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Star trek’s “perfect mate”: famke janssen in tng explained.


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How To Watch All Star Trek TV Shows In Timeline Order

Star trek: tng's "yesterday's enterprise" finally allowed denise crosby to play the tasha yar she auditioned for, one of robert downey jr's best performances in years is being completely ignored.

  • "The Perfect Mate" in Star Trek: TNG is a step back for the show, treating Kamala solely as an object of male desire.
  • Famke Janssen played Xenia Onatopp in GoldenEye and Jean Grey in X-Men with Patrick Stewart's Professor X.
  • Famke Janssen's role as Kamala influenced the appearance of the Trill aliens in Star Trek: DS9, even though she turned down the role.

In one of her earliest acting roles, Dutch actress Famke Janssen portrayed Kamala in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 2, episode 21, "The Perfect Mate." When the USS Enterprise-D transports a Kriosian ambassador named Briam (Tim O'Connor) to a peace ceremony, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) soon discovers that his "cargo" is actually a young Kriosian woman named Kamala . Kamala can not only sense the emotions of the men around her, but she can also morph herself into whoever they want her to be. Since her birth, Kamala has been raised to be the perfect partner for Valtese Chancellor Alrik (Mickey Cottrell), as part of a peace offering to reunite the planets Krios Prime and Valt Minor.

Star Trek: The Next Generation 's "The Perfect Mate" has some strong performances, but the treatment of Kamala almost solely as an object of male desire feels like a step back for TNG . The storyline feels too reminiscent of Star Trek: The Original Series and its 1960s sensibilities. There are elements of a good story here, as Picard and Kamala both face difficult choices regarding duty and desire, and both Patrick Stewart and Famke Janssen are wonderful . But Kamala has little agency and the plot line - of women who generate pheromones that affect men - has been done before (in TOS season 1, episode 6, "Mudd's Women"), and really should have been left in the 1960s.

The Star Trek TV franchise has existed for 57 years and consists of 12 shows (and counting). Here's how to watch them all in timeline order.

Famke Janssen’s Kamala In Star Trek: TNG’s The Perfect Mate Explained

With her empathic and metamorphic abilities, kamala can be anything the men around her want her to be..

Because she altered her own personality to please those around her, Kamala had never spent time figuring out what she wanted for herself in Star Trek: The Next Generation' s "The Perfect Mate." After Kamala's guide Briam is rendered unconscious in a conflict with a Ferengi, Captain Picard steps in to fulfill his role. As Kamala spends time with Picard, the two find that they have much in common , including a love of archeology and Shakespeare. Although Picard feels an attraction to Kamala, he resists it, knowing that she has been promised to another. Kamala then imprints onto Picard, but still goes through with the marriage to Chancellor Alrik, as she has gained Picard's sense of duty.

After working as a model for several years, Famke Janssen landed her first acting roles in 1992 as Kamala on Star Trek: The Next Generation and as Kyle Christian in the film Fathers & Sons . Janssen's next major role came in 1995, when she starred as femme fatale Xenia Onatopp, alongside Pierce Brosnan's James Bond in GoldenEye . Famke appeared in several other films, before landing the role of Jean Grey in 2000's X-Men, alongside Patrick Stewart's Professor X . Janssen also appeared as Jean Grey/Phoenix in X2 and X-Men: The Last Stand, the latter of which adapted Marvel's iconic Dark Phoenix Saga . Since then, Janssen has appeared in Nip/Tuck , the Taken film franchise, Hemlock Grove , and How To Get Away With Murder .

Famke Janssen’s TNG Role Changed Star Trek: DS9’s Trill Aliens

From awkward forehead ridges to striking spots..

After her appearance in Star Trek: The Next Generation's "The Perfect Mate," Famke Janssen was offered the role of Lt. Jadzia Dax on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . As Janssen wanted to pursue film roles and did not want to be committed to a five-year television contract, she turned down the part. Although she never appeared in Star Trek again, Janssen's TNG character did change the appearance of the Trills. Former model Terry Farrell was later cast as Jadzia Dax, a joined Trill who served as a Starfleet science officer on space station Deep Space 9 .

As the DS9 production staff worked on Jadzia's look, they realized they did not like the original Trill makeup as it appeared in TNG season 4, episode 23, "The Host." Make-up designer Michael Westmore eventually suggested that they could give Jadzia spots along the sides of her face and neck like Famke Janssen's character Kamala had. This look stuck, as every Trill depicted after Jadzia Dax has appeared with these markings. After her appearance on Star Trek: The Next Generation , Famke Janssen went on to become an iconic sci-fi actress in her own right, and she left her mark on the Star Trek franchise in more ways than one.

