Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grips

Mark Woods

  • One Piece Wrap Style Grip
  • Made of plastic
  • Multiple size & color choices

Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grips


When it comes to playing your best golf, I can guarantee the one thing you’ve probably never thought about is your grips… Let me explain:

In a sport where the margins between a perfect shot and an awful shot are so small, if your golf grips are old and worn out then you’re at a disadvantage before you’ve even started.

In order to play your best golf, you need to be in complete control of your golf club.

The only part of the golf club you can hold during the swing is the grip…

Do you see where I’m going with this? Control and confidence start in your hands. Let’s take a look at how the new Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grips can help improve your game!

  • Midsize, black, jumbo, standard, and undersize options available
  • Multiple color choices
  • Hybrid grip made of rubber and cord
  • Raised ridge to ensure alignment and consistency
  • Grip does not hold up to sweat
  • Not designed for all weather conditions

Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grips Product Review

When it comes to golf grips, there are only a few companies that spring to mind, with Golf Pride being the first.

Golf Pride are the number one ranked grip manufacturer on the PGA Tour and make the grips you’ll find on almost all professional clubs.

Founded in 1949, by Thomas Fawick, Golf Pride are one of the oldest and most successful grip manufacturers around.

The Tour Wrap 2G are some of Golf Pride’s most popular grips and are another option for golfers to choose from when regripping their clubs.

The first thing to consider when changing your grips is ensuring you have the size and shape which feels the most comfortable in your hands. On this note, let’s take a look at the specs.


The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grips are a one-piece wrap-style grip with an enhanced tack material. They are one of the more popular styles of grip used on the PGA Tour. Unlike the multi-compound grips which are made of rubber and cord, the Tour Wrap grips are a one-piece plastic grip.

The tackiness of the one-piece Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grip definitely helps improve control through impact, especially when variables like rain or humidity impact the texture of your grip.

Golf Pride grips are an affordable solution to better control your golf swing.

Grip Sizes:

Like most Golf Pride grips, the Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grips are available in multiple sizes, including mid-size, jumbo, standard, and undersize.

When it comes to choosing a size of grip there is no exact science in doing so. Two people with hands the exact same size might prefer two polar opposite grips.

If you are new to the grip game and unsure of where to start, Golf Pride offers a sizing guide based on hand size and other characteristics.

Let’s dig deeper into the different grip sizes the Tour Wrap 2G grips come in:

As described, the grip is designed based on the average American demographic. The golf clubs you’re using right now, if they are the stock option, will be standard grips.

A slightly larger grip than standard, however not quite jumbo. Often midsize grips are ideal for someone who wants more control from a slightly thicker grip yet doesn’t want to fully commit to jumbos.

As mentioned briefly before, the jumbo is the largest size grip, however, with this size also comes weight. The jumbo grips are slightly heavier than both the standard and mid-size.

As suggested by the name, a slightly smaller-sized grip. This grip is ideal for men who wear a small-sized glove or any juniors or ladies who play.

Grip Colors:

The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grips are available in four colourways: Red, White, Blue and Black. However, the red and blue colourways are only available on the Standard 48g grip and not the other sizes.

Pros and Cons of New Grips

Fresh grips have an increased surface texture and ultimately more traction and control. The tackier the grips, the easier it is to control the club at high speeds. The more control, the more square you can keep the clubface, resulting in more accurate and consistent shots.

Swing Speed:

A better grip of the clubs allows golfers to swing their clubs faster. The more faith you have in your golf grip the easier it is to commit to swinging at full tilt. If your club flies out your hand while swinging fast, you’re not going to get the most out of your golf swing or round.

Cheaper than new clubs:

A new set of grips is an affordable alternative to buying a new set of clubs – in fact, they’re a fraction of the cost. Golf equipment can last up to 3-4 years before becoming obsolete. So think about changing your grips before splashing out to replace your new irons.

Better release:

A new golf grip aids golfers in their release. If you struggle to release the golf club there’s a strong chance it’s because you’re compensating due to the grip. If you can’t trust throwing the club through the ball, think about changing your grips. Remember: confidence and good golf starts in the hands!

Need to buy 14:

Getting new grips can be slightly expensive, especially as it’s not just one golf grip you’re buying… unless it’s a putter grip you’re looking at. When regripping your clubs you’ll need 14 – that’s inferring you carry a full set in your bag every time you play.

Need changing frequently:

A golf grip often needs changing every 12 months according to experts at Golf Pride (this can change depending on how much you play/practice), so if you’re sitting there thinking “I haven’t changed grips on my clubs in years…” then it might be time to look into a new set of grips.

What Causes Grips To Wear Down?

There are many variables that can cause grips to get worn down, aside from just frequent use and practice. These other variables include sweat, oil, UV Light, temperature, and dirt.

How Do I Know If Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Grips Are Right For Me?

When deciding on which grips to purchase , Golf Pride offer customers a suggestion based off a few simple questions. This includes your hand size, the conditions you play in, how often your hands sweat, etc. They then recommend you a grip based on your answers. So if you are unsure, go and double-check.

Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grips are a great place to start if you are unsure of whether or not you might like them. Golf Pride have been shipping this grip across the world to all their tour players for years and the grip has been responsible for multiple major championships and wins on the PGA Tour, so you can’t go wrong with starting with a Tour Wrap 2G grip.

How Do I Replace The Grips Of My Clubs At Home?

Installing your grips can sound like a daunting prospect, especially when you have absolutely zero idea about what you’re doing. The last thing you want to do is damage a product you’ve just bought. When it comes to changing your grips at home there are a few things you’ll need:

Stanley knife, soap, and masking tape.

In regards to the process, Golf Pride offers an instructional step by step video process of a grip change so you can learn directly from the experts on how to install your new grips.

How Often Should I Change My Grips?

When it comes to grip management, it’s a difficult question to answer as it’s all based on how much you play. Experts recommend that all golfers should think about changing their grips every 12 months, however, this is totally subjective to how often and frequently you both play and practice.

Golfers on the PGA Tour change their grips every couple of months, whereas the average scratch golfer changes their grip every 6. If you haven’t changed your golf grips in over a year and play a frequent amount of golf you should definitely consider upgrading and installing a new set.

Why Is Tackiness Important In A Grip?

The Tour Wrap 2G is renowned on multiple tours across the world for its “tackiness”, but what is tackiness? It’s the stickiness of the wrap grip. Imagine you were to put glue on your hand and let it dry – it would become very sticky. That is a similar characteristic to that of the Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grips. These grip conditions are ideal for anyone who’s playing in adverse weather conditions.

