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Postpartum Weight Loss: 10 Things You Need To Know

pregnant woman eating on her couch

In the summer of 2016, I was preparing to give birth to my son and was eager to rejoin my friends at my CrossFit gym. Having kept up a regular prenatal exercise routine throughout my pregnancy, I was confident I would be back to the high-intensity workouts and heavy Olympic lifts I loved in no time. Despite being surrounded by plenty of fit moms who regularly bested me in workouts, we never discussed the postpartum experience. Seeing my friends and favorite celebrities bounce back quickly after giving birth lead me to believe that losing postpartum weight would be a breeze.

Once I gave birth to my son, I realized everything I thought I knew about losing the weight I gained during my pregnancy was wrong.

Here are 10 things I wish someone had told me about losing postpartum weight.

The info in this blog complements the content found within the Women's Fitness Course and the Weight Loss Specialization . 

10 Things To Consider About Pregnancy Weight Loss

  • Losing the baby weight takes time
  • Weight loss begins when the baby is born
  • Regardless of weight, you will still look a solid six months pregnant after you give birth
  • Your joints may feel differently
  • Urinating during exercise is not normal
  • Losing weight and the "mom pouch"? Check for Diastasis Recti.
  • Breastfeeding may help
  • Any exercise counts
  • Sleep and weight loss
  • There is no "one-site-fits-all" approach to postpartum weight loss

1. Losing the baby weight takes time

The reality is that after taking almost 10 months to grow a baby, it will take time to lose postpartum weight. A recent study found that only 20% of women return to their pre-pregnancy weight within the first three months postpartum and that 24% of women retain at least 10 pounds one year postpartum. (McKinely et al., 2018.)

This means, on average, 80% of women take more than three months to return to their pre-pregnancy weight. I was not a failure because I did not immediately return to my skinny jeans. I was normal! We would all love to lose weight quickly, as the recommended weight loss goal is to lose around 1 pound a week. (Mayo Clinic, 2020)

For a little help, see these progressive post-pregnancy exercises for weight loss . 

2. Your initial weight loss will happen when the baby is born.

Your initial weight loss begins when you give birth. The baby, amniotic fluid, placenta, and other fluids leave your body, and over the next six weeks, you will continue to lose weight as other fluids in your body return to pre-pregnancy levels. (Mckinley et al., 2018) I remember getting on the scale shortly after giving birth, and I was down almost 11 pounds!

The average weight loss at birth is 13 pounds. (Mayo Clinic, 2020) After six weeks, it is reasonable to conclude that most of the remaining weight is adipose tissue. (McKinley et al., 2018).

3. Regardless of weight, you will still look a solid six months pregnant after you give birth.

When pregnant, the uterus changes position within your body and grows. The average uterus is about the size of a grapefruit at 12 weeks, and at 40 weeks, the average uterus has grown to the size of a watermelon! (American Pregnancy Association, 2020)

After you give birth, your uterus is still that size and will gradually shrink over the next six weeks. So, despite having your baby swaddled in your arms, you will still need your maternity leggings and look very pregnant.

4. Your joints may feel differently.

A few months after giving birth to my son, I attempted to go for a light jog and immediately experienced knee and ankle pain I had never felt before. More significant amounts of the hormones estrogen and relaxin are released throughout pregnancy to prepare the body for childbirth. (Chu et al., 2019) However, the pelvic joints are not the only joints impacted.

One study found that the knees also experience increased postpartum laxity. (Chu et al., 2019) Laxity is defined as excessive flexibility of the joint. This hypermobility can cause altered gait mechanics when running and walking, leading to joint pain and even feeling a little clumsy.

Take this into consideration when returning to a physical fitness routine. I found I had to give up my beloved zero-drop shoes I had been running in for the previous six years for shoes with more cushion.

5. Urinating during exercise is not normal.

Peeing when you sneeze, jump rope, or laugh is often accepted as a “new normal” for postpartum mothers, but stress urinary incontinence (SUI) can be corrected. (Corton, 2019) Changing hormone levels, plus the stress of carrying and delivering a baby, can cause trauma to the pelvic floor.

If you experience leakage, see your doctor or find a pelvic floor physical therapist to learn how to treat your symptoms. Spoiler alert: The answer is not always more Kegels!

6. Steadily losing weight but still have a “mom pooch?”

Check yourself for diastasis recti . Diastasis recti abdominis, commonly referred to as diastasis recti, is the separation of rectus abdominis on front of the abdomen. (Ncharry, 2015) The rectus abdominis are the primary muscles that make up the coveted “6 pack”. Diastasis recti is relatively common, affecting 66% of women in the third trimester and up to 53% of women postpartum. (Thebet et al., 2019)

In addition to making it difficult to achieve “6 pack abs”, diastasis recti wreaks havoc on the body. Diastasis recti contributes to poor posture, lower back pain, weakens the core, can contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction, and can even impact your ability to breathe correctly (Thebet et al., 2019).

If you notice a bulging or coning-in your abdomen when performing a crunch, refrain from further core exercise and make an appointment with your doctor to check for diastasis recti Michalska et al., 2018).

7. Breastfeeding MAY help.

Theoretically, breastfeeding would help with weight loss as calories are required for breastmilk production; however, there is little evidence to support that breastfeeding impacts postpartum weight loss (Neville et al., 2013). I found that breastfeeding made me ravenous, and I cannot say whether it helped with my postpartum weight loss or not.

8. Any exercise counts.

The day I was cleared to return to exercise by my doctor, I went home and immediately tried to do a burpee. I could not even push myself off the ground! A fitness perfectionist at heart, I was greatly discouraged when I could no longer perform a burpee, much less the complex movements I had mastered. Not only that, but my son cried whenever I put him down. I had a difficult time motivating myself to exercise with these changes.

I was so tired and had no childcare to watch my son, a common barrier to exercise women experience postpartum. (Mckinley et al., 2018) Finally, I discovered my son would snuggle up in a baby carrier, and I could go for walks on the route I used to run. As my son grew, walks turned into light jogs with a jogging stroller, then I would throw in some bodyweight squats and pushups and progressed from there. It all started with accepting that my body had changed, and any sustained movement counted as exercise.

9. The amount of sleep you get can impact weight loss.

Lack of sleep and caring for a newborn go hand in hand, but it turns out that this change in sleep pattern can also affect postpartum weight loss. Averaging less than five hours of sleep a night has been linked to weight gain in women (Xiao et al., 2015). Consistent sleep deprivation can impact the hormones that control appetite, causing tired mothers to feel hungrier than they would feel when well-rested (Xiao et al., 2015).

10. There is no “one size fits all” approach to weight loss.

Everyone is an individual, and while it is easy to compare our postpartum weight loss journey with others, it is important to remember that everyone’s weight loss journey will be different. Mckinley et al. (2018) found that many factors impact postpartum weight loss. From the obvious factors like sleep, nutrition, and exercise, there are psychosocial factors like postpartum depression and anxiety. Demographic and lifestyle factors also have an impact, from access to childcare, partner support, and economic factors. My expectations for postpartum weight loss with my second child were radically different than the expectations I had with my son. Considering everything I learned I was able to adjust my expectations and approach my second postpartum weight loss journey with grace.

Of course, there were still sleepless nights and slowly working my way into a regular fitness routine, but this time I was able to appreciate the dramatic changes my body had been through and embrace my postpartum weight loss journey.

A. (2020, September 12). {: en}Uterus Size During Pregnancy - American Pregnancy Association{: es}El Tamaño del Utero Durante el Embarazo{:}. American Pregnancy Association.

Acharry, N., & Kutty, R. K. (2015). ABDOMINAL EXERCISE WITH BRACING, A THERAPEUTIC EFFICACY IN REDUCING DIASTASIS-RECTI AMONG POSTPARTAL FEMALES. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, 3(2), 999–1005.

Chu, S. R., Boyer, E. H., Beynnon, B., & Segal, N. A. (2019). Pregnancy Results in Lasting Changes in Knee Joint Laxity. PM&R, 11(2), 117–124.

Corton, M. (2020, May 19). Tips to prevent involuntary urine leakage (incontinence) during and after pregnancy. Www.Utswmed.Org.

Davis, J. N., Shearrer, G. E., Tao, W., Hurston, S. R., & Gunderson, E. P. (2017). Dietary variables associated with substantial postpartum weight retention at 1-year among women with GDM pregnancy. BMC Obesity, 4(1), 0.

Evenson, K. R., Mottola, M. F., Owe, K. M., Rousham, E. K., & Brown, W. J. (2014). Summary of International Guidelines for Physical Activity After Pregnancy. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 69(7), 407–414.

McKinley, M. C., Allen-Walker, V., McGirr, C., Rooney, C., & Woodside, J. V. (2018). Weight loss after pregnancy: challenges and opportunities. Nutrition Research Reviews, 31(2), 225–238.

Michalska, A., Rokita, W., Wolder, D., Pogorzelska, J., & Kaczmarczyk, K. (2018). Diastasis recti abdominis — a review of treatment methods. Ginekologia Polska, 89(2), 97–101.

Mottola, M. F. (2002). Exercise in the Postpartum Period. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 1(6), 362–368.

Neville, C. E., McKinley, M. C., Holmes, V. A., Spence, D., & Woodside, J. V. (2013). The relationship between breastfeeding and postpartum weight change—a systematic review and critical evaluation. International Journal of Obesity, 38(4), 577–590.

Thabet, A. A., & Alshehri, M. A. (2019). Efficacy of deep core stability exercise program in postpartum women with diastasis recti abdominis: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 19(1), 62–68.

Weight loss after pregnancy: Reclaiming your body. (2020, July 31). Mayo Clinic.

Xiao, R. S., Kroll-Desrosiers, A. R., Goldberg, R. J., Pagoto, S. L., Person, S. D., & Waring, M. E. (2014). The impact of sleep, stress, and depression on postpartum weight retention: A systematic review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 77(5), 351–358.

Metabolic Equivalents for Weight Loss: What Are They & How to Calculate Them

Squats for pregnant women: prenatal fitness tips, lauren doss.

Lauren Doss is an NASM certified personal trainer and certified group fitness instructor. She has a Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Environmental Biology from Appalachian State University.

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my postpartum weight loss journey

Postpartum Weight Loss: 50 Tips From My 30-Pound Weight Loss Journey

Published on: November 12, 2020 Some links in this post may be affiliate links. Read our disclosure .

Postpartum weight loss can be a touchy subject. But, like many women, losing weight after having a baby was a high priority of mine.

I love pregnancy and the newborn stages, but I was eager to get back to my healthy habits after baby and fit into something other than leggings again!

In this article, I’m going to share my journey and all the tips I learned along the way. The big ones, the little ones, and the ones that are the most important that I think everyone should be focusing on.

Let’s go!

postpartum weight loss before and after

Learn more about the BodyBoss Program here .

This is the plan I used to lose 30 pounds of baby weight and it’s available on Amazon for 50% off right now !

Quick Guide

What is Postpartum Weight Loss?

If you’re not familiar with the term, postpartum is a season in a woman’s life following the birth of her child. The exact timing varies, but, in general, the postpartum period lasts about 6 months after birth.

According to this research , there are 3 phases of postpartum:

  • 6-12 hours after delivery (initial phase)
  • 2-6 weeks after delivery (second phase)
  • up to 6 months after delivery (third phase)

However, many women feel that they are in a postpartum period for up to 18-24 months after having a baby. In my personal experience, I felt as though I was postpartum up until 18 months after having a baby.

For this article, we will refer to postpartum weight loss as the journey of losing weight in the first 2 years after having a baby. Many women feel that they gain weight — sometimes referred to as ‘baby weight’ during this time, and are eager to shed that weight after having a baby. I was one of those women, too!

Postpartum Weight Loss Timeline

I know many moms are eager to drop the weight fast. However, it’s important to give your body time to heal and recover. But, most importantly, long-lasting weight loss takes a long time! Any quick fix will always backfire and you’ll gain the weight back and then some. Trust me on this. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s the truth.

If you want a quick fix, then you may have to look somewhere else. But I’ve maintained my 30-pound weight loss for over 3 years now and my new healthy habits are simply my lifestyle now. I’ll share more about this story below, but, since I know so many people want to know the exact weight loss timeline, so here is how many pounds I lost each month during my postpartum weight loss journey:

  • Months 1-8: 4 pounds
  • Month 9: 3 pounds
  • Month 10: 3 pounds
  • Month 11: 6 pounds
  • Month 12: 4 pounds
  • Month 13: 4 pounds
  • Month 14: 4.5 pounds
  • Month 15: 1.5 pounds
  • Total: 30 pounds lost!

You can see that my weight loss really stalled in July at 15 months postpartum and, since then, my body seems to have found it’s set point that it’s happy at. What’s great is that my body’s set point is the lowest weight I’ve ever maintained!

You can see that the bulk of my weight loss happened in a 6-month timeframe. Before this time, I wasn’t focusing at all on dieting. However, once I started my diet plan, I stuck with it and got it done rather than starting and stopping all over again, which is detrimental to your health and metabolism and can make weight loss extremely hard over time.

Postpartum Weight Loss Tips: Months 1-8

1. quality sleep helps fat loss.

At this time during my weight loss journey I was just in the research phase I was learning as my much as possible.

One thing that I was seeing over and over was that quality sleep for most healthy BMI and weight ( source ).

It was around month 7 or 8 that my baby had finally started sleeping through the night. During this time, of course, my sleep quality also improved. I had more energy during the day to make smart decisions about my health and fitness.

If you’re in a season where you’re getting broken or poor sleep, it may not be the best time to try to lose weight.

Instead, focus on making healthy nutrition choices and increasing your metabolism through strength training (more below).

2. Postpartum Weight Loss and Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding helps burn extra calories!

It’s well known that breastfeeding burns a ton of extra calories. I embraced this luxury and used the extra calorie burn to my benefit during my weight loss. This study showed that weight loss slowed quite dramatically for women when they stopped breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding can burn up to 500 calories per day depending on how many times your baby is nursing and how many times you were pumping. For this reason, you may not need to lower your calories quite as drastically while you’re dieting to lose weight during your postpartum weight loss journey because breast-feeding is burning so many extra calories for you.

It’s important to note that I maintained the number of times I was nursing and pumping so that my milk supply would not take a hit when I started dieting.

3. Made a Realistic Plan that I Knew I Could Stick

This is so key. You are doing yourself, your weight loss goals, and your metabolism a huge disservice if you are constantly starting and stopping a diet plan.

Do not yo-yo diet or crash diet! You may lose weight initially, but, I promise, it will come back with even more usually.

I made a plan and committed to it. I didn’t decide to eat Paleo or go low-carb or low-fat, but I chose a diet I could live with for 6 months.

Additionally, I decided on an exercise plan that was realistic for my schedule. Do not get so eager to lose weight that you sign up for an unrealistic plan for you.

4. Chose the Time of Year to Diet Wisely

Don’t diet in November and December. It’s just a bad plan.

There is a reason so many people start their diet in January. This is after the holiday social events and indulgences. Temptations and social pressure will be lower during this time. Don’t think you’re a new person all of a sudden and can fight off all social pressure. We are human and it’s only natural to want to have fun in social settings.

But if you’re dieting, you need to have a plan. You shouldn’t have to avoid social situations forever, but while you’re dieting, it can make things easier.

This is why I chose a time of the year when I knew I would be less tempted by social events or holidays (January through June). This is important! When would be the best time of year for you to diet?

5. Decided to Get in and Out of a Weight Loss Plan in 6 Months

I knew I wanted to get and out of my diet plan to save my sanity and my diet.

Dieting can hurt your metabolism, even if you do if the healthy way.

Plus, restricting yourself for too long is just not fun mentally. After a while, you’re likely to start a binge and restrict pattern. Make a plan and get in and get out of your weight loss in a finite amount of time. I chose a 6-month time frame.

What if you don’t lose all the weight you wanted to lose during that time? You can take a short diet break and all your body and metabolism to recover and you can re-start another diet at a later date. This is the best and healthiest way to diet!

Postpartum Weight Loss Tips: Month 9-15

I started my weight loss plan when I was 9 months postpartum and lost my weight over a 6-month period until I was 15-months postpartum. Here are my lessons learned and tips for losing the baby weight.

6. Started the BodyBoss Workouts

The below picture on the left is before I started the BodyBoss Program . On the right is after I finished a few rounds of the workouts and started writing my own strength training workouts (more on that below).

(Check out more of my progress photos later in this article, too!)

postpartum weight loss

The best part is that you only need dumbbells , resistance bands , a foam roller , and a box or a bench for these at-home workouts! If you’re not sure where to find inexpensive weights and dumbbells, check out this post for where to find the cheapest weights.

The reason I started the BodyBoss Program is that, at this point in my postpartum weight loss journey, I was overwhelmed and lost. I didn’t know where to start and I needed an actual plan rather than just trying to figure it out on my own.

I learned about the BodyBoss Program from a mom’s fitness group I was in and it sounded really promising. Since it was so inexpensive and came with several months of workouts and meal-planning, I figured this would be a good start.

7. Started Intermittent Fasting

I knew I wanted to start an intermittent fasting practice after I came to a point in my breastfeeding journey where I felt like I could start dieting.

I had heard about intermittent fasting when I was pregnant and knew it was definitely something I wanted to try when I was settled into breastfeeding. Skipping breakfast seemed like a really easy way to get control of my calories and nutrition during my diet phase.

You can read more about my intermittent fasting and breastfeeding experience and tips in this post .

8. Figured Out that Skipping Breakfast Was Easy for Me As a Busy Mom

Oh my goodness, mornings are busy as a mom! I hardly have time to feed myself, let alone everyone else!

It was actually liberating to let go of that extra to-do of preparing a healthy breakfast for myself on top of everything else in the morning. Instead, I savored my coffee and put my energy into my kids and work. What a relief!

9. Replaced My First Meal with Lean Protein and Veggies

One thing I knew was that I couldn’t fuel my body after a 16-hour fast with junk.

I knew how to eat healthily. I’ve been dabbling in healthy eating for my whole life. I knew I needed protein to maintain muscle mass and veggies at each meal to keep me feel without consuming a ton of extra calories.

The below picture is just a handful of some of the meals and snacks I enjoyed during my dieting phase, especially for my first meal of the day. You will see that most of these meals are lean protein and veggies which keep me full, satiated and energized after a 16-hour fast.

healthy postpartum weight loss meals

10. Started Weighing Myself Every Morning

Some people will say this is too often, but by weighing myself every morning, I learned about my body and its fluctuations.

I used this scale which connects to an app on my phone so I could see trends in my weight, which was really helpful in comparison to a regular scale!

Daily up and down fluctuations are completely normal, but over the 6 months of my weight loss, I saw an overall downward trend, which is what you really want to see when you’re weighing yourself regularly.

11. Learned How to Maintain Metabolism During Weight Loss

There is one really important way to maintain muscle mass during a diet phase. That is through weight lifting with tools like dumbbells and weights .

It’s really important to incorporate weight lifting during a diet phase so your metabolism isn’t completely trashed when you come off your diet. You would chance gaining back all that weight if you

12. Limited Cardio

Yes, that’s right, I limited cardio at the beginning of my diet!

