Empire, destroying its fleet, and driving it back to Earth, rumors and propaganda spread throughout the Alpha Quadrant the news of the Empire’s final demise. Those rumors are, however, untrue. A handful of Imperial ships remain, intent on protecting Earth and what’s left of the Empire. And commanding the newest and most powerful of those ships is a man equally intent on seeing it rise again—Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Witness the epic struggle that will shake the Mirror Universe to its core! Collects issues #1–8 of  Star Trek: The Mirror War .

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Star Trek: Warriors of the Mirror War

Authors: Celeste Bronfman (Author), J. Holtham (Author), Danny Lore (Author), Marieke Nijkamp (Author)

From the Publisher: Expand upon the world of  The Mirror War  in these short stories focusing on some of your favorite characters: Data, Geordi La Forge, Benjamin Sisko, and Deanna Troi! Data and Barclay’s relationship has been strained since Barclay returned from the Prime universe. When Barclay becomes preoccupied with revenge, Data determines to help him right past wrongs so that the human can return to peak operating efficiency. Then, Geordi La Forge is on a scouting mission for Picard when he suddenly finds himself ambushed and teleported into an agony booth. Who is this masked figure torturing La Forge, and what connection do they have to his past? When Benjamin Sisko is tasked with taking out Intendant Kira Nerys’ political rival at a very public party, things quickly escalate from tense to dangerous when another figure from Sisko’s past makes a dark appearance. And in the finale, at the rise of a new dawn for the Terran Empire, Deanna Troi reflects on how far her ambition has driven her on her calculating quest to seek power and escape among the stars. Brought to you by a host of talent including Celeste Bronfman, Roberta Ingranata, J. Holtham, Carlos Rodriguez, Danny Lore, Hendry Prasetya, Marieke Nijkamp, and Megan Levens.

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Star Trek Library: Book One (Star Trek New Adventures)

Author: Mike Johnson & Robert Orci

Published: June 13, 2023

From the Publisher:

Delve into the history of over 400 issues of IDW’s Star Trek comics! Discover series you may have missed or revisit some old favorites from the Original Series,  The Next Generation, Kelvin Timeline,  and more!

The  Star Trek Library Collection  is a comprehensive line of books that will collect every comic series published by IDW!

Starting with the  Kelvin Timeline  and the prequel that led into the 2009  Star Trek  movie,  Countdown  details the origin of the mysterious Nero, the Romulan that ultimately threatened the survival of the entire universe! Then, in Nero, find out what he did in those cold, dark, lonely years spent waiting for his nemesis to arrive. Both were brought to you by  Roberto Orci, Alex Kurztman, Mike Johnson, Tim Jones,  and  David Messina.

In  Spock: Reflections , the follow-up to  Countdown , discover what could drive a man to abandon all he knows and go live with the Federation’s sworn enemy, his real motivations, and what brought him to this place in his life. A Vulcan on Romulus? Absurd! Or is it? By  Scott Tipton, David Tipton,  and  David Messina.

Pre-Order : Amazon US / Amazon UK

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Star Trek: Discovery – Somewhere to Belong

Author: Dayton Ward

Published: July 6, 2023 (May 30, 2023 in the US)

From the Publisher: “Captain Michael Burnham and the crew of the USS  Discovery  are finding that each day is a critical adjustment to their new lives and missions in an Alpha Quadrant more than nine hundred years in the future. It’s here that  Discovery  is reconnecting with various worlds where the cataclysmic event known as “the Burn” has decimated Starfleet and, with it, the United Federation of Planets. There’s been precious little time for the crew to come to terms with their present reality truly. Their devotion to duty hides the emotional stress that could impact their effectiveness and even threaten themselves or others. After a successful journey to yet another planet cut off from the Federation,  Discovery  picks up a distress signal in a nearby star system. It’s a plea that harbors roots from their lives in the 23rd century, which may now lead to an entirely new crisis, plunging them all into mortal danger…”

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Star Trek, Vol. 1: Godshock (Star Trek: New Adventures)

Author: Collin Kelly (Author), Jackson Lanzing (Author), Ramon Rosanas (Illustrator), Oleg Chudakov (Illustrator), Joe Eisma (Illustrator)

