Introducing Prevention's 19-Day Weight Loss Plan for 2020

It requires some changes in your life and on your plate, but it's simple and incredibly effective.

Healthy ketogenic low carb food for balanced diet

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Before You Start

Our weight-loss plan is based on the concept of intermittent fasting, also known as time-restricted eating or interval eating. That means you eat and drink only within a specific window of time. Our plan calls for an eight-hour period of eating. Other types of intermittent fasting call for longer fasting times or entire days with very low calorie intake, but we worked with Jorge Cruise on the eight-hour plan because it’s a good way to be more mindful of your choices without feeling totally restricted—and he’s got clever ways to “cheat” your fast too, below.

Why 19 days?

It’s the perfect amount of time to learn a new way of eating—and see results. Intermittent fasting doesn’t work as well if you dip in and out of it every few days or take a break on the weekends: If you stick with it, your body will learn its new rhythm, and the 19 days will help you find meals you love and prove to yourself that you can do this.

Will you lose weight?

When 23 obese adults restricted their eating to between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. for 12 weeks, they ate around 350 fewer calories per day compared with a control group, according to a recent Nutrition and Healthy Aging study. They also lost a few pounds and saw a drop in their systolic blood pressure (the top number).

Going for longish periods without eating seems to send the body into fat-burning mode and limit blood sugar spikes. “Those two factors combined mean you’re reducing the blood sugar highs and lows that make you hungrier,” says Courtney Peterson, Ph.D., assistant professor of nutrition at the University ofAlabama at Birmingham.Time-restricted eating also keeps your appetite in check by lowering levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, she adds.

Jorge Cruise answers more FAQs about the 19-Day Weight-Loss Plan here .

Is it healthy?

In general, for most people, intermittent fasting is safe and can even improve health and longevity. “What we know is that it seems to be beneficial for biomarkers of aging and even for extend-ing the life of our bodies’ repair systems,” says Michael Roizen, M.D., emeritus chief wellness officer at Cleveland Clinic. But if you have diabetes or take medication that changes your glucose level, downward shifts in blood sugar might not be safe for you. (Anyone should talk to a doctor before making health changes, but diabetics in particular should take note.)

Keto diet concept. Ketogenic diet food. Balanced low carb food background. Vegetables, fish, meat, cheese, nuts, seeds

How It Works

Your days (and nights) will now be broken into two parts, which Jorge calls the Blue Zone and the Red Zone. Here’s what to know:

Blue Zone: This is the eight hours each day during which you eat. There’s guidance for choosing foods ahead, but the bottom line is to plan what you’re going to eat within those hours for the most success. Dr. Roizen recommends setting your eating window to include the morning hours. “Our bodies make us more insulin-sensitive in the morning: If you eat most of your calories before 2 p.m., you will lose more weight than someone who eats the same number of calories later in the day,” he says.

Red Zone: This is when you don’t eat—for 16 hours, some of which you’ll spend asleep. Consume only water, coffee, or tea. Your body will be burning off fat, so you’ve got to give it a chance to do that work without interruption.

Greek salad with fresh vegetables, feta cheese and kalamata olives. Healthy food. Top view

Your 19-Day Eating Plan

So, what are you going to eat for the next 19 days? There isn’t a magic meal or shake that’s going to do the work for you—but you can’t eat absolutely anything you want either. A day of cheesecake and french fries isn’t going to give you the nutrition you need, nor will it keep you satisfied when you’re in the Red Zone. Jorge says you don’t have to count calories, but follow these guidelines to make choices that are good for your body.

How to fill your plate

Every time you eat, think about building a varied plate of vibrant food that will really fill you up. Some of Jorge’s favorite go-tos are Greek salads, portobello mushroom pizzas, and cashew chicken with veggies. These recipes plus tons more from Cruise are featured here . But the basics are:

  • 50% HEALTHY FATS as in olive oil, nuts, and avocado 30% carbs from veggies and whole grains
  • 30% CARBS from veggies and whole grains
  • 20% PROTEIN from chicken, eggs, salmon, and other lean, nutrient-dense foods

Don't forget to drink water: It’s easy to get dehydrated when you’re limiting the times you eat. Avoid that energy-zapping fate by carrying a water bottle or setting reminders on your phone to drink up.

What to avoid

The usual baddies: sugar, overly processed carbs, and foods high in saturated fat. Maybe you’ve tried to cut these out before, but here’s why it’s going to be easier this time: You’ve got only eight hours to eat—why waste it on food that’s not going to give you energy? You do not want to be hungry two hours into the Red Zone! Use your Blue Zone time to fill up on yummy food that will work as hard for you as you are working to lose weight.

How to “cheat” your fast

Jorge’s best secret to adopting his Cruise Control way of eating: Eat when you’re supposed to be fasting! Not just anything, of course, but a treat that’ll both taste good and be easily digested. Have a Cruise Control coffee (that’s coffee with a tablespoon each of cream and butter) or a chia smoothie made with water and a plant-based sweetener like stevia (Jorge loves flavored SweetLeaf drops).

delicious macadamia nuts on a wooden rustic background

5 great snacks

Crunchy, creamy, salty, sweet: Jorge has you covered between meals in the Blue Zone.

  • Frozen grapes
  • Toasted chickpeas
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Avocado sprinkled with sea salt
  • Strawberries and whipped cream

Get the book

There’s more from Jorge in his New York Times best-selling guide, The Cruise Control Diet , now updated and out in paperback. You can also sign up for a free week of coaching at .

This article originally appeared in the January 2020 issue of Prevention.

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Intermittent fasting  is quickly becoming one of the most popular new diet trends — you may have heard about it from your favorite celebrity or fitness blogger.

RELATED: Wait, You Can Eat Bacon and Potato Chips While On An Intermittent Fasting Diet … ?!

Well, Jorge Cruise — a celebrity trainer and fitness expert whose diets have reportedly been followed by everyone from Jennifer Lopez to Brooke Burke — stopped by our show to talk about his newest New York Times -bestselling book, The Cruise Control Diet , which explores the misconception that intermittent fasting is about deprivation.

There isn't one "correct" way to incorporate intermittent fasting — it's all about what works for you and your schedule.

The idea is that you eat in an 8-hour window and then you observe a 16-hour fasting window.

The big problem with fasting is, of course, that you tend to get hungry!

That's why Jorge created his plan, called "Cruise Control Fasting," which puts a spin on intermittent fasting.

"You never feel hungry during your fasting window — during the 16 hours — because we cheat the fast with healthy fats," Jorge explains.

By eating healthy fats  like avocado oil, coconut oil, butter and heavy cream during the "bumper zones" (AKA early in the morning before you have your first meal or late at night after you've had your last meal), you're never hungry, Jorge claims.

For example, Jorge puts 2 tablespoons of butter or heavy cream in his morning coffee. "Heavy cream — not half-and-half, which has sugar," he adds. If he wants sweetener, he uses a natural sweetener like monk fruit.

RELATED: Why This Celeb Trainer Suggests Eating More (HEALTHY!) Fats, Including Butter In Coffee (?!)

"Insulin is really what drives weight gain," he says. According to Jorge, science is starting to show that rather than calories, which have long been blamed for weight gain, it's actually insulin that can lead to stubborn belly fat.

"When insulin is too high, you get too much energy, and then all this glucose — sugar — goes into the cells of your body," Jorge says. The glucose then turns into fat, and that is why you gain weight.

If your insulin isn't going up — which it shouldn't be during the 16-hour fasting window — your body gets energy from the healthy fats. It will also take energy from stored belly fat, so you'll lose belly fat, according to Jorge.

Jorge's cheats include heavy cream, butter, coconut oil and avocado oil. Jorge says you CAN have these during your 16-hour fasting window, but avoid carbs and proteins during this time. Eat those during your 8-hour eating window instead.

During your 8-hour eating window, Jorge suggest breaking down your macronutrients into 50% fat, 20% protein and 30% carbs.

50% good fats: Fill up on healthy fats like avocados, olives, olive oil, nuts and seeds.

30% healthy carbs: Whole grain bread, pasta, cauliflower or regular rice — even a glass of wine — these carbs are permitted in moderation during the eating window.

20% protein: Chicken, chickpeas, eggs — as long as it's only 20% of your diet, you shouldn't deprive yourself of protein, Jorge says.

Always check with your doctor before making changes to your diet.

The Cruise Control Diet

Jorge Cruise Shares the Secret to Diet Success

Oct 2nd 2022

Jorge Cruise Shares the Secret to Diet Success

Jorge Cruise is an expert on food and dieting, having authored over 30 bestselling books in 16 languages. As a celebrity diet advisor, he’s worked with many famous folks, as well as everyday people like you and me.

Jorge first appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show in the 90s and has since contributed to The Steve Harvey Show, The Dr. Oz Show, The Doctors TV, Extra TV, Good Morning America, The Today Show, The Rachael Ray Show, Huffington Post, First for Women Magazine, Women's World Magazine, and the Costco Connection. He hosts the popular ZERO HUNGER GUY podcast.

Today we talk to Jorge about how he got his start, what drives him, and his secrets for losing weight and getting fit, including It’s Skinny Pasta!


Jorge Cruise is a guy who figured out how to keep the weight off. I was an overweight young man, growing up in a family where sugar addiction was my way to numb myself to trauma and stress. When I got old enough to figure out that I didn’t want to be overweight, I became obsessed with figuring out the simplest way to do it.

My first book, called 8 Minutes in the Morning, struck a nerve—a couple of million people bought it. It was featured in Oprah Magazine and then in her book club, and my career expanded from there.

I went on to write more books people enjoyed; 12 million books were published. With that came a following of many folks who struggled with weight. We met, connected, and it brought me to what I do today: helping people do intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting has become my secret sauce to help people improve both their weight loss and, more importantly, their longevity.

No one has time; we all want shortcuts. So, I’ve made it my quest to give people the tools to take advantage of intermittent fasting and a low-carb lifestyle in the most accessible way possible--so they aren’t hungry.

It's Skinny became a go-to tool in our arsenal . You can eat the whole package! People love pasta, rice, and carbs. With It's Skinny, you can have your "carbs," keep the weight off, and even fast. It's like magic.


My mother passed away the year before I was on the Oprah show. She was in her early-60s, so super young—younger than Oprah and Steve Harvey now. It was tough because I lost her so early due to health misinformation. She would take Ibuprofen and Tylenol like candy. She had a bad hip, and she took them for pain, not knowing that if you don't drink enough fluids, they can harm your kidneys. She lost renal function. It was tough to see her pass away so young.

