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Gypsy Roma and Traveller History and Culture

Gypsy Roma and Traveller people belong to minority ethnic groups that have contributed to British society for centuries. Their distinctive way of life and traditions manifest themselves in nomadism, the centrality of their extended family, unique languages and entrepreneurial economy. It is reported that there are around 300,000 Travellers in the UK and they are one of the most disadvantaged groups. The real population may be different as some members of these communities do not participate in the census .

The Traveller Movement works predominantly with ethnic Gypsy, Roma, and Irish Traveller Communities.

Irish Travellers and Romany Gypsies

Irish Travellers

Traditionally, Irish Travellers are a nomadic group of people from Ireland but have a separate identity, heritage and culture to the community in general. An Irish Traveller presence can be traced back to 12th century Ireland, with migrations to Great Britain in the early 19th century. The Irish Traveller community is categorised as an ethnic minority group under the Race Relations Act, 1976 (amended 2000); the Human Rights Act 1998; and the Equality Act 2010. Some Travellers of Irish heritage identify as Pavee or Minceir, which are words from the Irish Traveller language, Shelta.

Romany Gypsies

Romany Gypsies have been in Britain since at least 1515 after migrating from continental Europe during the Roma migration from India. The term Gypsy comes from “Egyptian” which is what the settled population perceived them to be because of their dark complexion. In reality, linguistic analysis of the Romani language proves that Romany Gypsies, like the European Roma, originally came from Northern India, probably around the 12th century. French Manush Gypsies have a similar origin and culture to Romany Gypsies.

There are other groups of Travellers who may travel through Britain, such as Scottish Travellers, Welsh Travellers and English Travellers, many of whom can trace a nomadic heritage back for many generations and who may have married into or outside of more traditional Irish Traveller and Romany Gypsy families. There were already indigenous nomadic people in Britain when the Romany Gypsies first arrived hundreds of years ago and the different cultures/ethnicities have to some extent merged.

Number of Gypsies and Travellers in Britain

This year, the 2021 Census included a “Roma” category for the first time, following in the footsteps of the 2011 Census which included a “Gypsy and Irish Traveller” category. The 2021 Census statistics have not yet been released but the 2011 Census put the combined Gypsy and Irish Traveller population in England and Wales as 57,680. This was recognised by many as an underestimate for various reasons. For instance, it varies greatly with data collected locally such as from the Gypsy Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessments, which total the Traveller population at just over 120,000, according to our research.

Other academic estimates of the combined Gypsy, Irish Traveller and other Traveller population range from 120,000 to 300,000. Ethnic monitoring data of the Gypsy Traveller population is rarely collected by key service providers in health, employment, planning and criminal justice.

Where Gypsies and Travellers Live

Although most Gypsies and Travellers see travelling as part of their identity, they can choose to live in different ways including:

  • moving regularly around the country from site to site and being ‘on the road’
  • living permanently in caravans or mobile homes, on sites provided by the council, or on private sites
  • living in settled accommodation during winter or school term-time, travelling during the summer months
  • living in ‘bricks and mortar’ housing, settled together, but still retaining a strong commitment to Gypsy/Traveller culture and traditions

Currently, their nomadic life is being threatened by the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, that is currently being deliberated in Parliament, To find out more or get involved with opposing this bill, please visit here

Although Travellers speak English in most situations, they often speak to each other in their own language; for Irish Travellers this is called Cant or Gammon* and Gypsies speak Romani, which is the only indigenous language in the UK with Indic roots.

*Sometimes referred to as “Shelta” by linguists and academics

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New Travellers and Show People

There are also Traveller groups which are known as ‘cultural’ rather than ‘ethnic’ Travellers. These include ‘new’ Travellers and Showmen. Most of the information on this page relates to ethnic Travellers but ‘Showmen’ do share many cultural traits with ethnic Travellers.

Show People are a cultural minority that have owned and operated funfairs and circuses for many generations and their identity is connected to their family businesses. They operate rides and attractions that can be seen throughout the summer months at funfairs. They generally have winter quarters where the family settles to repair the machinery that they operate and prepare for the next travelling season. Most Show People belong to the Showmen’s Guild which is an organisation that provides economic and social regulation and advocacy for Show People. The Showman’s Guild works with both central and local governments to protect the economic interests of its members.

The term New Travellers refers to people sometimes referred to as “New Age Travellers”. They are generally people who have taken to life ‘on the road’ in their own lifetime, though some New Traveller families claim to have been on the road for three consecutive generations. The New Traveller culture grew out of the hippie and free-festival movements of the 1960s and 1970s.

Barge Travellers are similar to New Travellers but live on the UK’s 2,200 miles of canals. They form a distinct group in the canal network and many are former ‘new’ Travellers who moved onto the canals after changes to the law made the free festival circuit and a life on the road almost untenable. Many New Travellers have also settled into private sites or rural communes although a few groups are still travelling.

If you are a new age Traveller and require support please contact Friends, Families, and Travellers (FFT) .

Differences and Values

Differences Between Gypsies, Travellers, and Roma

Gypsies, Roma and Travellers are often categorised together under the “Roma” definition in Europe and under the acronym “GRT” in Britain. These communities and other nomadic groups, such as Scottish and English Travellers, Show People and New Travellers, share a number of characteristics in common: the importance of family and/or community networks; the nomadic way of life, a tendency toward self-employment, experience of disadvantage and having the poorest health outcomes in the United Kingdom.

The Roma communities also originated from India from around the 10th/ 12th centuries and have historically faced persecution, including slavery and genocide. They are still marginalised and ghettoised in many Eastern European countries (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania etc) where they are often the largest and most visible ethnic minority group, sometimes making up 10% of the total population. However, ‘Roma’ is a political term and a self-identification of many Roma activists. In reality, European Roma populations are made up of various subgroups, some with their own form of Romani, who often identify as that group rather than by the all-encompassing Roma identity.

Travellers and Roma each have very different customs, religion, language and heritage. For instance, Gypsies are said to have originated in India and the Romani language (also spoken by Roma) is considered to consist of at least seven varieties, each a language in their own right.

Values and Culture of GRT Communities

Family, extended family bonds and networks are very important to the Gypsy and Traveller way of life, as is a distinct identity from the settled ‘Gorja’ or ‘country’ population. Family anniversaries, births, weddings and funerals are usually marked by extended family or community gatherings with strong religious ceremonial content. Gypsies and Travellers generally marry young and respect their older generation. Contrary to frequent media depiction, Traveller communities value cleanliness and tidiness.

Many Irish Travellers are practising Catholics, while some Gypsies and Travellers are part of a growing Christian Evangelical movement.

Gypsy and Traveller culture has always adapted to survive and continues to do so today. Rapid economic change, recession and the gradual dismantling of the ‘grey’ economy have driven many Gypsy and Traveller families into hard times. The criminalisation of ‘travelling’ and the dire shortage of authorised private or council sites have added to this. Some Travellers describe the effect that this is having as “a crisis in the community” . A study in Ireland put the suicide rate of Irish Traveller men as 3-5 times higher than the wider population. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the same phenomenon is happening amongst Traveller communities in the UK.

Gypsies and Travellers are also adapting to new ways, as they have always done. Most of the younger generation and some of the older generation use social network platforms to stay in touch and there is a growing recognition that reading and writing are useful tools to have. Many Gypsies and Travellers utilise their often remarkable array of skills and trades as part of the formal economy. Some Gypsies and Travellers, many supported by their families, are entering further and higher education and becoming solicitors, teachers, accountants, journalists and other professionals.

There have always been successful Gypsy and Traveller businesses, some of which are household names within their sectors, although the ethnicity of the owners is often concealed. Gypsies and Travellers have always been represented in the fields of sport and entertainment.

How Gypsies and Travellers Are Disadvantaged

The Traveller, Gypsy, and Roma communities are widely considered to be among the most socially excluded communities in the UK. They have a much lower life expectancy than the general population, with Traveller men and women living 10-12 years less than the wider population.

Travellers have higher rates of infant mortality, maternal death and stillbirths than the general population. They experience racist sentiment in the media and elsewhere, which would be socially unacceptable if directed at any other minority community. Ofsted consider young Travellers to be one of the groups most at risk of low attainment in education.

Government services rarely include Traveller views in the planning and delivery of services.

In recent years, there has been increased political networking between the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller activists and campaign organisations.

Watch this video by Travellers Times made for Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month 2021:

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Traveller women

The big fat truth about Gypsy life

M y Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, the television series that ended last week and attracted nine million viewers, was designed to "throw an overdue light on a secretive, marginalised and little-understood segment of our society", according to the blurb from Channel 4. But the show largely avoided the myriad of problems, such as discrimination, poor health and poverty faced by Travellers, except for what felt like a tokenistic final episode, and instead focused on over-the-top wedding dresses and other excesses.

MBFGW was about Gypsies and Travellers, but there was criticism from both communities that C4 failed to properly distinguish between the two. There are around 300,000 Gypsy Roma and Irish Travellers in the UK – Roma Gypsies are originally from northern India, whereas Travellers are of Irish origin – and both groups are nomadic. Since 2002, Travellers have been recognised as an ethnic group and are protected under the Race Relations Act. Last week C4 was accused by the Irish Traveller Movement in Britain of fuelling "hatred and suspicion" of their way of life and have demanded a right of reply. 

Kathleen, who lives with her six children in a three-bedroom trailer, is fairly typical of an Irish Traveller woman, except that she is separated from her husband. Along with many other Gypsy and Traveller women in the UK, Kathleen was a victim of domestic violence. Although there is no conclusive evidence about the prevalence of this abuse, a study in Wrexham, cited in a paper by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2007, found that 61% of married English Gypsy women and 81% of Irish Travellers had experienced domestic abuse. And a significant number of those women who had reported the abuse appeared to have suffered more severe and sustained violence than those within mainstream communities.

"I left him and went back to my mammy but he kept finding me, taking me home and getting me pregnant," Kathleen says. She now feels safe because she has male family members living on the same site. "With my brother close by, he wouldn't dare come here."

It is rare for women to call the police for help. "You would be seen as a grass and disowned by the whole community," says Bernie O'Roarke, outreach and resettlement worker for domestic violence charity Solas Anois (Gaelic for Comfort Now), which is based in London. The situation probably isn't helped by the fact that there is only one, 10-room refuge dedicated to Traveller women in the UK, also in London. But domestic violence is just one of the issues tackled by O'Roarke during her visits. The welfare needs, particularly those of the women and girls, of this community are vast. The women are three times more likely to miscarry or have a still-born child compared to the rest of the population, mainly, it is thought, as a result of reluctance to undergo routine gynaecological care, and infections linked to poor sanitation and lack of clean water. The rate of suicides among Traveller women is significantly higher than in the general population, and life expectancy is low for women and men, with one third of Travellers dying before the age of 59. And as many Traveller girls are taken out of education prior to secondary school to prevent them mixing with boys from other cultures, illiteracy rates are high.

O'Roarke is a familiar face on the sites around London, offering women and their children help with health care, education and finance. The men leave the women alone to deal with these issues, so if the women do want to talk about violence and abuse, they can do so without fear of the men overhearing.

I visit some trailers with O'Roarke at a site in London and am struck by how the women seem to manage, usually with large families, to keep everything so clean and tidy. There are colourful displays of Royal Crown Derby crockery, handed down from mother to daughter on her wedding day. There is certainly no sign of wealth or excessive spending. Many tell me they struggle to feed their children, and have no savings or bank account.

Things seem set to get worse for Traveller women. Only 19 days after the general election last year, £50m that had been allocated to building new sites across London was scrapped from the budget. O'Roarke is expecting to be the only Traveller liaison worker in the capital before long – her funding comes from the Irish government.

"Most of the women can't read or write. Who is supposed to help them if they get rid of the bit of support they have now?" asks O'Roarke. "We will be seeing Traveller women and their children on the streets because of these cuts. If they get a letter saying they are in danger of eviction but they can't read it, what are they supposed to do?"

Conditions on the site are as grim as the homes are spotless. The trailers are not connected to water pipes, and the toilets, bathrooms and cooking facilities are in a small, unheated shed across the yard. "In the snow and rain, the little ones are always getting colds," says Brigid, who lives in the next trailer to Kathleen. "And there are so many pot holes that the council haven't filled, you can go flying in the dark."

But living on a site is about being part of the community. When Traveller girls are growing up, they are only allowed to go out with other family members, and once married, her husband rules the roost. "The men would never allow a woman out with her friends," says Kathleen. "That's why we want to live on a site, for company." Kathleen, after spending time in a refuge after finally managing to escape her husband, was initially allocated a house, as opposed to a plot on a site. Almost immediately her children became depressed. "It's like putting a horse in a box. He would buck to get out," says Kathleen. "We can't live in houses; we need freedom and fresh air. I was on anti-depressives. The children couldn't go out because the neighbours would complain about the noise."  

Since moving to their site two years ago, Kathleen and her children have been far happier. Until MBFGW was screened, that is. "Now every week I go to the school and the parents are talking about that programme. They won't let our kids mix with theirs because they say we stink and don't talk properly. Settled kids won't even play sports with ours in case they touch them."

Mary, Kathleen's 15-year-old daughter, is upset by the series too, and says that she has faced further prejudice since it hit the screens. "That programme didn't show the real way we go on. All my friends are asking if it's true what they show on telly, and I think they've gone different [towards me] since it was shown."

In one episode the viewer was informed that young Traveller men at weddings and other social occasions use something known as "grabbing" to force a reluctant girl to kiss them. One newspaper report called it a "secret courting ritual".

"Grabbing has never happened to me or any of my friends and the first time I ever saw it was on the telly," says Mary. "I wouldn't put up with it, and I don't know why they made out we all do it. It's just one nasty boy they showed."

Brigid adds: "Grabbing has never happened to my kids. I have honestly never heard of it. It's all make-believe."

Helen, a Traveller in her 20s on the same site, is also furious about the portrayal of women in MBFGW. "The way us women come across in the programme is a disgrace," she said. "It shows us as nothing but slaves to the men, only good for cooking and cleaning, and always being available to open our legs to them. We don't want that for our daughters."

Helen is also worried that Traveller women are being portrayed as rich and spoilt when, in fact, life is a struggle for the majority. "I don't know anyone so rich that they can afford to splash out on wedding dresses like that. Mine was secondhand. They'll now be saying we are all criminals, or sponging off the state." I ask a number of Traveller women how representative of the Traveller and Gypsy communities those featured in MBFGW are, and they all come back with a similar answer: the programme focused on a small number of individuals from five sites (out of an estimated 300-plus across the UK), and in any community, there are a minority who have access to large amounts of cash.

I ask O'Roarke what she thinks the future holds for Travellers. She is worried. "That TV programme has put our work back 100 years. And if these women lose the little support they have, they literally will be left to rot."

She is concerned that problems affecting Traveller women and girls, such as lack of education, forced and early marriage, and abuse within the home, are not being taken seriously.

"These issues do not just affect certain Asian communities," says O'Roarke. "We have had Traveller women in the refuge who have been forced to marry someone who they have never met, and marrying cousins is not uncommon."

But some say that things are slowly improving. "I think it's changing an awful lot for the young ones," says Kathleen. "We don't want them to have no education and get married at 16, and have loads of kids and the same life as we did."

Would Kathleen ever marry again? It is out of the question, she tells me. These things are just not done. "You marry for life," she says. "If I was to have another man, my daughters would never be married because I would have brought shame on them."

O'Roarke would like to see changes that include: "Better support for the women to keep their daughters in education, and a serious commitment from the government to challenge the prejudice thrown at these people."

While people are being entertained by watching Katie Price-replica weddings on TV, and girls dressed in Beyoncé-style outfits dirty dancing, women such as Kathleen, Brigid and Helen are living in substandard conditions and facing daily prejudice while trying to give their children the best start in life. The reality is a far cry from the C4 depiction and is rarely aired. O'Roarke tells me that Traveller women are usually reluctant to allow outsiders into their homes, despite the impression given by MBFGW. "But we just want our side of the story put across," says Brigid, "so settled people know we are not like that."

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Britain's Gypsy Travellers: A People on the Outside

Despite the popularity of shows like My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding , Britain’s Gypsy Travellers still face longstanding prejudice, warns Becky Taylor.

A Gypsy family camped in the New Forest, Hampshire in the 1890s

Two months later and Channel 4’s My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding is generating waves on television. While sympathetic and giving a voice to Gypsy Travellers, it nevertheless presents an exoticised image of their lives: the horse-drawn wagons, extravagant dresses and flamboyant wedding arrangements seem to encapsulate how they remain the ‘other’ of British society. As the opening voiceover put it: ‘For hundreds of years the Gypsy way of life was one of ancient traditions and simple tastes. Then their world collided with the 21st century. With unprecedented access to the UK’s most secretive community … this series will take you to the very heart of Gypsy life.’ If contemporary images of Gypsy Travellers seem to be polarised between vilification and the exotic, can the same be said for historical depictions of one of Britain’s oldest minority groups?

While the details remain contested, it is now broadly agreed that Europe’s Roma and Gypsy populations can trace their origins back to an Indian diaspora in the tenth century, with ‘Egyptians’ arriving in Britain by the early 16th century. Despite persecution, Gypsies established themselves, finding niches in both town and countryside, sometimes being protected by landowners who found them useful as a supply of casual labour, for entertainment and sometimes simply by the inconsistent application of the law. Their treatment reflected majority society’s deep ambivalence about the presence of Gypsies and a nomadic way of life. On the one hand it symbolised freedom from the responsibilities and duties associated with settled lifestyles – typified in folk songs such as ‘The Raggle-taggle Gypsy’; on the other it provoked an almost visceral hatred, a suspicion that Gypsies could evade the law and the codes of behaviour that bound settled society to a place and a parish.

Rather than being polar opposites, however, we might understand these stereotypes as two sides of a coin – as the product of a tendency to view Gypsy lives through the lens of the preoccupations and assumptions of mainstream society – rather than being grounded in reality. Whether articulated positively or negatively these stereotypes stem from the assumption that Gypsies were irredeemably separate from the rest of the population.

Yet, contrary to these stereotypes, Gypsies and Travellers traded with, worked and lived alongside the rest of the population: an analysis of the traditional songs sung by Gypsies and Travellers, for example, shows significant overlap with those current in wider society, suggesting a high degree of interaction between the communities, particularly in casual agricultural and seasonal labour. Arthur Harding’s classic account of the East End underworld at the beginning of the 20th century, compiled by the historian Raphael Samuel,  revealed in passing how Gypsy Travellers were part of the everyday fabric of poor urban life. David Mayall’s work on the 19th century, my own on the 20th and that of the Dutch scholars Lucassen, Willems and Cottars for the European context all confirm the ways in which the lives of Gypsy Travellers and settled populations were intimately interconnected and often how the lines between them were in fact blurred. Gypsies lived in peri-urban encampments or even cheap lodging in cities over winter alongside working-class populations, making and selling goods, moving in regular circuits across the countryside in the spring and summer, picking up seasonal work, hawking and attending fairs. Far from being ‘a separate people’, their economic survival in fact depended on close engagement with the wider population.  