Published: July 18, 2023

From the Publisher: Deep Space Nine  captain Benjamin Sisko returns in a new ongoing series featuring fan-favorite characters from across the  Star Trek  universe, sure to thrill new readers and longtime Trekkies alike! Stardate 2378: A bold new era of  Star Trek  begins! Three years ago, Benjamin Sisko made a courageous sacrifice that left him trapped in the dimension of the mysterious Prophets; now he’s returned to his home universe—with powerful, godlike abilities. But his omnipotence is failing when he needs it most. Someone is killing the gods, and Sisko and the motley crew of the  U.S.S. Theseus  will have to travel to the deepest parts of space to stop them. Star Trek: Year Five  lead writers Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly  (Batman Beyond, Captain America)  and artists Ramon Rosanas, Oleg Chudakov, Joe Eisma, and Erik Tamayo present a new ship, a new mission, and a lot of old friends! Sisko is joined by Commanders Data and Worf, and Dr. Beverly Crusher, of  Star Trek: The Next Generation;  Lt. Tom Paris, of  Star Trek: Voyager;  Ensign Lilly Sato, of  Star Trek: Enterprise;  Captain Montgomery Scott, of  Star Trek: The Original Series,  and Ben’s son, Jake. But there are new faces as well, to surprise established fans while showing new readers the ropes. Collects the prequel short story “A Perfect System” from  Star Trek  #400 and issues #1–6 of the ongoing series.

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Star Trek: Prodigy – Escape Route

Published: August 1, 2023

From the Publisher: “The crew is on their way to Starfleet. Their shuttle is cramped, and everyone is cranky. That’s when Murf spots a moon that isn’t on their charts. Murf  really  wants to go there, so the crew decides to make a stop to stretch their legs and get some supplies. But a small detour turns into a big dilemma when the inhabitants of the moon ask Murf to stay with them. The rest of the crew begins to wonder if this is a sign. Could it be time for each of them to go their separate ways?”

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Star Trek: The Art of Neville Page – Inside the Mind of the Visionary Designer 

Author: Joe Nazzaro

Published: August 8, 2023

From the Publisher: “ Showcasing his entire Star Trek career to date, this visually stunning retrospective celebrates the inventiveness of Neville Page’s designs. During a career spanning over twenty years, visionary creature designer Neville Page has applied his considerable expertise to the creation and development of the aliens of the Star Trek Universe. From the movies  Star Trek  (2009) through to  Star Trek Beyond  (2016), as well as the shows  Star Trek: Discovery  and  Star Trek: Picard , Page’s incredibly detailed and intricate work has yielded some of the franchise’s most memorable characters.    Featuring captivating concept art and detailed sketches,  Star Trek: The Art of Neville Page  provides exclusive insight into Page’s creative process. This is essential reading for Star Trek fans as it includes a vast collection of illustrations from his remarkable work, plus an exclusive foreword and insightful afterword by award-winning filmmakers, Alex Kurtzman and Michael Westmore. Covers all aliens developed by Page for the recent entries in the Star Trek franchise, including the Klingon redesign and the Kelpiens.”

Page Previews:

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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan – The Making of the Classic Film

Author: John Tenuto & Maria Jose Tenuto

Published: September 5, 2023

From the Publisher: “An in-depth look at the making of  Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , featuring rare and previously unseen production art and new and exclusive interviews. Forty years ago,  Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan  saw Kirk and the  U.S.S. Enterprise  crew face one of the greatest foes in  Star Trek  history, Khan Noonien Singh, as well as the death of Spock. Celebrate this landmark anniversary by deeply diving into the stories behind this iconic science fiction classic. This beautiful coffee-table book is full to the brim with rare and previously unpublished archival material, behind-the-scenes photography, production art, cut scenes, script extracts, and much more, alongside new and exclusive interviews with the creatives, including director Nicholas Meyer.”

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Star Trek: The Illustrated Oral History: The Original Cast 

Author: Titan Magazines

From the Publisher: The story of Star Trek as told by the people who know it best: William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, and the cast and crew! This lavishly illustrated oral history of the Star Trek phenomenon covers the exploits of the original crew across three seasons of live-action television, two seasons of animated adventures, and six movies. Featuring interview material with all seven regular cast members —  William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan, George Takei, Walter Koenig, and Nichelle Nichols – this volume also includes contributions from guest stars, writers, and directors.

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Star Trek: Resurgence 

Author: Andrew Grant (Author), Dan Martin (Author), Josh Hood (Illustrator)

Published: September 12, 2023

From the Publisher: Don’t miss the official comic prequel to Dramatic Labs’ narrative adventure game from the lead game writers! On a windswept planet bordering the notoriously hostile Talarian Republic, a scientist on the cusp of developing technology that will revolutionize warp goes missing. Captain Solano, First Officer Sutherland, and the crew of the U.S.S. Resolute are tasked with an urgent stealth mission to recover Dr. Leah Brahms and keep her research out of enemy hands. The first question they must answer is: who is commanding the Talarians? From  Resurgence  lead game writers  Dan Martin  and  Andrew Grant  with art by  Josh Hood  (Star Trek: Mirror Broken  and  Avatar: The Next Shadow) !

