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Ultimate Classic Rock

101 Hilarious Rock Tour Rider Requests

Life on the road as a touring musician can be tough.

Away from the comforts of home for months at a time, it consists of an awful lot of unremarkable hotel rooms, plastic cutlery and less-than-thrilling food. Such is the price a band or musician must pay if they intend to bring their music to as many places as possible.

But just because traveling on tour can be somewhat monotonous doesn't mean it has to be bland or entirely uncomfortable.

Enter the humble tour rider, an addendum in most artists' contracts stipulating their requirements for performing at venues. This can include just about everything that goes on backstage before and after a show: meals, booze, transportation to and from the stage, dressing room amenities, technical equipment, etc.

For the most part, riders list a whole bunch of boring stuff, things like water, coffee, towels, air conditioning and so forth. But there is, of course, plenty of room for personality and preference, and in instances where specificity is important, these documents need to be read very closely.

In the '80s, for example, Van Halen developed something of a reputation for requesting M&M's on their riders, but  without  the brown ones. No exceptions. It turned out that the request had nothing to do with the candy itself, but instead was a test to make sure the promoter was reading the rider carefully.

Below we're taking a look at 101 Rock Tour Rider Requests from some of music's biggest names, noting the most unique requests from each.

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Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson Confirm RUSH Touring Plans With A New Drummer

  • Owais 'Vitek' Nabi
  • December 4, 2023
  • 1 minute read

In a recent interview with “CBS News Sunday Morning,” the iconic progressive rock band RUSH, formed in the Toronto suburbs decades ago by guitarist Alex Lifeson, bassist/vocalist Geddy Lee, and drummer Neil Peart, explored their legendary musical journey.

With over 40 million albums sold, RUSH stands as Canada’s most revered rock band. Lifeson and Lee engaged with correspondent Jim Axelrod, discussing their unique blend of musicianship, stagecraft, and humor, as well as the profound impact of Peart’s tragic passing on the band’s dynamic.

As they pondered what the future holds without Peart, Lifeson expressed the challenge of envisioning the next chapter:

“Yeah, it’s difficult to figure out what that chapter is without him.”

When questioned about the possibility of recruiting another drummer and touring again, Lee acknowledged:

“Have we talked about it? Yeah.”

Pressed on whether it’s a definite possibility, Lee responded:

“It’s not impossible, but at this point, I can’t guarantee it.”

In contrast, Lifeson conveyed a more optimistic sentiment, emphasizing their innate drive to continue:

“It’s just not in our DNA to stop.”

Lee added a philosophical perspective, highlighting the importance of staying true to oneself:

“Do what you believe, because if you do what someone else believes, and you fail, you’ve got nothing. If you do what you believe, and you fail, you still have hope.”

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This would be the greatest thing. I have been with my Husband 38 years n the first day i meet him he played Rush on his Guitar for me n it was the best.

George Hickey, a legendary drummer and specialist in prog rock.

Let Alex & Geddy do the picking on who’s replacing Neil just like the Foo Fighters did,,,let’s just respect their decision if we’re truly Rush’s Fan.

too bad the fanatics will not like it i for one have questions after alex said Rush was no more. I can only hope for the future and hope then make wonderful and beautiful music.

I would be happy with Tommy Aldridge! Who disagrees?


You evidently don’t listen to RUSH.

Mike Mangini.. the only one

I can hear them now. What are these other drums for?

Meg White will come out of retirement and handle the percusions.

Don’t call it Rush or play Rush songs start fresh or don’t do it too much ego and greed

Your outta your freakin mind

?????? No sabes nada de bateristas

I don’t think so…Need someone like Danny Carey, Mike Portnoy, or Dave Grohl. That’s just my opinion…

It’s going to be Danny Carey. He’s the who played the shows they already did late last year.

I think it’s Danny Carey. Alex has been playing with them on the tool tour.

Dave couldn’t handle it…Portnoy..yes.

Mike Portnoy seems like he’s up to the task

It will be Danny but I think Mike would be a better fit seeing the catalog of Rush he played.

I would have picked Taylor Hawkins if he was still with us! Now I think I would pick Herb from Primus!

Definitely Portnoy


Tommy Lee would need backing tracks… he’s out

What about Chad Smith Phil Ehart

With Phil’s recent health issues, he is probably not a candidate, but I’m pretty certain he has the chops. I still think Portnoy would fit beautifully.

those guys are already in bands.