The stereotypes became increasingly entrenched over the course of the 19th century as Britain’s population became increasingly urbanised and the countryside became the repository for the working out of anxieties related to the rapidly changing social and physical landscape. Alongside phenomena like the folk song revival, the cult of the ‘outdoors’ and the early caravanning movements there emerged a movement of amateur ‘gentlemen scholars’, self-styled ‘gypsiologists’, who developed an interest in recording the origins, language and customs of Britain’s Gypsy Travellers. Focused around the activities of the Gypsy Lore Society (GLS), established in 1889, they became preoccupied with the foreign ancestry of British Gypsies and with developing theories about their ‘pure bred’ nature, which often tied blood lines to Romany language use and ‘proper’ nomadic living. The Gypsy caravan, which had only made its appearance in the 1830s as a result of the improving road system, became central to settled society’s image of ‘the Gypsy’, in part through paintings, such as those of the prominent GLS member Augustus John. Fed by an outpouring of writings on the subject from the 1880s, popular imagination saw Gypsies as a people who turned up out of the blue, camped on commons or byways in their bow-topped caravan, grazed horses, sold pegs, perhaps ‘tinkering’, ‘here today and gone tomorrow’. Just as the producers of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding promised ‘unprecedented access’, so too did numerous gypsiologists spend a summer living with a group of Gypsy Travellers gaining an insight into ‘the secret people’ before writing a book about their experiences. Crucially, such Gypsies were always portrayed as ‘pure blooded’ or ‘true’ Romanies, largely untouched by modern, industrialised Britain. As one gypsiologist, Arthur Symons, wrote in the early 20th century:

Why ... are we setting ourselves the impossible task of spoiling the Gypsies? ... they stand for the will of freedom, for friendship with nature, for the open air, for change and the sight of many lands; for all of us that are in protest against progress ... The Gypsies represent nature before civilisation ... the last romance left in the world.

Crucially, for these stereotypes to find resonance in modern Britain, gypsiologists constructed a theory around the decline in the racial purity of Gypsies as they increasingly mixed and married with ‘degenerate’ members of the settled population. They developed a racial hierarchy which placed ‘pure-blooded’ Gypsies, who were believed to speak the best Romany, at the top; followed by ‘didikais’, half-breeds, or ‘pikies’ – groups with varying proportions of Gypsy blood depending on which source one reads; and ‘mumpers’, who were vagrants with no Romany ancestry, at the bottom. As David Mayall observed:

To confuse the ‘true’ Gypsy with those of diluted blood was presented as a grave error that led to much injustice being directed towards the clean-living Romany. The latter, declining in numbers as the century progressed, were superior in manners, morals and occupations to their degenerate and impoverished ‘mumply-brothers’. These half-breeds were said to have inherited all the vices of the Romany and the Gaujo [non-Gypsy] but none of their virtues.

For gypsiologists anxious to discover a Golden Age and a pure Gypsy culture this outlook allowed them to pursue their pet theories, with any contradictory findings dismissed as the result of cultural pollution and miscegenation. This enabled gypsiologists to distance themselves from the squalid, urban Traveller encampments that existed around all Britain’s major cities and any other elements that impinged on romantic notions of a rural Gypsy idyll.

Just as the impetus to romanticise Gypsies gained ground in the later 19th century, so too did negative stereotypes, as a growing body of opinion saw Travellers as being out of step with modern society. Along with longstanding beliefs about the lazy and lawless nature of Gypsies came newer concerns about their unsanitary habits, which were seen as anachronistic in a nation that increasingly set store by its housing and sanitary legislation. Added to this were commonly expressed sentiments that they were escaping from paying taxes and consequently evaded the responsibilities that came with modern living. Such views gained ground particularly in times of social difficulty. During the Second World War Gypsies were a common scapegoat for the press, which depicted them as shirkers and deserters, able to escape conscription through their nomadism and evading rationing through poaching and foraging. As the South Wales Evening Post put it: ‘Many people wonder how Gypsies get off with food rationing. It is understood, however, that hedgehogs are not rationed.’

Lacking a political voice or a representative body Gypsy Travellers responded to this entrenchment of stereotypes not by challenging them but by working within their parameters. Thomas Acton first pointed to the practice of claiming to have ‘pure Gypsy blood’ as a means of asserting an individual’s right to travel, while scapegoating other travelling communities: ‘I’m a real Gypsy/Traveller/Romani, and we don’t do that, only the (ethnic category name with pejorative overtones)’. He observed that the effect of this ‘transference of blame’ was to divert the hostility of the accuser away from that particular individual to an absent outsider group which both parties could agree was fundamentally incapable of maintaining a nomadic lifestyle. While in the short run this was ‘an attractive strategy for the individual Traveller’, it was not without its shortcomings, as it served to confirm racialised definitions of

Travellers, equating a right to travel with spurious definitions of blood purity. It was not until the 1960s and the formation of the Gypsy Council that Gypsy Travellers as a community found a collective voice, one which tried to assert that all had a right to travel and that nomadism did have a place in modern Britain. While it scored some early successes, notably in the 1968 Caravan Sites Act, its influence both within and outside the travelling community has declined over recent years and has failed to dislodge the enduring stereotypes surrounding Gypsies.

Travellers have modernised alongside the rest of society and are not a ‘secret people’ living in the manner of their great grandparents. Crucially this change in their lifestyle has removed what settled society understands as the markers of ‘true’ Gypsies: bow-topped caravans, horses and so on. These images of Gypsies have become the rod with which their back is consistently beaten: failing to conform to romantic expectations, the stereotypes most often deployed in the popular press and by politicians are the negative ones relating to anti-social behaviour and an inability to adapt to the standards of ‘normal’ society.

This leads us back to the people of Dale Farm and the stars of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding . We may wonder at the dresses and tut over wedding venues cancelling bookings when they find they are to host a Traveller wedding, but this translates into neither an understanding of the place of Gypsy Travellers in British society nor positive political action. Living in an ex-scrapyard by the side of a busy dual carriageway, the Dale Farm homes are immaculate trailers from which furniture-selling businesses are run. Vulnerable through their lack of romantic visual appeal and unable to attract political representation, Travellers are facing the active prejudice not just of Basildon Council but of councils across the country, which decide not only that Travellers may not stay on their own land, but are also determined that there is no place for a Traveller community within its district. It is surely time for us to move beyond the stereotypes which have served Gypsy Travellers, settled society and historical analysis so ill for centuries and instead have the strength to embrace the diversity and richness represented by Britain’s nomadic communities. Seeing 80 families being put onto the highway will be Britain’s shame as much as Sarkozy’s expulsion of Roma from France.

Becky Taylor is author of A Minority and the State: Travellers in Britain in the 20th Century (Manchester University Press, 2008).

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  • The Londoner

Rosie is a dedicated travel and lifestyle blogger who writes as much about useful tips for touring London for the first time as how to be fashionable like the Londoner she is. On her website, she shares about her enriching life and adventures, which makes her writeups incredibly exciting to read. She started it to stay in touch with her loved ones and built strong followership worldwide.

Our favourite article: The Queen's Rose Garden

  • Wanderlust Chloe

In 2014, Chloe left her media job to explore Central America, Cuba and Mexico. A year after she launched her blog, Wanderlust Chloe , she got the travel bug and decided to visit 15 different countries to make travel and blogging her job. Her passion for all things luxury and fun led her to freelance for major travel brands - she was named one of the top Visit England Ambassadors.

Our favourite article: 19 quirky hotels in London for 2022

  • The Travel Hack

Wales-based blogger Monica is a travel writer who created The Travel Hack in 2009 while backpacking around Asia and Australia. On her blog, she shares travel hacks and inspiration to help her readers and fellow travellers get out and see the world, as well as ideas for family getaways and activities.

Our favourite article: 2 days in Glasgow: How to spend 48 hours in Glasgow

  • A Lady in London

Award-winning travel and lifestyle blogger Julie Falconer, originally from San Francisco, creates the most outstanding content regarding her experiences in London and beyond. She created her blog, A Lady in London , in 2007 when settling in London for the first time after leaving her career in finance in California. Since then, she has been digging many secret gems in the capital and has visited more than 100 countries!

Our favourite article: Lady's 11 Best Museums in London

  • The Wanderlust Within

Author of The Wanderlust Within , Roshni was born and raised in London and enjoys climbing, photography, and arts and crafts. She has visited 77 countries and worked for years on “The Spreadsheet”, her comprehensive guide to travel. She has been nominated by British Travel Awards 2020 for Best Newcomer and is still working with major travel and tourism brands today.

Our favourite article: 120 inspirational Hiking Quotes for Adventurers 2023

  • Vicky Flip Flop

Vicky Philpott has been a digital nomad, lived abroad and visited more than 70 countries like Niagara Falls or Yukon. She also has a thing for festivals, as she went to tens of them, and helps her audience plan their time off wisely. Her blog Vicky Flip Flop will suit anyone who wishes to visit the places she's been to and should inspire you to travel further.

Our favourite article: 55 unique world festivals for your 2023 Bucket List

Inside the Travel Lab

Multi-award-winning author, journalist and broadcaster Abigail King has founded an exciting blog, Inside the Travel Lab , which is defined by National Geographic Traveler as “essential reading” and Lonely Planet as “one of the best in the world". Abigail worked in the medical sector for a decade before shifting her career. In total, she visited over 60 countries and, besides helping her readers travel in a friendlier way for the environment, she also shared her expertise about sustainable tourism at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris.

Our favourite article: Best things to do in Belgravia, London's beautiful neighbourhood

Created in 2012 by Victoria, this blog is a must for people interested in fashion and beauty on top of travel. The blogger launched Inthefrow upon completing her Fashion PhD and career as a Fashion Marketing Lecturer at the University of Manchester. Within its first six months, In the Frow won the Company Magazine Best Newcomer Blog Award and the award for Best Established Blog a year later.

Our favourite article: 5 must-have items I can't travel without

  • Emily Luxton Travels

For the past decade, Emily Luxton - from Dorset - has been a travel blogger and freelance writer about solo female travel and other tips about food and mindfulness. Today she runs two successful UK travel blogs, including Emily Luxton Travels , where she posts her experiences about knowing the world better while connecting deeper with other cultures. She has explored more than 50 countries so far and gives very useful advice to travellers visiting Britain.

Our favourite article: 33 of the best places to visit in the South of England

  • WishWishWish

On her beautifully designed blog WishWishWish , Carrie Santana da Silva writes about everything from fashion and food to London and cities worldwide. She has worked with brands from across the globe and has been featured in numerous publications. On her blog, you'll find various topics like beauty, travel, looks, inspiration and tips for women.

Our favourite article: A guide to visiting Somerset

  • Pommie Travels

Originally from Manchester, Victoria now lives in the US but solo travelled to over 60 countries to explore the world and share her journey with her readers on her blog Pommie Travels . Via her writing, she aims to inspire her audience and motivate them to travel and achieve anything they want in life, as long as they're prepared.

Our favourite article: Cotswolds Road Trip: Route + Best places to visit

  • What Olivia Did

Talented blogger Olivia (or Liv) Purvis lives and writes about her life in London on her blog What Olivia Did , which she created in 2010. Online, she posts about must-see spots, fashion, beauty, music, cooking and current trends. She also interviews other inspiring women whom she looks up to. Recently Liv founded The Insecure Girls Club to empower vulnerable women with valuable resources and advice.

Our favourite article: Lunch in London: 6 new favourite spots

Mrs O Around the World

Originally from Lisbon, Ana Silva O’Reilly (or Mrs O) lives in Oxfordshire and has always been an avid traveller following her mother’s mottos: “If you are leaving home, it has to be to a better place” or “I love camping… in 5-star hotels”. In 2011, she created her amazing travel blog Mrs O Around the World where she started to write primarily to benefit her friends, family and wider online community. Today her blog focuses on luxury and relates stunning destinations and endless tips and tricks.

Our favourite article: Luxury UK Staycation ideas

  • SilverSpoon London

Award-winning blog SilverSpoon was created in 2011 by Angie (mum of Oscar) and is a reference if you're looking for anything related to London lifestyle, food and luxury travel. She actually has a very handy Restaurant Index , which she regularly updates. Angie has started this adventure by exploring Europe, South East Asia, Australia, the USA and South Africa and is always somewhere new! She takes care of her blog with the support of her husband, who she married in 2014 at The Dorchester Hotel in London.

Our favourite article: My Top Hotels of 2021

  • Homegirl London

Since 2012, Tanya Lake has been a famous London Lifestyle Blogger, writing content about things to do in London, walks to neighbourhood guides, museums and galleries to visit. On her blog, Homegirl London , Tanya writes restaurant reviews and references charming London shops.

Our favourite article: Ten things to do in Dalston during the day

  • Poppy Loves London

Ten-year communications expert, Eva lives in the Walthamstow area and has been writing on her blog Poppy Loves London about fashion, destinations, recipes, homeware and coffee haunts. Mum of a little girl, she not only enjoys sharing about parenting but also fances restaurants, bakeries, gorgeous interiors, books, knitwear... anything that sparkles her curiosity! Essentially, her blog is a great place to learn how to think like a true Londoner.

Our favourite article: A glorious weekend at No.1 Guesthouse, York

  • Bridges and Balloons

Victoria and her family enjoy travelling to special places and, after each trip, she creates extraordinary itineraries, with ways to experience life like a local. In them, she shares about bookshops, nature, farmers' markets, street art and creativity. Detailed itineraries, Airbnb selections, city guides, and special editions... on Bridges and Balloons , everything is carefully curated with their incredible journeys.

Our favourite article: The best views in London

  • The Style Traveller

Recently voted in the Top 25 Influencers in the UK by Evening Standard, Bonnie Rakhit is a fashion and travel influencer with a gorgeous blog called The Style Traveller . Formerly the fashion Editor of British Elle Magazine, with 15+ years of experience in the fashion industry, she is also a fashion editor, consultant and TV presenter. She has worked for Grazia, Vogue and Sunday Times Style and has been on ITV’s This Morning Show as a travel expert and on BBC and Sky News as a Fashion Expert. Impressive!

Our favourite article: The Style Traveller Guide to The Isles of Scilly

  • The London Diaries

Founded by Paula Holmes in 2012, The London Diaries is an award-winning London lifestyle blog with everything that London has to offer. Featured in many publications like Time Out, Huffington Post, Metro, The Guardian and the Daily Mail, it was also shortlisted for Best Beauty at the Pinterest Awards 2019.

Our favourite article: Best Restaurants in London

  • The Travelbunny

What a cute name! Originally from Sussex, Suzanne Jones was a corporate travel planner and decided to create her travel blog for people who love authentic travel experiences. On her website, The Travelbunny , you can find interesting guides to cool destinations, practical itineraries and advice to help you plan your next trip.

Our favourite article: Best things to do on the Isle of Wight - castles, cottages and coastlines

  • The Travelista

This award-winning UK blog was launched by Yorkshire-based influencer Jess Gibson in 2013 and is now one of the most influential travel blogs in the country. From 2015 to 2018, The Travelista was listed three as a Top 10 Luxury Travel Blog by Vuelio . On it, Jess writes genuine hotel, airline or restaurant recommendations and anything Yorkshire-related. 

Our favourite blog: A weekend Guide to Leeds: Highlights and Hidden Gems

  • A Little Bird

Back in 2010, art and fashion journalists Francesca Martin and Daisy Allsup began blogging about culture, food, home, fashion, kids and Christmas and all. On A Little Bird , you can find luxury fashion finds and tips on what to wear to London parties. You can also read many inspiring interviews with women entrepreneurs, founders and even illustrators!

Our favourite article: Gorgeous Houses to Rent

  • Luxury Columnist

Suze Renner is the author of Luxury Columnist , one of the best luxury lifestyle bloggers in the world. Suze writes about her travels and adventures and offers tips and recommendations on having perfect holidays. On top of that, she advises living a luxurious life on any budget. Suze's blog was named one of the top 3 luxury blogs by Vuelio.

Our favourite article: 12 best restaurants in Mayfair, London

  • Chérie City

Published in 2009, Chérie City is a UK travel and lifestyle blog created by Neily Marshall, where you can find city guides leading to the best places and hidden gems. Neily shares as much about tiny Paris bistros or neighbourhood cafes than art exhibitions or design hotels, and her blog was featured in Time Out London.

Our favourite article: The best takeaways in London

  • A Girl, A Style

Blogger, writer and digital strategist Briony was born in Australia and moved to the UK a decade ago - she currently lives in Cambridge. Besides her blog A Girl, A Style which she started in 2009 to share her favourite things, she worked as a political advisor in Westminster, Canberra, and Washington DC. Today she splits her time between her blog and freelancing, working for various brands. She also writes for Travel + Leisure, Departures, and Fortune Magazines, amongst other projects.

Our favourite article: 20 ways to celebrate the Holidays at home

  • Hey! Dip your toes in

Another amazing and award-winning blog is Hey! Dip your toes in . Created by Eulanda and Omo, this blog relates news and guides about travel, food culture, and lifestyle. The authors, based in Kent, believe "identity is not static, and that with every new adventure and experience, we add more fabric to our own".

Our favourite article: Places to book an Igloo Dining Experience in London

  • Scarlett London

A published author, aspiring journalist and multi-business owner, Scarlett created her blog ten years ago to share her life events and challenges. On her blog Scarlett London , you can read inspiring articles about travels, moving out, career, relationships, buying a house and even living with a pet. Today, Scarlett's blog is such a big part of her life that it enabled her to travel the world with the support of key sponsored campaigns - she even aired on TV!

Our favourite article: The Ultimate Guide to UK Getaways

  • Carl Thompson

Carl Thompson mostly writes for London gentlemen, including advice on men’s fashion, grooming, lifestyle, and anything about what the UK capital offers. Ideas for your shopping list, tips on your finances, resorts, road trips, etc. Carl also gives recommendations to maximise space in London homes and other essential lifestyle advice.

Our favourite article: Top 22 best dressed male influencers in 2022

  • Stylish London Living

Kent-based influencer Micaela Burr founded her lifestyle blog Stylish London Living back in 2012 to share her experiences with the world. She writes about travelling, plant-based cooking, reading, and tech on her blog. She also writes genuine reviews to encourage discussion and gives general information about daily life in London. Having graduated with a Master's Degree in Creative Industries (Arts & Media), she also creates DIY step-by-step and home tips, which makes her blog the place to go if you'd like to nail London living!

Our favourite article: 5 Top Tips to Create a Comfortable Apartment

  • The London Thing

The interesting fact behind The London Thing is that it all started as practical knowledge. Having lived in London for the past decade, Tania created her blog while studying Marketing as a project alongside her other academic projects. She also felt inspired after visiting multiple cities and values personal opinions more than travel guides, so she decided to provide her readers with real insider knowledge.

