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Top Strategies for Identifying Your Ideal Career Path

Top Strategies for Identifying Your Ideal Career Path

Discover key strategies for finding your ideal career path! From self-assessment to adaptability, learn how to align your passions with a rewarding career.

Liz Hogan

Choosing the right career path is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact our lives. It is essential to embark on a journey that aligns with our passions, values, and aspirations. We will discuss the top strategies for identifying your ideal career path . 

By understanding yourself, exploring various options, developing necessary skills, setting goals, and embracing adaptability, you can pave the way towards a fulfilling and rewarding career. Let’s embark on this exploration together to discover the path that resonates most with who you are and where you aspire to be.


Self-assessment is the cornerstone of discovering your ideal career path. Understanding your interests, values, strengths, reflecting on past experiences, achievements, and setting long-term goals are crucial steps in this process. Let’s delve into the significance of self-discovery in shaping your career journey.

Understanding Personal Interests

Before embarking on the journey to find your ideal career path, it is crucial to understand yourself on a deeper level. Take the time to reflect on your interests, what truly motivates you, and the values that are important to you. Consider your strengths and skills , both those you excel at naturally and those you have developed over time. Identifying these aspects of yourself will provide valuable insight into the type of work that will bring you fulfillment and satisfaction.

Reflecting on Past Experiences

Your past experiences and achievements can offer valuable clues about what you enjoy and excel at. Reflect on past projects, tasks, or roles that have brought you a sense of accomplishment and joy. Consider the skills you used in these experiences and how they align with your interests and values. By looking back on your journey so far, you can uncover patterns and preferences that can guide you towards a career path that is meaningful to you.

Identifying Long-Term Goals

Setting long-term goals and aspirations is essential in defining the direction you want your career to take. Think about where you see yourself in the future, both professionally and personally. Consider what success looks like to you and what achievements would bring you a sense of fulfillment. By clarifying your long-term goals and aspirations, you can create a roadmap to guide your career decisions and actions towards a future that aligns with your vision.

Research and Exploration

Embarking on a journey to identify your ideal career path involves thorough research and exploration. By delving into various industries, job roles, and networking with professionals, you can gain valuable insights that will guide you towards a fulfilling career. 

Researching Various Industries and Jobs

Researching different industries and job roles is essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities available to you. Explore the requirements, growth prospects, and work culture of various industries to determine which aligns best with your interests and goals. By conducting thorough research, you can narrow down your options and focus on fields that resonate with you.

Exploring Different Career Options

Hands-on experience is invaluable in gaining insight into different career paths. Consider pursuing internships, volunteering opportunities, or shadowing professionals in fields of interest to gain practical knowledge and exposure. These experiences can help you assess whether a particular career path is the right fit for you and provide valuable networking opportunities.

Networking with Professionals in Desired Fields

Networking with professionals in your desired fields can offer valuable guidance and mentorship as you navigate your career journey. Attend industry events, connect with professionals on social media platforms like LinkedIn, and seek informational interviews to expand your network. Building relationships with experienced professionals can provide valuable insights, advice, and potential opportunities as you work towards finding your ideal career path.

Skill Development

Skill development is a crucial aspect of preparing for your ideal career path. Assessing and enhancing relevant skills, pursuing further education or certifications, and seeking mentorship from experienced professionals are key steps in aligning yourself with your desired career. By focusing on skill development, you can equip yourself with the tools needed to excel in your chosen field and achieve your career goals.

Assessing and Improving Relevant Skills

Assessing your current skill set and identifying areas for improvement is essential in preparing for your desired career path. Determine the skills required in your chosen field and work on enhancing them through practice, training, or online courses. By continuously improving your skills , you can stay competitive in the job market and increase your chances of success in your chosen career.

Pursuing Additional Education or Certifications

In some cases, pursuing additional education or certifications may be necessary to advance in your desired career path. Consider enrolling in relevant courses, workshops, or certification programs to acquire specialized knowledge and skills. Investing in further education demonstrates your commitment to professional growth and can open up new opportunities in your chosen field.

Seeking Mentorship or Guidance

Seeking mentorship from experienced professionals can provide invaluable insights and guidance as you navigate your career journey. Reach out to individuals who have achieved success in your desired field and seek their advice on career development. Mentorship can offer valuable perspectives, help you navigate challenges, and provide support as you work towards achieving your career aspirations.

Setting Goals and Making Decisions

Setting clear goals and making informed decisions are essential steps in shaping your career path. By establishing both short-term and long-term career goals, evaluating the pros and cons of different paths, and making decisions based on thorough research and self-assessment, you can steer your career in a direction that aligns with your aspirations and values.

Setting Short-Term and Long-Term Career Goals

Defining clear and achievable short-term and long-term career goals is crucial for providing direction and focus in your professional journey. Consider where you want to be in the next few years and what milestones you need to reach along the way. Setting specific, measurable goals can help you track your progress, stay motivated, and make strategic decisions to move closer to your ultimate career objectives.

Evaluating Pros and Cons of Different Career Paths

When exploring different career paths, it is important to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Consider factors such as job stability, growth opportunities, work-life balance, and alignment with your values and interests. By weighing the pros and cons of different paths, you can make informed decisions that align with your priorities and aspirations.

Making Informed Decisions

Making career decisions based on thorough research and self-assessment is key to ensuring that your choices align with your goals and values. Utilize the insights gained from self-assessment, industry research, and networking to make informed decisions about your career path. Consider how each option aligns with your skills, interests, and long-term aspirations to make choices that resonate with who you are and where you want to go in your career.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Adaptability and flexibility are essential qualities in navigating a successful career path. Embracing change, being open to new opportunities, and adjusting career goals based on evolving circumstances or interests are key aspects of staying agile and resilient in the ever-changing professional landscape. By cultivating adaptability and flexibility, you can effectively respond to challenges, seize opportunities, and steer your career towards continued growth and fulfillment.

Embracing Change and Being Open to New Opportunities

Embracing change and being open to new opportunities are vital for personal and professional growth. In a dynamic work environment, being adaptable allows you to thrive in the face of uncertainty and challenges. Stay open to learning new skills, exploring different roles , and seizing unexpected opportunities that may lead to exciting career advancements. By embracing change, you can position yourself for success in an ever-evolving job market.

Adjusting Career Goals Based on Changing Circumstances or Interests

As you progress in your career journey, it is important to remain flexible and adjust your career goals in response to changing circumstances or evolving interests. Reflect on your priorities, values, and aspirations periodically to ensure that your goals align with your current mindset and external factors. By being willing to adapt your career goals as needed, you can stay aligned with your true passions and create a path that resonates with who you are at each stage of your professional development.

Key Takeaways

The journey to finding your ideal career path is a transformative process that requires self-reflection, exploration, and adaptability. By following the strategies outlined in this article – from self-assessment to skill development, goal setting, and embracing change – you can navigate towards a career that aligns with your passions and aspirations. 

Remember that your career path is not set in stone; it is a dynamic and evolving journey that requires continuous self-discovery and adjustment. With dedication and an open mind, you can embark on a fulfilling professional journey that reflects who you are and where you aim to be in the future.

