Sarlat, Dordogne - travel guide to this beautiful medieval town

Photo of Sarlat

Visit Sarlat

Sarlat - Now we're talking! The most famous town in the region and one of the most renowned and visited in France. It is also one of the most attractive. Often called just Sarlat, the town is actually twinned with its less famous neighbour and is more correctly called Sarlat-la-Canéda.

Sarlat is in the region called the Perigord Noir in the South West of France.

Explore Sarlat

Destined to be besieged by tourists at almost all times of the year Sarlat is a beautiful, well restored town a few kilometres north of the River Dordogne.

The old town, dating from both medieval and renaissance times is a pleasure to visit, especially during the spring and autumn, or early in the morning. If you can catch the early morning sunshine on the yellow sandstone buildings, so much the better.

Before setting off for your walk around Sarlat, visit the tourist office which can provide a suggested walking tour to take in the key attractions. The tourist information office is near to the cathedral.

Narrow street of Sarlat

After your visit there is lots to see in the area around Sarlat. Take a look at our 1-day guide for the key things to do around Sarlat .

Broadly, the pedestrianised Rue de la Republique runs the length of the old town, with mazes of narrow streets either side. The cathedral is to the south-east of Sarlat, with the attractive Place de Payrou and Hotel de la Boétie.

North east is the lovely Place de la Liberté and the wonderful winding street of the Rue des Consuls.

The cathedral was originally the church of Sarlat Abbey. Over the centuries it has been added to and transformed and is now a mix of Roman, Gothic and other styles. The cour du cloitre and the nearby cour des fontaines and the cour des chanoines were all originally part of the abbey.

The jardin des Enfeus just above the cathedral is the ancient abbey cemetary and there are several sarcophagus and 'enfeus'(enfeus are tombs that are built into the church wall).

Up above the cathedral and the Jardin des Enfeus is an unusual structure -' La Lanterne des morts', lantern of the dead. This bullet shaped building has had various roles over time including a funeral chapel.

Opposite the cathedral on the Place du Peyrou is the splendid 'Hôtel de La Boétie', birthplace of the philosopher and humanist Etienne de La Boétie. His house has a large arched entrance and Renaissance style mullioned windows.

Crossing the Rue de la Republique to the west side of town take a look at the Hotel St Clar with its wonderful turret tower and see the Tour du Bourreau and the last remaining part of the ramparts. Wander northwards past the convent of Ste Claire and the Chapel of the Penitents Blancs with its huge Baroque doorway.

Crossing back over the Rue de la Republique walk down the Rue des Consuls. This road is one of the highlights of Sarlat and contains a number of very impressive mansions.

There is the 16th century Hotel de Mirandol with its imposing doorway, the 14th century Hotel Plamon with its three arched windows. The floor above with its mullion windows was added a century later.

The Hotel de Vassal was built in the 15th century and has a double turret and the Hotel Tapinois de Betou has a monumental staircase. Wandering along the street taking in all the different details of windows and doors and roofs is a pleasure.

pretty street of Sarlat

About half way along the Rue des Consuls is the Manoir de Gisson originally called the Hotel Magenat. The Manoir de Gisson is made up of two buildings of different styles linked together by a hexagonal tower. The building dates back to the 13th century.

Recently opened to the public there are two aspects to your visit. The first is a visit to the vaulted cellars and rooms which exhibit items on the history of Justice from the Middle Ages to the Revolution. This includes an exhibition of instruments of torture.

The second part of a visit to the Manoir de Gisson is the private apartments showing home life for the Sarlat nobility. Furniture dates from the Middle Ages to the 17th century and you can see the lovely wooden floors, panelling and huge fireplaces and of course the spiral staircase which winds up the hexagonal tower.

Outside the Manoir de Gisson is the Place du Marché des Oies, the goose market with a statue of some geese in the centre.

A little further on, back towards the cathedral is the fabulous main square, the Place de la Liberté. This lovely square is paved and pedestrianised and surrounded by wonderfull buildings and has a view towards the bell tower of the cathedral.

Many of the buildings are home to restaurants making this an excellent spot to stop for a drink or a meal. The town hall with its circular bell tower perched on its roof is also on the square.

Finally on the edge of the old town visit 'Le Présidial'. This attractive 17th century building has an original lantern structure on its roof and was the headquarters of the royal court in the 17th century. It is now a well known gastronomic restaurant.

Frequently you will think yourself lost in the winding medieval streets - don't worry, it's essentially a small town, and sooner or later you will emerge into the light and refind your path!

Don't forget to glance up from time to time as you explore the medieval cobbled streets - the rooves of the buildings in medieval Sarlat are often in 'lauze' - carefully cut stone - and are unusual elsewhere.

Market day in Sarlat is Saturday and Wednesday.

Sarlat has a Christmas fair in December with around 40 wooden chalets selling arts and crafts and there is also an outdoor ice-rink.

Short history of Sarlat

Sarlat's traceable past began in the 9th century with the founding of a Benedictine abbey. The abbey grew and acquired other churches in the Perigord region and with its growth a town began to build up around it.

The town was under the authority of the church but as the abbey grew in power, tensions also grew and finally in 1299 the town was granted liberty from the church by Philippe le Bel.

steep street

In medieval times Sarlat grew bigger and richer and became an important market town. Many of the fabulous houses in Sarlat's old time were built during this time to house the rich merchants. Despite its fortified walls Sarlat suffered greatly during the Hundred Years War.

The end of the 15th century and beginning of the 16th century was again an important time for Sarlat. With an exemption of some taxes the town began to prosper again and became an important political and judicial centre. Another period of building started this time in the Renaissance style.

The Italian Renaissance ideas were to influence one of Sarlat's residents and Etienne de La Boetie became a famous humanist and philosopher. The house of his birth still stands opposite the cathedral.

The Wars of Religion struck and Sarlat at the end of the wars was firmly catholic.

In the following centuries the bishops played an important part and the cathedral was completed and the bishop's palace restored. The fortifications were removed (only a very small section of ramparts still exists) and the defensive ditches filled in.

Following the Revolution in 1789 Sarlat lost its bishopric but the last bishop became the first maire of Sarlat and Sarlat began its new role as a centre of commerce but its distance from main road routes and lack of railway for many years meant that it did not become a successful commercial centre - happily for us as this could have lead to the destruction of many of its historic buildings in the name of progress!

In 1962 Sarlat became the trial town of a new law called the 'loi Malraux' which set about to protect the patrimony of French towns. Money was provided to restore Sarlat's fine buildings and it now has the highest density of 'Historic Monuments' and 'Classified Monuments' of any town in France.

It is now classified as a 'Town of Art and History' and as a 'Plus Beaux Detour' - a town meriting a visit for its beauty. The historic centre is also on the tentative list for UNESCO World Heritage Classification.

Sarlat Panoramic Lift

panoramic lift of sarlat

One of France's top architects, Jean Nouvel, was born in Sarlat. The Pritzker Architecture Prize winner 2008 has recently restaured the church of Sainte-Marie in the centre of Sarlat.

Mixing contemporary elements with the 14th century architecture of the church the interior has now been converted into an elegant covered market.

The highlight though is the panoramic lift which rises up through the centre of the bell tower and raises its passengers up above the top of the tower to get breathtaking views of the town.

Inside a glass cube you can get 360° views over the rooftops of Sarlat - wonderful.

In summer (15 June to 15 September) the lift is open from 9am to 9pm and costs 5 euros.

Sarlat Restaurants and Gastronomy

Sarlat is a gastronomic centre, the region being well known particularly for foie gras and truffles. Plenty of shops offer the chance to stock up on these and often offer tasting sessions too. Be sure to look in the indoor market too. The displays are wonderful.

indoor market

The third weekend of January Sarlat celebrates the Fete de la Truffe and the third Sunday of February is Sarlat's goose festival - Sarlat Fest'oie.

Some gastronomique restaurants to try:

  • Restaurant Le Grand Bleu, 43 Avenue de la Gare
  • Le Présidial, 6 Rue Laundry
  • Le Comptoir du Goût 24, Place André Malraux

There are some fantastic nougat shops in Sarlat - be sure to try it. Its nothing like the chewy plastic wrapped stuff you get at home.

Favourite places nearby

La Roque Gageac

La Roque Gageac is not only one of France's "most beautiful villages" with its cluster of stone houses huddled beneath the looming rock-face, it is also worth visiting for the exotic planting which fills the village.

Also its pretty riverside position means that you can hire a canoe here or set out on a river trip on one of the Gabarres, a river boat fashioned on the old river trading boats.

Places to visit near Sarlat

Sarlat is not only beautiful but it is in the heart of the Dordogne and surrounded by fabulous places to visit. The "most beautiful villages of La Roque Gageac , Domme and Beynac are all close by.

The Chateaud de Castelnaud with its reproductions of medieval weapons and the imposing Chateau de Beynac are both within 10km.

Garden lovers will like the gardens of Marqueyssac with their incredible swirling box hedges and incredible views over the Dordogne river. Also nearby are the much more formal but equally impressive Jardins d'Eyrignac .

Also not far away are the huge selection of caves around Les Eyzies where you can choose to explore caves with magnificent stalactite displays or prehistoric paintings, sometimes both in the same cave.

The Font de Gaume cave is one of the last caves still open containing prehistoric polychrome paintings (others such as the Lascaux caves are copies though the copy is fantastically done and definitely still worth visiting).

Where to stay near Sarlat?

If you are looking for a hotel in or around Sarlat then our hotels search at the top of the page will find you the best hotels at the best prices in the Sarlat area..

Photos of Sarlat

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Map of Sarlat and places to visit

Sarlat places to visit.



See the inside of a beautiful medieval mansion.

Chateau de Montfort

Chateau de Montfort

The Chateau de Montfort is private but is very picturesque.

Vitrac and Vitrac Port

Vitrac and Vitrac Port

Vitrac Port is very popular for its river beach and nearby is the quiet village of Vitrac.

Les Jardins d'eau de Carsac-Aillac

Les Jardins d'eau de Carsac-Aillac

The Jardins d'eau in Carsac-Aillac is a very special water garden with a unique aquatic labyrinth.



Carsac Aillac is a small village with a picturesque roman church and a beautiful aquatic garden.

Chateau de Beynac

Chateau de Beynac

The Chateau de Beynac is an imposing heavily fortified castle.

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Autour de Sarlat en Périgord Noir, l’Office de Tourisme Sarlat Périgord Noir vous accueille dans ses trois bureaux d’information et vous renseigne sur les activités, les visites, les manifestations et les hébergements.

Retrouvez-nous à Sarlat en plein cœur de la cité médiévale, ainsi que dans les plus beaux villages de France de Beynac et de La Roque-Gageac.

