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Hunting in Ireland: A Complete Guide (Seasons, Places & More)

hunting in ireland

You may be an experienced hunter, but hunting in Ireland can be tricky. There are different laws and regulations to follow, not to mention the language barrier.

Even if you’ve hunted all over the world class, Ireland is a unique experience worth exploring. But with all of the new information to take in, where do you start?

This blog post contains everything you need to know about hunting in Ireland, from what time of year to go to, which places are best for a specific game, to what animals you can hunt in Ireland. You’ll have all the information you need right at your fingertips.

Can You Hunt in Ireland?

The simple answer is yes; you can hunt in Ireland. But there are a few things to consider before you start your trip.

First and foremost, you need to have the proper licenses. To hunt in Ireland, residents and non-residents must have a hunting license.

You can apply for a license online through the Department of Agriculture, Food, and Marine.

There are two types of licenses available: a game license and a deer license. The license covers small games, such as foxes, hares, and wild birds. The deer license covers, well, deer.

You’ll need both licenses if you want to hunt small game and deer . And if you’re a non-resident, you’ll need to have your license before entering the country.

Now that you know you can hunt in Ireland and how to get a license let’s talk about when the best time to go is.

How Popular Is Hunting in Ireland?

The popularity of hunting in Ireland has increased in recent years, with the number of people getting licenses rising every year.

One reason for this could be that it’s a great way to see the country. Ireland is full of stunning landscapes, and what better way to experience them than by going on a free-range hunting trip?

Plus, with the proper preparation, it can be a very successful trip. Ireland is home to various animals, including deer, wild boar, foxes, and hares. Various animals include hybrid deer, foxes, hares, and wild birds.

So, whether you’re looking for a trophy or want to stock up on meat for the winter, there’s a good chance you’ll find what you’re looking for in Ireland.

How Many Hunters Are in Ireland?

The number of hunters in Ireland has been on the rise recently, with residents and non-residents getting licenses. In 2016, there were over 23,000 licensed hunters in the country.

Of those hunters, around 15,000 were resident hunters, and 8,000 were non-resident hunters. Most non-resident hunters came from the UK, followed by the US, Germany, and France.

The number of hunters has been slowly rising since 2006 when just over 18,000 licensed hunters were in the country.

Though there are no definitive numbers, Ireland is estimated to have anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 hunters. This places the country ahead of the United States, which has about 16.3 million hunters, or about 5 percent of the population. 

Ireland’s high hunter-to-population ratio can be attributed to several factors. For one, hunting is deeply ingrained in Irish culture and tradition. It’s not unusual for generations of families to pass down their hunting knowledge and skills from one generation to the next. 

In addition , the Irish countryside is ideal for hunting, with its big game and beautiful landscapes. And with so much land available for public hunting (nearly 10 percent of the island.

Hunting in Ireland Law

Now that we’ve answered some of the most common questions about hunting in Ireland let’s get into the nitty-gritty: the law.

As we mentioned before, you must have a fishing license in Ireland. But there are a few other things you must remember regarding the law.

For starters, you need to be familiar with the Firearms Act . This act covers everything from who can own a gun to how to transport it.

You also need to be aware of animal welfare laws. These laws are in place to protect the animals you’re hunting, as well as the ones you’re not.

Finally, you need to know the rules and regulations for the specific area you’re hunting in. Each hunting ground has its own rules, so it’s essential to be familiar with them before starting your trip.

When Is the Hunting Season in Ireland? (Ireland Hunting Seasons)

The hunting season in Ireland runs from October 1st to February 28th. During this time, you can hunt various animals, including deer, foxes, hares, and wild birds.

The deer hunting season is divided into two parts: the red deer stag season and the red deer hind season. The stag season runs from October 1st to January 10th, while the hind season runs from December 15th to February 28th.

Foxes can be hunted year-round, but the most popular time to hunt them is during the cub hunting season, which runs from October 1st to February 28th.

Hares can also be hunted year-round, but the best time to hunt them is during the breeding season, which runs from September 1st to February 28th.

Finally, the wild bird hunting season runs from October 1st to January 31st. During this time, you can hunt various birds, including pheasants, partridges, ducks, and geese .

What Kind of Hunting Can You Do in Ireland?

There is a wide variety of hunting available in Ireland, with several different species of deer and some feral sheep and goats to choose from. Red deer, sika deer, fallow deer, hybrid deer, feral sheep, and goats can all be hunted in Ireland.

Each brings its challenges, so it depends on what you’re looking for in a hunt as to which one would be the best option. Red deer would be the way to go if you’re after a big game animal.

They’re the largest deer species that can be hunted here and weighed in at around 15-20kg on average. Sika deer are smaller than red deer but are still a decent size at 10-15kg. Fallow deer are the smallest of the three, weighing around 5-10kg.

Feral sheep or goats might be the way to go if you’re after something a little different. These animals are not as challenging to hunt as deer but can still provide a good day’s hunting.