I wanted to help people—women like my mom who struggle with health information. I wanted to give them a way to understand wellness easily.

At the same time, I was also conquering my own weight issues, and my motivation skyrocketed. I took the lemon of my mom’s passing and made lemonade, and I’ve dedicated my entire career to my mom, Gloria. She never saw me go on the Oprah Winfrey Show, but she was the one who got me there.


Oprah once told me, "I've struggled with weight my entire life. Make it easy. Don't expect people to go through ten steps. Even three is too much. Keep it short and simple." So, for me, that became the big question: how can I make fitness simple?

I’ve made sure that whatever I'm talking about will be understandable and accessible. All 37 books I’ve written have the theme of simplicity, from 8 Minutes in the Morning to The Belly Fat Cure (carb swapping) to Cruise Control (intermittent fasting) to my new book called Zero Hunger, which will feature It’s Skinny.

Zero Hunger is the culmination of my entire shortcut system. One of my first clients was Tony Robbins. He underscored the concept of communicating complex concepts in a simple way.

My book will give people a new perspective on hunger control that doesn’t involve drugs and all the crazy things celebrities use. Many diet drugs are similar to methamphetamines. They accelerate your metabolism, but you can’t sleep at night, you’re anxious, and it’s not good for you. It might work for your class reunion or vacation—you’ll slim down and drop 20 pounds, but it comes right back.

High-fiber diets work, but most people don't enjoy them. People don't want to live off Metamucil. But you get food that’s high-fiber and delicious, like It's Skinny, and it's something people want. It’s pasta that’s part of the lifestyle.


The biggest misconception about weight loss is that people try to out-train a poor diet. Even I’ve been guilty of it. My first book was about an exercise plan to bolster your metabolism. Not that you can't elevate your metabolism to some degree, but it's hard to outrun a poor diet.

I’d rather people use fitness to build strength. Strong bones are even more important than muscle strength. You stand up straight, not hunched over; you're not in pain. You can pick up a box and not hurt your back.

Mental health is critical to wellness. Exercise raises dopamine levels like drugs, alcohol, or sugar. When dopamine and serotonin go up, you feel high and happy without the negatives that come from sugar, alcohol, and drugs. I’d love people to use fitness for good mental health and strength-building.

Accountability is also critical for success. Tony Robbins talks about it--you need to check in with someone at least once a week. The more you check in, the better. It might mean scheduling with a therapist, a coach, a trainer, a nutritionist, or someone honest who will tell you hard truths.


People, unfortunately, think intermittent fasting (or IF) is torture. They believe it’s literally starving yourself, it's unhealthy, and it destroys your metabolism. Shockingly, it's none of those things. Instead, it's an ancient form of time-restricted eating, mimicking our ancestors.

On my podcast, I interview many incredible people, including experts like Dr. Jason Fung , the leading doctor on IF. Under his clinical supervision, people will drop 15-20 pounds in a week. Dr. Fung gave me the confidence to do IF well.

Fasting works best to lose stored fat. Your body is very intelligent and uses stored fat for energy. IF is the most effective way to tap into that belly, thigh, chin, and arm fat. You can fast for 12 hours or go beyond to 16 or even 20 hours. Many of my clients go 20 hours with one meal a day but give themselves four hours to enjoy that meal.

Benjamin Franklin said, “ the best of all medicines is resting and fasting ." And it’s true—it's almost a cure-all. I'm not a doctor, so you should check with your medical professional before starting any diet. But I've seen people improve arthritis, headaches, chronic fatigue, bad skin, and inflammation. After 16-20 hours of not eating food, your body goes into autophagy—a state of recycling cells into the best version of yourself. As a result, you'll lose weight easily!

The hardest part of IF is turning "off" hunger. My solution is Zero Hunger Water , coming out late fall as a ready-to-drink product. It's an electrolyte drink with the proper ratio of minerals that acts like an appetite suppressant. It improves blood volume. When your blood volume increases, you feel full, and the phantom hunger disappears.

You can even make Zero Hunger Water yourself at home. I have a masterclass on how to make the water, and I give out the recipe for free—it’s ¼ of a teaspoon of salt in 32 ounces of water. Then you can add magnesium and potassium. You can sweeten the water with stevia or monk fruit. You drink that and follow the IF meal plans.

IF success is just two steps. First, you replace two meals with Zero Hunger Water. Then you enjoy a sensible meal each day--that’s where It’s Skinny comes in.

My go-to meal is protein with It's Skinny pasta . I love steak or chicken with a little salt. I look for fattier, darker cuts like ribeye and have it with my It's Skinny Pasta, and my body feels great! It's getting all the nutrients it needs and has almost 24 hours to digest the protein and fiber.

The people who live the longest are lean . The bigger you are, the harder it is to live longer. With IF, you maintain the slim figure you want and enjoy a longer, healthier life. It’s a miracle, in my opinion. And we have many tools for hunger control, including Zero Hunger Water and It's Skinny Pasta.


When people fast, they want their meals to be delicious and worth it. As much as I encourage them to eat high protein, high-fat foods, people want carbs. It's Skinny satisfies those cravings .

Most of us are busy too. When I talk to celebrities like Tony Robbins, Kelly Ripa, and Cher, they want shortcuts and easy ways to keep in shape.

My number one tip for most people is to eat good protein and find a carb you like. For most, the top carb is pasta. It's Skinny is now part of all of our meal plans. You can have a bowl of pasta with creamy butter, salt, and pepper, and it’s like you didn’t eat a thing. It’s a cheat. I call it a “Zero Hunger cheat.”

You won't even break your fast if you eat It's Skinny without protein or too much fat, because there’s no carbs or sugars. Many of my clients do a three-day fast monthly and use It's Skinny for those days so they don’t break their fast. It’s delicious, satisfying, and filling.

It's Skinny offers endless possibilities for customization. It fixes the issue of carb cravings with a guilt-free plant-based pasta . There are no negative consequences. It's every dieter's dream! I'm hoping people like Oprah, Gail King, Tyra Banks, the Real Housewives—all the women I've worked with—will try it.

If you try It's Skinny, I know you’ll love it too! With It's Skinny, you can follow the Zero Hunger Plan easily. Enjoy the results and get a healthy body that you’ll feel proud of.

I believe in It's Skinny so much that I'm offering people FREE PASTA on me ! Want to know how to claim your FREE PASTA? When you buy 3 boxes of ANY It's Skinny Pasta, you get ONE free box, on me. That means you can try It’s Skinny Spaghetti, Angel Hair, Fettuccine, and Rice and create all your favorite dishes. Don't miss out on FREE PASTA today! Head over to for this amazing deal.

Keep Reading

Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

By Rebecca Paredes Reviewed by Theresa Greenwell for Scientific Accuracy on 02/21/2024

Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

  • Bulletproof Coffee, aka butter coffee or keto coffee, is a blend of high-quality coffee , MCT oil , and grass-fed ghee (or butter) that offers sustained energy, increased satiety and cognitive function support.
  • Incorporating fats into coffee through Bulletproof Coffee can provide benefits such as increased fullness, weight management support, and cognitive function enhancement.
  • Overall wellness requires a holistic approach involving whole foods and regular physical activity and Bulletproof Coffee can be a valuable addition to a balanced diet. Get the full recipe below.

Are you searching for a delicious coffee drink that complements your healthy lifestyle? Discover the better-for-you benefits of Bulletproof Coffee. This satisfying beverage is a favorite among various dietary devotees including paleo and ketogenic diets. But what exactly is Bulletproof Coffee? And why should you consider making it a part of your daily routine?

Bulletproof coffee is a delicious blend of coffee and quality fats that helps sustain you all day. By combining traditional wisdom with cutting-edge nutritional philosophy, Bulletproof Coffee taps into our desire to live well every day.

Bulletproof Coffee offers more than a caffeine boost. Unlike traditional morning pick-me-ups and energy drinks, the combination of ingredients in Bulletproof Coffee provides sustained energy throughout the day without the dreaded energy crashes. The combination of the rich flavors of coffee with high-quality fats helps increase satiety and helps support your focus. Some choose to replace their breakfast with Bulletproof Coffee while others enjoy adding a satisfying cup of coffee any time of day for their well-being.

Do you want to know more about the original butter coffee recipe? You’re in the right place! In this blog, we’ll delve into everything you need to know about this delightful drink. From its simple preparation to its potential benefits for your body and mind, we’ve got you covered.

Table of Contents

What is Bulletproof Coffee?

Is bulletproof coffee good for you, how to make bulletproof coffee, how to add bulletproof coffee to your daily routine, other ways to enjoy bulletproof coffee, additional bulletproof coffee recipes and resources.

Bulletproof The Original coffee, Brain Octane Oil and butter on countertop by cup of black coffee

Bulletproof Coffee is a delectable blend of high-quality coffee and carefully selected fats. The ingredients work together to offer a unique beverage experience. This enticing combination goes beyond a regular cup of coffee. It provides the synergistic benefits of sustained energy, [1] increased satiety, metabolism support [2] and support to cognitive function.†

What makes Bulletproof Coffee stand out among other coffee drinks?

The key ingredients in this keto coffee drink are MCT oil and Grass-Fed Ghee (or butter). We specifically chose these high-quality fats for their harmonious flavors and potential benefits. We especially enjoy using Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil in our recipe. It is a concentrated form of medium-chain triglycerides, derived from coconut oil. MCT oil can offer a readily available source of energy for your body and brain. Grass-Fed Ghee or butter adds a rich, creamy texture and contributes to the taste profile of the drink. Ghee is rich in vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, and conjugated linoleic acid.

Why incorporate fats into your coffee?

Fats play a vital role in a balanced diet. They deliver essential nutrients to aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. When combined with coffee, quality fats can help promote a feeling of satiety and sustained energy throughout the day.†

Bulletproof Coffee can be a healthy addition to many diets and ways of eating, not only low-carb and keto diets . Combining the energizing effects of coffee with quality fats can help anyone feel more alert, focused and satisfied without the caffeine jitters or crashes we normally feel from coffee.

The journey of Bulletproof Coffee began when enthusiasts sought a way to elevate their coffee experience to new heights. Dave Asprey, a pioneer in the field of biohacking and wellness, popularized the Bulletproof Coffee recipe. The focus was not only on taste but also on the quality and sourcing of the coffee beans. Recognizing the importance of using quality ingredients, Bulletproof Coffee prioritizes the selection and testing of high-quality beans, ensuring a pure and flavorful cup of coffee.

