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Portable safari (the best browser in the world).

Safari is now available for pc! It is the best browser simply because it is made by Apple. Now it is available for PC It could be made into a portable app. There shouldn't be a problem about it being a beta. The only problem i can think of is John H persuading Apple to let him make it portable and distribute it (because copyright and such). Post suggestions here

[Thread locked because people keep on posting links to illegal distributions - mod Chris]

This site is about Open Source software, which Safari is not. Perhaps someone could mke an open Source launcher, if they were interested.

I find it curious that you rate Safari that highly: - My daughter uses a Mac and doesn't like Safari - I tried the second Windows version on WinXP Home and removed it when it couldn't open a simple html desktop file I have no problems with from IE, Firefox, or Opera.

Took a while to find it... Safari 5.1.1 FREE

[Link removed; what don't you understand about "not legal"? Mod Chris]

If life gives you lemons... eat the lemons

vf2nsr's picture

you share the email you have giving you permission to repackage and redistribute a licensed product

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

I already requested it but since it is in fact not Open Source, it won't be converted here. I also am suspect of your claims that it is the best. I am a die hard Mac Fan Boy and even I won't claim that Safari is the best browser. IMHO it has the best look to it but actual use shows otherwise.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do or say will be exaggerated or mis-quoted and used against you.

The main thing I don't like about it is lack of features. What does it have? Popup blocker? Java and flash plugins? lol. It also lacks configurability. In fact there are no features that could be configurable but they could at least allow some interface customization. "The fastest browser in the world". Only 500 mhz and 256 MB needed. Possibly they claim this because of a super sophisticated precashing, connection management or so, I didn't read carefully, but I know one thing - it doesn't load pages faster than FF does. The status bar is hard to read. Text selection looks nice, but doesn't work well with light blue letters (anybody who tried it knows what I'm talking about...). I'll say again - it may change in the final release. Let's hope so. These are impressions from a 3 minute test. Then I uninstalled it. 100 MB together with QuickTime (BTW it wasn't clearly written during installation that I'll have to perform 2 unstallations, it should be one process). I won't return to it before the final and I don't think I'll start it then.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

firstly,i like simple things that are easy to use and secondly NOTHING is worse than microsoft and whoever says microsoft is good should try out a mac and 99% of the time they will change their mind

First, we are not knocking the power of Mac. Mac is (for its uses) the greatest environment produced. It is not the best system or OS in the world by far. For what it does though as it is intended to do, it is unrivaled.

Second, FF is easy and simple with no fuss no muss. It works right out of the install and requires no configuration to work with 90% of websites out there. Safari gives you X and that is it. They both are usable out of the install and require no configs. They both are very simple and elegant in their own design and layout. However, FF wins as it can be added upon and is faster than Safari in general browsing. I use both and I will stay with FF for its customization and its faster surfing.

Thirdly, I am a user of both M$ and Mac. I own many macs ranging from Quadra840A/V's through a Power Mac 9600 to a G3 500MHz. Ranging in OS from 7.5.3 through OSX. However, I will still stick with a Winblows OS for now as it is better at everything that I need it to do.

Saying that people need to buy a Mac and that using Winblows is for window lickers is nothing but spouting childish arguements. I am not calling you childish, just your arguement that everyone would switch to a Mac if they used one. When it comes to certain things there is nothing worse than something else. For graphics creation nothing beats a Mac. For gaming, nothing beats a PC. For enterprise level computing, nothing beats Linux. The list goes on and on ad infinitum, ad nauseaum.

Sum up, Safari is a good looking browser and that is all it is at this time. Who knows if Apple will make it better or if it will just be a better looking IE with no modifications allowed.

It seems that I'm in this 1%. They produce great hardware, but MacOS... - there's far too little software for it - form over function (which doesn't mean that it doesn't have features, just they often are not too comfortable - like dock)

Don't know what your talking about but Firefox is the fastest. That is it no discussion about it. Bensawsome AKA BJ

My Website (Still under development) "We can mean anything. We three, we the people, or my personal favorite: WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"

 iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^  "Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."

...it is indeed the best *non-Opera* browser around...

"I don't hate cats...as long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong." - Brad Stine

This browser is far away from beeing the bst.

It`s proprietary. Because of some stupid license isusses it can`t be made portable. Apple is not listening to user feedback and the community can not contribute because it`s Closed Source.

The browser looks not bad, starts fast, but functions... Kinda buggy and no support for addons. I don`t see a reason to use it.

Same with QuickTime. It`s just proprietary shit. Man, it`s a media player, if I install it it`s messing around with my hole system. It puts itself in systray and autostart, needs install, not portable and eat`s a lot of recources. You can`t even watch fullscreeen, you would need buy the pro version. Apple is even fighing against QuickTime alternative (which is just the full screen video player without overhead) with their license rights.

For mac... If I need an alternative to microsoft windows I can use linux or bsd. It`s allready better then mac. Why the hell should I go away from proprietary windows and change to proprietary mac os. That would be stupid. To powerfull commercials just add burden to the endusers (genius adventage check, messing with licenses).

Firefox is the best. It`s Open Source, no stupid license stop us from using it as portable version and it has also many usefull addons so everybody can tweak the browser to it`s own need.

Espreon's picture

Safari won't even work under Wine!

-- As all of ya should know Microsoft is the Evil Empire, and Windows (a.k.a. Winblows or Windoze) is their greatest general, so please make a difference and install Linux or Free BSD on yer Windows comp.

how can i down load this

Safari or Portable Safari? -The full version of windows Safari is on the apple website, just do a little searching on google for it.

-Portable Safari will never exist from this site. Perhaps Apple will make it someday, but not today.