Cardio is a manual way to burn calories and should be added in at the end of the diet when your body and metabolism are starting to adapt to lower calories.

Don’t start a diet with a bunch of cardio! You’ll burn out and your diet just won’t work as efficiently. Add cardio later on (more on that later).

13. Incorporating NEAT

What did I do instead of cardio? I got my steps in, of course!

apple watch tracking NEAT for activity and weight loss

Before I started dieting, I noticed I would get an average of between 6,000 and 7,000 steps per day. When I started my diet, I aimed to get over 7,000 steps. After a few weeks, I bumped that up and aimed to get over 8,000 steps. I continued to bump my NEAT goals as my diet progressed. This is key!

This also worked out well with the time of year I dieted. As my NEAT goals were increasing, it was getting nicer outside, so we were able to get outside for family walks more often.

14. Learned the Difference Between Weight Loss and Fat Loss

Weight loss and fat loss are very different things and it’s important to know the difference!

While most people say they want to lose “weight”, they actually probably want to lose “fat”. This is a very difficult thing to do and you can only achieve fat loss through a caloric deficit whether that is through manual calorie burn (exercise and NEAT, explained below) or eating less calories.

When you lose “weight”, you lose muscle mass in addition to fat. This is not good! You don’t want to lose muscle, you want to lose fat. You’ll want to retain your muscle mass during a diet so your metabolism doesn’t completely tank. I explain more about this below.

15. Tried to Avoid Hyperpalatable Foods

Hyperpalatable foods are foods that we cannot stop eating ( source )! Things like cookies, candy, chips, cake, donuts, sweets , and pretty much anything that comes in a box or a package.

My postpartum weight loss plan and timeline!  50 helpful tips for how I lost 30-pounds after baby #2 and kept it off! #postpartum #weightlosstips #weightlossbeforeandafter

These foods are specifically designed to make it very difficult for a person to stop eating them. These foods have a place in our lives — they should be enjoyed in moderation. However, if you’re dieting and aiming to lose fat, having a bunch of hyperpalatable foods in your house is just setting you up for failure.

Get these foods out of your house temporarily. Don’t freak out and think you can never have a box of cookies in your house ever again, because that’s not realistic at all. Remember, the healthy way to diet is to do it temporarily. During this time, it’s best to avoid these foods at all costs.

16. Ate More Fiber

Fiber is a miracle nutrient! As Americans, we are sorely lacking in our fiber intake. We should be getting 30-40 grams per day, and many of us are not.

Why is fiber important? It fills us up and signals that full and satiated feeling in our brain. It also helps us have healthy bowel movements, which can decrease bloating and excess scale weight which is important during a dieting phase.

You can simply sprinkle chia seeds or flax seeds on your meals or in your smoothies. Or you can eat my chocolate protein popcorn (recipe later in this article)!

17. Ate More Protein

Fiber is important, but protein is king ( source ).

Protein helps you maintain muscle mass rather than losing muscle in addition to fat during a diet. Protein also helps you feel fuller longer which is incredibly important during a dieting phase.

For many of us, it’s hard to get more protein in our day. I chose lean deli meats, fat-free greek yogurt, protein bars, low-fat cheese, and this sweet treat to get in my protein throughout the day. Once you find your favorite sources of protein, it does become easier.

If you’re looking for safe protein powders to try while you’re breastfeeding, check out this post which includes 5 top options for protein powders while breastfeeding.

18. Used Fat Intentionally

Like fiber and protein, fat is important during a diet, but it should be used intentionally. Fat is extremely important for overall health, but fat is a more calorie-dense macronutrient than carbs or protein.

Fat contains 9 calories per gram. Carbs and protein contain just 4 calories per gram. However, fat keeps you feeling full and, for me personally, improves my mood and overall appearance. I aimed to get at least 10 grams of fat each time I ate which kept me full and avoiding feeling ‘hangry’, but didn’t add an excessive amount of calories to my day.

I found foods like low-fat cheese and avocados to be a good way to get my fat without over-doing it.

19. Didn’t Eat “Healthy” Foods I Didn’t Like!

Do you ever start a diet and buy all these foods like lettuce and broccoli only for them to go bad in your refrigerator? Been there, done that.

I’m older and wiser now and if I don’t like a “healthy” food, I just don’t include it in my grocery list or diet. No big deal! I don’t force myself to eat foods I dislike just to maintain a diet. I found that this mentally of eating healthy foods I actually liked helped me adhere to my diet and healthy eating habits much more easily!

Stop buying foods you don’t like just because they’re healthy! However, load up on those healthy foods you love and go to town!

20. Found a Few Weight Loss Buddies!

It seems like there are always women who want to shed some pounds. Luckily, I found 2 ladies who were also aiming to lose baby weight at the same time and we texted each other almost daily on our goals and milestones.

This was so helpful for maintaining motivation on bad days! If you can, try to find a weight loss buddy, whether it’s in life or online. If you’re struggling to find someone in real life, there are a number of groups on Facebook or pages on Instagram that could be motivational.

21. Made my First 5-Pound Goal and Set a Reward

nike metcon

Now, this was exciting! I decided that I would reward myself for every 5 pounds I lost.

My first reward was a pair of those beautiful Nike Metcons you see above (check out all the different colors and options here ). I was in desperate need of a new pair of shoes and I knew from my women’s fitness groups that Nike Metcons were THE shoes to buy for cross-training — they were the ideal weight lifting shoe and cross-trainer. Plus, they looked pretty sweet.

From there, I rewarded myself with a new treat every time I lost 5 pounds. My next reward was a massage, followed by these gorgeous things , this luxurious bag , the Apple Watch, and, finally, a delicious meal out with my husband when it was all said and done.

The rewards were super motivating! I loved reaching each 5-pound goal and earning my reward!

Here are a ton of great examples for reward ideas in this post and in the image below.

fitness gifts for her

22. Learned About Calories and Weight Loss

Do you know how every diet works? By cutting calories in some way. This is the only way you can burn body fat — through a calorie deficit. I sort of knew this my whole life, but it finally clicked when I started my postpartum weight loss diet.

Diets are tricky because you just have to find the right one for you . There are a number of diets out there that accomplish fat loss through a calorie deficit:

  • Intermittent Fasting (my personal favorite)
  • Ketogenic Diet
  • Weight Watchers
  • Counting Macros
  • Nutrisystem
  • Vegan/Vegetarian

All of these diets by putting you in a calorie deficit which means you’re going to lose fat. The key here is finding the one that fits your lifestyle that you can stick to long-term. I chose intermittent fasting because I can honestly see myself skipping breakfast forever if I really wanted to.

Which way do you prefer to eat? Do you prefer more carbs or more fat in your diet? This is something you must ask yourself before starting a diet.

My postpartum weight loss plan and timeline!  50 helpful tips for how I lost 30-pounds after baby #2 and kept it off! #postpartum #weightlosstips #weightlossbeforeandafter

One important thing to note about carbs and fats. Carbohydrates are 4 calories per germ whereas fat contains 9 calories per gram. Many people (women especially) prefer to eat more carbs because you actually get to eat more volume since the calories per gram is lower than it is for fats.

However, more research is coming out on how important fats are for our brain health. Still, if you choose a higher carb diet for fat loss, that doesn’t mean you have to stick with it forever! You can alternate between the two if you wish. Many people begin to add more fat calories to their day (slowly…more on that below) after they’ve reached their desired weight.

Wondering how many calories to eat to lose fat? Try a calculator like this one or consult with a dietician who can identify optimal fat loss calories for you personally.

23. Continued Lifting Weights with the BodyBoss Program

Can you tell how much I love these workouts? Not only are they extremely effective, but they are also so inexpensive!

As I mentioned earlier, the best part is that you only need dumbbells , resistance bands , a foam roller , and a box or a bench for these at-home workouts!

I consistently did these workouts for the first 3-4 months of my dieting phase when I lost the biggest chunk of my baby weight!

24. Increased My Weights with the BodyBoss Program

And even though I was still doing the BBW, I knew I needed to incorporate progressive overload (learn more about progressive overload in my strength training for women guide), so I started increasing the weights I used during my workouts.

For example, before I was using 10-pound dumbbells in each hand for squats and lunges, but I aimed to increase to 12-pound or even 15-pound dumbbells for many sets.

Ladies, progressive overload is key. I saw insane body composition changes when I really started to push myself by increasing the weights! I started tracking my weight and reps in a weightlifting journal (check out my favorite options for weightlifting journals and logs in this post ) and that was really helpful.

The below weight set is ideal for your home gym for weight lifting (learn more about this set here ). It has every weight you’ll need for these workouts and these weights will last a lifetime, which means you won’t have to keep buying more weights.

You can learn more about which dumbbells are best to choose in my dumbbells for women guide.

CAP dumbbell set

25. People Started Noticing My Weight Loss

One of the best parts about losing weight is when people notice, right?

People at work started saying I looked great! This was really motivating to me. My clothes were fitting better and I felt better and it was showing!

26. I Hit My Stride with My Healthy Habits

As mentioned earlier, when I started my diet plan, I stuck with it. Sure, I had weekends of indulgence like every normal person, but I aimed to get back on track as soon as possible afterward.

My postpartum weight loss plan and timeline!  50 helpful tips for how I lost the weight after baby and kept it off! #postpartum #weightlosstips

My meal prep was becoming muscle memory because I was doing it so often. Getting in my workouts was a habit rather than a to-do. Squeezing in extra steps was a fund daily goal. Eating healthy snacks was a normal thing to do rather than a bore. I had settled into what worked for me and it felt great.

This takes time! I felt settled in after a few months of dieting. Trial and error is important while you’re learning what works best for you.

27. I Got Back On Track After Each Indulgence (and Didn’t Beat Myself Up)

This is a huge one. So many people just throw up their arms and give up after they fall off the wagon. This is easy to do!

Do you know what I found helped me when I over-indulged?

I went for a walk.

Somehow, going for a walk and getting my blood pumping and my muscles moving was a simple, easy way to reset my brain and re-align my goals to healthy goals.

I ALWAYS got back on track on Monday, the next morning, or at the next meal. No matter what.

Guess, what? I STILL do that! I indulge regularly now. It’s simply human nature. I get back to my healthy habits as soon as possible and it’s no big deal.

28. Writing My Own Workouts

This is the month that I started writing my own weight lifting workouts.

I have experience writing workouts from when I taught strength training classes ( read my story here ), but I still needed a guide when I was newly postpartum and feeling overwhelmed with weight loss, which is why I followed the BodyBoss Program for so long.

However, I was excited about switching things up at this point and started writing my own workouts, which made the whole process new and exciting again.

The lesson learned here is that it’s important to switch things up regularly so you stay excited and motivated!

29. Only Consumed Zero-Calorie Drinks

I don’t drink my calories anymore (unless it’s a low-sugar smoothie as a meal replacement) and I made a concerted effort to completely stop all drinks that contained calories during my fat loss phase.

For me, that also meant that I didn’t consume alcohol. I pretty much stopped consuming alcohol well-before getting pregnant for the second time, but this time I mindfully to avoid it completely. I may enjoy a glass of wine or delicious craft beer when my kids are older, but, right now, my energy is too precious to give to alcohol.

Interested in reading more about giving up alcohol? Read more about the sober-curious movement and its impact on the ‘mommy needs wine’ marketing propaganda here .

30. Enjoyed Non-Scale Victories Mindfully

Non-scale victories are benefits and improvements in your life that you gain from losing weight and improving your health that isn’t tied to seeing the number on the scale go down.

Non-scale victories are extremely important to be mindful of during a dieting phase. Take note of these victories, think about how they make you feel, think about how far you’ve come, and enjoy them mindfully. Focus on these wins as much as possible to stay motivated.

Some of my non-scale victories that I loved and that I’m still enjoying today:

  • Clothes fitting better. This is one of my favorites! I hate pants digging into my stomach or feeling squished into clothing. Clothing that skims your body and feels good on puts me in such a better mood!
  • Having more energy all day long for me and my kids. Moms, after lifting weights consistently and shedding excess fat, simply walking up the stairs while carrying my toddler was exponentially easier. Important win!
  • Sleeping better. The combination of having a new goal to keep my mind occupied, having my body more fatigued from workouts, eating better foods, and intermittent fasting was like a magic pill for my sleep. Who doesn’t want better sleep?

my postpartum weight loss journey

31. Incorporating HIIT Workouts

HIIT workouts are tricky because they should really be used as a last resort to burn extra fat.

HIIT workouts also make me really hungry. I notice a direct link between my raging appetite and doing a HIIT workout the day prior.

Still, HIIT workouts are effective for burning fat, so in the last 6 weeks of my fat loss phase, I added 1-2 HIIT workouts per week.

For my HIIT workouts, I preferred to do sprints on the treadmill (30 seconds on, 60 seconds off, for 10 rounds).

However, Pinterest is full of HIIT workout examples. Follow me on Pinterest here to find some helpful HIIT workouts or other healthy living inspiration! I’m active on Pinterest every single day!

32. Continued Breastfeeding Long-Term

This study showed that moms who breastfed long-term had greater weight loss than non-breastfeeding moms. And because I was enjoying nursing my baby so much, I kept at it.

When I did finally wean at 21 months, I noticed I really had to keep my diet much more in check to not gain weight, so I can’t emphasize long-term breastfeeding enough during your weight loss period!

Postpartum Weight Loss: Maintenance Phase

The maintenance phase of weight loss is just as, if not more, important as the weight loss phase. No one wants to gain all that weight back that they fought to lose. Having a maintenance plan in place was vital in my journey. Here’s how I plan to maintain my postpartum weight loss long-term — for life.

33. Joined a Monthly Women’s Weight Lifting Program

Now that I was settled into my weight lifting routine, I wanted to join like-minded women on the same path.

I am not referring to Beach Body groups here. I would avoid those if you can. I found a coach online who offered a monthly workout plan for a low price with a facebook group where other women who were doing the workouts came together to share personal bests, workout questions, and more.

This has been instrumental in maintaining my weight training habit. At this point, it’s such an ingrained habit that I don’t even think I need the group anymore, but I love the relationships I’ve built there with women who have similar interests.

Search online for women’s weight training online coaches and find the one that best lines up with your goals!

woman lifting weights

34. Choose Active Fun for my Family

We are a family who loves to go on nightly walks, weekend hikes, or play basketball in the driveway! We also like to have races in the backyard and jump on the neighbor’s trampoline.

It may not seem like these things are important, but they are the most important thing. Not only does that extra movement burn extra calories, but it shows your children the importance of being active. Plus, it shows them that being active is fun rather than another chore. Important!

We aim to do this every day, even on the days where I think I’m too tired and I just want to hang out inside. Usually, just getting out and getting our blood pumping is enough of an energy boost to get me to bedtime.

35. Have a Goal to Go for a Walk Every Day

Walking is so key to optimal health and it should not be overlooked!

When I’m at work, I am to take 2 short 10-15 minute walks each day or a longer 30-40 minute walk over lunch. You’ll be amazed at how sedentary we are once you start prioritizing walking.

Walking is such a simple thing to do because you can just get up and walk out the door so it’s not overwhelming for many people.

If I had to tell anyone the most important things for long-term healthy weight maintenance and longevity, it would be to practice strength training and walk every day. The 2 most important things!

36. Invested in a Standing Desk!

Once you really start to build a healthy lifestyle, it’s really easy to build on them. Because my job is an extremely sedentary desk-job, I knew I wanted to invest in a standing desk eventually, and I did so at the end of my weight loss journey.

I opted for a less expensive version that you can simply set on top of your existing desk and it has been great!

my postpartum weight loss journey

37. Follow Inspirational Healthy People On Social Media

Have you ever heard who you surround yourself with is who you become?

This is so true. When I started becoming interested in losing weight, I began following strength training, weight loss , and healthy living experts on social media and signing up for their newsletters.

Seeing their posts of workouts and meals and other healthy living tips is extremely motivating and reminded on a regular basis how important it is to stick with my new healthy habits.

As humans, we react to visual stimuli. So seeing another person living healthy can give you the motivation and boost you need if you’re having a bad day or need a reminder to get in a workout.

Remove the negativity and complaints from your social media feeds and add inspiring, healthy people and you’ll be shocked at what an impact it has on your overall mindset.

38. Replaced My Favorite Treats with Lower Calorie Options

Finding low-cal treats (these rice cake toppings are good examples of filling low-calorie treats) to replace my old, favorite high-calorie snacks was vital to long-term weight loss maintenance.

Some of my favorite foods like pizza and nachos can be made much healthier by loading up on the veggies and lean protein within the dish and limiting the fatty cheese and chips or crust. This is a simple hack that you can practice for lifelong healthy weight maintenance. Indulge on occasion, but 90% of the time, make your favorite foods healthier!

I also love opting for lighter desserts like Halo Top or Smart Sweet gummy candy when I need a sugar fix.

Finally, finding my favorite flavors of sparkling water and tea was key. Sometimes I think I’m hungry, but I really just need a drink.

39. Continuously Learning About Improving My Health

When I was dieting, I found my favorite podcasts, books, blogs, and social media accounts to follow regarding health and fitness. By immersing myself in new information, it kept me excited to keep up with my goals.

This book , this book , and this one are all books I think every woman should have in their library and dive into to get excited and learn about good health. These 3 books are absolutely jam-packed with the latest information about health and fitness. Three must-haves.

MindPump is my all-time favorite health podcast. Spencer Nadolsky (@drnadolsky on social) and A Workout Routine (@aworkoutroutine) are very motivating and informational accounts to follow on Instagram or Facebook.

Add one or more of these resources to the information you consume on a daily basis to always keep your mind on your health and fitness goals!

40. Reverse Dieting to Increase Metabolism

Reverse dieting deserves an entire website or book of its own, but it is essentially the practice of gradually eating more calories after a diet to help your metabolism re-adapt to higher calories.

It involves tracking your food meticulously following a diet using a scale like this one. However, it’s extremely important to reverse diet after a diet so you can eat more calories again without gaining weight.

I reverse dieted slowly for a few months after my diet and my metabolism responded beautifully. I can now eat more calories without gaining weight and my weight has even trended a pound or two down at times.

You can read more about reverse dieting here .

41. Intuitive Eating for Life

After a diet and reverse diet, you should know quite a bit about nutrition. The entire diet process is very informative!

After my dieting stint, I realized I needed to eat much more vegetables and make sure to get my protein amounts throughout the day.

Every person’s goals will be different, but, for many, getting in their veggies and protein first, followed by fruit and healthy fats, is going to be a great blueprint for eating for the rest of your life. Fill in the extra space with dairy, whole grains, and other healthy food items where you can.

This book (one of the favorites that I mentioned earlier) is a great resource for intuitive eating for life.

42. Tried the Bod Pod

I really wanted solid evidence that my fat loss efforts had worked, so I made an appointment at a Bod Pod location. I’m a numbers person, so, even though I knew I had lost a good amount of fat by many other factors, I wanted to see just how much fat I lost during my weight loss journey.

A Bod Pod is a tool that measuring your body mass makeup, including lean mass and fat mass.

