REVIEW: IDW Publishing's Star Trek #3


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Someone deep in the galaxy is wreaking havoc in the Star Trek Universe, killing an alien race of godlike beings. Terrified for their lives, the gods have chosen their messiah -- Captain Benjamin Sisko . Sisko is more than familiar with the alien gods after spending time lost within the Bajoran wormhole -- and maybe even becoming a god himself. But his omnipotence is fading fast, and with the Prophets counting on him, Sisko will need all the help he can get.

A continuation of the five-part series from IDW Publishing, written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing, with art by artists Ramon Rosanas and Joe Eisma, colors by Lee Loughridge, and letters by Clayton Cowles, Star Trek #3 follows Captain Sisko hot on the trail of the god-killers. But the hunt is derailed when mysterious malfunctions seize the ship in mid-warp. Sisko is determined to continue the mission and utilize his rapidly decreasing godhood. But the combined efforts of Vulcan Ensign T'Lir, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Montgomery Scott, and even Sisko's own son may not be enough to save him, Theseus, or the gods in time.

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Much of the issue focuses on Captain Sisko's humanity or lack thereof following his time in the Bajoran wormhole. Sisko is one of the most interesting and complex Captains in the Star Trek roster, and his would-be therapy session with Dr. Crusher is a fascinating interaction. Unfortunately, the rest of the issue is devoted to the mysterious space-time warp that throws the USS Theseus and the comic into chaos. After the strong introduction of the potential rescue mission, the narrative shift to the ship's malfunctions, making Sisko's introspection feel like a disruption and compromising this series' growing momentum.

This plot point surrounding the space-time warp is as chaotic for the reader as it is for the characters. The perspectives jump very quickly, and events speed by rather clumsily, making Star Trek #3 a frustrating read at times. Thankfully, the tag team of writers Kelly and Lanzing demonstrate some level of method in all madness. The uneasy friendship between Ensign T'Lir and the young Jake Sisko gets some time to develop, with T'Lir performing a decent homage to the poignant ending of Wrath of Khan. Ben Sisko gets a chance to describe his transformation towards godhood and his relationship with the Prophets as a Messianic archetype. Most welcome of all is Q's presence . He's simultaneously menacing and humorous, toeing the line between antagonist and trickster mentor. His snarky dialogue pairs beautifully with Captain Sisko's hot-blooded bluntness and leads to a satisfying conclusion that paves the way for subsequent issues to explore the much-anticipated murder mystery arc.

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The line art, courtesy of artists Rosana and Eisma, is clean, clear, crisp, and spare. It really shines in pages where the characters are allowed ample space to move, breathe, and interact. However, the heavy line weights used in the environments tend to draw the eye away from the main characters, who are drawn with modest, thin lines, causing them to fade into the background. The clean lines pair well with colorist Loughridge's equally elegant and muted palette. Backgrounds are colored with cool tones that bring depth to the artwork and help the bright characters stand out. Her color knockouts are particularly impressive, especially given the number of explosions in this issue. Color and light provide a great deal of dramatic tension and relief.

Equal parts compelling, chaotic, and complicated, Star Trek #3 is a wild roller coaster ride through a space-time malfunction. Although the issue seemed to derail at the start, Star Trek #3 has a surprising twist and some very strong characters who are as compelling as ever.

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  • Jackson Lanzing
  • Collin Kelly
  • Ramon Rosanas

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  • Star Trek, Volume 1: Godshock (issues 1-6, 400 )
  • Star Trek, Volume 2: The Red Path (issues 7-10, Annual)
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idw star trek #3

Star Trek #3 Review

Jacob Levy

IDW’s Star Trek #3 continues the story of Benjamin Sisko’s return from the Bajoran wormhole and his quest to stop whatever is killing the galaxy’s most powerful entities. Joined by a crew of characters spanning almost all generations of Star Trek , Sisko now faces the most powerful entity of them all, Q. 

One of the most glaring aspects of this issue is the change in art direction. This issue features two artists that did not work on the previous issue, Ramon Rosanas and Joe Esima. While Rosanas takes a more realistic, straight-forward approach to the characters, Esima takes a more stylized, cartoonish approach. One consequence of this, however, is that the characters can often look very different than their live-action selves. Especially someone like Dr. Beverly Crusher. 

Star Trek #3 heavily emphasises a new character to Star Trek, T’Lir, a Vulcan Starfleet officer serving on the USS Theseus. But something is off about T’Lir. He keeps repeating the mantra “I am T’Lir. A Vulcan of Starfleet.” throughout the issue. Him repeating this may imply that he his neither of those things and is trying to hide his true identity. He also exhibits odd behavior such as deactivating the sonic shower safety parameters and glowing towards the end of the issue. His intentions towards the crew seem genuine, but he may have ulterior motives. 

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Keeping it in the family

Another new addition to the crew is none other than Jake Sisko, Benjamin Sisko’s son. We see him following in his family’s footsteps by cooking gumbo. It’s good to see Jake take on this tradition, since he never showed much prowess in Deep Space Nine . It is also curious Jake would be on the Theseus, considering how dangerous the mission is. 

When Q enters the story, he immediately wreaks havoc on the Theseus, creating fantastical illusions to fight the crew. But T’Lir has an idea to stop Q. He suggests isolating him with “Extra-Dimensional Tachyons.” This plot device to rein in Q felt a bit unearned. Q is the most powerful being seen in Star Trek . It seems unlikely that shooting him with some particles would be able to contain him. However, this was T’Lir’s idea, and something odd is up with T’Lir. Maybe this out-of-the-box idea is somehow connected to T’Lir’s identity. 