OliverK> you don't live on a cow IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.

he sounds like such a fanboy.

Please Make TiLP Portable

Slackware 12 for system MCP (For XP and Server 2003) Network + Certified aim is "nycjv321" (minus quotes)

*takes deep breath* *murmurs* I won't humor the troll...I won't humor the troll.... Oh, hell.....

1)Safari is Apple's toy. They've got lawyers & all that stuff which the open source community, for the most part, lacks. It's not worth touching.

2)Back in the day when I was supporting that stuff, I had a terminal on which I ran a)Safari b)Camino c)Firefox d)Mozilla on a Mac. Safari & (to a lesser extent) Camino both suffered from memory caching problems which I never really experienced with Firefox (and yes, I was actually running all four borwsers at once to access different sites simultaniously). That said, I don't concur with your claim.

3)Apple does have (more or less) their own development page. You'd be better off posting your question there.

BuddhaChu's picture

Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory! Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!

"- I tried the second Windows version on WinXP Home and removed it when it couldn't open a simple html desktop file I have no problems with from IE, Firefox, or Opera." Same here. I hate safari.

bollocks i'd allready tried to download the damned thing twice & the installer just won't work on winxp, in the end i'd just deleted it & intalled lolifox instead i mean it's stable no viruses nor any bloat, and 'sides is there any chance of a protable version of lolifox anyway.

Apple Safari Portable Successfully Created

Go to My Portable Apps Directory or Download Directly to test it out.

[Links removed; We neither promote nor encourage illegal packages of applications such as this - Moderator RM]

I'm a Software Developer trained by Hewlett Packard and work for the United States Army to date. Give me any app and I can make it portable for anyone here legally using a Software Development Enterprise License. Just ask or register on my website and send a message to Brian aka Stu with the subject Portable App Creation. Don't ask. I can get any license required to make any app.

[Link removed; see above - Moderator RM]

Is the second half of this Don't Tell?

I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.

No. I know a lot of people including a few people who are in the high ranks with Apple. My Apple Safari Portable package is legal and is not copyright infringement. Got legal permission from the copyright holders. If there is a way to get an app portable using their licenses i'll find it.

Email me if you would like to test it out. My email is brianstoinski19 yahoo <.dot.> com or brian.stoinski us.army <.dot.> mil

[despamified email - moderator PP]

Well, I was kind of making a joke - you are in the military, you should be familiar with the Don't Ask/Don't Tell laws.

But, since you've said it's OK to tell, is it OK if I forward your message and email to the folks here: http://www.apple.com/legal/contacts.html ?

Just to make sure.

Yes, I am familiar with the Don't Ask/Don't Tell laws. If you were to forward my message to the folks at Apple then basically you would be breaking the laws. The app is registered under Apple's name. I am only currently testing it. I am still in the process of setting it up for being registered as legit under the copyright bylaws.

...becoming low profile suddenly?

you know brianstoinski18, there were numerous people in the forum here before claimimg to have all portable and legal because they have big license from someone, so dont be surprised if they flame you little bit, the guys here have some experience with members like you, so take it easy

Otto Sykora Basel, Switzerland

Oh, don't worry about me breaking the law - I wouldn't DREAM of taking credit for your work. I'd make sure that my e-mail would clearly state that this was YOUR offer, and I was just passing it along.

Of course, if you are "in the process of setting it up for being registered as legit under the copyright bylaws", then you must be working with Apple, so they should already know about you, nah?

maybe the webkit engine is good, but the licence of safari SUCKS its definively NOT the best browser!

A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.

I know Chromium/Iron use WebKit, but if people want the Safari look and feel about a vanilla WebKit portable?

Webkit is only the HTML engine, the interface (aka GUI) still needs to be created by the vendor. The current WebKit installer only patches Safari's Webkit engine. So most stuff is still Safari underneath.

Blue is everything.

midori works on windows, but there is no binary to download (i didnt find). u have to build it against gtk2

saying a browser is the best ONLY because it's made by Apple, would be saying that Apple makes amazing products that no matter how crappy it is, it is better because it says Apple. I put Safari on my PC and crap, it sucked. Safari is good if you have a Mac. If you're too cheap to buy a mac, then you're out of luck. I likes Safari because of the bookmarks toolbar. but then I installed Firefox which is amazing. More secure, more customizable, and awesome.

silentcon's picture

Thats the spirit!

Dude I love macs.... and I think Safari is CRAP...... Thanks, Bensawsome

Iron and Chromium are browsers that uses the same webkit. Maybe even better. OSS.

Darthinator's picture

There is a great difference in these two.

Mac: Is a peaceful, easy to use OS. And it is seriously sleek, no question. It is also excellent in the Arts of well Art. It is very comfortable to use and apple makes things extremely easy for the users.

Opinion: 4/10

PC: It is a Power House and is more used to create programs, even ones for the mac. It also features many more programs and is fairly simplictic. VERY customizable! (Mac theme for windows But No Windows Theme For Mac...My Point.) 80%-90% Of the market too. A Whole Lot Better At Gaming, NO QUESTION WHAT SO EVER! Heck if all you use a mac for is the dock than you didn't know that you can get software that mimics the dock such as rocket dock. (for free) but you got to pay for a taskbar for mac.

Opinion: 9/10 (there is no perfect OS)

ok time for browsers:

Sleek: 8/10

Simplicity: 10/10

Extra Features: 3/10

Speed: 9/10

Acid3 Test: 100/100 ------------------- -------------------

Mozilla Firefox:

Sleek, Look: 10/10 (Due To Huge Amount Of Themes)

Simplicity: 10/10 (Due To Huge Amount Of Addons)

Extra Features: 10/10 (Due To Huge Amount Of Addons)

Speed: 10/10

Acid3 Test: 71/100

As for OSes, Windows isn't the only on the world. I do like more of Linux (its theming engine doesn't need to be h4x0r3d to work with 3rd party themes, and its free (most of the times) and OSS (all the time)). It is a matter of personal taste, so I can't say that what I like you will like, or another guy will like, so I don't think we should talk a lot about system X vs system Y in these forums.