Our favourite article: A Visit to VA for a Victorian Afternoon Tea

  • Heroine in Heels

Since 2012, Laura - born and raised near Manchester - blogs about her adventures in London and shares her views as a 27-year-old living big city life. She started Heroine in Heels while studying at university, and in 2013 she got a job in London as a Cloud Computer Engineer.

Our favourite article: A very British country road trip

  • Kirsty Leanne

Kirsty Leanne 's love for travel began when she first moved to America at only 19 years old. You can find everything from her inspiring escapades to the best travelling tips on her refreshing and colourful blog. Anyone planning a trip somewhere will be interested in this go-to resource, as Kirsty also writes awesome posts about lessons she learned during her journeys.

Our favourite article: A flight attendant's guide to flying while plus size travel

  • Amy West Travels

In her travel journal, Ohio-born Amy, a published travel author, aims to "inspire others to take the first step towards a lifelong passion for exploration". She believes travel should be a lifestyle and an ability to get outside your comfort zone. On her blog Amy West Travels , you can access enriching city guides, including London's, some travel expertise, product reviews, and destination insight. 

Our favourite article: 48 hours in London

  • Raulerson Girls Travel

Heather is a mature Solo Adventure Traveler exploring the world, one destination at a time. She worked as a full-time engineer for 24 years but left her job for exciting travel experiences. On her blog Raulerson Girls Travel , she writes stories of the places she visits and inspires her audience to use their time off to the fullest.

Our favourite article: The Top 12 Fascinating Things to do in Llandudno

  • Diary of a Londoness

Born in Paris, Scarlett studied Creative Writing in Virginia in the US and English Literature in London. Her passion for literature enabled her to speak five languages! Another fun fact? She lives with her husband above one of the oldest riverside pubs in London, and they have three daughters. On her blog Diary of a Londoness , she publishes what's happening at London museums and galleries, writes about theatre plays, cinema and opera and gives suggestions for restaurants, shops and tips for families.

Our favourite article: Cultural things to do in London this December

  • Outdoor Scott

Blogger and outdoor lover Leslie Gilmour is from Glasgow, Scotland and currently splits his time between Dublin, Glasgow and Prague. He loves camping, hiking and long walks like the 780km Camino de Santiago across Northern Spain. He happily dedicates his blog Outdoor Scott to his travel and hiking adventures when not out hiking or cycling.

Our favourite article: 8 hiking routes near London

  • Sunny in London

A former journalist from Florida, Sunny now lives in London and loves sharing behind-the-scenes views of London’s food, life and culture. Her blog Sunny in London features reviews on top restaurants, hotels, afternoon teas, attractions, events, experiences and more. This is a great resource to start with if you're planning to visit or live in London.

Our favourite article: Major differences in American and British cultures

  • Gallivant Girl

Originally from Yorkshire, Anastasia Jones is a doctor and adventure lover who caught the travel bug long ago! She first went on a trip in 2007; since then, she hasn't stopped exploring and has visited over 90 countries. On her blog Gallivant Girl , she has been sharing inspiring content on solo travelling, creative photographs and exciting outdoor trips.

Our favourite article: 20 awesome things to do in Manchester

This is a lovely blog where Amanda Rose started to write about her personal anecdotes while living and working in London. On her blog LDN | ROSE , she shares content related to travel, career tips and fashion guides. She's always loved photography and writing, so having her own blog only felt natural.

Our favourite article: My travel bucket list: the top destinations I'm travelling to in 2022

  • Postcards by Hannah

Hannah has worked for a while in the travel industry, first fixing travel arrangements at a luxury safari agency, then selling trips at a major tour operator, but decided to start her own company InstaBritain. As a result, today, she juggles social media management for various travel brands, travelling throughout Britain as much as possible and blogging about her amazing travel life on Postcards from Hannah .

Our favourite article: Best National Trust properties to visit for autumn colours

  • Candace Abroad

Since 2016, Candace has been an expat in London - and started her blog at about the same time - featuring practical advice on her blog Candace Abroad and providing travel inspiration to her readers. She created highly engaging Instagram content and in-depth travel guides and aims to constantly reinvent herself with her experiences in the Uk capital.

Our favourite article: How to find work-life balance in London

  • Timeless Travel Steps

Timeless Travel Steps was created by travel writer Georgina and offers cultural and historical stories for midlife travellers. If you're looking for the right information ahead of planning your visit to England, bookmark this website: you'll find curated itineraries, guides, recommendations, cultural tours, transport, and more.

Our favourite article: Canterbury Cathedral and the best 16 highlights

  • Biggsy Travels

In real life, Steve Biggs Biggsy Travels is a Digital Analyst and a dad. But he also likes to take off to new destinations and blog about it in his free time! On his website created in 2014, Biggsy Travels , he writes about things that - normally - nobody has experienced before. Which can be a challenge when you think about it! But we'll let you find out.

Our favourite article: Hitchin Hoop - walk 12 miles around the town

Ashley’s Footprints

Originally from Newcastle, Ashley studied sciences at the University of Bristol and now works as a Senior Data Consultant in London. Her blog Ashley's Footprints focuses on her travel passion and trips as she shares anecdotes and info alongside London events for those looking to visit the capital.

Our favourite article: 48 hours in Inverness

  • Family Friendly London

This vibrant London-based family focuses on the fun to experience as parents and kids in the big city. On their blog Family Friendly London , you'll find posts about parks and gardens, zoos and museums, theatres and markets, and family-friendly adventures in and around London. An excellent resource for family travel!

Our favourite article: Top 10 tips for travelling to London with Family

  • Illyana London

In her blog bio, Illyana Mputu defines herself as a "fashion-obsessed" individual as she's been into clothes since a very young age. At 16 years old, she studied Fashion and Fine Arts and then moved to the US to study Political Science and International Relations as she always pictured herself travelling the world; hence her blog Illyana London created in 2016.

Our favourite article: Hotel Review: The Shendish Manor Hotel Experience

  • My London Lifestyle

Originally from the Netherlands, in 2016, Marjolein decided to leave her hometown for the metropolitan city life of London. Since then, she created her blog My London Lifestyle , where she writes weekly about the city, new restaurants, events, places to discover, and general tips to ease your London life!

Our favourite article: What to do in Hampstead Heath?

The 51 influencers mentioned in this article:

  • Inside The Travel Lab
  • In the Frow
  • Mrs O Around The World
  • Ashley's Footprints

If you know other travel and London bloggers, influencers or writers, feel free to let us know! Meanwhile, we hope this listicle was handy for finding great inspiration ahead of preparing for your next trip to London. And if you liked it, why not share it on your social channels with your followers?

Don't miss out on checking out our exciting London tours and day tours from London to make your experience in England and the capital even more memorable.

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10 of the best UK travel bloggers to follow

traveller lifestyle uk

We could all do with some escapism right now.

As a result of the pandemic, many travel bloggers have shifted their focus to the UK and are championing the “Great British staycation. ”

Sick of flying? Want to travel more sustainably this year? Scroll on for some of the UK’s best travel bloggers.

A Lady in London @aladyinlondon

Julie Falconer runs travel and lifestyle blog A Lady in London where she shares her experiences about the places she’s been and the places she thinks you should go, from detailing niche London venues to recommending UK must-sees, from strolls along Regents Canal to beautiful villages in the Cotswolds. Expect a mix of travelogues, reviews, and features with original photography and videos.

Charlie & Jess

Charlie and Jess are currently documenting their 52-week UK travel adventure with enthralling photography and visual storytelling. Their passion shines through their warm videos and stills from all sorts of destinations, from the Wailing Widow waterfalls of Assynt in Scotland to the Norfolk Broads — read their 22 favourite UK travel destinations for 2022 here .

The Travel Bunny @thetravelbunny

Travel blogger Suzanne Jones shares cool UK travel destinations with stunning photography from Brighton to Newcastle and Rye.

Postcards by Hannah @postcardsbyhannah

Voted travel influencer of the year, Hannah shares some truly stunning photographs of lush and leafy locations with her 262k Instagram followers. She uses reels to capture the essence of quintessential Britain.

Hand Luggage Only @handluggageonly

Hand Luggage Only follows the travel diary of Yaya and Lloyd, from Zermatt in Switzerland to amazing sunsets in Wales, and a recent stint braving the cold in Antarctica.

Emily Luxton @em_luxton

Emily Luxton is a solo female travel blogger who shares her fun travels from treehouses in Dorset to the Sky Lagoon in Iceland.

Vicky Philpott @vickyflipflop

Vicky Philpott is a festival and travel blogger who visits some amazing destinations, from Niagara Falls to Yukon, and now with her new baby son in tow.

Mrs O Around the World @mrsoaroundworld

Naomi Campbell in tears as tickets for her landmark V&A exhibition go on sale

Naomi Campbell in tears as tickets for her landmark V&A exhibition go on sale

Inside this week's ES Magazine: What men really think about...

Inside this week's ES Magazine: What men really think about...

Jah Wobble: 'The cockney is dead — the East End is full of hipsters now'

Jah Wobble: 'The cockney is dead — the East End is full of hipsters now'

Make your next trip to the West End a celebration of women in culture

Make your next trip to the West End a celebration of women in culture

Mrs. O Around the World is a luxury travel blog run by Ana O’Reilly, who showcases her very lavish adventures around the world.

Nomadic Boys @nomadicboys

Stefan and Sebastien, a couple of nine years, share their favourite with LGBTQ+ destinations with their community of 163k Instagram followers.

The Travel Hack @thetravelhack

Mum of three and travel blogger Monica Scott, based in Wales, shares expert advice about cycling adventures and travelling off the beaten track.

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Top 35 Travel Influencers in the UK

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Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK

Top luxury travel influencers in the uk, top youtube travel vlogger influencers in the uk, top instagram travel influencers in the uk, top tiktok travel influencers in the uk, why work with the best travel influencers in the uk.

Influencer marketing has become an integral part of marketing today, with brands using influencers to reach new audiences, build brand awareness, and increase conversions.

While branded posts can certainly be effective, 60% of marketers believe influencer-generated content performed better . It’s all about doing what drives the most follows, engagement, and conversions.

By partnering with the right influencer, businesses can tap into their large and engaged audiences, bringing new customers and increasing brand loyalty – just look at the numbers !

In this article, we will showcase the top 35 travel influencers in the UK. These travel gurus have made a name for themselves in the travel and lifestyle space, using their experience and following to inspire others to explore new destinations and experience new cultures.

From adventurous bloggers to professional photographers, these influencers are at the forefront of the travel industry and are a great resource for anyone looking for inspiration and recommendations for their next trip – not to mention brands wanting to expand the horizons of their reach.

The Social Shepherd is a leading influencer marketing agency , and we’ve had the pleasure of working with a wide range of brands to create impactful influencer campaigns.

Our influencer marketing team has carefully curated this list of the top 35 travel influencers in the UK, considering factors such as audience engagement rate (ER), social media following, relevance, and content quality. Whether you're looking to build your brand's travel presence or reach a new audience, these influencers are a great place to start.

1. Beca Jayne


Instagram: 25.3K followers – ER: 8.13%

Beca’s Instagram account @muddy_bootlaces is helping hikers to cook exciting vegan dishes, which are easy to prepare and backpack-friendly. When it comes to a hike, camp and food experience – Beca is your go-to influencer. Beca regularly posts content around hiking, wildcamping, long-distance trails and basic bushcraft too!

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Beca Jayne


Instagram: 53.9k - ER: 3.02%

Steph, aka @geordie_hiker, is a travel influencer who captures the adventurous spirit of exploring new destinations. With 53.9K followers and an engagement rate of 3.02%, she is known for her solo travels and loves chasing sunrises and climbing mountains. Her content is a perfect blend of breathtaking landscapes and action-packed adventures, inspiring her audience to get out and explore the world.

Steph's passion for travel and her ability to engage with her followers makes her an ideal influencer for brands looking to reach a travel-savvy audience. Whether it's showcasing new travel destinations or promoting adventure gear, Steph can help brands increase their reach and connect with her loyal following.

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Steph

3. Steph Parker


Instagram: 47.7K followers – ER: 2.29%

Join Steph, a passionate globetrotter for 15+ years, to discover how you can travel better for less, as I share real tips, advice and stories about the highs and lows of adventuring across the world.

Her blog ‘Big World Small Pockets’ was created to share with you the highs and lows of solo female budget travel – the sort of real, wild, global adventuring that fires up minds and sets hearts racing. With a committed long-term traveller for a creator, (that’s me!) BWSP focuses on adventurous solo travel and sustainable tourism practices, with expert and personal advice from destinations around the world.

The blog has a combined social media following of over 80k+ followers across 4 major networks. With over 188k page views a month, from over 126k users a month, Steph has developed a significant standing in the travel and tourism scene – being voted The Best British Travel Blog 2019!

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Steph Parker

4. Yaya & Lloyd


Instagram: 180K followers – ER: 37.4%

Yaya and Lloyd started their travel blog in 2014 when they were still in school, and they have now turned it into a worldwide phenomenon. With a focus on affordable travel, their gorgeous content and beneficial insider advice have inspired thousands.

They are also the creators of "Hand Luggage Only: Great Britain," the essential travel manual for discovering the best of Great Britain.

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Yaya & Lloyd

5. Laura & Aaron


Instagram: 333K followers – ER: 5.48%

Laura & Aaron are free spirits exploring the wilder side of Europe in their self-built cabin-on-wheels. The duo spend the year travelling across the UK and Europe, in their cosily refurbished van.

Giving us major wanderlust, they take you on whimsical trips through Europe, with picturesque landscapes of wildflower meadows, snow-capped mountains and turquoise lakes plucked from a scene of a fairytale – making followers fall in love with life on the road!

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Laura & Aaron


Instagram: 134K followers – ER: 10.96%

Beth began travelling in 2014 with what she thought would be a short holiday. She’s now been travelling around the world full-time for seven and a half years, taking photographs, writing about the places she’s been and immersing herself in new cultures.

The travel extraordinaire is passionate about capturing the whole experience not just with images, but with words too. Her blog is a positive place where she welcomes readers to learn about the best places to stay, along with tips and advice on long-term travel. In the words of Beth herself, “Stop waiting for the weekend, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now.”

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Beth


Instagram: 31.4K followers – ER: 3.36%

Hill and Moorland Leader Emily Taylor is inspiring others to walk the UK one trig at a time with her Peak District trig-bagging exploits – all 88 to be exact. Emily has inspired thousands of followers to seek better mental health in nature with an open dialogue about her own struggles.

You may find Emily “ranting about litter in the countryside” and sharing the Countryside Code or Leave No Trace principles. She has become a champion of women outdoors and body positivity, despite her own insecurities. “Strangely, sharing images of myself has helped me slowly accept myself. What our bodies do and the places they take us is far more important than how they look.”

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Emily


Instagram: 43.3K followers – ER: 36.45%

Jade is a travel enthusiast who showcases the beauty of London and other picturesque destinations around the world. She captivates her audience with her stunning visual storytelling.

Her content is a mix of travel, architecture, people, and nature, making her the perfect influencer for brands in the travel, photography, and beauty industries. Her ability to inspire and engage her followers with her content makes her an ideal collaborator for brands.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Jade

9. Alex & James


Instagram: 147K followers – ER: 4.75%

Alex and James are a travel couple who have been discovering the world together since 2014. You can also find them as Twosome Travellers around the web. The couple got married in 2018, in Boracay Philippines. By 2019, Twosome Travellers decided to travel the world full-time! They keep on creating inspirational adventure content and sharing them with the world.

We understand how to deliver a campaign professionally, and successfully and have worked together with some of the biggest brands including Amex AU, Visit Japan AU and the South Australian Tourism board in both a content creator and influencer capacity.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Alex & James

10. Callia Mexi

Instagram: 125K followers – ER: 29.72%

Callia is a luxury travel influencer who inspires her audience through her stunning travel photos and fashion-forward content. With a focus on promoting a more luxurious lifestyle, Callia shares her experiences travelling around the world, showcasing the finest in fashion, travel and living.

She has a keen eye for style, chic outfits and high-end amenities. Brands interested in working with Callia will benefit from her unique perspective and her ability to promote a luxury lifestyle to her followers. Her travel experiences and fashion sense will give brands exposure to reach a discerning and stylish audience.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Callia Mexi


Instagram: 36.4K followers – ER: 13.43%

Alicia is a travel blogger and photographer who’s constantly planning her next adventure, be that a local trip in the UK or further afield. Her absolute favourite place is up in the arctic circle in Norway!

She has a passion for sharing her own travel experiences with the global community in the hope to help others plan their own journeys. Borne from her passions of travel, photography and sharing experiences, you’ll find a collection of travel guides and diaries from all over the world following Alicia.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Alicia


Instagram: 257K followers – ER: 49.73%

Kelsey is a London-based travel blogger and multi-talented creative who documents her adventures in the big city as ‘Kelsey in London’. Kelsey’s background in Graphic Design, Photography and an expansive career working as a Creative Director in fashion has evolved into a growing social media community of over 500,000 across her various social media channels. She creates and shares inspiring imagery and video content with a charming touch of dorky realness and a refreshingly friendly yet honest no-BS attitude. With a love for all things beautiful, her social feeds are a stream of her jaw-dropping travel highlights, local London recommendations and in-depth travel guides.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Kelsey


Instagram: 257K followers – ER: 3.05%

Lucy’s Travel & Style content is a fast-growing blog with a great and loyal community. Lucy in the Sky’s target group consists of a niche of young fashionable people who are passionate about travelling in style. Her focus is exclusively on boutiques, luxury hotels and upscale brands.

She works as a Brand Ambassador for several US & Australian brands showcasing their latest products and with several 5* hotels worldwide. Travelling with her partner, together they create visual stories for travel and fashion brands while sharing their passion for wanderlust locations with followers from around the world.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Lucy

14. Natalie Raymond


Instagram: 177K followers – ER: 4.61%

Natalie is a luxury travel influencer based in London. Her Instagram channel showcases her love for travel, lifestyle, and the great outdoors. Natalie's unique perspective and attention to detail in capturing beautiful destinations, from bustling cities to scenic nature spots, inspire her followers to pursue their own adventures and live life to the fullest.

Brands interested in working with Natalie will benefit from her ability to promote their products in a luxurious and aspirational setting, appealing to her engaged audience who are interested in elevating their own lifestyles.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Natalie Raymond

15. Chesca & Ben


YouTube: 66.9K subscribers – ER: 3.23%

Chesca and Ben have been living and travelling through Europe in their camper van Sophia since 2019. They’ve driven from the wind-swept coasts of Portugal to the sun-drenched beaches of Sicily, watched the sunrise over the plains of Syria and swam in sapphire caves where Zeus himself bathed.

Next, they took their rolling home across the pond and over to Canada for a new adventure across The Americas. Inspired by a love for adventure and alternative living, Chesa & Ben document their lives travelling the globe, experiencing new landscapes and cultures while living in a van.

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Chesca & Ben

16. Hannah Ricketts


YouTube: 95.2K subscribers – ER: 5.12%

Meet Hannah, the London-based travel vlogger and YouTuber, who is all about capturing the best of London life and travels. With her YouTube channel @HannahRicketts, she offers an entertaining blend of lifestyle and travel content, including the occasional delicious food find. With her upbeat and engaging personality, Hannah inspires her audience to explore new places, try new things, and live life to the fullest.

