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Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) & Travel Time

General rules.

A. Excluding normal commuting time, employees should be compensated for all travel unless:

  • It is overnight; or
  • No work is performed.

B. An employer may rearrange the work schedule within the workweek (Sunday – Saturday) to avoid additional compensation hours that may occur because of travel time or compensable commuting time as described below. Whenever possible, the employer and employee should discuss the possibility of rearranging the work schedule prior to departure.

Commute Time

Generally, an employee is not at work until he or she reaches the work site and begins working. A. If the employee is required to report to a meeting place where he or she is to pick up materials, equipment, or other employees, or to receive instructions before traveling to the work site, time is compensable only once the employee reaches the meeting place. If the employee drives a state vehicle, to and from work, he or she does not have to be compensated for that commuting time as long as:

  • Driving the vehicle between home and work is strictly voluntary and not a condition of employment;
  • The vehicle is a type normally used for commuting;
  • The employee incurs no costs for driving the employer’s vehicle or parking it at home; and
  • The work sites are within normal commuting area of the employer’s place of business.

Note: Unless there is a contract, custom or practice providing that an employee’s regular daily travel time between home and the workplace is compensable, such travel time is not compensable. If such a contract, custom or practice exists, the travel time is compensable.

Travel During the Workday

Travel as a part of the employee’s principal activity must be counted as hours worked. If the travel is for the benefit of the employer, it is compensable.

  • Example: the employee travels from job site to job site during the workday.

B. If the employee runs an errand (i.e., stops at a business or at home) for his or her own convenience, the time traveling to/from that site that adds additional time is not compensable.

  • Example: the employee leaves home for the work site but stops at a shop for his or her own convenience.

C. Time spent by the driver in picking up other passengers and transporting them to a specific location is work time and therefore compensable. The time the picked-up passengers spend traveling in the car is also compensable.

Out of Town Travel - Special One Day Assignment

A. If the employee is assigned to work in another city for one (1) day and the travel is performed for the employer’s benefit and at its request, it is part of the principal activity of the employee and therefore is compensable. This is true even if the employee is traveling by common carrier since this is a special assignment and is not ordinary home to work travel. The assignment is performed for the employer’s benefit and at the employer’s special request to meet the needs of the particular and unusual assignment. B. However, in this special one-day assignment, travel time between the employee’s home and the airport or railway station is considered commute time and, therefore, is compensable.

Overnight Travel

Travel that keeps an employee away from home overnight is travel away from home. Travel away from home is work time and is compensable. A. Travel time is compensable regardless of work schedule.

  • Example: Employee drives to the airport to attend a seminar and has two co–workers as passengers with him/her. Whether the trip is made during normal workdays/workhours or non-normal workdays/workhours (i.e. Saturday or Sunday for an employee who works Monday through Friday) the travel time is compensable; all three employees are compensated.

B. Time spent at a motel with freedom to use time for the employee’s own purposes is not compensable.

C. Time Zone Changes – If the time zone changes during the travel day, the hours should be calculated based upon “actual” hours when calculating compensable time on travel days. A department may wish to use Central Standard Time (CST) for travel days to assist in determining work hours. Local time should be used for all other days of the travel.

  • Example: Employee left Lawrence at 9:00 a.m. CST to travel to the airport and arrived at a hotel in Phoenix at Noon Pacific Standard Time (PST) (which is 2:00 CST). Actual hours of travel are 5 hours (9 am to 2:00 CST).
  • Example: Employee left a hotel in San Francisco at 8 a.m. PST (which is 10:00 a.m. CST) to travel to the airport and board a return flight. Employee returns to Lawrence at 1:00 p.m. CST (11:00 p.m. PST). Actual hours of travel are 3 hours (10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. CST).

Additional Resources:

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

University Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Policy

A. When the travel takes place inside or outside the employee’s normal workdays or work hours; the employee is required to be compensated for the travel time to the airport or hotel, regardless of whether the employee is a driver or a passenger. B. The employee is compensated for all required conference events that require the employee to engage in training, attend a meeting, or listen to a speaker. The employee is not compensated for time at social events, meals without speakers or meals when work is not being performed. C. An employer, or the employee with prior approval of the employee’s supervisor, may rearrange the employee’s work schedule within the workweek to avoid additional compensation hours. D. If the time zone changes during the travel day, you will need to count “actual” hours. To determine work hours on travel days, use the Central Standard Time (CST) Zone for both days in order to avoid disadvantaging the employee due to time changes. For non-travel days, use local time.

Travel Example 1 – No Adjustments to Schedules

For this example, the conference began Sunday night at 5:15 pm with a business meeting and ended on Wednesday at Noon. The employee worked his/her normal schedule the days following the conference. No time zone differences.

Total compensation for the day is 8.25 hours (for hours 9:40 am to 6:00 pm).

Total compensation for the day is 8 hours (for hours 8:00 am to Noon and from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm).

Total compensation for the day is 9.5 hours (for hours 8:30 am – 6:00 pm)

Thursday (back in the office)

Total compensation for the day is 8 hours (for hours 8 am to 5 pm).

Friday (Back in office)

Total compensation for the week is 49.75 hours (i.e., 40 hours at regular time and 9.75 hours at compensatory time earned at the time and a half rate, i.e., 9.75 x 1.5 = 14.25).

Travel Example 2 - Adjusted Work Schedule

For this example, the supervisor has informed the employee that any hours incurred that may result in extra compensation will be adjusted in the remaining workweek. The supervisor has determined the employee should leave early on Thursday and not work on Friday. The conference began Sunday night at 5:15 pm with a business meeting and ended on Wednesday at Noon. No time zone differences.

Total compensation for the day is 8 hours (for hours 8:30 am to 4:30 pm).

Thursday (Back in Office)

Total compensation for the day is 6.25 hours (for hours 8 am to 3:15 pm). No leave is reported.

Friday (No work performed)

Total compensation for the day is 0 hours .

Total compensation for the week is 40.00 hours.

Travel Example 3 – Time Zone Change

Sunday (travel day, so using cst)..

For this example, the employee’s workstation is in Lawrence, Kansas (CST) and the conference is located in Oakland, CA, which is in the PST time zone (i.e., 2 hours earlier). The conference began Sunday night at 5:15 pm (PST) with a business meeting and ended on Tuesday at Noon (PST).

Actual times shown are CST [PST is shown in brackets]

Total compensation for the day is 8.25 hours (for hours 9:40 am to 6:00 pm CST).

Actual times shown are PST as “local” time.

Tuesday (Travel day, so using CST)

Total compensation for the day is 9.5 hours (for hours 10:30 am – 8:00 pm CST).

Total compensation for the 3 days (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday) is 25.75 hours.

FLSA and Travel Time Guidelines for Overtime Eligible Employees (Effective: 05/21/2017)The University of Kansas, Human Resources, Carruth-O’Leary Hall, Room 103, 1246 West Campus Road, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-4946 (voice), 785-864-5790 (fax), [email protected] (email).

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Travel time as hours of work, applicability.

This information applies to GS, FP, and FWS EXEMPT and NONEXEMPT employees.

When is Travel Compensable

Time in a travel status away from the official duty station is compensable for EXEMPT and NONEXEMPT employees when the travel is performed within the regularly scheduled administrative workweek, including regularly scheduled overtime. In addition, travel is compensable for both categories of employees for purposes of meeting the daily and weekly overtime standards when it:

  • Involves the performance of work while traveling, (e.g., as a chauffeur or courier);
  • Is incident to work performed while traveling (e.g., a courier's travel relative to the spot where further travel to deliver a diplomatic pouch would begin);
  • Is carried out under such arduous and unusual conditions that the travel is inseparable from work; or
  • Results from an event which could not be scheduled or controlled administratively, including travel by an employee to such an event and the employee's return from such an event to his or her official duty station.

For a NONEXEMPT employee, travel meeting the weekly overtime standard (but not the daily overtime standard) also includes:

  • Travel as a passenger on an overnight assignment during hours on nonworkdays which correspond to regular working hours; and
  • One-day travel as a passenger to and from a temporary duty station (not including travel between home and the employee's normal duty station).

Who Makes the Determination

Officials to whom authority has been delegated to authorize or approve travel on official business are responsible for determining whether travel outside the regularly scheduled workweek meets any of the conditions for hours of work.