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ideal journey

Robyne Hanley-Dafoe Ed.D.

10 Ideas to Support Your Personal Growth Journey

Keep your growth and personal development on track with these key ideas..

Posted April 26, 2023 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan

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  • Humans have the desire and capacity to change, grow, and adapt.
  • With so much expert advice available on what we should and could be doing, it can be hard to know where to begin.
  • Navigating a personal growth journey begins with looking inward.

We are constantly bombarded with messages telling us that we need to be better, faster, healthier, smarter, richer, stronger, busier: everything “-er.” We find ourselves in a constant state of wanting to improve, to do more, and to be more at any given moment.

Our human condition desires change and growth. But seeking out self-improvement doesn’t always mean that you are unhappy with the person you already are; it’s just that life can feel stagnant without it. We may start to feel dissatisfied, unhappy, and even unfulfilled if we are not learning and changing. To be able to function in a world that is constantly evolving, we need to be able to grow and adapt.

Where do we begin?

In our efforts to improve our habits and behaviours, we often turn to experts for answers. We plow through books and articles on personal development, sign up for courses, attend workshops, and connect with coaches. There are more resources available than ever on personal development topics such as time management , relationship repair, organization, fitness, healthy eating, professional development, stress management , emotion regulation , and more. The self-help and personal development market has become a multibillion-dollar sector globally. This industry is anticipated to continue growing and it is on course to be one of the fastest-growing industries by 2030 (Grand View Research, 2022). This is huge. Yet, we still don’t have all the answers.

The way forward

It can be hard to figure out where to start. Change is complex and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. And we know that knowing better doesn’t equal doing better. It is important to prepare yourself for the journey ahead (and all its messiness and beauty) by building the proper foundation on which to base your change. Here are 10 ideas to keep in mind as you embark on your personal growth journey:

  • Prioritize you. The reality is that true personal growth and development come from looking inward. It’s getting to know yourself. Personal development is just that—it’s personal. It’s between you and yourself. You are unique and your situation is unique. It’s not selfish, it is science. You need to look after yourself. No one is coming to fix this for you.
  • Become aware using a holistic approach. A holistic approach to personal development recognizes all areas of wellness. I invite you to think about how you are doing and how you hope to grow in these eight dimensions: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, environmental, financial, occupational, and spiritual . Ask yourself what you can do to bring yourself closer to your goals and closer to the person you want to become in each of these areas. There is no one right balance that will benefit two people the same way.
  • Make room for your past. Your way forward is not defined by your past. All the things that you have weathered in your life are events, not characteristics. Trust yourself that you handled your life the best you could in the moment with the tools and resources you had. You have not only gone through hard times, but you have also grown through them too.
  • Limit social comparison. Most of us will have heard Theodore Roosevelt’s words, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” While it’s valuable to take inspiration from those who inspire you, we need to be mindful that the trajectory forward will not look the same for all of us.
  • Build healthy habits consistently. Consistency compounds. Commit to doing one activity, every day, even for just five minutes, that will bring you closer to your goals and the person you want to be. Having goals and something to work towards helps to maintain our drive and gives us a sense of fulfillment.
  • Build the team to support the dream. There are guaranteed to be roadblocks, times of low motivation , and other curveballs are thrown our way. Knowing this, we all need a champion. Someone who is in our corner. When our foundation is solid, we create the space needed for growth.
  • Embrace the discomfort. Being comfortable doesn’t help us develop. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you. As the popular saying goes, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.” Change is hard and noticeable. It is supposed to be.
  • Celebrate your progress. Are you proud of a recent accomplishment? Are you handling or approaching situations better today than you would have five, or even just one year ago? Celebrating even the small wins in our change journey brings awareness to our progress. And it feels good.
  • Take it slow. In a fast-paced society, we are often urged to do more, be better, and excel no matter the cost, but this is not sustainable. You don’t need to do a Herculean overhaul of your life. Give yourself permission to rest along the way. After all, growth is a lifelong journey, not a destination.
  • Notice your allies. When you commit to personal growth, some people may not support or agree with your choices. Don’t let that deter you. Real allies want to see you living your best life.

Working on making self-improvements can have a remarkable impact on how we show up in the world, and it’s not easy. Yet, we can find comfort in knowing that we will find out what works best for us. We can trust in the process and know that we have the tools and supports available to navigate our lives and reach our truest potential. In an episode of In Time , singer-songwriter Peter Katz captured the idea that we are in the driver’s seat of our own growth when he said, “At any moment we can choose, and we can find ourselves on a new path.”

On a final note, I wholeheartedly believe that we can all show ourselves a little more compassion and grace on our journeys. Instead of drowning in all the things you are told you should be doing and could be doing, my invitation is for you to pause and reflect. Take inventory of all the things you are already doing right.

Grand View Research. (2022). Personal development market size report, 2022-2030. Grand View Research, Inc.

Katz, P., & Hanley-Dafoe, R. (Hosts). (2023, Mar 14). Listening for the compassionate voice (No. 5) [Audio podcast episode]. In In Time.

Robyne Hanley-Dafoe Ed.D.

Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, Ed.D. , is a resiliency and wellness scholar and speaker, author of Calm Within the Storm and Stress Wisely , and award-winning instructor and adjunct professor at Trent University.

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My Ideal Life: Creating Your Perfect Reality.

Woman smiling and sitting on a park bench.

Written by ( author bio ):

Christine Songco

Your ideal life is one that is genuine, honest, and authentic. If you want to create an ideal life, you need to ask yourself, “What do I really want?”. 

I didn’t always know what my ideal life looked like because I didn’t know what it was I truly wanted.  If I’m being honest, I was also afraid to get what I really wanted out of life.

It became apparent as I grew older that although I achieved most of my life goals and thought I was living my ideal life, deep down I felt like I was living someone else’s ideal life.

If you’ve ever felt like you’re not living your ideal life, I’ll share 10 ways to live your ideal life to help you get started.

How to Live Your Ideal Life in 10 Ways.

Living your ideal life is a journey that requires self-discovery, self-awareness, and intentional action.

You have to be completely honest with yourself and go deep within to find out what makes up your ideal life.

In my personal experience, finding out what it is you want out of life can be easier said than done.

This is because we may have limiting beliefs that hold us back or there may be unpleasant emotions attached to the things we want.

So when you’re ready, take your time and use the following tips to help you create your ideal life. 

1. Find What Makes You Happy

The first step to living your ideal life is to find what makes you happy .

You need to know what makes you happy because it can help you live a life that feels uplifting and satisfying.

Identify the things that make you happy on a daily basis and the goals you want to achieve that will make your life feel content and fulfilled.

One way to do this is to make a list of things that bring you joy each day. This could be spending time with friends & family, pursuing a hobby, or traveling the world.

Then make it a priority to do one or more of those things regularly.

Here’s an example of my personal list of joyful things . I discovered that it doesn’t take much to make you feel joyful & happy.

