• S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents
  • Garrett's Team Members
  • Coulson's Team Members
  • Deceased Characters

Antoine Triplett

  • View history

Antoine "Trip" Triplett was a Level 6 S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who had formerly worked on Agent John Garrett 's team . However Triplett soon discovered that Garrett was in fact a traitor and a part of HYDRA during the HYDRA Uprising , working as the terrorist known as the Clairvoyant who had killed several of Triplett's friends. In the wake of making this discovery, Triplett remained loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D. and then became a member of Agent Phil Coulson 's team , despite having to prove himself in Coulson's eyes. He helped them stop Garrett's HYDRA cell at the Battle at Cybertek and then joined newly promoted Director Coulson and the rest of the team at the Playground to start finally rebuilding S.H.I.E.L.D.. He died during Battle for the Kree City while trying to save Agent Skye from the deadly Terrigen Mist .

  • 1.1.1 Agent Triplett
  • 1.1.2 Chasing Ian Quinn
  • 1.1.3 Chasing Michael Peterson
  • 1.1.4 HYDRA Infiltration
  • 1.2.1 Providence
  • 1.2.2 Saving Audrey Nathan
  • 1.2.3 Finding Skye
  • 1.2.4 Going After Cybertek
  • 1.2.5 Battle at Cybertek
  • 1.3.1 New Actions
  • 1.3.2 Chase of Grant Ward
  • 1.3.3 Search for the Kree City
  • 1.3.4 Inside the City
  • 1.3.5 Self Sacrifice
  • 1.4.1 Remembered by Friends
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Abilities
  • 4.1 Weapons
  • 4.2 Howling Commando Gear
  • 5.3 Enemies
  • 6 Appearances
  • 8 References

Biography [ ]

S.h.i.e.l.d. [ ], agent triplett [ ].

Antoine Triplett joined S.H.I.E.L.D. as a specialist with medical training and eventually gained Level 6 clearance . As the grandson of a Howling Commando , Triplett was expected to do great things. Not wanting to be treated differently because of his heritage, Triplett decided to keep it to himself. [1] He was assigned to Agent John Garrett 's team after Grant Ward was assigned into Phil Coulson 's team . [2]

Chasing Ian Quinn [ ]

Triplett and John Garrett meet Phil Coulson

One of Triplett's missions since he joined Agent John Garrett 's team was to investigate and apprehend Ian Quinn since the incidents in Malta . They followed Quinn to Berlin , Germany , and later to Morocco , losing three agents during the mission. After Phil Coulson 's team managed to apprehend Ian Quinn , but disobeyed the direct order to take him directly to The Fridge for interrogation, Agents Garrett and Triplett were assigned to take custody of Quinn.

When Triplett arrived at The Bus , Garrett introduced him to Agent Phil Coulson , claiming that although he didn't look like much, he was one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s best agents, Triplett said it was an honour to meet Coulson. Garrett ordered Triplett to collect Quinn, as Triplett made his was through the Bus, he came across Grant Ward . They started fighting after a friendly chat as their orders were contradictory. Coulson and Garrett managed to stop the fight after they made an arrangement that Coulson could keep Quinn on the Bus until Agent Skye could be saved.

Triplett and Jemma Simmons

After Garrett questioned Quinn and decided to join Coulson in his assault of The Guest House , Triplett stayed on the plane in case his medical training would be needed to help the injured Skye , staying there with Jemma Simmons , for whom Triplett showed certain attraction. At one point Skye had a seizure and Triplett helped Simmons treat her.

Garrett returned from The Guest House with Coulson at the last moment and they witnessed Skye's seemingly impossible recovery. After the mission was over the two agents left with Quinn for The Fridge . [2]

Chasing Michael Peterson [ ]

Triplett defends himself against Deathlok

Every S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in the United States of America was informed about Michael Peterson , and Agent John Garrett and his team were appointed as running point in his search. [3]

While in a safehouse in Sydney , Australia , Agents Triplett and John Garrett were attacked by Deathlok . Triplett fired Taser Projectile Launcher which slowed down Deathlok, when Deathlok fell to his knees Triplett fired an I.C.E.R. at his head, which did not stop him. Both Triplett and Garrett were uninjured as Peterson escaped through the roof.

Afterwards, Triplett accompanied Victoria Hand , Jasper Sitwell , Felix Blake , and John Garrett aboard the Bus to attend a meeting Agent Phil Coulson wanted in order to discuss the possible identity of the Clairvoyant by reviewing Index rejects. Triplett witnessed Skye become a Level 1 agent.

Triplett and Grant Ward

As part of the plan to see if the Index reject Elijah Fordham was the Clairvoyant, Triplett was randomly partnered with Grant Ward . As they entered Milton Keynes Prison , the two discussed the Clairvoyant's past exploits and their feelings about it. Triplett told Ward how hard it was to tell the six-year old son of his former partner, Dan Monroe , that his father was not coming home. Before they could interview Fordham, they were called away to assist Felix Blake against Deathlok .

Triplett was then assigned to escort Agent Jemma Simmons as she stayed at the Hub as an expert on Deathlok . Simmons seemed shy and awkward in front of Triplett. [4]

HYDRA Infiltration [ ]

Triplett defends himself and Simmons from HYDRA

Triplett was stationed on the Hub with Jemma Simmons during the HYDRA infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D. . He learned the HYDRA secret through S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Anne Weaver who was contacted by Simmons during the infiltration using Triplett's clearance to access the Holo-Box . Upon being told not to trust anyone, Triplett proved to Simmons his loyalty to S.H.I.E.L.D. by handing her his pocket knife, explaining if she tried to kill him, he would know she was a traitor. This loyalty was tested again shortly afterwards when Agent Victoria Hand - posing as a HYDRA agent - told the pair to vow loyalty to the organization or die. Triplett, after taking an agent hostage, passed the "test" by explaining if he dies he would take a HYDRA agent with him.

Triplett shouting at Garrett after learning about his betrayal.

Soon afterward, Triplett learnt that his superior John Garrett was a HYDRA agent and was responsible for the murders of Triplett's former partners, including Dan Monroe . As Garrett was taken away by S.H.I.E.L.D. guards, after being defeated in a fight with Phil Coulson, Triplett was seen aggressively shouting at his former mentor, clearly saddened over the betrayal. He made eye-contact with Grant Ward, who also appeared to be horrified after he learnt of Garrett's betrayal. Ward agreed to be the one to travel with Victoria Hand to the Fridge to lock away Garrett. [5]

Coulson's Team [ ]

Providence [ ].

Triplett asks to join Coulson's team

With his former team dissolved, Agent Triplett assisted Leo Fitz in the repair of the Bus, which had been damaged in the battle with HYDRA. Triplett politely asked Coulson for permission to join his team, however Coulson refused due to his close involvement with John Garrett . Triplett assured Coulson that he was as fooled as everyone else by Garrett's betrayal, however Agent Simmons argued that Triplett had risked his life to protect her from HYDRA. Coulson agreed that he could travel with them as long as he was Simmons' responsibility.

Triplett getting ready to help find Providence.

When Glenn Talbot prepared to attack the Hub and arrest all of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents there, Triplett joined Coulson's team on the Bus to escape. Coulson received a supposed message from Nick Fury , he told the team that the message was coordinates to Fury's location, despite the arguments of Melinda May that Fury had been killed, Coulson insisted they follow the coordinates. Triplett traveled with Phil Coulson 's team when they went to the Canadian wilderness where he witnessed Coulson have a near-breakdown. However it was revealed that Coulson was correct and the coordinates led them to Providence , a secret base created by Nick Fury . They were greeted by Agent Eric Koenig , who ran the base. Koenig confirmed that Fury had indeed been killed during the battle with HYDRA, he also insisted that all the Agents, including Triplett go through a lie detector.

Triplett undergoes Eric Koenig 's test

A little while after they arrived, Grant Ward also arrived, who had been away delivering Garrett off at the Fridge . Ward had suffered injuries to his face and body which were treated by Simmons. Ward claimed that the Fridge had been overrun by HYDRA when he arrived, he said that HYDRA had released all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s prisoners and he had killed Garrett during the battle. Triplett then went through Agent Koenig's test, during the questioning Koenig asked why Triplett didn't mention his Grandfather, who was a Howling Commando , Triplett claimed he wanted to make it as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent on his own merits. Triplett passed the test, earning him Koenig and Coulson's trust.

Saving Audrey Nathan [ ]

Triplett helps to kill Marcus Daniels

Triplett, now an official member of Coulson's team, went on the assignment of rescuing Audrey Nathan from Marcus Daniels , an escapee from the Fridge who had the power of controlling the cosmic radiation known as Darkforce . They brought Nathan to a safe location, where Triplett learned that Nathan was Coulson's ex girlfriend and she still believed Coulson had been killed in the Battle of New York. The team devised a plan to use Nathan as bait, drawing Daniels out into the open where the team could attack him. Triplett and Coulson used concentrated light with the Gamma Power Reserve , designed by Doctor Bruce Banner , to overload Daniels, causing him to explode, thus killing him. [1]

Finding Skye [ ]

Triplett and Coulson defend the Providence Base

When they returned to the base however, they discovered that Grant Ward , Skye and Eric Koenig were missing. Simmons soon discovered Koenig's murdered body and learnt that Ward was responsible, he was revealed to be an undercover HYDRA Agent and had kidnapped Skye . Before they could fully react however, the base was attack by Glenn Talbot and his soldiers. Triplett joined Coulson and the rest of his team, ready to defend themselves against Talbot's soldiers. Coulson spoke to Talbot to find out how he was able to find the base, at this point Maria Hill appeared and revealed that she was the one who told Talbot about the base.

Triplett and Maria Hill threaten Grant Ward

Triplett and the other members of Coulson's Team were questioned by Talbot, but refused to give away any information. Eventually they were freed when Maria Hill sided with Coulson, having learnt of Ward's betrayal, and helped him defeat Talbot's soldiers. The team learnt of Ward's location and Triplett piloted an assault plane containing his teammates and Maria Hill from Providence to Los Angeles to intercept Grant Ward . Hill spoke to Ward and distracted him long enough for Phil Coulson to climb sneak aboard. After Skye was rescued, he assured to her his loyalty to Agent Coulson. [6]

Going After Cybertek [ ]

Triplett with his Grandfather's Howling Commando Gear

The next morning, Triplett saw his mother and, after some persuasion, got from her a suitcase filled with gadgets that his grandfather, a member of the Howling Commandos , had used in his adventures. The team spent some time looking through the gadgets, Coulson in particular taking special interest due to his love of old school gadgets. Leo Fitz caused trouble when he used the Cigarette Laser to set fire to the Motel's curtain. The team worked out that the key to stopping Garrett's plan was to attack their supplier, Cybertek , who had been responsible for many of the key event's in Garrett's mission.

Triplett uses a Zip-Line

Coulson and Melinda May went undercover and managed to arrange a meeting with Cybertek 's scientists, pitching many of Fitz's designs to them, this gained them access to Cybertek's top secret files. When they found and stole the files containing information about the Deathlok program, Triplett then drove the team's undercover truck to the Cybertek Corporate Headquarters in Palo Alto and, using a Zip-line Gun , he helped with Phil Coulson 's and Melinda May 's extraction.

Triplett and Coulson preparing to take over Cybertek

Coulson's team eventually learned of the HYDRA Barbershop Headquarters in Havana , Cuba , and proceeded there. After infiltrating the base, Triplett and the others found themselves surrounded by a team of Centipede Soldiers  and Agent Kaminsky wielding the Berserker Staff . [7]

Battle at Cybertek [ ]

Triplett and the rest of Coulson's team, who defeated the soldiers at the new destroyed headquarters went to a new Cybertek Manufacturing Facility in order to apprehend John Garrett . There, Triplett stayed with Phil Coulson providing distraction until they obtained a Humvee which they used to make a hole in the wall for Skye and Melinda May to enter and defeat Grant Ward and free Cybertek's hostages.

Triplett and the rest of Coulson's Team arrive at The Playground

Phil Coulson was named the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D. by Nick Fury , who had survived his assassination attempt. They then travelled to the Playground , which was the first bit of information that Coulson was given by Fury. Once there, Triplett was then reunited with Jemma Simmons when she was brought to the Playground by Nick Fury , she revealed to them that Leo Fitz was indeed alive. Coulson and his team then met Agent Billy Koenig , Eric's brother, and he welcomed them all to the new base. [8]

The New Beginning [ ]

New actions [ ].

Triplett witnesses Carl Creel 's escape

Triplett and Leo Fitz worked together on making a 21st century version of the Howling Commando Gear . [9]

Coulson tasked Melinda May, Antoine Triplett, and Skye to act as back-up for Isabelle Hartley , Idaho , and Lance Hunter , mercenaries hired by Coulson who were attempting to buy information from a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent when they were attacked by Carl Creel , who stole the information on an 0-8-4 that they sought. The agents fired their guns at their attacker, but they seemingly had no effect, Creel then escaped after leaping out of a window, Triplett looked down at where he fell but noted that he had survived the fall.

Later, Triplett expressed doubts about Billy Koenig because Koenig kept discussing other brothers than Eric ; however, Skye told him that Coulson trusted Koenig so he should drop it.

Triplett disguised as General Jones.

After they obtained information from General Glenn Talbot on the location of the 0-8-4 that Roger Browning was selling, Triplett took the disguise of "General Jones" to help the team to infiltrate a Government Storage Warehouse used to store S.H.I.E.L.D. paraphernalia. Idaho drove Triplett and the rest of the team to the gates, and Skye was able to hack into the security systems, giving them access. Once inside they split up and began searching for the 0-8-4 . Isabelle Hartley soon found the 0-8-4 which turned out to be an Obelisk, however she was suddenly attacked by the Absorbing Man . When she tried to defend herself, she touched the Obelisk which began to turn her entire arm to stone, slowly killing her.

Triplett escapes the Government Storage Warehouse

The team managed to drive Creel away. Skye called Coulson for orders, wether to seek medical assistance for Hartley or continue on the mission, effectively leaving Hartley to die. Coulson ordered them to continue with the mission and they separated into two groups: the mercenaries sought to get Isabelle Hartley medical attention. As the soldiers arrived a gun fight began, Triplett, Skye and Melinda May completed the mission and escaped in a stolen Quinjet . Meanwhile Idaho and Isabelle Hartley were killed by Creel and Lance Hunter was captured. [10]

Triplett and Lance Hunter

Lance Hunter later returned to the Playground after being captured by General Glenn Talbot . Triplett met him outside, commenting on the new sports car that Hunter arrived in, Triplett searched him before Hunter had a meeting with Coulson to be debriefed. Triplett and the other field agents discussed with Director Coulson what Creel's motives might be after he caused the death of a waitress . Triplett was present when Coulson was called by Raina , who made a way for them to track the Absorbing Man.

Triplett aims at Carl Creel

After Creel was found, Triplett was assigned as a sniper. He managed to get Creel in his sights, but was then met by Lance Hunter , who had already shot Melinda May and Skye with an I.C.E.R. . Before Triplett could react he was shot by with an I.C.E.R. by Hunter who took his rifle to exact his own revenge for the death of Isabelle Hartley . In the end Creel was captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hunter joined the team, despite Triplett and May seeking revenge. [11]

When the field agents went to Morocco to apprehend Blizzard , Triplett stayed by Coulson's side aboard the Bus  as its pilot. Triplett learned that Jemma Simmons was Coulson's mole in HYDRA . When Hunter asked May if they were even after he was shot by May, May looked towards Triplett as she quipped that she and he were even. [12]

Triplett piloting the Quinjet .

Triplett piloted the Quinjet to retrieve Jemma Simmons and Bobbi Morse as they escaped from their undercover assignments in the HYDRA Laboratories after being discovered. Simmons was very happy to see her old friend again. When they arrived at the Playground , he witnessed Lance Hunter 's horrified reaction to seeing Bobbi Morse . The mercenary began arguing with Morse, causing him to ask Melinda May their relationship, and May told him that Morse was Hunter's ex-wife. [13]

Chase of Grant Ward [ ]

Triplett spying on Grant Ward

Triplett was stationed at a Philadelphia bus depot to capture Grant Ward when Ward escaped federal custody. He called Director Coulson to get instructions, but before he could make his move, Triplett saw that Ward was strapped with explosives. Triplett allowed Ward to take a bus to Atlanta .

He joined Melinda May in the Quinjet and stayed with her as Ward went from Atlanta to Boston .

Triplett in the Quinjet with Melinda May

Ultimately, Ward was spotted by Lance Hunter entering Goldbrix Tavern . Hunter also saw Sunil Bakshi with two HYDRA agents enter the establishment. May assembled her field agents, including Triplett, to capture Ward. Upon entering, they found the bodies of the two agents and the bartender, as well as finding Bakshi, unconscious and tied to a chair. They transported Bakshi back to the Playground, however on their way back May recieved a call from Skye informing her that they had put Coulson in the Theta Brain-Wave Frequency Machine , both Triplett and May remained confused about what was happening at the base. [14]

Search for the Kree City [ ]

Triplett was among the assembled agents when Coulson gave them a new mission: to find the city that matched the Words of Creation before HYDRA could. [14]

Triplett prepares for a mission with Coulson and Skye

He went with Phil Coulson , Skye , and Leo Fitz to Hawaii where he was ordered to give a button to a dry cleaner and retrieve Coulson's necktie. Though the orders seemed strange, he followed directions, trusting that Coulson had a plan.

The away team then went to Australia . Coulson explained that the button was one part of an EMP generator that would be used to blackout the Kaena Point Air Force Base , a satellite relaying station that was too hard to infiltrate. The one at Laura Creek was easier and went online since the Hawaiian one would need six minutes to repair. Triplett entered the base along with Coulson and Fitz; they were then ambushed by HYDRA .

Coulson trying to save Triplett

During the confrontation Triplett was fatally shot in the shoulder; however,  Calvin Zabo offered to save him. As Zabo stitched up Triplett's wound, he revealed he was only there because he wanted to speak with Coulson personally, to ensure Coulson didn't arrest him, he severed one of Triplett's veins. He then showed Fitz and Coulson how to save Triplett, allowing him to escape. When they returned to the Bus with the wounded agent, the satellite was able to locate the city. [15]

Jemma Simmons tends to Triplett's wound

At the Playground , Jemma Simmons stitched Triplett's wounds and expressed how thankful she was that he did not bleed to death. They began to discuss Skye's father, but were interrupted when Skye approached. He went with Melinda May 's team that was assigned to protect Raina from the wrath of Daniel Whitehall in Vancouver . When Grant Ward boarded the Bus to retrieve Raina and capture Skye, Triplett stood with the other agents, guns drawn, until HYDRA departed. [16]

Inside the City [ ]

Triplett gives Sam Koenig explosives

Triplett and Melinda May combined their piloting skills to evade the attack of the four HYDRA Quinjets by causing an explosion as the Bus cloaked. They then went to San Juan to pursue Ward and inform Coulson. As everyone discussed the different occurrences, Triplett retrieved explosives that were once used by the Howling Commandos to destroy the Kree City . Those explosives were mechanical, instead of electronic, so they would not be affected by the dampening field in the city. As Leo Fitz , Jemma Simmons , and he prepared to enter the city, Triplett asked Sam Koenig where his brother went. Koenig gave a cryptic response that he went to recharge his batteries; Triplett did not appreciate the answer.

