How to Arrange Your Bromo Tour (The Complete Guide)

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The Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park offers some of the most amazing landscapes in the whole of Indonesia. It is especially beautiful at sunrise as the mist rolls over the valley and the sun rises behind Bromo Volcano. However, arranging a Bromo Tour can be surprisingly difficult. It’s easy to get over charged, stay in the wrong place or make a silly mistake (like not bring a warm coat).

To help you arrange your Bromo trip I created this short guide. The guide covers everything you need to know to arrange a Bromo tour. The guide has been broken down into easy to navigate sections. You can click the link to jump directly to a certain part of the Bromo Tour Guide.

  • Where to Stay: Find Out More
  • Entrance Fee: Find Out More
  • Jeep Rental: Find Out More
  • Bromo Tour: Find Out More
  • Booking a Tour: Find Out More

Let’s get started.

Where to Stay

When you visit Bromo you can stay in one of the following three cities; Malang, Surabaya or Probolinggo. Surabaya is the furthest away from Bromo. It is a 90 minute car drive from Surabaya to Mt Bromo. Malang is a little closer. It is a 60 minute car drive from Malang to Mount Bromo. Probolinggo actually overlooks Mount Bromo.

The 3 Mount Bromo Tours

From surabaya: bromo midnight tour.

If you decide to book a hotel in Surabaya you will join the Bromo Midnight tour. The reason it’s called the Surabaya to Bromo midnight tour package is because you get picked up from your hotel at midnight. From Surabaya you will be driven directly to Bromo for sunrise.

From Malang: Bromo Sunrise Tour

The Bromo Sunrise Tour is for people who are staying in Malang (which is closer to Bromo). The driver of your car will pick you up from your hotel in Malang at 3:30am. It’s a one hour and forty minute to 2,5 hours from Malang to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park at night. During the day it is around 3-3,5 hours journey. To actually visit Bromo you need to swap cars, because only members of the local community can drive the jeeps you need to take to visit the volcano.

From Probolinggo: Bromo Probolinggo Tour

The Bromo Probolinggo tour is the most convenient of the three options. The hotels in Problinggo actually overlook Mt Bromo volcano. If you are staying in Probolinggo then you have the option of either walking to the Penanjakan viewpoint or renting a jeep to take you there. It’s a 3 hour walk from Probolinggo to Penanjakan, which means that you will need to set off at approximately 1:00 am – 2:00 am to reach the viewpoint for sunrise (the walk is almost all uphill).

Visiting Savana Hill. It’s a beautiful green landscape in the wet season.

Mount Bromo Entrance Fee

There is an entrance fee to enter Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park. For Indonesians the price for entrance to the national park is at around Rp30,000 per person. For foreigners there are two price prices. On weekdays the price for the entrance ticket is at around Rp 240,000. On weekends and Indonesian public holidays the cost is at around Rp 340,000.

Jeep Rental

To take the Bromo tour you will need to arrange a jeep rental. There are two different tours you can choose from, the short tour and the long tour. On the short tour you will visit Penanjakan Viewpoint to watch sunrise and climb Mount Bromo Volcano, before returning to your hotel/ driver.

If you go on the long tour you will go to Savana Hill and Whispering Sands (Sea Sands). You can arrange a jeep rental on arrival in Bromo, but it is more convenient and cheaper to pre-book the jeep. All of the jeep rentals at Bromo are pretty much the same model. A Bromo jeep rental can fit up to five passengers. The price for a Bromo jeep rental changes according to the tourist season. See the table below for more information on jeep rental prices.

Mt Bromo Tour

If you take either the Bromo Mindnight or Bromo Sunrise tours you will need to change cars to a jeep to get to Penanjakan. If you are staying in the Bromo National Park area the jeep will pick you up at your hotel. Penanjakan does get really crowded for sunrise. There will be a big crowd. For the best experience visit on a weekday, because it’s not as packed and it’s also cheaper (it’s still quite busy though).

Whichever tour you take, the first place you will stop is Penanjakan viewpoint (or other viewpoints such as King Kong Hill, Cinta Hill, etc). This is where you will watch sunrise from (it’s where everybody takes those beautiful photos that Bromo is so famous for). There’s a perfect 15 minutes or so to take some amazing photos and then it’s over for another day. Those 15 minutes are worth waking up really early in the morning for.

Climbing Bromo

After sunrise the jeep will take you to Bromo crater. It is a 25-minute car drive from Penanjakan to the crater. The jeep will drop you off on the dusty valley floor. From there it’s a relaxing 30-minute walk to the crater. If you have children, or you just want to do something different, you can ride a horse to the crater.

It is an easy climb to the top of Bromo crater. On the final part of the climb there are concrete stairs dug into the side of the crater. From the top of Mount Bromo you can look inside the crater, which is normally smoking. Many locals throw offerings into the crater. The view from the top are really beautiful. If you are on the short tour the driver will take you back to your hotel after climbing Mt Bromo.

The rugged landscape of Whispering Sands.

The Long Bromo Jeep Tour

After you’ve climbed the volcano you will visit the Tengger Sea Sands and the Savanna Hill.  This part of the tour takes around an hour. During the tour you can ask the driver to stop so you can take some photos. The landscape is really impressive. At the Tengger Sand Sea you see the volcanic sand. This area is popular for people who do off road motocross.

In the Savannah area you are surrounded by an island of green (or brown-ish if it is dry season). The visit to these two places is a real chance to see the contrasts in the landscape of Mount Bromo. On the tour of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park you’re guaranteed to take beautiful photos that you’ll want to share with your family and friends.

Arranging a Bromo Tour

The Bromo tour is really special. The view of the sunrise is an unforgettable experience. You can probably understand why I tell all my friends they have to join this tour if they visit Surabaya or Malang or Probolinggo. To help you arrange a tour without the usual hassle I’ve partnered with some local independent drivers and we can take care everything.

Here’s What’s Included in the Package:

  • Pick up from your hotel or the train station/ airport
  • Transport in a comfortable car
  • Experienced local driver
  • Entrance costs for Bromo
  • Drop off at your hotel

FYI Bromo is an active volcano. We do monitor the volcanic activity at the crater. Sometimes people are not allowed to visit the crater when the authorities request the visitors to be 1-3 km away from the crater. You can still enjoy the amazing landscape of Bromo.

Interested in joining the Bromo tour and visiting the most famous tourism sites in East Java? Press the button below to find out more.

Have you ever visited Bromo? Do you have any tips, advice or places you’d recommend?

Next post Review: Tugu Hotel Blitar

Previous post 9 fun and interesting things to do in blitar.


About the Author Firsta

Related posts, bromo marathon: racing towards the future.

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Take me there kak Fisrta…. 🙂

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Ah Kak Indra, namaku aja salah tulis. 🙁 Yuk berkunjung ke pulau Jawa, nanti kita main ke Bromo!

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keren kali kak Fistra!

Thanks Kak Wira 🙂

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Very nice article, Firsta. Masih terus terkagum-kagum kalau baca blog yg pake Bahasa Inggris. Kapan aku bisa nulis casciscus gitu ya 😀 *e koq malah curcol

Yes, you give so much reason to come back to Bromo. Longing for it 😉

Thank you Uniek! Namanya seru sekali 🙂 Ini jg masih banyak latihan, dan kadang masih suka aku revisi karena kalau dibaca lagi suka ada yg aneh / salah tulis. Hahahaa.. Yes, I really want to go to Bromo again! Hopefully in the near future. Thanks for dropping by here, Cheers!

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bagus…….. aku punya kenalan anjing disana, namanya ROCKY…

What? Mas Arik, anjingnya domisili sebelah mananya Bromo? :p

Di warungny mas Adi, sebelah timur pangkalan bensin buat jeep.

[…] – Bromo, Baduy, Bale Kambang and so much […]

[…] over 7,000 feet to challenge the skyline with impudent spumes, the still-active Mount Bromo is a cantankerous old volcano that shows no sign of retiring. Particularly impressive at sunrise, […]

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I just discovered Mt Bromo while researching for inspiring weekend getaway from Brunei. There is a direct flight to Surabaya from here and I am so tempted to see Mt Bromo. Your article convinced me to visit, but the flock of tourists may change my feeling about visiting. Just want to compliment on your article 🙂

Hi Emily, Thank you for your kind words and the visit to my blog. You should go to Bromo. 🙂 Promise that you will not regret. :p It is pretty amazing!

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Firs..ini kyknya gw mau ke bromo december nanti.. hehe.. waktu itu elo berangkat dr mana dan sewa mobil ga yah? hehe

Jenitaaa.. Aku udah kirim infonya by email yaa. 🙂

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Great articles! Very inspiring. What is the best way to get from Yogyakarta to Surabaya or Probolinggo? We are leaving in one week to Indonesia 🙂 I’m very excited.

Kind regards, Ayla

Hi Ayla. Thanks for the kind feedback. I’d recommend taking the train from Yogyakarta to Surabaya or alternatively the plane. It really depends on your timetable and budget. If you haven’t done the train before I think it’s worth it though 🙂 Hope that helps.

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Thanks for your information. Can you please email me a package for a midnight tour from Surabaya airport?

Hi Anton, We sent you an email on Sept 22. Please let me know if you receive the email ok. Look forward to hearing back from you, Anton.

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Can you help me with the tour, i fly from Jog to Surabaya and from Suryabaya i intend to stay at Malang so i can avoid the midnight ride to Bromo, can you help me with best way to get to Malang frm Suryabaya airport. i would like you to help me stay and a tour for Bromo as well, from here i intend to flyout to Bali. appreciate your help

Though on the google maps you can go to Bromo through Wonokitri / Poncokusumo, but it is not the usual route. I personally never tried it. I always go through Probolinggo, this means it takes 3-4 hours drive from Malang to Bromo. From Surabaya to Bromo is 4-5 hours. The best way to travel from Surabaya to Malang is by rent a private car. If you don’t want to do anything in Malang, it is better to go straight from Surabaya to Bromo. When is your travel date? Please get in touch with us through email: [email protected] . Thank you.

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Hye Firsta..ur article is very helpful for me to plan my trip to Bromo next April 2018. Im looking forward to experience milky way in Bromo..heard the view was awesome!! Can u give any tips on combining the milky way session with sunrise?will be reaching at Juanda Airport airport around 5:55p.m. Is the camping site at Bromo being recommended anyway?and if it yes, any suggestion on how to rent it for a night?

Hi Sue, I don’t have the experience of camping in Bromo so I don’t know if they have a campsite around the area. My suggestion is to stay overnight at Lava View Lodge, it is one of the best lodges in Bromo in regards to location. From in front of the lodge, you can see the Bromo volcano, Mount Batok, etc. The view is something like this (I took this shot). You can come out from the hotel around 10-11 pm or 1 AM to see the milky way. You can get some rest afterwards and start the sunrise tour with the jeep at 3:30 AM. Hope this helps. If you are interested in arranging the tour with us, complete the form closer to your travel date (1,5 months before is sufficient). Have a good day!

Thanks Firsta for your prompt reply.. the shot is so beautiful!!!

Thanks Sue!

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Hi Firsta. Very Useful information. I am planning to visit mount bromo in march 2019 and may I know what time i should arrive the Surabaya airport if i wish to join the 3 days 2 night Bromo and Ijen tour which mean pick me up in the airport directly.

Arrival max at 10 am on day 1 is the best. 🙂

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Could you please send me detail and price of Bromo tour. We plan to come at Surabaya airport at 9:00 am in 22.11. Thank you.

We sent you an email. Hope you receive it ok. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Plan March 2019. Deciding go on weekday or weekend. From surabaya Town.

Hi Jerry, We have sent you an email. Look forward to hearing back from you. 🙂 Bromo is a very popular tourist destination in Indonesia so it is mostly busy. However usually weekday is better than weekend.

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Halo Kak Firsta salam kenal, kalau berkunjung ke Bromo di bulan Desember apakah recommended Kak? rencana ingin hunting sunrise dan milkyway, thank you Kak Firsta!

Dear Hutama, Sekarang ini sudah masuk musim hujan, biasanya sampai Maret. Kalau musim hujan seperti ini biasanya kesempatan lihat sunrise dan milkyway-nya lebih kecil.

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Hi Firsta, Thanks for your useful information. I’m going to Bali in March 2019 and planning to go to Ubud, visit Mt Batur, Lombok, Bromo and Ljen in 2 weeks. Can you give me some advice to fit all all those places in 2 weeks. Thank you x

Dear Phuong Le, Sure. I’ll get in touch through email. Speak soon.

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Hi! Im going to do a bromo + ijen 3d2n in late feb. Any guide/tours for this? Theres 3 of us.

Dear Steph, Yes, we can help to arrange that. We will contact you through email. Speak soon.

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We are going to bromo + Ijen 4 days 3 nights. Any guide or tour for 4 pax on 7/2/19 to 10/2/19.Thanks

Hi Chea Sow Eng, I have sent an email to you. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Firstly thank you so much for this very informative article.

I am traveling from Singapore, and wish to visit Bromo, Ijen, as well as head onward to Borobudur.

We are two young adults traveling with a 1 year old baby. Heard that Ijen is very sulfuric. Is it suitable for a young baby?

Is the best way to do this trip to book a tour before arriving in Indonesia? Or can I book a tour when I am there?

Dear J Choo,

We have sent a reply through email on Jan 28. Hope you receive it ok. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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I am planning for midnight tour to bromo from Surabaya. Single traveller. Please let me know the available packages.

Dear Azsrina,

We have sent a reply through email. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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hey there, we are planning to visit mt bromo from jakarta around mid of june..also wish to see milky way..we are a group of 4 adults n 1 kid please lemme knw the best pacakage

Hi Manisha,

I’ll get in touch through email. Speak soon.

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Hi planning for 5d4n to bromo/ijen in aug 2019

Hi YC, We have sent you an email. Please let us know if you receive it ok. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hello, I am a KITAS holder and i really want to go to brom from surabaya. I have asked to a travel agent and they said I have to pay for bule price for this year (2019). I always have local price in Indonesia (borobudur, bali, komodo island). Is this thing true?

Hi Elizabeth, Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I think started from 2016 or 2017, you can’t get a local price with Kitas anymore.

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Hey Firsta, my girlfriend and I have just arrived to an airbnb in Malang and we are looking for a genuine driver willing to take us to either one of these Bromo tours or to a bromo tour followed by Tumpak Sewu. Do you have anyone honest to recommend as most drivers start throwing the randomest numbers out there thinking that we “bule” produce money out of our ass ? And it’s definitely not the case. Please help ???

Hi Benjamin, Riri sent you an email a few days ago, but I think its probably too late. Hope you had a great time in Indonesia.

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Dear Fiesta,

We are planning to do a 3d2n Bromo Ijen tour on 2nd of June. Any tips?

4-5 June is Idul Fitri, it is one of the biggest Muslim celebrations in Indonesia. Usually some destinations especially those in Java will be quite packed and the traffic will be generally bad. If you can, I recommend to change your travel date.

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Dear Firsta, Looking to do the Bromo & Ijen tour 7th and 8th of May. I’m a single traveller on a tight budget. Could you please help me out? Thanks!

Dear Danique, Unfortunately we don’t have recommendation for a shared tour for Bromo and Ijen. We only run a private tour arrangement. Hope you can find something and have a great time in Indonesia.