These are bets you would lose. Also, it’s not 1998. You should learn to type without ALL CAPS.

Neil is rolling over in his grave…. Tommy Lee what blasphemy you speak. Tommy Lee couldn’t stay in the same hotel with Geddy and Alex let alone take Neil’s place.

Only EL Estepario could maybe hang with Neil’s drumming. That’s about it. No one else could.

Agreed. El Estepario is good enough.

Give your head a shake please. Lee can’t even play with his own band let alone take Neil’s place.

Lol, not a chance of either of those drummers sitting on that stool. They’re both respectable amd good drummers but they are not that level.

You can be serious,none of these guys could remotely cover Neil. Impossible

maybe carey or thomas lang. no peter criss, tommy lee. dave grohl joke. phil ehart i don’t think so… maybe he is retired… i think if carey already played with them it would be him. tommy lee is a garbage can drummer… not even near peart. lol…

Absolutely a huge Peart fan ………..but Mike Portnoy although also older these days, could elevate the Rush repertoire over what level Neil was playing in the later years. Just saying 😉

Dave Groul would be the only option from Foo Fightees

There is no way Dave could play this…

Danny Carey, Mike Portnoy, Stewart Copeland, Gavin Harris (is that his name? Porcupine Tree) I know there are others

Gavin would be great on drums. Besides, Alex likes Porcupine Tree.

Peter Criss wasn’t even the best drummer in KISS. Please leave his name out of this conversation.

Tommy Lee! Seriously? That dude doesn’t have the chops to come close playing like Neil… He be better off setting up the drums for someone who can play

Ok, this is pathetic. Lee is terrible. Criss is worse.

Carey can more than handle Rush but would not leave Tool for Rush. Kind of a step down moving to band that hasn’t made anything that good in a few decades. Rush is like Def Leppard and other 80s greats living on past. I live old Rush. New stuff is formidable but nothing without old foundation.

Grohl isn’t that good but Foo Fighters are a huge band and whywould he leave that?

Dream Theater is also bigger and Portnoy has waited 13 years to get back into the band he founded.

The OBVIOUS Answer in

MIKE MANGINI who is an upgrade tp Peart.

Upgrade? There wouldn’t be a Mangini without Peart

No way… Tommy Lee isn’t good enough

Tim Alexander from Primus would be at the top of my list

Jason Bunyan is a good drummer but not for Rush. Tommy Lee and Peter Criss are washed up clowns who aren’t even in the same league as Neil Peart…

I’ve heard a Foo Fighter – DG may be a possibility

Peter Criss? Are you freakin serious? WTF is wrong with you?

Not even close!

Not even close dude. You’re gonna have to dig deeper than that.

Those drummers don’t have the chops to play Neil’s part in like 90% of Rush’ catalogue.

Ha! Not even remotely close…

Mike Portnoy the only choice

Those 3 can’t play even close to Neil. Think before giving your opinion …

Peter Criss can’t even play KISS songs let alone Rush songs. What are you smoking?

Peter kris??? Come on. We’re talking about Neil pert. They need a real drummer.

None of those 3 could handle Neil’s riffs – they’ll hire someone much more technical / talented.

impossible mit takes better drummer than these, i’m an experienced drummer and i know ….it takes not less good than Simon Phillips…

Tommy Lee!!!!?????? Are you kidding me???? His name doesn’t even belong in the same sentence as Neal Peart. Let alone being considered to replace him in Rush. Tommy Lee..,……. SMH!!!

as long as they don,t call whatever they do rush,i,m fine with it cause rush died with neil.

You beat me too it. Rush, for me anyway, has to include Neil. So while I hope very much Alex and Geddy continue I”d be somewhat saddened if they used the name. I’m sure they’re ever so concerned with what I think. LOL

I think they were already Rush before they picked up Neil.

Rush died when the ‘new guy’ passed away?

There was John Rutzy before Neil and there will be someone else after Neil.

Neil would want them to go on as RUSH. Journey went on as Journey w/o Steve Perry and Lynyrd Skynyrd went on with the same name after half the band was killed in a plane crash. With all things set aside, the band is still a business. And they’re doing it to make $$$. And the money is in the already established name of Rush.

Neil Peart, he was known as the New Guy by the guys. so, it is natural that they would do this. Alex has already had produced an Album and performed in many guest appearances.