Several species of feral sheep and goats can be hunted in Ireland, including the European mouflon, the Balkan chamois, and the wild goat.

So, whatever you’re looking for in a hunt, you’re sure to find it here in Ireland.

How Much Does Hunting In Ireland Cost?

The cost of Ireland hunting trips varies depending on many factors, such as the type of hunting you’re doing, the length of the hunt, and the number of animals you’re hoping to bag.

However , there are a few general things you can expect to pay for when hunting in Ireland. The first is the license fee. A hunting license in Ireland costs €80 and is valid for one year. You can get your license from the Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine.

The second is the deer tag fee. You have to pay this fee for each deer you kill. The fee for a red deer stag is €100, while the fee for a red deer hind is €50.

When Can You Hunt Deer in Ireland? 

According to the Irish organization National Parks & Wildlife Service, “deer may be shot during the open season which generally runs from 1 September in a given year to 28 February the following year.” There are, however, certain caveats.

For example , red deer may only be hunted in some regions of Ireland (designated as red deer hunting areas). In contrast, fallow deer may only be hunted on private land with the landlord’s permission.

In addition , any hunter must have a valid license issued by the Department of Culture, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht to hunt deer in Ireland. 

Finally, all hunters must adhere to the guidelines set forth by the National Parks & Wildlife Service regarding the humane treatment of animals.

Where Is the Best Place to Hunt in Ireland? (Public Hunting Land Ireland)

The Emerald Isle is a haven for hunters who want to pursue red deer, sika deer, and fallow bucks on its beautiful mountains and lakes.

There are also several varieties of feral sheep & goats running wild across all sorts of land, providing an unforgettable experience in this natural paradise!

Some of the best areas to hunt in Ireland include: 

  • The Galtee Mountains
  • The Lake District
  • County Kerry
  • The Wicklow Mountains
  • The Slieve Bloom Mountains

Each area offers something unique, so it depends on what you’re looking for in a hunt as to which one would be the best option for you.

How Much Is a Hunting License in Ireland?

The shotgun and rifle licenses are priced at €25 per year. A separate deer hunting license is free from the Wildlife Service, though it’s not required if you only plan on using your firearm as part of an approved competition or exhibition event!

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask away! And happy hunting!

Irish Hunting Holidays: (Shooting Holidays Ireland)

Many different companies offer hunting holidays in Ireland. The cost of these holidays varies depending on several factors, such as the length of the holiday, the type of hunting you’re doing, and the number of animals you’re hoping to bag.

However, there are a few general things you can expect to pay for when booking a hunting holiday in Ireland. The first is the license fee. A hunting license in Ireland costs €80 and is valid for one year. You can get your license from the Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine.

Bow Hunting In Ireland: Is Hunting with a Bow Legal in Ireland?

Under any circumstances, it is illegal to hunt with a bow in Ireland. The Wildlife Act 1976 prohibits hunting all animals with bows and arrows. This law is in place to protect both hunters and hunted animals.

The act allows exceptions, such as hunting with a bow while on private land, to thin out the deer population.

However, killing any animal other than a deer while hunting with a bow on private land is still unlawful. Anyone caught violating this law can face fines up to €5000 or up to 6 months in jail.

What Animals Can You Hunt in Ireland?

Trying to figure out which animals you’re allowed to hunt in Ireland can be confusing. There are a lot of different rules and regulations when it comes to hunting animals in Ireland. It can be hard to track what’s legal and what’s not.

We’ve created a comprehensive guide to hunting animals in Ireland. Whether you’re looking to hunt deer , boar, or pheasant, we’ve got you covered. Our guide is updated regularly so you can stay up-to-date on the latest hunting regulations.

Can You Bird Hunt in Ireland? (Bird Hunting in Ireland)

There is no closed season for shooting game birds in Ireland, so that you can go bird hunting any time of year! The most popular game birds to hunt in Ireland are pheasants, partridges, ducks, and geese.

There are a few things to keep in mind when bird hunting in Ireland. First, you must have a shotgun license, which costs €25 per year. You can get your license from the Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine.

In addition, you must have a valid hunting permit from the landowner before you can go bird hunting on their property.

Finally, knowing the bag limits for each game bird species is crucial. The bag limit for pheasants is ten birds per day; for partridges, it is five birds per day; for ducks and geese, it is three birds per day.

Can You Hunt Rabbits in Ireland?

Yes, you are free to hunt rabbits in Ireland. However, there are some caveats to consider before engaging in this activity.

  • First  and foremost, as with any hunting activities, familiarize yourself with the local regulations and obtain any necessary permits.
  • Secondly , while rabbits may not be protected in Ireland, they are still unprotected animals. This means they can be hunted without special permission from the Irish government.
  • Finally , when pursuing any hunting, use caution and common sense to ensure a safe and successful experience for everyone involved.