If you are content with standard feel grips then there is a whole world of other grips to choose from. It’s all about finding the right grip for you and your game! Have a look at some of the reviews if you’re still struggling to decide.

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Best Golf Grips

Best Golf Grips

The Brassie

Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G: A Comprehensive Review

Answered by Robert Akin

Golf Pride is a well-known name in the golf industry, and one of their popular grip models is the Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G. This grip is favored by many golfers for its performance and feel on the course. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G and provide a comprehensive review of its features and benefits.

The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G is a premium rubber grip that offers exceptional comfort and tackiness. It is designed to provide a firm and confident grip, allowing golfers to have better control over their shots. The grip features a brushed cotton cord surface that enhances traction and stability. This texture helps to prevent slipping, even in wet conditions, ensuring a consistent and reliable grip throughout the swing.

One of the standout features of the Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G is its high-performance rubber compound. This material is engineered to provide excellent durability and responsiveness. The grip is designed to withstand the rigors of regular use, ensuring that it maintains its performance and feel over time. This is particularly important for golfers who play frequently or in varying weather conditions.

The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G is also known for its slightly larger size, which appeals to golfers who prefer a midsize or oversized grip. However, if you have smaller hands or prefer a standard grip size, you can easily build up the grip using additional layers of grip tape. This versatility allows golfers to customize the grip to their preferences and playing style.

In terms of installation, the Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G is relatively easy to put on. It requires the use of double-sided grip tape, which is applied to the shaft before sliding the grip over it. Adding extra layers of tape will increase the grip’s diameter, transforming it from an undersize to a standard or even a midsize grip. It is important to note that adding extra layers of tape will make the grip feel firmer, so it’s essential to find the right balance for your comfort and performance.

When it comes to performance, the Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G delivers. The grip’s tackiness and texture allow golfers to maintain a secure hold on the club, even during a powerful swing. This promotes a smoother and more controlled swing, resulting in improved accuracy and distance. Additionally, the grip’s firmness provides excellent feedback, allowing golfers to feel the clubhead throughout the swing and make necessary adjustments.

The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G is a top-notch grip that offers exceptional performance and comfort. Its high-quality materials and design make it a reliable choice for golfers of all skill levels. Whether you prefer a standard or larger grip, the Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G can be easily customized to suit your needs. If you’re looking to improve your grip and enhance your game, the Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G is definitely worth considering.

How Many Wraps On Golf Grip To Make It Midsize?

To make a golf grip midsize, you would typically add four extra layers of tape on top of the one wrap of double-sided tape that is needed to adhere the grip to the shaft. The additional layers of tape help to increase the overall diameter of the grip, making it larger and suitable for those who prefer a midsize grip.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to add the extra tape wraps to achieve a midsize grip:

1. Start by removing the old grip from the golf club shaft. Use a grip removal solvent or grip tape to safely remove the grip without damaging the shaft.

2. Once the shaft is clean, apply a layer of double-sided grip tape evenly along the length of the shaft. Make sure the tape is securely attached to the shaft, as this will be the base layer for the grip.

3. Now, it’s time to build up the grip size. Take four additional layers of grip tape and wrap them around the shaft on top of the double-sided tape. Make sure each layer is applied evenly and smoothly, without any wrinkles or overlaps.

4. After adding the extra tape layers, check the grip size to ensure it matches your desired midsize. You can use a grip sizing tool or compare it to other midsize grips for reference.

5. Once you are satisfied with the grip size, it’s time to install the new grip. Apply grip solvent to the inside of the grip and the tape layers on the shaft.

6. Slide the grip onto the shaft, aligning it with the clubface in the desired position. It’s important to do this step quickly before the solvent evaporates.

7. Once the grip is in place, give it a few twists to evenly distribute the solvent and help it bond with the tape layers.

8. Lastly, wipe off any excess solvent and let the grip dry for a few hours before using the club.

Remember that adding extra tape layers to build up the grip size will make it feel firmer. So, if you prefer a softer feel, you may want to consider using a larger grip size instead of building up with tape wraps.

What Is Extra Wrap On Golf Grip?

Extra wrap on a golf grip refers to the process of adding additional layers of grip tape to the shaft before installing a new grip. This is done to increase the grip’s diameter, providing a larger grip size for the golfer. The grip tape acts as a foundation on which the rubber grip is applied. By adding more layers of grip tape, the diameter of the shaft increases, which in turn makes the grip larger.

Here are some key points about extra wrap on golf grips:

1. Purpose: The main purpose of extra wrap is to customize the grip size according to the golfer’s preference. Some golfers may find that a standard grip size is too small or too large for their hands, affecting their control and comfort during the swing. By adding extra layers of grip tape, the grip size can be adjusted to better suit the golfer’s hand size and preference.

2. Grip tape: Grip tape is a double-sided adhesive tape that is wrapped around the shaft to create a secure base for the grip. It is typically made of a durable material like rubber or synthetic materials. The grip tape provides a sticky surface that helps hold the grip in place and prevents it from slipping during the swing.

3. Installation process: When adding extra wrap, the golfer or club technician will first remove the old grip, if present. Then, layers of grip tape are added to the shaft, typically starting from the bottom and working towards the top. Each layer of grip tape is wrapped tightly around the shaft, ensuring a smooth and even surface. The number of layers added depends on the desired increase in grip size.

4. Grip installation: Once the extra wrap is complete, the new grip is slid over the grip tape. The rubber grip will stretch over the tape, accommodating the increased diameter created by the extra wrap. The grip is then secured in place by using grip solvent or adhesive, which activates the grip tape’s adhesive properties. It is important to allow the grip to dry or set properly before using the club.

Benefits of extra wrap on golf grip:

– Improved grip size: Extra wrap allows golfers to achieve a grip size that feels comfortable and secure in their hands. This can enhance control, reduce tension, and improve overall performance.

– Customization: Golfers with larger or smaller hands may find that standard grip sizes do not provide an optimal fit. Extra wrap allows for customization, ensuring the grip feels just right for the individual golfer.

– Consistency: By maintaining a consistent grip size across all clubs in the bag, golfers can promote a more consistent swing and feel throughout their game.

– Replacement grips: Extra wrap can also be beneficial when replacing worn-out grips. By adding extra layers of grip tape, the golfer can restore the grip size to its original state or adjust it to their preference.

Extra wrap on a golf grip involves adding additional layers of grip tape to the shaft before installing a new grip. This process increases the grip’s diameter, providing a larger grip size. It allows golfers to customize the grip size to their preference, improving comfort, control, and overall performance on the course.

The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G is a high-quality grip that offers excellent comfort and control on the golf course. Its soft, tacky feel provides a secure grip, even in wet conditions, allowing golfers to confidently swing their clubs.