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Star Trek: Year Five Deluxe Edition – Book One

Author: Jackson Lanzing (Author), Collin Kelly (Author), Angel Hernandez (Illustrator), Stephen Thompson (Illustrator), Silvia Califano (Illustrator)

Published: October 3, 2023

From the Publisher: Join the crew from the Original Series in these adventures near the end of their five-year mission! The crew of the  U.S.S. Enterprise  left Earth four years ago. They’ve traveled to strange new worlds, defeated impossible foes, and made universe-changing decisions. But now, with the end in sight, they’ll have to face their biggest challenge yet. Step aboard the  Enterprise  with Kirk, Spock, Bones, Uhura, Sulu, Scotty, and Chekov as they begin the end of their original Five Year Mission and boldly go into an uncertain future. This deluxe hardcover edition collects issues #1–14 from writers Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelley, Brandon Easton, Jody Houser, and Jim McCann with artists Stephen Thompson, Martin Coccolo, Silvia Califano, Kieran McKeown, and Angel Hernandez.

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The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko – The Life of Stafleet’s Legendary Captain & Emissary

Author: Derek Tyler Attico

Published: October 10, 2023

From the Publisher: “In  The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko , written by science-fiction author/essayist/photographer Derek Tyler Attico, Benjamin Sisko tells the story of his career in Starfleet and his life as a father and Bajor’s Emissary of the Prophets. Charting his rise through the ranks, his pioneering work designing the Defiant class, his critical role as ambassador and leader during the Dominion War, and his sacred standing as a religious leader of his adopted home.

Discover the hidden history of his childhood and early career in Starfleet. The innermost thoughts of the man who discovered the Gamma Quadrant and made first contact with the wormhole aliens. United Starfleet, Klingon, and Romulan forces to defeat the Dominion Empire. See Sisko’s personal take on his confidants Lieutenant Dax and Major Kira Nerys, the enigmatic Garak. And his adversaries, Gul Dukat, and Kai Winn. As well as his fatherly advice for his son Jake.

From the pages of Anselm to the writings of Benny Russell, from father to son, Sisko’s story is a unique phenomenon in Starfleet and human history, told in the unique way only he can.”

– Via StarTrek.com

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Star Trek Library Collection, Vol. 2

Author: Scott Tipton (Author), David Tipton (Author), David Tischman (Author), David Messina (Illustrator), Casey Maloney (Illustrator)

Published: October 17, 2023

From the Publisher: Delve into the history of over 400 issues of IDW’s Star Trek comics! Discover series you may have missed or revisit some old favorites from The Original Series,  The Next Generation, Kelvin Timeline,  and more! The  Star Trek Library Collection  is a comprehensive line of books that will collect every comic series published by IDW! Join Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the  U.S.S. Enterprise  in these comics from  The Next Generation . First, in  The Space Between,  travel to Tigan-7, Kandom 9, uncharted space, and more—each leading the dedicated crew into unexpected adventures, brought to you by  David Tischman  and  Casey Maloney. In  Intelligence Gathering,  what seems to be a series of unrelated missions is soon revealed to be part of a larger conspiracy involving a threat unlike any that Picard has ever faced. Can the crew piece together the puzzle before it’s too late? By writers  Scott Tipton  and  David Tipton  with artists  David Messina, Mirco Pierfederice, Gianluigi Gregorini,  and  Sara Pichelli.

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Star Trek: Defiant, Vol. 1

Author: Christopher Cantwell (Author), Angel Unzueta (Illustrator)

Published: November 14, 2023

From the Publisher: Spinning directly out of the  Star Trek  ongoing comic series,  Defiant  adds to this bold new storytelling future! Someone is killing the gods. But Benjamin Sisko’s Prophets-guided dealings of the higher cosmos have led him to forget about the very real casualties on lower ground. But who is this new enemy? Worf of House Martok has put together his own crew aboard the  U.S.S. Defiant  in hopes of defeating the dangerous messiah behind this genocidal cult. The Dirty Dozen  meets  Star Trek  in this new series from the creative minds of Chris Cantwell  (Iron Man, Namor, Star Wars: Obi-Wan)  and Angel Unzueta  (Iron Man, Star Wars: Poe Dameron, the Flash) ! An exciting stand-alone story,  Star Trek: Defiant  can also be read along with the events of  Star Trek, Vol. 1: Godshock  for the complete experience!