This unique blend has captivated coffee and nutrition lovers alike. More people than ever are exploring the benefits of incorporating healthy fats into their daily routine.

In the upcoming sections, we will delve deeper into the art of making the original Bulletproof Coffee recipe at home. We will also explore how Bulletproof Coffee can fit into your daily life and enhance your overall sense of well-being.

As we examine the potential health benefits of Bulletproof Coffee, our goal is always to present a balanced science-backed perspective. Incorporating Bulletproof Coffee into your diet can be a part of a well-rounded lifestyle that may offer certain benefits.

More Recipes From Bulletproof

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Benefits of Bulletproof Coffee

Let’s start by examining the three high-quality ingredients that make up Bulletproof Coffee: coffee, MCT oil and ghee. Each ingredient brings its own unique qualities. When combined, they create a delicious concoction that’s greater than the sum of its parts.

Bulletproof Whole bean coffee family laid on kitchen table

Bulletproof Coffee Beans Coffee, when consumed in moderation, has been associated with various health benefits. It contains antioxidants which may help promote overall health. It can also provide a temporary boost in alertness and focus, thanks to its caffeine content.†

Not all coffee is created equal. Small amounts of mold can grow on coffee beans when stored improperly. Along with mold, we test each batch for heavy metals which can be found in conventional coffee.

Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil MCT oil, derived from coconut oil, contains medium-chain triglycerides that can rapidly metabolize in the body. [3] This provides you with a quick and accessible source of energy. MCT oil has been shown to increase feelings of fullness, support weight management and support cognitive function.

C8 MCT oil turns into ketones in your body within minutes. Ketones quickly cross the blood-brain barrier making them a fuel source for brain cells, giving you sustained energy.†

Grass-Fed Ghee Ghee, or clarified butter, contains essential nutrients that can support your wellbeing. [4] Vitamin A found in ghee is a fat-soluble nutrient that can support skin and eye health. In addition to vitamin A, ghee contains small amounts of other fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins D, E, and K2.

Grass-fed ghee also contains butyric acid as well as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). While butyric acid plays an important role in our gut health, [5] CLA has been extensively studied for its ability to support weight management. [6] The benefits of CLA in ghee are a direct result of the grass-fed diet of the cows it comes from.

Lastly, grass-fed ghee contains omega-3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fats that our bodies cannot produce and that provide overall wellness support. Studies have shown promising evidence that omega- 3 fatty acids may provide support to the brain [7] and body. [8]

Things to Consider

While Bulletproof Coffee can be a delicious addition to a well-balanced diet, it’s important to recognize that it may not be suitable for everyone. The addition of fats may not be ideal for individuals with specific health concerns, such as high cholesterol. If this is a concern for you, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before adding it into your routine.

Bulletproof Coffee is a quality addition to a well-balanced diet. Replacing (or adding to) your breakfast with a cup of butter coffee can support energy levels and keep you satisfied throughout the morning. While Bulletproof Coffee may offer potential benefits, it’s not a magic solution on its own. Remember, achieving your wellness goals requires a holistic approach. Fill your plate with whole foods and move your body regularly for a well-rounded approach to your well-being.

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Grass-fed ghee, brain octane oil and bulletproof coffee blended in mug on table

This is more than putting butter in coffee, but making Bulletproof Coffee at home is easy with our simple recipe. Or, if you’re a visual learner, check out our instructional video. Get ready to elevate your coffee experience with our flagship recipe.


  • 1 cup Bulletproof coffee (brewed)
  • 1 tbsp Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil
  • 1-2 tbsp Grass-Fed Ghee


  • Brew 1 cup (8-12 ounces) of coffee using Bulletproof coffee beans. 1 cup Bulletproof coffee
  • Add coffee, Brain Octane C8 MCT oil and ghee to a blender. 1 tbsp Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil
  • Blend 20-30 seconds until it looks like a creamy latte. Enjoy! 1-2 tbsp Grass-Fed Ghee

Nutritional Information

  • Servings: 1 cup
  • Calories: 230

Bulletproof Coffee Video

If you’re a visual learner, we’ve got you covered. Watch this video on how to make the delicious Bulletproof Coffee recipe at home:

Not sure where to start? The best way to figure out if Bulletproof Coffee works for you is to consistently incorporate it into your daily routine. Below we’re breaking down how to get started and top tips to keep in mind as you get your new routine going support your energy and performance:†

  • Gather Your Ingredients: Check out the ingredient list in our recipe above. You will need high-quality coffee beans , grass-fed ghee or butter and MCT oil . You can save money by purchasing a Bulletproof Coffee Starter Kit .
  • Make Your First Bulletproof Coffee: Follow our recipe above. For simplicity’s sake, stick to your preferred coffee brewing method and aim for a strong, flavorful brew. Don’t forget to blend your fats in for 20-30 seconds for a frothy result.
  • Start Small: If this is your first cup of Bulletproof Coffee, start with a smaller serving of MCT oil and ghee on day one and gradually increase as your body adjusts to the added fats.
  • Timing is Everything: Many people love replacing breakfast with Bulletproof Coffee to support energy first thing in the morning, but this beverage can also be enjoyed alongside a healthy breakfast or as an afternoon pick-me-up.
  • Listen to Your Body: Make a mental note (or write down a note-to-self) how your body responds so you can track how you feel as you make Bulletproof Coffee part of your daily routine. Adjust ingredient amounts and timing according to your preferences.
  • Hydrate: Don’t forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day whenever you consume caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, or energy drinks. The caffeine content in these beverages can contribute to increased water loss.
  • Eat Real Food: Eat when you’re hungry! Thanks to its ketone-boosting benefits, the medium chain triglyceride oil found in Bulletproof Coffee is satiating. [9] Pay attention to how satiated you feel to gauge when you may need more energy and food.

When you feel sharp and experience less of an afternoon crash, you’ll be thrilled you traded up your latte for Bulletproof Coffee.

Alternative Recipes to Bulletproof Coffee

girl sits on couch in a yellow matching set drinking a mug of coffee

Bulletproof tip: If you follow a plant-based diet, yes, you can still enjoy the benefits of quality fats in your coffee cup. Try our Vegan Bulletproof Coffee recipe , which also contains gut-supporting prebiotics .

  • Decaf Bulletproof Coffee: It’s easy to swap in decaf coffee so you can enjoy this beverage day and night. Remember to look for a decaf coffee that is Swiss Water processed to avoid any added chemicals.
  • Vegan Bulletproof Coffee : For our plant-based friends, we suggest swapping out grass-fed ghee for our InnerFuel Prebiotic so you can get an amazing tasting beverage with similar gut-supporting benefits.
  • Bulletproof Matcha Latte : If you prefer tea over coffee, check out our recipe for making matcha Bulletproof. Matcha is an antioxidant-rich tea powder that adds a delicious earthy taste.
  • Keto Hot Chocolate : If you’re craving caffeine in chocolate form, our recipe for keto-friendly hot chocolate with coconut milk is the perfect wintertime alternative to butter coffee. Hit your macros and that sweet spot!

Variety of Bulletproof coffees & supplements lined up on a tabletop

We are constantly evolving to meet the needs of our diverse community. While the classic Bulletproof Coffee recipe is loved by many of our fans and followers, we understand it may not be the most convenient option for everyone. Explore our latest innovations and find the perfect fit for your coffee routine:

  • Power up your day with the convenience of Bulletproof Original Creamer . Simply scoop and stir for a creamy coffee experience, packed with quality fats from grass-fed butter and MCT oil.
  • For a faster and hassle-free Bulletproof Coffee, try our keto coffee creamer packets . Just tear open a packet, pour it into your coffee, and enjoy the benefits on-the-go.
  • Want to give your coffee a boost of collagen protein? We have you covered with our collagen peptide powders . Choose from Unflavored Collagen Peptides for pure collagen protein, Vanilla Collagen Peptides for a touch of sweetness, or Chocolate Collagen Peptides for a keto-friendly mocha experience.

Related:  What is MCT Oil? The Ultimate Guide to MCT Oil Supplements

Products needed to make the bulletproof coffee recipe

Looking for more coffee content to quench your thirst for knowledge? We’ve got you covered! Explore our curated list of blogs that cover a wide range of topics, from the best keto coffee recipes to the health benefits of Bulletproof Coffee, and so much more. Dive into these informative reads and get ready to enhance your coffee experience!

  • Is Bulletproof Coffee Good for You? : Learn more about Brain Octane Oil and how this healthy fat can support your keto diet (and ensure you hit your fat macros). Plus! Discover new and exciting ingredients to blend into your morning mug.
  • More Keto Coffee Recipes : Want endless inspiration to keep you low carb and thriving? From iced to spicy, mocha and more, these delicious keto coffee recipes will never leave you bored.
  • Best Blenders for Hot Liquids : Crafting a successful serving of Bulletproof Coffee begins with the right tools. Find out what to look for in a butter coffee-backed blender. We love Vitamix, Cuisinart and Ninja, just to name a few.
  • How to Choose a Keto Coffee Creamer : Mainstream coffee creamers aren’t always what they’re chalked up to be. They can contain artificial sweeteners and low-quality fats—two ingredients that will do your body no favors. Learn all about how to select a clean, keto-friendly creamer to support your wellness goals.
  • Coffee Bean Guide : It’s time to channel your inner barista! Learn how to choose delicious tasting coffee beans that are healthy for your body. In this article, we go over where coffee beans are grown and how that impacts their taste. We also cover different roasts and other coffee considerations.
  • How to Grind Coffee Beans : Want to learn a basic life skill that will make every cup of coffee you drink taste better? We go over different grinds and how to achieve them so you can achieve the best brew for you.

Related: Inside Bulletproof: How Our Clean Coffee is Made

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Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for direct, individual medical treatment or advice. It is the responsibility of you and your healthcare providers to make all decisions regarding your health. Bulletproof recommends that you consult with your healthcare providers regarding the diagnosis and treatment of any disease or condition.

About Rebecca Paredes

Rebecca Paredes is a California-based writer and editor with over 10 years of copywriting experience specializing in health, wellness & culture. Paredes holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, Riverside . She enjoys waking up super early and drinking strong coffee. When she isn't reading about the latest developments in fitness and nutrition, you can find her training jiu jitsu, meal prepping or listening to podcasts.