Star Trek: The Next Generation & Star Trek: Deep Space Nine are available to stream on Paramount+.

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

Famke Janssen's Star Trek Role Was A TNG Tragedy - And A Prelude To X-Men?

Composite image of Kamala and Jean Grey

Throughout her prolific career, Dutch model-turned-actor Famke Janssen has touched almost every conceivable franchise, and in one of her earliest roles, she had the impressive distinction of collaborating with Sir Patrick Stewart. Fans now know  "Star Trek: The Next Generation " wouldn't be the last time the two would share the screen, which made her "TNG" role feel even more tragic in retrospect.

In Janssen's second-ever credit, she plays Kamala, an empathic metamorph who — like a certain famous mutant she plays later in her career — loses agency in her decisions. But before that can happen, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Stewart) encounters her as cargo. When the two meet, Kamala is being transported as the intended wife for Chancellor Alrik (Mickey Cottrell) to restore peace between planets in an arranged marriage. Her empathic and metamorphic abilities make her the ideal mate for her intended, but when she meets Picard before her fiancé, she imprints on him instead. The two fall in love with each other, which creates a conflict.

Picard holds certain ideals that Kamala absorbs because of her abilities. But because the Enterprise captain can't run away with her, he ultimately supports the marriage because it will unite two planets, and because Kamala is Picard's ideal mate, she shares his ideals. She goes through with the union, even though she and Picard love each other. This is an ending that's tragic enough on its own, but it feels even sadder in retrospect considering what happened when Janssen once again teamed up with Stewart in her most famous role to date.

Jean Grey was just as tragic

When Famke Janssen reunited with Sir Patrick Stewart in the "X-Men" franchise, it was under circumstances that were less romantic but just as tragic. In the first film, Jean Grey is a mutant teacher at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, chafing at the concept of government-decreed Mutant Registration. This gets infinitely more complex in later films with the first live-action attempt at adapting the notoriously divisive Dark Phoenix Saga .

Veering away from the cosmic origins of the Phoenix in the comics, the movies spin a more grounded tale. In the films, Xavier (Stewart) discovers that Jean's telekinesis is so destructive that he feels he has to put safeguards in her mind to stop it from getting out of control. But after her supposed death in "X2," the walls he put into place come tumbling down. She becomes an unstoppable force known as the Phoenix and goes so far as to kill Cyclops (James Marsden) and Xavier. Once again, Janssen plays a character who has no control over her ultimate fate, and Stewart's character is in no position to help her.

Both Kamala and Jean are tragic figures, but Kamala makes out a little better because, at least, she's still alive. Jean's only way out is through death via Wolverine's (Hugh Jackman) claws, because not even she can control herself anymore. Though Janssen could not have known when she first got the role in "The Next Generation," Kamala was a strange and tragic precursor of what was to come down the line for her other, more famous role.

Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV Series)

The perfect mate (1992), famke janssen: kamala.

  • Quotes (21)


Famke Janssen in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)


Kamala : When a metamorph finds you interesting, do not take it lightly.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : Oh, I'm not taking it lightly. I'm just trying... to be as dull as possible.

Kamala : What is it about me you fear?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : Kamala...

Kamala : Do you find me unattractive?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : I find you unavailable.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : [after Kamala's "confession"]  You can't go through with the ceremony.

Kamala : Would you ask me to stay, and ask two armies to keep fighting? Having bonded with you, I've learned the meaning of duty. He'll never know. I'm still empathic. I will be able to please him... I only hope he likes Shakespeare.

Kamala : My body is producing an unusually elevated level of what you would call pheromones. The effect can be quite provocative; perhaps you sense it.

Commander William T. Riker : [uneasily]  Aah... Unfortunately I'm not an empath.

Kamala : Oh, I think you're more empathic than you admit. At least when it comes to women.

Commander William T. Riker : I think you have me at a disadvantage.

Kamala : Please don't leave. Talk to me. I love the sound of your voice. I'll turn out the lights and just listen. I don't want to be alone.

[after some hesitation, Picard agrees with a nod] 

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : The lights stay on.

Kamala : I wish I could convey to you what it's like to be a metamorph. To feel the inner strength of someone. To realize that being with him is opening your mind and heart to endless new possibilities. To hear yourself say, "I like myself when I'm with him."

Kamala : I am for you, Alrik of Valt.

Commander William T. Riker : This has been very educational, but I make it a policy never to open another man's gift.

Kamala : I know my role in history, Commander, but it's gonna be a long voyage.

