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How To Make Money On The Road: 40+ Ways to Make Money While Traveling

Table of Contents

If you’ve landed here, chances are you’ve seen it.

The mass exodus of people from their stable homes and jobs taking up a lifestyle of full-time travel.

Thousands of people each year are trading in their jobs, homes and belongings to literally take the roads less traveled: living a life of full-time travel.

No longer aligned with the “standard american dream”, these restless wanderers and vagabonds have plans for their lives that don’t include a 9-5 and a white picket fence.

So many people are willing to risk it all for a life of travel. So, you have to wonder: “How in the WORLD are they doing it?”

If you’re anything like I was and one of your biggest, burning questions is how to make money on the road, you’re in the right place.

Learning how to make money while traveling may seem intimidating. But, it's easier than you might think!

I’ve outlined various ways to learn how to make money on the road for all different skill sets and personality types.

These are the very things thousands of modern day nomads do to support their wanderlust life.

how to make money on the road

Different Ways of Making Money from the Road

There are many different ways of making money from the road – and each of these ways will either bring you active income or passive income.

You may have heard the phrase “passive income”, as it’s a pretty commonly talked about thing in online business and investing, and highly sought after.

Active income is income that you actively work for, pursue, or trade time for money. This includes anything from jobs to freelancing and is how the vast majority of the world earns money.

Passive income is different – it’s money that you make in your sleep. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, the definition isn’t exactly accurate.

In order to build up a stream of passive income, it typically requires a lot of work in the beginning for no money at all.

Passive income streams include investment dividends, money from advertising on a website, money from affiliate marketing on a website, and so on.

Many travelers, myself included, have a variety of income streams that are active and passive. Diversifying your income streams will allow more freedom and opportunity for you in the future.

Learning How to Make Money On The Road

road trip earn money

If you’re looking for a way to get-rich-quick or a simple and easy way to learn how to make money on the road, you’re wasting your time.

While some of the ways to make money while traveling listed here are easier and quicker to set up than others, you will still have to put work in.

Whether you’re doing physical labor or taking time to sit at the computer, learn new skills and put them to work, this will require your time and dedication.

But like anything else, it’s not impossible, and you can totally do it!

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How To Make Money On The Road Online

Here are the best ways to make money on the road traveling in an RV, Van, or car:

Become a proofreader to make extra money

road trip earn money

 Proofreading is a fun mobile-income idea that requires no startup skills other than knowing proper English and grammar. If you love reading, it’s a major plus!

Learning how to make money on the road with proofreading isn't very hard if you have a good eye for spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Proofreading is a primary source of income for many people, and tons of industries need proofreaders. Just about anytime there’s text anywhere online or offline, a proofreader went over it first.

If you’re interested in learning how to become a proofreader, check out this free training taught by professional proofreader Catilin Pyle.

She teaches how to build a location-independent proofreading business and start getting clients here.  Caitlin was able to earn over $5000/mo with per proofreading business!

If you want to learn more, check out this free proofreading workshop where you'll learn:

Related: 71+ Best Proofreading Jobs Online: No Experience Required

Become a Virtual Assistant

road trip earn money

If you're looking for a quick way to learn how to make money while traveling, being a virtual assistant might be perfect for you. In fact, I've been working as a VA since 2017.

Virtual assistants offer a broad range of services – literally hundreds. And, chances are, you have special skillsets from previous jobs and even hobbies that you can easily use as a virtual assistant to help others.

Small business owners, entrepreneurs and even large corporations hire VA's, and being a virtual assistant can pay very well.

You can offer administrative tasks like email management, answering phones, file management, even personal shopping. There’s also customer service, content, social media, marketing, the list goes on and on. 

I've put together a free list of 220+ services you can offer as a virtual assistant. Get it here!

Related: 101+ Ways to Make Money Online for Beginners


road trip earn money

Freelancing, or independent contracting, is how many people get started when they are learning how to make money on the road.

The term “freelancing” is a catch-all term for many different things. Even virtual assistance is considered freelancing!

As a freelancer, you could do customer service, data entry, website design, admin tasks, freelance writing , and marketing, just to name a few.

Freelancing is a great way for beginners to get started as there is a low barrier to entry and it doesn’t cost anything to get started.

Working as a freelancer has flexible hours because you are the only one who determines when and how long you work. Learn more about freelancing here.

Related: 25 Awesome Jobs That Don't Suck Your Soul Out

Earn money remotely as a Transcriptionist

 If you are a hearing person and a decent typist, learn how to make money while traveling as a transcriptionist!

A transcriptionist listens to audio recordings and types it out into a document. This work can be done from anywhere, with or without an internet connection.

Many different types of industries need transcriptionists, and you can work on your own time. These industries include law enforcement, attorneys, insurance companies, journalists, entertainment companies, teachers, authors and more.

road trip earn money

Transcription is easy to learn and doesn’t require any degrees or certificates, just the ability to hear and type. To learn how to get started, check out the free mini-course taught by Janet at Transcribe Anywhere. 

Start a Retail Arbitrage business as you travel from town to town

road trip earn money

Retail arbitrage is a popular type of income for many RVers! Retail arbitrage is where a store sells an item (usually on sale), you purchase it and then sell it for a higher price, pocketing the profits.

This is especially good for travelers because as you’re traveling around, you get to visit stores in many different towns with varying inventories.

It’s very popular to do this with Walmart and Target and then sell it on Amazon – this is called Amazon FBA (fulfillment by Amazon).

If you'd like to learn how to make money on the road with retail arbitrage,  check out The Selling Family , who have been doing retail arbitrage (Amazon FBA) for more than 5 years on Amazon and earning more than $10k per month consistently.

Click here for their free course all about Amazon FBA .

This is a free 9-lesson course all about getting started with Amazon FBA and how to choose profitable inventory that actually sells. 

Start a blog to make money on the road traveling

 In my opinion, no matter what you do when you're learning how to make money on the road, you should start a blog .

A blog is a great place to use as a portfolio site as you gain experience to show potential clients, to use as a place to write content that shows your expertise in a certain area, or a place to house all your travel adventures.

What's really cool about having a blog is that it can make you money – whether you focus on it as your primary income or not.

A blog can bring in passive income from advertising or you can use it as your home on the internet to sell your services or even products. I could ramble on all day about how important I think it is to have a website, but you get the point.

I was initially inspired to start a blog after following full-time RVer-turned sailor Michelle Schroeder-Garner, who regularly makes $100k/mo from blogging.

And now, my website brings in traffic and income from content I've written even though it hasn't been my primary focus.

If you're interested in learning how to to start a blog the right way, check out my guide here.

Sell Goods on Etsy to make extra money while traveling

road trip earn money

If you make handmade goods or have an eye for things of value, you can make money on the road selling on Etsy.

My friends Kyle and Olivia from Drivin & Vibin got started out selling on Etsy . They started selling vintage clothes, books, toys, and furniture – but to make their lifestyle mobile they downsized to specialty items: antique maps and prints.

Traveling is a fantastic way to source unusual items to sell on Etsy, as you’re in a new place all the time.

Sign up for Rakuten to earn cash back when shopping

Rakuten isn't really a job, but it's a great way to get money back for shopping you already planned on doing. For example, I signed up for Hulu at $5.99 and earned $5 cash back… making my purchase essentially only $.99!

You can sign up for Rakuten through this link and earn a free $10 sign-up bonus .

Read my Rakuten review here where I explain how Rakuten works.

Take surveys for extra cash

 Surveys aren’t going to get you rich quick or ever, but they are a way many people earn extra money online. If you want to know how to make money while traveling with side hustles, surveys are a viable one.

By performing repetitive tasks like answering questions, reviewing advertisements and more, you can earn a few dollars to be paid out through Paypal or with gift cards. Signing up for many survey websites is recommended to maximize your earning potential.

Sell Photos Online as you are traveling

 I see many photographers asking how to make money while traveling – and as a photographer you already have a hobby that can pay! If you have a passion for photography, you can make a decent side income by selling your photos online.

There are many different stock websites you can list your photography for sale, and each time someone purchases, you will make a commission. Click here to read more about selling your photography online.

Teach English for a location-independent income

road trip earn money

 I’m assuming you speak English since you’ve made it this far.

If you like kids, then teaching English online might be for you! VIP Kid is a program where you can sign up to teach kids in other countries English via video chat. This is a great way to make money while traveling because it's really flexible.

Earning potential is from $14 to $22 per hour. And, you choose your own schedule. Click here to learn more.

Start a Dropshipping business

road trip earn money

Dropshipping is a great business for travelers because it requires only a small amount of money to start up and you hold ZERO inventory.

With dropshipping, you locate products that you’d like to sell from wholesalers who offer deeply discounted prices.

You then create a website to sell those products to the public at a markup of usually 3x the amount you pay.

When a customer orders from you, you turn around and send their address and order information to the warehouse. They process the order and ship it to the customer, and you keep the profits.

This is a very popular business model and has great money-making potential. You'd need to learn marketing and advertising to have success with dropshipping.

Affiliate Marketing as a stream of passive income

  Affiliate marketing is aa passive income opportunity that requires some work to get set up. But, once you have everything in place you can earn money well into the future, with minimal upkeep.

This is a really desirable way to make money while traveling as once it's set up, it requires minimal upkeep.

Affiliate marketing is when you recommend a product or service to someone, they purchase through your affiliate link that the brand gives you, and you make a commission off of the sale. It doesn’t cost the customer anything extra, and the earnings potential are almost unlimited.

You can promote affiliate links through a blog, on your social media, or through a dedicated website that you send traffic to.

Pretty much every company you can think of has some kind of affiliate or referral program. Physical product companies, like Amazon, only pay around 4% of the sale.

Digital products like software, courses, and ebooks have a much higher commission percentage on average. It can be anywhere from 20% to 70%! To become an affiliate marketer, skills you would need to learn include marketing and advertising.

Build Websites

road trip earn money

 Do you have an eye for website design? Make money while traveling by designing websites!

Website design is a highly paid and sought after skill and it’s a pretty easy one to learn. These days, you don’t have to learn coding or programming to build a website.

With systems like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and others, building a website is easy-peasy.

As easy as it is, it still intimidates a lot of people, and some people just don’t have the time or care to learn. There are unlimited resources to learn how to build websites on WordPress and related software on YouTube.

Design Logos and Social Graphics for Extra Income

 This is something I started doing when I first started traveling that I never had any idea I would even be good at, and it’s something I continue to do to this day.

I never thought I had a good eye for design and I didn’t know how to use any professional graphic design software, but I found Canva and my life was changed!

Many brands will hire someone to design logos and social graphics like memes and quote images to share across their social media pages. Canva is free – so you can start playing around with it today.

Write an Ebook

road trip earn money

 Do you have any hobbies or skills that you’re passionate about? You might have to think hard about this one! Often, when things come naturally to us, it’s easy to forget that they don’t come as naturally to other people. Chances are you have some kind of specialized knowledge.

Whatever it is, you can write a short ebook to publish on Amazon/Kindle and start making some passive income. What’s awesome about self-publishing an ebook on Amazon is that they have millions of customers browsing and visiting the site daily. All the marketing work is done for you!

Create and Sell Courses

Creating and selling courses is a great way to share your knowledge. This is another stream of mostly passive income that you can do from the road. Once you do the work, it’s done and you can sell it for years to come.

You can create a course about anything: specialized skills, carpentry, plumbing, crocheting, guitar, the list goes on and on.

If you have a skill or hobby that someone has ever asked you to teach them, chances are there are thousands of people on the internet googling the same exact thing. You can publish a course on Udemy – an online education platform with over 10 million users.

Life or Business Coaching

 Are you someone people often come to with their problems or do you find yourself giving out life or business advice often? There is a large market for life and business coaches, and if you like helping people this might be for you.

If there’s an area of life or business that you have experience in that others struggle with, you can help by becoming a coach. Life and Business coaches mentor people through problems in life or business for a fee – because you deserve to be compensated for your advice, and people are more likely to take coaching seriously when they are financially invested in it.

Evaluate Websites

road trip earn money

There are companies who hire humans to evaluate websites, search engine results and advertisements.

As a website evaluator, you look for things like search result accuracy, ease of use of the websites and more. Leapforce, Lionbridge, and Appen are all popular places for this kind of work. This is a great way to make money while traveling since all you need is a laptop and internet connection.

Perform Microtasks

 Micro-tasks are small tasks (like surveys) that you perform online for a small amount of money.

These types of tasks aren’t going to make you rich but are good side hustles to make money while traveling. Microtask platforms that you can sign up for include Clickworker, Mturk, and Swagbucks , just to name a few.

Learn to Code

 This is a path that has a longer road than others, but also a very high payout for those who stick with it.

If you like computers and problem-solving, learning to code is an excellent way to ensure you will never have a problem finding high-paying remote work.

Coders, aka web developers, software programmers, etc. are in high demand and will continue to be for years to come. Read more about how to make money on the road as a coder here.

Find a Remote Jo b To Make Money On The Road

For many people, having a job with an employer is a desirable option. And remote work is stronger than ever, thanks to 2020. If being an employee seems like the thing for you, you're in luck! Check out this article all about how to find remote jobs , even if you're a beginner.

In a remote work situation, you would have a typical work schedule as determined by your employer and access to benefits like health insurance and 401k. You can search for remote jobs on job boards like Indeed, Monster and FlexJobs by searching the keywords “remote” “telecommute” or “work from home”.

Read this article to learn how to spot and avoid remote job scams.

How To Make Money On The Road Offline

road trip earn money

 So what is workamping? It's exactly what it sounds like: work camping. This is one of the most popular ways to make money on the road for RVers.

Generally done at RV parks, resorts and campgrounds, workampers do a variety of different types of work. From office work to carpentry or general labor, there is a workamping position for anyone. Generally, workamping positions offer free campsites, but a lot of them pay as well. Learn how to make money on the road with Workamping here.

road trip earn money

 If you like to follow the good weather, you can make money on the road as a tour guide in popular destination locations.

Tour guides generally work seasonally and you’ll have the opportunity to learn a lot about a place while meeting cool people and making money to fund your lifestyle.

Mobile RV Technician

road trip earn money

As a mobile RV technician, you’ll have the opportunity to make good money on the road and help out people in the nomadic community with their RVs.

If there’s one thing I know to be true about RV life: things break. A lot!

Mobile RV technicians are always going to be in demand, and you can learn how to make money on the road as an RV Tech with the  RV Tech Course taught by RVer, Terry Cooper . As a bonus, you’ll never have to hire a contractor to deal with your RV maintenance woes again!

Amazon Camperforce

Amazon Camperforce is a type of workamping situation. You're hired to work in one of Amazons warehouses during busy season. The company puts you up in an RV park for the duration of your job.

These jobs can be physically draining, but they pay a good deal of money in a short amount of time. Learn how to make money on the road with Amazon Camperforce here.

Sugar Beet Harvest

road trip earn money

Another travel job that can be considered a workamping position is the sugar beet harvest. The sugar beet harvest is a short term high paying but demanding job that happens once per year in the northern US.

Workers of the sugar beet harvest will be working outside, sometimes in inclement weather, but for a short period and earning high pay. You can make a lot of money in a short amount of time working harvests. Learn how to make money on the road working the Sugar Beet Harvest here.

Coolworks prides themselves on listing jobs in great locations. This website lists jobs to make money on the road at resorts, summer camps and everything inbetween. You can find jobs in different seasons here on Coolworks at many different locations and vacation destinations. Check out Coolworks here!

How To Make Money On The Road With Craigslist

 Don’t underestimate Craigslist, especially as you’re traveling!

As you find yourself in new locations, check out the local Craigslist ads under “gigs” – typically the jobs listed here last just a day or two and pay pretty well.

You might find someone needing help clearing up their yard, a local event needing extra staff and more.

Seasonal Retail Work

road trip earn money

Every year as the holidays roll around, retailers bulk up their staff with temporary workers. This helps them get through the busy periods.

Seasonal retail work can be a viable way to make money on the road if you’re prepared to stay in one place for a couple of months. Check Craigslist for these jobs as well as Snagajob, Indeed and Monster job boards.

Service Industry

Do you have any previous experience working in the service industry? Even if you don’t, this could be a good option for you to make money on the road.

The service industry, or restaurants and hospitality, has a very high turnover rate. That means they’re always looking for new people.

Depending on how long you plan on staying in one place, you can pick up a job as a server, cook or dishwasher and make a decent amount of money in a small time frame.

Fairs and Events

 Fairs and other large events like arts and craft shows that come to town for a few weeks at a time are always going to be hiring extra staff to get through the event. You’ll find these jobs on Craigslist and other local job boards. Expect Fair and Event jobs to be fairly physically demanding, but they pay pretty well.

Backdoor Jobs

road trip earn money has a variety of short term job adventures for travelers and outdoor enthusiasts. They have adventure, wilderness, environmental and outdoor, farm and mindfulness jobs listed and updated often in their directory. You can make money on the road and still live adventurously! If you like any of these things, give them a look!

Work for National Parks

 The National Park Service has temporary jobs every season in more than 400 National Parks and offices.

Working with the National Park Service helps ensure the parks stay open, operating, clean and safe for everyone to enjoy our protected spaces. To learn more about working for the National Park Service, click here. 

Work at Thousand Trails Resorts

 If you like to stay in one area for a good amount of time, apply to work at a Thousand Trails Resort. Thousand Trails Resorts are run by Equity Lifestyle properties and are always hiring for various positions at various resorts throughout the year. Learn more about working at Thousand Trails here.

Traveling Tradesman

 Have you worked as a mechanic, carpenter, plumber, electrician or other type of contractor? Share your trade with the world!

By utilizing your existing skills, you can use your trade on the road to help other travelers and people in the local areas that you visit. You can market yourself in Facebook groups, on Craigslist and by putting decals on your vehicles with your services and phone number.

Pet Sitting

woman walking dogs

 Some people travel around and earn their income as a pet sitter.

You can sign up to be a pet sitter with Rover , or create a personal brand.

These opportunities can be found on places like Craigslist and local Facebook groups, and give pet owners peace of mind when they can’t be home.

How to make money on the road with the Gig Economy

The gig economy is here, and it is thriving. The gig economy is the move from traditional employment to that of freelance, independent contractor type positions.

With this shift in economy come giants like Uber – where the driver gets to use their own vehicle, set their own schedule, and choose who they want to pick up. Several gig-economy start-ups allow you to work for them from town to town.

road trip earn money

 This is a gig-economy opportunity like Uber but instead of transporting people, you transport items. Roadie can be cross city or cross country transport, and you’ll be compensated for your work. This is a great opportunity for travelers who are already traveling anyway… might as well get paid for it. Learn how to make money on the road with Roadie here.

  Door Dash is another gig-economy opportunity where couriers deliver food to recipients. I drove for Door Dash when I lived in Dallas, and there was quite a bit of work available.

Door Dash is currently only in large metropolitan areas, but it’s pretty simple to get started. Just sign up and once accepted, you go to a short orientation in the closest city to you.

Once you’re set up as a driver, you can start taking deliveries. How much you earn per hour is up to you and what times you work. Learn how to make money on the road with DoorDash here.

Post Mates is yet another gig-economy opportunity where the courier delivers food, groceries, alcohol… almost anything but people. Post Mates is another service that is typically only available in larger cities. To get started with Post Mates is similar, and to learn more about it click here.

Uber – the one that started it all. As an Uber driver you’re basically like an independent taxi driver. These jobs are also only available in the larger cities and since you’re transporting people, the requirements are a little more stringent but it’s not hard to get approved, nonetheless. To learn more about driving with Uber, click here.

Making Money While Traveling

road trip earn money

Earning income on the road looks different for EVERYONE.

There are some nomads simply selling crafts at roadside fairs, beaches and on social media. There are nomads making a full-time living from blogging or YouTube, and there are nomads making their living from labor and workamping jobs.

No two nomads are alike, and no two nomads income is alike.

The important thing to remember is that no matter how you want to do it, YOU CAN. This is a lifestyle of choice – everything from choosing where to go, how long to stay, and how you earn your money.

Any way you want to do it can and will work – believe in yourself and in the process. Now get out there and start making money!

Do you make money on the road in a different way? Let me know in the comments!

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How to make money on the road

Carrie Wilder

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How to Make Money on the Road: 44 Ideas & Tips

Ever wondered how to make money on the road while waking up to the sound of waves crashing on a Thai beach? Or sipping a coffee while gazing at the Eiffel Tower?

Believe it or not, that dream isn’t as far-fetched as it may seem.

If you’ve ever felt the itch to combine your passion for travel with the need to earn money, you’re in the right place! Over the past 14 years, I’ve turned my laptop into a passport to over 40 countries, all while building thriving online businesses.

From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene beaches of Bali, I’ve discovered endless ways to make money on the move . Sounds intriguing? Stick around, because I’ve put together a whopping list of 44 ways you too can earn money while trotting the globe.

But first, let’s talk about why combining work and travel might just be the best thing you ever do!

Table of Contents

The Benefits of Working While Traveling

  • Freedom and Flexibility: Imagine being able to work from anywhere, any time. With a location-independent lifestyle, you’re in control. You decide when to work, where to work, and how to balance that with exploring new places. Live life on your terms.
  • Personal Growth: Travel opens doors to new cultures, new people, and new experiences. Add work to the mix, and you’ve got a recipe for growth that’s unparalleled. You’ll learn to adapt, to overcome challenges, and to see the world through different lenses.
  • Building a Global Network: Working on the go allows you to connect with like-minded people around the world. Whether it’s a fellow digital nomad or a local entrepreneur, your network expands, creating opportunities and friendships that last a lifetime.
  • Financial Empowerment: Who says you have to choose between earning money and travelling? By combining the two, you can fuel your wanderlust without breaking the bank, and create a sustainable lifestyle design that supports your passions and your wallet.
  • Environmental Impact: By choosing to work in eco-friendly spaces or engaging in responsible travel, you can make a positive mark on the places you visit. Give back to local economies and leave the world a place better than you found it.

So there you have it, the freedom to explore the world, chase your dreams, and make money on the road without putting your financial stability on the line.

It’s not just a dream; it’s a lifestyle, one that I’ve been living and loving for over a decade.

If you’re ready to discover how you can make this dream a reality, here are 44 incredible ways to earn money while traveling the world!

How to Make Money on the Road: 44 Ideas & Tips

1. freelance writing.

Dive into the world of freelance writing and offer your skills to bloggers, magazines, or businesses.

Start by building a solid portfolio showcasing different styles and niches. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are great places to find work.

Pitch your ideas to potential clients, and don’t be afraid to negotiate your worth. Networking and building strong relationships will help in the long run.

The key is consistency and quality; keep improving and stay committed to deadlines.

2. Travel Blogging

Share your travel experiences through your own travel blog . WordPress is user-friendly for beginners.

Focus on SEO and high-quality content to grow your readership. Monetize through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or ad revenue.

Engage with your readers through comments and social media. Offer personal insights, travel tips , or reviews of places you’ve visited.

Collaborate with other bloggers or travel brands to expand your reach. Consistency is key, as is authentic storytelling.

3. Online Teaching

Teach English or other subjects online.

Platforms like VIPKid and iTutorGroup connect teachers with students across the globe. You might need a TEFL certificate or similar qualification.

Schedule lessons to suit your travel plans. Create engaging and interactive lessons tailored to your students’ needs and levels.

Build strong relationships with your students, and offer personalized feedback, and you’ll find this a rewarding and profitable travel-friendly career.

4. Virtual Assistant Work

Become a virtual assistant and support businesses remotely with tasks like email management, scheduling, social media, and more.

Tools like Asana or Trello can help manage tasks. Join virtual assistant groups on LinkedIn or Facebook to find clients. Offer a free trial to potential clients to showcase your skills.

Stay organized and communicate clearly, and you’ll build a steady client base.

5. Remote Consulting

Use your industry expertise to provide remote consulting services.

Websites like allow you to set your rates and offer consultations via phone or video. Create a strong profile highlighting your expertise. Offer free content, like blogs or webinars, to attract clients.

Networking and client testimonials can enhance credibility. Tailor your approach to each client’s unique needs for effective solutions.

6. Selling Photos

If you have a talent for photography , consider selling your photos online .

Platforms like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock provide exposure to potential buyers. Focus on unique subjects or locations for higher demand.

Understand licensing agreements and maintain high quality in your work. Build a diverse portfolio and research what sells.

Photography forums and social media groups can provide valuable insights and connections.

7. Affiliate Marketing

Share and promote products you love through affiliate marketing.

Start with popular programs like Amazon Affiliates. Include affiliate links in your blogs, videos, or social media posts.

Always disclose affiliate relationships to your audience. Offer honest and engaging content about the products you promote.

Focus on providing value and building trust. Analyzing your audience’s interests and preferences will guide you in choosing the right products.

8. Etsy Crafting

If you’re into crafts, you can sell your creations on Etsy .

Consider lightweight and unbreakable items that are easy to ship from different locations. Offer unique, high-quality products and excellent customer service.

Use beautiful photographs and detailed descriptions to showcase your items.

Engaging with the Etsy community, offering seasonal products, and managing inventory effectively will increase sales opportunities.

9. Create an Online Course

Share your expertise by creating online courses .

Platforms like Teachable or Udemy make the process simple. Outline your course content carefully, ensuring it’s engaging and informative.

Use videos, quizzes, and interactive content to enhance learning. Market your course through your existing channels, like social media or your blog.

Offering a free mini-course or special launch pricing can attract initial students. Gather feedback and continuously improve for future success.

10. Website Design

Offer web design services if you’re skilled with WordPress or other platforms.

Build a strong portfolio showcasing various designs and functionalities. Network with other freelancers or small businesses that might need your services. Offer packages that cater to different budgets and needs.

Stay updated with the latest design trends and tools. Clear communication and timely delivery will lead to satisfied clients and more referrals.

11. YouTube Channel

Start a YouTube channel and vlog your travels.

Consistency is crucial, so create a schedule that works for you. Engage with your viewers by responding to comments and asking for feedback.