I was elated to learn that my body fat was around 20%! I would estimate that my body fat was around 30% when I started dieting. Twenty percent body fat is really healthy for women, so this was really motivating and made me feel like my efforts paid off.

My Postpartum Weight Loss Before and After Photos

Below are my postpartum weight loss before and after photos. Everyone’s progress will be different, but these are my results after following all of the above tips!

43. Took Regular Photos of My Progress

I found progress pictures to be incredibly motivating. I aimed to take pictures throughout the week in my clothing. However, I also took pictures every few months in a sports bra and shorts (shown below) to really gauge my progress.

Looking at progress pictures is incredibly motivating during a weight loss phase.

postpartum weight loss timeline

44. Recorded Measurements Monthly

I personally recorded my measurements approximately monthly during my journey and this was incredibly helpful!

Over time, my waist and hips are where I really focused my progress. That is where I carry a good majority of my fat, so seeing those numbers go down told me I was going in the right direction.

Body measurements are almost a more important measurement than scale weight for fat loss, because, as mentioned earlier, a loss in scale weight can be both muscle and fat. When your body measurements decrease, it’s usually a decrease in fat — not muscle. This is important!

Top 6 Recipes I Ate While Losing Weight and Breastfeeding

I wanted to include a few recipes for things I ate regularly during my weight loss phase because I know how interested others are in what people are eating while they’re losing weight.

Remember, I aimed to include lean protein and vegetables during every meal. This was so important during my postpartum weight loss journey and really any weight loss journey.

45. Low Sugar Protein Shake

If you’re loading your smoothies up with tons of fruit and nut butter, you’re basically consuming a huge sugar calorie bomb. If you really like fruit smoothies, drink them, but don’t expect to lose weight that way.

For my smoothie, I typically pair protein powder, unsweetened cashew milk or almond milk, ice, a teaspoon of chia seeds, a couple of handfuls of frozen spinach or kale. If I want something sweeter, I’ll add half of a frozen banana or a half cup of berries (a low-sugar fruit). You can add a small amount of calorie-free sweetener if that is your preference, as well. Filling, low-calorie, low-sugar, and high-protein — the perfect smoothie!

protein shake

46. Chicken Fajita Lettuce Wraps

Another super easy healthy meal is sheet pan chicken fajitas!

Most grocery stores now sell frozen bags of chopped bell peppers and onions. Simply cut frozen chicken breasts into strips, added a bag of the frozen fajitas veggies, and tossed everything in a fajita seasoning packet.

Spread the mixture flat on a sheet pan and cooked in the oven at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes and ate my fajitas in a lettuce wrap topped with cheese and avocado. These froze well, too, as shown below.

sheet pan chicken fajitas

47. Stuffed Peppers with Cucumbers

This recipe is a crowd-favorite in our house. My husband and kids love this recipe! Aside from the feta cheese, it is packed with veggies and lean protein.

Check out the recipe here .

turkey stuffed greek peppers

48. Plain Greek Yogurt with a Crumbled RXBar

I love my RXBars because they are delicious and high in protein. One of my favorite go-to, high-protein snacks is a crumbled RXBar over plain Greek Yogurt.

greek yogurt rxbar parfait

49. Chocolate Protein Popcorn

I wish I had a picture of this but I usually ate it too fast to snap a picture!

Air pop some popcorn kernels (we use this air popper ), drizzle with a small amount of butter or coconut oil and toss with chocolate powdered peanut butter (like these options ) or your favorite chocolate protein powder.

50. Chicken Sausage and Roasted Veggies

Find a favorite chicken sausage with high protein and low sugar and chop it up with your favorite veggies. Toss everything in a drizzle of olive oil, sea salt, and any other seasoning you enjoy and roast at 375 degrees for 20-30 minutes. A great, easy, high-protein, high-veggie meal!

chicken sausage and roasted veggies

My Postpartum Weight Loss Plan

My plan for losing weight after having babies boiled down to these main points:

  • strength training (to build muscle and increase my metabolism)
  • short-term calorie cutting (6 months of dieting and that’s it)
  • increasing NEAT
  • improved nutrition

Honestly, most people are completely confused about weight loss and fat loss. You’ll notice that I didn’t do hardly any cardio during my weight loss phase. This is critical.

If you really want to lose weight (which means you really want to lose fat), you need to build muscle and increase your metabolism and cut calories for a short amount of time. Don’t cut calories forever! Get in and get out of a calorie deficit.

During your weight loss phase work on increasing your daily activity through NEAT and building on healthy habits that will last you a lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions About Postpartum Weight Loss

The below questions are frequently asked by mothers who are interested in losing weight after having babies.

How long does it take for your stomach to shrink after having a baby?

There are two types of shrinking in your stomach that take place after having a baby:

  • Waiting for swelling to go down and your body and skin to tighten back up

The first part of the shrinking of your midsection happens naturally during the postpartum months. Don’t rely on waist trainers or other gimmicks like that. Your body knows what to do! It can take 6 to 8 weeks for your uterus to shrink back to a normal size postpartum ( source ).

How can I lose post-pregnancy weight fast?

It’s important to understand that you absolutely do not want to lose post-pregnancy weight fast. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but fast weight loss just means that it won’t be maintained long-term and you’ll likely gain your weight back and then some!

If you look at my postpartum weight loss timeline above, I dieted consistently for 6 months and lost all my baby weight during that time. If you stick with a program for 6 months, you could lose up to 20-30 pounds.

How can a nursing mother lose weight?

Absolutely! According to the La Leche League, nursing mothers tend to see greater weight loss than non-nursing moms over the long-term ( source ).

When you’re breastfeeding, your body is burning an extra 200-500 calories just by feeding your baby. Put that calorie burn to good use and watch your calorie intake for a consistent period of time and you’ll lose weight. This study shows that breastfeeding women had greater weight loss than non-breastfeeding moms.

Do you lose weight after stopping breastfeeding?

Actually, the opposite is more likely true. You are much more likely to gain weight after weaning your baby rather than lose weight.

Once you wean your baby, you are no longer burning those breastfeeding calories of 200-500 calories per day by making milk.

If you don’t lower your daily caloric intake by a few hundred calories, you may very well gain weight rapidly after you wean.

It’s very important to track how much you’re eating before you wean and adjust your daily calorie intake after you wean. I would suggest daily diligent tracking to determine your calorie intake baseline for about a week before you wean. You can do that by using an app like MyFitnessPal and a simple food scale like this one .

Should I try postpartum weight loss tea?

Sure, you can try postpartum weight loss tea, but don’t expect any actual long-term weight loss from that tea!

Weight loss teas are, in general, a scam and are just another form of a crash diet. You can drink any tea that you enjoy drinking, but don’t expect quality fat loss from a tea.

Is it harder to lose baby weight after the 2nd baby?

I think it may be harder for some people to lose weight after the 2nd baby, but not directly because you had 2 babies.

I think it’s harder because you’re older and, if you haven’t been lifting weights or have been fairly sedentary, your metabolism and overall health have declined that much more since having a baby.

Once you start lifting weights , you can start healing your metabolism so fat loss and weight loss won’t be as difficult for you.

Lifting weights is essential as we age . If we don’t lift weights, our metabolism will tank more and more each year and our body will more easily carry and store fat.

Lift weights, ladies!

How much weight do you lose immediately after giving birth?

You’ll lose about 10-12 pounds immediately after giving birth to your baby depending on the size of your baby ( source ).

This includes your baby, your placenta, amniotic fluid, and other blood loss. Over the next few weeks, your uterus will also shrink to its normal size and your swelling will decrease, which can account for another 2-5 pounds of weight loss.

Your breast size and milk accounted for a small amount of weight gain during pregnancy, so you will hold on to those pounds in the early months of breastfeeding. As you near the one-year mark of breastfeeding, you may find that your breast size decreases and your breasts don’t feel quite as heavy.

Finally, if you gained a normal amount of weight during your pregnancy, that would have included about 7-8 pounds of fat for maternal stores to feed your baby. If you continue breastfeeding long-term, you should lose that extra fat if you keep your diet and nutrition in check.

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About Amber Nash

Amber is a recognized health and fitness expert and has been quoted by Reader's Digest, Yahoo!, MSN, US News & World Report, Weight Watchers, SparkPeople, Bustle, SheKnows, Apartment Therapy, My Fitness Pal, and more.

Amber spent 2 years teaching classes as a YMCA certified group exercise instructor before having children. She is also an extreme weight lifting and home gym enthusiast and has been relentlessly lifting weights for over a decade. In her free time, you'll probably find her in her home gym, playing around with her latest toys or trying to get her next PR.

She claims she can't live without 2 pieces of workout equipment: here and here . When she travels, you'll always find a set of these in her carry-on.

Happy lifting, friends!

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The Postpartum Weight Loss Timeline [5 Tips To Get Your Body Back]

my postpartum weight loss journey

Did you just have a baby and you’re wondering what your postpartum weight loss timeline will look like?

In this post, you will learn:

  • How much weight you should expect to lose week by week,
  • A proven postpartum weight loss plan, and
  • What you need to know about weight loss while breastfeeding.

Keep reading!


How long does it take to lose weight postpartum?

Postpartum weight loss is a slow process that often takes 6-12 weeks or more. Weight loss will be fastest in the first week and gradually slow down overtime.

Let’s go over this in more detail.

The Postpartum weight loss Timeline (Week by week)

How much weight can you expect to lose week to week after delivering your baby?

Below is a realistic postpartum weight loss timeline.

Postpartum weight loss week 0-1:

Immediately following delivery, you can expect to lose about 10-15 lbs.

This is assuming your baby was born full-term, was not large for gestational age and you did not have polyhydramnios (an increased amount of amniotic fluid).

**Of note, this is the only time that you will ever lose this much weight in such a short period of time.**

It is also during this time period where some women may experience a loss of appetite which can also contribute to weight loss.

Postpartum weight loss weeks 2-6:

In these next few weeks, the weight loss will be slower, which is expected.

With that said, the average weight loss by 6 weeks postpartum is about half of your pregnancy weight gain , regardless of your starting BMI.


Keep in mind that this is just an average.

If you don’t lose half of your pregnancy weight gain by 6 weeks, that is okay!

Everyone experiences weight loss at a different rate and you should not compare yourself to others.

Postpartum weight loss weeks 6-12

In postpartum weeks 6-12 the weight loss will be even slower.

By now, your uterus should have returned to its pre-pregnancy size.

If you haven’t lost as much weight as you would like, all hope is not lost!

To help boost your weight loss efforts, you could start engaging in regular physical activity. But before doing any type of exercise postpartum , you need to receive clearance from your healthcare provider.

Beyond 12 weeks

After 12 weeks, you probably wont see any further pregnancy related weight changes. At this point, your bodyweight changes will simply be a reflection of your current metabolism.

One study found that a woman’s BMI predicted how her weight changed over the course of 12 – 24 MONTHS postpartum.

They found that women who were overweight or obese continued to lose a minimal amount of weight on average up to 2 years.

However, women who fell into the Stage II and Stage III obesity category, actually gained weight from 12-24 months postpartum.

The good news is: there is plenty that you can do to take control of your body.

Let me show you how.

Why is postpartum weight loss so hard?

Postpartum weight loss is difficult because there are many different hormonal factors that can change your metabolism and physiology.

For example, new mothers have high prolactin levels from milk production, which may be associated with weight gain.

In addition to this, there are more demands on your body as you take care of a new baby. This will have a negative impact on your sleep pattern and caloric intake.

All of these factors combined will make weight loss difficult as you adjust to new hormone levels after pregnancy, as well as adjusting to taking care of a newborn baby.

This postpartum weight loss chart depicts the 5 most important factors that will contribute to your weight loss in the postpartum period.


As you can see, some factors are more important than others, but the chart isn’t complete without all of these things.

Let’s go over them one by one.

5 Things To Help You Lose Weight Fast After Having Your Baby

The 5 most important factors to maximize your postpartum weight loss are:

  • Your postpartum nutrition and food intake
  • Postpartum physical activity
  • Achieving adequate levels of hydration
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Stress control

Let’s cover them in more detail.

Your Postpartum Nutrition Plan

Improving your nutrition and reducing junk food is the best way to lose weight quickly.

As you can see from the chart, your nutrition contributes to at least 40% of your weight loss.

This does not mean that you should follow crash diets.

The best postpartum diet is one that is varied and contains sufficient quantities of all three macronutrients.

The three macronutrients are:

  • Carbohydrates,
  • Lean protein, and
  • Healthy fat

To maximize your nutrition, you don’t actually have to “diet.”

In fact, the word diet is often counter-productive because it often brings words into your mind like ‘restriction’ and ‘sacrifice.’

The good news is, you don’t need to do any of these things postpartum.

All you need to do is create yourself a sustainable and realistic nutrition plan that is centered around real, nutrient-rich, whole foods.

I have an entire post on how to create a postpartum nutrition plan for yourself which you can check out here.

Or, you can follow the proven postpartum weight loss plan I put together.

Check it out below!


Postpartum Physical Activity

Exercise is one of the best things you could do for your body both in the antepartum and postpartum periods.

Not only does exercise help you lose weight by burning calories, but it can:

  • put you in a better mood due to the release of endorphins,
  • help you to become stronger, and
  • improve your cardiovascular endurance.

With that said, exercise is a smaller piece of the weight loss equation. Exercising without improving your nutrition will not yield optimal results.

The good news is:

I have a ton of postpartum exercise articles that you could find below categorized by topic.

Hundreds Of Postpartum Weight Loss Exercises You Can Do

Postpartum cardio.

  • 3 Postpartum HIIT Workouts for New Moms
  • When and How to Start Running Postpartum

Postpartum Strength Training

  • Postpartum Kettlebell Workout
  • The Postpartum Squat Challenge [How Far Can You Go]
  • An Easy Postpartum Workout for Beginners
  • A Simple Post C-Section Workout Plan

Lower Body Strength Training

  • 9 Easy Leg Exercises for Pregnant and Postpartum Women
  • Underbutt Isolation Exercises to Build A Stronger Booty

Upper Body Strength Training

  • 9 Amazing Chest Exercises for Saggy Breasts
  • The Best Arm Toning Exercises for Pregnant and Postpartum Women

Core Training

  • 100 Exercises to Rebuild Your Core
  • When To Start Training Your Abs Postpartum

This leads me to the next point – as it is always important to stay hydrated as you are exercising.

Here’s how to tell if you are drinking enough water.

Staying Well Hydrated Postpartum

Water is extremely important in the postpartum period, especially if you are breastfeeding.

It is necessary for just about every metabolic process to occur in your body, and it can actually help you lose weight.

It’s super easy to add water into your daily routine.

All you have to do is drink a tall glass of water before each meal.

This will help:

  • fill up your stomach to decrease hunger cues,
  • help you burn calories ( via water-induced thermogenesis ), and
  • decrease the chances of you over drinking high-calorie liquids.

So how much water should you drink?

Don’t focus on the number of ounces you are drinking, but rather focus on the color of your urine throughout the day.


This is the best measure of hydration levels in your body.

Your urine should be a pale yellow color.

If your urine is a dark yellow color, you need to drink more water.

If there is no color to your urine and it is clear, slow down on your water consumption.

Postpartum Restoration

One forgotten factor in postpartum weight loss is sleep and restoration.

Sleep is so important for a healthy metabolism, and it’s obviously something many mothers are deprived of.

Are you aware that sleep deprivation can increase your risk of weight gain?

Several studies have shown a clear link between sleep loss and obesity and other metabolic abnormalities.

This makes sense.

When you are awake, your body is in a catabolic state, constantly burning energy, and often entering “fight or flight” states. These stressful states are when your body releases high levels of cortisol.

Your body interprets sleep deprivation as another form of “fight or flight” keeping cortisol high while increasing the production of glucose and storage of fat.

I know it’s hard.

But you must do your best to get some rest.

Try napping whenever your baby is asleep.

You could also divide the night into shifts with your partner so that you could sleep for a few hours uninterrupted.

You could even ask your family and other loved ones for help once in a while.

Stress Control

Last but not least, stress is another factor you must pay attention to for weight loss.

Stress is certainly a contributor to weight gain, and studies have found links between high stress, altered dietary patterns, and obesity.

This is because high-stress levels promote the production of cortisol which is known as the stress hormone.

This has actually been proven in studies to inhibit weight loss by increasing your food cravings.

We both know that the postpartum period is one of very high stress.


That is why it is so important to pay attention to what you are eating when you are stressed out, and to find ways to help manage your stress.

This is another reason why postpartum exercise is so beneficial!

Also, instead of going for those highly processed sugary snacks, try one of these 17 healthy snacks.

Other Related Questions

What should i do if i experience a postpartum weight loss plateau.

Everyone will experience a plateau in postpartum weight loss.

This is because our body is so good at adapting to change.

When you start a new routine (like a new diet plan or a new workout program), your body gets exposed to something different and has to change to meet the needs of the stimulus.

It’s like anything in life. Eventually your body will get used to whatever it is you are doing.

The same is true for weight loss. You cannot expect your body to keep adapting if the stimulus never changes.

To overcome any plateau, you must provide your body with a new stimulus.

You can do this by changing up your exercise regimen to burn more calories, or make a change in your current nutrition intake.

That is why it is so important to not go “all out” right from the beginning.

It is best to allow your body to make changes gradually.

And this is exactly why I created the Postpartum Trainer’s Nutrition Plan. Every few weeks your body is provided with a new stimulus that it must adapt to.

This is what will give you long lasting results.

The relationship between breastfeeding and weight loss

Another important thing to consider is that you can lose weight while breastfeeding .

It just needs to be done the correct way, so that your milk supply is not affected.

Interestingly, many women will notice weight loss just from breastfeeding alone, without doing anything else.

The reason is because breastfeeding burns calories!

Anywhere from 300-500 calories per day depending on how often and for how long you are breastfeeding.


Not only does breastfeeding burn calories, but it also helps to contract your uterus.

The contractions that occur in the uterus, postpartum, help the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size faster.

If you would like to learn more on breastfeeding and weight loss, I have created an entire article discussing 7 tips you should do to lose weight while breastfeeding, and I even have created The Definitive Breastfeeding Meal Plan which outlines the foods you should and should not be eating for maximal weight loss.

My Postpartum Weight Loss Plan While Breastfeeding

I go over all of this in more detail in my  Postpartum Trainer’s Nutrition Guide.

You’ll learn what to eat to to lose fat safely without affecting your breast milk supply in one of the free bonuses: The Scientific Guide on Weight Loss and Milk Supply.

You’ll also learn the key to developing long-term healthy habits so that you can be more present for your family!


Are There Any Postpartum Weight Loss Supplements You Recommend?

Weight loss is primarily a function of your nutrition, calorie intake, and calorie expenditure. Unfortunately, supplements will not help you with any of these important factors.

Instead, I recommend that you focus on your nutrition, making one small change at a time!

Final Words on Postpartum Weight Loss Timeline

Weight loss in the postpartum period requires a multi-faceted approach of

  • eating healthy foods,
  • regular exercise to increase your lean muscle mass,
  • hydrating your body,
  • reducing the amount of stress you have, and
  • getting quality sleep.