For brands looking to tap into the travel and lifestyle market, working with Hannah as an influencer can bring a fresh and exciting perspective to your campaigns, helping you reach and engage with a wider audience.

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Hannah Ricketts

17. Paul Dow


YouTube: 244K subscribers – ER: 3.07%

Paul has a passion for travel. However, looking around the thousands of travel vlogs on YouTube he noticed that too many of them are more about the person than the place. The focus of his blog is to bring you adventurous travels, from solo road trips, weekend breaks, and exploring cities to suffering from culture shock from far-flung destinations.

The SuitcaseMonkey channel is based on his real life, self-paid holidays featuring full-length travel vlogs at its heart that are informative, amusing, insightful and plenty of inspiration for your next trip. Quality over quantity is Paul’s motto!

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Paul Dow


YouTube: 68.5K subscribers – ER: 8.74%

Emily’s channel consists of two girls, a dog and a cat who built a campervan from scratch and are now travelling full time living the van life! Follow along on their journey as they create their YouTube travel series!

Campervibe has got some awesome adventures as they live and travel in their self-converted van all over the world.

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Emily

19. Liam & Janine


YouTube: 71.8K subscribers – ER: 3.29%

Liam & Janine are a married couple from the UK, who have bought an auto-rickshaw in India, travelling the whole of India in it!

They can also be seen driving Morgan The Removals Van across the UK & Europe, detailing their great adventures.

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Liam & Janine

20. Alex & Emma


YouTube: 281K subscribers – ER: 4.76%

Alex & Emma have been exploring the world together for over 10 years, enjoying all kinds of travel, from backpacking to vanlife! After years of work hard, save hard, travel, repeat as well as a huge battle with depression, we decided that we wanted to turn travel into a lifestyle.

The couple loves sharing the highs and lows of their trips through videos and hopes to spread a little positivity and light their audience through their travel experiences and digital nomad lifestyle.​ Their mission is to create a community where individuals can be inspired and encouraged to change their lifestyle to one that makes them truly happy, whatever that may be.

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Alex & Emma


YouTube: 609K subscribers – ER: 4.13%

Trek Trendy, also known by his real name – Will Davis, is a YouTuber, social media star, and influencer. He came under the media limelight after his video “Overnight on Arctic Circle Sleeper Train – The Lapland Express” went viral on the internet.

He is famous for uploading luxurious travel vlogs on his channel, where he has 490K subscribers. In the vlogs, he usually sponsors expensive travelling plans and packages. With TrekTrendy, Will promises to share the tips and tricks which he’s used to traveling the world in luxury at a far lower cost than you’d possibly imagine.

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Will


Instagram: 292K followers – ER: 7.54%

Hannah is a travel consultant turned travel content creator - by that we mean she quit her job as a travel consultant and started creating content full-time.

She gets across her love of travel and food, taking photos of all her experiences and providing solo travel tips. She also has a fluffy cocker spaniel called Baxter who she travels with!

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Hannah

23. Deborah


Instagram: 126K followers – ER: 11.59%

Deborah started 'Nooks of London' to share the city's hidden gems, quirky spots, and cosy nooks, and to prove that London doesn't always have to be stressful and crowded. The travel blogger often focuses her content on travel, lifestyle and hotels.

She was born in London and spent the first 29 years of her life living there, so knows the city like the back of her hand (but her favourite thing about the capital is that she’s still discovering little gems!).

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Deborah


Instagram: 115K followers – ER: 7.29%

Anna is a London-based travel blogger showing you the wonders of London and beyond. She enjoys sharing the tips and tricks she learns along the way on her blog and social media, which are always bound to be useful! Anna really instils her huge passion for travel in every post.

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Anna

25. Courtney Leopard


Instagram: 102K followers – ER: 6.58%

Courtney is a solo travel goddess whose content acts as a guide for the adventurous. She Travelled the World was born out of the love of discovering. From wandering the streets at dawn to hiking through the mountains, her life is a constant adventure.

Courtney shares her life of early morning flights, picnics and photography while she gets to explore the world – taking her followers with her every step of the way.

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Courtney Leopard

26. Tonia Hope


Instagram: 139K followers – ER: 19.91%

Tonia is a global enthusiast and travel content creator who shares her love for travel and adventure with her growing social media audience. With a presence on both Instagram and TikTok, Tonia has become a go-to source of inspiration for those looking to escape the routine and explore the world.

Her posts range from stunning landscapes and cultural experiences to must-see destinations and unique adventures. With a unique perspective and an eye for capturing life's most beautiful moments, Tonia is a talented influencer who can inspire and engage her followers.

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Tonia Hope


Instagram: 103K followers – ER: 3.07%

Sandy is a London-based Travel Vlogger, and lifestyle and culture explorer. She spends her time travelling, reviewing, exploring London and vlogging! By now Sandy’s been to 45 countries and has seen quite a bit of London, too.

Her travels are culture driven. Sandy always tries to learn the local language as much as she can and deep dive into why people eat what they eat and say what they say. She loves to explore local stories, hidden gems, and food through worldwide travel.

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Sandy

28. Ashlee Major-Moss


Instagram: 133K followers – ER: 4.70%

Ashlee is a travel and lifestyle content creator. The idea of travelling solo across the world to a place you've never been, where you don't speak the language, know the culture, or know one living soul can be quite daunting – but Ashlee takes the plunge.

She falls in love with all the beautiful places she explores and lives life on her own terms – and makes her followers fall in love with them too!

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Ashlee Major-Moss

29. Adell Baker


TikTok: 44.1K followers – ER: 21.60%

Adell is an outdoor adventure blogger and photographer. She shares hiking routes, staycations and road trips, with in-depth travel guides and tips on places to visit so her audience can have the best time!

Over the years, Adell’s been able to work with some incredible brands, creating unique outdoor and travel-related content. Some amazing brands include ACAI Outdoorwear, Merrell, Faff Coffee, Whittards, All Trails, Unplugged Stay and many more. She’s always looking for new and exciting opportunities!

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Adell Baker

30. Jen, João & Leo


TikTok: 379.9K followers – ER: 5.14%

The Travel Mum team works around the clock to bring you the cheapest flight and hotel combinations. They have created a community that will go out of its way to help each other, with trip planning, amazing deals, inspiration, support, and advice followers can trust in abundance.

With the cost-of-living crisis, insane energy prices and endless negative news, there is a growing need for all of us to have a break - but on an increasingly tight budget. This is where The Travel Mum come in!

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Jen, Joao & Leo

31. Emma Cooke


Emma, the travel editor based in London, is a well-known TikTok influencer with a following of over 370k. She is a source of inspiration for travellers, providing advice and guides on her channel @petite.blondine. Her content is not only entertaining but also informative and showcases her expertise in the travel industry.

With features in prestigious publications such as The Telegraph, BBC Travel, and BuzzFeed, Emma is a well-respected influencer in the travel space. Brands looking to tap into the world of luxury and adventure travel can benefit from working with Emma, who has a proven track record of creating engaging content that resonates with her audience.

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Emma Cooke

32. Ryan & Jade


TikTok: 342.5K followers – ER: 7.57%

Ryan & Jade, the travel influencers behind @live_thedash, inspire their audience with their spontaneous and budget-friendly travel adventures. They are well known for their creative travel videos made while travelling the world with only hand luggage.

With 340k followers on TikTok and a presence on YouTube, Ryan & Jade have built a loyal following of wanderlust-filled individuals who eagerly await their next budget-friendly travel escapade. For brands looking to tap into this audience, Ryan & Jade can offer unique and creative content, showcasing products and services in a budget-friendly travel context.

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Ryan & Jade

33. Amy Berry


TikTok: 99.6K followers – ER: 3.55%

Amy is a London-based travel content creator. Her channel showcases some of the most luxurious hotels and spas around the world. Her company The Branding Spa specialises in providing engaging video & image content packages to hotels and resorts worldwide for use on digital and social media.

Amy also helps amplify this content to reach thousands of potential guests online. Her travel content has been in collaboration with or featured by brands such as The Dorchester Collection, The Waldorf Astoria, Hilton and MSC Luxury Cruises.

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Amy Berry

34. Charlotte

TikTok: 263.3K followers – ER: 5.85%

Charlotte, the TikTok travel influencer and creator of @lotteboo3, takes her audience on a journey through her favourite travel destinations and hidden gems. With a background as a destination manager, Charlotte provides insider tips on how to travel well and experience the best that the UK has to offer.

From hotels to fun activities, Charlotte showcases her expertise in the travel industry while also sharing her personal experiences and discoveries. With her creative and informative content, Charlotte inspires her audience to explore and make the most of their travels.

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Charlotte


TikTok: 173.6K followers – ER: 13.14%

Toomeytoyou is most known as being home to a stray cat who captured the hearts of the internet, featured on The Dodo, BBC, Fluff Squad, People and The LADbible.

One day, Boysie appeared at the back door with an injury that wasn’t getting better, so his new friends knew we had to step in and do something to help him. On TikTok, you can watch the full story that made Boysie a viral sensation. Now you can watch Boysie and his human friends on their travel!

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Toomey

Travel influencer marketing has been on the rise, and for good reason. A recommendation from a creator that you like goes a long way. 61% of consumers trust the product recommendations they get from influencers. Meanwhile, only 38% trust branded social media content . This is because travel influencers have a unique ability to build trust and connect with their followers, inspiring them to take action.

If you're looking to tap into this trend and start reaching your target audience through the power of travel influencer marketing, The Social Shepherd is here to help. As one of the top Influencer Marketing agencies in the UK, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you navigate the complex world of influencer marketing. Check out our blog on the top Influencer Marketing agencies in the UK to find out more about why we’re up there with the best.

Our dedicated Influencer Marketing team offers a comprehensive range of services, including talent research, management, and strategy, to help brands reach their marketing goals. Whether you're a travel brand looking to increase brand awareness or a lifestyle brand seeking to connect with the travel-savvy crowd, we can help you achieve your goals. So why wait?

Want to see other top influencers in the UK? See from our list below:

  • Top Fitness Influencers in the UK
  • Top Influencers in the UK
  • Top Beauty Influencers in the UK
  • Top Family Influencers in the UK
  • Top Lifestyle Influencers in the UK
  • Top Interior Designer & Home Improvement Influencers in the UK
  • Top Technology Influencers in the UK
  • Top Wellness Influencers in the UK
  • Top Pet Influencers in the UK
  • Top Arts & Crafts Influencers in the UK
  • Top Food Influencers in the UK
  • Top Fashion Influencers in the UK
  • Top Gardening Influencers in the UK
  • Top Skincare Influencers in the UK
  • Top Gaming Influencers in the UK
  • Top Car & Automotive Influencers in the UK

Or maybe you're looking for the Top Travel Influencers in the US?

  • Top Travel Influencers in the US

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Don’t be sheepish let’s talk.

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The Best UK Travel Bloggers

Having run Spaghetti Traveller for over a decade now, the thing that has jumped out to me the most has been the sense of community amongst travel bloggers.

There are some absolute gems here in the UK, really nice people who you can’t help but love. From the great photographers to the confident folk on a video, to the ones that just love to write, I have tried my best to include all of the best travel bloggers in the UK.

Spaghetti Traveller

traveller lifestyle uk

Ok, I can’t write this list and leave ourselves off! Following a road trip Across the USA with a number of friends, I decided to setup the blog, as I became addicted to the travel industry.

Since it’s initiation, the blog has been featured on the BBC, Inews, Yahoo, Metro, Guardian, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Start-ups, Forbes, Evening Standard, Hello Magazine, Independent, the Mirror, New Food Magazine, the Sun, Huff Post, Mashable, Wanderlust Travel Magazine and plenty more.

Website :

Passport And Stamps (Formerly Italian Trip Abroad)

traveller lifestyle uk

I first met Toti and Alessia at a Traverse event in Brighton and you could instantly tell how funny and friendly they both were. The two keen adventurers have a base in London, but they’ll jump on a plane to see the world at the first opportunity possible.

Being Italian, it’s unsurprising that their knowledge of the likes of Naples, Rome and Milan is substantial, as they share some amazing tips for your next European city break.

Website :

Backpacking Bananas

traveller lifestyle uk

We met Christianne at the same Traverse event we meet Toti and Ale and we were instantly wowed by her incredible YouTube channel. Instantly envious of both her editing skills and charisma on screen, Christianne now has over 100k subscribers on YouTube and has become one of the biggest travel vloggers in the world.

Whether it’s a travel adventure or some tips and hacks on how to build your own YouTube channel, the Backpacking Banana has some unbelievable content.

Website :

Weigh The Suitcase

traveller lifestyle uk

Steve and Amy write in such a personal way, offering their genuine tips and thoughts on each place they visit, with some brilliant city break recommendations on Weigh The Suitcase.

From far away trips to Hong Kong and Singapore, to the best of Europe with Venice and Amsterdam, to exploring what we have on our own front door in Blickling and Edinburgh, you will find a great mix of their adventures on the blog.

Website :

Wanderlust Chloe

traveller lifestyle uk

I met Chloe through a midweek Traverse event in London a number of years ago, as 6 of us bloggers had to crack an escape rooms. I won’t lie, I don’t know how much I contributed to our attempted escape, I was a little clueless what was going on, but I still had a great time!

Considering Chloe had a remarkable 36 flights in 2015 and 47 flights in 2016, I can comfortably predict she has been to more countries than myself, which has helped her to make numerous lists for the best UK travel bloggers.

Website :

A Lady In London

traveller lifestyle uk

Growing up around Silicon Valley, Julie was working as a macroeconomic analyst, but it wasn’t long before her desire to travel the world took over.

Heading to the UK, Julie started A Lady In London back in 2007 and it quickly grew to become one of the biggest travel blogs in the world. She also runs a number of business, blog and social coaching services

Website :

Vicky Flip Flop Travels

traveller lifestyle uk

Having worked in the travel industry since 2011, Vicky certainly doesn’t have a fear of heights like me and Raquel, with her adventures including sky diving in both New Zealand and Japan!

Vicky has since also setup a new website, called Day Out In England, which is worth checking out, especially considering the growth of staycations and hidden gems this country has.

Website :

Emily Luxton Travels

traveller lifestyle uk

Emily is a huge inspiration for anyone that is considering a solo travel adventure but is nervous or has questions before jumping on a plane. Her trips have taken her across the globe, including the likes of Mexico and India.

But most importantly, Emily is a bit fan of Harry Potter, therefore she has my respect! Emily is commonly top placed on the Trips 100 list of UK travel bloggers and features in a huge number of lists for the best this country has to offer.

Website :

Rexy Edventures

traveller lifestyle uk

It feels like a lifetime ago now, but I remember meeting Ed at a blogger event in London and instantly got in really well with him.

He had a similar background to me, in that we both worked in digital marketing and were marketing managers for a travel brand. The blog was setup back in 2011, while his adventures have taken him all over, from New Zealand to South East Asia, while he won’t hesitate to jump out of a plane (again, my fear of heights is holding me back).

Website :

Hey Dip Your Toes In

traveller lifestyle uk

Hey Dip Your Toes In is the brilliant blog by Omo and Eulanda, where their creativity, humour and great personality shines through in their content.

Since lockdown first kicked in, I’ve also loved reading their UK based trips, which have been hugely inspirational, as I don’t feel I make the most of all the hidden gems dotted around Sussex.

Website :

Biggsy Travels

traveller lifestyle uk

Steve Biggs has his base in London, having grown up in Hertfordshire, while he’s amazing with a camera in hand. His attention to detail is incredible and he certainly has some amazing and unique stories to share.

Steve has been sharing his adventures since 2014 on Biggsy Travels, while he also has a digital background like myself, plus we met him at WTM (plus Traverse of course) and seemed like an absolute legend.

Website :

Global Help Swap

traveller lifestyle uk

I normally talk about the beautiful destinations people have been, of which Karen and Paul have seen some beautiful places, but it’s the foodie posts that truly had me glued, trying out the Gobi Manchurian recipe one time in my kitchen (mine didn’t look quite as nice as theirs haha).

With a dilemma of whether to get on the property ladder and settle down or go travel the world back in 2010, you can guess which direction they went in, starting the Global Help Swap, and the rest is history.

Website :

The Travel Hack

traveller lifestyle uk

Monica is another veteran of the travel industry like myself and many others on this list, having started The Travel Hack back in 2009.

The blog has evolved from the early backpacking days, to illustrate the amazing adventures she is having with her family and in motherhood. Considering I’m now an uncle (wooo), I have loved reading the Mama Hack articles for advice and tips.

Website :

Mallory On Travel

traveller lifestyle uk

Formerly working as a Warrant Officer in the army, Iain had to run adventurous outdoor pursuits on a regular basis, which developed his wanderlust.

The thing that always stood out for me about Mallory’s work was his amazing work with a camera in hand. His photos are seriously unbeatable. I’m yet to meet Iain in person, but I hope to very soon at a future blogging event.

Website :

A Luxury Travel Blog

traveller lifestyle uk

There is sometimes a misconception that to be a travel blogger, you have to slum it in grimy hostels. Ok, we’ve done our fair share of that, but we also love a fancy hotel and some fine dining, especially as we’ve got into our thirties.

A Luxury Travel Blog shares some of the best trips and adventures for someone looking for a luxurious holiday. Dr Paul Johnson is an experienced traveller and has successfully built a huge social following for the platform, including 700k on Twitter!

Website :

Along Dusty Roads

traveller lifestyle uk

Andrew and Emily started the idea of the travel blog Along Dusty Roads in the way all good plans are born, with plenty of gin!

The couple share their adventures, including hiking guides, their ‘things to do’ lists and food recommendations from their travels to South America, Asia and across the globe.

Website :

Hand Luggage Only

traveller lifestyle uk

Hand Luggage Only was created by Yaya and Lloyd, as they shared their travel stories while studying at Cambridge University. Their photography skills are spectacular, while they also produce a fair amount of content on food, a favourite subject of mine!

Yaya and Lloyd have been all across the USA, sharing their top tips on all the biggest cities, which are certainly worth a read if you’re planning an American holiday next year.

Website :

Tin Box Traveller

traveller lifestyle uk

While many travel blogs will focus on either solo travel or adventurous backpacking, I love the fact that Claire has found a different niche, focusing on family trips and advice, an area I think was under-serviced by bloggers.

Exploring the great outdoors and heading camping when possible, Claire shares her family adventures, from caravanning in Dartmouth to hotel stays in Bournemouth. The happy smiles on her two girls will bring a smile to your face.

Website :

Heather On Her Travels

traveller lifestyle uk

Heather is a Bristolian, a place I love to visit and very similar to my hometown Brighton, Heather On Her Travels shares her adventures exploring the world, focusing on the 50+ travellers.

Whether it’s relaxing on a luxury cruise or taking on some outside adventures with hiking and cycling, Heather is an incredible writer and she also targets a slightly different market to some of the others on this list in people who’s children have flown the nest and are looking to explore.

