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A Taste of the Queensland Outback: A 10-Day Road Trip

Updated August 2023

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Despite the barrenness and heat, I’m fascinated by Australia’s interior.

Vast open spaces, apparent emptiness (which isn’t empty at all), sunburnt, dark red soil that is so uniquely Australian, and life far removed from what 95% of Australians know (paywall-restricted).

Australia’s outback is hot, harsh and tough beyond measure.

I’m fascinated by what it takes to live in such inhospitable conditions and admittedly, I know I could never live there myself. The long, hot summers would simply kill me. But in winter, it’s a different story and that’s when I get my chance to go out west.

road trip south west queensland

Living on the east coast, you’re never far from people. Out west, you’re almost always far from people.

After a week, you’ll forget that traffic lights exist but take every opportunity to fill up with fuel. You’ll see more road kill than you have in a long time but soon you don’t even notice the carcasses on the road anymore. Your mobile phone stops working, so you simply turn it off and forget you own one.

Out here, life is slower and that forces you to slow down.

And winters are just about as perfect as can be.


The national parks in the Queensland Outback offer plenty of opportunities for camping, exploring, self-guided drives, and short hikes. And then there are the vibrant country towns with their small bakeries, grocery stores, amazing butchers, famous pubs, annual events, local museums, and increasing caravan parks catering to grey nomads.

We usually pop into a bakery or butcher in town when we need to refuel. But for the most part, our town stops tend to be very short and focused on getting supplies. And we don’t really hang around the (in)famous pubs either.

Yaraka, Queensland Outback

We go out west for the solitude, time away from life on the coast, and to explore a part of Australia we haven’t seen before.

Since the Outback is rather large, and sadly we don’t all have three months to travel across Australia, here’s my suggestion for spending a bit over a week in the Queensland Outback , focusing on three national parks: Idalia , Welford and Currawinya .


Travelling into the Queensland Outback requires a certain amount of preparation .

While most of these places can technically be accessed in a 2WD-vehicle in the dry season, scenic drives within the national parks are usually limited to 4WDs .

With a campervan that has high clearance and careful driving, you could probably manage getting into these three national parks. Just be very mindful of road conditions and that you really don’t want to get stuck out there when it’s even vaguely wet. The scenic drives will be off-limits though.

Ensure you have or know the following:

  • Know when to travel: Winter is the best time for outback travel. The days are cooler (mid-20°Cs) with occasionally frosty nights, and relatively little rain. April to September is best (my favourite time is June/July). Temperatures can be very high (40°C+) during summer, and many roads stay impassable long after rain.
  • Ensure your vehicle has either a large fuel tank or dual tanks: Distances out here are vast and fuel becomes less and less available. Fill up whenever you can, even if you’re still 3/4 full as fuel stations are known to run out of fuel altogether. Blackall, Windorah, Quilpie, Thargomindah, Eulo will be your best stops for filling up along this loop.
  • Carry (more than) sufficient water with you: We took 60L and used water very conservatively (think washing dishes once a day only, etc.). We filled up again in Quilpie (bore water) and used that for all washing and cooking needs from then on. Plan at least 5-7L per person per day.
  • Be prepared for flies: We almost went as far as Blackall the year before and experienced virtually no flies. This time, there were flies everywhere. Apparently they weren’t as bad as a few weeks prior but they were sufficiently annoying that I was grateful for my mozzie/fly net, and chose to eat dinner inside the tent a few times.
  • Be prepared for mozzies at Currawinya: The mosquitoes were so bad at our first campsite at Currawinya that I wanted to leave that night. It was an onslaught of buzzing insects. The bites didn’t hurt or itch terribly but the buzzing and biting was incessant. Our second site was somewhat better so choose your camping spot wisely. I actually developed Ross River Fever a few weeks (and still have flare-ups years later) later so protect yourself against mozzie bites.
  • Pack clothes for cold and hot weather: Based on previous trips into Central Queensland during winter, I was prepared for seriously cold temperatures (scarf, gloves, puffer jacket, etc.). I didn’t need any of these on this trip (first week in July). Instead, I was really hot in my 3/4 leggings, and couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of throwing in a pair of shorts.
  • Don’t forget a hat and sunscreen: We had four days of blue skies and sunshine, and I couldn’t have done without my hat. Even in winter, the sun is still strong out here.
  • Don’t expect to have mobile coverage: Unless you’re with Telstra (and not just a carrier that uses the Telstra network), you won’t have coverage out here. Beyond the towns, you won’t even have access to emergency signals. Carry a PLB (personal locator beacon) and/or have UHF radio in your car in case of emergency or breakdown.
  • Expect dust to get everywhere: The drier it’s been and the hotter the day, the more dust will get kicked up as you drive along these outback roads. Expect the red dust to get into everything and to stick. Protect your electronics by wrapping them up – I’d wrap up my camera in a top when I didn’t have it stored in the bag, just to protect it from the dust as we were driving.


The problem with exploring Central Queensland is that it’s a long way from the coast. From the Sunshine Coast, you have to drive 1,000km just to get to the start of what’s considered the Queensland Outback. And you haven’t even gone anywhere yet.

But making it this far west is definitely worth it.

Doing this loop around Queensland’s Channel Country will give you a real taste of the outback. The towns become smaller, the roads narrower, the road trains longer, and the dirt increasingly redder.

If you want to get off the beaten path, this loop is for you. You won’t see too many Juicy vans, Britz motorhomes or grey nomads in their caravans beyond the towns leading to Longreach or Birdsville.

road trip south west queensland

You can do this loop in either direction and add on plenty of side trips.

Keep in mind that doing this outback road trip is pretty ambitious , and requires moving every day or every second one. If that’s too intense for you, just take more time and add a few days to the itinerary.

We did this road trip in about 9 days , which was just about perfect for us. We clocked up about 3,800km altogether.

Of the 9 days, we had three travel days : Two days to get to our first stop at Idalia National Park, and one day to drive back home.

We had actually allowed two days to drive back home but we mixed up some directions and ended up driving home from Currawinya in one hit (not recommended unless you love driving long distances).

It was a long night…


The drive out to Mitchell (~600km) or Morven (~700km) from the coast is pretty straightforward, it just takes a fair few hours. We usually like to get going early (6am or earlier) and then stop in Chinchilla for a coffee and a quick break.

Roma is a fairly sizeable country town along the way so if you need supplies, this would be a good place. We’ve been through Roma a few times, and once even stayed in a dodgy motel there, but have never really looked around the town much. I think we’re always in travel mode when we come through Roma.

If you break your journey in Mitchell , have a soak at the Great Artesian Spa . We did this the year before after about a week of hiking and camping in Central Queensland, and boy, was I happy to have a shower and a good long soak in the warm artesian waters!

Artesian Spa in Mitchell

The bakery in Mitchell is also quite famous, and popping in for a snack helps keep these country towns alive. (The husband has to repeatedly deal with my insistent ‘Let’s go in and buy you a nice treat to eat!’ suggestions since I usually can’t eat any of the treats.) 🙂


  • Mitchell: Free camping along the Maranoa River at Neil Turner Weir and the smaller Fisherman’s Rest site – both very popular with caravans
  • Morven: Camping at the Morven Recreational Facility ; $5 unpowered site

Both sites are fine for an overnight stop, even with a tent, though the spots at Mitchell are much prettier than Morven. On the other hand, the toilets were much cleaner at Morven when we stayed there.

Evening light and river reflections, camping near Morven


The drive from Morven to Idalia National Park takes about 7 hours (add an hour / 100km if coming from Mitchell).

We expected the Isisford-Blackall Road from Blackall to Idalia to be unsealed and slow-going. Good news is that it’s sealed all the way to the turnoff for the Blackall-Emmet Road, which then takes you into Idalia.

We stopped briefly in Blackall for fuel, and then went straight to Idalia, getting there by mid-afternoon.


Idalia National Park is a great spot for a couple of days. Here you get to explore rocky escarpments, gorges and relics of a pastoral past.

We stayed two nights at the basic campground at Monks Tank , which seemed just the right amount of time. If you’re after a bit of downtime, plan an extra day or so.

There are a couple of short hikes at Idalia, one of which we ticked off the same day we arrived after setting up the tent. Wave Rock is best explored in the late afternoon light so off we went that first day.

Wave Rock at Idalia National Park

The next morning we started early to hike the short but difficult Emmet Pocket Walk , which ended up being a completely flat walk with no difficulty – or views! – whatsoever.

The Bullock Gorge Walk is another short hike and definitely worth it as you get great views into the surrounding countryside from the escarpment. There are a few other sights to see, including Rainbow Gorge , but none of them will take much time.

READ MORE: A Guide to Idalia National Park

If you’re lucky, you might even spot an elusive yellow-tailed rock wallaby. The husband glimpsed one off Emmet Pocket Lookout .

  • Idalia National Park: Monks Tank Camping Area
  • Blackall: Camping along the Barcoo River , just outside of town; $5 unpowered site (popular with caravans)


The drive from Idalia to Welford National Park is roughly 250km so not a big travel day.

Make your way back to the Isisford-Blackall Road, which becomes the Emmet-Yaraka Road at Emmet. This is a gorgeous drive as you pass by range after range.

road trip south west queensland

The road is pretty much sealed all the way to Yaraka. Past the tiny settlement of Yaraka (fuel available), it’s more unsealed than sealed but was still in excellent condition (July 2019).


Before you get to Yaraka, definitely take the side trip to Mount Slocombe . You’ll get incredible 360° views from up the top, and there’s a fantastic picnic shelter, toilet and even (tank) water available.

This spot would be amazing for sunrise or sunset, you could see for miles around. Alas, we were there at 10:30am so simply had morning tea and headed off.

Views from Mount Slocombe

From there it’s another 100km to Welford, and though Google Maps suggests it’ll take 3.5 hours to get there, it only took us 2 hours to reach the boundary of the national park. More of the road has probably been sealed by now than what Google thinks but travel in the outback is also unpredictable so be prepared for things to take longer.


Like at Idalia, we camped two nights at Welford National Park but unlike Idalia, Welford doesn’t offer much in terms of developed walking trails. Welford also feels much more desert-like than Idalia, which had a distinct rocky feel to it.

Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service have developed three scenic drives at Welford, with the Mulga Drive ending up being our favourite. It offered varied vegetation, and the red soil looked amazing in the late afternoon light.

The drives do take a few hours to drive so two days would be the absolute minimum you need to spend here if you want to explore all the drives.

READ MORE: A Guide to Welford National Park

Red sand at Welford National Park

The highlights at Welford are, no doubt, glistening clay pans, clear waterholes, and the little red sand dune, perfect for sunset watching.


  • Welford National Park: Little Boomerang Waterhole Camping Area


After Welford, you’ll have another long travel day ahead to get to Kilcowera Station an hour south of Thargomindah (~530km).

We left Welford early and stopped at the much-bigger-than-expected town of Quilpie to refuel and frequent the local bakery. 😉 In fact, I got a gluten-free lemon tart at the local supermarket AND a gluten-free passionfruit cheesecake at the bakery, couldn’t quite believe my luck!

Quilpie post office

If you need to refill water, there’s (bore) water available at the visitor centre but make sure to choose the tap with the sign on it. Otherwise it’ll be scalding hot as the bore water here comes out hot and has to be cooled down first.

Unlike in the Northern Territory, I didn’t find the bore water here particularly sulphuric or odd-tasting.

7km south of Quilpie is Baldy Rock Lookout from where you can get some nice views (so I’m told, we didn’t quite have the time to explore). If you’re staying in Quilpie for the night, I’d definitely do that. I bet sunset is pretty cool from there.

We left Quilpie around 12pm, and it took us another five hours to get to Kilcowera Station, some 90km past Thargomindah. (We did take a slightly more circuitous route though as we wanted to go through some more station country.)

Cows in Outback Queensland

We saw very few cars or trucks on our way from Quilpie to Kilcowera. This is where things really start feeling remote. As you pass by a few isolated stations, you can’t help but wonder how tough life must be out here.


If you’ve never camped on a station, here’s your chance.

Kilcowera Station is a working organic cattle station, and has been in the same family close to 30 years. Toni and Greg have set up their property for campers (and other accommodation in the old shearer’s quarters), and you can either get an unpowered or powered site.

We’d never stayed at a station before, and really enjoyed our little site at the lagoon. Plus, I relished being able to have a shower after a week on the road and tons of red dust in my hair.

Sunset at Kilcowera Station

The next day, we took our time to do the scenic drive around their property (about 5 hours), and then wished we had booked another night here instead of at Currawinya.

  • Kilcowera Station : Powered ($50) and unpowered ($40) sites at a working cattle station
  • Currawinya National Park: Various camping areas
  • Please note that camping is not permitted along the Bulloo River outside of Thargomindah (there’s  a commercial caravan park in town)


Getting from Kilcowera Station to Currawinya National Park won’t take more than a couple of hours (~100km). We ended up rushing a bit as we spent the best part of Day 7 exploring Kilcowera Station, and only left the station around 3pm.

Along the way you could stop at Hungerford. It’s a tiny town with a somewhat crazy-looking pub and gravity-fed fuel available.


Currawinya National Park is almost bordering on NSW, and easily one of Queensland’s largest national parks. It has recently been extended and now encompasses a pretty vast area.

The park is a wetland of international importance, supporting more than 100,000 birds, including migratory ones. Obviously in winter, the waterways are relatively dry so bird watching isn’t necessarily at its prime. Still, you’ll see plenty of birds if you keep your eyes out for them.

Currawinya has two large lakes, one fresh and the other salty, and a myriad of channels, waterholes and rivers cruising through the area. Except for one area, camping is found along the Paroo River (think muddy waters, not clear blue).

But what we found really fascinating are Currawinya’s remnants from pastoral times.

Pastoral relics at Currawinya National Park

Two huge shearing sheds, including a number of other pastoral outbuildings, give a glimpse into the hard life that once was pulsing out here.

We easily spent two days at Currawinya. Just doing the new River Drive takes a day. 3-4 days would allow a more relaxed way of exploring all that Currawinya has to offer, especially if you’re into poking around relics from the past.

  • Currawinya National Park: Various camping spots along the Paroo River


Day 9 and 10 will be travel days again, and marked the end of our Central Queensland Outback road trip.

We spent a leisurely morning exploring yet more historic remnants at Currawinya, and then left the national park around lunch time. Our next stop would be Thrushton National Park near Bollon, and after getting fuel in Cunnamulla, we went on to Bollon.

Cunnamulla looked like a super tidy town, and I spotted some painted silos that I totally forgot to photograph. There were plenty of people getting snacks and food from the local pub so it’d probably make for a nice stop for lunch.

Cunnamulla Fella

We briefly stopped at the camping area in Bollon, and debated staying the night but then decided to move on to Thrushton National Park.

An hour out of Bollon, we realised that we should have turned off the Balonne Highway before reaching Bollon (onto the Mitchell-Bollon Road) to get to Thrushton, and turning around now would mean a fair detour. By the time we’d get back to Bollon, let alone Thrushton, it’d be dark so we decided to keep going, stop in St. George for a quick bite to eat, and drive home that night.

  • Bollon: Free camping along Wallum Creek (popular with caravans); hot showers available along the main road in town
  • Thrushton National Park: Thrushton Homestead Camping Area and Thrushton Woolshed Camping Area

In the end, Day 10 was spent at home. First sleeping in, and then cleaning out the car and putting all that camping gear away again.

Driving all the way from Currawinya back to the coast meant a big drive (~1,000km). If we hadn’t dawdled so much in the morning, thinking we were going to Thrushton, we would have left early and got home at a somewhat more reasonable hour. That said, Bollon would make a great stop to break up the trip home.

Wild flowers in the Queensland Outback

Queensland is a massive state, and even after a few years living here, we’ve still only see a small part of it.

I love heading into the interior, albeit only during the cooler months. If you’re after solitude, wildlife, red dirt and wide open spaces, southwest Queensland is a great spot.

The three national parks are all very different, and I enjoyed each one for different reasons. Idalia offered gorges, rocky escarpments and walks. Welford had beautiful clay pans, Mulga shrubland and sand dunes. And Currawinya gave us a real insight into the former sheep shearing industry (though interpretation panels were somewhat lacking).

10 days isn’t a heap of time for exploring such a vast area so if you have an extra day or two, you’ll be able to travel a bit slower and have some time to relax. We could have used two nights at Kilcowera Station, and would have liked to stop at Thrushton National Park as well. And now that Currawinya is opened up even further, three nights there would be the minimum.


For more detailed information on what to do at Welford, our second stop on this outback road trip, take a look at my guide to Welford National Park .

Perhaps not technically in the Queensland Outback, Carnarvon National Park is an amazing place to explore. With four different sections accessible, it can be hard to decide what to see. Here’s my guide to Mount Moffatt , or if you want to do some overnight hiking, Carnarvon Gorge is a great destination .

The Northern Territory is another vast area, and one that has a lot of popular spots. Read more about my highlights from our Northern Territory road trip .

Hiking in the Australian Outback can be a very special experience. The Ormiston Pound Hike in the West MacDonnell Ranges is a stunning half-day walk. If you’re keen on long-distance hiking, the Larapinta Trail is a must.

Queensland outback road trip in 10 days

Further Reading...

Blackall Ranges scenic drive

How to Do a Scenic Drive in the Blackall Ranges

Free things Sunshine Coast

15 Free Things to Do on the Sunshine Coast


Meeting Berlin: Famous Landmarks

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Was für eine schöne Einleitung 🙂 Und vor allem die Bilder von Tag 2 sind richtig beeindruckend. Lustig wie richtig zu sehen ist, dass alles irgendwie so golden und orange und nach Outback aussieht, also allein vom Licht.

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Oh, danke schoen! 😀

Ja, alles sehr golden und hell (teilweise sogar sehr grell) im Outback. Am schoensten finde ich immer die rote Erde mit gruenen Straeuchern, Grass oder Baeumen. Da muss es allerdings gut regnen!

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Idalia National Park Camping Guide

Welford national park camping options, queensland & beyond.

road trip south west queensland

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Queensland Road Trips – 11 BEST Drive Itineraries [2024]

Picture of Alesha and Jarryd

  • Last Updated: February 2, 2024

We’ve driven all over the Sunshine State to bring you this epic guide to the best Queensland road trips! If you’re wondering what drives in Queensland you can’t miss, this article is for you!

If you’re the kind of person that loves packing the car and hitting the road on an epic road trip, then chances are you already have driving around Australia on your bucket list.

We have travelled the world searching for the most iconic driving itineraries, yet for some reason we never really had the chance to explore much of our home country.

That all changed in 2020, when we were lucky enough to be able to get up to Queensland on the northeast coast of Australia and travel around in our campervan.

After more than a decade on the road, it takes a lot to impress us. But what we found in the Sunshine State was nothing short of spectacular!

We started in the south exploring the rolling hills and forests of the Hinterland and zig-zagged along the coast all the way to Cooktown.

The further north and west you go the greater the opportunity for some great 4WD Queensland road trips that should not be missed if you have the right vehicle and are prepared for adventure.

If you’re ready to find the best Queensland drives, fill the tank and dive into our latest epic guide!

The best way to get around is to rent a car and explore on your own! We recommend Rental Cars , which has the largest range of vehicles for the best value on the market.

Mountains Of Ipswich Best Queensland Road Trips

Table of Contents

Gold Coast Hinterland Road Trip

Big red bash road trip, pacific coast way road trip, great beach drive road trip, matilda way road trip, overlander’s way road trip, savannah way road trip – queensland section, cairns to cooktown road trip – inland route, the bloomfield track road trip, cairns to cape york road trip, great inland way road trip – queensland section, what are your favourite queensland road trips, the best road trips in queensland – itineraries, highlights, conditions and distances.

Here is our list of Queensland road trips that all people can enjoy.

We’ll start from the south and work up north, as most people fly into Brisbane or the Gold Coast before continuing onwards.

Let’s hit the road!

Cow On Road Road Trips In Queensland

  • Route – Surfers Paradise to O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat
  • Distance – 109km
  • Duration – 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Vehicle – Any
  • Road Conditions – Fully sealed
  • Highlights –  Lush rainforest, waterfalls, lakes, valleys and headlands, Tamborine Mountain, Lamington National Park, Springbrook National Park

The Gold Coast Hinterland is an area of stunning natural beauty with ancient national parks peppered throughout the region.

Up here you’ll find plenty of activities for travellers who want some fresh air in their lives, but still prefer to have easy access to the city literally just an hour away.

The Gold Coast Hinterland Tourist Drive boasts plenty of magnificent lookouts out towards the mountains and active volcanic creeks, waterfalls and swimming holes.

This is a short and easy Queensland road trip that starts in Surfers Paradise and heads up towards Toowoomba, making it perfect for a day trip from Brisbane or the Gold Coast, or a possibility for a weekend away.

After you’ve ticked off all the awesome things to do in the Gold Coast , your itinerary will see you drive up to Tamborine Mountain then back down towards Lamington National Park and Springbrook National Park.

The beautiful Tamborine Mountain offers a variety of hikes through the national park, as well as hang gliding off of the launch site that overlooks an otherworldly valley!

If you’re more into sampling local produce, there are plenty of distilleries, wineries and fruit and vegetable farms all around this scenic mountain town.

After you’ve hiked, ate and drank all throughout the national park, head down to the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area .

This is where you’ll find the gorgeous Springbrook National Park, home to the Hinterland’s most iconic site, the Natural Bridge.

This enchanting waterfall cascades through arches in a basalt cave and is a wonderful place to walk around and practice your photography.

Then wind your way higher along Lamington National Park Road where you can enjoy spotting waterfalls while strolling amidst treetops covered in blossoming flowers.

Finish up your drive at the legendary O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat , where you can take part in a bunch of activities, or spoil yourself by spending the night.

Natural Bridge Falls Springbrook National Park

  • Route – Brisbane, Ipswich, Toowoomba, Warwick, Barcaldine, Winton and Birdsville
  • Distance – 1892km
  • Duration – 5 days
  • Vehicle – 4WD (Can do in a 2WD. Route below.)
  • Road Conditions – Sealed at the beginning then becomes unsealed near the end. You can take another route, see below.
  • Highlights – Nindigully Pub, Artesian mud bath, Dig Tree’s history, Cooper Creek, Birdsville Pub

The Big Red Bash Road Trip is popular for those who want a bit of adventure in southern Queensland.

The Queensland outback is the place to go if you want some of the best, authentic experiences in Australia.

The landscape offers rolling hills, endless horizons, and quaint towns that will make for a memorable trip, with the possibility of seeing a lot more wildlife than other tourists!

Start off in Brisbane and then head inland towards Ipswich , past Toowoomba and then up to Warwick and Barcaldine.

If you can, time your trip to be on a Saturday, where there is a fantastic little market at Pittsworth. So make sure you stop by for some great coffee and home made cakes.

Then on your way South you will find open grazing land where you can see cattle or even the odd horse if you’re lucky.

This drive is Southeast Queensland’s own road less travelled. Satisfy your hunger for adventure with a journey to one of the most unique events in Australia.

In the midst of Queensland’s vibrant red desert, you’ll find The Big Red Bash–the world’s most remote music festival.

It is an annual rock concert hosted on sand dunes along Birdsville’s Simpson Desert border and usually takes place in July.

Getting there is all part of this ultimate Australian experience as well—you’re going to be traversing across some incredible scenery both before getting there and once arriving at the destination itself.

So take your time, enjoy everything that surrounds you while making your way out into our nation’s far-flung corners, stopping every so often to catch your breath and take it all in.

If you have a 2WD, go through Roma and Windorah. There is another way from Brisbane to Birdsville for those who have 2WD vehicles. You can travel through Roma and Windorah.

A Route Breakdown

  • Brisbane to Nindigully, 501km
  • Nindigully to Cunnamulla, 340km
  • Cunnamulla to Noccundra, 340km
  • Noccundra to Innamincka, 311km
  • Innamincka to Birdsville, 400km

Car Outside Of A Pub On A Queensland Road Trip

  • Route – Brisbane up the coast to Cairns
  • Distance – 1874km
  • Duration – 10 days.
  • Road Conditions – the roads are fully sealed the entire route
  • Highlights – Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Airlie Beach, Ingham, Mission Beach, Airlie Beach, Magnetic Island, Atherton Tablelands, Cairns

The Pacific Coast Way is a highway that links towns and cities along the east coast of Australia.

The route starts in Sydney, then goes all the way up to Cairns on Queensland’s northeast coast.

Along this path, you’ll find plenty of coastal havens as well as inland hinterland regions with beautiful farming areas – perfect for those looking for an escape from city life!

Keep your eyes open. There are many hidden gems waiting just outside major population centres ready to be discovered off this famous road trip (and they’re worth every kilometre!).

Our favourite side trip took us to Magnetic Island, with which we immediately fell in love! Here’s our day trip to Magnetic Island guide.

READ MORE – Want to learn more about this road trip? Check out our article on Brisbane to Cairns Road Trip .