Collaborate with other YouTubers or brands to expand your reach. Focus on quality content that resonates with your audience, and don’t be afraid to show your personality.

Monetization opportunities arise with growth, including ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.

12. Pet/House Sitting

While not a way to make money, this is a fantastic way to save money!

Sign up with websites like TrustedHousesitters to find house and pet-sitting opportunities.

This can be a wonderful way to enjoy a temporary home base while caring for pets. Create a strong profile highlighting your experience and love for animals.

Offer references or testimonials from previous house-sitting jobs . Communicate clearly with pet owners about their expectations and any special care their pets need.

Build a reputation for reliability, and this can become a regular income source.

13. Tour Guiding

If you know a destination well, consider offering guided tours.

Customize your tours for different interests like history, food, or photography. Partner with local businesses or use social media to promote your services.

Provide a unique and personal experience that stands out from typical tourist excursions. Offer flexible scheduling and cater to different group sizes.

Safety, professionalism, and a genuine passion for sharing your knowledge will lead to satisfied clients and positive reviews.

Subscribe to the Working Traveller Newsletter and alongside weekly money making and nomadic lifestyle tips, get instant access to my FREE ebook – 200+ Ways to Generate an Income While Travelling the World !

14. Work in Hostels

Many hostels offer work exchange programs that provide room and board for a few hours of work per day.

Duties might include reception, cleaning, or organizing social events. Engage with guests to create a fun and welcoming atmosphere. Flexibility, reliability, and good interpersonal skills are essential.

Use websites like HostelJobs or directly contact hostels in your desired locations. It’s a great way to save money on accommodations and meet fellow travelers.

15. Street Performing

Street performing, or busking can be a fun way to earn cash.

Whether it’s playing an instrument, juggling, or dancing, find a unique angle that sets you apart. Research local regulations, as some cities require permits.

Be mindful of your location and the preferences of your audience. Engage with your audience and create a fun experience.

An eye-catching setup, friendly demeanor, and genuine appreciation for contributions will encourage people to tip.

16. Remote Tech Support

Offer remote tech support through platforms like

This requires strong problem-solving skills and a patient approach to assisting customers with technical issues.

Stay updated on the latest technologies and trends within the industry. Clear communication, empathy, and the ability to break down complex technical information into layman’s terms are essential.

Flexibility in working hours might be necessary to accommodate clients in different time zones.

17. Sell eBooks

Write and self-publish eBooks on platforms like Amazon Kindle.

Focus on subjects where you have expertise or unique insights. Offer high-quality, engaging content. Research the market to price your eBook competitively.

Promote your eBook through your blog, social media, or email list. Offer free chapters or a discounted launch price to attract initial readers.

Collect reviews and feedback to enhance credibility and refine future work.

18. Remote Sales

Many companies offer remote sales positions that allow you to work from anywhere.

Tools like Zoom and Slack can facilitate communication with your team and clients. Focus on understanding your client’s needs and offering tailored solutions.

Stay organized and maintain a consistent workflow to meet your targets. Building strong relationships, persistent follow-up, and adapting to different cultural expectations will enhance success.

19. Cruise Ship Jobs

Work on a cruise ship and travel to exciting destinations.

Various positions are available, from entertainment to hospitality. Network with other cruise industry professionals and apply through official cruise line websites.

Focus on roles that match your skills and interests. Being adaptable, team-oriented, and attentive to guests’ needs are essential traits.

It’s hard work, but it offers a unique travel experience and opportunities to explore new places on days off.

20. Fitness Coaching

Share your passion for fitness by offering online or in-person training sessions.

Certifications might be necessary. Build personalized workout plans and offer nutrition guidance. Utilize platforms like Zoom for virtual sessions.

Share testimonials and before-after pictures to build credibility. Engaging and motivating clients through their fitness journey will lead to word-of-mouth referrals and loyal clients.

21. Street Art Sales

If you’re skilled at drawing or painting, sell digital art online or artwork on the streets.

Focus on creating pieces that reflect the local culture or your travel experiences. Set up in busy areas or tourist spots, following local regulations.

Offer prints and originals to cater to different budgets. Personalized commissions could be an additional revenue source.

22. Social Media Management

Run social media accounts for businesses.

Showcase your success with previous clients to attract new ones. Utilize tools like Hootsuite to schedule posts.

Engage with followers, share relevant content, and monitor analytics to adjust strategies. Tailor your approach to each client’s industry and target audience.

23. Travel Planner

Offer personalized travel planning services.

Gain an understanding of client’s interests and budgets. Craft detailed itineraries, book accommodations, and offer local insights.

Staying updated on travel trends and building partnerships with hotels or tour companies can add value.

Offer various packages and ensure clear communication throughout the planning process.

24. Stock Trading

Trade stocks from anywhere with a stable internet connection.

Research, analysis, and a clear understanding of market trends are vital. Consider starting with a demo account to hone your skills.

Be mindful of the risks, and never invest money you can’t afford to lose. Platforms like E*TRADE can facilitate your trading needs.

25. Renting Your Home

Rent out your place on Airbnb while you’re traveling.

Ensure your home complies with local regulations. Offer a clean, comfortable space with clear instructions for guests.

Hiring a local property manager or friend to handle check-ins can be helpful. Regular communication and attention to reviews will enhance the experience for your guests.

26. Seasonal Work

Farms, holiday resorts, or ski lodges often hire short-term.

Check local job boards or websites like CoolWorks . Roles can vary from hospitality to manual labor. Flexibility, reliability, and willingness to learn new skills can open doors to these opportunities.

It’s a chance to immerse yourself in a new environment while earning money.

27. Podcasting

Start a travel-themed podcast .

Focus on engaging content that resonates with fellow travelers. Interview guests, share personal stories, or review destinations.

Platforms like Spotify make it easy to start. Consistency, quality sound, and promotion through social media will help grow your listenership.

Monetize through sponsorships or listener support platforms like Patreon.

28. Sell Travel Gear

Create or resell travel products online.

Offer unique or high-quality items that cater to travelers’ needs. Utilize platforms like Shopify to set up your online store.

Promote through travel blogs or social media platforms. Attention to customer service, understanding your audience, and offering competitive pricing will drive sales.

29. Bartending in Exotic Locations

Bartending in tourist hotspots can be a fun and social way to earn money.

Look for opportunities in resorts, beach bars, or nightclubs. Having a bartending certificate might be beneficial.

Focus on offering exceptional service, engaging with patrons, and working efficiently during busy times.

30. Teach a Skill

Offer classes in dancing, cooking, or any skill you possess.

Host in-person workshops or offer online classes. Platforms like Skillshare can be useful. Create engaging, well-structured lessons, and offer personal feedback.

Connecting with local communities or advertising on social media can attract students.

31. Health & Wellness Coaching

Provide coaching in health and wellness, online or in person.

Certifications and a clear understanding of nutrition, mental well-being, or fitness might be required. Offer personalized plans and regular check-ins to motivate clients.

Building trust and empathy will foster long-term relationships.

32. Translation Services

Utilize your language skills to offer translation services.

Platforms like ProZ or TranslatorsCafé can connect you with clients. Specialize in industries where you have expertise.

Accuracy, cultural sensitivity, and timely delivery will build a solid reputation.

33. Scuba Diving Instructor

If you’re certified, teach others the wonders of the sea by scuba diving .

Work with dive shops or offer private lessons. Focus on safety, equipment handling, and creating a comfortable experience for beginners.

Offer different levels of certification and promote your services through local tourism channels.

34. Remote Customer Service

Many companies offer remote customer service roles.

Reliable internet access and excellent communication skills are essential.

Focus on understanding the product or service you support and offering clear, empathetic assistance. Flexibility in hours can be a perk.

35. Ghostwriting

Write anonymously for others.

Websites like Upwork can connect you with clients. Understand their voice and style to create seamless content.

Meet deadlines and maintain open communication for revisions or feedback. Building a portfolio with satisfied clients can lead to more opportunities.

36. Music Lessons

Teach musical instruments remotely.

Platforms like TakeLessons can help you connect with students. Offer beginner to advanced levels. Utilize video calls for interactive lessons.

Patience, encouragement, and personalized feedback will enhance student engagement.

37. Graphic Designing

Create visual content and graphic designs for businesses or individuals.

Showcase your portfolio on websites like Behance . Offer services tailored to clients’ needs, such as logo design or social media graphics.

Attention to detail, creativity, and an understanding of branding are vital.

38. Research for Companies

Provide market insights or competitive analysis for businesses.

Utilize public data, surveys, or industry reports to compile valuable information. Platforms like Upwork can help you find clients.

Clear communication, understanding client objectives, and delivering actionable insights will set you apart.

39. Voice Over Work

Offer your voice for commercials, videos, or audiobook narration .

Build a portfolio showcasing different styles and tones. Websites like can connect you with opportunities.

High-quality recording equipment and attention to pronunciation and emotion will enhance your appeal.

40. Create and Sell Apps

If you’re tech-savvy, develop apps that solve problems or entertain.

Market research and understanding user needs are key. Platforms like Google Play or Apple’s App Store facilitate sales.

Regular updates, responsive support, and promotion through social media can boost sales.

41. Personal Finance Coaching

Guide others in managing their money.

Offer personalized strategies for budgeting, investing, or retirement planning. Certifications might add credibility.

Building trust, providing regular check-ins, and celebrating financial milestones with clients will foster success.

42. Build and Sell Websites

Create turnkey websites for businesses.

Platforms like WordPress make this accessible. Offer customizable solutions that cater to clients’ needs.

Strong SEO knowledge, responsive design, and understanding of client goals are essential. Showcase previous work to attract new clients.

43. Become an Amazon Seller

Sell products on Amazon FBA .

Research profitable niches, understand Amazon fees, and offer competitive pricing. Focus on quality, customer service, and garnering positive reviews.

Tools like Jungle Scout can assist in market analysis.

44. Edit Videos for YouTubers

Offer video editing for content creators.

Understand the different styles and trends within the platform. Platforms like Fiverr can connect you with clients.

Timely delivery, creativity, and understanding of the client’s vision will build a strong portfolio.

How to Make Money on the Road – Summary

And there you have it. Plenty of ideas, insights, and inspiration to fuel your wanderlust and entrepreneurial spirit, and make money on the road.

The world is an enormous playground, bursting with opportunities to explore, learn, connect, and grow.

Gone are the days when you had to choose between earning a living and living your dream.

With the technological advances we’ve been privy to the last few years now anyone, no matter your age or skill level, can generate an income while travelling the world.

Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or just dipping your toes into the nomadic lifestyle, I hope this guide has ignited a spark.

Remember, the world is waiting, and your dreams are calling.

Happy trails, and here’s to living your best life on the road!

How to Make Money on the Road – FAQs

Can you make a living on the road.

Absolutely! Making a living on the road is not only possible but has also become increasingly popular.

By leveraging online opportunities, seasonal work, or various entrepreneurial avenues, you can create a sustainable income while exploring the world.

Can you make money on a road trip?

Yes! You can make money blogging about your travels, selling photography, offering remote freelance services, or even participating in seasonal work, there are myriad ways to earn money while on a road trip.

How can I make money on the road in the UK?

In the UK, opportunities abound for making money on the road.

From remote work in tech, writing, or design to offering travel planning services, street art sales, or becoming a temporary tutor, the possibilities are endless.

Seasonal farm work and festival gigs are also popular options.

How can I make money fast while traveling?

For quick income, while traveling, consider options like freelancing on platforms like Upwork, offering in-person services like guided tours or fitness coaching, or even participating in local gigs and temporary jobs.

Selling digital products or stock photos can also be lucrative.

How do I start life on the road?

Starting life and making money on the road requires careful planning and a flexible mindset.

Consider your income sources, create a budget, choose the right travel insurance, and connect with fellow nomads.

Embrace technology to manage work, and always prioritize your health and safety.

How to live just by traveling?

Living solely through travel is an exhilarating adventure.

Focus on consistent income streams like ecommerce businesses , remote work, or continuous freelance gigs.

Build a network, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and never stop exploring new opportunities to grow both personally and professionally.

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Disclaimer: Please note this post may contain affiliate links, from which, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I only recommend products and services I’ve used or would use myself. If you choose to purchase from any of my links, thanks so much for your support! 😊

Discover 16 Exciting Ways to Get Paid to Travel the World

10 ways to turn your love for travel into a lucrative business.

The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

21 Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Written By: The Planet D

Digital Nomads

Updated On: February 9, 2024

get paid to travel the world

What? You can get paid to travel? Yes. You can travel the world and get paid! We are living proof that you can make money traveling.

We have been traveling around the world for the past 11 years. Working in travel is our full-time job and we get a lot of questions about how we make money. In this post, we want to peel back the curtain so you can benefit from our knowledge and start on the path to making money while traveling. The first half starts with how we make money traveling and then we branch out to different ways to make money in travel.

Table of Contents

Get Paid to Travel the World

Over the years of being professional travel bloggers , we have learned what works and what does not. What I know for sure is that working in travel is not a “get rich quick” kind of career. There is a lot that goes into building a business and brand that allows you to get paid to travel .

  • If you want to get right into it becoming a travel blogger we have provided this quick reference for you: learn How to Start a Travel Blog

How we fund our travels

When we first started out by cycling the continent of Africa , we had no idea of how we were going to make money. We had a travel fund saved of $20,000 from working in the film industry and this is what we used for the first year to pay for our travels.

We made a base in India where we could stretch our dollar while building our expertise in travel. It was easier to grow our social media channels and blog views by constantly traveling to new and exotic destinations that didn’t break the bank.

Once our flights were bought to Asia, we travelled on a very cheap budget. For example 4 months into our travels, I remember sitting at a cheap guesthouse in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka. We only had 2 months left in our travel budget and were worried about having to go home.

But since we had been updating on social media and writing blog posts every day, we had a small audience and a few days later we sold our first ad. They bought 4 ads at $40 a month for 12 months. We suddenly had nearly $2000 to fund our travels for another 2 months! After that, we sold more ads and as we travelled, we paid for them through our blog.

how travelers make money savings

Today, most of our travels are funded through tourism boards, tour companies, and brands or destinations that want us to promote their regions or products. They will take care of our travel expenses including things like our hotel room, meals, flights, and activities.

  • How to find free accomodation around the world  – Think you don’t have the means to travel? Be inspired by Thailand blogger, Petz who shows that even with a limited budget, you can travel the world.
  • Tips for getting started as a house sitter – Professional The Travelling House Sitters Brit and Jay share their top reasons why you should start house sitting right now!

Ways We Make Money Traveling

how travelers make money

Our income in 2020 took a nosedive in the travel space, but we still made a six-figure income. That is because we have multiple sources of income. Even though travel bookings ended, we had several ways to continue earning a comfortable living. In this post, we share pre-2020 numbers and posts. We feel confident that in time, we will be back to where we ended.

Note: Some blogging income streams are only available to you once you reach a certain traffic threshold on your website but most of them you can apply early on. The takeaway here is to focus on building your brand and expertise and do what you love. As you grow organically, the money you make grows with you.

1. Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliates marketing has become a larger part of our income in the past couple of years. You can start this at any time, but its success is dependent on a loyal audience and search traffic.

What is affiliate marketing?

Basically, when you click on the link to a product or service that we recommend and then make a purchase, we receive a small commission. This is at no cost to you and we always only recommend products and services that we believe in. This can range from booking websites for hotels like or TripAdvisor to products that we like on Amazon or renting a car at

Income: Monthly affiliate income ranges from $20,000 to $40,000 depending on the time of year.

2.  Display Advertising

If you are just starting out, Google Adsense is a great place to get your feet wet with display advertising. But there are many Ad Networks that bloggers work with.

What is Display advertising?

Display advertising is where a product or service is advertised on our website through visual images like banner ads and videos on our website. Display ads are easy to implement and you get paid a small amount of money each time someone clicks on the ad. It may not be a ton of money at first, but as you build your website it can be quite lucrative.

Once you have built your readership you can apply to work with an ad network where you can get a better price for your ad space Currently, we work with AdThrive who pays us out by the number of visitors that come to our website and see their banner ads. We make a fixed dollar amount per 1000 impressions.

Income: With display advertising, we make between $30,000 to $35,000 per month

3. Destination Campaigns 

Destination campaigns used to be the main way we made money traveling when we were on the road full time. But we still do many destination campaigns each year.

What is a destination campaign?

A destination will invite us to visit their region and cover all of our expenses. They also pay us a fee to help them promote their destination through social media, creating videos, writing blog posts, and creating photography content.

If you are just starting out you may be able to get your part of your trip subsidized or even all of it paid for. But, to charge a fee for the services you need to have built an audience and offer tangible value to the destination .

Income: Destination Campaigns can range anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 per campaign. One-off social projects and smaller destination packages range from $500 – $5000.

4. Brand Partnerships 

We work with brands and tourism companies that we believe in and feel confident recommending.

What is a brand partnership?

These are usually year-long contracts where we discuss what the client’s needs are and what type of coverage we will give them. It can include social media coverage, blog posts, videos, T.V. appearances, speaking at conferences, or participating in ad campaigns. You are only limited by your imagination.

These are great if you have a brand or company that you already use and want to work with them. We have worked with brands like Allianz Global Insurance, UnCruise, American Express, Intrepid Travel, and British Airways, to name a few.

Income: Brand Partnerships can range anywhere from $5000 to $50,000 per campaign depending on length and deliverables.

5. Photography Sales

We license our photos for advertising and editorial use to Destination Marketing Organizations, (DMOs) magazines, books, and brands. This is always part of our larger packages with brands and when we do destination campaigns. We also sell prints to the general public through gallery shows and online.

Income: Print Sales can account for up to $10,000 per year. Photo and video licensing can range from $300 to $10,000 depending on the terms

6. Public Speaking

Once you build up your authority you can apply to speak at different conferences. We have traveled the world doing speaking engagements which usually offer free trips before or after a conference.

You don’t have to speak about travel to speak at conferences, think about what your expertise is, and create a session about it. Be it inspirational, informational, or about a particular subject, conferences are always looking for experts.

Public Speaking can account for up to $10,000 per year. This can range from $300 to $3,000 per engagement depending on the terms

7. Digital Products

Another way we monetize our travel blog is to make and sell our own digital products. Since we get a lot of traffic to different destination pages we decided to make downloadable travel guides . The creation of these can take a bit of time but it is one of those things that I look at as “passive income”. Once you make it once, it just needs to be updated once a year and it provides income all year long.

  • We know people that strictly make money selling through Amazon and their store. They don’t use a blog and instead leverage Amazon for sales.

Income: From our City Guides we make $300 to $500 per month.

8. YouTube and Travel Videos

While making travel videos is always a part of our package when working with brands and destinations, we also make an income from YouTube and Roku advertising.

It takes a while to see money come in from YouTube, but once we built a solid base and subscribers list, we now make a decent monthly income off of videos. And, now companies find us on YouTube and offer to purchase video licensing and offer sponsorship which can add up quickly.

  • YouTube: $1600 – $2000 per month
  • ROKU – $200 – $400 per month

9. Freelance Writing and Photography

travel and get paid freelance writing

We accept freelance writing contracts a couple of times a year. And you can still pitch travel writing to many publications around the world.

The prices can really fluctuate. When working on a branded campaign for a publication we can make thousands of dollars for one project. But when writing an article for a publication, it can be just a couple of hundred dollars. As you gain expertise, you’ll be able to approach publications with confidence, and soon, editors will be approaching you.

  • Freelance Writing: 5k – 10k per year
  • Freelance Photography: 10k per year

The Planet D travel blog Revenue

Pre Pandemic we earned a very high 6 figure income. In 2020 even with travel plummeting, we still made 6 figures and bounced back to above 2020 income by Mid 2022. Having our hand in many revenue streams has helped us through these times. We never just focused on SEO, Social Media, or partnerships. We focused on them all.

By having several income streams, we have been able to weather the storm. We never put our eggs in one basket and that has worked well for 15 years. We suggest if you want to make money as a travel blogger or influencer, you focus on having several streams of income.

You have to remember this didn’t happen overnight and it is a ton of work.

I think if you are prepared for the monthly fluctuation in income, love traveling, writing, being creative, and are dedicated enough to be your own boss you too can get paid to travel.

Other Travel Jobs to Pay You to Travel

The ways we make money above is certainly not the only ways that you can make money traveling. We know plenty of other bloggers who do other things that we don’t. These are all great ways to add diversity to your income stream.

10. Teach English Online

anti theft travel accessories computer

We have met many full-time travelers that were doing just that. They make an hourly wage from $15-$20 per hour just by letting people practice their English over Skype, Zoom, or Google Meet.

If you are living abroad in a country that is cheap to travel to, this is an excellent way to supplement your travels and even live if you are staying in the right place where it is cheap to travel. Check out QKids and VIPKID to get started. Read Our full guide on How to Teach English Online

11. Teach English Overseas

If our travel blogging career didn’t work out, we were going to teach English overseas. If you have a college degree, you can make huge money teaching English. I know many travel bloggers started out teaching English overseas. When they had days off, they would go out and explore, write about and share their experiences and grow their audience. TEFL is a good place to start. read more: Fancy Teaching English Abroad in 2021? – Consider TEFL

12. Work on a Cruise Ship

I (Deb) have actually done this. I was a singer on a cruise ship and it was an amazing way to get paid to travel. There are many opportunities on a cruise ship from being a bartender, a waitress in the bars and restaurants blackjack dealer (I have done that as well and it’s a fun job) chef, barista, fitness coach, event coordinator. The possibilities are endless! The pay isn’t huge, but your room and board are covered and you will get to travel long term without breaking your wallet.

13. Work at a Resort or International Hotel

Looking to find a job in travel? Check out resorts where you can bring in your expertise. Get an education and you can work as hotel staff and management around the world! Whenever we visit high-end hotels, the staff is always international and constantly moving around. From teaching snowboarding (our Prime Minister of Canada did this for a season) to working in restaurants, being a part of the entertainment staff or fitness.

14. Spa Staff

Dave and I love to go to the spa and whenever we do, we notice that the staff is very international. Become a massage therapist and the sky is the limit. Resorts, cruise ships, and private spas are always looking for reliable staff.

15. Creating and Running your own Tours

We have many friends in the travel blogging and photography world who have designed and run their own tours for their readers. This can be quite labour intensive at the beginning but it can also be quite lucrative. The key to making this successful is to be an expert in the area that you want to focus on.

Once upon a time, only National Geographic Photographers and Lonely Planet or Travel and Leisure writers could get paid to travel the world. Now, the possibilities of getting paid to travel are endless.

16. Yoga Instructor

Many people are offering Yoga Instruction online. Use your time in isolation to become a certified yoga instructor and then look for schools around the world to apply. People go on yoga retreats all the time and this is an excellent opportunity to travel and get paid while doing it.

Unique Ways to Get Paid to Travel

spa rimini deb

17. Travel Nurse

Do you have a medical, or a nursing background – take your business abroad.

18. Social Media Assistant

Do you have Social Media skills? – become a social media assistant, virtual assistant or consultant. We have a Pinterest manager and we used to have someone help schedule our tweets and Facebook updates.

19. Website Developer and Maintenance

Know web development? – offer your expertise to help businesses and bloggers with their website maintenance.

20. Deliver Cars or Boats

Many people hire others to drive their car home from a vacation in the south or when moving across the country. If you have a licence, be a car delivery person and take a road trip!

Repositioning of boats is also popular . If you have sailing experience, you can captain a sailboat to its next port of call.

21. Work on a private yacht

I’ll never forget meeting Bobby in Nepal. He was an American working as a first mate on a private yacht in the Middle East. For his vacation, he decided to trek to Everest Base Camp. He said he made a lot of money as staff.

Do you know of another way to make money from traveling? We’d love you to share your ideas in the comments. 

Read Next More Ideas on how to live your dream

  • How to Travel the World – The Ultimate Travel Resource
  • Our best travel tips from years on the road
  • How to Start a Travel Blog in 11 Easy Steps
  • How to Be a Professional Travel Blogger – 12 Steps to Financial Freedom
  • Discover Your Passion – How to Find Your Path to Success
  • Travel Resources
  • How to Make Money Blogging
  • 7 Common Travel Mistakes First Time Travelers Make

We make money traveling through our ads and affiliates on our travel blog, as influencers on Instagram & YouTube, and as brand ambassadors. But there are many other ways to make money traveling.

We make a comfortable 6 figure income annually through these income sources.

As a travel blogger, you can earn money traveling by selling e-books or courses, freelance writing, affiliate income, and more.

Disclaimer: We do receive an affiliate commission from the books and courses mentioned. If you click through there is no extra cost to you. 

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Allianz - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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12 Ways to Make Money While Traveling

  • Make money while travelling

Earn money from anywhere in the world while traveling freely might sound like a pipedream. However, thousands of travelers have already lived out this dream and are getting paid to travel. On this page, you will find 12 ways to earn money while traveling.

road trip earn money

Is It Possible to Earn Money While Traveling?

Since 2020, remote work has become much more common, so it’s hardly a secret that you can work from anywhere. Nevertheless, for those who have never tried it, the question of whether it is possible to make money while traveling may come to mind.

This question is best answered by sharing real examples of people who earn and travel at the same time. Popular travel bloggers earn over $10,000 monthly . For example:

  • Nomadic Matt
  • The Planet D

Among people who earn money while traveling, there are also freelancers who work in the field of digital marketing. For such work, often only a computer and Internet access are necessary. Estimated income can be calculated from average hourly rates (for example, on Upwork ).

These examples don’t cover all the options for making money while traveling but demonstrate that you can indeed travel and earn money at the same time. Below, you will find the best ways to make money while traveling

How to Travel the World and Make Money

It is hard to single out the best and worst ways to make money while traveling, as the ideal method depends on each individual case. With that said, explore all the below methods to find the best approach for you. Some methods can even be combined to generate even higher income. For example, travel blogging and selling your own travel photos.

