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Konzerte und Tourdaten von alt-J

Alt-J (Eigenschreibweise: alt-J, auch ∆) ist eine britische Alternative-Folk-Band aus Leeds. Ihr bisher größter Erfolg ist der Gewinn des englischen Mercury Prize 2012.

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Alt-J kommen auf Deutschland-Tour 2022 – Tickets und Termine

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alt-J im Jahr 2022

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Ihr neues Album THE DREAM wollen die Briten im November in vier deutschen Städten live vorstellen. Präsentiert vom Musikexpress.

„Die größte Indieband der Welt“:  So nannten wir Alt-J auf dem Musikexpress-Titel unserer Ausgabe 04/2015 . Ihr zweites Album  THIS IS ALL YOURS  war wenige Monate davor erschienen, ihr drittes und bisher letztes Album  RELAXER  folgte im Jahr 2017. Danach wurde es still um die experimentelle Rockband aus dem britischen Leeds – bis jetzt: Alt-J haben am 11. Februar ihr viertes Album THE DREAM veröffentlicht. Mit dieser Platte kommt die Band im November auch auf Tour. Präsentiert vom Musikexpress.

Alt-J auf Deutschland-Tour 2022 – die Termine:

  • 07.11. Hamburg, Sporthalle
  • 09.11. Ludwigsburg, MHPArena
  • 10.11. München, Zenith
  • 23.11. Köln, Palladium

Tickets und weitere Informationen zur Tour unter www.fkpscorpio.com.

Als erste Single aus THE DREAM ließen die Alt-J-Mitglieder Joe Newman, Gus Unger-Hamilton und Thom Green im September 2021 den Song „U&ME“ hören , produziert von Charlie Andrew. Im von Unger-Hamilton Bruder Prosper gedrehten dazugehörigen Video waren erstmals alle Bandmitglieder zu sehen. Das Video zur zweiten Single „Get Better“ erinnerte an Click&Point-Adventure-Computerspiele wie „Monkey Island“ und wurde von der Hamburger Pixelkünstlerin Stefanie Grunwald kreiert. Anfang des neuen Jahres folgte die dritte Single „Hard Drive Gold“ , ein Song über Kryptowährungen.

Ihr Debütalbum AN AWESOME WAVE erschien 2012, Alt-J gewannen damit den britischen Mercury Music Prize im selben Jahr.

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Alt-J is a three-piece indie-electronic group formed in Leeds, UK in 2008. They are named after the triangle symbol that appears on a Mac computer after pressing “alt” and “j.”

The folk-infused, layered alternative electronica saw Alt-J carve out a name for themselves in the mainstream music scene after signing a record deal with Infectious Records in 2011. The original four members met at university in the northern UK city, Leeds and spent two years refining their sound and rehearsing before signing the deal.

Alt-J is comprised of vocalist and guitarist Joe Newman, guitarist and bassist Gwil Sainsbury (who later left the band), keyboardist and vocalist Gus Unger-Hamilton and drummer Thom Green. The band’s distinctive sound has seen the members’ efforts compared to Wild Beasts, Hot Chip and even Coldplay. They won the revered Mercury Prize in 2012 and were nominated for three BRIT Awards in the same year.

2012 was the year that their debut album, “An Awesome Wave” was released, gaining them the award nominations and wins. Singles from the album include “Matilda” (named after Natalie Portman’s character in director Luc Besson’s 1994 film, “Léon”) and “Fitzpleasure.” In 2013 Alt-J went on a huge world our to flaunt their debut and cater to their newfound fan base. The busy touring schedule, however, eventually led to bassist Sainsbury’s departure from the band (the tour spanned locations from Australia and Singapore, to Europe and America).

The remaining three members stayed together to work on and release their second album, “This Is All Yours.” Released in the fall of 2014, the album is host to singles “Every Other Freckle,” “Left Hand Free” and “Hunger of the Pine” and reached the number one position on the UK Album Chart on 28 September 2014.


one of my best Concert's! and this was my 98 Concert ;)

Alt-J betraten die Bühne durch Nebelschwaden und eine aufwendige Lichtshow. Dann eröffneten sie ihr Set mit „Intro“, das nicht nur auf dem letzten Album, sondern auch live als perfekter Opener funktioniert. Ursprünglich als „Nod To The Canon“ komponiert, ist es für die Musiker aus Leeds mehr ein Augenzwinkern zum Debütalbum. Niemand aus der Band dachte, dass „An Awesome Wave“ ein solcher Erfolg wird. Wenn man nach den Zuschauern in Berlin geht, weiß man warum dieses Augenzwinkern gerecht ist. Der Opener wurde vom Publikum gefeiert, als wäre es die letzte Zugabe.

Als wäre dies nicht genug, spielten sie kurz danach „Every Other Freckle“ und „Left Hand Free“. Zwei Lieder, die seit letztem Jahr in fast jeder Playlist zu finden sind. Beide Songs sind die wichtigsten Singleauskopplungen des letzten Albums und gehören somit zwangsweise zu den hoffentlich-spielen-sie-die-Lieder des Abends. Dementsprechend energisch wurden sie vom Publikum aufgenommen. Aus fast jeder Ecke hörte man, wie die Texte mitgesungen wurden. Der Sound von alt-J ist nun mal schwer tanzbar und lädt eher zum Schwelgen und Träumen ein. Den Gästen machte dies nichts aus und sie entwickelten kurzerhand einen eigenen Tanzstil, der mit der Musik von alt-J ganz gut funktionierte.