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Hai, saya Faridha dari Bandung rencana long tour Bromo di awal Juli sekitar tgl 5. Kalo saya menginap di Plataran Bromo jam brp Jeep jemput ? Dan berapa biaya nya ? Terimakasih

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Hi Firsta, thanks for your informative guide. Me and my girlfriend will be in Probolinggo in the first two weeks of August and want to do a Bromo tour. How much is the long tour for this period? And are there any options to do a two day tour with a night near Bromo?

Kind regards,

Dear Jon, My colleague Riri has sent you an email. Please let me know if you receive it ok. PS: Please check your spam folder too. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hello, I will travel to Bali on 12th of June and will stay in Ubud. Would you please give me an advice how can i arrange to book a Bromo tour 3D2N? I’d love to join it, from 13th is okay to me. This is the first time i visit Bali…?, your recomendation is really valuable to me. Can you send me tge detail of the tour and price as well? Thanks. Have a great day! Best regards, Emma

Sorry for the late reply. I have sent you an email. Look forward to hearing back from you soon.

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Hi Firsta I would like to do a Bromo-Ijen tour 16-19 Jun. Can you please send me an itinerary with prices, inclusions/exclusions. I am available from evening of 16th from Surabaya and would like to be back there at the end of tour. I am single and would appreciate help. I am also okay to extend the tour by a day if necessary but would prefer to be back on Wednesday night at Surabaya. Thanks.

Hi Varun, Sorry for the late reply. We have sent an email to you. Hope you receive it ok.

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Hi can i know a packages to the bromo and ijen

I have sent you an email yesterday. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Firsts Read ur article on Mount Bromo .Interesting.should I carry warm clothing.Is the temperature on minus degree now

Dear Vasantha, yes, bring a warm jacket. It can be as cold as 3C. You can also rent a warm jacket on the spot, if you don’t bring any.

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What a complete guide you have here, kak! I’m sure everyone will need this guide. Nice post 😀

Hi Walter! Thanks for dropping by 🙂 Hope to see you again sometimes in the future! Safe travels and keeps on blogging.

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Hi Firsta, I will be travelling to Surabaya in Oct 2019 with my husband and two kids age 4 & 2 years old respectively. We are planning to do the 1 day sunrise tour. Would need some advice from you.

I have sent you an email a few days ago. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi, I am thinking to go bromo. I have 4 days 3 night on August 2019. Can u recommend different type of tour. Can I bring my 11 n 13 years old kids along?

Hi Yolanda, Yes, you can definitely bring your 11 and 13 yo kids. We have sent you an email a few days ago. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi Frista, I will be there with my 2 friends in August 2019. We will need a guide from Surabaya airport. We reach Surabaya in the morning around 9.30 am. Need your favor to give us complete guide to enjoy our trip in Bromo.

My colleague will email you the details. Thank you.

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Me and 2 two are planning to go to Bromo from Malang. We are planning to arrive by train at 3:30am and go directly to Bromo. I have no idea if it is possible but we were thinking to go to Probolinggo after Bromo instead of coming back to Malang.

We would like to know if it is an executable idea, and how should we do in terms of renting the car, the tour, etc etc.. ? Can you please help us with that?

Thank you a lot in advance, Diogo Aguiar

I have sent an email to you. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi, there is 2 of us arriving on Saturday night in Surabaya airport at 11pm and would like to go to Mount Bromo straight from there. Would it possible to let me know prices. Thank you Mauricio

Hi Mauricio, we’ll get in touch through email. Speak soon.

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Hey Firsta!

We like to have the long tour with starting in Malang on Wednesday the 25th. We are 2 people. Do you have prices and can you arrange the tour, starting at our hotel? Please leave me a mail.

Best regards Marcus

Hi Marcus, I have sent you an email. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

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Hello Fiesta,

I would like to go this Monday, I am alone, is it possible to arrange a tour fro. Malang?

Hi Jorge, I have sent you an email. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi Firsta, my husband and I are interested in a Bromo Tour next week. Best, Christina

Hi Christina, We sent you an email 5 days ago. We haven’t heard anything back from you. I hope you receive it ok.

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Hi! Can I check the price for the Bromo tour?

We have sent two emails to you. Hope you receive it ok.

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Hi, 1. Is Ijen safe for a 6 year old child? 2. Surabaya–> Bromo/Ijen –> Batu, Malang (price for the transfers/package please)

Dear Shazwani,

My colleague Riri sent you an email. We need more information from you to be able to send a quotation. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi there, What will the price be if picking up from Plataran Bromo? And is it possible to visit Madakaripura Waterfall as well?

Hi Ru, We will get in touch through email. Thank you.

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i wish to do a 3-4days trip to Surabaya that include : Mt.Bromo, Tumpak Sewu and Madakaripura waterfalls.

May i know any suggested itinerary and price.

Traveling date : 23 JAn – 28 Jan 20201

Thanks for the message. We have sent you an email a few days ago. I wonder if you receive it ok.

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Me & my family plan to visit Bromo in June. We’ll arrive from Surabaya. Could you send me the itinerary for private tour please. We plan stay stay 3-5 for this trip. Sincerely- Ana

Dear Ana, I have sent an email to you (please check the Junk folder if you can’t see it in your inbox). Look forward to hearing from you.

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Dear Firsta,,

Apa khabar, saya physically disabled (using elbow crutches). Is it possible for me to enjoy Mount Bromo trip ?

Hi Rosli, I think it should be fine. The journey to the crater will be challenging. You can take a horse, but you need to hike some stairs. Bromo is also nice to see from afar (from the viewpoint or several points around the sea sands and the savannah, which you don’t need to hike to reach). Take care!

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Open Trip Bromo Midnight

Bergabunglah dalam petualangan magis melalui Open Trip Bromo Midnight bersama! Nikmati pengalaman matahari terbit yang spektakuler di puncak Gunung Bromo dalam suasana malam yang tenang. Dengan pemandu wisata ahli, Anda akan diajak merasakan keindahan alam yang luar biasa, membiarkan diri terpesona oleh gemerlap bintang dan kemudian menyaksikan matahari terbit yang memukau di Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk menciptakan kenangan tak terlupakan di salah satu tempat paling ikonik di Indonesia. Segera daftarkan diri Anda untuk Open Trip Bromo Midnight melalui dan hadiri momen magis ini bersama kami!

trip bromo

Open Trip Bromo Murah

Selama perjalanan Open Trip Bromo, kamu bakal diajak mengelilingi destinasi-destinasi keren yang pasti bakal bikin mata kamu terpana. Beberapa destinasi yang wajib kamu kunjungi di Bromo:

1. View Sunrise Point

2. Widodaren Hill

3. Kawah Bromo (View Gunung Batok)

4. Lautan Pasir Berbisik

6. Bukit Teletubbies

Berikut adalah Rundown Perjalanan yang menarik untuk Open Trip Bromo:

🌙 23.00 – 00.00 : Kami akan menjemput Anda di Meeting Point yang telah disepakati.

🚗 00.00 – 01.00 : Perjalanan menuju Basecamp Kalina Jaya dengan kenyamanan dan kegembiraan di perjalanan.

🌄 01.00 – 01.30 : Setelah tiba, Anda akan diberikan informasi terbaru tentang perjalanan ini dan kami akan bersiap-siap untuk memulai petualangan menuju Bromo.

🚙 01.30 – 04.30 : Naik Jeep yang kuat untuk menjelajahi Bromo, merasakan sensasi petualangan yang luar biasa.

🌅 04.30 – 06.00 : Tiba di Sunrise Point dan saksikan keajaiban matahari terbit di Bromo yang spektakuler.

🏞️ 06.00 – 06.30 : Melanjutkan perjalanan dan menjelajahi Widodaren Hill, dengan pemandangan luar biasa.

⛰️ 06.30 – 08.00 : Perjalanan berlanjut ke Gunung Batok dan Kawah Bromo, mengagumi keindahan alam yang menawan.

🏜️ 08.00 – 08.30 : Mengunjungi Pasir Berbisik, salah satu tempat unik yang patut dijelajahi.

🌿 08.30 – 09.00 : Dilanjutkan dengan perjalanan ke Savana & Teletubbies, tempat di mana keindahan alam begitu nyata.

🕘 09.00 – 11.00 : Kembali ke Basecamp dengan kenangan yang tak terlupakan.

🚗 11.00 – 12.00 : Perjalanan kembali ke Meeting Point dengan cerita petualangan yang luar biasa.

🏁 12.00 – 13.00 : Perjalanan berakhir, namun kenangan indah tetap terukir dalam hati Anda.


Mobil Jemput Antar Malang Kota :

Kamu bakal dijemput dan diantar kembali ke tempat yang udah disepakati, jadi nggak perlu ribet cari transportasi.

Driver dan BBM :

Ada driver yang handal yang bakal nyetirin kamu dan BBM yang disediain biar perjalanan kamu lebih aman dan nyaman.

Untuk bisa eksplor beberapa destinasi di Bromo, kamu bakal naik jeep yang asik dan aman.

Tiket Bromo WNI

Tiket masuk ke destinasi yang udah ada di itinerari udah termasuk dalam paketnya, jadi kamu gak perlu khawatirin itu.

Dokumentasi Foto

Ada juga guide dokumentasi yang bakal bantu kamu buat foto-foto seru selama perjalanan. Jadi, kamu bisa punya kenangan yang terabadikan dengan sempurna!

Jadi, buat kamu yang lagi cari petualangan keren di tengah keindahan Gunung Bromo, Open Trip Bromo adalah pilihan terbaik. Kamu bisa daftar kapan aja dan nikmati perjalanan seru ini sama teman-teman atau keluarga kamu. Jangan sampai ketinggalan kesempatan buat menjelajahi keindahan alam Gunung Bromo dan destinasi seru di sekitarnya bareng Open Trip Bromo. Yuk, daftar sekarang juga!

Open Trip Bromo Non Guide & Dokumentasi

Open trip bromo include guide & dokumentasi.

trip bromo

Salah satu yang bikin Open Trip Bromo asik adalah kamu bisa daftar dan berangkat sendiri, nggak perlu nunggu-nunggu. Ini artinya, kamu bisa bikin rencana liburanmu kapan aja sesuai mood. Gak perlu menunggu weekend atau cuti besar, karena Open Trip Bromo bisa diikuti tiap hari.

Untuk konsultasi perjalanan trip anda dan pemesanan paket trip bromo bisa menghubungi admin kami.

Keuntungan Open Trip Bromo

Bergabung dalam Open Trip Bromo bersama memberi Anda sejumlah keuntungan luar biasa:

Pengalaman Ahli: Kami adalah para ahli dalam menyusun perjalanan yang sempurna ke Bromo. Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun, kami tahu tempat-tempat terbaik dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang memukau untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik.

Pemandu Wisata Terlatih: Didampingi oleh pemandu wisata terlatih, Anda akan mendapatkan wawasan mendalam tentang sejarah, budaya, dan keindahan alam Bromo. Mereka akan memastikan Anda tidak hanya melihat, tetapi juga memahami tempat yang Anda kunjungi.

Paket Terpadu: Semua detail perjalanan telah disusun dengan sempurna. Mulai dari akomodasi yang nyaman hingga transportasi yang aman, semua kebutuhan Anda akan tercakup. Anda dapat fokus sepenuhnya pada pengalaman wisata tanpa harus khawatir tentang hal-hal praktis.

Keamanan dan Kenyamanan: Keamanan dan kenyamanan peserta adalah prioritas kami. Kendaraan yang aman, rencana perjalanan yang teratur, dan tim yang siap membantu setiap saat adalah jaminan kami kepada Anda.

Harga Terjangkau: Kami menawarkan pengalaman berkualitas tinggi dengan harga yang terjangkau. memastikan Anda mendapatkan nilai terbaik untuk uang Anda, memberi Anda pengalaman wisata yang memuaskan tanpa merusak anggaran Anda.

Kenangan Tak Terlupakan: Dalam setiap perjalanan, kami menciptakan momen-momen yang tak terlupakan. Dari matahari terbit di Bromo hingga petualangan di tempat-tempat tersembunyi, kami memastikan Anda membawa pulang kenangan yang tak terlupakan.

Bergabunglah dalam Open Trip Bromo bersama dan biarkan kami memandu Anda melalui petualangan luar biasa ini, menciptakan kenangan yang akan dikenang sepanjang hidup.

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Open Trip Bromo

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Private Trip Bromo

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Sewa Jeep Bromo

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Trip Bromo Malang 2D1N

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Jeep Bromo + Inap

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Trip Bromo Malang 3D2N

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Make a Chat : +62 813 3261 4469

Bromo Tour & Travel

24travel bromo.

24TravelBromo is your tour and travel specialist for Mount Bromo tour packages. With our expertise and dedication, we are offer unforgettable experiences exploring the stunning landscapes of Mount Bromo and its surroundings. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast or a photography lover, 24TravelBromo ensures a seamless and captivating adventure, making your visit to Mount Bromo truly remarkable.


13 years of experiences.

With 13 years of invaluable experience in the tour agency industry, 24TravelBromo stands as a trusted and seasoned expert in crafting unforgettable travel experiences. Our wealth of knowledge and expertise ensures that every journey with us is meticulously planned and flawlessly executed. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, 24TravelBromo is your go-to partner for memorable travel experiences that exceed expectations.

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Bromo Tour Options

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Bromo Tour Packages

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Bromo & Ijen Crater Tours

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Bromo & Waterfall Tours

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Bromo Milky Way Tours

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Bromo Camping Tours

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Bromo Deep Explore Tours

Committed to give the best quality of journey.

It is an honor for us to be able to provide maximum service

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Because your satisfaction is our goal to offer the natural beauty of Indonesia

  • Professioal Tour Planner
  • The Best Itinerary Program
  • Best Destinations
  • Insurance Included

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Our latest trip on youtube, request a quote.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Travelers often ask about the transportation options to get to Mount Bromo using tour and travel services. You can address this by explaining the various modes of transportation available, such as private vans, shared vehicles, or even hiking tours, depending on their preferences and budgets.

Many tourists want to know the ideal time to visit Mount Bromo to witness its beauty. You can explain that the best time is during the dry season, typically from April to October, when the weather is clear and the sunrise view is spectacular. However, you can also mention that it’s possible to visit year-round but with some weather-related variations in visibility.

Travelers often inquire about the specific attractions and activities included in a Bromo tour. You can provide an overview of the key highlights, such as the sunrise viewpoint at Penanjakan, the Sea of Sand, Bromo crater, and the whispering sands. Additionally, you can mention any optional add-ons or unique experiences that might be available with the tour package.

Visiting Bromo and Ijen Tours

Various Tours packages to visit Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater available here

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Visiting Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater with The BROMO ADVENTURE

Mount Bromo is one of the top destinations in Indonesia, located 120km from Surabaya. The most beautiful National Park offers tour activities to watch the sunrise, panorama view of the Bromo caldera from the viewing point and climb 250 steps to rim the crater.

Ijen Crater is the other top tour destination, located approx. 350km from Surabaya on the south of Banyuwangi city. It offers a light trek of 3km from the start point of Paltuding to reach the rim of Ijen Crater, a location where visitors can watch the blue fire phenomena and get a panoramic view of the huge acid lake water. 