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City trip: Sarlat-la-Canéda

City trip: Sarlat-la-Canéda

This magnificent medieval town is one of the region's must-not-miss touristic sites. The capital of Black Périgord, awarded the French “Town of Art and History” label , attracts around 1.5 million visitors every year given the beauty of its historical heritage and its local treasures. Kick off your visit in the town's historic centre.

Sarlat's historic abbey church was built in 1317 and boasts a magnificent Gothic-style nave. It also has an elegant Romanesque bell tower-porch.

City trip: Sarlat-la-Canéda

It features highly-original (shell-shaped) architecture, which continues to intrigue and contributes to the town's architectural appeal, is located just behind Saint-Sacerdos Cathedral and hosted a flame (or lantern) to indicate tombs or a cemetery, part of an ancient tradition. It dates back to the 12th century.

Jump on-board the Panoramic lift . This lift, located inside the former Sainte-Marie Church, whisks you up for a breathtaking 360° vista over the old town - a must-do and accessible to all.

City trip: Sarlat-la-Canéda

This "food-lovers' paradise" is located inside the former Sainte-Marie Church. Make a stop-off and delight in buying local specialities (the market is open every morning during the summer season and offers a wide range of local seasonal products). The site, which was bought by the municipality, was entirely restored by the architect Jean Nouvel . What's more, you also have the outdoor market, place de la Liberté , held every Saturday and Wednesday. A great opportunity to taste regional specialities (foie gras, truffles, ceps, figs, strawberries, walnuts, chestnuts, etc.).

Stop off at the birthplace of Etienne de la Boëtie , one of Montaigne's closest friends. The house was built in 1525 and features interesting architecture, blending medieval and renaissance styles (not visitable).

City trip: Sarlat-la-Canéda

This square was the place where people would come to sell geese ; what's more, in the middle of the square, you'll see 3 geese sculpted in bronze that conjure up its origins. Right next to it, you can visit Gisson Manor , the home of one of Sarlat's bourgeois families (exquisite furniture) and the cabinet of curiosities in the cellars. Find out more about Sarlat-la-Canéda markets

The best way for children to discover the town in a fun-filled way is by taking part in a trail Tèrra Aventura . In Sarlat, Zéfaim will accompany you on the " Delicious Périgord " trail. The free geocaching app for the region invites you to stroll around its medieval streets and to find out more about the wonderful town.

City trip: Sarlat-la-Canéda

Make sure you continue your visit as the sun's setting to delight in the incredible play of light reflecting off the Renaissance houses. Worth noting : Sarlat Tourist Office proposes dramatized visits with La Belle Sarladaise where you can discover the town's secrets!

City trip: Sarlat-la-Canéda

Sarlat is also the perfect starting point for discovering the Dordogne Valley and for visiting a host of charming villages, listed amongst the Plus Beaux Villages de France (the Most Beautiful Villages of France) like: Beynac-et-Cazenac, Domme, Castelnaud, La Roque-Gageac and Monpazier.

It goes without saying, Sarlat is a remarkable place to visit and definitely deserves its reputation as a magnificent medieval town! More info here:

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The capital of the Périgord Noir, a medieval city

Sarlat: the capital of périgord noir.

Situated in the east of the département between the Dordogne and Vézère rivers, Sarlat is one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Europe. Protected from modernism by the Malraux law, Sarlat has preserved the picturesque character of its narrow streets and the beauty of its monuments. With 65 protected monuments and buildings, Sarlat holds the record for the highest number of listed historic monuments in France. To stroll through its narrow streets is to read almost a thousand years of authentic architecture, where cobblestones and slate roofs are the predominant features of this warm, blonde stone.....

Rooted in the heart of its terroir, Sarlat is the ideal place to discover Périgourdine gastronomy: a paradise of truffles, porcini mushrooms, foie gras, confits, pâtés and fine charcuterie from campagne, the Périgourdins have maintained this great culinary tradition for centuries, a veritable quintessence of aromas and flavors that you'll find at the magnificent Sarlat market.

The town is very lively all year round, with its twice-weekly markets on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, making it a must-see during your stay in Périgord.

Sarlat's remarkable monuments:

Numerous buildings are classified as "historic monuments":

  • Former convent of the Order of Notre-Dame: place Salvador-Allende
  • Old Hôtel-Dieu of Sarlat-la-Canéda with its half-timbering: rue du Minage
  • Former Saint-Sacerdos Cathedral, Sarlat Place du Peyrou
  • Former town hall of Sarlat also former bishopric of Sarlat:place du Peyrou
  • Maison de La Boétie :place du Peyrou
  • Hôtel de Mirandol: rue des Consuls
  • Remaining part of the Saint-Benoît cemetery, enfeus and lantern of the dead Behind the former Saint-Sacerdos cathedral
  • Hôtel Plamon or Maison des Consuls: rue des Consuls
  • Ancienne maison du Présidial: 6 rue Landry
  • Former chapel of the Récollets or Pénitents blancs monastery and its cloister
  • Saint Mary's fountain

...and many private homes and buildings... Don't miss the covered market housed in the Saint Marie church. the architect Jean Nouvel to create a glass elevator that will take you to the top of the bell tower for a 360° view of the medieval town of Sarlat. Two huge metal doors open on market days.

Many festivals follow one another:

- Truffle and foie gras festival in late January - Truffle markets every Saturday morning from November to March - The Fest'oie festival featuring duck and goose foie gras at the end of February - Local produce days on Ascension Day Open-air theater games festival from mid-July to early August - International Film Festival mid-November -Christmas market -Flea markets every last Sunday of the month

The best way to discover Sarlat is to set off on an adventure through its narrow streets. The tourist office also organizes guided tours from April to December, as well as guided audio walks.

Close to the Dordogne and Vézère valleys, Sarlat is the ideal base for discovering the tourist attractions of the Périgord Noir:

- the Lascaux caves in Montignac - the village of Les Eyzies - the Proumeyssac chasm à Audrix - the château des Milandes Josephine Baker's home in Castelnaud - the Eyrignac gardens - the Biron castle -l' aquarium du Périgord noir

and many more Périgord tourist sites ...

Coming to Sarlat all year round, and particularly in the off-season when nature reveals its true personality, is a sure-fire way to discover a true art of living. And if you're lucky enough, at least once in your life, to see the old town decked out in snow (admittedly a rare occurrence), you'll never forget the magic it exudes.

Easter special

An opportunity to discover the medieval city with the whole family.

The town of Sarlat is taking advantage of the Easter weekend to offer a hunt to all those who don't necessarily have a garden in which to hide eggs. This tradition, which children love, is an opportunity for tender family moments when young and old alike take part in a real chocolate treasure hunt in the narrow streets of the protected area.

Fun and gourmet delights in the heart of Sarlat.

Early in the morning, some 20 municipal workers hid over 2,000 colorful eggs in the protected area.

5 eggs of different colors (blue, yellow, green, red, orange) must be found and returned to the welcome stand in Place de la Liberté. These eggs will be exchanged for a bag of chocolates.

The lucky ones who find a golden egg (5 have been carefully hidden) will be treated to a gourmet surprise.

Practical information:

Date: Easter Monday Location: City center - (Secteur Sauvegardé) Timetable: 9:30 am, registration begins at Place Boissarie (in front of the covered market) for the egg hunt.

From 10am, the egg hunt begins.


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Everything Dordogne

Tourist attractions in sarlat and the dordogne.

  • Things to See in Sarlat and the Dordogne
  • Dordogne Markets
  • Sarlat Market
  • Pre-Historic Caves and Grottes
  • Everything Dordogne Travel Guides
  • Most Beautiful Villages of France in the Dordogne
  • Most Beautiful Villages of France in the Lot
  • Les Eyzies Caves
  • How to Get to Sarlat
  • Gardens of the Dordogne
  • Bamboo Gardens of Planbuisson
  • Gardens of Chateau de Eyrignac
  • Hanging Gardens of Marqueyssac
  • Gardens of La Roque Gageac
  • Panoramic Gardens of Limeuil
  • The Water Gardens of Carsac
  • Gardens of Chateau Hautefort
  • Chateaux in the Dordogne
  • Chateau Beynac
  • Chateau Castelnaud
  • Chateau Hautefort
  • Chateau Jumilhac
  • Dordogne Tourist Attractions
  • Domme Attractions
  • Sarlat Attractions
  • Les Eyzies Attractions
  • Lascaux Attractions
  • French Wine
  • Bordeaux Wine
  • Dordogne Wine
  • Villa La Peyriere | Sarlat
  • The Studio Sarlat

Sarlat | Things to See and Do in Sarlat the Dordogne

About sarlat.

Beautiful Sarlat is a medieval town that developed around a large Benedictine abbey of Carolingian origin. The medieval Sarlat Cathedral is dedicated to Saint Sacerdos. Because modern history has largely passed it by, Sarlat has remained preserved and is one of the towns most representative of 14th century France.

Sarlat  owes its current status on France’s Tentative List for future nomination as a UNESCO World Heritage site to the enthusiasm of writer, resistance fighter and politician André Malraux, who, as Minister of Culture (1960–1969), restored the town and many other sites of historic significance throughout France. 

The centre of the old town consists of impeccably restored stone buildings and is largely car-free. Not only are there many things to see and do in Sarlat there are also many things to see and do in the Dordogne.

Sarlat | Things to See and Do in Sarlat

Place de la liberte sarlat.

Bordered by traditional houses 16th – 17thc showing a series of restored passageways. The Tourist Office has maps of the things to see and do in Sarlat.


Originally part of the church of a Benedictine Abbey built in the 12C Although modified in the 14th, 16th & 17th c. it retains some of its original Romanesque style.

The large entrance was added in the 17th c the statues here are of unknown origin and date.

The Tourist Office has various ways to see all the things to see and do in Sarlat.


A small 12th C Romanesque chapel which was restored in the 17th C. The Tourist Office has various guides to the things to see and do in Sarlat.


Behind the Cathedral tombstones from the monastic cemetery are the arched insets containing sarcophagi from the 14th & 16th c of the distinguished gentry of Sarlat. The Tourist Office has audio guides to the things to see and do in Sarlat.

PLAMON HOUSE (or Consuls’ House) SARLAT

Rue des Consuls. [XIV, XV, XVI, XVllc). One of Sarlat’s most remarkable houses and once owned by one of th most respected families in the area. Opposite is Vassal House 15th C Saint Mary’s Fountain, Mirandol House and nearby is Tapinois de Betou House 15th C with a magnificent 17th C wooden staircase. The Tourist Office can give directions to all the things to see and do in Sarlat.