Weitere Highlights des Abends waren „Something Good“, „Leaving Nara“ und „Fitzpleasure“, die live noch gewaltiger daherkommen. Die vier Musiker auf der Bühne verstehen sich fast blind, und das merkte man auch in Berlin. Besonders die Harmonien von „Fitzpleasure“ passten komplett und hüllten die Halle in ein Gewand, aus dem kein Besucher heraus kam. Der Gesang, die Harmonien und die Beats fungierten sehr gut miteinander und machten alle Lieder unvergesslich. Die Massen vor der Bühne sangen bei allen Liedern mit und ließen sich selbst bei den tiefsten Tönen, die die Arena Berlin je hörte, nicht beirren.

Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Konzerten, die alt-J in Deutschland schon gespielt haben, legten sie bei der aktuellen Tour viel Wert auf die Lichtgestaltung. Die komplette Show war von vorne bis hinten überraschenderweise genau durchdacht. Bei manchen Liedern standen die Musiker nur in einer Farbe gehüllt, bei anderen ließen sie die Videowand hinter sich als Licht arbeiten. Die Lichtshow war ein spektakuläres Erlebnis und untypisch für alt-J, die meistens minimalistisch arbeiten.

Als erste Zugabe des Abends kam „Hunger Of The Pine“, die erste Single des letzten Albums. Live wirkt dieses Lied noch besser als auf Platte. Die Samples und das brachiale Surren sind so perfekt miteinander verwoben, dass die Zuschauer sehr schnell von der Live-Qualität überzeugt waren.

Der alt-J-Kosmos funktioniert wie ein perfektes Uhrwerk. Jeder Ton und jeder Tempowechsel scheint zu sitzen. Dies machte nicht nur „Hunger Of The Pine“ zu einem Erlebnis, sondern auch „Breezeblocks“. Es war nicht nur das letzte Lied, sondern auch für Band und Zuschauer ein perfekter Abschluss. Die Debütsingle liegt allen in der Halle im Ohr. Gefühlt jeder kannte den Text und das machte diesen Schlusssong zum besten Moment des ganzen Abends.

In musikalischer Hinsicht zeigten alt-J einmal mehr, dass sie absolute Perfektionisten sind. Die vier Engländer spielen ihre Instrumente nahezu einwandfrei und machen auch so keine Fehler.

Alt-J schafften es mit ihrer Musik am gestrigen Abend, den wundervollen Festival-Sommer noch einmal aufleben zu lassen. Mädels, die auf den breiten Schultern von Typen sitzen, glückliche verschwitzte Gesichter in der Menge und Menschen, die ausgelassen am Rand tanzen – November ist der neue Juli.

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Felox’s profile image

The open amphitheater did nothing to stave off the flow of sweat as the venue became a gigantic sauna, but the hot, heavy air was absolutely appropriate for what was happening all around us. Looking west from our seats in the 18th row, the view was straight-up Global Dance Festival, but the sounds coming from the east couldn’t have been further from EDM if it were Mumford & Sons on the stage. I don’t know what I was expecting from alt-J, but as they made their way through An Awesome Wave, I realized that I didn’t really know anything about them at all. Not knowing anything about a band isn’t something I’m accustomed too, so I found myself a little confused and a little disoriented at first, but then I found myself extremely moved and extremely impressed with what I was witnessing. The young band from Leeds had their shit together. There was a reason they sold out Red Rocks in record time. They owned the place.

I think I was expecting alt-J to be a gimmicky electronic band (named after a Mac keyboard shortcut) with a ‘marbles in his mouth’ singer, but they ended up being an extremely polished (in a good way) group of musicians who perform a sort of neo-folk music, with real life instruments, on top of a thick layer of synth. I always hated when artists like Caribou and Four Tet were labeled ‘folktronica’ — not only did I think it was a stupid word, but I didn’t believe it truly explained any of the acts it was attributed to — so it was kind of irritating when that word kept flashing in my mind like a neon sign on the fritz while alt-J performed some of their slower, vocal-driven tracks. I was asked a question before the show — “What kind of band is alt-J?” — I really couldn’t answer that question with any authority (umm, indie?), but after seeing them live, I think alt-J can best be described as British Folktronica. As much as I still hate that word, it’s an apt description of what they do.

