kopmannen tour de france 2023

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Tour 2023: Dit zijn de kopmannen in de Tour de France

kopmannen tour de france 2023

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INEOS heeft kopmannen voor Tour de France in concept: 'Voor nu kiezen we Bernal, Martínez en Rodríguez'

INEOS heeft kopmannen voor Tour de France in concept: 'Voor nu kiezen we Bernal, Martínez en Rodríguez'

INEOS Grenadiers heeft in gesprek met CyclingWeekly door laten schemeren wie de gewenste kopmannen zijn voor de Tour de France van 2023. Egan Bernal , Daniel Felipe Martínez en Carlos Rodriguez zijn in principe de aangewezen renners om voor de Engelse ploeg de gele trui te bemachtigen.

'Het seizoen is lang en er kunnen veel dingen gebeuren, maar zij staan nu op papier als kopmannen', vertelt ploegleider Steve Cummings . 'De rest van de ploeg hebben we nog niet samengesteld. Januari komt echter te vroeg om onze plannen volledig uit de doeken te doen. In mei weten we meer en kunnen we echt vertellen welke renners we gaan beschermen.'

Cummings: 'We moeten kijken hoe het met Bernal gaat'

'We gaan nu niet roepen dat we met drie man gaan aanvallen', vervolgt Cummings. 'We hebben zoveel goede renners dat het moeilijk kiezen is. Met de data en performances die ze leveren kan dat gewoon niet. Ze leveren allemaal.'

De Engelsman vindt dat er voorzichtig moet worden omgesprongen met Bernal. 'Egan zit in zijn herstelfase en heeft nog steeds medische afspraken. Hij moet een rustige opbouw hebben. We moeten goed kijken wat we met hem doen als het wat langer duurt om terug te keren naar zijn oude vorm. Carlos staat op dit moment op de longlist vanwege zijn afgelegde ontwikkeling. Dat was vorig jaar ook al het geval.'

Een renner die zich zeker moet bewijzen is Tao Geoghegan Hart. Het contract van de Brit loopt na dit seizoen af. 'Tao heeft in 2020 al de Giro d'Italia op zijn naam geschreven. We weten allemaal wat hij kan. Zijn vorm bepaalt het uiteindelijke pad van 2023. Het is nu moeilijk om in te schatten wat mogelijk is. Het niveau is zo hoog dat een kleine blessure al kostbaar kan zijn. Die marges zijn klein. We steunen hem volledig om consistent en goed te presteren', sluit Cummings af.

Knieblessure Bernal valt ondanks opgave in Vuelta a San Juan mee: 'Het is niks ernstigs'

Vroege tegenvaller voor ineos-ster hayter: voorlopig uit roulatie met sleutelbeenbreuk, plaats reactie.

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Tour de France 2023: Route and stages

Tour de France 2023

Read about the entire route of the 2023 Tour de France.

Please click on the links in underneath scheme for in-depth information on the individual stages.

Tour de France 2023 stages

Tour de france 2023: route, profiles, more.

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Tour de France 2023: entire route - source:letour.fr

More about the Tour de France

Tour de france 2023: the route, tour de france 2023 route stage 1: bilbao - bilbao.

Tour de France 2023

Tour de France 2023 Route stage 2: Vitoria-Gasteiz - San Sebastián

Tour de France 2023

Tour de France 2023 Route stage 3: Amorebieta-Etxano - Bayonne

Tour de France 2023

Tour de France 2023 Route stage 4: Dax - Nogaro

Tour de France 2023

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Tour de France 2023: our selection of the most beautiful mountain stages


Cycling Tourism Nature and Outdoor Activities Sporting Activities Mountains

Tour de France 2023 lover på utfordringer med fjelletapper i alle de franske fjellmassivene. En fantastisk mulighet til å gjenoppdage sommerfjellet!

Reading time: 0 min Published on 4 December 2023, updated on 1 June 2024

The most famous cycle race in the world, the Tour de France will be taking to the skies once again this year, as the 3,404km and 21 stages will take in all 5 of France's mountain ranges! The Pyrenees, the Auvergne volcanoes, the Jura mountains, the Alps and the Vosges massif... The peloton has plenty of pedalling to do and plenty of climbing to do. The grandiose landscapes, the high altitude finishes and the dizzying descents promise to be emotional highs. To experience the highs (and lows) of the Grand Loop, saddle up with our selection of the most beautiful mountain stages.

From Tarbes to Cauterets-Cambasque, the Pyrenees take centre stage

Les coureurs du Tour de France 2023 devront cette année encore gravir Le col du Tourmalet, dans les Pyrénées.

After 3 stages on the Spanish side, welcome to the French Pyrenees! First there's Bayonne and the Basque country, Dax and its thermal baths, Pau and its beautiful castle where King Henry IV was born. And then there's Tarbes, with its breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, its palm-lined streets (yes, yes!) and its gourmet markets. The riders of the 2023 Tour de France will need a lot of courage to tear themselves away from this gentle way of life and tackle the climbs of the Aspin and terrible Tourmalet cols . The reward for all this climbing is a finish on the Cambasque plateau, overlooking the charming resort of Cauterets, in the heart of the Pyrenees National Park, where the Pic du Midi is enthroned. Want to cool off? Try the hike to the peaceful Lac d'Ilhéou . In a green setting with magnificent views and waterfalls, picnics and swimming...

The Puy de Dôme, a feast for the eyes in Auvergne

Au cœur des Volcans d'Auvergne, le Puy de Dôme fait partie du parcours du Tour de France 2023, une première en 35 ans.

The ascent of Puy de Dôme, the undisputed star of the Auvergne, will be one of the highlights of the 2023 Tour de France! The youngest and highest volcano in the Puys chain has not featured on the itinerary for 35 years. Taking on this fearsome and majestic peak and finishing with a 360° view over the gentle rolling hills of the Parc naturel régional des Volcans d'Auvergne is sure to motivate many a rider! But did you know that you can also climb this peaceful giant by mule track or on board the Panoramique des Dômes, a picturesque little cogwheel train? In just 15 minutes, you'll be transported to an altitude of 1,465 m, with the 80 volcanoes of the Puy range and the Limagne fault (listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site at your feet. To complete a stage that's full of fireworks, the Vulcania Park is not far away! Who can beat that?

Breathtaking escapes in the Jura

Le Tour de France 2023 s'attaque au Col du Grand-Colombier dans les Montagnes du Jura, offrant une vue plongeante sur les lacs des Alpes.

Expect to fall under the spell of Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne! Just 1 hour from Lyon and the Monts du Beaujolais, this small town in the Ain département, from which the Tour de France 2023 peloton will set off on 14 July, is a delightful medieval town. With its pink stone houses, flower-bedecked bridges and old market hall housing one of France's most popular traditional markets, it is also the gateway to the Dombes region, a paradise for fish farmers and birdwatchers with its landscapes of water and ponds. Take advantage of this area on foot, by boat or, ideally, by bike (it's flat!), before taking to the heights of the Montagnes du Jura , just a stone's throw away. The Pyramide du Bugey, from the top of which you can see Mont Blanc and Lake Geneva, is a must-see. The Tour de France riders attack it via the Col du Grand Colombier. At top speed. Take your time, the panorama is well worth it!