  • Going for a morning walk.
  • Eating a favorite healthy food.
  • Laughing with friends.
  • Stopping to admire a row of flowers.
  • Listening closely to birds chirping.

When you create a joy list and start doing them regularly, you will discover other things that resonate and align with your values.

The more you practice, the more you discover who you really are, and the more you create an ideal life.

2. Figure Out Who You Are

To live your ideal life, you need to know who you are . If you don’t know yourself very well, you can embark on a self-discovery journey .

Self-discovery is an ongoing process that involves exploring your values, beliefs, and personality.

I discovered that although the journey doesn’t completely end, there are some things in my life that don’t change, like my core beliefs and values.

These are the things that are worth exploring if you want to create a life that truly resonates with who you are.

Take some time to reflect on what makes you unique and embrace your individuality. You can start by answering the following questions to discover yourself :

  • What do I truly love?
  • What makes me forget the time?
  • If I could live anywhere, where would it be?
  • What makes me feel uplifted?
  • What drains my energy?

If you want guidance on finding your true self, you can answer 100 self-discovery journal prompts to connect more deeply with yourself so you can create a life that is aligned with your values & beliefs.

Or you can download and print the following self-discovery questions below:

Self discovery questions to know yourself on a deeper level.

3. Find Your Purpose

Your purpose in life is the reason why you do the things that you do.   In my experience, having a purpose involves being of service to others, whether directly or indirectly.

Having a sense of purpose is essential to living your ideal life because it can help you carry out your life’s mission, especially when the going gets tough.

Having a purpose can also help you live a higher quality of life. To figure out your purpose in life, you can start by identifying what you are passionate about.

Your passions could be your hobbies, interests, or occupation. It could even be a passion project that you always wanted to try.

If you grow tired or don’t like your passion after trying it, you can move on to another one and keep going until you find one you can turn into your purpose.

4. Make a List of Passions

A passion is something you enjoy and you do it regularly. If you don’t know what to do with your life and you want to find out what you’re passionate about, you can make a list of passions , aka things you love, and find ways to pursue them.

Here are just a few examples of passions to help you get started:

  • Scrapbooking
  • Birdwatching

Pursuing something that you’re passionate about can help you create an ideal life that feels happier, more meaningful, and more satisfying.

5. Create a List of Values

Your core values are the things that matter to you the most. It’s important to identify your values if you want to create your ideal life.

Living in alignment with your values can help you set priorities, have greater clarity, and have more direction.

It can also help you boost your happiness, feel more successful, and live a life that feels authentic and purposeful.

Here’s an example of a table of values to help you get started with your personal core values:

6. Make a List of What You Like & Dislike

Knowing what you like and dislike can help you increase your self-awareness and get to know yourself better.

It sounds so basic, but knowing what you like and dislike can help you live your ideal life because you will know exactly what you want to keep in your life and what you can let go of.

Knowing this can help you create personal boundaries so you’re not giving your time and energy to things that drain you or won’t add value to your life.

Being more aware of your likes and dislikes can also help you make decisions on how you want to live your ideal life.

It brings to light the things that bring joy to your life as well as the things that can have a negative effect on you.

Take some time to make a list of what you like and dislike to help you make informed decisions about how you spend your time and energy.

Eliminate activities and relationships that you don’t like so you can focus on the things that you do like.

7. Do Some Shadow Work

Shadow work involves exploring the parts of yourself that you may have repressed, denied, or may not even be aware of.

This could include things like limiting beliefs, negative emotions, or unpleasant experiences.

By acknowledging these parts of yourself, you can become more self-aware and live a more authentic life.

Shadow work brings to light the things that you may have been afraid of in the past. It can be hard work so be sure you ask for help if it gets difficult.

Shadow work can be healing by bringing your shadow parts to light and reintegrating them back into your system.

You can start by asking questions that you normally would not ask yourself such as

  • What is a secret talent that I keep from others?
  • What is a belief that keeps me from taking action?
  • What is something that I always wanted to try but have been afraid to?

If you want to know more about your shadow self, you can answer these shadow work prompts and keep them in a journal.

Or you can download a helpful guide by filling out the form down below:

8. Know What Your Soul Wants

Your soul is intangible and it is separate from your physical, mental, and emotional self.

Knowing what your soul wants can help you live your ideal life because your soul, also known as your spirit, comes from within and knows your truth.

Take some time to connect with your soul and listen to its guidance. This could be through meditation, spending time alone, or self-reflecting.

You can start a self-reflection practice through writing to know what your soul wants and create your ideal life.

You can start writing morning pages, which is freestyle journaling without filters, to get to know yourself better.

Or you can write down your answers to journal prompts like:

  • What makes me feel free?
  • What makes me feel like I have a purpose?
  • What do I love so much I would do it for free?
  • What makes me feel at peace and at ease?

If you need a guide on how to know yourself better, check out the following guide to find your identity, purpose, and more.

Just fill out the form below to download & print your guide.

9. Be Your Authentic Self

Living your ideal life requires you to be your authentic self , which isn’t an easy thing to do because it could mean exposing parts of yourself that you may not want to.

Things like your quirks, beliefs, style, flaws, and imperfections.

Though it is hard, it can feel liberating to be your authentic self. Being your true self could mean:

  • Letting go of the need to please others
  • Letting go of the need for approval & validation outside of yourself
  • Attracting people who like you for who you are
  • Taking advantage of opportunities that align with your true self.

The sooner you embrace and embody your true self, the better you’ll be at living your ideal life.

10. Become the Person You Want to Be

Knowing who you want to become is a path that can lead to your ideal life.  

Becoming the person you always wanted to be could mean:

  • Letting go of what is not you.
  • Embracing your true self.
  • Defining exactly what you want to be.
  • Having a vision of your ideal life.
  • Creating goals that align with your vision.
  • Taking action toward becoming your true self.

The road isn’t easy, but it’s worthwhile because when you become the person you always wanted to be, you can align with your true values & purpose, which can lead you to your ideal life.

Any of these 10 tips I just shared can help you get your life together and lead to the perfect lifestyle for yourself.

An Ideal Life vs Real Life

An ideal life.

In an ideal lifestyle, you have the freedom to pursue your passions and interests without the constraints of financial or societal pressures. 

When you visualize your ideal life, you create more opportunities to live it. Crafting a plan from your vision can give you a step-by-step process to making your ideal life a reality.

Even though you may not reach it, creating a vision of your ideal life can give you a real sense of purpose and direction.

Real life, on the other hand, could feel constricting and limiting. You may not even be aware of life’s limitations and constrictions.

This is because when you come into the world, you are born into certain circumstances that are beyond your control.

These things are not your fault but they can nevertheless affect your reality. This is why we can’t ignore our real lives.

As hard as it can be to accept reality, and as much as we’d like to live up to our ideals, things don’t always work out the way we want.

So we need to embrace both our ideals and our reality. It helps create balance in our lives as we learn, grow, explore, and evolve through it.

Why It’s Important to Live Your Ideal Life.

It’s important to live your ideal life because it creates an opportunity to live a life that aligns with your beliefs, values, and passions.