Triplett explores the Kree City

For expedience, the three separated to set the explosives in the four corners of the city. When they completed their mission, Triplett informed May. She told them that Skye and Coulson were inside; Triplett, without considering his own safety, immediately ran back to the city to deactivate the bombs and save his teammates. After successfully deactivating the bombs, he then saw Skye enter a chamber and followed her in just as the door closed behind them in hopes of assisting and saving her, trapping them inside along with Raina , who had stolen the Diviner . [17]

Self Sacrifice [ ]

Triplett's body crumbling away

Triplett ran into the chamber just as it closed, trapping him within along with Skye and Raina . When the Diviner activated, it split open and blue crystals began to emerge from within. It then released a mist , temporarily petrifying both Skye and Raina, transforming them in the process. Triplett, hoping to save Skye, kicked the Diviner from its pedestal, but a shard embedded itself into Triplett's chest. He looked down to notice, before being petrified. As Skye emerged from her petrification, Triplett shattered. Seeing this, Skye started to cry and an earthquake began. [17]

Remembered by Friends [ ]

The senior agents had a hard time dealing with the death of Triplett. Some, like Phil Coulson , felt it was a noble sacrifice. Others, like Alphonso Mackenzie , thought that it was an unfair trade for the life of Skye . Jemma Simmons collected his body fragments before destroying the Kree City . She made sure that the scientists carrying his remains were careful. Simmons blamed herself for his death, believing that her desire to examine extraterrestrial artifacts ultimately led to his demise.

The senior agents later got together and had a wake for Triplett. They talked about his past and stories he told them. Often, there were breaks where they sat silently. [18] Skye blamed herself for the death of Triplett; Coulson assured her that it was not her fault. [19]

Personality [ ]

Antoine Triplett was extremely loyal to his supervising officer. When John Garrett was that agent, Triplett was willing to fight Grant Ward to complete the assignment that Garrett gave him, to obtain Ian Quinn . He had to be told by Garrett personally to stop before he relented.

When Garrett proved to be a traitor, Triplett was visibly hurt, yelling and needing to be restrained as Garrett passed him in handcuffs. Taking Triplett's loyalty into account, Phil Coulson initially did not trust him when he desired to travel with Coulson's Team . It took Jemma Simmons to convince Coulson; even then, he did so, reluctantly. Simmons vouched for Triplett because of the loyalty he showed to S.H.I.E.L.D. when tested by Victoria Hand .

When Coulson became his superior officer, Triplett showed unwavering loyalty to him. When uneasy about Billy Koenig , Triplett was told by Skye that Coulson trusted him; Triplett accepted that without question. When given an order to apprehend Grant Ward, though Melinda May was mission commander, Triplett conferred with Coulson as to his course of action. Also, when Leo Fitz felt that Coulson was giving him busy work, Triplett reassured him that Coulson had a plan and does not give frivolous orders.

Triplett did not like to discuss that his grandfather was a member of the Howling Commandos because he did not want to be treated differently. However, when he went undercover, he chose the name "General Jones"; there was a Commando named Gabe Jones .

Abilities [ ]

  • Expert Marksman : Triplett is a very accurate marksman, managing to defend himself against an assault by Deathlok , using an I.C.E.R. to shoot directly at his head. He was assigned to take down Carl Creel as a sniper, though he was interrupted by Lance Hunter .
  • Expert Martial Artist : Triplett was able to battle Grant Ward for a period of time, only stopping on orders from John Garrett , and he was able to easily defeat some of Cybertek 's security operatives to infiltrate the Cybertek Manufacturing Facility .
  • Expert Pilot : Triplett is skilled in pilotting different aircrafts, such as the S.H.I.E.L.D. Jump Jet , the Quinjet and even the Bus . He also assisted Melinda May in deceiving three attacking HYDRA Quinjets, following her instructions to the letter.
  • Physician : Triplett had training as a medical technician, and was stationed to assist Jemma Simmons when Skye she was fatally shot.

Equipment [ ]

Weapons [ ].

As an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Antoine Triplett was highly skilled with all types of firearms.

  • Smith & Wesson M&P : The Smith & Wesson M&P pistol is the standard sidearm carried by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and, as such, Triplett used it to threaten or shoot most of his enemies, such as during the infiltration into Laura Creek Station .
  • M4A1 Carbine : The standard weapon used by S.H.I.E.L.D. Strike Team members, that Triplett also used while attempting to defend the Providence base from upcoming intruders.
  • Heckler & Koch G36C : Triplett obtained one of this weapons from an enemy during the Battle at Cybertek .
  • M24 Sniper Weapon System : Triplett used this rifle to act as a sniper during the exchange between Carl Creel and his HYDRA contact . However, he was knocked out by Lance Hunter before he could even had the chance to shoot.
  • I.C.E.R. (Pistol Version) : Triplett gained access to the I.C.E.R.s . once Leo Fitz improved the technology of the now obsolete Night-Night Gun , using it in circunstances such as Deathlok 's ambush in Sydney or the infiltration of the Government Storage Warehouse .
  • Taser Projectile Launcher : Agents Antoine Triplett and John Garrett were ambushed by Deathlok in one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Safe Houses in Sydney . Triplett used the Taser Projectile Launcher to try to disable Deathlok, but he was able to withstand two direct impacts in his shoulder and his leg.
  • M18 Smoke Grenade : Triplett used this grenade when S.H.I.E.L.D. 's presence within the Government Storage Warehouse was discovered, in order to allow himself, Melinda May and Skye to escape.

Howling Commando Gear [ ]

Antoine Triplett inherited the Howling Commando Gear from his grandfather, using it to help Phil Coulson and his team to defeat John Garrett .

  • Zip-line Gun : Triplett shot the gun to provide Phil Coulson and Melinda May with an easy escape route from Cybertek Corporate Headquarters .
  • Noisemaker : Triplett used the Noisemaker to provide a diversion at the Cybertek Manufacturing Facility , in order to ambush one of the guards and seize a Humvee .
  • Quarter Walkie-Talkie : Triplett and Leo Fitz shared a pair of Quarter Walkie-Talkies as they investigated John Garrett 's headquarters in Cuba , later tracing its beacon to determine the Bus had returned to the United States of America .
  • Portable X-Ray Scanner : Triplett grabbed the Portable X-Ray Scanner to analyze the basement of the Barbershop Headquarters used by John Garrett in Cuba , locating a secret door on one of the walls.

Relationships [ ]

  • Mrs. Triplett - Mother
  • Grandfather ( Howling Commando )
  • Nick Fury - Director
  • Maria Hill - Deputy Director
  • Victoria Hand † - Superior
  • Felix Blake - Colleague
  • John Garrett † - Superior
  • Dan Monroe † - Colleague and Friend
  • Anne Weaver - Colleague
  • Eric Koenig † - Colleague
  • Billy Koenig - Colleague
  • Phil Coulson - Superior
  • Melinda May
  • Jemma Simmons - Friend
  • Grant Ward †
  • Phil Coulson - Director
  • Melinda May - Colleague
  • Skye - Colleague and Friend
  • Jemma Simmons - Colleague and Friend
  • Leo Fitz - Colleague and Friend
  • Lance Hunter - Colleague
  • Alphonso Mackenzie - Colleague and Friend
  • Bobbi Morse - Colleague
  • Isabelle Hartley † - Colleague
  • Idaho † - Colleague
  • Sam Koenig - Colleague
  • Michael Peterson/Deathlok - Enemy while under HYDRA Coercion, now Ally

Appearances [ ]

  • Prior to his appearance on the show, Agent Triplett was announced as an "African-American agent who specializes in combat/weapons", and when B.J. Britt was cast, he was described as "an associate of Bill Paxton 's character ".
  • It was revealed, in The Only Light in the Darkness , that Antoine Triplett is the grandson of one of the Howling Commandos but his actual identity has never been confirmed. Technically, any of the Howling Commandos could be his grandfather, though Gabe Jones has been hinted when Triplett disguised himself once as "General Jones".
  • Triplett was originally planned to be killed off at the same time as John Garrett in the first season .

References [ ]

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  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.19: The Only Light in the Darkness
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.14: T.A.H.I.T.I.
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.15: Yes Men
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.16: End of the Beginning
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.17: Turn, Turn, Turn
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.20: Nothing Personal
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.21: Ragtag
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.22: Beginning of the End
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.16: Afterlife
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.01: Shadows
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.02: Heavy is the Head
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.03: Making Friends and Influencing People
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.05: A Hen in the Wolf House
  • ↑ 14.0 14.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.07: The Writing on the Wall
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.08: The Things We Bury
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.09: Ye Who Enter Here
  • ↑ 17.0 17.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.10: What They Become
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.11: Aftershocks
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.13: One of Us
  • 1 Infinity Stones
  • 2 Power Stone
  • 3 Tesseract

'Agents of SHIELD' Says Goodbye to the Team in Series Finale: Where Everyone Ended Up in That Epic Final Scene

agents of shield finale

The cast and EPs dish on the ultimate battle, where everyone ended up and that prescient final scene.

Warning: Spoiler alert! Do not proceed if you haven't watched the two-part series finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After seven seasons, the journey of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is over. Or is it just beginning?

The team saved the day once again in Wednesday's series finale, defeating the alien Chronicoms at their own game -- pulling them through space and time, retroactively setting in motion the events of last season's finale and ultimately blowing them to bits, saving S.H.I.E.L.D. and the world itself in the process.

It was, appropriately, an effort requiring each member of the team -- including the previously-MIA Fitz ( Iain De Caestecker ), who finally appeared at the perfect moment to explain the time-bending solution to the universe's impending doom. As it turns out, he and Simmons ( Elizabeth Henstridge ) had already constructed the only plan that had a chance of succeeding against their powerful opponents, though thanks to her memory-erasing implant, he was the only one who could remember how or why.

After pulling the Chronicom vessels back through to the original timeline, part of the team headed to the Lighthouse base to help thwart the ground attack, while the others staged the ambush on the alien ship, taking out the Predictor, Sybil ( Tamara Taylor ), and reprogramming the army of advanced lifeforms to feel empathy, with the help of Kora ( Dianne Doan ), who turned against the villainous Nathaniel Malick ( Thomas E. Sullivan ) and used her Inhuman powers for good. 

The final part of the plan was the face-off a full season in the making. Daisy ( Chloe Bennet ) took on Malick, the man who tortured her and stole her powers, killed her mother and turned her sister to the dark side. The battle, though, was a means to an end -- as Daisy's true goal was to set off the radioactive material aboard the Chronicom ship, blowing the fleet to bits and destroying the threat once and for all. She survived, however, thanks to Kora, and the assembled power of her found family.

Following that battle, the S.H.I.E.L.D. family went their separate ways. Flashing forward one year from their epic battle, the team came together again in a final scene that was eerily prescient of the current times. They gathered for a virtual reunion -- beaming their likenesses into a "socially distanced" circle of chairs at the old S.H.I.E.L.D. speakeasy to catch each other up on their individual adventures -- a bittersweet fulfillment of the season-long prophecy that they would never be in the same room again.

"It was just sort of about the promise of a new adventure for each of them and sort of a completion of their arc," series creator Jed Whedon  said of crafting the final scene when the S.H.I.E.LD. cast and crew came together for virtual roundtable interviews this week. "We knew we wanted to sort of hit that idea that life moves on. You grow up and these characters -- who started with their puppy love and their wide eyes -- are now seasoned veterans, and you go through life. As Mack says, yeah, it'll be different, but that's OK." 

"The year jump sort of amplifies the nostalgia of the moment as well, because you're aware that they're now established in their new lives that are separate from one another," creator Maurissa Tancharoen agreed. "It sort of hits harder that they have essentially moved on, but then there's this longing for one another, not only just emotionally and what you feel in the room, but the fact that they're not in the same room with one another and they cannot touch one another."

Filming the nostalgic sequence -- the cast's final group scene together, in which each S.H.I.E.L.D. team member signs off and departs one by one -- was just as melancholy for the performers as it was for their characters.

"It was a tough scene to do, because there were moments where we were realizing that it was our final scene together as a group," recalled Ming-Na Wen , who has played Agent Melinda May since the series' premiere in 2013. "And then it was tough, because then we would have to pause, and one of us leaves...knowing for sure that it was the series finale that we were shooting. It was very bittersweet."

"I just remember the immense weight that was in the room," agreed Henry Simmons , aka Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie. "You try to have moments of levity in there, the joking around, the connecting, but there's always that pall of, 'this is the end.'" 

"Being together, but not being together, attempting to stay connected, but actually being in different spaces, it was kind of sci-fi version of the Zoom nightmare-slash-reality that we're all living in now," added Clark Gregg , who has played fan-favorite S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson since his introduction in the first Iron Man film, back in 2008. "So much of the show felt like life and art bled back and forth. And certainly saying goodbye to people you'd been working with... and knowing that your lives were taking these different paths... it felt prescient and appropriate."

As anyone who's spent the last few months on Zoom calls can attest, there's also an authentic "awkwardness" to the scene, Henstridge pointed out. "People don't quite know what to say and when to say it."

Amid it all, the blessing is that each member of the team found themselves a happy ending of their own -- unexpected though they may be. "When I read it, I thought that they gave everybody a very satisfying end," De Caestecker recalled. "And I also think more than that, there's people that have stuck with the show through seven seasons. It felt like a very satisfying end, I hope, for all of them, too."

As each member signed off from that final scene, fans got a glimpse of what their life is like now. Mack and Yo-Yo ( Natalia Cordova-Buckley ) are still paired up and still working for S.H.I.E.L.D. -- with Yo-Yo running missions and Mack in command on a Helicarrier, rocking a very Nick Fury-esque ensemble. ("There is a power to wearing a full-length coat like that," Simmons marveled. "When you put on a coat, and it goes down to your ankles and it's going in the wind, there's power in that.")

"We've seen them go through so much, and they've sacrificed so much and given so much to the team, that for them to end up together, but also be individuals [is great]," Cordova-Buckley said of the "Mackelena" relationship and the couple's future. "She's doing her own thing. He's in command. I just love that it feels like the relationship's now settled… They're both in places professionally and personally, and individually and in a relationship, that they both feel very comfortable and stable, and I think it's a great ending for them that way."

"I think people will be happy, but hopefully they won't be satisfied, because you always want to leave them wanting more," Simmons agreed.

Perhaps the most unexpected happy ending came for school rivals-turned-S.H.I.E.LD. teammates-turned-star-crossed lovers Fitz and Simmons who, after being ripped apart by space and time again and again throughout the series, were retired from the organization (at least, Fitz is) and living a carefree, simple life with their daughter, Alya. 

"We always knew we wanted Fitz and Simmons to have retired and have a happy ending," Whedon said of planning the pair's resolution. "They're what we would call in our business a 'Forever Love.' We knew that early on. And so the only thing you can do with a Forever Love is make it hard for them to be together… The thing that we felt paid it off, or at least as best we could, was the idea that they get a super happy ending and a big reward."

"We've been ripped apart so many times and so many tragedies have happened… and I think they definitely earned that happy ending," Henstridge said. "It's also nice that they still have that conflict between them that Simmons is like, sneakily staying in the game a little bit and he's completely checked out for a while. It's nice that they've got their happily ever after, but they still have that classic bickering and they're not perfect."

The introduction of Alya -- who had been stashed away in secret while her parents traveled across timelines -- was also a crucial moment for the one member of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team who didn't make it to the virtual reunion. Deke Shaw ( Jeff Ward ), Fitzsimmons' grandson from the future, sacrificed himself to stay behind in the alternate 1980s, in order to direct the massive power blast that allowed the team to blast the Chronicom ships across timelines. However, even that loss was less tragic than fans might have expected -- as Deke himself reminds the team, "I'm kind of a rock god here." 

Plus, given the way the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in that timeline deferred to him, he might also be the new director?   

"It's a blend of the two," Ward joked of his character's fate, "because imagine if you found out that Bruce Springsteen was actually the head of the FBI. You'd never suspect it, right? He's using his rockstar persona as the ultimate hiding-in-plain-sight tactic to be running an international superhero policing ring, and [performing] at night gigs with various songs that he's ripped off and passed off as his own."

Deke's sacrifice also paved the way for the season's most unexpected romance, between Daisy Johnson (Bennet) and Daniel Sousa ( Enver Gjokaj ), an Agent Carter crossover that the team picked up in the 1950s after helping him to fake his death. Sousa and Daisy's chemistry was immediately apparent to fans -- working alongside Peggy Carter, he explains in one scene, has given him an appreciation and supportive instinct for powerful women -- even as the connection took the actors and EPs by surprise.

"I'll be honest, I was a little hesitant about a love interest, just because I felt like her narrative was kind of about finding herself and her family, and the real relationship was with Coulson and with the S.H.I.E.L.D. family," Bennet said of her character's final season journey. "This one snuck up on me as Chloe as much as it did as Daisy, I think."

"It's one of those things where you go, 'Oh, she needed this,'" she explained. "She doesn't need a man, but the way that he complements her so well… I feel like right when she just settles into who she is, who her family is, the history of losing her family and then settling into her powers, her understanding of what being powerful means, and she's like, 'I know myself.' And then bam, this guy comes in, and I think that was the perfect way to end it for Daisy. "

"It feels appropriate," Gjokaj agreed. "There's so many parallels right now, that something comes along in the world and just smashes everything that you knew, and then you're sailing forward into a completely unknown universe. And so, more than ever, actually, I feel like somehow these writers were a little bit ahead of it." 

"They're such an unlikely pair," Tancharoen said of finding the chemistry between Daisy and Sousa "right from the start," and shaping the relationship as the final season evolved. "We liked the idea of Daisy -- this, strong, powerful woman who's been through a slew of failed relationships -- doesn't even realize that she's finding him charming."

"She can't quite put her finger on it until it's right there, until she has to go through a time loop over and over and over again, and has that same moment where she realizes, 'My God, this guy is so solid.'"

"It took a man out of time to really come in and complement her in a way that she's completely taken off guard by," Bennet agreed. "And I think that was the only way that something for Daisy was ever going to happen."

Daisy is flying solo during the team's virtual reunion, and is notably the last to leave the room -- "She's the one who kind of clings to it the most… she misses it the most, but she's OK," Whedon noted. But as she signs off, fans get to see her, Sousa and Kora together on their latest intergalactic mission for S.H.I.E.L.D. -- the "Astro Ambassadors," as Sousa affectionately calls them. 

Gjokaj explained to reporters that he was excited about the Daisy and Sousa relationship, not just because it came as a surprise, but because there was so much potential for what's to come. "In sci-fi, you get to imagine things that don't exist. And here's this new dynamic between the two of them, and we get to create our own future now."

"It's real life. Something happens and you adjust and you sail into some unknown future. I love it. I think it's absolutely beautiful."

As for Melinda May (Wen) --  who had to use both her legendary combat skills and her newly-acquired empathy in her final battle as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent -- the future has her channeling years of being a "reluctant maternal figure" to the younger team members into her new venture as an instructor at the "Coulson Academy," which "sort of speaks to her whole legacy," Tancharoen said.