Person Stand Between Palm Trees

  • Route – Maroochydore, Noosa Heads, Rainbow Beach, Fraser Island, Hervey Bay
  • Distance – 419 km
  • Duration – 3 – 7 days
  • Vehicle – 4WD only
  • Road Conditions – Sand Beaches driving. Need to be prepared with rescue gear
  • Highlights – Noosa Heads, Double Island Point, Great Sandy National Park, Rainbow Beach, Carlo Sandblow, Fraser Island, 75 Mile Beach, Marcoola Beach

With its endless stretches of coastline here in Queensland, World Heritage listed landscapes and quirky, colourful towns and so many amazing road trips, they don’t come much better than the Great Beach Drive.

This 3-7 day off-the-beaten-track road trip will take you 380km on an adventure from Noosa to Hervey Bay via Fraser Island!

This road trip covers Rainbow Beach, 75 Mile Beach on Fraser Island and Marcoola Beach in Hervey Bay. The Great Beach Drive is full of lots of beach beauty.

This one is only for the 4WD, so bring your own or you can rent one. The four-wheel-drive tracks have beautiful views that are worth seeing on a sunny day.

They also lead to beaches with waves crashing against them in the mornings before sunrise. But also at sunset hours after work for people seeking relaxation or adventure from their everyday lives.

This area has plenty of adorable permanent residents like koalas and kookaburras who live alongside migratory birds too such as pelicans, cormorants and fairy terns which can be seen while fishing off one side or another!

Driving on some of the world’s most stunning beaches and through idyllic National Parks, this road trip also connects to World Heritage listed Fraser Island (K’gari) in Queensland’s Australia Nature Coast region.

There’s no shortage of reasons as to why people love the scenic drive along Fraser Island’s famous 75-mile beach. Another one of Queensland’s pristine stretches of white sands and crystal clear waters, this adventure is like no other.

  • Noosa to Rainbow Beach – 70km
  • Rainbow Beach to Fraser Island – 157km
  • Fraser Island to Hervey Bay – 44km

Car Driving On Beach

  • Route – Cunnamulla, Blackall, Longreach, Winton, Cloncurry, Karumba
  • Distance – 1812km
  • Duration – 5 – 8 days
  • Highlights – Charleville Cosmos Centre, Longreach museums, Age of Dinosaurs and Lark Quarry stampede site, Karumba.

The Matilda Way is an excellent way to experience rural Australia while travelling 1812 kilometres from the New South Wales border in Tamworth through St George, Charleville, Cunnamulla, Blackall, Mitchell Creek National Park (with over 250 waterfalls), Taroom and eventually Karumba on the Gulf of Carpentaria.

So grab two mates along for this extraordinary journey as well your trusty vehicle.

The Matilda Way road trip is a 1,812km highway that is fully sealed, starting from the New South Wales border at Cunnamulla and runs all the way up to the Gulf of Carpentaria .

This road will lead you on an adventurous trip with different experiences each day!

Here is a rough guide

  • Cunnamulla to Charleville – 200km
  • Charleville to Blackall – 300km
  • Blackall to Longreach – 214km
  • Longreach to Winton – 180km
  • Winton to Cloncurry – 350km
  • Cloncurry to Karumba – 445km

Plane Museum Qantas

  • Route – Townsville, Charters Towers, Hughenden, Richmond, Julia Creek, Cloncurry, Mount Isa, Camooweal
  • Distance – 1097km
  • Highlights – Historic Charters Towers, Porcupine Gorge, Kronosaurus Korner, Hard Times Mine, Underground Hospital and Camooweal Caves

On your Overlander’s Way road trip, you’ll get to explore untouched natural beauty and dinosaur discoveries while admiring breathtaking landscapes and interacting with rich Indigenous history – without having to take your vacation days from work!

Once only for the 4×4 vehicles, it is now sealed so everyone can explore this part of Queensland.

Along with seeing some amazing natural sights like the Great Barrier Reef and pristine beaches in North Queensland, your journey will also include all sorts of intriguing historic sites such as architecturally rich towns which showcase Australian history.

The road starts near the city of Townsville (check out our guide to all the great things to do in Townsville ), then you head west where the real adventure begins.

From Charters Towers where you will learn all about the gold mining town to learning about dinosaurs in Hughenden at the Flinders Discovery Centre, which are home to some incredible ancient fossil beds with dinosaur footprints preserved by natural forces over time!

You can learn about the cattle drovers at the Drovers’ Camp Museum in  Camooweal Caves National Park , which also has amazing sinkholes dating back 500 million years.

This land is just bursting full-speed ahead into a new future that shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon – even without leaving the bitumen roads behind!

The Overlander’s Way road trip is a Queensland route that will have you fall in love with the country all over again.

This is the inland route for any vehicle to drive. Here is a route guide.

  • Townsville to Charters Towers – 137km
  • Charters Towers to Hughenden – 248km
  • Hughenden to Richmond – 115km
  • Richmond to Julia Creek – 149km
  • Julia Creek to Cloncurry – 137km
  • Cloncurry to Mount Isa – 121km
  • Mount Isa to Camooweal – 190km

Animal In Sunset

  • Route – Cairns, Ravenshoe, Undara, Forsayth, Cobbold Gorge, Karumba, Boodjamulla
  • Distance – 1493km
  • Duration – 5 days (2 weeks to do the whole way across to WA)
  • Vehicle – Suitable for both 4WD and 2WD vehicles depending on the route chosen
  • Road Conditions – Fully sealed but often closed by flooding streams during wet season. Roads can wash away during these times.
  • Highlights – Waterfalls in Ravenshoe, Rainforest walks in Atherton, Undara Volcanic National Park, Mt Surprise, Talaroo Hot Springs, Cobbold Gorge, Innot Hot Springs,

The Savannah Way is an amazing route for exploring the tropical savannahs of northern Australia.

The route winds from Cairns, Queensland to Broome in Western Australia and offers a unique opportunity to see some incredible sights along the way including ancient rock art paintings and Australian wildlife.

The Queensland section of Savannah Way goes from Cairns to Hell’s Gate or vice versa.

Your Savannah Way safari starts in Cairns, the crowning jewel of the Queensland coast. Set your sights south toward Millaa Millaa, a drive of about 1.5 hours where you will find stunning waterfalls amidst vibrant green rainforests and waterways that are perfect for swimming at any time during the year!

Once there, make sure to take in not only the well-known waterfall but also Zillie and Ellinjaa Falls before heading on to Ravenshoe.

  • Cairns to Mareeba, Atherton Tablelands – 62.5 kms 
  • Mareeba to Undara – 229 kms
  • Undara to Cobbold Gorge – 229 kms
  • Cobbold Gorge to Croydon – 232 kms
  • Croydon to Karumba – 226 kms
  • Karumba to Burketown – 281 kms
  • Burketown to Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park  – 234 kms

Ute And Caravan Driving Into Cobbold Gorge

  • Route – Cairns, Port Douglas, Cape Tribulation, Mossman, Cooktown
  • Distance – 256km
  • Duration – 3 – 5 days
  • Vehicle – 2WD
  • Road – Road it sealed the whole way. You do need to take a ferry over to Cape Tribulation
  • Highlights – Daintree Rainforest, Mossman Gorge, Aboriginal Rock Art, James Cook Museum

If you’ve always wanted to see where the Reef meets the Rainforest, the only place where two UNESCO World Heritage Sites actually meet, this is the road trip for you!

The 327km drive takes four hours and is full of nature, history, and outback characters that will keep your interest for days on end!

You can explore Cooktown’s historical significance as Australia’s first European settlement or enjoy its beautiful harbour with many local attractions in town.

It may not be the most action-packed adventure around – so pack accordingly if you’re looking for some excitement.

But it’ll definitely get your creative juices flowing before heading off into our vast country again!

  • Cairns to Port Douglas
  • Port Douglas to Cape Tribulation
  • Cape Tribulation to Mossman
  • Mossman to Cooktown

While Cooktown itself is a bit far to visit as a day trip from Cairns , you can break it up into two days if looking to return back to Cairns.

Boulders In Water

  • Route – Cape Tribulation, Bloomfield, Cooktown
  • Distance – 103km
  • Duration – 6 – 8 hours
  • Vehicle – 4WD only (no caravans or camper trailers)
  • Road – Mostly Unsealed. Some areas are sealed. Caution when wet and have had heavy rain. There are river crossings, steep climbs and descends and boggy patches.
  • Highlights – Emmagen Creek, Cowie Beach, Bloomfield River and lookout, Bana Yirriji Arts Centre, Wujal Wujal Falls

The Bloomfield Track is one of Queensland’s most scenic short 4WD drives that leads to the coastal town in Wujal-Wujal.

The track passes through a rainforest archway with majestic plants, unexpected wildlife and history.

It was constructed by protestors back in 1983-84 leading up to an important environmental protest known as the “Bloomfield Blockade.”

Nowadays it has become World Heritage protected land thanks to these protesters who were concerned for its natural beauty!

The coast drive from Cooktown down south on Australia’s Northern Territory border all the way beyond Huonbrook Station takes travellers past spectacular views, creek crossings and secluded beaches where they can take some well-deserved rest before continuing their journey inland into more remote areas.

READ MORE: Coming from south of the border? Make the most of the journey with our Sydney to Brisbane road trip itinerary !

With varying conditions and a mixture of gravel, red soil, or wet weather on the road, driving can be tricky.

With its rugged landscape and plenty of natural creek crossings after heavy rainstorms this drive may become impassable at times as well- so make sure you have your 4WD vehicle always ready!

You can do it in one long day or break it up. Here is a rough guide

  • Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield – 39km
  • Bloomfield to Cooktown – 64km

Car Driving On A Dirt Track

  • Route – Cairns, Cooktown, Cape York
  • Distance – 1964km
  • Duration – 14 days return
  • Vehicle – 4WD
  • Road Condition – Can be difficult in areas. Can flood in the wet season
  • Highlights – White sand beaches at Portland Roads, northernmost point of the continent, rock art in Laura

No one can claim to have seen all of Australia without going on a long, adventurous road trip.

One such adventure that you should take in your lifetime is the 1000km journey from Cairns straight up to Pajinka (traditional name for the northernmost point of mainland Australia at top of Cape York Peninsula).

Australians have an adventurous spirit that is deeply ingrained in their culture. In Cairns, you can jump into a 4WD and head off on an unforgettable journey to the top of Australia with cooked towns as your stops along the way.

You will experience creek crossings and corrugations, meet interesting people from various communities while encountering relics of wartime history all throughout this life-changing adventure through Cape York !

Along this breathtaking drive, there are natural treasures like national parks with their bird-filled wetlands and rainforests as well as waterfalls, beaches, and Old Telegraph Track which will challenge even the most hardcore adventurer.

Although it’s not easy driving through rough terrain or crossing treacherous waters during the rainy season beware: the rewards never stop coming!

  • Cairns to Cooktown – 244km
  • Cooktown to Laura – 175km
  • Laura to Coen – 220km
  • Coen to Lockhart River – 210km
  • Lockhart River to Bramwell Station – 154km
  • Bramwell Station to Bamaga – 212km
  • The Tip – 35km

Car Driving On Gravel Road

  • Route – Hebel, Roma, Injune, Emerald , Clermont, Charters Tower, Ravenshoe, Atherton, Mareeba, Cairns, Cooktown
  • Distance – 1863km
  • Duration – 9 days is you choose to start in Hebel to 16 days if you choose to start in Sydney
  • Vehicle – 2WD.
  • Road Condition – Road is sealed the whole way.
  • Highlights – Cobb & Co. Charging Station, Carnarvon Gorge, learn about the gold rush in Charters Towers, Rainforest walks in Atherton Tablelands, Many waterfalls around Atherton, Mareeba and Cairns, Aboriginal experience in Cooktown

Want to go off the beaten track? Then let’s leave the coast and drive inland through Queensland’s outback.

You’ll traverse some of the most uninhabitable landscapes, steep in history with rural towns as well.

Driving up here is a totally different experience than driving along coastal highways since there are fewer service stations.

But it does offer unique experiences for those who want something less travelled that has many tourist attractions such as red sand deserts or gazing at stars under night skies!

The Great Inland Way is a road trip that follows the Australian coast from Sydney to Brisbane.

The Queensland leg of this journey passes through Dirranbandi and St George before detouring off onto some surprisingly flat, sealed roads leading into Surat, Roma and Injune.

Stop for lunch at Nindigully Pub (if you dare!) in Australia’s oldest hotel-turned restaurant which offers up 1.2kg hamburgers called Road Train!

Journey through Queensland’s Outback from the mountains to the coast. Continue along well signed and flat sealed roads to Surat, Roma and Injune en route to sandstone escarpments of Carnarvon National Park.

Stop off at Emerald for a fossicking permit before detouring on Capella, Clermont, Charters Towers or Undara with plenty of stops in between!

Find an authentic Australian experience by visiting Ravenshoe’s highest pub or enjoy gourmet cheeses at Atherton Tablelands’ luxurious resorts after exploring lush rainforest gardens.

Spend time admiring birds-of-paradise and other native flora from Kuranda’s scenic cable car perspective then visit Cairns where you can explore nature above ground as well as below sea level!

Stop off at the gateway to Queensland’s sapphire jewel fields for fossicking permits, detour through the tropical fruit growing area of the Atherton Tablelands for fresh local produce before navigating the Cairns hinterland, Queensland’s largest protected rainforest.

After heading north all the way to Cooktown to explore the outback and the extraordinary Aboriginal rock art.

This road trip is fully-sealed the whole way weaving its way from Sydney to outback NSW and Queensland, the Central Queensland Highlands and then as far north as Cooktown.

  • Hebel to St George – 161km
  • St George to Roma – 196km
  • Roma to Injune – 91km
  • Injune to Emerald – 311km
  • Emerald to Clermont – 109km
  • Clermont to Charters Towers – 374km
  • Charters Towers to Ravenshoe – 465km
  • Ravenshoe to Atherton – 51km
  • Atherton to Mareeba – 33km
  • Mareeba to Cairns – 63km
  • Cairns to Cooktown – 326km

Big Waterfall

There are so many great Queensland road trips. We hope this list has given you some ideas for your next road trip.

There is so much beauty to be seen and so many activities and attractions to fill your days.

There are some that are full of adventure that you need a 4WD. And there are some we are yet to do which are all the 4WD ones. But we hope to do them later in the year!

What is your favourite Queensland road trip? Drop a comment below and let us know!

And while you’re at it, check out all these other epic things to do in Queensland !

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Alesha and Jarryd

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A road trip through the very best of South West Queensland

Check out part one of sammie’s trip trough south west queensland here.

As you explore the rural heartland of South West Queensland, take a 2-hour detour from Cunnamulla to the town of Bollon. This small settlement sits on the banks of peaceful Wallam Creek. Balonne Shire waterways are renowned for Murray cod and yellowbelly. If you’re lucky enough to snag one of these freshwater fish, why not throw it on the barbecue and set up a relaxing riverside picnic? And after filling your belly with yellowbelly, you can settle in at the one–and only–pub in town, The Bollon Hotel .

For hungry travellers, a must-stop attraction is the Dirranbandi Bakehouse. This bakery is known for some of the most delicious treats in the west, thanks to its Russian-born owner. Pies, cakes, buns and bread… something for every appetite!

A trip to Moon Rocks Farm just outside St George reveals a rural business that’s been going strong for 40 years. This family-run farm cultivates all sorts of crops, including onions, garlic and broccoli. The farm is run as sustainably as possible by rotating crops, composting and keeping the soil as healthy as possible.

Another rural family is behind Black Knight Berries and Table Grapes in St George. Again, sustainable practices and a pesticide-free philosophy results in delicious fruit fresh for the market.

You can put all these local delights to the test by attending ‘Grazing by the Waterhole’ , a long-table dining experience held next to the stunning Thallon silos on the last weekend of September. The event is run by Leanne Brosnan, who is part of the Thallon Progress Association. She aims to bring together the beauty of the region’s best produce in a special dinner under glittering Outback stars.

From Thallon, it’s just a 20-minute drive to Nindigully. The focal point of this small country town is its classic country pub. Nindigully’s hotel was the setting for Paperback Hero – an Aussie-made romantic comedy filmed 20 years ago, starring Hugh Jackman. Memorabilia from the movie preserved at the pub includes boomerangs used as props on set. They’re being restored to their former glory by local artist, Barry Boland.   

Outback Queensland has seen its share of tough times in recent years. So when big events roll around – like the St George River Dragon Festival – the community rallies together to put on a great show. The multicultural festival runs for three days and encompasses a wide range of cultural events, including River Dragon Boat Races Regatta, water skiing, market stalls and live entertainment.

When planning your next holiday, you should consider the Outback. You’ll experience everything the incredible landscape has to offer and the towns you visit will benefit from your business.



Sri Lankan Chicken Curry Bake


Queensland Calendar of Events – June


Where to quench your thirst – morning, ‘noon and night – in the City of Logan


Mater Prize Home at Peregian Springs


Nature Bathing – No Swimsuit Required


Antarctica… in a day!





  • Things to do 463
  • Food & Wine 384
  • Accommodation 315
  • QBD Reviews 295
  • Lee & Vic's Book Club 286
  • Brisbane 272
  • Family Fun 262

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road trip south west queensland

Your fantastic Queensland holiday starts here...

Outback queensland road trips.

Thomson River, Longreach | Outback Queensland Road Trips | Discover Queensland

Itinerary 1: Southern Queensland Country Brisbane Road Trip

  • Brisbane to Toowoomba, 127km
  • Toowoomba to Dalby, 82km
  • Dalby to St George, 304km
  • St George to Cunnamulla, 294km
  • Cunnamulla to Thargomindah, 197km
  • Thargomindah – Day Trip to Cameron Corner, 452km each way
  • Thargomindah to Quilpie, 195km
  • Quilpie to Charleville, 212km
  • Charleville to Mitchell, 178km
  • Mitchell to Roma, 89km
  • Roma to Miles, 142km
  • Miles to Jondaryan, 167km
  • Jondaryan to Brisbane, 169km  

Itinerary 2: Sunshine Coast Hinterland Highlights Brisbane Road Trip

  • Brisbane to the Glass House Mountains 72km
  • Glass House Mountains to Buderim, 33km
  • Buderim to Monteville, 24km
  • Monteville to Maleny, 15km
  • Maleny to Conondale, 19km
  • Conondale to Cambroon, 16km
  • Cambroon to Kenilworth, 9km
  • Kenilworth to Eumundi, 33km
  • Eumundi to Noosa Northshore, 24km

Itinerary 3: Iconic Outback Queensland Road Trip, Longreach, Winton & Carnarvon Gorge

  • Rockhampton to Bilolea, 144km
  • Biloela to Carnarvon Gorge, 318km
  • Carnarvon Gorge to Springsure, 173km
  • Springsure to Longreach, 484km
  • Longreach to Winton, 179km
  • Winton to Barcaldine, 287km
  • Barcaldine to Emerald, 309km
  • Emerald to Rockhampton, 270km

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South West Queensland: A Family Adventure into the Outback

  • August 5, 2023

OAWK » Australia » Queensland » South West Queensland: A Family Adventure into the Outback

MEG LAW hits the road to explore the remote towns of South West Queensland with her family

Baldy Top Lookout in Quilpie

My husband at the wheel decked out in his favourite Akubra, my feet on the dashboard and a trail of red dust in the rear vision mirror. Our two kids in the back seat counting how many emus, cows and kangaroos they have seen on the journey. Our great Outback adventure feels like it’s off to a great start. We are ready to explore the remote towns of South West Queensland.

Charlotte Plains: A relaxing Outback retreat

The main bore at Charlotte Plains

First up is a visit to the Insta-worthy Charlotte Plains. Located near Cunnamulla, it has private and public artesian springs and offers an insight into life on an Australian sheep station. We choose to stay in the basic shearing shed quarters, which is an easy eight-kilometre drive to Bore Head, where the public baths and campground are located. After many days of driving in our rattling old 4WD, a day spent relaxing and soaking off the dust in hot natural bore baths feels like five-star luxury.

Exploring the artesian springs

Relaxing in the outdoor tubs at Charlotte Plains

Arriving at the site of the hot bore, you’d be forgiven for thinking it looks a bit ‘rough around the edges’, with water cascading out of two large old, rusty pipes. But it is the perfect Outback treat to soothe weary muscles. There are several outdoor bathtubs grouped together with water reaching 42°. We spend the afternoon splashing around with the kids, making new friends and canoeing along the shallows.

As the sun goes down over the vast dusty plains, we move over to the private hot tubs and soak in the mineral-rich water, with a glass of wine in our hands and a cheese platter. After some epic stargazing, we tuck the kids into their beds in the tiny tin sheds, pretending we are shearers and roustabouts.

Adavale Muster in the Mulga

Next up iss bucking broncos, bulls, ropes and barrel racing. We arrive in the small town of Adavale, and are greeted by a sea of chaps, denim, checked shirts and cowboy hats. The bar is open, the beer is cold and the audience is ready to watch the cowboys and cowgirls in action. Yee haw! This grassroots country rodeo and camp draft (officially known as the Adavale Muster in the Mulga) occurs in April each year and attracts hundreds of rodeo fans from across the region and other states as they compete for the winning prize.

A thrilling rodeo experience

Meg, Daisy and Matt enjoy their first rodeo

The kids quickly line up on the fence with the other mini rookies and cheer the best and bravest riders as they battle to stay on for that glorious eight second ride. If you’re new to rodeo like us, you’ll find yourself jumping out of your seat every 15 seconds. You can’t help but get swept up in the moment. The sheer magnitude and power of a bucking bull and the thrill of watching a cowboy or cowgirl rope a steer or leap off their horse with such co-ordination, strength and dexterity is not lost on the crowd.

With dust flying in every direction, spectators jump from their seat and shout their support, leaving us feeling like we are in an old wild west movie. Everyone should attend a rodeo at least once in their lifetime – even if it is just because you’ve always wanted a socially acceptable reason to wear a cowboy hat!

A warm welcome at Kilcowera Station

“My turn!” our youngest shouts as he hops out of the car to open and close yet another farm gate. We had arrived at Kilcowera Station, a large organically-run cattle station 1,200 kilometers west of Brisbane on the Dowling Track. As we drive up the track, we are greeted by the chaos of dogs barking and children waving and jumping, all eager to meet the new arrivals.

The kids fling open the car doors and race along the red soil to get acquainted with their new friends. Our son, Jasper, instantly takes a shining to their youngest boy, Gerry, with the two of them setting off in their gumboots into the shearing shed to check out the tractors and meet the animals.

Daisy and Jasper enjoy life on Kilkowera Station

Living the Outback life with the Dodds family

The cattle station is managed by Stuart and Rosie Dodds, who have countless stories to share about the harsh realities of living so remotely and the passion they have for organic farming. Stu is the quintessential Australian cattleman that you read about in books, who isn’t afraid of hard yakka and has a deep love of the land. Rosie, the backbone of the business, is as stoic and honest as they come. Together, they raise ten children at the Station, homeschooling and managing the daily chores.

They actively encourage guests to join in with the daily activities across the station. Wildlife is abundant in the area, so they tell us not to be too surprised if we spot the odd kangaroo or snake ambling about.

We spend our days watching the sun rise over the lagoon, walking through Currawinya National Park, listening to the sound of tractors and cattle mooing in the distance. The kids run around covered in mud with their new friends, before we gather to stargaze under ‘big sky country’ at night. The kids get to learn firsthand what no book, school, town, or city could ever teach.

Outback pubs Noccundra Hotel and Toompine Pub

The Royal Mail Hotel in Hungerford

It wouldn’t be a visit to the Outback without stopping in at the classic Aussie pubs along the way. Noccundra Hotel, which was built in the 1880s of mud brick, is a shining example. When we arrive at the pub, which is around 142 kilometres west of Thargomindah along the Adventure Way, we laugh with the publican about how our family of four outnumbers the town’s population, which is three.

We later visit the Toompine Pub, jokingly known as ‘the pub with no town’ to devour some delicious food and have a great chat with the locals. Tiny Toompine is barely a blip on the radar and yet all roads seem to lead here. And according to the kids, it serves the best chicken nuggets and chips in the Outback!

Meg and her family at Noccundra Hotel

Other Outback pubs that are worth checking out on the South West Queensland route are Nindigully Pub, Hotel Cunnamulla, Eulo Queen Hotel and the Royal Mail Hotel in Hungerford.

Eromanga Natural History Museum

What kid doesn’t get excited about dinosaurs? A visit to Eromanga Natural History Museum is essential when you visit this part of the world. The kids love learning about the processes around digging and discovering fossils right through to preserving them. The highlight is seeing Cooper, Australia’s largest dinosaur and one of the largest dinosaur skeletons in the world. Our youngest is also a big fan of Zac, who is one of Australia’s most complete sauropods with more than 60 bones discovered so far. Leaving Eromanga, armed with a walkie talkie, chisel and rock hammer, it is clear we have a new palaeontologist in the family!

Family-friendly fun in South West Queensland

Daisy in the cotton fields of St George

We are blown away by how many fun things there are to do with kids in South West Queensland. During our road trip we also visit the Royal Flying Doctor Service’s Charleville base, tour the nocturnal house at Charleville Bilby Experience, and climb Baldy Top Lookout in Quilpie. We pass fields of white cotton-like-snow, explore the silo art trail and even try our hand at fossicking for opals. We swim in rivers and remote waterholes, climb the Big Rig tower to learn about the town’s oil mining history in Roma, and witness a magical sunset cruise on the Balonne River in St George.