In the Alps, between lakes and legendary passes

Au cœur de la Vallée d'Aulps, près de Morzine, le lac de Montriond est sur le parcours du Tour de France 2023.

It's doubtful that the riders will enjoy the view of Lake Geneva as they take their first pedal to the metal in the Alps at Annemasse on stage 14 of the Tour de France 2023. We recommend this one, though, as well as the view of Lake Annecy and its turquoise waters. Then it's time for a series of twists and turns and climbs to the legendary passes of the Alps, including the famous Col du Feu, an unprecedented climb for the peloton. At an altitude of 1,000 metres, in the heart of the Portes du Soleil ski area, the stage finish in Morzine won't dampen the spirits of those who love nature. In summer, the little village resort in the Alps is an ideal playground for lovers of outdoor activities : a stroll along the Dérêches river, swimming in Lake Montriond, canyoning or via ferrata... the hardest thing will be to choose.

From Gets to Saint-Gervais, Mont Blanc in your sights

Entre la station des Gets et Saint-Gervais, dans les Alpes, les meilleurs grimpeurs du peloton du Tour de France 2023 franchiront le Col de la Forclaz de Montmin offrant aux spectateurs une vue spectaculaire sur le Lac d'Annecy.

For the first time since its creation, the Tour de France will start from Les Gets. Well-known to mountain bikers (the World Championships were held there in 2022), the pretty Alpine resort will kick off a 15th stage during which you'll need to have plenty of breath. The Col de la Forclaz-Montmin is on the programme. So allow yourself a break at its belvedere for a bird's-eye view of Lake Annecy before setting off again for Saint-Gervais, at the foot of Mont-Blanc. If you want to reach the highest peak in the Alps, this village resort, with its well-preserved heritage and traditions, is the ideal place to stop. And its thermal baths, renowned for the many benefits of their waters, set the well-being at the summit in a magnificent green setting.

Courchevel, star of the Alps

En 2023, les cyclistes du Tour de France font escale à Courchevel, la station prisée des 3 Vallées, dans les Alpes avec l'ascension du Col de la Loze.

The regulars call it Courch' and they come and go summer and winter as connoisseurs, just like the Tour de France caravan which is visiting the Savoyard resort for the 4th time. Welcome to the pinnacle of top-of-the-range skiing in the Alps, at the heart of the Three Valleys ski area. Courchevel tops the list not only for the size of its ski area (Méribel and Val Thorens are its famous neighbours) but also for its range of hotels (no fewer than 5 mountain palaces , from the Apogée to the Cheval Blanc, not forgetting the K2 Palace, Airelles and the Hôtel Barrière Les Neiges) and restaurants. So, with its 6 hamlets and the surrounding area, the resort has a lot to offer. Take a selfie at the top of La Saulire, take a stroll down to Lac de la Rosière, cycle down the Bike Park, spend the night in the Lacs Merlet refuge or hike through the heart of the Vallée des Avals... You're going to love it!

Full steam ahead in the Vosges

Point culminant du massif des Vosges, le col du Grand Ballon est au programme du Tour de France 2023.

Between the Lorraine plateau and the Alsace plain, the Vosges massif lives up to its reputation: a perfect blend of nature, wide open spaces, traditions and local produce, crafts and fine cheeses. Between the Grand Ballon d'Alsace and the Petit Ballon, via the famous Col de la Schlucht, the Tour de France 2023 will be taking a break from the normality of the mountains, with a new finish on the slopes of the Markstein, in the welcoming family resort of Marlstein Fellering. In the heart of the Ballons des Vosges Regional Nature Park , you can enjoy bucolic hikes, tobogganing in the mountain pastures, paragliding with a view, and mountain biking (or mountain bikes) in a landscape of absolute serenity. And for those with a sweet tooth, July is the peak of blueberry season (and the season for tarts in the farm inns).

And (finally) Paris.... and the Olympics!

Comme chaque année, le Tour de France se termine en apothéose par la remontée des Champs-Elysées à Paris.

Will the riders be in Olympic form for the triumphant finish on the Champs-Elysées on 23 July 2023? Just one year ahead of the 2024 Olympics in Paris , the route will certainly provide a magnificent prologue to the sporting event. Starting in Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, all the future Olympic venues in the Yvelines département will be on the peloton's final route. A gigantic loop will join the Colline d'Elancourt (where the mountain bike events will take place), the Golf National in Guyancourt and the Château de Versailles , which will host the equestrian events and part of the modern pentathlon competitions. A prestigious line-up of finishers for a Tour de France 2023 that's sure to be at the top of its game!

Find out more:

More information on the route of the Tour de France 2023 and nearby tourist attractions

5 minutes to find out all about the Tour de France 9 mountain skills to discover

kopmannen tour de france 2023

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kopmannen tour de france 2023

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kopmannen tour de france 2023

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kopmannen tour de france 2023

kopmannen tour de france 2023

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Wat zijn de ambities in de Tour de France 2023 van de kopmannen in WielerFlits Ploegleider?

kopmannen tour de france 2023

Enric Mas – foto: Cor Vos

Schrijf je nu in voor het Tour de France 2023-spel van WielerFlits Ploegleider!

Vorig jaar reed hij geen grote ronde uit. Zien we Yates dit jaar in Parijs? – foto: Cor Vos

Voorbeschouwing: Ronde van Zwitserland 2024 - Koersen met Gino in gedachten

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Stage 1 | 06/29 Florence > Rimini

Stage 2 | 06/30 cesenatico > bologne, stage 3 | 07/01 plaisance > turin, stage 4 | 07/02 pinerolo > valloire, stage 5 | 07/03 saint-jean-de-maurienne > saint-vulbas, stage 6 | 07/04 mâcon > dijon, stage 7 | 07/05 nuits-saint-georges > gevrey-chambertin, stage 8 | 07/06 semur-en-auxois > colombey-les-deux-églises, stage 9 | 07/07 troyes > troyes, rest | 07/08 orléans, stage 10 | 07/09 orléans > saint-amand-montrond, stage 11 | 07/10 évaux-les-bains > le lioran, stage 12 | 07/11 aurillac > villeneuve-sur-lot, stage 13 | 07/12 agen > pau, stage 14 | 07/13 pau > saint-lary-soulan pla d'adet, stage 15 | 07/14 loudenvielle > plateau de beille, rest | 07/15 gruissan, stage 16 | 07/16 gruissan > nîmes, stage 17 | 07/17 saint-paul-trois-châteaux > superdévoluy, stage 18 | 07/18 gap > barcelonnette, stage 19 | 07/19 embrun > isola 2000, stage 20 | 07/20 nice > col de la couillole, stage 21 | 07/21 monaco > nice, tour culture, grand départ florence émilie-romagne 2024, grand départ lille-nord de france 2025, 2024 tour de france finale in nice, riding into the future, all the news, official tour operators, history of tour de france, accessories.

