Best road trip games to play with your partner and family

30 Best Road Trip Games That Are Super Fun

Road trip games can make any journey more enjoyable and fun whether you're going on a long drive across the country or spending a few hours in the car with the kids.

Our list of the 30 of the best road trip games will provide entertainment for children and adults alike, ranging from music-related games and foodie challenges to word contests and devious pranks.

You will never have to think of what to do on a long car ride again! The following is the ultimate list of games you can play on a road trip.

1. The Story Game

The Story Game can take up a good chunk of a road trip if everyone's memory holds up!

Entertaining for adults and kids alike, this is storytelling with a twist - you go round the car and each passenger adds just one word following on from the player before.

See how crazy you can make the story, and get someone to record it on their phone so you can listen back to the hilarious progression of the plot as you make way along your road trip. You could go from sunbathing in Spain to training alpacas in Chile in a matter of seconds.

Trust us, you're in for a laugh with this one and if your passengers are good, these stories can get seriously long!

2. I'm Going On A Road Trip

The I'm Going On A Road Trip game will definitely test your memory!

This road trip game requires a bit more brain power than some of the others, but is still really entertaining and great for all ages. To play, passengers take it in turns to state 'I'm going on a road trip and I'm bringing
' followed by an item of their choice.

The next person has to repeat the phrase, saying the last person's item and adding one of their own and so on - eventually you'll have a really long list of crazy items to try and remember, and it's always amusing watching people try and get it right a few rounds in.

Be sure to throw in a few weird and wonderful items to confuse the rest of the players!

3. The Quiet Game

The Quiet Game can be a great way to earn 5 minutes of silence on a road trip.

This game is a bit of a joke for the adults who want a few minutes of peace and quiet from their squabbling kids. The rules are hilariously simple - just say 'who can stay quiet the longest?' and breathe as the competitive siblings fall instantly silent.

Just a word of warning though: don't expect it to last very long, so have another kid-friendly car game lined up for when they get bored.

4. The Banana Game

A bright yellow classic Beetle is one of the cars you can find in the Banana road trip game.

This game is all about the color yellow and is super simple - points are awarded whenever a passenger spots a yellow vehicle.

Come up with a scoring system for different types of vehicle (e.g. one point for a car, two for a van, and three for a lorry) and whether you saw it parked (one point) or in motion (two points). Add any extra rules you fancy, and prepare to get competitive about who saw it first.

5. Never Miss A Beat

Never Miss A Beat is more of a group singalong than a game.

This game may be more of a singalong than a game, but it's still awesome!

Never miss a beat offers another chance to show off your singing skills and unusually gets everyone playing together rather than against each other.

All you need to do is stick on your family's favorite song or a song everyone knows the words to and start singing. Someone then needs to turn it down for 10 seconds whilst everyone keeps singing, before turning it back up again to see if you've kept the beat and stayed in time.

This game is mainly just a bit of fun, but you could always turn it into a competition by splitting into teams!

I Spy is an all time great road trip game and requires no preparation or props.

Another classic you've probably played a thousand times before but never get bored of.

Passengers take it in turns to find an object either inside or outside the car and say "I spy with my little eye something beginning with
" the first letter of whatever the object is.

The other passengers must then try and guess the answer (clues can be given if it's really hard), with the winner taking the next turn. This is an easy car game to play with kids and always a great one to keep bored passengers entertained for a surprisingly long time.

7. 20 Questions

The 20 Questions road trip game only allows Yes/No questions.

This classic road trip game probably doesn't need much of an introduction - simply choose one passenger to start by thinking of a random object, and the other passengers take turns asking 20 yes-or-no questions to guess the object.

Whoever finds the answer first gets to think of the random thing in the next round, but if the object has everyone stumped, they get to keep their role for the next round.

There are no rules on the object you can pick, but lying in your answers is strictly forbidden!

8. Car Bingo

Spotting wildlife can be a fun game on the road - like this elk in the Yellowstone National Park.

This kid-friendly game takes a little prep before you set off, but it's well worth it if you need to keep the kids entertained on a long journey.

Make a list of things the children might see along the road trip route - e.g. cows, a tractor, a red car etc, to give to them when you get into the car.

As you drive they can cross things off as they see them, not only distracting them from boredom but also encouraging them to look around and learn about the places they're visiting.

Make the list as specific to the place you're going as you want. In Texas you might have anything mentioning the Lone Star and in Wyoming you might be on the lookout for elk!

You can tailor the difficulty and number of things to find depending on the age of your children.

9. Sweet Or Sour

The Sweet Or Sour road trip game is all about waving at other people.

The rules of this road trip game are super simple: passengers take turns waving at passing pedestrians or people in nearby cars. If they wave back they're sweet, if not they're sour. You win a point for every sweet passerby you get, so aim to find as many friendly people as possible along the way.

For obvious reasons, the driver should opt out of this one, but it can be extra fun if they divert the car through a busy area of town to rack up some extra waving opportunities!

Remember not to distract other drivers!

10. Secret Place Race

Kids looking at a map to find secret places along the road trip route.

Make use of that old road map that sits in the car seat pocket to entertain the kids. All you need to do for the secret place race is pick a place they're unlikely to know such as a tiny village, river, or mountain, and see how long it takes them to find it on the map.

This can be incredibly entertaining in a Where's Waldo kind of way, except their mission in finding the village can be made critically important for the driver to be able to find the right way!

Have a reward on hand if they're able to find it in less than 5 minutes, and watch as they're completely engrossed in the task. A simple yet satisfyingly effective game.

11. Punch Buggy

Spotting a VW Beetle or another car of your choice is a great reason to playfully punch each other on a road trip.

First gaining popularity as part of one of Volkswagen's marketing campaigns in the 1960s, the aim of this game is to give your fellow passengers a playful punch whenever you see a VW Beetle drive past.

This is one of those road trip games that is universally loved by children (as long as you monitor the punching to avoid disaster), although we don't see why the adults wouldn't enjoy it too.

Granted - in some parts of the world, seeing a Beetle is incredibly rare, so if you're struggling to see many Beetles, you could always choose a specific color of car or another funny model as the target instead to make it a touch easier.

12. Regional Car Pantry

Buying a selection of different foods and snacks along the length of your road trip can become a game itself.

One for the foodies. Stretching across the full duration of your road trip, collect as many local snacks as you can at every stop along the way to build up your car pantry.

Make sure you take pictures of each snack (or buy duplicates if they'll keep) so you can see what you've managed to collect at the end of the trip, and be sure to take some weird and wonderful treats home for friends and family to try.

Do some research beforehand and make a list of all the foods you want to find, or just wing it and see what local delicacies you stumble across as you go.

13. The License Plate Game

A selection of US license plates that would be perfect for the License Plate game.

You'll need pens and paper for this game so make sure you've packed some before you head off. The aim is to spot license plates from as many different countries or US states (depending on where your road trip is taking place) as possible.

Write a list of the places you've seen and compare it with the other passengers at the end of the drive. This is the ideal game for those long stretches of boring motorway where you'll probably rack up a surprisingly long list, and the person with the most countries gets to ride shotgun for the next leg of the journey.

The end of this road trip game can get very controversial - if you spot a real game winner, photographic evidence is a good idea so get your phone out and take photos in secret!

14. The Fortunately - Unfortunately road trip game

The Fortunately Unfortunately road trip game can be played absolutely anywhere based on what you see along the way.

This is similar to the Story Game (see #1 above), however players get a little more control and creativity. You can say more than one word this time!

One player starts off with a 'fortunately' sentence, and the next has to follow with an 'unfortunately' sentence to build a story of luck and misfortune. For example, one player might start with 'fortunately, the sun was shining' with the second player adding 'unfortunately they had a long drive ahead of them' and so on.

This game can make it a little easier to remember the long string as everything has to be either fortunate or unfortunate! Get as creative as you can and you'll find yourself at your destination in what seems like no time at all.

15. The Complete Food Menu Game

The Complete Food Menu game involves ticking off restaurant types as you pass them on your road trip.

This is the perfect road trip game to play if you're passing through a few towns on your way although roadside restaurants and chains will do just fine.

Print out a sheet with all the food types you can think of in a grid against the names of people in the car.

Every time you drive past a restaurant of some kind, the first person to spot it gets to collect the tick for the food type it serves. Steaks and pizzas should be easy to collect by everyone, but you might just win if you're the only one who spotted the seafood restaurant in the middle of Oklahoma!

16. The Name Game

The more random names you know, the better you will do in the Name game on your road trip.

This is another simple game that keeps your brain occupied during a long drive without being too strenuous. One person simply says any name they can think of and the next person must say another name that begins with the last letter of the name before, and so on.

For example if passenger one says Tom, passenger two might say Mary. If you've made any friends during your road trip, try and include their names to make it a tad more topical.

Obviously adding the rule of not repeating the same names once they have been mentioned makes this a whole lot more interesting as the game progresses although you're guaranteed to have a disagreement over whether a name has or has not been mentioned already!

17. Guess The Song

Guess The Song is not only reserved for road trips, but an awesome way to have fun on the way.

If you're comfortable in your musical knowledge you'll definitely want to suggest playing this one. The rules are simple: get the front passenger to play the first few seconds of a song and whoever can guess the artist and song title the quickest wins a point.

This is much easier if you can connect your phone to the car for the road trip and play songs from there so you can easily search and pause the music.

The person with the most points after half an hour gets control of the music for the rest of the journey, so there's a lot at stake...

18. Sing The Next Line

Two women enjoying playing Sing The Next Line game in their car.

A variation on the Guess The Song game above, except this game relies on your vocal chords.

Instead of just guessing the song after a few seconds, players have to rack their brains and try and sing the next line, and the person who successfully remembers it first wins a point. Think of a reward for whoever wins, and if you attempt it but get it wrong you have to do a forfeit chosen by the driver.

19. Radio Roulette

Be prepared to listen to some seriously wacky tunes in the Radio Roulette game.

This game's a little less hands-on but no less entertaining. Use your road trip driving time to discover all the local radio stations of the place you're visiting by re-tuning every ten minutes and choosing a new station at random.

You'll probably find some pretty wacky programs and get to know traditional and popular music in that country - a great way to appreciate culture even when you're between destinations.

If you a radio station that is really wacky, let us know!

20. Would You Rather

Would You Rather is a game that can be as innocent or outrageous as you are comfortable with.

This road trip game can be be as PG or as outrageous as you like depending on the age of the passengers.

Take turns asking the car whether they would rather do one thing or another (e.g. 'would you rather go to France or Spain?') and see what they answer. Make it as difficult as possible to choose between the two options for maximum entertainment value, whether that's making them equally amazing or equally horrible, it's up to you

You can see how this game can get as interesting in group of adults as with kids - answering the question is compulsory and providing reasons is where it gets fun!

21. Car Rules Road Trip Game

The Car Rules road trip game will keep you thinking in case you go over a bridge or pass a yellow car on the way.

Everyone in the car gets to make up a silly rule, e.g. whenever we cross a bridge everyone has has to touch their nose, or whenever we stop at a red light everyone has to touch the roof of the car.

The last person to join in when an action is enforced gains a point, and the person with the most points at the end of the drive loses. Get as creative as you like with the rules and try and catch people out where possible so you can take the victory.

The loser has to go pay for parking or buy ice creams at the next stop!

22. Hot Seat

The Hot Seat game can get you to know your close friends even better and have a laugh.

If you're that nosy friend that wants to find out all of your companions' deepest secrets then you'll like this one. Passengers take it in turns to be in the hot seat and are asked 5 questions, one of which they're allowed to veto and the other four must be answered honestly.

This is best played in an adult-only car (questions get notoriously cheeky) and is the ideal way to pass the time finding out some interesting new facts about your road trip friends.

You can use it as a warm up or a step up from the car version of Truth or Dare (see #27 below) depending on how close your friendships are!

23. People Watching

People watching is fun - some cars will really make you scratch your heads as you pass them on your road trip.

Someone picks a car full of people that everyone can see (this works best if you're stuck in traffic), and together you make up a story about the people - who they are, where they're going, what they do for a living. The funnier and more far-fetched the story, the better - just make sure you're not staring too obviously at your subjects or it might get a little awkward...

Use your imagination to make the stories controversial and see how far you can go with making things up!

You might just surprise yourself how the most innocuous of road trip games will make you spot things you would never otherwise see just by looking at the cars around you.

24. Kiss, Marry, Avoid

The Kiss, Marry, Avoid road trip game will let you debate the qualities of famous people or mutual friends.

Another one for the older crowd. Take turns listing three famous people and the other passengers in the car have to choose which person they would kiss, which they would marry, and which they would avoid.

Make it really hard to decide so that everyone has a bit of a laugh, and try to predict each other's answers to add an extra twist to the game.

If you want to add a little spice to the game, use people you all know or move to people in the car!

25. While You Were Sleeping

While You Were Sleeping is a road trip game where your imagination can run wild!

There's nothing more tempting than pulling a prank on a passenger who falls asleep en route, and whilst we don't dispute the whole drawing-a-mustache classic, we've got something even craftier.

Whilst they're taking a nap on the road trip, have a brainstorm with the awake members of the party and come up with an epic story or scenario of something that they missed during their nap.