- See more at: http://ilistensoyoudonthaveto.com/2015/07/28/alt-j-tv-on-the-radio-red-rocks-07-27-15/#sthash.gCnvYurr.dpuf

kmartini’s profile image

Having heard the band's single, Fitzpleasure, as an iTunes free download back in 2012, I had come to like alt-J's debut studio recordings found in their Mercury Prize winning album, An Awesome Wave. The indie-alternative community along with myself took great interest in this band quite quickly after their album release. However, such anticipation and hype for such a band, raises questions about their capabilities in a live setting. Fast forward to the actual concert, there was no disappointment, just plain satisfaction. Clearly, as an aware concert attendee, I had expected some differences in the distinct alt-J sound. These fluctuations, however, were quite minimal. For performing shows on a daily basis for months leading up to the concert I attended, the singer, Joe Newman, and his voice were as strong as or even stronger than it was on their record. With many tracks having many unique, yet very complex sounds, it was awesome to hear these songs in action where these songs were played in a loud setting rather than a quiet recording studio. The amplified sound allowed the fan to experience the hidden sounds that go into the overall sound of the particular song. Like any other debut tour, the band's first album was run through with two other songs (Buffalo and Warm Foothills) in the set.

The band really knows how to get the crowd moving, for it was a unit of triangle hand symbols the entire concert. The intensity brought to the table by the fan and the band made their concert an amazing experience. alt-J is one of the best live performances of the modern era; passing up on them is a mistake.

Murray928’s profile image

We first saw alt-J at the Armory in Rochester, NY a couple of years ago and were blown away at how true to form the performance was. Small venue and we were close. In fact, if I were to have a criticism, I expect some diversion and flexibility of creative expression among the band during a live show. alt - J pretty much stays very close to their produced music. This is not necessarily a bad thing.

We made the trip from Rochester to Cleveland to catch them at Jacobs Pavilion last night. What a perfect night. Venue was amazing, weather was outstanding and alt-J was spot on. My original criticism remains, but it really doesn't matter. Gus, Thom, and Joe continue to hone their craft. Sound was epic, they rattled the bleachers, and the light show blew the lid off the dump! The only song I missed was Adeline, but that probably would've been a buzz kill considering the set list.

Mind blower of the night:

Jacobs Pavilion sits on the bank of the Cuyahoga River and the city lights are glitter in the background. During Taro a gigantic tanker ship inched it's way down the river providing a monstrous moving back drop that must have taken 10 minutes to pass by. The thrum of the ship's engines actually blended in with the beat of the song. I'm sure the band was completely unaware of what was going on because they would have stopped playing. It was and would've been a WTF moment.

thenothingman’s profile image

How do you write a review when you had a really bad view at a concert and couldn't see practically anything happening on the stage? Focus on the sound. If you enjoy alt-J at all, you will not be disappointed with their live show. However their style of music makes for a really interesting show - some songs are really danceable, pouring on the guitars and bass. Others you are kind of left wondering should I just stand or sway to the music? But again, if you know alt-J's music, you'll already know that. The show has a very cool artistic vibe. The lights and sound mixing are so, so good. It was one of the best light shows I've seen (through the throngs of people) at a concert this year. It's almost as if their album cover art came to life, silhouetting and augmenting the band's sound - visually seeing the sound, if you will. I was surprised at just how good the band sounded. Each song sounded as good live as it does on their albums. That alone was worth the price of admission (maybe not the price of the Uber ride back from DC, but definitely of admission). It would have been easy for the bass to overwhelm the rest of the sound, but the mixing/production was so on point that the vocal nuances and intricacies came through crystal clear. Percussion was fantastic, guitar ripping, bass pumping, vocals soaring. It was a great show. Go see them live.

lauren.taggart’s profile image

Alt J @ Royal Albert Hall 29/10/2018

Alt-J filled the Royal Albert Hall with their immense atmospheric sounds and powerful emotive melodies. The sound in the building is impressive enough, and it was a great occasion to feel the sometimes clashing but at other times euphoric resonance of their sound in such an incredible space.

There were moments when the choral sounds of their backing tracks bounced of the ceilings and the bass resonated within the space built for the sound of the organ that wrapped everyone in a cocoon of feelings and sound. Imagine those love scenes in your favourite action movie.

The lights, of course, also didn't disappoint and gave some great visuals to add those mesmerising feelings, particularly those on stage while also bringing the audience and surrounds to live.

The occasion lived up to it's billing and venue, Alt-J put in a good innings and rattled through classic after classic with the audience passionately engaging it was as much a stadium filling tour vibe as classic spectacle for a historic building.

joe-smart-3’s profile image

So I love alt-j. Their album is fantastic and their new song is incredible. I was able to see them close to front row at Deck the Hall Ball in Seattle. I also saw them at Lollapalooza. They put on a great show, but don't expect a ton of energy. They are more of chill type of stage performance. Which may seem obvious given their music, but I did want to see a bit more energy coming off the stage. All of their patches/synths and sounds were spot on. Their vocals are really great live, so everything with the sound was perfect. They also had some really cool lights. I would see them again but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy tickets to go see them perform a show with only them. They might be better in a small intimate venue but who knows. I am looking forward to their new album and perhaps it will be more lively than the previous one. If you are a big fan of their music it is worth seeming them at least once, or even at a festival or something. Just don't expect to get your face blown off. Maybe go super stoned or something...

chip-reno’s profile image

Alt-J are a strange band to see live: I've been to concerts of various different artists and genres, but I don't recall being in a concert that felt like such an art experiment, a sort of overall experience more than just a concert. You could argue that it's not the type of gig where you're going to dance, jump, or sweat too much. Nevertheless, after having seen them on stage, they are great musicians and put on a great show! The setlist included a good blend of both the first and second albums, and was well balanced, between instrumental interludes these guys are known for, as well as hit singles (Breezeblocks, Mathilda, Hunger of the Pine, Left Hand Free, ...) and other low-key tracks which deserve to be heard more often. (Am I the only one with a soft spot for ‘Warm Foothills’?)