Kamala : My empathic powers can only sense a man of deep passion and conviction... So controlled, so disciplined. I'm simply curious to know what lies beneath.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : Nothing. Nothing lies beneath! I'm... I'm really... quite dull. I fall asleep each night with an old book in my hands.

Kamala : Even the walls of Jericho fell, Captain.

Kamala : Are all captains' lives so... solitary or just yours?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : Don't.

Kamala : What?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : Don't do this, this... this you do with men.

Kamala : I'm afraid my premature emergence from stasis has left me a little... vulnerable to the desires I sense from men. Nevertheless, this is who I am, Captain. You might as well ask a Vulcan to forgo logic, or a Klingon to be non-violent. I cannot change, and I don't want to, until the time has come for me to bond with my permanent mate. Why does it bother you?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : Frankly, it's difficult for me, for many of us, to easily accept that a sentient being can live only to be what someone else wants them to be.

Kamala : But that's what gives a metamorph pleasure.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : But what about your wishes, your needs?

Kamala : They are fulfilled by what I give to others.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : But what about when... there are no others? When you're alone?

Kamala : I'm... incomplete.

Kamala : I'm honored to be chosen to serve my people as an emissary of peace, but I find it ironic, on the eve of this ceremony, which I've spent my entire life preparing for, that I should meet a man like you.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : Why're you doing this, Kamala?

Kamala : There can be only one reason: 'cause some part of you wants me to.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : I don't want to use you as other men do.

Kamala : But you're not other men. You could never use me.

Miner #1 : Excuse me, but I'm absolutely certain that we met once at Paloris Colony.

Kamala : I've never been to Paloris Colony.

Miner #1 : Neither have I!

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : Under the circumstances, I thought that it would help if I... if I learned more about you.

Kamala : But you know me better than you realize. I am independent, forceful, brilliant, and adventurous. Exactly as you would have me be, Captain.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : I should go. And you have an appointment tomorrow morning early.

Kamala : Light years away.

Kamala : You once asked me what I'm like when I'm alone. I've never been. There was always somebody there to educate me in literature, history, art, sex... but I've been alone on this journey, and I've found myself thinking about all the curious questions you asked. You wanted to know who I am, and as I continue to ask myself, the only answer that comes to me is: "I am for you, Alrik of Valt," because that's the truth.

Kamala : [Data is escorting Kamala out of Ten Forward. She suddenly stops and sensually glares at Worf; purr-growls]  rrrrr-rrrrr.

[Worf stops and looks at her. Kamala grins seductively as she leaves with Data] 

Lt. Worf : [growls with sensual pleasure]  Grrr... .

[Worf suddenly realizes what he's doing and regains his composure] 

Kamala : A starship captain must encounter all sorts of life forms. Am I one of the most unique you've ever met? Please say yes.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : Yes.

Kamala : What a nice thing to say.

Kamala : I will volunteer to stay in my quarters under one condition - that you will visit me.

[Picard sighs] 

Kamala : There it is again.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : What?

Kamala : The wall you put between us.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard : Kamala, you are one day away from an arranged mating. Why would you want me to visit you in your quarters?

Kamala : I said a visit. I didn't ask you to make love to me.

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The Perfect Mate (episode)

  • View history
  • 1.2 Act One
  • 1.3 Act Two
  • 1.4 Act Three
  • 1.5 Act Four
  • 1.6 Act Five
  • 1.7 Log entries
  • 2 Memorable quotes
  • 3.1 Production history
  • 3.2 Story and script
  • 3.3 Production
  • 3.4 Sets, props, and costumes
  • 3.5 Cast and characters
  • 3.6 Continuity
  • 3.7 Reception
  • 3.8 Video and DVD releases
  • 3.9 Broadcast and Reruns
  • 4.1 Starring
  • 4.2 Also starring
  • 4.3 Guest stars
  • 4.4 Co-stars
  • 4.5 Uncredited co-stars
  • 4.6 Stunt doubles
  • 4.7 Stand-ins
  • 4.8 References
  • 4.9 External links

Summary [ ]

The Enterprise is en route to mediate a peace treaty between the Valtese and the Kriosians . While welcoming Ambassador Briam aboard, the Enterprise receives a distress call from a Ferengi shuttle about to suffer a collapse of the containment field and explode. The Enterprise arrives to their rescue and Ensign Hubbell manages to beam aboard the two Ferengi before their shuttle explodes. Worf escorts them to quarters . They seem thankful to be there, but when Worf leaves, they remark to themselves that it "was too easy."