That's not to say May's farewell isn't a little heart-wrenching, especially when she asks Coulson if he might pay a visit to his namesake school in the future. His answer is uncertain, as is the future between the once solid pair.

"We're in tight with each one of them for most of that conversation," Tancharoen said of the final group scene, "to be able to capture these looks that at one another while they're speaking -- especially with May, and that moment when she looks at Coulson, as he's talking, it's very clear, the love that she will always have for him, the grieving of what once was."

"I think the Philinda fans are going to be a little bit sad about the outcome, again," Wen admitted. "But you know what, we've seen this happen before, so don't be surprised if he is resurrected once again."

It is, in fact, Coulson who receives the most ambiguous ending. After saying his final farewells to Daisy, he removes his virtual projection headpiece and reveals his new future -- where Mack has modified his beloved convertible, Lola, into a futuristic flying machine.

While the former director found his latest reincarnation as a Life Model Decoy more than a little off-putting throughout the final season, it seems he's decided to stick around a little longer, forgoing offers from all of his former teammates in lieu of setting out on a solo journey to "see the world."

For Gregg, it was fitting that Coulson and Daisy share the final goodbye of the group, and a sincere promise to stay in touch. The two characters found not just a purpose in S.H.I.E.L.D., but a family, and the bond was a special one for the actors as well. "This is what we were fighting for," Coulson tells Daisy when she's resurrected following the final battle. With a look to the team around her, she answers in kind: "Family."

"I mean, from the first interrogation scene with Skye, after we pulled her out of her van, there was something just different about Chloe Bennet and the way she has a realness and a fire to her as a performer," Gregg raved. "There were a lot of great actors to work with on the show, but that through line of that relationship, that friendship, that family-type relationship -- people say father-daughter, and it definitely has that in it. But I think like my relationship with Chloe, it has so many permutations."

"There are ways where it isn't that simple, where she's helping and teaching and rescuing me as often as I'm doing that for her. So to have that part of the show was the one where I grew the most as an actor and as a human."

While the actor previously told ET that he's had a "great run" as Coulson, the final season's looming meta joke rings true: It may not be that easy to say goodbye to a character who has thwarted death so many times already. A younger version appeared in 2019's Captain Marvel, and whether past, present or future, human or less so, it's difficult to imagine not seeing the iconic S.H.I.E.L.D. agent onscreen again.

"The connection that this character has with people and fans, that he's kind of their avatar in the Marvel Universe, and one [who] is a regular person, it's really meaningful to me," Gregg explained.

"It's a deep honor when I'm in other places in the country, or the world, and people come up -- especially people in uniform, who kind of feel like they are the unappreciated heroes who really do work just for the sake of the work and the principle behind it... It would be really hard to say no to anything that kept that relationship alive."


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  • Marvel's Agents Of S H I E L D
  • Chloe Bennet
  • Clark Gregg
  • Ming-Na Wen

Antoine Triplett

Agent Antoine "Trip" Triplett was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who had formerly worked within John Garrett 's team . However, Triplett soon discovered that Garrett was in fact a traitor and a member of HYDRA during the HYDRA Uprising , working as the terrorist known as the Clairvoyant who had killed several of Triplett's friends. In the wake of making this discovery, Triplett remained loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D. and then became a member of Phil Coulson 's Faction , despite having to prove himself in Coulson's eyes. He helped them stop Garrett's HYDRA cell at the Battle at Cybertek and then joined Coulson and the rest of the team to start finally rebuilding S.H.I.E.L.D. He died during Battle for the Kree City while trying to save Skye from the Terrigen Mist .

  • 1 Facilities
  • 2.3 Enemies

Facilities [ ]

  • Hub : Triplett was stationed at the Hub along with Jemma Simmons , when HYDRA rose within the agency. They regrouped with Victoria Hand , who led them to believe that Phil Coulson was with HYDRA. However, he learned that John Garrett was HYDRA, leading to Garrett's arrest. Triplett stayed in the Hub with Coulson's Team until it was attacked by Glenn Talbot , forcing them to flee.
  • Providence : Triplett followed Phil Coulson to Providence, where he was interrogated by Eric Koenig to determine whether he was with HYDRA . Triplett defended the base from an attack by Glenn Talbot , who offered them a deal in exchange for information. They instead left the base to retrieve Skye from Grant Ward .
  • Playground : Triplett helped Phil Coulson rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D. from inside the Playground. He worked with Leo Fitz on creating gear for the agency to use and searched people such as Lance Hunter before they had meetings with Coulson. He continued to operate out of the Playground while helping search for the Kree City .

Relationships [ ]

  • ↑ " Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "
  • 1 Laura Barton
  • 2 Billie Wesker
  • 3 Bobbi Morse

‘Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD’ EP Teases Fallout From Trip’s Death: ‘It’s an Awesome Process’

Executive producer Jeffrey Bell talks to TheWrap about the ABC show’s return

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, Chloe Bennet, Jeffrey Bell

“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” returns for the action-packed second half of Season 2 on Tuesday, after a three-month hiatus. The new episode, fittingly titled “Aftershocks,” picks up where the cliffhanger left off, with Skye (Chloe Bennet) developing awesome superpowers and Agent “Trip” Triplet (B.J. Britt) dead.

“We like it when you have feelings. If we can make you feel both sad and happy at the same time, then we’ve done our job,” executive producer Jeffrey Bell told TheWrap during a discussion about Tuesday’s episode, last year’s brutal midseason finale and where the superhero series is headed from here.

The veteran TV producer (“Angel,” “Spartacus”) said packaging the good with the bad helps provide a maximum effect: “Skye gets a power, something really cool has happened and you feel the happy emotions. But at the same time it comes with a price — the death of Trip — which is sad. We thought those together were pretty amazing,” he added.

Bell also discussed Phil Coulson’s ( Clark Gregg ) reaction to the devastating loss of his team member, how  Adrianne Palicki and Nick Blood have helped round out the cast on Season 2 and how he believes Marvel’s fill-in series “ Agent Carter ” may have helped sustain viewers over the long hiatus.

TheWrap: The cliffhanger you wrote was heartbreaking. How’d you guys pull off that powerful last scene? Executive producer Jeffrey Bell : The way B.J. and Chloe played it at the end is really the key. Michael Zinberg’s direction, the score, it was fantastic. The look on his face and her face as he’s crusting over… For us it was very emotional.

How will Trip’s death affect Skye going forward? One of the advantages of telling an origin story over multiple episodes is you have time to play through a bunch of different feelings. In a movie, a character loses his wife, daughter or best friend and has just a moment to be sad before going off and killing 50 people. There’s no time for grief or feelings or processing what it means. But on the show we have time for to develop that … Skye is still not clear about exactly what happened down there. She has to figure it out. The team has to figure it out.

So, the ripples of his death will play out over multiple episodes? Yeah. It’s an awesome process. It gives us a chance to explore her characters’ different colors.

Are you curious to see fans react to any particular element or scene on Tuesday’s episode? I’m curious to how the fans react to Coulson’s response to what went down.

What else can we expect? Well, Skye wasn’t the only one down there when it happened. Raina has been affected, too. She’s undergone her own changes, which are cool, and how it plays out is exciting.

We have Skye’s dad who is very much around and a big part of where we’re going. We have Ward who stumbled out with Agent 33, and the promise of something new there. We also have Coulson who, as the leader, feels responsible for what happened. He is very angry at Hydra. Very angry about everything.

Can you talk about what the new cast additions have brought to Season 2 thus far?

I joke that our biggest special effects this season are casting. …. We spent a lot of time [showing Skye, Fitz and Simmons’] maturation into SHIELD agents last season. Nick Blood and Palicki have been a real help to our show and have bridged the gap between the [younger agents] and Agents Coulson and May, who have been around a long time. Mack and Hunter and Bobby fit in there nicely for us. The fact that have a history on their own gives the show a lot more depth. They have been terrific additions.

Do you think ABC going with “Marvel’s Agent Carter ” over your show’s hiatus helped keep comic fans engaged over the months-long gap? We’ll find out [Tuesday.] It was a cool idea to keep the Marvel brand and story going in that time slot, so that the habit doesn’t get lost. When you go away for that long, the fear is people will forget about you, especially when there’s so much out there. I think it was a great idea, and I hope it helps.

See a trailer for the new episode below.

“Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD” returns to ABC on Tuesday at 9 p.m.

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. recap: 'No Regrets'

Mace proves his heroism while another familiar face returns

Christian Holub is a writer covering comics and other geeky pop culture. He's still mad about 'Firefly' getting canceled.

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After another roller coaster of an episode, I think it’s safe to say that the Agents of Hydra storyline has this show operating at its highest level. It’s a payoff for story lines that were planted earlier this season (and even before), as well as a welcome reunion with some familiar faces, and man is it wrecking me emotionally.

This week’s episode barely pauses for breath after last week’s heartbreaking ending. Coulson and Mace stage a car crash so they can hijack a Hydra bus, hoping to find Daisy. Unfortunately, there’s nothing but body bags onboard. The whole premise of Hydra taking over the Marvel Universe is very big right now, but I love the way this show’s version of the idea constantly throws in these little horrible details to underline just how cruel and authoritarian the society of the Framework is.

Similarly, I love the way AIDA (or Ophelia, or Madame Hydra, or whatever new name she’s given herself inside her personal sandbox) has brainwashed Fitz. He tells Daisy that he knows the truth about her world, because AIDA has told him they’re all invaders from a parallel world. Which is just enough of the truth to work, especially since it already plays into Hydra’s bigotry and xenophobia. One of the key ways fascism enforces order is to keep pointing the finger at new scapegoats, and that’s what AIDA has done here. But before they can totally focus on the new invaders, Hydra has to deal with the scapegoat they had already: The Patriot.

Mace, in this universe, is a true hero. His powers even appear to be natural Inhuman powers, rather than the serum-induced kind that underlined his personal superficiality back in the real world. When Simmons tries telling him that his world is fake and meaningless, Mace refuses to accept it. He’s watched friends die in his arms fighting to “stop hate,” and there’s nothing Simmons can do to disabuse him of that. Simmons’ case is eroding anyway, especially since her whole proof for why this universe is fake is that Fitz would never kill an innocent woman. Except he did, and the woman he killed was real. The line is blurring, even for a rationalist like Simmons.

Despite his commitment to brutality, Fitz has been unable to successfully interrogate Daisy. In his words, she was beaten within an inch of her life, but “nevertheless, she persisted,” quoting Mitch McConnell’s recent line about censoring Elizabeth Warren in the U.S. Senate that went immediately viral and has become a motto of the anti-Trump #Resistance . It’s the first of two nods I caught to real-life contemporary politics this episode, which means that unlike the upcoming comic event Secret Empire, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is very interested in drawing lines between its nightmare dystopia and current political trends.

So AIDA tries her hand at interrogating Daisy. She notes, once again, that all she did was fix everyone’s biggest regret. The algorithms did the rest to create this world, just as Radcliffe would have wanted – prompting a darkly hilarious interjection from the prisoner next door that “this isn’t what I meant, you sadistic witch,” followed by the sounds of electro-shock and much screaming. AIDA even offers to bring back Lincoln Campbell, whose death set Daisy off on her solo Quake adventures, but Daisy has learned that sometimes, “what people want isn’t good for them.” She asks AIDA what she wants out of all this, and AIDA responds that she just wants choice, like anyone else. Naturally, she’s done this by taking “choice” away from everyone else. This misunderstood misfit is so angry at some wrong done to her that she’s decided to make up for it by brutally subjugating the entire universe to her will. It’s a classic fascist formula.

Another great thing about this alternate Framework world is you can see how easily our heroes could have been terrifying villains, with just a slight tweak here or there. As Radcliffe explains to Daisy, one action or statement does have the potential to change a person’s entire life. In the characters who have changed the most inside the Framework, you can see the same old characteristics that make them who they are, just channeled to new ends. Ward is still devoted to a bigger cause and the people close to him, but instead of Hydra and Garrett those energies are directed at S.H.I.E.L.D., Mace, and Daisy. May is still dedicated to saving lives and doing the hard stuff that no one else can, but here that means torturing and killing people for Hydra instead of saving them for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Fitz is a slightly bigger mystery, but kudos to Iain De Caestecker for making this villainous Fitz so eerily believable. His motivations come into focus when his dad shows up as another Hydra scientist. Though he’s technically lower ranked than his son The Doctor, Papa Fitz clearly has total psychological control over his life, like the Hydra version of a showbiz parent. When Fitz shows the slightest bit of remorse over killing Agnes, his dad re-orients him to brutal fascist thinking. Seems like Fitz’s regret was not having a better relationship with his father, and taking that away created this monster we see now.

May, similarly, had her regret about killing that girl in Bahrain taken away – only for that girl to then kill scores of people in Cambridge and help catalyze the Hydra takeover. She’s still determined to make up for her mistake, just like the real May would be – but here, she does it by volunteering to take a risky new super soldier serum in order to take on The Patriot. That’s right, Mace’s own trick being used against him (but don’t blink or you’ll miss the shot of Terrigen crystals in the Hydra fridge next to the serum).

She finds Mace at a Hydra “enlightenment center,” where he and Coulson are trying to free an important Hydra prisoner. That prisoner turns out to be none other than our old friend Antoine Triplett, back from the dead here just like Ward. Trip got some important information about Hydra’s top-secret project, but unfortunately got busted. While freeing him, Coulson sees some of his former students being herded into a quarantine building. That building turns out to be full of high school students being subjugated to Hydra propaganda, A Clockwork Orange style.

Trip and Coulson start freeing the kids as Mace takes on a juiced-up May. Turns out nobody can beat Mace at his own super-strength game, and he wins the fight by throwing May through a brick wall and pointing out that if he really was the terrorist she thought he was, he’d have killed her. This seems to trigger something in May, but she’s stubborn, and still calls in a Hydra airstrike on the building.

When May enters the collapsing building to confirm Mace’s death, she finds him and the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents struggling to save kids. She apparently didn’t know there were kids being brainwashed here, and is astounded to watch her mortal enemy endanger himself to save them. Ultimately, Mace does sacrifice himself to save everyone else, which means his real-life self is also gone for good. It’s very sad, but also gives a heroic death to this guy who spent his whole life trying to be one. Mace, like Ward and Mack, actually seems to have a more fulfilling life here than he did in the real world, which is another great element to this story.

Thankfully, Mace’s sacrifice was not in vain. He managed to convince May that he and his friends were telling the truth, and she responds by sneaking one of those Terrigen crystals to Daisy to give her powers back. It’s go time now.

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Who lives, who’s lost: This is how it all ends in the series finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


After getting a reprieve at the end of Season 5 and a surprise renewal for two more seasons, the real — final — ending has arrived for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. So how does it all end?

**SPOILER WARNING! Spoilers ahead for “The End is at Hand,” and “What We’re Fighting For,” the series finale of ABC’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., which aired Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2020.**

Well, it’s over. Considering this is likely the last time we’ll ever see our favorite S.H.I.E.L.D. agents , let’s start at the end. So how did the series end — and more importantly — where did everyone end up?

First up, the world is saved. The timeline is restored. The team retires. We’ll get into that a lot more below, but first of all, here’s a rundown of where the team all lands once the dust settles.

Deke : Before we get to the big final showdown, the team has to bid farewell to one recent addition a bit early in Deke. To get the timeline back on track, someone has to stay behind in the broken one to pull the trigger and send the rest of the team back. Deke has spent a good bit of time in the 1980s, and more than anyone, was thriving there. So when someone has to stay, he decides to embrace his inner rock god and stay behind for good. Even cooler? Once the dust settles, the remnants of 1980s era S.H.I.E.L.D. turn to Deke for leadership. Yep, that’s right — Deke is finally calling the shots.

Mack : Mack remains a company man, and continues to run S.H.I.E.L.D. after the Chronicoms are defeated. He seems to be making some good progress, too, in getting the agency back online. Our parting shot of Mack shows him supervising the construction of a new and improved helicarrier.

May : After connecting with her emotional side this season in the wake of her trip to the other dimension (at the end of Season 6), May retires from active field duty to pass on her knowledge to the next generation of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. She’s teaching at Coulson Academy, and her star pupil is Flint, the time-displaced Inhuman from the aborted future timeline.

Fitz and Simmons : Fitz and Simmons, finally reunited with their daughter(!?), retire to the countryside. They seem happy to finally be free from the rat race of constant world-saving. If anyone deserves a slow, happy life, it’s FitzSimmons.

Daisy (and Sousa) : After making a love connection in recent episodes, Daisy and Sousa remain together a year after the battle with the Chronicoms. They’re also still working for S.H.I.E.L.D., though nowhere near Earth. The duo, along with Daisy’s long lost and time-displaced sister Kora, are out in deep space serving as emissaries for Earth to alien races, presumably. So Daisy gets her happy ending, and the man out of time gets to explore the cosmos.

Yo-Yo : Yo-Yo is also still with S.H.I.E.L.D., using her super speed on field missions with her team of Piper and a (presumably LMD/Chronicom tech) version of fan favorite Agent Davis. It was a fun nod to fans to show those two back in action, especially Davis, who was tragically killed by Izel a season ago.

Coulson : Coulson remains alive and well in his hybrid Chronicom/LMD form. After saving the world from the Chronicoms. He’s essentially taken a sabbatical from S.H.I.E.L.D. to travel the world and check some adventures off his list. Despite their love connection in the past, he doesn’t end up with May — at least not explicitly. Though the door is left open for them to reconnect down the line. So there’s still a chance they’ll get their happy ending. But Coulson gets his own happy ending of sorts, as Mack sends Coulson a restored version of Lola, his beloved cherry red 1962 Chevrolet Corvette — complete with all those flying sci-fi upgrades, of course.

Welcome to the multiverse


As many fans have suspected, most of the current season has been taking place in a splintered, alternate timeline outside of the “mainline” MCU that fans know from the first few seasons, as well as the movies. S.H.I.E.L.D .’s connection to the MCU has always been a bit nebulous, but here we realize exactly how they’ve been playing so fast and loose with the rules this year: It was all part of Fitz’s plan. Fitz wasn’t just hiding out in a different part of the timeline, or in space, so to speak — he was holding down the fort in the original timeline , while the rest of the team had to soldier on through this twisted splinter in the multiverse.

Fitz and Simmons figured out they needed Daisy’s sister Kora (who died before Daisy’s birth in the original timeline) as part of their plan to use her Inhuman abilities to reprogram the Chronicoms to give them empathy — so they gamed out their best projections on how the altered timeline would play out, just like Sybil did with the Chronicoms, and Fitz stayed behind in the “prime” timeline to keep them tethered to eventually return.

Even cooler? We get a very tangible connection to the MCU proper when it comes to connecting those timelines back together. The workaround Fitz figured out to connect the realities? The Quantum Realm, the same McGuffin fans have seen before in the Ant-Man films, as well as Avengers: Endgame . So yeah, it’s all connected. They use the Quantum Realm to pull the Chronicom fleet back to the MCU’s “real” present time, and use Kora’s abilities to stop the Chronicom soldiers from attacking, turning them essentially into allies. 