I was genuinely surprised by the amazing work done with the lights throughout the show, it felt like a real Lights & Sound show that was well prepared and thought out (something most bands don't use well enough generally). A great evening for sure!

iTibz’s profile image

"Buonasera, Roma!"

Yesterday was just amazing.

Many songs were performed, equally from the new and from the old albums, and during each of them it was incredible to see so many fans standing, singing, almost screaming, during the hooks, or just feeling the music. I myself KNOW for sure I lost my mind at some point.

I could have never predicted such a warmth towards 'em here in Italy, but you know: this is Alt-J.

Reaching the end, there was the edge: Matilda, Taro, Dissolve Me, Breezeblocks... Everyone's voice must have gone after such themes.

A parenthesis is to be opened even for the light effects: awesome, I wish I could meet the people who studied it. So many colors, such a rhythm between light and music, it was a pleasure to look at the stage.

The event started on time, and ended after two hours, but don't worry: the time spent there is so worth, that you go home knowing you couldn't have got any better, it was just perfect so.

They really made my day.

Hinnula’s profile image

Having once seen them play during a festival, it was quite overwhelming watching their sole concert on the 21.11.2015.

Needless to say, the band's performance is quite extraordinary, their sound live is precisely concerned with what the crowd hears and manages to portray an accurate performance of the songs we're used to hear in the studio version even without all their album production.

Their light show was fantastically spectacular, noticeable for their elaborate and adequate visual portrayal of each individual song, that really brought out the emotion in them.

The setlist was also really well put. Before attending the concert I had some previous knowledge of which songs they were going to play and got absolutely amazed by their selection.

Even though some mistakes were made by the performers, if anyone reading this is still in doubt whether they should go to an Alt-J concert or not, I can only recommend:

It's more than worth it :)

nicolas-stenzel’s profile image

Poster (815)

alt-J live.

Erfahre mehr über Tourtermine und Tickets für alt-J 2024-2025

Du möchtest alt-J auf einem Konzert sehen? Hier findest du Informationen zu allen kommenden Konzerten von alt-J sowie Tourtermine und Ticketinformationen für 2024-2025.

Leider sind 2024 keine Konzerttermine für alt-J geplant.

Songkick erfährt als Erster von neuen Tourankündigungen und Konzertinformationen. Wenn also deine Lieblingskünstler momentan nicht in deiner Region spielen, tritt einfach Songkick bei, um alt-J zu folgen. Du erhältst dann Konzertbenachrichtigungen, wenn Auftritte in deiner Nähe geplant sind, wie 1644527 andere Fans von alt-J.

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Konzerte in 2024:

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Meiste Auftritte mit:

  • Portugal. The Man (44)
  • Hundred Waters (38)
  • Wolf Alice (35)
  • Two Door Cinema Club (34)
  • Of Monsters and Men (30)

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Hier findest du alle Informationen zu Alt-J. Aktuell scheinen keine Termine im Vorverkauf zu sein. Tipp: Melde dich jetzt für den Alt-J Ticketalarm an und du wirst automatisch informiert, sobald es Neuigkeiten gibt.

Alt-J Fan-Report: Bewertungen und Rezensionen

53 bewertungen (ø 4,6), ein cooles konzert mit relaxter crowd.

Ein cooles Konzert mit relaxter Crowd: Das Konzpert war sehr gut und hat die Erwartungen von mir voll uebertroffen. Die Vorband braucht niemand.

Mega krass!

Es war das geilste Konzert das man sich vorstellen kann! Die Jungs sind echte Künstler. Tontechnisch optimal abgestimmt, die Lichter waren der Hammer. Foda pra caralho!

Ich liebe Honne.

Alt-J war schon sehr cool. Aber Honne ist mein absoluter Liebling. I love him. Der Abend war grandios. Bier war lecker und schnell zu bekommen. Super Toiletten. Was will man als Frau mehr.

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'The Dream' on White Vinyl

The Dream - Hoodie

The Dream - Hoodie

alt-J Scarf

alt-J Scarf

'The Dream' on 180g Black Vinyl

'The Dream' on 180g Black Vinyl


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Upcoming Excitement: Alt-J Tour 2025 Unveiled!

Get ready to mark your calendars and prepare for an unforgettable musical journey as Alt-J has officially announced their highly anticipated 2025 tour! Fans of the English indie rock band are in for a treat as Alt-J is set to embark on a series of electrifying performances across various cities, promising a fusion of mesmerizing melodies and captivating stage presence.