Every one is different and will experience weight loss at a different rate.

You must be patient and you must give your body the time it needs to heal before introducing the stress of weight loss.

Now I want to hear from you.

What has your strategy for postpartum fat loss been?

Comment below and let me know.

Related Posts on Postpartum Weight Loss

  • An Easy Postpartum Diet for Busy Moms (To Help You Lose The Baby Weight)
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Get Four Free Workouts To Help Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor & Heal Your Mommy Tummy!


Brittany Robles, MD, MPH, CPT

Brittany Robles is a full-time OBGYN physician, a NASM certified trainer, and a prenatal and postnatal fitness specialist. She holds a Master of Public Health degree in maternal health with a special interest in exercise and nutrition. She is also the co-author of The White Coat Trainer. Learn more about her  here .

Sharing is Caring – Send This To A Mom In Need!


  • Gunderson EP, Abrams B, Selvin S. Does the pattern of postpartum weight change differ according to pregravid body size? Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2001 Jun;25(6):853-62. doi: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0801631. PMID: 11439300.
  • Sobrinho LG, Horseman ND. Prolactin and human weight disturbances: A puzzling and neglected association. Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2019 Jun;20(2):197-206. doi: 10.1007/s11154-019-09503-1. PMID: 31062250.
  • Østbye T, Peterson BL, Krause KM, Swamy GK, Lovelady CA. Predictors of postpartum weight change among overweight and obese women: results from the Active Mothers Postpartum study.  J Womens Health (Larchmt) . 2012;21(2):215-222. doi:10.1089/jwh.2011.2947
  • Vij VA, Joshi AS. Effect of ‘water induced thermogenesis’ on body weight, body mass index and body composition of overweight subjects.  J Clin Diagn Res . 2013;7(9):1894-1896. doi:10.7860/JCDR/2013/5862.3344
  • Beccuti G, Pannain S. Sleep and obesity.  Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care . 2011;14(4):402-412. doi:10.1097/MCO.0b013e3283479109
  • Scott KA, Melhorn SJ, Sakai RR. Effects of Chronic Social Stress on Obesity.  Curr Obes Rep . 2012;1(1):16-25. doi:10.1007/s13679-011-0006-3

Losing the Baby Weight: The Truth About Postpartum Weight Loss

Medical review policy, latest update:, how much weight do you lose after giving birth, read this next, how long does it take to lose weight after pregnancy, does breastfeeding help you lose weight, what foods should be in your post-baby diet, when can you start exercising after giving birth, tips to help you stay healthy after giving birth.

Even more important, don’t forget that you created a fabulous human being who adores you — all of you. So instead of staring at your tummy, take a peek at your beautiful baby and cut yourself some slack. 

What to Expect When You're Expecting , 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff. What to Expect the First Year , 3rd edition, Heidi Murkoff.,  The Breastfeeding Diet , April 2020.,  Your Postpartum Nutrition Guide , August 2021., Postpartum Recovery Timeline , March 2021., How Much Weight You Should Gain During Pregnancy , October 2020., Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom and Baby , July 2020., 11 Postpartum Fitness Tips for New Moms , May 2018., Your Postpartum Checkups , April 2020. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Exercise After Pregnancy , July 2019. Cleveland Clinic, What Foods Can You Eat to Lose Weight? , December 2020. Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School, 10 Behaviors for Healthy Weight Loss , October 2018. La Leche League International, Weight Loss — For Mothers , 2021. Mayo Clinic,  Weight Loss After Pregnancy: Reclaiming Your Body , July 2020. Mayo Clinic, Weight Loss: 6 Strategies for Success , December 2019. National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus, Losing Weight After Pregnancy , April 2021. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Obstetrics and Gynecology ,  Postpartum Weight Retention Risk Factors and Relationship to Obesity at 1 Year , January 2015. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Staying Away from Fad Diets , April 2021. American Academy of Pediatrics, Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom , July 2016. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Breastfeeding Maternal Diet , October 2020. Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Safe Dieting While Breastfeeding , 2021. Cleveland Clinic, Where Does Body Fat Go When You Lose Weight? , January 2019. KidsHealth From Nemours, Your Newborn’s Growth , October 2018. Mayo Clinic, Why Do Doctors Recommend a Slow Rate of Weight Loss? What’s Wrong with Fast Weight Loss? , April 2020. National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine,  Appropriate for Gestational Age , October 2019. National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Environmental Organic Pollutants in Human Milk Before and After Weight Loss , October 2016. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office on Women’s Health, Recovering from Birth , June 2018. Food and Drug Administration, Advice About Eating Fish , December 2020.

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The Modest Mom

My Postpartum Weight Loss Journey – Week 1

Can I still call it a postpartum weight loss journey if my baby is 21 months? 🙂 I’m on a journey and it’s one I’m excited about. I started January 1st to be super serious about losing this baby weight. The first year with a new baby I never work on losing weight, because I’m nursing. Normally my weight comes off fairly easily, but not this time around. I’ve been so overwhelmed with a screaming baby that it’s not been until recently that I felt I could focus on this!

I thought I would give weekly updates here, to keep myself accountable and also to share with you what is and is not working for me.

To start out – my ouch moment of the week. A friend of my daughter’s from church asked if I was pregnant, and then wanted to know why I look the way I do. If I feel tempted to give up, I’ll remember that comment. I know I have a diastasis problem, (meaning my stomach muscles are separated), which can lead to me looking pregnant when I’m not.

Still. Never fun to hear. 

Here is my story so far. A warning first – this is my story. Everyone has their own personal story, and they have to decide what works for them. I tried Trim Healthy Mama a few months ago for a week. I was totally committed that week and lost 5 pounds. Then I chatted with a friend who had lost weight through Trim Healthy Mama, and she said that it was hard to keep the weight off if you don’t stay on that way of wearing forever. I got discouraged and decided to just stop and see if the weight would stay off.

Amazingly, it stayed off…until Christmas. 🙂

We didn’t go crazy with treats, but we had a baking day with family like usual and by the time Christmas was over I had gained some of that weight back.

January 1st came, and I decided to really tackle this. It’s easy to use excuses, it’s a lot of hard work and takes a great deal of discipline and focus for me. If I don’t see results in 3 days I tend to just give up. That’s not how weight loss works!

So what am I doing exactly?

I’m not doing any one plan. I decided that Trim Healthy Mama is a wonderful plan, but long term it’s not for me. I’m using some of the concepts and recipes, and even some of their own line of products, but I’m not committed to just that way of eating.

So far I’ve found it works best to have a goal of eating great all week long, and then having a treat Friday night or on Saturday. I don’t want to become so extreme that I don’t enjoy relationships and date nights and time with friends. It’s been working well so far!

Here is what my meal plan has looked like this week.

2 eggs and turkey bacon

Smoothie made with greek yogurt, protein powder , mixed berries, collagen powder and sweetened with Gentle Sweet ( this is similar).

Peanut Butter Protein Shake

Salad with tuna or chicken on top. I get the large tub of organic salad mix from Costco and put carrots and shredded red cabbage on top, and peppers when I have them. I get my chicken breast from Zaycon and LOVE getting my chicken there! Lately I’ve cooked some chicken breast on a skillet with coconut oil and a meat seasoning from Costco. It’s super yummy!

I keep the cheese off of it and go light on the dressing.

If I don’t have a salad for lunch, I eat leftovers from dinner. Normally we don’t have any leftovers, but I have been making certain meals for myself, so I end up having some left.

Creamy Bacon Swiss Chicken  – My husband asked what he did to deserve this. LOL He loved it!

Burritos – I used a whole wheat wrap that was lower carb.

Sausage and cabbage – I cooked up sausage and roasted potatoes and mixed those together for my family. I held back some of the sausage and cooked cabbage in it for myself. It was delicious!

Brown rice, chicken and veggies

More salad with chicken on it!

Cheeseburger wrapped in lettuce (more info on this below!)

Apples and Peanut butter

Skinny Popcorn

Veggies (carrots and peppers)

Skinny chocolate – recipe found in the Trim Healthy Mama cookbook .

Cheese sticks

Failures for the week 

I didn’t make wise choices twice, Carrianna wanted to make cookies and I ended up eating cookie dough and a cookie. Bad choice! I love cookie dough. I’m just not strong enough yet to have them in the house.

Another night we had cheeseburgers at home. It was a fun night for the children, they had earned ice cream so I picked some up at the grocery store. I ended up eating tater tots and ice cream, when I told myself I shouldn’t!

Victories for the week 

We have chocolate chips in the freezer, and I see them constantly when I’m cooking. I’m not eating them though! I love chocolate, and grabbing a few chocolate chips was an easy treat, but I really wanted to break this habit.

Sean just got done making a Fitness Planner (it’s available on his Etsy store), and I love using this to track my progress! I took my initial measurements, and will be using this to track my exercises, food,  and the pounds I lose.

So far I’ve lost 4 pounds, which is encouraging!

Next week I’ll share with you what I’m doing for exercising!

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Caroline. If you are looking to lose weight please listen. Have you ever heard of T-Tapp? It’s a 15 minute workout a day and once you lose the weight you want, you only have to do it once to twice a week. You can do it from home if you order the videos, and their is also loads of youtube videos. Please try this, it works!!

My goodness you look mighty little to me now. You look great!

I love what you came up with for an eating plan. I have the THM books and while I know you can lose weight and be healthy on it, I just don’t want to commit to that way of eating forever. I also think it is one of those plans that if you don’t follow it all the time it can be self-sabotaging. I still have baby weight almost 19 months later that I need to do something about. I never had to work to lose it with my first 3, but I have dealt with injuries and even ankle surgery since this one and I am getting older 😉

As for the diastasis, have you ever heard of Fit2B? It is a diastasis-aware fitness program that helps women heal and strengthen the core in a way that is safe for people with abdominal trauma. I have loved it for teaching me to be more aware of my body, honoring to where my body is right now and awareness of how to made everyday movements safe for my body. I have struggled since my youngest was born and especially after surgery with feeling weak, but Fit2B has helped me to feel a lot stronger with gentle and safe exercise. I do hope to get back to running someday, though!

Keep up the good work! I also get Ezekiel bread from Costco for a low carb bread. We also eats lots of cottage cheese as a snack. I’ve got some baby weight to lose too!

Congrats on the weight loss. ? In the same boat as you after this fourth baby. I also have diastasis recti, but found some very helpful exercises on You Tube, under Carrie West Harper. It’s encouraging when you find a routine that works and you see results.

Thank you for sharing your story! Congratulations on your progress!!

I’ve struggled with my own weight ever since I got married and went from one plan to the next. I always felt deprived, tired, irritable and the cravings never went away. I’d lose a little weight initially, but could never stick with the plan long-term. I just didn’t feel good on any of them. The weight would slowly come back and so would the guilt.

I learned that we are all different, so one eating plan might work okay for one individual but not another. I follow the blood type diet and have seen such amazing results, not just with weight but overall health, that I’ll never look back. I’ve lost over thirty pounds, very easily, my cravings are gone, my sinus and allergy issues are gone, adrenals are healed and my skin has never looked better. It’s amazing!! We all think of a cucumber as a health food, for instance, but for me it’s not. I know I’m better off eating string beans instead because cucumbers are known to cause agglutination in your cells if you are a type O. Just one of many examples. The only thing I’ve ever paid for is the book, but much of the content is online. You read the list of foods you should buy at the store (there are hundreds of food items, so tons of options), purchase them and eat them. So easy and it doesn’t cost anything. I felt better by the second day and lost 9 pounds the first week. I highly, highly recommend it!! I can make cookies for church and not even want to taste the dough. It doesn’t even look good to me anymore. And I used to be horrible addicted to sugar! I also know what type of exercise works best for my body. It’s truly been life-changing. They’re are skeptics out there, but for me and countless others it’s the only thing that’s worked. The weight melts off and you feel like you aren’t even trying! The inflammation in your body goes away and your metabolism and system are restored. It’s the best and I’m so thankful for it! I sleep better, my concentration is great and my stress has gone done drastically. I only take a vitamin and probiotic that I purchase myself. You even know which medical conditions/diseases you are more susceptible to by your type and how to eat and live to prevent and treat them. My family and friends laughed at me and the plan at first. They thought the whole thing was ludicrous, but when they say how much better I felt and how much weight I lost, they were hooked! Now many of them follow it with awesome results of their own. There’s decades of research and studies behind it, and I’ve never felt better in my entire life. And I love that I can wear clothes three sizes smaller and have so much energy now that I no longer feel the need for a nap during the day. My digestion and immune system have never been better. My tummy is always flat and there’s never any bloating, so clothes always fit great. PMS is gone too. Amazing! For anyone interested, give it a try for just a week and judge for yourself! Theres also lots of recipes and groups on Facebook for lots of support. It’ll change your life!

I somewhat eat the Trim Healthy Mama plan too. I am not 100% either. My husband is trying to lose weight this year, and is trying to count calories. So, I’m trying to be more intent on cooking healthy, since he is on board, but it’s a little tricky to do some combination of calorie counting for him and THMish for me! Sounds like you are doing great this week!

Good for you. I hear a lot of myself in this post. I have tried so many things, but finally realized I needed to make my own plan; I can’t have anything off-limits and I need to be able to have a “fun” meal. I have lost 35 pounds it feels so amazing. I still can’t believe I did it. I have more to go, but I’m taking it slow and celebrating every tenth of a pound. Good luck!

Thank you for your openess! I am 2 months postpartum and with my previous 2 children the weight came off rather quickly. I gained 40lbs with this baby…mostly to excess amniotoc fluid. I lost all of it but 13 pounds that are hard to get off! I feel so encouraged by your journey also. Being a homeschool mom and a 2 month old I find it difficult to get workouts in. Hopefully things will settle down and i won’t be so tired to exercise!

I don’t think starting a postpartum weight loss program when your baby is 21 months old is too late at all. I just got serious about losing the weight from my 10 pregnancies and my baby is 21 YEARS old! I have lost 18 pounds in 3 months and only have 32 to go to meet my goal. 🙂

Have you tried Nutrisystem? I talked hubby into it and he finally agreed this New Year! So exciting when all the meals and snacks arrive in the mail! You get to eat 6 times a day–yay! My kids and I are so jealous of all his yummy food LOL. I am trying to implement the structure and plan of the Nutrisystem program for myself and the kids…it’s good science and good stuff?.

P.s. Lol about the pregnancy comment…I am sure you don’t look it, the girl’s mom probably told her to ask because she was curious about when your next one would be coming along!!

I clicked on the recipe for the creamy bacon recipe and there was something wrong with the link, could you repost the link? Thank you

That’s me and pizza – I simply cannot have it. I eat too much.

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Smiling woman lunging while holding her baby trying to lose weight after pregnancy

Weight Loss After Birth: Gentle and Effective Strategies

JB Giving Birth , Postpartum , Women's Health

Becoming a mother is a joyous and life-changing experience, but it also brings along changes to your body. Many new moms find themselves eager to shed the extra pounds gained during pregnancy. However, it’s crucial to approach postpartum weight loss with patience and a focus on both your well-being and your baby’s needs. CMC Women’s Health has some easy and doable ways to lose weight after pregnancy.

Do I need to diet?

The problem with the word ‘dieting’ is that it generally implies you need to restrict or eliminate certain foods in order to lose weight, which isn’t the case. Not only is dieting not required for weight loss, diets often reduce the amount of important nutrients, vitamins and minerals you’re getting. That can affect your postpartum recovery and energy levels as well as the quantity and quality of your breast milk.

Additionally, many weight-loss plans are designed to help you lose weight after pregnancy really fast — which can be dangerous. The weight you lose immediately after delivery is normal and you can expect to lose a few more pounds the week following delivery. After that, though, losing weight should be a slow, steady process. Rapid weight loss after pregnancy (losing more than two pounds per week) isn’t healthy.  You want to eventually lose the extra weight gained during pregnancy, but this isn’t a process that should be rushed or forced.

What Are Some Healthy Ways to Lose Weight After Pregnancy?

Here are CMC Women’s Health’s tips for losing baby weight the safe and healthy way:

1. Prioritize Nutrition:

Nutrition is a cornerstone of postpartum weight loss. Focus on balanced meals that include a variety of whole foods such as lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. While it can be tempting to drastically cut calories, remember that your body needs nourishment to recover and support breastfeeding if you’re nursing. Aim for steady, gradual weight loss by eating the right things and the right portions.

2. Stay Hydrated:

Drinking water is essential for overall health and can aid in weight loss. Water helps boost your metabolism, curb hunger, and maintain optimal bodily functions. Keep a water bottle handy and sip throughout the day. Breastfeeding mothers, in particular, require extra fluids to support milk production.

3. Get Moving Gradually:

Physical activity plays a significant role in postpartum weight loss, but it’s important to start slowly and listen to your body. Begin with gentle exercises such as walking or postnatal yoga. As you regain strength, gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Consult your healthcare provider before starting any exercise routine, especially if you had a cesarean section.

4. Prioritize Sleep:

Quality sleep can influence weight loss and overall well-being. As a new mom, sleep might be challenging to come by, but try to rest whenever your baby sleeps. Adequate sleep helps regulate hormones that impact hunger and appetite, making it easier to manage your eating habits.

5. Snack Smart:

Opt for nutrient-dense snacks that provide sustained energy and curb cravings. Combine protein and fiber-rich foods to keep you feeling full longer. Examples include Greek yogurt with fruit, hummus and veggies, or a handful of nuts.  Check out moreof our other nutritious snacks and tips HERE.

6. Practice Mindful Eating:

Pay attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Mindful eating involves savoring each bite, eating slowly, and stopping when you feel satisfied, rather than overly full. This practice can prevent overeating and promote a healthier relationship with food.

7. Include Baby in Your Routine:

Incorporate your baby into your fitness routine with activities like stroller walks or gentle postnatal exercises you can do together. This not only helps you stay active but also provides bonding time.

Lose Weight After Birth_443502979

8. Be Patient and Kind to Yourself:

Remember that your body just went through a remarkable transformation, and it’s natural for it to take time to adjust. Be patient with yourself and celebrate every small victory. Focus on progress rather than perfection.

9. Consult Your Healthcare Professionals:

Before making any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine, consult your healthcare provider(s). Your primary care and Women’s Health providers can offer personalized guidance based on your health history, postpartum recovery, and whether you’re breastfeeding.

Your Journey is Uniquely Yours

Everyone is an individual, and while it is easy to compare our postpartum weight loss journey with others, it is important to remember that everyone’s weight loss journey will be different. There are many factors that impact postpartum weight loss. From the obvious factors like sleep, nutrition, and exercise, to psychosocial factors like postpartum depression and anxiety. Demographic and lifestyle factors also have an impact, from access to childcare, partner support, and economic factors.

Postpartum weight loss is a gradual process that requires a balanced approach to nutrition, exercise, and self-care. By prioritizing your well-being, being patient with your progress, and incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine, you can achieve your weight loss goals while still giving yourself and your baby the care you both need.