The aim of the game is to get them to believe the story, so make sure nobody laughs or breaks character (come up with a forfeit if they do), and keep the lie going for as long as possible. If you manage to pull it off this is far better than a DIY mustache... but by all means, draw one on for good measure.

This classic road trip game can really take a turn for the worse if you want it to. A simple horror story about a truck that followed the car for miles that you just managed to pull away from before getting a flat tyre can go a long way as you're parked on the side of the road. Peer into the rear view mirror in horror and watch their face when a random truck appears on the horizon!

26. Categories

Beatles songs is one possible option for the Categories road trip game.

Popular with kids and adults alike the world over, Categories can be an awesome game to play on road trips as well.

The premise is simple - somebody picks a category which can have multiple different answers. Fruit or Beatles' songs can both be great options.

Players have to then take turns to name one item from the category at a time. Players are eliminated when they can't name one until there's one winner. Either the winner or the next person in turn gets to choose the next category.

That brings our list of the best road trip games to an end. Do you have other games you enjoy? Get in touch to let us know and we'll add it to our list!

27. Truth Or Dare (The Car Edition)

Playing Truth Or Dare on a long road trip can really help pass the time and get people laughing.

The old classic can and should be played on road trips! Players take turns to either answer an embarassing question truthfully or perform a dare set by other players.

The dares obviously have to be contained to the realms of the car or the roadside so you'll have to get creative.

Needless to say, this game is very different when played with kids as a family or with adult friends and is equally great in both cases!

28. 6 Degrees of Separation

How is a gaucho from Patagonia connected to Prince Charles? That's what the 6 Degrees of Separation game is all about.

This is a road trip game that will require some imagination and provide plenty of topics for conversation.

Take turns and pick two people who you may know or make them up (e.g. a Shaolin monk). The more different the background and location of these people the better!

Then proceed to discuss how these two people are connected through 6 connections or less. You don't have to know the whole chain - that's actually where the fun is.

How is a gaucho from a remote farm in southern Argentina connected to Prince Charles? The gaucho must know his ranch's boss (1). The boss knows the boss of the company that buys beef from local producers (2). That company has a liaison manager in a UK-based Argentinian beef importing firm (3). This manager has a colleague who imports fine wines from around the world for the same company (4). The colleague personally provides the fine wines to the Royal sommelier (5) and the sommelier personally knows Prince Charles (6). Bingo!

29. The Stop Joker Card road trip game

The Stop Joker Card game allows every person the road trip to pick a stop wherever they want.

If you're going on a long trip and you're going to be driving all day or even longer than that, this is a great way to give everyone in the car, kids included, a way to have a bit of control.

At any point during the trip, each person can enact their Stop Joker Card - this means the car has to stop wherever they are passing and spend some time there doing an activity or just relaxing.

Your kids might see something really fun halfway along and use their card to break up the journey and everyone gets to have their stop along the route!

30. Pick One Car road trip game

You have to be quick if you spot a dream car on your road trip to win the One Car game.

This one is a game of patience and opportunity. Every person in the car has one chance during the journey to pick a car that you can see on your way as their ultimate One Car. The objective is to pick the coolest/fastest/most amazing car possible.

Once you've chosen a car, you can't change it - you only have one go so you better make it count - if you're passing something that is decent but not stellar, you might have to make a tough choice.

The game is made even more difficult by the fact that the first person to call the car out gets to have it so you have to be alert and on the lookout if you haven't got one yet.

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9 Of The Best Mobile Games to Play On A Fun Road Trip

road trip mobile game

  • By: Ottawalife Contributor
  • Posted: September 6, 2022
  • Category: Uncategorized

Photo: Eugene Chystiakov, Unsplash

Road Trips are the best way to spend a few days or weeks with your friends and family. The whole point of a road trip is to enjoy the journey as much as the destination; just being together is the real point! Making a playlist, packing snacks, and deciding which roadside attractions to stop off at will have you entertained for hours. Beautiful scenery, podcasts, and interesting chats will keep you entertained for a few more hours. But what about those times when the land around is bland for miles and miles, and when you’re tired of talking, or you’ve listened to every song on every playlist? You play mobile games, of course! You might feel that there's nothing to suit your tastes in the world of mobile gaming, but that's simply not true. Perhaps you like to play poker online ; maybe you prefer to play word games, puzzlers, or shooters? There’s a lot to choose from, so to make it a little easier for you, we’ve selected nine of the most enjoyable mobile games for you to try out on your exciting road trip.

1. Hero Wars

Our first game follows a tried and trusted formula to deliver a guaranteed good time. In Hero Wars, you must build up a gang of heroes and make your way through dark dungeons. If a hero on the team isn't up to snuff, it's your job to get them shipshape. If that doesn't work, you must find other heroes to take their place.

2. Genshin Impact

This open-world RPG is a bright and exciting ride from start to finish. Genshin Impact is styled in the classic Anime technique. You’ll control party members that each have a number of different powers and attributes. Uniting with a long-lost sibling is your goal, and you’ve got a long way to go. Choose from single or multiplayer and lean into this exciting story.

Now is your chance if you've ever wanted to be a city planner! The fantasy world of Elvenar will offer you an opportunity like no other- cultivate whole cities and complete the quests you are given along the way. You must complete these quests to move on in your story and invest your time wisely in researching ways to better your cities.

road trip mobile game

4. Sunrise Village

Sunrise Village is technically a strategy game, but its cute animation makes it different from most. You’re someone who has escaped the stressful city life to embrace homesteading in the country. You’ll need to grow and gather crops to fulfill customer orders and buy new properties to expand the farm.

5. Monument Valley

Both the original Monument Valley and the sequel are well worth a look. Prepare to be puzzled by a game that has crossed over from a niche into the mainstream. The spatial puzzles, modeled after Escher, and the exquisite style of animation make it a unique and beautiful choice.

6. Call of Duty: Mobile

Many will argue this point, but we believe that COD Mobile is the best version of the game, period. This action-packed shooter is one of the best mobile ones ever developed. Choose between multiplayer for a smooth experience and Battle Royale for an overwhelming shoot-em-up.

7. Jetpack Joyride

This might not be the newest of games, but Jetpack Joyride has survived this long for a reason. Your player character, Bary Steakfried, is tasked with making it as far as he can in this runner. He’s got to bludgeon his way through every obstacle and use all the power-ups he gets.

road trip mobile game

8. Among Us

If outer space and intrigue are things that you love, then Among US is definitely for you. There's a stranger on board your spacecraft, but they’ve hidden carefully among the crew. You better figure out who it is before they get you!

9. Clash Royale

Often imitated but never truly duplicated, Clash Royale combines a number of genres with more success than many other games that have tried. There are MOBA elements as well as card game features in this real-time MOBA. You’ll need to build up the best battle deck you can and take on your enemies to win. Are you up to the challenge?

If you have a few hours to kill while you’re lounging in the back seat during a road trip, these nine mobile games are the best things to kill that time with. Try a few, and you might find your new favorite game!

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Road Trip - Endless Driver 9+

Larva labs ltd., designed for ipad.

  • 4.3 ‱ 61 Ratings



An endless driving game with insanely realistic crashes. See how far you get before you hit a log truck, golf cart, steam roller or all of the above! ==HOW TO PLAY== * Swipe left and right to change lanes * Watch in horror as your Road Trip comes to an end in the worst way possible * Watch a replay and relive that horror * Send video replay to a friend so they can experience the horror * Try again! == FEATURES== * Super fast driving, super realistic crashes. * 33 different cars, more added all the time. * Explosions, people getting out of cars, golf clubs, and lots more stuff happens after you crash. * Construction sites, tunnels, intersections and more. * Video replays of every crash that can be saved to your gallery, send via text message, posted to Youtube, whatever you want. Tell us what car you want to see next and send us your crash videos!

Version 1.21

* New Party Limo vehicle! It's probably safe to hang out the sunroof right? * New Chopper Motorcycle. Also very safe. * Support for new iPhone screen sizes.

Ratings and Reviews

My favorite game.

It is a great game, but we need more updates, add different variants of cars and trucks. We also need multiplayer, and weather and different biomes. We need AI to be more smart, so they ovoid crashes, and they can cause crashes.

Sure, it’s derivative, banal, and childish.

A garishly colored sedan smashes gloriously into a livestock-laden tractor, sending sheep bleating into all directions, each creating bedlam in another of the six lanes on this scenic stretch of Americana. Am I describing a hackneyed Michael Bay film, a big-budget console video game, or maybe an app-store gem that’s both free to play and offers no in-app purchases or mandatory ads? The least likely answer is, in fact, surreptitiously correct. Road Trip is unpolished, feature-light, underwhelmingly repetitive, inexplicably battery draining, derivative, banal, and childish. It’s also, inarguably, the greatest game to ever grace the App Store catalogue, bar none. TL;DR Would recommend.

Love this game!

This game is so much fun, I’ve gotten all of my friends into it, we even send each other our favorite crash highlights! The only thing I’d change is the ability to turn of in game sound, other than that amazing game!

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Gurk III - the 8-bit RPG

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7 Fun Mobile Game Apps Made for Long Road Trips

Road trips are becoming increasingly popular with American travelers, with 46 percent  now hitting the open road for their vacation. 

With 3,000 miles coast-to-coast and plenty of unique regions to explore, road trips offer endless possibilities for adventure without the hassle of airport security and finding pet-sitters . 

Although, while you might set off with excitement, hours in a cramped car can soon get boring. 

Luckily, games to play on car rides have come a long way since all we had was ‘I Spy’ to pass the time. Keep reading to discover the best game apps made for long road trips!

The Best Road Trip Game Apps

For anyone who remembers pre-smartphone life, it can still seem incredible how the answer to almost anything we want to know is right there in our pocket. 

But your phone isn’t just for checking  USPS postal rates , weather forecasts, and train times. It’s for having fun with too, as you’ll find out if you download these apps for long car rides: 

1. Plates Free Family Travel Game

If there’s one thing you’ll see plenty of on a long car journey, it’s license plates. Which is why this game is perfect for your next family road trip. 

The game includes all the plates you’ll see from the US, Canada, and Mexico and has one simple aim – to find plates from as many regions and states as possible. The winner is whoever has the highest score by the end of the trip.

A big advantage of this game is that each player’s phone tracks their score, so you don’t need a network connection. This means there’s no danger of using up all your data before you arrive. 

Similar to the bluffing game ‘Fibbage’, the idea behind ‘Psych!’ is to answer trivia questions, but with an added twist. Among the multiple-choice answers, you’ll find incorrect (and often ridiculous) suggestions provided by other players, as well as the actual right answer. 

If your fake answer is convincing enough, you get a point if the guesser chooses it. Which, as you can imagine, allows for plenty of jokes and laughs in the car, ensuring that even the most tedious of car journeys fly by. 

3. Don’t Starve

Long car rides can be really dull if everyone else is asleep or doing their own thing. But with ‘Don’t Starve’ loaded up on your phone, you’ll have plenty to keep you occupied during a dull road trip. 

The idea of this wilderness survival game is to stay alive. While that might sound straight-forward, this game doesn’t come with a tutorial. As such, you have to figure out how to play it as you go along. 

And, to make things even more difficult, if you die, the next world your character finds themselves in is often different, with new enemies and methods to learn. 

It is a paid game and at $4.99, it’s a little more expensive than most, but it’s worth every cent and works well even without an internet connection. 

4. Heads Up

Based on the popular Post-it Note party game, ‘Heads Up’ requires one person to hold their phone up to their forehead while the rest of the car try to act out or describe the word on the screen. 

Once they get the answer right, the player tilts the phone to change the word. You can then take it in turns to see how many guesses you get right within a certain time. Or, you can play in teams and work together to give each other clues and make guesses. 

5. What If..

This free road trip game is perfect for getting the whole family involved. And, the beauty of it is that only one person needs to run it on their phone for everyone to play. 

The game poses inventive and often strange questions that ask you to consider what you’d do in a certain situation. To play as a group, you can either take it in turns to answer or take a majority poll to decide on your collective answer. 

Of course, the real fun is seeing whether other players using the app agreed with your answer or not. Sometimes the results can be very surprising!

6. Trivia Crack

For an educational way to pass the time on long car rides, ‘Trivia Crack’ allows you to test your general knowledge against each other. 

The game includes questions on topics like geography, history, sports, art, science, and pop culture. 

It’s also adjustable for different levels and you can team up with other family members or battle it out as individuals. But however you play, things are sure to get competitive! 

7. Family’s Game Travel Pack Lite

If you prefer the idea of playing a networked game with other passengers, this is a great option. 

The app includes 50 traditional games like Chess, Crazy Eights, Sudoku, and more. All you need to do to link up your phones is to both install the app and enable either WiFi or Bluetooth. 

And, if no one else in the car wants to play, you can also play solo offline against the game’s AI. 

Fun Game Apps Made for Long Road Trips

With so many great game apps made for long road trips, spending hours in the car whenever you head off on vacation just got a whole lot more fun. 

And, as an added bonus, most of these apps are completely free. All you need to do is remember to charge all your phones before you set off and you’re good to go! 

For more ways to get more out of your smartphone, check out our latest posts on apps and games. 

road trip mobile game

road trip mobile game

Top 10 Road Trip Games for a Long Drive

These classic and modern games are perfect for lengthy road trips. Long gone are the days of dreading traveling by car with big groups.