The Bromo Adventure

Bromo Adventure, a reliable local tour operator and travel agency in Surabaya, established in 1998, provides all various tour packages to visit Mount Bromo and Ijen from Surabaya, as well as from Malang, Yogyakarta, or Bali. We offer featured tours and regular tour packages, especially for our overseas customers, who come from all over the world, including Europe, Australia, the USA, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, China, and all the other countries far away from Indonesia.

Regular Tour Packages

Our team works hard and spends much time to design all various tour packages to Bromo and Ijen from Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Probolinggo, or Bali. If your tours are not mentioned on the list, you could ask our team to organize a customized tour.

Ijen Tour

Featured Tours 2024

Below are very recommended tour packages to visit Bromo and Ijen Crater

  • Surabaya Bromo One Day Tour
  • Surabaya Bromo Sunrise Tour
  • Surabaya Bromo Ijen Surabaya 3 days Tour
  • Surabaya Bromo Ijen Bali 3 Days Tour

Tours Detail

Surabaya bromo ijen surabaya 3 days tour.

Tour starting from Surabaya to Bromo to watch the sunrise and panorama view of Mt. Bromo and Mt. Semeru, walking on the sand volcanic area to climb up 250 stairs to the rim of Bromo crater, and then visiting Ijen Crater to see blue fire, panorama view of acid water lake, and sulfur porters, and then transferring back to Surabaya in a 3-day tour. 

Why should travelers take the Surabaya Bromo Ijen Surabaya 3 Days Tour?

  • Private Tour, private transport
  • Flexible tour itineraries and timing
  • Visiting Bromo and Ijen and back to Surabaya

Tour Itineraries 

Day 01 surabaya transfer to bromo.

  • 23.00 – We start to Pick up the people at Surabaya (airport hotel or train station) and transfer to Probolinggo.

Day 02 Bromo Sunrise Tour and transfer to Bondowoso

  • 01.30. Pick up the other at Probolinggo and then drive to Bromo.
  • 03.00: taking a Jeep passing through the sea sand to climb up to the Pananjakan Peaks to enjoy the sunrise on the 2600 meters above sea level and see the fantastic panoramic view of the Tengger Plateau, where Mt. Bromo and Mt. Semeru are.
  • 06.00: going back to the sea sand to ride a horse or walk to the foot of Mt. Bromo Crater, passing through the Sand Sea, and climbing up 250 steps into the peak of Mt. Bromo Crater. where you will see (if the weather is possibly) the fantastic active Crater “Bromo.”
  • 09.00: going back to Cemoro Lawang village to have breakfast at a local restaurant and take a rest for a while before going to Banyuwangi.

Day 03 Ijen Crater Tour – Transfer Back to Surabaya

  • 00.30: depart from the hotel in Banyuwangi to Mt. Ijen. Crater
  • 02.00: trek to the rim of the Ijen Crater location where the visitor could watch the blue fire phenomena in the dark of night
  • 03.30: Arrive on the rim See the blue fire caused by sulfur gases burned.
  • 05.30: Enjoy the sunrise and watch the acid lake, which is milky blue green in color. 
  • 07.30 Trekking down to Paltuding, rejoining the coach, and then going back directly to Surabaya.
  • Transport (mpv ac, including driver fuel toll and parking fee)
  • Local tour guide in Bromo and Ijen Crater
  • Jeep 4×4 private rental for Bromo tour
  • 1 Nights at Bromo
  • 1 Night at Bondowoso
  • Entrances Tickets to Bromo and Ijen Crater on spot
  • Meals (lunch and dinners)
  • All Personal expenses

Further information and book please  contact us

Bromo One Day Tour From Surabaya

Mount Bromo One-Day Tour departs from Surabaya in the morning to watch the panoramic view of Mt. Bromo Caldera with Mt. Semeru from the viewpoint, walking on the volcanic sand area to climb 250 steps up to watch the splendor of Bromo crater, and then going back to Surabaya in the afternoon.

Why should travelers take the Surabaya Bromo One Day Tour from Surabaya Day?

  • Private tour, Private transport
  • Flexible Tour Itineraries
  • Depart directly in the morning from Surabaya.
  • No need to stay overnight.

Tour Itinerary

  • 07.00: Pick up from any place in Surabaya, hotel in Surabaya, train station, or airport, and leaving from Surabaya, drive directly to Probolinggo Regency, visiting Mt. Bromo, which is well known as the widest caldera in Indonesia (with 8 x 5 KM diameters of the caldera at a height of 2000 meters above sea level).
  • 10.00 -Afterwards, take a Jeep 4×4 passing through the sea of sand to climb up to the Pananjakan Peaks to see the most fantastic panoramic view of Mt. Bromo and Mt. Semeru at 2600 meters above sea level.
  • 12.00: We’ll pass through the Sand Sea and climb up 250 steps into the peak of Mt. Bromo. There we’ll see (if the weather permits) the fantastic view of the Tengger Plateau.
  • 14.00: Going back to Cemorolawang village and going back to Surabaya, which require approximately 3,5 hours of driving.
  • 15.00: Arrive at Surabaya; transfer back to Surabaya.
  • 18.00: Transfer to a hotel, airport, or train station in Surabaya. End of the journey.
  • Private Transport with Air-conditioned including driver gasoline toll and parking fees.
  • Local English Speaking Tour guide
  • Jeep 4×4 private rental to get to viewpoint.
  • Mineral water
  • Entrances Tickets to Bromo on spot
  • Riding horse and
  • Additional tour and service Personal expenses

For requesting quotation people, please contact us

Bromo Sunrise Tour from Surabaya

Bromo Sunrise Tour departs from Surabaya at midnight (23.00 to 00.30) to Bromo to enjoy the spectacular sunrise at Bromo and watch the panoramic view of Bromo Caldera with Mt. Semeru from the viewpoint, walk on the volcanic sand, and then climb 250 steps up to see Bromo Crater before going back to Surabaya in the middle of the day. This tour is suitable during the high session period in July and August, or the New Year holiday, in the public holiday period where the room hotels in Bromo are fully booked, or if your flight lands in the late evening at Surabaya Airport.

Why should travelers take the Bromo Sunrise Tour from Surabaya?

  • Private tour, private transport
  • Flexible tour itineraries
  • Depart directly in midnight from Surabaya.
  • No need to stay overnight in Bromo.

Tour itineraries

  • 23.00: pick-up service from your hotel in Surabaya, train station, or airport, leaving from Surabaya at midnight directly to Probolinggo Regency, visiting Mt. Bromo, which is well known as the widest caldera in Indonesia (with 8 x 5 KM diameters of the main caldera at a height of 2000 meters above sea level).
  • 02.30: Upon arrival in Cemorolawang village, have a tea or coffee break.
  • 03.00: Afterwards, take a Jeep 4×4 passing through the sea sand to climb up to the Pananjakan Peaks to enjoy the sunrise and see the most fantastic panoramic view of Mt. Bromo and Mt. Semeru at 2600 meters above sea level.
  • 05.00: You are allowed to enjoy the sunrise, and the panoramic views of Mt. Bromo and Mt. Semeru appear gradually. Going back to the sea sand to ride a horse or walk to the foot of Mt. Bromo, about 1.5 km/25 minutes.
  • 06.00: We’ll pass through the Sand Sea and climb 250 steps up into the peak of Mt. Bromo. There we’ll see (if the weather permits) the fantastic view of the Tengger Plateau.
  • 08.00: Going back to Cemorolawang village to have breakfast at a local restaurant and take a rest for a while before going back to Surabaya, approximately 3,5 hours driving.
  • 12.00: End of the journey.
  • Private Transport with air-conditioned (driver gasoline toll and parking fees)
  • breakfast in hygienic restaurant in Bromo
  • Entrances Tickets to Bromo pay on spot.
  • Meal’s dinners and lunches
  • Riding horse and personal expenses
  • Tours and services that not mentioned above.

For requesting quotation, please  contact us

Surabaya Bromo Ijen Bali 3 Days 2 Nights Tour

Bromo Ijen Tour Package (3 days, 2 nights) A recommended Bromo Tour departs from Surabaya and allows you to visit Mt. Bromo to watch the sunrise, panorama view, Bromo Crater, and Ijen Crater to watch the blue fire, panorama view of the acid water lake, and then transfer to Bali.

Why should travelers take the Bromo Ijen Bali 3 Days 2 Night Tour from Surabaya?

  • Visiting the major’s tourist destinations in Indonesia
  • Light adventure tours suitable for everybody

Tour itinerary

Day 01. arrival at surabaya airport transfer to bromo.

  • arrival at Surabaya airport or train station from Jogjakarta or Jakarta, pick up and transfer to your hotel in Bromo area to stay overnight.

Day 02. Bromo Sunrise Tour – Banyuwangi

  • 03.30 – Going to viewpoint of Penanjakan by jeep 4×4, to watch the beauty of sunrise and the Bromo by panoramic view.
  • 06.00 – Going down the hill and proceed the sand sea then climb 250 steps up to mount Bromo, walking on the sea of the sand (Bromo Caldera) to visit closer Bromo Crater,
  • 09.00 – back to hotel for breakfast and Drive to eastward to Banyuwangi to stay overnight

Day 03.  Ijen Trekking Tour and drop off to Bali.

  • 02.00 – departs to Ijen Crater shows a special type of volcanic feature common to Indonesia, about 1 km in diameter and 175 meters deep. The floor is covered completely by a warm lake, milky blue green in color, held back by a dam built many years ago by the Dutch, in order to keep the hot mineral, laden water from raining for the crop lands below.
  • 03.30 – arrive at Paltuding, the gate of Ijen Crater, and starting trek to the rim of Ijen Crater
  • 06.00 – Enjoy sunrise and panorama view of the huge of acid water lake, then going downhill back to start point,
  • 08.00 – leaving Paltuding and then transfer back to Surabaya to Ketapang, Banyuwangi, the ferry harbor, to cross to Gilimanuk harbor Bali. End of Service
  • 1 night at hotel in Bromo area
  • 1 Night at hotel in Ijen area
  • Private Transport with Air-conditioned van (driver, gasoline, tolls and parking fee)
  • Local English Speaking Tour guide in Bromo and in Ijen
  • Entrances Tickets to Bromo and Ijen pay on spot.
  • Health Certificate and gas mask rental
  • Riding horse in Bromo and Personal expenses

Further information and request quotation please  contact us

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BROMO ADVENTURE – Tour Operator and Travel Service Surabaya Indonesia

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The Pinay Solo Backpacker Itinerary Blog


by thepinay solobackpacker | Jan 12, 2019 | Bromo , Indonesia , Itinerary , Travel Guide | 0 comments

Here’s a detailed Bromo itinerary and budget. I also created a DIY Bromo Travel Guide and how to do the Bromo sunrise tour from Cemoro Lawang or Surabaya.   

Rugged peaks of the Tennger mountains pierce the morning mist in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The view here during sunrise is mesmeric, as the whispering lava sand and the nearby massif are draped by fog. This popular volcanic complex in East Java is composed of the jaw-dropping Mt.Batok, Mt.Bromo, Mt.Semeru, Mt. Widodaren, and the Tengger Caldera. It is one of the first Indonesian Parks established as a recreational and tourism resource because of its breath-snatching scenery, for watershed protection, and as safeguard zone when the volcanoes here erupt.  Its territory, which is dappled with casuarina trees, is actually composed of nature reserved and other protected areas with endemic plants and typical Java wildlife.

Over the years, Mt.Bromo has attracted throngs of tourists, but despite the crowd it brings, it remains undeniably stunning.  The name Bromo is believed to be derived from the Sanskrit word “Brahma”, the highest god in the Hindu religion, so, it’s actually a holy mountain for the locals.  Here’s a detailed Mt. Bromo travel guide with sample Mt.Bromo itinerary and budget to help you plan your trip. You can do it by joining a Mt.Bromo tour (group of private tour) or by doing a DIY Bromo travel.



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The Tenggerese drew comfort from a legend that the same great lava flows that occasionally devastated their farms also protect their land. The Tenggerese (also Tengger) is a small group of indigenous people of Java living on the slopes of the Tengger mountains.  They are believed to be the only surviving bloodline of the Hindu-Majapahit Empire. But when the Dutch arrived and established plantation agriculture here, converting sprawling lands into the production of sugarcane and coffee, the Tenggerese were increasingly forced up into the mountains.

Based on anecdotes, sometime in the 14th century, Roro Anteng (the Princess of Majapahit Empire) with her husband Joko Seger fled to Bromo when their kingdom was gradually replaced by Islamic Rule. They ruled the place and named it “Tengger”, derived from their last name. While they formerly call their religion “Buddha Jawa”, their beliefs are said to be closer to Hinduism than Buddhism.

Despite the Kingdom’s success, the couple was unable to conceive an heir. So, they prayed to the gods of Bromo to give them successors. The gods granted their request, but in return they need to throw their last born into the crater as a sacrifice. The couple then had many children. But when their last child named Prince Kesuma was born. They refused to make him as an offer. This anger the gods and Mt.Bromo rumbled and spewed fire, fumes, and ash. This claimed the life of Prince Kesuma who was dragged to the volcano’s crater.

To appease the gods, the couple and their descendants held an annual ceremony called Kasodo at the temple on the foot of Bromo. On the 14th day, they all climbed the volcano and threw their offerings to the still angry crater.  This ceremony is still practiced today, as Mt.Bromo continue to simmer and spew white wisps of smoke rising into thin air.


Mt.Bromo climate

WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO VISIT MT.BROMO:  The best season to visit Mt. Bromo is during the dry season – April to October. And the best months to visit are May to August with lesser chance of rain.

MT.BROMO TIMEZONE: GMT + 7 Hours (1 hour behind Manila)

BROMO CURRENCY AND MONEY EXCHANGE: The currency here is Indonesian rupiah (IDR), you can exchange money at Surabaya airport or at money exchange centers. However, the best rate is still the bank’s rate.  I prefer withdrawing from ATMs scattered in Surabaya or at Surabaya airport. Stack up cash (Indonesian Rupiah) as everything is on cash basis here.

Current exchange rate is IDR 14,470 = ₱52 = $1

BROMO ELECTRICITY: Type C and F, 230 Volts, 50Hz

BROMO WI-FI: Pick up your sim card upon arrival at Jakarta Airport to enjoy staying connected online with your 3G/4G connection.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”]   RESERVE HERE


  Sneakers or hiking shoes

Hiking pants

Thick, warm, Jacket (if you don’t want to bring one since it’s bulky and will take up a space in your luggage, you can rent one at Penanjakan Hill)

Gloves (you can buy cheap gloves at Cemoro Lawang from touts)

Cotton shirt

Flashlight or headlamp

Scarf or mask


bromo blog 28

[wp-svg-icons icon=”home” wrap=”i”]  1. Surabaya

The capital of East Java, this is where the airport is located and is the farthest from Bromo. But budget hotels here are cheaper.