Cruising along the Balonne River in St George

Sitting around a campfire on the last night, with the warmth flickering against our faces, we swap stories, gaze up at the stars and tip our hats to our great Aussie adventure.

The writer was a guest of South West Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils

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Visit Outback Queensland!

  • Big Red Bash – the World’s Most Remote Music Festival
  • Amazing Outback Motorhome Holiday: From Melbourne to Uluru
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road trip south west queensland


The best road trips in Queensland

16 June 2022


Travel from the coast to the outback and back again on any number of road trip journeys through Queensland. From stunning rainforests and the Great Barrier Reef to outback towns, coastal cities and iconic Australian sites – you’ll be surprised at every bend.

Border range loop drive, qld.

Take three days to experience this incredible loop drive that takes you to some of Queensland’s most picturesque places. Starting in Brisbane , you’ll head to Ipswich and across the Great Dividing Range to Warwick before heading to the villages of Tamborine Mountain.

In Ipswich, Queensland’s oldest provincial city, be sure to explore the stately homes and gardens before moving on to Queen Mary Falls, nestled in the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range. Allow around 40 minutes for the two-kilometre circuit walk, which will showcase the spectacular natural falls.

Continue on to the villages of Tamborine Mountain, which is a haven for talented artists who love to share their passions with passers-by. Next, during your visit to Mount Tamborine, make sure you head to Lamington National Park and explore the stunning rainforests. Even choose to walk some of the 300 kilometre scenic walking tracks.

Booyong Walk in Lamington National Park

Booyong Walk… explore one of the many trails in Lamington National Park.

Central Queensland outback drive

The recommendation is to allow nine days in order to experience every highlight this journey has to offer, but of course you can adjust the timing depending on how often you choose to stop off and how long you choose to spend in each place.

Follow the Tropic of Capricorn for the coast-to-outback-and-back-again trip, which includes iconic Australian sites and a whole heap of historical landmarks.

Highlights include Sapphire, where – you guessed it – you’re in the midst of the largest sapphire fields in the Southern Hemisphere. Get there early and spend some time fossicking for your own gems! In Longreach we recommend visiting the Qantas Founder’s Museum , where a full-sized Boeing 747 is the centrepiece.

From there, head to the tiny town of Rolleston, where you’ll be able to access Carnarvon National Park and explore 30-kilometres worth of white sandstone cliffs, if you’re game. You’ll also be able to check out the Aboriginal rock art, waterfalls and rock pools on site.

Central Qld road trip

Carnarvon Gorge is one of the many highlights on a road trip through Central Queensland.

Airlie Beach to Cedar Creek Falls, Qld

Wanting to get away for the day and indulge in a little freshwater swimming? The journey from Airlie Beach to Cedar Creek takes just half an hour.

Once you’re there you’ll be able to dip your toes in the fresh emerald green water and dive under the stunning natural waterfall.

If you’ve got time to spare after your swim, make sure to stop in at Conway National Park close by, as here you can experience a breath-taking bird’s eye view of the Whitsundays .

Cedar Creek Falls

Swim in the fresh emerald green water under the stunning natural waterfall at Cedar Creek Falls.

The Qld road-trip as done by Prince Charles and Camilla

The Royal pair took in their fair share of sights during their 2018 visit to Australia. Starting in Brisbane, they then carried on to the Gold Coast , after stopping in at what we’re told was one of their trip highlights; Broadbeach.

The next stop on the itinerary was Bundaberg , where Prince Charles indulged in a taste of the area’s famous export; Bundaberg Rum.

Upon arrival at the Great Barrier Reef , they issued a call-to-arms to position the Great Barrier Reef at the centre of the ‘blue economy’, before stopping in at the Daintree , where they were welcomed by a mass of fans. Hopefully your arrival will be a little calmer.

Great Barrier Reef underwater

Protecting the Great Barrier Reef is more important than ever.

The Great Beach Drive, QLD

Just a short drive from Noosa , you’ll come across not one, but two UNESCO biosphere and a World Heritage-listed area.

Taking you across 380 kilometres of some of the most pristine – and deserted – beaches in Australia, the Great Beach Drive is one of the longest drives on earth. What makes this one different, is that for almost its entirety, you’re driving on the beach.

Besides taking in two UNESCO biosphere reserves (this is the only place on Earth where two biospheres connect) the drive will also take you by the largest sand island in the world.

You may not see another human for hours on end, but what you will see is some of the most incredible bird and plant species Australia has to offer.

Great Beach Drive road trip

Drive the largest sand island in the world.


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15 of The Best Outback Queensland Towns to Visit

road trip south west queensland

While Queensland is famous for its gorgeous coastline and stunning beaches , there are numerous Outback Queensland towns that everyone should have on their bucket list.  Outback Queensland is not only all about wide open spaces and red dirt, but the Queensland Outback is also full of amazing natural attractions, fascinating museums, quirky events and a range of experiences which you will never forget.

The best way to explore these remote towns in Australia is by taking a road trip.  But be warned, the Queensland Outback is a massive place and is not something that can be explored over a few weeks.  Your best to pick a region such as North West, Far West, Central West, East West or South West and choose a few of the outback towns to visit.

If you’re considering an Outback Queensland road trip, but have no idea where to begin, then reading this guide on the very best regional Queensland towns is a great place to start.  With the help of a few travel bloggers, I’ve compiled a list of the best small towns in Queensland to visit with kids.

Of course there are many many wonderful towns in the outback to visit (there are 81 towns to be exact), but in this Outback Queensland travellers guide we’ve shortlisted it to just 15.

Planning a trip to Queensland? Have any questions?  Join our Queensland Travel Planning Facebook group here now!  It’s the perfect place to ask any questions and to be inspired!

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Page Contents

  • 1.1.1 Mt Isa
  • 1.1.2 Julia Creek
  • 1.1.3 Mt Surprise
  • 1.1.4 Hughenden
  • 1.2.1 Birdsville
  • 1.2.2 Windorah
  • 1.3.1 Winton
  • 1.3.2 Longreach
  • 1.3.3 Barcaldine
  • 1.3.4 Sapphire, Rubyvale and Emerald
  • 1.4.1 Biloela
  • 1.5.1 Charleville
  • 1.5.2 Mitchell
  • 1.5.5 Do you want to keep this handy for later? 
  • 1.5.6 Click on one of the images below to save it to Pinterest.

Below I’ve broken the towns to visit between the five regions – North West, Far West, Central West, East West or South West.

North West Region

Four hours west of Townsville you’ll find the north west region of the outback.  Here you can take an underground mine tour, see dinosaur fossils, and explore amazing National Parks.

Below we’ve listed some of the best outback towns to visit in the North West Region of Queensland.

road trip south west queensland

Credit Image – Tourism and Events Queensland

Andy from Queensland Camping

While Mt Isa is primarily known as a mining town, the area surrounding the town has some great rugged terrain for 4WDing, man made lakes perfect for fishing and jaw dropping gorgeous national parks.  In fact Mt Isa is known as the “oasis of the outback”.

Of course Mt Isa is one of the Australian outback towns well known for its mining, so one of the best things to do in Mt Isa is to take an underground tour of a mine shaft.  The kids will love putting on their orange overalls, gumboots and hard hats as they go underground.  During the tour, you’ll get a close up view of all the mining equipment and hear first hand stories from your guide. 

Also be sure to visit the world heritage Australian Fossil Mammal Sites at Riversleigh and Naracoorte.  Here you will find some of the world’s oldest fossils dating back to some 25 million years ago.  The site is 277km from Mt Isa, so if you’re short on time, you can get a glimpse of what’s on offer at the Fossil Centre in town.

Other outback Queensland attractions to visit in Mt Isa include a trip out to the old Mary Kathleen Mine, the underground hospital and museum, the Isa Experience Gallery, the City Lookout for views across the city (best at night) and the Lake Lookout to watch the sunset over Lake Moondarra.  Also if you happen to be in town while the rodeo is on, make sure you check it out – this is the southern hemisphere’s largest rodeo.

Like most rural Queensland towns, the best time to visit Mt Isa is during the early Spring or late autumn, when the weather isn’t too hot.  Avoid January and February when the weather is at its hottest.

For families doing a Queensland camping road trip, there are a few caravan parks in town which is helpful particularly if you have a caravan.  All the parks also have cabins too.  Click here for full details of accommodation in town.

Julia Creek

road trip south west queensland

Emma from MY RIG Adventures

As you head west on your Outback Queensland adventures, be sure to stop in at Julia Creek.  Even though it’s only a tiny little town (with a population of 400), it is honestly one of the friendliest communities you’ll visit as a traveller.

Without a doubt, Julia Creek’s claim to fame is their unique Artesian Bath experience, located in the town’s Caravan Park . Lined up, with the most perfect views of the Australian Outback are four private Bath Houses, with two free-standing tubs in each one.  For your 45-minute time slot, the whole family can enjoy the steaming hot (or warm) mineral water, drawn straight from the Great Artesian Basin below.  You can choose to go for the all-natural experience or wear your swimsuits, as each bath is disinfected between sessions.

Another family highlight worth adding to your itinerary while you’re in town is the Dunnart Feeding at the Information Centre.  The feeding shows run 7 days per week with a minimal cost of $5 per adult and $2 per child.  All proceeds go directly towards ‘Donald’ and ‘Duncan’s’ special dietary requirements, maintenance, enclosures and health checks.  So, you’ll be directly supporting the ‘Save the Dunnart’ cause!

The kids will also love the Water Park.  Yep, this teeny town in the middle of Outback Queensland has its very own Water Park – which is pretty darn cool!  There are two water slides, water cannons & fountains, plus a 25m lap pool and a splash pool for the little ones.  If you stay at the local Caravan Park you can gain entry into the pool and water park for free, otherwise it’s $2 per adult and $1 per child.

The best time of the year to head out to Julia Creek is between May and August where the average daytime temperatures range from 27℃ – 32℃. These are also the drier months, meaning you won’t have to deal with seasonal rain or potential flooding. Be aware that the nights will still get cold, as the temperatures can drop to around 7℃ after the sun goes down.

Mt Surprise

road trip south west queensland

Natalie and Steve from Curious Campers

Mount Surprise is 600 km east of Normanton or 380 km south west of Cairns in Queensland Savanah Country. It is one of the small outback towns in Australia but is nevertheless a fantastic place to take the kids.

Most families head here, lured by the promise of finding a colourful gem and so fossicking at Mount Surprise is often the main attraction. The Gem Den will happily supply you with all the equipment and directions to the O’Brien’s Creek gem fields where you can dig and sieve for hours.  With any luck, you’ll find a few small crystals, but even if you don’t, you can enjoy the great display of gems and minerals at the BP Roadhouse.

The Undara Lava Tubes 30 minutes from Mount Surprise are the other feature in the area. The kids will love exploring the lava tubes on a tour and hearing about the volcanic history of the area.

For families on a road trip, the Bedrock Village Caravan Park is a great place to stay.  There are some excellent facilities for the kids here, including a swimming pool and minigolf. The place has a relaxed vibe, it is super neat and tidy and you won’t find friendlier, hands-on owners.

The best time to visit the region is between April and October. This might not be the place for young children, but if your kids are old enough to shovel dirt and like the idea of finding some hidden treasure then give Mount Surprise a try.

road trip south west queensland

Hughenden is another one of the great small towns in Australia, which is a brilliant place to visit with kids.  Here you will find with four different national parks to explore as well as rich fossils and dinosaur areas.

Hughenden is located in “dinosaur country”, making it one of the best towns in Queensland to visit if you’re interested in dinosaurs.  The town is on the edge of a large prehistoric inland sea, which was once home to dinosaurs and marine reptiles.   You can’t miss the giant fibreglass replica of a Muttaburrasaurus Dinosaur which is in the middle of town and the kids will love searching for dinosaur fossils, stop at the Flinders Discovery Centre for a map. 

One of the highlights of Hughenden is the Porcupine Gorge National Park, known as Australia’s “Little Grand Canyon”.  This area is just stunning with towering sandstone cliffs, a clear flowing creek and dense vegetation.  At the park, you can check out a range of lookouts and walking tracks to really appreciate the gorge.  There are also a few waterholes where you can go swimming.

Other things to do Hughenden include exploring the regions other three national parks, a visit to the historical Coolabah Tree and the Surveyor’s Peg.

Like most Queensland outback towns, Hughenden is best avoided in the peak of summer, but generally, any other time of the year is ideal. 

For families on a road trip, there is a caravan park in town which also has cabin accommodation.  There is also a free campground.

Far West Region

In the farthest corner of Queensland, on the border of the Northern Territory and South Australia, the Far West Region is well worth the journey.  Here you will find stunning red sand dunes, swimming holes and a range of Queensland Outback tours and experiences you’ll remember for a lifetime.

Below we’ve listed some of the best outback towns to visit in the Far West Region of Queensland.

road trip south west queensland

Birdsville is way out west, not too far from the South Australia border and has a tiny population of just 115.  Despite its small population and remote location, Birdsville is home to one of the most popular Outback Queensland events – the Birdsville Races, which are said to be the Melbourne Cup of the Outback! 

Apart from the famous Birdsville Races, the main attraction in town is it’s proximity to the dunes of the Simpson Desert.  The must do thing here is to watch a sunset from the top of Big Red, which at 40 metres high is the tallest sand dune in the Simpson Desert.

Other things to do in Birdsville include having a drink at the Birdsville Hotel, Deon’s Lockout for spectacular views, the Birdsville Billabong for swimming, kayaking and wildlife spotting,  a visit to the Burke and Wills Tree and a stroll around town admiring the heritage buildings.

As to when to visit Birdsville, just keep in mind that this is one of the hottest places in Australia during the Summer.  With that in mind, the best time to visit is pretty much any time between May to September.

Families can stay at the Birdsville Caravan Park where you can pitch a tent, park your van or stay in a cabin.  There are also a couple of hotels in town too.

road trip south west queensland

Credit Image – Cathy Finch via Tourism and Events Queensland

Gosh if you thought Birdsville’s population of 115 was small, how about 80!  Windorah is a tiny outback town located in the heart of Channel Country near Cooper’s Creek.

The term Channel Country refers to the network of waterways that expand up to 80kms across the region during a flood.  This in turn produces the perfect pastures for feeding cattle.  Plus it creates some fantastic waterholes which are ideal for campers and those who enjoy fishing.

Perhaps the biggest highlight of Windorah is the stunning Windorah Sand Hills.  Located near the Ourdel Station, here you will enjoy some amazing views of some of the reddest sands in Australia – just gorgeous!  Watch the sunset and enjoy a glass of wine.

Other things to do in Windorah include a visit to the Whitula Gate Museum where you can see what life was like for families in the area back in the 1800s, see the Native Wells, visit the Windorah Solar Farm and take the self guided history tour around town – pick up a guide at the Visitor Information Centre.

Families can book in a stay at the Windorah Caravan Park, or there is the Cooper Cabins and Western Star Motel.  There is also a free camp too.

Central West Region

The Central West Region is a must for anyone’s Outback Queensland itinerary.  There is a stack of attractions out here as well as being the birthplace to Qantas, Waltzing Matilda and the Australian Labor Party.  It also a popular destination for families thanks to being home to the world’s most extensive collection of Australian dinosaur fossils.

Below we’ve listed some of the best outback towns to visit in the Central West Region of Queensland.

road trip south west queensland

Located between Longreach and Mt Isa, most families visiting Winton are here for one thing – dinosaurs!  Hunting for dinosaurs is one of the most popular things to do in Outback Queensland among families.  However Winton is so much more than just being the dinosaur capital of Australia it is also where Banjo Patterson wrote Australia’s unofficial anthem “Waltzing Matilda” and there are a few other attractions worth checking out too.

For the dinosaur seekers, head to Lark Quarry Conservation Park where you can view thousands of footprints from dinosaurs that roamed the land some 95 million years ago.  Also don’t miss the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum which is home to the worlds most extensive Australian dinosaur fossil collection.

Other things to do in Winton include a visit to the Musical Fence, watch a movie at the Royal Open Theatre, visit the Waltzing Matilda Centre, see Arno’s Wall and stroll down the main street spotting the quirky signs and monuments.

For those visiting in a caravan, there is the Matilda Country Tourist Park, North Gregory Hotel as well as a free campsite too.  There is also a range of cabins and a few motels in town too.

If you love dinosaurs – check out our guide to Eromanga where you can find Australia’s largest dinosaur fossils!

road trip south west queensland

Matt from More Dirt Less Bitumen

No trip to Outback Queensland is complete without a visit to Longreach. Longreach is the ‘Gateway to the Outback’ and has so much to offer the travelling public, especially if you’ve got a couple of kids in tow!

There are so many things to do in Longreach, that the biggest problem you’re going to have is working out what to do first, and how on earth are you going to fit it all in. As an absolute minimum, I would recommend a three day stay.

Kick it off with a visit to the Australian Stockman’s Hall of Fame. You can easily spend the day wandering through each of the five galleries taking in the eclectic mix of artefacts, AV presentations and interactive exhibits.  While you’re at the Hall of Fame, don’t miss out on the Outback Stockman’s Show. This live show tells the story of the stockmen and women who work the land and features horses, sheep and working dogs.

Next up is the QANTAS Founders Museum where you can take a step back in time and learn about the founding of one of the world’s great airlines – QANTAS. Take a tour and sit in the cockpit, or perhaps you’d like to go for a walk out the wing of a Boeing 747?

Also don’t miss an outback sunset with a Thomson River Sunset Cruise. Enjoy cold drinks and nibblies as you glide down the river as the sun dips below the horizon.

Other highlights in the area include a visit to Camden Park Station, a trip on a Cobb & Co Coach or a drive out to Captain Starlight’s Lookout.

road trip south west queensland

For those with an interest in the trade union movement, Barcaldine is an outback town you must visit.  This small rural town played a significant role in the Australian Labor movement

The first stop should be to the Tree of Knowledge which was the central meeting place during the Great Shearers Strike in 1891.  A result of this strike was the birth of the Australian Labor Party.  Although the tree stood for more than 180 years, sadly in 2006, it was poisoned, but the tree has been preserved and is best viewed at night when it’s lit up.

Also visit the Australian Workers Heritage Centre which is a museum dedicated to the lives of everyday working people.  Here you will learn about the lives of railways workers, blacksmiths, farmers and more – all the working people that helped shaped our country into what it is today.

Other things to do in Barcaldine include the Aramac Tramway Museum, the Barcaldine and District Folk Museum, take a tour of the Dunraven Sheep Station and take in a sunset at the Lara Wetlands.

Barcaldine has a couple of tourist parks in town for those needing somewhere to park their van as well as a few motels.

Sapphire, Rubyvale and Emerald

road trip south west queensland

Sinead from Best in York Guide

The outback towns of Sapphire, Rubyvale and Emerald are a great place to visit with kids as there are diverse attractions that you will not find elsewhere in Australia. These small Australian towns and the surrounding rural area are best explored using your own vehicle in early Spring or late Autumn to avoid searing temperatures.

Take a trip to Emerald to see the world’s largest copy of the painting ‘Sunflowers’ by Van Gogh, set 25 metres off the ground on an enormous easel. Try a new water sport on Lake Maraboon or visit the emerald’s beautiful Botanic Gardens. 

In Sapphire, which is one of the world’s richest sapphire bearing regions, kids can join a fossicking trip into the bush with an experienced gem hunter. Kids will love digging and sorting through the arid earth to find hidden treasure. Hard, hot work can bring great rewards – our daughter found $300 worth of sapphires!

Follow the Gemfields Treasure Trail in the centre of Sapphire, a self-guided trail which portrays the history and stories of the gem industry in this area.

I would recommend staying at Sapphire Caravan Park, which offers fully equipped holiday cottages in addition to camping and motorhome pitches. It is a beautiful 4-acre park with large pitches and secluded plots that are visited at dawn and dusk by kangaroos, parrots and kookaburras.  

East West Region

The East West Region is full of stunning natural attractions such as national parks with spectacular gorges, rivers and lakes.  The region is popular among fisherman and watersport enthusiasts as well as having several historical villages and museums to explore.

Below we’ve listed some of the best outback towns to visit in the East West Region of Queensland.

road trip south west queensland

Located in the Sandstone Wonders region, just west of the Queensland Capricorn Coast,  Biloela is a busy little commercial and tourist hub with a population of almost 6000 people. “Bilo” as it’s referred to by locals, has a rich pioneering, mining and indigenous history.

Stop by the Queensland Heritage Park which has various displays of rural life.  Here you will find heritage buildings, farming equipment and other old machinery artefacts.  Another great place to visit is the Greycliffe Homestead which houses the Biloela Historical Society.  This is a brilliant old homestead built in the 1870s from the materials found on the property.

If you want to get outdoors head to the Kroombit Tops National Park which features towering ridges, deep gorges and panoramic views or go to Callide Dam for some fishing.  On the way to the dam, be sure to stop at the Mine Lookout for great views across the dam.

Other places to visit in Biloela include the large scale Spirit of the Land Mural which pays homage to the early pioneers and Indigenous people and is now an iconic landmark in the town.

Biloela has a wide range of accommodation options including caravan parks, cabins and motel rooms.  Discovery Parks is a great place for families.  Click here for a full list of accommodation options.

South West Region

The South West Region has some diverse landscapes, from red sands to wetlands and gorgeous national parks.  Experiences here range from wildlife encounters, soaking in mud baths and hot springs, dinosaur attractions as well as the chance to view the amazing night sky.

Below we’ve listed some of the best outback towns to visit in the South West Region of Queensland.


road trip south west queensland

Tracy from Tracy’s Travels in Time

Charleville is in the Shire of Murweh approximately 750 km by road from Brisbane. With a population of around 3,500 it is the largest town in Queensland’s south west.  There are several attractions which make Charleville a great place to stop off for families on a road trip around outback Queensland.

First off is the excellent Cosmos Centre and Observatory. The informative talks given at the observatory are an excellent way for both adults and kids to learn about the night sky. The highlight of the evening is the ability to look through one of the four telescopes at the centre and really appreciate the stars, planets and milky way. Due to the dark skies around Charleville, it is incredible what you can see with the naked eye even without a telescope! At certain times of the year, through the telescope, you can also see the rings of Saturn in amazing clarity. It is a really special experience that the kids will really love.

Another absolute must visit in Charleville is the Bilby Centre. Bilbys are an endangered species and in an attempt to protect them there is a captive breeding program based in Charleville. Learn all about Bilbys – where they live, what they eat and how we can help to prevent this native Australian animal from extinction at the centre. There is also an opportunity to see some of the centre’s Bilbys after the talk. With their huge ears and long noses, there is something Harry Potterseque about these cute little animals.

A third place to add to your Charleville to-visit list is the Royal Flying Doctor Service which is based at in the town. Take a look inside the working RFDS hangar at the planes before popping into the visitor centre and learning all about the work of the Flying Doctor Service and the vital role it plays in outback Queensland.

If history is an interest, then don’t miss a visit to the Historic House Museum which is filled with all sorts of treasures from the 19th century and 20th centuries. The museum building itself dates back to 1887 and was formerly the town’s bank!

These are just three of the things to do in Charleville, making it a highlight on any outback road trip in Australia. 

Click here for accommodation options in Charleville or find our full guide on things to do with kids in Charleville here .

road trip south west queensland

Daneen from Queensland Camping

Many people add a stop in Mitchel during their road trips to relax at the Great Artesian Spa.  At the Great Artesian Spa, you’ll find naturally heated mineralised waters.

But the spas aren’t all there is to see in town.  Take a step back in time and stop at the Booringa Heritage museum or explore the Yumbas indigenous “bush tukka trail” which starts at the Mitchell Caravan Park and has several totems on display of the “Gungarri” people. 

The favourite attraction in town for our kids was the Old Kenniff Courthouse where they learnt about the notorious Bushrangers, Patrick and James Kenniff.  They also quite enjoyed the yummy treats on offer at the Mitchell Bakery.

In Mitchell, I’d recommend staying at the Major Mitchell Park and Cabins which has great family accommodation.  The caravan park is located on the banks of the Maranoa River and offers a variety of accommodation where you can stay in a cabin, set up your van or pitch a tent. It also just happens to be right across the road from the Great Artesian Spa.

The best but busiest time to visit Mitchel is in the dry season from April to October. 

road trip south west queensland

Matt from Exercises.com.au

Roma, Qld is a great place in outback Queensland to visit with kids as they’ll love the feel of being in the countryside and discovering a taste of country living.

To keep them entertained, one of the best things to do in Roma for kids is checking out the Big Rig Show where they’ll learn about the rigs and machinery that helped shape Roma’s contribution to Australia’s oil and gas industry. The museum offers both guided and self-guide tours.

Another unique activity is to take them to the Roma Saleyards, where the sale of cattle takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It’s the largest saleyard in the southern hemisphere. Visitor tours begin from 8:30 am.