Exceptional Care and Compassion at CMC Women’s Health

Profound changes mark the journey of motherhood, each with its unique challenges and joys. As weight loss after pregnancy becomes a focal point for many, it’s paramount to prioritize your personal health and well-being. At CMC Women’s Health , we understand the intricacies of postpartum recovery and the concerns mothers face. If you’re seeking expert advice or have questions about your journey, we are here for our new moms. This is the beginning of a wonderful journey, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you. Let’s find the easiest and safest route and take you there. For all your postpartum concerns, please do not hesitate to call   843-347-7216.

All content of this article is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult a medical professional before adopting any of the suggestions on this page. You must never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment based on any content of this article.

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Postpartum weight loss: Essential things you need to know

We're here to support you on your path to postpartum wellness.

Postpartum Weight Loss: How to Approach It Safely | Juniper

Embarking on the journey of postpartum weight loss can be both exciting and challenging for new mums. It's a time filled with changes, both in your body and your daily routine.

We've put together everything you need to know about approaching postpartum weight loss in a healthy, sustainable, and realistic way . From setting achievable goals to making mindful choices about nutrition and exercise, we're here to support you on your path to postpartum wellness.

How long does it take to lose weight postpartum?

First of all, it's important to realise that losing weight after having a baby will be a gradual process, and it's important to be patient and kind to yourself. How long it takes to lose weight postpartum will be different for everyone and there's no golden rule for a postpartum weight loss timeline, but there are some general numbers we can let you in on.

Some studies suggest that most new mums take around 6 months to lose baby weight, losing about a pound per week on average [1]. In the first 6 weeks after delivery, you might notice that about half of the weight gained during pregnancy naturally comes off. The rest will continue to come off slowly over the next several months [2].

Plus, if you do decide to breastfeed, you may notice increased postpartum weight loss. That's because the process of breastfeeding burns extra calories [3]. But remember to avoid the temptation of seeking out rapid weight loss, as it can hinder your recovery, and if you're breastfeeding, it might affect your milk supply.

Each person's journey is unique, and setting realistic weight loss goals is essential. Extreme diets or cutting out important foods isn't recommended (or a sustainable way to lose weight). Instead, focus on nourishing your body with a healthy diet, especially during this postpartum period.

And don't forget to eat regular, balanced meals because skipping meals can lead to fatigue and mood swings, making it harder to stay active or exercise . Ultimately, taking care of yourself and your baby is the top priority, and taking the weight loss journey at your own pace is okay.

Why is postpartum weight hard to lose?

Losing weight after having a baby can be tricky, and there are several reasons for that. First, there are the hormonal changes that happen during and after pregnancy. They can change your metabolism and mood and can make shedding those extra pounds a bit tougher, leading to postpartum weight retention [4].

Plus, let's not forget the sleep struggle. New mums often don't get enough sleep, making it harder to find the energy to be active or exercise.

It's important to consume more calories while breastfeeding. This may sound like it will lead to weight gain, but breastfeeding can actually help you lose weight by burning those extra calories . But remember, if you don't eat enough, it might affect your breast milk supply.

The bottom line is that losing weight after giving birth is gradual. You've got to be patient with yourself and understand that your body probably won't snap back to its pre-baby weight instantly. Set realistic weight loss goals, eat a balanced diet, make time for some exercise, and don't forget to eat regularly.

Your body has just been through an incredible journey and bringing new life into the world is a big achievement. So make sure to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate all your body has done for you (and your baby), rather than punishing yourself for not instantly snapping back to your pre-pregnancy weight.

When can I start exercising after birth?

When it comes to jumping back into exercise after giving birth, the timing isn't one-size-fits-all. It depends on how your delivery went and if there were any complications. Here's what you should know.

If you had a C-section, extensive vaginal repair, or a complicated birth, it's crucial to chat with your healthcare provider before you lace up those sneakers. They can guide you on when it's safe to start an exercise routine.

For most new mums, it's a good idea to wait until after your 6-week postnatal checkup before diving into high-impact exercises like aerobics or running. This gives your body some extra time to heal.

If you had a relatively smooth pregnancy and delivered vaginally without any issues, you can usually start exercising a few days after giving birth, or whenever you feel up to it [5]. Here's a breakdown of a timeline most women can expect when getting back to their exercise routine [6]:

  • In weeks 7-12 of postpartum recovery, getting medical clearance and gradually incorporating strength, endurance, and power training is important to prepare for higher-impact exercises. This time should be focused on weight management, recovery, and slowly regaining feelings of strength.
  • Around the 8-10-week mark, you can consider adding impact exercises carefully. Muscular strength tasks like 8-12 repetitions with weights, including exercises like squats and calf raises, are suitable. Aim for 30 minutes of asymptomatic walking to boost endurance.
  • Beyond week 12, you can return to full activity, including running or sports. Consider a running-specific medical interview to create a tailored running plan aligned with your health goals.
  • Experts suggest that all women, within the first 24 hours of giving birth, can restart Kegel exercises and take a 30-minute daily walk if they feel up to it. These are great for strengthening your pelvic floor muscles.

When you're ready to get back into more intense exercise, start with postpartum exercises designed to strengthen your core and pelvic floor muscles. Gradually increase the intensity and duration over time.

Tips for approaching postpartum weight loss

While it's important to remember that this time of your life should be filled with self-care and bonding with your baby, it's also natural to want to take steps toward regaining your pre-pregnancy weight, fitness, and health. Here are some tips for approaching your postpartum weight loss journey.

  • First things first, set realistic goals that make sense for your postpartum journey. Losing weight after having a baby isn't a race. It's a gradual process that takes time and patience. Don't stress about eliminating certain foods or going on extreme diets.
  • Your diet plays a big role. Nourish your body with a well-balanced diet and healthy foods. Think healthy proteins, whole grains, fruits, and veggies. These foods will give you the energy you need and provide important postpartum nutrients.
  • Keep an eye on those portion sizes. Eating smaller, more frequent meals during the day can help you feel full and avoid overeating. It's all about finding a balance.
  • When it comes to exercise, start slow with low-impact activities like walking or simple postpartum exercises that strengthen your core and pelvic floor muscles. Gradually increase the intensity and duration over time. Remember, you've just been through a lot, so be gentle with yourself and exercise wisely.
  • Sleep is your friend. Lack of sleep can leave you feeling tired and less motivated to stay active. So, try to get as much rest as you can, and sneak in naps whenever possible.
  • Be patient with yourself . Postpartum weight loss is a journey, and it's different for everyone. Your timeline is unique, so don't compare it to others.

In a nutshell, approaching postpartum weight loss is about balancing healthy eating, exercise, and self-care. Keep those goals realistic, eat well, move your body in a way that feels right for you, and don't forget to catch some z's. And most importantly, be kind to yourself throughout the process.

Ready to take the next step in your postpartum weight loss journey or feel like you need an extra helping hand? Juniper’s Weight Reset Programme provides a holistic approach to lasting change. Join a supportive community of like-minded women, access science-backed medications, healthcare professionals, and dietitians to tailor-make a weight loss program just for you. Your path to a healthier you starts here.

Photo credit: Sarah Chai / Pexels

Reach your weight loss goals


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Postpartum weight loss success Baylie Wallahan

Postpartum Weight Loss Timeline – Baylie Wallahan

With a lot of hard work and dedication, over the course of 1 year, baylie made an incredible 60 pound postpartum weight loss transformation.

Postpartum weight loss before and after

“I lost over 60 pounds!  A lot has changed over time with my fitness in so many ways! I can run without having to stop completely to catch my breath, I can actually do more pushups than I thought I could ever do, I am more flexible and my energy levels have improved drastically. Most importantly I can keep up with my toddler! “

Postpartum weight loss plan after photo 60 poound weight loss.

“If you are like me and are someone who doesn’t know where to start in the gym and need someone to tell you what workouts to do, what to eat and how much. I can’t recommend Julie enough! This was a really easy process to start! “


Baylie Wallahan Kelseyville, California


I am a military spouse and a mom of a toddler.


During my pregnancy I gained 80 lbs. I was considered a high risk pregnancy. I was always told after giving birth that the weight would fall off but that wasn’t the case for me. After going through PPD and going through a very long deployment, I wasn’t in the best mental state. I was more depressed than I had ever been in my life. I still carried all of my weight I had gained and was not able to lose it. I had often found myself feeling like I didn’t belong in my body. I wasn’t comfortable still weighing the heaviest I had ever been and knew I needed to make a postpartum weight loss plan.

My husband was working with his own personal trainer at the time and he offered to help me find a trainer who could help me and guide me in my own journey. That’s when I found Online Personal Trainer , Julie Lohre!


My progress has been soooo amazing! It has taken a year in total, but I have lost over 60 pounds!  A lot has changed over time with my fitness in so many ways! I can run without having to stop completely to catch my breath, I can actually do more pushups than I thought I could ever do, I am more flexible and my energy levels have improved drastically. Most importantly I can keep up with my toddler! 

Total Postpartum Weight Loss Timeline:

Starting weight: 225 (July 5) Ending weight: 165 (June 30) Lost 60 pounds 10 inches off her chest 7 inches off her waist 8 inches off her hips 3 inches off each thigh & calf


Baylie’s cardio endurance significantly improved during postpartum weight loss plan with her mile run going from 15:38 to start. At the end, she could run that same mile in just 10 minutes!

Increase pushup strength from 3 to 22!!! Increased flexibility by 8 inches and long jump by 9 inches as well!

my postpartum weight loss journey

Should You Hire An Online Fitness Coach To Help With Your Weight Loss Transformation?   Find Out If It Is Right For You!


I was doing my research on personal trainers and Julie Lohre was the very first trainer I found online!  I love that she works exclusively with women and has a great postpartum weight loss plan.


I’ve always been someone who would find interests and find new hobbies but I would find myself phasing out or losing that interest because I wasn’t dedicated to it. I didn’t think I would find myself being so dedicated to my fitness journey but I did! I stayed dedicated and with that I found progress and rewards. I exceeded even my own expectations with my postpartum weight loss! I soon discovered that fitness did not become my hobby anymore, over the last year it became something more important in my life! The challenge I had faced in my postpartum weight loss journey was while I discovered how important it is to have desire and dedication. 


I really didn’t see myself as the kind of person who could be trained. My concerns were only coming from my own self doubt. Wondering would I be good at this? What if I failed? What if this is too hard? Finding a trainer who worked with women was important to me. Discovering that Julie Lohre was a woman who helped women in her online coaching program , I felt more comfortable with opening myself up with her and letting her into my life as a guide and someone I can look up to. After reading other women’s stories and testimonials and with the amazing support of my husband I gave this a shot!

Postpartum weight loss timeline


I feel happy and empowered! After suffering from my mental health for so long, exercising and eating right really changed my life. Giving my body the healthy foods it needed made me feel good inside! I feel like a whole new and better version of myself!


Beverly International Ultimate Muscle Protein Beverly International Lean Out


The best part about working with Julie on my postpartum weight loss plan is that she is incredibly kind, she was always there answering the questions I had, and she made sure I was comfortable with the workouts and accommodated me. Julie will hold you accountable!!!


Lastly, I wanted to talk about how easy this process was! Everything in the programs Julie Lohre created for me were easy to navigate and understand. If you are like me and are someone who doesn’t know where to start in the gym and need someone to tell you what workouts to do, what to eat and how much. I can’t recommend Julie enough! This was a really easy process to start… and follow through with!!

Postpartum weight loss timeline

“I can’t believe how easy this process was! Everything in the programs Julie created for me was easy to navigate and understand. If you are like me and are someone who doesn’t know where to start in the gym and need someone to tell you what workouts to do, what to eat and how much. I can’t recommend Julie enough! This was a really easy process to start! “

Are you a women ready to make your own postpartum weight loss transformation? Let’s get started NOW!

Online Personal Trainer for Women

What to expect with your Postpartum Weight Loss Timeline

Julie Lohre – Women’s Fitness Expert

If you have recently given birth or you are pregnant now and preparing for what is to come post-pregnancy, this postpartum weight loss timeline can help you understand what to expect.

Postpartum Weight Loss Timeline – Birth to 2 weeks postpartum

Congratulations!!! If you have just had your baby, then you are in for the journey of your life. Your body has been through quite an ordeal. For me personally my labor lasted about 15 hours and went from 5 pm on October 21st until I had my son on October 22nd at 8:59. I choose natural childbirth and to say that I was exhausted afterwards would be an understatement. Of course, I was thrilled to have my son, but my first thought really was Thank Goodness That is Over 🙁 You are going to need time to rest and recover. Depending on how your labor went, you may be in the hospital for another day for an uncomplicated delivery to much longer if there were complications.

In the first week postpartum, expect to lose about 10 pounds between your actual baby’s weight, amniotic fluid, afterbirth, and water retention. As you move into the second week postpartum, you may continue to see modest weight drops. Most ob/gyn’s do not recommend exercise during this period aside from pelvic floor exercises and walking.

Postpartum Weight Loss Timeline – 2 to 6 weeks postpartum

Most women gain between 25-35 pounds during their 9 months of pregnancy. That said, for many women with complications and extenuating circumstances, their pregnancy weight gain can be as much as 80, 90, or even 100 pounds. If you were able to stay in the 30 pound weight gain with your pregnancy, then you can can assume that during those first 6 weeks, you will lose about half of what you gained, so roughly 15 pounds. If you gained significantly more and had a lot of water retention then you may lose a bit more than that. However, weight loss happens at different rates for each woman. Don’t worry if your weight loss is slower, as long as you are moving in the right direction as you work to return to a healthy weight for your height.

During these weeks, focus on getting as much sleep and rest as possible, but also moving if your doctor is ok with that. You won’t want to do hard-core workouts, but most women can begin walking long distances. Your best bet is to focus on two things… making healthy food choices and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Postpartum Weight Loss Timeline – 6 weeks – 3 Months Postpartum

The 6 week mark postpartum is when most women are released by their ob/gyn to begin an exercise regiment and to start working out again. Yeah! Exercise like strength training and cardio is going to do a number of really great things for your body and your mind.

  • Exercise helps strengthen and tone abdominal muscles.
  • It boosts energy.
  • It may help prevent postpartum depression.
  • It promotes better sleep.
  • It relieves stress.
  • It can help you lose the extra weight that you may have gained during pregnancy.

Take things slowly though as you return to exercise and be sure to listen to your body. It is going to take some time to get totally back to your old strength. This is the point where reaching out to an online personal trainer that specializes in women and postpartum weight loss is key.

Postpartum Weight Loss Timeline – 3-6 Months Postpartum

Once you are in the 3 to 6 month postpartum period you will start to notice that your body is beginning to ease back into your previous shape IF you have been following a reasonable nutrition plan and you have been working out. It definitely takes consistency and serious effort, but many women can return to their pre-pregnancy weight by 6 months postpartum. For other women though, especially if you gained more than 50 pounds with pregnancy, the process can take the better part of a year or even 2. Don’t get discouraged! As your baby grows you have the ability to get back to where you would like to be.

Assuming that you are cleared by your doctor for training, I typically recommend women workout 4-5 times per week for 30-45 mins each session. This can be difficult with a new baby, but it is so important that you make the time to take care of yourself so that you can be the best YOU possible for your growing family.

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My post-partum weight loss journey

my postpartum weight loss journey

I always find it quite funny when people assume that because I’m in the fitness and wellness industry, my pregnancy weight just dropped off me after having my daughter, Bella.

The truth is, there were no shortcuts for me either and it took at least a year for me to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. In my first trimester, I only gained 1-2kg. In my second trimester I gained 8kg and in my last trimester I ballooned a little and gained 10-11kg, to make a total of 20kg!

My gynaecologist wasn’t thrilled with the amount of weight I picked up, however, I was at a low weight when I fell pregnant and I wasn’t expecting to fall pregnant in the first place. So, in my opinion, I needed to gain around 5kg just to be at the optimal weight to carry a healthy baby. This meant that ‘technically’ in my mind I only gained around 15kg. Still, it took me a while to lose the weight I had picked up – and that’s okay.

ALSO SEE: How to lose weight and stay healthy with my liver cleanse 

Slow and steady 

Although I started exercising at the six-week mark (as soon as I got the all-clear from my doctor), it took a full year for me to lose the baby weight and to just feel myself again. I just couldn’t lose weight while I was breastfeeding.

For me, it was a complete myth that the weight would just drop off as soon as I started breastfeeding. In fact, it was the opposite! My body seemed to hold onto any excess fat – to ensure I had enough breastmilk etc. I made peace with that and just kept telling myself that I would continue to eat well and exercise moderately throughout my breastfeeding journey. In my opinion, nourishing my baby was more important than my waistline at the time.

When I was six-weeks postpartum, I went for my first 5km run, but took it very easy because I had a scare at the four-week mark. I was quite busy at home, working a little, cooking, breastfeeding and moving around a lot- and one morning I woke up in a lot of pain and couldn’t stand up properly. The doctor warned me to back off and just rest for a day or two, to reduce the risk of my internal stitches splitting. I listened and therefore felt fine at six weeks, but I still eased back slowly into exercise.

I started with slow runs and light weight training (upper and lower body) – I was just careful with some moves like squatting – and I avoided too many chest exercises, as my breasts were still very tender. I gradually increased the intensity of each exercise by around 10% each week to make sure I didn’t get injured. I also went to Bodytec (which uses electro stimulation to contract your muscles). This helped hugely with building strength and activating my muscles – as I couldn’t do much throughout my pregnancy.

My weight-loss secret - rebounding!

I found running to be quite painful and difficult after giving birth because of the extra weight I was carrying, and so I started to get more serious about rebounding, when Bella was around 5-6 months old. I can honestly say that it totally transformed my mind and body!

  • It boosts your mood (you can’t help but smile when you bounce)
  • It increases blood circulation which is great for breastfeeding
  • It helps the body heal from within.
  • Its low impact, which makes it easier on the joints and muscles
  • It’s 100% safe to do after birth (once you’ve been given the all-clear by your doctor)
  • It strengthens your core like no other exercise out there.
  • It burns fat, builds muscle and burns plenty of calories – all at once.

With each bounce, the internal organs and muscles contract, much like a Kegel exercise, so it helps to strengthen the core like no other exercise out there. It’s also great for stabilising the pelvic floor – which takes time to heal after having a child.

At this time, I also started my rebounding business because I just couldn’t believe what the exercise modality had done for me and I wanted to share it with other moms. In my opinion, rebounding was the ONE thing that totally transformed my body.

Not only did it help me burn fat and calories, it helped me to lose my water weight, boost circulation and promote lymph drainage, which, in turn helped with cellulite and toning. Lymph requires peristaltic movement to flow through the body – and bouncing on a trampoline accelerates this process, hence it’s incredible detoxing benefits!

Even to this day, I can give two rebounding classes a day and I feel invigorated rather than depleted. It’s a miracle exercise- especially for moms!

Click here to find out more about my Rebounder and various at-home accessories.  

Some of my challenges

As I mentioned above, it was very difficult for me to lose weight while breastfeeding. And it was only after Bella was a year old, and I weaned her off the breast, that I started to see results and my body resume to normal. Sleep deprivation was always a major challenge for me as some days I was just too tired to prepare a healthy lunch or fit in an exercise session. But When Bella was around six months old, we did a gentle form of sleep training with her and it was a game changer!