Website :

Sophie’s Suitcase

traveller lifestyle uk

Sophie started her adventuring back in 2010, just like myself, which instigated the travel bug and since then she has been all over the world and shortlisted for numerous awards as one of the best bloggers in the UK.

Sophie has also done something I’m trying to hold myself more accountable for, actually producing regular video content, with new clips going up on her YouTube channel each week. Heads-up, look out for the new puppy video!

Website :

This Battered Suitcase

traveller lifestyle uk

This Battered Suitcase is run by Brenna Holeman, someone who has seemingly seen every corner of the world with more than 100 countries ticked off.

Brenna also writes a fair amount about solo travel, something I find a really interesting topic as it was one of my biggest fear factors before I started travelling.

I love that Brenna doesn’t just go to the ‘postcard destinations’ she has visited virtually every country and makes sure to get to know the local culture and to shine a light on some hidden gems.

Website :

Finding The Universe & Independent Travel Cats

traveller lifestyle uk

Finding The Universe shares the travel stories of Laurence and Jessica, a travel addicted couple who are based in Bath, where my mum lives.

What’s so fascinating about their story is that they were both travel bloggers, who met at a blogging conference back in 2014, with Jess running Independent Travel Cats, making them now the ultimate travel blogger power couple!

Their posts are equally heart warming and captivating, keeping you intrigued about all of their new ventures to come.

Website : &

Nomadic Boys

traveller lifestyle uk

Stefan and Sebastien are a French and Greek couple and power duo in the travel blogger community. They held great jobs, one being a lawyer and the other being a business analyst, however the travel bug quickly caught up with them, trading in short trips for long adventures abroad.

Their excursions around Asia in 2014 is what really kicked off the travel blogging life and they’ve never looked back since, with that trip lasting an astonishing 18 months!

Website :

The Travel Bunny

traveller lifestyle uk

Suzanne is a fellow Sussex blogger, having grown up just outside of Brighton, while she combines posts about the Sussex area with exotic trips abroad.

Suzanne’s photos are always stunning of unbelievably picturesque scenery, while she’s a very naturally talented writer, keeping you captivated throughout the article.

Website :

Global Grasshopper

traveller lifestyle uk

The winner of numerous awards and having worked with virtually every big brand within the travelsphere, Becky Moore has grown the Global Grasshopper to an unbelievable height, while she has an incredibly talented team on hand for projects.

With 56k following on Facebook, 23k on Twitter and 13k on Instagram, as well as a steady stream of traffic through to the blog, Global Grasshopper easily makes it onto the list of the best UK travel bloggers.


Postcards By Hannah

traveller lifestyle uk

With 276,000 followers on Instagram (you read that write), Hannah’s adventures are made even more special by the fact that she shares them with her cocker spaniel Baxter.

Easily one of the best photographers on this list, Hannah also offers both social media outsourcing and freelance photography services.

Just like us, her content is more domestic nowadays, focusing on the beauty of Britain while working from home.


She Gets Around

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Jen is a travel and lifestyle blogger from Derbyshire with the cutest dog of all time (I so badly want a lab). As someone who loves dogs, baked beans on toast and chocolate fondant, this is someone me and Raquel can certainly relate to! Another thing we can relate to is the transition from backpacking content to more luxurious ‘grown-up’ trips.

Jen is also an avid reader, sharing her favourite books while on her ventures. Having started off with a 9 month trip through Asia, Jen has most recently been providing local tips on the Derbyshire area, from where to eat to interesting walks.


Two Scots Abroad

traveller lifestyle uk

Gemma and Craig are the power duo behind Two Scots Abroad, sharing their ventures across the globe, as well as providing some great tips on visiting Scotland.

With unbelievable photos from their trips to Machu Picchu, Iceland and Texas, there is plenty to get hooked with, while they’re incredibly talented at writing up city guides, ideal to research before your next big trip.


Helen In Wonderlust

traveller lifestyle uk

Helen started her blog back in 2013 after quitting her corporate job and heading off to Africa for the ultimate adventure! Combining the scary heights in the Victoria Falls (still on my personal bucket list), with climbing Africa’s highest mountain and meeting the Maasai villagers, she has some serious stories to tell.

But unlike most travel bloggers, who stay for a short period of time in each spot, Helen begun offering tours in Africa and made a business venture out of it, so I doth my cap!

If you’re looking to head to Africa at any point, then Helen In Wonderlust is your dream blog for the ideal itinerary.


The Wanderlust Within

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Roshni has me absolutely beat, having travelled to 75 countries, she has truly seen the world and then some!

She also has some remarkable stats when it comes to monthly blog visits, with a big audience in the USA, UK and Philippines and a strong Pinterest profile.

I love the slogan ‘hidden gems around the world’, because that’s exactly what I look for when I visit somewhere new, not the traditional landmarks that everyone knows about, but the recommendations you would get from a local.


Gallivant Girl

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I met Anastasia while at Brighton University, as we were both part of the Drama society, performing in plays and making tits of ourselves whenever possible.

She’s got a brilliant sense of humour and absolutely no fear when it comes to adventure seeking. She also goes beyond the usual destination list. Quite remarkably, she’s also a doctor, you know, as you do!

Website :

Little Miss Gem Travels

traveller lifestyle uk

Little Miss Gem Travels is a blog run by Oxford based Gemma, who shares her trips across the UK and abroad, combining weekend getaways, day trips and those slightly more lengthier adventures.

Gemma’s trip to Japan has certainly been inspirational, considering this is very high on our bucket list. She also shares a wealth of lifestyle tips, from saving money for your holidays to coping with issues such as migraines while away from home.

Website :

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Thank you so much for including us 🙂

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Thanks for the mention, Tom and Raquel… and all the best for your own blog.

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Such a wonderful blog on the best travel vloggers in UK. Thanks for sharing with us. We are also YouTubers Adriana and Dylan, a couple of wanderers from Sweden & Wales. We are pursuing our dream lives of travelling and exploring the world together because we love adventure and each other. Our website also provides hotel tips & tricks and where to stay for your next trip. We have worked hundreds of hours to researching, developing and finding great travelling tips and tricks and also getting the best rates on hotels. If you want to learn more, check out our site.

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What a great list, a lot of the names I recognise but there are definitely a few that I’m going to check out now. Thanks! We only set up our blog back in September so not surprised we missed off but would love to be seen in the future! 😉

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Beaches are love !

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Top and Great List of Blogger…

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Wow you guys seems you go everywhere If ever you find yourself in Oxford Please let me know it would be a pleasure to take you on my new tour which is gaining great ground as its a walking tour with a difference and includes magic and illusion on the tour. Just email before you come and i can arrange it for you.

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Hi team it was Very much informative post and will be a very good one for the travelers. Thanks a lot. I love this blog so much. It is a place I will return to again and again.

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best travel bloggers in UK. Thanks for sharing useful information.

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The best UK-based travel Instagram accounts to follow

By Sophie Knight and Olivia Morelli

The best UK travel Instagram accounts to follow

This year, we've fallen harder than ever for the coastlines, countrysides, big cities and bigger skies that we have access to here in the UK . We've collated 20 photographers who have been distilling the magic of our little island with shots of everywhere from Kent to the Cairngorms .

Instagram content

This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.

Luke Stackpoole captures powerful images of extraordinary landscapes around the world, but his most beautiful are those of Scotland . The muted colours place emphasis on the scale of the subject: crumbling castles on tiny islets and glistening glens framed by craggy cliffs.

Follow them: @withluke


Emma Lewis bases herself between London and Somerset , shooting everything from soothingly decorated bedrooms and homely kitchens to her distinctive, intimate doorstep portraits. Her photographs undeniably capture the heart of her subjects.

Follow them: @emmalewisphotographer


Edinburgh-based Ruairidh McGlynn’s love of sparsely populated, harsh environments lends itself to some sublime UK photography. His feed includes dramatic pictures of Scotland’s craggy peaks and foggy glens.

Follow them: @ruairidhmcglynn


Brit Holly Farrier worked as the in-house photographer at Deliciously Ella before going freelance. Currently living in Whitstable, she now pairs food shots with pictures of pink sunsets in Dorset , rocky beaches in Anglesey and pastel-hued houses on the Kent coast.

Follow them: @hollyfarrierphotography

While on assignment as professional photographers, India Hobson and Magnus Edmondson decided to begin documenting their travels. Since then, the pair (now known as Haarkon) have created three books showcasing trips around Cornwall , Scotland and Japan . Their Instagram includes the best of all three, from beach huts on England’s east coast to burnt-orange sunsets in Edinburgh .

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Follow them: @haarkon_


Since crossing the pond from Boston to London in 2011, Jo Yee has been exploring the capital and sharing her discoveries via Instagram. Much of her content depicts dishes from London’s top restaurants, but it's her candid city snaps that we love: red-brick bakeries in East London and evening light from hotel windows.

Follow them: @candidsbyjo


Photographer Richard Gaston is the co-author of travel guidebook Wild Guide Scotland. Featuring gothic castles set on the shores of Loch Muick and wild horses galloping across misty fields, the book is a compilation of the country’s best-hidden spots and places to know taken on a road trip across Scotland.

Follow them: @richardgaston


In between pictures of leafy corners in Mexican neighbourhoods and peeling houses hidden down Venetian alleys, Bristol-based photographer Kym Grimshaw’s feed is filled with beautiful images of the UK. From autumnal snaps of Cambridgeshire walks to pictures of dishes from Somerset’s most buzzed-about restaurant, her feed is one to know.

Follow them: @kymgrimshaw


Katrina Stewart travels around Scotland with her family in a green campervan, taking photographs of mirror-still lochs, turreted pink castles and other pretty nooks and crannies.

Follow them: @katstewart01

Pictures of wisteria-covered cottages, countryside castles and crooked houses lining cobblestone streets – Mona Jones's feed is the perfect place to find some inspiration for an arcadian weekend escape.

Follow them: @monalogue


Photographs of Bath’s sand-coloured crescents, delicate snaps of morning light hitting Oxford Street’s old buildings, atmospheric shots of the windy walk across York's crumbling city walls: the feed of award-winning photographer Toby Mitchell captures the UK’s mellow side with his soft photographs of the prettiest, understated places.

Follow them: @_tobymitchell


With an Instagram following of nearly 100,000, The Highland Collective shares snapshots of Scotland’s wild and rugged landscapes, taken by different contributors exploring the country.

Follow them: @thehighlandcollective

Since starting her Thoroughly Modern Milly blog in 2011, Milly Kenny-Ryder has garnered a loyal social following for her dynamic photos of London. While her city snaps have appeared in travel magazines and on websites around the world (including ours), foodie flat-lays are her forte, featuring some of London’s best restaurants including Kricket, Pastaio and Tandoor Chop House.

Follow them: @millykr


Based in Sheffield, Daniel Casson takes photographs that document Britain’s colourful seasons: foggy winter valleys in the Peak District, summery sun-kissed hills in Derbyshire and brightly coloured autumnal foliage in Blea Tarn.

Follow them: @dpc_photography_


Scotland-based photographer James Wright uploads white-framed images from his travels, primarily of his homeland’s wild and wet terrain but also Iceland, Italy, Abu Dhabi and beyond.

Follow them: @jamwrights


Australian couple Simon and Jen share pictures of London’s colourful corners, both the typical tourist sites (Oxford Street’s Christmas lights, the Natural History Museum’s ice rink) and secret spots in the city’s backstreets (ivy-covered cottages, charming neighbourhood bakeries).

Follow them: @theseptemberchronicles


Splitting his time between Romania and the UK, Nicholas White has won awards including the Judges’ Choice in Landscape Photographer of the Year and the IMA Next Landscape Award. Based in Dartmoor National Park, he often captures its misty moors and vast landscapes at dawn.

Follow them: @nicholasjrwhite


Aussie expat Skye O'Neill has been posting pictures of England’s striking architecture since 2016 (originally @georgianlondon). Currently based between London and Whitstable, she now also includes coastal snaps and streetscapes.

Follow them: @skyeoneill

Travel and lifestyle photographer Alixe Lay captures London’s darker, mysterious side. With a focus on architecture and decadent interiors, her feed is packed with romantic pictures of gothic buildings, vintage shops and countryside manors.

Follow them: @xalixelayxx

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While I'm Young


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Hey, I’m Dannielle!

While I’m Young is a top UK travel and lifestyle blog for anyone balancing a wonderful life at home with wanderlust. You can expect plenty of UK travel ideas as well as info about destinations further afield, and a mix of luxury experiences and intrepid adventures.

I write to equip other young (or young at heart!) women with the information, inspiration and encouragement they need to travel the world safely – and have the best possible time doing so.

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50 More Female UK Travel Bloggers To Follow

50 More Female UK Travel Bloggers To Follow

Which female UK travel bloggers are you favourite? For me, it was impossible to choose!

To celebrate International Women’s Day, I wanted to dedicate a blog post to my favourite female UK travel bloggers. However, as soon as I started making the list, I realised that there were far too many to choose from!

Struggling to narrow the list down below 100, I thought I’d split it over 2 blog posts so I can share even more incredible content creators with you.

Whether you’re looking for a solo female travel blogger to inspire your next trip or a part-time traveller to show you how to make the most of your annual leave, there is sure to be a female UK travel blogger for you.

So what are we waiting for? Here are 50 more incredible female UK travel bloggers!

Female UK Travel Bloggers

Just like Part One, I’ve put all of these female UK travel bloggers in alphabetical order, which this post dedicated to those beginning with ‘N’ onwards.

1 – Natasha Atlas

Originally from Southport in the North of England, Natasha is now based in London and writes the travel, film and anxiety blog, Natasha Atlas . I love how Natasha shows that having conditions such Aspergers shouldn’t stop you from living life to the full and travelling the world.

2 – Nicole Navigates

If you live in Northamptonshire, Nicole is the travel blogger for you. Championing local businesses, she shows all the incredible things that happen in Northamptonshire, as well as going on other adventures around the country and the world!

3 – Nishi V

A multi-award-winning content creator from London, Nishi is a blogger and YouTuber, posting about travel, lifestyle and beauty. After starting her blog in 2015, Nishi now focuses on affordable luxury, helping you spend your money wisely.

4 – On The Luce

Creator of the blog, On The Luce , Lucy is based in Cheltenham and has a passion for travel. Although she has a business, home and family, she still manages to travel as much as possible. Her blog focuses on affordable travel with a hint of luxury.

5 – Pack The Suitcase

A 30-something based in the North West of England, Caroline works full-time but travels as much as her annual leave allows. Starting her blog after she returned from her honeymoon, she shows you exactly what you can achieve on your annual leave allowance.

6 – Paper Planes & Caramel Waffles

Based in Leeds, Emma’s blog, Paper Planes & Caramel Waffles , is all about travelling the world around a 9-5 job. Combining trips abroad with adventures in the UK, it has the perfect balance exploring other countries and enjoying what’s on your doorstep.

7 – Passport & Pixels

An award-winning TV producer, photographer, writer and travel blogger based in London, Bella’s content is incredible. Her wildlife photography is some of the best in the industry and I love that she’s shared plenty of tips to help you get the perfect snap too!

8 – Phat Cupcake

Keely is a fellow Manchester blogger and is the creator of Phat Cupcake. Focusing on travel and food, she’s my go-to for Manchester restaurant reviews.

9 – Pip & The City

A Podcaster and travel contributor for BBC radio, Pip’s blog aims to help people looking for travel advice and inspiration. Featuring travel hacks, city guides and affordable luxury, it’s the perfect blog to visit when you’re planning a trip.

10 – Pommie Travels

After graduating from University, Victoria couldn’t find the graduate job she dreamed of, so she created it. After travelling the world on a shoe-string budget, she now runs her own business and travels in more comfort. Full of top tips and destination guides, it’s no wonder that Victoria is one of the best female UK travel bloggers!

11 – Queen Beady

Championing stylish and slow travel, Queen Beady is a travel blog with a difference. Created by Bee, she encourages her readers to really experience a destination instead of just ticking it off a bucket list. Her Instagram feed is straight from your dreams and her photography has such a unique look.

12 – Rachel Nicole

Based on the Yorkshire Coast, Rachel is a full-time blogger sharing everything from her latest trip to her favourite beauty products. Full of personality, I love the variety of content and reading her blog is like talking to your best friend.

13 – Shy Girl Global

Shy Girl Global is essentially a travel guide for introverts. Created by Vanessa, the blog is full of travel tips and hotel reviews aimed at making travel accessible for those less confident.

14 – Sian Travels The World

I’ve followed Sian’s travels on Instagram for ages and her blog is just as good. Based in Ireland, she works full-time in Digital Marketing, travelling as much as she can on her annual leave. Some of her previous trips include New Zealand, Cambodia and Morocco and as well as tips for visiting Ireland.

15 – Silverspoon London

If you love luxury influencers, chances are that you’re familiar with Silverspoon London . A multi-award-winning blogger, Angie shares her inspirational London lifestyle and luxury travel adventures with a big dose of food thrown in for good measure!

16 – Sophar So Good

Based in Norwich, Sophie is an amazing fashion and lifestyle blogger with an enviable wardrobe. Aside from her amazing style, she also creates great travel content with her previous trips including Cuba, Prague and Lisbon!

17 – Sophie Etc.

Founded in 2012, Sophie Etc initially began as a fashion and beauty blog, before shifting to food and travel. Based in Milton Keynes, it promotes local, independent businesses with plenty of restaurant and bar reviews being featured.

18 – Sophie’s Suitcase

An award-winning luxury travel and lifestyle blog, Sophie encourages her readers to make the most of their weekends and annual leave. Covering destinations both near and far, her blog is the perfect place to get inspiration for your next trip.

19 – SOS Travel UK

Created by Sam, SOS Travel UK aims to inspire people to experience more of the world. Her blog is full of captivating travel diaries and travel tips that make you want to dust off your passport ASAP.

20 – Strangeness and Charm

Based near Birmingham, Hayley is a self-confessed crazy cat lady and travel addict. Sharing her passion for travel on her blog Strangeness & Charm , readers will find a mix of travel, lifestyle, fashion and beauty content.

21 – Suzy Stories

Starting her blog to document her first trip to Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia, Suzy still shares her travel stories on Suzy Stories . Emphasising the value of travel with meaning, she shares her favourite destinations to inspire your part-time travels.

22 – Suzy The Explorer

Working alongside a full-time job, Suzy shows that it’s still possible to see the world with a 9-5. Reviewing everything from hotels to attractions, you’ll find guides for destinations both near and far including Thailand, Florida and London.

23 – Teacake Travels

Want to go on a solo female adventure? Teacake Travels is the blog for you. Instead of relaxing by the pool, Alice’s content is for the more adventurous traveller, looking to push themselves out of their comfort zone and create memories along the way.

24 – The Globetrotter GP

Think you’re too busy to travel? Leanne shares her travel adventures on her blog in the hope that busy professionals are inspired to see the world. From camping in Kenya to European road trips, you’re bound to be inspired by this globetrotting doctor!