I do hope that Arora Portable (available on the beta testing forums) moves on and is made an official app.


last 2007(2years old)

IANAL, I don't think a portable version of Safari will be legal. There are alternatives though, Chromium and Arora use WebKit just like Safari.

Zach Thibeau's picture

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau


also a better quick time alrern is VLC media player or winamp

vlc woks great for meh

look flash hacker, I understand your willingness to contribute but please do not use caps please it looks like you are yelling.

user ones word belongs fast browser. therefore i want to try

when it comes to speed i love firefox, but chrome loads pages the fastest out of opera/ff/safari/ie

To make it "portable" just copy from the local disk , from the File C://Program files/Safari, to the folder PortableApps from your USB and it's done. Remember than you need to have safari installed on your computer.

Is Safari considered Freeware? The site now carries Portable Freeware. If so what could entice Apple to create a .PAF release and post it here?

I really didn't like Google Chrome nor Safari at all in the early days. They both were just way too plain for my taste. Not so today. Would love testing a portable developmental nightly build of Safari.

The license for Safari would not permit it, nor is it ever likely to.

Apple has no interest in sharing or giving back to the community. They prefer to keep things nice n tight n proprietary (much in the same way that people berate Microsoft for doing).

hunter067's picture

One word: NO. Safari is like the IE of Mac OS X, and besides we got Firefox, Google Chrome, and Seamonkey, and those can run circles around that browser. Anyways what makes it so special? I think it should stay at Mac OS X where it *belongs*.

EDIT: please do not bump posts....

I'm tired of people living in their fantasy world when the clock is ticking away, and when they are unable to see reality for what it is.

julendra's picture

I found this link:

[Link removed; as mentioned above this is illegal - mod Chris]

Have anybody tried?

So sad to see so much spite and vitriol being displayed over yet another Mac vs PC argument. You pays your money and takes your choice - if you can afford it. A Mac would cost me two or three times the price of a PC to do what I want; I have used Macs, back in 68k and G3 days up to MacOs 9, and enjoyed using them, but my present batch of PCs run XP, Vista and 7 (and only one was bought new, the laptop on which I'm writing this, the others were acquired as disposals from various sources - legitimately - when a company or a friend was upgrading) take care of my needs adequately, especially as most run Linux as well. I digress. Which browser is best is very much a matter of opinion. IE, IME, is slow, insecure and crash-prone. Firefox is fairly stable, seems secure and rapid compared to IE. Chrome is quick but a little too bare for my liking - and I'm a little wary about Google wanting to be my OS as well. Opera I used to use up to v4 on the Macs and never got around to using on the PC; I've now installed 11 to try it. I've tried Safari on the PC and quite honestly, I wasn't over impressed; it's OK, reasonably quick but nothing outstanding, fairly capable in that it didn't choke on anything, but it wasn't sufficiently better than Firefox to warrant replacing it.

Horses for courses; it may well be the best browser ever written in your opinion - many said that about Netscape - but that doesn't mean it's the same for everyone, and you should not be trying to force your opinion on everyone else. Suggest it, by all means, but allow us all to form our own opinions.

BarryH - thenudehamster Nothing to do with pet rodents - it's where I used to live. Any opinion expressed above is herein warranted only to be worth exactly what you paid for it.

This is where the installer was found, I just downloaded and noticed the PAF format was created for the PortableApp environment. [links to illegal software removed by mod JTH. Repackaging or modifying Safari and redistributing is illegal. Apple has not made a portable version nor given anyone permission to.]

I'll keep testing it out the file shows to be at 23.7MB. Based on another search, a portable was created by Apple as a purchase for MAC users. This maybe derived from that sourcecode from webkit or a newer compilation.

To the entire PA team and readers: I'm sorry for posting the link. I thought I stumbled across something that was created by Apple. I assumed since there was a portable originally created for MAC users it was one in the same. I will make no further reference to the app in question until it's fully supported by the vendor. Once again, sorry for the misunderstanding.

John T. Haller's picture

If you find a 'portable Safari' for Mac, it's similarly illegal.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

The original poster said "Portable Safari (The best browser in the world)" Not any more - there was a competition recently in the USA to crack browsers & this was the first to go down in about 5 minutes - even IE lasted longer!

also there is now a problem with malware on linux based routers that opens a IRC backdoor to an IRC botnet which is then used to bruteforce passwords.

Source: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-20042195-83.html

I can make Firefox for Mac portable by changing the profile location. It might be possible to use the same method on Safari. Some thing would be different, so I'm not exactly sure what you would have to change, assuming its possible at all. It would also not be downloadable. You would have to manually change it because of the difference in file path. Again, I'm not even sure that it's possible to change the profile location.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

My use of Google indicates that I am insane.

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safari windows portable


Safari Portable

Safari Portable for Windows

  • V  5.0

You can download these alternatives:


Powerful alternative browser


Safari: Secure, elegant, and very fast browsing.


Make your USB drive into a portable app suite

Take Safari anywhere

Safari Portable is an application developed by Portable.bg that allows you to use Safari browser anywhere on any computer . It is a very helpful application especially for people who are not Mac users and do not have access to Safari. 