The Tour Wrap 2G’s advanced rubber compound ensures durability, allowing the grip to withstand the rigors of frequent use. Additionally, the grip’s moisture-wicking properties help to keep hands dry and prevent slippage during swings.

The grip’s design features a deep horizontal micro texture pattern, providing enhanced traction and a confident feel. This texture also helps to reduce hand fatigue, allowing golfers to maintain a consistent grip throughout their round.

An added benefit of the Tour Wrap 2G is its versatility in terms of size options. With undersize, standard, midsize, and jumbo options available, golfers can choose the grip size that best suits their hand size and personal preference. Additionally, the option to build up the grip with extra layers of tape allows for further customization for those who prefer a thicker grip.

The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G is a top choice for golfers looking for a comfortable, durable, and high-performance grip. Its combination of softness, traction, and moisture-wicking properties make it a reliable choice for both amateur and professional golfers alike.

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Review: Golf Pride Tour Wrap Grips

Golf Pride Tour Wrap

Tour Wrap Features

The grip is made to look like an old school leather wrapped grip, but it is really a one piece rubber grip. The rubber is extremely tacky, even after months of play and dozens of rounds. Unlike an old school leather grip, the rubber material in the Tour Wrap lasts a long time and is extremely durable.

The Tour Wrap is available in black (pictured), red, blue, and white.

A couple of the colors also have different sizing available. The white model is available in regular and midsize. The black is available in regular, midsize, jumbo, and undersize.

On The Course

Though these feel hard to me when just gripping them, somehow the grip does a great job of isolating and reducing vibration. That really has helped me stay in the game without experiencing a lot of pain with the elbows. In fact, since I switched the irons and put on these grips, my pain has nearly gone away completely.

The tackiness of the grip ensures ultimate control and feel for me. No slipping and no death grip needed to keep the club under control.

The only time I have a grip issue is in the rain. If the grip gets wet it can turn quite slippery.

Even after months, I barely see any wear and the grips are still as tacky as the day I first tried them.

Tacky, durable, great feel. What more could one want in a golf grip?

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Best Golf Pride Grips 2024: How to choose the best grip for your game

Published: 26 August 2023 Last updated: 26 August 2023

Best Golf Pride grips

Best Golf Pride grips

Golf Pride is the market leader in golf grips – but what are the best Golf Pride grips for your game?

Choosing the best golf grips can be really confusing, with so many options to choose from. There are soft ones, firm ones, sticky ones, super-sticky ones, fat ones, thin ones… and everything in between.

Market leaders Golf Pride make 21 different grips alone, so they have simplified the process by using a football formation – 4-4-2 – with four choices of what you want from your grips, four different styles of grip, and two options of extra help you may want from your grips. This is how it works… 

Step 1: Choose what you want from your grips

If your middle finger is just touching the pad of your thumb when holding the grip in the glove hand, that is the perfect size. 


If you often play in rain or get sweaty hands when it’s warm, you may need to factor in more moisture management. 

Surface texture

Do you like your grips to feel smooth, rough with pronounced patterns for added traction, or somewhere in the middle? 

A firm grip will offer more feedback and vibration at impact, whereas a softer feel will dampen the club’s vibrations. 

Step 2: Choose your preferred style of grip

Soft and tacky = The CPX 

Offering maximum comfort to reduce grip tension and pressure, leading to a more fluid swing; the CPX is Golf Pride’s softest performance grip. 

Hybrid or half-cord = The MCC

Hybrid technology gives enhanced stability in all weather conditions, thanks to upper hand cord fused with lower hand rubber in multiple colors. 

Full-cord = The ZGRIP 

Golf Pride’s firmest grip, featuring a ‘Z-shaped’ texture pattern and full cotton cord that delivers both traction and all-weather control. 

Velvet and smooth = The Tour Velvet 

Golf Pride’s Tour Velvet offers comfort, playability and control in all conditions. A proprietary rubber compound with a non-slip pattern texture reduces moisture and slippage. 

Step 3: Choose any extra help you may need

Align Technology

A visible raised red ridge on the back of the club helps lock in your hand position at address, enhancing clubface awareness and delivering a square clubface at impact. Available on… ZGRIP, MCC, MCC PLUS4, Tour Velvet.

PLUS4 simulates building up the lower half of the grip with four extra wraps of tape. This reduced taper encourages lighter grip pressure, promoting less tension in the hands and creating more fluidity and power.  Available on… MCC PLUS4, Tour Velvet.

Best Golf Pride Grips

Here are the best Golf Pride grips for your game, going from softest to firmest.

Golf Pride CPX Golf Grip

Golf Pride's softest grip.

golf pride tour wrap review

What size golf grip should I use?

Golf Pride say there’s little evidence to support the old theory that small grips make shots more likely to go left and big grips make shots go right (for right-handed golfers). They advise using the grip size selector on to get in the right ball park.

Don’t be afraid to try different sizes. Often, those using standard-sized grips end up preferring the feel of a midsize or Plus4 model.

V i sit the Golf Pride website here .

What golf grip shape suits you?

Golf pride align golf grip.

Helps ensure a square grip and impact position.

golf pride tour wrap review

Rob McGarr Contributing Editor

Rob McGarr is a freelance contributor at Today’s Golfer.

He has been a writer and editor for over 15 years, covering all manner of subjects, including golf (obviously).

You can follow him on  YouTube  where – depending on what day of the week it is – he’ll either be trying his best to get his handicap down to scratch or shoving his clubs in a cupboard, never to be seen again.

He’s also on  Twitter  and  Instagram , which is pretty ironic considering he generally loathes social media.

Rob, who plays off a four-handicap, lives in Devon where he plays at a variety of courses, including Royal North Devon and Saunton, while also being a member at Royal Norwich in Norfolk.

Rob uses a Callaway  GBB Epic Sub Zero  driver,  Ping G  3-wood,  Callaway X Forged UT 18  2-iron,  Ping i25  irons,  Cleveland RTX-3  wedges,  Bettinardi BB1  putter and the  Bridgestone Tour B XS  golf ball.

You can get in touch with Rob  here .

golf pride tour wrap review

golf pride tour wrap review

Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede Grip Review

Golf pride tour wrap microsuede grip.

Comfort and performance – the ultimate balance in a golf grip.  This is exactly what Golf Pride aims to deliver with the new Tour Wrap MicroSuede grip.  MicroSuede technology provides a new feel and a modern moisture management system in a traditional grip style.