The Alt-J Tour 2025 is already generating buzz within the music scene, with fans eagerly anticipating the opportunity to experience the band’s distinctive sound and unique artistic vision live in concert. Whether you’re a die-hard Alt-J enthusiast or a newcomer to their music, this upcoming tour is not to be missed!

Introduction to Alt-J Tour 2025

Alt-J Tour 2025 is set to be one of the most anticipated musical events of the year, promising fans an unforgettable experience filled with groundbreaking performances and mesmerizing music. As Alt-J, the English indie rock band, takes to the stage for their 2025 tour, fans can expect a fusion of their iconic hits and new tracks that showcase their evolution as artists.

Exciting Lineup Revealed

With the Alt-J Tour 2025 lineup recently unveiled, fans are buzzing with excitement over the talented artists set to join the band on stage. From renowned opening acts to surprise guest performances, this tour promises to deliver a diverse and electrifying musical experience.

Unforgettable Concert Venues

Get ready to witness Alt-J’s unparalleled performances in some of the most iconic concert venues across the globe. From intimate theaters to massive arenas, each venue has been carefully selected to enhance the overall Alt-J Tour 2025 experience.

Alt-J Tour 2025 Concert Venue

Announcement and Details

Exciting news for music lovers! The highly anticipated Alt-J Tour 2025 has been officially unveiled, and fans are buzzing with anticipation. With Alt-J Tour 2025 set to kick off in various cities around the country, this is an event you won’t want to miss.

Tour Dates and Locations

Check out the following cities where Alt-J will be performing in 2025:

  • New York City
  • Los Angeles

Ticket Information

Make sure to grab your tickets early as they are expected to sell out quickly. Stay tuned for updates on ticket sale dates and pricing. Don’t miss your chance to experience Alt-J Tour live in 2025 !

Locations and Dates

Get ready to mark your calendars as the Alt-J Tour 2025 promises an exhilarating journey through a myriad of locations, each offering a unique experience for fans worldwide.

North America Leg

The North American leg kicks off on June 12, 2025, in New York City, setting the stage for an unforgettable start to the tour. The band then travels to Los Angeles , Chicago , Toronto , and Mexico City before wrapping up this leg in Vancouver , on July 5, 2025.

European Tour

Following the North American leg, Alt-J will embark on their European adventure. The band will visit London , Berlin , Paris , and Barcelona during August 15, 2025, to August 30, 2025. Fans in Europe are in for a treat!

Alt-J Tour - Event Poster 2025

Special Guests and Performances

One of the most anticipated aspects of the Alt-J Tour 2025 is the lineup of special guests and performances scheduled throughout the concert series. Fans can expect a diverse range of artists and unique collaborations that will add an extra layer of excitement to the already thrilling event.

Surprise Collaborations

Get ready for some unforgettable moments as Alt-J surprises its audience with special collaborations from renowned artists hailing from different genres. The fusion of these talented musicians is sure to create an electrifying atmosphere that will leave the audience in awe.

Exclusive Performances

Experience exclusive performances by Alt-J that are tailored specifically for the 2025 Tour . These performances will showcase the band’s evolution over the years, offering fans a glimpse into their musical journey and growth. Don’t miss out on these one-of-a-kind musical showcases!

Ticket Information and Sales

For the highly anticipated Alt-J Tour 2025, tickets are now available for purchase both online and at select physical locations. Fans can secure their spot at this extraordinary musical event featuring Alt-J’s latest hits and fan favorites. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to experience the band’s groundbreaking performance live on stage.

Online Ticket Sales

Secure your tickets quickly and conveniently by visiting the official Alt-J Tour 2025 website. Here, you can browse available seating options, select your preferred date and venue, and complete your purchase with ease. Ensure to book early to avoid missing out on this unforgettable experience.

Physical Locations

If you prefer to purchase your concert tickets in person, selected physical locations, such as renowned music stores and box offices, are offering Alt-J Tour 2025 tickets. Immerse yourself in the excitement and buzz of securing your ticket directly at a physical outlet.

  • Visit local music stores
  • Check with nearby event venues
  • Explore authorized ticket-selling outlets

Alt-J Tour 2025 ticket sales promotional image

Fan Expectations and Excitement

As the anticipation builds for the Alt-J Tour 2025, fans around the world are buzzing with excitement. The prospect of experiencing the band’s iconic live performances and immersive stage productions has sparked a wave of enthusiasm among concert-goers.

High Energy Performances

Fans are eagerly anticipating the high-energy performances that Alt-J is known for. The band’s unique blend of indie rock and electronic soundscapes creates an electrifying atmosphere that leaves audiences spellbound (Source: Rolling Stone) .

Setlist Speculations

With each tour, fans are excited to see which songs will make it to the setlist. Will Alt-J play their classic hits like “Breezeblocks” or debut some new tracks from their upcoming album? The element of surprise adds to the thrill of attending an Alt-J concert (Source: NME) .