As for this season’s other big bad, Nathaniel Malick (another character who was supposed to be long dead in the OG timeline), he gets a final face-off with Daisy. Quake powers vs. quake powers. It’s an epic battle, which ends with Daisy blowing up an entire Chronicom ship, with Malick right in the middle of it. It almost kills her, too, as the team has to pluck her body out of the vacuum of space. Thankfully, Kora uses her energy-creating abilities to revive her. So, one big happy family.

And that’s the theme that runs through the heart of the episode, and inspires the series finale’s title: “What We’re Fighting For.” Not surprisingly, the answer is family. Fitz and Simmons spent years off building their time machine and mapping out their plan, and had a daughter along the way. So they were fighting for her. Daisy had a chance to connect with the sister she never knew she had. Mack and Yo-Yo are fighting for one another. Coulson’s fighting for the found family he made himself in this team.

It’s family.

Assorted musings


No matter the timeline, it seems John Garrett just can’t catch a break. After being betrayed by Malick, he agrees to help the S.H.I.E.L.D. team escape from the bombed-out Lighthouse base. But once he jumps them out to the secret S.H.I.E.L.D. hideout, he’s shot point blank in the head by agents when they land. Oops. It was a shocking scene, but considering how bad Garrett has been regardless the timeline, he certainly got his comeuppance.

Sousa gets to make the move on Daisy this time around, planting a kiss on her as she heads off on a mission. Mack’s approval is hilarious.

Seeing Simmons process her scrambled memories and slowly remember her life, and Fitz, was some beautiful acting by Elizabeth Henstridge. She really dialed into a woman breaking down, and remembering all she’s sacrificed over the past few years in just a brief, broken few moments. Well done.

Mack and Sousa using the Chronicoms as a makeshift, duct-taped missile was a great bit of classic, goofy S.H.I.E.L.D. weirdness. It was also a chance for Sousa to be creative and useful, showing that no matter the time period, he’s an asset. 

Having Deke left behind in the alternate timeline was sad, but it made sense. He really had found a home in this version of the world — and with Daisy moving on romantically (and his crush now fizzled) — he was able to make a new start in a new world. Also, his fart noise interrupting Sousa was just perfect. Perfect . Deke’s goodbye with Mack was also a tearjerker. They really have become true friends though all this.

“On THREE, dammit!”

Was the final plan a bit convoluted and McGuffin-y? Sure, but it was fun and action-packed, even if it was a bit silly. This is a show that’s told plenty of big stories, and plenty of small stories, and it went out with a big one.

The coda at the end of the episode was an interesting way to wrap the story up. Did it work? Mostly. It’s hard to craft an ending, especially one with so many moving pieces and characters. But there’s no doubt this is a good one. Fans should enjoy it, and most importantly it leaves the door open to where fans can imagine all the adventures and stories that could still spin out after the series has long-ended.

Which is what makes comic book stories, and this series itself, so much fun in the first place.

The story never ends.

  • Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Series Finale

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After 7 seasons, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD  recently aired its final episode, ending the chapter on the MCU adjacent story and Marvel TV as a whole. Over that time, the characters have changed and evolved, not just as a team but as individuals, leaving them in very different places than where they started out.

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Thankfully, there was a one-year time jump that allowed us to see what each character is doing after the team separated. So here is what happened to each character from Agents of SHIELD in the series finale.

Daisy has had quite a journey, starting out as a hacker only to end up joining SHIELD and eventually becoming a hero in her own right. The finale saw fighting and killing Nathaniel Mallick and sacrificing herself in the process, thankfully she was able to be brought back to life by her sister, Kora.

After the time jump, we learn that she's working alongside her sister and Agent Sousa in space serving as what he calls the "Astro Ambassadors" which could potentially become the MCU's version of SWORD. We see the trio staring at the vast beauty of space aboard Zephyr Three, set to continue their journey among the stars.

After being rescued from an early death in 1955, Agent Sousa became the team's resident man out of time. Despite being confused and surprised by the futuristic technology around him, he managed to use his skills and resourcefulness to his advantage, making him an essential part of the team.

His romantic relationship with Daisy was something that was developed during the second half of the season but still managed to feel organic. The last we see of him is in space, completely out of his element and aboard Zephyr Three with Daisy and Kora, still working as an Agent of SHIELD.

Agent Mack had a lot to deal with in season 7. In addition to having to lead the team through time, he also had to deal with the death of his parents. Mack was the last one to arrive at the group meeting on account of him dealing with a "situation in Macow" which he can't share more details about with the group due to it being classified.

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The last shot of him shows him ending the call on a helicarrier in the sky, continuing on as director. Considering he's the main man in charge, there's a good chance he'll show back up sooner or later.

The show's final season saw Yo-yo unlock the full range of her abilities, realizing that she doesn't have to bounce back to where she originally started, a skill that became extremely useful during the action sequences.

At the virtual reunion, Mack is sure to mention that she is one of SHIELD's most-decorated agents and it's made clear that the two are still together. Elena shares that she's chasing an 0-8-4, an object of unknown origin, with her new team. After she leaves the meeting, we see she's in a car being driven by an LMD version of Davis who is arguing with Piper about how he was programmed  before she runs out of the speeding car.

With her becoming an empath earlier in the season, it was almost a guarantee that May and her new powers were going to have an important role to play in the season finale, which they later did when the team dealt with the Chronicoms by giving them empathy. During the reunion, when asked about her new line of work, she tells the team that she's exhausted, but Coulson insists that she loves it.

After the call ends, it's revealed that she's working at Coulson Academy, the idea she had initially proposed to Mack after Coulson's death, with Flint as one of her students. It's unclear if she still has her powers at the end of the season, but it would seem like a useful skill to have in her new profession.

After spending the entire season hidden away , Fitz made his first real appearance towards the end of the penultimate episode when he revealed that he had a way for the team to return to their original timeline using the Quantum Realm.

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After the year jump, we learn that he had retired from SHIELD focusing on spending time with his wife and daughter, which makes sense considering how much time the trio spent separated from each other throughout the show's run. We last see him running around and playing with his daughter while they're on a picnic.

Simmons spent a lot of the season struggling to remember things on account of, DIANA, the implant in her brain blocking her memories and intentionally preventing her from knowing Fitz's location.

After the two reunited and he helped put together, she realizes that one of the things she forgot was that during the time they spent building the time machine, she and Fitz had a daughter named Alya , named after Simmons' favorite star. In the end, we learned she is also retired from SHIELD, but mentions something about anatomy analysis, implying that she is still secretly helping Daisy. She is then seen at the park with Fitz watching on as he plays with their daughter.

After realizing that someone would need to stay behind so that the others could make it back to the original timeline, Deke agrees to remain, refusing to let Sousa and Daisy separate from each other, saying that he plans to continue his rock career and insisting that if all goes well, there's a chance they could see him in the future .

After successfully helping his team enter the quantum realm, he realizes that he's now the new person in charge, officially becoming the director to the small group of remaining SHIELD agents, including a young Victoria Hand.

The biggest change Coulson has gone through and one that he struggled with coming to terms with for a lot of the final season was the team's decision bringing him back as a Life Model Decoy, with him saying that after the mission was over that he was going to take some time to decide if he wanted to turn off or not.

When asked if he had made the choice on whether he was going to deactivate himself or not when the team got back together, he that says he plans on continuing to seeing the world before he makes his final decision, even receiving an offer from May to stop by the school and share some stories with the students. Coulson's final scene is him opening a case containing the button to shut himself off and a set of keys. The last shot of the series shows him putting on his sunglasses, flying off in a modified version of Lola gifted to him by Mack, ending pretty much the same way the first episode ends.

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  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013)

Here's where every major character ended up on the 7th and final season of Marvel's 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'

  • Warning: There are major spoilers ahead for the seventh and final season of Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."
  • The show's series finale aired on ABC on Wednesday night, wrapping up character storylines and using a key element of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to save the day for the team's final mission. 
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"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Marvel's longest-running TV show, concluded on Wednesday after seven seasons. 

The two-hour finale aired on ABC, showing the team banding together for their final mission and using the quantum realm (a key element of the "Ant-Man" movies and "Avengers: Endgame" ) to travel back to the original timeline and save the world from destruction at the hands of semi-robotic creatures known as Chronicoms.

For longtime fans of the series, which had its fair share of cancelation fears in the past, the finale offered closure and happy ending for the beloved S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

Here's where every major character ended up on the seventh and final season. 

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet), still an agent, ended up going on missions in space.

trip agents of shield death

During the two-part finale, it seemed as though Daisy died during a battle with Nathaniel Malick (Thomas E. Sullivan), one of the final season's villains. Even Daisy seemed content to die a hero after taking out Nathaniel.

However, the agents retrieved her body, which was floating in space after an explosion, and brought her to their ship.

There, Kora (Dianne Doan), her Inhuman sister, revived Daisy using her powers.

The end of the finale featured a one-year time jump, showing the agents reuniting virtually in the S.H.I.E.L.D. speakeasy called Swordfish because their lives had taken them in so many different directions that it was impossible to see each other in real life.

Regardless, they refused to drift entirely apart and agreed to meet again, same time and same place, the following year. 

Daisy gathered in a circle with Coulson, May, Mack, Yo-Yo, Fitz, and Simmons and they all recapped the latest events in their lives.

It was revealed that Daisy was on a spacecraft with Kora (who was pulled from the alternate timeline) and Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj), who dubbed them the "Astro Ambassadors."

Sousa, who was introduced on Marvel's short-lived series "Agent Carter," first appeared during season seven of "AoS" when the team traveled to the '30s. They saved Sousa from being murdered and he became a member of the team, assisting with missions throughout the final season.

He also formed an unlikely romance with Daisy, which was still intact after the one-year time jump.

Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen) became a teacher at the new Coulson Academy.

trip agents of shield death

Among her students was Flint (Coy Stewart), the Inhuman with geokinesis abilities who fans first met when they team headed to space on season five. 

Becoming a teacher was a fitting conclusion for May, a resilient agent who trained both Grant Ward (Brett Dalton) and Daisy, and acted as a mentor to others. 

It also appeared that May and Coulson, who had years of history and feelings for each other, didn't end up together — but actress Wen said there could be hope for a reunion.

"I think that the Philinda fans are going to be a little bit sad about the outcome again, but you know what? We've seen this happen before, so don't be surprised if he is resurrected once again," Wen said in an interview with ComicBook.com.

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) and Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge), also known as FitzSimmons, finally got their happy ending together.

trip agents of shield death

For most of the series, the couple constantly found themselves literally separated by space and time — so often that Fitz was convinced that the cosmos just wouldn't allow them to be together.

But fans of Fitz and Simmons always knew that they were endgame, and the finale gave the characters a satisfying, well-earned ending. 

Fitz was noticeably absent during most of the final season because De Caestecker was filming another project at the time of shooting "AoS." With the actor's limited schedule, Fitz's absence was written into the plot.

In the finale, viewers learned where he was. 

Earlier on, the Chronicoms got a hold of Fitz and Simmons and accessed their memories with a machine. Because the pair figured out a way to defeat the Chronicoms and save the team, they couldn't risk their plan being discovered by the Chronicoms.

So Fitz disappeared to an unknown location for his protection while Simmons stayed behind and had an implant put in her body that suppressed her memories and therefore concealed Fitz's location and plan. 

In the finale, the couple reunited, though it took Simmons some time to regain her memories and recall who Fitz was. Fitz explained that he was in the original timeline the whole time he was missing.

He said that when the team went back in time, they branched off from the original chain of events and created an alternate timeline. But by entering the quantum, as he did after going subatomic, the agents would be able to jump between the two timelines and defeat the Chronicoms. 

Through a series of flashbacks, fans saw that FitzSimmons lived out a happy life together in the years that they spent working on a world-saving solution.

This is also when Fitz built the Coulson LMD, which was created specifically for this final mission so they could all work together.

Fitz always knew that their plan would work, so he and Simmons delayed fixing everything so they could enjoy their time together. They even had a daughter named Alya. 

While virtually gathering with the rest of the agents after the one-year time jump, it was revealed that Fitz had retired from S.H.I.E.L.D. and was enjoying fatherhood.

Meanwhile, Simmons was also no longer with S.H.I.E.L.D. but was quietly helping Daisy with an anatomy analysis. 

Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie (Henry Simmons) continued his role as the director of "S.H.I.E.L.D."

trip agents of shield death

The finale revealed that Mack was on a helicarrier en route to Moscow for a "classified" mission that needed his attention.

Some fans interpreted that as a potential reference to Marvel's upcoming "Black Widow" movie, but there weren't sufficient details given on "AoS" that would clearly point to that MCU tie-in. 

Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez (Natalia Cordova-Buckley) became S.H.I.E.L.D.'s "most decorated agent."

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The finale also revealed that Mack and Yo-Yo's relationship was still going steady and they enjoyed working together at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Plus, Yo-Yo got her own team comprised of herself, Piper (Briana Venskus), and an LMD version of Davis (Maximilian Osinski), who was killed during season six.

Deke Shaw (Jeff Ward) volunteered to stay behind in the alternate timeline so the team could get back to the original timeline.

trip agents of shield death

Deke, the grandson of FitzSimmons, was first introduced at the start of season five when the agents were transported through time and space to the future. Because FitzSimmons reunited and had a child (who will become Deke's mother), Deke will still be born in the original timeline.

Meanwhile, the Deke who stayed behind in the alternate timeline in the '80s will continue living out his rockstar dreams.

He gained a big following when Mack and Deke got stranded in 1982 during season seven, episode seven. He formed a band and performed his own rendition of "Don't You (Forget About Me)" by Simple Minds, pretending that it was an original song since the real version hadn't been released yet.

After the plan to get the agents back to the original timeline proved to be a success, Deke said that he was now in charge, meaning that he was now running S.H.I.E.L.D.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly , Ward said that it made perfect sense for Deke's musician persona to be a cover for his role as director at S.H.I.E.L.D.

The LMD (Life Model Decoy) version of Phil Couslon (Clark Gregg) decided to take some time to explore the world on his own and reassess things.

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Throughout "AoS," Coulson was killed and brought back to life a few times.

Even after he died for good, he still remained part of the team through the LMD built by Fitz, which contained all the information, history, and feelings that the real Coulson possessed.

Coulson struggled with being an LMD, but on part one of the finale, he told May that he liked this version of himself, seemingly coming to terms with it.

In the final moments of the show, Mack gifted Coulson with a "going away present."

Coulson opened a briefcase using the code 136 (a clever nod to the show's 136 total episodes), which contained keys to a new and improved version of L.O.L.A., Coulson's beloved red car, built by Mack. 

In the show's final scene, Coulson put on his signature aviator sunglasses and drove off in his flying car. 

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Agents of Shield tv show poster

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is an American television series created by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon, and Maurissa Tancharoen for ABC, based on the Marvel Comics organization S.H.I.E.L.D., a peacekeeping and spy agency in a world of superheroes. The series was the first to be set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , and it acknowledges the continuity of the franchise's films and other television series. It began in 2013 and concluded in 2020.

The worldwide law-enforcement organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division) employs an elite team of agents who investigate strange occurrences around the globe and beyond. Its members -- each of whom brings a specialty to the group -- work to protect those who cannot protect themselves from extraordinary and inconceivable threats, including a formidable group known as Hydra.

  • 1.1.1 Pilot
  • 1.1.2 0-8-4
  • 1.1.3 The Asset
  • 1.1.4 Eye Spy
  • 1.1.5 Girl in the Flower Dress
  • 1.1.6 F.Z.Z.T
  • 1.1.7 The Hub
  • 1.1.8 The Well
  • 1.1.9 Repairs
  • 1.1.10 The Bridge
  • 1.1.11 The Magical Place
  • 1.1.12 Seeds
  • 1.1.13 T.R.A.C.K.S.
  • 1.1.14 T.A.H.I.T.I.
  • 1.1.15 Yes Men
  • 1.1.16 End of the Beginning
  • 1.1.17 Turn, Turn, Turn
  • 1.1.18 Providence
  • 1.1.19 The Only Light in the Darkness
  • 1.1.20 Nothing Personal
  • 1.1.21 Ragtag
  • 1.1.22 Beginning of the End
  • 1.2.1 Shadows
  • 1.2.2 Heavy Is the Head
  • 1.2.3 Making Friends and Influencing People
  • 1.2.4 Face My Enemy
  • 1.2.5 A Hen in the Wolf House
  • 1.2.6 A Fractured House
  • 1.2.7 The Writing on the Wall
  • 1.2.8 The Things We Bury
  • 1.2.9 Ye Who Enter Here
  • 1.2.10 What They Become
  • 1.2.11 Aftershocks
  • 1.2.12 Who You Really Are
  • 1.2.13 One of Us
  • 1.2.14 Love in the Time of HYDRA
  • 1.2.15 One Door Closes
  • 1.2.16 Afterlife
  • 1.2.17 Melinda
  • 1.2.18 Frenemy of My Enemy
  • 1.2.19 The Dirty Half Dozen
  • 1.2.20 Scars
  • 1.2.21 S.O.S.: Part 1
  • 1.2.22 S.O.S.: Part 2
  • 1.3.1 Laws of Nature
  • 1.3.2 Purpose In the Machine
  • 1.3.3 A Wanted (Inhu) Man
  • 1.3.4 Devils You Know
  • 1.3.5 4,722 Hours
  • 1.3.6 Among Us Hide...
  • 1.3.7 Chaos Theory
  • 1.3.8 Many Heads, One Tale
  • 1.3.9 Closure
  • 1.3.10 Maveth
  • 1.3.11 Bouncing Back
  • 1.3.12 The Inside Man
  • 1.3.13 Parting Shot
  • 1.3.14 Watchdogs
  • 1.3.15 Spacetime
  • 1.3.16 Paradise Lost
  • 1.3.17 The Team
  • 1.3.18 The Singularity
  • 1.3.19 Failed Experiments
  • 1.3.20 Emancipation
  • 1.3.21 Absolution
  • 1.3.22 Ascension
  • 1.4.1 The Ghost
  • 1.4.2 Meet the New Boss
  • 1.4.3 Uprising
  • 1.4.4 Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire
  • 1.4.5 Lockup
  • 1.4.6 The Good Samaritan
  • 1.4.7 Deals with Our Devils
  • 1.4.8 The Laws of Inferno Dynamics
  • 1.4.9 Broken Promises
  • 1.4.10 The Patriot
  • 1.4.11 Wake Up
  • 1.4.12 Hot Potato Soup
  • 1.4.13 Boom
  • 1.4.14 The Man Behind the Shield
  • 1.4.15 Self Control
  • 1.4.16 What If...
  • 1.4.17 Identity and Change
  • 1.4.18 No Regrets
  • 1.4.19 All The Madame's Men
  • 1.4.20 Farewell, Cruel World!
  • 1.4.21 The Return
  • 1.4.22 World's End
  • 1.5.1 Orientation (Part One)
  • 1.5.2 Orientation (Part Two)
  • 1.5.3 A Life Spent
  • 1.5.4 A Life Earned
  • 1.5.5 Rewind
  • 1.5.6 Fun & Games
  • 1.5.7 Together or Not at All
  • 1.5.8 The Last Day
  • 1.5.9 Best Laid Plans
  • 1.5.10 Past Life
  • 1.5.11 All the Comforts of Home
  • 1.5.12 The Real Deal
  • 1.5.13 Principia
  • 1.5.14 The Devil Complex
  • 1.5.15 Rise and Shine
  • 1.5.16 Inside Voices
  • 1.5.17 The Honeymoon
  • 1.5.18 All Roads Lead...
  • 1.5.19 Option Two
  • 1.5.20 The One Who Will Save Us All
  • 1.5.21 The Force of Gravity
  • 1.5.22 The End
  • 1.6.1 Missing Pieces
  • 1.6.2 Window of Opportunity
  • 1.6.3 Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson
  • 1.6.4 Code Yellow
  • 1.6.5 The Other Thing
  • 1.6.6 Inescapable
  • 1.6.7 Toldja
  • 1.6.8 Collision Course (Part 1)
  • 1.6.9 Collision Course (Part 2)
  • 1.6.10 Leap
  • 1.6.11 From the Ashes
  • 1.6.12 The Sign
  • 1.6.13 New Life
  • 1.7.1 The New Deal
  • 1.7.2 Know Your Onions
  • 1.7.3 Alien Commies from the Future!
  • 1.7.4 Out of the Past
  • 1.7.5 A Trout in the Milk
  • 1.7.6 Adapt or Die
  • 1.7.7 The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D
  • 1.7.8 After, Before
  • 1.7.9 As I Have Always Been
  • 1.7.10 Stolen
  • 1.7.11 Brand New Day
  • 1.7.12 The End Is at Hand
  • 1.7.13 What We're Fighting For
  • 3 Kill Counts
  • 5 Navigation
  • Unnamed Man - Blown up after he overloaded on Extremis.
  • Unnamed Peruvian Rebel - Shot in the chest by Phil Coulson.
  • Cusi - Sucked out of the BUS after Leo Fitz caused the 0-8-4 to blow a hole through the side of it.
  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent - Killed after her car was thrown into the air by an unnamed person using Gravitonium and crashed into the ground, on Ian Quinn's orders.
  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent - Killed after his car was thrown into the air by an unnamed person using Gravitonium and crashed into the ground, on Ian Quinn's orders.
  • Unnamed Man - Bled out after his hand was cut off by Akela Amador. (Debatable)
  • Two Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents - Killed during a raid on one of Vanchat's Gulags off-screen, mentioned.