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Star Trek, Vol. 2: The Red Path (Star Trek New Adventures) 

Author: Collin Kelly (Author), Jackson Lanzing (Author), Mike Feehan (Illustrator)

Published: November 21, 2023

From the Publisher: The second arc of the critically acclaimed  Star Trek  flagship comic series continues with Benjamin Sisko’s quest to stop celestial genocide! Sisko returns to Deep Space 9, and it’s the family reunion we’ve all been waiting for—or is it? As Sisko reckons with the sins of his past, the Theseus travels to a mysterious corner of Cardassian space to uncover the secrets of the Prophets…and learn how far the Red Path has infiltrated the galaxy! In the follow-up to  Star Trek, Vol. 1: Godshock,  Volume 2 collects  Star Trek  issues #7–10 and the  2023 Star Trek Annual  by writer Collin Kelly  (Star Trek: Year Five)  and artists Mike Feehan and Rachael Stott.

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Star Trek: Picard: The Art and Making of the Series

Author: Joe Fordham

Published: December 12, 2023 (Delayed from September 19)

From the Publisher: “ An in-depth look at the making of  Star Trek: Picard,  a three-season spin-off of  Star Trek: The Next Generation , and a must-have for all  Star Trek  fans. Star Trek: Picard  stars Patrick Stewart, reprising his role as Jean-Luc Picard from  Star Trek: The Next Generation.  The book explores each of the three separate season-long narratives. Therefore exploring the story of Picard in later years, as he is brought out of retirement on his family chateau to face old enemies such as the Borg, take command of a new starship, and ultimately reconcile with his past. New characters such as Doctor Jurati (Alison Pill), Cristóbal Rios (Santiago Cabrera), Soji (Isa Briones) and Elnor (Evan Evagora) feature alongside appearances by old enemies and friends, such as Will Riker (Jonathan Frakes), Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis), the Borg Queen (Annie Wersching), Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg), Data (Brent Spiner), and Q (John de Lancie). Season 3 sees a full-scale  Next Generation  reunion, featuring Worf (Michael Dorn), Dr. Beverley Crusher (Gates McFadden), and Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton). Alongside interviews with showrunners, writers, cast, and crew, discussing concepts and character arcs, “Spotlight” features explore makeup, costumes, art, and visual effects. A final section, Bon Voyage Picard, features Patrick Stewart’s reflections on the much-beloved character he has played from its original incarnation in  Star Trek: The Next Generation  through to its final satisfying conclusion. This beautifully illustrated hardback, featuring behind-the-scenes and on-set photography, and a range of production art, is an in-depth exploration of a hugely popular and seminal  Star Trek  character.”


That’s it so far for Star Trek Books 2023. We’ve got our fingers crossed that those Hero Collector reference books, indefinitely delayed last year, will escape production hell too! And we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for new additions to the list.

Don’t forget to follow our social media to keep up with all the latest Star Trek news & release info!

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Den of Geek

The Star Trek Next Generation Character That Was Originally Drastically Different

Early plans for Star Trek: The Next Generation had very different conceptions of the main cast, including a security chief inspired by a space marine from Aliens.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation Cast

Yaphet Kotto as Jean-Luc Picard? Wesley Snipes as Geordi? Jenny Agutter as Dr. Crusher?

Gene Roddenberry considered all of these actors for Star Trek: The Next Generation before casting Patrick Stewart , LeVar Burton, and Gates McFadden. However, the most surprising alternate idea for a TNG character involved Tasha Yar, the ill-fated security chief aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise .

The Tale of Macha Hernandez

The TNG series bible, released before the show premiered as a guide for writers and actors, describes Yar in terms similar, if not completely one-to-one, with the character we know from the series. “Born at a ‘failed’ Earth colony of renegades and other violent undesirables, she escaped to Earth in her teens and discovered Starfleet, which she still ‘worships’ today as the complete opposite of all the ugliness she once knew,” the description explains.

Portrayed by Denise Crosby, Tasha Yar did show great loyalty to Picard and the Enterprise , even if that loyalty fell short of “worship.” And though we knew she had a terrible childhood, the full details wouldn’t be known until the season four episode “Legacy.”

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But the very first description written for Yar in preparation for auditions was very different. So different, in fact, that she wasn’t even called Tasha Yar.

“LT. Macha Hernandez – 26 year old woman of unspecified Latin descent who serves as the starship’s security chief,” read the first casting call for TNG . “She is described as having a new quality of conditioned-body-beauty, a fire in her eyes and muscularly well developed and very female body, but keeping in mind that much of her strength comes from attitude. Macha has an almost obsessive devotion to protecting the ship and its crew and treats Capt. Picard and Number One as if they were saints.”