1. Travel Blogging

Your dream to travel the world and make money should ideally be combined with the opportunities that travel provides. For example, you can share your stories and travel expertise with people and earn money through advertising or affiliate marketing (by selling services or recommending hotels). For this, you will need to:

  • Create a Website: It’s not as difficult as it seems. There are plenty of courses and instructions . As an alternative solution, you can hire a freelancer. For example, on Fiverr , a basic travel website can cost $150 to $200.
  • Create Content: This is an ongoing process. You must write articles that will drive traffic from Google or other traffic sources . Ideally, you should take into account the interests of users when choosing topics. Check out a free course on this topic.
  • Monetize Your Traffic: Once you create content and attract visitors, you can monetize that traffic.

There are even more ways to earn on travel blogs, such as selling guest posts. Regardless of which approach you choose, travel blogs often start to generate a solid income, but not on the first day. You will need to create content that attracts people to your blog and it takes time for Google to value the quality of your content and start recommending your blog to potential audiences.

How to Make Money on a Travel Blog

Advertising is the main method of earning money for most travel bloggers. This can be either in the format of contextual ads (for example, through Mediavine) or recommendations (when you receive a commission for the sale). The latter is called “affiliate marketing” and can become your main source of income. For example, let’s say:

  • You have visited Barcelona and are familiar with some good hotels. Recommend them to your audience, add a link to those hotels on or Trivago, and receive a 4% commission on each booking
  • You know which tour to take in Washington DC and which not to take. Help your audience by recommending an online booking on GetYourGuide or Viator and earn a 8-10% commission from each booking

This will allow you to provide a lot of benefits to your audience, while earning solid money. In this case, the income is a one-time thing. You will earn as long as an audience interested in traveling comes to your blog every month. Moreover, as the number of articles on your site increases, your income will certainly grow as well.

On the Travelpayouts Partnership Platform , you will find over 100 travel affiliate programs of such brands as WayAway , GetYourGuide , or TripAdvisor , and will be able to make money on a travel blog by recommending various travel services to your audience, including flights, hotels, excursions, car rentals, etc.

Join the Travelpayouts Partnership Platform

Access exclusive tools and the best travel partner programs, including flights, hotels, car rental, insurance, tours and activities, all in one place.

Travel blogging is not a hackneyed idea. Even if you have never blogged before, in 2024, you can still start your own travel blog that will generate a solid income.

For inspiration, read the stories of travel bloggers , some of whom created a blog less than two years ago and are already making over $1,000 per month. In addition, consider the option of a blog in the form of a YouTube channel or Instagram account (or any other social media account), which does not require you to create your own website.

2. Sell Photos on Photo Stocks

You are already on a journey, which means that there are many places around you, photos of which may come in handy to other people. Of course, you can post these photos on your Instagram and receive likes, but you can also choose to sell them to other people for their business purposes.

You do not need to personally look for customers on the market, if you use platforms where sellers and buyers meet, such as:

  • Envato Market  
  • Shutterstock

Before making money on stocks from travel photos, study the rules of a particular photo stock. For example, such platforms often require high-resolution photos, the absence of recognizable faces in photos, extra permission to use the names of brands, and so on.

The quality of your pictures is also important, but thanks to modern technologies, even on an iPhone, you can take a photo that will not only be accepted by photo stocks, but will successfully sell many times. Of course, professional photo cameras can significantly increase the quality of your photos, and with that, your chances of generating good earnings. However, your unique travel location is still more important.

One of the biggest challenges in making money from photography is the high competition level. You can check the request you are interested in on photo stocks as well as how many photos are already available for said request. For example:

How to Make Money While Traveling? 12 Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Don’t expect your photos to be bought in bulk and immediately establish a solid income stream for you. You may need to focus on a specific niche (i.e., food, transportation) or take an additional photo stock course to earn more:

As with travel blogging, selling photos takes time to generate a solid income. You need to collect a portfolio, fill in all the details to optimize your offers, and, possibly, try other methods of promotion.

Selling photos on photo stocks can become your main source of income and cover all your travel expenses. Moreover, if you decide to become a travel blogger at the same time, you will certainly need photos for your blog too. Thus, these methods can easily be combined.

3. Sell Videos on the Stocks

The 2020s is the era of digital content. Many people already know about the first two formats: texts for blogs or photos for stocks. However, video is gaining popularity right now and is one of the best ways to make money while traveling.

Just like with photos, you can record videos and sell them on specialized platforms:

As with photos, there is also competition in the video niche as well, so study the market and search queries for which you are going to create videos. Your clients can include both companies and individuals, such as YouTubers who need a video for their project.

You will need to invest in equipment and learn at least minimal video-editing skills. As with photos, selling videos can be a primary or additional source of income for you while you travel.

4. Copywriting

You don’t have to create your own travel blog to write about your travels. Having problems in a new country and knowing how to solve them makes you an excellent source of information. If you improve your writing skills, you can earn great money. For example, you can take the following courses:

  • Copywriting For Beginners
  • Creative Writing Specialization
  • SEO Copywriting Training
  • How to Craft Contagious Content
  • SEO Copywriting: Rank and Get the Click

The price for your work can vary greatly depending on the language. If you write in English, as a beginner copywriter, you can earn about 5 cents per word. As your skills improve, the rate can increase significantly. On average, travel content creators receive 10 cents per word.

Offer your articles not only to large companies, which often have full-time authors, but also to successful travel blogs. You can also offer your services in specialized groups on Facebook where travel bloggers gather (for example, in this group ) as well as on Upwork or similar platforms.

One of the main benefits of this method is that you can start earning almost immediately. When you sell an article, you will make money on it. But there is a downside as well. This is a one-time payment. You will not receive income when someone clicks on an ad in your article or visits the website to book a hotel. In these terms, your own blog is more profitable, as you create content once and then continue to get profit when your articles have traffic.

Creating blog posts for your own website takes the same time as creating content for someone else. But, in the long term, working on your own blog will probably be more profitable for you.

If you need money for travel urgently and love to create content, you can at least combine these two methods: create your own blog and write blogs for other people as a service. In addition, your own blog will serve as a perfect portfolio that will help you find more customers.

5. Freelance 

Writing articles is just one type of freelancing work practiced by digital nomads. You can earn money while traveling and doing other online work, such as:

  • Translations
  • Data collection
  • Graphic design
  • And hundreds of other options

In this case, your trip does not even have to be related to work. For example, you can travel and work as a Data Analyst.

The advantage of this option is that you are not connected, in any way, to a particular place. Today, you can work from France, next week from England, and next month from the Philippines. Wherever you are, if you have a computer and Internet access, you can work.

You can search for clients using your own portfolio website or via online platforms, such as Fiverr and Upwork. Your income is limited by your free time, but in general, you can expect about $10 an hour for a simple job and $25-40 if you’re skilled at a narrow niche. You can check approximate rates for various jobs on this page .

6. Work in a Local Company

Even if you prefer the lifestyle of digital nomads, don’t limit yourself to online work. In some countries, you may work in local firms. 

This way to make money while traveling is complicated in terms of documentation and regulations. As usual, an ordinary tourist needs additional permits to work in another country. Furthermore, if you’re in the country for a short period of time, business owners may be reluctant to hire you since they are often searching for full-time workers. 

However, your experience and skills can be useful for local businesses and can help you earn extra money. Examples of such vacancies:

  • Hotel Receptionist
  • English Teacher (or other languages)
  • Dance Instructor (or whatever skills you have)
  • Low-paying jobs where there aren’t enough employees, like farm work

Working at a local business may not sound like a dream job; however, if you run out of money to continue traveling, you may be able to earn it right in the country where you are now. Just try your best not to violate the laws of the country where you are currently staying.

You can find work in specialized groups on social networks or offline through job advertisements. If your work while traveling is in no way related to your professional skills, then expect that your earnings will not differ much from the average in the region (and may be even lower).

To make good money, you can look for a job teaching English or in another language of which you are a native speaker. In many countries, people are willing to pay native speakers who will teach them the language.

7. Work on a Cruise Ship

One of the most popular travel jobs is working on a cruise ship. Cruise ship workers are actually traveling and working at the same time. Unlike flight crews, whose work is limited in time and location, it is possible to spend several weeks on a cruise, see many countries, and, depending on the terms of your contract, go into cities with passengers.

Cruise ships are not a dream work environment, of course. While guests are relaxing and enjoying themselves, you have to work. Some companies also do not allow staff to use entertainment facilities (pools, cinemas, etc.) Nevertheless, this is a great opportunity to get paid for traveling. On some cruises, you can earn more than $3,000 per month and see several countries at once.

You can learn more about working on a cruise ship from the following video:

8. Sell Digital Products

Selling digital products is a perfect way to travel and make money. One of the most popular options is selling courses online.

For example, you can create a course about solo travel or another topic that you understand deeply and post it on Udemy or any other online course platforms. The creators of all these courses get paid every time someone buys their courses:

Sell Digital Products - How to Make Money While Traveling? 12 Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Your income depends entirely on your number of sales. No one will pay you to create a course, people will pay to access it. Therefore, you definitely have to think about how you will promote the course and boost your personal brand.

If you set things up correctly, then selling digital products may even help you grow an online business. With a full-fledged online business, you would not need to save money anymore and could travel as much as you want.

9. Passive Income Online

If traveling long term or even 365 days a year is your dream, then perhaps you can take care of the money for travel even before the trip. Creating passive income is a difficult-to-obtain goal, but is definitely possible.

Of course, buying a few apartments and traveling on rental income is an option for a few, but you can also create other sources of passive income.

For example, you can set up a dropshipping business or another model that does not require active management. Of course, all this requires additional knowledge. So, before taking action, it would be nice if you learned all the details.

10. Volunteering

Despite the fact that volunteering is more about helping, you can also solve your financial problems by joining volunteer projects abroad. There are many projects around the world where you can help and, in return, get a place to live, food, and (sometimes) money.

Volunteering is hardly worth considering as a full-fledged way to travel the world and make money, but if you want to see the world and help those in need, this is a great option.

You can find affordable volunteer projects abroad on or similar platforms.

Note: Please be extremely careful not to participate in programs that ask you to transfer money in advance. There are a lot of scams in this niche, which at best will result in a loss of money.

11. Consultancies

Giving consultancies is one of the unusual, but effective ways of making money while traveling. You can consult both local customers or work remotely.

For example, if you are an accountant in the United States, there will be clients in the Philippines or France who may need your help with taxes and other things related to financing in the USA.

Consultancies are where a portfolio and/or references of your past work come in handy, as clients usually choose only those whose expertise they have no doubt about.

You can also take advantage of your geographical position and give advice to people outside the country you are visiting. For example, if you are traveling in India, customers may need information about that country that is not available online. 

This method is profitable, as one consultation can cost several times more than the time of this consultation (up to several thousand dollars). Since the client pays not so much for the time of the consultation itself, but for the knowledge and experience that you have gained over the years.

12. P2P Delivery

Every day, millions of people around the world need to send documents and other small things between cities and countries. Some of them use DHL or other postal services; however, there is a perfect alternative: P2P delivery. 

If you are flying to a new city anyway, why not make some money? You can hand over a document and help someone, while at the same time, earning $10 to $50:

P2P Delivery

Delivery by people is a high-demand service, as it is:

  • Faster than classical delivery companies
  • More reliable: the order will not be thrown from hand to hand
  • Clients are always in touch with the “courier”

Therefore, people are willing to pay for this service, which can sometimes yield even higher earnings than the cost of a one-way ticket. Moreover, you can take several parcels at once if the destination is especially popular.

To search for clients, you can use specialized services, such as , or check local groups in Facebook. 

Of course, the transfer of parcels and documents between cities is not a way to make lots of money. But this is a great way to save on tickets by recouping their cost by delivering goods and helping other people.

What is the Best Way to Make Money While Traveling?

Making money while traveling is a dream that can easily come true. You can make travel your job. For example, work on a cruise ship, use the unique location and your skills to your advantage, become an English teacher in a new country, provide consultations, or perform freelancing jobs.

You will get a lot of experience while traveling, which is worth sharing with the world. Sharing your experience, in an article on your blog, social media accounts, or in any other way is a great way to earn additional money.

Becoming a travel blogger is not a one-day game. Success will take time, but it is worth waiting for. Recommending brands, such as or GetYourGuide, to your audience makes travel easier and generates income for you if you join the Travelpayouts Partnership Platform .

There is only one best way to get paid to travel: the way that works for you. You can try different options, including being a travel blogger, doing affiliate marketing, selling digital products, or just finding a full-time job in a new city. If it works well to earn money while traveling the world, then it’s the best approach for you.

Andrey Novoselov

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10 easy and creative ways to make money while traveling

Have you ever asked yourself, "How will I survive on the road?" or "How will I manage traveling long term?" Learn how to stretch your dollars (and your time off) with these 10 easy, creative ways to make money while traveling.

road trip earn money

May 08, 2024

ways to make money while traveling

Before you start traveling, you will have probably spent quite a bit of time preparing for your adventures by saving up some money. 

But have you ever considered earning money while you travel? 

By making some extra cash, you'll have fewer budget-related worries, be able to do all the things you want to do and perhaps even stay away for longer than you had originally planned. 

Below is a list of ten creative ways (both online and otherwise) to make money while you explore the world .

10 ways to make money while traveling the world

  • Freelancing online
  • Language tuition
  • Teach other people your skills
  • Make things to sell
  • Offer your services at hostels
  • Sell your photos
  • Street performances
  • Seasonal work
  • Dog sitting and walking
  • Surveys and market research

How to make money while traveling:

1. freelancing online.

Fancy adopting a 'digital nomad' lifestyle ? It's easier than you think thanks to freelancing platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr where you can apply for all kinds of jobs offered by clients all over the world. 

The only thing you need to begin with is a demonstrable skill in a sought-after area . 

Winning projects can be tough, especially at the start when you don't have a proven track record, but once you have had a few jobs and there is positive feedback on your profile, you'll hopefully be able to find a steady stream of work. 

Some of the most lucrative fields in freelancing are web design and development, internet research, data entry, graphic design, content writing, and translation and editing.

If you want to  travel the world full-time as a digital nomad , consider doing a work exchange with  Worldpackers . Choose from thousands of volunteering opportunities around the world  and work a few hours a week in exchange for accommodation and other benefits. This is a great way to   travel on a budget  while building a sustainable freelance business and learning  how to get work done on the go as a digital nomad !

2. Language tuition

If you're fluent in English, teaching English as a foreign language is a great way to earn some money while traveling  — the demand for English tuition is huge all across the globe! 

If you're a native speaker, you're especially lucky because individuals and schools do tend to prefer to employ teachers whose mother tongue is English. It may be a good idea to take a course, such as TEFL , to increase your chances of finding work. 

Speak a different language? There's work for you too! Do you speak perfect French? Locate the Alliance Française in the country where you are and see if they can help.

Great at German? Try asking the local Goethe Institute if they know of any opportunities. 

Universities and libraries can also be good places to visit to ask about language tuition jobs. Otherwise, you can register your services on websites like or and start teaching online.

3. Teach other people your skills

Of course, people don't only want to learn languages. 

Do you have a special skill that you think you could help someone learn?

Then why not ask around and/or advertise your services in the local area (on notice boards in supermarkets, on social media or in the newspaper) and teach your talent?  

Perhaps you play a musical instrument very well or are a photo editing pro; whatever it is, there is probably someone out there looking to learn how to do what you already do so well. 

Not only is this a great way to make money, it's also a way to meet new people, become more connected to the local community, and make friends while traveling .

4. Make things to sell

If you're creative and know how to, for example, make jewelry (especially profitable if you are working with materials — such as shells and stones — that you find rather than buy), draw portraits or paint, it might be a good idea to take some of your handicraft supplies with you on your travels and sell your creations . 

You could sell your wares at a local market, in independent stores or even at your accommodation to fellow travelers looking for unique souvenirs.

5. Offer your services at hostels

Hostels are a great place to make a bit of extra cash because they (and the people staying in them) tend to be quite laid back and open to new ideas . 

Selling things you've made is just one of the many ways you could make some money while staying in a hostel . 

You could also offer to organize events, teach yoga, cook meals or even give massages. 

Again, use the talents you have to your advantage and make some money while getting to know new people and enhancing other people's travel experiences  as well as your own!

6. Sell your photos

If you have impressive photography skills, you may want to consider becoming a freelance photographer and selling your photos on websites like Shutterstock , 500px and Etsy (where you can actually sell anything you've made yourself). 

These sites do take a cut of what you make and you'd have to be selling a lot of images to make decent sums of money, but it can still be a quick and easy way to make a bit of extra cash . 

Every little bit helps, right?

7. Street performances

Singing, playing an instrument, dancing, juggling... how you choose to entertain passers-by is up to you. 

Whatever your skill, performing on the street can bring in some serious cash if you are in the right place, at the right time . 

However, before you begin, check the laws of the city/country you are in to make sure you won't be breaking any! 

In most cases, you can't just start performing on the street and asking the public for money without some kind of permission beforehand. Once you know you are legit though, you can get started.

8. Seasonal work

If you're planning to travel long term and stay in an area for at least a month or more, you might be able to find seasonal work . 

Fruit picking, working at summer camps for young people, being a ski instructor during winter or a dive instructor in warm destinations, selling goods at Christmas markets... these are just some of your options, depending on location and time of year. 

The added bonus of some seasonal jobs is that your accommodation and at least one meal may also be taken care of, meaning you can save even more money .

9. Dog sitting and walking

Sometimes people compare having a dog to having a child. 

These pets, like babies, are completely reliant on their owners to take care of them. But people these days are so busy and finding the time to take one's dog out for a walk three times a day can be quite a chore. 

That's where dog sitters and walkers come in . 

Love dogs and looking for an easy way to make money during your trip? 

Have a look online to see what the possibilities are at your current location.

10. Surveys and market research

While you won't be bringing in the big bucks, you can earn a bit of pocket money by completing surveys online and testing new products (with the added bonus of being able to keep all of those samples). 

You should be careful as not all websites are legit and may never pay you, but some reputable companies include Swagbucks , Toluna and Opinion Outpost . 

Doing this kind of work requires minimal time and effort, meaning you can focus on what you really want to be doing — enjoying your travels!

Best ways to make money while traveling

Hopefully, you can now see that the lack of a big budget doesn't have to be an obstacle to exploring the world and you now have a lot of inspiration regarding how to make some money while you travel. 

This is not an exhaustive list, however, so perhaps you can think of other creative ways of earning while traveling . 

If you do, we'd love to hear them, so don't hesitate to get in touch. 

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Helen Talbot

I quit my job as a teacher to travel around Portugal and Brazil to improve my language skills. I've ended up learning loads more than just Portuguese and am having an amazing Worldpackers experience. Passionate about travel too? Get in touch.

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Write here your questions and greetings to the author

road trip earn money

Jan 18, 2020

Thank you to share. Very helpful!

road trip earn money

Helen (Author)

Jan 19, 2020

Glad you found it helpful Valentina!

road trip earn money

Jan 22, 2024

I believe this information will be very useful to someone out there. I have been looking for a way to spy on my SPOUSE’s phone for quite sometime but sadly most of the information available have not been useful. Tried some apps and softwares and none worked. I found this page some days ago but didn’t take it serious. But the issues that needed to be resolved didn’t go away so I decided to give it a try. I contacted SAMSMITH for help and they came through. I now have access to my husband’s iPhone and I found sufficient proof that he is seeing different women Kindly reach out to the hacker for any hacking services via EMAIL: Samsmithcyberhost @gmail, com TEXT & CALL: +1 323-374-3539

road trip earn money

Feb 12, 2020

Muito Obrigada pelo conteúdo!

O prazer é meu!

road trip earn money

Feb 23, 2020

Thank you so much!

Feb 26, 2020

You're welcome!

road trip earn money

Mar 10, 2020

Awesome article!! I am glad to have found a couple of solution to solve my lack of finances while traveling.

Mar 11, 2020

Glad it helped!

road trip earn money

Mar 22, 2020

Thanks for Sharing. I started adopting skills first which i can utilise in budget travel

Apr 18, 2020

Thank you for reading Santosh.

road trip earn money

Making some extra money is such a key issue for most travelers and your article covers so many possibilities. Thanks Helen!

road trip earn money

Nov 30, 2020

Do i need a work/ holiday visa to do seasonal jobs in others countries? Thank u for the suggestions

road trip earn money

Dec 26, 2021

I also want to travel

road trip earn money

Jan 26, 2022

I’m Elizabeth from New Jersey, United States. I lost my job a few months back after my divorce with my husband. I tried everything positive to make sure I took good care of my kids but all failed, and I was in debt which makes everything worse. I was kicked out of my home and I had to live with my neighbor after pleading with her to allow me to stay with her for some days while I figured out how to get a home which she agreed to, but no one was willing to help anymore. I bumped into this page from google and I was excited about this, then I contacted the hackersBill Dean. I had just $200, so I pleaded with them to help me because of my condition but they never accepted. I believed in this, so I managed to pawn a few things and got $500. I ordered the $10,000 card and I got my card delivered to me by Ups 4 days later. I never believed my eyes! I was excited and upset as well, I managed to withdraw $2000 on the ATM and $2500 the second day. I went to Walmart and a grocery store and bought a couple of things for $3000. I’m so happy, I have started all over again and have a good apartment with my kids you can contact him through is via email ( [email protected] )

I’m Elizabeth from New Jersey, United States. I lost my job a few months back after my divorce with my husband. I tried everything positive to make sure I took good care of my kids but all failed, and I was in debt which makes everything worse. I was kicked out of my home and I had to live with my neighbor after pleading with her to allow me to stay with her for some days while I figured out how to get a home which she agreed to, but no one was willing to help anymore. I bumped into this page from google and I was excited about this, then I contacted the hackersBill Dean. I had just $200, so I pleaded with them to help me because of my condition but they never accepted. I believed in this, so I managed to pawn a few things and got $500. I ordered the $10,000 card and I got my card delivered to me by Ups 4 days later. I never believed my eyes! I was excited and upset as well, I managed to withdraw $2000 on the ATM and $2500 the second day. I went to Walmart and a grocery store and bought a couple of things for $3000. I’m so happy, I have started all over again and have a good apartment with my kids you can contact him through is via email ( [email protected] ) ,.,.,.././.

road trip earn money

May 01, 2022

darkwebprogrammer@gmail,com are legit when it comes to hacking funds, they got me $15,000

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May 18, 2022

Email: dwchzone @ gmail . com

Text & Call or What s App: +18033921735

road trip earn money

Jun 26, 2022

I read a lot of articles on how to make money on the Internet. But I think that when traveling, you can make money on your blog or instagram or life hacks, where you can go in a particular city.

Jul 05, 2022

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Jul 07, 2022

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Jul 25, 2022

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As you have passion for travel , you can get an AI-powered OTA platform like - Pathfndr which will help you to create your own trip efficiently , based upon your experience you can also create you own packages and sell it online along with all other travel services in your network .

Jul 26, 2022

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Aug 18, 2022

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Sep 12, 2022

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Sep 15, 2022

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Sep 18, 2022


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Email: darkwebonlinehackers(a)

I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Cyber hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich. { DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS(A)GMAIL.COM } I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode.

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Sep 27, 2022

Oct 14, 2022

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Oct 16, 2022

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Nov 21, 2022

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Jan 30, 2023

I love to play lottery games and I have been buying lottery tickets for the past 20 years but I have not been lucky enough to win so I had a tendency to forget purchasing tickets ahead of the draws. I was on Google research one day when I saw testimonies where people thanked lord Bubuza for giving them the right lottery winning numbers after casting a lottery spell. I decided to try something different for once so I contacted lord Bubuza for help via +1 951 442 2214. He responded, I provided his requirements to cast the lottery spell and after which he gave me a Six-digit number to play. I bought the OLG tickets as he instructed and played the numbers. It was very shocking when I realized that I won the Lotto Max jackpot of $22 million dollars on January 18, 2022 which was also my wife’s birthday. What more can I say than to appreciate Lord Bubuza. Join me appreciate him via his +1 951 442 2214

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Mar 03, 2023

Thank you 🙏🏻

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Sep 15, 2023

Can lost Bitcoin be Found or Retrieved? Generally speaking, whether lost bitcoin can be found or not depends on how it was lost. Considering the quantity of missing cryptocurrency out there, people have begun offering services to help recover lost bitcoin. These include data recovery specialists, but you need a professional recovery expert like Mr Thomas to help you get back your lost bitcoin. Contact them to recover lost bitcoin, bitcoin cash, as well as all other forms of cryptocurrency. And you can be sure that no matter how long it has been lost, you will still get your bitcoin worth. Contact their support team for further assistance: HQRECOVERY22 at G M A I L dot C O M Thank me later.

