multidimensional chess with time travel

5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

multidimensional chess with time travel

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5d chess with multiverse time travel: beginner tips & strategies.


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5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel is exactly what it sounds like. Its chess . Only with a few extra dimensions and time travel added onto it. As if chess wasn’t a complicated game enough already. But it is an entertaining premise—even if it can be confusing and complicated.

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This is especially true for new players who can make mistakes fairly early in a match. A single chess game can have several future points, branching alternate realities and pieces going all over the timeline. With so much going on, what should players do to give themselves an edge? Or at least prevent themselves from losing a game early?

Ensure the King’s Defense in 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel

The main goal of any chess game is to capture the king. This has not changed in 5D chess. But in this game not only do players have to defend the king of the present, but they also have to protect the king of the future and the past. With time travel being a component, that means any open space leading toward the king can potentially be used. If it is not taken advantage of in the present, it can be taken advantage of in the future when the opponent can have their piece time travel to that opening pathway to put the king into either check or checkmate.

That means to avoid defeat, players will always want to ensure that their king is protected. One way to do this is by creating a proverbial meat shield around the king, where the opponent first has to take out other pieces before they even have a chance at attacking the king. Alternatively, players can strategically place pieces in such a way so they can capture any piece that moves themselves to an opening to attack the king.

Avoid Opening Defeats in 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel

This is more or less part of the above point about protecting the king, but it is incredibly important to mention none the less. A beginner player may think it harmless to begin the game moving one of their central pawns (i.e. the pawns located in front of the queen, king, and bishops), but more often than not this just paves the way for the opponent to beat them.

Why? Well as mentioned before, the king has to be protected both from present and future attacks. And that opening move? It just created a path directly toward the king that any opponent will take advantage of in a few moves. In fact, the game can potentially be called in 2-3 moves if the player is not able to quickly build up the king’s defense.

Avoid early defeats by refusing to use standard opening moves. Instead, begin the game by using pieces closer to the corners of the board. The towers, the bishops, the other pawns, etc. Keep that king protected from time-traveling pieces.

Use Powerful Pieces in 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel

If the player thought pieces like knights and bishops were powerful before, that certainly applies in 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel . It really is amazing how time travel adds a ton of dimension and layers to an already classic game. But with time travel and alternate realities being a component, and several kings being available for check, powerful pieces can potentially find several opportunities to corner the king through several points in time. This is especially true for the queen, who can move uncontested through the timeline so long as she is not blocked by another piece.

As such, beginner players will want to get used to using their more valuable pieces to take advantage of openings in neighboring or distant points in the timeline. Be it taking an opposing piece or putting a king of the past into check, a player who is willing to use their pieces to their fullest extent is a player who has a higher chance of winning.

Whittle Down the Opposing Force in 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel

This may not apply for shorter games where strategy is paramount , but it definitely begins to apply at some point for longer games. Long games are likely to have several alternate timelines and past boards, each of which may or may not have any number of pieces traveling to them. With all of these pieces moving around at several points in the timeline and alternate timelines, there comes a point where players will have difficulty keeping track of everything.

The game's UI helps with that a bit, but the player may still have a hard time keeping track of it all regardless. The main thing to understand is that if someone has more pieces, then they have more options on how to move. Those movement options, in turn, means a player has more choices in how they can attack, defend, or position themselves.

This means one option of tilting the game in the player’s favor is to begin taking out the opponent’s pieces. The player should not leave their king exposed while doing this, but whittling down the opponent’s movement choices by taking their pieces can make things easier for the player to win the match. Focus on taking out the opponent’s heavy hitters like their knights, queen, and bishops. Pieces like pawns the king and even towers are not too big of a deal provided the player keeps an eye on their whereabouts.

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5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel is available on Windows PCs

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multidimensional chess with time travel

With 5D Chess, you can checkmate in multiple dimensions

En passant, present and future.

I'll be honest, regular 2D chess was already enough to sizzle my brain - but apparently that wasn't difficult enough, as someone has created 5D chess.

Released last week by Conor Petersen and Thunkspace, 5D Chess claims to be "the first ever chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions". There's multiverse time travel, branching timelines, parallel dimensions - all something that makes it sound more suitable for Dr. Who than the average human.

