lichtjestour Zuid Beveland Event Cache

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trekker light tour zuid beveland

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trekker light tour zuid beveland

De lichtjestour start om 19.00 uur bij Loonbedrijf Markusse (Linswegje 3 in ‘s-Heer Abtskerke). Vervolgens rijdt de stoet met verlichte trekkers door de dorpskernen van ‘s-Gravenpolder, Kwadendamme, Ovezande, ‘s-Heerenhoek, Heinkenszand en Nisse om vervolgens weer terug te keren in ‘s-Heer Abtskerke.

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Sfeervol lint van versierde trekkers verlicht Zuid-Beveland

‘s-HEER ABTSKERKE - De donkere dagen van januari zijn woensdag opgelicht met een lichtjestour van versierde trekkers door de gemeente Borsele. 

De rondrit begon om 19.00 uur bij Loonbedrijf Markusse in ‘s-Heer Abtskerke. Vervolgens reed de stoet met verlichte trekkers door ‘s-Gravenpolder, Kwadendamme, Ovezande, ‘s-Heerenhoek, Heinkenszand en Nisse om vervolgens weer terug te keren in ‘s-Heer Abtskerke. Zo’n zestig tractoren reden mee. Het initiatief werd goed gewaardeerd.


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Zuid-Bevelandse boeren trekken ook dit jaar met lichtjes door de straten

Het kon haast niet uitblijven na het succes van vorig jaar: de optochten van verlichte trekkers op Zuid-Beveland gaan op herhaling. Sterker nog: er komt een extra lichtjestoer bij.

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Zuid-Bevelandse boeren trekken ook dit jaar met lichtjes door de straten

Het kon haast niet uitblijven na het succes van vorig jaar: de optochten van verlichte trekkers op Zuid-Beveland gaan op herhaling. Sterker nog: er komt een extra lichtjestoer bij.

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Lightfestivals in Zeeland

Bekijk de mooiste lichtfestivals van Zeeland. Het nieuwe jaar wordt gevierd  met geweldige optochten van verlichte tractoren.



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Trekker Light Tour 2024


The Tractor Light Tour is an event you won't want to miss. It brings light to the dark winter days and provides an unforgettable experience during the holiday season.

This unique event, which takes place between Christmas and New Year's Day, is a true attraction for both locals and visitors from outside the area. Come and witness the magic of this special light parade in the beautiful Walcheren !

What can you expect?

Route and times.

The exact route and times of the Tractor Light Tour will be announced in advance on the organization's Facebook page . Below, you can see last year's route (2022):

The exact route and times of the Tractor Light Tour will be announced in advance on the organization's Facebook page .

Route 2023:

  • Starting point: Parkeerplaats strand/Nollebos Vlissingen
  • Vlissingen: President Rooseveltlaan → Boulevard Evertsen → Boulevard Bankert → Boulevard de Ruyter → Smallekade → Bellamypark → Spuistraat → Spuikomweg → Koudekerkseweg → Gebrandystraat → Vlissingsestraat →
  • Koudekerke: Pr. Beatrixlaan → Middelburgsestraat → Duinstraat → Koudekerkseweg → Rondweg Biggekerke → Koudekerkseweg →
  • Biggekerke: Dorpsstraat → Kerkplein → Zoutelandseweg → Kaasboerweg →
  • Meliskerke: Mariekerkseweg →
  • Grijpskerke: Schuitvlotstraat → Hondegemseweg → Zandvoortseweg → Noorddorpsweg → Wilgenhoekweg → Oostkapelseweg → Noordweg →
  • Oostkapelle: Dorpsstraat → Domburgseweg →
  • Domburg: Ooststraat → Markt → Weststraat → Schelpweg → Singel → Roosjesweg →
  • Aagtekerke: Burg. Bosselaarstraat → Rijsoordselaan → Pekelingseweg → Prelaatweg →

The live location will be updated throughout the evening via the Facebook page , so you'll know where the caravan is at any given moment.

What time / Opening hours

From 17:00 hours.