You can book cheap Bromo sunrise tour here for hassle-free travel. BOOK TOUR HERE .  If you want to maximize your tour, you can book a Marakapidura Waterfall + Bromo tour. DISCOUNTED HERE


  West Surabaya Homey


Oyo 179 68 Residence

Max One’s Hotel

Weta International Hotel

[wp-svg-icons icon=”home” wrap=”i”]  2. Malang

Another popular base for Bromo tour is Malang, about 1 hour away. There’s also an airport here but it’s quite hard to find flights. There’s a train station too, but the one in Probolingo is nearer to Bromo.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”home” wrap=”i”]   3.  Probolingo

This base is closer to Bromo compared to the two above. This is where the bus and train stations are located. There are also hotels in the area.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”home” wrap=”i”]  4.  Ngadisari

This village is about 3 km back towards Probolingo.  This is where I stayed during my 1 st visit to Bromo in 2010, because the tour package I availed in Yogyakarta booked me in Yoschi Hotel , a rustic hotel with lots of character.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”home” wrap=”i”]   5.  Wonokitri

Also closer to Mt.Bromo, but I don’t have much information on this.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”home” wrap=”i”]  6.  Cemoro Lawang

This is the recommended area to stay for those on a budget as it is peppered with cheap homestays. This is also the closest to Mt. Bromo, located at the tip of the Tengger crater. Our hotel is located in this area on our most recent trip.

We stayed in Jiwa Jiwa Resort, a mid-ranged hotel in Cemoro Lawang.

Jiwa Jiwa Resort

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] CHECK ROOM RATES HERE


Bromo Otix Guesthouse

Cemoro Lawang, Bromo

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”]  CHECK ROOM RATES HERE

Cahyo Homestay

Hotel Bromo Permai

Bromo Ecolodge

Bromo Camphouse


How to get to mt.bromo.

bromo blog 20

OPTION 1 (*Recommended if you have limited time.)

If you opt for this route, I recommend you do this if you are traveling alone:

  • Fly from Jakarta  or Bali to Surabaya via Airasia.
  • Join a group tour to Bromo.

Here’s a detailed Bromo Travel Guide from Surabaya:

  By Plane:

Juanda International Airport (Surabaya Airport) serves Sidorajo Regency in East Java.  It is located in Sedati, about 20 km drive from the city center. It is one of the nearest airports to Mt.Bromo, along with the Malang Airport (however, the flights to Malang from other parts of Indonesia is irregular).

If you are coming from Jakarta, Airasia has direct flights to Surabaya, the earliest flight leaves at 5:00 AM. Fare starts at $54.84 (₱/IDR728.20/SGD 73.62/MYR 446.62) and travel time is about 1 hour and 20-35 minutes.  Book here:

To get to Mt.Bromo by DIY travel, from Surabaya, you have to make your way to the town of Probolingo and then Cemoro Lawang.


  1.By Bus: There are several buses from Surabaya Airport to Surabaya City Center.  Fare is IDR 30,000 (₱111,$2,SGD 2.88, MYR 8.72)  and travel time is about 50 minutes.

  Bus Line 1: Surabaya Airport to Purabaya Station

Bus Line 2: Surabaya Airport to Ttanjung Perak Station

Bus Line 3: Surabaya Airport to Bunder Gresik Station

*Purabaya Station is the main bus station in Surabaya, with buses heading to Bromo and other parts of Surabaya.

2.By Private Car: If you want a hassle-free transfer, you can hire a private car to transfer you from the Surabaya Airport (Juanda Airport) to your hotel in Surabaya. Depending on the vehicle, it’s good for 2-3 and 4-5 passengers. Inclusive of driver, gas, toll fee, parking fee, and airport fee.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] BOOK HERE

3.By Taxi: Fixed coupon cabs are available at Surabaya Airport. Travel time to the city center is about 40 minutes. Blue Bird Taxi are the most reliable.

4.By Ride Sharing: Gojek and Grab are available in Surabaya.


By Tour:   Tour packages also abound in Surabaya to Mt.Bromo, usually include hassle-free transfer to Sukapura village or Cemoro Lawang where you ride the 4×4 jeep to Mt.Penanjakan Hill for the Mt.Bromo sunrise tour, and then transfer back to your hotel in Surabaya. I would recommend this if you are alone and you have limited time since you no longer have to deal with the touts when transferring between Probolingo and Cemoro Lawang. This tour package will end up cheaper if you are a solo traveler than doing DIY tour to Bromo from Surabaya that will involve staying overnight in Cemoro Lawang.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] RESERVE BROMO TOUR HERE

By DIY Travel: If you plan to do a DIY Tour, here’s a step by step guide from Surabaya to Probolingo to Cemoro Lawang. Take note though that you will end up paying more than joining a tour package from Surabaya especially if you are a solo traveler, but if you want to soak in the atmosphere in Bromo and you want to do the tour at your own pace, by all means, do it DIY.

1.Go to Purabaya Bus Station in Surabaya .

2.At Purabaya Bus Station, ride a bus or minibus to Probolinggo . Travel time is about 3 hours.

3.At Probolingo, make your way to Bayuangga Bus Terminal .

4.At Bayuangga Bus Terminal, change to minibus to Cemoro Lawang. Fare is roughly IDR 35,000 per person. But the minibus only leaves once full, they need about 15 passengers. If you miss the bus or you can no longer wait for the bus to get full, you can pay for the other seats (around IDR 525,000 for the whole minibus), or split that cost with other tourists. If you miss the bus, you can go with those private taxi or bemo (minivan) to Cemoro Lawang. Prepare around IDR 350,000 for 1 taxi or bemo, depending on your haggling skill. Travel time is about 1.5 hours.

5. The minibus will stop over at the ticket office where passengers need to pay IDR 10,000 each as entrance fee to Cemoro Lawang .

6.At Cemoro Lawang, look for your hotel or homestay.

7. At Cemoro Lawang, rent a 4 x 4 jeep or go hike to Penanjakan Hill, the sunrise viewpoint. Touts will offer you the 4 x 4 jeepney, it’s up to you if you want to take this, prepare around IDR for 1 jeep, good for 3 persons.

Otherwise, you can hike for about 1 to 1.5 hours to the sunrise viewpoint. Ask for directions from your hotel staff. The 4×4 jeep will usually pick up tourists for the Bromo sunrise tour around 2:00 AM. If you are a solo traveler, you may also join group tours for 4×4 jeep instead of paying for the entire jeep, inquire with the travel agencies, your hotel or the touts.

Whether you will go by 4 x 4 jeep, motorcycle, or walk on foot, 2:00 – 2:30 AM is the recommended time to start your tour.

8.Pay the entrance fee for Mt.Bromo National Park. For foreigners, the fee is IDR 218,000 during weekdays and IDR 320,000 on weekends and holidays. For locals, fee is IDR 28,000 on weekdays and IDR 38,000 on holidays and weekends.

IMPORTANT: There are a lot of touts in bus stations in Probolingo to Cemoro Lawang, the yellow minibus will drop you at the private van or bus terminals owned by local tour agencies and convince you to take the “taxi” or bemo (minivan) with them (they do this because they get a commission for every passenger that books with the the tour operator). You can take it if you want, if not, just follow the directions above and make sure you use your Google Maps to check of you are actually at the public bus terminal called Bayuangga Bus Terminal. However, the public buses leaving for Cemoro Lawang will only leave once full. It could take up to 3:00 PM, after that, you have no choice but to avail of  those private van or bus. Use your haggling skills if that’s the case.

OPTION 2 (By Train + DIY Tour)

bromo blog 49


  If you’ll do this, here’s the summary:

  1.Train from Yogyakarta to Bromo , or if you are already in Surabaya, you can get on the train to Probolinggo.  But you have to head first to Surabaya Gubeng Station, about 20 km from Surabaya Airport.  You can go there by taxi or by ride sharing app – Grab.

2.Upon arrival at Probolingo Train Station, exit the station and walk opposite to the bus station.

3.Ride the yellow minibus to Bayuangga Station in Probolinggo.

4.Ride bemo to Cemoro Lawang.

5.Pay Cemoro Lawang entrance fee.

6.Check-in at hotel/homestay

7.Book Bromo sunrise group tour or rent a 4×4 jeep.

8.Pay Mt.Bromo National Park fee.

9.Bromo tour.

Here’s the comprehensive travel guide to Bromo from Yogyakarta and Probolinggo.

By Tour: When I first visited Mt.Bromo in 2010, I just joined a group tour package from Yogyakarta that includes an overnight stay in one of the hotels in Probolingo, one-way transfer to Probolingo, and Mt.Bromo sunrise tour via 4×4 jeepney. It was hassle-free, since you don’t have to deal with the touts. You can inquire the rates from tour agencies in Yogyakarta.

  By Train: There’s no Airasia flight from Yogyakarta to Surabaya, so, you either have to take a flight back to Jakarta and fly to Surabaya from there (like we did), or take the train from Yogyakarta to Probolingo.  Travel time is about 8 hours.

  There are 3 train stations in Yogyakarta with trains to Probolingo:

Tugu Station (Yogyakarta): This train station is in the city center (near Maliboro Street and the backpacker street of Sosrowijayan) with economy, executive, and business class trains.

Lempuyangan Station: Also located in Yogyakarta city but a little farther from the city center and Tugu Station. Check Google Maps. This is where you can board economy trains.

Wates Station: Has economy trains to Probolingo.

Economy Class(Lempuyangan) – starts at ₱257.49 (IDR 70,000/$4.96/SGD 7)

Economy Class (Tugu Station) – starts at ₱827.63 (IDR 225,000/$15.96/SGD 21.47)

Business Class – starts at ₱827.63 (IDR 225,000/$15.96/SGD 21.47)

Executive Class – starts at ₱1,121.90 (IDR 305,000/$21.63/SGD 29.11)

Here’s the train schedule for Yogyakarta to Probolinggo:

Take note that the train station indicated below is the departure train station, all trains will arrive at Probolingo Station. Rates may change without prior notice. The earlier you book, the lower the price.

Here’s the train schedule for Probolinggo to Yogyakarta:

Take note that the train station indicated below is the arrival train station, all trains will depart from Probolingo Station. Rates may change without prior notice. The earlier you book, the lower the price.


bromo 90

Here’s a step by step guide from Probolingo to Cemoro Lawang.

  If arriving by train:

  • Train from Yogyakarta to Probolingo . IDR 70,000 – IDR 305,000
  • Arrive at Probolingo Train Station.
  • Exit the train station. Walk to the opposite side and look for the yellow mini-buses to Bayuangga Bus Terminal . Ignore the touts saying those buses won’t go to the terminal or will leave late. They will talk you to take the private taxi where they will get a commission.
  • Ride yellow minibus to Bayuangga Bus Terminal. Fare is IDR 5,000 – IDR 25,000 per person depending on your haggling skill. Transit time is about 10 minutes. Check Google Maps or the app to make sure you are the right bus terminal. The driver might drop you in front of a tour agency instead of the bus terminal itself, insist on being dropped off at the Bayuangga Bus Terminal, which is further down the road on the left side.
  • At Bayuangga Bus Terminal, change to minibus to Cemoro Lawang. Fare is roughly IDR 35,000 per person. But it only leaves once full, they need about 15 passengers. If you miss the bus or you can no longer wait for the bus to get full, you can pay for the other seats (around IDR 525,000 for the whole minibus), or split that cost with other tourists. If you miss the bus, you can go with those private taxi or bemo (minivan) to Cemoro Lawang. Prepare around IDR 350,000 for 1 taxi or bemo, depending on your bargaining skill. Travel time is about 1.5 hours.
  • The minibus will stop over at the ticket office where passengers need to pay IDR 10,000 per person as entrance fee to Cemoro Lawang.
  • At Cemoro Lawang, look for your hotel or homestay.
  • Touts will offer you the 4 x 4 jeepney . It’s up to you if you want to take this, prepare around IDR for 1 jeep, good for 3 persons. Otherwise, you can hike for about 45-60 minutes to the sunrise viewpoint. Ask for directions from your hotel staff. The 4×4 jeep will usually pick up tourists for the Bromo sunrise tour around 2:00 AM. If you are a solo traveler, you may also join group tours for 4×4 jeep instead of paying for the entire jeep, inquire with the travel agencies, your hotel or the touts.
  • Pay the entrance fee for Mt.Bromo National Park. For foreigners, the fee is IDR 218,000 during weekdays and IDR 320,000 on weekends and holidays. For locals, fee is IDR 28,000 on weekdays and IDR 38,000 on holidays and weekends.

IMPORTANT: There are a lot of touts when doing a DIY travel from Probolingo to Cemoro Lawang, the yellow minibus will drop you at the private van or bus terminals owned by local tour agencies and convince you to take the “taxi” or bemo (minivan) with them. This makes it quite confusing and unfortunately many foreign travelers call this as a scam. You can take it if you want or just follow the directions above and make sure you use your Google Maps to check of you are actually at the public bus terminal called Bayuangga Bus Terminal. However, the public buses leaving for Cemoro Lawang will only leave once full. It could take up to 3:00 PM, after that, you have no choice but to avail of  those private van or bus.

You can try using Grab, but as per reviews on Tripadvisor, it only works around Probolingo. If you try to book to Cemoro Lawang (around IDR 180,000 ), the driver reportedly usually cancel the booking once near and will try to haggle the price with you. Some will also request you to walk a few meters away from the bus terminals for fear of retaliation from the touts or the bus drivers of private transport companies. They might charge extra, or ask for about IDR 550,000 to take you to Cemoro Lawang.


  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by gael | thepinaysolobackpacker (@thepinaysolobackpacker) on Jan 11, 2019 at 7:05pm PST

  1.By 4×4 jeep. Good for 3-4 persons. The most convenient. The sunrise tour typically starts at 2:00 AM to 2:30 AM. Here’s the rate of the 4 x4 jeep (Toyota Land Cruisers) in Bromo, good for 3 -4 persons. Use your haggling skills.

2.By motorcycle . I wouldn’t recommend this unless you are with a local driver or you’re are a professional driver because the trail is really rocky, bumpy, and there’s a lot of 4×4 jeeps on the road.

3.By walking. If your hotel is in Cemoro Lawang, you can walk for about 1 hour to 1.5 hours to the sunrise viewpoint on Penanjakan Hill. If you have the energy, then by all means, do this. But this could take up your time. Make sure you bring a flashlight or headlamp, wear sunscreen and face masks because of the dust. If you want to go to the crater, you can ride a motorcycle from Penanjakan Hill  for about IDR 50,000 ((₱184 – $4 – SGD 5) or hike all the way down.

There are 2 popular sunrise viewing point for Mt.Bromo:

  1.Penanjakan Hill

2. 2 nd Viewpoint down Penanjakan Hill

There’s a fee for the Mt.Bromo National Park:


  If you avail of the 4 x 4 jeepney tour, there are 2 kinds of tours:  

Short Tour: Bromo Sunrise (Penanjakan Hill)+ Bromo Crater

  Long Tour: Bromo Sunrise + Viewing Deck 2 + Lava Sand + Bromo Crater + Savannah Hill

Here are the things to do and attractions in Bromo.

1.Watch the sunrise: When visiting Bromo, do the sunrise tour because it’s pretty dreamy when the weather is good. You can witness the surreal sea of clouds surrounding the Bromo massif. It’s pretty dramatic if you ask me. However, be prepared for the crowd. It is pretty crowded even on regular days. Much more on weekends and holidays.

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TIP: There’s a secluded spot below the paved viewing deck at Penanjakan Hill, but it is pretty slippery and dark. So, if you plan to go there, be very careful. Make sure you have a headlamp or flashlight. Not recommended for the elderly and kids.

2.Photo op at the Lava Sand – Sea of ash and sand surrounding Mt.Bromo. Great spot for photo op.