How Much Travel Time is Creditable For Pay

When travel outside the normal workweek constitutes hours of work, the following rules will apply in determining the amount of time in a travel status that is deemed hours of work for premium pay:

When is an employee in travel status . An employee is in a travel status only for those hours actually traveling between the official duty station and the point of destination, or between two temporary duty points, and the usual waiting time which interrupts travel.

When traveling by common carrier . Time in a travel status begins with the scheduled time of departure from the common carrier terminal, and ends upon arrival at the common carrier terminal located at the destination. However, when the employee spends 1 hour or more in travel between the common carrier terminal and place of business or residence, then the entire time traveling between the carrier terminal and place of business or residence (that is actual time traveling, exclusive of waiting time at the terminal prior to the scheduled departure time) counts as hours of work.

Waiting time . Usual waiting time between segments of a trip or at common carrier terminals counts as worktime for premium pay (up to 3 hours in unusually adverse circumstances, e.g., holiday air traffic, severe weather) provided travel away from the duty station is compensable because it meets any of the conditions of this Section.

Authority to Order Noncompensable Travel

Congress has not provided a remedy whereby an EXEMPT employee who performs official but noncompensable hours of travel may be compensated (57 Comp. Gen. 43, 50, 1977). A manager does, however, have the authority to schedule official travel that is noncompensable. As a requirement of 5 CFR 610.123, the manager must record the reasons for ordering such travel in a memo to be filed with the employee's Time and Attendance Report (T&A). A copy of the memo must be given the employee if the employee requests it.

Work performed while traveling . In order to meet the intent of the law as defined in the majority of Comptroller General decisions, work performed while traveling must be work which is inherent in the employee's job and which can only be performed while traveling, e.g., chauffeuring, hurricane reconnaissance performed aboard a plane flying into the eye of the hurricane, etc. Discretionary work such as review of a scientific presentation by a scientist or treaty papers by a foreign service officer enroute to a meeting is work which could be performed in an office independently of travel and does not satisfy the definition of work while traveling and is, therefore, not compensable for purposes of overtime. (B-146288, January 3, 1975)

Work incident to work performed while traveling . Travel which is incident to work performed while traveling must also meet the definition of "work performed while traveling" above. Travel which is necessary to meet another mode of travel is compensable for overtime purposes if the traveler performs work while traveling which is an inherent part of the job and which could only be performed while traveling, for example, a motor vehicle operator who is ordered to travel by plane in order to take responsibility for a truck which he or she is then to deliver to its permanent location (57 Comp. Gen. 43 (1977), or a courier who travels to pick up and deliver a pouch (B-178458, dated June 22, 1973). Travel and incidental transport of files is not within the definition since the transportation of files is work not inherent in the job (B-181632, dated April 1, 1975).

Travel under arduous conditions . Arduous means more than the inconvenience associated with long travel delays, unbroken travel, unpleasant weather, or bad roads. Prolonged travel in heavy blowing snow which makes driving difficult but stops short of endangering the employee might be considered arduous. A distinction must be made between travel which is arduous and travel which is hazardous duty. Each case must be judged on its own merits (B-193623,

July 23, 1979).

Travel resulting from an event which could not be administratively scheduled or controlled . An event that cannot be administratively scheduled or controlled implies immediate official necessity for travel. If it is discretionary when the employee begins travel, not including the minimum necessary time to make travel arrangements, the notion of immediate necessity which is implied by an event that could not be scheduled or controlled is lacking and the intent of the law as defined by the General Accounting Office is not satisfied. Therefore, time spent in such travel would not be compensable for overtime purposes

(B-186005, August 31, 1976).

Within the agency's administrative control . Whether the scheduling or timing of the event that precipitates an employee's travel was within the administrative control of the agency is strictly interpreted in decisions of the Comptroller General (CG). Travel on overtime to and from a meeting arranged at the discretion of two Federal agencies is not compensable since agencies have it within their power to ensure that the employee travels during work time (B-146288, January 3, 1975 et alia).

For the same reason, travel to and from training which is conducted by the government, under government contract or by a private institution solely for the benefit* of the government is not compensable since the government has it within its power to ensure that the start and end times of such training allow the employee to travel on work time (B-190494, May 8, 1978; also, 66 CG 620, 1987).

*In William A. Lewis et al, 69 CG 545 (1990). The CG ruled travel on overtime to and from training that is given by a private institution is compensable because government cannot control the private institution or its scheduling of the course. The Lewis opinion further held that the notion of "immediate official necessity for travel" which prior CG decisions have held must be present in travel which responds to an event that is not schedulable or controllable was established by the start time of the class. To be present when the class began, the employees had to travel on Sunday.

NOTE : The regulations which govern training time which is compensable as overtime and travel to and from training are separate and distinct. The circumstances under which premium pay may be paid while an individual is in training are covered in the section titled Premium Pay and Training.

Meeting abroad - a matter of accommodation . An employee's claim for overtime compensation for travel overseas to be present at the opening of a conference with representatives of a foreign government was disallowed. Although the employee's agency indirectly scheduled the meeting through the USAID Mission, the Comptroller General ruled the lack of governmental control envisioned by law and regulation for travel on overtime to be deemed compensable was not present. (Gerald C. Holst, B-202694, January 4, 1982; and B-222700, dated October 17, 1986).

NOTE : The Lewis decision (see discussion above) precipitated a review of CG decisions with the result that government control of events was sufficient to validate all previous decisions except one: Gerald C. Holst, was overruled. In overruling the 1986 decision, the Comptroller General found the agency to lack control of the scheduling of the meeting to an appreciable degree. Further, the start time of the opening conference established the immediate official necessity for travel. Travel, was, therefore, compensable.

Failure to plan . An employee who travels outside his or her normal tour of duty to perform maintenance on equipment so that the equipment can perform necessary functions in accordance with operational deadlines is not performing compensable travel if the maintenance responds to gradual deterioration which could have been prevented if maintenance was scheduled on a timely basis (49 Comp. Gen. 209, 1969).

Two-day per diem rule . An employee may be required to travel on his or her own time if in order to allow the employee to travel during working hours, the agency would be required to pay two days or more per diem. However, the two-day per diem rule does not of itself support an entitlement to overtime compensation for the employee. To be compensable at the overtime rate, travel must respond to an event that could not be scheduled or controlled administratively and there must be an immediate official necessity for the travel to be performed outside the employee's regular duty hours (60 Comp. Gen. 681, 1981).

Return travel . When an employee performs compensable overtime by traveling to an event which could not be controlled or scheduled, he or she is automatically eligible for compensation for return travel to his or her duty station.

Disparity in hours of work means disparate overtime entitlement . Because FLSA provides two situations in which a NONEXEMPT employee, but not an EXEMPT employee, can be paid for travel on overtime hours, (specifically, during hours on nonworkdays which correspond to regular working hours and for one-day travel as a passenger to and from a temporary duty station), it is possible for a NONEXEMPT employee to be paid for travel when an EXEMPT employee in the same situation is ineligible for overtime pay.

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compensatory time off for travel

(CT:PER-1131;   05-26-2023) (Office of Origin:  GTM/OTA)

3 FAM 3171  Authorities

(CT:PER-751;   10-30-2014) (State Only) (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

Authorities are authorized by the following:

·          5 U.S.C. 5550b

·          5 CFR Part 550, subpart N; and

·          The Foreign Service Act of 1980, Section 412, as amended.

3 FAM 3172  Introduction

(CT:PER-869;   08-28-2017) (State Only) (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

The Federal Workforce Flexibility Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-411, Section 203, October 30, 2004) established a new form of non-monetary compensatory time off for time spent by an employee in a travel status when such time is not otherwise compensable (i.e., when the travel is not during regular duty hours or otherwise considered hours of work).  This provision is codified in 5 U.S.C. 5550b.  Individual offices do not have the discretion to deny an employee compensatory time off for travel if it has been earned and applied in accordance with Department policy.  Compensatory time off for travel is non-monetary and if not used prior to its expiration, never converts to cash.