When T’Lir and Jake run to Engineering to implement T’Lir’s plan, they must pass through the chaos Q has made of the ship. The artist uses a fun panel structure to show the various obstacles T’Lir and Jake must overcome, from musketeers, to ballroom dancing to flashbacks to The Original Series episode, “Errand of Mercy”. The artist manages to fit eight different scenes of Jake and T’Lir avoiding obstacles on just one page, using stacked horizontal panels to represent the different corridors. A clever use of art direction and storytelling. 

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Q on the run

Through all of Q’s toying with the crew of the Theseus, we never see Q interact with Data or Worf, who are both on the ship. This is primarily Sisko’s story, but Q has more history with Data and Worf than Sisko, so it was surprising we didn’t ever see them together. Especially surprising since in Star Trek #3, we read Captain Jean-Luc Picard’s account of Q with the Enterprise in an in-universe log. 

One interesting plot development towards the end of the issue is that Q is apparently aware of the galaxy’s god killers. He and the Continuum are going into hiding. If the Q are concerned about this threat, it must be very powerful. 

Overall, this lighthearted issue displayed Q’s antics to the extreme. But despite its jovial nature, the issue displayed some excellent writing, specifically in relation to Sisko’s character. His ruminations on his time spent in the Bajoran wormhole were compelling and thoughtful. Sisko is not the man he was, and exploring this new version of him is fascinating. 

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When strange malfunctions begin to plague the USS Theseus mid-warp, Benjamin Sisko and his crew must band together to unveil the source behind the mysterious phenomena aboard the ship. But what initially appear as mere technological quagmires and strange happenings become a test that will determine the very fate of the universe.

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Everything about 'Star Trek' is a massive love letter to the franchise as a whole, picking through various characters and concepts to dive even deeper as the threads from various franchise entries are woven together into something greater. Yet, it works wonderfully to build things in its own fashion without being beholden to what might have come before. Any fan of the various series needs to be reading this book, and anyone looking to dive into Star Trek should as well because it's one of the best on the shelves. Read Full Review

The writing team made clever use of Q for this story and reuniting Q with Sisko was fun to see given that the characters have only encountered each other once and the DS9 series. The book leaves off with a fun tease for the next issue in which I think we will see Sisko visit a planet of Gods, hmm, I wonder if he will get to ask these gods if they need the use of his Starship. I'm pretty sure Scotty will have a word or two to say about that. All in all this story feels like a Star Trek story. Read Full Review

Rosanas and Eisma deliver some fantastic visuals throughout the issue and I love the style of the issue as well as the visual tension created. Read Full Review

Star Trek #3 is a nice issue to dive in to. You can pick it up without having read the first two and my gut says there's something more about this encounter to come. Only time will tell. Read Full Review

Comics fans and creators like to talk about how the medium is like television or film without budget restrictions. It's a flawed analogy, but Star Trek #3 is a near-perfect test case for it. The issue takes a tried and true Star Trek formula, the Q episode, and presents it in comic book form. What you get is all of the hijinks of a classic Q story, but with his omnipotence on display far beyond what television would ever have allowed. Read Full Review

idw star trek #3

The best issue so far. Kelly and Lanzing's writing for the classic character "Q" is perfect and fits perfectly to the main plot, adding mistery to the God's Killing problem. The final cliffhanger it's satisfying and keep the readers sticked to the plot.

idw star trek #3

This issue was a filler issue. Has Q but then does nothing with him and focuses on a Vulcan supporting character who is so uninteresting I don't remember his name and don't want to go back to look it up.

idw star trek #3

This book was just nonsense. It has no bearing on anything. I was completely bored, just waiting for it to get done. I did like the premise up until this point. This issue could have been completely skipped and no one would have noticed.

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  • TNG episode & novelization : Encounter at Farpoint – First appearance of Q in his judge persona.
  • TNG episode : " Remember Me " – Beverly Crusher mentioned being trapped in a reality-erasing warp bubble .
  • TNG episode : " Sub Rosa " – Crusher mentioned having fallen in love with a ghost .
  • TNG episode : " Journey's End " – Crusher mentioned her son departing conventional space-time, similar to Benjamin Sisko .
  • TNG episodes : " Qpid ", " A Fistful of Datas " – Worf complained about ending up in a "stupid hat".
  • DS9 episode : " Homefront " – Sisko's Creole Kitchen was famous for Joseph Sisko 's signature gumbo .

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Cover "A" edition cover image by Ramon Rosanas.

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Here’s the synopsis to  Lower Decks #1, in stores now:

Soon after leading her crew on a planetary expedition aimed at building bridges and advancing Federation technology, Captain Freeman begins to suspect that the planet and its people are not all what they seem… Meanwhile, the crew in the lower decks take to the holodeck, enjoying some much-needed recreational time-until a bloodthirsty visitor decides to join in on their games!

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Here’s the synopsis to  Lower Decks #2, coming in October:

While the crew in the lower decks deal with the repercussions of bringing Dracula aboard the Cerritos, the away team grapples with its own unfortunate miscalculation on the planet Qvanti.

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Here’s the synopsis to  Lower Decks #3, coming in November:

With the Cerritos under attack and Captain Freeman’s away team accused of violating Starfleet’s most upheld principle, can the crew prove their innocence? Or will they end up one of Dracula’s infamous Draquiri cocktails?