Cover image for YouTube video

Early Steam and YouTube reviews have argued it's actually closer to 4D chess, as the game features two physical and two temporal axes ("height" is not interactable). The explainer by MariAurum below finally helped me gain an understanding of the four axes: there's your regular x and y physical axes (left, right, up and down on a traditional chess board), and then there's your temporal axes, one that represents "time" (as in the past and future of a board), and the second representing parallel dimensions.

According to an explainer released by Thunkspace, pieces have specific rules for how they can move across time and space. Pawns, for instance, can only timeline hop "in the direction they can normally move on their board", while rooks can "time travel to any board so long as the position they are currently occupying is not taken, but they cannot move while time travelling". Simple.

While researching this article I also discovered that three-dimensional Chess is actually a thing and not just a turn of phrase (or made-up Star Trek game). The difference here is that pieces can move in three physical dimensions, with essentially stacking boards. German chess master Lionel Kierseritzky is credited with coming up with the first three-dimensional chess design back in 1851 (via Geek & Sundry ).

Cover image for YouTube video

Even if all this sounds like too much for you, it's at least worth reading some of the Steam reviews for the pure absurdity of how 5D Chess games play out.

"I was playing a game against a human opponent online, and at one point they sent a queen back in time from one of the ten timelines currently in play to put five of my past kings into check at once", said TheSpookiestUser. "I sent one of my own pieces even further back to stall, and they proceeded to send one of their queens back to the start of the game to try and beat me before I even got to that point.

"I was able to manoeuvre one of my bishops in the second-most divergent timeline into position to capture the queen in the alternate present once we got back to that point and save the game (I eventually won by checkmating their king 5 turns in the past). This is an actual description of an actual game."

Steam user jolemo, meanwhile, noted that "there are few things in life more satisfying than being able to declare checkmate upon your opponent throughout all of time and space". I did actually manage to find a video of someone achieving a triple checkmate across multiple dimensions .

Although some user reviews have critiqued the AI behaviour, it's also possible to play online if you want to test your mettle against other, equally-confused players. You can try 5D Chess out for yourself for a discount price of £7.43 on Steam , until that offer ends on 29th July. Unless you've also figured out real-life time travel.

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multidimensional chess with time travel

5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Press Kit

It's the first ever chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions. It's 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel ! Move pieces back in time to create branching timelines. Send a rook to a parallel dimension. Protect your kings in the present and in the past!

The Developer

5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel was developed by Conor Petersen, under his company Thunkspace, LLC.

Twitter: @thunkspace For press/business inquiries: [email protected] For support inquiries: [email protected]

Title: 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Release Date (Windows) (Steam and Humble): July 22nd 2020 Release Date (Linux/Mac) (Steam and Humble): August 29nd 2020 Official Website: Community Discord: Thunkspace Mailing List: Mailing List Steam Store Page: Steam Page Humble Standalone Page: Humble Page

The Features

What is it.

5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel is the first chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions. The game is a feature-rich client for this new type of chess. It is meant to introduce you to the game, teach you the game, test your new skills, and then offer a meaninful challenge for players at any level of experience.

Time Travel

Multiverse Time Travel is a type of time travel that avoids paradoxes by using multiple branching timelines rather than causal loops.

  • Move pieces back in time to create a branch in the timeline.
  • Move pieces between timelines to create overwhelming attacks on specific timelines.
  • Protect your kings in the past and in the present. You might be in check four turns ago!

Polish and Style

The interface of the game is designed to be as instructive and intuitive as possible. There are multiple views to help you visualize your available moves or see how you're in check. Every past move is visible at all times, with highlights and arrows to help you keep track of what has happened. The interface is very forgiving as well. You can undo multiple moves (as long as you haven't ended your turn), or try out moves just to see what they would do.

  • Puzzle mode. The game has a collection of multiverse chess puzzles. These puzzles are meant to teach you tactics and strategies for defeating your opponents via time travel.
  • Practice mode. Play against yourself and explore strategies. Or, play local matches against another person.
  • CPU mode. Play against four distinct AI personalities, with a range of difficulties. Each AI was designed with a specific experience level in mind, so new players can get useful practice, and experienced players can get a real challenge.
  • Online mode. Challenge your friends or play against strangers online.
  • Each versus mode can be played from many starting configurations (6x6 board, etc)
  • There is also a very comprehensive written ruleset.