Tour Wrap MicroSuede 5

Reserved, classic, and soft are how I would describe the appearance of the Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede grip.  The classic wrap pattern is similar to previous Golf Pride wrap models, but the MicroSuede “brushed” finish gives the grip a softer look .  Combine that with the soft grey coloring and you have one comfortable lookin’ grip.  Some contrast is provided via the glossy “wrap skives” (thanks for the terminology, GolfWorks ) which help give the grip a little extra tackiness as well.  The signature white Golf Pride logo can be found at the base of the grip as well as around the butt end.  Should you prefer your grips installed logo down, the Tour Wrap MicroSuede will accommodate you just fine.

Feel 9

How Does it Feel?

The MicroSuede’s “feel” is easily the highlight of the grip.  Golf Pride has made rubber wrap-style grips for years, but this brushed finish is unlike anything they’ve ever made.  At least as far as I’m aware.  This MicroSuede technology is extremely soft and comfortable in the hands .  Other grips I’ve felt with similar comfort goals in mind often lack some feedback or response.  This is not the case with the Tour Wrap MicroSuede whatsoever.  You get that desired soft feel but all of the shot feedback you desire is still there.  Let me be clear – this grip is very soft and extremely comfortable, but its goal isn’t to absorb shock.  It’s still your job to hit the ball well to avoid the sting.

Performance 3

On-Course Performance

When I first held a Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede grip in my hand, I was somewhat skeptical.  The finish felt great in my hands, but I was concerned about encountering any moisture on the course.  Fortunately, my concerns were quickly dispelled.  Golf Pride utilized a finishing process to increase the traction in this grip.  The end result is a wrap grip that’s easy to hang onto regardless of sweaty hands or dewy grass .  Based on my experience, the traction is the best I’ve seen yet on a Golf Pride wrap-style grip.  Admittedly, I’ve been fortunate enough to not play in any rain recently so I can’t yet comment on how well the moisture is managed under a downpour.

Another important performance benefit of MicroSuede is the wear and tear on your hands.  Players that find 36 holes or a long day at the range can beat up their hands may be a good candidate for this grip.  The Tour Wrap MicroSuede was very easy on my hands over long periods of time.   True, this will vary from person to person, but I was impressed with how good my hands felt at the end of the day.  My fellow “sensitive-hands players” could very easily become big fans of this MicroSuede finish if they don’t mind a wrap-style grip.

Final Thoughts 1

Final Thoughts – Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede

I’m a pretty big believer that choosing a golf grip is generally very subjective.  You’re going to choose what feels good to you and makes you confident while holding the golf club.  Often times that choice seems to come down to two factors.  1) Comfort in the hands and 2) “grippiness.”  Yes…I’ve heard the word “grippiness” used often with golf grips.  Anyway, I think the Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede could be a big hit for those very reasons.  The brushed MicroSuede finish is one of the most comfortable I’ve ever felt in a grip and the traction is strong.  If you’re looking for a modern wrap grip that’s soft on your hands with good feedback, the Tour Wrap MicroSuede is a good option to look at for your next regrip.


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What grips do you think are best for arthritic hands?

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Tough to say, personally, as I’m not there in my career yet (100% will be one day, no question) and I think it’s somewhat subjective from what I understand. Basically, I’ve always heard soft grips that are larger in size tend to be best for players with arthritic hands. Players are able to hold the club a little looser and the softer materials absorb the shock a little better.

Now which grip has the right combination of those elements for you might take some trial and error. But I think size tends to be the big factor these days.

If you do any experimentation or come to any conclusions, would LOVE to know about it and the journey you went on. Might even be helpful in us writing something to help players looking for insight in this area. I bet there are quite a few people looking for similar perspective.

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I’ve heard this runs a bit thinner than normal and that some are building up with extra tape, did you find this?

I didn’t particularly notice this, but it’s been awhile.

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How does the softness of this grip compare too the softness of a golf pride sofftie grip.

I don’t know that grip, sorry!

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These grips have been a game changer for me. I’ve been using some OG Danny Edwards Wrap grips for years and because I’m so used to the wrap style grips, I don’t feel comfortable playing any other grips.

When it was time for me to finally change out my Danny Edwards Royal Grips, I tried (one) grip first on my recently purchased SM8 (I accidently left my old Titleist 58 on the green and it was never seen again…(sad) and instantly fell in love with the Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede. The look was very similar to the traditional wrap style that I play and the feel was even better than my old Royal Grips as they were “softer” when gripped (I tend to have a pretty tight grip).

After going to the range to try out the new SM8 that I got a few months back, I went back to the shop a couple of months later to re-grip my entire iron set and to swoop up a new SM9 gap wedge (52) – of course slapping the new MicroSuede grip on the SM9 as well.

It’s been about 4 months since I’ve been using the Tour Wrap MicroSuede grips on my clubs and I don’t think I can use any other grips ever from now on….lol.

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I extended my 3-iron by a couple inches and put one of these grey microsuede grips on. OMG, I love that club, most certainly because the grip is amazing.

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Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grips


The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G golf grip has a new, modernized look and superior tackiness and feel.

  • .580" and .600" core diameter available
  • Undersize,Standard, Midsize and Jumbo sizes available
  • Black, Red, Blue and White

Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grip Specifications

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This product can expose you to chemicals including black (airborne, unbound particles of respirable size), which is know to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information go to .

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* The exact model, club head number, and desired final playing length is required for butt trimming to be possible.

* The club number and or loft is require for tip prepping on most parallel (.335" and .370") golf shafts.


Golf pride tour wrap 2g review [updated jun 2024].

Golf Pride’s Tour Wrap 2G Grips are a classic in the world of golf equipment and have been popular for many years.

The new version, the Tour Wrap 2G, is designed to provide maximum comfort and performance on every shot.

With its unique Dual-Durometer construction and softer rubber material, it offers improved feel while providing secure grip in all weather conditions.

Plus, its ergonomic design ensures that your hands remain comfortable even after hours of play.

Whether you’re a professional golfer or just starting out, these grips will help you hit consistent shots with confidence.

golf pride tour wrap review

Golfers often struggle to find the right grip for their clubs, which can lead to inconsistent shots and a lack of confidence.

Many grips are too hard or too soft, making it difficult to get the perfect feel on every shot. Plus, they don’t always provide secure traction in all weather conditions.

Golf Pride’s Tour Wrap 2G Grips offer the perfect solution! With its unique Dual-Durometer construction and softer rubber material, you’ll get improved feel while providing secure grip in all weather conditions. Plus, its ergonomic design ensures that your hands remain comfortable even after hours of play – so you can hit consistent shots with confidence!


Golf Pride is a leading manufacturer of golf grips, and the Tour Wrap 2G has been one of their most popular products for many years.