Can You Hunt Stag in Ireland? (Stag Hunting in Ireland)

Yes, you can hunt stag in Ireland! There are two primary ways to do so: rifle hunting and hunting with hounds.

Each has its benefits and drawbacks, so choosing the best method that suits your needs and preferences is essential.

Rifle hunting is typically reserved for more experienced hunters, requiring a steady hand and great aim. On the other hand, hunting with hounds is a bit more forgiving and can be an excellent option for those new to stag hunting.

Whichever method you choose, you’re sure to have a fantastic time making the most of Ireland’s beautiful landscapes and wildlife.

Fox Hunting in Ireland

Fox hunting in Ireland is an ancient and popular sport that many have enjoyed for centuries. The law surrounding foxes requires that they be protected from harm, but it’s challenging to achieve convictions when the animals don’t have much agency or power under human control.

The practice remains legal despite its controversial nature because there are no laws preventing people from going out into public spaces with dogs equipped for tracking prey such as rabbits, birds, etc.,

So long as these activities take place on private property where consent was obtained beforehand – something most would assume occurs naturally through common courtesy rather than needing formal agreement altogether!

Duck Hunting in Ireland

Ireland is the home to many ducks, which are beloved by gun enthusiasts. The shooting season runs from 1st September until 31st January inland and 20 February if you’re below the high tide mark!

There are a few things to remember before duck hunting in Ireland. The first is that you need a shotgun license, which you can get from the Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine.

Secondly, you’ll need to purchase a gamebird hunting tag for each day you plan to hunt. They cost €5 each and can be bought at any post office.

Finally, it’s essential to know the bag limits for each game bird species. The bag limit for ducks is three birds per day.

Sheep Hunting Ireland

There are several options when it comes to hunting sheep in Ireland. One of the most popular methods is to use dogs to flush the sheep out from their hiding places and into the open where they can be shot.

Another option is to hunt them at night with a thermal imaging scope. This allows you to see the sheep even in complete darkness.

Finally, some hunters prefer to use traps rather than guns. Trapping is a very effective way of catching sheep, but it can also be dangerous if not done correctly.

Fallow Deer Hunting Ireland

Ireland is home to an incredible variety of wildlife, and one such creature that you will find on almost any sampling plot or hiking trail is fallow deer.

These large-hooved mammals can typically be seen throughout most woodlands countrywide–whether it’s hill land like County Clare, where they flourish in the gentle hillsides with their natural food sources; low lying areas near rivers where these animals have been known to feed off aquatic plants while drinking water during summer months too!

Can you hunt wild goats in Ireland? (Goat Hunting Ireland)

Although there are no specific laws in Ireland protecting wild goats, sadly, this does not mean you can hunt them.

Hunting any animal without the landowner’s permission is illegal, and you could be prosecuted if caught doing so.

In addition , all animals are protected under the Wildlife Acts 1976-2000, which makes it an offense to intentionally kill, injure or take any animal listed in the Second Schedule of the Act, including goats.

So even if you did have permission to hunt on private land, hunting wild goats would still be illegal.

Sika Deer Hunting Ireland

While the sika deer have been around for quite some time, it was not until 150 years ago that they were introduced to Ireland through a private estate in County Wicklow.

There are three different types of Stags:  The European or Common Buck (which can be found all over); Fallow Deer from Asia, which weighs up to 60 pounds; And then there’s SIKA STAG – weighing in at an impressive 100-150 lbs., he is arguably one tough cookie!

So there you have it – a comprehensive guide to hunting in Ireland. We hope you found this post helpful and that it has armed you with all the information you need to get started on your Irish hunting adventure. Always heed locals’ advice when looking for hotspots, and enjoy the experience! What animal will you be targeting on your next hunt in Ireland? So, there you have it! Now that you know the ins and outs of hunting in Ireland, what are you waiting for? Get out there and enjoy the great outdoors!

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ireland hunting trips

Welcome to River and Field Adventures

Hunting Ireland

Welcome to River And Field

At River and Field Adventures it is our goal to provide you with Ireland’s Premium Game hunting experience. Discover the picturesque sights of the Irish Countryside teeming with wildlife, from our rolling hills to our Flowing rivers, accompanied by our fun and friendly Guides. Gear up and get ready for the hunting trip of a lifetime.

“Hello, I’m John Cushen and Welcome to River and Field Adventures. I am the owner and founder of River and Field Adventures along side by wife Elaine. Here at River and Field Adventures Ireland it is our aim to provide you with the best hunting Ireland has to offer while forging friendships with our clients along the way. The Irish are known the world over for their welcoming hospitality and love of a good time, two traits we expect you to experience on every trip with us. Ireland is generally not known as a premium hunting destination but at River and Field we ensure you that could not be further from the truth. With all types of game species both large and small, Ireland is a great country to hunt in. When you book and trip with River and Field Ireland you book a trip to remember.”

ireland hunting trips

  • Français

sika deer hunting

For challenging and exciting hunting in Ireland it would be hard to beat a days deer hunting.