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3.Climb the Bromo Crater  – Yes, you can actually climb Mt.Bromo, on foot or by riding a horse  half-way to the volcano.

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4.Stop Over at the Savannah – If you’re going for the long tour in Bromo, you will stop at the Savannah Hill. It’s a stunning, green landscape that reminds me of  the hills of Batanes. One of my favorite spots in Mt.Bromo.


This Mt. Bromo itinerary for 3 days 2 nights, this is good if you plan to base in Surabaya.  So, this is basically like a day tour to Bromo from Surabaya.

If you will base in Cemoro Lawang, I have created a separate detailed Surabaya Itinerary for you below.

*Hotel and flights not included (you can refer to the “Where to Stay in Mt.Bromo” section above for hotel prices. You can easily find budget hotels in Surabaya for $10  or less. For flights, check Airasia’s website, regular fares usually start at IDR 904,220 (₱/$68/SGD 91/MYR 277) one-way. Rates indicated below may change without prior notice.

mt.bromo itinerary

Mt.Bromo Itinerary 2 days 2 nights (if Surabaya is your base.) Mt.Bromo Tour Only

Mt.bromo itinerary 3 days 2 nights (if surabaya is your base.) mt.bromo + madakipura waterfall, diy mt bromo itinerary 2 days 1 night (if cemoro lawang is your base).

bromo blog 2

I will have 2 sample Day 1 itineraries, option 1 is for those arriving in Surabaya by plane and option 2 is for those arriving in Probolinggo by train.

Option 1 (If arriving by airplane at Surabaya).

* Sample budget doesn’t include airfare, hotel, tips, and souvenirs.

DAY 1 Option 2 (If arriving by airplane at Surabaya). Follow Day 2 and Day 3 above

If arriving by train in Probolinggo late in the afternoon or evening. Since the last trip of buses to Cemoro Lawang  is usually around 3:30 PM, you can stay overnight at Probolinggo and rent a 4×4 from there or join group tour.


  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by gael | thepinaysolobackpacker (@thepinaysolobackpacker) on Dec 22, 2018 at 7:29pm PST

Stack up cash when visiting Bromo, everything is on cash basis.

Bromo sunrise tours usually starts at 2:30 AM, so if you are arriving late in the afternoon or at night in Cemoro Lawang, you need to find a 4×4 jeep for rent as soon as you arrive.

Based on the itinerary above, if you are a solo traveler, the most practical and cheaper option if you have limited time is to fly to Surabaya via Airasia, book a budget hotel in Surabaya, and then join the group tour to Mt.Bromo.


Jakarta itinerary, bali itinerary, gili trawangan travel guide.

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About the Blogger : Gael is a Filipina travel blogger. Her work has appeared in local and international publications.

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For advertisements, sponsorship and partnerships, you may reach her at gaelhilotinblog (at) gmail (dot) com.




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Visit Mount Bromo Volcano: Everything You Need to Know

Visit Mount Bromo Volcano: Everything You Need to Know

Mount Bromo is a 2300-meter-high volcano in Java, Indonesia . A Mount Bromo sunrise tour at this active volcano is the highlight of your trip to Java . It is surrounded by a wide-stretched sea of sand where most visitors drive around with a 4×4 jeep. The volcano is active every 5 years, and the lava always stays inside. Bromo can be visited in many ways, and the visit can be done by young and old. This is everything you need to know about a Bromo tour.

Sunrise at Mount Bromo

In the middle of the night, hundreds of jeeps drive up towards King Kong Hill, where you have the best sunrise view on Mount Bromo. The drive up starts at 3 AM and takes 1 hour.

visit bromo tour best view

Another option, instead of a jeep, is to jump on the back of a motorbike.

At the drop-off at King Kong Hill, you will have to walk for about 5 minutes to reach the small stalls with coffee, tea, fried bananas, and a cozy fire. Book your tour here .

Visit Mount Bromo Volcano: Everything You Need to Know

Temperature at Bromo

It is freezing cold in the morning at Bromo. The temperature will be between 0-10 degrees with a cold, strong wind. The small fires at the food stalls are, therefore, super comfortable.

Must Read:   8-day Java Route Guide

visit bromo tour sunrise coffee

What to wear during a Bromo tour?

Be prepared to wear long trousers, socks, closed shoes, a shirt, and a jacket or multiple sweaters. The good thing is that you can rent a jacket at your hotel or at the top of King Kong Hill for ~ 30,000 IDR.

Here are all your hotel options in Bromo .

visit bromo tour different viewpoints

Best viewpoints Bromo

The best viewpoints are on Gunung Penanjakan. The two popular viewpoints on the mountain are called King Kong Hill and Seruni. From both viewpoints, it will be busy, but you will always have a higher and less crowded point.

See availability and tickets for a tour of Mount Bromo

visit bromo tour village

Walk to one of the viewpoints and experience a magical sunrise over Bromo, Mount Batok, and Mount Semeru. It will rise around 5:30 AM. Right after sunrise, you can get rid of the jacket or sweater as the temperature rises quickly.

Good to know: There are toilets at both the bottom and top.

Secret Sunset viewpoint

When you are spending the night at Cemoro Lawang, try to visit this location and see the sun disappear behind Bromo.

visit bromo tour best sunset viewpoint

Visiting the Bromo Crater

Head back to your jeep and get prepared for the drive down towards the Bromo crater. Due to the many jeeps, traffic jams are unfortunately very common so the drive down can take a little longer. Leave the sunrise point as early as possible if you want to skip this traffic jam.

visit bromo tour jeep traffic

The jeep drives you to the Luhur Poten Hindu Temple at the foot of Mount Bromo. From here, you have to walk about 10 minutes on a dusty road to reach the stairs. Please don’t take a horse for this small walk. These animals are not treated well (learn more about wildlife tourism here).

Tip: Take a scarf or dust mask for all the dust. You really need this!

trip bromo

On top of Bromo

Another 10-minute walk up the stairs, and you are on top, where you can admire the crater. Every few minutes, white smoke spews out from the volcanic crater. Walk along the edge of the crater to a more quiet point. There is a concrete barrier to hold on to; don’t worry!

visit bromo tour stairs

How to get to Bromo?

Plan to spend one day at Bromo. The entrance fee is 215.000 IDR during the weekday and 315.000 IDR on the weekend. Contact our great driver Azhar on Whatsapp (+6281336042045) . Make sure to tell him you came via ‘Salt in our Hair’ so you’ll get the best price. Visiting Bromo can be done from these three locations:

  • Cemoro Lawang (Bromo town)

visit bromo tour jeep

It is useful to figure out which of the three towns you prefer to stay near Bromo and what your destination will be afterward. If you are planning to visit the Ijen Crater then staying at Probolingo or Cemoro Lawang is the best option. The last thing to decide is whether you are going on a tour to Bromo or not.


Bromo Tour 

The easiest and probably best way to visit Bromo is via a tour. A tour with a 4×4 jeep from Malang to Bromo and Ijen Crater is the popular way to go. On your way, visit the Coban Pelangi waterfall, drive through the vegetable mountain range (Ngadas Village).

visit bromo tour waterfall

Follow your way through the Savannah and Sea of Sand until you reach Cemoro Lawang, the village at Bromo. Don’t forget to shoot some cool photos with your jeep! The next morning, you will follow the sunrise Bromo tour as described before .

Note: You can do this trip from Probolingo too but without Savannah, Ngadas and Pelangi.

visit bromo tour Sea of Sand

Price of a Bromo tour

Prices for a tour to Bromo range anywhere from 500,000 to 2,500,000 IDR (30 to 170 USD) depending on the number of days, private or not, and the comfort you are looking for. The usual Bromo tour includes:

  • Coban Pelangi (waterfall)
  • Sea of Sands experience
  • Overnight at Cemoro Lawang
  • Sunrise Top of King Kong Hill
  • Visit the top of the Bromo Crater
  • Breakfast at the hotel

We had a 2-day Bromo and Ijen Crater tour ourselves, and it was 100% worth the money. 

Contact our great driver Azhar on Whatsapp (+6281336042045) . Make sure to tell him you came via ‘Salt in our Hair’ so you’ll get the best price.

Visit Bromo without a tour

Traveling on a tight budget? The Bromo National Park can be visited without an organized or private tour. Your best option is to take a local bus from Probolingo to Cemoro Lawang, which takes around 90 minutes. Keep in mind that there is another 10,000 IDR entrance fee at Cemoro Lawang.

Where to Stay

Plan to spend the night at a guesthouse or hotel. The village is entirely focused on accommodating visitors, so you should always be able to find a place. Please note that you may not have hot water at a homestay.

Hotels in Bromo 😴

Gubuk Ndeso Homestay

Tip: In the morning, jump on the back of a motorbike that takes you up to the viewpoint.

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Looking for more travel information? Plan a chat with us for personalised travel advice or get an answer from the Salt in our Hair Travel Community on Facebook.

Hey! Just wanted to ask you, did you use your tour guide Azhar for Bromo&Ijen too? Where is he based?

Yes we did, he is based in East Java himself!

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Bromo and Ijen Tours with The BROMO TOUR

All tours to Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater from Surabaya Jogjakarta or Bali

bromo tour

Amazing Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater Tours

About the bromo tour.

Bromo Tour is a tour operator and travel service’s company, established in 1998, with a home base in Surabaya. It has good experiences and capabilities to provide all tour packages on request and transport services to visit Mount Bromo to watch the sunrise panorama view and Ijen Crater to watch blue fire phenomena and a huge acid water lake, also Tumpak Sewu , the largest waterfall in East Java that well-known as mini Niagara, as well as tours to Yogyakarta to visit Borobudur Temple , the world heritage site of UNESCO and the largest Buddhist Temple . Prambanan Temples , the largest complex of Hindu temples, for overseas customers from Europe, Asia, America, and all over the world, by individual or corporate groups.

All Tour Packages

We offer various tour packages to visit Mount Bromo (in day tour, sunrise tour, and midnight tour), Ijen Crater, and Tumpak Sewu waterfall from Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Probolinggo, and Bali, also Borobudur Prambanan Temple Tour and others.

Bromo One Day Tours

Bromo sunrise tour

Surabaya Bromo Ijen Tours

trip bromo

Shore Excursions

trip bromo

Featured Tours 2024

Recommended tour packages (non shared tour packages) suitable to discover Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater and other tourist objects from Surabaya, Malang, and Yogyakarta.

  • Bromo Sunrise Tour from Surabaya
  • Bromo Day Tour from Surabaya
  • Bromo Sunrise Tour from Malang
  • Bromo Sunrise Tour from Probolinggo
  • Surabaya Bromo Surabaya 2 Days 1 Nights Tour

Surabaya Bromo Ijen Surabaya 3 Days 2 Nights Tour

  • Surabaya Bromo Ijen Bali 3 Days 2 Nights Tour
  • Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali 4 Day 3 Nights Tour

Tours Details

this consist the details of the tours as above such as: tour description, tour itinerary, inclusions and exclusions, click to open the pages

Surabaya Bromo 2 Days 1 Night Tour

Tour description.

A convenient tour to Mt. Bromo from Surabaya includes one night overnight in Bromo to watch the sunrise and panoramic view of Bromo from a high viewpoint, walk in the volcanic sand area, and then climb up to 250 steps to watch Bromo Crater, and then go back to Surabaya

Similar tours

  • Surabaya Bromo Bali 2 Days 1 Night Tour
  • Yogyakarta Bromo Surabaya 2 Days 1 Night Tour

Why should travelers book Surabaya Bromo 2 days 1 night tour?

  • A private tour, private transport.
  • Flexible tour itineraries and duration.
  • More relax with stay overnight in Bromo.

Tour itineraries

Day 01. Arrival at Surabaya Airport

  • Pick you up on your arrival at Surabaya airport or train station either in Surabaya, pick you up and transfer you to your hotel in the Bromo area, and stay overnight. If time and weather permit, you could stop over at Madakaripura waterfall on the way back to Surabaya; otherwise, on the next day, on the way back from Bromo to Surabaya, and then transfer to your hotel located in the Bromo area

Day 02. Bromo Sunrise Tour and transfer back To Surabaya

  • 03.00 Early wake up, take Jeep and going to higher point by jeep to see sunrise and panoramic view. of Mount Bromo and Semeru that well known as the higher peak of Java Island
  • 05.00 to 06.00 enjoy the beauty of sunrise and the Bromo panoramic view
  • 06.00 Going down mountain to caldera.
  • 08.00 walking on the sand sea then climb 250 steps up to mount Bromo to watch the crater, and then going back to hotel.
  • 10.00 After breakfast in and take bath Check out from hotel, going back to Surabaya transfer to Airport or to hotel in Surabaya. End of Service
  • Transport with mpv type van AC driver fuel tolls and parking fees
  • Local English speaking tour guide
  • Hotel 1 Night room with breakfast
  • Entrances Ticket to Bromo and Madakaripura waterfall
  • Meals (dinner and Lunch)
  • Horse Ridding (you could just walk)
  • Personal expenses
  • Additional tour and service that not mentioned as above.

Further information, book this tour please contact us

Bromo Day Tour From Surabaya

very recommended tour to visit Mount Bromo from Surabaya, depart in the morning (from 06.00 to 07.00) from Surabaya to watch the panorama view from a higher viewpoint, and then walk in the volcano sand area, climb up 250 stairs to visit Bromo Crater, and then go back to Surabaya in the afternoon (17.00) without staying overnight in a hotel in Bromo area.

Similar tour

  • Bromo Shore Excursion from Surabaya Cruise Port

Start Points

  • All hotels or Apartment located in Surabaya area
  • Surabaya Airport or Train Station
  • Location on request

Why should traveler book Bromo One Day tour?

  • Flexible tour itineraries and duration will flexible.
  • No need stays overnight in Bromo.

Tour Itinerary

  • 07.0 0 – pick up from any place in Surabaya train station or airport and leaving from Surabaya, drive directly to Probolinggo where Mt. Bromo, which is well known as the widest caldera in Indonesia (with 8 x 5 KM diameters of the rim caldera on the height of 2000 meters above sea level).
  • 10.0 0 – arrival at Cemoro Lawang village to take a jeep 4×4 passing through the sea of sand to climb up to the Pananjakan Peaks to watch the most fantastic panoramic view of Mt. Bromo and Mt Semeru on the 2600 meters above sea levels
  • 12.00 – Going downhill and passing through the volcanic sand area and climb up 250 steps into the peak of Mt. Bromo to watch the crater. There we’ll see (if the weather permit) the fantastic view of Tengger Plateau.15.00 Going back to Cemorolawang village and leave Bromo going back to Surabaya that need approximately 3,5 hours driving.
  • 18.00 – Transfer to hotel, airport or train station in Surabaya. End of the journey.

Tour Inclusions:

  • Transport with mpv type air conditioned (including driver fuel toll and parking fee)
  • Jeep 4×4 private rental to climb up to higher point to see better panoramic view

Tour Exclusions

  • Entrances Tickets to Bromo (we will help you to get legal entrance tickets)
  • Riding horse in Bromo

Further information and book this tour please contact us

Bromo Sunrise Tour From Surabaya

Bromo Sunrise Tour from Surabaya is a very recommended tour by departure at midnight (23.00 to 00.30) from Surabaya City to Mount Bromo to watch the sunrise, and the panorama view of the huge caldera of Bromo and Mt. Semeru from a viewpoint, then go the caldera area, to walk on the volcanic sand area, to location where visitors climb up 250 steps to rim Bromo Crater, and go to start point to take breakfast before going back to Surabaya. This tour is suitable for photography lovers or visitors who have a tight time only in Surabaya.