3 FAM 3173  Eligibility

(CT:PER-992;   05-20-2020) (State Only) (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. Compensatory time off for travel may be earned by:

(1)  An American direct-hire employee as defined in 5 U.S.C. 5541(2);

(2)  Part-time employees may be entitled to compensatory time off for travel if the time in travel status does not qualify as compensable hours of work under 5 U.S.C. 5542(b)(2)(B) and 5 CFR 550.112(g)(2), and meets the other requirements in 5 CFR 550, subpart N;

(3)  Tenured Foreign Service Officers class FS-01 and below under the Foreign Service Act of 1980, as amended; effective October 23, 2007;

(4)  Wage grade (prevailing rate) employees under the provisions codified in 5 U.S.C. 5550b and 5 CFR 550, subpart N; effective April 27, 2008; and

(5)  Eligibility of locally employed staff depends on local labor law and how the employee was hired.  If the locally employed staff member is appointed under the Foreign Service Act of 1980, as amended, the employee may be eligible.  If the locally employed staff member is hired under a personal services agreement, local labor law prevails.  The office of Overseas Employment Compensation Management Division (GTM/OE/CM) may be contacted for further information.

b. Compensatory time off for travel may NOT be earned by:

(1)  Members of the Senior Executive Service;

(2)  Members of the Senior Foreign Service;

(3)  Executive Schedule employees; or

(4)  Employees on an intermittent schedule.

3 FAM 3174  Determining Eligible Time in Travel Status

a. To be creditable under this provision, travel must be officially authorized.  The travel must be for work purposes and must be approved by an authorized Department official or under established Department policies.  Examples of eligible travel would be for performing official work at another duty station, attending an official conference, or attending official training.

b. Compensatory time off for travel may only be earned for time in an official travel status away from an employee’s official duty station when such time is not otherwise compensable as regular duty pay or premium compensation.  For Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), exempt employees, compensable refers to periods of time creditable as hours of work for the purpose of determining a specific pay entitlement.  For FLSA non-exempt employees, please see 5 CFR 551.422.

c.  Eligible Time in Official Travel Status includes:

(1)  Time spent traveling between the official duty station and a temporary duty station;

(2)  Time spent traveling between two temporary duty stations;

(3)  The usual waiting time preceding or interrupting such travel.  The usual waiting time for domestic flights may not exceed two hours, and for overseas flights may not exceed three hours.  Extended waiting time is not creditable; or

(4)  Time in travel status ends when the employee arrives at the temporary duty worksite or lodging in the temporary duty station, wherever the employee arrives first.  Time in travel status resumes when an employee departs from the temporary duty worksite or lodging in the temporary duty station, from whichever the employee departs last.

d. Time that is NOT eligible:

(1)  Travel for the purpose of permanent change of station, temporary change of station, home leave, rest and recuperation travel, family visitation travel, regional rest breaks, medical evacuation, emergency visitation travel, and post evacuations are not considered time in official travel status for the purpose of earning comp time off for travel;

(2)  An extended waiting period is not considered time in official travel status and is not creditable.  An example of extended waiting periods include: flight delays or cancelations due to weather issues, mechanical problems, airline administrative problems, etc.;

(3)  Regular duty hours of work; and

(4)  Hours of travel time that are otherwise compensable hours of work under the overtime pay provisions in 5 CFR 550.112(g) or 5 CFR 551.422.

e. Reference 5 CFR 551.422 states for non-exempt employees, time spent traveling must be considered compensable hours of work if:

(1)  The official travel occurs during the employee's regular working hours;

(2)  The employee is required to drive or perform other work as part of the official travel;

(3)  An employee is required to travel as a passenger on a one-day assignment away from the official duty station location; or

(4)  The employee is required to travel as a passenger overnight away from the official duty station location and the official travel occurs on a non-workday during hours that correspond to the employee's regular working hours.

3 FAM 3175  Factors That Influence Compensatory Time Off for Travel

3 FAM 3175.1  Time Zones

When an employee’s travel involves two or more time zones, the time zone from the point of first departure must be used to determine how many hours (elapsed time) the employee actually spent in a travel status for the purpose of accruing compensatory time off for travel.  For example, if an employee departs from Tokyo, going to FSI for training, the employee calculates the trip based on the Tokyo time zone.  Likewise, the return trip is calculated on the Washington, DC time zone since it now is the point of first departure.

3 FAM 3175.2  Modes of Transportation

a. In the case of an employee who is offered one mode of transportation (i.e., flying) and who is permitted to use an alternate mode of transportation (i.e., train or POV), or who travels at a time or by a route other than that selected by the Department, the agency MUST determine the estimated amount of time in a travel status the employee would have had if the employee had used the mode of transportation offered by the Department or traveled at the time or by the route selected by the Department.  For example, if the flight time is two hours but the travel by train takes six hours, the employee is only eligible to request two hours as creditable for comp time off for travel.  The fact that one mode of transportation may save the Department money has no bearing on the amount of comp time off for travel that an employee earns.

b. Employees who take an approved/authorized rest break during their travel that causes the compensatory time off for travel eligibility to change from what would have been available for the most direct route are ONLY authorized to claim the amount of time that would have been earned had the rest break not been taken.

c.  The class of accommodation, such as business class, does not influence whether the time in travel status is compensable.  Allowing an employee to upgrade travel to business class does not eliminate an employee’s eligibility to earn compensatory time off for travel.

3 FAM 3175.3  Meals

It is no longer required that an employee deduct the bona fide meal periods during travel time or waiting time.

3 FAM 3175.4  Change of Administrative Work Week

An agency may NOT adjust the regularly scheduled administrative work week that normally applies to an employee (full-time or part-time) solely for the purpose of including planned travel time that would not otherwise be considered compensable hours of work.  For example, if an employee is required to travel on a Saturday, which is normally a day off, the supervisor cannot change the administrative work week to be Tuesday through Saturday, making Saturday a compensable day and thus making that day ineligible for compensatory time off for travel.

3 FAM 3175.5  Commuting Time

a. Travel outside of regular working hours to or from a transportation terminal (airport, train, etc.) within the limits of the employee’s official duty station is considered equivalent to commuting time and is not creditable travel time.

b. Travel outside of regular working hours between an employee’s home and a temporary duty station or transportation terminal outside the limits of the employees duty station is considered creditable travel time.  However, the Department must deduct the employee’s normal home-to-work/work-to-home commuting time from the creditable travel time.

c.  A mileage radius no greater than 50 miles applies to determine whether an employee's travel is within or outside the limits of the employee's official duty station.  See 5 CFR 550.112(j).

3 FAM 3176  Recording and Use of Compensatory Time off For Travel

(CT:PER-1131;   05-26-2023) (State Only) (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. Fifteen (15) Minute Increments: Compensatory time off for travel is credited and used in increments of 15 minutes.

b. Thirty (30) day Limit for Requesting Credit: The Department requires employees to submit credit requests, in writing, to their supervisor with specific times, justification, and itineraries, within 30 days of completion of eligible official travel.  This request should be accompanied by Form DS-5106, Compensatory Time Off for Travel worksheet.  Requests for compensatory time off for travel that are submitted more than 30 days after the last day of travel will be denied.

c.  Documenting Compensatory Time Off for Travel on Cuff Records and TATEL: The Department’s pay system will not accommodate the specialized compensatory time off for travel category; and, as a result, timekeepers are required to keep paper records of the compensatory time off for travel earned by each individual using a separate ledger ( 3 FAM Exhibit 3176) ;

(1)  Compensatory time off for travel is not recorded in the TATEL system, though comp time off for travel used will be recorded in TATEL;

(2)  Time used should be entered in TATEL as “XA” with a notation “compensatory time off for travel”;

(3)  Timekeepers should keep a copy of the Form DS-7100, Request for Leave or Approved Absence with the paper record of compensatory time off for travel earned and subtract the time used;

(4)  Regulations require that time is charged in a chronological manner, i.e., first-in, first-out; and

(5)  These are official records and must be maintained by each individual office.

d. Time Limit for Using Compensatory Time Off for Travel: Compensatory time off for travel must be used within 26 pay periods from the time the eligible compensatory time off for travel is earned.  Otherwise it is forfeited.  Exceptions may be granted:

(1)  If the employee with unused compensatory time off for travel separates;

(2)  The employee is placed in a leave without pay status to perform service in the uniformed service (as defined in 38 U.S.C. 4303 and 5 CFR 353.102) and later returns to service through the exercise of a re-employment right provided by law, Executive Order, or regulation;

(3)  An on-the-job injury with entitlement to compensation under 5 U.S.C. chapter 81 and later recovers sufficiently to return to work; or

(4)  An exigency of the service beyond the employee’s control and an authorized Department official, has sole discretion, to extend the time limit for using such compensatory time off for travel, not to exceed an additional 26 pay periods.

e. Scheduling and Using Accrued Compensatory Time Off for Travel: Employees must request permission from their supervisor via Form DS-7100 , Request for Leave or Approved Absence , to schedule the use of accrued compensatory time off for travel.  Earned compensatory time off for travel must be charged on a first-in, first-out (chronological) basis.

f.  Use of Compensatory Time Off for Travel While in Official Travel Status: In accordance with 5 CFR 550.1406, employees must request permission to schedule the use of accrued compensatory time off for travel in accordance with agency-established policies and procedures.  Department policy states that employees will not be authorized to use compensatory time off for travel in the same trip in which it is earned.