Safari is known for its sophisticated design and very neat interface but not a lot of users, especially those who do not have Mac, can use it. Now, with this application, Safari is made available for everyone. While it is a blessing to people who previously do not have this browser, it is also a blessing to Safari users who wish to stay in touch with their important tabs and bookmarks despite using another PC. By simply launching the application, they can access and use the browser even when they are not using their own computers. The download is fast and installation is pretty easy. Safari Portable is a convenient browser to use. 

  • Use Safari on other computers
  • Easy to install
  • Sometimes crashes

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge, the new free web browser for Windows.

UC Browser

A light browser that’s free

Safari Portable for PC

User reviews about safari portable.


Alternatives to Safari Portable


Hybrid web browser with support for three rendering engines

Opera Browser

Opera Browser

A fast next-generation web browser

Netscape Navigator

Netscape Navigator

AOL ends support for Netscape

Explore More

Globus Privacy Browser

Globus Privacy Browser

Browsing beyond barriers

Titan Browser

Titan Browser

Titan Browser provides a fast, simple, and hassle-free way to get connected to the internet.

CCleaner Browser

CCleaner Browser

A hassle-free web browser for privacy

Handy Sites

Handy Sites

Open popular sites easily

Ghost Browser

Ghost Browser

Getting the job done

Avast Secure Browser

Avast Secure Browser

Surf faster and safer with this free browser


Fast, Reliable and Elegant Web Browser.


A web browser to suit you


Fast, Reliable and Performant


Open Source, Private Browsing


Privacy-focused Firefox browser fork

Superbird Browser

Superbird Browser

Chrome-based Fast Browser

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Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It

Plus, why you shouldn't do this

Author avatar

If you use a Mac or an iPhone, it’s hard to pick a different browser over Safari. It’s incredibly fast, uses minimal resources, and respects user privacy. But if you also use a PC, you won’t have the luxury of installing Apple’s flagship browser on Windows since the Cupertino-based tech giant does not develop Safari for the Windows PC. That’s a major issue when your gear consists of cross-platform products.

What you can do is install an older version of Safari on Windows 10 or 11, although we highly advise against that due to compatibility and security-related issues. The best and safest option is to sync your browsing data from Safari to Chrome or Edge on your PC via iCloud for Windows. Setting up macOS on your PC and using Safari that way is another feasible option.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 1

Download and Install Safari on Your Windows PC

Apple halted the development of Safari for Windows in 2012. However, the final version of the browser (Safari v.5.1.7) is freely available on the internet, so you can quickly download and install it on your Windows 10 or 11 PC. The problem? It’s terribly slow and dated, lacks compatibility with most web apps, and poses security risks. You also can’t sync your browsing data, so it’s not a solution if you want to access bookmarks and passwords.

Regardless, the steps below will walk you through downloading and installing Safari on your Windows 10/11 PC. But unless you just want to have a feel of how Safari looked almost a decade earlier, we recommend you stay away from it.

1. Download the Safari installer from a software download portal such as Uptodown , Filehippo , or TechSpot . It weighs in at 36.7MB. Unfortunately, Apple no longer supports Safari for Windows, so you can’t get it from an official source.

2. Double-click the downloaded SafariSetup executable file.

3. Select Next on the Safari Setup’s Welcome screen.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 2

4. Accept the license agreement and select Next .

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 3

5. Specify if you want to add Safari as a desktop shortcut or not. Also, decide if you prefer it as the default browser on your computer (we recommend you don’t select this option). Select Next to continue.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 4

6. Pick an install directory (or leave the default folder path) and select Install .

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 5

7. Wait for the Safari installer to finish installing Safari on your computer. Then, select Finish .

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 6

After installing Safari, you can choose to open it by double-clicking the Safari icon on the desktop. Or, you can open it by selecting Safari on the Start menu’s programs list.

Despite being almost ten years old, Safari for Windows doesn’t look too out of place. To the top, you have the familiar URL bar (you can’t use it to perform searches, however), a Bookmarks strip underneath, and a dedicated Search bar on the left corner. By default, new tabs display frequently visiting sites in thumbnail format—you can use the Top Sites and History tabs to switch them and your browsing history.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 7

Selecting the cog-shaped icon at the right corner of the screen reveals the Safari menu, where you can choose to customize the toolbar, access your browsing history, launch a private browsing window, and so on.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 8

Selecting Preferences opens the Preferences pane, which provides options to modify the homepage, pick a default search engine, adjust privacy settings, manage extensions (although extensions support is non-existent), etc.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 9

What the browser does not allow is to sign in with an Apple ID. That makes it impossible to sync your browsing data from an iPhone or Mac. Even if the functionality were present previously, Apple probably would’ve stopped you from signing in to it by now.

During our Safari tests on Windows, the browser started showing its age. Most websites took a long time to load, while web apps (such as YouTube and Google Maps) simply failed or prompted us to switch to a compatible browser. Other than for basic web browsing, it was practically useless.

Safari for Windows also hasn’t received security updates in almost a decade, so we recommend that you don’t attempt to use it for any sensitive activities such as banking or shopping.

Sync Safari Browsing Data via iCloud for Windows

If your gear consists of a PC and iPhone or Mac, you can sync your passwords and bookmarks from Safari with Google Chrome and vice-versa by installing iCloud for Windows. That’s the most convenient method for accessing your browsing data on each platform.

iCloud for Windows also offers password syncing for Microsoft Edge and bookmarks syncing for Mozilla Firefox. However, only Chrome receives support for both.

If you don’t have iCloud for Windows on your PC, you can get it via the Microsoft Store or the Apple website . If you already have it, make sure to upgrade it to at least version 12.5 or later (you can do that via the Microsoft Store’s Downloads and updates screen or by running the Apple Software Update applet).