Act One [ ]

Picard resumes talking with Briam, and takes him to the holodeck , where the Temple of Akadar has been programmed for the peace talks. He is impressed with the program and optimistic. Briam needs to consult the history a bit more before continuing with Geordi La Forge for preparations. As they leave, one of the Ferengi, Par Lenor forcefully introduces himself to Briam attempting to gain exclusive trading rights, but Picard and La Forge eventually pull him away.

Meanwhile, sneaking around the ship curiously, the other Ferengi named Qol discovers a strange, glowing cocoon in one of the cargo bays . He attempts to scan it while standing on a few stacked barrels, but slips when Worf, who asks him what he's doing, and a security team enter. He kicks a barrel into one of the suspension beams, making it overcompensate and slice open the cocoon. As the captain, Briam, and Riker enter, the cocoon slowly falls to the ground and melts before their eyes, revealing a beautiful woman, while Worf pulls Qol away to his quarters, where he will be under guard. She approaches Picard, and gives herself to him, thinking he is Alrik .

Act Two [ ]

Her name is Kamala , and she is an empathic metamorph , a woman with the genetic aptitude to meet the desires of any man she is with. She has the ability to sense what a potential mate wants, what he needs, and what gives him the greatest pleasure and then to become that for him until she reaches the final stage of bonding, during which she must imprint upon herself the requirements of one man, to serve as his perfect partner in life. From birth she has been reared for this event and is thus being presented as a gift to Alrik, to seal the peace agreement between Krios and Valt Minor. By the symbolic act of wedding this perfect mate to the leader of Valt Minor – Chancellor Alrik – Ambassador Briam hopes to end the longstanding conflict that has been plaguing both their worlds for centuries.

Commander Riker escorts Kamala to quarters. She warns him about her elevated pheromones . This is due to her being in finiis'ral , the final stage of her sexual maturing process , during which her body produces an unusually high amount of pheromones which are very provocative to members of the opposite sex. Because this is the final stage of her sexual maturation, she must also bond with whoever she wishes to be the most like for the rest of her life in a very short time. Nevertheless, due to her empathic nature and elevated hormone levels, Kamala cannot resist briefly responding to Riker's inner desires and even attempting to seduce him. Fortunately, Riker shows himself to be disciplined enough to resist her advances (insisting that he has a policy "not to open another man's gift"), though he is clearly severely tempted. After staggering out of Kamala's quarters, Riker taps his combadge and calls the bridge, informing them he will be in Holodeck 4 if they need him.

While they are having breakfast in his cabin, Dr. Crusher objects to the Enterprise crew essentially facilitating the "sale" of Kamala, a sentient being , into "a life of virtual prostitution ." Picard rejoins that arranged marriage has been a diplomatic tool for centuries, including on Earth . Crusher does not relent, and Picard sarcastically suggests that they throw the Prime Directive to the winds, stop the marriage, and allow the two cultures' war to continue. But Crusher has the last word, informing him that Briam has confined Kamala to her quarters like a prisoner. Picard is taken aback, and disturbed, to hear this.

Picard decides to pay her a visit. Although she turns the heads of many men, including that of Riker, she herself develops a very particular interest in Picard. During that visit, he already feels himself being affected by the things she does with men and asks her to stop doing whatever she is doing. However, Kamala states that this is her nature and that her wishes and her needs are fulfilled by what she gives to others. She tells Picard that he knows her better than he realizes, for she is independent, forceful, brilliant, and adventurous – exactly as he would have her be. A very uneasy Picard makes his way quickly out of her quarters and in an effort to protect both himself and Kamala from the effects that she has on men. He says he'll talk to Briam about her confinement.

Act Three [ ]

Data chaperoning Kamala

" The reason your empathic powers do not perceive anything is because as an android, I have no emotion. "

Picard tells Briam he won't let Kamala be confined, despite his warnings of trouble, the same as Kamala mentioned earlier. Picard is aware of this however, so he assigns Data as her chaperone . However, Kamala causes quite a stir around the ship, for wherever she goes she stirs feelings of affection, adoration, and even downright lust in the hearts of male crew members and visitors. When Kamala and Data arrive in Ten Forward sometime later, her effect is immediately apparent in the miners the Enterprise had picked up at Harod IV . Riker, who is having a drink with Worf, leaves to avoid what he knows is coming. Kamala and Data go up to the bar , at which point one of the miners begins harassing Kamala. Data tells the miner that his behavior is extremely rude, before the other miners begin bothering Kamala as well, though she takes it in stride and is comfortable with it. When Worf steps in, however, the miners stop. Data escorts Kamala out of the bar to take her to the ship's arboretum . Just before they leave, Kamala growls at Worf suggestively and Worf instinctively growls back, before composing himself.