The birthplace of Etienne de la Boetie. One of the finest homes in Sarlat it is characterized by an Italian Renaissance style façade. The Tourist Office has various ways to see all the things to see and do in Sarlat.


The seat of the Royal Justice under Henri 2nd in the 16th C has an unusual facade and is set in a beautiful garden. It has a large central arch supporting a loggia, topped by a “campanile lanternon”, a structure of wooden props supporting the lanternon to light the vast interior staircase. The Tourist Office has books on things to see and do in Sarlat.


Formerly the Sarlat parish church 14th & 15th c of meridian Gothic style. It remained intact until the Revolution. It was badly damaged by successive pillages and sold in 1815. All that remains today are the two bays under a ribbed vault and the bell-tower with its steeple missing but features several interesting gargoyles. Renovated by the well known architect Jean Nouvel it works today as an active open market. There is an elevator that will take you to the top of the building which affords a stunning view across Sarlat. The Tourist Office has audio guides to the things to see and do in Sarlat.


An unusual monument that once over looked the cemetery and whose original use is very controversial. Named in the 17c “The Fanal” or beacon light. The Tourist Office can give directions to all the things to see and do in Sarlat.


Here you will find two public fountains used by the abbey and where the water still runs freely. The Tourist Office has maps of the things to see and do in Sarlat.


Situated on place de la Liberte it was built in the 17th c. It features a hexagonal stone-roofed tower, providing a spectacular backdrop. The Tourist Office has various guides to the things to see and do in Sarlat.


This ancient quarter was restored after the Malraux law on the Protection of Historical Towns, was passed on 4th August 1962. Several houses dating from the 13th, 15th and 16th C. with half timber. corbels and stone roofs. The Tourist Office has various guides to the things to see and do in Sarlat.


Formerly the chapel of the Friars convent, it now houses a school. The Tourist Office has books on things to see and do in Sarlat.


The famous Sarlat markets are held twice a week in the old town. Wednesday mornings are dedicated to food with the local produce providers setting up there stalls in and around Place de la Liberte. On a Saturday the food producers are back in and around Place de la Liberte in the morning until around 1pm. General traders with a variety of goods can be found along rue de la Republique for the entire day. The Tourist Office can give directions to all the things to see and do in Sarlat.


Has a splendid renaissance gallery. In the courtyard there are exhibition rooms for art works and a large room decorated in the 17th century style. The Tourist Office has tours of the things to see and do in Sarlat.


A high arched gateway leads to the outer boulevard which was once a dry moat. The Hangman’s Tower from the 16th C is one of the last two remaining towers out of the eighteen which once protected the city. The Tourist Office has tours of the things to see and do in Sarlat.


In St Marys Church sells a selection of local produce. Open hours are Off season : everyday (except on Thursday) from 8.30 am to 1 pm. High season : everyday from 8.30am to 2pm. On Friday : from 9.30 am to 8 pm.


Place Boissarie (near the covered market on Saturday from 9 am to 12 am, in December, January and February.

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Everything Dordogne | Travel Guide To Sarlat And The Dordogne

Top 10 Things To Do In The Dordogne France

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Visiting Sarlat

Sarlat is one of the essential places to visit in the Dordogne! The medieval town is renowned for its numerous historic buildings and the curious will find many opportunities to discover all its treasures. How to organize your visit to Sarlat? What are the places to absolutely see in this city of art and history, in the heart of Périgord? Follow the leader ! 

Where to walk in Sarlat, city of art and history?

Visiting Sarlat means first planning a nice walk: the center of the town is pedestrianized. From Place de la Liberté to the Jardin du Plantier via the Manoir de Gisson, make sure you don't miss a thing!

sarlat tourist office

The neighborhoods and buildings of Sarlat to visit

The heart of the medieval town is divided into two districts, separated by La Traverse (rue de la République).

  • To the east, discover the most commercial district of Sarlat-la-Canéda: you will find there the famous covered market of Sarlat, on the Place de la Liberté. You can also discover the history of the city's most emblematic buildings, such as the Saint-Sacerdos cathedral and the Gisson manor.
  • Then head to the western district of Sarlat: the quieter streets invite you to take a peaceful walk. In summer, a visit in the shade or at the end of the day, not far from the gardens of Sainte-Claire Abbey, is particularly enjoyable.

Guided tours to discover Sarlat-la-Canéda

Would you prefer to listen to a guide's story? The medieval city is also revealed during guided tours. These visits are ideal for learning all about the secrets and anecdotes of this city of art and history, in the heart of Périgord, but also for discovering Sarlat-la-Canéda in a different way: 

  • Throughout the year with dramatized walks led by actor guides;
  • In summer with a guided night tour of the city, to discover Sarlat by night;
  • Time for a fun journey through the medieval city, with the Sarlat Rally.

Visit Sarlat with family and children

Like other must-see places in the Dordogne, Sarlat has the advantage of being as accessible for adults as for children. Place at family tourism ! Fun visits are organized by the city's Tourist Office. The complete program can be discovered on the website:

A gourmet visit

Would you like to discover the specialties of the region? Périgord is a land of gourmet products which will delight the palates of adults and children alike. For tasting: head to the Sarlat markets!

sarlat tourist office

  • The traditional open-air market of Sarlat, meeting Dordogne producers: all year round on Wednesday morning or all day on Saturday;
  • The covered market, in the old Sainte-Marie church;
  • En winter, the truffle markets and the fat market on Saturday mornings. 

A visit with a view of the city's rooftops

The old Sainte-Marie church also houses the panoramic elevator, which allows you to discover Sarlat-la-Canéda from almost 35 meters in height.

To better organize your day, this visit can be booked through the Tourist Office. And good news, it's free for children under 6 years old... accompanied by an adult of course!

A walking tour through the streets of the medieval city

Several routes are possible to visit Sarlat on foot. In the streets of the city, you can have fun identifying the different places that have served as movie sets. The visit is also an opportunity to admire the facades in stone et slate roofs , typical of Périgord Noir. Or go in search of the famous bronze geese. A clue ? Maybe they also wanted to take a trip to the market…

A visit to discover the city’s emblematic places

As elsewhere in Dordogne, the medieval city invites you to take a journey through the history of the region. Several buildings are worth exploring: 

  • The Manor of Gisson (XVII e century), a real castle in town, accessible for a self-guided visit;
  • Saint-Sacerdos Cathedral, the visit of which is free (adult or child);
  • The Maison de la Boétie, not far from the cathedral: its facade is a marriage of medieval and Renaissance styles; 
  • Or the Lantern of the Dead (XII e century), an unusual sepulchral chapel to visit in the Saint-Benoît cemetery. 

How to access Sarlat city center easily?

Jewel of the Black Périgord, Sarlat-la-Canéda preserves its heritage. This is why the center of the medieval town can only be visited on foot. But rest assured, access is easy. This is also what makes it a destination of choice during your trip to the Dordogne, between visits to caves and castles.

sarlat tourist office

The caves of Dordogne

The towers of Marzac castle

The castles of Périgord Noir

  • Several parking areas are accessible in Sarlat, in the center of the city;
  • Personalized summer bus lines provide a connection between the heart of the city and the surrounding villages. This is the opportunity to organize your stay by choosing a hotel near Sarlat. 

Visit Sarlat, but not only! 

Did you like Sarlat-la-Canéda, its medieval streets and its atmosphere worthy of a movie set? You will also like to visit the other places & unmissables of Périgord, in the Dordogne valley or the Vézère valley . Good news, they are easily accessible from Sarlat:

  • The numerous prehistoric sites: the Lascaux cave, the Cro Magnon shelter, etc.;
  • The castles: Beynac castle, Castelnaud castle…;
  • The medieval villages of La Roque-Gageac and Beynac;
  • The gardens of Marqueyssac… 

sarlat tourist office

Discover Sarlat and the surrounding area


What to do around Sarlat?

sarlat tourist office

What are the different markets in Sarlat?

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Where to walk in Sarlat?

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Visit Beynac

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Visit Castelnaud Castle in Dordogne

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Visit La Roque Gageac

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Visit Domme

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Sarlat travel guide

Photo of Sarlat

Visit Sarlat (Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France)

The town of Sarlat is situated in the heart of the Dordogne department, in the region referred to as the 'Perigord Noir'.

There are more than 250 listed buildings in the old town, typically built in the 15th and 16th centuries: there are more listed buildings per square metre here than any other town in Europe, which explains why the centre of Sarlat is listed as a 'secteur sauvegardé' to restrict future development and the town is also officially listed as a 'Town of Art and History'.

Explore Sarlat

France This Way review: Sarlat is without a doubt one of the most attractive and most visited medieval towns in France, with the extensive historic centre containing innumerable impressive medieval buildings and monuments. Equally important there are almost no new buildings in the centre to spoil the overall impression that you are in a medieval town.

To ensure you make the most of your visit your first stop should be Sarlat Tourist Office on Rue Tourny, near the front of the cathedral, to get a map of the town centre (although the map is rather lacking in detail and information).

Place du Marché aux Oies in center of historic Sarlat

There is a great deal to discover in Sarlat old town, fine examples of architecture in both medieval and renaissance styles, and a very large number of interesting buildings and architectural details to admire as you do, almost all built in the yellow stone that is characteristic of Dordogne towns and villages, and without a guide map you are likely to overlook some of the highlights.

Historic city centre

A list of the individual monuments does little to convey the overall impression that Sarlat has on visitor, with every street bringing new surprises, opening into a small square filled with cafes, or revealing another small chapel or tower. Here we mention just a few of the most important sites - be sure to also explore the narrow streets around the cathedral and either side of the Rue de la Republique, the main street through the centre.

Your visit will usually start in the Place de la Liberté, a good introduction to Sarlat since it includes many fine townhouses that span the period of growth of the town as well as the Town Hall and some attractive medieval arcades.

At the northern end of the square follow the street past the small church that has been converted into an indoor market and into the ancient geese market (the Place du Marche aux Oies) and along the rue des Consuls. This square and street contain many of the grandest houses in Sarlat, including the Gisson Manor.

Situated on the Place du Marche aux Oies the grand 13th century townhouse called the Manoir de Gisson has been fully renovated and furnished, mostly in the 17th century style, and is open to the public (admission around 8 euros), giving an interesting glimpse of what life was like inside these grand houses.

Sarlat Cathedral

Heading south from the Place de la Liberté you reach Place du Peyrou and the cathedral.

The Cathedral of Saint-Sacerdos is in the heart of the old town, and falls into three distinct parts. The cathedral entrance is through the roman style belltower that dates back as far as the 12th century; the central nave section is more recent (17th century), and to the rear is the original 14th century cathedral of Saint-Sauveur.