Similar Tours:

  • Surabaya Bromo Midnight Tour Depart from Surabaya
  • Bromo Sunrise Tour and Tumpak Sewu Waterfall Tour

Why should traveler book Bromo Midnight Tour?

  • No need stay overnight in Bromo.
  • Breakfast in the restaurant of local hotel with Bromo caldera view.
  • Free of charge to stop over at Madakaripura Waterfall if the weather and time permits.

Surabaya to Bromo

  • 00.05 At midnight pick up from the hotel in Surabaya, train station or airport and leaving from Surabaya to our home base in Bromo 

Bromo Sunrise Tour and going back to Surabaya.

  • 02.30 – Upon arrival at our home base in Bromo, stay a while with tea/coffee break.
  • 03.00 – Afterwards take a jeep 4×4 passing through the sea sand to climb up to the Penanjakan Peaks to enjoy the sunrise on the 2600 meters above sea levels and watch panorama view and then going back to sea sand to the foot of Mt. Bromo about 1.5 km/25 minute
  • 07.00 – We’ll passing through the Sand Sea to slope where we climb up 250 steps into the rim of Bromo Crater. There we’ll see (if the weather permit) the fantastic view of Tengger Plateau.
  • 09.00 – am going back to Cemoro Lawang village to have breakfast at local restaurant, and take a rest for a while transfer to Surabaya, if time and weather permit you could stop at Madakaripura waterfall on the way back to Surabaya
  • 13.00 – arrive at Surabaya Transfer back to hotel, to Surabaya Airport, Train Station end of service 
  • Jeep 4×4 private rental to climb up to viewpoint
  • Café Break and breakfast at restaurant of local hotel 
  • All Entrances Tickets (pay on spot)
  • Horse Riding in Bromo, jacket rental

Tour from Surabaya to Bromo to watch the sunrise, panorama view from a viewpoint, and walk on the volcanic sand, to a location where visitors climb up 250 steps to the rim of Bromo crater, and to Ijen Crater to watch the Ijen Blue Fire, panoramic view of the huge green turquoise water lake, sulfur crystals, and then go back to Surabaya .

Why should travelers book the Surabaya Bromo Ijen Surabaya Tour?

  • Visiting two major’s tourist destinations Bromo Mountain and Ijen Crater
  • stop at Madakaripura Waterfall

Tour Itineraries

Day 1 Arrival at Surabaya Airport Transfer to Bromo

  • Pick you up on your arrival at Surabaya airport, or from your hotel in Surabaya and transfer to hotel in Bromo area stop over at Madakaripura waterfall (if time and weather permit) stay overnight at Bromo.

Day 2 Bromo Sunrise Tour Transfer to Bondowoso

  • 03.30. Going by jeep passing through sand to viewpoint of Penanjakan to watch the beauty of sunrise and Bromo and Semeru panoramic view.
  • 07.00 Going down the hill and proceed the sand sea then climb up to mount Bromo.
  • 10.00 Drive to Bondowoso stay overnight there

Day 3 Ijen Blue Fire Tour and Transfer Back to Surabaya

  • 24.00 leave from hotel to  Ijen Crater
  • 02.00 meet local tour guide and start to climb up to the rim of ijen crater and watch panoramic view Ijen crater shows a special type of volcanic feature common to Indonesia, about 1 km in diameter and 175 meters deep. The floor is covered completely by a warm lake, milky blue green in color, 
  • 03.30 arrive at location where you can enjoy Bleu fire and sunrise.
  • 08.00 Trekking down the mountain and rejoin the coach and directly drive transfer back to Surabaya
  • 1 Night in Bromo area
  • 1 Night in Bondowoso area
  • Private transport (mpv, driver, gasoline, toll and parking fee)
  • Local English speaking tour guide in Bromo and in Ijen
  • Jeep 4×4 for Bromo Tour 
  • Meals (dinners and lunches)
  • Personal expenses Horse riding in Bromo, gas mask rental and health certificate in Ijen

Surabaya Bromo Ijen Bali 3 Days Tour

Tour from Surabaya to Bromo Mountain to watch the sunrise and panorama view of Mt. Bromo Caldera and Mt. Semeru from a viewpoint, on a caldera walk on the volcanic sand to the slope of Mt. Bromo to the location where visitors climb up 250 steps to watch Bromo Crater, then to Ijen Crater in Banyuwangi to light trek to watch blue fire phenomena cover the sulfur mines, huge acid water lake, sulfur porters, and then transfer to your hotel in Bali, with a duration of 3 days. 

Why should traveler book Bromo Ijen Bali Tour?

  • Free of charge to stop at Madakaripura Waterfall, if weather and time permits
  • Transfers directly to your hotel in Bali
  • Pick you up on your arrival at Surabaya airport, or from your hotel in Surabaya and transfer to hotel in Bromo area, stop over at Madakaripura waterfall (if time and weather permit, otherwise on second day on the way to Banyuwangi)
  • stay overnight at Bromo.

Day 02. Bromo Sunrise tour and transfer to Banyuwangi

  • 03.00 AM morning call at for Bromo Tour, , week up early. 
  • 03.30 AM by Jeep 4×4 to enjoy the beautiful sunrise and panoramic view at Mt. Penanjakan (2700 m)
  • 06.00 Then proceed to Mt. Bromo crater through the sea of sand the climb up 250 steps to the rim of Bromo Crater
  • 08.00 back to hotel for breakfast & taking a bath in hotel.
  • 09.00 or later you will be transferred to Banyuwangi.

Day 03 Ijen Blue Fire tour and transfer to Bali 

  • 24.00 – am depart from the hotel to Mt. Ijen. to Ijen Crater 
  • 02.00 – arrive at Paltuding Start Point meeting with tour guide and climb up to the rim of Ijen crater
  • 03.00 – enjoy blue fire until sunrise and the watch the huge acid water lake 
  • 06.00 – Trekking down from Kawah Ijen peak to rejoin the coach in Paltuding and going back to hotel  
  • 10.00 – drive to Ketapang, Banyuwangi, the ferry port, to cross the Bali strait to Gilimanuk port of Bali Island. 
  • 12.00 – Transfer to your hotel in Bali by our local Bali transport
  • 1 night Hotel room at Bromo
  • 1 Night hotel room at Banyuwangi
  • Private transport (with driver tol and parking fee)]
  • Local Tour guide for Bromo Tour and Ijen Tour 
  • Ferry tickets from Java to Bali
  • Transfer from Ferry port in Bali to your hotel in Bali 
  • Meals (Dinner and Lunch)
  • Horse Riding and camera fee 
  • Tour and Service that not mentioned as above.

Further information and book the tour please contact us .

Bromo Sunrise Tour From Malang

Tour description:.

Bromo tour  to visit Mt. Bromo from Malang departs in the middle of the night (23.00 to 00.30) to Mt. Bromo   to watch the sunrise and panoramic view of Mount Bromo from a viewpoint, then walking on the sand volcanic to location where visitors climb 250 steps up to the rim of Bromo Crater, and after taking breakfast at a hygienic local restaurant, then going back to Malang or transfer to Surabaya.

  • All hotels or apartment located in Malang area
  • Surabaya airport or train station

Why should travelers book Bromo Sunrise Tour from Malang?

Pick up from hotel in Malang

  • 00.05 – Pick up from location in Malang, airport, train station in Malang and leaving from Malang drive directly to Mt. Bromo, which is well known as the widest caldera in Indonesia (with 8 x 5 KM diameters of the main caldera on the height of 2000 meters above sea level).

Bromo Sunrise Tour, Transfer back to Malang

  • 02.30 – Upon arrival in Cemoro Lawang village, stay a while to have tea/coffee break.
  • 03.00 – Afterward take a Jeep passing through the sea of the sand to climb up to the Pananjakan Peaks (2.770 m) to enjoy the sunrise on the 2600 meters (above sea levels) and watch panoramic view of Mt. Bromo and Mt. Semeru (higher the peak of Java Island). You can see here (if the weather permit) a very fantastic panoramic view of Tengger Plateau where Mt. Bromo (2.329 m) and Mt. Semeru (3.676 m) are
  • 06.00 – going back to sea sand of Mt. Bromo by riding a horse or foot about 1.5 km/25 minute to visit Bromo Crater by passing through the Sand Sea and 250 steps into the peak of Mt. Bromo. after that back to Jeep parking and going back to Cemoro Lawang village.
  • 10.00 – to have breakfast at restaurant or a local hotel in Bromo area, and take a rest for a while before going back to Malang  
  • 13.00 – Arrive at Malang Transfer to Hotel train station or airport. End of the journey.

Tour Inclusions

  • Transport with private van from Malang to Bromo and back to Malang (included minivan, driver, fuel toll and parking fee)
  • Coffee break at local coffee-shop
  • Breakfast at hygienic local restau rant
  • Jeep 4×4 to climb up to Penanjakan Peak.

Tour Exclusio ns

  • Entrances tickets to Bromo National Park.
  • Horse riding in Bromo

Other further information and book this tour please contact us

Bromo Sunrise Tour From Probolinggo

Bromo Sunrise Tour from Problinggo to Mount Bromo departs in the early morning at 01.30 am from Probolinggo City to watch the sunrise and panorama view of Mount Bromo and Mount Semeru from a view point, then walk on the sand volcanic to a location where the visitors climb up 250 steps to the rim of Bromo Crater to enjoy the beautiful Bromo Caldera, eat breakfast in a hygienics restaurant, before going back to Probolinggo City.

Start points.

  • All Hotel di Probolinggo City Area
  • Train Station in Probolinggo City
  • or other location on request

Why should travelers book Bromo Sunrise tour from Probolinggo?

Tour itinerary.

  • 01.00 Pick up from your hotel or train station in Probolinggo (01.45AM) and drive directly to Mt. Bromo, Upon arrival in Cemoro Lawang village, stay a while to take coffee break.
  • 03.00 – Afterward take a Jeep passing through the sea of the sand to climb up to the Pananjakan Peaks (2.770 m) to enjoy the sunrise on the 2600 meters (above sea levels) and watch panoramic view of Mt. Bromo and Mt. Semeru (higher the peak of Java Island). You can watch here (if the weather permit) a very fantastic panoramic view of Tengger Plateau where Mt. Bromo (2.329 m) and Mt. Semeru (3.676 m).
  • 06.00 – Going back to sea sand of Mt. Bromo to walking and climbing up 250 steps to visit Bromo Crater after that back to Jeep parking and going back to Cemoro Lawang village.
  • 10.00 – Having breakfast at restaurant or a local hotel in Bromo area and take a rest for a while before going back to Probolingggo Transfer to hotel or to train station or bus station. End of service

Tour inclusions

  • Private Transport from Probolinggo to Bromo and back to Probolinggo
  • Local Tour guide English speaking
  • Coffer break and breakfast at hygienic restaurant
  • Entrances tickets (visitors pay on spot)
  • All personal expenses (riding horse, gratuity for tour guide and driver)
  • Additional tour or service that not mentioned as above.

Other Further information and book this tour please contact us

Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali 4 days 3 Nights Tour

Borobudur temple, located 45 km to the north of Yogyakarta and well-known as the largest Buddhist temple in the world, was built in the 8th century and is one of the top tourist destinations in Indonesia. Prambanan temple, located 17 km to the east of Yogyakarta city, is well-known as the large complex of Hindu temples built in the 8th century, dedicated to the main gods in Hinduism, Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu, and surrounded by small temples.

Mount Bromo, located 120 km from Surabaya, is well-known as the top tourist destination in Indonesia, where visitors can watch the sunrise, panorama view, and climb 250 steps to watch the crater. Ijen Crater, also the top tourist destination in East Java, offers light adventure, trekking from the start point to the crater, where people watch the blue fire and the huge acid water lake.

How does this tour work?

We offer a tour package that starts in Yogyakarta to visit Borobudur and Prambanan temples, combined with a tour to Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater, and finishes in Bali.

Detail Tour Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali 4 days 3 Nights Tour

Bromo tour from Surabaya with

organized by THE BROMO TOUR – Tour Operator and Travel Company Surabaya – Yogyakarta – Indonesia

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Bromo Tourism Travel (by Bromo Eco Tourism)

  • Ultimate guide to Bromo tours
  • Tour Bromo sunrise 1D
  • Tour Bromo Panorama 1D
  • Tour Bromo Madakaripura 1D
  • Tour Bromo2D1N
  • Tour Bromo Ijen 2D1N
  • Tour Bromo Madakaripura Ijen 2D1N
  • Tour Bromo Ijen 3D2N
  • Tour Tumpak sewu 1D
  • Tour Tumpak sewu Bromo 2D1N
  • Tour Tumpak sewu Ijen 2D1N
  • Tour Tumpak sewu Bromo Ijen 3D2N
  • Tour Tumpak sewu Bromo Ijen 4D3N
  • Tour Bromo Ijen Sukamade 3D2N
  • Tour Bromo Ijen Sukamade 4D3N
  • Tour Ijen Tumpak sewu Bromo 3D2N
  • Tour Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen 4D3N
  • Shuttle Surabaya airport
  • How to book

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Ultimate Guide: How to Visit Mount Bromo at Sunrise

Mount Bromo sunrise tour is a must-do in Indonesia, so you can’t miss it on your Java Itinerary.

It’s one of the most famous volcanoes in Indonesia, like the Kawah Ijen in East Java and the Mount Rinjani in Lombok.

Wondering how to visit Bromo Volcano? You can do the Mount Bromo hike without a guide or join an organized tour from Malang , Probolinggo, Surabaya, or Yogyakarta.

Mt Bromo is an active volcano in East Java, and on your tour, you can see the beautiful sunrise and take the epic crater rim walk.

This ultimate guide to Bromo Volcano includes the best time to visit, how to get there, what to expect on the hike, and tips for visiting.

Disclosure: This post contains a few affiliate links, which means we may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through our link. This is a free way to support us and allow us to continue to create inspiring travel guides.

Best hotels in Malang, Java

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Where is Mount Bromo, Indonesia?

Mount Bromo is an active volcano located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in East Java, Indonesia.

When to Hike to Mount Bromo Volcano?

Indonesia has two seasons: a dry season and a rainy season.

Java is a popular destination all year round!  But the best time to visit Mt Bromo is during the dry season, from May to October.

The weather is sunny and dry during these months, perfect for hiking and exploring the attractions of Java.

The busiest time to visit Java is between July and August.  The rainy season in Java runs from November to April.

Java Island has a tropical climate, hot and humid, and the average temperature is 27°C all year round. However, we recommend you pack warm clothes for the Bromo and Kawah Ijen volcano tour.

TIP In high season, we strongly recommend booking accommodation and tours in advance!

Read our →   Ultimate Java Itinerary

Mount Bromo sunrise

How to Get to Mount Bromo

To get to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, you first need to get to Java Island, Indonesia.

The plane is the most comfortable and fastest way to get to Java! From Bali, you can fly to Java from I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport (airport code DPS).

Java has several airports. The flight takes just 1-1.5 hours, and plane tickets start from 30-40 USD (without luggage) per person for one way.