If a space-fairing Latina warrior with muscles and an attitude sounds familiar, it should.

Macha Hernandez’s description also matches Vasquez, the standout space marine from Aliens . Portrayed by Jenette Goldstein, who also appeared in director James Cameron ‘s Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Titanic , Vasquez was the standout in a space marine corps filled with colorful characters. While the other marines struggled to shake off their cryosleep (save for Al Matthews’ Sgt. Apone, of course), Vasquez starts doing pull ups and fending off dumb jokes from Hudson ( Bill Paxton ).

Every single line that Vasquez delivers is an all-timer. When the xenomorphs descend upon the marines and overwhelm them, Vasquez shouts “Let’s rock!” and starts blowing them away. She’s got a fantastic final line, telling Gorman (William Hope) just before they both die in an explosion, “You always were an asshole.”

Unsurprisingly, the first actor the producers considered for the role of Macha was Goldstein, but how the heck would a character like that fit on the deck of the Enterprise ? Especially while Roddenberry was in charge? After all, the man was famous for restricting conflict among the crew, which accounts for many of the bumps in TNG ‘s infamously uneven first season. It’s hard to see how even a TV-softened version of Vasquez could work on TNG .

Part of the answer is in the casting announcement. Macha is loyal to the Federation and Picard. So while there would surely be moments in which Macha would have leaned toward violence, a word from Picard would have made her stand down, as often happened with Worf.

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Beside Goldstein, another early frontrunner to play the character that would become Tasha Yar was Marina Sirtis. No, the English daughter of Greek parents isn’t at all Latina. But for television producers of the 1980s, brown hair was enough to signify “unspecified Latin descent.” And Goldstein isn’t actually Latina either despite playing a Latina woman in Aliens .

Interestingly, the original description for Deanna Troi said the character was a “cool, Icelandic blonde, almost Spock-like,” according to Crosby . “Marina [Sirtis] was reading for Tasha. Somewhere, about the second or third audition, Gene Roddenberry had this idea: Let’s just switch them and see what happens.”

From Macha to Tasha

When Denise Crosby became the frontrunner for the Security Officer, not even the most incurious casting director could see her as someone named Macha Hernandez. Instead, the show rewrote the character as the Ukrainian-descended Tasha Yar. With the Hernandez connection severed, most callbacks to Vasquez disappeared as well. Yar became a tough character who was told to stop fighting much more than she actually fought, unfortunately turning her into a bit of a boring presence on the Enterprise deck. Yar died an ignoble death in the 23rd episode of season 1, “Skin of Evil,” but it’s hard to begrudge all involved for abandoning the character.

Of course, Crosby did get to return in various forms throughout the show’s run, getting a proper send off for Yar in the wonderful “Yesterday’s Enterprise” and then getting to play the fun villain Sela. And Goldstein eventually found her way to Starfleet too, as a science officer aboard the Enterprise -B in Star Trek Generations and voicing the Enterprise computer on Short Treks .

Even better, the other attempt to pull from Aliens was much more successful. Roddenberry and the other TNG creators loved Lance Henriksen’s gentle but still uncanny take on an android as Bishop. They looked to that quality for Data, which they first found in actor Mark Lindsay Chapman before going with Brent Spiner . Spiner proved to be the ideal choice, not just because he brought Bishop’s disquieting kindness to Data, but also because he could expand on the character to make him unique and not just knock-off.

With time and the right casting, would Macha Hernandez have also become a distinct and beloved character? Maybe under Yaphet Kotto’s Picard and alongside Wesley Snipes’ LaForge.

Joe George

Joe George | @jageorgeii

Joe George’s writing has appeared at Slate, Polygon, Tor.com, and elsewhere!

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Whatever Happened to Diana Muldaur, Doctor Pulaski From Star Trek: The Next Generation?

By Nick Lee | August 22, 2023

Diana Muldaur - Star Trek TNG

Star Trek fans will remember Diana Muldaur for her role as Dr. Katherine Pulaski on Star Trek: The Next Generation during the show’s second season in 1988-1989.

However, Muldaur had a long acting career before and after her brief time on the Enterprise. Though she never became a household name, she worked consistently in television and film from the 1960s up until the early 2000s.

She played varied roles across multiple genres, from soap operas to sci-fi. Beyond Star Trek, audiences may also know Muldaur from her Emmy-nominated role as cutthroat lawyer Rosalind Shays on L.A. Law.