Sarah Rand ‱ Nov 22, 2023

road trip mobile game

The humble road trip has historically been depicted in nearly every movie genre and countless songs. To some, it may even be considered a significant American pastime and cultural activity. Although traveling has changed in innovative ways (hello, airplanes), road trips are still a popular way to get around. Whether travelers are road-tripping to save money, exploring the great outdoors or simply due to a fear of planes, there is no reason the long journey ahead has to be boring. 

Families and friends embark on road trips to tighten their bonds and explore the open road together all the time. While that may sound like a drag to some, there is always a way to liven up the crowd (in the car). Fun activities have been a part of long road trips since the first “ Are we there yet ” was ever muttered. In between rest stops and bathroom breaks, here are the best ways to keep a road trip group occupied. These games, for both traditional and modern tastes, will keep the group morale up and bored groaning down. 

Classic Games

road trip mobile game

These games will be fun for an array of age groups. With practically no props, cards, or complicated instructions, these classic games will surely excite road trippers. These games are free to play and either utilize the environment or are an opportunity to get to know other travelers better. 

I Spy 

I Spy is one of the most popular classic road trip games travelers can play. The game goes like this: one person picks a thing (person, place, animal etc.), and then the rest of the travelers try to guess the thing. Once the object is selected, the first person picking says, “I spy with my little eye
(insert vague description of the object)” and the game begins. This game is very interactive because everyone is in a moving vehicle, so they have to pay close attention since the object can be big or small. As the object can be challenging to find, some travelers prefer to set rules so the game is not never-ending. We recommend setting the rule that the object has to be in the car. 

Punch Buggy
 No Punch Back!

road trip mobile game

This game is known to many and can start a bit of controversy (if travelers do not abide by the rules of the game). To play punch buggy, travelers should try to spot a Volkswagen Beetle on the roads. Once a Beetle is spotted, a traveler can turn to the person beside them (or an especially targeted victim like a sibling) and give them a light punch in the arm while they say punch buggy. But travelers should be sure to end their proclamation with “no punch back,” so their punch victim cannot use the same car to get them back. 

Since these types of cars are a bit less common after they were discontinued around 2019, this game can be fascinating and spontaneous. This game can be played constantly and is more of a long-term passer of time, but the surprising gotcha moments never get old. 

20 Questions 

20 Questions is another excellent way to pass the time while traveling in the car. To play, one player picks an object, person, place, or thing, and then the other players must guess it correctly to win. But the trick is that the other players can only ask yes or no questions. Within 20 questions, the other players try to guess the thing that has been selected successfully, and if they do not guess it correctly, the selecting player wins. This game is similar to I Spy but is a bit more complex since the object does not have to be close by, and the other players accumulate clues through their questions.

road trip mobile game

Name the Artist: Radio Edition

For music lovers, this game will be an intriguing activity. To get a fair mix of music, travelers should listen to the radio, not a specially tailored playlist that one person knows by heart. Once the jams are playing, everyone in the car should try to guess the artist or group that is playing. 

No cheating (aka secretly Shazaming the songs) is allowed. Players who guess correctly score a point. There are many different ways to play this game, so some groups may prefer to create teams or have everyone play individually. Some groups even change the radio station every few minutes or make it harder to win by setting the goal amount of points higher. Either way, those who are musically inclined will appreciate this game.

Two Truths and a Lie

Whether traveling with family or friends, Two Truths and a Lie is sure to be a fun game to play during a road trip. The game can be easy or hard to play depending on how well the fellow travelers know each other, which means this game can be a great opportunity to get to know fun facts about each other. Upon their turn, each player should think of two truths and one lie about themselves. Players can be imaginative or tell quirky facts about themselves to confuse opponents. Once they are announced, other players try to call the player’s bluff and call out the lie. Those who guess the lie correctly score points, but if the lie is never guessed, the player with the lie gets the point. 

Modern Games 

road trip mobile game

These types of games are technologically advanced and offer something for everyone. These mobile games are perfect to help pass the time and engage the whole family (or group). Travelers should be sure to charge their devices and connect them to car WiFi or cellular data to play these games. 


While trivia is nothing new, road trippers are playing trivia more modernly. While the concept of asking questions about niche subjects or topics stays the same, the updated version of trivia involves the game Trivia Crack. Instead of sourcing trivia questions the traditional way , by thinking of them or finding them in trivia books, travelers can instead use an app. 

Trivia Crack , one of the most popular trivia games available as an app, is a great addition to road trips. Trivia Crack 2 is an updated version that allows users to play as a team or individually. To conquer the thousands of trivia questions and categories on the app, players can take turns reading out the questions and award the team or person with the most knowledge as the winner. 

Heads Up 

This classic game has had a digital makeover. Travelers should acquire the Heads Up app to get the fun rolling. To play, one player uses their mobile phone and places it above their head. Once the game begins, a word (or person, place or thing, depending on the selected category) is shown on the screen. The person holding the phone can not see the word and tries to guess it based on the clues the other players give them. Without saying the actual word, other players try to help the person guess. Players can play the game on teams and alternate who holds the phone, but ultimately this collaborative game picks your brain.

road trip mobile game


Karaoke is a fun activity for many, which traditionally is not a game. But now, singing whizzes can enjoy a family-friendly version of karaoke while in the car. Sing! Karaoke is one of the top-rated karaoke apps available. With this app, travelers can sing along to some of the most famous road trip songs or even their favorite songs. The app provides song lyrics and professional voice effects and has different karaoke settings like solo, duet, and group songs. 

The Movie Game 

This game is for long road trips with a car full of people. It technically has no end, so it often ends with the group reaching their destination. It is a mix of the alphabet game (where people search for objects by each alphabet letter) and a simple movie marathon. Going in alphabetical order, each member of the group gets to select a movie starting with a letter of the alphabet. They get to select whatever movie they want (which is age-appropriate) as long as it starts with the correct letter. This game is fun since it allows players to get out of their entertainment comfort zones.  

Switch Games 

The Nintendo Switch is a gaming system that has become popular for its portability. So, it is no surprise that many travelers take their Switches nearly everywhere they go. Since the console quickly switches between home (or traditional television use) and on-the-go gaming, it is a fun option for long car rides. Once charged, the console can be used for multiplayer gaming for a few hours. The Joy-cons, which detach from the base screen, serve as controllers and allow wireless play. A popular choice is Super Mario Party, which can be played with up to four players. 

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The Winding Road Tripper

20+ Entertaining Road Trip Games to Play in the Car

This post may include affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I (The Winding Road Tripper) earn from qualifying purchases.  Read more . 

Road trips are not just about getting to your destination. It’s also about all the fun you can have on your journey to your next stop.

These road trip games will bring laughter and excitement to your next road trip.

Let’s dive into some of our favorites.

Alright, we know this is one of those classic games to play on a road trip that everyone has heard of, but have you ever really dug into it? 

I Spy has a lot of versatility. It’s not just that one-dimensional game you remember from your childhood. This is a game that you can mix up and cut loose with. Try adding time limits, creating I Spy themes, or just killing some time with a class road game. 

You probably know the rules, but all you need to do to play this game is pick something you and your friends can see and have them guess until they get it right. You’ll say, “I spy something that
” and add a clever clue that gives a subtle hint about what you’re looking at. 

The key to playing this game as an adult is to focus on those clever hints. That’s where the fun is!

20 Questions 

 20 Questions is one of those games that has plenty of versatility. Let’s look at a few ways to enjoy this game while on a road trip.

You play 20 Questions by assigning one person to be “it.” That person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and everyone else has 20 questions to narrow down their guess and get it right.

You can spice up 20 Questions by making it themed, personal, or romantic. It all depends on who you’re traveling with. 

Like many road games, this game is best played in short bursts. You want to mix up these classic road trip games, so you don’t burn out on any one game. 

Would You Rather

Would You Rather is another excellent game to play while on a road trip. 

The goal of this game is to give someone a ridiculous and near-impossible choice between two options. You can ask them to pick between their favorite hobbies, a million dollars or perfect health, or anything else you can think of!

This is also a great game for getting to know someone new. It’s the perfect icebreaker for couples and helps you explore topics that matter to the people you travel with. 

Mini Board Games 

Mini magnetic board games are fun games to play in the car, but they are also adorable. 

You and your travel companions can enjoy Scrabble, chess, checkers, or mini Monopoly.

There are travel-sized versions of just about every board game out there. Throw one of these in your bag, and you’ll hardly notice the extra space it takes up. Besides, it will generate way more fun than you might expect. 

Travel Scavenger Hunt 

One of the most fun things you can do when heading out on your road trip is to set up a scavenger hunt .

You need to do some planning ahead of time for this game. Think about some interesting or challenging items you and your travel companions can hunt down or see on the road together. 

These can be wrappers from regional snacks, landmarks, road signs, or anything you can find along your road trip route. 

Here’s a tip for setting up a scavenger hunt. Come up with a low-stakes prize for the winner, which could be anything from a Starbucks gift card to a coupon for a free back massage. 

Trivia Apps! 

Playing trivia games on the road used to mean taking several decks of cards with questions and answers on them. However, your phone is full of game apps to keep you entertained on your road trip.

There are trivia apps like Popcorn Trivia, SongPop, and countless others. These let you play trivia games based on movies, music, and even history with your travel buddies. 

Don’t get caught thinking these games are trivial; they are some of the most fun games to play on a road trip!

Related Post: Best Road Trip Game Apps

Travel Bingo

Here’s another exciting game that takes a little preparation before you hit the road.

You can set up a travel bingo gam e for everyone you will be on the road with. This bingo game can be full of fun inside jokes, sites along the way, and all the ups and downs of a long car ride.

Travel bingo is a great way to add a little lightheartedness to some of the challenges of taking a road trip. Why not lean into these awkward moments and add a square on your travel bingo card for awkward smells or getting stuck in traffic?

The winner of travel bingo can get a little prize, but there’s no prize more fabulous than the satisfaction of being the travel bingo champion.  Related Post: Free Downloadable Road Trip Bingo Cards

Gas Station Stop Gourmet 

There are plenty of travel games about embracing the unique and sometimes weird cuisine you can find while on the road.

The goal of this game is to make the most of the limited culinary options you have at your average gas station. Players should be given a budget and are challenged to come up with the most exciting meal they can think of.

Imagine you’re on a Food Network competition show, but all you can do is create a fine dining experience using a convenience store and a few fast food diners.

This is a great game to help people think outside the box and not get stuck snacking on the same pre-packaged chips for the entire ride. 


Fictionary started hundreds of years ago with the Victorians in England. 

This word game is all about obscure words and the definitions that they “should” have. Play works like this. 

One player picks an obscure word that few people know, like “mycorrhizal” or “sozzled.” Everyone else writes down their made-up definitions. Whoever gets the most laughs wins!

More Road Trip Entertainment: Best Attention-Grabbing Audio Books for a Road Trip Boredom-Busting Podcasts for a Road Trip Road Trip Questions for Couples

Six Degrees of Separation

Here’s another road trip classic, especially for movie buffs. 

Six Degrees of Separation got a second wind when it became an iconic meme in the early days of the internet known as Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. 

The point of the game is straightforward. One player names two actors, and the other must connect them in six degrees of separation or less.

Here’s a classic example using Kevin Bacon.

“Kevin Bacon and William Shatner.”

William Shatner was in Festival in Cannes with Maximilian Schell, who starred in Telling Lies in America with Kevin Bacon.

There’s even a website called The Oracle of Bacon that can generate these degrees of separation if you two get stuck!

Fictional Road Trip Families

One of the most fun things about a road trip is the people you will meet on the way. 

However, some people you “meet” drive past you on the road at 60 miles an hour. While you need more time to meet them adequately, you can still tell a fun story about their lives.

The next time an interesting-looking car drives past you, collaborate on a fictional story about the family inside that vehicle. Take turns adding story elements and see where it will lead you.

The Movie Game

Here is another one for film buffs.

This game starts with one person naming a movie and another person naming an actor who starred in that film. The next person then picks another actor from that movie and a different movie that the actor starred in. The second player then repeats the process, and play continues until no one can name a new movie.

For a twist on this game, players can go back and forth naming actors, writers and directors, and production staff on movies until they cannot name anyone else involved with a given film.

Human Jukebox

Here’s a game for the musically inclined pair on a road trip.

Human Jukebox starts with one player singing a line from a song. Then the other player uses the last word of that line to connect it to a brand-new song.

Here’s an example:

Player 1 starts with a line from Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody: “So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye. So you think you can love me and leave me to die. Oh, baby, can’t do this to me, baby .”

Player 2 connects it with Britney Spears’s classic “
 Baby One More Time.” When I’m not with you, I lose my mind. Give me a sign. Hit me, baby, one more time.”

And the song goes on!

Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is more than a fun game. It’s a great way to get to know your travel companions.

Here’s how the game works:

Name two truths about yourself and one lie. For example, you could say, “I used to have blue hair, I once designed a video game, and my aunt is a world record holder for women’s rodeo.” 

Your traveling companions will then have to guess which is the lie and which is the truth. And the fun part is that you can make your truth and lies as straightforward or as challenging to guess as you’d like. 

This game is a fun way to explore your traveling companion’s personal history and discover unique and fun details about their life.