The band was formed with original drummer, John Rutzy, who is on the first album. The Professor was recruited for the band afterwards.

I’ve been a big fan of RUSh since their second album.

Because of Neil, I wanted to learn to play drums. But health issues’s (Type 1 Diabeties) stopped this hopes!

I simply enjoyed Geddy, Alex and Neil’s work!

Neil was and will always be my drummer Rock God!

R.I.P. Neil

John B. Lawson Sr.

I would love to see Danny Carey or Chad Smith sitting behind Alex and Geddy. Both of them idolized and loved Neil. It would be a great tribute to Neil if the band forged ahead in his memory.

Would love to see Mike Mangini fill Neil’s spot. I think he would be a great addition to the band!!!

All the way Mike Mancini is the best fit can’t see anyone else getting the job done with honor for Neil Peart

This is a job cut out for Mike Portnoy. Pretty much nobody else.

A couple of years ago I saw Kim Mitchell in concert. He had a young drummer who was amazing, I know he could cut it.

Two words!!! DAVE GROHL

I agree!! Dave appreciates RUSH and as a previous drummer understands.

I think they will do great. Neil was the GOAT. Noone wil compare but. They can make new music and still call it Rush if they play the old stuff too!

Neil was over qualified for the job. The 40 year audition went real well but it’s time to move on. Rest in peace professor and goat

I love Rush. It’s difficult to imagine replacing Neil; he was the lyricist on all but the first album, and a legendary drummer. Will a new drummer simply mean that Rush is a cover band of themselves, or will they write new songs?. TBH, I’d go see them if they were not writing, but it is the big question I have.

I know a drummer who would make Neil proud! 😁

Honestly I think it would be healthy for them to go to the next chapter.

My pick for a replacement drummer would be Mike Portnoy He can do the job, He has a great deal of respect for rush ,(Neil) and face it Neil and Mike both are professors . Yep . That’s my take on it !.

I 100% agree, maybe even Mike Mangini or Marco Minneman

I nominate Gavin Harrison.

It’s Alex’s band. He can hire anyone he wants and call it RUSH.

Tools drummer. Danny Carey is the latest I read.

I agree, He could bring a whole different rhythm to the new stuff they could produce AND is talented enough to bring a Neil’esque build for the group on the original songs.

What would Neil want them to do??

El Estepario Siberiano could do it. Thus is the closest to Neil you will ever get. Thus guy could play anything.

He would definitely be my top choice.

That dudes a total shredder on the drums! Be nice if he took up the challenge

Please stop.. tge internet drummer makes great vids.

But stop with Neal is irreplaceable.

Danny Carey uis a better drummer.

Mangini is a better drummer

Portnoy is a better drummer.

Oeart was king once upon a time but in time the talent gets better. EVH was king now 100s of guys are better

The guy for the job no question is Tool drummer Danny Carey hands down

Danny Carey did the shows with them last year. He’s the one.

Here’s my unpopular opinion, and it’s based on what Geddy said while on The Strombo Show in January 2024. Geddy and Alex will never again “TOUR” as Rush. Geddy and Alex will never again TOUR at all! Geddy and Alex have “RETIRED FROM TOURING!” Touring is a lot of work and neither of them want to be away from their families or the “new” lives they become accustomed to! However, they have not ruled out writing, possibly recording and possibly playing a show here and there! All of this is “POSSIBLY!” Yet it is also possible that nothing will happen!!! According to Geddy, him and his wife will be going on a long post tour vacation and when he returns it is POSSIBLE that him and Alex may do some messing around. (Which means nothing may ever come of it!) Opinion: all of us Rush fans would love to hear more from them, however retirement is RETIREMENT! And they deserve to be retired with no pressure from labels, management, fans, anything. It just happens that they still live playing, so it could be as much as what is stated above or as little as the two just jamming, without going beyond that.

I’ve been a fan since the 80’s. Learned ever bass, keyboard and pedalboard part that Geddy ever played. Also EJ’s need many songs on the drums and guitar! I absolutely love Rush and miss them every day! But Rush ended when Neil retired! ……..

Get this kid. (He is 9) You guys and your drummer conversations. There are literally thousands of people that could do this. It’s much easier to copy than produce.