Inside the cathedral there are many paintings and statues, and a highly regarded 18th century organ, while just to the rear of the building is a small cemetery.

Up the hill behind the cathedral you can see the unusual Lanterne des Morts, a substantial round stone structure with a conical roof. The origins and history of this ancient building seem unclear but it has had many uses over the centuries including funeral chapel, ossuary, gunpowder storage...

Numerous cafes and restaurants in the centre of Sarlat

Place Peyrou

On Place Peyrou in front of the cathedral there are several interesting buildings, including the Hotel de la Boétie - a close friend of Montaigne (the important French philosopher) was born in this ornately decorated house in 1530, and the Hotel de Maleville.

Between the two is the alley called the Passage Henri-de-Ségogne, along which you can see some of the oldest houses in Sarlat.

Be sure to also see Sarlat in photos .

Sarlat history

In the 9th century Sarlat developed around a benedictine monastery, and was a wealthy local centre until the Hundred Years War of the 14-15th centuries. After a long period of decline, with outbreaks of plague adding to the problems, the town had a resurgence that carried on into the 16th century and much of the town we see today dates from this period of rebirth.

By the 18th century the town was again falling into decline and remained a rather forgotten backwater until the second half of the 20th century - a fate that contributed to the lack of alterations to the town centre. However, in recent decades the important heritage of Sarlat has been recognised and many of the buildings have now been restored to their former glory.

General information

As well as the historical sights there are numerous small shops, cafes and restaurants to detain you. Saturday is market day in Sarlat and a great place to pickup some local products - mushrooms and truffles, foie gras and local fruit, cheese and dried sausages...this is one of the most popular markets in the Dordogne.

In the heart of the old town in a converted church the belltower of the church has been converted to hold a glass elevator that carries you straight up and above the rooftops for a magnificent view across the town. This is entertaining and the views are very impressive and we recommend it.

The central location and the very well known attractions of Sarlat mean it is an obligatory stop for everyone visiting the Dordogne. This does mean that it is often very busy, especially on market days in summer, so you might prefer to visit in the morning during summer months.

Maisons médiévales

Other places to visit near Sarlat

Many of the places in the central Dordogne are easily visited from Sarlat, with medieval castles, beautiful scenery and picturesque riverside villages all close to hand. See Dordogne for more information.

You can find more travel ideas in the Dordogne guide and the Aquitaine guide .

Photos of Sarlat

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Arrange a visit to Sarlat

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Map of sarlat and places nearby, visit near sarlat with france this way reviews.

Chateau de Puymartin

Chateau de Puymartin

The views, the furnishings and the legend of a resident ghost all combine to make Chateau de Puymartin an interesting destination

Chateau de Montfort

Chateau de Montfort

Close to Sarlat, the Chateau de Montfort is an imposing setting above the river - but unfortunately not open to the public

Vitrac and Vitrac Port

Vitrac and Vitrac Port

Vitrac is a quiet village next to Vitrac Port which has a river beach and various facilities.

Les Jardins d'eau

Les Jardins d'eau

The Jardins d'eau in Carsac-Aillac is a stunning water garden with a lovely water labyrinth.



Carsac-Aillac is home to the Jardins d'eau de Carsac and also has a lovely romanesque church.

The Jardin de la Ferme Fleurie

The Jardin de la Ferme Fleurie

The Jardin de la Ferme Fleurie is a colourful garden in the Dordogne valley near La Roque Gageac.

... or see ALL recommended places to visit in Dordogne

Tourist classifications for Sarlat

Sarlat has received the following tourist classifications: listed town of Art and History ; historical protected town centre' (secteur sauvegardé); recommended detour town (plus beau detour)

Address: Sarlat-la-Canéda, Aquitaine, 24200, France || GPS coordinates: latitude 44.89, longitude 1.2175

Plan your visit to Sarlat, Dordogne

Sightseeing & tourist attractions to visit nearby.

  • Cathédrale Saint-Sardos (Sarlat): religious monument
  • La Roque-Gageac : most beautiful village (8 km)
  • Beynac : most beautiful village (8 km)
  • Jardins de Marqueyssac : remarkable garden (9 km)
  • Jardins du château de Caudon: remarkable garden (10 km)
  • Domme : most beautiful village (10 km)
  • Eglise notre-Dame de Nativité (Cenac-et-Saint-Julien): religious monument (10 km)
  • Jardins de l'Albarède : remarkable garden (12 km)
  • Jardins du Manoir d'Eyrignac: remarkable garden (13 km)
  • Notre Dame des Cordeliers (Gourdon): religious monument (15 km)
  • Gourdon : recommended detour (15 km)
  • Font-de-Gaume : national monument (16 km)

Market days in Sarlat, France

Regular market(s) are held in Sarlat each Wednesday & Saturday all day. (Markets are held in the morning unless stated.)

The French version of this page is at Sarlat (Francais)

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Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the dordogne.

Sarlat-la-Canéda - Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the Dordogne

Situated in the heart of the Black Périgord , Sarlat-la-Canéda is an essential place to visit for the architecture fans. Its medieval old town is the perfect place to wander around with its maze of picturesque narrow streets and Gothic and Renaissance mansions, such as the Plamon mansion, the Magnanat mansion, and the Vassal mansion. The Saturday market is particularly lively and should not be missed!

Additional information Sarlat-la-Canéda

  • Sarlat: City of Art and History:
  • Classified town of Art and History, Sarlat-la-Canéda is a French commune in the department of Dordogne and Aquitaine region. She is reputed to have the highest density of historic monuments or listed in the world. It is one of most beautiful detours of France.
  • Located in the Black Périgord , Sarlat is a medieval town that developed around a large Benedictine abbey of Carolingian origin. Monastic lordship, it reached its peak in the thirteenth century. The origin of the abbey is lost in legends. It exists in the ninth century, part of the six major monasteries of Périgord (with Paunat , Belvès Saint-Front de Perigueux, Brantome and Terrasson). The Carolingian abbey of Sarlat is the only one to have been spared by the Vikings as situated away from the Dordogne and its tributaries.
  • She was able to remain independent and in 1153 placed under the direct protection of the Holy See in Rome. It was rebuilt in the Romanesque period between 1125 and 1160. In 1318, the abbey was the seat of the new diocese created by Pope John XXII. The abbey church became the cathedral of the diocese of Sarlat. The bishops, abbots replacing, began his architectural transformation that was completed only in the late seventeenth century.
  • From the fourteenth century, bishops and consuls divided the power until the Revolution. Become episcopal city, Sarlat played a prominent role during the Hundred Years War. armed men of reserve of ammunition and food, the fortified town was also defended by the castles located nearby: Beynac, Castelnaud... and was able to rescue other cities besieged by the English Belvès, Domme Montignac. However, it became English after the Treaty of Brétigny in 1360. She rallied to the king of France ten years later when the constable of Guesclin drove the English. The city, while playing the same role as before, had to go twice and suffer the abuses of captain Vivans and the Vicomte de Turenne .
  • The Fronde ended this favorable period in 1652. Sarlat was again occupied by troops of Conde. It is delivered into the blood. The architectural quality of its monuments and its buildings demonstrates its dynamism and its ability to remain in the mainstream economy. The disappearance of the diocese (attached to that of Périgueux) during the Revolution withdrew his preeminence. Became sub-prefecture, she slept for almost 150 years to revitalize only in 40 years.
  • It is conceivable that in France many cities have possessed as curious and picturesque alleys, such beautiful monuments, but modernism has gradually destroyed these treasures of the past. Sarlat was miraculously saved by the law promulgated August 4, 1962 Malraux said Act. This law on the restoration of conservation areas was applied for the first time in France in Sarlat. The center of the medieval town with its 65 monuments and protected buildings served as a pilot operation for the development of funding and criteria for restoration.
  • In recent years, Sarlat - more generally as the Périgord - is becoming a popular region of the English who, attracted by the charm of the stone marked by history, are contributing to the enrichment of this traditionally rural area and allow unprecedented cultural exchange, which probably reveals the beginnings of a new era in the framework...
  • In 1965, the towns of Sarlat and La Caneda merge under the name of Sarlat-la-Canéda.
  • Sarlat, cited Occitan: It is important to note the power of speaking in Perigord. The langue d'oc or Occitan is an expression of local roots. It is still widely spoken in Sarlat and taught at several schools.
  • Gastronomic specialties:
  • Truffles, foie gras, porcini, chanterelles and morels, nuts, candied meats and fine campaign, chestnuts, strawberries, liqueurs and brandies... are some of the finest gourmet kitchen.
  • In this land of "Live Well" in a friendly spirit, peasant recipes are passed down from generation to generation and have contributed to a gastronomic reputation alone justifies the influx of visitors from around the world.
  • Sarlat has forged over the centuries a real lifestyle around its cuisine, intimately linked to the agricultural vocation of the whole region, but also through its architectural and cultural heritage. Land and traditions are jealously protected in the name of a real quality of life.
  • The "markets" colorful, lively and perfumed Sarlat are, throughout the year, always popular with the local population and summer. A new food market opened in the former church of Santa Maria, revisited by the architect Jean Nouvel.

Things to see and do

  • The Saint-Sacerdos cathedral (nineteenth century to the sixteenth century).
  • The Chapel Recollects, said the penitent white (seventeenth century), museum of sacred art.
  • The castle of La Boetie, sixteenth century.
  • Castle Campagnac, fourteenth and sixteenth centuries.
  • Temniac The Episcopal castle (ruins of the fifteenth century), visited.
  • The Church of St. Mary, converted into a covered market and cultural space by architect Jean Nouvel.
  • The panoramic lift, located in the tower of St. Mary church that overlooks the city skyline.
  • Former Bishop which houses the Office of Tourism and exhibition halls.
  • Garden of Enfeus (fourteenth to the sixteenth century).
  • The lantern of the dead (twelfth century) by nearly 10 m high, rare in France.
  • The Tower Executioner and the partial remains of ancient walls.
  • Manor Gisson, historical monument, located in the protected area of ​​the old city.
  • Following the Colombier Promenade in the former convent of Our Lady, we perceive the changes in the city in the nineteenth century, architectural changes and those of urban planning. But it is also the path of a serene resort through the shopping streets, open squares and gardens.
  • A couple, with family, friends or in groups, discover the best of Sarlat:
  • Traditional tours: April to October, Sarlat, a city of art and history, offers a wide range of adapted to all public tours, young and old.
  • Visits for groups all year by reservation, the Sarlat Périgord Black Tourist Office offers you to discover the charms of the medieval city during a private visit, with a guide.
  • The event visits: the ride told with a figure of the country through the theatrical tour and the new sensory and participatory tour "Your trip '.
  • Special children (for 8/12 years): Even the little ones can learn to love Sarlat with a visit to both fun and rewarding specially concocted for them.

