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Free tour por Sídney

  • 9,7 / 10 67 opiniones | 1.726 viajeros Tefi nos ha hecho un tour muy ameno y nos ha dado muy buenos consejos de cosas q hacer en Sydney. Se nota que le gusta lo que hace. Gracias Tefi 10 Olga
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¿Acabáis de llegar a Sídney y no sabéis por dónde empezar? Descubrid los principales lugares del centro de la ciudad con un guía en español . ¡Imprescindible!

Conociendo Hyde Park

A la hora indicada nos reuniremos junto a la  Archibald Fountain , en pleno corazón de Hyde Park . ¿Estáis listos para comenzar el  free tour por Sídney ? ¡Vamos allá!

Nada más iniciar la actividad, divisaremos la Catedral Metropolitana de Santa María , dedicada a la patrona de Sídney . ¿Sabíais que sus orígenes se remontan al siglo XIX ? Hablaremos de la historia de este monumento religioso e iremos adentrándonos poco a poco en el casco antiguo de la ciudad.

Veremos después la  iglesia de Santiago de camino al Martin Plaza , un espacio que acoge el Banco de la Reserva de Australia . Os desvelaremos sus vínculos con la Commonwealth y seguiremos caminando hasta el paseo marítimo de la bahía de Sídney .

Exploraremos la zona de The Rocks , un vecindario que acoge algunos de los pubs más antiguos de la ciudad. Sus encantadoras callejuelas y las vistas que ofrece del puente de la Bahía  os conquistarán desde el primer instante. 

Por último, admiraremos los exteriores de la  Ópera de Sídney . Este edificio, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad , fue inaugurado en el año 1973 y, desde entonces, se ha convertido en todo un símbolo de Australia .

Tras un recorrido de entre dos y tres horas de duración, daremos por concluido el free tour por Sídney despidiéndonos cerca del edificio de la Ópera. 

En nuestro free tour no se admiten reservas para más de 6 personas . Si sois un grupo mayor, os recomendamos reservar un  tour privado por Sídney .

La actividad se realiza con un guía que habla español.

Guía en español.

No incluido

Cuándo reservar.

Puedes reservar hasta 1 hora antes si quedan plazas. Reserva ya y asegura tu plaza.

Tipo de bono

Electrónico. Llévalo en tu móvil.


Accesible en silla de ruedas. Es necesario un acompañante.


Todos los servicios cumplen nuestro Código de Sostenibilidad .

Nuestros proveedores se comprometen a:

  • Proporcionar una experiencia segura y satisfactoria.
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  • Apoyar al desarrollo de las comunidades locales.
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  • Velar por el bienestar animal.
  • Actuar de manera íntegra.
  • Promover prácticas sostenibles entre los clientes y colaboradores.

Esta actividad, en concreto aporta de la siguiente manera:

  • No requiere imprimir documentación.

Tours En Australia Ver más

Razón social: Stefania Prelipcean

No permitidas.

Preguntas frecuentes

P - ¿Por qué realizar esta actividad con Civitatis?

R - En Civitatis ofrecemos la mejor calidad y precio garantizados, haz click aquí si quieres saber cómo seleccionamos nuestras actividades .

P - ¿Cómo hacer la reserva?

R - Para reservar el Free tour por Sídney, elige la fecha deseada y completa el formulario. La confirmación es inmediata.

Si tienes otras dudas, contacta con nosotros.

Cancelación gratuita

Punto de encuentro, ¿dónde termina la actividad.

Archibald Fountain.

Ópera de Sídney.

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Responsable del tratamiento: CIVITATIS TOURS, S.L. (CIVITATIS). Finalidad: Prestación de los servicios solicitados; Remisión de comunicaciones comerciales sobre los productos y servicios de CIVITATIS, para lo que se podrán elaborar perfiles comerciales de nuestros clientes; Remisión de encuestas con el objeto de valorar los servicios ofrecidos y su grado de satisfacción, así como la publicación de las opiniones sobre el servicio recibido; Cumplimiento de las obligaciones de índole contable, legal, fiscal y administrativa; Publicación de las imágenes de los clientes y Tratamiento de datos para fines estadísticos. Derechos: Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, a la limitación de su tratamiento, a oponerse al mismo y a su portabilidad. Información Adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional sobre Protección de Datos en las Condiciones Generales de Contratación .

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Free tours in Sydney

  • Tours in Sydney

Free Walking Tour Sydney and The Rocks Provided by Locl Tour

Discover a sunny culture in Sydney

Sydney, Australia is the capital of New South Wales and one of the greatest places to visit if you’re looking for an urban-beach getaway. On one hand, there are amazing activities and sights to see on and near the water. Cruise along the harbor and spot the spectacular Sydney Opera House, swim in an ocean pool with views of the beach and sky, and of course, try your hand at surfing on Bondi beach. Visit Coogee and Watson’s Bay for an even more laid-back atmosphere just outside of the centre with tons of restaurants and bars.

The food and nightlife are symbolic of the amazing personalities of the locals as well. Whether you’re looking for traditional foods from all over the world or wanting to try new and innovative menus at award-winning restaurants, you can’t be disappointed. If the timing of your trip is right, take part in Sydney’s iconic New Year’s celebration by counting down anywhere in the city and be amazed by the extraordinary fireworks display.

Other must-see attractions for anyone: stroll through the Royal Botanical Gardens, meet kangaroos and koalas at the zoo, and climb to the top of Harbour Bridge for the best views of the city. No matter what type of holiday you’re on, Sydney is a great option for any season of the year. And with free walking tours with Freetour.com, you are guaranteed a sunny time.


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Free tour por Sydney

Join i'm free walking tours on a fantastic tour around sydney and get local insights into australia's most famous city, free  walking tour sydney.

G’day mate!

¡Hola! Somos tus guías locales de I’m Free Walking Tours . Somos tu conexión completa con la historia, los sitios y la cultura de Sydney y de Melbourne. Vivimos en Sydney y queremos compartir contigo las historias de nuestra querida ciudad donde crecimos. Compartiremos no solamente las historias detrás de nuestros famosos monumentos, incluso te contaremos sobre lados de la ciudad que hasta muchos locales no conocen.

Sabías que el Puente de la bahía de Sydney se abrió por un hombre a caballo blandiendo espada?

Para ayudarte a sacar la mejor experiencia de nuestra ciudad cuando estás aquí te prestaremos consejos 100% independientes sobre qué ver y qué hacer.

Operating since 2009 , we believe in helping you get the most out of your time in Sydney. For this reason we will share with you our personal recommendations, not places we are paid to promote!

Visita nuestro sitio web para más información sobre nuestros dos tours, el Sydney Sights y por el barrio histórico “The Rocks”, y para registrarte en un tour que te conviene.

Fotos de nuestros paseos


Qué opinan los visitantes sobre el free tour a pie por  Sydney ?

Rating: 5 out of 5

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el tour

¿cuál es la diferencia entre el sydney sights y el rocks tour ¿qué hago yo, ¿necesito reservar un tour con i’m free sydney, ¿dónde comienza el tour y como encuentro mi guía de i’m free, ¿alguna vez se cancela el tour, ¿son sus tours accesibles para sillas de rueda y cochecitos de niño, inspírate con el blog de free tour community.

sydney free tour spanish

Cómo moverse por Sídney: Una guía local para explorar la ciudad

Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el transporte y cómo moverse por Sídney como un local.

sydney free tour spanish

Cómo moverse por Melbourne: Una guía local para explorar la ciudad

Una guía local sobre el transporte y cómo moverse por Melbourne, para aprovechar al máximo su visita.

sydney free tour spanish

Los 10 mejores lugares para hacer fotos en San Francisco

Cuando la mayoría de la gente va a San Francisco suele querer visitar algunos de los lugares más famosos y capturar algunos momentos únicos con sus fotos.