With iCloud for Windows up and running, open the iCloud app and check the boxes next to Passwords and Bookmarks . You can also activate additional iCloud services such as Photos and Drive if you want.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 10

Follow that by installing the iCloud Passwords on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. The former lets you insert and save passwords to the iCloud Keychain. You can also use the iCloud Passwords app (which installs automatically alongside iCloud for Windows) to manage your passwords in Windows. On the other hand, the iCloud Bookmarks extension syncs passwords between Chrome/Firefox and Safari.

Download: iCloud Passwords (Chrome)

Download: iCloud Bookmarks (Chrome)

Download: iCloud Passwords (Edge)

Download: iCloud Bookmarks (Firefox)

Run Safari via a macOS Virtual Machine

If you want to use the most recent version of Safari on your PC (perhaps to test a feature or extension), the only way you can do that is by running macOS via virtualization software. However, the procedure is not convenient. For starters, Mac’s operating system is not natively supported by most VM software, so installation generally relies on workarounds relying on additional software. Also, it requires lots of free disk space and uses up system resources, not to mention that virtual machine guests generally run sluggishly compared to the host operating system.

If you still want to go ahead and install macOS, the easiest way to do that is by following the instructions within this macOS Virtualbox project on GitHub. It lets you install macOS Catalina as a virtual machine via a Bash script. We’ve condensed it into the following steps:

1. Download and install Oracle VM VirtualBox on your PC (it’s free).

2. Download and install Cygwin with the following dependencies (you can select them during installation).

3. Download the macos-guest-virtualbox.sh bash script from GitHub.

4. Open the Cygwin Terminal. Then, drag and drop the bash script and press Enter .

5. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up macOS as a virtual machine on your PC.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 11

After the setup procedure, you can open and use Safari by selecting the Safari icon on the Mac’s Dock. Before you do that, however, it’s a good idea to update macOS and Safari. To do that, open the Apple menu and select System Preferences > Software Update > Update Now .

iCloud for Windows Is the Most Convenient

Although it’s possible to download and install Safari on your Windows 10/11 computer, we recommend you stray away from it. The security risks alone make it impractical, and it’s not like you can use it for any serious web browsing anyway due to compatibility issues.

Since the most likely reason you would want to install Safari involves syncing your passwords and bookmarks, using iCloud for Windows is the only viable alternative. But if you do have the time and just want to try out the latest version of Safari, your best option is to set up macOS as a virtual machine on your PC.

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Dilum Senevirathne is a freelance tech writer and blogger with three years of experience writing for online technology publications. He specializes in topics related to iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and Google web apps. When he isn't hammering away at his Magic Keyboard, you can catch him binge-watching productivity hacks on YouTube. Read Dilum's Full Bio

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Safari for Windows

Safari for Windows 5.1.7 Discontinued web browser for Windows

Sven Sorensen

Free web browser developed by Apple with sluggish loading times.

Apple's best known browser now available on Windows offers support for multi-tabbed layout - Screenshot of Safari for Windows

A rather outdated and obsolete browser that was originally ported to Windows for users familiar with Apple's main browser on OS X (and macOS).

Compatibility and License

Safari for Windows is provided under a freeware license on Windows from web browsers with no restrictions on usage. Download and installation of this PC software is free and 5.1.7 is the latest version last time we checked.

  • Safari for Windows Download
  • Free Web Browsers
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  • Safari for Windows

safari windows portable

Safari for Windows

Apple Inc. (Free)

Avast free antivirus

Safari for Windows: Old but still reliable


Safari by Apple stands out for its cool features that make it easy for everyone, whether you're just a regular user or really into technology. At one time, web browsers simply got you to the Internet. But from the day it was released, Safari set the bar higher for web browsers. It introduced sophisticated design elements that made browsing a joy. Easy to use, Safari stayed out of your way and let you effortlessly navigate from site to site.

Best Safari Features

1. safari profiles: make it your own.

Safari Profiles let you organize your stuff better. You can split your history, bookmarks, and other things into different profiles. It's like having separate spaces for your personal and work stuff, and you can switch between them easily.

2. Tab Groups: Stay organized

Keep your open tabs in order with Tab Groups. You can give them names, change them, and move between them on different devices. If you're planning something with your family or working on a project with others, you can share your Tab Groups for better teamwork. Don’t forget to check out this guide about “ how to use tab browsing in Safari ”

3. Reader View: Read without distractions

Reader View is like a magic trick for articles. It cleans up the page, getting rid of ads and confusing menus. This makes it easier to read, especially on iPhones and iPads where some websites can be hard to navigate.

4. Energy Efficiency: Lasts longer

Safari is great for saving battery. If you're using alaptop, Safari can give you more time before your device runs out of battery compared to other browsers like Chrome or Firefox.

5. More browsing space: Focus on what matters

Safari is all about making your browsing experience better. The browser frame is really thin, and you only see a scroll bar when you need it. Tabs are at the top, giving you more space to see websites. It's a simple design that lets you enjoy the web without distractions.

6. Full History Search: Find what you forgot

Ever tried to find a website you visited a long time ago? Safari's Full History Search is like a super-smart detective. It helps you find sites even if you can only remember a little bit about them. And when you look through your history in Cover Flow, it's easier to recognize the sites you're looking for.

7. Need for Speed: Faster than the rest

Safari claims to be the fastest browser in the world. No more waiting for pages to load. Whether you're searching for something, checking the latest news, or keeping an eye on stock prices, Safari makes sure you get what you need really quickly.

Does Apple still update Safari for Windows?