Waiting for some comments like “yeah, he’s good, but not exactly like The Professor.” Lol. There are many many drummers that learned through Rush. For people to say that no one “could handle it” is just head in the sand.

The only currently available drummer I could see coming close to the professor would be Mike Mangini

Only Todd Sucherman could pull it off technically

Gil Moore of Triumph would be their best fit should they do it. Great drummer, Canadian, and available. No one could ever replace Neil.

I find it incredible that no one mentions larnel lewis he’d fit right in and he’s from Toronto

Carmine Appice

Gavin Harrison or Danny Carey. These two only.

Headline doesn’t actually match article. They didn’t confirm anything other than they’ve talked about it. That is not confirming touring plans.

My guess – they will do some shows with other bands like they did for the Taylor Hawkins tribute – just sitting in for a few songs here and there with various people filling in on drums and I really like the ideas of great players coming in for 1-2 songs because it reinforces the message that one person CAN’T replace Neil.

Todd Sucherman. He is the most accurate drummer today and a worthy replacement for the incredible Neil Peart.

This guy would be able to handle Peart’s complex drumming. Jorge Garrido (a.k.a. El Estepario Siberiano) https://youtu.be/a_vD1FWP6W4?si=DpAQO1cOYKeo5aIR

This guy would be able to handle Peart’s complex drumming. Jorge Garrido (a.k.a. El Estepario Siberiano)

Danny Carey All Day would Be my suggestion..Amazing Drummer

Terry Bozzio.

I would love to see another Canadian icon at the drum kit. I think Gil Moore from Triumph would be awsome . Another amazing Canadian icon Johnny Fay from the tragically hip

Dave Grohl could do it. But NOBODY can replace the great Neil. Master.

Get Mike Mangini! And Tour Europe please!

Keeping the original roots Canadian. I would consider the drummer from Terra Cotta 2.0 Hopefully the boys will get out a couple of more times to put closure to a chapter that touched the world 🌎.

Gavin Harrison is the man for the job.

Stewart Copeland could be a good fit in my opinion.

DAvid Garibaldi

no Mike Mangine should be the one to do the job he would be perfect!

I think replacing the professor is a tall task for anyone but,I don’t think any of the modern drummers would be the answer. I’m willing to bet that there are drummers out there that can do a reasonable job

There are no drummers who can replace Neil. If the guys want to keep going they need to find a drummer who is strong enough to stand on their own. Not even try to be Neil Peart.

I’m not saying they shouldn’t ever play Rush songs again but I Couldn’t imagine putting on a traditional Rush concert without Neil Peart or Alex or Getty Some drummers are capable of playing some rush songs correct but no one can play all the songs correctly like Peart done even if someone Manages to play all the right notes ,beats and Rhythms it still wouldn’t sound as good without Peart’s unique style and personality that came across in his playing. I don’t think Geddy and Alex would settle for second best. He was a perfectionist throughout his entire Career without showing off or a bunch of flair while making the impossible look easy . Not everyone is replaceable

Danny Carey would improve Rush immensely

Not being facetious, but Omar nailed it and would have made Neil really proud…

What about Carl Palmer (ELP) ?

Carl Palmer would be able for sure. No doubt.

I’ve got a roland TR and I’m available!

Did you see when Grohl played with Rush during their induction into the rock and roll hall of Fame? Pretty impressive.

Greg Bissonette

Deen Castronovo could do it. He’s a beast, and could sing background vocals, too, not that Rush has many of those.

Please let be Stewart Coupland.

If he’s available and up for it, I’d love to see Virgil Donati fill the role.

I’m sorry… Tim Alexander has been playing Rush with Rush for years. He’s got the chops, stamina and groove that Alex and Geddy love.

It’s Gotta be Tim!

I think precision is what will count when trying to perform these masterpieces. Thomas Lang is about the only person who comes to mind for me.

Carter Beaufort could handle the job. He is seriously underrated but is a fine and creative percussionist. IMHO

Let’s not forget, Neil was not the first drummer for Rush. Why should he be the last?

What about Carl Palmer?

Tommy Aldridge! Thats all you need to know!


Typical speculation, enjoy it or not when this project comes to fruition. Don’t have any expectations because you will be disappointed.

I’d say Rory Dolan or Kris Myers. None of the rock drummers are good enough

Correction. Neal was not a founding member, John Rutsey was the original drummer,

they need Simon Phillips

Stewart Copeland

Just thinking outside the box here…..Any thoughts on Dennis Chambers?