Fortunately Unfortunately

Fortunately Unfortunately is a game that can get weird pretty quickly. Therefore, it’s a great game if someone in the car has their crabby pants on. 

It starts with one player saying something that starts with “fortunately: that’s positive, and then the next saying something negative about that same event starting with “unfortunately.”

“Fortunately, we got time off of work for this road trip.”

“Unfortunately, your boss got replaced by a zombie.”

“Fortunately, all those George Romero movies I watch have prepared me for this day.”

Continue this back and forth until you are ready to move on to the next game. 

The Road Trip Memory Game

Here’s a fun game to test your memory skills.

The game starts with the first player saying, “I’m going on a road trip, and I’m bringing

They can name any person, place, or thing they want to bring on this road trip. Let’s say they said, “my guitar.”

The next player continues the game by saying, “I’m going on a road trip, and I’m bringing my guitar and
” and adding their own item.

The game continues until someone forgets items on the list. Consider this game as a safe way to forget what you need to bring on your next road trip!

Radio Roulette

Radio Roulette can be an exciting way to find new music you love or a challenging endurance test.

All you need to do is turn on the local radio stations and pick one randomly. You have to keep this station on for an unbroken 10 minutes to complete a round of the game. After 10 minutes, you switch to the next radio station and keep playing.

You might find yourself in love with some local Polka you would have never thought to listen to. Or you might be battling through 10 minutes of local talk radio.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

In the mood to win $1,000,000? Well, there might not be a stack of hundreds on the table, but you can have fun playing along.

The Who Wants To Be A Millionaire app is a great way to play a game with just two players on your next ride. One player gets to be the host of this iconic game show, while the other gets to be in the hot seat with a shot at a cool million dollars.

Bad Film Plots

Usually, when you play a game, you want to do everything right. However, Bad Film Plots has you intentionally doing everything wrong.

This game aims to explain a movie’s plot as badly but as accurately as possible. The other players must guess the film you’re talking about correctly.

Let’s say you wanted to badly explain the plot of Terminator II: Judgement Day. You could say: “A down-on-her-luck working single mother makes an unlikely friendship as her son discovers a father figure.” 

That may be tricky, but that’s the whole point of the game. 

Local Trivia Night

One of the most significant advantages you have when taking road trips today is that you’ve got the whole internet by your side while you’re on the road.

Use that to your advantage and do a local trivia game while traveling. 

One player gets to be the trivia master asking questions about the state you’re driving through.

Try Out Some Nintendo Switch Games! 

Some of the best games to play on a road trip take advantage of today’s technology. 

The Nintendo Switch offers plenty of variety, including two-player puzzle games, action, and RPGs with compelling stories. You can even download classic Super Nintendo video games and enjoy nostalgia while on the road. The Switch has games for kids and adults, so you don’t have to worry about not finding the right game for you. 

Name That Tune

No list of road trip games would be complete without a game designed for music lovers, as singing and enjoying new tunes is one of the best parts of a good road trip. 

And SongPop 3 is one of the best game apps for long car rides for music lovers. This app plays a song clip and has you guess what you’re hearing.

These are real clips from actual songs. And you’ll hear everything from Cardi B to Queen. You can even play in dedicated music genres to focus on your favorites.

You can spice things up a little by trying to sing the next lyrics in the song. 

Words With Friends

Words With Friends is one of, if not the, most popular word game app. The secret to this app’s success is that it is Scrabble but for the smartphone age. Being a digital Scrabble allows Words With Friends to give you more options to play while traveling.

You and your traveling partners can play together using your own devices or challenge friends and family back home. Since it’s basically Scrabble, you know what you’re getting into with this app.

License Plate Game

The L icense Plate Game aims to find as many license plates from the 50 States + the District of Columbia as you can during your road trip. 

The best thing about the License Plate Game is you can make the rules to fit your road trip needs. Plus, you can make it enjoyable by finding prizes for the winners or an award for the first passenger to spot a license plate from Mexico or Canada.

You can make a list of all 50+ states, or there are phone apps to help you keep track. Our favorite is PlateSpot . 

Related Post: License Plate Game: 3-Ways to Play on Your Next Road Trip

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The best 15+ travel games for your phone that work offline

January 3, 2023 by Karen Turner 4 Comments

As someone with limited data, I’m always astounded how few apps work well offline and without data. I’m often toying with a new phone app that I can play while on the road.  After far too many apps that I’ve burned through during a long bus ride, I’ve asked my fellow bloggers for their favorite travel game apps for iPhone and Android that work perfectly offline, so even if you’re on a long plane ride, you can still enjoy playing on your phone!  I’ve tried to focus this list on thought-provoking games for your phone that challenge your mind, rather than games that just keep you busy (as they’re addictive).

  • Monument Valley

Don’t Starve

Plague inc..

  • Leo’s Fortune
  • Alto’s Adventure

Reigns: Her Majesty

Old man’s journey, the escapists.

  • Life is Strange

Lumosity: Train of Thought

Hit the light.

It’s good to note that not all of these apps are free and I strongly recommend buying a power bank if you’ll be playing a lot of travel games during your trip on your phone.  Games can really kill your battery, especially when the screen is bright.

road trip mobile game

  • 1.1 Monument Valley (and its sequels)
  • 1.2 Device6
  • 1.3 Don’t Starve
  • 1.4 80 days
  • 1.5 Plague Inc.
  • 1.6 Crossword
  • 1.7 Heads Up
  • 1.8 Leo’s Fortune
  • 1.9 Alto’s Adventure
  • 1.10 Blackbar
  • 1.11 Broken Age
  • 1.12 Solitaired
  • 1.13 Reigns: Her Majesty
  • 1.14 Old Man’s Journey
  • 1.15 The Escapists
  • 1.16 Life Is Strange
  • 1.17 Framed
  • 1.18 Lumosity: Train of Thought
  • 1.19 Hearts
  • 1.20 Wordescapes
  • 1.21 Solitaire Bliss
  • 1.22 Hit the Light
  • 1.23 Minesweeper
  • 1.24 What’s your favorite travel game on your phone?

The best game apps for travel for iPhone and Android

Monument valley (and its sequels).

Monument valley is a beautiful game for your phone, perfect for a relaxing train ride! This offline app is known for its beautiful design.

From the moment I discovered this game in House of Cards, I was addicted to this elegant game. Its beautiful Escher-like concept together with its clever puzzles make it a joy to play.  I’ve bought the sequels as well. It has the feel of a puzzle game without the strain of doing a puzzle.     (My husband is begging me for a turn!)

Buy for iPhone / Android

Device6 is a clever and unique game only for iPhones. For game lovers who are looking for different and mind-bending, try out this game. It integrates literature with fantasy and puzzles. We don’t want to ruin the surprise!

Buy for iPhone

If you are looking for something to keep you occupied during an 8-hour flight, look no further than “Don’t Starve”. In its essence, Don’t Starve is a wilderness survival game. Your character is dropped in an unfamiliar wasteland and your task is, quite simply, not to die.

Unlike most other games today, Don’t Starve doesn’t come with a tutorial which means it’s 100% up to you to figure out how to play this game. It is challenging and engaging. You need to be strategic and creative.

You’ll need to figure out how to feed yourself, how to defend yourself against enemies, and how to find shelter. If you die, you will have to start over from scratch and the world you find may be entirely different from the previous.

Challenge yourself and see how long you can survive. With my best efforts, I haven’t made it past 8 days yet! It may be a paid game, but it is worth every cent and works perfectly without an internet connection! Just be warned, it’s almost impossible to put down 😉  – Jacky

Screenshot from 80 days, a fun text-based choose your own adventure game that can be played for hours offline or on an airplane!

I love this choose-your-own adventure game where you try to help your character get around the world.  Along the way, your character will get into all sorts of trouble (of course). 

Maybe it’s my love of travel, but I have an intense love for the Victorian steampunk world full of delight, splendor, and laughs.  It’s fun to play this with a friend sitting next to you–and you’ll not want to put this game down.

Ever dream of destroying the human race?  Want to destroy the human race without being labeled a mass murderer?  Try Plague Inc.  Plague Inc. is a strategy game where you become a small microbe and get to infect people around the world.  The goal is to spread quickly and kill of the humans before they notice and decide to start creating a cure.

This game is a major time killer.  The standard game has four different microbes you can become at 4 difficulty levels. Each microbe has different characteristics.  The different levels can make the game easy or hard.  Each game is different and that’s not just due to the microbe or difficulty level. 

You have to evolve your microbe.  How you chose to affect the humans can vary.  Do you go for the quick kill or a long drawn-out illness?  Should you start your illness in a populated country or one of the more remote islands of the world?   I love that each game takes less than 30 minutes and I am always experimenting new ways to destroy the world.  – Jennifer

road trip mobile game

This free app with a reasonable subscription to the New York Times Crossword is so worth it if you’re into crosswords. The Saturday and Sunday crosswords are my favorite although they’re generally the hardest. It’s especially fun to do it with a loved one as you can debate on who has the correct answer to the clue!

Before a plane ride, just remember to hit download on all the crosswords that you want to be downloaded for the flight–and you should be entertained for hours.  (This is even easier to use on a tablet.)

Heads Up was the perfect game to play as a group or pair when time was moving slower than a sloth getting out of bed on a Sunday. The premise is simple: one person holds their phone to their forehead while the rest of the group try to describe or act out the word on the screen. When they guess correctly, the player tilts the phone to get a new word described. While there doesn’t always need to be a “winner”, of course the person with the most correct guesses does the best!

There’s plenty to enjoy about the game; it doesn’t require much prior knowledge, involves everyone in a group, you can play as little or as long as you like, and often any language differences can add an element of hilarity to the game.

As a game that doesn’t invite too much serious competitiveness or over-challenging tasks, it’s a great way to have a laugh with new and old friends. I have extremely fond memories of this game from my travels, I associate it with meeting new people from all sorts of cultures, making great memories, and learning a thing or two about my acting and describing skills! – Suzy

Leo’s Fortune

Guide a green fluffball with a mustache through progressively more difficult levels of cliffs, forests, gears, levers, deserts, and more. Leo tells you his sad story as you try and help him recover his gold. His expressive eyes and fluffiness are so well-animated, it makes flinging him up on a branch that much more rewarding.

The developers spent some money on the voiceover for this game, and it shows, I genuinely missed Leo when I finished it! You will want headphones for this one to get the full experience. Lovers of platformers will particularly enjoy this game. – Erin

Alto’s Adventure

I’ve played this one off and on for years, as it’s a classic side-scrolling jumping game and perfect for killing time in short bursts. Alto is a snowboarder, and you’re attempting to get as far as you can while avoiding rocks, reindeer, posts and other obstacles.

There’s the added fun of trying to incorporate flips and tricks, and board sliding bunting. You eventually unlock other skiers with different skills too. It’s beautifully animated, with a minimalistic aesthetic, as you’re seeing pretty much everything in silhouette. I find it fun for short periods, but I don’t have a particularly obsessive gaming personality. Some people play this for hours! -Erin

Screenshot of Blackbar, one of the best travel games for iPhone. #travel

This short, but fun game is great for puzzle lovers who are looking for something different.  The game is about censorship in its various forms–and it requires that you use your sleuthing skills to figure out the story behind the actions.

Buy on Google Play Store / iTunes Store

I got sucked into this point-and-click puzzle game so quickly.  Despite the childish drawings that made me initially doubt if this was for adults, this story-based game with two different characters has an engaging plot line and interesting puzzles.

I found the story very beautiful and funny.  I didn’t want to stop playing this one, so consider buying this prior to a long international flight if you’re into puzzle games.

Buy for iPhone & Android

Solitaired stands out as an exceptional online platform for card game enthusiasts, offering a wide variety of solitaire games and related card games, all accessible directly from your web browser or through their Google Play app. The website features an intuitive user interface, making it easy for players to navigate through different games and find their preferred version of solitaire making it perfect for travel. Whether you’re on a long flight, train ride, or just waiting around, the app provides a fantastic way to pass the time and enjoy classic card and board game action.

Download for Android or visit their mobile-friendly desktop site

Screenshot from Reigns: Her Majesty, one of the most fun phone games to play offline without wifi!

A Tinder-like decision-making game, Reigns: Her Majesty puts in the place of the Queen in the center of an imaginary royal court, with many decisions to make.

Some are hilarious, like how to put up with your annoying husband, and others are about how to rule your kingdom. You have to walk the line between antagonizing your subjects too much and inspiring too much love –– either extreme will get you killed!

The writing here is witty, funny, and barbed, poking fun at the ways women are caught between impossible choices. It won a BAFTA award for best game, and I’m not surprised. This one can be played in short bursts or you can sink into an hour-long binge, it’s that good. – Erin

Beautiful screenshot of Old Man's Journey, one of the best travel games for your phone that work offline! #travel #gaming

Old Man’s Journey is a thoughtful puzzle game where an old man looks back on his life and his memories. It’s subtle, beautifully drawn, and with dynamics that I haven’t seen in many games before this.  I found the whole experience very calming, even when I was frustrated with not getting to the next level.

Break your pixellated character out of prison! This game has won several awards, and for good reason. Incorporating an old-school gaming aesthetic with a bit of crafting and the occasional round of whacking people over the head with makeshift weapons, this game is more complicated than it first appears.