Living your ideal life could mean having more focus & direction, contentment & satisfaction, more happiness, and personal growth & transformation.

Focus and Direction

Living an ideal life could mean having a clear plan and vision for your future. A clear plan can give you more focus & direction, motivation, and clear goals to work towards.

Contentment and Satisfaction.

An ideal life could mean opening a door to greater contentment and satisfaction because you’re creating a life that feels more genuine and fulfilling.

It could mean taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. It could also mean creating a work-life balance that allows you to enjoy your life outside of work.

Having a strategy to reach your ideal life could mean greater happiness because you’re doing what you love.

When you are you are doing what you love, you create a trajectory toward a path of contentment and fulfillment.

Personal Growth & Transformation

Living your ideal life could mean constantly striving to improve yourself and your circumstances. 

This can create a sense of progress in your life and provide motivation toward achieving your goals.

These are essential for personal growth & transformation and living a life that you truly enjoy.

More Ways to Live Your Ideal Life .

Living your ideal life is important for personal growth, motivation, fulfillment, and happiness.

It’s about creating a lifestyle that aligns with your values, passions, and goals so you can create your dream life . It’s not about achieving perfection, but rather finding happiness and fulfillment in the journey.

If you want to get to know your true self, learn how to start your own self-discovery journey with 5 powerful questions.

If you want to know your heart’s greatest wishes & desires, learn what it means to follow your bliss in 6 simple steps.

Finally, if you want to know who you really are, find your identity and learn how it can have an impact on your life.

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ideal journey

ideal journey

Unveiling the Ideal Journey: Your Guide to Recommended Trip Days by Countries

TL;DR: Unpack Your Travel Questions

  • The average length of international tourist stays is 7 days, with variations between regions
  • Europe's average trip length is 5.2 nights, with Iceland and Malta on the extremes
  • For a fulfilling European tour, Rick Steves recommends roughly three weeks
  • Understanding the ideal trip duration can help you maximize your vacation time
  • Personalizing your journey based on local insights enhances the travel experience

Delving into Global Travel Times: The Numbers Speak

According to the World Tourism Organization, the global travel community tends to average a week-long stay in their international excursions. However, those from Asia and the Pacific usually trim their trips to about six days, while Europeans stretch their journeys to approximately eight days. Isn't it fascinating how the love for travel spans continents but still has its unique rhythms?

The European Vacation Equation

Delving deeper into the heart of Europe, the European Travel Commission presents an interesting statistic: the average vacation in Europe spans around 5.2 nights. The fiery northern lights of Iceland typically hold tourists captive for 3.2 nights, while Malta's azure seas and historic fortresses command a longer stay of 8.6 nights[.

Expert Wisdom: Rick Steves’ European Itinerary

Here's some golden advice from renowned travel expert Rick Steves: first-time travelers to Europe should plan for a trip spanning about three weeks. This timeline allocates 2-3 days for major cities and 1-2 days for smaller towns or quaint rural areas. This balanced approach allows tourists to savor a rich tapestry of cultures, historical landmarks, and culinary delights without rushing through.

The Why and How of Trip Planning

Understanding the average length of stays can shape your travel plans more effectively. It's not just about ticking off boxes on a list of attractions; it's about immersing yourself in the local culture, flavors, and experiences. That hidden pastry shop in the alleys of Paris or the serene Buddhist temple in Kyoto often add more depth to your journey than the crowded tourist hotspots. Take cues from the average stay durations, but add your personal touch. Maybe you’re a history buff who loves to linger around museums, or perhaps the local cuisine is what makes your heart (and stomach) flutter. Remember, the best memories often come from the road less traveled.

Your Journey, Your Rules

So how many days should you spend in each country? There's no one-size-fits-all answer. Factors like your interests, budget, the local culture, and the time of year all come into play. Listen to the experts, consider the statistics, but at the end of the day, make it a personal journey that's tailor-made for you.

Embracing the Cultural Diversity

When it comes to travel duration, cultural differences between countries should also be taken into account. Each country has its unique pace of life and it's only by spending an adequate amount of time that you can truly soak up the atmosphere. For instance, the bustling streets of Tokyo, Japan might require a faster pace and several days to explore, while the laid-back vibes of Siem Reap, Cambodia might be fully experienced in fewer days. Understanding these cultural nuances can make a world of difference to your travel experience.

Seasons Matter: Align with the Weather Gods

Don't forget the impact of seasons on your travel plans . The ideal travel duration can vary based on the time of the year. For instance, Nordic countries are spectacular to visit in winter for the Northern Lights, but summer brings more daylight hours for exploration. Researching seasonal factors helps you craft the best itinerary.

Experience vs. Exposure: Striking the Balance

Traveling is more than hopping between attractions—it's about engaging with the local culture, food, and people. While the statistics provide a guideline, remember to balance between experiencing each destination thoroughly and exposing yourself to a variety of locales. As they say, quality trumps quantity.

Flora's Secret Travel Tips

As an experienced globetrotter, Flora Goodwin recommends a few insider tips.

Stay flexible, stay curious, and above all, stay excited!

Leave room for spontaneous plans – a local festival, a recommended restaurant, or an off-beat trail – these are the magic moments that transform your travel from good to unforgettable.

FAQs: All About Travel Duration

What's the average length of international tourist stays?

The World Tourism Organization suggests that the average length of stay for international tourists is 7 days.

How long do tourists typically spend in European countries?

Research by the European Travel Commission found that the average length of a trip to European countries is 5.2 nights.

How long should a first-time visitor to Europe plan for their trip?

Travel expert Rick Steves advises that first-time visitors to Europe should plan for a trip of about 3 weeks.

Does the recommended length of stay apply to all tourists?

Not necessarily. Factors such as personal interests, budget, and time available will impact the ideal length of stay in any destination.

How can I determine the best length of stay for my trip?

Start with expert recommendations and statistics, then customize based on your interests, budget, and local recommendations.

How does culture impact the ideal travel duration?

Cultural differences often influence the pace of life in a country, which in turn impacts the recommended travel duration. Countries with a lot happening may require more days to explore than those with a slower pace of life.

How do seasons affect my travel plans?

The time of the year you choose to visit a country can influence your experience and the recommended duration. Some attractions may be seasonal, while weather conditions can affect the number of activities available.

Is it better to visit fewer countries for longer periods?

It depends on personal preferences. Some travelers prefer immersing themselves in a single country, while others like to experience a bit of everything. It's all about finding the right balance that suits your travel style.

Discover, Don't Rush: Final Thoughts

In the end, planning the ideal travel duration is an art. It's about tuning in to the local tempo, respecting cultural diversity, understanding seasonal changes, and most importantly, aligning with your personal interests. Remember, it's your journey. Don't rush—discover.

  • World Tourism Organization. (2021). Tourism Statistics.
  • European Travel Commission. (2022) . European Travel Trends.  
  • Steves, Rick. (2021). Rick Steves' Europe : Travel Tips.  
  • World Weather and Climate Information . (2022). 
  • Lonely Planet. (2023) . Travel Pacing Guide.  