Also don’t leave town with checking out the Bottle Trees, with one in particular in Edwardes Street having a circumference of 9.5 metres!

The best time of year to visit Roma is anytime outside of the middle of summer or winter unless you don’t mind very hot or very cold weather. And the easiest way to get there is by car (road trip!), mainly so that you can get around town while you’re visiting.

There’s several affordable motels and inns to choose from for accommodation, all centrally located with some featuring an outdoor pool.  Click here for a full list of accommodation options.   You can read our complete guide to Roma with kids here.

road trip south west queensland

Bryony from Coasting Australia

Definitely one for the bucket list is a visit to the small town of Eulo, located in the Shire of Paroo in South West Queensland, just over 60kms west of Cunnamulla and almost 900kms west of Brisbane.

The highlight in Eulo is experiencing an outdoor Artesian Mud Bath.  Here they add grey mud from local ancient springs to warm bathwater.  You’ll also be served a glass of wine and a snack platter, as you relax and rejuvenate looking up at the trees and sky. They have family friendly areas with more than one bathtub and even dogs are welcome to come and watch!

Also Eulo is an opal mining town, but if you’re looking for family fossicking in Queensland , you’ll need to head out to Yowah which is 90kms west.   Here you can search for the famous ‘Yowah Nut’ opal and take a dip in the natural hot artesian pools – perfect after a day in the dust of the desert!

Other things to do in the town include the WW2 air raid shelter, checking out the incredible rock and gem collections at the local shops and exploring the history of the town. 

A great place for families to stay is at the camping area at the “Eulo Queen’ pub, named after Isabel Grey, the colourful opal-loving matriarch who lived in the town over a century ago. Just opposite the pub is a life-size Diprotodon statue (which looks like a giant wombat!), celebrating the recent Megafauna discoveries in the town.


Hopefully you found this guide on the best Queensland Outback towns to visit helpful.  If you’re looking for more Qld content – you can find all our Qld Outback content here, including our two week guide to the Natural Sciences Loop .  Otherwise check out our guide to the best places to visit in Queensland here and some great suggestions for short weekend trips from Brisbane here .

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road trip south west queensland

1 thought on “15 of The Best Outback Queensland Towns to Visit”

What a fantastic article on Outback Queensland. I’ve ticked quite a few of these destinations off my list, but I’ve still got a couple to go. I can’t wait to get back out there.

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10 Best Queensland Road Trips

Plus 3000km Queensland road trip itinerary by Katharine Fletcher.

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A driving holiday opens doors to memorable and personal experiences, from the yarn with the bloke that owns the pub to seeing world-heritage listed scenery. From waterfalls to deserts, along the way, you’ll learn a little history as you settle into a relaxed tempo on the road on these fantastic Queensland road trips. If you love driving holidays, Queensland has a fantastic selection of routes to choose from. So pull out your road trip packing list and plan your next Queensland road trip adventure. 

1- Overlander’s Way

2- great tropical drive, 3- great green way, 4- cairns to cape york, 5- great inland touring route, 6- fraser island , 7- adventure way, 8- rainforest way, 9- birdsville to big red, 10- matilda highway, brisbane to cairns, atherton tablelands, granite gorge nature park, forty mile scrub national park, undara lava tubes, mount surprise, what you’ll see along the way, leichhardt falls, gregory to boodjamulla , boodjamulla (lawn hill) to cairns, 10 queensland road trips.

  • Great Barrier Reef Snorkeling and Diving Cruise from Cairns
  • 3 Day Cape Tribulation & Cooktown Tour from Cairns or Port Douglas
  • Sunlover Reef Cruises Cairns Great Barrier Reef Experience
  • Townsville to Tennant Creek
  • Distance: 1550 km
  • Highlights:  Historic drovers route, cattle trucks, Townsville, Julia Creek. 

Queensland road trip

The Overlander’s Way is a Queensland road trip through the outback.

From Townsville in Queensland’s tropical north on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef , this Queensland road trip leads you west to Camooweal in outback Queensland , over the Northern Territory border to finish at Tennant Creek.

The 1550km Overlander’s Way is an iconic Queensland road trip named in honour of the drovers that herded huge mobs of cattle from the East Kimberley.

Today you’ll share the road with modern-day drovers and their long cattle trucks.

There is plenty of options for accommodation from camping to motel rooms and some B&B’s.

The towns of Townsville, Charters Towers (once known as ‘The World’ due to the gold discovered and still mined today), Hughenden, Richmond, Julia Creek, Cloncurry, Mount Isa and Camooweal are all covered along the fully sealed drive.

It’s worth stopping a couple of days to tick off these things to do in Townsville and things to do in Charters Towers . 

It’s one of those typical outback Queensland road trips.

Festivals and rodeos such as the Mount Isa Rodeo and the Julia Creek Dirt n Dust Festival and fossil hunting for ancient dinosaur bones are just a few of the many attractions along this route.

Other things to do include exploring Dalrymple National Park, Porcupine Gorge and Kronosaurus Korner in Richmond.

The Outback at Isa Hard Times Mine is a tour underground in an Alimak cage.

It’s a brilliant experience and one of the most memorable Queensland road trips you could do.

Then there’s the Mount Isa lookout at night, which has a view of a city that never sleeps and the Kalkadoon Cultural Centre. 

Queensland road trip

  • Cairns to Cooktown
  • Distance: 327km
  • Highlights: Great Barrier Reef, Daintree Rainforest , Port Douglas and Cairns. 

Queensland drives 29

Drive from Cairns in Tropical North Queensland and take in the reef and coastal townships along this remarkable coastal drive.

Localities include Palm Cove, Port Douglas, Daintree, Cape Tribulation and north to Cooktown.

From Cooktown, the trail heads west and winds its way down through the Atherton Tablelands to historic Charters Towers before finishing at Townsville back on the reef.

A side trip to Mackay and Eungella National Park is an option for extended touring on your north Queensland road trip.

queensland road trips

I recommend this as a two-week drive, although sections can be done easily on their own.

As Queensland road trips go, the road is all bitumen and suitable for all road-worthy vehicles.

qld road trips

Other things to do include a photo stop at Rex Lookout, a visit to Cairns Aquarium , Wildlife Habitat in Port Douglas and the view from the lookout in Cooktown.

Make sure you pop into the Lion’s Den Hotel for a beer.

Recommended tour: 3-Day Cape Tribulation & Cooktown Tour from Cairns or Port Douglas

  • Townsville to Cairns
  • Distance: 410km 
  • Highlights: Coastal scenery, Magnetic Island, Townsville, Cairns. 

queensland road trips

A favourite for any driver on a Queensland road trip, the Great Green Way hugs the coastline from Townsville to Cairns.

This drive between Cairns and Townsville is constantly rated in the top 10 in the world.

The scenery is breathtaking along the 410km fully sealed route suitable for all vehicles.

Allow at least two days to enjoy the sights.

There’s far too much to list here.

queensland road trips

If you can allow the time to  visit Magnetic Island , it’s well worth it.

Bungalow Bay Koala Village is a top spot to get up and close and personal with some of the island’s wildlife.

The experience offers fun for all ages and you are assured of seeing one of the islands very special koalas.

A really fun way to see the island is by hiring a moke (my last one was called Bambi) and driving yourself around.

Roads around the island lead to exciting activities from eco jet-skiing tours, horse riding on the beach to cruises on yachts, markets and cafes and vantage points to finish your day with a magnificent sunset watching the sun dip over mainland Australia. 

Recommended tour: Magnetic Island Round-Trip Ferry From Townsville

  • Cairns to Cape York
  • Distance: 1200km
  • Highlights: 4WD, Indigenous communities, Thursday and Horn Islands

Cape York 4WD

Considered one of the last 4WD frontiers on Earth, this drive takes you to the northern-most point of Australia – Cape York.

Through untamed wilderness with creeks full of barramundi and saltwater crocodiles, the most ferocious of the species on the planet, this is an epic Queensland road trip that rewards those who are willing to do the forward planning and preparation.

Cape York 4wd

This Queensland road trip is only suitable for experienced four-wheel drivers .

But if you don’t have the skills, there are independent tour operators that conduct regular tours to ‘The Tip’.

driving holiday Queensland

You’ll pass through indigenous communities where alcohol restrictions apply.

There is a range of accommodation options available from camping to resort style.

Other things to do include day tours to Thursday and Horn Islands.

The Daintree Discovery Centre is also worth visiting. 

cape york 4WD tour

  • Hebel to Cairns
  • Distance: 1863km
  • Highlights: Bushranger history, Great Dividing Range, Carnarvon Gorge. 

This 1863km drive leads from the town of Hebel on the Queensland and New South Wales border to Cairns in the tropical north.

The Hebel Hotel is where the Kelly Gang used to drink.

The historic hotel still has a hitching rail for horses to be tethered but today modern vehicles are parked out the front. 

The fully sealed drive traverses the Great Dividing Range.

It’s one of those Queensland road trips with plenty of national parks and towns.

Culgoa, Carnarvon Gorge and Lake Nuga Nuga are my favourites.

queensland road trips

Add museums such as Cobb and Co Changing Station complex in Surat, country sale days at Roma.

Throw in brilliant fishing and camping along with eateries and accommodation that caters for the drive market and you have a big tick for your Queensland road trip.

Other things to do include exploring Charters Towers and Ravenshoe (the highest town in Queensland at 930m) and relaxing in Innot Springs

queensland road trips

  • Around Fraser Island
  • Highlights: Beach driving, Eli Creek, Coloured Sands, Indian Head. 

The world’s largest sand island with 75 miles of beach designated as an official road makes Fraser Island on the top of most must-visit lists in Queensland.

You’ll cross Eli Creek, see the rusting hull of the Maheno wreck and coloured sands, experience the Champagne Rock Pools and amazing views from Indian Head. 

For those new to driving on 75 Mile Beach, remember to give way to the airplanes that share the beach with you.

If you’re not sure about driving yourself, there are tour operators that offer drives around the island.

queensland road trip

Fraser Island can be accessed from either Rainbow Beach or River Heads.

Time your drives with the tides.

There is a range of accommodation from basic camping sites to holiday homes and resorts.

Other things to do include visiting Pile Valley, Wanggoolba Creek and Lake McKenzie.

queensland road trip attractions

Recommended tour: K’gari (Fraser Island) Day Tour

queensland drives

  • Brisbane to South Australia
  • Distance: 1152km
  • Highlights: Burke and Wills trail, Dig Tree, Dalby. 

Leading from Brisbane’s city lights into the heart of the outback , the Adventure Way takes you along a route once frequented by swagman.

Innamincka in South Australia is the last town on this journey of 1152km.

It’s close to where explorers Bourke and Wills while making the first attempt to cross Australia, from south to north, lost their lives.

Camping is allowed along a designated section of Copper Creek on Nappa Merrie Station where the Dig Tree still stands and at Innaminka.

queensland drives

Allow at least four days to take in the towns and scenery along the way which include Dalby, St George, Cunnamulla, Thargomindah and Innamincka.

The road is sealed almost to the Dig Tree, which is an iconic Australian landmark .

If you do the alternative trip to Currawinya National Park we recommend a 4WD.

Other things to do include seeing the Face Tree, which is 30m downstream from the Dig Tree carved by John Dick in 1898, visiting the Artesian Hydro Power Plant at Thargomindah.

The plant is believed to be the oldest, working unit in Australia and possibly the world.

Visit Currawinya and Lake Bindegoley National Parks and attend Music in the Mulga at Wandilla.

queensland road trips

  • Links NSW and Queensland
  • Highlights: Queensland’s rainforest. 

Exploring Queensland’s heritage-listed rainforests , just a short drive south of Brisbane via the Rainforest Way allows for spectacular scenery. 

See remarkable views from cliff-tops and ancient volcano rims as it meanders through thick lush rainforested sections.

It’s one of those quintessential Queensland road trips that lead you to waterfalls, babbling creeks, rare and endangered wildlife and picturesque villages.

queensland road trips

The drive can be accomplished as a day drive however I recommend a two-night stay.

There are plenty of accommodation options and the road is suitable for all vehicles with adequate clearance.

Day pass fees apply to sections on the Rainforest Way. 

Other things to do include visiting Buck, the barefoot bush tucker man in Chillingham for the best fruit and vegetables, the Border Loop Lookout and Brindle Creek Walk

queensland road trip

  • Birdsville to the Big Red 
  • Distance: 
  • Highlights: Simpson Desert, Birdsville.  

Considered one of the top iconic Queensland road trips, the route from Birdsville to the top of Big Red (the largest sand dune in the Simpson Desert) takes you to one of Australia’s most arid and isolated places.

This is an area rich in outback colours. Ochre-tinged sand dunes are interspersed with grey cracked clay pans and purple gibber plains provide a striking contrast.

Big Red stands around 90m above sea level, though this does change as its sands shift with the wind.

Of the 1,100 sand dunes that form the Simpson Desert, it is the tallest.

It’s definitely a four-wheel drivers’ bucket list experience.

Queensland desert road trip

The Simpson Desert is closed between December 1 and March 15.

Allow a minimum of four days to cross the Simpson Desert from Birdsville.

Camping permits are required and you need to be self-sufficient, carry enough water, food and fuel and be travelling in a sound vehicle with adequate communication for remote travel.

The Birdsville Hotel is a Queensland road trip attraction.

Other things to do include a stop at the Birdsville Hotel – a must for any visit. 

Indulge in a pie from Rusty’s at the Birdsville Bakery – we can recommend the roo and red wine pie.

Visit the Visitor Information Centre and see the ruins of the Royal Mail Hotel (in town) and Carcory Ruins (approximately 80km north). 

queensland road trips

  • Karumba to Barrungin in NSW
  • Distance: 1812km
  • Highlights: Outback scenery, Charleville, Longreach, Gulf of Carpentaria. 

The Matilda Highway, a fully sealed 1812km road, stretches from the New South Wales border town of Barrungin all the way to Karumba in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

It is one of the longest themed drives in Queensland.

Allow at least four days to complete the whole drive but you’ll most probably need a week or more to fully experience the sights along the way.

Many sections of the road are unfenced and I advise not to travel from sunset to dawn as wildlife and stock often share the road with you.

During the day, the kangaroos are usually resting in the shade but beware of emus. 

Of all the Queensland road trips, this one is a classic drive through the outback to the barramundi filled waters of the Gulf where life takes on a slower and more relaxed pace.

It is suitable for all vehicles and there is a range of accommodation options along the way but it’s best to pre-book.

Other things to do include the Cosmos Experience and Bilby Show in Charleville, fishing for barramundi in The Gulf and enjoying a sunset cruise on the Wilson River at Longreach. 

best road trips in queensland

Queensland Road Trip Itinerary – 3000 km

queensland road trip

By Katharine Fletcher

Have road, will travel.

We’re keen roadies, so when it comes to understanding the heartbeat of a sprawling state like Queensland, we rent a camper van, gear up and head off on our road trip.

Not knowing quite what might be around the corner never daunts us.

We’re intrepid adventurers, perhaps like you?

All of the nearly 3,000 km circuit described here was suitable for our 2WD camper van.

Next time we’ll rent a 4WD to tackle most roads , flooded or clear, and gain access to more remote areas. 

Here’s what we did on our last Queensland road trip. 

We rented our camper van in Brisbane (here are some tips on where to stay in Brisbane ) and drove north along the Sunshine Coast to Cairns. From that coastal city, our back-of-beyond roadie adventure kicked in. 

Cairns to Mareeba

road trip queensland

Waving goodbye to the Pacific and our snorkelling experiences on the Great Barrier Reef , we headed off on our road trip inland, first passing through the Cairns Highlands, then entering the undulating hills of the Atherton Tablelands.

Dairy cattle grazed in lush grassy paddocks and almost at every turn, breathtaking views captured our fancy – a pastoral contrast from the coastal, ocean landscape of the Sunshine Coast.

Further on, we entered the java region of Oz, where more than 70 per cent of the nations’ coffee crop is grown.

So a stop in Mareeba’s Coffee Works may be necessary for the driver…

Plan to visit the superb Mareeba Heritage Museum – also home to the “i” (Australia’s Visitor Information Centres).

Exhibits are wide-ranging, affording a good overview of the history of Queensland.

Here we learned about Aboriginal life prior to European contact and settlement, ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) involvement in Gallipoli, the waves of immigrants and types of agriculture, and much, much more – such as the ant-bed shovel.

Before roads and wifi, this region was “out back of nowhere”, so it’s fascinating to see the wireless station both made and used right here.

Communication was important as this and the telephone party line exhibit demonstrates. Many artefacts can be touched, a feature fascinating for more than youngsters.

road trip queensland

Birding and wildlife watching is superb around Mareeba, so we camped at Granite Gorge Nature Park, north of Mareeba to experience the northern savannah (grassland) wilderness.

The park’s rare, endangered Unadorned Rock Wallabies – cute smaller cousins of kangaroos – can be fed here (staff provide macropod pellets so you can feed them this specially formulated, appropriate food). 

Walking tracks (paths) here are adventurous and some can be rugged because the boulders are immense: leaping from one to another can be awkward.

Happily, there are tracks designed for all levels of walker.

Be realistic about your capabilities – and have fun.

You’ll likely be awakened by the crazy “laughter” of kookaburras, but watch for birds like tawny owls at dusk, and during daytime koels, and many parrots and finches.

Ravenshoe to Georgetown

road trip Qld

From Mareeba, via Highway 1, we checked out Windy Hill Wind Farm – the first wind farm in Queensland, built in 1996.

Wind turbines are controversial all over the world, but as a renewable energy source, they’re likely here to stay.

This farm`s viewing area shows their sleek industrial design to full advantage.

road trip Qld

West and southwest took us to Forty Mile Scrub National Park, on the McBride Plateau.

This is a landscape of volcanic flows, and the park was created to conserve a remnant of dry rainforest, grassy woodlands, and the headwaters of three creeks.

Bottle (baobab) trees grow here, as do other rare species such as white bean, white cedar, and fig trees.

We particularly appreciated seeing our first baobabs outside of a botanic garden : their chubby trunks lend them their common name.

Camping by the roadside  is what we love to do, and out here, camping for free beneath a canopy of stars was awesome.

Nearby, Undara Lava Tubes – where lava once flowed from volcanic eruptions – make a fascinating stop.

We pressed on, travelling through Mount Surprise (a road stop with two petrol stations straddling the highway).

The settlement was a railway town and is the first Gulf Savannah town travellers from the east, like us, meet.

Although you need a permit, fossickers can search for gems: perhaps you will find topaz, quarts, cairngorm and others.

Next stop: Georgetown, a centre for the Etherton Goldfields located on the Etherton River – it was a dusty dry bed when we passed through on the Gulf Developmental Road.

In fact, throughout the outback, it’s astonishing to see road signs marking flood levels, because the landscape seems devoid of water.

While driving, we kept our eyes open for wildlife and here, despite the “seeming nothingness” as usual, there’s actually tons to see.

Brolgas on a Qld Road trip

Brolgas were roadside, with grown-up chicks.

These large crane-like birds are sacred to Aboriginal peoples, and many legends and artwork featuring of these birds exist.

Romantically perhaps, their name means “native companion.” 

queensland road train

Another common sign alerts drivers to road trains.

These are large trucks, sometimes 53 (or more) metres long.

They travel at daunting speeds and we learned the protocols of driving off-shoulder (and sometimes stopping) while they pass.

Normanton to Karumba

road trip Queensland

Now we’re seriously in the grasslands, destination Karumba on the Gulf of Carpenteria.

We’re conscious of the luxury of driving in the laborious footsteps of doomed explorers, Burke and Wills, who perished trying to reach the Gulf.

Their Camp 119 lies about 30 km southwest of Normantown, our next destination.

Normantown is a cattle town on the Norman River.

Exploring, we discover a statue of Krys.

At 8.5 metres long, it’s the largest saltwater crocodile ever seen – shot by Krystina Pawlowska in July 1957 in the river.

It’s a daunting size, and as we approach Karumba, a timely reminder to tourists who wish to swim, that Aussie crocs are both fresh- and saltwater.

Undaunted, we pressed on to Karumba.

The capital of Gulf Country, here we were astonished by sprawling camper van parks largely occupied by semi-permanent residents.

Aussies are inveterate roadies and retirees among the tribe are dubbed “Grey Nomads.”

The moniker is apt, because many retired folks sell their homes, buy a lux camper van, and escape winter by hunkering down in places like Karumba.

Here, they fish, play cards, jog, and generally enjoy a relaxed life.

Travellers like us seamlessly interweave into the rhythm, appreciating Karumba’s fabulous sunsets.

Anglers will want to try fishing for delicious barramundi in the Norman River which boasts the largest such fish ever caught, at 6 metres.

Savannah Way

queensland road trip

Via Normantown, we continued along the Savannah Way to Burketown.

Talking of Grey Nomads, we discovered they are a fount of knowledge – much the same as at International Hostels, they are serious travellers, not tourists.

Take time to strike up conversations, and like us, you may discover out-of-the-way but delightful non-touristy stops.

road trip Queensland

That’s how we found Leichhardt Falls, where veteran roadies not only welcomed us for supper but showed us how to dine on crabbies.

Resembling small lobsters, these crayfish were easily caught with inexpensive, small nets – and were delicious.

The Falls is astonishing: in June the broad river had shrunk, exposing a dramatic set of stepped waterfalls which we could only imagine as churning whitewater during wet season floods (November through April).

Our Grey Nomad pals also taught us to be wary of tranquil-looking “swimming holes.”

They showed us crocodile tracks and then, I gasped: “There’s one!”

Basking in the sunshine, a croc slowly opened and closed its jaws.

Although not a Krys in size, it was good enough warning for this keen swimmer to stay out of the water…

Now to Burketown … a town Wikipedia describes as “isolated”.

Its claims to fame are the annual Easter Barramundi fishing competition, celebrating the town being the barramundi capital of Oz.

Here too find the Burketown Pub, where fisher folks growl about “the ones that got away” – and compete regarding sizes and weights of ones which didn’t.

Don’t miss the Burketown “i” which has astonishing photos of the flooding of Musgrave and Burke streets.

Population 40.

queensland road trip

That’s Gregory, in a nutshell, so seemingly, it’s “just another back o’ beyond service stops” for petrol and supplies.

But of course, there’s a story: the town grew up as part of the Gregory Downs Station – “stations” being Aussie for ranches.

The homestead was located in town and this cattle station was one of the Gulf Country’s first pastoral properties.

Another important thing: the Gregory River is perennial, meaning it always has water.

That’s critical for wildlife, so we weren’t surprised to find all sorts of critters, such as wallabies and wallaroos through to a host of birds.

queensland road trips - Lawn Hill Creek

Boodjamulla – the Aboriginal name for Lawn Hill Gorge National Park – is testimony to how crucial water is to life.

After having travelled from Cairns to Karumba to this parkland oasis, roadies well know the vast stretches of dryland.

And, we’ve seen the flood signage marked on stretches of dried, baked riverbeds.

So, Boodjamulla is indeed a sanctuary, where the welcome of the Waanyi peoples serves to remind us that these are sacred, special lands deserving of our respect as we explore.

And explore we did.

We camped at forested sites where a boobook owl surveyed us from its lofty perch.

queensland road trip sight - Crocodile basking on river bank

We canoed upriver to explore the gorge and yes, saw freshwater crocs basking along the shore.

Despite their presence, I couldn’t resist a dip – so in we both plunged, flirting with disaster.

Happily, the cooling waters soothed our souls and we clambered out on the docks, refreshed.

We hiked, we sketched, and we luxuriated, appreciating shaded serenity.

It was hard to leave: the contrasting colours of red rock, turquoise waters, green rushes and trees, and a blue sky spoke to our hearts.

Leaving the park presented us with our first flooded road, forcing us to turn back and backtrack rather than risk getting bogged.

Backtrack we did to Gregory, then made our way south on the road more suited to 2WD vehicles.

At the Barkly Highway, we turned west, to the Northern Territories, and our final destination of Perth.

On a previous trip, we’d driven a station wagon east on the Barkly Highway through Mount Isa, then joined the Flinders Hwy beyond Cloncurry to bring us to Townsville – nearly 1,000 km of good road.

Townsville is fantastic, and a super way to return to ocean life.

Acquaint yourself with marine life at the Australian Institute of Marine Science, or take the ferry to Magnetic Island.

We did just that, so we could first identify marine life before we snorkelled, off-island, to see the fish and coral.

But that’s another extraordinary story.

Enjoy being a roadie, to get to know the back of beyond and the characters who make Australia rock ! 

Queensland road trip itinerary

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Why Roadtrip in Queensland, Australia?

Pacific coast way, the great inland way, the overlander’s way, queensland road trip safety tips, driving in queensland, australia, what to pack for a road trip in queensland, insurance in queensland – continued, final thoughts on the best road trips in queensland.

Cairns, Australia

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“Why Queensland?” , you may ask.

Well, plenty of reasons.