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Free walking tour in Spanish

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Every day, all day Saturday 10 February to Tuesday 31 December

Check times and date on link

The tour starts at Hyde Park, from where we will walk for 2/3 hours visiting iconic places and learning the history of Sydney.

A free walking tour is like a normal guided tour but without an established price, in fact no prior payment is required to participate. At the end of the walk, depending on how satisfied you are with the service offered, you can leave as a tip what you think is appropriate.

Recorre Sydney mientras aprendes la historia en tu propio idioma.

El tour empieza en el Hyde Park, desde donde caminaremos por 2hs/3hs recorriendo lugares icónicos y aprendiendo la historia de Sydney. 

Un Free Walking Tour es como una visita guiada normal pero sin un precio establecido, de hecho no se exige ningún pago previo para participar. Al final de la caminata, según cuan satisfecho estes con el servicio ofrecido, puedes dejar en propina lo que creas correspondiente.

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Sfftv: free film screenings at martin place, free guided highlights tour: anzac memorial, the vivid sydney climb, ‘voyage of love’ cabaret show on the sydney showboat, "the rocks tour" audio+puzzle convict tour of the rocks, a free audio+puzzle tour of sydney (self guided), a fresh perspective, a sydney harbour bridge audio+puzzle tour.

Discover the best events that Sydney has to offer

Free Walking Tours.png


Take part in a tour of Sydney - Australia's largest and most famous destination.

Over 5 million residents call Sydney home and why wouldn't they? The capital of New South Wales, with its luxurious harbour and jaw dropping Opera House, epitomises what Australia means to so many across the world.

See our favourite Sydney tours here. Some are free with no upfront cost and operate on a tipping basis, while others have associated costs.

We only list tours we'd personally use.  I f you click links on our site, we may earn a small commission. T ours  not operated by Buddy Free Walk ing Tours. ​

Free Walking Tours of Sydney

sydney rocks free walking tours.png

Daily Sydney walkings tours operated by I'm Free Tours . Choose between the main Sydney Sights and the Free Sydney Rocks tours. Your tour guide will wear green. For information regarding starting times, lengths of the tours as well as meeting points, please visit their website .


Free Tours Sydney offers a single daily walking tour that encompasses both Sydney and the The Rocks District. Lasting about two and half hours, the tour meets at the Archibald Fountain at Hyde Park daily at 10:30am (time and meeting place may change, please visit tour page for details.

Sydney greeters tours.png

Experience a warm introduction and welcome from a Sydney Greeter. A volunteer who loves Sydney guides you through their favourite spots in the city, local style. For more details and to book a tour, visit the Sydney Greeter page . 

art gallery bsw sydney free tours.png

The Art Gallery of NSW in Sydney offers tours of the gallery, some of which are free. Worthwhile to visit and check it out.

botanical gardens free walking tour sydn

Free guided tours of The Royal Botanic Garden of Sydney. Explore the vast heritage and range of picturesque plant life at the botanic garden with a friendly local guide. Details here .

Audio Guided Tour of Sydney

An alternative to a classic tour and for those that like the independence. The no hassle 2 hour guided audio tour of Sydney takes you through the major sights of Sydney including the Sydney Opera House, St James’ Church and the Museum of Sydney before taking in the beauty of the Rocks, the General Post Office, Sydney Parliament and the Government House. Learn more  about the tour .

Other Sydney Tours (not free but highly rated)

sydney tours.jpg

"Sydney is a marvellous and inspiring place"

Dani, visitor to Sydney in December 2022

Sydney - Australia's most popular destination

Whether you plan to take it easy on sunny picturesque beaches, visit some world famous restaurants and bars or explore the nature and wildlife in and around Sydney, the city has so much to offer for all types of visitors and budgets. Major sights not to miss include Sydney Opera House, Harbour Bridge, Bondi and Manly beaches, Taronga Zoo, Darling Harbour, The Rocks, Circular Quay, botanical gardens, Hyde park, Chinese Garden of Friendship and numerous museums and art galleries.

When you arrive to Sydney, why not take a free walking tour to get a friendly and easy introduction to this amazing city.

The list above shows which free tours are currently operating.

The tours listed are described as free. What does this mean? Generally, it means the tours have no upfront cost. Some tours may operate on a tips only basis where if you like the tour, you can pay your guide how much the tour was worth to you at the end. Didn't like it? No obligations to pay. Check each tour for details.

Most tours operate in English but some tours may be available in other languages including Spanish (tour gratis de Sydney en español), Chinese (免费城市徒步之旅), Italian (tour a piedi gratuito di Sydney in italiano) and French (visite gratuite de Sydney en français).

The tours of Sydney listed here are not operated by Buddy Free Walking Tours. Therefore, we advise you to visit the websites and find out directly from the operators up to date times, dates and other details of the tours. The information listed here is only a snapshot and we take no responsibility for any missing infor mation or safety of tours.  See details on tour operator website for details and any COVID-19 restrictions currently in place and if the tour is active at the moment.

Are you a tour operator in or around Sydney? Contact us to get listed here.

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sydney free tour spanish

Visita guiada a la Casa de la Ópera de Sídney Español

This tour has been designed for Spanish speakers who will only be able to participate in this tour. This is in the interests of safety and to ensure patrons have an enjoyable and inclusive experience. 

Entre y descubra la historia legendaria y los extraordinarios secretos de la Ópera de Sídney. Sienta la vida, la energía y el entusiasmo del edificio favorito de Australia.

*La Visita guiada a la Casa de la Ópera de Sídney en español comenzará los martes y jueves a las 3pm. Consulte el calendario que aparece al hacer clic en el botón "Book Now" (Reservar ahora) para ver los horarios disponibles más actualizados de las visitas guiadas. Tenga en cuenta que el recorrido no está disponible el 31 de diciembre de 2024. Los recorridos están sujetos a disponibilidad.

Hay un máximo de 35 personas por visita guiada y un máximo de 11 personas por reserva. Si desea realizar una reserva de grupo o no puede reservar en línea, llame al 02 8188 3734 para reservar por medio de nuestro Equipo de reservas.


>Niño de 5 a 15 años de edad. No se cobra entrada a niños menores de 5 años. Los niños de hasta 15 años de edad deben estar acompañados en todo momento

* Se ofrecen descuentos a portadores de una Australian Seniors Card (Tarjeta de personas mayores australianas), pensionados australianos y estudiantes a tiempo completo de 16 años en adelante.

^ El precio de la entrada familiar incluye 2 adultos y 2 niños (de hasta 15 años).

Términos y condiciones

Aproximadamente 1 hora de duración

La duración comprende desde que uno de nuestros guías se encuentra con los participantes en el Centro de bienvenida en el Vestíbulo inferior hasta el fin de la visita guiada.

Qué saber antes de la visita

Dado que ofrecemos muchas actuaciones en vivo, los recintos están sujetos a disponibilidad en el momento de su visita guiada.