Unveiling the Ideal Journey: Your Guide to Recommended Trip Days by Countries

ideal journey

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6 Things to Consider When Defining Your Ideal Career Path


Whether you’re new to the workforce or considering making a career change, it’s important to have a clear career path  in mind.

Unfortunately, that isn’t always easy. Especially during the earliest stages of our careers , we tend to make decisions based on what influencers like our family and friends tell us or by gut feeling. Perhaps this is why  the average college student changes their major   three times during their college career.

To avoid future confusion and frustration, you may want to consider the following six things when defining your ideal career path:

1. Define Your Passion

Understanding what motivates you is the first step in defining your ideal career path. Your passion does not necessarily have to be a specific job or industry. Your motivation can be something like “helping others” or “feeling good about yourself,” and you can explore many paths to fulfill these desires. If you follow a career path that satisfies you, you will be a more competent professional who delivers better outcomes.

2. Experience Is the Best Teacher

When you’re starting your first career or jumping into a new one, it can be difficult to identify your natural skills, especially those on which you can capitalize. You’ll need to give yourself some time to explore your skills and understand your potential. After gaining some experience, you will be in a better position to identify your strengths and leverage your talent for success.

3. Think in Terms of Career Opportunities Instead of Particular Jobs

It is a common mistake to make decisions based on what is happening in the moment. What you need right now may not be aligned with what you want in the long term. For instance, quickly accepting a promotion because of the higher compensation may not be the best option if the new role doesn’t lead to the career track you want to follow. Having very clear career goals will turn your daily decisions into small steps towards your ideal career path.


4. Culture Matters

When defining your ideal career, be sure to consider the company culture. The work environment, your coworkers, and the company leadership can all contribute to how much or how little you enjoy a job. No matter how well a role seems to align with your career goals, it may not be smart to take the role if the culture isn’t right for you.

For instance, big corporations and small startups operate in very different ways. Some people thrive more in one than the other.

5. Money Can’t Be Everything

At the end of the day, we all have to pay the bills. However, money should not always be the primary factor in determining your next career step. Making decisions based on money alone can be a big mistake. According to Forbes contributor Rick Smith , “no matter how much money we have, we always wish we had at least 20 percent more.”

Instead of focusing on money, think about what genuinely matters to you. Do you value flexible hours? A more enjoyable lifestyle? If no amount of money will ever be enough, then it’s much smarter to make choices based on wishes you can fulfill.

6. Look to the Future

Finally, be sure to consider the future of the profession to which you may be drawn. In our age of rapid technological advances, the world of work is changing constantly. Will your dream job change soon — or even worse, will it be eliminated?

To identify a profession with potential, look at current trends in the industry. If possible, talk to people operating in the field. They may be able to tell you how your chosen career is likely to change in the future.

Maria Onzain is a digital marketing expert who writes about careers, education, ed. tech, and life hacks. 

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Part of the university’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategy for staff, the IDEAL Learning Journey is a new educational experience aimed at transforming our workplace culture to be more engaging and respectful, and one in which all members feel they belong. The IDEAL Learning Journey, one of the many IDEAL (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access in a Learning Environment) initiatives underway, begins in March. The initiative is a partnership with University HR and the IDEAL Staff Advisory Committee and is supported by the Offices of the President and Provost and university leadership.

Overview of the learning journey

The IDEAL Learning Journey has been designed for a high degree of impact and is meant to be completed over time, which reflects that our learning about diversity, equity and inclusion is a life-long journey. 

To accommodate on-site, hybrid and remote work schedules, all components are online or virtual. Participation is considered paid work time, and managers are expected to work with their teams to ensure operational needs are met during the time when team members are participating. 

Learning components will be added to each staff member’s “All Learning” page on the STARS tab in Axess so staff can easily get started on their learning journey.

Through the experience, learners will have opportunities for self-reflection, to build awareness and observe role-play exercises in how to have race-based conversations, learn how to apply these learnings at work and engage in discussions with others to share learnings and insights. 

Learning journey components and path

Participants will experience a progression of learning journey components:

  • A variety of self-paced learning components, including videos, articles, self-assessments and e‑learning courses and for which staff have the flexibility to manage the time spent on components based on work priorities
  • Two interactive workshops, one focused on the Foundations of Racial Equity and the second on Allyship in Action
  • Open discussion groups offered monthly on various topics (optional)

The learning journey path is progressive; as the self-paced components are completed, staff are then able to enroll in the quarterly interactive workshops and sign up for one or more of the open discussion groups. 

People managers will receive one additional e-learning course on managing bias in recruiting and the content in their two interactive workshops will have an added focus on their role in managing the work environment. Initially, the majority of the quarterly interactive workshops being offered will be for people managers.

Patrick Dunkley, the vice provost for institutional equity, access and community and special advisor to the president, as well as a strategic advisor to the IDEAL Staff Advisory Committee, shared his excitement: “The results of the recent IDEAL DEI Survey reinforce and amplify the need for a change in our culture. Understanding our biases and the impact of our behaviors, intended or not, is key to that culture change. The IDEAL Learning Journey is the cornerstone to a change toward a community that is more inclusive and equitable, and where everyone feels a sense of belonging. It is also an extremely thoughtful approach to achieving a shared set of expected behaviors across our campus. Key among those behaviors is being allies and upstanders when we see inappropriate conduct or language. We aspire to be one community, and I truly believe the learning journey can help accomplish this goal.” 

Insights from last summer’s pilot

Over 250 staff participated in last summer’s pilot of the learning journey and their feedback was incorporated into the final design. In January, over 100 attended a debrief session to review data from the pilot evaluation and weigh in on the plans for the broad rollout. When asked what pilot participants would share with colleagues who will be participating in the learning journey, comments included:

  • “This isn’t the time to be a bystander!”
  • “I think the course is eye-opening and I think it will bring awareness to many that they have not been as strong of allies as they thought they were going into the course.”
  •  “I love that we are learning the same language.”
  • “I’m impressed with the real changes planned for the program. It’s hard to do with something this big and complex . ”
  • “Great idea to make this part of our Stanford culture.”

Eric Abrams, Chief Inclusion Officer for the Graduate School of Education and a member of the IDEAL Staff Advisory Committee (as well as the chair of the subcommittee on learning and development), stated, “The pilot participants gave us tons of feedback about the experience, which strengthens the impact of the learning journey to improve our culture. We are aiming to fundamentally change the way we interact with each other. That takes each of us having the courage to stand up to discrimination of any type by speaking up and interrupting harm. We want to make sure everyone feels heard and knows they have a home at Stanford – that they belong here and feel supported no matter their background, gender, disability status, race, age, sexual orientation, identity, faith or political views.” 

Program rollout plan and communication

It will take time for all staff (including new hires on an ongoing basis) to participate; and because the experience is intended for life-long learning, additional curriculum may be offered in the future and will be communicated. 