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Race information

kopmannen tour de france 2023

  • Date: 23 July 2023
  • Start time: 16:40
  • Avg. speed winner: 39.19 km/h
  • Race category: ME - Men Elite
  • Distance: 115.1 km
  • Points scale: GT.A.Stage
  • UCI scale: UCI.WR.GT.A.Stage
  • Parcours type:
  • ProfileScore: 14
  • Vert. meters: 577
  • Departure: Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
  • Arrival: Paris
  • Race ranking: 1
  • Startlist quality score: 1584
  • Won how: Sprint of large group
  • Avg. temperature:

Finishphoto of Jordi Meeus winning Tour de France Stage 21.

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Tour de France 2023: Kwiatkowski wins stage 13 as Pogacar grabs time – as it happened

Michal Kwiatkowski produced a superb solo ride on Grand Colombier while Tadej Pogacar reduced Jonas Vingegaard’s lead

  • 14 Jul 2023 Top 10 on stage 13
  • 14 Jul 2023 Vingegaard now leads overall by nine seconds
  • 14 Jul 2023 Michal Kwiatkowski wins stage 13!
  • 14 Jul 2023 Caleb Ewan (Lotto Dstny) abandons
  • 14 Jul 2023 Mike Teunissen takes the intermediate sprint
  • 14 Jul 2023 Stage 13 begins!
  • 14 Jul 2023 Preamble

Michal Kwiatkowski celebrates as he crosses the finish line on the Grand Colombier.

Jeremy Whittle is on the scene. Here’s his stage 13 report:

And c’est ça for today. Thank you for reading, emailing, tweeting, and see you next time. Au revoir .

Again , what a display by Michal Kwiatkowski today. A classy rider and an even classier person.

NEVER. GIVE. UP. Vive la France! #TdF2023 @LeTour @INEOSGrenadiers pic.twitter.com/Wdy5frCO7h — Michał Kwiatkowski (@kwiato) July 14, 2023

The individual time trial , somewhat strangely, comes on Tuesday, stage 16, the day after the rest day. It definitely looks like advantage Pogacar, overall, but there is plenty of racing to come.

“ With Tadej’s advantage in the time trial, strategically he is already in yellow,” emails Scott. “So UAE tactics today could be viewed as defending yellow by keeping a high pace and preventing a Vingegaard attack.”

The old Brucie Bonifications. So important!

Grischa Niermann , one of the Jumbo-Visma sports directors, speaks to Eurosport: “Unfortunately Jonas lost a bit of time, four seconds and four seconds of bonifications … but it was still a good day.

“It’s possible we will be fresher [after UAE Team Emirates used so much energy] … but everyone had a tough day today. It was good for us that there were not 10 bonus seconds on offer in the end. We keep on fighting. I don’t think today made a big difference.

“Of course, we have a plan. Unfortunately I can’t share it with you.”

William Fotheringham’s guide to the next two stages is here, plus the profiles:

Stage 14, Saturday 15 July: Annemasse-Morzine, 152km

The stage 14 battleground, the Col de Joux Plane, is long, and steep, with the final 6km all about 10%; it’s followed by one of the Tour’s trickiest descents to the finish. With climbing right from the start, the break will go early and may well contest the finish. A good chance for riders such as Mikel Landa, but the final descent has Pidcock written all over it.

Stage 15, Sunday 16 July: Les Gets-Saint Gervais Mont Blanc, 179km

Again there is climbing all day; four classified climbs and several unclassified ones, before an uphill finish where France’s Romain Bardet won in 2016, and where most of the damage will be done on the initial kilometres to Les Amerands, where the gradient reaches 18%. David Gaudu is the rider French fans will expect to emulate Bardet, but if the overall contenders get involved that will be a big ask.Stage 14, Saturday 15 July: Annemasse-Morzine, 152km

I guess the worst-case scenario for UAE Team Emirates there was that it turned out Vingegaard was stronger on the final kick to the line, and took a few seconds back for himself … however, as the race hits the Alps, Pogacar’s team have definitively shown they intend to go on the offensive. It will be interesting to see how their legs hold up tomorrow, and the day after …

Dancing in the streets of Ineos Grenadiers this evening:

What a moment for @kwiato 🤩 #TDF2023 pic.twitter.com/JKegvgsiGg — INEOS Grenadiers (@INEOSGrenadiers) July 14, 2023

“ We tried to control on the flat ,” Adam Yates, of UAE Team Emirates, tells Eurosport. “It wasn’t easy, because it was a big break. We took it up on the climb … I haven’t seen the result, but I think we did well as a team. Two more days tomorrow.”

Top 10 on stage 13

1) Michal Kwiatkowski 3hr 17min 33sec 2) Maxim Van Gils +47sec 3) Tadej Pogacar +50sec 4) Jonas Vingegaard +54sec 5) Tom Pidcock +1min 03sec 6) Jai Hindley +1min 05sec 7) James Shaw +1min 05sec 8) Harold Tejada +1min 05sec 9) Simon Yates +1min 14sec 10) Adam Yates +1min 18sec

Vingegaard now leads overall by nine seconds

Pogacar’s late attack, with the four bonus seconds for finishing third on the day, means he takes eight second back in the overall race.

It was perhaps surprising that Pogacar didn’t attack sooner. But maybe he just didn’t feel good.

Top three on GC:

1) Jonas Vingegaard 53hr 48min 50sec 2) Tadej Pogacar +9sec 3) Jai Hindley +2min 51sec

Kwiatkowski speaks after a magnificent victory.

The first question is about winning the stage his own: “I had 18 friends in the break,” he replies. “Obviously I had a nice advantage on the final climb … it was a crazy experience, to be honest. When I entered the break, I thought: it’s a free ticket to the bottom of the climb. But I never thought this group would fight for the stage win, because UAE were riding hard. But I guess it’s hard to catch 20 guys rotating on the front for nearly 100km. Crazy.”

What were the discussions on the team bus this morning? “We just didn’t want to miss any big breakaway … every day we were trying to go in the big moves … I think they (UAE) just let too many guys in the front. I just found the best legs I ever had in my life. I didn’t believe that that’s possible, but here I am …

“The last effort was one of the hardest in my life, but I managed myself well, I paced myself well … without the fans, I guess that wouldn’t have been possible. I didn’t have the [Team Ineos] car behind me, and I couldn’t really hear what was happening. The fans were amazing, they were driving me to the finish. Amazing feeling.”

Kwiatkowski managed an average speed of 22.1km/h on the Grand Colombier. Massive!