Contact information organizer Trekker Light Tour

Trekkertrek Aagtekerke url:

Other events in Vlissingen

  • Easter Market; 
  • Sunday Summer Boulevard Market; Sunday 21 July 2024
  • Open Monuments Day in Vlissingen; Saturday 14 – Sunday 15 September 2024
  • Beach Motor Cross Vlissingen; September
  • Vlissingen Zingt; Saturday 3 August 2024
  • Ring Riding; Entire Summer

trekker light tour zuid beveland


In the 3rd and 4th centuries, large parts of Zeeland flooded and the island was all but uninhabited. Starting in the 11th century, Zeeland was reclaimed from the water, bit by bit. Zuid-Beveland was made up of all kinds of islands and marshes in the 13th century, and even more land was reclaimed from the sea in later centuries. Gradually, the archipelago became a peninsula. The many pits and creeks that remain are reminders of this battle against the water. The soil in the polders surrounded by dikes mainly consists of (sea) clay.

During the Second World War, German and French troops fought near the village of Kapelle. After the war, the French government established a military cemetery in Kapelle, a final resting place for all the French soldiers killed in battle in the Netherlands. The cemetery officially opened on 16 May 1950. Thanks to the lack of urbanisation on Zuid-Beveland and its relative isolation, the Zeeland dialect spoken here is different from that in the rest of the province.

Villages and towns

trekker light tour zuid beveland

Lichtjestour tractoren


Op 30 december is er een lichtjestour over een deel van het eiland. Zo’n 75 tractoren en andere voertuigen versierd met lampjes rijden dan langs diverse dorpen en een aantal verzorgingshuizen. De route gaat tussen 17.00 en 20.00 uur van Sirjansland, naar Nieuwerkerk, Dreischor, Zonnemaire, Brouwershaven, Scharendijke, Renesse, Serooskerke, Kerkwerve en eindigt in Zierikzee.

Bredeweg Sirjansland Nederland


seizoensmarkt domburg

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Versierde trekkers brengen licht in Veere

Versierde trekkers brengen licht in Veere

trekker light tour zuid beveland

De Walcherse Trekker Light Tour werd dit jaar voor de vierde keer gehouden. In 2020 mocht het niet doorgaan vanwege corona en omdat ook de editie van vorig jaar in het water dreigde te vallen, werd toen een 'demonstratietocht' gehouden. De belangstelling om deel te nemen aan de Walcherse Trekker Light Tour was overweldigend . Organisator Wim Houmes had dit jaar wel honderd trekkers mee kunnen laten rijden, maar hij moest ergens een grens trekken. In zeven minuten tijd was de rit volgeboekt en ook van buiten Walcheren was er veel belangstelling. In West- Zeeuws-Vlaanderen en Reimerswaal werd woensdag ook een tocht gereden. Op Schouwen-Duiveland gebeurt dat vrijdag.

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Moscow by Night

Kremlin Towers and St. Basil’s Cathedral in the Winter Night

One of the most popular tours of my guests is a walk through Moscow at night. This tour helps tourists to see Moscow not as a bustling hive, but as a majestic Empress full of ceremonial glory. Moscow night tour lasts nearly for three hours, but at the end of the walk it seems to be gone only an hour. During the excursion around Moscow at night, guests can enjoy not only the beauty of illumination, but also to learn more about the history of the city and its architecture, see  legendary cathedrals, buildings and squares of Moscow, famous over the world, and to make great shots of attractions.

Night Moscow is full of magic. It is fascinating and enigmatic. If you decided to visit Russia in winter season, you will feel the fairytale atmoshere of the capital decorated with festive New Year and Christmas decorations. Walking through Moscow's streets at night you would never believe that just a few hours before you wandered through the same ones, only in the light of day. It is amazing how the city can change in the glow of night illumination. The incredible beauty of the city at night fascinates.

Wineglass-shaped Street Lamps on Tverskaya with Traffic Lights

Excellent illumination turns the capital to the city of a fairy tale, dream-city of the children's book.

A wonderful excursion begins with perhaps the most famous places in the whole Moscow - Red Square , located at the north-eastern wall of the Kremlin. History of Russia's main square has its roots in the end of 15th century.

At Basil's Slope at Night

Nowadays, parades and celebrations of important events in the life of the Russian Federation are held at this famous square. At night Red Square stuns with its magnificent illuminations. Solemn and austere in daylight, it looks elegant and festive in the glow of night lights.

Patriarchy Bridge

Our path lies to the Patriarchy Bridge than. There is a beautiful view of the night Red Square, The Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the monument to Peter the Great at this point.