No more updates for Windows. If you're using Windows, you won't get any more updates for Safari. The last update, Safari 5.1.7, was released in 2012, and that's the end of the road for Windows users. Apple decided to stop updating Safari for Windows because not many people were using it. If you're still using Safari on Windows, remember that it's outdated, and you might want to check out other browsers for the latest features and security updates. You can also take a look at alternative browsers if you want to use something more up-to-date.

As we conclude our exploration of Safari's features, it's evident that Apple's browser offers a blend of simplicity and efficiency, catering to the diverse needs of users. From organized browsing with Tab Groups to the distraction-free joy of Reader View, Safari takes strides in enhancing the way we navigate the digital realm.

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Safari for PC

We don't have any change log information yet for version of Safari. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.

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If you have any changelog info you can share with us, we'd love to hear from you! Head over to our Contact page and let us know.

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Best 5 Free Portable Browsers for Windows 10 PC And Laptop

There are a significant number of browsers out there, and the most popular ones are Mozilla , Safari, Opera, and Google Chrome . Chrome has taken over the Asia, but the rivals are still making up in the ranks. Smartphone browser Opera has also made its way to the top giving a tough competition to the Google and Mozilla team.

However, these browsers competition has grown into a massive target that developers are adding hundreds of features, which are extremely interesting but useless to one-third of the users. In the pursuit of adding more features the browsers becoming heavy and Google Chrome, Mozilla has ditched giving compatibility updates for the older Windows OS versions.

Best 5 Portable Browsers for Windows 10 PC

If you are one of those who have fed up with the developer’s unnecessary add-ons and extensions or someone who is running an older version of Windows OS system, then we have a list of portable browsers that fits your requirements.

Note: Always use Internet Banking via Microsoft Edge or Download Google or Mozilla.

The torch has a built-in YouTube-based streaming service called Torch Music. This page allows you to quickly access your favourite songs on YouTube, and have them all in one place. Besides YouTube videos, the browser also gives you access to more multimedia content, from other sites.

C:\Users\Silvery\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\1 - Torch.jpg

We all love Youtube for providing us an interesting look at the media and the torch is perfect for it because it has inbuilt tools that let you enjoy the Youtube at maximum level. Not only that, but the inbuilt in tools also apply to the other media sites.

Ever since Google has launched their browser Google Chrome, users have become addictive to the Google Chrome interface. If you cannot adapt to the new browser, then we have Vivaldi, which happens to use the open-course Chrome design, so you have nothing to fear because you get Chrome-like interface but it comes with far less memory.

C:\Users\Silvery\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\2 - Vivaldi.jpg

You can find minor flaws in the program, but the customizations are top notch. If you can adjust here and there it can turn into your daily driver.

#3 Lunascape

Are you unable to leave the Chrome, Mozilla, and Safari interface behind? Have a troubled time to choose, which is the better choice? Then you should be going for the Lunascape because it is bundled with the interface of all the main browsers like Mozilla, Chrome, and Safari.

C:\Users\Silvery\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\3 - Lunascape.jpg

With one click you can change the Interface or Engine, which makes things easy for you. You can visit the pages which are supported by the other browser, and the switch comes in handy in these situations. You get all essential features that will keep your regular browsing and be watching media run smoothly.

If you are mid-user, which does simple office work like Email, Social media, and users with less-demand should go for the Midori browser. The browser is light-weight and does offer premium in-built features, which can have a positive impact on your work.

C:\Users\Silvery\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\4 -Midori.png

If you are wondering, which features are we talking about, then it supports Incognito mode, RS Support, Spelling-check, HTML 5 Support, Inbuilt player, and more. The browser comes with all necessary features like Settings, Home button, Bookmark button, Change the privacy configuration, and more.

When it comes privacy, Midori does a fabulous job by adding a layer protection to the browser, then it loads DuckDuckGo, which does not track the users back. DuckDuckGo search engine cannot even tell if the search was done by the same user.

The Lynx is a light-weight browser that comes with several features, in the light-weight category, it has advanced features like Command-line. On the Internet, there is no command-line browser, which is the oldest web browser in existence (20 Years to be exact).

C:\Users\Silvery\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\5 - lynx.png

The Lynx may seem way too advanced, but when you pay attention to the learning and tutorials, you will be able to use it entirely within a matter of days. Not only that, once you learn the navigation, rest becomes a piece of cake for you. Not only that, one of the interesting parts of the browser is that not many people will be able to access your browser history and bookmarks.

If you aren’t sure about something, then you can always seek assistance in the comment section below.

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Download Safari Browser For Windows 11/10/7 (64/32 Bit)

download safari for windows

If you are a Windows user, you have a lot of Internet browser options. However, most users just end up using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Chrome occupies around 64% market share worldwide (including Apple devices) with Safari being second.

But what if you have recently switched to Windows from Mac or iPhone and want to download Safari Browser For Windows PC or Laptop?

Apple discontinued Windows support for Safari in 2012 so if you want to use Safari on your Windows 11/10 device you’ll have to download Safari version 5.1.7 which works completely fine on Windows.

This old version of Safari may not be blazingly fast but still has a few features that Google Chrome does not have.

Such as a Top Sites Tab which shows your most visited sites, a reading list which is a secondary bookmarks sidebar, a customized toolbar, etc.

How to Download Safari Browser on Windows 11

1. Go to the Safari 5.1.7 Download Page .

2. Click on the download button.

safari download on windows

3. Now, open File Explorer and go to the folder where you’ve downloaded Safari.

4. Double-click on the Safari Setup .exe file.

5. Click on next to bring up the license agreement details.

6. Now, accept the details and click on next again.

7. Choose the installation options you want (You don’t need to install “Bonjour” or run Safari on Windows).

8. Choose the folder where you want Safari to be installed, you can also use the default installation folder.

9. After Safari has been installed, you can choose to open it after the installer exits by checking the box.

10. Click on Finish and you’re done!

Safari 5.1.7 Best Features

Safari 5.1.7 top sites

Hope you enjoyed our guide to Download Safari on Windows 11 .