Girl in the Flower Dress

  • Agent Quan Chen - Hole burnt through his torso by Scorch.
  • Dr. Debbie - Incinerated by Scorch.
  • Adam Cross - Killed after he was exposed to the Chitauri Virus.
  • Cat - Died in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
  • Frank Whalen - Killed after he was exposed to the Chitauri Virus.
  • Tony Diaz - Killed after he was exposed to the Chitauri Virus.
  • Mouse - Hit by Jemma Simmons with a failed anti-serum for the Chitauri Virus off-screen.
  • Unnamed Man - Stabbed in the chest with a knife thrown by Agent Shaw.
  • Bjorn - Punched in the chest by Petra Larsen.
  • Jack Benson - Killed in a laboratory accident off-screen accidentally caused by Tobias Ford.
  • Arlene Willoughby - Killed in a laboratory accident off-screen accidentally caused by Tobias Ford.
  • Frank Delacourt - Killed in a laboratory accident off-screen accidentally caused by Tobias Ford.
  • Tobias Ford - Disintegrated after he let Hannah Hutchins go. (Debatable)
  • Brian Hayward - Killed after his eye implant was detonated by Raina.

The Magical Place

  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent - Shot in the neck by Calvin Johnson off-screen, mentioned.


  • Unnamed Man - Stabbed by Melinda May.
  • Unnamed Man - Shot in the chest by Melinda May.
  • Unnamed Man - Throat slashed by Melinda May.
  • Lucca Russo - Stabbed in the back with a knife thrown by Melinda May.
  • Carlo Mancini - Thrown out of a window by Deathlok.
  • Sofia - Neck snapped by Deathlok off-screen, body seen.
  • Two Unnamed Men - Killed by Deathlok off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Unnamed Man - Neck snapped by Deathlok.


  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agent - Killed by Ian Quinn's men off-screen, on Ian Quinn and the Clairvoyant's orders, mentioned.
  • Two Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agents - Killed by Ian Quinn's men off-screen, on Ian Quinn and the Clairvoyant's orders, mentioned.
  • Bob/Beta - Shot in the abdomen by John Garrett.
  • Alpha - Bled out after being shot in the chest by Grant Ward.
  • James "Jimmy" Mackenzie - Punched in the chest by Lorelei.

End of the Beginning

  • Agent Dan Monroe - Killed by Ian Quinn's men off-screen, on Ian Quinn and the Clairvoyant's orders, mentioned.
  • Thomas Nash - Shot in the chest Grant Ward.

Turn, Turn, Turn

  • Two S.H.I.E.L.D UAV's - Shot and blown up by Phil Coulson.
  • Six Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agents - Shot to death by HYDRA agents, on John Garrett's orders.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Neck snapped by Melinda May.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the chest by Melinda May.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot to death by Leo Fitz.
  • Agent Chaimson - Shot in the head by Grant Ward.
  • Agent Jacobson - Shot in the head by Grant Ward.
  • At Least Three Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agents - Shot to death by Grant Ward off-camera, screams/gunshots heard.
  • Three Unnamed People - KIlled by HYDRA agents off-screen in an attempt to start phase three of the Centipede project, on John Garrett's orders, bodies seen.
  • Two Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agents - Shot in the head by Grant Ward.

The Only Light in the Darkness

  • Unnamed Fisherman - Life force absorbed by Blackout.
  • Marcus Daniels/Blackout - Exploded after being overloaded with Darkforce by Phil Coulson and Trip.

Nothing Personal

  • Alejandro Castillo - Decapitated by Deathlok off-screen, on John Garrett's orders, shown in news report.
  • Two Ducks - Shot by John Garrett off-screen, bodies seen in flashback.
  • Deer - Shot by Grant Ward off-screen, seen in flashback.

Beginning of the End

  • Four Unnamed Men - Blown up by Trip. (Debatable)
  • General Jacobs - Stabbed in the neck by John Garrett with his own rib.
  • Unnamed U.S. Soldier - Petrified after he touched the Obelisk off-screen, body seen in flashback.
  • At Least Four Unnamed U.S. Soldiers - Killed by Nazi soldiers off-screen, bodies seen in flashback.
  • Roger Browning - Neck snapped by Absorbing Man.
  • Staff Sergeant Logan - Beaten to death by Absorbing Man off-screen, body seen.
  • Staff Sergeant Smith - Neck snapped by Absorbing Man off-screen, body seen.
  • Agent Idaho - Killed in a car crash caused by Absorbing Man.

Heavy Is the Head

  • Unnamed Waitress - Accidentally petrified by Absorbing Man.

Making Friends and Influencing People

  • Elias - Frozen alive by Blizzard.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Frozen alive by Blizzard.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Ship Captain - Frozen alive by Blizzard.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Frozen alive by Blizzard off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Shot in the chest by Melinda May.

Face My Enemy

A hen in the wolf house.

  • Schneider - Poisoned by HYDRA with a chemical that duplicated the power of the Obelisk.
  • Unnamed Woman - Poisoned by HYDRA with a chemical that duplicated the power of the Obelisk.
  • Six Unnamed U.S. Soldiers - Poisoned by HYDRA with a chemical that duplicated the power of the Obelisk.
  • Deacon - Throat slit by Calvin Johnson off-screen, body seen.
  • Brick - Throat slit by Calvin Johnson off-screen, body seen.

A Fractured House

  • Adamo Dioli - Disintegrated by Marcus Scarlotti.
  • Unnamed Guard - Disintegrated by Marcus Scarlotti.
  • Four Unnamed People - Killed by Marcus Scarlotti and his mercenaries off-screen, mentioned.
  • Unnamed Man - Shot in the back of the head by Lance Hunter.
  • Two Unnamed Men - Shot in the chest by Melinda May.
  • Unnamed Man - Shot in the chest by Lance Hunter.
  • Toshiro Mori - Shot in the chest by Lance Hunter and Bobbi Morse.
  • Vincent Beckers - Died in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
  • Two Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agents - Killed by Marcus Scarlotti and his mercenaries off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Agent Noelle Walters - Disintegrated by Marcus Scarlotti.
  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agent - Killed by Marcus Scarlotti and his mercenaries off-screen, body seen.
  • Unnamed Mercenary - Accidentally disintegrated by another mercenary.
  • Two Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agents - Killed by Marcus Scarlotti and his mercenaries off-screen, mentioned.
  • Unnamed F.B.I Agent - Neck snapped by Grant Ward.
  • Unnamed F.B.I Agent - Shot in the head by Grant Ward off-camera.

The Writing on the Wall

  • Rebecca Stevens/Janice Robbins - Carved into by Sebastian Derik.
  • Lewis Seaver - Burned alive by Sebastian Derik off-screen, mentioned.
  • Three Unnamed T.A.H.I.T.I. Patients - Killed by Sebastian Derik off-screen, mentioned.
  • Unnamed Bartender - Shot in the head by Grant Ward off-screen, body seen.

The Things We Bury

  • Unnamed Man - Petrified after he touched the Obelisk.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the chest by Phil Coulson.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the chest by Trip.
  • Jiaying - Cut open by Daniel Whitehall, shown in flashback. Revived
  • Senator Christian Ward - Burned alive by Grant Ward off-screen, seen in news report.
  • Grant Ward's Father - Burned alive by Grant Ward off-screen, seen in news report.

Ye Who Enter Here

What they become.

  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Petrified after Skye hit him with the Obelisk.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Stabbed in the back of the neck by Calvin Johnson.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the head by Phil Coulson.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Neck snapped by Calvin Johnson.
  • Dr. Werner Reinhardt/Daniel Whitehall - Shot in the back by Phil Coulson.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the chest by Lance Hunter.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the chest by Bobbi Morse.


  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agent - Throat slit by Raina.
  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agent - Throat slashed by Raina.
  • Six Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Shot to death by Bobbi Morse.
  • Sheikh - Poisoned by an unnamed HYDRA agent, on Octavian Bloom and Sunil Bakshi's orders, after being tricked by Phil Coulson.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Poisoned by an unnamed HYDRA agent, on Octavian Bloom and Sunil Bakshi's orders, after being tricked by Phil Coulson.
  • The Baroness - Poisoned by an unnamed HYDRA agent with a chemical that duplicated the power of the Obelisk, on Octavian Bloom and Sunil Bakshi's orders, after being tricked by Phil Coulson.
  • The Banker - Disintegrated by the Accountant, on Octavian Bloom and Sunil Bakshi's orders, after being tricked by Phil Coulson.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the chest by Bobbi Morse, on Phil Coulson's orders.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the chest by either Bobbi Morse or Lance Hunter, on Phil Coulson's orders.

Who You Really Are

  • Unnamed Security Guard - Throat slashed by Karla Faye Gideon.
  • Karla Faye Gideon's Boyfriend - Killed by Karla Faye Gideon off-screen, mentioned.

Love in the Time of HYDRA

  • Selwyn - Killed by Grant Ward off-screen, body seen.
  • Staff Sergeant Campbell - Killed by Grant Ward off-screen, body seen.

One Door Closes

  • 12 Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D/ HYDRA Agents - Killed each other off-screen during the HYDRA Takeover, bodies shown in flashback.
  • Timothy "Tim" Maguire - Shot to death by a HYDRA agent.
  • Six Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Shot to death by Bobbi Morse, shown in flashback.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Stabbed in the back with a knife thrown by Isabelle Hartley, shown in flashback.
  • Six Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D/ HYDRA Agents - Killed each other off-screen during the HYDRA Takeover, bodies shown in flashback.
  • Four Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D/ HYDRA Agents - Killed each other off-screen during the HYDRA Takeover, bodies shown in flashback.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Slashed and stabbed by Isabelle Hartley, shown in flashback.
  • Faisal Ahmed - Shot in the chest by an unnamed man after being manipulated by Katya Belyakov.
  • Unnamed Man - Neck snapped by Melinda May.
  • Eva Belyakov - Impaled on a piece of a broken lamp by Melinda May.
  • Five Unnamed Men - Killed by Katya Belyakov with her powers.

Frenemy of My Enemy

  • Ethan Johnston - Died of Cardiogenic Shock after being experimented on by Dr. List off-screen, body seen.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Used as a human shield by Calvin Johnson and shot to death by two HYDRA agents.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot to death by Phil Coulson.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the chest by Grant Ward.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the chest by Kara Palamas.

The Dirty Half Dozen

  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the chest by Daisy Johnson.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Shot in the head by Daisy Johnson.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Shot in the chest by Daisy Johnson.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the head by Daisy Johnson.
  • Lincoln Campbell - Died whilst being experimented on by HYDRA agents, on Dr. List's orders. Revived
  • Sunil Bakshi - Accidentally disintegrated by Jemma Simmons.

S.O.S.: Part 1

  • Unnamed Inhuman - Shot in the head by a S.H.I.E.L.D agent.
  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agent - Life force drained by Jiaying.
  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agent - Killed by Kara Palamas off-screen, mentioned.
  • Raina - Stabbed in the throat by Jiaying.
  • Two Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agents - Killed by Gordon and two Inhumas off-screen, on Jiaying's orders, bodies seen.

S.O.S.: Part 2

  • Agent Oliver - Petrified by an Inhuman after he smashed a Terrigen Crystal in front of him, on Jiaying's orders.
  • Two Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agents - Petrified by an Inhuman after he smashed a Terrigen Crystal in front of them, on Jiaying's orders.
  • Kara Lynn Palamas/Agent 33 - Accidentally shot to death by Grant Ward.
  • Two Unnamed Inhumans - Drowned to death after Daisy Johnson used her powers to push their Quinjet off the Illiad.
  • Gordon - Accidentally impaled on a steel pole by Leo Fitz.
  • Jiaying - Spine broken by Calvin Johnson.
  • Total - 108

Laws of Nature

  • At Least One Unnamed Person - Petrified after they ate a pill containing mist from a Terrigen Crystal that Daisy Johnson had accidentally thrown into the ocean.
  • Seven Unnamed Inhumans - Holes blasted through their chests by Lash off-screen, bodies seen.

Purpose In the Machine

  • Lord Manzini - Sacrificed to Hive, shown in flashback.

A Wanted (Inhu) Man

  • John Donnelly - Died of a heart attack after Lincoln Campbell accidentally scared him.
  • Unnamed Man - Beaten to death by an unnamed man. (Debatable)

Devils You Know

  • Lori Henson - Hole blasted through her chest by Lash.
  • Shane Henson - Hole blasted through his chest by Lash.
  • Alisha Whitley Clone - Hole blasted through her chest by Lash.
  • Unnamed Person - Petrified after they ate a pill containing mist from a Terrigen Crystal that Daisy Johnson had accidentally thrown into the ocean.
  • Dwight Frye - Hole blasted through his chest by Lash.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the back by Lance Hunter.
  • Three Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Killed by Melinda May off-screen, mentioned.

4,722 Hours

  • Tentacled Creature - Stabbed to death by Jemma Simmons with a makeshift axe.
  • S. Austin - Committed suicide by throwing himelf off a cliff after being manipulated by Hive off-screen, mentioned.
  • Brubaker - Committed suicide by setting himself on fire after being manipulated by Hive off-screen, mentioned.
  • Taylor - Stabbed by Will Daniels with an axe. (Villain at time of death so listed in bold)

Among Us Hide...

  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the chest by a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, shown in flashback.
  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agent - Shot in the chest by a HYDRA agent, shown in flashback.
  • Rosalind Price's Husband - Died of cancer off-screen, mentioned.
  • Kebo - Electrocuted to death by Bobbi Morse.

Chaos Theory

Many heads, one tale.

  • Octopus - KIlled and cooked by an unnamed cook off-screen, on Gideon Malick's orders, body seen.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Stabbed in the throat by Grant Ward.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Shot in the head by Grant Ward.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Killed by Grant Ward off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Two Unnamed Pilots - Killed after Grant Ward caused their plane to crash.
  • Unamed Flight Attendant - Killed after Grant Ward caused the plane she was on to crash.
  • At Least 12 Unnamed People - Killed after Grant Ward caused the plane they were on to crash.
  • Rosalind Price - Shot in the throat by Grant Ward, on Gideon Malick's orders.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Used as a human shield by Phil Coulson and shot to death by a HYDRA agent.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Shot to death by Phil Coulson.
  • Three Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agents - Shot in the chest by Luther Banks, under Giyera's control.
  • At Least Three Unnamed People - Killed by Hive off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Killed by Lash off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Stabbed in the back by Hive.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Stabbed in the back with a knife thrown by Melinda May.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Shot in the back by Phil Coulson.
  • V. Ramirez - Killed by Lash off-screen.
  • E. Flores - Killed by Lash off-screen.
  • G. Richardson - Killed by Lash off-screen.
  • R. Gray - Killed by Lash off-screen.
  • B. Robinson - Killed by Lash off-screen.
  • T. Nguyen - Killed by Lash off-screen.

Bouncing Back

The inside man.

  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Neck snapped by Absorbing Man.

Parting Shot

  • Yuri Krupin - Killed by Androvich off-screen, body seen.
  • Anton Petrov - Shot to death by Lance Hunter.
  • Unnamed Watchdog - Shot in the chest by Mack.
  • Unnamed Watchdog - Stabbed to death by Mack with a meat cleaver.
  • Edwin Abbott - Shot to death by a HYDRA Quadcopter.
  • Polly Hinton's Mother - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
  • Three Unnamed Men - Skin absorbed by Hive.
  • Rowan Hamilton - Head crushed by Gideon Mailck, on Hive's orders.

Paradise Lost

  • Wilfred Malick - Died in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
  • Gideon Malick's Mother - Died in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
  • At Least Four Moths - Killed whilst being experimented on by HYDRA off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Nathaniel Malick - Sacrificed to Hive, shown in flashback.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Shot in the chest by Phil Coulson.
  • Lucio - Stabbed in the chest by Joey Gutierrez.

The Singularity

  • Alisha Whitley Clone - Shot in the head by a fellow Alisha Whitley Clone, under Hive's control. (Villain at time of death so listed in bold)
  • Alisha Whitley Clone - Shot in the head by Phil Coulson. (Villain at time of death so listed in bold)

Failed Experiments

  • Boar - Impaled on a spear by Alveus, shown in flashback.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents - Melted after Holden Radcliffe and Hive's experiment failed.
  • Kirk Vogel - Melted after Holden Radcliffe and Hive's experiment failed.
  • Alisha Whitley Clone - Beaten to death by a Kree Reaper. (Villain at time of death so listed in bold)
  • Alisha Whitley - Stabbed by a Kree Reaper off-screen, body seen. (Villain at time of death so listed in bold)
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent - Stabbed by a Kree Reaper off-screen, body seen.
  • Unnamed Kree Reaper - Disintegrated by Mack after his spine was broken by Daisy Johnson, on Hive's orders.