2nd @LeTour stage win for @kwiato with an average speed of 22.1km/h on the ascent up Grand Colombier ⛰️ It's a Polish victory (the 7th in @LeTour history) on #BastilleDay 🎆 #TDFdata #TDF2023 https://t.co/ZunRthFlBx — letourdata (@letourdata) July 14, 2023

Top five on stage 13:

1. Michal Kwiatkowski 2. Maxim van Gils 3. Tadej Pogacar 4. Jonas Vingegaard 5. Tom Pidcock

The exhausted peloton begins to trickle across the finish line. Only two more mountain stages before Monday’s rest day …

Vingegaard wil stay in yellow, but will have lost something like 7sec to Pogacar. So he should still lead the overall race by 10sec.

Perhaps not that much to show for all the effort that UAE Team Emirates put in?

Pidcock comes across the finish line, and gives his teammate Kwiatkowski a big hug.

Pogacar stands up on the final slopes of Grand Colombier , and puts in a devastating attack … Vingegaard responds, and manages to stick with the Slovenian … but eventually Pogacar distances him! He crosses the line a handful of seconds ahead of Vingegaard, the reigning champion.

Here goes Pog …

Michal Kwiatkowski wins stage 13!

An absolutely phenomenal performance from the Polish rider for Team Ineos. Incredible.

1km to go : Flamme rouge for Kwiatkowski! He has 1min 07sec. And he is still looking supremely strong. WHAT a ride!

What kind of drama will we see among the GC riders?

1.2km to go: Iga Swiatek is watching, and cheering on her compatriot:

Allez @kwiato 💪🏼💪🏼 https://t.co/60C42W6vlq — Iga Świątek (@iga_swiatek) July 14, 2023

2km to go: Adam Yates (UAE Team Emirates) attacks from the yellow jersey group. Sepp Kuss covers the attack. Pogacar and Vingegaard are on Kuss’s wheel.

Still more than a minute for Kwiatkowski!

2.5km to go: Zimmerman and Mohoric are bringing up the rear, behind the three chasers who are closest to the lone leader, Kwiatkowski.

It’s impossible to overstate what an impressive ride this is by Kwiatkowski. The smart money was on the GG guys catching today’s break, but the size of it (20 riders to start with) clearly allowed “Kwiato” to save enough energy for this utterly draining final climb.

3.5km to go: Kwiatkowski continues to dominate that chase group. He has 1min 05sec, and 2min 11 sec on the maillot jaune group.

4.5km to go: Rafal Majka takes it up for UAE Team Emirates. Is Pogacar not feeling good? You’d think he may have attacked by now if he was feeling full of beans …

5km to go: Kwiatkowski continues his seemingly serene progress. He is holding that gap to the chasers – they simply cannot make inroads and his lead is 57sec.

It’s 2min 18sec between Kwiatkowski and the chasing yellow jersey group.

6km to go: Kwiatkowski has 55sec on the three chasers: Tejada, Van Gils and Shaw.

The yellow jersey group is 2min 23sec back.

6.3km to go: Whatever happens, Pogacar is surely going to attack at some point? The question is when. The stage win looks likely to be gone at this rate …

6.5km to go: Kwiatkowski on the attack.

🔥2'45" for @kwiato over the peloton! 🔥2'45" pour @kwiato sur le peloton ! #TDF2023 pic.twitter.com/UyIBasLNUy — Tour de France™ (@LeTour) July 14, 2023

7km to go: Vingegaard sticks with his man-marking job on Pogacar. Pogacar is riding directly behind three teammates.

Up front, Kwiatkowski’s lead is 53sec. Unless he hits a wall, he is looking very good for a famous win.

7.5km to go: Will we see a ceasefire between Pogacar and Vingegaard back down the mountain? UAE have certainly put plenty of effort into this day so far. They will want something to show for it. Rafal Majka is up there. Thibaut Pinot is labouring on the climb. There will be no French glory today … Kwiatkowski’s lead falls back slightly to 51sec.

7.8km to go: Now a WHOLE MINUTE for Kwiatkowski! This is an insanely strong ride.

8km to go: It is going to take something special to bring back a rider of Kwiatkowski’s class. Suddenly, his advantage over the chasers is 45sec. The Polish rider is 33, but has always been in top shape, riding in the past few years mainly as a super-domestique for Sky/Ineos.

8.5km to go: Kwiato’s lead falls slightly to 36sec. He is being roared on by the fans on the roadside, who have been waiting patiently for the riders’ arrival.

10km to go: Marc Soler is grimacing on the front of the peloton at the front of a line of UAE Team Emirates. Clearly, Pogacar’s team are being told to give this all they’ve got. This is looking very good for Kwiatkowski as it stands … He has 38 sec now on the chasers! And still 3min 10sec on the peloton.

10.7km to go: Kwiatkowski has 29sec. Massive effort. The gap is still 3min 11sec back to the bunch.

I interviewed Kwiatkowski back in 2018 and he told me he thought he could ride for GC at the Tour one day.

11.2km to go: Kwiatkowski, a road race world champion in 2014 and the winner of Milano-Sanremo and Strade Bianche in 2017, has 15sec already!

Michal Kwiatkowski: Going for the win.

  • Tour de France 2023
  • Tour de France

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Tour de France: Unchained – Second series offers more emotions but also more crashes

The eight new episodes look back at the Vingegaard-Pogačar duel of the 2023 Tour

Tadej Pogacar

The second series of ‘Tour de France: Unchained’ will be released on June 11, and the Netflix documentary offers another intense, emotional and dramatic insider view of the biggest race in professional cycling.

Last year, we compared the slick editing and constant showing of crashes and suffering to eating too much Haribo on a hot day . The second series offers more of the same, with the eight 45-minute episodes packed with best moments of racing, the crashes, the heartache and joy that the Tour always produces.

Tadej Pogačar and his UAE Team Emirates teams struck a deal to be filmed alongside the eight official teams, and so this year’s series tells a more complete story of his battle with Vingegaard and how Pogačar lost out in the time trial and then cracked on stage 17 over the  Col de la Loze.

Mark Cavendish also features across several episodes that highlight the dangers of sprinting, including the moment when he crashed out on stage 8 after going close to victory on stage 7 in Bordeaux.

The tragic death of Gino Mäder at the Tour de Suisse is weaved into the narrative Tour de France Unchained, with a tearful interview with Pello Bilbao highlighting the fears and emotions in the peloton after the loss of the Swiss rider.

One of the most moving moments of series 2 captures the moment Ben O'Connor is told of Mäder’s death during a training ride. Julian Alaphilippe also reflects on the dangers of pro racing. "We are nothing on earth and even less on a bike. Just to evoke Gino gives me chills everywhere," he said.

Yet 'Tour de France: Unchained' also dramatizes numerous crashes in a jarring contradiction that could perhaps have been avoided. At the very least, the crashes could have been treated with more respect.

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The crashes and serious injuries of the 2024 season have confirmed that the riders’ pain and suffering should never be used to ‘sell’ the sport, even to a broader audience on Netflix.

Despite that, the documentary is addictive and entertaining to watch, whatever your level of understanding of the sport, showing moments that are rarely seen on television or video. 