Como la visita guiada será a pie y hay más de 300 escalones, se recomienda usar zapatos bajos y cómodos. ¡Sus pies se lo agradecerán.

Si tiene problemas de movilidad, póngase en contacto con nuestro Equipo de reservas, en el 02 8188 3734 o en [email protected]

Si bien no podemos guardar valijas o bolsos grandes, puede ponerse en contacto con el depósito más cercano en [email protected]

No se permite filmar en video.

Hay muchas oportunidades de sacar fotos; el guía le avisará si no se pueden sacar fotos en algún punto.

Cómo llegar aquí

Preguntas frecuentes, información de seguridad de covid-19, vaya más allá de las velas.

Vio el exterior, pero eso solo es la mitad de la historia. Debajo de nuestras magníficas velas se encuentran espacios e historias increíbles. Conozca la historia controvertida, las actuaciones inolvidables y el emocionante futuro de la Ópera de Sídney. Recorra y vea la Ópera de cerca y a su manera. Cada perspectiva ofrece una experiencia única y asombrosa.

sydney free tour spanish

Eche un vistazo del interior

Haga clic para ver imágenes

sydney free tour spanish

Comer y beber

Bennelong Point ha sido un sitio para deleite y celebraciones durante milenios. Por eso es natural que aquí, en la Ópera, el entretenimiento pase del escenario al plato.

El estacionamiento de la Ópera de Sídney, operado por Wilson Parking, está abierto y disponible para el uso. Wilson Parking ofrece estacionamiento con descuento si reserva conantelación. Consulte su sitio web para obtener detalles.

Consulte el sitio web de Transport NSW para ver los consejos más recientes e información acerca de viajes y medidas de seguridad por el COVID-19. Puede tomar transporte público (autobús, tren, ferri) hasta Circular Quay y disfrutar de una caminata de seis minutos hasta la Ópera.

Le recomendamos que adquiera las entradas para la visita por adelantado, en línea o por teléfono, y recibirá una entrada electrónica (eTicket). Tráigala y preséntela al ingreso en el Welcome Centre (Centro de Bienvenida), ubicado en el Lower Concourse (Vestíbulo inferior).

Si bien puede hacer una reserva para hasta 11 personas, nuestra capacidad máxima por visita guiada es 35 personas. Por motivos de capacidad, la reserva debe hacerse llamando al 02 8188 3734 . Nuestro Equipo de reservas lo ayudará con la reserva.

El punto de encuentro para la visita guiada es el Welcome Centre (Centro de Bienvenida) en el Lower Concourse (Vestíbulo inferior).

Es una excelente idea llegar con tiempo, comprar una bebida y disfrutar la vista. Llegue 15 minutos antes de la visita guiada para tener suficiente tiempo para dejar bolsos grandes en el guardarropa.

De este modo debería tener tiempo suficiente para las inspecciones visuales obligatorias o para que el personal de la Casa de la Ópera le guarde bolsos y pertenencias personales antes de comenzar la visita guiada.

De ser posible, no traiga bolsos. Tenga en cuenta que no podemos guardar bolsos de un tamaño mayor a A4.

Si va a llegar tarde a su visita guiada, llame a nuestro Equipo de reservas, en el 02 8188 3734 , para recibir ayuda.

Tendrá la oportunidad de visitar algunos de los muchos recintos y teatros de la Casa de la Ópera durante esta visita guiada.

Dado que somos un centro de artes escénicas concurrido, tenga en cuenta que los recintos y los teatros están sujetos a disponibilidad en el momento de su visita guiada.

La salud y el bienestar de todos los que asisten a la Opera House es nuestra máxima prioridad. Estamos comprometidos a hacer que su experiencia sea segura, cómoda y placentera, con una serie de medidas implementadas que incluyen la limpieza regular de áreas de alto contacto, sistemas de aire acondicionado que maximizan la ventilación y estaciones de desinfectante de manos ubicadas en todas las áreas de travesía. Lo alentamos a que use una mascarilla en lugares cerrados o cuando no sea posible mantener el distanciamiento físico, y por favor quédese en casa si no se siente bien. Si necesita hablar sobre sus opciones de emisión o reserva de boletos, comuníquese con nuestro equipo de Reservas de Turismo al 02 8188 3734 .

Sí. La Casa de la Ópera está registrada como empresa "COVID Safe" en el gobierno de Nueva Gales del Sur.

Nada es más importante para nosotros que la salud y la seguridad de todos en el sitio, y estamos siguiendo de cerca las pautas y los consejos de NSW Health. Nuestra información de salud y seguridad respecto al COVID-19 está disponible en nuestra página Visit  (Planee su visita).

La Casa de la Ópera de Sídney ya no requiere que los clientes demuestren que recibieron todas las dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19.

Se requiere información de contacto al hacer una reserva con nosotros y al llegar a la Casa de la Ópera, como se establece en nuestros Términos y Condiciones Generales para Entradas y Asistencia a Eventos y en nuestra Declaración de Privacidad del Cliente.

Como comprador de las entradas, usted es responsable de registrar los datos de contacto de sus invitados. La información de contacto solo se utilizará con fines de rastreo de contactos, de ser necesario, y se eliminará como mínimo 28 días después del evento.

Puede ponerse en contacto con nuestro Equipo de reservas de turismo, en el +61 2 9250 7250, a la brevedad posible para avisar si ya no puede asistir. Si ya no puede asistir porque no se encuentra bien o estuvo en contacto con alguien que muestra síntomas de COVID-19, la Casa de la Ópera cuenta con opciones flexibles de venta de boletos para ayudarlo.

Sydney Expert

75 Absolutely Free Things to do in Sydney

It might surprise you to hear there is no shortage of amazing free things to do in Sydney. Sydney has a reputation of being an expensive place to visit. And it can be. So we created this list to help you discover free things in Sydney that will help the budget stretch a little further, perhaps so you can splurge on a room with a view !

This list includes spectacular lookouts, popular attractions, and unique activities you can experience without spending a cent.

I spent over a decade working with international students and finding free things to do in Sydney was top of my list when planning activities for them. Whether you are a visitor or a local playing tourist at home (we highly recommend this, it’s the perfect way to remind yourself how lucky we are to live here), you should find something you want to do here.

Keep this list of completely free things to do on hand for those days you find yourself with some free time and a limited budget.

I have included the Google Maps’ location for each of the free things on our list. Click the link and open the map on your device. Then you will have directions from your current location.

1. Walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge

2. sign up for a free walking tour of the rocks, 3. see how many of tracey emin’s birds you can find, 4. get a up close view of the sydney opera house, 5. join a morning tour of the royal botanic gardens, 6. visit the chau chak wing museum , 7. find the paper bag, the treehouse and the hive – explore the city’s newest architecture., 8. learn about the past at the rocks discovery museum, 10. check out the big dig, 11. view the city model at customs house in circular quay, 12. wander through st mary’s cathedral, 13. marvel at the wonders in the powerhouse museum, 14. learn more about australian art at the art gallery of nsw, 15. take in the view from the rooftop cafe at the mca, 16. swim in sydney harbour at murray rose pool, 17. stroll the hermitage foreshore trail from rose bay to nielsen park, 18. cool down in the water park at pirrama park playground, 19. admire the artwork at the bondi graffiti wall, 20. amuse the kids at the darling harbour playground, 21. challenge yourself on the spit bridge to manly walk, 22. climb the observation tower at the overseas passenger terminal, 23. go on a free guided walking tour, 24. find the tiny doors in manly and the northern beaches, 25. connect with a local by booking a sydney greeter, 26. explore sydney’s most beautiful shopping arcade, the qvb, 27. get in touch with nature at mount annan botanic gardens, 28. explore balmain on the tom uren walking trail, 29. see the latest exhibition at hazelhurst regional art gallery, 30. spot whales from the sydney shoreline, 31. check out contemporary chinese art at white rabbit gallery, 32. see the latest exhibition at the state library of nsw galleries, 33. visit the chinese garden at nurragingy reserve, 34. wander south newtown’s quirky shops and street art, 35. visit captain cooks landing place at kurnell, 36. take a walk along the goods line, 37. pay your respects at the anzac memorial in hyde park, 38. swim in an ocean pool at fairlight beach, 39. visit the candy striped lighthouse on south head, 40. take a free tour of government house, 41. admire the kite surfers at monterey beach, 42. visit the brett whitely studio in surry hills, 43. watch the sunset from observatory hill, 44. take a swim in maccullum pool at mosman, 45. visit the saturday carriageworks market for tastings, 46. make your way to summer bay, 47. watch the wellema video at barangaroo, 48. check out badu gili projection on the opera house, 49. take a free guided tour of parliament house, 50. learn all about money at reserve bank of australia museum, 51. take the famous bondi to coogee coastal walk, 52. explore the art deco beauty of potts point & elizabeth bay, 53. have a swim at giles baths in coogee, 54. discover camp curlews at sirius cove, 55. stroll the glebe foreshore to the tramsheds, 56. explore north head sanctuary, 57. have a sunrise swim at mahon pool in maroubra, 58. learn about bush foods at lake parramatta, 59. visit parramatta park and old government house, 60. choose your favourite northern beaches rock pool, 61. check out the wetlands at sydney park, 62. uncover the secrets of cockatoo island, 63. enjoy a walk in the camellia gardens, 64. learn about indigenous australia at the australian museum, 65. try snorkelling at cabbage tree bay, 66. take the long reef headland walk, 67. meet the wildlife at centennial park, 68. discover the jibbon rock engravings, 69. cycle or walk the 7km bay run, 70. explore the sydney fish markets, 71. check out the artist’s precinct at headland park, 72. walk the gadyan bush track at berry island, 73. take in the view from west head lookout, 74. check out bare island where mission impossible ii was filmed, 75. attend one of the city’s free festivals.

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Along with experiencing the bridge up close, to appreciate its size and beauty, there is no better place to watch the action below on the harbour. It is also a fantastic place to take shots of the Sydney Opera House .

A walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge Footpath is one of the best free things to do in Sydney

Check out our detailed guide for walking across the bridge before you set off.

Location: Enter from 100 Cumberland Street in The Rocks Google map location

I’m Free Walking Tours run a free evening walk around The Rocks , a perfect crash course in Australia’s colonial history. Hear stories of the colony’s early days and its time as a buzzing maritime centre.

If you prefer, you can do a self-guided Rocks walk instead.

The Distance of Your Heart artwork comprises 67 realistic handmade bronze sculptures of tiny sparrows and starlings hidden around the city. Destination Differentville has a great article about Tracey’s birds – how many can you spot? 

Tracey Emin Birds

Take a walk up Loftus Street, and when you get to the park, be sure to look for the monument erected in 1818 that is the central point distances from Sydney are measured.

When you are done pop into Quay Quarter Lanes for a delicious Vietnamese Pork Roll, one of Sydney’s ultimate cheap eats.

Location: Macquarie Place Park and surrounds Google map location

Have you ever taken a close look at the Opera House? Did you know two colours used in the 1,056,006 tiles line the Opera House’s sails?

Climb the steps and walk around the shells, taking in all the interesting angles of this world heritage listed beauty.

Opera House Close up blue sky Sydney

If performances are scheduled, you can usually walk inside public areas. If you are a keen architecture or art lover, consider a tour. We discuss the various tours on offer here .

You might also like to take yourself on a walk to photograph the iconic building from all its best angles!

The early morning is a special time to experience the Royal Botanic Garden. This is the ideal spot to start your day with a run.

Echidna topiary at Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney

Alternatively, join in one of the free tours that run every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10:30am.

Check out the brand new museum at Sydney University , home to an eclectic collection that comprises the Macleay Museum, Australia’s oldest natural history collection, and the Nicholson Museum with 30,000 artifacts from Egypt, Greece, and Italy, Cyprus and the Middle East.

Location: University Place, University of Sydney Google map location

For a relatively young city, Sydney has some pretty magnificent buildings. From fine Victorian architecture, art deco beauty and modern masterpieces.

The Exchange Building in Darling Harbour - White birds nest building

We have written extensively about our favourite historic buildings and compiled a list of what we consider the best architecture in Sydney .

Location: The Exchange Darling Square Google map location

This small collection housed in a restored cottage displays many items uncovered from the area during development. You can also learn about the green bans that helped save these gorgeous streets from redevelopment. The staff are accommodating, and there are worksheets to engage young visitors.

Old plates at the Rocks Discovery Museum

Pop in before you begin to explore the area and pick up a walking map of the area. History lovers will easily spend an hour taking it all in – for others, a short visit might be enough.

Location: The Rocks Discovery Museum Google map location

After you visit the Rocks Museum, take our self-guided tour and be sure to spend some time looking at The Big Dig site underneath the Sydney Harbour YHA.

sydney free tour spanish

You can wander around the dig site and read the info panels. Tours are available for guests of the YHA, but there is plenty to see on your own.

Location : 110 Cumberland Street The Rocks Google Map reference

A great way to get the lay of the land, this scale model of Sydney under glass at Customs House highlight the random layout of Sydney.

Customs House Library

No nice tidy grid here. Many of our streets started as rough paths worn in by the original inhabitants, the Cadigal people or tracks created by the newly arrived convicts.

If you have some spare cash, you might like to book a meal at Cafe Sydney on the top floor of the building.

Location : Customs House Google Map reference

St Mary’s Cathedral is not the largest church in Australia, St Patrick’s in Melbourne takes that gong, and it’s not the oldest catholic church in the country either; that distinction goes to St Brigid’s in Millers Point. However, it is a beautiful structure inside and out and worthy of a visit.

St Marys Cathedral in Hyde Park Sydney Australia

The Cathedral features a marble replica of Michelangelo’s  Pietà , which was bought to Australia by the department store David Jones for a store exhibit and later donated to the church. Another beautiful work is The Unknown Soldier by G. W. Lambert.

Attend any of the services to enjoy the sounds of the organ and choir.

Location: St Marys Rd, Sydney NSW Google Map reference

Although currently undergoing an extensive renovation, there is still plenty to see here. Now showing is an exhibition 1001 Remarkable Objects with over 25 beautifully curated rooms that highlight beauty, invention, art and culture.

Relate d: Check out these free guided tours in Sydney

The Art Gallery of New South Wales has a great program of free events, including Art After Hours on Wednesday nights. Entry is free to most areas, although some major exhibitions have charges.

Scupture at the AGNSW

There is an excellent Aboriginal Art collection and a good range of modern Australian art. Be sure to look for Brett Whiteley’s The Balcony 2, Grace Cossington Smith’s Curve of the Bridge and John Olsen’s Five Bells , three iconic Sydney works.

Check out our guide to art galleries in Sydney for more free things art.