I will share my top five reasons with you:

  • Weather is amazeballs.  With 300 days of sunshine a year, Queensland has some of the best weather Australia has to offer.
  • Phenomenal snorkelling. Snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef is a unique experience and you will be mesmerized with what you will get to see. Please, please, please make sure that you wear reef-safe sunscreen though, and that you don’t step on coral.
  • Pristine beaches. Whitsundays, among others, have some of the most photogenic beaches in the world.
  • Unique wildlife. Some pretty awesome locals live in Queensland. No, I’m not referring to Stevie from Townsville, though I’m sure he’s a super nice bloke. I am referring to koalas, whales, platypus, crocs and tree-kangaroos (yep, it’s a thing).
  • Incredible hiking. If you’re a trek avid, Queensland also has world-class walking tracks. Plus, the views you’ll get on top aren’t too shabby. In fact, they’re magnificent.

If the five above points don’t convince you, I am afraid you’re reading the wrong article. If on the other hand, you got as excited as I am as I write this, stay with me, my friend. We’re only starting this journey.

Kangaroo sign

Buckle up, friends. We are going to delve into the best road trips in Queensland along with their must-dos. Yep, I may or may not have invited myself to the party. Don’t mind me. I’ll be like a fly on the wall.

In a nutshell, I have planned 4 epic Queensland road trips for you to choose from:

Pacific Coast Way – 10 days

The great inland way – 8 days, big red – 5 days, the overlander’s way – 5 days.

Kicking off our list with…

  • From:  Brisbane
  • To:  Cairns
  • Total Distance: 1970 km
  • Top road trip stops: Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Airlie Beach, Ingham, Mission Beach, Atherton Tablelands, Cairns

Pacific Coast Way

The Pacific Coast Way is a long but spectacular drive. From coastal havens and golden beaches to hinterland towns, this Queensland road trip will surely leave a mark on you. You will meet heaps of backpackers on the Australian East Coast .

Starting in Brisbie, in South East Queensland, and ending in Cairns, in the Tropical North, linger near the stunning Pacific Ocean and discover the rare wildlife the rainforest hosts.

Pack your sunscreen, put your sunnies on, and take in all the splendours of the Pacific Ocean! If you want to experience the ocean at its finest, consider chartering a yacht along the Gold Coast for a day and get out there and explore the reefs.

Road trip highlights: 

  • Spot whales in Hervey Bay from July to October
  • Take a day trip to snorkel the coral reefs of Lady Elliot
  • Stop in Cape Hillsborough National Park where the rainforest meets the reef
  • Hop on a ferry to Magnetic Island
  • Do whitewater rafting down the Tully River

Pssst!   Need a cheap place to crash in Brisbane before you start your road trip? Check out our guide on  Where to Stay in Brisbane !

Day 1: Brisbane to Noosa National Park (2 hours)

Glass House Mountains

Get excited – our awesome Brisbane to Cairns road trip is starting! We’re about to discover the splendours of Queensland and be overwhelmed with its beauty.

We will start with the Sunshine Coast, an impressive stretch of Queensland coastline that extends about 120 km from Brisbane all the way to Rainbow Beach. Golden beaches, green hills and quaint villages are waiting for us.

We’ll leave early-ish to make the most of our day and head north from Brisbane on the Bruce Highway. Our day will end in Noosa National Park, on the Sunshine Coast. If you’re travelling on a budget, you’ll be pleased to know that there are a couple of great and affordable hostels in Noosa .

  • Best stops: Glass House Mountains, Australia Zoo, Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve, Maleny, Montville, Eumundi, Noosa
  • Where to eat: Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve café, The Edge Restaurant, Sumi Open Kitchen
  • Where to stay:  Nomads Noosa Hostel ($), Caribbean Noosa   ($$$)

Day 2: Sunshine Coast to Hervey Bay (2 hours 15 minutes)

Okay, the second part of our Queensland road trip itinerary is to head to Hervey Bay, which is a boat ride away from the popular and idyllic Fraser Island. We’ll leave early to make sure that we can enjoy the day there.

Hervey Bay is a small coastal city which is popular for watching humpback whales from July to November. It’s also the hub for tours to Fraser Island, a little slice of paradise with rainforest habitat, pristine beaches and cute (but fierce) dingoes. There are a couple of amazing hostels in Hervey Bay , making it an even better spot for backpackers on a budget as well.

  • Best stops: Rainbow Beach
  • Where to eat: Arcobaleno on the Beach in Rainbow Beach, Seaside Cafe Restaurant in Hervey Bay
  • Where to stay: Shady Grove B&B ($$), Flashpackers Hervey Bay ($)

Day 3: Fraser Island

Fraser Island, Australia

Fraser Island really blew my mind. This 123 km long and 23 km wide island is a World Heritage Site with more than 1000 freshwater lakes. The whole island is made of sand, and it’s undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in Australia .

If we’re driving a 4WD, we can take it to Fraser Island and drive around the island, stopping at all the main spots.

If, however, we have a standard vehicle, we won’t be able to drive on the island. We can, however, take a tour and still get to visit all the best spots within a day. Of course, we could also stay one night on the island if we want to take it slow.

If we want to stay on the island, The Beachcamp Eco Retreat is a good spot. Let’s just remember that staying on Fraser Island isn’t cheap. Actually, it’s super expensive.

  • Best stops: 75 Mile Beach, Eli Creek, Maheno Shipwreck, The Pinnacles coloured rocks, Indian Head, Champagne Pools, Lake Mackenzie
  • Where to eat: Kingfisher Bay Resort
  • Where to stay: The Beachcamp Eco Retreat ($$$) if staying on Fraser Island

Day 4: Hervey Bay to 1170 Camping Ground (2 hours 40 minutes)

On day 4, we will spend a relaxing morning, either in Fraser Island or in Hervey Bay, depending on where we spent the night.

When ready to go, we’ll head back on the Pacific Coast Way and drive to 1170 Camping Ground, named after the second landing in Australia of Captain James Cook on the 24th of May 1770.

Near a peaceful, laid back tiny coastal town, the camping site is located in a secluded bay inside Round Hill Headland and features a white sandy beach.

Here, we can paddleboard, surf, bushwalk, visit Lady Musgrave Island, fish or play golf. The good life.

  • Things to do: Scooteroo, surf lessons, visit Lady Musgrave Island, walk Captain Cook’s footsteps
  • Where to eat: 1770 Marina Cafe
  • Where to stay: 1170 Camping Ground ($)

Want the real road trip experience? Bring a  comfortable rooftop tent , save money and camp in some of the best spots in Queensland!

Day 5: 1170 Camping Ground to Airlie Beach (8 hours)

Camping Ground to Airlie Beach

We’ll start the day nice and early and make our way to Airlie Beach, a small tropical town and the gateway to both the 74 wonderful Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef.

On the way, and if time allows, we’ll stop at Cape Hillsborough National Park, where the reef meets the rainforest.

When we’ll get there in the afternoon, we can either chill out at the Airlie Beach Lagoon, a free, self-chlorinated lagoon with 3 different pools or swim in the ocean at Boathaven Beach. We can also rent a kayak and Salty Dog Sea Kayaking.

If it’s in our budget, flying over Whitehaven Beach, Hill Inlet and the world-famous Heart Reef is a must-do. Either go on a one-hour scenic flight or, if we are feeling fancy, a two-hour private helicopter ride.

If we want more privacy, we’ll head to Conway National Park that features secluded beaches, lowland tropical rainforest, mangroves and open forest. Here, we can hike and enjoy the spectacular views of the Whitsunday Passage and islands.

  • Things to do: Airlie Beach Lagoon, Conway National Park
  • Where to eat: Garuma
  • Where to stay: Island Gateway Holiday Park ($), Whitsundays Rainforest Retreat ($$)

For more awesome hostel options in Airlie Beach, check our Best Hostels in Airlie Beach guide!

Day 6: Day Trip in Whitsundays

Whitsundays, Australia

On day 6, we will take a tour to Whitsundays to make the most of it. Cruise Whitsundays is an eco-certified tour operator in Airlie Beach offering day trips on Hardy Reef in the Great Barrier Reef.

We’ll relax on the sun deck, swim with exotic fish, and dive in the reef.

After a spectacular sunset, we’ll come back to Airlie Beach where we’ll spend the night. If we want to take the Whitsundays experience to the next level, we can book a fancy night in Whitsunday Apartments or Reef View Hotel. Note that it will cost us at least AUD300 for one night.

  • Things to do: Birdwatch, Scuba dive, hike to Passage Peak, go sailing
  • Where to eat: Hamilton Island Golf Club Restaurant and Bar
  • Where to stay: Whitsunday Apartments ($$$) or Reef View Hotel ($$$)

There are obviously loads more accommodation options in Whitsundays. Check out our guide on Where to Stay in Whitsundays !

Day 7: Airlie Beach to Townsville (3 hours)

We’ll go back on the road early in the morning and make our way to Townsville, a gorgeous town with family-friendly attractions. The drive only is a little over 3 hours so we can take it slow.

On the way to Townsville, we’ll stop in Bowen, where we will take a coffee and, if time allows, hike the Mother Beddock Walking Track which only takes around an hour to complete.

Upon arrival, we will visit the little town and take it easy. We’ll need our beauty sleep for tomorrow’s adventures.

  • Things to do: climb Castle Hill, visit Peruse Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, go to the Museum of Tropical Queensland
  • Where to eat: A Touch of Salt, Summerie’s Thai Restaurant
  • Where to stay: Beach House Motel ($$)

Day 8: Magnetic Island

Whitsundays, Australia

Rise and shine, we’ve got a day of exploring ahead. We will take a ferry to Magnetic Island, just 8km offshore of Townsville. It will take just 20 minutes from the mainland.

Magnetic Island is where you will be able to spot koalas or wallabies, bush walk around the National park or enjoy some watersports at Horseshoe Bay.

We’ll hop from beach to beach, hike around to discover each corner of the island and make friends with wallabies.

Upon our return in Townsville, we’ll explore dinner options along Townsville’s bustling City Lane.

  • Things to do: Florence and Radical Bays, Arthur Bay Lookout, Forts Walk, Rocky Bay
  • Where to eat: Scallywags, Sandi’s on Magnetic Island
  • Where to stay: Civic Guest House Backpackers Hostel ($) in Townsville or CStay Holiday Accommodation ($$)

Day 9: Townsville to Mission Beach (3 hours)

Back on the road, and onward to Mission Beach, a beautiful small coastal town that’s worth a detour.

Before leaving, though, we will stop in Paluma Rainforest.

On our way, we will get our caffeine fix in Cardwell, right on the waterfront. If time allows, we’ll visit Girringun Aboriginal Art Centre and immerse ourselves in the Indigenous culture.

We also have the option to do white rafting in Tully River, if we feel adventurous.

We’ll arrive at Mission Beach in the afternoon, strap our hiking boots and trek along the Kennedy Walking Track to land in Dunk Island, where we’ll enjoy a well-deserved drink (with a view).

  • Best stops: Paluma rainforest, Mungalla station, Cardwell
  • Where to eat: Bingil Bay Cafe
  • Where to stay: Jackaroo Treehouse Mission Beach ($$)

Day 10: Mission Beach to Cairns (1 hour 45 minutes)

Cairns aquarium

Ready for our last stretch? Yay, me too! Let’s make it to Cairns, a backpacking piece of heaven .

We’ll opt for the scenic route onto Canecutter way to pass through sugarcane fields and charming forests, before stopping at Paronella Park. There, we’ll visit the grandiose Spanish Castle, and marvel at the Mena Creek Falls. The Canecutter way ends at Kurrimine Beach.

We’ll then stop in Babinda, home to some of the most stunning waterfalls in Australia. We’ll have lunch in Babinda Kool Spot Cafe.

Drive past the silhouette of Walshs Pyramind rising above the historic sugar-milling town of Gordonvale. If we feel like hiking, there’s a 6km return walking track we can take to climb up the summit, where we’ll enjoy 360-degree views.

If we feel Fancy & Frenchie when we arrive in Cairns, we’ll have dinner at C’est Bon Cairns (literal translation for: “It’s Good Cairns”. Must be good then.)

  • Best stops: Paronella Park, Babinda, Gordonvale
  • Where to eat: Babinda Kool Spot Cafe in Babinda, C’est Bon Cairns in Cairns
  • Where to stay: Paradise On The Beach Resort ($$$), Travellers Oasis ($)

WEHOO our EPIC Queensland road trip ends here. Farewell, friends. It’s been real.

road trip south west queensland

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  • To: Townsville
  • Total distance: 2,267 km
  • Estimated time: 8 days
  • Top road trip stops:  Hebel, St George, Roma, Injune, Emerald, Clermont, Charters Tower, Townsville

The Great Inland Way

Want to go off the beaten track? Then let’s leave the coast and drive inland through Queensland’s outback. We’ll traverse some of the most uninhabited landscapes and rural towns, steep in history, drive through red sand deserts and gaze at the stars of the night sky.

Driving inland in Queensland is a totally different experience than the coastal drive. It may be a little rough, but has so many unique landscapes to offer as well. Less travelled, there are fewer servos so we’ll have to make sure we have enough gas to make it to the next petrol station.

On this Queensland road trip, we’ll retrace the steps of early explorers, enjoy some local vineyards and get a real taste of the Aussie outback experience. The entire route is fully sealed making it possible to drive with a standard car.

There will be a lot of camping sites on this road trip, so we’ll make sure that we pack a tent or drive a campervan/motorhome.

Roadtrip Highlights: 

  • Receive a Totally Tambo toilet paper roll in Tambo
  • Paddle on Thompson River
  • Explore the Lochern National Parks
  • Spend a day on the breath-taking Magnetic Island

Day 1: Brisbane to Goondiwindi (4 hours)

Rise and shine, lovelies!

We’ll leave Brisbane nice and early and make our way to Goondiwindi, a small historic border town 350km away from Brisbane (4 hours drive). We’ll jump onto the M3 heading towards Toowomba, then take the M7 and finally the M2.

M3, M7, M2. Repeat after me. Easy.

In Goondiwindi, we’ll visit the Border Bridge, a historical landmark connecting Queensland and New South Wales.

We’ll also visit the Customs House Museum that displays the history of wool and agriculture farming.

If we haven’t maxed out on museums, we’ll visit the Gunsynd Museum and Statue museum too, a statue to commemorate Gunsynd, a Melbourne Cup champion thoroughbred racehorse and one of Queensland’s top icons. I personally will stay in the car, though, as I don’t support horse races.

  • Best stops: Toowoomba
  • Where to eat: Lucky Thai Restaurant, Urban Quarter Social Dining + Bar
  • Where to stay: Country Roads Motor Inn ($$), Goondiwindi Caravan Park ($), O’Sheas Royal Hotel ($)

Day 2: Goondiwindi to Cunnamulla (5 hours 20 minutes)

outback Australia

On day 2, we will reach Cunnamulla, 495 km away from Goondiwindi. We’ll stop in the typical Queensland rural town of St George for a coffee in Farmhouse Cafe.

Cunnamulla is an outback town where locals celebrate country music with a Cunnamulla Fella Festival each November. The town is very popular for its song Cunnamulla Fella by Slim Dusty who was honoured in the town with a bronze statue of him in the main street.

So what is there to do in Cunnamulla besides having a boogie to some Aussie country music?

Well. There’s an art gallery. Also, there’s a Heritage Trail where one can learn about the town’s opal mining, pastoral, and wool production history.

We’ll find a nice camping spot and will spend the night there.

  • Best stops: St George
  • Where to eat: Cunnamulla Coffee Shop, Hotel Cunnamulla
  • Where to stay: Warrego Riverside Tourist Park ($), Cunnamulla Tourist Park ($), Charlotte Plains ($)

Day 3: Cunnamulla to Tambo (6 hours)

Leaving early, we will drive to Tambo. If time allows, we will stop in Charleville for lunch at The Lucky Elephant Restaurant. Then, we’ll get back on the road.

Tambo is the oldest town in the west. Here, we’ll find cultural history and random traditions.

First thing first, we’ll pop into a local business. In Tambo, it’s tradition to offer a Totally Tambo toilet paper roll to visitors as a gift from the community. It may be heaps random, but we’ll take it because we actually may need it.

Then, we, along with our new family addition (our Totally Tambo toilet paper), will visit the Tambo Teddies Workshops to see how the sheepskin teddy bears are created.

If we’d rather be in nature, we’ll hike the Coolibah Walk that follows the banks of Barcoo where the native trees reach out across the river. Alternatively, we’ll experience the Wilderness Way Self Drive Tour traversing three major river systems. We’ll get to enjoy the sights of native flora and fauna. This area is arguably one of Queensland’s best-kept secrets.

  • Best stops:  Charleville
  • Where to eat: Fanny Mae’s Cafe, Royal Carrangarra Hotel
  • Where to stay: Tambo Mill Caravan Park ($$), Salvator Rosa National Park ($)

Day 4: Tambo to Longreach (3 hours 20 minutes)

Leaving in the morning, we’ll go straight to Longreach.

Longreach is an outback town with around 3000 residents, which is pretty big for the outback. Locals call this town the “heart of the Outback”.

To start with, we can cruise the Thompson River abroad a paddle. Also, the Lily Lagoon is worth the detour.

If we want to learn more about the history and local culture, we’ll head to the Stockman Hall of Fame, a Powerhouse Museum.

If we’re in the mood for a hike, the Inginai Nature Reserve hosts some very pretty walks. And if we’re feeling royal, Camden Park Station is just a ten-minute drive out of town. There, we can visit the royals favourite outback spots: the Queen rolled up to Camden in her Rolls Royce back in 1970. Fancy pants.

Last but not least, we will have dinner at Harrys. Rumours say that this bar, named after Harry Redford, has a very strong evening meals game.

  • Best stops: Blackhall, Bacaldine  
  • Where to eat: Harry’s Restaurant, Little Star Indian restaurant
  • Where to stay: Campground beside Thompson River (FREE)

Day 5: Lochern National Parks (1 hour 40 minutes)


Spending a day in Lochern National Parks is super worth it. The National Park in Australia has 20 km of Thomson River frontage.

Here, we’ll find lots of species from coolibahs, cockatoos, parrots to a new type of turtles, Emmott’s short-necked turtle. Oh, and if we’re lucky, we may come across black-headed python across the road. Cute.

We can also kayak in Broadwater Waterhole, fish or cycle along the park’s habitat drive.

We gotta be self-sufficient and fill up our fuel, bring road trip snacks and water.

  • Best things to do: cycling, walks, birdwatching, kayaking, RELAXING
  • Where to eat: Bring your own food
  • Where to stay: Broadwater Waterhole ($)

Day 6: Lochern National Parks to Hughenden (5 hours 20 minutes)

Get excited! Hughenden is a third of the Australian Dinosaur Trail. Here, we’ll be able to walk into what used to be a giant inland sea where Aussie dinosaurs were roaming around.

We’ll stop at Flinders Discovery Centre to meet Muttaburrasaurus, a seven-metre tall dinosaur replica whose bones were discovered near Muttaburra in 1963. The fossils were preserved due to the dry climate, making rocks. Proud of this, locals launch an annual Hughenden Dinosaur Festival. It takes place in August, so if we’re travelling that month, let’s not miss it please!

Hughenden locals are blessed to be surrounded by four national parks:

  • 80km East is White Mountains National Park, known for its contrasting white sandstone structures and blooming wildflowers
  • 65km North is Porcupine National Park, boasting breath-taking sandstone gorges
  • Further North is Blackbraes National Park, home to native wildlife such as grey kangaroos
  • South East is Moorrinya National Park, an idyllic camping oasis

Let’s pick one, and spend the day exploring the region.

After a day spent in Hughenden area, we’ll head to Mount Walker to see the perfect outback sunset.

  • Where to eat: FJ Holden Cafe, Cheng’s Chinese Restaurant
  • Where to stay: Hughenden Allen Terry Caravan Park ($$)

Day 7: Hughenden to Townsville (4 hours)

This is our last stretch! Let’s make the most out of it.

This road is stunning. The 3-hour drive between Hughenden and Muttaburra really portrays the Australian outback landscapes.

Get ready to see kangaroos jumping around while we drive (let’s be super careful not to hit them, though).


We made it to Townsville! It’s the last stop of our road trip itinerary.

The region has an amazing natural landscape, precious Indigenous history and unique preserved Federation architecture.

If we want to stay in the Townsville region instead, we can head to the Town Common Conservation Park that boasts a natural showcase of wildlife.

Castle Hill walk and Lookout sits right in the centre of its CBD and boasts incredible views over Townsville and its surrounding Cleveland Bay.

In the evening, we’ll walk around The Strand to relax and refill our energies. We’ll also be able to enjoy a bite here.

  • Best stops: Muttaburra
  • Where to eat: A Touch of Salt, Shaw & Co
  • Where to stay: Waters Edge ($$$), Orchid Guest House ($$)

Day 8: Townsville

Townsville, Australia

There are many day trips to take in the Townsville region:

  • Day trip 1: The stunning Magnetic Island is only 20 minutes offshore and is well worth the detour.
  • Day trip 2: Diving the Yongala Wreck is a unique experience and is considered Australia’s best wreck dive. Expect a 3-hour boat trip from the coast.
  • Day trip 3: Taking an Outer Great Barrier Reef Day Trip will be heaps fun. It’s considered one of the World’s Natural Wonders.

We’ll pick one of them, based on what we feel like on the moment. Spontaneity is KEY! (I just made this up, it’s catchy)

Here’s where our Queensland road trip ends. We made it, friends, and what a journey!

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  • From: Brisbane
  • To:  Birdsville
  • Total Distance: 1892 km
  • Days: 5 days
  • Top road trip stops: Brisbane, Nindigully, Cunnamulla, Noccundra, Innamincka, Birdsville

Big Red

This Queensland road trip isn’t the most popular one, but it’s probably where we’ll have the most incredible outback experiences in Australia. Also, we won’t bump into too many tourists so if we have tourist-phobia (yep, it’s a thing), this might the right road trip for us.

Queensland’s outback offers rolling landscapes of red hills, endless horizons, vintage pubs and traditional tiny towns with no more than a few hundred residents.

We’ll need to rent a 4WD. This way is a long dusty drive.

If we have a 2WD, we can go through Roma and Windorah instead.

  • Have a bevvie in Nindigully Pub
  • Camp at the Riverside Park
  • Discover the Dig Tree’s history
  • Enjoy the Cooper Creek
  • Visit the iconic Birdsville Pub

Day 1: Brisbane to Nindigully (5 hours 40 minutes)

Brisbane, Queensland

Off we go on our epic Queensland quest!

We’ll start off in Brisbane and will make our way to Nindigully, or “The Gully” for the locals. We’ll cross Toowoomba and Goondiwindi along the banks of the Macintyre River.

In Nindigully, we’ll have a drink and/or dinner at Queensland’s oldest pub, Nindigully Pub, where Hugh Jackman played in Paperback Hero. Here, we can try the famous 5.5 kg’s burger on the menu… Though sharing one sounds like a better idea.

  • Best stops: Toowoomba, Goondiwindi
  • Where to eat: Nindigully pub
  • Where to stay: Nindigully pub ($), camp in Moonie River (FREE)

Day 2: Nindigully to Cunnamulla (3 hours 40 minutes)

This stretch is a straight line through the outback. It boasts some of the best wineries in Queensland, such as Riversands Winery. Here, we can enjoy free wine tastings (shotgun Designated Drunk!)

Cunnamulla is a town of 1200 residents, with a library, a pool, museums and more. Compared to other towns you will go through on this road trip, there are several cosy hotels to choose from.

In Cunnamulla, we’ll visit the Robber’s Tree, which has a tragic history. Back in 1880, a robber called Joseph Wells tried to rob the Queensland National Bank. His attempt failed, so he ran off and scampered up in this tree, where he stayed until found. He was the last person to be hung for this type of crimes in Queensland.

  • Best stops: Riversands Winery
  • Where to eat: Hotel Cunnamulla, Cunnamulla Coffee Shop, Cunnamulla Bakery
  • Where to stay: Cunnamulla Riverside Tourist Park ($), Billabong Hotel ($), Warrego Hotel ($$)

Day 3: Cunnamulla to Noccundra (3 hours 40 minutes)

Back on the road again. On our way to Noccundra, near the Wilson River where we can fish.

Treating ourselves during this rough road trip is primordial. Therefore, we’ll also stop at the Artesian Mud Bath in Eulo where we’ll bath in nature’s warm mineral-rich mud for #selfcare.

Then, we’ll take our soft baby skins to Thargomindah, the third city in the world to adopt hydroelectric streets lights, after Paris and London. Who would have thought? Surely not its residents. Here, we’ll grab lunch in Coffee On Dowling.

We’ll stop at the Lake Eyre Basin that covers a sixth of Australia’s landmass (or 1.2 million square km) and take in all its splendour.

  • Best stops: Thargomindah, Eulo
  • Where to eat: Noccundra Hotel
  • Where to stay: Noccundra campsite, Noccundra Hotel

Day 4: Noccundra to Innamincka (4 hours 20 minutes)

We’ll leave early and make our ways to Innamincka, a town with a population of fewer than 50 residents. On our way, we’ll stop at Burke and Wills Dig Tree.