25 – The Jenna Way

Sharing her experiences as an LGBTQ+ traveller, Jenna has visited over 5 continents and 38 countries. She aims to promote authentic travel, giving her honest opinion and perspective.

Female UK Travel Bloggers

26 – The Little Backpacker

Encouraging you to make the most out of every travel opportunity, The Little Backpacker was created by Jodie in 2012. Since then, she’s been able to visit over 30 countries and even move to Dubai to teach English full time!

27 – The Navigatio

Nele is one of my favourite female UK travel bloggers, not least because she is so sweet and friendly in person! Moving to the UK from the Netherlands, her travels fall into the mid-range where she’s budget-conscious but doesn’t want to sacrifice comfort.

28 – The Travel Hack UK

After leaving the UK to travel for two years, Monica quickly established herself as one of the best female UK travel bloggers. Featuring a mix of family travel and affordable adventure, The Travel Hack is a great site to show that you don’t have to stop exploring once you start a family.

29 – The Travelista

A luxury travel and lifestyle blog, The Travelista is for those of you wanting to travel in style. Full of city break guides and hotel reviews, Jess has now started a family so readers can expect to see family-friends trips in the future.

30 – The Wandering Quinn

Created by Ellie, The Wandering Quinn is one of my biggest travel inspirations. A solo female traveller and digital nomad, she’s visited over 50 countries across 6 continents and doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon!

31 – Tie-Dye Eyes

Based in Liverpool, Allie started her blog to help her get on to the university course of her dreams. Flash forward 8 years and she is still blogging, choosing to share her outfits and adventures with her readers.

32 – Tilly-Jane

I’m a regular reader of Tilly’s blog so I had to include her in this list of female UK travel bloggers. Based in Cambridge, Tilly juggles her travels with freelance social media work and has since managed to go on a dream road trip around California.

33 – Travel With Gabriella

A one-stop blog for inspiration, Gabriella shares all of her travel adventures on her blog. Posting twice a week, she covers everything from photo diaries to detailed guides on destinations including working abroad with Camp America.

34 – Travel With Kat

Started in 2011, Kat aims to share her love of new countries, cultures and cuisines in one place. Having worked in the travel industry for over 20 years, she’s a leading blogger with incredible photography.

35 – Through New Eyes

Based in Newcastle, Tamzin is a property survey during the day and a blogger at night. Covering a mix of topics including travel, beauty, lifestyle and fitness, I love the variety in her content.

36 – Twins That Travel

Why have one favourite travel blogger when you can have two?! Claire and Laura are award-winning UK travel bloggers who also happen to be twins. Fellow anxiety sufferers, I love that their content shows people you can still have a life with a mental illness.

37 – Vicky Flip Flop Travels

When you think of female UK travel bloggers, Vicky won’t be too far from your mind. Creator of Vicky Flip Flop , her blog is for anyone looking to make the most of their time and money. She does a lot of solo female travel and is known for her love of festivals around the world.

38 – Violet Glenton

One of the nicest bloggers you could meet, I love Violet’s blog . Based in Hull, she shares a mixture of fashion, travel and lifestyle content as well as a little bit of parenting and interiors too!

39 – Wales to Wherever

I’m slightly cheating here but I’m sure you’ll forgive me ;)! Wales to Wherever was created by Rhiannon & G, a Welsh-Indian couple with a love for travel. They aim to show you how to get the most for your budget and feature guides about everywhere from South America to New Zealand.

40 – Wander With Laura

Based in Liverpool, Laura is a travel and lifestyle blogger that shares her tips for travelling as sustainably and as budget-friendly as possible. After travelling the world full-time, Laura now fits her adventures around her 9-5 and encourages you to do the same!

41 – Wanderlust Bee

Bethan created Wanderlust Bee as a way to document her travels and share them with her friends. Based in Manchester, I love how authentic her blog posts are, and they always give me plenty of travel inspiration.

42 – Wanderlust Chloe

One of the leading female UK travel bloggers, Wanderlust Chloe is one of my favourite blogs. With a passion for adventure and food, she became a full-time blogger in 2014 and has travelled the world ever since.

43 – Wanderlusters

If you’re looking for adventurous itineraries, Wanderlusters is the blog for you. Created by Charli, it’s full of incredible photography and epic adventures. I especially love her posts on house sitting as a way to reduce the cost of your trip!

44 – Warsaw’s World

Quitting her job in 2019 to travel the world, Sarah has explored south-east Asia solo on a trip of a life-time. Encouraging her readers to be as sustainable as possible, I can’t wait to see where else Sarah visits on her incredible trip.

45 – What’s Hot Blog

If you know me, you know that I love books so it makes sense that What’s Hot is one of my favourite blogs around. A blog dedicated to books and travel, Laura shares her literary and travel favourites all in one place.

46 – Where’s Mollie

Where’s Mollie was one of the first travel blogs I ever read and still read it to this day. Focusing on an adventure lifestyle, Mollie shares her love for nature and the outdoors as she travels around the world.

47 – Where’s Tara

Based in Dublin, Tara was a full-time pharmacist before realising that she wanted to travel the world full-time. I love that she likes to focus more on the experiences she has rather than the number of countries she’s seen, giving a new and sustainable perspective to travel.

48 – While I’m Young

Dannielle is another one of my personal favourite female UK Travel Bloggers. Creator of While I’m Young , her blog is all about balancing her travels with her home life and I’ve especially loved her wedding planning posts. A girl can dream right?!

49 – xAmeliax

I love Amelia’s YouTube channel and her blog is just as good. Focusing on luxury lifestyle, she aims to help people spend their money wisely and enjoy the finer things in life.

50 – The Crown Wings (ME!!!)

That’s right. I had to include myself in this list, because, well, I’m female, I’m from the UK and I’m a travel blogger!

I’ve honestly loved sharing all of these incredible female UK travel bloggers. With so many amazing content creators, clearly I’m in good company!

Who are your favourite female UK travel bloggers? Let me know in the comments below!

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Female UK Travel Bloggers

Great list! I love that you put yourself last rather than most posts I’ve seen like this that put themselves first 🙂

Thank you so much! I just love being a part of this community!

What a fantastic list. As a new Female Travel Blogger, it’s amazing to know that there’s so many other women out there living their best lives. Can’t wait to check out their blogs.

So glad you’ve found some inspiration!

Thanks for combining all the famous blogs all at once. This is definitely a dream come true scenario. Thanks again!

Don’t mention it! Glad I could help.

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traveller lifestyle uk

Trip Planner: How you can explore the best of Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands

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Wildlife watching in the Galapagos Islands

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Where to experience traditional Otavalo culture in Ecuador

traveller lifestyle uk

Fit for a president: Inside Ecuador’s historic Hacienda Zuleta

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The city at the centre of the world: Exploring Quito

traveller lifestyle uk

The natural selection: An eco-friendly trip to the Galápagos Islands

traveller lifestyle uk

What it’s like to be locked down on the Galápagos Islands

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Monty Halls on the Galapagos Islands, overtourism and the joys of family travel

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10 essential tips you need to know before visiting the Galapagos Islands as chosen by you

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25 years of Wanderlust: Let’s start at the beginning…

traveller lifestyle uk

Natural selection: 7 wonders of the Galápagos Islands

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How to plan a trip to the Galapagos Islands

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8 of the the best things to do in Ecuador

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Adventure of a lifetime! 10 unforgettable trips with top-rated tour operators

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Why kids love watching wildlife best

Explore destinations.

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Culture & Heritage

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The 220-year anniversary of the Lewis and Clark Expedition is the perfect time to explore the national trail

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Croatia’s most spectacular cultural festivals

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10 of the world’s best jazz festivals

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Exploring Cape Town in the footsteps of Mandela

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A taste of the past in Jeonju, South Korea

Quiz your travel knowledge.

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The art of great travel in Vienna

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traveller lifestyle uk

Three great galleries to visit in Austria’s capital city and an amazing hotel find, too. Vienna offers the perfect weekend break for culture connoisseurs.

Mousehole Harbour

While Cornwall may be popular with those seeking a beachside escape, boasting breathtaking beaches, soft golden sands and sparkling aqua seas, there’s something enchanting about immersing in the Cornish coastal life with a stay in a picturesque harbour town. Cornwall is bursting with quaint fishing villages, nestled amongst the rugged coastline, where traditional cottages dotted along the harbourside make way…

traveller lifestyle uk

I’ve experienced a few unexpected delights on my travels but few match the marvels offered by Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain. The city was an absolute delight for so many reasons, not least that it’s great on the eye and there’s plenty of surprising things to do too. Also, because it’s quite compact, it’s all walkable making it perfect…

The Claridges Hotel New Delhi

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There are so many brilliant UK travel bloggers…

I feel like we don’t get the recognition or klout of our American friends who shout their successes from the rooftops.

So, I’m here to highlight some of the best UK travel blogs for you to plan your trip by. Let’s look at the best travel blogs, UK style. Think of this as my travel blog awards, to the best UK travel bloggers (IMO).

There are a few other lists out there, featuring the best UK travel influencers , but I’ve met almost each and every one of these British travel bloggers personally. I can totally vouch for their skills, their personalities and their outlook, AND their dedication.

This article will introduce you to some of the top UK travel blogs. Whether you’re looking for UK travel bloggers to follow, work with or keep an eye on – these are the best.

List of the best UK travel influencers

All the top UK travel bloggers are based in the UK, not necessarily from here.

So, in no particular order of best UK travel blogs, here goes…

The Top UK Travel Bloggers

Read on for the best UK travel blogs in the WORLD. Some of these UK travel bloggers would call themselves ‘influencers’, others, ‘writers’, but I like to say ‘UK travel content creators’.

1. Victoria Philpott from Vicky Flip Flop Travels

Coffee in London

That’s me!

It might look like I’m here there and everywhere but I am actually based in the UK. You know me, I blog about festivals, holidays and making the most of your time off.

I’ve recently set up a new England travel blog at Day Out in England . I hope it will become the best UK blog out there!

“Travel and festival blogger | Holidays make me happy | Love life; especially exploring, music, London + breakfast.”

top uk bloggers

 “Whether it’s travelling on a shoestring or splashing the cash to see the world, travel writer Victoria Philpott reports back on her adventures in the hope of giving her readers the confidence and knowledge to embark on their own. She’s a full time traveller now, visiting some of the world’s most interesting destinations and coolest festivals to inspire you to make the most of your annual leave.””

Website | Facebook |  Instagram |  Twitter  |  Pinterest | YouTube

Email: [email protected]

Find out more about My Story and how I got into travel blogging here

2. Helen Davies from Helen in Wonderlust

Best UK based bloggers

I first met Helen at a travel blogging conference in Dublin and by the end of our first drink together we had a mutual appreciation for one another. That shouldn’t sound weird if it does.

Helen used to work at Kelloggs but wasn’t responsible for the Choco Krispies / Coco Pops renaming debacle, which was my first question.

Now she runs tours in Africa with her company Rock My Adventure Tours , and lives there half of the year. Her travel blog Helen in Wonderlust , is the leading course of info on backpacking Africa. You can find out more about Helen in the podcast chat I had with her. I’ve also travelled to Malawi, Zimbabwe and Zambia with Helen, and most recently, went camping in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland with her.

One of the most fun travel bloggers in the UK!

“Liverpool based Travel Blogger, Mischief Maker. Loves Africa, Live Music and Adventure. Proud Auntie.”

UK travel bloggers

“Helen Davies is a an adventurer, part-time traveller and full-time Africa lover. Not one to do things by halves, Helen can usually be found on or planning an epic trip. Having spent a year in Africa, she’s keen to encourage others to explore her favourite continent. She writes about her travels (in Africa and elsewhere), and about the people she meets along the way on her blog.”

3. Paul & Karen from Global Help Swap

UK travel bloggers

Karen and Paul are brilliant.

Together with me, Jen and Alicia we form the originally Midlands consortium of UK travel bloggers. They’ve recently set up house down London way though they’re well-known for their worldwide house sitting skills.

If you want a laugh, and a good story, get some Global Help Swap in your life. I’ve been to Costa Rica with Paul on a press trip, and had an amazing time at two years of Glastonbury with them too.

“Responsible, Local and Authentic Travel. Real Travel, Real Experiences. Tips for memorable and meaningful travel.”

Uk travel bloggers

“Paul and Karen have visited over 50 countries and are certainly not tired of travelling yet. A recent trip to Mexico was a pleasant encounter with fun loving, generous Mexicans and a few cervezas. When they are not on the move, you can find them deep in a good book with a bottle of red wine close at hand.”

[email protected]

4. Emily Luxton from

traveller lifestyle uk

Emily is great fun and one of my favourite travel bloggers to travel with. She’s an excellent photographer and writer, and loves to get the most out of every trip she goes on. She’s so passionate about travel and often goes off on multi-month adventures, most recently to Central America.

Emily Luxton Travels claims she’s a shy girl who found herself travelling, but usually when I see her she’ll be making friends with a glass of wine in her hand. And I see her quite a lot as we’ve lived together for three years now. We’ve had a lot of adventures together – including paddle boarding in Hampshire , in Trentino and in Chang Mai in Thailand too.

“Award winning full-time travel blogger and solo traveller championing deeper travel. Blogging about adventure, food, and personal development through travel.”

traveller lifestyle uk

“In a nutshell, my travel style is  Deep Travel . That means travelling slower when possible, and travelling intelligently. My mission is to  get to know the world;  not just travel it all or see it all, but to try to understand it as much as possible – and have some fun doing it!  I blog mainly about culture, food, art, people, and landscapes … always focusing on connecting with a new place as deeply and honestly as I can.”

Website | Facebook |  Instagram |  Twitter

Do YOU want to be one the UK’s top travel bloggers?

Check out my totally free course on how to be a travel blogger: Travel Blogger High. I break it down into 20 totally free and easy to follow lessons, so maybe you can be on this list one day.

If you want to be one of the best UK blogs, then this course will give you the best stepping stone to get started.

Working on my laptop

5. Dan from DanFlyingSolo

top uk travel bloggers

Dan is absolutely one of my favourite travel buddies and UK bloggers. His photography is incredible and I love the videos he makes too.

Dan lives in Portugal and the UK, in between jetting off around the world. He loves a goat, an adventure, and an opportunity to try something new.

Last year we went skiing for the first time , for him, and although it didn’t go to plan, he stayed positive and did what he does best instead – took photos and made a video.

“Happiest lost with a camera | Travel photographer, writer + blogger | Flag of Portugal Immigrant | Flag of United Kingdom Born | @lonelyplanet ambassador”

best uk travel bloggers

“I’m obsessed with exploring the world, meeting amazing people (and goats) and getting as lost as possible with my camera. I was on the road for 1467 days between 2014 – 2018, taking a chance on changing my career from restaurants to capturing the world and somehow it all worked out…”

Website |   Instagram |  Twitter

6. Jen Lowthrop from She Gets Around

Top UK travel bloggers

Me and Jen go way back, in travel blogger terms. Now she’s one of my favourite people in the UK travel blogger world – we’ve had some great times in London, Porto and Brighton at various conferences.

She’s all about the volunteering, and the dating, and is a great person to talk to to chew the fat with too.

We had a great summer trip sailing in Croatia one year, and she’s another one in the Glastonbury crew .

“Travel blogger on a journey to find my element, through  #travel , adventure, writing, drama, food, love and community.”

UK travel bloggers

“For Jenny, there is nowhere too typical, too outrageous, too hot or too cold to travel to. From a tranquil walk around the Taj Mahal to a nine-month trek across Asia to a hectic but momentous 48-hour bus ride in Northern India, she travels for the people and the stories. The unparalleled experiences, rare moments and genuine human connections feed her passion for exploration, which is hinged on learning cultures, eating exotic delicacies like sugar-fried crickets and living like a local wherever she goes. Jenny says she loves the world too much to let time go by without her next adventure planned.”

Website | Facebook |  Instagram |  Twitter  |  Pinterest

7. Monica Stott from The Travel Hack

Best UK Bloggers

Monica is brilliant, and one of the UK’s top travel bloggers. She’s got three beautiful children and life up in Chester somewhere and one of those French bulldog dogs that people like too.

Her top UK blog all about the stylish travel and I don’t know anyone who enjoys Twitter chats more than her. We used to work together in social media what seems like an age ago, but now we just talk a lot on Facebook Messenger instead.

She has one of the best blogs UK has to offer.

We’ve been to the Florida Keys together , to Levi in Finland and many, many UK travel blogger conferences too.

“Travel blogger with a love for adventure. Top 10 UK travel blog.”

UK top travel bloggers

“”Monica is a full time blogger and one of the UK’s top 10 travel bloggers. She runs  The Travel Hack , a blog about stylish adventure travel and will soon be blogging about travelling with a baby as she’s expecting her first child. Monica began blogging in 2009 when she travelled around Asia and Australia for 2 years. She studied to become a journalist but got swept up in the big, bad world of blogging and never left.”

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest |  YouTube

8. Emily Ray from The Cosy Traveller

Top UK travel blogs

Isn’t she lovely hey?

Emily is a sweetheart and is enjoying her lovely life with the help of a good brew and with the presence of an animal now and then. I just went on her blog to find her social media details and for her latest post she’s photoshopped her face onto someone holding a koala. That’s just the way she rolls over on The Cosy Traveller.

Emily is definitely one of my favourite UK travel bloggers.

“Travel blogger and content writer. I blog about comfort, tea and animals all over the world.”

uk top travel bloggers

“Emily Ray is a London-based copywriter who seeks to make the most of weekends and her annual leave to explore everything the world has to offer. After completing her journalism studies, Emily re-launched her blog The Cosy Traveller in June 2014, which focuses on everything that makes her happy, including animals, tea and luxury. She’s also a published travel writer, with work appearing in TNT, Time Out and Flight Centre’s online blog.”

Website | Facebook |  Instagram |  Twitter  | YouTube


9. Chloe Gunning from Wanderlust Chloe

Best UK travel bloggers

Chloe is great. We’ve been skiing in France together, and lived it up on St Kitts where we drank so many rum cocktails I’m pretty sure we were sick of them by the end of the week.

Anyway, her blog is awesome and she’s an ambassador for Lonely Planet and Visit England, and probably other stuff I don’t know about too. She used to work as a producer with Emma Bunton – Baby Spice!

“Travel blogger, creative producer, foodie and adventurer showing you the world. Happiest when holding a mojito! Regular Lonely Planet + Metro contributor.”

Based: London

10. Macca Sherifi from An Adventurous World

Best UK travel bloggers

Macca and I used to work together too, with Monica. Oh the FUN we had. He’s a good friend, and I especially enjoy his company after we’ve both had a little drinky drinky.

Last time I went out with him he was singing McFly songs at full volume at the bar. As for being a blogger, he’s super passionate about his work, and seeing the world. His photography and video skills are amazing. He’s one of the top UK travel vloggers.

We haven’t ever actually travelled together – need to rectify that.

“Travel blogger | Photographer | Presenter. Capturing the world one destination at a time. Warning: Will do anything for adventure!”