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† Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. |  ©Bulletproof 360, Inc. 2013–2024

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A Look at Bulletproof Coffee’s Claims About Their Coffee

Bulletproof Coffee is one of the most controversial movements in the coffee world right now. Started by David Asprey , Bulletproof has simultaneously come under fire for dubious health claims and raised $9 million to build out cafes. At Driftaway Coffee, we aren’t medical experts, so we aren’t qualified to evaluate Bulletproof Coffee’s medical claims. We are coffee experts, though, and we feel comfortable taking a close look at Bulletproof’s claims about their coffee.

The Recipe for Bulletproof Coffee

Bulletproof Coffee is a proprietary beverage that contains three ingredients:

  • 1 cup of coffee
  • 1-2 tablespoons of “Brain Octane” (see below)
  • 1-2 tablespoons of grass-fed, unsalted butter

These three ingredients are mixed in a blender to create a “latte.”

“Brain Octane” is the company’s expensive brand of medium chain triglycerides ( MCTs ), which are derived from coconut oil. If you’re interested in trying Bulletproof Coffee, many people have reported finding less expensive but identical MCTs from other sources, including Whole Foods.

The Coffee Claims of Bulletproof Coffee

The claims about Bulletproof’s coffee are far from bulletproof. Asprey himself notes that his main concern when developing Bulletproof’s “Upgraded Coffee” was minimizing mycotoxin contamination. Since this was his primary concern, it seems fair to evaluate his coffee based on this criterion.

Asprey’s correct that mycotoxins are largely mold toxins, and that they’re found in many coffees. Yes, they’re bad for you — in really large quantities. Mycotoxins are also found in meats that Asprey recommends in the Bulletproof Diet, as well as in cereals, nuts, wine and beer. They’re even in breast milk.

Mycotoxins can grow on coffee, but coffee sold in the United States almost never has harmful levels of these mold spores. One study conducted by researchers in Spain and published by the National Institute of Health (NIH) found that in people who drank four cups of coffee a day mycotoxin levels were only at 2 percent of what’s regarded as the maximum safe level for mycotoxins . On Bulletproof’s site, Asprey cites a study that found mycotoxins in about half of roasted coffees, but he admits that levels of mycotoxins in the coffee were low.

Additionally, the coffee industry has been addressing mycotoxins since at least the 1990s . This was one motivation for washing more coffees, as most mold spores (if present) are removed during wet processing.

Thus, mycotoxins can, in theory, be in coffee. As a consumer, however, there’s little reason to worry about them.

The Precautionary Measures Bulletproof Coffee Takes

Even though there’s no practical need to be concerned about mycotoxins in coffee, it’s worth looking at the precautionary measures Bulletproof Coffee takes to guard against these mold spores. Bulletproof Coffee:

  • tests its coffee for mycotoxins , which most roasters don’t do because it’s unnecessary
  • uses a “proprietary processing method,” which isn’t made public and may just be a modified wet processing technique
  • purchases only arabica beans , which are less likely to grow mold than robusta beans
  • buys only high-elevation coffee , because mold is less prevalent at higher elevations
  • works with a single-origin estate in Guatemala, which lets the company work closely with the coffee growers

In comparison, we at Driftaway Coffee have offered many single-origin selections that were grown at high elevations and (of course) are arabica . Here are just a few recent ones that meet these criteria:

  • Guatemalan SHB Huehuetenango Finca El Limonar
  • Costa Rican SHB Tarrazu La Pastora
  • Guatemala Finca San Diego Buena Vista
  • Guatemala Huehuetenango EP

While Bulletproof coffee tests their coffee for mycotoxins , which we don’t believe is necessary, there’s nothing else that can be verified that makes their coffee particularly healthy. They claim to have a proprietary washing method, but that may just be a wet processing method; we don’t know. They do purchase single-origin, high-elevation arabica beans, but many roasters, including us at Driftaway Coffee, do this.

Our Thoughts on Bulletproof Coffee

As mentioned, we aren’t qualified to evaluate Bulletproof Coffee’s health claims. Our analysis of Bulletproof Coffee’s claims about the company’s coffee leaves us doubtful about all of their other claims, though. Technically, Asprey is correct about mycotoxins , but the concerns he raises are negligible. Your doctor might give you a similar response if you ask them about Asprey’s health claims for Bulletproof Coffee.

If you’re looking for a high-quality alternative to Bulletproof Coffee, why not try our sample pack ? We don’t have any health claims to make about our coffee, but we do promise that it will be delicious. You won’t be disappointed.

How to Make Your Own Pumpkin Spice Latte – With or Without an Espresso Machine

How to Make Your Own Pumpkin Spice Latte – With or Without an Espresso Machine

Author scott.

Scott is a professional writer for Driftaway Coffee. He worked as a barista for eight years, but today prefers to enjoy his beverages from the other side of the counter. When not drinking Driftaway Coffee, Scott usually has a mug of his own roasted coffee nearby.

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Bulletproof Coffee (Explainer) – What Is It & How to Make It


If you’re on the hunt for a morning pick-me-up that’s not your average cup of joe, bulletproof coffee might just be your new go-to. This creamy concoction isn’t just a treat for your taste buds; it’s designed to fuel your brain and body, making it a favorite among keto enthusiasts and productivity seekers alike.

You’ve probably heard whispers of coffee blended with butter, but what’s the real scoop behind this trendy beverage? In this article, you’ll learn the ins and outs of bulletproof coffee, from its brain-boosting benefits to a step-by-step guide on crafting the perfect cup. Whether you’re a keto veteran or simply curious, get ready to elevate your coffee game.

What is Bulletproof Coffee?

Table of Contents

Bulletproof coffee isn’t just your ordinary morning brew; it’s a concoction specifically engineered to kickstart your day with a burst of energy and mental clarity. At its core are three essential ingredients that set it apart from your regular cup of joe:

  • High-quality coffee beans, specially selected for purity
  • Brain Octane C8 MCT oil, a type of medium-chain triglyceride extracted from coconut oil
  • Grass-fed ghee, a clarified butter rich in omega-3 and vitamins

The Synergy of Ingredients

While each ingredient boasts its own benefits, when combined, they work synergistically to fuel your brain and body differently than traditional coffee. Here’s how they contribute:

  • Coffee Beans: Caffeine enhances alertness and focus.
  • MCT Oil: Provides sustained energy without the crash.
  • Ghee: Offers essential fats for brain function and satiety.

Nutritional Profile

Understanding the nutritional impact of bulletproof coffee is crucial to integrating it into your diet effectively. Here are the essentials:

Bulletproof coffee is renowned among keto dieters due to its high fat content and almost nonexistent carb count, aligning perfectly with the keto way of eating which encourages high fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate intake.

A Staple for Many

Whether it’s the ready-to-go cans for drinkers on the move or the homemade recipe embraced by keto cookbook authors, bulletproof coffee has carved out a niche as a beloved staple in many health-conscious circles. Its customizable nature allows individuals to tailor it to their tastes, such as adding keto-friendly coffee syrups for a sweet twist without the sugar.

For an in-depth tutorial on creating this powerful elixir at home, check out a step-by-step guide here . If you’re more visually inclined, there’s a wealth of instructional videos available online that demonstrate the process to ensure your bulletproof coffee is as efficacious as it is delicious.

The Science Behind Bulletproof Coffee

jorge cruise bulletproof coffee

MCT Oil: The Secret Ingredient

You’ve probably heard of MCT oil, but you might not know that it’s the power-packed secret ingredient in bulletproof coffee. Standing for medium-chain triglycerides, this special type of fat fuels your brain and body differently than other fats. Here’s why it’s a game-changer:

  • Rapid Energy : MCTs are metabolized quickly, offering you almost instant energy.
  • Ketone Production : MCT oil may boost ketone production, which can provide more energy for your brain.
  • Appetite Suppression : Helps control hunger, which can be a powerful ally in weight management.

To get started with MCT oil, begin with a small dose to see how your body reacts, and gradually increase to the recommended amount.

Grass-fed Butter: The Healthier Choice

When you opt for grass-fed butter in your bulletproof coffee, you’re not just choosing flavor – you’re choosing health. Grass-fed butter is:

  • Rich in Nutrients : Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).
  • Anti-inflammatory : Helps reduce inflammation, potentially easing joint pain.
  • Gut Health Supporting : Contains butyric acid, which can benefit your gut health.

Remember, while grass-fed butter adds a creamy richness to your cup, it’s important to consider overall dietary needs and consult with a health professional if you have specific concerns.

A study notes that grass-fed butter contains less saturated fat and more polyunsaturated fat than regular butter. These characteristics are generally a boon to heart health, according to the American Heart Association (AHA).

Coffee and Caffeine: The Energizing Properties

Coffee isn’t just a morning ritual; it’s a powerhouse of energizing effects. Bulletproof coffee takes this to the next level with:

  • Sustained Energy : The combination of caffeine and quality fats leads to extended energy release.
  • Enhanced Performance : Caffeine may improve various aspects of brain function, including memory, mood, and reaction times.
  • Metabolic Support : Regular consumption of caffeine can boost the metabolic rate and aid in fat burning.

Though caffeine is a well-known stimulant offering numerous benefits, individual responses can vary. It’s essential to pay attention to your body’s signals when it comes to caffeine intake.

How to Make the Perfect Cup of Bulletproof Coffee

Choosing the Right Coffee Beans

When selecting coffee beans for your Bulletproof Coffee, the type of roast is pivotal in determining the flavor profile and caffeine content. Light roasts , high in caffeine and acidity, offer vibrant flavors, while dark roasts yield a deeper, less acidic cup. To get started:

  • Opt for a Swiss Water processed decaf for a chemical-free, lower caffeine option if desired.
  • Freshness is key, so choose whole beans and grind them just before brewing.
  • Consider the origin for specific flavor notes: single-origin beans provide unique tastes, from fruity to chocolatey undertones.

The caffeine content varies by roast:

Remember, your personal taste determines the best bean for your cup of Bulletproof Coffee. Seek out beans that meet your flavor preferences and pair well with the richness of MCT oil and grass-fed butter.

Brewing Techniques for Bulletproof Coffee

Achieving the perfect brew quality complements the rich additives in Bulletproof Coffee. The proper technique enhances the coffee’s natural flavors and ensures a smooth blend with MCT oil and grass-fed butter. Here’s how to get the most from your brewing process:

  • Utilize French press , pourover , or percolator methods for a robust flavor profile.
  • Use a fine grind for espresso machines.
  • Opt for a medium grind for most other brewing methods.