3 FAM 3177  Transfer Within the Department

Compensatory time off for travel may be transferred to another office within the Department, unless the employee moves to a federal position that is covered by the compensatory time off for travel regulations, pursuant to 5 CFR 550.1407(d).  The losing timekeeper must provide complete copies of the employee's compensatory time for travel to the gaining timekeeper.  This includes a copy of the authorized approval memo, the paper ledger recording time earned and used, and the current balance with the forfeiture dates.

3 FAM 3178  Forfeiture

Compensatory time off for travel is forfeited:

(1)  Except as provided in 3 FAM 3176 (d), if not used by the end of the 26th pay period during which it was earned.  NOTE: The 26 pay periods run from the time travel was completed, not from the time it was credited;

(2)  Upon voluntary transfer to another agency;

(3)  Upon movement to a non-covered position, or if there is a change in employee status, such as intermittent or promotion to SFS/SES; or

(4)  Except as provided in 3 FAM 3176 (d), upon separation from the federal government.

3 FAM 3179  Compensatory Time Off for Travel is NOT Premium Pay

a. Under no circumstances may an individual receive monetary compensation for any unused compensatory time off for travel the employee has earned.

b. Accrued compensatory time off for travel is not considered in applying the premium pay cap limitations established under 5 U.S.C. 5547 and 5 CFR 550.105 through 550.107, or the aggregate limitation on pay established under 5 U.S.C 5307 and 5 CFR 530, subpart B.

3 FAM Exhibit 3176   Compensatory Time Off For Travel Record of Hours Earned and Used

(CT:PER-751;   10-30-2014)


Traveler’s Name

Approver/Supervisor’s Name

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Overtime, Comp Time, and Credit Hours

This Handbook page provides a brief overview of overtime, comp time, and credit hours.

There are several factors which affect how you could be compensated for working extra hours. One is your salary: if your salary is at - or close to - the maximum GS salary ($183,500 in FY23). Another factor is whether you are an , external, exempt or non-exempt employee .

You should obtain supervisor approval prior to working extra hours. And, your supervisor should understand your specific situation prior to approving overtime.

The guidance below is only a high level overview. You and/or your supervisor can reach out to PeopleOps anytime with questions about your specific situation.

Overtime and Comp Time

Overtime and comp time can be approved by your supervisor no matter what type of work schedule you have.

Overtime is when you are paid for extra hours that you work, whereas comp time is when you receive hours of leave instead of pay. To determine the maximum number of comp time hours that you can accrue per pay period, please use the , external, TTS-only, Bi-weekly Comp Time Cap Calculator .

You should use your accrued comp time before using Annual Leave. However, if the end of the leave year is approaching, your supervisor can approve your Annual Leave requests first if you are in danger of losing Annual Leave because of “ Use or Lose .”

Comp time expires one year (26 pay periods) after it is earned. When you reach the expiration date, what happens depends on whether you are an , external, exempt or non-exempt employee :

  • If you are exempt: you will forfeit the leave.
  • If you are non-exempt: you will be paid out the hours (at the overtime pay rate that was in effect when you earned the hours).

If you leave GSA, your comp time will follow the parameters above: either forfeited or paid out, depending on your exemption status.

Credit Hours

Note: Credit hours are only available if you are on a flexible work schedule .

You can be approved for credit hours if you want to voluntarily work additional hours to your normal/approved schedule. If you are required to work additional hours, you will receive overtime or comp time.

  • You can have up to 24 credit hours accrued, at any given time.
  • The hours will rollover from one pay period to the next, and they never expire.
  • Credit hours cannot be converted to cash, unless you leave GSA (then they will be paid out).

Credit hours example

You are on a Gliding schedule , and you work 8 hours every day. You are not required to stay late, but if you are in a productive headspace and want to work an extra hour to finish work, you can ask your supervisor about working 1 more hour, therefore receiving 1 credit hour. You will need to request the 1 hour in HR Links, and your supervisor will need to approve it.

Religious comp time

You can request an adjustment to your work schedule for religious observances, instead of taking leave. Document your request to your supervisor, via email, in advance of the time you’ll need to miss, along with the schedule of the time you will work outside of normal hours to compensate.

Note: religious comp time does not follow the salary cap rules that are outlined in the beginning of this document. Anyone can request religious comp time, regardless of their salary and what type of work schedule they are on.

Travel comp time

When you travel in connection to TTS, the time you spend traveling may be regular time, overtime, or travel comp time, depending on when the travel occurs.

You’ll complete overtime and comp time requests after you travel because you may encounter delays. Keep a copy of your travel itinerary to help you remember your trip.

Refer to the , external, TTS-only, Compensation for Government Travel slidedeck to determine the breakdown of your hours. This slidedeck is only open to GSA employees. Please contact your Timekeeper or an HR Specialist at your agency with questions.

Note: travel comp time does not follow the salary cap rules that are outlined in the beginning of this document. Anyone can request travel comp time, regardless of their salary and what type of work schedule they are on.

Entering the overtime, comp time, and/or credit hours you will be working into HRLinks

Entering your hours is a two step process.

Step 1 - Submit a time request in HRLinks

You need to enter your overtime, comp time, or credit hours into HRLinks. To determine the maximum number of comp time hours that you can accrue per pay period, please use the , external, TTS-only, Bi-weekly Comp Time Cap Calculator . Your supervisor will be notified to approve the hours requested.

  • Click on the Employee Time Requests tile
  • Select Additional Time Requests
  • For Overtime , you will need to select a reason you worked overtime.
  • Select Additional Time Type
  • Enter Start Date and End Date
  • Enter Requested Hours
  • Enter Comments
  • Click Submit

You’ll receive emails after submitting the request, and after it is approved. There is a , external, TTS-only, step-by-step guide to submitting time requests .

Step 2 - Update your timesheet

Currently, HR Links is not connecting Comp/Credit/Overtime hours to your timesheet. This means you will need to manually add the hours you earned to your timesheet on the day(s) when you earned them. You’ll do this after your supervisor has approved the hours in step 1.

There is a , external, TTS-only, step-by-step guide on adding the hours to your timesheet . Reach out to , external, TTS-only, #people-ops if you need assistance.

Using the comp time and/or credit hours you’ve earned

You will submit a leave request , just like you do for other types of leave. When searching in HR Links for the leave type to request, the codes and leave names are:

  • 041 - Comp Time Used
  • 037 - Credit Hours Used
  • 047 - Religious Comp Time Used
  • 043 - Travel Comp Time Used

OPM Resources

  • , external, Adjustment of Work Schedules for Religious Observances
  • , external, Overtime Fact Sheet
  • , external, Comp Time Fact Sheet
  • , external, Credit Hours Fact Sheet

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36 Hours in Brooklyn

By Ingrid K. Williams June 6, 2024

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By Ingrid K. Williams Photographs by Karsten Moran

Ingrid K. Williams is a regular contributor to the Travel section who lives in Brooklyn.

Brooklyn first established itself as a summertime destination for weary city-dwellers over 150 years ago with beachside resorts and racetracks. These days the borough overflows with seasonal draws: block parties , street fairs, W.N.B.A. Liberty games , barbecues in the park and lazy afternoons on a stoop with beers and some tunes. Still locals gripe about the humidity, the bugs, the city odors, on top of the ongoing gentrification that has rendered entire neighborhoods unrecognizable — and unaffordable — to longtime residents. This itinerary skips the most touristy and overdeveloped areas, including Williamsburg and Dumbo, and requires no restaurant reservations or advance planning. Instead, you’ll find concerts in Prospect Park, a show-stopping exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum and fantastic food far and wide, from tacos in Bushwick and dumplings in Sunset Park to nostalgic soft serves in southern Brooklyn.