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Sep 27, 2023

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Dec 22, 2023

Always getting weekly 30,000 US $ from this hacker and their bank transfers are safe, fast and same day delivery contact via: d a r k w e b p r o g r a m m e r @ g m a i l .c o m

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Dec 28, 2023

I will always be grateful to this great hacker, Saclux Comptech Specialst. Although losing your Bitcoin/USDT can be quite distressing, there is a way to recover from it when you have a legitimate agent. It feels so good to become the winner after feeling low for a long time all because of something you think you did right and of a truth it's right for one to invest just that no matter how careful you are it takes extra not to be involved in a scam cause it's the toughest battle to fight in everyone life, especially when you lose all your savings just like myself, Am happy today I can feel joy in my heart after recovery all my stolen funds, and am recommending Saclux Comptech Specialst at your last option to get your stolen funds from a scammer. Contact them via email: [email protected] OR Viber:+44 7782 645302   

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Dec 29, 2023

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Jan 24, 2024

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Feb 02, 2024

I fell victim to a crypto investment scam I found on Instagram, losing around $508,000. After investing and encountering issues with withdrawals, I realized I had been scammed. Desperate to recover my funds, I luckily discovered a post online about the expertise of Wizard Asset Recovery. Having reached out to them, I found their services to be exceptional. I highly recommend Wizard Asset Recovery to anyone seeking to recover funds from scams. They are proficient in their field and go to great lengths to assist in retrieving lost assets. I'm grateful for their assistance, proving that recovery is possible even after crypto has been sent. For those in need, don't hesitate toreach them at Wizardassetrecovery

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Feb 19, 2024

When a once-loving partner starts exhibiting strange behavior and unusual habits, it can be a major red flag. From sudden changes in appearance to unexplained absences, these behavioral changes often lead to suspicions of infidelity. Recognizing these signs is the first step in understanding the need for investigation and seeking the assistance of experts like Lee Ultimate Hacker. In the era of smartphones and social media, communication has taken on various forms. If your partner becomes guarded about their phone, secretive about their online activities, or suddenly develops a private messaging habit, it's natural to feel suspicious. These communication patterns can indicate hidden conversations and the need to dig deeper with the help of professionals like Lee Ultimate Hacker. It is crucial to choose a tech team that prioritizes privacy and confidentiality. Look for teams that have a strong reputation in handling sensitive cases and protecting client information. Ask about their data security measures, confidentiality agreements, and legal compliance to ensure your privacy is safeguarded throughout the investigation process. Due to its outstanding experience, cutting-edge technology, and history of fruitful investigations, Lee Ultimate Hacker distinguishes apart. They have a group of really talented individuals who focus on locating digital evidence connected to adultery. Lee Ultimate Hacker has assisted many individuals in obtaining evidence and clarity regarding their relationship issues using their revolutionary technology and all-encompassing strategy. Once you have obtained evidence through the assistance of a tech team, it is essential to handle it carefully and responsibly. Consider seeking legal advice to understand the implications and potential courses of action based on the obtained evidence. It is crucial to use the evidence ethically and responsibly, keeping in mind the potential impact it may have on relationships and personal well-being. Lee Ultimate Hacker isn't your typical technology consultancy. They specialize in revealing the secrets concealed behind the enormous network of technology, making them the superheroes of the digital world. They have assisted innumerable people in learning the truth through their skillful methods and expertise, particularly in exposing signals from an unfaithful spouse. Finding out about adultery may be a devastating and agonizing experience. If you suspect your spouse is cheating, it's important to have access to professional techniques that can provide you the proof you need to tackle the matter. Lee Ultimate Hacker can help people uncover the truth concealed in their partner's digital trail in this situation by providing their contemporary expertise. I've also listed out the contact information to Lee Ultimate Hacker for anyone who requires this service. Email: [email protected] Telegram: @Leeultimate

road trip earn money

Mar 10, 2024

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How to Make Money on the Road: Top 10 Strategies for Travelers

road trip earn money

Traveling the world is a dream for many of us, and the feeling of adventure and excitement that comes with exploring new places is genuinely unparalleled. However, traveling can also be expensive, and making money on the road can be a significant challenge.

As a seasoned RVer or camper, you may have wondered how to balance the desire for exploration with the need to earn a living. Many remote jobs are perfect for RVers . Even if you are a newbie RVer or traveler, travelers can earn income while on the road in various ways.

We will discuss becoming a digital nomad , developing a freelance services business on the road, and how creating an attractive online profile can help you find work across multiple platforms. Additionally, we’ll explore travel blogging as a source of income by choosing suitable monetization options and producing engaging content.

Teaching English online and selling digital products while traveling part-time jobs or seasonal gigs are other ways to make money on the road during your journey. We also cover pet sitting around the world and earning extra cash through photography or completing surveys.

In this blog post, I’ve put together the top ten strategies for how to make money on the road. We promise to inspire you with practical and valuable ideas to help you achieve your dream of traveling the world while earning a livelihood. So, put your wanderlust hats on, grab a cup of coffee, and dive into the world of travel and earning opportunities!

This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase through our partner links, we get paid for the referral at no additional cost. For more information, visit my  disclosure  page.

How to Make Money on the Road

Become a Digital Nomad

These days, all you read about is how digital nomads travel the world and can work from anywhere . Becoming a digital nomad gives you flexibility and freedom to travel and work from anywhere and enjoy the experiences and cultures of different destinations. Because of all the new technology available, working from a laptop is the ultimate travel job.

Even so, becoming a digital nomad is only for some. You’ll need a good combination of computer skills and experience. Many digital nomads work directly for a company that doesn’t require them to be in an office. As I adventure around the country in my Airstream travel trailer , I complete location-independent short-term contracts.

There are all kinds of industries and niches with high demand for remote work, from UX design to SEO expert, to graphic design to social media marketing, programming, writing, and many more. Consider your personality, work style, and personal interests. Check out my in-depth article on becoming a digital nomad for more information.

How to Make Money on the Road

Build a Freelance Services Business

If you want to  make money on the road , offering freelance services such as writing, graphic design, or web development is a popular method. Building a solid portfolio and promoting your expertise on platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Behance, Flexjobs, or Fiverr allows work hours and location flexibility.

Writing Engaging Articles or Blog Posts

Hone your writing skills to create captivating content that helps clients reach their target audience. You can find freelance work by pitching ideas to websites and magazines or joining online job boards like  ProBlogger Jobs .

Designing Eye-Catching Graphics for Clients

A picture speaks a thousand words. Use your artistic talent to make extra money by designing logos, social media images, and more. Showcase your designs on an online portfolio website like  Dribbble .

Developing User-Friendly Websites

If you have coding skills, use them to earn income while traveling by creating responsive websites for businesses worldwide. Learn about current trends in web development through resources like  CSS-Tricks  or join developer communities such as Stack Overflow.

Blogging Your Way to Financial Freedom

Travel bloggers can earn money through various methods, such as advertising on their websites or social media platforms using Google AdSense, …Creating valuable content through blogging can generate passive income over time. Develop a solid content marketing strategy, learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and choose suitable monetization options such as sponsored posts or affiliate partnerships to earn while traveling.

Crafting High-Quality Travel Experience Articles

Focus on writing engaging and informative articles about your travel experiences to make money from your blog. Share tips, insights, and personal stories that resonate with fellow travelers. Provide readers with beneficial information and focus on creating SEO-friendly content to attract more page views and engagement. Start earning today by writing blog posts that inspire and inform your readers.

Partnering with Brands for Sponsored Content

Once your blog has a high level of traction, collaborating with brands is another way to make extra cash while exploring the world. Reach out to companies related to travel or lifestyle niches and offer them sponsored post opportunities on your blog in exchange for payment or free products/services.

Utilizing Affiliate Marketing Strategies

  • Travel bloggers can earn money through various methods, such as advertising on their websites or social media platforms using affiliates.
  • Earn commissions:  Join affiliate programs, promote their products/services within your content, and earn a commission every time someone purchases using your unique referral link.
  •   Select relevant partners:  Choose affiliate partners whose offerings align well with your audience’s interests – this increases conversion rates significantly.
  •   Create resource pages:  Designate specific sections of your blog where you showcase recommended tools/products and their respective affiliate links – making it easy for readers to find what they need without feeling overwhelmed by ads throughout each post.

road trip earn money

Online Tutoring While Traveling

Tutoring and teaching English online has become increasingly popular among travelers seeking remote work opportunities. Teaching online offers steady pay and enables cultural exchange with students from different countries. Here are some tips to help you start earning while training on the go:

Finding reputable online teaching platforms

Search for well-established and reliable platforms such as  VIPKid , QKids, Preply, or  Italki . These websites offer a variety of resources, support, and competitive pay rates. Also, check out Teacher Traveler, an excellent blog for teachers who want to travel.

Adapting lessons according to student needs

To ensure success in your virtual classroom, tailor your lesson plans based on each student’s proficiency level and learning goals. Incorporate engaging activities that make the most of the available technology, like video calls, screen sharing, and interactive whiteboards.

Balancing teaching schedules during travels

Scheduling classes can be challenging when juggling time zones or dealing with limited internet access—plan by setting up a consistent weekly schedule that accommodates your travel itinerary and students’ availability.

Make Money on the Road as a Freelancer Writer

Making money on the road as a freelance writer offers the flexibility to work virtually anywhere while pursuing your passion for writing. Here’s a guide on how to turn your wordsmithing skills into a sustainable income while traveling:

  • Build a Strong Portfolio : You need a portfolio showcasing your writing abilities to attract clients. Start by creating a personal blog or website to display your best work. If you’re starting, consider writing articles or blog posts on topics that interest you to build a portfolio.
  • Identify Your Niche : Specializing in a particular niche can set you apart. Determine your areas of expertise or interest, whether it’s travel writing, technology, health, or any other field, and focus on building your expertise in that niche.
  • Networking and Marketing : Join online writing communities, freelancing platforms like Upwork and Freelancer, and social media groups related to your niche. Networking can help you find job opportunities, collaborate with other writers, and gain exposure. Promote your services through your website, and social media profiles, and reach out to potential clients.
  • Pitch Your Services : Proactively seek freelance writing gigs by sending pitches to businesses, magazines, blogs, and websites that align with your niche. Craft personalized pitches that showcase your understanding of the client’s needs and how your writing can add value to their content.
  • Deliver High-Quality Work : Reputation is crucial in freelancing. Always meet deadlines and exceed client expectations with your writing. Consistency in delivering high-quality content will lead to repeat business and referrals.
  • Diversify Income Streams : Freelance writing can involve varying income levels, so consider diversifying your income sources. This might include offering editing services, content strategy consulting, or self-publishing your own ebooks.
  • Manage Finances : Keep track of your earnings and expenses, especially if traveling full-time. Tools like accounting software or mobile apps can help you stay organized and ensure you’re financially prepared for your journey.
  • Stay Connected : A reliable internet connection is crucial for remote freelancing. Invest in a mobile hotspot or research location with good internet access to ensure you can meet your deadlines and stay in touch with clients.

Remember that building a successful freelance writing career to make money on the road may take time and effort, but it offers the freedom to explore new places while pursuing your passion. Stay persistent, continue honing your writing skills, and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of online freelance work to make the most of your journey as a mobile wordsmith.

Become a Virtual A ssistant 

Working as a virtual assistant while traveling is a popular and flexible way to generate income while exploring new destinations. Virtual assistants (VAs) provide administrative, creative, or technical support to individuals or businesses remotely. Here’s how you can make money as a virtual assistant on the road:

Identify Your Skills & Create an Online Presence

To become a successful VA, start by identifying your skills and strengths. Common tasks include email management, scheduling, data entry, social media management, content writing, graphic design, and customer support. Determine what services you can offer and focus on developing those skills.

Build an online presence to showcase your expertise. Create a professional website or portfolio highlighting your services, experience, and client testimonials. Establish profiles on freelancing platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr, which can help you find clients and gain credibility.

Market Your Services

Use social media, networking, and online communities to market your VA services. Join groups and forums relevant to your niche and engage with potential clients. Leverage your personal network and ask for referrals.

Determine your pricing structure based on factors like your skills, experience, and the complexity of tasks. Research industry standards and competitors’ rates to ensure your pricing is competitive.

Offer Stellar Customer Service

Provide excellent customer service to build trust and retain clients. Communication is key in virtual assisting, so respond promptly to inquiries and maintain clear communication with clients regarding project progress.

Traveling as a virtual assistant requires excellent time management skills. Create a work schedule that aligns with your travel plans, ensuring you can balance work and exploration. Use productivity tools and apps to stay organized and meet deadlines.

Stay Connected

Reliable internet access is essential for virtual assistants. Research internet availability in your travel destinations and have backup plans in case of connectivity issues. Consider investing in a portable hotspot for added reliability.

The beauty of being a virtual assistant is the flexibility it offers. You can work from virtually anywhere, adapting your schedule to accommodate sightseeing and adventure. However, ensure you meet your commitments and deliver quality work despite your travels.

Working as a virtual assistant while traveling allows you to maintain a source of income while exploring the world. With the right skills, dedication, and organization, you can enjoy the freedom to work from diverse locations while funding your adventures.

Work as a Travel Nurse

Working as a travel nurse on the road is an exhilarating and dynamic career choice. It offers a unique blend of professional growth, diverse healthcare environments, and cultural exploration. Travel nurses are healthcare nomads, constantly moving, and their adaptability is their greatest asset.

They have the opportunity to work in various hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities across different regions, positively impacting patients’ lives while expanding their skills and knowledge. The road can be challenging and fulfilling as travel nurses gain invaluable clinical experience and create lasting memories as they immerse themselves in new communities and cultures.

The freedom to choose when and where to work and the chance to experience different healthcare systems make this career path an exciting adventure for those who crave both professional development and a nomadic lifestyle.

With the requisite experience, you can explore opportunities with travel nursing agencies. These agencies connect nurses with short-term assignments across the country or even internationally. Choosing the right agency is vital, as they will assist in securing contracts, managing housing arrangements, and ensuring you have the necessary licensure to practice in different states.

Rental agencies such as Furnished Finder even cater to travel nurses. They offer secure short-term rental housing and information on how to tailor your resume and profile in your application.

Flexibility, adaptability, and a passion for patient care are vital qualities that will help you thrive as a traveling nurse as you navigate new environments and healthcare settings while providing essential medical support wherever your journey takes you.

Selling Digital Products On-the-Go

Creating additional revenue streams by selling digital products like e-books or courses related to your expertise while traveling worldwide can be a lucrative way to make money on the road. With minimal overhead costs and global reach, this option allows you to earn income even when you’re not actively working.

Developing Informative E-books Based on Your Skills

By leveraging your expertise, you can write an e-book that provides readers with practical knowledge. Doing so creates a passive income source as people purchase your book over time.

Creating Comprehensive Online Courses

You can also make money while traveling by creating an online course. This is similar to coaching, but you’ll record videos and write text surrounding your area of expertise. You can market an online course through course creation platforms like Udemy or by creating your own following via social media, YouTube, or a blog. Course creation can be very lucrative.

Promoting Digital Products Effectively

  • Social Media:  Utilize social media channels such as Pinterest, Facebook, or Instagram for targeted promotion of your digital products.
  •   Email Marketing:  Build an email list and send regular newsletters featuring updates about new releases and special offers.
  •   Affiliate Partnerships:  Collaborate with other content creators within your niche who can promote your product in exchange for commissions on sales they generate through their referrals.

road trip earn money

Part-time Jobs at Local Businesses & Seasonal Gigs

If you prefer hands-on jobs rather than working online, part-time positions at local businesses or seasonal gigs at tourist destinations may be suitable options during your travels. These opportunities allow you to earn extra cash while exploring new places and meeting interesting people.

Securing Short-term Employment in the Hospitality Industry

Many tourists seek employment in the hospitality sector, such as hotels, eateries, or bars, to gain extra income while traveling. You can search for job openings on websites like Wanderjobs  Workaway , which connects hosts with travelers looking for short-term employment.

Exploring Seasonal Job Opportunities in the Tourism Sector

Tourist hotspots often have an influx of visitors during peak seasons, creating a demand for temporary workers. Look out for seasonal jobs at sites such as Backdoorjobs and AnyworkAnywhere to find adventure jobs, tour guides, ski instructors, or lifeguards. Also, check local listings and contact employers directly.

Networking with Locals for Potential Job Leads

Gaining job leads can often be achieved through networking with locals familiar with local opportunities. Make connections within communities by attending social events and participating in online forums related to your destination.

road trip earn money

Pet Sitting Around The World

Pet sitting may be a great choice if you’re an animal enthusiast who desires to earn additional income while journeying. Pet sitting through websites like is an option worth considering. Not only do you get to take care of adorable pets, but you also have the opportunity to explore new places.

Building a Strong Pet-sitting Profile

To earn as a pet sitter, create an engaging profile showcasing your experience and love for animals. Include photos with pets and references from previous pet-sitting gigs.

Connecting with Homeowners in Need of Pet Sitters

Pet sitters do not necessarily need to move into the owner’s place and, sometimes, can even care for the pet in their home. This job is also very flexible so that you can work for a couple of hours, days, or weeks.

Browse pet-sitting platforms such as Rover and Wag Walking listings and reach out to homeowners who need someone reliable to look after their furry friends. Promptly send personalized messages explaining why you’d be the perfect fit.

Maintaining Positive Reviews and Recommendations

  • Provide excellent care for the pets entrusted to you.
  •  Maintain open communication with homeowners during their absence.
  •  Treat each home respectfully, leaving it clean upon completion of your assignment.

Fulfilling these expectations will result in positive reviews, increasing your chances of securing more pet-sitting opportunities on the road.

road trip earn money

Photography for Profit

Turn your passion for photography into profit by selling high-quality images on stock photo websites like Alamy,  Shutterstock , or  Adobe Stock . This might be worthwhile if you have a gift for capturing that perfect stunning landscape or unique travel experience during your journey.

Capturing Unique Travel Moments

To start earning, focus on capturing unique travel moments that showcase the beauty of the places you visit. Look out for interesting subjects, vibrant colors, and captivating compositions that will appeal to potential buyers. By offering your photography, you can gain financial rewards, enhance your travel blog, and possibly get some work as a travel photographer/writer.

Understanding the Requirements of Stock Photo Platforms

I have a selection of stock photos on Alamy and Adobe Stock. Since I now have an iPhone 14 PRO, I will have even more opportunities to capture quality images, which might generate additional income.

  • Create an account:  Sign up with a reputable stock photo platform and complete their registration process.
  •   Familiarize yourself with guidelines:  Each platform has specific requirements regarding image quality, size, format, and subject matter. Make sure to adhere to these guidelines before submitting photos.
  •   Licensing options:  Understand various licensing options available on each platform, which can impact how much income you earn from sales.

Marketing Your Photography Skills Effectively

Spread the word about your portfolio on social media outlets such as Instagram or Facebook to bring more attention from prospective customers. Additionally, consider creating a personal website showcasing your best work and contact information so interested buyers can easily reach out directly.

Remote Social Media Management

In today’s digital age, managing social media accounts remotely presents itself as an excellent business venture. All you need is internet access to help clients maintain their online presence and  earn income  while traveling the world.

Identifying Potential Clients in Need of Social Media Management

Research businesses or individuals who could benefit from your expertise in handling their social media platforms to start earning. Reach out to them with a proposal outlining how your services can boost their online visibility and engagement.

Developing Effective Content Strategies Tailored to Client Needs

  • Create a posting schedule that aligns with the client’s goals and target audience preferences.
  •  Analyze performance metrics to adjust strategy accordingly for better results.
  •  Draft engaging posts that showcase the brand’s personality and values, driving user interaction on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Staying Up-to-Date with Current Trends and Platform Updates

To provide top-notch service as a remote social media manager while making extra cash, stay informed about industry news by following reputable sources such as Social Media Examiner. Additionally, attend webinars or enroll in relevant courses to sharpen your skills further – check out websites like Udemy for affordable options.

road trip earn money

Coaching or Teaching Your Expertise On-the-Go

If you have a skill or expertise others are interested in learning, consider offering lessons while traveling worldwide. This can help you earn income and allow you to share your knowledge with others who want to learn from you.

Identifying Suitable Locations for Teaching Sessions

Identify spots where potential learners may be, like parks, community centers, or hostels. Ensure the space is suitable for teaching sessions by checking for adequate lighting and seating arrangements.

Promoting Classes Using Local Resources and Online Channels

To attract students, promote your classes using local resources like bulletin boards at hostels , cafes, or tourist information centers. Additionally, use social media platforms like Facebook groups dedicated to travelers in specific regions.

Adapting Lesson Plans According to Student Preferences

  • Create flexible lesson plans that cater to your students’ various skill levels and interests.
  •  Incorporate local culture into your lessons, adding extra excitement for you and your students.
  •  Adjust teaching strategies based on individual learning styles, ensuring each student gets the most out of their experience with you.

By coaching or teaching on the go during travels, you can make money and create memorable experiences by connecting with people from diverse backgrounds. If you’re interested in earning income while traveling, consider teaching your expertise to others. It’s a great way to earn extra cash, find freelance work, or even create a passive income stream. Some other options for making money on the road include affiliate marketing, telecommuting jobs, seasonal jobs, and remote jobs. With hard work and dedication, you can start earning income while traveling and living your dream life.

Become a Workamper or Campground Host

Becoming a Workamper or Campground Host is an excellent way to combine a love for the great outdoors with an opportunity to earn a living while traveling. Workampers and Campground Hosts play a crucial role in managing and maintaining campgrounds, RV parks, and recreational areas.

Most Workampers and Campground Hosts live in their own recreational vehicles or campers . If you don’t already have one, consider investing in an RV that suits your needs and budget. Ensure it is well-maintained and comfortable for extended stays.

Build Relevant Skills

Many employers prefer candidates with skills useful in campground operations, such as maintenance, landscaping, customer service, and office management. Acquiring these skills can make you a more attractive candidate.

Search for Opportunities

Various resources are available to find Workamper and Campground Host positions. Websites like and list job openings across the country. You can also reach out to individual campgrounds or RV parks directly.

Prepare Your Resume

Craft a resume highlighting your relevant skills and experiences. Emphasize any prior camping, RV, or outdoor-related experience and any customer service or maintenance skills. Submit your resume and application to the positions you’re interested in. Be prepared for interviews, either over the phone or via video conferencing. Express your enthusiasm for the role and willingness to contribute to the campground’s success.

Understand the Commitment

Be clear on the terms and expectations of the position, including the duration of your stay, responsibilities, compensation (which may include a combination of wages and campground amenities), and any rules or regulations specific to the campground.

Embrace the Lifestyle

Working as a Workamper or Campground Host offers a unique lifestyle, often involving remote or rustic locations. Be ready to adapt to the challenges and joys of life on the road, including close interactions with campers and the opportunity to enjoy nature’s beauty. Embrace the opportunity to explore new places, meet fellow travelers, and create lasting memories while contributing to the camping community.

Whether you’re seeking a temporary adventure or considering a long-term lifestyle change, becoming a Workamper or Campground Host allows you to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature while contributing to the enjoyment of others’ outdoor experiences.

How can I make good money on the road?

Making good money while on the road is feasible with the right approach and a willingness to adapt to a flexible lifestyle. Remember that planning, budgeting, and diversifying your income sources is the key to making good money on the road. Combine different strategies to create a reliable income stream that allows you to enjoy your travels while ensuring financial stability. Researching the legal and tax implications of earning money while traveling is essential, as they can vary depending on your location and nationality.

Can I make money living on the road?

To make money while living on the road, consider offering freelance services, travel blogging, teaching English online, selling digital products or photography, taking part-time jobs or seasonal gigs, pet sitting around the world, managing social media accounts for clients, and offering lessons related to your expertise. Establish an online presence and network with fellow travelers for leads.

Can you make money on a road trip?

Yes, you can make money during a road trip by providing various services such as freelancing in your skillset area (writing, graphic design) and creating content for a travel blog or YouTube channel with monetization options like affiliate marketing and sponsored posts. You may also offer remote tutoring sessions or sell digital products like eBooks and printables.

How do people afford to live on the road?

Whether in an RV, camping, or simply traveling extensively, living on the road requires careful planning and financial management. Many people fund their travels by working remotely. With the growth of the internet and technology, remote work opportunities have expanded, allowing individuals to maintain their careers while traveling.

Living on the road often means adopting a minimalist and budget-conscious lifestyle. Many travelers cut expenses by cooking meals, camping in public lands or free campgrounds, and reducing non-essential purchases. Some people save money for an extended period before embarking on a road trip. They may also rely on investments, such as stocks, rental properties, or dividend income, to cover traveling expenses.

Ultimately, the ability to afford living on the road depends on your financial situation, skills, and resourcefulness. Successful road living often involves a combination of income sources, careful budgeting, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances while enjoying the freedom and adventure of life on the road.

How can I get paid for traveling?

You can get paid for traveling by becoming a professional travel blogger or vlogger who earns through advertising revenue-sharing platforms like Google AdSense , affiliate marketing partnerships with brands , and sponsored content deals from companies targeting travelers’ audiences. Additionally, working remotely in web development allows income generation while exploring new destinations.

How do you make passive income on the road?

Making passive income on the road involves creating assets that generate earnings without constant active effort. Examples include:

  • Writing eBooks related to your travels.
  • Selling stock photos taken during trips.
  • Earning royalties from video courses about specific skills relevant to other travelers (e.g., language learning).
  • Investing in dividend-paying stocks or real estate crowdfunding platforms.

There are many ways to make money while traveling on the road. The possibilities are endless, from freelancing and travel blogging to teaching English online and selling digital products. Part-time jobs, seasonal gigs, pet sitting, photography sales, completing surveys, and social media management are great options for generating income while exploring new destinations.

By leveraging your skills and expertise in various fields, along with a bit of creativity and hard work, you can turn your passion for travel into a profitable venture. With so many opportunities available to make money on the road today, it’s easier than ever before to fund your travels without sacrificing financial stability or career goals.

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How To Make Money As You Travel: Tips for People Who Don’t Blog

Janice Waugh

November 3, 2023 by Janice Waugh

jobs you can do on the road

Travel is more expensive than ever. From flights to accommodation, prices are up. The idea of earning some money as you travel is pretty appealing.

But where do you start?

The first thing that needs to be said is, if you don't already have a travel blog, don't think that starting one is going to contribute much to your travel budget quickly. For a travel blog to make any money, or any online publishing venture such as YouTube, you need thousands of viewers. This doesn't happen overnight.

Fortunately, there are many other options.

Below you'll first find ideas for short-term travelers. All of these can be added to the list below that which has ideas more appropriate for long-term travelers.

I hope these tips help everyone to travel longer, farther, and more often.

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Table of Contents

How to Earn Money As You Travel Short-term

Long-term travel is not open to everyone. Here are some options for those only going for a week or two.