Suddenly, she was sleeping for longer stretches at night and wasn’t breastfeeding so much on demand. As a result, I got more sleep and felt more rested. I started upping the ante on my training and had the energy and motivation to be stricter with my diet. More sleep for me also meant that my hormones started to settle -my cortisol and adrenaline levels started to stabilise and my anxiety eased too.

At this time, I lost around 3kg but nothing too drastic. My key message? Moms, it’s important to love yourself and be kind to yourself after giving birth. It’s a life-changing process both emotionally and physically and it’s okay to take time to lose your baby weight. Your beautiful body carried and nourished a baby and deserves all the praise for that. When you are ready to start losing the excess weight you might be carrying.

Here are some of my go-to tips:

  • Stick to a healthy diet and ease into exercise. Looking after your health isn’t a race, it’s a journey.
  • Be kind to yourself and practice self-care. If you’ve had a sweat-busting workout, reward yourself with a long, warm bath or a new nail polish. Avoid rewarding yourself with food.
  • Get checked. It’s a good idea to have a few basic blood tests to ensure you’re not deficient in anything. And if you can, have your hormones checked too. Sometimes hormone imbalances can prevent weight loss.
  • Stick to a moderate exercise regime most days of the week. Too much exercise, such as long distance running or intense HIIT workouts more than three times a week can wreak havoc with your hormones and raise cortisol levels or affect your milk supply.
  • Also, when it comes to exercise, a balance between cardio, weight training and rebounding is the best way to lose body fat and burn calories.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and veggies, as well as slow-releasing carbohydrates and foods rich in fibre. This will help to keep cravings at bay. I start my day with a fresh veggie juice – and it keeps me fuller for longer.
  • Sleep and rest as much as you can. If this means asking for more help with your little one, then don’t feel bad.
  • Drink more water – this is my number one weight loss tip and something I always stick to.
  • Ditch the mom guilt. A healthy, happy mom means a healthy, happy family.
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my postpartum weight loss journey

Baggage: My Postpartum Weight Loss Journey

Those Heavenly Days

In the seven months since Joshua Jr was born I have managed to slowly but surely drop my pregnancy weight with only 10 pounds left to lose. I gained almost 50 pounds during my pregnancy and I’m not gonna lie, I had moments of sheer panic that I’d never be able to lose it all. I had hoped to only gain 25-30 pounds like my mother during her pregnancies but found that just wasn’t possible for me. Despite starting my gestation out on a pregnancy friendly meal plan and hiking my butt off 5 days a week my weight kept creeping up. At a certain point, probably around 4 months I gave up the struggle and tried instead to respect my body’s needs and trust my instincts. About ten days after Joshua Jr’s birth I got back on the scale to see where I was at and how far I had to go.

I had miraculously dropped about 30 of the 50 pounds. I remember being absolutely dumbfounded and weighing myself two more times to be sure the scale was correct. A few days after that I headed into the doctors for my two week checkup and their scale said the same thing. I had dropped 30 pounds without batting an eye. I kept asking how that could be possible and my doctor just shrugged and said after the 10-15 pounds of baby, placenta, blood and amniotic fluid weight you typically drop post birth the rest must have been excessive water retention. Which made some sense since by the end of my pregnancy my feet had swollen to the size of cantaloupes! The rest of the weight however has not disappeared quite so magically.

Day of birth. I had Josh take a few pics of my giant belly right before I headed to the hospital to deliver Joshua Jr.

We’ve all heard about the gals who tone up and get right back into their skinny jeans weeks after their babies birth but this was not me, nor was I trying for it to be. I have only lost 10 pounds since that first initial drop but that’s ok because I decided from the start that I was going to lovingly but patiently reclaim my pre baby body, and forgive the glorious imperfections that would forever grace my new post baby body. Like the caesarean scar that everyone said would be practically unnoticeable but in my case stretches almost hip to hip. Every once in awhile I look at the scar and wish I could do something to minimize it, then I think to myself that it’s actually kind of a beautiful reminder. This attitude of forgiveness and gentleness is the spirit with which I have embarked on my weight loss journey and it’s made all the difference in the world.

The years of deprivation, counting every single calorie, completely eliminating major food groups and setting unreasonable weight goals are over. None of those things ever really worked for me and only fostered an unhealthy, resentful relationship with my body, an attitude that I do not want to pass on to my daughters. There was something about my pregnancy and post pregnancy body that instilled a sense of body pride in me and a freedom from body shaming that has been such a persistent part of my life for so long. It was the most natural and healthy thing in the world to put on weight during my pregnancy and allowing my body to shed it slowly, gracefully and healthfully feels…good.

Two months after birth. I finally felt up to getting some hikes in twice a week.

Low calorie meals are an important part of losing weight for me. I don’t burn a tremendous amount of calories a week because I’m not into those high impact cardio or weight training classes. So I have to be somewhat mindful of what and how much I’m eating. Again, I don’t go crazy obsessing over it, especially because I was breastfeeding and had to maintain a higher calorie count than I normally would when trying to lose weight to keep my supply up. However that didn’t mean I completely let myself off the hook and gorged on burgers and fries everyday (like I wanted to) but instead made sure I was eating wholesome, nutritious meals with calories that came from healthy ingredients. When I’m working and actively trying to maintain my on screen weight I have the blessing and benefit of healthy, diet meals delivered fresh daily to my front door. However, while I’m off work and home in Utah I have no such luxury and am forced to figure it out for myself while still preparing foods that my family will enjoy.

EatingWell has become one of my favorite go to healthy meal planning sites. They have tons of delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes and each includes all the nutritional info you need to determine your perfect daily calorie intake whether you’re breast feeding or not. They even have weekly meal plans tailored to several different calorie goals. For the sake of ease I’ve been gravitating towards their recipes for overnight oats and smoothies for breakfast and simple soups for lunch. Though they have awesome dinner recipes, I’ve been trying out Hello Fresh , a food delivery service that drops off a box of ingredients and recipes once a week for fresh, healthy meals you can cook in about 30-45 minutes. It saves me meal planning and grocery shopping which is kinda great and they have several different meal options like Fit for those of us looking for lower calorie dinners. So far I’ve really loved it and the food is pretty good. It always takes me longer to prep and prepare than they promise on the recipe card but that could just be me and my OCD style of cooking.

By assembling about four or five overnight oats, throwing together three or so soups at once and making sure my freezer is stocked with frozen fruit I’m able to make my healthy low cal eating relatively painless and easy. Which is kinda exactly what I need it to be if I’m going to stick with it and shed those last 15 pounds!

Some Of My favorite Eating Well Oats Recipes

  • Creamy Blueberry-Pecan Overnight Oatmeal
  • Fig & Ricotta Oatmeal
  • Raspberry Overnight Muesli
  • Creamy Cherry-Walnut Oatmeal

And Smoothie Recipes

  • Raspberry-Peach-Mango Smoothie Bowl
  • Almond Butter & Banana Protein Smoothie
  • Blueberry-Peach Pie Smoothie
  • Jason Mraz’s Avocado Green Smoothie

And Soup Recipes

  • Creamy Cucumber Soup
  • Yellow Gazpacho
  • Garden-Fresh Asparagus Soup
  • Double Celery Soup

Six months after birth. Feeling pretty good about the progress I'm making but still have a little ways to go to get to my ideal weight.

My best weight loss advice is to start every morning by saying out loud a positive mantra of your choice about your body. Mine is “I am easily, with good health, inspiration, grace and gratitude losing weight faster than I can even imagine with harm to none.” Then I say my gratefuls. Thanking my body for it’s perfect health, strength, limberness, vibrancy, youthfulness and beauty. Whether I always believe these things about myself and my body or not, I say them. By saying them out loud with love and gratitude I have found that I not only start to believe them, but my body exhibits what I say and believe. The more I complain about my back hurting, my weight gain, my stiff neck, my sore feet, my ugly thighs, the more those things exhibit themselves. Positive intentions and mantras aren’t magic however. I still have to do the work to achieve the health and vibrancy I desire so once I finish with my positive intentions I set about preparing and eating food that doesn’t have a lot of extra calories or bad fats. I devote no less than 3 days a week to exercise that suits my body type, like yoga and long hikes and I get PLENTY of sleep. At least eight hours a night. Yeah I realize that’s a little hard to believe with a 6 month old and all but it’s the truth. That baby has been sleeping through the night since he was almost three months old, yes I’m bragging but I can’t help myself! I’ll get into how we managed to accomplish that in another post but for now suffice to say that’s it’s 1/3 routine and ritual, 1/3 the baby’s temperament and 1/3 dumb luck.

Anyway, back to my weight loss theories. The difference I’ve found in doing the work with a loving and positive attitude versus an anxious, frustrated and negative one is that the weight really does seem to just fall away with less struggle. There’s an ease to it all that never existed before and instead of weight loss being a terrible, frustrating burden and battle it’s become more of a lifestyle of healthy choices I make to show my body the love it deserves. Now that is an attitude I do want to pass onto my kids!

my postpartum weight loss journey

Katherine Heigl

I’m thrilled to share with you all of the things that inspire me, give me purpose, and bring beauty, peace and gratitude to my life. My blog represents my thoughts, interests and hobbies. I hope my ideas speak to you and inspire you the way countless others have done for me.

Spring Has Sprung, The Grass Has Riz, I Wonder Where The Flowers Is

Spring Has Sprung, The Grass Has Riz, I Wonder Where The Flowers Is

Katherine Heigl Holding Chicks

Resetting The Compass


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Hi Katherine. First of all , you look stunning. No I’m not just saying that but it is true although you might see it differently. I don’t like myself either when I look in the mirror, I also need to lose weight ( not baby weight) but also not easy. I will in a moment take a look at those recipes and see if it’s something I can maybe use also. About that scar. Isn’t there a cream for scars. I know here in the Netherlands we have one especially made for scars, made by a plastic surgeon, and it works pretty good. Good luck with the last 10 punds, you can do it. Hugs from the Netherlands. xoxox

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I love the positive attitude ideas. It is so true how having positive thoughts change, not only weight loss, but other aspects of ones life. This was the best post (I have read) yet! Thank you for your time in sharing.

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Thank you for your weight loss post. I am not losing baby fat. Just trying to lose. I have 10 more pounds to go and by eating healthy , swimming and cycling the weight has been coming off easily. It’s a new freedom that I will never give up. Thank you for the recipes !

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well you look stunning after getting back to your PP weight, but everyone dont have enough motivation to hang crooks, this was so disappointing to not lose for months but things finally get toned up, the same happened to me and I found an herbal tonic “mummy magic weight loss tea” of secrets of tea which really turned as life save for me and I lost almost all of my pregnancy weight, what a win.,

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This is what I needed to read today. From one Katherine to another! I’ve done so well on my post partum weight loss journey but the last week have found myself with negative resentful ‘I’ll never do it what’s the point’ type thoughts. I will absolutely change this mindset and give gratitude out into the universe for my amazing body and its gift of life in my son. I will be thankful for its shape, power, imperfections and stories it can tell. I too want to be s good example for my children – and I shall!

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I happily stumbled upon this blog a few months ago and subscribed- if your ambition is to share body positivity, remind people to live in the moment and encourage healthy, happy life choices then you’re definitely achieving it! It’s inspiring me in my daily life in London, UK.

(p.s – mega happy to hear that I’m not the only one who takes an age to get a Hello Fresh meal on the table!)

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Wow you look amazing❣️ As always great blog❤️ Love how you take care of your family but most of all how you are taking the time for yourself❤️❤️ This latest blog is really going to help me I had 3 daughters 30,27 & 26 each time I shredded off the weight but when I hit 45 the weight kept creeping up & couldn’t seem to ever lose weight just put it on it turn out my thyroid stopped working right! Much to my dismay the medication alone hasn’t helped take off the weight Getting depressed & tired from draw saying read this book or this website on how to lose weight & diet Grr no help at all! Then following you on Facebook & then you started #thoseheavenlydays Well in short you are my hero Katie❣️❣️You have helped me so much❣️ A big thank you❣️❣️ Can’t wait to try the cream of cucumber soup P.S. could zipper up a pair of skinny jean with out holding my breath lol lol ❤️❤️ Oh one last thing I still think you should write a cookbook but even beyond that a whole series(lifestyle,interior design,DIY,etc..). Much ❤️ always Lynda

Dr. not draw stupid I phone

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you’re more beautiful when pregnant! gave birth to a very cute and handsome baby <3 May your life be surrounded with happiness, blessed with love and filled with laughter! Love and adore you my Idol <3

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You look amazing! I love reading your blogs. You’re an inspiration to everyone. Thank you

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I really like the tone you have chosen to take on this blog. There’s no hiding that your goal weight in real life is different then your on-camera weight. And I like that you acknowledge that your baby sleeping through night involves luck. Everything feels very realistic and I think that’s hard to achieve on a celebrity blog, so congrats. I’m 4 month post-partum and just starting to figure out how exercise will fit into this new life that still involves getting up once or twice at night, day care drop offs, washing bottles after work…and being productive at work when I’m dead tired. Exercise and eating healthy was always a part of my pre-baby identity and I look forward to figuring out how to reconnect with that and tailor it to my new identity, post-baby. Meal planning used to be one of my favorite things to do and now it’s like- whatever we have will do, which usually leads to bad choices. Thanks for sharing the meal planning website.

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Katherine, I have followed you as an actor forever and have always loved your spirit but since you started your blog and I’ve been able to get to know you a little better, my admiration and love for you has grown. Your approach to your weightloss is so gentle and kind…as it should be. You inspire women to love themselves as they are and be grateful for what they have and to learn to appreciate life as it evolves. That is how I try to live my life but you seem so peaceful and good at this…you really make it look so simple and easy. You look beautiful in any light Katherine, because the beauty you have inside you is what ALWAYS shines through. Keep being the beautiful spirit that you are and sharing your life with us…only makes my day and makes me love you so much more❤️

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You look INCREDIBLE! And this is so helpful. Thanks so much for sharing and being vulnerable. I have an 11 month old, so this is very helpful to me!!

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Thank you for this wonderful post. First off, you look terrific! Like you I also gained 50 pounds and am struggling to lose the final 10 pounds. I also started pregnancy a bit heavier (Xmas holiday pounds) so really I have 20 to go! Thank you for sharing some great tips and resources to turn to. Much appreciated! Most of all, thank you for your honesty and openness in sharing your personal experience. I’ve been a fan of your acting for ages and am really enjoying getting to know you through your posts.

Good luck with your continued weight loss success. I know we will both reach our goals, it’s just a matter of time.

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Wow!!Well done!!A positive attitude is half the battle, before you know it you’ll be back to your pre-baby size and your body will be stronger than you could have imagined!!Get it gurl!!

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You are beautiful, inside and out, and so very inspiring! As me and my hubs embark on the TTC wagon, I will think of your kind words to yourself and your body and your positivity!

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Thank you for the inspiring post about your personal journey with weight loss after a baby. I am touched. My journey has not been too easy going. I struggled with such post partum depression. You are a gift to my heart. Thank you.

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What an inspiring look at weight and life!! I have 3 grown daughters myself, as well as Hypothyroidism. I struggled for years with acceptance of my body, I have made peace and it took seeing my daughters acceptance and peace with themselves early on that has helped me do that. They are now 30, 28, and 26. They work out because they like it, eat healthy and are my inspiration. And nothing makes more proud than when they say I made it easy for them because I let them love themselves. I have always admired your sense of family and motherhood and I say keep up the good work! You are amazing!!

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Your approach to life is something I enjoy reading about in that you speak to living a balanced life with realistic day to day chores and long term journey ideas. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in your blog and taking us along with you as you travel :).

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Katherine thank you so much! After I, honestly, stopped the tears am able to write this note. You are beautiful inside and out, you inspire and make me laugh. You are an amazing person. Great writer too! Tricia

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Thanks for the honest post! I too am post pardum(6mo), and am just now really moving towards losing the weight. I gained 35 lbs with my twins, but had gained 20 prior with ivf. I have 30 total to go, and am weening from breast feeding, so I know I can focus on reduced calories. The breast feeding hunger is NO JOKE! I will definitely try your overnight oats recipes. I am a barre/spin gal and am getting in 3x a week, but not going to see much movement until I focus on the calorie reduction. Please continue to share your tips for the new moms. It just makes us all feel more normal and not alone!

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Hello !! You are perfect with the weight .. I have two children, 4 and 6 years and still can not reach my weight! And I also had two cesareans and you can see the scar But I feel proud.. And you did not have any stretch marks, I was left .. think some of us are worse haha. Congratulations, you’re a great woman!

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Katherine, thank you so much for blogging! You inspire me at 25 years of age (wanted to let you know you inspire all ages). I look up to women who are real, amazing moms (my husband and I don’t have kids yet), love to cook and work out. I share/talk about your blog all the time to my husband and friends. I love to hear your wisdom about all these categories! I have been worried about what my weight will look like once we have a baby. Your encouragement helped a lot. I especially love the recipes you posted, and will definitely try the celery soup- I’m a huge fan of soup even in the summer. By the way, I love your work out clothes and would love to know where you shop! Keep blogging and thank you!

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You look absolutely amazing! A true inspiration to many! Love you and your blogs!

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This is a great post! Thank you for the positive attitude. Just what I needed today to motivate myself to lose weight, exercise and have a great positive attitude.

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Great blog .. love your writing style, so refreshing and honest. It’s a good day seeing your posts. You have wonderful spirit energy!

I need your help ! you read me?

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You look great!

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Hi from Brazil! Thank you for sharing this beautiful post!! So true about your mantra and how this is important for our brain! Keep doing it!

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Thanks for sharing your story, I think that of my ‘hardly noticeable’ scar too much bigger than I ever thought thanks to a big breech baby that didn’t want anyone grabbing his tooshie ! It’s great to read about your progress again thanks for sharing xx

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Hey well, I never been pregnant or dont have children yet but I do love the raspberry smoothie I am definitely trying that! You always look beautiful even before you had josh Jr you look great pregnant I love that picture the day of the delivery too! But I love your losing weight ideas I always keep ideas and recipes in mind thank you for this post and still want to see a post about quilting too. Keep up the good work too!

Liz Morris, Rhode Island

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Katherine, you are SO REFRESHING and inspiring. I’ve been wrestling with an extra 15-20lbs since my c-section 2 months ago (am also breastfeeding and am convinced that is part of it!) and I NEEDED to hear this. So grateful for you! Please never stop being real… your life and message is a testimony… I so wish we could have coffee one day, haha! ❤

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Hi Katherine! You are so beautiful!! You are doing so great with this! Slow and steady wins the race. You inspire me to lose weight and eat healthy. I also loved you in Greys Anatomy and all of your movies. You are so filled with talent. Ive heard about you adopting your 3 kids and that is amazing! I don’t see any flaws in you except that you left Greys Anatomy 🙁

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You look fabulous no matter what! Losing weight is a chore, definitely, and I’m on the same kind of journey (without having had a baby!) where I’m just gently moving my body towards a healthier goal. More working out (back to running, yay! I actually LOVE running) and yoga with our girl Adriene as well as more walking. Keep us updated with more recipes – love the ones you’ve shared! <3

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My baby is six months old. I too have been trying to shed my baby weight. It has been quite discouraging at times and I have experienced body shame. Thank you so much for encouraging me to speak more kindly to myself.