Location: Art Gallery Road Sydney NSW Google Map reference

The cafe at the top of the MCA offers themed menus to match current exhibitions, which is a fun way to end a visit to this free gallery.

MCA Cafe view

Affordable dining with a view; however, you don’t have to spend a cent; you can just wander up to the 4th floor and take it all in.

Location: Museum of Contemporary Art Circular Quay Google Map reference

Named for Olympic swimming champion Murray Rose, this pool at Double Bay is open daily from 6am to 10pm. A deck runs around the outside of the pool, with central pontoons perfect for sunning yourself.

Murray Rose Pool Double Bay

Nearby Blackburn Gardens offer plenty of shade if you need some respite from the sun and make a perfect picnic spot if you fancy lunch without a side of sand!

Location: 536 New South Head Rd, Double Bay Google Map reference

Related – Murray Rose Pool is one stop on our 325 self-guided bus tour .

A handful of secluded harbour beaches , views back to the city and the beautiful Strickland House are just some reasons to make time to walk Hermitage Foreshore Track from Rose Bay to Nielson Park.

Check out our photo guide to the walk for more inspiration.

Location: Start from Bayview Hill Rd, Vaucluse Google Map reference

Pirrama Park is one of the parks along the new Sydney Harbour Foreshore Walk . It offers plenty of picnic space, BBQs, a great playground and an onsite cafe. All just a couple of minutes from the light rail or bus stop.

Want more – you will find a list of water parks here.

Location: Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont Google Map reference

While Bondi Beach is one of the most famous in the city, its graffiti wall often gets missed from the list of Bondi’s attractions, and we think that’s a shame.

Bondi Beach Anzac Mural

Work started appearing on the wall in the late 1970s, and by the late 1980s, it moved to a legal space for artists to work. These days you need to apply to paint here. Twice a year, artists are chosen to redo the walls, meaning there is always something new to see. Two murals are permanent, the Anzac one shown about and a memorial to a Bali Bombing victim.

Check out our Bondi guide for tips on where to eat, drink and shop in the area.

Location: Queen Elizabeth Dr, Bondi Beach NSW 2026 Google Map reference

This award-winning playground at Tumblong Park in Darling Harbour is the perfect place to spend a few hours with the kids. There is a water play area, a massive climbing frame, and several swings and slides for kids of different ages.

Kids Playground Darling Harbour

The playground is surrounded by plenty of cafes and restaurants, and there is lots of seating, so it’s very easy to spend half a day here.

Location: Tumbalong Park Darling Harbour Google Map reference

Related: Where to eat in Darling Harbour with or without kids.

An exceptional harbour walk, the views and pristine bushland will have you thinking you are hours away from civilisation. Start at the Spit Bridge for a more leisurely walk; it’s more downhill than starting from Manly.

Manly walk view from Dobryd head

The 10km track is well marked and graded as level 3, so suitable for most people of average fitness.

Location: Fisher Bay Walk, Clontarf Google Map reference

At the end of Circular Quay’s Overseas Passenger Terminal is a round tower that is an observation deck. It’s the perfect place to capture photos of the city’s icons or watch the ferries as they come and go.

Observation Tower in Circular Quay

There is a lift to the second floor from near the entry to Quay Restaurant and then one flight of stairs. It’s especially a great spot during the Vivid Sydney Festival.

Location: Nth end of the Overseas Passenger Terminal, Circular Quay West Google Map reference

At least two companies currently offer free walking tours of the city. If you have not been in Sydney long or are visiting, this is a great way to learn more about our past.

Check out I’m Free or Free Tours Sydney for more details.

Go on a treasure hunt and see how many doors you can find. The doors were created as part of a community art project. They can be found across the northern beaches suburbs, including Manly, Seaforth, Dee Why and Warringah Mall, Narrabeen, Mona Vale and Avalon.

Sydney Greeters is a free service that matches visitors with a proud Sydneysider who loves to show off their city. Go on a 2-4 hour walking tour and explore part of Sydney that you might not find on your own.

Pierre Cardin called the Queen Victoria Building “the most beautiful shopping centre in the world”, and this historic centrepiece of George Street is spectacular.

Queen Victoria Building in Sydney in afternoon sun

Visit before the shops open at 9am for some great photographic opportunities. At Christmas, the centre’s giant Swarovski crystal-covered Xmas tree is a must-see.

Location: 455 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 Google map location

Meet the wallabies and wallaroo that call Mount Annan home. The gardens are teeming with wildlife, especially birds. There is a bird hide at Lake Nadungamba, so twitchers should find a spot there and settle in.

There are 20kms of paths and dozens of picnic areas. Don’t miss the blue tree and the Stolen Generations memorial.

Location: 362 Narellan Rd, Mount Annan Google Map reference

Balmain born Tom Uren was a Labour Party politician who was considered the “conscience of the Labor party”. He served as the Labor Party’s first environment spokesperson and cared deeply about preserving the built environment.

Tom Uren Walk sign Balmain

This 2.3km loop walk takes in the Balmain foreshore and some of the suburbs beautiful colonial architecture. While caved markers of Tom’s hat appear along the route, I recommend downloading a map.

Location: The walk starts and finishes at Thorton Park Google Map reference

You don’t need to head to the CBD for quality art. Hazelhurst in Sydney’s Sutherland Shire hosts a range of exhibitions almost always free to enter.

A great cafe and a garden for the kids to run around make this a popular spot. Gymea Station is within walking distance if you don’t want to drive. Combine it with a visit to number 63 below!

Location: 782 Kingsway, Gymea Google Map reference

There are dozens of brilliant spots in the city to see whales as they migrate north for the winter. North Head, South Head, Kamay National Park at Botany Bay and La Perouse are excellent choices.

Check out our guide to whale watching in Sydney for details.

One of the largest collections of contemporary Chinese art globally, White Rabbit Gallery in Chippendale, was founded by philanthropist Judith Neilson. Exhibitions that focus on art produced post-2000 are changed a couple of times a year.

White Rabbit Gallery

There is a lovely tea room for refreshments at the end of your visit. Spice Alley is just a few minutes’ walk away if you fancy something more substantial.

Location: 30 Balfour St, Chippendale NSW 2008 Google Map reference

The State Library Galleries can be found in the Mitchell Wing of the library. Along with showing pieces from the library’s extensive collection, they host a range of visiting shows like the popular World Press Photography Exhibition.

Location: 1 Shakespeare Pl, Sydney Google Map reference

Chang Lai Yuan Chinese Garden is are one of the biggest drawcards to Nurragingy Reserve in Western Sydney Parklands. The traditional gates, pond and Qin Quan Lang waterfall, are inspired by the Ming Dynasty.

Blacktown Chinese Garden Gate

The garden celebrates Blacktowns sister city, Liaocheng Municipal, Shandong Province, People’s Republic of China. It’s a great place for a picnic with numerous sites and undercover pavilions.

Location: Knox Rd, Doonside Google Map reference

Newtown is one of Sydney’s more interesting suburbs with plenty of quirky shops, street art and affordable eats. Think less big-name brands and more small independent businesses, particularly if you begin exploring from St Peters Station at the southern end of King Street and walk north towards the city.

Georgia Hill 2017 Mural Mary Street Newtown

We have written a detailed guide to the street art of the inner west that you might like to read before you head out. However, this 2-hour walk might be a better fit if time is short.