In Picard's ready room sometime later, Picard is informed of the incident in Ten Forward. Picard tells Kamala that he has confidence in his crew members' self-control, but there are guests and civilians aboard the Enterprise . Kamala then displays her knowledge on a variety of subjects, including Shakespeare 's work and Picard's origins in France . Kamala tells Picard that some of her knowledge of Picard's origins came from help from Data. The more Picard surrounds himself with Kamala, the more he talks with her and the more he gets to know her, the more he feels himself drawn to her, while at the same time recognizing the impossibility of such a union. He even tries to convince Kamala that he is actually pretty dull, falling asleep with a book in his hand every night. However, Kamala does not give in, for she knows that some part of Picard wants her to continue pursuing him.

Meanwhile, the Ferengi Par Lenor and Qol make their reasons for being on the Enterprise known; they want to buy Kamala from Briam. They offer up to twenty thousand Ludugial gold coins. Briam is understandably offended, and, after thanking the Ferengi for sharing the information, promises to tell Picard, but the impulsive Ferengi attack Briam and he falls, striking his head on a glass table and falling into a coma.

Act Four [ ]

In sickbay sometime later, Crusher tells Picard and Kamala that if they're lucky, Briam should regain consciousness within a few days. Kamala, however, tells Picard that the peace negotiations can't wait that long because of her premature removal from stasis, so the responsibility falls with Picard who – while having diplomatic experience – is not quite familiar with all the ceremonial requirements of the treaty and requires the assistance of Kamala who knows about the rituals and ceremony of her people. After Kamala tells Picard about her childhood, she finds it rather ironic that on the eve of this ceremony, which she has spent her entire life preparing for, that she should meet a man like him.

Finally, Chancellor Alrik arrives on the Enterprise and quickly establishes himself as not particularly interested in either Kamala or a mate, only in trade agreements. However, he is willing to accept Kamala as it furthers his aforementioned ambitions. Picard himself is apprehensive as to what Kamala will become when she is joined with Alrik.

Picard pays a visit to Kamala in her quarters. He informs her that Chancellor Alrik is on board and that the next morning she will meet him at last. Kamala begs Picard to stay and talk to her as she loves the sound of his voice and she doesn't want to be alone. Kamala says she will turn out the lights and just listen to him. After some thought Picard gives in, on the condition that the lights stay on.

Act Five [ ]

During morning tea, Picard confides in Crusher that he can't help thinking about her being with a man who cares more about trade agreements. He says jokingly that this is all Crusher's fault, as she was the one telling him he needed to check on her and now he has fallen in love with her.

Shortly before her wedding ceremony, Kamala confesses to Picard, who is now in his dress uniform , that she will never truly love Alrik, for she has bonded with Picard. Who she is today, she will be forever. However, her empathic abilities will allow her to please Alrik and continue the facade in order to keep the peace. After having bonded with Picard, she also has learned the meaning of duty. " I only hope he likes Shakespeare " she adds with a smile. Picard then escorts her to Alrik.

The wedding is a simple, yet elegant affair. Alrik meets Kamala in the holodeck reproduction of the Temple of Akadar, she repeats the ceremonial line which defines her existence, " I am for you, Alrik of Valt, " and they kiss. If Alrik is moved by Kamala's beauty, he does not show it. Picard, standing nearby, appears distraught.

When Briam is recovered and preparing to leave the ship , he asks Picard's permission to ask a personal question. Briam knows full well why he was chosen to escort Kamala on this peace mission: as a very old man of over two hundred years , her pheromones don't affect him as much; however, he'd be lying if he said they didn't affect him at all. Briam is astonished that Picard worked with her for days, side by side, and cannot help but wonder how Picard could possibly resist her. Picard merely responds by wishing the ambassador a safe trip home. Picard stands in the transporter room long after the ambassador transports off, and the two ships depart, going their own, separate ways.

Log entries [ ]

  • Captain's log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), 2368

Memorable quotes [ ]

" Mr. Worf, assign the Ferengi to quarters. Not too close to mine. "

" This has been very educational, but I make it a policy never to open another man's gift. "

" I am for you, Alrik of Valt. "

" Riker to bridge, if you need me I'll be on Holodeck 4. "

" Grrrrrrrrrr "

" Kamala, you are one day away from an arranged mating. Why would you want me to visit you in your quarters? " " I said a visit. I didn't ask you to make love to me. "

" Nothing, nothing lies beneath. I'm really quite dull. I fall asleep each night with an old book in my hands. " " When a metamorph finds you interesting, do not take it lightly. " " Oh, I'm not taking it lightly, I'm just trying… to be as dull as possible. "