Our experienced stalkers will guide you through thousands of acres of the finest Irish woodlands ( J.M.M. Killorglin Ltd.. Have exclusive hunting rights ) in the Killarney area, which have been home to Sika deer since early Victorian times.J.M.M. Killorglin Ltd. can now offer you the opportunity to join in the sport traditionally enjoyed by the noblemen of Ireland.

Deer hunting is a rugged sport that requires stamina, determination, a quick eye and a steady hand by the hunter it is not a sport for the faint hearted. Be prepared for long walks over bog, moor and mountain, across stream and river the deer does not come to you, you must hunt him. At the end of the day when you look at your prize you will know that it was worth all the effort.

A hunting party is usually conducted as follows:

  • You hunt in the company of a guide, stalking or stand hunting
  • You stalk for a few hours from dawn until e.g. 10.30 11am
  • Return to your accommodation to get a rest or do some touring because during the day sikas are in hiding
  • Hunting in the evening again meeting your guide at around 4.30p.m and stalk until dark

SEASON: from 1st September to end of December

Hunting clothing: camouflage (the sika is very cautious) raincoat and high gortex boots.

Weapons normally used: rifle 243, 5.6, 6.5, 270, 300, 3006 or 308 calibers.

It is the best to bring quite a powerful rifle in order to make a clean kill, because if the sika escapes you will not find it again as the undergrowth vegetation is very dense.

  • About J.M.M. Killorglin Ltd.
  • Sika Deer Hunting
  • Woodcock/Snipe Shooting
  • Pigeon Shooting
  • Accommodation
  • Firearm/Hunting Application Form

J.M.M. Killorglin Ltd., Ardlahas, Killorglin, Co. Kerry, Ireland

Copyright © 2012

Hunting in Ireland

19 hunting trips from 6 outfitters starting from a 44,756

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Ireland on map, about hunting in ireland.

The Emerald Isle’s mountains, lakes, and stunning Atlantic seashores offer a beautiful setting in which to pursue red deer, sika deer, fallow deer, and several varieties of feral sheep and goats in acres of wild and windswept countryside. Ireland has one of the densest populations of sika deer in Europe, and stalking these elusive animals in the ancient forests and green hills of the Irish countryside makes for a true challenge. Bird hunting in Ireland is outstanding, with some twenty species of game birds including excellent high-volume shooting for wood pigeons. The Irish are well known for their excellent hospitality and welcome visiting hunters. Opportunities for post-hunt sightseeing, hiking, and touring abound.

Price distribution

Special offers, hunting methods all hunting methods (7).

Hunting trips: Stalking

Rifle Hunting

Hunting trips: Rifle Hunting

Game classification All classifications (5)

Hunting trips: Big Game

Sheep & Goat

Hunting trips: Sheep & Goat

  • Sika Deer Sika deer is a smallish, but beautiful animal, and even the adults’ skins feature white spots. The bucks carry thick, branched antlers, that neither crown like with red deer nor palmate like with fallow deer
  • Young Sika Deer Two young Sika deer sparring at the water

The Emerald Isle’s mountains, lakes, and stunning Atlantic seashores offer a beautiful setting in which to pursue red deer, sika deer, fallow deer, and several varieties of feral sheep and goats in acres of wild and windswept countryside. Ireland has one of the densest populations of sika deer in Europe, and stalking these elusive animals in the ancient forests and green hills of the Irish countryside makes for a true challenge. Bird hunting in Ireland is outstanding, with some twenty species of game birds including excellent high-volume shooting for wood pigeons. The Irish are well known for their excellent hospitality and welcome visiting hunters. Opportunities for post-hunt sightseeing, hiking, and touring abound.

Woodcock Shooting in South Kerry

Woodcock Shooting in South Kerry

Sika Hind Cull Package

Sika Hind Cull Package

Unlimited Cull Off Season Hunt

Unlimited Cull Off Season Hunt

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We provide guided stalking outings for sika deer and hybrid deer in ireland and have more than 22 years of experience. each year our clients return home with an experience that they will never forget. we ensure you get your sika or hybrid trophy and make your stay in ireland a memorable one. you will come as our guest but leave as our friend ., irishsafaris is proudly sponsored by.

ireland hunting trips

recent hunts

ireland hunting trips

We’re always here to help. If you have any questions about our guided hunting packages, territories, transport or anything else, please get in touch.

[email protected]


→ The first sika deer arrived in Ireland in 1860

They were introduced into Ireland as decorative additions to the native deer in 1860 by Lord Powerscourt.

→ Identification

The antlers of the stag are branched and can have up to four points on each, in rare circumstances up to five points on each antler have been documented. The rump has an almost concealed white patch with white surrounding hair. 