Places of interest

Events and festivities.

The reputation of the Sarlat market is well established. High in color and flavor, it attracts all year round gourmets and lovers of Périgord gastronomy.

  • Outdoor markets (all year round):
  • Saturday: in the heart of the city - all products from 8:30 am to 6 pm.
  • Saturday morning: place de la liberté - food market from 8:30 am to 1 pm.
  • Saturday morning in winter only: several award-winning markets.
  • Wednesday morning: food market - Place de la Liberté: 8:30 am to 1 pm.
  • The covered market (all year): former Sainte Marie church - Place de la Liberté.
  • During the summer season: open every day, Monday to Sunday inclusive, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. (nighttime).
  • From mid-November to mid-April: every day except Thursday from 8:30 am to 1 pm.
  • The fat and truffle markets: from the end of November to mid-March, Sarlat hosts, on Saturday morning from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the Place Boissarie (near the covered market), important fatty and truffle markets in particular popular with gourmets.

Also, during the year periodically occur events and festivities:

  • The Truffle Festival : every year, mid-January. Many activities around this emblematic mushroom are offered. Workshops are open to the general public in order to discover all the subtleties of the truffle, such as the identification and scent of truffle workshops or how to buy a truffle.
  • Sarlat Fest'Oie : every year, early March. Tasting stands each more tempting than the next, the carcass soup (a true local tradition) offered to everyone to warm up, the band for the atmosphere, workshops and demonstrations for young and old to learn.
  • Les Journées du Terroir: in the heart of the city, every year on Ascension Thursday and Friday. The days of the terroir are an opportunity to discover or rediscover the authenticity, traditions and quality of Périgord Noir products. Alongside identity stands and activities for children, a farm and an organic center have appeared.
  • Sarlat Swing It: the first weekend of June, rediscover the swing and good humor of jazz in the pure tradition of American groups from the 1920s to the 1950s. The heart of the city is transformed into an open-air stage, where the meet professionals, enthusiasts, amateurs of this exceptional atmosphere of the Roaring Twenties. A concentrate of good humor with voices, atmospheres, places and the opportunity to meet before the launch of the summer season.
  • La Ringueta: traditional festival of games of yesteryear, it takes place on the weekend of Pentecost (only in even years). The Occitan language is given pride of place.
  • The Theater Games Festival: the last two weeks of July as well as the first week of August.
  • Heritage Night: the 3rd weekend of September.
  • The Days of Taste and Gastronomy: end of September. The city of Sarlat joins the national gastronomic meeting and proposes to put the land in the spotlight by organizing a popular and friendly event around the pastoral lamb of Sarladais and the Sarladaise potato. On the sidelines of this event, visitors can also enjoy the specialties on the stands of the producers, participate in workshops and demonstrations.
  • The Film Festival: mid-November.
  • The Christmas Market: in December. Sarlat at the end of the year impatiently awaits its Christmas market which colors and animates the city. A Christmas village looms and opens its doors to the public in December, made up of about fifty chalets, each as magical as the next; it is organized around the ice rink. The village comes alive and lives to the rhythm of artisans from all over France who come to exhibit their works in the medieval city. A very eclectic craftsmanship awaits you to offer unforgettable gifts.
  • On 9 june 2024
  • Place du Marché aux Noix
  • Flea market reserved for private individuals by APEL de Sainte Croix et Saint Joseph.
  • From 13 to 15 june 2024
  • Théâtre de poche
  • Workshop show - With : julie, soizic, magali, denis T., DENIS M., nathalie, marina, guillaume, carine, julien, victor and tiphaine
  • From 15 to 16 june 2024
  • Gymnase de la Canéda
  • Tournament organized by the Badminton Sarladais club. - Refreshment bar, catering and set & match stand on site.
  • From 28 june to 4 july 2024
  • Galerie A. Malraux
  • By OLLANGE Isabel - Abstract paintings and inks exhibition.
  • On 29 june 2024
  • Centre Culturel
  • At the sarlat cultural center ? Saturday June 29th - In partnership with : La mission locale. - Open stage at the Centre culturel Free and open to all. - 7pm to 9pm : Open stage for talent - 9pm to 11pm : CARTOON concert - Refreshments and Foodtruck on site
  • On 6 july 2024
  • Complexe sportif de la Canéda
  • Bodega tour celebrates summer in Sarlat !
  • On 20 july 2024
  • Jardins des Enfeus
  • By Victor Hugo - Directed by Camille de La Guillonnière - With Florent Bresson, Lise Quet, Frédéric Lapinsonnière, Adrien Noblet, Juliette Ordonneau, Mathieu Ricard and Jessica Vedel. - Théâtre Régional des Pays de la Loire - It was from his exile in Guernsey, where he composed a large part of his work, that Victor Hugo, the most popular of our great writers, wrote the play "Mille francs de récompense" in 1866, four years after Les Misérables, which he refused to have performed, declaring : "My drama will appear the day freedom returns ! In fact, it wasn't published until 1934 ! This unusual play, with its unclassifiable genre - drama, melodrama, comedy, thesis theater - is clearly all at once.
  • On 21 july 2024
  • Abbaye Sainte-Claire (côte de Toulouse)
  • By Annie Ernaux - Directed by Violette Campo - With Violette Campo and Lisa Garcia. - Compagnie The ? A ? tre Les Pieds dans l ? Eau - Published in 2016, Mémoire de fille is also the eponymous title of this free theatrical adaptation, which sets out to dramatize the memory buried throughout Annie Ernaux ? S life : that of her intimate and traumatic experience of her "first time" when, aged just 18, she left the family grocery store and arrived as a camp counselor. Who was this girl who underwent a sexual encounter that she herself doesn't really know if she consented to, but which obsessed her mind to the point where she explains it today.
  • By Sandie Masson - Directed by Denis Lachaud - Read by Marc Fayet and Sandie Masson. - Compagnie des contes urbains - Starting from the sad observation that our society is constantly driving us further apart, and that our bonds are disintegrating because we no longer take the time to talk to and understand the other, or because, for fear of being sent back to our solitude, we no longer dare to express our deepest selves, Avec plaisirs explores the theme of the couple, featuring a man (Paul) and a woman (Julie). Sitting side by side, they attend a theatrical performance and take it in turns to become the characters presented on stage. - 7:30pm : Aperitif and Assiette Périgourdine
  • On 22 july 2024
  • By Jacques Mougenot - Directed by Hervé Devolder - With Carole Deffit, Fabian Richard, Jacques Mougenot, Patrick Villanueva, Benoît Dunoyer de Segonzac and François Chambert. - Stage and Audience - An original musical, even if the basic idea is banal : it's a love story based on the very classic model of "La double inconstance", but in this case, the first names don't change. The play is built on a mise en abyme : while Paul and Virginie are rehearsing with their director, their respective spouses, Paul and Virginie, are having an affair ! What's more, all the male and female characters have to be played by the same actors ! A major imbroglio with two interlocking but scrupulously meticulous stagings, set in a minimalist décor.

Detailed information

Old Town of Sarlat-la-Canéda

Visits, leisure and activities nearby

  • Sarlat is situated in the heart of Black Périgord , a few kilometers from the Dordogne valley villages of La Roque-Gageac and Beynac, classified most beautiful villages in France. Rides barges (flat-bottomed boats) are possible from these two villages.
  • The area is also ideal for practicing many outdoor activities: canoeing, climbing, hiking, Nordic walking, caving, ropes course, horse riding, orienteering, archery, fishing, biking and VTT...
  • Many attractions offer entertainment and visits dedicated to children, especially during the summer and school holidays.

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sarlat tourist office

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  • Monday 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
  • Tuesday 09:30 am - 06:00 pm
  • Wednesday 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
  • Thursday 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
  • Friday 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
  • Saturday 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
  • Sunday 10:00 am - 01:00 pm 02:00 pm - 05:00 pm

Opens at 10:00 am Detailed schedules

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Location : In town

Province : Black Périgord

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  • Open all year round

Open every day all year round except Sundays from mid-November to the end of March. In July-August, continuously from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Beynac tourist information office, open from February to October and during the Christmas holidays. La Roque Gageac tourist information office, open from April to September. All timetable details on our website Organization of group and individual stays . CITY OF ART AND HISTORY - CLASSIFIED ** * in the Michelin Green Guide - Tourist Resort - Flower town 3 flowers - admirably preserved medieval ensemble TRANSPORTS SNCF station (Sarlat - Bordeaux line) - Bus connections with Périgueux and Souillac. Airports: Brive Vallée de la Dordogne 35 km away and Bergerac Roumanières (80 km). TOURIST SITES AND ITINERARIES Guided tours of the medieval city from April to October Guided tours of the villages of Beynac , Roque Gageac and Saint-Vincent-de-Cosse in high season. All year round by reservation for groups: information at the Tourist Office, tel. This medieval city offers an exceptional architectural heritage. Strolling through the alleys of the medieval city, you will discover in turn the Birthplace of Etienne de la Boëtie, the Saint-Sacerdos Cathedral, the Jardin des Enfeus, the Présidial, the old Sainte-Marie church, the Hôtel Plamon and many other buildings from the 12th to 17th centuries. Sarlat seen from the sky: Taking the panoramic elevator nestled in the heart of the bell tower of the Sainte-Marie church is a unique experience. Once at the top, the fully glazed walls invite you to contemplate Sarlat in 360 °. Sarlat is located in the heart of Périgord Noir between the Dordogne Valley and Vézère Valley . The Périgord Noir reveals its many sites: castles, caves, pits, museums, gardens... ACCOMMODATIONS Online availability and downloadable brochures on our website : hotels, restaurants and farm inns, campsites, guesthouses and stopover lodges, vacation rentals. Market days: - Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Food market: 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.) - Fat and truffle market (in winter only) - Wednesday morning, food market - Thursday evening: organic market - Covered market: Eglise Ste Marie every day (except Thursday from mid-November to mid-April) GASTRONOMY AND TERROIR The Périgord has a renowned gastronomic tradition. Truffles, foie gras, nuts, strawberries, chestnuts, renowned preserves, liqueurs, walnut oil, many gastronomic specialties. Like any good gourmet who respects himself, note these dates in your diary and above all, come and enjoy these pure moments of happiness! Photo credit: Mathieu Anglada and Dan Courtice ©

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Traveller reviews google tourist office category i sarlat périgord noir.

4.3 sur 5 2038 reviews

4 sur 5 Reviews posted by Henrik Facebandit on 29/03/2024

Best service, kind and taking time to find what you need and want to see. But the public toilets are horrible, no locks or paper and dirty.