" Even the walls of Jericho fell, Captain. "

" Do you find me unattractive? " " I find you unavailable. "

" Now that I know that you are listening to my voice, I find that I can't think of anything to say. "

" A starship captain must encounter all sorts of lifeforms. Am I one of the most unique you've ever met? Please say yes. " " Yes. " " What a nice thing to say. "

" Haven't I done my best to discourage this? " " Maybe that's the perfect way to attract a metamorph. "

" Penny… " " What? " " … for your thoughts. Penny for your thoughts. " " Do you have one? " " I'm sure the replicator will have one on file. " " Beverly, may I take off the uniform for a moment? " " Captain! "

" Perhaps I just needed a shoulder. " " Well, it's there for you, Jean-Luc. It always has been. "

" I will never truly love him. " " You've not even met him. " " It no longer matters. I wish I could convey to you what it's like to be a metamorph; to feel the inner strength of someone; to realize that being with him is opening your mind and heart to endless new possibilities; to hear yourself say "I like myself when I'm with him". " " Kamala… " " For a metamorph, there's no greater pleasure, and no greater wish, than to bond with that kind of mate at the end of the finis'raal as I have bonded with you. " " With me? " " Who I am today, I will be forever. "

" Would you ask me to stay? And ask two armies to keep fighting? Having bonded with you, I've learned the meaning of duty. He'll never know. I'm still empathic, I will be able to please him. " I only hope he likes Shakespeare! "

" Ambassador, have a safe trip home. "

Background information [ ]

Production history [ ].

  • Third draft script: 24 January 1992
  • Final draft script, and storyboards by Dan Curry : 10 February 1992 [1]
  • Production meeting: 11 February 1992 ("Cost of Living" call sheet)
  • Filmed: 14 February 1992 – 25 February 1992
  • Premiere airdate: 27 April 1992
  • First UK airdate: 10 May 1995

Story and script [ ]

  • Of the story, Michael Piller commented, " We have Beverly argue the point that Kamala 's mission amounts to prostitution . And we have Picard taking the other tack: that whether or not we approve, we can't change or interfere with the way these people are. And if you accept Roddenberry's vision, which we are built on, you have to respect that. " ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion  (2nd ed., p. 200))
  • The script was revised by a number of writers. According to Piller, the central issue was that the relationship between Picard and Kamala wasn't working. He remembered, " In a long memo to René Echevarria , I said this show does not work if the audience, at least the men, do not fall in love with this woman too. She must be fully rounded, bright, engaging, with a great personality and the audience should say, 'I see the problem for Picard.' If there's no magnetic electricity between the two of them and it doesn't happen for me as a man watching her, then the audience will not accept for one second that Picard would even give her a second thought. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 245)
  • " Gary Perconte " was a pseudonym for Piller's friend Reuben Leder, who disliked the rewrites to his draft script. This was the only time that a writer requested a pseudonym during Piller's time on The Next Generation . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion  (2nd ed., p. 200))
  • An alternate ending proposed by Piller during production showed Picard intervening during the ceremony to stop the wedding, only to reveal that his abrupt intervention was only in his imagination, as the ceremony continued. Although Patrick Stewart liked the idea, Piller was overruled by Rick Berman . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation 365 , p. 256) This scene is included as an extra on the TNG Season 5 Blu-ray .
  • Two additional endings were considered, but not filmed. One of these had Kamala interrupting the ceremony to decline both Alrik and Picard. Piller remembered, " She says through Picard's influence she's been enlightened and is going off in search of adventure, leaving both men standing there. I was overruled. I think that those who overruled me would say that her leaving was not justified by anything else in the script, but I would argue with that. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 245)
  • Rick Berman recalled that there were a number of heated discussions about the choice of ending. " None of us will ever know which of the four would have been best. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 245)

Production [ ]

  • "The Perfect Mate" was filmed between Friday 14 February 1992 and Thursday 25 February 1992 on Paramount Stage 8 , 9 , and 16 .
  • On Monday 24 February 1992 the sets were visited by people from Premium Advanced Sales and on 25 February 1992 the cast and crew celebrated "Surfer Pants Day", where the wearer of the most unique pair of baggy surfer pants was awarded with a prize. ("The Perfect Mate" call sheet)
  • The production meeting for this episode took place on Tuesday 11 February 1992 at 3:00 pm. ("Cost of Living" call sheet)

Sets, props, and costumes [ ]