Star Trek: Picard won’t be returning for its third season until next February, but IDW has launched this year’s between-seasons comic tale, as Star Trek: Picard — Stargazer begins its three-issue run here in September.

As with many of the previous tie-in comics connected to the modern  Star Trek era, the  Stagazer  miniseries is written by longtime collaborators Mike Johnson &  Picard co-creator Kirsten Beyer, with art by Angel Hernandez.

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Here’s the synopsis to  Stargazer #1, released in late August:

When the U.S.S. Stargazer goes missing near a planet from his past, Admiral Jean Luc-Picard enlists Seven’s help to unravel the mystery and save the Stargazer crew!

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Here’s the synopsis to  Stargazer #2, coming in October:

While Picard and Seven seek answers to uncover the mysterious disappearance of the Stargazer crew near Jenjor VI, a bold choice from Picard’s past comes back to haunt him.

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Here’s the synopsis to  Stargazer #3, coming in late October:

Caught in a deadly crossfire between the Romulans and Remans, Picard and Seven of Nine must draw on their combined Starfleet and Rangers skills to save not only themselves but an entire planet!

Captain Pike’s crew joins the comic adventures this winter in  Star Trek: Strange New Worlds — The Illyrian Enigma , a tale set between the show’s first and forthcoming second season.

Like the  Stargazer series, this new comic story is also written by Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer, with art by Megan Levens.

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Here’s the synopsis for The Illyrian Enigma #1, coming in December:

With Una accused of unlawful genetic modification by Starfleet, Captain Pike sets out in search of evidence that could prove his first officer’s innocence.

Finally, IDW’s next monthly  Star Trek series kicks off this October with Star Trek #1 , a new ongoing tale centered around Benjamin Sisko — after he’s returned from the Bajoran Wormhole — who must bring together characters from many eras of the  Trek saga for his mission.

Written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly (who helmed the recently-concluded  Star Trek: Year Five series) with art by Ramon Rosanas, this new monthly comic — which is the start of a massive new comic-based continuity.

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As IDW Publishing’s marketing director Keith Davidson puts it:

It’s the biggest initiative that IDW has ever undertaken for the brand in its now-14 years of Star Trek publication. Essentially, our new Star Trek series is creating a new ongoing IDW continuity, from which we will build offshoots, spin-offs, and epic events for years to come. Benjamin Sisko takes the helm of the Enterprise, supported by a crew of characters pulled quite literally from throughout Star Trek canon — even from The Original Series! Part of the fun will be seeing how the diverse personalities mesh or clash. Honestly, we’re hoping to channel with Star Trek what Marvel did when they launched their Star Wars comics a few years back — respecting the canon that came before while building a new universe for fans that’s wholly unique, unexpected, and accessible.

Writer Jackson Lanzing called the new  Star Trek monthly “a  Deep Space Nine sequel” on social media this week, and in a lengthy new interview with, described the tale as one which fits into a neat year-and-a-half of time which no on-screen  Star Trek production has yet touched: the era between Voyager’s return home and the events of  Star Trek: Nemesis.

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As writer Collin Kelly described it to

They’re giving us a lot of access to all the toys, with the understanding that at the end of it, we will put the toys back in the box. There is about a year and a half here of Star Trek timeline that is untouched, and within this, we can make all sorts of trouble as long as we put the characters that need to be back in the box for Nemesis.

Lanzing also talked about how this new storyline will be canon — until it’s not.

This is as close as we can, on the comic side, to being canon. We will be canon until they un-canonize us. But we are working with the shows. We are in communication with the teams… We’re taking this as an opportunity to effectively fill [the space formerly occupied by the Trek novel continuity], because a lot of that stuff was created with the understanding there would never be shows again. [But] now we know that there will be, so we are trying to create new canon that exists inside that space. But these are the characters you know. This is the canonical Benjamin Sisko sequel story. This is the last ride of Data before Nemesis. These are those stories. This is what happened to Tom Paris after he came back from Voyager.

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Here’s the official synopsis for  Star Trek #1 — coming in October — where Captain Sisko is joined on his mission by first officer Data, medical officer Dr. Beverly Crusher, pilot Tom Paris, and new characters as well.

It’s stardate 2378, and Benjamin Sisko has finally returned from the Bajoran Wormhole omnipotent. But his godhood is failing with every minute. Sent by the Prophets on a mission to the deepest parts of space aboard the U.S.S. Theseus, he witnesses the unthinkable: Someone is killing the gods. And only Sisko and his motley crew of Starfleet members from every era of Trek can stop them.

Here’s the official synopsis for Star Trek #2, coming in November:

Tasked with a mission from the Prophets, Benjamin Sisko enlists the help of an old friend from Qo’noS to track the ship and persons responsible for slaying the gods.
My design of the USS Theseus for the new STAR TREK comic series. I hope you like it. — Ramon Rosanas (@RamonRosanas) September 8, 2022

Here’s the official synopsis for Star Trek #3, coming in December:

When strange malfunctions begin plaguing the U.S.S. Theseus mid-warp, Benjamin Sisko and his crew must band together to unveil the source behind the mysterious phenomena aboard the ship. But what initially appear as mere technological quagmires and strange happenings become a test that will determine the very fate of the universe.

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The world of  Star Trek comics continues to expand. Keep checking back to TrekCore for more  Star Trek comics news as it breaks!