Adding the Right Amount of MCT Oil and Grass-fed Butter

Balancing fat content is crucial for the authentic Bulletproof experience. Start with a tablespoon of grass-fed butter and a teaspoon of MCT oil to gauge how your body responds. If it suits your tastes and dietary needs, you can increase to two tablespoons of each. Follow this simple blueprint for your perfect blend:

  • Once brewed, blend your coffee with these fats until a creamy consistency is achieved.

As you refine your Bulletproof Coffee-making skills, use the bullet points as a quick reference guide to crafting a cup that’s both energizing and can fit seamlessly into your morning ritual. Remember to listen to your body’s cues and adapt the recipe to align with your personal health goals and taste preferences.

Tips and Variations for Bulletproof Coffee

jorge cruise bulletproof coffee

Bulletproof Coffee for Weight Loss

Many of you might be seeking the weight loss benefits of Bulletproof coffee. At 300 calories per serving , Bulletproof coffee is designed to replace a carbrich breakfast and may help support your weight management goals when paired with a keto or low-carb diet. The presence of MCT oil and grass-fed butter can increase satiety, which in turn may reduce your overall calorie intake. Here are some tips:

  • Start your day with Bulletproof coffee to potentially increase your metabolism and promote fat burning.
  • Consider your total daily caloric intake to ensure Bulletproof coffee helps, rather than hinders, your weight loss efforts.

Table of Bulletproof Coffee Benefits for Weight Loss:

For more insight on the connection between coffee and weight loss, visit the BBC Good Food guide on the health benefits of coffee.

Bulletproof Coffee for Improved Cognitive Function

Beyond weight loss, Bulletproof coffee aficionados often rave about the heightened mental clarity and focus it provides. This cognitive boost is attributed to the MCT oil, which is processed in a way that allows it to be rapidly utilized by the brain for energy. To maximize cognitive benefits, you may want to:

  • Incorporate Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil , a highly potent form of MCT, known for its ability to support mental performance.
  • Time your coffee consumption to when your cortisol levels are lower, typically around mid-morning.

Table of Cognitive Benefits from Bulletproof Coffee:

Bulletproof Coffee with Flavor Additions

You don’t have to forgo flavor just because you’re following a keto lifestyle. While maintaining the base of high-quality coffee and grass-fed fats, you can explore the realm of flavor additions. Here are some popular variations:

  • Bulletproof Mocha : Combine unsweetened cocoa powder and your keto-friendly sweetener to create a rich mocha flavor.
  • Spice It Up : Add vanilla extract, cinnamon, turmeric, or high-quality salt for an aromatic twist.
  • Extra Toppings : Garnish your brew with keto whipped cream or sugar-free syrups for that coffee-shop touch.

Table of Popular Bulletproof Coffee Add-Ins:

Remember, Bulletproof coffee is flexible. You can adapt the recipe to suit your taste while still reaping the benefits. Keep experimenting with flavors and ratios to find your perfect cup.

Benefits of Drinking Bulletproof Coffee

Bulletproof coffee is more than just your average morning brew. It’s a beverage that combines unique ingredients with potential health benefits. But, to truly harness these advantages, it helps to know when and how to incorporate this drink into your day.

Bulletproof coffee not only  gives you energy but also supports your digestive health, helps you manage your blood sugar, and aids in weight loss . Maybe putting butter in coffee sounds a little strange or unpalatable to you. Nevertheless, we recommend that you try it at least once and see how you feel.

What’s the Best Time of Day to Have a Bulletproof Coffee?

The timing of your bulletproof coffee can impact its effectiveness. Here’s a quick rundown on when might be the most beneficial time to enjoy your cup:

  • Early Morning: If you’re an early riser, sipping on bulletproof coffee first thing can kickstart your day. Although your body’s cortisol levels peak between 8-9 AM, waiting a bit may enhance the effects of caffeine.
  • Pre-Workout: For those who hit the gym in the morning, bulletproof coffee can be a great pre-workout drink due to its high-fat content, which provides sustained energy.
  • Midday Slump: If you tend to experience an afternoon energy dip, a bulletproof coffee can offer a pick-me-up without the sugar crash associated with carby snacks.

Experts suggest that having bulletproof coffee can help:

  • Boost Metabolism: The combination of caffeine and healthy fats may assist in increasing metabolism throughout your day.
  • Promote Feelings of Fullness: The high-calorie content can lead to increased satiety, reducing the likelihood of snacking.

Remember, while bulletproof coffee can be a beneficial addition to your diet, it’s essential to listen to your body and adjust accordingly. If you’re considering bulletproof coffee as a meal replacement or a regular part of your diet, it’s a good idea to consult with a nutrition expert to ensure it aligns with your overall health goals and dietary needs.

Check out all the types of coffee we listed at CoffeeDeets.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should you drink bulletproof coffee if you’re trying to lose weight.

Bulletproof coffee may aid weight loss by increasing metabolism and reducing hunger. One serving per day, preferably in the morning, is commonly recommended to help kickstart your metabolism without overconsumption of calories.

Can bulletproof coffee replace a regular breakfast?

Bulletproof coffee contains fats that can provide satiety, but it lacks essential nutrients found in a balanced breakfast. It’s not recommended to replace a nutritious meal solely with bulletproof coffee on a long-term basis.

What’s the best time to drink bulletproof coffee for cognitive function?

To optimize cognitive function, consume bulletproof coffee in the early morning or during a midday slump. The MCT oil can offer mental clarity and focus, making these times ideal for a cognitive boost.

Are there any side effects to drinking bulletproof coffee daily?

Some potential side effects of daily consumption include raised cholesterol levels due to high saturated fat content and nutrient deficiencies if meals are consistently replaced with bulletproof coffee.

How can you make bulletproof coffee fit into a balanced diet?

To integrate bulletproof coffee into a balanced diet, consume it in moderation, ensure you’re getting adequate nutrition from other meals, and consult a nutrition expert to align it with your health goals.


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jorge cruise bulletproof coffee

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Easiest Bulletproof Coffee Recipe (Delicious & Fast)


Ketogenic diets are all the rage these days because they are effective and relatively easy to follow, two features that most diets do not possess. Unlike dieting fads designed to sell products and keep people in the never-ending cycle of hopping from one dieting plan to the next, keto diets are backed by science and don’t require any secret, proprietary ingredients, or other nonsense. One of the best examples of a keto-friendly drink is bulletproof coffee.

  • What Is Bulletproof Coffee?

Bulletproof coffee in its purest form is butter in coffee—that’s it. Of course, many recipes have built on this simple foundation to include other ingredients like MCT oil, cinnamon, salt, and even sugar in some cases. In general, we think it is fair game to call any recipe that calls for butter “bulletproof coffee.”

Bulletproof coffee is commonly a key part of keto diets because it is high in fat and contains no carbohydrates. Additionally, coffee contains caffeine, which is an appetite suppressant. Combining black coffee and butter creates a drink that perfectly suits keto dieting specifically and weight loss in general.

On top of the purported health benefits , bulletproof coffee also happens to taste great and have a rich, creamy texture. Most bulletproof coffee recipes—including both in this article below—use a blender to mix the butter into the coffee and produce a frothy, foamy mouthfeel, making bulletproof coffee popular even outside of health and dieting circles.

A Simple Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

This first Bulletproof coffee recipe is as simple as it gets. To make it, you only need butter, coffee, a blender, and your favorite mug. If you’re new to bulletproof coffee and are looking for a recipe to start with, we recommend this one. It will give you an appreciation for what bulletproof coffee is about at a fundamental level and give you a solid foundation to build off of going forward.

  • 1 cup of black coffee
  • ½–1 tablespoon butter
  • A coffee mug
  • 1. Make a cup of coffee.

Brew a cup of coffee exactly how you normally would. You can use your favorite brew method and coffee beans with no changes. We recommend medium or dark roast coffee since we find that light roast flavor profiles can unpleasantly clash with butter.

  • 2. Blend your coffee and butter.

Add ½ to 1 tablespoon of butter to your black coffee and pour both into a blender. We recommend starting with ½ tablespoon and increasing the amount of butter slowly as you get used to drinking bulletproof coffee. Blend the butter and coffee until they are thoroughly mixed. The coffee should have a frothy head.

This recipe is the ultimate barebones version of bulletproof coffee and will give you the cleanest, unfiltered bulletproof experience. The following recipe is similar but spices things up a bit.

A Slightly More Involved Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

If you tried the simple recipe and are ready to take your bulletproof coffee to the next level, this recipe is a nice variation that still doesn’t stray too far from the core principles. You will need some less common ingredients, so make sure you have everything before you start.

  • ½ tablespoon butter
  • ¼ tablespoon coconut oil
  • ¼ tablespoon MCT oil
  • 1. Brew coffee.

Just like you did in the simple recipe, brew a cup of black coffee. Consider making a slightly larger 10-12 ounce cup if you can, but 8 ounces is fine too.

  • 2. Blend all the ingredients.

Combine the coffee, butter, coconut oil, and MCT oil in a blender. Start blending slowly and increase the speed only once the ingredients start to combine. Occasionally, the oils might not mix well, so be sure only to stop blending when you’re convinced the ingredients are all blended smoothly together.

  • Ideas for Recipe Variations

Bulletproof coffee is flexible, and there are innumerable ways you can tweak the recipe to make it your own. One of the simplest—and most delicious—ways is by adding a garnish. Cinnamon is a popular choice, but other spices like nutmeg and allspice also work well. Spices add flavor to bulletproof coffee without changing the nutritional content, making them a great way to coax a little more flavor from your coffee.

You could also change things up by using different sources of fat. Butter is the classic example, and MCT oil and coconut oil are also good choices, but more exotic options are nut butter, cacao butter, and ghee. Bulletproof coffee made from ½ tablespoon of butter and ½ tablespoon of natural almond butter is a delightful treat and one of our favorite variations.

Finally, you can use different coffee styles. If you usually brew coffee in a pour-over , try French press bulletproof coffee or vice versa. One more adventurous way to make bulletproof coffee is using cold brew. Once you make the cold brew, heat it before blending with butter, and voila, you have an even smoother, slightly sweet version.

Simple Bulletproof Coffee

  • High-speed blender
  • Coffee maker


  • 1 cup black coffee
  • 1 tablespoon butter


  • Brew a cup of coffee exactly how you normally would. You can use your favorite brew method and coffee beans with no changes. We recommend medium or dark roast coffee since we find that light roast flavor profiles can unpleasantly clash with the butter.
  • Add ½ to 1 tablespoon of butter to your black coffee and pour both into a blender. We recommend starting with ½ tablespoon and increasing the amount of butter slowly as you get used to drinking bulletproof coffee.
  • Blend the butter and coffee until they are thoroughly mixed. The coffee should have a frothy head.