  • According to composer Jay Chattaway , the Kriosian musical instrument was represented by a Balinese Gamelan instrument. The producers brought in Balinese musicians to provide the piece of music heard in the episode. ("Memorable Missions Year Five – The Perfect Mate", TNG Season 5 DVD special feature)
  • Costume Designer Robert Blackman found creating the wedding gown particularly challenging, as in the script it was merely described as " the most incredible gown a woman has ever worn ", giving no indication as to what it actually looked like. ( [2] ; Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Continuing Mission , p. 163) Blackman was proud of his work on this episode, commenting, " I thought the clothes in 'The Perfect Mate' were interesting. " ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 32 , p. 77)

Cast and characters [ ]

  • Marina Sirtis ( Deanna Troi ) does not appear in this episode.
  • Patrick Stewart and Famke Janssen later worked together again in the X-Men films , playing Professor Charles Xavier and Jean Grey , respectively. Janssen's character in this episode also introduces herself as an "empathic mutant", a description also shared by the character of Jean Grey from X-Men.
  • Famke Janssen was offered the role of Jadzia Dax for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . When Janssen turned the role down, actress Terry Farrell took her place. When initial tests with the original Trill make-up from " The Host " were unsatisfactory, the make-up crew remembered Kamala's spots and decided to use them on the Trill as seen on Deep Space 9. Hence the revised Trill makeup very much resembles that of the Kriosians with the characteristic spots. ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (p. 7))
  • Max Grodénchik later appeared on Deep Space Nine as the recurring character Rom , another Ferengi, using similar prosthetic teeth with the prominently visible crooked tooth.
  • Michael Snyder later appeared in TNG : " Rascals " as another Ferengi, Morta .

Continuity [ ]

  • The premise of this episode has resemblances to TOS : " Elaan of Troyius ". In both episodes the Enterprise transports a female with unique properties (see Elasian tears ) for an arranged marriage for diplomatic purposes, she becomes attached to the captain but eventually they part ways.
  • Kamala's statement in the Ceremony of Reconciliation , " I am for you, Alrik of Valt " mirrors Losira 's statement from TOS : " That Which Survives ", though in the latter case, it was delivered prior to an attack, not marriage.
  • Dolphins are revealed to be aboard the Enterprise . In " Yesterday's Enterprise ", an alternate timeline version of the ship was said to have a Cetacean Ops facility. It wouldn't be until the Star Trek: Lower Decks season 2 finale " First First Contact " that Cetacean Ops would be featured for the first time.

Reception [ ]

  • Director Cliff Bole commented, " [I]t showed that Picard has a flaw, you can cut into his character […] that means you can continue to make that character work. I think this is a real case for Picard, because normally he wouldn't have allowed himself to be so vulnerable. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 244)
  • Rick Berman opined, " I'm very pleased with it. [Famke Janssen] is about as beautiful as any woman any of us have ever seen and she gave a delightful performance. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 2445)
  • This episode is listed as #47 of io9's The Top 100 Star Trek Episodes Of All Time!
  • A mission report for this episode by John Sayers was published in The Official Star Trek: The Next Generation Magazine  issue 21 , pp. 27-29.

Video and DVD releases [ ]

  • Original UK VHS release (two-episode tapes, CIC Video ): Volume 61, 15 March 1993
  • UK re-release (three-episode tapes, Paramount Home Entertainment ): Volume 5.7, 2 December 2002
  • As part of the TNG Season 5 DVD collection

Broadcast and Reruns [ ]

  • interestingly, when aired on Pluto TV 's Star Trek channel in the US, the original standard-definition version of the episode is used rather than the HD remaster.

Links and references [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • Patrick Stewart as Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
  • Jonathan Frakes as Cmdr. William Riker

Also starring [ ]

  • LeVar Burton as Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge
  • Michael Dorn as Lt. Worf
  • Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher
  • Brent Spiner as Lt. Commander Data

Guest stars [ ]

  • Famke Janssen as Kamala
  • Tim O'Connor as Briam
  • Max Grodénchik as Par Lenor
  • Mickey Cottrell as Alrik
  • Michael Snyder as Qol

Co-stars [ ]

  • David Paul Needles as Miner #1
  • Roger Rignack as Miner #2
  • Charles Gunning as Miner #3
  • April Grace as Transporter Officer
  • Majel Barrett as Computer Voice

Uncredited co-stars [ ]

  • K.C. Amos as operations division officer
  • Rachen Assapiomonwait as Nelson
  • Joe Baumann as Garvey
  • Steven Bosnyak as operations division ensign
  • Michael Braveheart as Martinez
  • Cameron as Kellogg
  • Denise Deuschle as science division officer
  • Gunnel Eriksson as science division officer
  • Melba Gonzalez as command officer
  • Gregory as alien miner
  • Grace Harrell as operations division officer
  • D. Kai as sciences officer
  • Mark Lentry as science division lieutenant
  • Lynch as alien miner
  • Debbie Marsh as command division ensign
  • Greg Poole as command division officer
  • Jackson Sleet as alien miner
  • John Tampoya as operations division ensign
  • Théyard as science division officer
  • Christina Wegler Miles as command division ensign
  • Wilson as alien miner
  • Plix Tixiplik
  • Ten Forward waiter