But what has she been up to in recent years? Let’s delve into the life and career of this talented actress.

Background Information

Born on August 19, 1938, in Brooklyn, New York, Diana Muldaur embarked on her acting journey during her high school years.

She further honed her skills at Sweet Briar College in Virginia, graduating in 1960. Under the guidance of the legendary Stella Adler, Muldaur made a name for herself on the New York stage.

Earl Career

Diana Muldaur young

Diana Muldaur began acting in television in the early 1960s, appearing in soap operas like The Secret Storm and The Doctors.

Her early TV roles were mostly guest spots on various dramas and westerns, including Gunsmoke, I Spy, Judd for the Defense, and Star Trek.

She also had a recurring role as Ann Wicker on the soap opera The Secret Storm from 1963-1965.

Diana Muldaur Star Trek: TOS

Muldaur transitioned to film acting in the late 1960s, appearing in movies like The Swimmer (1968) and Number One (1969).

However, she continued working regularly in television throughout the 1960s and 1970s, guest starring on shows like Hawaii Five-O, Marcus Welby M.D., and Charlie’s Angels.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Diana Muldaur - Star Trek TNG

Muldaur’s association with “Star Trek” began in the late 1960s when she appeared in two episodes of “Star Trek: The Original Series,” portraying two distinct characters, Dr. Miranda Jones and Ann Mulhall.

Her bond with the show’s creator, Gene Roddenberry, led to her casting as Dr. Katherine Pulaski in the second season of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”

Her character arc, while rich and varied, was short-lived, leading to numerous speculations and discussions about her departure and the mixed reactions she elicited from the fanbase.

Dr. Pulaski was introduced in the second season of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” as the chief medical officer aboard the USS Enterprise-D, replacing Dr. Beverly Crusher.

Her character was seasoned, having had a long and distinguished career in Starfleet before joining the Enterprise.

Throughout the season, she was involved in various missions, from being abducted by a hologram of Professor James Moriarty during a Sherlock Holmes holodeck experience to playing a pivotal role in investigating a mysterious aging disease on the USS Lantree.

Reason for Departure

The exact reasons for Dr. Pulaski’s departure from the show after just one season remain a topic of speculation.

Behind the scenes, it’s believed that the character was introduced as a temporary replacement for Dr. Beverly Crusher, with Gates McFadden (who portrayed Crusher) returning in the third season.

The show’s creators might have intended for Pulaski to bring a different dynamic to the ship’s crew, reminiscent of Dr. Leonard McCoy’s more traditional, skeptical demeanor from the original series.

However, with McFadden’s return, Pulaski’s character was written out without a detailed on-screen explanation.

Divisiveness Among Fans

Dr. Pulaski’s character was divisive for several reasons:

Contrast with Crusher: Fans had grown accustomed to Dr. Beverly Crusher’s gentle and compassionate demeanor in the first season. In contrast, Pulaski’s more gruff and direct approach was a stark departure, leading to initial resistance from some fans.

Relationship with Data: One of the most notable aspects of Pulaski’s character was her skepticism towards Lieutenant Commander Data, the ship’s android officer. Unlike most of the crew, she often questioned Data’s ability to understand human emotions or nuances, even mispronouncing his name as a subtle sign of her disbelief in his sentience. This dynamic, while intended to create tension and drama, was off-putting to many fans who had grown fond of Data.

Comparison to Dr. McCoy: While the creators might have aimed for Pulaski to channel the spirit of the original series’ Dr. McCoy, some fans felt that this was forced and that the character lacked the organic charm and wit of “Bones” McCoy.

Diana Muldaur - LA Law

After her time on “Star Trek,” Muldaur earned two Emmy nominations for her role as lawyer Rosalind Shays on “L.A. Law.”

Rosalind Shays was a complex character, known for being ruthless, greedy, and manipulative. She was introduced as a partner in the law firm and quickly became the series’ main antagonist during her tenure.

Diana Muldaur’s exit from “L.A. Law” was as dramatic as her character’s tenure on the show. In a candid discussion, Muldaur revealed that she had no prior knowledge of her character’s fate until she read the script.

The shocking moment where her character, Rosalind Shays, meets her end by falling down an elevator shaft was a surprise not just to the audience but to Muldaur herself.

Initially, the producers wanted Muldaur to perform the elevator fall, which was a significant drop. Concerned for her safety, Muldaur declined, leading to the use of a stunt double.

This stunt double had to perform the challenging fall multiple times, around ten, before the director was satisfied with the shot. Muldaur expressed her admiration for the stunt double’s resilience and dedication.