  • IDW publishing
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks
  • Star Trek: Picard
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  • Stargazer (Comic)

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Star Trek Library Collection, Vol. 3 Paperback – October 1, 2024

  • Print length 328 pages
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  • Publication date October 1, 2024
  • Dimensions 0.04 x 0.04 x 0.04 inches
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  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CS9B2W1G
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ IDW Publishing (October 1, 2024)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 328 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8887241197
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 13 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 0.04 x 0.04 x 0.04 inches
  • #5,497 in Media Tie-In Graphic Novels
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  • The highly anticipated series follows Captain Christopher Pike and the crew of the U.S.S Enterprise.
  • Fans can expect the release of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 in 2025.

Fans of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds have reason to rejoice. Anson Mount , who brings Captain Christopher Pike to life , has officially confirmed that production on the highly anticipated third season has wrapped. The announcement came via a celebratory video posted on Mount's social media channels, sending Trekkies into a frenzy of excitement. Mount thanks fans for their patience while the show was beset with delays by the strikes, and even had to work especially hard to avoid spoilers in the background during the video he posted on Instagram.

“So that’s it guys, that is a wrap on season 3, at least from me, there’s still a little bit of work to be done. I feel like I could sleep for a week, but I still have many travels and many things ahead of me to do, and I’m trying to keep spoilers out of the shots here. Thank you for your patience, especially during the strikes, it wasn’t anyone’s intention for us to be delayed to that extent. Thank you for sticking with us, thank you to our lifelong Star Trek fans, I am one of you and it’s because of people like you that I get to live out my dreams like this and I’ll never stop thanking you for having me in your house.”

The confirmation of Season 3's production wrap comes at a pivotal time for the Star Trek franchise. Strange New Worlds has quickly become a fan favourite, praised for its return to the episodic storytelling style reminiscent of the original 1960s series . With its blend of classic Star Trek elements and fresh stories, the show has successfully captured the hearts of both long-time devotees and new viewers alike.

When Will the Next Season of 'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Be Released?

Collider previously released the exclusive news that Strange New Worlds had set a post-strike production window from December 2023 to June 2024, so the late May completion date is almost bang on schedule. Hopefully, with production coming to a close, we'll get an official release date sooner, rather than later. Although Strange New Worlds Season 3 isn't likely to hit Paramount+ before the end of 2025, it will still be a fruitful year for Star Trek fans. The fifth and final season of Star Trek: Discovery will premiered on April 4, while the animated series Lower Decks and Prodigy should have new episodes this year, as well.

What Star Trek Movies Are Coming Up?

Paramount is once again venturing into the Star Trek universe with a new feature film, as confirmed at CinemaCon 2024. This upcoming film will be directed by Toby Haynes , known for his work on Andor , with a script by Seth Grahame-Smith . According to The Hollywood Reporter , Simon Kinberg, the writer/director of X-Men: Dark Phoenix , has joined the project as a producer. The storyline is set decades before the events of J.J. Abrams' 2009 Star Trek , which was the eleventh film in the series and initiated a trilogy.

The new Star Trek film is reported to be set "likely around modern times" and will explore the creation of Starfleet and humanity's first contact with alien life. This premise echoes themes from Star Trek: First Contact and the series Enterprise , leading to some confusion among fans. The film is slated for a 2025 release, with Abrams' Bad Robot continuing as producers. Additionally, a fourth Star Trek film featuring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and the rest of the original reboot cast is still in development.

Stay tuned to Collider for future updates, and watch Mount's video below. Keep up with our guide to Season 3 here .

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds follows Captain Christopher Pike (played by Anson Mount) and the crew of the starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) in the 23rd century as they explore new worlds throughout the galaxy in the decade before Star Trek: The Original Series.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022)

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Star Trek Picard Stargazer TPB (2023 IDW) comic books

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Star Trek Picard Stargazer TPB (2023 IDW) 1-1ST

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1st printing. Collects Star Trek: Picard - Stargazer (2022 IDW) #1-3. Written by Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer. Art and cover by Angel Hernandez. Following the climactic events of Season Two's finale, Jean-Luc and Seven of Nine launch an unsanctioned mission that sets the stage for the upcoming Season Three! When the Stargazer, under a new captain, mysteriously disappears, Jean-Luc Picard is once more compelled away from his chateau to confront the shadows of his past. Before his days on the Enterprise, a young Picard violated the Prime Directive for the greater good... and created an enemy that now threatens not only the Stargazer, but an entire system. For Seven of Nine, agreeing to help Picard means putting her own future at risk - but is it even the future she wants? Star Trek: Picard creator Kirsten Beyer reteams with veteran Trek comics scribe Mike Johnson and artist non-pareil Angel Hernandez for an adventure that promises to unearth secrets - of the past, present, and future - at every turn! Softcover, 96 pages, full color. Cover price $17.99.

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'Star Trek #500' cover showcases a commanding collection of cosmic captains

"If you're only getting one 'Star Trek' book this year, this is not one to miss out on!"

a collection of portraits of people in flight suits of various colors, with space behind them

Since 2007, San Diego-based IDW Publishing has been at the vanguard of nurturing a galaxy of " Star Trek " comics and graphic novels spanning decades and touching upon nearly generation and iteration of creator Gene Roddenberry's sci-fi franchise.

Now seventeen years later, IDW is primed to release their milestone 500th "Star Trek" issue in time for Star Trek Day 2024. This all-star collector's edition is injected with characters not only from vintage offerings like "The Original Series" and "The Next Generation," but also new digital age fare experienced on streaming platforms.