This grip is designed to provide maximum comfort and performance on every shot, thanks to its Dual-Durometer construction.

The softer rubber material ensures improved feel while providing secure grip in all weather conditions, and its ergonomic design ensures that your hands remain comfortable.

With this grip, you can hit consistent shots with confidence and take your game to the next level!

Who should use this product

The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G is an ideal grip for any golfer looking to improve their game.

The Dual-Durometer construction and softer rubber material provide improved feel while still providing secure grip in all weather conditions.

It offers excellent ergonomic design, ensuring that your hands remain comfortable even after hours of play.

This grip is perfect for both professional and amateur golfers alike, as it offers consistent performance on every shot. So if you’re looking to improve your game, the Tour Wrap 2G is a must-have!

The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grip is designed to provide golfers with maximum comfort and performance on every shot.

Its unique Dual-Durometer construction combines a softer rubber material for improved feel, while still providing secure grip in all weather conditions.

The ergonomic design of the grip helps keep your hands comfortable even after hours of play.

Additionally, it’s easy to install, and the choice of available colors makes it a great way to customize your clubs. With this grip, you can hit consistent shots with confidence and take your game to the next level!

• Dual-Durometer construction for improved feel and secure grip in all weather conditions

• Ergonomic design ensures hands stay comfortable during long games

• Easy to install and available in a variety of colors, allowing you to customize your clubs

• Maximum comfort and performance on every shot

• Helps golfers achieve consistent shots with confidence

• The cost of the grip is relatively expensive, making it out of reach for some golfers. Additionally, it may wear out faster in more humid conditions, requiring more frequent replacement than other grips.

• The grip also has a slightly firmer texture that may be uncomfortable for some players, especially those with smaller hands. This could affect their ability to achieve a secure grip on the club.

Amazon rating

The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grip has been praised by golfers everywhere for its exceptional performance, comfort, and ability to provide secure grip in any weather.

On Amazon, this grip scores an impressive 4.8 out of 5 stars, with many customers noting that it is well worth the price tag.

One customer commented that they’ve used the grip for over a year now and have found it to be very comfortable and durable.

Other customers noted that the Dual-Durometer construction provides great feel while still ensuring secure grip in all weather conditions.

All in all, the Tour Wrap 2G has been praised by golfers everywhere for its exceptional performance, comfort, and ability to provide secure grip in any weather.


The SuperStroke S-Tech Cord Golf Club Grip is a great alternative to the popular Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G.

This grip is made from a unique blend of materials that provides superior comfort and performance. The advanced rubber compound offers improved feel and control, while the soft cord construction ensures secure grip in all weather conditions.

Additionally, the SuperStroke S-Tech Cord Golf Club Grip is very easy to install, and it has a slightly softer texture that may be more comfortable for some players.

golf pride tour wrap review

The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Grips are an essential addition for any golfer’s bag.

With its Dual-Durometer construction, softer rubber material for improved feel and secure grip in all weather conditions, ergonomic design for comfortable hands during long games, and easy installation, this grip is perfect for both professional and amateur golfers alike.

The Tour Wrap 2G has been highly rated by Amazon customers and praised by golfers everywhere for its exceptional performance and comfort.

If you’re looking to step up your game, the Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G is a must-have!

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Has anyone tried Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grips?

By PiustheDrGolf , July 18, 2010 in Clubs, Grips, Shafts, Fitting

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Driver: Ping g15 axivcore black stiff 3 wood: Cobra s9-1 f speed Hybrids: 20* adams speedline classic round and 24*v1 peanut Irons: Ping I5 5-pw Wedges : cg14 50*,54* spin milled 58*Putter: Cameron newport detour

In the bag: FT-iQ 10° driver, FT 21° neutral 3H T-Zoid Forged 15° 3W, MX-23 4-PW Harmonized 52° GW, Tom Watson 56° SW, X-Forged Vintage 60° LW White Hot XG #1 Putter, 33"

  • 3 weeks later...



In My Cart Bag R 5 XL Driver Rescue Mid #3-19* 3,7 F50 Fairway Woods CG 4 , 4-PW irons all Reg Flex. MP-T 56* 60* wedges Anser G2 Putter. AD333. DT SoLo Balls ..

In the bag: Driver: 907 D2/Proforce V2 R-flex Hybrid: Burner '07 3 Hybrid/Re-Ax Shaft/19* (4* draw bias) Irons: AP1 4-7i AP2 8-PWedges: Spin Milled Tour Chrome (52.06/56.11) VR Forged Chrome 60.06Putter: Ignite 001 Ball: Pro V1/ One Tour/


Cobra LTDx 10.5* | Big Tour 15.5* | Rad Tour 18.5* | Titleist U500 4-23* | T100 5-P | Vokey SM7 50/8* F, 54/10* S, SM8 58/10* S | Odyssey 2 Ball Blade | Vice Pro Plus  

just came back after playing a round of golf with Tour Wrap 2G on my clubs.

I am also a no glove guy. I have the original Tour Wraps and wipe them down every shot to get the tack working especially when it is hot.


  • 1 year later...

The grips themselves are quite good in a dry environment, even in the rain they perform reasonably well. But in humid environments where sweat on the grips is an issue they are poor indeed. Many have said carry a damp towel and wipe them down, use resin or some other moisture absorbent material. I don't know about others but I have more important things to focus on when playing. I would/have switched to cord or half cord grips so I can concentrate on golf rather than condition of the grips.



Originally Posted by moparman426 Just don't play in the rain with those 2G's.  Finally had a chance to play Bell Bay in Nova Scotia and of course, it rained just enough to soak everything, and kept at it all day.  Not down pouring, but more than a drizzle.  The super tacky 2G (which I love, because it's hot and dry here is Sask) turned the clubs into slippery eels.  One hole where I had to blast over some trees had me tossing my nine iron over 50 paces away, ha ha.  Totally blew my confidence for rest of the round.  Even on half shots, I had to strangle the grip so hard I might have well been using a baseball bat.  In the dry though, entirely different animal.

It's the only grip that ever allowed me to toss a club.




I personally liked them when I had them they would get slick but if they are wiped down they get better. I currently play with golf pride new decade multi compound white outs. hope it helps.

  • 3 months later...

Joshua Holmes

Joshua Holmes

Originally Posted by Forest These grips are good, but they do get slick with a little sweat. That is the main reason I prefer the tour velvets.

I have the same problem, and I live in Cleveland Ohio where it's very moist and humid most of the summer because of Lake Erie.  Best advice any one ever gave me, go buy the Karma Overwrap grips.