  • Jackson - Neck snapped by Lash.
  • Pete Boggs - Neck crushed by Lash.
  • R. Giyera - Shot to death by Leo Fitz.
  • Unnamed Primative - Shot in the chest by Mack. (Debatable)
  • Unnamed Primative - Slashed by Mack with the Shotgun-Axe. (Debatable)
  • Lincoln Campbell - Killed after he flew the Nuclear Warhead into space to kill Hive.
  • D. Anderson - Head crushed by Ghost Rider off-camera, scream heard.
  • R. Moore - Head crushed by Ghost Rider off-camera, scream heard.
  • M. Scott - Bled out after being burned by Ghost Rider.
  • At Least One Unnamed Person - Killed by Ghost Rider off-screen, seen in file.
  • Unnamed Person - Killed by Ghost Rider off-screen, seen in file.
  • Councilman Roger Perez - Killed by Ghost Rider off-screen, seen in file.
  • Thomas Wright - Killed by Ghost Rider off-screen, seen in file.
  • Unnamed Member of the Chinatown Crew - Killed by Zhong Wei after he was exposed to Lucy Bauer off-screen, body seen.
  • Zhong Wei - Killed by his partner after being exposed to Lucy Bauer off-screen, body seen.
  • T. Mitchell - Rammed into by Ghost Rider riding his Hell Charger.

Meet the New Boss

  • Unnamed Helicopter Pilot - Crashed into a building after the Watchdogs created a massive power outage, on Ellen Nadeer's orders.
  • Chen - Died of a heart attack after being exposed to Lucy Bauer.
  • Agent Melinda Qiaolian May/The Cavalry - Killed after she was injected by Jemma Simmons with an unknown liquid. Revived

Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire

  • Unnamed Watchdog - Either died after being shot in the chest by Mack or when Ghost Rider accidentally blew up Primed and Ready Fireworks.
  • Unnamed Person - Killed by an unnamed person off-screen, mentioned.
  • Joseph Bauer - Died of a heart attack after being exposed to Lucy Bauer.
  • Vincent - Sliced in half and incinerated by Robbie Reyes with a chain, using Ghost Rider's power.
  • Hugo - Incinerated by Robbie Reyes, using Ghost Rider's power.
  • Unnamed Person - Died duing the Blackout attacks orchestrated by Ellen Nadeer off-screen, mentioned.
  • Santino Noguera - Burned alive by Ghost Rider off-camera, scream heard.

The Good Samaritan

  • Roberto "Robbie" Reyes - Shot to death by the Fifth Street Locos in an attack orchestrated by Joseph Bauer, shown in flashback. Revived

Deals with Our Devils

  • Four Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agents - Killed after Eli Morrow materialized Carbon Shards into their bodies, impaling them.

The Laws of Inferno Dynamics

  • Peng - Killed after Eli Morrow materialized diamonds in his lungs.
  • Unnamed Member of the Chinatown Crew - Shot in the chest by Mack
  • Unnamed Member of the Chinatown Crew - Stabbed in the chest by Mack with his Shotgun-Axe.
  • Unnamed Member of the Chinatown Crew - Thrown against a pillar by Patriot.
  • Two Unnamed Members of the Chinatown Crew - Shot in the chest by Phil Coulson.
  • Unnamed Member of the Chinatown Crew - Shot in the chest by Mack.
  • Unnamed Member of the Chinatown Crew - Shot in the chest by Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons.
  • Elias W. "Eli" Morrow - Burned alive by Ghost Rider.

Broken Promises

  • Sunjina Nadeer - Blown up by the Chituari, shown in flashback.
  • Ellen Nadeer's Father - Died in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
  • Aida - Decapitated by Mack with his Shotgun-Axe. Rebuilt

The Patriot

  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agent - Killed by Yuri Zaikin off-screen, body seen.
  • Agent Burrows - Sucked out of the Quinjet after a hole was blown through the side of it by the Watchdogs.
  • Agent McCafferty - Impaled on a tree branch after Watchdogs blew a hole in the side of the Quinjet, causing him to crash.
  • Unnamed Watchdog - Shot to death by Phil Coulson.
  • Hope Mackenzie - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
  • Holden Radcliffe LMD - Shot in the head by Leo Fitz. Rebulit

Hot Potato Soup

  • Unnamed Man - Neck snapped by Aida.
  • Leo Babikov - Hole punched through his chest by Aida.
  • Holden Radcliffe LMD - Burned alive in a furnace by either Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Mack, Daisy Johnson, or Phil Coulson.
  • Senator Ellen Nadeer - Accidentally blown up by Tucker Shockley.
  • Zach Bynum - Accidentally blown up by Tucker Shockley.
  • Unnamed Man - Accidentally blown up by Tucker Shockley.
  • Unnamed Person - Accidentally blown up by Tucker Shockley off-screen, mentioned.
  • Unnamed Man - Killed by Tucker Shockley off-screen. (Debatable)

The Man Behind the Shield

  • Three Unnamed SVR Agents - Killed by the SVR off-screen, bodies seen.

Self Control

  • Leopold James "Leo" Fitz LMD - Stabbed in the throat by Jemma Simmons. Rebuilt
  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agent - Shot to death by Phil Coulson LMD.
  • Agent Fisher - Shot to death by Phil Coulson LMD.
  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agent - Beaten to death by Phil Coulson LMD off-screen, body seen.
  • Holden Radcliffe - Wrists slashed by Aida. Revived into the Framework
  • Jeffrey Solomon Mace/Patriot LMD - Electrocuted by Daisy Johnson.
  • Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie LMD - Torn apart after Daisy Johnson let out a massive shockwave.
  • Melinda Qiaolian May LMD - Commited suicide by blowing herself up so that Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons could escape.
  • Phillip J. "Phil" Coulson LMD - Blown up by Melinda May LMD.
  • Lincoln Campbell (Framework) - Killed by The Doctor off-screen, seen in file.
  • Agent Jemma Anne Simmons (Framework) - Shot to death by Hydra agents off-screen during the HYDRA Takeover, seen in file.
  • 200 Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Cadets (Framework) - Shot to death by Hydra agents off-screen during the HYDRA Takeover, seen in file.
  • Vijay Nadeer (Framework) - Killed by The Doctor off-screen.
  • Total - 204

Identity and Change

  • 279 Unnamed People (Framework) - Killed by Katya Belyakov (Framework) during the Cambridge Incident off-screen, seen in file.
  • Katya Belyakov (Framework) - Killed by HYDRA agents off-screen, mentioned.
  • HYDRA Drone (Framework) - Destroyed by an unknown person off-screen, mentioned.
  • Agent Billy Koenig (Framework) - Killed by HYDRA agents off-screen, mentioned.
  • Agent Cooke (Framework) - Killed by HYDRA agents off-screen, mentioned.
  • Agnes Kitsworth (Framework) - Shot in the chest by The Doctor.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent (Framework) - Shot in the head by Grant Ward (Framework) .
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent (Framework) - Shot in the chest by Grant Ward (Framework) .
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent (Framework) - Shot in the chest by Phil Coulson.
  • Total - 288
  • At Least Nine Unnamed People - Killed by HYDRA agents off-screen, bodies seen.
  • 15 Unnamed People - Killed by HYDRA agents off-screen, mentioned. (Not counting Koenig and Cooke, seeing as these were Patriot's friends that he had mentioned)

All The Madame's Men

  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent (Framework) - Used as a human shield by Daisy Johnson and shot to death by a HYDRA agent.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent (Framework) - Shot to death by Daisy Johnson.
  • Three Unnamed HYDRA Agents (Framework) - Shot to death by Melinda May.
  • Four Unnamed HYDRA Agents (Framework) - Blown up by Daisy Johnson.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent (Framework) - Neck snapped by Melinda May.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents (Framework) - Killed by either Daisy Johnson, Melinda May, Phil Coulson, Mack, or Agent Burrows off-screen, mentioned.

Farewell, Cruel World!

  • Alistair Fitz (Framework) - Shot in the chest by Jemma Simmons off-camera, shot heard.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent (Framework) - Shot in the chest by Melinda May.
  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Agents (Framework) - Shot to death by Melinda May.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent (Framework) - Shot in the chest by Mack.
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent (Framework) - Shot by Holden Radcliffe (Framework) off-screen, body seen.
  • Gordon (Framework) - Killed by The Doctor off-screen, powers seen used by Aida.
  • Anton Ivanov/Superior LMD - Face cut off by Phil Coulson with his Energy Shield.
  • Unnamed Man - Shot and blown up by Agent Piper.
  • Anton Ivanov/Superior LMD - Electrocuted by Phil Coulson.
  • Anton Ivanov/Superior LMD - Beaten to death by Melinda May.
  • Richardson - Shot in the head by Aida.
  • Agent Prince - Neck snapped by Aida.
  • Anton Ivanov/Superior LMD - Head smashed against the ground by Aida.

World's End

  • 21 Unnamed Inhumans (Framework) - Killed by The Doctor off-screen, mentioned. (Not counting Lincoln, Vijay, and Gordon)
  • Unnamed HYDRA Agent (Framework) - Shot in the back of the head by Holden Radcliffe (Framework) .
  • Anton Ivanov/Superior LMD - Thrown against a wall by Robbie Reyes, using Ghost Rider's power.
  • Sergei Mishkin LMD - Head torn off by Robbie Reyes, using Ghost Rider's power.
  • Bober - Killed by Daisy Johnson LMD off-screen, body seen.
  • Unnamed U.S. Soldier - Killed by Daisy Johnson LMD off-screen, body seen.
  • Daisy Louise Johnson LMD - Incinerated by Robbie Reyes, using Ghost Rider's power.
  • Unnamed LMD - Decapitated by Daisy Johnson with a metal object.
  • Sergei Mishkin LMD - Eye drilled out by Robbie Reyes, using Ghost Rider's power.
  • Anton Ivanov/Superior LMD - Thrown into the air by Ghost Rider with his chain and then torn apart by Daisy Johnson with her powers.
  • At Least 20 Unnamed People (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Agent Burrows (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Jemma Anne Simmons LMD - Stabbed in the chest by Aida.
  • Aida - Incinerated by Ghost Rider, using Phil Coulson's body as a host.
  • Hope Mackenzie (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Holden Radcliffe (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Alexander Goodwin Pierce (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Dr. Werner Reinhardt/Daniel Whitehall (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Felix Blake (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Gideon Malick (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Kenneth Turgeon (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Sunil Bakshi (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Pinsky (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Slate (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Agent Grant Douglas Ward (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Agent Antoine Triplett (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Burnell (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Julia Price (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Amy (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Andrew Garner (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Audrey Nathan (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Carl Creel (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Chris Adler (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Hart (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • John Horton (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Laura (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Mrs. Fitz (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Director Nick Fury (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • O'Brien (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Agent Victoria Hand (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Winslow (Framework) - Deleted from the Framework by Aida.
  • Total - 7,507,504,950

Orientation (Part One)

  • Jerry (Earth-TRN676) - Sucked out into space after Jones (Earth-TRN676) shot out the window he was next too.
  • Jones (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Vrellnexians off-screen.
  • Five Unnamed People (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Vrellnexians off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Two Unnamed People (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Vrellnexians off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Virgil (Earth-TRN676) - Stabbed in the head by a Vrellnexian.
  • Vrellnexian (Earth-TRN676) - Blown up by Daisy Johnson with her powers.
  • Unnamed Kree Captain (Earth-TRN676) - Stabbed in the chest by Mack with a Kree Battle Axe.

Orientation (Part Two)

  • Unnamed Man (Earth-TRN676) - Head crushed by Sinara (Earth-TRN676) with her Kree Spheres.
  • Unnamed Man (Earth-TRN676) - Beaten to death by an unnamed man (Earth-TRN676).
  • Unnamed Man (Earth-TRN676) - Strangled to death by an unnamed woman (Earth-TRN676).
  • Holt (Earth-TRN676) - Shot in the side by Tess (Earth-TRN676). (Villain at time of death so listed in bold)

A Life Spent

  • 13 Unnamed Opponents (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Beast (Earth-TRN676) off-screen, mentioned.
  • Beast (Earth-TRN676) - Killed after Abby (Earth-TRN676) phased her hand through his stomach.

A Life Earned

  • Unnamed Kree Watch Guard (Earth-TRN676) - Throat slashed by Melinda May.
  • Rusty Peltzer - Accidentally crashed his helicopter into the ground.
  • Lieutenant Evans - Shot in the head by Hale.

Fun & Games

  • Flint's Mother (Earth-TRN676) - Killed during a past Renewal off-screen, mentioned.
  • Flint's Father (Earth-TRN676) - Killed during a past Renewal off-screen, mentioned.
  • Xandarian Snail (Earth-TRN676) - Killed and cooked by an unnamed cook off-screen, on Gaius Ponarian (Earth-TRN676)'s orders, body seen.
  • Ben (Earth-TRN676) - Impaled through the chest by Sinara (Destroyed Earth) with her Kree Spheres, on Kasius (Earth-TRN676)'s orders.
  • Grill (Earth-TRN676) - Crushed under a boulder by Flint (Earth-TRN676).

Together or Not at All

  • Vrellnexian (Earth-TRN676) - Stabbed in the back by Enoch (Earth-TRN676).
  • Two Vrellnexians (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Enoch (Earth-TRN676) off-screen, mentioned.
  • Unnamed Man (Earth-TRN676) - Throat slashed by Maston-Dar (Earth-TRN676).
  • Two Unnamed Kree Generals (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Sinara (Earth-TRN676) off-screen, mentioned.
  • Vicar (Earth-TRN676) - Impaled through the eye by Flint (Earth-TRN676) with a rock.
  • Maston-Dar (Earth-TRN676) - Impaled through the chest by Sinara (Earth-TRN676) with her Kree Spheres.

The Last Day

  • Polly Hinton (Earth-TRN676) - Killed after Glenn Talbot (Earth-TRN676) absorbed the Gravitonium and destroyed the world off-screen, mentioned.
  • Roach (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Vrellnexians after they were released by the Kree Watch off-screen, on Kasius (Earth-TRN676)'s orders, body seen.
  • Six Unnamed People (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Vrellnexians after they were released by the Kree Watch off-screen, on Kasius (Earth-TRN676)'s orders, bodies seen.
  • Two Unnamed People (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Vrellnexians after they were released by the Kree Watch off-screen, on Kasius (Earth-TRN676)'s orders, bodies seen.
  • Vrellnexian (Earth-TRN676) - Shot by Mack and Yo-Yo and then stabbed by Mack with his Shotgun-Axe.
  • Director Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie (Earth-TRN676) - Killed after Glenn Talbot (Earth-TRN676) absorbed the Gravitonium and destroyed the world off-screen, mentioned.
  • Five Vrellnexians (Earth-TRN676) - Disintegrated by Yo-Yo.
  • Agent Daisy Louise Johnson/Quake (Earth-TRN676) - Absorbed by Glenn Talbot (Earth-TRN676) with his powers off-screen, mentioned.
  • Agent Philip J. "Phil" Coulson (Earth-TRN676) - Killed after Glenn Talbot (Earth-TRN676) absorbed the Gravitonium and destroyed the world off-screen, mentioned.
  • Glenn Talbot (Earth-TRN676) - Accidentally committed suicide by absorbing the Gravitonium and destroying the world off-screen, mentioned.
  • Agent Jemma Anne Simmons (Earth-TRN676) - Died of unknown causes off-screen at some point in the future, mentioned.
  • Agent Leopold James "Leo" Fitz (Earth-TRN676) - Died of unknown causes off-screen at some point in the future, mentioned.
  • Robin Hinton/The Seer (Earth-TRN676) - Died of her injuries after being stabbed in the stomach by Samuel Voss (Earth-TRN676).
  • Agent Melinda Qiaolian May (Earth-TRN676) - Died of unknown causes off-screen at some point in the future, mentioned.

Best Laid Plans

  • Two Unnamed Kree Watch Guards (Earth-TRN676) - Shot to death by Mack, Yo-Yo, and two other people.
  • Six Unnamed Kree Watch Guards (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Mack, Yo-Yo, Flint (Earth-TRN676), and multiple other people off-screen, mentioned. Eight mentioned, not counting the already counted two members.
  • Two Unnamed Kree Watch Guards (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Mack and Yo-Yo off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Unnamed Kree Doctor (Earth-TRN676) - Shot in the head by Kasius (Earth-TRN676).
  • Unnamed Kree Watch Guard (Earth-TRN676) - Shot in the chest by Deke Shaw (Earth-TRN676).
  • Unnamed Kree Watch Guard (Earth-TRN676) - Stabbed in the back by Melinda May.
  • Tye (Earth-TRN676) - Stabbed in the chest by Daisy Johnson after being overloaded with Odium by Kasius (Earth-TRN676).
  • Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Kree Watch guards off-screen several years prior, on Kasius (Earth-TRN676)'s orders, mentioned. Revived
  • Unnamed Kree Watch Guard (Earth-TRN676) - Shot in the chest by Enoch (Earth-TRN676).
  • Three Unnamed Kree Watch Guards (Earth-TRN676) - Decapitated with a trap set up by Leo Fitz (Earth-TRN676).
  • Hek-Sel (Destroyed Earth) - Sucked out into space after Flint (Earth-TRN676) destroyed the window he was next too.
  • Four Unnamed Kree Watch Guards (Earth-TRN676) - Sucked out into space after Flint (Earth-TRN676) destroyed the window they were next too.
  • Unnamed Kree Watch Guard (Earth-TRN676) - Shot in the back by Deke Shaw (Earth-TRN676).
  • Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez (Earth-TRN676) - Throat slit by Kasius (Earth-TRN676).
  • Two Unnamed Kree Watch Guards (Earth-TRN676) - Shot in the chest by Mack.
  • Kasius (Earth-TRN676) - Impaled through the back by Mack with his Shotgun-Axe.

All the Comforts of Home

  • Sleeper Mech - Shot in the chest by Phil Coulson.
  • Sleeper Mech - Shot in the chest by Agent Piper.
  • Sleeper Mech - Shot in the chest by Melinda May.

The Real Deal

  • Unnamed Kree Warrior MR - Shot in the head by Daisy Johnson.
  • Jemma Anne Simmons LMD MR - Shot to death by Jemma Simmons.
  • Michael "Mike" Peterson MR - Blown up by Deathlok.
  • Andrew Garner/Lash MR - Blown up by Deathlok.
  • Vrellnexian MR - Blown up by Deathlok.
  • Vrellnexian MR - Shot in the head by Phil Coulson.
  • Alya Shaw MR - Stabbed through the back by a Kree warrior with a Kree Battle Axe.
  • Unnamed Kree Warrior MR - Stabbed in the throat by Deke Shaw (Destroyed Earth) .
  • Six Unnamed Cybertek Crew Members - Died of hypoxia after their ship, the Principa, was lifted 25,000 feet in the air after it was struck by lightning, supercharging the Gravitonium they were transporting, creating an applied gravity field off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Sleeper Mech - Stabbed in the head by Daisy Johnson.
  • Sleeper Mech - Shot in the chest by Mack.

The Devil Complex

  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent - Slashed across the chest by Hive MR with a sword.
  • Hive MR - Shot in the face by Jemma Simmons.

Rise and Shine

  • Jasper Stillwell's Dog - Killed by Jasper Stillwell off-screen as his final test, mentioned in flashback.
  • Laika (Dog) - Killed by Hale off-screen as her final test, mentioned in flashback.
  • At Least Two Dogs - Killed by HYDRA trainee's off-screen as their final tests, mentioned in flashback.
  • General Fischer - Committed suicide by biting down on a cyanide pill, shown in flashback.
  • Professor Steger - Shot in the side by Hale, shown in flashback.