Of our three native species of deer (Sika, Fallow and Reds), Sika are our smallest with stags up to 80cm at the shoulder and weighting 50-65kg. Adult females (hinds) are less than 70cm tall and weight 35-45kg.

ireland hunting trips

22 years of experience

Norman Mulvany has over 22 years of experience stalking Sika deer in the beautiful Wicklow mountains.

our territories

We have exclusive rights to 23,000 acres of free range, non-fenced hill, forestry and agricultural land..

→ Structure by elevation

Plains: 50%

→ Structure by landscape

Fields / Bush: 40%

Forest: 40%

Agricultural lands: 20%

  • Ballineddan Lower


Irishsafaris can arrange for local accommodation – spend less time travelling and more time hunting.

ireland hunting trips

pike angling with irishsafaris

Let irishsafaris organise your next pike fishing trip on the beautiful lough derg.

ireland hunting trips

Embrace magnificent scenery, tranquil lakeland vistas, outdoor adventure and heritage galore along Lough Derg’s spectacular shores. Nestled between counties Clare, Tipperary and Galway, Lough Derg’s 179km of idyllic shoreline boasts something for everyone

Lough Derg is an ideal fishing location with its many species to suit every angler. The lake is especially famous for its brown trout and pike fishing, and also has abundant numbers of perch, roach, salmon and bream. The fishing season begins in March and is at its highest when mayfly season starts, in late April or early May.

We can offer trolling, casting for pike, and dead baiting during the winter months. We can also offer trout and perch fishing.

Price for full (8 hours) day on boat for 1 angler: €180

Price for full (8 hours) day on boat for 2 anglers: €300

Rod and tackle hire are available for €30 per person.

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Glacial Valley Hunting

MagicEraser_221221_153245 (7).png

Glacial Valley Hunting has been owned and operated by the Nolan family for three generations. We offer Free Range guided hunts on over 25,000 acres of land.  A little over 39 square miles of ground we have the sole hunting rights to.   The Glacial Valley itself is the longest of its kind in the British Isles.  It is privately owned ground that is surrounded by the Wicklow Mountains National Park, in the Glenmalure Valley, of Ireland. We offer guided hunts for Japanese Sika Deer, Mountain Red Deer, Hybrid Deer, Foxes, and various species of Feral Mountain Goats. Our hunting season for Stags runs from September 1st through December 31st and Does from November 1st through February 28th. Our busiest season is the rut (mating season). It generally runs from the beginning of September through the first week of November.

We can hunt the Mountain Goats and Foxes year-round.

My name is James Nolan. I was born and reared in Glenmalure. I am H-CAP Certified, a NARGC Gun Safety Officer, and am DSC 1 Certified. I am also an EMT and I volunteered for the Glen of Imaal Red Cross Mountain Rescue Team for over 25 years. I am also a certified SCI Measurer. I have hunted and managed this area for over 30 years.  My father managed the area before me. Today, I manage it together with my son Jamie, who is also HI-CAP and DSC 1 Certified. The open mountain area that we own has been in the family since the early 1800s.  Including the property around us that we lease, we are the sole recipients of the hunting rights for over 25,000 acres of free-range hunting. There are no high fences.  There are no other outfitters allowed in our area. We have welcomed hunters from around the world for decades. You may come as a client, but you will leave as a friend.

Our guides are all very experienced in stalking these animals and know the terrain well. We are able to accommodate the newest hunters, to ones with disabilities. The hunts can be a combination of spot and stalk, hides, and high seats. 


We provide a variety of packages to suit all budgets. 

Our 3 to 4-day hunts are the most popular.

Lodging at The Glenmalure Lodge, breakfast and dinner.

2 outings a day to the hunting area (morning and evening)

Transportation inside the hunting areas

Guiding services

Daily display of Game

Access to tracking dogs

Animal field prep/caping

Transfer to Taxidermist

SCI Green Score Measurements

Licenses and Permits

Not Included:

Transport to and from the airport 

Rifle Hire with Ammo & Suppressors 

Extra animals

Non-hunter Participants

Extra Days Stalking


Trophy Cleaning and Taxidermy

ireland hunting trips

Game Hunting Ireland

SIKA StagS Package

Sika stags package.

The stalking packages are the most popular packages with our hunters, these include;

• Red Stag Trophy Hunt – also applies to Fallow and Sika. • 4 days stalking. • 5 nights stay, full board including meals & drinks* • All transport needs, including airport pickup and drop-off.

– Irish hunting permit – Fire Arm’s license – Gun’s 30-06-270-7mm win-mag and ammunition – All guns fitted with scopes and zeroed – Package also includes one non-hunter per hunter – We can cater for 3 hunters – All packages can be tailored to suit

The ever popular mixed stalk and wing hunt.

• Start with a quality stalking of Reds, Sika, Fallow and Ibex Billy’s.

• This can be followed by wing hunting including Woodcock, Pheasant and Partridge, Duck and Snipe.