The latest versions of Safari do not support Windows, so if you want to use them you will have to use virtualization software like VM Virtual Box or HyperX to run macOS virtually and use the latest versions of Safari there.

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Desktop Applications

Access Bitwarden on Windows, macOS, and Linux desktops with native applications.

Support for Windows 10 and 11

Support for MacOS 12+ and Safari 14+

Support for most distributions

Desktop App Installation Guides

Bitwarden offers a variety of different installation options for the desktop application. You can find them all listed below.

Some options are not capable of automatic updates and are labeled as such. You should always keep Bitwarden applications up to date.

Windows(10 and 11 - x86 and x64)

Portable App for Flash Drives Bitwarden-Portable.exe  NO AUTO-UPDATES

Windows Store https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9PJSDV0VPK04

Chocolatey Package Manager

macOS(Mojave 10.14 and later)

Standard Installer Bitwarden.dmg

Mac App Store https://itunes.apple.com/app/bitwarden/id1352778147

Homebrew Package Manager

Linux(x64 only)

Standard Installer Bitwarden-x86_64.AppImage

Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, etc. Bitwarden-amd64.deb NO AUTO-UPDATES

Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, openSUSE, etc. Bitwarden-x86_64.rpm NO AUTO-UPDATES

Snap Package Manager

Web Browser Extensions

Integrate Bitwarden directly into your favorite browser with browser extensions for a seamless browsing experience.

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Edge

Tor Browser

DuckDuckGo for Mac

Mobile Applications

Take your password manager on the go with mobile apps for your phone or tablet.

More mobile options

URL: https://mobileapp.bitwarden.com/fdroid/repo

Fingerprint: BC54EA6FD1CD5175BCCCC47C561C5726E1C3ED7E686B6DB4B18BAC843A3EFE6C


Install the F-Droid client app .

Scan the QR code from above or manually copy/paste the Bitwarden repository information into the F-Droid client app under Settings.

Add the Bitwarden repository to the F-Droid client app.

Refresh your F-Droid client app under the Categories tab.

Install Bitwarden from the F-Droid client app listing.


Since the Bitwarden F-Droid build does not include Firebase Messaging, push notifications for live sync updates of your vault will not work. Manual vault syncing is required.

Command Line Interface

Use the powerful Bitwarden command-line interface (CLI) to write and execute scripts on your vault.

Web Application

Need to access account settings or are using a friend's computer? Access your password manager from any web browser with the Bitwarden web app.

Bitwarden Authenticator Mobile App

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Safari Portable [discontinued on Windows]

#1 Post by Tom-X » Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:40 pm

Re: Safari 4.530.17.0 Portable [Testers Needed]

#2 Post by -.- » Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:46 pm

#3 Post by vee » Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:23 am

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#4 Post by webfork » Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:08 am

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Fastest web browser for PC from Apple

Safari for PC

Browse by Company

Adobe , Apowersoft , Ashampoo , Autodesk , Avast , Corel , Cyberlink , Google , iMyFone , iTop , Movavi , PassFab , Passper , Stardock , Tenorshare , Wargaming , Wondershare

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safari windows portable

Safari for PC

Latest Version

Safari 5.1.7 LATEST

Juan Garcia

Operating System

Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows 11

User Rating

Author / Product

Apple Inc / External Link


MD5 Checksum


  • Windows 7 or later
  • A compatible processor (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • At least 2GB of RAM
  • At least 500MB of free disk space
  • An internet connection
  • Exceptional speed and performance.
  • Strong privacy and security features.
  • Seamless integration with Apple devices through iCloud.
  • Energy-efficient design.
  • Clean and intuitive user interface.
  • This product for Windows is not developed actively anymore.
  • Limited extension library compared to some other browsers.
  • Not as customizable as some competitors.
  • May lack some advanced features found in alternative browsers.

Safari 5.1.7 Screenshots

The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

Safari 5.1.7 Screenshot 1

What's new in this version:

Contains improvements to performance, stability, compatibility, and security, including changes that: - Improve the browser's responsiveness when the system is low on memory - Fix an issue that could affect websites using forms to authenticate users


Safari 5.1.7 Screenshot 1

Top Downloads

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Comments and User Reviews

Each software is released under license type that can be found on program pages as well as on search or category pages. Here are the most common license types:

Freeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations . Freeware products can be used free of charge for both personal and professional (commercial use).

Open Source

Open Source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify or enhance. Programs released under this license can be used at no cost for both personal and commercial purposes. There are many different open source licenses but they all must comply with the Open Source Definition - in brief: the software can be freely used, modified and shared .

Free to Play

This license is commonly used for video games and it allows users to download and play the game for free . Basically, a product is offered Free to Play (Freemium) and the user can decide if he wants to pay the money (Premium) for additional features, services, virtual or physical goods that expand the functionality of the game. In some cases, ads may be show to the users.

Demo programs have a limited functionality for free, but charge for an advanced set of features or for the removal of advertisements from the program's interfaces. In some cases, all the functionality is disabled until the license is purchased. Demos are usually not time-limited (like Trial software) but the functionality is limited.

Trial software allows the user to evaluate the software for a limited amount of time . After that trial period (usually 15 to 90 days) the user can decide whether to buy the software or not. Even though, most trial software products are only time-limited some also have feature limitations.

Usually commercial software or games are produced for sale or to serve a commercial purpose .