There are several ways to break out of any given prison level –– from causing full-scale riots to digging tunnels to making disguises. It’s compelling enough to entertain you during a long boring train ride, but quick enough to make a short wait entertaining. -Erin

Get for iPhone or Android

Life Is Strange

Life is Strange is a choose-your-own adventure game that is closer to a movie that you get to direct yourself.  It’s emotionally gripping, cinematic, and with a poignant story.  It’s fairly long, so you’ll get a lot of use out of it for a low cost (think how much you’d pay for a movie).  My husband and I spent  days playing this game together.

Get for iPhone only at the moment.

Screenshot of Framed, one of the best travel games that work without data. #travel #gaming

Framed is an amazing concept of an app where you create and rearrange comic panels in an attempt to help your spy succeed.  The gameplay is a bit fast, but it’s a blast to play and you’ll lose track of time while playing Framed. 

The animation of Framed is hand drawn and the music just adds another piece.  I’d consider it the perfect travel game for a long wait at the airport–although you shouldn’t get too invested in it. 😉

Get for iPhone / Android

Woman playing a travel game on her phone while traveling. Read about the best travel games! #travel #gaming

Lumosity is an app featuring a variety of games that reportedly train your brain to become more agile in different ways. The free version of the app serves up three games from a collection each day for your brain workout. You can play each game as often as you want during the day. I love most of the games I have played so far, but my favorite by far is Train of Thought.

Train of Thought i s Lumosity’s most popular brain game. It has reportedly been played over half-a-billion times since it was launched in 2013. I am not surprised at all…Train of Thought is both addictive and aggravating like the best games always are!

So, how does it work? The game features a screen with a bunch of train stations in different colors, with tracks connecting each station to a starting point. When you are ready, trains are released onto the track from the start point one by one, and the goal is to throw switches correctly and in time for each train to head into its home station. 

It sounds simple…but it gets progressively more difficult with each level. On a recent ten-hour flight to Europe, I spent every waking minute playing it (and I barely slept!), but I still could not crack my current level of 11.  – Dhara

Get for iPhone & Android

The objective of Hearts is to accumulate as few penalty points as possible throughout the game, with players striving to avoid taking tricks that contain any Hearts or the Queen of Spades. In this trick-taking game, strategic planning and careful consideration of each move are essential, as players attempt to navigate through the intricacies of each round to maintain a low score. For those on the move, the online version available at offers a convenient and engaging way to enjoy this classic card game, making it a great travel companion for entertainment during journeys.

Visit their mobile-friendly desktop site


Woman winning an online game while traveling. Read about the best games to play on your phone while traveling! #travel

Who doesn’t enjoy a word game?! I love Wordescapes because it keeps my mind working especially when I’m on a long flight or connection and the internet is not available. Or simply when I’m working and need a break.

The app works this way, you have box tables like the ones in Scrabble, and you will get a set of letters where you need to create words that fit on the number of boxes. If you create a word that is not needed in the table box, it will go as a bonus word.

Every level have 16 set of games, once you finish every level you get free coins. Coins can be used as a “hint” when you are stuck. This app is completely free and the words will be in English. – Mary  

Solitaire Bliss

Solitaire Bliss is a gaming platform offering a wide array of solitaire and related card games, catering to a diverse range of preferences with an easy to use interface and high-quality graphics. The site features a vast selection of game variations, customization options, tutorials, score tracking, and is optimized for mobile devices, making it a fantastic travel companion.

These features collectively ensure an engaging and convenient gaming experience, accessible anywhere, making Solitaire Bliss a top choice for solitaire enthusiasts on the go.

Download for Android & Iphone

Hit the Lights is a fun Breakout style phone app that can be played offline or while you're on a plane!

This game is the millennial take on Breakout (Bueller?). This fun game with a sleek design is fun to better played offline as the ads are far less of a nuisance. That said, if you love to cheat, you can watch the ads for additional ways to break the lights. I’ve found it delightfully addictive and fun to play late at night due to the dark colors.

I need to add the honorable mention of Board Game Arena , which works only online. This free platform with premium options features 100+ favorite board games digitized. You need to be online and at the time of editing, the app is still in Beta mode (and is best on a tablet/laptop). Still, I absolutely loved playing King of Tokyo and Ticket to Ride against strangers on my last train ride.


Minesweeper is a timeless puzzle game where players navigate a grid filled with hidden mines, using numerical clues to safely reveal empty spaces and flag the mines. The game requires logical thinking and a sharp eye, as one wrong click could trigger a mine and end the game. At Play Minesweeper , you can enjoy this classic game through a user-friendly interface, with varying levels of difficulty to suit different skill levels. Its quick and engaging gameplay makes Minesweeper an excellent choice for traveling, providing entertainment during long journeys or waits without needing a continuous internet connection.

What’s your favorite travel game on your phone?

Looking for the best travel games that work offline? 15+ fun games for iPhone and Android that you'll want to play during your travels or on a long plane ride! #travel #gaming #games #apps

About Karen Turner

New Yorker–born and raised. Currently living in the Hague, the Netherlands after stints in Paris and Amsterdam. Lover of travel, adventure, nature, city, dresses, and cats.

Reader Interactions

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July 11, 2018 at 11:06 am

I recently found a new game that is totally addictive! It’s called MixedUp Max and is a magic squares type of game – you can select different pictures and different shuffle levels and then slide rows and columns to re-arrange back to the original picture! There’s a free version but I’m not a fan of ads so went for the paid for version, and best of all, it can be played without internet access so I’ve been using it on my plane and train trips!

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September 22, 2018 at 10:59 am

Really like Pictoword. I play this everytime I travel. There are ads that give out coins but if you’re offline it disables the ads. No free coins, but no ads either:

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June 14, 2023 at 12:18 am

Trivia 360 can be played without wifi

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July 3, 2023 at 2:01 am

Hi! I just want you to know that I like your review. Even though most of then aee not free and some are unavailable in my play store (idk why), I just love it that you suggest more unconventional games Thank you !

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11 Best Road Trip Games for Families

Family of four sitting in the trunk of their car with suitcases nearby

Jan 31, 2023

See recent posts by Jackie Perrin

Games for a family road trip need three ingredients in order to maximize their vacation mileage: portability, a minimum number of small parts, and a kid-friendly fun factor. Avoid the “Are we there yet?” blues and take a detour around the “tech trap” when you add one or more of these travel-ready games to your emergency road kit . From modern spins on retro favorites to cleverly designed all-in-one sets that kick searches for lost pieces to the curb, these are the best road trip games for families. 

1. The Alphabet Game

The Alphabet Game; Courtesy Shutterstock

In this classic road trip game that doesn’t require a board or game pieces, players attempt to find words starting with every letter of the alphabet, going in order from A to Z. You can look at billboards, road signs, branded trucks, restaurant names, and more. It’s up to you whether to play cooperatively–with each player building off the group’s progress–or competitively, with everyone going through their own alphabet. Either way, when players spot their next word, they call out their letter and the word (“A! Arby’s!”) so everyone can keep track. Some people use the rule that if someone spots a graveyard, they can declare it and all other players will go back to “A”.

Another version of the Alphabet Game is for someone to pick a category (the original game is “groceries/food”, but it could be animals, places, famous people, or something else), and the family will take turns naming items from that category that begin with ascending letters from A to Z. For example, if one person starts with “aardvark,” the next person could follow up with “butterfly” and so on.

2. Melissa & Doug Flip to Win Hangman

Melissa & Doug Flip to Win Hangman; Courtesy Amazon

A retro game made road-ready, Flip to Win Hangman by Melissa & Doug is one of the best road trip games for beginning readers (ages 6 and up). Designed with flippable, magnetic wooden letters, each game comes with an erasable whiteboard and a self-store dry-erase marker . The sturdy set really holds up to repeated kid (and adult) play, which is good because it’s addictive! It’s so fun, in fact, you’ll want to buy a second game for Grandma’s house!

road trip mobile game

Related: The Best Snacks for Road Trips

3. Coggy by Fat Brain Toys

Coggy by Fat Brain Toys; Courtesy Amazon

Get kids’ mental gears spinning as they build visual-spatial skills with Coggy by Fat Brain Toy Co . The mind-building travel game is designed as a single strand of connected patterned cogs, which players match to a series of corresponding pattern cards. Gears make a satisfying click as they pivot, making Coggy one of the best travel games for kids who need some sensory input when they’re cooped up in the car. 

I Spy game; Courtesy Amazon

No self-respecting list could leave out this classic kids’ road trip game! Players take turns selecting an object around them (ideally something in the car or that will remain in sight for a while), and giving the others a clue about it. The traditional formula is “I spy, with my little eye, something [color], or something beginning with [letter].”

But if you want to get preschoolers even more involved with the game, try the I Spy Travel Card Game from University Games . Similar to the board-free classic, this road trip game is seek-and-find style for ages 4 and up. The game contains 48 jumbo cards with simple pictures and corresponding text. Pre-readers will feel grown-up as they “read” about common road trip sights, and then race to be the first to locate them. 

5. Travel Blurt

Travel Blurt; Courtesy Amazon

A favorite party game gets a travel makeover in Travel Blurt , a fast-talking word recall game for on-the-go play. Pit sibling against sibling or parent team against kid teams in a hilarious competition that will have everyone laughing out loud. A handy travel case and magnetic scorecards help keep the fun at your fingertips. One of the best road trip games for groups, Travel Blurt is for three to four players, ages 10 and up.

Related: 10 Strangest Places to Stop on a U.S. Road Trip

6. License Plate Game

License Plate game; Courtesy Amazon

Have your kids “collect” as many license plate states as they can find, writing each one down to keep track. They probably won’t find all 50 (looking at you, Alaska, and Hawaii), but especially if you’re driving cross-country, you’d be surprised how many people you’re sharing the road with. This is another kids’ road trip game that lends itself equally well to collaboration or competition: do they work together or collect their own lists of plates? Or go a step further and have them learn while playing with the Flip to Win License Plate Game by Melissa & Doug .

Easy to play and fun for all ages, it’s a scavenger-hunt style game that helps kids learn U.S. states and capital cities. The beauty of this smartly designed game— and what makes it one of the best road trip games available—is that the parts stay put. No more fishing loose pieces out of car seats and seat cushions, thanks to sturdy, flippable, magnetic wooden pieces! Adults will enjoy taking a trip down memory lane as they play along with the kids and revisit a childhood classic. Great for gift-giving, this game is for one to two players (or teams), ages 8 and up.

7. Interstate Highway Bingo Cards

Interstate Highway Bingo Cards; Courtesy Amazon

Lure your family members away from their devices and into the driver’s seat on your next road trip travel adventure with Interstate Highway Bingo Cards by Regal Games . Fingertip shutters reveal photos of common road trip sights, such as a horse, rest area, farm house and police car. Be the first to get five pictures in a row, and become the king or queen of the road trip! The four-card set makes it easy for brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles to get in on the scenery-spotting competition.

8. 20 Questions

Mom looks back at her kids in card during a road trip; Courtesy onkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Especially with younger kids, it often seems like the questions are endless. 20 Questions is a perfect way to get it out of their system. You’ve probably played it before, but just to refresh your memory: one player thinks of a person, place, or thing. The others take turns asking yes-or-no questions; after each question, they get a guess about what/where/who it is. If they don’t solve it after 20 questions, they lose.

Related: Best Family Card Games to Play on Vacation

9. Guess in 10-Cities Around the World

GUess in 10 cities around the world; Courtesy Amazon

It’s the Game of 20 Questions, minus 10! In “ Guess in 10-Cities Around the World ,” players draw clue cards and, through the process of elimination, make guesses to identify one of 52 diverse metropolitan locations. Kids and parents will learn about the food, culture and monuments associated with the world’s most famous cities, from Rome to San Francisco . For parents looking to increase learning mileage on the road, this game for players ages 8 and up is one of the best road trip games to pack in your overnight bag .

Related: 10 (and a Half) Tips for Road Trips

10. FlashDash

Flashdance; Courtesy Amazon

FlashDash by Winning Fingers helps backseat travelers get the wiggles out, without waging a sibling turf war. A combination of the popular games Simon and Bop it, contained in a compact handheld electronic cube, FlashDash features four different speed and memory games, with lights and optional sound. For kids who need to move on long car rides, this Android device alternative is one of the best new road trip games. Designed for ages 6 to adult. 

11. Cow on My Side

Cow in my side; Courtesy Shutterstock

This simple kids’ road trip game is a lot of fun for families driving through the countryside. When you see cows on your side of the road, yell “Cows on my side!” You get a point for each time you call a group of cows. If you spot cows on the opposite side, you can yell “Cows on your side!” and steal a point from your opponent. Passing a cemetery? The first person to yell “Ghost cow!” steals all the other side’s points.

Of course, you can always bring along a tablet or computer and put on one of these kids’ movies for road trips, but sometimes it’s nice to just engage everyone with some old-fashioned fun. Especially if your trip is on the longer side, it’s a good way to turn those potentially torturous hours into quality family bonding time.

Writer Jackie Perrin has covered the best of family travel for nearly two decades, for media ranging from newspapers and magazines to . At home and on the go, she manages a crew of companions. Follow her on Pinterest, TripAdvisor and Instagram,  @NYfamtravels .