Winter Twilight over Christ the Savior Cathedral & Patriarchy Bridge

Built in Russian-Byzantine style in honor of the victory of the Russian people over Napoleon's troops the magnificent Cathedral of Christ the Savior seems to be a magical castle from a fairy tale, full of mysterious charm. Its white silhouette stands out brightly against the night sky. It seems that the walls of the Cathedral lit from within by the divine light. It is really a stunning effect.

Sparrow Hills

Next place that deserves special attention are the Sparrow Hills . There is a unique view on Moscow at night with bird's-eye view from this place - at least 85 meters over of the Moscow-River. Looking at the capital full of illumination, lit by millions of lights, stretching out at the feet, you feel on top of the world. It seems that you are a magician, surveying your luxurious land. You will have the opportunity to see a spectacular view of the Luzhniki stadium - the largest one in Russia and one of the largest stadiums in the world. This stadium was built in 1955-1956 years. It was here the Olympic Games took place and a lot of sport competitions and concerts of well-known artists and bands were conducted.

Luzhniki Stadium

At night the stadium is light up along the whole circular length at night. It seems that the stadium is a great shining pearl in the illumination of thousands of lights. From this point of Moscow you can see the erecting buildings of Financial Center Moscow-City by projects of English architect Norman Foster. Some buildings are ready; some are in the process of erection. Completion is planned for 2015. We all look forward to completion to enjoy the magnificent view of monumental modern buildings at night in the rays of illumination.

Neon Fountains at MGU

All of Stalin's skyscrapers , erected in the mid 50-ies by the orders of Stalin are visible from the top of Sparrow Hills, including Moscow State University , known for its night laser lights. Each skyscraper has a unique lighting. Panorama from Sparrow Hills is sure to impress guests: dazzling shining of metropolis with millions of lights makes the capital an unforgettable and beautiful. Magic night in Moscow fascinates.

Novodevichy Convent

My guests are particularly impressed by the panorama of Novodevichy Convent .

Novodevichy Convent at Winter Night

This magnificent example of the Orthodox women's monastery was founded in 1524 by Prince Vasily III. There are a lot of stories and legends of Moscow connected with the monastery. It played a prominent role in the cultural life of Russia. Today Novodevichy Convent is both working monastery and a branch of the State Historical Museum. Night walk along the pond will fully appreciate the beauty of the Novodevichy convent at night. Rising above the dark surface of the water, it seems to be full of shining, light and peace. The lights of the five-headed Smolensky Cathedral and the monumental bell tower of the monastery illuminate the dark sky solemnly, cutting through the darkness and giving hope.

Victory Park

Three hours driving and walking tour ends in Victory Park on Kutuzov Avenue with a stop near the Arch of Triumph.

Walking Along Frozen Fountains in Victory Park

Victory Park was opened in Moscow in 1995 and is coincided to 50 years of victory over the fascist invaders. The original nighttime illumination of Victory Monument will not leave any spectator indifferent.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka ride through the Triumphal Arch

Excellent coverage of the Arch of Triumph on Kutuzov Avenue, built in honor of the victory over Napoleon in 1812, will complement this impression.

The tour will introduce you to such streets and squares as Tverskaya and New Arbat streets, Pushkinskaya Square, Gagarin’s Square, Lubyanka Square, and October Square. Also you will see such famous buildings in the night illumination, as White House, Former KGB, Stalin’s Skyscrapers, Old building of French Embassy, Bolshoy Theater and many others.

Moscow at night is a truly fascinating spectacle. City Lights beckon and create a holiday atmosphere. If you have seen Moscow at night - you looked into her very heart, saw her real - a beautiful, bright, exotic queen.

Previous Tour

Moscow in one day, best highlights of moscow.

  • Ice Rink at Cathedral of Christ the Savior On the first days of 2008 the temperature of air in Moscow lowered down to -16..-18 C (+3…0 F), but was not snow on the grounds yet. This picture of Cathedral of Christ the Savior with view of frozen Moscow River (Moskva-Reka) that looks as like ice rink I took very early morning after seeing off my current client from USA to airport.
  • Moscow Evening Photoshoot Celebrating 2nd Wedding Anniversary Moscow evening (twilight) photo session on July 1st, 2019 during night tour with my Dear clients from Iran, Mozhgan and Siamak, celebrating their 2nd wedding anniversary in Russia.