To make sure your data and your privacy are safe, we at FileHorse check all software installation files each time a new one is uploaded to our servers or linked to remote server. Based on the checks we perform the software is categorized as follows:

This file has been scanned with VirusTotal using more than 70 different antivirus software products and no threats have been detected. It's very likely that this software is clean and safe for use.

There are some reports that this software is potentially malicious or may install other unwanted bundled software . These could be false positives and our users are advised to be careful while installing this software.

This software is no longer available for the download . This could be due to the program being discontinued , having a security issue or for other reasons.

safari windows portable


safari windows portable

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  1. Portable Safari (The best browser in the world)

    No Safari. IANAL, I don't think a portable version of Safari will be legal. There are alternatives though, Chromium and Arora use WebKit just like Safari. It is the best browser simply because it is made by Apple. No, it's the best browser because it's based off KHTML, which was made by the KDE, the best desktop evah.

  2. Download Safari Portable 5.0 for Windows

    Safari Portable is the web browser of choice for travelers, people on the go and anyone with a Mac computer. As everyone knows, it's extremely easy to browse the Internet with your Mac, just like you do with your Windows computer.

  3. How To Install Safari Browser On Windows 10/11

    Want to check how does the Safari browser work or look on Windows 10/11 PC? Here is how to download and install Safari in Windows 10/11.

  4. Safari 5.1.7 Portable : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming

    Safari 5.1.7 Portable. Topics safari Collection opensource_media Language English. Safari portable Addeddate 2016-09-18 19:04:30 Identifier Safari5.1.7Portable ... Safari for Windows . 9,860 Views . 1 Review . DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file . RAR download. download 1 file . TORRENT ...

  5. Safari Portable

    Safari Portable is an application developed by Portable.bg that allows you to use Safari browser anywhere on any computer. It is a very helpful application especially for people who are not Mac users and do not have access to Safari.

  6. Safari Browser for Windows Download Free

    Download Safari Browser for Windows - Experience the web, Apple style, with Safari.

  7. Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It

    Apple halted the development of Safari for Windows in 2012. However, the final version of the browser (Safari v.5.1.7) is freely available on the internet, so you can quickly download and install it on your Windows 10 or 11 PC.

  8. Safari Portable

    Download Safari Portable. Simple and compact web browser for portable devices. Virus Free

  9. Safari for Windows

    This can be useful for reading a web page on a portable device, even if it doesn't have a web connection at a later point. ... Safari for Windows is provided under a freeware license on Windows from web browsers with no restrictions on usage. Download and installation of this PC software is free and 5.1.7 is the latest version last time we checked.

  10. Safari Portable 5.0

    Download latest version of Safari Portable for Windows. Safe and Virus Free.

  11. 5 Best Portable Browsers without Installation

    A portable browser can be installed and used from a USB stick anywhere you'd go. And most popular browsers can be used this way.

  12. Download Safari for Windows

    Safari Portable. Safari Portable is the web browser of choice for travelers, people on the go and anyone with a Mac computer. As everyone knows, it's extremely easy to browse the Internet with your Mac, just like you

  13. Download Apple Safari for Windows

    Safari features built-in support for Apple s VoiceOver screen reader in Mac OS X. VoiceOver describes aloud what appears on your screen and reads the text and links of websites. Using VoiceOver, you can completely control the computer with the keyboard instead of the mouse. ARIA Support Safari supports Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA).

  14. Safari for Windows Versions : Apple : Free Download, Borrow, and

    These are installer executables for versions of Safari on Windows, which ran from mid 2007 to early 2012.

  15. Best 5 Free Portable Browsers for Windows 10 PC And Laptop

    Best 5 Free Portable Browsers for Windows 10 PC And Laptop. There are a significant number of browsers out there, and the most popular ones are Mozilla, Safari, Opera, and Google Chrome. Chrome has taken over the Asia, but the rivals are still making up in the ranks. Smartphone browser Opera has also made its way to the top giving a tough ...

  16. Download Safari Browser For Windows 11/10/7 (64/32 Bit)

    But what if you have recently switched to Windows from Mac or iPhone and want to download Safari Browser For Windows PC or Laptop? Apple discontinued Windows support for Safari in 2012 so if you want to use Safari on your Windows 11/10 device you'll have to download Safari version 5.1.7 which works completely fine on Windows.

  17. Download Safari for Windows: Install 32 & 64-bit

    If you want to download and use Safari Browser for Windows 10, just read our guide first and you'll know exactly how to do that.

  18. How to Download and Install Safari on Windows 11

    Despite not all versions of Safari being compatible with Windows OS, you can still download & install it on Windows 11 in a few steps.

  19. Password Manager for iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari and More

    Get Bitwarden app on your iPhone/Android device, desktop application Windows/MacOS/Linux or the Bitwarden extension on Chrome, Safari, Firefox and more!

  20. Safari Portable [discontinued on Windows]

    Safari Portable [discontinued on Windows] If you are currently developing portable freeware or planning to do so, use this forum to discuss technical implementation, seek out like-minded developers for partnership, or solicit interested users for beta testing. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. Message. Author.

  21. Safari for PC Download (2024 Latest)

    Download Safari for PC for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Latest Version 2024.

  22. Need Safari on my Windows 11 laptop for work : r/WindowsHelp

    Under "Compatibility mode," select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)" from the drop-down menu. Click "Apply" and then "OK" to close the window. Double-click on the Safari installer to launch it and follow the on-screen instructions to install Safari. Note: Safari for Windows is no longer supported by Apple, so it may not work perfectly, and you may ...

  23. Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) on Xbox.com

    Play Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) on Xbox.com. Use your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate membership to play 100s of consoles games on PC and supported mobile devices.