  • Make sure you have a reliable friend or family member ready to receive your guests, answer their questions, and deal with any issues in your absence.
  • Be sure to stay up-to-date on policy changes made by these companies.
  • Rent your car while you're out of town. Turo is a car-sharing site in the way that Airbnb and VRBO are home-sharing sites. Unless you're on a road trip, your car will be sitting idle while you're gone. Checking on the site for cars available in Toronto, it seems that people pay $300 – $400 per week for a car. As a host, you’re covered by their CAD$2 million insurance policy and you have one of two vehicle damage options to choose from. You'll earn 75% or 85% of what your renter pays depending on the insurance package you take.
  • Rent your parking space while you're on a road trip . Neighbor works on the same principle as Airbnb. Use this platform to rent your parking space while you're gone or your extra storage space at any time. At this point it is active in the United States only.
  • Get paid to drive to your destination . Cars and trucks are moved around North America by independent contractors, people like you and me, all the time. In some cases, your costs are covered; in others you actually make money. It's luck of the draw as to whether the destination of the car is of interest to you but it is a great way to save on travel and possibly make some money as well. In Canada, see Canada Driveaway . In the United States, see Auto Driveaway .
  • Busk at your destination . In a safe public square show off your musical talent or perform an exquisite poem by heart. You don't need a large repertoire as people move along all the time. In a good location, it's possible to make some decent money to cover travel expenses and also meet some pretty interesting people. Just be sure to find out any local regulations that apply. You don't want a ticket eating into your profits.
  • Sell cool stuff you find on your travels. Are you a shopper? Are you good at marketing things you love? Find products on your travels that are totally unique and/or inexpensive that you can bring home and sell. The money comes to you after your trip but it's still money earned from your trip!

how to make money traveling

Short-term Jobs for Those on the Road Long-term

Everyone has different skills and talents so not every option will be of interest to everyone. However, have a look. There are a variety of ways to earn money as you travel long-term. Interested in being a digital nomad? Read Digital Nomads Traveling Solo: Financial Tips for Saving & Security .

  • Work remotely. With so many jobs being performed from home during the pandemic, some people have decided to move their home to a more exciting location. Here are 21 Countries with Digital Nomad Visas for Remote Workers.
  • Work at a hostel . Hostels are often staffed by travelers. Consequently, they are often looking for staff. The pay won't be tops but you will get a room as well.
  • Sell your talent online. and are sites where you can sell your services for $5, though usually more. It's amazing what people will sell. If you can edit video or do web design you'll do well. But even if you have only one talent–impersonating one celebrity, for instance–you'll likely get gigs recording a phone message in that voice. Or if, like one guy I've seen, you have a puppet, you could produce a video message with your puppet. The options are endless.
  • Freelance from the road . Upwork helps you find freelance work–all kinds of freelance work. There's everything from acting as a virtual assistant to doing bookkeeping, customer support, web design, and writing. These are freelance jobs you can pick up along the way.
  • Tutor or teach English as a second language . Tutoring can be a relatively short-term gig while teaching ESL tends to be more of a commitment. ESL Cafe is a great resource for prospective teachers. Also check out Teacher Traveler , an excellent blog for teachers who want to travel.
  • Get a part-time or short-term job. Working retail or in a restaurant may be an option for you to make money as you travel. Make sure you know whether it's legal and what visa you require to do so. Google “travel and work in _____” to find reliable information. Working on a farm during harvest season may be another option. Check out Picking Jobs , a site that gives you basic information as well as a listing of picking jobs in 18 countries.
  • Become an au pair . Are you good with children? Settle into a community and take care of a family's children for a year or more. Go Au Pair has been matching families with au pairs for 28 years. They have listings in 8 countries including the United States.

man on deck with laptop, how to make money on the road

Donate to a Charity Simply by the Act of Traveling

As you travel, you can make money for a favorite charity just by walking around.  Charity Miles is an app that taps into an activity monitor on your phone. Before you head out for the day (whether at home or traveling), use the app to choose your charity, indicate whether you’ll be walking, running, or cycling, and then just go. The money Charity Miles collects from their sponsors is distributed to charities based on their app users’ activity and charity choices. And why not earn money for a good cause as you walk the world?

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Roadie: a driver and a passenger in the front seats of a car

Make Extra Money on Road Trips With Roadie

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Brett Helling is the founder of He has been a rideshare driver since early 2012, having completed hundreds of trips for companies including Uber, Lyft, and Postmates.

Since that time, he has expanded his knowledge into the Gigworker site, as well as writing the book Gigworker: Independent Work and the State of the Gig Economy Paperback,  now available on Amazon .

When you look at how the gig economy has changed our country, some of the businesses that have been disrupted are obvious.

Uber took on the taxi industry.

Airbnb took on hotels.

But what about long distance shipping?

Could the gig economy really take that on?

Roadie says yes.

The company has looked to innovate the supply chain by offering regular drivers going on road trips the chance to make extra money by bringing a delivery item with them.

They also now offer local gigs as well.

In this article, we’ll explain Roadie’s origins, its powerful backers (including Ludacris), and how it works.

We’ll look at some reviews from people who drive for Roadie, and answer some frequently asked questions for people who might want to start working for Roadie as a side hustle.

  • Why Ship With Roadie?
  • How to Sign Up for Roadie
  • Time to Hit the Road
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Roadie Delivers

What Is Roadie?

Roadie might be one of the fastest growing startups you’ve never heard of.

The company is a platform where people can request shipping for oddly shaped, fragile, or oversized items, and then drivers can accept those jobs and complete them, using a passenger vehicle to get it done.

The company is based in Atlanta, Georgia, and its CEO is Marc Gorlin.

The company has some serious backers too, including UPS Capital, Google exec Eric Schmidt’s

TomorrowVentures, investor Warren Stephens, and yes, Ludacris. Home Depot has gotten involved in the latest round of fundraising, and Walmart has teamed up with Roadie to provide grocery delivery service.

Roadie only offers one-way delivery and is meant to connect with drivers who are already making a trip.

For people who regularly make road trips, either for work or to see family, the app can be a great way to offset the cost of the drive and even make some money in the process.

Unlike other apps, the majority of the price to ship goes to the driver, making it a potentially lucrative way to take on a side hustle.

Roadie says drivers can earn up to $650 for long-distance trips, and up to $60 for local trips, depending on the size of the item.

For people who ship with Roadie, the shipping experience gets a lot more personal. Instead of dropping a box off and hoping it gets there on the back of a truck, shippers can meet their delivery person and follow along on the app as the item makes its way to its destination.

This can give shippers peace of mind knowing their items are in good hands.

While it may be tough to get overnight delivery — trips are booked when they’re convenient for a driver — if a shipper has some time, it can be a flexible way to save money on delivery.

Roadie is always looking for people with clean driving records to take on delivery jobs.

Roadie drivers can build jobs around road trips they’re already planning on taking, or monitor the mobile app to get alerted to local jobs and earn money that way.

To sign up as a driver, you’ll need to either download the Roadie app or head to their website at

At the top of the site, you’ll see a menu where one of the tabs is labeled “Drivers.”

The Roadie homepage with an arrow pointing to the "Drivers" drop down menu

It looks like this: Click on Drivers, and you’ll be taken to an informative page that lets you know everything you need to get started with Roadie.

If you like what you see, you can fill out the initial driver sign-up sheet at the top of the page.

The Roadie web page to sign up to drive

It just asks for your name, email address, and phone number to get started. On the next page, you can verify your information and create a password, or you can link to your Facebook page and create an account that way.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to verify your phone number, which you can do via a code sent to your cell phone.

Enter that, and you’re ready to make your profile.

The profile creation asks that you provide some personal information, this is done for two reasons:

  • So that Roadie can pay you
  • So you can undergo a third-party background check  and a DMV check

These checks are non-negotiable and serve to protect you and the people who ship things with Roadie.

Unlike Uber and other rideshare services, Roadie has no minimum vehicle requirement, however, so whatever you drive is all good with them.

Taking a Job

Once you’ve created your profile and passed the background checks (this can take a few weeks to process, so be patient), you can start accepting jobs.

People with accounts can choose whether they want alerts to some jobs in their area, all the jobs in their area, local jobs, road trips, or no alerts at all.

Roadie will then either keep you posted on shipping jobs near you or let you check the app to see what’s being offered at any time.

The jobs tell you ahead of time what they will pay, what you will be carrying, and when it needs to be done by.

If you’re nervous about carrying something illicit without your knowledge, have no fear.

Roadie has an “open box” policy, meaning you will never be asked to transport something without knowing what it is.

If you want the job, claim it.

The shipper then has the ability to review your profile and your rating in the app, then connect to make it official.

You’ve got your task.

Roadie: view over the shoulder of a female driver

It’s up to you and the shipper to organize a pickup date and time, and make this delivery happen.

You will provide confirmation photos and text updates as the trip progresses, giving them assurance that everything is going well, especially on long haul deliveries.

Get to your destination, drop the item off, and you’ve done it.

We’ve looked at Roadie’s origins, how to sign up to drive for the company, and how to accept jobs.

Let’s get to some frequently asked questions.

1. Does Roadie pay for gas?

Nope, Roadie does not pay for gas.

The idea behind the app is that you’re signing up on trips you were already planning to take, so gas, food, tolls, etc. are all on you.

This is just a way to make some extra money on the trip.

2. Can I write off gas and mileage when I’m driving for Roadie?

That you can do!

As you are working on the trip, you can say that gas and mileage were part of a business expense when you file taxes at the end of the year.

If you were already planning on taking a road trip for personal reasons, Roadie can not only allow you to make some money doing it, it can save you on taxes in the process.

3. Do I need to have my own insurance?

Yes, drivers need to be fully insured while driving for Roadie, and you need to provide your own insurance.

Roadie does provide insurance for items that may be damaged during the delivery process, but you need to have your own car insurance to drive for the company.

4. Can I make as much as with Uber or Lyft?

Probably not.

The mark against Roadie is that there just isn’t enough demand out there for Roadie drivers to make it work as a full-time job.

While some people hustle daily with the app for local deliveries, most drivers use it as a way to pick up some extra money on trips they’re doing anyway.

If you live in LA and travel to Las Vegas once a month to see family, Roadie can help you offset the cost of that trip by connecting you with someone who needs something shipped to Las Vegas.

As a serious side hustle, you may not be able to earn as much as you would as a rideshare driver.

Roadie is an innovative way to try to make shipping easier.

It aims to connect drivers heading somewhere with shippers looking to get something delivered to that same place.

It offers competitive pricing for shippers and good rates for drivers.

Whether used as a way to help with the cost of road trips or a side hustle to earn extra money through local deliveries, Roadie is definitely worth a look for anyone trying to find a side job who loves being on the open road.

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83 Ways To Make Money While Traveling in an RV

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Digital media has become a big business with the prevalence of smartphones, apps, and social media. Digital nomads create digital content on the road and earn money from producing that content. The biggest perk? Inspiration is all around you.

1. Freelance Writer

Everyone loves a good road trip story, but there are many topics RVers can write about from the road. From gear reviews to travel recommendations to road trip advice, there are plenty of media outlets looking to publish this type of content. Pitch your story to magazines like RV Magazine . Or submit your ideas to brand blogs and gear sites, like the Camping World Blog!   Tell us your RV story, and we’ll share it.

2. Proofreading & Editing

Are you the kind of person that just can’t ignore spelling errs? Did you pick that one up? If so, proofreading might be the perfect road trip income source for your RV lifestyle. Freelance editors read books or written works to check for grammar, readability, and style.

3. Write an eBook

Whether you write about traveling adventures, a favorite hobby, or create a how-to guide, offering your thoughts as an eBook is an easy way to create a passive income source. Self-publish and sell your eBook with the help of Amazon Kindle Direct. You write it once, promote it, then collect the profit from the sales. Write an ebook for RVers and market your book to other campers while you travel.

4. Create and Sell Courses

Are your friends and community always coming to you for advice on a specific subject? If you’re an expert at something, you might consider creating a course to share your knowledge. Online courses consist of a lesson plan, complete with quizzes and tests that people purchase to learn a skill. What topic are you an expert on that others might want to learn more about?

5. Photograph Your Adventures

Most of us naturally take photos when we travel, but if you invest in leveling up your photography skills , you can make money while you’re on the road. There are many platforms for selling or showcasing photography. If  you combine these skills with writing skills, you can sell your photos and story ideas to online or print publications.

6. Create Videos About Your Adventures 

Video is king when it comes to sharing stories about adventure travel. Share your travels and RV adventures in a video that allows others to follow along. Grow your audience via a YouTube channel or social media accounts. Once you acquire enough eyes on your videos, you can start to earn revenue from ad sponsors. 

7. Video Editor

If you don’t have the desire to be on camera or capture footage, you can still be a part of the digital media industry. Video creators often need help editing their work. To do this job remotely, learn professional video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, or Final Cut Pro. Market your services as an editor on freelancer websites, like Fiverr , which connect video editors with jobs.

8. Podcast Host

Convince others to downsize and join the RV lifestyle by hosting a podcast. With the right equipment, you can record your podcast anywhere. Build an audience of devoted listeners and let the road guide you to your next interview, episode topic, and destination. 

9.  Audio Narrator

Have a voice that leaves everyone hanging on your every word? Become an audio narrator and record books, stories, or poems for others to listen to. Everyone enjoys hearing a good story!

10.  Social Media Influencer 

If you are good at telling stories, taking photos, and fostering an online community – you might have the skills to make it as a social media influencer.  Chances are you’re already capturing beautiful pictures and videos of your travels. Find a platform to share and curate that experience while slowly developing a community that enjoys watching your adventures. Though it’s not easy, nor guaranteed, you might eventually attract attention from brands who wish to reach your travel-loving community and collaborate.

11.  Social Media Manager

A social media profile is essential for almost any business. Brands hire people specifically to manage their social media account. Oftentimes, these folks can work from anywhere. If you have a knack for marketing and communications, explore social media manager jobs to utilize your skills in developing a content strategy, analyzing data, and managing social ad campaigns.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by JENNY ANDERSON (@girlof10000lakes)

12.  Graphic Designer

Graphic design is a sought-after skill required by advertisers, publishers, magazine editors, small businesses, and others. Your ability to combine text and imagery into compelling visuals can earn you a healthy income as long as you have a reliable internet connection to share your work when it’s ready for review.

Artistic Ways to Make Money

Chances are you have a creative talent or skill you’re sitting on, so share it with the world! 

13.  Painter

Use your ever-changing surroundings as inspiration by creating artwork. Take your art around the country by participating in art shows and festivals. Or sell your work online using platforms like Etsy to reach your customers.

14.  Textile Artist 

Like a painter with a canvas, a textile artist uses inspiration from their environment to create something beautiful and tangible. Sculpt, weave, and explore textiles in ways you never would otherwise. Explore festivals, boutiques, and markets along your route to find an audience for your art and discover selling opportunities for your wares.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Laura Preston (@vacilandostudios)

15.  Musician

The open road is nothing if not music-friendly! Most musicians travel anyway, whether it’s from gig to gig, on tour, or simply for lyrical inspiration. Every breathtaking view deserves an awe-inspiring soundtrack. Create your own and set a tour schedule along the way while you’re at it.

Meet Trent & Siobhán, professional musicians, and their full-time RVing adventure! This family of seven lives in their motorhome full-time, sharing their music and serving communities across the country.

16.  DJ

Even if you’re prioritizing RV travels in states with great boondocking spots, there will be events and gatherings happening near you almost anywhere you go. Marketing your DJ services on the road has never been easier, and traveling to DJ weddings or other events can open new and exciting routes as an RVer.

17.  Modeling

Brands are always looking for models for their next photoshoot. Find yourself an agent who searches for modeling opportunities for you wherever you’re traveling. 


18.  Be a Film Extra 

Plan your travels around shows or movies that film in certain locations and you could land a spot as an extra. Extras fill the background of a scene and don’t usually have lines. Responsibilities typically include walking in and out of frame. Though not a consistent form of income, it’s good work if you can get it. If you’re camping around Los Angeles, you might have some luck. A talent agent will help you find opportunities like this.

19.  Foley Artist

Become a part of movie magic as a foley artist. Foley artists recreate realistic sounds of action and audio needed for video — wind in the trees, the rush of a raging river, the crunch of leaves underfoot. You can create these stock sounds while traveling as long as you have the necessary recording equipment. 

20.  Closed Captioner 

Ever wonder how the words appear on your screen when you use closed captions? A closed captioner writes the text you see on screen for many projects, including TV shows, films, and more. The best part? You can do it from the comfort of your RV.

Play music, create art, perform magic, write poetry – there are many ways to earn side income busking while you’re traveling. Some cities have friendlier busking policies than others (always check local laws and regulations before setting up in a new place). You might be surprised how much cash ends up in your guitar case after you jam for a few hours.

22.  Join (or Start) a Traveling Show 

Bring your creative group of singers, dancers, acrobats, and entertainers on the road with you and earn money by lining up shows wherever you go. Whether it’s a band, circus, or theater troupe, your unique skills can provide a means to travel and an itinerary to follow. 


Helping Ways

Here are ways to help others while earning income at the same time.

23.  Teach English as a Second Language

Teaching English remotely requires a strong internet connection or a cellular signal booster if you rely on a mobile hotspot for connectivity. Many companies train and employ English as a second language (ESL) teachers to teach students remotely.  You’ll often work hours based on student locations in foreign countries, so you’re not locked into a North American 9-5 schedule. If you plan and adapt accordingly, it can free up huge parts of your day for your outdoor adventures.

24.  Tutor

Help students with subjects they’re struggling with through virtual tutoring. Customize lessons to help them grow — and do it all from the comfort of your rolling home.

25.  Travel Nursing

Are you in school studying to become a nurse? Did you know you could take your skills on the road? Travel from hospital to hospital, helping people where and when they need it the most. Want to learn more? Read about Chase & Lindsay, who are full-time traveling nurses.

26.  Teletherapy

Therapists need to get away, too. If you’re a therapist, take your practice on the road by offering teletherapy sessions – available to your patients over the phone or through zoom calls.

27.  Personal Trainer

Like teletherapy, online training has grown in popularity in recent years. You can schedule virtual personal training sessions with your clients from nearly anywhere with a reliable internet connection. 

28.  Nutrition Coaching

Share your nutrition journey with others. Compile your favorite recipes, diet tips, and nutrition advice from your laptop, tablet, or smartphone while sitting comfortably in your RV dinette. Become an expert in how to have a healthy RV trip.

29.  Teaching Yoga

Teach remotely, or see if your RV park will let you host classes outdoors or in a communal gathering space. Set a fee for your classes, or ask for donations. Spread your yoga knowledge and mindfulness while using your skills to fund your next RV adventure.

30.  Life Coach

Life on the road is a life well lived. Use your experiences and lessons learned to encourage others to find their own path. Whether you’re helping them achieve a short-term goal or achieve long-term dreams, coaching and encouraging others is a way to make money while making a difference.

31.  Massage Therapy

Although it can be a relaxing lifestyle, RVers need to unwind from time to time. Long drives can make your body sore and tired. Become a licensed massage therapist and travel around your state (you have to be certified in the state you wish to practice). Or, find a local spa near your campsite to rent out a quiet space to conduct sessions.

32.  Childcare

You can find local, recurring opportunities for nannying and childcare jobs when you’re based in one location for an RV camping season. Sign up with a reliable service like SitterCity to find local families seeking childcare they can trust. 

33.  Dog Walker / Dog Sitter

This is a great job for RVers who already own pets. Make it as simple as advertising dog walking services in each campground or RV park you stay in, or you can join a site like Rover to explore dog walking and dog sitting opportunities in different destinations. 


34.  Housesitting

If you have a network of friends and family who also like to travel, housesitting can be the perfect way to get off the road for a bit and earn some money. Not everyone likes to leave their home empty and unattended while they’re away on vacation. Some people are willing to pay for the peace of mind of knowing a trusted and vetted housesitter is watching over their investment. Use websites like Trusted Housesitters that require references, reviews, and verifications to vet housesitters. 

35.  Travel Consultant / Travel Agent

Who better to plan a trip than someone living the RV lifestyle? Make note of your favorite destinations plus the best things to do while there and help plan trips for other travel lovers.

36.  Public Speaker / Guest Lecturer

Public speaking is a great way to make money while traveling in an RV if you’re an expert in your field. Many towns have speaker series dedicated to various topics. 

37.  Make Money for a Charity

You can earn money for your daily miles if you’re dedicated to hitting your daily step count. When you sign up for Charity Miles , choose the charity you want to donate to, and the app tracks your daily activity, whether you’re walking, running, or biking. The app’s sponsors then distribute money to the charity of your choice based on your daily physical activity.

(Out of) Office Ways to Make Money

Let’s face it, the 9-to-5 life is still pretty common, except now most office jobs can be handled remotely. It’s a whole new world!

38. Tech Support

This is a perfect opportunity for the RVer that doesn’t mind office hours but prefers a better view than a cubicle wall. Traveling IT Techs can resolve and troubleshoot issues remotely for many companies. Make sure you have a reliable internet connection, though! A booster could help .

39. Corporate Project Manager

Combine the best aspects of being analytical and creative by exploring corporate project manager roles. Manage projects for a company (or several as a freelancer) from the comfort of your RV. Gone are the days of butt-in-chair requirements. These days, you can attend conference calls and tackle to-do lists right from a campsite with a lake view .

40. Web Developer

If coding is your language, consider becoming a web developer to build websites for personal or business use.

41. Programming

Writing computer programs is another skill that can be leveraged regardless of your physical location. From logging on at a coffee shop with reliable Wi-Fi to exploring Starlink internet for RVers , there are many connectivity options for you to earn money with a remote programming job.

42. UX Researcher

Whether by contract or freelance, a UX (User Experience) Researcher works with companies to gather information on how online customers navigate their websites and apps. As a UX researcher, it’s your job to test websites and strategize app design from anywhere.


43. Customer Service

Customer service agents are needed for a variety of schedules for a multitude of companies. Connect with customers and help answer their questions and solve their problems from anywhere in the country.

44. Virtual Assistant

Take the skills you’ve learned in the office on the road with you. Executives, brands, and even small businesses rely on virtual assistants to handle administrative tasks like file and email management, answering calls, outsourcing online work, arranging meetings, and more. If you’re organized and attentive to detail, this could be the job for you.

45. Accounting

Believe it or not, accountants can operate as freelancers too. It’s probably a good idea to develop a reliable client list before hitting the road. 

46. Legal Advice

Freelance legal experts aren’t easy to come by. This requires formal education in law, but if you’re itching to take a break from the courtroom, you might try consulting for a while. Now more than ever, legal experts can offer their advice and services virtually without being tied to a traditional brick-and-mortar law firm.

47. Consulting

Whether consulting on product launches, pivots in business strategy, or anything else you have training and experience in, you can offer consulting services from the road. Entrepreneurial experience can be a huge bonus in this profession, as many young businesses seek advice from those who have been there before.

Service & Sales Ways

Service industry jobs are available all over the country. Sales, too, is a job that can travel. If you have the gift of gab, then put your people skills to use with these job ideas.

48. Wait Staff

Restaurants always look for wait staff, which can be a great way to earn money during a long-term RV stay. If you plan it right, you can earn tips during the high season while enjoying life camping at prime   boondocking spots .

49. Work in a Kitchen

Reliable kitchen staff can be hard to come by. If you have experience as a line cook or sous chef, this is a great way to earn income while you’re camping somewhere for a season. Even if you didn’t go to culinary school, some kitchens may start you in entry-level positions and train you if you need to gain experience.

50. Bartending

Bartending jobs are just like restaurant jobs – there is always a need for reliable service employees. If you’ve been practicing your refreshing camping cocktails in your RV, why not see if there’s a bar at your next destination looking for help?

51. Hair Cutting and Styling

Everyone needs a haircut eventually. If you have this expertise, there’s no reason you can’t take your skills on the road. Advertise your services on community boards where you’re camping for the season. Show off your haircuts online to garner a following and develop a portfolio.

52. Re-Sell Items Online

Thrifting can be a fun traveling hobby because you can find unique, region-specific items. If you’re crafty about it, you can turn around and re-sell your best finds online.

53. Secret Shopper

Most stores, especially big box stores, have a secret shopper program where they compensate consumers for their honest feedback. What better way to get a wide range of results than hiring someone traveling in an RV?

54. Dropshipping

Dropshipping works well for many RV travelers because the startup costs are low, and you don’t have to carry inventory with you. First, locate products from wholesalers, like t-shirts or tote bags. Create a website to market those products at a marked-up price.  Then, when a t-shirt sells, send fulfillment info to the warehouse every time an order comes in. The warehouse processes orders, ships the products, and distributes your profits. It’s that simple, but you will need marketing and advertising skills to be successful with this venture.

55. Renovate RVs

The DIY craze has attracted many RVers looking to customize their RV’s interior . Not all of them have the skills and experience to pull it off and make it look good. If you’re handy, consider marketing your DIY renovation services while you’re on the road and traveling to renovate other folks’ used RVs .

56. Mobile Service Technician

Have experience repairing your RV or other vehicles? Become a mobile service technician and take your skills along for the ride by helping travelers in need along the way. If you don’t already have an RV for this, a toy hauler is a great choice because it offers extra storage space for tools and the ability to detach your truck when a service call comes in.


57. Handyperson Work

People always need help with home improvement or renovation projects if you fancy yourself handy. Some of your RV park neighbors may be trying to upgrade their RV and need assistance. Word of mouth is great for marketing your handy services in a campground, but platforms like Taskrabbit will give you access to a network of odd jobs in your area.

58. Contract Construction Work

Contract construction work is a trade that requires regular travel. So an RV or travel trailer can be the perfect rig for contract workers to avoid the hassle of finding another rental every time they relocate. As long as you’re willing to travel, you’ll have work. You just might not always get to choose where you go next.

59. Help at a Hostel

Some hostels allow you to park your RV for free in exchange for part-time work. That might include housekeeping, maintenance, kitchen help, bartending, and concierge work. Researching hostels around the US that are looking for help might even help you plan your next RV road trip .

60. Ride Sharing

This is an option for owners of towable RVs that stay in a single destination for months. Once you’re towable is leveled and stabilized in a campsite, your tow vehicle becomes your income source through ride-sharing apps like Lyft and Uber . 