TIP Use Skyscanner to find cheap flights to Java, Indonesia.

Most people come to Bromo Volcano from Malang, Probolinggo, Yogyakarta, or Surabaya City. Buy your train tickets here.

We have a detailed post on  how to get to Java  with all the information you need.

Mount Bromo Tour from Bali

The easiest way to get from Bali to Java is to travel from Gilimanuk Harbour to the Ketapang Ferry Port, Banyuwangi.

The ferry departs approximately every 20 minutes, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So there is no need to book in advance!

The boat ticket is only 13,000 IDR (0.85 USD) per person, and the journey takes approximately 30-60 minutes. There is a train station near the Ketapang Ferry Port, from where you can easily get to Malang or Probolinggo and visit the Bromo Volcano. Buy your train tickets here.

TIP Make the most of your experience by visiting the Ijen and Mt Bromo volcanoes on a  3-day tour from Bali.

Mount Bromo jeep tour

Mount Bromo Opening Hours

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round.

Mount Bromo Entrance Fee

The entrance fee to Mount Bromo volcano is 220,000 IDR (14,5 USD) on weekdays and 320,000 IDR (21 USD) on weekends.

Just after the Cafe Lava Hostel, there is a ticket checkpoint where you can purchase your Mt Bromo entrance ticket.

Good to know The Bromo Volcano tours include the entrance fee.

How to Visit Bromo Volcano

Are you looking for an unforgettable adventure in Java? Take a day trip from Malang or Probolinggo and enjoy the epic sunrise at Mt Bromo.

Group tours include hotel pick-up and drop-off, jeep ride, entrance fee, and breakfast. Pick-up time usually starts at midnight!

Depending on traffic, the journey time from Malang to the Bromo takes 2-2.5 hours. The travel time from Probolinggo is shorter, about 1.5-2 hours.

TIP Get the most out of your day trip and book a Mount Bromo and Madakaripura Waterfall tour HERE.

How to visit Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo Sunrise Tour

We wanted to make the most of our visit to Bromo Volcano, so we booked a sunrise tour from Malang for the next day. We checked into a hotel where we could sleep for a few hours before the hike. Then, at midnight, we started our tour.

Once you arrive at the jeep parking lot, you can walk to the Penanjakan Bromo viewpoint, where most people watch the sunrise.

But if you want to get the most epic views of Mt Bromo, we recommend hiking up King Kong Hill. It takes approximately 15-20 minutes to reach the summit, depending on your fitness level.

Good to know If you are coming from Probolinggo, you will arrive at Seruni Point, and from there, it is much longer (30-40 minutes) and more difficult to climb to King Kong Hill.

Read our → Malang Guide

Mount Bromo Sunrise tour

At sunrise, you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the 5 volcanoes: Gunung Bromo, Gunung Batok, Gunung Kursi, Gunung Watangan, and Gunung Widodaren. In the background, you can also see the highest peak in Java, Mount Semeru.

Unfortunately, the weather was foggy when we visited! But it was still a fantastic experience to see the beautiful view.

At sunrise at Bromo Volcano, the temperature will be between 5 to 10 °C, and in windy weather, it will be even colder. But the weather gets warm quickly after sunrise, so use sunscreen to avoid sunburn.

TIP Use our map to find the best sunrise viewpoints.

trip bromo

Mt Bromo Crater Rim Hike

After watching the sunrise, we hiked back to the parking lot. Then we went by jeep to the Pura Luhur Poten temple at the foot of Mount Bromo. Although tourists are not allowed inside the temple, you can take some pictures from outside.

The jeeps, sand sea, and horse riders offer fantastic photo opportunities.

Then, after you’ve taken enough photos, walk to the crater entrance through the sea of sand, which is about 20-30 minutes away! We do not recommend riding horses!

As small sand storms may happen, you should wear sunglasses and a light scarf to protect your eyes and mouth.

trip bromo

The last part of the hike is a 10-minute climb up the steep concrete stairs to the top of the crater. You can do a crater rim walk, but it’s good to know there are few railings, so be careful and stay within the safety area!

Mount Bromo is not the highest peak in Indonesia, but it is an active volcano at 2329 meters above sea level.

Sometimes, it is not allowed to do crater rim walk due to volcanic activity. Unfortunately, it was forbidden at the time of our visit!

You can also visit the Coban Pelangi waterfall on the way to Malang after Mount Bromo. The entrance fee to Coban Pelangi waterfall is 15,000 IDR (1 USD).

Air Terjun Coban Pelangi can be visited daily from 8 AM to 4 PM.

See also →   Things to Do in Java

Mount Bromo hike

Mount Bromo vs Mount Ijen

One of the most frequently asked questions is which should I visit: Mount Bromo or Mount Ijen? Both volcanoes are located in East Java, Indonesia.

The Bromo volcano tour is more popular than the Kawah Ijen. But make the most of your visit and see the volcanoes on a 3-day tour of Bromo and Ijen.

If you have limited time in Indonesia or are looking for a less challenging hike in Java, we recommend Bromo Volcano.

We think both volcanoes are worth a visit, and you can easily book an organized tour from Bali, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, or Probolinggo that visits both places.

TIP Make the most of your experience by visiting the Ijen and Bromo volcanoes on a  3-day tour from Bali.

Recommended post → Kawah Ijen Volcano Guide

Mount Bromo and Ijen tour

Where to Stay near Mount Bromo

Malang is a city in East Java and the perfect base for visiting Mt Bromo. You can spend 2-3 days in Malang, these are our accommodation recommendations.

TIP Alternatively, stay in Cemoro Lawang, the nearest village to Bromo. It takes about 45 minutes to walk from Cemoro Lawang to the foot of Mt Bromo.

  • Luxury:   The Shalimar Boutique Hotel
  • Mid-Range:   Harris Hotel  or  Hotel Tugu Malang
  • Budget:   Ibis Styles Malang

Mount Bromo Tour Map

What to pack for hiking.

  • Small backpack
  • Light raincoat
  • Warm clothes
  • Hiking shoes or boots & socks
  • Camera gear
  • Personal medication
  • Local money
  • Hiking poles (If you need it!)

Tips for Visiting

  • Don’t bring unnecessary things with you!
  • You can rent a motorbike in Probolinggo and get to the volcano. But this option is not recommended as the roads are unpaved and slippery!
  • Bring enough local money! You can only pay for the entrance fee, toilets, and horse rides with cash!
  • Wear closed hiking shoes and warm clothes, as the weather is usually cold and windy.
  • As unexpected rain can happen at any time, bring a light raincoat.
  • Allow enough time for hiking, as the trail is steep and slippery. We recommend using a headlamp for safer overnight hiking.
  • The most beautiful sunrise viewpoints of Mount Bromo are King Kong Hill, Penjakan, and Seruni Point.
  • You can rent a jacket, sweater, gloves, and scarf at your accommodation or from locals near the viewpoints.

Don’t forget to buy travel insurance! We always choose  SafetyWing  for our travels.

trip bromo

We hope you found our guide to Mount Bromo Volcano useful and will inspire you to visit. If you have any questions or thoughts, let us know in the comments below.

Travel Resources

Hotels – Car Rentals – Discover Cars Flights – Skyscanner Travel Insurance – SafetyWing Tours & Attractions – GetYourGuide Bus/Ferry/Transfer – 12Go


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Mount Bromo Sunrise Experience

11-12 hours.

Starts at 23:45 (Midnight)


Malang or Surabaya

Private tour

Experience the iconic Mount Bromo sunrise tour – a must-do in Surabaya and Malang! Witness the breathtaking sunrise at top of Mount Bromo, embark on a thrilling trek to its summit, and return to Surabaya or Malang filled with awe-inspiring memories.

Our package offers you a private car, a trusty Jeep for exploring the Bromo region, and the guidance of a knowledgeable tour guide. We’ve got your transportation covered with convenient airport, hotel, or train station pick-up and drop-off services in Surabaya or Malang. Join us for an unforgettable Mount Bromo tour!


  • At 11:45 PM (Midnight),  the driver and tour guide will come to your hotel in Malang or Surabaya to pick you up. They will then drive you for about 2 hours to a village near Bromo . Once there, you will switch from your car to a 4WD Jeep.
  • At 02.30 AM, our friendly and experienced jeep driver and guide will accompany you to Sunrise View Point, a special location where you can enjoy the breathtaking sunrise over Mount Bromo.
  • At 3:30 AM , while you wait for the sunrise, you can have a pleasant time sipping on a cup of coffee or tea.
  • 5:00 AM , the moment you’ve been waiting for! You will get to witness the sunrise from the viewpoint. After that, you will go back to the Jeep and head to Widodaren Hill, where you can take amazing photos with a breathtaking view. From there, will continue to the Sea Sand area (the Jeep parking area) and walk for about 45 minutes to reach the top of Mount Bromo.
  • 6:00 AM , you will reach the rim of the volcano, and you can enjoy the beauty of the smoking crater of Mount Bromo until you’re ready to leave. When you’re done, you will go back to the Jeep and make your way to the Lava View restaurant (Optional) for breakfast. After breakfast, you will back to Bromo near the village.
  • 10:30 AM, It’s time to go back from Bromo, We will drive you to either Surabaya, Malang, or the airport. If you’d like, we can make a stop for lunch on the way.
  • Tour Finish – Thank you for joining us!


  • Private round-trip transportation
  • 4WD Jeep at Bromo
  • English speaking driver & tour guide
  • Bromo entrance fee
  • Breakfast buffet (Indonesian Food)
  • Mineral bottled water
  • Coffee and/or tea break
  • Pick-up & drop-off from/to Surabaya or Malang hotel
  • Horse ride at Bromo
  • Personal expenses
  • Travel & health insurance
  • Tipping for guide


  • 1 Person. IDR 3,000,000/Person
  • 2 People. IDR 1,825,000/Person
  • 3 People. IDR 1,400,000/Person
  • 4 People. IDR 1,300,000/Person
  • If you more than 4 people, contact us to get the price
  • 1 Person. IDR 2,250,000/Person
  • 2 People. IDR 1,450,000/Person
  • 3 People. IDR 1,150,000/Person
  • 4 People. IDR 1,050,000/Person

To join our Bromo tour, simply complete the booking form or reach out to us on WhatsApp . Let’s say you choose August 17 as your tour date – we’ll be there to pick you up at around 11:45 PM (Midnight) on August 17. And you will witness a breathtaking sunrise on August 18!

To ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience, we kindly ask each traveler to bring a few essentials. Don’t forget to pack your jacket, trekking shoes or sneakers, and any personalized medicine you may need.

You have two payment options for the tour. You can either pay in  Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) in cash  when we pick you up, or use your  Credit/Debit Card.  If you choose the card option, we will process your card through our online payment system, However, there will be an additional of 4% as transaction fee. 

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Contact Details & Payment

Please fill in the details and choose your payment method

Please note: After your booking is confirmed we will email you a confirmation

Have Any Questions?

Please submit our inquiry form or give us a call, chat on whatsApp or email. We are happy to talk with you about the tour!

  • +62 895 22987872
  • id***************@gm***.com

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IDN Trip Experiences is a professional-local tour operator based in the historical city of Malang, East Java Indonesia. We offer tours (private & group), and transport service throughout East Java, with a strong commitment to sustainable, ethical, and responsible travel. 

Copyright @ 2023 PT. Pengalaman Perjalanan Indonesia. All Rights Reserved


Experience an exclusive tour to Mount Bromo and other destinations around in comfort. Pick our interesting tour package or personalise your dream holiday with our passionate travel experts.

*Note: Our price depends on your hotel preferences, activities, number of participants, and your date of travel.



Price: 4.200.000 IDR* (247 EUR*)



Price: 11.950.000 IDR* (703 EUR*)



Price: 6.400.000 IDR* (377 EUR*)



Price: 6.700.000 IDR* (395 EUR*)



Price: 6.600.000 IDR* (388 EUR*)



Price: 6.750.000 IDR* (397 EUR*)

Book your dream trip to Mount Bromo with BromoVolcano and be ready for your greatest adventure in Indonesia.

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A Guide To Indonesia's Epic Mount Bromo

trip bromo

Mount Bromo has become one of Indonesia’s most-sought views, bustling with tourists and adventurers daily. To make the most of your visit, read our guide to Indonesia’s epic Mount Bromo.

The blown-off crater of this majestic volcano is one of many things to explore around this renowned mountain. The Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park holds a wide range of destinations, from deserts to stunning green hills. The good news is you can tour most of it in just one day — hiking to the top of Bromo takes less than an hour. And you can choose what to do with the remaining time to spare. Waterfall? Ride a jeep along the desert? Pick your adventure .

Putu Bagus Susastra /


Your unforgettable experience in Mount Bromo starts with ample preparation. Get enough sleep and eat properly the days before; you’ll need physical fortitude to truly embrace the best spots in the best possible way.

Here’s what to pack before you go. Keep in mind that even though it’s Indonesia, you’re not going for a typical tropical island getaway. In fact, pack your winter attire — jacket, scarf, socks, and gloves; wear light clothes underneath

Putu Bagus Susastra /

The topographical condition makes the temperature at Bromo similar to a desert, cold at night but scorching during the day. Hours before sunrise, the temperature may reach 10 degrees below Celsius, and may top at 32 degrees Celsius during the day. Finally, a chance to sport your best winter and summer attire in one day!

Putu Bagus Susastra /

Don’t forget to bring a mask or scarf to cover your nose and mouth. Bromo is perched on a ‘sea of sand,’ and it gets very dusty. Powdery sand will be flying about through the desert and up the mountain.

How to get there

Mount Bromo is located at Probolinggo, a town in East Java. You can book your flight to the nearest airport at Surabaya or Malang, then continue by land. From either of the two cities, the trip to Probolinggo takes roughly 3-4 hours. The most convenient option is perhaps to rent a car, but a more affordable option is to get on a bus from Surabaya or Malang to Probolinggo then ask around for a shared van to Bromo.

If you’re renting a car, leave around midnight to make it in time for sunrise. It’s also common to depart the day before and rent a room at neighboring Cemoro Lawang.

Putu Bagus Susastra /

Once you arrive at the entrance to the national park, you’ll be asked to switch to the jeep. One vehicle costs starting from $50-60 for six people, depending on your travel itinerary. If you’re traveling alone, you can ask around and form a group to split the cost.

Things to see and do

Mount Pananjakan is the most popular viewpoint for a Bromo sunrise. From Pananjakan’s top, you’ll get the perfect angle of Bromo and its neighboring peaks.

Putu Bagus Susastra /

The viewpoint is accessible by jeep, so if you’re renting one, you won’t have to hike (unless you want to, which will take you about 2 hours).

There are a lot of warungs around the jeep parking lot, so this may also be a good time to relax for a while and order a cup of coffee or eat breakfast before venturing on.

The jeep will only get you as far as the desert area at the mountain’s base. Intriguingly enough, the desert is called Pasi r Berbisik or ‘whispering sands’.

Putu Bagus Susastra /

You’ll have to proceed by foot or ride a rented horse up to the foothill, then go up the stairs to the peak of Mount Bromo, where you can see the deep caldera or turn around to see the magnificent view of the whole mountain complex.

Putu Bagus Susastra /

During a special ceremony, called the Kaskada, you can even observe locals throw sacrifices into the caldera as offerings to the gods. But even on other days, the mighty caldera still fascinates tourists with the soaring hot smoke and strong sulphur smell.