Related: 6 'Star Trek' Captains, Ranked from Worst to Best

a collection of portraits of people in flight suits of various colors, with space behind them

Here's the official description:

"Celebrate IDW's 500th issue of 'Star Trek' comics (and an early Star Trek Day!) with this landmark oversized anthology issue! This collection of seven short stories spans through fan-favorite eras of the beloved franchise from 'Lower Decks' to 'Strange New Worlds,' legacy characters from 'The Next Generation' and the original series, written and illustrated by 'Star Trek' comics veterans and new voices alike. Plus, don't miss out on the prelude to 2025's big 'Star Trek' and 'Defiant' comic crossover event written by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, and Christopher Cantwell!"

a collage of

Another attractive feature of this special release is the composing of four fantastic covers created by artists Joëlle Jones, Jake Bartok, J.K. Woodward, and Chris Fenoglio. Contributing writers include Patton Oswalt, Chris Cantwell, Magdalene Visaggio, Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Jody Houser, Jordan Blum and Morgan Hampton.

"The sending to print of any single comic is a feat in and of itself," IDW editor Heather Antos told Nerdist . "To hit a landmark like 500 issues with any franchise is a true accomplishment to be celebrated. This Star Trek Day, IDW is excited to present not only a look back at some of our favorite characters and series from over the years, but also a look forward on what is to come in the future for our Eisner-nominated 'Star Trek' and 'Defiant' series. If you're only getting one 'Star Trek' book this year, this is not one to miss out on!"

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a maniacal cartoon character sits on a throne reading comics

—  Star Trek streaming guide: Where to watch the Star Trek movies and TV shows online

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Veteran "Star Trek" writer Jackson Lanzing has been helping to lead the momentous charge in restoring the space fantasy to its proper place in the comic book realm. 

"In 'Star Trek #400,' we began a journey that changed the face of 'Star Trek' comics and carved out a whole new line for readers of every generation,” said Lansing in a statement. "I don’t think any of us could have imagined what would follow. From all the incredible interlocked series to the first 'Star Trek' summer event to the first Eisner nominations in Starfleet's history. Now, one hundred issues later… it's time to push things even further."

IDW's "Star Trek #500" will be released on Sep. 4, 2024.

Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: [email protected].

Jeff Spry is an award-winning screenwriter and veteran freelance journalist covering TV, movies, video games, books, and comics. His work has appeared at SYFY Wire, Inverse, Collider, Bleeding Cool and elsewhere. Jeff lives in beautiful Bend, Oregon amid the ponderosa pines, classic muscle cars, a crypt of collector horror comics, and two loyal English Setters.

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Star trek officially brings back picard's breakout star... as a villain.


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  • Kore Soong returns as a villain in Star Trek #20, representing the cold and ruthless Aegis group.
  • The Travelers, introduced in The Next Generation and Picard , make an appearance in Star Trek #20.
  • Lanzing and Kelly bring back the mysterious Aegis group and tie them to Kore Soong in Star Trek #20.

Warning: contains spoilers for Star Trek #20!

Kore Soong, one of the breakout stars of Star Trek: Picard , has returned to the franchise…as a villain. When fans last saw Kore, she was recruited by Wesley Crusher to join the mysterious Travelers. Now, in Star Trek #20, Sisko and the crew of the Theseus have truly gone where no one has gone before, and the Travelers–and Kore, are not happy about it.

Star Trek #20 is written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly and drawn by Megan Levens. Thanks to the efforts of T’Lir and Mister Scott, the Theseus has penetrated the Galactic Barrier, and entered the Pleroma . After adjusting to their surroundings, the ship receives a transmission. Kore Soong appears on-screen, representing the “Aegis,” or the bosses of the Travelers. Kore informs Sisko that she was once human too, but this is not a place for them. She informs them that they cannot stay, nor disseminate the technology that got them there.

Finally, she ominously declares they will be “umade.”

Kore Soong Has Ties to a Star Trek Icon

The soong dynasty is still having an impact on the star trek timeline.

The Soong family has had a major impact on the Star Trek universe, and not all of it good.

Introduced during season two of Star Trek: Picard, and played by actress Isa Briones, Kore Soong was the clone daughter of Adam Soong. The Soong family has had a major impact on the Star Trek universe, and not all of it good. Chronologically, Kore's father Adam, is the first member fans meet. Living in the 21st century, and patterned after the tech giants of today, Adam Soong was a ruthless business person and scientist, keen on creating the perfect human. Kore was the end result of his experiment.

Except for Kore, every member of the Soong family has been played by Brent Spiner.

In season two of Picard , the crew travel back to the 21st century, where Adam is trying to prevent the launch of the Europa Mission. His schemes are thwarted by Picard and company, and at season's end, Soong's funding for his genetic experiments is pulled. However, the season strongly implied that Soong would be behind the rise of Khan, the genetically engineered tyrant responsible for the Eugenics Wars. Other members of the Soong dynasty include Arik, who lived in the mid-22nd century and continued his ancestor's fascination with genetics. Adam was an ancestor of Noonian Soong, Data’s inventor.

The Travelers Are A Powerful, and Mysterious, Star Trek Group

The travelers ensure the star trek universe keeps flowing smoothly.

Kore was confronted with the truth of her existence, and rebelled against her father. In the Picard season two finale, “Farewell,” Kore leaves Earth, and our plane of existence. She was recruited by Wesley Crusher to join the Travelers , and she leaped at the opportunity. When Wesley approached Kore, she was doubting herself, having just learned she was the next in a long line of genetic experiments. Wesley told Kore her gifts were better suited to being a Traveler, and while he did not promise her safety, it would still be the experience of a lifetime.