I installed these on my last set of clubs and LOVED THEM!  I got new MP-59's this year.  They were a demo set and wanted to get rid of the demo grips so I had Golf Pride Multi-Compound grips installed because the "tech" at GG suggested I use them since they "are the best for people who sweat"... Well let me tell you, I will never put another grip on my clubs other than Karma.

Golf Pride grips set me back $9 something a club and they performed HORRIBLY in damp weather, sweaty hands... You name it, unless it was perfectly dry it was a no go.



I like them on my woods and hybrids, but they wear out too fast, and like already has been mentioned, suck when wet.  The PURE Grips P2 wrap is much better.  Tackier, still tacky when wet, and next to impossible to wear out!

The original Tour Wraps never wore out like the 2gs do. A club maker told m that they quit making them because they lasted too long. I am starting to believe him.

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Golf Pride Tour Velvet Super Tack & CP2 Pro Grip Review

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Great new additions to the Golf Pride lineup.  Reliable and comfortable.


Let’s face it, when it comes to golf grips there are quite a few players, but there are few that are as synonymous with golf and grips as Golf Pride.  As such, it has to be difficult for Golf Pride to be innovative and offer the golf world something new that will also perform.  What are you supposed to do when you’ve already done it all?  Well, for 2014 Golf Pride has introduced the new Tour Velvet Super Tack, the CP2 Pro, and the CP2 Wrap grip.  In this review we will take a look at all three grips and see if they’re everything Golf Pride claims them to be.

Tour Velvet Super Tack : The Golf Pride Tour Velvet grip is one of the most basic/standard looking grips in all of golf with its single black color and minimal white Golf Pride branding.  This specific characteristic is one of the major reasons that it’s one of the most widely used grips in golf.  Well now there’s an updated version in the Super Tack which still maintains a basic black look and minimal branding.  The top half of the grip has a new diamond pattern in the rubber for specific performance reasons.  All in all, a simple and smooth looking grip that let’s the performance do the talking for it .

CP2 Pro : When I look at the CP2 Pro grip, all I can think of are high performance racing tires that you might find on a Formula 1 race car.  The textured finish is sectioned into a smooth “tread” look and finished off with nice red and white accents.  The red line extending down the grip on the top half makes alignment during installation a breeze.  A very nice looking grip that screams high performance without being overbearingly bold .

CP2 Wrap : The CP2 Wrap features the same diamond pattern that can be found in the CP2 Pro.  The most noticeable difference in appearance is the coil, or wrap appearance down the whole length of the grip.  The tasteful blue and white graphics give the grip a little bit of flavor without trying too hard to be noticed on every shot .

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (4)

Tour Velvet Super Tack : If you have previously played the Tour Velvet grip, but you’re looking for a little more durability and more tack or grip, the Super Tack is perfect for you .  I typically play the Tour Velvet and this made the Super Tack immediately feel familiar to me, but it was quite noticeable right away just how much more grip it really has.  It doesn’t get slick in your hands like the previous Tour Wrap 2G might when it was wet or a little dirty.  This is a feeling grip for all around conditions while still maintaining the signature Tour Velvet feel.

CP2 Pro : This is my personal favorite of the new 2014 grips .  I found it somewhat similar to the old Golf Pride Dual Durometers but with better feel and more response.  The CP2 Pro has just enough tack in it and handles club vibration nicely.  Typically, you’ll find grips that dampen vibration a lot tend to lack response, but this is not the case with the CP2 Pro.

CP2 Wrap : The CP2 Wrap has a very similar feel to the CP2 Pro, but the wrap gives the grip a little bit more of a “fuller” and supple feel .

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (2)


Tour Velvet Super Tack : As mentioned before, the Super Tack had a very familiar feel to me, but it impressed me the most with how well it dealt with the elements.  It would get wet, or relatively dirty, and did not take rigorous efforts to maintain its usability.  The Super Tack is a very responsive grip and slippage in the hands is a complete non-issue.

CP2 Pro and Wrap : The biggest help in the performance of the CP2 Pro is the new reduced taper that makes the grip fit in your hands much better and helps reduce the need for being cute with different tape buildups.  Golf Pride also added a new 2.5″ inner control core stabilizer that increases stability in the grip and reduces torque by a reported 41% as the same grip without the core.

One of the things that impressed me the most with all three new grips was how well they held up .  I scattered the grips throughout the group of the clubs we have reviewed so far in 2014 and really put them through their paces on a few others.  Every grip seemed to maintain its traction pretty well and remain comfortable in the hands.

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (7)

I’m always skeptical about new grips being more than a bunch of marketing gimmicks aimed at getting my money before the golf season starts.  Fortunately, Golf Pride appears to have backed up their marketing with the new Tour Velvet Super Tack, CP2 Pro, and CP2 Wrap and sold me on these grips being worth it .  It’s important to make sure your grips are in good shape for every round of golf, and most golfers are likely in need of an update, so it’s worth taking a look at one of these new grips and getting your clubs ready to go for the 2014 season!

Price & Specs

Tour Velvet: Price: $6.19 – Standard, $7.19 – Midsize Weight: Standard – 49.5g, Midsize – 57g

CP2 Pro: Price: $7.19 – Standard, $7.69 – Midsize, $8.19 – Jumbo Weight: Standard – 52g, Midsize – 64g, Jumbo – 78g

CP2 Wrap: Price: $7.19 – Standard, $7.69 – Midsize, $8.19 – Jumbo Weight: Standard – 52g, Midsize – 64g, Jumbo – 78g

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (1)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (1)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (2)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (2)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (3)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (3)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (5)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (5)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (6)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (6)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (7)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (7)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (8)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (8)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (9)

Golf Pride Grips 2014 (9)

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cp2 review, i used your sample on my five iron for a week and just loved the way it felt, preformed and looked. i will re order all my stick re gripped with your product and discounts for a dozen of them

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I treated myself to the new Ping G30LS driver but was not a fan of the stock grip. I have Lamkins on my irons and was going go that root again when I noticed the CP2 Wrap on display. I loved the midsize feel and to be honest the colors match perfect with the G30 so I pulled the trigger and had the rep at golf galaxy put it on right there. Long story short I love the grip! Great feel and just the right amount of tackiness. I would recommend this grip to everyone. Enjoy.

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Golf Prides grips are new this year in 2016 but your article is dated 2014. I’m thinking the template hasn’t been changed.

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I guess I’m not sure what you’re asking. These particular grips came out in 2014 and we have not received the updated 2016 version to review.

My mistake. There were new grips I was shown at the merchandise show that have a straighter taper. That’s why my next question was going to be about the O.D.s Sorry for the confusion.