The Netflix camera crews again had all-area access to the eight teams and captured rarely-seen moments on team buses and even intimate moments between directeur sportif and riders on the massage table.

Each of the eight episodes combines different storylines covering the AG2R Citroën, Alpecin-Deceuninck, EF Education-EasyPost, Groupama-FDJ, Ineos Grenadiers, Bora-Hansgrohe, Jumbo-Visma and Soudal-QuickStep teams.

Their race tactics are studied in detail, with race commentary and scripted comments and considerations from French commentator Steve Chainel and Ireland’s Orla Chennaoui of Eurosport. Interviews at home, often done by their partners, reveal a more human face of the leading riders.

"Some of the eight episodes look like a dive into a pack of mixed feelings. Almost like being on a psychiatrist's couch, it's about grief, fear, anger, betrayal and pride," Christophe Bérard suggested in the French newspaper Le Parisien in one of the early reviews.

Team managers Jonathan Vaughters, Patrick Lefevere, Marc Madiot and Richard Plugge also feature, as they fight with each other and try to guide their riders to victory. Madiot’s disdain for Plugge after he accuses his riders and staff of drinking beer is ‘peak Madiot,’ packed with venom and pride.

Jumbo-Visma directeur sportif Grischa Niermann and his many exclamations of ‘Fuck!” in the team car again star, as does Pogačar’s foul-mouthed acceptance that he was done and his Tour de France challenge over. Not surprisingly Tour de France Unchained is rated 13+. 

The official trailer included a question to Thibaut Pinot about Vingegaard’s crushing time trial performance but did not reveal his answer.

It turns out the Frenchman preferred to enjoy his final Tour.

“Phew… I don’t want to answer that question. I’m not interested in that,” Pinot said. 

Madiot was not so diplomatic.

“There’s always a moment when the truth comes out, so we’ll see,” he said.

Vingegaard has always insisted he races clean and spoke directly to the Netflix camera about the 2023 allegations. 

“There’s no reason to be speculating. The past (history of cycling) is the only reason to speculate,” Vingegaard said.

“I know I don’t take anything. I’m not doing anything that I'm not allowed to do. I’m clean and even when they test these samples in 100 years, they won't find anything.”

Jonas Vingegaard

Eight carefully scripted episodes

The eight episodes are an excellent way to look back at the 2023 Tour de France and prepare for this year’s race.

Episode one sets up the series and the Vinggaard-Pogačar battle with interviews with both riders from their homes and training camps, recalling Pogačar’s return from his scaphoid fracture at Liege-Bastogne-Liege.

It also captures the riders during a minute’s silence to remember Gino Mäder in their pre-race meeting with race organisers ASO in Bilbao, to introduce the crash narrative and reveal riders’ fears but also their determination to win.

Richard Carapaz crashed on stage one and the episode focuses on his subsequent abandon and how it wrecked EF Education-Easypost’s ambitions at the 2023 Tour de France.   

Episode two recalls Ben O’Connor emotional and physical struggles in the early stages in the Basque Country, while fellow Perth native and natural rival Jai Hindley won stage 5 and pulled on the yellow jersey.

The first sprint battles, Jasper Philipsen’s dominance and the many crashes fill episode two.

Fabio Jakobsen’s Tour de Pologne crash is shown again, while his high-speed crash on stage 4 is dissected and analysed in all its gory detail. Jakobsen accuses Philipsen of sparking the crash but he says: “We're not here to make friends with other teams.”

Cavendish’s crash and abandon is covered in the same episode, but the series ends with him promising to return to the 2024 Tour. 

Stage 4 is simply titled ‘For Gino’ and tells how the Bahrain Victorious riders try to win a stage to honour his memory, with Bilbao taking stage 10. 

The struggles at Ineos Grenadiers fills episode five, as Tom Pidcock fails to fight for GC and Carlos Rodriguez steps up and confirms his Grand Tour potential, winning stage 14 just 24 hours after Michał Kwiatkowski won stage 13. 

The Vingegaard-Pogačar battle takes centre stage on episode six as the Dane dominates the time trial and then Pogačar cracks.

The episode covers the suspicions created by Vingegaard’s performance and reveals how team manager Richard Plugge accused Groupama-FDJ of drinking beers on the rest day as a dead cat distraction to take the media spotlight and pressure off Vingegaard.

Patrick Lefevere and his spats with Julian Alaphilippe about his salary and poor results fill episode seven. The French rider jokes that he is paid “a bit too much for Patrick….” but went on the attack on seven stages to try to win a stage. Kasper Asgreen eventually saves the team’s Tour de France.

Marc Madiot responds to Plugge’s beer accusations during episode eight, which also recalls Pinot’s ‘Last Dance’ solo attack on his home roads during stage 20. The Virage Pinot was packed with screaming fans but following a perfect Netflix script, Pinot did not win the stage.

Episode eight and the second series of Tour de France: Unchained ends in Paris with the Champs Elysees sprint, the final podium and Vingegaard’s second victory ahead of Pogačar.

In the final moments, Madiot raises a sarcastic glass of beer as Pinot ends his Tour de France career, emotional but happy that it is all over. 

It leaves us wishing for more. Fortunately, the start of the 2024 Tour de France is only a few weeks away. 

It's back! Netflix's Tour de France: Unchained documentary is set to return for season 2 on June 11 pic.twitter.com/pupvAYsiXB May 16, 2024

kopmannen tour de france 2023

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Stephen is the most experienced member of the Cyclingnews team, having reported on professional cycling since 1994. He has been Head of News at Cyclingnews since 2022, before which he held the position of European editor since 2012 and previously worked for Reuters , Shift Active Media , and CyclingWeekly , among other publications.

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kopmannen tour de france 2023

Israel-Premier Tech refute reports of Froome-Woods feud over 2023 Tour de France selection

T he Israel-Premier Tech team have refuted a report in French newspaper L’Equipe that claims a leadership feud between Chris Froome and Michel Woods meant the former four-time Tour winner was not selected for last year's race and that sponsor pressure could see Froome back at the 2024 Tour de France despite a lack of recent results.

L’Equipe quoted an unnamed rider agent who said: “Michael Woods is no match for Chris with the organisers. We are fighting for [Froome] because his name remains associated with his four victories on the Tour de France.” 

The newspaper also claimed that Woods secured Froome’s exclusion from the 2023 Tour de France squad. Froome was frustrated not to be selected for last year’s Tour but has since promised to race on at least until the end of 2025.

Team owner Sylvan Adams was critical of Froome last summer, saying he wasn’t value for money. L’Equipe suggests that Froome was initially paid a salary of €4.5 million. However, Cyclingnews understands this is not true, with such a large salary linked to the arrival of a sponsor that ultimately failed to come on board. 

Froome and Woods quickly dismissed the report but L’Equipe have not edited their story. 

“This is news to me,” Froome wrote on X with a laughing emoji. “What about you, @rusty_woods (Michael Woods?)” 