  • The Lena Horne Bandshell in Prospect Park hosts “ Celebrate Brooklyn! ,” an annual series of free outdoor concerts presented by BRIC, a local nonprofit arts organization.
  • Radio Bakery , which opened last year in Greenpoint, sells Earl Grey morning buns and breakfast sandwiches made with everything-spice focaccia, smoked salmon and cream cheese.
  • The Brooklyn Museum is currently exhibiting “Giants: Art from the Dean Collection of Swizz Beatz and Alicia Keys,” with contemporary works from across the Black diaspora.
  • L&B Spumoni Gardens , a southern Brooklyn institution open since 1939, serves thick Sicilian-style pizza squares and heaping scoops of spumoni (a gelato-like specialty).
  • Brooklyn Bridge Park , with verdant lawns, recreational areas and views of the Manhattan skyline, is a natural entryway to the borough.
  • WNYC Transmitter Park , which was once home to radio transmission towers, overlooks the East River from the waterfront in Greenpoint.
  • The Pratt Sculpture Park , a secluded oasis of art and nature, is tucked away on the Pratt Institute’s leafy campus in Clinton Hill.
  • At the Brooklyn Botanic Garden , the magnolia trees and fragrant rose garden bloom in summer.
  • The Riegelmann Boardwalk , a nearly three-mile-long oceanfront promenade in Coney Island, attracts a colorful cast of characters.
  • The Brooklyn Cyclones , a minor league baseball team affiliated with the Mets, play in Maimonides Park, a small stadium beside the Coney Island boardwalk.
  • At Steve’s Authentic Key Lime Pie , one specialty is the swingle, a frozen chocolate-covered mini key lime pie on a stick.
  • UnTable , a restaurant serving unconventional twists on Isan (northeast Thailand) cuisine, opened last year on a quiet brownstone block in Carroll Gardens.
  • Malai , an ice cream shop in Carroll Gardens, serves South Asian-inspired flavors like masala chai, lychee and mango-and-cream.
  • Rhythm Zero is a new coffee shop worthy of an interior design magazine spread, steps from the waterfront in Greenpoint.
  • A&A Bake Doubles and Roti , a long-standing Trinidadian counter-service shop in Bed-Stuy, serves delicious doubles (curried-chickpea-filled fried flatbreads loaded with tamarind and pepper sauces).
  • Fan-Fan Doughnuts , a small bakery in Bed-Stuy, offers many flavors, like the churros-and-chocolate doughnut, inspired by the owner Fany Gerson’s Mexican roots.
  • Taqueria Al Pastor is a casual favorite in Bushwick for carne asada and al pastor tacos and Mexican horchata.
  • Nenes Deli Taqueria , southwest of Bushwick’s Maria Hernandez Park, serves cheesy, braised-beef birria tacos.
  • R.Slice is a newly opened slice shop beside Roberta’s , the pizzeria that put Bushwick on the culinary map back in 2008.
  • Yafa , a serene Yemeni cafe in Sunset Park, serves specialty drinks like a locally roasted, single-origin Yemeni pour-over coffee.
  • La Flor de Izucar is a Mexican bakery and cafe in Sunset Park with fluffy vanilla conchas.
  • Kai Feng Fu Dumpling House is a no-frills, cash-only spot in Sunset Park for pan-fried pork-and-chive dumplings and sesame pancakes.
  • Sunny’s Bar is a beloved Red Hook dive that’s been around since the 1890s when dockworkers were regulars.
  • LunÀtico , a musician-owned bar with a tiny stage in Bedford-Stuyvesant, hosts nightly performances, often with top local musicians.
  • Public Records , a multi-room magnet for audiophiles in Gowanus, recently opened Upstairs, a loft-like second-floor listening lounge and bar.
  • Danger Danger , a rollicking rock bar that opened last year in Bushwick, has Italo-disco tunes, zebra-print carpeting and parrot-adorned chandeliers.
  • Ornithology is a cozy Bushwick jazz club with late-night jam sessions and great cocktails.
  • Elsewhere is a fun, inclusive club in a converted warehouse with multiple rooms and a rooftop terrace in an industrial area along the border of Bushwick and East Williamsburg.
  • The Fort Greene Park Greenmarket is a neighborhood farmers’ market with an adjacent Artisans Bazaar of stalls from small local businesses.
  • The Word is Change , a new-and-second-hand bookstore with a social-justice focus, is one of many independent shops in Bed-Stuy.
  • Byas & Leon is an inviting boutique with sustainable apparel, hand-made jewelry and vintage pieces.
  • BLK MKT Vintage stocks antiques, clothing and collectible miscellany related to Black culture.
  • Black Star Vinyl is the spot in Bed-Stuy to flip through records and magazines.
  • 1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge , near the northern edge of Brooklyn Heights, is a luxurious option with outstanding views from the rooftop pool and bar as well as from many of the 195 neutral-hued guest rooms. Rooms start at $680.
  • The Ace Hotel Brooklyn opened in 2021 steps from the downtown Hoyt-Schermerhorn subway station, and has a clubby lobby lounge and 287 industrial-chic rooms with vintage furnishings and raw-concrete ceilings. Rooms start at $279.
  • The Penny Williamsburg , conveniently near two subway lines, is a pet-friendly property that opened in 2022, with 118 apartment-style rooms (each has a kitchenette) and a scenic rooftop bar. Rooms from $225.
  • There are few legal short-term rentals in Brooklyn after the city began enforcing strict new rules in 2023 in an effort to alleviate the housing shortage.
  • Brooklyn is eminently walkable and traveling between neighborhoods is easy via subways and buses ($2.90), as well as ferries ($4). Citi Bike has docks with both regular bikes and e-bikes stationed throughout the borough ($4.79 for 30 minutes; $19 for a day pass). Ride-hailing options include Uber and Lyft.

A small cove in a large city has green trees and a brick warehouse lining its shores while behind it a large bridge spans over a river.

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Every year, millions visit Brooklyn Bridge Park , where formerly industrial piers are now home to verdant lawns and recreational areas, yet few venture farther down the waterfront. Hop on a Citi Bike and keep pedaling until you reach Red Hook, a neighborhood about two miles south. The city recently announced plans to redevelop a dilapidated marine terminal on more than 100 acres of Red Hook’s waterfront. But for now, this out-of-the-way neighborhood still has the feel of a bygone era with low-slung rowhouses, aging industrial buildings and the odd cobblestone street. Stop for a beer at Sunny’s Bar , a beloved dive around since the 1890s when dockworkers were regulars. Or pop over to Steve’s Authentic Key Lime Pie for a swingle, a frozen chocolate-covered mini key lime pie on a stick ($7), best enjoyed on the adjacent Valentino Pier with views of the Statue of Liberty.

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For dinner, bike to neighboring Carroll Gardens, one of Brooklyn’s many historically Italian neighborhoods, for sweat-inducing Thai food at UnTable , a superb restaurant that opened on a quiet brownstone block last year. At this walk-in-only spot, expect unconventional twists on Isan (northeast Thailand) cuisine from the chef Aun Kampimarn. Cheerful servers, after checking your spice tolerance, will guide you through the menu that recently included creamy Chiang Mai-style khao-soi curry ($25), crab croquettes with a hot-and-sour tom-yum purée ($19), and the scorching “WHAT THE HELL!! Fried Rice” that’s labeled on the menu, accurately, with 12 chile peppers ($26). After dinner, cool off at Malai , a nearby ice cream shop with South Asian-inspired flavors like masala chai, lychee and my favorite: mango-and-cream (from $6).

The borough has many outstanding performing arts venues, including the acclaimed Brooklyn Academy of Music in Fort Greene, the regal Kings Theatre in Flatbush and the beautifully restored Brooklyn Paramount in Downtown Brooklyn that reopened in March. But on a balmy summer evening, no one wants to be cooped indoors when there’s a show in Prospect Park . On the western edge of this lush 585-acre park, the Lena Horne Bandshell hosts “ Celebrate Brooklyn! ,” an annual outdoor concert series presented by BRIC, a local nonprofit arts organization. This year’s lineup includes the singer-songwriter and rapper Meshell Ndegeocello, the ska-punk band Fishbone and the Afrobeat musician Seun Kuti. Performances are free and seats fill up fast, but there’s always space to unfurl a blanket on the surrounding grass.