5 sur 5 Reviews posted by Alison Jones on 20/08/2019

Based in the Mediaeval village of Sarlat la Caneda in the Dordogne. Full of information with many brochures and leaflets on the local area. Staff are eager to help you enjoy your holiday to the full

5 sur 5 Reviews posted by Sazan Bimo on 30/08/2016

This place was amazing. We were there on a Saturday noon and it was like a movie set

Traveller Reviews tripAdvisor Tourist Office category I Sarlat Périgord Noir

"friendly and helpful staff".

Good central location, upbeat friendly staff. One concern….they might want to check the public toilets next door, you know, the ones for Visitors? Horrible! No toilet seats, no toilet paper, and...

"Bad experience at Sarlat Tourism Office"

Sarlat is a relatively friendly place, we had a nice time. However a bad experience left a bad note of the town. We asked for a Fracture for tax free at the Tourism Office after buying some items...

"Free wifi - friendly service"

Anne was very patient with my broken French. She spoke to me slowly and explained in English what "je ne comprends pas". Free wifi is good for emails, calls and other catch ups. Plenty of...

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Jardins et villages du Sarladais

22 m - Sarlat la Canéda

Velo hybrid Bike / road

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Véloroute - Voie Verte Sarlat Cazoules

135 m - Sarlat la Canéda

Walking Velo hybrid Bike / road

Parcours VTT 4 Campagnac (Sarlat-la-Canéda) - Marcillac Saint Quentin

Parcours VTT 4 Campagnac (Sarlat-la-Canéda) -  ...

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3 rue Tourny 24200 Sarlat-la-Canéda

Phone : 05 53 31 45 45

Fax : 05 53 59 19 44

GPS coordinates

44° 53'18.68"N, 1° 13'0.07"E

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sarlat tourist office

What to do, eat, and see in Sarlat – Dordogne, France

Sarlat market - the best market in Dordogne

Sarlat-la-Canéda is one of France’s most stunning medieval towns with incredible sights, food, and history. It’s one of the liveliest destinations in the Dordogne region with plenty of attractions and important landmarks. That’s why I decided to write a detailed list of all the best things to do, eat and see in Sarlat, including day trips and hotel recommendations. 

*If you’re traveling to Dorogne with kids, you should first read my article about the best things to do with kids in Dordogne . 

Best things to do in Sarlat Dordogne, Frace

Sarlat is located in the Southwest of France, between the region’s big two cities Bordeaux and Toulouse (about 200K from each of them). It’s the fourth largest town in the Dordogne region and the central town of Black Perigord, the eastern part of the Dordogne. The town is famous for its culinary delights, ancient architecture, and quaint, cobbled streets, attracting more than 1.5 million visitors each year.

A bit of history first – important facts about Sarlat

Sarlat is thought to have originated around the 9th century although the first mention of the town dates to the 11th century. During the 14th and 15th centuries, Sarlat enjoyed great economic prosperity mostly thanks to its strategic location. It became an important trading center, specializing in goods such as saffron, walnuts, and truffles. 

This contributed to Sarlat’s immense architectural development, with stunning houses from the 14th century which we can still witness today. Unfortunately, it faced periods of turmoil following the Hundred Years’ War and the Wars of Religion. Luckily, the Marlaux law that was passed in 1992, created strong preservation in Sarlat and prevented many of its historic buildings to be demolished. 

In recent decades it has become an important tourist hub in the Southwest of France. Its preserved historic center and mostly car-free streets make it one of the more pleasant places to visit in Dordogne. Now let’s discover what are the best things to do in Sarlat! 

Stroll the streets of Sarlat

The Best Things to Do in Sarlat

Taste local delicacies at the sarlat market.

If you’re a foodie, Sarlat is your place! Head to the Sarlat market, the biggest, best food market in Dordogne, and quite frankly all of Southwest France! The market takes place all over the city center on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. 

Best local products at the Sarlat market in Dordogne

From the early morning hours, the market is brimming with locals and tourists from all parts of Dordogne. They come to enjoy the cheerful atmosphere and colorful stalls adorning the beautiful streets of this medieval town. If there’s one market you can’t miss in Dordogne, it’s definitely the Sarlat market.

Here you can find the best selection of Dordogne gastronomic specialties like foie gras, duck confit , nuts, and more. But that’s not all! The Sarlat market is rich with products from all over the region such as wine from Bordeaux, oysters from Arcachon, and sheep milk cheese from the Basque country.

A great way to enjoy the market is on a guided walking market tour in English with plenty of snapshots and food sampling opportunities.

Sarlat market - one of the best things to do in Sarlat

Marvel at Sarlat’s history

The architecture in this remarkable medieval town transports you back in time. When you arrive, grab a map from the tourist office in Rue Tourny – it’ll come in handy when you’re winding through the narrow streets of the old city.

Almost every street here is a hidden gem, with yellow limestone houses and fancy Renaissance mansions. You really have to just let yourself get lost in Sarlat to experience it properly. But if you need a few anchors, I gathered a list of some of the main architectural gems in the city center.

Stroll the stunning streets of Sarlat

Here are Sarlat’s unmissable historical spots:

Maison de La Boétie 

The house where famous writer Etienne de La Boétie was born. The house built in Italian Renaissance–style dates back to the early 1500s. It’s located in front of the Cathedral of Saint-Sacerdos. 

Maison de La Boétie  - one of the landmarks of Sarlat

Rue des Consuls In the picturesque street bursting with history, you’ll find Hôtel Plamon, an old noble family’s manor house, now a historical museum. Next door is the Fontaine Sainte-Marie, carved out of a natural cave in the 12th century.

Place du Marché des Trois Oies This charming square boasts a famous statue of three geese by François-Xavier Lalanne. The statue represents the region’s rich gastronomical heritage.

Le Badaud de Sarlat This bronze statue by Gérard Auliac represents a casual, happy onlooker people-watching at Place de la Liberté.

Le Badaud de Sarlat - one the most interesting monuments in Sarlat

Manoir Gisson The perfect place to see Gothic and Renaissance architecture, this mansion was built in the 15th century by the noble Magnanat family.

The Western District Explore West of Rue de la République (also called La Traverse) and you’ll be rewarded with ornate doors and quieter cobbled lanes. Visit the Tour du Bourreau, built in 1580, which is now an art gallery with a beautiful, panoramic view of Sarlat from its rooftop. Finally, stop by the Chapel of the Pénitents Blancs and check out the ornate doorway.

But the town isn’t only a thrill for history lovers – there’s something for everyone.

Shop inside a church-turned-market

L’église Sainte-Marie, built in the 1300s and 1400s, was damaged during the French Revolution and what remains today has been converted into a permanent, indoor food market. Here you can buy local delicacies and even find an array of cultural activities. 

This incredible former church has another surprise for visitors – a bird’s eye view of the town! Hop on the panoramic lift and take in the sights.

sarlat tourist office

Do “apéro” like a local

Apéro, or pre-dinner drinks, is a cultural fixture across France. In the early evening, you’ll see everyone sipping cocktails and sparkling wine on the sidewalk cafés. Head to one of the cafés on Place de la Liberté, the buzzing square in the heart of the Old Town, for a drink and some people-watching.

Have a drink at  Place de la Liberté in the canter of Sarlat

Discover an ancient cathedral

No trip to Sarlat is complete without a visit to the Saint Sacerdos Cathedral on Place du Peyrou. The oldest part of the building’s foundations dates back to the 12th century, and the town was built around this site. Take in the Gothic architecture, the ancient bell tower, and the organ. The cathedral is free to visit outside of service hours.

Jardin des Enfeus in Sarlat

As you leave the cathedral, you’ll come across the Jardin des Enfeus. The abbey’s cemetery houses tombstones as old as the town itself and gets its name from the arches in the walls.

Revel in truffle and foie gras

If you happen to visit Sarlat in winter, count yourself lucky. The famous truffle and foie gras (rich goose or duck liver spread) market takes place between December and February, and it’s a decadent affair. Local farmers bring award-winning truffles to be valued at the festival. You can watch a truffle dog at work, sample the region’s best foie gras, and taste Bergerac Duras wines.

You can see the full list of Dordogne truffle markets taking place from December to the end of January here .

Take a day trip to one of France’s most beautiful villages

Sarlat is a perfect place to base yourself if you wish to discover the stunning villages in the region . There are at least four villages just a few kilometers from Sarlat that appear on the list of the most beautiful villages in France . A visit to at least one of them is an absolute must! 

All these villages are easily reachable by car , but a guided tour turns it into a deeper and much more meaningful experience. The tour includes a visit to two “plus beaux villages”, Beynac and Domme as well as a boat ride on the Dordogne River. You can read more about all these places in my article the most beautiful villages in Dordogne .

If you have to choose only one, I’d go for Beynac-et-Cazenac (11km from Sarlat). Beynac is a picturesque village that borders the Dordogne River and is home to one of the most impressive medieval castles in the region.

Beynac-et-Cazenac - on of the best day trips from Sarlat

Other stunning villages include:

La Roque Gageac – 9km from Sarlat

Situated beneath a sharp cliff on the banks of the Dordogne, this village boasts a panoramic view of the whole valley.

Domme – 11km from Sarlat

Undisturbed by industrialization with magnificent views out over the river, this village boasts unparalleled sights for nature lovers and history fans.

Castelnaud-la-Chapelle – 13km from Sarlat

Across the river from neighboring Beynac-et-Cazenac and La Roque-Gageac, the views from this town are not to be missed. The village is home to the Chateau de Castelnaud where you can find an impressive museum of medieval wars. 

The Castel of Castelnaud-la-Chapelle

If you have more time and want to explore beautiful villages in other parts of the Dordogne region, you should check out the most beautiful villages around Bergerac . 

Amble in exquisite gardens – Les Jardins de Marqueyssac

The Dordogne region is known for its many exquisite gardens, but the Marqueyssac gardens are in a league of their own. Les Jardins de Marqueyssac are located in Vesac, about 10km from Sarlat, and very easy to reach. It’s one of the best day trips to do from Sarlat .

The gardens are built on a rocky spur with 150,000 boxwood shrubs pruned by hand and surrounded by waterfalls and panoramic views. The first sight of this magical green labyrinth will blow your mind. You can then take a long walk between the boxwoods until you reach the stunning viewpoint over the river and the villages nearby. Take a moment to take in the view and snap a photo.