The Canadian replied: “Haha, same here mate.”

“It seems to be a complete fabrication of view on things in the team, especially related to myself and Woodsy, saying there’s some feud between us. We’re good mates,” Froome said before stage 2 of the Critérium du Dauphiné.

“It will be tough to make the team. I think it very much depends on what the team’s objectives are. At this point that seems to be stage hunting and how capable riders are of being able to achieve that.”  

“We’ve all got opportunities here at Critérium du Dauphiné and the Tour de Suisse to show how capable they are of fulfilling that team objective. I’m going to try to get up the road and show myself while building my form and finding some race intensity.” 

Israel-Premier Tech said they were surprised by the L’Equipe story. Sports manager Rik Verbrugge told Cyclingnews that Froome’s presence at this year’s Tour de France will be decided by his performances and the sporting cohesion of the team.

“It's big bullshit. I have no idea where that information came from,” Verbrugge told Cyclingnews at the Critérium du Dauphiné. 

“First of all, Chris Froome’s non-selection last year was a performance decision and a team decision to have a strong team at the start of the Tour de France. Woodsy won a stage and that was the goal of the Tour de France. The owners of the team were super happy with that performance. 

“There is no tension between the two riders. There is no pressure from any of our sponsors to bring Chris Froome to the Tour de France, even for 2024. 

Froome’s 2024 season was disrupted by a scaphoid fracture in his wrist at Tirreno-Adriatico and he only returned to racing at this week’s Critérium du Dauphiné. Woods crashed and suffered a mild concussion during stage 5 of the Giro d’Italia. He is due to ride the Vuelta a Espana and not the Tour de France in 2024. 

Verbrugge did not exclude Froome’s selection in the final eight-rider Israel-Premier Tech Tour de France squad. However he faces competition from the likes of Derek Gee, Hugo Houle, Dylan Teuns, Pascal Ackermann, George Bennett and Stevie Williams. 

“Chris broke his wrist in Tirreno-Adriatico and that slowed his progression. Now let's see how he progresses until the start of the Tour de France,” Verbrugge told Cyclingnews . 

“Selection for the Tour will not only be based on Chris Froome’s performance, the sporting cohesion of the team is also important.

“The selection will be made after the Tour de Suisse when we have all the information from the riders. The best team that we can put on the start line will go to the Tour de France.”  

Chris Froome and Michael Woods

Sport | Cycling

When is the Tour de France 2024? How to watch and the latest odds with Tadej Pogacar the bookies' favourite

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With five weeks to go until the 2024 Tour de France , Tadej Pogacar is the bookies’ favourite to win the yellow jersey — having won the Giro d’Italia emphatically.  

The Slovenian is looking to add to his 2020 and 2021 Tour titles, which will be easier if rival Jonas Vingegaard fails to recover from crash injuries sustained in the Itzulia Basque Country tour earlier this year.

Danish rider Vingegaard, the 2022 and 2023 Tour winner, is facing a race against time to be fit and is not on the start list for next week's Critérium du Dauphiné — a warm-up race. 

Other yellow jersey contenders Remco Evenepoel and Primož Roglič, who also both crashed on the Basque tour, have recovered to make the Critérium .

It could make for an interesting 111th edition of the race with or without its biggest names when the racing gets under way next month. 

Here is all you need to know about the 2024 Tour de France.

kopmannen tour de france 2023

When is the Tour de France 2024? 

The Tour will begin with a hilly stage from Florence to Rimini in Italy on Saturday, June 29. 

From there, riders will race for 21 days and have two rest days, culminating in a time trial in Nice on Sunday, July 21. 

kopmannen tour de france 2023

What is the route for the Tour?

After the four days in Italy, the Tour will cross the border to Valloire France on Tuesday, July 2 — the first high mountain stage.

It is the first time the race has had its Grand Depart in Italy. In another first, the riders will cross into San Marino on an early stage. 

The Tour will finish outside Paris for the first time as the French capital is preparing to host the Olympic Games and the Paralympics this summer.

The final stage in Nice will be a time trial, meaning the general classification order will go down to the last day. 

While usually the last day is something of a ceremony before a sprint, in 2024 it will be the second of two long time trials. 

The tough route will take in summit finishes in the French Alps, featured earlier than usual, Massif Central and the Pyrenees. Stage nine will also feature 32 kilometres (20 miles) of gravel roads. 

The severity of the stages and lack of flat finishes is bad news for sprinters including Britain's Mark Cavendish — who is seeking a record-breaking 35th Tour stage win. 

Eight stages identified as ‘flat’ could give sprinters such as Cavendish reasons to hope — but only if they can stay in the race over the mountains and make time cuts. 

The Manx rider told the Guardian : “There’s a few [sprint stages] but you’ve got to get to them — that’s the problem. 

“It’s so hard. I’m in a bit of shock, actually.”

kopmannen tour de france 2023

How can I watch the Tour de France? 

ITV 4 and ITV X will be showing the Tour de France live from June 29 to July 21 with highlights shows every evening — usually at 7pm. 

In previous years, the shows have been presented by Gary Imlach with input and commentary from David Millar and Ned Boulting. 

ITV will also broadcast Critérium du Dauphiné highlights from June 4 to 11. 


Who are the bookmakers’ favourites for the 2024 Tour de France? 

Bookmakers are in an unusual position and taking bets on a race scenario with and without defending champion Jonas Vingegaard taking part. 

Oddschecker does not have the option of betting on the Dane winning the yellow jersey.

However, the odds of other contenders do shorten if he does not make the start line. 

The full list of riders will be confirmed nearer the start of the race. 

These are the Oddschecker odds as of May 30 .

Tadej Pogacar: Odds to win with Vingegaard in race (4/11) without Vingegaard (1/2)

The Slovenian is in red-hot form and could add to his two yellow jerseys. 

Primož Roglič: Both with and without Vingegaard (9/2)

Another Slovenian who has won the Giro d’Italia and Vuelta a Espana in the past but never the Tour de France, despite coming second in 2020. 

Remco Evenepoel: With and without Vingegaard (10/1)

The Belgian has previously won the Giro and is an all-rounder. 

Juan Ayuso: With and without Vingegaard (16/1)

The Spanish youngster is a teammate of Pogacar at UAE Team Emirates and could step up should misfortune strike the Slovenian but is otherwise on domestique duty.

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Mondial Féminin 2023 : Le programme des amicaux

La trêve internationale féminine est l’occasion pour toutes les nations participant à la Coupe du Monde Féminine 2023 de disputer des tournois amicaux. Tour de table sur FIFA+.


Les participantes à la Coupe du Monde Féminine 2023 seront occupées par des tournois amicaux pendant la trêve internationale fin février

Les Américaines, championnes du monde en titre, organisent la SheBelieves Cup

L’Australie accueille la Cup of Nations pendant que la Nouvelle-Zélande participe à des amicaux dans le cadre du Tournoi de barrage

La trêve internationale féminine reprend ses droits du 13 au 25 février.