Burke and Wills Dig Tree is extremely remote and located right where Queensland meets South Australia, in the Dig Tree Reserve within Nappa Merrie Station in Queensland’s Bullo Shore. The tree is a little hard to find, but we’re making a good team and will find it in no time 😉

Burke and Wills Dig Tree is an icon in Australia. The story goes like this: in 1860, eighteen men and twenty camels decided to make the first south-north crossing of the continent. Their expedition took over a year and well, they all died from hunger as they ran out of food provisions. However, some of them carved into the trunk of this tree instructions on where to dig to find the food provisions they had hid for Burke and Wills who were coming back from an expedition of their own.

After visiting this national icon, we’ll then keep in driving to reach Innamincka and guess what… We’re now in South Australia. Mind. Blowing.

We can camp, fish, swim and paddle around Innamincka. Kayaks can be hired at the Innamincka Hotel.

  • Best stops: The Dig Tree
  • Where to eat: Western Star Hotel, Innamincka Hotel, Cooper Creek Homestay
  • Where to stay: Western Star Hotel ($$), Innamincka Hotel ($$), Cooper Creek Homestay

Day 5: Innamincka to Birdsville (7 hours)

Birdsville, Queensland, Australia

This drive is dusty. We’ll adventure across sand dunes and vast plains. Much of the road is unsealed. Depending on the season, there might also be lots of yellow and white wildflowers.

On our way, we’ll stop in Cordillo Downs where we will visit the historic curved woolshed made of stone.

Birdsville is home to only 100 residents and has the most remote pub in Australia, the Birdsville Hotel.

  • Best stops: Cordillo Downs
  • Where to eat: Birdsville Hotel, Birdsville Bakery
  • Where to stay: Birdsville Hotel ($$)

Day 6: Big Red

Simpson Desert

We’ll wake up early and head to the Big Red after a big hearty brekkie at Birdsville Hotel. Big Red is only 35 km from Birdsville.

The Big Red is a majestic sand dune on the edge of Simpson Desert. Standing at 40 meters high, it offers spectacular views of the desert. This is where our road trip ends (well, we kinda have to go all the way back to Brisbie afterwards). Let’s buy a bottle of champagne to celebrate and enjoy it while staring at the sunset. Did I mention I was the Designated Drunk on this trip?

If time allows, we’ll climb up the dune at nighttime to stare at the incredible night sky.

We’ll then head back to Birdsville for dinner and will spend the night there.

  • Best things to do: Windorah, Cordillo Downs

PHEW. After this legendary trip, we’re officially friends for life.

  • From:  Townsville
  • To: Camooweal
  • Total distance: 1,097 km
  • Estimated time: 5 days
  • Top road trip stops: Townsville, Charters Towers, Hughenden, Richmond, Cloncurry, Mount Isa, Camooweal

The Overlander's Way

The Overlander’s Way will take us through historic towns, dinosaur centres and unique landscapes. In just a few days, we’ll be presented with very different faces of Queensland state.

We’ll get to follow the footsteps of some of Australia’s explorers traversing the Nothern Territory across Queensland, and learn about their stories.

Great news – the roads are fully sealed the entire route, so we don’t need a 4WD to take this road trip.

  • Historic Charters Towers
  • Porcupine Gorge
  • Kronosaurus Korner
  • Hard Times Mine
  • Underground Hospital and Camooweal Caves

Day 1: Magnetic Island

Magnetic Island, QLD

Magnetic Island is absolutely Magnetificent!

Here’s a snapshot of what our day will look like on this little piece of heaven: palm-fringed beaches, overwhelming sunsets, fluffy koalas, amazing snorkel opportunities and adventurous hikes.

As I said – Magnetificient!

To get there, we’ll hop on a ferry from Townsville. The ferry ride is only 20 minutes.

  • Best things to do: Florence and Radical Bays, Arthur Bay Lookout, Forts Walk, Rocky Bay

Day 2: Townsville to Charters Towers (1 hour 30 minutes)

This short 90-minute drive will take us back in time.

Charters Tower is arguably one of the prettiest inland towns in Queensland. We’ll find history, heritage, stunning architecture dating from the gold rush in the 1880s.

Charters Tower offers the world-famous Texas Longhorn Safaris Tour and we can also follow the Ghosts of Gold Heritage Trail for some spooky tails (yep, that’s the spirit!)

While we’re here, we can also check out the Burdekin River and Dam, the largest reservoir of water in Australia.

  • Where to eat: Peppers Cafe & Catering, Enterprise Hotel
  • Where to stay: Big4 Aussie Outback Oasis Holiday Park ($$), Kernow Charters Towers ($$$)

Day 3: Charters Towers to Hughenden (2 hours 30 minutes)

During this section of the drive, stop at Porcupine Gorge. This huge sandstone canyon is now a dinosaur graveyard.

In Hughenden, we’ll go check out the Muttaburrasaurus, a seven meters replica of the first intact dinosaur found in Australia.

It’s also worth stopping by Flinders Discovery Centre to see all the dinosaur bones and fossils on display.

  • Best stops: Porcupine Gorge

Day 4: Hughenden to Richmond (1 hour 15 minutes)


Roarsome!! More dinosaurs in Richmond. Never enough.

This small outback town is best known for its marine fossil discoveries from about 97.5 to 120 million years ago. If we head to the Richmond’s Kronosaurus Korner. For example, we’ll get to meet Minmi, a Richmond Pliosaur.

If we’d rather step back in more recent time, we’ll take a stroll along the Heritage Walk from where we’ll spot some of Richmond’s historic buildings, including the Cambridge Downs Heritage Display Centre.

And if we’d rather enjoy the present moment instead, we’ll hang by Lake Fred Tritton, where we’ll get the chance to canoe, water ski, sail and swim.

  • Where to eat: Treats For Your Table, Mud Hut Hotel
  • Where to stay: Lakeview Caravan Park ($), Mud Hut Hotel ($$$)

Day 5: Richmond to Mount Isa (4 hours)

SELF CARE TIME. Let’s enjoy a therapeutic soak in the Artesian Bath House on our way. We deserve it. Then let’s keep rolling, direction Mount Isa.

Mount Isa, also known as the “oasis of the outback”, is nestled among the ochre-red Selwyn Ranges, on the banks of the Leichhardt River. Its romantic landscapes and dramatic sunsets attract visitors each year.

We must stop by the Outback at Isa, where we’ll find a Visitor Information Centre with the experience to book for the Hard Times Mine Tour, an Outback Park, the Isa Experience, the Riversleigh Fossil Centre and a cafe (the last one definitely is the best part).

Otherwise, Lake Moondarra, located 17 km north of the city centre of Mount Isa is a good spot to visit and offers a scenic shoreline drive.

  • Best stops: Artesian Bath House
  • Where to eat: Burke & Wills Restaurant, Grant’s Cakes & Pies
  • Where to stay: Discovery Parks ($)

Day 6: Mount Isa to Camooweal (2 hours)

Before we leave Mount Isa, we’ll visit the underground hospital built during the second world war.

We’ll then drive to Camooweal, the “Gateway to the Northern Territory/Queensland”. The road from Mount Isa we’ll be taking was initially built during the Second World War, and was designed as a link between the southern states and the Northern Territory.

Remember Burke and Wills? The two explorers who perished near the Dig Tree? Well now it all comes together. The explorer William Landsborough was the first European to pass through the Camooweal Area as he was looking for Burke and Wills in 1862. Pastoralists then settled there and Camooweal Town was settled.

Let’s not miss the Camooweal Caves National Park, that features caves and sinkholes from 500 million years ago. That’s way older than Minmi, our Richmond Pliosaur mate…

  • Where to eat: Post Office Hotel Motel
  • Where to stay: Camooweal Roadhouse & Caravan Park ($), Post Office Hotel Motel ($)

And that’s it, guys! We made it to the end of our road trip! Now, let’s go back to Townsville, shall we?


Even if you’re only going on a Queensland road trip for a few days, that’s more than enough time to get  smote by wrathful angels. As such, you could invest in two types of insurance: regular travel insurance or special rental car insurance .

Some travel insurance providers provide basic vehicular coverage and will cover you in certain circumstances. We’ve put together a roundup of the best travel insurance for backpackers – check it out here , or if you’re low on time, get a quote from World Nomads now , our favourite travel insurance provider.

If you want total protection, go with an independent rental insurance company . Most offer excellent coverage at very reasonable rates, more so than the rental car company.


As mentioned, renting a vehicle to explore Queensland is the most logical strategy.

Whether that’s a car, 4WD, campervan or motorhome, the below points will apply. 

Renting a vehicle in Queensland

Renting a vehicle in Australia is super easy and thousands of backpackers do it each year. It’s the easiest way to explore the country, save some money (Australia isn’t cheap, to say the least) and feel as free as a Kookaburra. Queensland, in particular, is super easy to drive: the roads are high quality and well-signed.

To rent a vehicle in Queensland, you will need to have a valid driver’s license to pick up your vehicle – either Australian or an international driving permit.

What’s also worth noting is that you may be charged additional fees on top of your rental daily rate, such as:

  • Age surcharge. You need to be at least 21 to rent a vehicle in Australia and you may be asked to pay for an age surcharge if you are between 21 – 25 years old.
  • Bond/deposit. You will most likely be asked to pay a deposit (bond) at the rental desk when you’re picking up your vehicle. The amount will vary depending on the vehicle and the rental company altogether. However, in Australia, it generally ranges from $200 – $1000.
  • Additional drivers. If you’re not the only one driving, you will need to notify the rental company so they can add any additional drivers on the rental agreement for a small additional fee. It’s super important that you notify them. If you fail to do so and have an accident when someone else was driving, your insurance won’t cover you for the claim.
  • Insurance. Rental companies will overcharge you for super basic insurance packages. If you don’t have insurance sorted before you pick up your car, you’re trapped. Don’t take insurance with the rental company. Instead, purchase online independent rental insurance. RentalCover.com quotes reasonable rates for Australia and loads of other destinations.

Don’t have a car? Well, we’re going to have to sort that out!  Use  rentalcars.com  to find the best deals  on the web and save heaps of cash!

Road rules in Queensland

Australia is very strict when it comes to road rules, and Queensland, although a very laid back state, is no exception.

Growing in Belgium, where we didn’t have a government for years, I’ve been conditioned to not take law enforcement too seriously. There was always room for negotiation and flexibility, and I just needed to apologize with a cute startled face to get away with petty infringements (we’re talking not buying a bus ticket, nothing more).

This technique didn’t go down well in Australia. In fact, I had to learn the hard way that it was unacceptable to try to compromise with a police officer. Oops.

Australians don’t joke around with rules. The law is the law.

With that in mind, here’s a summary of the unusual Queensland road rules that are leading to multiple fines each year:

  • You will get fined if you increase your speed while being overtaken. Fine: AU$80.
  • Don’t use a horn “other than as permitted” (warning another vehicle or animal that you are approaching them) – it’s illegal. Fine: AU$80.
  • Don’t hitchhike. Hitchhiking is illegal in Queensland. Fine: AU$30.
  • Don’t forget to turn off your direction indicator . Fine: unknown.
  • As tempting as it may be, don’t lean your elbow on the window on a hot day. Yep, that’s right – it’s illegal to have any body parts outside of the vehicle. Fine: $298.
  • Don’t leave your car unlocked if you are more than three meters away from it. Fine: $40.

On the bright side, it is not illegal to drive in thongs in Queensland! And by thongs, I’m not referring to knickers, but to flip flops (Aussie lingo).

If you’re not careful, Australia’s wilderness will smack ya to next Monday.  There are six road trip essentials I never go traveling without:

Mini FIrst Aid Kit

1. First Aid Kit : Even if you don’t plan on doing anything extreme on your trip, like hiking, climbing, or other extreme sports, you never know what could happen. You could cut yourself while cooking, smash a finger in a car door, or burn yourself on a hot radiator. A first aid kit will be able to handle most of these minor situations.

aux cord

2. Aux Cord : One of the only things to do on a long car ride by yourself is to listen to music or a podcast. Since most people use their phones as an MP3 player these days, an auxillary cord is crucial to preserving your sanity. If there is no auxiliary port in your car, buy a radio transceiver or use a portable speaker.

phone mount

3. Phone mount :  It’s very dangerous to be looking down at your phone while driving. If you need to have access to your phone, for maps and what-not, buy a mount for it. This way, you can keep your eyes on the road and your phone won’t be far from your field of view.


4. Headtorch : Every backpacker should have a head torch! A decent head torch could save your life. If you want to explore caves, unlit temples, or simply find your way to the bathroom during a blackout, a headtorch is a must. Currently, I’m using the Petzl Actik Core rechargeable headlamp – an awesome piece of kit! Because it’s USB chargeable I never have to buy earth polluting batteries.

roadside emergency kit

5. Roadside Emergency Kit : Just like you never know what could happen to yourself , one never knows what can happen to their car . A vehicle can mysteriously fail, break, run into a ditch; all that and then some. Most emergency kit include a pair of jumper cables, a tow rope, a set of essential tools, and ties.

road trip south west queensland

6. Toiletry Bag : I always travel with a hanging toiletry bag as it’s a super-efficient way to organise your bathroom stuff. Well worth having, whether you are hanging it from a tree whilst camping, or a hook in a wall, it helps to have quick access to all your stuff.

For plenty more inspiration on what to pack, check out my full road trip packing list.

Ahh, I see you. You’re an insurance geek too. Now we definitely have something in common.

Alright folks, now that you’re here, buckle up and let me answer ALL your Australian rental insurance questions! Whoop-de-doo.

What insurance do I need to be fully covered? 

The only insurance you need to worry about in Australia is the one covering damages to your vehicles. You do not need to worry about Third Party Liability or Personal Accident Insurance as it is included by default and by law in your rental agreement.

If you’re Aussie, Medicare will cover your medical costs. If you’re a visitor, make sure you buy travel insurance to get health insurance.

Okay, so what insurance do I need to cover my vehicle? 

The insurance you will be offered at the rental desk is called the “Excess Waiver”, the “Reduction Liability Waiver” or even sometimes “No Worries Mate”. Rental companies name them differently, but the product offered is the same: it covers the remaining excess (the responsibility you have on the vehicle in case of damage) on your vehicle down to zero.

Don’t buy this product with the rental company. It’s usually super expensive ($20 – $60 per day) and excludes a lot of common damages (windscreens, animal collision, undercarriage, tyres etc). You don’t want to pay a high daily fee + any common damages to your vehicle, do you?

Instead, I’d recommend that you purchase online independent rental insurance, like the one offered by RentalCover.com . At a fraction of the price, you will be covered for ANY type of damage, whether at fault or not.

Will the rental company accept that I don’t purchase their excess waiver? 

Rental company’s sales agents in Australia can be very pushy, as they’re paid on commission. They may tell you that your independent insurance policy isn’t valid, but that’s not true. Just stay firm on your position and refuse their policies.

However, not that they may ask you to place another deposit if you don’t take their policy. The deposit may be held or debited from your credit card and could be up to the amount of the vehicle’s excess ($4k – $10k). Any damage cost would then be deducted from this deposit, but you will just need to make a claim with your independent insurer that will refund you the amount.

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

road trip south west queensland

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Australia East Coast

Now that we’ve covered four epic road trips in Queensland, I hope that you’re already packing your bags 🙂

Queensland offers two types of road trips: the coastal type or the outback type. Personally, I can’t choose between both types. While I love the instagrammable views you’ll get on the coastline (generation X much), I also love the lonely, rough vibe the outback offers.

Whichever road you take, I am 100% positive that you will have the time of your life. Wait – I meant, that we will have the time of our lives.

PS: if you’re travelling around Australia, check out our guide on the Best Road Trips in Australia !

road trip south west queensland

Alexandria Zboyovski

Road Trip Queensland Pinterest Image

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5 day Outback Queensland Road Trip – Brisbane to Winton

Posted by Kerry Heaney | Outback Queensland | 3

​ Exploring the Queensland Outback on a 5 day road trip from Brisbane is the perfect way to see the dramatic landscapes from Brisbane to Winton. Expect sweeping red deserts, mountainous ranges and country towns full of quirky characters and memorable moments.

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Take a 5 day road trip from Brisbane

With Winton as your destination, you’ll experience easy driving on the Warrego, Carnarvon, and Capricorn Highways. It is 17 hours and just over 1,500 kilometres of Outback fun. There’s natural, culture and heritage aplenty in this outback town. It’s known as the home of Waltzing Matilda, the dinosaur capital of Australia and blessed with an abundance of beautiful boulder opal. Winton is also home to the largest film festival dedicated to Australian cinema. The Ninth Annual Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival is in late June and includes a diverse program of masterclasses, workshops and live entertainment.

Although this is a long drive and many people start out with big four-wheel drive vehicles, the roads are well-maintained and perfectly suitable for average cars. So don’t be put off if you only have a family sedan.  You can still make the trip and enjoy the Outback experience.

The most important thing is to plan ahead so your accommodation is booked.  During the Outback’s peak travel times accommodation can be booked out resulting in little choice for late comers. 

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Outback Queensland road trip to Winton.

Brisbane to Winton – ​Explore the Queensland Outback on a 5-day road trip from Brisbane

Like most road trips, half the fun on this five-day road trip from Brisbane is getting there! The Brisbane to Winton route will take you through charming country towns, rugged mountain ranges and vivid red plains. These are some of the most breathtaking landscapes in Outback Queensland.

5-day road trip from brisbane

Day 1: Brisbane to Roma

Pack the car with your road trip essentials and hit the Warrego Highway for an easy two-hour drive to start your trip from Brisbane to Winton. Follow these directions on Google Maps .

You are heading towards the Southern Queensland town of Toowoomba and prepare to have a blooming good time exploring Queensland’s Garden City and its 150-plus parks and gardens. If you missed breakfast, stop at The Bakers Duck for the most amazing pastries and croissants. This is a great place to pick up some pies or artisan bread for roadside sandwiches.

From Toowoomba, drive the one-hour route to Dalby for a snack break. An Outback Queensland road trip is not complete without a roadside treat and some country hospitality. Want to fuel up in the sweets category? You’ll find your fix at Scrummy Cakes, Darbys Fresh Bake or Katty Cakes.

Roma Brisbane to Winton road trip

​ Roma streetscape. Photo credit: Tourism and Events Queensland/Vince Valitutti

Day 2: Roma to Carnarvon Gorge

Day Two on your Brisbane to Winton Outback Queensland road trip will see you travel through some of Queensland’s most untouched terrains. Driving from Roma to Carnarvon Gorge takes just under three hours via the Carnarvon Highway. Make the most of the passing scenes before you catch a glimpse of Carnarvon Gorge National Park’s towering white sandstone cliffs.

Jericho, Outback Queensland

Welcome to Jericho. Photo: Tourism and Events Queensland​

Day 3: Carnarvon Gorge to Jericho

Wake up early and catch a final look at Carnarvon Gorge before you tackle the five-hour drive to Jericho via Capricorn Highway. Your Outback Queensland road trip drive along the Capricorn Way will take you past the Emerald gem fields and the Drummond Range near Alpha.

Tree of Knowledge Barcaldine Outback Queensland

Heritage-listed ghost gum tree located in front of the Barcaldine Railway Station. Photo: Tourism and Events Queensland

Day 4: Jericho – Barcaldine – Longreach

Your 5-day road trip from Brisbane is nearing the end! Follow the Capricorn Highway for an easy one-hour journey into Barcaldine. The small town of Barcaldine has a unique and famous history. It is home to the Tree of Knowledge and the birthplace of the labour movement in Australia. Be sure to check the schedule and try to catch a movie at the Radio Picture Theatre. Then it is just a one-hour trip to Longreach.

Longreach is a not-to-be-missed stop on your Brisbane to Winton road trip! You might want to spend a day or two here just exploring the region.

, Kyd* 10 Things to do in Longreach

Pride of the Murray

The Pride of the Murray, a 100-year-old paddlewheeler, made a mega 1400 km journey from Echuca to Longreach. After some restoration, she is back in the water and cruising the Thomson River. Longreach may be 600km from the Pacific Ocean, but thanks to the Pride of the Murray, the western Queensland town more well known for wool and cattle, will now become one of Australia’s largest cruising hubs. Nearly 28,000 travellers are expected to cruise the Thomson River this season thanks to adding the 100-year-old paddlewheeler, Pride of the Murray, to the fleet.  To give some perspective – that’s equivalent to 14 P&O cruise ships full of passengers cruising Longreach this year alone.  Visit Outback Pioneers if you want to experience a sunset cruise. *Pride of the Murray is currently being refurbished after sinking in the Thomson River.

Visit the Stockman’s Hall of Fame The Stockman’s Hall of Fame and Outback Heritage Centre is an absolute must-visit. Delve into over 40,000 years of Aboriginal history (Longreach is on Iningai, Malintji and Kuunkari country), learn how stockmen became legends, hear stories of cattle barons and flying doctors, of rodeo men and women, and watch the live show. Try your hand at whip cracking and check out the entranceway, nicknamed “the Opera House of the outback”.

Where Qantas calls home – visit the Qantas Founders Museum The flying Kangaroo calls Longreach home, and the Qantas Founders Museum is another must-do. There are interactive aircraft exhibits, a flight simulator and decommissioned aircraft where you can walk along the wing, visit the cockpit and stand inside the engines. Pretty cool!

Sunset on the Thomson River Sunsets over the mighty Thomson River are special. FYI, the town is named after the “long reach” of the river, and it sits bang on the Tropic of Capricorn! Back to sunsets …. the award-winning Drover’s Sunset Cruise and Smithy’s Outback Dinner & Show lets you soak up every bit of sunset while hearing about the river, its wildlife and indigenous connections. As the colours fade into starlight, dock at Smithy’s Outback Dinner & Show, for table-service dining featuring camp-oven modern cuisine, and live entertainment by the most Aussie of performers. Or join Outback Pioneers for their Starlight’s Cruise Experience, a four-hour cruise down the river on a historic paddle-wheeler, stockman’s campfire dinner and entertainment.

Sunset on a working station The fifth-generation 80,000-acre sheep and cattle property Camden Park Station offers amazing moments. Visits through Outback Aussie Tours include a famous outback sunset, sips & nibbles, the Tropic of Capricorn, the original shearing shed and the oldest private ballroom in the Outback to name a few highlights. Oh, the Queen, Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall have all ticked this off their bucket buckle list as well!!

Visit the world’s biggest classroom Longreach is home to the world’s biggest classroom – the Longreach School of Distance Education which connects students and teachers from across the outback. It’s school, but not as you know it.

Ride a Cobb & Co Stagecoach Get your heart well and truly racing going full-tilt in a restored Cobb & Co stagecoach on the original mail route from Longreach to Windorah. It’s the only stagecoach gallop in Australia – a 45-minute full speed dash through the bush pulled by five horses, on a bumpy but unforgettable ride with Outback Pioneers.

Brekkie from Merino Bakery With a population of 3,000 but home to over a million sheep, it makes sense that the most famous bakery in Longreach has a roast lamb with caramelised onion pie as the special! Sauce isn’t needed! Enjoy!

Dinner at Harrys, Lunch at The Welcome Home Upstairs on Galah Street (yes, really), there’s a bar and restaurant named after local legend Harry Redford, also known as the bushranger, Captain Starlight. You’ll be welcomed by linen clothed tables and menus starring fresh seasonal produce and a wine list to match at Harrys Restaurant . For lunch, hit up The Welcome Home at 126 Eagle Street, owned by the McKinnon family, who’ve turned their farming business into a tourism one in response to the drought. There’s also The Branch, a café in the old bank, and Kynda Café and Boutique, both on Eagle Street and run by young Longreachers. I have eaten at all of these and can recommend the tucker. For more on where to eat visit Experience Longreach. 

Retail Therapy at The Station Store Welcome to an amazing outback emporium. The Station Store, run by the Kinnons, is based on the traditional outback store that sold everything pioneering families needed. Today’s version has outback clothing, hats, boots, leatherware, local crafts, toys, books, hardware, haberdashery and more.

Starlight’s Lookout Speaking of the Bushranger Captain Starlight (one of Australia’s most famous cattle thieves), a visit to his lookout 55km northwest of Longreach is worth it. This majestic rock formation can be hiked in 20 minutes to a brilliant view – watch the sunset from here, and you’ll know why they call it Big Sky Country.

The Qantas Founders Museum is dedicated to telling the story of Qantas from its early days in Outback Queensland to the present day. Photo: Tourism and Events Queensland

hanger at Qantas Founders Museum

Mitchell Grass Retreat – IMAGE Tourism and Events Queensland

Where to stay in Longreach

Mitchell Grass Retreat Mitchell Grass Retreat offers an authentic outback experience, blending all the creature comforts of home with luxury glamping tents. This is a haven for those who wish to escape, rest, reconnect and explore Australia’s natural outback. Surrounded by vast grasslands and visiting sheep and cattle from nearby properties, guests are also welcome to visit local properties where they can hear firsthand about living on the land. This luxury escape is also the chance to engage in a technology detox and immerse yourself in nature just by watching the golden red sundowns transform into deep blue hues.

Outback Queensland Roadtrip Saltbush Retreat

Brisbane to Winton – ​Take an Outback Queensland road trip and stay in luxury at Saltbush Retreat.