A male musician wearing a blue shirt plays a guitar in a small dark nightclub with a xylophonist behind him and a few small tables full of people in front of him.

When mosquitoes descend after dark, head indoors for an encore performance at LunÀtico , an intimate, musician-owned bar with a tiny stage in Bedford-Stuyvesant (the neighborhood everyone calls Bed-Stuy), northeast of the park. Nightly shows often feature top local musicians — the reggae saxophonist Anant Pradhan and the trumpeter Jon Lampley are regulars — playing to a rapt crowd. Or roll into Gowanus, a former industrial zone along a notoriously polluted canal where, since a recent rezoning , shiny apartment towers are now sprouting at breakneck speed. On one still-undeveloped block, Public Records is a multi-room magnet for audiophiles that recently opened Upstairs, a loft-like second-floor listening lounge with sleek white banquettes and a high-tech sound system playing rare vinyl and tapes into the early morning.

A woman pushing a bike walks with a man holding a backpack as they walk up the sidewalk on a leafy block of brownstones.

Picturesque brownstone blocks abound in Brooklyn, but the borough also overflows with museums, restaurants and outdoor activities for the enjoyment of residents and visitors alike.

A large morning-bun pastry resting on top of pastry paper.

Radio Bakery

Arrive early to avoid the line that usually stretches down the block outside Radio Bakery in Greenpoint, Brooklyn’s northernmost neighborhood. This cult-favorite bakery, which opened last year, excels in both sweet and savory — Earl Grey-flavored morning buns ($5.50), croissants filled with roasted mushrooms ($7) — but best are the sandwiches made with everything-spice focaccia, smoked salmon, cream cheese, pickled onions and dill ($14.50). Take your order to go and pick up a cappuccino ($4.75) from Rhythm Zero , a new gallery-like coffee shop worthy of an interior design magazine spread. Then claim a bench in the adjacent WNYC Transmitter Park for breakfast with views across the East River and, even closer, of the creeping construction of modern high-rises.

Many Brooklynites start their Saturdays with a trip to a neighborhood farmers’ market. The Fort Greene Park Greenmarket may be smaller than the one at Grand Army Plaza , at the top of Prospect Park, but has more of a community feel, with regulars chatting up vendors at the concurrent Artisans Bazaar and impromptu stoop sales occasionally popping up in front of adjacent brownstones. Browse stalls where you might find felted wall hangings from Suri & Caya , hand-embroidered sweatshirts from Create the Culture , statement-making sunglasses from Eeny Eyewear and cute pet accessories from Gone to the Dogs . Then grab a pint of raspberries from Wilklow Orchards , a Hudson Valley farm, and wander east into neighboring Clinton Hill to the Pratt Sculpture Park (free), a secluded oasis of art and nature on the Pratt Institute’s leafy campus.

A woman wearing a white crop top and a long dress stands in a bookstore looking at titles stored on bookshelves.

The Word is Change

Adjacent to Clinton Hill, Bed-Stuy is filled with independent shops and worth-a-detour food spots. On Tompkins Avenue, pop into the Word is Change , a new-and-second-hand bookstore with a social-justice focus; then visit Byas & Leon , an inviting boutique with sustainable apparel, hand-made jewelry and vintage pieces. Refuel a few blocks away at A&A Bake Doubles and Roti , a long-standing Trinidadian counter-service shop with delicious doubles (curried-chickpea-filled fried flatbreads loaded with tamarind and pepper sauces; $2.50). Later browse Juneteenth posters, old Ebony magazines, VHS tapes and other collectible miscellany related to Black culture at BLK MKT Vintage , and flip through records and magazines at Black Star Vinyl . Make a final stop at Fan-Fan Doughnuts , where many flavors, like the churros-and-chocolate doughnut, are inspired by the owner Fany Gerson’s Mexican roots (from $3.50).

A marble statue of a male angel with an angry (or scared) expression carved into his face sits before a brightly colored tapestry hung on the wall behind, with a man in the tapestry wearing a yellow cape and riding a white horse.

Brooklyn Museum

The Brooklyn Museum , near Prospect Park, will begin celebrating its 200th anniversary later this year. But go now to catch the current exhibition, “Giants: Art from the Dean Collection of Swizz Beatz and Alicia Keys” (through July 7; tickets $25). This outstanding showcase of contemporary artworks from across the Black diaspora includes monumental portraits by Kehinde Wiley and Lorna Simpson, multidimensional paintings evoking hidden histories by Titus Kaphar, an entire gallery lined with colossal works by the Botswana-born painter Meleko Mokgosi, and a fascinating series of photographs from 1980s Brooklyn by Jamel Shabazz. If there’s time afterward, stroll next door to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden where the magnolia trees and fragrant rose garden bloom in summer (admission $22; last entry 5:30 p.m.).

Head to Bushwick for a food crawl through the traditionally Latino, rapidly gentrifying neighborhood. Start at Taqueria Al Pastor , a casual favorite for carne asada and al pastor tacos (from $4.50) and cinnamon-spiced Mexican horchata ($4). Then walk through Maria Hernandez Park , where locals play soccer, basketball and ecuavoley (an Ecuadorean variant of volleyball), to Nenes Deli Taqueria for cheesy, braised-beef birria tacos ($4.15). Finish by crossing Flushing Avenue to the newly opened R.Slice , a New York-style slice shop from Roberta’s — the pizzeria, now an international brand, that put Bushwick on the culinary map back in 2008. Order a couple of slices, at least one of which should be the Fire & Ice made with spicy ’nduja sausage and fresh stracciatella cheese on a crisp, foldable crust ($6).

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Danger Danger

After dinner, join the crowd bouncing along to synth and Italo-disco tunes at Danger Danger , a rollicking rock bar that opened last year with zebra-print carpeting and parrot-adorned chandeliers. For a chiller vibe, duck inside Ornithology , a cozy jazz club nearby with late-night jam sessions and great cocktails ($10 cover). Or dance all night at Elsewhere , a fun, inclusive club in a converted warehouse with multiple rooms and a rooftop terrace (entry from around $30). The surrounding area, an industrial zone bordering East Williamsburg, is worth revisiting in the daytime for its grassroots arts scene, including the Bushwick Collective street art murals and the buzzy new International Objects gallery.

A city beach scene with sunbathers, beach umbrellas,

The beach at Coney Island. With beachside resorts and racetracks, Brooklyn first established itself as a summertime destination for weary city-dwellers over 150 years ago.

At an outdoor fruit market with a roof, a man wearing a white baseball hat looks at produce on a table while bunches of bananas hang from the ceiling.

Brooklyn’s Chinatown

Hop aboard the South Brooklyn ferry — the breeziest summer transit option — to Sunset Park, a multicultural neighborhood where the flavors change from block to block. Begin on Fourth Avenue at Yafa , a serene Yemeni cafe serving specialty drinks like a locally roasted, single-origin Yemeni pour-over coffee ($7). Then walk to La Flor de Izucar , a Mexican bakery and cafe on Fifth Avenue, for a fluffy vanilla concha ($1.50). Pause in the adjacent park , also named Sunset Park, to admire the sweeping views across Brooklyn, the lower Manhattan skyline, New Jersey and Staten Island. Then explore Brooklyn’s Chinatown, which spans Seventh and Eighth Avenues, ending at Kai Feng Fu Dumpling House , a no-frills, cash-only spot for sesame pancakes ($1.75) and pan-fried pork-and-chive dumplings doused with soy sauce, vinegar and chili oil ($2.50 for six).

A merry-go-round with the words "Wonder Wheel" emblazoned on the front is located behind a boardwalk with Nathan's Hot Dog umbrellas over small dining tables.

Coney Island’s Riegelmann Boardwalk

It’s a summertime rite of passage to join the colorful cast of characters sauntering along Coney Island’s Riegelmann Boardwalk , a nearly three-mile-long oceanfront promenade. Amusement options abound but skip the (expensive) rides in favor of a baseball game. The minor league Cyclones — Brooklyn’s only professional baseball team since the Dodgers’ heartbreaking departure for Los Angeles in 1958 — play in Maimonides Park, a small stadium beside the boardwalk where rollercoasters rumble beyond the center field fence (tickets from $20). Win or lose, after the game, join families gathered on the outdoor patio of L&B Spumoni Gardens (one subway stop away on the N), a Brooklyn institution open since 1939 with take-out windows serving delicious Sicilian-style pizza squares ($4), creamsicle soft serves ($6) and heaping scoops of spumoni (a gelato-like specialty; $5).