61. Food Delivery

Another good option for long-term RV stays is to use your tow vehicle for food delivery services. It’s a more popular choice for urban RV camping, but services like Postmates and Uber Eats are good bets to make a little side income while traveling in an RV.

62. Become a Roadie

If you’re driving long distances on your RV road trip, getting paid to make deliveries along the way is the perfect side gig. That’s exactly what you can do with Roadie , a UPS Company. Sign up to become a courier and earn up to $400 for large, long-distance deliveries. The cool part about this is that your deliveries can help you plan your road trip route.

63. Moving Services

One of the easiest jobs you can get when you land in a new location is with a moving company. You will need the ability to lift heavy objects and the desire to sometimes work long hours, but movers often receive tips from their clients that can help to fund your RV travels.

64. Affiliate Marketing

Grow a loyal audience through your website or social media accounts and market some of your favorite products. Through affiliate marketing relationships with your favorite brands, you can earn commissions based on the sales driven through your unique links. Explore more about affiliate marketing .

65. Tour Guide

People always associate RV travel with exploring unknown locales, but plenty of folks spend summers RVing locally after planning the perfect RV staycation over the winter. If you’re familiar with your region, check out local adventure or tour companies looking for guides. You’ll spend your time outdoors doing the activities you love and get paid to do them.

Seasonal Ways to Make Money

As seasons change, so do the ways to earn money on the road. Whether you’re a spring chicken or a fall lover, there are plenty of ways to make money throughout the year.

66. Camp Host

Seasonal camp hosting is a great way to earn and save money while traveling in your RV. Most host jobs offer a free campsite for the season in exchange for part-time hosting responsibilities like managing reservations, selling firewood, and basic campground maintenance.


67. Workamping

Workamping has been around since the late 80s. It’s a term that refers to full or part-time RVers that work to sustain their RV lifestyle. Places that offer Workamping include campgrounds, ranches, marinas, theme parks, resorts, and national and state parks.

Workamping Jobs and Workamper News are excellent resources for exploring these job opportunities.

68. Help with Seasonal Harvests

This might be the most seasonal work RVers can find, but it will allow you to explore new locations depending on harvest schedules. Maybe you hit Maine for a late summer blueberry harvest before shooting across to Michigan for a fall pumpkin harvest…it’s really up to your imagination and research!

69. Seasonal Work

A ski instructor during the winter? Sure. A lifeguard or dive instructor during the summer? You bet. A Christmas tree lot in December? ‘Tis the season.

70. Amazon Camperforce

Amazon’s Camperforce program offers seasonal warehouse jobs for RVers, van lifers, and other travelers. Amazon’s distribution warehouse locations are scattered throughout the US, providing income opportunities for those willing to pick, pack, and ship customer orders. Learn more about the Camperforce program .

71. Work for a National Park

Every season, the National Park Service lists temporary jobs available in more than 400 parks and their offices. It’s the perfect opportunity to see and learn about our National Parks from behind the scenes. Learn more here .

72. Sign Up with a National Temp Agency

Signing up with a national temp agency allows you to update your location whenever you move to find local temp jobs. You’ll even have the freedom to select the date range you’ll be available so you can line up jobs in advance.

73. Work at a Summer Camp

If you’re good with kids, there are summer camps all over the country looking for seasonal workers. Some may even let you park your RV on-site for free. Explore camp jobs on CoolWorks .

74. Work for the Conservation Corps

Working for the Conservation Corps is a great way to spend your summer outdoors doing work that truly matters. From trail building to watershed restoration, conservation corps jobs are available all over the country for RV travelers to earn seasonal income and make positive changes. 


75. Work at a Golf Course

Many popular golf courses with campgrounds constantly need help with customer service or maintenance jobs . You might be surprised how much you can earn as a golf caddy for a season or how much you can learn about how they keep those fairways so green. 

76. Work at Seasonal Fairs and Events

Carnivals, farmer’s markets, annual fairs, and special events always need extra staff. From selling tickets to setting up or breaking down the entire event, there’s always work to be had if you’re willing to put the time in. Local job boards are usually your best bet for finding this work.

Renting Ways

Explore these renting options to earn cash while you’re off traveling.

77. Rent Your Home

Your address is an asset if you’re a full-time RVer with a property investment. Renting out your home while you travel is a no-brainer. At the very least, it can cover the costs of your RV travels, and you might even come out ahead. Hiring a property management company will ease many headaches when managing renters and cleaning up after their visits.

78. Rent a Parking Space

Yes, you can rent out a piece of concrete to those needing a parking space. Neighbor is a platform that is essentially an “Airbnb for parking spaces.” Earn anywhere from $50 to $300 per month by allowing your neighbors to utilize your driveway for overflow parking.

79. Rent Your Car

Let’s say you’re taking off in your class A RV for the winter. First, ensure you know the best snowbird destinations to enjoy plenty of warmth while away. Second, consider using a service like Turo to rent your car and earn income while you’re away instead of leaving it in your garage. 

80. Rent Your RV

This might seem counterintuitive but hear us out. If you’re traveling in your RV full-time, you might want to schedule a rest and reset here and there. Whether you like to pamper yourself in hotels or schedule sleepovers with relatives, renting your RV is a viable way to make money (or at least offset RV expenses) while you take a break.

Try renting your RV with Good Sam RV Rentals.


Other Ways to Make Money

As if those above weren’t enough, here are a few more ideas. Tell us your own savvy ideas in the comments.

81. Online Surveys

Brands make many decisions based on customer feedback. This is called market research. You can get paid to submit your opinions and experiences on various products and experiences. 

82. Text Translation

Are you fluent in more than one language? There are always people looking to have written content translated into different languages. These jobs typically pay based on word count, which means the more productive you are, the more you earn. Upwork is one of several online platforms where you can find text translation work.

83. Almost Any Other Way You Can Imagine!

If you can dream it and have skills to share, chances are you can earn extra cash showcasing those skills. In a more connected world than ever, RVers no longer need to return home to refill their bank accounts before hitting the road again.

RV living is much more enjoyable when you’re not financially stressed. Now you have many new and exciting money-making ideas to help you fund your next RV adventure.

Do you have any additional ways to make money while RVing? Share them in the comments below!

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She Goes The Distance

How to Create a Road Trip Budget + 16 Money-Saving Tips

How to Create a Road Trip Budget + 16 Money-Saving Tips

A good old-fashioned road trip is one of the most exciting ways to travel, where the journey is just as fun as the destination! However, the wonderful spontaneity and flexibility that road tripping allows you can also create another problem – a budget blowout. It’s difficult to keep track of and pin point expenses on the road, so the key to creating a thorough and useful road trip budget is in the planning.

Planning may sound like it takes the fun out of a road trip, but it’s the best way to avoid unnecessary costs. If you know what expenses are coming, you won’t be caught by surprise!

You’ll find the eight key steps to formulating your road trip budget and an abundance of tips to help you save money on the road in this post. Make planning your road trip budget a breeze so once you hit the road, you can enjoy the experience instead of stressing over your wallet!

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How to Create a Road Trip Budget

Creating a road trip budget is not easy. As mentioned, the flexibility of a road trip and not having to rely on public transportation means you can completely customize your itinerary.

But that same flexibility makes it hard to pin point as you go just how much you’re spending. These eight steps will get you on the right path to budgeting success!

1. Determine an overall budget

While you may not be able to predict every cost on the road, you can set a total cost that you’re not willing to surpass for the trip.

Things you’ll have to factor into this overall budget are:

  • How many people are you road tripping with? Are you splitting costs?
  • Are you planning to camp or stay in hotels?
  • Will you have access to a kitchen or do you plan to eat every meal out?
  • How long will your road trip be? Are those dates fixed, or is there a chance your trip will be extended?

Gather all of this info, combined with researching average prices in the area you’re traveling (for which you can use BudgetYourTrip) and then come up with a ball-park maximum spending you want to abide by.

Then you can break down that number per day or per person. Having a smaller number to reference can help keep you on track, rather than a total budget goal that’s difficult to abide by while on your trip.

2. Decide how you’re going to track your spending

The next step is to figure out through which medium you will track your road trip budget. It’s easy to say you’re going to only spend so much, but it’s another thing to have the numbers visible and accurate to keep you from going over budget.

In fact, if you don’t write the information down somewhere, it will be extremely difficult to not overspend!

There are several ways you can track your spending for your trip, through apps, your own spreadsheet, or using my free printable road trip budget spreadsheet.

Traveling in a couple or group? Tracking your spending makes everything easier when splitting the road trip costs!

3. Plan out your itinerary

Organizing an itinerary is essential to accurately planning a road trip budget. Extra stops, detours, and mistakes with directions means money out of your pocket!

Road trips are great for the freedom they give you to choose when and where you’d like to stop. So I highly encourage to stay spontaneous!

But there’s also a way to be smart about it when it comes to sticking to a budget. Planning out the main things you want to see and do using a tool like Google Maps Trip Planner (I have an entire post explaining how to use this tool to create a great itinerary )

4. Renting a car or using your own

How you’re getting around on your road trip can have a great effect on your expenses. If you’re renting a car, that’s an extra cost to factor into your budget, but it comes with the plus that you’re not putting extra mileage on your own vehicle.

Car rentals can be notoriously expensive, so it is best to book as early as possible to get a good deal. Picking the car up in a city or town is usually cheaper than at the airport.

Use comparison sites like AutoEurope or to see which companies offer the best rate.

Instead when using your own car, make sure to do an overall check and take it in for maintenance before heading out on a big road trip.

You may also want to pack things for emergencies, like warning triangles, a yellow safety vest, jumper cables, snow chains if you’re traveling in winter, and make sure you have a spare tire.

It’s one thing to run into car trouble close to home, but abroad or far from the areas you know can make emergency situations feel more stressful and scary. Be as prepared as possible with helpful gear!

5. Estimate fuel & toll costs with ViaMichelin

My favorite road trip planning tool both for budget estimating and for deciding where I want to visit is ViaMichelin . ViaMichelin can calculate based on different routes, your car make and model, and tons of other factors how much it’s going to cost you for gas, tolls, and other road-related expenses.

6. Book accommodation in advance

I have rarely found accommodation to get cheaper the closer you book. If anything you’re left with less options, especially in popular destinations, which doesn’t usually mean the budget-friendly ones are still available.

In what season you travel will also influence how much you’ll pay for accommodation, so if you have the flexibility, choose a place that is not going through its main tourist season for cheaper prices.

Booking in advance also gives you piece of mind and a price of your budget already known. Last-minute deals exist, but rewards don’t come without risk!

7. Determine your must-do activities

While sticking to a budget and using all the money-saving tips you can find can ease your mind on finances, travel is all about having amazing experiences. I am definitely one to splurge for the things on my bucket list!

Allow yourself the freedom with money to still make your trip worthwhile. Note while doing your trip research what are must-do activities for you and which would be nice-to-do.

Allocate money to your must-do activities and see how much you can save elsewhere to be able to afford the nice-to-do activities.

8. Leave room for miscellaneous costs & unexpected emergencies

It’s very rare that a road trip ever goes completely to plan, just like most travel experiences! Allocate a bit of your budget towards emergencies, like car breakdowns, and miscellaneous costs like souvenirs or surprise parking tickets.

It’s difficult to get a truly accurate number of a total road trip cost, but leaving a bit left over ensures you have the means to pay for unexpected situations.

Useful Budgeting Tools

  • Wanderlog – For planning your itinerary, I recommend Google Maps Trip Planner as I mentioned before, or the app Wanderlog. In Wanderlog, you can input stops you want to make on your trip, bookings, and track expenses.
  • BudgetYourTrip – BudgetYourTrip takes average prices around the world plus your trip information to give you an estimate of your total trip cost, plus breakdowns in different categories like accommodation and food. If you create an account you can create your own trip and track expenses within the service.
  • Trail Wallet – Trail Wallet is an expense tracking app specifically made for travel, so you can add your trips, set a daily budget for each trip, and track expenses to make sure you stay on budget.
  • Expensify – Expensify is a general expenses tracking app in which you can scan receipts as you travel and have the info stored in the app to reference later – perfect for travelers splitting costs.
  • ViaMichelin – ViaMichelin is a well-thought out and dynamic tool that can help you predict a variety of road trip expenses by giving detailed information about your vehicle and route. It’s also available worldwide.
  • AAA Gas Calculator – If you’re traveling in the US, you could reference this fuel calculator to get an estimate of gas costs.
  • GasBuddy – If you’re traveling in the US, Canada, or Australia, use the GasBuddy app to find low gas prices near you. You can also try using gas station’s rewards credit cards to earn points towards gas purchases.
  • EasyPark – Easypark is available in certain countries in Europe, as well as Australia and New Zealand, and it is a super helpful tool for not overspending on parking, allowing to control how much you spend and how long you stay from your phone!

How to Save Money on a Road Trip

Now that you’ve put together a road trip budget, it’s time to learn how and where you can costs throughout your trip.

Saving Money While Driving

Avoid tolls.

Traveling by highway is convenient but costly! A road trip is made for scenic drives anyways, so when inputting your destination into Google Maps or whatever you use, make sure to select the route that voids tolls.

In Google Maps you can even adjust your settings to make sure every route that appears avoids tolls.

To do this: input your destination and then select the 3 dots at the top right of the screen, next to your starting point. Then select “route options” and toggle on the “avoids tolls” option.

Good to Know: Carry some cash in local currency and in small bills while on a road trip in case you get caught up at a toll or have to pay for bathrooms at rest stops (yeah, they make you do that sometimes in Europe!)

Use public transportation in cities

Depending on the destination, you may discover its more bang for your buck to leave the car in a free parking spot on the outskirts of a city (or your accommodation) and head into the city with public transportation.

In Zurich , it can cost more than $5 per hour , which greatly adds up if you’re spending the whole day exploring.

Most city tourism websites will have a dedicated section to parking information, so I would start there to get an idea if it’s more worth it to travel by public transportation.

Research free parking options before arrival

While you’re in the car (if you’re not the one driving), do some simple searches on Google to discover free, or at least low-cost, parking areas. You’ll probably have to sift through Google reviews to get information about exact rates, but it’s worth the savings!

Research local driving rules & road conditions

Knowing local rules and how well-maintained the roads are where you will traveling will allow you to avoid surprise expenses.

For example, to use highways while driving in Switzerland , everyone including visitors and residents, must purchase the “vignette” a sticker that goes in your window, lasts the entire calendar year, and costs about 40€ ($46) depending on where you buy it.

Highways in Switzerland don’t have tolls, so in order to use them, you have to pay for the sticker.

Meanwhile driving in Italy , you’ll find cities have ZTL or zona traffico limitato , meaning only residents can pass. If you’re not a resident and you take that road, you get a fine.

Moral of the story: knowing the rules means you can avoid surprise charges. Plus, you’ll be an all-over more comfortable driver, which can be an intimidating experience abroad.

Good to Know: Do you need an International Driver’s Permit? An International Driver’s Permit is essentially a certification of you home country driver’s license that can be translated into different languages. Research if the country you’ll be driving in requires visitors to have one in order to avoid a ticket if you get pulled over. (It will also be an extra cost to factor into your budget!) My International Trav el Checklist is another resource that could be useful to you preparing to go abroad!

Saving Money on Food

Food is one of the most difficult areas to budget, as eating out at restaurants can vary greatly in price. Preparing food ahead of time and deciding a fixed number of meals out can help you control your spending.

Bring Snacks

What’s a road trip without snacks? Prepping food ahead of hitting the road can avoid impulsive snack purchases at rest stops!

Here are some essentials for on-the-road snack packing:

  • Reusable snack bags
  • Cooler (There are so many options at so many price ranges!)
  • Brita reusable filtered water bottles

Prepare your own meals

Cooking is typically less expensive than eating out, but preparing your own meals on the road requires a little ingenuity.

Firstly, you can choose accommodation that offers a kitchenF.

Or, you can pack some gadgets to help you make meals!

Here are some road trip cooking essentials:

  • Wacaco Minipresso Portable Coffee Maker
  • Portable Electric Kettle
  • RoadPro Saucepan
  • Roadpro Roaster

First, order less

I know when I’m hungry and I’m finally seated at a restaurant, my grumbling stomach is telling me to order the appetizer, the extra side dish, the dessert and more.

Then I find after the first course that I don’t really have as much room for food as I thought I did!

What I’m saying is you can always order more if you’re hungry, so don’t let the initial cravings take over and end up leaving food on the plate.

Choose hotels with breakfast included

Some may see breakfast included as an extra cost included in the accommodation price, but what it truly becomes is one less thing to worry about.

The first meal of the day can be the most unpredictable if you try to eat out a restaurant or realize you don’t have an item to fix up the meal you planned to cook (which can easily happen when you’re keeping track of packing so many things on a road trip.)

That’s why breakfast included at a hotel is one of my go-to search filters because its easy and convenient.

Plus, free breakfast is typically served buffet or continental style, so you can fill up with as much as your tummy desires (and maybe even wrap up a pastry or take a piece of fruit to go!)

Saving Money on Accommodation

Consider campgrounds even if not traveling with a camper.

On my last road trip through Valle D’Aosta, I tried out a new type of accommodation I’ve never stayed at before – a campground!

If you are road tripping in a camper, then you have the opportunity to take advantage of free campsites where you’re traveling! But I had no idea there were other accommodation offerings at campgrounds.

I thought campgrounds were only for RVs, but turns out here in Italy, many of them also offer bungalows, small standalone cottages.

We went for this accommodation because one night in a bungalow near Breuil-Cervinia was only 45€ compared to 120€ minimum for hotels in the area.

It wasn’t the epitome of luxury, but it was a nice one-night stay with all the amenities we needed – plus a kitchen, perfect for helping road trippers save money on food!

(If you want to know the exact accommodation, it was Villaggio Turistico Camping Cervinia !)

So, check out all types of accommodation options for a good deal!

Book apartment stays

It’s no secret apartment stays are taking over the accommodation world because they tend to be cheaper per night than hotels.

I always cross-reference (both hotels & apartment stays) with Airbnb to see what options are available. To be honest, because of the fees Airbnbs can charge, it usually turns out to be a better deal to book an apartment stay through


Couchsurfing isn’t for everyone, but it could be for the more adventurous road trippers reading this post! I’m sharing it because it’s a good option for travelers trying to stay on a budget.

You’ll basically do as the name says – you’ll couchsurf aka sleep on stranger’s couches who have agreed to participate on the platform! It costs about $15 per year to keep your account and use the platform. So that’s basically a steal for trip accommodation!

I’ve never tried it personally, but it could be a great way for social travelers to make friends with locals if you’re comfortable with the idea.

Hotel loyalty discounts

Hotel loyalty can pay off if you play your cards right. Many hotel groups have their own offers like which gives you a night free for every 10 nights booked, or that has different levels of Genius discounts.

Find a program and booking platform you like to reap the benefits of the loyalty programs!

Good to Know: While booking platforms are helpful to get an overview of available accommodations, it could pay off to cross-reference with the website of your chosen accommodation to see if they offer extra deals for booking on their own website.


If you’re willing to risk it for a good deal, then I recommend you check out HotelTonight . You can only book hotels 7 days in advance and there’s one special offer every day that’s only available that day.

The main idea is this last-minute booking opportunity makes luxury stays more affordable, so it may not be the best option for those looking for a true budget steal.

Saving Money on Activities

Be wary of traveling too out of your way.

Being spontaneous is part of what makes a road trip a great form of travel! Just be wary about how far you’re drifting from your itinerary if you’re on a tight budget. It’s difficult to estimate

Find free things to do

One of the easiest ways to save money is not spend money on activities at all! While it’s not likely you’ll only engage in free activities, you can offset the cost and save money on your road trip by seeking out free things to do.

You can reference blogs, official tourism websites, and local places like your accommodation to discover free things to do at your destination.

Walking tours, church visits, and free museum days are some go-to free activities!

City & National Park Passes

The theme of your road trip will influence if you buy the tourism pass at your itinerary stops, but they can be worth the price.

For example, the Zurich City Card includes entry to a list of museums and attractions, discounted entry to more, and discounts on transportation.

Or if you’re road tripping through the midwest, the CityPass Chicago will save you money if you plan on doing every attraction.

If you are on a US national parks road trip, then it’s definitely worth buying the National Park Pass . While passes can seem expensive up front, if the activities you are planning to do are included, then it could be a tool to help you save money.

Printable Road Trip Budget Planner

Plan and track your budget with my cute, easy-to-use road trip budget planner! You can download and print this free planner in The Travel Library!

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I hope this post and extra resource are helpful throughout planning your road trip budget!

How is your road trip budget coming along? Let me know in the comments!

Save these budget travel tips on Pinterest!

Have fun and be safe hitting the road!

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Michela is a travel writer and photographer living in northern Italy. She is passionate about helping people make the most of their travels by sharing advice gained from her personal experiences, off-the-beaten-path destinations and time-saving quick itineraries. Browse her top articles or have her help you plan your itinerary to your dream destination!

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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By kylie rash | may 07, 2024 | 2 min read.

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Sponsored Content The open road is filled with endless possibilities—you could drive just about anywhere. Whether you’re planning to uncover iconic American culture along historic Route 66 or leave the mainland behind on a road trip to the Florida Keys, here are some ways you can use your AAA membership to save money along the way.

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How it works: Visit to get more information about hotel discounts, to search for and book hotels, or to contact a AAA travel advisor to help you through the process.

Visit to find even more ways you can use your AAA membership to save money on a road trip.

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14 Money-Saving Tips for Road Trips You Can’t Afford to Miss

Posted: February 14, 2024 | Last updated: February 14, 2024

<p>Tight on funds for your road trip? Fear not, we’ve got a guide to a frugal yet fun open-road adventure. Say goodbye to budget woes, say hello to memories on four wheels! Here are ways to save money on a road trip.</p>

Tight on funds for your road trip? Fear not, we’ve got a guide to a frugal yet fun open-road adventure. Say goodbye to budget woes, say hello to memories on four wheels! Here are ways to save money on a road trip.

<p>Remember drifting off to dreamland in the backseat of your family car? Recreate those blissful childhood naps (and save cash) by turning your car into a cozy sleeping nook!</p><p>With the right setup, you can ditch the pricey hotels—recline the seats, grab your fluffiest pillows and blankets, and snooze while parked at rest stops for free! This also eliminates the hassle of checking in and out, allowing you to hit the road early the following day.</p>

1. Sleep In The Car

Remember drifting off to dreamland in the backseat of your family car? Recreate those blissful childhood naps (and save cash) by turning your car into a cozy sleeping nook!

With the right setup, you can ditch the pricey hotels—recline the seats, grab your fluffiest pillows and blankets, and snooze while parked at rest stops for free! This also eliminates the hassle of checking in and out, allowing you to hit the road early the following day.

<p>Want fresh food without having to splurge on restaurants or takeout? You only need a compact stove and a fuel canister to whip up meals on the go. </p><p>Stock up on crunchy greens, frozen fruits, canned beans or fish, and grains for an array of hearty dishes. It’s a win-win for both your wallet and your taste buds!</p>

2. Bring Basic Cooking Supplies

Want fresh food without having to splurge on restaurants or takeout? You only need a compact stove and a fuel canister to whip up meals on the go. 

Stock up on crunchy greens, frozen fruits, canned beans or fish, and grains for an array of hearty dishes. It’s a win-win for both your wallet and your taste buds!

<p>Reuben sandwiches are also mentioned by several users, which is a hot sandwich with Swiss cheese, corned beef, sauerkraut, and Russian dressing on grilled rye bread. This sandwich is usually paired with potato chips and pickles. Some say that it was invented in New York City, while others claim that it was created in Omaha, Nebraska. </p><p>One of the users in the thread said, “a well-made Reubens is the king among sandwiches.” While another person shared, “when I try a new place [and] if they have a Reuben, I’ll try that first because if they can do that well, everything else on the menu is probably pretty good.” And that’s actually a great idea!</p>

3. Prepare Ready-To-Eat Meals

To add variety to your chow, prep quick lunches in advance and savor homemade goodness. Think protein-filled salads or whole-wheat sandwiches for an instant bite during picnics or scenic overlooks. The best part? No dishes are required.

<p>I noticed that while <a href="">on my mini-retirement</a> in South and Central America, many stores don't offer shopping baskets anymore. Especially the big chain stores, they only offer big shopping carts. </p> <p>When I look at myself, I know that I am often buying more stuff when I have a big shopping cart compared to when I have a smaller basket. It is just much easier to fill your cart with more things without noticing it. This can be avoided by sticking to your list, or choosing a basket when that would fit all your groceries. </p>

4. Buy Food From Grocery Stores, Not Gas Stations

Running low on ingredients or snacks? Satisfy your hunger at grocery stores instead of gas stations for a wider variety, fresher options, and better prices. This way, you can keep your wallet and body happy while cruising the open road.

<p>Aside from staying full, you must also stay hydrated. </p><p>The problem is that establishments along the road often charge much for bottled water. So fill reusable jugs or lidded cups with cold water before setting out. Stainless steel containers are great for keeping your beverages chilled.</p><p>Some camping grounds also offer potable water for free, extending your savings (and reducing plastic waste while you’re at it). </p>

5. Fill Up Reusable Water Jugs

Aside from staying full, you must also stay hydrated. 

The problem is that establishments along the road often charge much for bottled water. So fill reusable jugs or lidded cups with cold water before setting out. Stainless steel containers are great for keeping your beverages chilled.

Some camping grounds also offer potable water for free, extending your savings (and reducing plastic waste while you’re at it). 

<p>Smooth rides and efficient mileage start with your tires. Make sure they’re properly inflated before you start your journey. Check the manual for your tires’ recommended PSI (pounds per square inch), or stop by a maintenance shop for reliable service.</p><p>Remember, well-inflated tires save you money and keep you safe.</p>

6. Inflate Tires Beforehand

Smooth rides and efficient mileage start with your tires. Make sure they’re properly inflated before you start your journey. Check the manual for your tires’ recommended PSI (pounds per square inch), or stop by a maintenance shop for reliable service.