Putu Bagus Susastra /

Don’t be discouraged by the notion of hiking a mountain, it takes less than an hour to reach the top from the jeep parking area; a good start for stiff urban dwellers who fancy a change of scene.

Putu Bagus Susastra /

Yes, Teletubbies, as in the ’90s kids show with the colorful costumes and sun baby. In the middle of the volcanic caldera is a picturesque green savannah with sweeping hills, pretty much like the ones seen in Teletubbies.

Putu Bagus Susastra /

Tip: This is where you ditch the jackets and put on the sunglasses and SPF 30.

Putu Bagus Susastra /

Despite its soft drizzle streams, this waterfall has a distinctive grandeur that makes it one of the most popular attractions around Bromo. The water runs down the majestic cylindrical canyon and drops into an emerald pool below, creating a calming rushing sound and blissful atmosphere all around.

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Embark on a Once-in-a-Lifetime Journey to Mount Bromo and Kawah Ijen!

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey  to the captivating wonders of Mount Bromo? Look no further! Our exclusive tours offer you the opportunity to witness the mesmerizing beauty of Mount Bromo, and if you wish, extend your visit to include the awe-inspiring Kawah Ijen. And the best part? We'll drop you off at the ferry terminal, so you can continue your adventure to the tropical paradise of Bali.

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Immerse Yourself in the Mystical Charms of Mount Bromo - A Journey Beyond the Ordinary

The sunrise at Mount Bromo is not merely a visual spectacle—it is a spiritual awakening, a reminder of the profound beauty and power that exists in the natural world. It is a moment of pure magic, a testament to the wonders that lie beyond our everyday lives.


Let us help you get here.


Here are our rates for the Bromo tour 2023.

They include pick up and drop off from Surabaya, and jeep transport. We require only a deposit of IDR500,000 (about €33/USD36 to confirm your booking.

Excluded from the tour price are :

  • Entrance fees.
  • Hotel, meals and drinks
  • Expenses of a personal nature.

2023 Prices


If you are coming from Bali to visit Kawah Ijen and Mount Bromo, we can also pick you up from the ferry terminal or even from your hotel in Bali!

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Mount Bromo, Kawah Ijen, Transport to Mount Bromo, how to get to Bromo, Mount Bromo jeep, Mount Bromo tour, Kawah Ijen tour, Tour in Mount Bromo, Beautiful sunrise mount bromo, sulphur kawah ijen, Best mount bromo tour, reliable mount bromo tours 

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Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

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Moscow to Elektrostal by train

The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is .

Get from Moscow to Elektrostal with Virail

Virail's search tool will provide you with the options you need when you want to go from Moscow to Elektrostal. All you need to do is enter the dates of your planned journey, and let us take care of everything else. Our engine does the hard work, searching through thousands of routes offered by our trusted travel partners to show you options for traveling by train, bus, plane, or carpool. You can filter the results to suit your needs. There are a number of filtering options, including price, one-way or round trip, departure or arrival time, duration of journey, or number of connections. Soon you'll find the best choice for your journey. When you're ready, Virail will transfer you to the provider's website to complete the booking. No matter where you're going, get there with Virail.

How can I find the cheapest train tickets to get from Moscow to Elektrostal?

Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. You can find train tickets for prices as low as , but it may require some flexibility with your travel plans. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets. Unfortunately, no price was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find price results. Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets.

How long does it take to get from Moscow to Elektrostal by train?

The journey between Moscow and Elektrostal by train is approximately 32.44 mi. It will take you more or less 2 hr 7 min to complete this journey. This average figure does not take into account any delays that might arise on your route in exceptional circumstances. If you are planning to make a connection or operating on a tight schedule, give yourself plenty of time. The distance between Moscow and Elektrostal is around 32.44 mi. Depending on the exact route and provider you travel with, your journey time can vary. On average, this journey will take approximately 2 hr 7 min. However, the fastest routes between Moscow and Elektrostal take 1 hr 3 min. If a fast journey is a priority for you when traveling, look out for express services that may get you there faster. Some flexibility may be necessary when booking. Often, these services only leave at particular times of day - or even on certain days of the week. You may also find a faster journey by taking an indirect route and connecting in another station along the way.

How many journeys from Moscow to Elektrostal are there every day?

On average, there are 71 daily departures from Moscow to Elektrostal. However, there may be more or less on different days. Providers' timetables can change on certain days of the week or public holidays, and many also vary at particular times of year. Some providers change their schedules during the summer season, for example. At very busy times, there may be up to departures each day. The providers that travel along this route include , and each operates according to their own specific schedules. As a traveler, you may prefer a direct journey, or you may not mind making changes and connections. If you have heavy suitcases, a direct journey could be best; otherwise, you might be able to save money and enjoy more flexibility by making a change along the way. Every day, there are an average of 18 departures from Moscow which travel directly to Elektrostal. There are 53 journeys with one change or more. Unfortunately, no connection was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find connections.

Book in advance and save

If you're looking for the best deal for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal, booking train tickets in advance is a great way to save money, but keep in mind that advance tickets are usually not available until 3 months before your travel date.

Stay flexible with your travel time and explore off-peak journeys

Planning your trips around off-peak travel times not only means that you'll be able to avoid the crowds, but can also end up saving you money. Being flexible with your schedule and considering alternative routes or times will significantly impact the amount of money you spend on getting from Moscow to Elektrostal.

Always check special offers

Checking on the latest deals can help save a lot of money, making it worth taking the time to browse and compare prices. So make sure you get the best deal on your ticket and take advantage of special fares for children, youth and seniors as well as discounts for groups.

Unlock the potential of slower trains or connecting trains

If you're planning a trip with some flexible time, why not opt for the scenic route? Taking slower trains or connecting trains that make more stops may save you money on your ticket – definitely worth considering if it fits in your schedule.

Best time to book cheap train tickets from Moscow to Elektrostal

The cheapest Moscow - Elektrostal train tickets can be found for as low as $35.01 if you’re lucky, or $54.00 on average. The most expensive ticket can cost as much as $77.49.

Find the best day to travel to Elektrostal by train

When travelling to Elektrostal by train, if you want to avoid crowds you can check how frequently our customers are travelling in the next 30-days using the graph below. On average, the peak hours to travel are between 6:30am and 9am in the morning, or between 4pm and 7pm in the evening. Please keep this in mind when travelling to your point of departure as you may need some extra time to arrive, particularly in big cities!

Moscow to Elektrostal CO2 Emissions by Train


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  1. Bromo Tour Package: Midnight Bromo Open Trip

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  2. Bromo Tour Package: Midnight Bromo Private Tour

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  4. Visit Mount Bromo, Indonesia

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  5. Mount Bromo, Songa Rafting and Ijen Crater Tour 3 days

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  6. Booking A Mount Bromo Tour In 2020: What You Need To Know!

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  1. Trip Bromo

  2. Trip

  3. Road Trip Bromo Mountain

  4. Open Trip Bromo 27-28 April 2024 bersama Adhi Tour Solo

  5. TRIP BROMO 10/2/2024

  6. habis lebran trip bromo #touring #viral #bromo


  1. How to Arrange Your Bromo Tour (The Complete Guide)

    The Bromo Sunrise Tour is for people who are staying in Malang (which is closer to Bromo). The driver of your car will pick you up from your hotel in Malang at 3:30am. It's a one hour and forty minute to 2,5 hours from Malang to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park at night. During the day it is around 3-3,5 hours journey.

  2. Mount Bromo

    2,586 reviews. #2 of 5 things to do in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. MountainsPoints of Interest & LandmarksVolcanos. Open now. 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM. Write a review. About. Soaring over 2300 meters above sea level, Mount Bromo is the only active volcano inside Java's spectacular Tengger Caldera national park.

  3. Open Trip Bromo

    Bergabung dalam Open Trip Bromo bersama memberi Anda sejumlah keuntungan luar biasa: Pengalaman Ahli: Kami adalah para ahli dalam menyusun perjalanan yang sempurna ke Bromo. Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun, kami tahu tempat-tempat terbaik dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang memukau untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik.

  4. 24Travel Bromo Tour & Travel

    24Travel Bromo. 24TravelBromo is your tour and travel specialist for Mount Bromo tour packages. With our expertise and dedication, we are offer unforgettable experiences exploring the stunning landscapes of Mount Bromo and its surroundings. Whether you're a nature enthusiast or a photography lover, 24TravelBromo ensures a seamless and ...

  5. Visiting Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater with The BROMO ADVENTURE

    The Bromo Adventure. Bromo Adventure, a reliable local tour operator and travel agency in Surabaya, established in 1998, provides all various tour packages to visit Mount Bromo and Ijen from Surabaya, as well as from Malang, Yogyakarta, or Bali. We offer featured tours and regular tour packages, especially for our overseas customers, who come ...

  6. Mount Bromo Sunrise In Indonesia: Volcano Crater Guide

    Mount Bromo is an active volcano crater located in East Java, Indonesia. It's located between the cities of Malang, Surabaya, and Probolinggo, and you can visit it from any of those places. The Bromo mountain is part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, where you can see a famous cluster of 5 volcanoes (including Bromo), and Java's ...


    Long Tour: Bromo Sunrise + Viewing Deck 2 + Lava Sand + Bromo Crater + Savannah Hill . Here are the things to do and attractions in Bromo. 1.Watch the sunrise: When visiting Bromo, do the sunrise tour because it's pretty dreamy when the weather is good. You can witness the surreal sea of clouds surrounding the Bromo massif.

  8. Mount Bromo: Indonesia's Spectacular Peak

    Mount Bromo, A Spectacular Indonesia Mountain. Located some 4 hours drive from Surabaya, the capital of East Java, Mount Bromo is a part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park that covers a massive area of 800 square km. While it may be small when measured against other volcanoes in Indonesia, the magnificent Mt Bromo will not disappoint ...

  9. Mt. Bromo Sunrise Tour from Malang 2024

    Mount Bromo is one of the most active volcanoes in East Java and a popular feat for hikers. On this tour, experience the magic of a Mount Bromo sunrise without having to hike to the summit. Make an early start, arrive at the Penankan viewpoint in time to watch the sunrise over the Mount Bromo National Park, then continue exploring the crater, the 'Sea of Sand', and the Savannah Hills. Make ...

  10. Tour Mount Bromo

    Tour Package. A short yet immersive journey to visit Mount Bromo & Ijen with local homestay experience. Mount Ijen Blue Fire 2D1N Private Tour From Surabaya. An extraordinary adventure to witness one of the world's most mesmerizing natural phenomena at Ijen. Tumpak Sewu Waterfall Private Day Tour From Surabaya.

  11. Mount Bromo Sunrise Private Tour from Surabaya or Malang

    A: Horse riding costs around IDR 150,000/Horse/Person. Book a sunrise tour to Mount Bromo, one of Indonesia's famous active volcanoes. Enjoy a 4WD jeep ride to Mount Penanjakan plus round trip hotel transfers to or from Surabaya or Malang. Get exclusive discounts on the best tours and activities in Indonesia when you book through Klook!

  12. Visit Mount Bromo Volcano: Everything You Need to Know

    Mount Bromo is a 2300-meter-high volcano in Java, Indonesia. A Mount Bromo sunrise tour at this active volcano is the highlight of your trip to Java. It is surrounded by a wide-stretched sea of sand where most visitors drive around with a 4×4 jeep. The volcano is active every 5 years, and the lava always stays inside.

  13. Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater Tours with The BROMO TOUR

    About The BROMO TOUR. Bromo Tour is a tour operator and travel service's company, established in 1998, with a home base in Surabaya. It has good experiences and capabilities to provide all tour packages on request and transport services to visit Mount Bromo to watch the sunrise panorama view and Ijen Crater to watch blue fire phenomena and a huge acid water lake, also Tumpak Sewu, the ...

  14. Bromo Tourism Travel (by Bromo Eco Tourism)

    18 April 2024, Bromo Sunrise Tour 1-Day. Travel description: Package trips leave Surabaya or Malang around midnight with the goal of seeing the sunrise, Bromo scener…. The eco-adventure package includes excursions to the sunrise and craters in Mount Bromo, Ijen, as well as the Tumpak Sewu waterfall.

  15. Ultimate Guide: How to Visit Mount Bromo at Sunrise

    Take a day trip from Malang or Probolinggo and enjoy the epic sunrise at Mt Bromo. Group tours include hotel pick-up and drop-off, jeep ride, entrance fee, and breakfast. Pick-up time usually starts at midnight! Depending on traffic, the journey time from Malang to the Bromo takes 2-2.5 hours.

  16. Mount Bromo Sunrise Tour

    Experience the iconic Mount Bromo sunrise tour - a must-do in Surabaya and Malang! Witness the breathtaking sunrise at top of Mount Bromo, embark on a thrilling trek to its summit, and return to Surabaya or Malang filled with awe-inspiring memories.. Our package offers you a private car, a trusty Jeep for exploring the Bromo region, and the guidance of a knowledgeable tour guide.

  17. BromoVolcano

    Price: 6.750.000 IDR* (397 EUR*) *Note: Our price depends on your hotel preferences, activities, number of participants, and your date of travel. Book your dream trip to Mount Bromo with BromoVolcano and be ready for your greatest adventure in Indonesia. GET IN TOUCH NOW.

  18. A Guide To Indonesia's Epic Mount Bromo

    Mount Bromo is located at Probolinggo, a town in East Java. You can book your flight to the nearest airport at Surabaya or Malang, then continue by land. From either of the two cities, the trip to Probolinggo takes roughly 3-4 hours. The most convenient option is perhaps to rent a car, but a more affordable option is to get on a bus from ...

  19. Mount Bromo Tours

    PRICES FOR MOUNT BROMO ONLY. Here are our rates for the Bromo tour 2023. They include pick up and drop off from Surabaya, and jeep transport. We require only a deposit of IDR500,000 (about €33/USD36 to confirm your booking. View Program. Excluded from the tour price are : Entrance fees. Hotel, meals and drinks. Tips.

  20. Amazing tour and guide

    Jogja Tour Package: Amazing tour and guide - See 70 traveler reviews, 183 candid photos, and great deals for Bantul, Indonesia, at Tripadvisor. ... climbed and saw the active Mt Bromo. Later climbed Mt Ijen saw the beautiful turquoise blue lake. Well guided and supported by caring Guide and Driver. Thanks to Jogya tours for giving me a life ...


    Elektrostal Hotel, Elektrostal: See 25 traveler reviews, 44 candid photos, and great deals for Elektrostal Hotel, ranked #1 of 2 B&Bs / inns in Elektrostal and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  22. Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

    The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is . Journey Duration.

  23. Na Ulitse Yalagina 13B Apartments

    Na Ulitse Yalagina 13B Apartments. Region, Elektrostal, ulitsa Yalagina, 13Б, Elektrostal', Moscow region, Russia. LocationIf you want to feel like you're at home no matter where you are, choose this — apartment «Na Ulitse Yalagina 13A Apartments» is located in Elektrostal. This apartment is located in 3 km from the city center.

  24. Apart Hotel Yantar

    Find all information and best deals of Apart Hotel Yantar, Elektrostal' on! Book the hotel with real traveler reviews, ratings and latest pictures of Apart Hotel Yantar. You can also compare prices and book all best hotels in Elektrostal' with one-stop booking service on