Saltbush Retreat Dust off the day’s adventures with sunset canapes and a relaxing soak at Saltbush Retreat’s exclusive outdoor bath terrace where you can soak in the rich mineral waters of the region. Saltbush Retreat is a luxury base for your outback holiday with interesting outback themed decor. The retreat is within walking distance of Longreach’s hero attractions, the Australian Stockman’s Hall of Fame and Qantas Founders Museum. Indulge in their luxury package for two, which includes two nights’ accommodation, breakfast baskets, BBQ and salad pack, pantry essentials, pamper pack and cheese and antipasto hamper and bottle of wine to complement the outback bath experience. 

The Staging Post Longreach Outback Queensland

Brisbane to Winton

The Staging Post Inspired by the pioneer era and nearby stagecoach journeys, The Staging Post is boutique heritage-themed accommodation.  It’s perfect for those who love rustic-luxe style. Located in the heart of Longreach, The Staging Post has plenty of lovingly-crafted outback quirks that create an unforgettable sense of place. Kick off your boots here after an exciting day of adventuring, Features include rustic-luxe ensuites and unique rain-shower features, free Wi-Fi and air-conditioned rooms.

Brisbane to Winton

Brisbane to Winton roadtrip . IMAGE: Peter Lik

Day 5: Longreach to Winton

Take a slow start to the final day before you hit the two hours of road into the charming outback town of Winton. Get a taste of the town’s rich history with a visit to the Waltzing Matilda Centre and the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum.

A rugged backdrop and mountainous ranges have earned Winton the reputation of Australia’s Hollywood of the Outback. Renowned Hollywood blockbusters like Goldstone, The Proposition, Mystery Road and Total Control have been filmed in the region. It’s only natural that this charming town would become home to the Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival, the largest film festival dedicated to Australian cinema.

5 day road trip from Brisbane to Winton Rangelands

Brisbane to Winton – Rangelands will add a touch of luxury to your Outback Queensland roadtrip.

Where to stay in Winton

For a touch of luxury, head to Rangelands Outback Camp . This is a glamping retreat in the middle of the outback, where you’ll appreciate the region’s epic burning sunsets. Rangelands Outback Camp has a six tent camp, which offers an intimate and luxurious experience. Each supersize tent includes a king-size bed (or king singles) with many top designer comforts. Think air conditioning and touches of the local landscape’s heritage. Rangelands is located on top a jump-up on Rangelands Station. It’s a chance to experience life on a working cattle property 10km north of Winton in true comfort and style.

Queensland Outback Rangelands - Interior Tent

Winton’s open-air cinema.

Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival

The 8th annual Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival will roll out the red carpet in Winton from Friday, June 25 to Saturday, July 2,2022. Spread across an unmissable nine-day program, the unique outback experience includes screenings under the stars in Winton’s 103-year-old Royal Open Cinema. There are masterclasses fit for film enthusiasts to novices, live entertainment and tours of local film locations.

Find out more about the Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival 

Winton's Open Air Cinema

More Outback destinations to explore

  • It’s one of Queensland’s friendliest towns, home to an Australian Survivor series and a road trip favourite.  Here is everything you need to know about Cloncurry .
  • Feel like relaxing along the way in a natural hot spring?  These are the best new natural hot springs in Queensland.
  • Wondering where to stay in the Outback? Here are 16 station stays where you will experience true country hospitality.
  • These are the events that will add value to your Outback experience.

road trip south west queensland

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I haven’t been to Australia, but I’ve certainly read a lot of travel guides for it. But I can safely say that I’ve heard of none of these places (except Brisbane!) This sounds like a great off-the-beaten-path type of roadtrip, which is my favorite kinds.

Linda (LD Holland)

We will have to look at putting a road trip in the Queensland Outback on our plans if we even get our Australia trip re-booked. Those red rock views remind me of national park landscapes in the U.S. west. I love the variety of the small towns along the way. Maybe we would even plan our visit around the film festival.


Jericho only has a population of 100? I don’t believe I’ve ever visited a town so small. I always wonder if everyone knows each other when a town is so small like this one. The Heritage-listed ghost gum tree is beautiful in the Railway Station. I’d definitely stop by there for a photo 🙂

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Kerry Heaney

At Eat Drink and Be Kerry, our editorial policy is founded on the principles of authenticity, quality, and trustworthiness. We are dedicated to providing our readers with unbiased, informative, and engaging content that revolves around the world of food, travel, and culinary experiences.

Our team of passionate writers and experts adheres to rigorous editorial standards, ensuring that every piece of content is meticulously researched, fact-checked, and free from external influence.

We maintain editorial independence, which means our opinions and recommendations are driven solely by the merit and relevance of the subject matter. Transparency is paramount to us, and we clearly disclose any potential conflicts of interest or sponsorships to maintain the integrity of our content.

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South West Road Trips

Australia’s South West offers a destination of diversity. Experience it all by travelling the entire length of the region, or design your own self-drive journey. It can take you a couple of days or better still a couple of weeks. Enjoy a gourmet getaway, or get immersed in nature; the possibilities are endless!

Geographically, this unique region comprises many contrasting landscapes; from ancient mountain ranges and rugged granite headlands along the south coast ,  to the towering karri trees and hills in the  Southern Forests and Valleys and a network of spectacular caves nearby unspoilt coastlines in the Margaret River region further to the west. The regions’ best attractions are dotted in and around country towns and vast national parks harbouring some of the world’s most unique flora and fauna .

Free yourself with the epic  South West Edge hero route is a 12 day adventure that traverses 1200km from Perth to Esperance, a road trip that will fill your lungs, leave you in awe, and have you breathing more deeply. It feeds your soul with discovery and wonderment; every turn giving you a new experience.

View our South West Map to start planning your road trip in Australia’s South West today!

Driving advice for the South West

Driving in the south west is easy, as there’s plenty of open road and little traffic. You do need to keep alert though, as you’re driving on country roads, and often for long stretches at a time. Remember these simple guidelines to ensure a safe trip:

  • Vehicles are not the only road users in the South West
  • Try to avoid travel at dawn and dusk as this is when wildlife is most active.
  • If you see an animal on the road in front of you brake firmly in a straight line and sound your horn. Do not swerve as it is safer to stay on the road.
  • The blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for driving in Australia is 0.05.
  • If you’re planning to sample wines, beers or liquor, be sure to nominate a Designated Driver.
  • The maximum speed limit in WA is 110 kilometres per hour.
  • With a maximum of 50 kilometres per hour in built-up areas such as towns and estates.

Road Trip Ideas

A road winding along next to the ocean

The South West Edge Road Trip

road trip south west queensland

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road trip south west queensland

Nannup is a place to relax and recharge, get close to nature, discover our heritage or have an adventure.

road trip south west queensland

Here you can easily enjoy natural beaches beautiful vineyards, forests, caves and more, all in a single day. More than 23,000km make up the south west corner of Western Australia, with 1000 of those kilometres consisting of awe-inspiring coastline just waiting to be explored.

road trip south west queensland

South west adventures start in Roma

Immerse yourself in thousands of years of history with a visit to south west outback Queensland. 

Walker in Carnarvon Gorge.

Discover the secrets of landscapes, the fauna, the flora and communities of Roma and surrounds through a local’s lens.

The Big Rig Tower and Tree Walk

The story of Roma brought to life, The Big Rig Tower pays homage to Australia’s first discovery of oil and gas. The -new 40m observation tower is a grand addition to the existing attractions – The Oil Patch, a self-guided outdoor museum, The Big Rig Night Show and new 100m tree walk that meanders around Big Rig experiences. For more information and to secure tickets, visit The Big Rig’s official website here.

Giant bottle tree in Roma.

Biggest bottle tree

A meeting place for the locals, the icon of Roma is the Big Bottle Tree. The tree is a Roma relic and was originally planted at a neighbouring property in 1927. Now more than 100 years old, the tree requires six men to completely reach around its base. The trunk is still growing about 1cm per year but the impressive beast currently reaches a height of 6m and a diameter of about 9m, with the crown towering to a whopping 20m.

Roma sale yards.

Roma Saleyards

Don your best cowboy boots and visit the largest cattle selling centre in Australia where more than 400,000 cattle pass through each year. Join the herd and enjoy the new state-of-the-art interpretive centre telling the story of the cattle industry and visit the long yards where local graziers will teach you all about the local cattle industry and watch as auctioneers demonstrate their fast-paced skills. Visit the website here for more information.

Rosedale Orchard

Wander through the fields and enjoy the fresh country air with the Rosedale Orchard experience. With an orange twist and a hint of citrus, visitors are welcome to pick navel oranges and experience the inner workings of this scenic fruit farm. You might even spot some furry residents that frequently hop over to visit.  

Boobook Ecotours

Embark on a journey that will take you deeper into the real and remote outback through the lens of local ecologists and passionate creators of Boobook, Craig and Meryl. Boobook guides and tours bring a holistic approach to tourism in Roma and encompass attractions within as well as Charleville, Quilpie, Eromanga, Yowah and Cunnamulla. Roma Revealed , Discover Carnarvon Ranges , Eco-Discovery Adventure and Southwest Outback Explorers are a few of the diverse trips and experiences on offer. Expect to see local wildlife, walk among dinosaur fossils, relax in artesian spas, learn about cattle and farming and discover the mystery of old opal mining towns amid many more local stories of war heroes and scallywags.

Camping in style with Boobook Tours.

Wallaroo Outback Retreat

Located 160km north of Roma, Wallaroo Outback Retreat is also the base camp for some of Boobook’s tours. Boasting 10 new glamping tents, five deluxe tents with their own attached ensuites and five classic tents which have their own private bathroom, what better way to enjoy the outback than to relax in luxury. Wake up among the towering eucalypts listening to the sounds of the bush. This is camping at its best.

Hikers in Carnarvon Gorge.

  Carnarvon adventure

Your Carnarvon Ranges experience awaits, 160km north of Roma. L ace up your hiking boots and set off on the main Carnarvon Gorge walking track that extends 9.7km and winds towards the Big Bend natural waterhole. Some of the tour guides will also share secret spots in the range and you’ll guided by locals who are in tune with the nature and sacredness of the site. You will witness the magic of Indigenous sites by the Dawson River and rock art that’s guarded by remote bushland. There’s plenty of great photo opportunities along the way including Date Rock followed by Cycad Gorge – where you’ll stop to enjoy a picnic lunch of wholesome outback tucker. The tour allows you to take time absorbing the ambiance of this vibrant outback Queensland location set among `dinosaur plants’ while also admiring the surrounding cliffs and Arch Rock.

Visit RACQ Travel for more great outback Queensland holiday ideas

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The information in this article has been prepared for general information purposes only and is not intended as legal advice or specific advice to any particular person. Any advice contained in the document is general advice, not intended as legal advice or professional advice and does not take into account any person’s particular circumstances. Before acting on anything based on this advice you should consider its appropriateness to you, having regard to your objectives and needs.


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Who said a road trip should only be confined to just a long weekend?

With a diverse landscape to explore within Southern Queensland Country, swap a few days in the car for a two-week getaway and put national parks, historic towns and the local arts scene on your holiday agenda.

Whether you prefer to BYO your accommodation on wheels, pitch a tent or check-in to a hotel, motel or farm stay – there’s no shortage of options at each stop along the way.

Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered with this two-week itinerary through Southern Queensland Country.

Day 1 to 3: Lockyer Valley

Ease into your 14-day road trip by setting your GPS to the Lockyer Valley , an easy 90-minute drive from Brisbane CBD.

Head straight to Cunningham’s Crest Lookout to get the lay of the country land, with views stretching across Laidley Plains.

Follow the Laidley Heritage Walk to learn about the region’s history, with 42 historical stops to tick off – from a hotel built by an immigrant to a heritage-listed bakery.

Take a drive to Spring Bluff Historic Railway – home to over 150 years of railway history. Pack a picnic and relax on the landscaped gardens surrounding this heritage-listed attraction.

Spring Bluff, Lockyer Valley

Day 4 to 6: Toowoomba Region

Head to higher ground, 700m above sea level on the Great Dividing Range and explore Queensland’s largest inland city next on your road trip.

Known as ‘The Garden City’, put Queen’s Park and Botanic Gardens as your first stop to stroll through the city’s most visited greenspace. If you’ve timed your road trip for spring, you’ll be spoilt with thousands of blooms for the annual Carnival of Flowers Festival .

Just because you’re on holiday, doesn’t mean you should forgo your daily piccolo, long black or latte. With a well-established café scene , where to stop for breakfast, lunch and coffee in between becomes just as important as what to see and do in this destination.

Spend time wandering the streets and laneways to catch the growing list of street art and murals covering local buildings walls or head indoors to one of regional Queensland’s oldest public art galleries .

Botanic Gardens, Queens Park, Toowoomba

Day 7 to 9: Bunya Mountains, Jandowae, Jimbour and Bell

Swap city streets for ancient Bunya trees at Queensland’s second oldest national park , a heritage listed french-style country home, Jimbour House and garden dedicated to plants and trees from the bible during your next few days on the road.

Step-it-out along one of the ten walking tracks covering over 40km in Bunya Mountains National Park and enjoy the cacophony of birdsong from over 200 species of birds who call this region home.

Put Jandowae as your next stop, just over 80km drive from the Bunya Mountains to see historical landmarks of the Western Downs region, such as a section of the 5,614km Dingo Barrier Fence and a slab hut filled with pioneering memorabilia dating back to the 1890s.

Join the locals for a coldie and pub meal at one of the two watering holes in town or top up the caffeine levels at Jandowae Garden Café.

As you hit the road to Bell, detour to Jimbour House – a historical French classic home dating back to the late 1800s. Take a self-guided tour of the landscaped gardens or book a tour of the residence (bookings essential, open by appointment only).

Continue to Bell and visit the Centenary of Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church to see the landscaped biblical garden and artwork inspired by the Old and New Testament.

Continue your art and culture tour at the Bell Bunya Community Centre , which is home to the local Visitor Information Centre, library and art gallery and before sitting down to lunch at Pips ‘n’ Cherries – serving homemade dishes made with local produce.

Bunya Mountains National Park, Western Downs

Day 9-10: Goondiwindi

You’ll want to have a few Spotify playlists ready with close to three hours on the road, as you navigate your way to the next stop on your extended road trip: Goondiwindi .

Shake off the car legs with a stroll along the Goondiwindi River Walk or through the 25-hectare Botanical Gardens before learning about the town’s historical connections to the tobacco industry .

Book a town and farm tour for a behind-the-scenes look at the cotton industry – from farming to production.

Go beyond the Goondiwindi town border and add a drive to the nearby towns of Yelarbon , Inglewood and Texas to see silo art, explore local birdlife and learn about the rabbit plague that took over the region in the 1930s.

GrainCorp Silos, Yelarbon, Goondiwindi Region

Day 11-14: Stanthorpe, Warwick, and Killarney

Combine nature with a vino or two as you explore Girraween National Park , sip and swirl your way through Stanthorpe wineries and catch cascading waterfalls in Killarney during your final leg of your family road trip.

As one of Southern Queensland Country’s most instagrammable locations, you’ll want to allow time to walk through the 11,000-hectare Girraween National Park , where massive granite outcrops are combined with dense eucalypt forest and wetlands.

Whether you’ve only got 30 minutes to explore or the whole day, there’s plenty of trails to ensure you don’t go home without a granite encounter.

For walking of a different kind, stretch the legs and test the minds at Australia’s highest maze sitting over 900m above sea level, with a giant chess set and mini-golf course – perfect for when travelling with kids.

Home to some of Australia’s highest vineyards, Stanthorpe is best known for its alternative varieties aka Strange Bird wines. Follow the Strange Bird Trail to taste the likes of Petit Verdot, Fiano, Verdelho as you explore the local wine scene.

Navigate your way to Warwick , where you can turn the pages of history with a town walk or take a break in nature on the banks of the Condamine River.

With Warwick as your base, explore the nearby town Allora to see the Mary Poppins House – the childhood home of the famous children’s book author dating back to the late 1800s.

If your road trip falls between December and March, you’ll be spoilt with a spray of yellow as sunflowers fill the fields surrounding Allora.

For a water experience of a different kind, head to Queen Mary Falls , a short 45 minutes’ drive from Warwick.

If you want to extend your waterfall experience, follow the Falls Drive to wrap up your Southern Queensland Country road trip.

Balancing Rock, Girraween National Park, Southern Downs & Granite Belt

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Acknowledgement of Country

Southern Queensland Country Tourism acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands and waterways that run through these regions. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present and emerging.

My Favourite Escapes

Every weekend is an adventure

Three-day road trip circuit from brisbane to south west rocks.

  • Post published: 4 October 2017
  • Post category: Australia / New South Wales / Oceania/South Pacific

South West Rocks had been on my Australia’ bucket list for a long time. It’s one of the best scuba diving sites between Brisbane and Sydney with a cave surrounded by grey nurse sharks. We used a long weekend (three days) to drive down there from Brisbane .

It’s a fantastic weekend destination for scuba diving from Brisbane . But this three-day road trip from Brisbane will give you an opportunity to discover new places to enjoy even if you don’t dive !

A three-day trip was short but worth it. We had a very good time, but I wish we did it this road trip a four-day long weekend . I am looking forward to going again though, as there is a lot more to see. If you’re planning a longer road trip, click here to download my Brisbane to Sydney free guide.

Road Trip Circuit Brisbane South West Rocks - 3 days

You’ll find below details about our itinerary and a few things we learnt along the way.

Brisbane –> Byron Bay –> Yamba

We left Brisbane and Queensland on Friday after work and stopped for a long  dinner break in Byron Bay . It was very late when we reached Yamba , so we found a quiet spot near the road for the night. It is legal to sleep in your car in New South Wales (at least when I’m writing this article), as long as you are parked legally, but many places have signs indicating “No overnight stay”. Be ready for it, as it was the case in Byron Bay and Yamba. We use the free app CamperMate to find free rest areas with toilets; there are a few near the M1.

You may want to plan to arrive earlier than we did to push a bit further and sleep in a nicer spot in Yuraygir National Park .

There are scenic coastal walks there if you have more time than us – or if you get up early the next day!

Responsible travel tip : Always respect the places you visit. Don’t disturb the neighbours (humans or wildlife) and leave the site how you found it – or better! – by picking up all rubbish!

Yamba is a reputed surfing spot. We had a morning stroll on  the beach near Angourie Blue Pool , where we spotted dolphins and enjoyed the beautiful rock formations and dramatic sky. The view from the lighthouse in Yamba is worth the short detour too.

Yamba - lighthouse

South West Rocks

We decided to go straight to South West Rocks and skip Urunga Boardwalk and Nambucca Heads to have more time to explore Hat Head National Park .

We camped at Smokey Cape , where big kangaroos welcomed us on arrival and in the morning. Not far from the campsite, a short walk to the lighthouse offers fantastic views of the coast on both sides of the cape, including views of the rocks where we were diving the next day.

From the lighthouse carpark, we went down to the beach and scrambled from one secluded bay to another, while watching whales migrating along the coast . They come up along the East Coast of Australia during Winter and go down during Spring.

road trip south west queensland

For our next South West Rocks visit, we may have a look at  Little Bay Beach in Arakoon National Park , via Monument Hill walking track (3-kilometre walk).

South West Rocks - panoramique

Diving Fish Rock Cave in South West Rock was the reason why we did this road trip in the first place.

It’s one of the longest underwater cave you can explore with a simple open water certification. Click here to read the article about diving Fish Rock Cave in South West Rock .

The Waterfall Way: Ebor Falls –> Wollomombi Falls (Oxley Wild Rivers NP)

Going back to Brisbane along the Pacific Motorway – the same way we came down – wasn’t very appealing. We still had 1.5 days, so we wanted to make the most of it! So we took an inland scenic route from Coffs Harbour.

We stopped at many waterfalls on the way and hiked amazing gorges. We loved it so much that we decided to go there again on our way back from Sydney. Click here to read the full article about the Waterfall Way in Dorrigo and Oxley Wild Rivers National Parks.

Dangar Falls - Waterfall Way - Dorrigo NP

Way back to Brisbane

The Pacific Motorway along the coast is quite boring. Although it’s longer, we found it a lot nicer to take the inland roads as we had all day to go back up. There are great options to break the drive if you don’t mind arriving late in Brisbane.

The Australian Standing Stones are on the way.

To be honest, I didn’t find it interesting, but it’s a better toilet stop than the petrol station. I am from Brittany – where the Celtic culture is very strong. I found it weird to stumble upon fake modern looking stones and a small Excalibur sword. The atmosphere is probably very different when the Celtic festival is on. But like this by itself, it didn’t really make sense to me.

Australian Standing Stones

If you haven’t explored it yet, check out the Granite Belt with a walk in Girraween National Park or Bald Rock National Park .

Both will give you a different experience than the parks closer to Brisbane. If it’s raining, you may want to revise that plan as granite gets very slippery. Although it’s not the most recommended stop during a road trip, there are wineries in that region too.

Girraween National Park - Pyramid

We wanted to explore somewhere new, so we made a detour to Gibraltar National Park.  Unfortunately, the Raspberry Lookout was completely in the clouds. The short walks to waterfalls ended up being very similar to the scenery we’re used to in the National Parks around Brisbane . I’m not convinced it’s worth the extra kilometres, although the combo forest and waterfalls felt like a good choice during a rainy day and it was nice to see pretty-faced wallabies that are common in this region.

Gibraltar National Park - Pretty Face Wallaby

The second time we drove this road, we stopped at Boonoo Boonoo National Park for a short stroll to the falls and around the rock pools. If you’re patient, you may even wait for the sunset at the Platypus Hole to try to spot a platypus . But platypuses are shy creatures and, although we met a couple who said they spotted one, we weren’t as lucky as them. It’s one of the hardest iconic Australian animals to encounter in the wild .

Boonoo Boonoo NP - Platypus hole 02

If you’re travelling at the start of the year, you may want to check out if the sunflowers are blooming in the Darling Downs  for a photogenic stop. There are some fields close to Warwick.

Have you explored these areas? Where did you stop? Share your experience in the comments below!

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Road Trip Brisbane South West Rocks Circuit Three Days

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road trip south west queensland

Zebedee Springs, The Kimberley, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Australia Recommends 2024

Sydney, NSW © Tourism Australia

Come and Say G'day

Uluru, NT

G'day, the short film

Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road, Victoria © Tourism Australia

Discover your Australia

Kangaroo Island, South Australia © Tourism Australia

Travel videos

Elysian Retreat, Whitsundays, QLD © Tourism Australia

Deals and offers

Jacarandas and Sydney Harbour at sunset, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Australian Capital Territory

Bondi, Sydney, NSW © Georges Antoni and Ken Butti

New South Wales

West MacDonnell Ranges, NT © Tourism Australia

Northern Territory

Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Tourism Australia

South Australia

Cradle Mountain, Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, TAS © Pierre Destribats

Western Australia

Aerial shot of Emily Bay on Norfolk Island © Rose Evans (Norfolk Island Tourism)

External Territories

Bondi Beach, Sydney, NSW ©  Daniel Tran

The Whitsundays

Kangaroo, Lucky Bay, Cape Le Grand National Park, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Mornington Peninsula

Paddleboarding, Noosa, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Port Douglas

Cape Byron Lighthouse, Byron Bay, NSW © Destination NSW

Ningaloo Reef

Airlie Beach, Whitsunday Coast, QLD © Tourism Whitsundays

Airlie Beach

Remarkable Rocks, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. © South Australian Tourism Commission

Kangaroo Island

The Basin, Rottnest Island, Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia

Rottnest Island

Lake McKenzie, K’gari (Fraser Island), QLD © Tourism & Events Queensland

Hamilton Island

Lord Howe Island, NSW © Trevor King, Destination New South Wales

Lord Howe Island

Tiwi Design, Tiwi Islands © Tourism NT/Shaana McNaught

Tiwi Islands

Little penguins, Phillip Island Nature Park, VIC © Phillip Island Nature Park

Phillip Island

Bruny Island Paddle, Southern Sea Ventures, Bruny Island, Tasmania © Southern Sea Ventures

Bruny Island

Cape Naturaliste, near Dunsborough, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Margaret River

St Hugo Wines, Barossa Valley, SA © Tourism Australia

Barossa Valley

Grampians National Park, Victoria © Robert Blackburn, Visit Victoria

The Grampians

Audrey Wilkinson, Hunter Valley, NSW © Audrey Wilkinson

Hunter Valley

Sea turtle, Lady Elliot Island, Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Tourism & Events Queensland

McLaren Vale

Glass House Mountains, Sunshine Coast, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Glass House Mountains

Bubble Tents, Capertree, Mudgee Region, NSW © Australian Traveller

Alice Springs

Cable Beach, Broome, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Uluru and Kata Tjuta

The Kimberley, WA © Tourism Australia

The Kimberley

The Arkaba Walk, Elder Camp, Flinders Ranges National Park, SA © Adam Bruzzone, South Australian Tourism Commission

Flinders Ranges

Jim Jim Falls, Kakadu National Park, NT © Jarrad Seng, all rights reserved

Kakadu National Park

Eyre Peninsula, SA © David Edgar

Eyre Peninsula

Hamersley Gorge , Karijini National Park, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Karijini National Park

Monkey Mia, Shark Bay World Heritage Area, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Great Barrier Reef

Blue Mountains, NSW © Destination NSW

Blue Mountains

Cassowary in Daintree Rainforest, Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Daintree Rainforest

Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road, VIC © Greg Snell, Tourism Australia

Great Ocean Road

Spicers Peak, Scenic Rim, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Purnululu National Park

Boat Shed, Lake Dove and Cradle Mountain, Cradle-Mountain Lake St Clare National Park, TAS © Adrian Cook

Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park

Wangi Falls, Litchfield National Park, NT © Tourism NT, Dan Moore

Litchfield National Park

Saffire Signature Experiences, Freycinet Marine Oyster Farm, Coles Bay, Freycinet National Park, TAS © Tourism Tasmania

Aboriginal experiences

National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, VIC © Robert Blackburn, Visit Victoria

Arts and culture

WOMADelaide 2019, Adelaide, SA Ⓒ Grant Hancock

Festivals and events

Detour Restaurant, Brisbane, QLD © @detourrestaurant and @dine.agency

Food and drink

Raging Thunder, Tully, QLD © Tourism Australia

Adventure and sports

Three Capes Track, Tasman National Park, TAS © Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service

Walks and hikes

Great Ocean Road, VIC © Tourism Australia

Road trips and drives

Waterline Charters, Wessel Islands, NT © Aussie Fly Fisher

Beaches and islands

Nature's Window, Kalbarri National Park, WA © Tourism Australia

Nature and national parks

Wombat, Symbio Wildlife Park, Helensburgh, NSW © Destination NSW

Eco-friendly travel

Group of friends participate in a body clay ritual at Peninsula Hot Springs © Peninsula Hot Springs

Health and wellness

The Dune Pavilion Deck with views of Uluru at Longitude 131 in the Northern Territory © Baillies Longitude 131

Family travel

Table Cape Tulip Farm, Wynyard, Tasmania © Tourism Australia

Family destinations

Hellfire Bay, Esperance, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Family road trips

Merewether Baths, Newcastle, NSW © Destination NSW


Ellery Creek Big Hole, West MacDonnell Ranges, Northern Territory © Tourism NT/Salty Aura

Work and holiday

Sand Dune Adventures at Stockton Beach, Port Stephens, NSW © Tourism Australia

Beginner's guide

Man in a wheelchair looking up at the canopy of the Daintree Rainforest in Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Accessible travel

 Mrs Macquarie's Chair, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Planning tips

road trip south west queensland

Trip planner

Cape Tribulation, Tropical North Queensland, QLD © Tourism Australia

Australian budget guide

 Aerial of car driving through palm trees in Tropical North Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland / Sean Scott.