Shirley Everett, senior associate vice provost for Residential & Dining Enterprises and senior adviser to the provost on equity and inclusion, as well as a strategic advisor to the IDEAL Staff Advisory Committee, emphasized the importance of this experience, stating, “The IDEAL Learning Journey is a key ingredient to advancing Stanford’s DEI goals.”

A digital invitation will be sent when The IDEAL Learning Journey is open. Detailed information is on the Cardinal at Work website .

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4 Steps for Designing the Ideal User Journey

WalkMe Team

A seamless user experience is critical for boosting conversions and preventing cart abandonment . But constructing the ideal user journey is more than simply creating an aesthetically pleasing website.

Instantly improve your user journey. Discover how.

For instance, a beautifully designed website might look nice to prospective customers. But if they can’t find the search bar or struggle to complete the steps to make a purchase, poor UX will ultimately prevail. You’ll lose the customer.

What is a user journey?

user journey map

A user journey is the series of steps or path a user takes on a website or mobile app. A successful journey effectively guides a user to complete a certain process or task.

For example, the user journey on online retail shops is designed to encourage purchases. The user path on a blog might guide readers to subscribe to an email newsletter.

An ideal user journey includes the crucial elements of a positive user experience:

  • Easy usability
  • Apparent value of the actual products or information on your site
  • Simple and intuitive website navigation from the beginning through the end of the journey

4 steps for designing an excellent user journey on your website or mobile app

When designing your website or app, it’s important to consider the steps a user is likely to take before arriving at their destination, whether that’s making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or filling out a form.

A positive experience navigating through your platform can delight your users and keep them coming back. Here’s how to achieve the ideal user journey.

1. Outline your vision for a positive user experience

user experience

Before diving directly into designing your user journey, consider which elements contribute to a positive versus negative online experience.

For example, click fatigue, poor website navigation, clutter or hidden menus often result in user confusion or irritation. You want to ensure your design doesn’t frustrate users, but instead guides them along a carefully crafted path.

Begin by considering the simplest and most logical way of showcasing your company’s mission, products or community. As you continue plotting each point along the user journey, assess whether the navigation is coherent and intuitive.

2. Make the user journey reflect a specific goal

A user journey has a beginning, middle, and end. To ensure each part of the journey fulfills its purpose, consider the following questions:

  • What is the overall purpose of your website or app?
  • What goal do you want your user to accomplish at the end of their journey?
  • When someone enters your site or app, does the first thing they see fit the “beginning” you wish to create?
  • Can they easily move from the beginning to the “middle” of the journey, whether that’s browsing items to purchase, researching, etc.?
  • Last and most important, is it easy to go from middle to “end,” where users would subscribe, complete a purchase, request a demo, or take another action?

This final step is crucial to seeing results in both profits and retention.

3. Look at what you offer through the user’s eyes.

user perspective

Answering the questions above is important, but you must also be able to answer questions from your users’ perspective as well.

  • What are users doing on your site or app?
  • What do they want to accomplish?
  • What is motivating them to continue engaging through each step?

Businesses often lose their audience somewhere along the user journey because they lack understanding of what users really want.

But if you can keep these questions in mind while designing the user journey, you will be able to give your users what they’re seeking.

4. Provide personalized website navigation support

If we had to pick one element of UX to focus on when creating a user journey, it’s website navigation.

Nothing frustrates users more than not being able to find what they’re looking for on your website. But with personalized, on-screen, contextual guidance, you can be sure that users will always find what they’re looking for as quickly and easily as possible.

A Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) is an invaluable tool for websites and apps because it provides step-by-step guidance along the user journey. It helps guarantee a positive user experience and ultimately, aids conversions.

Find out how a DAP instantly boosts website navigation and supports a better user journey.

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Get the details: The IDEAL Learning Journey

Launching on March 14, 2022, The IDEAL Learning Journey is a comprehensive, shared experience for all staff. We are embarking on this several-year journey because:

  • We are building an inclusive community
  • We are all called upon to help each other
  • We are learning together

Encourage your team members to participate, and support their Learning Journey. View manager tips on The IDEAL Learning Journey website.

Visit The IDEAL Learning Journey website for all details

Visit the Manager Learning Journey section for details about the manager experience

ideal journey

Frustrated you’re not growing your dental practice?

Grow your practice (and patient smiles) with the ideal patient journey.

ideal journey

You want every lead, referral and prospect cared for properly, so no one is falling through the cracks…

But there’s a problem: you can’t see the data..

ideal journey

Create an Ideal Patient Journey, build a more profitable and efficient practice, and take back your time.

Hear what others have said about their results with the ideal patient journey.

ideal journey

  • Your browser does not support the video tag. Alex Mogg Managing Director of Croydon Orthodontics “.. we now have a fully automated system allowing our prospects to be nurtured as soon as they contact us. Our whole patient journey is now completely automated allowing us to be super efficient and effective and bringing brilliant results for the team”

Your Plan to Create the Ideal Patient Journey

1| book a call.

ideal journey

02| Implement The Ideal Patient Journey

ideal journey

03| Grow Your Practice

ideal journey

Explore The Ideal Patient Journey™

ideal journey

Marketing & Sales Systems

  • Get instant visibility into your sales and marketing pipeline.
  • Track incoming leads and nurture sequences
  • Convert more of those leads into paying patients.
  • Support automated systems in the delivery of your treatment
  • Generate more referrals through automated surveys, feedback, and re-engagement.

ideal journey

Technology Stack

  • Organise all your data on prospects and patients in the CRM.
  • Automatically follow up on quotes after they’ve been sent and viewed–and automatically take payment/deposit when accepted.
  • Know how many leads are coming in and by which source.
  • Be able to react positively and dynamically through accurate reporting.
  • Automatically communicate at each stage of the entire patient journey with SMS messaging, email broadcasts, and internal tasks.

ideal journey

Team Training

  • Enjoy a thorough, bespoke training over 16 weeks for you and your team.
  • Continue to grow your expertise as a business owner with monthly Group Coaching calls with expert speakers.
  • Understand which priorities to address first with your customised Action Plan.
  • Get peer support through an active private community group of business owners from around the world.

ideal journey

About The Business Catalyst’s Ideal Patient Journey

ideal journey

Build a Stronger Practice. Create More Great Smiles. Create More Time for Family and Recreation.

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What is the Ideal Patient Journey?

A patient’s ideal healthcare experience is a journey that’s actively supported by the practices they visit.

A patient’s journey can be divided into three stages: the pre-visit, the actual visit and the post-visit. To follow the modern leadership mindset, each of these three stages should be equally focused on your patients as consumers, while continually offering accessibility to further nurture the relationship.

Meeting today’s patients’ needs in this way can mean that practices will have to invest the time needed in streamlining their operations. In doing so, you can quickly identify the pain points of that journey and apply the most optimal digital solutions to create efficiency, value and loyalty.

So, how does the ideal patient journey look? Here are 5 steps to an ideal patient journey at your medical practice.

1. A Simplified Scheduling and Pre-Check Process

woman using clearwave app on cell phone to schedule doctors appointment

When streamlining, your overall goal should be to simplify the activities that take place at each stage. Scheduling and Pre-Check can be natural starting points of examination.