The Trailer

The Screenshots

multidimensional chess with time travel

Chess Pieces by Colin M.L. Burnett and others / BSD License / Source

5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel sure is 5D chess with multiverse time travel, yep

My brain hurts

I'm sure you, a genius much like myself, have often looked at chess and thought "This is an idiot's game for babies, fools, and foolish baby idiots." I'm sure you, a genius much like myself, will therefore be thrilled to see the launch of 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel . And you, a genius much like myself, will be only too keen to play chess across extra "spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions". You, a genius much like myself, certainly will not read the marketing boast "It's the first ever chess variant with multiverse time travel!" and groan OH GOD HELP.

Cover image for YouTube video

You've got that, right? Good. Because dimensions, this chess game is played across so many boards, can send units back in time to create branching timelines, can... look, I'll be honest: I can barely solve the simplified chess puzzles that games slip when they tire of keycards and the Tower of Hanoi. I'm still quite curious about this.

I will not play the AI opponents. I will certainly not play the online multiplayer. But I am interested to see it has a set of 5D chess puzzles to help introduce the ideas. I do want to learn how to think this way. I do not expect to ever master this. But one day, Miegakure will finally come out and then I will laugh--ha ha!--at the simplicity of 4D puzzles. Only 4D! As if the game were made for babies.

Made by Conor Petersen and Thunkspace, 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel launched today on Steam . A 20% launch discount brings it down to £7.43/€7.99/$9.59 until Wednesday the 29th - in this dimension, at least.

Alright, I'm off to brush up on my Time Cube theory.

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multidimensional chess with time travel

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Video Game / 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

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  • Spatial Dimensions; the standard two axes from Chess proper.
  • Temporal Dimensions, or "Timelines"; a timeline advances when a new move is played on the board. Pieces have identical movement along this axis as they would the two standard axes.
  • Parallel dimensions, or "Branching Timelines"; Moving a unit into the past creates a new timeline branch, which runs in parallel with any existing timelines.

Notably, the interpretation of the rules of regular chess applies to all of the pieces accurately. A Knight, for example, can move two squares in one dimension, and one square in an adjacent dimension; this can mean that they move two squares to the right, and one square back in time . Or, more confusingly, they can move two squares in one direction, then one square to a parallel timeline.

This game contains the following tropes:

  • Alternate Timeline : Time traveling creates alternate timelines.
  • The existence of time and universes as dimensions of travel makes the rook far more inherently powerful than in traditional chess. The rook's ability to travel limitlessly in a single dimension also applies to temporal and parallel travel, meaning it can go back as many turns as desired or cross as many timelines as desired while maintaining its spacial positioning. This allows the rook to potentially capture any piece in the past or an alternate timeline provided it actually maneuvers to the target's space in its current time. There's a valid tactic in 5D Chess called "Jurassic Rook" where you send a rook so far back in time that it essentially resets the game but you now have one new piece in the form of that rook.
  • The Queen, rather than just having the movement patterns of the rook and bishop, also has the movement patterns of the Unicorn and Dragon , effectively making it the Terminator in the game. Depending on your point of view, it doesn't help that any Pawn that makes it to the other side of the board is automatically promoted to one.
  • Boring, but Practical : At the start of the game, both players can often spend a long time just playing regular chess. If both players are hesitant to branch the timeline, the game can go on as a regular chess match for a while, or may even end without a timeline split at all.
  • Players who are accustomed to piece movement in traditional chess can get quite confused with piece movement in 5D Chess , as the addition of time travel and parallel timelines creates the ability to move pieces in ways that would not be possible in traditional chess. For example, while a bishop can only move diagonally in traditional chess, in 5D Chess bishops are able to travel diagonally through time , allowing them to move across timelines or into the past and travel one square in a cardinal direction for every turn/timeline crossed through.
  • The ability to capture, check, checkmate across time and universes effectively renders most traditional chess strategy moot, making adapting on the fly the best way to play 5D Chess .
  • Difficult, but Awesome : One of the core features of the game, being able to create branching timelines, requires quite a bit of skill to fully utilise. Making a new timeline can be pointless, as only n+1 timelines are active at any one time. Furthermore, making a new timeline adds an entirely new board that your opponent can use to check you. When used properly, however, making a new timeline can guarantee you a victory, and can actually make it easier to put a King in check, since your opponent can't change the past.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin : The title is simply a description of the game. An inaccurate one, it may be argued, as only two spatial and two temporal dimensions are apparent (though the Steam page describes an "aesthetic" third spatial dimension).
  • Mind Screw : What the game is commonly said to be able to achieve as it encourages players to weaponize the Timey-Wimey Ball . Especially if the players are a bit too trigger happy with time travel, causing games to escalate far out of the players' control to the point where it's entirely possible to get a checkmate by accident.
  • Non-Indicative Title : The title claims the presence of five dimensions; however, up/down, sideways, through time, and across universes appear to be the only four. According to the game's Steam page, there is a third spatial dimension, though this does not affect gameplay.
  • For balance reasons, making multiple timelines consecutively without allowing your opponent to create new timelines renders all timelines past the first "inactive", denoted by a timeline arrow in your color. "Inactive" timelines don't need to be played to move The Present regardless of the actual position of The Present, and if your opponent chooses to stall out those timelines it can render them at best useless and at worst a possible liability as it's another potential timeline where the opponent can checkmate. Making too many will force the game to stop you from making new timelines altogether until your opponent time travels, and if your opponent makes a timeline it will "reactive" your oldest inactive timeline.
  • As it is possible to create a timeline where a king piece no longer exists due to time travel or crossing timelines, it is possible to win a game by reducing the number of boards your opponent can make valid moves in below the number of active timelines. While this is most traditionally (and easily) accomplished with a checkmate, this can also be accomplished by depriving your opponent's ability to play in a given timeline regardless of whether or not there is a king to checkmate in said timeline.
  • Our Dragons Are Different : The dragon piece, available in some board setups, can only travel quadragonally across the horizontal, vertical, time, and multiverse axes simultaneously.
  • Our Unicorns Are Different : Another fairy chess piece, the unicorn, can move in any three of the four directions.
  • Temporal Paradox : Actively averted via the rules of time travel, wherein traveling back into the past to change it leaves the original timeline where the piece that time traveled ceases to exist unaltered and creates a parallel timeline with the addition of the new piece.
  • The game itself is a chess variant.
  • The game also includes several board setups that are variants in and of themselves.
  • We Cannot Go On Without You : As in standard chess, the game ends when the king is in checkmate, but it gets a little ridiculous when checkmating any king at any point in time in any reality causes the game to end regardless of what happens in any other timeline.
  • The past cannot be changed. Moving a unit into the past creates a new branching timeline. It is easier to put a King in check if it is in the past, because your opponent can't move pieces already in the past, they can only send a new unit in, or kill the unit that is threatening it from the future.
  • Played with with the rules of The Present; if The Present is moved backwards via the creation of a parallel timeline, any turns to the right of The Present are considered to be in the future; any board states in the future aren't considered valid for checks or checkmates until The Present catches up to them but can still be played. A desperate player can attempt to abuse time travel to send pieces back in time to delay The Present long enough for them to work their way out of a checkmate in the future.
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multidimensional chess with time travel


  1. Save 50% on 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel on Steam

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  2. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Press Kit

    multidimensional chess with time travel

  3. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

    multidimensional chess with time travel

  4. [B! chess] 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel on Steam

    multidimensional chess with time travel

  5. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel on Steam

    multidimensional chess with time travel

  6. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

    multidimensional chess with time travel


  1. Chess time

  2. The Multidimensional Beauty of Chess Exploring Human vs Machine Competition

  3. Time Travel On The Chess Board


  5. A Chess Time Management Trick ⌛

  6. Chess Piece Puzzle: Through The Looking Glass


  1. Buy 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

    5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel. It's the first ever chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions. It's 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel! Move pieces back in time to create branching timelines. Send a rook to a parallel dimension. Protect your kings in the present and in the past!

  2. 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel

    Single-player, multiplayer. 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel (stylized in start case) is a 2020 chess variant video game released for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux by American studio Thunkspace. Its titular mechanic, multiverse time travel, allows pieces to travel through time and between timelines in a similar way to how they move ...

  3. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

    (for major updates and announcements of future projects) Created by Conor Petersen | Copyright (c) 2020 Thunkspace, LLCConor Petersen | Copyright (c) 2020 Thunkspace, LLC

  4. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

    5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel - yes that is the actual name of the game. We're skipping past 3D chess and 4D chess for the ultimate big brained game. ...