Bulletproof coffee is one of those things that sounds like a joke the first time you hear it. Most people have never considered putting butter in their coffee, and the thought of it makes them recoil. Bulletproof coffee is worth trying for the health benefits alone, but once you get a taste of the creamy texture and rich mouthfeel, you’ll be fully sold. As a bonus, there are tons of ways to alter the basic recipe to create your own personal version, making bulletproof coffee perfect for people who like to experiment and tinker in the kitchen.

  • How to Make Bulletproof Coffee Without a Blender 
  • 5 Best Blenders For Bulletproof Coffee
  • Who Invented Bulletproof Coffee?

Featured image credit: Natasha Breen, Shutterstock

Table of Contents

  • Ingredients 
  • Instructions 

Sean Brennan

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The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever

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Jorge Cruise

The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever Hardcover – April 2, 2019

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  • Print length 384 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Ballantine Books
  • Publication date April 2, 2019
  • Dimensions 6.39 x 1 x 9.4 inches
  • ISBN-10 0525618694
  • ISBN-13 978-0525618690
  • See all details

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The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever

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Cruise Control Diet Coffee

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Make your coffee: Brew 1 cup (8-12 ounces) of coffee.

Spike it with fat: Add 1 teaspoon MCT.

Add electrolyte: Add a pinch of Himalayan salt.

Butter it up: Add 1-2 tablespoons of grass-fed unsalted butter, grass-fed ghee, coconut oil, or heavy whipping cream. Make sure your butter is unsalted.

Blend: Mix it all in a blender for 20-30 seconds until it looks like a creamy latte. There will be a good amount of foam on top.

Editorial Reviews

About the author, excerpt. © reprinted by permission. all rights reserved., product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Ballantine Books; 1st edition (April 2, 2019)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 384 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0525618694
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0525618690
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.5 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.39 x 1 x 9.4 inches
  • #1,495 in Nutrition (Books)
  • #1,588 in Weight Loss Diets (Books)
  • #2,404 in Other Diet Books

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About the author

Jorge cruise.

JORGE CRUISE is a 13X New York Times best-selling wellness author with over eight million books in print. He contributes to Good Morning America, The Today Show, Rachael Ray Show, EXTRA TV, LIVE with Kelly and Ryan, The View, Khloe Kardashian’s Revenge Body, First for Women Magazine, and Women’s World Magazine. He is also the creator of Zero Hunger Water and hosts the JORGE CRUISE Podcast with over 125,000 listeners.

Jorge received his Bachelor's degree from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD); fitness credentials from the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

Jorge’s health journey catapulted to the next level at the age of 25 after the passing of his dear mother, Gloria. Twelve months later, he appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show (November 1998). Jorge credits The Oprah Winfrey Show as the launching pad for his career in the public eye. This appearance led to a feature in Oprah Magazine (January 2005 issue) and again in her book, O's Guide to Life.

Over the years, Jorge has developed a celebrity following of his wellness protocols. These celebrities include President Bill Clinton, Steve Harvey, Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Kyle Richards, Eva Longoria, Brooke Burke, Tony Robbins, Countess Luann, and Dorinda Medley.

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Coffee Beans

What makes bulletproof coffee beans different.

jorge cruise bulletproof coffee

Our 100% arabica coffee beans go through several steps of specialty sourcing and quality control before they arrive in your kitchen ready to brew.

First, they are hand-picked from small farms in Central and South America. We only use sustainably sourced coffee from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms. Rainforest Alliance Certified farms implement more sustainable practices to protect fair wages, workers’ rights and our environment. Our hand-picking and expert sorting ensure that only the highest quality beans make it into your coffee.

Some packaged coffees are contaminated with mold toxins during storage and transportation. We go above and beyond industry standards with our quality testing. That’s why we test every batch of our coffee beans for mold toxins and heavy metals.

Lastly, our coffee beans earn the specialty coffee grading based on the cup score test evaluation from the Specialty Coffee Association. The Specialty Coffee Association is a nonprofit that helps establish a global standard for coffee value.

Quality matters in every step of the process. Does it make the process longer? Yes. Does it cost us more? Yes. Is it worth it? Always.

Tested for Toxins

Toxins don’t belong in your coffee. That’s why we opt into additional testing for toxins on every batch of our sustainably sourced green coffee beans.

Never jittery. Just great taste and focused energy from this coffee. I don't drink anything else if I have a choice.

Sustainably Sourced From Small Farms

Bulletproof coffee beans are hand-picked and sustainably sourced from small farms that give back to their local communities.

It's a pleasure to drink. It’s ethically sourced. It’s a win-win for the producers, the environment and the consumer.

Rainforest Alliance Certified

We source our coffee beans from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms that implement more sustainable practices to protect fair wages, workers’ rights and our environment.

I am extra pleased to see this brand of Arabica coffee is so smooth and sweet, and best yet, is harvested with sustainable methods, partnered with Rainforest Alliance.

Expertly Roasted

Our coffee beans are expertly blended and roasted for rich, premium flavor.

Best coffee, period. Excellent flavor, no bitterness or acidity. Tastes pure and simple like an excellent cup.

Discover Your Favorite Coffee Beans

jorge cruise bulletproof coffee

What to Know About Toxins in Coffee

If you drink coffee daily, you should care about the quality of your beans for more than just the flavor. Packaged coffee can contain mold toxins and heavy metals.

Common coffee contaminants include mold toxins like ochratoxin A and aflatoxins. [1][2][3] Coffee contamination can happen at multiple stages of the production process, from growing to storage. [4][5]

We process our coffee using wet methods, which more effectively eliminate most mold toxins than dry processing methods. [6] Our coffee is thoroughly dried in the sun or using mechanical dryers, reducing the risk of mold growth.

Every batch of our coffee beans is independently tested for mold toxins. This testing process matters because it reduces your exposure to toxins.

Quality control for our coffee is our highest priority to ensure that your coffee makes you feel as good as it tastes.

The Bulletproof Clean Coffee Process

Beans are grown on farms in Central & South America

Coffee cherries are hand-picked and sorted

Cherries are processed to reveal the bean

Beans go through a drying process

Beans are tested for toxins

Coffee is expertly roasted to our unique profiles

Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffee

What Does Rainforest Alliance Certified Mean?

Our coffee beans come from Rainforest Alliance (RFA) Certified farms. When a farm is RFA certified it means that independent auditors evaluate the farms we source from with three key factors in mind: social, economic and environmental impact.

To earn Rainforest Alliance certification, farms must meet certain sustainability standards. These standards fight against the climate crisis, conserve our forests, protect human rights and improve farmers’ livelihoods.

We partner with the Rainforest Alliance to support people and nature thriving together. When you purchase Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee, you support practices that benefit the environment, give back to local farming communities and ensure sustainable operations.

Bulletproof Coffee Brew Guide


Bulletproof Coffee

Keto white russian, keto iced coffee protein shake, coffee panna cotta, how to make bulletproof coffee.

You might have heard that light roast and dark roast beans have different levels of caffeine. This isn’t quite true.

The size of a coffee bean changes the longer it’s roasted. Light roast beans are smaller and denser than dark roast beans. If you measure your light roast coffee with a scoop or tablespoon, you might end up with more coffee per scoop — and therefore (slightly) more caffeine. If you want to keep your caffeine consistent across different roasts, measure your beans by weight instead of volume.

Store your beans in an opaque, airtight container at room temperature.

As a coffee term, acidity refers to bright, tangy, fruity or wine-like flavors in coffee beans. It has nothing to do with the amount of acid, or pH.

Coffee contains five major naturally occurring acids. The average cup of black coffee has a pH of about 5, making it mildly acidic. If you’re sensitive to acid or looking for low-acid coffee, try darker roasts or decaf.

Absolutely. If you want to use Bulletproof coffee beans to make espresso, we recommend our medium-dark roast, The Mentalist — but it’s up to personal preference.

We recommend using a method that preserves the coffee’s natural oils. These contribute to the flavor and antioxidant profile of your brew. [8] Try a French press with glass and steel components.

Direct trade means we buy our coffee directly from growers, without going through middlemen. This allows us to build relationships directly with our farmers.

Ground coffee can lose its freshness faster than whole bean coffee because there’s more surface area exposed to air after grinding. Store your ground coffee in an airtight container to get the most flavor out of your brew.

For the freshest and most flavorful cup of coffee, buy your beans whole and grind them right before you brew them. This step maintains the fragrance and complexities of the coffee bean flavor.

There isn’t a significant caffeine difference in any of the Bulletproof roasts (besides decaf, obviously). However, the way you prepare your coffee can influence caffeine levels. In general, you’ll get more caffeine out of an espresso shot than a cup of coffee from a drip machine.

If you want the strongest coffee in terms of flavor, try darker roasts. These coffee beans have more robust flavor profiles that naturally develop from their longer roasting process. French Kick is a smooth and sweet dark roast with smoky chocolate notes. The Mentalist is a medium-dark roast with dark cocoa and vanilla aromatics, cherry sweetness and notes of almond and caramel. Try them in whole bean, ground or single-serve pods.

Yes. All Bulletproof coffee beans take well to butter but stand just as well on their own. Check out this blog post for other coffee add-ins to enhance your morning brew.

You can use your preferred coffee beans, but your results may vary. At Bulletproof, we carefully control and test our coffee beans for mold toxins. This reduces your exposure to the mold toxins that can be found in lower-quality, mass-market coffee beans.

We’re proud of our attention to detail. But there’s no guarantee that other companies have the same standards that we do. The official Bulletproof Coffee recipe uses Bulletproof coffee beans because they’re certified clean and tested for toxins. That means peace of mind, plus delicious and flavorful coffee beans you can feel good about drinking every day.

It depends on how much you use. However, if you were to use the standard 2 ½ heaping tablespoons of coffee per cup, a 12-ounce bag would make roughly 18 cups of coffee.

For maximum flavor, use an opened bag of coffee within 3 to 4 weeks. Bulletproof coffee beans are best enjoyed within two weeks of receipt. To preserve freshness for as long as possible, store your coffee beans in an opaque, airtight container at room temperature.

Bulletproof Coffee is not vacuum sealed. We package it in multi-layer foil bags that contain a one-way valve that allows the freshly roasted coffee to de-gas while minimizing oxidative degradation. Our coffee is bagged directly after it is roasted to maximize its freshness. This is not a standard practice for commercially available coffee and will cause inflation on occasion, but this does not affect the quality of the coffee whatsoever.