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I have 3 sets of these and have an issue with all of them not curing after install. used same tape and solvent on another type of golf pride grip and no issue. even after months still not curing, Company did not respond to my inquire into this issue

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Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grip Bundle (13 Piece) › Customer reviews

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Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grip Bundle (13 Piece)

Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grip Bundle (13 Piece)

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Golf Pride® – #1 Grip on Tour®

CP2 Pro

Combining high-performance technology with a soft, tacky feel, the innovative CP2 Pro® delivers comfort and control for superior performance. CP2 features Golf Pride’s exclusive Control Core® technology, an inner core stabilizer that is specifically engineered to reduce torque. A larger lower hand geometry simulating four extra layers of tape in the lower hand encourages even grip pressure. With the CP2, control fits in the palm of your hand.

CP2 Wrap

Combining high-performance technology with a soft, tacky feel, the innovative CP2 Wrap® delivers comfort and control for superior performance. CP2 features Golf Pride’s exclusive Control Core® technology, an inner core stabilizer that is specifically engineered to reduce torque. A larger lower hand geometry simulating four extra layers of tape in the lower hand encourages even grip pressure. With the CP2, control fits in the palm of your hand.


Golf’s hard, and it can make your mind race. That’s why we made our softest performance grip yet. Developed with our EXO Diamond-Quilted pattern innovation, the new CPX grip will comfort your hands and your mind.


The MCC ™ (New Decade ® MultiCompound) is an innovative hybrid grip that fuses the positive performance of rubber and cord. The MCC boasts the Golf Pride ® exclusive Brushed Cotton Cord in the upper hand area for firm all-weather control, and a performance rubber material in the lower hand for ultimate feel and responsiveness.


MCC ALIGN Green NOW AVAILABLE The innovative hybrid grip combining rubber and cord for all-weather performance is now available with patented ALIGN ® Technology for consistent hand placement every time.

MCC Plus4

The MCC Plus4 ™ is a tour-proven, hybrid golf grip featuring a larger lower hand and new softer rubber material. The MCC Plus4 simulates 4 additional wraps of tape on the lower hand to encourage lighter grip pressure, reduced tension, and increased power.


Tour-inspired larger lower hand design simulates the feel of 4 extra layers of tape for lighter grip pressure and more power. Patented ALIGN ® Technology now available in this hybrid grip is the first with a raised ridge, assisting hand alignment to square the clubface and improve your swing consistency.

Tour Velvet

The most popular grip in golf today combines an exclusive, state-of-the-art rubber-blend compound, non-slip surface pattern for maximum playability, comfort, and confidence. The Tour Velvet ® is the standard upon which many club manufacturers base their grip designs.

Tour Velvet ALIGN

Tour Velvet, the #1 Grip Model played on all worldwide Tours is now available with patented ALIGN® Technology to improve clubface awareness and bring more consistency to your game.

Tour Velvet Cord

The most widely used cord grip on Tour, the Tour Velvet ® Cord, comes standard with Brushed Cotton Cord Technology, a tight-weave cotton twill fiber that creates a comfortable cord grip. The Tour Velvet Cord features all of the great traction and all-weather performance that made the Tour Velvet the winningest cord grip on Tour.

Tour Velvet Plus4

With a larger lower hand for more power and the moderate surface texture and all-weather performance of Tour Velvet, the Tour Velvet Plus4 is the new standard in grip feel and performance.

Tour Wrap 2G

The Tour Wrap ® 2G ® features enhanced tackiness and a soft material for a great feel. This one-piece, simulated wrap grip combines the look and feel of luxury leather with the durability and performance of high-tack rubber.


The ZGRIP ALIGN is the firmest grip model in our ALIGN ® Technology family, combining a heavy cord texture throughout for moisture management with the revolutionary ALIGN Technology for consistent hand placement.


The ZGRIP ® is the firmest cord grip available from Golf Pride ® . Combining two layers of texturing for feedback and control, the ZGRIP features a deep “Z”-shaped texture pattern that winds vertically around the grip for control, while a heavy cord texture throughout provides moisture management. This design pattern is enhanced with a white end cap and distinctive white body paint fill. Now available in Midsize.

Players Wrap

The Players Wrap ® putter grip combines style and touch with its smart look and innovative design. The arched-pistol shape pairs a smooth paddle front and a half wrap back in a simulated leather wrap, providing added comfort and touch on the greens.

Pro Only – Blue Star

PRO ONLY putter grips are engineered using a firmer rubber to enhance feedback and control. PRO ONLY Blue Star is 81cc with a wide flat paddle front and angled back shape for finger positioning.

Pro Only – Green Star

PRO ONLY putter grips are engineered using a firmer rubber to enhance feedback and control. PRO ONLY Green Star is 88cc, has an arched paddle front and oval back shape for hand comfort and placement.

Pro Only – Red Star

PRO ONLY putter grips are engineered using a firmer rubber to enhance feedback and more control. PRO ONLY Red Star is 72cc with an arched paddle front and slight pistol kick for heel pad positioning.

Pro Only Cord – Blue Star

The new PRO ONLY Cord series features Brushed Cotton Cord for Golf Pride’s firmest, most responsive putter grips ever. Blue Star  delivers an angled back shape to lock in hand placement and a wider paddle front for consistent thumb positioning.

Pro Only Cord – Green Star

The new PRO ONLY Cord series features Brushed Cotton Cord for Golf Pride’s firmest, most responsive putter grips ever. Green  Star offers a rounded, oval back shape and a slightly arched paddle front for comfortable hand positioning and precise thumb placement.

Pro Only Cord – Red Star

The new PRO ONLY Cord series features Brushed Cotton Cord for Golf Pride’s firmest, most responsive putter grips ever. Red  Star delivers the most Tour-preferred pistol shape with an arched paddle front for thumb placement and added precision.

Tour Classic

The Tour Classic ® midsize design features a large diameter, filling the hands comfortably while the flat paddle front promotes a controlled, confident stroke.

Tour Tradition

The Tour Tradition ® putter grip features a smaller, paddle front design preferred by Tour professionals. Its standard size and all-rubber construction provides increased feel and responsiveness for truer putts.

Have You Been Fit For Grips?

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  1. Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede Grip Review

    golf pride tour wrap review

  2. Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede Grip Review

    golf pride tour wrap review

  3. Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede Grip Review

    golf pride tour wrap review

  4. Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G: A Comprehensive Review

    golf pride tour wrap review

  5. Golf Pride Tour Wrap

    golf pride tour wrap review

  6. Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede Grip Review

    golf pride tour wrap review


  1. Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grips Review: Hack Golf

    The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grips are a one-piece wrap-style grip with an enhanced tack material. They are one of the more popular styles of grip used on the PGA Tour. Unlike the multi-compound grips which are made of rubber and cord, the Tour Wrap grips are a one-piece plastic grip. The tackiness of the one-piece Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grip ...