The first Traveler fans meet is played by Eric Menyuk, and he would appear in three episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Travelers remain an enigma in the Star Trek universe. Capable of traveling through time and space, the nearest pop culture analogy would be Doctor Who’s TIme Lords. The Travelers were introduced in the first season Next Generation episode “Where No One Has Gone Before,” in which they showed a vested interest in Wesley Crusher. At the time, it was believed the entity Wesley befriended in that episode was called "the Traveler." Later, in the seventh season episode “Journey’s End,” it was revealed they were an entire organization, and Wesley left everything behind to join them.

Season two of Picard revealed more about the Travelers, connecting them to the “Supervisors” introduced in the Original Series. In the episode "Assignment: Earth," Kirk and the Enterprise travel back to 1968, where they encounter Gary Seven, who identifies himself as a "Supervisor." He tells Kirk he has been sent by a mysterious agency to help guide Earth's development. Seven was not seen again, but the idea of the Supervisors was picked up in Picard's second season, which connected them with the Travelers. The two groups work in conjunction to keep the universe working.

Star Trek Fans Have Met the Aegis Previously

The aegis is cold and ruthless, and it has rubbed off on kore.

Lanzing and Kelly, the writers of Star Trek, used the Aegis, the Travelers and the Supervisors during their epic Year Five run. They reveal the Aegis, who remained unseen, was harsh and demanding bosses. While they remain a mystery, it is known the Aegis abducts species from across the galaxy. The Aegis then uses them as pawns in their plans, dispatching them throughout the galaxy. The Aegis also performed genetic experiments on their agents. Star Trek: Year Five showed Gary Seven's origin: he was living a normal life until his overlords summoned him. Subjecting him to a battery of experiments, they then send Seven to Earth.

Although Seven was portrayed as a good guy in "Assignment: Earth," Star Trek: Year Five repurposed him, and his bosses, as villains. Seven actively tries to sabotage the final days of Kirk's mission, but he ultimately rebels against the Aegis. The series ends with Doctor McCoy attempting to undo the genetic conditioning the Aegis performed on Seven. Lanzing and Kelly took a far more dim view of the Aegis, one that may not at first gel with their portrayal on-screen. However, so much about the Aegis, the Travlers and the Supervisors remains unknown.

Has Kore Soong Become a New Star Trek Villain?

Or will she join gary seven in rebelling against her overlords.

Kore Soong is just the messenger, but the one she brings to Sisko is a grave one. She does not define what “being unmade” means, but it does not sound pleasant. The Travelers, with their command over space and time, are capable of unmaking someone. With such power at their disposal, there is a risk they could lose their empathy and see themselves as "above" other groups. Whether Kore has internalized this remains to be seen, but if she has, the Soong legacy of evil will stretch on. In Picard’s season finale, Kore leaves to embark on a great adventure, but as seen in this issue, it has stripped her of her humanity.

Star Trek #20 is on sale now from IDW Publishing!

Star Trek: Picard (2020)

Giant Freakin Robot

Giant Freakin Robot

The Best Current Star Trek Series Isn't On Your TV

Posted: May 31, 2024 | Last updated: May 31, 2024

<p>Star Trek is perhaps the most venerable science fiction franchise ever made, premiering in 1966 and continuing to this day. However, that franchise would have died out with The Original Series if not for the contributions of John Trimble, making him the most important fan in Star Trek history. </p><p>Sadly, Trimble has now passed away at the age of 87, and fans have the chance to honor his memory by enjoying the franchise he helped to save.</p>

The Best Current Star Trek Series Isn’t On Your TV

Along with the coming of Star Trek: Starfleet Academy and the disappointing cancellation of Star Trek: Lower Decks, there are a lot of questionable decisions that are being made behind the scenes about the sci-fi franchise these days. But regardless of where the films or TV series go, you can rest assured that right now, the best Star Trek series isn’t found on the screen, but in IDW’s comics. Among the best of what the company has to offer there’s the flagship title Star Trek and its spinoff Star Trek: Defiant.

<p>Premiering in 2022, IDW’s Star Trek comics are written by the duo of Colin Kelly and Jackson Lanzig with a rotating art team. The comic sees the return of Captain Ben Sisko of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to the material world at the behest of the Prophets who task him with finding and stopping a villain who is hunting down all the more godlike beings of the galaxy (e.g., the Prophets, Q, the Crystalline Entities). </p><p>Starfleet gives Sisko command of the USS Theseus, an experimental new ship with a very unique crew.</p><p>Spinning out of the flagship title are the Star Trek: Defiant comics, written by Christopher Cantwell with art by Angel Unzueta. Worf captains another both unique and familiar crew, acting as an officially unofficial clandestine arm of Starfleet.</p>

Premiering in 2022, IDW’s Star Trek comics are written by the duo of Colin Kelly and Jackson Lanzig with a rotating art team. The comic sees the return of Captain Ben Sisko of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to the material world at the behest of the Prophets who task him with finding and stopping a villain who is hunting down all the more godlike beings of the galaxy (e.g., the Prophets, Q, the Crystalline Entities).

Starfleet gives Sisko command of the USS Theseus, an experimental new ship with a very unique crew.