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Butter "bulletproof" coffee

Butter “bulletproof” coffee

Anne Aobadia


  • 1 cup 240 ml hot coffee freshly brewed
  • 2 tbsp 2 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1 tbsp 1 tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil


  • Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth and frothy.
  • Serve immediately.

Recommended special equipment

Blender or food processor

Is butter coffee or Bulletproof® coffee good for weight loss?

No, it's not. Sure, if you drink butter coffee or the so called Bulletproof® coffee instead of having breakfast you might lose some weight. But you'd likely lose even more weight with a breakfast consisting of only black coffee (or just a little milk), i.e. intermittent fasting .

Here's an article on the subject: Is drinking coffee with butter and oil the key to weight loss?

The main benefits of butter coffee are long-lasting satiety and energy, and possibly a feeling of mental clarity (due to ketones, and the caffeine).Why add butter and oil to your coffee?

The fat provides satiety and helps curb cravings. The amount of fat can be adjusted to your liking. It can be a good idea to start off with a small amount, lets say a teaspoon, of MCT oil and work your way up to a full tablespoon if you feel good doing so. Some people experience stomach problems if adding too much oil at once.

The fat together with the caffeine from the coffee will give you a boost of energy to start your day. If caffeine isn't your thing, go ahead and try it with decaf. It won't give you quite the same effect but you will still have a great-tasting and filling drink.

MCT oil can be ordered online, but if you don't want to use it or can't find it, try unflavored coconut oil instead.

Make this recipe your own by adding your favorite flavors to it. Add some unsweetened cocoa powder and you'll have a butter mocha. Or why not try some cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice . If you feel like adding sweetness to your coffee, check out our guide to keto sweeteners .

This recipe works with hot tea or even bone broth , too, so give it a try. Or if chocolate is your thing, try our keto hot chocolate ... a very low-carb morning indulgence!

Top 6 keto breakfast recipes

Simple keto breakfast with fried eggs and veggies

The keto bread

Keto seed crackers

Keto seed crackers

Greek salad

Greek salad

Keto frittata with fresh spinach

Keto frittata with fresh spinach

Low carb sesame crispbread

Low carb sesame crispbread

Keto no-noodle chicken soup

Keto no-noodle chicken soup

Roasted pumpkin with nuts and manchego cheese

Roasted pumpkin with nuts and manchego cheese

Keto Asian cabbage stir-fry

Keto Asian cabbage stir-fry

Roasted spring vegetables with eggs and browned butter

Roasted spring vegetables with eggs and browned butter

Parmesan butter

Parmesan butter

Roasted cauliflower mash

Roasted cauliflower mash

Whipped dairy-free low carb (Dalgona) coffee

Whipped dairy-free low carb (Dalgona) coffee

Keto thousand island dressing

Keto thousand island dressing

Keto Fathead pizza

Keto Fathead pizza

Keto stuffed mushrooms

Keto stuffed mushrooms

Fresh creamed spinach

Fresh creamed spinach

Keto garlic and rosemary focaccia

Keto garlic and rosemary focaccia

Keto chicken fajita bowl

Keto chicken fajita bowl

Keto pizza

Keto pesto chicken casserole with feta cheese and olives

Satay sauce

Satay sauce

Keto chops with green beans and avocado

Keto chops with green beans and avocado

Chipotle mayonnaise

Chipotle mayonnaise

Ranch seasoning

Ranch seasoning

Jill's cheese-crusted keto omelet

Jill's cheese-crusted keto omelet

Keto chicken BLT salad

Keto chicken BLT salad

Keto Western omelet

Keto Western omelet

Low carb lamb roast with broccoli purée

Low carb lamb roast with broccoli purée

Pork shoulder chops with cauliflower au gratin

Pork shoulder chops with cauliflower au gratin

Chicken wings with blue cheese dressing

Chicken wings with blue cheese dressing

Healthy meal plans

Meal plans that work

Want to lose weight and improve your health? Try a ketogenic (keto), low-carb, or high-protein diet. Stay on track by following our nutritionally reviewed meal plans.

Low-carb recipes

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Whether you’re looking for high-protein, strict keto, or liberal low-carb recipes, here you’ll find tons of tasty recipes to choose from. Discover our wide range of healthy recipes.

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There are many thoughts and ideas about what foods are and aren’t part of a healthy diet. Learn more about what foods you can expect from our recipes.

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  • 201 Kandice June 23 2019 Hello. I IF 16:8. My window to eat is 12p-8p, fast from 8pm -12p. I am also vegetarian & will follow the vegetarian Keto plan. Is is okay for the Bullet Proof coffee to be my first “meal” at 12pm to break my fast? Next meal would be around 3:30-4, and last meal by 8pm. Reply: #203
Can anybody tell me if they worked out the first week and just focused on the diet first to lose weight? I don't want overwhelm myself but just the first two weeks stay on top of the meals until I get use to it. Thanks

I have not worked out at all and have lost 31 lbs over just a few months (and truth be told 'cheat' way too much with family things like birthdays and holidays). As of right now I feel I'm still too overweight to work out and not feel like I'm dying! lAnd while I can majorly feel the difference since losing the weight, I think once I lose another 20-30 I'll feel good enough to start working out, at that point I'm fully expecting the weight to just melt off. My son will graduate from his Special Forces training in Dec, and I want him to be as proud of me as I am of him on that day! :)

Hello. I IF 16:8. My window to eat is 12p-8p, fast from 8pm -12p. I am also vegetarian & will follow the vegetarian Keto plan. Is is okay for the Bullet Proof coffee to be my first “meal” at 12pm to break my fast? Next meal would be around 3:30-4, and last meal by 8pm.

Results are going to vary from person to person. If you are happy with the success that you are seeing, then this could work well for you!

  • 204 Juliet Somers July 9 2019 I went to the site you suggested for MCT oil ( which I've never heard off before as I'm new to Keto) but read on the page that it's either made from coconut oil or palm oil. Is there a difference in 100% coconut oil and MCT made from coconut oil, as I try to avoid anything with palm oil Reply: #205
I went to the site you suggested for MCT oil ( which I've never heard off before as I'm new to Keto) but read on the page that it's either made from coconut oil or palm oil. Is there a difference in 100% coconut oil and MCT made from coconut oil, as I try to avoid anything with palm oil
  • 206 Sheetal July 19 2019 I lost weight without adding to my exercise routine
  • 207 Reply to comment #157 by Bridgette Jade October 24 2019 Hi Bridgette, I tried working out and ended up feeling very light headed and dizzy. I think for the first week, your body is already adjusting to ketosis so it may not be the best idea. But everyone is different! I went straight in with my weights routine... maybe something lighter wouldn't have made me feel so ill
  • 1 comment removed
  • 209 zoracle January 4 2020 I am highly reactive to Egg, Dairy, and Nuts (i.e. Almond/almond flour). I am struggling to find recipes for breakfast. It would be helpful for meal planning to filter out allergens and be able to search for meals that do not have these core items. please assist/suggest. I can only eat eggs in baked products and I cannot use almond flour at all. Dairy exacerbates my joints. I am new to Diet Doctor so it may be a case of not knowing enough to filter for these items when customizing the meal planner. thank you. Reply: #210
I am highly reactive to Egg, Dairy, and Nuts (i.e. Almond/almond flour). I am struggling to find recipes for breakfast. It would be helpful for meal planning to filter out allergens and be able to search for meals that do not have these core items. please assist/suggest. I can only eat eggs in baked products and I cannot use almond flour at all. Dairy exacerbates my joints. I am new to Diet Doctor so it may be a case of not knowing enough to filter for these items when customizing the meal planner. thank you.

Thank you for your feedback, we hope to be able to offer more advanced filtering options in the future.

  • 211 minisareen January 27 2020 I am allergic to egg can you give me some receipes without egg. Reply: #212
I am allergic to egg can you give me some receipes without egg.
  • 214 plarrimore1 June 18 2020 I want to loose weight do i need to count the carbs? Reply: #215
I want to loose weight do i need to count the carbs?
  • 216 Cristina July 17 2020 It took me about 2 1/2 weeks to get back to my regular workout, without the lightheaded dragging feeling. While your body gets used to the keto, its best to take it easy, and maybe just go through the motions (just so you don't lose your momentum) and you will know when to push yourself again. Good luck!
  • 217 Lois August 15 2020 I'm looking to start the diet, can I have fresh fruit as a snack in between my meals. Replies: #218 , #222
I'm looking to start the diet, can I have fresh fruit as a snack in between my meals.
  • 219 Zachary September 1 2020 How do I edit the meal plans? Reply: #220
How do I edit the meal plans?

With the meal plan open, look for the pink paper and pencil icon at the top right of a meal. That is an edit button for that meal. When you click that icon, you will be able to search for a new recipe to use for that meal slot.

  • 221 Reply to comment #202 by Angel Una September 19 2020 I have kept up my regular gym and walking regime as normal, and I'm pushing 70 rather than 60. It keeps me occupied, engaged with others at the gym so excellent for mental health and energy.
  • 222 Reply to comment #217 by Lois Una September 19 2020 Absolutely not, sadly. It is full of sugar, full of carbs and = apart from about four small strawberries on pancakes for breakfast, very few berries - just not allowed. Snacking is discouraged as well. Best to stick to a meal plan to see if the Keto diet suits you. You'll ever be hungry, and I ant even eat all that is allowed in a day. I now tend to skip breakfast altogether - a occasional butter/bullet coffee, which Tom Watson, oe of our British politicians sweas by. He lost absolute stones on this Keto diet - Google him! There is a very good article on here, DD, somewhere about the 'evils' of fruit and the amount of carbs in it all and sugar.
  • 223 Una September 19 2020 ,.. never (not ever) be hungry. Good luck!
  • 224 Dorene June 23 2021 Hi is there anyone with type 2 diabetes on this? Can you share some recipes or meal plans that would help with hypoglycaemia. Thanks! Reply: #225
Hi is there anyone with type 2 diabetes on this? Can you share some recipes or meal plans that would help with hypoglycaemia. Thanks!

You can sign up for our free two-week challenge at this link. Two weeks of meal plans with recipes and shopping lists as well as daily educational emails.