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You look amazing… I am a huge fan, always have been. But today, i am 10 times more in love with you your method is so inspiring, most importantly the positive attitude. Thank you so much for sharing this. I have been struggling with weight loss for years now, and i wish following your attitude will finally do it for me. I’ll try to be kinder to myself and my body, and try taking it easy and stress-less. I hope u reach your target sooner than you think, even though I think u look gorgeous already

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first of all, you look fantastic. Your realistic and gentle attitude towards exercise and diet is so refreshing to see from a celebrity. I too lost about 32 of my 55 pounds of water weight after my daughter’s birth (maybe it’s being tall?) Thought it was going to be a breeze to lose the rest if 32 came off so fast. Well Maggie is 18 months and I’m still holding onto the last 5. But I’m walking with the stroller every day and eating reasonably, so I’ve decided if that last 5 lbs means I can have a martini with the hubby or an ice cream with my toddler, I’ll keep it! Thanks for the inspiration.

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Girl, you look great. I love your theory on making losing weight positive and accepting your flaws as they are. Until this year, this was very difficult for me to do. As I have started to live a more healthy lifestyle, it has just become apart of my life and it’s almost impossible not to be positive about it. Also, living in Utah makes it easier to be healthy because there are so many outdoor activities! I’ve been getting into biking this summer and it has really changed the game for me. I enjoy hikes as well, but I do love those high cardio workouts. Anyways, thank you so much for sharing! Love the beautiful Utah views in your photos. I’m just on the other side of the mountain from you in PC!

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I am totally hooked on your “positive mantra” every morning. You have just given me the boost that I needed to get my journey back on track! I started a blog over a year ago, not a weight loss blog (there’s already tons of those) but more of a journey. Hence the name Plan the journey I find that I am constantly learning. Now, thanks to your blog, I now have another resource to turn to when at 10pm I start thinking that grabbing a bag of chips can’t really hurt my progress. Oh and to echo previous comments, you look absolutely stunning!

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All losing weight is burning more calories than you intake in a day. I don’t know how long that will take everyone to understand. There are great dieting tips to stay healthy and lose weight. Exercise is best to help lose weight faster since you will be burning more calories than without it. Anyhow, there are many people who have no time for proper exercise and they still want to lose their extra weight like you, so there is an organic herbal tea supplement called “Mummy magic weight loss tea” that is preservative-free and maintains your metabolism while shedding extra pounds. Drink it three times before your meals and you’ll start seeing results within a month.

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But you are beautiful inside and out regardless of what you look like (or think you look like) – wonderfully gorgeous. No one can take that away from you. I’m still not over the fact that State of Affairs was canned – one of your best TV series EVER. Be yourself and love your perfect self, as you are perfect

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Hello, You look absolutely stunning! I love your grace and love for life and the journey! Thank you for this post. I am new here and looking forward to reading up on everything and the entries to come! Live life in abundance!

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Thank you for your willingness to be vulnerable on your journey with us. I personally struggled with an eating disorder that I overcame instantly when I found out I was expecting my oldest. What is truly terrifying is that she alarmist died because I was unwilling to have a c-section because I was so afraid my stomach would never be flat again. She was fine, thank goodness, but I still feel panicky guilt over it, even though she is 7 now. I fought hard and grinded it out to lose the baby weight and I did it in 6 months. Then I was more gentle with myself after my second daughter was born, partially because I had to be due to pelvic floor damage during her delivery. After the first few sleep deprived months, I started to gently lose the weight. With my son, I had a c-section because my pelvic floor gives me so much trouble and guess what. My stomach isn’t flat again, even after two years. I have 5 lbs left to go to get back to 130 (5’10”) but I have also adopted body-loving mantras and if 135 is the new, healthy me, then so be it. I love your heart and your spirit. Thank you for sharing your soul with us.

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Your idea about a positive mantra is so important. Everyone’s experiences will differ when it comes to losing weight. Someone could be following your diet and exercise regimen to a T and not experience the weight loss as quickly or the same amount of weight (loss) as you. The upbeat mantra will enable those ladies to see that their bodies respond differently. Ms. Heigl, you are such a powerful force for positivity despite what I know is a fair amount of negative press that you receive. We who really see you will never believe that bunk. You glow girl!

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You look fantastic! I was told I most likely couldn’t have children. I was blessed with 2 miracles! Having 2 c sections and multiple other surgeries I definitely have scars! I’ve always been fortunate being on the thin side even now at 38, however with my second pregnancy I gained a lot of weight. It took some time to loose it but I figured god gave me a miracle so I took it a month at a time. Your scar will get smaller over time. All moms have some type of scars and we should all wear them proudly!

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Every time I see you, you’re looking more fabulous! Your family is so beautiful. I always enjoy reading your blogs about what you’re doing & the scenery of the beautiful mountains surround your haven. My son & DIL are expecting twins, they will be C-section & she’s done great carrying them to 32 weeks now. Going for 34 as the babies now are 5#s each. A boy & a girl! A bit of a shock to all of us. Being first time grandparents I remember reading about the Owl… Going to get that for the twins when they arrive. As they are going to have their hands full & we want them to have that bonding time with the babies. At 64 being a 1st time grandmother makes you remember where did 30 years go, as I was 34 when I had my 2nd child. Thanks for all the products you post, I always enjoy trying new things & seeing what you are up to & have no idea how you do it all. God Bless You & your beautiful family!!

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Honestly, you and I were made to be best friends! ahahah that are so many things that I relate to you!!! I love you!

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I used dermalmd stretch mark serum for my postpartum stretch marks that were not only deep but bright red. I did not have stretch marks before my pregnancy. I put dermalmd serum on maybe once a week and my stretch marks have gone from bright red to white/transparent and not nearly as deep as they were. Its natural and safe to use, which I appreciate bc I’m breastfeeding. It smells like natural! Lol it goes a long way, I havent even gone through the first jar yet and I was seeing results as early as 3 weeks after I began using it. I have recommended dermalmd serum to several people who have stretch marks

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Hi Katherine! I’m so glad I found your blog! I randomly was signing up for best group and found the story on your post partum weight loss journey. I too have a sweet baby girl who is almost 10 weeks old. I gained 35 pounds during pregnancy. The first 15 fell off within a few weeks. I’ve been struggling with my last 20 pounds and honestly haven’t been too kind to myself. Your daily positive mantra speaks to me. Starting today I’ll be kinder to myself. I also have a large cesarean scar. It’s not so much the scar that bothers me, but the lip of fat that rolls over it! Haha. I’m a park ranger at Grand Canyon and have always taken pride in being healthy and in shape. Since my daughter was 3 weeks old I’ve been walking almost every day during her morning nap. Oh the places she’s gone while sleeping! I’ve worked up to 4-7 miles a day along the rim and through the forest. But not a pound is budging! I’m so frustrated. Your story gives me hope. Please keep writing and sharing ideas, recipes, and hope! Even though you’ve always been drop dead gorgeous and don’t look like you ever had 3 children I feel I can relate to your journey. I can’t wait to try some of the recipes. I look forward to the day I can look in the mirror again and like what I see.

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This is such an amazing post and so encouraging. Thank you so much for this! And you look amazing. Keep up the good work. A little story of my life how I managed to lose weight after giving birth, just would like to share since I know it is a tough journey. I, myself have been struggling with losing weight and gain confidence again, however nothing I tried worked. And I know how stressful it can get at times, when you look in the mirror and just cant seem to love yourself. However, I found the courage in me and decided do something about it. And it worked, even these days I keep on eating what I want and still lose weight. The secret has been in balancing the sport and nutrition, and what really worked for me I know worked for thousands of other people that are seeking for help. I would love to share with you my knowledge on this and dropping the link here, so you can start losing weight immediately. It is a 3 week diet plan, which works great

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You look great! Thanks for being so honest. I agree with you that a loving an positive attitude will get you so much farther in your weight loss journey. After I had my second child I could not get the weight off , so I incorporated detoxing into my routine and it did wonders for me. You can check it out here if you like

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Truly awesome Katherine! It is devastatingly hard to lose my baby weight! I tried for years and just ended up frustrated and depressed. But after a year and a half I have finale managed to get back down to were I started. My 45 lbs of baby weight was the only part of being pregnant i wish i could change. Walking every day( about a mile not to much), cutting out all sweets and candy( except ice cream once MAYBE twice a week), and as much organic and clean eating as possible was what finally worked for me. My biggest problem was just consistency, I just didn’t know how to keep my self on track. This was one thing that relay helped me focus. It gave me a kind of mantra to live by and relay helped me stay focused on the end game and keep me from getting so discouraged.

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Breastfeeding helps in weight reduction, however no longer for each person. It will absolutely aid lose plenty of weight within the first 4-6 weeks, however, a few moms wrestle wasting the final a few lbs even as breastfeeding. Mummy magic weight loss tea is a great home remedy to lose baby weight without hurting breast milk supply!

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Wow, you look amazing Katherine! Woops, I have to be careful flirting, here comes my wife 😉 It’s about getting moving yes! It is a total mental battle to finally break through and be successful in weight loss no doubt, but I have found an ally that will speed up our results fast, give yourself a fighting chance here –

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Interesting to see you look fit and healthy. Exercise is the key here.

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Hi Katherine!! You are amazing!! While I have never had a baby, I imagine how very difficult it would be to lose weight especially with the beautiful new addition to the family and all the responsibility that follows. It really does pay to be prepared for all to come and I really appreciate you sharing this with us! May I ask, what were your top weight loss habbits beyond the regular hike, as far as meals? Did you have any interesting cravings that may have offset everything? You look fantastic and just want to say I am always looking forward to your work, on screen and beyond!

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wow! you look so fabolous! I wasn’t look so good before the pregnancy! Everything you wrote is so inspiring. I’m following The Just Cut It Methos by Jennifer Morris. From the calculation of my BMI and BMR, losing my 25 lbs should last at least 3 months. I’m after the first one, and the initial results were astonishing, but now it will be harder. I’m not a sporty person, so don’t know if I start something other activity than long walks with my baby…

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Hi Katherine 🙂 I love your story! You have a strong will power and good commitment which will be inspiring to many people.

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Katherine Heigl Standing In Front Of Colored Yarns

DIY Cleaning Supplies

Country Singer Elle King Shares Her Postpartum Weight Loss Progress On Instagram: "Right Now I'm Healthy"

“I am making this post to share my journey from 284 lbs at 5’3 from pregnancy 2021.”

preview for The Best Diets to Try in 2023

That performance came just days after the 34-year-old said she was “sobbing” after appearing drunk onstage to celebrate Dolly Parton at the Grand Ole Opry.

"I had been going through something very heavy and traumatic in my life at the time,” she said on the Dear Chelsea podcast . But Elle said that she had “one shot too many” and blacked out during her performance. “I was totally 100% disassociated. Cut to the dressing room. Me on the floor, just sobbing,” she said. “For all the people who are asking for an apology from me, 'Hey, if you were there that night and I didn't get a chance to say I'm sorry to you, I apologize.’”

Elle also shared an IG video of herself running stairs in a stadium afterward, writing in the caption, “Oh no was my human showing🫶❤️🫂.”

If you caught Elle’s most recent performance or saw her Instagram post of her 'fit from that day, you may notice that she's been posting about her health for awhile. Here’s what she’s shared about her weight loss journey, as well as how she’s doing now.

How did Elle King lose weight?

Elle opened up to fans on Instagram about her weight loss journey last year. “Almost 2 years postpartum!” she wrote in the caption. “I am making this post to share my journey from 284 lbs at 5’3 from pregnancy 2021 .”

Elle said that her weight loss didn’t “happen overnight,” adding, “it didn’t even happen in a year for me. In fact, it’s an ongoing, still working towards, ever-hanging goals kinda thing.”

Elle revealed that she had postpartum depression and felt “trapped in her body.” She continued, “I couldn’t even sing. So, I started slow.”

Elle also wrote in the comments of a recent Instagram post that she ate “no meat” for three years and did “steady exercise” that time.

“I do anywhere from 15-30 min cardio and TONS of core,” she shared. “I hate cardio more than anything in the world. I do it just to warm my body up, but I love and genuinely enjoy hardcore ab workouts. I started with wrist and ankle weights just to up my workouts. If I can do it, so can you. Bad ass tunes def help!”

She’s a fan of metabolic conditioning.

Elle also wrote that she’s big on “metabolic workouts.”

Metabolic conditioning , in case you’re not familiar with it, focuses on exercises that increase the amount of energy that’s stored and released in your body. It also usually focuses on your heart rate while you work out, per the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

“Light cardio to warm up my body, my lungs, my voice, and my spirit,” Elle said. “I am a creature of habit, so I changed my f—ing habits.”

Elle said she adds more workouts every few weeks and works with a trainer. “I thought I wanted to lose weight, but it’s so much more,” she said. “My BRAIN functions better on the days I move my body. Some days I count stretch marks. Some days I hug myself and say thank you to my body. Today is a kind day. I’ve been tiny, I’ve been huge, BUT RIGHT NOW I’M HEALTHY.”

Elle has PCOS and is pre-diabetic.

Elle also revealed that she has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition that can cause side effects like weight gain and acne.

She also has prediabetes , which means her blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be considered diabetes. “My diabetic grandfather died when I was 10 years old. I watched him prick his finger and give himself shots,” she added.

She didn’t use Ozempic or other weight loss medications.

Elle also included this in her post: “I can’t believe that I even have to say this, but no, I am not on any weight loss medication.”

However, she later said this in her post: “I do not judge anyone who is trying to live a healthier life. I can only share MY OWN JOURNEY! I just hope to live a long, wonderful, healthy life where I can drink a lot, eat fish, laugh as much as I can, and die happy🤘😇.”

Happy for you, Elle!

Headshot of Korin Miller

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my postpartum weight loss journey

Tips to get you started on your postpartum weight loss journey

postpartum belly, Loose postpartum belly fat, postpartum tummy, how long does it take for postpartum belly to go away

The first few months of a new mom’s life can be beautiful, tough, and also very rewarding, provided you take care of yourself, as much as you do of your little one. Aspects like self-case, positive mental health, and practicing good dietary habits are gaining importance over merely reaching for goals like weight loss. 

Many new moms are also committed to losing all that postpartum belly fat as quickly as possible. “How to lose weight after pregnancy?”, “How long does it take for postpartum belly to go away?”, questions like these can even turn into an obsession at times. However, weight loss at the cost of good health and well-being can be detrimental. Poor habits like crash diets can lead to quicker weight gain, not to mention poor physical and mental health.

Here’s how you can achieve your postpartum belly weight loss goals, by doing it in a way that’s gentle and nourishing for your body.

Table of Contents

Eat your way to lose postpartum belly

Aiming for slow and steady postpartum tummy loss has some real benefits, and one way to ensure this is that your diet is packed with all the nutrition you need .

A pilot study conducted indicates that when new mothers follow DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension), which focuses on healthy eating, not only did it lead to weight loss, but it also helped them keep it off, permanently. 

The DASH diet promotes nutritious food choices without completely prohibiting you from eating any specific kinds of food. Some key aspects of the diet are: 

  • Consuming more fibre-rich, high nutrition foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables
  • Eating more lean meats like poultry
  • Including sources of fat, like nuts, vegetable oils and lentils
  • Limiting the consumption of red meat
  • Avoiding processed food and drinks that contain added sugar

Eating meals on time also really helps to improve metabolism, thus aiding in faster weight loss. Before implementing any substantial changes in your diet, talk to your doctor to understand the possible risks and benefits.

Raise your level of physical activity

Whether you bring in walking, or any other form of physical activity, it helps to develop a routine that consistently helps you raise your metabolism levels. Weaving in postpartum belly exercises like tummy crunches on a daily basis can help you beat any “belly after baby” stress weighing on your mind.

These days, tons of workouts are available on the Internet, especially for moms looking to lose post-pregnancy belly fat, and tighten those muscles. “Baby and me” workout classes are also gaining popularity, especially with moms who do not have house help; the baby also gets to have a fun time with mommy! Ensure that you follow a credible instructor and do not experience fatigue while working out.

In case of any medical complications, make sure you get a sign-off from the doctor before indulging in any strenuous routines. 

Invest in your mental health

“How do I lose the baby weight?”, while this is an important priority for new mothers, no doubt, focusing on emotional well-being alongside physical fitness is just as important. Taking care of yourself as much as caring for your little one is important. An important aspect of the weight loss journey that we hardly pay much attention to is acknowledging the value of positive mental health.

Introducing daily pranayamas (breathing) and asanas (yoga postures) helps you improve overall mental health, and address common disorders like postpartum depression. 

Emotional regulation

Watch out for symptoms like extreme sadness or anger without any warning, a feeling of having to go through the motions while getting through the day, feelings of anxiety, guilt, as well as irritation. 

Staying connected to yourself and your needs via meditation is a powerful experience. There are several meditations available online, especially for new moms, and they can help you relax and unwind, mentally, especially if practised every day, even if it is for just a few minutes. 

Asking for help

Additionally, asking for help from loved ones when you need it, having conversations with friends and family, and communicating your needs, are all healthy practice. 

Watch the video, Dr Aruna Kalra (Director- Obstetrics & Gynaecology at the CK Birla Hospital) sharing some important tips on how to lose weight after childbirth.

Make sure you sleep when your baby sleeps

The human body, when continuously deprived of sleep, sets off a domino effect that slows down your metabolism. It leads to the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which signals to your body that it needs to conserve energy by hanging on to fat, especially post-pregnancy tummy fat. Sleep deprivation also triggers other behaviours like stress eating, irritability and lack of focus.

Yet, lack of sleep is something most new moms fall prey, too, as they always aim to place the baby’s needs first. One century’s old tried and tested hack that works is to sleep whenever your baby sleeps. 

Regular breastfeeding has multiple benefits

Breastfeeding your baby up to six months or more helps build up natural immunity. The most organic way to understand how often to breastfeed is to follow your baby’s lead. 

You might not realise this, but one of the unique side effects of regular breastfeeding is faster weight loss and in particular post-pregnancy tummy fat. It also helps to restore the uterus to its original size much faster. Another unique benefit is that it helps to reduce the risks of diabetes , breast cancer and ovarian cancer in young mothers.

Keeping yourself hydrated when you are breastfeeding is especially important. Consume water, milk and juices. Include vegan milk options like almond and peanuts, which come with power-packed nutritional value. 

Read:  What you can do to prevent breast sagging post pregnancy

Motherhood can be an even more enjoyable experience if you bring balance and harmony into it early on. Building positive personal habits will make you emotionally and physically stronger, and nudge you to achieve your postpartum weight loss goals, faster. 

So set new routines in place, receive the nutrition and support you need and set the stage for a beautiful journey for you and your child. 

1. Why is postpartum belly fat hard to lose?

Your belly is a primary storehouse area of body fat, especially during pregnancy. Hence, it’s natural that it will take some time to lose the fat in your stomach after birth.