Related:   Most Fun Family Beach Games 

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30 Road Trip Trivia Games for Long Car Rides

road trip mobile game

Whether you’re heading to an amusement park with the family, spending the weekend at the lake with your friends, or traveling with coworkers on a much-dreaded work trip, you’re going to have a few lengthy car rides in front of you. Long car rides can either be a serious drag, or an opportunity for lots of fun.

How can you turn a long car ride into a fun and exciting time for everyone? By playing games! While it’s fun to come up with your own games on the fly, it’s always helpful to have a list of games you can pull from to always switch it up and keep things exciting.

Today, we’re going to cover 30 of the most fun road trip trivia games for long car rides and show you how you and your friends or family can play them on your next trip. From classics like 21 Questions and I Spy to new games that are sure to become instant favorites, you’ll find something for everyone on this road trip trivia list.

Best Road Trip Trivia Apps

It’s safe to assume there’s at least one smartphone among the people in the car, and that phone is a huge asset when it comes to road trip trivia. Here are some of the best trivia apps to check out on your next getaway.

Jeopardy! World Tour

World Tour is the latest mobile app from one of the greatest trivia games of all time. This is our favorite road trip trivia app because there’s an offline mode that you can enjoy even if your phone loses service along the way.

This app features a multiple-choice question format and various difficulty levels, making it a great road trip trivia for families option and easy to adapt to play with the other people in the car.

Plus, you can also play by yourself if the rest of the car isn’t up for another trivia round. If you’re armed with an encyclopedia of fun facts for car rides, you’ll want to try your luck at this fun and addicting trivia game.

This app is perfect for the car because it has an uncluttered interface with text that’s large enough for everyone to read. There are tons of categories and questions in the app, which can provide you with hours of road trip trivia fun.

Psych is a play on classic party games like Balderdash! Where you must come up with the craziest answers to your friend’s questions to score points. If everyone in the car has a smartphone, you can all connect and play this hilarious game that will keep you entertained for hours.

Unfortunately, since everyone needs to use a smartphone to play the game, the driver can’t get in on the fun. That may be a good thing, since they’ll be able to focus on the road instead.

Guess The Song

This app is similar to SongPop 2, which is one of the most popular “name that tune” apps for Android and iOS, but where SongPop2 is more about online multiplayer competition, Guess The Song has a single-player mode which is easy to adapt so everyone in the car can play.

You can play together, or take turns to see who can name songs the fastest. There are plenty of playlists to choose from, with music ranging from the 60s to today.

Popcorn Trivia

If you’re in a car full of movie buffs, Popcorn Trivia is the perfect road trip trivia questions game for you. The game is free to play, and it features a vast library of different movie trivia questions from several different genres. You can compete against each other or together, and you can unlock new trivia packs from popular movies and TV shows with the points you earn in the game.

Road Trip Trivia Games

The trivia apps above are lots of fun, but you may not always have access to a smartphone with a strong signal during your road trip. Thankfully, road trip trivia has been around a lot longer than smartphones, so there are some great games you can play without the help of your phone.

We’ve assembled a list of some of the best and most fun classic road trip games for you and your squad to play as you’re making your way across the country.

Two Truths and a Lie

This fun-for-everyone game is always entertaining, and it’s a great way to get to know your fellow road trippers better. Two Truths and a Lie is perfect for playing with co-workers, friends, and family. All you need to do to win is separate fact from fiction.

Here’s How to Play

  • Pick which passenger will start the game
  • That passenger tells the car three statements. Two are true, and one is a lie
  • The rest of the car tries to determine which statement is false
  • Once the round is over, it’s the next passengers turn to tell Two Truths and a Lie

Would You Rather

Hands down one of the most fun games for the entire group is Would You Rather. This game is fun for the whole family, but it can be a real blast when the adults are playing. This game is one of our favorite road trip quizzes for couples since it’s a great way to get to know your partner while also passing the time while driving.

  • Each question much follow the Would You Rather format
  • Make sure that each question you ask presents a serious dilemma

Here are some Would You Rather road trip questions to get started with:

  • Would you rather eat chicken every day for a year, or not be able to eat chicken at all?
  • Would you rather be 10 minutes late everywhere you go, or 20 minutes early?
  • Would you rather absolute freedom or absolute safety?
  • When you die, if you could be reborn, would you rather exist in the future or the past?
  • Would you rather spend a year in prison or a year in a hospital?
  • Would you rather be the most gullible person in the world or lose the ability to tell a lie?
  • Would you rather go to the past to meet your ancestors, or to the future to meet your future relatives?

Would You Rather can also be a silly and fun game if you’re traveling with children. If there are kids in the car, here’s some Would You Rather questions that are perfect for them:

21 Questions

From young kids to grandparents, 21 Questions is a classic game everyone can enjoy. This game of deduction requires passengers to guess the person, place, or thing that the player is thinking of, using a maximum of 21 questions to figure it out.

Here’s how to Play

  • The first player thinks of a person, place, or thing
  • The rest of the players can ask up to 21 questions to figure out what the first player is thinking of
  • The first player responds with yes or no answers to each question they’re asked
  • If the rest of the car can’t figure out the answer in 21 questions, player one wins
  • If someone correctly guesses the answer within 21 questions, that person becomes the next to choose a person, place, or thing

Name That Tune

If you’re traveling with a bunch of music enthusiasts, Name That Tune can be one of the most fun games to play. All you’ll need is an app like Spotify or Apple Music (or someone in the car with an extensive music library.)

Here’s How To Play

  • Appoint one person in the car as the host for that round
  • That person finds a popular playlist and plays a song
  • The other passengers try and guess the song as quickly as possible
  • If a passenger says “pass,” the host moves on to the next song
  • Whoever guesses correctly first gets the point

The Bad Movie Plot Game

This hilarious game is perfect for a car full of movie buffs, and it’s a great way to pass the time during long car rides. The premise is simple: you must guess the name of the movie based on an incredibly poor plot description from the host.

  • The host of the game thinks of a movie
  • The host describes the plot of the movie correctly, but in the worst way possible
  • The rest of the car tries to guess the correct movie
  • Whoever guesses correctly becomes the host of the next round

Here are a few examples:

  • Talking gremlin convinces a son to murder his father (Star Wars Episode V)
  • Family abandons their troublemaker son on Christmas vacation in hopes robbers will abduct him (Home Alone)

The Movie Game

This game is another one that’s tons of fun for movie buffs. In The Movie Game, participants take turns naming movies and actors until one of the participants is stumped.

  • The first player starts the game by naming a popular movie, such as Titanic
  • The next player names an actor from the movie, like Leonardo DiCaprio
  • The next player must name another movie that the actor was in, for example, Wolf of Wall Street
  • The game continues until someone is stumped. If you can’t think of a movie or actor, you’re eliminated!
  • The last remaining player is the winner of the round

Questions, Questions, Questions

Is there a lull in conversation? This game is a great way to get the juices flowing and get some more energy in the car. Playing Questions, Questions, Questions is as simple as asking fun and intriguing questions to the other people in the car. This game is a great way to get to know your crew even better than you do now.

Here are a few great examples to get the conversation going again:

  • What is the most interesting thing you saw online this week?
  • If you were a gifted scientist with unlimited resources, what would you study and why?
  • What person, alive or dead, would you like to have dinner with and why?

Smurfing is a great way to get everybody laughing while passing the time on a long car ride. In this game, the player will need to guess the action that the rest of the car has come up with as quickly as possible by asking a series of questions.

  • The player must cover their ears while the rest of the car comes up with an action
  • Once the car has come up with an action, the player must try to guess that action by asking questions. In the questions, “smurf” is the stand-in for the action.
  • Ex. When is the best time to smurf? Does smurfing make you sweat? Do you smurf inside or outside?
  • The player must guess the action in as few questions as possible

Fortunately, Unfortunately

This fun game requires a bit of imagination, so it’s perfect for playing with the kids. It’s an easy game to keep going for hours, and the more crazy and imaginative you are, the more fun it is to play.

  • The first player begins with a statement that starts with “Fortunately
  • The next player follows up that statement with a statement beginning with “Unfortunately
  • Each additional player adds a statement following the fortunately/unfortunately format

Here’s an example:

  • ortunately, I brought delicious cookies for everybody
  • Unfortunately, every fifth cookie in the box will give you gas
  • Fortunately, you won’t be able to hear it
  • Unfortunately, everyone else within a five-mile radius will

This game is a fun variation on 21 Questions, and it’s fun to play with friends, family, or the kids. With a little bit of logic and some deductive questioning, contestants must identify the famous person the rest of the car is thinking of.

  • The contestant must cover their ears or listen to music while the rest of the car decides on a famous person
  • The contestant then asks yes or no questions to figure out who the famous person is

Truth or Dare

One of the most classic games to cure boredom on long car rides, Truth or Dare, is especially fun to play with your friends. This classic game is about as simple as it gets.

  • The first contestant is asked to choose either truth or dare
  • If the contestant selects truth, they’ll be forced to answer any question truthfully
  • If the contestant selects dare, they must complete a dare posed by one of the other contestants
  • The game continues on to the next contestant

The Counting Game

This silly game is perfect for families, and it’s a great way to pass the time during long road trips. The purpose of the game is to get to the highest number possible without any two players saying the same number at once.

  • The game begins when a player says the number one
  • The remaining players have five seconds to say number two
  • If more than one person says the next number at the same time, the game ends, and you restart from one

The Song Lyric Game

This fun game is a great way for music buffs to stay entertained on a road trip. Face off with your fellow road trippers in a lyric battle for the right to control the stereo.

  • Players must sing the lyrics to the current song on the stereo for one minute
  • The first player to successfully nail every lyric in the song for a minute straight can control the stereo
  • Once another player is able to sing a minute’s worth of lyrics to whatever song is on, they gain control of the stereo

Do you have the best taste in music in the car? Put your style to the test against your friends or family in this fun battle game. In order to play, you’ll need at least three people, so this game is perfect for families and groups of friends.

  • First, appoint someone in the car as the judge
  • The judge picks a music category i.e., pop, hip hop, rock, etc.
  • The remaining people in the car take turns playing the “best” song from that category
  • The judge awards a point to whichever person plays the best song

Did You Know?

A favorite road trip trivia game for couples and friends, this one is a great way to get to know the people you’re with even better than you do now.

To play the game, each person in the car takes turns sharing an interesting (and unknown) fact about themselves. Each player must begin by saying, “Did you know that I
” and then adding a fun factoid the others in the car don’t know about them

The Rhyming Game

Are you a wordsmith? The Rhyming Game is your time to shine! All you’ll need to do is start with a word, and then everyone must come up with a rhyming word before time expires.

  • The first player begins by choosing any word they like
  • The next player must say a word that rhymes with the first word
  • Each additional player must do the same
  • Players have fifteen seconds to come up with a rhyming word, or they’re eliminated

The Spelling Bee

Are you the best speller in the car? Test your knowledge against your friends and family with a spelling bee game. Use Google to find a list of difficult to spell words, and host a spelling bee in the car!

  • One person in the car must be appointed The Word Master
  • The Word Master selects a word for the first player to spell
  • If the player spells their word correctly, the Word Master selects a word for the next player
  • The game continues until there is only one super speller left

Backward Sentences Game

It may seem easy, but this game is harder than you may think! Can you say a sentence backward?

  • The first player says a sentence
  • The next player must repeat the sentence backward
  • Each player gets the point for every correct backward sentence
  • The player with the most points after five minutes wins the game

If you’re surrounded by people with great imaginations, this game is bound to be loads of fun. Each person in the car adds a new sentence to the story, and before you know it, you and your crew will have weaved a crazy tale that’s sure to get everyone laughing and having fun.

  • The first player begins by telling the first sentence of a story
  • Each subsequent player adds a sentence to the story
  • See how long you can keep the story going

Truth or a Lie?

Are you a good liar? If so, you’ll love playing this game, which will put your detective skills to the test as you root out which of your friends is telling the truth and who is spinning an elaborate lie.

  • The first player tells an elaborate story about their past
  • The story can be true or false
  • The remaining players must decide if the story is real or fake
  • The first player to guess correctly receives a point
  • The next player tells a story and the game repeats

Sorry I’m Late

This fun game adds a spin to the bad movie plot game we mentioned earlier. Can you guess which movie they’re thinking of from a single sentence?

  • The first player explains why they were late by describing the plot of a movie in a single sentence
  • Ex. “Sorry I’m late, I was saving the world from an alien invasion on the Fourth of July” (Independence Day)
  • The remaining players take turns guessing which movie the first player was talking about
  • Whoever answers correctly becomes the next contestant in the game

The Going on Vacation Game

How good is your memory? This game is a great way to see which member of your party is the best at remembering fine details, and it’s lots of fun to play. Each player adds a new item to the list when it’s their turn, and it’s up to the next player to remember everything on the list, in order.

  • The first player starts by saying “I’m going on vacation and I’m bringing
” and adds an item
  • I.E., I’m going on vacation, and I’m bringing a T-shirt
  • The next player must repeat the sentence, the first item, and then add an additional item
  • The game continues until a player can’t remember all of the other items on the list

This classic game is fun for the whole family, and it’s one that practically everyone already knows how to play.