Inside Voices

  • Sleeper Mech - Head ripped off by Absorbing Man off-camera.
  • Sleeper Mech - Shot in the back by Glenn Talbot.
  • Director Philip J. "Phil" Coulson - Punched in the throat by a Sleeper Mech. Revived

The Honeymoon

  • Two Unnamed HYDRA Scientists - Shot in the head by Werner von Strucker.
  • Sleeper Mech - Shot to death by Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz (Earth-TRN676).
  • Sleeper Mech - Shot to death by Leo Fitz (Earth-TRN676).

All Roads Lead...

  • Sleeper Mech - Shot to death by Yo-Yo.
  • Werner von Strucker - Skull accidentally crushed by Ruby Hale with her powers.
  • Agent Thomas - Stabbed through the back by a Remorath, on Qovas' orders.
  • Unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D Agent - Stabbed in the chest by a Remorath, on Qovas' orders.
  • At Least Two Unnamed People (Earth-TRN676) - Killed by Remoraths off-screen, mentioned.
  • Agent Wahl - Stabbed in the side of the neck by a Remorath, on Qovas' orders.
  • Unnamed Remorath - Killed by Glenn Talbot off-camera, blood splatter shown.

The One Who Will Save Us All

  • Unnamed Remorath - Crushed by Glenn Talbot with his powers.
  • Qajax - Died after overloading on Odium.
  • Crixon - Absorbed by Graviton with his powers.

The Force of Gravity

  • At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Qovas off-screen, mentioned.
  • Agent Kim - Crushed by Graviton with his powers.
  • Carl Creel/Absorbing Man - Absorbed by Graviton with his powers.
  • Commander Qovas - Accidentally committed suicide by blowing himself up after Melinda May and Deke Shaw (Earth-TRN676) redirected the missiles he fired back into his ship.
  • Unnamed Remorath - Neck snapped by Melinda May.
  • Unnamed Remorath - Stabbed in the back by Leo Fitz (Earth-TRN676).
  • Agent Philip J. "Phil" Coulson - Died of his old injuries after they resurfaced. Revived
  • Glenn Talbot/Graviton - Blasted into outer space by Daisy Johnson with her powers.

Missing Pieces

  • Tinker - Died after getting fused into a concrete wall whilst trying to pull himself through it.
  • Philip J. "Phil" Coulson - Died of his old injuries after they resurfaced off-screen, mentioned.
  • Thomas "Tom" Benson - Killed after the machines keeping him alive were turned off by doctors off-screen, on Marcus Benson's request.

Window of Opportunity

  • Torres - Throat slashed with a knife thrown by Snowflake.
  • Malcolm - Stabbed in the chest by Snowflake.
  • Two Unnamed Vivians - Accidentally sucked out of an airlock and into outer space by Viro after being tricked by Fitz and Enoch.

Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson

Code yellow.

  • Harold Simcoe - Stabbed in the stomach by Sarge.
  • Ray - Shot in the side by Pax.
  • Agent Damon Keller - Stabbed in the stomach by Yo-Yo to avoid letting him get killed by a Shrike.

The Other Thing

  • At Least Three Unnamed Members of the Confederacy - Killed by Chronicoms off-screen, blood seen.
  • Unnamed Man - Shot in the side of the head by Sarge.


Collision course (part 1), collision course (part 2), from the ashes, the new deal, know your onions, alien commies from the future, out of the past, a trout in the milk, adapt or die, the totally excellent adventures of mack and the d, after, before, as i have always been, brand new day, the end is at hand, what we're fighting for.

  • Season 1 - 93
  • Season 2 - 286
  • Season 3 - 144
  • Season 4 - 7,507,505,596
  • Season 5 - 188
  • Season 6 - 20 (So Far)
  • Season 7 - TBA

Kill Counts

  • Aida - 7,507,505,009 (Deceased)
  • Katya Belyakov (Framework) - 279 (Deceased)
  • Agent Melinda Qiaolian May/The Cavalry - 54 (So Far)
  • Grant Douglas Ward - 51 (Deceased)
  • Philip J. "Phil" Coulson - 47 (Deceased)
  • Director Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie - 40 (So Far)
  • Agent Daisy Louise Johnson/Skye/Quake - 39 (So Far)
  • Agent Leopold James "Leo" Fitz/The Doctor - 37 (So Far)
  • Alveus/Hive - 31 (Deceased)
  • Dr. Andrew Garner/Lash - 25 (Deceased)
  • Ghost Rider - 24 (Alive)
  • Jonathan "John" Garrett/Clairvoyant - 24 (Deceased)
  • Agent Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez - 22 (So Far)
  • Roberto "Robbie" Reyes - 22 (Alive)
  • Agent Barbara "Bobbi" Morse - 21 (Alive)
  • Senator Ellen Nadeer - 20 (Deceased)
  • Kasius (Earth-TRN676) - 18 (Deceased)
  • Deke Shaw (Earth-TRN676) - 15 (So Far)
  • Commander Qovas - 14 (Deceased)
  • Flint (Earth-TRN676) - 13 (Alive)
  • Glenn Talbot/Graviton - 13 (Deceased)
  • Beast (Earth-TRN676) - 13 (Deceased)
  • Agent Jemma Anne Simmons - 12 (So Far)
  • Marcus Scarlotti - 12 (Alive)
  • Jiaying - 12 (Deceased)
  • Michael "Mike" Peterson/Deathlok - 10 (So Far)
  • Agent Amadeus Ravenclaw "Lance" Hunter - 10 (Alive)
  • Dr. Calvin L. "Cal" Johnson/Calvin "Cal" Zabo - 9 (Alive)
  • Dr. Lucy Bauer - 9 (Deceased)
  • Carl Creel/Absorbing Man - 8 (Deceased)
  • Agent Antoine "Trip" Triplett - 8 (Deceased)
  • Ian Quinn - 7 (Deceased)
  • Donald "Donnie" Gill/Blizzard - 6 (Possibly Deceased)
  • Agent Leopold James "Leo" Fitz (Earth-TRN676) - 6 (Deceased)
  • Sinara (Earth-TRN676) - 6 (Deceased)
  • Gordon - 6 (Deceased)
  • Agent Isabelle Hartley - 6 (Deceased)
  • Katya Belyakov - 6 (Deceased)
  • Sebastian Derik - 5 (Alive)
  • Tucker Shockley - 5 (Alive)
  • Brigadier General Hale - 5 (Deceased)
  • Alisha Whitley - 5 (Deceased)
  • Gideon Malick - 5 (Deceased)
  • Elias W. "Eli" Morrow - 5 (Deceased)
  • Agent Grant Douglas Ward (Framework) - 4 (Deleted)
  • R. Giyera - 4 (Deceased)
  • Sunil Bakshi - 4 (Deceased)
  • Octavian Bloom - 4 (Deceased)
  • Enoch (Earth-TRN676) - 4 (Deceased)
  • Raina - 4 (Deceased)
  • Glenn Talbot (Earth-TRN676) - 4 (Deceased)
  • Enoch - 3 (So Far)
  • Pachakutiq/Sarge - 3 (So Far)
  • Tobias Ford - 3 (Possibly Deceased)
  • Holden Radcliffe - 3 (Deceased)
  • Luther Banks - 3 (Deceased)
  • Agent Roberto "Robert" Gonzales - 3 (Deceased)
  • Kara Lynn Palamas/Agent 33 - 3 (Deceased)
  • Philip J. "Phil" Coulson LMD - 3 (Destroyed)
  • Agent Piper - 2 (So Far)
  • Snowflake - 2 (So Far)
  • Samuel "Sam" Voss (Earth-TRN676) - 2 (Alive)
  • Karla Faye Gideon - 2 (Alive)
  • Lorelei - 2 (Alive)
  • Ruby Hale - 2 (Deceased)
  • Werner von Strucker - 2 (Deceased)
  • Agent Burrows (Framework) - 2 (Deleted)
  • Daisy Louise Johnson LMD - 2 (Destroyed)
  • Lincoln Campbell - 2 (Deceased)
  • Dr. List - 2 (Deceased)
  • Chan Ho Yin/Scorch - 2 (Deceased)
  • Chen - 2 (Deceased)
  • Melinda Qiaolian May LMD - 2 (Destroyed)
  • Holden Radcliffe (Framework) - 2 (Deleted)
  • Viro - 2 (Deceased)
  • Dr. Marcus Benson - 1 (So Far)
  • Pax - 1 (So Far)
  • James Taylor "JT" James/Hellfire - 1 (Alive)
  • Victor Ramon - 1 (Alive)
  • Agent José "Joey" Gutierrez - 1 (Alive)
  • Tess (Earth-TRN676) - 1 (Alive)
  • Accountant - 1 (Alive)
  • Akela Amador - 1 (Alive)
  • Agent Shaw - 1 (Alive)
  • Petra Larsen - 1 (Alive)
  • Duane/Rooster - 1 (Alive)
  • Yuri Zaikin - 1 (Alive)
  • Abby (Earth-TRN676) - 1 (Alive)
  • Gaius Ponarian (Earth-TRN676) - 1 (Alive)
  • Id Simmons - 1 (Inactive)
  • William "Will" Daniels - 1 (Deceased)
  • Director Jeffrey Solomon Mace/Patriot - 1 (Deceased)
  • Dr. Werner Reinhardt/Daniel Whitehall - 1 (Deceased)
  • Marcus Daniels/Blackout - 1 (Deceased)
  • Edison Po - 1 (Deceased)
  • Colonel General Androvich - 1 (Deceased)
  • Zhong Wei - 1 (Deceased)
  • Joseph Bauer - 1 (Deceased)
  • Jones (Earth-TRN676) - 1 (Deceased)
  • Grill (Earth-TRN676) - 1 (Deceased)
  • Maston-Dar (Earth-TRN676) - 1 (Deceased)
  • Vicar (Earth-TRN676) - 1 (Deceased)
  • Alveus/Hive MR - 1 (Deceased)
  • Agent Jasper Stillwell - 1 (Deceased)
  • In Season 1, episode 12, it is mentioned that an entire village was massacred by unknown people, but it is never mentioned how many, so none will be counted.
  • In Season 2, episode 11, it is mentioned that Raina only killed two of the five S.H.I.E.L.D agents she attacked, so the first one that is seen getting "killed" off-screen will not be counted.
  • In Season 3, episode 7, it is shown in a flashback that Lash had killed an Inhuman, but he won't be counted since the victim was likely one of the six victims seen in the ATCU morgue room at the beginning of the season.
  • In Season 3, episode 10, it is mentioned that there were nine cities on the plane Maveth that were wiped out by Hive, but it's never said how many were killed, so none will be counted.
  • Used World Population History for the population of the Framework on May 1st, 2017 for the minimum.
  • In Season 5, episode 7, it is mentioned that Kasius lost a strategic outpost and cost the lives of thousands of Kree Warriors, but it is never mentioned exactly how many were killed, so none except the two Kree Generals that Kasius specifically mentioned to have died will be counted.
  • In the Destroyed Earth timeline, Earth was destroyed by Glenn Talbot after he absorbed all of the Gravitonium on Earth, but it is unknown exactly how many people were killed when he destroyed the planet, as many were able to escape onto the Lighthouse, so none aside from the characters directly mentioned to have died during the planets destruction (Daisy, Polly, Mack, etc...) will be counted.
  • In Season 6, episode 5, it is mentioned that the planet, Chronyca-2, was destroyed by the Shrike, but it is unknown how many Chronicom's died, as a fleet of them escaped the planet before its destruction, so none will be counted.
  • 1 My Hero Academia
  • 2 Sweet Tooth
  • 3 Sons of Anarchy

Agents Of Shield Actors You Might Not Know Passed Away

Bill Paxton, wearing black tie, smiles for the camera

The ABC series " Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D " (2013-2020) followed the adventures of S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson — played by Clark Gregg , reprising his fan-favorite role from several Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) features — and a team of fellow operatives and recruits as they battled various Earthbound and terrestrial foes that pursued world domination plans. The series attempted to operate in tandem with the MCU, and featured a number of characters and plot elements drawn from the feature films, such as Agent Peggy Carter and the Roxxon Energy Corporation; in some cases, it also introduced elements, such as the Kree or the Darkhold, which later played major roles in MCU titles.

One of the series' most compelling elements was its strong cast, led by Gregg and Ming-Na Wen ("The Book of Boba Fett"), and featuring Chloe Bennett as Daisy Johnson/Skye/Quake, Elizabeth Henstridge as Jemma Simmonds, and Nick Blood as Lance Hunter, among many other regular and recurring cast members. The series also made strong use of guest stars like Ruth Negga (Raina), Saffron Burrows (Victoria Hand), Patton Oswalt (the Koenigs), and Kyle MacLachlan (Calvin Johnson/Mister Hyde). While many of the "S.H.I.E.L.D" cast members and players remain active today, a select few have died in the years since the series debut. 

Stan Lee was his debonair, spectacular self on Season 1

Having lent his distinctive appearance and voice to nearly every screen incarnation of Marvel Comics' pantheon of characters, it seemed only right that Stan Lee should turn up in an episode of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Lee appeared in Season 1's "T.R.A.C.K.S." as the "Debonair Gentleman," who listened patiently to Jemma's lengthy explanation of her cover story while the pair traveled by train. As usual, Lee lent considerable charm to a brief cameo.

With such legendary artists as Jack Kirby , Steve Ditko , John Romita, Sr. and Jr., and Gene Colan, Lee co-created, scripted, and edited a slew of comic book titles for Marvel that not only helped re-define the idea of superheroes, but also inspired the entertainment juggernaut that would eventually become the Marvel Cinematic Universe — and, well, pop culture entertainment as a whole. Among Lee and his team's most enduring creations were Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, the X-Men, the Hulk, Thor, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Daredevil, Black Widow, and on and on. Unlike many previous heroes, the Marvel stable was both superhuman and all-too-human, suffering from anxiety, fretting about relationships, and at times questioning their assigned role as protectors of a public that didn't always appreciate them.

Lee also helped change the relationship between comic book companies and fans though his beloved monthly column, "Stan's Soapbox" (which always ended with his trademark "Excelsior!") and the tone of his responses to editorial letters, which always considered readers as friends, or "true believers," in Stan's words. Lee stopped editing Marvel titles in the 1970s, but continued to serve as the company's face for decades while also developing the company's titles for movie and TV projects, for which he typically served as executive producer. After leaving Marvel in the 1990s, Lee branched out into other comic book platforms, but none quite as successful as his remarkable run at Marvel.

Lee enjoyed a second tier of stardom through his cameos and voice-over work in MCU and other related projects — several of which, like his turn in "Avengers: Endgame," made their way to the screen after his death on November 12, 2018. Lee was one month shy of his 96 th birthday at the time of his passing.

Bill Paxton played ultra-bad guy John Garrett

One of the most formidable, complex antagonists on "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" was John Garrett, a former S.H.I.E.L.D. operative who turned to HYDRA. Injured during a mission, Garrett was revived by Project Deathlok, but used his S.H.I.E.L.D. connections to further HYDRA's aims via the Centipede Project, a program designed to revive dead combatants and based in part on the Super Soldier Serum that transformed Steve Rogers into Captain America. Garrett's interest in the program was personal — he needed its restorative properties to stop his own body from falling apart — and he later sought to create an analog of GH-325, the serum that revived Phil Coulson. After painfully rebuilding himself with prosthetic parts designed by Ian Quinn, Garrett met his fate at the hands of Coulson himself, who vaporized him with the Tesseract-powered Peruvian 0-8-4.

Beloved character actor Bill Paxton played Garrett on six episodes of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." The Emmy- and Golden Globe-nominated actor worked extensively with director James Cameron on some of his best-known films, including "The Terminator," "Aliens," and "Titanic," and enjoyed cult status thanks to his no-holds-barred turns in films like "Weird Science" and Kathryn Bigelow's "Near Dark." A nuanced performance as a small town sheriff in Carl Franklin's "One False Move" took Paxton to leading man territory in films like "Apollo 13," "Twister" and "Mighty Joe Young," as well as multiple seasons starring in the HBO series "Big Love."

Paxton suffered a stroke following surgery to repair a damaged aortic heart valve in 2017,  dying  on February 25 of that year at the age of 61. His son, actor James Paxton,  played a younger version of Garrett on three episodes of "S.H.I.E.L.D.," beginning with Season 7's "Stolen."

Powers Boothe was power player Gideon Malick

A shadowy figure within S.H.I.E.LD., HYDRA, and World Security Council circles, Gideon Malick used his talent for manipulation and political double-dealing to advance the return of Hive, the Inhuman founder of HYDRA. Having pushed HYDRA's agenda with Nick Fury during the Battle of New York, Malick used his influence to gain the support of President Matthew Ellis while gathering Inhumans for Hive's army. However, when Hive murdered his daughter, Malick turned his back on the organization, leading to his demise.

Emmy-winning actor Powers Boothe made his debut as Malick on Season 3's "Among Us Hide..." and reprised the role over ten more episodes until the character's death on Season 3's "The Team." The Texas native earned his Emmy for a harrowing turn as cult leader Jim Jones in the 1980 TV-movie "Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones," which led to a long and diverse career as a leading man and character actor in features and on television. Boothe's feature credits ranged from 1984's "Red Dawn" to "Tombstone," John Boorman's "The Emerald Forest," Oliver Stone's "Nixon" (as Alexander Haig) and both "Sin City" features.

On the small screen, Boothe played the scheming Cy Tolliver on "Deadwood," Vice President Noah Daniels on "24," and ex-mayor Lamar Wyatt on "Nashville." He also tackled Raymond Chandler's detective character, Philip Marlowe, on HBO's "Philip Marlowe, Private Eye," and lent his voice to animated series like "Justice League" (as Gorilla Grodd), and "Ben 10" (as Sunder). Boothe died of a heart attack in his sleep on May 14, 2017; the 68-year-old actor had been contending with pancreatic cancer.

Alvin Ing's Yat-Sen aided Inhumans with Terragenesis

Stage veteran Alvin Ing appeared as Yat-Sen in flashback sequences in Season 2's "Aftershocks." Yat-Sen assisted the powerful Inhuman Jlaying in transitioning Inhumans through Terrigenesis, the mutation process that gave those individuals their remarkable abilities. The episode focused on their work with Gordon, the powerful Inhuman who would lead a rebellion against S.H.I.E.L.D. in later episodes.

A native of Honolulu, Hawaii, Ing appeared in numerous touring productions of the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical "Flower Drum Song," including the 2002 Broadway revival. He also performed on Broadway in "Pacific Overtures," was a member of the Asian American Performing Arts Theater, and performed with the esteemed East West Players. Ing appeared in numerous television series , including recurring roles on "Falcon Crest" and guest roles on "Fantasy Island," "Law & Order: Criminal Intent," and "Third Watch." Feature film work included "The Gambler," "Smilla's Sense of Snow," and Takeshi Kitano's "Brother."

Hospitalized with COVID-19 in 2021, Ing died of cardiac arrest at the age of 89 on July 31 of that year.