Spinning out of the flagship title are the Star Trek: Defiant comics, written by Christopher Cantwell with art by Angel Unzueta. Worf captains another both unique and familiar crew, acting as an officially unofficial clandestine arm of Starfleet.

<p>IDW’s Star Trek comics are unique–even among Trek comic adaptations–because while they may not officially be considered canonical, they nevertheless work within the canon and at the same time deliver stories that would be almost impossible in most mediums. </p><p>The crew of the Theseus in the Star Trek comics, for example, are pulled from almost every corner of the franchise. </p><p>Set between the events of 1998’s Star Trek: Insurrection and 2002’s Star Trek: Nemesis, the Theseus heroes nevertheless include characters from Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: The Original Series, and even Lower Decks. </p><p>Data (still alive before the events of Nemesis) and Beverly Crusher are borrowed from TNG, Tom Paris of Voyager is the Theseus helmsman, and Montgomery Scott–possible because of his trip to the 24th century in the TNG episode “Relics”–is the chief engineer. </p><p>For a time, the fierce Shaxs of Lower Decks is a part of the crew, and even the prequel series Star Trek: Enterprise gets a nod with the inclusion of Lily Sato–a half human, half Andorian descendant of Enterprise‘s Hoshi Sato. </p><p>And it all makes sense. Every single one of those characters is alive and–thanks to the Voyager finale–in the Alpha Quadrant during that time. </p><p>But unfortunately with all of the actors who portrayed these characters either much older or no longer with us, this isn’t a story you could tell in a live-action film or TV show without recasting, widespread digital de-aging and/or grotesque CGI puppetry. </p>

Crews From Every Corner Of Trek

IDW’s Star Trek comics are unique–even among Trek comic adaptations–because while they may not officially be considered canonical, they nevertheless work within the canon and at the same time deliver stories that would be almost impossible in most mediums.

The crew of the Theseus in the Star Trek comics, for example, are pulled from almost every corner of the franchise.

Set between the events of 1998’s Star Trek: Insurrection and 2002’s Star Trek: Nemesis, the Theseus heroes nevertheless include characters from Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: The Original Series, and even Lower Decks.

Data (still alive before the events of Nemesis) and Beverly Crusher are borrowed from TNG, Tom Paris of Voyager is the Theseus helmsman, and Montgomery Scott–possible because of his trip to the 24th century in the TNG episode “Relics”–is the chief engineer.

For a time, the fierce Shaxs of Lower Decks is a part of the crew, and even the prequel series Star Trek: Enterprise gets a nod with the inclusion of Lily Sato–a half human, half Andorian descendant of Enterprise‘s Hoshi Sato.

And it all makes sense. Every single one of those characters is alive and–thanks to the Voyager finale–in the Alpha Quadrant during that time.

But unfortunately with all of the actors who portrayed these characters either much older or no longer with us, this isn’t a story you could tell in a live-action film or TV show without recasting, widespread digital de-aging and/or grotesque CGI puppetry.

<p>The Star Trek: Defiant comics have a similar crew, and like the one from the flagship title, they all make sense. Thanks to Vulcan longevity, Spock is a member of Worf’s crew, as is the Bajoran Ro, and B’Elanna Torres of Voyager. Other Trek characters working briefly for Worf include Data’s evil twin Lore, the reformed Borg Hugh, and even Tasha Yar’s half-Romulan daughter Sela. </p>

The Star Trek: Defiant comics have a similar crew, and like the one from the flagship title, they all make sense. Thanks to Vulcan longevity, Spock is a member of Worf’s crew, as is the Bajoran Ro, and B’Elanna Torres of Voyager. Other Trek characters working briefly for Worf include Data’s evil twin Lore, the reformed Borg Hugh, and even Tasha Yar’s half-Romulan daughter Sela.

<p>The specific time IDW’s Star Trek comics are set in also allow for guest appearances from other characters in the franchise, without making their arrivals feel like pure fan service. Examples include Admiral Janeway of Voyager, Admiral Jellico (possibly the single most hated Enterprise captain ever), and Commander Liam Shaw of Star Trek: Picard Season 3 fame.</p>

Other Old… Friends?

The specific time IDW’s Star Trek comics are set in also allow for guest appearances from other characters in the franchise, without making their arrivals feel like pure fan service. Examples include Admiral Janeway of Voyager, Admiral Jellico (possibly the single most hated Enterprise captain ever), and Commander Liam Shaw of Star Trek: Picard Season 3 fame.

<p>Another gift of IDW’s Star Trek comics is that they offer the chance to show things the series couldn’t or wouldn’t show. </p><p>For example, one of the most pivotal episodes of Deep Space Nine is the Season 3 finale “The Adversary,” in which a Changeling infiltrates the crew of the Defiant and tries to use the ship to reignite war between the Federation and the Tzenkethi. </p><p>But one of the most frustrating aspects of the story is that while it tells us there was previously a destructive conflict with the Tzenekethi, we never see them or even really learn much about them other than the fact that they once fought the Federation.</p><p>“Glass and Bone,” one of the most recent Star Trek comic arcs, fixes that for us. Spoilers–the Tzenkethi are giant lizard people.</p><p>Likewise, one of the most blatantly dangling plotlines of TNG is the utter disappearance of the gross bug creatures of “Conspiracy”–the Season 1 finale which strongly hinted at their eventual return. Since they never made it back in the show, the Star Trek: Defiant comics bring them back in its most recent arc, “Hell Is Only a Word.”</p>

Giving What The Series Couldn’t Or Wouldn’t

Another gift of IDW’s Star Trek comics is that they offer the chance to show things the series couldn’t or wouldn’t show.