She described the cast of “L.A. Law” as “the closest family” and expressed her joy at playing a character as dynamic as Shays. She would act in the series alongside notable actresses Michele Greene and Susan Dey .

Later Career

After her Emmy-nominated role as Rosalind Shays on L.A. Law from 1986-1991, Diana Muldaur continued working steadily in television throughout the 1990s and into the early 2000s.

She made guest appearances on shows like Empty Nest, Batman: The Animated Series, Perry Mason movies, and had a recurring role on The Legend of Prince Valiant.

Some of her last on-screen roles were on series like The Practice and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit in the early 2000s.

Though her acting output slowed in her later years, Muldaur had an extensive and varied television career for over four decades, transitioning from ingenue roles in the 1960s to mature, authoritative women in the 1980s and beyond.

She leveraged her recognizability from L.A. Law to land recurring and guest spots through the twilight of her acting career.

What is Diana Muldaur Doing Now?

Diana Muldaur now

In an interview, Diana Muldaur shed light on her current life and interests. Residing in Martha’s Vineyard, a place she has connections to since her childhood, Diana enjoys the tranquility and beauty of the island, especially during the quieter off-peak seasons. She has a deep passion for sailing and has even participated in races, notably winning an entire season two years ago in the Herreshoff fleet with her H 12 boat. Tennis is another sport she indulges in, keeping her active and engaged.

Beyond physical activities, Diana has taken a keen interest in playing duplicate bridge. She finds the game infinitely fascinating, emphasizing the continuous learning it offers. She appreciates the game’s focus on play rather than socializing, which aligns with her preference for privacy.

Diana also touched upon her past involvement with breeding Airedale Terriers, a commitment she held for 35 years. While she no longer breeds them, she still has two dogs and remains influential in the breeding community. She mentioned that breeders from England have sought her expertise and the use of frozen sperm from her past champion dogs to rejuvenate the breed.

Travel remains a significant part of her life. Diana expressed her love for exploring remote places around the world, from Patagonia to Siberia. These travels are not just for leisure; she emphasizes the importance of giving back and tries to contribute positively wherever she goes.

In essence, Diana Muldaur’s current life is a blend of relaxation, hobbies, and a continued commitment to making a positive impact, reflecting her multifaceted personality and diverse interests.

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About Nick Lee

Nick is a Senior Staff Writer for Ned Hardy. Some of his favorite subjects include sci-fi, history, and obscure facts about 90's television. When he's not writing, he's probably wondering how Frank Dux got 52 consecutive knockouts in a single tournament. More from Nick

star trek the next generation 2023

  • Fandom Sortings

Sorting “Star Trek: The Next Generation” Characters into Their Hogwarts Houses

by Laurie Beckoff · Published May 24, 2024 · Updated May 17, 2024

Star Trek: The Next Generation brought the sci-fi franchise into the 24th century with a whole new cast of characters aboard the USS Enterprise . While the original series only features three crew members in the opening credits, the following series has a more robust ensemble, where each character has a chance to shine and show their colors. And what colors are those? The Sorting Hat hitches a ride aboard the Enterprise -D to find out.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard – Ravenclaw

While Captain Picard is a brave and noble leader, he is an artistic soul at heart who always tries to appeal to reason. He is an accomplished diplomat, able to outwit his opponents and deliver powerful and convincing speeches that turn the tides of complex political situations. He enjoys archaeology, music, classic literature, and solving mysteries on the holodeck. Picard is a true Renaissance man.

Commander William Riker – Gryffindor

Riker is a maverick. His swaggering confidence, the way he swings one leg over the back of a chair, his popularity with the ladies, and his loyalty to his captain (but willingness to challenge him) all point to Gryffindor. Riker is always ready to lead an away team into possible danger and take command when needed. He loves a challenge, and his red uniform suits him as a Gryffindor.

Lieutenant Commander Data – Hufflepuff

It might be tempting to place Data in Ravenclaw due to his intellectual prowess, artistic interests, and curiosity. But Data was programmed to be highly intelligent, and Dumbledore says that “it is our choices… that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities” (CoS 333). Although Data claims to not experience emotion, his passion is learning about human nature and attaining a level of humanity for himself. He is fascinated by social interactions and seeks to understand love, humor, and grief. Duty is of the utmost importance to him, and he consistently proves himself to be a dependable officer and friend, his loyalty to his captain and crew only wavering when his moral compass directs him elsewhere.

Doctor Beverly Crusher – Gryffindor

Doctor Crusher is the Hippocratic Oath come to life. She will do anything to help anyone and fight anyone who stands in her way, including her own captain. When Bev sees suffering, she’s there with a medical tricorder in hand, a caring bedside manner, and a voice to advocate for her patients. She believes in doing what is right no matter the risk to herself, even in a war zone.