Outre le Tournoi de barrage de la Coupe du Monde Féminine de la FIFA, Australie & Nouvelle-Zélande organisé à Auckland et à Hamilton (Nouvelle-Zélande) du 17 au 23 février – dans le cadre duquel la Nouvelle-Zélande et l’Argentine disputeront des matches amicaux – les équipes déjà qualifiées pour la compétition en Océanie vont se dégourdir les jambes à l’occasion de tournois et matches amicaux.

FIFA+ vous présente tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la trêve internationale féminine de ce mois de février.

*équipes en gras : qualifiées pour la Coupe du Monde Féminine 2023

SheBelieves Cup SheBelieves Cup

Dates : 16-22 février

Lieu : Orlando, Nashville, Frisco (USA)

Équipes participantes : États-Unis , Brésil , Canada , Japon

Quatre équipes participant au Mondial féminin seront présentes aux États-Unis pour la huitième édition de la SheBelieves Cup. Les championnes du monde en titre américaines ont déjà montré leur bonne forme en ce début d’année avec deux succès (4-0 et 5-0) sur la Nouvelle-Zélande en janvier. Megan Rapinoe, meilleure buteuse de l’histoire du tournoi amical, sera de retour après son absence en janvier.

Du côté du Brésil, vainqueur de la Copa América 2022, Pia Sundhage a rappelé l’emblématique Marta dans son groupe pour la première fois après sa blessure au ligament croisé du genou contractée en mars 2022. L’éternelle Christine Sinclair sera aussi présente pour le Canada, tout comme Maika Hamano, la star japonaise de la Coupe du Monde Féminine U-20, Costa Rica 2022™.

Tournoi de France Tournoi de France

Dates : 15-21 février

Lieu : Angers et Laval (France)

Équipes participantes : France , Norvège , Uruguay, Danemark

Pour la troisième édition du Tournoi de France, Corinne Diacre devra composer sans Griedge Mbock ni Marie-Antoinette Katoto, toutes deux blessées, ou encore Amel Majri, qui n’a pas encore eu assez de temps de jeu avec l’Olympique Lyonnais depuis son retour de maternité pour figurer sur la liste de la sélectionneuse. Celle-ci a en revanche rappelé Kheira Hamraoui.

Les Norvégiennes ont fini l’année 2022 en tenant en échec les championnes d’Europe anglaises (1-1) en novembre dernier après avoir concédé une défaite (2-1) contre la France. Elles seront toujours sans Ada Hegerberg, en rééducation après sa blessure à la jambe, mais pourront compter sur l’excellente Guro Reiten. Le Danemark déplore aussi l’absence de Pernille Harder (blessure aux ischio-jambiers). Leurs deux derniers matches amicaux au mois de novembre se sont soldés par une défaite 2-0 face aux Pays-Bas et un succès 2-1 contre la Suisse.

Tout savoir sur le Tournoi de France 2023 Tout savoir sur le Tournoi de France 2023

Arnold clark cup arnold clark cup.

Lieu : Milton Keynes, Coventry, Bristol (Angleterre)

Équipes participantes : Angleterre , Belgique, Italie , République de Corée

Les championnes d’Europe 2022 ont vécu un post-EURO intéressant, avec la confirmation de leur qualification pour le Mondial puis des victoires sur les USA (2-1) et le Japon (4-0) entrecoupées de nuls contre la République tchèque (0-0) et la Norvège (1-1). Pour la deuxième édition de l’Arnold Clark Cup, Sarina Wiegman comptera sur sa capitaine Leah Williamson et Lucy Bronze, absentes pour les amicaux de novembre. En revanche, Fran Kirby, blessée, a dû déclarer forfait pour le tournoi.

La Sud-Coréenne Ji So-yun fait son retour en Angleterre après son départ de Chelsea où elle s’est forgé une belle réputation. Dans l’équipe d’Italie, Cristiana Girelli, l’actuelle deuxième meilleure buteuse de Serie A Femminile (derrière la Malawienne Tabitha Chawinga), espère faire trembler les filets pour l’équipe de Milena Bertolini.

Cup of Nations Cup of Nations

Lieu : Gosford, Newcastle, Sydney (Australie)

Équipes participantes : Australie , Espagne , Jamaïque , République tchèque

L’Australie poursuit sa série de matches amicaux avant son Mondial et compte 4 victoires sur ses 5 derniers matches, notamment contre le Canada, le Danemark et la Suède. La star des Matildas Sam Kerr sera présente, contrairement à la Jamaïcaine Khadija Shaw – l’actuelle meilleure buteuse de la Women’s Super League anglaise (10 buts en 13 journées, contre 6 pour Kerr) – qui a déclaré forfait pour raisons personnelles.

Côté espagnol, Alexia Putellas – comptant parmi les finalistes The Best – Joueuse de la FIFA – est toujours absente pour blessure. En revanche, Salma Paralluelo, double buteuse en finale de la Coupe du Monde Féminine U-20 2022, et Jennifer Hermoso seront bien là.

Women’s Revelations Cup Women’s Revelations Cup

Lieu : León (Mexique)

Équipes participantes : Colombie , Mexique, Costa Rica , Nigeria

La deuxième édition de la Women’s Revelation Cup, organisée au Mexique (non qualifié pour Australie & Nouvelle-Zélande 2023), opposera quatre équipes A, contrairement à la dernière édition qui regroupait des équipes U-17.

Le Nigeria sera mené par sa star, l’attaquante Asisat Oshoala, en grande forme avec son club du FC Barcelone et meilleure buteuse de la Liga F. Le Costa Rica visera aussi le titre grâce notamment à la force offensive de l’éternelle Shirley Cruz (37 ans) et de Priscila Chinchilla, brillante avec Glasgow City en Écosse. Pour la Colombie, la jeune Linda Caicedo (17 ans) poursuit son incroyable ascension : élue meilleure joueuse de la Copa América 2022, elle a disputé les quarts de finale de la Coupe du Monde Féminine U-20, Costa Rica 2022™ et a fini meilleure buteuse en Coupe du Monde U-17 de la FIFA en Inde en octobre la même année.

Autres matches amicaux Autres matches amicaux

Pays-Bas - Autriche, 17 février, Paola (Malte)

Autriche - Pays-Bas, 21 février, Ta’Qali (Malte)

Pologne - Suisse, 17 février, Cadix (Espagne)

Suisse - Pologne, 21 février, Marbella (Espagne)

Maroc - Slovaquie, 17 février, Antalya (Turquie)

Bosnie - Maroc, 21 février, Antalya (Turquie)

Allemagne et Suède

Allemagne - Suède, 21 février, Duisbourg (Allemagne)

RP Chine et République d’Irlande

RP Chine - République d’Irlande, 22 février, Cadix (Espagne)

L’ Afrique du Sud et la Zambie participent à la Turkish Women’s Cup à Alanya (Turquie), du 11 au 22 février, avec 10 autres équipes non qualifiées pour la Coupe du Monde Féminine.