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Rush Tour Rider?


By gotbass1228 , November 30, 2008 in Rush

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I was reading this article on Van Halen's demands for the venue to provide backstage for the members and was curious if there was any information on the things Rush likes back stage?


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Rush Announce Dates for ‘Likely Last Major Tour of This Magnitude’

  • By Andy Greene

Andy Greene

After months of rumors, Rush  have announced tour dates for their 40th anniversary tour. They plan on hitting 34 cities across North America, kicking off May 8th in Tulsa, Oklahoma and wrapping up August 1st in Los Angeles. “These not-to-be-missed concerts will highlight four decades of the band’s music,” the group said in a press release. “[This] will most likely be their last major tour of this magnitude.”   Tickets go on sale January 30th.

The tour commemorates the 40th anniversary of drummer Neil Peart joining the band, even though that actually happened in 1974. Last year, however, they had just wrapped up a long tour in support of their album Clockwork Angels and opted to celebrate the anniversary in 2015.

The Clockworks Angels tour centered around new material and songs from their 1980s catalog, leaving aside their 1970s work until a 2112 medley that wrapped up the night. This tour will likely give more weight to all eras of their career, especially since the band is not promoting a new album. “I’ve always wanted to do some rarer Rush material,” guitarist Alex Lifeson told  Rolling Stone last year. “And this should be a good opportunity to do that.”

Frontman Geddy Lee spoke with Rolling Stone about the tour last November, noting, “I would think if we’re going to do some sort of anniversary thing, it’ll probably be a ‘trip through the years’ kind of thing.” When pressed, he said he was open to performing such rarities as the two books of “Cygnus,” “Cut To The Chase” and “Chemistry.”

On Rush’s 2010-11 Time Machine tour, they played their 1981 LP Moving Pictures straight through. As of now, they have not indicated whether or not they plan on reviving any complete albums on this tour.

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R40 Live 40th Anniversary Tour Dates :

5/8 – Tulsa, OK @ BOK Center 5/10 – Lincoln, NE @ Pinnacle Bank Arena 5/12 – St. Paul, MN @ Xcel Energy Center 5/14 – St. Louis, MO @ Scottrade Center 5/16 – Austin, TX @ 360 Amphitheater 5/18 – Dallas, TX @ American Airlines Center 5/20 – Houston, TX @ Toyota Center 5/22 – New Orleans, LA @ Smoothie King Arena 5/24 – Tampa, FL @ Amalie Arena 5/26 – Atlanta, GA @ Verizon Amphitheater 5/28 – Greensboro, NC @ Greensboro Coliseum 5/30 – Bristow, VA @ Jiffy Lube Live 6/8 – Columbus, OH @ Nationwide Arena 6/10 – Buffalo, NY @ First Niagara Center 6/12 – Chicago, IL @ United Center 6/14 – Detroit, MI @ The Palace of Auburn Hills 6/17 – Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre 6/21 – Montreal, QC @ Bel Centre 6/23 – Boston, MA @ TD Garden 6/25 – Philadelphia, PA @ Wells Fargo Center 6/27 – Newark, NJ @ Prudential Center 6/29 – New York, NY @ Madison Square Garden 7/9 – Kansas City, MO @ Sprint Center 7/11 – Denver, CO @ Pepsi Center 7/13 – Salt Lake City, UT @ Maverik Center 7/15 – Calgary, AB @ Scotiabank Saddledome 7/17 – Vancouver, BC @ Rogers Arena 7/19 – Seattle, WA @ Key Arena 7/21 – Portland, OR @ MODA Center 7/23 – San Jose, CA @ SAP Center at San Jose 7/25 – Las Vegas, NV @ MGM Grand Garden Arena 7/27 – Phoenix, AZ @ US Airways Center 7/30 – Irvine Meadows, CA @ Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre 8/1 – Los Angeles, CA @ The Forum

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19 Insane Tour Rider Requests By Your Favourite Artists

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From ironed carpets to three boxes of condoms: the ridiculous, rumoured demands of your favourite artists' tour riders.

1. 'Cash Me Outside Girl' aka Bhad Bhabie is making some lavish demands for her tour.