11. Lloyd and Yaya from Hand Luggage Only

Top UK travel bloggers

Lloyd and Yaya were crowned Vuelio’s Travel Bloggers of the Year in 2017 & 18 . Meaning, they’ve actually got the highest views of any travel blogger in the UK. Their blog is AMAZING. It’s the fun and the photography that makes it so good.

They’re two of the best people I know and after our awesome weekend in Hamburg together, I just think they’re both brilliant. They deserve every success they have. Think they should probably sit down and take a rest though – travel much?

Theirs is the most popular travel blog in the UK!

“Travel & photography blog by Yaya & Lloyd | Lovers of travel | Dance ninjas extraordinaire | Will travel for cake.”

12. Jess Gibson from The Travelista

Best UK Travel Bloggers

Jess looks incredible wherever she goes and whatever she does. I love seeing what she’s wearing around the world – pretty sure her Canada trip was some of her best outfits.

Her UK blog isn’t just all about fashion though, her travel tips for England, Europe, the US and her Asian adventures will help you travel in style. Jess has just welcomed her son Theo into the world and I’m so excited to see her embrace their journeys together.

We had a great time on a Princess Cruise press trip together.

“A Luxury Travel Blog from Yorkshire via The World | Travel Mama-to-be”

Based: Leeds

13. Shu Lin from DejaShu

top uk vloggers

I love Shu. She’s a ball of energy and fun, yet really knows her stuff when it comes to travel and food too. I’ve learned a lot from her, especially about air fryers.

Shu doesn’t actually have a blog, as she’s a YouTuber and Instagrammer but I couldn’t write a list of the best UK travel influencers without her. She’s also a BBC star with a documentary about Chinese food in England that you need to check out.

“British-Born Chinese 📷: sharing meals and life stories 🍜: London based food + travel vlogger and presenter 💌: [email protected] 👇🏽: 📍: #london

top uk vloggers

“Dejashu is a visual diary of each chapter of my life and celebrates all the things that I love in life: food, travel and those seemingly little moments that end up leaving the deepest memories.” YouTube |  Instagram |  Twitter | Facebook Email: hello(@)

14.  Abi King from Inside the Travel Lab

Best travel blogs in the UK

As one of the most well known and experienced on this list of UK based travel bloggers Abi has been featured in the likes of Grazia, Conde Nast, the BBC and Stylist Magazine. Ooo, the blogger did good. And once upon a time she was a doctor, which explains all the ‘lab’ influence. Just realised she’d be a great person to go on a press trip with, what with all that medical knowledge.

“ Travel writer and photographer who swapped a career as a doctor for a life on the road…Exploring unusual journeys…”

Top UK travel bloggers

“Abigail King is an experienced journalist and photographer who works with both print and online media. She has circled the globe twice, camped in the snows of Kilimanjaro and Patagonia and tracked down tigers, turtles and panda bears. She’s then had a hot shower and embraced the city life of New York, Rio, Paris and Tokyo. Her work has appeared in Lonely Planet, the BBC, CNN, National Geographic’s Intelligent Travel, France Today, easyJet Traveller, The Huffington Post and more. She’s also written countless city and regional guides.”

web (at)

15. Eulanda & Omo from Hey! Dip Your Toes In

uk travel bloggers

Eulanda and Omo like to describe themselves as your ‘everyday kind of couple’ but I’ve met them and they’re way cooler than that.

They enjoy discovering the stories behind the stories of the people they meet and the places they visit. They say that thanks to their travels they’re always building on their identity and they want to inspire their readers to explore themselves through travel too.

Eulanda & Omo Osagiede are London-based freelance writers and award-winning social influencers who run the popular travel, food, and lifestyle blog HDYTI (Hey! Dip your toes in).

Website | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube

16. Julie Falconer from A Lady in London

UK travel bloggers

Julie’s been a featured Instagrammer on Instagram and runs all kinds of workshops on travel blogging. Although she’s from the US her blog style is elegantly English featuring her sussing out the best of the things to do around the world, not just in London. Julie’s also got a travel planning business, if you need.

She’s one of the top travel bloggers in the UK and has one of the best blogs about travel.

“Top 5 UK travel blogger. Social media consultant & speaker. Expat Californian in London. 100 countries & counting!”

Top travel bloggers in the Uk

“Julie Falconer is a London-based travel writer and consultant. She writes an award-winning travel and lifestyle blog, A Lady in London , for which she has traveled to over 90 countries. She is also an online strategy and social media consultant, public speaker, and freelance travel writer. Julie’s writing has featured in National Geographic Intelligent Travel, Time Out, Lonely Planet, and other leading publications. She also teaches regular classes on social media and blogging in London, and has lectured and given talks about travel at Cambridge and other universities.”

Website | Facebook |  Instagram |  Twitter  |  Pinterest | YouTube  

lady [at] aladyinlondon [dot] com

17. Arianwen Morris from Beyond Blighty

Top UK travel bloggers

Arianwen is an original member of The Travel Chicks but left to go and explore South America for a year. Then she came back, lasted a few months, and went travelling round New Zealand. She’s now in London but the last time we went for a few glasses of red wine, I could tell her feet were definitely getting itchy. I’ll give her a few months before she’s off again on another #scaredbritless adventure (her #, can’t take the credit!).

“Adventure travel blogger, marathon runner and professional editor. Enjoys photography, travel literature and high-adrenaline activities.”

Top UK Travel bloggers

“Arianwen Morris is the publisher of the travel blog Beyond Blighty – a collection of anecdotes, tips and advice for the independent and adventurous budget traveller. She recently completed a six-week adrenaline-fuelled tour of New Zealand and is now chilling in London until she works out her next move.”

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube

18. Mollie from Where’s Mollie

best uk travel bloggers

Mollie is one of the youngest on the list, and is well known for her action adventure camps around the world. She unites her readers with her Where’s Mollie Global Travellers Meet Ups, in England, Croatia, Australia… wherever she fancies. She’s partnered up with all kindsa brands including GoPro, Herbal Essences and car brands too.

She was also on the Princess Cruise press trip – so lovely! She’s definitely one of the leading travel influencers in the UK and has one of the best blogs about travel.

“Photographer, videographer, travel personality and founder of  @ wmglobaltravellers  ☼ Instagram  @ wheresmollie  |  http://   “

Follow Mollie on Instagram

19. Lavina from Continent Hop

traveller lifestyle uk

Lavina has so much passion for travel and energy for life, she’s a total joy to be around. Love seeing her at a travel conference or meet up!

She works full time as a business analyst but has still worked out a way to visit 46 countries, including camping in the Sahara and haggling in the Marrakesh souks. Now she loves to share stories and advice on her blog with photo essays, guides and destination advice. Her blog is really interesting and goes beyond just the who, what, where.

Website | Instagram | Twitter

20. Alice from Teacake Travels

Best UK Travel bloggers

I love Alice’s attitude to life, and to travel. She’s done so much and is totally inspiring. I’d love to travel with her one day. She’s so strong and kickass cool, total solo female traveller inspiration right there!

Check out her blog for more on her adventures, and you can also listen to our podcast chat about solo female travel here . Hers is the UK travel blog for you if you’re looking for a strong female to tell you what life on the road is really like.

“Solo female traveller inspiring women to face their fears, push their boundaries & reach their full potential through travel.”

Follow Alice on Instagram 

21. Delahaye from Hues of Delahaye

traveller lifestyle uk

Delahaye is a part time UK travel blogger, who also works as a scientist. Pretty cool mix hey?! Her blog is full of helpful tips for prospective travellers, including budgeting for a trip, day trips, city breaks and weekend getaways.

Check out her blog for colourful pictures and videos, and thorough yet fun advice for travelling in her footsteps. I love her Instagram vibe too – totally making me want to get back to London.

“Travel & lifestyle blogger. Seeing the 🌎 one weekend & holiday at a time. 📸the moments in between #travelblogger #travel.”

22. Terry & Sarah LiveShareTravel


Terry and Sarah run the award winning luxury travel blog LiveShareTravel. They want to inspire their readers to travel luxuriously but deeply around the world, enriching their lives as they go.

They also share their top travel deals and stories from their trips. Sarah and Terry are both member of the Captivate and iAmbassador blogger collaboratives – cementing their spots as two of the best UK travel bloggers, and longest running too.

“Liberating luxury for the smart traveller. Places to go, travel deals, tips, stylish hotels, spas, and more from the authors of The Luxury Travellers’ Handbook.”

23. Alicia Drewnicki from Alicia Explores

UK Travel bloggers best of

I’d say Alicia would be the number one call if you’re looking for someone to present something – a TV show, awards, podcast – anything. I first met Alicia when she had to interview me for a Jack Wills Adventure Travel night in store. We hit it off right away and always have a good laugh together when we hang out. Love her.

“Travel, Dating & Lifestyle Writer, Video Host & Videographer | #TravelMassiveLondon Chapter Leader | @WeLoveDatesColumnist”

Top UK based Travel bloggers

“Alicia Drewnicki is a freelance writer and video presenter based in London and is a regular features writer for Skyscanner UK. Alicia has a passion for travel and loves sharing her best travel tips and experiences. She has backpacked around the world, travelled from West Coast to East Coast USA and has visited over twenty-five countries. As well as being a travel expert, she has also appeared on TV, radio and online media as a dating expert. ” 

Website | Facebook |  Instagram |  Twitter  |  YouTube  

24. Char Taylor from Taylor Hearts Travel

Top UK travel blogger

If you don’t follow Char’s weekly competition update you’re missing out. I’m pretty sure I won my upcoming September Cuba trip by entering one of the competitions on her page, although I can’t be sure. I love the design of Char’s blog, and the content too. If you’re looking for a UK travel blog with a realistic idea of what it’s like to travel with children, you need Char.

“Stylish, unique & exciting travel for you, your home & wardrobe. Travel lifestyle blogger. Shortlisted for ‘Best Female’ Blogger Awards 2014.”

UK top travel bloggers

“Shortlisted for “Best Female” in the lowcostholidays Blogger Awards 2014, and featured in Company Magazine’s High-Street Edit as a favourite blogger ,  Taylor Hearts Travel is a stylish travel blog to inspire amazing travel; from ideas for epic bucket list ticks to suggestions for local weekend trips.”

25. Victoria & Steve from Bridges and Balloons

Top UK travel blogger

Victoria and Steve are a dream team. They run their blog alongside their passions, for Victoria that’s her charity work and for Steve it’s his Planetary Collective film, shown at SXSW.

It’s thanks to them that I visited one of my favourite places, San Pancho in Mexico, last year.

They’re such lovely people on their blog and off, I hope I get to be like them one day. Two of the loveliest UK travel bloggers you’ll find!

“Semi-nomadic couple with a fondness for cake, indie bookshops and cosmic wonder. Can be found writing and making films in beautiful places. Home is #Peckham ”

UK travel bloggers

“Sometimes we go for a weekend, other times for six months, and once for three years. We seek out all things special – the unique, the cosy and the creative – the kinds of places and experiences you want to tell people about. And that’s what this blog is for – a place to share our finds and our stories from along the way. It’s yours for inspiration. Things we love, and that you can expect to read about on here, include: special places to stay; whiskey cocktails; mountains; glamping; hipster coffee shops; vegetarian brunch; yoga; street food markets; cakes; festivals; beaches; independent bookshops and cosmic wonder. I also tend to share a lot of my personal journey – the ups and downs from along the way. I try to write things I’d like to read.”


26. Tanaka from Tanaka Travels

best uk travel bloggers

Tanaka is a super stylish UK travel blogger. She describes herself as “your visual travel mood board” and has some amazing photos around the world.

She lives in London but travels all over, and runs female only trips too. She’s been publishing some great UK travel content just lately, and has totally made me want to go to Southend!

Tanaka also some great advice on checking out Iceland for cheap – go check it out!

Website |  Instagram |  Twitter

“The mission is to change the way women travel, focusing on accessibility and safety. After showcasing my solo adventures, 2018 birthed Tanaka Travels group trips. Every year I host a women- only group trip.”

27. Amar Hussein from Gap Year Escape

Best UK travel bloggers

Amar’s a great guy. He’s probably one of the people I’ve known the longest on the list. His blog is filled with practical advice for newbie travellers to make the most out of their adventures.

If you’re looking for someone who’s really travelled, before all this ‘travel influencer’ stuff came along, then check out his blog at Gap Year Escape.

“Editor-in-Chief of , 7 continent world traveller since ’09, author, digital nomad, pug lover and peanut M&M connoisseur.”

Follow Amar on Instagram.

Based: Warwick

28. Bejal from Be-Lavie

top uk travel bloggers

Bejal is an experiential boutique traveller with a big focus on sustainability. She covers local travel, as well as international and has travelled to 54 countries over 6 continents.

Veggie food, coffee shops and street art also feature strongly on the blog, as well as Bejal’s home city of Leicester.

“ Boutique Sustainable Travel Blog 🌎 Guides I Hotels I Resources 📷 Lifestyle l Food l products 🏡 Support Local 🥇#PinterestUk Winner “
“Be-lavie is a space for the experiential, boutique, culture hungry traveller with a focus on sustainable luxury experiences. I am excited to share with you my handpicked, tried and tested hotels, destinations, tours and responsibly sourced experiences through my sense of adventure and thirst for exploring locales in the world.”

Top 5 British Travel Bloggers

Of course,  this list of top UK travel bloggers is my opinion , based on who I’ve met, worked with and heard about. If you want a scientific calculation of the best travel blogs in the UK, check out this blog directory from Gary Arndt .

He’s one of the world’s top travel bloggers and looks at many different stats to come up with his list from all around the world. When I last checked, in April 2020 these were the top 5 UK travel blogs …

1. A Luxury Travel Blog (he has 100s of writers, so I don’t consider it a blog for this list of best UK blogs, but Gary does).

2. Hand Luggage Only

3. The Travel Hack

4. ME – Vicky FlipFlop Travels

5. Abi, Inside the Travel Lab

29. Kat Burrington from Travel with Kat

Travels with Kat

Kat and I went to Gambia together back in December 2012 on a press trip. She’s part of the Travelator Media group, a group of mature UK travel bloggers aged 40+ ready to create content. Kat writes about sustainable travel and human rights, among other topics, and has won the AITO Responsible Tourism Award for her work in Gambia.

“Travel photographer, writer & blogger. Co-founder @TravelatorMedia. @ PlanUK Digital Ambassador.

Top UK bloggers

Travel with Kat began in 2011 but Kat has always been a travel writer and beauty lover. She received her first camera at the age of 10 and, since that moment, she’s never abandoned it. Through her blog she’d like to share with readers the joy of discovering new lands, cultures and friends whether exploring Britain (her homeland) or on her travels many miles away.


30. Jodie Young from The Little Backpacker

Top Uk travel bloggers

I went to the Gold Coast with Jodie as she won a competition with my old work I was responsible for chauffeuring her and the other two winners around, except the hilly route was so windy and scary I decided it would be much better left to Jodie. She saved my bacon.

Really like Jodie, she’s got a great life attitude and her blog is both informative and fun, love your work. And yeah, she’s actually really little.

“Small and Adventurous Travel Blogger. Student in London. Lover of photography, travel, roadtrips, ice cream & the ocean.”

UKs top travel bloggers

“The Little Backpacker is a travel blog about adventurous and budget travel. Follow along for advice on travelling on a budget, tips for taking a gap year/working abroad and lots of pretty pictures to inspire you.” Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest |  YouTube Email

31. Paul Dow from Trav Monkey

UK top travel bloggers

Paul is a straight talking Manc who knows how to make a beautiful video. His site is a platform for all bloggers to submit content with him looking over it all. It was actually on here that I wrote my first guest post, under the ‘VickyFlipFlop’ guise.

Paul is also responsible for the awesome Traverse events, along with Micheal Ball too.

Interesting fact for you; I once threw a caipirinha in his face after a misunderstanding. He’s never let me forget it (definitely deserved it).

“Pro Travel Blogger, YouTube creator. Have a wallet full of strange currency.”

UK travel bloggers

“TravMonkey has been going for around 8 years and first started when Paul was half way through a 2 year stint of travel around the world. These days he covers his travels and London life with a focus on the quirky and adventurous.”

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube

32. Simon Heyes from Simon’s Jam Jar

 UK travel bloggers

Simon Heyes, what a guy. Even though he pipped me to the post to go to Papua New Guinea and be their blog ambassador, I still like him.

We’ve had some great nights out at travel events in London together and he’s very entertaining. He recently, actually I think it was a while ago now, did the 24 Peaks Challenge in 24 hours to raise money for a charity close to his heart. He’s one of my absolute favourite English travel bloggers, although I feel like I’m saying that about everyone now.

“Digital Marketer / World Traveller / Storyteller / Foodie / Winner ‘Best Male’ Travel Blogger Awards 2014 / Co-Founder at .”

top UK travel bloggers

“Up to 2012, Simon had an international role as a digital marketer. He took over 100 flights a year. After 9 hard working years, he chucked in the towel and decided to travel on his own time. Simon recently completed a six month trip to South America, Australia, New Zealand and China, and plans to explore Indonesia, Bali, Central America and Antarctica at some point in the next few years.”

Website | Instagram |  Twitter  |  YouTube

33. Ed Rex from Rexy Edventures

Top UK Travel Bloggers

I know Ed from the London blogger meet ups. He lived in London, then he didn’t, then he did, didn’t, and now he’s back again. We travel bloggers just can’t make our minds up – so much world to explore. Visit his blog and expect to see lots of photos of him in tiny shorts on beaches.

“Adventure and Travel Blogger and Writer; Yorkshire Tea Lover; The Journal Columnist; Digital Marketer; Deaf; Goofy; Handsome Egotist.”

top UK travel bloggers

“Ed Rex writes about RTW Budget Travel, Deafness and British Backpacking, and Goofy Travel. He loves hats, hates slugs and above all, is passionate about travel.”

34. Sarah Toyin

Top Uk travel bloggers

I loved reading Sarah’s articles about Korea, having had a flying visit there for a week. She spent two years there and so has that great insider knowledge that can only come from actually living in a place.

As well as South Korea, Sarah is a fountain of knowledge on Ghana. If you’re planning in travelling there then check it out. Here videos are great too!

“ British Nigerian | Jesus💕 I’ve lived abroad twice (Korea and Ghana) and travel solo often | I enjoy kdramas, nollywood + docs 📧 “

Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

35. Sophie Collard

UK travel blogger

Sophie has a few different projects in the pipeline (don’t we all) but she’s best known for her trainspotting and her love of death tourism. Yes. Known across all the social media as ‘SophonTrack’ Sophie will do all she can to avoid taking a plane anywhere – very eco, well done.

She also runs the TravelDarkly site with a friend which focuses on this strange obsession people seem to have with visiting devastation sites. From haunted pubs to old operating theatre museums, she’ll have covered it.

“Travel writer and copywriter. Social media type. Ride trains and blog about them. Write about macabre destinations over at “

UK top travel bloggers

“A train travel expert and pioneer of using social media in the community (she was responsible for #riotcleanup), Sophie On Track has written about her travels for The Sunday Times and TNT Magazine.”