  • The first player selects an object from the car or countryside
  • The player then says “I spy with my eye something beginning with the letter [first letter of object]
  • The other players take turns guessing what the item is
  • Each correct guess earns a point
  • The player with the most points at the end of the game wins

Silence is golden, and that’s especially true for parents who are trying to find some peace from their kids during a road trip. This game couldn’t be any easier to play. The object is to remain quiet for as long as possible. Whoever goes the longest without making a sound wins!

What Are You Waiting For?

We just provided you with 30 of the most fun road trip trivia and other games around, which should give you and your fellow passengers hours of entertainment on your trip. Keep this list of games handy, so you and your crew will always have something to keep you occupied during your road trip.

What are some of your favorite road trip trivia games? How do you like to pass the time on a long ride? Let us know in the comments!

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Ayesha Holloman

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Crazy Road Trip

We’ll be back after this short break


MPH Online

Crazy Road Trip

It's time to put the paddle to the metal in Crazy Road Trip! In this high-speed driving game, you take control of a car that always drive forward. It's up to you to drive and drift it through the different stages and get to the other end in one piece. You can unlock 14 unique vehicles to drive around in - from monster trucks to race cars to even a toilet on wheels! If you think you're a real expert at drifting, try out Expert Mode! In this mode, you only get one life - so run into a single wall and it's game over. Only the very best drivers can finish all 30 levels on this mode. Let's hit the road!

How to play Crazy Road Trip?

  • Use the A/D or the Left and Right arrow key to move!

Who created Crazy Road Trip?

Crazy Road Trip was created by Purrfect Games. This is their first game on Poki!

How can I play Crazy Road Trip for free?

You can play Crazy Road Trip for free on Poki.

Can I play Crazy Road Trip on mobile devices and desktop?

Crazy Road Trip can be played on your computer and mobile devices like phones and tablets.

  • Racing Games
  • Skill Games
  • Driving Games
  • Keyboard Games
  • Drifting Games

Road Trip: Royal merge games

About This Game

  • Package ID: com.vizorapps.roadtrip
  • APK Size: 146.16 MB
  • Data pack: N/A
  • Requirements: Android 5.0+
  • VPN Required: No
  • Support Rooted device: Yes

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This game is still waiting for its first review

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Immortal Diaries

Take your dog on an MiLB road trip this summer

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Minor League Baseball is going to the dogs. In just about every corner of the country, you can find a team with a Bark at the Park night on the calendar. If MiLB and your dog sounds like a pretty good combo, add in another classic summertime tradition: the road

Minor League Baseball is going to the dogs.

In just about every corner of the country, you can find a team with a Bark at the Park night on the calendar. If MiLB and your dog sounds like a pretty good combo, add in another classic summertime tradition: the road trip.

Here, with a few Ballpark Guide Road Trip proposals presented by Wyndham, you'll find one itinerary for each of the next three months of the Minor League season. These trips are designed to hit many bark-in-the-park nights in a limited time -- and in minimal hours of the dog cooped up in the car -- and with ample opportunities for walks and good eats along the way.


In just about every instance, it'd be possible to extend the journey for another few days by adding another bark-in-the-park stop on one end or the other, and it'd also be easy to truncate any of them to accommodate a tighter schedule. To adapt these trips or plan your own, use our Minor League Ballpark Guides .

Whenever you're bringing your pup to a game, do be sure to check specific ballpark rules and requirements ahead of time.

Before the summer reaches its hottest point, get down to the historic cradle of Minor League Baseball -- the American Southeast. This itinerary starts with games on back-to-back days and the longest drive of the trip (from the South Carolina coast to northwestern Georgia, about six hours), then provides a few days for exploration and R&R before two more games.

Charleston RiverDogs (Single-A Rays), Double Dog Tuesday -- June 18 The 'Dogs of the Carolina League love dogs so much they've added a "puppy playground" to the park this year. Pup Cups are available during Double Dog Tuesdays, which feature a parade for a different breed each time. This week? Retrievers. Tickets »

Rome Emperors (High-A Braves), Double Dog Wednesday -- June 19 As sure as the moonrise follows the sunset, Double Dog Tuesday gives way to Double Dog Wednesday. The longest drive of this journey -- about six hours -- is out of the way by the time you settle in for first pitch of the second leg. The Braves affiliate club offers specials on hot dogs while hosting you and your furry companion on Wednesdays. Plus, if the Emperors reign in the ballpark, dogs are given royal treatment all over Rome -- a self-proclaimed " pooch-friendly town ." Tickets »

Gwinnett Stripers (Triple-A Braves), Wet Nose Wednesday -- June 26 After the Emperors game, take some time to explore the John's Mountain Wildlife Management Area and/or Carters Lake -- dog-friendly hiking, camping and swimming abound. When you're ready to get back on the road, head down to Gwinnett. The Stripers love seeing dogs at Coolray Field. The Triple-A affiliate of the Braves host Wet Nose Wednesdays every Wednesday home game, and this one will also feature Gwinnett's Copa de la Diversión identity -- the Xolos. Tickets »

Augusta GreenJackets (Single-A Braves), Bark in the Park -- June 30 Wrap up the trip with a journey back to the Savannah River. With a few days between the Stripers game and the GreenJackets finale, there are myriad opportunities for another camping or hiking detour upriver, or just hang out in the Atlanta area until Sunday morning before taking a drive of less than three hours to the S.C.-Ga. border. This one's a day game -- bring a big water dish. After, consider cooling Fido off with a dip at the Rae's Creek Aqueduct. Tickets »

Start -- and end -- a Mid-Atlantic journey in the Keystone State, beginning with a true Minor League ballpark gem, making time for a few beach days and circling back to the Pennsylvania MiLB park that's literally on the Susquehanna River.

Reading Fightin Phils (Double-A Phillies), Bring Your Dog to the Game -- July 14 The home of the Phillies' Double-A affiliate since the 1960s, FirstEnergy Stadium opens up to pups on Sundays. This one also offers an Aaron Nola bobblehead to the first 1,500 kids through the gates, but with or without a bobblehead you and your pooch are sure to enjoy the Fightin Phils. Tickets »

Brooklyn Cyclones (High-A Mets), Bark in the Park -- July 23 There may not be a more raucous environment in Minor League Baseball than Coney Island's Maimonides Park, so for dogs with extroverted personality types and a high tolerance for loud noise and stimulus, the Cyclones' canine-friendly promo is probably the best in the game. Seating for doggos is in one of two sections on the right-field line, with the famous Parachute Jump looming over your right shoulder as you face the action. Tickets »

Jersey Shore BlueClaws (High-A Phillies), Pups in the Park -- July 28 The BlueClaws welcome dogs to every Sunday home game. Get there early -- ShoreTown Ballpark has been known to host a pregame "Doggy Talent Show," and there's plenty to explore. Either you or your furry companion is going to want to get a taste of a Jersey staple at the Taylor Pork Roll Stand. Maybe both of you. Tickets »

Delmarva Shorebirds (Single-A Orioles), Wag Your Tail Tuesday -- July 30 Your dog gets in free here if you bring a donation -- food, treats, paper towels, etc. -- for a local animal shelter. Before or after the game, you'll likely want to give your pup some time on the water. The many beaches of the Delmarva Peninsula have various rules (some don't allow pets on the beach at all in July), so plan ahead. Perhaps start by taking a look at Lewes Beach, about an hour from the park, for a morning or evening visit. Tickets »

Harrisburg Senators (Double-A Nationals), Wet Nose Wednesday -- July 31 As sure as sunup follows sundown, Wag Your Tail Tuesday gives way to Wet Nose Wednesday. At least for you and your companion on this road trip. The Sens play in a ballpark on City Island in the middle of the Susquehanna River, and you'll love the opportunity to stroll to the yard over the Walnut Street Bridge, which is free of motor vehicle traffic. Tickets »

There's something special about the Midwest in the late summer. The ice cream is a little sweeter, the dips in the rivers a little more relaxing, the breezes off the Great Lakes a marvelous antidote to the humidity. This trip takes you and your dog to some truly outstanding Minors parks just before the calendar flips to September.

South Bend Cubs (High-A Cubs), Paws and Claws Night -- Aug. 20 In a clever sponsor partnership, you can bring your dog to this one and enjoy $4 White Claws for yourself. You'll also find a lovely grass berm down the right-field line, and the walkable concourse that set the standard when Four Winds Fields opened in 1988. Tickets »

Quad Cities River Bandits (High-A Royals), Bark in the Park -- Aug. 22 Modern Woodmen Park is right on the Mississippi, with a 110-foot-tall Ferris Wheel towering over a terrific grassy seating area beyond the left-field fence. If you're doing this trip in part for the 'Gram, you'll definitely want to bring Fido out here for a little photo shoot. Tickets »

Peoria Chiefs (High-A Cardinals), Bark in the Park -- Aug. 25 The Chiefs host Bark in the Park every Sunday home game, and this is the penultimate one of the season. Make time for an introduction to Homer, Peoria's mascot, if only to see how your dog reacts to a human dressed as a Dalmatian dressed as a firefighter. Tickets »

Wisconsin Timber Rattlers (High-A Brewers), Bark in the Park -- Aug. 27 The Timber Rattlers set aside the left-field berm for dogs and their human companions at Bark in the Park nights (be sure to have vaccination records on hand). A 12-minute drive from Fox Cities Stadium is McFleshman's Brewing Co., where dogs are welcome at the outdoor beer garden. Tickets »

Beloit Sky Carp (High-A Marlins), Waggin' One Price -- Aug. 28 Is Beloit baseball's Bargain City? Waggin' One Price means for 18 bucks, you and your dog get entry to the game, a frankfurter and a soda. How the two of you divvy up the spoils is up to you. While you're in town, check out Lucy's Burger Bar, which features not only a dog-friendly outdoor area but a "pawtio" menu. Tickets »

Josh Jackson is an editor for Follow and interact with him on Twitter @JoshJacksonMiLB .

30 Best Road Trip Games That Will Make Your Drive Go By in No Time

Your crew won't ever want to get out of the car!

preview for 11 of the Most Beautiful Places in the US

Every item on this page was chosen by a The Pioneer Woman editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

Road trip games are one of the easiest ways to make the miles fly by in the blink of an eye, and if you used to take road trips when you were little, you likely have several car games that you still love today. Perhaps you’re heading out with your whole family in tow or going somewhere fun with a group of gals or your main squeeze (talk about a cute summer date idea !). No matter what type of trip you’re taking, road trip games are a must. The nice thing about road trip games is that they don’t require a ton of items to bring along—just your brains, a few rules to follow, and plenty of giggles. If you’d like to tuck away those smartphones and kick it old-school, turn to these 30 boredom-busting road trip games.

Here are some destination ideas for your next road trip:

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road trip game map game

Just one round of the map game is enough to keep the crew busy. Have the driver think of a a few specific locations on a map. Afterward, the driver gives the non-driving passengers hints to what the location is by describing other points on the map near it. The participating passengers then stick a pin into the location they think is right and the driver confirms the accuracy of the pins at the end of the drive.

Guess Who Said It

best road trip games guess who said it

This one is simple, but oh-so fun! One person will look up quotes from famous speeches and/or lines from popular movies and songs. This person then recites the chosen quote, and the other participating members must guess who said it. For example, the one who chose the quote could say this notorious line from The Hunger Games : "I volunteer as tribute!" If the players guessed "Katniss Everdeen / Jennifer Lawrence from The Hunger Games, " they would get a point!

Who's Most Likely to...?

road trip games whos most likely to

Each person in the car takes turns proposing different questions in the style of "who in this car is most likely to do XYZ?" The blank is filled in with a random scenario. Then, the group takes turns offering their opinion on who they think in the car would be the most likely to do the proposed action. This one is fun, and you'll really get to know what your family and friends think of you!

Guess the Time

road trip games guess the time

This one works if your road trip is especially long. Take a look at your route, and jot down a list of cities and towns you're sure to pass through along the way. Then, have everyone guess the specific times they think they'll drive through each city. The player who is closest each time wins!

road trip games mad libs

A game of Mad Libs is more than likely to solicit some laughter. You'll need a printable that has a wacky story written out with some blanks in between sentences that call for nouns and verbs of the crew's choice. Once those blanks are filled out, read it aloud for a hilarious personalized story!


While You Were Sleeping

best road trip games

It’s not just a favorite movie from the ‘90s! For this game, one person will be asleep (which happens pretty frequently on road trips). Once they’re asleep for at least five minutes, the ones who are awake will start making up a story, and each person will take turns adding to that story. After the person wakes up, the group’s job is to make them believe that it’s a true story. If someone starts giggling, they’ll lose a point. But if each one tricks the sleeper into believing the story, every person gets three points.

The Singing Game

best road trip games

This is for the family and pals who love to bust out a tune! One person in the car will start singing a song. The next person will pick up a lyric from that song and will link it up with another song (i.e. “Should I stay or should I go
” can link to “
your own way, go your own way.”) The words can connect to one another going round and round until someone can’t think of a new lyric or sings the incorrect words.

best road trip games

This might be one of the most classic car games of all time. You know the rules: someone in the car will spot something by the road and say, “I spy with my little eye, something that is
” and then will give a hint, whether it’s a color or general direction. The other players will ask questions until someone discovers what it is.

20 Questions

best road trip games

One person will choose a noun (a person, place, or thing) and the other players will get 20 questions to find out what it is. Simple and fun!