  5. Steam Community :: 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

    It's the first ever chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions. It's 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel! Move pieces back in time to create branching timelines. Send a rook to a parallel dimension. Protect your kings in the present and in the past! $11.99.

  6. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Trailer

    Buy it on steam: it direct: https://www.5dchesswithmultiversetimetravel.comIt's the first ever chess variant w...

  7. How to play 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

    Learn the rules to the 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the or...

  8. 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel: Beginner Tips & Strategies

    The main goal of any chess game is to capture the king. This has not changed in 5D chess. But in this game not only do players have to defend the king of the present, but they also have to protect the king of the future and the past. With time travel being a component, that means any open space leading toward the king can potentially be used.

  9. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

    14 New Puzzles, 8 New Variants, 3 New Pieces, and more!

  10. With 5D Chess, you can checkmate in multiple dimensions

    Released last week by Conor Petersen and Thunkspace, 5D Chess claims to be "the first ever chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions". There's multiverse time travel, branching ...

  11. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

    Summary It's the first ever chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions. It's 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel! Move pieces back in time to create branching timelines. Send a rook to a parallel dimension. Protect your kings in the present and in the past! Platforms: PC. Initial Release Date: Jul 22, 2020.

  12. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel · SteamDB

    It's the first ever chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions. It's 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel! Move pieces back in time to create branching timelines. Send a rook to a parallel dimension. Protect your kings in the present and in the past! 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Steam charts, data, update history.

  13. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Press Kit

    5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel is the first chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions. The game is a feature-rich client for this new type of chess. It is meant to introduce you to the game, teach you the game, test your new skills, and then offer a meaninful challenge for players at any level of experience.

  14. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Review

    The unique selling point of 5D Chess is in its expansion of traditional chess into the realm of time-travel: in addition to manoeuvring pieces across the board in the usual way, you can also move pieces back in time and across parallel universes.An example would best illustrate what I mean. In chess, the knight piece can move two squares in one direction and then one square in another: two ...

  15. 5DimensionalChess

    This subreddit is for players and fans of the game 5d Chess with Multiverse Time Travel. Tutorials, tournaments, updates, and news. RULES: 1. Be nice, this is a subreddit that is meant for 5d chess and relevant topics, not for insults or personal beliefs. 2. If there is a flair that matches your post, please use it! 3. No spam 4. All content that contains solutions for puzzles must be marked ...

  16. Tips and tricks at 5D chess : r/5DimensionalChess

    This subreddit is for players and fans of the game 5d Chess with Multiverse Time Travel. Tutorials, tournaments, updates, and news. RULES: 1. Be nice, this is a subreddit that is meant for 5d chess and relevant topics, not for insults or personal beliefs. 2. If there is a flair that matches your post, please use it! 3. No spam 4.

  17. How to play 5D Chess with multiverse time travel : r/Games

    Board and dimensions in 5D Chess with multiverse time travel. 5D Chess with multiverse time travel is played on a four-dimensional board, 8 spaces wide in two of the dimensions and potentially infinite in another two dimensions, as new spaces are created during gameplay. A space in 5D Chess with multiverse time travel has four coordinates.

  18. How To ACTUALLY Play 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

    5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Part 2 - it's back, and with a proper tutorial this time. Now you all can train to be multidimensional chess grandmaster...

  19. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel makes chess real weird

    Made by Conor Petersen and Thunkspace, 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel launched today on Steam. A 20% launch discount brings it down to £7.43/€7.99/$9.59 until Wednesday the 29th - in this dimension, at least. Alright, I'm off to brush up on my Time Cube theory.

  20. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel (Video Game)

    Create New. 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel is a 2020 chess-based video game. This game is exactly what the title says: chess, but you can multiversally time travel. Easier to understand in practice than in play, the game involves spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions: Spatial Dimensions; the standard two axes from Chess proper.

  21. Multiverse Chess!

    Play multiverse chess online. Move your pieces across dimensions and timelines to attack your opponent in the past! mode: standard time controls: 30m 0s 5s 0s 0s public private local This website is best viewed in a chromium based browser

  22. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

    From that perspective, 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel is a fascinating case study: a game so devoted to its high concept that human-playability falls to a distant second place on the priority list. Apart from being only 4-dimensional, 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel is exactly what it sounds like. The designers started with the idea ...