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About Me in Short

Guide, Driver and Photographer Arthur Lookyanov

My name's Arthur Lookyanov, I'm a private tour guide, personal driver and photographer in Moscow, Russia. I work in my business and run my website from 2002. Read more about me and my services , check out testimonials of my former business and travel clients from all over the World, hit me up on Twitter or other social websites. I hope that you will like my photos as well.

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Lights of Nikolskaya Street in Winter Twilight

Lights of Nikolskaya Street in Winter Twilight

People walking up and down Nikolskaya street in winter twilight decorated with LED creating a festive atmosphere in any season. The picture is taken near GUM building (at the right) and Red Square.

Arthur Lookyanov's Photostream on Flickr

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Moscow Vibes – Three Day City Escape

Duration 3 days

Price from USD $730 ? Currency Conversion Converted from USD based on the latest exchange rate. Final amount and payment will be in USD. Final conversion rate is determined by your bank.

Trip Style Sightseeing

Time of year All Year

Home / Moscow Tours / Moscow Vibes – Three Day City Escape

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This short Moscow tour will give you a true taste of the history, culture and incomparable urban vibe that define one of the world’s largest metropolises. In just three days, this Moscow itinerary takes in all the most iconic sights of this attraction-packed destination. After two and half days getting acquainted with the city, we’ve set time aside for you to explore Moscow your way and discover your own favourite hang-outs in a city overflowing with hidden treasures

3-Day Moscow Tour Highlights:

  • Panoramic Tour of Moscow: See Moscow beyond the postcard images on a private excursion by car through the city streets including a drive along the banks of the Moskva River. Visit the famous Bolshoi Theatre, pass by Gorky Park and the Novodevichy Convent, and admire the city from on high at the Sparrow Hill observation platform.
  • Moscow Historical City Centre Guided Walking Tour : Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of one of the world’s biggest metropolises and discover local haunts on foot, including the Red Square, the Kremlin and the multi-coloured domes of St Basil’s Cathedral.
  • Armory Chamber tour: Explore the endless treasures of this unique museum, displaying the wealth accumulated by Russian rulers from the 12th century until the October Revolution of 1917. Walking through the exhibition halls is a journey through the centuries.
  • Moscow Metro Tour : Go deep underground on a subway tour of the famous Moscow metro. The world’s deepest metro system is renowned for its palatial, art-adorned stations, complete with marble columns and chandeliers.

On your first day, you’ll be treated to a panoramic, drive-by tour of Moscow to get a feel for the immense scale of one of the world’s most rapidly developing urban centres. The city’s history unfolds in real-time as you pass lavish imperial mansions, solemn Soviet structures and luxurious modern shopping centres.

Day two kicks off exploring Moscow’s historic centre on foot, followed by a tour of the Kremlin, the seat of Russian power and political intrigue for centuries. Stand in the Red Square, surrounded by the stunning architecture as you hear stories of the people and events behind many of Moscow’s most iconic landmarks.

On your final day, we’ll head beneath the city for a tour of the Moscow Metro and its famously ornate underground stations. Art lovers should hit up one of Moscow’s many world-class galleries such as the Tretyakov State Gallery, the Pushkin Museum or Garage, Moscow’s cutting-edge contemporary art museum. History fans can follow a Soviet trail through the city including Stalin’s Bunker, while those seeking a more indulgent experience can browse trendy neighbourhoods like Kitay Gorod or shop for everything from fashion to kitsch souvenirs at the enchanting Izmaylovo Flea Market. Foodies can head to one of the countless speciality stores sampling vodka, caviar and chocolate.

If you only have a few days to spend in Moscow, this tour will ensure you make the most of your time in the city. Let the experts navigate you through this complex and occasionally overwhelming capital, giving you plenty of time to soak up the city’s most unmissable attractions.


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Type of tour

3 days / 2 nights

Private - Any Date

Russia Moscow Tour

Day 1 Panoramic city tour

Welcome to the glorious capital of Russia, Moscow! You’ll be met by your driver at the airport and taken to your centrally located hotel.