For example, one of the most pivotal episodes of Deep Space Nine is the Season 3 finale “The Adversary,” in which a Changeling infiltrates the crew of the Defiant and tries to use the ship to reignite war between the Federation and the Tzenkethi.

But one of the most frustrating aspects of the story is that while it tells us there was previously a destructive conflict with the Tzenekethi, we never see them or even really learn much about them other than the fact that they once fought the Federation.

“Glass and Bone,” one of the most recent Star Trek comic arcs, fixes that for us. Spoilers–the Tzenkethi are giant lizard people.

Likewise, one of the most blatantly dangling plotlines of TNG is the utter disappearance of the gross bug creatures of “Conspiracy”–the Season 1 finale which strongly hinted at their eventual return. Since they never made it back in the show, the Star Trek: Defiant comics bring them back in its most recent arc, “Hell Is Only a Word.”

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Published Dec 6, 2010

Preview: Khan: Ruling in Hell #3 from IDW

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IDW Publishing’s Star Trek: Khan: Ruling in Hell saga is fast building to a crescendo with tomorrow’s release of Ruling in Hell #3. The new comic book, which sets the stage for the for the upcoming fourth and final title in the series, finds the situation on Ceti Alpha V rapidly deteriorating, with Khan struggling to keep his people alive in the face of planetary waste and devastation. Meanwhile, forces conspire against Khan to remove him from power, mercilessly capitalizing on Khan’s one and only weakness – his beloved wife, Marla.

Star Trek: Khan: Ruling in Hell #3 is written by the tandem of Scott and David Tipton, in collaboration with veteran IDW/ Star Trek artist Fabio Mantovani. The cover is by Michael Stribling. Ruling in Hell #3 runs 32 pages long, costs $3.99 and is available at comic retail stores.  For additional details, contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you.

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Star Trek: New Adventures Volume 3

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The new adventures of the Starship Enterprise continue with stories featuring the new crew, in the new timeline. After the events of Star Trek Into Darkness, the U.S.S. Enterprise embarks on a new five-year mission of exploration.

Collects the stories “The Khitomer Conflict,” “Parallel Lives,” “I, Enterprise,” and “Lost Apollo” from issues #25–34 of the ongoing Star Trek series.

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Denise Crosby Returns As Captain Sela For ‘Star Trek Online: Unparalleled’ – Watch The Launch Trailer

idw star trek #3

| May 28, 2024 | By: Staff 4 comments so far

Today Star Trek Online launches “Unparalleled,” the 32nd season of the multiplayer online game. The new season features the return of Star Trek: The Next Generation star Denise Crosby.

Unparalleled is live now

Star Trek Online: Unparalleled is available now on PC and will launch on PlayStation and Xbox consoles on June 19. his new season features the return of Denise Crosby, playing Captain Sela of the Enterprise F from a parallel universe. This new season continues the Aetherian and Mirror Borg story content within Star Trek Online , as the player’s Captain must work with allies to defend the Iconians against a mysterious, new Borg threat. Starting today, PC players can go up against a new Borg foe in the new featured episode, “Situation Under Control”, participate in a new TFO, “Borg Battle Royale”, jump into a new event, and experience a gender/species change feature, along with updates to the Infinity Lockbox.

Here is the launch trailer…

And here is the official synopsis for the story:

In Star Trek Online: Unparalleled, the Khitomer Alliance has tasked you and a new Aetherian ally with modifying an Iconian Gateway, when you receive a distress call from another universe. They’re under siege by a multiversal Borg, attacking from within a massive Dyson Sphere. Can you stop these new Borg before they gain control?

idw star trek #3

From Star Trek Online: Unparalleled

Unparalleled also includes the following new features…

New Episode – Situation Under Control The Aetherians will send you on a mission with one of their own into a new universe, and you must join forces to stem the tide of a new Borg foe!

Brand New Task Force Operation – Borg Battle Royale

  • A new 5 Captain Ground TFO.
  • After the Season event ends, an infinite round version will be available.

Season 32 Event – Delete Alt Control For this new event, players can play selected content to earn the following rewards:

  • Dimensional Hypermass Torpedo Launcher
  • Type 14 Shuttle Support Squadron
  • 500 Lobi Crystals
  • 1 Phoenix Epic Prize Token
  • 30,000 Dilithium Ore

Infinity Lockbox Update T6 Aetherian Revelation will be added to the Infinity Lockbox.

Captain Alteration Token Want to change your character but keep your hard earned rewards? Now you can, with the Captain Alteration Token. This new token will allow you to change your Captain’s species and/or gender, within your chosen faction.

More screenshots…

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Star Trek Online  is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online game available on PC, PlayStation and Xbox. To download and play Star Trek Online today for free, visit .

Keep up with all the  Star Trek Online news and updates here at .

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Denise Crosby Returns As Captain Sela From Another Universe For ‘Star Trek Online: Unparalleled’

Can’t wait to try it out.

I just played through the new episode, and I can tell you right now, the only way the plot of Star Trek Online could go further off the rails at this point is if Kruge came back from the dead, ripped his makeup off to reveal Christopher Lloyd and said “Rails? Where we’re going, we don’t need rails.”

I wish we saw more of Sela live action wise. Nemesis would have been perfect or PIC.

Legacy characters, the Borg, clunky dialogue, ugly starships… yep, that’s modern day Trek alright!


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