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Alt-J Tour 2025?
  • The Alt-J Tour 2025 is a concert tour featuring the popular music group Alt-J, scheduled for the year 2025.
  • When will the Alt-J Tour 2025 take place?
  • The specific dates for the Alt-J Tour 2025 will be unveiled soon, so stay tuned for the latest updates.
  • Where will the Alt-J Tour 2025 be held?
  • The Alt-J Tour 2025 will include various venues across different cities, providing fans with the opportunity to catch the band live in concert.
  • How can I purchase tickets for the Alt-J Tour 2025?
  • Details on ticket sales for the Alt-J Tour 2025 will be provided closer to the tour dates. Keep an eye out for announcements from official ticketing channels.
  • Will there be any new music or album releases in conjunction with the Alt-J Tour 2025?
  • While there is no official confirmation yet, fans can hope for some new music or announcements related to the Alt-J Tour 2025 to make the experience even more exciting.

In Conclusion: The Exciting Alt-J Tour 2025

As we conclude this blog unveiling the much-anticipated Alt-J Tour 2025, it’s safe to say that fans worldwide are in for a treat. With Alt-J known for their mesmerizing performances and unique sound, this upcoming tour promises to be nothing short of extraordinary. From new album tracks to the classic favorites, attendees can expect an unforgettable experience that blends artistry and innovation seamlessly.

So mark your calendars, grab your tickets, and get ready to immerse yourself in the musical journey that Alt-J is set to embark on in 2025. Stay tuned for updates, and let the excitement build as we prepare for a tour that is bound to leave a lasting impact on all who attend.

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Alt-J 2024 Tour & Tickets

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Alt-J Tour 2024

Alt-J tour 2024 announced : Alt-J will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the release of An Awesome Wave with a series of special concerts in the United States, which include the full performance of the album. Earlier this year, the band celebrated the anniversary of the album with a global digital concert and a new exclusive series of podcasts.

According to one source, the group said: "It has been such a great year for the promotion of The Dream and for the tenth anniversary of An Awesome Wave that we decided to extend the celebrations until 2023. We are excited to announce a series of AAW anniversary concerts in the US in March, where we will play the album in its entirety for the first time in America. We hope you can join us". Alt-J celebrated its tenth anniversary with a new podcast presented by music journalist and radio host Jenny Eliscu. In the podcast, titled "Things will get better" (Things will get better), the band talks about their early days as students and how they got together thanks to unrecoverable demo recordings.

Alt-J 2024 tickets sales will start on Wednesday 7 December at 10:00 local time and will close on 8 December, while general ticket sales will start on Friday 9 December at 10:00 local time. Below you can see the full schedule of the Alt-J tour.

Alt-J Tickets & Concert Schedule

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Alt-J Concerts Schedule

March 2023 13-Brooklyn, NY 20-Los Angeles, CA 21-Los Angeles, CA 23-Oakland, CA

Alt-J sales calendar 2023!

Our site has Alt-J coupons for you. The calendar of Alt-J coupons have the filter above to search for sales per month (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, December) or for a specific date.

Where i can find Alt-J sales?

2023 Sales Alt-J in New York, Denver and Washington.


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Alt-J Tour

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Your independent guide to the best entertainment in 2024! This website is operated by a ticket broker. We are not affiliated with nor endorsed by Alt-J.

Two Incredible Bands, One Unforgettable Indie Rock Tour!

Leeds-bred trio Alt-J are going on the road in support of their new album The Dream , and they’ve teamed up with Portugal. The Man to make the resulting tour a, ahem, Dream come true for all you indie rock fans out there! The show will kick off in late February in Pittsburgh and end at the Coca-Cola Coliseum in Toronto, having visited more than two dozen major arenas in between. And if you act now, there’s still time to score tickets for any one of those shows!

Just check out the Alt-J Tour schedule below to find out when they’re coming to your town, and snag your tickets today!

Watch the Video

Powered by bigstub® - trusted everywhere, your independent guide to the best entertainment in 2024 this website is operated by a ticket broker. tickets are listed by third-party sellers and may be above face value..

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alt-J Announce An Awesome Wave Anniversary Concerts

The post alt-J Announce An Awesome Wave Anniversary Concerts appeared first on Consequence .

alt-J will mark the 10th anniversary of An Awesome Wave with a special run of US concerts featuring a full performance of the album.

In March 2023, the band will stage shows in Brooklyn, Los Angeles, and Oakland, during with they’ll play the album from front to back for the first time in the US.

A ticket pre-sale begins Wednesday, December 7th, with a general on-sale following on Friday, December 9th via Ticketmaster .

Check out alt-J’s complete tour schedule below. The band also has upcoming dates in the Dominican Republic, Mexico, New Zealand, and Australia.

alt-J 2023 Tour Dates: 03/11 – Santo Domingo, DR @ Isle of Light Music Festival 03/13 – Brooklyn, NY @ Kings Theatre * 03/18 – Mexico City, MX @ Vive Latino 03/20 – Los Angeles, CA @ The Wiltern * 03/21 – Los Angeles, CA @ The Wiltern * 03/23 – Oakland, CA @ Fox Theater * 04/18 – Auckland, NZ @ Spark Arena 04/25 – Sydney, AU @ The Metro Theatre * 04/26 – Syndey, AU @ Horden Pavilion 04/27 – Brisbane, AU @ Riverstage 05/02 – Melbourne, AU @ Northcote Theatre * 05/03 – Melbourne, AU @ Margaret Court Arena 05/07 – Perth, AU @ HBF Stadium 07/08 – Hérouville-Saint-Clair, FR @ Festival Beauregard