2. Which is better, using a wrapper or a postpartum belt?

Postpartum belly binding is an age-old tradition that provides support and comfort for new mothers. Whether you use a special postpartum belt or a wrap, the effects are the same. However, be careful not to wrap up too tight, as it can put undue pressure on your uterus.

3. How can mental health help my postpartum weight loss journey?

Childbirth is an intense experience, followed by an even more intense caregiving routine for the next six months of you and your baby’s life. Good mental health will keep you motivated, and more invested in your own self-care, as much as in your baby’s well-being. 

Also, read:  4 Postpartum complications you must monitor

  • A previous case of high-risk pregnancy
  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Preterm labour
  • Need for continuous electronic monitoring

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my postpartum weight loss journey

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my postpartum weight loss journey

Weight Loss Story: This Woman Shed 36 Kilos Postpartum; Walks 10K Steps Daily, Eats More Protein

B eing overweight comes with a host of health issues. And it is when you start having trouble in doing your daily chores that you are forced to take stock of your health and weight, says Bhavika Bhatt. Bhavika’s journey is truly inspiring, because she not only lost 36 kgs, but also became a fitness coach.

On her weight loss journey

Also read: Weight Loss Story: A Woman With PCOD And Other Health Conditions Shares How She Lost 17 Kilos

What prompted her to lose weight?

“Postpartum I gained a lot of weight. I weighed around 85 kg and because of it I started having knee pain too,” shares Bhavika. Besides, due to her husband’s posting in a high-altitude area, she also started experiencing breathlessness. Being a new mom and coping with so many health issues became all too overwhelming for her and that’s when she started researching more on nutrition and holistic living. She enrolled herself on an app and decided to lose weight. Bhavika was clear that she wanted to lose weight in a sustainable fashion. “This is why I took many fitness courses to ensure my approach was balanced and sustainable,” says Bhavika.

How did she overcome the weight-loss plateau?

Everyone who’s on a weight loss journey reaches a point beyond which it is difficult to lose weight and that’s when one needs to be extremely patient with the results. Bhavika too had a moment when her weight would refuse to come down. “I increased my protein intake and started having more rigorous workouts. I also increased my step count from 10,000 to 15,000,” says Bhavika.

Also read: Weight Loss Story: Man Gained 23 Kilos During Covid Due To Stress, Loses 34 Kg In 6 Months

Things she avoided during her weight loss journey

Went into calorie deficit, on her workouts.

Bhavika shares how she loves resistance training a lot. “I enjoy doing strength training, as it has helped tone my body and also improved my muscle mass. The other thing I am particular about is making sure I walk 10,000 steps everyday without fail,” says Bhavika.

Also read: Weight Loss Story: Black Coffee And Measuring Food Helped This Woman Lose Over 30 Kilos Twice Over

Difficulties she faced during her weight loss journey

Bhavika’s son was 11-month-old when she decided to take the plunge to get fitter and healthier. “I wanted to ensure that in no way the supply of breastmilk to my child fell short,” says Bhavika. So, for Bhavika, having a nutritious diet was of key importance. She didn’t miss out on any food group and had her protein, carbs, and fat in healthy quantities. “When you’re 35 years of age and are trying to lose postpartum weight gain, it can get a tad challenging,” says Bhavika.

High point of her weight loss journey

Experienced fit-shaming post her weight loss, approach to fitness.

Bhavika doesn’t believe in going the extreme way. “I always tell my clients how the concept of yo-yo dieting, or counting calories in parties is the wrong way to approach fitness. One needs to have a balanced approach and eat nutritious food to lose weight in a sustainable manner,” says Bhavika.

Word of advice to people who want to lose weight

weight loss story: this woman shed 36 kilos postpartum; walks 10k steps daily, eats more protein

Jazz Jennings Says She’s ‘So Proud’ of Her Weight Loss Journey: ‘My Confidence Radiates Through’

The ‘I Am Jazz’ star also offered words of encouragement to those hoping to take care of themselves.

Jazz Jennings

As a public figure, Jazz Jennings knows that her social media can be filled with both kind and critical comments. Recently, however, the I Am Jazz star received a positive compliment that she won’t soon forget.

“‘I hope you’re happy with yourself. Who cares what you weigh. Who cares what you look like,’” Jazz, 23, wrote via Instagram on Wednesday, June 5. “‘The important thing is are you happy in your own skin!’”

Today, Jazz can say she absolutely is. “This is a comment I received that I feel hit the nail on the head. No matter my weight, I have always felt beautiful. However, losing this weight and prioritizing my health has created a shift within,” the transgender activist said. “The first step toward improving your well-being is caring. I finally care about myself after years of neglecting my health. I had truly let myself go when it came to eating.”

Back in June 2021, Jazz revealed that she had gained almost 100 pounds after being diagnosed with binge-eating disorder (BED). According to the Mayo Clinic , the condition involves feeling like you’re not able to stop eating. It also often involves eating much larger than usual amounts of food.

Two years later, Jazz announced via social media that she lost 70 pounds and was feeling “happier and healthier” than ever before. Her weight loss also brought a new level of confidence that she showcased in her latest Instagram post.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jazz (@jazzjennings_)

“I am so proud of my weight loss, and I feel my confidence radiates through,” she said. “This specific dress just made me feel like a goddess. I picked out a beautiful necklace and earrings to match the dress and felt so pretty.”

As the summer season begins, Jazz shared some advice to her followers who may be looking for an extra dose of positivity and confidence.

“Overall, take care of yourself and do things that make you happy and light,” she wrote. “We can always strive to be better, and choosing to be the best version of yourself allows you to soar to heights higher than ever before. Joy. Cherish. Peace.”

If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, please go to .

June 5, 2024

Oprah Winfrey Spills the Tea: My Weight Loss Journey (NOT Gummies!)

Oprah Winfrey’s weight loss journey has ignited a widespread debate, captivating audiences around the globe. As one of the most influential figures in media, her transformation has not only inspired millions but also stirred discussions about the methods she employed to achieve her goals. Contrary to popular speculation, Oprah’s remarkable weight loss was not the result of trendy weight loss gummies or quick fixes. Instead, it was a testament to her dedication to a balanced, healthy lifestyle . In this candid interview, Oprah shares the intimate details of her journey, offering a glimpse into the realistic and sustainable approach that led to her success.

The cozy ambiance of Oprah’s living room set the perfect stage for an intimate conversation about her weight loss journey. The soft glow of the fireplace, the comfortable armchairs, and the aromatic scent of fresh coffee filled the room, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. As the conversation began, the genuine smiles and relaxed posture hinted at a candid and heartfelt discussion.

“You know, the journey has been anything but simple. It’s been a mix of determination, setbacks, and a lot of learning.”

“Absolutely, and people often think there’s a quick fix, like weight loss gummies, but that’s far from the truth.”

With a gentle laugh, Oprah nodded, “Right, it’s a lot more about lifestyle changes and staying committed.”

The setting truly reflected the tone of the conversation – open, honest, and encouraging.

my postpartum weight loss journey

Unveiling the Real Journey: Dispelling the Myth of Weight Loss Gummies

Oprah leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with conviction. “The first thing I want to clear up is the myth about weight loss gummies. They might be trendy, but my journey was never about those.”

“So, what was it about for you?”

“It was about finding balance. I had to learn what worked for my body, which meant focusing on nutrition and fitness rather than quick fixes.”

“The notion that weight loss can come from a gummy is misleading, don’t you think?”

“Definitely. Sustainable weight loss requires a holistic approach. I embraced healthier eating habits, regular exercise, and mental wellness.”

Her words resonated with a deeper truth, one that goes beyond the superficial solutions often marketed to the masses.

Embracing Nutrition: The Foundation of Oprah’s Weight Loss

Oprah’s passion for wholesome eating shone through as she described her nutritional journey. “Changing my diet was crucial. I started paying attention to what I was eating and how it made me feel.”

“What were some of the significant changes you made?”

“I cut down on processed foods and focused more on fresh, organic produce. Whole grains, lean proteins, and plenty of vegetables became staples in my diet.”

“Did you find it challenging to make these changes?”

“At first, yes. But as I began to feel better, it became easier. I also learned the importance of portion control and mindful eating.”

Her commitment to nourishing her body with the right foods played a pivotal role in her transformation, highlighting the importance of a balanced diet.

The Role of Exercise: Finding Joy in Movement

Oprah’s face lit up when the conversation turned to exercise. “Finding an exercise routine that I enjoyed was a game-changer.”

“What types of exercises did you find most effective?”

“A mix of cardio and strength training worked well for me. I love walking, and I also incorporated yoga and Pilates for flexibility and mental peace.”

“How did you stay motivated to keep up with your routine?”

“Having a workout buddy helped a lot. It made the process more fun and kept me accountable.”

Her experience underscored the importance of finding enjoyable activities to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Mental Wellness: The Often Overlooked Aspect of Weight Loss

Oprah’s voice softened as she spoke about mental wellness. “Weight loss isn’t just about the physical changes; it’s also about mental and emotional health.”

“How did you take care of your mental health during this journey?”

“Meditation and journaling became daily practices. They helped me stay grounded and focused on my goals.”

“Were there moments when you struggled mentally?”

“Absolutely. There were days when I felt discouraged, but I learned to be kind to myself and not let setbacks define my progress.”

Her emphasis on mental wellness highlighted a critical aspect of weight loss that is often overlooked.

Building a Support System: The Power of Community

Oprah’s eyes glistened with gratitude as she discussed her support system. “Having a strong support network made all the difference.”

“Who were the key people in your support system?”

“Friends, family, and even my trainer. They were there to cheer me on, offer advice, and keep me motivated.”

“How important is it to have such a support system?”

“It’s vital. Going through this journey alone can be daunting. Having people who believe in you and your goals can provide the encouragement needed to keep going.”

Her words reinforced the significance of community and support in achieving long-term success.

Overcoming Setbacks: Staying Resilient in the Face of Challenges

Oprah’s expression grew serious as she recounted the setbacks she faced. “There were definitely challenges along the way.”

“What were some of the major obstacles you encountered?”

“Injuries, plateaus, and moments of self-doubt. Each of these tested my resolve.”

“How did you overcome these setbacks?”

“By staying resilient and adapting my approach. When I hit a plateau, I tweaked my diet or exercise routine. When I got injured, I focused on recovery and stayed positive.”

Her resilience and adaptability served as a powerful reminder that setbacks are a natural part of any journey and can be overcome with the right mindset.

Celebrating Success: Reflecting on Achievements and Looking Forward

The conversation took a joyful turn as Oprah reflected on her achievements. “It’s been a long journey, but I’m proud of how far I’ve come.”

“What are some of the milestones you’re most proud of?”

“Regaining my energy, feeling more confident, and inspiring others to start their own journeys.”

“What advice would you give to those looking to follow in your footsteps?”

“Start small, stay consistent, and remember that it’s about progress, not perfection.”

Her journey serves as an inspiration, showing that with determination, support, and the right approach, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals.

Conclusion: Embracing a Holistic Approach to Weight Loss

As the conversation drew to a close, the warmth and sincerity of Oprah’s words lingered in the air. Her weight loss journey, devoid of quick fixes like gummies, was a testament to the power of a holistic approach. Through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, mental wellness, and a strong support system, she not only transformed her body but also enriched her life. Oprah’s story is a powerful reminder that true, sustainable weight loss is a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and commitment. It’s about embracing a lifestyle that nurtures both body and mind, paving the way for a healthier, happier future.

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A woman lost 44 pounds after ditching fad diets and excessive cardio. She says 2 simple lifestyle changes helped her lose weight.

  • Bethany Dobson ditched fad diets and learned how to use calorie counting to lose weight sustainably. 
  • Dobson lost 44 pounds by making lighter versions of her favorite foods and eating four meals a day.
  • She says eating a fourth meal in the afternoon can help you feel satisfied and stay on track.

Insider Today

Like many women, Bethany Dobson grew up watching her mother and grandmother go on fad diet after fad diet. For a long time, she thought she needed to do the same.

But it wasn't until Dobson, a 22-year-old from Manchester, England, learned about calories, macros (protein, carbs, and fat), and eating the right amount of each that she realized fad diets are ineffective in the long term and potentially harmful.

She put these lessons into practice and made two lifestyle changes that helped her lose 44 pounds over a few months: making lighter versions of her favorite foods and eating four meals a day rather than three. Now, as an online fat-loss coach and personal trainer, she helps others lose weight healthily and sustainably, too.

"I just got obsessed with the fact that you could eat kind of whatever you want in a sense, but as long as it's macro-friendly and it's obviously using better ingredients, it can be suitable for fat loss," Dobson told Business Insider.

Marketdata has estimated that the US weight-loss market will reach $93.8 billion in 2024, but Dobson's approach to weight loss — without using fad diet plans or supplements — goes back to basics.

Dobson started making lower-calorie versions of her favorite meals

Dobson said that as a child, she was "a bit chubbier" than other kids at school. As a teen, she thought she needed to follow restrictive diets with boring meals and do excessive cardio to lose weight , and started doing boot camp workouts and running even though she didn't enjoy it. When she was about 17, she started partying, drinking, and eating greasy take-out food, meaning she never lost the weight she wanted to.

Things changed when Dobson was about 18, and her new partner introduced her to weight training and healthy fat-loss methods .

Dobson went from believing there were "good" foods and "bad" foods that cause weight gain to learning that overall calorie intake is what determines whether you lose, gain, or maintain weight.

Dobson gradually started partying less and tried losing fat by counting her calories while eating nourishing foods, including plenty of protein, to ensure she was in a gentle calorie deficit (eating less energy than you burn). Protein helps to keep you feeling full and hold on to muscle.

It's the same approach recommended by many registered dietitians who have spoken to BI about healthy fat loss.

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"It was my first time losing fat without it being a diet where I'm starving myself and cutting out food," Dobson said.

A big part of this was making lighter versions of her favorite foods, such as pasta, quesadillas, and cookies.

Dobson felt strongly that she didn't want to feel too restricted or deprived when losing weight.

"Food is such a massive part of my life, and I don't think that even if you are losing fat, you shouldn't just have to eat just chicken and rice," Dobson said, describing a staple "gym bro" meal.

"Fat loss isn't just nutrition," Dobson said. "And I always like to tell people that if you only focus on nutrition when it does come to fat loss, you're not going to get very far because your mindset has a huge contribution to it."

She soon realized health and fitness were her passions and qualified as a personal trainer. During the Covid pandemic, she started posting her own lower-calorie, higher-protein recipes on Instagram . Her following swiftly grew (she now has 689,000 followers), and she started her own company coaching others on fitness, nutrition, mindset, and accountability.

Dobson has since released multiple recipe e-books, and the latest is out on June 5.

"I went from just doing cardio and dieting to actually losing fat in the right way and actually training to build muscle properly," she said.

Eating four meals a day helped with sticking to a calorie deficit

Dobson also started eating four meals a day instead of three, which she said had actually helped her stick to her calorie deficit. This is an approach Dobson recommends to her clients because it can help keep hunger at bay and prevent them from reaching for less-nutritious, high-calorie snacks.

For example, you could have an afternoon snack of a wholemeal wrap with chicken and vegetables for about 300 calories, which would keep you full and satisfied. Otherwise, even if you think you can't eat anything until dinner, you may cave in and find yourself reaching for cookies, chips, and candy, which are often high in calories with low nutritional value.

"Your brain's registering that you're actually having a meal rather than just picking all the time, you then come away from it feeling satisfied," Dobson said.

That's not to say you can never eat less-nutritious foods that you enjoy — dietitians don't recommend cutting out foods because it can lead to bingeing — but cutting down can help you hit your goals.

"It's about choosing ingredients tactically for your hunger levels," Dobson said. "This is what has worked for me in the past."

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    Hey guys! Welcome to my channel. In today's video I'm sharing with you how I lost 70lbs and my overall weight loss journey. I hope you got some insight into ...

  18. The Post-Partum Weight Loss Journey

    1) Maintain a Healthy Diet. A simple way to begin your weight loss journey is to keep track of what you eat using a food diary. Choose the healthier alternatives where possible, like the food choices below: Consume foods that are high in fibre. Fruits, vegetables and healthy grains, such as oats, brown rice and quinoa, are soluble fibre foods ...


    #postpartum #postpartumbody #postpartumweightloss #postpartumjourney In today's video I cover all about my mental, emotional, and physical process through po...

  20. What To Know About Postpartum Weight Loss

    To lose weight postpartum, you'll want to go slow and steady. These diet and exercise tips can help. ... Genetics, metabolism and hormonal fluctuations can all make weight loss more difficult ...

  21. Elle King's Weight Loss Journey: How She Dropped Pounds Post-Baby

    How did Elle King lose weight? Elle opened up to fans on Instagram about her weight loss journey last year. "Almost 2 years postpartum!" she wrote in the caption. "I am making this post to ...

  22. Postpartum Belly: When Will It Go Away

    How can mental health help my postpartum weight loss journey? Childbirth is an intense experience, followed by an even more intense caregiving routine for the next six months of you and your baby's life. Good mental health will keep you motivated, and more invested in your own self-care, as much as in your baby's well-being. ...

  23. Weight Loss Story: This Woman Shed 36 Kilos Postpartum; Walks 10K ...

    On her weight loss journey. "Once I lost weight, I started seeing so many positive changes in my overall health. All my health markers improved substantially. I had so much energy and I felt so ...


    Hey guys! Welcome to my channel. Today I am going to share with y'all some of my favorite workouts that helped me lose 70lbs! These are super quick and easy ...

  25. How do I start to exercise after baby loss?

    Postpartum when your baby dies is a cruel addition to the cruellest of circumstances." Mim, Lenny's Legacy Many women report that exercising helps with both these physical and emotional aspects of a grief journey after a loss. Let's explore the physical and emotional benefits and how you can start exercising as part of your loss journey.

  26. WeightWatchers Medical Weight Loss Clinic

    A Comprehensive Approach to Weight Care. A WeightWatchers membership helps you lose weight and build healthy habits with: A treatment plan tailored to the unique needs of your body. In-app weight and activity trackers to help visualize your progress. 11,000+ recipes to inspire healthy eating. Community support to get you through the hard days.

  27. Jazz Jennings Says She's 'So Proud' of Her Weight Loss Journey: 'My

    Back in June 2021, Jazz revealed that she had gained almost 100 pounds after being diagnosed with binge-eating disorder (BED). According to the Mayo Clinic, the condition involves feeling like you ...

  28. Watch Me Lose 50+ Pounds

    #shorts #weightloss #postpartum #weightlosssuccess #postpartumjourney

  29. Oprah Winfrey Spills the Tea: My Weight Loss Journey (NOT Gummies

    Her weight loss journey, devoid of quick fixes like gummies, was a testament to the power of a holistic approach. Through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, mental wellness, and a strong support system, she not only transformed her body but also enriched her life. Oprah's story is a powerful reminder that true, sustainable weight loss is a ...

  30. Woman Lost 44 Pounds Making Two Simple Lifestyle Changes

    Marketdata has estimated that the US weight-loss market will reach $93.8 billion in 2024, but Dobson's approach to weight loss — without using fad diet plans or supplements — goes back to basics.