Your patients should be able to start the scheduling process from wherever they are, and when it’s most convenient for them. Then, to prepare for their visit, allowing them to complete their demographic and medical information from the convenience of their own device gives them control and boosts patient engagement.

With Clearwave, enabling self-service access for your patients helps to start their healthcare journey with your practice on a positive note.

2. Easy Patient Communication

It should be easy for patients to communicate with you, wherever their day brings them, and using the mobile device they rely on.

Take advantage of your connected patients using Clearwave’s Two-Way Texting and appointment reminders.

Two-Way Texting makes it easy to text appointment instructions, chat with patients or send templated responses. They appreciate the ease-of-use without any additional user name or anything to download.

Using Clearwave’s appointment reminders ensures your schedule runs smoothly. It also greatly reduces no-shows, lets you forward links for telehealth visits and allows patients to feel connected to your practice.

3. A Less Crowded Front Office

woman sitting in her parked car and using cell phone

Is your staff as attentive as you’d like? If not, they could be dealing with an overburden of outdated, manual processes. An overcrowded front office can be a signal that things are not flowing as smoothly as they could—and permits your staff limited time for each visitor.

Using solutions such as Clearwave’s self-check-in, eligibility verification, automated appointment reminders and more, your team will spend less time manual check-ins while the line in front of their desk disappears. This cleared space lets staff focus more on listening to and better directing your patients, demonstrating just how much they matter to your practice.

4. Simplified Billing Solutions

Clearwave lets you verify insurance eligibility in real-time , offer financial transparency for your patients’ share of the visit and secure payments upfront.

Building these automated processes into the patient experience clears up the billing aspect for your patients and relieves your staff of the awkward conversations about the amounts due and past due. It also significantly reduces all of the administrative work of chasing payments well after the visit, including all of the printing, office supplies and postage.

It may seem that the cost of an envelope is insignificant, but checking your billing office’s monthly envelope expense alone can show you exactly how much it adds up.

5. Mirror the Patient Journey to Their Retail Experience

ideal journey

Healthcare consumerism is here to stay—the healthcare industry has to work like the retail sector to enrich the patient journey. Today, patients expect convenient and accessible services, also from their physicians.

Retail businesses base their success on the crucial consumer experience.  When you streamline your practice with a focus on the patient’s journey, you not only enhance their journey but also increase your bottom line with new and centralized efficiency.

Clearwave can advance your operations and improve interactions with your patients.

Instead of your patients’ seeing your practice as a mixed collection of business areas that they have to interact with, you become a cohesive practice they can rely on, much like their favorite brands.

Leverage Technology to Improve the Patient Journey Today and in The Future

The operations environments of practices are fast-paced. With all of the technology solutions available to manage these operations, healthcare consumers have come to expect a seamless experience.

Implementing the right digital health solutions and patient engagement tools helps your practice to deliver resources that create a frictionless experience throughout the entire patient journey. Doing this will keep your patients coming back and increase your revenue cycle.

Wondering how Clearwave can help you leverage technology to enhance the patient journey at your practice? Click here to read an interview with the woman who is reinventing digital patient access, Dikla Ranen, for a better understanding of the digital world’s impact on the healthcare industry!

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Orda cave in the Perm region

Table of contents:, where is located, a brief history, journey into the unknown, transport accessibility, tourist accommodation, a little more about the underwater route, reviews of tourists, difficulties and dangers.

Orda cave in the Perm region

2024 Author : Harold Hamphrey | [email protected] . Last modified: 2023-12-17 10:06

There is something surprisingly attractive in the dark vaults of underground caves. It is very difficult to pass by and not explore the unknown grotto. Even more exciting can be a visit to an underwater cave. Gloomy vaults, stalactites, curving tunnels in which you can get lost - this is a real challenge for every traveler. If you happened to visit Perm, then the Ordinskaya cave can be an ideal place for extreme recreation. Today we will talk about her in more detail, because she really deserves attention.

orda cave

This is one of the grottoes located in the chain of the Ural Mountains. Moreover, despite the abundance of such objects on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is the Ordinskaya Cave that attracts the most attention of tourists. Perm Krai (Russia) is the southernmost part of the Urals. It is a favorite place for speleologists from all over the world, because it has about 700 caves of various lengths. However, none of them can overshadow this wonder of the world. In 1992, its study began: the first expedition explored more than a kilometer of underwater passagesand one longest flooded tunnel. It was from the end of the 20th century that the Orda cave began to interest scientists and travelers, and its map began to grow rapidly and be replenished with new parts.

With the beginning of the 21st century, a full-scale study of this huge system of intricate tunnels flooded with water began. Of course, they were studied by specialists, but soon it attracted the attention of amateurs, brave people, experts in extreme diving. And gradually the Ordinskaya Cave (Perm Territory) turned into one of the most interesting objects for tourists.

Even at the beginning of the 19th century, deposits of gypsum were found here. It was first mined for construction purposes, then for artistic processing. It was thanks to this industrial activity that the Orda Cave was discovered. It is located in the bowels of Kazakovskaya Gora. On its surface there are large karst funnels, one of which is the entrance to the cave.

In 1997, the first 300 meters of its grottoes were mapped. The cave amazed not only with its size, but also with its beauty. Deep and clear lakes, high gypsum vaults, snow and ice decoration of silent halls - all this is beyond our imagination.

The second All-Russian expedition was held a year later, this time 1980 meters of underground flooded passages were covered. In 2001, the Ordinskaya cave turned into a diving base. Cave divers are trained here, underwater research and video filming are carried out. Today, about 4,000 meters of underground passages have already been studied.

Ordinskaya cave Perm region

Can any tourist visit the underground tunnels of this cave and soak up its unimaginable romance? No, this is not possible without preparation. Just like an amateur parachute jump cannot be done without training, as it can cost you your life. Ordinskaya underwater cave will not forgive mistakes. A diver in such difficult conditions (complete darkness, danger of cloudy water, collapse of plaster walls, a banal attack of claustrophobia and panic), like a sniper, has only two options: do everything right and survive or stay in the tunnel forever. Only a person who has been trained according to a special technique and knows the equipment perfectly can dive into this complex cave. It is obligatory to dive in pairs, and the entire life support system is duplicated. Behind the back are two cylinders and two regulators.

Orda underwater cave

Almost all divers are attracted by the Orda Cave. Photos of its snow-white vaults can make you forget about everything in the world, although they will not replace the dive itself. It has its own world, a person seems to fall into space, cold, unknown and so attractive. The nearest settlements are Perm and Kungur. In the immediate vicinity of the cave is the village of Orda. From this settlement to Perm can be reached by any convenient transport. And from the city to the village will deliver a fixed-route taxi, which are available in large numbers here.