We want you to design your own hunting trip, we then deliver. With you in charge – your trip is self tailored.

Catering for up to 3 hunters and one non-hunter per hunter. Full board and all meals & drinks* included.

– All transport needs – Airport pickup and drop off – Irish hunting Permit – Fire Arm’s License – Rifle’s 30-06-270-7mm win mag – Shotguns and all ammunition

*Requests for specific drinks should be made in advance. Whilst we endeavor to provide for your drinks needs, specific requests may be extra. Not Included in all packages are air fares, travel insurance, hunting insurance and shipping of trophy’s. If you have specific requirements, have no hesitation in asking.

Hunt Packages

  • Red Stag Package
  • Fallow Bucks Package
  • Sika Stags Package
  • Ibex Goat Package
  • Wing Hunts Package
  • Tailored Package

Contact Us Today

If you have any questions or enquires, you are very welcome to contact us. We will be happy to help.

Ireland Hunting Trips and Hunting Outfitters

Killeagh Hunting Trips

ireland hunting trips

Big Game Hunting in

In search of an unforgettable hunting adventure in Iceland? Our website offers the best outfitters with access to the finest hunting grounds in the country. Whether you're after the thrill of the chase in the tundras or a peaceful hunt on the glaciers, we've got you covered. Click the button below to start your search for the perfect hunt in Iceland.

Iceland is known for its diverse wildlife, including reindeer, Arctic fox, and mink. Hunting in Iceland is highly regulated, with specific hunting seasons and limited quotas in place to ensure sustainability. The country offers a variety of landscapes, from the tundras to the glaciers, providing a unique and diverse hunting experience.

Featured Outfitters

ireland hunting trips

First Class Trophy is probably the best taxidermy team in Europe…Their taxidermists have won the titles ‘BEST IN WORLD’ and ‘BEST IN EUROPE’ multiple times. Combine these skills with state-of-the-art logistic service and know-how and you have a safe full-service solution for your valuable hunting trophies when you hunt in Europe and Africa.

white paw icon

Free Range Hunting in the heart of the Wicklow Mountains in the beautiful Glenmalure Valley of Ireland.

ireland hunting trips

Frequently Asked Questions

‍ 1. what species can be hunted in iceland.

Iceland offers hunting opportunities for species such as reindeer, ptarmigan, and a variety of seabirds.

2. When does the hunting season start in Iceland?

The hunting season in Iceland varies depending on the species. Reindeer season typically starts in August, while ptarmigan hunting usually starts in late September.

3. What kind of environment can hunters expect in Iceland?

Expect a range of environments, from lava fields and mountainous terrains to coastal areas. Each offers a unique hunting experience.

4. Can Craig Boddington Endorsed Outfitters help me find an outfitter in Iceland?

Yes, we can recommend outfitters who specialize in Icelandic hunts, making your trip both safe and rewarding.

5. How accessible are hunting locations in Iceland?

While some hunting locations can be accessed by vehicle, others may require a hike or a boat ride, so be prepared for a bit of adventure.

6. What is the best time to hunt in Iceland?

The best time to hunt depends on the species you are targeting. For reindeer, late summer to early fall is generally best.

7. What equipment should I bring for a hunting trip in Iceland?

Waterproof gear is a must, given Iceland's variable weather. A good pair of hiking boots is also essential, along with your preferred firearm or bow.

8. How challenging are the hunts in Iceland?

The level of challenge can vary depending on the species and the location. Reindeer hunts, for instance, can be physically demanding due to the rugged terrain.

9. Can I combine my hunting trip with other outdoor activities?

Absolutely. Iceland is famous for its natural beauty, so you can easily combine your hunting trip with activities like fishing, hiking, or sightseeing.

10. I am keen on hunting reindeer. Can Craig Boddington Endorsed Outfitters recommend a specialized outfitter for this in Iceland?

Certainly! We have partnerships with exceptional outfitters who are experts in reindeer hunts in Iceland, ensuring you have a fulfilling and successful experience.

The CBEO Experience

At Craig Boddington Endorsed Outfitters, we value transparency, integrity, and the absolute best in hunting experiences. We believe that each hunt is more than just a price tag - it's a personalized journey for every hunter while we cannot list specific prices like the impersonal hunting directories out there you may have seen, we want to emphasize that we hand-pick outfitters known for their impeccable service, expert knowledge, and fair pricing. We understand that a hunt is an investment and we are committed to ensuring our clients get the best possible return - in experience, satisfaction, and the thrill of the hunt.