Barney Miller star Ron Glass helped revive Phil Coulson

Dr. J. Streiten helped to kick off the entire "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." story arc by reviving Phil Coulson after his death at the hands of Loki during the Battle of New York (as seen in "The Avengers"). S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury ordered Streiten and other doctors to bring back Coulson using a serum devised from extraterrestrial DNA as part of Project T.A.H.I.T.I. Once returned to life, Coulson eventually discovered the truth behind his resurrection after being kidnapped by members of John Garrett's Centipede Project, later confronting Streiten about the procedure.

Character actor Ron Glass played Dr. Streiten in the "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." pilot and in "The Magical Place," which aired later in its debut season. An Emmy nominee for his turn as nattily-dressed detective Ron Harris on " Barney Miller ," Glass worked steadily on television from the 1970s through the mid-2010s, amassing credits on series like "Star Trek: Voyager," "Dirty Sexy Money," and "Amen." He also teamed with "S.H.I.E.L.D" co-creator Joss Whedon to play Shepherd Book on his cult series "Firefly" and its follow-up film, "Serenity." Glass died from respiratory failure at the age of 71 on November 25, 2016.

Clark Middleton lent the agents a hand with Leo Fitz

Cult actor Clark Middleton appeared in the Season 6 episode "Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson" as Pretorius Pryce, a customs agent for planet Naro-Atzia who boards the "Zephyr One" when Daisy Johnson and the team are in pursuit of Leo Fitz. Though exceedingly officious, Pryce proves helpful to the team by informing them that Chronicom Hunter Malachi was also looking for Fitz, which allowed the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to overcome him and continue their search.

Though physically disabled due to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Middleton not only overcame his disadvantages — which became the subject of his one-man Off-Broadway play, "Miracle Mile" — but found steady work as a character actor in films and on television. The former included turns in such acclaimed features as "Kill Bill Vol. 2," "Sin City," and "Snowpiercer," while his small screen work included recurring roles on "Law & Order" (as Forensic Tech Ellis), "Fringe," and the 2017 revival of "Twin Peaks," which cast him as Audrey Horne's husband who may or may not have been confronting her in some sort of limbo, or was perhaps overseeing her in a mental institution, or maybe it was just existentialism 101 . Middleton was perhaps best remembered as Glen Carter, a skiptracer who moonlighted as a DMV employee, on "The Blacklist."

Middleton died of complications from the West Nile virus, an illness borne by mosquitoes, on October 4, 2020. He was 63 years old.

Ravil Isyanov's Anton Petrov tried to topple his own government

Anton Petrov sought to solve the Inhuman problem on "Agents of "S.H.I.E.L.D." by establishing a sanctuary for them in his native Russia. To advance his plan in Season 3's "The Inside Man," Petrov teamed with Gideon Malick to overthrow the Russian Prime Minister, Dimtri Oleshenko, by assassination. However, as seen in the following episode, "Parting Show," the intervention of S.H.I.E.L.D. kept the prime minister out of harm, while Petrov was gunned down by Lance Hunter.

Russian actor Ravil Isyanov , who played Petrov in both episodes, was a veteran performer in both American and British productions since the early 1990s. He enjoyed long runs as recurring characters on "NCIS: Los Angeles" (as mobster Anatoli Kirkin), "GLOW" (as the brusque motel owner who gives Alison Brie's Ruth the idea for Zoya the Destroya), and "The Americans" (as interrogator Ruslan).

Isyanov appeared in more than 70 features, including ""GoldenEye," Kenneth Branagh's "Hamlet," "K-19: The Widowmaker," and "Transformers: Dark of the Moon." At the time of his death at the age of 59 on September 29, 2021, he had completed several additional features, including a turn as legendary director Billy Wilder in the Marilyn Monroe biopic "Blonde."

Vachik Mangassarian was Ian Quinn associate Qasim Zaghlul

In Season 1's "The Asset," Daisy Johnson infiltrated a party held in Malta by industrialist Ian Quinn, who secretly abducted his old classmate scientist Franklin Hall in hopes of using his creation, Gravitonium, for his own world-domination plans. While at the party, she met architect Qasim Zaghlul, whose work included many buildings in Dubai. The architect was initially skeptical of her presence at the event, but with the remote help of Melinda May, she was able to convince Zaghlul that she was an actual guest and continued on her mission.

Iranian-Armenian actor Vachik Mangassarian played Zaghlul in "The Asset." He began his career in Iran but relocated to the United States, where he found work on episodic television in the 1970s. Roles on series like "The A-Team" and "Murder, She Wrote" preceded his most acclaimed turn as the father of an Iranian woman (Mozhan Marno of "The Blacklist") falsely sentenced to a brutal death in the 2009 feature "The Stoning of Soraya M."

Mangassarian worked steadily after his "S.H.I.E.L.D." appearance, with two turns on "NCIS: Los Angeles" and guest appearances on "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and other projects. He also hosted his own radio program, "The Armenian National Network." Like Alvin Ing, Mangassarian died of complications from COVID-19 at on January 23, 2022. He was 78.

Why Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Killed Off Some Major Characters

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Death is a prominent part of nearly any comic book-based series, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D . has been no exception. The Season 3 finale of S.H.I.E.L.D. , in fact, featured Lincoln sacrificing himself to save Daisy Johnson in a move that had been foreshadowed by Daisy earlier during the season. When asked by a devastated young fan at San Diego Comic-Con why some major S.H.I.E.L.D. characters have seen their demise, executive producer Jed Whedon had some interesting things to say about why the ABC drama has chosen to kill off some of its main characters. Here's what he had to say during a panel:

We didn't like killing Ward or Lincoln---we've never regretted it more than right now---for us we're telling a story, sometimes that stories got to be sad, sometimes happy. We love those characters very much, but we felt like the characters needed to go through the pain of that in order to tell better stories moving forward.

It's been trendy for the several TV seasons for popular shows to kill of their lead characters. Sometimes these deaths have happened abruptly, as happened with Ned Stark on Game of Thrones just a few years ago. Some of those deaths are played out for emotional effect, or to take the story in a different direction. And, as we've seen on shows like The Flash , Arrow (and even S.H.I.E.L.D. itself) sometimes comic book stories are able to bring characters--or at least the actors--back via returns from the dead or even separate timelines, thus giving them a new lease on life. Of course, no one likes seeing characters die, but it is often what happens afterward that makes for the truly interesting television moments.

Jed Whedon also teased the upcoming Season 4 of the ABC drama. While he didn't give us specifics about what is coming up, he did mention right after talking about killing characters off that there might be things to look forward to in the upcoming season:

Keep watching, there may be new surprises that make you feel even happier.

The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. finale flash forwarded six months after Lincoln's death at the end of the finale, so we do have some glimpses regarding where the characters who are still around will be going. We know, for instance, that Daisy has gone rogue in the wake of Lincoln's death. We know that Fitz has been working with Dr. Holden Radcliffe. Agent Coulsen and Mack still seem to be doing undercover work. Obviously, the death of Lincoln had lasting consequences for the team, and killing off the character is going to help the show to tell better stories, at least according to Jed Whedon.

Luckily, we won't have too long to wait to see what is going on in S.H.I.E.L.D. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will return to ABC's schedule on Tuesday, September 20 at 10 p.m. ET, in a later timeslot than has been typical for the show. You can find out when the rest of your favorite TV shows are premiering with our premiere schedule.


Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News

Jessica Rawden is Managing Editor at CinemaBlend. She’s been kicking out news stories since 2007 and joined the full-time staff in 2014. She oversees news content, hiring and training for the site, and her areas of expertise include theme parks, rom-coms, Hallmark (particularly Christmas movie season), reality TV, celebrity interviews and primetime. She loves a good animated movie. Jessica has a Masters in Library Science degree from Indiana University, and used to be found behind a reference desk most definitely not shushing people. She now uses those skills in researching and tracking down information in very different ways. 

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K-9 officer killed in the line of duty

PROSPERITY, S.C. ( WHNS /Gray News) – A K-9 officer with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division was shot and killed in the line duty while trying to make an arrest.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with our colleagues at SLED on the murder of K-9 Agent Coba. He was a brave Agent and saved the lives of agents and deputy sheriffs,” the Newberry County Sheriff’s Office said in a post on Facebook.

According to authorities, K-9 Coba was working with SLED agents and deputies from the Newberry County Sheriff’s Office to serve a fugitive felony warrant.

The suspect was found hiding inside the home of a family member.

Coba confronted the suspect inside the house and was shot. Officers returned fire at the suspect, eliminating the threat.

The K-9 was taken to an emergency veterinarian but died from his injuries.

“It was a horrible experience. I pray people understand there are humans and animals that are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect our community,” the sheriff’s office continued.

The suspect was taken to a trauma center in the area, and several deputies were treated for minor cuts.

Officials said Coba, 4, was a Belgian Malinois mix and joined law enforcement in 2021.

The K-9 officer served alongside Special Agent Richard “Cole” Powell and lived with his family.

Copyright 2024 WHNS via Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Introducing the high school girls lacrosse metro player of the year: tori tschida of lakeville south.

Tori Tschida's inability to catch and throw a ball with her stick increased her frustration at an introductory lacrosse clinic and decreased her likelihood of staying with the sport.

"I was pretty young then. Obviously, that got better with time," Tschida said with a laugh.

Tschida works magic with her stick these days. Now a senior midfielder, Tschida led Lakeville South (17-0) into this week's state tournament. The Cougars seek their second state title in three years.

Tschida, a Swiss Army knife in sneakers who does a little bit of everything for South, is the Star Tribune's Metro Player of the Year.

Tori Tschida's statistics

Around the same time Tschida was struggling through her lacrosse introduction, she began playing with current senior midfielders Sivanna O'Brien and Katie Grubbs. Those three all-state talents are captains forming the core of South's team.

"They've been seeing me take draws since we started playing together in fourth grade," said Tschida, a 5-11 midfielder who committed to play college lacrosse at Temple. "So a lot of the time I don't even have to tell them where I'm putting the ball. They can just watch my body language and know.

"There are passes that I throw to them that I would never trust with anyone else because I know they will get it. And you'll see Katie throw no-look passes. We have a chemistry like no one else."

Coach Joel Tornell tested his team's resolve by adding Edina and East Ridge to a schedule that already included longstanding nonconference opponents Benilde-St. Margaret's, Chanhassen and Stillwater.

The players didn't flinch.

"This is our most well-rounded team since I've been in this program," Tschida said. "Every single person can score on this team. Teams probably watch film and still don't know who to lock out. There are too many of us."

Tschida said there is enough scoring opportunity for all.

"Our coach is all about the 'we' rather than the 'me,' and as captains, we tell our teammates, 'You don't need six goals a game,' and I feel like everyone follows the precedent," Tschida said. "We've been good about getting the younger kids involved off the bench. And we're good about celebrating the little things. You'll hear a lot of, 'Hey, nice assist.' "

Tuesday's girls lacrosse state tournament quarterfinal pitted undefeated Lakeville South against Cretin-Derham Hall. The Tschida surname is well known at the St. Paul private school. Veteran major league baseball umpire Tim Tschida graduated from Cretin when it still was an all-boys school. Tori said the two are not related.

Her father, Chris, was deeply involved in her lacrosse success from those rather humble beginnings.

"My dad promised to buy me a new stick, and that is the reason I stayed with it," Tschida said with a laugh.

Past Metro Players of the Year

2023: Emily Moes, Lakeville South

2022: Claire Nelson, Andover

2021: Haley Reeck, Edina

2020: No season

2019: Kacie Riggs, Eden Prairie

2018: Reagan Roelofs, Apple Valley

2017: Naomi Rogge, Eden Prairie

2016: Megan Menzuber, Holy Family

2015: Logan Halvorson, Lakeville South

2014: Lydia Sutton, Blake

2013: Sutton

David La Vaque is a high school sports reporter who has been the lead high school hockey writer for the Star Tribune since 2010. He is co-author of “Tourney Time,” a book about the history of Minnesota’s boys hockey state tournament published in 2020 and updated in 2024.

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    Being the hero doesn't always pay off. Agent Antoine Triplett (B.J. Britt) learned that the hard way during Tuesday's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. after going back into the city to save Skye (Chloe ...

  2. The beloved Agent Triplett : r/shield

    He sees the cause of the distress. And as an operative, he does the one thing he knows best. He kicks the fucking thing as hard as he can. The Diviner explodes, and the shrapnel turns him to stone. The last thing he sees is one of his best friends, stone and lifeless, and he feels like he failed her, so he reaches out one last time.

  3. Trips death was poorly written and a shitty was to go out : r/shield

    Trip's death is the primary motivating factor in Simmons' irrational behavior over Skye's medical exams and "curing" her. Simmons is a character with lots of experience and history dealing with powered people and potentially deadly medical threats, but her treatment of Skye in those episodes is out of character for how she handled ...

  4. B. J. Britt

    Wilson, North Carolina. Occupation. Actor. Years active. 2003-present. B. J. Britt (born April 20, 1982) is an American actor best known for his role as Antoine "Trip" Triplett on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is also known for his roles as Paul Patterson Jr. on Being Mary Jane, Darius Beck on Unreal and ...

  5. Is Trip Alive in Agents of SHIELD's Framework?

    The return (once again) of Grant Ward has left fans wondering which other deceased characters might still be alive in the Framework, and one resurrection that many are hoping for is that of Antoine "Trip" Triplett (played by B.J. Britt). Trip was killed in the season 2 episode 'What They Become' after being exposed to the same Terrigen ...

  6. Antoine Triplett

    Antoine "Trip" Triplett was a Level 6 S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who had formerly worked on Agent John Garrett's team. However Triplett soon discovered that Garrett was in fact a traitor and a part of HYDRA during the HYDRA Uprising, working as the terrorist known as the Clairvoyant who had killed several of Triplett's friends. In the wake of making this discovery, Triplett remained loyal to S.H.I.E.L ...

  7. 'Agents of SHIELD' Series Finale: Where Everyone Ended Up and That

    Filming the nostalgic sequence -- the cast's final group scene together, in which each S.H.I.E.L.D. team member signs off and departs one by one -- was just as melancholy for the performers as it ...

  8. Antoine Triplett

    Portrayed By. B.J. Britt. Appeared In. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (18 episodes) Agent Antoine "Trip" Triplett was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who had formerly worked within John Garrett 's team. However, Triplett soon discovered that Garrett was in fact a traitor and a member of HYDRA during the HYDRA Uprising, working as the terrorist known as the ...

  9. 'Marvel's Agents of SHIELD' EP Teases Fallout From Trip's Death: 'It's

    March 3, 2015 @ 2:30 PM. "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." returns for the action-packed second half of Season 2 on Tuesday, after a three-month hiatus. The new episode, fittingly titled ...

  10. Which character was killed off too soon? : r/shield

    Tripp, Sybil, Young Garrett, and the new recruits in season 6. Tripp's death was so dumb and preventable. He shouldn't have gone back down, he shouldn't have entered the chamber, and he shouldn't have touched the Divener. Sybil was the "big bad" of the season, pulling all the strings, and her death was pretty weak.

  11. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. recap: Season 4, Episode 18

    When May enters the collapsing building to confirm Mace's death, she finds him and the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents struggling to save kids. She apparently didn't know there were kids being ...

  12. Agents of SHIELD series finale recap: Who lives, who's lost, how it all

    Spoilers ahead for "The End is at Hand," and "What We're Fighting For," the series finale of ABC's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., which aired Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2020.**. Well, it's over. Considering this is likely the last time we'll ever see our favorite S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, let's start at the end. So how did the series end — and ...

  13. Agents of SHIELD Ending Explained: What Happened to Each Character

    Daisy. Daisy has had quite a journey, starting out as a hacker only to end up joining SHIELD and eventually becoming a hero in her own right. The finale saw fighting and killing Nathaniel Mallick and sacrificing herself in the process, thankfully she was able to be brought back to life by her sister, Kora. After the time jump, we learn that she ...

  14. 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' Final Season: What Happened to Characters

    Ming-Na Wen on the series finale of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." ABC Among her students was Flint (Coy Stewart), the Inhuman with geokinesis abilities who fans first met when they team headed to space ...

  15. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 7

    In 1931 New York City, several Chronicoms steal the faces of three police officers and kill a contact from a local speakeasy. S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Jemma Simmons introduces Director Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie and agent Daisy Johnson to an LMD version of Phil Coulson, who struggles with his existence and the amount of information uploaded into him.Daisy and Deke Shaw investigate the faceless ...

  16. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is an American television series created by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon, and Maurissa Tancharoen for ABC, based on the Marvel Comics organization S.H.I.E.L.D., a peacekeeping and spy agency in a world of superheroes. The series was the first to be set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it acknowledges the continuity of the franchise's films and other television series. It ...

  17. Agents Of Shield Actors You Might Not Know Passed Away

    Dr. J. Streiten helped to kick off the entire "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." story arc by reviving Phil Coulson after his death at the hands of Loki during the Battle of New York (as seen in "The ...

  18. Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: The Many Lives (and Deaths) of Phil ...

    A magical place. Following this, Coulson would recruit a whole new team, including Agent May, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Grant Ward (boooo!), and a lone hacker named Skye (real name: Daisy Johnson ...

  19. Why Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Killed Off Some Major Characters

    News. By Jessica Rawden. published 25 July 2016. Death is a prominent part of nearly any comic book-based series, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been no exception. The Season 3 finale of S.H.I.E.L ...

  20. Make an Appointment at a Passport Agency or Center

    Follow these steps to make an appointment: Call 1-877-487-2778 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Mondays through Fridays, or on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Se habla español.; If you are deaf or hard of hearing, call 1-888-874-7793 for TDD/TTY teletype services.; We will provide you unique information that we will check on the day of your appointment to ...

  21. Saddest character death : r/agentsofshield

    Saddest character death. Fitz: *passes out. Also Fitz: "I think my legs are broken" *fucking dies. People arrive so we celebrate. People leave us so we grieve. We do what we can with the time in between. If it wasn't for Fitz and Enochs friendship I wouldn't have been as sad.

  22. K-9 officer killed in the line of duty

    PROSPERITY, S.C. (WHNS/Gray News) - A K-9 officer with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division was shot and killed in the line duty while trying to make an arrest."Our thoughts and prayers ...

  23. High school girls lacrosse Metro Player of the Year: Tori Tschida of

    Tori Tschida's inability to catch and throw a ball with her stick increased her frustration at an introductory lacrosse clinic and decreased her likelihood of staying with the sport.

  24. How to Protect Yourself and Others

    CDC recommends that all people use core prevention strategies to protect themselves and others from COVID-19: Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines.. Although vaccinated people sometimes get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccines significantly lowers the risk of getting very sick, being hospitalized, or dying from COVID-19.

  25. What is the saddest death in Agents of SHIELD : r/Marvel

    What is the saddest death in Agents of SHIELD . Film/Television I just finished the "Mack, I think my legs are broken" death and I'm on the verge of crying, so I've been trying to look for an old comment that got me into the show, then I wondered which of the deaths were saddest? ... Trip to me because it was just so unexpected, the guy just ...

  26. Valorant 8.11 Patch Notes

    The 8.11 Patch for Valorant has arrived, bringing with it a brand new map, Duelist updates, new map rotations, and various bug fixes and updates. This page acts as a comprehensive breakdown of the ...