* = An Awesome Wave anniversary concert

alt-J Announce An Awesome Wave Anniversary Concerts Alex Young

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alt‐J Setlist at Cirkus, Stockholm, Sweden

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  • Breezeblocks
  • Dissolve Me
  • Fitzpleasure
  • Something Good
  • ❦ (Ripe & Ruin)
  • Hard Drive Gold
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  • Every Other Freckle
  • Left Hand Free
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  • ViVii Start time: 7:45 PM 7:45 PM
  • alt‐J This Setlist Start time: 8:45 PM 8:45 PM

alt‐J Gig Timeline

  • Oct 25 2022 VRT Radio Marconi Studio Schaarbeek / Schaerbeek, Belgium Add time Add time
  • Nov 01 2022 Sentrum Scene Oslo, Norway Add time Add time
  • Nov 02 2022 Cirkus This Setlist Stockholm, Sweden Start time: 8:45 PM 8:45 PM
  • Nov 05 2022 KB Hallen Copenhagen, Denmark Start time: 9:00 PM 9:00 PM
  • Nov 07 2022 Alsterdorfer Sporthalle Hamburg, Germany Start time: 8:30 PM 8:30 PM

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  4. alt-J Tickets, Tour & Konzerte

    alt j tour deutschland

  5. Alt-J

    alt j tour deutschland

  6. alt-j Tour Dates & Tickets 2022

    alt j tour deutschland


  1. Trip to KAISERSLAUTERN, Germany 🇩🇪

  2. Castle Tour

  3. Tour Silvrettahochalpenstrasse inkl. Furkajoch und Hahntennjoch

  4. Alt-j Nara Live @ Nuit De Fourviere 2017

  5. alt-J "An American Wave" Live from Kansas City (trailer)

  6. Gipfeltour 2023 in St. Johann im Pongau (DJ Ötzi live bei der Oberforsthof Alm)


  1. alt-J Tour Announcements 2024 & 2025, Notifications, Dates, Concerts

    Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Konzerten, die alt-J in Deutschland schon gespielt haben, legten sie bei der aktuellen Tour viel Wert auf die Lichtgestaltung. ... Find out more about alt-J tour dates & tickets 2024-2025. Want to see alt-J in concert? Find information on all of alt-J's upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2024 ...

  2. alt-J

    Alt-J (Eigenschreibweise: alt-J, auch ∆) ist eine britische Alternative-Folk-Band aus Leeds. Ihr bisher größter Erfolg ist der Gewinn des englischen Mercury Prize 2012. Bereitgestellt von Wikipedia unter Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY-SA 4.0 Ähnliche Künstler. Arctic Monkeys

  3. Alt-J kommen auf Deutschland-Tour 2022

    Mit dieser Platte kommt die Band im November auch auf Tour. Präsentiert vom Musikexpress. Alt-J auf Deutschland-Tour 2022 - die Termine: 07.11. Hamburg, Sporthalle; 09.11. Ludwigsburg, MHPArena ...

  4. Karten für Alt-J, Konzert-Tourdaten & Details 2024-2025

    Festival Pier. Mehr Fan-Bewertungen anzeigen. Kaufe Karten für Konzerte von Alt-J in deiner Nähe. Finde 2024 Tourdaten, Angaben zum Veranstaltungsort, Konzertbewertungen, Fotos und vieles mehr auf Bandsintown.

  5. alt-J Tourankündigungen 2024 und 2025, Benachrichtigungen ...

    alt-J . Auf Tour: nein; Kommende 2024 Konzerte: keine; 1,453,307 Fans erhalten Konzertbenachrichtigungen für diesen Künstler. ... Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Konzerten, die alt-J in Deutschland schon gespielt haben, legten sie bei der aktuellen Tour viel Wert auf die Lichtgestaltung. Die komplette Show war von vorne bis hinten ...

  6. alt-J Setlist at Zenith, Munich

    Get the alt-J Setlist of the concert at Zenith, Munich, Germany on November 10, 2022 from the The Dream Tour and other alt-J Setlists for free on setlist.fm!

  7. Alt-J

    Hier reinhören! Bestell-Hotline: 01806-570070 (0,20 €/Anruf inkl. MwSt aus allen dt. Netzen) - Mo.-Sa.: 9-18 Uhr. Hier findest du alle Informationen zu Alt-J. Aktuell scheinen keine Termine im Vorverkauf zu sein. Tipp: Melde dich jetzt für den Alt-J Ticketalarm an und du wirst automatisch informiert, sobald es Neuigkeiten gibt.

  8. Alt J Tour 2024/2025

    Alt J Tickets, Tour Dates & Concerts 2024/2025 ♫. Alt-J are an indie and art rock band from Leeds. Formed in 2007 while at university, the band gained a cult following after releasing their debut album, 'An Awesome Wave', in 2012, which earned them the Mercury Prize. They have since put out a further four full-length records, their most ...