  • Endorsement by Craig Boddington, a hunting legend with over four decades of experience in outdoor journalism, is a testament to the quality and reliability of the hunting outfitter.
  • Our boots on the ground vetting means each endorsed outfitter is ensured to offer top-notch, expert knowledge, and a high standard of animal welfare and conservation.
  • Craig's endorsement are not influenced by sponsorships or partnerships. They are solely based on Craig's honest, personal experience and assessment.
  • Craig's endorsement outfitters understand that pricing is more than just a cost - it's the value you receive from a meticulously planned and executed hunt.
  • We connect you with the outfitter directly for pricing and details. This ensures a personalized service tailored to your specific needs and expectations.
  • We ensure that all pricing is fair, competitive, and representative of the top-tier service offered by our endorsed outfitters.
  • By dealing directly with the outfitter, you avoid any third-party fees or commissions.
  • We are not a booking agency and accept no commissions. This means there is NO MARKUP on your hunt.

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Welcome from irishsafaris.

ireland hunting trips

Hunting experience

Accomodation and hospitality

Professional hunters / staff

Game quality

Value for money

We provide stalking outings for Sika deer in Ireland and have more than 22 years of experience. Each year our clients return home with an experience that they will never forget. All hunts are free range wild Sika deer. We ensure you get your sika trophy and also make your stay in Ireland a very memorable one. You will come as our guest but leave as a friend

4 Day Sika Deer Package - 3 Hunters Deal

4 Day Sika Deer Package - 3 Hunters Deal

4 day Sika stag package

4 day Sika stag package

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  1. Red Stag Hunting Ireland

    ireland hunting trips

  2. Ireland hunting trips

    ireland hunting trips

  3. Limerick Harriers 2015/2016 (hunting in Ireland)

    ireland hunting trips

  4. Sika hunting in Ireland ı Hunting trip to Kerry

    ireland hunting trips

  5. Ireland hunting trips

    ireland hunting trips

  6. Ireland hunting trips

    ireland hunting trips


  1. Bray Harriers

  2. red deer culling in Ireland 🇮🇪

  3. On Ireland, Hunting, and Forging

  4. Animal Magic on the island of Ireland

  5. Irland

  6. hunting in Ireland with the Galway blazers


  1. Ireland hunting trips

    Hunting in Ireland. View 19 hunts. 19 hunting trips from 6 outfitters starting from $ 487. 19 hunts. $487 starting from. 5 animals. 3401mi to the nearest trip.

  2. Hunting in Ireland: A Complete Guide (Seasons, Places & More)

    A hunting license in Ireland costs €80 and is valid for one year. You can get your license from the Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine. The second is the deer tag fee. You have to pay this fee for each deer you kill. The fee for a red deer stag is €100, while the fee for a red deer hind is €50.

  3. Hunt Specials

    Wing Hunt Show Specials. The driven pheasant and partridge takes place on our 300 acre island set on the river Shannon. This unique setting makes for a breathtaking hunting experience with amazing scenery and excellent shooting making it one of Ireland's leading shooting locations. Our 300 bird day with 3 drives consist of 3 in the morning ...

  4. Home

    I made the right choice in hunting with Kevin and Marie at Game Hunting Ireland. Kevin is a true professional who offers the very best of all things Irish hunting. From planning and customizing your trip, to every day of your hunt, Kevin works incredibly hard to personally deliver a first-class experience.

  5. Red Stag Package

    RED STAG'S PACKAGE. Stalking. The stalking packages are the most popular packages with our hunters, these include; • Red Stag Trophy Hunt - also applies to Fallow and Sika. • 4 days stalking. • 5 nights stay, full board including meals & drinks*. • All transport needs, including airport pickup and drop-off. - Irish hunting permit.

  6. River and Field

    At River and Field Adventures it is our goal to provide you with Ireland's Premium Game hunting experience. Discover the picturesque sights of the Irish Countryside teeming with wildlife, from our rolling hills to our Flowing rivers, accompanied by our fun and friendly Guides. Gear up and get ready for the hunting trip of a lifetime. Book Now!

  7. Celtic Field Sports

    Hunt Blog. Celtic Field Sports, Broomfield Lodge, Moone, County Kildare, [email protected]. Last updated 1/3/22. Deer hunting in Ireland, Stalking the best Sika stags in Europe with Celtic Field Sports. Irish Outfitter offering the best Deer stalking in Ireland.

  8. Welcome to Game Sporting in Glennoo

    Welcome to Glennoo. an Irish Sporting Paradise by Alderwood Sporting Ltd. Glennoo is one of Ireland's Premier Game Shooting & Sporting destinations offering bespoke driven shooting, walked up hunting, deer stalking and fishing packages. Over 15,000 acres of unspoilt natural beauty.

  9. Irish Red Fox Hunt / Ireland

    Ireland. Price from. $488 for 1 day, 1 hunter, with Fox included. 9.2. We offer 25,000 acres of FREE RANGE hunting. A little over 39 square miles. It is a privately owned mountain in the heart of the Wicklow National Forest. We have access to a healthy amount of animals and are the sole owners of the hunting rights in the entire area.