According to TMZ, Bhad Bhabie aka Danielle Bregoli is demanding lots on tour, including a 50" inch TV with Netflix and DVD player, 3 fidget spinners, 5 Gildan or Fruit of the Loom brand white tank tops, 4 large Domino's pizzas, 1 fruit platter, but NO pineapple. She is also requesting $750 per diem, plus $3k for extra security costs.

2. Beyonce's 2013 The Mrs. Carter World Tour rider was insane...

Beyonce reportedly had some bizarre requests for her 2013 The Mrs Carter World tour. According to E! news, the singer is claimed to have listed “hand-carved ice balls”, freshly painted white walls and a new toilet seat, red toilet paper, 100% pure cotton clothing for staff, titanium drinking straws (worth £600) and strictly no junk food!

3. Cardi B requested a (fairly) modest rider at Coachella 2018...

According to TMZ, Cardi B demanded that she has 6 dozen white roses in her room before the show and that there was plenty of alcohol for her crew. Her full rider includes: Six dozen white roses, Degree spray deodorant, Gillette razors, Grilled/fried chicken, Caesar salad, Roasted vegetables, Two bottles of D’usse, Two bottles of Hennessy, One Bottle of 1942 tequila, 20 bottles of water, Red Bull and Fresh coffee. Picture: Getty

4. Jay-Z insists that his dressing room is 71 degrees with three $80 Mayan-tuberose scented candles

According to TMZ, Jay also demands that there is no vacuuming near his room and that staff should not ask for free concert tickets to "avoid embarrassment". The rapper also insists on 71 degree temp. Rooms must be childproofed with all corners, sharp edges, and electrical outlets all covered, and statues, lamps, and breakable objects removed. Also, Blue Ivy only drinks organic whole milk.

5. Ed Sheeran's tour rider is surprisingly humble...

According to the Daily Star, Ed Sheeran's Glastonbury 2017 tour rider includes Robinsons Squash, a six-pack of Coca-Cola, a six-pack of Diet Coke, a six-pack of Fanta Orange, a six-pack of Sprite and a jar of Manuka Honey. The total cost amounts to less than £60! Picture: Getty

6. Drake asks for, specifically, 48 incense sticks and three candles

The rider, which The Smoking Gun obtained, allegedly includes "natural sented insense sticks” and “Dr. Bronner’s peppermint soap” which, the product, claims will “tingle the body and clear the mind”. The rider does, however, date back to 2010 and as we all know from Drake's 2015 track 'No Tellin'', he's changed since then: "Please do not speak to me like I'm that Drake from four years ago".

7. Future requires "fresh white powdered" doughnuts and lemongrass scented candles.

TMZ claim that Future demands chicken fingers, "fresh white powdered" doughnuts, cheddar popcorn and broccoli to keep him full and wants 4 bottles of Ace of Spades, Ciroc and Moet to wash it down with.

8. Kanye West demands 13 bottles of alcohol, cylindrical vases and a rare Genelecs 1031a speaker.

According to TMZ, Kanye also likes minty floss, Kashi Go Lean cereal and black towels. Picture: Getty

9. Justin Bieber requests an "Indian yoga casket”, a jacuzzi and meals named after his owns songs.

The leaked rider, allegedly taken from a recent India tour, also includes "a private jet and chopper on stand-by", while his dressing room must be "entirely draped with white curtains". Biebs also demands "purple carnations" and absolutely no lillies, as well as half a gallon of almond milk.

10. Kanye stipulated that his dressing room carpet must be ironed.

The Mirror claims that Yeezus made the request before performing on 'Later... With Jools Holland' in 2014.

11. Mariah Carey asked for a 100 doves and 20 kittens

The Daily Mail claims that the singer requested that Westfield shopping centre provide 100 doves and 20 kittens for her appearance to turn on their Christmas lights in 2009. While they reportedly managed to source the doves, the kittens could not be arranged due to health and safety issues.

12. Lil Wayne demands a police escort and a presidential suite

The Young Money rapper likes the presidential treatment.

13. Eminem's request? Oh, just a koi carp pond

Is that really necessary now, Marshall Mathers? The rider allegedly dates back to a performance at a festival in Northern Ireland in 2011.

14. DMX just wants Hennessy and THREE BOXES of condoms

He's a man of simple tastes.

15. Jay Z has a full-time cigar rolling assistant on-call

During his 2013 Legends Of Summer Tour with Justin Timberlake, Jay Z reportedly wanted to create a sophisticated “gentleman’s club” vibe backstage. So the hip hop mogul asked that a cigar roller be on standby to roll for him.