  2. Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede Grip Review

    50 Words or Less. By: Dylan Thaemert. The Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede is the latest addition to the company's lineup of high performance golf grips. A wrap-style grip with improved traction and less tacky feel. Introduction. Golf Pride has a product lineup that includes some of the most played golf grips on the market.

  3. Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G: A Comprehensive Review

    The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G is a premium rubber grip that offers exceptional comfort and tackiness. It is designed to provide a firm and confident grip, allowing golfers to have better control over their shots. The grip features a brushed cotton cord surface that enhances traction and stability. This texture helps to prevent slipping, even in ...

  4. Review: Golf Pride Tour Wrap Grips

    Tour Wrap Features. The grip is made to look like an old school leather wrapped grip, but it is really a one piece rubber grip. The rubber is extremely tacky, even after months of play and dozens of rounds. Unlike an old school leather grip, the rubber material in the Tour Wrap lasts a long time and is extremely durable. Colors.

  5. Best Golf Pride Grips 2024: How to choose the best grip for your game

    Step 2: Choose your preferred style of grip. Soft and tacky = The CPX. Offering maximum comfort to reduce grip tension and pressure, leading to a more fluid swing; the CPX is Golf Pride's softest performance grip. Hybrid or half-cord = The MCC.

  6. Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede Grip Review

    The Looks. Reserved, classic, and soft are how I would describe the appearance of the Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede grip. The classic wrap pattern is similar to previous Golf Pride wrap models, but the MicroSuede "brushed" finish gives the grip a softer look . Combine that with the soft grey coloring and you have one comfortable lookin ...

  7. Tour Wrap® 2G®

    The Tour Wrap ® 2G ® features enhanced tackiness and a soft material for a great feel. This one-piece, simulated wrap grip combines the look and feel of luxury leather with the durability and performance of high-tack rubber. ... Yes, I would like to join the Golf Pride e-newsletter to be notified of grip testing opportunities, limited edition ...

  8. Customer reviews: Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grip

    Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grip at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. ... 5.0 out of 5 stars Golf pride tour wrap. Reviewed in the United States on August 19, 2023. Style: MidsizeColor: White Verified Purchase.

  9. Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grips

    The Recoil 460 ESX F3 shafts have a .600" butt diameter. If you order the Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grips with the .600" core size they will create a standard size grip which measures .900" in diameter. If you installed the .580" core size grips they would create a grip size that is +1/64" larger than standard and measures .915" in diameter.

  10. Customer reviews: Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grip

    Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grip, Standard, White at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

  11. Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2g Review [Updated May 2024]

    The Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G is an ideal grip for any golfer looking to improve their game. The Dual-Durometer construction and softer rubber material provide improved feel while still providing secure grip in all weather conditions. It offers excellent ergonomic design, ensuring that your hands remain comfortable even after hours of play.

  12. First Look: Golf Pride Tour Wrap MicroSuede & Pro Only Grips

    Like the Tour Wrap MicroSuede, the PRO ONLY grips fill a hole in Gold Pride's lineup - they're noticeably larger and softer than Tour Classic, Tour Tradition and Players Wrap pistol grips, and smaller and considerably less colorful than the SNSR lineup. The Pro Only lineup will be in stores September 1 st, and will retail for $12.99.

  13. Has anyone tried Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G grips?

    just came back after playing a round of golf with Tour Wrap 2G on my clubs. Condition: Sunny, 85-88 degree, Humidity: 55%, 5-8 mph wind. When my hands were dry, the best grip I have ever used (GP Tour Velvet, GP Softie, Winn Excel, Winn AVS). PRO : Firmness is just right, not too hard/stiff, but not too soft like Winn Excel or GP Softie.

  14. Eight best golf grips for comfort and no-slip performance

    7. Winn Dri-Tac. $6.59; For players who want the comfort, tackiness and overall performance associated with Winn golf grips, but with a more traditional look than the X, the ...

  15. Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Swing Grip

    Find Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Grip plus a wide selection of grips, shafts & supplies & more. Find Golf Pride grips, shafts & supplies and more at PGA TOUR Superstore! ... Reviews Reviews Show more Show less. Golf Pride. Golf Pride Grip $ 7.99. Free Shipping On All Orders See details

  16. Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G

    Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G - All Colors (Set of 8) (Black) at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

  17. Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Swing Grip

    Upgrade your golf game with the Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Grip, a high-quality product from a trusted brand. Order online at DICK'S Sporting Goods today.

  18. Golf Pride Golf Club Grips Tour Wrap 2G Black Standard

    Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Golf Pride Golf Club Grips Tour Wrap 2G Black Standard at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. ... 5.0 out of 5 stars Golf pride tour wrap. Reviewed in the United States on August 19, 2023. Style: MidsizeColor: White Verified Purchase.

  19. Golf Pride Tour Velvet Super Tack & CP2 Pro Grip Review

    This is a feeling grip for all around conditions while still maintaining the signature Tour Velvet feel. CP2 Pro: This is my personal favorite of the new 2014 grips . I found it somewhat similar to the old Golf Pride Dual Durometers but with better feel and more response. The CP2 Pro has just enough tack in it and handles club vibration nicely.

  20. Tour Wrap 2G Midsize White Grip by Golf Pride: Find Golf Pride Grips

    About the Product. With a modernized look and fresh colors, the Tour Wrap® 2G® features enhanced tackiness and an even softer material for a great feel. This one-piece, simulated wrap grip combines the look and feel of luxury leather with the durability and performance of high-tack rubber. Article # 1013452. Style # TWPM-60R-050-X11.

  21. Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grip Bundle (13 Piece)

    Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Golf Pride Tour Wrap 2G Golf Grip Bundle (13 Piece) at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

  22. CP2 Wrap

    Combining high-performance technology with a soft, tacky feel, the innovative CP2 Wrap® delivers comfort and control for superior performance. CP2 features Golf Pride's exclusive Control Core® technology, an inner core stabilizer that is specifically engineered to reduce torque. A larger lower hand geometry simulating four extra layers of ...

  23. Golf Pride®

    Golf Pride is the global leader in golf grip innovation and technology. Use our grip selector to find your perfect golf grip today! Web Accessibility Policy Golf Pride uses cookies to help us give you the best experience on our website. ... The Tour Wrap ® 2G ® features enhanced tackiness and a soft material for a great feel. This one-piece ...