  10. Craig Boddington Endorsed Outfitter

    Glacial Valley Hunting offers free range guided hunts on over 10,000 acres of land. The Glacial Valley itself is the longest of its kind in the British Isles. It is privately owned ground that is surrounded by the Wicklow Mountains National Park, in the Glenmalure Valley, of Ireland. They offer guided hunts for Japanese Sika Deer, Mountain Red ...

  11. Deer Stalking Ireland

    " "Hunting with Celtic Field Sports is 100% authentic Ireland. Plush accommodations, great food, unbelievable sightseeing and mountains overflowing with wildlife, what a hunt! 8 animals in 6 days, my wife and I cannot wait to come back!" " — Dan Adler Best of the West TV Diamond Outfitters of Arizona

  12. Guided hunts in Ireland

    Guided hunting trips in Ireland - the trip of your dreams is possible on BookYourHunt.com! Direct offers from outfitters with a Best Price Guarantee. ... Explore hunting trips worldwide. Direct offers from outfitters with no booking fees. Verified reviews from other hunters.

  13. Castle Hunt Package

    With this package you will be sleeping, dining, and hunting out of a refurbished castle dating back hundreds of years. Whether you are hunting Red Stags, Sika Stags, Fallow Stags, Ibex goats, Four horns , or taking part in Wing shooting, or even a Mounted Fox Hunt this authentic Irish Castle will be the crown jewel of your stay with us here at ...

  14. Sika Deer Hunting Ireland

    Hunting in the evening again meeting your guide at around 4.30p.m and stalk until dark; SEASON: from 1st September to end of December. Hunting clothing: camouflage (the sika is very cautious) raincoat and high gortex boots. Weapons normally used: rifle 243, 5.6, 6.5, 270, 300, 3006 or 308 calibers.

  15. Ireland hunting trips

    Browse a selection of hunting trips in Ireland directly from outfitters. All with a Best Price Guarantee. ... 25 hunting trips from 6 outfitters starting from $ 487 . 25 hunts $ 487 starting from. 7 animals. 3284 mi to the nearest trip. About. Map. Special offers. Hunting methods.

  16. Hunting Ireland Deer Glacial Valley Hunting

    of Ireland. Now offering hunts in England and Scotland! CURRENTLY TAKING DEPOSITS FOR 2023-2024. Year Round Hunting in the heart of the beautiful Glenmalure Valley of County Wicklow in Ireland. We hunt Japanese Sika, Irish Red Deer, the very rare Hybrid Deer, Ibex, Multi Horned Sheep and several other sheep species.

  17. IrishSafaris

    Price for full (8 hours) day on boat for 2 anglers: €300. Rod and tackle hire are available for €30 per person. GUIDED STALKING TRIPS FOR FREE RANGE SIKA AND HYBRID DEER We provide guided stalking outings for Sika deer and hybrid deer in Ireland and have more than 22 years of experience. Each year our clients return home with an experience ...

  18. Hunting Ireland Deer Wicklow Glacial Valley Hunting

    Glacial Valley Hunting has been owned and operated by the Nolan family for three generations. We offer Free Range guided hunts on over 25,000 acres of land. A little over 39 square miles of ground we have the sole hunting rights to. The Glacial Valley itself is the longest of its kind in the British Isles. It is privately owned ground that is ...

  19. Sika Stags Package

    The stalking packages are the most popular packages with our hunters, these include; • Red Stag Trophy Hunt - also applies to Fallow and Sika. • 4 days stalking. • 5 nights stay, full board including meals & drinks*. • All transport needs, including airport pickup and drop-off. - Irish hunting permit. - Fire Arm's license.

  20. Ireland Hunting Trips and Hunting Outfitters...

    Killeagh Hunting Trips Deer Hunting in Ireland 3 day and 5 day Hunts available for 2024 Starting from $1,950 Lackagh • Clients will be roaming some of the most beautiful breathtaking scenery this part of Ireland has to offer while Hunting Red, Sika and Fallow deer .

  21. Riding in Ireland

    Ireland is known the world over for its hunting, with 41 recognized packs of hounds in Ireland. Irish hunt country is varied (and, at times, more challenging) than any other hunt terrain in the world. In some areas the land is criss-crossed by stone walls, in other parts of the country the obstacles can be logs, drainage ditches or banks.

  22. Hunting in Ireland with Craig Boddington

    Endorsement by Craig Boddington, a hunting legend with over four decades of experience in outdoor journalism, is a testament to the quality and reliability of the hunting outfitter. Our boots on the ground vetting means each endorsed outfitter is ensured to offer top-notch, expert knowledge, and a high standard of animal welfare and conservation.

  23. Hunting trips from Irishsafaris

    Hunting trips directly from Irishsafaris with a Best Price Guarantee. ... We ensure you get your sika trophy and also make your stay in Ireland a very memorable one. You will come as our guest but leave as a friend. Hunts. 4 Day Sika Deer Package - 3 Hunters Deal. 10 2 reviews. Ireland Sika deer . Trip duration: 4 days. Season: 1 Sep 2024 - 30 ...