Have a weekend to explore a destination? We’ve got the perfect travel itinerary.

Colorado Springs: ​​Colorado’s second-largest city, which brims with outdoor activities , is enticing visitors with a new museum and revamped hotels.

Minneapolis: Springtime is best for exploring this Midwestern city’s lakeside trails, robust arts scene and top-notch restaurants .

Maui: The beauty and hospitality of this Hawaiian island, still recovering from last year’s wildfires, remain as vibrant as ever .

Toronto: Savor the diversity of this lakefront city through its hidden bars, small-but-fascinating museums and vibrant restaurants .

Cape Town: Take a food and storytelling tour, cruise one of the world’s most beautiful coastal drives and see contemporary African art in this city with stunning views in every direction .


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Other destinations

  • Samara River Bend National Park (Samarskaya Luka)
  • Zhigulevsky Nature Reserve

Samara Oblast is a heavily industrialized region along the Volga and Samara rivers. The region rose to prominence during WWII when its distance from the war front and abundant petroleum deposits made it an attractive area for a new industrial center. The region has little tourist infrastructure, but that in itself can make for interesting travel. The capital, Samara, is of particular interest since it is one of Russia's largest cities, formerly closed to all foreign visitors, and has lots to see and do.

In the Samara Oblast, the only official language is Russian. For over 85% of the population of the region it is their native language, and the remaining 15% speak it well as a second language. Over 4% of the population here are Tatars who speak Tatar (Turkic language). Over 2.5% speak Chuvash (also a Turkic language), about 2% speak two Mordovian dialects. There are also many native speakers of Kazakh, Bashkir, Uzbek, Tajik, Eastern Armenian, Kyrgyz, Azerbaijani and Mari languages.

See Russian phrasebook .

There is a daily overnight train from Moscow , which leaves around 14:00 and arrives around 08:00 in Samara . Samara is also a major stop on the South Ural route of the Trans-Siberian Railway .

Kurumoch International Airport ( KUF  IATA )

The next major stops on the South Ural route of the Trans-Siberian Railway to the west and east are Penza and Ufa respectively.

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Exploring the Charms of Samara Oblast: A Comprehensive Travel Guide

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Samara Oblast, a region nestled in the heart of Russia, is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered by travelers seeking a unique blend of culture, nature, and history. Encompassing picturesque landscapes, vibrant cities, and a rich cultural heritage, Samara Oblast offers an array of experiences for all types of adventurers. In this comprehensive travel guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Samara Oblast, including the best time to visit, must-see places, exciting activities, transportation options, dining experiences, accommodation choices, famous street markets, and essential travel tips to make your journey truly unforgettable.

About Samara Oblast: Geography: Samara Oblast is located in the southeastern part of European Russia. It boasts diverse landscapes, including the Volga River, dense forests, rolling hills, and vast steppes.

Culture: The region’s culture is a fusion of Russian traditions and the heritage of the many ethnic groups residing there. Samara is known for its distinct folklore, music, and festivals.

Best Time to Visit Samara Oblast: Summer (June to August): Summer is the ideal time to visit Samara Oblast. The weather is warm, nature is in full bloom, and outdoor activities are at their peak.

Spring (May and early June) and Autumn (September): Spring and autumn offer pleasant weather, making it an excellent time to explore the region with fewer crowds.

Winter (December to February): Winter in Samara Oblast is perfect for those who enjoy snow activities like skiing and ice skating. The snow-covered landscapes are enchanting.

Places to Visit in Samara Oblast: Samara: The city of Samara, the regional capital, is known for its vibrant cultural scene. Don’t miss the Samara Art Museum, the beautiful embankment along the Volga River, and the historic center.

Zhigulevsk: This charming town is famous for its namesake Zhigulev beer. Visit the Zhigulevskye Hills and explore the local brewery to learn about the beer-making process.

Tolyatti: Tolyatti is one of Russia’s major industrial cities and offers a glimpse into modern urban life. Explore the city’s parks and the impressive Tolyatti Avtovaz automobile factory.

Volga River: The Volga River, one of Russia’s most famous waterways, flows through Samara Oblast. Enjoy a river cruise to appreciate the scenic beauty and historical sites along its banks.

Things to Do in Samara Oblast: Outdoor Adventures: Explore the region’s diverse natural landscapes through activities like hiking, camping, fishing, and birdwatching.

Cultural Festivals: Samara Oblast hosts numerous festivals and events throughout the year, celebrating music, dance, and local traditions. Check the event calendar to plan your visit accordingly.

Volga River Activities: Enjoy boat tours, fishing, and water sports on the Volga River, a central part of Samara Oblast’s identity.

Hot Air Ballooning: Get a unique perspective of the region’s landscapes by taking a hot air balloon ride, offering breathtaking views.

How to Get Around Samara Oblast: Domestic Flights: Samara’s Kurumoch International Airport connects the region to other Russian cities. Domestic flights are the most efficient way to travel.

Trains and Buses: Samara Oblast is well-connected by train and bus networks, making it easy to travel to cities and towns within the region.

Rental Cars: Renting a car is a convenient option for exploring Samara Oblast, especially if you plan to visit remote areas. Ensure you have the necessary documentation and insurance.

Local Transport: Cities like Samara and Tolyatti have public transportation systems, including trams, buses, and trolleybuses, making it easy to get around.

Where to Eat in Samara Oblast: Russian Cuisine: Sample traditional Russian dishes like borscht, pelmeni, and shashlik at local restaurants.

Local Specialties: Try regional dishes such as Samara-style kholodets (jellied meat) and the famous “Zhigulevskoe” beer.

International Cuisine: Samara Oblast also offers a variety of international cuisine, including Italian, Chinese, and European restaurants.

Famous Street Stalls in Samara Oblast: While street food culture may not be as prevalent in Samara Oblast as in larger cities, you can find local stalls offering traditional Russian and street food snacks in some areas.

Where to Stay in Samara Oblast: Hotels: Samara Oblast offers a range of hotels, from luxury to budget-friendly. Some popular options include the Renaissance Samara Hotel and the Hotel Ibis Samara.

Guesthouses and Homestays: For a more immersive and personal experience, consider staying in guesthouses or homestays in smaller towns and villages.

Camping and Eco-Lodges: If you prefer a more adventurous and nature-focused experience, consider camping or staying in eco-lodges near national parks and outdoor destinations.

Travel Tips for Samara Oblast: Visa Requirements: Ensure you have the necessary visa to enter Russia. Visa regulations can be strict, so check well in advance of your trip.

Language Barrier: English may not be widely spoken, so it’s helpful to learn some basic Russian phrases or have a translation app handy.

Weather Preparation: Depending on the season of your visit, pack accordingly. Winters can be very cold, so bring warm clothing.

Respect Local Customs: Russian culture values politeness and respect. Be courteous to the locals and follow cultural norms.

Wildlife Awareness: When exploring nature, be aware of the local wildlife, including bears. Take precautions and follow local advice to ensure your safety.

Conclusion: Samara Oblast, with its diverse landscapes, rich culture, and unique experiences, promises an unforgettable journey for travelers seeking an off-the-beaten-path adventure in Russia. Whether you’re captivated by the natural beauty, cultural festivals, or outdoor activities, Samara Oblast has something for every type of traveler. By following the travel tips provided in this guide, you can make the most of your visit to this enchanting region, whether you come in the summer, winter, or any other season. Samara Oblast is a destination where lasting memories are waiting to be created.

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Compensatory Time Off

Fact sheet: compensatory time off, description.

Compensatory time off is

  • Time off with pay in lieu of overtime pay for irregular or occasional overtime work, or
  • When permitted under agency flexible work schedule programs, time off with pay in lieu of overtime pay for regularly scheduled or irregular or occasional overtime work.

Employee Coverage

Compensatory time off may be approved in lieu of overtime pay for irregular or occasional overtime work for both FLSA exempt and nonexempt employees who are covered by the definition of "employee" at 5 U.S.C. 5541(2).

Compensatory time off can also be approved for a "prevailing rate employee," as defined at 5 U.S.C. 5342(2), but there is no authority to require that any prevailing rate (wage) employee be compensated for irregular or occasional overtime work by granting compensatory time off.