  9. alt-J concerts in Germany

    alt-J has played in Germany 42 out of 801 concerts, with a probability of 5.24% to hosts a show there, since his first concert on Festsaal Kreuzberg on June 21, 2012 until his latest show on Marktplatz on July 14, 2023

  10. alt-J Official Store

    The official store for alt-J. Visit for the new album The Dream, previous releases and merch. TOUR. THE DREAM Out Now Listen to The Dream. Listen to The Actor Remix 'The Dream' on White Vinyl. £24.00. Add To Cart. ... TOUR DATES. There are no upcoming events. powered by seated.

  11. alt-J Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Amazing. by AG on 11/22/23The Salt Shed - Chicago. This was the first time at The Salt Shed and I was not disappointed. It is a great venue! Alt-J was nothing short of amazing! Buy alt-J tickets from the official Ticketmaster.com site. Find alt-J tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos.

  12. alt-J Concert & Tour History

    alt-J Concert History. 942 Concerts. Alt-J (sometimes stylised ∆) was formed when Gwil Sainsbury (guitar, bass), Joe Newman (guitar, vocals), Gus Unger-Hamilton (keyboards), and Thom Sonny Green (drums) met at the University of Leeds, Leeds, UK in 2007. The band currently resides in Cambridge. Concerts. Photos.

  13. Upcoming Excitement: Alt-J Tour 2025 Unveiled!

    Introduction to Alt-J Tour 2025. Alt-J Tour 2025 is set to be one of the most anticipated musical events of the year, promising fans an unforgettable experience filled with groundbreaking performances and mesmerizing music. As Alt-J, the English indie rock band, takes to the stage for their 2025 tour, fans can expect a fusion of their iconic hits and new tracks that showcase their evolution as ...

  14. Alt-J Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    July 26th 2017. Merriweather Post Pavilion. Nancy. April 20th 2017. Roy Wilkins Auditorium. August 20th 2015. Festival Pier. Find tickets for Alt-J concerts near you. Browse 2024 tour dates, venue details, concert reviews, photos, and more at Bandsintown.

  15. alt-J 10th Anniversary tour 2023: New dates, tickets ...

    The full list of dates and venues for the alt-J tour is given below: July 20, 2023 - Nyon, Switzerland at Paleo Festival. July 22, 2023 - Steventon, Oxfordshire, UK at Truck Festival. August ...

  16. Alt-J Tour Dates, Tickets & Concerts 2024

    Alt-J tour dates. On tour: No; Concertful ranking: #361; Category: Alternative Rock / Indie; Similar artists on tour. Ranking Artist #1167: Jake Bugg 5 concerts to July 27, 2024 #2045: Nico Vega 9 concerts to August 02, 2024 #1844: Kate Nash 13 concerts to November 28, 2024 ... Alt-J past concerts.

  17. Alt-J

    Alt-J (stylised as alt-J, real name Δ)[5][6][7] are an English indie rock band formed in 2007 in Leeds. Their lineup includes Joe Newman (guitar/lead vocals), Thom Sonny Green (drums), Gus Unger-Hamilton (keyboards/vocals), and formerly Gwil Sainsbury (guitar/bass). ... Australia Tour April 21- May 6, 2023 Vive Latino 2023. Mexico City, Mexico ...

  18. Alt-J Tour 2024/2025

    Alt-J sind eine Indie Rock Band aus Leeds (GB) die 2007 gegründet wurde. Zur Zeit sind keine bevorstehenden Festivals oder Tourdaten für Alt-J bekannt. ... Alt-J Tour 2018. M. 9. zuletzt am 11.01.2018 17:56 Uhr von Madmurder in Konzerte & Tourneen Alt-J - Relaxer. 14. ... A Mosh Bit production crafted with in Berlin. Hands in the air since 2001

  19. Alt-J Tour 2024

    Alt-J tour 2024 announced: Alt-J will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the release of An Awesome Wave with a series of special concerts in the United States, which include the full performance of the album.Earlier this year, the band celebrated the anniversary of the album with a global digital concert and a new exclusive series of podcasts.

  20. Alt-J Tour

    Two Incredible Bands, One Unforgettable Indie Rock Tour! Leeds-bred trio Alt-J are going on the road in support of their new album The Dream, and they've teamed up with Portugal.The Man to make the resulting tour a, ahem, Dream come true for all you indie rock fans out there! The show will kick off in late February in Pittsburgh and end at the Coca-Cola Coliseum in Toronto, having visited ...

  21. alt-J Announce An Awesome Wave Anniversary Concerts

    December 2, 2022 · 1 min read. The post alt-J Announce An Awesome Wave Anniversary Concerts appeared first on Consequence. alt-J will mark the 10th anniversary of An Awesome Wave with a special ...

  22. alt-J Setlist at Cirkus, Stockholm

    Tour average: 2h 48m. Average show length: Doors: Add doors. Scheduled: Start time: Edit set times. All alt-J set times. Get the alt-J Setlist of the concert at Cirkus, Stockholm, Sweden on November 2, 2022 from the The Dream Tour and other alt-J Setlists for free on setlist.fm!