16. Rae Sremmurd want supersoakers and a van with a stripper pole. Whatever for?

The Sremm boys full list of requirements are: 2 dozen chicken wings, 2 Spicy Crunch Dorito Tacos from Taco Bell, 2 bottles of Ace of Spades Champagne, 2 bottles of Moet Chandon Champagne, 1 bottle of Hennessy, Small Super Soakers, Beach Balls, $300 in single dollar bills, 15 passenger van equipped with stripper pole for airport transfer and First class tickets on Delta Airlines.

17. Meek Mill likes meat, lots and lots of meat.

Meek is hungry, his requests include: Real jerk chicken, ribs, steak, BBQ chicken, shrimp, Roast turkey, Salmon, Trout, Mahi-Mahi, Snapper, Orange Roughy, Chinese Stirfry, Spaghetti, Lasagna, Linguine, Veal. Phew, that's whole lot of food.


  1. Rush Announce Dates for Their ‘Likely Last Major Tour’

    rush tour rider

  2. Rush Play 'Anthem' for First Time in 35 Years at Kickoff of Final Tour

    rush tour rider

  3. Rush Fans’ Delight: Tour History Book

    rush tour rider

  4. Rush 'Hemispheres' Tour Pictures

    rush tour rider

  5. Rush Play Their Final Song at Last Concert in 2015: Watch

    rush tour rider

  6. Rush "2112" Tour Pictures

    rush tour rider


  1. Rush II: Rush To Excellence Tour '90

  2. Explore the Worlds of Pixar with Rush: A Disney•Pixar Adventure!

  3. Rush Ghost Rider Remastered 1080P

  4. Turn the Page

  5. Thunderhead The RUSH Experience 2nd Set

  6. The End of the Season! Russian Riders



    Rush. Canadian rock band Rush were trailblazers in many ways, most notably their backstage rider's alcohol demands. As seen here in excerpts from the group's 1990 rider, more than a decade ...

  2. Rush

    Rush - Bizarre Tour Rider Requests. Chad Childers. Chad Childers Published: July 13, 2012. Ethan Miller, Getty Images. ... Geddy Lee Admits He Resented Neil Peart After Rush's Final Show.

  3. 101 Hilarious Rock Tour Rider Requests

    In the '80s, for example, Van Halen developed something of a reputation for requesting M&M's on their riders, but without the brown ones. No exceptions. It turned out that the request had nothing ...

  4. Bands/artists that opened for Rush throughout their career (until the

    Red Rider toured in support of their 1984 studio album Breaking Curfew. ... This was Rush's final tour to feature an opening act before Rush began to perform a long three hour show on their next ...

  5. Backstage

    The backstage rider, presented to concert promoters by every touring act, details specifications on stage design, sound systems, lighting rigs, as well as an artist's wish list--from transportation

  6. Time Machine Tour

    The Time Machine Tour was a concert tour by the Canadian rock band Rush that began on June 29, 2010 in Albuquerque, New Mexico and ended July 2, 2011 at The Gorge Amphitheatre in George, Washington.The tour was notable for featuring the album Moving Pictures played in its entirety for the first time live, as well as material from the band's then upcoming studio album Clockwork Angels (i.e. the ...

  7. Random: Rush's backstage rider from Presto tour (5 pages) : r/rush

    Random: Rush's backstage rider from Presto tour (5 pages) Keep in mind too that 90% of this is for their crew. I heard a rumor that the boys intentionally left a half empty can of soda beside the recycle trashcan once because several of their riders weren't met. Hardcore.

  8. Rush Concert & Tour History (Updated for 2024)

    Rush Concert History. Rush was a Canadian rock band formed in 1968 in Toronto, that was comprised primarily of Geddy Lee (bass, vocals), Alex Lifeson (guitar), and Neil Peart (drums, percussion, lyricist). The band was formed in Toronto in 1968 by Lifeson, drummer John Rutsey, and bass guitarist/vocalist Jeff Jones, who was immediately replaced ...