  • 226 DEBORAH July 12 2021 I was initially appalled at the idea of bullet proof coffee, but tried it and now I'm a convert. I add some cream to mine and find it is a great way to get an extra boost to get into solid ketosis, and can gear up to do one meal a day or a 24 - 48 hr fast using BP coffee for a meal because it is so so satiating with zero carbs. It has no real nutrition so not something you want to do a lot of, but a handy tool to wean yourself off food "addictions" on a path to intermittent fasting.
  • 227 sahar September 21 2021 how much fat can we take daily on keto? when it says 99% fat, does it mean we ate all the fat we needed for day and shouldn't eat more fat for the rest of the day? Reply: #228
how much fat can we take daily on keto? when it says 99% fat, does it mean we ate all the fat we needed for day and shouldn't eat more fat for the rest of the day?
  • 229 Aileen Sanchez Garcia January 24 2022 Can I drink bulletproof coffee everyday? Does it affect my cholesterol? Thanks Reply: #230
Can I drink bulletproof coffee everyday? Does it affect my cholesterol? Thanks
  • 231 Lizzy February 26 2022 I really dislike coffee so was wondering if you can put MCT or coconut oil into a cup of Tea? Reply: #232
I really dislike coffee so was wondering if you can put MCT or coconut oil into a cup of Tea?

You can certainly use tea instead of coffee!

  • 233 Rachel Stevens February 20 2023 If you've never used MTC oil before, start small. I would suggest 1/2 a tsp and work your way up to larger amounts. You may find yourself running to the restroom if you start at 1 tbs!

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  • Carnival Cruise Lines

Bulletproof Coffee on the Ships?


By Luluwa , March 29, 2015 in Carnival Cruise Lines

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Has anyone figured out how to make a nice bulletproof coffee on board? If so tell us how you did it.

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Anyone? [emoji2]


Use a French Press, hot water at buffet or room service.


Bulletproof coffee is with butter, right? You can try room service, but if you're finicky about "grass fed organic" I'd suggest bringing your own and a small cooler.

Sent from my iPad using Forums

:DThe buffet has pats of butter (if I remember it is a good quality butter) and if you use coconut oil you can bring a small jar from home.

I have not seen Heavy whipping cream on the ships, but could use half and half - if your not watching carbs that closely!

Maybe bring a shaker container to mix it in!

I had to google "bulletproof coffee"...all I can say is, totally gross.

Good input Yall thanks

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  1. First Bullet Proof Your Coffee And Then Take On The World

    jorge cruise bulletproof coffee

  2. Bulletproof coffee: todo lo que debes saber 2021

    jorge cruise bulletproof coffee

  3. La Guía del Bulletproof Coffee

    jorge cruise bulletproof coffee


    jorge cruise bulletproof coffee

  5. Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

    jorge cruise bulletproof coffee

  6. Bulletproof' Coffee

    jorge cruise bulletproof coffee


  1. The 6 Most Common Bulletproof Coffee Mistakes

    Bulletproof Coffee touts the reported health benefits of this unconventional drink. The Cleveland Clinic delves into the potential benefits of regular butter and MCT oil consumption and acknowledges that although there is a lack of research about buttery coffee, butter's fat does contain useful glycosphingolipids. These beneficial fatty acids help to prevent gastrointestinal tract infections ...

  2. The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to

    Jorge Cruise is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty titles with more than eight million books in print, including 8 Minutes in the Morning, The Belly Fat Cure, and The 100. Internationally recognized as a leading fitness trainer, Cruise has transformed the lives of millions of people, including Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Khloe Kardashian, Steve Harvey, Miley Cyrus ...

  3. Introducing Prevention's 19-Day Weight Loss Plan for 2020

    These recipes plus tons more from Cruise are featured here. But the basics are: 50% HEALTHY FATS as in olive oil, nuts, and avocado 30% carbs from veggies and whole grains. 30% CARBS from veggies ...

  4. Bulletproof Coffee: Benefits, Risks and More

    Benefits of Bulletproof Coffee. 1. It Could Blunt a Caffeine Crash. If you're accustomed to strict intermittent fasting, adding a cup of Bulletproof coffee to your morning may not be the worst idea. "One benefit of Bulletproof coffee in the morning compared to only black coffee is its fat can help slow down the body's absorption of caffeine ...

  5. Celebrity Trainer Jorge Cruise's Cruise Control Diet Puts a Spin On

    Well, Jorge Cruise — a celebrity trainer and fitness expert whose diets have reportedly been followed by everyone from Jennifer Lopez to Brooke Burke — stopped by our show to talk about his newest New York Times-bestselling book, The Cruise Control Diet, which explores the misconception that intermittent fasting is about deprivation.. There isn't one "correct" way to incorporate ...

  6. The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to

    Which peaked my interest. I never heard of this diet nor the author before the show. What made me buy the book (other than the fact I love a good book) was being able to skip breakfast with intermittent fasting. But, you can have several cruise control approved drinks in the morning, such as bulletproof coffee which for me is keto.

  7. Can I Drink Bulletproof Coffee on an Intermittent Fast?

    The bottom line: The quality fats in Bulletproof Coffee curbs cravings, boosts energy levels and supports ketone production. Coffee itself can speed up your metabolism and may help you build more muscle from your workouts. And clean coffee beans, like what you get from Bulletproof, brew up a cup of coffee that tastes as good as it makes you feel.

  8. The Cruise Control Diet

    Jorge Cruise is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty titles with more than eight million books in print, including 8 Minutes in the Morning, The Belly Fat Cure, and The 100.Internationally recognized as a leading fitness trainer, Cruise has transformed the lives of millions of people, including Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Khloe Kardashian, Steve Harvey, Miley Cyrus ...

  9. The Cruise Control Diet

    Activate your weight-loss autopilot--use the power of simple intermittent fasting to lose the pounds and keep them off, from Hollywood trainer and #1 New York Times bestselling author Jorge Cruise. Timing is everything when it comes to losing weight. Or, as celebrity trainer Jorge Cruise explains: When we eat is as important as what we eat.

  10. Jorge Cruise Shares the Secret to Diet Success

    Jorge Cruise Shares the Secret to Diet Success. Oct 2nd 2022. Jorge Cruise is an expert on food and dieting, having authored over 30 bestselling books in 16 languages. As a celebrity diet advisor, he's worked with many famous folks, as well as everyday people like you and me. Jorge first appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show in the 90s and has ...

  11. Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

    Simply scoop and stir for a creamy coffee experience, packed with quality fats from grass-fed butter and MCT oil. For a faster and hassle-free Bulletproof Coffee, try our keto coffee creamer packets. Just tear open a packet, pour it into your coffee, and enjoy the benefits on-the-go.

  12. A Look at Bulletproof Coffee's Claims About Their Coffee

    Bulletproof Coffee is a proprietary beverage that contains three ingredients: 1 cup of coffee. 1-2 tablespoons of "Brain Octane" (see below) 1-2 tablespoons of grass-fed, unsalted butter. These three ingredients are mixed in a blender to create a "latte.". "Brain Octane" is the company's expensive brand of medium chain ...

  13. Bulletproof Coffee (Explainer)

    If you're on the hunt for a morning pick-me-up that's not your average cup of joe, bulletproof coffee might just be your new go-to. This creamy concoction isn't just a treat for your taste buds; it's designed to fuel your brain and body, making it a favorite among keto enthusiasts and productivity seekers alike.

  14. Easiest Bulletproof Coffee Recipe (Delicious & Fast)

    Add ½ to 1 tablespoon of butter to your black coffee and pour both into a blender. We recommend starting with ½ tablespoon and increasing the amount of butter slowly as you get used to drinking bulletproof coffee. Blend the butter and coffee until they are thoroughly mixed. The coffee should have a frothy head.

  15. Dave Asprey

    Dave Asprey (born 1973) is an American entrepreneur, author and advocate of a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet known as the Bulletproof diet, about which he has made claims criticized by dietitians as pseudoscientific. He founded Bulletproof 360, Inc. in 2013, and in 2017, founded Bulletproof Nutrition Inc. Men's Health described Asprey as a "lifestyle guru".

  16. Product Locator

    SupplementsGreensVitamins A-D-KApple Cider Vinegar Max GummiesOmega Krill Complex. Mix-InsBulletproof Original CreamerBrain Octane C8 MCT OilUnflavored Collagen PeptidesInnerFuel Prebiotic. Create Your Custom Bundle. Save up to 20% when you stock up on your go-to product or mix and match all your Bulletproof favorites.

  17. The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss

    Jorge Cruise is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty titles with more than eight million books in print, including 8 Minutes in the Morning, The Belly Fat Cure, and The 100. Internationally recognized as a leading fitness trainer, Cruise has transformed the lives of millions of people, including Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Khloe Kardashian, Steve Harvey, Miley Cyrus ...

  18. Keto Bulletproof Coffee {with Butter or Ghee!}

    Bulletproof Coffee is a perfect morning or mid-afternoon boost! It provides a sustained source of filling energy that is creamy, rich, and full of flavor. It doesn't take long to whip up this tasty recipe. It is a well-known drink for those on the keto, paleo, or low carb diets, but it's tasty and satisfying for anyone who loves coffee to ...

  19. What makes Bulletproof Coffee Beans Different?

    What Makes Bulletproof Coffee Beans Different? Our 100% arabica coffee beans go through several steps of specialty sourcing and quality control before they arrive in your kitchen ready to brew. First, they are hand-picked from small farms in Central and South America. We only use sustainably sourced coffee from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms.

  20. Butter "Bulletproof" Coffee

    Make this recipe your own by adding your favorite flavors to it. Add some unsweetened cocoa powder and you'll have a butter mocha. Or why not try some cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice. If you feel like adding sweetness to your coffee, check out our guide to keto sweeteners . This recipe works with hot tea or even bone broth, too, so give it a try.

  21. Bulletproof Coffee on the Ships?

    All Activity; Home ; Categories ; Cruise Lines "A - O" Carnival Cruise Lines ; Bulletproof Coffee on the Ships?

  22. jorge cruise bulletproof coffee

    There are several mistakes you can make when consuming Bulletproof Coffee, ranging from ingredient substitutions to adding new ingredients, such as including stevia in Bulletproof Coffee. Consider both sides of each one and make the choice that suits your healthy lifestyle.... Ingredients. 1 cup (8 to 12 ounces) coffee. 1 tablespoon MCT oil or coconut oil. ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon. 1 ...

  23. Moscow

    Moscow: Welcome on board!Check in begins at 14:00 (2.00 PM), but you may board earlier or later depending on you arrival in Moscow. If you order a transfer, you will be met at the airport or train station by one of our drivers and taken by comfortable car to the river port where you will board your cruise ship (transfer is optional).