Jardins de Marqueyssac - one of the most beautiful gardens in France

If you’re traveling with kids , this place is a must! There are two playgrounds, picnic tables, and even a few hammocks for a nap. If you’re hungry there’s a tea room with a nice menu and a stunning view just next to the chateau. Throughout the year, the Marqueyssac Gardens host plenty of fun events like artistic workshops for kids and candlelight evenings . You can visit every day of the year, but consider buying tickets online ahead of time to avoid lines.

Where to eat in Sarlat

Food is a vital part of France’s culture, and Sarlat has no shortage of fantastic places to eat. If you’re visiting Sarlat in a busy season, remember to book a table because tables fill up quickly! Here are some of our favorite restaurants in Sarlat.

Le Presidial- a fancy restaurant in Sarlat

Aux 3 sens With romantic outdoor seating in a narrow lane, this restaurant is rated highly for its duck and foie gras dishes, as well as meat and wine selection.

Le Presidial Tucked away in a quiet, romantic courtyard, you can enjoy chic dishes made from local ingredients.

L’entrepote The perfect outdoor dining spot for a summer evening, L’entrepote is known for its regional duck dishes and its buzzing atmosphere.

Eat a delicious dinner in Sarlat

La Couleuvrine The reasonably-priced menu and vegetarian options mean there’s something for everyone.

Where to stay in Sarlat

Sarlat is one of the most popular destinations in Dordogne, offering a big selection of apartments, hotels, and B&B in the center as well as the city’s outskirts. If you’re here for just a few days, finding accommodation in the center of Sarlat is highly recommended. Here are two options I particularly love!

Les Cordeliers

This charismatic hotel is great for visiting Sarlat with its central location, spacious rooms, and generous breakfast offerings. Book your stay here .

Noreli B&B

Guests rave about this B&B’s location in the heart of town, its friendly staff, and charming, comfortable lodgings. Book a stay .

How to get to Sarlat

Sarlat is easily reachable by car, airplane, and train from Paris, Bordeaux, and Toulouse.

By car : From Bordeaux, you can either take the A89, which has tollgates and takes around 2.5 hours, or the D936, which doesn’t have tollgates but is a bit longer. If you want to rent a car, here’s where I usually find the best deals .

By airplane : The nearest airports to Sarlat-la-Canéda are the Bordeaux-Mérignac international airport (136 miles from Sarlat) and the Bergerac Dordogne-Périgord international airport (45 miles from Sarlat).

By train :5 trains a day go between Bordeaux and Sarlat, making it very easy to travel to and fro. The train trip takes about 2.5 hours. Tickets are available on the SNCF website .

Best things to do Sarlat , Dordogne

You can also get plenty of tips on things to do in the Southwest of France  via lost in Bordeaux’s social media accounts and email list, check them out here:

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* Note  – Some of the links in this article include affiliate links for which I earn a small commission. It adds absolutely nothing to your cost and helps me continue writing about this amazing region. Don’t worry, I’m not getting rich here, I’ll never recommend anything I don’t believe in 🙂 

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Sarlat Place de la Liberté, medieval town

Your Ultimate Guide to Sarlat [+video!]

4:51 pm //  by  Gillian //   Leave a Comment

Place de la Liberté Sarlat

The impossibly beautiful medieval town of Sarlat is the jewel in the crown of the Dordogne. Sarlat is located in the Périgord Noir and attracts thousands of tourists every year, especially during the summer months. It’s also a favourite with movie makers who have chosen it as a backdrop for their blockbuster movies including the likes of ‘Ever After’ which starred Drew Barrymore and Ridley Scott’s forthcoming ‘The Last Duel’.

In This Post You Will Find:

Discover Sarlat [Video]

How about a little taster of what awaits you in Sarlat? Check out our video below:

Where is Sarlat?

Sarlat memorabilia

So where exactly is this beautiful medieval town? Sarlat (its full name is actually Sarlat-la-Canéda) is located in the Dordogne region of South West France, about 2 hours east from Bordeaux. Referred to as the ‘Périgord’ by the French, the Dordogne is divided into 4 different regions and Sarlat is the capital of the Périgord noir.

Sarlat attractions

There are many things to do in Sarlat, however, one of our favourite things is to simply wander the narrow, winding streets where you’ll find the highest concentration of medieval buildings in the whole of Europe (apparently!). The medieval town centres around a large square (Place de la Liberté) that is lined with cafes and interesting boutiques. It’s also a great place to pick up local gifts for friends and family back home.

Place de la Liberté

Place de la Liberté in Sarlat, Dordogne

The heart of the medieval town is found in this large square known as La Place de la Liberté . The square is lined with restaurants, cafés, bars, craft shops and is where most of the action is to be found on market day. It’s a great spot to have a café and watch the world go by.

Saint Sacerdos Cathedral

Sarlat Cathedral - Saint Sacerdos

From the Place de la Liberté, head south towards the Place du Peyrou. Here you will find the unusually large cathedral called La Cathédrale de Saint-Sacerdos. It’s worth a visit, entry is free, and the interior is impressive.

La Lanterne des Morts

La Lanterne des Morts in Sarlat

Head up the hill from the cathedral and you’ll find the 12 th century Lanterne des Morts (Lantern of the dead), an attractive stone tower (thought to be built by the Knights of the Templar), whose purpose is a bit of a mystery.

Maison de la Boétie

Maison de la Boétie in Sarlat

Back down the hill and you’ll come face to face with this impressive 16 th century building, the Maison de la Boétie . Built in 1525, it has some expertly carved Renaissance stone facades.

Manoir de Gisson

Le Manoir de Gisson in Sarlat

If you would like to see inside a typical Sarlat mansion then visit the furnished 13 th century Manoir de Gisson , near to the popular bronze geese sculptures ( an Instagram must ) in Place du Marché aux Oies. 

The Bronze Geese

The three bronze geese in Sarlat

No trip to Sarlat is complete without a selfie with the geese! Located at Place du Marché aux Oies (Geese Market Square), this is where live animals used to be sold around a century ago. The live animals have now been replaced with the friendly bronze geese.

Covered Market

covered market in Sarlat

Just off the main square, Place de la Liberté, you’ll find a converted old church that’s been turned into a covered market. Gain entrance via the impressive large doors (15 meters tall!) and choose some delicious produce available on a daily basis.

Parc du Plantier

Bandstand at the Jardin du Plantier in Sarlat

If you are on a budget, then pick up a sandwich from one of the town’s boulangeries and have a picnic amongst the flowers in the Parc du Plantier. It was at one time the Abbey gardens and is now a quaint municipal park a stone’s throw from Sarlat’s medieval centre. There’s a small playpark for younger children and an attractive bandstand.

Panoramic Lift

Hidden in the former church of Sainte Marie (the covered market), you’ll find access to a panoramic lift that will take you to the rooftops for some fabulous views of the town. The tour last 12 minutes and tickets can be purchased at the tourist office (weather permitting).

Best time to visit Sarlat

If possible, I recommend visiting out of high season as tourists flock here in July and August, streets are crowded, and parking can be an issue. Check below for details on the various events that take place throughout the year so you can plan your visit to coincide with a specific festival.

Where to eat in Sarlat? 

lunch at Le Grand Bleu in Sarlat

There is a tremendous choice of restaurants in Sarlat covering all budgets and palates. The choice can be rather overwhelming and it’s also worth bearing in mind that there are quite a few tourist traps, particularly in the medieval part of town.

Although this is by no means an exhaustive list, here are our tried and tested favourite eateries in Sarlat. Also, you can’t beat having a coffee in the Place de la Liberté!

It’s also worth noting that you’ll often get some great lunch time deals so why not splash out over lunch rather than having to dig deep for an evening meal.

Budget & Quirky Restaurants in Sarlat

L'endroit restaurant in Sarlat

Located on the edge of the old medieval town, l’Endroit is a great option if you’re looking for somewhere casual and want a change from the usual duck and foie gras. They do a mean burger and service is always very friendly.

Again, those looking for a change from the traditional fayre will get their fill at this quirky restaurant located a stone’s throw from the tourist office. Head here for some charcuterie and cheese heaven. Think hearty, alpine food and very friendly owners who’ll take great care of you.

Le Bouchon 

Le Bouchon Tapas Bar in Sarlat

Tapas, tapas, tapas! Tucked away on a narrow, little back alley, this tiny tapas and wine bar offers delicious tapas. Try their pimentos or their mussels a la plancha washed down with some great local brew. Our kids love their cheese and charcuterie plates too.

Upmarket Restaurants in Sarlat

Le présidial.

Le Presidial restaurant in Sarlat

Superb garden terrace. Expect the menu to include delicious local specialities such as confit de canard, magret de canard, walnuts, sarladaise potatoes, foie gras and cabécou goats’ cheese. Beautiful setting and great food!

Le Grand Bleu

Le Grand Bleu in Sarlat

Boy are you in for a treat! Owner and chef, Maxime Lebrun will look after your every need in this very special Michelin starred restaurant (it’s just lost its star but no doubt it won’t take them long to get it back!). You won’t stumble upon the Grand Bleu as it’s located a stone’s throw from Sarlat’s train station (about 1.5 km from the town centre). Although it’s far from being off the beaten track, so make sure you book a table as it fills up very quickly.

We also recommend opting for the fabulous set lunch menu (available Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays) – it’s incredible value at around 26€ for a starter, main course, dessert, a glass of wine and a coffee. Absolute bargain!

Sarlat Market [Wednesdays + Saturdays]

Sarlat Market

If you prefer to cook up your own feast, then gather the ingredients from local producers at the fabulous Wednesday and Saturday market. The market is huge with the food section focused in the old town running from the cathedral to the town square (Place de la Liberté). You’ll find clothes, arts and crafts on the main street in the modern part of town (Rue Gambetta).

Accommodation in Sarlat

Studio la liberté.

You can’t get any more central than this! With its picture postcard view across the main square, this studio is a perfect place to stay if you want to be in the heart of the action.

B&B La Lanterne

Located in the heart of medieval Sarlat and a stone’s throw from La Lanterne des Morts (hence the name!), this B&B is a gem. The property dates back to 1504 and offers a choice of 4 ensuite bedrooms. Expect a friendly, warm welcome from owners Ian and Jayne.

Les Cordeliers

This beautiful, luxury bed & breakfast overlooks the memorial square of La Petite Rigaudie and is on the edge of Sarlat’s medieval town. Les Cordeliers offers 5 large (air-conditioned!) rooms at affordable prices. Enjoy a delicious breakfast of fresh orange juice, a selection of breads, cheeses, meat and pastries in the large dining room.

Hotel La Madeleine

If you want a touch of luxury then head to the 4 star hotel & spa Plaza la Madeleine which is located at the entrance to the old town. Beautiful rooms, a heated swimming pool, terrace, spa, La Madeleine has it all. It even has air conditioning which is very much welcomed in the heat of the summer months. There is even parking available (priceless in Sarlat!) although you’ll have to walk about 10 minutes to get to the car park.