Location: Start at St Peter’s Station Google Map reference

Captain Cook landed here in 1770 and spent eight days here with the crew of the Endeavour, a visit that changed the history of Australia forevermore. You can learn more about this event from the 8 Days in Kamay online exhibition.

While you are visiting, don’t miss the new whale sculpture and the Burrawang-walk that features recordings of life here before the arrival of the colonials.

Location: Monument Track, Kurnell Google Map reference

When it was first announced, the Goods Line was touted as Sydney’s answer to NYC Highline, and while it may not have entirely pulled it off, it is still an excellent addition to the city.

Frank Gehty Paper Bag UTS

It provides a walkway from the Central Station pedestrian tunnel to the back of Darling Square. The famous Chau Chak Wing Building, nicknamed the paper bag by Frank Gehry, is a highlight of the walk.

Location: Ultimo Pedestrian Network, Ultimo Google Map reference

The Art déco style Anzac memorial sits as a centrepiece of Hyde Park. It was built in 1934 to commemorate the men and women who served in the First World War and, in recent years, underwent a considerable renovation to expand the gallery spaces.

Be sure to pop inside if it is open as there is much to see, and the staff are happy to answer questions you might have about the collection. A highlight is a bronze sculpture, “Sacrifice”, by Rayner Hoff, located in the Hall of Silence.

Location: Liverpool Street, Hyde Park South Google Map reference

Just a short walk from the Manly Wharf, Fairlight beach is much less visited than its neighbour and quite a bit prettier in my view. Access is via a footpath, meaning it attracts fewer visitors than other beaches in the area.

Fairlight Beach ocean pool

There is an excellent view of Sydney Heads, and it’s a lovely spot to spend a summer evening watching the sunset.

Note: The pool is closed for weekly cleaning for 24 hours between Wednesday and Friday evenings depending on the weather.

Location: Fairlight Walk, Fairlight Google Map reference

South Head provides spectacular views of the harbour from the city skyline to Manly. Add to the mix a cute red and white lighthouse, Lady Bay, one of Sydney’s official nude beaches, and the beautiful Camp Cove Beach, and there are more than enough reasons to visit.

Watsons Bay Hornby Lighthouse

This is one of the best spots to watch the Sydney to Hobart Yacht race start every Boxing Day. There is a self-guided walk you can follow here.

Location: Start from Watson’s Bay ferry wharf Google Map reference

Join a free 45-minute tour of the home of the Governor of NSW. Built between 1837 and 1843, this heritage-listed property is beautifully furnished, and the guided tour includes some great historical detail. It’s also a must for anyone interested in the history of design.

Note: The gardens are lovely and can be visited without joining a tour.

Location: Macquarie Street Sydney – inside the Botanic Gardens Google Map reference

The Southern beaches of Botany Bay are one of Sydney’s most popular kite surfing spots. Lining the beach is a walking path, perfect for watching the action on the water.

Monterey Beach Kite Surfers Sydney

The footpath that lines Lady Robinson Beach allows you to walk 4-5km from Brighton le Sands to Sans Souci; Monterey Beach is about 1.5km into the walk.

Location: The Grand Pde opp Barton St, Monterey Google Map reference

Step into the studio of one of Sydney’s most loved modern artists. Whitely lived here from 1987 to 1992, when he passed away in Thirroul. From unfinished works to his books and other personal belongings, you see what everyday life may have been like for the artist.

Location: 2 Raper St, Surry Hills NSW 2010 Google Map reference

The afternoon or golden hour light from Observatory Hill makes for a lovely view of the harbour’s western side and is a fabulous place to watch the sunset over Darling Harbour and Barangaroo.

It’s also a top place to photograph the Sydney Harbour Bridge, with historic buildings in the foreground. When you are done, why not check out one of the 12 historic pubs in the area?

If you visit in the daytime, you can pop in and check out the Sydney Observatory for free too!

Location: Millers Point Google Map reference

With its cute picket fence and stunning harbour backdrop, this small swimming pool that sits on the foreshore at Cremorne is a local favourite. You will find it just north of the ferry wharf. Arrive midweek, and you might have the place to yourself, but on summer weekends, it can be pretty busy.

Location: Milson Rd, Cremorne Point Google Map reference

The weekly Carriageworks Market is one of the best farmers’ markets in Sydney. Being undercover in the old railway sheds makes it a great year-round option.


You will find most sellers offering organic and sustainable – check out my favourites here .

Location: 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh Google Map reference

Enjoy a good market? Check out this list of our favourite markets in Sydney for more ideas.

If you are a lover of the long-running soap Home and Away, then a day trip to Summer Bay is a must. Filming happens at Palm Beach , 41 kilometres north of Sydney’s CBD. Fans may want to consider booking a tour , where there is a good chance you may see the stars filming. Even if you are not a fan, this is a lovely day trip with a bushwalk to Barrenjoey Lighthouse, a great way to work off the fish and chips you will probably want to order for lunch here.

Palm Beach Pittwater NSW

More details, including transport instructions, can be found here .

Location: Beach Rd, Palm Beach Google Map reference

This video installation in the Cutaway at Barangaroo is a 10 minute Welcome to Country that pays respect to the Traditional Custodians of this land, the Cadigal.

Wellama Video Barangaroo

Visually stunning, it’s hard to turn away from once you start viewing. I highly encourage you to stop in when you are nearby.

Location: The Cutaway, 1 Merriman St, Barangaroo Google Map reference

If you don’t know it’s here, you will likely miss this installation as it plays on the eastern side of the two smaller sails of the Sydney Opera House. The projection appears three times per night, beginning after sunset. The current installation tells the stories of 6 female first nations artists. Check the official site for exact timing as this changes throughout the year.

Join a one-hour tour to learn more about NSW parliament, both the process and building and improve your knowledge of our state’s history.

Sit in the speaker’s chair or enjoy a cup of tea in the Stranger’s Dining Room. Tours are held Mondays and Fridays at 1:30pm. Extra tours are added in NSW School holiday periods.

Location: 6 Macquarie St, Sydney Google Map reference

Learn everything you could ever want to know about Australia’s currency at the Reserve Bank Museum. If you have ever wondered how our colourful polymer money came to be, here is your chance to find out!

Location: 65 Martin Pl, Sydney Google Map reference

It’s not iconic without cause; this well-worn path along the cliffs of Sydney’s eastern beaches is a stunner and a walk I could do every single day! Be sure to stop for a coffee at Clovelly and check out the beautiful ocean pool at Bronte. You can walk in either direction. We have shared tips and advice on walking the path here.

Location: 1 Notts Ave, Bondi Beach Google Map reference

Sitting on the edge of the city, Potts Point is said to have the highest concentration of Art déco apartments in Australia; in fact, there are over 60 buildings and a theatre here! Wander Macleay Street, Greenknowe Street and Orwell Street for some of the best examples.

sydney free tour spanish

Our article on exploring Potts Point and Elizabeth Bay has lots of tips to help you find the best spots.

Location: 20 Macleay St, Elizabeth Bay is a good place to start Google Map reference

The Giles Bath rock pool at Coogee Beach is a natural pool or bogey hole and has been popular with swimmers for over 100 years.

Giles Baths Coogee Beach

Entry is via the path in Dunningham Reserve, close to the Bali Memorial. The old entryway makes a great photo stop.

Location: 105-109R Beach St, Coogee Google Map reference

Curlew Camp Artists’ Walk is one of Sydney’s secret places. In the early 1890s, some of Australia’s best impressionists, including Arthur Streeton and Tom Roberts, spent several years here painting the harbour.