Compensatory time off may be approved (not required) in lieu of regularly scheduled overtime work only for employees, including wage employees, who are ordered to work overtime hours under flexible work schedules. See 5 U.S.C. 6123(a)(1).

Agencies may require that an FLSA exempt employee (as defined at 5 U.S.C. 5541(2)) receive compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay for irregular or occasional overtime work, but only for an FLSA exempt employee whose rate of basic pay is above the rate for GS-10, step 10. No mandatory compensatory time off is permitted for wage employees or in lieu of FLSA overtime pay.

Time Limits

Flsa-exempt employees.

An FLSA-exempt employee must use accrued compensatory time off by the end of the 26th pay period after the pay period during which it was earned.

An agency may provide that an FLSA-exempt employee who (1) fails to take earned compensatory time off within 26 pay periods or (2) transfers to another agency or separates from Federal service before the expiration of the 26 pay period time limit-

  • Receive payment for the unused compensatory time off at the overtime rate in effect when earned or
  • Forfeit the unused compensatory time off, unless failure to use the compensatory time off is due to an exigency of the service beyond the employee's control. (An FLSA-exempt employee whose earned compensatory time off would otherwise be forfeited due to an exigency of service beyond the employee's control must receive payment for the unused compensatory time off at the overtime rate in effect when earned.)

FLSA-nonexempt employees

An FLSA-nonexempt employee must use accrued compensatory time off by the end of the 26th pay period after the pay period during which it was earned.

If accrued compensatory time off is not used by an FLSA-nonexempt employee within 26 pay periods or if the FLSA-nonexempt employee transfers to another agency or separates from Federal service before the expiration of the 26 pay period time limit, the employee must be paid for the earned compensatory time off at the overtime rate in effect when earned.

Separation or leave without pay status due to service in the uniform service or on-the-job injury

An FLSA-exempt or nonexempt employee must be paid for compensatory time off not used by the end of the 26th pay period after the pay period during which it was earned at the overtime rate in effect when earned if the employee is unable to use the compensatory time off because of separation or placement in a leave without pay status (1) to perform service in the uniformed services or (2) because of an on-the-job injury with entitlement to injury compensation under 5 U.S.C. chapter 81.

Compensatory time off to an employee's credit as of May 14, 2007

See 5 CFR 550.114(e) and 551.531(e) for special rules regarding the administration of compensatory time off to an employee's credit as of May 14, 2007.

1 hour of compensatory time off is granted for each hour of overtime work.

Questions and Answers on Compensatory Time Off in Lieu of Overtime Pay

FLSA-exempt employees earn compensatory time off in lieu of title 5 overtime pay under 5 U.S.C. 5542 and 5 CFR 550.113, and are subject to OPM's compensatory time off regulations at 5 CFR 550.114. FLSA-nonexempt employees earn compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay under section 7 of the FLSA (29 U.S.C. 207) and 5 CFR 551.501, and are subject to OPM's compensatory time off regulations at 5 CFR 551.531. Both 5 CFR 550.114 and 5 CFR 551.531 are derived from the statutory authority governing compensatory time off in 5 U.S.C. 5543 and, for employees under flexible work schedules, 5 U.S.C. 6123(a)(1). An employee's unused compensatory time off is subject to the regulations under which it was earned, regardless of the employee's current FLSA exemption status.

Example: An employee earns 16 hours of compensatory time off under 5 CFR 551.531 in lieu of FLSA overtime pay while employed in an FLSA-nonexempt position.

The employee is promoted to an FLSA-exempt position 6 months later, but does not use the 16 hours of compensatory time off within 26 pay periods after the pay period during which it was earned. As provided by 5 CFR 551.531(d), the employee must be paid for the 16 hours of unused compensatory time off at the overtime rate in effect when earned. The employee is entitled to receive payment for the compensatory time off even if the employing agency's policy under 5 CFR 550.114(d) is to require forfeiture of compensatory time off earned in lieu of title 5 overtime pay if the compensatory time off is not taken within 26 pay periods.

Agencies must provide payment for, or require forfeiture of, compensatory time off under the conditions set forth in 5 CFR 550.114(d)-(f) and 5 CFR 551.531(d)-(f), as applicable. The general rule is that accrued compensatory time off must be liquidated (i.e., paid) or forfeited (as applicable under agency policies) if not used by the end of the 26th pay period after the pay period during which it was earned. Exceptions to the general rule relate to the following circumstances: (1) the 3-year grandfathering period for any compensatory time off to an employee's credit as of May 14, 2007, which must be used by the end of the pay period ending 3 years after May 14, 2007; (2) transfer to another agency; (3) separation from Federal service; and (4) separation or placement in a leave without pay status in connection with service in the uniformed services or entitlement to workers' compensation based on an on-the-job injury. (When exception #4 applies, the employee must be paid for the unused compensatory time off; forfeiture is not an option.)

  • What entities are considered an "agency" for the purpose of triggering the payment/forfeiture of unused compensatory time off at the time of transfer to another agency? View more For the purposes of the compensatory time off regulations, the term "agency" is defined under 5 CFR 550.103 to mean a department (as defined in this section) and a legislative or judicial branch agency which has positions subject to subchapter V (Premium Pay) of chapter 55 of title 5, U.S. Code. The term "department" is defined under 5 CFR 550.103 to mean an executive agency and a military department. (See 5 U.S.C. 101-105 and 5541(1).) Since the military departments (Army, Navy, and Air Force) have standing as separate agencies, the rest of the Department of Defense as a group is treated as a separate agency.

Yes. Agencies are required to provide payment for accrued compensatory time off under the conditions set forth in 5 CFR 550.114 and 5 CFR 551.531. However, an agency has discretionary authority to provide payment for accrued compensatory time off in other circumstances. This discretionary authority should be exercised by issuing formal policies so that employees are treated consistently.

Additional situations in which an agency may choose to provide for payment of compensatory time off include, but are not limited to, the following:

Example 1: A Federal employee moves to a position with a different FLSA exemption status (i.e., from an FLSA-nonexempt position to an FLSA-exempt position or vice versa).

An employee moving to a position within the same agency that has a different FLSA exemption status may have his or her compensatory time off balance paid out according to that agency's policy at the time of his or her change in exemption status. Alternatively, an agency may choose to maintain that employee's compensatory time off after a change in FLSA exemption status, subject to the regulations under which the compensatory time off was earned. (Under this latter alternative, the agency must maintain separate balances for compensatory time off earned under 5 CFR 551.531 in lieu of FLSA overtime pay versus compensatory time off earned under 5 CFR 550.114 in lieu of title 5 overtime pay.)

Example 2: An employee transfers to another component within the same agency.

The agency may choose to provide payment for compensatory time off when a Federal employee transfers to another component within the same agency. Conversely, the agency may allow the employee to maintain his or her compensatory time off balance in the new position, subject to the regulations under which it was earned. (See A3 for information on the definition of "agency" for this purpose.)

Example 3: An employee is placed in a Senior Executive Service (SES) position.

Each agency should establish policies governing the handling of accrued compensatory time off for an employee who is placed in an SES position and thus no longer covered by 5 U.S.C. 5543. The agency may choose to (1) provide payment for any balance of compensatory time off accrued before placement in the SES position at the rate at which it was earned; or (2) allow the employee to use the accrued compensatory time off while in the SES position, subject to the normal time limits established in OPM regulations.

  • May an agency require an employee to forfeit unused compensatory time off under circumstances in addition to those identified in OPM regulations? View more An agency may require an employee to forfeit legitimately earned compensatory time off only under the circumstances identified in OPM regulations. An agency may not establish a policy requiring an employee to forfeit unused compensatory time off earned under 5 CFR 550.114 in lieu of title 5 overtime pay in circumstances not identified in that section. An agency may not require an employee to forfeit compensatory time off earned under 5 CFR 551.531 in lieu of FLSA overtime pay under any circumstances.
  • 5 U.S.C. 5543 and 5 U.S.C. 6123(a)(1)
  • 5 CFR 550.114 and 551.531
  • Comptroller General opinions: B-183751, October 3, 1975, and
  • October 19, 1976; 58 Comp. Gen. 1 (1978)
  • Section 1610 of Public Law 104-201, the National Defense Authorization Act, 1997

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  5. PDF Questions and Answers on Compensatory Time Off for Travel

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  24. Compensatory Time Off

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