36. Virginia Stuart-Taylor from The Well-Travelled Postcard

best UK travel bloggers

Virginia knows how to sail and she runs marathons – she’s cool, and tough. Check out her blog for language learning inspiration, fitness motivation and just to see what cool and fancy London adventure she’s up to next. As well as her UK travel blog she’s also got a super important job in international development – you’ll have to ask her what that is though.

“Travel blogger, linguist, digital strategy, ambassador for  # OYW & @ PlanUK. Loves: travel, foreign cultures & languages. Dislikes: staying in one place too long.”

UK top travel bloggers

“A Modern Languages graduate and advocate for all things year-abroad and languages related. Virginia is currently working for Telefónica on their European Leadership Graduate Programme, as well as running her award-winning travel blog, The Well-Travelled Postcard and her other blog, Worldly Minded, which encourages young people to gain intercultural skills.”

Website | Facebook |  Instagram |  Twitter  |  YouTube

37. Flora Baker from Flora the Explorer

Great UK travel bloggers

Flora is one of life’s good people. She’s so lovely and travels in a way that reflects what’s important to her. I was gripped as she travelled South America, learning Spanish and meeting people as she explored. She’s now based in London and is planning on walking the Camino de Santiago this year.

As well as being one of the top British travel bloggers Flora is also an author – I’ve read the Adult Orphan Club , and although it’s super sad and I dread the day I’ll actually need to read it again, it’s a super useful resource for anyone who’s lost their parents.

“British traveller, blogger & freelance writer. Left handed Latinophile. Perpetual story searcher.”

UK top travel bloggers

“‘Flora the Explorer’ is a place for aspiring travellers, avid volunteers and those who want to explore the world through meaningful interaction with local people and their cultures. Over the last six years the site’s founder and writer, Flora Baker, has lived in Florence and San Francisco, worked in India and Iceland, volunteered in Nepal and Lithuania, and more recently, spent eighteen months attempting to become fluent in Spanish while journeying around South America. Through the site’s stories and photographs about her long-term, slow travel experiences, Flora evokes the sense of adventure and curiosity we all have – both for the world itself, and our place within it.”

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38. Victoria Brewood from Pommie Travels

Best UK travel bloggers

Victoria has been travelling and blogging since 2008, making her one of the more veteran UK travel bloggers on the list.

Bit jealous that she’s been travelling ever since she finished university – good on her. She’s well into her YouTube channel and I’ve spent the last 30 minutes catching up with the last few weeks. I enjoy the comments about her accent – love a northerner.

She has one of the best UK travel sites on the internet.

“Award-winning travel blogger  & YouTuber. Entrepreneur, dreamer and major foodie. See the world, I dare you!”

Top UK travel bloggers

“Victoria is originally from Manchester in the UK but has visited 32 countries on 5 different continents since 2008. After graduating from university, she decided there was more to life than the hours between 9 and 5, so she packed her bags to travel the world as a digital nomad. Pommie Travels is a solo female travel blog featuring travel tales, photos, videos and practical tips for the various destinations she has visited.”

39. Charlie Marchant from Charlie on Travel

Best Uk travel bloggers

Charlie is one of the UK’s greenest travel bloggers. Her Zero Waste Guide has totally just made me buy some eco friendly toilet paper (50% of profits to charity!). She’s an advocate of house sitting and describes herself as an ‘eco-conscious backpacker with big dreams’. Along with her boyfriend Luke they run Charlie on Travel as nature lovers, vegetarians, green advocates and sustainability enthusiasts.

“Travel Blogger • slow traveller • vegetarian • house sitter • eco tourism • responsible travel |  @ HuffPostUK contributor | Travelling in UK” 

Follow Charlie on Instagram 

Based: Brighton

40. Nishi V

UK travel bloggers

Nishi covers affordable luxury travel and lifestyle, with a special focus on London.

Read about her travels in Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Bali, and beyond with her stories from 30 countries.

She’s stayed at some nice hotels, check out her blog!

“ Travel & Lifestyle Multi Award-Winning Blogger, a serial plant killer, coffee addict & lipstick lover | •”

Website | Instagram | Twitter |

41. Becki from Global Grasshopper 

UK travel bloggers

“ is a travel blog that likes independent travel, discovering places away from the usual tourist haunts and unique hotels. We display beautiful images bridging the gap between a photography blog and a travel guide.”

42. Jai from Savoir There 

Jai from Savoir there

Jai! Love her. Jai was one of the first travel bloggers I became proper friends with. We were part of a Travel Chicks Collective we made up. Everything was great until we all disbanded to travel. Jai ended up meeting the love of her life on the Rocky Mountaineer and living in Canada for a few years. She’s been back in the UK for a while now and writes about stylish travel around the world. 

“ Freelance travel writer, editor & blogger. Lux travel expert. PR/marketing gal. English-Egyptian. Honorary Dane & Canadian. Pun Addict.”

Follow Jai on Facebook and on her blog .

43. Jayne from Girl Tweets World 

jayne gorman girl tweets world

Jayne – my travel blogger inspiration. I took over Jayne’s job from her at when she went freelance, and eventually went to live in Australia. She’s had some great adventures Down Under but a few years ago moved back to England to start a family and enjoy life back in the motherland. She’s a great person to follow if you want luxury travel experiences, served up with some humour. 

“Travelling, Tweeting, Brunch-eating. Affordable luxury travel blogger. Loves boutique hotels & hotcakes. Londoner who was living Down Under.”

44. Kirsty Leanne from

Kirsty Leanne UK travel blogger

Kirsty Leanne is on a quest to change the way travel looks. Quite rightly she’s sick of just seeing the same old looking slim white girls as the face of travel, and is determined to get the travel industry to have more of a realistic representation. I wholeheartedly support this. She works hard as a plus size travel blogger, to get others who might normally be put off to travel more. She’s also one of the most fashionable on this list!

“Plus Size Travel Blogger ✈️ International Speaker 🌍 Changing The Way Travel Looks👏🏻#plussizetraveltoo ❤️”

Check out her blog at

45. Scott Tisson from Intrepid Escape

Intrepid Escape

As well as travel, Scott loves his health and fitness, as you’ll see on his social channels. Over the last few years he’s travelled all over the world, and his main goal is to help his readers to escape their routine as much as he can. Scott was once a finalist for one of Australia’s Best Jobs in the World, and although he didn’t win, he learned so much about content creation he went on to create his own best job in the world. 

He’s one of the best adventure bloggers in the UK.

“🇬🇧 UK Travel Blogger, Presenter & Videographer. 📍 Berlin 🇩🇪 🔜 Québec 🇨🇦 Loves ➡️ 🏃🏻‍‍ 🚴🏼‍♂️ ⛷️ 🎥 🏁 ⚽. IG & Facebook = IntrepidEscape”

Check out his blog at

46. Roma & Russ from Roaming Required 

Roma and Russell Roaming Required

Ozzie born Roma has been living over here for years, definitely earning her place on this list of the top UK travel bloggers. Her and her husband Russell run the site for anyone who wants to make the most of their time off. They have a special interest in historical travel, and from travelling with Russ myself, I know that he loves a castle. 

“Aussies in London. Short break experts. Roadtrip fans. FB & IG: RoamingRequired | 53 countries”

Check out their blog at

47. Larch from The Silver Nomad

traveller lifestyle uk

Larch is known for her awesome drone photos – she’s a qualified pilot. She blogs about travel, lifestyle, and getting older on the Silver Nomad, along with her partner who takes the occasional drone pic too.

As well as the travel topics, it’s also really interesting to learn more about her disability which started from cleaning out a hutch. Everyone has their stories behind why and how they travel, and you should check out Larch’s to learn hers.

“UK based travel content creator World Traveller & CAA Drone Pilot. Brand ambassador for @womenwhodrone”

Check out Larch’s blog at

48. Bisola from Bis to the World

top uk travel bloggers

Bisola’s one of the top UK travel bloggers, thanks to her awesome site. She’s from Nigeria but now lives in the UK.

Bisola is a full-time railway engineer who makes the most of her time off and wants to inspire her readers to do the same. She’s passionate about helping people to travel more, whether it’s frugally or with a little bit of luxury. Check out her blog for the latest on how Brexit will affect UK travellers, and her fitness and cooking advice too.

“Engineer & Travel blogger • Helping you to navigate affordable luxury travel • Life Liver • Banter Lover.”

Check out Bisola’s blog at

49. Joyce from DIY with Joy

top uk travel bloggers

Joyce wants to help you to travel smart and cook nutritious food from around the world.

She’s one of the UK’s top travel bloggers with some fantastic photos from around the world. Joyce has a tasty focus on mixing food with travel and lots of great content on how to make her favourite recipes. Check out her blog for her unique take on travel, from a foodie perspective!

“Sharing #travelsmart tips & global nutritious recipes |Recipe Developer • Food & Travel blogger/Writer • Travel Consultant “

Check out Joyce’s blog at DIY With Joy .

50. Steph from Big World Small Pockets 

Uk travel bloggers

I first met Steph when we travelled to Samoa together on a press trip. We had a great time, and oh how we laughed.

Steph is great fun, and, as well as that, is an intrepid traveller and awesome UK blogger too. Last year she won the Teletext Travel Blogger of the Year Award at the Travel Media Awards.

She has one of the best travel blogs in the UK, and is a great person to match!

“Voted The Best British Travel Blogger 2019 💸 Expert Thrifty Mover 💃🏻 Solo Female Adventurer 🍃Travelling Without Flying in 2020”

Check out her blog at Big World Small Pockets.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this introduction to the best UK travel bloggers IMHO.

If you need any more information, on anyone, or on me, just let me know.


top UK travel bloggers

More on my love of travel blogging

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Birmingham Airport 100ml liquid rules explained as new scanners introduced

Birmingham Airport 100ml liquid rules explained as new scanners introduced

Does birmingham airport still have the 100ml liquid limit at security check.

Tom Earnshaw

Tom Earnshaw

Birmingham Airport, which is one of the UK's busiest travel hubs, has released updated advice on getting through its security check in regards to the changing 100ml liquid rule.

As it stands, the United Kingdom is undergoing somewhat of a slow revolution when it comes to airport security with state of the art scanners slowly but surely being installed across the country.

Some airports have already brought in the new scanners which have meant they've scrapped the 100ml limit on hand luggage liquids.

Birmingham Airport is another airport which has the new scanners in place but an important notice has been issued by those that run the international transport hub when it comes to bringing through liquids.

An end to 100ml liquid limits is on the way. (Getty Stock Images)

A quick refresh

By the summer of 2025, all UK airports will have to have new hi-tech scanners in place that will mean the end of 100ml liquid limits when going through security checks. So no more dumping that bottle of water you've brought with you before you put your stuff on the conveyor belt to be scanned.

You'll be able to bring two litres in your hand luggage and it can be scattered throughout the bag, saying goodbye to the 20cm by 20cm clear, plastic bags that have haunted us for almost two decades.

Ultimately it'll speed up queues in the airports across the UK making for a smoother experience, getting us to duty free and airport pints quicker . Result.

Birmingham Airport arrivals. (Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

Birmingham Airport statement on 100ml liquid limit

Despite the new scanners being installed at Birmingham Airport in time for the summer, it is yet to officially scrap the 100ml limit.

This is because of a 'new Government Directive that has been issued nationwide across all ports'. As a result, the 100ml limit remains in place for now.

But there is one change with there now no limit on the amount of 100ml containers being brought through. So the 20cm by 20cm plastic bags have gone, which is great news.

"Only liquids, pastes and gels in containers up to 100ml can be carried in hand luggage – anything larger needs to be in checked in luggage," the airport says.

"No liquids above this size. Anything above the 100ml will be removed and destroyed. There is no limit on the amount of under 100mls containers that can be carried."

Birmingham Airport runway. (David Goddard/Getty Images)

It continues: "Containers that can carry more than a 100ml, such as insulated bottles, are permitted but need to be completely empty.

"Do not put your liquids, pastes and gels into plastic bags (please leave them loose in hand luggage). Do not take them out of your hand luggage when you're in the security search area."

What about electricals?

The new scanners also mean an end to having to take your laptops and tablets out of your bags to be scanned.

Well, not anymore. Same goes for watches. Leave them on your wrist.

Birmingham Airport says: "Leave all electricals in hand luggage during the security search. When going through security please ensure all items are out of pockets including phones, keys, coins and tissues etc. Watches can be left on."

Birmingham Airport is expected to eventually bring in the new rules in full and axe the 100ml limit for good, so it is worth checking the website for the latest information if you're coming across this article shortly before you travel abroad.

Topics:  UK News , Travel , Holiday

Tom joined LADbible in 2024, specialising in SEO and trending content. He moved to the company from Reach plc where he enjoyed spells as a content editor and senior reporter for one of the country's most-read local news brands, LancsLive. When he's not in work, Tom spends his adult life as a suffering Manchester United supporter after a childhood filled with trebles and Premier League titles. You can't have it all forever, I suppose.

@ TREarnshaw

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Airbnb rental scams are rampant — here are 4 ways to protect yourself, according to a travel expert.

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Enjoy your stay — away from these con artists.

Airbnb scams are becoming increasingly common and one travel expert is warning how to tell if you’re at risk.

The horror stories seem to be everywhere, these days — the United Kingdom family who lost $5,000 over a phony stay , pricey Hamptons homes that have been listed by scammers ahead of summer rental season, and the West Coast real estate speculator who conjured up a web of fake identities to illicitly double-book dozens of shoddy properties across the country in a $7M scheme, according to court documents .

Stefan Hoffelner, owner of the rental company YourAirHost , says it’s easy to figure out that a property or a host are not what they seem to be, once you know what to look for — here are his four dead giveaways. The Post has reached out to Airbnb for comment.

Here are the steps a safe traveler should take before booking, according to Hoffelner.

A travel expert passed along tips to protect consumers from Airbnb scammers.

Read the reviews

Be sure to do your due diligence  before booking an Airbnb.

Checking out a host’s profile is the first step in feeling out if they are authentic, Hoffelner told The Independent . Not seeing a verified badge is a quick red flag, but more details are typically sussed out in their reviews.

“Make sure to review the host’s profile for feedback from previous guests,” he said.

“A lack of reviews, or reviews that seem overly positive or generic, might be a sign of a scam. Look out for a consistent pattern of reviews left over a period of time. Lots of reviews made in quick succession might be fabricated.”

Research photos

Just like a dating profile, pictures of a location or property can be phony and turn your dream vacation into an catfishing trip. Like reviews, anything a little too perfect or generic is a warning sign.

Hoffelner suggests doing a reverse image search to see if they appear in other locations.

“If the same pictures appear on different websites or listings, this is a red flag.”

Communicate with the host first

Corresponding with a host can help tell if they are fake or not.

It’s important to ask a host a few questions about the listing ahead of time. This will not only address concerns but will also give a renter a better understanding of who they are dealing with.

If a host comes back with shady responses or asks of their own, chances are you caught a scam in time.

“If a host makes an unusual request such as providing personal information or payment details outside of Airbnb, be wary,” Hoffelner advises.

He also stressed that booking through third-party services does not allow you the chance to get money back from Airbnb in the case of scams. That can only be done through the app.

Be realistic

Properties that over promise tend to be duds, according to the expert.

Like most things when abroad or away from home, don’t get sucked into something that appears to be of unimaginable quality.

“If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Suspiciously low prices or luxurious amenities offered at a fraction of the usual cost are often signs of a scam,” said Hoffelner.

“If something feels off about the listing or with the host’s communication, trust your instincts and find a better alternative.”

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A travel expert passed along tips to protect consumers from Airbnb scammers.



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Travel: Ohio artifacts can be seen in England

The British Museum in London displays artifacts from many cultures and many times.

Many travelers and history buffs are aware that the British Museum in London is, controversially, the repository for the ancient Parthenon Marbles, also known as the Elgin Marbles, removed from the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, and brought to England in the early 19th century.

But the museum also holds many other historic items from around the world, including some of the most important archeological artifacts from Ohio.

In a glass display case in the British Museum’s Room 26, visitors will find more than two dozen exquisitely fashioned pipes, as well as bowls and other objects recovered from mounds built by the prehistoric Hopewell people of the Scioto Valley.

The display, though small, is the most comprehensive in the world, and is only a small fraction of the Ohio Hopewell items the museum owns.

The pipes, carved some 2,000 years ago from various types of soft stone, known collectively as “pipestone,” were used to smoke tobacco, perhaps during ritual ceremonial observations.

Though some of the pipes are simple bowls, many are exquisitely detailed effigies of birds, frogs, beavers, turtles and other creatures from the Scioto Valley. They demonstrate a level of artistry that offers an intriguing glimpse into the culture of a people we still know relatively little about.

Most of the stone is also native to the area around modern-day Chillicothe, although a few pipes were carved from rock from as far away as Minnesota, indicating a surprising level of travel and trade at the time.

How the items made their way from the vicinity of Chillicothe to England is a fascinating tale in itself.

Although the prehistoric mounds of Ohio were objects of curiosity and speculation since the time of the earliest European trappers and traders in the area, the first real attempt at a scientific exploration of the earthworks was conducted from 1845 to 1847 by Ephraim Squire and Edwin Davis, who surveyed and excavated many of the earthworks in the vicinity of Chillicothe.

Their findings were detailed in the very first volume of the "Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge," published in 1847 by a brand new scientific organization called the Smithsonian Institution.

Of course, Squire and Davis had gathered quite a significant collection of about 1,300 artifacts from the mounds and in those days, well, finders keepers.

Davis later decided to sell the artifacts, hoping to place them with the Smithsonian which, unfortunately, didn’t have the funds. And so, the Ohio Hopewell collection was purchased by the owner of a private museum in England for $10,000 and sent across the sea.

In 1931, the collection was purchased by the British Museum, which has been its home ever since.

Of course, travelers who are interested enough to stop by the British Museum to view the Hopewell collection (and a whole, whole lot of other great stuff) may also want to see some of the prehistory of England, itself. There’s no better place for that than out on the Salisbury Plain, the home of Stonehenge , as well as a large number of Bronze Age burial mounds that almost perfectly resemble the many prehistoric mounds found in Ohio.

And even though the Hopewell collection is in England, the original Hopewell mound sites are much, much closer to home.

The Hopewell Culture National Historical Park in Chillicothe is, like Stonehenge, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, one of just 25 in the United States. The park includes the Mound City group of earthworks and several other earthworks in the Chillicothe area.

The Mound City site also offers a small visitors center and museum that tells the story — at least as much of it as we know — of the Hopewell people and their culture. The park is a can’t-miss destination for history buffs and for anyone intrigued by Ohio’s enigmatic prehistoric peoples. Just don’t expect to see a lot of original artifacts.

For more information about the British Museum’s Hopewell collection, including an interactive online walk through the museum’s Room 26, visit .

Steve Stephens is a freelance travel writer and photographer. Email him at  [email protected] .

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