License Plate Game

best road trip games

A game that’s always a favorite! The aim of this game is to spy all 50 states on license plates throughout your journey. You can keep track on a piece of paper, a phone, or you can use a board with markers for each state.


Scavenger Hunt

best road trip games

Similar to “I Spy,” a road trip scavenger hunt involves bringing along a list of items that are typically seen along the road. Your pals or little ones will spot the items, like stop signs or blue cars, and check them off the list. The first one to check them all off wins.

Two Truths and a Lie

best road trip games

For this, one player will make three statements, and one of them will be false. The other players will try to guess which one is the untrue one. It’s a great way to discover new things about a friend or family member!

best road trip games

This game is great for older kids and adults. Focusing on compound words, each person will link to the previous word and keep going around until someone can’t come up with anything. For example, notebook, bookstore, store-bought, etc.

Never Have I Ever

best road trip games

Each player will start a statement by saying, “Never have I ever
” Then they’ll finish the statement by saying something like, “Fallen asleep in class,” or “Flown on an airplane.” The rest of the crew has to decide if it’s a true statement or not.

Road Trip Bingo

best road trip games

It’s just like the bingo you play at home, except this game has a road-trip spin. Bring along some bingo cards (you can even purchase ones that are road trip-themed) and look for all the items on the board. The first one to get BINGO wins!


The Name Game

best road trip games

This game is all about naming as many “names” as you can, but you’ll each only have three seconds to answer! There are lots of ways to play: focus on first letters, go with last names only, etc. Or change the category to dog breeds, books, types of flowers, or anything else you can come up with.

Story Starter

best road trip games

Here’s a classic game. One person will start a story but won’t finish the sentence. The next player will finish that sentence, but won’t finish it, and so on. By the end, you’ll probably have a pretty funny story going!

Alphabet Game

best road trip games

This is a game to play when you know there will be a lot of signs and billboards along the way. Starting with “A” and so on, players will find words on the route that start with each letter of the alphabet. You can play with the letters in order, or you can cross them off as you see them.

The Grocery Game

best road trip games

The first player will come up with an item they would buy at the grocery store. Without telling anyone, the rest of the car will take turns asking questions to discover what it is. Is it red? Can it be found in the produce department? It’s an apple!

Name That Tune

best road trip games

This one goes out to the music lovers out there! For this game, someone will start playing music on the radio or on a smartphone. In only five seconds, you have to guess what song it is. The first person to answer gets a point!


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  • SB Nation Reacts

Mariners Reacts Survey: Road Trip Blues

After a rough road trip, can the Mariners right the ship at home?

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MLB: Seattle Mariners at Washington Nationals

Welcome to another week of Mariners Reacts, where we gauge the reaction of our readers for no other reason than to feel like we share in the pain together. I hope you had a good Memorial Day weekend Mariner fans; though it was capped with a win, it was led in by an inconsistent road trip fraught with difficulties. While the offense has continued to struggle, no surprises there, the bullpen and the starting pitching staff showed a surprising lack of sharpness, including a 9-2 loss to the Orioles, a 7-3 loss to the Yankees, and a 6-1 loss to the Nationals, where both the bullpen and the starters failed to take to the bracing east coast winds.

Even with a subpar road trip, the Mariners are top of the AL West as of this writing, and have already secured at least a series split with the Astros by winning the first two games of this homestand. So this week, let's focus on what we can expect from this team moving forward and the boost that potential new faces may bring.

Welcome to SB Nation Reacts, a survey of fans across the MLB. Throughout the year we ask questions of the most plugged-in Seattle Mariners fans and fans across the country. Sign up here to participate in the weekly emailed surveys.

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    road trip mobile game

  2. Road Trip

    road trip mobile game

  3. 20 Awesome Road Trip Game Apps To Play In The Car (Free And Fun)

    road trip mobile game

  4. Road Trip

    road trip mobile game

  5. 39 Best Road Trip Games to Play

    road trip mobile game

  6. 20 Awesome Road Trip Game Apps To Play In The Car (Free And Fun)

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  1. Road Trip Gameplay (by VIZOR APPS LTD)

  2. DashCam Road Trip From Fairhope to Downtown Mobile AL

  3. Offroad Race by Rollic Games

  4. The Long Drive Mobile / Long Road Trip Mobile (China Version) Gameplay Part: 1

  5. Night stay in historical Mobile City

  6. Zombie Road Trip Trials


  1. 20 Awesome Road Trip Game Apps To Play In The Car (Free And Fun)

    Road Trip Travel Games App. This is an excellent app that includes a variety of games to play in the car. It will keep the whole family entertained for hours! It includes 11 different road trip game apps. Some of the popular options include 21 Questions, the ABC game, and the spot-it game. Download it by searching for Road Trip Travel Games in ...

  2. Road Trip: Royal merge games

    Mobile application Road Trip: Royal merge Adventure games is a mobile application that is always with you in your mobile device. Mobile game is an Adventure for the whole family. ... Our game Road Trip gives freedom of genres and moods: there are action-packed adventures in the jungle, traps and crocodiles, mystical ghosts of the Hawaiian ...

  3. The Road Trip: Long Drive Game

    play_appsLibrary & devices. paymentPayments & subscriptions. reviewsMy Play activity. redeemOffers. Ultimate road trip game with animal hunting& car mechanics games, The long drive.

  4. 10 mobile games that will put the fun in family road trips

    5. Trivia Crack. Speaking of quizzes, Trivia Crack is perhaps the most noteworthy quiz and trivia game on the mobile market today, and it's an ideal companion for the road. Adjustable for ...

  5. 41 Fun Road Trip Games To Play In The Car

    Name The Animal Game. This super simple game is one of my favorite car games for kids. Begin by naming an animal such as a tiger, raccoon, bear, etc. Then everyone takes turns to name another animal that begins with the last letter of the last animal named. Examples: Gorilla, antelope, elephant, etc.

  6. 30 Best Road Trip Games That Are Super Fun

    2. I'm Going On A Road Trip. Another one for training memory, I'm Going On A Road Trip is a great road trip game for the whole family. Monkey Business Images/ This road trip game requires a bit more brain power than some of the others, but is still really entertaining and great for all ages.

  7. Road Trip

    This is not your average mobile racing game - it's a fun road trip that's sure to get your adrenaline pumping! 🏁 Endless Adventure Awaits 🏁 Embark on an endless adventure as you test your skills in the ultimate traffic challenge. Navigate through a variety of environments and master the art of drift racing to conquer the road.

  8. 20+ Fun Family Road Trip Games To Play In The Car

    Spot the Car Road Trip Game. Printable Road Trip Scavenger Hunt. 16. License Plate Game. The license plate game is another popular road trip activity, it's basically a type of scavenger hunt based on the number plates of passing cars, however, there are a few different ways to play.

  9. Road Trip: Merge travel magicâ€Ș!‬ 4+

    Mobile application Road Trip: Royal merge Adventure games is a mobile application that is always with you in your mobile device. Mobile game is an Adventure for the whole family. Road Trip is a whole Klondike Adventure! Real family island with different locations and mysterious places. Casual Adventure game is waiting for you!

  10. 25 Road Trip Games for Fun Family Car Rides

    The last person with a finger up wins. 12. Padiddle. If you're going on a long road trip that will involve you driving at night, this game will be a great one to play. When you see a car with ...

  11. 9 Of The Best Mobile Games to Play On A Fun Road Trip

    6. Call of Duty: Mobile. Many will argue this point, but we believe that COD Mobile is the best version of the game, period. This action-packed shooter is one of the best mobile ones ever developed. Choose between multiplayer for a smooth experience and Battle Royale for an overwhelming shoot-em-up.

  12. ‎Road Trip

    Screenshots. An endless driving game with insanely realistic crashes. See how far you get before you hit a log truck, golf cart, steam roller or all of the above! ==HOW TO PLAY==. * Swipe left and right to change lanes. * Watch in horror as your Road Trip comes to an end in the worst way possible. * Watch a replay and relive that horror.

  13. 7 Fun Mobile Game Apps Made for Long Road Trips

    Road trips are becoming increasingly popular with American travelers, with 46 percent now hitting the open road for their vacation. With 3,000 miles coast-to-coast and plenty of unique regions to explore, road trips offer endless possibilities for adventure without the hassle of airport security and finding pet-sitters. Although, while you might set off with excitement, hours in a cramped car ...

  14. Top 10 Road Trip Games for a Long Drive

    I Spy. I Spy is one of the most popular classic road trip games travelers can play. The game goes like this: one person picks a thing (person, place, animal etc.), and then the rest of the travelers try to guess the thing. Once the object is selected, the first person picking says, "I spy with my little eye
 (insert vague description of the ...

  15. 20+ Entertaining Road Trip Games to Play in the Car

    20 Questions is one of those games that has plenty of versatility. Let's look at a few ways to enjoy this game while on a road trip. You play 20 Questions by assigning one person to be "it.". That person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and everyone else has 20 questions to narrow down their guess and get it right.

  16. The best 15+ travel games for your phone that work offline

    I've tried to focus this list on thought-provoking games for your phone that challenge your mind, rather than games that just keep you busy (as they're addictive). Monument Valley. Device6. Don't Starve. 80 Days. Plague Inc. Crossword. Heads Up. Leo's Fortune.

  17. 11 Best Road Trip Games for Families

    2. Melissa & Doug Flip to Win Hangman. A retro game made road-ready, Flip to Win Hangman by Melissa & Doug is one of the best road trip games for beginning readers (ages 6 and up). Designed with flippable, magnetic wooden letters, each game comes with an erasable whiteboard and a self-store dry-erase marker.

  18. 10 Mobile Games to Play While Traveling

    4. 80 Days (iOS & Android) Not only is 80 Days a near-perfect travel game, but it's also a near-perfect game about traveling. Think Jules Verne meets a visual novel meets Oregon Trail and that ...

  19. 30 Road Trip Trivia Games for Long Car Rides

    It's safe to assume there's at least one smartphone among the people in the car, and that phone is a huge asset when it comes to road trip trivia. Here are some of the best trivia apps to check out on your next getaway. Jeopardy! World Tour. World Tour is the latest mobile app from one of the greatest trivia games of all time.


    Crazy Road Trip. Purrfect Games 4.4 2,987 votes. It's time to put the paddle to the metal in Crazy Road Trip! In this high-speed driving game, you take control of a car that always drive forward. It's up to you to drive and drift it through the different stages and get to the other end in one piece. You can unlock 14 unique vehicles to drive ...

  21. Road Trip Travel Games

    In addition to compiling some of the most fun road trip games out there, we tweaked a few of them to make them more family friendly. The traditional Slug a Bug game is fun the first couple times with your siblings, but when dad plays, arms start to turn colors faster than a 2 week old banana. So to prevent World War 3 on your arms, we have come ...

  22. 21 Best Road Trip Games to Play in the Car for Kids in 2023

    10. Triple Threat. Next on the list of road trip games to play on car rides is the Triple Threat. Here, the adults must choose three nouns, like "plate," "monkey" and "snow," for example. The kids have to create a story that includes all three things. Be warned: things will get very silly, very fast. 11.

  23. Road Trip: Royal merge games

    Mobile application Road Trip: Royal merge Adventure games is a mobile application that is always with you in your mobile device. Mobile game is an Adventure for the whole family. Road Trip is a whole Klondike Adventure! Real family island with different locations and mysterious places. Casual Adventure game is waiting for you!

  24. Dog-friendly Minor League Baseball road trips

    May 27, 2024. Minor League Baseball is going to the dogs. In just about every corner of the country, you can find a team with a Bark at the Park night on the calendar. If MiLB and your dog sounds ...

  25. Caitlin Clark Makes Personal Admission After Indiana Fever's WNBA Road Trip

    Clark and the Fever started the season playing seven games in 14 days, the most by any team in that span. Clark continued, "I felt like kinda re-energized after that trip.

  26. 30 Road Trip Games

    Alphabet Game. This is a game to play when you know there will be a lot of signs and billboards along the way. Starting with "A" and so on, players will find words on the route that start with each letter of the alphabet. You can play with the letters in order, or you can cross them off as you see them.

  27. Road Trip Adventure

    Road Trip Adventure, also known as Everywhere Road Trip, Choro Q HG 2, or simply Road Trip), is a racing adventure video game for the PlayStation 2 developed by E-game (but commonly credited to Takara).The game was released in 2002 in Japan by Takara, in North America by Conspiracy Entertainment, and in 2003 in Europe and other PAL regions by System 3 under their Play It label.

  28. Who do the Texas Rangers play on their upcoming road trip?

    However, after closing out their most recent road trip with a win over the Minnesota Twins, the Rangers swept the Arizona Diamondbacks in a two-game series to improve their record to 27-29, and ...

  29. 16 Road Trip Games for Adults That Are Actually Fun

    When you've eaten all of the road trip snacks you packed and have slept until there's no way it's possible for you to be tired, take turns guessing the time you'll arrive at your final destination. Whoever guessed the right time (or the closest to it), is the winner. 12 / 17. Daisy Daisy/Shutterstock.

  30. Mariners Reacts Survey: Road Trip Blues

    Even with a subpar road trip, the Mariners are top of the AL West as of this writing, and have already secured at least a series split with the Astros by winning the first two games of this ...