Remember, well-inflated tires save you money and keep you safe.

<p>Are you a new driver and curious about hidden road rules that people don’t usually talk about? Or are you a skilled driver wanting to check if you know all the important rules? You’re in luck! I found a discussion where folks shared their most liked answers to this question!</p>

7. Drive At A Steady Speed

Ease off the gas pedal to save on fuel while maintaining distance from other drivers to avoid slamming on the brakes. You increase your vehicle’s lifespan and minimize repair costs with gentle handling. Every mile matters, so drive smart!

<p>If you feel at home amidst chirping birds and outdoor wonders, this is for you. For just $80 (discounted for seniors and veterans), the National Parks pass grants access to all National Parks for a year. Think epic hikes, stunning landscapes, and memories <a href="" rel="noopener">across all 50 states</a>—all while saving money on park fees throughout your road trip.</p><p>Although everyone needs their own pass, the shared experience will be priceless.</p>

8. Get A National Parks Pass

If you feel at home amidst chirping birds and outdoor wonders, this is for you. For just $80 (discounted for seniors and veterans), the National Parks pass grants access to all National Parks for a year. Think epic hikes, stunning landscapes, and memories across all 50 states —all while saving money on park fees throughout your road trip.

Although everyone needs their own pass, the shared experience will be priceless.

<p>To save even bigger, make the outdoors your best friend.</p><p>For extended rest stops, skip the hotels and opt for tent camping, where you can wake up to fresh air and natural beauty. Many places offer amenities like electricity, water, and bathhouses for a convenient home away from home.</p>

9. Set Up A Tent On Camping Grounds

To save even bigger, make the outdoors your best friend.

For extended rest stops, skip the hotels and opt for tent camping, where you can wake up to fresh air and natural beauty. Many places offer amenities like electricity, water, and bathhouses for a convenient home away from home.

<p>Hitting the road for over a few days? Stretch your budget further by packing a cooler!</p><p>You don’t need to spend loads on delicious food, even on a long trip. Storing perishables in a cooler means less frequent stops and more money saved. Now, you can enjoy crisp veggies and juicy fruits throughout your journey.</p><p><a href="" rel="noopener">Having the right gear</a> makes all the difference, so invest in ice packs and reusable containers, too.</p>

10. Store Food In A Cooler

Hitting the road for over a few days? Stretch your budget further by packing a cooler!

You don’t need to spend loads on delicious food, even on a long trip. Storing perishables in a cooler means less frequent stops and more money saved. Now, you can enjoy crisp veggies and juicy fruits throughout your journey.

Having the right gear makes all the difference, so invest in ice packs and reusable containers, too.

<p>When spending days outdoors in the sun, hygiene is a must. The good news is that many campgrounds, national parks, and rest stops will let you freshen up for free. Remember, clean and comfy equals a happier road trip.</p>

11. Look Out For Sites With Free Showers

When spending days outdoors in the sun, hygiene is a must. The good news is that many campgrounds, national parks, and rest stops will let you freshen up for free. Remember, clean and comfy equals a happier road trip.

<p>Don’t fall for tourist prices! Discover delights off the beaten path by researching your route in advance. Sometimes, the most authentic finds are waiting just beyond the crowds, so avoid overpriced attractions and add unique flavor to your adventure.</p>

12. Research The Cheapest Locations

Don’t fall for tourist prices! Discover delights off the beaten path by researching your route in advance. Sometimes, the most authentic finds are waiting just beyond the crowds, so avoid overpriced attractions and add unique flavor to your adventure.

<p>Continue your quest for hidden gems by unlocking insider knowledge. As a traveler, your allies are the people who know the area like the back of their hand. Strike up friendly conversations with them to explore hole-in-the-wall eateries, try activities for cheap, and gain a deeper cultural experience.</p>

13. Chat With Locals To Discover Budget-Friendly Spots

Continue your quest for hidden gems by unlocking insider knowledge. As a traveler, your allies are the people who know the area like the back of their hand. Strike up friendly conversations with them to explore hole-in-the-wall eateries, try activities for cheap, and gain a deeper cultural experience.

<p>A fake ad claimed that Apple phones could be charged by putting them in the microwave. Many people fell for it and damaged their iPhones by microwaving them. It’s surprising how easily people can believe such things.</p>

14. Only Book Accommodations That Come With A Kitchen

Prefer a soft bed over a sleeping bag or car seat? If you’re shelling out cash on lodging, ensure it comes with kitchen amenities. Cooking food on a stove or heating frozen meals in a microwave is ideal for budget-conscious travelers.

Remember, every dollar saved means more adventures to be had!

<p>It is a great thing to eat with the seasons. This means the food tastes better, it will be more regional, and it will save you a ton of money!</p> <p>When you're buying food out of season, the prices are seriously more expensive. The products need to travel further and you notice that in the price. </p>

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When wandering in the streets of another country like Colombia, you may wonder: what are those mouth-watering foods that the locals are obviously enjoying? This article will satisfy that curiosity with a list of the best Colombian snacks.

Source: Reddit .

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Nomadic Matt's Travel Site

Travel Better, Cheaper, Longer

United States Travel Guide

Last Updated: April 14, 2024

sunset over the Grand Canyon, United States

The United States isn’t a popular destination for backpackers and budget travelers. Most overseas tourists come here for a short vacation, visit one or two cities, and then head home. They usually stick to the big coastal cities or places like Disney.

And it wasn’t until COVID that Americans en-masse bothered to hop in their cars and explore their backyard.

The U.S. is massive country that lacks a lot of tourist infrastructure or good cross-country transportation. Hostels haven’t quite caught on, trains don’t go to many places, and we don’t offer working holiday visas to attract young working backpackers. In short, it’s hard to get around.

However, the United States has a lot to offer: stunning national parks, gorgeous landscapes, incredible and diverse culture, world-class music, and a variety of delicious cuisine that varies from region to region.

I think the U.S. is one of the best destinations in the world to road trip . I’ve done several multi-month road trips across the United States . While the coastal cities are fun, the U.S. really reveals itself in the middle and countryside (it’s much more affordable there too). It’s in the nooks and crannies of America that you get a sense of its quirks.

But even if you aren’t spending months visiting the country in a car, there’s still a lot you can do via train, bus, or plane.

This travel guide to the United States can help you navigate the country, save money, and get off the beaten path.

Table of Contents

  • Things to See and Do
  • Typical Costs
  • Suggested Budget
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • Where to Stay
  • How to Get Around
  • How to Stay Safe
  • Best Places to Book Your Trip
  • Related Blogs on the United States

Click Here for City Guides

Top 5 things to see and do in the united states.

Dramatic, jagged mountains in front of an expansive blue lake with a small, tree-covered island in the middle, in Glacier National Park, United States.

1. Explore New York City

The city that never sleeps is one of the greatest cities in the world. There’s nothing you can’t do or see and you’ll find every language and food from around the world here. From world-class museums and art galleries to innovative theater performances to unique restaurants to the expansive Central Park, you can fill a lifetime of activities here. You can take the ferry to Ellis Island, see the Statue of Liberty, hang with the hipsters in Brooklyn, see a Yankees game, and so, so much more. Check out my detailed guide for everything you need to do .

2. Visit the Grand Canyon

Words can’t describe how epicly beautiful the Grand Canyon is. It’s simply breathtaking. Most people just look out at the canyon from the overlook at the top, but its vast size and beauty are best appreciated with a hike down to the Colorado River so try to do that if you have time (make the time). The canyon itself is 6,000 feet deep, and you can find plenty of hikes to take you further into the canyon that will give you a chance to experience it in more detail. For a shorter hike, Grandview Trail to the first overlook at Coconino Saddle and back is only a couple of miles. If you have a whole day to spend and want to challenge yourself, try the 12.5 miles from Bright Angel Trail to Plateau Point. Just be sure to bring plenty of water!

3. Discover Austin

The warm weather, lively honky-tonks, funky house bars on Rainey Street, amazing walking and biking trails, tons of outdoor activities — Austin is great (I lived there for many years). You can always find great live music on 6th Street. On a hot day, Barton Springs pool is the perfect place to cool off, there’s always something to do, the food scene gets better and better, and everyone is very welcoming. It’s one of the best cities in the U.S., boasting a combination of nature, city, and delicious food. Be sure to binge on BBQ while you’re here!

4. Visit Glacier National Park

This is my favorite national park in the country. It’s home to gorgeous snow-topped mountains, a beautiful lake from which to admire said mountains, large glaciers, and hiking trails galore. It is one of the most mind-blowing places I’ve seen on my adventures. There are more than 700 miles of hiking trails in the park that provide everyone an opportunity to explore the landscape. Park rangers offer various programs and guided tours are also available. There are spots for fishing and additional trails for biking and horseback riding. (If you plan to visit multiple national parks while traveling throughout the United States, it’s worth it to get the America the Beautiful Park Pass, which costs just $80 USD and provides entry to all the national parks for a year.)

5. Drive the Pacific Coast Highway

The Pacific Coast is considered one of the most scenic landscapes in the world, offering sheer cliffs, forests descending to the shoreline, miles of beaches, and giant redwoods. The Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) runs 1,650 miles from San Diego, California to Seattle, Washington taking you from the warm, sunny beaches to the lush temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest. Highway 1 thorough California is one of the longest historic state highways in the country. The California portion alone route takes 10 hours without stopping but I recommend dedicating at least several days to enjoy all the great stops along the way.

Other Things to See and Do in the United States

NOTE: There’s a lot to do in the United States and you can spend months traveling around the country . I could write an entire book on the places to visit! This is just a list to give you some ideas. Be sure to check out some of my other articles and city specific guides (scroll to the bottom of this guide for links) for more suggestions.

1. Have fun in Memphis

Gritty and industrial, Memphis appears like its best days are behind it. But don’t let the rough exterior fool you — the city is home to some killer food and a vibrant blues music scene. It is a cool city with boisterous and friendly locals. I love the vibe here. There’s Graceland (Elvis’s home) for fans of the King, a big waterfront for walking, and the phenomenal Museum of Civil Rights (it’s huge, so don’t rush it!). The city is going through a big revival right now. To use a cliché, it’s a hidden gem as most people, to their detriment, skip over it.

2. Discover Asheville

Asheville is full of tasty craft beer, great restaurants, and plenty of outdoor loving residents. The beautiful Smoky Mountains are a short drive away, Asheville Botanical Gardens are right near the university, and the gigantic Biltmore estate (the largest privately-owned home in the U.S. and once home to George Vanderbilt) is on the outskirts of the city. (If you’ve ever seen Downton Abbey, that’s what the house is like!) The town has a lot of parks and there are a lot of beautiful biking and hiking trails that you can get to from the center of town.

3. Explore Redwood National Park

Along the Pacific Coast is Redwood National Park, a huge expanse of towering redwood trees filled with picnic areas, places to camp, and miles upon miles of hiking trails. Trails range from easy to strenuous, and there are many loops that head out to nearby beaches. The trees range from 200-240 feet tall. It’s utterly beautiful, awe-inspiring, and humbling in every way. Admission is free, though the three adjoining state parks (Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park, and Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park) each charge $10 USD.

4. Explore Denver

Known as the Mile High City (the city is one mile above sea level), Denver offers a mix of outdoor ruggedness and big-city living. It has a huge craft beer scene, excellent restaurants (including, Sushi Sasa, one of my favorite sushi restaurants), a large international airport with lots of connections, and is close to the mountains. There are a lot of interesting museums, including the Denver Art Museum, Meow Wolf Denver, and the Clifford Still Museum. There’s plenty of art outside of the museums as well and there are walking tours available to show you around, if you prefer that to exploring on your own. It’s clean, lively, and the locals are incredibly friendly.

5. Get off-the-beaten-path in Natchez

I was surprised by Natchez . I didn’t know anything about it when it was recommended as a place to see historic 19th-century homes. These mansions were built by white plantation owners wanting to escape the summer heat and socialize with each other. As cotton became king, the houses became ever larger and more elaborate. Today, the homes are historic monuments you can tour while enjoying a view of the Mississippi River. It’s far off the beaten path and you’ll need a car to visit but it’s worth the trek.

6. Visit Savannah

Sitting on Georgia’s coast, Savannah escaped the wrath of the Civil War, allegedly because General Sherman thought it was too pretty to be destroyed. With streets lined with Spanish moss-covered oaks, large and inviting parks, and a bustling waterfront, Savannah is a wonderful place to experience the slow pace of the South. There are a number of interesting historical sites like the Bonaventure Cemetery and Factors Row. The city is full of small squares and sprawling parks where you can enjoy a stroll or a picnic. And nearby Tybee Island is a draw for many visitors due to its sandy beaches and slow pace of life.

7. Dive into Nashville’s music scene

Nashville is one of the fastest-growing cities in the U.S. It’s got a wonderful music scene (duh), a growing cocktail bar culture, and some world-class down-home Southern restaurants. There’s not a lot of “touristy stuff” to do here, but what makes this city one of my favorites are the music, the food, the wildly friendly people, and the positive energy the city seems to exude. When you’re here, plan to spend a few hours at the Tennessee State Museum. It goes into detail about the state’s history (and it’s more exciting than you might think!).

8. Catch some rays in sunny San Diego

I love San Diego. San Diego’s weather is almost always perfect, leading to a permanently happy population that’s friendly and outgoing and that loves the outdoors. From hiking, days at the beach, or running, people here love to get out and enjoy the sun. The downtown Gaslamp area — as well as the famous Pacific Beach — is full of trendy restaurants, bustling bars, and some seriously life-changing taco stalls.

9. Get tipsy in California’s Wine Country

California is home to some of the best wine in the world, and a visit to the Sonoma or Napa Valley shouldn’t be missed. While Sonoma is cheaper than Napa, both these destinations are meant for splashing out. Take a tour, book a cozy vineyard Airbnb, and enjoy a relaxing few days learning about the region’s wines. Tastings usually cost between $15-20 USD. If you go to Sonoma, check out Three Fat Guys winery. They have phenomenal reds.

10. Hike around Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe is impressive and beautiful. Ringed by tiny mountain communities, this is a terrific place for hiking and boating in the summer and skiing in the winter. For fun in the sun, be sure to spend some time lounging at Kings Beach. For hikes, check out the Rubicon Trail (16 miles/25.7 kilometers) or the Cascade Falls Trail (1.4 miles/2.2 kilometers). You can’t really go wrong here.

11. Anywhere in Montana

A lot has been written about how stunning Montana is, but words cannot do this state justice. To me, it’s the most beautiful state in the Union, filled with wondrous mountains and hills as far as the eye can see. It’s a nature-lover’s paradise and there is a huge craft beer scene here too, with tons of local breweries all around the state. If you want nature, good food, friendly locals, and just quiet, Montana is it!

12. Relax in Cape Cod

I spent a lot of summers on the Cape since I grew up in Boston. You’ll find plenty of small beach towns along the coast (Provincetown and Hyannis being the most famous but I also love Chatham, Falmouth, Wellfleet, and Brewster). There’s not a lot to “do” but if you’re looking for seafood, beaches, boardwalks, and that perfect family vacation, visit the Cape! Just avoid the weekends when it gets a little too crowded.

13. Explore Deadwood

Tucked away in western South Dakota, this town was famous during the Old West days (noteworthy enough to be the focus of the eponymous HBO series). Wyatt Earp, Calamity Jane, Wild Bill Hickok, and many other infamous gunslingers all spent time here. Sort of kitschy and re-created, it’s nonetheless a very cool place where you can experience a taste of the old frontier days. It’s also conveniently located near the Black Hills and Mount Rushmore so you can use it as a base for exploring the region.

14. Be surprised by Kansas City

I really loved this city, which features some of the world’s best BBQ and a lively downtown core. There’s a detailed and enlightening jazz museum here, as well as the eye-opening Negro Leagues Baseball Museum (that’s the actual name). This is yet another super underrated and under-visited destination.

15. Stay weird in Portland

Portland , Oregon is incredible. Here you’ll find an impressive food truck scene, cool bespoke bars and cocktail lounges, a craft beer scene that’s religion to residents, relaxing parks (including a peaceful Japanese garden), a vibrant art scene, and hiking in the nearby mountains. Portland is just an awesome city, especially in the summer when the weather is perfect and there are festivals and events galore.

16. Hike our national parks

America has 63 national parks as well as countless state and local parks. These parks highlight the best of the American wilderness. Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier, Zion, Byrce, the Smokey Mountains, Rocky Mountain Park, the Badlands — the list goes on. Make sure you visit as many national parks as you can to get a sense of the grand and diverse landscape that is the United States. You can use this government map to find a park near you! If you plan to visit multiple parks, get the America the Beautiful Park Pass, which costs just $80 USD and gets you free entry to all the national parks for a year.

17. Admire the architecture in Chicago

One of my favorite cities in the world, Chicago is full of amazing architecture, great parks, delicious and hearty food, and a fun nightlife. One of the best ways to see the city’s unique architecture is on a river cruise. There are multiple operators and prices start around $45. Don’t miss trying deep-dish pizza (it was invented here, along with stuffed-crust pizza) and seeing the iconic “Bean” sculpture in Millennium Park. Additionally, check out the city’s famous pier, aquarium, and waterfront park. The city also hosts one of the biggest St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in the country.

18. Enjoy Lively New Orleans

This French-influenced city has incredible seafood and Cajun cuisine and even better live music. A visit to New Orleans is a must for any jazz or blues fan. Live music is available seven nights a week. Frenchman Street is one of the best places to go (my favorite venue is the Spotted Cat). There are also tons of amazing walking tours that highlight the city’s unique culture and history (including ghost and voodoo tours). Nature lovers will enjoy wandering through the massive oak trees in City Park where you can also visit the city’s Botanical Gardens, which are open year-round. Admission is $12. Plus, there’s incredible independent bookstores, creole food, art museums, and the simply incredible and informative World War 2 museum. Don’t skip roaming the redone and revitalized Bywater district too. It’s a bit hipster. If you plan on celebrating Mardi Gras in NOLA , book early. Accommodations fill up fast.

19. Get some sun in Hawaii

Closer to Asia than the United States, Hawaii is America’s slice of South Pacific paradise. White sands beaches, clear blue water, tropical jungle, and great surf — Hawaii has it all! Don’t miss the otherworldly landscapes of Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, the somber memorial at Pearl Harbor, and the hikes at Diamond Head and the Lanikai Pillbox Trail near Honolulu. There are a ton of opportunities for snorkeling and scuba diving where you get a chance to see manta rays, sea turtles, and plenty of colorful fish. Waimea Canyon and the Napali coast on the island of Kauai are places you can get up close and personal with the natural landscape. There are helicopter and boat tours or, if you’re up for a challenge, you can hike the iconic Kalalau Trail. Every island has its own vibe so, if you can, visit more than one.

20. Check out Boston

The birthplace of the revolution (and my hometown), no one leaves Boston disappointed. It’s a big city, but its lack of high-rises, as well as its cobblestone streets and brick buildings, give the city a small-town feel. The Freedom Trail, which covers all the main historic stops, is a must because it gives you a look at the city’s historic past. Be sure to lounge in the Boston Common and catch a Red Sox game at Fenway Park too (the city is big on sports).

21. Visit the nation’s capital

The country’s capital is home to many of the best museums in the country. And, given the large number of international embassy workers here, it’s unsurprising one of the most international cities in the country. You can find food from anywhere in the world thanks to all the embassies in the city. Plus, there’s a vibrant music and cocktail scene. Don’t miss the National Mall and all its monuments, the Holocaust Museum, and the various Smithsonian Museums (some of the best are the Air and Space Museum, the Museum of the American Indian, the African American Museum, the National Zoo, the Smithsonian Castle, and the American Art Museum). If you visit in the spring, you’ll get to see the cherry blossoms bloom along the Mall.

22. Learn about Mt. Rushmore

Completed in 1941, this historic monument in the Black Hills of South Dakota is a lot smaller than you expect, but it makes a good stop while driving. Originally, the indigenous Lakota Sioux inhabited this area, however, when gold was found in the hills, white settlers forcibly removed them from their homeland. At the Wounded Knee massacre, U.S. forces killed over 250 indigenous women and children. Decades later, Rushmore was built, much to the dismay of the local indigenous population, who consider the land to be sacred. Take a guided tour to learn more about this iconic monument’s complex and tragic history.

23. Be a kid at Disney World

Sure, it’s cheesy . Yes, it’s built for kids. True, it’s not authentic. But despite all that, Disney World is still a fun time and they have a lot of rides for adults too. I recently went back as an adult and there’s a lot to do there: they have some good restaurants, and Disney Springs has a fun nightlife. If you are in Florida, take a stop for a few days. Indulge your inner child. Tickets cost around $110 USD per day and go up from there.

24. Hike the Appalachian Mountains

Stretching the east coast of America, these mountains are almost 500 million years old and offer great hiking, camping, and trekking. For a multi-month adventure, hike the 2,190-mile (3,524-kilometer) Appalachian Trail which covers the entire mountain range and takes 5-7 months to complete. You can also do day hikes or weekend hikes of its various sections if you want a more manageable outdoor getaway.

25. Unwind in Put-In-Bay

One of the coolest, not-so-hidden places in the U.S. is this group of islands in Lake Erie. Widely known to Midwesterners (but unknown to most everyone else), South Bass Island is home to Put-in-Bay, where Midwest hospitality meets Caribbean vibes (you ride around in golf carts and bars have sand as floors). My favorite spot is Mojito Bay, an outdoor tiki bar with sand floors and swings for bar seats that offers up more than 25 different mojitos. These places get very wild on the weekends too.

26. Explore Maine

Tucked away up in the northeast, Maine evokes images of endless shorelines, wild forests, iconic lighthouses, and lots and lots of lobster dinners. It’s often overlooked yet it’s incredibly beautiful and perfect for a short road trip. Don’t miss trying lobster rolls (a regional favorite) and hiking in Acadia National Park. Portland has some great eateries (such as Duckfat and Eventide Oyster Co.) and picturesque historic lighthouses, including Maine’s oldest operating lighthouse, the Portland Head Light, which opened in 1791 when George Washington was president. Additionally, tiny Bangor is home to tons of breweries and Moosehead State Park is an incredible place to go hiking for a few days. And you can’t go wrong stopping in any of the quintessential New England fishing villages up and down the coast. Maine is one of the best states in the union!

27. Take a road trip

The only good way to see this vast and diverse landscape and the small towns that populate it is with a road trip . I highly suggest renting a car and driving across the U.S. It’s an amazing experience. I’ve done several coast-to-coast trips as well as regional trips around New England , California , and the South . It’s the best way to see the country and you can do it for under $50 USD a day.

For the best rental car deals, use Discover Cars .

28. Take a tour

You can find all sorts of amazing walking tours, bike tours, and food tours all around the country. They’re a great way to get an in-depth look at the city you’re in with the help of an expert local guide. Take Walks is my go-to walking tour company when I’m looking for something thorough and insightful (and fun). They can get you behind the scenes and are much more comprehensive than your average free walking tour.

For information on specific cities in the United States, check out these city guides:

  • Austin Travel Guide
  • Boston Travel Guide
  • Chicago Travel Guide
  • Hawaii Travel Guide
  • Las Vegas Travel Guide
  • Los Angeles Travel Guide
  • Miami Travel Guide
  • New York Travel Guide
  • Philadelphia Travel Guide
  • San Francisco Travel Guide
  • Seattle Travel Guide
  • Washington D.C. Travel Guide

United States Travel Costs

Arched Bixby Creek Bridge along the Pacific Coast Highway, with lush hills in the background, in California, United States.

Accommodation – Hostels can be found in most major cities, though options are generally slim in the country. A bed in a dorm room with 4-6 beds usually costs between $35-55 USD per night. Rooms with more beds are marginally cheaper (they start around $25-30 USD per night). Private rooms are usually $75-125 USD. Expect prices on the higher end in bigger cities and during peak season. Free Wi-Fi is standard and most hostels also have self-catering facilities. Hostels with free breakfast are rare.

If you plan on camping, expect to pay at least $20-30 USD per night for a basic tent plot for two without electricity.

Cheap motels usually start around $60-75 USD per night and can be found along any highway. Expect basic amenities like TV, Wi-Fi, and AC. Some have pools.

Budget two-star hotels start at $90 USD per night. But, in major cities like NYC, LA, or Chicago, they start closer to $125 USD. The U.S. is very vast and prices fluctuate a lot depending on what region you’re in so check out the specific city guides listed above for more detailed information on accommodation. The United States is too diverse to pin down a specific number!

Airbnb is available around the country, with private rooms starting at $40 USD per night, though for good rooms, you’ll likely pay closer to $60 USD. For an entire home/apartment, expect to pay at least $100 USD per night. Prices in large cities are usually double. Again, there’s a lot of variation depending on where you’re going so check out the city guides for more specific prices!

Food – From seafood in New England to BBQ in the South to Tex-Mex and organic whole foods in the West to German influenced food in the Midwest, there is no singular food culture in the US. Every region has its own staples, which means you’ll never get bored of eating your way around the country.

Since the country is so big, prices for food vary a lot. What is $5 USD in Kansas is probably $15 USD in New York City. Below are some country averages but, if visiting a big metropolis/coastal city, add about 25% to the price.

Grab-and-go sandwiches usually cost around $10 USD while fast food costs $10-12 USD for a combo meal. Meals from food trucks will cost between $10-15 USD. Mid-range casual restaurants cost between $25-30 USD for a meal and drink. At some place a little nicer (think white table cloth), expect to spend at least $60 USD per person on dinner. Prices go up from there and the sky is the limit. Again, consult the city and destination guides for specific prices.

You can generally find takeout pizzas for around $10-15 USD while Chinese and Thai cuisine start around $10-12 USD for a main dish.

Beer is around $6-8 USD, a glass of wine is $8-10 USD, and cocktails start at $14 USD in most cities (about $20 USD in NYC though!). A latte/cappuccino is $4-5 USD and bottled water is $2 USD.