After check-in and rest, meet your private guide at the hotel lobby for a comprehensive tour of Moscow by car. Visit the starkly contrasting Theatre Square to see the stunning Bolshoi Theatre, pass Tverskaya Street, the city’s main boulevard and home to the landmark Yeleseyevskiy Grocery Store.

You’ll enjoy a panoramic drive along the Moskva River, where a huge, controversial state of Peter the Great was erected. Pass by the legendary Gorky Park and the White House before a stop at the architecturally stunning Novodevichy Convent, and the observation platform at Sparrow Hills, for a bird’s eye view over this staggering megalopolis.

Day 2 Red Square and Kremlin

After breakfast at the hotel, your guide will take you on a walking tour of the historical city centre. Stroll through the Red Square, the hub of cultural life in Moscow, with its elaborate ‘stone flower’ fountain and fantasy-like St Basil’s Cathedral – a postcard-perfect symbol of the nation. Admire the grandiose façade of GUM, the city’s most luxurious shopping centre, and visit Alexander’s Garden, with its eternal flame and the chance to watch a changing of the guards.

Break for lunch before continuing on a tour of the Kremlin and Armoury Chamber, famous of its collection of tsarist fashion, with regalia such as jewel-encrusted crowns, orbs and sceptres as well as arms and armour, exotic gifts from the leaders of faraway lands, and an illustrious case of Imperial Faberge eggs.

As an option* spend an evening on a sumptuous dinner cruise, taking in the stunning sights and city lights of this mesmerising metropolis by night.

Day 3 Metro and Arbat Street

Start a day with a tour of Metro, stopping on the way to marvel at some of the most elaborately decorated stations of the world-famous Moscow subway system. Take a stroll along Old Arbat street - the most famous street in Moscow. Through the centuries Arbat used to be one of the most bohemian places in Moscow. Today Arbat is a promenade full of small cozy cafes and street life.

The afternoon is free for you to either enjoy the rest of the day on your own or choose among optional excursions to explore more of Moscow. Visit the Tretyakov Gallery or Pushkin State Museum to admire Russian art. Join locals for a stroll at the Gorky or VDNH park.

Visit beautiful Kolomeskoye Estate or Izmailovo Kremlin, or spend a day exploring the beautiful city of the Golden Ring (Russian province) - Sergiev Posad. In the evening you will be transferred to the airport for your departure to your next destination.

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Group airport/train-station arrival and departure transfers

All transportation according to the itinerary with a private driver

4* hotel accommodation in the historical city center (twin/double)

Local licensed English-speaking guide

All activities, indicated in the itinerary, except optional

Entry fees according to the itinerary (skip-the-lines policy)

Russian visa support document

Travel insurance

Russian visa and visa fees. Russian visa can be arranged by 56th Parallel for an additional cost (for Australian citizens only). Apply for concierge visa service here .

Optional excursions/activities

*Private tour. Price is per person, based on min 2 people

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56th Parallel is a fully licensed, insured and accredited travel provider.

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From USD $730

Day 1: Panoramic city tour

Day 2: red square and kremlin, day 3: metro and arbat street, not included, start planning your tour.

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Discover moscow onboard a soviet van, 2 in 1 banya excursion, sergiyev posad monastery and banya session in 1 day, moscow pub-crawl, party like a russian, moscow by night, tank tour & bazooka, only in russia, shooting tour, trigger happy…, jet fighter flights, top gun russia, an evening at the monastery, divine dining., luzhniki stadium visit, enter the legend of world cup 2018.

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Put-in tours

At Put-in tours, we put you in our classic Soviet vans to go explore Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Russian culture off the beaten path. Discover our Moscow city guided tour, visit Moscow by night, join our banya & Sergiyev Posad excursion, visit and dine in one of Moscow's oldest monastery or even Luzhniki stadium, before you party on our famous pubcrawl! Original and atypical tours : Shoot AK47 and a bazooka after riding on a tank with our tank & bazooka excursion ! Extreme tours: Fly a fighter jet in Moscow onboard a L-29 or L-39 aircraft!

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  21. Moscow Tour

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  23. Our tours in Moscow

    At Put-in tours, we put you in our classic Soviet vans to go explore Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Russian culture off the beaten path. Discover our Moscow city guided tour, visit Moscow by night, join our banya & Sergiyev Posad excursion, visit and dine in one of Moscow's oldest monastery or even Luzhniki stadium, before you party on our famous ...