Counselor Deanna Troi – Hufflepuff

As both ship’s counselor and a half-Betazoid empath, Deanna is all about helping people work through their emotions. She literally feels for others. Like any good therapist and Hufflepuff, she is patient and accepting of the time people need to open up and heal. You can trust Deanna to take your feelings seriously, not judge, and keep your secrets.

Lieutenant Worf – Gryffindor

The entire Klingon ethos is Gryffindor: glory, honor, courage. Klingons do not flee in the face of danger but charge toward it. Worf is steadfast in his commitment to his captain, crew, and culture. When he is conflicted between Starfleet and Klingon expectations, he aims to find the most honorable path forward. He is willing to sacrifice his public reputation to maintain personal honor and do what is best for his homeworld, though he can also be stubborn and aggressive.

Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge – Ravenclaw

The chief engineer is the Enterprise ‘s ultimate problem-solver, always devising an ingenious solution to avert disaster in half the time it should take. When strange occurrences plague the ship, he is determined to find a scientific explanation. Geordi tends to befriend cybernetic lifeforms – namely the android Data and the Borg Hugh – because he has the open-mindedness to accept them and the patience and ability to explain humanity to them.

Wesley Crusher – Ravenclaw

Wesley is a prodigy – even compared to Mozart – and can understand scientific concepts far beyond his years, making him a valuable asset to the Enterprise at a young age. Often dismissed due to his youth and overeagerness, his hypotheses often turn out to be correct. In leaving Starfleet and becoming a Traveler, he recognizes the great potential of the universe beyond what most people imagine.

Guinan – Ravenclaw

The bartender of Ten Forward comes from a race of long-lived listeners. She is immensely wise and often able to help Enterprise crew members just by asking the right probing questions, challenging them to reexamine their preconceptions. Plus, she has great fashion sense.

Q – Slytherin

Q is a pure agent of chaos. He is the Peeves of the Enterprise , showing up to make mischief whenever he pleases. He has a superiority complex, seeing humanoids as puny compared to his omnipotence. They are merely his playthings, and he is their judge. Q will put the Enterprise through hell to make a point. In his mind, the ends justify the means. And the means are fun.

What do you think? Is this where the Sorting Hat would place the characters of The Next Generation ?

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Laurie Beckoff

My Harry Potter journey began in 2000 when I was six and continued through a bachelor's thesis and master's dissertation on medievalism in the series. I'm a Gryffindor from New York City with a passion for theatre, fantasy, Arthurian legend, and science fiction.

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Published Jun 16, 2023

Star Trek: Infinite Releases New Trailer and Game Details

The grand strategy game, beginning decades before Star Trek: The Next Generation era, available on PC this Fall!

Star Trek: Infinite game logo


In honor of Captain Jean-Luc Picard , Paradox Interactive, and Nimble Giant Entertainment, under license from Paramount Consumer Products, revealed a new trailer and details for Star Trek: Infinite , a grand strategy game coming this Fall.

Star Trek: Infinite

Recently announced at Summer Games Fest 2023, Star Trek: Infinite takes players on a thrilling journey through space, placing them in the heart of the galactic struggles between the powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Star Trek: Infinite , with its emergent gameplay and complex choices, launches on PC this Fall.

Star Trek: Infinite

Set your interstellar course and watch the announcement trailer:

Official Game Trailer | Star Trek: Infinite

Though this game draws inspiration from the iconic Star Trek: The Next Generation , this story isn’t just about one ship. Star Trek: Infinite puts players in command of one of four major powers in the galaxy — the United Federation of Planets, Romulan Star Empire, Cardassian Union, or Klingon Empire. Each major power possesses individualized traits, stories, quests, and more to make their play feel distinct. Players can send fleets to explore the Alpha and Beta quadrants, manage an economy, and navigate diplomatic endeavors.

Star Trek: Infinite

Whether building the influence of their homeworlds or risking exploration into the unknown, Star Trek: Infinite gives players endless choices and the opportunity to shape the destiny of their favorite Star Trek powers. Fans will experience a game faithful to the lore of a timeless franchise, as they embark on an unforgettable journey through space, encounter new civilizations, and forge a path among the stars.

To learn more, please visit the website and stay tuned for further information and updates on the game’s official Twitter , Instagram , and the Paradox Interactive YouTube channel .

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Stay tuned to StarTrek.com for more details! And be sure to follow @StarTrek on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram .

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