Orda cave photo

In fact, the choice is quite large. Very often, tourists consider different options. In the city of Kungur, in contrast to Perm, there are many hotels that differ in a very modest cost. The comfortable hotel "Stalagmit" is very popular among the guests of the city, there are also a number of other suitable complexes here. If you want to choose the least expensive option, you can opt for private mini-hotels or just rent an apartment. They are offered a lot in the village of Orda. By the way, from here to the cave is much closer. And if you do not intend to spend a lot of time at the diving base, then it would be most convenient to choose accommodation in a cottage village, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the cave.

Ordinskaya cave perm region russia

Not everyone will find Ordinskaya Cave affectionate and friendly. The knowledge of the underwater world should really capture you so that it becomes possible to overcome yourself and descend into its labyrinths. The water temperature here is not higher than +6 degrees, and can reach +4. Visibility is 100 meters at best. It is equipped with a convenient descent to the water with metal stairs and railings. This will help you descend and ascend in a diving suit. A wide area with special benches, as well as good lighting, make preparing for a dive comfortable and enjoyable. It should be noted that only separate galleries are intended for tourists, where running ends are laid, that is, you will move in one direction along the stretched rope.

ordacave knowledge

What does the Orda underwater cave look like to travelers? Photos taken by researchers and scientists do not convey even a hundredth of the magnificence that is available to those who dare to go here on their own. You will be guaranteed a slight shock from the icy water, as well as the unearthly beauty of huge underground galleries filled with clear water. Of the 4,500 meters of underground grottoes known today, about 4,200 are underwater. Depth is approximately 43 meters. The main galleries are the Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow and Sverdlovsk passages. Each hall has its own name and attraction - like a slab of the original form.

Orda underwater cave photo

Surely you will be interested in what the one who descends into the snow-white grottoes of this cave for the first time experiences. Do not risk doing this without an instructor, because it is very easy to get lost in the underwater tunnels. In fact, there are two options: you will immediately want to leave her and never return, or fall in love with her for life. But the feeling, judging by the reviews, is fantastic. As if in a dream, you float in weightlessness in huge halls filled with clear water. In itself, immersion in icy waters is not a test for the weak. The water temperature is close to zero, which is very noticeable even in a good wetsuit. However, the impression is worth it to overpower yourself and continue the dive.

The cave is very interesting. Every dive is completelysimilar to the previous one. It is impossible to cover the entire cave, hall or passage with your eyes: the flashlight illuminates only part of the picture for you, so over and over again you rediscover this world, find new corners and unknown places. Divers call this cave the White Bride because of the snow-white color of its plaster vaults. These rocks were formed about 200 million years ago, and the sense of time here completely dissolves.

This is not a walk for amateurs, but a very responsible event that must be approached with all seriousness. This is an elite sport for the elite, because in local conditions there is a great difficulty in diving. Of course, there is equipment for rent here, before you get it, you need to undergo training and get a certificate.

Tourists who have already been here say there are plenty of opportunities for panic. I tried to surface earlier than the appointed place - you hit your head against a stone, you instantly lose your orientation in space, you start to breathe more often. As a result, air is consumed very quickly. And if the lantern suddenly went haywire, then in the ensuing darkness you immediately lose the understanding of where the top is, and where the bottom is. That is, the diver must be prepared for any situation. However, until now, all divers descending under the arches of this cave have returned back.


Divya cave, perm region: photos and reviews of tourists.

Divya cave, Perm region: photos and reviews of tourists

The longest karst cave in the Ural Mountains is located in the north of the Perm Territory. Divya cave is located on the western slope of the Northern Urals, in the valley of the Kolva River

Nature of the Perm Territory. Plants and animals of the Perm region

Nature of the Perm Territory. Plants and animals of the Perm region

Perm Territory is a land of amazing nature, taiga forests, picturesque mountains, gorges, caves, fast rivers and clear lakes. Here is a stunning diversity of the country's landscape, a considerable number of rare plants and animals. The nature of the Perm Territory, original culture have attracted travelers since ancient times

Where is Mammoth Cave - the longest cave in the world?

Where is Mammoth Cave - the longest cave in the world?

When we say "Mammoth Cave", we involuntarily imagine the fossilized remains of giants of the ice age, which were discovered by the discoverers in underground halls. In fact, the English word Mammoth means "huge". Therefore, the cave has nothing to do with mammoths

Gomel region. Map of the Gomel region. Belarus - Gomel region

Gomel region. Map of the Gomel region. Belarus - Gomel region

Gomel region is an administrative unit in the southeast of the Republic of Belarus. It was formed in 1938

Perm-Simferopol. Train "Perm-Simferopol". Direct flight Perm-Simferopol

Perm-Simferopol. Train "Perm-Simferopol". Direct flight Perm-Simferopol

Little has changed in the lives of Permians who annually go on vacation to the Crimea. Direct train service "Perm-Simferopol" makes life easier for residents of the entire Urals, who make a change in Perm, after which they travel in comfort. However, there are alternative travel options

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By bus [ edit ]

The central bus station of Perm is on Shosse Kosmonavtov opposite the central market. There are daily buses to/from Ekaterinburg , Kazan , Izhevsk , Chelyabinsk , and many cities in Perm Krai .

By car [ edit ]

Although Perm lies on the "Siberian Trakt", the main motorway from Moscow to Siberia, the local roads are of poor quality, similar to most of Russia.

By boat [ edit ]

Perm is accessible through its Kama river port. Passenger transportation is limited to recreational cruises to Chaikovsky, Kazan , Moscow , St. Petersburg and Volgograd . Cruise companies tend to sell return tickets only.

Buy [ edit ]

With the city quickly developing, new shopping malls appear everywhere. Definitely worth seeing is the always crowded Central Bazaar, with uncountable kiosks and market stands, as well as huge market halls. The bazaar is located opposite the central bus station, at the very beginning of Kosmonavtov avenue. Perm also has a Chinese market, with mostly clothing being sold.

  • Semya (Family) Shopping Mall , Revolution street, 13 . 10:00-midnight . Includes a cinema and plenty of entertainment for children.  
  • Iceberg , Popova street, 16 . 10:00-21:00 . 60 stores with clothing, electronics and a beauty salon.  
  • Tczemlyanika (Wild Strawberry) , Parkovy avenue, 17 . 10:00-21:00 . A large discount centre.  

Eat [ edit ]

There is plenty of Russian, Georgian, Azeri, and Uzbek food in Perm.

Mid-range [ edit ]

  • Grill-Tavern Montenegro , Maksima Gorkogo, 28 . Excellent meat restaurant - cooked in a variety of methods.  

Splurge [ edit ]

  • Karin Restaurant @ Hilton Garden Inn , 45 B Mira Street . High-end fusion cuisine.  

Connect [ edit ]

Stay safe [ edit ].

Reckless drivers are probably the biggest safety threat. Pickpocketing is common in the crowded public transport and in the Central and Chinese Bazars. Occasional drunkards may be somewhat annoying but rarely pose any menace. It is wise to stay out of city parks, Balatovo Park, during the night.

Cope [ edit ]

Be prepared for cold weather from November to March. Despite cold temperatures outside, nearly all indoor spaces and public transportation are well heated.

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  20. Perm Krai

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  24. Perm Krai

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  25. Perm

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