Today there is a walking track from South Mosman around the foreshore to Taronga Zoo Wharf, allowing you to see the aspects that capture their paintbrushes for almost a decade. You can find some of these works in the AGNSW .

Location: Sirius Cove Reserve, Sirius Cove Rd, Mosman Google Map reference

A great pram and dog-friendly walk along the western harbour foreshore, the views are a little different and the path relatively peaceful mid-week.

Glebe foreshore walkway

Reward your efforts with some treats from one of Sydney’s foodie hotspots, the Tramsheds.

Location: 1 Dalgal Way, Forest Lodge Google Map reference

This fascinating historic site features 10km of walking tracks, three breathtaking lookouts with impressive harbour views and military sites. Make sure you stop at the Visitor’s Centre to pick up a map when you arrive. The volunteers can also tell you where you will most likely spot some wildlife. See if you can spot an Echidna – I did!

Related : Check out our visit to the Sanctuary

Location: N Head Scenic Dr, Manly Google Map reference

Our all-time favourite place to watch the sunrise, Mahon is a tidal ocean pool that is hidden from the road and, as a result, gets fewer visitors than it might otherwise. The pool gets pretty busy on warm days, but you usually have the pool to yourself if you arrive just before the sun comes up.

Mahon Pool Maroubra Sydney

There is a cafe on-site and new facilities too. After a swim and a coffee tackle, the walking track south from Malabar Headland National Park

Location: 15R Marine Parade, Maroubra Google Map reference

The Aboriginal Bush Food Garden, Arrunga Bardo at Lake Parramatta, is a great way to learn about how traditional owners, the Burramatta people, use the plants found in the area. Download the self-guided walk before you head out for your dose of fresh air and exercise. In summer, the lake is a popular spot to cool off. There is also a cafe in the park.

Location: Illawong Drive, North Parramatta Google Map reference

Did you know Old Government House, the centrepiece of Parramatta Park, is the oldest surviving public building in the country? While a tour of the inside is not free, you can explore the outbuildings and gardens.

The park has two great playgrounds, bicycle tracks, and plenty of picnic shelters.

UNESCO site Old Goverenment House Parramatta NSW

Location: Cnr Pitt and Macquarie St, Parramatta Google Map reference

Related: Check out this list of 25 things to do in Parramatta for more ideas.

Northern Beaches locals have their favourite rock pools why not take yourself on a tour of all 15 and find yours? We think the South Curl Curl Rock Pool might be top of our list.

Curl Curl Rock Pool Sydney

The B line bus from Wynyard will get you to Dee Why or beyond if you are carless. From here, slowly make your way back on foot or bus to Manly.

This list of pools on the Northern Beaches council website might help you make a shortlist.

Once a brickwork, Sydney Park is an international awarding-winning urban renewal site complete with wetlands, a skate park, a community garden, and a children’s playground.

Sydney Park Wetlands Alexandria

It’s also possibly the dog capital of Sydney, so if you don’t love dogs, this might not be the park for you! Birdwatchers may be surprised by the variety of species spotted here.

Related : Want more parks? Check out this guide to the city’s best parks.

Location: 416 Sydney Park Rd, Alexandria Google Map reference

A visit to UNESCO World Heritage site Cockatoo Island is a history lovers dream day out. There are many stories to uncover, from convict prison to shipbuilding yard. These days you can add art space and campground (the only one near Sydney Harbour) to that list. You can explore the island for free; guided tours are also available (paid). If you have kids, the Visitors Centre have free activity books for kids 12 and under.

Location: Sydney Harbour! Google Map reference

One of the most beautiful gardens in the Sutherland Shire, the Camellia Gardens is a lovely spot for a picnic. Camellias flower from autumn until spring, and in summer, the shade is a welcome escape making it a great place to visit year-round.

Camellia Gardens Caringbah

A family of ducks live in the garden, and duck food is available from the teahouse. Kids will enjoy the two onsite playgrounds.

Location: President Ave &, Kareena Rd, Caringbah South Google Map reference

A must-see, the voices of our First Nation peoples, share the hidden stories of the country’s foundation.

Location: 1 William St, Darlinghurst Google Map reference

Just a short walk around from Manly, Cabbage Tree Bay is a fantastic spot for beginners to try snorkelling. An official protected aquatic reserve with calm waters; you will be surprised by the amount of marine life to be seen here. The much loved blue groper is a favourite here. It’s also not uncommon to spot small Port Jackson sharks.

Shelly Beach Snorkelling Sydney

Volunteers list daily sightings on a signboard giving you a chance to learn more about the fish you spot. There is an ocean pool and a cafe opposite for those who don’t want to snorkel.

Location: 5 Marine Parade Manly Google Map reference

Long Reef Headland offers some of the finest views on the northern beaches, and it’s also a dog-friendly coastal walk. The headland is a popular spot to watch the paraglides or keep a lookout for migrating whales. There is a map here if you want to walk around the entire headland. Arrive at low tide, and you can walk right down to the rock shelf.

Location: Enter off Anzac Ave Collaroy. Google Map reference

You could spend hours in this park with 11 ponds, a sandstone labyrinth, bushtucker trail, and Ian Potter Wildplay garden for kids.

Over 120 species of birds are found here, including the famous black cockatoos. You can even take their bird-spotting challenge .

Location: Lang Road Centennial Park Google Map reference

An easy walk from the end of Jibbon Beach in Bundeena , these Dharawal rock engravings are excellent. A raised walkway has been installed to protect the artwork, resulting in a great view from above.

Aboriginal Rock engravings in Bundeena

You will find outlines of whales, kangaroos, a stingray and a spiritual figure. Learn more about the engravings here .

Location: Jibbon Beach Royal National Park Google Map reference

This circuit path around Iron Cove Bay will take you from Rozelle to Drummoyne. It’s a popular running and cycling path for locals, and it can be pretty busy on sunny weekends. If you complete the entire 7km, there are your 10k steps done! Just across the way is Birkenhead Shopping Centre – a great place to reward yourself for your exercise efforts.

Another great detour is Callen Park, with its historic buildings and lovely open spaces.

Location: Henley Marine Drive Drummoyne Google Map reference

One of the largest in the southern hemisphere, the Sydney Fish Market on Blackwattle Bay is a bit of an eyesore from the outside, but inside you will find more seafood delicacies that you can imagine.

A new market is being built adjacent to the site due for completion in 2024.

Location: Corner Pyrmont Bridge Rd &, Bank St, Pyrmont Google Map reference

Partway along the Taronga to Balmoral walk , you will find Headland Park. The park is home to Artists Precinct, a collection of studios set up in old military buildings. Home to 21 artists, there are regular exhibitions, and you can often wander into the studios to look around. There are also several large scale sculptures, including some past Sculpture By the Sea pieces.

Location: Read Pl, Mosman Google Map reference

The “track” is an easy 750m loop walk that takes about 20 minutes to complete. Dotted along the way are signs highlighting the Aboriginal significance of the area and explaining how the original inhabitants used the land.

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It’s a great way to see the harbour city as it may have looked before the colonials arrived and changed the landscape, and it is a beautiful spot for a picnic. The park is dog-friendly and also has an enclosed playground and BBQ. Check out our visit to Berry Island here .