If you cook your own food, expect to pay about $60-80 USD per week for basic staples like rice, pasta, vegetables, and some meat.

Backpacking the United States Suggested Budgets

How much does it cost to visit the United States? Well, how much you spend largely depends on where in the United States you’re going to visit. For example, New York City is much more expensive than Memphis and San Francisco is going to hit your budget harder than Boise. The South is cheaper than the North and the interior states are cheaper than the coasts. The comparisons are endless! However, this overview can give you a basic look at what to expect based on your travel style and assuming you’re going to mix cheap and expensive destinations.

On a backpacking budget of $75 USD per day, you can stay in a hostel dorm, cook your meals, use public transportation to get around, limit your drinking, and do free activities like walking tours, hiking, and hanging out at beaches. If you plan on drinking, add another $10-20 USD per day. If you can camp or Couchsurf, you can likely get this down to $50-60 USD per day.

On a mid-range budget of $210 USD per day, you can stay in a private Airbnb or motel, eat out for most meals, enjoy some drinks, take the occasional taxi to get around, and do more paid activities like museum visits and food tours.

On an upscale budget of $350 USD or more per day, you can stay in a midrange hotel, eat out for all your meals, drink more, rent a car to get around, and do as many guided tours and activities as you want. This is just the ground floor for luxury though. The sky is the limit!

You can use the chart below to get some idea of how much you need to budget daily, depending on your travel style. Keep in mind these are daily averages – some days you’ll spend more, some days you’ll spend less (you might spend less every day). We just want to give you a general idea of how to make your budget. Prices are in USD.

United States Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

There are plenty of ways to save money when you travel the U.S. but it varies a lot by region (as I’ve been repeating). The general tips below can help you get started but, for more specific tips, visit my city guides.

  • Take a free tour – Taking a free walking tour is the best way to get introduced to a new place, and most major cities in the U.S. have free walking tours. You get to see the main sights and ask all your questions to a local guide. Just be sure to tip your guide at the end!
  • Take the bus – The cheapest way to get around the U.S. is by bus. Bus fares cost as little as $1 USD, though 2-3-hour journeys start around $30 USD. Between cities, the best companies are Megabus, Greyhound, and FlixBus.
  • Redeem hotel points – Be sure to sign up for hotel credit cards before you go and use those points when you travel. This is especially helpful in big cities. Be aware that most hotels charge parking fees if you have a car.
  • Get a U.S. Park Pass – This national park pass lets you into all the national parks for free so you don’t have to keep paying admission. The annual fee is $80 USD and it pays for itself after four parks.
  • Cook – The United States has some of the cheapest groceries in the developed world, while eating out here can add up quickly once you factor in a tip and tax (which varies by state). Grocery shopping can about $60 USD per week and is way cheaper and healthier than eating out every day. Cook and save!
  • Stay with a local – Couchsurfing lets you stay with a local for free, cutting your accommodation costs drastically. You’ll get to spend time with a local who can share their tips and advice while sharing your own travel stories and culture. You can also use the app to meet people for activities (coffee, museum visits, etc.) if you don’t feel comfortable staying with a stranger.
  • Camp – Most campsites start around $20-30 USD per night for a tent — much cheaper than a hostel. You can use to find campsites run by the National Park Service. You can also camp for free in National Forests or Bureau Land Management (BLM) lands (search for “dispersed camping” options). Just be sure to respect the environment and follow Leave No Trace principles when camping.
  • Use city tourism cards – City tourism cards allow you to see a large number of attractions (and often include free public transportation) for one low price, usually $75–100 USD. If you plan on seeing a lot, these can save you a ton.
  • Share your ride – If you have a car, taking on riders can be a way to lower your costs. On my first trip across the U.S., I offered rides to people I met in hostels. On another trip, I had friends and readers join me along the way. You can post ads on Craigslist and at hostels to find riders. This not only makes the trip more enjoyable but lowers your gas costs too. If you don’t have a car, you can use look for rides in the same places.
  • Stay at roadside hotels – There are a plethora of cheap roadside hotels such as Motel 6 and Super 8 to the rescue. Rooms start around $60-75 USD a night (plus tax). They’re great when you’re traveling with someone and can split the cost.
  • Find free museums and events – Inquire at tourism offices, use Google, or ask hotel or hostel staff for information about free events and museums. Many museums offer free or discounted admission times throughout the week.
  • Get free water or free refills – If you order a drink, most restaurants allow free refills while you eat your meal or refills at a low cost. If you ask, tap water is usually provided for free.
  • Save on gas – If you’re on a road trip, use the app GasBuddy to find cheap gas near you. Also, sign up for gas station loyalty programs as they can save you money on fill ups.

Where to Stay in the United States

Hostels are not all that plentiful across the United States yet. Generally, those that do exist are clean, social, and fun. You’ll find a lot of budget hotels wherever you go. here are some of my recommended places to stay around the USA (the cities guides will have even more suggestions):

  • HI Hostel (Boston)
  • The Revolution Hotel (Boston)
  • HI Hostel (Chicago)
  • The Arlo (Chicago)
  • Banana Bungalow (Los Angeles)
  • Hollywood Historic Hotel Los Angeles
  • Hostel Memphis (Memphis)
  • Hu Hotel (Memphis)
  • Freehand (Miami)
  • Hotel Ocean (Miami)
  • HI New Orleans (New Orleans)
  • Villa Convento (New Orleans)
  • The Local (New York City)
  • Heritage Hotel (New York City)
  • ITH Adventure Hostel (San Diego)
  • Old Town Inn (San Diego)
  • The Green Tortoise (San Francisco)
  • SW Hotel (San Francisco)
  • The Green Tortoise (Seattle)
  • MarQueen Hotel (Seattle)

How to Get Around the United States

Amtrak train passing through trees in the United States.

City transportation – Most U.S. cities have public transportation, including metro systems and buses. Fares cost around $2-3 USD for a single journey, but there are usually packaged options for visitors. For example, you can get a 7-day unlimited MetroCard in New York City for $34 USD, which covers both buses and the subway system, while San Francisco offers a 7-day transit pass for $41 USD.

Outside of major cities, subways are rare. Some of the smaller cities have trams. Everywhere has a bus though and that’s usually the best way to get around.

Taxis – Taxis are metered with charges starting around $3 USD plus $2-3 USD per mile. This is one of the most expensive ways to get around, however, so I’d skip it unless you have no other choice.

Ridesharing – Uber and Lyft are generally cheaper than taxis and are the best way to get around a city if you don’t want to take a bus or pay for a taxi.

Intercity Bus – Taking the bus is one of the cheapest options for getting around the country, with fares as low as $1 USD if you book far enough in advance. Popular bus companies include:

A 4-5-hour bus ride from New York to Washington D.C. starts at $30 USD, while the 7-hour journey from Chicago to Detroit starts at $27 USD. Austin to New Orleans is around $54 USD. Booking early can save you upwards of 50% so try to plan ahead if you’re going to be taking the bus.

To find bus routes and prices, use BusBud .

Flying – Flying is your quickest option for long distance. You can occasionally find sales for as little as $100 USD so it’s worth it to check several websites ahead of time to see what deals are on. Post-COVID, fares are a lot higher than they were in the past. But if you find a deal, book in advance, or go off season, you can usually get a cheap fare. Sample one-way fares include San Francisco to Maui for $100-150 USD, Seattle to Austin for $85-115 USD, or New York to L.A. for $250 USD (round trip). However, prices can easily double if booked last minute.

For more information on how to find a cheap flight, check out this article .

Train – Amtrak is the rail provider for the United States, but it’s not the quickest or most affordable way to travel. They have routes all around the country ( here’s their route map ) and offer a cross-country pass for $499 USD. The USA Rail Pass gives you 30 days of travel over 10 segments, which averages out to around $50 USD per leg.

If you have a valid student ID you can save 15% on your tickets.

As for prices, A 20-hour train ride from Chicago to New Orleans costs around $110 USD, while a multi-day trip from New York to Los Angeles is around $280 USD. Book in advance to find the best deals. Shorter trips lasting 2-4 hours are usually under $40 USD.

Car rental – Roadtripping is a great way to explore the country, and car rentals can be found for as little as $35 USD for a multi-day rental. Renters need to be at least 21 years old. For the best rental car deals, use Discover Cars .

Hitchhiking – Hitchhiking in the United States is common and safe. Dress respectably, smile while making eye contact with drivers, and use a cardboard sign to tell people where you’re headed. Be prepared for long bouts of no pick-ups, especially if you’re traveling through more rural areas. Pack plenty of water and a light meal or two, like sandwiches and fruit. Hitchwiki is a great resource for additional hitchhiking tips.

When to Go to the United States

Since the United States is such a large country, the climate and temperature change drastically from coast to coast and from north to south.

The northern states have clearly defined seasons. In cities like Chicago, Boston, and New York, winter can bring heavy snowfall and more severe temperatures. Coastal areas like Seattle and Portland, Oregon, tend to be milder. Spring can start as late as May in the northernmost parts of the country, but this is a good time to visit because the weather begins to warm up and the busy tourist season hasn’t started yet. Summers are gorgeous and temperatures climb into the 80s°F (30s°C). It’s also the busiest time of year for tourism. Autumn is a wonderful time to visit the northern states because many parts of this region have a lot of trees. Temperatures have cooled, crowds have dwindled, and the changing leaves offer an something extra to enjoy.

The southern states have less defined seasons. In the southwest, winters tend to be dry and mild. In the southeast, temperatures are mild but places like and Memphis can be rainy. Spring is a wonderful time to visit this part of the country because temperatures are warm but not stifling. Summers get incredibly hot and humid in the southeast. In the desert areas of the southwest, like Las Vegas, temperatures can soar well above 104°F (40°C) on some days. Autumn cools things off across the southern states, but can also bring severe weather in the southeast. .

Ultimately, the best time to travel to the United States depends on where you’re headed and what kind of activities you’d like to do. Visit our city guides for more specific information on when to go.

How to Stay Safe in the United States

The United States is a massive country and “safety” changes a lot depending on where you go and what you do. Generally, the US safe place to travel around — even if you’re traveling solo.

Violent attacks tend to be confined to certain areas (especially where drug and gang violence are a problem). You may encounter petty crime, like theft, especially around popular tourist landmarks and in larger cities, especially on the west coast where theft is a much more common problem. Keep an eye on your belongings at all times, especially while taking crowded public transportation.

Gun violence and mass shootings tend to dominate headlines when they happen. However, the chances of it happening to you are slim. Do not let this discourage you from exploring the United States. The U.S. is very big and very, very diverse. And, due to this size, there is a lot of cultural (and political) variation. Despite what you hear, crime in America is low. (There was far more crime in the US in the 1990s!). For more information, read this post, “ Is it Safe to Visit the United States?”

If you rent a vehicle, don’t leave any valuables in it overnight. Take common sense safety measures and you’ll be fine.

Moreover, be sure to read about common travel scams to avoid here .

When hiking, always bring water and sunscreen. Be sure to check the weather before you depart and dress accordingly.

Solo female travelers should generally feel safe but all the standard safety cautions apply. For specific tips, I would read one of the many incredible solo female travel blogs on the web. They’ll give you tips and advice that I can’t.

If you do experience an emergency, dial 911 for assistance.

Always trust your gut instinct. Make copies of your personal documents, including your passport and ID.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance protects you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. You can use the widget below to find the policy right for you:

United States Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.
  • Top Travel Credit Cards – Points are the best way to cut down travel expenses. Here’s my favorite point earning credit cards so you can get free travel!

United States Travel Guide: Related Articles

Want more info? Check out all the articles I’ve written on United States travel and continue planning your trip:

Where to Stay in San Francisco: The Best Neighborhoods for Your Visit

Where to Stay in San Francisco: The Best Neighborhoods for Your Visit

The 12 Best Things to Do in Chicago

The 12 Best Things to Do in Chicago

The 5 Best Hotels in San Francisco

The 5 Best Hotels in San Francisco

How to Experience Milwaukee Like a Local

How to Experience Milwaukee Like a Local

The 7 Best Hotels in New York City

The 7 Best Hotels in New York City

The 7 Best Hotels in Miami

The 7 Best Hotels in Miami

Get my best stuff sent straight to you, pin it on pinterest.

  • Where To Stay
  • Transportation
  • Booking Resources
  • Related Blogs

How much is Chase’s new travel card welcome bonus? 

About chase’s premium travel cards, how can i redeem the new 75,000-point bonus, do i qualify for the new chase welcome offer, the chase sapphire preferred’s new 75,000-point bonus could cover your next trip.

If you're interested in a premium travel credit card, act fast to earn this limited time offer.

Dashia Milden

Dashia Milden

Dashia is a staff editor for CNET Money who covers all angles of personal finance, including credit cards and banking. From reviews to news coverage, she aims to help readers make more informed decisions about their money. Dashia was previously a staff writer at NextAdvisor, where she covered credit cards, taxes, banking B2B payments. She has also written about safety, home automation, technology and fintech.

Evan Zimmer

Staff Writer

Evan Zimmer has been writing about finance for years. After graduating with a journalism degree from SUNY Oswego, he wrote credit card content for Credit Card Insider (now Money Tips) before moving to ZDNET Finance to cover credit card, banking and blockchain news. He currently works with CNET Money to bring readers the most accurate and up-to-date financial information. Otherwise, you can find him reading, rock climbing, snowboarding and enjoying the outdoors.

The editorial content on this page is based solely on objective, independent assessments by our writers and is not influenced by advertising or partnerships. It has not been provided or commissioned by any third party. However, we may receive compensation when you click on links to products or services offered by our partners.

Summer is right around the corner. And the recently elevated welcome bonus Chase is offering on its two premium travel credit cards could help fund your next vacation.

You can earn a 75,000-point welcome bonus if you open a Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card or Chase Sapphire Reserve® and spend $4,000 within three months. 

“This is a strong bonus on an excellent card,” said Jason Steele, a credit card expert and CNET Expert Review Board member. “It’s not the highest ever, but it’s better than the standard offer on cards that should be in the wallets of anyone who wants to earn travel rewards.” 

The standard welcome bonus for these cards is 60,000 points, and we’re not sure when this offer will expire. But history tells us it won’t last long. Here’s what to know if you’re on the fence about whether either of these cards are right for you.

Starting now, if you spend $4,000 on qualifying purchases within the first three months of opening a Sapphire Preferred or Sapphire Reserve card, you’ll receive 75,000 points. That means you’ll need to spend at least $1,334 per month to earn the bonus. 

That’s a 15,000-point increase from Chase’s typical 60,000 bonus with the same spending requirement and timeframe. 

“While we’ve seen slightly higher offers on the CSP in the past, there’s never a guarantee those will return, or if they do, when that will happen,” said Mark Reese, a credit card expert and member of the CNET Money Expert Review Board . With summer vacation around the corner, this is a great opportunity to save hundreds on an upcoming trip.

To earn this bonus, you can pay your bills with your credit card to reach the bonus faster. Or you may be able to earn the bonus if you have a big purchase coming up that you already have the money set aside for, such as home renovations or travel. 

Never overspend to earn a credit card welcome bonus. If you’re not able to pay off your balance in full each month, the interest you accrue could quickly wipe out any value you earn in rewards. If you can’t comfortably spend $1,334 per month, it’s not worth trying for this bonus.

The Sapphire Preferred is already our top travel credit card pick. Beyond the welcome bonus, these two popular travel cards have some useful perks for booking a flight or taking a road trip. Have a plan in place for how you want to use the card before applying. 

“Both of these cards have excellent travel insurance and purchase protection benefits,” Steele said. “The CSR even has paid roadside assistance and emergency evacuation coverage. Both have primary automobile insurance, along with trip delay and trip cancellation coverage.”  

But there are big differences, such as the annual fee, cardholder credits and rewards rates -- which can all make a big difference in the long run. Here’s a quick look at both cards and a comparison to help you determine which one is best for you. 

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Read more: Chase Sapphire Preferred Card vs. Chase Sapphire Reserve: Which Is Better?

This boosted welcome bonus could help you earn a free flight, hotel stay or other travel accommodations just in time for an end-of-summer trip -- if you earn the bonus before the three-month period ends. 

If you redeem the rewards for travel using Chase Travel℠, you’ll redeem points at a boosted rate of 1.25 cents per point with the Sapphire Preferred and 1.5 cents per point with the Sapphire Reserve. That means it could be worth $937 to $1,125.

Beyond the Chase portal, you may also be able to redeem your points at an even higher rate with Chase’s travel partners .

You can also redeem the points toward other purchases, gift cards and statement credits but at a lesser value.  

Read more: 6 Reasons the Chase Sapphire Preferred Should Be Your Next Credit Card

Chase’s travel cards usually require good to excellent credit -- so a FICO score of 670 or higher. There are also a few other factors that would disqualify you: 

  • You cannot be a current Sapphire cardholder. 
  • You cannot have earned a Chase Sapphire bonus in the past two years. 
  • You must not have exceeded Chase’s 5/24 rule, which means you cannot have applied for five cards within the past 24 months from any issuer. 

If you’re unsure, it’s best to call Chase’s customer service line at 1-800-432-3117 for questions and assistance.

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  1. How To Make Money On The Road: 40+ Ways to Make Money While Traveling

    It's exactly what it sounds like: work camping. This is one of the most popular ways to make money on the road for RVers. Generally done at RV parks, resorts and campgrounds, workampers do a variety of different types of work. From office work to carpentry or general labor, there is a workamping position for anyone.

  2. 11 ways to make money while traveling (2021)

    Get paid like a local. 4. Sell your photos. If you have an eye for a photo there's money to be made — even if you're not traveling with your best camera. Choices include selling your photos to stock agencies for royalty fees — this can be a neat way to earn a small passive income as you travel.

  3. 10 Ways to Make Money on the Road

    1. Freelancing. Offering freelance services is an amazing way to make money on the road. It allows you to work flexible hours from anywhere in the world and earn quickly. Freelancing includes many different earning opportunities, such as writing, photography, design, web development, marketing, and more.

  4. How to Make Money on the Road: 44 Ideas & Tips

    Can you make money on a road trip? Yes! You can make money blogging about your travels, selling photography, offering remote freelance services, or even participating in seasonal work, there are myriad ways to earn money while on a road trip. How can I make money on the road in the UK? In the UK, opportunities abound for making money on the road.

  5. How to Make Money on A Road Trip

    The best way to make money on a road trip is to find something that earns money online while you sleep. For example, you might have a blog that earns you money while you sleep. The second best way to make money on a road trip is to have a side job that you can do anywhere, for short periods. If you dream of living your life as a digital nomad ...

  6. How to Make Money on the Road: 40+ Tips and Ideas

    Data Entry. Data entry is a popular way to make money on the road as a van lifer as it allows for flexibility in working hours and location. With this type of remote work, you would be responsible for accurately inputting and managing data into digital systems, spreadsheets, or databases.

  7. 21 Ways to Get Paid to Travel The World

    16. Yoga Instructor. Many people are offering Yoga Instruction online. Use your time in isolation to become a certified yoga instructor and then look for schools around the world to apply. People go on yoga retreats all the time and this is an excellent opportunity to travel and get paid while doing it.

  8. 12 Ways to Make Money While Traveling

    1. Travel Blogging. Your dream to travel the world and make money should ideally be combined with the opportunities that travel provides. For example, you can share your stories and travel expertise with people and earn money through advertising or affiliate marketing (by selling services or recommending hotels).

  9. 10 easy and creative ways to make money while traveling

    Have a look online to see what the possibilities are at your current location. 10. Surveys and market research. While you won't be bringing in the big bucks, you can earn a bit of pocket money by completing surveys online and testing new products (with the added bonus of being able to keep all of those samples).

  10. Earn Money While Travelling

    Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) is a great way to earn money while travelling. It's popular in Asia and Latin America but you can also provide tutoring online. The great thing about TEFL is that it is in high demand and there is a relatively short training process of around 4 weeks!

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  12. How to Make Money on the Road: Top 10 Strategies for Travelers

    Yes, you can make money during a road trip by providing various services such as freelancing in your skillset area (writing, graphic design) and creating content for a travel blog or YouTube channel with monetization options like affiliate marketing and sponsored posts. You may also offer remote tutoring sessions or sell digital products like ...

  13. 101 Best Travel Jobs To Make Money

    Once you learn the skills, they are also transferable to other travel jobs. You'll find that many of the jobs on this list can branch off from your main travel blogging career, which is another reason why we think that travel blogging is the best travel job of all. 2. Online Tutor. Potential Income: $10 - $50 / hour.

  14. 10 Proven Ways to Make Money While Traveling

    Making Money While Traveling: 10 Proven Ways . Build an Online Business. In my opinion, building an online business is one of the best ways to make money on the road. With this path, you'll be in charge of your day-to-day business affairs — meaning you can set your own hours, choose exactly who you work with, and have full creative control.

  15. How To Make Money As You Travel: Tips for People Who Don't Blog

    Here are 14 realistic ways to make money as you travel, whether long-term or short. Travel is more expensive than ever. Here are 14 realistic ways to make money as you travel, whether long-term or short. ... Unless you're on a road trip, your car will be sitting idle while you're gone. Checking on the site for cars available in Toronto, it ...

  16. Make Extra Money on Road Trips With Roadie

    Roadie says yes. The company has looked to innovate the supply chain by offering regular drivers going on road trips the chance to make extra money by bringing a delivery item with them. They also now offer local gigs as well. In this article, we'll explain Roadie's origins, its powerful backers (including Ludacris), and how it works.

  17. 48 Money-Saving Tips for a Cheap Road Trip

    What other money-saving road trip travel tips do you have? Please share in the comments below. This entry was posted in Campervan, Featured Road Trip, Road Trip, U.S.A. and tagged Budget Travel Tips, Road Trip, Road Trip Planning. Highs & Lows of 2020. How to Earn Money Online: 19 Legit Side Hustle Ideas .

  18. 83 Ways To Make Money While Traveling in an RV

    It's a more popular choice for urban RV camping, but services like Postmates and Uber Eats are good bets to make a little side income while traveling in an RV. 62. Become a Roadie. If you're driving long distances on your RV road trip, getting paid to make deliveries along the way is the perfect side gig.

  19. 37 Tips to Help Save Money on Your Next Road Trip

    But no worries — there's a lot you can do to save money with these road trip tips. 37 Cost-Saving Road Trip Tips 1. Consider Road Tripping With a Friend or Two. Traveling solo has its benefits, like not putting up with someone else's music for hours on end. But taking a road trip with others means you can split expenses like gas and lodging.

  20. How to Create a Road Trip Budget + 16 Money-Saving Tips

    Tracking your spending makes everything easier when splitting the road trip costs! 3. Plan out your itinerary. Organizing an itinerary is essential to accurately planning a road trip budget. Extra stops, detours, and mistakes with directions means money out of your pocket!

  21. 31 Ways to Take a Cheap Road Trip on a Budget

    How to Save Money Before Your Cheap Road Trip Even Begins Make a Road Trip Budget. This is step one to saving money on a road trip, as it will help you stay reflective on your spending while you travel. A good road trip budget should include the following categories: Fuel. Food. Accommodations. Entertainment. Miscellaneous (fees, ferries, tolls ...

  22. How to Save Money on a Road Trip (13 Super Simple Tips)

    4. Find The Best Value Accommodation. Finding cheap accommodation is one of the best ways to save money on a road trip. Early hotel reservations can save a considerable amount of money, as rooms often come cheaper when booked in advance. If your route is pre-planned, this step should be straightforward.

  23. 20+ TOP Road Trip Money Saving Tips (Costs, Food, Accom etc)

    In This Post. 1 20+ Top Road Trip Money-Saving Tips. 1.1 Plan your route carefully to minimize unnecessary mileage and fuel costs.; 1.2 Ensure your Car Insurance or Car Rental Insurance Policy is up to date; 1.3 Use smartphone apps or websites to find the cheapest gas stations along your route.; 1.4 Pack a cooler with snacks and drinks from a grocery store instead of buying expensive items at ...

  24. 3 Surprising Ways to Save Money on a Road Trip

    SAVE MONEY ON HOTELS Road trips are exciting and fun—and getting a good night's sleep is key to enjoying your journey. That's why it's a good idea to book lodging in advance, so you'll have a place to stretch and rest in private. Plus you'll have access to necessities like a shower, a comfortable bed, and maybe even luxuries like a ...

  25. 14 Money-Saving Tips for Road Trips You Can't Afford to Miss

    Provided by Radical FIRE. 7. Drive At A Steady Speed. Ease off the gas pedal to save on fuel while maintaining distance from other drivers to avoid slamming on the brakes. You increase your ...

  26. Our Favorite Rolling VW Microbus Cooler Is Back in Stock

    We may earn money from the links on this page. Gear. ... this awesome officially licensed Volkswagen T1 Bulli Bus Fahrbare Kühlbox is the perfect companion for road trips, barbecues, and beach ...

  27. United States Budget Travel Guide (Updated 2024)

    27. Take a road trip. The only good way to see this vast and diverse landscape and the small towns that populate it is with a road trip. I highly suggest renting a car and driving across the U.S. It's an amazing experience. I've done several coast-to-coast trips as well as regional trips around New England, California, and the South. It's ...

  28. The Chase Sapphire Preferred's New 75,000 Bonus Could Cover Your Next Trip

    Starting now, if you spend $4,000 on qualifying purchases within the first three months of opening a Sapphire Preferred or Sapphire Reserve card, you'll receive 75,000 points. That means you ...

  29. RV Money Saving Tips with Happy Trails Family

    Flexible Travel Dates. Flexible travel dates can be a game-changer for saving money while RVing. By avoiding peak travel seasons and holidays, you can often secure lower rates on campgrounds, attractions, and even fuel. Keep an eye on campground pricing calendars and be willing to adjust your itinerary to take advantage of off-peak rates.

  30. RVshare can make your dream trip a reality for less

    Renting an RV can save you money According to RVshare's travel calculations for 2024, the average US flight costs $260 a person, and that's without baggage fees and airport meals.Once you add ...