Stunt doubles [ ]

  • George Colucci as stunt double for Michael Snyder
  • Erik Cord as stunt double for Tim O'Connor

Stand-ins [ ]

  • David Keith Anderson – stand-in for LeVar Burton
  • Cameron – stand-in for Gates McFadden
  • Keith Gearhart – stand-in for Roger Rignack
  • John – stand-in for Michael Snyder
  • Tim McCormack – stand-in for Tim O'Connor and Brent Spiner
  • Lorine Mendell – stand-in for Famke Janssen and Gates McFadden
  • Randy Pflug – stand-in for Charles Gunning
  • Keith Rayve – stand-in for David Paul Needles
  • Joycelyn Robinson – stand-in for April Grace
  • Richard Sarstedt – stand-in for Jonathan Frakes
  • Thor – stand-in for Max Grodénchik
  • Dennis Tracy – stand-in for Patrick Stewart
  • James Washington – stand-in for Michael Dorn

References [ ]

2168 ; 2260s ; ability ; Aldorian ale ; ambassador ; ancestry ; arboretum ; archaeology ; arms merchant ; arranged marriage ; art ; ballpark ; barbershop ; breakfast ; Ceremony of Reconciliation ; chancellor ; chaperone ; cocoon ; companel ; containment field ; craniosacral display ; croissant ; day ; dinner ; dolphin ; drawing ; Earl Grey tea ; emissary ; empath ; empathic metamorph ; empire ; expression ; Federation ; Federation Constitution ; Ferengi ; Ferengi ship ; Ferengi shuttle ; Ferengi Trade Mission ; Ferengi tricorder ; Finiis'ral ; firstborn ; freedom of movement ; Galaxy class decks ; garden ; Garuth ; generation ; Harod IV ; heart ; history ; holodeck ; holograph ; hour ; ingot ; " in the ballpark "; Kamala's companions ; Kamala's mother ; Klingon ; Krios ; Krios 1 ; Krios Prime ; Kriosian ; Kriosian musical instrument ; Kriosian ship ; Lapeongical period ; leader ; Les Eyries ; Ludugial gold ; logic ; long range transport ; " make love "; mate ; Milky Way Galaxy ; miner ; mutant ; number one ; orchestra ; Paloris colony ; Par Lenor's shuttle ; penny ; pheromone ; piano ; Picard, Yvette ; political alliance ; Prime Directive ; prostitution ; puberty ; reactor core ; recital ; replicator ; servant ; sentient being ; sex ; sexual allure ; sexual maturing process ; Shakespeare, William ; Shakespeare's sonnets ; slave trader ; Starbase 117 ; stasis ; Targhee moonbeast ; Temple of Akadar ; torze-qua ; Transporter Room 3 ; turbolift ; tutor ; unnamed shuttle ; Valt ; Valt Minor ; Valt system ; Valtese ; Valtese horn ; Valtese ship ; Ventanan archaeology ; Ventanan thimble ; Ventanan woven art ; volume ; Vulcan ; walls of Jericho

External links [ ]

  • "The Perfect Mate" at
  • " The Perfect Mate " at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • " The Perfect Mate " at Wikipedia
  • " The Perfect Mate " at , a Roddenberry Star Trek podcast
  • "Perfect Mate" script  at Star Trek Minutiae
  • " The Perfect Mate " at the Internet Movie Database
  • 2 ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701)


  1. Star Trek Next Generation 5 X 21 "Perfect Mate" Famke Janssen as Kamala

    kamala star trek next generation

  2. Famke Janssen as Kamala in the Star Trek: The Next Generation fifth

    kamala star trek next generation

  3. Famke Janssen played Kamala in the Star Trek: The Next Generation

    kamala star trek next generation

  4. Famke Janssen as Kamala Star Trek Next Generation.

    kamala star trek next generation

  5. Star Trek Next Generation 5 X 21 "Perfect Mate" Famke Janssen as Kamala

    kamala star trek next generation

  6. CBS's "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Photos and Images

    kamala star trek next generation


  1. Star Trek Next Generation

  2. Can You Show Me The Way to Ceti Alpha V?

  3. Star Trek Next Generation

  4. Star Trek Next Generation