  9. Tours

    All The World's A Stage Tour. 1976-1977. 2112 Tour. 1976. Caress of Steel Tour. 1975-1976

  10. Rush (band)

    Rush was a Canadian rock band that primarily comprised Geddy Lee (bass guitar, keyboards, vocals), Alex Lifeson (guitar) and Neil Peart (drums, percussion, lyricist). The band formed in Toronto in 1968 with Lifeson, drummer John Rutsey, and bass guitarist and vocalist Jeff Jones, whom Lee immediately replaced.After Lee joined, the band went through several line-up changes before arriving at ...

  11. Rush tour rider

    The Rush Forum ; Rush ; Rush tour rider Rush tour rider. By nobodys hero, July 14, 2012 in Rush. Share More sharing options... Followers 0.

  12. 8 Outrageous Tour Rider Demands and Other Requests

    Foo Fighters have taken joke tour riders to another level. In 2011, their tour rider had a coloring book theme complete with a word search and a maze. It also included a list of non-permitted items in the venue which included "light sabers" and "garden gnomes." However, maybe we're wrong.

  13. Tour Rider

    The Rush Forum ; Rush ; Tour Rider Tour Rider. By lerxt1990, July 24, 2010 in Rush. Share More sharing options... Followers 0. Recommended Posts ...

  14. Vapor Trails

    Vapor Trails is the seventeenth studio album by Canadian rock band Rush.It was released on May 14, 2002, on Anthem Records, and was their first studio release since Test for Echo (1996), the longest gap between two Rush albums. After the Test For Echo tour finished in July 1997, drummer and lyricist Neil Peart suffered the loss of his daughter and then his wife in separate tragedies.

  15. Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson Confirm RUSH Touring Plans With A New

    1 minute read. In a recent interview with "CBS News Sunday Morning," the iconic progressive rock band RUSH, formed in the Toronto suburbs decades ago by guitarist Alex Lifeson, bassist/vocalist Geddy Lee, and drummer Neil Peart, explored their legendary musical journey. With over 40 million albums sold, RUSH stands as Canada's most ...

  16. Archives

    Date Location Venue; May 10, 1978: Niagara Falls, New York: Convention Center: May 11, 1978: Fort Wayne, Indiana: Memorial Coliseum: May 12, 1978: Cincinnati, Ohio

  17. Rush Tour Rider?

    Any of my search term words; All of my search term words; Find results in... Content titles and body; Content titles only

  18. Vapor Trails Tour

    The Vapor Trails Tour marked the first tour for the band in nearly six years after the band entered a hiatus due to personal tragedies in drummer Neil Peart's life. The tour kicked off June 28, 2002 at the Meadows Music Center in Hartford, Connecticut and culminated in a three show stint in Brazil, the last night of which was recorded November 23, 2002 at Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro.

  19. Rush is a Band Blog: Updates and other random Rush stuff

    Rush is a Band. Updates and other random Rush stuff. UPDATE - 10/2@12:06PM: Rush has shared a 1.5-minute pro-shot clip of their performance of Working Man from Tuesday's show to social media: ----- snip -----. This past Tuesday evening The Foo Fighters hosted the second of two tribute concerts for their late drummer Taylor Hawkins; the first ...

  20. Rush Announce Dates for Their 'Likely Last Major Tour'

    January 22, 2015. Rush performing live in Austin, Texas on April 23rd, 2013. Rick Kern/Getty. After months of rumors, Rush have announced tour dates for their 40th anniversary tour. They plan on ...

  21. Category:Rush (band) concert tours

    Pages in category "Rush (band) concert tours" The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total. This list may not reflect ... Presto tour; R. R30: 30th Anniversary Tour; R40 Live Tour; Roll the Bones Tour; S. Snakes & Arrows Tour; T. Test for Echo Tour; Time Machine Tour This page was last edited on 29 March 2013, at 16:22 ...

  22. 19 Insane Tour Rider Requests By Your Favourite Artists

    8. Kanye West demands 13 bottles of alcohol, cylindrical vases and a rare Genelecs 1031a speaker. According to TMZ, Kanye also likes minty floss, Kashi Go Lean cereal and black towels. Picture ...

  23. Updates and other random Rush stuff

    UPDATE - 10/24@12:47PM: Here's a small gallery of photos from the A Night for Neil event. The 33rd annual SOCAN Awards took place at the Sheridan Centre Hotel in Toronto this past Monday evening, and Rush's Alex Lifeson was in attendance to present fellow legendary Canadian musician Tom Cochrane with the SOCAN Cultural Impact Award for his 1991 hit song Life Is A Highway.