Les Philippines , de leur côté, se préparent lors de la Pinatar Cup à San Pedro del Pinatar (Espagne), du 15 au 21 février. Les autres équipes sont l’Écosse, l’Islande et le Pays de Galles, non qualifiés pour le Mondial féminin.

Le Viêt-Nam , qui tombe dans le Groupe E avec les USA et les Pays-Bas au Mondial, ne se rassemble pas lors de la trêve internationale du mois de février.


  1. Tour 2023: Dit zijn de kopmannen in de Tour de France

    Maar wie zijn eigenlijk de kopmannen in deze Tour? WielerFlits zet de vooruitgeschoven pionnen van alle deelnemende ploegen op een rij. De Tour de France belooft ook dit jaar een spektakel te worden.

  2. Tour 2023: Dit zijn de kopmannen in de Tour de France

    De Tour de France belooft ook dit jaar een spektakel te worden. Wordt het weer een strijd tussen Jonas Vingegaard en Tadej Pogačar? Of mengen andere renners zich in de strijd? Naast het algemeen klassement staan er ook voor de sprintetappes diverse rappe mannen aan de start. Maar wie zijn eigenlijk de kopmannen in deze Tour? WielerFlits zet de vooruitgeschoven pionnen van alle deelnemende ...

  3. INEOS heeft kopmannen voor Tour de France in concept: 'Voor nu kiezen

    INEOS Grenadiers heeft in gesprek met CyclingWeekly door laten schemeren wie de gewenste kopmannen zijn voor de Tour de France van 2023. Egan Bernal, Daniel Felipe Martínez en Carlos Rodriguez zijn in principe de aangewezen renners om voor de Engelse ploeg de gele trui te bemachtigen. 'Het seizoen is lang en er kunnen veel dingen gebeuren, maar zij staan nu op papier als kopmannen', vertelt ...

  4. 2023 Tour de France

    The 2023 Tour de France was the 110th edition of the Tour de France.It started in Bilbao, Spain, on 1 July and ended with the final stage at Champs-Élysées, Paris, on 23 July.. Defending champion Jonas Vingegaard (Team Jumbo-Visma) won the general classification for the second year in a row. Two-time champion Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates) finished in second place, with Adam Yates (UAE ...

  5. Tour de France

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  6. Tour 2023: Egan Bernal een van de kopmannen binnen ...

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  7. Jonas Vingegaard wins the 2023 Tour de France

    Jonas Vingegaard (Jumbo-Visma) sailed through the final stage of the 2023 Tour de France to be crowned overall champion for the second year in a row. Pogačar added to his reputation as the ...

  8. Tour de France 2023: Route and stages

    Tour de France 2023: Route and stages. Jonas Vingegaard won the 110th Tour de France ahead of Tadej Pogacar and Adam Yates. The first blow was struck by the Dane as early as the fifth day, but Pogacar bounced back before he was forced against the ropes in the final week. The 2023 Tour de France set off on Saturday 1 July in Bilbao, Spain, and ...

  9. Tour de France 2023: Results & News

    The full 2023 Tour de France route was revealed at the official Tour de France presentation on 27th October. The race starts across the border in the Basque Country, the first time the race has ...

  10. Tour de France 2023: Kwiatkowski wins stage 13 as Pogacar grabs time

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  11. Tour de France 2023: the mountain stages to follow this summer

    Reading time: 7 min Published on 4 December 2023, updated on 1 June 2024. The most famous cycle race in the world, the Tour de France will be taking to the skies once again this year, as the 3,404km and 21 stages will take in all 5 of France's mountain ranges! The Pyrenees, the Auvergne volcanoes, the Jura mountains, the Alps and the Vosges ...

  12. Statistics Mikel Landa in Tour de France

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  13. Wat zijn de ambities in de Tour de France 2023 van de kopmannen in

    David Gaudu (Groupama-FDJ) - 13 punten De Franse hoop in deze Tour de France is gevestigd op David Gaudu.De Fransman ziet zichzelf niet als favoriet, maar een podium is haalbaar. "Het doel is om het podium te halen. We weten dat er twee grote favorieten zijn, Tadej Pogačar en Jonas Vingegaard.Daarachter staat een groep buitenstaanders en ik behoor tot deze groep.

  14. Official website of Tour de France 2024

    Tour de France 2024 - Official site of the famed race from the Tour de France. Includes route, riders, teams, and coverage of past Tours. Club 2024 route 2024 Teams 2023 Edition ... 2023 rankings JUMBO-VISMA. J. VINGEGAARD. 82h 05' 42'' ALPECIN-DECEUNINCK. J. PHILIPSEN. 377 pts. LIDL - TREK. G. CICCONE. 106 pts. UAE TEAM EMIRATES. T. POGAČAR ...

  15. As it happened: Jonas Vingegaard celebrates Tour de France victory as

    The 2023 Tour de France podium: Tadej Pogacar, Jonas Vingegaard and Adam Yates (Image credit: Getty Images) 2023-07-23T18:37:08.412Z. The 2023 Tour de France podium

  16. Tour de France 2023: Full schedule, stages, route, length, TV channel

    The 2023 Tour de France totals 3,402.8 kilometers, or about 2,115 miles. Last year's race was slightly shorter, checking in at 3,349.8 kilometers, or 2,081.47 miles.

  17. Tour de France 2023 Stage 21 results

    Stage 21 (Final) » Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines › Paris (115.1km) Jonas Vingegaard is the winner of Tour de France 2023, before Tadej Pogačar and Adam Yates. Jordi Meeus is the winner of the final stage.

  18. Wat zijn de ambities in de Tour de France 2023 van de kopmannen in

    De start van de 110e editie van de Tour de France staat voor de deur. Wil je deze Tour nog leuker maken? Speel dan samen met je vrienden mee met WielerFlits Ploegleider. Om je op weg te helpen met de lastige keuzes in dit spel, zet WielerFlits de ambities van de kopmannen op een rij.[flag:si

  19. Tour de France 2023: Kwiatkowski wins stage 13 as Pogacar grabs time

    Tour de France 2023: Kwiatkowski wins stage 13 as Pogacar grabs time - as it happened. This article is more than 8 months old. Michal Kwiatkowski produced a superb solo ride on Grand Colombier ...

  20. 'You have to be realistic'

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  21. Tour de France: Unchained

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  22. Israel-Premier Tech refute reports of Froome-Woods feud over 2023 Tour

    The newspaper also claimed that Woods secured Froome's exclusion from the 2023 Tour de France squad. Froome was frustrated not to be selected for last year's Tour but has since promised to ...

  23. When is the Tour de France 2024?

    Uncertainty lingers over whether Jonas Vingegaard will be fit to defend the crown he won in 2022 and 2023. ... ITV 4 and ITV X will be showing the Tour de France live from June 29 to July 21 with ...

  24. Mondial Féminin 2023 : Le programme des amicaux

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