Itinerary planner

Kangaroo, Lucky Bay, Esperance, WA © Australia’s Golden Outback

Find a travel agent

Beach House on Wategos Beach, Byron Bay, NSW © Tourism Australia

Find accommodation

Indian Pacific, Lake Hart, SA © Andrew Gregory

Find transport

Snowy region, Jindabyne, NSW © DPIE-Murray Van Der Veer

Visitor information centres

Deals and travel packages

Sydney Airport, New South Wales © Sydney Airport

Visa and entry requirements FAQ

Passengers using SmartGate © Australian Border Force

Customs and biosecurity

Uluru, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, NT © Tourism NT/Matt Cherubino

Working Holiday Maker visas

Bronte Baths, Bronte Beach, Sydney, NSW © Tourism Australia

Facts about Australia

Prairie Hotel, Parachilna, SA © South Australian Tourism Commission

Experiences that will make you feel like an Aussie

Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Georges Antoni / Tourism Australia

People and culture

Castle Hill, Townsville, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Health and safety FAQ

Sorrento Pier, VIC © Visit Victoria, Ewen Bell

Cities, states & territories

Mount Lidgbird and Mount Gower, Lord Howe Island © Tom Archer

Iconic places and attractions

  Wildflowers, near Hamelin Pool, WA © Tourism Western Australia

When is the best time to visit Australia?

Ringer Reef Winery, Bright, VIC © Visit Victoria

Seasonal travel

Human Progress Pride flag, Sydney, NSW © Daniel Boud

Events and festivals

Silverdale Olive Orchard, Coral Coast, WA © Australia's Coral Coast

School holidays

Sydney New Year's Eve, Sydney Harbour, NSW © Destination NSW

Public holidays

Sydney Harbour, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

How to get to Australia's most iconic cities

Gantheaume Point, Broome, WA © Tourism Australia

How long do I need for my trip to Australia?

Self-drive, Marrawah, TAS © Tourism Tasmania

How to travel around Australia

Car driving on road next to the ocean in Lagoons Beach Conservation Area © Pete Harmsen/Tourism Tasmania

Guide to driving in Australia

Maui Motorhome parked on the coastline in Tasmania © Tourism Australia

How to hire a car or campervan

Family strolling alongside Tilligerry Creek © Destination NSW

How to plan a family road trip

 Car drives along the Matilda Way in Outback Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

How to plan an outback road trip


Cape Le Grand National Park, WA

14-day road trip through Western Australia's South West Edge

Experience the extraordinary landscape of the South West in one great road trip.

Written in partnership with Tourism Western Australia 

Take the time to relax, soak up the scenery and discover the incredible food and wine on offer in Western Australia's South West region. Experience The South West Edge on this 14-day adventure that traverses 1,200 kilometres (745 miles) from Perth to Esperance , showcasing the best of the region, while ensuring ample time to indulge in life's simple pleasures.

Headshot of Jarrad Seng © Jarrad Seng

"The South West Edge is one road trip everyone should add to their travel list." Jarrad Seng, Australian photographer and filmmaker

2-week road trip along Western Australia’s South West Edge

Day 1: Explore Perth’s Rottnest Island & Fremantle 

Quokka on Rottnest Island © James Vodicka

Quokka, Rottnest Island, Western Australia © James Vodicka

Jump on The Rottnest Express for a short ferry ride from Fremantle to the picturesque Rottnest Island ; home to the world's cutest and extremely photogenic marsupial, the quokka. Arrive at the sweeping white sands of Thomson Bay, one of the 63 beautiful beaches on the island. Walk off the beach to Thomson Bay Settlement to grab a coffee, pick up maps and hire bikes to explore the rest of the car-free island. Don’t forget your snorkel mask – Rottnest has beautiful marine life, easily accessible from the islands’ beaches and bays.

Before getting the 45-minute ferry back to the mainland, hop on a Rottnest Wild Seafood Experience Tour for a sensational sundowner cruise serving freshly caught delicacies.

When back on the mainland, stay the night at Hougoumont Hotel Fremantle or Be.Fremantle in the historic town of Fremantle.

Day 2: Fremantle to Bunbury

Couple walking through vineyards at Willow Bridge Estate © Frances Andrijich

Willow Bridge Estate, Ferguson Valley, Western Australia © Frances Andrijich

Enjoy the gourmet café culture of Fremantle for breakfast and browse local boutiques for unique or vintage finds. Then jump in your car and head 167 kilometres (103.7 miles) to Bunbury via the rolling hills of the Ferguson Valley.

Discover the secret spots along the Valley on a customised tour with South West Tourist Services or Hinterland Escapes . Explore boutique wineries and breweries, or tackle the scenic hiking and mountain bike trails of Wellington Forest National Park, stopping at Black Diamond Lake near Collie for a view of vivid turquoise waters. 

Roll into Bunbury, where you can purchase fresh local produce from farmers’ markets, meet native animals at the Bunbury Wildlife Park, shop the boutiques and spot vibrant street art. Spend the evening immersed in the city’s nightlife at one of the many bars and restaurants overlooking one of Bunbury’s famous three waters – the bay, inlet and ocean – before returning to your accommodation at Bunbury Seaview Apartments or Discovery Parks Bunbury Foreshore .

Day 3: Bunbury To Yallingup

Aerial view of a woman sitting on a rock in Injidup Natural Spa © Jarrad Seng / Tourism Western Australia

Injidup Natural Spa, Yallingup, Margaret River, Western Australia © Jarrad Seng / Tourism Western Australia

Aerial view of a mother and baby whale in the ocean © Australia's South West

Spot migrating humpbacks, southern right, and sometimes blue whales from high vantage points along the coast or on a whale watching tour with Naturaliste Charters between August and October.

Begin your morning with a Dolphin Eco Cruise or head over to the  Dolphin Discovery Centre  at Koombana Bay in Bunbury, where wild bottlenose dolphins come into shore every morning between September to April to interact with humans. Make sure you're here by 9am, wade into water up to your knees and the dolphins will swim around you.

Drive 57 kilometres (35.4 miles) to Busselton , which sits on a white sandy beach on the north-facing shoreline of the tranquil waters of Geographe Bay, a popular family holiday destination. Swing among the trees on a high ropes course at Forest Adventures set among the last remaining tall tuart forest in the world. Or take a stroll or ride the train for 1.8 kilometres (1.1 miles) over the Indian Ocean on the beautifully restored historic jetty , the longest timber-piled jetty in the southern hemisphere. At the end, visit the Underwater Observatory and Interpretive Centre, where you’ll descend eight metres below the surface to see one of Australia’s greatest artificial reefs alive with corals, sponges, fish and invertebrates living in the warm Leeuwin Current.

Spend the afternoon exploring Yallingup’s sensational coastal spots including Canal Rocks and the marvellous Injidup Natural Spa.

Have a dinner of fresh local produce at the seaside  Goose Beach Bar and Kitchen or Bunkers Beach Cafe before driving 32 kilometres (20 miles) to Seashells or  Smiths Beach Resort  in Yallingup; an environmentally sensitive resort with villas, apartments, beach shacks and beach houses, and a member of  Small Luxury Hotels of the World . Stay here for the next two nights. 

Day 4: Yallingup to Margaret River 

Wine barrels at Amelia Park Winery © Australia's South West

Amelia Park, Margaret River, Western Australia © Australia's South West

Book a tour with Top Drop Tours and spend the day exploring the beautiful Margaret River wine region, whose 150 wineries produce more than 20 percent of Australia's premium wine (Margaret River cabernet sauvignons and chardonnays are particularly impressive).

After breakfast at the hotel, you'll be picked up by your tour guide for a day-long tour visiting some of the region's wineries. These may include Leeuwin Estate , Voyager Estate , Vasse Felix (one of the first wineries in Margaret River, with a designer lounge bar and views across the region), the biodynamic  Windows Estate , run by married couple Chris and Jo Davies who manage the entire viticultural process, or  Wills Domain , owned and operated by the Austrian Haunold family and offering some of the region's best food.

You'll also visit a range of gourmet producers along the way, like Ginversity . On your way, pick up a collection of cheese, bread, pâté, biscuits, olives and chocolates and enjoy a gourmet picnic back in your suite this evening. Or if you’re staying at Smiths Beach Resort, have a drink at the brilliant wine bar, then dine on ocean views with a side order of superb food at the on-site restaurant.

Day 5: Explore the Margaret River region

Two travellers with a tour guide in caves on a Koomal Dreaming tour © Archie Sartracom

Koomal Dreaming, Margaret River, Western Australia © Archie Sartracom

Cape to cape track above Contos beach © Martine Perret

Explore by foot

Why not explore by foot along part of the 135-kilometre (83-mile)  Cape to Cape Track , which treads along ocean cliffs, behind powdery beaches and through tall forests.

Go for a swim just in front of the resort at Yallingup, where the water (protected by the surrounding reef) is flat, rip free and laps against a stretch of powdery sand. Then drive five minutes north to explore  Ngilgi Cave’s  huge cavern of illuminated stalactites and stalagmites. You can also do an Aboriginal cultural tour here with Josh from  Koomal Dreaming . Feel the powerful vibrations of the didgeridoo as it fills the natural amphitheatre of the cave, learn to create fire as generations past have done, and learn about the ways of life of the world's oldest living culture.

Next, head 43 kilometres (26.7 miles) west of the Margaret River township to watch pro surfers in action at Surfers Point and drive four kilometres (2.5 miles) south to  White Elephant Café , where you can enjoy a delicious brunch overlooking calm  Gnarabup Beach .

After lunch, take a stand-up paddleboard (SUP) lesson with  Stand Up Surfing , go rock climbing or abseiling, or take a kayak along the Margaret River with Margaret River Discovery Co .

There's nothing like a refreshing beer after the beach, and luckily there are plenty of craft breweries to choose from. Try the  Brewhouse  (in Margaret River township),  The Beer Farm , and  Black Brewing Co . End your day with a polished great-value pub meal at  Settlers Tavern  in Margaret River township. Or for authentic Japanese cuisine you can't do better than  Miki's Open Kitchen .

Stay overnight at Margarets In-Town Apartments or Eight Willows Retreat .

Day 6: Margaret River to Pemberton

Gloucester Tree in Pemberton © Australia's South West

Gloucester Tree, Pemberton, Western Australia © Australia's South West

Head 40 kilometres (25 miles) south to  Augusta , where an unusual microclimate means the local weather is almost always a few degrees warmer than the rest of the region. When you arrive, jump on a two-hour  whale watching tour . It’s said that humpback whales come here to flirt with each other, so you're likely to see plenty of action when they're visiting between August and October, such as tail slaps and breaches.

Have lunch in town;  Blue Ocean  serves up freshly caught fish in a humble fish-n-chips shop. Then drive eight kilometres (five miles) to Cape Leeuwin, where the Indian and Southern oceans meet at the south-western tip of Australia. The  Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse  is one of Australia's best land-based vantage points for spotting humpback and southern right whales on their annual migration.

From here, drive 135 kilometres (84 miles) into the forest around  Pemberton , a former logging town surrounded by soaring white-trunked karri trees. You can actually climb three karri trees, which have such great views over the area that they were originally used as fire lookouts. If you’re feeling extra active, ride one of the many mountain bike trails around the area or walk a small part of the 1,000-kilometre (600-mile)  Bibbulmun Track , one of the world's great long distance walking trails, which runs from Perth through the Southern Forests and along the coast from  Walpole  to  Albany . The section around Denmark runs along coastal heathland awash with wildflowers in  spring .

Make an appointment to visit pretty  Picardy Wines , which makes superb pinot noir. If you are into truffles, it's worth taking a 31-kilometre (19-mile) detour to the  Truffle & Wine Co  to enjoy wine and truffle tasting at Western Australia's largest truffle farm. 

Stay overnight at RAC Karry Valley Resort in Pemberton. 

Day 7: Pemberton to Denmark

Girl standing in the water at Green Pools © Australia's South West

Greens Pool, Denmark, Western Australia © Australia's South West

Girl walking through an ancient tree © Australia's South West

Walk through giant trees

After visiting the Valley of the Giants, descend to the boardwalks below and explore the  Ancient Empires Walk  through a grove of veteran tingle trees, some more than 400 years old.

Take a four-wheel drive tour of the world’s largest moving sand dune system — Yeagarup Dunes — with Pemberton Discovery Tours before travelling 162 kilometres (100 miles) to the former lumber milling town of Walpole. Join an eco-cruise on the Walpole inlet with WOW Wilderness Cruises for breathtaking views of Mount Chudalup.

Have a coffee at  Four Sisters Coffee Shop  in Walpole before you visit the  Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk , a 40-metre (131-foot) high walkway through the forest's canopy designed to move – which is fun or scary, depending on your perspective – with the majestic red-barked tingle eucalyptus trees that are found nowhere else in the world. They also just happen to be some of the tallest trees on earth. 

Next, drive 45 kilometres (28 miles) along spectacular coastal scenery to  William Bay National Park , where you'll find the giant granite boulders of Elephant Rocks, and the turquoise waters and white sandy beaches of Greens Pool.

Check in to a lovely cedar chalet at the  Karma Chalets  in the birdlife-rich hills behind Denmark and enjoy a relaxing massage at the Karisma Spa. At night, frogs will sing you to sleep.

If you have longer, stay another day in Denmark to explore the family-owned wineries along the 34-kilometre (21-mile) Scotsdale Scenic Drive . Otherwise, get a good night's sleep before heading to Albany tomorrow.

Day 8: Denmark to Albany 

The Gap in Albany from above © Airloft

The Gap, Albany, Western Australia © Airloft

Have breakfast at a Denmark favourite,  Mrs Jones Café , before driving 54 kilometres (33 miles) to Albany. Call ahead to book a cellar door tasting at bucolic organic winery  Oranje Tractor  on the way. Birdwatchers should also stop at Wilson Inlet (11 kilometres, or seven miles, east of Denmark) to twitch for blue splendid wrens, ospreys, parrots, red-tailed and white-tailed black cockatoos, and purple-crowned lorikeets.

Albany is where the first European settlers set foot in  Western Australia  in 1826 and much of their legacy remains today, with colonial buildings housing museums, galleries and restaurants. Step back in time at Albany’s Historic Whaling Station at Discovery Bay or visit the  National Anzac Centre , a state-of-the-art interpretive museum that uses multimedia, interactive technology and historical artefacts to pay tribute to the Australian and New Zealand forces who served in the First World War.

Have lunch at its  Garrison Restaurant , then explore the  Albany Heritage Park , a reserve that stretches from the shores of  Middleton Beach  to the port of Albany.

You can also visit the nearby Australian Wildlife Park , where you'll see kangaroos, bandicoots and wombats, or stop in at the beautiful Regional Wildflower Garden . From here, follow Frenchman Bay Road for eight kilometres (five miles) to Torndirrup National Park and The Gap . This natural gap in the granite cliff has a thrilling see-through skywalk platform extending out 10 metres (33 feet) over the cliff's edge, so you can walk out and look down at the pounding waves below. The Gap , a thick, horizontal column of rock, is a few steps away.

On the return to Albany, visit  Limeburners  distillery to sample whisky made with locally sourced peat while you watch out the window for dolphins in the bay.

Enjoy an inventive dinner of Vietnamese-French inspired fare at  Liberte at the London  and stay at The Beach House at Bayside, an upmarket bed and breakfast behind the sand dunes of Middleton Bay, or Quality Suites Banksia Gardens .

Day 9: Albany to Bremer Bay

Man looking at the view from Mt Toolbrunup Summit in Stirling National Park © Australia's South West Inc.

Mt Toolbrunup Summit, Stirling Range National Park, Western Australia © Australia's South West Inc.

Go for a walk or swim along Middleton Beach, and if you are here on a Saturday, browse the  Albany Farmers Market , one of the best artisan markets in Australia.

Next, drive 49 kilometres (31 miles) inland to  Porongurup National Park . Here you'll find the  Granite Skywalk , a suspended walkway that rises 670-metres (2,200-feet) above sea level to offer panoramic views of your remarkable surrounds. Return to your car and continue along Chester Pass Road.

Reward yourself with lunch at boutique Porongurup wineries like Castle Rock Estate or Zarephath Wines . 

If you are a wildflower enthusiast, birdwatcher or hiker, you may wish to continue onwards to  Stirling Range National Park where you can climb one of Western Australia’s highest peaks, Bluff Knoll, known for its sweeping views of the Stirling Range National Park.

Drive for about 1.5 hours to reach the small seaside town of Bremer Bay. Stay at the  Bremer Bay Resort , where the Mount Barren Restaurant offers panoramic views across the bay.

Day 10: Bremer Bay to Hopetoun 

Orca jumping out of the ocean in Bremer Bay © Keith Lightbody

Orca, Naturaliste Charters, Bremer Bay, Western Australia © Keith Lightbody

Phymatocarpus maxwellii wildflower in Fitzgerald River National Park © Tourism WA

Did you know?

Fitzgerald River National Park is recognised as one of the most biodiverse botanical regions on earth. Nearly 20 per cent of Western Australia’s native flora species occur here, many of which can only be found in the park. 

Bremer Bay is one of only three places in Australia where southern right whales come in large numbers to calve. Between June and October you can watch them frolicking in the water from purpose-built platforms on the shore at Point Ann, 63 kilometres (39 miles) from town, on the west side of the Fitzgerald River National Park .

From February to April you can also join  Naturaliste Charters  off the coast at Bremer Bay to watch the gathering of the largest pod of orcas in the southern hemisphere. This incredible sight is only a recently discovered phenomenon and little is known about why it takes place. 

Even if it's not whale watching season, you should stop here: the national park is one of the most significant biospheres in the world and a plant lover's dream, with 62 plant species found nowhere else on earth. It also has prolific native wildlife (look out for kangaroos), several beautiful beaches (go swimming at  Barrens Beach ), hiking trails, the beautiful hills of Hamersley Dunes and on-site accommodation at  Quaalup Homestead Wilderness Retreat .

Make your way to Ravensthorpe — known for its spectacular displays of wildflowers during spring — and discover the locals’ secret hotspots on a tour during the Ravensthorpe Wildflower Festival .

Stay for the night in Hopetoun at Wavecrest Village Tourist Park or Hopetoun Motel & Chalet Village .

Day 11: Explore Esperance and Lucky Bay 

Kangaroos with a person on Lucky Bay beach © Australia’s Golden Outback

Lucky Bay, Esperance, Western Australia © Australia’s Golden Outback

The exquisite town of Esperance is a 182-kilometre (113-mile) drive from Hopetoun. Arrive to the stunning pure white sand shores of Esperance Bay, fringed by more than 100 islands that make up the Recherche Archipelago (known locally as the Bay of Isles), where whales, seals and dolphins can often be seen in the translucent waters.

Lucky Bay is arguably Esperance's biggest drawcard. It's 60 kilometres (37 miles) out of town at  Cape Le Grand National Park . Hop in your car or join an Esperance Eco Discovery Tour and head to the world's only full-size replica of Stonehenge,  Esperance Stonehenge  (it's as quirky as it sounds). Then continue to the national park, a place of white sand beaches, freshwater pools, massive granite outcrops and, in spring, carpets of native wildflowers. 

Day 12: Esperance

Twilight Cove along the Great Ocean Drive © Tourism Western Australia

Twilight Cove, Great Ocean Drive, Esperance, Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia

This morning you can leave the car keys in your room, as you'll be picked by your Aboriginal guide for a eco-cultural discovery tour of the area with Aboriginal-run company Kepa Kurl. This memorable half-day experience will give you some truly interesting insights into how the local Aboriginal Noongar people have hunted and gathered food here for thousands of years. You'll see plenty of native wildlife and some Aboriginal rock art as well as getting a great orientation to the area.

Returning to town about midday, hop in your car and head to  Yirri Grove , a restaurant in an olive grove 20 minutes out of town (open Fridays to Mondays only; alternatively, grab ingredients for a picnic from one of the four supermarkets in town). After you've eaten, get a feel for the area's beauty on the  Great Ocean Drive , a 38-kilometre (24-mile) loop from town that showcases the sugary beaches and translucent waters of the area. Be warned; you won't be able to stop yourself from pulling over every few minutes to take photo after photo. Along the way, look out for  Twilight Bay  – a firm favourite for its translucent, turquoise waters, sculpted rock formations, picnic tables and showers – and the breaks at West, Fourth and Observatory beaches, where local surfers can often be seen enjoying the water.

Day 13: Explore the Rainbow Lakes

Rainbow Lakes, near Esperance, Western Australia © Golden Outback

Rainbow Lakes, near Esperance, Western Australia © Golden Outback

Today, you're taking to the skies on a scenic flight over a myriad of rainbow--coloured lakes with Fly Esperance . Embark on an 80-minute adventure over a series of warm-hued waterholes sprinkled among a sea of green grass in Cape Le Grand National Park . Along the way, witness Esperance's township and dramatic blue coastline from above as well as the iconic white sands of Lucky Bay. As you approach the lakes, notice the colours ranging from honey yellow to marshmallow pink and everywhere in between. The best time for spotting the most vibrant shades is from April to January each year, but you're sure to catch brilliant sights on this scenic flight year-round. End your day with a hearty dinner at the excellent Loose Goose restaurant.

Day 14: Esperance to Perth

Person standing below Wave Rock in Hyden © Australia's Golden Outback

Wave Rock, Hyden, Western Australia © Australia's Golden Outback

Return your hire car at Esperance airport before boarding your 90-minute flight to Perth. Or if you’d prefer to soak up more of the South West, drive back to Perth via Hyden or Kalgoorlie over the next few days – the choice is yours.

If you travel through Hyden, be sure to visit the impressive Wave Rock on your way. Thought to have formed some 130 million years ago, the Wave Rock is entirely natural and measures about 15 kilometres (9.3 miles and roughly three storeys) in height. It’s the perfect end to your Instagram highlights reel.

If you travel back to Perth via Kalgoorlie, immerse yourself in outback history; dine in quirky outback pubs, feast your eyes on the Super Pit gold mine, or try your hand at prospecting with Gold Prospecting Kalgoorlie .

Overnight at Wave Rock Hotel in Hyden or Hospitality Kalgoorlie, SureStay Collection by Best Western .

This article was written in partnership with Tourism Western Australia. For more information about road trips in Western Australia, go to w esternaustralia.com .

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Great Ocean Road, VIC © Tourism Australia

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