Location: 10 Shirley Rd, Wollstonecraft Google Map reference

Arguably the most beautiful lookout in Sydney, the view from West Head at Kur-Ring-Gai National Park is breathtaking. The view takes in Barrenjoey Head and Pittwater to the east and Lion Island and the Central Coast beaches to the north.

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You can do as little or as much as you like here. Take an energetic hike down to Resolute Beach, check out Red Hand Caves walk or just soak up the view.

Location: West Head Rd, Ku-Ring-Gai Chase Google Map reference

Visit more National Parks in Sydney

This small island and fort off La Perouse is featured in the Hollywood film “Mission: Impossible 2”. Walk across the old wooden bridge or head down the stairs onto the rock platform.

The island itself is a gate but open to the public on Sundays and extra dates in the School Holidays. Check the official site for information on the tours (not free)

Location: Bare Island Rd, La Perouse Google Map reference

There is a festival almost every month in Sydney; favourites include Vivid Sydney in May , Lunar New Year in February, Sydney Festival in January , and Good Food Month in October . When it comes to free things to do in Sydney, you can’t beat a festival.

Vivid Sydney

Check out our events pages to find the dates of Sydney’s best free festivals.

Related – Sydney Budget Travel Bucketlist

Have we missed anything? We would love to add your ideas to this list of free things to do in Sydney. Get in touch via our FB group

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This is a good post. This post presents really quality data. Keep up the good


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Patricks Friendly Tours - Sydney, Blue Mountains, Jenolan Caves, Hunter Valley and more

Small Groups = More Time = More Fun!

Patrick’s friendly tours specialise in small group tours with a maximum of 11 passengers , providing you a more personalised service as well as additional time to enjoy each location .

You will have many photo opportunities, and plenty of time to get acquainted with each area visited, so you can take unforgettable memories with you.

I look forward to showing you the sights of Sydney very soon!

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Welcome to Patrick’s Friendly Tours Sydney

We are a fully accredited Sydney based tour operation, providing all services in English , Japanese and Spanish . Our tours are fully guided, very informative with knowledgeable guides, relaxing schedule, and a friendly atmosphere.

We specialise in small group tours with a maximum of 11 passengers , this provides a more personalised service, as well as additional time to enjoy each location. ( Larger tour groups can also be accommodated -please request further details). You will have many photo opportunities, and plenty of time to get acquainted with each area visited, so you can take unforgettable memories with you.

Some of our tour services include Sydney City Sights Tours ,  Blue Mountains Tours a World Heritage Listed National Park, Blue Mountains Bush Walking Tours , Jenolan Caves Tour , Hunter Valley Tour ,  Private & Corporate Charters , and  Tailor Made Tours .

It is your holiday, and you deserve to enjoy it to the utmost. Our aim is to provide you with your most enjoyable and memorable experience in Sydney Australia.

Larger groups available upon request. Language options available in Spanish, Japanese & English, no extra cost. Airport & City Transfer services available.

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  • Meeting Location: State Library Victoria
  • Duration: 2½-3 hours
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Meet at the statue of Sir Redmond Barry in front of the State Library Victoria.

You’ll find your guide wearing a bright green T-shirt.

Yes, so that we can manage numbers.

Nope. We walk rain, hail or shine!

Our tours are offered on a “pay what you think it’s worth” model so people on any budget are able to enjoy the tour and discover our great city with us.

  • Duration: 1½ hours
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Meet at the statue of Sir Redmond Barry in front of the State Library Victoria. You’ll find your guide wearing a bright green T-shirt.

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The Rocks Free Walking Tour

Join I'm Free Tours and delve into the history of The Rocks, the site of Australia's first European settlement. You'll explore its laneways, pubs and historical buildings as your guide delves into the stories of murders, muggings and mysteries.

Tours start in front (water side) of Cadman's Cottage at 6pm for a 1.5 hour wander. Head to our website to see dates and to book your place.

Location - Physical Address               Millers Point NSW 2000 Australia


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Sydney Sights Free Walking Tour

Sydney Sights Free Walking Tour

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  6. Sydney

    I_m Free Sydney tour guide on Observatory hill with the Sydney Harbour bridge in the background I_m Free walking tour guide in front of Susannah Place in The Rocks Sydney. Sydney I_m Free tour guide in Angel place. VISIT I'M FREE TOURS WEBSITE "Sydney Sights" Free Tour. 10:30am . Every Day ...

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  8. Sydney Free Walking Tours

    Sydney SightsFree Walking Tour. 10:30am daily. 4.9 rating from 4081 reviews. Learn more. Our city is full of stories about our famous sights, but also of weird history, hidden laneways, and wonderful art. On this tour we'll unpack the best of Sydney, to help you get the most out of your stay. Quick Info & Directions.

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    Most tours operate in English but some tours may be available in other languages including Spanish (tour gratis de Sydney en español), Chinese (免费城市徒步之旅), Italian (tour a piedi gratuito di Sydney in italiano) and French (visite gratuite de Sydney en français). The tours of Sydney listed here are not operated by Buddy Free ...

  10. I'm Free Walking Tours Sydney

    For over fourteen years, the team at I'm Free Walking Tours have been walking the streets of Sydney and Melbourne, exploring their city's rich history, and showing off their unique cultures. Established in 2009 by two Sydney Architects, the I'm Free Guiding team consists of more than 12 passionate and local Sydneysiders and Melburnians who ...

  11. Sydney Sights Free Walking Tour

    Sydney Sights Free Walking Tour. Town Hall Square 483 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia 0436 018 633 [email protected]. https://imfree.tours/sydney ... Join I'm Free Tours and delve into the history of The Rocks, the site of Australia's first European settlement. You'll…

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  14. Spanish Tour

    Vio el exterior, pero eso solo es la mitad de la historia. Debajo de nuestras magníficas velas se encuentran espacios e historias increíbles. Conozca la historia controvertida, las actuaciones inolvidables y el emocionante futuro de la Ópera de Sídney. Recorra y vea la Ópera de cerca y a su manera.

  15. 75 Absolutely Free Things to do in Sydney

    23. Go on a Free Guided walking tour. At least two companies currently offer free walking tours of the city. If you have not been in Sydney long or are visiting, this is a great way to learn more about our past. Check out I'm Free or Free Tours Sydney for more details. 24. Find the tiny doors in Manly and the northern beaches

  16. Sydney Day Tours, Spanish, Japanese, English. Blue Mountains, Hunter

    We are a fully accredited Sydney based tour operation, providing all services in English, Japanese and Spanish. Our tours are fully guided, very informative with knowledgeable guides, relaxing schedule, and a friendly atmosphere. ... Some of our tour services include Sydney City Sights Tours, Blue Mountains Tours a World Heritage Listed ...

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    The Sydney Sights Free Tour starts from Town Hall Square and is a 2.5 -3 hour easy walking tour. Join your friendly and knowledgeable local tour guide as we reveal the history, uncover the stories from the lane ways to the icons of Sydney. The Rocks historical tour (1.5 hours) starts in front of Cadman's Cottage in Circular Quay and explores ...

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  20. Melbourne Free Walking Tours

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  21. The Rocks Free Walking Tour

    Overview. Join I'm Free Tours and delve into the history of The Rocks, the site of Australia's first European settlement. You'll explore its laneways, pubs and historical buildings as your guide delves into the stories of murders, muggings and mysteries. Tours start in front (water side) of Cadman's Cottage at 6pm for a 1.5 hour wander.