Sarlat weather

Sarlat has a mild climate although we do experience wet and cold days during the winter months. The hottest months are July and August with temperatures often reaching the mid-30s (Celsius). Spring is generally mild although the weather is often not very consistent with periods of showers and sun. The months of September and October are usually very good – we often experience an Indian summer during those months. The wettest months tend to be January and February. Check this link for further details on monthly temperature averages.  

Supermarkets in & around Sarlat

Casino supermarket in Sarlat

If you’re not visiting on market day then you may need to pick up a thing or two from a supermarket. There are a few small supermarkets in the town centre and a number of larger ones which will require a car to get to. Click on the links to check opening hours as they can vary with some closing at lunch and some opening on a Sunday morning.

Town centre mini supermarkets

Le Petit Casino – located on the main high street in the modern part of Sarlat. Handy to pick up the odd thing or two. 32 Rue de la République.

Carrefour Express – located on rue Gambetta as you’re heading out of town.   23 Avenue Gambetta.

Larger out-of-town supermarkets

You’ll need access to transport to reach the majority of the supermarkets below:

Carrefour Market – route de Brive

Lidl – this German supermarket is located at the entrance to Sarlat. It’s worth bearing in mind that it can get very busy, especially during peak season. Avenue Aristide Briand. 

Leclerc – this hypermarket is located on the outskirts of Sarlat. Avenue de Madrazes. 

Casino – Route de Bergerac, Avenue de la Dordogne, Moulin de Moreau.

Biocoop – there’s a great organic shop which provides fresh, seasonal organic fruit & vegetables, bulk products and a large array of organic produce. Centre Commerciale du Pontet D704, la Gendonie Basse.

Special Events & Festivals in Sarlat

There are a number of events and festivals that take place in Sarlat throughout the year.

Fete de la Truffe

Truffles at Sarlat truffle market

Fans of the black diamond should schedule a trip to the Dordogne in January. The Truffle Festival usually takes place around mid-January and is a wonderful opportunity to learn, buy and/or taste the truffe du Périgord.

Sarlat Fest’Oie – Goose Festival 

The Goose festival usually takes place around the first week-end of March. Expect to find local produce, geese herders, cookery demonstrations and ‘soupe de carcasse’ tastings. All things geese-related are celebrated during the course of this week-end!

Giant Easter Egg Hunt

Every Easter weekend, the Sarlat town hall organises a massive Easter egg hunt. It’s open to everyone (ie. children!) and is a lovely opportunity to discover medieval Sarlat. You need to sign up ahead online though!

Around 2000 differently coloured plastic eggs are hidden in the streets of Sarlat – each neighbourhood is allocated a different colour. Children then embark on a chocolate themed treasure hunt and have to find 5 different coloured eggs. The plastic eggs can then be swapped for a chocolate prize!

Les Journées du Terroir

This is the must-visit event for foodies amongst you. Les Journées du Terroir take place on the Thursday and Friday of the Ascension week-end in May. Truffle hunting demonstrations, live geese, walnut oil pressing, beer making, foie gras tastings… these are just a few of the things you can expect over the course of the two days. This event is a celebration of local produce, craftsmanship and all things Dordogne. Head to the Place de la Liberté in the medieval town.

Journées du Patrimoine

National Heritage days in Sarlat

Les Journées du Patrimoine or European Heritage Days take place the third week-end of September and is an absolute must! There are a number of events and exhibitions on during the course of the weekend, not to mention special access to sites often closed to the public such as la Lanterne des Morts, la chapelle des Pénitents blancs, la chapelle des Pénitents bleus, l’Abbaye Sainte-Claire. The icing on the cake has to be the magical candlelit evening on the Saturday evening though. Just take a look at the pic above and you’ll see why. Wind your way through the narrow streets and tiny alleys whilst following the 2000 candles that have been dotted about the medieval town.

Les Journées du gout et de la gastronomie

Gourmet and gastronomy days! This event takes place during the 4th week-end of September and is set up at the Place de la Grande Rigaudie, at the entrance to the medieval town. You’ll find plenty of local produce, a ‘repas-guinguette’ under the marquee, traditional Tourin soup, some local lamb, sarladaise potatoes and the famous Perigord walnut cake.

On the Sunday morning, you can take part in the incredible transhumance – follow a herd of about 200 sheep from a neighbouring village into Sarlat. 


Festival du film de sarlat.

Cinephiles, mark this date in your diaries! Join cinematography lovers for a week during mid- November for Sarlat’s very own Film festival . It takes place in the local cinema Rex and all details regarding the event can be found here. 


Sarlat christmas market.

Sarlat’s Christmas market has grown year on year and has become one of the must-visit christmas markets of the region. It’s set up on the Place de la Grande-Rigaudie as well as the Place du 14 juillet and runs for 3 weeks during the month of December ( check dates here ). There are some 70 wooden chalets selling handmade crafts, mulled wine and food stands as well as an ice-rink. The whole area comes to life with its many lights and illuminations. Oh, and Santa usually makes an appearance at the opening of the market!

Things to do near Sarlat 

Jardins de Marqueyssac, Dordogne

150,000 hand-pruned boxwood trees at the Hanging Gardens of Marqueyssac!

Sarlat is a great base for exploring the surrounding area. There are many places that can easily be reached within 20 minutes including La Roque Gageac, Domme, the Hanging Gardens of Marqueyssac, Font de Gaume (prehistoric cave paintings), Les Eyzies, Chateau de Castelnaud and Chateau de Beynac. Check this post for full details on best day trips from Sarlat.

How to get to Sarlat

The easiest way to get to Sarlat is by car although parking can be an issue. Check this link for details for car parks within the town. We generally park at the Parking de la Libération which is free! 

You can also come to Sarlat by train, however, there aren’t very many daily trains. The train station is about 1.5kms from the town centre. Check the SNCF website for routes and timetables.

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Visite guidée de Sarlat

Private group tours of Sarlat   the not-to-be-missed circuit

  • Welcome to Sarlat at the heart of the Dordogne region
  • Choose your activities
  • Sarlat Guided Tours
  • Private group tours of the town of Sarlat

Penetrate the secrets of the town of Sarlat when you opt for a private tour of the medieval town.

As a family, with friends, as a couple or in a group with your association, club or colleagues, reserve a special circuit through Sarlat.

Private activities

Throughout the year.

A private tour is the ideal way to enjoy a personalised discovery of the quaint streets of Sarlat.

And because the Capital of the Périgord reveals its culture and historical heritage  to the entire world, tours are available all year round in French, English, Spanish, German, Italian and more.

Visite privée de la ville de Sarlat

Discover the secrets of Sarlat

With a private tour.

Enjoy a private tour of Sarlat with a guide who is an expert of the area! The guide will share with you the history and patrimony of the town of Sarlat .  The sinuous streets of the town bring you face-to-face with the emblematic monuments of this medieval town. From the famous House of la Boëtie on Place du Peyrou to the former bishops’ palace which is today home to the Sarlat Tourist Office , get ready for photo ops in front of Saint-Sacerdos Cathedral and the enigmatic Lantern of the Dead! As you continue your private tour, your guide will explain the history of the old Sainte-Marie church… For a 100% Sarlat-style photo, stop over in front of the statue of three geese by François-Xavier Lalanne, affectionately known by the locals as the “3 grasses” in reference to The Three Graces by Raphael.


the tour that best suits you !

To discover the must-sees of the town of Sarlat, this one-hour tour will bring you to discover the most famous buildings in the city.

If you’d like to take a little extra time to discover the lesser-known spots in Sarlat, opt for the two-hour guided tour. Your guide reveals the best-kept secrets of the town…

Duration 1 h (or 2h) Type Private group Validity All the year Theme Historic tour

2020 prices

  • From 1 to 30 persons ( 1 guide): 134 €  for the group
  • Beyond 30 persons (2 guides) : 114 € for the group

Extra charges

  • For night tours, sundays and bank holidays: from 23 € for the group

Départure from Sarlat Tourist Office (download maps below)

Duration: 1 hour (walking tour).

New ! “Sarlat premium”

Opt for a more complete visit of the whole historic centre of Sarlat (Duration : 2 hours)

  • From 1 to 30 persons  (1 guide) : 206 € for the group
  • Beyond 30 persons  (2 guides) : 175 € pour le groupe

Download 2020 rates in pdf version

Access maps

Important: To get closer to the Tourist Office, coaches can drop their customers at the minute stop located Place Pasteur whose GPS coordinates: Latitude: 44.886625 – Longitude: 1.216864

  • Sarlat city-center map 647KB
  • Outskirts of the town of Sarlat 1MB

Useful  information

Information and booking :

Laure LEBAILLY & Aurore CHAMBRIN Direct line : +33 5 53 31 45 42 or +33 5 53 31 45 45 [email protected]

  The tour in images

Visite privée de la ville de Sarlat

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  5. Tourist Office Sarlat Perigord Noir (Sarlat-la-Canéda)

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  1. Sarlat Tourist Office

    Around Sarlat in Black Périgord , the Sarlat Périgord Noir Tourist Office welcomes you in its three offices and provides information on activities, tours, events and accommodations. Find us in Sarlat in the heart of the medieval city, as well as in the most beautiful villages of France in Beynac and La Roque-Gageac.

  2. Sarlat Tourism

    Sarlat Tourist Office welcomes you for your next holidays in Perigord Noir. All year long, plan with us your holidays to make the bery best of you stay. ... Book with the tourist office . #Sarlattourisme #Sarlat #Périgord. EN - La Chataigne 1

  3. Sarlat Tourisme

    L'Office de Tourisme de Sarlat vous accueille pour vos prochaines vacances en Périgord Noir ! Toute l'année, dessinez votre voyage aux couleurs du Périgord.

  4. Sarlat, Dordogne

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  5. L'Office de Tourisme

    Autour de Sarlat en Périgord Noir, l'Office de Tourisme Sarlat Périgord Noir vous accueille dans ses trois bureaux d'information et vous renseigne sur les activités, les visites, les manifestations et les hébergements. Retrouvez-nous à Sarlat en plein cœur de la cité médiévale, ainsi que dans les plus beaux villages de France de ...

  6. Must-dos in Sarlat-la-Canéda

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    The best way to discover Sarlat is to set off on an adventure through its narrow streets. The tourist office also organizes guided tours from April to December, as well as guided audio walks. Close to the Dordogne and Vézère valleys, Sarlat is the ideal base for discovering the tourist attractions of the Périgord Noir:

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  21. Private group tours of Sarlat the not-to-be-missed circuit

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